Spring 2005
•m ft ;
7b Dragma Celebrates Centennial
In 1995,1 was working on my third issue as editor of To Dragma while helping promote the Fraternity's Centennial Celebration for 1997. It inspired me to do a bit of research to find out when To Dragma would also reach that important milestone. It was my first opportunity to really dig into the depths of the archives and the first time I really came to appreciate the amazing his- tory of our magazine. Since then, I have journeyed back often and learned so much - how To Dragma has always been such a reflection of the times we live in, and how it has struggled to survive wars, a depression and budget cut-backs. Over the past several issues, I hope you have enjoyed a few of our previously published articles, poems, and songs. It strikes me that, in many ways. AOII is still very much the same as we have always been; yet in many ways we have changed more than our Founders could have ever imagined.
It took 8 years for their dream of publishing a magazine to come to fruition: thus. To Dragma celebrates her tooth birthday in 2005. This Centennial issue is my 41st as editor. Rebecca Brown Davis has served as the magazine's very first in-house graphic designer for the past 43 issues. We are both profoundly respectful of those who have published the magazine before us and left our Fraternity with such a rich history. Helen Hoy,Nu (New YorkU), To Dragma's first editor, said it beautifully in our first issue:
"The appearance of this first number of To Dragma marks the fullfilment of a hope long deferred. It has, indeed, seemed that of making a magazine there is no end, and much editing is a weariness of the flesh. However, here the little magazine is at last, and as it starts out in life let us say with heartiness: Here's a health to you, Dragma! May you live long and prosper!"
It is our hope that when the magazine celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2030, the editor will find the past 10 years of To Dragma a true reflection of our Fraternity, our times, and our hearts.
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) and Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma ofAlpha Omicron Pi
Published since January, 1905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 5390 Virginia Way. Brentwood TN. Periodical class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi.
5390 Virginia Way. Brentwood TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
F o u n d e d at Barnard College in New York City, January 2.1897, by: Jessie Wallace Hughan. Helen St. Clair Mullan. Stella George Stem Perry &Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
International President
Sally Wagaman. Sigma Tau (Washington College)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
phone: 615/3700920 fax: 615/371-9736
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: www.alphaomicronpi.org
Mailing Address Updates update@al phaomicronpi.org
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of
the College Fraternity Editors Association.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to reflect the love and sisterhood of Alpha Omicron Pi through the funding of educational and charitable programs.
Our Missions;
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi
The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life: to encourage lifetime AOII involvement: to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excel- lence and lifelong learning, and develop ing leadership skills through service to the Fraternity and community.
To Dragma
[ Spring 2005 ]
To Dragma
*^of Alpha Omicron R
6 The Changing Face of 7b Dragma A salute to 100 years of 7b Dragma.
12 Then and Now
ToDragma looksbackatcampuslifeduringthepast100years.
l 8 The Making of a Magazine
The printing process has changed enormously during the past too years. A recap on how publishing 76 Dragma has evolved.
2 0 Profile: Louise Wiley McCleary
A glimpse into the life of a member initiated almost 100 years ago.
22 Profile: EliseMoss
A dedicated AOII, Elise's life has always been about serving and fulfillingher purpose.
2 4 Membership Recruitment Forms
The address list, MIF, and legacy form are included in this issue.
2 9 AOII Foundation
From scholarships to Strike Out Arthritis, the AOII Foundation shares stories of their good works.
3 0 Alumnae News
In keeping with To Dragma's centennial, alumnae chapters share their favorite ways to celebrate.
3 8 50-Year Members
Saluting AOIIs initiated between July 1,1955 and June 30,1956.
4 2 Collegiate News
Our collegiate chapters describe how they celebrate accomplishments.
5 2 AOII Emporium
A sample of the merchandise available from the AOII Emporium.
To Dracjma
[ Spring 2005 ]
Sally Wagaman International President
With this issue of To Dragma, we celebrate too years of publishing Alpha Omicron Pi*s magazine. How fortunate we are to have this permanent record, which reflects not only AOII's story but also the history of the surrounding world in which AOII grew and prospered.
In addition to To Dragma our Archives at our International Headquarters contain many historical items, including writings from our Founders. In the years that our Founders were on this earth, their passion and devotion to the ideal of sisterhood could be found in everything that they did. We are blessed to have a written legacy of their idea of sisterhood. These writings express just how important this fraternal feeling was to them and to the philosophical foundation of our Fraternity. It also reflects how strongly they felt that AOII's values were to be lived - not just spoken.
In a 1926 letter, Stella wrote, "What are we doing with the high ideals of our fraternity? ..Are they becoming a part of our soul's equipment? ...Have we really tried to put the spirit of our rituals to work in our chapter relations? Are we applying it to our business methods and our social contacts? It works magic when it is tried. Let's make it a working principle...". With these thoughts, Stella reminds us that Alpha Omicron Pi is more than a simple social organization and that the principles upon which we were founded are guiding lights for us every day of our life.
Just as it is important for us to continue the work of preserving our heritage in the form of physical artifacts, so too is it important for all of us to preserve the high ideals of our organization. To do this
we need to live our lives as our Founders requested in our rituals. We must reflect credit upon our Fraternity by all of our actions in the world about us. When we demonstrate AOII's love in all we do, we preserve the true heritage of Alpha Omicron Pi. That is what Stella would call working magic!
Sally Wagaman
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
"We did not know, way back then, when we named our magazine The Sheaf, To Dragma, how prophetic was the title. For the magazine has certainly gathered wheat from the whole country, not only the wheat of talent and - after some hard farming, to be sure of the sup- port that was to be expected, but also of its editorial guidance and policy. For the staff of 7b Dragma has been recruited from a broad field, from Maine to California.
I think we ought not forget how barren and hard a plain this wheat field was to those who cultivated it early, how little help they some- times got in their voluntary labors, how greatly we are indebted to them for our full grainary.
As to the magazine's name, the symbolism of which nowadays needs no elucidation to any member of Alpha Omicron Pi, it is amusing to read in old records that there were some objections to it, when it was first proposed, on the ground that it was not sufficiently digni- fied! The counter suggestion was made that "The Alpha" would be more practical. You see, for the first ten years or more of the life of Alpha Omicron Pi, the Fraternity was known familiarly on campus as "Alpha" not as "Alpha O" or "AOII" as is now usual; and I believe, the oldsters still prefer to hear us called simply "Alpha". In the end, those of us with more imagination prevailed, and our lovely sym- bolic name, To Dragma, was chosen by the Grand Council. W e had a name for it long before we had a magazine."
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To Dragma
[ Spring 2005
7b Dragma
[ Spring 2005 ]
Aloha Omicron Pi
o Dragma
cron Pi
The very first issue, with its bright red cover, carried the classic picture of the four Founders, the story of the founding of AOII, biographies of the Founders, an article about Barnard, an account of the annual meeting of Grand Council, letters from the six chapters, alumnae personals, Panhellenic news, several pictures of chapters and of Columbia buildings and a complete directory of the membership. Also included were words to eight AOII songs, written to familiar tunes, and the following editorial by Helen Hoy (Nu), the first editor.
"The appearance of this first number of To Dragma marks the fulfilment of a hope long deferred. It has, indeed, seemed that of making a magazine there is no end, and much editing is a weariness of the flesh. However, here is little magazine is at last, and as it starts out in life let us say with heartiness:
After several years and dreaming, planning and hard work one issue was published in 1905, one in 1906 and two in 1907. Adelma Burd, the business manager for the first issue of To Dragma remem- bered, "It was hard sledding; a financial struggle to keep going. AOII was so young and weak then." Editors were short lived at the beginning: Jessie Ashley edited one issue in 1906 and the two in 1907 before relinquishing her editor's hat. But there was a cry from the chapters for a magazine that would appear regularly and in 1908 Viola Gray, as editor, and Helen Piper Hagenbuch, as business manager, were the first to produce four issues in one year. By their second year, 1909, the finances were exhausted and they could not produce four issues.
TODRAGMA,Vol1,Nol,January 1905
directory. Imagine one who had no experience with magazine work publishing a directory, but this we did. I made so many errors on my old "Smith" (typewriter) that when the magazine appeared .names were omit- ted, and addresses were incorrect." Such were the very earliest years.
In the first 25 years, many outstanding women were associated with the editing and managing of the mag- azine. It was a turbulent and tumultuous infancy, but amidst the many problems, a fine heritage was being built. Wilma Smith Leland, editor from 1927-1946 said, "The heritage of To Dragma is one of literary quality, a concern for national issues and an attempt to keep chapters and individual members in touch with each other." Information on our founders, his- tory of our early chapters and the institutions of which they were a part, chapter news, news on outstanding sisters, and Panhellenic news were important parts of the magazine. Wilma's memories continue, "...the magazine followed an outline of world events - the depression, shrunken funds, inactive chapters, smaller memberships in college chapters. The maga- zine had an important role to play... It served to bind the membership together."
"With Wilma Leland as our editor. To Dragma took on "the new look" — streamlined and pictorial. This innovation by Wilma changed the whole course for fraternity publications. To Dragma. first in the field, became the model for our Panhellenic friends," said Laura Hurd, President 1923 - 25 for the Fiftieth Anniversary issue of the magazine.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
1961 - featuring Ronald
There were few pictures in those first years. "W e had no money for illustrations nor for pictures of our pretty, poplar, and prosperous sisters, not even for those of our officers." said Helen Hagenbuch in later years. And not everyone received the magazine. In the early years some alumnae bought a subscription, some did not, and collegiate chapters tried to sell advertisements fortheirfinancial contribution. The ability to type was not a prerequisite for an edi- tor and Helen lamented ,"One tribulation was getting out the
In the second twenty-five years in the life of To Dragma (1930-1955), the magazine reflected the fraternity's emphasis on social concerns. When we selected the Frontier Nursing Service as our International Philanthropy in 1931, through the mid-50s, social service was an important topic in the magazine, along with articles on career women and chapter news. In the late 30s, articles crusading against war were not uncommon. The war - and AOII's war efforts were a major topic through the mid- 403. You could follow AOIIs who served in various capacities through their stories. Those were the days when paper lacked an enamel finish;when we had to return all engravings not held for historical purposes to salvage before we could buy some new ones: when some magazines had difficulty getting paper for print- ing - but never To Dragma. At that time, citizenship and the freedoms thereof were a current theme in American life and AOII was not immune from that influence. To Dragma featured articles in the early 50s on citizenship with emphasis placed on the rights and responsibilities thereof.
In the magazine's seventy-fifth anniversary issue, Becky Montgomery (editor 1978 - 1980), took a look back at the magazine's third quarter century (1955-1980). "The late 50s were good years for the Fraternity as reflected by the content of the magazine. The emphasis was on the fun times and are limited more to fraternity in and of itself... The focus was on collegiate chapters' activities and alumnae activities. The happy, carefree attitude expressed throughout the magazine would be sharply contrasted in a few short years. The early 60s began with the same emphasis on 'traditional" frater- nity activities. Again, one senses an "all is well with the world and AON" attitude. There is a strong, confident spirit that is reflected on the covers, in the articles, in the faces of our sisters. Also, in the early 60s, are some inspiring articles on the alumnae involvement. Carolyn Huey Harris. International President 1967-1969 wrote some excellent pieces on the subject up until she served AOII as International President.
"The mid 60s through the early 70s brought the fun, carefree days of college days to a grinding halt. To Dragma, during these years, shows the pain, confu- sion and chaos that rocked the country's campuses and our chapters. Our collegians struggled to come to grips with the purpose of fraternity in a time when all signs pointed that there was no purpose...
Our alumnae leaders struggled with how to help our collegians through this chaotic time, and how to keep AOII a strong and purposeful institution were faced with what seemed an impossible situation.
"The articles of To Dragma reflect that confusion. Articles of Students for Democratic Society and its antithesis to fraternity life and life in general, articles on standards and how they still could be relevant to chapters, and articles on the committee established to study college participation... all reflected a deep search- ing and yearning to close the chasm between collegians and alumnae."
By 1982. To Dragma again reflected happy, grow- ing times and Editor Sue Hinz proudly accepted an award from the National
Interfraternity Foundation for
the article entitled "Greeks in the Years Ahead. Success must not bring Isolation". Sue also started publishing letters written by the International President for each issue, which illustrate AOII life and issues of the moment.
Readers have always been
fascinated to read of our notable
AOIIs. W e were introduced to
more than 100 AOIIs of note
over the years. Margaret Bourke-
White, photojournalist: Alice
Burlingame, horticulturist: Judge
Mary Coleman: Chloethiel W. Smith, architect; Hazelle Rollins, puppeteer; Lucy Somerville Howorth: Janet Turner were but a few. AOII has always had a strong presence in the social weave of the world at large, and reading about AOII notables brought this home to each of us. This series culminated in the 100 Women of Achievement salute at the time of the Fraternity's 100th anniversary in 1997.
To Dragma grew in another way during the cen- tury. From the original small 6 x 9 inch format, the original standard amongst sorority publications, it was enlarged in 1933 to 6-3/4 x 10 inches. It grew once again in 1937 to 8-1/2 x 11, very close to the present size. During the first 75 years of its existence, our magazine seldom had more than 32 pages per issue. Starting in the 1980s, issues became larger until the average
Alpha Omicron Pi
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Summer 1975
ToDragma [Spring2005]
Summer 1985
became 48 pages with some issues reaching 64 colorful pages. It was around this time that AOIFs Emporium had its first full page coverage. From that small beginning, the Emporium later occupied between 2 - 4 pages inside the magazine and occa- sionally the back cover.
The 80s also saw the culmination of AOII's work toward a home of our own. In 1981 when we purchased our first building as Central Office, the magazine carried full coverage of the dedication ceremony and pictures of the interior space. What a wonderful comparison it was to look back at past issues and see what we had for office space before! Then in 1988 as the Fraternity built its first building. To Dragma followed the development of the structure with many pictures, and finally the dedication of the site in 1989. The idea of having a brick walkway for which anyone could purchase a brick and dedicate it to a sister was presented in the magazine, and
pictures of the walkway as it grew showed how the idea was embraced by the membership. By the summer of 2001, having vastly outgrown the previous building, To Dragma highlighted the dedication of AOII's brand new International Headquarters in Brentwood, TN.
The growth of AOII's philan- thropic work and the AOII Foundation is well documented with To Dragma's pages over the last decades of the cen- tury. Many articles were written about the Research Grants and
the recipients' work. By 1993, To Dragma proudly reported that since its inception in 1967, the AOII Arthritis Research Grants have totalled over $850,000. Collegiate chapters gave over $117,000 and alumnae chapters over $32,000 in that year. No wonder it took 17 pages to list all the donors to the Foundation at that time!
The last quarter of the twentieth century has seen an increase in articles which squarely face the pressing social issues of the day. AOII editors have never shied away from the darker side of life. Even the articles against child labor in TD's early days
showed this, but this type ofarticle has grown more prevalent within To Dragma. Features about vio- lence and women, alcohol awareness, osteoporosis, suicide, sexually transmitted diseases, breast cancer, stress management, date rape, eating disorders, and ecstasy, all speak to the issues facing our members and the Greek World.
Historical articles have continued to be very popular with our readership. The article from our first issue which tells of our founding and of Barnard College in 1897 has been reprinted several times over the decades. Then came many other historical articles: early New England chapters and the merger; how the rose was chosen as our flower: jewelry over the years: a conver- sation with Nancy McCain, PIP, Archivist about AOII's "treasures"; 50 years of chapter consultants; how to preserve your treasures' - AOII's archives; the evolution and making of our badge and other jewelry; early con- ventions. These historical articles, and dozens of others, seem to have a particular appeal to our membership. Perhaps it is a way for our younger members to feel a connection with the four Founders and our past; for both to come alive again.
The growth of our Fraternity is obvious within the pages of ToDragma. Beginning some time in the 70s we had a list of our living 50-year members. By the beginning of the 2lst century we needed 8 pages to list 50-year members and another page listing living 75-year members. Many chapters have celebrated 50-year and 75-year anniversaries, and recently Omicron and Zeta both reached their 100th anni- versary mark. We are so proud of our chapters which have had continued success for these many years.
AOII programs, too, have shown the fraternity's growth in the last quarter of the 20th century. Training sessions for Regional Directors were highlighted in the m id 80s; Keystones programs for collegians and alumnae have been published; the Certificate of Achievement has listed collegiate and alumnae chap- ters and corporations which have met the standards; lists of scholastic achievements for both individuals and for chapters grow longer every year; the BRIDGES program and Total Chapter Programming were fea- tured; and more recently, the magazine has showcased development and growth of Leadership Academies funded by the AOII Foundation.
By the time of AOII's Centennial in 1997, To Dragma's readership had grown to 68,000, and articles reflected the world in which women live today: financial planning, etiquette, how AOIIs can network, continuing involvement, inspiring quotes from Past International Presidents, self-esteem, aging gracefully, arthritis education, and using Ritual. The Centennial History Book; the signed, lithographed painting, Reflections of Sisterhood by A n n Gantz; as well as many special items of jewelry for the centennial were all given extensive coverage before and during the centennial year. The gala convention and celebration of the fraternity's Centennial was displayed within the pages of the Fall 1997 7b Dragma for not only our own membership, but other Greeks, too, to enjoy. That commemorative issue was recognized by the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA) as the Best Overall Greek magazine in 1997.
During the past ten years. Mariellen Sasseen, editor, and Rebecca Davis, graphic designer have published our award-winning magazine. AOII has been the recipient of over 40 awards for excellence in writing and design from CFEA and the North American Interfratemal Foundation (NIF). Many articles have been recognized in the categories of feature story writing, news story writing and contribution to the Greek community.The magazine has also received numerous design awards for covers, layouts and magazine redesign. CFEA has also bestowed honors on AOII for our website, biennial reports, promo- tional publications, communication programs, and educational programming.
"It is impossible not to feel a connection to all the women who have edited this magazine for the last century," says Mariellen. "For they are the only ones who can really understand all the joys and frustrations of editing. They will all remember the times when expected copy never arrives and the scrambling to fill empty spaces at the last minute. They will also appreciate the immense satisfac- tion of writing something meaningful, such as our article on the club drug, ecstasy. Shortly after the issue was mailed, a tearful phone call came from a member who gratefully said the article may have saved her teenaged daughter's life by giving her knowledge and confidence to say "no" in a difficult situation. What previous editors can not appreciate is the luxury of having a talented
graphic designer on staff and technology beyond their imagination. As we mark the magazine's centennial, we salute To Dragma's heritage and everyone who has contributed to her success."
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Since 1905, 7b Dragma has chronicled changes ~ in AOII, in society, in lifestyes, on cam- puses in two countries. It is a publication of which AOIIs are justifiably proud. But, somehow, I think its illustrious history has really just begun - "Here's a health to you Dragma! May you live long and prosper!"
IO Dragma Alpha Omicron Pi
Bg Joan Deathe
Kappa Phi (McCill U)
International Past International
Historian, President
1905-1906 1906-1908 1908-1911 1911-1915 1915-1919 1919-1921 1921-1923 1923-1924 1924-1927 1927-1946 1946-1956 1956-1960 1960-1961 1961-1967 1967-1968 1968-1969 1969-1970 1970-1976 1977-1978 1978-1981 1981-1985 1985-1988 1988-1995 1995-present
Helen Hoy Greely, N u
Jessie Ashley, N u
Viola Clarke Gray, Zeta Virginia Judy Esterly, Sigma Mary Ellen Chase, Gamma Etta Phillips MacPhie, Delta Elizabeth Hiestand Smith, Rho Dorothy Dalton Duggan, Rho Elizabeth Bond, Tau
Wilma Smith Leland, Tau
Katherine Davis Carter. Theta
Caryl W aller Krueger, Rho
Natalie Gruenerwald Anton, Rho Barbara Doering Healy, Iota
Patricia Batchelor Penning, Omicron Jean Rogers, Phi Omicron
Dianne Courtney
Mildred Milam Murphy, Nu Omicron Diane Katherine Bartley, Beta Phi Rebecca Sue Montgomery, Kappa Pi
Sue Wayenberg Hinz, Alpha Gamma Deborah Harper Stillwell, Nu Omicron Beth Merrill Grantham, Rho Omicron Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta
Spring 2003
To Dragma
[ Spring 2005 ]
Travel with us back in time as ToDragma recaps campus life every quarter century since the magazine's inception in 1905. Alice Smith Thomson, Alpha (Barnard College) wrote the first reflection in the Silver Anniversary issue in 1930. Her candid comparison between campus life of 1905 vs 1930 gives us great insight into college life in the early 20th century. Her follow-up article, published in the To Dragma Golden Anniversary issue in 1955, offers even more glimpses of the changing times. Though far removed, in age, from college students in 1955, Alice remained actively involved with students all her life. Past International President Carole Jurenko Jones pledged AOII during the magazines's 75th Anniversary in 1980. Now as AOII's NPC delegate, she continues to keep close tabs on campus life. Her comparison between the early 1980s and 2005 sheds light on how much has changed in such a short time.
What is more dangerous than giving an old timer a chance to talk on "the dear dead days?" And what is worse, I am told to "please be serious"! I think "nows" have the advantage of "thens" in every way. But I don't believe you make the most of that advantage, or get as much out of all your fine freedom as we did out of our poor little efforts. Everything is in your favor; very little in ours. But as I watch the young folks today, I miss the spontaneous fun and good times, and see instead a sort of set mechanical way of getting enjoyment. The reason is plain enough. Y ou don't do enough to make your own good times,
and you leave everything to the outside diversion that relieves you of all effort.
In my college days, except for
friendly class competition, life
went on without much struggle
for prominence. There wasn't
any money anywhere to spend
on parties. W e just had parties,
regardless o f what "the other
fellow" did, and "a good time was hadbyall."Ifitwasatea,akind
word about our sandwiches was
all we asked. Possibly it was a
formal tea, with the now extinct
coffee frappe, and a macaroon,
in which case we wore our better
afternoon dress, though the train
was a bother ifwe had to help
serve. O r it might have been a
dance, with three musicians in
a corner behind some rented
palms, (how we did begrudge the
money for those palms!), A n d a
few obviously bored but faithful
chaperons on the side lines, and
we young ladies gracing the scene in our new crepe de chine or point d'espris. Perhaps we were lamenting the sad fact that we had given the wrong man the waltz to "Bartlett's Dream." Y ou see,
we had programs with the music printed against each dance, and chose our partners according to whether his type was best suited to "Mosquito Parade" or "The Message of the Violets." Perhaps we cut the dance with the wrong man, and shamelessly sat out the "Dream" with him - not in a parked car, but in some remote corner, or outdoors on the campus if we were very daring. A n d then when the three palm-sheltered musicians gave us "Home Sweet Home," we put on our street shoes, put our slippers in our party bags, and tripped blithely home on the trolley. That doesn't sound like a lot
of fun, does it? But it was. Not it's a big hotel, and favors, and a dinner dance, the best jazz orchestra, and a car to take us to it all - it looks a lot more, but you have not better time.
Life on a college campus in my day was actually "college life, not fraternity life lived at a college." It seems to me that the young people of today (1 almost feel old when I write that) are not getting the full joy out of their college associations, for they are so engrossed in projecting their own particular group into the limelight, that they forge the large organization of which they are a part. Class and college activities arouse less interest than fraternity affairs. A n d here
Alpha(BarnardCollege}chaptermembers,circa1900-1905. a Sa i n t h e b o yS a n d g i r l s ^ not to blame. So much is being crammed into their days that they can't do it all. Something has to be sacrificed, and unless affairs at a university are so regulated as to permit fewer interests, and more time to give those
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ] 13
' ft.•
I don't think we were especially to be commended, nor this gen- eration to be blamed, for our different attitudes. W e had to work - teaching was all that was open to us - we had to get diplomas to show we could be teachers - hence we went to college and secured and said diplomas. So it was grim necessity, not nobility of charac- ter that inspired us. Why should the young woman of today, with every fascinating job in the world open to her, settle in grooves like we did? Those of us who escape settling, were just paving the way for you who take your freedom for granted. But just the same, don't pity us. We were all in the same Victorian predicament and know- ing no better, were perfectly happy.
No one would ever let slip a chance like this without much dis- course on changes in dress. And I fear too much has been said already. At times I wonder how we managed to have any fun at all, much less the joys I claim, when I think of what clothes we endured. I can remember one delightful bit of theatricals in my Freshman year, where the leading lady, in a desperate attempt to jump on her chair when a mouse ran by, tripped on her skirts, and landed in the footlights. A n d I still recall our tennis games, designed apparently to prove that we could hit a ball with our arms pinned to our sides. Now, indeed, I admit that we have nothing in this line to offer 1930, in exchange for the freedom they have let us share with them. One of the splendid things in college life today istheprovisionmadeforathleticsforwomen. Wedidnotlearnto swim - nor join the gym in my day. That's why we're all at it now, trying to make up for lost time. W e could have had such good sport at college. But we thank you for emancipating us. even if it comes late. For it's not too late.
Everything in the whole world has changed so much since I was a stately senior, that everything needs to be written about, and your editor says that well hardly do. But I'm wrong to say everything has changed - human nature hasn't a ltered a bit. You college men and women are just the same. I live in a university town where I am the joyful observer of them day by day, not to mention an incipient caseofcollegeyouthinmyownhome. AndIcanalwayssee the love and kindness and fairness, and helpfulness that were the characteristics o f my college friends years ago. A bit snappier, per- haps, but so are the times. And if once in a while I've seen some pettiness, that's not new to the present generation, and it's no trick at all for me to know it will disappear, just as it did when 1905 was young. My twenty-fifth reunion! How can I think of it? I'm sorry for you, collegians of today, for you'll never go back to yours with such joy. I can tell by the way you act that you won't feel as I do. But we made you what you are: try to show us that we haven't done such a poor job. Times have changed. We're glad, and you're glad: let's pull together and work together and surprise the world.
few, very often it is the college life and not the fraternity life, that suffers. One hears less of "Alma Mater" than we used to, possible because the college is developing into the kind of mother that we real parents are said to be, in these days of clubs and bridge. But I still maintain that the youngsters are not to blame.
Maybe I'm wrong about this, but hearing girls from many colleges discuss their problems, leads me to believe that we used to approach the idea of college in a very different frame of mind. We all had a Purpose, spelled with a capital, sometimes all capitals. W e didn't always accomplish said Purpose - heaven forbid, I was to have been a Greek professor - but we kept it right in the back of our heads and took college very seriously. W e had to go four years, generally to the same place; we had "to get our B.A." and if once in a while some frivolous maiden decided to leave and marry, we rather pitied her, I give you my word that's true, though we really were not so unattract- ive to men. Fifteen out of our little class of 05. were wearing solitar- ies in their "Tiffany settings" on graduation day. One of the fifteen, I recall, had been engaged three out of her four years, and they set up housekeeping with their two diplomas, neatly framed, and lived hap- pily ever after. And I'm sure she has never begrudged the time she gave to college. But now - you tumble into college as Freshmen and before you are Sophomores, you are brides, or else you go one year to one place, next year to another, and possible come back to finish at alma mater number one. What do you get? Atmosphere, perhaps, but not college spirit.
ToDraqma [ Spring 2005 ]
AOII sisters, circa 1930.
It is certainly very odd indeed for me to realize that 25 years ago, when I wrote my considered opinions about girls of 1905 and those of 1930,1 should have put "to be continued" at the end. But here I am again, a quarter of a century later, daring to tell you what I think ofthe changes that have come to our sex in that time. Ifeel a little like Goldilocks, if The Three Bears isn't too far in the past for your memory. Since I talked to you in the silver anniversary issue of 7b Dragma, I have lived close to a large sorority house, a medium sized sorority house, and a very little sorority house. Confidentially. I am rather like Goldilocks in another way, for the tiny house just fitted me. So. if the 12 years spent in that small Ohio village where A T meant not only Alpha Tau but Alice Thomson cast a rosy glow over my opinions of our girls, please forgive me. Believe me, they were very happy years.
All ofyou undergraduates who may read this were not even born when I told your mothers what I thought of them in To Dragma twenty-fifthanniversaryissue. AndIcertainlydonotexpectyou to take time from the important things of life to look it up. So I'll just say that my thinking then was that you had far more opportu- nities than were available in my college days, but that life was more artificial, more contrived, and that the simpler pleasures weren't enough. A n d I still believe what I write then. But now, being 25 years older, I naturally know a great deal less. I have not decided, in what my friends call my emphatic manner, that you still are hav- ing more opportunities, but that you are making less use of them in a way that neither the girls of 1905 nor those of 1930 ever would have dreamed of doing.
Twenty-five years ago many girls had been brought up by parents with a background of means and easy spending. So it was per- fectly natural for them to want things and get what they wanted, regardless of the cost. Then came the depression and an entirely different standard of living. Families learned to count every cent, to plan fun that cost nothing, and grew closer in so doing. You who are in college now are the ones who as children had a simpler upbringing, sometimes lived in an atmosphere of uncertainty and in some classes saw a member of the family go into service overseas. It was a soberer time for young people and it seems to me that they have profited greatly by the experience. They want to do more in the world to make it a better one; they think less of self; and the non-essentials are no longer as important as they once were. In short, our young people are maturing without so many of the growing pains that once accompanied adolescence. My grandmother used to have what to me was a delightful expression. She commented often that children were "going over fool's hill." Some may still be travelling wearily up that hill but most of you
are mentally flying over it and sizing it up for just what it is - only a small hump, not worth climbing, when so many higher mountains remain to challenge your efforts.
One of the reasons for my enthusiastic view of today's young women is the way in which they seem to be taking advantage of the greater opportunities which have been granted to them. New fields of study, subjects which were never even heard of not so long ago, are open to them. Now in my time, as we old folks say, what girl ever got college credit for learning to cut meat? Who ever studies quantity cookery, with due emphasis on proteins and carbohydrates that these modern menus demand? And who in my day ever sold herself to five years of engineering-physics? When I was young and when your mothers were in college, too, we never would have been admitted to such a course, even if we wanted such an education. We just married someone who had studied it. I do not feel in the least jealous of not having had any one of these fascinating subjects. Tho. tobefrank,myownclassicaleducationhasdoneverylittlefor
AOII collegians in he 1950s.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
me except to make me an expert speller, with a superiority complex most annoying to my friends. But I do wish I had the privi- lege of studying, under expert instruction, methods of dress-making and design, all of which came to me the hard way. That would have been a real delight. Truly in these times nearly any field is open to you girls. How fortunate you are!
Another opportunity which young women
are being offered today, unheard of when
I last held forth on my favorite topic, is
the chance to travel. Fellowships to dif-
ferent countries, summer work camps for students, a year abroad for which credit is given in your own college, the "Washington semester" to study our system of government, and exchange of students between predominantly white and Negro colleges - all make for more intelligent comprehension of world problems. A n d it is heartening to talk to you on campus and to find that such problems and their solutions are of more importance to you than the latest hairdo or the Christian Dior silhouette.
Does it sound as if all I can see is you are career girls? That is far from the case. One has only to read of the marriage of college students, who take a small place near the campus and settle down to finish their education. Sometimes thoughtful parents help out the finances much as if the son or daughter were still in the dorm. As often,they work part time to balance the budget and 1 think 1 am safe in saying that grades don't suffer; rather they may improve. If a baby interferes for a while with the mother's attendance at classes, she manages to return soon and both father and mother share the responsibility. I have in mind a very dear young friend whose husband really did as good a job as she did. in bathing and feeding a young son. A n d the little boy and two younger brothers are wonderful examples of how the present generation combines marriage and education.
All my life I have considered myself a very fortunate woman, in being able to live closely on friendly terms with young people. Such a life makes it rather hard to act one's age when with con- temporaries, but it is delightful to see life through the eyes of youth. And no Alpha O, to whom her sorority as meant as much as one has to me, could fail to be grateful that three moves to three different cities have taken me close to three active chapters. It is an education for living and, for my kind of person, more profitable than any advanced degrees. To Rho, to Alpha Tau. and to Epsilon. my grateful thanks and appreciation.
7bDragma [Spring2005]
Carole Jurenko (third from right) in 1980 with other Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) new members.
When ToDragma was celebrating her 75th birthday in 1980,1 was a freshman heading off to college at the University of Alabama. The face of today's college students and what you would find if you visited a college campus today, is certainly different than when I was in college - from classroom assignments to technology to everyday living.
Who would have thought then that students could register for classes without leaving their room and know, while they were registering, whether or not a class was available? During my college days, registering for the next semester's classes was simple enough. You turned in your choices to your faculty advisor. But, to pick-up or change a schedule, we stood in long lines for hours to pull a computer punch card foranother class. When the cards ran out, the class was full. Now. everything is done online, making it much easier and more convenient.
The traditionalclassroom remains much the same today as in the 80s. Students still sit in rooms taking notes or participating in class discussion; however, class notes and sample tests are frequently posted on departmental web pages and it is not uncommon to find students taking notes on laptops.
Writing a paper, one of the most common assignments for college students, is much simpler than before. Students no longer have to leaf through stacks of books at the library or sit at a typewriter with correction fluid. A word omission caught after the paper was
The times we live in surely have a profound influence on our college experiences. Whether then or now, the college years remain some of the best years of our lives. So many things have changed in the past 100 years, but what has not changed is education is still about knowledge and AOII is still about sisterhood.
removed might require a total retype! The process was compound- ed by the fact that many ofus had the typing skills oftoday's average 4th grader! Today's technology allows students to do their research on the Internet, type their paper on a computer and even "spell check" for errors. But don't pity us and our electric typewriters! We were thankful for the ease of the electric versions compared to the manual typewriters our parents endured. This also doesn't mean that libraries are ghost towns. There are students that prefer to do their research out of books, and libraries offer computer labs and printing stations. Additionally, i f students can't find the information they are looking for in their library, they can connect to other libraries
throughout the world. Plus, the library social scene hasn't changed. Students still go there to "see and be seen".
television in their room. To watch television in the sorority house, we went to the den where everyone gathered to watch our favorite shows ... Dallas, Knot's Landing and Dynasty. Yes, that's right, we had one television to choose from and we had to agree on what to watch. But there were great memories in our shared times, crammed together on couches wondering "who shot JR?" or catching our favorite daytime soaps. Times have surely changed, since most students today not only have a T V in their room,but stacks of DVDs and a DVD player.
In the 80s. working students were not the norm. W e worked during holiday breaks and in the summertime, but usually not during the academic year. Thus we had more flexibility with our time for AOII or campus activities and studying. In order to afford the growing cost o f receiving a col- lege education, today's 4 generation of students are more likely to work
Cell phones, instant
messaging and email
have changed the way
students communicate
in ways we could never
have imagined. Instead
of calling your parents
once or twice a week,
many students now
talk to their parents
more than once a day
on their cell phone.
And, instead ofgoing to the next room or walking down the hall to talk to a friend, students will email or instant message each other without leaving the comfort of their room. Making an appointment to talk with a professor is not as prevalent because students now communicate with their professors by email. They can now notify them right away about ofan absence or ask a question without talk- ing to them face to face.
The atmosphere of college dorm rooms has changed immensely. In the 80s no one had an answering machine, cordless phone or
than in the past.
The styles have cer- tainly changed since 1980. Preppy was "in" and someone decided that pink and green was "it."Izod, button down oxford shirts and
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Internationa! President Sally Wagaman and Carole Jones with Xi (U of Oklahoma) members, 2005.
striped rugby shirts were all hot, as were add-a-bead necklaces. W e dressed up to go to class, meaning we wore skirts, sundresses and dress pants most of the time. Fridays most everyone wore jeans or shorts. Today's students are much more casual. Jeans and shorts are the norm every day.
Cell phones, personal computers, MP3 players and ATM machines are all part of the lives of today's students. W h o would have dreamed these would have replaced calling cards, portable typewriters, ste- reos and writing checks? Technology will continue to develop at a rapid pace making life easier, but not always simpler.
In your hands rests a publication benefittingfrom modem day technology in ways never dreamed possible by the early editors ofTo Drayma. Today, To Drayma's editor and desiynerpublish the mayazinefrom AOH International Headquarters usiny two powerful Macintosh computers, a scanner, colorprinters and state-of-the-art design software. Usingtodaysindustry standard ofcomputer to plate (CPT) technology, To Dragma is, literally, ready to roll when it reaches the printiny plant Previous editors would be amazed at theease,yet astonishedatthemoresophisticatedrolesthattoday'seditorsanddesiynersfill.Asasaluteto100yearsofprogress,To Dragmapresentsabrieflookatsomeofthepreviousmethods ofprinting a magazine.
In 1440 Johannes Gutenberg introduced to the Western World his invention of print- ing with ink on paper, using movable type mounted on a converted wine press. Until Gutenberg's invention, books were labori- ously copied, one at a time, handwritten by scribes. Historians credit Gutenberg's inven- tion of printing as the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance.
For more than 400 years after the inven- tion of printing, all type was set by hand. Numerous machines intended to replace hand composition were invented. The Linotype and Ludlow cast metal slugs (one-piece fully spaced lines); and the Monotype which casts individual pieces of type in justified lines. The invention of these machines took place in the early 1900's. In the 1960s these machines were still considered "state of the art."
In 1847, Richard Hoe perfected the first rotary press with the type actually carried on the cylinder. An American, William Bullock developed the first web press, in 1856. These early web presses could deliver 15,000 signatures per hour and printed both sides.
To Dragma
[ Spring 2005 ]
*f*2^x, ^c*^£&s-/£d*£, t h e first o f f - set press was developed in 1906 by Ira A. Rubel (a paper manufacturer) by accident. An impression was unintentionally printed from a press cylinder directly onto the rubber blanket of the impression cylinder. Immediately afterward, when a sheet of paper was run through the press, a sharp image was printed on it from the impres- sion which had been offset on the rubber blanket. A. F. Harris had noticed a similar effect. He then developed an offset press for the Harris Automatic Press Company in the same year, 1906.
By the 1950's offset process became the most popular form of printing. While the offset printing process gave sharper, cleaner reproductions over letterpress, it was also less expensive in comparison to gravure. Today, the majority of printing (over 50%), including newspapers, is done by the offset process.
Whereas Gutenberg did well to produce a single one-color impression in three minutes, some of today's high speed web presses print multicolor on both sides at speeds of 3,000 ft/min or 1,500 printed signatures per minute.
If Gutenberg or his contemporaries could have stepped into the average printing plant in 1950, they could have stood at a type case, set type by hand and pulled a proof almost exactly as they did when printing was invented over 500 years earlier.
and desktop publishing systems. Image placement (stripping) is done by com- puter. Color proofs are made from digital data using specialized digital printers to create the proofs.
Offset plates are processed automatically or can be made directly from digital files without the use of intermediate film. The film negative, as we know it, is gone having been replaced by the CTP (computer to plate) process. This is the process, by which, To Dragma is printed. Digital page files are used by a laser image setter to image directly onto an offset plate.
Computers are used to analyze production information on presses and control press functions automatically during printing. Color is measured and controlled on-and off-press by densitometers and in-line scanners. Finishing is done on-line and off-line. Today, printing is a far cry from Gutenberg's day!
For a typical 48 page issue of To Dragma:
• Over 25,000 poundsof paper and over300 poundsofinkareused.
• Over 85 miles of paper runs through the press for one issue.
• The magazine requires about 5 hours on the press to print, and about 19 hours on the stitcher to bind and label.
• If all copies of the printed pages for one issue were laid out end to end, the distance covered would be over 330 miles.
/^t^LZ/"S &x~ e~£ja^t^*&.<^?£.Theageofelectron-MikeMoxleyisaPastEditorofthe
ics and me computer have completely changed the way printing is done. Not only have presses become faster, but all hand and machine composition has been replaced by computer typesetting and desktop publishing. AOII took the desktop publishing leap ten years ago when they stopped outsourcing freelance designers. Photography has been replaced by elec- tronic imaging systems. The scanner and computer have replaced the old camera. Today, all color separations and correc- tions are done electronically on prepress
TEKE magazine ofTau Kappa EpsHon Fraternity and a Past President of the College Fraternity Editors Association. This article contains excerpts from 'Pocket Pal Graphic Arts Handbook' bg International Paper Company.
Right: This 8-unit press is one of the presses used to print To Dragma at the Quebecor Midland plant in Midland, Michigan. This press can print up to 32 pages in four colors and deliver over 30,000 copies per hour.
Opposite page: Early To Dragma print- ing plates from the AOII Archives in International Headquarters.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
^7\^^t ^-t~t^f, x & ^ lit 2£ cItZ^£ /^<-Xf
g ^ /
The printed word will survive and con- tinue to flourish well into the future. It is certain to change in the way it is composed and produced, but it will be around for many years for people to handle, read, admire and enjoy.
By Michael A. Moxley. Consultant Maury Boyd and Associates, printers of To Drayma.
A Keeper of Diaries
By Eleanor McCleary Sellstrom, Omicron (U of Tennessee)
Louise Manning Wiley's initiation into AOII happened almost too years ago. Omicron was a young chapter on the University of Tennessee campus in 1909 when Louise, a keeper of diaries. was initiated into what she wrote was "the best frat on the Hill. I certainly was flattered by the invitation to join, and never will forget that night, but of course 1 couldn't tell anything about it."
Her chapter grew by three that year, to a grand total of eight members. Louise was a naive 16-year-old. who lived at home "on the first hill west of the University." New Members, referred to then as "fish," had parties in "...the frat room. Made Welsh rabbit and fudge on the chafing dish. The rabbit was so tough you could hardly bite it, but good. The fudge never did get hard, so we ate it on crackers."
As an active (member), Louise agonized over the pledging process. After bids were sent out, there followed a period during which members couldn't talk to the five prospective fish. They waited in suspense, Louise confiding to her diary, "praying is the only thing that will do any good now!"
"Finally," she wrote, "We got them all!!! Joy be! The Chi Omega's and the Zeta Tau Alpha's got real nice girls, too. Pledged them at noon, and this afternoon had lots of fun, making them cut up. I think we have reason to feel proud. I am crazy about them all."
After her graduation in 1913, Louise became a loyal AOII alumna. On a visit to San Francisco, she inquired about the AOIIs at the University of California, and was put in touch with one of their alumnae her same age, who took her over to Berkeley on the ferry.
Louise described, "We literally 'blew into' the frat house in the rain and had just time to change our clothes and speak to about a million girls whose names I can't remember, when it was time for initiation. They have very little 'house-play' - only an original poem by each one of the initiates. Their initiation was, of course, like ours, differing chiefly in the number of girls, for there are thirty-five in their chapter, and although the storm kept most of their alumnae away, it looked like a big crowd to me. The Sigma girls all seem very nice and attractive and their house is lovely. It must be rather nice to be in a big chapter like that, with the house and all,but I wonder ifthey are able to get acquainted as well as we do in our small chapter, or mean quite as much to each other?"
The chapter at Stanford was somewhat smaller. Louise was driven down from San Francisco to Palo Alto, where she and her companion enjoyed "a beautiful [carriage] drive all through the college. The grounds are beautiful and the buildings, too, especially the chapel, which has some really wonderful mosaics, as fine." she was told, "as anything in the cathedrals abroad. It was greatly damaged by the [1906] earthquake, and after nine years, they are still repairing it,and it will take three years more, at least."
To Drayma [ Spring 2005 ]
"We stopped at the Alpha O house, and I climbed out and interviewed three girls for a few minutes, though I should like to have stayed longer. Most of the girls were at class, but the house, which is a big stucco one with a lovely view of the bay and Mt. Hamilton, accommodates twenty-two girls. Itisa lovelyhouse,and the girlsseemed mighty nice."
Louise made a return visit to the Berkeley campus for Charter Day exercises, "held in that lovely Greek theater." One last, important visit remained before she left San Francisco: a call on Stella George Stem Perry, whom she of course called Mrs. Perry. Meeting one of the founders of the sorority that meant so much to her was a thrilling moment for Louise, a shy but determined East Tennessean. who was about to begin her career as an English teacher.
Mrs. Perry and her husband were both involved with the Panama-Pacific Exposition of 1915. which celebrated the opening of the Panama Canal, he as director, she as a member of the Women's Board. Louise had come to San Francisco to see the Fair at the invitation o f her great-aunt and -uncle, whose house on Steiner Street overlooked the site. "The building are all soft pinkish tones and dull reds and greens, and with the blue bay beyond, the effect is beautiful." They ran the gamut from the Palace of Jesters in "The Zone," the amusement areas, to the Palace of Fine Arts, the only building preserved from that long-ago era.
Back home in Knoxville, Louise kept up with her diaries and the local AOII alumnae until her death in 1989 at the age of 96. Many of these had been friends for life, especially a slightly older Harriet Greve, the longtime Dean of Women at the University of Tennessee. Many years later, in 1948 and 1949. two sisters, Eleanor and Janet, were among the Omicron pledges. Louise knew them well. They knew her very well, too: as she was their beloved mother, Louise Manning Wiley McCleary.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Serving a Purpose
By Reta Allen McKannan, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
W e all have role models, and we determine to emulate them. Sometimes we just can't. They are that special, that intelligent, that accomplished. We should simply be proud of their example to us all.
Elise Moss is one of those people. A n d I'm grateful she has been a role model for me.
A 1970 Tau Delta chapter member and Birmingham Southern College graduate, Elise is a minister, a former attorney, a much-decorated AOII. She is in the late stages of cancer, but don't think she is suffering. She is experiencing and ministering to the rest of us - and we're all the better for it.
Elise served on the AOII Foundation Board and was Foundation President from 1991-93. She received the Rose Award in 1993 and has served on the Foundation's Ruby Fund com- mittee since 1995. She was honored with the 2002 Alumnae Women ofLeadership Award. She is also a past recipient of a Diamond Jubilee Foundation scholarship.
Elise provided capable and professional leadership for the Foundation during a time of growth, overseeing the early years of the Foundation Endowment, setting an example for others by her personal giving.
But there is so much more.
With her Southern Methodist University juris doctor in hand in 1976, Elise practiced law for 20 years, first representing Native Americans in Oklahoma, then delivering legal services to the poor in Alabama. After two years as general counsel at her alma mater in Birmingham, the call to work with the indigent was strong. And the call to serve God years later was stronger.
"I kept having this feeling I should be doing something more. I was doing more counseling than practicing law toward the end. Then I got a call from Larry (retired Trinity United Methodist pastor R. Lawrence Dill, in Huntsville. AL.)He hired me to work until school started in August (at Vanderbilt). From the very first, Larry allowed me to preach. I had my days to be on call at the hospital. I was a local pastor."
All this happened sooner than normal for a new Methodist seminary student because of Elise's illness, Dill said. Today, she knows she is in the right place. She is on an aggressive regime of treatments that make her feel badly for three days out of 14, but which allow her to functionat Trinity United Methodist Church the remaining 11.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Trinity pastor Charles Gattis says, "Her major contribution to this church has been her strength of character, her faith, her determination, her resilience. It makes a difference in what you hear when you know about a person, and the members at Trinity know her.
"She has been here so long. When she speaks, there is a deep resonance of truth to it. Part of her authority is how she has faced her illness," he continued. "She has allowed it to strengthen her. She could have stayed home, but she decided she wanted to do something to help people. Perhaps the greatest way she has helped is not in helping, but in who she has been through it all."
Elise feels strongly about her purpose.
"The purpose of a pastor is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable," she explained, smiling. "The time I have spent with the members at Trinity allows me to do that."
Larry Dill, who served Trinity almost to years, agreed. "She has earned the right with people to be prophetic. She is a good counselor, but she has also earned the right to be prophetic in her preaching," which Elise defined as calling people to account for their lives.
Elise said people have to know you love them in order to believe you when you preach to them.
"They know me, and in the same way my clients at Legal Services knew I cared for them, they know I love them," Elise said of her parishioners.
Elise doesn't know how long her illness will allow her to work, nor does she worry about it. She mentions a passage from Illusions, by Richard Bach: "If you want to know whether your mission on earth is completed, think of whether you are breathing. (If you are), it's not."
"Life is a process, a journey," Elise said. "The class action (lawsuit for indigent government housing residents), the (AOII) Foundation work, the ministry, and to a degree, undergoing treatment, are all important. Life is a package. I don't know where I'llbe when it is over, but I know one thing: I'll keep serving God."
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Alpha Qmicron Pi
*• legacy policy explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOII chapter. Half-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOll member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each verified AOII legacy out of courtesy to the AOII sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline membership to a legacy only for very appropriate and verifi- able reason (s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the first round of parties.
Legacy Introduction Form
•An AOII legacy should be a qualified rushee in her own right - grades, activities, accomplishments, and overall compatibil- ity with the chapter.
•If a chapter releases a legacy, a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOII relative of the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This contact must be made prior to the dis- tribution of invitations for the next round of recruitment parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOII relative by telephone, written notification of the legacy's release must be sent. This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chapter's first bid list.
AOII moms and daughters have a special bond.
•AOIIs must remember that some legacies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worthwhile experience for col lege women.
•Introduce your legacy with the form below. Attach it to the Membership Information Form (in this issue) and send it to the address for the school your legacy will be attending. You'll also find a listing of chapter addresses and the dates your forms are needed in this issue.
1 This form is designed to introduce AOII legacies to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information Form (in this issue) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOII chapter on the cam- pus your legacy plans to attend. A list of addresses appears in this issue of To Dragma.
Date To
chapter This is to advise you that my (check one) •
college or university
will be attending as a (check one)
• Sophomore your name
your city
your chapter
• Junior
college or university
• Senior beginning date
your street address your state
your maiden or initiated name
•Remember; send the Membership Information Form with this form to the AOU address at the school your legacy will be attending. •
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
your phone
your zip
your year of initiation
Alpha Omicron B Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT address for the college which this potential new member will attend. The addresses are listed in this issue or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated from the chapter
attach photo if available
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Potential New Member Information
Name of Individual
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
preferred name
Does the individual have an AOTT relative? (check one) Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden) Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( )
Have you talked with this individual about AOTT (check one) yes no Is this individual able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
(work): (
Does the individual have affiliations with any other NPC groups? Ifyes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the individual have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
High School Attended
Scholastic GPA Scale School Attended after High School
Scholastic GPA Scale Scholastic Honors
Class Rank/Class Size
Number of Credits Completed
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the individual's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ] 25
no don't know
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the individual's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the individual's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOII Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership. I know this individual personally.
I do not know this individual personally, but I am basing my recommendation on information from these sources: (circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. I am unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership: Due to limited information received.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
city state/province
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter_ Alumnae Chapter,
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Group Pledged Date
What to do with recommendations after recruitment:
Date recommendation acknowledged
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all potential new members who pledged an NPC sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for potential new members who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years),
26 7b Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
postal code
2005 Recruitment Directory
Mail Membership Information Forms (MIFs) to the following chapter addresses prior to the dates indicated beside each chapter's name. This is extremely important to allow the chapters time to receive and review MIFs prior to the start of their recruitment. Additional MIFs can be downloaded from the AOII website.
U of Calgary, Box MH13 MacEwan Student Ctr, 2500 U Drive, N W Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 Canada
BETA TAU, Late August
U of Toronto, 24 Madison Avenue
ZETA PI, Early August
U of Alabama Birmingham, 1400 U Blvd., Box 62 Hill U Center Birmingham, AL 35294-0001
THETA OMEGA, Early August Northern ArizonaU, 1109 South Plaza Way, PMB 255
Flagstaff, A Z 86001-6317
SIGMA OMICRON, Early August Arkansas State U, P.O. Box 928 State U, A R 72467-0928
CHI PSI, Early September California Polytechnic State U, 570 Pacific Street
San Luis Obispo, C A 93401-3939
DELTA SIGMA, Mid August San Jose State U , 373 East San Fernando Street
San Jose, C A 95112-3510
LAMBDA BETA, Mid August California State U Long Beach, 3980 East 8th Street
Long Beach, C A 90804-5317
SIGMA, Early August
U of California Berkeley, 2311 Prospect Street Berkeley, CA 94704-1837
SIGMA PHI, Early August California State U Northridge, 9210 Zelzah Avenue Northridge, C A 91325-2341
CHI DELTA, Early August U of Colorado, 1015 15th St.
KAPPA GAMMA, Early January Florida Southern College, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive
Lakeland, FL 33801-5607
MU LAMBDA, Early January Rollins ColIege.lOOO Holt Ave. Box 2792
Winter Park, FL 32789-4499
PI THETA, Mid August Florida International U , PO Box 4825
Miami, FL 33265
ALPHA LAMBDA, Early August Georgia Southern U ,
102 Olympic Boulevard Statesboro, G A 30458-4919
GAMMA SIGMA, Mid August Georgia State U, Office of Student Life & Leadership
33 Gilmer Street, Box 1897 Atlanta, G A 30303-3080
LAMBDA CHI, Mid August LaGrange College, 601 Broad Street; LaGrange College Attn: AOII President LaGrange, GA 30240
U of Georgia, 1190 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, GA 30605-1326
DELTA RHO, Early September DePaul U,
2250 N. Sheffield, Suite 201-J C/oAOII Mailbox
Chicago, IL 60614-3673
EPSILON SIGMA, MidSeptember Quincy U,
1810 Lind Street, Box 650
Quincy, IL 62301-2219
IOTA, Mid August
U of Illinois, 706 S. Mathews Urbana, IL 61801-3604
NUIOTA, Mid August
Northern Illinois U, 918 Kimberly Drive, DeKalb, IL 60115-1410
PHI CHI, Mid September
U of Chicago, c/o Gillian Shapiro 5413 South Ellis Avenue Apt. l-W Chicago, IL 60615-5029
BETA PHI, Early December Indiana U, 1415 North Jordan Ave., Bloomington, I N 47406-1127
CHI LAMBDA, Early August U of Evansville, 2032 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 2
Evansville, I N 47714-5102
KAPPA ALPHA, Late August Indiana State U, Lincoln Quad Box A, Terre Haute, I N 47809-0001
Ball State U, 4319 West Clara Lane Box 101, Muncie, IN 47304-5470
ALPHA THETA, Late August Coe College, 1220 First Ave., NE Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5008
IOTA SIGMA, Early August
Iowa State U, 2007 Greeley Street Ames, IA 50014-7018
THETA CHI, Early August Morningside College, 3609 Peters Avenue, Box 1523
Sioux City, I A 51106-1722
ALPHA CHI, Early August Western Kentucky U, 1566 Normal Dr., Bowling Green, K Y 42101-3535
DELTA OMEGA, Early August Murray State U, 2040 U Station Murray, K Y 42071-3301
EPSILON OMEGA, Early August Eastern Kentucky U ,
128 Powell Building
521 Lancaster Road
Richmond, K Y 40475-3100
KAPPA OMEGA, Early August U of Kentucky, 368 Rose Street Lexington, K Y 40508-3027
PI ALPHA, Early August
U of Louisville, 301 SAC Administration Building Louisville, K Y 40292-0001
TAU OMEGA, Early September Transylvania U ,
300 North Broadway Lexington, K Y 40508-1797
Toronto, O N
GAMMA CHI, Early August Carleton U, 906 Beauclaire Drive Ottawa, O N KlC 2L2 Canada
IOTA CHI, Early September U of Western Ontario,
222 Broughdale Avenue
London, ON
KAPPA PHI, Late August
McGill U ,
3477 B Hutchison Street Montreal, QC H2X 2G1 Canada
United States
ALPHA DELTA, Late July The U of Alabama,
P.O. Box 861948, Tuscaloosa, A L 35486-0017
DELTA DELTA, Late July Auburn UToomer Hall, Dorm C Auburn U, AL 36849-0001
DELTA EPSILON, Late July Jacksonville State U, JSU Box 3009 700 Pelham Road North Jacksonville, AL 36265-1602
U of South Alabama,P.O. Box U- 1178. Mobile, AL 36688-0001
RHO DELTA, Late August Samford U, P.O. Box 294020 Birmingham, AL 35229-1034
SIGMA DELTA, Late July Huntingdon College, Campus Box 65,1500 East Fairview Ave. Montgomery, A L 36106-2114
TAU DELTA, Early August Birmingham Southern College, BSC Box 549108
900 Arkadelphia Road Birmingham, AL 35254-0001
Boulder. CO
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
U of Northern Colorado, 1922 8th
Avenue, Greeley, CO 80631-5620 Florida
U of Florida, 819 West Panhellenic Drive, Gainesville, FL 32601-7864
GAMMA THETA, Late July U of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, CTR 2497 Tampa, FL 33620-8001
U of Louisiana at Lafayette.Box 44823,Lafayette,LA 70504-0001
KAPPA CHI, Early August Northwestern State U,
NSU Box 4449
Natchitoches, LA 71497-0001
KAPPA TAU, Mid August Southeastern LouisianaU, SLUBox11665,Hammond,LA 70402-0001
The U of Louisiana at Monroe, P.O. Box 7524
Monroe, LA 71211-7524
GAMMA, Early August
U of Maine, 5759 Penobscot Hall Orono, ME 04469-5759
PI DELTA, Mid January
U of Maryland, 4517 College Ave., College Park, M D 20740-3323,1
SIGMA TAU, Mid January Washington College,
300 Washington Avenue Chestertown, M D 21620-1438,1
THETA BETA, Mid August Towson U, SGA Office, Towson P.O. Box 4092,8000 York Road Towson, M D 21252-0001
DELTA, Early January TuftsU, 25 Whitfield Road Somerville, M A 02144-1213
BETA GAMMA, Early September Michigan State U ,
333 Charles Street
East Lansing, MI 48823-4305
KAPPA RHO, Early September Western Michigan U,
Alpha Omicron Pi
1517 Fraternity Village Dr Kalamazoo, MI 49006-6933
LAMBDA ETA, Late August Grand ValleyState U, 1032642nd Avenue,Tuscola # 4 Allendale, MI 49401-8333
TAU, Mid November
U of Minnesota, 11215th Street, SE Minneapolis, M N 55414-1919
NU BETA, Early September
U of Mississippi, P.O. Box 7987 U,MS 38677-7987
DELTA PI, Early August Central Missouri State U, Central MissouriState U A100 Panhellenic Hall Warrensburg, M O 64093
ALPHA PHI, Late August MontanaStateU,
1119 South 5th Ave. Bozeman, M T 59715-5161
PHI SIGMA, Early August U of Nebraska Kearney, URSPodC,#ioi,
Kearney, NE 68847
ZETA, Early August
U of Nebraska Lincoln, 1541 S Street, Lincoln, NE 68502-2449
New York
DELTA PSI, Early Jan. and Sept.
U at Albany- State U of New York, 27 Elmwood Street
Albany, N Y 12203-3601
EPSILON, Early January Cornell U, 14 South Ave., Ithaca, N Y 14850-3908
SIGMA CHI, Early Janaury Hartwick College. 17 Maple Street Oneonta, NY 13820-1940
THETA PI, Late Aug. and Jan. Wagner College, One Campus Road;Box1338
Attn: Sarah Shaker
Staten Island, N Y 10301-4479
North Carolina
DELTA UPSILON, Early January Duke U, 07 Bryan Center -FSL Office. Box 90823
Durham, NC 27708-9903
EPSILON CHI, Early January ElonU.P.O. Box 846 100CampusD.MoselyCenter Elon, NC 27244-0846
East Carolina U805 Johnston St. Greenville, NC 27858-2420
ALPHA PSI, Mid August Bowling Green State U,
716 Ridge Street
Bowling Green, O H 43403-4309
CHI EPSILON, Early January The Ohio State U, 84 East 15th Ave.,Columbus, OH 43201-1602
OMEGA, Early December
Miami U, 215 North Poplar, Apt A Attn: Megan Moore
Oxford,OH 45056-3202
OMEGA UPSILON, Mid Sept. Ohio U,8Church Street Athens,OH 45701-2434
U of Toledo, 2999 West Bancroft, Unit Fi, Toledo, O H 43606-3306
CHI THETA, Early August Northeastern State U, NSU Mail Services, Box 27,
600 North Grand Ave Tahlequah, OK 74464-2301
XI, Late July
U of Oklahoma, c/o Lindsey Cox, 1411 Elm Avenue
Norman, OK 73072-6422
EPSILON ALPHA, Mid August Pennsylvania State U, Alpha Omicron Pi - Stacey Shapiro
15 Hiester Hall
U Park. PA 16802-2290
LAMBDA UPSILON, Early Jan. Lehigh U, 39 U Drive; Box G314 Bethlehem, PA 18015-3000
PHI BETA, Early January
East Stroudsburg U, U Center, Box #48, East Stroudsburg U EastStroudsburg, PA 18301-0048
SIGMA BETA, Early January Saint Joseph's U, 5600 City Ave., Campion Student Ctr - Rm 212, Philadelphia, PA 19131
SIGMA RHO, Mid January Slippery Rock U, B-105 U Union Slippery Rock, PA 16057
TAU LAMBDA, Early January Shippensburg U,19NorthEarlSt Shippensburg, PA 17257-1203
KAPPA OMICRON, Mid August Rhodes College, Rhodes College -c/o AOII Box
2000 North Parkway
Memphis, T N 38112-1624
LAMBDA OMICRON, Mid Aug. Cumberland U, P.O. Box 3122 Lebanon, T N 37088-3122
NU OMICRON, Early January Vanderbilt U, 2415 Kensington Place,Nashville,TN 37212-2011
OMEGA OMICRON, Late Aug. Lambuth U, LAM Box 518
705 Lambuth Boulevard Jackson,TN 38301-5280
OMICRON, Late July
U ofTennessee Knoxville, c/oTrishCrosby
1531 West Cumberland Avenue Knoxville,TN 37916-3115
RHO OMICRON, Late July Middle Tennessee State U, 2035 Ransom Drive Murfreesboro, T N 37130-5917
TAU OMICRON. Early August U of Tennessee Martin, UTM Campus, Box 126
Martin, T N 38238-0001
DELTA THETA, Early August Texas Woman's U, PO Box 424308 TWU, Denton, T X 76204-4308
UPSILON LAMBDA, Early Sept. The U of Texas, San Antonio. P.O. Box 69182,
San Antonio, T X 78269 Virginia
GAMMA ALPHA, Late August George Mason U,
10332 Main Street, Box 201 Fairfax, V A 22030-2410 Washington
ALPHA GAMMA, Early August Washington StateU,
820 NE Campus Avenue Pullman, W A 99163-4226
TAU GAMMA, Early September Eastern W ashington U ,
P.O. Box 104,746 Chesnut Street Cheney, W A 99004-0104
SIGMA ALPHA, Late August West Virginia U, 299ProspectStreet Morgantown, W V 26505-5010
KAPPA SIGMA, Late August
U of Wisconsin River Falls, The Leadership Center - AOII
123 Hagestad Student Center River Falls, WI 54022
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Foundation Update
When AOIIs tell their stories,
your support can help write a happy ending!
BackwhenIpledgedAOII,Ithoughtitwasgreatthatwehadourownphi- l a n t h r o p y a n d r a i s e d m o n e y t o h e l p c u r e A r t h r i t i s . I d o n a t e d s o m e o f my o w n hard-earned dough, and always considered that some day I would do more.
It is no longer 1975. It is now 2005. Fast forward through marriage, raising 3 children, managing the household while my husband built a successful business, and seeing our kids off to college. I have degenerative arthritis in
mykneeandwilleventuallyneedakneereplacement. Mythreesiblingsfacesimilarhealthchal- lenges. W e joke about getting a "family discount"!
My mother is 81. Over the past ten years she has had both knees and a hip replaced due to arthritis. Nowshehasanewchallenge. Shehasarthritisinthesmalljoints(facets)ofherspine. This has caused spinal stenosis, pinching of the spinal cord and nerves, and constant pain. Her doctor says the degeneration and condition of her back is similar to how her knee was before the replacement, and that she really needs a spine replacement.
Unfortunately, this procedure has not yet been developed. It is in the research stages. Perhaps doctors will one day be able to replace the spine, just as they are able to replace knees and hips!
With pleasure I have been able to support the Foundation Loyalty Fund and through the Foundation, AOIIs philanthropy, arthritis research. My college interest in our philanthropy has come full circle.
I don't think my story is unusual or particularly noteworthy. I just hope to see some exciting arthritis research benefits in my lifetime. I thank all my AOII sisters and all the chapters that are helpingyoungerwomenlikeme,andolderwomenlikemymom,andthousands morelikeus,for working to Strike Out Arthritis!
Cynthia Buchholz Powers, Siyma '76
"Attheageof16,1wasdiagnosedwithRheumatoidArthritis. Latermydiagnosiswaschanged to Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, then finally to Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, which has symp- toms of both R A and SLE. For two years I suffered from severe joint inflammation, pain, extreme fatigue and Raynaud's phenomenon. Thankfully. I am now in remission and symptom free.
Irealize that my current condition wouldn'tbe possible itifwere not for the countless hours of research conducted to combat arthritis. I also realize that much of this research was made possible by AOII's commitmentto our philanthropy. Our giftshave helped fund research focusingon find- ing cures to the over too arthritis diseases, as well as drugs to treat their many symptoms.
It's a misconception that arthritis is only a disease that affectsthe older generation. Arthritis remains an important,contemporary and worthwhile philanthropy. Arthritis affectswomen more often than men, and a significant number are women in their 20's and 30's. Considering that arthritis affects over 70 million people in the US, including over 300,000 children, it's plausible to assert that we are helping ourselves, while helping others. I expect many sisters either have friends or family members affected.
I want to thank each and every AOII sister for your hard work and dedication that has benefited young people like me.
NEWS: Honor/Memorial Gifts
are now listed on our website. Go to www.aoiifoundation.org and click the Honor/MemorialGiftlink. You willseeall g i f t s r e c e i v e d d u r i n g t h e p r e v i o u s q u a r t e r . Ifyou want to make a gift to honor or remember a special person, the donation link is on the page or you can mail your
gift to the AOII Foundation, PO Box 395. Brentwood, T N 37024. Announcements (without amounts) are sent to the honoree or family of the person who is remembered with your special gift.
Martha Wilhoite Memorial Scholarship
The Martha McKinney Wilhoite Theta Scholarship Fund honors the memory of
a special woman, and stands as a lasting tribute to a special chapter that is closed. Martha was an initiated member of Theta Chapter, and graduated from DePauw University with a degree in Sociology.
She made many contributions to Theta Chapter and the IndianapolisAlumnae Chapter over the years. She also served
as the President of the Indiana State Panhellenic Association. Following her death in 1991, the Theta Chapter Advisory committee,alongwithherfamily,pro- posed the scholarship as a way to continue good works in her name.
Her husband Adrian said of his wife, "She loved people and loved to do things for people." Therefore, it is fitting that the Martha Wilhoite Theta Scholarship for 2004-05 was awarded to Cris Brannock. "Helping others is my passion. Receiving this scholarship will aid in my pursuit of a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy, and enable me to help and heal others. Thank you."
Cristina Brannock Chi Lambda '01
#% I I "•• W U
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Lisa Darnley Cooper, Alpha Delta '92
Alumnae News
3 0
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 J
Alumnae chapters love
to recognize accomplish- ments or special occasions
for theirmembersor chapter. Thefollowingare afew ofthe wags chapters hue to celebrate.
The Acadiana Alumnae Chapter honors our special sisters at Founders' Day with a Certificate of Honor and
a red rose. When there is an extra-special accom- plishment, such as Judy Corne and Carolyn French receiving "AlumnaeWomen of Achievement" awards
a t LI, w e f e a t u r e t h e m i n
our chapter newsletter and submit an article to our local newspaper.
Ann Arbor
We have celebrated our chapter's accomplishments with a year-end Summer Family Picnic. Everyone brought their families and a dish to pass. The chapter providedKFCChicken. Our picnic was held in a beauti- ful park with a nice children's play area. The picnic was a success. The children had a great place to play and the adults in each family had the opportunity to meet and talk with each other.
As w e celebrate To
Dragma's history, the Atlanta alumnae also celebrate our chapter's history. Founded in 1933 with the first meeting held at Ansley Golf Club, the Atlanta Alumnae chapter will celebrate its 72nd "birthday" in February 2 0 0 5 . Each
year the group returns to Ansley to gather with invited local collegiate chapters. Programs have varied over the years but they always incorporate honoring AOII s founders and recognizing
our 50-year members. Memories of collegiate years are shared by the 50-year members to the delight of all attendees. This is a tradition all Atlanta AOII's enjoy.
TheBaltimoreAlumnae Chapter likes to have a rea- son to celebrate each of our wonderful members! W e found the best way to do that is by sending birthday greetings full of best wishes.
We honorourmembers' accomplishments by
listing them in our twice
a year alumnae chapter newsletters. W e also send out emails to our alumnae to let them know of these accomplishments in case they want to send cards to the alumna or chapter on their special occasion.
Bowling Green
W e like to honor a chapter/ individual accomplishment or occasion by sending
a personalized note and sending out a press release to area media. W e then announce it by an email or recognize them at the next group function.
W e will honor a special accomplishment for a member with a luncheon at a local eatery. A private room allows us to make comments, decorate, and enjoy each other's company. A luncheon is usually more affordable and easier to reserve a speciallocation.
Bucks County
Our favoritewayof celebrating is to have fantastic brunches. Everyone brings a dish, just what
we feel like making, and
it always works out very well. However, one time,
we had almost all desserts, they were wonderful and no one was complaining. At our fantastic brunches, w e acknowledgetheindividual accomplishments of our sisters by discussing them and supporting them in
their endeavors.
How do we celebrate? Well, for one thing, it always seems to involve great food! W e honor our outstanding members at our Founders' Day Brunch and informally
at other events throughout
the year.
Central Kentucky Bluegrass
We're a young chapter, but the award the chapter won
at Leadership Institute was passed around and admired at our first meeting this summer. We honor the Epsilon Omega seniors with a dinner and per- form the alumnae ceremony for them in M a y .
Central NewJersey
Our biggest celebration is Founders' Day. W e have a great luncheon where we can all socialize and catch up.
W e also have an ornament exchange which is always a highlight. Throughouttheyear we also recognize individuals for special events, anniversa- ries or happenings in their lives byrecognizingitatthemeet- ings or in our newsletters.
New Mexico
We are a young chapter,
and are just starting to develop big and small ways to honor our sisters. At Founders' Day, our chapter gives a pin, rose, andcertificatetothe50-year members in our group. The 25-year members are award- ed a rose and certificate. For fun and encouragement,
we give out a free raffle
ticket to those who show
up on time to our meetings! Every meeting has 2-3 door prizes donated by volunteer members that get raffled off for fun. This has been another nice way to raise money
in our small chapter.
[Idea Sharing]
To honor a member's individual accomplishment
or occasion, we try to bring recognition to that individual by giving them a rose recog- nition pin and by honoring the members who have been active for 25 or 50 years with special recognition at our Ritual meeting and by presenting each with a 25 or 50-year member pin.
One way that our chapter likes to acknowledge our achievements is through
our regular newsletter. W e not only share our chapter's achievements like earning the highest level of the Standards of Excellence Performance Award at Leadership
Institute this summer, but w e also share our members' individual achievements. From weddings, to babies,
to new jobs, new homes,
and new pets, our individual achievements are shared and enjoyed by all!
Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter celebrates many ways, but this year was extra special.
In September, we honored two very dedicated ladies who have been a part of AOII for 5 0 years. Both ladies have been dues paying members since the 60s and have held many,
if not all positions in our chapter. W e honored Ann McAbee Borst, Alpha Tau
5 3 and Valerie Christmann Burghard, Rho '54 using the Ritual for the 50th Anniversary Membership Pin. Each were presented with a certificate, pin and rose. Both were
very surprised as we honored them for their service.
Chicago West
Our chapter has devised a unique way to recognize special achievements and participation among our members. At our first meeting of the season, w e fashioned nametags that hang on lanyards. Each member's name and a sticker, chosen by each member to represent an interest or hobby (used
for icebreakers), appears on the nametag. Specific beads to string on the lanyards are awarded to reflect different elements of participation or accomplishments. W e have beads for attendance, paying dues, officers, participation at fund raisers, pearls of wisdom for correctly answering mem- bership education questions, etc. W e also have special rose beads that members can purchase for a fellow sister for a $1,called"RosestoYou", to acknowledge a special event or accomplishment in her life. The proceeds are
put into our charity slush fund. At the end of the season, we will tally the beads, and the member with the most beads will win a prize.
Cleveland Area
The Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter has its most fun at
its holiday Make-it, Bake-it, Sew-it, Grow-it Auction held every year in December. Not only do we get to show-off our handiwork (jewelry- making, knitting, sewing, crafting, baking), we get the chance to acquire wonderful, one-of-a-kind items to give as holiday presents to our family and friends.
Our Founders' Day celebra- tion is the time we recognize 50 and 25-year members. Fifty year members receive
a rose and a 50-year pin. This year w e are recognizing
Murfreesboro Area Alumnae Red Rose Garden Tea
Charlotte Alumnae Chapter's dinner meeting
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter panda donation
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
individual accomplishments at every meeting. The members receive the "Red Rose of Honor" or another small gift. Recognition can be for vari- ous reasons, such as, bringing a friend to the meeting, good attendance, outstanding service to chapter, job and community awards.
We honor our 50-year members during our Founders' Day Celebration. W e pres- ent each with a decorated Red Rose and their 50-year pin. W e follow this with our candle lighting ceremony.
The Delaware Alumnae Chapter celebrates with food. W e make sure that all our events includes goodies to eat. A sister can use that time to show off a great dessert or recipe which she loves to make.
Denton County
their college years. W e also honor an outstanding colle- gian by awarding a scholar- ship to her. An outstanding alumna receives the Founders' Day Honor Certificate.
We have had a numberof occasions to celebrate in the past few years, including baby showers, wedding showers, and retirement and going away parties. W e generally host such events
af the home of a member, or at a local restaurant. In the coming year, we are celebrating a wedding with a shower and a joint gift (in November), and a baby shower, again with a joint gift, in December. These events are a great reason to get together and celebrate sisterhood, as well as the milestones in the lives of our members.
The Ft. Lauderdale Area Alumnae Chapter is celebrat- ing its' 50th Anniversary in February 2 0 0 5 . W e plan
to celebrate on a Sea Escape Casino Cruise. Each year at our Founders' Day celebra- tion we honor our 50-year members by presenting
them with their 50-year
pins. Additionally, they are mentioned in our annual fall newsletter.
Grand Rapids
Tocelebrate,wereflectupon our Ritual. The occasion or person being celebrated every time will is compared to out Ritual and how w e should liveitdaily. Oneofthebest ways is to find a quote to place in a spot you see daily to remind you of such things.
Greater Lee County (FL) alumnae enjoy a dinner meeting
The accomplishment of the member is highlighted in our annual newsletter under our "Sister Spotlight" section. W also like to acknowledge the accomplishments at one of
our monthly "lunch bunch" gatherings. Celebrations
are always fun when sharing a good meal with your sisters!
Founders' Day Luncheon
is always Denver Area Alumnae's favorite celebra- tion. AllAOIIsinourarea (Chi Delta Chapter, Epsilon Gamma Chapter and alumnae) look forward to
this very special occasion. At Founders'Daywehonorour 50-year members. W e ask them to share stories of
"Fondest Memory"
night for the Sarasota Area Alumnae
New Orleans Alumnae Chapter High Teaand Panda Collection
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
From the average business meeting to the more formal Founders' Day Celebrations,
it seems that every time our awesome group of women get together it turns into a type of celebration! Regardless
of age, economic or marital statuses, our ever-present friendships are truly unique. Because we don't ever want accomplishments to go unnoticed, at the end
of every meeting we take
the time to go around the circle to share "What's N e w With You". This gives all members a time to share individual, family a n d / o r fessional accomplishments. This enables all of us to share in our sister's excitement!
Greater Jackson
W e especially love to cel- ebrate at Christmas. One of our favorite ways is to host a party and ornament swap.
Kansas City
Greater Pensacola
W e have a luncheon in the spring and at this time we usually acknowledge our 50- year members and a member that served the alumnae chapter above and beyond.
Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter honors outstanding sisters with awards which are given at Founders' Day. Awards are for Loyalty, Appreciation, Spirit of Friendship, and Service. The awards are considered a great honor in our chapter and those who win are very appreciative of the honor.
W e are embarking on a
new project this year. Our President, Nancy Chard,
is an avid scrapbooker, so we will be creating an AOII scrapbook to celebrate each member, each year, and any occasion worthy of its own page. As a chapter, we love food, especially chocolate and M & Ms!
Tarrant County
W e celebrate with food and drink- a tradition that dates back to our college days!
Our accomplishments get star billing in our newsletters. W e love to spotlight Houston AOIIs who have achieved something noteworthy. It's motivating to see what our sisters can accomplish!
W e celebrate AOII at our Founders' Day by celebrating our Ritual. Founders' D a y is a day when we enjoy talking about our founders and reflecting on the reason we are all here. W e have also
planned a meeting where we will discuss AOII Ritual, history and share AOII stories from different chapters so we will never forget the amazing bond of AOII.
Since our chapter is just getting started, w e haven't had too much of a chance
to celebrate yet, except the fact w e are together. W e usually like to gather at a nice restaurant and have a girls night out!
Thejonesboro Alumnae chapter celebrates Founders' Day in conjunction with Sigma Omicron at Arkansas State University. Each year
a banquet is held. During the banquet the alumnae chapter celebrates an outstanding collegiate with The Sheaf Award. The recipient is nomi- nated and voted upon by the alumna chapter. W e also endow Excel Scholarships and a Sigma Omicron Scholarship through the
AOII Foundation.
W e give members awards or certificates at Founders' Day; or in the case of last year we honored someone on our 35th Anniversary celebration.
O n e of our most successful/ well received events is our annual "AOII Day At The Downs." This year's event
will take place on Sunday,
M a y 15, 2 0 0 5 at historical Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY. Each ticket will include admission to the Skye Terrace (a.k.a. Millionaire Row), a racing program and box lunch. There may also be tours of the facilities. W e would love for as many AOIIs and their family and friends to
attend. We're asking that
AOIIs wear their favorite red dress or pant suit, so that they stand out among the crowd.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email President, Sarah Krans at gssara [email protected].
Lake County of111
W e send cards, e-mails and we love to have parties. Our support network is always there for our members. W e sent flowers to Shirley for her 80th along with lots of cards. W e also give small gifts to members who host events.
Lehigh Valley
Our chapter enjoys getting together for dinner, either at
a member's home or at a favorite or new restaurant, at which time special occasions or accomplishments can be shared and acknowledged.
W e always celebrate our members during our joint Founders' Day Celebration in the winter. We decide on a member we would like to offer and then recognize her at the event.
Little Rock Area
The Little Rock Area alumnae like to honor or acknowledge members of our chapter by giv- ing them verba! praise at meet- ings and written recognition in our monthly newsletters. W e also honor and recognize our members by making a dona- tion to the AOII Foundation in their name.
London (Ontario)
W e like to celebrate our accomplishments by spending time with each other. W e usu- ally meet for dinner or dessert and coffee and celebrate the occasion with sisterhood.
At each meeting, members in attendance donate $1 to our flower and gift fund. When a sister has a special event in her life, such as the arrival of a new baby, our correspond- ing secretary sends flowers and a card.
Los Angeles
Living in Southern California, alumnae and collegians
are lucky to have an annual Founders' Day celebration. At this event we honor a sister of the year and we have a very special elite honor called "The Tre Tyler Award". In our monthly newsletter we have
a "roses to" sections and a "have you heard" section where we honor sisters.
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Long Island
the many 50-year members. Sunday was reserved for Ritual and a brunch at the chapter house with the col- legiate members. W e also celebrate individual events
by small groups going out for lunch or dinner - whatever it is, it usually involves food!
The Mobile Alumnae Chapter and Gamma Delta Chapter of the University of South Alabama have a combined Founders' Day Luncheon
at a nice location. W e recognize alumnae who have contributed 20 to 25-years
of service by presenting
them with a service pin. This year (Jan. '05) w e plan to honor some of the founding alumnae of our chapter.
The Monroe Alumnae Chapter has a special "AOII Girls Nighl Out" with active alumnae and new first year members. W e meet at a local restaurant for a dutch treat meal. N o business
is allowed! Members are encouraged to invite a sister who has not been active
in the alumnae group. This serves as a social meeting and a recruitment meeting all in one. The Monroe Alums have been organizing this event for the last 8 years.
The Muncie Alumnae Chapter celebrates with food, fun, laughter and sisterhood. All acknowledgements to our own members are informal. W e honor the Chapter (KK) by giving scholarships and awards through Corporation Board and by participating
in recruitment, Founders'
Day and Senior Tea, again celebrating with food, fun, and sisterhood.
Murfreesboro Area
The Murfreesboro Alumnae Chapter honors sisters with cards and personal letters of congratulations. W e take great pride in adding a per- sona touch to sisters' celebra- tions! Most recently, Anne Marie Toy was honored at a surprise birthday party and presented with a fine china rose plate for hosting the Red Rose Garden Tea.
Nashville Area
The Nashville Area Alumnae Chapter takes great pride in annually honoring a super sis- ter with the "Greek W o m a n of the Year" Distinction. The award, voted on by chapter members, is presented at our Founders' Day luncheon and includes a special recognition pin. The Greek Woman
New York Capital Region
Our chapter acknowledges each other in a variety of ways. W e do this through recognition in our newslet- ter, at our get-togethers
with a celebration for the particular event, and also by giving each other awards at Founders' Day.
New York
Citg Area
The NYC Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 100th Anniversary this year with a traditional afternoon tea at the historic Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. Members met in the Palm Court to absorb the elegant and refined Baroque dining room, while listening
to the harpist play during our afternoon tea service. W e feasted on English tea sand- wiches, freshly baked scones, miniature pastries, and herbal aromatic teas.
Orange Co.
W e enjoy just being in fellowship with one another. Our meetings are always
fun as well as informative.
W e reminisce together, get caught up on our families and plan/implement "work" that benefits AOII and the Arthritis Foundation.
Northern Virginia
Each year at our Founders' Day luncheon, the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter honors a member that is an "unsung hero". This is our opportunity to say thank
you to an alumna who has worked tirelessly throughout the year to organize events or help us grow in some way.
W e also recognize those members who are celebrating
Our chapter celebrates being with each other whenever we get together. There are events w e look forward to going to each year. It could be tea at a local tea house or a play (usually a musical) at a local theatre. W e enjoy participat- ing in walks for arthritis and Parkinsons disease. Each December we celebrate Founders' Day at a different restaurant with a special ceremony honoring one of our sisters. There is never a problem with co-ordinating any of these functions as
this group of women enjoy working and being with each other. Getting together once a month and sharing our
life experiences with each other is a celebration. W e care about each other. W e celebrate being together in this busy, hectic world.
W e like to eat! W e will meet at the Great Dane Restaurant before the Farmer's Market
or w e follow up with lunch at a nice little spot near Spring Green after the Fall Art Fair. We may do potlucks or order out. O n e thing for sure, w e rarely miss lunch!
of the Year is also honored at the Nashville Panhellenic Luncheon in the spring. The 2004 Greek Woman of the Year is AOII's Colleen Caban, Rho Omicron.
New Orleans Area
In New Orleans, we love to celebrate, no matter what
the occasion. Our chapter had fun commemorating Stella's birthday for our December monthly gather- ing. Before indulging in cake and ice cream, we enjoyed a potluck-style salad bar. In May, we hosted
a Mexican-themed Cinco de Mayo social meeting. Our most well attended annual celebration is our
Jazz Brunch Founders' Day, where we recognize sev- eral sisters who have made outstanding contributions to our chapter. Each honoree is announced and given a small appreciation gift.
W e go all out for celebra- tions. Recently, Tau Chapter ontheUofMN campus celebrated its 90th anniver- sary. While the 90th is not normally a milestone anniver- sary, the alumnae chapter decided it was worthy of celebration, and planned
a 3-day event. Friday night we offered an alumnae-only wine and cheese reception. For Saturday, we planned a banquet for collegians and alumnae with presentations and awards, most notably for
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ]
their 25 or 50-year anniver- saries with a short ceremony. In addition, we also honor a non-AOII who has helped our chapter throughout the year. This may even be a spouse
or "significant other". W e also announce engagements, marriages, births, promotions, etc., in our monthly newsletter and on our website so that
all of our members stay con- nected with one another.
parents and a rose with no thorns. The money from the donations is then spent to send one collegiate to the Convention that summer.
Palm Beach
For celebrations, we usually just get together for a pot luck supper or luncheon.
Palo Alto
W e honor a member at Founders' Day. W e also
list accomplishments in our newsletter which is published
Palouse Washington
W e are a small group
and tend to celebrate in small, but meaningful,
ways. Members have been presented with 50-year pins during our meetings.
The Philadelphia Alumnae can always come up with a reason to get together and celebrate, especially on holidays. Last October, we met in the Old City section of Philadelphia for dinner and
a ghost tour. As w e strolled the street where Ben Franklin once roamed, the guide shared with us stories of ghost sightings and strange hap- penings. Another holiday, Founders' Day, is specific to AOII's and a perfect oppor- tunity to spotlight sisters who have served AOII within our chapter and beyond.
In Phoenix, we believe that AOII is a "get to", not a "have to". W e recognize and reward all of us collectively for the wonderful mothers, wives, career women, community volunteers and neighbors
"Breakfast with Santa" arthritis fund raiser for Greater Pinellas and Gamma Theta Chapters
IHIllillllilHUIIIIIIIl iiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiii
NY/NJ Metro
Our chapter especially
looks forward to our annual Christmas Party and ornament auction. W e enjoy sharing this special time together as we look forward the holidays. Our chapter also enjoys cel- ebrating individual members special occasions at our meetings. Announcements
are printed in our newsletters for engagements, weddings, births and career promotions.
Orlando Area
W e always celebrate our Founders' Day in January or February and we honor our 25, 50 and 75-year mem- bers with recognition at the banquet. W e have a plaque and information about the sister to share with the group.
Traditionally, we use our newsletter to share news about the accomplishments and special events in our sisters' lives.
Each year, our alumnae chapter sends letters to the parents of the Nu Beta new members with cards for them to write to their daughters. They return the cards and a donation, and on the day
of initiation we ensure that each new initiate has a letter of congratulations from her
Sii MUUUIIIIIIilMllllimiHi linn llllllillllllllllH
alumnae at the McLean County Arthritis Walk
iimn mini mint
ToDragma [Spring2005]
Suburban Maryland alumnae attend the "Pandas on Parade" Washington D.C art exhibit
that we are. W e do so in true girlfriend style- good food, good music, a relaxing atmosphere and plenty of pampering including facials, makeovers, hand massages, chair massages and great pool side conversation.
Each event, whether social or philanthropic is planned as a girlfriend getaway!
Piedmont, NC
Our summer newsletter has a news section where we share exciting events
in sisters lives, such as marriage or births.
W e generally like to have
a dinner or luncheon to celebrate. Whether it be an individual's accomplishment, a chapter anniversary, or whatever. We enjoy getting together over a meal and talking with each other.
In light of our centennial issue of To Dragma, our chapter will celebrate our Founders' day in December.
SaltLake City
W e started our calendar year in September with a "Fall Into AOII" hike to Silver Lake. It was a perfect time to enjoy the mountains and catch up with your AOII Sisters. Families were also invited. Salt Lake City sits
at the base of the Wasatch Mountain range.
San Antonio
live background music as we ate and mingled. Many awards were given to outgoing and current officers and for those who attended events regularly. Upsilon Lambda Collegiate Chapter President and officers were in attendance to present
a gorgeous award to the
SA AC marking the event. This is one of our favorite possessions! For the upcom- ing 61sf Anniversary the plans are taking shape for
a floating dinner on a river barge on the Riverwalk in March 2005. During the
25th Anniversary of Upsilon Lambda Chapter, the SA AC presented the chapter with an engraved silver platter. Many of our members attended their Ritual, dinner and dance along with special guests, Susan Danko and Leigh Perry.
San Diego
Our chapter honors members each fall with a Membership Tea. This year we celebrated 25, 50, and 75 year anniversaries of AOII membership. Each honored member has the opportunity to share her favorite sisterhood memories with everyone, whether from their collegiate or alumnae years. It helps us all honor and understand how the friendship of AOII reaches across the decades.
San Fernando
50-year members every September. Incorporating Ritual, food, and fellowship at a Saturday brunch or
tea party makes for a very pleasant afternoon. Our newsletter offers a great avenue of communication where w e update our mem- bers on accomplishments, celebrations, and other noteworthy events.
Our members enjoy drop-in events once a month at a different local restaurant.
W e invite both AOII and non-AOII individuals to join us. It is a low stress event and always brings out
new members.
San Mateo
San Mateo Alumnae Chapter honors its individual member's contributions
and accomplishments with mention in our newsletter, tributes at Founders' Day (usually accompanied by
a certificate, small gift or recognition pin) as well as
a special time at each meeting to review what individuals have achieved.
Sarasota Area
At Founders' Day we have a special presentation to honor all members especially
those who are new, 25,
40 and 50-year members. This group is individually announced and comes up to receive a rose from the President. A group picture is taken.
W e try to recognize our members or occasions on our monthly newsletter or at monthly meetings, but most of our acknowledgments are presented at Founders' Day.
South Bay/
Pahs Verdes
The South Bay/PV chapter loves to celebrate, especially when it is for one of our sisters. All members accom- plishments are highlighted in out monthly newsletter. W e also celebrate at our monthly meetings by acknowledging the member.
St Louis
W e like to celebrate with good food and the like. W e try to "celebrate" throughout the year with bonfires, barbecues, pool parties, and fondue night, to name a few. We
will resume awards and acknowledgement at our Founders' Day Celebration this year as we also cel- ebrate 75-years in St. Louis.
SMAC uses our newsletter to acknowledge our members accomplishments or special occasions. W e send this out to all our members quarterly. Other members can send "roses" in the newsletter to let others know of the special accomplishments of any of our members. In addition
w e honor special accom- plishments with awards at Founders' Day. W e typi- cally present 25-year and 50-year membership pins and other special awards at Founders' Day.
Tampa Bay
W e celebrate our member- ship at Founders' day each year as well as special recognition of a member who has gone 'above and beyond' their sisterhood to TBAC and AOII.
W e
our 60th Anniversary with a brunch at the St. Anthony Hotel. This historic location provided a wonderful backdrop for this special event. W e hired a three- piece jazz band to play
Our newsletter, that is sent out in the Fall to all on our mailing list, is used to inform all the alumnae in our area of special individuals and their accomplishments.
San Gabriel Valley
The San Gabriel Valley Alumnae Chapter celebrates our newest
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Terre Haute
W e celebrate the start
of the collegiate seniors'
last year with a 'Wine
and Roses' evening. Hors d'ouevres, cake, and coffee are served, and gifts are given to each girl.
Toledo Area
To honor or acknowledge an accomplishment or occasion, typically we send a congratulatory card and put an announcement in
our annual newsletter or in The Gazette, the newsletter we have available at our monthly meetings. W e will also recognize individual or chapter accomplishments at chapter meetings.
W e pass around cards
for everyone to sign to acknowledge a marriage,
a new baby or reaching a milestone of membership, etc. W e recently made a donation to the Foundation
in honor of a local AOII who had just reached her 75- year anniversary of initiation.
W e have been working
hard to recognize sisters
who have participated
in activities by including them, by name, in our monthly email newsletter.
In addition, we have pre- sented members with rose certificates in recognition of accomplishments as well as reaching alumnae milestones like 10, 15, 20, 25-year membership, etc. W e are introducing a rose tribute rec- ognition at our monthly meet- ings similar to the tributes given in recognition of sisters at International Convention and Leadership Institute. The proceeds from this tribute will be used to promote sister- hood activities.
W e present our 50-year members a pin at a lun- cheon given in their honor. Our largest celebration in
the past 24 months was the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter's 75th anniversary. W e celebrated with a cake and brought our collegiate scrap- books and remembered the past so that we can better plan for the future.
The Tuscaloosa Alumnae Chapter honors the graduat- ing seniors of Alpha Delta with a special event and gift to welcome them.
W e love to celebrate AOII by gathering at either a restaurant or a sister's home where AOIIs from numerous decades come out and recount stories by their collegiate experiences and talk about their current lives. W e honor our sisters by nominating them for appli- cable International Awards (such as Rose Awards) or
by presenting them with Certificates of Appreciation. W e recently had a large gathering at a little tea shop where we honored Alice Porter, a charter member of Beta Kappa, by collecting money for flowers to be sent to her. Alice was too ill to attend this wonderful event.
The Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter is terribly good
at getting together and eating for sisterhood and celebration! Several of
our annual activities are centered around a pot-luck or dining out experience
to keep things casual and simple and enjoy each other's company.
Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter's Ghost Tour event
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
San Antonio Alumnae Chapter Viva Fiesta Kick-off meeting
AOII salutes the following women who will celebrate their 50th anniversary with the Fraternity during the upcoming school year. Congratulations to these Alpha Omicron Pi members who were initiated between July 1,1955 and June 30,1956.
As To Dragma celebrates its Centennial, we proudly salute our past, present and future.
Alpha Omicron
Louisiana State U
Sally Bateman
Charlotte Weist Dufour Gayle Ahern Keller
Jewell Vegas Ott
Pamella Magruder Roitzsch Jane Austin Smith
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
Carole Griffith Beatty Emilee Pasha Dekam Maxine Siderius Hanson Catherine Welch Kologi JoAnne Kralich
Sharon Fiskum McGowan Daryll Smith Nicholson Collyn Hunter Slavens
Alpha Pi
Florida State U
Barbara Greene Anderson Ella Jo Bilinski Bebeau Mary Casey Hinton
Lillian Fountain Johnson Linda Brinkley Lindsey Gretchen Thompson McCall JalnaParcell O'Neil
Alpha Rho
Oregon State U
Elizabeth Moore Barker Esther Thiessen Carnahan Janet Armes Koupal Sandra Wallace Mihelcich
Donna Yancey Smalley Nancy Korvola Stillings Marjorie Mahoney Tenney Sybil W estenhouse
Alpha Sigma
U of Oregon
Sharon Rafferty Hall Suzanne Hughes
Vera Long
Patricia Mills Moody Roberta McLean Ryding Barbara Proebstel Seymour Elice Swanson Skirvin
Alpha Tau
Dennison U
Patricia Mabee Baker
Theda Burke
Dorie Katona Calby
Barbara Bode Christ Georgiana Gates Clark
Mary Hering Coe
Martha DePuy Duncan Barbara Denison O'Connor Barbara Easterday Schwarting Donna Cochran Smith Barbara Nash Weiss
Judith Rodefer Yingst
Beta Gamma
Michigan State U
Grace Chynoweth
Joan Wehrlin Fitzpatrick Poof Peffley Hanlon Dorothy Balanean Hopkin Nancy Smull Lorig
Jan Kilgore McKelvey Elizabeth Smith Pannier Alayne Anderson Richards Patricia Brady Sargeant Joan Dailey Schweitzer Susan McPherson Smith Joyce Remsberg Wilfong
Beta Kappa
U of British Columbia Miriam Haahti Goud
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Jo Marley Bergman
Judi Polivka Betts
Sylvia Bode
Janet Polivka Curtis
Marti Ariano Dixon
Cathy Centlivre Hitchcock Pat Kozacik Kyle
Carol Kuder Pictor
Nancy Miller Schenkel Elaine Laird Wagner
Anne Paramenko Weeks Marge Scudamore Wilson Carolyn Hasler Winters Carolyn Feutz Zehendner
Beta Tau
U ofToronto
Kathleen Steele Alexander Lynne Griffiths Faulkner Donna Fleming Jenner
Helen Tucker Johnstone
Pat Vancamp Mills
Patty Montgomery Naylor Constance Saunders Troullos
Syracuse U
Rosabel Bamford Degni Barbara E Dutcher-Campbell Elaine Hardy Hale
Liz Laidlaw Jones
Chi Delta
U of Colorado
Jeanne Conrad Amendola Bethany Bush
Carol Traskos Cable
Leslie Helhena Delaney Carol Sukla Faulkner Suzanne Baty Fickel
Mary Jordan Gibson Carolyn Kober Howerton Mary McKee Johnson Nancy Setter Karl
Beverly Baer Liston
Barb Marx Sullivan Elizabeth McCarverTolson
Chi Lambda
U of Evansville
Pat Lafferty Barnes
Marge Lampert Buechlein Loma Elliott Hoefflin
Pete Knott Kaletta
Kay Freels Lant
Susan Kolb Mayer
Sara Warren Singer
Susie Craig Smith
Judy Buffenbarger Torrence Faye Cecil W ortman
To Pragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Tufts U
Ruthie White Bauch Barbara Bilowz Campbell Gail Palmer Kennedy Nora Kula
Jacquelynne McLncas Stephanian
Delta Delta
Auburn U
Joey West Burton
Linda Rowell Courtney Annette Ray Davis
Carolyn Parks Dehart Harriet Hurst Hundley Gloria Lovelace Hutchinson Rexine Johnston Lee Wanda Manasco
Annie Ruth Estes Mount Mona Kelly Powers
Jane Schauer Reedy
Joyce Enzor Sweat
Josie Thomas
Joyce Nickerson Vance
Kay Hunter Whaley
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Barbara Hams AJlari Elizabeth Amphlett Antonioli Nancy Beel Proctor
Corinne Borello Wagner
Cornell U
Margaret Easter
Paula Zurich Vanbrink BethlliffWilson
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U Mary Klees Armstrong Marilyn Dumm Dickinson Lois Colteryahn Fry Wickie Wickizer Gomlick Patricia Stermer Goodman Arlene Donafrio Horvath Rosemary Keating Jackson Marilyn Roberts Jerding Ruth Dieter Lehman
Renee Mattison McDeavitt Arlene Zimmerman Miller Carol Jones Parker
Belva Syryca
Carol Braun Tatem Patricia O'Neill Taylor Nancy Siftar Thorne Carole Zielke Walsh
Janet Stakel Wanser
Lois Philips Weber Barbara Brainerd Williams
U of Maine
Liz Pope Haggerty
Barbara Kelly
Nancy Roberts Munson Betty Lachance Tibbetts Jean Ulmer Tompkins Janet Collins Toothaker Sandra Noyes Warner Carolyn Anderson Winans
Gamma Omicron
U of Florida
Joyce Wray Alford
Judith Bridges Booth Marilyn Kirkland Davis Mary Keefer Herman Foust Betty Arendt Harrison
Joan Urankar Le Riche Gamma Sigma
Hope Whitmire Ayo
U of Illinois
Irene Anderson Brown Joanne Glaeser Harman Catie Kendeigh Little Carol Norton Serfling Janet Reissen Sweda
lota Alpha
Idaho State U Catherine Groom Jones Frannie Harris Lowe Dree Knack Miller Jane Jones Quick Carolyn Seyfert Smith Joan Miller Smith
Randolph Macon Women's College
Sarah Ford Davis
Judy Tontz Ellzey
Jenny Richardson Meseke Laura Somerville Ramsay Nancy Graham Wiatt
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
Jeanie Harshbarger Baker Dorothy Hoare Crichfield Miriam Mayfield Dahlen Nancy Hayward Hile Marilyn Sohn Miller Carol Torie Pettit
Marilyn Retaking Phillips Eileen Lantz-Prose
Sue Henson Raabe
Betty Talbot Sontag Joanie Sutherland Stewart- Kauffman
Phylis Cluder Swift Sharon Lutes Topping
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College Gloria Cook Brandt
Virginia Lee Butler
Barbara Eisenberger Culpepper Mary Rudolph Hartline
Betty Blackburn Huth
Bobbie Knowles
Marilyn Witt Mouchett
Joan Palsgraaf
Betty Hollady Selph
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Judith Vance Atkinson Sharon Wilson Auer Phyllis Carter Barnes Loma Craigie Etchison Lois Deardorff Foreman Fay Follett Godman Marilyn Shock Haas Marilyn Hart
Joan Vahle Herron
Kay O'Rourke Hogue Janice Clevenger Jackson
Joan Nichols Leinbach Ruthie Stiver Linton Constance Leckie McAvoy Martha Williams McDermott Sharon Sayers Park
Jayne Judkins Sample Jane Harley Starner Bonnie Habegger Turner Shelly Shaw Wood
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Phyllis Williams Mostellar Sue Osenbaugh Williams
Kappa Phi
McGill U
Eileen Faughnan Foster Bernice Thomas Szabo
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
Nora Hankinson
Maryann Schaller Prien Bonnie Rathbun Shee Kappa Theta
Dorothy Brown Bubelis
Pat Maag De Vorss
Hazlet Gann Edmonds Barbara Fowler Eggert Barbara Carter Evans
Betty Covington French Jeanne Wilhelm Harwood Patricia Robinson Jertberg Joan Murphy Johnson Patricia Coltrin Johnson Bonnie Suttles Larson Donnie Clemenson McNeal Toni Yarrow Mennell Bonnie Williams Meyer Marie Reeve Rising
Nancy Jewel Woods
Lois Lundwall Zanteson
Lambda Sigma
U of Georgia
Laney Jones Bixby Judy Robinson Booth Myra Rutland Buckley Joyce Giles Crockett Carolyn Davis Fennell
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Sarah Sherwood Gillen Glen Ann Asbell Harbin
New York U
Dolores Coates Becker Annele McQueen Desjarlais Barbara Ann Ziebolz Sebald
Nu lota
Northern Illinois U
Elizabeth Shaffer Bartels
Ann Lindgren Buscher Elizabeth Caldarelli Callaghan Phyllis Hammargren Clayton Marilyn Hosek Cunat
Patricia Hayes Cutlip Jacqueline Beardsley Eckhardt Audrey Peters Egler
Jane Ekstrand Geisler
Karen Patrick Gisleson
Diane Adams Guhl
Janice Ferris Huszti
Arlene Seegers Johnson Norma Wilson Jung-Stein Ruth Johnson Kaltenbach Elaine Nelson MacKenzie Helen Doktycz Maguire Phyllis McCormick
Bonnie Seymour McCrary Jayne Schafer
Gloria Arnold Spencer
Fran Raber Vanerka
Mary Hartwick Voss
Nu Lambda
U of Southern Cal-LA Betty Buls Anear
Dottie Hine Ecker
Anita Gilbert McCormick Beth Mosher
Marilyn Roberts Palfrey Jane Stransky Stauss
Nu Omicron VanderbirtU
Kay Wollan Aagard Helen Tanley Alford Helen Dombusch Beard Babs Carter Caraway Elizabeth Chase
Anita Kirby Cochran Rebecca Couch
Kay Tibbals Davenport
Pat Long Dickerson
Mary Woolslair Doak Elizabeth Reynolds Kilmer Thelma Houk McGrory Kathryn Roberts McKinney Patricia Pelot Sanders Dottie Akers Thompson Joan Mcintosh Van Hulzen Roberta Henry Vest
Miami U
Nancy Bogner Enos
Gail Obermann Froehlich Peg Smales Kleckner Carol Clark Pavlick Mamie McKee Roti Phyllis Reid Snyder
Jeri Emmert Stahr
Lois Smith Walter
Sue Ballou Weir
Marilyn Martin Young Carol Pinter Zenisek
U ofTennessee
Helen Beard Adair Margaret Jones Donovan Carol Devore Douglas Kathryn Myers Jenkins Trav King Johnson Catherine Coe Kennedy Carol Greer Lashlee Deanna Gass Mays Colene Siler McCord Anna Bell Poe
Joy Phifer Rogers
Mary Miller Scott Dorothy Stockard Sherry Fisher Tarwater
Omicron Pi
U of Michigan
Mary Godfrey Anderson Janet Barber
Anne Garrick Bridges Carolyn Cummiskey Lois Mills DeBrock
Betty Hill Glascock
Wanda Walgenbach Jacobson Sally Eckwall Jarvis
Joan Higgins Kendzior
Karen Aldridge Maddock Lucretia Kienzlen Satow Beverley Dunn Stevenson Mary Porter Welch
Barbara Bixler Wybrecht
U of Kansas
Margo Jenkins Barrett Marjorie Tinsley Black Sharon Pickerill George Janetha Schmalzried Girotto Frances Smoley Hagman Sandra Sutton Holman Elizabeth Harrison Ince Martha Kew Jacobson Karen Bloyd Jones
Priscilla Schartz Kannarr Stella Kallos Kartsonis Kathryn Meredith
Mary Webster Napiecek Carol Huston Schneider Barbara Bailey Yeokum
Phi Alpha
East Tennessee State U Virginia Combs
Evelyn Quintrell Eiche Bobbie Hodges
Joanne Gregg Peterson Janet Weems Reece Marti Taylor Richardson
Phi Omicron
Hanover College
Margaret Boggs
Donna Clark
Virginia Bowman Comwell Beverly Smith Douglas Madonna McMurry Larrick Harriet Robertson Markve Carolyn Miller
Sandra Salisbury Myers Shirley Selz
Phyllis Graves Spencer Judith Haggard White Nancy Peyton Yohe
Newcomb College
Sherrill Herring Benjamin Beverly Sanderfer Dalton Mary Bourne Johnson Waverly Hemenway Mueller Isabel Thornton Painter Margaret Crossley Shilston
Joy Leggio Strain
Anne Shirley Munch Thomas Anne Mandeville Whittinghill
Pi Delta
U of Maryland
Marylyn Burr Buckley Patricia Cross Felton
Carol Townsend Hampton Helen Marschat Rush Patricia Morrison Sadowski Grace Clark Waidner Nancy Stevens White
Pi Kappa
U ofTexas
Ann Knox Lattimore
Betty Ann Canfleld Penick Mary Williams Perrone Carol Villarreal Slocomb Laura Kennedy Waguespack
U of Pennsylvania Barbara Gilliland Johnson Carmel Gabriele Kaiser Anne Krouse Topham Phyllis Livolsi Zimmerman
Northwestern U
Nancy Litchfield Bragg Carol Briscoe
Diana Nickles Davis
Nancy Sutton Elson
Lesley Dunn Ewald
Pat Fox
Rosemary Garrison Michaele Hallenbeck Glaze Lynne Schafer Gross Jeanne Mitchell Lee
Nancy Murray Lehrer
ToDwgma [Spring2005]
Joan Elfring Lindell
Gail McBride
Corinne Cameron Mertes Angela Serpe Metzger Barbara Bergquist Stephens Rosalind Brown Wakem Suzanne Heyne Zimmerman
U of California Berkeley Mary Ann Gunder Beccio Patricia French Denevan Martha Zimmers Elliott Mary Mehan Hammer Joyce Mumbert Harvey Liz Paul Hook
Margaret Scholz Marston Judy Taylor Nevin
Susan Benedict Palmer Sally Orton Simpson
Hartwick College
Hetty Han ford Adams
Jane Brooks
Setta Bekmezian Derkowski Paulena Beck Hoffmeier Gail Bradley Ingrao
Phyllis Kilmer Jaquay Carole Niddrie Kalinowski
Jacqueline Walter Ortgies Helen Billard Palmer Marilyn Kamb Sagan
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
Sue Shewmake Allen Sharron McWilliams Bednar Barbara Davault Hayes
Ann Rice James
Anna Smith Johnson
Mary Lou Beard Jordan Dorothy Kinman
Carol Williams Moore George Robinson Sims Jacque Layton Stuart
Sharon Hendrix Weber
Nina Yarbrough Whitlatch
Sigma Tau
Washington College Charlotte Samuels Cook Barbara Wyatt Evans Helen Latimer Horrocks Helen Baird Meese Jacqueline Stewart Stowe Judith McCready Yoskosky
U of Minnesota
Jan Shore Boysen
Sandra Iverson Deinard Jane Williamson Forbes Betty Swanson Gibson Gretchen Hoefs Goodman Sandee Rodgers Markel Bobbie Robison Mielke Rosemary Bolline Rice Phyllis Swenson Sachs Anne Lundquist Stiles JanDidraStubbs
Dolores Ecklund Walstrom
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern Kathryn McDonough Browdy Nancy Chester Immel Carolyn Portiss Lewis
Ann Motte McAllister
Sue Boston McBride
Virginia Tucker Mitchell Sondra Anderson Richardson
DePauw U
Beverley Johnson Atkins Nancy Findley Bizal Roberta Duncan Brice Judith Obear Bunn
Looky Lookabaugh Clark Betty Grubb Croft Rachael Lahti Donnelly Janet Barton Dring
Mary McCallum Henrichs Donna Leverenz Lea
Alice Schwartz Scott Power Gini Greenwald Risser-Logan Patricia Foley Siddiq Carolyn Hostetter Smith Nancy Davis Smith
Nancy Barnett Taylor Bev Bryan Wirsching Barbara Kenagy Wood
Theta Eta
U of Cincinnati
Joan Felger Binkley
Jan Jones
Joyce Brendlinger Kelly Jacqueline Darlington Sechler AudreyKahnShumate
Joan Moore Staggs
Theta Pi
Wagner College
Marion Gunther Bale
Nancy Carmer Beauchamp Barbara Kriftner Bol
Janet Leonard Buccola
Merry Young Coleman Barbara Smith Cosgrove Barbara Littlejohn Delpercio Margaret Doyle Demattia
Joan Pietracatelle Dicero
Anne Lesica Eslieb
Patricia HillGraeff
Edith Feller Haack
Priscilla Etgen Larder
Dorothy Rodemann Sickler-Coy
Theta Psi
U of Toledo
Doris Batch Braun
Jo Kreuger Brown
Ann Weybrecht Hoten Susan Warrick Jones Kathryn Herwat Laroche
Jae Ann Newton McNay Elaine Baumgartner Michaels
U of Washington
Dorothy Schwitters Dinkins Donna Weidman Dull Judith Wirkkala Fawcett Barbara Person Ovens
B. A. Tregoning
U of Nebraska-Lincoln JoanneFahrenbruch Anderson Patricia Rutt Bachtold Guinivere Crowley Campbell Nancy Schulte Edwards
Karen Krueger Kubacki
Mary Dubas Lickteig
Joyce Mason Maronde
Phyllis Waggerby McColly Eileen Aksamit Muff
Judy Combs Otto
Karlene Kuxhausen Rowe Cynthia Buell Seymour Margee Rohwer Sohl
Rose HoffTrenkle
Helen Beal Vanderveen
Phyl Bonner Weichenthal
Fran Eicke Yelinek
ToDragma [Spring 2005 ]
50-Year Members •:
Collegiate News
In keeping with To Dragma's centennial, how doesyour chapter honor or acknowledge an individual orchapter accomplishment or a special occasion?
Alpha Psi
Bowling Green State U
To honor our individual accomplishments, such as graduations or Dean's list, w e give outawards and often times put ads in the paper.
Alpha Theta
Coe College
achievements with a Skippy Jar. At the end of chapter a
name is drawn, from members who attended all classes, and that AOII is rewarded with a prize! W e also give the Sister of the Week award and Ritual Award at each chapter meet- ing. Beta Gamma takes great pride in recognizing each other for all the wonderful things w e continue to d o !
Beta Phi
Indiana U
Our chapter likes to celebrate by giving out prizes, recogniz- ing each others' accomplish- ments, a n d having fun sister- hood activities together. W e acknowledge both chapter and individual accomplish- ments by rewarding ourselves with fun things like ice cream socials a n d pizza parties.
W e hand out gift cards, sister of the week certificates, a n d other fun prizes for individual accomplishments.
Beta Tau
U ofToronto
of emphasis o n supporting
and recognizing our sisters especially when it comes
to academics a n d special personal achievements. There are numerous ways that w e recognize our sisters. For starters, our Vice President of Administration recently estab- lished a recognition committee which recognizes stellar sisters on a bi-weekly basis. W e also have a smarty pants board on which sisters post their outstand- ing academic achievements. Finally, w e try and read rose messages, which give sisters
a chance to recognize each other to trie chapter on an more personal level.
Chi Delta
U ofColorado
To the public, w e like to recognize our n e w initiates with an ad in a local publica- tion. Within the chapter, w e give out small weekly awards during our chapter meetings. Academics, AOII Support, "Roses" comments to thank our sisters for whatever they have done, etc.
Chi Lambda
To recognize member accomplishments, our PR chair submits a "congratulations" or "thank you" to the university newspaper. Each year after recruitment, w e submit the names of our new members along with a welcome from our chapter.
CM Psi
California Polytechnic State U
Our sisterhood/CR committee recognizes outstanding mem- bers at chapter meetings. W e also pass around a basket and members put notes in it about other members thanking them for the things they have done.
Chi Uieta
State U
Chi Theta chapter likes
to celebrate someone's
special occasion by doing
a candle lighting. W e d o candlelightings for weddings, engagements, a n d other special occasions. W e usually hold little birthday parties in
the chapter room a n d tradition- ally congratulate them during meetings.
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky IJ
Alpha C h i honors members
in many ways. At our weekly meetings, w e distribute hand- me-down sisterhood awards. The Boo Boo Bear goes to someone who hada trying week. The Traveling Heart
is a decorated journal that
is passed on to someone
who represents Ritual. Just recently, w e began passing The Support Bra, an actual bra that is passed to someone who showed support to the previous sister. O u r VPMR chooses a Smarty Pi weekly for a girl w h o has worked hardandexcelled inher studies. The Keeper of Ritual distributes Happy Hearts (Hershey's Kisses) to those sisters that others feel lived Ritual in that past week. She also gives a Shining Light award (a decorated light bulb) to a girl that she feels shines through our Ritual. At events like Formal, Parents' Day and Founders' Day, awards are distributed for things like Best Big/Lil, academic achieve- ments, senior awards a n d awards for those w h o most represent our founders, to name a few. All Alpha Chi sisters are winners!
Alpha Delta
U ofAlabama
Usually, for members receiving special honors, w e hang a large sign in front of the house commemorating this member so that the entire campus can see her achievement. W e
also have "sister-of-the-week" at chapter. This is where w e can nominate sisters w h o have done something extra special, put their names into a draw- ing, and draw for prizes. It is something w e look forward to each week.
Alpha Gamma
W ashington State U
Our chapter usually honors a member's accomplishments
or recognition of a special award through our campus newspaper. Through the newspaper w e are able to let other chapters a n d students
of the university know the about the wonderful things our members d o .
Alpha Phi
Montana State U
The Alpha Phi Chapter likes
to acknowledge an individual or a chapter with a card and flowers. To honor an occa- sion, an award is usually given along with a dinner or
a brunch.
Alpha Theta has many ways of celebrating an accomplish- ment or occasion. At our chapter meetings w e give
out numerous awards for just about everything from humor to listening, a n d rose awards to hats-off-to-you awards. Our VPAD also awards us with a " N o Skippies" award for someone w h o didn't skip classes that week. W e also have a brag board to write down not just academic achievements, but everyday accomplishments.
Beta Gamma
Michigan State IJ
Beta Gamma does an excellent job celebrating
the accomplishments of
our fellow sisters in Alpha Omicron Pi! We havean officer recognition bracelet that is passed to a deserving officer each week. Also, w e have a bulletin board called Alpha Accomplishments. Each sister hasan envelope on the board. The outside is updated with good grades, awards, club memberships, officer positions, etc. I The envelope allows sisters to leave each other notes of encouragement, congratula- tions, and thanks. Our Vice President of Academic Development acknowledges sisters for their scholastic
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
[Idea Sharing]
Tufts U
Last year, the sisters of Delta held a birthday party to celebrate the 96th anniversary of our chapter's founding. The celebration w a s complete with a fun trivia game about Delta chapter's extensive history!
Delta Delta
Auburn U
W e love to acknowledge accomplishments. In particular, we like to honor those who excel in their academics. Each week our Vice President of Academics gives out special awards called the Study Bug and A-Bags. They are treats to reward those w h o have done well during the week. Also
at the end of the semester, awards are given to those who maintained a high GPA. By honoring those w h o d o well, it encourages others to follow in their footsteps.
Delta Epsilon
Jacksonville State U
Our Chapter loves to cel- ebrate our accomplishments. At each chapter meeting, Leader's Council gives out sev- eral awards such as Positive Panda, Sister of the Week, and the Let Your Light Shine Award. This gives chapter members encouragement and incentive to work hard in their school work, or out on the campus of JSU.
Delta Omega
Murray State U
W e have a monthly chapter birthday party for every girl's birthday. We also putan ad in our campus newspaper called "Look H o w W e Shine". This is where w e brag on all the accomplishments
of our members over the past year. Also, there is an all Greek Newsletter every month in which w e submit upcoming information and accomplishments of indi- viduals a n d the chapter as a whole. Once a month in our
Delta Delta (Auburn U) members cheer on their Tigers
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ]
Lambda Chi (LaGrange College! members interium trip to Greece and the Parthenon
chapter meetings we select a ^ P.R. Princess. This award goes
4-^ to the girl who is seen wear- ing our letters the most.
& DeltaPi
Central Missouri State U
Our chapter's favorite celebra- tion activity is a barbecue.
W e love to get together, hang out, and grill hamburgers and hotdogs. W e have barbecues for sisterhoods as well as cel- ebrations, such as Bid Day. It's a great way for us to unwind, get to know each other better, and have a lot of fun!
Delta Psi
State U ofNew York
Our chapter gives out awards at our chapter meetings to celebrate accomplishments. W e try to give an award to
a sister every week. W e also give out awards at our Spring Formal.
Delta Rho
Every week, the Delta Rho CR committee chooses a "Sister of the Week" who is acknowl- edged for her hard work that week. Whether it be a sister who made additional efforts to make a great education,
or simply a sister who was there at a time in need, Delta Rho offers a small token of appreciation for the hard work all our sisters do.
Delta Theta
Texas Woman's U
As a reward for doing an exceptional job with an
office, our president gives
us neat AOII knickknacks, such as AOII push pins or magnets after announcing us at meetings. W e also give
out gift certificates to sisters who have done a great job academically that week - such as getting an A on an exam!
Epsilon Alpha likes to celebrate our special occa- sions by being together as a sisterhood. W e invite local alumnae, as well as former sisters of our chapter. W e usually spend our time looking at old pictures and learning songs. Our chapter especially loves to hear past stories from our alumnae!
Epsilon Chi
Epsilon Chi recognizes academic success with a Pi Club dinner once a semester to the sisters who made Dean's list. W e have a weekly "smart-pants" award for a sister w e have witnessed working extremely hard. Also, individual accomplishments are often recognized during chapter and will soon be seen in our revised website under "brag box."
Epsilon Gamma
U ofNorthern
W e love to celebrate everyone's accomplishments. It's always a joy to receive wedding invitations and
other invitations inviting us to celebrate memorable events. Whenever someone in the chapter overcomes an obsta- cle or achieves something important to them we make it a priority to give recognition, even to those tasks sometimes over looked.
Epsilon Omega
Epsilon O m e g a honors mem- bers by giving out awards at meetings, posting accomplish- ments in the Eastern Progress, making banners to hang in the center of our campus and we also hang congratulation
signs at the end of our hall. The sisters of Epsilon Omega take pride in our sisters and the chapters accomplishments and want everyone to see how close our sisterhood really is.
Epsilon Sigma
Epsilon Sigma has what we like to call a "Brag Board." Anytime something happens to a sister or a sister has good news we like to put it up on our Brag Board. The Brag Board is just a large picture frame that we put colored paper in and write on the glass with dry erase markers.
U ofMaine
One thing our chapter does
to celebrate is having a "rose outing" for the seniors who
are graduating. W e have a fun evening planned for them. W e take them out to dinner and reminisce about all the fun we had with the seniors and we also put together a scrap- book or something special for each of them that will remind them of their collegiate time
in AOII.
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
Gamma Alpha has grown tremendously within the
last few semesters. Our Leadership Council has gone to extra lengths to ensure that each sister is recognized in our large chapter. This Fall, we have installed our "Sister of the Week." This sister receives the honor after a careful review
of submissions from the entire chapter. This is such a simple way to acknowledge the excellence our sisters strive to achieve on a daily basis.
Gamma Chi
Gamma Chi has many tradi- tions that acknowledge and applaud a job well done!
Every chapter meeting the Rose Book and our chapter panda are passed on to sisters whom the former recipients think deserve recognition for the week.
Gamma Delta
U of South Alabama
Gamma Delta's Chapter Relations Committee puts forth a special effort to present chapter awards and honors each week at chapter meet- ings. W e announce occa- sions to the chapter, and do our best to attend functions that mean a lot to other members.
Gamma Omicron
U ofFlorida
W e celebrate in many ways. There is no better feeling than acknowledging the accom- plishments of our chapter and our sisters as individuals. Our "celebration" can be anything from the simple gestures of gratitude or congratulations we publish in our weekly newsletter, to the lavish "birth- day tables" we put together to make a sister feel special on her birthday. W e also have several awards such as "sister of the week", "the shining
light award" and the "golden cookie award." All of which are simple, yet meaningful ways we celebrate each other accomplishments.
Georgia State U
The ladies of Gamma Sigma love to celebrate our sister- hood in a variety of ways.
W e have a "Sister of the Month" in which a sister who has shown true AOII spirit and sisterhood gets nominated by another sister in a touching letter that is read in front of the chapter. This always brings many tears! The sister is then given an AOII bracelet to wear for the month to signify her honor. Sisters who get notable grades are rewarded
with certificates by our VPAD at chapter, and even the popular candies, "Nerds"
a n d "Smarties" to illustrate their scholarship! And of course, sisters birthdays are a big deal to us and it's not uncommon for there to be a cake cutting after meetings!
Gamma Theta
U of South Florida
W e honor our sisters annu-
ally at the end of the Spring Semester. This event is also
our formal, "Rose Ball." At
this event we honor the most Outstanding Senior/ Junior/ Sophomore/ Freshman, the Highest GPA, Role Model,
N e w Member, and Best Big & Little sister. Throughout the year we also give special awards
to sisters who go above and beyond to help Gamma Theta achieve excellence.
Iota Chi
U ofWestern
Iota Chi celebrates our
chapter triumphs as well as individual accomplishments either at our Founders' Day Mother/Daughter brunch or
at our end of the year wrap up. Sisters are presented with gifts acknowledging their successes. At weekly chapter meetings, we give 'roses'
to girls who have done or accomplished something spe- cial, whether it be AOII related or something personal.
Iota Sigma
Iowa State U
This year our chapter has celebrated many events with our members through candle passings, candle chatter,
and our weekly panda hugs awards. W e are sending many cards and flowers to our members that can't be with us this year due to internships, run- ning for office in other national organizations, and some that have had to take the semester
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
3id Day al Tau Omicron
(U of Tennessee
off. This semester w e have developed a new award
for our members, Super Sis Award, this goes to a member that has gone out of her w a y to b e a great sister to others in the chapter.
Kappa Alpha
Indiana State U
KA acknowledges at least one member every meeting.
W e have a "brag b a g "
where a sister puts in some- thing she accomplished for the week, a n d a name is drawn and she is recognized for her accomplishment. W e also have a star sister b a g that gets passed on each week. If a sister has been working harder than usual for the chapter or went outof herway to help a sister or anyone in need she receives the star sister b a g .
Kappa Gamma
Kappa Gamma celebrates by going out to dinner at Chili's, Usually an individual sister's accomplishment is cause for celebration, a n d thus a night out.
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
W e have many ways that
w e honor a n d celebrate the accomplishments and good deeds of our sisters. O n e of our favorite awards is called The Support Bra. This is a bra that is given away at chapter to a sister w h o provided friendship a n d support to sisters during the week. As it goes from sister to sister, each girl makes her mark on the bra
by signing it! Another w a y
we recognize oursistersand their accomplishments is with
a weekly Shining Light Award. This award is given by the Keeper of the Ritual and goes to a lady w h o exemplifies the qualities of our Ritual. Other accomplishments like good grades are rewarded biannu-
ally. W e also love to celebrate birthdays! For almost every birthday, w e organize a dinner at our favorite local restaurant, Puerto Vallerta. This w a y sisters can celebrate together!
Kappa Lambda
U of Calgary
Kappa Lambda celebrates
the small things, as well as the big things in life. The chapter's VP/Academics acknowledges individual academic achieve- ments weekly with a smartie award. The VP/Chapter Relations organizes birthday cards signed by the entire chapter for every member's birthday. The President acknowledges sisters w h o live Ritual in their daily lives with
the Rubies and Pearls award. Officers of the week are acknowledged for their contri- butions at our weekly Monday meetings. These are but a few of the chapter's regular mini- celebrations. Everyone
loves being acknowledged.
It gives one a sense of satisfaction, providesthe chapter members with motivation a n d increases the sisterly bond of love among the members of Kappa Lambda.
Kappa Omega
U ofKentucky
Our chapter likes to d o fun things that allow us to spend time together, such as g o out
to eat. O n e of our favorites is
a local pizza buffet. W e took the new members there after initiation, as a w a y to bond with our newest sisters. It was so much fun to be able to relax together a n d share that special time. W e have an amazing group of women, so there is always a reason to celebrate!
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
To celebrate chapter achieve- ments, such as our new member class, w e publish our achievements in the campus
Beta Tau U of 1
o recruitment retreat
To Dragma
[ Spring 2005
Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky Uj members at their Greek Week Executive Ball
Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State Uj members attend a Sigmc
• i—H
00 things. The VPE gives out
grade rewards - like candy, cookies, or flowers - to girls who maintain above a Pi
U average GPA. CR recognizes a girl each week who may
be having a hard timeand
gives them a stuffed panda for the week. KOR sponsors the Shining Light, a n d this reward is passed from sister to sister. It is given to a sister each week that another sister feels exem- plifies the virtues of sisterhood and Alpha Omicron Pi.
Kappa Rho
W estern
Michigan U
Recently our sister w o n the title of Homecoming Queen. Our girls went to the football game to cheer her on and support her. Throughout the week sisters made chalkings on campus as advertisement for Jackie Caldwell's nomination. After Jackie w o n w e put a sign on the side of our house to congratulate her.
Kappa Sigma
U ofWisconsin
River Falls
Our chapter, though small, loves to have fun. To celebrate, w e will often g o to Applebees in town a n d eat, talk, and have their to-die-for desserts. W e also love to just hang out a n d watch movies to celebrate a job well done on an event. When we get together for movies, it's a celebration, but also a time to bond with our sisters.
Kappa Tau
Louisiana U
Every time a sister has a birthday, a chapter member will provide a cake a n d the chapter relations committee
newspaper. To celebrate and recognize individual achievements, w e d o several
will provide treats for that person. W e also write to the Lion's Roar recognizing our sister's accomplishments.
Lcunbda Beta
California State U
Long Beach
Inourchapter when we want to acknowledge one of the ladies in the house, w e try to plan a dinner for them. Most of the time w e all have dinner at T.G.I. Fridays. It's always a great atmosphere. The servers are very friendly a n d the food is great. W e always walk out with big smiles on our faces.
Lambda Chi
LaGrange College
Lambda Chi Chapter loves to celebrate special accomplish- ments. O u r chapter's advisors recognize our hard work dur- ing recruitment and recruitment trainings with food and par- ties. Our advisers know what kind of work goes into making a wonderful recruitment, so they offer encouragement
and rewards quite often. They know how to make us feel like our hard work has paid off.
Lcunbda Eta
Grand Valley
State U
Throughout the week w e
have the chance to nominate asisterwefeeldoesa good job of living Ritual. At chapter meetings our KOR hands out the Shining Light Award to the chosen sister and reads what was submitted about her. This recognition is special because it lets a sister know that her efforts are seen by others and that she is valued.
Lambda Omicron
Cumberland U
Here at Lambda Omicron we love to get together and celebrate!! W e d o many things together to let o n e
Pi Delta (U of Maryland!
Kappa Omega fU of Kentucky! members
Theta (U of South Florida) Bid Day
ToDragma [Spring2005]
Founders' Day Brunch for Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana at Monroe!
another know that w e truly care. When one of our mem- bers does something special, we always find a wayto recognize them. W e make certificates, have parties, a n d soon. When our chapter does something that deserves recognition, our wonderful chapter advisor is always there to congratulate us!
Lambda Tau
U ofLouisiana
at Monroe
The lambda Tau Chapter
likes ID hang posters or use sidewalk chalk to congratulate our members on their accom- plishments. The social events we hold each semester are a way of celebrating our chapter accomplishments as a whole.
Mu Lambda
Rollins College
To celebrate, our chapter enjoys going out together for some fun time off campus.
To recognize individuals,
we hand out anonymous compliments or congratulations ("roses") at the end of each chapter meeting to acknowl- edge special things in our sisters' lives.
U ofMississippi
For sisters w h o make above average grades, N u Beta hosts a Scholarship Banquet every semester. W e have it during formal sit-down dinner. The VFAD acknowledges sisters w h o have made 4.0's, Dean's List, Chancellor's List, "Pi" GPA (3.14), and sisters whohaveimprovedtheir grades. Another way w e celebrate our sisters' success
is w e run ads in the Daily Mississippian to recognize members w h o are doing great things on campus and in the community. W e also love to make signs to put up around the house to salute success.
Northern Illinois U
This lastyear we hadour 50th Anniversary here o n campus, so w e put together a celebra- tion dinner at a banquet hall. W e had guest speakers and
a slide show displaying the last 5 0 years on campus!
Omega Omicron
W e enjoy celebrating the accomplishments of the chap- ter and its members in many ways. O n e of the simplest ways w e acknowledge a member occurs during meet- ing. Before each meeting, the members have a chance to give another member praises by entering her name and praise intoourown "SnapCup." Attheendof our meetings those "snaps" are read to the entire chapter so that everyone knows of outstanding excellence that
member has shown.
U ofTennessee
congratulate our seniors as they become alumnae. This ceremony gives every member in thechapter the opportunity to share her feelings for special individuals or the group as a whole. Through laughter a n d tears w e all leave with a pro- found understanding of w h o we are individually as well as our status as a sisterhood.
Phi Sigma
U ofNebraska Kearney
Phi Sigma likes to celebrate our accomplishments in a variety of ways. W e first make announcements at meetings of the successes
that have occurred in the past week, such as LC member of theweek andtheAcademic A-List. W e then send out e-mails to members as well as our advisers a n d hang post- ers in our chapter room about the achievements within the chapter. W e also publicize the accomplishment in our monthly e-mail newsletter which is sent to alumnae, collegiate members, a n d parents of members. Gifts and prizes are then awarded to the members involved in
the achievement.
Pi Alpha
U ofLouisville
W e like to acknowledge
our sisters in fun ways. Our favorite is during our spring formal, w e give out awards for special talents, achievements, and sisterhood. W e also recognize our sisters through CR by emailing the committee if w e see one of our sisters doinggooddeeds. Andof course w e always send out congratulations on listserv almost everyday.
Pi Delta
U ofMaryland
W e have many awards at weekly chapter meetings such as the Support Award, Sister
sisterhood than anything else. W e get to spend time with each other and reflect on our
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ]
When a sister accomplishes anything great, whether it b e big or small w e always rec- ognize it. W e put something in out school newspaper, give her flowers, a n d make signs at meeting.
EastStroudsburg U
W e like to celebrate b y having a special dinner for an award we receive. When a member receives a special accomplish- ment w e like to make it a bigdealbyannouncingitat chapter meeting.
U ofChicago
A candle pass is our favorite way to share excitement as well as deep feelings of love for o n e another. W e perform candle passes upon initiating new members as well as to
International U
One of Pi Theta's favorite
ways tocelebrate istoget
all of our sisters together with plenty of food. After everyone has had their fill, we'll read
our Hero Book, reminding everyone of why sisterhood is so important to us.
Rho Delta
Springof2005 marksour tenth anniversary of being
on campus. W e will b e honoring this special occasion during semi-formal in late Spring. Rho Delta recognizes individual achievements in several different ways. At the end of Spring semester w e will hold an awards banquet to recognize those sisters w h o have achieved academically and in other aspects of life. Sisters are given "scholar dollars" for each A they make on a test or paper during the year and can buy different items at the awards banquet with their money. Throughout the year w e have "sister of the week" and the MVP of each
intramural game.
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee
State U
One of the most memorable celebrations w e have is our Thanksgiving celebration. Each year, this special event is held to remind us of what we are thankful for and how much w e are truly blessed. The festivities of this occasion begin with each girl bringing a covered dish (potluck dinner). W e always eat too much, but it is more about
most memorable celebrations, for our chapter, because it allows us to spend time with one another a n d reflect o n our blessings, bringing each of us closer to one another.
U ofCalifornia Berkeley
When our chapter or a mem- ber of our chapter accom- plishes something great, w e want the whole world to know. W e post individual and group accomplishments on our website for the public to see, as well as on our Sisterhood screen name (on AOL Instant Messenger).
Sigma Omicron
Arkansas State U
If someone has h a d a great week w e give them something special at a meeting. For example of someone has studied and made good grades they get the geek of the week glasses. If someone has anewboyfriendtheyget the queen of hearts crown. Its a fun a n d memorable w a y to get acknowledged.
Sigma Phi
California State U- Noithridge
Our chapter hascreated two weekly awards that allow us
to celebrate individual accom- plishments. The Smarty-Pants award w a s created to help acknowledge sisters' aca- demic achievements, such as an A on a particularly difficult test. Rose of the week goes to a sister w h o truly signifies what AOII is all about. These awards are simple and sweet but guarantee to bring smiles toallourfacesandarea high- light of our weekly meetings.
of the Week, Senior Spot
Light, and Ritual Rose. Each of
these awards are honorable
andgiventoasisterwhichhas blessingsandourgoodfor- demonstrated g o o d character tune. Although many celebrate andloyaltywithinthechapter. Thanksgiving,thisisoneofthe
2CD SigmaTau
+-> Washington College Academics is extremely impor-
GO tant to our chapter. In fact, last year w e received the highest
o GPA of all of the Washington u College Greek organizations!
This semester we've started something new; the sister
with the highest grades at the end of the week is given a chapter-shared AOII necklace to wear during the next week. Thisway,we can honor a sister's hard work while she can honor her part in AOII at the same time.
U of Minnesota
At Tau, w e are so proud
of our chapter's and our individual accomplishments. W e honor members through our Scholarship Dinner, weekly "Angel" announce- ments a n d our member of the semester. The Scholarship Dinner honors members w h o have excelled and improved in academics. O u r weekly "Angel" announcements share extra sweet things our sisters
have done for the week. member of the semester is voted on by members and honors the member w h o has given so much of themselves for the benefit of Tau. These are just some of the ways w e show our pride in Tau.
Tau Gamma
Washington U
Our chapter has many differ- ent ways of honoring achieve- ments by our members. If
a sister has helped another sister plan a great event for
the chapter w e honor her with Sister of the week. If a sister has proven that she is living Ritual in her every d a y life than w e honor her with the Shinning light award.
Shippensburg U
W e have sister of the week and scholar of the week. W e vote as a chapter for w h o
we feel deserves these two awards. W e also hang up posters on campus to show how hard this person works and also to show how much we care about all of our sisters.
Tau Omega
Transylvania U
In M a y of every year, our chapter holds a Senior
Picnic where w e honor our seniors for their four years
of dedication to AOII. W e make up silly awards to give them that accompany a gift. It is a fun time to listen to their stories about their experience in AOII. Our seniors really appreciate this event a n d everyone has a good time.
Tau Omicron
Uj recruitment
important to recognize a job well done a n d to support our sisters a n d their extra efforts to make our chapter strong.
Theta Chi
Momingside College
W e like to recognize our mem- bers' accomplishments in many ways. At every meeting, sisters nominate other sisters w h o
have helped them out in a spe- cial way. W e call this Support a Sister. W e also have Roses and Thorns at each meeting.
W e write "Roses to my big sis," or 'Thorns to big tests," things like that. Every month, w e recognize one girl in particular with Rose of the Month. This
girl has gone above and beyond to support her sisters, exemplify Ritual, and be an
all around good sister. W e support each other academi- cally b e recognizing when w e get good grades with Smart Apples. Almost every week, at least one sister in mentioned in our college newspaper. W e put the news clippings that mention AOIIs on a wall in our hall, so that all the sisters a n d everyone w h o passes through can see what good our sisters are doing.
Theta Omega
Arizona U
To celebrate, our chapter likes to have get togethers where we all go out for dinner or
w e have a movie night in our chapter room. W e also have pot-lucks. To acknowledge a chapter/individual accomplish- ment or occasion w e give them a little treat bag and a little present and recognize them in our meetings.
Theta Pi
Wagner College
Every other week at meetings, w e like to share successes in what w e call the Rose Box.
Delta Omega (Murray State Uj candlelight
O u r
U ofTennessee
W e award a Shining Light
award tothesisterwho
exemplifies AOII's Ritual in
everyday life. She is given a
candle to symbolize the shin-
ing light effort. W e also honor
a Sister of the Month award
to that one sister who goes 8 above and beyond her role
in AOII for that month. She is
given a single red rose with a
decorated poster.
Thcta Beta
Our chapter takes great pride in our achievements. W e
have a wonderful Awards Chairman w h o presents either groups or individuals with a gift when they accomplish a goal or do an exceptionally good job. O u r Chapter Relations committee picks out a Sister-of- the-Week and also presents her with a gift each week at meeting. W e think it is very
N u
Uj Bid Day
ToDrayma [Spring2005]
Nu Beta's (U of Mississippi) gingerbread chapter house
The Rose Box is where we all write either little notes of con- gratulations to a sister that has had a major achievement, words of encouragement,
or even just something to make another sister smile. W e find it brings us closer together while letting us share good news and fond memories with one another.
Theta Psi
U ofToledo
U of Oklahoma
Our chapter recognizes an individual's excellence in aca- demics each semester. Each sister who has received a 3.5 GPA or better is presented with a certificate and a round of applause from their sisters.
Also, at the end of every chap- ter all the sisters participate in rosy thoughts, where the sisters express their love and admira- tion for each other.
U of Nebraska Lincoln
We love b celebrate. When
a Zeta member gets engaged she tries her to keep it a secret from everyone except the house mom. At the end of dinner the house mom walks out of the dinning room and shuts off the lights signaling that someone
is engaged. The room erupts
in screams of excitement. The
house mom then re-enters with a lit candle with the ring tied to it and a letter. The candle is passed around the circle once if it is a pinning or twice if it is an engagement until the member blows it out. The letter, from thefiance,is then read describing why he asked for our sister's hand in marriage. We can hardly wait for our
own candle passing.
Zeta Psi
East Carolina U
Zeta Psi honors sisters many different ways. Super Sister Awards are awards individual sisters can give to a sister who has accomplished something or helped a sister. They are given out every week. Perfect Panda and Senior Queen are awards that are also given
out weekly to sisters that have helped to better the chapter. For some occasions the chap- ter publishes the announcement in the schools newspaper, The East Carolinian.
'Off Son
Omiaon (U of Tennessee) members at he Light the Night Walk, in memory of Maria Angolti
W e have pizza or ice cream socials for certain special occasions/celebrations. At the end of the spring semester we had a pizza party after meeting for anyone who achieved Pi (3.14) or higher! W e also have a scholarly sis- ter of the month and receives a small gift and recognition.
W e have candlelight's, and we acknowledge birthdays at meeting by giving the birthday girl a small present from thechapter. We keepan Academic Development bul- letin board which recognizes good exam/quiz grades
that members have received, and also encourages us
and reminds us to reach our
academic goals.
Upsilon Lambda
U ofTexas
San Antonio
In the spring semester, we honor our outstanding sisters at Roseball, where numerous awards are given such as the Ruby A Badge, Faith Hope & Love, and the Napier Award. The Ruby A Badge is given to the rosebud with the highest GPA, while the Faith, Hope, & Love Award is awarded to the
sister who best exudes those threevirtues. TheNapier Award is given to a sister who has a great Panhellenic spirit and best exemplifies AOII. At the end of the year it's always best to celebrate together!
' Sigma Chi (Hartwick College! chapter
To Dragma [ Spring 2005 ]
(U of Florida! sisters at a
football game
National Panhellenic Conference 2004 Interim Meeting Report
By Mary M. Williams, Alpha Omicron Pi, 1st Alternate Delegate
Under the theme "W omen of Vision,
W omen of Action," the delegates and representatives of the 26 member groups of the National Panhellenic Conference met at the D F W Lakes Hilton Executive Conference Center in Grapevine, Texas, for the 2004 interim session Oct. 6-8. NPC welcomed approximately 40 new delega- tion members to the gathering.
The NPC Executive Committee guided
the meeting of delegates with efficiently conducted business sessions and exten- sive orientation and training sessions. Members of the NPC Executive Committee are Martha Brown, Delta Gamma, chair- man; Betty Quick, Gamma Phi Beta, sec- retary; Julie Burkhard, Alpha Chi Omega, treasurer; Linda Collier, Alpha Omicron
Pi, chairman of Alumnae Panhellenics; andPattyDisque,ChiOmega,chairman
of College Panhellenics. The schedule for delegates also included campus and hous- ing meetings, NPC standing committee meetings and training for Alumnae and College Panhellenic area advisors. Separate discussion and information sessions were also held for the inter/national presidents, executive directors and editors of the indi- vidual member groups.
During the business sessions, several reso- lutions were discussed and adopted. The NPC bylaws were amended to:
1. Clarify that alternate delegates are eli- gible to serve on standing committees, and that additional members who are not del- egates or alternates may serve as nonvoting members of standing committees.
2. Consolidate bylaw provisions concerning special committees and other committees,
and clarify that delegates and alternate delegates may be members of special com- mittees and that members who are not del- egates or alternates may serve as nonvoting members of special committees.
3. Permit NPC member groups to establish chapters at schools accredited through regional university accreditation processes used in Canada and other countries.
This bylaw amendment also results in the addition of clarifying language to UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT V, Agreement on Extension.
Two resolutions amending UNANIMOUS AGREEMENT VI, College Panhellenic Association Agreement, were also adopted: 1. Section 2 was amended by adding a
new clause that requires potential new members to sign a binding agreement ofmembershipregardlessofthestyleof recruitment used.
2. Section 3 was amended to clarify the use of the signed membership acceptance when a preferentialbidding system is used.
Three other resolutions were adopted as well: 1. The recruitment style formerly referred to as "continuous open recruitment" will now be called "continuous recruitment." 2. NPC member groups agreed to advise their collegiate chapters to plan events with men's fraternities recognized by their national organizations and the college/ university or with local fraternities recog- nized by the college/university.
3. The NPC Executive Committee will pilot a focus group with several under- graduate Panhellenic women from across North America during 2005.
In the chairman's report, Martha Brown reviewed the implementation progress of the recruitment processes changes adopt- ed in 2003 and thanked the Recruitment Processes Committee for their continuing work in presenting programs, developing handbooks and overseeing the imple- mentation of the various aspects of the recruitment process.
She also noted that NPC offered its support in the Call for Values Congruence and developed "Collegiate Greek Community Standards" as minimum expectations of collegiate chapters of NPC groups. These standards were adopted by resolution of the Conference and submitted to and accepted by the Franklin Square Group
in February 2004. The Conference values the efforts of the Franklin Square Group tohighlightthe benefitsofandtoimprove collegiate fraternity and sorority life and is committed to working with all the stake- holders in this most important endeavor. Each NPC member group should continue to review the NPC minimum standards document to be sure that chapters are in compliance with the expectations.
Three new committees have been estab- lished to assist in the programs of the Conference. The Government Relations Committee will monitor U.S. congressional and federal activities related to fraternal organizations and inform NPC of these activities. This committee will serve as
the liaison to the Capitol Fraternal Caucus and the North American Interfratemity Conference Committee on Government Relations to organize and participate in events related to the annual congressional
ToDragma [ Spring 2005 ]