of Alpha Omicron Pi
Volume 28 Number 2
To Our Beloved Founders—Greeting 2
Founders—Your Hundreds Do You Honor 5
Convention Is Coming! Washington, D.C., Is Chosen as Site 12
Kitchen—Taste—Tested by "Mary Baker" 20
Here Are the New Superintendents ...» 30
Rings for Her Fingers—and Rings for Her Toes 37
Art for Hundreds of Children Is My Work 45
An Orphanage Offers Opportunity to an Alpha O 52
Alpha O's Write New Books 57
Grand President Installs Buffalo Alumnse Chapter 106
Alpha 0 Social Work .,
Ten Days from Our Social Worker's Notebook
The Quiet Corner , *».•.**..-.-..«:
Alpha O's in the Daily Press
The Editor Speaks
The World Looks at Alpha O's
The Active Chapters
The Alumna? Chapters
Directory of Officers
• J A N U A R Y • 1933 •
ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. NositOyM, INCaBsOhNvil[lNe.OT]e—nnV.anderbilt Univer-
NPiuCYo[oIr[lIlkNeIg—]—eC,HiNtNy. ee.wwSoOpYhriloeerakNnse,wUUcnofcirvne'bTrsitMy,emNoewrial .PaPthi[la•]d—elpUhinai,vPeras.ity of Pennsylvania,
OMKICnBoOxNvill[eO, ]—TeUnnn.iversity of Tennessee, Pnrxenc[e•,]—KaUnn. iversity of Kansas, Law-
KACPPoAllege[K, L]—ynRchanbduorlgp,h-VMaa.con Woman's OMOEGhAio. [Q]—Miami University. Oxford.
ZEcToAln[,ZN]—eb.University of Nebraska, Lin- OMgIaCnI,OAH nPnI A[Orbilo]r—, UMniicvhe.rsity of Michi-
SIGBMerAkel[eEy,]—CaUliLniversity of California, ALgPoHnA, ESIuGgMenAe,[AOlr]e—. University of Ore-
THcEaTsAtle,[6l]i—d.DePauw University, Green- Xima[£n],—OUklnai.versity of Oklahoma, Nor-
DBEElTLeATgAe,[B[MA]—]a—sBsJ.raocwknsoUn nCivoellresgitey,—TIunftasctiCveo.l- PilanDdE,LTCAolle[gIIeAP]—arkU,nMivedr.sity of Mary-
GAOMrMoAno, M[I"e].—University of Maine, KACfPoaPrAlnifi.aTHaEtTALo[Ks GA]n—geUlenii,veLrsoistyAonfgCelaelsl-,
EFIILON IE]—Cornell University, Ithaca, KAMPPeAmpOhMis,ICTBOenNn. [EO]—Southwestern,
RHEOvans[tPoJn—, 1N11o. rthwestern University, ALCPHolAlegRe,HCOo[rAvPaIl—lis,OOrergeo.n Agricultural
LAsWitySD,APa[lAo]A—ltLoe,laCnadlifS.tanford Univer- C HrI adoD,ELBToAuld[eXr,AC]—olUo.niversity of Colo-
IOTpAaig[nI,]—IIIU. niversity of Illinois, Cham- BEITnAdiaTnHaEpToAlis,[BlaGd].—Butler University,
TAnUeaIpTo]—lis,UMniivnenr.sity of Minnesota, Min- ALfPoHrAWPomI e[nA,nT]—allaFhloarsisdeae, FSluat.e College
Cmcuse[,XN]—.YS.yracuse University, Syra- EPSSItLaOtJeJ CoAlleLgPeH, AStat[eECAo]—llegPee,nPnas.ylvania
UMtoInL,OSNea[tTtle]—, WUnasivhe.rsity of Washing- THnEaTtAi, CETiAnci[n6nHa]ti—, OUhniiov.ersity of Cincin-
NuUnKivAePrPsAity,[SDKa]l—lasS,oTuethx.ern Matbodist BETTAoroTnAtoU, [OBTnt].—University of Toronto,
BKBTAloomP HingI to[nB,*In]—d.Indiana University, ALGPHrAanvTilAleU, O[AhTio].—Denison University,
ETMA adIisIoIn],—WUisn. iversity of Wisconsin, BECTAoluKmAPbPiaA, [VBaKnc]—ouvUenr,iveBrs.iCty. of British
ALlPeHgeA, BPoHzeIm[aAn*,]—MoMnto.ntana State Col- ALCPHolAlegGe,AMPMuAllm[AanT,]W—aWsha.shington State
PHILADELPHIA ALUMNA—Philadelphia, Calif.
New Jersey.
OMAHA ALUMNA—Omaha, Neb. —Buffalo, N.Y.
^Alpha Omicron 'P
V O L U M E 28 J A N U A R Y , 1933 NUMBER
Send all editorial material to
313 Twelfth Street,
Neenah, Wisconsin
Box 262
Masonic Bldg.
State College, Pa.
beloved ^ mm
4° Qreeting
Z salute you
I am your friend and my love for you goes deep. There is noth-
ing I can give you which you have not got; but there is much,
I very much, that, while I can not give it, you can take.
No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today.
I Take Heaven! No peace lies in the future which is not hidden
in this present little instant. Take Peace!
The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it yet within
our reach is Joy. There is radiance and glory in the darkness,
could we but see—and t5 See we have only to Look.
I beseech you to look.
Life is so generous a giver, but we, judging its gifts by their
covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove
i the covering and you will find beneath it a living splendour,
woven of love, by wisdom, with power.
Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the Angel's hand that
brings it to you. Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty,
believe me, that Angel's hand is there; the gift is there, and
the wonder of an overshadowing Presence, Our joys too: be
not content with them as Joys. They, too, conceal diviner gifts.
Life is so full of Meaning and Purpose, so full of Beauty—be-
neath its covering—that you will find earth but cloaks your
heaven. Courage then to claim it: that is all!
But Courage you have; and the knowledge that we are pilgrims
together, wending through unknown country, home.
And so, at this time, I greet you. Not quite as the world sends
greetings, but with profound esteem and with the Prayer that
for you now and forever, the day breaks, and the shadows flee
• • (founders • •
Rjour Jfundreds "Do ^ou JJonor
nvEsr-4[ H a Q u H I I — CAST
A S E A R L Y December days draw near, we who are too far from
alumnae chapters to be attendants, find our minds wandering
across the states to join Alpha O's in their celebration of Stella
Stern Perry's birthday and our Founders' Day. My mind always goes
first to New York because there I know I'll find all four of the Founders,
the guests of honor of New York Alumnae Chapter and Nu. And there
will be a great crowd, and if chapter roll is called, the guests will be
found to have come from many, many chapters. The scene of the ban-
quet was the Panhellenic House. Nu entertained with a Kangaroo Court,
and they sang AOI1 songs, closing with a tribute to the Founders.
Then I like to think of Los Angeles and Kappa Theta because they
always do such novel things. This year their celebration was a buffet
supper in Westwood. Muriel Turner McKinney, our Grand Vice Presi-
dent, was in charge of the ceremony to the Founders. She concluded her
talk with
"On this our Founders' Day of 1932
All Honor, Faith and Love we pledge to you."
San Francisco was somewhat confused by influenza, but Caroline
Powers (P), carried on as toastmistress, and Margaret Eddy and Delight
Frederick proxied for Celeste Etcheverry and Rose Marx Gilmore. As,
at many groups, the Frontier Nursing films were shown.
Down south in Nashville a walkway at Vanderbilt University is
being converted into an Alpha Omicron Pi Memorial by the yearly
planting of an evergreen along its path. A newspaper clipping tells of it.
"In observance of national Founders' Day, members of Alpha Omicron Pi
sorority will plant an evergreen on the Alpha Omicron Pi walkway on Vanderbilt
campus this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Short addresses will be made by Dean Ada
Belle Stapleton and Mrs. Thomas Carter, alumnae representative.
"A buffet supper will take place this evening at the chapter house where re-
ception rooms are decorated with fall flowers. Miss Sue Lanier, sorority president,
will receive the guests who will include fifty members of both the active and
alumnae chapters.
We like this idea. Wouldn't it be splendid to have a living memorial
on each of our campuses? Why not plan with your campus planning
committee to start one next year?
Our Grand President attended several Founders' Day banquets. The
first was in Milwaukee, at the College Women's Club. A typically Alpha
O dinner, bright with red roses and glowing candles, was followed by a
talk by Kathryn Bremer Matson and a formal meeting.
From Milwaukee she went to Chicago to be the guest of honor at
Chicago, Chicago South Shore, and Rho's party. The banquet was at
Rho's house, and a hundred members were there, eleven chapters being
represented. Detroit, Ann Arbor and Omicron Pi shared her on Decem-
ber 10 in Ann Arbor for their Founders' Day dinner.
In Indianapolis thoughts turned toward philanthropy according to
this report.
"Indianapolis alumna; of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority will entertain with a
dinner Thursday at 6:30 P . M . at the home of Mrs. F . S. Wood, in celebration of
Founders' Day, with members of the Beta Theta chapter at Butler University and
pledges as honor guests. Mrs. Lester A. Smith is chairman of the program. The
national philanthropic work of the sorority in the mountain schools of Kentucky
will be discussed, and a film in illustration of the work will be shown. A plan for
caring for one child in that section will be presented to the Indianapolis group,
and plans will be discussed for the Butler chapter to distribute gifts in Indianapolis,
and send toys to Kentucky. The committee in charge, with Mrs. Wood, is com-
posed of Mrs. R . F . Mills and Mrs. L . Victor Brown."
East and West, North and South—in every city of any size were
thoughts of those four women who first planted those small seeds of
friendship that have scattered so broadly. Appropriately Portland found
hospitality at the Sign of the Rose Tea Room on December 8. Mahala
Kurtz ( A S ) , as toastmistress based the program on the rose. In Mem-
phis, Catherine Underwood ( K O ) , guided the toasts given by Eliza-
beth Ann Mahan, Mary Allie Taylor, Anne Trezevant, Charline Tucker
and Peggy Walker, through "AOI1 in Song and Story." Sixty girls gath-
ered round them in the Parkview Hotel. Dorris Morse (A), planned
Boston and Delta celebration at the Hotel Commander in Cambridge. A
ritual before dinner and a style show afterwards provided the extremes
in entertainment. Way up in Canada Beta Kappa held initiation on
December 8 and in the evening had supper with the alumnae.
But we can't tell you about all the gatherings so we suggest you read
the chapter letters to know what others did when the calendar rolled
off another year for Alpha Omicron Pi.
Washington D. C. Qhosen ^As §ite
The Lincoln Memorial rivals the white of cherry blossoms.
(Convention Dates ^4re July 2-9
HI G H up in the list of the world's most beautiful capitals, we find
the name of the new city of Washington. The recent impetus
given to the creation of parks and driveways of rare and varied
scenic beauty, together with the vast building program which promises
to evolve a series of monumental structures, has brought striking changes
to this once familiar capital. Here on the banks of the Potomac, Major
L'Enfante's plan for a federal city, made at the request of George Wash-
ington and once the subject of ridicule and criticism, today is becoming
the concrete expression of American ideals and experience.
On Capitol Hill, public interest centers on the new Supreme Court
Building, which will provide for the most power tribunal in the world
a home of its own, fully commensurate with its dignity. Nearby rises
the Folger Shakespeare Library, one of the noblest small structures
existent today: its charm and its grace make of it "a building to take
into the heart and eternally cherish." Memorial Continental Hall, re-
cently completed, furnishes a glowing example of hopes fulfilled and
vision realized through the tenacity of purpose and sacrificial spirit of
the Daughters of the American Revolution. Arlington Memorial Bridge,
spanning the Potomac, stands in enduring granite, a symbol of the
United States. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, formally dedicated
on last Armistice Day, gleams in new and imposing grandeur on the
green heights of Arlington.
These are but a few of the marks of progress that provide for the
visitor a new outlook, gained from the solace and enjoyment of rare
cultural influences, springing from the ever advancing spirit of American
It is fitting that the experience of a lifetime should have culminated
in an institution of learning, located on the outskirts of Washington, this
city so attractive to the eye, and to the mind as well, which today is fast
becoming the seat of American culture. A twelve-minute drive, skirting
the Lincoln Memorial, across the Memorial Bridge, and around the old
brick walls of Arlington Cemetery, brings us to College Lane, the broad
and hospitable driveway to Arlington Hall.
In a park of one hundred acres, surrounded by spreading forest trees,
a classic colonial building welcomes you. A miniature lake sparkles in
the sunlight and beds of summer flowers give the gently sloping lawns,
a gay and festive air. Pause for a moment under its towering Corinthian
columns and you will have a memory of lasting beauty to cherish for-
ever. Beauty—yes, that is the keynote of Arlington Hall, the ideal of
its founders and builders, Dr. and Mrs. W. E . Martin, made concrete
and evident. You feel the throb of American life echoing from the nearby
city, with its monument shining in the distance, its gleaming dome, with
freedom atop, and the giant wireless of Fort Myer, towering close at
hand. All about you lies the charm of loveliness, set against the quiet
strength and peace of virgin forest. Here friendliness and hospitality
come as easily and as naturally as if you stood upon your own threshold.
Within these walls, the whole purpose of the convention will immediately
swing into shape and this opportunity to share your hopes and your
loyalties with each other will gather momentum from the start.
Spacious drawing rooms, a dining hall, bright with morning sunlight,
and high ceilinged bedrooms insure comfort within doors, while two
southern Negro cooks, famous to every student of Arlington Hall, will
make you plan to wait until you get home to count your calories.
And yet to carry out these dreams much must be done to develop
the "sound body for the sound mind." With characteristic foresight,
Dr. Martin has provided every opportunity for enjoyment in the great
out-of-doors. Tennis courts, horseback riding, and a spacious tiled swim-
ming pool, together with the privilege of golf on the beautiful course at
Haines Point, will leave you no idle moment. Annapolis; Fredericksburg,
eloquent of the mother of Washington, and rich in historic tradition;
Wakefield and Stratford, newly dedicated shrines, today the mecca of
thousands of patriotic Americans will lure you away from convention
activities for a memorable day; Richmond, the capital of the Confederate
states; Williamsburg, fast becoming a living illustration of Colonial his-
tory through the generosity of John D. Rockefeller, and Jamestown with
its statues of John Smith and Pocahontas overlooking the broad waters
provide a week-end of compelling fascination. A tour of these and many
adjacent spots of historic interest will enrich the mind and delight the
eye as well.
We are eager to greet you on July 2. With happy expectation we await
your coming to this mother state, so replete with patriotic tradition and
natural beauty. When we bid you "Godspeed" we feel that because of
your stay in our midst, we shall have a future fortified by new and
enduring friendships.
Kitchen—Taste — Tested
By L U C I L L E E . M A U C K , Zeta
WH E N the Omaha Alpha O
girls first learned about
Dorothy Lohrberg's splen-
did new job in these troublous
times of retrenching, rather than
expanding, we considered her more
than average lucky and went on
about our own problems. But
when we realized that her job was
one that might help each one of us
with our own household tasks, we
were more than excited and became
determined to know the whole
I found her at work one day
last summer, in the delightful
h C M W "kitchen" of the Omar Baking
Company, surrounded by the ap-
petizirfg odors of freshly baked
cakes and bread. This company,
which is of growing national impor-
tance, owns several large mills and
bakeries, and is known for its dis-
tinctive typ2 of distributing serv-
ice. The little green-trimmed wagon
with its single grey horse and smil-
A new service
is offered to a
bakery's pa- 1A ooo^ u/M/nq Onum. \$TLZJQA
Irons. Note the
recipes that are
given free to
patrons. They
are creations
by Dorothy
by " c M a r y 'Baker"
The Fascinating
Story o*
How Dorothy
Lohrberg (z)
OfTlflR Dorothy Lohrberg (Z), becomes Mary
Baker in her Omar kitchen. (Left) The
Omar Home Service News; monthly
house organ edited by Dorothy Lohrberg.
yVVyUXlOYWy, ing driver, comes regularly each
day to the busy housewife's door,
HOIT1E our delivering to her orders of pastry,
t n e LU
SERVICE .-. service or letting her select from the regu-
xi* k i t c h e n lar or special assortments for that
particular day. As Dorothy says,
"My work is intensely interesting
and quite in line with my previous
college training. In addition to pub-
lishing a monthly booklet of menu
ideas and recipes and bi-weekly
VBKIETY i n HERDS'-- •• card recipes, which are distributed
THE HEU/ RECIPE SERVICE to our four cities, Milwaukee, In-
dianapolis, Columbus, and Omaha,
we also use our kitchen as an experimental and testing laboratory. New
products are conceived here, worked out and submitted to the Produc-
tion Department. These products are compared with our competitors,
according to quality, color, price, and so forth, and if we feel they are
up to standard, they are approved and then offered for sale to our cus-
tomers. If not, they are rejected with comments on how to better them,
and these in turn are sent in for approval. As far as we know this is
the only bakery in the United States with a Home Service Department
functioning in this capacity and naturally, we are rather proud of this
Dorothy, in her dainty light dress, looks very much like a new bride
exploring for the first time the wonders of her fresh immaculate kitchen.
This thought made me inwardly smile, when upon inquiry as to the sort
of questions most frequently asked her by her numerous public, brought
the emphatic answer "Brides keep me the busiest."
And as for advice to them, she is full of it! Just listen to this, you
soon-to-be cooks!
In an interview of the Omaha World-Herald, she says:
"You may think you are having a pretty bad time of it when you discover
that the gravy jells, the jelly doesn't, the sherbet runs, the coffee is weak, the
lemonade is warm and the soup cold.
"But you are wrong, for the culminary difficulties of 1932's June bride are
more easily adjusted than were those of her mother and grandmother.
"American cuisine has been greatly simplified since the crinoline days, she
says. Tested recipes are more plentiful. Prepared foods are of the best quality, with
everything from biscuits and chicken to Boston brown bread coming in cans. Mod-
ern kitchen equipment has been so perfected that by twisting a gadget here and
turning a doodad there you may go a-bridging all afternoon, and come home to
find your dinner ready to serve. So even if the young wife's prenuptial interests
have run more to parties and playing than to pots and pans, she is far and away
ahead of the bride of the nineties.
"Making wise food selections, planning common sense menus, budgeting wisely
and pleasing your husband are the chief considerations nowadays.
"Don't be fancy. For the time being, anyway, it's better not to attempt lob-
ster a la Newberg, artichokes sautes, double deck pies, Brussels sprouts and chest-
I < ri
V i-
The Omar kitchen where our Dorothy holds forth is shining and attractive.
JANUARY, 1933 11
Another view of the Omar kitchen. Our Dorothy (in white shoes) stands by the stove.
nuts, baked crabs and pistachio macaroons. After all, food is to eat, not to look
at, and a simple, well cooked meal is better than an elaborate one poorly pre-
"Be discriminating in your choice and combination of foods. I f you have
ever been a guest in a home where the hostess thought onions an essential in-
gredient for everything but desserts, perhaps this factor needn't be mentioned. For
just as you can't serve whipped cream concoctions for every course because you
happen to be good at them, so you can't work the lowly onion in on every menu
because you happen to like it; somebody may not. On the other hand, there are
dishes that would be flat without its pungent flavor. Yours is the task of finding
the 'via media.'
"Plan your meals as far as a week ahead. The experienced cook may be able
to rush into the kitchen at the last minute, whisk this and that together and pro-
duce a palatable dinner, but the novice soon learns it's a risky business.
"Budget carefully; the times demand it. And even if your financial status would
warrant lavishness, extravagance and the slovenly habits it entails are intolerable
to most men. A good p'an is to use one week's salary for rent, and divide the rest
among the butcher, baker, groceryman, doctor or insurance salesman. Doing your
marketing yourself will also save time and pennies, and every little counts.
"Be tactful with the husband whose gastronomic tendencies are toward odd
food mixtures. Some very strange eating habits Mrs. Lohrberg attributes to the
fact that many men, before marriage, are accustomed to snatching their meals
here, there and anywhere. She mentions one such individual who thought pork
chops were the proper thing to eat not only one, but two or three times a day.
It took much patience on the part of his bride to straighten him out on the sub-
ject. But serve him p'ain, substantial dishes at the same time and his masculine
tastes will revert to normalcy.
"Or perhaps you have a little epicure in your home? He is fussy about his
diet, and exacting in his demands. He'll sniff at some things, and poke at others.
(Continued on page 29)
J-fere Are the r^\(ew
N EW redistricting of our chapters has
created several new superintendencies.
May we introduce Elizabeth Stow
Norgore ( E ) , District Superintendent of the
Pacific Northwest; Edith H. Lansing ( Z ) ,
District Superintendent of the Midwestern
District; Elizabeth Walker Bailey ( N O ) , Dis-
trict Superintendent of the Southern District; Lucille Curtis English
(A), Alumna? Superintendent of the Pacific District, and Ann Ander-
son Sale ( K ) , Alumnae Superintendent of the Southern District.
Elizabeth Norgore is an easterner gone west, having been born and
reared in Washington, D.C. Her high school days were spent in At-
lantic City, and she was pledged to Alpha O as a freshman at Cornell
University. Active in class duties, she was president of her class upon
graduation. It was in Rochester, New York, while she was teaching,
that she met a young interne,
Dr. Norgore. Their honeymoon
took them west, and Dr.
Norgore began to practice
in Seattle, Washington,
their present home. In Oc-
tober, 1929, little Mar-
cella was born, but her
Edith Hall Lansing (Z), looks after the
Midwestern District. (Above): Ann An-
derson Sale ( K ) , is the new Southern
District's Superintendent.
mother had time to be president of
the Seattle Alumnae chapter last year.
She says that her hobby is reading
and for the last year she has given
JANUARY, 1933 13
Superintendents m
Pictured Here Are
Four of the Five
Elizabeth Stow Norgore (E),
moved west and serves the Paci-
fic Northwest chapters. (Above):
Lucille Curtis English (A), is the
Alumna Superintendent of the
Pacific District.
book reviews before Seat-
tle clubs and organiza-
tions almost every week.
Edith Lansing ( Z ) , is
Nebraska born and Ne-
braska bred. The University of Nebraska is her Alma Mater, but af-
ter spending several years there, she went to the University of Chi-
cago to study art. Returning to Lincoln in 1915, she spent the years
until her marriage teaching at the university in the art department.
One of her efforts as Lincoln alumnae chapter president was to rent
out the rooms at Zeta's house to summer school students. They have
followed the plan ever since. She has been a loyal and constant worker
for both Lincoln and Zeta. At the time of her appointment, she was
Zeta's alumna adviser. She will fill the unexpired term of Lucille Haer-
tel ( T ) .
Fay Morgan ( O ) , answered our inquiry
concerning Elizabeth Walker Bailey by send-
ing the following:
One of the threads woven into Omicron's his-
tory of the years is a letter written by the late
C. P. J . Mooney, editor of the Memphis Commercial
Appeal and member of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Tennessee, in which he commented upon
the beauty section of the Annual, saying, " I was par-
ticularly struck by the photograph of Elizabeth
Walker. The likeness of her, it seems to me, represents the highest type of young
womanhood—combining beauty, intelligence and character in a rare degree."
Seven years have passed, and "Libba" Walker is now "Libba" Bailey, but the
description is as true today as when it was written of her in her junior year at
college. The list of honors which she carried off during her four years at Tennessee
is an indication of "Libba's" ability and popularity: a consistent honor roll student,
vice president of the senior class, Panhellenic representative for three years, vice
president of Panhellenic, three times chosen as beauty queen, assistant general
manager of the Winter Carnival, on the staff of the Orange and White and the
Volunteer, member of the swimming and hockey teams, Queen of Clubs at the
Engineers' Ball, and Queen of the Carnival in 1927 which was also the year she
served as president of Omicron.
Immediately after the commencement exercises at Knoxville in June, 1927, at
which time she received her B.A. degree, "Libba" was married to John B . Bailey,
Tennessee graduate of 1925. They have lived here ever since so that she has been
able to keep up her associations with Omicron, and no rushing party or chapter
festivity is really complete without her. Last year "Libba" was head of the alumnae
chapter and was also a member of the alumna? advisory committee so that she
brings a wide experience in fraternity affairs to her new position of Southern
District Superintendent as well as an abiding enthusiasm and love for AOII. During
week day work hours, "Libba" holds down a responsible job as office secretary
to a Knoxville firm and between times keeps house for John as efficiently as she
does everything else.
Margaret Ritter (A), shows a keen appreciation for the abilities of
Lucille Curtis English when she says:
"Writing a biography of Lucille Curtis English (A ' I S ) , is like interviewing
Niagara Falls; one is amazed by the amount of dynamic force concentrated in
one relatively small space. Lucille always has been the sort of person college and
sorority officials pounce upon when they want things done. In her chapter her
activities varied from house duties such as washing dozens of tea napkins daily
during rush season, through the various offices to the chapter presidency. Her col-
lege interests were varied. During her freshman year, she was a member of the
Y . W . C . A . committee, later holding the vice presidency. She was vice president of
the Women's Student Council, was active in the English Club, and held the
presidency of Cap and Gown, the women's honorary society. Her major college
work was in history, expression and dramatic art. Following her graduation from
Stanford in 1915, she held the post of assistant in the Expression Department at
the University, under Lee Emerson Bassett, and in 1916 won her teacher's certifi-
cate, teaching expression and dramatics for two years in Orange County High
School, and for three years in the Los Angeles schools. For part of that time she
was head of the Department of Speech in the Franklin High School.
"Besides all this, she kept up her piano studies, begun in childhood, and in
1915 began voice training. She has been an active member of the Women's Lyric
Club of Los Angeles, the oldest organization of its kind in the west, and has re-
cently been made corresponding secretary. She is active in the Women's Uni-
versity Club of Los Angeles, and has been head of the drama department for sev-
eral years. Since 1931, she has been lecturing with the University Guild, Pi Omicron
chapter of the Business and Professional Women, holding eight lectures and dra-
matic readings a month, covering classical and contemporary literature, current
events, biography, and so forth.
"She gives frequent vocal recitals for church organizations and clubs.
"As if this were not enough to fill an ordinary life to the brim, this amazing
girl has also found time and energy for sorority activities. She assisted at chapter
examinations for two years in California, Oregon and Washington, was superin-
tendent for the active chapters of the Pacific district for two years, has held prac-
tically all the offices in the Los Angeles Alumnae chapter, having just completed
two successful and active years as president, and that, too, during our period of
intensive and strenuous cooperation with Kappa Theta in their financing of the
new chapter house. She is now chairman of alumnae for California, and District
Superintendent of alumnae.
"So much for activities; and that is not half of it, for there remains her
sparkling personality. She is of an old California family, a native daughter, and
her mother before her. So possibly she has absorbed some of our California sun-
shine. M y first impression of her, perpetuated in a cherished snapshot, was of her
perky head, encased in a bathing cap with rabbit's ears (vintage of 1912), arising
from the briny deep at a Lambda houseparty at Alamitos, while Lucille was an
undergraduate. She was one of the Lambda's who made an Eastern sister welcome
with true California hospitality. The pose of that above-mentioned head is typical
of Lucille: enthusiastic, undertaking, vivacious, very much alive. Furthermore, she
is a very excellent answer to the question: 'Can a woman carry on a varied and
active career, and still maintain a well-regulated and gracious home?' She can.
She does. Her home is delightful, and around her as its center revolve one husband,
Walter Atheling, petroleum geologist, of the U . S. Government Survey, and now-
chief of the Superior Oil Company, and one young son, William Walter, born on
October 27, 1925, and himself a personality and a very promising child. He has
inherited his mother's 'pep,' and also her good looks, but escapes being a 'pretty'
boy by his agility in standing on his head, and by his independence and healthy
interest in real boy activities.
"Last, but by no means least, I wish you could hear Lucille sing, for her voice
is warm and rich and colorful, with a dramatic power which 'gets over the foot-
lights,' so to speak.
"And now you know more about her, and when you meet her you will love
her as we do, for her ability, her attractiveness, and her cordiality."
Ann Anderson Sale ( K ) , is the oldest daughter of a doctor, the wife
of the lawyer brother of two Kappa chapter sisters. She was born in
Richmond, Virginia, and was graduated from John Marshall High
School. In 1922, she entered Randolph-Macon, being the first of the
three Anderson sisters of Kappa. She says, "Being an AOII there
would have been fun enough in itself. Being in the May Court as well
as president of Kappa and of the Y.W.C.A. not only added to the fun,
but gratified my vanity as well."
After a year of teaching Latin, she became a Girl Reserve Secretary
in Richmond. In 1928, after her marriage she moved to Welch, West
Virginia, to live among the coalfields of the Mountaineer State. You'll
remember her article about the exciting life in that great melting pot,
no doubt. A two and a half year-old daughter now adds to that excite-
ment. And she closes by saying, "If you don't believe me, come and see."
To Dragma 'Prizes to *Be Announced
TH R E E five-dollar prizes will be given at the 1933 convention
for the best poem, the best article and the best active chapter ma-
terial published in To DRAGMA for the years 1931-'33. Any one
desirous of competing for the first two prizes should submit articles
or poems at once. The active chapter editors should bear in mind the
third prize when they are preparing their material. Everything should
be sent to Wilma Smith Leland, 313-12th Street, Neenah, Wisconsin.
cI^ings for Jier Cjfiingers
By F L O R E N C E P I E R C E , Sigma
WOULD'ST ride my hobby with me? Having a hobby is a joyous
pastime, and I would that I could tell you of all the fun I've
had with mine these past eight years. Now you know how long
I have been gathering my wee collection. This is one of the ques-
tions often asked of me. Another is, "How did you ever come to start
with rings"?
No, I've never known a ring collector, but I've seen and learned
much since I've commenced mine. Somewhere along the line a strain of
nomadic blood must have been injected into my veins. Thus it is that
I find myself in foreign lands whenever the urge sways too strongly.
You know as well as I the temptations that befall us when we pass
strange shops with their fascinating wares. Then often come the re-
Cfrom cmany J^ands
f They Come
J 4i I5
IJ •
JANUARY, 1933 17
an d cltyngs for Jter Tioes
grets for the white elephants and junk we purchase in these enthusiastic
moments. Being guilty myself the bright idea occurred, why not choose
rings, at least these would be small enough to carry about with me, and
since so many countries seem to have a circlet typically their own, I
decided that I would try to get from each one I might visit, a ring.
And now my collection numbers forty silver and gold rings. Not
that I have traveled so far as to visit forty countries, but as my interest
has grown, so has my collection. Some of the rings have petite histories,
others are merely rings because of sentimental value or because they
may form a necessary touch to complete a color note in a costume.
There are only two that I cannot wear, the one that you see pic-
tured, number two, which comes from the Basque country. It is carried
as a good luck charm and worn during church services as a rosary, the
little knobs representing the ten stations of the cross. Number ten is a
similar ring with its knobs and the tiny crucifix. This is the ring of a
nun and is placed upon her finger when she is married to the church.
Another wedding ring, that of a Brittany peasant is number Uiree. The
ring serves a double purpose. Note the modeled heart which is worn
with its tip towards the finger tip when the wearer becomes engaged,
but after the wedding ceremony the heart tip must be reversed to point
towards the real heart.
The second ring that is unwearable is not pictured here. It is a
darkly oxidized silver one, a large memorial ring struck off after the
death of General Foy, a beloved French officer who fought in the battle
of Waterloo. His head and the words "La France en deuil" together
with the date, 1825, embossed with the design. 'Tis purely a collector's
ring. In the same shop I found number eight, a Hindu ring with its
dangling symbols, a miniature key, heart, sabre, hand of Fatima (good
luck), and the ivy leaf (long life).
It is interesting to note the similarity of structure in rings of distant
peoples. Note four and seventeen, both from primitive tribes; the one
from northern Africa—the other from the land of the Moros, or the
headhunters of the southernmost isles of the Philippines. The latter is
beaten out of the pure and fragile native gold, and both are in pyramid
structure so typical of their architecture and sun-worshipping designs
and shrines. Number seventeen marks the beginning of my collection.
Italian and Chinese rings form a goodly share of space though only
four are pictured. Both Peking and Firenzi know our feminine weak-
nesses, and I'll wager no girl leaves without acquiring her share of their
vanities. The silver-smiths of Firenzi (Florence) have copied old jewelry
and for a mere pittance we add to our costume jewelry a lovely Cellenni
It is not these retail shops with their wholesale production that in-
terests the collector, but rather the little shop that harbors a treasure.
One combs the city, searches out the alleys and prowls among the junk
before unearthing a real find. Yes, and ofttimes a real treasure com-
mands a real price, or else the collection would grow faster. However,
there have been thus far only two rings I could wish for and yet do
not possess. One belongs to an exiled Russian prince in Paris. When
he saw how keenly interested I was, having bought from him a Louis
Seventeenth baptismal ring, he showed me this lovely thing, an eight
tiered circlet surmounted with a rose diamond circled emerald. This
was a veritable magic ring. One need but press a small gadget near the
setting and the eight circlets with their hidden hinges unlinked and
behold, the ring became a bracelet. The ring was too large, except as
a thumb ring so I really shed no tears over my loss.
One day, though, I nearly wept, but fate was kind and a whole year
later, after my depleted funds had revived, a friend living in Paris, went
to this little tuck-away shop, found the ring and sent it on to me. It
is the one encased in its box, number thirty in the picture. It dates
back to 1800 when fine enamel and delicate workmanship was an un-
excelled art. Could you but see the banded side of the ring you would
read in black and gold enamel, "Sous le masque, la verite" (Under the
masque, the truth). The delicate little glitter-eyed masqued face lifts and
JANUARY, 1933 19
reveals a wee receptacle to be used for a love token or poison, as you
will. Green enamel forms an interesting back facing as well as being
repeated in the design with the diamonds of the setting.
And which is my favorite? That would be hard to say. I like number
nineteen because it was given to me by a Manchu princess and because
its deep coral red makes it so very wearable, but numbers five and six
are more interesting as Chinese rings. I bought the baby coral one from
a collector in Peking. It was a part of a set with a necklace and ear
rings to match, and if the story be authentic, then I possess what once
belonged to the Empress Dowager of China. The other is a Chinese
wedding ring, that of a Christian Chinese, to be sure, the symbols being
those of longevity, wishing the bride good luck, long life, great happiness
and many children. Chinese gold is itself so typically yellow and imperial
and quite in contrast to the reddish cast of number thirteen, a Portugese
ring with the signs of the zodiac, forming a continuous design.
Numbers nine and seven are both wedding rings. Nine is an old (125
years) Italian peasant's ring while seven dates back to Napoleon the
First. The latter is a Tuscany peasant's wedding ring and the swiveled
Carnelian setting has engraved in intaglio, a dog for fidelity on the
one side and a pansy on the other, with the words "a moi," below
(pensez a moi or think of me).
Number twelve swivels, too. Egyptian scarabs are typical when thus
set. The scarab was a gift, so I had the fun of setting it myself. I did
the same for sixteen. The "eye" you see pictured comes from the Holy
Land, 'tis the all-seeing-eye which wards off evil spirits.
Eleven and fourteen are rather massive silver rings, the one with all
its dangles is a toe ring«worn by dancing girls of India, the other weapon-
ous looking thing was bought right off the hand of a Sudanese woman.
Clumsy as it appears it is very wearable and quite a complement to
certain sports garb. Eighteen is likewise of silver, very modern in its
structure and white ivory setting. It received first prize at the Paris Art
Exposition in 1925 and bears the signature of its originator, M. Levy.
One and fifteen are good-luck rings. Fifteen comes from Guatemala,
is made of tortoise shell with gold insets while the other is made from
a single elephant hair and bound together with little gold bands. It
makes an interesting guard.
Topmost is an early nineteenth century lover's ring. Note the three
circlets and the two hands. When the hands clasp they cover the en-
twined hearts and the three circlets form a single band.
Today I'm wearing an old English morning ring. At a glance you
might think it a pearl girded amethyst, but the center part is crystal
set with hair, and I know not whose. To find this particular ring meant
fine combing the antique shops of England, and where do you think I
found it? In the little town of Grassmere on the shore of Lake Winde-
mere. My patient searchings were well rewarded, and perhaps this is
my favorite ring. Today winter has come to California, we are having
our first rain in ten months, and it was a drizzly wet morning such as
this that I went in for shelter and I found my precious ring.
(Continued on page 34)
for Jfundreds
Says E L L E N M A C L E A N ,
Beta Theta
The right hand wing of the To-
ledo Museum houses the school of
art on the ground floor. (Left)
Ellen MacLean, herself.
T N JANUARY, 1933, the Toledo Museum of Art will open officially
JL two new million dollar wings, making our Museum one of the largest
and most beautiful museums in the country.
The left wing will be devoted to music and houses a large concert
hall with a capacity of three thousand. It is designed on the order of
the Greek Coliseum, and there are no aisles. Every row of seats is far
enough apart so that one can easily walk by anyone already seated. The
stage and equipment are beyond the wildest dreams of any stage
The right wing houses the new School of Design on the ground floor.
JANUARY, 1933 21
• -
of Children &s My Work
The classrooms are the last word in Art School classrooms. The walls
and floors are all cork so that work may be easily thumb tacked on the
walls, and the noise underfoot is considerably reduced. The sinks are
grey stone and are color and acid resist proof. There are cupboards
underneath for drawing boards and water jars.
Here is where I live and move and have my being—practically. When
I came here four years ago, it was for a very special reason. Up to that
time, they had children's classes on Saturday. These were made up of
public school children from nine to fourteen years of age who had been
recommended by their school teachers to the school. The public schools
claimed that that was the reason our children did so much better work
than the work done in average public school classes. They were tal-
ented! So the Museum Director, Mr. Blake-More Godwin; the Museum
School Director, Mme. Georges Henri Riviere; and the Museum School
Dean, Mrs. Blake-More Godwin "got in a huddle" and said to the Art
Director of the Toledo Board of Education—who incidentally was an
AOII, "we will show you. We will take your fifth and sixth grades from
the schools nearest the Museum once a week for their art work; and
we'll prove to you that it is the method and environment which gets
the results and not the ability of the children."
That's where I entered. Having had preparation in teaching public
schools and also the necessary Art training, I was asked to take over
these classes. So far, the results have been satisfactory and very edu-
Most Toledo children know our Museum because it is free at all
times, and children are allowed to come without an adult. We have free
moving-pictures Saturday and Sunday, and gallery talks are given by
the educational department. This last year we also added a Saturday
music appreciation course which is attended by over five hundred chil-
dren each week.
The children love to come, and lower grades in the schools that are
near to the Museum cannot wait until they are fifth and sixth graders
to gain that privilege.
Last year the attendance for children was over seventy-six thou-
sand. The school children's attendance alone was 26,238. Toledo has
only 350,000 population. One must admit that it is an unusual per-
This, however, covers only part of our program. During the week,
we have classes for adults and University students. We are also the art
department for Toledo University and have classes two nights a week.
I do not teach any of these classes except the teacher's methods class.
This class was started for public school teachers who wanted art meth-
ods for their own classes. I have forty-five teachers in my methods class
this year.
Our school is a design school—hence all our courses are practical.
We do not pretend to turn out free-lance artists. If, however, the chil-
Dozens of children flocked to the Saturday class in the old school.
JANUARY, 1933 23
A Saturday afternoon group at work in one of the galleries. Ellen watches as they draw.
dren develop a fine appreciation of things beautiful about them in their
daily lives, we shall be satisfied.
One of our children's problems is to draw himself and design an
appropriate school costume in the right colors to harmonize with his
skin, hair and eyes. It is very amusing to have a child come up to me
with a brushful of blue paint in front of his face and say very trustingly,
"Is this the color of my eyes?"
We have a lovely statue of Paul Manship's in our Sculpture Court,
"The Dancer and the Gazelles." One day I asked one of my children
where he found the subject for his drawing. He very seriously informed
me, "It was in the gallery with the lady and the two goats!"
Not a day goes by but that something humorous does not happen.
Thank goodness, my sense of humor is well developed, because it is
rather strenuous work to teach three classes on a Saturday, each two
hours long, with an average of seventy children to a class. But there
is a thrill in the results that compensates any physical labor expended.
There are many other activities in the Museum which I have not
touched upon, but if any AOH comes to Toledo, you must come to the
Museum, and I will be glad to show you around and who knows, maybe
there will be time to listen to a Music Appreciation hour, or hear a talk
on our fine glass collection, or visit a class in session, or hear a lecture
on Oriental Art; because something will be sure to be happening if you
stay more than an hour.
%j€n Orphanage Offers Opportunity
r. 0
By I O N E H . A G N E W , Beta Theta
GE E ! I never thought I'd live in a house with gold doorknobs!"
was the way one little "orphan" expressed his feelings on enter-
ing our large institution. The austere green reception room with
its spotless white woodwork, the bronze busts of Washington and Lin-
coln, the Madonna of the Chair, and the shiny brass probably did ex-
ceed most children's idea of everyday splendor. To Jennie, who worked
at the orphanage for thirty-five years, should go the credit for the shiny
doorknobs. At intervals she would enlist the aid of the older girls, and
much elbow grease would be added to the polish. Then Jennie would
reward the girls for their work with choice bits of pie, which never ap-
peared on the children's menu, or other delicacies.
The yellow curtains, pictures of farm life alternated with portraits
of bewhiskered benefactors, and flowers on the table could not make
Story hour at Parkside Cottage for Boys.
JANUARY, 1933 25
JO an zjtlpha 0
a dining room for one hundred and
fifty children seem chummy; the
truly lovely pictures and nice cur-
tains in the dormitories could not
make the rooms with thirty white
beds look homelike; nor was it pos-
sible to spend a very restful eve-
ning in a playroom occupied by a
group of thirty children about one
These facts were realized a few
years ago by the board and staff of
the Chicago Orphan Asvlum and, "T o e IL 4o*w (Be), ft« teamed to
°" - ' love her orphans.
backed by a generous endowment,
they set out to discover the better way of caring for these children. So
evolved the plan we have today of caring for the children in boarding
homes and cottages, of boarding some children with their own mothers,
and of putting in housekeepers so children could remain with their own
fathers. Our organization is so flexible that we are able to do almost
anything that seems best after a careful study by a trained case worker.
We have one hundred and nineteen children in boarding homes, some
of these with relatives, thirty-three boarded in their own homes with their
mothers, or with housekeepers in their fathers' homes, twenty-four are in
our cottages, ten in our main building or receiving home, and fifty whom
we call "out patients," brothers and sisters of our children or children
who have returned to their homes whom we still supervise and some-
times supply with clothing or carfare to school. Our children are half
orphans or children from broken homes. Having discovered there is a
need for such a service, we now stand ready to consider the case of any
"bad" children whom other agencies cannot consider, the maladjusted
child who needs individual, trained care. One such difficult child we sent
to a private school for three years. The kind of care we can give now
is even more interesting when one considers our history.
The Chicago Orphan Asylum was incorporated November 5, 1849,
and four years later was established in its first building, a large old-
fashioned brick building with a "capacity for one hundred fifty orphans."
The lot was described as being "100 rods from the lake." Little did they
suspect in 1849 what we modern Chicagoans would do to that lake front.
building spacious parks and huge buildings where they swam and sailed
their boats. In 1899, the children were moved to the lovely building
with the "gold" doorknobs which was then at the edge of the city.
This building which we occupied until November, 1931, had a capacity
for two hundred fifty children. There were six three-story buildings
and a laundry. Each age group had its own dormitories and playrooms.
All but the babies ate in the large dining room. In the center court was
a playground for the girls, and another in the back belonged to the boys.
For years the parent who wished to place his children came before
the board on Tuesday morning and told his story. The members of the
board then decided whether he was "worthy" or not and wrote to him
if he could bring in his children. Once admitted the children were cared
for until their parents removed them or they became too old. Then
the boys at ten and the girls at twelve were transferred to institutions
which care for older children. During these years the girls had to have
their hair cut short like boys because no one had time to braid or curl
hair. One sympathetic matron who only last month left us on a pension,
received special permission for her thirty little girls to let their hair
grow. She herself bought them hair ribbons, and friends gave them
nice little dresses which this matron washed and ironed herself.
In 1926, one of the students in the Graduate School of Social Serv-
ice Administration of the University of Chicago made a study of the
Orphanage. Then things began to change. A new superintendent was se-
cured; our present superintendent, Ethel Verry, was employed as a case
JANUARY, 1933 27
Rillv and Bob >
by shown here
with their "fos
ter sister were
the first chil
dren that lone
worker, and a trained person was found to supervise diet and house
management. Changes were rapid. Before long the applicants were no
longer appearing before the Tuesday morning committee, but the case
worker was making a careful investigation of each case and reporting
to the committee. Careful study of the cases of children in the institu-
tion was made, and many were placed with relatives. The house was
reorganized, more playrooms were arranged, the girls were as quickly
as possible relieved of their blue checked aprons, and a varying diet
was introduced.
In 1929, boarding homes were found for a few children who ad-
justed very poorly in the institution. Soon this phase of the work grew
until now we care for the greater number of children in this way. Three
of our four social workers are kept very busy supervising these children,
finding new homes, and placing new children. We now have a long list
of applicants for children to board, but even so, the task of finding just
the right home for any particular child, especially any particularly dif-
ficult child, is a challenge. We pay the foster parents for the child's
board, furnish clothing and medical care, and in some cases even give
the children an allowance. One of the most satisfying homes is that of
a German couple, the father a gentle, retired printer, and the mother
a vigorous, active woman who still manages to take an occasional part
in a lodge play. Their own children are grown so they are boarding five
of our boys, brothers, who have now been with them for three years. The
oldest one asked not long ago if, when he was so old the orphanage
would not care for him, he could stay there and work and pay his own
board. The boys' own mother will never be able to care for them, and
their father manages only an occasional hospital bill for his wife and
his own living.
Billy and Bobby who are pictured with their "foster sister" were
the first children I placed. Billy cried as if his heart would break when
he saw I was leaving him with strangers, and only by appealing to his
manliness did I get him to quit. I hardly slept that night for worrying
about the boys, but I learned afterwards that I could scarcely have
persuaded them to leave after an hour or so. The two boys were, and
still are, very mischievous, and their new mother lost five pounds in
the first week of their stay with her. She later told me that the only
reason she weathered the first month was that many friends had told
her she would not be able to manage the children. She soon had them
under control and has been very happy with them. She had wanted a
little girl so a few months ago we placed Mary with her. Now she is
often stopped on the street and asked if Mary and Bobby are twins.
The children are a constant source of entertainment. Billy came home
very disgusted after Bobby's first day at Sunday School and told that
Bobby had been allowed to take up the collection. He fairly beamed and
when he was through plunged his hand into the collection plate. His
mother said, "Bob, did you do that?" "Yes," answered Bob, "but I put
it back when God told me to." The minister figured prominently in next
week's conversation so that Bob would realize that it was he whom he
saw at church. Bill does very careful, neat work and is often set at
tasks such as cleaning the machine drawers or taking flower seeds out
of the pods. One day he opened a pod, gazed at it admiringly and said,
"Mother, Jesus does nice neat work, doesn't he?" Billy will not take
an interest in his school work and has been drilled at home. When
little Mary started repeating his work instead of feeling ashamed or
spurred on to greater endeavor, Billy remarked, "Looks as if Mary is
going to be smart, doesn't it?"
Our two cottages are homes which we have rented in Austin. In
one we have four brother and sister groups and in the other we have
all boys. We do not know whether those children are getting anything
they could not get in a boarding home or not, but we do know that they
are two happy groups of children. One of the boys is William, who was
left fatherless at six. His mother was too tired when she came home
from her day's work to pay much attention to his pranks, so long as
they did not annoy her. So big, healthy Bill chose his leader on the
streets, the youngest brother of three notorious gangsters. The "game"
they liked best was for one to start a fire on a back porch while the
other rang the front doorbell and told the lady her house was on fire.
The ensuing confusion offered a fine chance to snatch anything desira-
ble that sharp eyes spied. Bill was given a chance in our boys' cottage
to play better games with better leaders. He himself remarked the other
day, "I'm getting to be quite a reliable boy now."
Another interesting case is that of Louisa, a sensitive crippled girl
who had worked in a factory since she was twelve. No wonder she fell
an easy victim to the first man who was kind to her. She had to support
him during their short life together, and when there were two tiny babies,
he died, leaving her penniless. But she adored her babies—they made
up for everything. Only the dreadful fear—"If I ask help, they will take
my babies away." Far better to starve! But hunger is sharp. She came
to the Orphanage asking for work, "where I can keep the children with
She has work one day a week for a good woman who does not mind
JANUARY, 1933 19
having two babies around. The rest of the time she keeps a "beauti-
ful" home for herself and her children with advice, friendship and a
monthly allowance from the Orphanage.
By November, 1931, we had placed all but a few^ of the children
and so could move out of the large building. The building was not left
vacant but was occupied immediately as a municipal shelter for women.
We are now renting a three-flat apartment building. On the first floor
are offices and staff rooms. I am the only case worker living in the
building, so if a child becomes sick or another gets the wanderlust and
leaves his boarding home or the institution, it falls to my lot to get
the car and bring in the sick one or to start telephoning to try to locate
the errant child.
On the second floor, is the children's department, two living rooms,
three dormitories, the matron's and cook's rooms, the dining room and
kitchen. We keep here children waiting to be placed, very difficult
children whom we wish to study, or children for whom no plan has
as yet been made. The staff members eat with the children and, though
sometimes our meals are wearisome, more often they are highly amus-
ing, and we adults are sometimes hard put to it to answer the questions
fired at us.
On the third floor, we have our hospital with a graduate nurse in
charge, three dormitories, an isolation room, a clinic room and dental
office. A paid doctor and dentist are here every Saturday morning. The
children have annual physical examinations, semiannual dental examina-
tions and are seen whenever anything seems to be wrong.
I can assure you that life in an orphanage is most exciting, and if
you care to visit us, I am sure you will agree with me.
Kitchen - Taste • Tested
(Continued from page 11)
And he'll be sullen if his favorite dishes aren't on the table when he's requested
. "You must be careful with this kind of husband. Don't be too clever about
disguising prunes and spinach, because you will find that you're really not being
clever at all, and if he doesn't like them, he won't eat them anyway. But if he
complains too often, meet him at the door some evening dressed in your best,
and announce in your sweetest manner that you thought it would be nice to 'eat
out' for a change. It will do you both good.
"Then there is the man who wants to help in the kitchen. This isn't a bad
idea at all, as it is a fact that the women have gone in for big business and
really masculine men are taking up the domestic sciences, sometimes in self-defense,
but usually because they enjoy it. Many men are excellent cooks. And though
your husband happens to be one of those who are not, don't slam the kitchen
door in his face. Let him come in and work with you, or against you, as the case
may be." .
Yes, Dorothy will cheerfully plan our menus and talk over our cook-
ing problems, and you can just believe that the Omaha alumna? are
overjoyed to have this part of their daily routine, graciously lifted from
their too busy shoulders!
- i i i h 4.
tAlpha O's Write 3(ew "Books
IT IS interesting to have in our book column this time two books by
Alpha O's from the same chapter. Gamma is so honored, for the
authors are Mary Ellen Chase and Joanna C. Colcord.
Joanna C. Colcord's book, "Emergency Work Relief," came out dur-
ing the summer, but your editor's reading was decidedly limited at
that time. Two other persons assisted with the compilation of the book
—William C. Koplovitz and Russell H. Kurtz. If you, your husband or
your father is a member of a relief committee, we would suggest that
JANUARY, 1933 31
"Emergency Relief Work" would be good reading material, for within
its pages are written the experiences of twenty-six American communi-
ties in 1930-'31 and suggestions for the relief of unemployment. Russell
Sage Foundation is the publisher; $1.50 is the price.
The book comes as a response to the President's Organization on
Unemployment Relief. Too often books of this type come too late to
be of much value, so the author is to be congratulated upon the speed
with which she gathered her material. At the beginning is a short sum-
mary of the development of work relief. There follow tables of ex-
penditure for work relief and the number of persons employed (in the
twenty-six towns and cities selected for investigation); auspices and
methods. Part I I includes the full reports from the communities of in-
vestigation. These are given in a clear, concise manner, and it would
seem that such concrete experience would be helpful to communities
seeking workable means of work relief. Part I I I goes on to explain
the setting up of a program. Appendix A shows a list of additional
cities reporting work relief plans in 1930-'31, and Appendix B gives nu-
merous forms used by work relief bureaus.
Any organization or Chamber of Commerce seeking to relieve un-
employment would find "Emergency Work Relief" indispensable in
formulating plans.
^Mary Ellen Chase's book is called "A GQQdljj flgUjflg/' Henry
Holt and Company ($3)~and is autobiographical in nature. To a mid-
westerner who has known but few Maine dwellers, the pages unfold
new characters, wholesome, humorous and holy, in this day when to be
interesting the usual book must be peopled by characters of opposite
attributes. We have always been impressed by the freshness, the sparkle
of Mary Ellen Chase's essays, and this new book leaves one with the
same zest for life and the goodness of simplicity.
Robert P. Tristram Coffin has written such a thoroughly sympa-
thetic and appreciative review of "A Goodly Heritage" that we cannot
resist quoting from it.
"From the time when one lifts the cover of 'A Goodly Heritage' and sees a
drawing which brings out the cut-diamond charm of Blue Hill harbor, one is
moving on an adventure through crystal. Blue Hill is like every other Maine sea-
port, a peck of diamonds emptied out in the sun. The sharpness of church and
lighthouse, the point-lace of firs, the rock-candy houses, the enamel of the hilled-
up sea, and salt-crystals of granite ledges—these are but the beginning of the busi-
ness. The people who live in the midst of such certainty of cubes, cones and tan-
gents whose minds are bright and disciplined and sure. They have been like that
for going on three hundred years, and the only adverse criticism I can make of
Miss Chase's book is that I believe she is mistaken in thinking that Maine folks
will not go on being their sure and bright selves for three hundred years to come.
It will take more than economic cataclysms to change them.
"Miss Chase happens to write about her family and friends. But they are
typical of other families that once had Shanghai and Sumatra, Cadiz and Good
Hope at the end of their front walks, and hoed and weeded little gardens with
great Homer in their heads. They were of that 'peculiarly American synthesis of the
hand and the mind,' and they 'drove cows to pasture or helped, like Nausicaa,
to spread the Monday's washing in the field.' And Greek may go, and Cadiz, too;
hut they still remain artists at making a very rich life out of materials the ma-
terialists would throw away as rags, and maintain that balance of energy and re-
flection and a sense of order and etiquette that is another good name for civiliza-
tion. There are still smelts and alewives to dip up like silver arrows in dark brooks,
and there are still many children to be raised on small crops and educated into a
concept of life where sound and size count for far less than independence and
"Hark-working, shrewd, humorous, with a more jovial turn of mind than other
Yankees; wanting the best for their children and willing to make all sorts of
sacrifices to obtain it, and yet preserving always fine shadings of personal in-
tegrity and whimsicalities of personality—these men and women of Mary Ellen
Chase's town are people good to know in these times. The geometry of their "
habitat anybody with an imagination can appreciate. Miss Chase fills her fine
book with it. I can think of very little she has missed, even to the mare's tails
foretelling storms and the cosmography of flower beds. The Maine sun and winds
pour through her pages, and the solid ice of a winter morning laps one round. The
weather—of which Maine has more than her share—is there, and that sense of being
in another world when one is inside a house banked with snow. But it is the
geometry of the Maine character that gives the book its greatest vitality and im-
portance. Mary Ellen Chase knows that character thoroughly. She has been putting
it into her essays and stories for a decade. I t is full of high spirits and wit, and
it is full of discrimination and judgment, loyalties and disciplines.
"In these days when Yahooism is too often mistaken for good health in litera-
ture, and well people are often represented as a little lower than the beasts, a
book like 'A Goodly Heritage' is a timely reminder that we are really, as we be-
lieved as recently as two decades ago, only a little lower than the angels. Here
is life, simple as a Maine house and as subtle and complete as a Greek temple.
Here is existence with a design as sure as the petals on a trillium. One puts down
this book with a reassurance that order is a law of being, that humor can be more
than a guffaw, and that American living, even of a very modest sort, has been the
chief American art."
*Pi ^Members Collaborate On QSrench Hook
By M A R I A N M O I S E , Pi
TH R E E New Orleans women, two of them Alpha O's, have written
a book on Louisiana in French that French children probably will
study in school, according to a full page feature in the May 14
New Orleans Item-Tribune.
The book, which traces French culture in Louisiana from Bienville
to the crawfish bisque you will eat for dinner, was published in July
it was announced by Miss Gladys Anne Renshaw ( n ) , and Mrs. Simone
Delery, who wrote the book, and Mrs. Dagmar Le Breton ( n ) , who il-
lustrated it. All three are French professors at Newcomb College.
Miss Renshaw and Mrs. Delery wrote the book at the request of
the Chicago Press, a publishing firm, which plans to get it out in a
set with two others. The other two are to deal with French culture
in Canada and French culture in France. The Louisiana companion-
piece to these two is entitled France D'Amerique or The France of
A merica.
The books are being published primarily for study in colleges and
high schools throughout the United States. However, tentative plans are
being made to get them out in cheaper editions as textbooks for the
French and Canadian schools.
The Newcomb professors' book holds many a surprise for the French
JANUARY, 1933 33
children, who, one hears, think of Louisiana as just "a part of America
only with more swamps and alligators." From France D'Amerique they
will learn that in the Louisiana canefields there are today some laborers
singing much the same French songs that the French peasants sing in
the fields of Normandy and that of all American cities New Orleans
alone celebrates "Le Jour Des Tous Les Saints" as it is celebrated
in Paris.
There is a wealth of Louisiana-French charm packed into the 200
pages of the Newcomb professors' book. The authors have made the
Frenchness of this state a living, breathing thing, very different from the
idea one gets from the vague references to French settlers seen in the
average history book.
For instance, there are such typically French touches as a quotation
from an epitaph Miss Renshaw and Mrs. Delery saw on a tomb in St.
Francisville. The epitaph reads, ''Here lies Mrs. Blank. She raised a
large family."
In the book is a French will of the wife of a plantation owner. The
will, written 75 or 80 years ago, bequeathes large sums of money to each
of the woman's negro slaves and trust funds to their children. Each of
the slaves is named in the will and with very French names.
One semi-legend the authors have included throws an interesting new
light on an alleged conspiracy that startled the world over 100 years
ago. This is the admittedly unauthenticated information that Marshal
Ney, Napoleon's "right-hand man," lived in New Iberia for two months
at the time when it was believed there was a conspiracy to bring Na-
poleon from St. Helena to the house in New Orleans now called "Na-
poleon house." In New Iberia they say Marshal Ney lived in the very
house where the Wyche family now resides.
The book includes a poem written by a Frenchman on his visit to
St. Louis No. 1 cemetery. It includes a letter by a nun, one of the group
of Ursulines who arrived here in 1697, in which she describes New
Orleans social customs of the day. There are other letters and articles by
French visitors telling of the French phases of New Orleans society from
the time of the nun until the present day.
The book includes histories of sugar planters, plantation tales, little
known stories of Bienville, Iberville and Lafitte and similar material.
The last section of the book is entitled "Survivance"—"What Sur-
vives" and contains articles on new Canal Street, the Vieux Carre, the
Teche country, Mardi Gras, All Saints' Day, efforts to revive French
opera in New Orleans and other French phases of present-day Louisiana.
The book includes articles by Andre Lafargue, Edgar Grima, Bus-
sieres Rouen, the late Ulysse Marinoni and the late Mrs. Eloise Hulse
Cruzat of New Orleans, as well as excerpts from the books of famous
French authors such as Chateaubriand. The article on the Vieux Carre
is written by Charles Gos of Switzerland.
The authors have collected their material from every conceivable
source. They went to the Howard library, to the Cabildo, to newspaper
files, and traveled in the Teche country for it. Some, which they wrote
themselves, they got by word of mouth. The recipes they got from the
late Mme. Begue.
Mrs. Le Breton traveled with them to draw the 40 black and white
illustrations in the book. Her illustrations include every subject from
a Louisiana crawfish to the old praline woman.
Mrs. Le Breton and Miss Renshaw are sisters, the daughters of the
late Judge Henry Renshaw, and members of an old French family here.
Both are graduates of Newcomb. Mrs. Delery is a native of France
who came to New Orleans only 11 years ago. She and Miss Renshaw
have been teaching at Newcomb 10 years and Mrs. Le Breton a slightly
shorter period.
Mrs. Delery and Miss Renshaw have collaborated in writing three
other French books. They got up the only French crossword puzzle
book ever written for classroom use. This was published by Allyn and
Bacon in 1926. They also revised and published two French plays for
school use.
"This one was most delightful to do," Miss Renshaw said Tuesday.
"Although we all had to work on it between correcting students' papers
at Newcomb and Mrs. Delery and Mrs. Le Breton having their children
to care for, it only took us six months in all to get up the book.
"We believe that this book gives a true picture of Louisiana's French-
ness," she added, "and we hope we have made it easy for boys and
girls to learn about the one state that is truly 'France in America.' "
'Rings Cjfor Jfer Cfingers and 'Rings Cfor
Jfer Toes
(Continued from page 19)
Little did I realize when my hobby started to germinate that my
interest would be so intensive, extensive and expensive. There are times
when my hobby horse cannot be ridden, but it is fun then to share them
with those interested. Should you ever come my way, I would be happy
to show you my rings and tell you more about them.
The accompanying photograph is by Florence Summerbell (K® '31).
We are greatly appreciative of her arrangement and reproduction of this
part of my collection.
JANUARY, 1933 33
Qrand ^President Snstalls
Buffalo <yllumnae Qhapter
By K A T H R Y N K E N D R I C K , Rho
r"|p» H E Buffalo Alumna? chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed
I by Kathryn Bremer Matson, our charming Grand President, Sun-
day afternoon, December 11, 1932, at the Park Lane. The fifteen
charter members of this newest alumnae group of our great fraternity
include: Ruth Vincent Barber ( X ) ; Ruth E . Boltwood ( X ) ; Johanna
Buecking Buerger ( E ) ; L . Dale Davis ( E ) ; Margaret Smith Davis
(On); Caroline Piper Dorr ( P ) ; Margaret Dorr ( P ) ; Helen E . Down-
ing ( X ) ; Helen Gillis ( X ) ; Hilda L . Goltz ( E ) ; Flora A. Howard (T);
Kathryn Kendrick ( P ) ; Martha McCloskey ( E ) ; Belle S. Webster (A);
and Anita Goltz Wilson ( E ) .
After the ceremony of installation, we gathered around the festive
board to celebrate Founders' Day as well as to rejoice that at last
Buffalo Alumnae chapter was a reality. The banquet table was decorated,
of course, with beautiful red, red roses and burning red cathedral can-
dles. We dined long and chatted to our hearts' content. During dinner
we received a telegram of congratulation from Nell Fain Lawrence of
the Rochester Alumnae chapter.
With a few gracious words of welcome Dale Davis, our chapter presi-
dent, asked Kathryn Matson to talk to us. For almost an hour our
Grand President discussed national policies. One interesting comment
which she made was that in spite of these times of depression quite a
"number of the chapters are sitting on top of the world," and that the
fraternity is standing by those in financial straits. No chapters are ex-
pected to be lost since the members of the groups have risen above their
difficulties with determination and loyalty. Mrs. Matson also remarked
that at the next convention, she hoped that alumnae chapters would be
organized under the direction of the Grand Vice President, and that
they would take over the national philanthropic work as their own
particular job.
The chapter officers are: L . Dale Davis, president; Kathryn Ken-
drick, vice president; Margaret Dorr, secretary; Helen Downing, treas-
urer; Martha McCloskey, historian. We meet at one another's homes
the first Monday evening of every month.
3(ew ^yllpha 0 JWortar "Boards
Margaret Upson (Z), is the president Lorraine Crouch (T), is vice president
of Mortar Board at the_ University of of Mortar Board at the University of
Nebraska. She is a senior member of Minnesota; president, 'I>TO, Home Eco-
W.S. Board. She_ received the Pan- nomics^ sorority; a member of H2T,
hellenic Scholarship Pin in 1930, given education fraternity; Y.W.C.A. cabi-
to the girl with the highest average in net; Home Economics Association;
her class. She was featured as the ON, honorary Home Economics frater-
first issue of the year of "Awgwan" as nity; chairman of Homecoming Button
"Girl of the month." Sales on the Farm Campus and
of "Gopher" Sales.
Aleta Markham (*), was one of ten Marjorie Morrison (I), bases her award
girls admitted to Mortar Board at the of Mortar Board membership on such
University of Kansas last spring. For activities as Woman's editor of the
the past three years she has been on
the Dean's Honor Roll. She is a mem- "Daily Illmi"; president of 02*
ber_ of I1ME, honorary mathematics and membership in KTA.
society; UAQ, honorary education;
president of Mathematic Club; mem-
ber of the Y.W.C.A. Cabinet.
JANUARY, 1933 37
^/llpha 0 Social ^Work
for JVomanhood for Humanity
for Childhood for Fraternity
^]\[ational ^Work (^Stust (jo On!
Are ^Lfou ^J-felping?
By M A R Y D . D R U M M O N D , Alpha Phi
A S T H E new year rises on the horizon, it might not be amiss to review briefly
A - \ what Alpha Omicron has accomplished up to date with regard to her Na-
tional Work. To be sure no wonders have been performed, no Utopia has
been realized, but what is more important a slow and painstaking foundation has
been laid upon which we can confidently build our future.
The National Work was adopted at the 1931 Convention, and the machinery
for its detailed work set in motion immediately. The Executive Committee felt that
since the idea and the plan originated in the Chicago Alumna: chapter the com-
mittee to organize the work should be selected from among the Chicago members with
whom lay the greatest interest in the work at the time. Consequently Marion Able
Franco-Ferreira ( P ) , was appointed the Chairman of the National Philanthropic
Work. Vera Riebel ( P ) , and Mary Dee Drummond (A4>), were asked to serve on the
Committee. The Grand Vice President, being in charge of alumna; work, became
Honorary Chairman.
Marion has made all arrangements and has carried out the details of the
work in cooperation with the Grand Vice President, coordinating the activities
of the Executive Committee and her own Committee. She has kept in close touch
with the Frontier Nursing Service and Bland Morrow. The size of her letter file
bears witness that idleness is not one of her besetting sins.
Elizabeth Roberts Cole ( 2 ) , who was president of the Chicago Alumna;
chapter at the time of the adoption of the National Work, sent a well-defined
plan to the Executive Committee, wherein the country was divided into zones
based on the Alpha Omicron Pi population and assigned a quota to each alumna;
chapter on that basis. The larger the chapter the greater the sum of money to
be raised for the National Philanthropic Fund. This plan was accepted with minor
Every issue of T o DRAGMA brought information about the project to every
subscriber. Grand Council sent letters to members-at-large; the National Work
Committee sent a letter directly to each chapter in the form of a questionnaire
requiring the chapters to let the committee know the extent of interest, any criti-
cism or any suggestion that might aid the committee in formulating its plan of
Further, in order to get a proper perspective on our own work, I was dele-
gated to inquire among other members of National Panhellenic as to what they
were doing. Consequently I wrote to eighteen Grand Secretaries and received
answers from quite a few. Where answers were not forthcoming, time was spent
at the Fraternity Library at the S.A.E. Memorial Building in Evanston where files
of all fraternity publications are kept. Several days were spent in studying sorority
periodicals. Most of the sororities have well established national projects and to
our pleasure and surprise we f o u n d that six besides ourselves are working in the
Appalachians f r o m northern Virginia to Georgia. H o w beautifully the last sentence
of the Panhellenic Creed is lived up t o : " T o us the fraternity life is not the en-
joyment of special privileges but an opportunity to prepare f o r wide and wise
human service."
T o get back to our own. Vera Riebel has been appointed the Chairman of
the Clothing Committee, assisted by Janet Weissmiller ( Z ) , Roberta Wood (4>),
and Helen Erskine ( I ) , and the whole of the Chicago South Shore Alumna: chap-
ter. Vera sent a letter to each chapter telling them in detail how they could get
in closer touch w i t h the work aside from the raising of funds. The South Shore
chapter, realizing an immediate need have already sent a box of clothing to Bland
M o r r o w f o r distribution among a group of five little girls. Incidentally, a suit was
also sent to a sixteen-year-old boy who so far had worn nothing but overalls. I t
is hoped that every chapter w i l l appoint a clothing chairman. South Shore chap-
ter reports an enthusiastic meeting spent in mending, pressing and sewing on but-
A moving picture film was copied f r o m the "Forgotten Frontier" which is
an educational film sent out by the Frontier Nursing Service and listed among the
most interesting educational films of the country. Every chapter should avail itself
of our own copy. I t is illuminating, instructive and, oh, so true.
A technical Advisory Committee has been appointed in New Y o r k w i t h Joanna
Colcord ( T ) , as chairman. As y o u know, she is w i t h the Russell Sage Foundation
Two young Kentuckians are glad fur clothing that Alpha O supplies.
4: .—
An industrious housewife in Kentucky dries and cans her vegetables and fruit
or her family doesn't have them.
and accounted one of the authorities on Social Service in this country. This com-
mittee will function under the chairman of the National Work Committee and will
advise Bland M o r r o w in any technical problem relating to the field of Social
So far so good! What about your part in the scheme of things? I t is obvious
that there w i l l be little f o r these various committees to do unless every member
of Alpha Omicron Pi wholeheartedly supports the venture we have undertaken.
Alpha Omicron Pi has a membership of 6000 people, 800 of whom are found in the
alumna? chapters. The whole burden of financing the National Work falls on the
shoulders of these few. This seems decidedly unfair. Either we must make a tre-
mendous effort for larger alumna; chapters, or more of them or, we must, in some
way, reach the majority who are scattered the length and breadth of this land.
Every effort is being made in that direction, and there are many hopeful signs
that we w i l l be successful.
As the new year ripens, let us realize that we have within us a w i l l and an
ability to let our influence be felt in a splendid constructive work. The people
we want to serve are so eager and hungry f o r civilized ways of living, but like
children they must learn step by step the most obvious fundamental laws of
civilized living. I t is as true today as i t was fifty years ago when Phillips Brooks
said: "He who helps a child helps humanity w i t h a distinctness, with an immediate-
ness which no other help given to human creatures in any other stage of their life
can possibly give again. He who puts his influence into a river blesses the land to
which that river comes out, puts his influence everywhere. No land i t may not
reach. N o ocean it may not make sweeter. No bark it cannot bear. N o wheel i t
cannot turn."
Ten Days from Our
Wand Morrow and
Virginia cover
many miles down
creeks and up
mou nlains.
By B L A N D M O R R O W , Alpha O's Social Worker in Kentucky
November 14, 1932—Commitment received f r o m Clay County Juvenile Court
for Nancy Sparkman. A n d still unanswered the question as to what we shall do
with her. Four months at the hospital have certainly changed her—from a for-
lorn pellagrous little scrap with the life almost gone out of her, to fat, rosy-cheeked
health, gloating in the experience of having enough to eat and being among people
who are fond of her and kind. But what is to be done w i t h her now? She can't
stay at the hospital indefinitely! There is still the Dave Allen home, which would
be an excellent place if they would take her. I must go u p to see them as soon
as possible. Several refusals have made me rather pessimistic I ' m afraid.
November 15—Meeting w i t h the County Relief Committee to pass on ap-
plications f o r work relief. H o w rapidly the applications have come i n ! Shall we
ever get them all investigated? Can we wait to make actual home visits on all of
them when so many people are without clothing and shoes and, in some instances,
food? I n the area the nurses cover we can rely on the information they can
give us. Our local work-relief committees about over the county w i l l also be an
invaluable source of information. I think we can safely eliminate home visits on
JANUARY, 1933 41
all except those where the information obtained is not definite and clear-cut. I
want the experience of working w i t h some of the local committees and making
some home visits myself, so have asked the Committee to give me the responsi-
bility of handling investigations in the upper Calloway Fork region, to which
they agree. T i s going to take time but I shall have to crowd my other work in
as best I can. Having spent a few days over there in the early fall, checking up
on applications for Red Cross flour, I can handle that region more easily than
other outlying parts of the county. Dividing the remainder of the county not cov-
ered by the nurses between the t w o full-time relief workers, we should get to
applicants fairly rapidly. Everyone seems happy over a programme of relief in
the form of work. Committee also worked out today a plan for handling," in
cooperation w i t h the Red Cross, applicants requiring direct relief.
November 16—Morning spent writing letters, packing clothing for our chil-
dren at school at Oneida, etc. Afternoon on Meeting House Branch, visiting ap-
plicants to the County Relief Committee principally. Cold rain all morning and
in the afternoon an icy wind, thin sheets of ice forming over puddles, and the
sky f u l l of clouds that seemed to promise snow. A t almost every home I visited,
the children were out of school. And who could blame them—children absolutely
barefoot in some houses, in many others they are wearing broken old pieces of
shoes or remnants of old tennis shoes.
Up Roaring Fork three genera- Cuts—Courtesy of
tions of women spin and weave. Sul'iirban Home
Morgan Publications
of Chicago
Stopped in to see E v a Caldwell and talked over with her and her father
the possibility of getting E v a in school at Pine Mountain. She ought to go on to
school, she is "sharp" her teacher says (and she impresses me as being an intel-
ligent child) and she is very eager to go. Here there is so little interesting and
wholesome to engage a young girl's attention—and too many examples of what
becomes of high-spirited young girls who face nothing but drudgery and monotony.
Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell are eager for her to go too and hard as times are they
will try to manage her clothes. Spent some time with them figuring out expenses
at Pine Mountain. I t seems almost unbelievable, but $40.00 should carry her
through the remainder of the school year.
Called on Mrs. Allen and talked to her about Nancy. I think there is some
encouragement behind her non-committal attitude. A more motherly person I
could not hope to find and other things equally good from the point of view
of Nancy's needs. But I refuse to be discouraged if the Aliens turn her down!
Have conjured up one other possibility if this one fails. How comforting it will
be to get built up, as I shall in time, a sizable list of prospective foster mothers
for children such as Nancy!
November 17—Wrote Miss Rathbum in New York about Daisy, the deaf child
she has "adopted" to clothe for school at Danville. School for the Deaf says
she is at last settled and contented after her first desperate homesickness.
Jim Bowling turned up early this morning and I spent some time trying to
convince him that he should continue feeding his cow even though she is threat-
ening to go dry. (Disgusting habit that cow has of going dry two months before
she brings a calf!) Jim doesn't think it will do any good to feed her anything
more than enough to keep her in good flesh, but he finally promised to try out my
idea. Perhaps he will. I think he would be much more reasonable about this and
other things if he didn't have so many hookworms. (Dr. Kooser says he will
show Jim some hookworms under the microscope if we ever get him into the hos-
pital for treatment.) Queer things it does to one's mental attitude when poverty
and worms combine to undermine one's body and spirit.
Full day planned for visits on Hastening Branch, but got a late start and
it set in to rain after I left the barn. Failed to take anything to cover my saddle
—every time I got off it got wet, every time I got on my seat got wet! Ate my
sandwich while riding between houses and so got in twenty visits and home by the
"edge of dark." Twenty visits and not one family among them who doesn't need
work badly. Seven families out of the twenty who have returned to the farm
within the last year or two, and another in which the man has been out of
Federal prison only six months. How meager their prospects for winter. It takes
time to accumulate cows and pigs and chickens when one has so little with
which to buy breeding stock. (Splendid beasts those—cows and pigs and chickens!
These days when I see a sow with a large litter of healthy pigs, I feel like giv-
ing her a congratulatory pat!)
November 18—Why had I been so pessimistic about the Dave Allen's taking
Nancy? Dave himself came down early this morning to say that he and Mrs.
Allen had talked it over and had decided they would like to take her. We will
continue to clothe her—the Aliens are more comfortably fixed than most families
around—but with work so scarce it would be difficult for even them to take over
the clothing of another child. Love and kindness Nancy will certainly get there—
too much of it perhaps! But Heaven knows she is due a lot of love and petting.
So far as I can find out, she has had nothing since her mother's death except
work beyond her young years (is she ten or eleven, as she appears to be, or four-
teen as report says her to be? Must see if I can verify her age at the State Board
of Health.), repaid in abuse and hunger and neglect. Must go up to see Mrs. A l -
len again, to be sure we have everything clear on both sides and to find out when
I should bring Nancy up.
November 19—To see Mrs. Allen first thing this morning. Am more than
ever convinced that this is the right place for Nancy—and am terribly pleased
with myself over my first find in the way of a "foster mother." (Ill-begotten
pride it is, I must confess—Mrs. Allen has been mothering the mother-
less children of the community for years and in reality "found" herself in that
job.) Nancy may come any day, though I shan't try to bring her so long as this
cold, drizzly weather keeps up.
Raven (my horse) very annoyed when I started down the creek toward
home then turned in the opposite direction when I got to the river road. Hadn't
seen the Jim Bowlings for two weeks, and being only a mile away rode along up
there. Found Jim and all the youngsters with colds. Small reason for surprise
in that, seeing how highly ventilated that house is. Family must vacate the place
by the first of January and Jim insists "there ain't no profit in fixing up a
house just to leave it." Only hope none of them dies of pneumonia in the mean-
time. Don't know of a single farm in the country 'round about in which they
might move. Puzzled to know whether I should leave Jim to his own devices for
a while longer in finding a place or should I set about doing it for him?
Talked hookworms to Jim again. Would that he had fewer of them and more
energy! Jim agrees to go to the hospital soon—he has promised before. Family
agree, too, that little Mary is much healthier since her worming a few weeks ago
—though they didn't leave her at the hospital long enough for the thorough
treatment she really needed.
Sarah had ready for me her usual gift of a lard pail full of black walnuts,
the outside hull off and the nuts scrubbed clean in the river. Discovered for the
first time how clever Benton is with his knife—wooden guns are apparently his
specialty. Must find some way to get next to that boy. I never knew a twelve-
year-old could be so aloof! Sarah and little Jim are the friendliest of the lot.
For them to ride a short way down the road on my horse is getting to be cus-
tom. And I was late to lunch today because we spied a low, protected beech tree
still claiming its golden leaves and we scrambled up the hill for some branches
off it.
November 20 (Sunday)—A beautiful sunny day. Shall be away most of next
week, so good sense said I should get Nancy up to the Allen's even though it was
Sunday. Susan, the courier, brought her from the hospital to Wendover before noon
and in the afternoon we went along the remainder of the way. Mrs. Allen sweet
and friendly with the child without fussing over her too much. Talked to her about
going to school and Nancy came out with the remark she always makes when
school is discussed—that she has been to school one day. She evidently thinks it
is a beginning toward education. Evidently a bit distressed about her new situa-
tion when I began to make preparations to go. Told Mrs. Allen that the hospital
nurses are eager to have her back as a guest during Christmas week.
November 21, 22, 23, 24—They belong together. Started off Monday noon for
Cold Creek. T w o visits enroute and located an applicant for work relief who
has moved since making application. Spent the evening with the committee going
over applications and stayed the night at the Charley Martin's—dear people they
are, no more cordial and helpful anywhere I am sure. Off early on Tuesday morning
for Perry Creek. Cold Creek, Calloway Fork and Perry Creek—all wide shallow
streams, the road in water most of the time and ice everywhere even after the sun
had been up for hours. Took the Perry Creek committee in piecemeal, one man
being at the mouth of the creek, another at the head and the third away from
home until middle of the afternoon. Stopped in to see Enos and E v a , one of sev-
eral pairs of twins from this creek who at one time or another have been long-
time residents of the hospital. Still pink and fat and round they are, despite the
leftovers of a fall crop of sores. That young husband of Lulu's is a brick to have
taken in all her five younuer brothers and sisters as he has done. Everyone gives
him the name of being a "shifty young fellow,"* always scouting around and find-
ing something to do to feed the seven children at his house, only two of which
are his own.
Going over the gap to Roaring Fork I overtook two adorable looking little
girls—gorgeous red hair, braided tightly back but with tiny curls about their faces
despite the efforts of a tidy mother, and eyes sharp and brown as chinquapins.
Discovered that they had been to grandmammy's on yon side of the hill, to bring
home the wool she had picked and carded and made into soft long rolls, ready for
* "Shifty" being the opposite of shiftless.
(Continued on page 51)
These Cjfour JTold Qatnpus "Presidencies
- IT I
Helen Pietarila ( A P ) , is president of Sophie Rollins (II), is president of the
W.A.A. at Oregon State College. She Dormitory Council at Newcomb Col-
represented her college at the Athletic lege; president of ASS, honorary lead-
ership and scholarship sorority; mem-
Conference of American College ber of Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, Student
Women last spring.
Council and Executive Board of
Student Council.
Mary Eleanor Rodcnhouscr (NO), is Hazel Jordan (X), is president of
president of Panhellenic; vice presi- W.A.A. at Syracuse University; presi-
dent of NO; treasurer of the Y.W.C.A.; dent of X chapter; a member of HUT,
senior women's honorary. Senior^ Exec-
a member of Sophomore Honorary,
Lotus-Eaters and W.S.G.A. at utive Committee, Senior Guide,
Vanderbilt. Student Court.
JANUARY, 1933 45
Qeo's ^Anslrver
By MARGARET M I L L E R , Epsilon
"Though you upon a suppliant's knees
Entreat my heart, you but increase
That utter boredom you inspire—
/ love you not—need you enquire?
Beg, plead, harangue my fickleness,
My warning heed—/ like you less
And -wonder that I seemed to care
For such as you, thus fawning where
Feet large and small have trod before—
Begone, I say I—there is the door!"
"You're back to seek jorgivance?—so!
You won't accept a woman's 'No?'
Then shout alone to empty air—
My HtW love's waiting on the stair."
^4 Symphony Qoncert
By J E A N D R Y N A N , Alpha Rho
Chords, in symphony bringing tears
That cleanse my soul, and brings
Unto my heart all quiet and peaceful things.
Tones, that fling me from all peaceful bliss
And drag me down unto the deepest pits of anguish and
Thai leave me to moan and struggle there.
Chimes, that make me want to laugh and sing,
To dance, and show the world with unbound glee
That life, to her who's young, is filled with reverie.
Notes, that bring to me the breath of spring,
The feel of new-born hopes and dreams of days to come,
Of dewy grass, and early morning sun.
Strains, that pull me down onto my knees
In prayer and holy awe of all above
And brings me closer to our Saviour's love.
And there I've lived a multitude of times
In melodiotts notes, chords, and chimes.
M r s . McDonald 'Prominent at CP. T.A. Congress
ST A T E officers of the Mississippi Congress of Parents and Teachers resident on
the coast have returned from the annual executive meeting, the state board
meeting and the short study course held at Mississippi State college and announce
the plans of the state for the ensuing year. Mrs. C. C. McDonald (NO), of Bay St.
Louis, state treasurer, was one of some 20 attending the short course who will
receive a certificate for the work done and will be prepared to conduct short
courses in accordance with the state plan in each county.
At this annual board meeting a drastic change in the state organization was
made when all districts were abolished and the state divided into eight divisions
with a state vice-president as director of a division. The coast counties are incor-
porated in the Hattiesburg-Gulfport division and Mrs. Davis Thorns of Richton,
state third vice-president is director. In order to have a vice-president for each
division the office of an eighth vice-president was created.
No change was made in the organization of local associations as only seven
vice-presidents will be retained in locals. Henceforth there will not be district or
division dues. This new plan places the unit of organization in the counties as
functioning agents co-operating with the state.
Mrs. C . C . McDonald, as chairman of the program for the state convention
which is to meet in Hattiesburg in April, 1933, presented her program to the board
and it was accepted. The 19th article of the children's charter forms the basis of
the program. Mrs. I . A. Rosenbaum of Meridian, chairman of the state manage-
ment convention committee, presented plans for the convention. The year book
incorporating these plans will be issued about the middle of this month.—New
Orleans Times-Picayune.
Kappa Seamed 'Panhellenic ^Manager
MR S . S U E S T O N E D U R A N D , who is well-known in the educational world,
as was her husband, the late Dr. Elias J . Durand, noted botanist, has been
named manager of the Panhellenic, 3 Mitchell Place, New York City. Mrs. Durand's
appointment is announced by Mrs. A. Barton Hepburn, president of the Panhel-
lenic which this fall celebrated its fourth birthday.
Mrs. Durand is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, University of Missouri.
Along with her educational work she has maintained an interest in her fraternity.
Her wide contacts in the educational world have grown out of her own study
and executive experience, and from her leadership in colleges where her husband
was a faculty member. From 1924 to 1928 she was dean of students at the North
Carolina College for Women, Greensboro, N.C. F o r two years she was state president
of the North Carolina Deans' Association and at the same time chairman of the
national membership committee of the Association of Deans.
Mrs. Durand holds an M.A. degree from Teachers' College, Columbia Uni-
versity. Previous to her graduation from the University of Missouri, she studied
at Beloit College. Her husband was head of the departments of botany at the
University of Minnesota, the University of Missouri and Cornell University. His
scientific collection is owned by Cornell University.
JANUARY, 1933 47
Sdward ^Molyneux Praises Hourke - White
M arg aret
Bo-urke • White
(Oil), has re-
cently com-
pleted a set of
six photographs
of Coin mbia
University. The
Library Col-
umns are
' A R G A R E T B O U R K E - W H 1 T E ( O i l ) , that paradoxical young lady, is evidently
still crawling, camera in hand, over and under great mountains of hulking ma-
chinery and making them say "Uncle." Take a few gigantic vats, compose them
like anchored balloons ready to race, add a tiny figure on a runway for contrast,
reduce all to simple forms by a bit of fleeting light, and you have a thrilling
picture. Sounds easy. But it takes a Bourke-White to do it. For unlike the famous
cornet player, it goes in so ugly and comes out so beautiful.—Printer's Ink Monthly.
zSflpha O's Division Cfirst in Drfoe
CO M P L E T I O N of the personnel of the first residential division which will
solicit subscriptions during Community Chest's annual fund-raising effort, sec-
1 »
This baby will owe its good health to periodic examinations at the Jessie Roane
Memorial Center, organised by our New Orleans Alumna: chapter.
tions of which will swing into action next Monday, and other organization prog-
ress were announced yesterday by Campaign Chairman Addison B . Day.
Distinction of being the first geographic unit in the city to attain full strength
was credited to Division N o . 84 of the northeast Hollywood campaign department,
when Mrs. Verne W. McKinney ( A ) , colonel, reported organization to Chairman
F. A . Hartwell of the H o l l y w o o d division.—Los,Angeles Times.
J^ouisiana Chairman for D.A.R. 3\amed
ST A T E chairmen for the Louisiana Daughters of the American Revolution re-
cently appointed by Mrs. Charles William Outhwaite of New Iberia, regent,
were announced this week by Mrs. James Leake Stirling of Baton Rouge, state
chairman of publicity.
A request that local chairmen get in touch w i t h the state chairmen at once
is being made by M r s . Outhwaite, who points out that in this way work for the
year will get under way in October. The new chairmen f o l l o w :
Americanism—Mrs. L . R. Craig-. Franklin. Frere,
Belter Films—Mrs. A. C. Mallison, Lafayette.
Conservation and Thrift—Miss Edith Kursheedt.
Constitution Hall—Dr. Helen Flint, Jennings.
Correct Use of Flag—Mrs. C. Blanchard Turner, Raton Rouge.
D. A. R. Student Loan—Mrs. A. C. Barrett, Alexandria.
Endorsed Schools—Mrs. Tohn Potts, Monroe.
Ellis Island—Mrs. T. O. 'Brown, Monroe.
Genealogical Research—Mrs. J . H. Baughman, Tallulah.
Girl Home Makers—Miss Lois Wcntz, Lake Charles.
Historical and Literary Reciprocity—Mrs. J. M. Sherrell, Alexandria.
Insignia—Mrs. Charles Provost, New Iberia, and Mrs. John Caffery {Mary
II), Franklin.
Magazine—Mrs. Mary Corbin, Hammond.
Manual—Mrs. S. E . Allison.—New Orleans Times-Picayune