As I prepared my last To Dragma article as your International President, I
reviewed my first four columns. In those articles, I outlined my dreams for Alpha
Omicron Pi and the challenges I felt the Fraternity faced during this decade. Though
we are still facing most of them, we are making tremendous progress.
We've taken the first steps:
We have begun programs and acquired staff support to meet many of the challenges, but we have a long way to
go before all the needed programs are finalized. We have to work on our concepts. We must edit and refine each pro-
gram before completion. And, finally, we must implement these programs.
The Fraternity has realized the importance of strengthening and increasing alumnae development. The Rose Vine
Program is in place. An alumnae newsletter is being sent to key alumnae. Extension efforts have become more pro-
active. More alumnae chapters have been chartered. Alumnae Regional Directors have been appointed and trained.
We have become more pro-active in providing closer chapter supervision, support, and guidance. We've developed
a new Chapter Enhancement Program to be implemented by the Fraternity as needed. It involves analyzing chapter sit-
uations, setting criteria, creating a team approach, writing a plan of action, enlisting financial aid from the Fraternity, and
following procedures. The goal of this new program is an improved chapter with appropriate accountability.
Incredible young women are applying for our Chapter Consultant positions. The training is becoming more pro-
fessional and accountable. The Resident Consultant program is beginning to evolve into a stronger supportive system
for chapters.
The new member orientation program is being introduced at the International Convention in June. Pilot programs
are scheduled for this fall, with full implementation by summer of 1994. New videos are available. A resource library
for members' use is available through International Headquarters. New programming is being developed.
During the past four years a new Executive Director has been hired and new staffpositions have been added. A
Financial Management study resulted in a new concept for the financial system. The goal is increased fiscal responsi-
bility with stringent criteria and appropriate supervision and accountability by all entities of A0I1. An improved
computer system is up and running. In short, AOII expects its operations to be professional while understanding the
needs of its volunteers.
The first Advisers Institute was held last summer; 22 women spent a weekend in intensive training. Now they are
training advisers in their regions. We have made a start toward providing a stronger support system for our volunteers.
We're trying to improve cooperation and communication in every area of AOII. Our training emphasizes this; our
staff is asked to be responsive in a timely manner; and our officers are expected to be in constant and consistent com-
munication with their volunteers. Executive Board members are expected to communicate weekly with each other and
those under their direction.
During this biennium, our visibility has increased. We doubled the number of State Days, increased chapter
exchange visits, held several regional workshops, and conducted successful public relations campaigns. This is just the
My greatest inspiration: you!
As International President, my greatest inspiration has been the AOIls I've met. You provide the energy, enthusi-
asm, the expression of positive values, and the enhancement of membership which make AOII a vital organization.
AOII's success is due to you and your dedication. The future of AOII depends on your involvement, aggressive action,
and leadership. I came along for the ride, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for your support, smiles, and
notes of encouragement. Thank you for the experiences. And, most importantly, my sincere thanks for the terrific mem-
ories that will last for my lifetime.
I "Accepted the Challenge" and you accepted the challenge. I urge each of you to continue accepting the chal-
lenges. Make AOII membership the most valuable experience we can offer. Make the most of your membership.
Continue your lifetime commitment to A O H
Alpha love,
2 To Dragma
Vol. LXVI, No. 3
JANUARY 2, 1897 Countdown to Centennial: 7
How the rose was chosen as our Fraternity flower 8
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN Notable: A worldwide leader of clubwomen 10
HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN Building Relationships 10
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN Membership Selection 11
The Importance of Legacy 12
Anniversaries 15
ARE ALL DECEASED. Friendship 18
Self-Esteem 19
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Lifetime-Sisterhood: 75 year members 21
BARBARA DAUGS HUNT, <5A Readership Survey 31
Rush Directory
930 17TH AVE. Legacy Policy, Information Form
GRAFTON, W I 53024 Membership Information Form (MIF)
TELEPHONE 414/377-7766 Kappa Sigma Installed at U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
In Their Memory
9025 OVERLOOK BLVD. From the President's Desk 37
BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 37027 Collegiate Chapter News 45
Alumnae Chapter News 45
TELEPHONE 615/370-0920 Announcements 46
From Our Readers
(USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha
Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha
Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TO.
Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TO,
and additional mailing offices.
Subscription price is $1.00 per copy.
$3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Address all editorial communications to the
Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.S.A.
Summer 1993
lyjAsauErimQ How the rose was
chosen as our
Fraternity flower...
WORDS BY MUSIC BY Alpha 0micron Pi's 100th birthday L>
WALTER R K*HARL HERBERT JOttttSGJI rapidly approaching. Between now and
1997, the Centennial Celebration
LOW V O f C l Committee will, from tune to time, bring
MEDWn VvKt. you interesting historic detail'. The com-
mittee Jfirst subject is the Fraternityfbwer,
the Jacgueminot Rase.
The information in thefollowwig article wad
gathered by Poiit International Presidents
Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi
(Induina U.) and the bite Wdma Smith
Leland, Tau (U. ofM'uinesota).
jost_ an hoar, Id
Words by Music by
Lento Grave.
in - cense freed, with lav - ish hand. For mor - tals here to
Largam nit
Doth make me thine. But to com-ntandj My
bean - ty all thine own. Were I '1 0 l i v e bnt
Jacque - mi - not, my Jacque
Copyright MCMI by Tho Wnldo MtLHlo Co.
Copyright Truirursd 1*17 to Wnldo MUX la CO.. LOO.
hi«red MNMHf lo Act of !J» Piu-Uunenl of Crninda In Ihnyniir by Ifet CintulUn-Ainerlowi Miuio Co.(
CopyrigMfnr all roumVi>».
To Dragma
Ever wonder how the Jacqueminot Rose came to be commonly called the 30-day rose because they bloom that
chosen as Alpha Omicron Pi's flower? long. Roussel finished his work on the General Jacqueminot
Founder Stella George Stern Perry's own words provide Rose, the greatest parent rose ever known, in 1853-
the answer.
The vigorous growth of this rose produced bushes up
Stella said that this rose was chosen, "because it is the to six feet tall. Its large dark green foliage was a good foil for
symbol of our central and essential virtue." the clear, intensely red, half double flowers. Ethelyn Emery
Keays in her Old Roses describes the Jacqueminot Rose as a
She continued, "It was our idea that the generosity, the hard, glorious and graceful rose with scarlet crimson flow-
ever-unfolding of the rose, making new beauty with each ers of 24 to 30 petals, with light green prickles or thorns.
unwrapping of its hidden heart, that its perfume, enduring The rose had a pleasant fragrance. It became celebrated in
even after death and sweetening the containing waters, poems, songs, and stories.
made it fitting for a garland to bind us. The strong red with
its overtone of courage and vigor had an added reason for Today, this old tea rose may be found in some old rose
the rose that matches our Fraternity color - cardinal, the gardens. In newer ones, some of the 500 seedlings and 60
heart color. Among the deep red roses, theJac seemed to us sports hybridized from the parent are to be found under
outstanding because of its richness of color and fragrance, such names as Crimson Glory, Etoile de Hollande, Good
combined with softness and modesty of bearing." News, Radiance, and Richmond. No doubt there are others,
As you can see, the Founders had already decided that
Alpha Omicron Pi's one color was to be cardinal. Though In 1935 at the funeral of the first Founder to die, Helen
horticulture in the 1890s wasn't as developed as it is today, St. Clair Mullan, the casket was covered with a blanket of
there were several cardinal roses. But the most prominent General Jacqueminot Roses, probably the gift of the other
one at the time was the General Jacqueminot Rose. The three Founders. The roses are not long-stemmed or tightly
"Jack Rose," as it was sometimes called, grew in many gar- petaled as many are today, but are widely opened, with a
dens. It is quite likely that this French rose grew in the rich, yellow, center—a heart of gold. ^
gardens of New Orleans, including that of Stella's family.
—Contributed by Nancy Anderson Clark,
Roses are named to honor prominent men and women. Rho (Northwestern U.)
Viscount Jean Francois Jacqueminot, 1787-1865, fought with
Napoleon at Waterloo. He was a member of the Chamber of Centennial Celebration Chair
Deputies in Paris in 1827. He was a brigadier general in the
national guard with considerable responsibility. His indeci- —A special thanks to Dorothy Waters Williams,
sion in 1848 made possible the revolution of that year. Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia),
Roussel, gardener in Montpellier in southern France, International Public Relations Chair,
propagated roses. He used a seedling called Glorie des who donated the original sheet music
Rosomanes to produce the Jacqueminot Rose. Both were
for the song My Jaqueminot.
Thy tie ways, Thy voice BO soft and
1 r1 — v «f
V. Vi \ j
Mnsa is mod - 68 ty re-vealed,So del - i - cate, so sing: thy praise, My Jaoquo - mi - not, my
3^1 »•• ' i f J
*=r= u11,1
=J 1
tender (a
Thine in Jacqne - mi - not
tn it - self, se - cure And when I note thy sweet, my Jacqne - mi - not
Summer 1993 5
A worldwide leader
of clubwomen,
she travels the globe
Ann Landers H o l l a n d , Delta at the national level, eventually hold- •
(Tufts U.), International President ing every elected position on the
of the General Federation of Women's Executive Committee. SOAR (Stories Offer Adventures—
Clubs, is the Notable for this issue of To Read), a literacy project for preschool
Dragma. As Conservation Department children.
Chairman, Ann promoted conservation
The General Federation of and energy awareness. As a member "We will be working with Friends
Women's Clubs (GFWC) represents of the Clean Water Foundation Steer- of the Libraries USA; RIF (Reading is
ten million women involved in organi- ing Committee, she was involved in Fundamental); and the National Asso-
zations in 46 countries all over the the 20th Anniversary Clean Water Act ciation for the Preservation of
world. Part of Ann's duties as president Celebration in October, 1992. Storytelling," Ann said.
is to represent the organization at
meetings around the globe. Last fall, A graduate of Tufts U., Ann taught " I am excited about this project, for
she was GFWC's representative at the English, history, and music at the there is something for every club
Global Forum for Women, which took Lenox School for Girls in New York. member to do and develop. It will
place in Ireland and was attended by She is affiliated with the American conserve and preserve the minds of
300 world leaders. She also attended Field Service, and Massachusetts Soci- our very young as they prepare for life
the world summit on the environment ety for the Prevention of Cruelty to in the adult world," she said.
in Brazil. Before her term ends in Children. She received that organiza-
1994, Ann will log many miles visiting tion's Centennial Award for As a collegian, Ann was active in
Japan, Canada, Puerto Rico, and other outstanding volunteerism in 1978. many organizations. She joined AO IT
places. Vitally interested in education and the in her second year of college.
Public Broadcasting System, she is a
Conservation is the focus for Ann's member of the Frank Lovell Society of "In A O I I I learned about getting
two-year administration and the theme WGBH, Boston's public broadcasting along, working together, and making
is Concern, Courage, Commitment—A station. friends," she said.
Better World for All.
Within her family, Ann has the Her A O I I experience was a posi-
During her term, Ann is living in enthusiastic support of her husband tive influence, she said.
Washington, D.C., in a home provided who held the office of president of the
by GFWC, which is affectionately GFWC Boosters Club 1988-90. "It was the beginning of thinking
known as the "Little White House." about women and working for them,"
Her husband John, an attorney, stays Ann says GFWC is a "marvelous she said.
with her there as much as possible and organization with a long history of vol-
"more or less commutes" between unteerism and service." Ann believes that women today
Washington and Massachusetts. The need a good education more than
couple's two daughters are adults. One In her installation speech given last ever before. She encourages young
is in college and the other is working. April in Indianapolis, Indiana, Ann women to get involved in the
emphasized that the conservation women's movement.
Ann is a native of Cape Cod and a theme is very broad. She explained that
third generation clubwoman. She pro- it will include working for the conser- "In the movement, we need all
gressed from Junior membership to vation of human life; of the minds of kinds of individuals to speak to the
President of the Falmouth Woman's youth; of forests, parks and historical issues pertaining to women in all levels
Club to State President of the GFWC of sights; of art; and of natural resources of society and work," she explained.^
Massachusetts. From there she seived worldwide.
To Dragma
6 Her special program as president is
H oOWw Gd O WG DLGeCaJ i n ?
One focus of this issue of Allison Smith (left) and Amy Eisenherg are pictured on hid night at Delta Chi
To Dragma is on building Chapter (U. of Delaware).
These words will be heard a lot at and, especially, reunions; into this thought-provoking subject.
the Alpha Omicron Pi International Other articles in this section
Convention where the Fraternity • by keeping the bonds of friend-
Development Committee will be ship strong; explore the subjects of friendship,
promoting this idea. reunions, membership selection
• through providing support to (rush), associate membership, the
What, exactly, does building rela- AOlI sisters when needed. importance of legacy, and lifelong
tionships mean? sisterhood.
The journey toward building rela-
This section will attempt to tionships begins with our relationship As part of To Dragmds effort to
answer that question within the with ourselves. How do you feel build relationships with readers, we
context of Alpha Omicron Pi. AOII is about yourself? How would you like ask you to take the time to fill out the
meant to be a lifelong sisterhood. to feel about yourself? The article on Readership Survey on page 14 in this
Beginning with membership selection self-esteem provides some insights issue. We want to hear from you! ^
and continuing through the college
years and afterwards, the goal of
AOII is that we maintain a lifelong
sisterhood, work toward excellence,
and serve others through our philan-
thropic efforts. AOII relationships, in
short, are meant to be deep, nour-
ishing, and long lasting.
But, the question is, how do we
achieve these ideals? How do we
build relationships with our A0I1
sisters, with others, and, perhaps most
importantly, with ourselves?
There are no perfect answers to
these questions, but this section of To
Dragma w i l l , at least, provide a
starting point. Some of the ways we
can build relationships are:
• through thoughtful membership
• through maintaining contact with
each other by phone calls, letters,
Summer 1993 7
A thoughtful rush should be the first st<
Why should any young woman In order to be friendly, enthusi- into your chapter's calendar will help
going through rush this year astic, and sincere, chapter members all members be prepared, self-confi-
pledge AOII? Or, for that need to be relaxed and prepared. And dent, and excited about rush.
matter, why should she pledge at all? that requires each member to have an
active role in preparing for rush. So, be friendly, enthusiastic, and
One of the most thoughtful do your best to bring out the best in
answers to this question comes from a AOITs most successful chapters each young woman w h o is going
Chapter Adviser who wrote: all have one thing in common: their through rush. You, and she, will be
members love what they have and the better for your efforts.
The riches of fraternal life come they want to share it with others. But
from the sharing of our human- this requires planning and work. Portions of this article were
ness, the celebration of our Incorporating regular rush workshops excerpted from earlier issues of To
commonality, and the apprecia-
tion of onr differences. Dragma.
As changes sweep across college +Jf*•
campuses, the emphasis during rush is
also changing. For example, the Alpha Gamma (Washington State LI.) members anxiouly await their new pledges.
National Panhellenic Conference
discourages the use of elaborate enter- Chapter members at Upsilon Lambda ( I f . of Texas-San Antonio) pause before their
tainment, decorations, and the "Grease" rush party.
purchase of special rush outfits.
Instead, NPC encourages its members
to develop conversational and inter-
viewing skills and to concentrate on
getting to know rushees and giving
them the chance to get to know
chapter members.
One guideline for rush was estab-
lished long ago: to avoid snobbery and
exclusiveness. Founder Stella George
Stern Perry said:
" I for one would rather see our
order swept out of every college in the
land, than have it foster a spirit of snob-
bery and exclusiveness in one of
Friendliness and sincerity should
be the goals of AOIIs during nish.
As Executive Board Member Elaine
James Kennedy wrote last year, "Long
after the rush parties are forgotten, the
image of AOIIs as friendly, enthusi-
astic, and sincere women will remain
in each rushee's mind. And, ultimately,
that is what transforms a rushee into an
AOII pledge!"
8 To Dragma
Three generations share A O I I . . .
Three generations of Montana AOTls are (front row. from left) Lillian Evers Swan By Lela Swan Pasha
and Lila Swan Pasha; (back row. from left) Leslie Pasha Hanson, Shirley Swan Alpha Phi (Montana State U.)
Cornelius, and Barbara Pasha Albers. They are all initiates of Alpha Phi
(Montana State UJ. Asorority is like family: you live
together in a home, you eat
AOTls and their legacies Virginia Robinson McCutcban, (from left) Jeanne your meals together, you share
McCutchan Van Voorst, and Marilyn McCutchan Lisman (both daughters of everyday life and celebrations, and
Virginia), and Jennifer Lisman (Marilyn's daughter). Virginia, Jeanne, and you live by the rules of your elders. If
Marilyn are initiates of Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville); Jennifer is a member of you are lucky enough to be a legacy of
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U.). such a family, then you are a treasure
Summer 1993 and you have a treasure. It is so impor-
tant to be a part of and belong to a
large "family."
When you first go to college you
know vaguely about this big extended
family because you have heard your
parents or your sisters talk about it. It
may seem a little foreign to you, but
your curiosity sparks an interest and
you want to know why it was so good
for them. You meet this big family and
they are good to you and fun to be
with. Soon you belong and you have a
new home, new friends (sisters), a rit-
ual to live by. This ritual and family are
like an anchor, something to hold you
in place as you bob around in this sea
of learning and growing.
If you were a legacy of A O I I you
already know how important legacy is
and how it helped you to find a good
life. If you weren't a legacy, you can
look forward to coming to know sis-
ters who were. Perhaps you will have
your own legacy someday. As part of
your future A O I I family, legacies will
become important to you, too.
I was one of the lucky ones. My
mother is an A O I I , my sister is an
A O I I , and both of my daughters are
AOTls. It doesn't get any better than
that! <#
Mothers are encourageJ tot ecome A O I L !
By Ginna Curling I discussed it with our Chapter Linda Curling (left) was initiated by
Delta Omega (Murray State U.) Adviser, Vicki Jones, and she thought it her daughter Ginna this year.
was a wonderful idea. After passing
When I visited International AAC and the chapter vote, I was able to thing she's always wanted. One of the
Headquarters last winter, I extend an invitation to my mother. As most comforting things to me is that
brought my mother, Linda she figured out what was going on (she my mom will never be alone again;
Curling, with me. We were given a tour had no idea what I was up to), she she'll have sisters wherever she goes!
by Hospitality Coordinator Mary Ann began to cry. I was filled with emotion. I'm thankful that I was encouraged to
Caldwell, Tau Delta (Birmingham- pursue my dream and make it a won-
Southern College). As we talked, my Since I serve as Chapter President. derful reality. | | -
mother kept mentioning how she I will initiate my mother. It will certain-
always wanted to be an AOIT, but due ly be the highlight of my term; I cannot
to financial circumstances and family think of a better way to close out my
"opinions" concerning sorority life, she office! My mother and I are already like
never went though rush. sisters, but this will make it "official." Of
course, we're both so emotional, we'll
During this conversation, Mary be lucky if we make it through the cer-
Ann Caldwell nudged me and told me emony. I feel like my mom has always
I should work on associate member- been an A0I1 in her heart, but now
ship for my mother. I had always she will know every little part that I
dreamed about my mother becoming couldn't tell her before.
an A O n , but I had never put the
dream into action. My talk with Mary Ann Caldwell
helped me to give my mother some-
E U M I 0 MS alumna just sent out notes stating the time
and place of the reunion and responses
one during this biennium came from all over the country.
One of the ways to build relation- group. It could be your pledge class, Whether you want to use a chapter
ships and to have fun at the same A O n alumnae from a particular area, house during the summer when the col-
time is to have a reunion. long lost best friends, or groups who legians are on vacation, a motel, a resort,
As AOIT moves toward its 100th served in particular offices or on a com- or members' homes, your reunion can
birthday in 1997, the current biennium mittee together. For example, one group be great fun. Having one person in
has been designated the Biennium of had an alumnae slumber party at the charge of arrangements is probably the
Reunion. Of course, the biggest reunion "AOn Mansion" last January. The invita- most practical way to see that the neces-
of all will be the Centennial Convention tion urged alumnae to "Relive your sary arrangements are made.
in New York City in 1997. college days; Break a few house mles;
Leave your husbands, kids, significant Don't forget that "official" AOI1
But why wait? others behind; Be there or be talked functions are reunions, too. For instance,
about!" The group had a wonderful time! Kappa Kappa Chapter's 40th anniversary
The Executive Board and the Frater- brought together many alumnae, as did
nity Development Committee urge all This particular invitation was pub- the recent Illinois State Day.
AOIls to get into the spirit by planning a lished in a chapter newsletter, but that isn't
reunion. the only way to plan a reunion. One So, use your imagination, pick up
the phone, and start planning. And,
You can design your own reunion while you're attending that reunion and
having a great time with long lost sisters,
10 take a few photos to share with To
Dragma readers in the future. ^
To Dragma
Kappa Kappa celebrates 40tli
Over 200 Kappa Kappa Chapter serenaded with such favorites as The lapel pin, an engraved glass commem-
(Ball State U.) alumnae and Rose, Remember, A Rose Ever orating the occasion, and a current
spouses joined current initiates Blooming, and Lean on Me. After the directory of all Kappa Kappa Alumnae.
to celebrate Kappa Kappa's 40th dinner, Mary Lou Nedenthral Huber
Anniversary last October 9-10 during (Kappa Kappa '52), who served as Happy 40th Birthday, Kappa Kappa!
Ball State's Homecoming Weekend. Chapter Adviser for 25 years, talked
about the past 40 years of Kappa —Contributed by
The celebration began on Friday Kappa Chapter. Before dancing began, Barbara Johnson Ottinger,
night with an informal reception at the all A O I I sisters joined hands and sang Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.),
Robert's Hotel. Those attending A O I I Angel. All sisters received a rose 40th Anniversary Committee Member
enjoyed sharing old photos and
looking at scrapbooks together. • 1*
Many Kappa Kappas gathered to Y»'§m : - VSF:. VV
watch the Homecoming Parade on
Saturday morning prior to the tailgate I Aon
party held at the stadium where the
Ball State Cardinals beat Eastern 40TH ANNIVERSARY
Members of Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U.) and their escorts are pictured at
The newly renovated Kappa the chapter's 40th anniversary celebration last October at the Robert's Hotel in
Kappa Suite was crowded the entire Muncie, Indiana.
day with alumnae and friends again
laughing over old scrapbooks (a little
singing could even be heard
throughout the day). At the Robert's
Hotel Ballroom, a continuous slide
show brought chuckles from the old
and new Kappa Kappas. Older
members reminisced about the past as
they l o o k e d at the display of
composite photographs.
Prior to the banquet, the collegiate
members of Kappa Kappa Chapter
R I EMDSH IP of the weekend was going back to the
AOII suite. I visited with many AOII
R enewinq tmhee Dbonds at reunions friends, including a pledge sister, our
chapter adviser, my big sister, and my
lpha Omicron Pi, friends as the Chapter (Ball State U.) celebrated 40 little sister. We relived many memories
years go by. . ." years on campus last October during as we looked through the wonderful
Ball State's Homecoming Weekend. scrapbooks of our college years in
How often did we all sing those Kappa Kappa.
words during our college years? I was joined by my sister, Susan
Recently, I had occasion to once again Kirkwood Sheetz, and her daughter, Being part of a fraternity is so
stand in a friendship circle of sisters Angela, both Kappa Kappas. Attend- much f u n during college, but it
and sing those words. Kappa Kappa ing the game and eating at the local becomes even more important later as
pizza place was fun, but the best part you make new friends through your
AOII connection. No matter where
Summer 1993 Continued on page 13
The keuij Ilo LJOUP reiafnionshnip wwnitnh IJOUPSGjf
By Rissa Welcker that many females feel less self-worth stories of many people's searches for
Omega (Miami U.) because they do not measure up to the self-esteem. Steinem also tells her own
1992-93 Chapter Consultant images presented on television. Thus, story: how she rediscovered her inner-
these media images contribute to low child, created a future self to help the
Self-esteem is making headlines self-esteem by defining what women current self, and learned to trust her
these days. should look like, how they should "one true inner voice."
ABC World News recently reported dress, and how they should act.
on the self-esteem of girls, contrasting Steinem also examines some of the
the spunk of younger girls with the Women receive other messages reasons why women have low self-
withdrawn attitude of teenagers. that convey that they are less. These esteem, such as parental influence,
messages say w o m e n are weak, childhood experience, and the bias in
The television segment told of the dependent, or helpless, according to the educational system which favors
apparent loss of self-esteem between Dorothy Jongeward and Dru Scott, boys.
ages 9 and 13- The report suggested authors of Wotnen as Winners.
that the negative images of women in Johnson and Ferguson believe that
the media contribute to this loss of self- These ideas are communicated women can improve their self-esteem
esteem. through mass media, childhood through self-discovery and list four
messages, cultural values, lower steps to help women begin:
The recent "Take Your Daughter paychecks for equal work, and the
to Work Day," sponsored by the Ms. responsibility of balancing housework 1. Accept your own feelings
Foundation was seen by many and career. as rational and valid
(including the ABC reporter) as an
effort to raise girls' self-esteem. This How do we know who has high 2. Learn to please yourself
event sparked editorials, letters to the self-esteem? 3. Identify your strengths
editor, and was the subject of several 4. Know and accept your imperfec-
Doonesbury comic strips. Johnson and Ferguson believe that
a woman with high self-esteem has a tions and be gentle with yourself.
Self-esteem books, what it is and positive outlook, is self-confident, Exercises to enhance self-esteem
how to acquire it, occupy several enjoys healthy relationships, and is are described. One exercise consists of
shelves in many bookstores. realistic. She can be open and direct selecting an impressive woman (real or
and can express anger without being fictional) and figuring out what similar-
What does all this hoopla about intimidating. ities exist between you and the
self-esteem have to do with AOII? woman. Another exercise is to look at
On the other hand, a woman with yourself from a close friend's perspec-
It could be said that our most low self-esteem sees herself as a victim tive. Other methods of building
important relationship is our relation- of fate and has feelings of worthless- self-esteem include reaching out to
ship with ourself. If this relationship is ness and inadequacy. She has a poor supportive friends and support groups.
not healthy, we are going to have body image and turns to others for
problems building healthy relation- emotional support and reassurance. "It's finally okay to think about and
ships with others. Thus, to be She accepts destructive relationships like yourself, although it's easier said
nurturing, caring AOII sisters, we must and has few friendships. than done," writes Jennifer James in
first learn to nurture and care for Women and the Blues.
ourselves. And that requires self- What can a woman with low self-
esteem. esteem do? While there are many books avail-
able to provide guidelines, analogies,
What is self-esteem? This is a complicated issue and the and inspirational stories, each indi-
Self-esteem is a measure of how same strategies may not work equally vidual must decide what works best for
well for each individual. Nevertheless, her.
much we value ourself what we think it is worthwhile to consider what the
of ourself, and how much we like writers in the field say. But what does this have to do with
ourself— just the way we are. AOII?
Author/activist Gloria Steinem, for
This definition is from Trusting example, focuses on a variety of self- As an organization, AOII stands to
Ourselves by Karen Johnson and Tom esteem altering tactics in her book gain a great deal from the increased
Ferguson. Revolution from Within. She tells the self-esteem of its members. High self-
esteem in a chapter creates:
The ABC news report suggested • self-confident and self-assured
12 To Dragma
A salute to A O I I s 75-ijeappmmeemmbDers
The women whose names are
listed have known the sister- To the 75-year members, Alpha Carroll McDowell Ferguson
Omicron Pi salutes you! Congratula- Phi (U. of Kansas)
hood of Alpha Omicron Pi for tions, and we wish you many more
years of continued sisterhood. Ethel Fredericka Packard Harkness
75 years. Gamma (U. of Maine)
The list includes the women who Edith Elizabeth Huntington Anderson
Beta Phi (Indiana U.) Elizabeth Jamie McDonald
were initiated during the school year McClamrock
of 1917-1918 for whom International Edna Julia Wardwell Clements
Omicron (U. of Tennessee-Knoxville)
Headquarters has a current address. Delta (Tufts U.) Lucy Morgan
Letters of recognition and 75-year Omicron (U. of Tennessee-Knoxville)
member certificates were mailed to Helen York Cook
each of these women earlier this year. Theta (DePauw U.) Martha Irene Folekemer Staker
Eta (U. of Wisconsin)
Clementine LaRue Kellar Crosson
Katherine Dudley Stewart
If you know of any member whose Psi (U. of Pennsylvania) Gamma (U. of Maine)
name is missing from the list, please Nadine Dorothy Pillot Cuenod
contact Mary Ann Caldwell at Kappa (Randolph-Macon Women's
International Headquarters. College) rIB M
Self-Esteem 'PFpiendsn
continued from page 12 continued from page 11
members you live there are going to be other
• members who can praise and AOIIs there.
reward one another and also accept Staying in touch with so many of
compliments from others the sisters I met during my year as trav-
• a strong chapter image on campus eling consultant has been one of the
• members who know their strengths special parts of my life. Last summer, I
and weaknesses and w h o are ran into Past International President
unafraid of failure Janie Callaway in the Smokey Moun-
members who can identify areas for tains; we hadn't seen each other in 20
chapter development and work years! Events such as this make you
together for improvement. realize how small the world is and
In Women as Winners, the authors how many opportunities for friendship Three Kappa Kappa initiates who
state, "Many things cut women away we all have with AOIIs everywhere. enjoyed attending the 40th anniver-
from one another—the generations, Much to my family's chagrin, I don't sary celebration together are (from
their quest for men, and what they hesitate to walk up to a woman wear- left) Susan Kirkwood Sheetz, her
learn to believe is their proper role." ing AOII letters and ask her where she daughter Angela Sheetz, and her sister
was initiated. Candy Kirkwood Colyer.
The development and maintenance
of the self-esteem of each AOII will Maybe my daughter will be an
help to break down these barriers. To AOII someday. Like my mother, a "loving sisters are we, loyal forever,
be fully able to appreciate others, it is Beta Phi (Indiana U.), I hope my Alpha to thee." ^
important to first be able to appreciate daughter will come to love the red rose
ourselves. As Gloria Steinem writes, and realize how deep the feeling of —Contributed by
"There is a healthier self within each of AOII goes. In this life of many uncer- Candy Kirkwood Colyer,
us, just waiting for encouragement."^ tainties, there IS one constant. . . Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.)
Summer 1993 13
Readership Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. Return it to: To Dragma Editor, Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook
Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, by September 1, 1993- Thank you.
The following departments appear regularly in To Dragma. Please rate how often you read these (5=read frequently;
l=read infrequently).
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Foundation Emporium Fraternity News
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individual alumnae or collegian profiles campus issues Fraternity happenings and news
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What do you like most about To Dragma and why?
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If you could change one thing about To Dragma, what would it be and why?
During the last year there have been two special sections, Salute to Canada (winter 1992) and Changes. . .inAOTL,
Lifestyles, On Campus. Did you like these? yes no Would you like to see more special sections which focus on a
single theme or issue? .yes no. Suggested topics for special sections:
Would you like to see more color used? yes no If so, do you think it is appropriate for the Fraternity to spend
more money for this? yes . no
Please rate To Dragma in terms of content on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest rating: 1 2 3 4 5
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What programming would you like to see the Fraternity or Foundation put into action and To Dragma focus on? *
This section is optional: Address
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Age (please circle one) 18-23 24-29 30-35 35-40 51-60 61-70 71-80 81 or older
Marital Status: single married widowed divorced Ages of children (if applicable):
Collegiate Chapter
Member of Alumnae Chapter? yes no Name of chapter?
Additional comments:
14 To Dragma
Rush Directory
Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MIFs) NO LATER than dates noted. This is thetimechapters review
MIFs prior to rush.
United States Colorado
Susan Honeyfield
Auburn University Alabama U. of Colorado 7302 S. Ivanhoe Ct.
Delta Delta Chi Delta Englewood, CO 80112
Late August Kimberly Watson Early August
609 Dumus Dr.
Auburn, AL 36830 Delaware
Ronye Hall
Birmingham Southern College Ellen Furio University Of Delaware 1146 South Dupont Hwy.
Delta Chi Box 80
Tau Delta 518 Baker Dr. Early December Smyrna, DE 19977
Mid August Birmingham, AL 35213
Huntingdon College Lu Ann Cobb Florida Southern College Florida
Sigma Delta 121 Boxwood Dr. Kappa Gamma Cheryl Hallquist
Mid August Montgomery, AL 36111 Late August/Early January 1073 Corkwood Dr
Oviedo, FL 32765
Jacksonville State University Bonita Dennis
Delta Epsilon P O Box 93 University Of Florida Ann Henry
Early August Heflin, AL 36264 Gamma Omicron 720 S.W. 34th Street Apt. B2
Late July Gainesville, FL 32607
University Of Alabama Denise Simmons U. of South Florida Mary Jo Williams
Alpha Delta 4411 Bell Rd Gamma Theta 956 Allegro Lane
Late July Montgomery, AL 36116 Early August-Mid December Apollo Beach, FL 33572
U. of Alabama - Birmingham Susan DuBose LaGrange College Georgia
Zeta Pi 5256 Valleybrook Trace Lambda Chi Elizabeth George
Late August Birmingham, AL 35244 Early September 1515 Hogansville Rd #34
LaGrange, GA 30240-1480
U. of South Alabama Donna Cunningham
Gamma Delta 5100 Woodmere St. Georgia Southern University Lynn Vogel
Early September Mobile, AL 36693 Alpha Lambda 340 South Rountree
Late August Metter, GA 30439
Northern Arizona U. Arizona
Theta Omega Lillian Baker Georgia State University Sally Rowell
Early August 1508 N. Aztec Gamma Sigma 973 Belle Glade Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Early September Stone Mountain, GA 30083
U. of Arizona Kathleen Quigley U. of Georgia Jacqueline Dallas
Upsilon Alpha 200 Sierra Vista Dr. Lambda Sigma 122 Stonybrook Drive
Early August Tucson, AZ 85719 Mid August Athens, GA 30605-0187
Arkansas State U. Arkansas Coe College Iowa
Sigma Omicron Leith Hoggard Alpha Theta Charlene Wise
Mid August 1306 Medallion Cir. Early September 2135 Blairs Ferry Rd NE #1B
Jonesboro, AR 72401 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
California Iowa State U. Eileen Muff
Iota Sigma 1312 Scott Cir.
Cal Polytechnic State Univ. Michelle Gaskill Early August Ames, IA 50010
Chi Psi 355 N Wolfe Rd #326
Early September Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Morningside College Patricia O'Mara
Theta Chi 4021 Teton Trace
California State - Long Beach Carla Bochenek Early August Sioux City, IA 51104
Lambda Beta 252 16th Street
Early August Seal Beach, CA 90740 Illinois
California State Northridge Ann Schmidt Illinois Wesleyan University Julie Olesen
Sigma Phi 7718 W Norton #7 Beta Lambda 1504 N. Fell
Mid August Los Angeles, CA 90046 Early September Bloomington, IL 61701
San Jose State University Charlene Murray Northern Illinois U. Donise Marshall
Delta Sigma 6124 Cecala Nu Iota 4702 Arbor Dr.
Early August San Jose, CA 95120 Mid August Apt. 108
Parks College Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
U. of California - Berkeley Gail Lancaster Upsilon Epsilon Karen Kellogg
Sigma 5837 Chabot Ct Mid August/Mid December 1322 Woodbridge Crossing
Early August Oakland, CA 94618 Chesterfield, MO 63005
U. of California-Davis Kathryn Fitzgerald U. of Chicago Jessie Wang
Chi Alpha 2061 Monticello Road Phi Chi 211 E Delaware Place 1109
Late August Napa, CA 94558 Early September/Mid December Chicago, IL 60611
U. of California-San Diego Andrea Dill U. of Illinois Grace Funk
Lambda Iota 1833 Dale Street #3 Iota RR #4, Box 160
Early September San Diego, CA 92102-1138 Early August Champaign, IL 61821
Summer 1993 15
Ball State U . Indiana Washington College Patricia Phipps
Kappa Kappa Randi Carmichael Sigma Tau 2231 Wonderview Rd.
Early September 2308 N. Allison Rd. Late January Timonium, MD 21093
Muncie, IN 47304
DePauwU. Dorothy Ehmke University of Maine-Orono Lisa Gallant
Theta 8590 Fairway Trail Gamma 193 West Broadway
Mid September Indianapolis, IN 46250-4568 Late August Bangor, ME 04401
Indiana State University Carol Modesitt Grand Valley State U. Michigan
Kappa Alpha 6754 West Manor Drive Lambda Eta Maurine Philpot
Mid August Terre Haute, IN 47802 Mid August-Early January 455 Prospect Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Indiana University- Veronica Ewing
Beta Phi 15 Carol Lane Michigan State University Cindy Kendall
Mid October-Late December Mooresvilie, IN 46158 Beta Gamma 1950 Burkely Rd
Early August Williamston, MI 48895-9755
Purdue U. Lynn Branson
Phi Upsilon 7500N 50W Western Michigan University Annette Daniel
Mid December W. Lafayette, IN 47906 Kappa Rho 2129 Ridgefield Rd
Late August Portage, MI 49002
University Of Evansville Lisa West
Chi Lambda 1316 Stratford Dr. Minnesota
Early August Boonville, IN 47601
Kansas U. of Minnesota Krista Beyers
Tau 6756 Stratford Bay
U. of Kansas Lenna Mallin-Levitch Late August Woodbury, MN 55125
Phi 1103 N. Sunset Dr. Missouri
Early August Olathe, KS 66061
Kentucky Central Missouri State U. Adrienne Kimball
Delta Pi 15611 NE 179th Street
Eastern Kentucky University Brenda Stratman Mid August Holt, MO 64048
Epsilon Omega 2034 Idylwild Ct.
Mid August Richmond, KY 40475 U. of Missouri-Columbia Dian Sprenger
Delta Alpha 3708 Southland Dr.
Murray State University Sarah Blankenship Early August Columbia, MO 65201
Delta Omega 1505 Duiguid Dr.
Mid December Apt. D-26 Mississippi
Murray, KY 42071 Sylvia Caples
U. of Mississippi P O Box 1087
Transylvania U. Carlyn Eames Nu Beta Bruce, MS 38915-1087
Tau Omega 974 Delia Drive Early August
Late August Lexington, KY 40504
U. of Kentucky Melanie Sublett Montana
Kappa Omega 3108 Melanie Way
Early August Louisville, KY 40220 Montana State University Kristin Beecher
Alpha Phi 5510 Walter Hagen Drive
U. of Louisville Maria Prada Early September Billings, MT 59106
Pi Alpha 6417 Hollow Tree Rd.
Early August Louisville, KY 40228 Nebraska
Western Kentucky University Elizabeth Wilkins U. of Nebraska • Kearney Melanie Clay
Alpha Chi 820 Wakefield Drive Phi Sigma 1709 W 38th, Apt 21
Bowling Green, KY 42103 Early August Kearney, NE 68847
Early August U. of Nebraska •• Lincoln Mary James
Zeta 1710 St. James Rd
Louisiana Early August Lincoln, NE 68506
Newcomb College - Tulane Samantha Murphy New York
Pi 114 Holly Drive
Late December Metairie, LA 70005
Northeast Louisiana U. Jonna Helton Canisius College Carrie Lockwood
Lambda Tau 4321 Churchill Circle Nu Delta 11284 Moore Road
Early August Monroe, LA 71203-3064 Early September-Mid December Springville, NY 14141-9613
Southeastern Louisiana U. Laura Litolff Cornell University Janiece Oblak
Kappa Tau P O Box 2002 Epsilon 34 Highgate Cir.
Late July Hammond, LA 70404 Early January Ithaca, NY 14850
U. of Southwest Louisiana Yvette Hebert C.W. Post Campus of Long Is. U Cyndy Swan
Delta Beta 152 Normandy Rd Psi Delta 838 Park Avenue
Early August Lafayette, LA 70503 Mid December Westbury, NY 11590-4651
Massachusetts Hartwick College Bonnie Nobiling
Sigma Chi 6 West End Ave
Tufts University Pamela Webb Late August-Late January Oneonta, NY 13820
Delta 483 Beacon Street #41 State University Of New York Mary Frewin
Mid August-Early January Boston, MA 02115 Delta Psi 2 Bellaire Dr.
Early January Scotia, NY 12302-9735
Towson State U. Holly Culhane Syracuse University Marjorie Julian
Theta Beta 708 Bridgeman Terrace Chi 104 Concord PI.
Mid August Towson, MD 21204 Late August-Mid January Fayetteville, NY 13066
U. of Maryland Janet Crenshaw Wagner College Kay Welch
Pi Delta 4701 Kenmore Ave Apt 721 Theta Pi 24-E Franklin Lane
Mid August Alexandria, VA 22304 Late August Staten Island, NY 10306
16 To Dragma
North Carolina Texas
Rene Strong Fitzgerald
Duke University- Susan Mattern Southwest Texas State U. 2201 Spring Creek Dr
Delta Upsilon 204 Lake Ct. Zeta Kappa Austin, TX 78704-2033
Early September-Early January Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Early August
East Carolina U. Lisa Gale U. of Texas-San Antonio Patricia Maria Sarabia
Zeta Psi 805 Johnston St. Upsilon Lambda 3710 Litchfield
Early August Greenville, NC 27858 Late August San Antonio, TX 78230
Elon College Jane Vondy Texas Woman's U. Deborah Lynne Weaver
Epsilon Chi 2846 Forest Dale Drive Delta Theta 2803 N. Bell
Early September Burlington, NC 27215 Early September Denton, TX 76201
Ohio Virginia
Jennifer Hennes
Bowling Green State U. 2314 Windemere Avenue George Mason University Michelle Booth
Alpha Psi Akron, OH 44312 Gamma Alpha 8 Mayfair Dr.
Mid August Late August Fredricksburg, VA 22401
Miami University Jean Vance University Of Virginia Darragh Bailey
Omega 6578 Fairfield Rd Chi Beta 174-A Georgetown Rd.
Early January Oxford, OH 45056 Mid December Charlottesville, VA 22901
Ohio Northern U. Patricia Ribley
Kappa Pi 2923 Makley Drive Virginia Commonwealth U. Robin Peoples
Late August Lima, OH 45805 Rho Beta 4715 Park Ave.
Late August Richmond, VA 23226
Ohio University Tracey Jewell Washington
Omega Upsilon 1143 Patchen Ave
Late August Warren, OH 44484-0187 Eastern Washington U. Linda Rust
Tau Gamma 4611 S Schafer Branch Rd
The Ohio State University Kimberly Cremeans Mid August Spokane, WA 99206-9225
Chi Epsilon 645 Stinchcomb, Apt #6
Early September Columbus, OH 43202 U. of Washington Angela Stevens
Upsilon 13909 121st Ave NE
U. of Toledo Lisa Chapman Late August Kirkland, WA 98034
Theta Psi 720 Taylor Ave.
Late August Huron, OH 44839 Washington State University Diane Smerdon
Alpha Gamma SE 235 Crestview
Pennsylvania Late July Pullman, WA 99163
East Stroudsburg State U. Jaynellen Behre Wisconsin
Phi Beta 9 Hooper Ave.
Mid January West Orange, NJ 07052 U. Of Wisconsin • Milwaukee Amy Fowler
Phi Delta 1976 S 84th St
Lehigh U. Cara Ellis Mid August West Allis, WI 53227
Lambda Upsilon 81 Willow St.
Early January Macungie, PA 18062-1025 University of Wisconsin- Mindy Mymudes
River Falls 400 Kennedy St
Pennsylvania State University Patricia Antolosky Kappa Sigma River Falls, WI 54022
Epsilon Alpha 1260 Fairview Dr. Early August
Mid August Bellefonte, PA 16823
Shippensburg U. Anita Klein West Virginia
Tau Lambda 621 Glenn St.
Mid September Shippensburg, PA 17257-2129 West Virginia University Beth McCuskey
Sigma Alpha 421 Cedar St.
Slippery Rock U. Lori Engott Mid August Morgantown, WV 26505
Sigma Rho 5715 Georgetown Dr.
Mid August Erie, PA 16509-3138 CANADA
Lambuth U. Tennessee U. of Calgary Alberta
Omega Omicron Tamara Gilliland Kappa Lambda
Mid August 842 N. Parkway Late August Britta Waldhart
E5 711 23rd Street NW
Jackson, TN 38305 Calgary AB CANADA T2N2P2
Middle Tennessee State U. Theresa Chandler Carleton University Ontario
Rho Omicron 2520 Regency Park Drive Gamma Chi
Early August Murfreesboro, TN 37129-1149 Early August Dorothy Breeze
#2, 125 Springfield Rd.
Rhodes College Lisa Brown University Of Toronto Suzanne Horvath
Kappa Omicron 6930 Red Oak Circle #2 Beta Tau 167 Princess Anne Cres
Early September Memphis, TN 38115 Early September Islington ON CANADA M9A 2 R8
U. of Tennessee DiAnne McMillin U. of Western Ontario Sylvia Hrkac
Omicron 7221 Westhampton Place Iota Chi 2186 Bridge Rd
Late August Knoxville, TN 37919 Early September Oakville ON CANADA L6L
U. of Tennessee - Martin Elizabeth Robinson
Tau Omicron Rt. 2, Box 10AA McGill University Quebec
Late August Sharon, TN 38255 Kappa Phi Karen Moon
Vanderbilt U. Patricia Anderson Mid August 140 Easton Ave.
Nu Omicron 106 Suffolk Crescent Montreal W. PQ CANADA
Mid August-Mid December Brentwood, TN 37027 H4XIL2
Summer 1993 17
Legacy Rush — the Policy
Alpha Omicron Pi strongly encourages the pledging ofqualified legacies. Every known legacy shall be given special consideration in mem-
bership selection.
During formal rush and throughout the chapter's Continuous Open Bidding, every verified legacy shall be offered a bid to membership
unless the chapter has a reason for denying a bid and communicates that reason to the alumna involved or the chapter's Regional Director.
If the formal rush schedule includes several invitational party rounds before Preference (the final invitational party) the legacy shall be invit-
ed to all invitational parties before Preference UNLESS the chapter has determined that the legacy is definitely not a rushee to be pledged and
that decision has been approved by the appropriate adviser. In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party
after the open house, tours, or ice water party round. At any point during rush when the chapter and the adviser concur that a legacy be
droppedfromconsideration for pledging, the adviser MUST communicate by telephone with the AOI1 relative prior to the distribution of
invitations to the next set of parties. If the concern of the chapter is that the legacy has expressed strong interest in another sorority and lesser
interest in AOI1, rushing efforts should be increased.
Every legacy who accepts an invitation to the chapter'sfinalparty (Preference) must be named on the chapter's QUOTA LIST (also
known as first bid list).
If no contact is possible between a designated adviser and the AOI1 relative ofa legacy not extended a bid to membership, notice that the
legacy has been dropped without contact must be sent to the chapter's Regional Director and International Headquarters within one week
after the date the rushee is dropped, in no case later than one week afterformalrush.
This policy defines a legacy as a sister, daughter, granddaughter, stepsister, stepdaughter, or step-granddaughter of an initiated member
ofAlpha Omicron Pi.
Legacy Information Form
"When any ofus has a legacy, we dream ofthe possibility ofher joining us as a member ofAOI1. How sepcial it is to want our fam-
ily ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is
a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift which deserves extra care and attention."
—Ginger Banks, Past International President
TO: University/College
This is to inform you that my daughter/stepdaughter
granddaughter/ step-granddaughter
will be attending ,: _
(circle one)
as a: freshman sophomore junior senior
beginning: .
Her school address will be
_Zip Chapter
University/College Year of Initiation.
18 To Dragma
• I know this rushee personally and recommended her. PLEASE MAIL THIS FORM TO THE PICTURE
• I know her family personally. CHAPTER ADVISER WHOSE NAME
I received this information from: YOUR TO DRAGMA FOR THE
• Panhellenic members/master file. COLLEGE WHICH THIS RUSHEE
• H.S. faculty/staff member. WILL ATTEND. If you are not able
• Mutual friend. to locate this name and address,
• Other send form to the Regional Rush
• I send this form at request of the collegiate chapter. Officer responsible for the region
in which the rushee will attend
college-or Int'l HQ for forwarding.
If you have gathered this information
in response to a chapter's request,
please send the information directly
to the return address indicated.
Collegiate chapter pledging depends
on your supplying available
Name of Rushee soph. jr. sr.
Home address
College she will attend
Age College class: fresh.
Name of Parents/Guardian
Address of Parents/Guardian Zip Phone ( )_
AOn Relative: Sister Mother Grandmother
Name Chapter/School
Address Phone (day)
List other sorority or fraternity affiliations of relatives:
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOfl? Why?
Does she have a special interest in other groups? Why?
Have you rushed her?
Will you tell her she is being recommended?
Is she able to assume financial obligations?
She would enjoy talking about the following topics during rush:
High School and address ;.
Number in graduating class rank A C T / S A T if known
College previously attended and address _
- OVER -
Terms completed GPA
High School/Collegiate Scholastic honors .
Summer 1993 19
Activities/Offices held:
Work experience:
Please check those which apply and add comments and examples:
Outgoing and friendly
Respected Musical Reserved or shy
Cheerful and optimistic
Loyal Artistic Compatible with others
Poised/well groomed
Dependable Athletic Kind/caring
Hard Worker Organized
Responsible Cooperative
Adaptable Industrious
Leadership potential
YOUR Name Date
Address (Area Code) (Number)
City State Zip
Collegiate Chapter? Are you a collegian now? FOR CHAPTER USE ONLY.
Alumnae Chapter?_
Date Received:
Sign above to indicate endorsement of this rushee Date acknowledgement sent:
as an AOII pledge. Sorority Rushee pledges:
20 To Dragma
Kappa Sigma installed at U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
Kappa Sigma Chapter at the Univer- • \
sity of Wisconsin-River Falls was
installed on April 17,1993- Internation- I Chapter Consultants travel for months at
al President Barbara Daugs Hunt con- a time without going home. On their
ducted the initiation and installation Helping the installation chairman much deserved days-off, CCs stay with
ceremonies. She was assisted by Judy with the weekend events were Diane A O n alumnae in the area. The stays are
Flessner, Region VII Vice President; Lanphear, assistant installation chair; usually only a few days and CCs simply
Lynne Ferger, Region VII Public Rela- Kathy Larson, decorations chair; Mari- need time to relax and get away from
tions Officer; and Linda Mansur, Re- lyn Haugen, ritual chair; Jean Pilla, gifts their regular duties. If you would be
gional Director. chair; Andrea Stetzer, publicity chair; willing to provide accommodations for
Mindy Mymudes and Denise Janisch, a CC, please complete the following
Tau Chapter at the University of flowers; and Betty-Ann Kleinschmidt, and mail to HQ or contact Ann Gries-
Minnesota hosted the Rose Inspiration printing. Chapter Consultants Janet mer, Chapter Consultant Coordinator at
Night on Friday evening. April 16. On Reigel and Rissa Welcker also helped Headquarters (615) 370-0920.
installation day, the initiation was fol- with installation and conducted the rit-
lowed by a State Day Luncheon for ual workshop on Sunday, April 18. I would be happy to provide accom-
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Barbara modations for a Chapter Consultant
Hunt was the guest speaker for the Congratulations to Kappa Sigma's visiting my area.
luncheon. 35 charter members: Christine Albright,
Kathryn Beckett, Patricia Beres, Jen- Name
A Campus Tea Reception was held nifer Bergmann, Barbara Betley, Tracie
later in the day on the U. of Wisconsin- Blaies, Lori Bodart, Christina Bohm, Address
River Falls campus followed by a Rose Michelle Brandt, Joy Breitzman, Rox-
Banquet where family and friends anne Cilek, Shannon Dwyer, Jennifer Phone numbers:
were invited to share the day with the Ebert, Michelle Gargulak, Jane Hilton, w)
new initiates. Kara Ignaszewski, Denise Janisch, h)
Janet Karl, Amy Jo Klaila, Tracey
Pamela Starr Meyer served as both Krueger, Margaret Larson, Carol Collegiate chapter in area
installation chairman and toastmistress Loosen, Jill Losinski, Joanne Mataczyn-
for the Rose Banquet. Barbara Hunt, ski, Jennifer Meyer, Kimberly Meyers, Thank you and please send to:
the regional officers and Diane Lan- Cassandra Mickelson, Julie Neill, Ann Conlon Griesmer
phear, Chapter Adviser, presented the Heather Schooley, Rebecca Skally, An- Chapter Consultant Coordinator
Red Rose of Alpha Omicron Pi to the drea Stetzer, Tracy Vandervest, Simone A O n International Headquarters
new initiates. Members of Kappa Sig- Vasquez, Kimberly Wangen and Jodi 9025 Overlook Blvd.
ma contributed to the evening's enter- Wilking. Four advisers were initiated as Brentwood, TN 37027
tainment with songs and a vocal and associate members: Katrina Larsen,
flute solo of "The Rose Song." The Mindy Mymudes, Georgia Reithel and
chapter presented Pamela Meyer and Judith Tostnid. #
Diane Lanphear each with a personal-
ized engraved paddle commemorating —Contributed by Linda Mansur,
the installation weekend. Delta Pi (Central Missouri State U.)
Kappa Sigma's Alumnae Advisory Region VII Director
Committee presented its own individ-
ual awards to the new initiates, ac-
knowledging charter members who
have graduated and recognizing mem-
bers for their individual contributions
to the chapter during their coloniza-
Kaye Schendel, who currently
serves as Greek Advisor and who origi-
nally helped the local chapter search
for national affiliation, made a surprise
presentation at Rose Banquet. She pre-
sented Kappa Sigma with a $250 schol-
arship to be given annually by Kaye
and her husband to benefit a member
of Kappa Sigma Chapter. Janet Karl,
current Panhellenic president, is the
first recipient of the award.
Summer 1993 21
Gamma Chi Delaware had a sensational fall rush, The chapter had a successful aish
Carleton U. reports Christine Thomas. Chapter and pledged 39 women. Social events
members appreciate the help given included a semi-formal, a crush party,
The Gamma Chi Chapter at by the Theta, Gamma Sigma, Epsilon and a dude ranch party.
Carleton U. had an exciting first year Chi, and Lambda Upsilon Chapters.
which began with installation on Chapter members who are lead-
November 21, 1992, reports Katherine Fall events included the Rose Ball ers on campus include: Stephanie
Hincz. Gamma Chi is one of the and singing Christmas carols at a local Foster and Laura Rose, who served on
largest and strongest Greek groups on nursing home. In February, chapter the University's Honor Committee last
campus. members held a Dating Game fund year; and Nicole Rabeno, who was
raiser for Arthritis Research and president of the local chapter of
Chapter members have been invited all Greek groups on campus Amnesty International. Jennifer May
active on campus throughout the to participate. will be managing editor of the student
year, participating in such organiza- newspaper next year. Leslie Stewart
tions and events as New University Spring rush was held at the end and Samantha McDonald will partici-
Government, Foot Patrol, Freshmen of February. Other spring events were pate in the Resident Staff Program.
Orientation, and Carleton's Annual Greek Games, initiation, and the
Charity Ball. Senior Send Off. 7< 7
Christina Lucas, Gamma Chi's first Delta Chi members active in REGIO^ST
NPC delegate, worked hard through- Panhellenic include Lori Jones,
out the year with a representative housing representative; Kim Beta Gamma
from Phi Sigma Sigma to establish a Klonowski, Panhellenic delegate; Michigan State U.
Panhellenic Council at Carleton. Diana Farrell, alumnae relations; and
Laura Whittaker, Panhellenic repre- Beta Gamma Chapter at Michigan
The chapter's spring rush wel- sentative. State U. had a successful rush in the
comed a strong Alpha Pledge Class. fall and the spring, pledging 57
The pledges recently raised over $500 ~7 women, reports Heather Leisure.
for AIDS Awareness.
) Chapter members held a success-
Members of Gamma Chi are ful fund raiser during fall semester,
grateful for the support they received G j II OO NN Hi l l called the "Rose Bowl." Participants
from the Chapter Consultants and went bowling to raise money for
from a wonderful alumnae chapter. Chi Beta Arthritis Research and were active in
U. of Virginia the Adopt-a-Highway Program.
Laura Rose reports that the Chi Chapter members held an alum-
Delta Chi Beta Chapter at the U. of Virginia nae brunch to show their appreciation
U. of Delaware celebrated its 10th anniversary last for alumnae support.
November. Alumnae Relations Chairs,
Delta Chi Chapter at the U. of Olivia Titu and Alexa Adams, orga- Melisa Phillips was selected for
nized a banquet at the Charlottesville Alpha Delta Kappa honorary. Sarah
22 Omni Hotel. Eighty sisters and 40 Anderson, Paige Philbrick, and Aimee
alumnae attended the banquet. Guest Vanwieren will be Rho Chi's for fall
speakers were Region I I I Vice rush. Kelly Cahill scored 100 percent
President Joanne Earls and Jacque on the Law School Admissions Test
Dinwiddie. and was accepted to Harvard Law
School. Bridget Owen was selected
During the second semester, Chi for a Federal Bureau of Investigation
Beta held a Battle of the Bands benefit internship.
which raised $3,500 for the AOII
Foundation and Chi Beta's House To Dragma
Fund. Five local bands participated.
Beta Phi Beta Phi was ranked seventh in event to raise awareness of hunger.
Indiana U. academic standing among the 22 Other volunteer activities have
sororities on campus. Erica Williams, included tutoring elementary students
The members of Beta Phi Chapter Stephanie Colson, and Heidi Ellison at a local school, and, with alumnae,
at Indiana U. have been busy with a were initiated into Order of Omega participating in "Adopt-a-Spot," a
variety of activities this past year, this semester. Heidi Ellison was community-based clean up campaign.
reports Christa Stanton. The chapter awarded a Directorship for Chapter members raised money for
had a successful rush, pledging 35 Membership Development for the Arthritis Research with a Halloween
women. Post-rush events included Big Panhellenic Association. Trick-or-Treat. a spring "Dorm Storm,"
Sis Night and Mom's Night. and a bowline tournament.
The chapter won first place in the Chi Lambda » /"""~"
school's annual blood drive and U. ofEvansviUe
Greekfest and placed fourth in "IU GION
Sing." Debbie Bornemann won a Members of the Chi Lambda
scholarship for her performance as an Chapter at the U. of Evansville have Alpha Chi
outstanding song leader. During received many honors this year, Western Kentucky U.
Greek Week, the chapter was paired reports Julie R. Dersch. Gretchen Ploch reports that the
Alpha Chi Chapter at Western
with Acacia and members volunteered Kelly Pedigo was appointed Kentucky U. raised $22,445 in the
WKU Phone-a-Thon Competition.
at the community kitchen. The chapter Executive Vice President of Student The chapter won first place in the
sorority competition, first place in the
won the Alpha Gam Slam flag-football Government, and Shellie Deffendall sorority and fraternity combined
tournament and became all-sorority was elected President of Mortar competition, first place for the most
doubles racquetball champs. Board. Twenty-two members money raised in one calling night, and
achieved Dean's List status for the fall first place for the overall winner of all
Social activities included the semester. More than 20 chapter organizations.
annual barn dance with Pi Kappa Phi. members belong to Phi Eta Sigma, the
a theme dance, and a formal. A spon- freshman honor society. Hillary Chapter members participated in
taneous graffiti party was held in Churchill was crowned Homecoming many Greek events this year, and they
February. Queen, and Shana Stuntz was first won first place in the spirit competi-
runner-up. tion at the Greek night for men's
The chapters "Little 500" activities basketball. Chapter member Jennifer
are just beginning. The cycling team Chi Lambda filled the chapter's Mize was crowned Homecoming
was awarded third place in qualifica- rush quota of 23 during fall rush. Queen, and the chapter won first
tions and is still in training. place for Homecoming decorations.
Other fall events Other activities have included
donating time to such service activi-
included participating in ties as Big Brothers and Sisters, Adopt-
a-Spot, tutoring for the Girl's Club,
dance contests spon- and helping with a chili supper at a
local elementary school.
sored by Sigma Phi
Individual chapter members who
Epsilon, where the are campus leaders include: Meagan
Hoff, Greek Week Chairman;
chapter placed second. Gretchen Ploch, Juli Carter, Traci
Smith, and Jennifer Mize, 1992-93
Social events included a University Spirit Masters; and Melissa
Burgess, cheerleader. Several AOIls
"Hoedown" and a are presidents of campus organiza-
Continued on page 26
"Casino Night" date
This spring, two
AOn teams shared the
first place victory in the
U. of Evansville's "Little
39" bike race. The two
teams had the fastest
qualifying times in the
history of the race. Laurie
Brown, Dina Seib, and
Gennene Sollars were
Beta Phi (Indiana U.) chapter members (front row, named All-Americans.
from left) Callie Kunkler and Michele Vozar; (second Members of Chi
row, from left) Amy Hardwick, Sonya Rasmussen, Lambda marched in
Chrysanne Will, and Darcy Counsel!, display their "Cropwalk '92," a com-
Greekfest trophy. munity philanthropic
Summer 1993 23
A. AOII Sweatshirts 146
39 G o l f / B e a c h 1
64 Folding Umbrella, also available
45 Laundry Bog with Pando
98 White on White Sweatshirt I, XL
98A Gray on Gray Sweatshirt L, XL
103 C h a m p i o n Sweatshirt, Gray with Red L, X L . . .
131 Flannel Boxers, Campbell Plaid M , L, X L
144 Forest Green Sweatshirt, Paisley Letters L, XL
146 Red Rose Sweatshirt, Navy L, X L
149 Drawstring Shorts, Pockets, Gray w / N o v y L, X L
151 Burgundy Sweatshirt with Plaid Letters L, X L . . .
B. AOII Shirts & Shorts-
14 P a n d a T-Shirt with G i n g h a m AOII Letters L, XL,
104 C a n v a s B o o k b a g , Red with Navy
124 Pullover Windbreaker, Navy w / W h i t e Letters L, XL,
139 Rosevine T-5hirt L, X L
140 Rosevine Shorts N I L , XL
148 B u t t o n s ' N ' B o w s T-Shirt, attached with veltro L, X L
149 Drawstring Shorts, Pockets, Gray w / N a v y L, X L
152 University T-Shirt, C o l l e g e / U n i v e r s i t y n a m e s L, X L
C. Gear (or Sports-
101 Nylon S h o r t s , Navy with White Letters M , L, X L
127B Burgundy Rios with White Letters M , L, X L
154 Gear Panel Crew S w e a t s h i r t M , L, X L
153 G e a r T-Shirt, H e a t h e r / B u r g . Roll S l e e v e s M , L, XL
155 Gear W i n d b r e a k e r , R e d / G o l d AOII S , M , L, XL,
D. New Spring Tees, 100% Cotton Beefy T
157 Melon T-Shirt with Madras AOII Letters L, XL
158 Teal T-Shirt with M a d r a s AOII Letters L, X L
159 Tropical Pink T-Shirt with M a d r a s AOII Letters L, XL
160 R o s e b u d T-Shirt L, XL
160A Rosebud Gift Bag
E. Ecology: "AOII Cares About the World"-
127F Forest Green Rio Shorts, White AOII Letters M, L, X L . . .
150 Ecology T-Shirt, on front: "AOII Cares About the Worid,"
on back:"Caring for Our World Todoy is a Gift to
Our Legacies of Tomorrow" L, XL
150A Ecology S h o p p i n g / B o o k Bog
150B Ecology B u m p e r Sticker - I G EAR
F. AOII Stationery, Etc.-
21 I Love AOII" Button
23 License Plate
24 License F r a m e
25R Rose Bumper Sticker
28 AOII Decol _
28A Alpha Omicron Pi Classic Sticker
28S AOII Stickers with Rose
29 "AOII A l u m n a " Decal with Official Logo
30 Notepad with Red Letters
31 Graphic Notepad
35 "Celebrate Sisterhood" Button
41A Toothbrush, Red with White Alpha Omicron Pi
46 Notepad, Die Cut in Red
55 Notepad, Gray with Rose
57 Ballpoint Pen, White with Red AOII ond Rose
58 Notepad, P a n d a Footnotes
60 M e m o Cube
65 1 2 - M o n t h Calendar with A d d r e s s / T e l e p h o n e
66 "AOII for a Lifetime" Button
69A Foldover Notes with Ponda
87 Panda B o o k m a r k e r
87P Ponda Print, 5 " x 7 ; .
90 AOII Pencils, Red or White
90B Round Pencils with Bubble Letters
90M Panda Pencil Eraser
93 Mini Panda Eraser
108 Notepad, "Things to Do".
Rose Notes with Envelopes
108A Floral Notecards with Red Envelopes
113 Planner N o t e b o o k / O r g a n i z e r
114 Rose M e m o Board with Pen
122 AOII Ribbon 100 yd/45.00 or 1
150B Ecology B u m p e r Sticker
200 E m p o r i u m Gift Certificate, No Limit
Apparel Modeled by Chapter Consultants
G. AOII Gifts & Atcessories- $ .25
22 Balloons, White with R e d , Red with White 6.00
36H Heart Frome Cross Stitch Kit 12.00
36P Pillow Cross Stitch Kit.
91 Gift Bog, Red with White Letters 1.50
107L White Bottenburg Lace Pillow, AOII M o n o g r a m m e d 30.00
1 0 7 P M o i r e ' Pin Pillow, Ecru with Lace 9.00
H. AOII Alumna T-Shirt- 15.00
145 Navy T-Shirt with Official "AOII Alumna" Logo L, XL
(Modeled by Nan McCain, Past International President)
08 J. AOII Picture Frames- 4.50
71 Acrylic F r a m e with reversible mot, 3 " x 5 " 15.00
.0 D * A3L5E 122 18.00
71A Ceramic F r a m e with rosebuds, 4 " x 6 " 18.00
71B Engraved Brass F r a m e , 3 " x 5 " 18.00
71C Engraved Brass F r o m e , 5 " x 3 " 6.00
71D Engraved Silver F r a m e , 3 " x 5 "
117 Acrylic Rosebud F r a m e , 5 " x 7 "
K. AOII Socks- 5.00
34 White with Red Rose 5.00
34A White Crew with Red AOII 5.00
34B White with Red P a n d a 5.00
34C White Turndown with Red AOII
L Rio Style Shorts- 20.00
127 R e d , 127B Burgundy, 127F Forest Green M, L, X L
M. AOII Family Apparel-
19 "My M o m ' s an A O I I ! " T e e , Red 2 - 4 , 6 - 8 , 1 0 - 1 2 , 1 4 - 1 6 . . 8 . 0 0
19G "My Grandmother's a n AOII I" T e e , Navy 2 - 4 , 6 - 8 ,
1 0 - 1 2 , 1 4 - 1 6 (19GP Rosebud Pink also available) 8.00
42 "An AOII Loves M e " Baby Bib 5.00
135 "AOII Mom" T-Shirt, White with Red Letters L, XL 18.00
1 3 6 "AOII Dod" T-Shirt, White with Novy Letters L, XL, X X L . . . . 18.00
N. AOII Keychains- 4.50
32 Lucite with AOII Letters 4.50
32A Red with White AOII Letters 5.00
70A White Corian with Official "AOII A l u m n a " Logo 5.00
70B Gray Corian with Red AOII Letters 5.00
1 1 9 A B r o s s Deb Key Ring(adjusts to heartshope) 2.50
1191 Key Ring with ID Holder
0. AOII Business Executive- 16.00
57A Burgundy Pen by Garlond, Gold Alpha Omicron Pi
inscribed on Barrel, Red rose on end 18.00
57B M o n t Blanc-Style P e n , Marble Red with Gold Script 15.00
92 Writing Folder, 8 1 f t x 1 1 " Gold E m b o s s e d
92A Writing Folder, 5 " x 7 " Gold E m b o s s e d
P. Mugs'N'More- 1.50
43L Stadium Cup, 3 2 o z 1.25
43S Stadium C u p , 2 2 o z 4.50
68 Ceramic M u g with R o s e s 3.50
121 S q u e e z e Bottle, 3 2 oz 4.50
121 A K o o l Kan Muggie
Emporium P o t i o n e l Headquartersw i , h
Order Form n v m e n t t o : fi01 l n , e r n
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 USA
i6i si 370-0920
Qty. Item # Description/Color Size Price
Shipping I Handling Sub Total:.
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Canadians: Please double Hie above amounts
Check MC Visa Discover Exp. Date
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Mallory McClure, and Jill Tucker were
initiated into Order of Omega, and
Natalie was elected secretary/trea-
surer. Jennifer Langford was crowned
Miss MSU 1993. Chapter President
Ginna Curling served on the 1992
Homecoming Court. Shay Dodson
and Angela Hudgin performed in
MSU's Annual Campus Lights. Amy
Hall was on the tennis team. Renee
Amberg and Chanon Chaney were
selected for the Racegirls dance
squad. Ginger Adams and Amy
Bowland were selected junior varsity
Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.) chapter members arepictured at the Kappa Delta Epsilon Omega
Shenanigans in September, 1992. Eastern Kentucky U.
tions, including: Nancy Ayers, Tri-Beta pledged quota during fall rush and Epsilon Omega Chapter at
Biological Honor Society; Kelly Elliot, again during the first semester of Eastern Kentucky U. had a successful
District III Tri-Beta; Carrie Jaworski, deferred rush. year, receiving the Distinguished
American Society of Interior Service Award for the second consec-
Designers; Paula Huelsman, presi- Chapter members won the Alpha utive year, reports Lee Threlkeld.
dent-elect of the Student Council for Delta Pi 500 Spirit Award this year.
Exceptional Children; and Michelle The contest is judged by participation, The chapter's success continued
McCarty, Kappa Delta Pi Honor spirit, and support for the Greek during fall rush as it pledged over
Society. system. During the first Greek Week, quota. Other fall highlights were a
the chapter won the overall competi- faculty tea in November, hosted by
Delta Omega tion and the spirit category. Chapter Shelley Cook, and Founders' Day in
Murray State U. members donated gifts to needy chil- December, hosted by Stephanie Mann.
dren during the December holiday Ann Graves won the Recognition
The Delta Omega Chapter at season. The chapter's 12th annual Mr. Award for her dedication. Tammy Gee
Murray State U. had an exciting year, MSU Pageant raised $2,000 for was crowned Homecoming Queen.
reports Marcy Smith. The chapter Arthritis Research.
Kelly Gates and Shelley Cook are
Sara Bernhardt, Natalie Bowers, Rho Chi's for fall rush 1993, and Sherri
Blanford was elected Secretary of
•r Panhellenic. Tammy Gee was elected
overall chair for Greek Weekend. She
Members of Delta Omega Chapter who were selected as Miss Murray State also received the Fealty Award and
University are (from left) Lee Ann Taylor (1989), Jennifer Langford (1993), and the Outstanding President Award. The
MitziJones (1991). chapter won second place in philan-
thropy and first place in participation.
The city of Richmond recognized
the chapter for the members' dedica-
tion and hard work for the city's
Haunted Forest. Stephanie Drury
received a $300 scholarship in recog-
nition of her volunteer work on this
Seven chapter members were
named to Order of Omega: Traci
Click, Shelley Cook, Ginny Hardy,
Linda Long, Molly McDermott, Marie
McNamera, and Holly Stegeman.
Chapters members appreciate the
Corporation Board's redecorating the
chapter's television room.
26 To Dragma
Omega Omicron 17th and 19 new members were
Lambuth U. welcomed. Melinda Milligan won the
Miss Lambuth 1992 Pageant in the fall.
Chapter members participated in
several community service projects
and fund raisers. During the fall
semester, they took part in the
Jackson Outhouse Race, a Panhellenic
activity which raised money for the
Star Center. Omega Omicron
performed "A Vaudeville Show" at the
1993 All-Sing and won second place.
Proceeds went to the Literacy Council.
Melinda Milligan, Miss Lambuth U. REGION Kathy Keenan, Homecoming Queen
at Birmingham-Southern College
Amy Rice, Homecoming Queen at Tau Delta
Lambuth U. Birmingham-Southern GPA on campus. Two pledges tied for
College pledge scholars; both women had
Shannon Tutt reports that Omega averages of 3-97. Helen Chandler has
Omicron Chapter at Lambuth Tau Delta Chapter at Birmingham been elected to serve as Student
University had a successful fall rush -Southern College had an eventful Government Secretary, and four
and pledged 27 women. Another year, reports Sarah Lauren Van chapter members will serve as repre-
September event was Big/Little Sis Valkenburgh. Before initiating 22 new sentatives to the S.G.A. Tau Delta also
Week. members in February, the chapter co- boasts three of the newly selected
hosted AOII State Day on campus Resident Advisors for the coming year.
During October, chapter with the Zeta Pi Chapter (U. of
members held their annual Pig Roast Alabama, Birmingham). Tau Delta Chapter members continued to
and volunteered their time to the presented $500 to the local chapter of donate time to volunteer service.
Halloween Carnival on campus. the Arthritis Foundation in addition to Numerous projects on campus were
Omega Omicron's spirit continued sponsoring its annual "Stick Up for organized by the Southern Volunteer
during Homecoming, which was also Arthritis" campaign in April. Services Coordinators, six of whom
in October. AOII was well repre- are Tau Deltas. Kim Wimmer has
sented with four of the six members During Homecoming week, Tau continued her work as this year's Miss
of the Homecoming Court. Senior Delta's Julie Payne and Lauren Alabama and has been chosen to
Amy Rice was crowned queen. Hawkins were chosen to represent appear at Walt Disney World as Ariel
their classes on the Homecoming in The Little Mermaid.
Initiation was held on January Court. Another chapter member,
Summer 1993 Kathy Keenan, was elected Beta Lambda
Homecoming Queen. Illinois Wesleyan U.
Three chapter members are presi- Amy Drees reports that Beta
dents of campus organizations: Jo Ann Lambda Chapter at Illinois Wesleyan
Cook, Mortar Board; Kim Wimmer, U. recently pledged eight women for
Omicron Delta Kappa; and Kathy a pledge class of 18.
Keenan, Kappa Delta Epsilon. Carrie
Woods will be the next president of In February, chapter members
Kappa Delta Epsilon. Misti Bridges will co-hosted a successful Illinois State
serve as the 1993-94 Panhellenic Day with Iota Chapter (U. of Illinois).
President. Continued on next page
Tau Delta Chapter has earned the
honor of holding the highest chapter
A sisterhood weekend is planned for challenge philanthropy, the chapter Upsilon Lambda
ski team won second place. Chi Delta U. of Texas-San Antonio
July. has undertaken a variety of commu-
Two chapter members were nity philanthropies, such as Adopt-a- The Upsilon Lambda Chapter at
Grandparent, being pen pals to the U. of Texas-San Antonio had a
recently inducted into EGAS, a senior special education children, and big busy spring semester and pledged 15
women honor society. They are Liz sister programs. women during aish.
Mayer and Christina Grenzow. Mary
Beth Kain. Laura Kurtenacker, and Chapter members are promoting Chapter members enjoyed "fun
Arlene Musson were selected for the Greek system by going to local meetings" once a month. Social
membership in Kappa Delta Pi, an high schools to provide information events included a mixer with the men
education honorary. about rush. Members have also been of Sigma Phi Epsilon and a volleyball
busy holding rush workshops game with the men of Sigma Nu.
Theta Chi throughout the semester to prepare During Greek Week, the lip sync
Momingside College for fall rush. contest team, lead by Amy Waugh,
placed second.
Julie Smith reports that Theta Chi The highlight of the year is the
Chapter at Morningside College approval for the expansion and reno- The chapter's second annual
recently initiated six members. The vation of the Chi Delta house. The bachelor auction was held during
chapter currently has four pledges. chapter house is a Colorado historic Fiesta UTSA and the proceeds bene-
landmark. fitted Arthritis Research. The school
New officers were installed at the year ended with the annual Roseball
beginning of February. The President Chapter members are proud of formal.
of the Panhellenic Council is now a Beth Johnson who was chosen to be
Theta Chi. a Chapter Consultant. Alpha Gamma
Washington State U.
Chapter members recently Delta Alpha
welcomed Patty O'Meara and Jill U. of Missouri-Columbia Alpha Gamma Chapter at
Noravek to the chapter's Alumnae Washington State U. had a successful
Advisory Committee. Chapter Delta Alpha Chapter at the U. of fall rush, pledging 34 women which
members appreciate the help and Missouri-Columbia had a busy was two above quota, reports Jodee
support they have received from Judy semester, reports Elizabeth Steele. Woodworm. The chapter pledged the
Zawacke during the last few months. most women on campus.
Delta Alpha had a fund raiser for
The chapter's hall was remodeled philanthropy, a bowling tournament
last summer and chapter members are called "Bud Bowl." Chapter members
pleased with the results. Members are participated in Greek Week with their
now busy working on rush plans for partner. Alpha Gamma Sigma.
the fall. Chapter President Julie Smith
and Chapter Adviser Marsha Newman Angie Dieterich was selected for
are looking forward to attending the campus Alumnae Association
International Convention in Nashville Student Board. Kim Boyd, Lori
in June. Juergens, and Shelly Murray were
selected to be fall rush Rho Chi's. The
chapter had a successful spring rush.
Chi Delta The 1992fall pledge class at Delta Alpha Chapter(U. ofMissouri).
U. of Colorado To Dragma
Chi Delta Chapter at the U. of
Colorado (Boulder) has received the
John G. Copeland Award as the most
outstanding chapter on campus. The
chapter also received the Panhellenic
Efficiency Award.
While participating in the ski
Fall semester began with the 77 pledge class of whom 100 percent
second annual Ruby Dude
Philanthropy Fraternity Competition K H GG II(O) >N were initiated and continued through
which raised money for Arthritis
Research. With its partner, Sigma ( the recent elections. A majority of the
Alpha Epsilon, the chapter placed first
in the Homecoming games. Another Chi Alpha new initiates became officers. Lauren
fall event was a Haunted House for U. of Calif omia, Davis
Charity which was co-sponsored by Pi McGuinness was chosen to be the
Kappa Alpha. Admission to the house Chi Alpha Chapter at the U. of
was $2 or two cans of food. All California, Davis had a banner year, Panhellenic Vice Chair of rush this
proceeds were donated to Goodwill reports Darla Bayer. It began with a
Industries. year and will assume the position of
Spring semester began with Rush Chair next year.
AOPride Week, during which the At the recent Panhellenic
chapter had a Teacher Appreciation
Dinner for faculty members. Chapter Awards Evening, Chi Alpha received
members are participating in an several honors. The chapter had the
Adopt-a-Block program with Delta third highest GPA among the 12
Sigma Phi. Andrea Willcuts was sororities on campus. Chapter
chosen Senior of the Year by members won another scholarship
Panhellenic. Ann Stanley received the
Collegiate Leadership Award. Ground broken for Chi s new house
Alpha Phi When does a shovelful of earth represent dreams come true? When the
Montana State U. preliminary "spade work" of years of effort culminates in the official ground-
breaking for a new house!
Beth Sachse reports that the
members of Alpha Phi Chapter at On April 24, 1993 at 11 a.m., Chi Corporation President Marie Brown,
Montana State U. prepared for fall Chapter President Cori Ranzer, and Chapter Vice President/Administration
rush for many months and their hard Shari Cuenca shared this cheerful chore as the crowd applauded. Region I
work paid off with a wonderful Vice President Janet Slagowski noted that Chi's new house is the first
pledge class. chapter house in Region I to be built specifically for that purpose. Jan
praised the determination and hard work of the Corporation Board, area
September began with the alumnae, Chi Chapter alumnae, and the collegians. She said that all of these
chapter's "Fall Fireside," which AOris have dreamed of a new house since Chi's re-installation in 1985.
included a barbecue and country
dancing. Another fall party was spon- Marie Brown expressed gratitude to the Executive Board and the
sored by the pledge class. Regional Officers of AOIJ for their confidence in the chapter's ability to
meet the continuing challenges of this major project. Contributions to this
Chapter members raised funds for project are welcome. Checks may be sent to Marie Brown, 302
philanthropy by selling tickets to see Westholm Blvd., Syracuse, NY 13219-
the movie "Passenger 57."
—Contributed by Harriet O'Leary,
Several members of Alpha Phi are Theta Eta (U. of Cincinnati),
campus leaders. Rachel Stapleton is
Vice President of the Student Chi Alumnae Advisory Committee
Government Association and was
nominated for Homecoming Queen. mNEWSOftORIW H O U S E - F a R C W O T O F A ^ K
Rachel is also a member of Order of PI A.
Omega. Jody Verploegan is a member ... :.*
of Mortar Board and Advocats. Kerry
Hanson, who served as Homecoming From left are Harriet O 'Leary, Alumnae Advisory Committee;Janet Slagowski,
Chair, is currently High School Days Region I Vice President; Cori Ranzer, Chi President, and Marie Brown, Chi
Co-chair. She is also a member of Corporation President; at the ground breakingfor the new Chi Chapterhouse.
Order of Omega. Lea Anderson is
President of Order of Omega and is
also an Advocat.
Summer 1993 29
award for maintaining a GPA above i
3.0 for a year. Pamela Feldstein,
Public Relations Chair, was honored Members of the Delta Sigma Chapter (San Jose State U.) who volunteered at the
for her outstanding P.R. Program. Children's Miracle Network Carnival are (front row, from left) Debbie Blofeld,
Pam was also chosen for the presti- Sally Morales, Kiva Quails, and Cheryl Liem; (back row, from left) Tina Solis,
gious position of peer rush counselor Cheryl Cody, Christina Davila, Heidi Stanfill and Tiffiny Aragon.
for fall rush.
1993 Graduates, AOIIHas a Giftfor You...
Philanthropic activities have
included a Teeter-Totter Marathon . *9 YOUR FIRST
fund raiser and a letter writing YEAR'S ON US!
campaign to raise money for Arthritis f
Research. Chapter members partici-
pated in the Arthritis Foundation \
Telethon and helped decorate Easter
eggs at a local boys' home. Congratulations on your graduation! Welcome to AOf! alumnae status.
Though you're juggling lots of things right now, wherever you go your involve-
Delta Sigma ment as an alumna can easily be tailored to fit your needs and balanced with your
San Jose State U. work, family and community activities. Most alumnae groups meet just once a
month and dues are usually $15 to $25 annually. As AOLTs gift to new graduates,
The Delta Sigma Chapter at San we are exempting the International Operations and Conference Fees from your
Jose State U. is celebrating its fifth local dues(a savings of $12)! Along with the benefits of a lifetime of supportive
year since it was rechartered, reports and caring sisterhood, you'll experience the advantages of networking, fun, friend-
Gina Contreras. ship and sharing your commitment to AOII. Plus, your local alumnae group will
benefit from your skills, knowledge, time, energy and enthusiasm! Please contact
Last October, chapter members your local AOII Alumnae Chapter today.
helped Re/Max Realty with an
Oktoberfest Carnival which raised Name
$4,600 for the Children's Miracle
Network for local children's hospitals. Address
More than 1,000 people attended the
event which featured Karaoke City State/Prov. Zip/Postal
singing, Karate demonstrations, and
various games. Chapter members Country Phone ( )
helped with the game and food
booths and did face painting. After Collegiate Chapter Initiation Date
the event, chapter members received
a letter of thanks from Re/Max, Call us at International AOII Headquartes—615/370-0920 or use this form to
praising them for their help and request information about the chapter nearest you. Fill in and send to: Phylis
enthusiasm. Garrison. Alumnae Services Coordinator; AOII Headquarters; 9025 Overlook
Boulevard; Brentwood, TN 37027.
Another philanthropic event, the
Mr. Fraternity Contest, raised over To Dragma
$3,700 for Arthritis Research. Chapter
members hosted students from a local
elementary school for a day on
campus. The children were given
tours and had lunch with their tour
guides. During the holidays in
December, chapter members donated
over 120 cans of food and 45 bags of
clothes to the City Team Ministries
which benefits homeless people.
Another fall event was a tailgate
party during the football season
which was attended by more than 75
alumnae and parents.
Spring rush was successful and
Delta Sigma pledged more women
than any other group on campus. ^
In Their Memory
This section of To Dragma is dedicated to the memory of these sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi. This list includes the names of those
whose death was reported to International Headquarters between 5/2/91 and 4/1/93. This list is published before each Convention.
Alpha Chi Kathryn E Mansfield Mary Margaret Gumey Sanford
Western Kentucky University Helen Bacon McCain Ruth Ethel MacDonald Williams
Ivy Elizabeth McGregor
Rhona Gwynne Runner Chyle Florence Elizabeth Wade McKinstry Beta lambda
Margaret Louise Monin Diddle Ruth Sherwin Mihnos Illinois Wesleyan University
Marjorie Sherwin Perry
Alpha Delta Esther Nordstrom Skelton Carolann Jones
University- Of Alabama Vada Morfitt Snider
Ethel Rodgers Yantis Beta Phi
Christina Leigh McAdams Margaret Leah Bales Yocum Indiana University
Alpha Omicron Alpha Sigma Mary Elizabeth Johnson Abel
Louisiana State University University of Oregon Reba Jean Pendry Brock
Mary Frances McComb Busby
Kathryn Margaret Lobrano Moyse Helen Lynn Jackson Ackerman Pauline Winifred McCoy Cramton
Dorothea Phyllis McClaran Barrow Jessie Irene Mitchell Cross
Alpha Phi Patricia McKenna Beard Margret Ann King Gordon
Montana State University Evelyn M Hogue Dickson Frances Cordelia Baylor Guenther
Virginia Saville McCorkle Hayek Emma Parmelia McClain Hauswald
Gladys Amelia Arneson Laveme M Spitzenberger Lapham Roberta Jane Taylor Kilborn
Margaret Cordelia Kunkel Damson Loran Elizabeth Moser Meidinger Marilyn Claire Roser Kowalczyk
Jean Kathleen Drummond Dolan Lee Chapman Nuss Shirley Ann Proud Leible
Alice Myrtle McCone Farris Dora Caroline McClain Reynolds Mabel Jane Cline MacPherson
Judith Eileen Lesage Fulker Roberta Bernice Wilcox Roe Mary Marvel Neal Mcllveen
Claire Gertrud Trueworthy Johnston Alberta Rebecca Morgan Signor Elizabeth McKorkle
Carol Christine McRae Kimball Chloethiel Blanche Woodward Smith Adelaide Pauline Jones McNeff
Kathleen Bownes McFauddin Anne Bennett McFall Meek
Elarriet Agnes Gilchrist McQuain Alpha Tau Rita Alice Mercille
Martha Harwood Maxey Palffy Denison University Mary Richmond Fletcher Parthemer
Margaret Glass Scott Reeves Selma Pauline Drabing Pond
Myrtle Catherman Kuhns Schump Nancy Bowyer Ann Lee Carter Rinne
Florence Gwendolyn Tyler Nancie Mae MacDonald Emin Betty Jean Pruitt Scherer
Miriam Esther Asbury Wisdom Miriam Piper Dorr Komarek Esther Vivian Shough
Gloria Lee Sampson Zartrnan Katherine Louise Wolfe Pritchard Madeline Snoddy
Ruth Geil Warner Evelyn Beatrice MacFerren Taylor
Alpha Pi Margaret Ann Woodworm Janice Catherine Trotter Turner
Florida State University Florence Eleanor Gaber Walsh
Beta Dorothy Lucille Clarke Whitmore
Helen Elizabeth Bisz Brown University
Catherine Agnes Pride Dewitt Beta Pi
Lois Higley Eichinger Elsie Emeline McCausland Crossley Eastern Michigan University
Edith Pauline Johnson Eulenfeld Lillian G. MacQuillin McCausland
June Merle Fulmer Furcolow Alta May Dennison Antal
Evelyn Pilkington Gerdel Beta Gamma
Betty Jo Miller Holshouser Michigan State University Beta Tau
Sandra Lee Unger University of Toronto
Virginia Agnes Brader Bakewell
Alpha Rho Barbara Ann Church Johnson Margaret J McEachern Sanborn
Oregon State University Ellen Janet Holstein Nelson
Mabel Fern Petersen Beta Theta
Elsa E Kankkonen Aase Ruth Marian MacKool Thiel Butler University
Ruth Marion Gillmore Baines Dorothy Morgan Bowen Thumser
June Elanor Dickson Chapman Ruth McClurg Brown
Clarice Gale Conklin Childers Beta Kappa Chi
Dorothy Mae Metsker Coshow University of British Columbia Syracuse University
Marcia Elaine Kenyon Dobry
Margaret McLeod Horwege Ann Hutton Jeremy Grand Ruth Aphia Vincent Barber
Glenna Genevra McDaniel Hussing Margaret Ann Jacobs Florrie Mary Clark
Eileen Lenore Jeffries Suzanne Jane LaVigne Guerrara
Summer 1993 31
In Their Memory Evelyn Ruth Thomas Holt Elizabeth Jane Lynahan Mettenet
Edith Luis Koelsch Kirkpatrick Constance Agnes Cobb Pierce
Esther Myrtic Hagenbucher Hill Elizabeth Marian Angell Lakin Martha Caroline McCormick Smythe
Ann Elizabeth Middleton Jean Margaret Silk Laprairie Isabel Lucetta Thro Towson
Bertha Clay Muckey Marjorie Winslow MacCuspie Dorothy Dunlap Saxton Westman
Helen Frances Schrack Kathleen MaeDonald Betty Francis Johnson White
Iantha Emmerltng Stage, Anna Leslie Hooper MacMillan Elizabeth Grace McAIpine Worth
Kathryn Amelia Gilcher Thomasmeyer Elizabeth C MacLeod Matheson
Leta May McClear Totman Priscilla Bertha Young Nay Epsilon Alpha
Beverly Emily Frost Warner Helen Louise Christian Potter Pennsylvania State University
Alice Coulter Wilson Helen Blood Scott
Mabel Ruth Guthrie Woodruff Marjorie Jane Brewster
Mary Helen Mergendahl Shepardson Marian Luanna Terwilliger Elliston
Chi Alpha Marion Christine Shorley Cicely May DeSilver Hindenach
U. of California-Davis Ruth Proctor Bagley Spear Mary Reese Holmes Lewellyn
Mildred Beatrice Sawyer Stickney Mary Gertrude Richards Roberts
Paola Valentina Mohlere Elizabeth R Beattie Ulin Marjorie Govier Stanton
Joan Alexandra MacWillie Walker Lydia Stout
Chi Delta Alma Gertrude Wiley
U. of Colorado Hazel May McCarthy Woodworth Anna Christine Saylor Williams
Delta Beta
Barbara Hungerford Alice Marie Janota Winthrop
Mary Lou Blewett Matson U. of Southwest Louisiana
Nona Ellen Minges Miller Elizabeth Ann Blackburn Woodhouse
Bettilou Goecker Montgomery Ruth Rose Davidson
Anna Katharine Barker Schroeder Eta
Millicent deBelle Whitwell Delta Delta University of Wisconsin
Chi Lambda Auburn University Elizabeth Hyde Sears Boulden
University of Evansville Sara Lynette Robison Bird Grace Elizabeth McManamy Conklin
Mary Alice Mclnnis Lindberg Lorraine McManamy Evans
Martha S Abel Viola Janis Mclnnis Maynard Vera Alderson Fowler
Vera Nell Robinson Evers Joy Justice Weaver Grace Geraldine Austin Gray
Aepies Joan H Franke Kathryn Mary Lunceford Hardell
Joan Bevan Luckett McNamee Delta Omega Margery Anne Stangel Herman
Grace E Sevringhaus Murray State University Lenice Goodrich Hoffmann
Fern Stege Robinson Kallevang
Chi Sigma Traca Lynn Walker Dorothy Jane Bassett Knott
Margaret Amis Bobbitt Miller
Centenary College Delta Phi Dorothy Paull
Louise Lowe Brown University of South Carolina Eleanor Sikes Peters
Delta Ellen Laborde McLeod Gamma
Tufts University University of Maine-Orono
Delta Pi
Margaret Durkee Angell Central Missouri State U. Mary Grace Tibbetts Bean
Kathryn Mason Haff Anthony Dorothy Elizabeth MacLeod Bedard
Mary B Arnold Raylene Gayle Hosley McKamin Esther Jones Hawkes Brake
Geraldine Goldthwaite Babson Eleanor Alice McCresker Brown
Marjorie Phillips McCarty Bayliss Delta Sigma Margaret Ellen McManus Carroll
Marion Ruby Bennett SanJose State University Mary Crowell Perkins Crandon
Ruth Elvira Brooks Carolyn Imogen Wormwood Ingalls
Sara Lucy Buxton Norma Elliott Mclnerny Mclnerney Elspeth Burnett Johnson Mason
Marie Barrett Carney Marilyn Louise Blue Mikesell Mabel Frances Powell McGinley
Helen Ackermann Chapin Nancy McGrath Tyler Mildred Louise Powell McGinley
Ruth Madeline Robinson Cooke Epsilon Helen Fuller McKenney
Kathryn Brian Mclnerney Downes Cornell University Elizabeth Sale Barrows Pendleton
Betty Bethliah MaeDonald Fairbanks Elizabeth Patricia Tully Ackerman Florence Evelyn MacLeod Ramsey,
Frances Crocker Gifford Helen Studebaker Crawford Constance Virginia Thomes
Alice Mary Towsley Gilman H Elizabeth Merrill Crowe Irene Mary Lerette Whitcomb
Ruth Mary Glidden Barbara Ann McCann Dalton Ethel Cummings Woodbury
Solina Ludovica Grassi Sara Mae McGarrey Dean
Annette Basford MacKnight Harvey Mathilde Pauline Loeffler Diffenback To Dragma
Mary Estelle Heald Joanne Wellman Skinner Eckerson
Isabel Hall Coombs Healey Betty Palmer Keeler Kuck
Marguerite May Hallsted MacCracken
In Their Memory• Augusta Stacy Marshall Lambda
Frances Witty McLean Stanford University
Gamma Omicron Linna Mae McBride McNeill
University of Florida Elizabeth Goodrich Sale McRee Alice Lundberg Alexander
Dorothy Willard McAden Merritt Eunice Helena Force Barkell
Margaret Low DaVault Lorena Best Terry Quick Velda Hancock Berry
Edith Atkins Pfeiffer Ribble Gladys Dewey Courtian Britton
Gamma Sigma Linda Rosalie Best Terry Nevada Loraine West Chalmers
Georgia State U. Katherine March Thomas Marian Gilbert Coleman
Mary Elizabeth Bryan Williams Gladys Patrick Downs
Crissa Noelle Hawkins Willie Lee Hopson Williams Abbie Elvenia Wood Fout
Kerri Kristan Keith Madge Stokes Winslow Meta McQuoid Glendenning
Alice May Chandler Goodan
Iota Kappa Alpha Dorothy Herrington
U. of Illinois Indiana State U. Helen Louise Born Kendall
Elizabeth Ann McCoy Mattson
Nina Grotevant Abbey Mary Leigh Eppert Jenkins Virginia Alice Blair Murray
Edith Lang Aitken Sara Council Sagraves Elsa Flatau Older
Leota Irene Mosier Bigler Sally Jo Timbs Smiley Mildred Maurine Merritt Parmalee
Ruth May Terwilliger Blakey Litha Hayne Smith Ruth Barbara McCallum Parmelee
Lynn Broderick Chidley Josephine Marion Wilson Prein
Ina Lucille Holtermann Clarahan Kappa Gamma Alice Rebecca Russell
Carol Jean Dunnivant Cygan Florida Southern College Jane Adele Roberts Siemers
Maybelle Dallenbach Denhart Helen Hawley Chapman Thomas
Mary Alice MacMillan Doherty Sara Carter McDonald Scaggs Katharine Boynton Turtle
Zoe Foran Ellis Marqueen Helen Ayers Schlarbaum Linell Ethlyn Garvin Youtz
Erma Alvira Bissell Hedgcock Gail Janis Council Tabb
Dorothea McFarland Heffner Lambda Beta
Virginia Anne B Kennedy Hill Kappa Omicron California State - Long Beach
Mariellen Damon Jaeger Rhodes College
Anna Cathryn Hoffert Kirk Cheryl Lynn Goodman Hamblen
Patricia Smith Kirk Elizabeth M Williams Cooper
LaVerne Ruth Kruggel Mary Otey McKellar Douglass Lambda Phi
Charlotte Aleorn McGlade Lierman Zelda Keesee Obrien Fay U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Mary Elizabeth Wright Lundeen Laura Mildred Rainwater McRae
Mildred Harley MacDonald Serena Ann Crawford Robertson Terri Motz Motto
Katherine Maclntyre Priscilla Love Strickland Rushton
Helen M Moore MacLeod Harret Louise Shepherd Thomas Lambda Sigma
Margaret Andrea Moeck Mathis U. of Georgia
Kathryn Winifred Huxtable McMahon Kappa Phi
Ethel Jane Nickey Morberg McGillU. Cornelia Louise Williams Beall
Margaret Anne McCaughey Parker Carolyn Elizabeth Huey Harris
Eliza Bonita Garman Schoening Muriel Louise Cole Edward R Jane McCollum McAuliffe
Katherine Wesson Barbara Jill McMurty Terroux Ruth McKinney Odom
Iota Sigma Kappa Rho Lambda Tau
Iowa State U. Western Michigan University Northeast Louisiana U.
Marguerite O Gilchrist Miriam Anne Roeder Howard Jo Brian
Ruth Evelyn Bell Streit
Kappa Kappa Theta Nu
Randolph-Macon Women's College University of California/LA New York University
Elizabeth S Bradstreet
Clara Rust Bailey Carol Hart Procter Conners Ethel Agnes Putz Dunlop
Josephine Winslow Batten Arnice Hortense Daggett Duecker Mildred Augusta Schneider Fray,
Margaret Vaughan Branscomb Rose Marie Mclnerny Grogan Elsie Beynon MacCracken
Lida Duke Stokes Brock Alene Withers Harrold Dorothy Agnes Catlaw MacDonald
Martha Barksdale Craddock Hildegarde Louise Mohan McRitchie Elizabeth Jackson Moss
Phoebe Frances Paxton Dent Nancy Elizabeth Oliver Nu Beta
Callonder Hull Weltner Dorsey Betty Laurene Maspero Rubardt
Nancy Boyce Gates Gibson Elizabeth S McWilliams Smith U. of Mississippi
Annie Kate Gilbert Dorothy Louise Hoecker Welty Barbara Dianne Boyll Thorne
Margaret Brandon Jarmon
Shirley Marie L McDermit Lake 33
Summer 1993
In Their Memory. Alma Lee Conn Bumen Kathleen Emmons Clifford
Dorothy Betz Cowing Irene Mathilda Lutz Dunham
Nulota Anna E McConnaughy Easterday Doris Marjorie Kent Fish
Northern Illinois U. Margaret Eloise Westfall Farrow Barbara Ellen Alter Heines
Mary Louise Stabbat Horn Margaret Louise Davidson Kellam
Sharon Lynn Piccatto Berns Frances E McNult Jackson Dorothea Comfort Mclntyre
Myril Marie Hallman Buhler Phylis E Kreuzwieser Nell Dickenson Peters
Nu Lambda Eileen Mae Vanmeter Lander Irene M Potter
U. of Southern California Helen Josephine Scott Mann Jane Aggas McBride Preish
Marjory Kathryn McDonald Julius Marian Brown Arthur McKenzie Charlotte Evans Mitchell Rutherford
Katherine Allison Rodgers Porter Lylas Estelle Hayes Sponceller
Nu Omicron Thelma Nickel Readnour Lucile Stow Bellamy Stewart
VanderbiltU. Jean Adair Hanneman Searle Mae Stuart
Margaret Katherine Betz Smith
Mettie Marie Taylor Barton Louise Arthur Spieldenner Eleanor Boyer Waldo
Dorothy Robinson Bramwell Carol Ann Lloyd Wells Helen Wolfe
Faith Evelyne Clark Brogden
Helen Hunt Harris Buchi Omega Omicron Phi
Carolyn Ward Bass Cate Lambuth U. U. of Kansas
Emily Irene Williams Cater
Jennie Sue Lanier Cochran Jo Page Varnell McGee Kathryn Pauline Millisack Acton
Genevieve Catheren Hughes Dillard Virginia Elaine McKnight Faire Noreen Voran French
Margaret Virgini Chappell Ellison Susan Ann Head McNinch Dorothy Maree Deem Hanson
Lajuan Furgason Margaret Ann Craft Plant Margaret Lucille Elledge Harris
Mary Frances Morton Good Margaret Louise Hoopes
lone Blair Goodpasture Omicron Helen Josephine Tatum Huyck
Minerva Louise Tuttle Hairston LT. of Tennessee-Knoxville Jessie Earlene Kinman McKelvy
Mary Russell Robinson Herod Beverly Jean Pepper
Louella Whorley Higgins Martha Berry Prettyman Biel Dena Mae Harmon Putnam
Louise Thomason Hull Mary Wyatt Galbraith Brabham Betty Jane Brown Rhodes
Josephine Austin Wemyss Jones Frances Elizabeth Scott Chisolm Edith Anne Phenicie Rice
Lois Summar Jones Ellen Cresswell Converse Cross Henrietta E Stewart Singer
Martha Louise Roden Kenton Rylma June Love Edmunds Reba Pauline White Utt
Gail Greene Linebaugh Margaret Burnett Smith Estes Opal Elley Wells Van
Effie Meek Maiden Alice Newton Hayes Graf Bessie Dorothea Higgins Walker
Corinne Hayes Tanksley Martin Eleanor Graham Marjorie McKelvy Wehr
Louise Reid McMurry Matthews Sallie Woodward Francis Harris Phi Alpha
Katrina Overall McDonald Annie Lynn McNutt Humpidge
Margaret Dickenson McGregor Emma Carhart Albers Hunt East Tennessee State U.
Lucile Stephenson Morgan Miller Aubrey Victorine Faulkner Jennings Ruth Roberts Harris
Helen Hawkins Morford Laura Swift Mayo Jernigan
Mary Horton Ormsby Carolyn Jane Aston Linebaugh Phi Delta
Agnes Clary Cassels Ramsey Marion Logue U. Of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Mary Bailey Allison Sanders
Ann Augusta Perry Shofner Nelle Louise Bondurant Mabry Christine Ann Larson McGrath
Alice Wray Springer Taylor Lyna Shoat Flowers Matthews
Elizabeth Perry Tichenor Jane Pennybacker Mosbacher Phi Lambda
Pearl Nancy Tuttle Marjorie Ann Nelson Youngstown State University
Bessie Beasley White Dorothy Carol Pack
Katherine Orme Williams Elizabeth Read Mcllvaine Parten Alyce Abrams Young
Georgia Benton Ledbetter Wilson Barbara Joan White Reddick
Mildred Goodrich McKinney Young Phi Omicron
NuZeta Hanover College
Chadron State College Omicron Pi
U. of Michigan Berdina Patricia McRoberts Reese
Mary Carpenter Paulson
Helen Margaret Holden Abbott Pi
Omega Carolyn Victoria Ross Babson Newcomb College - Tulane
Miami U. Carol Jean Sevebeck Bell
Alice Louise Wessels Burlingame Mary Pearce Bradbum
Clarissa Jo Scott Aberle Mary Ella Boman Brown
Jaunita Willes Boice Marjorie May Lemarie Burk
Julia Byrne Carrico
34 Eva Marie Howe Conery
Anna Gibson Hover Cornell
To Dragma
In Their Memory Rho Doris Eleanor Finger Falk
Northwestern University Kate Brown Foster
Helen Quigley Jacobs Dahlberg Isabel Elsie Lovell Gale
Nell Bres Eustis Phyllis Bland Blumenthal Margaret Louise Ingalls Goldsmith
Lily Anna Mysing Fairchild Anne Geraldine McCabe Bryant Margaret Bernice Chase Goode
Maryem Colbert Fowlkes Margaret Louise Brown Clarke Helen Dungan Haehl
Flora Mary Sanders Hardie Barbara Jean Hurlburt Clemons Helen Natalie Henry
Emmy Lou Parks Hewitt Dorothy Blair Debeer Ruth Isadelle Henderson Honeywell
Nancy Louise Holbrook Theodora Eleanor Johnson Diener Grace Yale Weeks Jory
Marcelle Leveriele McCammon Carolyn Eugenia Piper Dorr Winifred Marie Butler MacDonald
Angie Louise McLees McMichael Marion Wakefield Stutz Droege Bernice Medhurst Smith McDowell
Kathleen O'Neill McSween Jeanette Walte Marshall Fleck Marjorie Selwood McGowan
Marian Aline Moise Mary Alice Mclnerney Ford Margaret McVey
Margaret E TOmlinson Muths Marion Elizabeth Abele Franco-Ferreira Marjorie E Slaughter Mortenson
Ruth Ordway Kastler Orr Marjorie Ida Dreyer Groth Carolyn Ruth McCloskey Niebel
Jeanne Therese Pavy Ruth Evelyn Judson Hess Bette Jones Rector
Sylvia Anne Charbonnet Perrin Adele Alice Kuflewski Hinton Lillian Jeanette Rice
Lucy Renaud Lucile Loyd Hood Lenore Fredericka Selig Robinette
Carolyn Margaret Jeutter Hazel Anna Skinner Schnabel
Mary Rugels Coleock Sinclair Rita Mary Biondi MacGregor Irene Carroll McGorath Staats
Susie Williams Briggs Weston Florence Lillian Magnuson MacLeod Marion M Schlichtmann Steinbach
Willie Wynn White Shirley Mae Hammond MacMillin Olive Eastman Cutter Towle
Nellie Mabry Wise Sarah Edna Allen Maiden Blanche Evelyn Ahlers Ward
Virginia Reese Withers Margaret MacKay Malvey Mary Adelside Davis Waring
Lillian Fortier Zeringer Alice Frances Kolb Mason Florence Elizabeth Weeks
Dorothy Joan Mandebach Masterson Kathryn Breitwieser Wemple
Pi Delta Marion Frances Lowenthal Masterson Lucille Claire O'Sullivan West
U. of Maryland Florence Eulalie Ayres McGrew Laura deVeuve
Edna May Mclnnes Mould
Mary Patricia McKenna Bissell Carol Prince MacNeil Nelson Sigma Chi
Jean Catherine Maul Eisele Helen Jeanne Compere Rahe Hartwick College
Nancy Lois Gordon Gruver Ada Curtiss Campbell Rose
Eleanor Lillian Meyer Hamilton Dorothy Margaret Pearson Signor Shannon Elaine Thomas
Margaret Dunbar McGaryey Martin Virginia May Funkhouser Street
Mary Marguerite McLachlen Dorothy Mae Sprafka Sullivan Sigma Tau
Ruth Carolyn Reville Scrivener Estelle Swigart Washington College
Lillian O Earnest Wilson
Stella Florence Dueringer Wells Ellen Lee Lackmar Herr
Pi Kappa Hazel Wilbar
University of Texas - Austin Tau
Mable Anna L McConnell Willis U. of Minnesota
Margaret E Clements Harris
Patricia Ann Howe Rho Alpha Winifred Williams Anderson
Dorothy Elizabeth Crouch Keeling Pan American University Ruth Bulen Benson
Jo Ann Louise Pric Heinz Sjoberg Rachel Elizabeth Frisvold Bregenzer
Helen Jean Blackburn Emily Elizabeth Esswein Bremer
Psi Peggy Jacobs Rodgers Jeanne Audrey Becker Campion
University of Pennsylvania Sigma Gladyce Mildred Boehlke Dahl
U. of California - Berkeley Harriet Siewert Donnelly
Hattie Elisabeth Bold Boll Edna Helen O'Brien Abramson Winifred Williams Eliason
Violet Nightingale Abbott Cabeen Margaret G Weeks Ball Eloise Smith Forster
Clementine LaRue Kellar Crosson Elinor Elizabeth Sherman Brendel Alice Dornberg Foster
Bertha May Bennett Dallas Bernice McNeal Bryant Harriet Howard Gano
Margaret Ellen Scott Greiner Marjorie McCargar Coryell Margaret Florence Ebeling Jackson
Ruth Elizabeth W O'Toole Hering Ruth Carson Crary Carmon Virginia Frazee Lang
Margaret McHenry Blanche Ewing Dau Wilma Helen Smith Leland
Genevieve Marie McDermott Murphy Paula Rose DeLuca Norma Elaine McRae
Virginia Bates Kraemer Oconnor Ruth Brownlie Dickson Dorothy McCarthy Murphy
Louise Florence Kappella Riegel Shirley Elaine Vinton O'Leary
Eleanor Wilhelming Rohner Spencer
Anne Hassan Trainer 35
Alice Rhoda Bailey Wolf
Summer 1993
In Their Memory\ Theta Eta Upsilon Alpha
University of Cincinnati U. of Arizona
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College Nancy Redden Funke Sara Herron Folk Nunn
Erna Louise Kramer James
Rebecca Snow Cousins Frank Virginia Elizabeth Stoll Xi
Annie Sue Stansell Hamilton University of Oklahoma
Theta Pi
Tau Lambda Wagner College Margie Belle Yerby Bramlett
Shippensburg U. Dorothy Powell Frye Cook
Judith Gail Harper Bonamo Katherine Eleanor DePuy
Michele Thinnes Lillia Elizabeth Lawson DeYoung
Theta Psi Genevieve Glancha Bacon Herrington
Tau Omega U. of Toledo Emily Hess Hopper
Transylvania U. Zeta
Elizabeth Ann Allen Breymaier
Ruth Margaret Johnson Joanne Nita Douglass Clayton U. of Nebraska - Lincoln
Dorothy Ann Leive Eberle Florence Durbin Baer
Tau Omicron Elizabeth Ann Wetnight Gibson Gladys Roberta Rice Clark
U. of Tennessee - Martin Barbara Ellen Hodges Luree Claudene Combs Douglas
Elaine Wilkinson Howe Patricia Ann Ptak Emerson
Nancy Williamson Ruth Lee Leichtamer Margaret Colleen Kahoa Epperson
Kathleen Mae Fuelberth Fisk
Theta Upsilon Elsie Fitzgerald
DePauwU. U. of Washington Lorene Hendricks
Madalene Deana Hendricks
Agres Largent Allen Eleanor Bechen Winafred Margaret Steele Hockabout
Margeret Douthitt Amon Thelma Louise McCart Bingham Hannah Lois Sab Hultquist
Julia Edith Chapman Baker Carrie Isadore Bechen Braman Janet McAllister Logan
Margaret Terza Safford Boulden Helen Gertrude Brewster Buzard Barbara Mae Kryger Mason
Carol Catherine Phillippi Burris Olive Dyer Fitz Carlson B Alicia Henson McCarthy
Patricia Litha Berry Cadwell Marie Timmons Craig Florence Jesse Correll McKenna
Ruth Alberta Young Davis Doris Carole Berry Crawford Helen E Morris McKnight
Irene Belle Newman DeWolf Irma Alnita McCormick Crook Lorraine J Hitchcock McMahon
Jessie Gilbert Couchman Diggs Susie Boone Paige Ehrhardt Margaret McNerney Milligan
Mildred Sue Cain Griffin Nell Harris Emenhiser Dorothy Mary Lessenich Mitchell
Pauline Stark Harris Dorothy Sewell Hudson Gower Arlene Pearl McKissick Petersen
Cora Belle McCready Hawker Laura Alice Hurd Dorothy Abbott Petersen
Agnes Caroline King Isenhour Emily Hershberger Johnson Marcia Caroline Beckman Prestrud
Helen Louise Kerns Langton Roberta Mudgett Karrer Dorothy Frances Hilsabeck Warren
Mary Alice Levinson Hope Moore Klotz Beryl Mary McClure Williams
Helen Jean White Mayne Cornelia Elizabeth Jenner MacClain Lourene Bratt Wishart
Barbara Ann Beck McCan Nellie Linda H McKinley
Lois Elaine Lauks McGinnis Elizabeth MacQuiston Nichols Help us correct any mistakes/
Donna Lou Younger McKinney Bonnie Jean Bilyeu Olsson If you know of a deceased member,
Helen Maddock McKinney Florence Boyd Pelton please notify International Headquar-
Allison Maude MacLachlan Murphy Grade Elizabeth Cocke Peyton ters. We try to keep accurate records,
Virginia Dean Phillips Alpha Williams Powers but sometimes we are not notified when
Mildred Read Ramsey Helen Morford Powers a member dies. Thank you.
Harriet Jean Wright Riley Margaret Roderick
Florence Helen Hughes Sigler Marilyn Ruth Willson Shannon To Dragma
Dorothy Lucille Trautman Steele Malba Cannon Sholty
Mabel Hurst Stoner Marjorie Beeuwkes Shuler
Roberta Lockridge Taylor Marjorie Fay Somerville
Minnie Alma Bowen Travis Melanie Caroline Peterson Wide
Anne Elizabeth White Lois Wiley
Martha Matilda McKinney Wilhoite
Miriam Oilar Woods
YAtlanta Hp)
**** PrvtiK Mb**
Dixie Masters reports that the
Atlanta Alumnae Chapter is again Baltimore Alumnae Chapter charter members Edith Bumside Whiteford (left)
moving toward its goal of 150 paid and Edna Bumside Devereux display the original charter at the chapter's 60th
members under the leadership of anniversary celebration. Edith and Edna, both initiates of Pi Delta (U. of
President Dee Allen and an active Maryland) are twins.
Executive Board. The chapter's 144
members include eight recent college community which will enable them for the Convention Boutique under
graduates and 18 members who have to become Olympic volunteers in the supervision of Dena Moragues
been AOITs for 50 years or more. This 1996. and Dawn Edwards.
large, diversified group has meetings
scheduled for days and evenings Austin Future plans include an alumnae
throughout the year to accommodate slumber party and a mother/daughter
the members' schedules. The Austin Alumnae Chapter had tea for Austin area AOIls. Laura
a busy year working with the Zeta Gracy and Kitty Abies will co-hostess
One successful event this year Kappa Chapter at Southwest Texas the tea.
was the Christmas luncheon held at State U., reports Karen Johnson May.
one of Atlanta's most elegant restau- Baltimore
rants. There were 90 members present. The chapter's annual fund raiser,
Toys valued at more that $800 were selling bags of potpouni, was a big Phyllis Aguilar reports that the
collected for underprivileged children. success this year. Stacy Buffington Baltimore Alumnae Chapter is 60
organized the event. Another high- years old and still going strong.
Atlanta will host the 1996 Olympics light was the Founders' Day celebra- Chapter members celebrated the 60th
and chapter members have already tion at the Westwood Country Club. anniversary on February 13 with a
started working with the Olympic Collegians from Zeta Kappa attended. brunch at the home of Melis Edel.
Force. Under the guidance of Vice Barbara Ward and Nita Wathen were The "Omelette Man" prepared a feast
PresidentJenny Durden, AOII members in charge of arrangements. for the gala event with the cost of
can receive credit for various breakfast deteixnined by the member's
volunteer work done in the Chapter members have been initiation year. Sisters of all ages
making goodie bags for Zeta Kappa attended and enjoyed speaking with
• Chapter's exam week. They have also Edith Burnside Whiteford and Edna
been working on the chapter's entry Burnside Devereaux, two charter
Pat Abrew Laird and Stacy Buffington
are pictured selling holiday potpourri 37
at the Austin Alumnae Chapters fund
Summer 1993
members. Hilda Micari delighted the the winter cough and cold season. participating in the Christmas
gathering with an entertaining overview A walking tour of New Orleans, Panhellenic Tea for new pledges and
of die past 60 years. their mothers and taking a tour of the
with 50-year member Clydelle Shrock McFadden-Ward House. The house
Chapter members have raised Mauldin as guide, was a fall highlight. was built early in this century after oil
money for Arthritis Research through A Christmas party and gift exchange was discovered in Beaumont. Spring
a raffle offering four gift certificates to was held at the lake front home of plans included gathering information
prominent area restaurants, bake Elaine Ellis. In keeping with the spirit on prospective rushees.
sales at Good Samaritan Hospital, of the season, the chapter purchased
and Exam Survival Kits for Theta Beta a brick for the Inspiration Walkway at Birmingham
collegians at Towson State University. this time.
Laura Burcham reports that the
A variety of programs have been Founders' Day was celebrated at Bimiingham Alumnae Chapter had a
offered this year, such as a guest a local restaurant. Mary Tessier and good year.
speaker from the House of Ruth who Kelly Moore were presented with
talked about the dilemma of battered certificates of honor for their The year began with great atten-
women. Another program was instruc- outstanding service to the chapter by dance at a wine and cheese party.
tion in the art of origami. Spring Chapter President Susan Gourdain Chapter members enjoyed their
events included an English Tea at the Mele. Helen Mordoff Campbell, Christmas luncheon which was held
Harbor Court Hotel and traveling to Marjorie Hunt Sanders, and Clydelle at the same hotel that die University
Washington College and Towson Shrock Mauldin, 50-year members, of Alabama was using as its head-
State University to welcome seniors were recognized at the spring quarters for the SEC tournament.
into alumnae status. luncheon in March. A "Senior Sundae Some chapter members braved the
Party" to welcome local AOII colle- crowd to obtain the autograph of the
Chapter members mourn the gians and a crawfish boil in late spring Alabama coach.
death of Margaret Boulden, who was concluded a year of sisterhood, fun,
the recipient of the 1989 Wyman and friendship. Founders' Day in January coin-
Award. Margaret will be greatly cided with Alabama State Day.
missed and dearly remembered. Beaumont Chapter members enjoyed hearing
Elise Moss, guest speaker. They also
Baton Rouge Members of the Beaumont Area had the chance to enjoy the company
Alumnae Chapter enjoyed giving a of Region VI Vice President Julie
The Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter wedding shower for Chapter Brining and several Regional Directors.
held its annual membership "Salad President Janet Case, reports Melanie Collegians from Tau Delta also
Sampler" dinner in August, reports Ladner. Janet was married to David attended.
Cheryl Lameu Bourg. Graham on May 15.
The blizzard of '93 forced cancel-
Cheryl, who is a local pharma- Another highlight was a baby lation of the March meeting, but
cist, discussed over-the-counter shower for Susan Russell. chapter members look forward to a
medications at the October meeting summer of barbecues, baseball
to help prepare chapter members for Other chapter events included games, and lake side parties.
Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter 50-year-plus members are (from left) Clydelle Bloomington-Normal
Maulding, 54-years; Helen Campbell, 59years; and Marjorie Sanders, 53 years.
The Bloomington-Normal,
38 Illinois Alumnae Chapter had a
successful year, reports Carroll
Bross. Membership reached an all-
time high of 34, and those members
enjoyed a wide variety of program-
ming. Some meetings were just for
fun, some were planned for enlight-
enment, and several included Beta
Lambda collegians.
Chapter members invited
alumnae from the Peoria area to join
them for a Saturday luncheon, and
they are again planning an early
To Dragma
i The 1992-93 year will close with
a progressive dinner and a family
'i picnic.
- Bowling Green
Boca Raton Alumnae Chapter members Kristen Glasgow Solt (left). Delta Delta The Bowling Green Alumnae
(Auburn U.), andPatMaslac Vallandigham, Alpha Gamma (Washington State Chapter started off the year with its
UJ, enjoy the Founders' Day celebration. Pat is the Chapter President. second annual Family and Friends
Potluck at the home of Tara Singer in
summer get-together with area colle- rosebuds. Betty Gordy Schultz will August, reports Nancy Spires Norris.
gians who come home for summer host local collegians and their mothers
vacation. at a summer dessert party. During the autumn, chapter
members entertained Alpha Chi
Philanthropic activities included Philanthropic projects included pledges at a taco supper, participated
providing volunteers for the Arthritis the annual holiday gift wrap and the in Ritual conducted by International
Foundation's Jingle Bell Run and a preparation of newcomer packets for President Barbara Hunt when she
financial donation to the Cancer the abused women's shelter. Chapter visited Alpha Chi, and shared a
Support Network. Fund raisers were members recently sent invitations to a Founders' Day celebration with Alpha
the annual pecan sale, taking orders "Phantom Rose Ball" to benefit the Chi in December.
from parents for birthday cakes for AOn Foundation. Sally Huck Drea is
Beta Lambda collegians, and a new chairing this event. This spring the chapter has
project this year, the Rose Basket. enjoyed several new programs. In
This friendship basket is delivered Boise Valley January, Alpha Chi seniors were
from member to member with each invited to come to a meeting which
recipient putting in a small gift for Renee J. Knudsen reports that the featured a speaker on stress manage-
the next recipient, as well as a personal lives of the members of the ment. The chapter's March "meeting"
monetary donation for the chapter. Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter changed was held at Cool Springs Mall in
as they moved out-of-state, had Nashville. This trip was the members'
Boca Raton babies, changed careers, and planned choice for the chapter's annual
weddings. outing. Invitations for a Phantom Tea
Pat Maslac Vallandigham reports Party were mailed with the spring
that attendance is up this year at all One of the programs this year newsletter. Proceeds will go to
events of the Boca Raton Alumnae was a personal safety demonstration philanthropy.
Chapter and that chapter members by a local detective. This event was
are meeting the challenge to "share planned after there were numerous Cincinnati
yourself with AOIT." Members have rapes in the area during the summer.
enjoyed potlucks, book exchanges, Members of the Cincinnati
and a speaker on personal safety. The fall fund raiser was a Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 65th
Another highlight was a calligraphy Tupperware Party which brought in anniversary at Joy Ilg's home in
lesson presented by Leslie Maxson $200. The annual Founders' Day March.
Lafferandre, a chapter member who brunch was held in late January at a
is a professional calligrapher. local restaurant. Two out-of-town Chapter members celebrated
guests, Julie Parke and Chris Bixler. Founders' Day with the collegians at
At Founders' Day, Jackie Savage attended. Shannon Phillips and Omega Chapter in Oxford, Ohio, in
treated members to inspirational Brenda Philp talked about their most December. Money from a silent
poetry and handmade chocolate memorable events from their collegiate auction was donated to Arthritis
years. Research. Margaret F. "Lib" Stillwell
Summer 1993 was honored as the Outstanding
Alumna of the Year. Marjorie Beaver
made the presentation. Lib has
served as Treasurer of the alumnae
chapter for more than 15 years and
has been an active alumna for more
than 50 years. She served as Alumnae
Chapter President, Vice President, and
Treasurer. She has been Chapter
• The chapter year began with an
August picnic for area collegians. For
Z;o Stillwell ispictured receiving the Cincinnati Alumnae Chapter's Outstanding the remainder of the year, chapter
Alumna of the Year Award from Marge Beaver. members concentrated on estab-
lishing a collegiate chapter at The
Adviser and Financial Adviser to the afternoon at Pat Blank's home let Ohio State University. Beginning with
Theta Eta Chapter. Lib chaired members show off their cooking fall rush in September, chapter
several committees and attended talents and provided tasty refresh- members were busy forming a
seven Conventions. ments. Chapter members once again corporation board, providing kitchen
donated an afternoon to Habitat for help for rush, and assisting with the
Other chapter events included a Humanity in the fall. For the third colonization on October 3rd. This
pizza party, a tour of the Union consecutive year, members entered a was followed by a reception at the
Terminal, a program by a local team in the MS Walk-a-Thon in April. chapter house.
jeweler, and a guest speaker from
the Hamilton County Justice Center. Columbus In December, members cele-
Chapter President Barbara Harmish brated Founders' Day at the chapter
has worked hard to increase interest Jean Kreischer reports that this house with the new pledges. Another
and attendance by planning varied has been the year of the collegian for December event was the chapter's
programs and by locating the meet- the Columbus Alumnae Chapter. annual dinner for arthritis patients in
ings across the greater Cincinnati the area. The list of patients is
area. provided by the Arthritis Foundation.
Chapter members provide dinner and
a gift for each patient. The dinner is
followed by a bingo game, which is
the highlight of the day. The Arthritis
Foundation provides transportation
for the patients, workers, and some
financial help with food.
During the 1992-93 year, the
Dallas Alumnae Chapter had a mixture
of social and service activities to
Cleveland W4
The Cleveland Area Alumnae 1
Chapter enjoyed a varied meeting
schedule this year with a mix of old Members of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter display the left-over '91 Convention
and new ideas, reports Beth Barn. t-shirts they received at their gag gift exchange.
The year began with the tradi-
tional salad potluck at Mary Powell's
home. In October the chapter held a
successful recruiting luncheon and an
evening of "Plaster and Pizza," during
which members munched pizza
while decorating plaster crafts.
The holiday Make It, Bake It,
Sew It, Grow It Auction, held at Ricky
Prentice's home, netted close to $200
towards the chapter's Panhellenic
scholarship fund. An Italian cooking
40 To Dragma
their Valentines brought County Social Services Department
couples together to sample with blanket sleepers and stuffed
a selection of wines and animals (as well as other children's
hors d'oeuvres in February. clothes and toys) for distribution
March followed with a during the holidays.
chance to celebrate birth- Chapter members sold 29
days with a decadent Jacqueminot rose bushes for a fund
birthday cake or diet- raiser. Proceeds went to the Sigma
conscious yogurt. Members Chapter at the U. of California-
swapped white elephant Berkeley and the Chi Chapter at the
gifts and played bingo with U. of California-Davis. The Chapter
M&Ms. Everyone attending Adviser, Panhellenic Adviser, and
received a t-shirt left over Scholarship Adviser for Sigma are all
from the 1991 International members of the alumnae chapter.
Convention in Dallas. Chapter meetings had a variety
In April, the group of themes: a kick-off salad brunch.
Dorothy Garher (right) presents Contra Costa launched graduating "Pie for a Pi," the annual dessert for
County Social Services Department representative seniors from nearby Delta the Sigma pledges, a holiday cookie
Nathan Rook with some of the toys and blanket Theta into the alumnae exchange, Northern California Founders'
sleepers donated by the Diablo Valley Alumnae world with a makeover Day, and a potluck with a Spanish
Chapter as part of its Warm and Fuzzy Project. session. In May, members theme.
Young Jillian Kreth, daughter of photographer and families had a picnic at
Kim Kreth, assists. the historic Nance Farm in Greater Portland, Maine
appeal to all members, reports Gwen DeSoto. The farm is now owned by Kelly Flanagan Manahan reports
Gillespie. The schedule varied, also, the daughter of Dallas Alumnae that members of the Greater Portland
with events held on Tuesdays, President, Karen Peterson. Alumnae Chapter began their year
Thursdays, or Saturdays. Diablo Valley with a potluck supper in October at
September's traditional "welcome the home of Jan MacGregor Miliano.
back" meeting featured a drawing for The Diablo Valley Alumnae She started the chapter's first philan-
a brunch for two at the upscale Chapter implemented the "Warm and thropic project of the year with the
Mansion Hotel. Tickets were sold to Fuzzy" project created by the San distribution and sale of Habitat for
members and friends. Proceeds went Jose Alumnae Chapter, reports Humanity pins.
to the Arthritis Foundation. In October, Kimberly Allgaier Kreth. Chapter Several chapter members attended
members wore their red and white members presented the Contra Costa the U. of Maine Homecoming. They
colors for an evening of socializing
while filling trick-or-treat bags for
Delta Theta collegians at Texas
Woman's University. In November,
the chapter's Make It, Bake It, Sew It,
Grow It auction was successful,
raising $1,015. it
Members exchanged cookies
and tree ornaments at a pre-Christmas
gathering. They entertained area
collegians and their mothers at an
after-Christmas tea. A festive
Founders' Day lunch at the Northwood
Club was made memorable by Region
VIII Vice President Nancy Shaheen,
who talked about how AOII has Showing their smiles at Florida State Day are (from left) Elaine McCrandy,
contributed to her personal growth. Region VI Director; Millie Berdeen; Mary Lou Huber; Helen Kurtz; Nadine
Nickerson; and Laura Freville.
A happy hour for AOIls and
Summer 1993 41
Members of the Greater Portland (Maine) Alumnae Chapter arepictured at their meeting. Ann's daughter, Kerry Ann,
15th anniversary celebration. was born on September 29.
enjoyed a meal and sisterhood at the tion was held on March 21 at the Chapter members Nan Dowling
Gamma Chapter House. The Gamma home of Pearl Little Sciaraffa. It was and Arlene Towse planned and orga-
Building Letter Campaign, which the an afternoon of sisterhood, AOIl nized a sale of gift-wrapping paper
chapter began in May of 1992, has memorabilia, and fun. Members between August and November. This
raised $5,000 for the purchase of the watched a video specially created brought in $150, which was quite a
Gamma Chapter House. Contributions for the occasion. Certificates of success for this small chapter. Another
are still welcome and can be sent to honor were presented to Marion method of raising funds was a sale of
the Greater Portland Alumnae Chapter Libby Broaddus and Pearl Littlefield Avon products by chapter member
c/o Claudette Powers Simms, 169 Sciaraffa. Certificates of appreciation Diane Kleinpeter Seekamp, which
Depot Rd., Gray, ME 04039. were presented to Karen Leopold brought in $50.
Demasso, President of the Gamma
Piper Cheetam Bolducll was in Corporation Board, and to Lisa Fox In November, chapter members
charge of the November craft meeting. Gallant. Gamma Chapter Adviser. formed an assembly line to stuff
The December meeting was held at "study snack bags" for collegians at
the home of Nancy Pistaki Chard. An At the April meeting. "Help and the Psi Delta Chapter (C.W. Post
ornament auction and a Yankee gift Hope" sponsor cards were distributed Campus of Long Island U.). In addi-
swap were held. Members also to raise money and awareness for the tion to the usual snacks, tissues, and
brought food and health care items to Maine Chapter of the Arthritis pens, the bags contained printed
be included in gift baskets for the Foundation and a "ghost Tupperware quotations on the subject of friend-
women and children of the McAuley party" was held to raise funds for the ship. The finished bags were deco-
Residence, located in Portland. chapter treasury. rated with AOIl ribbon and panda
In January, members started AOL! alumnae in the Greater
planning the chapter's 15th anniver- Portland area are invited to join the In March, chapter members
sary celebration at the home of Treva chapter. Please call Chapter President joined Psi Delta collegians for a pizza
Isett Flynn. February brought snow, Claudette Simms for information. party. Those attending enjoyed
but members traveled to Cindy playing "AOIl Bingo" and getting to
Chapin Krauss' home to play "Getting Long Island know each other.
to know your AOIl sister." a trivia
game created by Cathy Murphy Nancy Francis reports that Region I Public Relations Officer
Nelson. members of the Long Island Alumnae Ann McGlinchey holds one of the
Chapter gave a baby shower for Ann gifts she received at a surprise baby
The 15th anniversary celebra- McGlinchey at the group's August shower given by the Long Island
Alumnae Chapter last August.
42 (Legacy Kerry Ann was born in
To Dragma
lunch, collegians modeled holiday
fashions from Carroll Reed.
January once again brought a
flurry of activity surrounding rush at
Vanderbilt U. Patsy Anderson and
Dottie Leek served as advisers to the
Nu Omicron Chapter. Dori Sawyer
and Liz Gotlieb took charge of orga-
nizing the alumnae who provided
two nights of meals, as well as other
behind-the-scenes assistance.
Mid-Missouri Alumnae Chapter members (from left) Kathleen Palmer, Dian Sarasota Area
Poole Sprenger, Tina Baldwin Rackers, Melissia Anderson, and Lisa Franklin
Randazzo observe the chapter's anniversary by looking at some of the chapter Mary Lou Huber reports that the
scrapbooks. Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter
members enjoy each other and look
Mid-Missouri at the Nu Omicron Chapter House forward to the monthly chapter
(Vanderbilt U.) to honor Dr. Nancy meetings.
The program year for the Mid- Olsen, who received a $20,000 grant
Missouri Alumnae Chapter began from die AOI1 Foundation for arthritis Lots of miles have been put on
with an old-fashioned hayride and research. their cars since the members began
bonfire on the banks of the Missouri working closely with the Kappa
River for members and husbands or The annual Make It, Bake It, Sew Gamma Chapter, but it's worth it.
guests, reports Dian Poole Sprenger. It, Grow It fund raiser was held in Members have also traveled to
November. Numerous holiday gift Florida State Day, which was held in
In November, members made items and baked goods were up for Lakeland in February, and to the
Alpha Angels, which are rag angels grabs during the silent auction. Region VI Leadership Conference last
personalized with the same color June in Tampa.
curly doll hair as the A0I1 member. Nancy Bowers and Grace Standifer
In February, members braved snow beautifully organized the Founders' Local events have included a
to work on the chapter's craft project Day celebration, held this year at husbands' party last summer. Fifteen
of panda bear pins, button covers, Hillwood Country Club. During men were initiated into I10A, and
and refrigerator magnets. These items they look forward to the next I10A
will be sold in the boutique at initiation when they can be
International Convention. A fall spectators. Two highlights were a
garage sale and monthly auctions of
small grab bags have helped the
chapterraisemoney for philanthropy.
Chapter members joined the
collegians at Delta Alpha Chapter (U.
of Missouri) once each semester for
scholarship dinners honoring colle-
gians with the highest semester
Nashville Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter President Tracy Ray Bowes and Membership
ChairJennifer Fisk Cutlet present Matilda Lybrook Smith with her 50-year pin
The Nashville Alumnae Chapter and certificate at the chapter 's recent Founders ' Day luncheon.
began its 1992-93 year with a potluck
dinner at the home of Patsy Anderson,
reports Jane McCormick.
In October, a reception was held
Summer 1993 43
Greek dinner prepared by Molly Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U.) charter members Diana Ziede Hunger and
Fehalis and a surprise baby shower Susie McDonald Anderson joined Gayle Lauderbach Gilness, Pat Riley Ammon,
for Lori Goede. Other events and Charlotte McCleery Duerksen to celebrate 50th birthdays on Halloiveen of
included a Scotch Christmas party, a 1992. AnAOTIpumpkin was among the 50 cawed in a Theta Omega tradition.
garage sale, and the chapter's annual
spring brunch.
The Sarasota area includes
Bradenton, Venice, Englewood, and
Port Charlotte.
The Topeka-Lawrence Alumnae
Chapter started its year with a family
function, "The Great Lake Escape,"
reports Karen Basey.
Chapter members and their fami-
lies met at a member's cabin on a
nearby lake for boating, fishing,
swimming, and eating.
Other meetings have included a
salad supper, dinner at a restaurant,
and sharing initiation and Founders'
Day with the Phi Chapter at the U. of
Kansas. A night at a local dinner
theater was a highlight of the spring.
The chapter's annual geranium
sale was a success. $H
Alumnae! Accept the Challenge!
You are a collegian for a short while, but you are an AOIl sister for a lifetime. You will find that one of the greatest benefits of
sisterhood is being an active alumna. Just contact the alumnae chapter nearest you . If you don't know the name of the nearest
alumnae chapter, contact Phylis Garrison at International Headquarters. 615/370-0920
Here's good news! Become an AOIl Rose Member! It's a special "member-at-large" program for AOILs who are more than 50
miles from an alumnae chapter.
• Receive News from your Regional Directors concerning • Receive Your Regional Newsletter
events in your area.
• Receive Information
• Receive The Rose Vine newsletter especially designed for the about Convention registration,
AOIl Rose Member program. Leadership Conferences,
Name __
Address _ _ _
City State Zip/Postal
Collegiate Chapter Phone ( )
Initiation Date
Use this form to request infonnation. To become a Rose Member, fill in the form and send with $15 annual dues to help defray
costs of printing and postage to: Phylis Garrison, Alumnae Services Coordinator; AOIl Headquarters; 9025 Overlook Boulevard;
Brentwood, TN 37027.
To Dragma
The Evansville Tri-State scholarship fund may send a check to Mendota Heights, MN 55118.
the U. of Evansville for the Alpha Theta Omega Chapter at North-
Alumnae Chapter announces the Omicron Pi Scholarship. The address
is: University of Evansville ern Arizona U. will celebrate its 30th
establishment of the Chi Lambda Development Office, 1800 Lincoln anniversary during Homecoming,
Ave., Evansville, IN 47722. 1993. Alumnae are cordially invited to
Scholarship at the U. of Evansville. attend. For information, contact Pat
Tau Corporation will hold its Riley Ammon, 154 B Street, Salt Lake
This scholarship was funded through annual meeting on August 11, 1993 at City, UT 84105, (801) 328-2450, Char-
7 p.m. at the Tau Chapter House, 1121 lotte McCleery Duerksen, 1153
the benevolence of Marion Koegel S.E. Fifth St., Minneapolis, MN 55414. Wilhelmina Way, San Jose, CA 95120,
For information, contact Betty-Ann (408) 268-1996, or the Theta Omega
Cox, Beta Phi (Indiana U.), a charter Kiein schmidt, 919 Rae Court, Chapter.
member of the Evansville Tri-State and women's Greek magazines. Proud Theta alumna
Ann Gilchrist
Alumnae Chapter. The scholarship To the editor:
Theta (DePauw U.) It is with satisfaction and pride that
will be awarded annually to a
Enjoyed reunion. . . I read about "Theta, Depauw
member of Chi Lambda Chapter. University" in To Dragma's Collegiate
To the editor: News Section, spring, 1993- Not that
Anyone wishing to contribute to the While on vacation last summer I this is the first article I've seen since the
reorganization of Theta; it's that it is
From Our Readers: met one of my Theta sisters for the first wonderful to hear the chapter is truly
time in about 35 years. Did we have a on its feet and functioning well. . .1
L i k e d "Changes. . ." wonderful evening together! . . .I've love it that the Theta collegians retired
just read my new To Dragma, cover to a Little 500 trophy. I was a scorekeeper
To the editor. cover. . .as usual. It's a great publica- at DePauw's first one (late 50s).
When my spring To Dragma tion! I really enjoy the new fomiat, as it Women rode tricycles!
includes several new ideas and is very
arrived, my intercom buzzed and our well designed. Rae Lahti Donnelly
office manager said, "You're going to Theta (DePauw U.)
like this one!" The day before, I had Lenore (Lee) Johnson Coon
praised Kappa Kappa Gamma's maga- Theta (DePauw U.)
zine's cover on "Change."
She was absolutely right—AOFI
got my praise as well. Between NCAA
basketball games, I've read it cover to
cover this weekend and wanted to
take time to say—well done! Too often
we don't take time for that response.
Our publication is gaining respect in
our office where we see all the men's
Carey Elizabeth Jones, Tau Omega (Transylvania U.) is on thefmnt cover of a Transylvania U. brochure which is being used
in the school's "82 Miles" campaign. This campaign emphasizes to Cincinnati residents that the school is "Far enough for
independence; close enoughfor laundry."
Summer 1993 45
Did You Know Sigma Chapter flew to Kansas to cheer
for Erin during the Miss USA Pageant. from the world of kOU Many other chapter members
watched the pageant on television at
When the World Trade Tower exploded: Fortunately, they hadn't heard about the chapter house.
This AOI1 was there! the explosion.
Since then, Susan's office has The ceremony was held at the
Century II Convention Center and was
moved to temporary quarters in shown on national television.
Last winter midtown. Erin took fall and winter quarters
when an explo- off from school to carry out her duties
sion rocked the A native of Canton, Michigan, as Miss Georgia USA. She also
World Trade Susan moved to New York following modeled in Europe and New York
Center in New her graduation from Michigan State in during that time and prepared for the
1992. She lives in Hoboken, New Miss USA Pageant.
York City, an Jersey, just 20 minutes from her new Gamma Alpha President is
AOIl was there office location. Cherry Blossom Princess
on the 101st The experience has not soured
floor. Suzanne Bohn, Gamma Alpha
her on New York City. Chapter President (George Mason U.),
was the Cherry Blossom Princess for
Susan Stone, "I love it," she says. the state of Georgia in the National
Beta Gamma Cherry Blossom Festival in
(Michigan State Washington, D.C., March 27-April 3-
Susan Stone
Miss Georgia USA isU.), was at her A 21-year-old junior, Suzanne is
desk in the offices of Deliotte and majoring in studio art. She has served
on the Panhellenic Council and
a Lambda Sigma...Touche where she is employed as a worked to raise funds for the Arthritis
Foundation through a yearly
tax accountant. marathon.
The lunchtime explosion in the Erin Nance, Lambda Sigma (U. of Suzanne's mother, Margaret
underground parking lot shook the Georgia), won the Miss Georgia USA Benefield Bohn, is a Lambda Sigma
building. title last October and was named first (U. of Georgia) alumna.
"Around 12:15, all the lights went runner-up in the Miss USA Pageant As princess, Suzanne represented
off and you could feel the building last February in Wichita, Kansas. Georgia at numerous social events
move. It felt like an earthquake," she during the festival. U.S. Representative
recalled. Erin, a junior, is majoring in broad- George "Buddy" Darden of Georgia's
casting in the School of Journalism. seventh district was Suzanne's escort
The hall quickly filled with smoke. This past year she modeled at the to a congressional reception on April
Susan grabbed her purse and coat and IMG Agency in New York. She won 2. The festival concluded with a
joined her co-workers going down parade on April 3-
the stairs. It took two hours to reach the Miss Teen All-American title after
the ground floor. first winning the Georgia state title in
that contest.
"The last 20 flights were in
complete darkness," she said. Five members of the Lambda
As she walked down the stairs,
Susan listened to the radio via a
headset. She kept the people near her
informed as much as possible.
"But we had no idea what was
really happening," she said.
Once they reached ground level,
emergency medical personnel were
there with oxygen masks.
"It felt so good to breathe," Susan
She was covered with black soot HI ' j f f
from the smoke and her hair was wet
with sweat. Susan said it wasn't until
she was safely out of the building that
she realized the magnitude of what
had happened. She called her family
in Michigan to tell them she was safe. Erin Nance
Suzanne Bohn
46 To Dragma
M a R. Lewis: •
banker and friend of
former president Anita Lewis, left, with former President George Bush. Barbara Bush, and Anita's
husband Stan at the Anatole Hotel in Dallas.
Anita R. Lewis, Beta Rho (U. of
Montana), is Managing Director of
Bank Operations at Guaranty Federal
Bank in Austin, Texas, and a friend of
former President George Bush and his
wife Barbara. She has been active in
politics for many years and worked in
the 1992 campaign.
A Certified Public Accountant,
Anita has been in the banking busi-
ness for 20 years. In her present job
she is a Senior Vice President and
Managing Director of an eight billion
dollar bank. She is also a marathon
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOII International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027
(please print)
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Deceased LJ Date of Death 47
Summer 1993
Designed'Exclusivelyfor Alpha Omicron Pi
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation commissioned these
porcelain boxes to be designed by a family of master
craftsmen and artists in the town of Limoges in the south
of France. These boxes are exquisite heirlooms to be
cherished today and treasured for many years to come.
This oval box is handpainted in a beautiful combination
of red and gold and measures 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1". On top
of the box is a bouquet of red roses encircled by a border
of gold wheat. The base features a border of red roses
alternating with gold wheat. The hinge is handfitted with
the signature Limoges bow clasp. Each box is hand-
signed by the artist.
Inside the box lid are Greek letters AOIl in gold with a miniature red rose and wheat painted inside the bottom.
The cost of the Limoge is S95.00 plus $3-50 for shipping and handling. Tennessee residents add sales tax. Send
check or money order to:
9025 Overlook Boulevard
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
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