P \ 0 you have a friend or an acquaintance who wears -^^^ an Alpha O pin. hut who knows nothing of her chapter since her graduation?
What is your alumnae chapter doing to keep that girl interested?
Have you written to her. asking her to pay her
national dues, to support h e r national scribe f o r h e r national magazine?
Have you returned your directory to send in hers!
ivork, card?
to sub- Ask her
Send in your $2.25 with your directory card or $1.25 if you are a life subscriher and he a memher-at- large if you don't belong to an alumnae chapter.
Elizabeth H . Wyinan. 50 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N. J.
I want to become a mcmber-at-large. I live at "
, and I want the news of Alpha Oi • I am; • I am not, a life subscriber of To DRAGMA. SO I am en-
closing Q $1.25; • §2.25, for my dues and a subscription. Name
' ' '
TPublished Quarter•ly at~l 425 South FourthiSt.,
Minneapolis, M inn.
• _J
Send all editorial material to WILMA SMITH LELAND
Bloom fie Id, N. J.
MARCH, 1929
No. 3
5 7 1 5
Minnetonka Louis Park,
Blvd., Minn.
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 425 South Fourth street, Minneapolis, Minn., and is printed by Augsburg Publishing House. E n - tered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis. Minn., as second class matter under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in section 1103,Act of October 3, 1917,authorized February 12,1920.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May.
Subscription price, 35 cents per copy, fl per year, payable in advance; Life Subscription $15.
\o pVSupeINDlanlive antunate(Sigmley af^ .r r n -buildinroundThTa B °wle°f 18ccom! n t s - enter heretoMIfrr ^I , r for,,b e ^ ^^pthis is not a castle in Bruges, but Bowles Hall in \ where Rose Gardner Marx presides as director.
ragma of Alpha Qmicron P/ ol. 24
fl[ Beautiful New Bowles Hall First U. of C. Dormitory is Under
rvision of the Qrand'President
EED Bowles Hall does look like a Medieval castle of far ds, doesn't it? It would be such a beautiful place in which to d work, to dream and read; but, few women will be so for- , since it is a men's dormitory. Our own Rose Gardner Marx
a ' i n . is just so fortunate, for she has "come home" to Berke- ter almost two years in Davis, California, at the University She has been appointed to take charge of this great gray g, and we know she'll be very happy in her pleasant sur- ings.
e California Monthly writes as follows of the new dormitory: he first University dormitory on the Berkeley campus, built cost of $350,000 through the generosity of Mrs. Philip E. s as a memorial to the late Regent Bowles, member of the Class 82, is finished. On January 11, 1929, it opened its doors with modations of almost palatial appointment, for 103 men stu- It is hoped that through those open doors a new spirit will a spirit of comradeship and student unity that great size has
fore threatened to destroy.
rs. Bowles wished to make this first dormitory a model in
r e s Pe c t f°r others that may come later. It is only necessary n pse the outside of it, without entering its doors, to realize that , succeeded. But after an inspection of the interior, one is
t o t n e conclusion that she has set a precedent which would ossible to improve upon.
"There are seven levels to the building, conforming to the slope of Charter Hill up which it climbs. The first level contains a suite of three rooms, two bedrooms and a common study, for two stu^ dents. On the second level are three such suites. The third level, which is the main floor, has, in addition to seven three-room suites- one suite of bedroom and study—and two single rooms, a large lounge containing a fireplace, and a dining room 64 feet by 23. The fourth floor has seven three-room suites and three single rooms. The fifth floor has thirteen three-room suites and three single rooms. The sixth floor, nine three-room suites, one two-room suite, and a single room; and the seventh, six three-room suites and a single room.
"Admission to the dormitory is limited to the three upper classes of undergraduates by application to the Dean of Men or the Comp- troller. The fee for board and room is $50 a month. The hall will be administered by a committee consisting of the Comptroller, Dean of Men, the chairman of the Faculty University Welfare Committee, and a resident student chosen by the Executive Committee of the Associated Students. Mrs. Rose Gardner Marx ('11), formerly superintendent of dormitories at Davis Farm, will he in charge. Self-government will be organized and maintained by the residents of the dormitory.
"The campus has long needed some tie which would bring to- gether the large non-fraternity group .of students who heretofore have found lodging where fortune cast them."
(§top off at Detroit en Ityute to Ithaca
n r ^ O you who are planning to attend National Convention at Ithaca JL in June, Detroit Alumnae chapter extends a cordial invitation to spend some time with us. We promise you our hospitality- Detroit with its scenic advantages, and a glimpse of Ann Arbor, the
University of Michigan campus, and the members of < (micron 11 chapter and Ann Arbor alumnae.
As you plan your trip, we ask you to keep in mind our invlla' tion. It will give us great pleasure to help you in any way. *; will meet trains, make reservations, try to show you the favofia spots, and entertain you, then journey to Ithaca with you.
The more who come the merrier, and our suggestion is that } make this a meeting place, so we can travel a little of the wa) t 0 gether. ^
Please include us in your plans and write Virginia Snider, H Ohio Avenue, when you will arrive and all the details.
This invitation includes each of you and comes from each o who will be happy to meet you. Detroit Alumnae chapter awa J your coming with anticipation.
'A*AI fe,Qs
amsee Jriisha , )aPipeWalk*hea msB3,1 e
RCH, 1929
n <Alpha 0 ^Motors in ^umatra
E V E R could get over the thrill of being in a country where
c Ulat
SU,r^ 1 w a s n
woman and an automobile were still so a l w a v s attracted attention and a crowd. I t h e first woman that many of these people had ever
o t a tllty
w h i t e
edV°a °ar'-T h e i r f r a n k curiositya n d a w e atthefactfur-
- n° e "d of fun. The children, however, always seemed to get rt
rT "k l c k "< m t o t '»>•presence,nomatter where. The Pied
inn n !S e l f n u , s t n a v e gr °wn envious had he been able to see me
re f r o u § h villages or market places day after day with any-
an °ln a d o z e " t o a hu»dred rag-tags of children—and almost f
r f a m i s h e d villaSedogs—atmyheels!
nchStag-' °U r t l I s t o v e r n 'ght stopping place after Medan, proved
lantmg mountain resort (or "hill station," as they are called
here), situated on the Karo Plateau, a vast plain 4,500 feet above the sea level from which we had come. It had two lovely volcano peaks behind it, to the crater of one which I climbed. Prapat, too, was a heavenly spot, with its hotel situated on a spit of land shot out into Lake Toba—a beautiful body of water about 60 miles long, nestled in an old volcano crater basin, and the main scenic feature of this North Sumatra country—the hotel itself a wonderful place from which to view the 4,000-foot cliffs which rise from the water's edge to form the irregular gaunt walls of the huge lake. Such marvellous sailing and bathing and watersports of all kinds, and tennis, and horseback riding and hiking as there was here!—with a full moon besides! I stopped also for a night at Balige at the south end of Toba Lake—Balige with its famous market where dogs are sold for food (a highly prized delicacy among the Bataks! I have a wonder- ful picture of a freshly roasted one—whole—taken off the fire for my special benefit and posed with its Batak cook!). I stayed also at Taratoong, with its busy market and lovely surrounding hills, and drove from there over the famous (or infamous) road to the sea at Sibolga, a scenically gorgeous road, but one which, in a stretch of 66 kilometers (a little less than 40 miles) contains 1,500 curves, of which at least 1,498 are hairpin turns around absolutely blind corners. Even with the most careful driving on our part and with practically constant horn-tooting we were almost annihilated on no less than three occasions by heavy trucks which thundered around the twists regardless, and without warnings or signals of any kind, knowing that they would probably be heavier than anything they would meet. W e were fortunate in reaching Sibolga, however, without even a dent in a fender.
From Sibolga, then, we went on through lovely jungle country, with beautiful stretches of wild inland river scenery and more moun- tains, to Kota Nopan, and there got into the land of the Meningka- baus, an entirely different people from the Bataks, good to look att and famous for their preservation of the matriarchato, a form o community life in which all authority and inheritance and fanny centers in and through the mother rather than through the father- The Padang Highlands in which they live hold as lovely country as I have ever seen anywhere—full of high mountains, e ^^u 'S l lakes, luxuriant vegetation, interesting caves, long, deep. r a v i n e ' ' canyons cut out of gaunt cliffs (the well-known Karbouwengat. Haraukloof, the Anaikloof, etc.), and offering never-ending P ' c t u r r of infinite variety, to which the Meningkabau houses, with their TOO ends pointing to the sky in crisp, sharp curved outlines, lend su^ added picturesqueness and charm. I spent four happy days in country with Fort de Kock as headquarters, only wishing that might have been four weeks. , ^
It was just north of Fort de Kock, incidentally, that I " a d thrill of driving my car over the equator!
MAFrom Fort de Kock I went to Padang, then, and after n»
e he
lovingen i goothean weangowcoowitnonhouhowfarfooof encthre'o n gpalmromwhiandcinacoclathJt who
RCH, 1929
ely drives through gorgeous mountain and lake scenery and Men- kabau villages, I took the boat to Batavia to drive through Java route to Bali.
For the most part the roads in Sumatra had proved surprisingly d, although at present they are very few, and vast stretches of country are as yet entirely unopened-up. The hotels, too, proved
interesting experience, varying from some that would compare ll with good European establishments (as at Brastagi) to pas- grahans, or Government resthouses, where you had to buy your n food in tins from a Chinese shop in the village, and have it ked by the mandoer in charge of the resthouse, often having to do hout even such simple staples as bread, butter or eggs because e were available in the whole community. In one of these rest- ses, I even had to use the table cloth as a bedcover! On the whole, ever, considering the undeveloped state of much of the country, I ed surprisingly well, even without the need for falling back for d too much on those two ever-present staples of life in this part
the world-—bananas and rice.
En route from Padang to Batavia, we had the interesting experi- e of stopping at a tropical island at which a boat calls only once in e months—and ours was that boat! It was a heavenly spot, with a , gently sloping white sand beach bordered and overhung with trees—for all the world like the idyllic island of a South Seas ance. W e walked all around it under the ship captain's guidance, le the boat loaded its cargo of copra, finding the most exquisite unbelievable shells and pieces of coral, and having such a fas- ting time poking around the little village, and drinking milk from oanuts which little native boys shinned up the trees to pick for us!
From Batavia then I started on my drive across Java, heading er quickly for the eastern end of the island on the principle that ould be easy enough to do later some of the things that lay nearer
on page
1 6 )
(^Beautiful Cornell Qampus Srtvites <jtll <Alpha O's
the Agenda
heads committee.
Q CO fingthe the he aEpsmitlowgraianance^•t'MU(
stn. tItlrEneSluilelxiker
a path winter
Beebe Lake for trek.
The sunlight
falls on Smith
the facades of Hall.
charlotte Kolh plans.
RCH, 1929
The ^tring ^Around your Cfinger"
C I I a little thing, but think how important it is and of the event that it recalls. The possibility of its staying on your er is not entirely assured yet, for the first knot only was tied in last issue of the To DRAGMA. This month I intend to tighten string so that you will be very conscious of its presence, and to second knot, if not a third, and fourth.
Chairmen have been chosen by Charlotte Kolb, president of ilon chapter and general chairman of convention, to head com- tees to insure vour cumfort and enjoyment. They are the fol- ing :
Agenda—Helen Studebaker; Housing—Helene Miner; Pro- m—Ruth Smith; Publicity—Hetty Irish; Entertainment—Mar- Harris ; Recreation, Amusements and Sightseeing—Betty Lyna- ; Reception—Margaret Pontius; Banquet—Anna Mongel; Fin-
—Ru th Smith; and, Editor of A O Pisette— Mary Barvian. Jhey are all at work on their particular jobs, but I think that would be most interested in the report of the housing committee, led bv Helene Miner, which is looking out for your comfort. She ) rts that Prudence Risley Dormitory is to be entirely at your
1*0^1'-*°r l 'K '('ll^t'1 -v o u r v's't- Kisleyisalarge,rambling, four y, brick building backing almost into the gorge. It faces Thurston
n ,U e a 'o n £ w , u c h trolleys pass every ten minutes for the city of '>a a i U ' l) 0 m 1 s w e s t - Risley is also conveniently placed near the
0 1 1 chapter house and hence our activities will be centered there e a t deal ot the time. The interior of the building is handsomely a t e '' furnished. The dining room, famous for its beauty, l|j0Py of Christ Church at Cambridge. The walls of the front "l s and drawingrooms are lined with many works of art, and
in the basement a large recreation room with a stage promises great possibilities for your enjoyment. Mrs. Grace, manager of the resi- dential halls, offers to fill in the financial side of the question by in- forming us that the expenses per diem for board and room will be $5. The banquet on Monday night is $1.50. She promises good beds and good food. What more can one desire ? That should secure the string on your finger definitely, if you were a bit doubtful at first.
is only5^(ear-cPerfed t
IT has occurred to me that there may be those among our sistertl
who intend to forego an indescribable pleasure, that of attending convention in Ithaca, New York, in June, for far too weak a reason. They may have no desire to visit a university that stands so high
above its colleagues that it possesses only virtues and no faults. Those sisters may dislike the prospect of returning to "Bohunkus Institute" after an awe-inspiring sojourn on the glorified Cornell campus. They may fear lest they become dissatisfied with their own humble Alma Maters. And I don't blame them one single bit. No siree, I don't!
That's just why I'm telling you now that neither Cornell nor Epsilon chapter are really actually perfect. Of course they're as near perfect as most colleges and people can be, so much so that I
.have always felt a little throb of pity for people who are neither Cornellians nor Alpha O's. Don't misunderstand me. What 1 really want to say is that you're not going to lack for material tor a few
cracks at us, e. g., the following: "Oh, is that a bathtub or a swim- ming pool in the Sage Dormitory? You ought to see our girls swimming pool at Bohunkus" or "Cornell's all right, but me for the level country where you don't scrape your nose climbing hills."
We even have a few more vulnerable points. So I want to make this a challenge as well as the most cordial of cordial invitations f°r you to come and find them for yourselves. After all, we think swimming in the gorges in June is a thousand times better than the best swimming pool ever built. All we ask is a fair trial. Remember too that you're going to meet representatives from every chapter oj Alpha Omicron Pi; that you can take a peek at Niagara Falls and locate all the romantic spots for your wedding trip ; that you'll have food for years in the scenic wonder of Enfield Glen, Watkins G'er»i
Taughannock Falls, the Finger Lakes and all the endless unmenti011" ables—I should say the endless others too numerous to mention- Don't forget that after convention you can steam down on the B'a C Diamond to call on those friends in New York you've been promising so long, and pay a veiled visit to all the naughty night clubs; or tf 1 the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York, as your tastes nia) direct you. Youcome; you see; and we aren't the least concede » but we just know we'll conquer.
AcagI r omcollWomsorothromephonama ll | n^
of t.C a ?,1 1 an^ge,(Ie
atmos- who Chicago.
phere are Here the
for women living in
library. The is equipped with
^Allerton J-Couse Provides ^A(ew (facilities for ^Alpha O's
The Allerton is the Official Intercollegiate Alumni Hotel in Chi- o and through this appointment the names and addresses of alumni the ninety-eight colleges and universities included in the Inter- egiate Alumni Extension Service are also on file.
Seven separate floors of the Allerton have been reserved for en guests of whom 75% are college women and every national rity is represented. Chicago alumnae groups from the majority
The Allerton
fers a home-like
pha O's is on file at
the find nae
desk. Go in and out about alum-
meetings if
in Chicago few days.
golf tennis
House of-
is a glimpse at
hotel an course, courts, li- Information all Chicago Al-
you for a
LPHA Omicron Pi Alumnae in Chicago have just made ar-
rangements to have a complete information service available ugh Allerton House, 701 North Michigan, for all traveling mbers. This service will include the names, addresses and tele- ne numbers of all Alpha O's in Chicago or suburbs. Also the es of the Chicago alumnae officers and information in regard to luncheons, dinners, and parties.
ational sororities are co-operating with this plan which will pro-
i a - n ^ t c e n niinute walk to the business and theatrical section he city. Here also you will find a circulating library, 18-hole course, and eight tennis courts.
When you are in Chicago, we are expecting you to attend our e t l n £s and if you want to find any of vour old college friends,
a t The Allerton.
a sorority information bureau for Chicago as well as offer sient or permanent living quarters for college women in a col- atmosphere at a very reasonable rate. The Allerton is located
12 To DRAGMI Spsilon Woman Ways 1
MA(( TBe Qood
Samaritan to ^outh Africans
Adams Mission Station, Natal. S. Africa.
DEAR Alpha O Sisters:
I shall try to imagine that I am seeing some things with the eyes of one just dropped from an aeroplane from America. It is well the aeroplane drops at our mis- sion station, for had it gone six miles further it would have drop- ped into the Indian Ocean. We are at an elevation of several hundred feet above sea-level. The country is rolling.
A good share of the country id our immediate vicinity is cleared for sugar-cane or for small native holdings.
The natives in Natal have to have their homes in certain location- tM reserves. We are in the midst of one of these reserves.
My husband is principal ol :l training school for Zulu teachers, preachers, farmers, carpenters. e* cetera. A Hampton on a small scale since we have two hundred or s° boarding students, and the number is greatly increasing. A goodly nurn* her must be turned away, but selec*
A heathen
with her
A nafoutaugmusJ'"nboyMehsomantgoo( res^omn e >a,, gjschoChristine, Mother
Anna and Dorothea
in Africa,
Hon is good for any institution. Our present need is for m°r e buildings, and we have to look to America for help.
We aim to build Christian character and train for efficient lea1'1' ship. Our teachers go out to countless little schools for Zulu bo) and girls. Some become leaders in other directions, all exercisi 5 an influence in the development of this nation, so recently in g1 " superstition and low civilization.
RCH, 1929
<A fetter from Dorothea
1 3
tive burial is an occasion for great excitement. Note the modern white umbrella.
As to my small part. First I have three girls, soon beyond eight, r and two. They are Anna. Frieda and Christine. Anna was ht in a measure bv me, but now a sister missionary helps her in
ic and English.
I have many small duties at the door or back veranda. Here ies a mother whose baby has a bad cold on the chest. There is a who has gashed himself twice near the eye in falling. Then eble old woman comes with some paw paws and bananas for sale
oping to get a big price, some medicine for her aching bones, e refreshment for her weary body, some Kerosene for her night ern, and a big tin in which to heat water. We try to play the
d Samaritan.
The picture of the heathen Zulu mother shows the native hair s. She has combed it over a big core of red clay. When these en go to our mission hospital, this clay must be washed out.
' are required to put on hospital garments, too.
"1 U s .t c l ose with this brief greeting. It is bed-time, and 5:30
|e s Quickly. Then again come children, dogs, fowls, people and ' 1 w a n t i n kr attention. Tomorrow our chief inspector of native ols may come with a special visitor. We enjov the visits of these
med gentlemen.
When will you visit us ?
To DRAGMA MAGJ-jouse <^Mother ^-(( Mrs. Fishburne compares life at the Alpha 0micron Pi House at the University of Wisconsin io life with
an unorganized group.
u { ~ \ H ! Tom, let's stay out a little while longer. This moonlight is \ j t too gorgeous to go in at 10:30."
When they came in a half-hour later, Lela gave no reason ofj excuse to Mrs. Fishburne, the house mother. However, Tom offered the apology, " I ' m sorry that we were late; we had a flat tire."
The next morning before breakfast Lela came to Mrs. Fishburne saying, " M r s . Fishburne, you've always been so honest with me that I just had to tell you that we did not have a flat tire. The night was too alluring for us to come in on time."
In relating this incident, Mrs. Fishburne remarked, "This is an example of the many happenings that make it a joy to be a house mother. I find that as a rule if I'm honest with the girls, they will treat me the same way."
This was the opinion expressed by a house mother of a sorority at the University of Wisconsin. She is one of the most ideal women that I know and one who understands young people, especially girls. She has been a house mother for seven years. In that time she has lived at two of the most outstanding sororities and a girls' club at Madison. During one summer session she chaperoned girls who were staying at a fraternity house. Some of these girls were sorority girls and others were not.
"A group of girls attending the summer session is harder to chaperon than those who attend the regular session," continued Mf S - Fishburne. "In the former one there is no organization, but i" a sorority the chapter backs the house mother. Girls, especially those who are here for the summer, may be divided into two classes, name- ly those who are here for work and the pleasure-seeking group.
"In the summer session the house mother has no recourse excel* to the dean of women while in a sorority there are the senior counc i
the discmenis ahoudog' girlrule• nighfor strivW ( ' tr»e and syst°f tgenesultsJ, s a yearn
* d t 'o^ ce r A•"d
RCH, 1929
Julia M . Carr,
Eta \Pkdge
president, and the sorority mothers who take up problems of ipline and see to it that the girls abide by the Student Govern- t Association rules.
"The sorority mother usually reprimands her daughter which nice way of doing it without hurting her feelings. If the se mother had to do it, she would be looked upon as a 'watch always looking for actions to criticize. Then, too, the younger s usually follow the older ones in conforming with the S. G. A . s and conduct in public.
" I always want girls to come to me with their troubles. A t t I leave my door open so that they will feel free to come to me anything. We have an interesting family life because everyone es to make it that way. When we moved into our new house, hemmed napkins and tablecloths together, and in ways like that girls learn to do practical things. They do their own planning consult me in regard to difficult problems. We have our budget em and all they do is to proportion the amount for the upkeep he house. The cook and I plan the meals, and I attend to the ral management of the house. The social chairman always con- me about the parties."
ane Mitchell, a member of this sorority, said, "Mrs. Fishburne
wonderful motherly person. She is so willing to help you. Last
I was making a jacket for my mother. I had so much to do
didn't know exactly how to finish it so Mrs. Fishburne finished
r me. She is always doing little things like that. Fellows like ome lure. too. because she always makes them feel at home.
aim seems to be to make us happy."
nother added, "Yes, and when we have guests here she is as
ial to them as our own mothers would be. One Thanksgiving
she planned a bridge party in the afternoon so that we would not feel lonesome or homesick.
"No woman can be a good house mother who has not had chil- dren of her own," Mrs. Fishburne went on to say, "And if she has not had that joy she must have a very strong mother instinct. She must understand young people and share their pleasures.
"I have always maintained that a house mother should possess three qualities, namely, the abilities to understand and sympathize, and an interest in humanity. Girls will be understood if you take an interest in them and their work. In return you have their con- fidence and adoration. I consider it a very high honor to be chosen house mother of a sorority. And I would much rather be called a house mother than merely a chaperon. The latter term sounds like
an austere person who delights in finding fault.
"It is a joy to live with young people. When one lives close to
them it is easy to see and appreciate their fine qualities. Those who live apart from them arc inclined to see only their faults. I disagree with anyone who declares that the younger generation is fast and immoral. Young people are not any more wicked than those of pre- ceding generations. They are open about their actions and do not do things behind the backs of others.
"My children are grown up. but I still have a family—a large one including many girls I love dearly. Every day something happens to make me glad that I am here. I only wish that I may keep their love and respect."
A mother never ceases to be a mother, does she? Her aim is tm serve others, never thinking about herself. Mrs. Fishburne is more than a mere house mother; she is a real mother.
<Jl cjMotor 'Vagabondage 'Through $ava
(Continued from page 7)
One of the first places I went to was the Dieng Plateau (reachable
only by trail and horseback from Wonosobo), a spot famous not only for its boiling mudpots. solfatura and other volcanic phenomena, but also for the ancient Hindu ruins (from 800 to 900 A. D.). which have been unearthed there, with the probability that a whole vast Hindu village still lies covered under the swamp in the center of the Plateau! I stopped of course also at the Borobudur. the most widely known and interesting Hindu relic in Java—an elaborately carved huge temple (more than 500 feet square at its base and rising in *'ie form of a great mound) of whose history nothing is known but whicn was probably also built about 800 A . I)., and which, shortly after, dur- ing the downfall of the Hindu Empire in Central Java, was entirely covered over with earth (perhaps by the priests in order to preveri its discovery and destruction by the conquering Mohammedans/* and was refound and unearthed with all its wonderful stone rehe 3 only comparatively recently.
RCH, 1929
'Phoebe Paxton's
'Puppets Cfrolic Through
HRISTMAS time! "Toyland" in one of the South's biggest stores! A host of ecstatic youngsters, speechless for joy, spell- nd by a modern version of one of mankind's earliest efforts at dra- ic entertainment. In short, "Phoebe Paxton's Puppets," with ebe herself as the dca tie machina.
Already, the fame of this puppet show had spread through "the Delta," indeed throughout our Tri-States, when I interviewed Phoebe, partly to satisfy my own desire to know more of this fascinat- ing hobby, and partly in response to a request
from the editor of To DKAOMA. Herewith, my findings.
Fresh from college (Randolph - Macon Woman's College), Phoebe Paxton (Kappa '27), went to visit her sister, Dorothy. Be- sides being a typical Alpha O, "Dolly" is also by way of being an enthusiast over the Little
Theater movement, and naturally, in such environment, Phoebe felt the lure of the magic profession. The im- mediate result was an inspiration to build her own puppet show. Returning to her home in Greenville, she pro- ceeded to make her inspiration live.
Literally it is her own show, all of
it the work of her clever hands. She
fitted up a permanent theater in the attic of her home and built
the portable theater for her out-of-town engagements. She dramatized the plays, an extensive repertoire including Rumpelstilt- skin, Hansel and Grethel, Snow White, The Three Bears, Red Rid- ing Hood and Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Aladdin is perhaps the most elaborate effort, but Little Black Sambo seems the prime favorite with the young patrons, and personally, I yearn to see Jack and the Beanstalk, a marionette show which Phoebe confides isgoing to be her best.
She has made all the "actors," both marionettes and guignols. (Did you know that marionettes are worked on wires and guignols on the hands of the showman?) Some of the little figures are carved from wood, some modeled in' clay and some molded in plastico and painted. She designed the quaint costumes and worked up the neces- sary stage sets. She manages the lighting a n d other technicalities. She attends personally to the myriad details of her contract appear-
ances in clubs, schools and civic centers, including the publicity, prop-, erties, performance—and profits !
And all this, observe, without one speck of special training i" art, dramatics or business management. I would say she doesn't feel the lack! She has youth, a vivid personality, a delightful speaking voice, belief in her work, artistry in its conception and /est in its accomplishment.
The second season of the Attic Theatre opened on October 6, ami a play was given on each
Saturday afternoon through December 22j
The season was most successful. But perhaps you think I'm pr e J" udiced. so I'm going to repeat to
you what the principals of 1 1 1 Lausanne School. Misses Hatlei" and Taylor and Mrs. Jctt said:
Lausanne School for Girls. Me m P{2
Tennessee, was delighted v v 't '1 ',i IJ er
Paxton's Puppets. Miss Hessie r l a c' Miss Florence Taylor, and M rs. VV.
(Continued on paqe 121)
MAcallechaiapatanswjerkAy ""SturnBbraiddelicsoft fon?jl t^obCN ""'' 0 n gracebewQ r "n
aw a
• yof tobes'1
RCH, 1929
<^4 True Story of Korea*
ITH the wretched mud and thatch behind her, she stood like a
Mariposa lily discovered in a slough. Kim Young Bun d an imperious "Comman" to his coolies and the sedan r came to an abrupt halt in front of the cow-like eyes. An hetic "Morogesimnceda" was her reply to a question whose er he knew all too well, as was proved by his resumption of the y journey, with no apparent concern as to its distance. A t this Ee roused herself sufficiently to fling a tardy greeting.
Where are you going?"
Somewhere" came back the customary reply.
atisfied with that, she answered "May peace go with you" and ed back into the miserable hut.
ut there was no peace that day for K im Young Bun. That oily down her back. . . . Then she was not married. . . . The ate hands, the tiny feet. . . . The ethereal pallor of her clear, skin. . . . And her eyes. . . . Such eyes! . . . Round in der? . . . Ignorance? . . . No, despair. . . . Starvation lurking oo near. The little body under her wide and ragged skirt, ably emaciated.
ontrary to the usual leisurely methods, business was cut very t in Choon Chun and the next day saw Kim's tedious descent the banks of the Hahn. The imperturbable countenance showed
s of impatience until the chair was again deposited before the ildered A y Ee.
Your father?"—and he was ushered through a dilapidated pa-
£0 v e r ed framework to where an ancient man sat tailor-fashion .P'^ paper floor. His story was soon told. Floods had swept
his scanty rice crop, the last bit of crisp pickled turnip had
,S e r a Pe ( l from the earthen pots, there was not even a shred bacco for his lengthy pipe,
i°r -a m o m e n t a light flashed in the beaten eyes of the crone e him: maternal instinct rose against this sacrifice of the child
MARof her old age. But the proposition was too tempting and her feeble protests were soon silenced.
"The child must eat," came in heavy tones from the father and one hundred yen exchanged hands without further parley.
A few months later there entered one of those side-street ca- barets in Seoul a thoughtful, earnest and somewhat dazed young Korean in the wake of a city uncle who would teach him the ways of men. Sitting on the warm stone floor and sipping tiny cups of rice whiskey, he watched the dainty dancing girls about their business. Suddenly there entered a lovelier than all the rest. Sitting very
close beside him. she played the samisen adroitly and managed to stir; him deeply. She was plump and comely, dressed in softest silk. Her glossy hair coiled neatly on her neck and was fastened with one large gold pin. She sang sweetly the classics of his soft Korean tongue. He was listening so intently that he barely escaped showing some surprise when she whispered: "Get me out of here. 'Twill cost two hundred yen."
"But I have no money."
"Borrow it,"as the song continued.
Again money passed, this time a hard driven bargain, for the
country girl had become a reigning favorite.
But A y Ee now has a name other than that of merely "Child."
She is "Soon Ai," "Dear Heart," treasured wife of an industrious farmer and mother of three fine sons.
Upsilon claims the of Washington. She ident of that group Schneider is a nezv
Do you
Know 'TBat—
W•W- "1" rpany\*P.'Psibicomsent'""p^ ' m "nHiaselrecin, hers°UrSeven of the twenty freshmen c/irls who served coffee and sand- zviches at the Pajamerino at the University of California at Los Angeles zvere members of Kappa Theta chapter.
One of two co-eds elected to the Oxford Club, a group of young people studying for the ministry, was fae Houston (Theta).
Priscilla Sawyer and Polly Longlcy, both of Gamma chapter, were two of three representatives from the Women's Student Government Association to the Student Senate.
The winner of the Sigma Delta Chi award at the University 0$j Kansas zvas Gertrude Searcy (Phi '28).
secretary of is Irene Baker at Montana
Board at the
University is PreS~ Marcem
sBcrnice College
Crane zvhile
Most of the officers of Dot and Circle, a club at
are Alpha O's: Ruth Marshall, president; Lois Dickie, vice-pres- ident; Mary Lou Wakefield, secretary; and Myra Crowdcr, chaplain-
Alpha Phi zvon $25 given to the sorority having the highest scholarship average for tivo quarters.
Gladys Hazvickhorst (Beta Theta), received the Woman's Leagw scholarship cup for high grades at Butler.
CH, 1929
arts <yllpha
O's J^pok
ANT to thank the college and university registrars and the scholarship officers of the various chapters whose splendid co- ation made possible the compilation of the charts which accom- this report. However I have failed to secure any kind of a
o r t t r ( Jm the five following chapters— Nu, Epsilon, Upsilon, "a Phi, and Chi Delta but in only one instance does the respon- lity rest upon the chapter alone. I am most anxious to obtain a plete record for 1927-1928 and would appreciate having a repre- ative from each one of the above-named chapters contact the
er University officials relative to this matter.
In going over the grades of the individual members I found e remarkable achievements, and I have deemed it advisable to or these girls by printing their names in my report. There are
tal °^l e r s w n o s c work was of excellent character and I regret
e s e too cannot be included. I have selected this group of girls ee '-r e S e n t silastic ability for their respective chapters. The e^10"W & S ')asef'0,1 t n e gr e a t e s t numberofhoursofhighestgrade
l v ed irrespective of class or course in which she is enrolled.
n C O n clusion let me say that after each one of you has studied
°m Pa r i ying charts she will agree with me that, although in some ' c e s 0 l , r chapters rank favorably, yet there is room for marked ( jye n i e n t - 1 sincerely hope that each member will take it upon t 0 U V d ^ c a n added effort to improve her scholarship so that
record for 1928-1929 will be a much better one.
Scholar- ship
By ROSELYN BEAL, Scholarship Officer
"These Qirls "^present High Scholarship
MAplascinocouThfro80,foustubusfiftcenrepme86.jouandclesitycongracurachhowg'varetellshihiggen[JJdh e ePi
Marion Moise
Virginia Everett Lila Witsell
Elizabeth Call Sue Hall Morflt
Charlotte Frericks Katherine Williams
Lenore Selig Harriet Backus
Marian Monroe Margaret McLean
Janet Crawley
Constance Handy Ruth Lowe Lydia Glidden
Jessie Ellen Ashworth Helen Fuller McKenney
Gertrude Runyon Jane Martindale Jane Batterson
Adele Gist Dorothy Bogcn Aileen Brown
Elizabeth Stiven Helen Roberts
Harriet Pratt Dorna Clef ton
Louise Dickerson Katherine Brown Grace Jungen
Nu Kappa
Carolyn Davidson Margaret Harris
Beta Phi
Edna Sheets Gail Glenn Virginia Moore
Sarah Hardy Elizabeth Lawrie Eleanor Parkinson
Nu Omicron
Frances Carter Mary Rutledge
Grace McMullan Elizabeth Stewart
Amelia Woodward Gertrude Searcy Thora Collins
Marie Elliston Thelina Sortman
Omicron Pi
Marian Van Tuyl Sarah R. Bonine Marian Reish
W anda Werdna
Fenlason Isbell
Frances Kennedy Hazel Graham
Pi Delta
Barbara Schilling Evelyn Kuhnle Virginia Smith
Tau Delta
Gertrude Moore Genevieve Hopson
Kappa Omicron
Harriet Shepherd
Alpha Eho
W ythle Fitzpatrick Ellen Oberg
Beta Theta
Ruth Lindenborg Mary Elizabeth Johnson
Alpha Pi
Lorena Eaddy Wanita Walter
(Note—I have no grades of the individual members of KapPa Theta and Rho's list is incomplete. In the lat- ter case thegradesof the girls who graduated in 1928 were not given.)
Your editor takes the. privilege of adding a comment to Mis S Beal's report. To you who think "grades" and the making of them mean nothing, we should like to quote from the results of a survey conducted by the Bureau of Graduate Records and Reference, in co- operation with Albert Kraeger, a senior in the course in statistic at the University of Wisconsin. One hundred alumni, men an women, were selected from a list of 230 who have appeared m_«1 alumni section of the Wisconsin yearbook in the years 1924-19* • Selection for this "Hall of Fame" is made by at least six person^ representing the faculty, students and alumni and is based 0 1 1 tinguished services "or successful achievements in any field 0 1 deavor, with due regard for age and sex." The individuals na merited such distinction. The group included men and won
lawyers, bankers, engineers, social workers, educators, a &r 'c U Jt U ? gd c
sales managers, journalists, artists, geologists, supreme court jus
e .
5lbwi°. U
RCH, 1929 2 3
ywrights, business men,, authors, U. S. consuls, physicians, entists, and inventors, college presidents, U. S. senators, gover- rs.
Numerical grades were taken from the Registrar's files for each rse taken by each of the 100 persons, and an average struck. irty-five made records averaging between 90 and 94; fifty ranged m 85 to 89; fourteen ranked from 80 to 84; and one fell below 79.9 to be exact. The average of all was 88.4.
The all-university scholastic average at Wisconsin for the last r years has been between 79 and 80. This is the average of the dent body over an eight-semester span.
The Wisconsin Alumni Magazine goes on to say:
"Divided into quantitative groups, the alumni chosen represent: iness executives, twenty-nine per cent; lawyers or politicians, een per cent; professors, fifteen per cent; engineers, eight per t; journalists, seven per cent; farm experts, five per cent; foreign resentatives, three per cent, and the remaining nine occupations ntioned, "unclassified," eighteen per cent.
"The scholastic averages by occupations: business executives, 8; professors, 90.8; lawyers or politicians, 88.4; engineers, 89.7; rnalists, 87.3; farm experts, 88.7; foreign representatives, 88.4; unclassified, 88.6.
"This study does not purport to be conclusive, but the fact is arly apparent that the frequency distribution of average Univer- grades for this group of successful men and women is in decided trast to the similar distribution for the entire body of Wisconsin duates and undergraduates.
"The contention is not made that this study establishes an ac- ate correlation between high grades in college and successful ievement in after-college life. It does afford strong evidence, ever, that men and women who in their after-college careers e proof of intelligent, constructive, recognized accomplishment , in a great majority of cases, individuals who through native in- igence or consistent and persistent industry have attained scholar- p records far above the general University average."
Doubtless were such experiments made in other institutions of her learning the same results would be found, for where intelli- ce is found, achievement usually follows both in college careers in life afterwards. We called attention in the January issue to
number of *BK members who wear the badge of Mortar Board.
To raise your scholarship you must start by keeping a careful
ck on the scholarship of each member of your chapter as well as
the grades of your pledges. One fraternity chapter of which we
oW finCS U t
e v e r y man a dollar for each hour of work under D or another chapter takes away the dating privileges of girls o fail to make a passing average. If study supervision has helped
r pledges, try it on the chapter members.
Pi Nu
Omicron Kappa
Zeta .
Sigma Theta
Delta ,
Gamma, Epsilon
(No report)
No data
(3 quarters)
2.696 1st sem.2.748 2nd sem.1.386 1.426 60.6
2.460 2.585
(No report)
No. of Women's fraternities
8 N a f l 1 local
12 21
Fall 8 Spring 9
A verage scholastic rank of Women's
1927fraternities Lambda 10
1.738 3.455
Iota ... Tsui ...
Beta Phi Eta
Alpha Phi
Psi Phi
Alpha Sigma
Pi Delta Tau Delta
Alpha Rho Chi Delta
Beta Theta
1.3296 (No report)
no dat1.66
1927No. of Women's Average s fraternities
14 17 23
6 27
rank of W21 79-
18 45.39 13 3.616 4 2.94 6 79.62568
inducting pharteres no dat(highest plus 4)
4 mi dat16 S5.01
13 no dat(No report)
*Have not made averages for fraternities for past year. N*Alpha P i
18 Cor. fa
5th 84-5^28 2.33
2.779 2.926
31st 1.206 24th 1.385
10th 45.6
4th among four 2 yrs. in suc- cession
figures for 2nd semester onlv
College officers re- commend in ii r stress on scholar- ship less on so-
9th 2.437
8th 1.691
9th 23 rd
Hlli 1 2X4
2.324 2.420
1st semester only all mcn 1.0196
Comparative A verage rank
rank of all organiza- Average rank
AOn among tions (frat. and of non-frat.
women's frater nity
non-frat.) no data
women no data
no data
2.457 2.573
1.253 1.444
no data no data
2.199 2.100
1.907 3.451
no data
data 6th 2.377. (all women
cial activities.
6ih 1.0835
1st sem. only
(all students) 2.092 2.276
no data 55.4
students) 2.116
no data
dents 1.1405
all students 1.190
10th 1.4684 all women 1.1484 1.2320. all stu-
a frat. and non-frat.) (No data except ndividual grades)
9th 1.7393 1.5887
2nd sem. 19th all women 1.580
3rd no data
(No data except individual grades)
Univ. Average 2nd 1.29
c h o o l Comp. rank A O n Average rank all Average rank non-
omen's a m o n g Women's Organization (frat.
frat. women
no data 1.540
no data 1.51
42.09 (1st 1st sem. only)
no data
no data
no data
no data
no data 83.87
no data
7th (80) 5th
3rd 2.86 4th 79.345
75 univ. as a whole 41.966
no data
no data 76.S2
all women 1.56 No data except individual grades
2nd 11th
1st sem. lowest 11 reported
minus 1) no data 83.13
no data
Cor. fair
ot much difference from one group to another.
under + minus 2) 1.310 (just above
univ. A verage
To DRAGMA cBorrd>pp a 'Book from I
(§IThe Story of a Charming New York Book Shop
MA^uONCE upon a time there was a lady who decided to go upon a long journey. But the lady had a husband (who was. incident- ally, the president of a large modern manufacturing company) and it was necessary before starting, she thought, to find some form of
^amusement for her husband to prevent him from becoming bored and being tempted to stay out late at night while she was away. The lady was at a loss as to what to do. Presently, however, through the kind offices of some guiding providence, her attention was called to an interesting book service which was being conducted in New York City by a group of young women, namely. Miss Henriette Walter. Miss Helen B. Russell, and J. L . Tillinghast (Nu). Jub- ilantly the lady started out to investigate. Her amazement and joy increased tenfold, moreover, when she had learned that the Post- Box Book Service was willing to select and send, without extra fee.
Rosemthe beth man, mary the of AN.Jentedgirl ty aghave work fromtwobanporher Iks the threaftenotw ornamviceeastWitAhtionMainteve^olgrar V
RCH, 1929
lia Tillinghast
ary Wyman is niece of Eliza- Heywood Wy- Alpha. Rose- is a student at Fawcett School rt in Newark, .Sheisatal- and charming of the pre-twen- e. We hope to more of her in To DRAGMA time to time.
( A x ) .
efficient the New
Nu. So her
doesn't re- of her time.
of the latest and most hair-raising detective stories to her hus- d each week. The lady was overjoyed and, what was more im- tant, able to depart without trepidation knowing, as she did, that husband was not to be lured out at night during her absence. it resulted, the husband also found a great deal of satisfaction in plan; so much so, indeed, that he increased the order from two to e detective yarns per week and lived, as it were, happily ever r.
No doubt everyone has grasped, by this time, that the above is a fairy tale but a real live situation created by the fascinating k of no less a person than our own Julia Tillinghast ( N u ) , whose e must have been recognized above. Miss Walter, Miss Russell,
Julia are incorporated under the name of the "Post-Box Ser- " which operates from a petite book shop on New York's upper side. From that point books are sent, at publisher's prices and hout mailing charges, to every conceivable place in the world.
e Service assists people, in and out of the city, to buy publica- s, both new and old, advises them on the nature of books, and intains standing lists of customers to whom it sends at regular rvals, the newest and best books and literature which is most in-
sting to individuals who are otherwise too preoccupied to search shelves of regular bookshops and libraries. The Service also unteers to plan and send gift and bon voyage book packets; to nge magazine subscriptions; and to select holiday greeting cards that host of persons too busily engaged to take care for them- e s of those details of social living. There was a gentleman not
president of York Alumnae
Tillinghast the very
ter. She
friend bookshop quire all
28 To DRAGMA •
so long ago, for instance, who after having corresponded with the Service about books for some time, wrote and asked that Christinas cards be purchased for him—"a young man, such as he was, neither too frivolous nor too conservative." Whereupon' the Service, kindly smiling a bit to be sure, took care of the matter for him readily and efficiently and the "young man" automatically became relieved of the duty.
There is scarce wonder, then, that souls lost in the maze of modern reading matter find a harbor of comfort in the Post-Box. Nor is the Service an ethereal thing, a mere symbol. It actually exists and lives in the Post-Box Bookshop which pokes its little green self in between masses of brown and gray building bricks on a New York street. Miss Walter, Miss Russell, and Julia have made of the Shop so real a thing, that its comfortand color fairly sing tothe visitor when he steps into it. A background of applegreen decora^ Hon lining the walls and woodwork of the Shop is livened by the variegated colorings of book bindings. Red and blue and yellow
covers stand row upon row along the shelves, relieved sometimes by the sedately sombre binding of an "out of print" and sometimes by zig-zag modernistic binding of the most recent "in print." Words of the wise seem to fly from off the covers and out of the pages of the books they have written, and to tangle in the air readv for pluck- ing. And over all soft lights throw out a dull glow. The Shop is cozy and kindly; it is personal and inviting; and it is gay and cheery. But then, the atmosphere is one which must be felt—not described.
It seem nearly impossible that Julia, when asked how it all be- gan—whether she were especially fond of books, should reply that she was not particularly interested in them, when such a spot as the Post-Box Bookshop has emerged as part of her creation. Juba explained that she had just "happened into" the venture. She went back to the very beginning, in fact, and told how the Service and the Shop had been founded and had grown to their present state.
A few years back, it would seem about 1923. two young me" read a book which they liked so well that they began to tell t h e , r friends about it. Their circle of friends was wide and presently
many of them were reading the volume. It occurred to the young me« that perhaps a wider group might be reached. Accordingly they be- gan sending circular letters about the country telling people aboU their favorite volume, and later about other books. Eventually tn service, which was never more than a hobbv for the young me• came to be known as the Franklin Book Service. Just as its su^ cessor does, the Franklin Service acted primarily as a guiding a assisting hand in the buying of books for busy and puzzled people- _
In 1924, however, the Franklin Service reverted to the care 0 Miss W alter who, with another friend, carried on the work from 1 own home and in her spare time. And so. the Post-Box Book ^ vice came into being. It functioned in the beginning purely as a ma'
MAordelegemuctweeof wof tlingit wyeaNewadvthe withof hMiswhoCapcomspelShimanthe TheUpoStatmenlant°*ic'hat'" ''" mschos"e B.divsotay°u*°*in a c
RCH, 1929 2 9
r business. Circular letters were sent, as an advertisment, to col- alumni lists and netted for the Service a profitable return. Not h later, Miss Russell joined Miss Walter in her work and be- n the years 1924 and 1926 the plan constantly gained in success.
In 1926 Miss Russell found an opportunity to do another sort ork and, considering whom she would ask to carry on the work he Service in her absence, Miss Russell remembered Julia Til- hast whom she had previously met on a voyage to China. Thus as that Julia "happened into" the Post-Box Book Service. T w o rs after, in March, 1928, to be precise, the Shop was opened in York.
There are pictures of Julia, however, which came before her ent into the book world and which sum up, biographically,all scenes leading her into it. There is the Julia, for instance, who, Providence, Rhode Island, as the starting point, passed most er childhood years in that city. There is the Julia who attended s Baldwin's school at Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania; and the Julia , after some travel in Europe, returned to America to attend Miss on's school in Massachusetts—an institution which has since be- e a part of Smith College.
In 1917 Julia, thinking to drop her educational activity for a l, hopped back into Pennsylvania and opened in the city of ppinsburg, a tea-room—attractive and successful. The urge for aging tea-parties persisted in Julia's soul during the year at end of which time, 1918, she found a new field for her energies. Great War which had descended with all its hideous phases n the world's nations beat at last against the shores of the United es.
Julia became interested and plunged into the melee with tre- dous zeal. Although she did not reach the other side of the At- ic during the fray, she "carried on" over here for long months.
With that dark moment of history behind her, Julia struck out e more for foreign shores. It was in 1920, on the trip to China, she met Miss Russell. Back in New York. Julia determined eturn to her educational activities; and so it was, with this plan ind, that she became enrolled at Columbia to make up high- ol credits which would admit her to college—eight years after had closed her last textbook!
y 1923 she had become a matriculated student at New York ersity and very shortly thereafter a loyal and industrious Alpha As president of Nu chapter in 1926 Julia attended the Minne- convention where, we are certain, many of you who are reading t her now. must have met the future j. L . Tillinghast of Post-
Bookshop fame.
extraordinary amount of modesty, persists y m g her contribution to the Shop. " I only take care of the tints," she repeats, with an attempt to impress. Of course it is so. There is another side of the work in which Julia takes a
uawtnan | .J '' - '
very active part. Because the Post-Box is the small personal and in- timate Shop that it is (and Julia wants never to increase its size), she has the opportunity of coming into direct contact with many of her customers—a contact which is most valuable in making her work really alive and interesting. She can tell hordes of yarns per- taining to the work of the Shop, yarns which are sometimes tre- mendously comic and sometimes tremendously pathetic. There is the story, for instance, of the gentleman from Milwaukee who wrote to the Shop and asked that his book service be discontinued for a while because his "Pat" had been run over and he was feeling rather blue; "Pat," he explained in a postscript, was his pup. And the story, also, of the custom's official, stationed on the northern border line of New York state, who, in sending references when beginning the use of the Service, declared that he knew no one of importance in his community to whom he might refer, with the exception, pos- sibly, of several prominent bootleggers; he knew, he added, Mr. Coolidge also but not well enough to use the President's name for reference.
There is an insurance broker, Julia relates, who started offby getting a book a week from the Service—a book of the trashiest sort; now he is reading the best and most high-brow biographical and historical volumes. A marine living in Haiti, of whom Julia spoke, craves Boccaccio. A n d numberless people scattered all over the globe, from Japan to northern Rhodesia. Africa, clamor for books on the care and study of children. In fact, the mailing list of the Service contains the most unusual destinations, more promin- ent of which are India, Ireland, China, Bermuda, and the Canal Zone.
Besides the regular work of the Service, Julia and her partners have conducted exhibits of note on several occasions. The most interesting, perhaps, was held at the Sanzoray Club, an institution for the hard of hearing in New York City. Books are not only dis- played at the exhibits, but advice is offered about them and their selection.
But Julia likes best the occasions on which she meets her sub- scribers—all of whom eventually arrive in New York and so. at the Post-Box Bookshop. She finds it very interesting to be able to chat with persons with whom she has corresponded for many months and with whose inmost desires and needs in the way of literature she has long been familiar. And too, people of importance are f r e ' quently bobbing into the little green Shop, actresses and authors ana such; Kathleen Norris, a celebrated contemporary novelist and not the least of these, dropped in a while ago, Julia said, but it was n° until she was on the outside of the Shop that she was actually rec- ognized. And then, of course, there is that constant stream of >n' dividuals who patter ghost-like in and out of the Shop, clutching
joyously the newest novel from the Circulating Library in their arms-
"KtromenjuvestiQuth"Kaof andparAment DDeaff ed thsands, W°e s epa1 '^fprtm_ ^§^ cmeSn Hctse oJL ^ * n a st
ay" (jilcher J£elps Cfind
it t. enile ng ite
Police She has
girls and
y" the
Investigation De- tment of the De-
Missing Girl
hopeless delinquency.
found SNIDER, inter-
never in
of the Detroit Police Department.
etroit was one of the first cities to recognize the need of such partment. Its organization was started January 1, 1921. The boasted sixteen officers. So rapidly has their work been need- at today, forty workers find plenty to keep them busy. Thou-
of cases yearly, pass through the hands of these workers.
hat is the function of this Women's Division? The Division protective work with women and girls, functions within the rtment on all cases involving young girls; maintains a bureau ormation for women desiring information from the Police De- ent; makes investigations of complaints made against women
'r Js (juvenile and adult) ; conducts searches for missing women hildren; supervises the Women's Detention Home where all n held by the Police Department are cared for; patrols the
a n c ^ o m e r public places in the interest of young girls; in- dance halls and other places of commercial interest which
pen to women.
s for Kay's work, I'll quote her. It is far more interesting
second-hand facts.
PHA OMICRON PI may be justly proud of Katheryn
Gilcher (Chi '20), and her work with the Women's Depart-
"When it was suggested that I should join the Women's Division, I was inclined to scoff at the idea, even though I had been in Social Service Work for the 2l/o years after my graduation. I had heard very little about the work of the Women's Division, but being ofa rather curious nature, I was anxious to learn its scope. After talk- ing with Miss Hutzel who is the Director of the Women's Division
and also Fourth Deputy Commissioner, I knew that the workers in the Women's Division had high ideals and were striving for a foot- hold in the community to carry on a vast future program of preven- tive and protective work. So on October 15, 1922 I was sworn in as a regular policewoman. Needless to say, I was at sea at first, the work being entirely different, .legal technicalities, emergency work, et cetera. During the first 3^2 months, we worked part of the time days and part of the time nights.
"There were only nineteen officers at that time. During the day the patrollers called at schools, helped with their problems, visited the movies looking for little truants from school and home, made miscellaneous investigations both adult and juvenile. At night we patrolled the streets and dance halls.
"In February 1923 what is known as the Juvenile Division was established. It is rather unique arranged to cooperate very closely with the Juvenile Court and other agencies. There were three officers assigned to this Department, two for outside investigation and one for supervising the case work, and having charge of the office. It
fell to my lol to be chosen to go to the new Division as an |fl vestigator. The work with juvenile girls and children was most in- teresting. The Juvenile Division took over the investigation of com- plaints regarding juvenile delinquency and neglect, interviewed ana made plans for girls and little children brought to the Juvenile De- tention Home, filed complaints in Justice Court when necessary, re- ferred cases to agencies, and made adjustments with families. "i July 1923 I became supervisor of the Juvenile Division.
"The following two and one half years were happy, busy ones- I loved the girls, even though sometimes they were very <lclitiquen
girls. Juvenile girls, however, never seem quite hopeless.
"When I was told that I was to be transferred to the main office
to be the supervisor of the Missing Girl and Investigation Depar'
Wment, I was sorry as I was afraid that the work would not l) e teresting.
F' girlsPanhfor wincN•ng tpreteIt wual ofratenitieJis p°y th| thSeui'ra\vh *TMfor for j j .fe
sod acter( ^- psl>iriUT pf . "Since November 1925, I have found the work just as interes*
ing and with even more variety than in my old Department, contact with Juveniles is very close as many of our missing are of juvenile age, and we often find little sixteen-year-old posing as nineteen. There are policewomen working on missing P and adult investigations—one worker being colored, one Pohsn-
"There are other Departments besides my particular one-—I (Continued on pane 82)
p lege
CH, 1929 33 Be <^Motto of Rational
^Panhellenic Qongress:
"Not z^^^^fev But
hat We G iv c,
What We Share"
By the Committee on Education and Information
ROM that day back in 1891 when the light of the Panhellenic movement first dawned, to this living day of 1928 when college all over the country are solving their problems in the light that ellenic leaders have shed, the spirit of that movement has been broader fellowship and courage in the pursuit of those ideals
h build truer and better womanhood.
ational Panhellenic Congress, a small band of women represent-
housands of women in twenty-one fraternities is not the inter- r for these thousands. It does not attempt to dictate policies. ields no hand of authority. It solves a problem for the individ- rganization, only as it shows a better way for every member rnity. It has no thought of standardization of ideas or frater- s, but acts as a clearing house where dach fraternity may present olicies and plans in a spirit of sincere helpfulness to be accepted ose who are seeking assistance.
And I doubt not through the ages one increasing purpose runs" is remarkable organization, loosely knit, yet closely held to- er by bonds of individual friendships, by sincere respect and ad- tion for the individual and the organization which she represents,
o v e r w n e hning sense of responsibility that comes to those j.are helping to mould character.
W i n c r e a s m & purpose in N. P. C. is manifested in strivings
if1 s t a n d a r c , s o f scholarship throughout the fraternity world,
W r "°'e -hearted cooperation among college students with those \ a t m a ' < e wholesome student life, for the maintenance of fine ht ^,n ( ?a r c ^s ' ^o r r '£n t hving in chapter houses, and through char-
building for preparation for service to our great mankind.
° p W n a t w e 8 i v e D u t w n a t w e share," is the unspoken motto of t Efforts, plans, ideas, experience—all are shared in a
o f good fellowship, by those who have common aims, and
oses, aspirations and perplexities. No one in the Congress
,0 U n d the "summon bonum" of fraternity life. Allare striving
tmn s
& - The keynote is service to each other, to the coi-
gn"1, to the fraternity alumnae, to the college world.
To DRAGMA J^atin £tudent
MARJBy ToGdhthTcealroS'onone jourtn tcath*.y u | ndP°ngntTouring Under
M' Amusee, near Saumur, where the Count and his fam- ily still live. The crude bridge was once a drawbridge over the moat. Nearby is a chapel where the soldiers of Mary, Queen of Scots, carved her name and a Latin motto.
I W AS among the party of eight Randolph-Macon students who landed at Bologne, France, in June, 1927, to begin a tour of France. Spain, Morocco, Italy, and Switzerland, under the auspices
of the International Students' Hospitality Association. Mine. Vail, who was to be our guide in France, met us and gave us seme flowers, welcoming us in the name of all French students. She then took us through the customs, gave us our first French breakfast of coffee and rolls, and assisted us in boarding the train for Paris. As we rode along looking out the window, we had our first view of the famous French country side with its red poppies, blue corn flowers and wheat growing in the tiny fields which are so well kept by the peasants.
In a few hours, our train had arrived in Paris. Feeling very much excited, we got off the train and took a taxi to our pensl?* in the Latin Quarter. In the afternoon, we visited the old University of Paris and saw the column broken by the weight of the ma"> papers of Voltaire's Encyclopedia in the room above. As we wejj on the point of leaving the University the students drank our hea
in champagne in true French style. We spent that night in our V*^
essi n e 'rcastlf0 .nienSavesky
CH, 1929 35 Surope
he students visited the Court f Myrtles in the Alhambra, ranada. The pool is bor- ered by myrtle bushes, from ence comes the name. Note e tiling on the lower wall. he roof, columes and adja-
nt parts are white. The cove is a typical Moorish om, often used as a bed-
. Its funny clothes closets cut right out of the wall paper, made think of the Ladies Home Journal for 1895.
The next morning we left Paris rather reluctantly to begin our ney south. Our first stop was Chatres, the old cathedral town, he days that followed, we saw Notre Dame, St. Peter's, the edral in Milan, and El Escarial in Spain but of them all Chatres
far the most beautiful. The sun shining through the huge rose ows makes them look like gorgeous, jewelled medallions set
the dark wall. High above the altar is a single shaft of golden . The ceremony for the ordination of young priests was in pro-
while we were there. The clergy presiding wore beautiful nients and high, peaked caps. About fifty young men assumed
vows on that day.
^'iatres> w e w e n t to Saumur where we saw our first
" ^ had once belonged to Henry of Anjou. To enter the
' 'k' l up the long, wide steps formerly used by horse-
WG as
^ P^d^trians. Passing into the court, we found what
JJVj Ppearance of being a big well, but it turned out to be the
gnt to the dungeon away down below. The rain and cold
must have made prison life very uncomfortable. Having investigated the various winding stairs, secret passages and treasure chests with trick locks, we went walking in the town. It was sunset; some black-smocked school children came clumping across the cobble stones; an old peasant woman in black with a cloth over her head, and her apron full of hay, lettuce and onions, returned slowly back into town after her day's work in the field; somebody was cooking supper in a shining copper pan; and soon we came into the court of our little hotel where the garcon was pulling the bell rope to
announce that dinner was ready.
We left Saumur very early next morning in order to visit five^ chateaux in one day. A climb up a rocky hill, a walk across a stone bridge, the opening of some ponderous gates in the thick, stone wall, and we were in the castle grounds of old Chinon where the dauphin Charles V I I held court. The castle was demolished by Cardinal Richelieu, but here was a broken stone outline of the hall where Jeanne d' Arc recognized the king at first sight, and there was the tower where she stayed during her visit, and where she prayed to St. Martin. Then here was the garden where Charles VH's mistress, Agnes Sorel walked with her retinue, and deep down some mossy steps was the dungeon where so many royal prisoners had been kept. Chenonceaux. a short distance hence, presented no such hilly approach. It is built in the middle of the River Cher and was given by Henry I V to his mistress, Diane De Paitiers. The walls, floors and ceilings are all decorated with elaborate monograms of D and H for Diane and Henry. L'Angais, former home of Anne of Brit-
tany and Charles VIII, is built on the ruins of the former chateau ot the very early days that belonged to Fulk the Black who defeated his own son in battle and then put him to death. M'Amusee is still used by the Count and his family. The caretakers were busy making preparations for his return while we were there. Close to the house is a beautiful Gothic chapel on whose walls one of the soldiersot Mary, Queen of Scots carved her name and a Latin Motto. l| i e formal garden with its orange trees and pool and tree lined avenue, made one long to be a stately lady who could take her leisure there,
The next lap of our journey was by rail. Keeping to the souti- we passed through hundreds of acres of grape vines whose ija is used to make the "liquid sunshine" for which Bordeaux 1 5 justly famous. I learned, too, that this is the country of Bayard t gallant knight, "sans peur et sans reproche." A t the students C W in Bordeaux, we saw pennants from Yale, Harvard. Princeton a _ other American colleges. These had been left here by Atneric ^ during the war. Having just seen the best musical comedies ^ Broadway before we had come to Europe, we were rather bo ^ with the musical review in Bordeaux that night. The r n a n n e [ . which they advertised latest American Jazz as a particular d r a ^ card made it evident that Americans aren't the only ones so |
MAas all fouandwain firsUpof forus powe compreingweDeMaapashathrwhr?ydindietheW l jPalPriu°w^asin2 jvt:
, n1 6(
^ oout
RCH, 1929 37
to fall for anything just because it is imported. I may add that those highly advertised "latest hits" were at least four years old. Still pushing on south through San Jean de Luz to Biarritz we nd a charming sea side resort, a rare combination of mountains sea with green tamaris trees growing up and down the long
lks leading to the sea.
One evening as we were gathered around the tinkly gilt piano
our pension, an Englishman came in with his monocle. Our t experience! I have yet to figure out what kept it from falling. on leaving Biarritz, we journeyed through the romantic country the Basque gypsies and arrived at the Spanish border.
After the customs examination in Irun, Spain, we took the train Madrid, Spain's most modern city. The Mayor of Madrid gave an informal reception one morning and introduced us to some im- rtant men who were in consultation with him at the time. After had been served a buffet lunch in grand style—I was quite over-
e by the lackeys in white stockings—his Excellency gallantly sented us with flowers. A t this reception, we met several charm- and distinguished Americans who live in Madrid. Among them re Mrs. Mildred Shapely Byne who has written for Arts and coration, and Miss Palmer, head of the Carnegie Foundation in drid. Both Mrs. Byne and Miss Palmer invited us to tea in their rtments and showed us their marvelous collections of Old Spanish wls, linens, books, furniture and grilled iron. Perhaps our most illing experience in Madrid was a trip through the Royal Palace en we visited all the rooms except the private apartments of the al family. The big banquet hall where three hundred people can e at one sitting is a very impressive sight. It is customary for Queen to enter one of the two doors at the far end, leaning upon arm of her oldest son, and for the King to enter the other door h his oldest daughter. The servant who showed us through the ace allowed us to peep through the blinds where the two youngest nces were horseback riding at the rear of the palace. In the chapel n stairs, we saw an older prince who is deaf and dumb. He attending mass with his tutor. We passed by a bed where the
has a red t a u Sn t t 0
g of Italy had slept during his recent visit to the Court of Spain.
Prettiest rooms in the palace are those adjoining the throne
0rn- Their walls are hung in very elaborate and beautiful tapestry.
S t °f t l l C - o v e r s t uffed furniture is hand-embroidered. In these
s'mS' °n e ^n C ^S n t e r a l 'y hundreds of clocks of every conceivable
'15"' T l l e i r 1 6 ^ a k°u t
°n e
n e W e r C
• V e
Pettiest feature, however, is their giant crystal chan-
fifteen feet high and ten feet in circumference. The
it s e lf i-s hung in rather worn red velvet with gilt trim-
^e other rooms, it is very disappointing. The canopy above it and a gilt lion on either side,
°ow in the proper court fashion. On our way saw in the Guard's Room, the guards of the palace called
r o o m
anC* a i t e r
"halberdiers" because their only weapon is a halberd. They are all big men over six feet, and very good looking. Their uniform in- cludes a dark blue, long-tailed military coat and a cocked hat of black. The ceremony of changing guards is very impressive.
One day we went out from Madrid to visit El Escorial. It is a huge edifice containing the tomb of the Spanish king, a monastery and the former apartments of Charles V and Philip I I . The tired business man is not original in listening to the Sunday morning sermon over the radio while he remains in bed, for Charles V had his bedroom placed so that by the simple process of opening a door he could look in at mass in the huge chapel adjoining.
Another side trip from Madrid included Toledo, an ancient wall- ed town. This is probably the oldest town in Europe. It was built first by the Goths, then inhabited in turn by the Romans, Goths Moors and subjects of the Catholic Kings. Here the artist El Greco lived in a rather simple house because he spent all of his money on food and music.
Our next stop after Madrid was Granada. Being awakened after our first night in the Washington Irving Hotel there, by a sort of violent serenade in a high minor key, we got up and went to the Alhambra. The outer walls are merely forts, but it is in the palace itself that one finds the indescribably beautiful Moorish style of architecture with its graceful columns and arches, and walls in whose delicate tracery the name of "Allah" is worked over and over as a design motif. W e passed from court to court, each with its inter- esting legends of Moors long dead and gone, until we came to the apartments of the women, "the tower of pleasure within the towerof defense." Here in the main court a huge fish pond stretches up to a series of terraces with the masses of giant blue phlox, red gera- niums and pink roses in greatest profusion. The Moorish maidens languished in the midst of floral splendour. Between the "Gen- eralife," the palaces of Boabdil, favorite son of the last Moorish sultan, and the Alhambra proper, is the "Tower of the Two Cap- tives." This was the prison of two Moorish princesses who were locked up because they fell in love with two Christian knights. The two knights collected armies, besieged the Alhambra, and rescued the fair damosels, all to the great chagrin of their enraged parents- If the Alhambra was beautiful by day, it was enchanting by night- The sight of it gleaming in the pale moon light gave me a thrill shall never forget.
From Granada we went on to Cordoba where we drank w*Wi forty years old. From thence we went to Seville and saw r e ? Spanish dancing, attended a reception by the mayor, and sat i
Queen Isabella's sedan chair. Proceeding to Cadix and A l g e c i r a S ' we told our Spanish hosts "Adios" and got on the dirty little steame bound for Morocco. .
When we had arrived at the other side and stepped into
MAsmasiandwaof clafabMtheprashoteain wacustea thea tanddenThareparflatV 1 tiarethrdescoua te
RCH, 1929 39
all boat to be rowed ashore, it was as if some geni had drawn de the magic curtain to show a land of people clad in red fezzes baggy trousers; a land of mosques and minarets, narrow, white- lled streets, covered market-places; a land where ancient palaces fallen dynasties crumble into dust; a man's land, where the higher ss of women never leave their homes; a land where the whole ric of civilization rests on laws and customs derived from the ohammedan Faith. This is Morocco!
We visited the cities of Tangier, a cosmopolitan sea port, Rebat French capital, Casablanca, a very modern town, and old Fez, ctically unchanged by French influence. At Tangier, in a tea p overlooking the blue Mediterranean, I had my first Moroccan , served hot with mint. Again in Rebat we were served tea, but a grander fashion by a barefoot negro slave. Our host s Si Mahomet Merinid, heir of a fallen dynasty. He sat on a hion near a low table and poured tea. The slave passed the and almond cakes. Of course, the men do all the serving since women of the house rarely appear in company. We were given
ea again at the house of the nephew of the Sultan's grand vizier, again by the students of the Mussalman College in Fez. Stu- ts attend this school from the time they are twelve years of age. ese men are very clever especially in languages; and some of them quite good looking. The one lecture hall is very small in com- ison with the number of students. It has a small stage and hard seat, tiled in typical Moroccan fashion. They look most unin- ng, and from the amount of dust on them, I am' sure that they seldom used.
In Fez, we dined with a rich leather merchant. The dinner had ee courses, mutton with stewed vegetables, roast chicken and for sert, "cous-cous," a native dish of barley, raisins and meat. Each rse was served in one big bowl in the center of a low table. We with our fingers. Our seats were cushions. After dinner, the
The formal garden at M'Amusee is noted for its beauty. The orange trees in the boxes are taken to the conservatories in the winter. The small house at the far end is the gatekeeper's lodge.
slave poured rose water over our hands, burned incense and cleared away the table. Then hired musicians came in to entertain us. The men played violins while the women sang and beat upon drums which they heated at intervals. At sunset we went upstairs to see the women of the house as they took their daily airing upon the roof. This is the only time they leave the house except on Thurs- days when they picnic in the cemeteries. W e looked across all the flat roofs of the city. They were alive wtih colorful, loose-robed figures. In a mosque near by, a muezzin raised his yellow flag and called the faithful to prayer. That was a master touch to an already perfect picture.
The low lying hills outside the cities of Morocco are covered with sparse vegetation. As we were motoring to Rabat, our French friend told us that when he had driven over that same road in 1912 the Riffs had shot at him several times. Just before we arrived at Moulay-Idriss, the holy city, we saw in the distance the ruins of Volubulis, a Roman military outpost when North Africa was the
granary of Europe. Moulay-Idriss is completely isolated from civili- zation. Until a few years ago, no foreigner was admitted into its walls; and even now, none can spend the night there. Hence living conditions are native, untouched by outside influence. Still en route to Rabat, we stopped at Mecknes to visit the former palace and store houses of the Black Sultan, friend of Louis X V .
The French have done a great deal toward improving sanitary and living conditions in Morocco since it has been under their pro- tection. The French government has in its employ certain experts to revive and develop the native arts of Morocco. M . Ricard who is at the head of this branch of service, showed us his schools in the different cities, all of them in old palaces, where native children are taught to make rugs, pottery, and to do leather work in the patterns of Moorish art at its highest stage of development. It has taken years of study, and research to discover and record all these patterns. The French deserve much credit for preserving for the civilization of the world authentic records of Moorish art at it s height. It was with a tinge of regret that we closed that magic cur- tain upon our pleasant experiences in North Africa, and boarded a splendid English steamer bound for Australia via the Suez Cana•
Upon disembarking at Naples, we were met by our guide to Italy as well as our host for Naples, Raggerio Bitzarro di Monroy. a young prince whose ancestors were the kings of Naples beifo Italy was united under Cavour. Being an ardent member of t1 Fascisti, he was glad to teach us their national song, which, being interpreted means "Youth." He introduced us to many other v°u Fascisti officers. They proudly pointed out the many improvemei that Mussolini is making. Going on to Florence, we again f°u Fascisti hospitality very pleasant. The young Florentine stuue have more different kinds of student caps than those in Nap
MAThmn,stoin RowiandI weexAsAmandnolit nigTaboacosperinfwholantionactas itheforsetdolAsaW e / ? , Jj'P^n^strit-friefrri,le n
RCH, 1929 41
e medical students wear red caps, the law students blue, and so each using the color symbolic of the course he is taking. While pping at Rome, we met Count Orsini whose family is mentioned
"Don Juan." Martelloti, a classical student there, gave old man coins to several of our party. Mine is a thick bronze piece th the two headed god Janus on one side and the prow of a ship an anchor with the word "Roma" on the other. To my delight, find that it is about two thousand years old. During our visit,
met Taurati, Mussolini's secretary, and the student who is chief ecutive for the Fascisti work among the students of all Italy. at Bordeaux, we went to cabarets featuring negro dancers and erican Jazz. One morning we had an audience with the Pope were introducted to the wonders of the Vatican. Proceeding rth, we found that the romantic atmosphere of Venice on a moon- night is no far-famed myth, but a glorious reality. Dancing one ht at the Lido, I met a young Athenian. W e did the Argentinian ngo. Afterwards, he brought us home in his American motor t under a Venetian moon. We spoke English. Nothing if not
At Geneva, where we went next, one attains an even wider ex- ience. Here there is a student club fostering lectures, musicals, ormal get-togethers, dances, et cetera for students of all nations happen to be passing through Geneva. Major Abraham, of Eng- d, and others explained to us the procedure of the League of Na- s in settling a dispute, and various other phases of the League's
ivity. W e saw the new offices of the League and the old hotel used ts headquarters during Wilson's time. Of historical interest about town itself, are the castle of Chillon, the many relics of the Re- mation and the Town House in which the Alabama Claims were
tled by British and American statesmen.
Vassar, Washington and Lee, the Intercollegiate group, Ran-
ph-Macon and other of the International Student Hospitality sociation's groups met in Paris during the latter part of August. ving "done" Paris as thoroughly as is possible in one short week,
all celebrated with a farewell banquet. Those present who had n , ' n Germany sang a German song that they had learned, Ran- ph-Macon did the Fascisti national anthem, the French with our port loudly proclaimed the Marseillaise, and the Star Spangled ner was our grand finale. Despite the demonstration and the urbance over the Sacco-Vanzetti affair, we were permitted to
dVe ^aris nd 3 t
m Peace-F o r tne last timew e got 011 aFrenchtrain, ^i e r *) 0 u r S a n ( l w e r e e s c o r t ed to the boat by our Paris
n o t i c e ( l that I had in my hand a letter of the official stationery of the International Stu- Hospitality Association. It bore the sketch of a young Alpine
(Continued on page 52)
b °a t .s t
m e d
o f f ' 1
r ona iece ? l T P
MAff Women in the "Professional
Want to *Be a Doctor?
A .
the woman physician,
lips (Iota), does not come doctors unless the s t u d y connected than in the practice it-
She first became en- with scientific problems at the University of her ever acquiring an sible. She was attend- a scholarship and, after S. there, she was given year at the University
bringing her nearer to
That year at Chicago added an M . S. to her name. The last two years at Rush Medical College and an interneship at the North Chicago hospital brought her the coveted M . D .
Six months of the next year Dr. Phillips spent in Vienna study- ing both obstetrics and pediatrics. The courses there are associated with the University of Vienna and are especially organized for foreign students. The work is given by professors from the uni- versity, and the students are given an opportunity to do practical work in the hospitals and give examinations although they do no real surgery. Surgery and obstetrics are both more advanced m
the United States. The advantage in studying there is that one acquires a broad viewpoint and learns what the rest of the world is doing; they also offer very interesting pathological work which one is unable to get in this country.
During her stay in Vienna Dr. Phillips took many interesting side trips into Italy, to Budapest, and to Berlin where she visit*" clinics along with the regular sightseeing. She says that Berlii very progressive in medical work, but, because of lack of organ'23* tion, a foreigner cannot study there as he can in Vienna with°U
wasting time.
Upon her return to this country, she served six months as 1
terne at the Lying In hospital in Chicago and since then has be^ on the Junior staff there with obstetrics as her specialty. She g' ^ a certain amount of time each week to the out-patient clinic
T o
cworld has now accepte Dr. Minnie Alice Phi advise women to b< they are interested i
medicine rath(
when she nn in a course of dietetic Illinois. A t that tin M. D. seemed impo; ing the university wit having received her 1 a fellowship for or of Chicago. These wei
w i t h self. thused
BillclinhosliveSincregapatiuef ligioshe Eveher brea's c^"a"erwoma n d V e ryj n'hDR. MINNIE ALICE PHILLIPS
the goal which had seemed so far distant.
. ! eJwouwhtl
RCH, 1929 43
%Jhis is the seventh article in this
series of vocational stories
which have appeared in To Dragma.
The purpose of the series is to aid undergrad- uates who are uncertain as to
career they will follow.
ings, the new University of Chicago hospital, and to the free ic at Lying I n .
Dr. Phillips is usually insistent that her patients come to the pital where they are assured of the necessary facilities f o r de- ry, particularly if some unforeseen complication should arise. e she began her practice, she has made only one exception in rd to this and a rather unusual circumstance required this. Her ent at this time was a Persian woman of the Mohammedan be- who could not speak a word of English. According to her re- n at the time of her delivery, no men could be present; thus, refused to go to a hospital. So Dr. Phillips gave in to her wishes. ry time she called there, the Persian woman insisted on serving with delicious drip tea and a peculiar sort of light brown Persian d. Their conversation was carried on through the husband who onnected with a rug company here in Chicago and can speak a ll amount of English. She is very lonely here as there are no
sian women in the city, and, although there are several men, a an of that belief cannot converse with men in the same free enjoyable way that the Americans can. She seemed to appreciate much all that Minnie did for her.
Minnie is very much interested in her work, for as she goes g n e u . problems present themselves for research constantly, ough her becoming a doctor looked like an impossibility to her
'i she fust became interested, she has achieved her purpose and .IJ^ S U c c essful in her profession. To quote her: "Unless you
ld enjoy medicine from a scientific viewpoint or would be truly
o"eSte" l 'i e w o r ^' l i w o u ld be a hardship. However, any woman really wants to become a doctor will be successful."
,aPs something about secretarial duties.
In This
articles on the ivork of a photographer by Char- er), aw> deanship by some one of our many Deans of Women and
0 to rcsent ott^tf'^ P
'The Quiet Corner
<y4 young cJMan's Clancy
Sunny hours, blooming
Singing birds a-wing ;
I just ivant to somersault,
Run and jump and sing;
Stole a kiss just tiozv from Mary, Mad as anything,
Guess I never was so happy, Wonder if it's spring ?
—Poets of the Future.
Tfie ^word
By HANNA BLAIR NEAL, Beta Phi There, hangs the sivord so glittering bright,
My father used in his last fight
With whom? Why I thought tliat they all knew Count Guy de Vere my father slew.
In dueling one summer night,
The moon shone down its lustrous tight,
My father fought with strength and skill
Intent lo wound but not kill.
His cause ivas right, his purpose true,
Why did he die? Why on the dexv
My father's blood was spilled? The count used treachery.
There flowed the fount
Of innocence, and there you see. My father's sword so dear to me.
ARCH, 1929
J^ove J^essons
I've learned the meaning of sorrow Now you've ceased to care,
My arms are a cradle of loneliness Bereft of the love we shared.
I've learned the meaning of pain, dear, Now that you've taken too,
Those words of wistful sweetness, "I love, dear heart, just you."
I've learned the meaning of memory, Noiv your going has unfurled
The doors of my heart, and left there All the love in the world.
By A. R. M., Alpha Sigma
She's fragile, frail, and fair
In block lace shawl and black brocaded gown. With soft white hair.
She's mild and stveet. in dark and light.
She's neat, precise, conventional,
In black and white.
She's hung up, framed in black,
A burning orange, embroidered, Chinese silk. We see the back
Of a gold tipped turtle near the frame,
Reared up against the burning silk. He's mad zvith flame.
By SALLY S U E ALLEN, Upsilon Lend me of your light, O moon,
Tor I am blind,
And enlightenment has come not my way.
The gold and red of the star, O sigher of light;
The gold and red that lies scattered on black velvet.
Give me of your song, 0 wind,
For I am voiceless,
And life is not yet mine.
The green and silver of love, O whisperer of dreams; The green and silver that is smeared on brittle red glass.
—The Columns.
Jfow <§trong is ^our
(£ A Message from an Omicron on Founders' Day
To DRAGMA Chapter?
MTHERE is a very ancient saying with which you are all familiar, that no organization is any stronger than its weakest member and at the risk of your criticism regarding its moss-covered qualities as an axiom, I bring it to your attention again because it is so undeniably true.
If, in the freshman stage of our various college careers, members of Alpha 0 had said, "We want you to join us because we believe that it's all right to lie and cheat and do anybody else a dirty trick—provided you can get by with it," I ' l l wager my last cent not one of us would be wearing an Alpha 0 pin tonight. Yet, have you ever stopped to think that when we do other things perhaps, but equally unworthy, because we think we can get by with them, we are blazoning to the world that our sorority upholds such standards?
It is no easy matter to belong to an organization, especially one which is national in scope and world-wide in ideal. It takes courage and faith and loyalty—those much despised attributes in a jazz generation. Courage to stand by in the face of apparent failure. Loyalty to the best and the highest within ourselves, no matter which way "the crowd" goes; no matter what somebody else may say. And faith to believe that somehow, out of the dis- appointment and disillusion of the present, the right eventually will triumph.
Back in the days when the "world was new and all" there was a girl, an upper classman at a famous college who was something of a joke to a num- ber of her fellows, because they were very young and incapable of appreciating her. She went out for everything—for the athletic teams, dramatics, the glee club—all phases of campus activity. And she never quite made the front rank in any of them.
When the first influenza epidemic broke out in all its fury and schools closed down everywhere she was among those who offered their services to do anything they could. ,
One dreary night a cry for help came in from a nearby army post. "Spinal meningitis of the worst type had broken out there. Doctors and nurses were so pitifully few, so terribly overworked already. Volunteers must serve as best they could for men in uniform were dying like sheep, and the guns still roared over Flanders Field."
"But," said the Red Cross captain who brought the news, "it is only fair to tell you before you decide that there is only one chance in a thousand ot your coming out alive, and nobody will be blamed for not going."
At that particular moment life suddenly seemed very sweet to those who listened, but they said they'd go. There was no time for heroics or farewells- They just packed up their kits and went out into the night. And she. of who"1 1 have told you was one of those who never came back.
So the name of a girl heads the gold star list of a great university tie- cause, like these boys whose names follow hers, she had courage in the >a of certain defeat; because she was loyal to the finest traditions of service a because her faith in the eventual Tightness of things carried her unwavering down to the very gates of death. Of course, we can't all be heroes, but so^
tAof obwhpoThspatJuhuWsifowothwifoonpeal*eeWthanHP c o »day our big chance may come too, and if we haven't been faithful in the lit^f stand
lesk^istit-,'hothings which are the inevitable preparation, Heaven help us when we si face to face with the supreme test!
thedi'AlAl>'eofWhen Lindbergh landed at Paris that May, he used the word ^jLjf speaking of his flight, and some reporter thought he was talking about him and his plane and heralded this misconception to a world which is a l % '•
(Continued on page 52)
ARCH, 1929
4 7
ltnae ^Alumnae Versus <^Mortuae Alumnae
Alumnae! What does the word bring to your mind? Are they memories yesterday alone or are they thoughts of ever present pleasures, duties and ligations ?
To us it brings back our first meeting with it—in an elementary latin class en we learned our alo, alere, alui, altus with its meaning, "to nurture, sup- rt, sustain, strengthen and encourage" and the adjective, almus, alma, almum. en came the noun, alumnus or alumni, meaning "foster child, son or off- ring" and hence alumna and alumnae. The association was a scholarly one the beginning, but now it has more color when we think of it.
There comes a memory of the first meeting with it in its modern sense— ne and commencement at a woman's college. Class reunions, grandmothers rrying back after years to clasp hands with roommates; the last year's class elcoming the seniors into the great world; the class sing with each class group nging the song most popular in its day—an instant when the school teacher rgot examinations, when the mother forgot her babies, when the professional man forgot her appointments, and they were all alumnae again.
Our next meeting was quite different; it was noisier, gayer, but it brought at same sharp intake of breath. It was Homecoming at a State University th parades, house decorations, teas, luncheons, dances and then the climactic otball game in the great stadium. We remember the shouts of recognition as e homecomer spied another; the rush of greeting as a long-gone sister ap- ared in the door way of the sorority house. Again mere people had become umni or alumnae and had "come home." And we wondered how it would l to be one of them.
At our next meeting we knew, for it was with mortar board and gown that e met again. The small parchment that we received was our passport into at great group. .With it came responsibilities of which we'd thought not at upon our other meetings. It meant losing and leaving our dearest friends; ?1?ant new.hfe>itmeantevenmoreduties. Butdiditmeanlosingcom- etely the friends and interests that we had found most valuable through our ege years? Ask yourself!
The Sditor speaks
o e s the magic word alumnae mean nothing or does it stand for a latin son, a class sing, Homecoming, graduation, a sorority group, an obligation to ra y ° U r a c t ' v e chapter informed of your town's finest girls, to keep the Reg- r a w a r e of vour latest address, to help with that new house, or to buy se new rugs ?
n ° i d with the answer your thoughts have given? No? Well,
SuPPose you start right now to right matters. Begin by sending in your ph n C ^r d ' w r i t e t 0 t h a t 0 , d f r i e n d a n d t e l 1 h e r y°u w i l 1 m e e t h e r a t t h e
unf Ornkron Pi house on Alumnae Day. Take along your dues to the ar c l l a Pt e r s o t n a t >"ou w i l 1 £e t t r i e n e w s °f w l i a t they a r e doing next
C V e n though vou can't attend their meetings. Be a alma alumna instead a mortua alumna.
Have you lost from your life the friendship which carried you through astrophes in college? Have you ceased to care about your sorority which , o y a ' ] y supported you through the strife of under-graduate days and in jpS e circles you had your gayest fun? Have you forgotten your college it-
MAlowproof ba mspirthois tternof tdiffheafraeveorgshrowiegathGrefrestimganbecprinis aprinTso tbersmorWpledbeco'•meflie thinPrin5'reuat,ruewhiTandoesogatijTM-Parn(j[
We are
ternity Life for excerpts ^ Jp chapter president read
Tfie Deeper Significance of the c^itual
By JERRY HOMER KRENMYRE, Theta Kappa Nit Fraternity
<<T YELL WEEK" will come and will go on many campuses, and "HELL JLlL W E E K " it will be. Every fundamental principle of the true fraternity will be trampled under foot and in their places will be raised false standards and non-fraternity ideals. In many cases the die will be cast and a character moulded which will survive college days, influence a life and prevent it from developing the great personality into which it might have evolved. In a few instances, like the one in Texas, a life has been snuffed out and the great character which might have been will not develop unless it be on the shores
from whose bourn no traveler returns.
Our organizations are not social or activity groups bound together by club
standards, but fraternities through whosi' veins flows the spirit of brotherhood. The loadstone which attracts the freshman should not be predominance in athletics, forensics or other college activities; instead there should be an evidence of brotherhood and helpfulness not found elsewhere on the campus.
Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, President of Beta Theta Pi. said, at the last Inter-Fraternity Conference, "We must get back to our altars/' That could well become the slogan of the Inter-Fraternity World, for unless we inculcate the teaching of our fraternities in such a way as to make them become a part of the lives of the members, we have failed indeed. The fraternity is not the
organization: the fraternity is something more than that, it is something more than fifty or a hundred groups or chapters organized into a national body. Each Greek Letter Fraternity is a part of a great art. the art of building youths into great personalities and characters. Of necessity the finer and more delicate methods of applying the artist's brush are not divulged to the out- side world, they are esoteric and hidden in the ritual.
Thus the ritual is the vehicle on which the principles of our Fraternities ride into the hearts of our members. That they may gather tin- full moment of the obligations they are assuming and the lessons they are learning. 1 1 l S necessary that the ritual be so interpreted as to make clear to the neophyte the principles for which the fraternity stands.
The secret of this great art must of necessity be esoteric and cannot DC divulged to every person on the campus, for indeed it cannot be divulged a all—it is something deeper than that, something that can only be learned as one becomes an ardent student of the art itself. Could Raphael divulge the an of painting Madonnas? Can a mathematician divulge the science of geometry• Can any of the great arts be divulged? They are acquired only after a .! time of labor, and many of them require genius and love and devotion bes'"^ which can never be taught save by example. Were the privileges of "r e - Letter Fraternities indiscriminately bestowed the entire design of the orgai' ^ ations would be subverted, and. being familiar, like many other impor matters, they would soon lose their value and sink into disregard. In a ' they would become mere statements in words, mere pictures of some
that had no existence or counterpart in the emotions of men. As mys they have dynamic power which may goad men to action, but as mere monies they would become worthless and without effect.
(from indebted
to Fra-
of this article. it before her chapter.
We suggest that every
j t
andc er
RCH, 1929 49
Thus it is important that every step in teaching the ritual should be fol- ed with solemnity and devotion, for the principles of the Fraternities if perly inculcated become the spirit of the art and like the kingdom, spoken y the greatest teacher of all time, it is in the hearts of men. When I grasp an with the grip of my fraternity, I like to know that he is a kindred it and that his emotions are kindled by the same impulses and desires as se which urge me on. I like to know that the spirit of the art of Fraternity he dominant spirit in his life, and when I meet a man of some other Fra- ity than my own I feel a quickened pulse because I recognize a devotee he same art as the one at whose shrine I worship. He may use a slightly erent tool or there may be a slight variation in the pigment used, but at rt every true fraternityman is prompted by the same spirit. If he is a true ternity man, he will live his art in his every-day avocation until all men
rywhere will acclaim the ascendancy of the art of character building through anizations known as Greek Letter Fraternities.
The first impression of the fraternity gained by the freshman should be uded in mystery. To him it should be an institution of great power and lding a positive influence in the lives of its votaries. How many times he ers just the opposite impression. Often the first knowledge he has of the ek Letter organization is gained from the familiar sight of seeing some hman dressed as a clown and doing some humiliating task. Too many es his desire for affiliation is prompted by a desire to belong to some or- ization that will bring him popularity; seldom does he desire membership ause he conceives the fraternity to be an organization founded on solid ciples of morality and truth. Little does he realize that the fraternity great brotherhood founded upon fundamental principles and that these ciples arc usually a belief in deity, brotherhood, patriotism and morality.
his concept must be changed. The principles of the fraternities must be aught and lived that they become in truth a part of the lives of the mem- hip. This can he done in but one way and that is through a deeper and e impressive interpretation of the ritual.
hen the freshman is pledged, he should be made to realize that he is ging his allegiance to a great principle, or that he is binding himself to me a devotee to the greatest of arts, that of character moulding. But little should be. spent in impressing upon him the importance of the position particular fraternity to which he pledges holds in campus activities; these gs he will easily find out through other channels. The great fundamental ciples of the organization should be the topic of conversation until he de- s more than anything else to become a part of so great a movement, for ernities are a great movement—they cannot be organized deliberately. A fraternity is not the product of the mind—it is an expression of ideals ch have become living realities.
he ceremonies connected with this pledging should be filled with solemnity
gravity. When the pledge button is fastened to the lapel of the coat, it
uld be an outward symbol of a new resolve in the life of the pledge, a
lve to make his life into something new. something dynamic that will count
better character. He must be made to feel that his acceptance of the obli- ons of the pledge is the most important step he has taken up to that time. Immediately upon pledging the neophyte a course of instruction should be- He should come to know the great men who have belonged to the
ticular fraternity to which he has pledged. He should learn that the fra- it
y has had a great part in shaping their lives. No one brings into ques-
K- ^ ' bility of church membership, for it is recognized that the church
e e in men's lives. No one should question the advisability of
's n e w o r difficult °f acquisition readily captivates the imagination ta''n S U r e S t n n P"rary admiration, while what is familiar or easily obtained is a , n to be disregarded or at least minimized. Once this new determination is
^ . ' membership, and no one will when it becomes recognized that fra-
\v£ ' ' ' d factor in moulding men.