• ;
A ,.CROSS from the rolling, wooded
Miami campus, stands one of Oxford's
most charming houses, AGIFs new Cen-
tral Office, which still retains the beauty,
graciousness, and hospitality it had in
1857, when it was built by David Swing,
*AH, who was to gain national fame as
an orator, preacher and leader in the
anti-slavery movement later. The year
was that of the Dred Scott decision, and
to a border town such as Oxford, that
marked a definite point in local as well as
national history. Mr. Swing, the builder,
was as successful in that role as he was
later in the more widely known roles,
we think, as we enter our new home,
made of mellow rose brick, from its
columned porch through a door whose
fan light is studied by all classes in
architecture. The entrance hall will warm
to. the heart of any visitor, even if he does
not know that the graceful staircase has a
"hand-turned rail of cherry" and that
the risers are made from tulip tree wood.
The charming sweep of the curving stair-
way, the delicately wrought lantern carry-
ing out the Federal idea of the whole
building, and the well chosen blue and
white wall paper combine to welcome
is Historic anyone who enters.
To the right of the entrance hall,
through a white, panelled door is the
Building Executive Secretary's office. With its
open fireplace, tall, curved top windows,
and good proportions the room provides
h a perfect setting for Leona's desk. At-
tractive lounge furniture is to be added to
make this room more homelike and to
supply a place for conferences. Opening
\iiie 2)enni4on; from this room, through two large doors,
is the Financial Secretary's office, which
she shares with the stenographer. Two
long windows and a stunning light fix-
ture make this smaller room an attractive
office. Adjoining this to the left is the
room where all membership data are
kept. Behind these two rooms is the work-
room with its mimeograph, addressograph,
and plate making machine. The great
pride and joy of our Secretary is the
small room off the workroom. This
Leona Hering, Executive Sec- small, well lighted store room is newly
retary, at her desk. fitted with adequate shelves for all C O
supplies. Of no utilitarian value is the
Bette Kilpatrick. retiring Reg- vine-shaded side porch which opens from
istrar, working in her office. the record room, but, if ever there was
Caryl Reister, left, takes care a place which invited one to a bit of
of magazines, and Alma Allen lounging with a coke or lemonade on a
summer day, this is it.
is Financial Secretary.
Campus Avenue in Oxford could well
be renamed Central Office Street, since
<t>A6's impressive new home is but one
block to the north, and that of * K T only-
two blocks from us. (BOH's newly-
established central office lies several
blocks westward, incidentally.) As a bit
of historical interest, we might note that
not too long ago, another national sorority-
had an option on our own present loca-
tion. In other words, we trust you sur-
mise Oxford is a fraternity-minded town
which welcomes the national headquar-
ters of all such organizations.
( C O N T I N U E D ON PACK 3 1 )
P U B L I S H E D BY f
Winter, 1948
Edited by Katherine Davis
National Panhellenic Conference Has Many Accomplish- 2 PHOTO BY ANNETTE GROSSE
ments 4
4 P. reientinq
Panhellenic Reception at White House 5
AOPi-Lines 6 Three Panhellenic-minded A Oris, President Muriel Mc-
Former Editor Was Librarian in Australia 7 Kinney. who has set as one of the goals of this biennium,
Mary Clemes Salutes AOII's Founders 7 better Panhellenic relations; Alice Burlingame. former Pub-
Founders Greet the Fraternity 8 lic Relations Director, who staged a Panhellenic conclave
President Gives Talk on Founders' Day 9 at Lansing last year which focused attention on the national
Epsilon Observes Fortieth Anniversary 10 philanthropies of all the sororities at Michigan State; and
Two Famous Dads Visit Their AOII Daughters 10 Margaret Rasmussen, who has been appointed by NPC
Our Daily "Gouter"—from AOn 11 to the very important committee on College Panhellenics.
American and British Quakers Win Nobel Prize 11
Alpha Phis Visit Wendover 12 For this Panhellenic issue the active chapter reporters were
United Nations 14 asked to tell what their chapters are doing to foster better
Alpha Tau Wins J. W. H. Cup 14 Panhellenic relations at their colleges. Some of the reporters
Spokane Alumnae Are Installed 15 failed to receive their instructions, but most of them sub-
Bozeman Alumnae Chapter Formed 16 mitted progressive ideas.
Montreal 100% L A . D 16
Indianapolis Wins Alumnae Exhibit Award 17 ^J~ront (^.cover
Alpha Phi Receives Balfour Plaque 25
Active Chapters 28 At the Denver Panhellenic Luncheon following the National
Alumnae Exchange 29 Panhellenic Conference in Colorado Springs. Margaret Ras-
Alumnae Brevities 30 mussen, AOII's Panhellenic Delegate, greets Miss Amy On-
Pledges 31 ken, IIB<t>, left, retiring NPC chairman, and Miss L. Pearle
Initiates 32 Green, K AO, incoming NPC chairman.
Bette Kilpatrick Retires as Registrar
T o DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 2642 Univer- over
sity Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, and is printed by Leland Publishers, The
Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul, Minnesota, as Beth Wilmer ( 2 T ) is crowned Homecoming Queen by
second class matter under the act of March 3 , 1879. Acceptance for mail- President Gilbert W. Meade at Washington College, Ches-
ing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 2 8 , 1925, tertown, Md. Dr. Meade, <J>rA, is the new chairman of the
Section 4 1 2 , P.L.&R., authorized February 12, 1930. Printed in U . S. A. National Interfraternity Council.
T o DRAGMA is published four times a year, October 2 5 , January 2 5 , PHOTO BY ELIASON
March 2 5 , May 2 5 . Send all editorial material to the Editor at 2403 East
Market Street, New Albany, Indiana, before Sept. 10, Dec. 10, Feb. 10,
and April 10.
The subscription price is 5 0 cents per copy; $1 per year, payable in
advance; Life subscription S 1 5 .
1 1 T Margaret B. Rasmussen
Reports on
vm F
General NPC
AOIIs at NPC are, standing. Muriel McKinney; sitting, Mary Lindrooth, Leona Sessions
Hering. Katherine Davis, Wilma Leland. and Margaret Rasmussen.
-S your delegate to the thirtieth will make a conference of 31 mem- Your delegate has accepted the ap-
biennial meeting of National Pan- bers and will increase the number of pointment as chairman of the Col-
hellenic Conference, November 10- affiliated fraternity members almost lege Panhellenic Committee made
14, 1947, at the Broadmoor Hotel in twofold. up of eight members and working di-
Colorado Springs, Colorado, I am rectly with the College Panhellenic
happy to report to you that this We voted unanimously to reaffirm associations, and I shall welcome any
meeting was one full of action and and uphold the present policy to ap- suggestions that you may have to
accomplishments. Much credit is prove "a short open rushing season make this work more valuable to all.
due to the retiring Executive Com- after matriculation" and an "early I have been asked to continue the
mittee, Miss Amy Onken, JIB*, pledge day," because this policy has work as representative at the United
chairman; Miss L . Pearle Green, been tried over a period of time and Nations for National Panhellenic
KA@, secretary; and Mrs. E. Gran- has proved to be best for all students Conference.
ville Crabtree, KKX, treasurer. Dur- concerned. I t makes for higher schol-
ing the coming biennium Miss Green arship and less attention focused on I t was a busy week but a very
will be the chairman, Mrs. Crabtree, the selection of members. worthwhile one for everyone; we
secretary, and Mrs. Alice Morgan came away feeling a bit weary but
Roedel, A<3E>, treasurer. I t was voted to extend an invita- stimulated by our contacts and real-
tion to Deans of Women to attend izing that there really is co-operation
Let me sum up for you some of the 1949 biennial meeting of Nation- among national sororities today.
the important things that occurred al Panhellenic Conference.
at this meeting: We voted unani- Lee King (XA), as incoming Panhel-
mously to accept into associate mem- There were many group meetings lenic president at U. of Colorado, at-
bership the 11 petitioning national held for the benefit of national of- tended the NPC formal banquet at Col-
sororities, namely, AE$, A3>E, 4>SS, ficers who were attending as alter-
SAT, ©$A, ASA, AST, ASE, IIKS, nate or visiting delegates. A l l ex- orado Springs.
SSS, and ©SY. The last six named pressed gratitude at this opportunity
have been known as the Association to know one another and to exchange
of Educational Sororities and were ideas. I t was indeed a pleasure and a
given until June 1, 1948, to meet the satisfaction to me to have present our
specified requirements. None of the national president, Muriel McKin-
present standards was altered to ney; national vice president, Mary
make their membership possible but Lindrooth; editor, Katherine Davis;
each group signified a willingness to executive secretary, Leona Hering,
comply with the standards as set and Wilma Leland, who attended
forth by the constitution of National the meeting in the interests of the
Panhellenic Conference. Each of the Fraternity Press. We were most hap-
above named sororities will be as- py to find members in Colorado
sociate members for the next four Springs from Gamma, Zeta, Kappa,
years, until 1951, when they will be Theta, Chi and Chi Delta chapters.
eligible for full membership with all These people were invited to attend
the rights and privileges of the pres- the formal banquet, and so there
ent 20 member groups. This, then, were 12 seated at the A O I I table.
You would have been proud of our
2 A O I I family, as I was.
an ^y^ccompilsLments
Leona Hering Charlotte Wheeler Verplank,
Attends Executive Editor of "The Lamp of Delta Zeta,"
Secretaries' Meetings Gives Account of Editors' Sessions
i N between the business meetings M Y good A Z friend, Charlotte Wheeler of the education and public relations
Verplank, in her capacity as chairman of committees.
of National Panhellenic Conference, the NPC editors, wrote the following
over early morning cups of coffee account of the editors' meeting, and we A t the editors' "Brass Tacks" din-
and during the closed delegates' are honored to have her as guest-reporter ner, for which George Banta, Jr.,
meetings, the executive secretaries editor of Banta's Greek Exchange,
were hard at work with Mrs. E. D . for To D R A O M A . — E D I T O R . and Wilma Smith Leland, Editorial
Taggart, Sigma Kappa, president of Director of The Fraternity Month,
the Association of Central Office Ex- M e. E E T I N G for their customary were guest-speakers, presentation of
ecutives, presiding. a gift of silver jewelry was made to
biennial sessions, held simultaneously Shirley Kreasan Strout in recogni-
Although each one felt that her with those of National Panhellenic tion of her completion of 25 years of
problems were a little more acute Conference, NPC editors completed service as ZTA editor.
or a little more severe, it was not a four-day program with election of
long before everyone was laughing officers and preparation of recom- Another gift of hand-wrought sil-
over issues that were common to all, mendations to the conference body. ver was made by the editors to Miss
such as the constant problem of L . Pearle Green, 1947-49 chairman
keeping up with members and their Marion Wiley Keys, A4> editor, was of NPC and editor of Kappa Alpha
numerous changes of address. elected to serve as secretary-treasurer Theta since 1913. Presentation by
with Charlotte Wheeler Verplank Mrs. Pinkerton at a conference
We did not feel that we were AZ, who succeeds Airdrie Kincaid luncheon followed the reading of
members of competing organizations, Pinkerton, r * B , as chairman. Miss secretary's minutes written by Miss
but rather we felt that we belong Ina Bonney, AXfl, received the one Green for the first meeting of the
to a very closely knit group. committee chairmanship appoint- editors' group, held in 1913 at Chi-
ment made. cago's Congress Hotel.
Among the topics on our agenda
were central office personnel, rising The editors' informal workshop Appreciation was expressed for the
costs of maintenance, new and bet- sessions, held daily under the stimu- notable work done by two former
ter equipment, and the operation of lating direction of Mrs. Pinkerton, NPC editors—Helen Bower, K K X ,
conventions. Uppermost in every- were augmented by attendance at and Wilma Leland, AOII.
one's mind was the desire to be of such general meetings of the con-
better service to our fraternities, and ference as the reports and forums
to work always for closer union
among the members of our individual Editors at NPC are. back row. Virginia Nelson. A A I I ; Ina Bonney, A X f i ; Dallas
fraternities with efficient manage- Shenk, 0 T ; Alta Saunders. AI\- Frances Baker. 2 K ; Victoria Harvey, B 2 0 ; Kath-
ment of the Central Office. erine Davis, A O I I ; front row, Adele Alford, I I B * ; Marion Keys, A * ; Airdrie Pink-
The meetings were closed with the erton, r * B ; Charlotte Verplank. A Z ; Shirley Strout, Z T A .
election of officers for the coming 3
biennium. Your own executive secre-
tary will serve as program chair-
man with Miss Helen Sackett, KA®,
as president. Other officers are Mrs.
Helen Jenkins, ZTA, vice president;
and Mrs. Ben Ragland, AAA, secre-
I can think of no better way to
express the true Panhellenic spirit
than one executive secretary did,
when meeting me for the first time,
said, "Why, I know you, we both
belong to the same sorority of 'Cen-
tral Office Executives.' "
Panhellenic Reception is human rights of the United Nations;
and Mrs. George M . Simonson,
T*B grand president, attended the
H e l d at the W h i t e House woman's interest unit of the War
Department sessions on the subject
of universal military training. NPC
^LVIrS. Harry S. Truman received to have been received with the AOII was also invited recently to visit Fort
group but was unable to attend be- Knox with a group formed to study
representatives from the Washington, cause of illness.—ROSALIE D I E T Z , the military situation, but no dele-
D. C , Panhellenic Association on gate was able to go. Can anyone
November 5 in the Red Room of the IIA. say now that the sorority outlook is
White House. Tea and coffee were
served i n the State Dining Room. narrow?
The Marine Band played nearby.
c/KDpi-Jjines Ten chapters were represented
The First Lady, whose daughter, among the 12 AOIIs who attended
Margaret, is a member of LIB*, wore
a dark blue dress and a purple O n E of the high points of the Na- the formal NPC banquet at the
orchid corsage. Carnations, candles, tional Panhellenic Conference, from Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs,
and the tea and coffee silver service the editor's point of view, was Mar- November 13. Five of the girls, each
graced the oval tea table. The other garet Rasmussen's report as NPC from a different chapter, live in
rooms of the White House were dec- representative to the United Nations. Colorado Springs, Suzanne M . Spill-
orated with chrysanthemums. After Margaret was signally honored to be man ( K ) , Eunice Stebbins K a r i n
all the guests had been received, Mrs. chosen for this mission and AOII is (Z), Marianna Hahl (®), Margaret
Truman joined the group in the din- very proud of her. Being a part of A. Smartt ( X ) , Jane Demant ( r ) ;
ing room. the U N audience gives NPC a big- the sixth, Lee K i n g ( X A ) , who will
ness, a world vision that adds to its be installed this spring as Panhel-
Alpha Omicron Pi members who stature in the fraternity world. Since lenic president at the University of
were received were: Mrs. Donald 1945 i t has been the policy of NPC Colorado, came f r o m Boulder to join
Patterson, president of the Wash- to send representatives to important our party. The other six were M a r -
ington alumnae; Mrs. James Dietz, national meetings, and the delegates garet Rasmussen ( T ) , Muriel M c -
Panhellenic delegate; Mrs. E. C. A l - expressed appreciation to those who Kinney ( A ) , Mary Lindrooth (P),
brittan, Mrs. Francis Brotherhood, had attended the various confer- Wilma Leland ( T ) , Leona Hering
Mrs. George Junkin, Mrs. Joseph M . ences. Miss Amy Onken, retiring (®H), and your editor (®), who
Howorth, Miss Louisa Wilson, Mrs. NPC chairman, had gone to the I n - made up the AOII delegation to NPC
John G. Werneke, Mrs. H . F. Weigel, ternational Council of Women; Mrs. and who supplied the four other
Mrs. Carl Thoreson, and Miss Pearl Beverly Robinson, ASA delegate, sat chapters. I t was very pleasant meet-
Tuttle. in on the State Department discus- ing these girls f r o m such widely
sions on the international bill for scattered chapters.
Mrs. William Knowland ( 2 ) , wife
of the senator from California, was Jane Demant came for us the day
we left Colorado Springs and took
us for an interesting drive through
Cheyenne Canyon to the Garden of
the Gods. We had been bemoaning
the fact that, despite living for a
- week in the shadow of Pike's Peak,
we hadn't had time to go up on a
mountain or to appreciate the beau-
tiful scenery. So Jane saved the
week for us.
i\ Before and after NPC we had de-
lightful visits with the Denver alum-
Washington Panhellenic members pictured as they are about to enter the White nae. Joan Redmond (<£), president
House {or a tea given in their honor by the First Lady. Mrs. Harry S. Truman. of the chapter, and Edna Morris
(A) met us at the train when we
4 arrived. I n the afternoon Ruth
Drotleff ( X A ) , whom we remem-
bered from the Roanoke convention,
Helen Chase Walter (A<I>), and Alice
Wolter (XA) took Leona and me
(the others were busy with confer-
ences) to the old mining town of
Golden, Colorado, for a mountain
trout dinner and then up on Lookout
M t , where we tossed our nickels on
Buffalo Bill's grave.
( C O N T I N U E D O N P A G E 11)
Former AOII plement each other) are the film di- The Library's use?—We answered
vision, the radio division, the exhibit from twelve to fifteen hundred in-
Australia section, and the news division. I n - quiries a month. A n average of 5,-
cidentally, we were at first under 000 readers a month used the books
by the Office of War Information. After in the Library. Who were these
the war ended, and that emergency users? They were a cross section of
Betty Bond, Tau war organization no longer existed, the Australian public: newspaper
our program was considered of suf- and radio men, government officials,
Betty Bond, center, with ficient importance to be continued businessmen, school teachers, school
two librarians at the Syd- under the Department of State, until boys and girls and the ordinary men
it was drastically curtailed i n July, and women who were curious to
ney airport. 1947, because Congress failed to ap- know more about their big neighbor
propriate sufficient funds for its across the Pacific.
H ._OW did I happen to find my- maintenance.
self i n Sydney three weeks before I t was really something to see our
the Pacific War ended? Many blanks The U . S. Information Library library crowded with readers during
had been filled out in triplicate, in was on the ground floor of a Syd- the noon hour or i n the late after-
true government fashion, and the ney office building in a fine, central noon after other offices had closed.
first thing I knew I was on the train location. As one of our American One reader would be devouring the
for New York, with a two-year leave visitors put it, it was about like 42nd latest issue of Life; another eagerly
from my position as head of the ref- and Broadway would have been in going over an American cook book,
erence Department of the Minneap- New York. Some 4,000 books, all perhaps looking for an American
olis Public Library in my pocket, to dealing with some aspect of life in recipe for coffee (they needed one!).
undergo a six weeks' training period the United States, and 350 Ameri- Here one was scanning our collec-
and the usual round of "shots." Then can magazines, regularly received, tion of American song books, mak-
before I could say "Jack Robinson" plus a large number of up-to-the- ing up a program of American music
I was buckling on a Mae West and minute pamphlets, the New York to be used for a concert; there an-
climbing into an Army transport Times, and a large number of film- other, a businessman, was getting
plane bound for my foreign post, and strips, made up our collection. Other material on the latest methods of
one of the most interesting periods offices of the U . S. Information Serv- packaging. Or it might be an Aus-
in my life. ice were across the street i n the tralian boy reading up on basket-
American Consulate General. ball or baseball rules. Again, the
I was librarian of the U . S. I n - representative of one of the little
formation Library in Sydney, Aus- theater groups would be going
tralia, from July, 1945, through through our collection of American
May, 1947. These libraries are a plays. Because water supply and soil
part of the Department of State's conservation were such vital subjects
information program. Other phases to Australians, there was nearly al-
of this program (all of which sup- ways someone eagerly reading our
materials on the T V A . I n another
A corner of the U. S. Information Library in Sydney.
Toronto's Mary Clemes. BT president, formulated the principles and quali- they be large or small, and to carry
delivered this tribute to the Founders ties which through the years have them out to the best of their ability.
the opening day of the Roanoke Con- proven to be adaptable to the living However, i t is not only from experi-
vention. July 1. Canadian Dominion of any generation. This lamp has ence that they learn, but from the
been handed on to many hundreds of leadership and willing aid of the
Day. AOIIs by our Founders and, in turn, chapter and national advisers.
by many of you here tonight who
T .HE subject Loyalty is a vast one have so ably assisted in the growth As Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
of our fraternity. We who have ac- once wrote i n T o DRAGMA "AS a fra-
embracing our lives, not in part, but quired this lamp only in the past few ternity, we sponsor no political par-
as a whole. We have Loyalty to our years are prepared to pass it on to ty or economic creed" and, after
religious beliefs, which are exempli- others, so that the purpose and ideals pointing out that our groups com-
fied in our ritual, to our home and of the fraternity shall be kept con- prise members of varied types and
family life, to our fraternity, and stantly before us and carried on as ideas, she went on to say, "yet we
last, but by no means least, to our in the past. are bound by one common principle,
country and our rights of freedom. and shall not live wholly or largely
I t therefore seems most appropriate The thought has often occurred to within or for ourselves." So united
that I should be speaking to you to- me, that our fraternity is an experi- by a common, daily, unshakable,
night on this, our Canadian national ment in Democracy. We have girls and unwavering Loyalty to our fra-
holiday, and we from Canada are from every conceivable type of home ternity ideals, we may develop not
happy that we will be with you to and background. Some are spoiled only ourselves, but become a growing
celebrate your national Day of I n - and sheltered, while others have been influence for spiritual union and
dependence. The international rela- left completely on their own. Yet, peace in a troubled world.
tions of our countries are based on when they join a group such as ours,
fundamental beliefs and hopes for they learn the spirit of co-operation And now, in closing, I should like
the future and we, of AOII, with and thoughtfulness toward others. to leave this thought with you, that
our chapters located north, south, They soon discover that, in order to Loyalty is the acceptance and safe-
east and west on the North Amer- live in this world and make friends keeping of an oath or pledge to one's
ican continent, have a wonderful op- in it, their own small desires must fraternity as to one's country. I t is
portunity to strengthen the bonds of give way to the more momentous by a spirit of Loyalty to the ideals
friendship and goodwill, for the key- ones which involve the whole chap- in which we believe that we attain
stone of fraternity as expressed in our ter. They learn to shoulder their in- the spiritual depth and maturity
ritual is friendship. dividual responsibilities, whether which those ideals hold for us as a
Our Founders, Helen St. Clair
Mullan, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Cut by courtesy of Rho Boat
Stella George Stern Perry, and Eliza-
beth Heywood Wyman, have made Two Rho mothers with their Rho daughters, pledges at Northwestern. Kay Moss
their friendship clear to us through Larsen. Linda Larsen. Mary Paschen Lindrooth. and Mary Lou Lindrooth.
the years, as they have guided us
along the paths of charity and love
which they, as young girls, envi-
sioned. T o them, we owe an undying
debt of gratitude which words cannot
adequately express. Whenever I
think of our Founders, and the year
1897, I seem to see a lamp, whose
flame gradually becomes stronger as
those girls, in a small college room,
Founders At this anniversary time I am jPresident Cjives
Greet mindful of the thousands of you who
are members of Alpha Omicron Pi Talk On
the Fraternity and who have brought so much of
happiness to your Founders through founders' 2)au
]L OR 51 years, you have been my your lives and your devotion to what
hope, my prayer, my pride and my is true and fine. We are grateful to O U R active chapters offer train-
source of gratitude—all of you, each you.
of you. ing in leadership, opportunity for self-
It's a time to examine ourselves development, assistance in scholar-
Fifty-one years ago, we four de- humbly and honestly. A recent ship, participation in activities as a
voted friends pledged one another-—• novel, entitled Touchstone, recalls training for citizenship, training in
and therefore you—to the objective the fact that touchstone or basanite social graces, participation in social
we felt to be the vitally needed con- is used in testing the purity of gold service programs, training in func-
tribution of high, brave hearts to the and silver. We in Alpha Omicron Pi tioning as a democratic unit, train-
world's good and the soul's good. have in our motto our own touch- ing in the art of making friends. As
Then we initiated our first member, stone. By i t alone we can test the long as our active chapters offer
Anne Richardson Hall (Curdy), Tightness of our mental attitudes and these things, as long as each active
half a century ago. Since that day, our outward acts. I f we stand the member accepts these opportunities
there has not been one of you, as a test wc may know that we are build- and makes them her own, so long
new initiate, to whom my thought ing for the happier world which we shall Alpha Omicron Pi develop in-
has not been as i t was on that day. all long to see. May we be an in- ternally, maintain its position on the
I read the lists of your names and al- spiration to each other to this end. campus and play its part in prepar-
ways send it to you. ing its members for the responsibility
ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN. of citizenship in a democracy.
This: May she be happy and suc-
cessful in her own life and in our Our Founders' Day greetings Our alumnae chapters too have
bond! Let her and all those now are now over 50 years old, but to us the clearly defined aims of assisting
with her stand forever steadfast to- they will never be stale or worn out. active chapters, participating in Pan-
gether for their exalted mission! Next month we shall all send one hellenic activities both on the local
another a still more joyful greeting campus and in the City Panhellenic,
No prayer has ever been more that is young after two thousand supporting enthusiastically the na-
richly realized, no heart more grate- years. So I join with Bess and Stella tional social service programs, of-
in wishing another happy year to fering to all the cordial hand of
ful than mine.—STELLA G . S. PERRY. AOII and each of our little sisters. friendship, planning stimulating and1
May our candle-light of love burn thought provoking programs as out-
brighter and brighter until it blends lined and suggested by the national
with other flames throughout the citizenship committee. As long as our
world to chase away forever the alumnae chapters are conscious of
darkness of suspicion and fear.— these responsibilities, accept these
goals and strive toward their fulfill-
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN. ment, so long shall Alpha Omicron
Pi maintain its place in the fraternity
Atlanta alumnae gathered for their Founders' Day banquet. world and grow towards its ultimate
National officers may point the
way, set the sights, but the actual
achievement is in your hands. You
hold the answer—you, the individual
member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Our Founders had great vision.
Our ritual is a guide and a moral
force. Our motto sets our goals and
is an inspiration. But only in so
far as each one of us makes this
a part of our daily living, only
in proportion to the acceptance by
each one of us of these responsibili-
ties, will Alpha Omicron Pi main-
tain and increase its achievements.—
by June Jacobi Baier Kennedy ( E ) , Olive Mac-
Namee ( E ) , Lucille Matthews ( E ) ,
^PSILON of AOII joined with the songs. We then gathered in the liv- Laura Mordoff ( E ) , Betty O'Shea
alumnae on Dec. 14 to celebrate the ing room and sang Christmas carols ( X ) , Dorothy Peters ( X ) , Margaret
fortieth anniversary of Epsilon's while waiting for the program to Pearce Addicks ( E ) , Sally Walters
founding and the fifty-first annivers- begin. Place ( E ) , A n n McGloin Stevens
ary of AOII. The occasion proved ( E ) , Anna Allen Wright ( E ) , Rose-
to be a memorable one, for old I n keeping with the theme of the mary Brough ( B K ) , Elaine Thomp-
acquaintances were renewed and party, the AOII quartet, composed of kins ( E ) .
many new friends were made. I t was Connie Price, Joan Holden, Martha
a "red rose day" for the seniors be- Jane Waller, and Pat Haller, sang Frances Wagner, chapter presi-
cause of a distinguishing rose each the "Founders' Day Song" by Stella dent, read Founders' Day greetings
wore on her lapel. Each person at George Stern Perry. Connie's moth- from Jessie Wallace Hughan, Stella
the party wore a name tag made to er, Mrs. Don Price, who is the former George Stern Perry, and Elizabeth
form the letters, AOII. Throughout director of the Cornell Women's Glee Heywood Wyman. An additional
the festivities snapshots were taken Club, arranged the music. message was sent by Stella, and a
to be added to our Epsilon scrapbook congratulatory telegram was received
of memorable events. Polly Davis, social chairman, then from Ethel Hoskins, X alumna and
welcomed our Epsilon alumnae and E adviser. Fran then introduced
A buffet dinner prepared by the introduced them to the present ac- Anna Allen Wright, E charter mem-
alumnae was served by the actives. tives and guests from other alumnae ber, who told the story of Epsilon's
In the center of a floral decorated chapters. The alumnae attending founding and its early growth as a
table in the dining room were two included: Elsa Allen ( E ) , Mary A n - sorority on the Cornell campus.
"birthday" cakes, one with lighted derson ( E A ) , Lucille Brink ( X ) ,
candle numerals forming "40" for Helen Mordoff Campbell ( E ) , Ruth A representative from each class
Epsilon; the other with " 5 1 " for Van Orden Cline ( E ) , Eleanor continued the program by speaking
AOII. As the cake and ice cream Beiswenger Crinnion ( E ) , Marilu on topics that gave the alumnae
roses were being served, we all Shepard Dykes ( E ) , Frances Eagan some knowledge of Epsilon's current
joined in singing our favorite AOII ( E ) , Shirley Hand ( E ) , Lois Grant plans and activities. Connie Price,
( X ) , Ethel Hoskins ( X ) , Elinor sophomore, gave a resume of the so-
cial work we have undertaken during
Epsilon's Founders' Day committee is. back, Connie Price, Frances Wagner, the year. As spokesman for the jun-
Martha Jane Waller; front, Joan Holden, Polly Davis, Joan Latshaw. iors, Joan Latshaw told us of the
responsibilities her class is prepar-
8 ing to assume next year. Joan
Holden, senior, spoke on the future
of AOII and its continued contribu-
tion to undergraduates and alumnae.
Alice Gwynn, District Director,
gave an account of the scope of
sorority interests in a talk on the
role that AOII is playing i n the world
of today.
After Martha Jane Waller gave
Elizabeth Fitzgerald Hanley's poem,
"The Rose," the seniors led the
alumnae and the chapter onto the
sunporch for a candlclighting cere-
mony. Each of us lighted a small
red candle from the group of three
red and one white candle on the al-
tar at the far end of the room.
Standing in a large circle that twined
through the sunporch and living
room, we joined hands in the sing-
ing of the chapter song.
Both actives and alumnae present
expressed the belief that our Found-
ers' Day celebration was a joyful and
inspiring one. Because of our en-
thusiasm over the party's success, i t
is hoped that we have established a
yearly tradition. We feel that such
memorable get-togethers should not
be limited to decade observances, but
should be incorporated into Epsilon's
yearly roster of important chapter
Theta chapter entertained 50 dads at the house on Dads' Day at DePauw.
by Elizabeth Buckingham, by Mary Sue Barron, Senator Capehart
Theta Kappa at DePauw .
D ADS' D A Y is always a big day F R A N C I S C R A I G , composer of and
on the DePauw campus but this year Francis Craig
it was more than that f o r Theta the most popular tune of the nation at Randolph-Macon
chapter. 50 dads were on hand Oc- today, visited his daughter, Celeste,
tober 25 to give us the biggest repre- at Randolph-Macon in December, Senator Homer E . Capehart smiles at
sentation we've ever had. where he played for a delighted au- his daughter, Pat, an A O I I pledge at
dience and was introduced to many
After attending the luncheon giv- of Celeste's thrilled AOLT sisters and DePauw.
en by the University the fathers all other friends. M r . Craig presented
escorted their proud daughters to Natalyn Hollock, Kappa president,
the football game and were reward- with the first record made of his new
ed by a victory over Ohio Wesleyan song, "Beg Your Pardon," during an
of 13-6. Back to the house we came impromptu program in the audito-
where we left all the dads happy i n rium. His autographed records are
various business conversations until proudly displayed i n the house, and
dinner time. H a m and all that goes Celeste is not allowed to forget the
with i t served buffet style more than admiration of all her classmates for
took care of that part of the enter- her celebrity father.
tainment. Then after dinner our
four singing waiters added a fitting M r . Craig is now en route to
climax to a glorious day by singing Washington where he will open at the
negro spirituals for almost an hour. Capitol Theater in an engagement
We sang two of our serenade songs of his present personal appearance
and bid a fond farewell to our fa- tour. Already he has given programs
vorite men. in theatres i n Baltimore, Newark,
Chicago, and at the R K O Theater
This year we were proud and hap- in Boston. From Washington, he will
py to have Senator Homer E. Cape- continue on his tour making his de-
hart of Indiana, the father of one but on Broadway at Loew's State,
of our new pledges, present for our New York. Sheet music sales for
celebration. A t the University lunch- Mr. Craig's hit song, "Near You,"
eon Senator Capehart was appoint- have topped the half million mark
ed a member of the DePauw Dads' and if 400,000 additional discs are
Association executive committee. marketed the song will top the
world's record in phonograph platter
We gals had a grand time enter- sales. We were happy to have this
taining our dads and are, even now, distinguished composer visit us.
planning a bigger and better Dads'
Day for next fall.
AOII gives after-school lunch to children like these This letter came from Mrs. Mar- QmeUcan avib
at St. Nazaire, France. jorie Schauffler of the Friends after
we had sanctioned the project: Bkitkk Quakete
Ou* DadV
"On behalf of our Quaker staff Win llobel Plize
\0Wl A O I I in France, we wish to thank the
women of A O I I for adopting as A M E R I C A N and British Quakers
by Leo Wo//; your national project this year were jointly awarded the Nobel
supplementary feeding for the boys Peace Prize October 31, by the Nor-
Third Vice President and girls of our community cen- wegian Parliament. The prize car-
ter at St. Nazaire. A daily 'gou- ries with it $38,990.
I N October the following S.O.S. ter' will mean much to French
youth this winter. The bread ra- Alpha Omicron Pi has sent our
came from the American Friends tion has been cut almost i n half, sincere congratulations to the Amer-
Service Committee workers i n St. and many foods cannot be bought ican Friends Service Committee and
Nazaire, France: at all, or only for exorbitant prices. with it our promise to continue in
Your members will be interested to our efforts to assist them in the great
"The health situation is not very read about St. Nazaire in the cause of Peace!
good, especially when there are article entitled, 'Report from
many children in a family. With France' by Margaret Hickey, on I t is, indeed, a distinct honor
the shortage of bread and pota- pages 144 and 145 in the Novem- which has come to the Friends, but
toes and the high prices of meat, ber issue of Ladies Home Journal. they received it in true Quaker style
no butter, and little sugar, the with humility and renewed zeal to
children are underfed and badly W i t h deep appreciation inspire its workers toward greater
need supplementary feeding (a The St. Nazaire Community Cen- efforts i n promoting peace and un-
cup of mild cocoa, bread, and jam ter is operated by the Quakers for derstanding.
at 4 P.M. after school). Can we families whose homes were destroyed
organize this for the winter?" during the war and who are now This recognition of the Friends'
Mr. George Bent, Chicago finan- crowded into temporary barracks. work bears several significant
cial secretary for the Friends, was The Friends help the people to help points: i t is the first time that such
in the Philadelphia office when this themselves, by training for trades, an award has been given a church
appeal came in. He knew that the community sewing, employment in group; it proves that a small group,
budget for the St. Nazaire Center rebuilding their cities, et cetera. laboring quietly and unassumingly
was too limited to allow for this Most of the people served by the can "move mountains"; i t proves
service; so he immediately thought center are poor working class fami- that the weapons for peace are not
of AOLT and remembered that we lies, often with between six and ten necessarily guns and bullets, but
had often asked for some definite children. I t is a strange coincidence courage and perseverance in waging
place for our money and that our that the number of children to whom a battle to alleviate human suffering.
policy had always been that of caring we are giving this after-school lunch
for children. When the idea was is approximately the same we pro- Therefore, as women, we should
sent at once to the Executive Com- vide Christmas joys for in Ken- realize f r o m this the power we have
mittee, they responded wholeheart- tucky—5,000! to promote peace on earth, for
edly to the plan, welcomed some con- though we were not in the front lines
crete project to give our chapters I know that every one of us is hap- of actual combat, we have been able
and members, and appreciated that py to know that we are actually do- to do our part through our gifts to
this was a definite need which we ing this little bit for the children of combat hunger and cold, and though
could fill. Considering last year's St. Nazaire. The appeal went out our part seems small, causing us to
performance i n funds for Friends, we on November 1 to all chapters, and wonder if what we do can be of any
have promised $2,500 for this work, in two weeks Phi chapter responded value, we too can "move mountains."
which sum will be advanced by the with $52 which they had collected
Friends until we can repay them in by having every member pay for the "Blessed are the peacemakers, for
the spring; then all our chapter and privilege of eating dinner (OR they shall be called the children of
member contributions will be i n and ELSE NOT EAT T H A T EVE- God."
our commitment to Kentucky well N I N G ) . Barbara Paez, social serv-
cared for. ice officer of Phi chapter, said that which she wished to be sent to the
she believed this made the girls more American Friends Service Commit-
10 conscious of the fact that in some tee through A O I I , to be used i f pos-
parts of the world there are some sible for children. We thank her in
who don't have enough to eat, and behalf of the children who are now
that the Phi girls were happy to give receiving their afternoon "gouter,"
to such a worthy cause! How proud and know that she will be most hap-
we can be of the spirit i n our chap- py to learn of our new project!
ters !
Another outstanding contribution
came to Central Office in August
from an alumna who prefers to re-
main anonymous. She was about to
leave for foreign shores but took the
time to write out a check for $100
Visit WendeOe>i ! ./\_FTER spending the month of
November i n the middle west, I can
by Mary Lou Pasha Birmingham alumnae, Martha Ward, understand how much easier it is
Helen Bradley, Elizabeth Cunningham, for us, here i n New York, to be
L A S T summer 14 of us from A l - Peggy Brown, and Ellen Grace Nixon, aware of and interested in the pro-
pha Phi had big plans to visit the ceedings of the United Nations. As
Frontier Nursing Service on our way mailing boxes to Kentucky. we go about our daily life we are
to convention i n Virginia. But we constantly brushing by people wear-
thought our plans had fallen through QUOTE FROM U.N.CHARTER ing foreign dress and speaking for-
when we got within 25 miles of the "The General Assembly may dis- eign tongues. Automobiles fill our
service and had to turn back be- streets marked with United Nations
cause of the Kentucky river floods. cuss any questions or any matters license plates. We cannot help but
Then at convention we had the hon- within the scope of the present char- nodce that the delegates are here.
or of meeting Mrs. Mary Breckin- ter or relating to the powers and
ridge and Louise Fink and hearing functions of any organs provided for However, wherever we are, it is
them speak. We were so deeply in the present charter, and may make important that we try to understand
impressed by the work they described recommendations to the members of what is the power and purpose of
that we decided to make another ef- the United Nations or to the Security the United Nations. I was amused
fort to visit the Service on our re- Council or both on questions or mat- at the response given by a lady in a
turn trip. ters. midwestern town as she was offered
U N literature. Her reply was, "Oh,
We arrived at the main hospital "Each member of the General As- thank you, I wouldn't be interested!
at Hyden about 11 A . M . and were sembly may have one vote. You see, I live in the country." This
lucky to find Louise there for the is a question that concerns all of us,
day. We were received royally and "The General Assembly shall con- no matter where or how we live!
spent the remainder of the forenoon sider and approve the budget of the
looking over the hospital there. At organization. The expenses of the The General Assembly has com-
noon we had lunch with some of the organization shall be borne by the pleted its work and the delegates
couriers and spent the time firing members as apportioned by the Gen- have returned to their homes, but the
questions at them about their work. eral Assembly."- work of the United Nations goes on.
After lunch we got into "Leo," the The Economic and Social Security
AOII jeep and one other and travel- A O PI-LINES Council continues throughout the
ed the several miles to Wendover. entire year. A t present, the Trustee-
We had gravel road for the first four (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4) ship Committee is working through
miles but suddenly we found our- a subcommittee, on the southwest
selves driving across the Middle A t the Denver Panhellenic Lunch- African question dealing with the
Fork of the Kentucky River, with eon following NPC we were again treatment of the Indians in that area.
water as high as the running boards. surrounded by AOIIs. Dorothy Smith The Political Committee is con-
Arriving at Wendover, Mrs. Breck- (Z), Panhellenic delegate, and cerned with the Balkan question.
inridge showed us around and told Caryl Swanson (P) assisted with ar- The Administrative and Budgetary
us of the work carried on there. We rangements for this enormous gath- Committee is examining the Secre-
had tea with her and again had an ering at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. tary-General's estimated budget of
opportunity to talk with other work- A very "swish" style show followed 35 million for the year 1948.
ers. I t was with regret that we had introduction of NPC delegations,
to leave and be on our way back to honor guests (Deans of Women from I was interested to learn from a
Montana. Colorado colleges) and presentation newspaper columnist recently some-
of awards. thing about the early lives of some
For most of us, our visit to the of the delegates from other nations.
FNS was the highlight of our con- We bid each other fond farewell Many of them, just as in our own
vention trip. Until we met Mrs. at Denver and went our various country, come from rather modest
Breckinridge and her workers, it ways. Back in Chicago, Leona and homes. Trygve Lie began his life as
was hard to visualize and appreciate I were guests, along with Jo Dorwei- a son of a carpenter.
the wonderful work that AOII is ler, Great Lakes West District Direc-
helping to carry on. Everyone there tor, at a tea given by the North Freshly made placards in the din-
is so sincere in their efforts to help Shore alumnae for Rho's pledges. ing room at the United Nations pro-
the people of that area, and the serv- Among them were the daughters of claim two meatless days as well as an
ice they are giving is truly wonder- two Rho girls with whom I had been eggless Thursday.
f u l . We returned home with renew- in school at Northwestern—Mary
ed enthusiasm to do everything in Lou Lindrooth and Linda Larsen, Now that Yemen and Pakistan
our power to help with the work daughters of Mary Paschen Lind- have been admitted as member na-
there. rooth and Kay Moss Larsen. tions of the U N , there are 57 coun-
tries in the U N . What do you know
about these two new nations?—
Panhellenic Delegate.
J. W . H .
Olilo ^t)iitnct Ubt'irector
F R O M a small group of 13 girls,
who banded together in 1926 to
form a secret local sorority in answer
to the need they had seen present on
their campus, has come a heritage of
spirit that has been treasured and
passed along from year to year.
This chapter is Alpha Tau. Their
early history is f u l l of much hard
work, personal sacrifice, and unsel-
fish spirit. Thus the foundation of
their chapter was built upon love,
courage, and service.
They have made a name for
themselves for stability, character,
and friendliness. They are unassum-
ing, harmonious, and they work to-
gether as a unit. Since theirs is a
campus with a fine administration
and fully established service projects,
and since Granville is just a vil-
(Top, left) Posing (first row) are Vice
President Jane Kull, President Gretchen
Scott, Corresponding Secretary Helen
Norman, (back) Treasurer Marie Ben-
nett, Alumna Adviser Nancy McCain;
(top right) at the crown of the hill on
which the Denison campus is located is
Swasey Chapel; (center) taking part in
the burning of the mortgage are Grace
Livingston, Mary Amner. Gretchen
Scott, Anna Wright, Irma Morrow; (bot-
tom left) a group of the girls before the
final rush party; (bottom right) cheer-
leaders include Gretchen Scott. Phyllis
(Sunny) Beck, and Jean Geis.
CUP members of Crossed Keys, the hon- ing Alpha Tau is right out in front.
orary for junior women. Marion is Last semester we were 1/100 of a
enorler also vice president of the Panhellenic point behind first place, while the
council. Phyllis (Sunny) Reck is a previous semester we were first.
A .. L P H A T A U was especially hap- junior adviser and also a cheerleader,
as are Jean Geis and Gretchen Scott, Eighteen girls were pledged to A l -
py to win the J W H cup at conven- our president. Gretchen is secretary pha Tau this fall. We are very
tion. This has been a big year for of the senior class, a board member proud of them and believe we have
us, as we also burned the mortgage of W.A.A., was Winter Carnival an outstanding pledge class. Among
to our house, built only seven years Queen last year, an attendant to the them are two relatives, Lucy Amner,
ago. Deserving an extra large part yearbook queen, and an attendant the daughter of Mary Case Amner,
of the credit are Alpha Tau's original to home-coming queen this year. one of our founders and a very faith-
building committee, Anna Wright, Marinel Calhoun was homecoming
Mary Amner, Grace Livingston, A l - queen last year—all of which shows (CoNTINUKD ON PaQE 16)
lieret Morrow, and Irma Hudson that Alpha Tau does not take a back
Morrow, and, of course, Mrs. Alice seat when it comes to beauties. I n "Our adopted Foster Child"—Zofia
Thomson, our very faithful alumna other honoraries are Joyce Gafford Tomaszewska
adviser. and Dottie Henzie, members of
I I A E . Janet Brown is chairman of
The girls i n Alpha T a u are right Community Service, while Katherine
in the center of campus activities and Jansen, Grace Smith, Jane Pystole,
members of quite a few honoraries. and many others are active in
Ruth Miesse is a * B K . Jane K u l l , Y.W.C.A.
our vice president, is a member of
Mortar Board and vice president of Alpha Tau has adopted a foster
W.A.A. Marjorie Beardslee, our child, to whom we send about four
recording secretary, is president of large boxes a year; we help out with
AO. Katherine Jansen, Grace Smith, a sight-saving class, are quite active
and Helen Miesse are members of in our help to the Tuckies, and are
Phi Society, the freshmen scholastic interested in many other local proj-
honorary. Marion Pierce, Dottie ects, such as helping at the high
Henzie, and Edwyna Osborne are school canteen.
When it comes to scholastic stand-
(Below left) Marinel Calhoun. Home-
coming Queen; (center) Jean Rettig
and Evelyn Case clean the front walk;
(right) ready for tea are Jean King.
Ruth Culbertson. Jean Jones, and Genie
Tilton; (below) Seniors Olga Tender
and Helen Norman "are standing next
to part of the chapter's homecoming
decorations, a recipe to beat Wooster
(which we did)."
Spokane Alumnae Bozeman Alumnae
Are Installed Chapter Formed
by by
Irene Baker Carlson, Upsilon Margaret Lyons, Alpha Phi
EMBERS of AOn have met to- Hazel Kahin. Northwest District Direc- T H E Bozeman, Montana, alum-
gether here for years and have been tor, installed the Spokane alumnae. nae chapter, composed mainly of
represented in city Panhellenic, but A * chapter alumnae, was installed
the group is small and had never Irene Baker Carlson is president of the by the then Traveling Secretary,
become an active part of our na- new chapter. Adell Woessner, on April 27, 1947.
tional oraganization. Last spring we Charter members were:
decided to organize officially and
signed a petition for the Spokane Jane Liquin Ahrends, Eileen O l -
alumnae chapter. I n addition to our son Bourdet, Jean Haynes Chauner,
ten there were five Alpha Gamma Leila Linfield Cranston, Bernys
alumnae who had never been ini- Dixon Dahl, Helen Tripp Davis,
tiated into A O I I but who attended Martha Johnson Haynes, Marlyn
our meetings and were active in the Judd Hausman, Helen Lohman
group. Since they are all outstand- Howard, Ruth Undem Hughes,
ing girls and our very good friends Phyllis Fenton Kovach, Vivian Man-
we secured permission from Council ning LaSalle, Margaret Linfield
to initiate them. Lyons, Mary Jane White Lindner,
Mabel Burkland Lowe, Dorothy
November 15 was selected as our Searle Lyall, Helen Rae McDcrmott,
big day. Phyllis Ocker, president of Elizabeth Pope Nelson, Jane Sher-
Upsilon chapter and five actives man Nelson, Mary Wisner Renne,
came from Seattle to do the initia- Lois Noble Sampson, Dorothy Jen-
tion and brought all the equipment sen Sheckels, Marian Lobdell Spain,
with them. Haze} Kahin, North- Pauline McLean Clarkin, Eula
west District Director, came with Thompson Wing, Patty Rend, Mila
them to install the chapter. We met Parkin Divers, Geraldine Bowden
at the home of Irene Carlson for Waite, Mary Blake.
the school for new initiates. General
facts of A O I I were discussed and Officers elected are:
questions answered after which we Helen Davis, president; Helen Rae
sang some A O I I songs. McDermott, vice president; Mar-
garet Lyons, secretary, editor to T o
We met at the home of Hazel DRAGMA; Beth Nelson, treasurer;
McCabe for the ceremonies. Phyllis Lois Sampson, historian.
officiated at the pledging and initia-
tion of seven Alpha Gamma girls. Meyer, Lila Miller, Elaine Reeves, Alpha Tau Wins Cup
The actives from Upsilon assisted her and Allie Thiel. Other active mem-
and they did the ritual so beauti- bers of the Spokane alumnae chap- (CONTINUED FROM PACE 12)
fully that we A O I I alumnae were ter are: Virginia Baker ( A S ) , Esther
just as impressed as our new initiates. Boland ( A r ) , Eleanor Delany ( O n ) , lage, the usual campus and com-
The initiation was followed imme- Wave Ellersick ( A S ) , Hazel Mc- munity projects are fully organized.
diately by the installation by Hazel Cabe ( A r ) , Evelyn Hickman ( A r ) , Alpha T a u has looked for the places
Kahin; then we were taken by some Nell Owen ( Y ) , Louise Spinning where the little kindnesses would be
of our AOIIs to the Desert Hotel for ( A r ) , Lucille Peebles ( A r ) , and of real help. They went to nearby
our formal banquet. Irene Carlson ( Y ) . Newark, an industrial town, to teach
in the Community house, to
Hazel McCabe was toastmistress at The officers are: president, Irene supervise a playground, and to have
the banquet and the speakers were Carlson; vice president, Wave Eller- a party for blind children; they knit
Hazel Kahin, Nell Owen (who is sick; secretary, Gladys Elsensohn; sweaters, mittens, and scarves for
president of Spokane A A U W ) , Phyl- treasurer, Lucille Peebles; Panhel- children of an orphanage; they sent
lis Ocker, Dorothy Meyer (who rep- lenic representative, Eleanor De- boxes to three children in Europe,
resented our new initiates and whose laney. collected clothing for Frontier Nurs-
daughter, Pat, is an A O I I pledge at ing Service and contributed to
Upsilon), and Irene Carlson, Spo- The girls who came from Seattle Friendly A i d . They have also
kane alumnae president. Sylvia were: Katherine McLaughlin, Pa- adopted a foster child in Europe.
Goldsmith led the singing, and ar- tricia Kelsey, Barbara Barrett, Pa-
rangements for the banquet were tricia Shizeley, Elaine Hagman, and Their campus honors are many;
ably made by Virginia Baker and Mrs. Forrest A. Swan. their scholarship is topnotch; their
• Eleanor Delany. The new initiates position at Denison is well estab-
are: G r a c e Beecher, Gladys Elsen- We were all inspired by the ex- • lished. May this chapter always nur-
sohn. Svlvia Goldsmith, Dorothv perience and feel we shall be closer ture carefully the special quality of
friends ready to work together and spirit that is theirs, to hold and to
14 accomplish more for AOII and the pass along to chapter members
community. through the years.
MONT REAL Montreal chapter is indeed proud
L.A.D. to have reached the goal of 100 per
100% cent L . A . D . and will exert every
Mar pies, Kappa Phi effort to maintain this standard
by Eleanor Dornbush throughout the years to come. So,
future members, be sure your life
WeH E N it was announced at a alumnae dues are paid before you
come into our midst, or be prepared
recent meeting that the Montreal to listen to 45 of the most convinc-
alumnae chapter is now 100 per cent ing sales talks you have ever heard!
L . A . D . , our first reaction was one of
pride at having achieved a special n
distinction. O n thinking it over,
however, we realized that actually Officers of the Montreal alumnae are Peggy Faughnan, secretary; Loraine Currie.
our biggest claim to fame is the vice president; Alison Finnemore, treasurer, and Betty McCurdy, president. Chap-
fact that our group appears to be ter members are, front row, Betty McCurdy, Nancy Dawson, Dorothy Stalker, Bar-
composed entirely of good business- bara Sauder. Margaret Oakes; second row, Eleanor Marples, Clover Morrison,
women, quick to see the merits of a Megan Edwards, Margaret Dick, Peggy Faughnan; third row. Mama Gammell,
sound investment! F o r what better Virginia Mack, Joyce Barwick, Cay Draper, Rhona Wensley, Alison Finnemore.
"buy" could there be than a life- Shirley Potter; back row, Helen Leavitt, Elizabeth Iredale, Kennetha Townsend,
time membership in good standing Marilyn Miller, Peggy Birnbaum. Elsie Rogers, Pat Meredith, Bettie Scholefield.
in Alpha Omicron Pi?
Natalie Morris.
Montreal is one of the younger
alumnae chapters, having been in-
stalled in 1941. Since that time its
membership has grown steadily until
now its chapter roll boasts in the
vicinity of 45 names. T h e majority
of its members are from K a p p a Phi
chapter, but we have also welcomed
to our midst offspring of Beta K a p -
pa, Beta T a u , and Epsilon chapters.
O u r philanthropic efforts include
the sending each month of food
parcels to Britain and contributions
of service and money to help local
charitable causes whenever possible,
both separately and in conjunction
with the active chapter of K a p p a
Phi. Plans for the coming year in-
clude visiting disabled veterans at
the local military hospital and lend-
ing aid at several children's libra-
We find ourselves now well
launched in a new season. T w o of
our members, Betty M c N a b (K4>)
and Peggy Faughnan (K<£), were
present at convention this summer
and have returned enriched with
ideas for the betterment of our chap-
ter. O u r officers for the coming year
are: Elizabeth McCurdy ( K * ) ,
president; Loraine Currie (K4>),
vice president; Peggy Faughnan
(K<I>), secretary; Alison Finnemore
( K * ) , treasurer; and Eleanor Dorn-
bush Marples (K4>), reporter. U n -
der the guidance of these new of-
ficers we hope to find other outlets
for our endeavours and opportunities
to strengthen our ties of fellowship
and service.
Irene Wager Oestrike (HI ) with the Alpha Phi Alpha Tau Wins Cup
Indianapolis scrapbook.
Balfour Plaque ful and active alumna; and Marion
Exhibit Award Case, whose sister Evelyn is a sopho-
I T was with a feeling of pride that more. Already, all of the pledges
i are participating in activities and
we 14 A4>s at convention accepted the getting good grades.
$uth Iflfjyer (Campbell, © Balfour Plaque for the best exhibit.
O u r first thought was to send a tele- One thing that A l p h a T a u is es-
F R O M the golden cover to the gram of congratulations and thanks pecially proud of is the way in which
red-lined back, every page of I n - to Betty D e K a y back in Helena, we always work with the adminis-
dianapolis' prize-winning scrapbook Montana. For it was Betty who did tration of the college. A t homecom-
is artistically descriptive of the year's the biggest part of the work on our ing this year, we gave $250 toward
work. Planned and prepared by our scrapbook. Just a few weeks before the new field house Denison hopes to
versatile Irene Wager Oestrike ( B r ) , convention Betty was asked to take build. Also, we have teas for the
the book emphasizes charity, par- charge of assembling a scrapbook to faculty and administration frequent-
ticularly our local project, The Little send to convention. E v e n though
Red Door service center of Marion the time was short she went to work Numerous chapter affairs this year
County Cancer Society. and, with help from Rosalie Cole- have helped the girls to know each
man, turned out a book that we were other and the pledges. We have so-
Peeking at the first page, you'll all very proud to add to the con- cializing at the house every Friday
open a little red door by its miniature vention display. afternoon from 3 to 5:30, have had
knob and read the story of our un- several chapter suppers, an open
dertaking a long-wanted local proj- T h e cover of the book is brown house for all the men on campus
ect. Next are newspaper clippings suede and has large letters of A O I I following a pep rally, a tea for all
showing the fine publicity on our on it in red suede. T h e scrapbook is of the Granville and Newark alum-
donations and 933 hours' work. dedicated to Miss Mary D . Ritchie, nae in appreciation of the work they
our housemother for 16 years, to did in our yard and the redecora-
You'll see by clippings, pictures, whom A * owes much of its suc- tion of our powder room, a home-
drawings, and clever descriptions cess. Introductions are given to our coming banquet for all returning
that most of our meetings are tradi- advisers, officers, and members of alumnae, and a Dads' Day banquet
tional. September brought conven- the various classes. A special sec- for Alpha T a u dads.
tion news; October, a riotous white tion is devoted to activities, with
elephant sale with costumed auc- snapshots used to illustrate. A n - A famous A l p h a T a u , of whom we
tioneers; November, the boxing of other section is made up of engage- are all very proud, is D r . M a r y K i r b y ,
fluffy mittens and much clothing for ments and marriages. T h e book is who is a medical missionary in India.
'Tuckies; December, Founders' Day neatly lettered and many clever T o help her with her fine work, A l -
celebration; January, Panhellenic sketches make it an interesting dis- pha T a u sends contributions regular-
play. iy-
T o you, Betty D e K a y , A<£ chap- A l p h a T a u is looking forward to
ter says, "Thanks." the rest of this year, which we know
will be packed full of activity.
speaker; February, AOII talent;
March, State Day; April, local proj- Betty DeKay executed Alpha Phi's con-
ect; May, citizenship meeting and vention exhibit.
Pan-American movies; and June,
husband-and-wife picnic with movies
of the Indiana-Purdue football game.
Pictures of our brides, details of
our bridge club and November mag-
azine drive, and copies of the pep
letters and poems sent by our presi-
dent complete the album.
Supplementing our yearbook was
a Little Red Door exhibit describ-
ing our work and including a race
track with tiny cars. We're trying
very hard to live up to the title of
the exhibit:
At A.P.I. At Centenary den, our treasurer, records minutes for
the Baptist Student Union. Our town
D E L T A D E L T A members, for the most C H I SIGMA is making a new constitution girls have been invited to join Cencoe, the
part, tried their wings for the first and set of by-laws to be considered for intersorority group.—MARJORIE BOGUE.
time at the business of "rushing." De- spring Panhellenic rushing. Changes are
spite a few tremors and misgivings at the slow in our Panhellenic, but so far our At Cincinnati
beginning of the season, everyone enjoyed delegates had the motion carried that
it immensely. The most effective party each sorority have an alumna repre- T H E T A ETA is very proud of the new
was found to be a hilarious Hallowe'en sentative. Virginia Chadick (AO), our house. Moving was lots of f u n but hard
party with members and guests participat- alumna adviser, is also our delegate. work. We were very fortunate to have
ing in various activities. The season was wonderful alumnae and actives who con-
closed with a smoothly sophisticated night Everyone is missing Nancy Beasley tributed new lamps, chairs, slip covers,
club party, at which guests were met at these days, since rushing. She was truly and curtains. When you are in Cincin-
the door by a tailored head waiter and what we needed. nati, come to see us.
ushered to their tables among insistent
cigarette girls and hovering waiters. Chi Sigma Hangs The Clothes Line! We did it again. For the third time
Delta Delta pulled out all of its hidden Shreveport alumnae gave a spaghetti sup- in the past four years our chapter has
talents to make up an entertaining floor per Nov. 19 in the home of Gene H . won the coveted homecoming float award.
show (not quite so sophisticated).— Lawton ( N K ) . Alumnae, actives, and Previously it was won for the most ef-
pledges arrived with clothes and shoes to fective float, but this year we received it
MARTHA KNIGHT. pack our first Kentucky contribution. Two for the most humorous. Designing and
AOIIs are in this year's first school play, building a float for Homecoming Day at
At British Columbia My Sister Eileen, Loraine Jordan, XS U.C. is one of the important pledge
president, and Louise Lowe, recording duties. They worked in typical AOn
BETA KAPPA is making plans for the secretary. Mary Holtsclaw is secretary fashion, giving their all for the sorority.
repetition of its interfraternity cocktail of the Canterbury Club, while Ann Bow- Using "U.C. we're pulling for you" as
party, which was so successful last year. the overall general theme, the pledges
I t is to be held during the first week cleverly created an unusual barn effect,
in January and so should be a boon to
spring rushing, in addition to fostering large hand painted rubber cows,
friendly Panhellenic relations. Two girls
from each sorority and five boys from
each fraternity will attend, so that every
Greekletter society will be represented.
A " B . C. Competition in Fashion De-
sign" contest, to aid Spastic Paralysis of
B.C., was held at the beginning of the
fall term. Sponsored by the alumnae,
under the convenorship of Honoree
Young, the sorority's activities became
front page social news. Films were taken,
which appeared in Canadian newsreels in
theatres across Canada, and Trend maga-
zine also gave it coverage. Already plans
are under way for the next year's compe-
tition, as the contest is to be an annual
a f f a i r . — L I L A P. BARRACLOUGH.
At California Theta Eta moves into a new house. Betty Schwarz and Snowma Sellards push the
piano. Jo Johnston and Ruth Newman scrub the pantry. Alice Skottowe and Ruth
SIGMA holds exchange desserts to improve Newman carry chairs. Pat Collins and Adele Deckert light up the new house.
Panhellenic relations on the campus and
to extend friendships among the houses 17
and dorms. Next week we have invited
the r * B house to spend the evening and
play games and cards. Ann Schwenk, '48
is the social chairman of the local Panhel-
lenic and was in charge of the Scholar-
ship Dessert held recently.
We have planned a Christmas party
this year for the children of a local
orphanage. I t is to take the place of
the one the girls usually hold for them-
selves, as we feel that these children will
not have a very happy Christmas other-
wise. We have recently entertained the
Kappa Society from San Jose State Col-
lege at a dinner party and we had enter-
tainment afterwards. Our annual Christ-
mas formal is planned for Dec. 6, and
will be held at the Treasure Island Of-
ficer's club on the Island in San Francis-
co Bay where the World's Fair was held.
with udders and appropriate props, straw- L month. Gerry Davis, transfer from Syra-
stalks, lamps, pitchfork, and of course cuse University, is our new Scholarship
several cute milkmaids. Eleanor "Pinky" Watson ( A O ) is Pan-
hellenic president at L.S.U. officer.—ROBERTA PERKINS.
Margaret Marshall and Leona Hering
were down for rushing and for pledging. At DePauw At Georgia
—BETTY JANE SCHWARZ. T H E T A is participating in something new LAMBDA SIGMA for the past two years has
on the campus this year to further Pan- been giving a series of "get acquainted"
At Cornell hellenic relations. Instead of the usual parties for the various sororities on
exchange dinners which were always a campus. We thought it would better
EPSILON was fired anew with inter- bit too stilted and formal, Panhellenic has Panhellenic relations, and i t was also a
sorority spirit when visited for the week decided to try "exchange nights" between good way to see and talk to old friends
end by Margaret Rasmussen, National the sororities. Ten girls from each house in other sororities. These gatherings were
Panhellenic Delegate, Kay Wilson, re- volunteer to go to another house for the usually informal bridge or coke parties
tiring District Director, and Alice Gwynn, night. We don't plan any particular en- in the late afternoon.
her successor. Our national officers, along tertainment, just see that there is plenty
with those of every other sorority, at- of food on hand and decks of cards for The chapter started out the year with
tended a conference held here on Nov. 1, the inevitable bridge games. For some of the J W H cup and a new house. The
for the purpose of furthering Panhellenic us, it is the first time we have really been house, which was bought last spring and
relations. As its share, Epsilon is plan- able to see and talk to those who were remodeled during the summer, is white
ning a series of "drop over" evenings, our closest friends during our freshman colonial. We had a tea for Elizabeth
when sorority women will be extended an year at the dorm. All of the houses agree Hackney, our District Director, and open
informal invitation to get together, chat, that this is a wonderful idea and that house the week end of homecoming. Of
and have f u n on the Knoll. Mary Lou it will do much to further Panhell. rela- our new pledges Margaret Hudson, a
Olsen, social chairman, has many original tions and renew old friendships. graduate student, and Mary Ruth Guffin
ideas for our "Tuckie" packages. So far '51 passed the requirements f o r mem-
this year, we have sent three boxes: one Theta chapter is looking forward to its bership in the Hunt Club; Loraine Plant
containing "stuffed" animals (somewhat annual Christmas party with the gals of '51 during her first quarter at Georgia got
reluctantly parted w i t h ) , one of chil- T r i Delt across the street. This year it a part in the University production, The
dren's clothes, and the third composed is their turn to have the party and all of Great Big Doorstep. Beverly Bowers,
of our "class" projects. The seniors us are expecting an evening of fun, food, pledge, and Sue Brown '48 were spon-
bought comic books, the juniors donated and Christmas carols. The Tri-Delts and sored by men's dormitories in the Pandora
costume jewelry, and the sophomores col- we have been having these parties for Beauty Review. Ruth Estes '47 was ini-
lected children's toys. For the next ship- years, and they always start the holiday tiated into *K4> and * B K . Mary Louise
ment, we plan to combine our efforts in season off well and leave us f u l l of the Cobb '47 was Woman's Editor of the
salvaging wool and cotton yarn. I n or- Christmas spirit and an even deeper campus newspaper. Barbara Pause '50
der to raise money for the "Tuckies," friendship for the Greeks across the street. and Martha Harris '50 were elected to
Epsilon held what we called a "moon- VRA Sophomore Cabinet. Anne Wet-
shine movie." Instead of going to a mov- —ELIZABETH BUCKINGHAM. more '50 was initiated into T2E (hon-
ie on a Friday night, we invited our orary chemistry) and Ann Graydon '50
dates to the chapter house, and for the At Florida Southern was initiated into 2 A I . Betty Sasseville
price of a movie enjoyed our own form '48, Cecile Doughty '48, and Frances
of moonshine—cider and doughnuts along KAPPA G A M M A is thrilled in having a Martin '48 made 6 2 * (honorary jour-
with bridge and dancing. Later in the newly decorated chapter room. Our alum
term we held a more formal and very faculty adviser, Miss Donna Stoddard, nalistic).—CECILE DOUGHTY.
successful open house attended by al- spent many hours giving us ideas and
most 150 independent and fraternity men helping us carry them out. We success- At Illinois
on campus.—JUNE JACOBI. fully concluded our fall rushing period
with the pledging of 17 girls. We were IOTA is proud to be a member of the well
At Denison honored in having our Traveling Secre- organized Panhellenic group at Illinois.
tary, Margaret Marshall, here for two I t consists of an executive body and six
ALPHA T A U considers itself very lucky to weeks during rushing season. Frances chairmen: scholarship, activity, social,
have such a fine Panhellenic council at Banks, president, is serving as Panhel- pledge adviser, Shi-Ai, and rushing, with
Denison. Each sorority has two chapter lenic president this year. She is doing an assistant in each instance. A junior
representatives; one a junior member, much to improve the organization here on Panhellenic organization is now being in-
who has voting power, and the other a campus. Fay Morris was initiated last stituted, whose purpose is to give the
senior member (the president), who pledges an idea of Panhellenic mechanics.
participates in discussions but does not Each pledge class will have corresponding
have voting power. Also an alumna ad- officers who will meet with the assistants
viser from each sorority is present. The of each department. I n these meetings
officers in the council are given according there will be a discussion of the problems
to Panhellenic order. Panhell also con- of the senior organization so that when
trols rushing (quota, et cetera) and gives they graduate to the senior group they
dances. This whole group is in close co- will be better qualified to work together.
operation with the college and functions This has been considered quite a step
very effectively. forward in Panhellenic relations.
So far this year Alpha Tau has had Iota entered the Y.W.C.A. doll show,
an open house for all men on campus, "Cartoon Capers." After the exhibit all
several banquets, chapter suppers, and dolls will be given to underprivileged
social hours. Rushing was quite success- children for Christmas. Iota's Christmas
ful, and our annual novelty party made formal was held Dec. 5. The theme was
a big hit. A l l the members were story- a Holiday Inn with the house decorated
book characters, and a skit was given. in true Christmas fashion.—JOAN HASTY.
Dolls, animals, and fables decorated the
house very appropriately, while a jack-in- At Indiana
the-box greeted the rushees.—JOYCE
BETA P H I is doing its part in improving
GAFFORD. Panhellenic relations on campus. We
plan to invite all the chapter presidents to
18 dinner, to extend our social calendar, and
to have exchange bridge parties with
other sororities. The new system of de- Phi's pledge class. Center. Dorothy Can-can girls and checked table cloths
ferred rush on campus means that fresh- Quirk is freshman representative to the are traditional for Alpha Omicron. Our
men girls live in the dorms the first year, Engineering Council. Betty Jo Bloomer first rush party this year was again set
and this widens our circle of friends ex- in the Gay Nineties. A soda fountain
tensively. is secretary of the freshman class. party, where actives wore pastel dresses
and hats representing banana splits, ice
Thirty dads were here on Dad's Day cream, blueberry pie, or limeades, while
week end. We went to the Pittsburgh rushees sipped sodas at drug store tables,
game, had a grand dinner at the house, was also successful. The final tea was, as
went dancing, and showed them the always, the T o DRAGMA tea.
campus. The visit of Ruth Davis, our
District Director, was most inspiring to all Other social events this fall have in-
of us. She is a grand person. We have cluded a hayride, a birthday party for the
many new activities represented by AOII: actives given by the pledges on our local
Mortar Board Recognition; Tophets; Founders' day, a tea honoring all other
WRA, AWS, and YWCA boards; Folio; sorority pledges, and a buffet supper in
Student, Date, and Arbutus staffs, and the sorority room for Miss Helen Gordon,
Mademoiselle college board. Jan Henson new Dean of Women.—MARY H E L E N
is again coed sponsor of Pershing Rifles.
Ginny Loose and Donna Bolt arc playing WALKER.
football in the "Powder Bowl" game
At Maine
Dec. 8 . — H U D SLAGLE.
GAMMA recently attended a joint Pan-
At Kansas hellenic meeting of all sorority girls for
the purpose of continuing our fine Pan-
P H I ended a gay rush season with the hellenic relations and to hear an infor-
pledging of 21 girls. I n addition to our mative speech by Mr. Jordan, journalism
two representatives to Panhellenic coun- instructor. On our schedule for the year
cil we have two members elected from we have set aside five Monday nights to
our pledge class to serve on the Junior entertain the five other sororities in-
Panhellenic council, a new organization dividually at social gatherings in our
composed of representatives from the meeting room after the regular business
pledge classes of all sororities on the meeting. Delta Zeta reorganized last
campus. The purpose of this organiza- spring, was our first guest sorority, as we
tion is to discuss and help settle problems wished to get acquainted with them.
of the various pledge classes, to promote Everyone had a grand time playing
co-operation among the sororities. Our bridge, singing, et cetera—homemade
chapter was honored by a visit from Mrs. cookies and cider were served informally.
Lindrooth, National Vice President, and
Mrs. Rosendahl, our District Director. Fall rushing has just gotten under way
In activities, Betty Jo Bloomer was elected with the first week of after-dinner dates
secretary of the freshman class. 17-year- and open house behind us. Plans are be-
old Dorothy Quirk was elected to the ing formulated for our big party to be
Engineering Council as freshman repre- held Jan. 15. We celebrated Hallowe'en
sentative. Dorothy is the second girl in by inviting our dates to a hobo party in
the history of the University to serve an old Grange hall. After the boys ren-
in this capacity. Marjorie Scott and dered an AOII song to our satisfaction, we
Nancy Dille were two of the nine girls gave them leather cigarette cases with
honored by Mortar Board for outstanding gold roses engraved on them. The eve-
scholarship. Joan Spalding has been ning was highlighted by square dancing,
elected to TAX (advertising honorary). apple-bobbing, cider and doughnuts, and
Joan Bennett is one of the charter mem- barrels of f u n ! — T O N I DOESCHER.
bers of 2 A I (music honorary), and El-
wanda Brewer is a member of M*E 19
(music honorary). Marjorie Burtscher is
society editor of the Daily Kansan. Mar-
jorie Scott and Nancy Dille received the
annual French scholarship prize awarded
by I I A * (French honorary). Dolores
Travalent is vice president of T 2 (dance
honorary). Virginia Johnston is in the
A Cappella choir.—NANCY DILLE.
At Louisiana State
A L P H A OMICRON'S Eleanor Watson '49 is
Panhellenic president at L.S.U. Co-
operating with her and with Panhellenic,
A O r i s sold tickets for a dance sponsored
jointly by Panhellenic and the Student
Council, and we assisted Panhellenic in
preparations for open house following a
football game. The general chairman
for this reception and the program chair-
man were both AOIIs. The chairman of
the committee in charge of decorating the
Panhellenic building for homecoming was
an AOII pledge.
At Maryland Gloria Gonan ( O i l ) , At Michigan State
left, was soloist at
Pi DELTA pledged 2 1 girls this fall. the December Gary BETA G A M M A has put forth considerable
Several of our girls played a large part in C i v i c s Symphony effort this year to improve Panhellenic
Maryland's revival of the four-day-long c o n c e r t . Comne relations. Plans we have ready to get into
Autumn Carnival. Jean McKeown was Schilds (On) is iun action include P.M. parties on week
publicity chairman, Joan Ryan was ior chairman 01 the nights with other sororities. The idea is
Fashion Show and Queen committee Women's L e a g u e a general get-together with group sing-
chairman, and the AOII quartet, Jean ing. Greek Week has just come to a
Stevens, Dent Humphries, Barbara Kitz- Merit-tutorial. close. This week is set aside to create
miller and Berry Marshall, was featured better interfraternal relations. B r held
in the Autumn Carnival Revue. Idalee At Miami two exchange dinners, one with sororities
Gray took third place in both the Pledge and another with fraternities.
Queen contest and the Sweetheart of OMEGA initiated 1 6 girls Sept. 2 2 in the
Maryland contest. The annual Fall Fling Memorial Presbyterian Church. After in- Beta Gamma proudly hails Suzanne
was held in October. The house was itiation a banquet was held at the church Elliott who was elected corps sponsor of
decorated with fall leaves and flowers; in honor of the new actives. Charlene the R O T C cavalry unit. She is also
refreshments and an orchestra were pro- Lammers was awarded the Ruby ' A ' president of ATM, fencing honorary. We
vided, and the dance was open to every- given by the Dayton alumnae chapter to won third place in homecoming honors.
one on campus. One of our pledges, Rose the most outstanding pledge. Our pledges The display included two giant sized
Anne McNulty, was given a solo part in helped Miami's new Junior Panhellenic bingo boards with a loud speaker calling
Clef and Key's fall production. Jean Council get started by holding a tea on the numbers. Four A O n s hold top places
Ann Wannan and Joan Ryan were in- Dec. 14. A l l the sorority pledge classes on the women's varsity swimming team.
itiated into Omicron Nu.—BARBARA O S - and their advisers were invited as our They are Jean Ingerson, manager; Donna
guests. This pledge tea was the first Maddock, Peggy Rawls (sister of
TERMAYER. function on campus given in honor of Katherine Rawls, Olympic swimmer),
the new group. and Barbara Kerr.-—Barbara Beranek.
At McGill
On Dec. 8, Omega was proud to have At Minnesota
KAPPA P H I at this writing is busy waxing Theta Eta chapter and the alumnae
skis and sharpening skates in prepara- groups of Cincinnati, Dayton, Hamilton, T A U is co-operating with Minnesota's
tion for the white Christmas that we're Middletown, and Oxford join us in our Panhellenic body i n the process of revis-
certain to have; for the first snows have celebration of Founders' Day. There were ing all rushing rules. Pledge mortality,
already fallen. Cheers to the Montreal 120 AOIIs at the banquet. We have due to poor grades, has been growing at
alumnae who were hostesses to our eight "adopted" an eight-year old Polish boy an alarming rate and the rushing rules
new pledges and us on Founders' Day. and had a lot of fun preparing two have become obsolete. Some new type
There were movies, singing, a fashion Christmas boxes for him. We are also or form of rushing is being considered.
show featuring exciting creations from in the midst of starting a knitting proj- At present all rushing rules, except for
1927 back, and all topped off with sau- ect for the 'Tuckies.—BARBARA BYRNES. informal rushing, have been dispensed.
sage rolls and apple pie flaming blue with No action has been taken on new rules.
brandy. The presence of alums from At Michigan
Beta and Epsilon plus an active from The main news from Tau is philan-
Beta Kappa made the occasion even more OMICRON P I held a candlelight service on thropic. The chapter has adopted a French
satisfying. We all went home very glad Founders' Day. Rosalie Moore was chair- boy and is sending him letters, food, and
indeed that we are AOIIs. Scholarship man of the program, and Mrs. George financial aid. Our box is now overflow-
should take a sharp upward swing if Snider spoke. Plans are under way for ing with clothes and toys for the "Tuck-
scholarship officer Barb Dombush has the redecoration of the chapter house ies." We had a big party and luncheon
anything to say about i t ; she's after us during Christmas vacation. With the ad- for orphans from St. Paul. Our chapter
every meeting with threats and reminders vent of the man on the Michigan campus, has supported the Campus Chest and
and checking up on our study hours. exchange dinners become important. So also the World Affairs Conference.
We're looking forward to parents' and far, we've had two very successful par-
professors' teas this month. Our pledges ties with <$2K and * A K fraternities. Homecoming brought us recognition.
are starting off on the right foot by Our float and marching unit won third
throwing a Christmas party for us and Carolyn Vicinus was chairman of our place. Audrey Graupmann was one of
our favorite males.—BETTY BREWER. Fathers' Day program, with almost half the six attendents to the homecoming
of the fathers of the chapter attending. queen and Delores Phillips was one of the
20 We entertained our patronesses at din-
ner Nov. 6, and gave each of them a 1 6 finalists.—AUDREY G R A U P M A N N .
red rose as a token of our appreciation
for their service. To swell our philan- At Montana State
thropic funds we sold Christmas cards
and made a good portion of our quota. A L P H A P H I , after a very successful rush
Janet Osgood, O n president, is a member week, announced the pledging of 2 0
of Mortar Board; Eleanor Stewart Ryck- very active girls. Of these, Mary Anne
man, Mortar Board, *K4>, and 4>BK, is Black was chosen an attendant to the
doing graduate work here on a scholar- Harvest Ball Queen and is treasurer of
ship; and Lennis Britton Swift, *BK, Hamilton H a l l ; Winnie Gibson and Hazel
2 A I , n.KA, and n A 9 , is working on her Hardie are new cheerleaders; Bertie
Master's in music.—MARGE RUTHERFORD. Hankins is president of Hamilton H a l l ;
Peggy Boid is secretary-treasurer of the
freshman class; Beth Rossignal was
awarded a trip to the International Live-
stock Exposition in Chicago. On Wom-
an's Day last spring, for the sixth consec-
utive year, we were awarded the Mor-
tar Board scholarship cup and the Hamil-
ton athletic cup. A O n ' s Joan McLaren
and Helen Reece were awarded the
swimming trophy. Other honors and
those chosen were: Spartanians, Eloise
Van den Biesen; Spurs, Lucile Hardy,
Kathleen James, Margie Morrow, Martha
Lee Pope, Clara Mae Quinnell, Helen formal, which we think will be both water ballet. Nancy Perrin is business
Reece, Charlene Richter, M'Lis Eaton; good fun and good work. Instead of the manager of the N . U . yearbook.—JOYCE
*TO, Rachel Batch, Mary Lou Pasha, usual gift of a corsage, our dates will
Jeannette Stevens, Phyllis Todd; AAA, give us stuffed animals which they be- MEADE.
Clara Mae Quinnell, Geraldine Fitz- lieve express our personalities (?) and
gerald; five year speaker, Martha Wright; we in turn will send them to the 'Tuckies. At Oregon
named in the big ten, Ruth McDonald;
Wiggenhom speech award, Gloria Samp- — J A N Y T BURGESS. A L P H A SIGMA has during the past few
son; award for high attainment in eco-
nomics, Jeanne Emery. AOLT has many >: years been cited as one of the most co-
campus leaders this year: Clara Mae operative of the various sororities on
Quinnell was elected vice president of •• campus in all of its Panhellenic and rush-
Spurs and Margie Morrow, treasurer. ing activities. For the past two years
Lila Swan was chosen junior adviser for Claire Steiger ( N ) won the Angie and we have received recognition from the
Spurs. Nancy Stenson is president of Sutton Memorial Award for Character University's Dean of Women as the most
Mortar Board and LaVonne West is co-operative sorority during fall term
treasurer. Helen Wolf is president of and Scholarship of $100 at N.Y.U. rush week. The president of Panhellenic
Home Economics club. Betty DeKay is this year is Barbara Williams ( A 2 ) , who
secretary-treasurer of the junior class. At Northwestern conducted an extremely successful rush
Newest pledge of 4>T0 is Betty Lou Eck. week this fall at Oregon.
R H O led the 18 sororities on campus in
— M A R Y L O U PASHA. forming a Junior Panhellenic Council. Two junior women, Betty Clark and
This group, made up of pledges from each Virginia Givnan, were pledged to * X 0
At Nebraska sorority, acts as liaison among pledges (business honorary) this fall, while Renee
and between actives and pledges. Their Cowell, a member of 4>OT (junior wom-
ZETA, with representative Bobbie Jo Faes first project is: how to improve friendly en's honorary), was chosen co-chairman
as president of Panhellenic has been relations among pledges of the different of the A.W.S. Bazaar for this year. Alpha
active i n working with that organization groups and between pledges and inde- Sigma also claims two members of a
this year. The annual Panhellenic work- pendent girls. This involved offering sug- group of 25 chosen from the senior class
shop week, which attempts to foster bet- gestions to Senior Panhellenic on rush to appear in "Who's Who in American
ter understanding among sororities, fea- week activities, sponsoring a party for all Colleges and Universities—'47," Barbara
tured daily exchange luncheons and a freshman women, and undertaking a Williams and Barbara Fullmer. There
Panhellenic banquet. Zeta was awarded project to write other universities about was only one other house on this campus
first honorable mention for the Elsie Ford how they handle similar situations. Rho to have two representatives in the publica-
Piper achievement cup, presented to the contributed to the Panhellenic fund to
sorority which has done the most during care for a European child, also to the tion.—BARBARA FULLMER.
the preceding year to bring about better World Student Service Fund.
relations with Panhellenic. At Oregon State
When Mrs. Mary Breckinridge visited
Outstanding Zeta members include Evanston, pledges, actives, alumnae, and A L P H A R H O chapter started fall term
guests heard her tell of the Frontier with a boom. 35 of her 43 active mem-
Mary Dye and Marianne Srb, Mortar Nursing Service work. A t the Founders' bers and pledges moved into a new house
Day luncheon with the Chicago alumnae this year, one much larger and nicer in
Boards; Jo A n n Srb '48, who was one Rho dedicated their Ruby Fund contribu- numerous ways than the temporary house
tions to Jean Bostetter '46, who was of last year. New curtains and furniture
of six finalists for the annual title of killed in plane crash while learning to fly. were purchased to brighten up the down-
North Shore gave their A O n ring for stairs. The girls acquired a grand piano,
Nebraska Sweetheart; Beverly Haarmann last year's outstanding pledge to Lucia which did much to improve the appear-
Westbrook. I n honor of Founders' Day ance of the living room.
'50, elected sponsor of Pershing Rifles and Rho placed flowers in the University
chapel for Sunday services. On Dec. 8, we had a Christmas party.
honored at the Military Ball; and Z The girls purchased small gifts for each
Joyce Ronnigen, a member of Mortar other, gifts which were suitable for the
president Ruth Ann Finkle '48, who was Board and the Student Governing Board, small children in Kentucky. After every-
is the new Purple Parrot business man- one had opened her package, the gifts
a candidate for Honorary Colonel. Other ager. Pat Jonas is co-chairman of the were repacked to be sent to the 'Tuckies
to make their Christmas a brighter one.
standouts include Jackie Wightman '49 Founders' Day was celebrated with Alpha
Sigma chapter, who came to Corvallis for
and Mary Dye '48, who have been win- the occasion. The banquet guest speaker
was Mrs. Mabel Robertson ( 2 ) , of
ning top ratings on the varsity debate Salem, Oregon. The pledges of Alpha
Rho entertained and songs were ex-
squad, and Tottie Stewart, who was re- changed between the two chapters.—
cently appointed news editor of the Daily GRETCHEN THOMPSON.
Nebraskan.—TOTTIE STEWART. At Pennsylvania State
At New York EPSILON A L P H A is co-operating with new
N u members of Panhellenic are planning Panhellenic proposals to group rushees
a dynamic campaign to strengthen the for conducted tours of all sorority chap-
organization, which has been lethargic ters during open houses which always
to date. First on the program is a Pan- open a rushing season. We think i t is
hellenic tea to acquaint freshman women imperative that a rushee visit all the chap-
with sororities and their meaning and ters on campus before she makes her
purpose. Our situation here is somewhat choice, therefore eliminating the chance
different from that of other campuses be- that she be guided too strongly by biased
cause of the mammoth student body. opinions.
I t is possible for a girl to attend N.Y.U.
for four years without coming into con- With the completion of a new dormi-
tact with a sorority; so the main objective tory, EA will be moved into a suite de-
is to render more effective publicity. signed to accommodate 18 girls. Although
After Christmas vacation, a Panhellenic we hate to surrender our college-owned
dance is on the agenda. cottage with all its memories and privacy,
we are excited about our future in new
Romance is in the air. Helen Belle was
married in September. Jane Ray, Doris
Strother, Joyce K i d d , and Harriet Bred-
der have announced their engagements.
Mrs. LaDue, our adviser, is planning a
sorority shower at her home.
We have an idea for our Christmas
. , a r e outstanding surroundings. With the help of several
convention-enthused girls, we whisked our
. Otnicron ««b WJ»« guests south of the border to a Holiday in
Mexico (thanks, T girls), and entertain-
f•S e•a • ° g 4 7 M a i d ot Co« h -S o u t ed them at the sophisticated Jacqueminot
Club. We pledged 13 girls. Then we
l e beauty secU°» * e l l e NeW- settled down to pack three large boxes for
our Tuckies. Joanne Snyder is on the
tapped ^ ^ a r v - t r e a s u r e x Student Educational Council and Martha
Kremers, the Chemistry and Physics
J* Is d e n ,p i e 8 1 Student Council; Julia Kalbach was tap-
ped for Junior Service Board and Louise
K 0 president. Homer Club; Laura Johnston was tapped
for Junior Service Board and is Junior
Class secretary; Marie Thompson is in
the Louise Homer Club.—MARIE C.
At Randolph-Macon
KAPPA won the Panhellenic scholarship
cup this year. Through Panhellenic, a
welfare committee, of which our Panhel-
lenic representative is chairman, is con-
ducting a drive for contributions to the
Colored Day Care Center and other or-
ganizations, and this Christmas Panhel-
lenic will give its annual party for or-
phans. Intersorority volleyball games are
under way now and a "Sorority Sing"
will take place this spring. Recently Kap-
pa invited members of other sororities
to a progressive supper, which proved so
popular it has been made an annual
Rush week was gay and quite success-
ful this fall. For the hour parties,
rushees walked into a realistic mountain
cabin, where cider jugs dangled from
the roof and which A l Capp himself
might have decorated with pictures of
the Yokum tribe. During a "Mountain
Music" skit, clever improvisations of
popular ballads were sung and an air
of relaxation and hilarity made the party
fun for everyone. 17 girls were pledged.
At Southwestern
KAPPA OMICRON honored Hilma Seay,
1947 Maid of Cotton, with an open house
in October. Punch and open-face sand-
wiches were served. There was dancing,
bridge, and pingpong, and it was, we be-
lieve, even without prejudice, the most
successful open house held on the campus
this year. Hilma is back in school after
her Maid of Cotton tour. During the first
eight weeks of school we redecorated our
lodge. Painting was our major improve-
ment, and we economized by doing it
ourselves. The powder room is a light
yellow and the kitchen yellow, white, and
light blue. Estelle Newsum and Mickey
Dougherty made new draperies for our
large room.
One of our most outstanding girls,
Peggy Marshall of Memphis, a voice
major, is secretary-treasurer of Pi
Intersorority, AOn Panhellenic represen-
tative, a member of SABA, an athletic
association, Student Counselor, and a
member of the Elections Commission and
the Student Welfare Board (consisting of
ten professors and four students, one from
each class).—MARGIE PHELPS.
At Southern California house party in the Smokies Oct. 25-26 At Tufts College
was in honor of the pledges.—DOROTHY
Nu LAMBDA pledges are combining with DELTA has to wait until the end of the
all of the other sororities' pledges, under DOWNEY. basketball season to forge ahead with her
Panhellenic direction, to send boxes of main intersorority plans. An idea which
hard-to-get items of food to 12 middle- At Texas we suggested and sponsored last year, a
class families in Europe. The list was basketball contest between the Tufts and
supplied by the wife of the Archbishop Pi KAPPA entertained the officers of the Jackson varsity teams, with the proceeds
of Canterbury. Each pledge group is other sororities on the campus at a tea going to the Panhellenic building fund.
given a specific task in completing each honoring our new housemother, Mrs. Incidentally, the Jackson team consists
box. The boxes are sent once a month. Verna Werner ( Z ) , on Oct. 3. We held mostly of AOIIs. We also contributed
open house for the pledges soon after rush our share of service to the Panhellenic
As before, our Christmas party this week, receiving parents and friends of Ball and the Interfraternity Ball this fall.
year will be a costume party—book the chapter and faculty members. The
titles will be the style as each girl brings pledge class entertained pledges from Commencing with another grand week
a toy gift for the name she has previous- AAA and AAII sororities and AX, 4>rA, end at Cape Cod early in October, we
ly chosen. The toys will be the only gifts and 2X fraternities at a pledge sing-song. made extensive plans for rushing and our
exchanged this year and they will be The annual Rose Ball was held Novem- sponsor system. Delta initiated a new
sent to the children in Kentucky. These ber 15, at the Stephen F. Austin Hotel; casual get-together called "Coke Hour."
toys will be in addition to our regular box and the ballroom was completely decorat- Every other week two girls from one
ed with red roses. The Founders' Day dorm act as hostesses for this informal
of clothing, et cetera.—DOROTHY J O H N - Banquet was held on Dec. 8, at the gathering in the room of some Pi in an-
Driskill Hotel. The speakers included other dorm, thus promoting interdormi-
SON. Evelyn Summers '48, Margaret Ann Car- tory spirit. Have you heard about our
son '48, and Daisy Lanier '49. "Let's not and say we d i d " party? Each
At Syracuse girl brings $1 for a movie party to a
Members Evelyn Kennedy, Evelyn meeting. Instead of going to the movies,
C H I in the recent Campus Chest Cam- Summers, Betty Jean Speer, and Beverly we entertain ourselves at the sorority
paign, won the cup for having contributed Jacks recently became members of Cap rooms, and the money goes to Friendly
the greatest amount of any house (in- and Gown, an organization of senior Aid. Alice Ente, Pauline Robinson, and
cluding both independents and Greeks). Jean Silk are our 1947 * B K s . — R U T H A.
The donations per person came to $8.33. women.—BEVERLY JACKS.
Ellen Grace '49, chairman of the Chest KOZIELL.
for Chi, received the cup. At Toledo
At U.C.LA.
I n social service work Chi is doing T H E T A Psi began the year by initiating
hospital care service. Each girl takes two girls and pledging Janet Zanes. On KAPPA T H E T A returned from summer va-
her turn in doing an hour's work each Hallowe'en we entertained 25 excited cation to find the chapter house com-
week. Chi works five days per week, orphans at Marie Frautschi's farm. A pletely and beautifully redecorated. Our
for those who are unable to use their gay time was had by all of us keeping rushing was very successful and we were
hands. We feed patients, write letters them busy. I n November we held our fortunate to have our National President,
for them, or read to them. I n the Campus annual tea given in memory of Margaret Mrs. McKinney, with us for a great part
Co-Operative Book Mart elections Kath- Nachtrieb, a former adviser. Funds from
eryn Ianone '49 was made president, and the tea are put into the Nachtrieb Schol- Lolly Anderson (K6) was "Tropicana
Jane Brooks '49, publicity chairman. arship, which is awarded to an outstand- Prom" queen, the second successive
Chi's chapter president, Esther Stevenson ing woman student in the field of his- year an A O I T has won this coveted
'48, has been initiated into ON (Home tory. I n November we gave several fra- place. Virginia Leabow was elected
Economics honorary) and HIIT (senior ternity parties, including a Thanksgiving
women's honorary). Lynn Oliver '47 dance. Coming events are our Christmas last year.
was married to Richard Conrad Collier, formal and our annual Carol party. G'*
Nov. 22. Chi is proud to have Alice leaders on the campus are Mary Luetke, w
Gwinn (X '27) as our District Director. president of Peppers, woman's honorary
We wish her all the best in her new of- society, and Antoinette Pizza, Toledo am
University's May Queen, who is auto-
fice.—JOAN M . HOLLAND. matically president of the Woman's As-
At Tennessee sociation.—DELORES K U N T Z .
OMICRON ended 1947 with the following At Toronto
awards presented at graduation exercises,
Borden award and Merrill-Palmer to BETA T A U climaxed a very successful year
Fran Proffitt; Danforth award to Mary with a pleasant week-end houseparty at
Jane Bell; Chi Omega sociology prize to a farm. Hearty congratulations go to our
Margaret Lowry. The awards annually 12 graduates, with their high scholastic
presented to outstanding junior women standings. We are particularly proud of
at Tennessee were both won by AOIIs our past president, Joyce McKcnnett, who
this past year, Mortar Board to Mary though devoting much time and energy
Jane Bell and ITA0 to Elizabeth Devine. to her fraternity interests, still took high
Virginia Jones, who was last year's Miss honours in her modern history course.
Tennessee, also was a Torchbearer! This
year we hold the following campus of- Five fortunate members of Beta Tau
fices: presidents of AAA (Ruth Ann Peo- spent a memorable week at the national
ples), ON (Mary Jane Bell), YWCA convention in Roanoke. Ideas were dis-
(Lizabee Alfred), Spanish Club (Eliza- cussed and shared by all and our renewed
beth Devine) ; vice presidents of WSGA thanks go to the Southeast District for
(Lizabee Allred), Beaver Club (Ruth making "southern hospitality" such a
Harrison), 2 A I I (Frances Ford) ; Treas- vivid reality, and such a successful and
urer of Mortar Board and IIAQ (Eliza- inspiring convention possible. Now, f u l l
beth Devine) ; editor of Tennessee Girl of new ideas and ambitions, we are look-
(Ruth Ann Peoples) ; R O T C sponsor ing forward to the new year. The alum-
(Lib Runnion). We initiated Nancy But- nae, Mothers' Club, and active chapter
ler and Elizabeth Graf September 28. have already combined efforts in plan-
Thanks to our two "Mc's" we pledged ning a thrift sale to raise money for the
28 girls, five of them little sisters! Our house fund.—PAMELA W A L K E R .
of the time. We pledged 12 girls. Jane •• • Librarian in Australia
Wilder, K 9 vice president, is Representa-
tive-at-large on the campus and has been i (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 )
selected as Traveling Secretary for the
newly formed student democratic govern- Joan Ryan (IIA) is very active. . . . corner a young art student might be
ment group under the leadership of Elea- Omicron Nu, President of Cosmopolitan looking up material on American
nor Roosevelt. She will travel all over Club, Secretary of Art Club, Chairman primitives. O r a girl comes up to
the U . S. meeting students from other of Autumn Carnival Fashion Show the desk to ask for the "fashion
colleges, and exchanging ideas and opin- Committee, May Day Court, May Day book." (She means the Sears-Roe-
ions on current student affairs. Jane's Invitation Chairman, Publicity Chair- buck catalog.) There is hardly a
sister, Abby Wilder, assistant editor on the man of Campus Cultural Program, subject touching American life that
campus newspaper, belongs to IIAE jour- Chairman Campus Homecoming Deco- we could not produce information
nalism honorary. Barbara Lapp was about. And Australians were in-
elected a national representative for the rations, Freshman Week Committee. terested in all facets of American life
YWCA and will represent U.G.L.A. in and activity.
that capacity. June Yale is president of teeth were favorites among the costumed
the " Y " Freshman Club and Carol Dal- couples. I n addition to running the library
zell, secretary. Harriet Warne, our treas- and handling requests from our Aus-
urer, pledged * X 6 , professional women's With the new chapter house completed, tralian patrons, the two American
honorary, and Joan Creagh was "tapped" Founders' Day open house was held on members of the staff gave frequent
for Spurs, sophomore women's honorary. Dec. 7. During the afternoon we enter- talks before all kinds of groups on
The girls are sewing for a doll to en- tained parents, faculty, and alumni, and American life and customs, attend-
ter in a contest on campus. The dolls in the evening we received our college ed many meetings, and, in general,
and their respective wardrobes will be friends. June Beard, soprano, whose per- got thoroughly into the Australian
given to underprivileged children at formance at all-city pop concerts this scene. While stationed in Sydney I
Christmas. Plans are complete for the summer were given excellent reviews, was visited every Australian state.
annual Christmas dinner given in honor chosen to appear in television demonstra-
of our parents.—GAY HAYWARD. tions here recently.—NANCY T H O M A S . Living in Sydney was extremely
pleasant. T h e beauty of Sydney
At Vanderbilt At Washington College harbor more than came up to its
reputation. Australians make fine
Nu OMICRON ended a successful rush SIGMA TAU'S first step in furthering the companions and friends. It was a
season with the pledging of 22 girls. Our advancement of Panhellenic relations was rare privilege to live and work
best party was the AOII kindergarten with to call a meeting with the other two among them for two years.
a lunch room, Black Sambo skit and sororities on the campus and to propose
ABC's of Vandy frats. Our pledges won that we adopt an orphan for one year. A n d a rare privilege to help in-
the first annual Sigma Chi derby, tying The idea went over well, and we are terpret m y own country to them—
for the big trophy and winning five now sponsoring a benefit bridge party to to see it from a distance, with a bit
events. Jean Horner of Nashville was raise money for this cause. Our second of perspective. I t was a big disap-
Miss I n Form. Mildred Derryberry was step was to have a poster printed with pointment to learn that three months
elected Honor Council representative for the Panhellenic Creed on it so that at after my return home, the operation
the freshmen. We won sorority stunt all times the active members, pledges, in Sydney—in many countries, for
night cup and the 1946-47 Panhellenic alumnae, or other visitors can read and that matter—closed down because
Scholarship cup. That was eight cups for understand the meaning of this organiza- of lack of State Department funds.
Nu Omicron in one week. tion.
D o you want your country to be
Besides the Mothers' Club tea for At the close of the past school year interpreted to other countries almost
pledges, when the Chancellor's wife, Mrs. 2T was the proud recipient of the Fox solely through the medium of class
Harvie Branscomb ( K ) , and our house- College scholarship cup. At convention B Hollywood movies and sensational
mother, Mrs. James A. McNeill, received, we tied with four other chapters for the journalism? O r would you rather
we have had a party for our neighbors, McCausland Cup. Also, at convention, see information on all phases of
open house for fraternities, the Founders' our alumna adviser, Mildred Eliason, American life and activity freely
Day Banquet, and a visit from our own won the song contest. Mary Jane Ervin available through the means of a
Mag Marshall. Norma Scarborough was is president of the college honor society library of American books and peri-
homecoming queen with Jean Thomas and is in Who's Who in American Col- odicals, administered by trained
in her court. Carolyn Bass was band leges and Universities. Elizabeth Wilmer American librarians?
sponsor for our first home game.— was chosen as our first college Home-
coming Queen, and Jane Oyster was Y o u will soon have a chance to
ROSITA CARRINGTON JONES. made the first recipient of the trophy for
dramatics.—ELLEN G. CORDDRY. choose, for the question of financial
At Washington
support for the Department of
UPSILON pledged 23 girls during a hectic,
but exciting, week as we used the lounge State's Information program will
of our half-finished chapter house. Dress-
ing room for the participants in skits was again be before Congress shortly after
the chapter room piled high with stored
bedding, linens, and furniture. Car- the beginning of the new session in
penters were everywhere and always man-
aged to be pounding nails directly out- January. T h i s program is really a
side the window when we were attempt-
ing to sing to the rushees. Formal pledg- bargain in international relations.
ing was held in the ballroom of the
Edmond Meany hotel. The pledges gave M a n y believe that it is of the ut-
the actives a hillbilly dance; "mountain
gal" pinups, painted by pledge Nancy- most importance that a true and fair
Lou Gellerjnann, covered the walls.
Coonskin caps, overalls, and blacked-out picture of American life be presented
24 to other peoples of the world at this
time, when there are so many mis-
conceptions about our country, the
richest and most powerful in the
world. I f you think so too, let your
elected representatives know how
you feel.
A K R O N money-making projects are ham. Members in that vicinity sold ta- and sell plastic bowl covers as money
the sale of gift wrappings, Christmas seals, bles to friends and so helped swell our making projects. We now meet on the
and cards; the collection and counting of philanthropic funds. I t is planned to third Thursday of the month instead of
tax stamps; and monthly bridge benefits. have similar parties in other parts of
We held our annual Christmas party the Greater Boston after Christmas. Plans the second.—ANN KOESTER.
Sunday afternoon before Christmas. are being made to celebrate Delta's for-
Guests included mothers of members, and tieth birthday in the spring with mem- CHAMPAIGN-URBANA a l u m n a e
actives and alumnae who came home for bers of Beta and Gamma present. The have 60 members listed in their attractive
the holidays. We continued a local phil- three chapters of Delta Sigma, B, T, and yearbook. Mrs. Thomas J. Dolan is
anthropic project by taking gifts to the A, were installed at the same time, thus president; Mrs. William G. O'Neil, sec-
residents of Sumner Home for the Aged. giving AOII quite a boost, as Stella Perry retary; and Miriam White, treasurer.
emphasizes in story telling time at each The program includes talks on Germany,
— M A R Y C. AMNER. convention.—ALICE S. RAYMOND. music appreciation, antique silver; a hat-
making demonstration, and a guest night
g BOZEMAN alumnae, since our instal- for husbands and friends. We honored
lation, have been bustling with activity. Mrs. Ruth Kincaid Pilkenton, new Iota
A T L A N T A had a Mother and Daugh- Meetings are held every month for busi- House Director, at an evening coffee hour
ter coffee Dec. 27 at the home of Gene ness and pleasure. Our first project was Dec. 3. Mrs. Pilkenton is an Illinois 1917
Devereaux ( 0 '41). Dorris Garten (T the purchase of some much needed ar- graduate and a Delta Gamma. Mrs. Kate
'25) was chairman. Founders' Day ban- ticles for the house. With that aim in McDonald, chaperon for many years at
quet was held at the Pershing Point Hotel mind we have conducted two successful Iota, is now with a friend, Mrs. Timothy
with Bibs Nichols (NK '28) as chairman. food sales. Alpha Phis are good cooks, Shea, at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chi-
s 1 C H I C A G O N O R T H SHORE alumnae
B A L T I M O R E alumnae at the May made over $300 on their rummage sale,
meeting decided that each member should CANTON-MASSILLON a l u m n a e with Carol Nelson (P) as chairman.
send back a 25^ souvenir from her va- hemmed diapers and collected two articles This supplied us with most of our philan-
cation. These were raffled at the fall of new clothing from each member for thropic funds for the year. November
meeting. For the Frontier Nursing Serv- the local needlework guild as a philan- was philanthropic meeting, with Leo
ice dinner at convention, we made 400 thropic project. We count tax stamps
favors—small dolls made of pipe cleaners
to represent the men and women of Ken- ] 6 Part II—MONDAY, NOV. 10,1947 * Log g l t g g l g g Citttgg
tucky. I n September we had a tea for
the 1947 graduates at the home of Betty PRIVATE LIVES BY PAUL FORD
Boulden. At the November meeting Anne /j
Pfeiffer told us of her trip to Wendover, >^
Ky., and very vividly described the needs
of the people there. We packed several ' DOROTHY
boxes of clothing and toys to send to KEMYON
B I R M I N G H A M alumnae present one STAR..
outstanding feature at each meeting. I n
September Patricia Mandt gave a glow- IN THE
ing report of convention; in October offi-
cers of Tau Delta met with alums to dis- UNITED STATES
cuss their plans for the year; in November
the Kentucky mountain work was fea- IS A D E L E I , - S P R I N G E R ,
tured and clothes were collected for them.
We are planning a big Founders' Day PRESIDENT OP THE NATIONAL ^'W^X /Z/i
banquet for Dec. 8 at the Redmont Hotel ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN LAWYERS . ^ / y \ \ 10
with Rochelle Rodd Gachet from Monte-
vallo as our guest speaker. We have been Judge Dorothy Kenyan ( N ) is featured in Paul Ford's syndicated "Private Lives."
selling personal post cards and personal
address tabs and have found it an easy
way to make some extra money for the
B L O O M I N G T O N alumnae devoted
the November meeting to the making of
rag dolls for the "Tuckies" in addition
to filling a box with toys and clothes.
Each member made a doll or stuffed ani-
mal for some child. Our program com-
mittee made very clever individual pro-
grams outlining our meetings for the
coming year. We are looking forward
to our Founders' Day dinner with B<£.
Another interesting meeting will be on
Citizenship. Our guest speaker will be
Mrs. Martin Baltozer, Director of the
Christian Center.—ANN LEE CARTER.
BOSTON alumnae held a successful
bridge party in November at the home of
Edna Woodbury Webb (A '12) in Need-
Wolf's vivid description of our 'Tuckies colored movies of the various campuses Williams Morton is the new vice-presi-
(with gestures), and two local doctors and personalities in our district for use dent; Marion Miller Weston is the new
describing plans for a new Infantile Pa- in summer rushing. Further investiga- co-rush chairman; and Betty Bonebright
ralysis hospital, support of which North tion showed that a slide projector using Wegner is Panhellenic alternate. We
Shore is considering as a local philan- opaque material will be obtainable. By decided to start a round robin of bas-
thropic, project. We honored Rho collecting snapshots, clippings from T o kets for baked goods; four baskets are cir-
pledges at tea, and welcomed special DRAGMA, and original drawings, together culating. A t the November meeting
guests Leona Hering, Executive Secretary; with a colorful narrator, we hope to de- Gov. Val Peterson gave an interesting
Kay Davis, Editor of To DRAGMA; and velop a good program.—BETTIE M A R T I N . talk on Foreign Relations. Five large
Jo Dorweiler, District Director. At Foun- boxes of toys and clothing, were shipped
ders' Day luncheon, Dec. 6, Melita Skil- DENVER alumnae had the pleasure to Kentucky. The theme for the Founders'
len, who wrote the candle lighting cere- of entertaining Muriel McKinney, Mary Day banquet was "The Friendship Train
mony for that day, led the service. Alyce Lindrooth, Katherine Davis, and Leona of AOLT." Ruth Yourd Schneider was
Wagner (P) was chairman of the com- Hering at our November meeting, with chairman of the committee.—LORRAINE
mittee. Monthly sewing meetings, dinner a buffet dinner held at the home of
meetings, and benefit bridges are being Frances Raynolds ( X A ) . They were en MCMAHON.
held this year.—RUTH DODGE LARSON. route to Colorado Springs to attend the
National Panhellenic Conference. Mar- 8
f garet Rasmussen also attended, and all M I L W A U K E E ' S new officers are:
COLUMBUS alumnae chapter has a returned to Denver following the con- Mary Brearton Allen ( I ) , president;
dozen new and energetic members who ference to attend the Denver Panhellenic Helen Brooks Boyce ( P ) , vice president;
have given new interest to the older mem- Luncheon with Denver alumnae at the Barbara Ball Bartelsen ( P ) , secretary;
bers. I n August we entertained girls Cosmopolitan Hotel. We held a rum- Georgiana Westover ( Z ) , treasurer; Len-
going to Denison and Miami. Esther mage sale in October, clearing $58. We ice Goodrich Hoffman ( H ) , Panhellenic
Fowler Rosencrans was our hostess for a are preparing two boxes to send to Ken- delegate; Mary Jane Swanson Higley ( T ) ,
lovely supper party held in her garden. tucky; one will contain new toys, the alternate; Mary Virginia McVay Thomp-
To Kentucky we have already sent 3 other, clothing.—GLADYS MATHEWS ST. son ( T ) , T o DRAGMA reporter. Dory
Large boxes of useful clothing, and, as in Mourdant (KO) is a new member of our
years past, we shall fill red and green CLAIR.
tarlatan bags (about 4 inches square) chapter.—MARY VIRGINIA THOMPSON.
with hard candies for the children's H O U S T O N alumnae celebrated Foun-
Christmas party. We are selling Christ- ders' Day on Dec. 4 with four actives 11
mas cards and wrappings, all-occasion from Pi Kappa and their housemother,
cards and wrappings, individualized cor- Mrs. Verna Werner ( Z ) , as special guests. M I N N E A P O L I S alumnae packed
respondence cards, and printed paper Then on Dec. 8, some of the Houston clothing, jewelry, trinkets, and toys into
name labels. Sales tax receipts have al- alumnae joined Pi Kappa for their Christmas boxes for the 'Tuckies at the
ways been an easy source of revenue for Founders' Day dinner in Austin.—PEGGY November meeting, which followed the
national philanthropic theme. While
us, too.—EDITH R . COPE. MATHIS GRISSO. Margery Peterson, philanthropic chair-
man, explained AOIT's work with the
8 8 Frontier Nursing Service, alumnae sewed
on little dresses and suits to be sent to
OHIO STATE DAY I N D I A N A P O L I S alumnae sponsored the 'Tuckies. I n addition, every alumna
April 10, 1948 two August rush parties, a formal tea for and active brought a toy, book, or game
Theta and a picnic for Beta Phi. A let- to our Founders' Day banquet. 120 Twin
Athletic Club, Columbus ter outlining the year's plans and a copy City AOIIs attended the banquet at
Official Hostesses, of the proposed By-Laws were mailed Tau's newly redecorated house. With
Aug. 21 by our president to the 150 our theme, "Looking Ahead," Virginia
Alpha Tau and Columbus. AOLTs in this area. Selma Drabing Pond Mae Nelson, toastmistress, introduced
Ohio AOIIs, save the date. has mapped out money-making projects Irene Jackson, National Secretary, and
so that after January, we can coast. We Kathryn Bremer Matson, past National
H_ made $133 at our rummage sale and President. Hermione Stewart Knapp, St.
DALLAS had an interesting meeting collected dues from 44 members by Sept. Paul president; Kathryn Holm, Minne-
when Irene Boyce ( N K ) , southwest editor 10 with the help of a red-lettered sign apolis president; and Delphine Undem,
of Charm Magazine, spoke on the new reading: "Here's the Spot to Fill the Tau president, discussed future plans for
styles and gave us advice on adapting Pot—Due your Due-ty to AOn." At the their groups. The annual pledge skit
them to our individual needs. We packed November meeting we displayed 20 was, as usual, one of the highlights of the
a box for Kentucky at this time. I n dresses made for a Christmas box to the
November a gift wrapping designer from Tuckies, and Jacque Lacker (B9) talked program.—MARY SCHAFER ERNT.
a Dallas store spoke to us about Christmas on her experiences with the Red Cross
packages and offered helpful suggestions in Hawaii. Our magazine chairman, TENNESSEE STATE DAY
for home wrapping. A white elephant Alice H i l l Steger, began the annual drive March 27, 1948
sale raised some money for the chapter. by mailing a bulletin to everyone on Nashville, Tenn.
Betty Pickering is our new president. Nov. 1. I f you are new to Indianapolis,
In June we had a tea at the home of please get in touch with us; you will find Mark the date on your calendar.
Margaret Bentley, N K founder, for a warm welcome awaiting you. Call
Muriel McKinney and for rushees going Jane Dunning Dirks, Ir. 4132.—RUTH 1^
to colleges where AOLT has chapters.—
MYER CAMPBELL. NEW Y O R K City alumnae started this
NORMA MORRIS. year in a "blaze of glory" with Mar-
8 garet Rasmussen's annual "evening at
D A Y T O N alumnae plan to celebrate home" on Oct. 8. As usual it was a
Founders' Day with Omega chapter in L I N C O L N alumnae appreciated Betty huge meeting with about 20 chapters rep-
Oxford. For the Philanthropic meeting Peterson's offering the use of the ball- resented. We caught up on convention
our speaker was Eugene Knotz, a high room in the Governor's mansion for the news and decided to honor Nu chapter
school senior. He had spent the summer picnic for Zeta pledges after we were with a mail shower. Our November
in Czechoslovakia with the Unitarian "rained out" of the park. At this meet- meeting was a "shoppers luncheon" in
Service Committee, whose work is similar ing, Ethel Weidner Bentley resigned as mid-town Manhattan. We were given
to Friends Service. Clothes and Christ- alumnae president and Marjorie Misch tags for our Christmas boxes to the
mas toys were brought for the "Tuckies." Dickman was elected in her place. Faye "Tuckies." At the Founders' Day ban-
quet at Beekman Tower, New Jersey,
The last report told of our idea of Westchester, and Nu chapters joined us.
We were more than blessed with three cember, we had a luncheon meeting hon- SYRACUSE alumnae met with the
founders present. Jan. 8 will be our oring our local actives from Illinois and Mothers' club for a bridge to raise funds
"United Nations" meeting. We are hav- DePauw and participated in a holiday- for the house. Anastasia Stasink Wilson
ing success selling stationery this year tea with the Panhellenic group, of which is our new president and is anxious to
toward our social service quota.—BETTY Janet Hamilton is president.—RUTH A N N have all local alumnae belong to our
group. We assisted with rushing, during
RAYNOR. EASTMAN. which time Chi pledged 16 girls. We
met with the active chapter on Found-
O K L A H O M A C I T Y alumnae sent to M
Kentucky for Christmas 13 boxes of SAN FRANCISCO alumnae met on ers' D a y . — G L E N N A RICHARDSON.
clothing, which amounted to 205 pounds Nov. 12 and each member brought a gift
of freight. We have subscribed to mem- and clothing to be sent to Kentucky in T R I - S T A T E alumnae at Evansville ob-
bership in the City Arts Association Cen- time for Christmas. Joan Hubbard gave served Founders' Day Dec. 20 with a
ter, which is suported by all civic organ- us an interesting account of convention. dinner for the actives who were home for
izations as well as individuals. Our Rosalinda Olcese Riccomi (2 '17) has Christmas. We held a rummage sale and
Founders' Day banquet was held in the been elected president of the Bay Area solicited magazine subscriptions to make
home of Zalia L i l l Holman (H '25).— Panhellenic. She was chairman of the our quota. We sent a Christmas box of
Panhellenic Fashion Show in 1946. Pro- toys and clothing to Kentucky as a part
EMILY HESS HOPPER. ceeds from this annual benefit go into of our philanthropic work. Our group
a scholarship fund for U . of California. is small and drawn from three states
O M A H A alumnae miss having our Ne- (Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois), but
braska Governor's wife, Mrs. Val Peter- —FRANCIS JOHNSSON. in spite of living far apart we feel we
son, in our group, however what is have been quite active beginners and are
Omaha's loss is Lincoln's gain. I n Sep- SEATTLE alumnae celebrated Foun- very proud of our accomplishments in
tember Ruth Palmer Schmelkin ( Z ) of ders' Day in Upsilon's new chapter house, so short a time.—MARION KOEGEL COX.
the Panhellenic Office at the University which became a reality under the in-
of Nebraska was our guest. Ruth gave spiring guidance of Clydene Morris. We W A S H I N G T O N alumnae gave a very
us a very enlightening report of rush showed it to our friends and to the cam- successful husband-wife "Gay Nineties"
week and its outcome. Our money-mak- pus at a formal tea on Dec. 7. Now party, made especially gay with a bar-
ing efforts include quite successful mag- paper drives, rummage sales, theater par- ber shop quartet, Virginia reels, and
azine sales, bingo parties, white elephant ties and the like take on something akin square dances done under the direction
sales, silent auctions, and a rummage to glamour and even the most lethargic of a professional "caller." We celebrated
sale. We have on order 60 boxes of mis- members are enthusiastically supporting Founders' Day with Pi Delta at the chap-
cellaneous and Christmas wrapping pa- future plans to complete furnishing details ter house. The College Park alumnae
pers which we will sell at the next meet- and remove the burden of debt as quickly cooked the dinner. Jane Nock, LTA presi-
ing. A box costs us 60c and we will as possible. We invite you all to come dent, presided at the alumnae chapter's
sell i t for $1.00. We expect this to be and see our beautiful house.—GWEN special candlelighting service. Beryl
a good source of revenue.—DORIS V O L K . Kneen (T) wrote and narrated a micro-
SHOWELL WREDE. phone audience-participation program
P H I L A D E L P H I A alumnae plan to preceded by a scene featuring the Found-
hold monthly sewing meetings for the ST. L O U I S alumnae had the good for- ers informally reminiscing about AOII.
"Tuckies" in addition to regular meet- tune to have Mary Lindrooth visit us Talented IIAs put on a "stage show" be-
ings. We were able to obtain at a very Nov. 21. 13 of us gathered for dinner tween acts. A doll with a 24 piece hand-
low price a limited supply of "pack- at the Winston Churchill Tea Room and made layette was raffled. Rag dolls, made
aged dresses." Each box contains the then went to the home of Eleanor Rench of rug yarn, were packed and sent to the
necessary pieces, trimming, buttons, bind- ( H ) , where we performed the formal Childrens' Museum of Washington, for
ing, and directions for making a dress ritual under Mary's expert direction and Christmas.—PEG PATTERSON.
for a small child. Even those who aren't with her acting as president. We then
very adept at sewing are able to assem- spent a most enjoyable evening listening WESTCHESTER chapter's November
ble these dresses and the finished piece to Mary tell of her trip to Colorado meeting was highlighted by a most enter-
was very attractive. We hope to secure Springs to the National Panhellenic Con- taining guest speaker, Dr. Elizabeth
and make more of these "packaged ference and of her work with the active Adamson, Westchester Children's Court
dresses" later. Alice Conkling (•*•) will chapters. We observed Founders' Day psychiatrist, who gave us some good ad-
keep a list of the magazines to which Dec. 8, with an appropriate meeting at vice about our own children as well as
the members now subscribe, with expira- the home of Mary Lou Bailey Pope ( A * ) , telling of her interesting work in the Chil-
tion dates. Alice will then send out a after which we worked on scrapbooks for dren's Court. At that meeting we col-
warning notice near the expiration date the children of the Kentucky mountains. lected a grand assortment of toys and
and request that the renewal be made dolls to be sent to the 'Tuckies for Christ-
through AOII. Florence Sanville ( A ) , — L U C I L E HENDRICKS SPENCER. mas. We are also gathering up clothing
who is a member of the American Friends, to send them. We are represented in the
spoke to us recently on the vital work t Westchester Board of National Women's
that is being done by the Friends in the ST. PAUL alumnae have tried two Fraternities, which was organized last
rehabilitation of war ravaged countries ways of making money this fall. For one year and contains representatives from 17
and the establishment of mobile trade of the projects we divided into groups. national sororities. I t deals purely with
schools.—BETTY FRANKS. Each member cooked her specialty and problems and projects peculiar to this
sent it to the next member on her list particular area, is a clearing house for
ROCKFORD alumnae transformed with the receiving member paying what- information about girls graduating from
cigar boxes with wallpaper and lacquer ever she thought the food was worth. Westchester high schools, public and pri-
into treasure chests filled with crayons, Recipes could be had for the asking. vate. Money raising is discussed with an
scissors, notepaper, toys, etc., for the Ken- The other project involved sewing, knit- inter-change of ideas. The last meeting
tucky children. Virginia Beckenbaugh, ting, or embroidering some article. was a report of national conventions held
social service chairman, mailed these These were brought to our November the past year by the various sororities,
packages and boxes of used clothing to meeting and sold, and orders taken for with a review of their philanthropies.—
the Frontier Nursing Service. I n De- more. We also packed a box for Ken-
tucky. This fall we were finally able to VIVIAN CORNFORTH.
get a silver service for Tau chapter
which they received in time for their 27
rushing parties.—JEAN HANSEN.
As we go to press, word comes Francisco. Helen Born Kendall (A '34) Helen Rae McDermott ( A * '44) is
of the death, Dec. 12, of Evelyn is a member of Infant Shelter, philan- institutional manager for the Student
West Hughan, sister of Jessie Wal- thropic group. Union at Montana State College. Gloria
lace Hughan (A) and Marjorie Fallon Cooper (A«p '45) is a new member
Hughan Rockwell ( A ) . We extend Knoxie Faulk Johnson (TA '26) is of the Bozeman alumnae chapter; she
deepest sympathy to our beloved president of the Birmingham branch of works part-time while her husband fin-
Founder and to Mrs. Rockwell. A.A.U.W., one of the largest in the ishes his course at Montana State. Judy
Evelyn Hughan was AOIT's big sis- south. Alda Jane Woodward (B<f> '20) Hausman (A4>) is contributing free
ter, Stella Perry wrote, and the en- is president of the Ft. Wayne A.A.U.W., skiing lessons to the youngsters of Boze-
tire fraternity grieves with the be- which has over 600 members. Both at- man by a celebrated instructor, August
reaved sisters. tended the national convention in Dallas Gnehm.
last April.
Death: Mary Dolbear Sanborn (A Dr. Esther Muellenbach Roehr ( A r )
'08), who died Aug. 10, 1947, was one Golda Larkin O'Callaghan ( 9 '23) is has built a new office in Houston, which
of Delta's charter members and long secretary of the Birmingham A.A.U.W. attracted attention from the local papers.
identified with the Hill. Her father was and corresponding secretary of the Third
one of the first professors at Tufts. District of Federated Clubs of Alabama. Margaret McLeod (AP '25) does so-
Golda lived for three years in Rio de cial work with the Public Welfare De-
Death: Laura Kilham Drandt (AS '28) Janeiro, Brazil, and Parana, Argentina, partment in San Francisco. She was with
in Portland, Ore., December, 1946. Jean before coming to Birmingham several the Red Cross in England, France, and
Kendall (AS) teaches in the Art De- years ago. Mary O'Rear Binkley ( 6 '32) Germany from 1943 to 1945. Barbara
partment of the University of Oregon. as fine arts chairman of A.A.U.W. for Jensen (S '38) is with the Red Cross
Carral Ann Pageler Kirk (Mrs. Robert) the state of Indiana is compiling mate- in Portland. Helen Churchill Trueblood
(AS) lives at 224 Center Drive, Honolulu rial about Indiana composers for publica- (AP '28) has moved from Winter Park,
57,T.H. June Wilson Wyckoff (AS '44) tion. Fla., to Seattle, where Dr. Trueblood is
and her veteran-student husband, Dwight, now a member of the U . of Washington
were pictured in the Sunday Oregonian Jean Anderson Jenkins ( B * '47), Mary English faculty.
when they moved into their apartment in Walker Hughbanks (0 '35), and Doris
a former camp hospital facility at Oregon Speaker Coblentz (B9 '29) are new Lou Anne Moon Hampton (SH) is
State College. members of Ft. Wayne alumnae chapter. dietitian at Walnut Hills H.S. in Cin-
Jane Gray Stone (fl '42) and her hus- Lucille Stepanek (Z '42) lives in
band, George, were featured in the Hawaii with Capt. and Mrs. W. H . Marta Parrish (P '38) is assistant
June Ladies Home Journal in the "How Hoff (Doris Voight, Z '42) at Wheeler editor of the weekly rotogravure section
America Lives" series. The article, en- Field near Honolulu. Jerry Heikes Sloan of the Chicago Daily News. Irene Peter-
titled "Parking Double," described how (Z) is president of the alumnae chapter son Keener (P '23) and Ruth Snyder
the Stone brothers, veterans studying en- of Mortar Board in Lincoln. Hayward ( I ) attended the A.A.U.W.
gineering at crowded Lehigh University, national convention in Dallas; Irene was
converted an old farm house into a home Patricia Costello ( N '39) has been outgoing president of the Champaign-
for their families. transferred from Nuremberg to a new Urbana branch. She was also social chair-
position with the military government. man of the University of Illinois Wom-
Wilma Lang ( f i '38) is a Girl Scout She has enjoyed traveling in Bavaria, an's Club for two years, a position which
Executive at Green Bay, Wis. Martha Austria, and Italy. Ruth Hayward now holds, along with
Deckman (AT '43) is a Girl Scout Field the presidency of A l l Church Women
Director in St. Louis. Jeannette Bell Chidley (9 '42) flew of Trinity Church, Champaign. Atha
to Dublin, Ireland, with her infant to Wood Fowler ( I ) is president of the
Edith Walthall Ford (K '30), ac- join her husband, who has a two-year Inter-Sorority Alumni Association. Ebba
count executive in the sales department contract as meteorologist for the Irish Anderson Hansen ( 9 '25) has returned to
of station WCON in Atlanta, is said by government. Her address is 437 Griffith Champaign after living in New York and
the Atlanta Constitution to be "probably Ave., Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland. Washington; Bill is back with the News-
the first girl in Atlanta radio to hold Gazette.
such a position." Linda Best Terry ( K ) , Jean Kerr Stone ( On '43) is in Trieste,
Memphis, is listed and pictured in the Italy, with her husband, Capt. Ford E. Betty Weiant (A '43), who does re-
American Contract Bridge League Bul- Stone, a dentist. Jean is teaching the search in physiology under an Army con-
letin as Life Master No. 97. Virginia young children of the army personnel and tract, also teaches in the biology depart-
Goodall (K '47) is president of the Bir- enjoying the sights in Italy. Her address ment at Tufts and is study plan officer at
mingham Debutante Club. is D.C.O. 1755712, 7th Station Hosp. Delta. Jerry Stott Carleton (A '37),
(Trust), A.P.O. 209, c/o P.M., N . Y. 593-4th Ave., Troy, N . Y., would like
Lucy Upson Peters (A) is featured in to know i f there are any lis i n her
the Santa Barbara News-Press as the Ruth Thompson ( B * '38) is produc- vicinity.
"silent half of Peters radio team." She tion supervisor at the Union Building of
helps her husband, Ken Peters, with sports Indiana University. Two Bloomington Betty Farrington ( H ) was featured in
announcing from station K T M S . She alumnae are now assistant professors at Drew Pearson's "Washington Merry-Go-
keeps box scores, compiles statistics, sup- Indiana U . , Helen Duncan (B4> '20), Round" recently for her fight, along with
plies commercials and is his "right hand Director of the Bloomington Center of her husband, Hawaii's Congressional Dele-
woman" during broadcasts. the Division of Adult Education, and gate, for Hawaiian statehood. Betty was
Louise Rogers ( B * '23), Director of the described as an accomplished hula dancer,
Nora Blickfeldt Negaard (A '29) is Bureau of Correspondence Study. who will perform in return for the chance
in the City Attorney's office and is also Dorothy Huntington Frye (B4> '25) has to lobby for Hawaii.
attorney to the Controller of the City returned to this country after living in
and County of San Francisco. Ellamae London, Paris, and Prague with her hus- Gov. and Mrs. Oscar Rennebohm
Dodds (A '34) is public relations repre- band, who was in charge of disposal of (Mary Fowler, H '20) have moved into
sentative for American Airlines in San surplus properties in Europe. the Executive Mansion at Madison, Wis.
28 Mary Jane Taylor (B4> ex-'41) is a Beatrice Volk Colbert (Mrs. R. J., Jr.),
nurse at Nichols General Hospital, Louis- 307 Bayley Ave., Platteville, Wis., H
ville. alumnae reporter, is gathering news for
the Eta Newsletter to be sent to all Eta PLEDG c 2> Martha Jane Schell, Harrisburg; Irene M.
alumnae soon. Any Etas who have not Kochera, Hazelton; Barbara Hurst McAbee,
sent items about themselves to Bea, AO Delta; Mary Elyn McLaughlin, Monongahela;
please do so at once; she want news of Jeanne A. Mathews, Philadelphia; Helen Louise
all of you. Barbara Ann Burns, Betty Burns, Rita Ann Milligan, Marie Loretta Wrobleski, Braddock;
Butler, Doris Hall, Louise Horner, Thais Law- Geraldine May Thomas, York; Daisy Mac To-
Thelma Robertson Mitchell (X '24) is ton, Tommy Lee Ledet, Carolyn May, Mildred mich, Slovan; Joyce A. Trigiano, Easton, Pa.
Director of Music of the Radburn, N . J., McMurray, Gail Whitney, Baton Rouge; Peggy
church. Kathryn Vestal, Patsy Ruth Heidt, Lake i
Charles; Jean Mowen, Marjorie Ann Monroe,
Patty Stoll Cecil ( I I K ) is president New Orleans; Nelwyn Carole Bertrand, Lutcher; Marge Hagi, Streator; Lelia Cousins, Peggy Mc-
of the AOII alumnae club in Austin. Natalie Bolton, Bastrop, L a . ; Bette Ann Paschal, Coughey, Danville; Jean France, Rockford;
They combined with the Mothers' club Ripley, Tenn. Ailene Hagan, Decatur; Jean Oliver, Chicago;
for a benefit bridge at the House recent- Virginia Craver, Homer; Carol Fries, New
ly. Austin merchants donated prizes, A* Athens; Joan McDonald, River Forest; Jean
and proceeds go toward the new house. Fisher, Rantoul; Joan Baumgardner, tJrbana;
Betty Berg, Shirley Cosens, Hazel Hardie, L e - Laura Doering, Peoria; Virginia Lamme,
Do any LTs live in Tunis, North Africa ? nore Wilson, Mrs. Pat Yates, Bozeman; Mary Kenilworth, 111.
Kathleen Gregory Blankennagel (IIK) Anne Black, Helen Cameron, Viola Hagfeldt,
would like to know. Her husband, Dick, Dorothy Hoffman, Rosemary Kinney, Jo Ann K
is with the Standard O i l Co. in Tunis, Stainsby, Great Falls; Margaret Boid, Jean
and Kay may be reached through his Heidt, Helena; Judith Boiler, Lewistown; Sue Teeter Young, Norfolk; Shirley McCullough,
office. Duehr, Townsend; Winifred Gibson, Bette Hall, Betty Ruth Phillip, Harriett Shaw, Birmingham,
Butte; Bertie Hankins, Fort Benton; Beth Ala.; K i m Charlton, Denver, Colo.; Catherine
Nell Fain Lawrence (NO) has moved Rossignal, Lolo, Mont.; Ann Tanner, Glendale, Carpenter, Shreveport, L a . ; Betty Ann Mason,
from Rochester, N . Y., to California, Calif. Bowling Green, K y . ; Marsha Leonard, Cohasset,
where her husband, Dr. John S. Law- Mass.; Ann Hungerford, Detroit, Mich.; Cath-
rence, is on the faculty of the new medi- A2 erine Crandall, Oswego, N . Y . ; Jo Hilgers,
cal school at U.C.L.A. Binghamton, N . Y . ; Carolyn Smyth, Indiana,
Mana Amburn, Portland; Betty Cox, Beaver- Pa.; Harriett Andrews, Margaret Evans, E d -
Margaret Hennings Hage ( f i ) , former ton ; Delores Stenerson, Medford; Jean Hilton, wina Frazer, Martha Gulledge, Barbara Howell,
AOH Registrar, and her husband are now Jeanne Hamilton, Klamath Falls; Donna Mc- Memphis, Tenn.
living in Santa Barbara, Calif., with Ewen, Mary Keller, Lila Chapman, Joan Her-
her mother, Merva Dolsen Hennings (P), brenson, Eugene; Barbara Cassidy, Auburn, Kr
former National President. Dick is teach- Calif.; Florence Hansen, Piedmont, Calif.
ing in Los Angeles, and he and Margie Vyda Swan, Mary Elizabeth Hierhozer, Mar-
have a baby, Nancy Ellen, born Mar. 23. AT queen Ayers, Janet Fairfield, Betty Lou Cheyne,
Merva has probably already pinned Lakeland; Marjorie Trask, Highlands City; Mar-
pledge ribbons on her granddaughter. Lucy Amner, Kent; Ruth Burdick, Strongs- garet Mitchell, Maxine Turner, Olga Rivera,
ville; Norma Coe, Confield; Doree Ernst, Akron; Tampa; Nell Meriwether, St. Augustine; Pa-
AOLT friends of Rosemary Wyman, Barbara Farrow, Chagrin Falls; Doris Heller, trica Stephens, Palaka; Frances Powell, Miami;
niece of Bess Wyman ( A ) , will be happy Middletown; Pat Hyatt, Jane Wonders, Lake- Kathleen Colson, Eutaw, Ala.; Mary Dinwiddie,
to know of her marriage Thanksgiving wood; Norma Richmond, Shelby; Joane Tice, Celloka, Tenn.; Dorothy Thompson, Teaneck,
Day to Richard Thibault. Cincinnati; Janice Carter, Valley Stream, N . Y . ; N . J . ; Jocelyn Johnston, New York.
Pat Hunter, Warsaw, N . Y . ; Merylyn Miller,
Our sympathy goes to Joanna Colcord Dobbs Ferry, N . Y . ; Joyce Albaugh, Harrington K©
(T) in the passing of her distinguished Park, N . J . ; Marion Case, Mountain Lakes,
brother, Lincoln Colcord. N . J . ; Jeanne Evans, Carnegie, Pa.; Jane Keeler, Allie Bargum, Fresno; Rosemary Felman, Carol
Chicago. Dalzell, Glendale; Syril Levinson, Stockton; Pat
Mary V . Wells (XA '30) and Eugena Swanner, Santa Ana; Marilyn Holiday, Santa
Wilkinson Wittke (XA '32) are in charge Br Barbara; Donna Smith, Long Beach; Joyce
of the sale of Easter seals for Adams Miles, Phyllis McCarey, Shirley Combs, June
county, Colo., sponsored by the Business Irene Slobodnik, Dearborn; Dawn Agler, Lans- Yale, and Joan Marsden, Los Angeles.
and Professional Women's Club. Eugena ing; Peggy Rawls, Belle Glade, F l a . ; Carol
is vice president and press chairman for Swope, Louisville, K y . AS
the group. Frances Kracha Dias (XA
'45), who was discharged from the Ma- BK Betty Jean Burns, Betty Creech, Jeanine Dodgen,
rine Corps, June, 1946, is finishing her Mary Ruth Guffin, Atlanta; Beverly Bowers,
M.A. at U . of California this year, fol- Faye Parker, Mildred Kerr, Ivy Terrace, Canon; Sara Harris, Jessup; Margaret Hudson,
lowing her marriage, Sept. 23 in Wis- Mary Sibley, Doris Larkin, Vancouver; Gladys Ellijay; Ala McBride, Alston; Betty Mathis,
consin, to J. E. Dias. She is writing her Finlay, North Vancouver; Sherry Johnson, West Decatur; Betty Norton, Betty Hopkins, Athens;
thesis on the history of Santa Margarita Vancouver; June Hallsor, Nanette Durham, Vic- Sue Randall, Barbara Thomas, Madison; Mar-
y Las Flores Rancho at Oceanside, Calif., toria; Connie Dougan, Qualicum Beach; Alona tha Jane Thompson, Ailey; Loraine Plant,
now Camp Pendleton. Grace Clarkson Proud, Brentwood Bay; Ruth MacDonald, Sal- Americus; Jeanette Pickens, Monroe; Wyalene
Gobble (XA ex '30) is Colorado State mon Arm. Bennett, Albany; Georgine Cash, Houschton,
Chairman of Junior Women's Clubs. Ga.; and Helen Martin, Orlando, Fla.
Emmalou Vannice, Darlington; Marilyn
Jacque Lacker ( B 8 ) , who was a Red Nussmeier, Evansville; Helen Metz, Boonville; N
Cross recreational director in Hawaii, is Dawn Bullard, South Bend; Margaret O'Don-
advertising manager of H . Lieber Co., nell, East Chicago; and Sue Whitescarver, Nola Cuneo, Muriel McNamara, Long Island;
Indianapolis. Owensboro, K y . Elizabeth Purdy, Tarrytown; Phyllis Shroeder,
West New York, N . J . ; Frances Mescia, Grant-
Helen Chase Walter ( A * '25) is as- x wood, N . J .
sistant Administrative Dietitian of the
Denver General Hospital. Dolores Bennet, Virginia Kero, Syracuse; Dorothy o
Antil, Delphi Falls; Jeanette Collier, Williamson;
Gertrude Ryder Bennett (N) is critic Claire Greenleaf, Scarsdale; Sally Marachaland, Ruth Schatz, Virginia Wagner, Cincinnati; Hope
of the Brooklyn Poetry Circle. Roberta Maury, Minetto; Betty Noble, Verona; Finley, Jean Daugherty, Cleveland Heights;
Joyce Santa Maria, Hempstead, N . Y . ; Jane Allyne Boey, Cleveland; Dorothy Christan,
INDIANA STATE DAY Connamacher, Maplewood, N. J . ; Marie Catu- Dorothy Taylor, Dayton; Chirley Chance, Sa-
rano, White Plains, N. J . ; Deana Mendenhall, bina; Ann Conway, Pataskla; Nancy Craver, Bay
March 20, 1948 Orange, N. J . ; Barbara Kumpanas, Elizabeth, Village; Low Ann Douds, Newark; Marilyn
N. J . ; Marilyn Irving, Gloucester, Mass.; Mary Fisher, Barbara Knoch, Akron; Jeanne Hanne-
Lincoln Hotel, Indianapolis Lou Brown. man, Geneva; Shirley Henderson, Huron; Vir-
ginia Hepburn, Lisbon; Gloria Pyle, Middle-
X2 town; Ramona Vogel, Columbus; Virginia
Nobles, Pensacola, Fla.; Mary Allen Keller,
Jean Bentley, Carolyn McKinney, Frances Pey- Elmhurst, III.
ton, Laura Ann Taylor, Mary Angela Under-
wood, Martha Zagst, Shreveport; Joan Dennis, o
Minden, L a .
Jerre Baucum, Nancy Crockarell, Shirley
AA Schroll, Joanne Walsh, Memphis; Martha Wil-
son, Nashville; Evan Hedge, Nancy Jo Wright,
Elizabeth Carr, Lida Ann Grifith, Betty Simp- Maryville; Patricia Ann Gardner, Ripley; Sally
son, Charlotte Williams, Montgomery; Margaret McKinney, Fayetteville; Rachel Sample, Clin-
Claire Crawford, Birmingham; Georgia Ann ton; Carolyn Wilson, Loudon; Jessie Rhea
Harwell, Sara Vinson, Ann Weaver, Flomaton; Looper, Jamestown; Blanche Reuther, Man-
Helen Moore, Auburn; Ann Prem, Mobile. chester; Dorothy Grigsby, Elkton; Florence Davis,
Jackson; Joanne Sharp, Lewisburg; Margaret
EA Bowden, Betty Chastain, Evelyn Hickman, L u -
cile Jacobs, Betty Read Mcllwaine, Mary Ruth
Florence M . H . Drummond, Broomall; Marga- Monger, Mary Prince, Jane Roehl, Goldsby
ret J . Forbes, State College; Jacqueline M . Frye, Swan, Elizabeth (Missie) Swan, Knoxville, and
Mary Nelson Russell, Middlesboro, K y .
3> White, Seattle; Georgenia Moore, Sedro Wooley; i
Joan Alexander, Zillah, Wash.
Dorothy Quirk, Edith Williamson, Arlene John- Gladys Alt, El Paso; Elaine Marozick, Chicago;
son, Kansas City; Lois Beth, Lawrence; Peggy z Beth Ringstrand, Rockford; Ruth Akey, Blue
Townsend, Humboldt; Donna Mercer, Good- Island, 111.
land ; Ellen Hanes, Ottawa; Betty Jo Bloomer, Jo Ann Litz, Jean Shaw, Ann Fiddock, Omaha;
Claflin; Beverly Pepper, Topeka; Joan Barr, Barbara Tobin, Tekamah; Betty Ward, North K
Shirley Hobbs, Leavenworth; Betty Juzek, Sun- Platte; Joan Bingham, Marion Pratt, Lincoln;
flower; Virginia Johnston, Caldwell, Kans.; Bea- Marilyn Nelson, Minden; Nancy Jensen, Fre- Jill Craig, Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
trice Senor, St. Joseph, Mo.; Patricia Young, mont ; Sharon Murphy, Superior; Joan Rhodes,
Martha Willis, Eleanor Brown, Alice Jean St. Paul; Joan Scott, New York, N. Y . ; Cath- AS
Brandon, Dorothy Kolb, Kansas City, Mo.; erine Jensen, Washington, D . C ; Ardith Anne
Dorothy Bready, Cincinnati, O . ; Phyllis Gilpin, Tilly, Goodland, Kans. Ann Graydon, Betty Wallace, Modena McDou-
Omaha, Neb. gall, Betty Battle, Atlanta; Kathryn Fiske, Au-
AP gusta; Shirley Fries, Savannah; Betty Campbell,
IIA Arlington, V a . ; and Jean McGehee, Clarkston.
Lillian Butler, Joanne Miller, Shirley Wyss,
Anne Boswell, Hyattsville; Ellen Bradford, Mar- Portland; Janice McKrola, Mae Jeanette Kee- n
garet Sturgis, Snow Hill; Anne Derrick, Glen rins, John Day; Ardell Brownjohn, Valsetz;
Burnie; Carolyn Giddings, Takoma Park; Idalee Constance Jo Connell, Hillsboro; Dorothy Gentry, Nancy Biddle, Norma Lee Barker, Jerry Old-
Gray, Dolores Hancock, Mariam Knibb, Balti- Pendelton; Janet Gebhardt, Long Creek; Norma ham, Dayton; Nancy Bussard, Barbara Durr,
more; Vava Ann Helbig, Oakland; Beverly Hud- Puckett, Keno; Janet Wilson, North Powder; Pat Fry, Miamisburg; Alice Kleinfelder, Jannis
dleston, University Park; Jean Huyett, Hager- Olive Wilson, Sheridan, Wyo. Patton, Oxford; Helen Beal, Marion; Joan Koo-
town; Mary Margaret Mullen, Patricia Runkle, rad, Hamilton; Lois Warner McNabb, Middle-
Margaret Zeiber, Silver Spring; Rose Anne Mc- town; Rene Olson, Youngstown; Deloris Hendry,
Nulty, Linthicum Heights; Carter Prescott, Chicago, 111.; Charlene Lammers, Monroe, Mich.;
Chevy Chase; Sally Sanner, College Park; Pa- Katherine Young, Staten Island. N. Y .
tricia Spears, Alexandria, V a . ; Shirley Donald-
son, Jackie Hammett, Washington, D . C . Betty Brook, Aileen Gilmer, Joan Henry, Nancy Margaret Hoopes, Anthony; Dolores Travalent,
Johnson, Phyllis Johnson, Margot Lusby, Bar- Kansas City, Mo.; Charlotte Thayer, Atchison;
p bara Pickering, Marion Stevenson. Martha Gibson, Great Bend; and Winifred Wil-
son, Lawrence.
Francis Val Dez, Patricia Van Getson, Oak NA •
Park; Kay Bramhall, Jacqueline Leathers, Wil- p Ind.; Joanne
mette; Maryllin Dollins, Elmhurst; Mary Jo Ruth Batkus, Corrine Mitchell, Virginia Schroe-
Hopkinson, Park Ridge; Barbara Hurlburt, Mari- der, Mary Ann Roberts, Los Angeles; Judith Betty Jean Puterbaugh, Albany,
lyn Loeppert, Rita McElligott, Anne Westfall, Haun, San Fernando Valley; Joan Marian Smith, Laird, Kankakee, 111.
Jean Kriegel, Susan Prussing, Evanston; Emily Pasadena.
Jonas, Caryl Waller, Janet Ryrholm, Mary Lou 2
Lindrooth, Barbara Sheffield, Chicago; Jean NO
O'Connor, Crystal Lake, 111.; Marion Merrick, Pat Grant, Bakersfield; Joan Stainfield, Pasade-
Crawford N . J . ; Betsy Miller, Flemington, Mary Elizabeth Chaffin, Mary Jane Gilbert, Mary na ; Merilyn Moore, Salinas; Maxine Littlefield,
N. J . ; Jean Fergusson, Kulm, N. D . ; Jean Cur- Ann Hibbitt, Jean Horner, Betty Latham, Ann Berkeley, Virginia Garrard, Richmond, Calif.
tis, Bogalusa, L a . ; Pat Moore, Guam Island; Marshall, Virginia Osborne, Beverly Patton, Sal-
Pattie Poor, Warsaw, Ind.; Joyce Brown, Evans- ly Peebles, Jane Peery, Sue Thompson, Nash- ©
ville, Ind.; Nancy Stutz, Vermillion, O . ; Gatha ville; Ann Cronan and Betty Joe Sweatt, Ridg-
Burnett, San Marcos, Tex. ley; Patty Wade Crouch, Franklin; Sally Davis, Pat Alexander, South Bend, Ind.; Barbara Beck,
Humbolt; Mildred Derryberry, Columbia; Bo Oak Park, 111.; Catherine Schwartz, Crystal
2 Kinny and Peggy Dumas, Brownsville; Betty Lake, 111.; Dorothy Scott, Antioch, 111.; Betsy
Frances Knox and Jean Jones, Memphis; Sara Williams, Chicago.
Jane Cairns, Modesto; Sue Cameron, Joanne Frances Sharp, Pulaski; Lois Summar, Waverly;
Eddy, Joanne Weger, Phila Willoughby, Oak- Ann Andrus, Mayfield, K y . ; Shirley Ashner, St. z
land; Pat Ellis, Shirley Humphries, Betty Leusch- Louis.
ner, Berkeley; Virginia Hatch, Joan Kinney, Genene Jensen, Fremont; Jeanne Swengel (Mrs.
Gaye Lenahan, Piedmont; Carolyn Levo, nK C . J . Theisen), Plainview; Ann Crowley, Jo
Alameda; Pat Price, Sonora; Margaret Rupe, Ann Johnson, Hartington; Faye Simpson, Mar-
Bakers tick!; Jean Stanberry, Salinas; Jean Cari- Zelda Bracewell, Ian Cibulka, Nancy Faubion, garet 0 1 Donnell, Wendie Corkin, Pat Nordin,
thers, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Lois Doyle, Flushing, Bobbie Jean Gibben, Mary Louise Hughes, Min- Lois Kelberg, Beverly Haarmann, Caroline Jones,
N. Y . nie Ola Hilton, Dale McGee, Peggy Mullis, Nona Valora Fiddock (Mrs. R. P. Stewart), Omaha;
Orts, Betty Patton, Suzanne Slaughter, Jimmy Doris Gibbs, Nebraska City; Anne TouVelle,
T Spell, Nancy Wilson Ann Figge, Marge Walker, Roma Johnson, Lin-
coln; Mary Ellen Schroeder, Grand Island; Janet
Ernestine Held, Dona Murphy, Emily Elizabeth INITIATES Nutzman, Nehawka; Marlene Nelson, Auburn.
Bremer, Joan Paul, Joanne Terry, Marilou Nor-
ton, Jeanne Dols, Marilyn Stoneman, Patricia NA
DuPage, Margaret Rounds, Jane Morine, Rita
Pottner, Minneapolis; Carol Zachman, Barbara AP Barbara Bode, June Capps, Los Angeles; Roselyn
Kleinman, Marilyn Remsberg, St. Paul; Virginia Daneri, Leanna Long, Huntington Park; Lois
Sathrum, International Falls; Annabelle Moen, Olga Krivoshein, Gretchen Thompson, Naideen Wallenweber, New York.
Moorhead; Sally Feigal, Redwood Falls, Minn. Zaniker, Portland; Betty Kelley, Delores Met-
calf, Maxine Yodar, Corvallis; Jane Turnbull, Carolyn Patton. NO
© Salem; Bette Ann Smith, Baker; Elinore Mar-
tin, Los Angeles, Calif. nK
Pat Capehart, Indianapolis; Alice Nell Chandler, Dorothy Dixon, Betty Jo Kelly, Daisy Lanier,
Portland; Betty Davis, Marjorie Horn, Green- Jean Bush Swenson.
castle ; Julia Ann Foster, Tipton; Lois Louks,
South Bend; Lou Ella Smith, Fillmore, Ind.; A3> Helen
Lois Aydelott, Erie, Pa.; Barbara Banks, Lake- White-
wood, O . ; Marilyn Davis, Onarga, 111.; Helen Joyce Baker, Stanford; Patricia Bowles,
Diehl, Marilyn O r r , Oak Park, 111.; Joan Hen-
nigar, Yvonne Smith, Patricia Jacobs, Chicago; Hoffman, Bozeman; Albina Crottigini,
Jean Lave, Homewood, 111.; Shirley Morris,
Eldorado, 111. hall, Mont.
©H B<P
Carol Barnhart, Geneva Bonner, Jenny Good- Joan Bowlby, Patricia Todd, Gary; Carol Trot-
year, Anne Hasting, Peggy McDevitt, Marianne ter, Paoli; Donna Bolt, South Bend; Mary Jane
Mongone, Vera Sloan, Marian Zimmerman, Cin- Derr, Boonville; Janet Jones, Hobart; Phyllis
cinnati. Lillie, Muncie; Jane Phillips, Anderson; Nancy
Richman, Yorktown; Mary Lou Robinson, De-
Y catur; Dorothy Steinweddle, Seymour; Janet Hen-
son, Danville, K y . ; Virginia Loose, Chicago,
Delores Marshall, Aberdeen; Jan Peterson, 111.; and Ethel Stone, New York, N. Y .
Bremerton; Barbara Harman, Joane Tyler, Port
Angeles; Roberta Fairless, Elaine Fischer, Nancy- X •
Lou Gellermann, Carol Jacobson, Kennita John-
son, Lorene Lloyd-Young, Jackie Mathews, Pa- Dorothy Breh, Syracuse; Beverly Datlo, Ellen Jean McKeown ( I I A ) is publicity chair-
trecia Meyer, Beverly Neudorfer, Janet Pond, Grace, Binghamton; Marie Harcharrfka, Wilkes- man Maryland Autumn Carnival.
Betty Ray, Joy Selig, Helen Sell, Gretchen Sur- Barre, Pa.
ry, Patricia Swezea, Julienne Tremblay, Phyllis
Jean Feageans, East Williston; Hazel Hallock,
Webster; Elizabeth Lloyd, Rochester; Miriam
McCloskey, Brooklyn; Nancy Reed, Maplewood,
N. J.
Barbara Ann Snyder, Allentown, Pa.
New Central Office Bette Kilpatrick ed b y 350 women physicians f r o m 16
countries throughout the world. Earlier
(CONTINUED FROM COVER II) Retires as Registrar in June Dr. Schrack attended an inter-
national meeting of gynecology and ob-
Our new home has been successively W E bid a fond farewell to Bette stetrics at Dublin, Ireland.
k n o w n t h r o u g h the past 90 years as the Kilpatrick as a member of the of-
Swing House, the Brooks House, and the ficial family of AOLT. She has served SEXTON
Clark House. N o w that i t has become the us faithfully as Registrar in Central
A O n House, we hope that when its cen- Office for a year and a half, and SIRLOIN CLUB
tennial comes we w i l l have added to its she will be missed. Bette left Central
history also. Office November 21, to return to SAUCE
her former home in Bangor, Maine.
THE She regretted leaving Oxford, but Ask the waiter for this exquisite
she has a full-time job taking care of table sauce, provided by gra-
BEEKMAN TOWER her four-year-old future AOn, Nan- cious hosts in 48 states.
(Panhellenic) c y . — L E O N A H E R I N G , Executive Sec-
retary. Sexton QUALITY
EAST RIVER Helen Davis '42. Eta pledge, resigned
NEW YORK CITY as H o m e A g e n t of G r a n t C o u n t y to ac-
Where y o u ' l l find a real " f r a - cept a position w i t h the state extension
t e r n i t y " welcome i n a first-class 4 - H Club service of U . of M i n n . 4 - H
modern hotel—the only hotel in Club membership increased more than
the world, open to the public, both 100% w h i l e she was i n G r a n t C o u n t y .
men and women, which is owned
and operated by members of the Dr. Helen Schrack (X '17) attended
National Panhellenic Fraternities. the International Medical Women's As-
sociation meeting June 24 to 30 at
Y o u ' l l find a 26-story b u i l d i n g Amsterdam, H o l l a n d , as one of three
—400 all-outside rooms—complete New Jersey representatives of the Ameri-
facilities—an excellent restaurant— can Medical Women's Association and
and an atmosphere as f r i e n d l y as one of 20 from this country. The con-
your own fraternity house. clave, the first i n ten years, was attend-
D A I L Y — S i n g l e from $3.50
Double from $5.00
Pledges Traditional
Balfour High Quality
Again we pledge our cooperation and give our assurance and
guarantee of traditional Balfour
and a sincere desire to please. high quality, prompt service
Wear your badge proudly.
i Insignia Price List $2.75
Recognition pin, 10K 3.25
Pledge Pin 9.75
Mothers Club Pin, plain 36.25
Bright gold, all plain badge 41.25
A l l jeweled, whole close set pearl
All jeweled, whole crown set pearl, one ruby
'•V Add 20% Federal Tax and any state tax.
Write for complete price list.
1948 B L U E B O O K
Features crested jewelry and stationery.
for your Free copy!
Official Jeweler to Alpha Omicron Pi
Attleboro Massachusetts
Founded at Barnard College, January 2 , 1897
CldtivsL gkapleAA, President—Joyce Kleinoeder.
J-oundahA, Meetings—Wednesday evenings.
O M I C R O N — U n i v e r s i t y of Tennessee.
President—Mary Jane Bell, 1621 W. Cumber-
(In alphabetical order) land, Knoxville, Tenn.
A L P H A OMICRON—Louisiana State University. Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
President—Carrolee Hamilton, University Sta., O M I C R O N PI—800 Oxford Rd., Ann Arbor,
JESSIE WALLACE HUGHAN, A Mich. University of Michigan.
Baton Rouge, L a . , Box 5932- 27 Pierrepont St., Brooklyn 2, N . Y . President—Janet Osgood.
A L P H A PHI—1119 S. 5th St., Bozeman, Mont.
Montana State College. HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN Meetings—Monday evenings.
(MRS. GEORGE V . ) , A PHI—1144 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kan. Uni-
President—Helen Wolf. (Deceased) versity of Kaansas.
Meetings—Tuesday evenings.
A L P H A RHO—660 Madison, Corvallis, Ore., STELLA GEOROU STERN PERRY President—Helen Mather.
(MRS. GEORGE H.), A Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Oregon State College. P I — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College.
President—Margaret Petersen. 37 Willow St., Brooklyn Heights 2, N .
A L P H O SIGMA—1680 Alder St., Eugene, Ore. President—Ruth Boulet, 1235 Broadway, New
University of Oregon. ELIZABETH HEYWOOD WYMAN, A Orleans, L a .
President—Dorothy Habel. 45 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N . J . Meetings—Mondays at 4:30.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. PI D E L T A — A O n House, College Park, Md.
A L P H A TAU—Denison University. University of Maryland.
President—Jane Nock.
President—Gretchen Scott, Shaw Hall, Gran- Meetings—Tuesdays at 7:00.
ville, Ohio.
Meetings—Monday afternoons. P I K A P P A — 3 0 4 W . 19th St., Austin 21, Texas.
University of Texas.
B E T A GAMMA—505 M A C Ave., East Lansing, President—Billie Rose Blair.
Mich. Michigan State College.
President—Betty Williams. Meetings—Tuesday evenings.
President—MURIEL TURNER M C K I N N E Y (Mrs. PSI—3707 Locust St., Philadelphia 4, Pa. Uni-
Meetings—Mondays. Verne Willson), A, 528 N . Formosa Ave., Los
B E T A KAPPA—University of British Columbia. versity of Pennsylvania.
Angeles 36, Calif. President—Vivian Hiltner.
President—Beverly Bassett. 3591 E . Pender, First Vice President—MARY P A S C H E N LINDROOTH
Vancouver, B . C . , Canada. Meetings—Monday evenings.
(Mrs. Robert F . ) , P, 5909 N . Kenmore Ave., R H O — 6 2 6 Emerson St., Evanston, 111. North-
Meetings—Wednesdays at 5:00. Chicago 40, I I I .
B E T A PHI—703 E . 7th St., Bloomington, Ind. western University ,
Second Vice President—MARY L O U I S E F I L E R President—Kay Hinckle^
Indiana University. R O L L E R (Mrs. George K . , J r . ) , AIT, 550 N . E . Meetings—Monday evenings.
President—Patricia Rigg.
Meetings—Monday evenings. 56th St., Miami 38, F l a . SIGMA—2311 Prospect St., Berkeley 4, Calif.
University of California.
B E T A T A U — S t . George Apts., Section A, Apt. Third Vice President—LEO B L O O M G U I S T W O L F President—Dorothea Bartlett.
(Mrs. Philip W . ) , P, 904 Oakwood Ave.,
106, 321 Bloor St. Toronto, Ontario, C a n - Wilmette, 111. Meetings—Mondays.
ada. University of Toronto.
President—Mary Clemes, 276 Heath St. E . , National Secretary—IRENE F R A S E R J A C K S O N (Mrs. S I G M A TAU—Washington College, Chestertown,
Toronto, Ont., Canada. R . A . ) , T , 3224 Emerson Ave. South, Min- President—Mary Jane Ervin.
neapolis, Minn.
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30. TAU—1121 5th St. S. E . , Minneapolis 14, Minn.
CHI—801 Walnut Ave., Syracuse 10, N . Y . Treasurer—MARGARET W O L F M I L L E R (Mrs. C . University of Minnesota.
Justin), P, 3913 N . Hoyne Ave., Chicago 18,
Syracuse University. 111. President—Delphi ne Undem.
Meetings—Mondays at 5:30.
President—Esther Stevenson. Historian—STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY (Mrs. T A U D E L T A — A O I I Box, Birmingham-Southern
Meetings—Monday evenings.
C H I D E L T A — 1 0 1 5 15th St., Boulder, Colo. George H . ) , A, 37 Willow St., Brooklyn College, Birmingham, Ala.
Heights 2, N . Y .
University of Colorado. President—Elsa Allgood.
Assistant Historian—ELIZABETH H E Y W O O D W Y M A N , Meetings—Every Tuesday at lunch.
President—Carol Cox. A, 45 Park Ave., Bloomfield, N . J .
Meetings—Mondays. T H E T A — A O I I House, Greencastle, Ind. De-
J'anhellenic Delegate—MARGARET BOOTHROYD R A S - Pauw University.
C H I SIGMA—Centenary College. M U S S E N (Mrs. Darrel B . ) , T , 20 Park Ave.,
President—Loraine Jordan, 3839 Fairfield Ave., President—Helen Olson.
New York 16, N . Y . Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
Shreveport, L a .
D E L T A — T u f t s College. Editor jo1/ T o D R A G M A — K A T H E R I N E D A V I S , 6, T H E T A ETA—2807 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati 20,
2403 E . Market St., New Albany, Ind.
President—Anne Randall, 28 Professors Row, Ohio. University of Cincinnati.
President—Adele Deckert.
Medford 55, Mass.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
D E L T A DELTA—Alabama Polytechnic Institute. QsmiJiaL OggksLMeetings—Tuesdays at 7:30. j j - ^,
T H E T A PSI—3029 W . Bancroft, Tofedo 6,
President—Jane Pope, Dorm. I I , R m . 213, Ohio. University of Toledo.
A.P.I., Auburn, Ala.
EPSILON—AOn The Knoll, Ithaca, N. Y . Cor- President—Lois Zeigler.
UPSILON—1906 East 45th St., Seattle 5, Wash.
nell University. Wagner. 112 South Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio University of Washington.
Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:30. Executive Secretary— L E O N A M . H E R I N O , 6 H . President—Phyllis Ocker.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
E P S I L O N A L P H A — A O n House, State College, Financial Secretary—ALMA " GARRISON A L L E N ZETA—1541 S Street, Lincoln 8, Neb. Uni-
Pa. Pennsylvania State College.
President—Julia Kalbach. (Mrs.). iv3 MARSHALL, NO. versity of Nebraska.
Traveling Secretaty^'MAKGMtv.T
Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:30. President—Ruth Ann Finkle.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
GAMMA—University of Maine.
President—Jean Campbell, Balentine Hall,
Uuiversity of Maine, Orono, Maine. CUumnasL Qlwpi&hA.
IOTA—706 So. Mathews St., Urbana, 111. U n i -
versity of Illinois. AKRON—President—Patricia Winter, AO, 345
Northeast District (A, T, K * , B T ) — E L I Z A B E T H Storer Ave., Akron, Ohio.
President—Margaret Kramer. M C N A B , K<£, 4911 Grosvenor Ave., Montreal, Meetings—Third Thursday ©f month.
Meetings—Monday evenings.
KAPPA—Randolph-Macon Woman's College. Quebec, Canada. ANN ARBOR—President—Janet Nonemacher
Johnson (Mrs. W m . A . ) , S2, 921 Mary St.,
President—Natalyn Hollock, R . M . W. C , East Central District (X, E , E A , N ) — A L I C E F O O T E Ann Arbor, Mich.
G W Y N N (Mrs. Charles A . ) , X , 107 Janet B r i a r
Box 151, Lynchburg, V a . Syracuse, N . Y . Meetings—Third Wednesday of month.
Meetings—Thursdays at 5:00.
K A P P A GAMMA—Florida Southern College. Southeast District ( K , LTA, ST)—SALLY A T L A N T A — P r e s i d e n t — O l a Hancock Brookes
(Mrs. C . S . ) , O , 697 Cumberland Circle N . E . ,
President—Frances Banks, Box 291, F . S . C . , M U N C K S (Mrs. John D . ) , IIA, 504 Bashford Atlanta, Ga.
Lane, Alexandria, V a .
Lakeland, Fla. Southern District ( A S , TA, K I \ A A ) — E L I Z A B E T H Meetings—Second and fourth Tuesdays at 3:00.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00.
KAPPA OMICRON—Southwestern University. LOGAN H A C K N E Y (Mrs. T. R . ) , TA, 3603 Cliff B A L T I M O R E — P r e s i d e n t — V i r g i n i a Boggess My-
lander (Mrs. W . C ) , K , 105 Edgewood R d . ,
President—Betty Shea, 686 N . 7th, Memphis, Road, Birmingham 5, Ala. Towson 4, M d .
Great Lakes East District (BI\_ OIT, 0, B * ) —
Tenn. Meetings—Second Wednesday of each month.
Meetings—Fridays at 2:30. R U T H Y O U N G D A V I S (Mrs. T . C ) , Q, 6101
Burlington Ave., Indianapolis 20. Ind. BANGOR—President—Mary Robinson McClure
KAPPA PHI—3560 University St., Montreal, (Mrs. James W . ) , T, 45 6th St., Bangor,
Que., Canada. McGill University. Ohio District (AT, 12, 9 H } 6 * ) — L o i s C O S S I T
President—<3eraldine MacKinnon, 4746 T h e T O R N O j M r s . Ralph F . ) , O i l , 369 Front St., Maine.
Boulevard, Westmount, Que., Canada. Berea, Ohio. Meetings—Third Saturday of month from
September to June.
Meetings—Mondays at 7:00. Tennessee District (KO, NO, O ) — C H A R L O T T E BATON ROUGE—President—Geraldine L . Ro-
K A P P A T H E T A — 8 9 4 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles NORRED W H I T T (Mrs. Raymond F . ) , NO, 6 0 9 mine, AO, 4642 Newcomb D r . , Baton Rouge,
Jacksboro Pike, Knoxville, Tenn.
24, Calif. University of California at Los Gulf District ( A O , X S I I ) — J A C I N T A LOBRANO La.
President—Elizabeth Arrants. T A L B O T (Mrs. Edmund E . ) , IT, 1901 Jeffer- B I R M I N G H A M , A L A — President — Margaret
son Ave.. New Orleans 15, L a . Bates, T A , 3901 10th Ave. S., Birmingham 5,
Meetings—Mondays. Great Lakes West District (I, P, T ) — J O S E P H I N E Ala.
L A M B D A SIGMA—1190 S. Milledge Ave.,
Athens, G a . University of Georgia. S M I T H D O R W E I L E R -JMrs. Louis C , J r . ) , T , B I R M I N G H A M , M I C H . — President — Marion
5632 Elliot Ave., Minneapolis 7, Minn. Reish Bain (Mrs. James), O i l , 1084 Willow
President—Nancy Bowling. Midwest District (XA, 4>, Z ) — Q U E E N I E R O S E N - Lane, Birmingham, Mich.
NU—13 E . 9th St., New York 3, N . Y . New
York University. D A H L (Mrs. Martin), P, 2521 Hartzell St., BLOOMINGTON—Prendeni—Betty Pruitt Scher-
Evanston, III. er (Mrs. Devon), B 4 , 409 S. Park, Blooming-
President—Marilyn Gregory. Southwest District ( I I K ) — N A N C Y B E A S L E Y , K , ton. Ind.
Meetings—Mondays at 8:00.
N U L A M B D A — 6 2 4 W . 28th St., Los Angeles 7, 2824 Overhill R d . , Birmingham, Ala. B O S T O N — President—Madeline Beattie Farmer
(Mrs. E . C a p e n ) , A, 81 Forrest St., Medford,
Calif. University of Southern California. Northwest District (A4», AP, A S BK, T ) — H A Z E L 55, Mass.
B R I T T O N K A H ' N 'Mrs. George), T, 1017 Minor
President—Martha Lance. Ave., Seattle Wash. BOZEMAN—President—Helen Tripp Davis (Mrs.
NU OMICRON—2611 Oakland Ave., Nashville R . L . J , A4> 407 W . Curtiss, Bozeman, Mont.
5, Tenn. Vanderbilt University. Pacific District i S , NA, K O ) — H E L E N S H I E L D S
D I X O N (Mrs. W. L e R o y ) , K 9 , 120 Redwood BUFFALO—President—Edith Forsyth Sandstrom
President—Alice Ann Vaughan. Dr., San Mateo, CaliL (Mrs. R o y ) , O n , 172 Woodcrest Blvd., K e n -
Meetings—Monday evenings at 7:00. more 17, N . Y .
O M E G A — S u i t e 105^ North Hall, Miami Univer-
sity, Oxford, O . Meetings—Third Monday of month.
Edited by Katherine Davis
Greetings to all A l u m n a e of A l p h a Omicron Pi Cover II ft 1 1 •
State Days Bring Alumnae and Actives Together 2 sis
Mrs. Rennebohm at Home to the Women of Wisconsin. . . 5 5
Letter to AOIIs—Everywhere 6
California Girl Snaps Celebrities 7
nOA—a Forthcoming Organization? 8
Panhellenic in Yokohama Promotes International Under-
standing 9
A O n Is Public Health Worker in Japan 9
Two New Alumnae Chapters Added to A O n Roll 10
L i g h t i n g E n g i n e e r C a r e e r Fades to P i n k y L a m b H u e . . . . 11
The Miracle of the Hills 12
Leo Says Thank You 13 P.resenting . . .
lone A d a m s Reed (KO '35) a n d her sons. As president of
Thanks from Friends ' 13 the Shreveport Junior League, secretary of the Goodwill, and
a Red Cross b o a r d member, lone is t y p i c a l of those AOIIs
A Look at Our Philanthropies 14 with families who take part in civic activities and still man-
age to carry on alumnae work for the fraternity.
A O n Provides "Gouter" at St. Nazaire 15
Akron alumnae chapter officers, Dee King Sickles, secre-
A O n Wins Prizes 15 tary; Patricia Winter, president; Phyllis Gotshall Spaethe,
rush chairman; and Thyra Beeman Feurerhaken, a former
J j a m m a O m i c r o n I n s t a l l e d at U n i v e r s i t y of F l o r i d a . . . . . . . 16 Akron member who now lives in Chicago. Another strong
link i n our organization, they represent the groups of chap-
Pi Chaptei 3 Mullil Gms (jueens 17 ter officers who execute the plans of AOII nationally.
AOPi-Lines 18 ^/r'ornotnt andd Vi^LaDcLackCi^ot/ert
Citizenship Letter 19 Indiana State Day committee chairmen, Martha McKinney
Wilhoite (8), general chairman; Ruth Myer Campbell (6),
Peg Miller Attends Phi Delta Theta Centennial 19 d a n c e c h a i r m a n ; a n d M a r y K a y L o c k r i d g e (B<$), reservations
chairman, preparing to send out invitations to Indiana AOIIs
We Salute These Outstanding Officers 20 to come to Indianapolis for State Day. The State Day idea
s t a r t e d i n I n d i a n a i n 1916 w i t h D e l t a D e l t a Delta; AOXTs first
We Salute These Chapter Advisers 24 one w a s i n 1921 a n d the m e e t i n g s h a v e b e e n h e l d every y e a r
since then. The work of the Indianapolis and other alumnae
Alpha's First Initiate Is Kansas City A l u m n a 25 chapters is done by committees such as Martha, Ruth, and
Mary Kay head—to these committees, to alumnae chapter
Chapter Projects 26 officers, to individual members, and to the IIOAs, those in-
dulgent husbands, we dedicate this Alumnae Issue.
New York City Panhellenic Fellowship Loan 27
Janet Northrup is one of four queens that Pi chapter had in
Alumnae Exchange 28 the 1948 M a r d i Gras. Janet w a s Q u e e n of C r e w of Nereus.
Alumnae Brevities 30
Letters to the Editor 32
Directory 34
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity at 2642 Univer-
sity Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, .and is printed by Leland Publishers, The
Fraternity Press. Entered at the post office at St. Paul, Minnesota, as
second class matter under the act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mail-
ing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925,
Section 412, P . L . & R . , authorized February 12, 1930. Printed in U . S. A.
To DRAGMA is published four times a year, October 25, January 25,
March 25, May 25. Send all editorial material to the Editor at 2403 East
Market Street, New Albany, Indiana, before Sept. 1, Dec. 1, Feb. 1, and
April 1. Send change of address to AOII Central Office, 112 S. Campus
Ave., Oxford, O.
The subscription price is 50 cents per copy; $1 per year, payable in
advance; Life subscription S15.
Alice Hill Steger ( B 9 ) . decorations ITATE AY
chairman. Carmen Cook Johnson ( B * )
and Cleo Wood ( 9 ) decorated the ta- d ^s4ctivies
bles for Indiana State Day. A L P H A O M I C R O N P I state
Middle, Alpha Tau actives sang for the
Days arc making a comeback since
guests at Ohio State Day. war's end. AOIIs i n seven states ob-
served State Days this past spring.
April was the month chosen by most
groups, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois,
and Michigan. Indiana AOIIs al-
ways have their luncheon and dance
in March. The first of May seems
to be a traditional time for Minne-
sota, and Alpha Phi chapter mem-
bers wound up the season with a
June lawn party.
We feel that State days are a fine
way to promote AOII fellowship, and
we hope that more states will fol-
low the lead of these seven.
^Jenneiiee State 2)aif
by Elizabeth Cooper, KO
M ..EMBERS of Alpha Omicron Pi
living in the state of Tennessee ob-
served State Day i n Nashville on
Saturday, April 3, with an all-day
session of fun, fellowship, and func-
tions. The special guest for the oc-
casion was Muriel Turner M c K i n -
Montana alumnae held their State Day
at the Alpha Phi chapter house.
we is-:-...-
ALUMNAE trease and Alice Ann Vaughan of
Nu Omicron; Betty Connolly and
ney, of Los Angeles, national presi- Later in the evening N u Omicron Betty Shea of Kappa Omicron; and
dent of Alpha Omicron Pi. Nu was hostess to her visitors at an in- Mary Jane Bell of Omicron. Carolyn
Omicron chapter was the hostess formal dance given in Alumni Hall McClamrock, new president of Omi-
with members from Omicron and at Vanderbilt University with ar- cron, was on A O I I duty in Florida,
Kappa Omicron and alumnae from rangements in charge of Clara Ann and she was greatly missed.
all parts of the state joining in the Drowota. '
festivities. Numerous alumnae were in at-
The new and retiring presidents tendance including the presidents of
Four discussion groups on frater- of the Tennessee chapters were in at- the two visiting alumnae chapters,
nity topics took up the morning tendance at the all-day session and Lorena Terry Strickland (K), Mem-
hours beginning at 10 o'clock. These contributed greatly to the day's phis, and Betty Wilson ( O ) , Knox-
were led by Charlotte Norred pleasures. They were Anna Van- ville. Others attending were Georgia
Whitt ( N O ) , Knoxville, Tennessee
district director; Louise Smith Hall Middle, Frances Rich Mary Lindrooth, first vice president, was
( A O ) , Memphis, assistant district ('-.!). l e f t , g a v e a guest speaker at Minnesota State Day,
director; and Margaret Marshall breakfast for Muriel Hermione Knapp. toastmistress; Helen
( N O ) , former traveling secretary, McKinney, c e n t e r , Mae Lethert, chairman; and Betty Tei-
now Mrs. Gordon Shivas of Pulaski. Ethel Burke (fi). Jane
Sweeder(AT),E!sbeth pel. assistant.
Luncheon at the Hermitage Hotel Lakamp (911), Gladys
highlighted the day, with Muriel Matthews (OH),
McKinney as speaker. Her intimate Adelia F r e y ( O H ) ,
glimpses into "The State of A O n " Adelaide Lloyd ( O H ) ,
stimulated and heartened the 150 and Bernadette Mur-
members of the fraternity sitting phy (!7) before the
around the jonquil-bedecked tables. group drove f r o m
A musical program was given by Cincinnati to Colum-
Lela Frv Hamilton (NO) and Vir- bus for Ohio State
ginia Blair DcTurk ( N O ) , outstand-
ing Nashville musicians. Group sing- Day.
ing led by Barbara Woodard ( N O )
put everyone present in a jovial and Lower right, Tau hon-
mellow mood. Peggy Heriges Brooke ored Madeleine Holt,
(NO) Nashville alumnae president, outstanding senior;
introduced the guests and presented Delphine Undem and
the speaker. Sue Hall, retiring and
present active pres-
The luncheon lasted far into the idents, and Ernestine
afternoon, but not too long to let H e l d . outstanding
Omicron chapter lead a song fest
at the N O chapter house, with Ruth new member.
Ann Peoples and Mary Ann Truss
directing. This was followed by a
buffet supper with the Nashville
alumnae as hostesses under the di-
rection of Helen Bramwcll (NO) and
Virginia Carson Hofstetter ( N O ) ,
retiring president.
At Tennessee State Day speakers' table were Alice Ann Vaughan
( N O ) . Mary Jane Bell ( O ) , Betty Shea ( K O ) , Muriel McKinney ( A ) ,
Peggy Brooke ( N O ) , Elizabeth Cooper ( K O ) . Louise Hall ( A O ) . Vir-
ginia Hofstetter ( N O ) , Betty Wilson ( O ) and Charlotte Whitt ( N O ) .
rHP Martha Morris, and Dorothy Hart-
From observations made on her
•! recent AOLT trips, Muriel gave us
an excellent resume of AOII at work
km* and at play. Our hearts were
warmed toward one another as they
Daisy L i n d s l e y ( 6 H ) w a n t e d to go to Ohio State D a y so badly that she went on were toward our sisters throughout
crutches. She h a d b e e n i n a cast for m a n y weks as the result oi a triple leg the United States and Canada, as
fracture last winter. Just in time for State D a y the cast w a s reduced to a size she spoke.
which e n a b l e d D a i s y to make the trip from Cincinnati with Bernadette Murphy a n d
Then came Leo Wolf as our main
Frances Rich. speaker to tell us "Inside A O I I " of
her experiences with the Frontier
Ledbetter Wilson (NO) and Edwina Athletic Club on April 10 for the Nursing Service in Kentucky and
Scott ( I I ) , Memphis; Marion Hill first Ohio State Day Since 1941. with the American Friends. Those
(NO) and Lois M . Kennedy ( O ) , The beautifully wood-paneled walls who know Leo and how she dramat-
Murfreesboro; Mrs. J. B. Thoma- of the dining room made an ex- ically projects her ideas realize why
son, Springfield; Katherinc Orme cellent background for the AOLTs in the 40 minutes she spoke seemed as
Williams, Eaglevillc; Mrs. Carl Wal- their "new-look" spring finery as only two, and we were loathe to
lace, Centervillc; Mrs. C. C. Ride- they sat at the several spring-flower let her go.
nour and Martha Clemmons (now decorated tables.
Mrs. Charles J. Sanders), Lebanon; Credit for such a successful State
and Caroline Dunn Eckles. Programs printed in red ink on Day goes to Barbara Robertson and
white paper and song books with her committee which consisted of
The invitations were made and bright red covers were at each Toledo AOLTs responsible for the pro-
sent by Kappa Omicron chapter, and place. Besides the group singing led gram and song book, Cleveland
the program and decorations were by AT alumna "Mat" Zgonyan Tan- AOITs for the invitations, Alpha Tau
planned and executed by Omicron. ner, Omega, Theta Psi, and Alpha for printing (including clever place
General chairman for the event was Tau chapters each sang a beautiful cards for tkc head table), and
Elizabeth Williams Cooper ( K O ) , AOIT song. Dayton AOIls for name tags.
national rushing chairman. Other
Nashvillions responsible for the suc- Greetings and good wishes came Barring any untoward events,
cess of the gathering included Mar- from Jessie Hughan, Stella Perry, Ohio AOITs may look forward once
tha Hake Bain, Augusta and Hun- Elizabeth Wyman, Margaret Ras- more to State Day as an annual
ter Shofner (mother and daughter), mussen, Mary D. Drummond, Kath- highlight of their AOLT year.
Dorothy Willett Hopkins, Dot Seig- erine Davis, Irene Jackson, Helen
ler, Inez Dawkins, Mildred Milam Haller, and the Tennessee AOLTs. JtLois ADIIS Wed
Murphy, Jean Horner, Jane Peery,
Carolyn and Mary Littell Rust, Ma- Barbara Robertson, president of al a icaao
rianne Eason, Peggy Dumas, Aubrey Columbus alumnae and general by Marjorie Grorh, Rho
Cortner, Evelyn Coker, and Mildred chairman for State Day, welcomed
Derryberry. the alumnae and then introduced So M A N Y glowing reports had
Gretchen Scott, AT president, who reached us of state days in our neigh-
Plans are in the offing for a similar welcomed the actives. Because so
gathering to be held i n Memphis many "dignitaries" graced the speak- ( C O N T I N U E D ON PAGE 22)
when another winter has gone by. ers' table, we could not conceal our
pride knowing that the executive •
Okie ADIIS Wed committee had arranged its Oxford
meeting so its members could be our Marjorie Groth ( P ) was Illinois State
at C^otumbud guests. Lois Cossit Torno, Ohio dis- Day chairman.
trict director, as mistress of ceremo-
by Edith Cope, Omega nies, introduced each officer present:
Muriel McKinney, Mary Lindrooth,
S Q U E A L S of delight punctuated the Mary Louise Roller, Peg Miller,
din of feminine chatter as 105 actives Leona Hering (whose chapter roll
and 119 alumnae gathered for a call indicated many different chap-
luncheon program at the Columbus ters represented), Mary Alice Fizer,
Mrs. Rennebohm order to make the guests feel espe- from Milwaukee, and the GOP
cially welcome, Mary asked nucleus women of Waukesha.
at ^Jome groups by personal invitation and
chose her 16 assisting hostesses for An outstanding successful tea was
to the Women that day from the organizations in- the one during the Farm and Home
vited, usually including past presi- Week in Madison when 500 farm
4WL'i5con$m dents, or others equally well ac- women from throughout the state
quainted with the members. Her in- were entertained. Chartered busses
by Marion Lea Stearns, Upsilon vitation, bearing the state seal, was took them from their meeting place
read at the organization meeting on Ag campus to the executive resi-
R.F.D., Baraboo, Wis. preceding the tea date. She felt that dence, shuttling throughout tea
many women, especially those who hours so that 500 could be accom-
Dear Mrs. Rennebohm: might come alone, would not feel modated and yet no more than 200
strange if someone they knew were be in the house at any one time. I t
I've j u s t finished sending the c h i l d r e n there to greet them. was after this tea that Mary received
to school and have baked a batch of the letter quoted above.
cookies. Now I ' m at the ironing, and The success of the teas has proved
m y thoughts go back to the tea i n the that she was right. They are strict- One of the open house teas which
governor's home. I look out the window was most satisfying to Mary was on
at our farm, which I have always taken ly informal, with no receiving liner the day when she entertained the
so f o r granted. O u r b i t of land means Practically every organized women's negro women's organizations. Mrs.
much more to me now that you have group in Madison—church, civic, Clara M . Whitman, first state presi-
made us all feel that we also o w n p a r t fraternal, professional—has been in- dent of the Federated Negro Wom-
of your home. vited to the governor's house for en's Organizations, a Milwaukeean
one of these "last Thursday" open who has worked tirelessly for the
I never expected to have the privilege house teas. women of her race, was the honored
of being invited to the governor's man- guest. White women were the host-
sion. Happy thoughts of that day will On the other Thursdays of the esses. The spirit of the afternoon
be w i t h me always as I go about m y month Mrs. Rennebohm opens the was delightfully free from any sense
daily tasks here at the f a r m . . . . residence to groups i n the state who of strain. One of the women told
ask for a date. Her invitations are Mrs. Rennebohm when she said
T H I S L E T T E R expresses the feeling not exactly issued statewide, but a goodby that it was a real pleasure to
of literally thousands of women of great many women's organizations see the house again. She had scrub-
the state of Wisconsin who have had responded to her repeated oral wel- bed the kitchen for " O l d Bob" La-
the privilege of being entertained in come. Among these groups were the Follette, but probably had never be-,
the governor's executive residence Navy Mothers' League, Elks women fore entered by the front door.
since Mary Fowler Rennebohm
(Eta) became the state's First Lady Mary Rennebohm's interest in
in the spring of 1947. citizenship has brought forth quite
another type of activity with wom-
A number of Madison residents en's and girls' groups—being hon-
who have lived in the capital city ored guest and giving inspirational
for as many as 35 years expressed talks on good citizenship. W i t h Wis-
great joy to her at seeing for the consin celebrating its Centennial
first time the interior of the mansion his year, she has been called upon
on East Gilman street and Lake
Mendota, which the state provides ften for greetings from the state
for the governor and his family. nd brief talks. Her appeal stresses
ctive participation in government
When Mary's husband, Oscar A. y all citizens as a guarantee of
Rennebohm, became acting governor rogress for Wisconsin.
at the death of Walter S. Goodland,
Mary set about making practical her I n spite of the demands upon her
ideal that the governor's residence s First Lady, Mary Rennebohm has
belongs to the state and that she and ot forgotten Alpha Omicron Pi.
her family are privileged to live there Instead of including us-at a regular
by the consent of the people of the tea time, she was hostess for our
state. I f , she reasoned, it belongs to regular evening meeting in March,
the people, why shouldn't they be sharing with us moving pictures she
given the opportunity to see its in- had taken on a Florida trip and her
terior? pictorial account of the year-round
at the Rennebohms Maple Bluff
As the first step in carrying out her home. Also, she was with us as an
plan, Mrs. Rennebohm instituted informal speaker at the Madison
general open house teas on the last alumnae Founders' Day dinner.
Thursday of the month, of which
ten have been held, with an average We AOIIs are indeed proud of our
attendance of 200-250 women. I n First Lady, who has taken the hos-
pitality of the state to its women
citizens by bringing them to theii
governor's home.
Jletter to A O I I S — werijwriere management of the New Ocean
House couldn't be more obliging.
D EAR AOris: As far as I ' m concerned, one of The prices have been whittled down
the highlights of the 1949 conven- to the nth degree to make a large
Now is the time for you to turn tion is the gathering place, the New attendance possible. Then, too, for
to the 1949 section of your calendar Ocean House in Swampscott. Do those who will have really to cut
and mark in great big letters . . . you remember the picture of it in the corners financially, there are charm-
May To DRAGMA? Isn't it beautiful? ing tourist accommodations nearby,
C O N V E N T I O N . . . June 26 to July 2 Imagine spending a week, or any which are even more reasonable. So
part of a week for that matter, in . . . with all this advance notice,
. . . SWAMPSCOTT, MASSACHUSETTS. such lush surroundings, with every you and piggy bank on your dresser
type of play and pleasure at your ought to be able to get together, co-
And that's a date you shouldn't finger tips, golf, tennis, dancing, operate, and somehow get you to
break, for it's going to be much too sightseeing, lunches, banquets, teas, Swampscott for the time of your life.
much f u n to miss. October is too boating, swimming, sunbathing, and
early i n the game to divulge all the hundreds of AOIIs to enjoy it all Don't, for heaven's sake, clutter
delightful details . . . those come with. What more could vou ask for— up your calendar with dates imme-
later, when every plan has been diately following convention, for
blueprinted into perfection . . . but once you get to Swampscott. vou're
even the rough draft is enough to apt to be so intrigued with the
turn my eye toward Swampscott and beauty of New England and the
make me revamp my budget to make historical interest on all sides of you
the week possible. that you'll want to detour and take
them all in. Boston, itself, is full
D—1 to the brim with landmarks of his-
tory and tradition, and could easily
A —— f keep you fascinated for days . . .
•1 not to mention Maine, Vermont, and
New Hampshire, all noted vacation
fit spots and all within a comparative
stone's throw of convention. Or, if
tl it's gaiety and excitement you want,
there are bound to be plans afoot
O n e of the historic sights for Boston convention-goers is the House of S e v e n for a post convention trip to New-
G a b l e s . Helen Ackermann C h a p i n ( A ) is Assistant Director of the House of S e v e n York Citv. Did vou know that the
bright lights of Broadwav are onlv
Gables Settlement House. five hours by train from here? And
New York, if you've never been
6 there, is an experience you can't af-
ford to miss.
For lots of AOITs this convention
will mean the great adventure of a
long trip. One of our Boston alum-
nae had an idea which could pro-
long your gay week at Swampscott
into an entire summer in New Eng-
land. Why not stay right on in the
East and take a summer session at
one of our innumerable colleges or
universities? This section of the
country is noted for its fine educa-
tional facilities, and, if vou've ever
been here before, you know that
New England is pretty hard to equal
in the summertime. To me, that's
an idea worth promoting.
June seems ages away, I know,
but this is the time to start thinking
about it. You'll be hearing more
about everything soon, special trains,
definite schedules, et cetera, but, for
now, just consider yourself cordially
invited, and remember that with a
little planning and practicality, con-
vention can be yours!
Boston alumnae chapter
N A N C Y S T A N F O R D (K® '42), -•* .,•
once "The Girl with the Candid
Camera" around the AOII house
during her U C L A days, has become
a familiar figure at Southland's so-
cial functions, camera in hand, pho-
tographing the activities. Her talent
and natural flare for composition and
follow-through of ideas have made
her work extremely popular with the
younger set. Always' out to capture
California Girl
by Marian Barnes Skottowe,
Alpha Sigma
the unusual, her studies of children Nancy Stanford (K6) took many pictures as she toured Hawaii.
especially reflect this rare ability, as
well as her studies of dogs. While help was needed there and worked tice, to a wonderful trip through
browsing through her photographs, side by side with a grand gal, and Glacier Park and more wonderful
if you inquire about the many celeb- another Alpha O and Kappa The- pictures. "Stan's" color slides of the
rities, Red Skelton, Bergen and tan, Mertie Lou Frees. Nancy mod- autumnal changes in Arizona's
Charlie McCarthy, Mischa Auer, estly refers to this exciting experience Grand Canyon, and Utah's Bryce
the Dinning sisters, and others, you as "my contribution to the war ef- and Zion Canyons are most interest-
learn she was the girl you saw dash- fort" but the record tells the story ing. She recently returned from the
ing about with the camera when of a girl with an insatiable desire for Hawaiian Islands and has hundreds
these stars were guests at special per- perfection, who became an ace in of breath-taking pictures to show for
formances of the Boy Scouts of this field of illustration and design. it, photographs in black-and-white,
America, for whom she was the of- color transparencies, color slides, and
ficial photographer. That assignment concluded, she colored movies. This adventure be-
returned to a f u l l time job at her gan on less than a week's notice, and
She is a native Angelino; from own studio, which has now grown she intended to stay three weeks.
L.A. High she entered the University into a veritable beehive of activity. She ended by staying the entire
of California at Los Angeles where She is the author of dozens of inno- winter, and doing some special work
she majored in English and in art vations combining photography and in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel dark-
but still found time to develop her design. Her specially personalized room.
candid camera technique with a glass carved objects, hand blocking,
course in photography. She was in- and stationery designs are well Nancy took a trek through some of
terested in all athletics, especially known to Southlanders seeking the the islands, visiting places where
riding and swimming. She played unusual in gifts. And, judging from Hawaiian legends originated, and
tournament golf and with her the ever-increasing number of mail her pictures show the true Polynesian
brother built and sailed a boat at orders, her reputation is becoming background of a simple, sincere, f u n -
the nearby resort of Balboa island. far reaching. Not content with all loving people. They bring out the
All this was given up after Pearl this, her spare time is devoted to the people's belief that the mountains,
Harbor, as she entered the California continuation of her Spanish langu- sea, and water were created by their
Institute of Technology's sponsored age study. She is also becoming gods for good or evil. Her pictures
project at A r t Center School. Here well known for her unusual parties. are so beautiful and her reporting so
she studied perspective representa- excellent that she has been booked
tion under the supervision of the For relaxation she goes on a bus- up for the coming winter for ap-
brilliant originator of this work, man's holiday for such, she will tell pearances before clubs and other
George Tharratt. She was called to you, is the life of a photographer and groups. Yes, she's a mighty busy
Northrop Aircraft, Inc., the first illustrator. As a traditional western- person, and all her activities may
woman employed in this work there, er she is ready for anything, and the seem overwhelming, that is, unless
and worked "over the board" doing moment's notice theme seems to be a you know California's Nancy Stan-
technical illustrations of the Black habit with her. On a trip through ford. She'll handle it all and handle
Widows and Flying Wings. She also Montana she met Helena Pannell it well.
pinch-hitted in the Photolab when ( T ) . This led, with one night's no-
^4 ^/orthcoming Organization
colossal-monumental fashion of the emancipated spirit by sending $2.00
dues to the Central Office of AOII
CUT COURTESY KIRKEBY HOTELS MAGAZINE <tate. with instructions as to how to spend
A lamed nOA is Frank Capra, produc- Brick Drummond and Prof. Her-
er-director of M G M studios, s h o w n with rold (he is Phoebe's husband al-
his wife, Lucille Wamer Capra (A). though such terminology eventually Every active member of AOII
I will be abolished) can make Chapter should show this article to her un-
T was quite a pleasure' to read Ohr grow as the Northwestern girls suspecting prospective husband. I f
Brick Drummond's article mention- really go to town. the guy doesn't agree to it—don't
ing IIOA in To D R A G M A for the George Dean can take the solid marry him.
spring of 1948. Brick should have south in a sweep. I f anyone ever This would insure the success of
gone a bit more into the details of saw G. D . working he cannot doubt LTOA.
the birth of LTOA. Besides being his enthusiasm. His recent controlled
ostensibly organized in self-defense activities in the Army make him an
against absentee wives and for the excellent man for the emancipation Thank you, Mr. Franco-Ferreira, (darn
purpose of financing jack knives and of that long-suffering band: AOII it! Marion's husband) for issuing the
overalls for the small Kentucky f r y , husbands. He is without a doubt the challenge for a national nOA organization
the birth of IIOA was actually the re- choice for the Exalted Grand Man in this requested article. The pages of
To DRAGMA are open "free of charge"
sult of a cold analysis of conditions of the South.
as then existed among AOIIs, and to members for the colonization of chap-
the apparent amount of discrimina- I n Philadelphia, Jim Spencer and
tion that was going on in the Social Carl Rumpp are excellent examples ters of this noble fraternity. Let's hear
Service Department of the Fron- of men who definitely need to join
tier Nursing Service. I t looked as if an organization for self-defense from some of the prospective 'brothers of
the best part of humanity—the mas- against absentee wives. I t may be
culine side of it—was being tho- expected that Chapter Isp will be, Chapters Atled, Un, Agemo, Ip, Atez,
roughly neglected. Articles of incor- shortly, in possession of its charter.
poration were drawn and the De- The transcription of the LTOA Ritual and Vat. And nOAs—plan now to at-
partment of Service Social was im- will be obtained from Brick and the
mediately organized. The imme- initiation of the wives—the require- tend the national convention at the New
diate result was jack knives and ment for admission to LTOA—can
overalls for Kentucky. take place at one of the regular meet- Ocean House, Swampscott, Mass., June
ings of the AOII alumnae.
26, to July 2, 1949.—EDITOR.
As the Father Chapter, Ohr of In New York City, Darrel Ras- We are indebted to Mr. Cleveland's
IIOA had then the sole and largest mussen (darn i t ! he is Margaret's "Magazine of S i g m a C h i " for this pic-
membership. The self-defense phase husband) can swing the city as the ture of Muriel M c K i n n e y a n d her 2 X
against absentee wives came quickly Exalted Grand Man of Manhattan. son. Bob, a good HOA along with his
into existence. I t was after hearing Many more names can be mentioned father, Verne McKinney. Bob graduat-
of tired, worn-out husbands moping for Exalted Grand Man in other ed from U.S.C. this year. He served
at home alone on so-called meeting locations, but it is not deemed quite three years in the Navy, winning the air
nights and of the terrible nightmares necessary at this writing.
some of them had that the friendly medal with gold star.
little indoor sport of Penny Ante Undoubtedly a publication, named
was instituted in self-defense. perhaps D R A G M A T o , could be un-
dertaken if a big-hearted publisher
The above is substantially—very is found for it. I f not, T o D R A G M A
substantially indeed—the history of should feel happy to publish ac-
counts of the activities of the LTOAs
noA. free of charge.
With this background it might not
I f the collection of dues—$2.00
be too much to expect that LTOA per year—could be centralized in the
could become a national organiza- Central Office of AOLT, the overhead
tion. Much could be expected from for LTOA Department of Service So-
Abe Hennings as Exalted Grand cial would be zero; and the quantity
Man of Northern California, and the of overalls and jack knives for the
immediate installation of Elmer Pat- Kentucky boys would be large.
terson as Exalted Grand M a n of Every AOLT husband could show his
Southern California could insure that
things would move out there in the
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, Director Citizenship Letter Peg Miller Attends
AOJJof the Frontier Nursing Service, has DEAR AOITS: Phi Delta Theta Centennial
honored by suggesting that
Let's ask the editor if she can give I N September I had the privilege
Margaret Harter, president of the us a corner for comments on citizen- of attending the Centennial conven-
ship. Many of -your replies to the tion of Phi Delta Theta at Oxford,
Kentuckiana alumnae chapter, and citizenship outline are mighty chal- Ohio, with my husband, Justin
lenging. (Minnesota A ) . I t was an inspira-
your editor be added to the FNS tional experience, which renewed
Do our miniature governments one's faith not only in the accom-
Louisville committee. Of course we in our chapters furnish a broad plishments of national Greek letter
base f o r citizenship p a r t i c i p a t i o n organizations, but also in the Ameri-
both accepted and are at present in our community, state, nation, can way of life.
and the world?
helping with plans for the fall benefit Over one thousand people attend-
Should we define certain terms ing the banquet heard stirring ad-
project. w h i c h we use constantly, democra- dresses by the Hon. Frederick M .
cy, politics, citizen responsibilities? Vinson, Chief Jusf'ce of the United
We are increasingly grateful to States; Senator Elmer Thomas, of
O r should we stay away f r o m Oklahoma, and Senator Harry P.
Mrs. Breckenridge for the public any differences of opinion? Cain, of Washington, analyzing cur-
rent international and domestic
recognition she gives AOII for our How parallel can we make our problems.
ideals and our actions, consider-
part in the work of the FNS. ing that we say panhellenically The ceremonies included the ded-
t h a t citizenship is w h a t we strive ication of the beautiful new Me-
Four members of our first chapter for? morial Library and General Head-
quarters on Campus Avenue, just a
in Kentucky attended the luncheon Does a citizen have obligations block from the AOn Central Office.
in a democracy beyond paying
and annual meeting of the FNS held taxes and voting? A lighter note was struck by E.
N. "Jim" MacWilliams, noted radio
in Louisville in May and heard Mrs. Your Vote Is Your Voice and stage star, who conducted the
Phi Phrolics, an evening of enter-
Breckinridge give her report of the H o w much do we need to know tainment by active and alumni mem-
of public affairs to be effective bers, including such talent as young
year's work. Always a dynamic citizens? George Hamill, former soloist in the
Chicago cast of "Oklahoma."
speaker, she stirred her audience Does an organization like AOIT
need to point in the direction of Participating in var'ous occasions
with her account of the service and thinking about these things or do were the Rt. Rev. R. Bland M i t -
we get enough of it in other or- chell, Bishop of Arkansas; Dr. Wal-
AOIIs'graciously paid tribute to ganizations? ter R. Courtenay, pastor of the First
support of the social service depart- Presbyterian Church of Nashville,
Where in our many activities Tenn., who delivered the Centennial
ment. I t had been a year since we should we place citizenship re- sermon; Dr. John J. Tiffert, Presi-
sponsibilities, in view of the un- dent Emeritus of the University of
had seen her at the Roanoke con- stable conditions in the world to- Florida; M a j o r General Edward P.
day? King, Jr.; and Brock Pemberton,
vention, and we were pleased to famous Broadway theatrical pro-
Which of the above do you want ducer.
greet her again.—K. D. to tackle? 50 words! we'll choose the
One of the members of the host-
Alumnae Award ess committee for entertaining the
ladies was Helen H a l t t r ( f i ) , who is
To the alumnae chapter that an adviser to Omega cl.apter, and
does the most f o r a local philan- whose husband, Sam, was a member
thropy $50.00 w i l l be given to the of Ohio Alpha chapter at Miami
organization in the name of the University, where Phi Delta Theta
alumnae chapter. was founded 100 years ago.
A w a r d to be made at conven-
tion June 26 to July 2, 1949.
Committee: Second and third
vice presidents and assistant district
• best. (Contingent upon the editor's
• say so on space.) v
Betty McNab (K4>) is chairman oi Alum Fraternally yours,
nae Day at convention.
Citizenship Chairman,
610 Hinman Ave.
Evanston, III.
lAJe Salute ^Jkede Outdtandin9
Clair Domke ( X A ) , Great Falls Margaret Bentley ( K and N K ) . Dallas Virginia Hamilton (G), Westchester
G >' R E A T FALLS salutes the D A L L A S salutes her charter mem- B FAR the outstanding officer of
founder of our alumnae chapter, ber, Margaret Bonner Bentley (K our Westchester chapter is our presi-
Clair Tomaschoff Domke ( X A ) , a and N K ) . Margaret's lovely home dent, Virginia Berry Hamilton (©)
woman of great ability and determi- has always been "open house" for of Rye, N . Y. She came to us from the
nation. Born in Budapest, Hungary, A O I I officers, who will remember, South Shore chapter in Chicago just
she came to this country after World I am sure, her gracious hospitality. at a time when we needed someone
War I and lived with her family in Of course there are a lot of other capable and experienced in the fra-
Denver. As a school girl she was things about Margaret they will ternity and with the will to go for-
eager to learn to speak English and probably remember for she has been ward.
was so successful that she was elected active in the Dallas alumnae for
president of the English club. She many years, and was district super- During the war, with distances as
attended the Universities of Idaho intendent for A O I I . The things they they are in Westchester and trans-
and Colorado and was a member of probably don't know are her accom- portation almost impossible during
Chi Delta chapter. plishments in the field of civic en- the gas shortage, we were forced to
deavor. As one of the first board become inactive for several years. A
She is a fine musician, having members of the Little Theater she year ago in August when West-
studied in Denver and at the Amer- did real pioneer work in Dallas. chester alumnae came to life, V i r -
ican Conservatory in Chicago, where Many of her interesting experiences ginia very fortunately was in our
she belonged to Delta Omicron, na- came as she served as a member of midst to take on the task of reorgan-
tional music sorority. I n Chicago the Dallas Public Library Board. izing. I t was not an easy one with
she met her husband, David R. She also has happy memories of serv- members so widely scattered in the
Domke, an attorney, and she has one ice on the A r t Association Board. County. She worked unselfishly and
daughter, ten years old, and two Margaret says she probably worked diligently against adverse weather
stepsons. M r . Domke is a member hardest on the Board of the Dallas conditions and distances to renew
of the Montana state legislature. Children's Bureau (a community our interest and put us again on the
chest agency), placing dependent map. She represents us on the West-
Clair organized a Panhellenic youngsters in proper environment. chester County Board of National
group in Great Falls after she had Women's Fraternities and will next
formed the A O I I alumnae chapter When it was necessary to ask for year be an officer in that group.
and had served as president. She has volunteer helpers during the war few Without her leadership and guidance
held offices in A A U W , the Demo- civilians spent eight hours a day, but our chapter would not be the or-
cratic Women's Club, and the Tues- Margaret worked with the Civilian ganization it is t o d a y . — H E L E N
day Music Club. She helped organ- Defense and did just that. Another
ize the Kiwanettes, a group of K i - phase of helping was with the veter- PIERCE MUNRO (T '17).
wanis wives. Recently she has be- ans of Ashburn Hospital. Her love
gun to study piano again, and she for metal work served to be a real Neiman-Marcus featured o n e of
belongs to a little recital group. source of joy for many veterans who Margaret's creations in their nation-
gloried in her teaching. al advertising not long ago. I t is a
We are very proud of Clair. Her personalized copper match box.
talents and good judgment have I f you call at her home you will
made her a cherished member of probably be told that she is working Her family consists of her hus-
our chapter and of A O I I . — R U T H in her studio where she fashions fas- band, daughter, son, and two grand-
W. AL-F. cinating things in copper and brass.
children.—FAE M E S S E R S M I T H ( ® ) .
Janet Darling (Br), Grand Rapids
Edith M. Bussell ( V ) . Bangor I N T R O D U C I N G one of Grand
J 3 A N G O R alumnae chapter has Rapids' most enthusiastic and cher-
one member with an unusual at-
tendance record. Edith M . Bussell ished members, Janet Englehardt
has been present at every annual
initiation and banquet since 1899, Darling ( B r ) . She's attractive and
when she was initiated as a member
of Phi Gamma, the first sorority has a charming personality. Her win-
established at the University of
Maine. ning smile, initiative, and organizing
Miss Bussell was graduated from ability put us in T o D R A G M A as an
Old Town High School i n 1898 and
from the University of Maine in warn active chapter two years ago.
1902. By profession she is a teacher, Back in 1942 Janet Englehardt
but she retired from active service in graduated from Michigan State Col-
1940 after 38 years of teaching. For Dorothy Sprague (1), Akron
fourteen years she was principal of lege. Her home town was Royal
Great Works School, grades 1 to 8, President of Akron Panhellenic
and she completed her services as a
member of the faculty of Old Town Oak, Michigan. During her senior
Senior High School, where for a
time she was head of the English R J _ H E newest baby has the biggest year, luckily for us, she met Dan
department. job i n our town. We are the latest Darling, a Crand Rapids boy. Dur-
addition to Akron Panhellenic—in ing the war years they were married
Among her varied activities may fact, we have belonged just three and then Dan spent time in England
be mentioned these with her terms years. And we're proud to say that as an Army A i r Forces navigator.
of service: I n December, 1947, she Dorothy Wilson Sprague ( I ) was re-
retired from active duty after 53 cently unanimously elected president When the war was over, Janet
years as teacher and superintendent of the Akron association for the com- and Dan settled in Grand Rapids.
of the primary department of the ing year. We were soon to find out how for-
Old Town Methodist Church School. tunate we were, for her phone buzzed
She is now serving her 31st year as Dorothy graduated cum laude continually as she talked to other
secretary of the Official Board and from the University of Illinois in AOIIs about forming an alumnae
as recording steward of the Quarter- 1937 and married Howard Sprague chapter. She did more than just talk
ly Conference of the Methodist the following October. They have though, and soon National was
Church. This October she will begin two children, Jack 7, and Judy 4. answering her many questions. I n
her thirty-first year as secretary of The Sprague family moved to Akron June, 1946, an organizational meet-
two years ago. ing was held in her home and a peti-
(CONTINUED ON PAGE 23, C O L . 3 ) tion for a charter was signed. This
Besides acting as president of was our beginning. The ground work
Panhellenic, Dorothy is also a mem- had been laid, the framework set up,
ber of the Woman's City Club and but we still needed an installation,
the Parent-Teachers Association. Be- further inspiration, and hard work
fore moving into the highest office to weather our first year.
of the Greek federation, she served
as Ways and Means chairman of the I t was Janet's constant drive while
group and dance committee chair- enthusiasm ran high that finally got
our group under way with a formal
State Days ~$ndianapoli5 ~3i ^J4ost ter made with the rushee and what
affiliation, if any, she made. This in-
( C O N T I N U E D FROM P A G E 4) by Selma Drabing Pond, formation Jane, in turn, will forward
to the AOLT who originally recom-
boring states, Illinois AOIIs felt they Beta Phi mended the girl and to alumnae
must enjoy the f u n of one of their groups in the state. Sound good?
own. After much planning, Illinois I N D I A N A ' S AOII State Day defini- Well, it certainly looks good—new as
held their first State Day on April 17, tely has the new look. Preceding the the plan is, Jane has already filled
at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in traditional luncheon scheduled at requests f r o m six chapters for a total
Chicago. Lucheon was served to 180 1:00 on March 20, all members were of 60 girls. This fact alone indi-
AOIIs at 1 p.m., but part of the f u n invited to attend an open "Gab Ses- cates the need for such a program
was meeting beforehand and run- sion," designed to add a note of and we feel it is a great step for-
ning into "Jane Smith" and "Anne purpose to the otherwise social ward to a bigger and better AOII.
Jones" we hadn't seen for years at gathering. The object of such a get-
an alumnae meeting or elsewhere. together is to promote better un- ^Jau ^J4ost to Ylfj'iinneiota
Much talk and then a delicious derstanding and closer cooperation
luncheon was served, followed by between actives and alumnae, to by Hermione Stewart Knapp, T
the_ program at which Mary Lind- bring their problems into open dis-
rooth was the able toastmistress. cussion, and to coordinate all efforts M I N N E S O T A celebrated State Day
to solve these problems. on May 1 with a luncheon at the
Fortunately for all of us, Mary Tau chapter house. Invitations were
Donlon ( E ) , was in town for a A record-breaking crowd of 262 sent to all AOLTs in the state and
convention and was with us through AOIIs enjoyed the peppy luncheon at 103 attended. State Day has become
luncheon. She is chairman of the the Lincoln Hotel. Toastmistess a tradition with us and is combined
New York State Workmen's Com- Martha Wilhoite (©), general chair- with the corporation meeting. Helen
pensation Board and a trustee of man, introduced an imposing array Mae Lethert, St. Paul alumna, was
Cornell University, a most charming of national dignitaries: Mary Lind- general chairman of this year's par-
person. Mary Lindrooth then intro- rooth ( P ) , first vice president; Mar- ty. A short program was presented
duced the other guests at the speak- garet Miller (P), treasurer; Kay before the meeting.
ers' table, and we were certainly Davis (©), To DRAGMA editor; Mary
proud of our national officers who Alice Fizer (B®), public relations di- Mary Lindrooth, first vice presi-
were with us, Peg Miller, Leo Wolf, rector; Hannah Neal ( B $ ) , trustee dent, was our guest speaker and as
Mary Louise Roller, Kay Davis, of the Ruby Fund, and Ruth Brown usual gave a meaty and appealing
Mary Dee Drummond and Queenie (B®), clothesline chairman. speech. She was introduced by Her-
Rosendahl, and also some Indiana mione Knapp, toastmistress. Her-
AOITs who joined us to celebrate our That wonderfully good feeling mione also introduced the two new
"first." The active chapter presi- that prevails whenever AOIIs get- alumnae presidents; Mary Jane
dents from Rho and Iota sat at the together was further evident at the Hannegan of St. Paul and Wilma
speakers' table and recounted a few dance that night, and here's a spe- Leland of Minneapolis. Wilma then
of their chapters' activities and hon- cial notice to all Indiana AOIIs—we presented the annual awards to the
ors. Reports made on alumnae work just can't resist an early plug for the active chapter from the Minneapolis
by the presidents of alumnae chap- 1949 State Day, March 19, at the chapter. Madeleine Holt was chosen
ters gave us a picture of the work Columbia Club in Indianapolis. En- the outstanding senior and Ernestine
being done all over Illinois in each circle your calendar now! Held was honored as the outstand-
group. ing new member. Each girl received
I ' m sure you'll want to hear about a gift. Extra excitement was added
Our guest speaker was Mary one impressive result of this first when two girls announced their en-
Louise Roller, second vice president, gab session. Ruth Young Davis (®), gagements by passing candy. The
who spoke briefly and well on alum- Great Lakes East district director, program was concluded by a so-
nae work, emphasizing the element assisted by Jane Dunning Dirks ( ® ) , prano solo and a dramatic reading
of loyalty to the fraternity. presented a planned program for by two actives. And of course before
state rushing. Here's how it works: and after the luncheon all the guests
Rho and Iota presented clever Jane has set up a state-wide clear- mingled freely, greeting friends they
skits and the program ended with ing house for recommendations of hadn't seen since last State Dav.
excellent music on the piano and prospective members. Any chapter
violin by two members of the Bever- rushing an Indiana girl sends re- A D I I sICitiiaan at
ly Hills alumnae group of Chicago, quests for information to Jane, who
Josephine Hedges and Mary Wed- contacts an AOII in the rushee's 2)etroit
derspoon. From the Edgewater home town for recommendation.
Beach many of us made the trip to She forwards that information to the M I C H I G A N AOIIs held State Day
Evanston to see Northwestern U n i - chapter rush chairman, as well as in Detroit on April 17, with nearly
versity campus and have tea at Rho other names and recommendations 200 attending. Irene Jackson, na-
chapter house. I t was a full day, but she receives from alumnae over the tional secretary, was guest of honor
because of the work of the commit- state. Both B$ and ® chapters have and was introduced by toastmistress
tee and support of the actives and duplicates of Jane's file of Indiana Eunice Herald. The theme for the
alumnae it was a most pleasant day alumnae by towns, secured from luncheon was "Serving Others," and
and one we hope will be repeated Central Office. A t the close of each Gladys H i r t talked on the local
every year. rushing season, Jane is to receive a
report as to what contact the chap-
angle of service. Ginny Snider had A l p h a Phi State D a y w a s dedicated to Outstanding Officers
charge of the program for the day.
Miss Mary D . Ritchie, who has retired ( C O N T I N U E D PROM P A G E 21, C O L . 1)
to Wontana
as housemother after serving for 17 Neeburban Club, one of the Fed-
by Lois Noble Sampson, erated Women's Clubs of Maine.
Alpha Phi This last June she was given spe-
and Helen as vice president. Leah cial recognition at the annual Alum-
A L P H A P H I C H A P T E R celebrated Hartman Batch presented Mrs. Tay- ni Supper as a member of the fifty-
State Day on June 6, with a reunion lor with a gift from the chapter. year class and was presented a gift
on the lawn of the chapter house. Martha J. Haynes paid tribute to for her 25 years as secretary of O l d
Over 100 members from all over Mrs. Davidson, the second patroness Town High School Alumni Associa-
the state were present with Mary E l - so honored. Mrs. Davidson was the tion. She was recently re-elected for
len Bielenberg Tavenner acting as first patroness of Alpha Phi chapter the third term as historian of the Old
mistress of ceremonies. Greetings and has continued i n that capacity Town - Milford - B r a d l e y Visiting
were given by the active chapter, the for 33 years. We have been trying Nursing Association.
Bozeman alumnae, and Gloria Fal- for some time to initiate Mrs. David-
lon Cooper read messages from son into the chapter but so far Her sorority record includes mem-
alumnae throughout the nation. haven't succeeded i n enrolling her i n bership in Phi Gamma (local at
Irma Lesscl Collins, Leah Hartman college i n order to do it. She is as Maine), charter member of Delta
Batch, and Martha Johnson Haynes truly A O I I as any of us could ever Sigma, the New England sorority
gave us the history of Alpha Phi hope to be. M r . Davidson willed his which succeeded Phi Gamma, a
chapter from its beginning as a local books to the chapter library and as a charter member of Alpha Omicron
group to our present chapter of result we have a beautiful, well- Pi, Gamma chapter, and of Bangor
AOII. The first two were members rounded library. alumnae chapter. She served two
of the first local group and Martha years as president of Bangor alumnae
was one of the original members of Miss Mary D . Ritchie gave us a and since 1924 has been historian of
Alpha Phi chapter. Messages from few of her many memories of Alpha
others of the original seven were also Phi chapter since she first came as the c h a p t e r . — H A Z E L M . B U Z Z E L I .
read. They were from Mickey Mc- our housemother 17 years ago. She
Cone Farris, Oregon; Mary Dee talked about the old house at 119 So. CD-
Drummond, Illinois; Ruby Hodgs- 6th and the building of our present
kiss Aiken, Nebraska; Etta Haynes lovely one and, of course, told many ( C O N T I N U E D FROM PAGE 21, C O L . 3)
Dobbin, California; and Lynnie incidents about girls who have been
Chattin Bullock, Washington. AOIIs during that time. installation in October, 1946. As
president her efforts were ever in-
"Sisters Are We," the pledge class The high spot of State Day this creasing, and her zeal and spirit of
song of '44 was then sung by the year was our tribute to Miss Ritchie. fraternity carried us through the first
group. This song is of special signi- She is leaving us after 17 years of unsteady year.
ficance to Alpha Phi, as it was writ- service—so much of herself has been
ten by a class which included three given that her work has been beyond While she was giving this valuable
daughters of original members: Bet- what would be expected of any time to her sorority, she was busy
ty Ross McCormick, Mary Ann housemother. State Day was dedi- selecting furnishings, settling a new
Batch Whittam, and Jean Haynes cated to her, with Judy Hauseman home, landscaping her garden, and
Chauner. paying the tribute and presenting rearing a three-year-old son. She
her with our gift. I t is impossible was then and still is very active i n
Beth Pope Nelson gave tribute to for anyone but an active or alumna her church.
our patronnesses and faculty ad- member of Alpha Phi chapter to
visers, both past and present, who know what she has meant to us or Janet is one of the most loyal
have helped us so much throughout members- a group could have, and
the years. Those present were: Mrs. this fall, as we begin our third year,
W. S. Davidson, Mrs. J. C. Taylor, with big plans ahead for an inter-
Mrs. W. N . Purdy, Mrs. Ernest An- esting and varied program of activi-
derson, Miss Leona Barnes, and ties, it is to Janet that we turn with
Miss Bertha Clow. All were present- gratitude and thanks for her con-
ed with corsages. tinued help and advice.
Special tribute was paid to two We hope someday that you will
of our patronesses who have given all have the opportunity of meeting
so unselfishly of their time and ef- and knowing Janet personally. Hats
forts. Mrs. Taylor has been a pa- off to a swell A O I I ! —M R S . P. E.
troness for 14 years and is also an
A O I I mother. Her three daughters NEUMANN.
have held offices i n Alpha Phi chap-
ter—Janet and Agnes as presidents to realize what she has given of her-
self and her knowledge to AOJJ.
Evidence of this was shown in the
hundreds of letters written by alum-
nae who were unable to attend the
reunion. Our feeling about Miss
Ritchie was expressed in a poem
written for the occasion by Betty
Ford Jackson and read as the climax
of the day's festivities.
lAJe ^Safute ^JkeSe Chapter ^JSJLNMM —
Annette Grosse ( T ) is Tau's alumna and a member of the corporation study her present position as pledge
board. adviser. I t is Anne's job to stimulate
w , adviser the spiritual side of AOII, an elusive-
E like to think of Tau chapter Annette can best be described as a but decidely important factor in the-
as a big, friendly home that can forceful, witty personality with the well-being of any organization. Last
never be sold or rented but is just direct approach to most situations. year Anne served as vice president o f
always there for those who like the She would like to see AOLT hold the Minneapolis alumnae chapter,
idea of being an AOLT. For the past more district conventions or work- which included finding hostesses for
36 years hundreds of girls have shops and claims that one of the all meetings. A t the present time
passed through our doors. For those most wonderful things about her Anne is doing art work for a research
who thought it would be f u n to be- work in Tau is the people she meets publication on which her husband is
long to our sorority, it has been a at conventions and the unending suc- working. Next June her husband"
home through their college years. cession of Tau girls. All this, accord- will receive his Ph.D. and Tau will
But for those who thought it would ing to Annette, is an experience in have to lose this lovely, gentle wom-
not only be f u n but a wonderful ex- itself—new faces, new personalities, an who has given so much to our
perience far outlasting college years, and new ideas. chapter in the short time she has
it is a home forever. been h e r e . — L A R R Y C O O N E Y B U C K .
Anne Matthews Morlan with hus-
Annette Grosse (T) and Anne band and daughter first came to Our rd. 8"
Matthews Morlan ( A T ) belong to Minnesota and to Tau in April,
this latter group. Personality-wise, 1946. Her husband, Bob, is now _ T E W AOIIs work as endlessly and"
they are the M u t t and Jeff of the working on his Ph.D. in political tirelessly to carry out our creed and
Minneapolis alumnae chapter. They principles as does Dorothy Wood-
are alike only in their seemingly Anne Matthews Morlan ( A T ) is Tau's ward Barnard, a Zeta by birth but
endless devotion and service to AOLT. pledge adviser. a true Omicron Pi.
But like M u t t and Jeff they work
together beautifully and Tau is for- science. Anne, a member of Alpha Since 1942 when Dorothy w i t h
tunate in having two of the best Tau at Denison University, is a na- Alice Warner took over the alumnae
advisers any chapter could boast. tive of Granville, Ohio. I n the two advisership of the University of
years she has been with us she has Michigan's AOLT chapter i t has had
Annette has been Tau's active done more for Tau chapter than a faithful helper and has steadily
adviser since 1945. A 1941 graduate many would do in a lifetime. progressed. Dorothy and Alice were
from the University of Minnesota's convinced that the chapter needed
School of Business, she has since A n artist, and a good one, too, a new and larger house and soon
worked in the Industrial Relations Anne took over rushing in Septem- rented the one at the present ad-
Department at General Mills and is ber, 1946, and made all the decora- dress, 800 Oxford Rd. Last Sep-
now a research assistant. Tall and tions for the carnival party and for tember the Omicron Pi corporation
energetic, she is one of the strongest the harvest festival i n October. She took up the option for this house
links in the never-ending chain of also planned last year's carnival and made arrangements for its pur-
tried and true AOLTs. During '40 and party and took charge of the two chase. Dorothy is secretary of this
'41 Annette was president of the large alumnae meetings this past corporation and was instrumental in
active class. Following graduation winter. For State Day, 1947, she securing the loan for the house both
she served as pledge adviser during made large wall decorations depict- from national and local sources.
'42 and '43 and again in '44 and ing cartoon characters such as Mam- When actual moving time arrived,
'45. For two years she was president my Yokum, Daisy Mae, and Maggie. it was she who helped arrange and
of the Minneapolis alumnae chapter clean this new home and also she
Anne was invested as active chap- who donated curtains and plants.
24 ter adviser in March, 1947, to under- And until recently, when her health
Dorothy Barnard ( Z ) is Oil's "Mrs. B."
differences, an amazing amount of con-
versation took place, mostly w i t h sign
On one Saturday evening a month
during the past winter, three or four
AOIIs visited the Veterans Hospital.
These visits meant much to the boys and
girls because week-ends i n the hospital
are the loneliest time they have. Some
Saturdays the girls visited as m a n y as
80 patients, distributing magazines, cig-
arettes, and candy. Hospital authorities
report that the visits paid by various
groups do much to keep up the morale of
the patients but we have wondered many
times who enjoyed these evenings more
—the patients or the visitors!
T h e close of spring activities brought
an interesting and enjoyable evening for
our president, Peggy Faughnan, and vice
president, Loraine Currie. The W.V.S.
entertained representatives of each of the
volunteer groups who had worked with
them during the past year. This took
the form of a supper party at H.M.C.S.
"Donnaconna" and after a very lovely
buffet supper, there was entertainment—
a soloist, comedian, singsong, movies, and
door prizes (Loraine won a lovely pair
of nylons!).—PEGGY F A U G H N A N .
i t a s newly purchased house. Completed ana, in England. This was done CI
for sale were embroidered bibs, bed jack- under a program called "Personal Par-
ets, luncheon sets, aprons, guest towels, cels f o r B r i t a i n " w h i c h is one o f the AO 11 Piggy Banks
toys, d o l l clothes, and bridge sets. A many activities of the Women's Volun-
very nice profit was made on these at- teer Services, a wartime organization N E W JERSEY vital statistics reveal that
tractive articles. Virginia Nolloth Jen- w h i c h has continued to f u n c t i o n i n M o n - the AOLTs are n o b l y and most rapidly
nings ( 0 H ) was chairman f o r this p r o j - treal. Last fall, we decided to increase producing American citizens and future
ect. our efforts and send one parcel a m o n t h AOLTs. W i t h recognition of this f a c t ac-
and so f o r the past year we have sent tion became necessary.
"Gab and Stich"' originated duing the a parcel every other month to the two
summer of 1932 when the 911 girls used sisters and on alternate months to a T h e first step was a committee, w h i c h
to get together to piece quilts f o r their young widow with four small children. decided that a concrete form of appreci-
hope chests. As time went by and the ation was the best. A token suitable, use-
girls married, the group concentrated At each meeting we pack the parcel f u l , b e a u t i f u l , and charming should be
on sun suits and such f o r the younger made up of one article brought by each presented to the new arrival. A new
generation. A t a later date, and as i n - girl. During the summer months when baby is always i d e n t i f i e d w i t h the happy
terest grew in the summer get-togethers, meetings were discontinued the parcels mother; a g i f t to one would honor both.
the 'Tuckies gained attention and "Gab were purchased with money raised at a
and Stitch" sent many useful articles uf bridge held in the chapter apartment in T h u s was born the AOLT Piggy Bank.
clothing to them. During the war no M a y , b u t the first f a l l meeting w i l l again O u r inimitable Babs Collins set to work
meetings were held. "Gab and Stitch" see each alumna a r r i v i n g w i t h one i t e m and procured the most beautiful silver
was reorganized during the summer of for our parcel for Britain. piggies you have ever seen and each
1947 and was i n f u l l swing this summer. one has AOLT engraved on his f a t side.
One of the most interesting things we Each newborn is sent one of these, car-
T h e tangible results of these meetings did was i n connection with displaced rying the chapter's affection and hope
are easily set d o w n b u t their importance persons of whom there are many i n t h a t the recipient's first saving habits may
in fostering companionship and in creat- Montreal. The Canadian Women's Club be fostered by AOPiggy.
ing chapter interest would be hard to in our city is doing a great amount o f
estimate.—MARY LOUISE R A Y WALTZ work w i t h these people and one of their M a r y C a r r i n g t o n ' s wee f u t u r e AOLT
(eH). projects was providing the girls w i t h was the first to receive the bank, and
"something to do" on Sunday after- Ann Schneider's the second. A t the
Montreal's Philanthropy noons. T h e y organized Sunday teas at time o f going to press there may be
the Y W C A to which all displaced girls other calls on AOPiggy and we alumnae
M O N T R E A L alumnae have shown an i n - were invited and one Sunday a group of are always delighted to have to box
creasing interest in philanthropic work AOIIs was asked to assist. A very nice another and send it on its way.
during the past year. We are interested tea was served which included among
in t w o or three fields at the present time other things the black bread which the I n our chapter there is a mystery.
and o u r a i m is to find soon the one to girls miss i n their new diet. T w o good For the past four years anyone holding
w h i c h o u ' contributions w o u l d be most movies, one a Canadian travellogue and the office of secretary has become a
helpful. the other a story designed to portray mother. There is evidently a charm i n
our way of life, were shown. But mast this official position which is subtle and
Early last spring we undertook to send interesting to us was the o p p o r t u n i t y potent. We warned our new secretary,
to talk to these girls. Despite language Gladys Swanson, b u t she j u s t laughed.
26 The committee, however, under orders
f r o m its chairman, is ordering more AO
Piggy Banks.—MARY K E N T - M I L L E R T E N -
was not up to par, i t was always HE honor™ president during the tmrd ycaror
she who took home the many cur- ever to be initiated into Alpha Omi organization. She was the first pres-
tains and slipcovers to launder. cron Pi belongs to Mrs. R. J. Curdy ident of the Federation of Women's
(A) at the time Miss Anne Hall, a Democratic clubs of Missouri, which
I n 1945 Alice left Ann Arbor and student at Barnard college. The she helped organize.
so the f u l l job of supervising the honor of having Mrs. Curdy as a
Omicron Pis fell on Dorothy's shoul- member belongs to the Kansas City I n connection with an oratorical
ders. She has never missed an initi- alumnae chapter. contest sponsored by the Kansas City
ation, rushing party, or other pro- Star some years ago, she planned a
grams at the house or on campus in That such an event should occur reenactment of the Constitutional
•which AOITs have participated. Nev- in the life of a young college girl convention of 1787 which attracted
er had she missed a regular chapter came about through a series of cir- much favorable attention, and in
meeting until her illness last fall. cumstances which were unplanned! which many leading men of the city
M r . B. is also an ardent follower of took part.
the AO lis. He and Mrs. B. have Born in St. Joseph, Mo., she later
chaperoned numerous AOII dances moved to Kansas City, with her Mrs. Curdy is affiliated with the
and parties. They also attend about parents where her father, Judge Wil- Jackson county medical auxiliary
all the weddings of Omicron Pis i n lard P. Hall, was on the circuit society. Since the war her full time
or near Ann Arbor. The Barnard bench i n Jackson county, Missouri, has been spent i n caring for her
car has traveled endless miles on the Independence division, now fa- home, her husband, a prominent eye
AOTI business or with AOII passen- mous as the home of Harry S. T r u - specialist in Kansas City, and their
gers. As alumna adviser Dorothy is man, president of the United States. two daughters, who are employed.—
interested not only in the sororitv
but in the girls who make it up. Following her elementary and H E L E N H U Y C K , <£.
high school training in St. Joseph,
Mrs. B. recognized that in order Mrs. Curdy attended Smith college, Our "Mrs. B"
to have a better, closer knit sorority, Northampton, Mass., but, after a
i t was necessary to make the girls year there, transferred to Barnard (CONTINUED FROM C O L . 1)
aware of national AOII and the re- college, in New York City, where a
sponsibilities of each chapter to it. cousin, Dr. James H . Hyslop, served Her intense sorority activities,
She also helped establish better or- as professor of psychology at both however, do not make her neglect-
ganization in the chapter so that Columbia University and Barnard. f u l of other phases of her life. She
each girl has an active part, with During her student days at Barnard, is active in PTA affairs and spends
responsibilities divided so that in- she made her home with Dr. and many hours counseling her two chil-
dividual scholarship and campus ac- Mrs. Hyslop. Following her gradua- dren, Shirley 19, and Hugh 16. Her
tivities would not be neglected but tion from Barnard college, where house is indeed a home. Its interior
rather improved. Her desires are she majored in history, she returned is a picture worthy of Better Homes
that the girls participate and excel to Kansas City and there met Dr. and Gardens and contains the
in all phases of campus life. Robert James Curdy, a graduate of warmth and activity that reflects the
the University of Kansas at Law- true portrait of our Mrs. B . — J A N E T
However, her interest does not
stop there. For she has a genuine J O H N S O N (Cl).
interest i n each girl as an individual.
T o demonstrate this fondness for 25
the girls, she donated a plaque to
the chapter as a Christmas gift. This
plaque is to be awarded each spring
to the senior who has given the most
of herself in love and devotion to
Alpha Omicron Pi and to the prin-
ciples for which it stands.
Dorothy's interests are not nar-
rowed to the AOII. She is working
for a strong Panhellenic organiza-
tion to help the weaker sororities on
campus, to foster the sorority system,
and to achieve better functioning so-
rority knowledge. The latter can be
obtained by pooling various sorority
house problems of finance, etc., and
cooperatively presenting solutions to
them. She greatly favors the idea of
a pool of recommendations for rush-
ing from Panhellenic.
We believe that Dorothy is indeed
an example of an AOII with the
true spirit which our founders de-
sired to establish.