Frontispiece 105
Call for Convention
Convention and You - 106
Omicron Welcomes You ______ - -108
The Home of Omicron - - - - - - - --110
Program of Convention - - - -- -- -- 113
Elkmont 119
Another Word About Elkmont - - - - - - - 120
Poem - - 120
Forum - -- -- -- -- -- - 121
Scholarship Table - - - -- -- -- - 121
L i f e Suscribers - -- - - -- -- - 128
A Trolley Car Idyll - 129
Editorials -----------
Announcements - - - - - - - - - - 131
Exchanges - -- -- -- -- -- 134
Poem - - - 134
Active Chapter Letters - - 138
Alumnae Chapter Letters --------154
Alumnae Notes - -.----.---169
Births ----- 190
1922 - 1923
Jessie Wallace H u g h a n , A l p h a '98, 132 W e s t 12th St., N e w Y o r k City.
H e l e n St. C l a i r M u l l a n ( M r s . George V . ) , A l p h a '98, 118 W . 183 St.,
New York, N . Y.
Stella George Stern Perry ( M r s . George H . ) , A l p h a '98, 45 West
Thirty-fifth Street, New York, N . Y.
Elizabeth H e y w o o d W y m a n , A l p h a '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J.
Grand President, Merva Dolsen Hennings ( M r s . A . J.), 2734 Park Place,
Evanston, Illinois.
G r a n d Secretary, L a u r a A . H u r d , 524 Riverside D r i v e , N e w Y o r k City,
N. Y.
G r a n d Treasurer, V i o l a C. Gray, 1527 South T w e n t y - t h i r d St., L i n c o l n , Neb.
G r a n d V i c e P r e s i d e n t , K a t h e r i n e M a r c h T h o m a s ( M r s . S. J . ) , c|o P r o f .
F . A . March, College Campus, Easton, Pa.
G r a n d H i s t o r i a n , Stella George Stern P e r r y ( M r s . George H . ) , 45 W e s t
35th St., New Y o r k City, N . Y .
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner M a r x ( M r s . R a l p h ) , 1421 Scenic Ave.,
Berkeley, Cal.
E x a m i n i n g O f f i c e r , E d i t h G o l d s w o r t h y , 1132 M e t r o p o l i t a n B a n k Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
National Panhellenic Delegate, Lillian McQuillan McCausland (Mrs.
N o r m a n L . J r . ) , 517 A n g e l l St., Providence, R. I .
Editor o f T o Dragma, Elizabeth Hiestand S m i t h ( M r s . H a r r y E . ) , 4330
S c h u b e r t A v e . , C h i c a g o , 111.
Business Manager o f T o D r a g m a , June K e l l y , 16 Everett A v e . , N o r w o o d ,
President, L i l l i a n M a c Q u i l l a n McCausland ( M r s . N o r m a n L . , J r . ) , 517
Angell St., Providence, R. I .
Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith ( M r s . H . E . ) , 4330 Schubert
A v e . , Chicago, 111.
Assistant E d i t o r , A n n a H o f e r t K i r k ( M r s . B. L ) , 1011 W . C l a r k St.,
Champaign, Illinois.
Exchange E d i t o r , M a r g u e r i t e P. Schoppe ( M r s . W . F . ) , 602 So. 3 r d Ave.,
Bozeman, Mont.
Business M a n a g e r , June K e l l e y , 16 E v e r e t t A v e . , N o r w o o d , Mass.
N o r t h Atlantic District, Gladys Wales ( M r s . W i n t h r o p L . ) , 416 West
Ononandaga Street, Syracuse, N Y.[N, A, T , E, X , V.]
Southern District—Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Carl C ) , Bay
St. L o u i s , M i s s . [77, K, O, NK, ND.] 1445
N F Central District, Melita Skillen, Greenleaf Apt. Hotel.
' Greenleaf Ave.. Chicago 111. [&,P,I, B4>, H,XX, On.]
N . W . Central D i s t r i c t , Charlotte H a l l U h l s ( M r s . Kenneth B . ) , 3403
W y a n d o t t e , Kansas City, M o . \T,A$, <P.]
Pacific D i s t r i c t , L u c i l e C u r t i s E n g l i s h ( M r s . W . A . ) 1933 O x f o r d A v e . ,
Los Angeles. Cal. [ 2 , ^ , 2 " . ]
N o r t h A t l a n t i c D i s t r i c t , Josephine S. P r a t t , 156 W e s t 170th St.. N e w
York City. New York, Providence, Boston, Bangor, Washington,
Philadelphia, Syracuse.
Southern D i s t r i c t , Genevieve Shea Reddick ( M r s . J. D . ) 1298 V i n t o n ,
Memphis. Tenn. New Orleans. Knoxville, Lynchburg, Dallas. Nash-
N . E. Central District, Grace Pierson Gilbert ( M r s . Samuel H . ) , 2714
H a r t z e l l , St., E v a n s t o n , 111. C h i c a g o , I n d i a n a p o l i s , D e t v o i t , C l e v e -
land, Champaign-Urbana Association.
N . W . Central D i s t r i c t , Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., L i n c o l n , Nebraska.
Lincoln, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha.
Pacific D i s t r i c t , Louise D o w Benton, 5566 29th Ave., N . E., Seattle, W a s h .
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma
Pi—Dorothy Weston, Newoomb College, New Orleans, La.
N u — L i l l i a n S. G r i f f i n ( M r s . R. M . ) 5 W e s t 124 St., N e w Y o r k City.
O m i c r o n — L u c y M o r r i s o n , 939 N o r t h 5th Ave., K n o x v i l l e , Tenn.
Kappa—Rose Smith, R. M . W . C, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Pauline Gellatly, 500 N o r t h 16th St., L i n c o l n , Nebr.
Sigma—Elizabeth Hesser, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Barbara Beeson, A. O. P. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Susan O'Brien, Start House, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Mary Perkins, Mt. Vernon House, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
R h o — D o r o t h y Pearson, 1310 H o o d A v e . , Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey, A On House, Stanford University, Cal.
I o t a — R u t h A n n Coughlan, 712 W e s t Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
T a u — M i n n i e H a n s o n , 914 4 t h St., SE., Minneapolis, M i n n .
C h i — H e l e n Roszell, 818 S. West St., Svracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Helen H e p l e r , 1909 25th A v e . N . , Seattle, W a s h .
N u Kappa—Josephine Garvin. 3520 Drexel Drive, Dallas, T e x .
Beta Phi—Gertrude Baily, 703 E . 7th St.. B l o o m i n e t o n , I n d .
Eta—Jeannette Boyer, 626 N . H e n r y St., Madison, W i s .
A l p h a P h i — M a r g a r e t C o n k l i n g , 516 S. G r a n d St., Bozeman, M o n t .
N u O m i c r o n - - N e l l Fain, 315 22nd Ave. N . , Nashville, T e n n .
Psi—Esther James, 49 E. W i l l o w Grove Ave., Chestnut H i l l , Philadelphia,
P h i — M a r y H o o k , 1144 Louisiana A v e . , Lawrence, K a n s .
Omega—Vesta Magee, West Hall, Miami University, O x f o r d , Ohio.
O m i c r o n P i — D o r o t h y Jacobs, 1052 B a l d w i n A v e . , A n n A r b o r , M i c h
Pi—Emily Slack, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La.
N u — D o r o t h y C r o w l e y . 25 F i f t h A v e - N e w Y o r k City.
O m i c r o n — D o r o t h y W h i t a k e r , 413 W . Cumberland, K n o x v i l l e . Tenn.
Kappa—Bessie M i n o r Davis, R. M . W . C , Lynchburg, Va.
Z e t a — W i l m a F o s t e r , 1415 P l u m St.. L i n c o l n . N e b r .
Sigma—Mildred E w i n g , 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Margaret Safford. A. O. P. House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Mary Sears, Metcalf H a l l , T u f t s College. Mass.
Gamma—Ruth Spear, Balentine Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ruth Oviatt, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Louise L o w r y , 1643 K e n i l w o r t h A v e . . Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey. A On House. Stanford University, Cal.
I o t a — V e r a Bean, 712 West O r e g o n St., U r b a n a , 111.
Tau—Elizabeth Reinertsen, 914 4th St., S. E., Minneapo'is, M i n n .
C h i — M a t i l d a N . P e t r i , 1017 H a r r i s o n Ave.. Syracuse. N . Y .
U p s i l o n — M a r g a r e t S h o t w e l l , 1906 E . 45th St., Seattle, W a s h .
N u K a p p a — M a r y M a r s h a l l , 4712 Sycamore St., Dallas, T e x .
Beta P h i — G e r t r u d e M a n l e y , 703 E . 7th St., B l o o m i n g t o n , I n d .
Eta—Maude Irene Jones, 626 N . H e n r y St., Madison, W i s .
A l p h a Phi—Helen W a i t e , 901 S. W i l l s o n Ave., Bozeman, M o n t .
N u O m i c r o n — M a r g a r e t M c C o y , 1612 L i n d e n A v e . , N a s h v i l l e , T e n n .
P s i — M a r g a r e t Story, 318 Pembroke Road, C y n w y d , Pa.
P h i — E v a D r u m m , 1144 Louisiana A v e . , Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Margaret Westfall, Bishop Hall, Miami University, Oxford,
O m i c r o n P i — I r e n e S w a i n , 1052 B a l d w i n A v e . , A n n A r b o r , M i c h i g a n .
N e w Y o r k — M a r y H . D o n l o n , 40 Exchange Place, Room 1108, N e w Y o r k
Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 S u m m e r St., M e d f o r d , Mass.
San Francisco—Grace Weeks J o r y ( M r s . S. L . ) 1421 Scenic Ave., Berke-
ley, Cal.
P r o v i d e n c e — M u r i e l W y m a n ( M r s . P. H . ) 1739 B r o a d St., Providence,
R. t
L o s A n g e l e s — M a r g a r e t H . P i t t m a n , 1338 Sierra B o n i t a St., L o s A n g e -
les, Calif.
L i n c o l n — E l s i e F i t z g e r a l d , 1971 D . St., L i n c o l n , Nebr.
Chicago—Marie V i c k Swanson ( M r s . A . E.) 829 Forest Ave., Evanston,
Indianapolis—Ethel Hippensteel ( M r s . R.) 2911 N . N e w Jersey St., I n -
dianapolis, Ind.
N e w Orleans—Jessie Roane, 2231 Marengo St., N e w Orleans, L a .
M i n n e a p o l i s — L u c i l e H a e r t e l ( M r s . W . G.), 1522 A l d r i c h A v e N . , M i n -
neapolis, Minn.
Bangor—Aileen Libby ( M r s . L e w i s ) , B o x 75, M i l f o r d , Maine.
Seattle—Irma McCormick Crook ( M r s . C. G.) Box 671, Seattle, Wash.
Portland—Edna Froyd, Nortonia Hotel, Portland, Ore.
K n o x v i l l e — M i n n Elois H u n t , 509 E. H i l l Ave., K n o x v i l l e , Tenn. St.,
L y n c h b u r g — L a u r a R a d f o r d Yates ( M r s . R. T . ) , 300 Madison
Lynchburg, Va.
W a s h i n g t o n — E l i z a b e t h F a r r i n g t o n ( M r s . J. R . ) , 3603 N o r t o n Place,
Washington, D . C.
Dallas—Lura Temple, 4912 W o r t h St., Dallas, T e x .
Philadelphia—Avis Hunter, Westville, New Jersey.
Kansas City—Florence Klapmeyer, 5836 Oak St., Kansas City, M o .
Omaha—Mattie W . H i g g i n s ( M r s . L . A . ) , 6547 N . 24th St., Omaha, Nebr.
Syracuse—Elizabeth French, Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse, N . Y .
D e t r o i t — C o r a L . W i e d m a n ( M r s . E . G . ) , 206 S. W a s h i n g t o n St., Y p s i l -
anti, Mich.
Nashville—Florence T y l e r , 1706 Sweetbrier A v e . , N a s h v i l l e , T e n n .
C l e v e l a n d — M i r i a m C. S m i t h ( M r s . S. M . ) , 12615 A r l i n g t o n Ave., Cleve-
land, O.
• -
•4 •
Vol X V I I I F e b r u a r y , 1923 No. 3
T O D R A G M A is published at 415 T h i r d A v e . N . , Minneapolis, M i n n . ,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the A c t o f M a r c h 3, 1879. Acceptance f o r
m a i l i n g at special rate o f postage provided f o r i n section 1103, A c t o f
October 3, 1917, authorized F e b r u a r y 12, 1920.
T O D R A G M A is published f o u r times a year, September, November,
February, and May.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; L i f e
Subscription S15.00.
By vote of the Executive Committee of the Grand Council
of Alpha Omicron Pi, the biennial meeting will be held at
Whittle Springs, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 25-30, 1923,
Every member of the fraternity is extended a very cordial
invitation to be present at this meeting. I n addition to the
active chapter delegates and the members of the Grand Coun-
cil, who are expected to be present, it is especially urged that
as many of the alumnae chapters as possible—will send an
official delegate.
MERVA D . H E N KINGS—Grand President
L A U R A A . H U R D — G r a n d Secretary
V I O L A C . G R A Y — G r a n d Treasurer
Without you, Convention will be incomplete! If you miss
Convention, you, too, will be denied one of the happiest ex-
periences of your life! There is no one, who has ever had the
good fortune to attend one Convention, but wishes she might
make the pilgrimage again, to enjoy its spontaneous friend-
ship and gain anew the inspiration and vision born of the deep
purpose of the Fraternity.
Convention is going to be a happy, happy time, but it is
going to be a very busy occasion withal. Alpha Omicron P i
stands at a crucial period in her development. Guided by the
experiences of constructive growth of the past twenty-six
years, true to the teachings—broad as humanity itself—from
which spring the principles of our existence, we shall labor to-
gether in the consideration of momentous policies. T h e re-
sults of our deliberations will test the worth of our organiza-
tion as never before and weigh our loyalty to the ideals we
have voluntarily adopted. Upon the action of this Conven-
tion will largely depend the part Alpha Omicron P i is to take
in greater service to the college world, to the promotion of
educational interests, to the advancement and enrichment
of the world in which we live. W e have obligations! W e
have aspirations breaking their bonds and demanding fullill-
ment! How thrilled we should be that we have a part in such
a program, that we sense our responsibilities, that we are
moulders of the future!
That member in the active chapter—who is most repre-
sentative of your chapter—who can contribute most to the
constructive discussions at Convention, who can carry back to
you the enthusiasm and message she there receives and whose
lasting influence will find reflection in the life of the chapter—
it is that member active chapters should send to Convention
as their official delegate. It is to be hoped that as many
alumnae chapters as possible will be represented in person
by an official delegate. Most of all even—we hope for a
goodly attendance of all members—especially those who are
not delegates, are urged to be present. The spirit and mes-
sage of Convention should touch the whole membership. Your
attendance will accomplish this. Your services and your ad-
vise in the matters to be considered are invaluable to the
Fraternity. W e need one another.
Without you Convention will be incomplete! There is
work to be done requiring the united energy and wisdom of
all of us. There is to be a continual round of good times and
the fellowship that grips and holds you. The officers are to be
there—and each to be at your service in the upbuilding of a
stronger organization. Best of all—some of the Founders
will be there—we hope all of them will be. W e can guarantee
Stella Perry will be. How do we know? She simply couldn't
stay away. W e believe she loves us too well. She has never
missed a Convention yet—is its oldest living inhabitant—and.
may we say, her devotion and her example have so endeared
her to us, that no Convention can be complete without her—
our great friend, and can there be a greater inspiration! W e
think Helen Mullan and Elizabeth Wyman will surely be
there, too. They made an excellent start—and re-entered the
fold at Syracuse and we will not let them depart. And we are
hoping that these three most excellent and charming ladies—
the Founders of Alpha Omicron Pi—will conspire among
themselves to bring Jessie Wallace Hughan, the fourth
Founder along with them. Think of having the four founders
present each a friend and inspiration! And then—with you,
Convention will be complete !
Under Southern skies, then, we shall meet you from June
25-30, 1923. Omicron Chapter has been hard at work for some
time to insure the success of Convention. They are proud of
their Alma Mater—and zealous that Southern hospitality shall
surpass its former records—if that is possible. There are
plans and plans, and surprises and surprises, and there never
was such a Convention as there is going to be at Whittle
Springs, Knoxville, Tennessee. W e will meet you and greet
you at Convention.
M E R V A D. H E N N I N G S — G r a n d President
L A U R A A . HURD—Grand Secretary
V I O L A C. G R A Y — G r a n d Treasurer
Dear girls all,
A s the months fly by, Omicron is realizing with an excited
throb of the heart that Convention is, to paraphrase Coue,
"day by day, in every way, coming nearer and nearer." T o
those of us who have been to other Conventions, that throb
means a mixture of delightful memories and almost fearful
hopes that this Convention may be sometime a happy mem-
ory, too. T o those of us who haven't been, it means just a
general feeling of unbelievable content and anticipation. Omi-
cron realizes indeed what a high standard has been set for
her by earlier Conventions, and she and the other Southern
chapters know that they must work and plan their hardest
even to begin to equal them. But we're hoping that you won't
find our reputation for hospitality all unfounded.
A s to the place—are we all of the visual—imagination
type, I wonder? Most of us are, and it is to that "most" that
we shall make our first approach. What does Whittle Springs
look like, then? Picture a big, rambling, white building, with
tennis courts and golf links, and with a big swimming-pool
at one side. Does that mean "bring your bathing suit"?
Picture, if you prefer indoors on a June day in Tennessee,
huge shady porches, big cool dining-rooms, a dancing-pavil-
ion with a really G O O D orchestra—But we've forgotten to
appeal to the person of other than visual imagination, haven't
we? T o the others, then—yes, you'll need summer clothes, and
that I S fried chicken you smell, and the June breeze brings
just enough of it to tempt you. Something else smells good,
too—it's the wild flowers roundabout. Perhaps your bathing-
suit, drying in the sun, may add a not-so-pleasant whiff (wool
does smell so queer!) but you remember the delightfully cool
splash you had early, and suddenly you realize that it's al-
most chilly this evening, and that perhaps there Will be a wood
fire in the big fireplace. Even if there isn't, there'll be dancing,
with the aforementioned orchestra—and that brings us back
to our starting point. Take it all in all, Whittle Springs is
just a big. comfortable, homey place, with a good orchestra,
good spring water, and that most-to-be-desired thing in all
conventions—a good cook. W e think you'll like it.
But we're not planning to show you Whittle's alone. W e
want you to know the Hill—how tiny our University will look
to you Western girls, especially! but how we hope you'll love
its homeyness—and its shabbiness—for we do. There are
H I L L S , too, besides "the Hill" for we want to take you up
(Continued on page 112)
1—President of Omicron. Omicron Chapter. 3—Pledges of Omicron
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.
The University of Tennessee, under its maiden name of
Blount College was chartered by the legislature of the state, then
called the "Territory South of the River Ohio," on Sept. 10, 1794.
It received its name from William Blount, the governor of the
territory, and was located near the present center of the city of
Knoxville. It struggled on without adequate funds until in 1807
it transferred its funds and property to the "East Tennessee
College" just chartered by the state of Tennessee, of which Knox-
ville was the capitol. When incorporating the East Tennessee
College the General Assembly intended to donate to it the proceeds
from the sale of lands authorized by congress, but great difficulties
attended the sale of the land, and from lack of funds the college
did not open until 1820. From then until 1906 the University
received practically no aid from the state, with the exception of
an appropriation in 1869 for the founding of an Agricultural and
Mechanical College.
In 1906 the Legislature appropriated a sum for a new
mechanical building, and at intervals since then sums have been
appropriated for a definite purpose,—two years ago a million
dollars was given for buildings, but only this year does the Uni-
versity begin to realize anything from a state tax, one-half mill,
for upkeep and expenses.
When our visitors view our buildings and equipment they
must keep this fact in mind, that up to the last twenty years this
university was practically self-supporting, and try to imagine the
difficulties of maintaining proper standards without the millions
that have come into the great Eastern and Western Universities
in taxes and endowments.
In 1840 the name had been changed to, "East Tennessee Uni-
versity," thus indicating its success and ability to operate in larger
fields, and in 1879 the name was changed to the "University of
Tennessee." It then bcame the head of the public school sys-
tem of the state.
The main body of the University is situated on a hill of
sixty acres, overlooking the city of Knoxville and the Tennessee
River, with the Smokey Mountains beyond, and with the ivy
clinging to the walls of the old buildings and the stately trees
shadowing the driveways, its charm and influence make an ever-
lasting impression on every alumnus. The Agricultural Depart-
ment and the farm are on the edge of town, between our beautiful
Kingston Pike and the river. The Medical and Dental Depart-
ments are in Memphis.
The fraternities take an active part in college life, and it is
probably due to them that we have many of our choicest tradi-
tions. On December Tenth the annual Carnival falls due. With
much hilarity and wide interest stunts are given by each fraternity,
men and girls, and silver cups are awarded for the stunts. The
Carnival Ball follows and the most popular girl is crowned "Queen
of the Carnival." For years the agricultural students have given
a "Barn-warming" every fall at the University farm, which is
peculiarly their own. Country life is depicted in the decorations,
amusements, and refreshments. Ace-Day belongs to the E n -
gineering department. A tournament is held and the winner
chooses the girl who is to rule the ball as "Queen of Hearts." The
Military Plop is one of the events on the "Hill" and the company
sponsors are guests of honor, the most popular one is presented
with a silver loving-cup. The last great event of the year is the
U . T . circus in May. Each fraternity gives a stunt in a ring under
a tent, as in a real circus. Cups are awarded the best acts as in the
carnival, but here it is a gala night with animals, clowns, and
freaks of all descriptions. The ball follows and the most beauti-
ful girl is crowned "Queen of the Circus."
The men's fraternities live in houses but the girls have only
fraternity rooms. The girls, however, have a part in all college
life, and undoubtedly the majority of movements that are put on
foot at the University come through these organizations of men
and women. The best thing however, that can be said for
fraternities at Tennessee, is that they have acted as an added bond
between the University and the Alumnus, have held the interest
and drawn back the presence of those scattered over the state, to
an institution whose well-being—even whose continuation—so
largely depends upon its old students.
L U C Y MORISON, Omicron.
(Continued f r o m page 108.)
into our East Tennessee mountains, with another chicken
lunch and perhaps another swim. If you only knew how
we're longing to show you our beauty-spots, for half the joy
of a thing is in sharing it with someone you like—but wait
till June!
A L P H A O M I C R O N P I C O N V E N T I O N , 1923
D A T E — J u n e 25-30, 1923.
Delegates are to arrive before dinner—Monday Evening, June 25—and
be on time f o r the E v e n i n g at H o m e w i t h O m i c r o n and the Southern
P L A C E — W h i t t l e Springs, K n o x v i l l e , Tennessee. T h i s is an exclusive
and beautiful little hotel—on the outskirts of the C k y of Knoxville.
T h e management is practically placing the hotel at the disposal o f the
Convention—has promised strict privacy and spacious rooms for the
meetings. W h i t t l e Springs has entertained several Conventions and
prides itself on the service, comforts and excellent meals provided
for the guests. A talented orchestra adds to the enjoyment of the
''feasting hours." Mr. Whittle himself writes, "We are very anxious
to entertain this fraternity and assure all members one of the most
delightful times ever enjoyed at any Convention."
H O S T E S S — O M I C R O N and K N O X V I L L E A L U M N A E C H A P T E R .
The other chapters of the Southern Districts are assisting in definite
P R O G R A M — T h e business sessions of the f r a t e r n i t y w i l l be in charge
of the E x e c u t i v e Committee. Omicron Chapter, w i t h such assistants
as they shall select, have charge o f the f o l l o w i n g arrangements: the
Evening at Home with the Southern Chapters (Monday Evening) ;
the Formal Reception (Wednesday Evening) ; the Banquet (Friday
E v e n i n g ) . Kappa Chapter w i l l have charge o f the. appointments f o r a l l
formal and ritual meetings and will conduct the Formal Initiation
R i t u a l — a l l other rituals to be conducted by the E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e ;
E x e m p l i f i c a t i o n o f Rituals ( T h u r s d a y E v e n i n g ) . Nu Omicron w i l l
have charge o f Stunt and C a r n i v a l N i g h t (Tuesday E v e n i n g ) . Pi
Chapter in charge of Convention Singing and the Fireside Night
w h i c h f o l l o w s the R i t u a l Services ( T h u r s d a y E v e n i n g ) . Nu Kappa
is to edit a Convention Newspaper—this promises to be a startling
innovation. The Field Meet is unassigned.
E X P E N S E S — 1 . Active Chapter delegates have t h e i r t r a v e l l i n g a n d
entertainment expenses paid out o f the Convention pool by the Grand
Treasurer. T h i s includes r a i l r o a d and P u l l m a n f a r e , both ways by-
direct route, and room and meals at Convention, including the banquet.
T h i s does not include diner f a r e or other expense incident t o t r a v e l l i n g
— w h i c h is to be provided by the delegate or chapter sending her. As
soon as chapter payments to the Pool are completed in M a y — t h e
Grand Treasurer will mail transportation to the delegate.
2. Alumnae Chapter delegates have their expense at Convention—i. e.
room and meals paid out of the alumnae chapter Convention tax. This
does not include the banquet. Railroad and P u l l m a n expense is borne
by the delegate or chapter sending her.
3. Grand Council Officers—as specified in the B y - L a w s — h a v e al!
their expenses paid, except the Banquet, upon presentation of the cer-
tified voucher to the Grand Treasurer.
4. District Superintendents—as specified in the By-Laws—have one-
half of their travelling expense to and f r o m Convention paid by the
Grand Treasurer upon presentation of certified voucher. Entertain-
ment at Convention, exclusive o f the banquet, w i l l be paid by the
Grand Treasurer.
5. Other members of the Grand Council w i l l have their entertain-
ment expense at Convention, exclusive of Banquet, paid by the Grand
W H I T T L E S P R I N G S A C C O M M O D A T I O N S — F o r the convenience of
guests of the Convention—the prices at W h i t t l e Springs ( t h i s i n -
cludes room or sleeping porch and excellent meals) offer a range of
selection to suit everyone. Unless you desire a room all to yourself—
in w h i c h case prices v a r y f r o m $6.00 to $7.50 a day—you can have the
best of service and convenience by sharing a room w i t h others at
prices v a r y i n g f r o m $4 to $6.50 a day. Y o u are advised to leave selec-
tion of room to the Omicron Committee on General Arrangements or
let them know your requirements. Reservation f o r all official delegates
w i l l be made in advance by the E x e c u t i v e Committee. There w i l l be no
assignment o f room-mates f o r anyone unless a special request is made
by the member. I t w i l l be seen that the total expense f o r the Con-
vention accommodations—and almost a solid week o f enjoyable as-
sociations w i t h all comforts can be had f o r the amount that need not
exceed $25.
B A G G A G E — A n arrangement has been made w i t h one compan\- to handle
all baggage upon arrival. Baggage checks are to be given to the
O m i c r o n representative. Suit cases w i l l be 25c each w a y — a n d trunks
50c each way.
B A N Q U E T — T h e banquet charge w i l l be $3 per plate f o r everyone except
the active chapter delegates—who are exempt.
S W I M M I N G P O O L — B r i n g your bathing suits! There are also tennis
courts and golf grounds. Very small charge for swimming pool.
R A I L R O A D T R A N S P O R T A T I O N — T h e railroad companies are not
able to announce at this early date special rates that may be effective
in June, 1923. H o w e v e r — t o u r i s t rates w i l l be i n effect to K n o x v i l l e
or a nearby point—and these will be announced later. The f o l l o w i n g
schedule is submitted as suggestive of the approximate cost and is
subject to revision:
To Knoxville from One Way Fare Pullman One W a y
Lower Berth
New York City $26.43
New Orleans, La 21.93 $ 8.25
Lynchburg, Va. 12.07 6.75
Lincoln, Nebr 37.21 5.00
Berkeley, Cal 92.83
15.33 5.25
Boston, Mass 34.74 15.00
Ithaca, N . Y 29.10 27.75
20.79 7.50
Palo Alto, Cal 92.83 11.75
U r b a n a , 111 18.14 15.00
Minneapolis, Minn 35.45
31.44 21.38
Seattle, Wash 99.39 3.75
Dallas, Tex 32.15 10.50
20.16 7.50
Nashville, Tenn 8.32
Philadelphia, Pa 23.19
Oxford, Ohio 12.69
Ann Arbor, Mich 20.36
Watch the May T o Dragma for further announcements.
General Chairman—Lucretia Jordan Bickley, 1516 L a u r e l
Knoxville, Tennessee.
Assistants: Transportation—Willia McLemore Stewart
Information and Publicity—Elizabeth McDonald McClam-
To Dragma—Louise Wiley and Mary Taylor Johnston
Finances—Minn Elois Hunt
Entertainment—Ailcy Kyle Peet
Banquet—Mary Neal Black
Reception—Ailcy Kyle Peet
Elkmont Trip—Harriet Greve
Night with the Southern Chapters—Christine Moore
and Mary R. Moore
Registration—Genevieve Shea Reddick
Omicron Home-Coming Committee—Myrtle Cunningham
Tompkins, Roberta Williams Divine, Mary Annie
Landy Jones, Genevieve Shea Reddick
Properties for Assisting Chapters—Fay Morgan.
( A d d r e s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n s to L u c r e t i a J o r d a n B i c k l e y , 1516 L a u r e l
Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn.)
Assisting Chapters Appointments
Kappa—Presentation of Formal and Initiation Ritual.
for all other ritual meetings.
Nu Omicron—Carnival and Stunt Night.
Pi—Convention Singing and Fireside Night.
Nu Kappa—Convention Newspaper.
Captains of Transportation
General C h a i r m a n — L u c r e t i a J o r d a n B i c k l e y , 1516 L a u r e l A v e n u e ,
Knoxville, Tenn.
Assistant to General Chairman—Willia McLemore Stewart.
Note—Captains of Transportation have been appointed in many
localities. These captains are to assist in creating interest in and i n -
creasing the attendance from their districts. Through them, members
coming some distance may make arrangements to meet and travel
to Convention together. Sufficient attendance from central points may
make possible the reservation of a special Pullman for Alpha Omicron
P i members. Y o u r trip to Convention m a y be m o r e enjoyable i f y o u
can make arrangements to join a group and get in touch with the
nearest captain of transportation:
San Francisco, Rose Gardner M a r x , 1421 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.
Los Angeles and Southern C a l i f o r n i a — E d n a Betts T r a s k , 1175 N o r t h
Chester A v e . , Pasadena, Cal., and L u c i l e C u r t i s E n g l i s h , 1933 O x f o r d
Ave, Los Angeles, Cal.
Portland, Oregon—Edna F r o y d , N o r t o n i a H o t e l , P o r t l a n d , Oregon.
Seattle, Wash.—Edith Chapman, 5724 U n i v e r s i t y B l v d . , Seattle, W a s h .
Bozeman, Montana—Marie Moebus, Alpha Omicron Pi House, Bozeman,
Minneapolis—Edith G o l d s w o r t h y , 1132 M e t r o p o l i t a n B a n k B l d g . , M i n n e -
apolis, Minn.
Lincoln, Nebr.—Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D . St., L i n c o l n , Nebr.
Omaha, Nebr— M a t t i e W o o d w o r t h H i g g i n s , 6547 N , 24th St., Omaha,
Kansas City, Mo. and Lawrence, Kans.—Charlotte H a l l U h l s , 3403
Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo.
Chicago—'Grace Pierson Gilbert, 2714 H a r t z e l l St., Evanston, 111.
Indianapolis—-Lucy A l l e n , 3628 B i r c h w o o d A v e . , Indianapolis, I n d .
Detroit and Ann Arbor—Cora Lane W i e d m a n , 206 S. W a s h i n g t o n St.,
Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Cleveland—Marie A n d r e w s , 10719 E v e r t o n A v e . , Cleveland, O h i o .
Oxford, Ohio—Helen H a l l e r , M i a m i U n i v e r s i t y , O x f o r d , O h i o .
Dallas—Margaret Bentley, 4214 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Texas.
Syracuse—Elizabeth French, Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse, N . Y .
Ithaca—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, New York.
Bangor—Madeline Robinson, 463 M a i n St., Bangor, M a i n e .
Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 S u m m e r St., M e d f o r d , Mass.
Providence—Louella F i f i e l d D a r l i n g , 335 D o y l e St., Providence, R. I .
New York City—Josephine S. P r a t t , 156 W e s t 170th St., N e w Y o r k C i t y .
Philadelphia—'Avis Hunter, Westville, New Jersey.
Washington, D. C.—Elizabeth F a r r i n g t o n , 3603 N o r t o n Place, W a s h i n g -
ton, D . C.
Lynchburg—Laura R a d f o r d Yates, 300 Madison St., L y n c h b u r g , V a .
Nashville—Mary H o u s t o n Surratt, 2807 Belmont B l v d . , Nashville, Tenn.
New Orleans—Anna M c L e l l a n , 2108 Napoleon A v e . , N e w Orleans, L a .
Chattanooga—Roberta W i l l i a m s D i v i n e , 1510 Foust St., Chattanooga, T e n n .
Memphis—Mary Annie Landy Jones, Memphis, Tenn.
Do you desire fame? Do you wish to bring laurels to
your chapter? Do you want to help your fraternity? Then
send your fraternity songs to the Song Committee. The two
best songs will be published in T o Dragma for May and will be
featured at Convention. Here is your chance for glory, for
honor, and for service! Your chapter must have many songs
not in our Song Book, now two years old. These songs, words
and music, should be written on manuscript paper using one
side only. State title and composer if music is not original.
Give composer and author including chapter and year. Mail
not later than March 5th, to Mrs. Robert Siddell, Lower
Lake, California.
Chapter Editors! The editorial staff would be very glad
to have a good photograph or snap shot of your chapter
delegate to convention. Please send it with a check for $5.00,
direct to the editor by April 12th at the latest. Your delegate
will thus be introduced before her arrival on the scene.
I n the May Issue, Mirrors of Alpha O will be continued.
Some very interesting ones are coming in. Watch for the
May To Dragma.
She was a very small person indeed, numbering eight brief summers
only, this friend of mine of a day, but my need of her is sore. I need
her words to visualize a scene I w a n t to give to each o f y o u , so that
y o u may k n o w the c h a r m and feel the spell of E l k m o n t , as she could
m a k e y o u k n o w i t . M y a c q u a i n t a n c e w i t h her was one of those fleeting
encounters which last f o r a moment—a day perhaps—but which leave
life richer for having occurred.
It was on the boat which carries visitors out to the colorful Mag-
nolia Gardens up the river f r o m Charleston. Her rolicking mood of the
m o r n i n g had vanished completely and her eyes, sparkling brown, were
so shadowed in thought that I paused beside m y fellow-passenger to
put the question, " H o w did you like the Gardens?" She ignored the
question but i n her t u r n queried, " D i d y o u see the f a i r i e s ? " " N o , " I
r e p l i e d t h o u g h t f u l l y , f e a r f u l lest I break the spell, " I d i d n o t see t h e m .
Did you?" "No, but I knew they were there. There were old women
fairies, who made the moss and the old men fairies hung it on the
trees. T h e r e were p r e t t y lady f a i r i e s , they made the flowers and the
little wee baby f a i r i e s painted a l l the buds. N o , I d i d not see the f a i r i e s
but I saw where they lived j n the hollow trees. I saw the holes where
they came and went."
N o traveler's description has ever touched the soul of the M a g -
nolia Gardens as d i d t h a t o f m y l i t t l e f r i e n d o f t h a t day.
I f she were to take y o u to E l k m o n t i t would be not only fairies
whose presence she would sense, but w i t h them wilder, more untamed
spirits, gnomes, and elves, and goblins, the spirit of the winds and the
torrents. Ariel is there and Caliban and laughing Puck while the great
god Pan lurks just behind a rock and teases one w i t h fragmentary
snatches of song on his reed pipes.
No matter if a man-made train must carry one up the gorge of
" L i t t l e River" to the mountain top, Nature has lost none o f her rugged
majesty f o r the traveller. N o sense o f civilization could ever conquer the
spirit of that tumbling torrent which gashes its way down the mountain
side, turning this way and that, twisting back on its self in its reckless
abandon. Occasionally f o r a brief space w i l l be a pool whose m i r r o r e d
s u r f a c e seems to mock the cataract w h i c h created i t and t o be i n close
communion w i t h the pines and the rhododendrons which shelter its banks.
A n d towering ever above it are the precipitous sides o f the mountain, the
very nearness of whose peaks make them appear utterly unattainable to
the traveler.
N o r has civilization marred the w i l d charm o f the mountain top which
does flatten o u t sufficiently f o r man to g a i n a f o o t h o l d . I f we cannot live
in caves w i t h any degree of c o m f o r t and must have modern shelter, the
hosteleries are no offence to their surroundings. Rustic rough hewn
buildings they are, which are called clubs or hotels f o r lack of a better
name, but which do not seem to have w h o l l y detached themselves f r o m
the forests but still remain a part of them.
T h e l u m b e r m a n has been there t o be sure, and in spots the miner,
leaving their scars behind them, but in the main the evidences o f man's
presence are footpaths through the woods leading to vistas of mountains
beyond; or clearings where grass and moss replace the trees and serve as
a flooring f o r tennis; or a dam r u d e l y built f r o m boulder to boulder to
stay the stream in its course and to furnish not a pool but a "swimming
Such is E l k m o n t , nestled i n the heart of the Great Smokeys, and here
it is that we want all the A l p h a O's to go w i t h us, to breathe the tonic air,
to feel the stillness and the bigness "of the mountains.
M y little f r i e n d o f a day was r i g h t , man m a y go to such places as a
visitor but i t is the fairies and elves who live there and make it what i t is
W e m a y n o t see them but w e k n o w that they are there.
H A R R I E T C. G R E V E , Omicron.
W e cannot resist the temptation to reveal one of the surprises o f the
Convention program because no one can a f f o r d to miss it. F r o m the
moment the Executive Committee accepted the enthusiastic invitation of
the Southern Chapters to meet with them, Omicron chapter in chorus and
with great emphasis—crescendo growing irresistibly "stronger and
stronger"—have finally convinced the E x e c u t i v e Committee that the Con-
vention must visit and play at Elkmont. The God of Nature lavishes
beauty and charm in abundance in some of the favored spots. Omicron
is r i g h t and E l k m o n t is one o f these spots o f rare grandeur that i t is our
fortunate opportunity to enjoy. W i t h a Convention business calendar
already beginning to assume considerable length, and the determination of
the Executive Committee that business shall not be hurried because o f
the m a n y i m p o r t a n t matters before us, i t has been necessary to schedule
the trip to Elkmont for the Saturday of Convention week. A l l in at-
tendance at Convention should therefore arrange their plans to accept
Omicron's hospitality f o r the day. W i t h Convention cares behind us we
can go and play together in the heart of the Tennessee Mountains before
we bid f a r e w e l l and again go our separate ways. W o n d e r f u l as O m i c r o n ' s
hospitality has been, we have felt we should decline to have the chapter
personally bear the cost o f transporting the Convention members to Elk-
mont—an estimated cost of $2.00 each—and each member would wish to
pay this expense. B u t O m i c r o n says the lunch at one o f the clubs on the
Mountain top is all their o w n little matter and we w i l l let them have their
way. This is to be a surprise, too, but can't you smell f r i e d chicken?
W e are sure that when you read the foregoing article by Dean Harriet
C. Greve, you have felt with us the intense desire to join all your fraternity
at Elkmont to search f o r those fairies—for we really have k n o w n that
there have been fairies always! W h o would have thought they were
cornered down in the Tennessee Mountains! O N T O E L K M O N T ! W e
L i f e smiled on me and l e f t me quite untouched; '23
She turned aside her face and in that moment of neglect
She gave, a l l .
T h e p o w e r — t o see beauty i n lovely t h i n g s ,
T o hear the cries of pain in those about me,
The courage—to speak words of kindness and of praise
T o those who need t h e m ;
A l l these l i f e gave and in the giving smiled again.
I n view of the masterly report of the Grand Secretary on the sub-
ject o f national w o r k , there seems little necessity f o r comment except i n
the way o f unqualified approval. Since, however, the author of the report
raises various questions in regard to general policy, the opinion of one
member on some of them may add something to the sum total of ideas
upon the subject.
T h e first p r o p o s i t i o n seems s i m p l e e n o u g h . I n r e g a r d to* the sec-
ond, the question is raised whether a scholarship award should be
open to all college graduates or to members only. As a matter of
general principle I believe it should be open primarily to Alpha mem-
bers, because I am very sure, j u d g i n g by the caliber of present mem-
bers that there would be no lack of suitable candidates among our own
m e m b e r s h i p , a n d i t seems o n l y f a i r t h a t t h e y s h o u l d have the first o p -
p o r t u n i t y . A good w o r k i n g principle i n such matters is to leave a loop-
hole f o r special cases which m i g h t call f o r special action. T h e scholar-
ship in m y opinion should take the form of an award. Anyone doing
specialized w o r k is l i k e l y t o find i t d i f f i c u l t t o g e t a s t a r t t h a t m e a n s
financial independence immediately. T h e m o r e u n t r i e d the field the less
money i t is likely to b r i n g in, and yet f o r the very, reason o f its pioneer
character it may prove a particularly valuable contribution to society.
Under such circumstances the payment of a loan m i g h t be a heavy
burden. I believe that Alpha should not allow the award to go out
of its own control. W e might and no doubt should consult outside
o r g a n i z a t i o n s o f college w o m e n , b u t s h o u l d keep the final decision i n
o u r o w n hands. W e as a f r a t e r n i t y have a definite o b j e c t in m i i i d .
A n y fellowship that we give should be w i t h the accomplishment of
t h a t o b j e c t i n v i e w . T h e fields o f research, t h e r e f o r e , t h a t appeal t o
me most strongly are along social or health lines, and in the order
m e n t i o n e d . T h e greatest need f o r intelligence at the present time as I
see i t , is along social lines. T h e testing of our present civilization
w i l l be on that basis, and there are crucial problems to be solved if it
is to stand. Second i n i m p o r t a n c e , I believe, is w o r k f o r p u b l i c health.
I f the scholarship is limited to A l p h a members it w o u l d n a t u r a l l y
a p p l y o n l y to such colleges as have chapters, b u t I a m n o t sure the
system o f rotation is the best. Practically it may be necessary but
t h e o r e t i c a l l y I s h o u l d like t o see candidates f r o m m a n y o r a l l o f the
institutions in which our chapters arc found competing f o r the honor
each year, and a selection made not merely on the basis of scholar-
ship but also f r o m the standpoint of character with a view to making
the a w a r d to the g i r l who is most likely to use her knowledge f o r the
benefit of society.
T h e idea of a national w o r k which shall be f o r the welfare o f
children appeals to me both f r o m the standpoint of sentiment and be-
cause it is more w o r t h while in its effects o n human progress. There
again i t is a question, i f o n l y one t h i n g can be done, w h e t h e r the need
is greater along the line of correction of bodily ills or education of the
heart and intellect. The crippled children and the boys and girls of
the mountains appeal to me most strongly among the objects men-
tioned in the report.
A s t o financing, t h a t needs c a r e f u l p l a n n i n g on the p a r t o f a
special committee, b u t an endowment f u n d seems t o . me to be more
effective in the long run. A very successful start has been made along
those lines by means of life subscriptions to T o Dragma and I believe
the same thing could be w o r k e d out f o r our national purpose. Such
a scheme means a slow start but the basis of it is sound and in the end
it pays. W i t h a definite w o r k to be accomplished enthusiasm f o r ac-
cumulating funds would grow. Some of the chapters have taken upon
themselves w o r k w h i c h is temporary in character, and others may pre-
fer to divert a portion of their funds from local work to that which
is broader i n scope.
Finally I believe in some w o r k in our o w n country, because a
thoughtful consideration of conditions would seem to indicate a vast
field f o r c o n s t r u c t i v e w o r k here i n the U n i t e d States,—a need t h a t is
sometimes overlooked in favor of the more obvious and therefore more
generally recognized needs abroad.
A f t e r twenty-six years o f more o r less selfish existence, our f r a t e r n i t y
is preparing to take its place i n A m e r i c a n l i f e as an organization pledged
by its Founders to help humanity. I t is true that we have needed those
twenty-six years of internal, intensive, constructive work, but now, with
an organization better than ever before, we must turn our attention to
others than our own members.
T o our actives has fallen naturally the task of perpetuating our ex-
istence and the duty o f choosing those who w i l l reflect the ideals of our
Founders, a task well done. But in the last analysis, it is they who re-
ceive f r o m A l p h a , rather than give. T h e y see as i n a glass d a r k l y , while
i t is the alumnae w h o must see, face to face, even as they are seen. T o
the alumnae of necessity must come the responsibility o f meeting the
broader w o r l d outside the college, no mean responsibilty. W e must be
the ones to give to our f r a t e r n i t y , to repay as we are able, something o f
that w h i c h A l p h a gave to us i n our days as active members, and i t is
our d u t y t o be certain that that w h i c h is seen, is w o r t h y o f o u r purpose.
This is an extremely critical time in our f r a t e r n i t y development, with
need f o r complete and hearty co-operation of every individual who ever
wore proudly an Alpha Omicron Pi pin. A definite, carefully conceived,
workable plan f o r national w o r k has been presented f o r our consideration.
The National W o r k Committee is w o r k i n g on this plan and is asking f o r
criticism and suggestions. N o plan f o r national w o r k can succeed unless
satisfactory to the m a j o r i t y o f o u r members, and each o f us, as an i n -
dividual, owes it to our fraternity to give an opinion on this subject.
D u r i n g our twenty-six years of life, we have become a large organiza-
tion, f a r too large f o r individual attention. O u r active membership is
easily reached. They f o r m compact, readily accessible groups. The
alumnae, in so f a r as they are unorganized are difficult to reach. Stop a
moment and recall the charge to which you pledged fealty at initiation
and again at every ritual meeting. Repeat your initiation pledge. A r e
you not bound to become a member of an alumnae chapter, where ever
possible? I believe that you are. I know that the chapter and your
fraternity need you.
In the past year I have learned much about alumnae activities, and I
am amazed at the variability of interests and the versatility of our members.
Alumnae activities range f r o m the maintenance of scholarships to the
management o f rummage sales, f r o m aid to active chapters to adoption o f
a poor family, f r o m sewing for the poor to work with undernourished
children. I n q u i r e what the chapter nearest you is doing. Y o u w i l l be
interested i n k n o w i n g . Perhaps there is no chapter near you. A r e y o u
certain though that there are not seven members of A l p h a Omicron P i
in your vicinity? Seven members are sufficient to f o r m an alumnae
chapter, the only other requisites being enthusiasm and remembrance of
the love you once bore your fraternity and the pleasure membership in it
gave you. Your District Vice-superintendent will give you the necessary
i n f o r m a t i o n as to f o u n d i n g an alumnae chapter. Those o f us w h o already
are members o f an alumnae chapter have a duty also. W e must seek
out the non-members and interest them anew. Perhaps their pet hobby
w i l l fit into y o u r chapter plans to r o u n d them to completion. I n any case,
in every case, there is some point of contact, i f we seek w i t h sufficient
diligence. Alumnae f r a t e r n i t y w o r k has proven to me intensely interesting
and absorbing, more so I believe than active w o r k appears i n retrospect.
For many years Alpha O m i c r o n P i has meant something to you.
This is the time, yours is the privilege, to make the name mean something
W I T H O N L Y $6.00.
M E E T U S A T W H I T T L E S P R I N G S , J U N E 25
to others. Grasp the opportunity. Join, i f you have not already done so,
an alumnae chapter, and w o r k your best w i t h body, brain, spirit, and
substance f o r Alpha Omicron P i , its members, and others, less fortunate
than you.
I should like to endorse most heartily the plan f o r the national work of
the f r a t e r n i t y as presented by the E x e c u t i v e Committee i n the Sept. 1922,
T o Dragma. The feature of this plan that especially appeals to me is
its three-fold character. I t is a great deal to hope that everyone w i l l be
satisfied w i t h the choice of our national w o r k , but i t seems to me that the
Executive Committee's plan makes that possible.
There are those of us w h o believe that, f o r the present anyway, our
m a i n interest n a t i o n a l l y should be the strengthening o f o u r o w n o r -
ganization, particularly thru assistance to the active chapters. For these,
there is the opportunity of w o r k to secure more life subscriptions to T o
Dragma and thereby increase the endowment f u n d . A l s o there has been
suggested the further possibility of extending assistance to active chapters
by establishing a central national purchasing department thru which all the
chapters can purchase, at a great saving, their household linen, table linen
and other standard articles necessary in all chapter houses.
M a n y o f our number believe that we, as a college organization, should
have our p r i m a r y national interest that o f f o s t e r i n g scholarship. The sec-
ond feature of the submitted plan gives this group in Alpha O a chance
to w o r k out their ideas as to w h a t f o r m this incentive t o scholarship
should take. The money for a definite beginning of a scholarship fund
is provided f o r , and there is, o f course, no l i m i t at all to the extent to
w h i c h this feature could be developed as time goes on.
Probably the majority of our members, however, feel that our national
w o r k should be definitely a p h i l a n t h r o p i c w o r k , something outside o f the
f r a t e r n i t y itself. F o r these, the t h i r d feature of the suggested plan seems
almost to have found that long-sought-for thing—a f o r m of philanthropic
w o r k that could be realized in several d i f f e r e n t places, so that there w o u l d
be the close personal appeal, and yet a f o r m o f w o r k that w o u l d c a r r y a
national unity o f idea and o f organization. This suggestion also has the
value of being capable of initiation in a small way, that would neverthe-
less be real and definite. One can hardly vision the possibilities o f its
f u l l development, and yet each step f o r w a r d w o u l d be a step that w o u l d
tie i n closely w i t h what had already been accomplished.
I believe our delegates to the convention in June should go imbued
w i t h the idea that the time has n o w come when we should make the selec-
tion of our national work. W e should all have the attitude of mind that in
the absence of better programs of our o w n to put f o r w a r d , we should
support the best plan that is presented. Perhaps i t may not appeal as
beyond question the most desirable thing for the fraternity to undertake,
but i f , after our many years of discussion on this subject of a national
work, that "most desirable thing" has not yet come to light, I believe
we should treat i t as a fantasy and p u t o u r support wholeheartedly back o f
that plan which has reached definite and concrete expression.
R O C H E L L E G A C H E T , Pi.
"As you know, I am a transfer f r o m Kappa chapter. Transferring
f r o m one chapter to another has made m y f r a t e r n i t y mean so much more
to me. I t has made me realize the real sisterhood o f all A l p h a Omicron
Pis. I t was certainly d e l i g h t f u l to come to a new school and find such
lovely f r a t e r n i t y sisters ready to welcome me into their chapter. A l p h a
Omicron P i means more to me every day."
M A R Y M A R S H A L L , NU Kappa.
"Miss Hurd, I must tell you how much I enjoyed your article on
our National W o r k in the September T o Dragma. Every girl in the
chapter read it carefully and your discussion of the subject gave us all a
more clear conception o f the ideas and aims of the National W o r k Com-
mittee. On Founders' Day the active and alumnae chapters enjoyed a
lovely celebration together and we discussed Alpha O's philanthropic w o r k
at length."
C A T H E R I N E R A S B U R Y , Pres. N. K .
Several years ago, Upsilon chapter was very much in need of a
chapter house. I t seemed most advisable to purchase one and so, a f t e r
due consideration the A l u m n a e incorporated into w h a t is k n o w n as U p s i l o n
of Alpha Omicron Pi Incorporated.
Each member of Upsilon chapter—upon graduation or leaving college—
is to buy shares in the house amounting to the sum of $100. Shares
are f o r $10 each and one or more are to be purchased each year u n t i l the
$100 has been paid.
By-laws were adopted to cover the government of the corporation.
Among these is one relating to the shares of deceased members. I t has
been suggested that this may be o f interest to other chapters w h o are
buying houses and also thinking of our National W o r k .
T h e b y - l a w is as f o l l o w s : —
I t is provided that should a share-holder voluntarily, during her life-
time, leave in trust or by w i l l bequeath, any or all shares held by her
to the corporation, or should the executors or heirs to her estate volun-
tarily assign these shares to the corporation, the trustees are authorized,
in the name of the deceased member, to pay the face value of these shares,
together w i t h any interest which may be due and any additional amount
which may be contributed, into the Social W e l f a r e or Philanthropic F u n d
of the Grand Treasury of our fraternity.
T h i s was adopted in M a r c h , 1921. I t seems to us v e r y fitting that
these shares should be turned in towards a lasting and w o r t h y N a t i o n a l
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The trolly car was damp and cold,
And packed as f u l l as it could hold.
Two rows of faces tight and grim,
Frowned at me crossly as I wedged in.
Impatient, I counted one by one,
The corners until I could reach my home.
Then someone leaned across the car.
She said, " I don't know who you are,
"But by the pin you wear, I see,
You share a secret dear with me."
And straightway then-our hands did meet;
Straightway, she moved along a seat,
And as I by her side squeezed down,
A magic circle closed us round.
Without, the rain dashed on the pane,
Within, vague figures went and came.
And " D i d you know?" and "Have you heard?"
"It's long since I have had a word!"—
"But I remember so well when—
"You don't mean Y O U were there just then!"—
Suddenly "bump" the lights went out.
Loud came the grim conductor's shout:
"Sorry, ladies, to let you know,
But this is as far as we can go."
And there we had ridden the circuit round,
And reached the car barns 'way down town!
We looked at each other with a grin,
Two strangers magicked with a pin.
And together we said as we rose to go:
"It was worth it to meet an A L P H A O ! "
E V E L Y N CORNISH, Upsiton.
r\ W I N G T O T H E F A C T that some colleges are dismissed
early, chapters there need especially to know convention
plans in advance. For this reason the present issue is largely de-
voted to Convention arrangements and business, notably the Na-
tional W o r k to be adopted. The response to the request f o r
ideals on National W o r k has been very g r a t i f y i n g . So far, the
plans of the executive committee have met with nothing but the
heartiest endorsement. I t is certain that this convention will mark
a definite step in our progress by the adoption of National Philan-
thropic W o r k . Because this is a history making convention,
therefore, we should all attend it, aside from the wonderful time
we shall have, meeting our sisters f r o m all over the country. I f
you have never been at a convention, you can't possibly realize
the joy of it and so go, by all means. To those who have been
there, nothing need be said. They'll be there, i f it is humanly
T> E F O R E V E R Y L O N G , the chapters will be holding annual
elections. Elsewhere in the magazine are to be seen sug-
gestions about your delegate to convention. I t is about your T o
Dragma representative that a word might be said here. I f the
active chapters would only continue their chapter editor and their
alumnae assistant in office f o r two years, unless she should prove
unsatisfactory, how much the labor of the editorial staff would
be lightened! This thing of breaking in two new representatives
of each chapter each year could all be avoided, i f this simple
suggestion were followed. A n d if the alumnae chapters would
only have their presidents write their chapter letters, we wouldn't
have to read that "the secretary was unable to be present at the
December meeting, and so unfortunately can tell nothing of i t . "
The president is usually there.
^ " p H E E D I T O R W A S SO F O R T U N A T E as to be present
at the Public Exercises of the Twenty-eighth Congress of
Alpha Tau Omega held in Chicago, on December 27. A n interest-
ing address of welcome by Gen. Nathan William MacChesney of
Northwestern and <t> K W was answered by Dean Thomas Arkle
Clark of the University of Illinois, who is the W o r t h y Grand
Chief of A T Q. Among other things, Dean Clark said: "What
is a fraternity for? W h y do we give our strength and effort to
it? W h y ? Because we believe first that it contributes to the
welfare of the community. Again, it furnishes a home, develops
scholarship, stands f o r friendship and should stand f o r character.
What sort of character? Unselfish character—recognizing our
duty to self, state and to nation. I f we do not always preach
these ideals, we should. The fraternity should exist f o r the
uplifting of society."
Convention, June 25-30, 1923, Whittle Springs, Knoxville,
Tenn. Plan now to attend.
Associate members of the Fraternity may still have the
privilege of the partial payment plans for life subscriptions to
To Dragma, if they avail themselves of the opportunity be-
fore A p r i l 1. T h i s special extension of time has been granted
by the Executive Committee upon request. The response has
been gratifying but many members were unable to avail them-
selves of the opportunity during the holiday season. A con-
tract f o r m is printed in this issue of the magazine for your
convenience. The time is short. M a i l the contract w i t h first
payment to Mrs. George V . Mullan, 118 West 183rd St., New
York City. D o it today. Remember that there is urgent
need f o r a larger endowment f u n d immediately—and at the
same time you are to receive the magazine for life, w i t h o u t
further effort on your part.
Active chapter members, are you prepared f o r your an-
nual fraternity examinations? Coming very soon!
Convention Singing! I t is the life of Convention. Can't
you hear the merry, piping tunes already? I t may not always
be music as such— but we all sing together. T h i s year there
w i l l be an orchestra to encourage the t i m i d songsters and add
glee to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pi chapter w i l l have
charge of song leaders. There are songs your chapter loves
to sing—they may not be in the song-book—but we want
to hear your favorites. Bring them to Convention but before
Convention send them to the Chairman of the Song Commit-
tee, Mrs. Robert Siddell, Lakeport, California. Have your
talented members compose new songs. H o l d a song rally
in your chapter. The singing chapter is the one you notice—
i t is the indication of the happy, finer life of your chapter.
Sing! Bring your songbooks to Convention. Additional
copies can be obtained f r o m V i o l a C. Gray, Grand Treasurer,
at the reduced price of $1.25. Sing! Sing! Sing!
Any member of the Grand Council who has not returned
her questionnaire relating to the National Philanthropic W o r k
for Alpha Omicron Pi, should send it without further delay to
the Grand Vice-President, Mrs. Stanley Thomas, Lafayette
College Campus, Easton, Pa. Your suggestions and replies
are necessary for the guidance of the Committee on National
Work in formulating a complete plan to present to the
I M P O R T A N T N O T I C E for the Convention Calendar-
A l l items of business and proposed amendments to the Con-
stitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Fraternity—
must be in the hands .of the Grand Secretary, Laura A . H u r d ,
524 Riverside Drive, N e w Y o r k City not later than A p r i l 15,
Nominations with qualifications for Grand Officers for
1923-1925 must be in the hands of the Committee on Nomina-
tions, Mrs. E. I . MacPhie, 49 Daniels St., Lowell, Mass.,
Chairman not later than M a r c h 15*, 1923. Members of the
Grand Council should mail their ballots at least by M a r c h 10
to insure their receipt by the Committee by the specified date.
Too much emphasis cannot be given this important respon-
sibility entrusted to the members of the Grand Council to
select for nomination leaders of ability and vision—and the
time and capacity to serve Alpha Omicron Pi unselfishly and
Chapter Historians, active and alumnae, your Convention
Historical E x h i b i t should be well under preparation by this
time. Avoid last minute rush!
Fraternity directories may be ordered f r o m either the
Grand Secretary or the Grand Treasurer. The price is 40c a
copy. Distribution of directories has been delayed for un-
avoidable reasons—but all orders have been filed and w i l l
be filled as quickly as possible. This is Convention year and
there w i l l be many travellers. A directory w i l l help you locate
f r a t e r n i t y sisters—some you may not have seen f o r years.
The supply of directories is limited. Place your order.
How better can a summer vacation be spent than in en-
joying the friendships—new and old—amid the associations of
Alpha Omicron Pi, at Whittle Springs, Knoxville, Tenn.
Omicron and the whole fraternity welcomes you. Come!
Each Summer Many Members of the fraternity join tours
and travel through Europe. I t is most opportune, since this
is Convention year, that a party is f o r m i n g for such a tour and
i t is to be hoped that the party w i l l be comprised entirely of
Alphas. The organization of the group is under the manage-
ment of Rochelle Gachet f r o m whom reservations are to be
made. The party is to meet at Convention and the itinerary
is given on another page of this issue of the magazine. W h a t
more delightful, than that associations formed at Convention,
may be continued together throughout the summer months,
travelling amid the interesting places and scenes of Europe.
Booking w i l l have to be made early to insure transportation.
The Fiftieth Anniversary Number of the Alpha Phi Quarterly is
full of interest. It contains, among other well-illustrated reports upon
different phases of their Convention, last June, an account of the pageant
of the history of Alpha Phi called "Milestone" which concluded with a
procession of the years led by the founders, and made up of a representa-
tive of each of the f i f t y classes, each one carrying a lighted candle and
wearing the dress in which she graduated.
This number also announces the raising of their $50,000.00 endowment
The Phi Gamma Delta is fostering a unique contest asking for con-
tributions under the Caption "My most Unusual Figi Experience," and
already some interesting meetings in the frozen North, in France, and in
the business world, have been chronicled.
The December Sigma Kappa Triangle is an alumnae number and
besides interesting biographical and autobiographical sketches of the
prominent alumnae of each chapter is a contribution from each active
chapter under the heading "My Ideal Alumna." Alpha (Colby College,
Waterville, Maine) sends the following:
I cannot say whether she is
Tall or short
But I know that her eyes
And that she smiles often.
She comes to meetings
And to initiation
And when we meet her on the street
She says
"How is everything?" and
"Tell me i f I can help."
Her interest is always
Furthermore, she is never
"Terribly offended"
I f some of us—
Poor forgetful things—
Fail to invite her to
Something. She
Understands, and
Comes anyway.
The things she does always make us
Proud of her;
And when she passes,
It is like a soft breeze, or
The scent of flowers.
And we look at
Each other, and
And say
"She's a
A movement is now on foot to increase the proportion of fraternity
men at Dartmouth. A committee appointed by the trustees investigated
the fraternity situation last year and reported that only one-half the under-
graduate body was enrolled in fraternities. The committee recommended
that new fraternities be introduced or that the size of the delegations in
the existing fraternities be increased to include more men on the fraternity
rolls. Within the last few years five new fraternities have been organized
at Dartmouth, but a need for additional organization is still felt.
2 X Quarterly.
The September issue of the Delta Chi Quarterly announces its change
from a Law to a general fraternity with its chapter roll of twenty-two
"The following paragraph f r o m Beta Thcta Pi so aptly expresses
the editorial point of view this morning, when on our desk lies a list of over
300 life subscribers whose addresses are unknown, that it is presented to
our readers in the hope that it may prove more efficacious in bringing in
addresses than have our own words of exhortation.
" I t is with great regret we announce the resignation from the staff
of this magazine of Simla Darjeling Wooglatma, the celebrated Indian
mind reader and space annihilator. His special task has been to anticipate
when a subscriber to the Baird Fund intended to move and to notify us
of the new residence address, so as to reduce to a minimum the number
of complaints about not getting the magazine. As we are unable to find a
successor to Wooglatma who has the same powers of prescience, we shall
have to depend upon the members themselves in the future to notify us
when they move. By special arrangement with the United States govern-
ment a handsome card called a postal card has been provided for this
purpose. I t may be secured at any postoffice for one cent in American
money. I t is unnecessary to show any membership receipt to purchase
this card as all stamp clerks have been instructed to accept the penny
without question. But it is well to remember that the clerks are forbidden
to write the cards. The purchaser must do this himself. I t is reported
to be a comparatively easy task."—K A 0.
About a week ago there was published in the Minneapolis Journal a
most interesting article. Its headline was "Sororities Lead in U Scholar-
ship," and it began :
"The scholastic standing of sorority girls at the University of Minne-
sota last year outranked that of non-sorority girls, according to a table
completed today by E. E. Nicholson, dean of student affairs. The sorority
average was 1,247 or 73 points higher than the non-sorority average of
1,174. The averages a year ago gave the sorority girls 72 points advantage
for 1920-21."
This is of special interest f o r sorority women as it gives an answer
based on actual statistics to that troublesome and tiresome complaint that
sorority girls are so much interested in the social side of school that they
neglect the serious side.—Alpha Xi Delta.
The October Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta contains accounts of the
installations of Alpha Epsilon chapter at Arizona University, Tucson, April
1922 and of Alpha Zeta chapter at the University of Texas, in Austin,
Texas, in May, 1922.
The "Health and Athletic number" of the Pi Beta Phi Arrow—
(December)—is an interesting variation f r o m the usual. The Health
Program adopted at the 25th biennial convention, is the keynote of the
issue, which contains articles on athletics f o r college women, Diet in
Relation to Health, etc. A n illustrated article on P i Phis in athletics em-
phasizes the special branches in which the different chapters and in-
dividuals excel, and a second symposium on "What our college and chapter
are doing for the health of women students" contributed by each chapter,
is to be continued in the next issue.
I n an excellent editorial on "Extravagance" in the October Caduceus
of Kappa Sigma, Dr. J. S. Ferguson quotes a recent speech of Pres. J. M .
Thomas to the students of Penn. State and closes by saying:
"On every side we hear that the American nation has been passing
through a period of extravagance and is now endeavoring to get down to
a normal state. President Thomas urges the college student to follow this
same path. We hope that normalcy will be reached in the present college
year, and we trust that college fraternities, particularly our own Fraternity,
will do its share toward that end."
Under the heading, " A Timely Protest" the D K E Quarterly quotes
the following from the Beta Theta Pi editorial columns:
"University Dean recently sent a letter to a fraternity officer announc-
ing that a certain student had been suspended f r o m membership in that
fraternity, and therefore was no longer entitled to privileges. While the
letter clearly indicated that the action had been taken by the chapter, it
seemed strange at least to have the Dean inform the fraternity officer of
the suspension. The University of Missouri Panhellenic Council "has
passed a ruling which will take active membership privileges f r o m any man
who fails in more than three hours of his work." The question'naturally
arises, what is membership in a fraternity anyway? H o w is it regulated?
W i l l the next step be a letter f r o m the university president to the general
secretary: saying, " I am writing to say that John Reilly Knox of the Junior
Class has been assigned to membership in Beta Theta Pi f o r the second
semester." There is coming to be a confusion of ideas in some college
communities. There are students who use such expressions as, "He lived
in the blank fraternity last year," meaning that he lived in the chapter
house. I t is probable that some students who are members make no
distinction between the fraternity and the house. Should that idea become
general among fraternity members the quality of the food served might
be the distinguishing mark between a fraternity chapter and Mrs. Warten-
be's students' club. I n some universities even now boarding clubs are
listed with fraternities as "organizations." Surely there is something else
to a fraternity than bed and board. I f there really isn't, then it is time
to give up the system. But, to return to the question of jurisdiction,
Beta Theta Pi Chapters should retain in themselves the power to regulate
their membership, whether in election or in suspension or in expulsion.
I f a member is to be disciplined he must be tried in accordance with the
Code of Beta Theta Pi and cannot be suspended by those not members
of the fraternity. The Dean and the Panhellenic Council are to be
respected. But the chapter member cannot be barred f r o m his rights as a
fraternity member except as provided in the Code."
President Harding, at the inauguration of President Chandler at the
College of William and Mary, in . Virginia, spoke of "the obligation to
maintain and encourage the smaller colleges. I t is the small college that
democratizes the higher education; that brings it within the vision and
means of the average young man and woman. We hear much of the
traditions of famous universities, but if we look into them we commonly
find that they concern men, men who have stamped their personalities,
who have given of their generous natures, who have colored the intellectual
atmosphere about them. And men who are big and strong enough to do
that are as likely to be found in the modest as in the impressive environ-
ment."—Scroll of Phi Delta Theta.
"Campus Saturday Nights" is the latest scheme of the Student Wel-
fare Committee of the University of California to provide entertainment
and a means f o r the large student body to get acquainted. They have been
great successes and have already done much to create a more unified spirit.
The problem before us was to offer sufficient attractions to the student to
keep them on the campus on week-end nights. Every alternate Saturday
night an assembly dance is given in the two gymnasiums. The tickets f o r
the dance are fifteen cents apiece, and men and women are requested not to
come together. A reception committee, with official blue armbands, sees
to it that there are no wall flowers and that proper introductions are made.
On the other Saturdays, our new Little Theater has planned student
dramatic productions. The direction, action, stage setting and costuming
is all done by students. Besides offering very entertaining plays, the Little
Theater gives opportunity f o r a great deal of initiative and activity along
artistic and dramatic lines.
—Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega.
(No letters from Alpha Phi and Psi. Fines due.)
A l l of Pi is wearing that peculiar "pre-exam" expression that is found
almost everywhere after the Christmas holidays and frivolous smiles are
decidedly not the thing at present. Our unnatural seriousness was dis-
turbed, despite us, recently though, f o r who should come back with Emily
but Louise Adams and I brought Maia Morgan back with me. Iota,
you are to be congratulated—Louise has praised you so much that I fear
you will have all of Pi transferred there next year. We were so glad to
see Louise and especially since she told us such lovely things about you.
Maia was recuperating f r o m a strenuous season of teaching, she said, but
we fear the recuperation will be permanent.
We are working under last year's rushing rules which means that we
can only pledge and initiate in the sophomore year. Most of the freshmen
have already decided and are telling the different fraternities as they de-
cide. Fifteen most attractive ones have told us their sensible decision
and so we have only two left on our rushing list. We are expecting them
to tell us at our next rushing party, i f it is as successful as our last one.
That one by the way, was a most clever affair in which the "Russian" idea
was carried out in detail.
As far as activities around school are concerned we have nothing to be
ashamed of—Mary Bolton made the cla?s hockey team; Elizabeth Kastler,
volley ball team; Jack Lobrano, Newcomb ball team and Genevra had the
leading role in the last dramatic club play, and I forgot to say last time
that I am Secretary of Student Gov't. Assn.
The only other interesting event we are facing, beside exams, is the
opening of our new "gym." A formal student body dance will be given
February 10th to do this. Would you not all like to come?
I t is gratifying to note that the following members of N u Chapter,
Anna Elizabeth Boyer, Mary Figueira, Lillian Story Griffin, Catherine
Sommer and Margaret Swift, are taking the post graduate course in the
Law School, which will result in the degree of L . L . M .
Elizabeth Underbill sailed on a trip around the world with her father
last October, and expects to return some time in March.
Lillian Story Griffin was admitted to the New York State Bar in
November as attorney and counsellor, and has started in practice for
Nu Chapter has had a tea and several informal dinners so far this
Pledge day seemed a long way off to us, but at last it came and we
were mighty proud to pin the red and white on nine of the finest Freshmen
on the " H i l l . " They are all excellent material, and know something of
what the fraternity stands for, while three of them, being little sisters, are
well up on the subject. We are now looking forward to a time not far off
when we can call them real sisters in Alpha Omicron Pi.
The Annual U . T. Carnival was held Dec. 16th, and our stunt "A Music
Store" won the sorority cup, thanks to the Freshmen who got it up and
carried it out.
Basket ball has replaced football, and we have an unusually good
team, two of the girls being "letter men."—We are hoping that they will
allow inter-sorority games this year.
Exams are not far off and, of course, we will all have to study hard
after the holidays, but our Freshmen are good students and we are not
worrying about them.
We are all delighted that the A. O. Pi Convention should come to
Knoxville, and are looking forward eagerly to meeting and knowing most,
if not all, of you.
For the first time in all of Kappa's life, she can announce the results
of the season's rushing this early in the school year. This is due to the
fact that our system has been somewhat altered so that we had what we
called "Promise Day" on November the eleventh—when bids were issued
as usual and those wise ones who chose A. O. Pi (and shall we say the un-
wise ones who chose otherwise?) were formally bound by a promise to
be followed, i f enough work is passed on examinations, by the usual
pledging on pledge day in February. We had a most exciting day, and
concluded it with a banquet at the house in honor of the "promisees."
We feel no hesitation about saying that we are absolutely satisfied
with, and inordinately proud of, the seven girls who were "wise." One of
them is class president, and all of them are leaders in class affairs. No one
can imagine what a relief it is to settle down with mind at peace after six
weeks instead of five months of hectic rushing.
Randolph-Macon had the honor of being hostess to the Student Gov-
ernment Conference of Northern Colleges in November, and we were
delighted to have among the delegates, a sister A. O. Pi from far-off
Maine, whom we all found most interesting. We only wish there could
have been more of our kith and kin present.
On Founders' Day, we had, with the alumnae, a ritual meeting, and
supper at the house. The house, by the way, has been newly adorned
within and without—new rugs, new curtains, and upholstering, and a fine
new roof to top it all. The alumnae gave us a beautiful lamp and we
wish you all could pay us a visit while we are so dressed up.
You would all love to meet our new chaperon, mother Ayres. We know
that she has Alpha O at heart and is going to be one to whom we can al-
ways turn. Mother Ayres has an Alpha O daughter, Helen, ex '18.
The freshmen showed a lot of pep and gave us a clever Christmas
party and we were so glad to have some of our alumnae down f o r it.
They can not come too often to please us. You can just tell by looking
around our house that Alpha O was remembered at Christmas. During
vacation the Omaha alumnae gave a tea f o r the active girls there and f r o m
all reports the girls had a fine time.
Lois Haas and Dorothy Woodward will graduate in February. Dorothy
is going to leave us right away and i f she were not going to have such
a perfect trip to California we might keep her here. Lois is going to do
her best to teach school right near us.
Mercedes Abbott was elected member to the Honorary Teachers' col-
lege society. Bonnie Hess is now a member of Theta Sigma Phi, Women's
Honorary Journalistic Society. Some of the girls are doing Americaniza-
tion work. Now we are all starting on a drive to sell "Cornhuskers." One
of the biggest events of the year is to be a Carnival and A O n is to have
a booth. We are going to have regular rainbow costumes and just make
folks want to buy what we sell.
Right on the heels of final exams comes mid-year rushing. W e are
planning on few but clever parties. We'll let you know the results of it
P A U L I N E G E L L A T L Y '25.
Sigma Chapter had a most prosperous and happy fall semester. Each
girl not only was interested in A . O. Pi alone, but we each had our outside
interests, as social service work or campus activities.
We did not initiate until after the second mid-terms in November
last semester. Our freshmen proved to be great poets and skilled act-
resses on that day. Initiation ended with a formal banquet.
We had a real Hallowe'en party on October 21st, with pumpkin faces
as lamps, black cats f o r programs, and pumpkin pie and coffee f o r eats.
On November 17th we gave our formal tea and dance.
The fall term was rather late in closing, so the spring semester did
not begin until January 15th. We have hopes f o r great success in the
coming terms.
E L I Z A B E T H H E S S E R '24.
A great many things have happened since last letter. As a small
part of our charity work this year we gave a Thanksgiving party f o r the
children of the Orphanage. I really believe we had more f u n , or at least
as much, as any of the kiddies.
Earlier in the fall the chapter gave a delightful tea f o r Mrs. Chilton,
our new chaperone f r o m New Albany. Shortly afterward our Freshmen
entertained with a Hallowe'en party f o r the other pledges on the campus.
The house was decorated beautifully with leaves, cornstalks, pumpkins,
black cats and witches. Mary Elizabeth Davies gave one of her charming
dances and Alice Reeves played on the violin.
We are so proud of our house after a hectic week of painters and
paper-hangers who insisted in getting in our way while we attempted to
attend classes despite the major attraction at home. The result is worth
all the inconveniences; for lovely tan paper, ivory woodwork, silk pongee
curtains, light shades, and black and gold velvet drapes improve the at-
mosphere immensely. We wish you were all coming to see us soon.
The week preceeding the vacation was a busy one with a special Uni-
versity service, a celebration on the campus featuring a large Christmas
tree and bands of carollers, the Y. W . C. A . Christmas party f o r the
Greencastle school children, culminating the last night in a delightful
Christmas cozy f o r the pledges at the house. Mrs. Chilton and Mrs. G.
A. Cox, our last year's chaperon, were the guests of honor and were just
as young as any of the girls f o r this last get-to-gether.
And I almost forgot to say that we initiated six of the pledges in
November, and are eagerly looking forward to the time next month when
the other six may really become A . O. Pi's.
Margaret Safford has been made one of the editors of the Depauw
Ebba Anderson is now a member of French Club.
Mary Hester had one of the important roles in the Duzer D u (Dra-
matic Fraternity) play.
Mary Meloy was initiated into M u Phi Epsilon.
Golda Larkin has gone into business, in addition to carrying her
Senior work, by buying half interest in the Porcelain A r t Shop.
Helen Rieffe is playing now in the University Orchestra.
Barbara Beeson was elected to History Club.
Margaret Safford acted as Soccer Manager f o r the Junior team.
Betty Foster '24 to Emerson Smith, Delta Sigma Psi.
Kathryn Safford '24 to Frank Young, Sigma Nu.
Mary Meloy '24 to Paul Fewell, Psi Omega (Dental Fraternity.)
Mary Elizabeth Davies '25 to Ralph Boyd, Delta Tau Delta.
A O Pi was well in evidence on Registration Day, although the
chapter suffered a great loss when fifteen girls graduated. We certainly
do miss the '22 class, and it helped a lot to have some of them back
during rushing. But seniors were not our only losses. " B " Bishop '23
stole a march on us this summer when she married "Dave" Snow Tufts
'21. They're living in Cleveland, and " B " is getting her degree at Western
Reserve. Nancy Cole '24, has transferred to Vassar, and Rosemary
Allen '25 to Emerson. Edith MacKee '24 is assistant principal in Vienna
High School, Maryland.
A short and concentrated rushing season resulted in twelve girls being
pledged. Ten are Freshmen—Marjorie Buchanan, Olive Byrne, Ruth
Field, Mary Hall, Dorothy Hettinger, Pauline Johnson, Isabel Jones,
Eleanor Prescott, Madeline Snow, and Dorothy Thome. Ethel Smith
'25, a transfer f r o m Smith, and Alice Towsley '24 transfer from Columbia,
were also pledged and intitiated. They're all wonderful girls, the kind
that stand out and we're proud of them. Our pledge dance, December
fifteenth, under the direction of Ruth Morris '25, was a lovely affair. We
were all so glad to have with us Annetta Wood, Iota chapter,—Rose-
mary's "discovery" at Emerson!
A O Pi achieved scholastic success again this year by winning the
loving cup which is presented annually to the fraternity with the highest
scholastic standing f o r the year.
Esther Fowler '23 stands first in her class, has made $ B K and has
been given Jackson commencement part. By the way, Esther's engagement
has just been announced to Carl N . Schmalz, Harvard '19 and Harvard
Business School '21. "Rookie" '22 also made <I> B K.
A O Pi girls are well represented in athletics. Adele Russell '23 is
president of the A . A. and captain of Varsity hockey. "Willie" Koelsch
'25, is captain and Sue O'Brien '24 manager of the Varsity basket ball.
At last we can proudly announce our pledges! Unfortunately, many
rushees were very slightly below the necessary scholastic standard, and were,
therefore, not bid, but our four bids were all accepted. Our new little
A O Pi sisters are Frances Brewer, of Bar Harbor, Maine; Madeline
Gillin, of Bangor, Maine; Beulah and Charlotte Osgood, of Orono.
Really, they're the best pledges imaginable. We will probably add to our
freshman delegation after mid-years.
The women of the University have organized into an association f o r
the purpose of furthering the interests of athletics for co-eds here. A t
the election of the Council of the Athletic Association, Alpha O won four
important places. Elizabeth Ring, president; Betty Peabody, secretary;
Mabel Peabody, senior delegate, and Ruth Savage, tennis manager. We
had our first interclass basketball game Saturday, resulting in a victory
for the seniors, with three Alpha O girls on the team.
W i t h the publication of the Dean's List at mid-semester ranks, we
found that five A O Pi's were on that honor list scholastically, "Bee"
Cleaves, " A l " Stanley, "Gin" Averill, Mabel Peabody and Molly Perkins.
Just before we sent out our bids, the relative scholastic standing of the
fraternities, based on the ranks of the spring semester, was published in
the Campus, and Alpha O headed the entire list with the exception of Phi
Kappa Phi (our equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa), and Tau Beta Pi, the
honorary engineering fraternity.
One of our girls was in the University play, one has the secretaryship of
the Girls' Debating Society, and in class elections Nadine Gellerson was
elected to Cane Committee and Molly Perkins was re-elected as class
secretary. Molly made Phi Kappa Phi this fall, among the first seven of
the senior class.
We celebrated Founder's Day by a jolly party in the " A O Pi wing"
of M t . Vernon dormitory. A f t e r the shadow of mid-years has passed,
we are eagerly planning our initiation banquet and dance. New Year
greetings to our sister chapters! MOLLY PERKINS.
It gives us a great deal of pleasure to introduce our seven new pledges:
Johanna Buecking '26, Frances Egan '26, Margaret Johnson '26, Muriel
Miller '26, Elizabeth McAdam '26, Donna Stone '25, Charlott Teeple '26;
and our four new initiates: Dorothy Durling, grad., Margaret Mashek '24,
Martha McCormick '24, and Hildagarde Wilson '25.
Our new graduate member—having received a Phi Beta Kappa key
before entering Cornell, has since her arrival here been elected to Pi
Lambda Theta, an honorary psychological society. She is working for
her A . M . in psychology and by her high grade of work is adding lustre
to the name of Alpha O.
Martha McCormick has a voice worthy of her name and has fre-
quently entertained us with her beautiful singing.
Many of our pledges are interested in athletics—among them Frances
Egan who succeeded in making the hockey team, and Johanna Buecking,
who won a place on the freshman basketball team.
In the underclass basketball games, played in early December, 1
Elsie Smith, and Anita Goltz distinguished themselves on the junior team,
while Veronica Brown and Hildagarde Wilson did excellent playing for the
sophomore team.
On Saturday, December 16th, we gave a Tea Dance in honor of our
freshmen which was well attended and proved much of a success. Early
the following morning we were awakened by our sophomore carollers and
then ensued a happy Christmas party which was much enjoyed by all.
A f t e r a vacation of two short weeks we returned rather reluctantly
to work, but we were much cheered by the visit of Elizabeth Pratt, one
of our illustrious sisters of '22. She remained with us five days and we
certainly were glad to see her and have her with us. She teaches this
year at Dana Hall.
Much to our delight two "five-pounds" arrived during the course of
the fall, the first announcing the engagement of Mary Moore and M r .
Shackleton, and the second that of Evelyn Heiber and M r . Schnee.
We have been eagerly waiting for this opportunity to announce the
pledging of Dorothy Scharf '24, and Esselwyn Larson and Margaret
. McKay '26; furthermore, to say that we have initiated our much-prized
sophomores, Charlotte Collins, Sue Crawford, Anne McCabe, and Ruth
In November, Dorothy Shaw presented the chapter with the announce-
ment of her engagement to M r . Frank Talloth—and accompanied it with
a box of luscious chocolates. "Pete" Ford greeted us, in December, with
the news of her engagement to M r . William Esmond, by inviting us all
to a fraternity supper at her home, where we also celebrated Founders'
Day. I t was quite an event as we had Merva, our Grand President, with
us to speak of the founding of Rho.
Ella May Upthegrove paid us a short visit when she came to town
for the Junior Prom. She is one of our Kappa chapter sisters.
Several of our members have covered themselves with glory this
semester by taking such an active part in affairs on campus. Dorothy
Crugar was elected social chairman of the Sophomore class, and was also
a member of the Sophomore hockey team. Undine Dunn, whose picture
often appears in the New York and Chicago papers as a crack shot and
captain of the Girls' Rifle Team, is also social chairman of Red Lantern,
the Sophomore girls' organization. Agnes Biesemeier, Undine Dunn,
Bernice Anderson, and Melba Mathew received their numerals and honors
in dancing. Nellie Campbell made the senior, and Agnes Biesemeier, the
Sophomore hockey team.
A O I I was second on campus in scholarship this year, Delta Zeta
holding first place. The record shows that four of our last year's freshmen
were on the Honor Roll of the University, and also two of last year's
Sophomores. A t the Honor Chapel, two out of the six highest freshmen
girls were AOII's.
A joint glee club concert is a new feature attracting attention on
campus. Of course we'll back that to the limit, with Louise Lowry, one of
our Juniors, president of the Girls' Glee Club, and Dorothy Scharf, l i -
brarian of the organization.
The Student Relief Fund is a big thing on campus, too, and A O n
has given up one of two dances allowed annually, each girl turning over
three dollars to boost the worthy campaign.
Just at present we are occupied with attending basketball games and
track meets, and preparing for—final exams! Enough of this!
We have just returned f r o m our Christmas holidays and everyone
reports a wonderful vacation. Consequently we have loads of pep and
are all ready for another quarter's work.
We have several improvements in the house this quarter, among
them being a new furnace and a new set of very good looking dishes. We
also have a wonderful new tea wagon which the Freshmen gave to us
at the end of last quarter and of which we are very proud.
Two of our girls are missing this quarter, one of them being our
president, Katherine Steiger, who was forced to stay out a few months
because of her eyes. Our other absentee is Helen Richardson, who has
transferred to the San Jose Normal School f o r a short time. We miss
Katherine and Helen immensely and hope that they will return to us
very soon.
Rushing is going on about as usual. I t is extremely hard f o r us be-
cause of the new plan of a year's rushing instead of the old ten-day
system. However, we have several girls under our watchful eye and
intend to work very hard to get them. W e are planning a tea f o r Feb-
ruary 27 which will help us to meet many new girls.
We are having wonderful weather f o r this time of the year. The
days are like the first days of Spring and one wants to get out in the
hills and walk and walk, instead of attending strictly to work.
Lambda extends to all her sisters her very best wishes f o r the New
Year and wishes that they will have a very wonderful year.
Christmas vacation over and back to the books at Illinois! Some
of us rested during the ten-day interval and some of us didn't, but any-
way we're all back now and ready f o r work. The Chicago girls were
busy engineering a holiday dance for the benefit of the house fund, Thurs-
day night, December 2 8 at the Edgewater Beach hotel with an Illini
orchestra playing. I t was pleasingly successful financially and socially.
The night before we left—not exactly "the night before Christmas,"
but nearly so, Iota pledges gave the very nicest sort of Christmas party,
with a taper-lighted tree and gifts with appropriate verses f o r each of
us, and f o r all of us, a really beautiful mantle clock with Westminster
chimes. We were so surprised and so pleased. Mrs.'Hobler, our chaperone,
presented us with a dozen lovely linen napkins and Elsie Brace of Rho,
and a good friend of Iota, sent us a pretty silver bon-bon basket. The
girls f r o m Rho chapter whom we entertained at the time of the North-
western-Illinois game, had sent us a beautiful velour pillow f o r the new
davenport, which by the way, our alumnae, under the auspices of Mildred
Holmes and Annetta Wood had bought f o r us.
Founders' Day was celebrated with a banquet at the chapter house,
with the "red, fed rose" the chief unit of decoration. Toasts were given
by Lucile Gibson, Elizabeth Brown, Frances Dolle, Jean Gregg and Cora
Jane Stroheker. Mildred Lantz acted as toastmistress.
Class committee appointments include Veta Holterman on Junior
Prom, Bernice Parkhill on Sophomore mixer committee and Frances
Grove on Senior memorial committee. Helen Grimes has been appointed
on Freshman Commission, Cora Jane Stroheker on Inter-Illinae com-
mittee, Ruth Snyder on social committee of Y. W . ; Ethel Duner, Helen
Hood and Lorna Kooi are in Glee Club.
Mildred Lantz has been initiated .Omicron N u and is on first Senior
hockey team. Frances Dolle and Frances Grove are substitutes on first
team. Gladys Hall is on Junior first hockey team and Alma and Cora
Jane Stroheker are on second Junior hockey team. Lorna Kooi is on first
Freshman hockey team and Dorothy Dickinson is on swimming team.
Ruth Ann Coughlan is editor of the church department on the Daily
Illini and secretary of Panhellenic council and Lois Bennett was in the
cast of the operetta "The Red Widow."
We were more than thrilled at the announcement of the engagement,
with the usual five pounds of candy, of Mildred Holmes to " V " Green,
varsity football man and Sigma Pi. Bernice Parkhill surprised us with
not only getting engaged but also married all within a few weeks. A n d
Agnes Fuller Ward has announced the birth of Jack Fuller W a r d ! Our
newest pledge is Laura Bissell of Chicago, and she's just as nice as all
our other pledges, whom we still claim are the best ever.
Grades have been the all important subject since we returned from the
holidays, for upon their announcement rested initiation. Probation begins
tomorrow for the pledges and initiation is to be held next Monday even-
ing. We are going to initiate seven girls and initiation is going to be
splendid. Our pledges haven't disappointed us a bit. Irma Fliche made
Theta Epsilon, a literary club the membership of which is determined by
try-outs. Hazel Hitchcock is Freshman representative on the All-Uni-
versity Council, and made all-star hockey team. Mildred Holen made
Aquatic League and Dorothy H i l l is Vice-President of her class. The
other girls are all active in Y. W. C. A. and W . S. G. A. work and we are
proud of them all.
Grace O'Brien, who spent last year studying in France, has returned,
and needless to say we're mighty glad to have her with us.
Panhellenic has begun an inter-change of dinner dates this year.
There is a regular rotation and two girls from each house go each week.
We all feel that there is not enough co-operation between sororities, and
are trying to improve them. A Panhellenic formal dance has been sug-
gested too, but nothing definite has been decided.
Mrs. Mildred Mosher, Lambda, stayed with us a few days, while
she took special work in Chemistry, and it seemed so good to have her
here. The house was cold most of the time she was here, but we hope
she'll come again in spite of it.
Gertrude Faulkenhagen, Tau, was here over the week-end, and we're
expecting a lot of alums to come down next Saturday for our formal,
which is to be held at the University club.
Chi has been having a very busy time since her last letter. There are
so many important things to attend and such interesting things to do.
Chi celebrated her anniversary by a Formal Christmas Dance on the
19th of December. We had a lovely tree in one of the rooms upstairs
and each girl put two gifts upon it. We had a large cake made and after
the distribution of our gifts, served cake and novelty ice-cream.
Vacation started the next day. Those blessed two weeks passed all
too swiftly and it seemed scarcely a day when we were back again. But
a very unpleasant surprise awaited us. W e found that "Bill Orange,"
our house cat, had disappeared and later that the house had been robbed.
We thought at first that nothing much had been taken, but when the girls
began to look around they discovered the loss to be about three hundred
We had all left in such a hurry that a number of valuable things had
been left. The robbers took such trivial things along with the others.
They took pennies out of penny banks and took any kind of candy they
could find. They even used one of our own flashlights to see what to take.
About a week after we came back, the police found the burglars.
They were boys of only fourteen years of age. We were glad to get our
things back but also we were very sorry f o r the boys. They seemed so
young and helpless. ,
Although we have found our lost jewelry and money, we still feel a
sense of loss, f o r "Bill Orange" has not returned.
Examinations are due in just one more week and we are all working
Chi is happy to announce the additional pledging of Jennie Gooding '25
of Candor, New Y o r k ; and Hazel Olin '26 of Lacona, New York.
We are very happy to introduce our new pledges, 2 Sophomores and
seventeen Freshmen. They are: Betty Brottain, Lylas Broom, Elma Brun-
ner, Margaret Green, Kathleen Greenwood, Gladys Hershberger, Helen
Hinsdale, Helen Lewis, Doris Mathewson, Ethel McCart, Betty McCoy,
Florence McMeekin, Mildred Melby, Helen Nims, Arta and Lois Pollom,
Ruth Guarry, Dorothy Watkins and Betta Watson. Margaret Green, we
are glad to write, came second in the try-out f o r the lead in "Mary Rose,"
the one dramatic contribution of the University last quarter.
Now that rushing is over, Upsilon is working hard on scholarship. A
" B " average has been our one aim this year; leaving our studies only f o r
such social functions as our Informal which took the f o r m of a Barn
Dance with corn husks and gunny-sack curtains.
We held our Founders' Day Banquet at the Sorento Hotel. Due to the
interest and enthusiasm of the alumnae it was a true success. A t this time
we learned also of the results of Mary Helen Akley's examinations and,