W ofalpha omicron pi Spring 1986
Vol. LXIV, No. 8
By Peg Crawford International President
Alpha Omicron Pi members serve their Fraternity in a myriad of ways. Our col- legians currently number between 5,000 and 6,000 women who are involved in the activities of their chapters. They are enhancing our image with their involve- ment in campus events. They are serving others through hundreds of philanthropic projects; they are bringing fine young women into membership through their well-executed rush programs; at the same time, they play a role in the personal de- velopment of the chapter members by being that caring sister.
Active alumnae chapter members total over 3,000 women who are also enhanc- ing our image through community in- volvement, philanthropic endeavors, alumnae Panhellenic participation, and at the same time enriching each others lives with their friendship.
Individually, alumnae devote their en- ergies on the local level as advisers, cor- poration board members, and committee members planning Leadership Confer- ences, colonizations and installations, and Founders' Days, to name a few of the areas of activity. Regional officers and di- rectors, international committee members (many are Past International President lending their expertise), and the Executive Board are engaged in numerous projects as well as daily tasks for the advance- ment of Alpha Omicron Pi.
There are about 10,000 members who have frequent contact with the operation of AOII. There are almost 70,000 mem-
bers whose contact may be only this magazine and our Development Fund mailings. Let me take this opportunity to personally thank those hundreds of you that support the Fraternity through your donations to the Development Fund. Y ou have accomplished a great deal with these dollars.
Those of us who are so wrapped up in the day to day progress of AOII wish our 70,000 sisters could share our excitement in the installation of our new Digital Microvax II computer in Headquarters, see our attractive information packets used at new campuses for extension, read our monthly mailings and excellent train- ing materials, and hear about our super Chapter Consultant program. Granted To DRAGMA is an excellent magazine full of news and information, but why not add a personal touch this year?
My chapter, Iota, celebrates their 75th anniversary in 1986, and I am looking forward to seeing many old friends. For some, this may be their first personal contact with AOII since graduation day. Those of you who have attended re- unions know that after a couple of min- utes, it's as though the years have just been an interruption of your conver- sation.
This AOII world of ours is stimulating, fun, and full of rewards. So whatever oc- casion or opportunity presents itself to you to renew your involvement, go for it!
Remember AOII sisters in need with a contribution to the Ruby Fund through the AOn Philanthropic Foundation 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, TN 37215
Phi Corporation
April 19, 1986, 10:30 a.m. Phi Chapter House
1510 Sigma Nu Place Lawrence, Kansas 66044
For more information: Helen Johnson
10107 E. 74 Terrace Raytown, Missouri64133
Iota Corporation
April 11, 1986, 12 noon 706 S. Matthews Urbana, IL
For more information: Mrs. Michael H . Thompson 4011 Lake Point Champaign, IL 61821
P of alpha omicron pi Spring 1986
Vol. LXIV, No. 8
Leadership Conference 4 U. of Alabama Birmingham colonization 6 U. of Chicago colonization 7 NPC Conference 8 Mary Louise Roller Scholarship 10 Tribute to Katrina Overall McDonald 11
Collegiate Chapter Commentaries Alumnae Chapter Activity
14 28
To Dragma
Jan.15 April1 July1 Oct.1
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2,1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi
International Headquarters
3821 Cleghorn Ave.
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Debbi Harper Stillwell, NO 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, T N 37215 (615) 298-1885—Home (615) 256-6411—Office
Executive Director Sue Edmunds Lewis, T A 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
Public Relations Coordinator Diane Douglass, O 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, T N 37215
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215. Second Class Postage paid at Nashville, T N and additional mailing of- fices.
Update To Fall To DRAGMA Directory Please Tear Out And Keep With Your Directory
If you know a young woman attending any of these universities that you would recommend for membership in AOII, please contact the Colony Adviser listed:
Newcomb College New Orleans, LA Pi Colony
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI Kappa Rho Colony
University of Missouri Columbia,MO
Delta Alpha Colony
Univ. of South Carolina
Spartanburg, SC Iota Upsilon Colony
Austin Peay State Univ.
Clarksville, T N
Pi Omicron Colony
Virginia Commonwealth Univ.
Richmond, V A Rho Beta Colony
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WVA Sigma Alpha Colony
Mrs. Henri Louapre (Sky)
88 Dream Court Metairie, LA 70001
Miss Lori Paxson 1389 Concord Place
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Miss Kim Campbell 4702 Millbrook Columbia, MO 65203
Mrs. Robert Clusterman (Pat)
Rt. 3, Box 87 Landrum, SC 29356
Mrs. Neal Ross (Ann) Route 3
Clarksville, T N 37040
Mrs. Charles E. Shorter (Ruth)
10908 Savoy Road Richmond, VA 23235
Miss Maria Hall 347 Cornell Avenue
Morgantown, WVA
26505 304/292-4960
Alabama, University of—Birmingham
California Polytechnic Dr. Sarah Burroughs
State University San Luis Obispo, C A Chi Psi Colony
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
Thomas More College Ft. Mitchell, KY Alpha Beta Tau
Mary Williams (Robert) $
1113 E. Monroe Bloomington, IL 61701 309/829-3656
2251 Shell Beach Road #21
Shell Beach, CA 93449
Mrs. Jill Barker 795 Farnham Road London, Ontario,
Canada N6K 1R6 519/472-3066
Mrs. Betsy Payne Watson
3104 Sovereign Drive Cincinnati, OH 45239
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed to the Delegate, not 1st Alternate, as originally stated)
Delegate: Janie Callaway (George) O P.O. Box 918
Gatlinburg, TN 37738 615/436-4643
Nominations: Nancy Horner Bettis (Charles) O 7709 Bennington Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Delete Fraternity Development Committee (listed correctly as Standing Committee)
29 Parker Road Framingham, MA 01701 617/879-7094
Region IV: Heather Mong Boggs (Ted) Q 724 Ridge Avenue
Troy, OH 45373
Region VI: Mary Newlon Harms (Steven) 4»E 1307 Warwickshire Drive
Houston, TX 77077
Mrs. Mark Miskelley (Beth)
4761 Maryland Avenue
Birmingham, AL 35210
Attention Charlotte, N.C. Alumnae
We are currently seeking interested alumnae to begin an Alumnae chapter or colony in this area. AOII needs to be represented in the city Panhellenic as well as lending a helping hand to the collegiates in the area. We have the information that you will need to get started—names, addresses, etc. Please help make AOII bigger and better in the Charlotte area. If you are interested in this excit- ing adventure please contact Mrs. Kaneal Alexander, 537 Cathy Jo Circle, Nashville, TN, 37211, (615) 385-6786 (W) or (615) 333- 3215 (H).
This summer, all Regions are scheduling Leadership Conferences. Each Region will customize its conference to specifically meet its own needs. Training sessions will cover the same subjects nationwide. Topics to be covered will include Alumnae and Collegiate Panhellenics, parlia- mentary procedure, how to be an Alumnae, winning awards, how Alumnae Chapters can work with Collegiate Chapters, a Pledge's status, how Alumnae committees can do image building, finances for treasurers, corporation boards, and philanthropy, and introduction of the new pledge program.
Everyone is invited to attend their Region's conference. Alumnae chapters should be planning to send at least one delegate, preferably their President, while collegiate chap- ters should send their Chapter Advisor, President, Pledge Trainer and Treasurer. With the emphasis on finances, it is also hoped that each corporation board will send a delegate.
To get you further prepared for the events this summer,
June 27-30 Westbrook College Portland, Maine
Date set? Suitcase packed? Come to Maine for Leadership Conference. Renew friendships, make new ones, share, and learn about AOII.
Westbrook College, a picturesque, small liberal arts college located in Portland, Maine, will be the site.
Located on scenic Casco Bay in southern Maine, Portland is the state's largest city. One of the most livable cities on the East Coast, Port- land has experienced a rebirth in the past 15 years with the renovation of the waterfront and the construction of a 7,000-seat sports arena, the Port- land Museum of Art, a building which received national acclaim for its unique architecture, and home of- fices for some of the state's leading banks.
The Old Port, similar to Boston's Quincy Market, contains quaint shops and fine restaurants. DiMillo's Floating Restaurant is one of Port- land's favorite landmarks. A n after- noon trip into the Old Port is being planned for Leadership Conference.
Hope to see you in Maine!
Nancy Chard
June 27-30 Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee
We are looking forward to seeing you in Nashville! We have a lot of exciting things planned for you, both on campus and off. We will make a special visit to the Nu Omicron house and have a tour of Headquar- ters too. While in Nashville we will be staying on the beautiful 305-aere Vanderbilt campus. And, after our conference is over, you can treat yourself to tours of shopping centers, famous Music Row, and the Parthe- non, just minutes away.
Debbie Stillwell 615/298-1885
June 20-22
Sheraton Hotel Montgomery, Alabama
Montgomery, the capital city of Alabama, is the site of many "firsts," including the first capital of the Con- federacy, first Archives and History Department, the nation's first electric streetcar, and the world's first flying school—operated by the Wright brothers. It is the city from which Martin Luther King, Jr., launched his civil rights movement in the 1950s.
each Leadership words to tell you
Conference chairman has written a few about what is planned in her region.
Walk its tree-shaded streets lined with ante-bellum homes, explore the old North Hull Street Historic Dis- trict with many restored 1800s build- ings, admire the Grecian statuary in Jasmine Hill Gardens, attend a per- formance at the highly regarded Shakespeare Theatre Complex, or take a relaxing ride on the General Richard Montgomery, a replica of an early traditional riverboat, or enjoy "dog gone" good excitement at the Victoryland Greyhound Race Track.
To highlight your stay in Mont- gomery, we have reserved rooms at the Sheraton Riverfront Station in the heart of historical Montgomery.
This 1868 freight depot has been refurbished to an elegant 131 room hotel. The hardwood floors, oriental rugs and brass head boards, remind visitors of the hotel's turn-of-the cen- tury charm.
We look forward to seeing you in June!
Joy Lambert 205/281-2207 Diane Forsythe 205/277-3539
Celejrtate z3is
June 27-30
DePauw University Greencastle, Indiana
DePauw campus is located in pic- turesque central Indiana. The atmos- phere will be perfect to relax, get away from the outside world and fo- cus on AOII sisterhood. Lodging will be at the Theta chapter house, and at Rector Hall on D P U campus. A run- down of the activities include a pic- nic on Friday night, meeting in the DePauw Performing Arts Center, and an elegant Rose Banquet in the DPU Union Building ballroom on Saturday evening. DePauw has been very cooperative in helping coordi- nate a smooth running, pleasant con- ference, with mouthwatering meals between meetings, as well as a home- baked cookie assortment for break- time. See you all there!!
June 13-15
Holiday Inn City Centre Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The Holiday Inn City Centre is the convention site for the meeting. All activities will be held at the Inn ex- cept our Friday evening "Classy Tourist" dinner to be at the Faculty House in the shadow of our state capitol.
Museums of art, free enterprise, firefighting and others plus lots of shopping await visitors to our city. Undergoing the final phases of reno- vation, our downtown area, the con- vention site features access to all the above plus fine examples of both modern and earlier 20th century ar- chitecture. We will have a short tour of a Heritage Hills, a historical area listed on the National Register and near downtown.
OKC AOII's are eagerly awaiting the arrival of sisters from T exas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri and for the first time welcoming our new- est additions of Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico.
A special invitation to all Chi Om- icrons—Central State University to attend as a reunion is scheduled for you. More information is available from Nita Utley Cadenhead X O '60. Write her at 2500 N.W. 11th, OKC, OK 73107.
Nadine Nickerson 405/521-9279
June 13-15
Beta Rho House Missoula, Montana
Come to Missoula1 This scenic city of some 35,000 is located next to the Bitterroot Mountain range of western Montana. The Clark Fork and Bitter- root Rivers flow through the city and the Lolo National Forest is nearby. The tree covered mountains look down on the University of Montana campus and its 10,000 students.
Beta Rho house in Missoula re- flects the forestry aspect of the area with its wooden split shake exterior. Its door will be open for a warm wel- come inside. So join us in this pictur- esque setting. Celebrate Sisterhood!
Beth Perney 317/653-3682
Christine Hoeing 317/875-9309
June 27-30
Cal-State U-Long Beach Long Beach, California
"CELEBRATE SUCCESS" and "Come to the Beach." The campus is located within thirty minutes from Los Angeles and Disneyland. Sprawl- ing green lawns, peach blossoms and warm ocean breezes will welcome you to the home of Lambda Beta chapter. Long Beach Alumnae chap- ter is planning an informative, fun time for all attending. Special ar- rangements are being made for the Rose Banquet to be held at the Gold- en Sales Inn overlooking Naples Har- bor. A special evening by the Pacific Ocean to "Celebrate the Success" of Region VIII Collegiate and Alumnae Chapters. Come spend a weekend away with AOII. I'll see you all there!
Barbara Rinehart 714/840-0873
June 20-22
Beta Lambda Chapter House Bloomington, Illinois
A funfilled weekend of meetings, workshops, picnics, and style shows designed to give everyone new ideas is planned as the new Region V gets together for the very first time. A good time will be had by all as old friendships are renewed and new ones are formed. Beta Lambda and the Bloomington-Normal Area alum- nae are busy planning for fun, friend- ship and a wonderful time learning more about AOII. Mark your calen- dars!
Jamie Wuttke 217/359-8575
Elaine Smith 208/237-1462
Marianna Beers 208/233-0684
AOII Adds a New Colony in the "Magic City"
By Lis Donaldson, Regional Vice President III
Magic w*,s certainly in the air when 29 beautiful women began our colony at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. November 20 proved to be a "Magic" day for a local sorority that had worked since the spring to secure a place with AOII. In- deed, what a place they have with us. With officers elected and working, they have already accomplished a lot toward installation. With the help of Chapter Consultant Lynn Noble, Regional Direc- tor Elise Moss and Chapter Adviser Beth Miskelley, everything will be coming up roses for AOII in Birmingham.
The girls at UAB began their local group last spring and immediately began searching for a national group with which to affiliate. They were very excited after hearing our presentation. September 19 Diane Douglass and Elise Moss met with the girls as well as Lori Wilson and Cheryl Morrow, Panhellenic advisers. The ball began rolling and following a successful rush, they were asked to colo- nize. In the words of the colony presi- dent, Tammy St. Clair, "Alpha Omicron Pi best fits the image that we are looking for in a national fraternity. We stress di- versity in our group and individuality in our members. We feel privileged that we
1; id
Above:Regional Vice President Elisabeth Donaldson with two colony members.
Below: University o f Alabama Birmingham new colony members.
could find an organization that also finds these qualities essential."
The festivities began with a meeting
with the girls. Diane Douglass, AOII Pub- lie Relations Coordinator briefed the girls on what to expect from the ceremony and answered any questions. She then con- ducted the Colony Ritual with the as- sistance of Lis Donaldson, Regional Vice President. Alums Lynn Spires, Susan Carraway, Beverly Stanford-Badger, Laura Burcham, and Gloria Griffith served as sponsors for the 29 colony members. Also, Tau Delta of Birming- ham Southern College sent all of their members to participate in the ceremony. This added so much to have other colle- gians there. As soon as the ceremony was over and gifts distributed, Tau Delta provided the entertainment with sponta- neous singing of AOII songs to the new colony members.
A beautiful reception followed with flowers and notes of congratulations sent from various groups on campus. Repre- sentatives from the seven fraternities and Alpha Gamma Delta were there, as well as parents, administrators and friends. Many more AOII alums were in attend- ance at the reception to welcome the new women into our ranks. A n d our new AOITs were the stars of the evening.
AOII is growing and the U A B colony looks forward to being installed and to being an essential part in the future of Aon.
AOII First Sorority ever
at University of Chicago
By Diane Kellogg Pellettiere Installation/Publicity Chairman
On November 23 about 100 alums and collegians gathered to install Phi Chi chapter at the ornate old Ida Noyes Hall on the University of Chicago cam- pus. It is the very first national sorority ever at the prestigious old school.
Five international officers lent a very special warmth and importance to the occasion: Peg Crawford, Liz Coffey, Barbara Hunt, Kay Sutherlin and Mary Williams. Alums from all four Chicago Area Council chapters poured in to help out. Collegians brought their youth and spirit to the occasion from Beta Lamb- da, Iota, Theta and Phi Delta chapters.
Phi Chi chapter with its 29 new mem- bers and 9 pledges was installed by Peg Crawford. Afterward a reception was held right on the same floor. A Beauti- ful array of food, flowers and red rib- bons greeted the guests. This reception and details of the installation were han- dled through the Chicago Area Council, coordinating body of the four local AOII chapters. Chairing the Installation Committee was Nancy Clark with Co- Chairman Arlyne Fillippi. The other chairmen were: Reservations—Jane Karasick, Hospitality—Elizabeth Kelly, Programs—Jean Zimmermann, Ritu- al—Jeanne Crippin, Inspiration
Night—Cheryl MacTavish, Floral Ar- rangements—Janet Bowsher, Publici- ty—Diane Pellettiere, Photographer— JoAnn Macander, Gifts & Supplies— Pat Juza.
Following the reception was a cere- mony of welcome for the new chapter. Toastmistress Nancy Clark introduced the many notable people who either came to attend or to work on the instal- lation. Among them were the U . of Chi- cago Greek Advisor Ralph Hamilton and AOII Regional Director, Lynne Par- ker. Lynne has worked closely with Phi Chi since the onset. Nancy Clark also introduced the dedicated advisory team: Colony Advisor—Susan Getz, Fi- nancial—Janette Wilson, Pledge— Sharon V an Fleet, Chapter Relations— Elizabeth Kelly, Evelyn Gaudutis, Elaine MacKenzie, Scholarship —Sandra Stevens, Rush—Jan Bow- sher, Dianne Graham, Kathy Dueball, Assistant—Jean Zimmermann.
Also named were the Corporation Committee members: Jean Zimmer- mann (Coordinator), Nancy Bussing, Kathy Furore, Lynda Given, Priscilla Mims, Gloria Haut, Valerie Luft, Eliza- beth Pietch, Ingrid Schulz.
A traditional oration called "The Red Rose of Alpha Omicron Pi" was beauti- fully delivered by the five international officers. It will long be remembered by those who listened. Pat Juza then presented Julie Pekarek of Valparaiso, Indiana. The coveted Ruby A pin for scholarship was won by Maria Rivero
of Chicago, who is also the new Schol- arship Chairman.
Thanking them for their help, Julie Pekarek presented gifts to several key alums. One of these was Peg Crawford, for whom Phi Chi is named. Each new Phi Chi was delighted to receive a pret- ty pin box decorated with roses under the talented hands of Jean Zimmer- mann.
An AOII songfest led by Susan Getz ended with some surprise numbers by Phi Chi members. One of these was a moving original song composed and sung by Rebecca Hendricks of Tilton, 111. The installation day ended with the loving cup song and ceremony, binding each AOII to her sisters, be they 21 or 81.
As they left the 95-year-old Universi- ty of Chicago, surely the AOII assem- blage couldn't help but reflect on what an unlikely place it was to nurture an AOII chapter—or any other sorority, for that matter. Long known as out- standing academically, the U . of Chica- go lies near Lake Michigan in Chicago's Hyde Park area— an urban school with a reputation for being as demanding (and rewarding) as the top Eastern schools.
Seems like a tough place to grow a rose. Yet four fraternities had made it. More important, a stalwart band of young women had become determined to bring a sorority to campus. They felt the need for the social life, the purpose and the bonding that AOII offered. It was just plain lucky for them that they could count on the warmth, enthusiasm and expertise of our International Presi- dent, Peg Crawford, who has been on the university's staff for 22 years.
1. )
3. ) 4.)
5.) 6. ) 7. )
8. )
9. ) 10. )
11. ) 12. ) 13. )
AOII V-Neck Jersey, satin letters,
red or white $15.50 AOII Headband, white with red
letters 2.00 AOn T-Shirt, red only 6.00 AOII Shorts, satin letters, red, white
or navy 8.75 AOII Visor, satin letters, red or white . 7.50 I Pledged AOII T-Shirt, red only 6.00 AOII Shorts, silk screened letters, side
and back pockets, white or navy 12.50 AOII Half-Sleeve Jersey, silk screened
letters, red or navy 11.50 AOn License Plate 2.00 AOII Crew Neck Jersey, satin letters,
red, white or navy 16.00 AOII Cap, satin letters, red or white . . 7.00 I Love AOII Button 50 AOII Three-Quarter Sleeve Jersey, silk screened letters, red or navy 12.00
All items except T-shirts available in ATHLETIC sizes small, medium or large with contrasting letters.
T-Shirts are available in sizes small, medium, large and extra large.
i, /
ITEMS (specify quantity, color and size.)
(Please allow sufficient time for orders to be processed)
—Values For You—Benefits For Us All—
Do yourself a favor—consider the offeringslisted below and picture yourself traveling with a group of your fellow AOITs. The trips have been especially selected for their dollar value, the potential benefits for AOII and the reputation of the company offering them. Sign up or write for further information. Clip and mail at once!
Trip 1
Harrod's Post-Christmas Sale— London's Best!—January, 1987
Join us for a unique trip combining the sights of historic London, the excitement of theatrical London, and the bargains of Harrod's London during a week's adven- ture that's guaranteed to banish your mid-winter blahs!!
Your tour includes:
Seven nights hotel accommodations at the Cumberland Hotel.
Six Continental Breakfasts.
Welcome Cocktail Party.
Two London Theater tickets with transportation.
One-half day escorted tour of the city of London.
Services of a London tour host.
Plenty of time for shopping and exploring on your own!
Airport-hotel transfers in London. Deluxe flight bag and travel documentation.
Luggage handling and tips (one piece per person).
Price: $630 per person plus airfare
(lowest available from your hometown). Single supplement available upon re- quest.
Trip 2
Deluxe Tour of Spain
Departs first week in November, 1986
All the highlights of that wonderful land of Don Quixote! Madrid—Toledo— Seville—Marbella and Segovia. From a tour of the famed Museo del Prado where hang some of the world's most famous paintings to a stay in a Parador in Tole- do, to the fortress of El Cid, to beaches and vineyards in Marbella, you'll never forget the twelve days you spent getting to feel a part of Spain.
Trip 3
Vienna and Badgastein— Austria in all its Splendor September 6-14, 1986
Vienna and Badgastein, Austria uniquely beautiful, and one of the most attractive places in Europe to spend a glo- rious week. A thermal spa, Badgastein is perched on the side of a magnificent mountain and is divided by a tumbling mountain stream which spills into the Al- pine Valley below. The springs of Badgastein have been host to the great and near great of many continents since the 15th century.
Vienna, Austria—The home of classi- cal music, one of Europe's most beautiful and elegant cities. We'll do a canal cruise and a city tour.
Your tour includes:
1 night Munich at the famed
Bayerscher Hof, a Munich landmark.
3 nights Badgastein at the Grand Hotel De L'Europe, one of Europe's most prestigious.
3 nights Vienna.
Continental Breakfast daily.
2 dinners—Gala Welcome and
Farewell Parties.
2 full day sightseeing excursions. Luggage handling and tips (one piece per person).
All airport transfers and inter-city travel in Europe by deluxe
Professional tour manager throughout Europe.
Price: $875 per person plus airfare
(lowest available from your hometown).
Your tour includes:
Roundtrip air JFK—Madrid. Roundtrip transfers airport to hotel.
3 nights deluxe Hotel Miguel Angel or similar.
1 night Parador Virrey De Toledo.
2 nights deluxe Hotel Alfonso XIII in Seville or similar.
3 nights deluxe Hotel Don Pepe or similar.
Continental Breakfast daily. Dinearound—9 dinners.
Gourmet Luncheon—Segovia.
All Taxes and Porterage.
Private coach—bilingual tour guide. Welcome Cocktail Party.
Optional tours.
Price: $1,449 per
from New York.
I • I I• I •
person— air
Sounds great! I would like further information on:
Trip Sale Trip Trip
1—Harrod's Post-Christmas I
I Name
I Address
2—Deluxe Tour of Spain 3—Vienna and Badgastein
Mail to: Group Department, Sailair Travel, 28 White Bridge Rd., Suite 207, Nashville, T N 37205
Mary Louise Roller Scholarship Endowed at NPC
Since 1955, Mary Louise Filer Roller has served the National Panhellenic Con- ference as an alternate or delegate repre- senting Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mary Louise's participation in count- less Conference activities was highlighted by her service as NPC chairman during the 1967-1969 biennium.
In subsequent years, Mary Louise has continued to devote a great deal of her time, energy, and love to the programs of the Conference, and to furthering the ide- als which we all support.
No matter what her responsibilities were at the time, Mary Louise carried them out with devotion, integrity and dignity. In the process, she constantly set a most outstanding example for not only members of the Conference and Alpha Omicron Pi, but for the countless frater- nity women she dealt with through the years.
After 33 years of continual dedication to the Conference, Mary Louise has de- termined that it is time for other members of Alpha Omicron Pi to serve on our NPC delegation.
At this conference session and during future meetings of the National Panhel- lenic Conference, Mary Louise Roller may be out of our sight, but she will nev- er be out of our minds or our hearts.
In order to honor Mary Louise Roller's outstanding contributions to NPC and to help further our mutual fraternal ideals, Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to announce
HB3 i
Mary Louise Filer Roller sorting historical materials.
By Janie Callaway NPC Delegate
that a scholarship is being established in her name.
A scholarship will be granted biennial- ly to a graduate student who, in her un- dergraduate term, served on her local Panhellenic Council. Each Panhellenic Council will have the privilege of nomi- nating one outstanding candidate for the Mary Louise Filer Roller Scholarship.
Selection of the recipient will be made jprior to the fall term in which the bienni- al meeting of the National Panhellenic IConference is held. An announcement of Ithe recipient will be made during the lConference meeting.
The endowment from which the schol- arship will be generated is being estab- lished by Alpha Omicron Pi through the National Interfraternity Foundation.
Alpha Omicron Pi is pleased to endow the Mary Louise Filer Roller Scholarship with this check in the amount of $10,000.
It is presented to the National Interfra- ternity Foundation with great pride, joy, and love. May this endowment help per- petuate the ideals so steadfastly support- ed by our beloved Mary Louise Roller.
AOII NPC Delegate Janie Callaway, second from right, presents a check to Mary Burt Nash endowing the Mary Louise Filer Roller Scholar- ship. Mrs. Burt, Alpha Xi Delta, serves as Chairman of the Board of the National Interfra- ternity Foundation. Pictured with them are, from left, Peg Crawford, AOII International President, Myra Foxworthy, Alpha Gamma Delta, President of the National Interfraternity Foundation, and Cynthia McCrory, Alpha Sig- ma Tau, 1983-85 Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference.
Past International President 1925-1927
By Lucy S. Howorth, Randolph-Macon, Kappa, 1916
Beside me as I write is a photograph taken at a Monteagle birthday party in 1917. The Katrina Overall, clear eyed and erect, in the front row gives promise of the woman she was to become. Natalie and brother Jimmie are there also. No doubt they were still rejoicing over the installation of Nu Omicron Chapter, Vanderbilt University, of Alpha Omicron Pi on April 28, 1917. Katrina, Natalie and Mary D. Houston had colonized the Chapter.
Katrina, eldest daughter of N . D . and Kate Moore Overall, was born in Mur- freesboro in 1897. She always stressed Murfreesboro as her birthplace though her parents subsequently moved to Nash- ville. The family consisted of three daughters, Katrina, Natalie and Dorothy and two sons, Robert M . and James C. (Jimmie). Summers were spent at Monteagle Sunday School Assembly, the "Chautauqua of the South." Katrina re- called spending every summer there but one from 1909 to into the twenties, when the demands of a growing family made it more practical to stay at home in Bay St. Louis, MS.
She had married C. C. McDonald in 1919 and Bay St. Louis, where she had taught briefly, became her permanent home. She visited Monteagle from time to time and in 1968 she and C. C. built a cottage in which they spent several months each summer as their sons took over the business. C. C. McDonald be- came a popular member of the Assembly community. He died in the summer of 1979.
In the early hours of December 13, 1985, Katrina McDonald slipped quietly from this life. She is survived by their foursons,C.C,Jr.,DavidN.,FredS., and James C , all of Bay St. Louis, ten grandchildren, ten great grandchildren, her sister Natalie, Mrs. W. K. Warren, Nu Omicron '20 and Dr. James C. Over- all.
In the summer of 1985 Katrina made a tape for Alpha Omicron Pi Historical Re- cords. She explained how her active serv- ice as an alumna began, saying " . . .in 1921, after I lost my first baby boy who lived only 3 days, I was asked to serve as District Superintendent for Chapters in the Southeast Region. M y family urged me to accept, thinking I should keep busy. In this way I came to know the
New Orleans alums, and Pi Chapter and also visited Nashville, Randolph-Macon, Omicron at Knoxville, Birmingham Southern and others. In 1923 I attended my first National Convention at Whittle Springs in Knoxville . . . " where she was elected Treasurer. She had a gift for mathematics and made an exceptionally good Treasurer. A t the Minneapolis Con- vention in 1925 Katrina was elected Na- tional President. During her presidency three new Chapters were added to the thirty in existence when she took office.
Katrina's activities beyond her family were not limited to Alpha Omicron Pi. She felt strongly about civic and commu- nity responsibilities. She was active in the local and state PTA, becoming Mississip- pi State President and she held national offices in the PTA. In her younger days she was a Girl Scout Leader. She served on the Bay St. Louis and Hancock Coun- ty School Boards and served on the Mis- sissippi State Board of Welfare. She was actively concerned with the Coast Area's social and educational needs; always in- terested and concerned with public af- fairs no day was complete until she had read the daily newspaper, generally more than one.
Katrina McDonald's church was of foremost concern to her. She was a Meth- odist. After her marriage she affiliated with the local Bay St. Louis Church pres-
ently known as the Main Street United Methodist Church which had been estab- lished in 1872. In 1984 Methodist Churches celebrated the Methodist Bi-Centennial. Katrina was asked to write a history which would be published in the local newspaper, the Seacoast Echo. She complied with the request and wrote twelve articles, carefully re- searched, clearly and concisely written. The articles were collected and printed in booklet form. In the preface to this col- lection Mr. James A. Evans, Jr., Chair- man of the Bi-Centennial Committee wrote: "The historical articles by Katrina McDonald will serve as a reminder of this year of celebration. A great deal of re- search and effort was required to write them. After they were printed in the newspaper for several months, it was decided to publish the articles for future reference and to express the Church's ap- preciation to this gracious lady.
Thank you Katrina McDonald for this history, as well as for a life dedicated to serving God and helping your fellow man. We all love you."
Katrina's family and especially C. C. shared many of her activities. As may be recalled by some, he attended many A l - pha Omicron Pi Conventions with her and exerted himself to add to the enjoy- ment of the delegates. Their homes in Bay St. Louis and Monteagle were hospi- tality houses for travelling members of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Somehow this record of interests and accomplishments does not reflect the warmth, the affection, the true goodness that showed through everything Katrina Overall McDonald did in this life. She truly lived by the words of the 13th Chapter of First Corinthians: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of an- gels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal . . . Charity suffereth long and is kind; Charity envieth not; Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up . . . Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth . . . and now abideth faith, hope, Charity, these three; but the greatest of these is Charity."
Alpha Omicron Pi will forever treasure the memory of Katrina Overall McDon- ald, a member and officer who lived its ideals.
NPC meets for week-long conference
"What is a kaleidoscope? A few miscella- neous pieces of broken glass, sometimes even a bit rough around the edges, but coming to- gether in a tube with some mirrors and bits of cardboard— very diversified objects, yet blending into a joyful reflection of beauty and drama—a miracle that is constantly changing.
"And so it is with this National Panhellenic Conference organization. W e are brought to- gether . . . women of all shapes, sizes, and de- scriptions blending into a picture of unity, but never uniformity. W e are not like a parade of wooden soldiers . . . we are pieces of living glass in God's kaleidoscope as we work togeth- er for the benefit of others while we grow in sisterly affection."
Thus it was in the memorial service that Mary Ruth Ferris (Chi Omega) so aptly de- scribed the gathering of representatives from the twenty-six member groups for the 49th Session of NPC. The session was held at the Doral Hotel and Country Club in Miami, Flor- ida, from October 23-26, 1985.
National Panhellenic Conference Chairman Cynthia McCroy (Alpha Sigma Tau) had pre- viously described the group in much the same manner when she said, "You are the most unique group of women 1 have ever worked with." Cynthia challenged each delegate to continue to affirm "a spirit of mutual respect, appreciation and expression of ideals which lay the groundwork for the success of each fra- ternity . . . There continues to exist a very real need to safeguard the spirit and intent of National Panhellenic."
"It becomes clearly apparent that the main thrust of NPC must become one of education." This involves continued education and reedu- cating the whole fraternity . . . Knowledge of the NPC delegate must be continually con- veyed to pledged members, national officers, and especially, to alumnae and the general public . . . It becomes each delegate's duty to lead her fraternity in the ultimate achievement of panhellenic ideals. We can and will reach new plateaus of understanding through open- mindedness for the achievement of one Greek idea—mutual respect."
"A dream come true" was another facet of Cynthia's address. This dream was the estab- lishment of a central office as had been ratified by member groups at the 48th session of NPC. Central Office has become an asset to the Con- ference in all avenues studied and several not previously considered. The office has also become a liability of the Conference that must be protected, nurtured and streamlined continually."
Also accomplished during the past biennium was the preparation of an executive committee handbook. The executive committee is charged to review and update this handbook each biennium.
—Affirmed the resolution that "a College Panhellenic shall not have the authority to exclude any alumnae member whom a chapter may select to represent it, nor indicate which alumna member will be acceptable in activities such as bid- matching."
—Amended the College Panhellenics Agree- ment by adding that "Each College Pan- hellenic shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages in rush."
—Amended the College Panhellenic Agree- ment by adding that "Each College Pan- hellenic shall prohibit the participation of men in rush functions."
—Affirmed the resolution "That the member groups of National Panhellenic Confer- ence are opposed to any activities which suggest or practice sexual abuse or exploi- tation, and further that the member groups of National Panhellenic Confer- ence are committed to educational pro- grams for their membership at large and specifically to their chapters and alumnae advisors regarding abuse issues."
—Reaffirmed its support of the NPC/AFA Liaison resolution to the Association of Fraternity Advisors concerning sexual ha- rassment and urged its passage.
The last two resolutions were strengthened by material presented to the delegates from two University of Miami speakers—Wilhemena Black, Director of Affirmative Action, and Su- san P. Mullane, Associate Dean of Student Personnel. Using video vignettes, M s. Black and Ms. Mullane showed many scenes depict- ing sexual harassment. They were strong in
By Betty L. Wallick NPC Alternate Delegate Alpha Sigma Alpha
The National Panhellenic Conference Manu- al of Information and "How To for College Panhellenics were revised and edited for the printing of the eleventh edition during the bi- ennium. A t this session a complete revision of the National Panhellenic Conference Constitu- tion and Bylaws was accomplished. The revi- sion work of the Advisory Committee, chaired by Myra Foxworthy (Alpha Gamma Delta), was gratefully acknowledged.
The Public Relations Committee submitted a publicity packet, and the first edition of "The Panhellenic Post" related interesting items of information about many in attendance. For example, "California is the most heavily repre- sented state at the Conference, followed close- ly by Texas . . . DePaul University leads the academic contingency, with the most alumnae present. Second in the lead are UCLA, Univer- sity of Illinois and University of Oklahoma."
D'Alice Cochran, Alpha Chi Omega Presi- dent, reminded the conference that "It is great fun to reminisce about the past, but our con- cern must be for the future." The many cam- pus and housing meetings and the five business sessions covered items related to the future. The following actions were taken:
—Amended the Jurisdiction of a College Panhellenic Council by adding the para- graph " A College Panhellenic Council may not require a scholastic grade-point average as a condition for participation in the membership selection process or as a qualification for pledging or initiation. Each member group of National Panhel- lenic Conference has its own scholarship requirements for pledging and initiation."
AOII International President Peg Crawford and Director Barb Hunt congratulate Allison Winn, Gamma Delta, representing U. of South Alabama upon receiving a first place award for best Pan- hellenic spirit.
recommending that college students must make such incidents known and that colleges and universities need a defined policy. They suggested that panhellenics establish programs and urge member groups not to participate in activities which demean women.
"Meeting the Needs" through improved communication was the thrust of the Alumnae Panhellenics Committee throughout the bien- nium. Speaker for the Alumnae Brunch was Louise Mills. Her topic "Those Were the Days" was especially delightful to the more "experi- enced" members present.
Jane Kilgore, chairman of Alumnae Panhel- lenics (Delta Delta Delta), presented Citations of Merit to the following Alumnae Panhellenic Associations:
Albuquerque, Atlanta, Birmingham, Bloomington-Normal, Chicago N W Subur- ban, Clear Lake, Clearwater, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, East Bay, Escondido, Hawaii, Hous- ton, Indianapolis, Kansas City, London, Montgomery, Muncie, Newport Harbor, Phil- adelphia, Portland, Richardson, Richmond, Tacoma-Pierce County, Toledo, Toronto, Trumbull County, Tulsa, and Wilmington.
Throughout the conference there was oppor- tunity to exchange ideas. The social gather- ings served as a common meeting ground.
Climaxing the 49th Session of the National Panhellenic Conference was the Awards Ban- quet. Hosted by Alpha Sigma Alpha, the ban- quet's toastmistress was the 1983-85 NPC Chairman Cynthia McCroy. Speaker Ginger Purdy, President, Network Power Texas, told the assembled group the importance of know- ing who we are, where we want to go, and how we are going to get there.
Under the leadership of Annette Mills, Awards Chairman, (Pi Beta Phi) awards were presented to outstanding college panhellenics. The awards and their recipients were as follows:
Fraternity Month Award for the most outstanding public relations program: 1st— University of Oklahoma; 2nd—University of Illinois; and 3rd—University of Arizona.
Awards Committee Trophy f o r the college panhellenic with a membership of six or fewer NPC groups which best recognizes true pan- hellenic spirit: 1st—University of South Ala- bama; 2nd—Birmingham Southern College; and 3rd—University of California, Irvine.
National Panhellenic Conference Award f o r the college panhellenic with a membership of seven or more NPC groups which best re- cognizes true panhellenicism based on the Panhellenic Creed: 1st—Ohio State Universi- ty; 2nd—University of Georgia; and 3rd—San Diego State University.
College Panhellenic Committee Award f o r the most outstanding development and promo- tion for an overall program in membership selection: 1st—University of Arizona; 2nd— Western Illinois University; and 3rd—Ball State University.
In honor of its centennial celebration Alpha Chi Omega established an award through the National Panhellenic Conference to recognize outstanding service given by a Panhellenic A d - visor. T o be given biennially with the recipient honored at the NPC meeting, the first award was presented to Adlon Jorgensen, Panhellenic Advisor at the University of Illinois.
The conference closed with the new NPC Executive Committee assuming office. Mem- bers are Chairman, Sidney G. Allen (Alpha Sigma Alpha); Secretary, Beth Saul (Alpha Ep- silon Phi); and Treasurer, Veachey Bloom (Phi Sigma Sigma). In accepting the gavel, Sidney outlined four goals for the 1985-87 Biennium:
1. To continue to enlist the observance of ethical behavior as fraternity leaders,
2. T o continue to work effectively with oth- er agencies whose lives interact with our collegiate chapters and panhellenics,
Miami area alumnae entertain NPC visitors.
3. To continue to develop programs which will provide education available to our women which will teach them how to deal effective with social problems of our society, and
4. To seek ways of conducting the business of the conference more efficiently, so as not to infringe upon careers and family dedications of our personnel.
Sidney Allen reminded the conference of the ancient Chinese Proverb which says, "Those who look to the future would do well to keep one eye on the past and the other on the present."
AOITs at NPC. From left, Sue Lewis, AOII Executive Director, Debbie Stillwell, To Dragma Editor, Janie Callaway, AOII Panhellenic Conference Dele- gate, Peg Crawford, International President, Ginger Banks, Past International President, and Barb Hunt, Executive Board Director and NPC alternate delegate.
CollegiateChapter Commentaries
Thomas More College Colony
After a hectic semester of hard work, we are looking with great anticipation toward our ini- tiation, which we hope will happen this se- mester. Since there are no other sororities on campus, this has been a real challenge for us. Rush was an entirely new experience both to us, and the college. We were lucky to have the help of Chapter Consultant Kendra Redfern, who paid us a visit during rush week, and added some great suggestions to our plans. Al- though rush was successful, we held COB for several weeks afterward, since we are new on campus, and wanted to remain open for more members.
As a colony, we participated in our city's Oktoberfest by sponsoring a football toss booth to enlarge our treasury. This seemed to be a big hit with the guys, and as a result, we profited nearly $400, and had a wonderful time! In addition to this, a bake sale was held on campus on Sweetest Day to raise money for the philanthropy. To our surprise, this went over very well.
To increase colony unity, an overnight re- treat was held in early November. AOII alum- nae Troy Johnson provided help and encour- agement, by sharing with us her experiences in working with the sorority. The weekend was a positive and relaxing experience for all.
We celebrated Founders' Day on December 1st with an afternoon tea at colony member, Sara Runge's home. A booklet was prepared for this most special day. It contained our sen- timents and feelings about AOII and what it means to us as colony members. The day was concluded with a last minute drill for the pledge exam, conducted by Cincinnati Alum- nae President, Jana Taggert. We took the pledge exam on December 4th with the help of Susan Robinson, pledge advisor, and Betsy Payne Watson, chapter advisor. We have now only a few last minute requirements which stand before initiation, which means this se- mester should be very exciting, reported Sarah Barlage.
Western Kentucky U.
Alpha Chi began the school year with 32 top pledges after a busy week of rush. Kirsten Eastwood, AOII chapter consultant, joined us during rush week and helped us to find even more in AOII as we chose our new members.
The Miss Western Kentucky University Pag- eant proved exciting for Alpha Chi as member Jennifer Drury took the crown to represent WKU in the Miss Kentucky Pageant.
Alpha Chi bids farewell to president Michelle Martin who did a wonderful job over the past year and is very excited about new president K i m W elbourne, and the rest of our new officers.
During the spring semester. Alpha Chi will be holding AOLT Have a Heart Day on Febru- ary 14, Rock-a-thon for Arthritis, and will be participating in Greek Week and many intra- mural sports.
Everyone looked forward to initiation on January 25 and the annual initiation dance
that night. Spring Formal is in the making and thoughts are racing ahead to the first days of the thaw.
ALPHA DELTA U. of Alabama
Homecoming—a magical tradition! The Alpha Deltas certainly did perform amazingly during homecoming at the University of Alabama! Not a minute was to be spared dur- ing that hectic week of yard decorating, dance practice, and pep rallies. The Alpha Deltas were thrilled to have Donna Sandidge chosen as one of the top five candidates for Home- coming Queen! The Alpha Delta pledges' hard work paid off when they captured first place in the homecoming parade! A job well done, AOII!
Enthusiasm and involvement are two things which Alpha Deltas never seem to lose. Tina Wall was elected president of Greek Council; Lisa Manasco was selected for Sigma Tau Delta, the national English honorary; and Re- becca Gillette was chosen as a Pike calendar girl. The Alpha Deltas emerged as the victors in the campus volleyball tournament. In Col- lege Bowl, AOII took second place. Congratu- lations to those hardworking AOIIs!
In addition to holiday cheer, December brought the Alpha Deltas a group of wonder- ful new officers as enthusiastic and eager as the preceeding officers. Under the leadership of president Sara Howard, these officers made plans for the new semester. The Christmas break didn't seem to slow down the Alpha Deltas! They were busy organizing rush teas in various cities throughout the Southeast. These parties were very successful in acquainting many high school senior girls with AOII.
The Alpha Deltas jumped right into the new year! Renee Grace, the philanthropic chair- person, is planning an arm-wrestling tourna- ment to raise money for the Arthritis Founda- tion. Lori McWhorter and Katy Weldon, the rush co-chairpersons, are busily organizing the rush party to be held in late February. 1986 holds so much in store for the Alpha Deltas, reported Sandra Chung.
ALPHA GAMMA W ashington State U .
Smiling faces chanted as rushees made their way through the Alpha Gamma chapter at W ashington State University. Thirty-nine girls liked what they saw and became AOII pledges days later.
Senior Jennifer Rhoads organized the first and probably most successful activity for the year. Members and pledges got to know each other better on a fantastic day of white-water rafting and basking in the August sunshine. The icy waters of the Salman River in Idaho proved too tempting and many girls "jumped ship" for a quick swim.
In September, Alpha Gamma participated in Tau Kappa Epsilon WaterfoIIies. Pledge Tina Blau was crowned TKE WaterfoIIies Queen.
Soon after, pledges maintained a "sneaky" tradition. Special seniors and pledge trainer Diane Newgard were treated to a back-to- nature retreat at Field Springs State National Park near Anatone, Idaho.
Laura Diener
Alpha Delta Tours With Up With People
Laura Diener, an AOII at Alpha Delta, U of AL, is touring with "Up With People" this year. They will be giving concerts in many cities in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Also, they will be doing the halftime at the Superbowl.
"Up With People" is an internationally ac- claimed educational and entertainment organi- zation.
Laura was at Alpha Delta for four years.
ALPHA PHI Montana State U.
The sisters of Alpha Phi have been keeping extremely busy with all kinds of activities.
T o start off the array of events was the fall party put on by our 24 wonderful pledges. The theme, "Garters and Guns" was announced at midnight when the pledges woke up the entire house with water guns. The party was a great success and the pledges are to be commended for a job well done.
The next big event which took place was our annual AOII spookhouse. Dannette Gross, our philanthropy chairman, put a great deal of time and effort into this project and what a success it was! More than 900 people went through the house which is the biggest turnout yet.
On Founders' Day several awards were giv- en to individualswho added a special touch to our chapter or have done exceptionally well in one way or another. Daryl Nicholson and Mary Jane Griffanti were given the outstand- ing alumnae award. Sue Godell, our cook as well as our friend, was given the service recog- nition award. Janet Mendal was awarded the most outstanding pledge, and Tammy Cart- wright was chosen as our Girl of AOII. AOII was also recognized as having the top grades among all the sororities on campus.
Fall quarter ended with the electing of new officers, and we are proud to announce Shar- ron Henriques as being our newly elected pres- ident. Everyone is looking forward to winter quarter and another new year of exciting events, reported Natalie McRae.
ALPHA RHO Oregon State U.
The Alpha Rho chapter at Oregon State University started winter term off right with a beach retreat. Sisterhood activities included discussing personal and house goals, rush planning, a fireside, and general fun times on the beach.
Other activities include a crush function and a open house where we will share our home with incoming freshmen and show them what AOII is all about 1 This year member, Jamie Hansbrough revised Dad's Weekend and it's sure to prove a success. Before the weekend members and pledges will have a study break with Chi Phi fraternity and surprise them the next morning with a wake-up breakfast of piz- za. The next day, there is a basketball game with our dads as well as a spaghetti dinner with Chi Phis and a mixer afterwards.
Alpha Rho's keep active on campus with a variety of activities; fraternity courts, band, honor societies, Panhellenic, and various clubs.
This past term, we were the only sorority on campus where all the members received over a 2.0 grade point. Alpha Rho pledges averaged 99.6 on their pledge test and we will be initiat- ing 85% of our fall pledge class this month. Congratulations to our wonderful pledge class and our pledge educator, Rena Palacio.
ALPHA SIGMA U. of Oregon
Alpha Sigmas of the University of Oregon are walking on air. Actually, since we live in Oregon we are singing in the rain and putting Gene Kelly to shame! We had a wonderful rush this year. There is simply no other word to describe our performance, reported T orey Labrousse.
We came back in September prepared for a rush that has been designated as one of the best in UO history. Enthusiasm was boosted when we were welcomed by a newly painted grey house with white trim; our unbiased opinion is that it is the best looking house on campus. Our growing excitement was height- ened as we incorporated a new, sophisticated activities day. The "Bright Lights of AOII," featuring New Year's Eve in New York, not only impressed our rushees, but also rush counselors, Panhellenic officers and people from around campus. AOlTs International Rush Chairman, Anne Allison, gave us tre- mendous help; her stories entertained rushees and AOIIs alike. And, as always, our alums were right there with us offering their time, support and ideas, reported Yvette Jefferson.
All this enthusiasm and team work resulted in the biggest pledge class that Alpha Sigma has produced in years. We received 24 fabu- lous pledges, and informal rush quickly brought two more pledges through our doors.
For those who find time after the Greek fun is done activities on and off campus, includ- ing, band, athletics and forensics, provide a diversion from the ever present text book.
As one of our alums stated, "This is what the spirit of AOII is all about!"
Fall semester sure was full of activities, from the very first day till the last—a busy one in- deed for Alpha Theta chapter.
Once the AOIIs got back to school, prepara- tions started for rush. The retreat was intense, but work was filled with fun and laughter, too. Results were not as high as last year's, in- sofar as numbers, but COB has brought us close to quota; and we are still going! The rib- boning and pledging of 11 girls then followed, after which a dinner was given to celebrate and highlight the rest of the evening.
At Homecoming—again, AOIIs were there to be seen and heard. The chapter participated in the parade and window painting events. And we gave our school big cheers all the way through the victory!
Our Regional Director Pam Hill visited Al- pha Theta too. We learned a lot from her. In- formation was exchanged and the chapter is grateful. We thank you for your visit, Pam!
We are planning ahead and looking forward to our next project in line—Founders' Day. There's so much to look forward to, reported May Sumcad.
BETA LAMBDA Illinois Wesleyan U.
The school year started out great for the sis- ters of the Beta Lambda chapter. We came "home" to a completed house after over two years of renovation. The project included a four-story addition to the building's west and north sides. Also, the house's main floor was completely redecorated, the kitchen was ex- panded, and a bathroom was added. Much of the planning and monitoring was the work of a building committee consisting of alumnae Jerry McGinnis, Lucille Klauser and Mary Williams.
With our beautiful new house and loads of enthusiasm we headed into rush. AOII talent shined with our poet in residence, Liz Grumbine, writing and directing our "AOII Angel" skit, while Kris Hoshauer developed and presented our first slide show "The Mak- ing of an AOII." Hard work coupled with strong alumnae support brought us beautiful and spirited pledges.
Fall swept in, giving Beta Lambdas many chances to show our pride. Under the direction of our sister, Chapel Chairperson Amy Gear- hart, the AOIIs were the first Illinois Wesleyan Greek unit to host chapel. Our semi-annual scholarship dinner honored Dean's List mem- bers and other sisters who met their grade goals. A special congratulations was given to Lisa Setlak for receiving the America Chemical Society Analytical Section Undergraduate Award.
Homecoming was very special for Beta Lambdas as well. Not only did our queen can- didate Jackie Wilson look beautiful and our parade entry win for "best mobile unit," but alums returned from far and wide for the long awaited house dedication ceremony. We were honored to have regional and international officers attend as well.
Another high point of the semester was the chance for Beta Lambdas to meet sisters from other chapters. Pledges and seniors "walked out" to Western Illinois University and got to know our sisters at Sigma Iota chapter. We also had the happy honor of attending the installation of the new AOII chapter at the University of Chicago.
For philanthropy, Beta Lambdas had a can drive, where we went door-to-door to collect donations. It was quite successful. Our pledges
sold homecoming cookies and sold out on the first day. Currently, we are selling cookbooks with recipes in it from all our Beta Lambda sis- ters, compiled by Cathy Brennan.
All in all, it's been a very busy and fun semester for the Beta Lambda's. We are look- ing forward to more fun, love, and laughter.
BETA PHI Indiana University
Coming back from break, Beta Phis were excited and anxious about the upcoming se- mester. A successful rush was one of the high- lights of the semester. During this rush, there was an overflow of warmth and pride in the house. Our new pledges are sure to have a fun and exciting semester.
Congratulations go to Aria Beck for being named Vice President of Rush on the Panhel- lenic Board. All of us are so proud of her.
We have a busy schedule of events planned for this semester. I.U. Sing practices and social events with the men of Acacia is one of the events. Serenades and other social mixers also keep Beta Phis busy and begins to prepare them for Little 500.
This semester looks like one filled with fun and sisterhood.
BETA RHO U. of Montana
Beta Rho chapter is looking at a bright new year shining with promise. Autumn quarter saw us welcome 21 new pledges through our double doors, and those doors have been opening with activity ever since.
We kept our pledges as well as ourselves busy with our annual Grizzly Mum corsage sale which is held during Homecoming and supports arthritis research. There was also the Sigma Chi Derby Days competition, sorority dinner exchanges for Panhellenic, Founders' Day and our annual Christmas Party.
January 18 was one of the major high points during winter quarter. That day was the win- ter initiation. Then came our formal function, Rose Ball, January 25th. The excitement of ini- tiation will carry over into Rose Ball and make it what it always is—a welcome party for our new initiates.
Beta Rho is also gearing up for another honor. Region VII Convention is scheduled to be held here at the end of this school year. Alumnae are already hard at work making preparations for the event and trying to sched- ule around Sunday Graduation ceremonies at the University of Montana so that some of our graduating seniors may attend, reported Susan L.Wordal.
CHI Syracuse U.
It doesn't seem possible that just 12 short months ago, Alpha Omicron Pi was little more than a sparkle in a few girls' imaginations. It's hard to believe how far we've come in so little time.
For Chi chapter, the past year has been filled with triumphs and tragedy. But the bond of love and friendship which has been created will be difficult to break, because 52 girls at Syracuse University have learned just what "sisterhood" really means.
Chi chapter colonized in October 1984, and by January had moved into the former Pi Beta Phi house on Walnut Place. Only two weeks
later, a tragic fire forced us into the Sheraton University Inn and Conference Center for the remainder of the semester.
Through it all, the Syracuse University Greek community and our ever-faithful alum- nae supported us, encouraging us not to give up. By April, the hard work and dedication had paid off. Chi colony became Chi chapter, and 52 girls, who 6 months earlier had had lit- tle in common, were AOII sisters.
Before long, it was September, and although our house was to have been finished, we found ourselves back at the Sheraton to prepare for our first formal rush.
Rush was, without a doubt, the truest test of our dedication and spirit, not to mention our creativity! It's very difficult to even compare a barren hotel banquet room to a homey, fur- nished living room—let alone to give house tours when you have no house! But once again, we were successful, thanks to persever- ance and some more encouragement from our Greek friends. Twenty-four enthusiastic girls now comprise the first AOII pledge class.
After all of this, only one thing still seemed to be missing.
On October 12, thirty-two AOIls and their housemother moved back into the house at 210 Walnut Place, although, at the time, only the upstairs was finished. It was difficult at first, and even though the house is now almost finished, there are still some adjustments to be made. A l l in all, however, it's great to be home!
The almost 40 Chis who had been through the fire already knew that statement to be true. But for many of us, this is our first experience with having a place to call a "house." At times, it's hard to believe that for nine long months we did without that house which now seems so necessary. But it is the experiences, good and bad, of the last year that has served to build a very unique bond among the sisters of Chi Chapter. Sisterhood, after all, is a bond that doesn't depend on any physical structure to exist; because home is truly where the heart is, reported Laurie Sprague.
Chi Alpha began the 85-86 year with a bang! Fall rush was not only fun and exciting, it was the most successful in Chi Alphas his- tory. The AOII actives and new pledges had a great time getting to know each other during the bid day festivities.
The pledges at Chi Alpha had that great AOII spirit. They first showed it by kidnap- ping the actives for breakfast. They also set down to working on their philanthropy and raising money for a house gift. A black and white theme party set the stage for the pledge social. Their hard work paid off, and all had a great time. Those sneaky pledges then sur- prised all the actives by using a phoney candle passing to start off the pledge sneak. The ac- tives hunted clues from the weight room to the library but finally finished and found their sisters.
Not only do the Chi Alphas have fun with their pledges, but also with other collegians as well. The social calendar was full of exciting exchanges. The roaring twenties were relived in an exchange with Alpha Gamma Rho and Lambda Chi Alpha. Halloween was celebrated with a costume exchange with Theta Chi, Chi Phi, and Alpha Phi.
All fun and no studying makes for poor grades, so the Chi Alphas have been working hard on scholarship. In order to achieve better campus relations, they had a professor dinner. Fifteen instructors from ten departments were invited to share a Monday dinner with the members. The dinner was a great success. The AOLTs and professors shared not only dinners, but themselves as well, reported Carol Adams.
CHI DELTA U. of Colorado
It's been an exciting fall semester for every- one at the Chi Delta chapter. We celebrated in honor of our 59 pledges at the Westin Hotel in Vail for our fall formal. The falling snow made for a special ambiance as well as for great ski conditions.
Our pledge project seemed to save the Hal- loween spirit in Boulder, as many parents came to buy our pumpkins in the fear that the local shortage would result in no annual holi- day jack-o-lanterns for their children. The earnings from the pumpkin sales added up to be enough to help send our pledges to Kansas, and to provide philanthropic support for arthritis research. The six rented vans were soon on their way to visit the Phi chapter and to support our football team. In the many hours of the eventfulroad trip and throughout their stay at the University of Kansas our pledges became better acquainted with each other resulting in fun times and sisterly enthusiasm.
This year Christmas was an especially mem- orable one for our chapter! We had a fantastic all-house party in which we decorated our tree, had a pledge mom-pledge daughter gift exchange, and enjoyed a delicious turkey din- ner. Later in the evening the Bufoons, a very talented male choir, sang Christmas songs.
Some Chi Delta football fans decided to fol- low the C.U. Buffalos, during Christmas break, to California to cheer them on in the Freedom Bowl. Most of our chapter, however, spread out all over the United States to visit family and friends in their hometowns. Although we all enjoy semester break, we are very excited to be reunited, as we have a busy social calendar planned!
Chi Delta scholarship has many beneficial plans for this coming semester; tutoring ses- sions, study tables, and working on our test file are just a few. We plan to study hard in the hopes of re-establishing, or even bettering, our second place standing to all sororities on cam- pus in overall G.P.A., reported Jody Levin.
CHI LAMBDA U. of Evansville
Just picture a medium size room with red carpet, rose pictures and balloons everywhere, trophies along one wall and a big banner say- ing, "We Love Our Pledges!" across another wall. That was exactly what the Chi Lambda suite looked like just before the pledge class slumber party. The bond of sisterhood became so obvious. The pledges each made a collage describing themselves and then had a lot of fun guessing which collage belonged to whom. They also made up their pledge class song and pigged out on all the snacks the collegiates had prepared for them!
The pledges have also been really busy winding up activities for initiation. For Hal- loween, the pledges sold and delivered ghost- pops all over campus. This turned out to be a really successful philanthropic project. They also were busy making cute buttons for all the sororities, which also went over really well.
Five Chi Lambda women attended the Pur- due Leadership Conference in November. They were Sheryl Perkins, Anne Williams, Liz Thomas, Lisa and Kristy Keith. Many new ideas were brought back and put into action.
Founders' Day, as always, was special this year, but more so than usual. Ann Gilchrist, regional director, was present to share some of her fun-filled memories of all of her AOII days with the Chi Lambda women, their mothers and the Tri-State Alumnae.
Following the Founders' Day celebration, Chi Lambda's first initiation for the fall pledge class took place. Mellonna Evans was initiated early on account of her transferring to MSU (Mizzou), where a growing and soon-to-be installed colony exists.
An annual Christmas party was held in the suite after caroling at a couple of nearby nurs- ing homes. After which, everyone cracked the books to prepare for finals, hoping to main- tain their highest G.P.A. on campus and to have all the pledges make grades.
The chapter has been busy preparing for the annual campus extravaganza, Musical Mad- ness. Directors this year are Jenny Albers and Katie Malcolm. Even more attention, how- ever, is being put on spring rush. The women of Chi Lambda have been busily preparing the activities and parties for spring rush in order to be able to pledge the best group of women going through, reported Stacey Todd.
Chi Delta Founders' Day in Denver. From left, Ali Arnold, Ginger Banks, Past International Presi- dent, Tamra Nottingham, Deb Numer, Nickey Hanson.
Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U . fall pledge class.
U. of Delaware
The Delta Chi chapter at the University of Delaware began the fall semester with an abundance of activities. We began with a Greek Open House to flaunt our newest acqui- sition—our house. We were very happy to announce that we were, and still are, the only sorority on campus which owns our own house. Our house and the hard work from the sisters helped us to achieve a 20-member pledge class.
W e had several functions and social events on our calendar. W e participated in a car wash and a bake sale which netted $185. We used this money to refurbish our house. A Scholar- ship Tea was planned and executed by scholar- ship officer Lisa DiStefano. The Scholarship Tea gave us the chance to mingle with profes- sors and exchange ideas in Greek life and activities. The sisters enjoyed a triple mixer with three fraternities and two other sororities, a double mixer, and a mixer/Halloween party with the men of Tau Kappa Epsilon. This mixer had prizes for best, funniest, and scari- est costumes. Our Winter Formal '85 on November 22 was held at the Ramada Inn in Pennsylvania. It was an event which each sis- ter looked forward to with anticipation and was an evening of excitement and joviality. We celebrated Founders' Day with guest speaker Miss Mary Ann Finch who is the State Leader of Home Economics Extension. Miss Finch gave a speech about the advancements women can make in the working world.
We would like to congratulate our new President, Vice-President, and other officers. President—Sandy Johnston; Vice-President— Missy Morris; Panhellenic President—Yvette Cerrada. Congratulations!!, reported Janice Frankel.
The sisters of Delta Delta gathered for their first Sister Dinner on a Sunday evening in October. These Sister Dinners are a new idea conceived to bring the sisters together for some fellowship and fun other than that of regular meetings. Hopefully these will become a tradition at Auburn. O u r first dinner was prepared by Jana Wasden and her chapter relations committee.
Auburn's chapter has been busy doing numerous other things this fall. Our pledge
class gathered at beautiful Still Waters Resort for their pledge retreat, led by their pledge- trainer, Kaye Hutchens. Meanwhile, the sisters headed off for Georgia Tech to cheer the Tigers to victory.
Homecoming week was also a thriller. Jenny Jackson, one of our sophomore pledges, was in the top five for Miss Homecoming, along with Candy Smoak, and Mary Adams, who made the top 20.
Tina Turner's concert was the main event in the Homecoming festivities, followed by the annual Homecoming Tea for parents the morning of the game. Fall quarter has been a time for extending friendships and working hard for the AOIls at Auburn. One thing is for sure, it won't be a quarter easy to forget, reported Cisse Mattson.
DELTA OMEGA Murray State U .
The Delta Omega chapter at Murray State University wound up the school year with many activities.Our Mr.MSUpageant forthe Arthritis Foundation was very successful. Our football team was also very successful. We fin- ished with first place honors. Also during the close of the semester we held our annual Tur- key Dance in Clarksville, Tennessee. Every one took their favorite "turkey." Before we went home for Thanksgiving we had a "Heav- en or Hell" mixer with Sigma Chi. Some of us went as devils and some of us went as angels. Also, before Thanksgiving we had a dinner in the suite and we each brought something that we are thankful for and told why. That was a very great experience. To close the semester we held inspiration week for the pledges. Each pledge had an inspiration buddy and we held some very special activities for the pledges that week. We were also very proud of five of our sisters that were selected as semi-finalists in the Miss MSU pageant. They were: Amy Bryan, Diane Dalton, Peggy Hoffman, Kim Mc- Cullar, and Kim Williams. Congratulations to them. As the semester ended and every one went home for Christmas, plans for our Red Rose formal, election of officers, and other spring activities were underway, reported Amy Gibson.
Central Missouri State U .
The fall pledge class of Delta Pi was greeted with a busy, fun-filled semester of activities
when 25 women, the quota of Delta Pi, pledged. Bid Day was quite a celebration! The new pledges were greeted with hugs, kisses, and lots of cheering. After the pledge yell and introduction of the pledges to a crowd of Greeks, a party was held. It was an exciting end after a week of hard work during rush.
The pledge class started off their busy semester by participating in Lambda Chi A l - pha's Watermelonfest. Seven other NPC soror- ities participated in games that were centered around watermelons. Even though it was a rainy day, we all had a great time! Allof the NPC pledge classes were also invited by the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon to a "Pledge Tea." After being escorted to the tea, we were enter- tained by a slide show, songs, and were pre- sented with a silver platter commemorating pledge tea.
For our pledge fundraiser, we sold M & M's. A profit amount has not yet been determined but it will go to a gift for the house from the pledge class.
Our walkout was held on Nov. 8, and even though we didn't have the initiates completely fooled, we had a good time trying! Three initi- ates were "kidnapped" and taken on a walkout to a sister's house in Independence, M o . W e had a good time finding out each other's his- tory and our special entertainment was a mouse that had us trying to catch it!
During October and November, informal rush parties were held and four new informal pledges were welcomed into Delta Pi. AOII is now the largest sorority on Central Missouri State's campus.
As we approach a new semester and initia- tion on Jan. 17, we would like to extend our thanks to all of our sisters who gave us so much help during pledgeship, particularly Kathy McDonough, our pledge educator. N o w its off to a new, exciting semester!
Delta Upsilon started its sixth and best year yet. After an active fall, the chapter is prepar- ing for spring rush which began two days after our semester begins. The chapter worked hard under the direction of Rush Chairman Genny Carter to learn new songs and skits in a re- vamping of our rush program.
Social Chairman, Catherine W arren, kept us busy with mixers, including a Halloween cos- tume party, a white tee-shirt party and a day of fun and sun at the local quarry. The chapter initiates this year the tradition of Philanthropy Week, a week of service to the community and university and NAF. It includes an AOIL car wash, Hospital Halloween decorations and Di- aling for Duke.
Finally, our chapter has a new member! His name is Oscar and he's our hardest working member yet. Oscar is our new Sharp copier and he's already proving to be a big help such as copying all the booklets for our rush work- shops, reported Elizabeth Moody.
It was another busy fall for the sisters and pledges of Epsilon Alpha at Penn State. In Oc- tober we joined the brothers of Pi Kappa A l - pha fraternity in homecoming activities. The time and hard work paid off when the float took a third place trophy.
November brought many activities for us. THe sisters participated in the annual Delta Gamma "Anchor Splash" and the Phi Delta Theta "Blood Drive." A semi-formal wine and cheese in mid-November was a brief respite from the philanthropies. Greek Sing brought the Epsiloh Alphas back to the Greek activi- ties. The sisters and the brothers of Sigma Chi fraternity showed that they could sing and dance well enough to land them a second place trophy;
The annual Phi Mu "Mr. Legs" contest in December yielded a first place for AOII, re- ported Leslea Stock.
U. of Maine
Gamma chapter, aided by a summer rush workshop, was able to get twelve wonderful pledges this semester. This definitely started the year off with a bang! Gamma had several pledge activities this fall including apple pick- ing and a pumpkin carving party.
On October 26th, the University of Maine had its' Homecoming celebration. Several alumnae attended a cheese party after the foot- ball game. We enjoyed seeing them and we hope that we will continue seeing them in the future.
Our traditional fall date party was held on November 1st with both pledges and sisters attending. O n November 22nd, the sisters of Gamma went to Castine, Maine for a retreat. Castine is a small town located along the Maine Coast. We had activities and games designed to bring us closer together. This re- treat was held the weekend before elections. Congratulations to our new president. Tammy LaPage Collins I!
Gamma finished out the semester with a pledge-sponsored Christmas party on Decem- ber 9th. The pledges also distributed candy canes that they sold. This fund-raiser, along with a pledge-sponsored dance raised over $350. The majority of this money will go to charity.
GAMMA ALPHA George Mason U.
What a busy semester it has been for us at Gamma Alpha chapter here at George Mason University! W e began the semester with work- shops for rush, getting those final preparations ready for the rushees who would soon be visit- ing the AOIIs. With rush in full swing, we be- came very involved in university activities, selling tickets to the George Benson concert, and checking most of the university I.D.s. for our GMU party on the Quad. We made ourselves highly visible and earned a lot of money. At the end of the first busy week, we congratulated ourselves by taking our 22 new pledges (one of whom is a legacy!!) out to a pizza dinner.
Gamma Alphas had that fall feeling during Halloween when we all went apple picking at the Shenandoah foothills. With the ripe apples we picked, we will have a caramel apple sale for Arthritis.
AOIIs were out slapping around the wet soapy towels on November third for a car wash. With the apple sale and car wash our November month was full. We were proud to attend the annual Greek Debut and present our new pledges to the Greeks on campus.
We participated in the Washington D.C. Jin- gle Bell Run for arthritis with the Washington area Arthritis Foundation. After a chilly morn- ing registering runners and handing out re- freshments, we headed out to a well-deserved breakfast. Later during the month of Decem- ber we joined up with the Kappa Sigmas to drive Junior Miss pageant members around the town.
To end off the month of December with a round of fun and laughter, the pledges put on a semi-formal for the sisters and alumnae. It was a final illustration of just how well the pledges achieved their amazing closeness and AOII spirit.
All in all fall was an amazing semester for the Gamma Alphas. Cathy Baehr did one of the best AOII rushes in our history and the chapter is trying out exciting new ways to get closer and really discover what sisterhood is all about.
GAMMA BETA Indiana U . of Perm.
The Gamma Betas at IUP are excited! Not only were they still in the clouds about win- ning 2nd place last spring in Greek Sing, but the return to classes started a semester full of excitement and f u n .
As soon as the AOIIs registered and moved in, formal rush began. Along with formal rush came a visit from chapter consultant Sherry Carothers. By the time fall rush was over, Gamma Beta was the proud chapter of eight enthusiastic sisters in learning!
IUP's October Homecoming was almost like a fairytale. That was the theme of the week- end's events. The AOIIs teamed up with Alpha Tau Omega and built the "Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" as their entry. In addition to the float, the AOIIs and ATOs hosted a recep- tion for their alumni.
Plans are underway campus wide for a project called Students Against Multiple Schlerosis (SAMS). SAMS is a national organ- ization whose activities are being sponsored by MTV. Several AOIIs are involved in vari- ous committees. Susie Gurst is chairperson of the recruitment committee for SAMS.
Even though the fall was busy with activities like the Delta Gamma Anchor Splash, and of course, studying, the Gamma Betas took time out on Nov. 2, to honor the pledges and alum- nae at the annual fall formal.
Both collegians and alumnae enjoyed cele- brating Gamma Beta's twentieth anniversary as an AOII chapter in February, reported Mar- ilyn Healy.
GAMMA SIGMA Georgia State U .
Most college students think of winter quar- ter as dreary, drizzly, and drab when there is not much to do on campus. Well Gamma Sig- ma chapter proved many of these students were wrong.
The AOIIs at Georgia State University par- ticipated in fund raisers for some very worthy causes. The Gamma Sigmas, along with the other Greeks at GSU, made a striking differ- ence to the Big Brother/Big Sister program in the Atlanta area. The sisters of Gamma Sigma participated in a Bowl-a-thon to raise funds for this valuable organization.
Also, thanks to the help of Grace Avant and Karen Lerned who were AOII's liaisons for
Greek Week, we helped Georgia State Univer- sity's needy students. This year, instead of giv- ing money to various philanthropies, the Greeks decided to create scholarships for incoming freshmen who might otherwise not be able to afford college.
The AOIIs also held their annual "AOIIs Athletes" competition. During the week before the actual competition the Gamma Sigmas are the envy of all the other sororities on campus. We have fraternities from GSU and Georgia Tech delivering flowers, cakes and decorating our room to try to butter us up. On Saturday, the frat boys compete in different track and field events ranging from weight lifting to relays to tug-of-war. However, the main pur- pose for "AOII Athletes," as you may already know, is to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation.
Gamma Sigma would like to congratulate our new sisters which we initiated on January 11. After the initiation everyone went to the banquet in the honor of our fall pledge class and several awards were handed out to very special people. The Best Pledge award was given to Cindy Cedl. The Best Attitude Pledge award was presented to Noel Getlin. Those two awards were voted on by the sisters of the Gamma Sigma chapter. The pledges voted on the Best BigSister award and Grace Avant was given this honor.
Gamma Sigma would like to thank the AOIIs at the University of Georgia for hosting and making us all feel welcome at Founders' Day which was held at UGA's Continuing Education Building on Sunday, January 12. Wendy Ward, President of the Gamma Sigma chapter gave two outstanding sisters the Chap- ter Recognition pins. The outstanding sisters were Jennifer Lane, who was the rush chair- man, and Lisa Cape the vice-president of the chapter. Both women truly deserved this pin.
The AOIIs at GSU would also like to recog- nize other sisters who are representing our chapter in different ways. Grace Avant was chosen to be one of this year's Inceptors. A n Inceptor shows incoming freshman and trans- fer students around the campus and helps them with any problems or questions which might arise. Pam Pruitt was a Peach Bowl hostess over the Christmas holidays.
Traci Cheek is another AOII who represents us on the basketball court. Traci has been averaging 17.2 points for the Lady Panthers and is becoming well known to the readers of GSU's newspaper "The Signal."
The Gamma Sigma chapter would also like to recognize the hard work and dedication that last year's leaders and officersput forth and to congratulate and wish good luck to the new officers we elected for the 1986 school year, reported Mary Ann Brake.
U. of Illinois
The sisters of Iota chapter have been keep- ing quite busy lately at "The Big U . " The AOIIs were proud to present their third place homecoming float thanks to the collaboration with Sigma Phi Delta.
The Iotas also danced up a storm at the annual barn dance, appropriately titled "Swinging Spurs." A n d the girls and their dates enjoyed a romantic evening at the Christmas Formal held in the beautifully dec- orated chapter house. Finally, the A - O -
Pops had a wonderful weekend with their Iota daughters as they cheered the Mini on to victory.
Getting down to business, the Iotas elected their new 1986 officers. They're sure to pros- per under the guidance of president, Annette Bick. A big thanks to past president, Kim Daisy, for a job well done.
Scholastically, the Iotas continue to show off those "A's" on their report cards. Perhaps it's in part due to the new computer which the girls have been using to write up papers and projects.
The Iotas anxiously await the month of March, for that is when the chapter house addition will come under construction, in- creasing capacity from 53 to at least 66 girls. The Iotas are presently working diligently on fund raisers and welcoming any help from alums. The Illinois AOIIs are more than excit- ed about the improvements being made on their home away from home, reported Kris Kastner.
KAPPA ALPHA Indiana State U .
The Kappa Alphas have started out the new year at full force! After again taking quota during fall formal rush, they are the largest so- rority on Indiana State's campus. Making for- mal rush possible not only for the AOIIs, but the entire sorority system was Kappa Alpha's Kelli Hallas. Kelli is this year's Panhellenic Vice-President serving as rush coordinator. She has been active in ISU's Panhellenic Coun- cil for three years serving as chapter delegate for two, and Panhellenic rush counselor last year. This year Kappa Alpha had four other representatives during rush serving as Rho Chi's. They are Karen Chilcote, Ronda Crist, Paulette Kunas, and Leslie Reed.
The AOIIs are also busy catching up after the homecoming festivities. Paired with the men of Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Lambda Phi, along with two resident halls, it was an over- whelming success story for the Pi's. Kappa Al- pha's Jill Willhite was crowned first runner-up in the ISU Homecoming Court.
Kappa Alpha's are continually striving for leadership on the Indiana State campus. Being appointed to the university programming board are sisters Elizabeth Clark, Kelli Hallas, and Stephanie Hammond. Kim Clingerman was named Indiana State Outstanding Sopho- more. AOn Abbi Moore and Lisa Wools will be representing the chapter on this year's Tandemonia Steering Committee, reported Kelli Hallas.
Kelli Hallas, Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U.. is vice president of Indiana State's Panhellenic council.
0 " -:
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U., take a break from chapter duties.
KAPPA GAMMA Florida Southern
The Kappa Gamma chapter is please to have made its quota once again with 11 fantastic girls.
Chosen to participate in Miss Interlachen, a beauty contest sponsored by the yearbook, were Caroline Dossett and Jane Knicker- bocker. President Elise Maclennan was chosen to represent AOII in the Miss Southern competition.
December 2 was our Founders' Day ban- quet. The sisters and alumnae spent an eve- ning out together to honor sisters of the past and of today.
Seniors, Margriet Knetsch, Jane Knicker- bocker, and Elise Maclennan were all elected to the Greek Hall of Fame.
Kimber Norris and Laura Zimmerman con- tinue for their third year to show our support of the athletic department as batgirls for the baseball team.
We are happy to have two sisters transfer to us: Kathy Kasch from the University of South Alabama, and Katherine Moulton from the University of Florida.
The sisters will be anxious to get more fabu- lous girls in the spring which will keep things rolling for the AOIIs of Kappa Gamma, reported Laura Zimmerman.
KAPPA KAPPA Ball State U .
The Kappa Kappa chapter at Ball State Uni- versity has been participating in campus events and winning the trophies. Theta Xi's annual Tug-O-War and Sigma Chi's Derby Days were two of the events in which the Kappa Kappas captured first place trophies. Jenny Flaugh was a queen candidate for Derby Days and represented AOII well by placing in the top five.
When Halloween came around, Kappa Kappa rocked all night with the brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Everyone had a great time and allowed for some terrific memories with sisters.
Hayride was soon to follow and the pledges got their first taste of one of the big events for Kappa Kappas. It was a cold and drizzly night but that didn't dampen anyone's spirit.
The week before finals the actives threw a "Thank Heaven for Pledges" sister get to- gether. Janet Taylor organized the evening and it was a complete success. The actives were asked to make homemade gifts for the pledges
and a gift was placed in a special bag for each of the pledges. It was a great night filled with hugs, smiles, songs, and most of all our terrific pledges.
The first weekend back at school from Thanksgiving break the Kappa Kappas cele- brated Founders' Day. Chapter Advisor, Mary Lou Huber, did a superb job organizing the this special occasion for all AOII, collegiate and alumnae.
Kappa Kappa was also pleased to report five sisters earned a perfect 4.0! Congratulations to Kelly McAndres, Kimmi Hayes, Jenny Hill, Lee McKown, and Jenny Phillips.
As we started into the new quarter the annual pledge pandemonium was held for a money making project. The pledge classes from all the fraternities and sororities were invited to a spaghetti dinner served by the Kappa Kappas. Beth Stults and Pam Peik co- chairmanned the event which raised several hundred dollars, reported Carolyn Bennett. KAPPA OMEGA
U. of Kentucky
Finally, our new house is officially turned into a home! The Kappa Omegas' new chapter house was dedicated October 12 with a mov- ing ribbon-cutting and several alumnae speak- ing at the dedication ceremony. Peg Crawford and Kay Sutherlin both spoke on this joyous occasion. The entire Greek community at UK got involved in the dedication. Many house mothers and presidents of the other Greek or- ganizations on campus attended. Gifts from other Greeks on campus were generously pre- sented to Kappa Omega on this special day, including many flowers and a lovely clock. The house, located coincidentally on Rose Street, houses 53 lucky women.
Last semester was an active one for the pledges. Our pledge philanthropic project was to entertain the children from the Central Ken- tucky Re-Education Program at the house with dinner, games and trick-or-treating on Hallow- een. The children especially enjoyed dunking for apples, and all the Kappa Omegas enjoyed watching the children break-dance. The pledg- es had fun organizing this event that involved AOII with the community.
At the annual Greek Night at the Oscars, Kappa Omega, along with the men of Kappa Alpha Order, received an exciting third place for their humorous skit. Pam Hayes and Denise Golden were co-chairwomen of the event. Denise Golden also did well in another Greek event—the Miss Easter Seals Pageant.
Because of such successful participation in Greek activities, Kappa Omega has obtained a high number of Greek points, making A0I1 one of the top sororities on campus.
At Kappa Omega, we do not allow the many contributions to our chapter by one per- son go unnoticed. One person who deserves much recognition is our housemother. In ap- preciation for all our housemother, Pat Put- nam, does for Kappa Omega, a special "Din- ner for Mom" was held in her honor. The housemothers from all the other Greek organi- zations attended the dinner. Thanks, Mom!!
On that special day in December when we celebrated Founders' Day, Kappa Omega gath- ered at the beautiful Spindletop Country Club to remember the bonds of sisterhood shared by our Founders. We were lucky to have the Thomas More College colony with us to share in our happiness and celebrate with us.
As a busy new semester begins, the pledges are looking forward to the pledge banquet and initiation. We are hoping for another great se- mester at UK, reported Jennifer Ballard.
KAPPA OMICRON Rhodes College
Kappa Omicron began the 1985-86 school year with a house party. Everyone had a won- derful time visiting, talking, singing, and catching up with what happened to their sis- ters over the summer. After house party, rush practice began in earnest. Finally, rush started and all of the AOIIs hard work paid off.
After "Oliver" skit parties, sister city, and rose garden we pledged 28 wonderful girls. Bolstered by their "rose buddies" (active spon- sors), the pledges started off their pledgeship with "Stick Up for Arthritis," their philan- thropy project. A t Halloween they dressed up as ghosts, witches, gremlins, and smurfs and canvassed the Rhodes dorms, collecting money for the Arthritis Foundation. Their pledge retreat in College Grove, Tennessee, at the home of pledge educator Marianne Blackwell, was a smashing success. A group of sisters drove up separately to surprise the pledges and arrived just in time for a hay ride with the new AOIIs.
For Homecoming, AOII decorated its yard and sponsored a reception for Memphis alum- nae. Next came Kappa Omicron's sixtieth anniversary celebration: a date party, then a silver tea with the Memphis alumnae chapter, at which the actives performed their "Oliver" rush skit for the alums. A pledge swap with the IIKAs rounded out the month of October.
Suzanne Mabee has been appointed Pan- hellenic treasurer. Louisa Landwehr, social chairman, was elected to the Rhodes Social Commission, reported Michelle Wilkins.
Ohio Northern U.
As the leaves began to fall and the calm days of October rolled around, most chapters were beginning to relax after rush, but not Kappa Pi chapter at O N U .
The first week of October brought formal rush, always a time of excitement and unity. The efforts of everyone paid off, especially the hard work of our formal rush officer, A m y Ferguson and COB officer, Ellen Kling, as we received 19 terrific pledges. But the fun didn't stop there. Thanks to the work of our Home- coming chairman, Susan Klostermeyer, and the enthusiastic efforts of our sisters and new
Go GreeK IT
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U. fall pledges show their Homecoming float.
pledges, Kappa Pi pushed its way to victory in the push mobile races for the eighth year in a row. We also were excited to receive second place in the banner contest and to be the only sorority to have a float in the parade. Our homecoming queen candidate, Gretchen Brook, participated in the activities, and sev- eral other sisters showed their talents in the band and flag corps.
During the Halloween season, sisters dressed up in their ghoulish costumes and went door- to-door during trick or treating hours to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation. Also, a surprise retreat was organized by Chapter Relations to provide some end of the quarter fun and some time for sisters and pledges to share some hots and cider around a bonfire at the home of our Chapter Relations Advisor, Judy McGaw.
A-O-Pride shined on campus as Kathy Hinkle, Shelly Heron, and pledges Wendy Keplinger and Becky Krietemeyer lead the ONU volleyball team to a victorious season. Wendy will also be representing AOII on the basketball team while pledge Barb W inters serves as the student trainer. Kappa Pi showed that AOn is #1 as they placed first among the other sororities in intramural volleyball.
Social activities also kept the chapter extremely busy including such activities as the Kappa Phi Sing-a-thon, and a Hawaiian Party where everyone had fun dancing in the sand.
The highlight of winter quarter was Rose Week which helped prepare the pledges for ini- tiation and to reinstill the feelings of love and sisterhood among us all.
Founders' Day was celebrated in January with alumnae. The chapter furnished brunch for everyone.
January came to a close with the installation of our new officers for next year, reported Karen S. Downing.
KAPPA T A U Southeastern Louisiana U .
The sisters of Kappa Tau chapter held their Christmas Dance this December. The Most
Congenial Pledge award was presented to Cathy Madonna. The Most Outstanding Alumna award went to Patti Dowie.
The presidents' ring was passed down from Lauren Zeller to Cecilia Deynoodt. Cecilia was also named Most Outstanding Member.
AOITs where honored with many awards at the annual Panhellenic banquet. Beth Sita was installed into the Greek 4.00 club and 16 oth- ers where installed into the 3.00 club. Cecilia Deynoodt was inducted as Panhellenic Vice- President. She will be totally responsible for Panhellenic rush.
Kappa Tau's are also very athletic. We were undefeated in volleyball to win the Greek Championship.
Four chapter members have been honored by being selected to be on the 1986 ATfl Women of SLU Calendar. They are: Tiffany Andersen, Julie Calamia, Missy Lanaux, and Sue Pesquie.
We started off the spring semester on a good note by initiating 80% of the pledge class. After initiation we held our Founders' Day banquet. Lisa Garner was honored for being the pledge with the Highest G.P.A.
Rush chairman, Peggy O'Neil worked very hard during the C.O.B. rush parties. All her hard work paid off because we reached our quota of nine girls.
Terri Locicero, 1st Vice-President-Pledge Trainer, is busy working with the new pledges. She is looking forward to our formal rush in the fall. She has planned many activi- ties not only fun but educational. She is a hard worker and plans to initiate 100%.
LAMBDACHI LaGrange College
Winter quarter brought with it many excit- ing activities and challenges for the AOIIs of Lambda Chi. The chapter celebrated its first weekend back with a trip to Athens where they joined Gamma Sigma and Lambda Sigma chapters for Founders' Day Festivities. The trip was a special experience for the newest sisters who had not yet had the chance to meet and
From left, Kelly Shoemaker, talent winner and 2nd runner up, Deanna Daily, costume win- ner, and Tisha Flanigan, evening gown winner at Arkansas State U. Lambda Chi Alpha Miss Greek Pledge Contest. All are members of Sig- ma Omicron chapter.
share with other AOIIs. These 19 enthusiastic new sisters were initiated January 26. This weekend proved to be a busy one with a pledge retreat in the mountains of Georgia, followed by initiation Sunday evening. The Lambda Chis were proud to welcome these girls to the very warm and special bond of AOn.
The LaGrange College 1986 Homecoming Court was full of AOris again this year. Rep- resenting various organizations on campus were: Amanda Cox, Debbie Chandler, Lynn McCord, Shirley Smith, Katherine Keith, Mel- anie Williams, Lynn Whitley, Kim Bowen, and Ashley Jones. Special congratulations go to the 1985-86 Homecoming Queen Sheryl Stallings, and her first and second runners-up Melanie Faith and Julie Roberts, reported Jennifer Twiggs.
U. of California, San Diego
There was a loud murmur of people laugh- ing, talking and eating. The faint sound of the "jitterbug" tune could be heard in the back- ground. Suddenly . . . all was silent, the lights went out, all except for a spotlight at the center of the stage. "Welcome all to the 1985 Fall Rush Theme Night." This rush party and all the others during the week were filled with this same kind of energy and suspense, not only for the rush guests, but also for the Lambda Iota's at the University of California at San Diego. In this years' rush the Lambda Iota chapter had the pleasure of obtaining a very spirited pledge class.
In this fall quarter the pledge class has been hard at work on their pledge class program. Pledge Educator, Sara Fentress, along with Piper Penning have worked very hard at mak- ing the pledge education fun and exciting for the pledges. The pledge class planned a fan- tastic ice cream social as their philanthropy project. The theme was "Fifties" and the deco- rations took you right back in time! The selec- tions of sundaes was "outrageous." The evening was a huge success.
Along with the pledge ice cream social the Lambda Iota's also held two other philan- thropy events. At one, we were able to cool off a little from the warm San Diego weather at a car wash. At the other event, we were
On November 20, 1985, Kappa Omicron commemorated 60 years on the Rhodes College campus. The chapter began a week-long celebra- tion Sunday, November 17, with a tea for AOII alumnae from all over the South. T w o of the five Kappa Omicron founders, Minnie Lundy Wellford and Polly Gilfillan MacQueen, came and entertained members and guests with stories about college life back in the "roaring twenties." After president Terri Wilhite presented Mrs. Wellford and Mrs. MacQueen with roses and pins, actives and pledges sang for their guests. Loving cup closed the after- noon, with the founders teaching the
members and other alums a song they sang back when they were collegians.
On November 20, the chapter gathered in the house for an anniver- sary study break with ginger ale and cheese. Terri W ilhite gave a toast that was used the day Kappa Omi- cron was founded. That Friday, the chapter threw a Founders' Day party at the IIKA house, with decorations and costumes from the twenties. Movies with Mae West and other contemporary actors were shown up- stairs while guests danced downstairs to more recent artists. All agreed that Founders' Week was a smashing suc- cess, reported Michelle Wilkins.
Kappa Omicron Celebrates 60 Years
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College front row from right, Louise Rollo, first pledge, Minnie Wellford, founder, Polly MacQueen, founder, back row from right, Carolyn Husky, Memphis Alumnae Vice President, Ann Van Cleave, Memphis Alumnae President, Terri Wilhite, Chapter President.
able to do a little "Trick or Treating." This in- volved dressing up in our A O n costumes (Car- dinal and White) and collecting contributions for the Arthritis Foundation. Not only did we collect a lot of money, but we also received a large variety of Halloween candy!
The Lambda Iota's reunited after a long Christmas vacation and were now charged up and ready for two very important events. Winter quarter started out with pledge class initiation and winter rush. Many other events are scheduled to make 1986 a terrific year for Lambda Iota!
LAMBDA SIGMA U. of Georgia
1985 gave Lambda Sigmas the opportunity to prove their excellence on the U G A campus. One of the most rewarding achievements was winning 1st place overall in Sigma Chi Derby. New initiates and sisters proved their deter- mination by hunting for derbies as early as 4 a.m.
Lambda Sigmas were very active on campus not only in leadership positions but also in
honoraries. AOIIs were proud of Aida Iras- torza for being the first lady president of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the medical society here at U G A . Sheila Rhodes and Beth Cooley were selected to be on Miss Georgia Football Court. Cary Cunningham and Susan Brault were chosen to be in Golden Kay, and Patty Holz- schuh was chosen to be Editor-in-Chief of The Pegasus, the Greek newspaper. Claire Hub- bard was rewarded for her hard work as rush chairman by being selected to be on the Pan- hellenic Resource Committee. Lambda Sigmas are definitely leaders at U G A , and are espe- cially proud of Kelly McCloud for her leader- ship. She is directing the SAMS (Students Against Multiple Sclerosis) program for the University.
Although Lambda Sigmas were making their name known on campus, they were also mak- ing great progress toward a great rush with their organized rush chairman, Claire Hub- bard. AOIIs met before rush started to make sure everything was perfect. During those few days of preparation for a long seven day rush, a lot was accomplished. "That's Entertain-
merit" was busy practicing their songs, the skit committee was learning their lines and all the committees worked together to make rush go smoothly.
The theme for rush was "The Wonderful World of AOII." Rush was indeed wonderful because Lambda Sigma made quota of 68 pledges. Claire Hubbard stated that, "Of all my years here at AOII, the attitude and enthu- siasm was the best yet. Everyone had fun and our success was made evident by our awesome pledge class."
The 1985-86 Pledge Class has already proven to be awesome by winning "TKE Yell Like Hell" competition held each fall. Allof the hard work before and during rush really paid off. The Lambda Sigmas with their 68 pledges and significant achievements are off to a great start, heading towards winning Sorori- ty of the Year, reported Patty Holzschuh.
LAMBDATAU Northeast Louisiana
"AOII: Need We Say More" was the motto which guided the Lambda Tau's into the fall semester. Fall is Homecoming time and the AOIIs worked hard on their float which re- ceived the third place award, reported Paula Bourgeois.
Many AOIIs participated in N L U spirit or- ganizations. Beth Brannon and Lori Jefferson were Indian Scouts, the official hostess group of Northeast. AOII was represented on Pom Pom Girls by Michelle Aldridge, Teresa Rhodd and Tammy Rodgers.
The second annual rock-a-thon was held in October with the rocking being held in Mon- roe's new Pecanland Mall. The Lambda Taus also held a drawing for a side of beef. All pro- ceeds benefited the Arthritis Foundation.
Enthusiastic, proud and vivacious are only a few words to describe the 1985 pledge class. The pledges sponsored the AOProhibition Par- ty with everyone in gangster attire and flapper dresses. The M r . Rosebud Pageant, the pledge philanthropic project, found guys dressing like girls to raise money for arthritis research.
November brought around elections. These AOIIs were elected as Lambda Tau's new Lead- ers Council: Teresa Rhodd, President; Emily Eaves, Executive Vice-President; Wendy Ames, Administrative Vice-President; Lori Jef- ferson, Recording Secretary; Kim Cogburn, Corresponding Secretary; Angela Booty, Treasurer; Bernadette Riche, Panhellenic Rep- resentative; Sherry Kelley, Chapter Relations.
AOII was awarded the Panhellenic Scholar- ship Award at Panhellenic Formal.
Lambda Tau is ready to swing into spring with new ideas, new officers and new goals.
LAMBDA UPSILON Lehigh University
Imagine a place filled with the warmth of sharing, where the glow of friendship em- braces everyone. Well, if you've been to Lambda Upsilon, you don't need a good imag- ination because "sisterhood" is not just a pleasant word—it's a very strong reality.
One of the highlights of the fall semester was a slide show that attempted to capture that reality. The show sparked a lot of memo- ries as the sisters watched the special moments to the tune "You've Got A Friend." The slide show was coordinated by the newest members of Lambda Upsilon, the "Fabulous Four"
which includes Jill Boudreau, Catherine Clin- ton, Nancy Leser and Pam Moschetti.
The sisters of Lambda Upsilon had a busy fall sem ester. W e co-sponsored a Softball tour- nament with Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. The proceeds went to Easter Seals. In addition, the sisters had a clothes drive to benefit the under- privileged. And on Halloween, the sisters had a party at the house for the neighborhood children.
Lambda Upsilon welcomed Michele Levin and Carrie Strum home from their studies abroad in England. The sisters will miss Mary Kelly who is studying in England at Bucking- ham Collegeforthespringsemester.
Wedding bells were a familiar sound this year. Good luck and best wishes to Pam Hall, Ellen Silver, Pam Thompson and Katherine W enzke. Congratulations to Leslie Mitchell on her engagement.
The sisters of Lambda Upsilon would also like to salute our seniors, the last of the origi- nal colonists. Thank you for building the foundation for a strong, healthy chapter, re- ported Marcy Beth Vogel.
U. of Mississippi
Nu Betas had a special evening in November when we travelled to Memphis to the glorious Peabody Hotel for the Rose Ball. To top off the experience of the Peabody, we were sur- prised to find another AOII formal in progress upstairs. What a way for Arkansas and Missis- sippi AOIIs to meet!
The sudden philanthropic trend in the nation was felt when we had a record breaking turnout for the annual carwash. In fact, some of the cars had been driven through mud espe- cially for our hard-working crew.
The pledge project this year was a girl scout-like cookie sale and it went over really well. Everyone's looking forward to what will come of it. There's even talk of a VCR!
Alumnae Relations chairman, Vikki Cooke, worked hard this semester to separate the par- ents from the alumnae. After the Homecoming Tea went smoothly, the Alumnae Weekend took place a few weeks later. The weekend was an effort to get alums together from differ- ent pledge classes, to share memories and pos- sible trendsetting ideas. Nu Betas plan to see Alumnae Weekend become a strong annual event.
Nancy Burratto, newly elected pledge trainer, was chosen to represent AOII proudly in the 1986 IIKA Calendar! Congratulations Nancy!
With a crop of pledges anxiously awaiting initiation and a fresh leader's council taking over, the Nu Beta spirit will remain high in 1986!, reported Maggie Burnside.
NU OMICRON Vanderbilt U .
Rush! Rush! and more Rush! January brought long hours of comaraderie and song singing for Vandy AOIIs together for our. spring rush. Rush chairman, Maxeine Kijeck, and co-chairman, Erin Kromer, started the activities with our "New Years" house party. Various speakers, song-singing, and other half-time activities helped gear the chapter for the week and a half long affair. Of course, the highlight of rush was bid day. Celebration began immediately after reading the names of
our 33 new sisters. After picture taking, hug sharing, and the passing of the loving cup, the chapter headed for the Spaghetti Factory to continue in the good times.
The Nu Omicron chapter felt honored to be able to celebrate Founders' Day at Vanderbilt's University Club with local alumnae. The din- ner was followed by speakers recalling the past traditions of AOII, bringing us up to date with the present workings of AOS and launching us into the future ahead. Nu Omicron provided the evening's entertainment by singing some selections from bur first round skit. Another activity synonomous with January, besides rush and Founders' Day, was our Superbowl party. Fun and food, provide a chance for our new pledges to grow accustomed to the sister- hood and friendship ahead of them.
OMEGA Miami U.
The 1985-86 school year got off to a great start for Omega when we pledged 46 wonder- ful girls, who, along with sports chairman Kim Olberding cheered us on in Miami's Greek Week.
Homecoming was a huge success thanks to homecoming chairman Renee Brown and her hard working committee. Our nominee for queen, Leslie Caufield made it to the semi-finals.
In late October we were busy working on our philanthropy project, sending out care packages to the freshmen. Thanks to chairman Darla Trott this year was veryprofitable.
After two long days of caucusing, we have elected our new officers. Congratulations to Lisa Hampshire who is our new president. Social-date chairman Nancy Feucht has kept us busy with a Red's game party and a fun- filled semi-formal at the Terrace Hilton in Cin- cinnati, and we are anxiously awaiting another exciting semester, reported Nicole Stickney.
OMEGA OMICRON Lambuth College
The Omega Omicron chapter at Lambuth College is looking forward to an exciting and fulfilling new year. On January 25, we were thrilled to initiate our 10 wonderful pledges into our sisterhood. Prior to their initiation, we began "inspiration week" in which we had a pizza party, a lively cheering session at the flag pole, and a meaningful Alpha Hour. Fol- lowing the actual ceremony, all new initiates' Big Sisters treated them to an honorary dinner and we celebrated the rest of the evening to- gether. Also in the month of January, we be- gan practicing for the All-Sing competition held in February. We performed a 60's melo- dy. We held a Valentine's party in February and a St. Patrick's day party in March. Final- ly, our formal Rose Ball was held on March 8, reported Jennifer Stokes.
U. of Tennessee
New Year's Day was indeed memorable for students at the University of Tennessee, as the Vols upset second-ranked Miami in the Sugar Bowl. Among the 40,000 plus U.T. fans attending the game, there was quite a large delegation of AOIIs in New Orleans. In fact, our chapter has proven itself to be true sup- porters of the athletic program. During the fall, Omicrons traveled to Lexington, Ken- tucky by bus to cheer their team to victory.
Not only has the chapter been interested in varsity athletics, Omicron's football team played for Alpha league championship again this year.
With football, rush and a hectic fall behind her, Omicron eagerly awaits initiation and a busy winter. Our members were academically ranked second in Panhellenic in the fall and will be once again striving for academic excel- lence this winter. Also the ladies will work hard to prepare themselves for All-Sing. The chapter will participate in this All-Campus Event in the mixed division joined by the $MA professional music fraternity.
This quarter will be a productive one for Omicrons. As we anticipate Founders' Day, All-Sing and our Rose Ball, our chapter wishes a happy 1986 to our sisters everywhere, re- ported Beth McAlexander.
OMICRON PI U. of Michigan
Omicron Pi chapter of the University of Michigan treated their pledges to a fun-filled weekend at Purdue University, November 15-17. We enjoyed the company of Phi Upsi- lon, as well as Chi Lambda from The Univer- sity of Evansville, who were in town the same weekend.
Our busy fall social schedule included a hayride and barn dance, a Toga Party, home- coming reception for alums, and Parent's Day potluck. For the Ohio State football game we had a champagne breakfast with the Delta Up- silons from the University of Michigan, Ohio State, and Miami of Florida. The climax of our social season was the Snow Ball dance held in our house.
Keeping in mind our true reason for attend- ing U . of M., we held a study-athon and schol- arship points contests in an effort to raise our GPA.
Congratulations are in order for the recently elected officers of Omicron Pi. Newly elected president Karen Kelly is looking forward to a successful year of growth with an enthusiastic new Leaders Council. Julie Gergen will be holding the office of administrative Vice Presi- dent, and our new VP—Pledge Educator is Janet Kasten.
Fall rush was quite successful, we initiated ten enthusiastic new members on January 17.
Following initiation, winter rush went into full swing beginning with a Casino Night.The support of International AOII and our local alums helped make this rush extremely suc- cessful, reported Judy Kettenstock and Lisa Aupperle.
U. of Kansas
Phi chapter at the University of Kansas started the semester by pledging 49 new wom- en. They were one of 10 chapters out of 14 on
campus who met the new quota of 49. The women put much hard work and preparation into this year's spring rush.
The women of Phi chapter have been active on campus this last semester. Their various ac- tivities include holding officesin Student Sen- ate, directing"In Between ActsforRock Chalk Revue," a student variety show held in March, membership in the Chancery (pre-law) Club, various honor societies, ACE (American Col- lege Entrepreneurs), and columnists, reporters, and sales representatives for the University Daily Kansan, the campus newspaper. They also have chapter members on the golf and crew teams and in the K U marching band.
Phi chapter looks forward to a busy and successful semester and a relaxing summer.
U. of Wisconsin
The Phi Deltas sure have been busy since rush this fall when Chapter Consultant, Michaela Roloff and several women from the Iota chapter came and made spirits soar during rush. A big heartwarm thanks to them all for their participation was appreciated!
After all the rush excitement drew to a close, Phi Deltas excitement grew stronger in Panhel- lenic, on campus and in the community.Janet Behr was voted Panhellenic Vice-President for 1986, DeDe Burns was voted Greek W oman of the year and Anne Tully was one of three who received a Milwaukee Area Panhellenic Schol- arship. Also in Panhellenic, the Phi Deltas were the spark that kept the fire going as we attended Panhellenic's Annual Bon Fire on a very cold night in Germantown.
Throughout the year we have been working hard by donating $600 to the Disabled Student Services on campus. We also participated in our annual Bowl-a-thon with our fantastic alums which raised $200. It was definately a time of good fun and good cheer with awards and prizes given.
On a cold, blustery day in late November, the Phi Deltas (including our everfaithfull alums) volunteered to help the First Annual Jingle Bell Run for Milwaukee's Arthritis Foun- dation with a little encouragement from alum, Pam Nier, who helped with the organization of volunteers for the run. Even though the temperature was in the teens with wind chills dipping below zero, our enthusiasm warmed the air as we cheered and applauded the run- ners onward singing, "Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh what fun it is to run on a cold day like today, hey."
Throughout this hectic schedule, Kathi Breese, Debi Rouse, Sara Rouse and Mary Woida found the time to drive down to Chi- cago for the initiation and installation of Phi Chi chapter, drive back the same night to join the other Phi Deltas for Vespers (and a sleep- over) and aid in the Jingle Bell Run the next morning with our initiation that afternoon!
We look forward to the new year and the new semester of funand activitiesand want to wish all of our sisters good health and good luck in 1986.
Kearney State College
Phi Sigma's spring '85 initiates deserved a round of applause at the Panhellenic scholar- ship banquet. For the first time, AOII received a trophy for earning the top GPA, 3.2, among KSC's sororities.
Pledges and initiates rang in the Christmas spirit in a new fashion when they assisted the Salvation Army's donation drive by ringing bells at collection sites. A l l money went to needy families in the Kearney area.
AOIIs improved Greek relations in yet another "first." We hosted a "Donut Break- fast" study break during finals week with the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity men.
Phi Sigma congratulates Karen Comerford, '85, on her new office: Panhellenic Assistant Rush Chairman.
Phi Sigma celebrated Founders' Day with a new twist. Beth Maybon designed placemats with fraternity trivia questions and hired caterers to serve dinner at the house. Initiates honored Fran Vnuk as Outstanding AOII Alumna and Ann Evans as the community person who contributes to our chapter.
AOIIs participated in the all-Greek annual Honey Sunday. W e sold honey door-to-door. Proceeds went to retarded citizens, reported Shelley Nelson.
The Phi Upsilon chapter, complete with a newly refurnished formal living room, had a great time welcoming all of the AOIIs back to Purdue at the end of summer break. The pledges moved in, got acquainted with the AOII routine, and classes began on August 26.
Our AOII retreat brought our members closer together and showed our pledge class what is involved in living in the chapter house.
Our 1985 pledge class would like to thank the Iota chapter at the University of Illinois for their warm hospitality while hosting them on their walk-out. O n September 23rd, we initi- ated 24 wonderful women into our chapter. We are very proud of them and meeting our quota.
Our weekends in October were pretty busy with rush open houses. Our schoolhouse theme went very well with the rushees. W e are looking forward to continuing rush, and our rush chairman, Juli Lindquist is incorporating her new AOII Convention ideas into fun new rush themes.
The Phi Upsilon chapter has been very involved in philanthropy activities so far this year. The second edition of the AOII Men of Purdue calendar was published in August and profits soared. W e made around $2,200.00.
Also, the men of Beta Sigma Psi fraternity once again assisted us this year in our annual Rock-a-Thon which lasted from October 10th to the 12th.
We would like to thank Karen Hensel and her mascot Ashley for representing AOII in the Homecoming Queen Contest.
Our chapter would like to congratulate all of the new officers recently elected including our new chapter president Melissa McCain. We are all looking forward to our many up- coming events.
Newcomb College of TulaneU.
Writing by-laws, establishing an active phil- anthropy program, building membership and finding a house are goals of the recently colo- nized Pi Colony at Newcomb College of Tu- lane University as the colony seeks chapter installation.
Rushing for Newcomb's "new sorority" oc- curred during the first week of October and culminated with formal pledging Saturday, October 5 followed by a luncheon at the Car- ibbean Room of the Ponchatrain Hotel. In ad- dition to alumnae participation in the rush, both Birmingham Southern University (Tau Delta) and Vanderbilt (Nu Omicron) chapters sent representatives to assist.
At the end of October, Sigma Chi Derby Week provided the colony a chance to be no- ticed by the rest of the campus. The colony took second place in competition with the oth- er eight sororities at Newcomb. Activities dur- ing this week included standing on street cor- ners for a "can shake" collecting donations to Muscular Dystrophy, a "Sorority Night" at Saks with a fashion show and the Derby Day games such as pie eating and tug of war contests.
Colony members elected officersat the No- vember 11 meeting, choosing as president A n n Levin. Following elections was Chapter Con- sultant, Lynn Noble's scheduled departure. However, before leaving, she attended the col- ony's first social function, a party on Novem- ber 15 at the St. Anne Hotel in the French Quarter.
Currently underway are preparations to participate in an open rush. Rush chairman Katherine Cordova and assistant rush chair- man Charlotte Stemmans have organized a rush retreat with the aid of rush adviser Mick- ey Rodriguez. According to Cordova, the open rush will provide an opportunity to prac- tice and prepare for regular rush next fall.
Chapter advisers for Pi Colony are Schuyler Louapre and Helena Henderson, reported Carol Montgomery.
U. of Maryland
The women of Pi Delta chapter enjoyed another exciting and successful semester this fall.
The chapter paired up with Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity for a fun-filled Homecoming week which included several athletic events, a talent show, a float building contest and the university's annual parade. A Halloween party was held at Phi Sig Kap's house and was enjoyed by all.
Since Homecoming, Pi Delta sisters have kept socially busy with weekend tailgates, an ice skating dessert and an intersorority sleep- over which provided the chance for AOIIs to spend a few nights at another campus house, while the Pi Deltas showed off their house as well. The chapter proudly introduced their pledges on October 25fh, and celebrated the occasion by attending the Panhellenic Associa- tion's annual Pledge Debut. The formal was held at the Crystal City Hyatt and was an event that will be remembered by all.
Pi Delta sisters and pledges displayed their Greek loyalty and support when they paired up with Sigma Chi fraternity to participate in Phi Sigma Delta's "Dancers Against Cancer" philanthropic event. Everyone enthusiastically filled cancer cans on and off campus, and spent a Saturday and Sunday morning phon- ing local residents for donations. Kim Hart- man and Pam Myers are the sisters who deserve a real pat on the back, though. Both represented AOII in the marathon and danced successfully for the entire 72 hours.
Fall semester was also the time for our chap- ter's first annual scholarship reception, organ- ized by Kris Cotton and Gail Dalferes. The late afternoon event provided sisters with a chance to invite campus professors and offi- cials to the AOII house in order to show the chapter's sincere interest in scholarship and campus activities. M a n y ideas were exchanged during this out-of-the-classroom event which proved to be extremely successful.
Hurray for Pam Myers and her chapter rela- tions committee who organized this year's chapter retreat! The country setting of Havannah, Virginia was the location for the overnight event. Sisters and pledges indulged in (homemade pizzas and actively participated in team building events and a "Roses and Thorns" circle. The retreat helped strengthen relationships and allowed sisters and pledges to become better acquainted.
The semester included other memorable events such as the championship win of Pi Delta's fantastic football team, Winter Rose formal (which was held at the Greenbelt Hil- ton), and Founders' Day, which brought the return of many alumnae and the GammaAl- pha chapter who came up to participate in the rememberance of our four founders.
Amy Davis and Maria Darrell represented AOII at the University of Maryland's Leader- ship Conference and Kellie Foster proudly became a member of the Greek honorary soci- ety. The semester ended with the election of a new Leader's Council consisting of President, Barbara Lutz; 1st Vice-President, Maria Dar- rell; 2nd Vice President, Beth Brophy; Record- ing Secretary, Claire Brannick; Corresponding Secretary, Lisa Sindler; Treasurer, Meredith Osborne; Panhellenic Representative, Jeanette Heuisler; Rush Chairwoman, Denise Cham- pagne; Alumni Relations, Pam Myers; House Manager, Paula Fedele; and Social Chairwom- an, Michele W aranch. The chapter sadly said good-bye to Paula Ferraro as she graduated in December, and to Joanne Kogan as she is spending next semester studying in Israel.
Pi Deltas returned in January for Inspiration W eek and the initiation of the fall pledge class. Most of all everyone looks forward to our sec- ond annual Casino Night which benefits ar- thritis research. Spring semester will inevitably be another busy and fun semester for the Pi Delta chapter, reported Ellen Taggart.
U. of California, Berkeley
High in the Berkeley hills, our big white house came into the fall semester with a boost of enthusiasm and incentive perfect for rush. International Convention gave Sigma chapter special reason to be proud. Congratulations to Amy McDonald, our Diamond Jubilee Foun- dation scholarship recipient, and to Sigma Corporation Board, awarded the Outstanding Corporation Award. Our chapter also re- ceived a Collegiate Chapter Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in chapter per- formance. With a summer like this how could our rush go wrong?
Special thanks go to KimMcCormick,Al- pha Sigma, who came to Cal to help us and learn more about our rush for her new chapter at the University of Oregon. Rush began with Impact!—that's the best way to describe it. Picture an entire house of women dressed in the fraternity color, red (or shades there of).
What a first impression! I The rest of the week flew by smoothly and resulted in a beautiful pledge class of 32.
But, sadly, rush was finished for another year, and we returned to reality—school (to maintain our fourth place standing among Cal sororities), football games (Go Bears!!), house activities (like our annual ice cream social— inviting four or five friends from class), par- ties, and formals, reported Kelly Ishida.
SIGMA OMICRON Arkansas State U .
Sigma Omicron's intramural football team made it to Arkansas State's own version of the Superbowl—the Tau Kappa Epsilon Finger- bowl. Not only was the football team super, but the cheering crowd of AOII sisters also came through to win the "most spirited" award and the award for the best window decoration.
During Homecoming week at ASU, the AOIIs were busy selling Homecoming mums and working on floats. A special highlight of this year's Homecoming festivities was the naming of De Ann Aycock to the Homecom- ing Court.
Eight pledges were honored as contestants in the Lambda Chi Alpha Miss Greek Pledge con- test: Carrol Carwell, Deanna Daily, Tisha Flanigan, Angela Grubbs, Kim Hord, Dana Johnson, Kelly Shoemaker, and Angela Smith.
Kelly Shoemaker was second runner up and was also the winner of the talent competition. Deanna Daily won the costume division for her costume—the Izod alligator. Tisha Hanigan won the evening gown competition.
Sigma Omicron chapter was delighted to have Regional Director Terry Parker, as a speaker at the annual Founders' Day Banquet. Terry was full of ideas for newly elected offi- cers and her enthusiasm was contagious as she made this Founders' Day celebration very spe- cial. A t the banquet, Founders' Day. Certifi- cates of Honor were given to member Mary Swindoll and alumna Brenna Boone.
Leith Mills was selected for the Sheaf Award for outstanding sisterhood. Jill Ritter was selected as the first annual recipient of the Excell Scholarship Award. This is a new award that has been developed by the local Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter and will be given annually.
The Sigma Omicron chapter was honored to initiate Mrs. Doris Heath into AOII. Mrs. Heath pledged AOII in the 1930's but was unable to be initiated at that time.
Several AOIIs received honors this past semester. A m y Jenkins was selected for Who's Who Among American College Students. Al - yce Heeb will serve as Panhellenic President in the coming year. In addition, two pledges, Sandy Robinson and Elisa Masterson, will receive the Ruby "A"Pin for the highest grade point in their pledge class.
The AOIIs wrapped up the semester with a wonderful Rose Ball formal held at the Pea- body Hotel in Memphis. A good time was had by all.
In the coming weeks the chapter is looking forward to Inspiration Week and Initiation and an exciting spring semester at ASU, reported Elisa Masterson.
SIGMA T A U Washington College
The Sigma Tau chapter of AOII experienced a very successful rush last spring. Our rush theme, a take off of the musical South Pacific, persuaded a total of 16 wonderful girls to go AOII. In addition to our sixteen new initiates, we also have three great pledges for the fall!!
Sigma Tau has also given their time to a number of service activities this semester. First, the sisters of Sigma Tau willingly gave their time to assist the Chestertown Lion's Club in administering hearing and eyesight tests to the children of the various area schools. Secondly, we have agreed to become blood donors, on a stand-by basis, for the Chestertown American Legion during the aca- demic year of 1985-'86. A third activity we have just become involved in is a phone-a- thon to help raise money for Washington College.
Aside from these community service activi- ties, the sisters of the Sigma Tau chapter have had some fun! For our Founders' Day celebra- tion, we invited all our mothers, along with the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter to come, not only to help us celebrate Founders' Day, but also for a tea and fashion show, with our own sisters as models!! It was an enjoyable day for all who attended, and would not have been possible without the supportive help of our faithful alumnae and friends, reported Darlene Gencavage..
U. of Minnesota
Fall quarter brought Tau great rewards for hard work in all areas: AOII gained a second place overall trophy with Sigma N u in Home- coming events. Many long hours and a few sleepless nights were spent to turn a 1969 Cheverolet into a prize winning Homecoming float!
Chapter Consultant Leslie Friedberg's enthu- siastic visit followed with a week of positive suggestions and encouraging consultations. Several Tau members were honored for indi- vidual achievements this quarter. Natalie Nesler and Caroline Cochrane were inducted into Rho Lambda, Natalie Nesler was also in- ducted into Order of Omega, Katie O'Brien was selected out of 15 candidates to be Delta Tau Delta's Pajama Queen, and Sue Trombley heads the Hockey cheerleaders.
The first week of winter quarter prepared our pledges for initiation through Roseweek— a week full of fun activities for pledges and initiates organized by pledge trainer Heidi Garcia. To continue the spirit, our first annual Ail-Out AOII retreat was January 17 and 18.
Plans for the future include Greek Week-end with Phi Kappa Psi and Campus Carnival with the men of Sigma Chi, reported by, Kirby Blackburn.
TAU LAMBDA Shippensburg U .
5:30 in the morning is not usually the most pleasant time to get up but on November 26, it was a very special occasion for Shippensburg Tau Lambdas. Tau Lambdas eagerly put on their AOII sweatshirts and headed to the Car- riage House for the long awaited festive break- fast. Shippensburg 18 enthusiastic pledges were astounded to receive their letters at such an unexpected time.
Another big event of the semester was December 7, T au Lambdas Second Christmas Formal which was held at the Ramada Inn in Maryland. Some of the highlights included giving out gag awards to all the graduating seniors which included 'The Brain Common Sense Award," "The Mother Figure Award," and "The Barbie Doll Look-Alike Award." A special thanks to Karen Allen, social chairper- son, for all her hard work with the formal.
The Chapter Relations committee was really busy this semester planning some fun activities for Shippensburg AOIIs. To help boost the spirit of the sisters, chapter relations commit- tee gave out weekly awards at chapter meet- ings. The Chapter Relations members had a baby picture contest, "secret santas," and a birthday bash for all the sisters who have birthdays during school breaks or in the sum- mer. Tau Lambdas also planned a special sen- ior send off for founder Denise Munsell who will be greatly missed.
Tau Lambdas have been conscientiously involved in community projects which includ- ed Trick or Treating for Arthritis and Christ- mas caroling for an old age home, reported Laura Vittone.
U. of Tennessee-Martin
Tau Omicron has been through many changes over the last 20 years. As we look toward our Founders' Day and the special cele- bration we have planned for our 20th anniver- sary, we will reflect on all the changes throughout the years and all the fond memo- ries and friendships that each sister holds.
Several Tau Omicrons rung in the new year as well as a new quarter at their Christmas party in Memphis over the holidays. Sister Debbie Walk hosted a most enjoyable party at her house followed by an evening on the town with all the sisters attending. Tau Omicrons, members and pledges alike, celebrated Christ- mas just before exams where they exchanged gifts. Three guesses as to what most every AOII received—pandas and roses in every shape, form and fashion. The pledges did something a little different and had a "gag gift" party with some hilarious gifts given.
The AOIIs at Tau Omicron had a big week- end this winter quarter. On February 1, we had initiation, Founders' Day banquet and winter social. This quarter Tau Omicrons did something a little different to prepare their 23 soon-to-be initiated pledges. We had a sejies of special meetings for them to instill in them the importance of our sorority's structure with topics such as Fraternity Education and Chap- ter Relations being discussed. A final meeting with the president was held to prepare them for the big day. That night, following initia- tion, Founders' Day banquet and social took place. We always look forward to Founders' Day where special awards were presented and a special ceremony honoring the Founders was enjoyed by all the sisters and their guests.
The Tau Omicrons had a wonderful visit from a Chapter Consultant, Sherry Carothers. She met with all the officers individually and shared ideas with them. Sherry visited with us during the time of the annual Miss U T M Pag- eant in which AOII will be represented by Connie Oliver.
Not a quarter goes by without the mention of Tau Omicron's success with Intruamural
Sports. We placed second in football and won the volleyball championship capturing first place for the second year in a row. We try to balance our time with becoming involved academically by sponsoring our annual Rose Bowl consisting of a competition of knowledge between several campus and Greek organizations.
Tau Omicron has our eyes set on two big events to take place in the spring. The annual Miss Weakley County Pageant has been set for April 19th. Tau Omicron uses this money- making project as an opportunity to get to know several area girls and familiarize them with AOII and what it's all about. W e feel sure it will be a great success with some of the money going to the Arthritis Foundation. Also the plans are underway and the date has been set for Tau Omicron's 20th Anniversary Cele- bration on April 5th. The activities of the day will consist of an open house at the lodge, a banquet in the University Center and a dance afterwards. All former Tau Omicrons are invited to attend, reported Linda Tankersley.
THETA CHI Morningside College
Fall 1985 has been busy, productive, and fun for the Theta Chis of Morningside College. The semester was kicked off with pre-rush week, a week before school started, which included yard work, housecleaning, prop- making, costume-designing, song-practicing and socializing before rush began. Rush activi- ties this year included an all Greek dance, red and white spirit night, a beach follies, and preference night. A l l the work paid off as we pledged quota.
In September we were busy with rush which ended with formal pledging on the 22nd. We also had a candlelight ceremony for our pledges with the other sorority on campus on the 29th. The highlight of the month, how- ever, was making and entering a float with the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity in Sioux City's first Corn Bowl parade. We won a $200 second-place prize for our flctat. We also par- ticipated in this city-wide event by hosting the Marching Cobras from Kansas City who per- formed in the parade and Corn Bowlhalf-time show.
We started October off with our annual barn ball. W e participated in Morningside's Homecoming by entering a float in the parade, and two of our members were chosen to per- form in the homecoming talent show. Emily Rasmus was the emcee of the show while Joanne Beraldi played her guitar and sang. Our alumnae brunch was a big success and we were fortunate to have Pam Hill, our new Region V Director, as one of our guests. We also went trick-or-treating for UNICEF.
We finished off the semester with Parents' Weekend, an all-Greek campus party, and our annual turkey dinner. This year for Christmas along with decorating our house and Christ- mas Cozy, we joined the other Greeks on cam- pus in sponsoring a Christmas party for some children from the local Big Brother/Big Sister program, reported Beth Quade.
THETA OMEGA Northern Arizona U .
Fall of 1985 was a semester Theta Omega will remember with pride. During rush, we reached quota taking 26 enthusiastic pledges.
AOn Attends Summit
Nancy Korizek, a junior in Pub- lic Relations and Political Science at Montana State University, was recently chosen to attend a Na- tional Student Summit on finan- cial aid in Washington D.C.
The summit was a channel for students nationwide to express their views and defend financial aid to members of Congress. Par- ticipants at the Summit represent- ed over 6 million students. The five day event included hearings, information sessions, a work ses- sion in which participants drew-up statements concerning all facets of financial aid, and a press confer- ence. Korizek met with the Mon- tana Congressman in a lobbying effort to communicate students needs.
Korizek is an ASMSU (Associ- ated Students of Montana State University) senator and was re- cently elected to her second term this past fall.
We kept busy with a full calendar of events such as exchanges with Sigma Chi and Pikes, our annual goal planning retreat, tuck-in fund- raiser for Philanthropy, Junior/Senior Awards Banquet, and a Barn Dance Blowout with the TKEs from Arizona State. At our annual scholarship banquet this year several girls re- ceived rose pins and AOII bars for recognition of a high GPA. Derby Days Games Day was once again Theta Omega's most exciting day of Derby Days as we took first in many events. One special treat this year was a Thanksgiving dinner and visit with the pledg- es' secret alum moms which everyone enjoyed. Also in November, we had 100% initiation and have 26 great new initiates! With the ex- citement of a long week of initiation, we cele- brated at "Blindate"—another great success. Our elections in December gave us Susan Kahon as President and new officers ready and eager to begin the spring semester. We had a brief visit late in the fall from Sherry Caro- thers, a Chapter Consultant from Zeta. W e are hoping to have her. return this spring. NAU should be warm and fun-filled this spring. Greek week and Spring Formal are AOII fa- vorites. W e will also be dedicating lots of time to rush and our individual campus activities, reported Leslie Beagley.
THETA PI Wagner College
After a series of successful rush parties, the
sisters of Theta Pi are well on their way to another invigorating semester. We very hap- pily accepted a pledge class of twelve eager girls. As COB rushing continues, we hope to increase our sisterhood even more.
The importance of big-sisterhood was stressed as the pledges participated in a scav- enger hunt during which they were to find an object that was hidden especially for each indi- vidual girl. Once she found her item, she was to seek out the sister who had an object that was identical to hers. That sister was to be her big sister. A week separated this activity from formal pledging; this time allowed the sisters to get to know their little sisters. Prior to dis- covering who her big sister was, each pledge was assigned a Pi-Pal who was to call her up and answer any questions that she may have had about AOII.
Homecoming was a crown-event for us at Theta Pi. Our own Kathleen Halligan reigned over the activities of the weekend as Home- coming Queen. Kathi was presented with a bouquet of roses during the morning of the float parade. Our float was consistent with Wagner's theme—A Spoof on T .V . Commer- cials, AOII's float illustrated W agner's Roach Motel in which FDU checks in but they don't check out. We had a lot of fun as we dressed up like members of the other team and were exterminated by our own AOII exterminators.
Our future plans include a trip to Delta Chi at the University of Delaware and we look for- ward to celebrating Founders' Day with the New York-New Jersey Metro Alumnae Chap- ter, reported Trina Sheldon.
U. of Washington
Upsilon got. off to a fantastic start winter quarter. Inspiration week was a great success. The members and pledges all had fun partici- pating in all the activities that were planned. At the end of the week, Upsilon initiated 16 wonderful pledges.
During winter quarter we had a number of opportunities to help out with the Arthritis Foundation. We helped out at the Jingle Bell Run this year. Decked out in Jingle Bell Run T-shirts, elf hats and AOII sportswear we worked at aid stations, taking registrations and passing out T-shirts and numbers. We also volunteered our time by stuffing enve- lopes and other little tasks that the founda- tion needed help with. As a fund raiser Upsilon sponsored a bowl-a-thon which was a wonderful success raising money for our philanthropy.
Rush workshops and songfest practices took up a lot of time this winter. New initiates and old members alike brushed up on conversation and other rush skills needed to have a fabulous rush next fall and successful informal rush all year long. Kelly Perry, our 1985 rush chair- man, put a lot of time into making sure we all had funwhile learning rush skills.
While Kelly got us ready for rush, song- leader Molly Hemmen started preparing the chapter for songfest. Songfest is an annual event during Greek Week in the spring. Though the competition is fierce we're confi- dent our hard work will pay off.
The annual formal dance for Upsilon, the Rose Ball, was held in March. Everyone looked fabulous. Most of the girls were in their long formals and some of the men wore tuxes.
Our dance chairman Kristen Warren made sure this dance was one of the most elegant events of the year.
Other events of winter quarter included our quarterly scholarship banquet honoring the scholastic achievements of members in the pre- vious quarter, exchanges, and study breaks. One of the most exciting events of the winter was the Teke's sorority Twister Competition. As returning champions we looked forward to trying to repeat the performance. It went great and well definitely do it again next year.
So far the year has been excellent and we're looking forward to great accomplishments spring quarter, reported Lisa Tremann.
U. of Texas at San Antonio
Upsilon Lambda chapter at UTSA dedicated one weekend in November for two big philan- thropy projects and had a great but tiring time rushing back and forth between them. We be- gan on a Saturday, by meeting downtown to set up for a Wine and Food Exposition that was raising money for arthritis research. We then spent the rest of the day and Sunday, ushering and serving the wine and other deli- cacies during two hour periods. In between shifts, we were raising money at Malibu Grand Prix by participating in a marathon for Cystic Fibrosis, along with the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity from UTSA and many local celebrities. The weekend was topped-off with an All Sorority Awards Banquet, where the AOIIs did themselves proud by again winning two out of three awards presented. We kept the certificate for Most Improved Chapter GPA, but this semester we had the honor of achieving the all-around Highest Chap- ter GPA.
The AOIIs sported an Italian theme this year at UTSA's annual Best Fest by selling fried mozzarella cheese stix and fried mushrooms. They were both popular items—but extremely messy!
The Revenge of the Nerds mixer with Sigma Phi Epsilon brought out our old lunch boxes and broken glasses and a Pajama Party with Lambda Chi Alpha let us display our "granny nighties" and teddy bears. This year, theAll Greek Mixer came around Halloween time, so the AOIIs had costumes ranging from Christ- mas presents to cavewomen.
The AOIIs rented a double-decker bus to Wurstfest—a yearly celebration held in nearby New Braunfels—and invited other Greeks to go with us. It was a lot of fun, and we didn't have to worry about anyone driving the long distance back. A few weeks later, we attended an Alcohol Awareness film sponsored by the Panhellenic Association at UTSA, that was very informative and made a lot of people think.
AOII has been supporting the school's ath- lete's this fall by yelling our heads off at the pep rally's and attending the home games. We are proudly wearing our letters and shouting a cheer that we made up for AOII and UTSA in hopes of winning the Campus Spirit Award at the end of basketball season. W e also proved our dedication to UTSA by meeting one Satur- day morning at 7:30 to help out with an on campus 10K Run. We gave out T-shirts, served water, and picked up the track mark- ers—all the while yelling out support.
Another proud moment for our sorority
came when we collected the most ransom in rescuing our Chapter President, Patricia Gutierrez from the Lambda Chis. The fraterni- ty kidnapped the president from each sorority and demanded canned food for her return. Our chapter set a limit of twenty cans per girl, which enabled us to win by a large margin. For our effort, the fraternity will be throwing a party for us this spring.
Our alumnae chapter threw an AOII birth- day party and served homemade pizza, which our girls quickly gobbled up. The weekend af- ter finals brought on San Antonio's Black and White Ball, of which one of our pledges, Ra- chel Chavira, is the reigning queen. The AOIIs were all extended special invitations, which is quite an honor. The next day, we escaped to the hill country for our chapter retreat—which was highly successful. We played AOII Wheel of Fortune, performed skits, made collages of "what AOII means to us," exchanged gifts, and sang carols around a campfire. The following week, we had our annual Christmas Semi- formal where everyone donned their best out- fits and stood under the mistletoe.
This was a busy semester for the AOIIs, but we seem to have pulled through nicely and plan to keep it up next semester!, reported Kathryn Russell.
U. of Nebraska
There's just no slowing down for the Uni- versity of Nebraska's AOIIs! November was a big philanthropy month for the Zeta's. Com- ing off a successful Rockathon for arthritis, AOII teamed up with the Acacia fraternity for their philanthropy. The whole house was thrilled and honored to be the one chosen to help put on the annual campus melodrama and many surprise exchanges took place. Not only did the Zetas have a chance to show off their pearly whites and acting abilities, they also had a super time while exceeding attend- ance and fundraising marks. Socially AOIIs kept their weekend calendar jammed packed with a Pearl Harbor Party and dinner ex- changes. A t the Christmas party, presents were exchanged, carols sung and awards presented. Among the honored were Happy Schreff and Sue Stelzer for their outstanding service given to Zeta. Founders' Day was also celebrated and much to everyone's surprise the four "founders" all made it to give the girls some wise words of advice.
Other special events included several en- gagements and a representative showing of Zeta at Creighton to discuss what AOII has to offer in hopes of colonizing a new chapter there. While others may be dreaming of warmer temps this time of year some adven- turous Zetas took it upon themselves to form the first annual Ski Bunny Patrol. Equipped with mischief, dark glasses and many layers of clothes they spent hours serenading and play- ing in the first fallen snow. Now with the holi- day break over everyone is ready to start another busy fun-filled semester at the AOII house, reported Dee Maxon.
E. Carolina U .
Who was the first sorority back on campus at ECU this semester? AOII!
The Zeta Psi's were back at school two weeks early in August getting ready for rush. The house was buzzing excitedly as girls prac- ticed the skit and songs on the front porch while others were inside busy making pref gifts.
We saw just how much that work was worth when we got our pledges on preference day. What a terrific group of girls they've been.
Our pledges adopted Mrs. Rawl, an advisor of our founding chapter in 1960, bringing her warm meals and catching up on old AOII sto- ries. They even brought her to our AOII Thanksgiving dinner!
During Halloween our pledges delivered carved pumpkins to nursing homes, the pedi- atric unit of our local hospital, and the alcohol rehabilitation center. They also supported jun- ior panhellenic by collecting for UNICEF on Halloween night.
For Thanksgiving our pledges donated a tur- key dinner to a local church to be given to a needy family.
They closed the semester by adopting a poor family through the Salvation Army and with the help of the sisterhood we gave [hat family a Christmas they won't soon forget, complete with wrapped presents from Santa.
The pledges haven't been the only girls busy at Zeta Psi. The sisters have had many fund- raisers. Besides the usual bake sales, donut sales, and car washes, we also held an all Greek AOII Assassination game with the help of a computer.
Our big fundraiser for our philanthropy was a carwash sponsored by Burger King, who gave out free French fries to our customers!
The next day, after all that hard work at the carwash, we were ready to play! We partici- pated in the annual Lambda Chi Field Day and won it, bringing home a big trophy to add to our mantle!
AOII receives Presidential Award
RobertaGaines,AlphaPi,MontanaState U.,withher students.
Roberta Gaines, Alpha Pi, Montana State U., a science teacher at Stevens High School in Rapid City, has received a Presidential Award for Excellence in
the award. Only one science teacher and one math teacher are chosen for the honor in each state.
"It's nice being in a profession in which I enjoy going to work every day," she said. "I like being with the students."
The Presidential Award winners re- ceive a $5,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for their schools which can be spent over two years to supplem ent current science and m athe- matics programs.
"We will try to increase student par- ticipation in science projects with the grant," said Gaines.
Science and 1985.
M athem atics
T eaching for
Gaines is one of 104 teachers from across the nation to receive the honor. Teachers are selected on the basis of classroom performance, students prog- ress and professional endeavors.
"I was very surprised to receive the award," said Gaines, who has taught science for 18 years in the Rapid City School District. She learned of her nom- ination last spring and became one of the three teachers in the state vying for
Alumtiae Chapter AcHvitVf
In appreciation of her sixty-seven years of loyalty and enthusiastic service to AOII, the Ann Arbor Alumnae Chapter recently award- ed the Certificate of Honor to member Dor- othy W oodward Barnard, Zeta '19. During her many years as a resident of Ann Arbor, Dor- othy has served Omicron Pi chapter and the Ann Arbor Alumnae chapter with great devotion.
Four of the current Omicron Pi collegians and three A n n Arbor alumnae enjoyed being with Dorothy at the annual Detroit-area alum- nae potluck supper, which was hosted last October by the Dearborn Alumnae chapter.
Since Dorothy spends November to May in Dunedin, Florida, she wasn't present Decem- ber 8, 1985, at the OmicronPi house to receive her award during the Founders' Day celebra- tion. A n n Arbor president Robin Miller Bartelman, Phi Upsilon, presented Omicron Pi president Becky Chow with two popcorn pop- pers for the chapter's use. In April the Ann Arbor alumnae will host the annual reception for graduating seniors, reported Jane W onders Stilt.
Whatever the time of year, the Austin Alumnae love to celebrate sisterhood! The Leadership Conference theme this year couldn't be better for the Austin Alumnae. The 1985-86 year is proving to be one of the best ever. At a goal setting meeting this sum- mer, Austin AOIIs decided to reach out and bring sisterhood to all of the alumnae in the Austin area. The brainstorming resulted in a diverse meeting schedule which included seri- ous and social meetings, evening and daytime meetings, and weekday and weekend meet- ings. Newsletters have been sent bi-monthly to every Austin alumna. With our current momentum we have formed a new telephone and carpool committee. Our goal is to bring friendship and caring to each and every AOIl in the Austin area.
The Austin Alumnae chapter kicked off the 1985 fall season with a Sisterhood Social at the home of Laura Gracy, Pi Kappa. Members munched their way through a variety of hors d'oeuvres as they caught up on all the news from a busy summer.
October had a special significance as we concentrated on AOII fraternity education at a meeting hosted by Nita Wathan and Mihette Naquin. Guidance for this meeting was pro- vided by past international president and Aus- tin alumna, Ginger Banks.
Also in October, AOII members planned and hosted the meeting for the Austin Alum- nae Panhellenic Association. This meeting, attended by NPC alumnae chapter representa- tives and IFC visitors, was a smashing success due to the hard work of Rene Fitzgerald, Nita Wathan, Laura Gracy, and Jackie Green.
President Jackie Green, a comet scientist, presented a talk about Halley's Comet in November at the home of Jo Beth Heflin. Aus- tin alumnae had a spectacular evening learning about the comet and how to view it.
Celebrating the birth of Stella George Stern Perry has long been an Austin alumnae tradi- tion. This year we gathered at the home of Betty Daniel to remember Stella's birthday and have an old-fashioned Christmas Party. Beth Barnes was the guest speaker. She owns a travel accessory store and gave a wonderful presentation of items for travel and gifts for Christmas. The party included a gift exchange and collection of canned food for the local food bank.
In January, the Austin alumnae celebrated the founding of our fraternity at a luncheon in an elegant, historic Austin restaurant. A t this very special meeting, members did more than recall the origin of AOII, they reaffirmed their place in AOII today. Awards were given to AOII service, AOII friendship, AOII commu- nity service, and appreciation.
While the Austin alumnae have carried out a full meeting schedule this fall, they have also initiated a new, supplementary set of social events. These functions have been especially good for AOIIs who can't attend the regular meetings. The theme this year is international cuisine. Every other month the alumnae meet for lunch at a different, exotic international restaurant. The autumn months brought French and Interior Mexican cuisines, while in the spring, members are looking forward to Indian, Belgian, and Szechuan treats. These informal social luncheons have strengthened the bonds of our friendship in Austin.
Chicago N . W . Suburban Alums started out in the fall with an ice cream social and summer memories review. In Oct. we tested our talents with a flower arranging demonstration at our monthly meeting, and we also enjoyed an alumnae mixer at the University of Chicago. Helping out with rush at the University of Chi- cago also kept us busy during Oct. Our second annual handcrafted auction brought a crowd out fora funevening inNov.
Holiday Cheer began in Dec. with tasting and a recipe exchange of holiday goodies. T o keep AOII's furry friends happy one of our members Gloria Esbensen, a local veterinarian lent her knowledge to our "Ask Your Vet" pro- gram in January.
Chicago North West Suburban Chapter re- ported that one of its members, Joyce Sustr, was installed as president of the Chicago Area Panhellenic Council.
The Cleveland East Alumnae Chapter con- tinues to strongly support the North East Ohio Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. This year we sold more raffle tickets for their annua! dinner than any other group or individual. Donna Benson, Rho, was the lucky recipient of a weekend trip to Saw Mill Creek Resort. This was AOII's prize for selling the most tick- ets. Dorothy Hartshorn Kortepeter, Alpha Tau, continues to give many hours of volun- teer support to the Arthritis Foundation.
The annual salad pot-luck was, as always, a great way to start the '85-'86 year for the
Cleveland East Alumnae Chapter. At this first meeting we collected, packed and sent "care packages" to Kappa Pi Chapter. The rest of the year plans to be especially rewarding and interesting. Microwave cooking and Christmas decorating are just some of the programs planned for the upcoming year. Founders Day will be held in January with the Cleveland West Chapter.
In addition, the Cleveland East Alumnae Chapter is strongly supporting the Cleveland Panhellenic Association. Patricia Cooper Smith, Beta Phi, is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the Cleveland Alumnae Panhellenic Endowment Fund, Inc. W e also hold positions on the Panhellenic Scholarship Committee.
"Happy Anniversary to us!" O n October 22, 1985, the Des Moines and Ames alumnae chapters had a reunion to celebrate our twenti- eth anniversary. Formed originally as one alumnae group, the two alumnae chapters now operate independently . . . although we frequently find ourselves working side by side to support the Iowa State University collegiate chapter in Ames. The anniversary meeting was a success as many memories were shared as well as new ideas for future growth. We were also honored that Regional Director Pam Hill was able to attend.
In January, president Nancy Klindt held a formal ritual meeting which was followed by our philanthropy project. For the second year, we are happy to support a local mobile meals service by providing favors which are deliv- ered to shut ins. O u r spring meetings include a wine information evening with AOIIs each providing their favorite hors d'oeuvre, a spring and summer fashion show, and a fam- ily picnic at a local park, reported A n n V andervelde
The Evansville.Tri-State Alumnae met in July for a luncheon. We were thrilled when President, Kathy Lawson Bartelt announced we had received the Distinguished Service Award at convention. Everyone was equally pleased to learn Liz Romihe Coffey, Chi Lambda, is now a member of the Executive Board. Congratulations Liz.
Kathy started a new tradition by giving away a friendship basket at the July meeting. This beautifully decorated basket contained a loaf of home made bread. The lucky recipient was asked to bring the basket to the next meet- ing refilled and ready to be passed on, report- ed Pam Adams Pepper.
In August the alumnae hosted a picnic for the Chi Lambda pledges. A wiener roast was arranged by Kathy Bartelt and Susan Graham McDowell. It was enjoyed by the pledges, col- legiates, and alumnae.
In September a dinner meeting was held. Ginny Meyers Kreke provided us with an eve- ning full of fraternity education facts.
October brought us all together for an Open House in the Chi Lambda suite to celebrate
Homecoming. A first place victory by the col- legiates on their lawn display started everyone reminiscing on their own college days and float building escapades. Kathy Bartelt and Kathie Miller Shipley were the hostesses for this event.
The Ft. Wayne Alumnae Chapter has tried to appeal to all ages and interests of the area alumnae. Our calendar of meetings started
with a carry-in dinner at the new home of Kay Shively Wasson, Kappa Kappa '65. The travel- ing friendship baskets were started and con- vention was discussed.
The annual booth at the Johnny Appleseed Festival was a big success, thanks to the organ- ization of Julie (Leitner) Samek, Beta Iota. It's amazing how those quarters add up!
Cooking with herbs will be the topic of our Oct. meeting.
The guest speaker for Nov. will give sugges- tions for "surviving the superwoman syn- drome."
Interesting programs and friendships will prove to make this a good year.
Roses are red, violets are blue; WOW!, are we proud of one of ours too! How exciting to be with a fellow alumnae as she receives a Rose Award at an International Convention. Our delegation was truly thrilled to share that experience with Freddie Kalil Schutten in Washington, D.C. this summerl
Along with the excitement of Freddie's award, we shared more inspiring moments as the collegiate chapters we support—Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh University, and Phi Beta, East Stroudsburg University—were awarded Certif- icates of Achievement!
Meanwhile, at home, we have enjoyed a fun program with our group so far this year. "Getting to know you" started off in Septem- ber as we conducted a sisterhood scavenger hunt. W e each, through conversation, had sis- ters sign next to a sentence that stated their interest, hobby or something about their life. It's amazing what you don't know about a per- son! In other activities, a progressive dinner and a cookie exchange revolved around social interaction.
Finally, we are really in a "family way" this year. As always, we are very determined to continue our family of AOII through alumnae sisterhood. But, we have/will have three of our sisters become mothers this year! Congrat- ulations are in store for Thea Steidinger Scioscia and JoAnn Kach Knerr who have become mothers for the first time and Karen Angerman Muller who will have her second child. What a way to promote legacies!, reported Peg Zywicki.
1985, like Halley's Comet, is quickly passing from view, leaving in its tail a shower of good times, warm hearts, and AOII. The Houston Alumnae chapter has experienced an active year with increasing numbers and revitalized sisterhood as we took on the challenge of Alumnae Rush and grew this year by 30%!
The Houston chapter helped the Arthritis Foundation by preparing over 3,000 invita-
tions for the Texas Gulf Coast Chapter's Black Tie Gala. September found several Alums assisting rush with Upsilon Lambda. Heading into the holidays, we enjoyed an informative seminar on nutrition, and had a grand evening "auctioning" home-made items among chapter members in November. With Christmas upon us, a lovely evening was spent by treating ourselves to the Houston Ballet, "The Nut- cracker," and January found us celebrating Founders' Day with our sisters from the North Houston Alumnae chapter.
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter has pre- sented its first Scholarship award to Jill Ritter, newly elected president of Sigma Omicron.
Ditty Mitts, president of the alumnae chap- ter explained that the alumnae have been working for three years toward their goal of presenting an annual scholarship to a member of Sigma Omicron as an incentive toward excellence in scholarship. One of their primary fund raisers has been an annual Charity Bazaar held at the local mall. Alumnae who have been instrumental in developing guide- lines for the project include Barbara Reng, Barbara Rubin, Rosalie Barber, Carolyn Wyatt and Brenda Coop.
The first recipient is from Columbia, Illi- nois. Jill is a junior computer science major at Arkansas State University, and is immediate past treasurer of the sorority. She has over a 3.5 cumulative gradepoint average. She is a resident assistant at University Hall, and has also served as president of the Panhellenic Council, is a member of Gamma Beta Phi and Alpha Lambda Delta.
The Kansas City alumnae have been very busy this fall and winter with various activities aimed at reaching several of our chapter goals. We feel lucky that winter weather has been co- operating with us!
Our monthly meetings have included several theme dinners (salad bar night and soup night) with ample time for sisters to socialize in a comfortable home atmosphere. Some of the programs have included an arthritis informa- tion program, book review given by the au- thor (an AOII) and illustrator (a top area art- ist) of a new book of interest to our state (Return to Kansas). Also, a professional ac- tress (also an AOII) will tell us about life in her professional world. Our focus on local AOIIs has been of great interest to everyone.
Alumnae have been sending food and finan- cial gifts to our two area collegiate chapters for events as rush and finals. We have corres- ponded on a secret pal basis to seniors at these chapters. A t the Founders' Day celebration we shared with the collegiates the names of these "secret alums." We then enjoyed a delightful luncheon and program by Ginny Struble with about 150 sisters.
The alumnae are selling AOII balloons by order from alumnae and collegiate groups and organizing a big garage sale. From these activi- ties we can make our contribution to the Phil- anthropic Foundation and meet our budget needs.
All Kansas City alumnae send wishes to all our sisters for a productive and rewarding New Year, reported Linda Hines.
The Kentuckiana Alumnae began the fall with a kick-off brunch in September. Our fall philanthropic project for arthritis was in October. W e had a fashion show with Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae. It was lots of fun and a big success. This event was coordinated by Sandy Dearen, Alpha Chi.
In November we began getting ready for Christmas by making different crafts at a local craft shop. In December we celebrated Found- ers' Day with a potluck luncheon. Several sis- ters shared their experiences of collegiate life with us. This event was hosted by Mrs. Edith Anderson.
In February we had the election and installa- tion of new officers, reported Sandy Alford Gover.
In December, eight AOIIs from throughout Lake County met at the home of Linda McLaughlin to form a Lake County of Illinois AOII alumnae colony. A t the meeting, officers were elected and an agenda of meetings and social gatherings was discussed.
Social gatherings discussed included: "Moms and Kids" outing and AOIIs and IIOAs (husbands) and/or boyfriends barbecue with Cubs/Sox baseball game.
Any AOII in the Lake County area of Illinois who would be interested in meeting with fel- low sorority sisters for fun and sisterhood, contact chapter president, Joanne Deaton, 312/336-7285 (Gurnee), or Linda McLaughlin, 312/367-0259 for further information.
The Martin Alumnae chapter made a con- certed effort during fall '85 to interest inactive area alumnae by mailing personal -invitations to Tau Omicron's Bid Day Picnic sponsored by our group. The poolside picnic held at the home of alumnae president Judy Broad- street Barker, TO '73, was enjoyed by all in attendance.
During UTM's Homecoming, alumnae and spouses were welcomed to the lovely home of Phyllis Fletcher Pritchett, TO '75, for brunch. Thereafter, we attended the parade and foot- ball game, followed by an open house at the AOn lodge.
This was the third year for our successful Exam Survival Basket fund raiser. Betsy Brent Robinson, TO '75, took orders from the par- ents of TO collegians and pledges, and we then prepared and delivered decorated baskets filled with fruit, candy, cookies, supplies, and other goodies to the girls on UTM's Study Day.
We enjoyed the Founders' Day dinner and dance held on February 1. This was also our annual Corporation membership meeting.
Excitement is brewing as we help TO plan its 20th Anniversary Celebration. We look for- ward to seeing old friends once again and hope everyone will be able to come!, reported Adair Duncan Hardegree.
The Memphis alumnae chapter got their
1985-86 year started offwith a Mexican Night potluck at the home of Ann Van Cleave in September. W e discussed the coming year
while enjoying our Mexican goodies we all brought.
The October program was a couples Hal- loween party at the home of Kathy Vest. It was great f u n and the decorations were fantas- ticl October was also busy with planning the 60th anniversary celebration of Kappa Omi- cron of Rhodes College.
November 17 we celebrated the 60th anni- versary of Kappa Omicron with a Silver Tea. We invited over 600 Memphis alumnae and distinguished guests. It went fantastic with a great turnout including several original found- ers. The collegiates and pledges entertained all of us with songs.
A Christmas ornament exchange was our December meeting program. We also brought munchies for the holidays and enjoyed the new home of Gail Akey.
Planned for the rest of the year were: a Pop- corn Party for the collegiates .and pledges in January, Dime-A-Dip potluck. White Elephant Auction for fund raising activities. We are looking forward to a f u n and prosperous year, reported Ann Van Cleave.
North Orange County Alumnae have had another busy and fun-filled year of sisterhood playing and working together, after winning an Alumnae Chapter Achievement Award at the Washington, D.C. Convention.
Social activities have included a potluck sailing party (complete with husbands or dates, beautiful weather, and a cruise by the Queen Mary), a salad supper to which new AOIIs to the area were invited, and a Christ- mas ornament and hors d'oeuvres exchange.
Several fund raisers were held to further philanthropic work towards the Arthritis Foundation and the Women's Transitional Liv- ing Center (a haven for abused women). A successful garage sale and Christmas boutique were both fun and financially rewarding.
The month before the Christmas boutique a "make it and take it" craft meeting was held where each person made at least one item to sell or keep and came away with many crafty ideas.
Several alums also helped Lambda Beta col- legians in their mock rush and provided lunch for their entire chapter one day during rush. For a differenttype of meeting one month, all members brought their pens and helped address 500 Christmas cards for the local Arthritis Foundation—a perfect time for socializing and catching up on the latest AOII news while doing a worthwhile job at the same time, reported Carol Lamar.
A hot Texas summer sun and a handful or two of AOII alums and their spouses were part of the recipe f o r the IIOA Barbeque, the first of many 1985-1986 calendar events of the North Houston Suburban Alumnae chapter. Our group of "Texans" (mostly Yankee transplants) continued in the spirit of sisterhood and funin September with a Cheese 'n' Chatter, Wine and Work meeting and a welcome brunch for all AOIIs at a nearby hotel. October's activities included a fund-raising garage sale, a "Make a spook box" full of creepy things (and treats) for the collegiates at Texas Woman's Univer-
sity and a wreath-making workshop in prepa- ration for the holidays. November's meeting featured a speaker from a travel agency and the North Houston alums rounded out the year with a candy-making workshop and pro- gressive holiday dinner. The 1986 agenda be- gan with a discussion by our own Gail O'Brien of the services provided by the Victim Witness Program of the Harris County District Attor- neys Office.
As To Dragma readers can easily ascertain, this group knows the meaning of fun but also understands the value of philanthropy. In October and November, we donated 25 hours of envelope stuffing in the preparation of col- lection materials for the Gulf Coast Arthritis Foundation. W e also donated clothing, games, and food, which had been collected through- out the fall and winter months, to a local food cupboard.
This alumnae chapter, which has been in ex- istence for a short year and a half, has contin- ued to grow in both the feeling of sisterhood and in participation. W e look forward to an exciting New Year in AOII, reported Kathleen Hansen.
Several members traveled to Harrison, Arkansas for the October meeting to be with our sisters there. In November we had a suc- cessful rummage sale. Founders' Day was cele- brated with a potluck in Agnes Bondy Walters lovely home. Marty Erickson Taylor was pre- sented the Certificate of Honor for her tireless efforts on behalf of our chapter. W e are seven years old this year. Again we will be at the Ar- thritis Foundation telethon in April; last year four of our members were hostesses and felt it was a huge success, reported Elaine Olszewski.
A very special Founders' Day luncheon began the 1986 year. Mary Louise Roller, Alpha Pi, was presented with her 50 year pin by Susan Browning Ennis, Gamma Omicron, Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter President. Mrs. Roller also shared memories of AOITs founders, whom she knew, and other alumnae joined in with favorite remembrances from collegiate days.
Orlando area activities in 1985 included an AOII open house at the home of our president in September, a beauty and color analysis in October hosted by Joni Johnston Meyers, a November luncheon organized by Laura Taul- bee, and a December collegiate-alumnae tea at the lovely home of Carolyn Ballard Bazzo, re- ported Laura Taulbee.
Our chapter members were kept busy through the summer and early fall making Christmas crafts which we sold in November. Our proceeds will help support our local phi- lanthropy, abused and neglected children. We are now putting together Easter baskets for these children.
We celebrated Founders' Day at a Sunday brunch and were pleased to welcome several new members.
Our year will conclude with our annual "Breakfast at the Beach" for our families—a
wonderful event with fresh air, great food and good friends, reported Anne Fitzpatrick.
Philadelphia area AOIIs take note—the Phil- adelphia Alumnae chapter is reorganizing and weneedyoursupport!
The alumnae group began reorganizing in November, 1984, and its major effort has been to work with the collegians of one of AOIIs newest chapters, Villanova University. Our first project was to help Beta Delta with their colonization. It was quite an exciting time! Beta Delta now has ten alumnae advisors who are all members of the Philadelphia Alumnae chapter.
In November 1985, the alumnae advisors sponsored a workshop for Beta Delta colle- gians which focused on ritual, fraternity edu- cation, and alumnae-collegiate relationships. It was a fun and enlightening afternoon for everyone involved. In December 1985, the alumnae group got together to make "survival kits" for the Beta Delta collegiates. The kits were filled with all sorts of homemade good- ies. The purpose of the project was to let the collegians know that the spirit of AOIIs is always with them—even during finals!
On the agenda for spring 1986, is our Founders' Day Luncheon, senior collegiate induction into alumnae status, and continued organization of the alumnae group. If there are any Philadelphia area AOIIs reading this arti- cle, please feel free to contact us, reported Kimberly McGowan.
You can easily spot Phoenix Alumnae Presi- dent Judy Hornik Bourassa these days— she's the one sporting a Distinguished Service Award briefcase. There's nothing like Conven- tion to rev up the spirit, and we're tackling the new year with enthusiasm.
Phoenix alums have undertaken a S.A.M. (Secret Alum Mom) program with the new pledges at Northern Arizona University's Theta Omega chapter. We all miss personal interaction with our pledges, so as S.A.M.'s we send notes of encouragement and friend- ship anonymously. At their initiation, we re- veal our identities with our notes of congratu- lations. It's one more way to show AOIIs care for each other.
Fund raising is, as ever, a challenge—our successful methods of years seem to have dulled, so we are diversifying a little this year to include profits from the sale of Tupperware and Current, Inc., stationery products.
Congrats to Candace Puckett St. John. This year she celebrates 50 years as an AOII and the pledging of granddaughter Michelle Lockett to Theta Omega. The Valley of the Sun Alums extend a warm welcome to Ciiidy Tessmer, Alpha Theta. Cindy is the new Assistant Director and House Manager of the Phoenix Ronald McDonald House. We wish her much success and look forward to helping at the house, reported Pincy Dikeman Polese.
Claudette Powers Simms demonstrated one of her talents at a recent meeting. Claudette weaves baskets and sells them locally. In
October she provided us with the materials to make our own baskets. After a little frustra- tion and lots of f u n and fellowship the results were beautiful.
Our annual Christmas Party complete with Yankee Swap and an Ornament Auction was held at Barbara Koeritz W entworth's home in Saco.
This spring we are getting ready for our Leadership Conference. W e are all very excited about welcoming our Region I sisters to Port- land, Maine on June 27-29. If there are any alumnae in the area who would like to help or need information, please contact Nancy Pistaki Chard, 830 Washington Ave., Port- land, Maine 04101, reported Janet MacGregor Miliano.
Pullman alumnae chapter members have
planned a year filled with activities for its growing membership.
In mid-January the chapter met to make gifts for the newest members of Alpha Gamma chapter at W ashington State University. Feb- ruary brought the always-popular white ele- phant sale which supports part of the group's philanthropic goal.
In March Sherry Devlin began a two-year term as president of the alumnae group. April brings the senior party which honors Alpha Gamma's graduating seniors. Alumnae mem- bers have planned a yard sale for May and a couple's activity for early summer, reported Sue Hinz.
Rochester AOII has some unique traditions. One tradition that has been in practice for 13 years is our alphabetical rotation of the co- presidency. T w o sisters share the responsibili- ty and the f u n of being co-presidents. It has worked very well over the years, as people know in advance when they will be in charge and can plan their calendars accordingly. Some members were skeptical the first few years and even thought they might have to drop out rather than take on such a responsi- bility, but we have actually grown in mem- bership and all would agree that it has strengthened our chapter and our sisterhood. Each member has unique qualities she brings to her term in office and many new program ideas have surfaced as we have "Passed the Presidency."
Rochester Chapter is also active in Roches- ter City Panhellenic. AOII always has one of the largest delegations attending the fall musi- cal fundraiser and the spring luncheon, even though we are not one of the largest sorority chapters in Rochester.
A few activities we have planned for the year include: a Salad Bar (bring your favorite topper); a tour of historic M t . Hope Cemetery and gardens; Founders' Day carry-in dinner, gift exchange, and donations for Alternatives for Battered Women; a spring "Cruise Night" progressive dinner; and our biannual Rose Tea where daughters of our AOII members learn a little about AOII and sorority sisterhood.
The South Jersey Alumnae chapter enjoyed
a delicious dinner and festive evening at their annual Christmas dinner, held this year at the home of Linda and Hugo Gobbi.
We are again planning to participate in a flea market at Cherry Hill High School West, to raise money for our philanthropic projects. We have also volunteered our time to help with special projects at the newly-opened Arthritis Unit at Garden State Hospital.
In April, we will be hostesses for the monthly meeting of our local Panhellenic Association. Our program will be a Tupper- ware demonstration, with proceeds going to the Panhellenic Scholarship Fund, reported Carol McLoughlin.
Thousands of brilliant lights glided across the dark water of Newport Bay as members of the Southern Orange County chapter enjoyed the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade during their annual Holiday party. The view from the bluffs overlooking the bay was spec- tacular and added to the festive occasion. The annual Holiday Boutique Auction was an enormous success as a net profit of $1400 was raised for the Arthritis Foundation and colle- giate scholarships. Members created unique handcrafted items and gourmet foods for the auction which was attended by a large group of enthusiastic members and their guests.
The September meeting kicked off the year with a delicious potluck luncheon. New mem- bers were introduced and plans for the year were revealed. A hypnotist was a fascinating speaker at the October meeting and much in- formation was gained regarding the power of the mind. In November several workshops were held to create the items auctioned off at the Holiday Boutique.
Founders' Day was well attended. It was held in February in Redondo Beach. The spring will be enjoyed as members gather to honor college seniors and enjoy a farewell par- ty before the summer holiday, reported Nancy November.
Tulsa Alumnae chapter members are enjoy- ing another fullfilling—and fun-filled—year. At the September membership brunch we drew names again for our Secret Sisters and learned of the '85—'86 agenda.
In October our Lindy Legener, manager- owner of The Silver Needle, hosted us at her shop and gave us a lesson in Hardanger Stitch- ery. It was enthusiastic Lihdy who provided us with materials and know-how for our very successful AOII magnets which sold out at the Washington, D.C.ConventionBoutique.
Our seventh annual Show and Sell Auction/ Bazaar earned us almost $500 for the Arthritis Foundation, the most the November event ever raised.
Meetings are never snowed out in Tulsa but iced out, yes! Icy roads cancelled the Christ- mas Party, but in January the sun shone on Founders' Day and a good turnout was assured! Our 50-year members now number 14 and were well represented. Each one was pre- sented with a corsage of roses made of ribbons by our talented president, Mary Frances Underwood.
We learned that Tulsa Alumnae Panhellenic
will again man the telephones one night in March for the annual ten day PBS-TV Tele- thon and AOIIs will be among the volunteers. Last year we provide the most workers!
As usual, Founders' Day was filled with inspiration and sisterhood, reported Carol Barrow.
"Don't Leaf Your Sorority Behind—Fall Back Into AOII" was the luncheon theme for this year's first meeting of the Ventura County alums. W atching our collegiate sisters in- volved in rush, the alumnae chapter decided we could use some help also. Therefore, we decided to re-rush our inactive sisters. Tele- phone calls were made and active chapter members offered to pick up inactives for the luncheon. Once we had all arrived at the home of our hostess, Jane Brown, we shared favorite memories and pictures of our college days.
November was PIOA Night as chapter members treated husbands, dates, friends, and significant others to a performance of "The Mikado."
December featured our traditional ornament exchange. In keeping with the spirit of the sea- son, we also filled a Christmas stocking with donations for arthritis.
The Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter of
Alpha Omicron Pi is making waves again! The Run for the Roses 1985 raised over T W O THOUSAND DOLLARS for the Arthritis Foundation! This year's race attracted over 550 runners and was once again highlighted by spectacular prizes donated by generous spon- sors. Cynthia Whorl Sidner, Epsilon Alpha '67 coordinated the race and Cathy Hume Arn, Theta Pi '69 coordinated the prizes and dona- tions.
The Run for the Roses requires many months of preparation for our small chapter, however we still enjoyed many other exciting activities such as a play at the W ell's Theatre, presentation by a color and makeup consult- ant, white elephant sale, Fun Night with hus- bands and dates, basket party,, and a Spring luncheon in a local restaurant. Also in Decem- ber several of us traveled to Greenvilleto cele- brate the Zeta Psi's anniversary. We were also dinner guests of the Delta Gamma Sorority in Virginia Beach.
The current year's schedule is another ex- citing one and we are looking forward to meet- ing more Tidewater area alums. Hud, our president, has mailed over 80 newsletters to alums in our area. The letter also includes a roster of all these alums compiled by Heidi Pfeil Dougherty, Theta Chi '74. This is a serv- ice we provide for all our local sisters an- nually.
Dearborn alumnae had a great time at their annual Christmas pot luck. W e had a white el- ephant exchange, which was full of surprises and laughs for all.
We put fraternity ed into our January meet- ing with a game of Trivial Pursuit, AOII style. Again, an evening well spent, reported Sandra Kalsic.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Convention
June 22-29, 1987 Marriott's Desert Springs Palm Desert, California
(Information on post-convention tours will be featured in subsequent issues of To DRAGMA.)
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Send to Aon International Headquarters, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
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POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215
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