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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-04-18 13:30:23

1931 May - To Dragma

Vol. 26, No. 4

See Six Countries with Alpha O's July 7, on
S. S. Europa
Write for Itinerary to
73 Norwood Ave. Albany, N. Y.
9 in - "t
ALICE CULLNANE, State College, Pennsylvania Here is my new address:
Name Address Comments
Plan Now
to Go
to Convention in June at Troutdale- in-the-Pines
7,If ^HiVA

TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi
Convention Delegates
The Editor Speaks
The Quiet Corner
Alpha O's in the Daily Press The Active Chapters
The Alutnnx Chapters Directory of Officers Advertisements
56 61 62 64
Volume 26
Number 4
Bear Creek Canyon Highway
Just Another Convention?—No
Western Delegates Travel in Special Car Days Roll Around at Troutdale
An Alpha O Finds Porto Rico Beautiful Lincoln, Omaha, Zeta Urge Yon to Come
The Personality in the N . U .
Dayton Alumna: Organize
Why a City Panhellenic?
Wherein I Discover the Great Wall of China 41 A Bacteriologist's Life at Mayo Clinic 46 Chapter Inspections Bring Fraternity Strength 48 Adults Learn the 3 R's at Dante School 50 $601, Average Salary of Sorority Editors S3
3 - 6 8 10 14 Shall it be the Sorority House or the Dormitory? 16 And She Went—And She Wore 20 Law is Hard and Fascinating 22 Chicago and Allerton Await Yon 24 All Around the World 25 168 Alpha O's From Indiana Lunch and Dance 27
. 76 • 98 100 118 125
Office 30 34 35
MAY • 1931

ALPHA [A]—Barnard College—Inactive. Pi [n]—H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial
College, New Orleans, La.
Nu [N]—New York University, New York City.
OMICRON [O]—University of Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn.
KAPPA [K]—Randolph-Macon Woman*! College, Lynchburg, V a.
ZETA [Z]—University of Nebraska, Lin coin. Neb. ,
SIGMA [Z]—University of California Berkeley, Calif.
THETA [6]—DePauw University, Green castle, Ind.
BETA [B]—Brown University—Inactive DELTA [A]—Jackson College, Tufts Col
GAMMA [r]—University of Maine Orono, Me.
ETA [H]—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
ALPHA PHI [A#]—Montana State Col- lege, Bozeman, Mont.
Ntr OMICRON [NO] —Vandcrbilt Univer- sity, Nashville, T enn.
PBI [*]—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
PHI [•]—University of Kansas, Law- rence, Kan.
OMEGA [0]—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
OMICRON PI [Oil]—University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
ALPHA SIGMA [AS]—University of Ore- gon, Eugene, Ore.
X: [S]—University of Oklahoma, Nor- man, Okla.
Pi DELTA [IIA]—University of Mary- land, College Park, Md.
TAU DELTA [TA]—Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, Ala.
KAPPA THETA [K©]—University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif.
KAPPA OMICRON [K0]— Southwestern, Memphis, Tenn.
ALPHA RHO [AP]—Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore.
C H I D E L T A [ XA] — U u i v e r s i t y o f C o l o - rado, Boulder, Colo.
BETA THETA [B9]—Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
ALPHA P I [AB]—Florida State College for Women, Tallahassee, Fla.
EPSILON ALPHA [EA]—Pennsylvania State College. State College. Pa.
THETA ETA [OH]—University of Cincin- nati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
BETA TAU [BT]—University of Toronto, Toronto, Out.
ALPHA TAU [AT]—Denison University, Granville, Ohio.
lege, Mass.
EPSILON [E]—Cornell University, Ithaca RMO [P]—Northwestern University,
Evanston, III.
LAMBDA [A]—Leland Stanford Univer
sity, Palo Alto, Calif.
IOTA [I]—University of Illinois, Cham
paign. 111.
TAD [T]—University of Minnesota, Min
neapolis, Minn.
CHI [X]—Syracuse University, Syra
cuae, N.Y.
UPSILON [T]—University of Washing
ton, Seattle, W ash.
Nu KAPPA [NK]—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
BETA PUI [B*]—Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
NEW YORK ALUMNA—New York City. SAN FRANCI SCO A L U M N A — S a n F r a n -
cisco, Calif.
Rhode Island.
CHICAGO ALUMNA—Chicago, 111.
OKLAHOMA CI TY A L U M NA — O k l a h o m a City, Okla.
A L U M N A — I n d i a n a p o l i s , ALUMNA—New Orleans, ALUMNA—Minneapolis,

Omicron 'Pi
NO. 4
Send all editorial material to WILMA SMITH LELAND
313 Twelfth Neenah,
Street, Wisconsin
Masonic Bldg. State College, Pa.
To DRAGMA is published by Alpha Omicron Pi fraternity. 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin, and is printed by The George Banta Publishing Company. Entered at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro- vided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized February 12, 1920.
To DRACMA is published four times a year, October, January, March and May. Subscription price, 50 cents per copy, $2 per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.

ISear Qreek Qanyon
'Winds Up to the Doors of
Jfighway Troutdale-in-the-cPines

Vol. 26 No. 4
_ Have you ever joined the ranks of those who every two years gather together from the four corners of the land for con- ference in the inter- ests of our fraternity? If you have and can come again, it is nec- essary only to assure you of a hearty wel- come. If you have not and are fortunate enough this time to have the opportunity, you will lie no less welcome, and you have before you an ex- perience you will cher- ish your life long.
Of all of you we ask that you come pre- pared to contribute of your youth and en- thusiasm, your keen- ness of mind, your in- sight, your aspirations, your larger experience or whatever may be your individual gift. In return you will gain—perhaps a pre- cious friendship; cer- tainly a wider vision, a finer inspiration, and a greater sense of our stewardship as representatives of an organization destined to affect for better or worse the lives of thousands who are or will be sharers in our comradeship. ELIZABETH HE YWOOD
way to purchase the ticket. Any railroad agent will be glad to route you 3
ragm a
c onvention?
Sveryone Who Knows
CONVENTION! Convention! Each let- ter that we get these days ends, "I'll see you at Convention!" Great red seals bear word of it as mail travels across the country. It's Convention year, you know, and we're all going to Colorado.
But the letters say more than just "We're going to Convention." They say, "How much will it cost? Are there rates? Tell us all about it."
So, listen well!
There are railroad rates from certain
central points to Denver. Y ou must take ad-
vantage of them or the Grand Treasurer will
not honor your voucher. For instance, a delegate from Urbana, Illinois, will probably find that there are no summer tourist rates from Urbana to Denver, but from Chicago to Denver. Hence she will purchase her ticket from Urbana to Chicago and then from Chicago to Denver with rates. In some cases, however, there are rates from smaller towns, and it would be advisable to buy a tourist ticket, round trip, direct from your home to Denver. Inquire of your local ticket agent as to the cheapest

Ways and
over the Burlingfrom Chicago Denver. Our specwill leave the nUnion Station Chicago at 11P.M. (Central Staard Time) via Chicago, Burlingand Quincy. Ttrain from KanCity will meet Chicago section Lincoln. W e rive in Denver 7:15 A. M. Remeber, in purchasyour ticket, thatcosts no more buy it to ColoraSprings, at the fof Pike's Peak. TPullman fare fr(T Palatial Observation Qar
Chicago to Denver is $10.88 for a lower berth; $8.70 for an upper ber$39 for a drawing room. Transportation, as understood by the Cstitution, includes the price of a railroad ticket purchased at the lowcost possible, Pullman fare, bus fare from Denver to Troutdale, $3per day for meals ($.75 for breakfast, $1.25 for luncheon, $1.50 dinner). Expense vouchers must be presented to the Grand Treasuat Convention, and checks will be issued at that time. Delegates mpay for baggage transportation ($.50 to Troutdale) and all tips. Aside trips or extensions will be taken at the delegate's expense.
Registration at Troutdale-in-the-Pines will be in charge of the homanagement. Rates are $7 per day, including room and meals. Guewill register as at any hotel and pay for services rendered. The registtion for Alpha Omicron Pi will be in charge of the Grand Treasurer awill include: $1 for all issues of the AOPizette; $2 for a side trip

MAY. 1931 This
and That
include Boulder re- turning to Denver (optional ) ; $3 ban- quet tax (for those delegates not en- titled to receive ban- quet with other expenses. Non-dele- gates and active chapter presidents are not subject to the banquet tax.) Delegates may de- termine to what ex- tent their expenses
will be paid by re- ferring to page 42 of the 1929 revised Constitution.
All of you will want a subscription
ton t 0 ial ew i n :30 nd- the ton he sas the in ar- at m- ing it to do oot he om
m t h e AOPizette ( f
whether you can at-
tend convention or not. It is the best way to follow the work and play of the fraternity. Mary Virginia Wells will see that you get a copy, if you will mail her $1.10. Her address is 111 South Sixth Avenue, Brighton, Colorado.
Some of you will be in Chicago for part of a day. Our headquarters will be the Allerton House on Michigan Avenue, contrary to other an- nouncements. The Allerton House has a file of AOIl's in Chicago; it is the headquarters for most college and university groups in Chicago;
$nd you will find it a congenial, well-located home for the part of the day enroute to Denver and for a longer time should you care to stop on four return. You will find their rates in the advertisement in To
The girls coming from the West will meet in San Francisco or enroute and will travel together via the Denver and Rio Grande through the
th; on- est .50 for rer ust ny tel sts ra- nd to

T o
DRAGIn the lobby at Troutdale is a very valuable collection of Navajo rugs.
Royal Gorge of the Colorado. They will arrive in Denver at 2:If you have never been in a high altitude before and are subjectheadaches or dizziness it might be well to consult a physician abprecautions. A bottle of smelling salts might be an appropriate additto your baggage.
You will find a beauty shop with experienced operators at Trodale, so fear not for your appearances. We have wondered about advisability of having a nurse maid at the hotel. There will be soone to stay with children in the evening, but in case you are interesin some one to care for children in the daytime, Mrs. Gorton wobe glad to hear from you at once.
And so to Convention and a perfect time! This is not just anotConvention; it is Convention in the Rockies at Troutdale-in-the-Pin"Western'Delegates Travelin special Qar
wEST COAST chapters complain that we are never interestedtelling them how to get to convention. This time we'll surprthem! There will be a special Pullman leaving Los Angeles at 7P.M., June 18 over the Southern Pacific and arriving at Oakland Pier9:02 A.M., June 19. Four hours in Oakland to do as you please with yo

MAY, 1931 7
baggage safe on the train. The San Francisco contingent will join the southern Californians at 12:40 P.M. San Francisco, 1:10 P.M. Oakland pier or 1:25 P.M.Berkeley. Thence over the High Sierras to Salt Lake Qty where the girls from the Pacific Northwest will join the party. The Union Pacific leaves Seattle at 4:30 P.M., June 18; Tacoma 5:40 P.M. and Portland, 10:00 P.M. and arrives in Salt Lake City at 7:15 A.M., June 20. Be sure you have adjoining reservations. Salt Lake City offers many attractions to be seen during your wait for the special. Sightseeing trips are 75 cents per person.
The two groups will leave Salt Lake City at 2:40 P.M., June 20 via the X). & R. G. W . 4 through the Royal Gorge, arriving in Denver at 2:15 P.JI.. Tune 21. A motor bus leaves at 2:45 for Troutdale-in-the-Pines.
Your ticket from Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Portland to Denver is $67.20; from Seattle, $72.45. Your berth, one way, from Los Angeles or San Francisco is $16.50; from Seattle, $12; from Portland, $10.13. You are allowed $3.50 per day for meals, you know. Round trip fare to Troutdale is $4.
Members in southern California should consult Harry Kinch, Pas- senger Agent, Southern Pacific Company, 417 Pacific Electric Building. Los Angeles at once. Others should make inquiries of Southern Pacific agents at once so that reservations can be made on the special car through the Los Angeles office.
Let's have a whole crowd of westerners at Troutdale to show the easterners that we can meet them halfway. They haven't seen much of us since Seattle Convention. Let Pacific District lead in numbers.
Troutdale ^Manager Qreets ^/ou
To Alpha Omicron Pi's everywhere:
Now THAT we've finished with sprucing up the evergreens for another year and completed that brand new swimming pool, we are all ready to welcome with the customary Troutdale hospitality, all AOn delegates and their families who will be in attendance at the Convention, June 21 to 26.
And with a hearty welcome goes the assurance that the management at Troutdale-in-the-Pines will do everything possible to contribute to the com- fort and pleasure of your AOIT delegation. It is our purpose to make the convention at Troutdale even more successful and delightful than you anticipate.
At Troutdale-in-the-Pines you will find unlimited recreational facilities, a famous cuisine, «ood music for both luncheon and dinner hours, and danc- ing; and delightful accommodations—all in a setting of such cool mountain beauty that once a guest you can never forget it.
You may be sure that we are appreciative of this opportunity to be host to your delegation, and that it will be our purpose to make the Convention at Troutdale-in-the-Pines one long to be remembered as the most delightful in AOIT history.
15. to out ion
the me ted uld her es!
in ise :45 at ur

D RAGMlion
10:30 A.M. Registration
1 ;00 P.M. 4:00
8 : 3 0
Tea Get-acquainted
#» party
7 :00- 8:30 A.M. Breakfast
9:15 1 2 : 0 0
1 :00 P.M. 2 :00
Initiation followed by Memorial Service Hostess Night
7 :00- 8:30 9:15
A.M. Breakfast M eeting
1:00 P.M. 2:00
2 4
9:00 M eeting
Th e Days
7 :00- 8:30 A.M. Breakfast
Luncheon Meeting Dinner Stunt Night
/ /

MAY, 1931
12:00 Barbecue Lunch and hike in mountains 4:00 P.M. Round table
6:30 Dinner
8:30 Dance
7 :00-
8:30 A.M. Breakfast
9:15 Meeting
1 :00 P.M. Luncheon for N.P.C. representatives
1 :00 P.M. 2:00
5 :00
7 :00
Meeting—election of officers
Installation of officers and closing ritual Closing banquet
7 :00- 8:00 A.M. Breakfast
1 :00 3 :45
Leave Troutdale for Denver or Boulder (Boulder trip optional)
Arrive Boulder—luncheon at chapter house Arrive Denver
2:00 6:30 7 :30
M eeting
Candle Lighting followed by story telling
a t
Tr outd ale-in-the- 'Pin e s
7 :00- 8:30 A.M. Breakfast
9:00 Meeting

T o DRAG^An tjllpha 0 Cflinds By MARGARET S M I T H ESTES, Omicron
PORTO RICO, although comparatively small, presents varied panramas, beautiful and interesting; best of all, these scenes are easiaccessible. One may cross from the northern'to the southern coain a few hours, over excellent roads, built years ago by the Spanisand now well kept by the Insular government.
Leaving San Juan, and its noisy traffic, the clanging of street caand "guaguas" as the busses are called, through narrow streets whefruit carts, animals and throngs of people scarcely give room for yocar to pass, you emerge finally to a wide highway. This leads past tbeautiful new Capitol, lovely parks by the sea, and many buildingsinterest, such as the Y.M.C.A., Porto Rican Casino, Carnegie Librarand the Tropical School of Medicine. Farther on is San Geronimo, old stronghold, jutting out into the sea.
After passing through Santurce, the residential section of San JuaRio Piedras is the next town of importance. The University of PorRico is here. This school ranks with the best, and is doing fine work o

o- ly st h, rs, re ur he of y, an n, to n
A mountainous coast line sweeps down to the sea
'Porto %ico 'Beautiful
the island. Many students from the United States come here for a sum- mer course, especially those who wish to perfect their knowledge of Spanish.
Beyond Rio Piedras, new vistas appear. Cocoanut groves, pineapple plantations, groves of oranges and grapefruit, and fields of sugar cane. Lovely country homes of plantation owners are scattered over the coun- tryside, and offer contrast to the lowly peon homes, built of rudely cut palm trees, and thatched with the palm leaves.
Soon the car begins to climb. The mountains are ahead. On the slopes of the low lying hills, and in the valleys are acres of tobacco. The little town of Caguas nestles among these hills. It is one of the largest tobacco centers on the island.
The road twists and curves around the mountain sides; the scenery is breathtaking. The mountains are almost bare, and looking down, one may see several levels of the highway below.
High up in the mountains are Cayey, and Henry Barracks, the Army Post. Here are the tall navy radio towers, and what is left of the Post

T O DRAGsince "San Felipe," that long-to-be-remembered hurricane in Septemb1928. Modern buildings and new quarters are now being construcMore mountains! One who is unaccustomed to such tortuous romay have to stop and rest for a little while. The curves and swascent sometimes produces a sensation akin to seasickness. On the highpart of the road, on a clear day, one may see in the distance the Carbean Sea, and behind them the Atlantic Ocean!
By the side of the road, coffee bushes grow in abundance. Mcoffee plantations are in these mountains. Along this road trudge cdren, going back and forth to school. The schools in Porto Rico unusually good. The school houses are neat concrete buildings, wlighted and well ventilated; invariably there are bright flowers arouthem, for all these children love flowers. Should you visit one of thschools, you would find that they are surprisingly like schools you at home. The greatest difference is that the first three grades are tauin Spanish, with English as a study. The grades above the third all taught in English, and Spanish is taught as a subject!
Aibonito is a summer resort of Porto Rico, and well merits its name"Ai bonito!" means "Oh, how beautiful!" Here many Porto Ricans aAmericans come for the summer months. The air is bracing, and comes so cool after nightfall that blankets and fires are needed. Acording to local tradition it rains here at least once every day. A showin Porto Rico means no discomfort, even when caught in it, for wita few minutes the sun is out, and everything, including yourself, is again.
Coamo Springs is an excellent place to stop for lunch. The hotel his a rambling affair, very peaceful and restful. The hot sulphur baand medicinal waters make it Porto Rico's best health resort.
On the road again. Children crying "Frasas! Frasas!" to evpassing car in hopes that someone will buy their wares. Frasas are smmountain berries that look somewhat like our raspberries, but are rattasteless. Aguacates, also called avocados and alligator pears, may purchased by the bucketful or at three or four cents each. Manggrow in profusion.
The road descending from the mountains to Ponce is lined with roof flamboyant trees; in the summer months these are in bloom, and gorgeous clusters of flaming red are indescribably beautiful.
Ponce—La Perla del Sur—(the Pearl of the South) is the largport on the southern side of the island and is the second largest ciIts plazas are brilliant with flowers and shrubs. Here one may see hordrawn carriages drawn up beside handsome limousines. Ponce retamore of the old world atmosphere than does San Juan.
From Ponce to Ensenada the road is by the sea. Off the coast Ponce lies the fabled "Dead Man's Isle" of Stevenson's Treasure IslaThe sea is a brilliant blue. Steamers of all nations ply these waters; rand legendary pirates have had their retreats among the coves and inlof Porto Rico and other islands nearby.
Ensenada, almost due south of San Juan, is the largest sugar cen

MAY, 1931 13
er ted' ads ift est ib-
hil- are ell nd ese see ght are — nd be- c- er hin dry ere ths ery all her be oes ws the est ty. se- ins of nd. eal ets ter
o n the island. For some distance away the air is permeated with the jniell of molasses and raw sugar in the making.
To return to San Juan, it is worth while to take another route and
the third largest city, Mayaguez. This road leads through miles and Jniles of cocoanut groves. Mayaguez is quite an industrial center, famous for its needlework. Directly across the channel, Mona Passage, is San
• Domingo, or the Dominican Republic.
I have purposely left San Juan until the last, for there are so very
nnany interesting things here.
El Morro, the old fort built by the Spanish, and Fort Cristobal.
Both now serve as quarters for soldiers of the United States Army.
La Fortaleza, or the Governor's Palace, is a beautiful old building, and quite historic. It is connected by a secret tunnel to Casa Blanca, the old home of Ponce de Leon, built by his brother. This is now the
quarters of the commanding officer of the 65th Infantry.
I Several old cathedrals date back several centuries—the old sea wall
with the historic gate make San Juan an artist's paradise.
In the center of town there are various plazas which look quite im- pressive on a postcard, but are not really as immaculate as they appear. San Juan is so overcrowded; the streets so narrow, and the dwellings always full and overflowing, so that every day might seem to be a "fiesta" with so many people in the streets. Porto Rico is second only
to China in its population per square mile.
San Juan has two mail boats each week to the United States, and
is an important stop for boats going in many directions, to Europe, South America, and all the West Indies. Passenger boats and planes bring many tourists here. Mail planes come three times each week.
Just now, the Porto Ricans are in the throes of the holiday season. With the holidays adopted from the continental Americans ( I supply the adjective "continental" because Porto Ricans are American citi- zens too), and their own special days, the holiday season threatens to become continuous! Their Christmas celebration though, I think is a great improvement on ours. "Nochebuena," or Christmas Eve, everyone goes to midnight mass. Their Christmas is celebrated solely as Christ's birthday. January 6, is a day dedicated to the coming of the Wise Men, bringing gifts. On the night before, children gather soft grasses and place boxes and baskets of this under their beds. The Three Kings or "Los Tres Reyes," leave their gifts for good children there. After all this country is too warm for a Santa Claus, with snow and ice and reindeer!
San Juan has two excellent golf courses, and several swimming pools. Sharks and barracudas make seabathing dangerous. Tennis is another popular sport here. The favorite game of the Porto Ricans is volleyball!
F A wonderful climate makes these sports possible the year round.
There is no need to hurry in Porto Rico. Time means very little and passes very quickly. It is a delightful place to live. One must be careful—the "manana" spirit will get you if you don't watch out! But it
is such a relief not to hurry.

T ° D RAGincoln, Om*aha, ZetaFOR some time Nebraska AOIT's have been looking just ahead 1931, and now we are beginning to feel the thrill of realization
We are anticipating great joy and inspiration, and it is wpleasure that we, one of the hostess chapters, Omaha Alumnae, welcoour Founders, Grand Officers, and delegates to this Convention at Troudale June 21-27.
President Omaha Alumna ChapterWe of Lincoln Alumna1 chapter wish we could greet every member A011 at Convention in Troutdale this June.
Out there amid the mountains with its snow-clad peaks, rushicrv/stal-clear mountain streams, awe inspiring canons, and Coloradinvigorating climate, you will find every comfort and form of enttainment one might desire. And with all this the whole-hearted welcomof the Midwest.
The setting for this our annual convention, is as nearly perfect your imagination can picture. Because there are a great many of oalumnae who do not subscribe to To DRAGMA, I ask every one you to broadcast the news of this event, far and wide, so that no owill have to regret the rest of their lives that they missed this outstandiconvention. Let every one make an extra endeavor to be present and hemake this convention a never-to-be-forgotten occasion, both personaland fraternally.

MAY, 1931

to ith me t-
of ng o's er- e as ur of ne ng lp ly ^/flurnnae Urge you to Qome m

Troutdale-in-the-Pines! What visions of cool beauty that name sug- gests! In that beautiful setting among friendly pines against the moun- tain, AOTT is to meet. Can you imagine more delightful surroundings for friendship? For old ones that are to be renewed? For new ones that are to take form?
And what an inspiration for the work that is to be done! With the loveliness of nature about us, the pines, the peaks, the clear mountain streams, we should reach the very essence of Alpha 0 ideals.
And what a glorious time we'll have—swimming, riding, driving, row- ing, mountain climbing, tennis, golf, dancing—all the sports are waiting for us.
To this lovely setting with its inspiration, to all these delightful tasks and pastimes the girls of Zeta and the Mid-western District welcome every Alpha O.
IRENE DAWSON, President Zeta Chapter Cfraternity, a <5\(ecessity
THERE is a law that brings people together into groups, says Charles Wesley Flint, Syracuse University Chancelor. I t acts like the law of gravity and regardless of what is done to divert it, it holds true. Thus we have the college fraternity.
; 1


16 ^ Z w / / St cBe the SorC[ zA Perplexing Question That 'Becomes ^More zAcute Sach 9/ear
A LTHOUGH the dormitory has never, until the last two or three / - \ years, been considered a rival to the smaller and more select group of the sorority, the immense building programs involv-
ing dormitory construction, in many universities and colleges, has forced attention to an eventual problem. When at the University of Michigan, Mosher-Jordan Hall grew steadily, brick by brick
sororities looked at it out of the corners of their eyes, wondering with varying degrees of apprehension the possible and probable effects upon rushing results. Realization of the building's capacity, its excellent living conditions, and proximity to the campus really presented a subject for much thought. Would this im- mense housing unit affect sorority groups immediately, or would they feel the effect later or jxrhaps, not at all? these were the questions that were asked time and time again, but
the complete answers are something that will have to be
One of the many
in the

MA v. 1931 o^ouse
or the Dormitory *P
ileshcr-Joi d:r.
of the University
of Michigan.
nl the
f» r
watched and waited for. As a partial reply the rushing lists were pub- lished showing that the younger and smaller Greek-letter organizations had suffered, although the older and more- established groups remained the same. All sororities admitted, however, that the competition had been keener than ever before. This latter effect does not come as a result of dormitory conditions alone—that would be giving those in- stitutions too much credit—but indeed they were a factor.
Statistics show that in the years 1927-28, out of the twenty-one hundred women enrolled in the University of Michigan, three hundred and fifty of these were distributed among the four existing dormitories, three hundred and ninety-seven lived in the sorority houses, while the rest found living quarters in private homes, or in league houses. (The latter are rooming houses functioning under the jurisdiction of the housing committee of the Women's Student Government, and subject to its rules and regulations.) 1930-31 figures show an increase of four hundred and fifty girls in dormitories, now added to by Mosher-Jordan Hall, a total of eight hundred in those units. Four hundred and four girls, a negligible increase of seven, live in the sorority houses which have remained the same in number. The balance are still living in either homes or rooming houses. The stability of the sorority figures in the face of the increased dormitory population, and other factors, is to be accounted for by enlargements and additions made to certain houses in the past three years, enabling them to accommodate more members. These groups made what appeared to be a reckless move in the face of the approaching dormitory problem, but they had realized that in the future competition was going to be even more upon the

basis of living conditions than it had ever been before. The office of thDean of Women at Michigan states that it had found from invests tion that one of the attractions that a sorority held for women studentwas the superior living conditions in contrast to those of the leaehouses. These conditions have remained the same, in some cases haveven been bettered, but they are now going to receive overwhelmindormitory competition. Social prestige and honor are undoubtedly to great extent still the main drawing cards of the Greek-letter groupbut dormitories at Michigan are just beginning to present themselves factors for consideration.
The sorority group of to-day. whether situated in large or smacolleges, has to face and meet a multiplicity of problems of varying importance, among them the changing attitude of the college girl"towardconditions and things, which go to make up her every-day life. She nlonger takes things for granted—she is there to find out for herselSocial training, probably due to the trend of the times, appears artificito her. and her independence and self-reliance tend to assert themselverather too definitely at times, for her own good. She is not, howeveto be blamed, since this is but the sign of revolt against somethinwhich all Americans have been subjected to unmercifully,namely oveorganization. With a rather impaired sense of values she attempts to gher own way, unable to distinguish quite often the things which wouleventually, undoubtedly prove to her benefit. It is to her that the advantages of sorority life both before and after school, have to be pointeout. when her anti-group feeling comes to cloud her judgment. Thexisting nation-wide economic upheaval has been responsible for thincrease of a type of girl who was at one time fairly rare in collegcircles—the girl who is distinctly not the social type, but who is preparing herself for a career with the smallest amount of expenditure possiblThen there is the girl who would make excellent sorority material buwhose change in finances have made the joining of that type of groua luxury not to be afforded. On the competitive basis, the diminishinnumber of freshmen, and the increasing number of incoming junioru|Kin university campuses, are presenting yet another rushing problemJunior colleges all over the country are beginning to pour into universities, students with third year standing. Members drawn from thiclass effect an inevitable result upon the internal organization of thsmall groups they join, as they can spend, after initiation, but one yeain the active chapter house.
In the face of all these problems the active sorority in order to bable to hold its own, has to attempt to show its innumerable and fareaching advantages. It is not too easy to show some of these facts tnew girls, although we who have left school can present ample proothat a sorority means even more to the individual after college dayare left behind, than it does in four short school years. Some advantageare self-evident and may be realized without being shown, but there arothers more important which do not at first appear upon the surfaceTO

MAV, 1931
C s" u' e g a
s as ll - s o f. al s r' g r- o d - d e e e - e. t p
g s . - s e r e r o f s s e .
AlphaOmicr o
The Alpha O house al the University of
is a rather typical sorority house.
There are the closer contacts of the sorority, with their quality of lasting- ness, encompassed by the feeling and realization of a common bond. There is the delight and enjoyment of mutual appreciation of one an- other's interests and accomplishments. There is the group incentive t<> achieve success for the house as a whole in scholastic work and campus honors. The homelike quality of the sorority in contrast with the ex- pansiveness of the dormitory, and the undoubted social superiority of the picked group constitute but two of the many high lights of sorority desirability. Pages and pages could be taken expounding on the de- lights, joy's and interesting contacts made possible for us who are mem- bers of such a group, by the very fact that we do have so much in common. Still girls ask, "Should I join a sorority?"
The dormitory can never replace the sorority or fraternity, since fraternal organization is far too deeply rooted to be vitally affected by a housing factor. If the University of Michigan effected the construction of another half a million dollar dormitory for women, it might mean changing from the present scheme to that of the sorority clubhouse. Under this plan, all women would be housed in dormitories and belong to the various sororities as clubs, a system which has been heartily en- dorsed by some of the national officers of fraternal groups. It is something that has' already been tried out in various institutions, in fact Alpha Omicron Pi has one chapter that is functioningin the capacity of a house club now, and very successfully.
The time for this change has not as yet arrived at Michigan, and per- haps never will, but many are watching with great interest the buckling on of sorority armour in preparation for the dormitory onslaught. It is a policy of ''being prepared" and "the best man wins."

(( They
ToDRAT>etaMARY V. WELLS M n/i'/or0/ f«< kOttitelt
J ^ I O W is the time to make plans for your summer vacation, so whnot come to Troutdale-in-the-Pines, June 21 to June 26 for the beConvention we've ever had. Colorado has much to offer in the waof scenery, and 1 am sure that under the leadership of Margaret Gortoand her able assistants there will be plenty of entertainment, as weas interesting business sessions from which you undoubtedly will derivmuch benefit. And in addition you will have the opportunity to becombetter acquainted with our Founders, Grand Officers, and your sistefrom all sections of the country.
Each evening of Convention there will be some form of entertainment- a bridge party, a steak fry or barbecue, stunt night, hostess nighat which we shall all become better acquainted with each other, andof course, the banquet the last night. And then, too. there will l>e oubeautiful ritual service which brings us all more closely together and tour fraternity as a whole. Troutdale has many interesting features alsosuch as a golf course, a large outdoor swimming pool, tennis courtshorses which may be rented for as long a time as you desire if you wisto ride—so I am sure you will not want for something to keep you occupied while there.
tAnd S h e
She WorWent—And
E. KIMSEV W publicity haii man

21 The first bus will leave Denver for Troutdale on Sunday morning
8:15; then there will be busses leaving at 1:30 P.M.,and 5:00 P.M. •those of you who do not arrive in Denver on the special train. There will be someone at the Union Station all day Sunday to direct you, and a s S js t you with your baggage. The auto route to Troutdale is the Bear Creek Canyon Highway, and in case you are planning to drive your cars, just stop in Denver and inquire the direction you should go to reach this road, and then you will have no trouble in getting to Trout- dale, for the road is well marked with signs. If you wish a road map, I'll be glad to send you one, if you will send me your name and address.
As to clothes, don't worry about them—just bring along what you have, and please don't stay home on account of the wardrobe or lack of one. S]>ort clothes (silk, wool, or linen), and wash dresses will be in VOirue for daytime wear, either for business sessions, or for golf and trips. You will need simple dinner frocks for dinner and evening affairs, and a formal dress for Wednesday night and Friday night. On Wednes- day night there will be a hotel dance, and, of course, the banquet on Friday night will be formal. Be sure to include hiking clothes which also can be used for horseback riding—boots, breeches, and so forth.
Tuck your bathing suit in one corner of your bag as I'm sure you will want to indulge in a swim or two during your stay. And don't forget a warm coat. You will need it for all outdoor events as June nights in Colorado are cool, in fact to many of you they will seem quite chilly. A heavy sweater or leather jacket will not be out of order if you care to bring one, as something of that type will be more comfortable than a coat on the steak fry. A costume for Stunt Xight, a pair of lounging pajanuas or just a pair of bright colored ones, and your bags are packed. Don't forget your kodak!
In making your plans for attending convention, don't forget to allow yourself a few days' extra time after convention is over in which to take several side trips. You have heard of the scenic wonders of Colo- rado: now is the best time to see them. Remember your railroad ticket can be purchased so as to include Colorado Springs in your itinerary without extra cost. Be sure to ask your agent about this arrangement when buying your ticket. However, for those of you who wish to see Pike's Peak, Manitou, Garden of the Gods, and Colorado Springs there is a trip by bus to these rwiints from Denver for $10 round trip fare plus 52 toll charge on the Pike's Peak Highway. By all means plan to see Pike's Peak before returning home, and if you do, bring some very warm clothing as the altitude on the peak is over 14,000 feet, and it will be very cold up there even in June.
Another very interesting trip is one from Troutdale to Echo Lake, going via Bergen Park and Squaw Pass, having luncheon at Idaho Springs returning via Floyd Hill, and Lookout Mountain to Denver. This is one of the outstanding scenic trips around Denver, and I should like to urge every one of you to take it. The fare for this trip is $6. This would take a full day.
(Continued on page 97)
0 ih
1 1931
y st y n ll e e rs - t, , r o ,
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<\aw Is Jfard and
^fascinatingto "Bertha T^emhaugh,^[u, J\ew york ^Attorney
By JANE DIXON Copyright, 1931—NANA.
gameTHE LAW sounds as though it might be one of the most difficuof all the professions in which women can build a career—anso it is.
Nevertheless, Miss Bertha Rembaugh, one of New Y ork's oldest anmost brilliant women attorneys, would not exchange her experience othe trail she has traveled and does travel for any other.
"The law."" says Miss Rembaugh, ' is hard and fascinating work, anhere is a combination unequalled for whipping up and sustaining interest."
When one characterizes the woman who unravels legal snarls in aoffice lurched eerily on the thirty-first floor of a building in New YorCity as among the oldest of New York's women lawyers, it must b

added that the reference has to do with length of service and not with birthdays. Persons who keep as busy as Miss Rembaugh manages to do, have no time to grow old.
"I was graduated from Bryn Mawr College in the class of 1897. with A.B. and M.A. degrees," she explains, "with the idea I must earn n iv living through the only avenue definitely open to women at that ( jn i e —teaching. 1 didn't care much for teaching, but there seemed no choice in the matter.
"For a time after finishing college I taught in Bryn Mawr school, a Baltimore preparatory school for the college.
"Then I coached the daughters of Dean Clarence D. Ashley of New York university law school for their entrance to college. The dean was a man who could no more stop teaching and be happy than he could stop breathing and go on living. He would halt a man on the way to execution and teach him a few points of law before the man mounted the gallows. It was Dean Ashley who first interested me in law as a profession. He made it so interesting that I went to New York univer- sity law school. He encouraged women to enter a field which had been closed to them. He did more than any single man in the legal profession to inspire women with a zeal for the work."
The eyes of Bertha Rembaugh, as keen as they are kind, lighted with warm appreciation of her mentor. She leaned back in the chair before her neatly kept desk, and reminiscences began to crowd for utterance.
"My first job," she said, "was with the New York Legal Aid society, an organization which looks after the legal welfare of those who cannot afford regular attorney fees but who are entitled to justice before the courts. I started with the munificent salary of $5 a week. At the end of two years I was earning SI5 a week. Not bad, in those days, for a green law clerk and probably more than I was worth. The society was a great schooling for me. I became manager of the west side branch and rated a couple of assistants.
"In 1904 I was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law7 for myself. I determined not to specialize but to engage in general practice and I have adhered to that plan. Pretty much everything a lawyer has to do is on my calendar at one time or another. I have never tried a really big criminal case for the reason it has not fallen to my lot to do so.
"Work seems to run in cycles, or rather the character of work does. One year there is a preponderanee of matrimonial cases. Another year it is bankruptcy, administration of estates. Again I seem to be doinu nothing except foreclosing mortgages and wrestling with real estate. There's everything to be done from settling the constitutional rights of a man to unmuzzle his dog to the rights of a man in a million-dollar estate."
Asked if women lawyers were more popular counselors than men in matrimonial matters. Miss Rembaugh admitted women lawyers get their share of the work.
"Strangely enough," she says, "men seek legal advice in domestic
MAY, 1931
lt d d n d - n k e

ToI) Rtangles from women as readily as do members of our own sex P
thev feel that a woman can tell them what in the world is wrong wYkwife." b th lhMiss Rembaugh has not found that certain resistance which me accused of giving to women entering the professions once sacremasculine domination. " "There is resistance," she admits, "and it is very real, too Bitis a passive resistance rather than an active one. There is no actual htility on the part of judges, men lawyers or clients. I t simply does occur to a man client that a women lawyer might serve him well, or political leader that an office is particularly suited to a woman. "The truth of the matter is, a woman must give double value befshe receives the same recognition accorded a man—not because of position against her, but because only those to whom she has crjgood service think of her in terms of service. The process of overcoing passive, resistance is a slow one, but it is progressing. Time afirst class women lawyers will solve the problem adequately."
When Rertha Rembaugh is not taking care of her legal businbetween the hours of nine in the morning to five in the evening, shegardening on a little plot at Northport, Long Island, or mulling ovthe contents of a bulging brief case she has carried out to spread befothe log fire and which she calls, in concession to her college days, "howork."
"Any job worth doing," says the dean of New York women lawye"is a hard job, and that is why it is worth doing."
Chicago and ^Allerion ^Await tyou
All roads lead to Convention in June for members of AOII. And all roads to Convention lead through Chicago. Whether you come by water, earth, or air, you will stop over at least a few hours to see for yourself whether what they say about Chicago is true. The Chicago Alumna; chapter is anxious to be a help to you while you are in town, and has established headquarters at Allerton House, for all delegates who want to spend an hour, a day, or a few days extra on their way to Convention.
A reception committee will assist delegates to plan their sightseeing in Chicago. An "Alpha O Club Room" will be available without charge for those who wish to rest between trains. An information and mail service are offered by the Allerton, our official Chicago Alumna; headquarters. Address
all inquiries or mail in care of Opal M. Cannon, Director of Women, Allerton House, 701 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago.
We are anxious to help you enjoy a short stop-over in Chicago, or if you plan to stay for a few days, single rooms at $2.00 per day or double rooms at $1.50 per person may be reserved at the Allerton. Parking space ad- joining the building may be had for 25 cents per night.

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<i/[11 ^Around
you'll Qfind ^Alpha O's
A ROUND the world with Alpha O's through the pages of the direc- /\tory. Won'tyougetoutyourcopyandcomealongwithus? Here we are in Wisconsin, so let's start from our home in Neenah- Menasha. Let's go on just a little jaunt through the state, and will find sorority sisters in forty-four towns in Wisconsin. On to Illinois, and it would seem that a city map would be all poked up with Alpha O pins, for you'll find them in 115 towns. Indiana, three active chapters and members in 130 towns. Alpha, Alma, Ann Arbor, you'll find a friend in thirty-six of Michigan's cities. We speed across Ohio: Toledo, Cleve- land, Warren and seventy-eight other places mean Alpha O to certain girls. Seventy-seven postoffices in Pennsylvania receive member-at-large letters for our members each fall. In fifty-six towns the length of New Jersey you'll find people who know "Alpha Omicron Pi-friends as the years go by." New York, our birthplace, so it is fitting that we should
be represented in 167 towns and cities.
And now we shall embark for foreign lands. In England we will find members in London and Dorset. Across the France to Rellevue, Seine-et-oise to see Mrs. Gordon—there will be girls in Paris any time you go there, too.
We'll find our sisters permanently located in Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Syria, in Relgian Congo and South Africa, India, China, the
the World

26 T°D»ACPhilippines, Hawaii, the Canal Zone, Cuba, Porto Rico, and H-"Canada, too, is well populated by our members.
If we care to land in San Francisco and come home from the w coast, we might visit 120 home places of Alpha O's in California
should go to Nevada; the state may not know us very well, for we f members in Baker, Elko and Fallon, only. I'tah, too, is untoucgrounds with members at Ogden and Salt Lake. We have rooted oselves in nineteen Colorado cities since our installation at BouldNebraska means Zeta, and Alpha O's in seventy-nine towns. No chapin Iowa, yet thirty-nine Iowa towns are the homes of our members, moof them Zeta initiates.
We might take you north and south just as we have across countYou would find sisters in every state, in many cities and villages.
Buy a new directory and see where these people live, the chaptewhence they come, their names. Perhaps you have an Alpha 0 in tnext block!
Convention Calashes
Delegates arriving on the special train from the east should breakfast on the train before arriving since busses will leave immediately for Trout- dale.
Husbands and families are most welcome. The hotel management offers the same rates to them as to members. Husbands will enjov the trout fishing and other recreations.
A small greens fee will be charged to those playing golf, and horses can be rented at a reasonable price.
The Boulder trip on Saturday will be a true climax of a wonderful week. We will tour the U. of C. campus and have lunch at the beautiful new home of Chi Delta. This trip is optional, however, and those wishing to take the trip will pay ?2. This includes transportation from the hotel (Troutdale) to Boulder and back to Denver. Round trip bus fare from the station to Troutdale and return is $4 per person. We have made ar- rangements with the Rocky Mountain Transportation Company to take us to Boulder for the luncheon, as well as transport us to the hotel. Those not desiring to take the Boulder trip, will be taken back to Denver Satur-
day morning.
Are you making your plans for Stunt Night? Phi chapter is in charge.
Send your material for the Historical Exhibit to Mrs. Donald Gorton, Troutdale-in-the-Pines, Evergreen, Colorado, after June 5 and before June 15; Xi and Alpha Phi chapters will assist Mrs. Perry with the dis- play.
Remember your address during convention is Troutdale-in-thc-Pincs, Evenjreen, Colorado.
When you buy your ticket, remember a trip to Colorado Springs is in- cluded, so insist on having this specified on your ticket.
Invitations have been sent to all national (men's) fraternities on the Boulder campus to attend the formal dance at the hotel.
Reservations will be made in order of receipt. Those reserving rooms early will have the choicest rooms. Mrs. Donald Gorton will receive them at 3432 South Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, until June 10.

• MAY- 1931
I \
er ter st ry rs he U
^jtlpha O's Cjfrom Indiana •
Dance By MARY M. OBEAR, 'Hieta
"T N T H E YEAR 1912, a group of girls, six in number, met at the Clay- pool Hotel for luncheon. They were newly graduated from school, six Alpha Omicron Pi sisters, who wished to be together. So great was
their enjovment that they decided to make this luncheon a regular affair, and then and there organized into what was later the Indianapolis Alum- na?chapter. Ruth Ritchie, now Ruth Ritchie Jones, was elected president.
•However, Irene Newman DeWolf seemed to be the instigator of such a motive.
These six girls being young and Theta's there being no other chapter in the state at that time—asked the active chapter to join them at their luncheon, and for several years they met in February for the luncheon.
In 1917, Beta Phi was installed, and girls from other chapters came to live in Indianapolis. This added number changed the character of the day—the desire of the girls for added entertainment. So the first dance was given in Februarv. 1921, when Mildred Harley McDonald was presi- dent. Now, no vear passes without the state luncheon and dance. All chapter programs for the year are planned with regard to the luncheon and dance, and the Hotel Lincoln now instead of the Claypool, is a tradi- tion. Several times attempts have been made to break away but to no avail. No place is as convenient as the Lincoln.
J^unch &

28 To DRAThus was established the luncheon—the organization of IndianaAlumna' chapter- and the dance—as complete celebration of the daNow beta Theta has come in, making three active chapters istate, and the luncheon has increased in attendance from six to one dred and sixty-eight. In 1931, the luncheon was a success with that ber present. katherine Davis (C-)'23), gave a splendid talk on "FaAlpha's," and we were introduced to Alpha's we thought were alwabe just legends, not personalities. The active chapters also aidedprogram with "Just Imagine—Alpha O's in 1950 at pledge time," by Phi; "Billy the Shick," bv Theta; a vocal solo and a stunt "Sanoby Beta Theta. ' 1 Among those present were alumna; from Indianapolis, Bloominand Fort Wayne: Charlotte Shaw Ellis, Louise Brown Ridgeway, AMorrison Obear, Louise Humphrey Combs, Mary Brown Johnston,Huston Messersmith, Rosella Stoner Ross, Golda Larkin, Frances SCharlotte Grace, Helen Reif Million, Doris Speaker, Alda Jane Wward, Helen Snoddy Stevens, Lucille Bauernfeind, Katherine DEthel Malloch, Nelle Covalt, M r . John Ellis, Katherine Schmidt Miriam W. Schad, Mrs. R. C. Means, Mildred Humphreys, MiMcCoy Champ, Minna Mae Bartley, Mable Hurst Alvis, Ada STrueblood, Fredys Cox Talbott, Mrs. Carl Karpeteter, Margaret Clean, Mary Scifres Mayfield, Elizabeth Land Smith, Miriam CoLucille DeSelm, Mrs. C. T. Evans, Naomi Nash, Larene Golden EMarjorie Gladden, Gail G. Glenn, Marion Oline, Pauline Hindsley, MSullivan, Anna J. Yant, Annabelle O'Conner, Barbara Beeson SevDorothy Swift, Lucile Reynolds, Carol Phillipe, Mary Helen SMcCoy, Jean Green, Edna Sheets, kathryn Hoadley Fell, Florence terworth, Mary Mcllvain. Ruth Lindenborg. Loraine Scott, MuWilliams Hammond, Vivian Howard, Katherine McFall, Geraldine dig, Alice Xoonaw, Bobby Severns, Gladys Weeks, Dorothy FarFester, Jane Farmer, Helen Beiley Maddox, Lucille Meyers, DHinkle, Mrs. Max Kidderman, and Aline Thompson.
Beta Theta was represented by Marjarie Shaefer, Dorothy LBetty Hall, Hannah Secttor, Gladys Hawickhorst, Aurzella Xagel,cile Wright, Princess Finney. Alice Hill, Mary Margaret Beeson, McClurg, Lenora Winter, Dorothy Boyle. Winifred Fithian, Eva LoReddick, Helen Young, Helen Jane Brown, Mary Alice Burch, CharPeele, Ruth Dale, Jacque Lacker, Eleanor Mills, Ruth Clark, ThWise and Katherine Murphy.
From Theta came Martha McQuilkin. Anne Xichols, YirLuckett, Betty Glezen, Adeline Kriege, Madeline Findley, Mary O'RMargaret Leins. Yivian White, Yirginia Leins, Yirginia Rossman, HWalker, Mary Carney, Genevieve Greenwald. Mary Alexander, RMyer, Mary Jo Enochs, Pauline Kellison, Louise Kyle, Elizabeth Gent, Meredith Rice, Dorothy Troutman, Pauline Townes, Helen Syson, Janet Crawley, Mary Catherine Staake, Frances Carey, Ruth BMary McCard. Mary Pirtle, Esther McCard, Sarah Lois Rohn, BSwindler, Mary Lloyd Capouch, Frances Kellison, Elizabeth Faye, M

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MAV, 1931
aret Gamble, Marjorie Mclntyre, Margaret Martin, Eileen Jarodsky, Touhe Dobbins. Xeoma Rowe. Fara Bohley, Gertrude Casper, Helen KinK. L°1 5 L o n " - Florence Boggs, Georgia Bopp, Anne Morrison, poro'thy Abrams, Dorothy Ellen Barr, Delba Brodhecker, and lmogene
Beta Phi members present were Pauline Ellis, Alice Fee Ward, Mary
Margaret Schraeder, Doris Bopp, Doreen Wilson, Yirginia Gentry, Wanita Gilchrist, Mildred Frazee, Mary Griffiths, Bernice Greenwald, Rose Elli--. Yirginia Traxler, Susie Fee f rueman, Mildred Akey. Bergly Flvnn, Claire Staley. Jane Campbell, Yiolet DeBow, Charlotte Vera, Yetive Browne, Eleanor Garber, Alice Rogers, Howarda Clarke, Martha Stone, Doris Ward. Wilma Jane Barland, Florence Shumacher, and Bernice Anglin.
There were seventy-one couples at the dance, and everyone had a good time. The hostesses included Mrs. C. C. Trueblood. Mrs. H. J. Johnston, Mrs. James H . Obear, and their respective husbands.
Helen Snoddy Stevens was general chairman. After these many years, the luncheon and dance still exist and will continue to exist, for each year girls come from far and near to meet old friends and new.
J{ere ^4re the Convention Workers
The following persons and committees are assisting Margaret Gorton. General Convention Chairman, in making this the biggest and best Con- vention Alpha Omicron Pi has ever had:
STI NT NICHT (Phi in charge)...
RITUALS (Chi Delta in charge)..
Carrie Klein Frances Kimsey Helen Fitzgerald Pauline Ryman Ethel Bentley Genevieve Calhoun Pauline Reynolds I.orene Wishart Edith Lansing Darrina Paige
Elsie Fitzgerald Faire Yoran Pauline Gellatly Alpha Phi
Julia Simanek
Yivian Gingles (Incoming President) Lucile Hendricks (Incoming President) Frances Kimsey
Eloise Fairhead
Y iolette W ard Catherine Corcoran Winifred Steele Gladys Mankin Mary V . Wells
($1.10 including mailing, if you 111 South Sixth Avenue, Brighton, cannot come to Convention) Colorado

<7>he ^Personality in thBy DOROTHY DUNCAN, Rho
WHEN you've known anyone as long as I've known EleaGoodrich ( P ) , the great difficulty is not in finding somethinteresting to say about her, but to know what to eliminamong the host of things you'd like to include.
It's almost impossible for me to think about her she's a very dear friend. But in the Personnel Office of Nowestern University she is everybody's friend and that includes a gdeal. It means that all of the medical, dental, commerce, and law dents who are in need of financial, moral, or spiritual assistance goEleanor for help and advice. And they get what they seek, in abundanShe can't help giving bountifully of her unselfish interest to everywho comes into her cheerful office. And she does it, not as a part of official duties, but as she'd talk to you or to me. That's why sEleanor to them all; and that's why the Personnel Office is a wabenevolent heart in the core of a great, hurried university.
When I first met Eleanor Goodrich nine years ago she had arrived at Northwestern as a freshman from Des Moines, Iowa .alone, a little lonely, and not at all impressed with the fact that was there on a scholarship, won because she was the most outstandperson in her high school class. She remained outstanding in whategroup she found herself, and nehas she been aware of that fact. pledged and initiated her into Apha O in her freshman year, andthe quickly-passing years since tI have seen her undergo disappoment, struggles to finish her collwork, change in outlook and pacity, and an ever-increassphere of activity and opportuniAnd still the essential Eleanor never changed.
Eleanor isn't tall and comanding. She's short, decidedand capable of making a great dof fun of her size. You don't thof anything but her wide blue eT o
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Wieboldt Hall is found on McKinlock

T o DRAOM—such steady, honest, understanding eyes—and her sweet, hummouth. Y ou have a feeling that she has known everything and felt evething, and therefore judges not. She just understands. Everyone amoher host of friends, and she has more real ones than anyone else I knocomes to share with her their troubles and joys. She is so utterly sincand so completely without affectation and pretense of any kind. Therno difficulty when you meet her of striving to search beneath the surfaof social charm and unfailing courtesy to find the real person. The rEleanor is right there, in every circumstance, shining out of those cledeep eyes, knowing what you're going to say before you've thougit out yourself, understanding much that is never spoken, and always ing the same, dauntless friend . . . just Eleanor.
After her sophomore year Eleanor stayed out of school a year aworked in order to go on with her college course. She has always workat all kinds of things, and nothing she has ever done has touched fineness of her. Her accomplishments have never been splashy—just the quiet, efficient wholesomeness of her that makes her an ostanding personality to all who are fortunate enough to come into hwide sphere of activity.
But about her work . . .
In the fall of 1924 the Personnel Office at Northwestern Universwas first opened under the direction of Mr. L. B. Hopkins, and lacame under the supervision of Dr. Delton T. Howard, professor psychology at the university. From its inception the office has conductwide experiments, expanded its field of endeavors, and enlarged scope of service. President Walter Dill Scott of Northwestern alwahas been one of the outstanding figures in personnel work, and his periments in this line are watched and used all over the country. T{personnel office, with its two branches—one on the Evanston campand the other downtown on the McKinlock campus—affords an intereing study, not only from the standpoint of the philosophy underlyiits efforts, the new techniques being developed, and the fundamenresearch being developed, but also for the diversified stream of humanthat finds its way in and out of the twooffices.
It is in the office in Wieboldt Hall, one of the great group of tgray buildings on the McKinlock campus, that Eleanor holds forth assistant to Dr. Howard. Most of the time she is completely in charof the office, Dr. Howard dividing his time between classes and Evanston office. It was in undergraduate classes that Eleanor first cainto the range of Dr. Howard's notice. She went straight from his pchology courses into summer personnel work in Evanston, and then dowto the Chicago branch, first assisting Margaretta Fenn—then Dr. Hoard's assistant—and last year stepping quietly and unassumingly inMiss Fenn's position when she left to marry.
Nobody knows how much grief and trouble Eleanor encountbecause she doesn't talk about it. Neither does anyone know how muservice she renders, how much happiness and courage she passes on struggling students, because she doesn't talk about that either. H

MAY, 1931 33
an ry- ng w ere e's ce eal ar ht be- nd ed, the it's ut- er ity ter of ed its ys ex- he us st- ng tal ity all as ge the me sy- n w- to ers ch to er-
gelf she takes for granted, and that's the most remarkable thing about her. But I ' m talking about Eleanor again, and not her work.
The Personnel Office finds its work varied enough to be continuously interesting. Specifically it is supposed to assist students in making the most profitable use of the facilities that Northwestern has to offer. "And that means," says Eleanor, "that its plan is to make a careful personal analysis in the case of every student, an analysis which is not limited to scholarship, but embraces the field of personal qualities as well— with a view to the individual's present and future progress. The Per- sonnel Office handles loans for the entire McKinlock campus. W e aren't supposed to do placement work, but we obtain part-time jobs for stu-
dents, and lend assistance to various organizations. We give vocational and educational advice, and we obtain dates for students."
I laughed at that and asked if it was one of the activities of the office she wanted mentioned.
"Of course. That's important to students who are forlorn and alone. It isn't official, but it helps a lot. The evening students particularly are pitiful. They range from seventeen to seventy-two, and a lot of them have never been to high school. We make statistical studies for the ad- ministration. It's impossible for them to get a clear picture of the student body of six thousand down here, so we enable them to get an idea of the group through our research and reports. We have people who have never been farther in school than eighth grade, and we have those with master's degrees.
"It's the odd cases that are the most interesting. We have a map with pins in it to show districts where the students in evening school come from. One man commuted from Iowa once a week to take the course in Contemporary Thought."
"Just now we're completing a survey, a comparative study of the six largest evening schools in the country." (The graph looked impos- ing.) But it is humanity that interests Eleanor and not statistics. "It doesn't pay much—this work—and there's no future in it. At least not in the university. But we love it, and we stay. Some days we work unbelievably hard, for weeks we'll work every night, but the satisfac- tion comes from individuals and what we can accomplish in making them happier, following their educational careers, interpreting their capacities and interests in the light of their qualifications for the work they plan to take up after graduation, and assisting in choosing vocations and obtaining knowledge of opportunities in the field of business."
Personnel work might not appeal to many people, but I can't think of Eleanor separated from what she is doing.

J£ere ^Are the Day ton Qharter ^MembFlorence Swancutt Corwin | K© I Jean Hill Boles (II)
Esther Schmidt Bohlender (ft 70) Mildred Engle Mattern (ft '28) Hazel Engle Lowes (ft '28)
Ruth Shatsnider Haas (ft '27)
Katherine Rice (fi '20) Lucy McCabe (Q Ex. '33)
Eleanor King (ft Ex. '33) Martha Hughes Fry (ft '23Ruth Cox Segar (fi '20) MoVee Lindsey (ft '17)
Thelma Sortman Thornberry (ft Irene Wilt (ft '26) '29)
"Dayton, Ohio, <^Alumnae OrBy EDITH HUNTINGTON ANDERSON, Beta Phi
OHIO chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi will benefit from the orgzation of another alumna? group. On March 29, Dayton AO's were installed as Dayton Alumna- chapter. Edith Hunton Anderson (B<f>, '21), Grand Secretary installed the members athome of Ruth Cox Segar (12), 1350 Cory Drive. A buffetsupper follothe service. Fourteen members signed the charter and elected the foing officers: president, Martha Hughes Fry ( f t ) ; vice president, EBohlender; secretary, Ruth Cox Segar ( f t ) ; treasurer. Hazel L(ft); editor, Thelma Thornberg (ft); historian, Lucy McCabe (ftThe fraternity is happy to welcome this new chapter and wish tthe most pleasant and beneficial of associations. I t is interesting to that this addition brings our roll of alumnae chapters to thirty-ninealumna1 group for each active chapter. And so our chapter rolls shgrow, for if each new undergraduate group can be sponsored, guby a body of older, fraternity-experienced Alpha O's, each baby chawill thrive and strengthen. It would be well for alumna? in unorganplaces to be thinking of this.
Our Thirty-^AQnth Chartered ^Alumnae Qro

) in the mutual tastes, in-
t e r ests. and desires of
Greek women who, in City Panhellenics
their after-college days,
find themselves in the same civic environment. Quite naturally and logi- cally they have come in response to a felt need of continuing a happy Panhellenic relation of friendliness and fraternity. While National Pan- hellenic Congress has never forced or imposed the idea of organizing City Panhellenics. it has assuredly been most happy to foster their or-
ganization and development and to welcome them to the class of "affili- ated" City Panhellenics. For it readily recognizes the value of these associations.
There is no set plan of procedure for City Panhellenics. They operate along varied and different lines: local conditions and needs usually de- termining the aim and purpose of each organization. In the town or small city we find that the association emanates from the desire of sorority women to maintain contacts with other college and sorority women. This is especially true in those communities where there are
ganiznot sufficient members of any given sorority to have their own alumna? chapter. Quite as naturally we find that in the larger cities Panhellenics function in response to a somewhat different motive. For although many, if not all, of the sororities may have their own alumna* chapters
ani- lpha ting- the wed llow- sther owes
hem note —an ould ided pter ized up
still there is the desire to foster Panhellenism. In this latter type of organization most of the business of the group is carried on by a Board (consisting of one representative from each sorority in the city) with
Occasional well-planned meetings for all Greeks in the community.
In either event the social phase of the organization is important. For social contact is a very vital element in life. However, a purely social purpose is ordinarily not sufficient for the substantial growth and con- tinuance of any organization. Furthermore the needs of the world today for worth while activities are so potent that we quite naturally find our City Panhellenics engaged in many kinds of social service. Some are
active in civic affairs; others in philanthropic fields—supporting hos- pital beds, aiding orphanages or homes for crippled or blind children, supplying clothing and food for the needy, et cetera, others in educational projects recognizing high scholarship by presenting an appropriate trophy to the sorority attaining the highest academic standings on a college campus located near the home of the City Panhellenic, or offering Scholarships to needy and deserving students; still others have a purpose more purely Panhellenic in trying to unite closely the college, College Panhellenics, and their own association in the study of problems interest- ing to all. Such are some of the purposes of City Panhellenics. Local en-
;MAV, 1931
^ ^r
a iQitiyty ^rP~acnhellenic ?
,11 Y
have had their
spontaneous origin By LORAII MONROE, Sigma Kappa
. . . . . ,, 7 1 ... ~
Chairman oj A ./ .( . Committee on

36 To DRAGvironment and needs will quite naturally suggest the aim and field of tivity for any association.
Rut, in addition to the above very worth while purposes, one of most important functions of a City Panhellenic is to serve as a meand opportunity to disseminate authentic fraternity information whwill react favorably for the cause of Greekdom. Panhellenism is a tebroad in scope, deep in significance, and rich in its suggestion of mutfriendliness and cordial fellowship. T o foster a correct understanding right realization of the mutual aims and accomplishments of sororiand to demonstrate the high and lofty purpose of the fraternity moment should be definite objectives of every City Panhellenic.
rjllpha 0 and Qity Tanhellenics
"T T SO happens that in several cities Alpha O's are in executive ptions, and we have asked some of them to tell you about theirganizations. Madge McWhorter Jones (H), writes from Tulsa:
Tulsa Panhellenic has a very strong organization consisting of twty-four sororities and approximately 700 members. Its officers are eleAlternately from the various sororities and its committees appointedelected in' turn. Virginia White Park (B'24), was secretary of the Panhellenic last year.
The social side of the organization is maintained by means of moly bridge parties held at the^ College Club, at which time three sororact as hostesses and are responsible for refreshments and prizes.
Philanthropic work is of two kinds. The hospital committee repon and attends to local cases needing hospital care, most of which surgical cases, and a bed is maintained permanently at one of the Thospitals for the use of these patients. The cost of this is from $to $500 per month depending upon the number cared for and the naof the treatment. During the past month five cases were cared fothe hospital.
The other type of philanthropy is educational. From the genfund four girls are sent to college annually.
Money for these worthy causes is obtained by means of two "bfit" affairs. A dance is given at Thanksgiving and a bridge partyApril. Each of these functions brings in about $700. They have becan established custom and are eagerly awaited by the women of TuAnother source of income is the annual membership fee of $1 each.
Alice Ward Friend (H'26), was general chairman of the dance year and received high praise for her efficient management of thatsponsible position.
Hazel Stephens Bodenschatz ( I ) , has been president of the Chaton. West Virginia, Panhellenic for the past year. Their organizais smaller, having some sixty-five members. We found their yearbinteresting, giving names of officers, committees, members, and dates and type of meetings with the names of hostesses.
Quoting from Mrs. Bodenschatz's letter:

MAY, 1931
ac- the ans ich rm ual and ties ve-
osi- or- en- cted or City nth- ities orts are ulsa 200 ture r in eral ene- in ome lsa. this re- rles- tion ook the "We have had a successful library. Each girl brings a book to the librarian (one who is centrally located), and then it is distributed in turn to all the others. We have had many interesting discussions on the new books through this method. Our meetings have been very varied, each unique in itself with a lovely social part. We have had most of our parties at the girls' homes which has added to the personal contact. At the October meeting, we honored the past presidents with a tea and presented each with a corsage. The Christmas tea was one of the prettiest parties I've ever attended. Mrs. Stone's home made a perfect setting with its beautiful antiques, log fires, lighted tapers and Christmas tree.
After two delightful Chirstmas readings, one of the girls sang Christmas carols, and we all sang "Silent Night." Then a ten-cent gift for each one and a fancy tea with lots of good conversation made each one glad she was eligible to membership. I believe everyone there felt a deep:>r realization of the Christmas spirit. The March meeting at my home was our first attempt at a dinner meeting. So many had complained of after- noon hours so I was glad this party turned out so well. We served a two-course dinner and then played progressive bridge. We used St. Patrick's decorations in the menu and tallies. Our Guest Day tea is an annual event at which we may entertain our friends. Our benefit bridge
brought in quite a little profit, and together with our dues will be a neat sum to donate to some deserving enterprise.
Looking back over the year's work, it has been a very pleasant one; I have surely enjoyed the contacts I have made. Our group is different in that they pride themselves in being socially inclined. The difficult part lies in the fact that one sees so much to be done, and it takes years to reach the goal. Put I feel that by increasing the interest and membership, we have accomplished something even if it is only the beginning of
greater deeds."
Many of you live in cities where Panhellenic is either a lifeless organi-
zation or one without purpose. Rochelle Rodd Gachet ( n ) , tells us how Birmingham "revived."
Without being wholly a fatalist, there are times when things seem to happen according to a concerted plan, and so it was with the Birmingham City Panhellenic. Several sporadic, and more or less half-hearted, at- tempts had been made in the past to form a City Panhellenic in Birm- ingham, but these had always "petered out." Hut in 1928, when the idea was again broached, it seemed to meet with general enthusiasm, and at a meeting called by T7H<f> it was decided to organize, and a constitu- tion was adopted, and the machinery set up for having a really worth while organization, at a series of informal luncheons.
With the fall of 1929, the Panhellenic was an established fact, and with KKT holding the presidency, the work went forward with en- thusiasm. Fourteen of the X.P.C. fraternities became members. Some of the X.P.C. groups have practically no representation here, and other groups had not yet caught the spirit of this Panhellenic co-operation, and did not come in. Monthly luncheon meetings of the Board of two representatives from each group were held, which were open to all fra-

38 To DRAGternity women, and at which .some program was given besides the bness meeting. The main activity was that of launching what was howould be a big annual luncheon. This was held in the early spring was an almost embarrassing success. For high hopes had been held 150 would attend, and when the dining room capacity of 350 had breached, reservations were turned down! The speaker was the DeanWomen at the State University. -Miss Agnes Ellen Harris, and there also a series of "stunts" given by the active chapters in local collein the order of their scholastic rating on their campuses. I t was abig success. (AOII, in the person of Rochelle Rodd Gachet, was chman of the luncheon committee, this chairmanship rotating as the ficer.-- do by X.P.C. official roster).
With 1930, AXn took the presidency, and the idea of expanding work began to grow. However, the annual luncheon was still made main endeavor. This year Mrs. Emily Newell Blair was imported tothe speaker, and her address was followed by a Panhellenic page(A()li was in charge of this pageant). The popularity of this moment was established in the 400 fraternity women who attended, bactive and alumna? members of the different groups, not only from Biingham proper, but from towns over the state.
A movement for establishing scholarship funds in the two lcolleges was begun in 1930, and further developed in the present yIt is hoped to make an award for the college year 1931-32.
The annual affair for 1931 will take the form of a formal tea, rathan a luncheon. Miss Louise Fitch, AAA, Dean of Women at Cornhas been invited as the honor guest, and will deliver an address as parthe program at the tea.
While a young organization, the Birmingham City Panhellenic really made a place for itself in the life of the city, and it will be to accomplish things of increasing importance as a closer contact amthe fraternity women is established. Things sometimes do happen as tshould!
New Albany organized with Katherine Davis ( 0 ) , as its Their meetings are informative as well as social.
presidAlpha Omicron Pi members were hosts to the last meeting of the NAlbany Panhellenic Association. Mary Hester Diehl, Helen Wells Cooand I, all Theta chapter Alpha O's, entertained the girls with whatconsidered a very interesting program. Being true hostesses we kept selves in the background, and let the SK's, Xfi's, and ZTA's tell uthemselves. This is winding up our series of short talks on the varfraternities represented in Panhellenic.
Mrs. Thomas Perry, a member of Eta chapter of A<I> who knpersonally some of the A<r> Founders, was the main speaker of the ning. Alter a brief resume, of some of their Founders' accomplishmetold with the highlights made jxissible by personal acquaintance, MPerry devoted the rest of her time to the engrossing life of FranWillard, a pioneer in the temperance movement and probably Amost outstanding member. Frances Willard lived again for us, re-crea

MAY, 1931 30
usi- ped and that een of was ges ll a air- of- the the be ant
ve- oth rm- ocal ear. ther ell, t of has able ong hey by Mrs. Perry's beautiful phrases for she is an able speaker. Ii mat- tered not that we belonged to other fraternities; we shared in Frances Willard's fineness as if she had been our own sister and realized anew the bigness of the fraternity world of which we are a part.
As our Panhellenic is small, all members attend the Council meet- ings held each month in the girls' homes. Our programs are varied. In November the AP's gave a lovely old-fashioned tea in honor of which we donned our grandmothers' satins and laces, scented our dainty kerchiefs with lavender and sipped tea by candlelight, in our most gracious man- ner. The girls who are away at school were our guests during the Christ- mas holidays when the AXfJ's entertained us with a "Kid Party." We had a gay frolic, not forgetting the ice cream and cake that delighted our
We have planned some charity work; for there is still great need in New Albany even though spring is here and we want to do our share in relieving the poor.
Elections take place in May, at which time AOn comes to the end of the presidency which she has held during the year and a half Pan- hellenic has been organized. It has been a pleasant experience to be chair- man of this harmonious group, but we shall be glad to sit back and lis- ten to some one else preside.
Banta's Greek Exchange has helped us often with our programs. The committee plans a new series of short talks when representatives from each fraternity will tell briefly of one or two of their outstanding mem- bers.Then watch us spread ourselves on the famous Alpha's,when some of the others are hostesses, however.
We have several new recruits, among them Aileen Wate (13<f>), and are anxiously looking forward to the time when Elizabeth Gadient and Dorothy Trautman, Theta chapter pledges, will be home from school, and we can welcome them into full membership.
Our next meeting is an Easter bridge. We are a sociable crowd and talk more than is good for our bridge game, but we do have good times. If any of you are ever near, be sure to join us.
Helen Haller (12), president of Los Angeles Panhellenic, tells how a large city manages to have a very worth-while group.
On the second Wednesday of every month at ten-thirty in the morn- ing the Los Angeles City Panhellenic meets to discuss its various prob- lems and plans. The place of meeting has been rather a difficult one to settle, for while most of the delegates live in Hollywood, there are a number from out-of-town, and it is almost impossible to select a meeting place suitable to all. Then, too, the matter of cost is an important item. Dues of $2 a year from twenty-fourmembers leave little in the budget for rental of rooms. This past year we have been fortunate in having a room donated to us by one of the large department stores in the center
of the city.
We try to have a social meeting every other month. The September meeting is our first opportunity to become acquainted with the new dele- gates and alternates. In October we have a tea to which actives and alum-
ew per we our- s of ious ows eve- nts, rs. ces $'s ted

40 To DR n;e are invited and at which we give a jjermanent award to the Panlenic sorority at U.C.L.A. and S.C. which had the highest scholaiaverage for the past year. Since the universities figure the averagthe semester, and our award is based on the year's record, we are sotimes able to surprise the sorqrities receiving the gifts.
This year our December meeting was held at the Kappa Theta hin Westwood in the form of a bridge tea. Most of the sororities chapters at YVestwood, and the representatives seemed much interein going through the house, admiring the drapes and furniture madethe actives, alumna1 , and mothers.
The chief work of the fall is the formulation of plans for an anbridge benefit by which we maintain a scholarship loan fund at U.C.and S.C. and also pay for the scholarship awards. This year our pwere made on a much larger scale, the benefit being held at the BevHills Hotel. We entertained four hundred guests, sold candy, rafflfitted traveling case, held a fashion show, gave table and door prizes,most important of all cleared about $240. Our fund at each univenow totals $450.
In March we had a very profitable discussion of active and aluproblems which was attended by a large group. We discussed such ters as cooperative buying and what type of alumna; meetings was successful. At our next meeting we shall make plans to get in towith visiting sorority X.E.A. delegates who will be in Los AngeleJune.
We shall close the year in May with a bridge luncheon for delegand alternates.
Small cities are able to have a much larger representation at Panhellenic meetings because they do not specify that certain delegand alternates be elected. In a city the size of Los Angeles, however,plan would mean that City Panhellenic would have a large unwigroup or would die for lack of any definite placing of responsibilitydo, however, under our present plan run the danger of having therority put the total responsibility on the delegate or on the delegate the alternate. Where the organizations have had sufficient wisdom or to elect a delegate who assumes this responsibility, that organizationprofited and so has City Panhellenic. However, where the organizathave assumed that the task amounted to nothing and could be hanby any one. whether she took an interest or not, the result has beeno benefit to the sorority and a distinct disadvantage to City Panlenic. We who have attempted to shoulder the responsibilityof City hellenic for the past several years cannot urge too strongly that gcare be exercised in choosing Panhellenic delegates and alternates

hel xhin e bv me ouse have sted by nual L.A lans erly ed a and rsity mni mat- most uch s in ates their
. We
has V ions
n of
"T WAS in Peking, by chance, at the best time of year for a visit there —the early fall. The North China Language School, at which I lived, offered wonderful food and quarters, not unlike those of a
new finely run and equipped college dormitory, for the remarkable sum
MAY, 1 9 3 1 4 erein 3T> tscover
( A) , jogs
in a
The Qreat Wall of Qhina

of $50 a month—doubly unbelievable after the high costs of Ruswhich was outstandingly the most expensive place I have been to on whole trip. Peking, on the other hand, was certainly the cheapest—everything. There isn't room for details, but imagine, for example, ting fifty-three pieces of laundry washed and ironed on a piece b(four of them dresses), two other dresses pressed, and a wool jerdress dry-cleaned for a total of SI.06! I t isn't an easy task to save momoin Peking, however, for all that. Read Street, Jade Street, Silver StrEmbroidery Street, Flower Street, Lantern Street, and all of the otstreets see to that!
I had my own ricksha and ricksha boy in Peking and used thgenerously for sightseeing. As I went through the Summer and WinPalaces and the Forbidden City, all of them now entirely opened the public, I couldn't help but realize that this was the third countrvsuccession in which I had been (the other two being Germany and Rsia) where the common people were now overrunning estates and buings that only a few years ago had been the palace homes of kings emperors! Coal Hill, closed to the public for many years because heights overlooked part of the Imperial residence, was also reopewhile I was in Peking. The Temple and Altar of Heaven exceededloveliness even its well-known beautiful pictures. I spent interesthours visiting the Lama Temple, the Temple of Confucius, the HallClassics, the Rell and Drum Towers, the Tartar, Chinese and ImperCities, the Jade Pagoda and its environs, the Green Cloud Tempwhere Sun Yat Sen's coffin rests, etc. I went several times to the WestHills outside of the city, where there are glorious tramps (and whPeking residents rent old temple buildings as summer homes!), aspent countless hours in the streets watching picturesque wedding afuneral processions and the city's interesting street life. In spite of uversally expressed doubt as to its feasibility, due to the upset conditiof the country and of transportation facilities, we even got out to Ming Tombs, and to see the wonderful Great Wall of China climb atwist its way up and down steep valleys and along sheer mountaridges. It was anything except the cand-dried tourist trip that it threatento be, however, for on reaching Nankby automobile, we found that the trfrom there would probably not run thday. so we got donkeys instead for twelve-mile ride to the wall, and comiback, found accommodations not on expected passenger train, but high on tarpaulin which covered a load of won a freight car, in a freight train thwas carrying thousands of tightly packsheep into Peking. It certainly wasweird ride in the gathering darkne

MAY, 1931
si thi'
or ^
but each other to hold on to on our high
o e r c h as the train swerved around curves
or tipped along the steep embankments.
The next day, at the lovely old Ming
Tombs, approached by an avenue of such
appealing huge animal and human
ouardians hewn out of stone, the car in
which we were riding broke down, and
after visiting the tombs, we spent the
oreater part of the afternoon and eve-
ning sitting in the fields under soldier
guard (as protection against possible ban-
dits!) waiting for reinforcements, not
knowing what to expect out of the high
fields of waving corn on either side of us,
and riding, when a fresh car finally did
arrive at 9 P.M., back to Nankow under
military escort, our automobile stopped
everv few hundred feet by challenging v,,:,.•,,i.
soldiers who stuck the pointed bayonets
at the end of their rifles into the car and
kept them there until they got through their thick heads the fact that we weren't marauders and that it was all right for us to be out on the road at that time of night.
I spent an all-too-short month in Peking, in beautiful fall weather, before 1 left for Korea, to join some friends from Japan there in a tramp- ing trip in the Diamond Mountains. Again, by luck, the trip from Peking to Dairen was made without difficulty or delay, except that, because of a last-minute change in plans, I had to travel third-class on the boat from Tangku to Dairen because no first-class accommodations were available. It was an interesting experience howrever, and no one could have been better looked after or cared for than I was by my Japanese, Chinese and Russian fellow-passengers. One of the Chinese even brought me a portion of cooked locusts which I had watched him prepare earlier on the upper deck! Fortunately, I could truthfully say that I wasn't eating any dinner that evening!
My route from Dairen lay north through Manchuria to Mukden once more, and then southeast through Korea to Seoul, Korea's capital, where my friends and I had planned to meet. The Mukden-Seoul part of the trip was lovely, especially in its latter half—through beautiful Korean country, green and fertile, with rolling fields and low hills lead- ing up to gaunt gray rock mountains whose jagged outlines stood out in sharp points against the clear blue sky. Tiny villages dotted the land- scape everywhere, the thatched roofs of their little houses often looking hardly larger than some of the stacks of dried corn standing in the fields, and often distinguishable from them as the train passed only by means of the vines of brilliant red peppers or orange pumpkins that trailed so colorfully across the houses' thatch. It was rice harvesting time,
g asis sev nev
ney eet
her em ter to in us- ild- and its ned in ing
of ial le, ern ere nd nd ni- on the nd in
ut- ed ow ain at the ng the the ool at
ed a ss,

mnds its way <,/ Peking.
t 0 //,,-ca l c s

44 T°D
R40MTlic Great
Wall of
its serpentine
across the
and the paddy fields were full of workers knee-deep in the mud or watewith their knives, while others were stacking the rich bunches of yellowgrains in neat rows on frames. More than once 1 laughed aloud as saw some Korean man in his long white coat, tied with a neat bowover the side of his chest, amble dignifiedly along in the funny black"fly-catcher" hat which covered his little topknot, with his scant buprecious beard-hairs and his inevitable long, thin, tiny-bowled pipeHis mien was so serious—and his appearance so ludicrous! The womenalways had their pipes, too—and their babies—chubby little things ingaily-colored clothes that contrasted sharply with the white which thmen and women wear year in and year out. The women are full-facedand their many layers of clothes make them take on quite ample proportions. They stood out in sharp contrast to the drably clothedscrawny Chinese workers of the day before.
My friends and I met without difficulty at the end of the journeyand after seeing the sights of Seoul, started for the Diamond MountainsThe maple leaves were at the height of their fall coloring, making indescribably beautiful pictures in their settings among the old pine treesor against the massive gray rocks. The mountains themselves werejagged, craggy peaks that rose sheerly to varying heights up to 5,000feet, with trails that ranged from easy walks to climbs for the accom-plishment of which ropes and chains were necessary. Temples andmonasteries, some said to date from 515 A.n., dotted the mountainsidesin the most unexpected places. Hundreds of waterways poured downfrom the hills, winding in and out of smooth, huge granite walls andboulders in the loveliest streams. There was a water Kongo (Kongo-Sanis the Japanese name for the Diamond Mountains) as well as the landKongo, great fantastic rock cliffs rising from the beach and from thesea itself. The whole region was really beautifully scenic. We loved it—even if many of the trails were so stony that in six days of walkingI wore out the soles of a brand-new pair of shoes!
We had to go back to Seoul by train at the end of our tramp, andfrom there I went to Fusan, at the southern end of Korea, crossing coun-

MAY, 1931
^ beautiful as that north of Seoul had been. From Fusan I took 8 boat over the straits to Shimonoseki, and in the middle of October, found myself in Japan again—for the fourth time in two years, and after planning to get here ever since last April!
I stopped at Miyajima on my way from Shimonoseki to see the huge red torii in the water that is one of the Sankei, or "Three Famous Sights" of Japan, spending the night in an adorable little Japanese house built over a gurgling brook, in an enchanting Japanese garden, jjy the next night, however, I was back once more in my old room in the house on the hill in Kobe, delighted and happy beyond words at being there again.
I stayed in it, however, only long enough to straighten out some of the baggage gathered in from all parts of the East—India, Java, Singa- pore and Japan, in addition to that which I had carried with me— and all brought together for the first time in almost a year. If ever I faced a depressing job, this was it—not only because of its amount, but because of its condition, due to the things' long incarceration in suitcases, the ravaging effects of the climate in the places in which they had been left, and the rigors of the freight trip from wherever they had been to the place they now were. After several days of fussing, I finally closed all of the bags in despair, and set out for Tokyo.
T)o ^ou Know That
Betty Jackson (AT), is president of Cap and Gown, vice president oj Student Government, an honorary member oj the W.A.A. Board and on its nominating committee.
Gladys Hawickhorst and Lucile Wright, both B9 members were elected to 4>K4> on December 1.
Mary McCord (0), has the highest number oj activity points oj any DePauw woman.
Anne Nichols (Q), has received one of the two Rector scholarships. She earned the highest grades in freshman class.
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Nu Chapter won the inter-sorority basketball cup.
Frances Rodenhaitser (NO), headed the Sophomore Vanderbilt University 'with 101 quality credits.
Roll at
Janie Price (II), was carnival king at Newcomb's ball.
The pledges of Omicron Chapter won the Panhellenic scholarship cup at the University of Tennessee.
Isabel Baptist (0), led the mid-winter dances in February at the University of Tennessee
Margaret Upson (Z), 'was elected president of AAA national fresh- man honorary, at the University of Nebraska.
Mary Ellen Chase's (V), story, "Salesmanship," has been included in the "Sixteen Best Short Stories for 1930."
lone Jackson (1), is president of the Minnesota Slate Dental Hygien- ists' Association and was program chairman of the National Dental Hy- gienists' Convention in Denver.

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MRS. LELAND ame to write myperiences in bacology, and I must truly fess that I have had noneshould I say none so Anyway, I shall endeavosummarize m y three yeara fellow in the MFoundation.
I was one of those tunate individuals who able to obtain a research lowship in the MFoundation. For two one-half years I was in Division of ExperimeBacteriology under Dr. ERosenow; and for six moI was in the Sections of Clcal Laboratories. The firstsi una II. /;. Doisey ( HA) , foses in her laboratory. The new clinic at Roches-
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ter is a beautiful like building.
"Bacteriologist's J^ife at JUayo QlinBy ANNA H . E . DORSFA', Pi Delia

•&AY, 1931 47
sked ex- teri- con- ; or far. r to
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' months I was at the Institute of Experimental Medicine which pro- vides adequate laboratories for the sections on experimental bacteri- ology- surgery, pathology, and biophysics. Accessory to these are stables and kennels which have facilities for the general and hospital care
f all experimental animals. Here is where I started my problem on appendicitis only to find that I was too far from the various hospitals to obtain the acute appendices, as cultures must be taken as soon as the appendices are removed at operation. The Institute is located about three miles .rum the center of Rochester. It was decided that I move into
L St. Man 's Hospital where there were already the Medical Laboratories. H ' w a s given a very small room with only one window but the necessary equipment such as an incubator, microscope, icebox, desk lamp, and a Bunsen burner. I mentioned the one window for most, if not all. labora- tories have many windows; but no doubt this must have been at one time a store room. Even so, I did all of my research in that little room. St. Mary's Hospital is operated by the Sisters of Saint Francis and is the largest of the six hospitals, having 600 beds for medical and sur- gical patients. I soon found that the problem on appendicitis would not keep me entirely busy so I started some work (in co-operation with the section on medicine) on the isolation of streptococci from teeth, tonsils, and nasopharynges of patients having arthritis; and studied their "Elective Localization" in animals. This has not been published. After working on this for several months I began (in association with another fellow) the problems on "The Bacteriology of Blood in Chronic In-
• fectious Arthritis"; and "Bacteriology of Affected Tissues in Chronic Arthritis." Both of these articles have been published in medical jour- nals. Along with this work I started a little problem which turned out
I to be a large one on the culturing of arteries and veins from subjects having thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Much to my amazement and many others I was able to obtain a pleomorphic streptococcus. I then studied by various methods the reproduction of this disease in animals. I was able to show lesions in rabbits somewhat similar to those seen in sub-
i jects having thrombo-angiitis obliterans. Whether or not this microbe plays an etiologic factor in the disease is yet unknown, and whether the lesions reproduced in animals are of any significance is yet to be proven. This was completed last year.
After finishing the various problems in the Division of Experimental Bacteriology with Dr. E. C. Rosenow, I was transferred to the Section ! of Clinic Laboratories for six months. This consisted of two months of clinical bacteriology, two months each in the Hematology and Urinalysis Laboratories. Then my fellowship was completed, and I had planned ' to study abroad for a year when I was offered a position as an assistant in Bacteriology at the Mayo Clinic. Here I am. At present my laboratory ' is situated on the third floor in the clinic building. I am still working on the isolation of Microorganisms obtained from surgically removed tissues; but my chief aim is the problem of bacteriophage of the microbe which I obtained from arteries and veins of subjects having thrombo-
angiitis obliterans.

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