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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-21 16:18:31

1978 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. LXI, No. 4

To Dracpia of

Qmicion Pi
Fall, 1978 Vol.LXI, No. 4

fo Dragma of

Onicron Pi

Fall, 1978 Vol. LXI, No. 4

Published since January, 1905, by Page 24 Contents
Page 27
ALPHA OMICRON PI Page 7 3 Regional Meetings
Fraternity, Inc. 1978

Founded at Barnard College, 13 1978 Council
January 2, 1897 Directory

Founders 22 Pledging: A Time To
Jessie Wallace Hughan Grow
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry 23 Scholarship
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha Competition Stiff
Chapter at Barnard College of Colum- 24 The Travelers Of 1978-79
bia University and all are deceased.
25 After Graduation,
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office What Next?
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 26 Founders' Day Message
Telephone: 615-383-1174 27 Truly A Remarkable

Administrative Director: Sue Lewis, Woman
TA, (Rex) 28 Diamond Jubilee

Accountant: Kay Saunders, A l l Foundation Scholars
Communications Coordinator: Becky

Montgomery, KIT
Supplies Secretary: Marie Jacobs
Shipping Clerk: Kim Vaughn, A I
Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins
Receptionist/Secretary: Betty

Traveling Consultants:
Suzanne Colgan, AT
Claire Edgington, AX
Denise Hembree, XA
Leslie Welch, * T
Editor: Becky Montgomery, K f l

PI, the official organ of Alpha Omi- nial Park in Nashville is a replica of the famous
cron Pi, is published quarterly by A l - ancient Greek structure in Athens, Greece.
pha Omicron Pi, Compolith Graphics Come to Nashville to visit "AOFI Country"
and Dixon Publishing Co. Subscrip- for the 1979 International Convention June 30-
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per July 3, and you can see the Parthenon along
year. Life subscription, $25.00. Send with many other famous Nashville sights!
change of address and correspondence
of a business nature to Alpha Omicron
Pi, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103,
Nashville, Tennessee 37212. Address
all editorial communications to the
Editor in care of Central Office, Second
Class Postage paid at Nashville, Ten-


Regional Meetings

Mary Louise Roller, right, presents one of "Meeting,
the many alumnae awards given at the Re- Learning,
gion III summer meeting in Birmingham. Having Fun . . , "

The summer of '78 was the 3
summer—the summer for Re-
gional Meetings, that is! I
Alumnae and collegians
gathered together for three 3
days of "meeting, learning,
and having fun." Workshops 1
on such topics as fraternity
education, ritual, and leader-
ship training gave partici-
pants a chance to learn more
about the Fraternity and

The meetings were also the
place for recognizing the con-
tributions of many of our in-
dividual sisters and chapters,
too. This page shows but two
of the many award winners of
the Summer of '78 . . .

Region IV gives its congratulations to the 1978 co-recipient of the Perry Award, Marjorie
Long, KA.


Region I

Welcoming the delegates to Region I's summer meeting are, bottom to top, Helen Mc- eling consultants for 1977-78, as
Mahon, Vice President; Eleanore MacCurdy, Past International President and Diamond well as Joan Deathe MacCallum, Ex-
Jubilee Foundation President; Harriet O'Leary, Regional Meetings Chairman; Joan Mac- ecutive Board Director; Neen Neale,
Callum, International Executive Board Director; Lynn Sibley, Finance Officer; and Bunny International Scholarship Chair-
Baker, Extension Officer. man, and several regional collegians
and alumnae.
"Pandarama Region I —to meet, to Chapter was quite successful. With
learn, to have some fun . . . " was assistance from the collegiate chap- Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, I A,
the caption of the pamphlet sent out ters, Beta Tau and Gamma Beta, and president of the Diamond Jubilee
to invite alumnae and collegians the alumnae chapters of Boston, Foundation, gave a presentation on
alike to Region I's meeting June 9-11 Charleston, Long Island, Montreal, the Foundation. She announced that
at Haven Hall of Syracuse Univer- New Jersey, Ottawa, Rochester, and two girls from Region I , Cynthia
sity in Syracuse, New York. Wilmington, the 112 delegates had Reckahn, I P and Mary Harmeak,
the opportunity to participate in BT, were recipients of DJF scholar-
Meeting, learning, and having fun several helpful workshops. ships for this year.
sums up very well Region I's 1978
meeting. Under the chairmanship of Region I was fortunate to have as Other regional awards were also
Harriet O'Leary, 9 H , the meeting workshop facilitators Maryann presented at the meeting. Anne
hosted by the Syracuse Alumnae Tiemann and Susan Bloxham, trav- Jolliffe, BT, was awarded honorable
mention for the Perry Award. Also
4 receiving recognition were Mary
Margaret Groark, 011, collegiate
chapter leadership award; Beta Tau,
collegiate chapter improvement
award; Syracuse and New Jersey
Alumnae, certificate of achieve-
ment; Southern Connecticut, alum-
nae chapter improvement award;
Thelma Mitchell, New Jersey Alum-
nae chapter, alumnae service award;
and Sandy Amos, retiring regional

The leadership session was led by
Elizabeth Brown, Director of
Parents' Office at Syracuse Univer-
sity. This workshop was for all dele-
gates and was centered around the
theme, "The Successful Woman in
Today's World."

Even amidst all the working and
learning, Region I still found time
for fun. Singing and cheering ses-
sions added a great deal of spirit.
Delegates also had a special treat as
they were entertained by a Mar-El
Marionette show by Marcia Evans,
Syracuse Alumnae president.

Syracuse Alumnae Chapter members, Beatrice Gould, left, and
Ruth Dales exhibit some of the articles offered in the Boutique.

Tau chapter at the University of II Meets June 16-18
Minnesota was the meeting place for
Region II's meeting June 16-18. The h
meeting was under the chairman-
ship of Carolyn Olstead. i session.

Sixty delegates were in atten- Lois Golding was the facilitator for Region II's leadership
dance. Alumnae chapters repre-
sented included Ann Arbor, »I
Dayton, Dearborn, Detroit North
Suburban, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, » #3
and Toledo. Chapter presidents, vice
presidents, rush chairmen, chapter Regional leaders of Region II include, from left, Carolyn Klus, Regional Director; Carolyn
advisers, and treasurers represented Katz, Finance Officer; Barbara Hunt, Vice President; Joyce Left, Regional Director; Barb
Beta Epsilon, Beta Pi, Iota Tau, Kap- Zolnierczak, Extension Officer; Sally Drea, Regional Director; and Char Potter, Regional Di-
pa Pi, Omega, Omicron Pi, Phi rector.
Delta, Phi Lambda, Sigma Tau, and
Tau. 5

Workshop facilitators included
traveling consultant Denise
Hembree; Lois Golding, past Min-
neapolis alum member, and several
regional directors and officers.
Another special guest was Rosalie
Barber from the Diamond Jubilee
Foundation. Alice Aderman, from
the Constitution, Interpretation, and
Revision Committee also added a
great deal to sessions.

Regional Vice President Barb
Hunt was the Rose Banquet speaker
and presented the alumnae and col-
legiate awards. Minneapolis alum-
nae received a certificate of achieve-
ment. Beta Epsilon was recognized
for having the largest initiation per-
centage—100%! Karen Dudley and
Adrienne Tenney were recipients of
the collegiate leadership award. The
Region was also proud to announce
that Candi Moore, KFl, received
honorable mention for the Perry

Elected for officers were Barb
Hunt, Regional Vice President; Bar-
bara Zolnierczak, Regional Exten-
sion Officer, and Carolyn Katz, Re-
gional Finance Officer.

Birmingham Alumnae Chapter
Hostesses Region III Meeting

Sue Lewis, Central Office Administrative Kahler Plaza Hotel in Birmingham, particularly enjoyed the stories she
Alabama found itself the host to told about the Founders. A special
Director, was the Rose Banquet Panda-Rama Region III style June office, Panda Relations Designers,
16-18. The Birmingham Alumnae was given to Mary Louise and Mary
toastmistress. Chapter, under the direction of Lin- Ruth McKnight after they appeared
da Maples was the hostess alumnae in original outfits of red and white
chapter. checked shirts and white skirts on
which were appliqued pandas.
Traveling consultant Susan Blox-
ham and SCAs, Suzanne Meyer, Pat Hardy spoke at the opening
Susan Guenzler, and Cindy Walker dinner on extension in Region III.
were four of the many workshop fa- The theme for the evening was
cilitators at the meeting. " A O n on the Move." Bumper
sticker favors were given.
Mary Louise Roller, past Interna-
tional President and current dele- Karen Tucker, a member of the
gate to NPC was a guest of the re- Diamond Jubilee Foundation at-
gion who gave valuable assistance tended. She congratulated Region III
to many of the sessions. She gave the for having the most DJF scholarship
message from the Executive Board at winners. At the Saturday luncheon,
the opening meeting and at another she gave a presentation on the
business session she gave invaluable Foundation. Region I I I delegates
information on A O n and the law. contributed $150 to DJF.
Members of the ritual workshop
To get.everyone in the spirit for

; •

Charlotte Dominick, Jefferson County
Alumnae Treasurer,
speaker. was the Banquet


Nancy Bettis, Regional Vice President, Regional Officers and Regional Directors of Region III take a break for a camera pose at
presents the collegiate leadership award their summer meeting. They are, from left, (back) Margaret Hook. RD; Charlotte Barnes,
to Cathy Hirsch, NB. RD; Nancy Bettis. RVP; Linda Blau. RD; and Pat Hardy, REO. Front. Kathy Chaffin, RFO;
Lynn Baumgartner. RD; Judy Jolly, RD; and Patsy Cox, RD.

the 1979 convention to be held in • f»
Nashville next June, the ROC and
RDs gave a sneak preview of what is ll
in store for convention goers. Spe-
cial guests included "Ruby" Pearl /
(alias Patsy Cox) and Dolly Parten
(alias Lynn Baumgartner.) Donna Willis, AA, receives a standing ovation for being named the 1978 co-recipient of the
Perry Award.
The speaker at the Rose Banquet
was Charlotte Lane Dominick, Pandarama in
Jefferson County Alumnae treas- Region IV

Many awards were presented at
the meeting. Region III was honored
when Donna Willis, president of Al-
pha Delta, was selected as a co-re-
cipient of the Perry Award. Cathy
Hirsch, NB, and Sophia Weatherby,
r Z , were presented with the out-
standing collegiate leadership
awards. Zeta Psi was named the
most improved collegiate chapter,
and Delta Phi was given the award
for the youngest collegiate chapter.
Jane Hollingsworth Watts, O, was
selected as the recipient of the alum-
nae exceptional service award. The
most improved alumnae chapter
was Atlanta Tri-County, and
Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter was
given the youngest alumnae chapter

Regional officers elected were
Nancy Bettis, Vice President; Kathy
Chaffin, Finance Officer; and Pat
Hardy, Extension Officer.

Purdue University was invaded by Chicago West Suburban alums and i
AOris from all over Region IV June Phi Upsilon. Certificates of merit to
16-18 when they held their 1978 Re- those chapters who reached chapter Representatives, from left, Beta Phi, Theta,
gional Meeting. limitation during the 1977-78 and Alpha Chi, were recognized for their
school year were presented to Beta chapters having been number one in
Co-chairmen of the meeting were Lambda, Beta Phi, Chi Lambda, scholarship among sororities on campus
Jonalou Harrington and Diane Hill. Delta Omega, Iota, Kappa Alpha, for at least one term during the 1977-78
Kappa Kappa, and Phi Upsilon. Cer- academic year.
Workshop facilitators included tificates of merit to those collegiate
Kay Sutherlin, Executive Board di- chapters pledging quota during 7
rector, Jane Hamblin, International their formal rush were given to Beta
Rush Chairman, and Peg Crawford, Lambda, Delta Omega, Iota, Kappa
National Panhellenic Conference Alpha, Kappa Kappa, Phi Upsilon,
first alternate. Also assisting were and Sigma Iota. Chicago Northwest
Maryann Tiemann, traveling con- Suburban alums were presented
sultant, 1977-78, and new traveling with a certificate of merit for their
consultants, Leslie Welch and Claire" outstanding membership program.
Edgington. The Region was also AOn Pandas were given to the col-
pleased to have Pat Mottweiler of legiate chapters ranking number
the Diamond Jubilee Foundation. one in scholarship among all
sororities on their campus for at
The Rose Banquet speaker was least one term during 1977-78.
Kay Sutherlin. It was at this time These chapters included Alpha Chi,
that the many regional awards were Beta Phi, and Theta. Chi Lambda
presented. Certificates of merit to was recognized for turning in all
alumnae and collegiate chapters
having the most delegates in atten-
dance at the meeting were given to

their reports to their Regional Direc-
tor on time. The Rosebud award was
given to Sue Ellen Wynn, outgoing
president of Phi Omicron. Out-
standing collegiate treasurer award
was presented to Sherry Hartford,
Alpha Chi. Indianapolis Alumnae
Chapter was recognized as the most
improved alumnae chapter. The col-
legiate leadership award was pre-
sented to Sharon Stefanik, Iota, and
Marsha Guenzler, Beta Lambda.
Alumnae service award was re-
ceived by Peg Frerk, Chicago North-
west Suburban alums. Region IV
was especially proud to announce
that Marjorie Long, Kappa Alpha,
was the co-recipient of the 1978 Per-
ry award. Finally, the regional serv-
ice award for extensive service was
presented to Ann Gilchrist, retiring
regional director, and Ruth Brown,
retiring finance officer.

Officers elected at the meeting
were Nancy Clark, Vice President;
Mary Williams, Finance Officer; and
Peg Knopsnyder, Extension Officer.

Honors, friends, and regional leaders—all
were in abundance at Region IV's meeting
this summer. Above: Nancy Clark RVP,
presents Marsha Guenzler, BA, with the
collegiate leadership award. Right: Ruth
Brown, second from left, greets an old
friend. Top Right: The Regional Operations
Committee for 1978-80 pose with Ruth
Brown, retiring RFO. seated. They are, from
left, Mary Williams. RFO; Peg Knopsnyder,
REO; and Nancy Clark RVP.

Region V Meets in Ames

Regional officers and award winners of Region V are: back, from Regional and International representatives present at this sum-
mer's Region V meeting were, back, from left, Karen Smith, Vice
left, Peggy Kelley, Regional Director; Julie Thibault, Z, scholarship President, Jayne Dee, Extension Officer; Mary Moore, International
Secretary-Treasurer; Maxine Charity, Finance Officer; and Denise
award; Denise Pinkston, 1, Clair Wefso, Z, Charlene Meyer, RD; Hembree, Traveling Consultant. Front, Peggy Kelley, Regional Di-
rector; Charlene Meyer, Regional Director; and Ginny Struble, Re-
Sue Roberts, most improved alumnae chapter, Lincoln Alumnae; gional Director.

Helen Bergin, Zeta president; and Ginny Struble, RD. Front, Karen

Smith, Regional Vice President; Maxine Charity, Regional Finance

Officer; Mary Moore, International Secretary-Treasurer; Laura

Malsom, and Stacia Dryer.


li J

Memorial Union in Ames, Iowa leadership award. Karen Shirk was given to Joyce Hall, A l l , of Greater
caught Pandarama "fever" June 10- selected as the most dedicated Kansas City Alumnae; and Shirley
12 when 63 delegates from Region V adviser. Alumnae chapter awards Walker, <t>l, of the Kearney Alums.
spent the weekend devoted to learn- were presented to Lincoln alumnae
ing and fellowship. The meeting, for the most improved chapter; and Officers elected were Karen
under the co-chairmanship of Rob- the Greater Kansas City Alumnae as Smith, Vice President; Maxine
bie Malm and Anne Landis, was the most outstanding chapter. The Charity, Finance Officer; and Jayne
hostessed by the Ames and Des alumnae leadership award was Dee, Extension Officer.
Moines alumnae chapters and Sig-
ma Iota collegiate chapter. Hostesses for the Region V meeting this summer were the lota Sigma alums and collegi-

Mary Moore, International Secre- ates. Back, from left. Shah Neary. Kim Portz, Candy Charity, Kristy Klueth, Amy Armbrust,
tary/Treasurer, began the meeting
by leading a ritual workshop. She and Rhonda Bjornsen Front, Mary Moore, International Secretary-Treasurer; Maxine
also served as the Rose Banquet
speaker. Other facilitators included Charity, RFO; Karen Shirk, and Jayne Dee. REO. Kneeling, Robbie Malm and Anne Landis.
Denise Hembree, traveling consult-
ant, and Joyce Cordon, a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta who is the Area
Panhellenic Representative. Also in
attendance was Marguerite Butler, a
representative of the Diamond
Jubilee Foundation.

Regional Vice President Karen
Smith presented the awards for Re-
gion V. Collegiate awards were
given to Zeta chapter for the highest
grade point average. They also re-
ceived the Alpha award. Delta Pi
was given the most improved col-
legiate chapter award, and Lambda
Omega was recognized for having
the largest attendance. Celann La
Greca, 3>Z, was given the collegiate


Alpha Rho Hostesses Vl's Meeting


Region VI Delegation

Alpha Rho chapter house at Oregon learning for the 81 delegates who at- eling consultant this year was also a
State University was the site of the tended. workshop leader.
1978 meeting for Region VI. Under
the co-chairmanship of Tia Coker Traveling consultant Lisa Richter- Awards presented at the meeting
and Gayle Fitzpatrick, the meeting meyer served as one of the many fa- included the collegiate chapter im-
offered a time for fellowship and cilitators. Suzanne Colgan who will provement award which was given
be serving the fraternity as a trav- to Beta Sigma. Janice McDonald,
AP, and Susan Rauch, AT, were
Regional Operations Committee and Regional Directors for 1978-80 are, from left, Alverna presented with the collegiate leader-
Swan, Vice President; Elaine Smith, Extension Officer; Marilyn Lundberg, Finance Officer; ship award while Marie Mac-
and Regional Directors, Audrey Humason, Mary Pallfy, and Mary O. Haller. Lochlan, BK; Debbie Taylor, A 2 ;
and Cheryl Lynn Boyle, BP; re-
ceived honorable mention. Portland
Alumnae Chapter was recognized as
the most improved chapter. Rita
Haggardt, I A, was presented with
the alumnae service award. Special
rose awards were given to Kay Con-
rad, banquet speaker who is OSU
Panhellenic adviser; Ruth Baines,
AP; and Audrey Smith, AP.

The meeting proved to be quite a
success. Alverna Swan, RVP, stated
that the delegates "enjoyed the loca-
tion, the people they were with, and
appreciated the magnitude of the or-

Regional officers elected were
Alverna Swan, Vice President;
Elaine Smith, Extension Officer; and
Marilyn Lundberg, Finance Officer.


jfp n





Representatives from Kappa Tau and Ginger Banks, International • Head table for Region Vll's Rose Banquet.

Vice President/Operations await the start of the famed Rose Ban-


Region VII Meets in Houston

The Marriott Inn in Houston was awarded the collegiate chapter im- sented to Sigma Omicron and Tulsa
the meeting place of the Region VII provement award. Little Rock alum- alumnae. The collegiate leadership
meeting June 4-6. Under the chair- nae chapter was given the award for award was presented to Terri
manship of Debbie Bando, AO, Pan- most improved alumnae chapter. Parker, A T . Carolyn Wyatt, I O ,
darama, Region VII style held a Lambda Tau was recognized for was recognized with the alumnae
variety of experiences for the dele- having the highest percentage of service award. Extension awards
gates! initiations. Beaumont alums were were presented to the San Antonio
presented the award for having the alums and to Melanie Doyle, re-
Three of last year's traveling con- biggest percentage increase in mem- gional director.
sultants met again in Houston to bership while both Dallas and Tulsa
serve as facilitators for workshops. were given honorable mention. Region VII elected the following
Maryann Tiemann, Susan Bloxham, Upsilon Lambda colony was given people for their officers: Grace
and Denise Hembree (who is travel- the regional baby cup award. Out- LaMarca, Vice President; Barb
ing again this year) were invaluable standing chapter awards were pre- Kramer, Extension Officer, and
resource people with their year's Elaine Ellis, Finance Officer.
traveling experience. The 77 dele-
gates also enjoyed having two Ex- Regional Operations Committee for Region VII for 1978-80 are, from left, Elaine Ellis,
ecutive Board members in atten- Finance Officer; Grace LaMarca, Vice President; Barbara Kramer, Extension Officer; and
dance. Ginger Banks, Vice President Regional Directors, Jane Hoffman, Linda Chauviere, and Melanie Doyle.
of Operations, and Jo Beth Heflin,
Director, also aided with the work-
shops. Other guests in attendance
included International Regional
Meetings Chairman, Georgiann
Grace, and a representative from the
Diamond Jubilee Foundation,
Marion Clouse.

Not to neglect the western tradi-
tion, Friday night's dinner had the
theme, "Come In Western Cos-
tume." Cowboys, Indians, and pio-
neer women enjoyed themselves
greatly. One of the rarest sights in
Texas was "Orange Crush," alias
Georgiann Grace, who came in cos-
tume as a Denver Broncos fan.

The Rose Banquet speaker was
Ginger Banks. It was at the banquet
where the many regional awards
were presented. Alpha Omicron was


Region VIII Meets at USC June 23-25

Region VIII held its Regional Meet- the 110 alumane and collegians at- school of nursing. Jane Mattehaei,
ing June 23 through June 25 at the tending from Region VIII. XA, was presented a certificate in
University of Southern California recognition of exceptional leader-
campus. Collegians stayed at the Nu Highlighting the Rose Banquet on ship and scholarship on her cam-
Lambda chapter house, and alum- Saturday evening were the awards pus. Theta Omega chapter was
nae were housed in the nearby Pi presented to the following people given a certificate of recognition for
Beta Phi chapter house. and chapters. Riverside Alumnae chapter improvement. The 1978 Re-
Chapter received the Region VIII gion VIII chapter improvement
Attending from the Executive Baby Cup, somewhat belatedly, as award went to Upsilon Alpha, Uni-
Board was Marilyn Herman, T, our newest alumnae chapter. Olga versity of Arizona.
whose expertise in leadership train- Vatcher was presented with a Rose
ing and knowledge of rush tech- Award charm, an award she had ac- Also contributing to the great suc-
niques were much appreciated by all tually be honored with in 1957, but cess of the meeting was the presence
of those attending. Traveling Con- had never received the jewlery as it of Susan Duggins, A T , who will be
sultant Lisa Richtermeyer, API, was did not exist at the time. The winner continuing as SCA for Upsilon A l -
assigned to our meeting. We also of the regional meeting song com- pha and Janice McDonald, AP, who
had the good fortune to have Denise petition was Chi Delta chapter with will be serving as SCA for Chi Delta
Hembree, who will be continuing special recognition going to Sigma while attending the graduate school
this year as a TC and who was Pi chapter. The alumnae service at the University of Colorado.
former Chi Alpha chapter president. award was presented to Janet
Spomer, P, chapter adviser for Chi Elected to continue their terms of
Ann Crawford, K 0 , served as Re- Delta chapter. San Diego Alumnae office were: Sandra Rodgers Markel,
gional Meeting chairman. Ann, in Chapter was given an award for rec- T, Regional Vice President; Jean
addition to being the RM chairman ognition of an alumnae chapter for Hiler Maroder, A, Regional Exten-
is one of the new Regional Direc- longstanding excellence. The col- sion Officer, and Sandra
tors. She, along with Regional Di- legiate leadership award for Region Glooschenke Jaeger, I , Regional
rectors, Phyllis Gilson, !<P, Leah VIII was awarded to Kristena Ann Finance Officer.
MacNeil, A I , Janice Pope, 0 Q , led Kuykendall, T A , a junior in the
chapter management sessions for

Collegians from all over Region VIII met at this summer's Regional Gail Pexsnek and Vicki Barkan, both of Sigma Phi, take a break at
Meeting held the Nu Lambda house. this summer's Region VIII meeting.



Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Keep This Directory. The
founded at Barnard College Directory Is Printed Only

January 2, 1897 Once A Year.


Jessie Wallace H u g h a n Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Georgiann Lawley Grace (Ted), A T
Helen St. Clair M u l l a n (Mrs. George V.) 2401 H i l l s b o r o Rd., Suite 103 17 L o n g w o o d D r .
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George II.) Nashville, T N 37212 Monroe, L A 71201
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Telephone: 615/383-1174
Telephone: 318/343-6162
'The Founders were members of Alpha chapter at STAFF
Barnard College of Columbia University and all are RITUALS, TRADITIONS, A N D JEWELRY
deceased. Adnuuistratize Director: Sue Edmunds Lewis (Rex),
TA Chairman: G w e n Everetts Lee (W. D.), P
Accountant: Kay Saunders, A n Urbana, IL 61801
President Receptionist/Secretary: Betty Reynolds Telephone: 217/328-3154
Norma Marshall Ackel (August), K S Communications Coordinator: Beckv M o n t g o m e r y ,
Rosalie G o r h a m Barber (Michie M . ) , lO
3340 Yarmouth Ave.. #308 Kn 1713 M a c A r t h u r Park
Encino, CA 91316 Supplies Secretary: Marie lacobs
Telephone: 213/345-5199 Bookkeeper: Ben H o l l i n s lonesboro, A R 72401
Shipping Clerk: K i m V a u g h n
Vice-President/Development Traveling Consultant?: Members: M a r y Louise Filer Roller (George). API
Phyllis Arner VVesterman (William), P Suzanne Colgan, AT (See N a t i o n a l Panhellenic Conference delegate
Claire Edgington, A X listing)
88 Lake Shore Drive Denise Hembree, X A
Youngstown. O H 44511 Leslie Welch. <t>T' M a r y Danielson D r u m m o n d (Warren C ) , A4>
Telephone: 216/788-3956 402 O'Cara
Vice Prcsidcnt/O)vrations PARLIAMENTARIAN
Ginger Banks, riK Medford, OR 97501
3108 West Terrace Dr. Florence Dodge Ennis (John D ), K A
Austin, TX 78731 200 Cardendale Wilma Smith Leland, T
Terre Haute, IN 47803 4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310 A
Telephone: 512/454-8572 Telephone: 812/877-1355 Minneapolis, M N 55416

Secrctary/T reasurer STANDING COMMITTEES Nancy Mover McCain (Walter C ) , P
M a r v H a n s u l d M o o r e (Wavne R ) . \Z 38775 Bvriver Dr.
2601 Oakwood R d , R t # 3 REVISION
Ames, IA 50010 Ex Officio Members: N o r m a M . Ackel
Chairman: Sue Elder Roach (Eric), BP Edith H. Anderson
Telephone: 515/292-8555 6065 Carriage Hill Dr. Donna Willis, A A (Sept.-Jan.)
East Lansing, M l 48823
Director Telephone: 517/351-5270 Marjorie Long, K A (Feb.-June)
loan Deathe MacCallum (John D.), KO
Members: Alice Rath A d e r m a n (Ralph), © * RUSH
13195 Edison Crescent 2302 E. N e w b e r r v Blvd.
Pierrefonds. Quebec H87. IY5, Canada Milwaukee, Wl 53211 Jane A . H a m b l i n , <t> f
918F Maxwell Terrace Apts.
Telephone: 514/626-1247 Louise Ferrand. PI Maxwell Lane
1148 First National Bloomington, I N 47401
(Through lulv and August) Bank of Commerce Bldg.
c/o D. W. MacCallum New Orleans. L A 70112 Telephone: 812/332-0683
South Shore Road, RR # 2
Clarenceville, Quebec, JOJ IBO, Canada
Edith H u n t i n g t o n A n d e r s o n . ( A r t h u r K ) . B<1> A n i t a (Neen) Demato Neale (Ross), K<t>
Director 836 S. Henderson, A p t . 1 391 Brookhaven Ave.
lo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh), IlK Hloomington, I N 47401 Dorval, Quebec
Telephone: 812/336-19% Canada H9S 2N6
11200 Pinehurst Dr. Telephone: 514/631-9796
Austin. TX 78747 NOMINATIONS
Telephone: 512/282-2655 Chairman: Becky Shook Weinberg (Frank), X A
Di rector Mesa, A 2 85203 President: Eleanore D i e t r i c h M a c C u r d y (Robert C ) ,
M a r i l y n Rose Herman (Gerald), T Telephone: 602/9690-0114
880'5 C l i f t r i d g e Ave. Members: N a n c y A n d e r s o n Clark (lack, Jr.), P 100 N o r l e n Park
Lajolla, CA 92037 1207 West Haven D r . Bridgewater, M A 02324
Arlington, Heights, I L 60005
Telephone: 714/452-8453 Telephone: 617/697-7855
M a r y R a w l i n g s Reese, T A
Director Georgia Federal Savings Is/ VP (Promotions Chairman): Helene Irish l o h n s t o n
Kav Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen), © 4605 Roswell Rd., NE
(Carl B.), E
2239 Rome Dr. Atlanta, G A 30342 1600 Roval Blvd.
Indianapolis, I N 46208
Telephone: 317/293-0894 Dorothy Currv Greggorv (Harrv), AIT Glendale, CA 91207
9505 Bennington
NATIONAL PANHELLENIC Kansas City, M O 64134 Scholarship Chairman: Mildred Ward Eldridge
Sharon Jaacks Bley, nA (Raymon), A
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed to 1204 Edgemont Ave. 27 M o u n t f o r t Rd.
1st Alternate) Towson. M D 21204
Newton Highlands, M A 02161
Delegate: M a r v Louise Filer Roller (George), A n C a r o l y n Huev H a r r i s (J. Rodney), A 2
P.O. Box 2317 2965 Pharr'Court South N W ' Chairman: W i l m a Smith Leland, T
Sanford. FL 32771 Atlanta, C A 30305 (See Rituals, T r a d i t i o n s , and Jewelry listing)
Telephone: 404/237-1487
(lune 1 October I) CONVENTION Telephone: 612/922-0094
P.O. Box 198
Balsam. NC 28707 Jan Watkins Spencer ( T o m m y ) . Z O PERRY A W A R D COMMITTEE
Telephone: 704/456-6284 Box 297
1st Alternate: Peg Kramer C r a w f o r d (Richard C ) , 1 Pagosa Springs, C O 81147 Chairman: R u t h Lee Leichtamer ( M a h l o n P.), ©4*
3455 Goddard Rd.
9113 S. Massasoit A v e . Toledo, O H 43606
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Telephone: 419/535-6499
Telephone: 312/422-5244
2nd Alternate: Janie Callaway (George B ), O
2400 Craghead Ln. Chairman: Sharon D . M a r t i n , API
2212 Hall Rd.
KnoxviUe, T N 37920 Independence, M O 64052
Telephone: 816/252-0617
3rd Alternate: N o r m a M a r s h a l l Ackel ( A u g u s t ) , K 6
(See International President, Executive Board,



Vice President: Helen M c M a h o n , P, 7432 Colshire D r . # 5 . McLean, V A 2211)1. Telephone: 703/893-4746

Extension Officer: B u n n v Q u a y l e Baker ( M a r k ) , A T , 1019 S w i n k s M i l l Rd., McLean, V A 22101. Telephone: 703/356-5214

Finance Officer: L y n n Siblev, Z P , 506 H a w t h o r n e Ave., K i t t a n n i n g , PA 16201. Telephone: 412/543-2900

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Beta Tau Susan Smith, 24 Madison Ave., Toronto, Dianna Taylor Pressey (Donald), I I A , Jeannie Sells. Z, 29 Parker Road Framingham,
University of Ontario, Canada M5R 2S1 44 Charies St. W. #4111, Toronto, M A 01701

Toronto Ontario, Canada M 4 Y 1R8, 416/967-


Delta Chi Debra Brorsen, 12-3 C Fariway D r . ; N e w a r k , Pam M u n f o r d Hay (James), A D , 36 Sarah Jane Haycox G r a n t (Joseph), B<1>, 6
University of DE 19711 Stature Rd., Newark, DE 19713 Robin H i l l Rd'.. N . Caldwell, NJ 07006, 201/
Delaware 228-3487
Gamma Terry L. Tobey, AOn, Penobscot Hall, U M O , Debra Adams Sprague (David), T, 9
University of Orono, ME 04473, 207/581-7188 Knox Ave., Bangor, ME 04401, 207/ leannie Sells
Mairie-Orono 945-9858

Gamma Alpha Janice Haher, G M U Student Union, 4400 Uni- Kathy Baumgardner Campanella, Carmel Gabriele Kaiser (Martin). 115
George Mason versity Drive, Fairfax, V A 22030 (Vince), A A, 4146 Hamlin Court,
University Chantilly, V A 22021, 703/968-7780 Boslev Ave., Cockeysville. M D 21030, 301/
Gamma Beta Debra Staples, 709 South Street. Indiana, PA
Indiana Univ. of 15701, 412/349-2633 Ruth Ray Yatkanic (Michael), TB, 650 666-7756
Pennsylvania Dogwood Circle, Indiana, PA
Phi Beta K a r e n M c M a s t e r , Box 882, ESSC, 15701, 412/465-5379 Becky Pennington W o l f e (Ray), <DK 5209
East Stroudsburg Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Ve'nable Ave., Charleston, W. V A 25304,
State College Judy Catanzaro (Joseph), * B , Park- 304/925-8743
Pi Delta Angel Batlas, 4517 College Ave. University of way Dr., Delaware Water Gap, PA
University of MD, College Park, M D 20740, 301/927-987! 18301, 717/424-2926 Sarah Jane Haycox Grant
Sigma Chi A n n L. T i m m o n s , 17 Maple St., Oneonta, N Y Marguerite Records Ward (John), FIA, Ca rmet Gabriele Ka iser
Hartwick College 13820,607/432-4271 3818 Benton St., N W , Washington,
Sarah lane Haycox Grant
D.C 20007, 202/338-5948

Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred), I X , 82
Elm St., Oneonta, N Y 13820, 607/

Sigma Rho C v n t h i a Reckahn, 150 Towers H a l l , Slippery Bonnie Lipton, ZP, 804 Cussewago Becky Pennington Wolfe
Slippery Rock 'Rock, PA 16057, 412/794-9918 Rd„ Meadville, PA 16335, 814/333- Carmel Gabriele Kaiser
State College 4503
Sigma Tau Cathv Bauermann, Washington College.
Washington College Chestertown, M D 21620 Karen Cossard Price (Frederick), Z T ,
P.O. Box 92, Chestertown, M D

Theta Pi Maria Mascariello, AOP1, Wagner College, 21620, 301/778-116.3 Sarah Jane Haycox Grant
Wagner College H o w a r d Ave., Staten Island, NY 10301, 212/
761-5010 Fran Lorenzo, OFI, 141-Figurea St.,
Staten Island, N Y 10312, 212/356-

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albanv Northern Virginia
Clarissa Dednck Carabateas (Philip). E, The M a r y Batman Converse (John), 4>K, 4916
Baltimore Briar Patch, R D 1, Nassau, N Y 12123, 518/ Ottawa Chanticleer Ave., Annandale, V A 22003,
766-3541 703/978-9617
Boston Philadelphia
Dee Schemm Trov (William), PIA. 2800 Pittsburgh L y n n S m i t h M a c K a y (C. J.), K<J>, 114
Camden, NJ Orchard Lakes Dr.. Baldwin, M D 21013. Southern Connecticut Ashgrove Cr., Ottawa, Canada, K2G 0T3,
Area 301/557-7064 State College, PA
Charleston, WV Staten Island 613/829-6901
Caren Gundberg, & , 163 Beacon St., Boston. Syracuse
Greater Allentown/ M A 02116, 617/353-1482 Toronto Joan Krause Simonin, 600 Park La., W y n -
Greater Harrisburg Carol McLoughlin (lohn), 705 Pomona Ave., Washington, D.C. cote. PA 19095. 215/884-6961
Haddenfield. NJ 08033
. Wilmington Sallv S m i t h Heston ( N e w t o n ) , T B . 124 K i m -
Rebecca Pennington Wolfe. See Regional D i -
Greater Portland rector listing. ber Dr., Bridgeville, PA 15017
Erna Lutz Fritz (Robert), 1210 Stanford Nancy Small M o r a n . See Regional Director
Long Island listing.
Rd., Bethlehem, PA 18018, 215/868-7113
Montreal Marie Fedon (Richard). R 1. State College, PA
Margo Streeter Kolulak (Frank), E A , 640 16801
New Jersey South 60th St., Harrisburg, PA 17111, 717/
Sarah Jane Havcox Grant. See Regional Direc-
561-0109 tor listing.

Barbara Koeritz W e n t w o r t h (Roger A . . Jr.), V, Marcia Bond Evans (Ellis), X , 186 B r a m p t o n
50 Moody St.. Saco, ME 04072, 207/284- Rd.. Syracuse. NY 13205. 315/492-9385
5981, Ext. 77
R u t h Bolsby, B T , 309-90 Heath St., Toronto,
Dolly Whitford Kaiberer (William), en, 95- Canada M 4 V 1T4 416/925-8113
01'240th St., Bellerose Terr., N e w York, NY
Marilyn Blue Mikesell (Bruce), A Z . 9244
11426, 516/775-3938 Three Oaks Dr., Silver Spring, M D 20901,
Karen H a l l M o o n (David), K4>. 37 C o u r t n e y
Elizabeth Strong Miller (Bruce). 2505 L i n -
Dr., Montreal West, Quebec H4X 1M6, 514/ dell Rd., Grendon Farms, Wilmington. DE
489-1213 19808, 302/994-5493

Regina Rvan Strauchon (John). E A , 19 W a r -
ren PI., Montclair, NJ 07042. 201/744-4138

1 —Regional Directors lor Alumnae Chapters:
Sarah Jane Haycox Grant —New Jersey, Long Island, Staten Island, W i l m i n g t o n . AIlentown/Bethlehem. Carmel Gabriele Kaiser —Northern Virginia, Washington D.C
Baltimore, Greater Harrisburg, Camden, Philadelphia. Jeannie Sells —Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa. Greater Portland, Southern Connecticut, Albany, Boston. Becky Pen
nington Wolfe —Charleston. Pittsburgh, State College, Syracuse.



Vice President: Barbara Daugs H u n t (Cecil), <t>A, 930-17th Ave., G r a f t o n , W I 53024, Telephone: 414/377-7766

Extension Officer. Barbara Zolnierczak. B n , 29165 Haves # 1 0 , W a r r e n , M I 48093. Telephone: 313/776-9502.

Finance Officer: C a r o l v n Weschrob Katz ( M o r t o n ) , I X , 2245 Lane Kd., Columbus, O H 43220, 614/457-2807

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
C a r o l v n U l m e r K l u s (Walter), S, 7017 Valley
Beta Epsilon Sheryl Bogda, Bemidji State College, Hobson Liz Proud B r o w n (Tames), e, Rt. 2,
Bemidji State Union, Bemidji, M N 56601 Box 266, Bemidji, M N 56601, 218/ View Rd., Edina, M N 55435, 612/941-5195
University 751-1535
Charlene Brown Potter (Warren), BT, 1468
Beta Pi Cynthia Given, Goddison Hall, Room 117, Brenda Hable Kraus (Ed), B n , 330 E. Briarmeadow, Worthington, O H 43085,
Eastern Michigan 'AOn, Office of Campus Life, EMU, Ypsi- Elm, Monroe, M I 48161, 313/242-
Sallv Huck Drea (Harold), I A , 129 W.
University lanti, M I 48197 5496 Calumet Rd., Fox Point, W I 53217, 414/352-
lota Tau Vickie Jo Nelson, i02'/z 13th Ave., West leanne Taylor White (James), I T , Rt.
University of Menomonie, W I 54751 # 1 , Box 56, Eau Galle, W I 54737, Jovce M u r d o c k Leff ( M v r o n ) . <t>A, 309 Shirlev
Ann Dr., Dayton, O H 45459
Wisconsin-Stout 715/283-4486
Joyce M u r d o c k Leff
Kappa Pi Julia Dorrance, 116 W. H i g h l a n d Ada, O H Phvllis Mever (Bart), KIT, 626 Pleas-
Ohio Northern 45810, 419/634-8586 ant View, Ada, O H 45810, 419/634- Charlene Brown Potter

University 0773 Sally Huck Drea

Omega Liz Perkins, Box 45. Richard Hall, M i a m i U n i - Alice DeBuino Schuette (Robert), O, 9 Joyce M u r d o c k Leff
Miami versity, Oxford, O H 45056 Robin Ct., Oxford, O H 45056, 513/
Sally Huck Drea
University 523-5282
Carolyn Ulmer Klus
Omicron Pi Janeen Ellis, 800 Oxford. A n n Arbor, M I Jeanne Harris McCIaren (Michael),
University of 48104, 313/994-5572 O i l , 1606 Long Shore Dr., A n n Charlene Brown Potter
Michigan Arbor, M I 48105, 313/995-3443

Phi Delta Christine Wodke, U n i o n Box 6, U W M , K e n - Kristin Maegli, 3519 N . 97th Place,
University of wood Ave.. Milwaukee, W I 53211 Milwaukee, W I 53222

Phi Lambda Clare McQuade, 45 Bradway, Youngstown, Patricia McNicholas, 6686 Katahdin,
Youngstown State O H 44505 Poland, O H 44514
Sigma Lambda Javne Pelzer, 224VS South 16th, LaCrosse, W I Chris H i l l Koukola (Peter W.), 0 , 426
University of '54601 N . 22nd St., LaCrosse, W I 54601,
Helen Bachtold, 1121 5th St., SE, U n i v e r s i t y of 608/785-1862
Tau M N , Minneapolis, M N 55414
University of Kayla Jorgens, 1Z, 3841-lOth A v e . S.,
Minnesota Karen Niewiadomski. 2909 W. Central Ave.. Minneapolis, M N 55417, 612/827-
Theta Psi Toledo, O H 43606 6881
University of
Toledo Fadwa Haney Skaff (George), 9 * ,
2674 D r u m m o n d , Toledo, O H
43606, 419/535-7092

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President

Ann Arbor Judith Douglas Monaghan (James), Bn, 811 Detroit Northwest Joan Parasiliti O'Shea (Wm.), 0 * , 35979 M i d -
Cincinnati Suburban dleboro, Livonia, M I 48154, 313/525-1399
Cleveland East Lowell, Ypsilanti, M I 48197 Grand Rapids
Ellen Holstein Nelson (Robert), BT, 908 Max-
Cleveland West Audrey Jenkins Deas (Wm.), 0 H , 5565 Sidney Greater Lansing w e l l SE, G r a n d Rapids, M I 49506, 616/245-
Area 6729
Rd., Cincinnati, O H 45238 Macomb Counrv
Sandra Obeshaw Slee (Lynn), BT, 7020
Patricia Cooper S m i t h (Terrv), B * , 1236 S. Fhaner Highway, Pottervi'lle, MI 48876
Belvoir Blvd., South Euclid.'OH 44121, 216/
381-8756 M a r v L o u Kierdorf Sloss (David), 174 Moross,
Gross Pointe Farms, M I 48236, 313/886-
Jane M o r g a n Bodnar (Louis), P, 339 N o r t h - 0748
cliff Dr., Rockv River, O H 44116, 216/333-

Columbus Judith Copenhaver B u c h h o l t z (Robert), Q, Madison Area K a r y l H o y l e A n d r e o l i ( C l i f f o r d ) , P, 205 S.
172 G. Brandvwine Ct., Westerville, O H Owen Dr., Madison, W I 53705, 608/231-
Dayton Milwaukee 2209
Dearborn 43081, 614/891-4710 Minneapolis/
St. Paul Penelope Kasten Ziegler ( J ) . B<f, 5341 N .
Detroit North Beverlv Nelson Utlev, A Q , 2112 Granada Dr., Toledo
Suburban Diversey, Whitefish Bay, W I 53217
Dayton, O H 45431, 513/426-6195 Youngstown
Carolyn Wagnild Olstead (Arthur), T, 5036
Patricia Mussen Gazdecki (Anthony), Bn, Kent, Edma, M N 55435, 612/926-7901
26231 Morton Dr., Dearborn Heights, M I
48127 Barbara Kolinski Lacknev (Robert), © V . 2663
Barrington Dr., Toledo, O H 43606, 419/535-
Pamela Smith Mooradian (Paul), On, 13326 7501
Sherwood Dr., Huntington Woods, MI
48070, 313/547-8630 Stephanie Bozin, * A , 3568 Breeze Knoll Dr.,
Youngstown, O H 44505, 216/759-2874

II —Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Joyce M u r d o c k L e f f — C i n c i n n a t i , Cleveland East, Cleveland West. Columbus, Dayton, Youngstown, Sally H u c k Drea—Grand Rapids. Greater Lansing Area, Madison, M i l

waukee. Carolyn Ulmer Klus—Minneapolis/St. Paul. Charlene Brown Potter- •Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit North Suburban, Detroit Northwest Suburban, Macomb Coun
ty, Toledo.


Vice President: N a n c y Bettis (Charles), O, 7709 Bennington Dr., K n o x v i l l e , T N 37919. Telephone: 615/693-1514

Extension Officer: Pat'Cowley H a r d v (James), TZ., 3465 Somerset T r a i l , Atlanta, G A 30331. Telephone: 404/344-2091

Finance Officer: K a t h v T y r e C h a f f i n (Thomas A . ) , Fl. 949 R u p l v D r . NE, Atlanta, G A 30306. Telephone: 404/876-5051

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regiona Director
Patsy Donaldson Cox (David), A n , 1125
Alpha Delta Karen Kremer, P.O. Box 2407, Univ., AL Marie Barret Carney (Wm.), A , 109
University of 35486, 205/348-4906 East 53rd St., Tuscaloosa, A L 35401, N.W. 36th Terrace, Gainesville, FL 32605,
Alabama 205/345-4498 Judv H i l d r e t h Jollv (Burke), A I , 1409 Raa
Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32303, 904/385-4592
Alpha Kappa Susan Foster, Box 5516, U N A , Florence, A L Patty Lewis (Greg), 207 N . Sequoia Bt„
University of 35630 Florence, A L 35630, 205/766-5057 Margaret Hook, N B , 2660 Ralston Dr.,
Mobile. A L 36606, 205/478-8904
North Alabama

Alpha Pi Sharon L W i l l , 123 N . Copeland, Tallahassee, Janis Ranson, A n , 2315 C. Columbia
Florida State FL 32304, 904/224-5902 Ct., Tallahassee, FL 32304, 904/576-
University 7796


Delta Delta Lynn Dawson, AOn, DormC, Auburn Univ., Dottie Thomas Morgan (H. C ) , A A , Lynn Lavender Baumgartner (Stan), A Z ,
Auburn University A u b u r n , A L 36830, 205/887-9615 2150 Robin Dr., A u b u r n , A L 36830, '3988 Brown Rd„ Tucker, GA 30084, 404/
Delta Phi Kristv Amesen, Box 80172, USC, Columbia, 205/887-9780
University of SC 29225, 803/254-9325 Charlotte Owslev Barnes (Augustus), A A ,
South Carolina Carol Loudenback Summers (Dean), 7842 H u m m i n g b i r d La., Charlotte, NC
Gamma Delta Carole Williams, AOIX Univ. Center USA, K K , 408 Fireside Dr., Columbia, SC 28212, 704/535-4281
University of Mobile, A L 36688, 205/473-1208
South Alabama 29210, 803/781-5466 Judy Hildreth Jolly
Gamma Omicron
University of Rebecca Cash, I"A, 158 G r a n d Blvd.,
Florida "•: Mobile, A L 36607, 205/479-5049
Gamma Sigma
Georgia State Carrie Gordon, 819 West Panhellenic Dr., Susan Baley Adair, TO, 7 S W. 23rd Linda Ekberg Blau (Arthur), Q, 7913 Vene-
University Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/373-4550 St., Gainesville, FL 32601, 904/377- tian St., Miramar, FL 33023, 305/983-6381
Kappa Gamma 5139
Florida Southern Idella L v n Rogers, GSU, U n i v . Plaza, P.O. Box Linda Ekberg Blau
College 540, Atlanta, G A 30303, 404/659-1743 Sandra M c C a l l u m , VI, 3202-B Post Linda Ekberg Blau
Woods Dr., N.W., Atlanta, GA Margaret Hook
Kappa Omicron Joan Haas, P.O. Box 4868, Florida Southern Linda Ekberg Blau
Southwestern at College, Lakeland. FL 33802 30339, 404/952-2473 Lynn Lavender Baumgartner
Memphis Margaret Hook
Lambda Chi Diana Wallace Scarbrough, 2000 N . Parkway, Ann Colvin Marshall (David), A n , Lynn Lavender Baumgartner
LaGrange College SW at Memphis, Memphis, T N 38112 3204 H i l l t o p Ave., Lakeland, FL Charlotte Owslev Barnes
Lambda Sigma Patsy Donaldson Cox
University of Angela Fronek, Box 264, LaGrange College, 33803. 813/646-1167 Patsy Donaldson Cox
Georgia LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/884-9286 Judy Hildreth Jolly
N u Beta Priscilla Strickland Rushton (Brian), Lynn Lavender Baumgartner
University of Bonnv L l o y d , 1190 S. M i l l e d g e Ave., Athens, K O , 95 Hollvoke, Memphis, T N Charlotte Owslev Rarnes
Mississippi GA' 30605, 404/548-3366
Nu Omicron 38117, 901/683-5759
Vanderbilt A n n e Elizabeth Dauenhauer, Box 7987, Univ.,
University MS 38677, 601/234-2718 Nancy A l f o r d , A X , 910 Broad St.,
Omega Omicron
Lambuth College Margaret Mathews, 2415 Kensington Place, LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/882-7144
Nashville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760
Omicron Sharon Key Kellev (Patrick), A Z , 458
University of Elizabeth Helms, Lambuth College, Box 277, Dearing St., Athens, GA 30605, 404/
TN Jackson, T N 38301, 901/422-4963
543-1147 .
Sigma Delta loam; Cochran, 1531 W. Cumberland, Ave.,
Huntingdon College AOn Room, U T , K n o x v i l l e . T N 37919 Debely Fenstermaker, A O , Box 356,
Univ., MS 38677, 601/236-1967
Tau Delta Susan McGowin, Box 288, Huntingdon, Col-
Birmingham- lege, Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/277-6247 Susan Derrvberry, N O , 310 Wilson
Southern College Blv„ Nashville.'TN 37212, 615/298-
Tau Omicron Barbara Smith, Box A-56, B'ham.-So. College, 3596
University of Birmingham, A L 35204, 205/324-2371
Ten nessee-Ma rtin Anita Kav Evans (Rov O.), D O , 101
Zeta Psi Diane Arnold, Box #126 U T M , Martin, T N Avers, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/423-
East Carolina 38238 2853
Susan Kav Lutz, 805 Johnston St., Greenville, Kathy Reynolds Brennan (James),
NC 27834, 919/758-4290 <t>A, Foxall Circle, K n o x v i l l e , T N

37919, 615/693-7241

Carol Jones ( M . H . ) , 1844 Braddock
Dr., Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/

Jane Watwood Gibbs (Tom), T A , 1217
Greensboro Rd„ Birmingham, AL
35208, 205/324-4990

Adair Duncan, TO, GH Hall, UTM,
Martin, T N 38238. 901/587-7853

Gloria Sanders, Z Y , 1205 East 5th St.
Greenville, NC 27834

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Athens Jackson
Claudia Carlev Moore (Robert), A Z , 185 Jacksonville Linda True (Ben), 255 C h a n n i n g Way,
Atlanta briarcliff Rd.'. Athens, G A 30606, 404/543- Jackson, T N 38301
1336 Johnson City
Atlanta Area Rita Vaughn Kellv (Harold), AIT, 1160
Tri-County Frances Adams Carter (Robert), A Z , 455 For- K noxville Preston PI., Jacksonville, FL 32207, 904/396-
Birmingham est Valley Rd., N.E., Atlanta, G A 30342 Lakeland Area 3495
Macon Area
Broward County Donna Reed Corbet (Todd), * K , 600 Ansley Martin L i n d a K i r b y , <t>A, # 1 0 4 Matsonian Apts., Rt.
Ct. #13, Atlanta, G A 30324, 404/876-0513 Memphis 11, Jon'esboro, T N 37659
Charleston, S.C.
Charlotte L i n d a Rice Maples (Jimmy), A A , 9.36 M o u n - Mobile A n i t a Roser Hemmeter 0ohn), B4>, 724 Sun-
Chattanooga tain Branch Dr., Birmingham, A L 35226 Montgomery
CtKoa-Melbourne Nashville nydale, Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/690-3467
Svlvia Stafford (Leonard), A A , 1916 SE 21st Orlando-
Colutnbus,:GA Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33.316, 305/523- Winter Park Susan Louise Smith, K F , 3520 Cleveland Hts.
4136 Shoals Area Blvd., #215, Lakeland, FL 33803
Pensacoia M a r y Ellen M i l l h o u s e (Larry), A O , 55 Joyce Young Butler (Charles), FZ, 2344 H o l i -
Greater Pinellas M u e l l e r Dr., Charleston, S.C. 29407 day Dr., Macon, GA 31201, 912/474-1971

Hunts ville lovce Vietzke Allen (Melvin), O, 3513 High- Terri Wilsford Brundige (Mike), T O , 221
view Rd., Charlotte, N C 28210
U n i v . Sta., M a r t i n , T N 38237, 901/587-6295
Judv H o w a r d (David), <t>A, 5040 C a n n Store
Rd., Hixson, T N 37348, 615/842-6554 Linda Hall Yoakum (Roger), K O , 5971 Pon-
derosa Pine, Memphis, T N 38138, 901/362-
Martha D u n n Taylor (Wentworth), TO, 923 9601
Lydia Circle, Indian Harbour Beach, FL
32937 Donna Marie Foster, FA, 721 Brannon Ct.,
Mobile, A L 36609
Mildred Holland Donaldson (Robert), A Z ,
6546 M o o n Circle, Columbus, GA 31904, Freida Walls Gammill (John), A A , 2614 Bald-
404/563-3579 ;•; ]win Brook Dr., M o n t g o m e r y , A L 36116
Jane Kopf (Preston), 6363 Panorama Dr.,
June M u r p h y (Wm.), A O , 7023 Redondo Dr.,
Pensacoia, FL 32506, 904/456-9177 Brentwood, T N 37027

Marion Grassmuck Clouse, X, 1530 86 Ave. A m y Ballantyne Johnson (Edwin), KT, 612
N , St. Petersburg, FL 33702, 813/577-0861 W o o d l i n g Place, Altomonte Springs, FL
lane Pope Blake (Bernard), A A , 515 Glenco
Rd., Huntsville, A L 35802 Patricia Keister Lewis (W. Gregory), N B , 207
N . Sequoia Blvd., Florence, A L 35630


Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chanter President
Tallahassee Tuscaloosa
Lucinda Boshinski Drossner (Barrv), AIT, lov McNees Lambert (Buford), A A , 322 37th
Tampa Bay 2314 Miranda Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32304, West palm St. E.. Tuscaloosa. A L 35401
Area 904/576-1762
Beach Helen Lawton Zientek (Chester), K f , 2070
K h a k i Eustace, TO, 3602 Vascomia St., Tarn- Pleasant Dr.. Juno. FL 33708. 305/626-2475
pa, FL 33609, 813/839-0683

III —Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Linda Ekberg Blau—Gainesville, Atlanta, Lakeland, Atlanta Tri-City. Tampa Bay. Judy Hildreth Jolly—Shoals Area. Birmingham. Mobile. Huntsville, Jacksonville. Patsy
Donaldson Cox —Montgomery, Knoxville, Pensacola, St. Petersburg. Charlotte Owsley Barnes—Cocoa-Melbourne, Chattanooga, Jackson, Charleston, Charlotte. L y n n
Lavender Baumgartner—Columbus, Martin, Nashville, Athens, Macon. Margaret Hook—Orlando. Memphis, Tallahassee, Broward County, Palm Beach. Regional Opera-
tions Committee- Johnson City.


Vice President: Nancy Anderson Clark (lack), P, 121)7 West Haven Dr., A r l i n g t o n Heights, IL 60005. Telephone: 312/392-1936

Extension Officer: Peg N u n n Knopsnyder (WrrO, B4>, 2416 East Chandler, Evansville, I N 47714, 812/476-3307

Finance Officer: M a r v M c C a m m o n W i l l i a m s (Robert), <t>. 1113 East M o n r o e , Bloomington, IL 61701, 309/829-3656

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Chi Lisa D. Berrv (Mrs.), Box 291 College Heights, Rachel Smith Allen (Neil), A X , 459 Karen Fiddelke Towell (David), A X , 1551
Western Kentucky Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/781-6386 Brentmoor Dr.. Bowling Green, KY Chestnut, Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/
University 42101, 5027843-8570 843-1231
Beta C h i Melinda Fetter, K W C , Peeples Hall, Room
A n n i e Bryant, B X , 140 West 12th St., Karen Fiddelke Towel]

Kentucky VVesleyan 311, Owensboro, KY 42301, 502/926-9315 Apt. 18, Beaver Dam, K Y 42320,

College 502/274-9840

Beta Lambda L o r i Schwab. 1314 N o r t h Fell A v e . , B l o o m i n g - lacquie H e i n l e i n Graven (Dean), B A , Jeanne Havs C r i p p i n ( L a r r y ) , B A , 21 S. I l l i -

Illinois Weslcyan ton. IL 61701, 309/829-1890 1008 Morgan St., N o r m a l , I L 61761, nois, Vil'la Park, IL 6018L 312/279-1057

University 309/452-1566

Beta Phi M a r v l v n n Samek, 901 East 10th St., B l o o m i n g - Rita Conray Hurtt (Barry), K A , 3611 L v n n Stouse Redmon (Thomas), K K , 1709
Indiana ton,'lN 47401, 812/339-9499 Bainbridge Dr., Bloomington, IN "Carlsbad Dr., Lafayette, I N 47905, 317/447-
University 47401, 812/332-0671 2984

Chi Lambda K a t h i Buchanan, 400 S. R o t h e r w o o d , Evans- Ginnv Mever Kreke (Kenneth), X A , Liz Romine Coffey (Wm.), X A, 7754 N . Whit-
University of ville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838 8344 Angel Dr., Newburgh, I N tier PI., Indianapolis, I N 46250, 317/849-
F.vansville 47630, 812/853-8555 3030

Delta Omega Lisa Ellen Harrell, Box 2399 Univ. Sta., M u r - Ellen White Harrell (Ken), K O , Box Karen Fiddelke Towell
Murray State ray. KY 42071. 502/767-4507 3026 U n i v . Sta., M u r r a v . K Y 42071,

lota M a r i a M a n n i n g , 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, I L L i n d a H a l l B o r r e n p o h l (Charles), <t>T, Jeanne Hays Crippen
University of 61801, 217/344-0136 1011 Holiday Dr.. Champiaign. I L
Illinois 61820, 217/352-6985 Lvnn Stouse Redmon
Kappa Alpha Carol H a m m o n d , 122 L i n c o l n Quad, ISU,
Indiana State Terre Haute, I N 47809, 812/232-1051 Jo A n n Bohn Gibbons (Paul), K A , 35 Joan Piper, I P , 918F Maxwell Terrace,
University Gardendale Rd., Terre Haute, IN Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/332-0683
Kappa Kappa Judy K. Vigus, Box 78 Rogers Hall, Muncie, 47803, 812/877-2279
Ball State IN 47306, 317/285-4416 Nancy Carr Garrett (John), A A, 821 Oakwood
University Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber (Wm.), Dr.", Westmont, I L 60559, 312/323-2354
Nu Iota Cvnthia Marv Steckel, 918 Kimberly, Dekalb, K K , 2000 W. Jackson, Muncie, I N
Northern Illinois IL 60115, 815/758-5332 47303, 317/288-3100
Barb Wiese Taubenheim (Peter), N I ,
785 Carriage, Batavia, I L 60510, 312/

Omega Xi Jacqueline Oliver, Box 1284, MSU. Morehead, Deborah Parsons, OE. L e w i s H a l l Karen Fiddelke Towell
Morehead State KY 40351, 606/783-3858 #16, MSU, Morehead, KY 40351,

University Emily Fogg, A O f l House, Hanover College, 606/784-5568 Lynn Stouse Redmon
Phi Omicron Hanover, I N 47243, 812/866-3327
Hanover College Stephanie Lewerenz Moore (Larrv),
<J>0, 505 W . M a i n , M a d i s o n , I N

Phi Upsilon Brenda Jean Wade, 1001 D a v i d Ross Rd., W. 47250, 812/265-5228 Liz Romine Coffey
Purdue Lafayette. 1 \ 47906, 317/463-9566 Jeanne Hays Crippen
University Ian Rule Richards (Ken), * T , 133 Red Joan Piper
M a r y B. Mosher, 230 N . Sherman, Macomb, I L Cloud Trail, W. Lafayette. IN 47905.
Sigma Iota 61455, 309/837-4001 317/447-1333
Western Illinois
University Leslie Wheelock, 225 Bloomington, Greencas- June L o w m a n Conley (James), 2 1 , 327
tle, I N 46135, 317/653-9793 Penny Lane, Macomb, IL 61455,
DePauw 309/837-9020
Martha Ellen Rector Johnson (James),
e , 314 Highfall, Greencastle, I N
46135, 317/653-6565

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Bloomington Chicago-North
Gertrude Bailev H u n t i n g t o n (George), B<t>. Shore C v n t h i a Kellogg F r e m l i n g ( W a r r e n ) . A<t>, 317
Bloomington- 817 S. Fess Ave.. B l o o m i n g t o n . I N 47401, Sunset Ave., Wildwood, IL 60030, 312/223-
Normal 812/336-32% Chicago-Northwest 5122
Bowling Green Suburban
Joyce Keller, B A , 1700 N . School A p t . 125, Chicago-West Patricia Grundmeier luza (Michael), N I , 404
Champaign- Normal, IL 61761, 309/452-3622 Suburban S. Rose, Palatine, I L 60067, 312/359-1468
Urbana Evansville
Chicago Area M . Lvnne Rousseau. A X , 1630 Catherine St., Tri-State Sherrv Keaton Brennan (Joseph), 0 , 820 S.
Council Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/781-0031 Stough, Hinsdale, IL 60521, 312/323-7026
Chicago-Beverly Fort Wayne
Hills Faye B r o w n Valbert (Paul), B A , 2304 Brett Anne Pampe Schleper (Charles), X A , 3026
Dr., Champaign, I L 61820, 214/359-3623 Graham Ave., Evansville, I N 47714, 812/
Sandi Dawson Stevens, B A , 1125 Olive Rd.,
Homewood, I L 60430, 312/798-1351 Corinne Umaske Tessman (Jon), I A , 1239 W.
Oakdale Dr., Ft. Wayne. I N 46807, 219/456-
Lvnne Jackson Parker (John), O, 4131 Oak- 5339
wood La., Matteson, IL 60443, 312/747-1880

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Indianapolis Lexington
A n n Starkev Edwards (James), K K , 4425 W. Muncie Kathenne Camuel Hume! (Mark), AX, 4073
Kentuckiana 59th St., Indianapolis, I N 46254, 317/293- Victoria Way, Lexington, KY 40503.
Kokomo 8012 Rockford
South Bend Barbara Johnson O t t i n g e r (Larry), K K , 509 S.
Lafayette M a r t h a Sawyer Rusf ( A n d r e w ) , <t>0, 479 L o n g Terre Haute Rambler Rd., Muncie, I N 47304, 319/289-
Lake County C t , New Albany, I N 47150, 812/944-1802 4080

A n n M u r r a y M i l l i k a n ( K e n n e t h ) , B<t>, 1515 Wanda King Sabien (Leo), I, 4819 White Oak,
Country Club Dr., Kokomo, I N 46901, 317/ Rockford, IL 61111, 815/877-3173
C o n n i e M a k i e l s k i Long, B<t>, 639 N . State,
Jean Ritcher Smith (Jac), I T , 1724 M e l b o u r n e Mishawaka, I N 46544, 219/259-7692
Rd„ Lafayette, I N 47904, 317/447-4692
Betty Jeanne Shurter, K A , 1900 Spang Ave.,
Karla K r u g h o f f C o b u r n (Charles), B<J>, 736 Terre Haute, I N 47805, 812/466-1042
W o o d St.. C r o w n Point, I N 46307, 219/663-

IV —Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Liz Romine Coffey —Evansville Tri-State, Indianapolis, Lafayette. Jeanne Hays Crippin—Bloomington-Normal. Champaign-Urbana. Nancy Carr Garrett—Chicago Area
Council. Chicago-Beverly Hills, Chicago-North Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban, Lake County, Rockford. Joan Piper—Fort Wayne, Kokomo,
Muncie, South Bend. Lynn Stouse Redmon- Bloomington, Terre Haute. Karen Fiddelke Towell—Bowling Green, Kentuckiana, Lexington.


Vice President: Karen M o n t g o m e r y Smith (Bob), A n , 5305 Kentucky, R a y t o w n , M O 64133. Telephone: 816/356-1469

Extension Officer: Jayne Hager Dee' (Eric), 12, 106 3rd St., NE, State Center, I A 50247. Telephone: 515/483-2576

Finance Officer: M a x i n e M a i r C h a r i t y (Leon), T , T i m b e r l a n d Heights, R. #3, Ames, I A 50010. Telephone: 515/483-2576

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Theta Linda M a r t i n . Box 554; Coe College, Cedar Peggy Robinson Kelley (Michael), <t>l. 13561
Gold, Omaha, NE 68144, 402/333-7198
Coe College Rapids, I A 52404

Delta Pi Lita Richtermeyer. Panhellenic Hall, Central Ian Rhodes, API, 323 A King. War- G i n n v Zenishek Struble ( W m . ) , 4>, 2330 S.E.
Central Missouri Missouri, Warrensburg, M O 64093, 816/ rensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-6362 Alamar Rd., Topeka, KS 66605, 913/233-
State University 747-9813 0842

lota Sigma Shari Neary, A O n , 2007 Greelev, Ames, I A Karen White Shirk (Robert), 1Z, 2854 Charlene Hametz Mever (Lloyd), Z. 11475
Iowa State 50010, 515/232-1520 Monroe Dr., Ames, I A 50010, 515/ Frances, Omaha, NE 68144, 402/334-9030
University 232-7903
Sheila White, 202 Roberta Hall, N W M S U , Ginny Zenishek Struble
Lambda Omega Maryville, M O 64468, 816/582-7234 Connie Carver U r v (Gary), A Z , 1201
Northwest Missouri N . Buchanan, Marvville, M O 64468, Peggy Robinson Kelley
State University Connie J. H a r r i s , Kearney State College, Box
67, Conrad Hall. Kearney, NE 68847, 308/ 816/582-7384 Peggy Robinson Kelley
Phi Sigma 236-3102
Kearney State leanne Deyle Blausev (Richard), <t>2,
College Kris Sargent, 3823 Garretson Ave., Mor- 3702 Ave. M , Kearney, NE 68847.
ningside College, Sioux City, I A 51106
Theta Chi 308/234-3659
College Susan Hoverstein Hamann (Stanley),
6 X , Anthon, I A 51004

Zeta Helen Bergin, 1541 S. St., L i n c o l n , N E 68508, Jane Hart, 5225 Cleveland, # 1 L i n - Charlene Hametz Meyer
University of 404/432-0655 coln, NE 68504, 402/466-8087

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Ames Lincoln
Sue Bunce Froser (David), ©X, 2716 Eisen- Maryville Sue K i r k m a n Roberts (Leslie), Z, 4131 Pio-
Columbia- hower, Ames, IA 50010, 515/233-1814 Omaha neer, Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/489-3026
Jefferson City St. Louis
Des Moines Diane Poole Sprenger (Gery), TA, Rt. 4, Box Topeka K i m b e r l v Zackula, AQ, 30514 N . Cherry,
58-C, Columbia, M O 65201, 314/443-8416 Cameron, M O 64429, 816/632-6310
Greater Kansas
City Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen (Kevin), I I , 7102 Charlene Hametz Meyer. See Regional Direc-
Horton, Des Moines, I A 50322, 515/276- tor listing.
Rita Varner Hastings (Fred), T, 7504 Hillsdale
Geniece Clawson Tyler (J. David), A n , 12505 Dr., St. Louis, M O 63133, 314/862-2006
Vallev Brook Dr.', Grandview, M O 64030,
816/761-6892 Melinda Sears Oberhelman (Ronald), A n ,
5412 Sena, Topeka, KS 66604, 913/273-2390

V—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Peggy Robinson Kelley—Kearney, Omaha. Charlene Hametz Meyer—Lincoln, Ames, Des Moines. G i n n y Zenishek Struble—Columbia-Jefferson, Greater Kansas City,
Maryville. St. Louis, Topeka.


Vice President: A l v e r n a Ocker Swan (Forrest E.). T , 7406 78th S.E.. Mercer Island, W A 98040, 206/232-3721

Extension Officer: Elaine Pruett Smith (Richard), I A , 3759 H e r o n , Pocatello, I D 83201, 208/237-1462

linance Officer: M a r i l y n Keller L u n d b e r g (Lawrence), T , 16035 B u r k e Ave.. N o r t h , Seattle, W A 98133, 206/542-3390

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Gamma Margo Wallace, N.R. 820 Campus, Pullman, Susan Wayneberg Hinz (Mike), A T , Audrey Hoenshell Humason (Harlan), T,
Washington State W A 99163, 509/335-8502 N . W . 1915 Kenny, Pullman, W A 14548 Edgewater Ln.. N E Seattle, W A
University 99163, 509/332-1168 98155, 206/363-0151

Alpha Phi Gail Baack, 1119 South 5th, Bozeman, M T Susan H o r r a m H a m p t o n ( M a r k ) , A<t>, M a r v Palffv, A * , 1105 Durston Rd.. Bozeman,
Montana State 59715, 406/587-0691 210 S. Black, Bozeman, M T 59715. MT 59715, 406/586-2144

University 406/587-7613


Alpha Rho A n n Muir, 2435 N W Harrison, Corvallis, OR R u t h C i l l m o r e Baines (John), A P , 203 M a r y O. Barnes Haller (Allen), A P , 22315 6th
Oregon State 97330. 503/757-1552 N W 27, Corvallis, OR 97330, 503/ Ave. SO. # 4 0 1 , Des Moines, W A 98188,
University 752-2968 206/824-7377
Alpha Sigma K i m Lundell, 1680 Alder. Eugene. OR 97401.
University of 503/344-2128 Constance Fullmer Hixson (Lester), Marv Barnes Haller
Oregon A Z , 1523 Russett Dr., Eugene, OR
Beta Kappa Lorraine Ash. #10 Panhellenic House, 6478 97401, 503/345-9991 Mary Barnes Haller
University of Northwest Marine, Univ. of B.C.. Van-
British Columbia couver, B.C. Canada V6T 1W5, 605/228- Judit Putti Spence (Kerry), B K , 264 Audrev Hoenshell Humason
0208 Montroval Blvd., N . Vancouver,
Beta Rho B.C. Canada V 7 H 2E2, 604/980-5154 M a r y Pa I f f y
University of Bonnie Riek, 220 Dalv, Missoula, M T 59801,
Montana 406/728-2151 Susan Squires Lucas (Tom), Z A , 3008 Mary Palffy
Beta Sigma Bancroft, Missoula, M T 59801, 406/
Boise State Jan Naugler, AOn House, 1906 Potter St., 728-8291 Audrey Hoenshell Humason
University Boise, I D 83706
Iota Alpha Linda Lattin Rust (Theron V.), A P ,
Idaho State Pamela Albano, 616 Turner House, ISU, 2797 Lancaster Dr., Boise, I D 83702,
University Pocatello, I D 83209, 208/236-3504 208/336-3941
University of Carol Opstad, 1906 NE 45th St., Seattle, W A Rita Demopoulos Haggardt (Terry),
Washington 98105, 206/524-4669 IA, 2037 E. Lewis, Pocatello, I D
83201, 208/233-3313

Kathleen Oliver Busch (Bruce), T,
5700 29th NE, Seattle, W A 98105,

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Missoula Pullman
Michelle J. M i l o g r a g o v i c h , BP, Box 3804, Seattle Susan Daiger Schell (Gary), A r , S.E. 915
Pocatello Missoula, MT, 95801 Skylark, Pullman, W A 99163, 509/332-4923
Vancouver, BC
Portland Terrv H o w a r d Grant (Ray), I A , 4995 LaVera Smith Hawksford (C. George), T,
1109 N.E. 135th, Seattle, W A 98125, 206/
Chinook, Pocatello, I D 83201, 208/232-9094 362-1420

Susan Saunders Dalrvmple (Larrv), A P , 3653 Anne Ridsdale Mott (Geoffrey). BK, 1391
SE Tenino, Portland, OR 97202, 503/774- Devonshire Cres., Vancouver, BC Canada,
5472 V 6 H 2G3, 604/738-7764

VI—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Audrey Hoenshell Humason—Missoula, Pullman, Seattle. Mary Palffy—Pocatello. Mary Barnes Haller—Portland, Vancouver, BC.


Vice President: Grace Cascio LaMarca ( A n t h o n v ) , A T , 2610 W i l s h i r e St., M o n r o e , L A 71201. Telephone: 318/387-3573

Extension Officer: Barbara O w e n s K r a m e r (Raymond), B<t>, 7516 C h a t t i n g t o n Dr., Dallas, TX 75240. Telephone: 214/233-6495

Finance Officer: Elaine deFrances Ellis (Randall), A O , 1898 Dabnev Dr., Baton Rouge, L A 79816. Telephone: 504/272-3197

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Alpha Omicron Kathleen Bourgeois, P.O. Box 16990-A, Baton Charlene Muffaletta Favre (Arthur), Melaine Nixon Dovle (Edgar), A Z , 2624 A r -
Louisiana State Rouge, L A 70893, 504/387-4294 A O , 10349 Azrak Ave.. Baton kansas Valley Dr., Little Rock, AR 72212,

University Rouge, LA 70809. 504/293-1879 501/225-8427'

Delta Beta Gail Kingston, P.O. Box 4-2130, Lafayette, L A Judy Andrus Willig (W. D.), A B , 728 Linda Seale Chauviere ( A r n o l d ) , A O , 1659
University of 70504, 318/233-0134 Brentwood Blvd., Lafavette, L A Madras Dr., Baton Rouge, L A 70815, 504/

Southwestern Louisi- 70503, 318/981-1235 925-8044

Kappa Tau Debi Bennett, P.O. Box 948, SLU, Hammond, Elaine Spell W e l s h (Tom), K T , 105 S. Melaine Nixon Doyle
Southeastern LA 70401, 504/549-3681 Chestnut, Hammond, L A 70401,
Louisiana 504/542-1720
Terri Parker, P.O. Box 4556 N L U , Monroe, L A Carol Baker Robinson (Oscar), A T , Linda Seale Chauviere
Lambda Tau 71209, 318/343-5711 2209 Emerson, Monroe, L A 71201,
Northeastern 318/325-0304
University Terri Wix, Box 928, State Univ., AR 72467, Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (Thad), ZO, Jane Kenner H o f f m a n (James), K A , 8911
501/972-2182 1812 Eldridge, Jonesboro, AR 72401, Leatrice Dr., Little Rock, AR 72207, 501/
Sigma Omicron 501/935-1155 225-0796
Arkansas State Cynthia Ruhnke, 6310 Rue Sophie, San
University Antonio, TX 78238, 512/684-1243 Marie Louise Dieu Cooper (William), Melanie Nixon Doyle
r i K . 6030 Forest Ridge, San
Upsilon Lambda Antonio, TX 78240, 512/684-5188
University of
Texas-San Antonio

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Arlington- Fort Worth
Mid Cities V i r g i n i a H i l d e b r a n d t ( G a r y ) , <t>K, 1413 Numa Ablowich Surgeon (Edward), NK,
Austin Woodway Dr., Hurst, TX 76053 Greater 3717 O v e r t o n Park E., Ft. W o r t h , TX 76109,
Lafavette 817/923-8003
Baton Rouge Beth Barnes, 11K. 6409 Mesa. Austin. TX
Hammond Cathy L i n n Heath (Alan), co-president, 208
Beaumont 78731, 512/345-0028 Vancouver Dr., Lafayette, L A 70507, 318/
Houston 235-6023. Marcella Walker Baccigalopi, A B ,
Dallas Bernadette Morris Rogers (Randal), A O , 7818 co-president, 135 Clark Ct.. Lafayette, L A
Blake Dr., Baton Rouge, L A 70816, 504/293- 70503, 318/234-4277
Tatti Thompson Dowie (Tom). K T , 3013
Melanie Bernard Ladner (C. J.), N B , 3010 Ridgelake #214, Metairie, LA 70002, 504/
Nashville, Nederland, TX 77627, 713/722- 833-2823
Kathy Naschke Shane, r i K . 7900 Westheimer,
R o b i n Lee B e l t r a m i n i ( R i c h a r d ) , 1, 3340 Apt. 330. Houston, TX 77063. 713/781-8509
Fiedgerow, #2215, Dallas, TX 75235

Alumnat' Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Jonesboro Oklahoma City
Little Rock Debra Jackson Walden (Michael), K O , 1120 Cvndee Truxton Kellv (Brian). Z O , 2612 N .
San Antonio ' A n n Arbor #248.' Oklahoma City, OK
Monroe Haven, Jonesboro, AR 72401. 501/935-7542 Shreveport 73127, 405/947-7265
New Orleans Tulsa
Northwest Arkansas Libby Watson Taylor (Randy), ZO, #4 D i n a h Lea Gaines, F1K, 503 A n t l e r Dr., San
O'Donnell C t , Little Rock, AR 72205, 501/
224-2823 Antonio, TX 78213, 512/341-0442

Beverly Sanders Palmer (Paul), A T , 102 Patti Hartman Bewick (Robert). A T , 9048
Savoy Dr., Monroe. L A 71203, 318/343-2401 Sara La., Shreveport, L A 71118

Louise Ferrand, n, 1329 K i l l d e e r St., N e w Virginia White Parks (Allan), =. 724 South
Orleans, L A 70122 College, Tulsa, O K 74104, 918/936-2046

Toni Thompson Turpen (Timothv), 1351 Co-
lumbus Blvd.. Fayetteville, AR 72701, 501/

VII —Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Linda SealeChauviere—Lafayette, Monroe, Shreveport, N e w Orleans. Melanie Nixon Doyle—Baton Rouge, Hammond. San Antonio. Austin, Beaumont, Houston. JaneKen-
ner Hoffman—Jonesboro, Little Rock, Arlington, Dallas, Ft. W o r t h , Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Fayetteville.


Vice President: Sandra Rodgers M a r k e l ( E d w i n L . ) , T . 882 Russet Dr., Sunnyvale, C A 94087. Telephone: 408/732-4657

Extension Officer: Jean Hiler Maroder ( E d m o n d C ) . A , 750 Seale Ave., Palo A l t o . C A 94303. Telephone: 415/327-3230

Finance Officer: Sandra Glooschenko Jaeger ( A l l e n ) , 1817 Capistrano Ave., Berkeley, C A 94707. Telephone: 415/526-6667

Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director

Chi Alpha Irene Yamamoto, 203 1st St. Davis, C A 95616, Alice Crouch Huston (Wm.), A * Leah Hardcastle MacNeil (Neil), A Z , 7033
University of 916/756-5572 8719 Fallbrook Way, Sacremento, Hemlock Oakland, CA 94611, 415/339-

Californa-Davis CA 95826, 916/838-1245 0312

Chi Delta Tracv Livezey, 1015 15th St., Boulder, C O Janet T h u m m Spomer (Louis), P, 6991 Janice Gvger Pope (Cliff), SO., 11240 W. 60th
University of 80302, 303/443-0546 E. Cornell Ave., Denver, C O 80224, Ave., Arvada, CO 80004, 303/423-4870
Colorado 303/757-1442

Lambda (Colony) A n n Haas, P.O. Box 9664, Stanford, C A 94305 Joanne Elkinton K e m p (John III) A P , Leah Hardcastle MacNeil

Stanford 261 Gabarda Wav, Menlo Park, CA

University 94025, 415/854-1410

Lambda Beta Lvnette White, 3980 East 8th St., CSU L o n g Penne Benson Ferrell (James), N A , Phyllis Casteel Gilson (Stanley), Z4>, 18000
California State 'Beach, CA 90804 24701 Raymond Way, Space 24. El Collins. Encino, CA 91316, 213/344-9275
University- Toro, CA 92630, 714/770-2364

Long Beach

Lambda Iota Laura Bloom, 9815 Genesee Ave., San Diego, Susan Davis Holtkamp (Phillip), O, A n n Crawford, K S , 2894 Fidler Ave., Long
University of CA 92122 485 Santa Dominga, Solana Beach, Beach, CA 90815, 213/425-6089
California-San Diego
Nu Lambda Susan Pulone 647 W . 28th St.; Los Angeles, CA 92075, 714/755-7732 Leah Hardcastle MacNeil
U nivetsity of CA 90007, 213/746-8426
Southern California Nancy Gentry McWherter (Robert), Ann Crawford
Sigma Lisa Lucheta, 2311 Prospect, Berkeley, C A A Z , 1923 Pullman L a , Redondo
94704, 415/845-9245 Ann Crawford
University of Beach, C A 90278, 213/372-3174
California-Berkeley Three Tvler, 9950 Zelzah Ave., Northridge, Phyllis Casteel Gilson
Sigma Phi CA 91406, 213/349-9873 Judith Lacina Blakelv (Donald), On,
California State 752 Longridge Rd., Oakland, CA Janice Gyger Pope
University-Northridge Doris Allen, C U Box 10049, N A U , Flagstaff,
Theta Omega AZ 86001, 602/523-4302 94610, 415/444-1459
Northern Arizona
University Ellen Saddler, 1731 E. 2nd St., U n i v . of Ariz., Candy Rajacich Z * , 6624 Whitaker
Upsilon Alpha Tucson, A Z 85719, 602/795-9570 Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406, 213/
University of 780-4125
Lillilian Palmer Baker (Richard),
Corp. Pres., 6 Q , 1508 Aztec,
Flagstaff, A Z 86001, 602/774-3659

Susan Duggins (SCA), A T , 1731 E.
2nd St., Tuscon, A Z , 85719, 602/

Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Albuquerque Long Beach
Amador-Livermore Hazlet Gann Edmonds, K 6 , 2120 Valencia Debra Dolan Sutton (Darrel), A B , 9936.
Valley Los Angeles Ramona A p t . 16, Bellflower, C A 90706, 213/
Denver NE. A p t . 9, Albuquerque, N M 87110 867-8307
Juanita Sakajian Haugen (Gilbert), N A , 3845 Marin County
Diablo Valley Northern Orange C y n t h i a D i c k r a n i a n N o r i a n (Ken). K G , 260 S.
Pinot Ct., Pleasanton, C A 94566 County- Peck Dr., Beverly Hills, C A 90212, 213/277-
East Bay Phvllis lohnson Stewart (Gerald W.), XA, Palo Alto 4490

Glendale 7241 S. W a s h i n g t o n Wav, L i t t l e t o n , C O Pasadena V i r g i n i a M o o r e DePue. See San M a t e o A l u m -
nae Chapter president listing.
Hawaii 80122, 303/794-8399 Phoenix
Las Vegas Riverside Carole Bloom Dovala (Rick), K 6 , 6340 Fair-
Thelma Coen Waigand (Gram), 0 * , 2355 lynn, Yorba Linda, CA 92686, 714/970-8768
20 Royal Oaks Dr., Alamo, CA 94507, 415/837-
I.ori D i c k m a n Castellucci (Angelo), A Z , 1551
1221 Granger Way, Redwood City, CA 94061.
Marilvn Martin Beightler (Robert), Z, #15
ViUanova La., Oakland, CA 94611, 415/339- Arlene Andreson Desjardins (R. J.), X A , 1845
8908 N . Santa Anita, Arcadia, C A 91006, 213/
Betty Boothe Keller (Robert), Z, 4941 Oak-
wood Ave., t.a Canada Flintridge, CA Karen Ross W i l s o n (Don), O O , 4151 W. Col-
91011. 213/790-5101 ter, Phoenix, A Z 85019. 602/931-4521

Janice Wright Pechauer (John), I , 4350 Colleen Hise Munson, API, 8040 Magnolia
Halupa St.. H o n o l u l u , H I 96818 #5, Riverside, CA 92504, 714/687-0618

Carol Gardner, 0 Q , 220A Brookside La.. Las
Vegas, N V 89107

Sacramento M a r t h a Sorter Bavne (Charles), * , 9225 C o n - San Mateo V i r g i n i a M o o r e DePue, K 6 , P.O. Box 762. St.
M a t t h e w Station, San Mateo, C A 94401,
San Diego desa, Sacramento, C A 95826, 916/363-1638 South Bay-
Palos Verdes 415/341-3522
San Hernando Reba Shannon Traber ( A r t h u r ) , 12007 Bajada
Valley Southern Orange Marena Otis Spiropaulos (James). A , 218
R d „ San Diego, C A 92128, 714/487-0408 County Enrose Ave., San Pedro, C A 90732, 213/548-
San Jose 1114
Crystal Paine Compese (Joseph), X A , 23063 Tucson
Baltar St., Canoga Park, C A 91304, 213/884- P h y l l i s C u r r y Carter (Jerry), A Z , 16304 Mt.
9914 Emma St., Fountain Valley, C A 92708, 714/
V i r g i n i a M c C o y G o o d (Jack), A<t>, 860
Buchser Way, San Jose, C A 95125, 408/287- Donna C l a n t o n Fulton ( A r c h ) , T A , 8748 E.
7446 Patterson Dr., Tucson, A Z 85710, 602/885-

VIII—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:

Phyllis Casteel Cilson—Long Beach, Northern Orange County, Phoenix, Riverside, South Bay, Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County. Leah Hardcastle MacNeil—Amador-
L i v e r m o r e , H a w a i i , Los Angeles, M a r i n C o u n t y , Palo A l t o , Sacramento, San Jose, San Mateo. A n n C r a w f o r d — D i a b l o Valley, East Bay, Glendale, Pasadena, San Diego, San
Fernando Valley. Janice Gyger Pope —Albuquerque. Denver. Las Vegas, Tucson.

Make Plans Now!
Come And Visit


1979 International Convention in
Nashville June 30—July 3


Dear Sisters,
Now that Rush is over (at least for many of you), you're probably ready for a well-deserved rest! But with your brand new pledge
classes, you certainly can't rest long. Pledging is such a short time in which to prepare our pledges for initiation that it is impera-
tive that our pledge programs are the educational tool they are meant to be. For pledging is an education in which our pledges
learn both about AOU. and themselves. And that is why there is no room in our pledge programs for hazing.

Although A O n has long had a policy against hazing, the basic problem of defining hazing still exists. It is against the funda-
mental principles of our Fraternity to submit either pledges or members to any actions that would produce mental or physical dis-
comfort, embarrassment, harrassment, or ridicule.

Because the expresion, "But that's not hazing" is stll heard repeatedly, I am listing a number of common activities that are haz-
ing. Keeping in mind that hazing is anything that does not contribute to positive pledge development will help you understand
why these actions are indeed hazing. Hazing includes (but is not limited to) such actions as unusual eating methods or places,
deprivation of sleep and/or food, personal servitude, punitive calesthenics, parades to men's fraternities, wearing of anything
other than a pledge pin to identify pledgeship, addressing initiates by phrases which imply a superior status, any indication that
a pledge will not be initiated even if she has completed all pledging requirements, any indication of a change of status right before
initiation, special courts, prolonged silence periods, peer pressure to engage in activities against the pledge's will, and, in general,
any activity that does not have a positive purpose. If there are any local customs that are hazing, it is up to you to lead the way
toward the development of new programs that reflect our ideals. If there is any question about an activity, contact your regional
director for an opinion.

If we want our pledges to develop an appreciation of AOU and its principles, it's our responsibility to provide pledge educa-
tion programs which strive to promote the positive development of the individuals whom we have selected to be members of our
Fraternity. After all, not only do we want to be proud to call our new pledges, sisters, we want them to be proud to call us sisters,

Norma Ackel
International President

We hear so much about what Pledging: A Time To Grow
pledging shouldn't be that
often times we lose sight of about hazing in fraternities. Almost amine them a little more closely to
what we really are trying to every fraternity has publically stated clarify their real intent.
accomplish . . . its abhorrence to such practices. In
this issue, our International Presi- Interestingly enough, the first
By Becky Montgomery, KTl dent has reaffirmed our position statement does not expound on the
Editor, T O DRAGMA against hazing through an open let- importance of pledges knowing all
ter to the Fraternity. This, as well as about A O n and the Greek system.
Finally . . . Finally things have many excellent articles in other fra- Interestingly enough, the purpose of
slowed down, and there's some- ternity publications, delineate what pledge education, as purported by
thing of a regularity to life. Rush is pledging shouldn't be, but the most this statement, is not to teach
over for most everyone and life has difficult question is still unan- pledges the Greek alphabet forwards
become a routine of classes, eating, swered: what is pledging? and backwards so that they can say
sleeping, meetings, etc. But wait a it ten times on a lighted match. But
minute! Normal? Routine? What A good starting point in working the fundamental purpose of pledge
about those brand new pledges who through this question is the state- education is to help our new pledges
were the result of that terrific Rush? ment of purpose that is in the pledge become acclimated to their college
Maybe Rush is over, but the real manual given to each and everyone surroundings. One may argue that
care, concern, and work begin now. of our pledges. It tells our pledges since a majority of our chapters are
that "the purpose of pledge educa- now pledging upper classmen as
When we take new pledges, not tion is to help you adjust scholasti- well as freshmen that this statement
only are they making a promise to cally, intellectually, and socially to is no longer applicable to pledging.
us, but we are also making a prom- your college surroundings. Also its However, there is more to adjust-
ise to them. It's time we evaluate purpose is to develop within you ment than just physically knowing
how we are achieving the first step and your pledge sisters a deep ap- the way around campus. There's
in fulfilling that promise. Specifical- preciation for A O n and its princi- even more to adjustment than
ly, it's time we evaluate what type of ples." In these two seemingly simple knowing one has to study only two
a pledge education we are offering statements, the standards that we hours for a biology exam but six
the girls whom we have selected to should follow in developing viable hours for an accounting exam.
be A O F l s . pledge programs are set. Let's ex- Adjustment, in the context of this

In many ways, it's easier to evalu-
ate pledging in the aspect of what it
shouldn't be. In the past year or so,
there has been increased concern


statement, is that elusive process through pledging. The purpose of basic principles and ideals. With
called growth. And, hopefully, pledging is to develop good sisters, these principles as the guiding force,
whether a freshmen, sophomore, but in developing good sisters, our we will be able to develop the viable
junior, senior, or 50 year member, true accomplishment is that we have pledge programs that are needed to
one never quits growing! made perceptive, responsible people help our pledges grow into sisters.
in the process.
In essence, pledging is a growing Fraternity membership is on the
period. Certainly the girls should be It seems that the second part of rise. According to an article in the
learning about AOFI and the Greek the pledge manual purpose has been Philadelphia Bulletin, the National
system, but even more importantly virtually neglected in this discus- Panhellenic Conference maintains
they should be learning about them- sion. Does this mean that we should that "many female college students
selves. Pledging should be the first not emphasize AOFI education— take the view that a (fraternity)
step in a lifelong process of growth the education into the ideals and membership provides them with a
through the Fraternity. Through principles that make us what we 'supportive' atmosphere and futher
pledging, the girls should begin to are? Certainly not! This, too, is an encouragement that women can
realize that membership in our Fra- integral part of the pledging pro- successfully compete in a 'man's
ternity is much more than parties; gram. It, neither, is easy to teach. A world.' " Fraternity membership
it's even more than the life-long
friendships that one makes. Pledg- Pledging is a growing period.
ing should be the first step in teach-
ing that fraternity membership is an pledge trainer can tell the girls all can offer even more. It offers a
important part of one's personal the facts about A O f l that they unique growth opportunity not to
growth. In the Fraternity, there are should know. She can require that be found elsewhere on the college
many opportunities to grow; there the facts be memorized for a pledge campus. With a strong pledge pro-
are many things that can be learned. test. But this is no guarantee that gram as the initial step, our mem-
The pledges should learn that there they have "learned" the ideals and bers will find both the freedom and
will always be sisters there to principles of A O H . The only way the challenge in their fraternity
depend on. But even more impor- that pledges will truly develop an membership to make their "reach
tantly, there will always, for the rest appreciation for Our principles is to exceed their grasp."
of their lives, be people who need see them in practice. The chapter
them. A n d this is the true measure must diligently exercise the princi- We have so much to offer! When a
of growth. When one learns that it is ples of A O n if they are to become girl becomes a pledge of A O F I , not
just as important to be needed as it is meaningful to the pledges. Most im- only does she make a lifetime prom-
to need, an essential milestone in the portantly, these fundamental tenets ise to us, we also make a lifetime
maturation process has been of A O n must be the foundation of promise to her. With our principles
reached. The desire to become the our pledge programs. TTn's is the key. as our guide, we will be able to suc-
best person one can, not only for For pledging to achieve the pur- cessfully meet the continual chal-
personal satisfaction, but also to be a poses for which we are striving, the lenge of offering viable pledge pro-
positive reflection on the Fraternity programs need to be based on our grams that are the first step in fulfill-
is another quality to be instilled ing the commitment we have made.

Scholarship Competition Stiff

By Neen Neale, K $ their belief in academic principles We also salute chapters whose grade
International Scholarship and as a result their chapters have point average improved significantly
attained excellent academic achieve- during 1977: Alpha Theta, Coe Col-
Chairman ment and/or improvement during lege; Beta Epsilon, Bemidji State
the first year of this competition. University; C h i Delta, University of
As Alpha Omicron Pi enters the sec- Colorado; Kappa Tau, Southeastern
ond year of the 1977-79 biennium, Alpha Omciron Pi proudly Louisiana University; Omicron,
keen competition prevails salutes chapters whose grade point University of Tennessee; Phi Omi-
throughout its many chapters in the average was 3.0 or higher in 1977: cron, Hanover College; Sigma
scholarship race for the coveted Mc- Beta Phi, Indiana University; Beta Lambda, University of Wisconsin,
Causland Cup. The McCausland Tau, University of Toronto; Iota, Lacrosse; Sigma Rho, Slippery Rock
Cup is awarded at Convention to University of Illinois; Kappa Kappa, State College; Theta Pi, Wagner Col-
the chapter having the highest scho- Ball State University; Lambda lege; and Upsilon, University of
lastic rating in the previous two Omega, Northwest Missouri State Washington.
years. Recognition awards are also University; Nu Lambda, University
presented for outstanding all- of Southern California; Omega O m - Also deserving our congratula-
around scholarship. icron, Lambuth College; and Zeta,
University of Nebraska. (cont on page 25)
There are many, many A O r i s
who have clearly demonstrated 23

The Travelers of 1978-79



TC training isn't all work—just mostly

work!! Denise, Claire, Suzanne, and Leslie

take an ice cream break during training in

Nashville this past August.

TCs, from left, Leslie Welch, Denise Hembree, Claire Edgington, and Suzanne Colgan get Claire held the offices of president,
in practice for their year's traveling. Panhellenic delegate, keeper of the
ritual, and chaplain. In her "spare"
Have you met the newest edition of to give you! time, Claire enjoys dancing, swim-
AOIYs living, breathing, walking, ming, singing, Softball, and powder-
talking encyclopedias? If you Suzanne is one of two travelers who puff football.
haven't, you will in the future when is from, as she puts it, "the coast."
one of A O n ' s new traveling con- (If anyone has any doubts, "the Denise is the "veteran" of this year's
sultants visits your chapter! coast" is the West Coast!) A native group as she is traveling for a sec-
of Bellevue, Washington, Suzanne ond year after a very successful first
After two weeks of rigorous train- holds a bachelor of science degree in year. A native of Tracy, California,
ing in Nashville, the girls were physical education from Washing- Denise holds a bachelor of science in
ready for just about anything. ton State University. Very active i n psychology from the University of
" A n y t h i n g " ranges from chapter her o w n chapter, she served as California-Davis. Denise was presi-
problems of all sorts to arriving in house manager, social chairman, dent, vice president, and pledge
the airport to find that the luggage parliamentarian, by-laws chairman, trainer for her chapter. Besides
that held everything needed for a and Panhellenic delegate. During enjoying sports, Denise also likes
year had been lost! her senior year, Suzanne also served trying her hand at gourmet cooking
as Panhellenic president. Hobbies and photography.
The four girls selected to handle for Suzanne include singing, danc- Leslie hails from the "other coast."
the awesome responsibility of being ing, golf, swimming, tennis, and A native of Basking Ridge, N e w Jer-
a resource person for chapters that skiing. sey, Leslie holds a bachelor of arts
are as different as night and day re- from Purdue University in West La-
flect that very same diversity. From Claire is the southern representative fayette, Indiana. Active i n her o w n
all sides of the country, each trav- for the travelers this year. Home for chapter, Leslie served as rush coun-
eling consultant has so much to Claire is Winchester, Kentucky. She selor, historian, alumnae relations
offer —when it's your turn to holds a bachelor of arts in recreation officer, and was a member of pledge
hostess one of these girls, don't be from Western Kentucky University. board. Hobbies include singing,
afraid to accept all she has brought Very involved in her own chapter, guitar playing, tennis, swimming,
photography, and dogs.


What Next??

What does graduation bring? More studying if you're to be a trav-

eling consultant or Special Chapter Assistant for A.OULeslie

Welch, Denise Hembree, Janice McDonald, SCA, Suzanne Colgan,

and Claire Edgington, found themselves working night and day to

prepare for their year's work with collegiate chapters all over the

country and Canada.

There are some very special positions in Another very special position is that with all sorts of people and all sorts of
A O n for new graduates. If you're of Traveling Consultant. You've proba- situations. To be a TC, you have to love
headed to grad school, have you bly met one of these dedicated girls A O n enough to live it 24 hours a day
thought about being a Special Chapter when she visited your chapter. Doesn't for nine months of a very hectic year.
Assistant and sharing your AOI1 it sound exciting—traveling all around Being a TC can be a frustratng and lone-
knowledge and experience with a chap- the country and meeting so many ly job. But that's why the rewards are so
ter that needs a helping hand? Why not sisters? But really that is just a small rewarding. Why not clip the form
clip the form below and get some more part of being a TC. Being a TC is one of below and find out more about the TC
information on this program for special the most challenging undertakings that program?
AOIls? A O n offers. To be a TC, you must deal

I am interested in the SCA Program _ CHAPTER
I am interested in the TC Program _
Mail to: AOIT Central Office

2401 Hillsboro Rd. Suite 103
Nashville, T N 37212
Please send i n f o r m a t i o n to:




(con't from page 23) Morris Harvey College; Phi These accomplishments are the
tions are the following chapters who Upsilon, Purdue University; Sigma results of long hours of study by
received university and Panhellenic Chi, Hartwick College; Sigma A O r i s who accepted good scholar-
recognition: Beta Chi, Kentucky Lambda, University of Wisconsin; ship as an individual responsibility,
Wesleyan College; Chi Alpha, Uni- Sigma Tau, Washington College; as well as honoring their commit-
versity of California, Davis; Gamma Tau Omicron, University of Tennes- ment to help in the scholastic efforts
Sigma, Georgia State University; see at M a r t i n ; Theta, DePauw of their sisters. These AOPis' scho-
Lambda Sigma, University of Geor- University; Theta Omega, Northern lastic obligation to themselves or to
gia; N u Lambda, University of Arizona University; Theta Psi, U n i - their sisters truly reflects their
Southern California; Omega Omi- versity of Toledo; and Zeta Psi, U n i - faithfulness to the ideals of Alpha
cron, Lambuth College; Phi Kappa, versity of Eastern Carolina. Omicron Pi.


A Message That Knows No Time .

Founders' Day 1978

In 1947, the three living Founders met and agreed to write "three individual greetings, all brief enough to be con-
tained together i n one page" as Bess W y m a n said i n her letter. Following are the messages they wrote. The messages
f r o m Jessie and Bess are complete. Since Stella's message was somewhat long, excerpts only are included.

Our Founder's Day greetings are now over fifty years old, but to us, they will never be stale or worn out. Next month we shall send
one another still a more joyful greeting that is young after two thousand years. So I join with Bess and Stella in wishing another
happy year to A O I 1 and each of our little sisters. May our candlelight of love burn brighter and brighter until it blends with
other flames throughout the world to chase away forever the darkness of suspicion and fear.

Jessie Wallace Hughan

At this anniversary time I am mindful of the thousands of you who are members of Alpha Omicron Pi and who have brought so
much of happiness to your Founders through your lives and your devotion to what is true and fine. We are grateful to you.
It's a time to examine ourselves humbly and honestly. A recent novel entitiled "Touchstone" recalls the fact that touchstone or
basanite is used in testing the purity of gold and silver. We in Alpha Omicron Pi have in our motto our own touchstone. By it
alone we can test the rightness of our mental attitudes and our outward acts. If we stand the test we many know that we are build-
ing for the happier world which we all long to see. May we be an inspiration each to the other to this end.

Elizabeth Heywood Wyman

Though the world was simpler when we were founded, there were even then many thorny patches in personal environments,
many great thorny wastes on the earth. As figs cannot grow from thistles, nor verdure flourish in arid rock, so we knew that the
Rose of our Inspiration with healing for the nations in its leaves, could be grown only from its own true root and in its proper soil.
We knew that we must not only plant and tend the rose but must make the spread a garden—gardens—for it in its natural soil of
friendship, of which we had so much. In our college days such soil was ready at our hand. So there we began our central garden—
you—Alpha Omicron Pi.
Our prayer now is to see that soil still being wide-spread from our abundant acreage, new and stronger buddings from our radiant
bush being planted in the barren places—so many and drear—that we may plant and till and weed and labor together to make
deserts blossom. Thus may our home-garden in Alpha Omicron Pi be the nursery for a flowering world.
Bloom, all of you. And "rejoice evermore."

Stella G.S. Perry

The present Executive Board joins w i t h Jessie, Bess, and Stella i n these Founder's Day messages. As Bess said i n her
cover letter, " I t is difficult to say anything new, but i f messages aren't new, chapter members are and after all funda-
mentals don't change.

Norma Ackel w s
Phyllis Westerman
Ginger Banks .—4
Mary Moore
Joan MacCallum
Kay Sutherlin

Jo Beth H e f l i n
Marilyn Herman



A Truly

By Katherine Davis Carter, 0

When Priscilla Blakeley, Delta '51, subway steps and up to the street, to to lecture before groups on seeing
started to work at Liberty Mutual of get Priscilla to work and back home eye dogs and their training.
Boston, Queen Elizabeth I I was to her apartment in West Medford.
ascending the British throne, the Since the death of her parents,
Korean War was winding down, When Priscilla attends Boston Priscilla lives alone, does her o w n
"Ike" was campaigning for presi- alumnae chapter meetings, her dog cooking and housekeeping. She likes
dent by whistle-stop and TV. Re- comes right along w i t h her and rests to be independent and manages ex-
member "Kukla, Fran and Ollie?" at her feet during the meeting. A n tremely well.
Many of you don't because you amazing thing about Priscilla is that
weren't born yet, but they were she recognizes the members by their Upon entering Tufts, Priscilla de-
delighting the young fry at that time voices and never forgets them. cided to go out for rush. Since the
(as well as many of us oldsters). dormitories were not equipped for
N o w Priscilla has been at Liberty Priscilla started into kindergarten blind residents, she had to commute
M u t u a l for a little over 25 years and at the Perkins School for the Blind in (by bus), and she felt she w o u l d get
recently celebrated her silver anni- Boston and continued there through more out of campus life if she
versary by joining the Quarter Cen- high school. After graduating from belonged to a sorority. She was
tury Club. Tufts she went back to Perkins for a rushed by several groups and finally
post-graduate course in business i n - chose A O n . The girls she knew
While many people have achieved struction. She then started to w o r k during her four years at Tufts are
this honor, few have done it in the at Liberty Mutual and has been still her good friends, and the associ-
way that Priscilla has. Blind since there ever since. ation with them made her college
birth, she has gone back and forth to life richer.
work by public transportation with Priscilla has many interests, reads
the help of seeing eye dogs. widely (Braille and Talking Books), At Liberty Mutual, Priscilla and
is an avid Boston Red Sox baseball her dog have made many friends. In
Her first dog led her to Tufts Col- fan. She takes an active part i n her her department, Boston Claims, she
lege, Medford, Mass., during her church, the Congregational Church works as a stenographic typist. She
junior and senior years and con- of West Medford, serving on com- takes dictation f r o m the insurace
tinued to give loyal service for IOV2 mittees and singing in the choir. adjusters and transcribes the claims
years u n t i l he had to be put to sleep. Lacking Braille choir music, she on an IBM memory typewriter.
Her second dog was w i t h her IIV2 listens to her choirmates and can
years. N o w she has her third, the follow them, as she has a good musi- Boston alumnae are very proud of
beautiful Mona, who braves Boston cal ear. Occasionally she finds time Priscilla, truly a remarkable woman.
traffic morning and evening, down


1978-79 Diamond Jubilee
Foundation Scholars

Helen Haller Award (Special Chapter Assistant

Teri Elliot of Bremen, Indiana
Kappa Kappa Chapter
Special Chapter Assistant—Omicron Pi
Future Plans: Work i n public housing management

Janice McDonald of Los Altos, California
Alpha Rho Chapter
Special Chapter Assistant—Chi Delta
Future Plans: A r t School

Muriel T. McKinney Award
Mary Catherine Alexander of Hendersonville, Tennessee

Omega Omicron Chapter
Class of 1981, University of Tennessee, Center for Health Sciences
Degree Sought: D.D.S.
Future Plans: Dental practice in Tennessee

Cheryl Lynn Boyle of Great Falls, Montana

Beta Rho Chapter
Class of 1980, University of Montana
Degree Sought: B.A.


Chapter: Treasurer, House Manager, Jr. and Sr. Panhellenic Delegate,
Pledge Class President

Campus: University Forensic Team, Foresters Ball Queen Candidate
Future Plans: Teach history and speech —law degree

Helen Louise Braswell of Atlanta, Georgia
Lambda Sigma Chapter
Class of 1979, University of Georgia
Degree Sought: B.B.A.
Chapter: Jr. Panhellenic Delegate, Rush Membership Chairmar
Campus: Angel Flight, Phi Chi Lambda, Intramural raquetball,
softball, volleyball
Future Plans: Career i n finance


Cecelia Anne Buechlein of Jasper, Illinois
Chi Lambda Chapter
Class of 1980, University of Evansville, Indiana
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Pledge Trainer and Philanthropic Chairman, Chapter Secre-
Campus: Freshmen Honor Society, Student Council for Exceptional
Children, Newman Club
Future Plans: Teach mentally retarded children

Deborah Leigh Brewton of Birmingham, Alabama
Alpha Delta Chapter
Class of 1979, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Corresponding Secretary, Philanthropic Chairman, Panhel-
lenic Rush Counselor, Homecoming Chairman, Chapter Rela-
tions Chairman
Campus: Political action, Young Republicans, Blood Drive, Russian
Future Plans: Law School —Work i n State Department

Janet Louise Fellwock of Evansville, Indiana
Kappa Kappa Chapter
Class of 1980, Ball State University, Indiana
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Chapter Relations Chairman, "Superstars" Chairman, Pan-
hellenic Representative
Campus: Honors Program, Student Orientation Corps, Alpha Lambda
Honorary Society, Admissions Volunteer
Future Plans: Regional Planning—politics

Marianne Gilbert of Anderson, Indiana
Phi Upsilon Chapter
Class of 1979, Purdue University
Degree Sought: B.A. Elementary Education
Chapter: Historian, Recording Secretary, Song Leader, Leader's Coun-
Campus: Student National Education Association, Ski Club, Y.W.C.A.,
Reading Tutor, Kappa Delta Pi
Future Plans: Teach culturally different students

Sally Joan Greenburg of Alexandria, Lousiana
Lambda Tau Chapter
Class of 1978 (December) Northeast Louisiana University
Degree Sought: B.A. Special Elementary Education
Chapter: Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, Leader's Council, Philan-
thropic Chairman
Campus: Student Teacher's Association, Mortar Board, Parliamen-
tarian, President Year Book Staff
Future Plans: Special Education Teacher


Rosemary Grieb of Greeley, Colorado
Chi Delta Chapter
Class of 1979, University of Colorado
Degree Sought: B.A. Business
Chapter: Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, Chapter Relations Committee
Campus: Panhellenic Secretary, Treasurer, Delta Sigma Pi, Panhellenic
Rush Counselor
Future Plans: Business Law Degree—Marketing, International Business

Cheryl Leota Hack of T w i n Falls, Idaho
Iota Alpha Chapter
Class of 1979, Idaho State University
Degree Sought: B.A. Dental Hygiene
Chapter: Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer
Campus: Student Senate, Ski Club, Spurs, Chimes, Political Activities
Committee, Jr. American Dental Hygiene Association
Future Plans: Practice Preventive Dentistry

Carol Lee Hammond of Arcadia, Indiana
Kappa Alpha Chapter
Class of 1979, Indiana State University
Degree Sought: B.S. Accounting
Chapter: President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Chapter Relations,
Leader's Council
Campus: Student A l u m n i Council, Blue Beret, Alpha Lambda Delta,
Sparkette Lieutenant
Future Plans: Public Accountant i n Indianapolis

Colleen A. Kelley of St. Paul, Minnesota
Tau Chapter
Class of 1980, University of Minnesota
Degree Sought: Accounting
Chapter: Recording Secretary, Greek Week Coordinator, Panhellenic
Executive Board
Campus: Orientation Leader, S w i m m i n g Club, Lobbyist for Student I n -
terests at University
Future Plaits: Certified Public Accountant, law degree

Karen Gay Kroft of Decatur, Georgia
Delta Delta Chapter
Class of 1980, A u b u r n University, Alabama
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter: Pledge Class Vice President, Activities Chairman
Campus: Secretary S t u d e n t G o v e r n m e n t Senate, N a v y - M a r i n e
R.O.T.C., French Honorary
Future Plans: Graduate School—International Law


Celia Ann LaGreca of Omaha, Nebraska
Phi Sigma Chapter
Class of 1979, Kearney State College, Nebraska
Degree Sought: B.S. Journalism
Chapter: Recording Secretary, Panhellenic Delegate Leader's Council
Campus: Panhellenic President, Magazine Associate Editor, Homecom-
ing Committee, Admissions Intern
Future Plans: Public Relations

Heather Lynn Mong of Covington, Ohio
Omega Chapter
Class of 1980, Miami University, Ohio
Degree Sought: B.S. Education
Chapter: Rush Committee, Greek Sing, President Pledge Class, Intra
Social Chairman
Campus: Honorary Societies—Phi Upsilon Omicron, Kappa Delta Pi,
Freshman A w a r d , Phi Beta Kappa
Future Plans: Master's Degree Consumer Service, Home Economist

Mary F. Parniak of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Beta Tau
Class of 1979, Ryerson College, Toronto
Degree Sought: Business Administration
Chapter: Chapter Relations, Historian, House Manager, Jr. Panhellenic
Treasurer, Vice President
Campus: Accounting-Finance Student Union, {lousing Corporation,
Winter Carnival
Future Plans: Chartered Accountant Degree

Cynthia Ann Reckahn of Medina, New York
Sigma Rho
Class of 1980, Slippery Rock State College, Pennsylvania
Degree Sought: B.S. (Therapeutic Recreation)
Chapter: President, Chapter Relations Chairman, Corresponding Secre-
tary, Scholarship Chairman
Campus: President's Club, Greek Sing, Red Cross Blood Bank, Member
of Campus Survey Group for Federal Government Concern-
ing Handicapped
Future Plans: Therapeutic Recreation Specialist for Aged and Physically

Marylynn Elizabeth Samek of Hammond, Indiana
Beta Phi
Class of 1979, Indiana Unversity, Indiana (Bloomington)
Degree Sought: B.A. (Math Education)
Chapter: President, Assistant Treasurer, Chapter Relations, Leader's
Campus: Rush Counselor, Panhellenic
Future Plans: Teacher, Math, German, G i r l Scout Leader, Chapter Adviser


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