The AOII Connection
Alpha Omicron Pi’s Quarterly Fraternity & Sorority Advisor Newsletter Winter 2017
Members of Alpha Omicron Pi at the 2017 NPC Annual Meeting to support Carole Jurenko Jones as her term as Chairman begins.
At the National Panhellenic Conference Annual Meeting It was our expectation that collegians who accepted the offer
in Denver on October 28, AOII’s National Panhellenic to attend the meeting would present what they experienced
Conference Delegate Carole Jurenko Jones, University of and learned at a chapter meeting and at a Panhellenic
Alabama, was installed as Chairman. As the Chairman of meeting. It is our hope that our collegiate members have
NPC, Carole will work with representatives from 26 member already taken the initiative to share this experience with
organizations, the NPC Executive Committee, NPC Board your Panhellenic community. If not, we would ask that you
of Directors and NPC Staff. This two-year leadership role encourage the AOII that attended the installation to share
occurs only once every 52 years for each NPC Organization a short presentation at a Panhellenic meeting, so that she
and carries the honor of leading one of the largest women’s can speak to the spirit of cooperation, responsibilities of
organizations of nearly five million members. shared governance, and fellowship that NPC advocates for all
member organizations with your Panhellenic.
AOII was excited to offer financial support to all of our active
chapters to send a collegiate leader to the NPC Annual Today, the world desperately needs women to stand up
Meeting to share in the celebration of AOII’s NPC leadership. and lead through service and commitment to higher ideals.
More than 150 AOIIs attended to witness this historical The time is now to show steadfast support for women’s
event! Our collegiate members joined local alumnae, all fraternities and the contributions collegiate members make
AOII Past International Presidents, AOII Executive Board in order to speak with one voice to shape AOII and NPC’s
members, AOII Properties Board members, AOII Foundation future.
Board members and other honored guests. Our collegiate
attendees witnessed first-hand NPC’s commitment to wide
and wise human service. AOII’s collegiate attendees had
front row “best seats in the house” for the installation of
Carole Jurekno Jones as Chairman and Malaea Nelms
Zaleski (Zeta Tau Alpha) as Vice Chairman, as well as the rest
of the incoming Executive Committee. They then had the
opportunity to experience the evening banquet with all NPC
Annual Meeting attendees to hear Carole’s first speech as
NPC Chairman.
To learn more about Carole’s message of “Together…” take
a few minutes to read the Message from Chairman: Facing
Challenges, Embracing Opportunities…Together!
Pictured above: Attendees at AOII Headquarters during Leadership Academt 2017.
Leadership Academy is AOII’s annual receive resources to help advance their Communications, and Chapter Advisers
leadership conference held in chapter’s development. from each collegiate chapter will be
Brentwood, Tennessee that provides expected to attend this conference
education for Collegiate Chapter AOII’s 2018 Leadership Academy from February 2-4 in Brentwood,
Presidents, Advisers and one additional will focus on Communications within Tennessee.
collegiate officer. Leadership Academy the chapter, on the college campus,
is designed to help every collegiate and within the community. Chapter
chapter develop leadership skills and Presidents, Vice Presidents of
The application is now open for our 2018-2019 Educational
Leadership Consultant team. ELCs serve as a liaison
between our collegiate chapters and our International
Headquarters through individualized chapter support and
education. Along the way, our ELCs create lasting memories
and friendships that make this an exciting opportunity full
of many rewarding experiences. If you currently work with
a young woman who you believe would make a terrific
ELC, then please encourage her to apply. More details
including application instructions, a position description,
responsibilities and expectations for the role are accessible
on AOII’s website at
Supporting Our Chapters
Alpha Omicron Pi’s chapters and chartering chapters operate within regional networks. Each network has a dedicated team
of volunteers working in the areas of alumnae relations, finance, leadership, and recruitment. For chartering chapters and
new chapters, staff members partner with an international volunteer who works solely with one chartering/new chapter until
the group is ready to transition and work with all other network volunteers.
Our Collegiate Experience Department is comprised of a Director of Collegiate Experience and eight Assistant Directors
of Collegiate Experience (ADCE). Each ADCE is assigned to one network to assist in the leadership and management of our
chapters in collaboration with their network of volunteers.
Our Growth Department is comprised of a Director of Growth and two Assistant Directors of Growth (ADG). Each ADG,
with assistance from our Educational Leadership Consultants, plans and executes the chartering of new chapters including
public and campus relations, recruitment, development and the chapter's installation. Following the chapter's installation she
assists in the leadership and management of these chapters in collaboration with their assigned volunteer. States marked
with an asterisk (*) have a chartering or new chapter that works with an ADG.
Who to contact:
Director of Collegiate Experience: Jackie Petrucci, [email protected]
Director of Growth: Joelle McWilliams, [email protected]
Network 1 Network 4 Network 7
Staff Partner: Taylor Donahue, ADCE Staff Partner: Danielle McCullough, ADCE Staff Partner: Kate Donahue, ADCE
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Connecticut* New York Kentucky Tennessee* Alabama* Louisiana
Delaware Nova Scotia Mississippi Arkansas Missouri*
Maine Pennsylvania
Massachusetts Quebec Network 5 Network 8
New Hampshire Rhode Island
New Jersey Vermont Staff Partner: Ali Kresslein, ADCE Staff Partner: Meagan Smejdir, ADCE
[email protected] [email protected]
Network 2
Florida South Carolina Alaska Idaho*
Staff Partner: Emily Bulkley, ADCE Georgia Arizona* Nevada
[email protected] Alberta Oregon
British Columbia Utah
Maryland Virginia Network 6 California Washington
North Carolina Washington, D.C. Hawaii
Ohio West Virginia Staff Partner: Rebecca Easterling, ADCE
[email protected]
Network 3 Colorado North Dakota Growth Department
Iowa Oklahoma
Staff Partner: Robin Johns, ADCE Kansas Saskatchewan Staff Partner: Mary Faith Erwin, ADG
[email protected] Manitoba South Dakota [email protected]
Minnesota Texas*
Illinois Michigan * Montana Wisconsin East Tenn. State U Troy U
Indiana Ontario Nebraska Wyoming Missouri State U U of Connecticut
New Mexico
Interim Staff Partner: Joelle McWilliams
[email protected]
Arizona State U Texas A&M U
Boise State U U of Michigan
Panhellenic Community Updates
We want to keep up with your campus!
Have you reset your campus total or has it recently been auto-
matically reset following primary recruitment? Have your grade
reports been finalized? Will one of our members be serving on
the Panhellenic Council during the next term?
Email us any Panhellenic community updates at
[email protected]!
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters
5390 Virginia Way • Brentwood, Tennessee • 37027
Phone: 615.370.0920 • Fax: 615.371.9736
[email protected] •