1922 - 1923
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 10 Barrow St., New York City.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '98, 118 W . 183 St.,
New York, N. Y.
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 45 West
Thirty-fifth Street, New York, N . Y.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N . J .
Grand President, Merva Dolsen Hennings (Mrs. A . J.), 2734 Park Place,
Evanston, Illinois.
Grand Secretary, Laura A. H u r d , 524 Riverside Drive, New York City,
N. Y.
Grand Treasurer, Viola C. Gray, 1527 South Twenty-third St., Lincoln, Neb.
Grand Vice President. Katherine March Tlhomas ( M r s . S. J.), c|o Prof.
F. A. March, College Campus, Easton, Pa.
Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 45 West
35th St., New York City, N . Y.
Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph), 1421 Scenic Ave.,
Berkeley, Cal.
Examining Officer, Edith Goldsworthy, 1132 Metropolitan Bank Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
National Panhellenic Delegate, Lillian McQuillan McCausland (Mrs.
Norman L . Jr.), 517 Angell St., Providence, R. I .
Editor of To Dragma, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. Harry E.), 4330
Schubert Ave., Chicago, 111.
Business Manager of To Dragma, June Kelly, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood,
President, Lillian MacQuillan McCausland (Mrs. Norman L., Jr.), 517
Angell St., Providence, R. I .
Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Hiestand Smith (Mrs. H . E.), 4330 Schubert
Ave., Chicago, 111.
Assistant Editor, Anna Hofert Kirk (Mrs. B. L . ) , 1011 W. Clark St.,
Champaign, Illinois.
Exchange Editor, Marguerite P. Schoppe (Mrs. W . F . ) , 602 So. 3rd Ave.,
Bozeman, Mont.
Business Manager, June Kelley, 16 Everett Ave., Norwood, Mass.
North Atlantic District, Gladys Wales (Mrs. Winthrop L . ) , 416 West
Ononandaga Street, Syracuse, N Y.[N, A, F, E, X, W.}
Southern District—Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. Carl C ) , Bay
St. Louis, Miss. [II, K, O, NK, NO.]
N . E. Central District, Melita SkiUen, Greenleaf Apt. Hotel, 1445
Greenleaf Ave., Chicago 111.
[ 0 , P, I, B$, H, D, On.]
N . W. Central District. Charlotte Hall Uhls (Mrs. Kenneth B . ) , 3403
Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. \T,A<I>, 4>.]
Pacific District, Lucile Curtis English (Mrs. W. A.) Wrcford Apts. No.
16, Billings, Montana, (temporary).
[ 2 , A, T.]
North Atlantic District. Josephine S. Pratt, 156 West 170th St., New
York City. New York, Providence, Boston, Bangor, Washington,
Philadelphia, Syracuse.
Southern District. Ailcy Kyle Peet (Mrs. A . S.), 309 8Eighth St., Knox-
ville, Tenn. New Orleans, Knoxville, Lynchburg, Dallas, Nashville.
N . E. Central District, Grace Pierson Gilbert (Mrs. Samuel H . ) , 2714
Hartzell, St., Evanston, 111. Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleve-
land, Champaign-Urbana Association.
N . W . Central District, Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Lincoln, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha.
Pacific District, Louise Dow Benton. 5566 29th Ave., N . E., Seattle, Wash.
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Tacoma
Pi-^Dorothy Weston, Newoomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Lillian S. Griffin (Mrs. R. M.) 5 West 124 St., New York City.
Omicron—Lucy Morrison, 939 North 5th Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Rose Smith, R. M . W . C , Lyndhburg, Va.
Zeta—Pauline Gellatly, 500 North 16th St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Sigma—Elizabeth Hesser, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Barbara Beeson, A. O. P. House. Greencastle. Ind.
Delta—Susan O'Brien. Start House. Tufts College. Mass.
Gamma—Mary Perkins, Mt. Vernon House. Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Catherine Campion, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Dorothy Pearson, 1310 Hood Ave., Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Doris Bailey, Box 1367, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Ruth Ann Coughlan, 712 West Oregon St., Urbana, 111.
Tau—Minnie Hanson, 914 4th St., SE., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Mildred Sittser, 1017 Harrison St., Syracuse, N . Y.
Upsilon—Helen Hepler, 1909 25th Ave. N . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Josephine Garvin. Women's Bldg., S. M . U . , Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Gertrude P.aily. 703 E. 7th St.. Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Jeannette Boyer, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Margaret Conkling, 516 S. Grand St., Bozeman. Mont.
Nu Omicron--Nell Fain, 315 22nd Ave. N . , Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Esther James, 49 E. Willow Grove Ave., Chestnut H i l l , Philadelphia,
Phi—Mary Hook, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Vesta Magee, West Hall, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Dorothy Jacobs. 1052 Baldwin Ave., A n n A r b o r , Mich.
Pi—Emily Slack, Newcomb College, New Orleans, La.
Nu—Mary Louise Hingsberg, 1262 Strang Ave., New York City.
Omicron—Dorothy Whitaker, 413 W. Cumberland. Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Bessie Minor Davis, R. M . W . C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Wilma Foster, 1415 Plum St.. Lincoln. Nebr.
Sigma—Mildred Ewing, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley. Cal.
Theta—Margaret Safford. A. O. P. House. Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Mary Sears. Metcalf Hall. Tufts College. Mass.
Gamma—Ruth Spear, Balentinc Hall, Univ. of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Ruth Oviatt, The Knoll, Ithaca, N . Y.
Rho—Louise Lowry, 1643 Kenilworth Ave.. Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Wana Keesling, Box 1367. Stanford University. Cal.
Iota—Vera Bean, 712 West Oregon St.. Urbana, 111.
Tau—Elizabeth Reinertsen. 914 4th St.. S. E.. Minneapolis. Minn.
Chi—Matilda N . Petri, 1017 Harrison Ave., Syracuse, N . Y.
Upsilon—Margaret Shotwell, 1906 E. 45th St., Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Mary Marshall, 4712 Sycamore St., Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—Gertrude Manley, 703 E. 7th St., Bloomington. Ind.
Eta—Maude Irene Jones, 626 N . Henry St., Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Helen Waite, 901 S. Willson Ave., Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Margaret McCoy, 1612 Linden Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Margaret Story, 318 Pembroke Road, Cynwyd, Pa.
Phi—Eva Drumm, 1144 Louisiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans.
Omega—Margaret Westfall. Bishop Hall. Miami University, Oxford,
Omicron Pi—Irene Swain, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arbor, Michigan.
New York—Marv H . Donlon, 40 Exchange Place, Room 1108, New York
Boston—Octavia Chapin, 102 Summer St., Mcdford, Mass.
San Francisco—Sarah Matthew Hackley ( M r s . P. B.). 2200 Los Ange-
les A v e Berkeley, Calif.
Providence—Muriel Wyman (Mrs. P. H . ) 1739 Broad St., Providence,
R. I .
Los Angeles—Margaret H . Pittman, 1338 Sierra Bonita St.. Los Ange-
les, Calif.
Lincoln—Elsie Fitzgerald, 1971 D. St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Chicago—Doris Wheeler Bach (Mrs. G. W . ) 4716 N . Winchester Ave.,
Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis—Ethel Hippensteel (Mrs. R.) 2911 N . New Jersey St., I n -
dianapolis, Ind.
New Orlcan.-—Mildred Renshaw Stoner (Mrs. M . J.), 330 Esplanade
Ave., New Orleans, La.
Minneapolis— Lucilc Haertel (Mrs. W . G.), 1522 Aldrich Ave N„ Min-
neapolis. Minn.
Bangor—Aileen Libby (Mrs. Lewis), Box 75, Milford, Maine.
Seattle—Irma McCormick Crook (Mrs. C. G.). c|o 1906 E. 45th St.,
Seattle, Wash.
Portland—Edna Froyd, Nortonia Hotel, Portland, Ore.
Knoxville—Minn Elois Hunt, 509 E. H i l l Ave., Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg—Laura Radford Yates (Mrs. R. T . ) , 300 Madison St.,
Lynchburg, Va.
Washington—Elizabeth Farrington (Mrs. J. R L ) , 3603 Norton Place,
Washington, D. C.
Dallas—do Margaret B . Bentley, (Mrs. W . P.), 4214 Swiss Ave.,
Dallas, Tex.
Philadelphia—Avis Hunter, Westville, New Jersey.
Kansas City—Charlotte H a l l Uhls ( M r s . Kenneth), 3403 Wyandotte.
Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha—Mattie W . Higgins (Mrs. L. A . ) , 6547 N . 24th St.. Omaha, Nebr.
Syracuse—Elizabeth French, Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse, N . Y.
Detroit—Cora L . Wiedman (Mrs. E. G ) , 206 S. Washington St., Ypsil-
anti, Mich.
Nashville—Florence Tyler, 1706 Sweetbrier Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland—Miriam C. Smith (Mrs. S. M . ) , 12615 Arlington Ave., Cleve-
land, O.
The following was written as a greeting f r o m the Omaha alumnae
on the occasion of Founders' banquet, December 2, 1921.
Tonight, though afar, we in spirit are there
\\eath our candle's silvery rays,
Whose flickering light writes a message clear
Of those dear old college days.
Its glow is soft as the guiding caress
Of our frat at the time it meant Life.
No brazen glare, but a love light there,
And ideals rising over all strife.
Yes, still it burns on, to lead us aright.
And we pray that as years go by.
An army of girls will adore this light
Of Alpha Omicron Pi.
You can't afford to miss convention. We'll meet you there, June 25.
Alpha Omicron Pi convention, June 25-30. 1923, Whittle Springs,
Knoxville, Tenn. Plan to attend.
VOL. X V I I I N O V E M B E R , 1922 No. 2
Can you imagine what it would be to go out into the world,
after graduation—and yet never leave college? To take your
place and, as far as you are able, your part in the turmoil and
strivings of modern life—and yet never leave the joys and friend-
ships, the dreams and aspirations, the frolics and arguments and
study and f u n of college? To know that, not only in memory,
but also actually, actually, you are in college still? To feel that,
no matter how poor your record there, you have still a chance
to make a brilliant one; no matter what you may have left
undone, there is time remaining to you to "make good"?
That is what you bring—you who are now at school—what
you are always bringing to the Founders.
W i t h you, we also are still at college. Your triumphs there
are ours; when you do better than we have done, we are "making
good" in y o u ; when you are standing for fine girlhood in your
college community, we are having another chance at fine girl-
hood, too.
How can we thank you for what you are to us?
H o w can we thank them,—Helen and Jess and Bess, how
can we thank them?—these girls who come year by year f r o m
the North and South and East and West to bring us back our
own youth through our pride in theirs?
A n d as it is now, so must it be increasingly; as with college-
life, so with life itself. As we grow in years we shall be still
in the youth of our first achievements in the world, of our first
wifehood, motherhood, our first success in the work we have
chosen; for our young alumnae are living out our fulfillments—
those we have attained and those that died in the dream.
When have women been so blessed as we?
We have found the Fountain of Youth.
What can we say to our children on Founders' Day but to
pray that they may love one another as we love them, and bless
the world with the love they have tested in the laboratory of
our sisterhood?
In the fall of 1913, there entered Randolph-Macon one of
the finest, most wholesouled girls that a college could boast, Helen
Of her college career you have read, perhaps, many times in
the pages of this magazine: what an athlete she was, what an all-
round, dependable girl, and how, finally, as President of the Y .
W . G, A . , she won the admiration and love of faculty and
Since 1917, an occasional visit from Helen to Randolph-
Macon has never failed to be a source of inspiration to the f r a -
ternity and a joy to the college. Her activities, while varied, have
tended to the one thing to which her life has been devoted. Mis-
sions in Brazil, Student Field Secretary f o r the Y . W . C. A . ,
Girls' Work Secretary in Atlanta, Student Secretary under the
Woman's Missionary Council of the Methodist Church, and
finally student of Theology at Northwestern University—all have
been steps of preparation for what we know will be a splendid
Kappa is proud to claim this Alumna, now in Petropolis,
Brazil. May more of us learn as well the beautiful lesson of love
and service for which our fraternity stands.
Theta chapter is firmly embedded in the conviction that our
alumnae adviser, Mrs. Ivah Smith O'Hair, who has recently
returned to Greencastle, would have been famous had she not
chosen in preference a certain Phi Kappa Psi. The romance cul-
minating in her marriage to Fred O'Hair began during their
school days at DePauw University. While in college she was
active in theatricals, was a member of the University quartette,
and of the College Avenue Choir. She studied voice while at
DePauw and later continued her training in Chicago and New
Mrs. O'Hair has done extensive concert work in New Jersey,
New York, Illinois, and especially Indiana. Although when
"domestic duties" refer to two lovely children, there is very little
spare time, she still does manage to crowd in a wee bit of concert
work in the immediate vicinity.
A t present Mrs. O'Hair is alumnae adviser f o r Theta Chap-
ter and Chairman of the House Committee. She has also writ-
ten a number of songs f o r her own use in concert work.
Several years ago there came into the Chicago Alumnae
Chapter a young woman of quiet but intense manner, who has
since become one of the most active of our members. She came
to us f r o m Brandon College, Manitoba, where, as acting Dean of
Women, she no doubt exhibited those same qualities of wise,
sane, and sympathetic judgment f o r which we have learned to
value her.
Melita Skillen graduated from Cornell University in 1911.
Her election to Phi Beta Kappa in her Senior year was a sur-
prise to many, only because they had not supposed that one so
active in all campus affairs—religious, social, athletic—could find
time to concentrate on books. (She is still surprising us with the
depth and versatility of her mind.)
Since coming to Chicago, Melita has been a teacher of Dra-
matics and English in Nicholas Senn High School. She has only
two classes in English, properly speaking; most of her time she
devotes to the coaching of plays and to the teaching of the prin-
ciples of dramatics to Juniors and Seniors. Her plays are always
successful, always widely known and well attended.
But the most important thing about Melita is the quality of
her influence. She is one of those teachers whose former students
are constantly coming back to her to ask her counsel on their
problems and to tell her the results of their efforts. For the last
two years she has been adviser to Rho Chapter, helping them
through trying rushing seasons, suggesting a change in policy
here, praising a new departure there; always kindly, always
human, always seeing both sides with mature judgment, always
charitable no matter how difficult the circumstances. Is it any
wonder we think of her as an embodiment of the vision our
Founders had of the typical Alpha O?
In the little group that later became Rho chapter was Julia
Norton, one of the finest girls ever graduated f r o m Northwestern.
In school she was identified with all that was best and most
worth while, and to mention but one thing to show her popular-
ity, she was elected president of the junior class, the highest
office which her classmates can bestow on a Northwestern girl.
That she should make Phi Beta Kappa was of course a foregone
(Continued on page 52)
Harriet Greve, Omicron,
Dean of Women, University of Tennessee
In one of the Drifter's columns in The Nation this summer
he commented upon the dearth of new ideas left f o r a writer
today. He complains that such a theme as that of the poor boy
who by his own efforts rises to wealth and power, or that of
the girl f r o m the country betrayed and cast aside by the chance
city visitor has long since become hackneyed and old. One
might say that the same situation faces a dean of women—a
more or less recent addition to administrative offices—if she were
looking for new duties to perform. Her duties have always
been here whether she was here or not and are quite as varied
as the number of possible subjects a young and hopeful author
may select f r o m f o r his first novel. Like the author she will
find that they are all familiar situations but unlike the author
she is never quite so sure of the ending. Her characters are
real people who cannot always be guided into a married-and-
lived-happily-ever-after ending to answer the dictates of an
To carry the simile a bit further the administrative policy
of the institution of which she is a part may be as inexorable as
any editor ever dreamed of being but the task of complying with
its dictates are not so simple. A manuscript returned with a
slip bearing the words, "Change ending; public demands stories
of happy tone, particularly in regard to conclusion," may cause
the author a tear or a burst of temper according to his disposi-
tion but he can carry out the injunction. The dean of women
may receive substantially the same order and incidentally may
react in private in the same way that the author did but it
requires more than a few strokes of the pen to produce the
happy tone. A n d therein lies the fascination of her task.
To carry out her labors successfully would require the execu-
tive ability of a Henry Ford, the confidence of a Theodore Roose-
velt, combined with the patience of Job and the wisdom of
Solomon. Once endowed with these qualities to begin with she
might hope f o r a fair measure of success i f she then acquired
a superhuman amount of tact.
A l l of this may sound as disheartening as The Drifter's words
did to the ambitious young author, but i f the situations she faces
are age old and the endings not always to the liking of her or
her public the great compensation lies in the material with which
she works. People are always more interesting than things and
her material is nothing less than that most, fascinating enigma,
the woman of tomorrow.
We have heard and read—and talked and written—much of
late of the modern girl. W e have called her a flapper, denounced
her follies in no uncertain terms, and joined in the circle each
pointing an accusing finger at the person next us in an endeavor
to attach the blame f o r her development on some member or
condition of society. But in the end the flapper reaches college
age with her slang still as picturesque, her manners quite as easy
as they were when we began. I t is then that the dean of women
must begin her work and with no time to lose. W i t h i n four
short years must the college of which she is a part transform
this bobbed hair, care-free youngster into a purposeful woman,
one who is to carry on the work which the age before her com-
But she is not so unpliable as some of her critics would have
us believe. I f one compare the characteristics of this woman of
tomorrow with those of her grandmother, the girl of yesterday,
one will see that the balance in many instances is in favor of the
modern girl. She does not scream when she sees a mouse, she
does not shrink f r o m crossing a street unassisted nor even f r o m
binding up the wound of a comrade i f necessary. She may spoil
her prettiness, and possibly her complexion; by the use of cosmet-
ics, but she does not glory in i l l health and fainting spells. I n
place of the "sweet Alice" type who "wept with delight when you
gave her a smile and trembled with fear at your frown," Ben Bolt
has made a happy exchange. Even he must relish an occasional
shock in the form of a slap on the shoulder, a bit of crudeness no
doubt, but at least one denoting a good, healthy comradeship
instead of the self-abasing adoration of Alice.
But whether Ben Bolt and the dean of women deplore the
paint and the crudity or not, this is the girl who is to be the
woman of tomorrow, the one who will keep house for him and
with him govern and direct the world.
Every tomorrow has been a period of mystery and changing
conditions, but we of today are justified in using a superlative in
connection with our tomorrow, for surely ours is the most uncer-
tain of which any age has ever speculated. Not even the most
astute of us can hazard with any degree of certainty the value of
the x of our problem. Consider for a moment the rapidly chang-
ing conditions we live in. Our grandfathers would have thought
them nothing short of fairyland. A n expression which used to
denote the impossible, "flying," has today become a reality. Har-
old Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, died this summer.
His invention alone has revolutionized our manner of living. Yet
there are other inventions, the radio, the submarine, the moving
picture which may have even a more far reaching effect on our
impending tomorrow.
(Continued on page 52)
Srinagar, Kashmir, India,
May 21, 1921.
Dear Folks in the Homeland:
There is a saying among the Indians, "He who has seen Kashmir,
has seen Paradise". Having that reputation you may understand that
we wanted to see such a country. The trip had been for years only a
dream that seemed impossible of realization because of the heavy expense
involved, but when one is young and venturesome, few things are beyond
one's reach. After much consultation and correspondence, plans were
fully made for the vacation we are now actually enjoying.
We were to leave on Thursday. On Sunday we had the Padre Sahib
announce in church that we would listen to requests on Monday and
Tuesday only, on Wednesday and Thursday we would see no one. Indians
have an exasperating habit of waiting until the very last minute to make
some important request and then feel greatly offended i f they do not
receive the proper attention. I t is hard for them to understand why we
have to catch a particular train on a particular day. I f they miss one
train, they take the next, or the next, or the next, and no one is disturbed
thereby. Well, Monday and Tuesday we were duly swamped with inter-
views of sundry sorts. I assured Samuel that I had done all I could
toward his marriage arrangements. A l l that remained was asking the
girl's consent, and that couldn't be done for two weeks. By that time
her exams would be safely over. I had to inform another eager suitor
that the desired girl had refused him, but 1 would keep him in mind
and get him a wife as soon as possible. Stan and I had to assure several
that their roofs would surely be fixed before the rains set in, that we
had given the order for it. Bills were paid. Innumerable notes written,
etc. Wednesday and Thursday were devoted to careful packing. Two
unfortunate suppliants came with requests, they themselves acknowledging
that they were going against our expressed wish in so doing. Their
missionaries were hard-hearted and deaf, and suggested that they use
the postal service.
Finally at 4:45 P. M . on May 4, the Clemcs family boarded the
Punjab Mail at Muttra, headed for regions cool and refreshing. We
took not one servant with us, the first time in our Indian career. We
had planned to share a cook with the Tuck family after arriving in
Kashmir. A f t e r reaching Delhi in the evening we could change to an
Inter Class compartment, much cheaper than the Second Class we had
to accept at Muttra. We had it to ourselves, and as we reached Lahore
by nine the next morning, the trip though very dirty, was not very hot.
On Saturday the rest of our party arrived.
Monday morning found us all in Rawak Pindi after another night's
ride in the Inter Class. The motor lorry was at the station. The next
time you see a Republic lorry just visualize the task of stowing away
a ton of luggage, twelve adults, and five children besides the driver
and mechanic in the allotted space. This our brave and resourceful hus-
bands succeeded in doing, aided and abetted by hovering females. Boxes,
baskets, rolls of bedding, oil tins, lanterns, water bottles, umbrellas and
children were finally sorted and packed, the grownups perched or seated,
depending on the location, the rear gate fastened, and off we started on
the ride of 187 miles to Srinagar.
The first fifteen miles were fairly level and unexciting, giving us a
chance to adjust ourselves, and congratulate each other on success achieved
thus far. Then we began a steady climb for over twenty miles, rising
from altitude 1,720 feet to 6,959 feet attained at Sunnybank just outside
of Murree. Pungent pine forests, long hill ranges, and deep purple valleys
called forth exclamations of admiration tinged with awe and wonder.
Along the way we had stopped f o r a picnic lunch out of our baskets.
From Sunnybank the descent was almost as steep as the former ascent
had been, dropping over four thousand feet in thirty miles. The rapid
change in altitude and the rapid rate at which we whirled around corners,
skirting precipices of untold depth were beginning to tell on the younger
occupants of the lorry, especially when combined with cheap cigaret fumes
which came without cessation from our skillful driver. The children
were a waxy white and felt—uncomfortable. We suggested that the
chauffeur had had as many cigarets as were good for his health and
ours, too, but when he assured us that the lorry would surely go over
if he didn't continue to smoke, I was quite willing to postpone his
reformation until after the trip. By six P. M . we arrived at Kohala
(64 miles), where the rooms that we had reserved by wire were in readi-
ness, and also a hot dinner. I t was a delightful spot with the river
Jhelum rolling and tumbling in foaming rapids to the front of the
bungalow, and green grass on all sides where the youngsters capered
about like young lambs.
The next morning we started at about eight but were delayed awhile
at the toll bridge. We were now in Kashmir, one of the most famous
and romantic spots not only of India, but of the world. The road has
been cut out of the precipitous banks of the turbulent river which is
ever in sight, crashing its way over rocks and crags. The scenery is
superb. The vastness and immensity of it cannot be felt f r o m descrip-
tion, but to ride for miles, and miles, and miles through this rocky gorge,
between towering mountains, and in sight of the ceaseless river leaves an
impression of God's power, beauty and the activity that can never be
After lunch we proceeded on our way again, but soon had to stop
on account of motor trouble. The breakage however proved a blessing
in disguise, for we started out on foot, thoroughly enjoying the pilgrim-
age. Most delightful of all was paddling barefoot in clear water at the
base of a waterfall. Age drew no limits to participation in the sport.
I t was William's and Olive's first experience. * * * The next morn-
ing Stan and Ernest Tuck and the kiddies went off for a tramp. We
found out afterwards that those men of ours had crossed the turbulent
river on a cable riding on a forked stick. A coolie on the other side
of the river pulled them across by means of a rope attached to the
forked stick. I t was a thrilling experience and our husbands felt jubilant
that their wives didn't happen to be along to weep and wail on the bank.
From Chinari to Rampur where we were to stop, the scenery is
superb. The road is boldly cut in the face of the precipice with the
river far below. Memories of geological lore stirred within me, meta-
morphics, slaty schists, faults, glacial deposits. A t different levels sloping
plateaux bordered the river, giving room for a small plantation of rice
fields with the humble mud house at the top covered with a grass roof,
itself often blooming with flowers or used as a grazing ground for the
goat. Off in the distance a view of the snows was not infrequent. The
view at Rampur is lovely. We had tiffin under the tall pines. Large
stretches of purple and white iris reminded us of home, except that I
never saw in America such large fields of them in bloom. Acres of
brilliant red poppies and yellow mustard flowers mingled in glorious
confusion. And the towering snows rising to twenty-six thousand feet
or more brought a feeling of hush and worship to one's soul.
* * * I am in despair about finishing this epistle. Suffice it to
say that we did arrive in Srinagar May 11, having ridden 187, miles and
having consumed three days and three nights on the trip. We were all
without regrets and declared it had been a worthwhile experience. The
Tuck and Clenies families arranged themselves on two houseboats, a
description of which will follow later. I must confess it is hard to pull
myself to do more than sleep, eat, read and help the kiddies to enjoy life.
I am looking forward to three months of teaching in the language school
in Mussoorree during July, August, and September and that will be no
life of ease. Hence it does not hurt my conscience to play a bit now.
W i t h lots of love, '
(Continued f r o m page 49)
We of today cannot feel that we have worked out our prob-
lems, political and economic, with results which satisfy, and
when the period of our control comes to its close, the next gener-
ation must take up the lines and "carry on" into this interesting,
yes, but perplexing tomorrow. I n the light of that fact the men
and women of tomorrow are entitled to all the training, the prepa-
ration, and the guidance that the world of today can give them.
Also in the light of that fact the dean of women feels an especially
heavy sense of responsibility in helping mould the character and
guide the development of this rapid transit girl on whose shoul-
ders trouble sits so lightly today, but who will have heavy and
strange burdens to bear tomorrow.
No editor ever craved a happy ending of a story more sin-
cerely than the dean of women, and i f her plot is old, dating back
to the Garden of Eden, never before has the setting been what it
is today, nor the characters so wholly of the new age.
(Continued f r o m page 46)
A f t e r teaching a short time, she was married to Stanley
Clemes, a member of the Volunteer Band, consecrated to work in
the foreign field. When in college, Julia had belonged to the same
organization and was only waiting to be assigned. M r . and Mrs.
Clemes were sent to Meerut, India, and later to Muttra, where
Mr. Clemes has charge of a mission school f o r boys. They have
two children, Billy and Olive, who have never seen this country,
but whose acquaintance Rho alumnae are most anxious to make,
when they return in 1923 for their sabbatical year. Julia has had
to be not only wife and mother as well as housekeeper in a large
establishment, but has also taught English and other subjects in
the school and given much time to helping the nearby natives to
learn to live. Besides all these duties, she finds time to do consid-
erable writing, both for missionary journals and for the home-
folks. A n account of the first real vacation she has had in India
will be found elsewhere in To Dragma. Rho chapter will indeed
be proud t o welcome her home next spring. A l l honor to, our
Julia! J
When our editor wrote to ask me for an article for To Dragma
she intimated that 1 might choose my own subject, provided
that it should be of general interest to the fraternity. Naturally
my mind turned at once toward our national work—in fact it is
never very far away from this all important question.
Reports and letters reaching me from chapters from all oyer
the country convince me that we have already an army of willing
workers, organized and eager to join the fray. I t remains to
find the field of endeavor.
• Down in one of our Southern towns a group of public spirited
young women are engaged, during their spare hours, in further-
ing the interests of the community in which they live in a most
practical way. During the year this alumnae chapter of A. O. Pi
collects from friends and acquaintances every usable article for
which they no longer have need, and themselves mend, clean,
and otherwise put these articles in such order as to be of real
value to the future possessor. A rummage sale is then held, and
the re-modeled products of their time and labor are sold to the
poor and needy of the community at merely nominal prices, the
proceeds being used f o r other charitable work.
Practically every alumnae chapter of Alpha O is engaged
in some such work of personal service and community good.
Each chapter is ready to use this organization and equipment
for the greater alumnae work, as soon as it becomes active.
There has been and will continue to be much discussion con-
cerning the nature of this work. Each chapter has its pet scheme
or application—each member her own private idea. Only one
of these plans can be adopted. Therefore it is up to you, alumna,
to put your plan in such an attractive form, to advance so many
splendid arguments in its favor, that you will convince the rest
of us that your plan is the best of all, and convention, this June,
will see its adoption.
One final plea to every alumna! Don't just think about your
idea. I t will never take shape that way. Put it down on paper
in its most convincing form, today, and mail it to your district
vice-superintendent, or to me.
Grand Vice-President.
Plan to attend the convention, Whittle Springs, Tenn. Full details
in February To Dragma.
There has been so much interest expressed concerning the Historical
Exhibit at Convention that I am eager to have the next one far more
complete than either of the two already shown. I'm sure that you do,
too, and it is the chapters and not the historian who really make the
Undergraduates, you have a million things a minute to do at college,
I know. But these many duties and pleasures do not decrease in number
as the term progresses; you will be saving yourselves strain and hurry
at the end, and also will make a better showing f o r your chapter, i f you
will begin to make your chapter exhibit now.
As f o r you, alumnae, your work never "lets up"; therefore the same
slogan applies to you.
I suggest that you delegate the duty of collecting material for your
exhibit to your chapter historian or secretary, or anyone you select, and
have her report at every meeting o f the chapter just how far the exhibit
has progressed; this will stimulate interest and remind the members
to give her whatever material may "turn up", as it comes.
At former conventions, interest was taken in trophies and prizes,
in photographs of pageants and plays, of chapter activities, in good
pictures of the college and college life about active chapters, and in the
community life surrounding alumnae chapters, in newspaper reports
concerning members, in photographs showing the various phases of their
preferences and performances. Sweaters and pennants would be sure
to attract. The idea of the exhibit is to let the rest of us see you at
home, visualize your triumphs, your labors, your f u n .
Let us have copies of books, articles and music published, a loan
exhibition o f pictures painted, of sculpture and pottery made by our
members. Weaving, sewing, textile work, basket making, designing of
all kinds grow in interest; those who have done anything notable should
show their products.
Display pictures of your doctors and lawyers; make a resume of their
Old friends in other chapters like to see the babies, husbands and
homes of sister alumnae; bring their pictures. How about an exchange
of household and cookery discoveries?
Any old or traditional souvenirs are especially desired—pictures of
chapter founders, first meeting places, for example. You are all original;
please try to outdo one another in planning and preparing your exhibits.
I f the officer you select will inform me of progress from time to
time, it will be helpful. A n d please let me know her name as soon as
Grand Historian.
T H E N E W N O M I N A T I O N B L A N K for election of national officers
has been prepared by the nominating committee with the aid of the ex-
ecutive committee. This blank will be received by every Grand Council
member by the 15th of February, 1923.
The blanks give the list of offices with a record of the nominee's
qualifications; such as the name (maiden and married), address (tem-
porary and permanent), college degrees, offices held in college, A 0 I I
offices (national or active), other experiences which tend to make a can-
didate fitted; to be filled out and returned to the chairman of the nomi-
nating committee by March 15, by the Grand Council members.
On the back of the blanks are printed the sections of the Constitu-
tion (Art. I , a) and By-Laws (Art. I V , a) which pertain to nominations,
with the interpretation of the same rendered by the executive committee
on July 22, 1922. Instructions f o r filling out the blanks are also printed
on the back of the blank.
I f you are a charter member, a member of the executive committee,
the editor or business manager of the magazine, the historian, the exten-
sion officer, the examining officer, the National Panhellenic delegate, a
district superintendent, a president of an active or alumnae chapter or
an alumnae adviser of an active chapter, and do not receive a nomina-
tion blank by February 15th, send at once to the chairman of nomina-
tions for one.
When nominating candidates, be quite sure they are ones who would
be willing to serve i f nominated. Read the nomination blanks carefully
before filling out. The committee on nominations will send an official
notification blank to the ten highest nominees that they have been so
nominated and request notice of acceptance.
The instructions to the Grand Council members are hereby stated, as
you will find them printed on reverse side o f the blank.
1. Regardless of chapter or district, nominees should be selected on
the basis of qualifications and ability to give the highest service to the
fraternity. From the membership at large carefully select the candidates.
Politics should not enter.
2. Associate members who are not affiliated with an alumnae chapter
and who desire to suggest nominees f o r the offices, should communicate
with their active chapter president. Nomination blanks are not mailed to
anyone except Grand Council members, but associate members may sug-
gest candidates to the active or alumnae chapter or at the time of con-
vention according to prescribed form. Submit names only of those
candidates whom you can conscientiously recommend as especially qualified
to fill the office indicated. Do not think it necessary to submit a candi-
date for every office. Submit as many as possible i f especially qualified,
but none simply for the sake of submitting someone. Leave the space
i f you have no special candidate.
E T T A MacPHIE, Chairman
Nominating Committee
T T IS N O T T O O S O O N to be thinking about Convention—to
4 be planning to go. Convention ! How the very word sends a
thrill through the hearts of all who have ever attended one. Con-
vention! H o w it brings back the memories of far-away sisters that
we grew to love so dearly in the short time of contact. Conven-
tion ! How it makes us long to renew those ties and to live
over those days. Once you get the habit, you can never shake
it off, nor will you wish to. The more you go, the more you
want to go—to paraphrase a well-known advertisement. Sac-
rifice, save and work toward it—anything you choose, but go
to Convention!
r \ N O T H E R PAGES O F T O D R A G M A you will find an-
nouncements regarding the nomination of Grand Officers.
Of the many subjects connected with Convention, surely the selec-
tion of suitable officers deserves your very careful consideration.
I t is your officers who are to carry on the work and management
of the fraternity f o r the next two years, years full of great im-
portance in our existence. To find officers who shall acquit them-
selves more creditably than the present ones have done (with the
exception, of course, of the Editor) will indeed be a difficult task.
Fortunately, we are not now so much in the dark as formerly
as to the fitness of candidates. The positions of Superintendents,
Vice-Superintendents, and national committee memberships, as
well as the more important officers, give a splendid chance for
the display of executive ability, leadership and tact. We may
find out "Who's W h o in Alpha O " from the careful catalogue
now kept by the Grand Secretary. So there should be no reason
for not knowing about the fitness of candidates. The sugges-
tion of the nominating committee that no names be placed against
an office simply f o r the purpose of filling the space cannot be
too much emphasized. Many a time and oft have very unsuitable
names been suggested for that and no other reason.' Therefore
consider well; the future of Alpha O is in your hands.
T T IS A SOURCE O F G R E A T P L E A S U R E to the Editor and
A to the Assistant Editor to be able to say what follows. Why it
is, no one knows, but the chapter letters and notes are a great im-
provement as a whole over what have been sent in f o r the past
four years or more. Perhaps the new editors and assistants are
taking their instruction sheets more seriously; perhaps they them-
selves are remarkable girls. Whatever is the case, there certainly
is a marked improvement in subject matter and form, most of
them being typed. Please keep up the good work. We feel so
Convention—Whittle Springs, Knoxville, Tenn.,
June 25-30, 1923
Alumnae Chapters, Attention! I t is fortunate that the
Executive Committee have been able to announce the time and
place of Convention thus far in advance. It is to be hoped that
many alumnae chapters will send an official delegate. Study
your chapter budget and see i f it is not possible that your chapter
can be represented!. The expense of your delegate white at Con-
vention will be defrayed from the annual Convention assessments
now being paid by alumnae chapters. The banquet tax of $3 and
the railroad fare' will be the items to be met by your chapter.
Make arrangements now if possible. Convention needs the activ-
ity and guidance of your mature judgment. Think of the grand
time you will have meeting folks from everywhere under South-
ern skies. Again, i f possible, let the official delegate bring along
the rest of the alumnae chapter for company.
* *** •
Convention—June 25-30, 1923. Undoubtedly the biggest,
best, most inspiring gathering the fraternity has ever had. in
spite of the fact that it will be hard to surpass past records.
All Chapters—Your attention is called to the annouce-
ment of the grand historian relative to your historical exhibit
for Convention. Make it worthy of your chapter!
Partial payments life subscriptions to To Dragma for
graduates and associates is announced and a contract form for
this purpose is printed elsewhere in the magazine. This is for
your convenience. This special privilege was allowed by the
Executive Committee because of many requests from members
desiring to make use of such a plan. Their appreciation should
be indicated by their prompt action. It is to be hoped that the
response now received will mark the close of the campaign to
inc rease the Anniversary Endowment Fund and the support of
To Dragma among associate members. Your subscription notv
will fill a two-fold service. Applications for loans to chapters
and members for scholastic purposes can be met promptly—at
present practically the entire Fund is in demand. The interest
received f r o m these loans pays for your subscription to To
Dragma for life—the more subscriptions received, the greater
will be the endowment of To Dragma. Make a better magazine
possible by sending in your life subscription now.
Before another issue of To Dragma reaches the members,
the Committee on Nominations will have mailed to the members
of the Grand Council ballots and instructions for the nomination
of Grand Officers to carry on the work of the Fraternity f o r 1923-
1925. I t is not too early to give this vital matter serious consid-
eration. The Committee on Nominations, Edith A. Dietz, Made-
line Robinson and Etta MacPhie, chairman, have organized this
preliminary work with utmost care. Irrespective of chapter or
district, let the Grand Council seek the best material within the
associate membership at large f o r the leadership and the respon-
sibility imposed by the exacting duties of each office. Accord-
ing to the announced policy of the committee, a nominee's quali-
fications as to fitness, demonstrated capacity in leadership and
organization, grasp of fraternity problems, time to devote to
the work must be carefully ascertained. Politics are not to enter
and should disqualify a nominee.
Although members of the Grand Council only receive
preliminary nomination blanks, associate members at large, who
are not affiliated with an alumnae chapter, may, i f they desire,
suggest any nominee to their active chapter president. M A R C H
15 is the last day for filing nominations with the Committee on
Nominations and blanks must be in their possession on or before
that date.
Orders for the fraternity directory, which is arranged
geographically and alphabetically, may be sent to either the Grand
Treasurer or the Grand Secretary. Price of the Directory is 40
cents a copy. Delivery begins December 1. The edition is
limited. . Order now to be sure of a copy.
Partial payment life subscriptions to T o Dragma places
a life subscription within the reach of every member—assists T o
Dragma—increases the Endowment Fund. Do not delay.
Founders' Day, 1922—the 26th Anniversary of Alpha
Omicron Pi—let it mark but the beginning of greater and
finer fraternalism. I t is a fitting day to devote to discussion
of the ultimate philanthropic work of the fraternity which will
usher i n closer national unity and combined effort in one
worthy cause. Let the decks be cleared for action and the
Anniversary Endowment Fund go way over the top. W i t h
this task done our time and hearts can be devoted to Alpha
Omicron Pi expressed in works highly worthy of the higher
principles of its founding and true to its ideals.
Convention—June 25-30, 1923. Active Chapters, your
attention is again called to the fact your annual budget should
provide for $110—your part of the pool of Convention Expense—
subject to payment May 5, 1923, to the Grand Treasurer.
Grand Secretary.
To insure delivery of your To Dragma, notify the Business
Manager promptly of change of address. Be sure to renew
Space will be reserved in the February T o Dragma f o r a
Forum for the discussion of our national philanthropic work. I t
is hoped that many of our membership, active and alumnae, will
take advantage of this offer. Send your communications direct
to the editor.
The June "Trident" has an article on their graduate stars, authors
and actors. The chapter letters also stress the dramatic work of members.
The June issue of the Crescent of Gamma Phi Beta is likewise a
dramatic number, and has a symposium f r o m the chapters regarding
their "stars" in campus production. I n their interesting Panhellenic
department is an article by Lillian W. Thompson, the Gamma Phi Pan-
hellenic delegate, on the subject of Sororities from a Panhellenic stand-
point. In conclusion she says:
"What then, in a word, are the tendencies in fraternity life today?
" 1 . Toward greater inter fraternity intimacy.
"2. Toward improved internal organization.
"3. Toward greater helpfulness to women and children not con-
nected with fraternities.
"4., Toward buying and building chapter houses.
"5. Toward the development of chapter house life as a training in
co-operative living and leadership.
"6. Toward steady expansion.
" I t seems probable that around some or all of these tendencies most
of the fraternity activities in the near future will center. But there are
apparent changes in standards among women, both moral and social,
which may soon modify or deflect the course of fraternity development,
as they may that of society at large. Fraternity officers, however, cannot
at present "see these changes clearly enough to prepare f o r them, but
must meet them as they come with what wisdom the future provides."
Typographically and otherwise the Phi Chi (medical) Quarterly is
most attractive. The cover design and the numerous cuts are outstanding
features. From an article on the Alumnus we quote:
"An Alumnus must needs be alive and doing. He must be something
more than a social fixture or an ornament, like the potted palms that are
hauled about for decorative purposes, content to stand in the corner or
on the stairway. He must ever give heed to the words of the poet:'
Love is a sudden blaze which soon decays,
Fraternity is like the sun's eternal rays;
Not daily benefits exhaust the flame:
It still is giving, and still burns the same."
"One end of Convention Hall at the Antlers Hotel was devoted to
some very interesting posters showing for each chapter scenes of their
campuses and in the chapter houses, as well as model equipment, frater-
nity trophies, and loving cups. One enterprising reporter on a Colorado
Springs paper heard about "our exhibits" so often that he decided some-
thing ought to be said about them in his paper. Being a busy young man,
hovveyer, he really didn't have the time to examine them himself and with
that ready inventiveness that characterizes newspaper people the world
over he described the exhibits thus: " A r t work, needlework, and all the
handicraft to which the woman may turn are displayed on the walls."
Shades of the modern college g i r l ! What meaneth thy Kappa keys and
thy Sigma Xis?"—From Lyre of Alpha Chi Omega.
Always excellent arc the vocational and Ingle work department of
the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly. Their May issue made a departure
from the usual in having all the alumnae chapter letters written in verse
and some very clever lines and rhymes are the result.
An excellent article in the October Phi Gamma Delta is captioned
"The Colonization Plan of Expansion." It is by Field Secretary Philip
E. Lyon and contains a vigorous protest against the present system of
expansion which allows chapters hopelessly petitioning to waste much time
and money in repeated and fruitless appeals. His well worked out plan
seems both practical and sensible.
When you are out, as we are now,
Oh, you who now arc in !
Perhaps you'll understand just how.
An old grad. loves her pin.
—Trident of AAA.
7 he special pri'Alege has been alloxvcd associate and graduate members
of Alpha Omicron I'i to become life subscribers to To Dragma on the
partial payment plan and thereby contribute to the Anniversary Endow-
ment Fund. Send your check for the initial payment today. Do not delay.
This offer ivithdrawn January r, 1923.
(No letter from Delta. Fine due.)
Pi has" again gathered her girls from old summer's toils and back
they are at Newcomb to rush, study and play as all good little A O IPs
should. Somehow Pi failed to reach Lota Blythe and Louise Adams
with her "back-to-work" call and they have transferred to Sigma and
lota, respectively, leaving places behind them that cannot be filled. They
will be missed, oh so much, but they have every good wish that the
chapter can send.
Pledging and initiating came all at once to Pi this year as the rules
are such that girls may be initiated the night after they are pledged i f
the chapter wants them to be. We did not though. We felt a week
of being a pledge would make initiation all the more desirable. I think-
any of our five attractive new initiates will tell you it did. They
are five of the most charming sophomores Newcomb has, and Pi can
rightfully swell her chest with pride for having "fought the good fight"
and gotten them safely and securely into A O I I at last. They are Edith
Bradley, Jacinta Lobrano. Gertrude Woodward, Ernestine Hardtncr and
Xora O'Niell. We have another addition to our chapter in the person
of Elizabeth Kastler, who has relented and decided to come back and
finish. These additions make the chapter about its normal size again.
Pi is very proud of its seniors, for Genevra is president of the senior
class and Ezrcne is a wing president in the dormitory. That is rather
good considering the fact that we have only three seniors, do you not
think?. A l l the rest of the girls are representing us by holding various
other organization offices. Nora and Manie have made mandolin guitar
club recently. Lucille is doing our debating, and Emily is our coming
"Ethel Barrymore."
As for rushing we cannot commence until Panhellenic decides on
the new rules. There is a faint hope that we might pledge after mid-
terms and we are building our air castles on that at present.
The building of New York University, in Manhattan, is located on
Washington Square East extending f r o m Washington Place to Waverly
Place, with a large connecting annex on Washington Place.
Up to May, 1922, the University used only the eighth, ninth and
tenth floors of this building, the law school having the tenth floor reserved
for its use. I n May, 1922, however, the entire building was taken over
for the use of the University. This necessitated virtually an entire recon-
struction from cellar to roof. Our fraternity room had been most delight-
fully located on the roof, and its great studio windows afforded wonderful
views over the city. Because of the reconstruction of the building we
had to move out all our furnishings and store them until our new home
was ready to receive them. Much still remains to be done, but in the
near future we hope to be once more settled in our new fraternity room.
Jean Fitzsimmons successfully passed the New York State Bar
examination and has begun her clerkship, a necessary prerequisite for
admission to the bar. Margaret Wardell is now a member of the firm
of Smith and Wardell, attorneys and counsellors at law.
Although we find rushing rules changed this year, we have already
started working with a vim. There are so many attractive new girls
that we are busy all the time. New Panhellenic rules are, namely: Eight
weeks' rushing, dutch treats, $50 expenditure, week-end bids only, and
preferential bidding. This allows more time and so much less expense,
so, of course, we thoroughly approve. And the freshmen enter into
the spirit of it heartily.
We are indeed glad to have Martha Lou Jones from Memphis, with
us this year. She and Louise Wiley are associates in the English depart-
ment. And it feels like home again to see Miss Greve. We feel proud
of being so well represented in faculty, and very glad to welcome Edith
Wilson back, as a student, after several years' absence.
Besides new A O ITs or rather old ones back again, we have a brand
new frat room and some attractive new furniture. I t is much larger,
better and more convenient than the old one, and we are going to live
up to it. The effect is very artistic and we are depending on its aid in
impressing the freshman.
Of the twelve old girls back, six are seniors, so we are rather on
our dignity. Besides, we have had two weddings this summer, and there
are near future wedding bells for several of our recent alumnae. Speak-
ing of alumnae, ours have been unusually nice to us.
We hope to do as well in athletics this year as last, and feel confident
of being influential in Y . W . C. A.
Although we are just as f u l l of "pep" and determination as ever,
we are impatient f o r new blood. So we wait eagerly to count some of
our new friends among our number.
Everybody, of course, had a finer summer than everybody else—there
is never a doubt about that, and it is really a very good thing, since it
brings a sense of supreme satisfaction. Our vacations were all different,
each had its feature making it superior to the rest, but they all ended in
the same satisfactory fashion, back to Randolph-Macon. There are more
of us than there have been f o r a good many years, a fact which alone
seems to instill enthusiasm. Whether it is our numbers or the quality,
or just that elusive something which defies definition Kappa is certainly
brimming over with zest and high spirits. Surely this forebodes no
ill—but rather a year of success and high achievement.
On the night of the 23d, we were fortunate enough to initiate nine
splendid girls—and in so short a time as three weeks, they have fallen
into step with us beautifully.
Our good fortune went even further for we have a transfer from
Omicron, and a pledge transfer f r o m N u Kappa—both of whom are
great additions to our chapter, besides three mighty fine little sisters.
Our aim is a higher scholastic standing which we are determined to
attain, and each of us is working conscientiously toward it. Since pledge
day is to be earlier this year, we have much to occupy us outside of
books. However, each in its own place, say we.
Kappa sends her hearty wishes for a f u l l and successful year to
each chapter in Alpha O—whether active or alumnae, far and near.
Zeta chapter greets you this fall from a new location. Thanks to
the town girls our house was ready f o r us. Mrs. Hayward, our house-
mother, is with us f o r the third year.
The rush parties were clever and different and as a result of four
days of intensive rushing we are very happy and proud to introduce
our pledges: Helen Brown, Elva Carter, Dorothy Gannon, Helen Gould,
Bonnie Hess, Dorothy Hoy, Helen Jones, Kathryn Knapp, Margaret Long,
Iris Ludden, Elizabeth Pleak, Inez Reese, Kathyrn Smith, Inez Spires,
Helen Reynolds, and La Verne Wright.
Dame Gossip rumors that A 0 I I has the best freshmen in school,
noted for their popularity, pep and personality. Their activity in campus
affairs has already been noticed. Bonnie Hess is a reporter f o r the
Daily Nebraskan and vice-president of the Wayne club. Elva Carter is
a Mystic Fish, freshman girls' honorary organization, and a member of
Vesper choir.
Spring isn't the only time that Dan Cupid is busy because we find
this fall that Margaret Watson has an Alpha Gamma Rho pin and Dorothy
Abbott a wonderful diamond as well as an S A E pin. Helen Walpole
now has a beautiful diamond along with her Beta pin.
The alumnae here certainly proved that they were real Alpha O's
during rushing; they not only gave us a wonderful party but "turned out"
to the parties.
You can imagine how proud we are to have two Mortarboards again
this year, Mildred and Valora Hullinger. Valora is president of Mortar-
boards, -president of the Secondary Education club and member of the
Honorary Teachers' College society. Mildred is president of Senior
Advisory board and president of the Honorary Teachers' College society.
She was also chosen as one of the six most beautiful girls in the Univer-
sity. They are both on the Awgwan staff. Gladys Rice is secretary
of the A l l University party committee. Mildred Brehm and Harriette
Ford are on the Daily Nebraskan staff. Leona Whittier and Pauline
Gellatly were chosen members of the dramatic club. Next time you will
hear more about our ambitious freshmen.
Among eight new pledges of whom we are very proud, is another
pair of twins, Dorothy and Dolores Blasingame. We are happy to say
that we can speak to them with confidence, knowing them apart, but
not so much can be said of Blanche and Mildred Ewing.
Our scholarship record f o r last semester has been the height of
our glory. We were third highest among the sororities. We are striving
very hard to do our part on the campus by having every one of our girls
go o u t - f o r some activity, either athletics, Y. W . C. A. work, or social
service work.
. We are very fortunate in having two juniors, Anita Avila and Blanche
Wilbur, who have made the two leading parts in "The Curtain Raiser,"
the play given along with the farce on junior day.
Zoe King, who was presented with a Prytannean pin last semester,
was recently honored with a torch and shield ring.
Lota Blythe, a transfer f r o m Pi chapter, has gladly been welcomed
into our midst.
We have greatly appreciated the assistance which the alumnae have
given us this semester and firmly believe that the active chapter and
alumnae are growing closer and closer to each other. Daisy Shaw,
Florence Weeks, Margaret Dudley, Kate Foster, and Rose Marx are
alumnae who often visit us.
The most interesting subject for us at present is our twelve pledges.
They are "pep" personified and we are mighty proud they, as well as
the active girls, are turning out for activities. Two of the pledges, Mary
Tinder and Helen Reiftc, are in music school; Alice Reeves has just
"made" the University orchestra;'Betty Foster is secretary of Women's
Athletic Association; and the rest of them are most enthusiastic about
athletics, dramatics, glee club, etc. Just at present they arc planning
to break into DePauw festivities with a Hallowe'en party for the other
pledges on the campus.
Of the active chapter, Dorothy Farnam and Kathryn Safford have
been chosen members of the Mirage staff, the year book put out by the
juniors; Margaret Safford is a member of the Madras committee; Ger-
aldine Canfield is a YY. S. G. A. representative and Barbara Beeson is
chairman of judicial committee in S. G. A.
Last year we came up to fifth place in scholarship among the eighteen
organizations here. We are anxious that this year we may do better, and
arc, this year, offering a scholarship cup.
Two of our prominent alumnae, Lucy Allen and Ann White, from
Indianapolis, visited us last week. They came up to meet with the house
committee for the purpose of considering the way to eventually own our
own home.
Old Gold day, one of the big occasions of the year at DePauw,
next week, October 14. Mary Elizabeth Davies, our talented little dancer
from Louisiana, is on the program for the evening entertainment.
- Open house, last Saturday night, was an affair greatly enjoyed by the
fraternity. I t is the occasion when all the sororities and dormitories
of the campus are '"at home" to the men's organizations. We decorated
our house to represent a snow scene—cotton and artificial snow covered
everything; and little serving girls dressed in white served ice and white
cakes and pop corn balls heaped to resemble snow balls. We exerted our-
selves, however, to prove to the guests that we did not mean it to be
a "cold" reception.
This must be the golden age for co-eds here. Under the new presi-
dent and new physical director the women have more enthusiasm and
better athletics.
Active rushing began October the second. Invitations have been
issued for our Hallowe'en rushing dance and a big picnic, but in the
meantime we are rushing in groups by bowling parties, theater and picnic
dates. There are so many attractive freshmen that we are rushing more
conscientiously than ever.
Our girls are represented in every branch of co-educational activity.
Marie Hodgdon is president of student government. Lois Mantor is
house president, and member of the government council. Catherine Cary
is president of Panhellenic. Elizabeth Ring is captain of basketball, and
the two other Alpha O's on the team last year will undoubtedly make
it again. Elizabeth Ring and Barbara Keyes are members of the Y. W.
cabinet. Mabel Peabody and Molly Perkins are the two editors of the
"Mainespring," and Molly is the co-ed member of the chapel committee.
We have members in Domino, the dramatic society. I t is too early for
class elections but the junior girls have elected Ruth Savage as secretary
and treasurer.
The whole chapter has fallen in love with our new Alpha O baby,
and since he and his mother, Betty Mills Towner, live on the campus, he
is a very popular infant. We all miss "Pat" Cloutier, who has transferred
to Boston University, and Leona Reed, who is teaching in Carmel, Maine.
We hope that in our next letter we, and all our sister chapters, will
have very good news about the results of our rushing.
September twenty-second brought us back to a house filled with the
scent of paste, paper, and plaster of paris, and cluttered throughout with
thick rolls of various colored wallpapers, huge cans of paste, a table
and a paperhanger. Our house continued to be infested with these articles
for eight days, and e'er these days were over rushing commenced! How-
ever, when this momentous season arrived the halls and living room
were completed so we managed to close off the unfinished rooms and pro-
ceed as aforetime.
But now there was another difficulty besetting our scarcely cleared
pathway—our living room rugs had not arrived. We could do without
them during the week when dancing was the order of the day, but we
we had to have them f o r the Sunday teas. What should we do? We
racked our brains without result, and we sent a telegram, that also
without result. Sunday came. We were frantic so we went to " K i m . "
( K i m has a Ford which has already done many noble deeds.) We at
once pressed Henry into service and sought out the express office.
And then the fun began! We secured an expressman who f o r the
first forty minutes was impervious to our demands. Finally by means of
threats, flattery and bribery we succeeded in overpowering him and gain-
ing entrance to the office. A f t e r a desperate search the rugs were discov-
ered, draped coquettishly about "Henry" and brought triumphantly home
thirty minutes before the teas began.
As to rushing itself we are more than delighted at the incoming
freshman class and in another week Ave hope to make its most promising
members pledges to Alpha O.
Much to our joy Anne Morrow McDermott is still occupying the
adorable little bungalow next door. Last Monday we were surprised and
very much delighted to hear that Betty Necly had returned to Ithaca to
act as secretary to the dean of women during the secretary's absence.
We expect her with us for at least three weeks.
Isn't it great to be back again? This is the end of a lovely vacation,
of course, but it's the beginning of so much more. Every one is enthusi-
astic and fairly popping with plans for this new year.
Our rushing was most successful. Think of having nineteen sweet
new pledges! They are: Bernice Anderson, Margaret Brown, Charlotte
Collins, Marie Dolf. Agnes Eiberg, Lucile Hurley, Ruth Judson, Esther
Means, Anne McCabe, Melba Mathieu, Kathryn Moss, Hortense Reynolds,
Marion Rogers, Dorothy Speirs, Sarah Ann Schweich, Ruth Tombaugh,
Julia Thompson, Susan Crawford, Eleanor Goodrich. Do you wonder
that we're patting ourselves on the back and expecting great things?
And I think we have a right to. They* have already caught the spirit
that is so evident on campus this year—the spirit to "go in and win."
Three of them have already made teams, and the others are all trying
out for athletics, dramatics, literary offices, and scholarship honors.
Then, too, they are giving a tea for all freshmen women on October
Our pledge luncheon is to be at the North Shore Hotel, October
the twenty-first.
October the third, we were happy to have Laura Hurd, our grand
secretary, with us at a cozy in her honor. We used Merva's new home,
which we seem to have adopted as our own, and which almost burst
with all the jollity crowded into it. We had two other visitors during
rushing, Eunice Getzelman from Eta, and Hilda Whipperman, who is
also from Eta and whom our district superintendent "discovered" living
in the same apartments.
Rho is looking forward to this new year with highest hopes and
aspirations and sends her best wishes for the success of those of her
sisters in other chapters.
I t is not quite a week since we returned f r o m our vacation, and we
have been so busy opening the house, moving in, and registering f o r the
fall quarter that we have had very little time for anything else.
This quarter we have sixteen girls living in the house, one living
in Palo Alto, and one in San Jose. A l l of us are filled with enthusiasm
at returning to college, f o r we are very anxious to get back to work again.
We enter upon an entirely different system of rushing this year.
Instead of a concentrated period of ten days' rushing each quarter, we
have a year's informal rushing, with bidding to take place the latter part
of May. The idea is to make the freshmen girls feel the college spirit,
and be Stanford girls for a whole year before they become sorority girls.
The plan is really wonderful i f every one lives up to it, but it will be a
great deal more difficult than ever before. I t means that we will have
to rush steadily throughout the whole year, and plan about it far more
seriously than we have ever done in the past. We are hoping sincerely
that the plan will turn out to be a success.
We are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing our Sigma
sisters on November 25th, the day of the "big game"—the annual football
game between the University of California and Stanford University.
Iota is pleased to present ten splendid new pledges: Dorothy Dick-
inson '25, Eureka; Daphne Hutson '26, Urbana; Helen Grimes, Urbana;
Coral Jury '24, Washburn; Ruth Snyder '26, Lawrenceville; Ethel Duner,
Wheaton; Cora Jane and Alma Stroheker '24, Kansas City, and Lorna
Kooi '26, Sheridan, Wyo.
Rushing season extended over the usual week at the end of which
came formal dinner and pledge day. Rushing parties which were all
very pretty included a cabaret dinner dance, butterfly dinner dance,
Spanish dinner and French party. Our local Panhellenic permits us
$100.00 for rushing expenditures. We were so .glad to have Annetta
Wood '22 here f o r the first few days. Elsie Brace (Rho) was with
us the whole time. Mrs. Edward Hobler of St. Louis is our new chap-
erone and house-mother. She is well-known on the campus as she
received her M . A. here several years ago when she acted as chaperone
to Delta Gamma. Since that time she has traveled extensively in Europe.
Activities, as well as studies, are occupying much of Iota's time.
Ruth Butler '23 is very busy as Y. W . C. A . president, Veta Holtermann
'24, has new honors falling almost every day—the latest of which are
appointments to Shan Kive committee and second cabinet of Y.- W .
Each girl has her particular campus interest.
Class hockey practice is -in full swing and I am certain there will
be A O n names to announce on teams next letter. The stunt written
by Frances Dolle '23 and Lois Bennett '23 (our Kansas U transfer)
has been selected to appear in the Homecoming Co-ed Carnival.
Mildred Holmes '22 who is teaching swimming at Decatur Y. W .
has spent frequent week-ends with us. Maurine Lantz '21, instructor in
home economics at Eureka College, has also been a guest. Hester Srout
ex '23 also drops in occasionally. She is teaching in Metcalf.
We were the grateful recipients of a 5-pound box of candy from
Dick Dickinson ex '24, Acacia, recently. Mildred Lantz '23, our house
president, was the direct cause. Jane Brown '23 too, is flashing a most
beautiful engagement ring since last week-end's trip to Chicago. T . B.
Hood is the man. Alice Cook '24 is very happy since the return of one
Bob Malcomson '22 from a summer in Europe. He brought many lovely
things, not least of which is a sparkling stone.
Our wishes have come true. We had always wanted a Southern
transfer and you can imagine how elated we were to have Louise Adams
of Pi come to us this fall. We like her.
We have so many nice things to tell about this year. We out-of-
town girls came back to find the house all cleaned and dressed up in
lots of new things. The town girls, of course, did the work, and every-
thing looked so nice.
Then besides all that, the new rushing system inaugurated this year
proved highly successful for us. Ten new pledges came to our house
last Tuesday night. A l l of them are charming girls, very active and
enthusiastic. We are going to do big things this year. The pledges are:
Lucille Campbell '26, Irma Fliehr '24, Lulu Hanson '26, Dorothy H i l l '26,
Mildred Holen '26, Catherine Hoy '26, Hazel Hitchcock '26, Grace Hub-
bard '26, lone Jackson '23 and Dorothy Womrath '26. Our pledges will
entertain the other pledges of the campus on Wednesday, October 11.
Besides our pledges, we have a transfer from Maine, Virginia Chase,
about whom we are all quite enthusiastic.
Mrs. Cummings, our chaperone, is another new addition, and a
most charming one. We are having an all University tea for her on
Tuesday, and wish that all of you might be here to meet her.
Betty Bond and W i n i f r e d Whitman, who graduated last year, are
back with us. Betty is working f o r her M . A . and W i n has gone into
the medical school.
Dorothy Kramer and Marion Roth, Eta girls, are in the city. They
come to see us occasionally but we wish they would come more often.
I almost forgot something. We are third in scholarship again this
year, but we're going to work hard f o r first place.
We have been back at college f o r nearly three weeks now and my,
how glad we all are to be back! Our house had been painted during
the vacation time and new walks put in, so we are very proud of it.
I t seemed as i f we just arrived when rushing began. As Panhellenic
has instituted new rulings f o r rushing, it was made a great deal more
interesting than usual. I think the new system gave the freshmen a
much better chance to decide fairly. They had the opportunity to see
the sorority houses on the hill, to meet a great many more of the girls
and to choose the girls to whom they were the most attracted.
Preferential bidding was the new system instituted this year by
Panhellenic. It has proved most successful. I t seems that all the fresh-
men arc charming this year. We have been very much pleased with
them and quite amused because a great number of them were decided
Chi is very happy to announce the pledging of eight freshmen girls.
They are, Alice Reeves '26, Winifred Reese '26, Gertrude Baumhart '26,
Helen McNces '26, Ruth Hawkes '26, Margaret Williams *26, Mariba
Morse '26 and Virginia Wilson '26.
We had pledge service the following Friday and had all the girls
down for dinner at night. During dinner a box was brought in to the
president, addressed to the whole house. It was a five-pound box of
candy with the announcement of the marriage, June 17th, of one of our
girls, Ruth Sydney '22, to Harold Merchant, a Phi Delta Theta from
Chi sends greetings to all other Alpha Os and wishes them success
in the coming year.
Upsilon chapter is looking forward to a very successful school year.
Mabel Anderson, one of our senior girls, is the newly elected president
of Women's League; Dorothy Redmon is president of Panhellenic; Peggy
Shotwell, one of our newer girls, is president of Red Domino Dramatic
Society, and we are proud to announce that Edith Chapman is editor of
the nineteen twenty-three Tyee Annual. Besides being active on the
campus Alpha Omicron Pi ranks third in scholarship among women's
fraternities at Washington. We know Laura H u r d will be pleased to
hear this since activities and scholarship were especially mentioned in
her talk to us a few weeks ago.
Upsilon is indeed happy to write that Nellis McBroom, a last year's
freshman, was chosen out of three hundred Vassar students as com-
poser of the class song. We all miss Nellis a great deal but this bit
of distinction is true compensation f o r our lonesomeness. We trust she
will continue in her art as a composer.
Emily Hershberger, Ester Melby, Lucile Ranthum, Deloris Neil and
Bcrnice St. John Hanson have been most loyal alumnae since they have
attended chapter meetings and helped constantly with fall rushing. Now
rushing is almost over and we are anxiously waiting to welcome the new
pledges which we will announce in our next letter.
The school bells are ringing again and every one I believe is excited
and glad to begin where she left off, or maybe it is just the good feeling
of seeing one another after nearly four months of separation. Anyway
Nu Kappa had a good number of her girls back and those who didn't
come to stay came up to help us rush. And such excitement you never
saw! A f t e r eight days of all sorts of fun and some worry Nu Kappa
came out on top with twelve wonderful pledges, eight of whom are
Dallas girls. Two have already won renown in tennis, one being the city
champion last year, another is going to make the girls' varsity team in
basketball, one is more than interested in Y. W . C. A. work, and three
are going in for the Arden club.
S. M . U . is progressing rapidly having the large enrollment of two
thousand this year. We have a new steel stadium, too, and initiated it
properly bv winning the first two games played there. I f by chance
anyone had inquired who the row of cute girls were, he had only to
notice the twelve little red bows so proudly worn by them.
Nu Kappa was delighted to receive as a transfer f r o m Randolph-
Macon Mary Marshall who has fitted in with the rest of us so well
that we feel we have known and had her always. Thank you, Kappa!
This year, too, we were overjoyed at having Kate Hammons back
with us again, who for the past two years has been attending T . W . C.
at Ft. Worth. She is a senior here.
We wish all our sisters the happiest of years and the best of luck.
Beta Phi with a new house, a new sorority mother, and sixteen won-
derful pledges has started on what promises to be one of her most happy
and successful years. We are glad to make it known that we have
pledged: Mildred Wight, New York City; Rezina Bond, Indianapolis;
Ruth McKorkle, Kokomo, Indiana; Florence Wacker, Indianapolis;
Kathryr. Bolitho, Ligonier, Indiana; Ruth Melick, Spencer, Indiana;
Gladys Alger, Saginaw, Michigan; Dorothy Nash, Jasonville, Indiana;
Dorothy Clark, Chicago; Florence Morris, Salem, Indiana; Juanita Brax-
ton, Paoli, Indiana; Madge Richardson, North Vernon, Indiana; Roselyn
Beale, Terre Haute, Indiana; Rosalie Esarey, Bloomington, Indiana;
Margaret Stubbins, Crawfordsville, Indiana; Frances Lux, Logansport,
Our new chaperon is M r s . Joe McCrory of Rock Island, Illinois.
We have found her very charming and interested in our welfare. This
is her first year as chaperon but she seems like a second mother to
all of us.
I can't refrain from adding a word about our house. Really it has
surpassed all our expectations. It is so unusual in its Spanish arrange-
ment as the rooms center about an open patio where there is a flowing
fountain. Off of this room are the living room, dining room, guest
bedroom, chaperon's room—and yes, one door leads to the basement
where we have a secret chapter room! A l l our study rooms open on
a balcony which encircles the patio on the second floor. The entire
third floor is a dormitory. A large sun parlor, an open pool and an
attractive pergola are other features of our new home.
Hannah Blair, Mildred Douglass, and Mary Anderson of Omega
have left their little school kiddies long enough to spend a week-end with
us. Evelyn McFerrin Taylor, Iva Wray, Jane Sickles and Merry Louise
Robinson have all been here, too.
Esther McClellan, of Rho, is living wnth us this year. Esther is
such a busy bee that she helped us wonderfully during rush, and since
then has been doing pageant work in Bloomington.
Mary Lou Fitton is a member of the Y . W . C. A. cabinet. She is
also treasurer of Mortar Board, honorary senior girls' organization.
Allison Bolitho was elected sophomore council member of W. S. G. A .
and is chairman of the committee which has charge of W . A. A. banquet.
Oneta Illingworth was elected vice-president of Y. W . C. A. Margaret
Wight has charge of senior W. A. A. vaudeville. A l l our pledges are
entering the various campus activities.
Mary Fletcher ' 2 2 was married to Harold Parthemer of Akron,
Ohio, on October 4th. Our entire chapter attended the ceremony. Mar-
garet Wight '23 and Jane Sickles ' 2 2 were bridesmaids.
We have recently acquired two other new interests—Dorothv Hunt-
ington is wearing a Delta Tau Delta pin belonging to Albert Hoadley.
Vernefte Yelch has Jack Whittington's Lambda Chi Alpha pin.
Beta Phi extends a cordial invitation to all Alpha Os to visit her in
the new chapter house.
School opened September 20, but we all came back on the thirteenth
and from then on until the beginning of rushing on the twenty-eighth
we worked like slaves scrubbing and varnishing, painting bedroom furni-
ture and waxing and polishing floors, making drapes and cleaning house
in general. But our efforts were well worth while and all of our hard
labor was not for nothing f o r one would not know our house to be the
same place. I t seems almost too good to be true.
We consider ourselves particularly favored this year because we have
ten of the most wonderful pledges! There was so much competition this
year and we were so afraid that we were not going to get the girls we
wanted. However fortune favored us again and we have the girls that
we wanted the very most of all. Here are their names and the names
of the places from which they come: Mary Brader, Madison; Florence
Brcitenbach, Madison; Madeline Dorsey, Willmington, 111.; Dorothy Gay,
Ottawa, I I I . ; Lenice Goodrich, Madison; Mary Lee MacComas, Chicago,
111.; Helen Melass, Stoughton, W i s . ; Marie Post, Chicago, 111.; Deborah
Sanborn, Kankakee, 111.; Betty Sears, St. Louis, Mo.
Already our pledges are beginning to play a part in campus activities.
Mary Brader was elected president of Green Button, an all freshman
girl society. This is perhaps the greatest honor that can come to a
freshman girl. Mary was elected by four hundred out of the seven hun-
dred votes cast. Helen Melass plays the violin beautifully and is already
playing for Y. W . vespers on Sunday.
Our actives also have brought us honors this year. Eleanor Sikes
was recently elected to Orchesus, honorary dancing society, and Maude
Gray made glee club. Every one is going out for something, endeavoring
to give Eta a bigger and better place than ever at Wisconsin.
A f t e r ten days of concentrated rushing we have five wonderful
pledges f o r you to welcome. They are Helen Patterson of Fort Benton,
Ruth Walker of Great Falls, Violet Nye of Livingston, Alta Atkinson of
Alberta, Canada, and Elizabeth Border of Bozeman. Lizzie is a little
sister of Blanche and Evelyn. Helen is our athlete and Alta our student.
Ruthic plays and "Bobbie" Nye dances divinely.
We were fortunate enough to draw the final night f o r our big rush-
ing party and gave a lovely semi-formal affair at the chapter house with
a tea-room supper at one of the town girls' houses afterwards. Chocolate
A. O's on little pumpkin pies boosted f o r A 0 I I .
Four new buildings have been going up on the campus this summer.
Although they will not be finished until spring they supplied a new induce-
ment for students and our enrollment this year is much larger than usual.
Armistice Day every girl in the chapter expects to go to Missoula to
see the new coach's Bobcats beat the " U . "
" V i k i " Forrest has joined the teachers' ranks but she managed to
return f o r pledging. Flossie Aitken of Upsilon is teaching in Bozeman
this year. "Judy" Judd Hauseman presents Dean Hauseman, Jr., born
October sixth, for your approval.
Marie Moebus is president of Woman's League and Interfraternitv
Council this year. Nita Noble is secretary of Woman's League and an
officer of the "Tormenters," M . S. C. dramatic club. "Lou" Staebler is
president of the art club and Chloe Cox is senior adviser f o r all freshman
girls. Chloe and Mary Baldwin are also vice-presidents of their respec-
tive classes.
Helen Chase represented Montana state as V. R. at the Y. W . C . A .
conference at Seabeck last summer. She came back with wonderful
stories of Upsilon which "Flossie" heartily endorsed.
A. O. Pi sisters everywhere,
Here's to a good, successful year!
Vanderbilt opened September 25th with a larger enrollment than
ever before. I t seemed so good to be back with all the old girls once
more, and to meet so many prospective freshmen. I t looks^ as if this
were going to be a big year "for the University as well as f o r N u Omicron
chapter. .
We have been doing so many interesting things this summer that
I hardlv know where to begin. As soon as commencement was over
last Juiie, the girls who were going to remain in town f o r the summer
began to plan various ways of making money f o r our house fund. "Rum-
mage sales" in the poorer sections of the city seemed to be the best and
quickest way of making money, so we gave one after another until we
had drained every A . O. Pi's house in the city of all the old clothes
available. The result of our money making scheme was the purchase
of a lot on which we intend building a chapter house right away.
The month of September brought the announcement of three engage-
ments, two in the alumnae chapter and one in the active. Faith Clarke
was married to Vernon Brogden on September 15, and they have gone
to West Virginia to live. We certainly hated to see her leave, but wish
her much happiness in her new home.
We were so glad to welcome home, after a summer spent abroad,
Marv D. Houston and Florence Tyler, two of our most enthusiastic
alumnae. Annie Sharpe Garrett was also fortunate enough to spend the
summer abroad, and we hope she will visit us in the near future.
Rushing season began the week of October 2, with a series of teas
given by each fraternity for all the new girls in school. Ours was very
successful and afforded us a good opportunity for becoming better
acquainted with our rushees. Personal dates begin October 6, and con-
tinue until Thanksgiving. A "big party" to which all the rushees are
invited marks the end of the season.
October 14 is to be a gala day in the history of Vanderbilt Univer-
sity, for it is then that the new stadium is to be christened. Alumnae
f r o m all over the country are coming to help make the opening day a
success and I hope that our team will come through the Vanderbilt-
Michigan game with the flying colors of victory.
Nu Omicron chapter extends her best wishes for a successful year
to each and every chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi.
N E L L F A I N 23.
The University of Pennsylvania seems to open later than most of
the other colleges, as we are only just getting started on our term's
work. Our vacation has done wonders for the entire chapter. By the
end of last term every one had reached her limit in work f o r the college
and sorority. I t has been the custom to have a May day celebration,
in which almost every woman student figures, in some capacity. This
year we gave A l f r e d Noyes' "Sherwood," a play of the life of Robin
Hood and Maid Marian, and nearly every member of Psi chapter had
a part. A l l the performances were successful, and Philadelphia gave her
interest and support both in the papers and in the purchase of tickets.
A f t e r this was over we started cramming for examinations, and
from then until the close of school we dropped everything but our
books. We celebrated the end of examinations by a dance at one of the
country clubs, and then scattered to the shore, mountains, and for the
ambitious ones, some f o r m of useful play, over the summer. Several
girls came back to summer school, one was a junior play-leader on a
chautauqua schedule, several were counsellors in girls' camps. A l l have
come back filled with vim and eager for work.
Every year Penn feels more like a "regular" college. In former
years the "co-eds" were left out in the cold, but at last we are receiving
recognition as a body of college girls with high ideals, and a definite
sense of responsibility. We are now organized in an active and well
organized women's student government association. Every club and
activity is listed under this head, and women in every school, medical,
dental, law and the undergraduate schools are included. Definite com-
mittees have been formed f o r every phase of the work, so that prac-
tically every woman is used. Every one has a personal interest and
through her individual responsibility, no matter how small, feels part
of the system.
Athletics certainly give a spirit of fairness and good fellowship.
They break down narrow prejudices and exclusiveness. We at Penn are
realizing this more and more and are encouraging every one to do some-
thing. Psi chapter seems to go out for hockey more than anything else,
and by the close of the season we hope to have some members on the
varsity team.
Phi chapter has ten new Alpha O pledges this fall, who are as fol-
lows: Elizabeth Bolinger, Valborg Swenson, Valma Christopher. Nellie
Johnson, Emma Neuer, Louise Jeffers, Louise Clarke, Pauline Hibbard,
Henrietta Stewart, and Mildred McDonald.
Dorothy Miller and Inez Ward Blazier were here a few days
rush week, and Kathryn Millisack was here a few days from Colorado.
Marjorie Kidwell McMurray and her husband, Cooper McMurray, visited
a few days last week. They were married here in Lawrence, June 5th,
following their graduation. They are in chautauqua work now. Mar-
garet Mathews, who is teaching school in Washington High School this
year, visited the chapter last week-end.
We are taking steps to maintain and increase our prestige in dra-
matics this year. One of our new pledges is in the Y. W. C. A . play,
and six of the other girls are trying out f o r dramatic club. We gave
a morning chocolate, in honor of our pledges, f o r the sororities Saturdav
morning, September 30; an open house for fraternities in the evening';
and are giving a pledge dance, Friday, October 13th.
Myrtle Weber, who is a pharmacist in a drug store in Smith Center
this year, sent the chapter a box of chocolates to let us know she was
still thinking of us. Myrtle expects to be back in school the second
semester. Doris Stanley became i l l the first week of school and was
compelled to return to her home in Ponca City. Dr. and Mrs. A . J. M i x
spent their summer vacation in Connecticut. Reba White is a pledge
of Mu Phi Epsilon. Gamma Sigma, a local sororitv in Lawrence, obtained
a charter from Alpha Gamma Delta last spring. Ochino, a local frater-
nity here, obtained a charter from Alpha Kappa Lambda last spring.
Today the football team is playing West Point at West Point. Sir
Charles Wakefield, ex-lord mayor of London, addressed convocation here
the 29th of September.
We feel very happy about our wonderful pledges, and fourteen of
them in time are bound to show results. The names themselves are
interesting: Margaret MacLennan, Cincinnati; Louise Murray, Eaton;
Marion Rothaar, Dayton; Helen Crookson, Massillon; Cornie Lampsen,
Jefferson; Mary Catherine Frank, St. Marys; Ethel Rabey, Cleveland;
Evelyn Wright, Cincinnati; Gertrude Weir, Eaton; Mary La Mieux,
St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mabel Murddock, Cincinnati; Dorothy Riley, Coshoc-
ton ; Nellie Lorenz, Coshocton. Besides these, Marcella Wilson of Terre
Haute, Ind., a pledge from last year, is back with us.
The first week was one mad scramble for freshmen. Only the
fittest survived. Our first rush event was a garden party at the home of
our patroness, Mrs. Clark, a very lovely affair with roses, Japanese lan-
terns, and a big moon. Tuesday was a luncheon at the Spinning Wheel,
and Tuesday night, a hay-ride and chicken dinner in the country. On
Wednesday, a dinner at the College Inn followed by a theatre party.
Rushing is loads of fun when one has so many lovely girls to entertain.
Sunday we were really mean to them, marched them to University service
in the afternoon, and made them give the stunt at the party Sunday night.
Since the first week, we have had other parties, including a Sunday
morning breakfast along the Talawanda. Helen Crookson had a birthday
in September and she and Cornie gave a party f o r the whole chapter.
August 29th we had formal pledging and a banquet later at the Spinning
Wheel. ,^
And now you must know what all the girls are doing for Omega
this year. First, in athletics, we have Peg Westfall, at the head ot
tennis; and Mart Fishpaw, the head of fall hockey; both represent us
on athletic board. Frances Ivans is a busy reporter on our weekly-
paper, and we are hoping that a couple of our industrious freshmen
will make the try-outs. We have three big sisters this year: Helen
Ballinger, Helen MacLennan, and Vesta Magee; and three members on
student council: Martha Hughes, as house chairman of Bishop H a l l :
Helen -Ballinger, president of Madrigal, and Peg Westfall, president of
senior class. We have lots of harmony in our sewing circle this year
with thirteen girls in Arion choir, five girls in Madrigal, and two in the
chapel choir. We are well represented in Y. W . C. A. cabinet, and Peg
Westfall is secretary of student senate.
We are glad to announce that Theta Gamma Rho, a local here, has
been granted a Sigma Kappa charter. Alpha O will be the first to enter-
tain f o r them with a steak roast along the Talawanda.
Omicron P i is taking pause after two breathless but happy weeks to
celebrate the most important event in the lives of most of us. November
is famous f o r Armistice Day and Thanksgiving. December is famous
for Christmas vacation—but none of these dates can compare with the
<lay we are celebrating this Sunday, October 8th. One year ago today,
a group of "alums" and actives of Omicron Pi were initiated and the
first pledges were pledged by our grand president. Merva Hennings. I f
you have ever had the opportunity of hearing our ritual pronounced for
the first time by our grand president herself, you will understand just
how inspiring it was and still is.
We have achieved two important results this fall. A f t ; r a hectic
week and a half of rushing, we pledged five darling girls: Virginia Van
Zandt '24, Florence Fiebig '24, Marion Hallett '24, and two freshmen—
Arlene Ewing and Eleanor Baumgardner.
Our other big achievement is a real house, all our own—a house that
we will be proud to have always f o r the home of A O I I .
In spite of our busy rushing season, we haven't been altogether negli-
gent of our campus activities. Bea Hoek is treasurer of Panhellenic,
and senior representative to the judiciary council of the Women's League.
"Doc" Hayes, our medic, is secretary of the frosh medic class, secretary
of the " Y , " a member of National Mortarboard, and member at large
on the board of Masques Dramatic Club. Also in dramatics is Kate
Swayze, who with Luverne is a member of the senior girls play com-
mittee; and Velma Leigh Carter, president of Mummers, dramatic club,
and a member also of Masques. Velma has also the distinction of being
on the staff of our "highbrow" literary magazine, Whimsies.
Marjorie Kerr is women's editor of Chimes, our all-campus monthly
magazine, and Dorothy Wylie is chairman of the membership committee
of the Women's League.
We have been very fortunate to secure Miss Scranton as our chap-
eron and social director. Miss Scranton was a well-known social director
of one of our smaller dormitories here on campus.
We have been in close touch with our Detroit alumnae through the
welcome visits of our alumnae adviser, Cora May Wiedeman.
(No letters from Dallas and Nashville. Fines due.)
On May 11th, after dinner at the Washington Gardens, we Alpha
Os held our annual election and ritual meeting i n N u chapter room
on the roof of New York University Building, 32 Waverly Place, Wash-
ington Square, New York. The election was as follows: President, Mary
Donlon, Epsilon; vice-president, Marion Darville, Epsilon; secretary,
Marion R. Bennett, Delta; treasurer, Elizabeth Boyer, N u ; Panhellenic
delegate, Helen Henry, Sigma.
As members of our chapter this year, we are delighted to have Laura
Hurd, grand secretary, and Josephine Pratt, Alpha, vice-superintendent.
Both have contributed much to our development. Helen Henrv has done
much to develop our Panhellenic spirit. Of great interest and a much
discussed topic, is the Panhellenic House Association. We expect to do
our share in the fall drive for the club house under Helen's guidance.
The New York University Building being closed for the summer,
we held onr June meeting at the Women's Universitv Club (106 East
52d Street). Lunch was served to fourteen in the "club dining room.
For a small fee, we had the use of an attractive committee room f o r
the meeting.
Here in New York, Saturday afternoon seems to be the best time
to hold our meetings, since at this time more members come than in the
evening hours.
Oiir summer meetings are informal, social gatherings at one of
the Alpha O homes. July meeting was in form o f a "get acquainted tea"
at the apartment of Katherine Mac Intyre, 524 Riverside Drive. The
Alpha O summer students in New York were invited guests. Laura Hurd
lives with Katherine, you know, and she generallv has something to
tell us each month of her trips here and there, t h i s time it was an
account o f the trip to Evanston, 111., to an executive committee meeting.
We were very fortunate to hear Mildred Mosier, Epsilon, tell some-
thing of her work in Moulmein, Burma, before she returned there in
August. We were very sorry not to see more of her.
On Thursday, August 4th, a number of Alpha O summer students
had a very enjoyable dinner party.
At Wallace Lodge, Park H i l l on the Hudson, Yonkers, N . Y., Helen
Henry was hostess for the August meeting. The distance did not prevent
fifteen loyal people from being there. Every one had a lovely time and
several stayed f o r dinner at the Lodge.
New York chapter hopes all the alumnae chapters have had a
pleasant summer, and extend best wishes for the fall undertaking.
The activities of the alumnae about San Francisco Bay ended for
the spring season with the delightful tea and reception given to the
seniors of Lambda and Sigma at the Fairmont Hotel in May. This
annual event is the one which brings us closest to the girls who are gradu-
ating, and are ready to associate themselves with us i f possible—a link,
as it were, between the active and alumnae chapters. Before our guests
arrived, an informal business meeting was called, at which time the report
of the nominating committee formed the main discussion. The group,
thus nominated and afterwards elected, changed the personnel of the
governing body of the chapter completely. W i t h Muriel Turner McKinney
as president, Sarah Matthew Hackley as vice-president, Frances Corlett
Howard as treasurer, and Rosalinda Olcese as secretary we felt our
future assured. •.
This confidence was rudely disturbed, however, when in July, Muriel,
who had already demonstrated her executive ability and initiative, moved
to Los Angeles, and had to resign. She had organized her committees
and planned her work so well, that, although there was not a quorum at
the August meeting, we were still able to entertain the Sigma rushees at
a successful and pleasant card party a few days before Freshman regis-
No more was accomplished until the September meeting which was
held, as usual, at the Sigma chapter house in Berkeley. A t that time,
a new president had to be selected, and Grace Weeks Jory graciously
consented to undertake the work for the remainder of the year. Our
greatest pleasure on this day was to meet and to try, in some measure,
to become acquainted with Viola Gray, who was visiting us then. Her
talk concerning the national finances was encouraging and gratifying, and
we know that with such a firm financial backing, coupled with the strength
and inspiration of our national leaders, we cannot help but advance by
leaps and bounds. Rose Von Schmidt Bell entertained us with several
of her delightfully humorous readings, which, followed by delicious
refreshments, made the afternoon a real treat.
I must not neglect to tell you all how proud we are of Sigma's
scholarship record for the last year, when she stood second among the
women's fraternities, having risen from sixteenth place. We are proud,
too, of the way in which the girls are conducting the affairs of the house,
and of the splendid rushing season they had. A n d do not forget that
the one alumna whose work for the active chapter stands foremost and
above all others, is Daisv Mansfield Shaw, who is the source of all
information and friend in need to the little sisters who live next door
Since our previous letter we have had two meetings; the first with
Lillian MacQuillin McCausland in Providence, and the second with Jennie
Perry Prescott in Pawtucket. Unfortunately the secretary was again
prevented from attending the former, but fortune was more favorable
for the latter. There were six of us at this meeting. We were sorry
to learn that Alice Manchester Chase had gotten mixed up with an
automobile, and as a result would not be able to meet with us f o r a
while. Since then we hear that her knee is mending nicely, and we hope
to welcome her at our first fall meeting.
Edith Brown Winters, Brown, 1905, who lived in Manville, R. I . ,
until a year or so ago, and then moved to Ashland, Massachusetts, has
now moved (September 27th) to Framingham, Massachusetts, 15 Ever-
green Street. So we have lost her to Boston alumnae. We have enjoyed
having Octavia Chapin with us, and regret that she has felt it necessary
to leave Providence.
Providence alumnae can only grow by adoption while the Women's
College in Brown University has a ban on sororities. I f any alumna of
Alpha O moves into Rhode Island or a nearby Massachusetts town, please
notify us of your proximity. We shall be so happy to add you to our
little family. By the way, sisters, what can be done about organizing
young graduates f r o m colleges where our chapters have been suspended?
Can we not add an amendment to our constitution to make such action
possible? Of course, these members would still be deprived of the joys
of membership in an active chapter, but they would not have to be forever
barred f r o m membership in a strong fraternity with all the joys of
alumnae chapter contact. Can't we do something?
On the last Saturday in April we held a small meeting in Win-
chester at the home of Blanche Bruce Brync, where we had a delightful
time and delicious "eats." Most of the girls had been working hard on
the sale of Jumbo bonds and wanted to compare notes on the ways and
means. Isabel Healey's little girl came over to have her hair dressed
for a costume party so she had to be compared in size and attainments
with children of other fond parents. We were glad to have with us
that day, Mabel McGinley from Gamma chapter. Which reminds me
that there must be a number of Alpha Os in and around Boston whom
we should delight to welcome to our meetings, the last Saturday of
every month. I f you don't receive a notice call Hyde Park 193-W, and
the writer can tell you where it is to be. I f chapters who know of girls
moving to Boston would notify our president, we could get in touch
with them.
May was the time for joint .meeting with active chapter and we
had an ideal day. We were disappointed not to have more oresent as
we were especially honored in having Mrs. Perry and Miss Hurd with
us. Dorothy Buck opened her house in Wollaston and in the chapel
adjoining the house we held our memorial service for Ruth Capen Farmer.
It was a most impressive service at which Blanche Hooper and Mrs.
Perry spoke of Mrs. Farmer and Etta Phillips MacPhie sang.
We were pleased to have several Delta girls at the joint meeting
who are seldom present, among them Ethel Sturtevant Finley of New
York. The business manager of To Dragma, June Kelley, who tried to
boom life subscriptions, is always welcome, representing Gamma.
The following day the active girls invited us to a tea which they
gave at Polly Lambert's in honor of Mrs. Perry and Miss Hurd. We
were very much interested in what Miss Hurd told of her work at
Columbia the past year.
There has been no meeting thus far this year because one day con-
flicted with the Tuft's alumnae meeting, as well as with Ethel Richard-
son's wedding. Many of the girls went back for that event in the chapel.
We hope to see a large number at the October meeting when we shall
discuss plans f o r the winter.
The May luncheon, held at the home of Edna Betts Trask in Pasa-
dena, was one of the most enthusiastic and successful of the year. Sixteen
Alpha Os attended. One of the decisions made was that of holding
a luncheon in connection with each meeting, charging fifty cents a person,
the monev to go to our scholarship fund.
Constance Chandler, the retiring president, opened her beautiful home
for the June meeting, and needless to say, every one of the twenty-four
Alpha Os had an enjoyable time. The meeting was presided over by
the newly elected president, Peggy Pittman, who shows exceptional prom-
ise of steering the chapter through a successful year. A t this gathering
definite plans were outlined f o r the fall bazaar by Edna Trask, the
chairman. .#
On the tenth of July, we gathered at the new home of Mildred T a f t
Tinkham in Hollywood. A f t e r a delightful luncheon, we sewed indus-
triously on towels, dusters, holders, etc. ,
For our September meeting we motored to Sheda Lowman Kline s
home in Santa Monica, where we had luncheon, picnic style on one of
her large porches. After our meeting, we held a sale of finished articles,
and realized fifteen dollars f o r our scholarship fund.
One of the important matters of business taken up at this meeting
was the appointment of an executive committee whose duty it will be
to discuss previously, all business to be taken up at the meeting. This
will do away with much exhaustive discussion in meeting and give us
more time for social affairs.
We greatly miss Lucile Curtis who was married to Walter English
this spring, and now resides in Billings, Montana.
W i l l every Alpha O residing in or near Los Angeles, send her address
to Mrs. W m . M . Trask, 1175 North Chester Avenue, Pasadena? We
want to know you all.
Our alumnae chapter met with Martha Walton one evening the last
of August, to plan the rushing party which we give each year f o r the
active chapter and rushees.
The party was scheduled by the invitation committee for Wednesday
night, September 13th, and was called "School Days." Alma Birkner
Rawlings kindly offered her beautiful home. Fortunately the night was
perfect and we were able to use the large porch and lawn which were
prettily lighted with colored lights.
The guests were first dressed f o r school in aprons and sunbonnets
made of bright colored paper. Games such as a fish pond where thev
secured tovs and a roulette wheel where they received favors of powder
puffs, sachets, handkerchiefs and other useful things occupied part of
the evening. A delicious lunch was served in boxes that were reallv
works of art. They were covered with paper to match the aprons and
bonnets. Margaret Perry sang "For You a Rose," and gave each guest
a red rose.
Our first meeting this fall was a luncheon at the Lincolnshire Club
the 7th of October. Seventeen girls were present. We were very glad
to have Mellie Waters and Elsie Ford Piper with us. Mellie is staying
at home this year, she is teaching in the junior high school. Elsie has a
leave of absence for the first semester and is just resting, she says.
Elsie Fitzgerald motored to Minnesota and spent two weeks in a
cottage at Lake Minnetonka. Annie Jones Rosborough, M r . Rosborough,
Mary Elizabeth and Mrs. Jones spent the summer in California. Annie
"Babe" Devalen Smith of Omaha, Polly Frederick of Long Beach, and
Nell Webb Sears of Oakland, had a picnic together at Bixby Park in
Long Beach in August. Kate Follmer went to the N . E. A. in Boston
and visited in Ohio and Michigan.
Irene Barton Nelson spent the summer in M i l f o r d , Del.
Margaret Perry was at Piney Dale Lodge in the Big Horn Mountains
near Sheridan, Wyoming, during August.
Luree Beaumont, with her children and Mrs. Beemer, spent the
summer in a cottage at Estes Park. M r . Beaumont >'joined them in
Elsie Fitzgerald is the new president of the Lincoln alumnae chapter.
Viola Gray went to California in July with her father and mother.
They expect to return home in November.
Maud Logan has moved into her new home in South Lincoln. Her
address is 1221 South 24th. Maud went with M r . Logan to Grand
Island in Lake Superior during August, where they had a delightful
On May 26th, in the Black Cat room of the Edgewater Beach Hotel,
we gave a subscription dance and card party for the benefit of the Rho
chapter house fund. Over five hundred tickets were sold by the actives
and alumnae and as the result of our efforts Rho ought, at least, to
have part of their basement in sight. The dancers surely enjoyed them-
selves, for we had provided the best dance orchestra Chicago could
produce, and the card sharks were more than thrilled at the display of
thirty-six gorgeous prizes generously donated by our loyal members and
As there were a number of excellent prizes left f r o m the above
occasion, we decided to turn the July meeting, at Marion Abele's, again
into a money-making affair and give a second card party to our members.
The scheme was quite successful for there were a great many present in
spite of the fact that it was vacation time.
As many Rho actives as could come, joined us in our August meet-
ing, at the home of Marie Vick Swanson, for the purpose of discussing
more money-making schemes for the omnipresent "House Fund." We
also talked over the plans f o r our annual party to help the actives in
their fall rushing. This party was later held at Marie's and was very
effective even though the weather man would not permit us to hold a
garden party out of doors.
The September meeting, at the home of Edith Brown, took the form
of an aluminum shower for Dorothy Kerr, whose wedding date had
been set f o r Saturday, September 16th. We all had a wonderful after-
noon and as is usual at Edith's, delightful eats.
Our last meeting before the summer was a luncheon held at the
Lincoln Hotel. Our alumnae chapter is made of members from five
chapters, and Beta Phi, Theta, and Omega chapters all had active repre-
sentatives present. Leola Scales acted as toastmistress. Our program
included toasts and stunts by girls from each of the three active chapters
represented. Beta Phi girls were very enthusiastic about the new house
they had bought and it must be very beautiful indeed, f r o m their descrip-
tion. That same evening we gave a sister dance in the Travertine room
of the Lincoln Hotel. Most of the girls who attended the luncheon
stayed for the dance.
The activities of the summer included an informal gathering at the
home of Mrs. Scales in order that we might all meet Miss Laura Hurd
who was here f o r a short time. One evening we had a picnic on the
lawn of Florence Hostetter's home. To this picnic we invited all of
of the Alpha O husbands and children.
Our first meeting this fall was held at the home of Mildred Mac-
Donald. We were delighted to know that we are to have with us three
new members this year, Florence Foster, Jane Sickels, and Barbara Porter.
Florence and Barbara are teaching at Technical high school and Jane
expects to continue the study of her dancing.
A t this first meeting seventeen members were present and we dis-
cussed plans f o r the coming year while we hemmed napkins that were
to be our g i f t to Beta Phi's new home. Last spring we sold flavoring
extracts and with the money bought a g i f t of some silver for Theta and
the linen f o r Beta Phi.
Our next meeting is to be held at Florence Hostetter's on October 7.
We are looking forward to a most successful year and we hope the
year may bring much happiness to all of you.
GRACE W I L L I S , Omega '21.
The first fall meeting of the New Orleans alumnae chapter was held
October 4th—which date proved to be a very wet and disagreeable one
to have chosen. Owing to the rain very few were able to be present.
Nevertheless, plans f o r the winter's work and play were discussed and
decided upon.
We are now financially able to carry out a long cherished idea—
that is, to equip a child welfare station, which will be known as the
H E L E N GREVEMBERG S T A T I O N , and which will take care of about
two hundred and fifty people (mothers and children). From time to
time we expect to devote such sums of money as we shall have on hand
to the maintenance and support of this station.
We decided, also, to continue our monthly meetings, compressing
business into as small as possible a space of time. We are all such busy
mortals that these meetings present our only chances of keeping up with
one another, and we are somewhat jealous of the time we must devote
to purely business discussions.
Weddings have been epidemic amongst us this summer and we are
now busy remembering new names, new addresses, and wondering "who
Our rummage sales continue. We are planning, however, to try
having one big sale a month—a sale with a "come early and avoid the
rush" sort of atmosphere, instead of the usual weekly sales, which, though
seemingly sure enough, are sometimes very slow indeed.
Best wishes to all A O ns everywhere!
Everything is in full winter swing. The house has been overhauled
f r o m garret to basement, we have a charming new house mother, Mrs.
Cummings, and our active chapter has just come through a most suc-
cessful rushing season. As our last alumnae meeting happened to be
on pledge day, we were again privileged to feel all its thrills and to
become acquainted with our new "finds." The alumnae chapter gave a
rushing tea at -the Schlampp home, with Doris acting as hostess. The
lovely new Schlampp house was an ideal place for a function and its
own charm was enhanced by quantities of flowers, and strains of soft
music. The guests were given little colonial bouquets of roses and
violets. By the way, on pledge day we gorged ourselves on ten pounds
of candy, announcements from Em. Esswein and Margaret Doyle.
Now for business in the form of our usual Christmas bazaar, to be
held November 18 at the Curtis Hotel. We alums are again taking over
the apron booth and i f any "fair visitor" escapes without a year's supply
of aprons tucked under her arm, it won't be our fault.
We are further planning to enrich our own coffers by taking orders
f o r Christmas cards. We sold some last year, but we are going to make
a regular business of it this year. We are trying to work up trade by
offering a prize to the girl who sells the most in three days.
Our meetings this year promise an increased number of members
with Margaret Craig, Rita Haggerty, Mae Moran and Gladys Banberry, as
associate members, W i n Whitman and Betty Bond as new alums and
Elsa Feldhammer Johnson and Miss Chase "as new members f r o m out
of town.
Tau alums best wishes to you all.
Greetings! A f t e r the summer vacation! Since our last letter to
To Dragma we have held three very enjoyable meetings.
Our May gathering was the big event of the year. I t was given
to the active girls at the home of Autense Hincks in Oldtown. There
were about forty present. The alumnae furnished the entertainment for
the afternoon, each girl acting out the title of some well-known book.
It proved a great success and Achsa Bean won the prize f o r guessing
the most titles. Lillian Hunt Bolton '17, of Brookline, Mass., was with
us at this party.
Each year it has been our custom to have our Tune meeting a babv
party. This was held with Edith Jordan Lord in Oldtown. There were
twelve children present ranging from the ages of one to six. We are
very proud of all our little nieces and nephews. We do so enjoy these
parties. Irene Richardson Connor was our guest at this meeting.
Wre missed out on our annual summer picnic but most of the girls
seemed to be in and out of Bangor during the vacation and we could
not plan our "get together."
The first meeting of the new year was held with Doris Currier
Treat in Bangor. Owing to the wonderful summer day many of the
girls motored out of town for the week-end, but in spite of the small
attendance it did seem so good to see the girls once again.
We are progressing very well with our life subscriptions, two new
names being sent in this month. We hope to send in at least one new
name each month.
Greetings after the long vacation; it seems good to be together again!
Our first regular meeting, a "no-hostess" luncheon at the Multnomah
Hotel was embellished by a beautifully decorated table, a huge telltale
box of bonbons and the accompanying blushing fiancee, Lucile Lloyd.
(Congratulations, Mr. Wilbur!).
We were happy, too, to welcome Alice Collier Heilman back from
li'l ol' N'york with an adorable, small edition of her nice self, and to
greet a new sister, Oriel Campbell of Montana State College.
Our new president, Edna Froyd, surprised us with neat, complete
and accurate telephone lists of all our members and when we had dili-
gently written down the new committee appointments, we felt ready
for a very efficient year.
Our second meeting together was a delightfully informal visit with
Laura Hurd. We only wish it could have been a little longer.
We have "an interest very dear to us this season. Alpha Sigma, a
local sorority at the University of Oregon, is anxious to petition Alpha O
and we of the Portland alumnae are hoping that the petition will meet
with favor. The University of Oregon is growing very rapidly both in
numbers and prestige. I t enrolls this year close to 5,000 students with
a campus enrollment of over 2,000 and ranks Class A in scholarship.
Most of the prominent national sororities and fraternities are already
established there and we would like to see our own Alpha O represented.
We hope you will like the Alpha Sigmas!
But one week has elapsed since the University opened so rushing
with its excitement and anxiety is not yet over. I n anticipation of this
season of entertaining we have made numerous bright colored cushions
which now enliven and make comfortable the living room, sun parlor
and den of Upsilon's chapter house. Another g i f t to the house was a
supply of jam made at a jam party at Irma McCormick Cook's summer
home f r o m the raspberries which abounded in her garden. The pleasure
of meeting to sew or can f o r the girls cannot be overestimated and
Seattle chapter recommends the scheme.
The gala event of the late summer was Laura Hurd's visit to her
old chapter. Active and alumnae girls gathered at the house to hear
of New York chapters, the progress of the fraternity and best of all
to greet Laura, beloved friend and adviser of us all.
Under the presidency of Irma Crook we are setting out to make this
a prosperous year.
The first meeting of the fall is always a get-together one, with
excitement and noise at a high pitch. This time, those of us who are
back f r o m our summer vacations met at Louise Wiley's to talk over
plans for the year—but, i f the truth be told, Blossom Edmunds' little
girl and Helen Sheridan's baby boy were the only ones who were quiet
long enough at a time to plan f o r anything. Rushing and convention
were responsible for part of the excitement, but new apartments, trips
to Europe, and baby clothes demanded their share of attention, and
''Gingie's" engagement was in the fore most of the time. I f we're to
lose Gingie and Elizabeth Kennedy, we've a new-old member to help
fill their place, for Martha Lou Jones (O '16) is back with us, as an
instructor of Freshman English at the University, and we are rejoicing
We're rejoicing, too, that we Knoxvillc alumnae are to have our
share in the very cordial welcome "you all" will receive in Knoxville
next June. We're hoping, as I'm sure are all the Southern chapters, that
you won't find our reputation for hospitality unfounded.
The last meeting before the summer months was held at the Virginia
Episcopal school in the attractive apartment of Margaret Banks. I t was
a purely social meeting as the heat had already taken away all our energy
for serious business. We compared recipes, cooks and babies, i f any,
and enjoyed it immensely.
A f t e r not seeing each other all summer the first meeting of this
fall was particularly enjoyable. Virginia Allen was with us and was
leaving soon for New York. Laura Yates was the hostess at this meeting
and she always makes it a thing to be remembered when we meet there.
Not more than half of our valiant ten members w,ere able to be
there so we could not discuss plans very much. I t was suggested that
we use our dues toward some article of furnishing for the Smith Memorial
Student Building which is almost completed now. I t was discussed and
will probably be acted upon.
The change in rushing and pledging rules which lets Freshmen
decide and "promise" a fraternity after six weeks, has caused Kappa
to make the most of the time left to them and we await results with
great interest.
The Washington alumnae have been scattered f r o m one end of the
continent to the other this summer and this fall finds a mere handful
of girls back to start our new program of work. I n spite of that, we
hope to prove, from now until the 1923 convention in June, how heartily
we favor the proposals of the committee on national work.
A new feature of our work this year will be talks at our monthly
meetings by women active in social welfare work. Our first speaker will
be Miss Louise O. Beall, secretary* of the Associated Charities, who is
going to give us a list of Washington's crippled children and tell us how
we can help them most. As there is no institution here for impoverished.
crippled children, most of the cases are confined to private homes and
are cared f o r through the Associated Charities. One thing we are
going to do immediately is to prepare Christmas boxes for the children.
We hope that this work may be merged into the national activity later.
Two other things we hope to accomplish this year are to have 100
per cent life subscribers to To Dragma and to find every A . O. Pi in
Washington. W i l l every one knowing of an A. O. Pi in Washington
inform Adrienne Shreve, 1729 Kilbourne Avenue, Northwest?
Three of our girls have moved away during the summer. Margaret
Mitchell Gamble has gone to Minnesota. Pauline Hobson to Georgia, and
Lelia Buckingham is taking advantage of a scholarship at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore.
The first fall meeting of the Philadelphia alumnae chapter will take
place on October ninth, and we then hope to start to carry out the plans
formulated in the spring. We shall then, especially miss Katherine
Thomas, as it was under her guidance that most of our plans were
molded. However, we are fortunate that her influence in the fraternity
is not a local one, and we hope that our common interest in alumnae
work will keep us in close association.
Last year we adopted as our local fraternity work membership in
the Needlework Guild of America, the Philadelphia alumnae chapter form-
ing what is known as one section of the guild and being called the
Philadelphia branch. The purpose of the organization is to provide
garments for the poor and needy, and each section is pledged to supply
one hundred and ten garments a year. Considering that most of our
members are teaching or in business the task is by no means as trivial
as it may appear, f o r while we endeavor to do some of the sewing at
meeting, fraternity business takes most of our time, leaving the greater
part of the work to be done at home. Eleanor Rohner Spencer, who is
in charge of the work, expects to have our quota of garments at the
October meeting and to turn them over to the guild headquarters on
October fifteenth.
Although the October meeting is primarily to be a shower f o r Irene
Greene Mather held at Hilda Loeffler's home, we expect to have an oppor-
tunity to discuss further our national fraternity work, which has been
more definitely set before us by Laura H u r d in the September issue of
To Dragma.
At our last meeting in the spring at which Katherine Thomas was
present this issue was discussed extensively and the consensus of opinion
seemed to be f o r some welfare work—a summer camp f o r poor children
standing out notably. But on further consideration the girls have come
to think that the work of our national fraternity should be entirely
educational. Other women's organizations can do social or welfare work,
but the college woman is certainly best fitted to do and foster educational
Psi chapter is very busy preparing f o r rushing season and we hope
in the next issue of To Dragma to be able again to congratulate them
for one hundred per cent work. As yet we have no plans to help them
but with Avis Hunter as president of the Philadelphia alumnae they
are sure of hearty co-operation.
This short letter will be more in the form of alumnae notes than
anything else, for we have had no meetings this fall. I am afraid that
we have conveyed the impression that we are not very interested in
Alpha O nationally. The truth of the matter is that we are very scat-
tered over the city, a great many times it being almost impossible for
us to all get together at once. We are hoping f o r better things this
coming winter, however.
Jane Morgan, Phi and Eta, has a typist position with the National
Cloak and Suit Company. We are so happy that she is to be with us
until Christmas, when she plans to go to Minneapolis to be near her
Zinunie. There are rumors of wedding bells in the spring. Zimmie is
at present confined to a plaster cast as the result of a sprain following
a fall in track at Wisconsin.
Jack Gilmore has accepted a position on the Journal Post previously
held by Bernice Kuhn. Bernice is going to Topeka soon. It seems that
we cannot be fortunate enough to gain one sister without losing another.
Since there is an attraction here for Bernice in the f o r m of a brilliant
young architect, we hope to see a great deal of her even so.
Clarice Gardner has obtained a leave of absence from the school
board f o r a month. She is at Fontana at her home resting. The doctors
are hoping that the little rest will bring back her failing health.
Florence Klapmeyer represents us on the Panhellenic board and is
doing splendid work in the child welfare department. We are mighty
proud of the way the}' have come to depend on her.
We have heard that Dorothy Miller is engaged. We won't believe
it is going to last until we see the wedding ring.
Edith Phenecie has accepted a clerical position with the Merchants'
Association. Edith, Mary Rose, and two of their friends have taken an
apartment and find it much more satisfactory than their former quarters.
Kathryn Millisack from Denver spent a few days with Dorothy
Miller not long ago. I t seemed so good to see her again. She feel's
rather stranded f r o m Alpha Os and wishes we might have a Colorado
Charlotte Uhls returned a few days ago f r o m a two months' tour
with her husband. Their trip included Colorado, Utah, and on up into
Yellowstone Park. They have some thrilling tales to tell of the bears
who tried to break up their camp one night by upsetting the refrigerator
and eating the entire cache of food. I n Colorado Springs they ran into
Julia Anna Smith and her mother who were just returning "to Kansas
City from California. Some way that dear old Alpha O pin makes
one's heart thrill no matter who is wearing it. May we never do anything
to dull that thrill.
The fall activities of the Omaha alumnae began on September 30,
when Helen Hayes, Blanche Potter and Mattie W. Higgins were hostesses.
A f t e r a luncheon and business meeting the time was spent in reminis-
cences, as the girls were scattered all summer.
Esther Smith and Blanche Potter had toured California while Olive
Wrightson was in New York City and Washington. Stella Harrison was
in Minnesota. Jean Dow, Helen Wehrli, Lucile Crapenhoft and Alice
Sheehy attended summer school at Wisconsin while Grace Gannon
attended Nebraska University summer school. Helen Hayes reported an
interesting experience in conducting a cafeteria and dormitory for three
months during the Iowa Normal Extension summer school. Helen and
her sister had sixty students to look after.
Jean Dow is now teaching at Creighton, Neb. Margaret O'Brian is
with Riggs Optical Co., Omaha. We are glad to announce that Breta
Diehl Wcnstrand will soon be living in Omaha.
We had an interesting letter from Valora Hullinger telling of Zeta's
house, pledges and plans. News of the active chapter is always eagerly
Miss Laura Hurd, our grand secretary, spent Monday. October 2,
with us. I t was such a short visit we had to talk fast. Some of the
girls took lunch with her and some had dinner, with the result that we
all have "convention fever." Miss Hurd's visit made us realize anew
how splendid it is to be an A O n and we hope we may meet her again
next June.
Syracuse alumnae entertained the seniors at Chi at a luncheon at
the Blue Moon tea room in June. Of course, the splendid positions
secured by the graduates were the topic of the day.
The following week we held initiation service at the chapter house.
Three of our newest alumnae, Edna Williams, Marjorie Townsend and
Ruth Sydney of the class of '22 and Ruth Walker '21, were initiated.
The summer meeting was in the form of a party given by Florence
Gilger at her home in honor of Ona Rosbrook, our August bride. A
business session preceded the delicious spread. The Gilger's home is a
popular meeting place.
Sadie Campbell Williams was hostess at her cozy bungalow in Fayette-
ville at the first meeting in the fall, October 7. Sadie gave us a delightful
time, even i f she did forget her cider and doughnuts until after the first
contingent had departed! Enthusiasm was high, undoubtedly because
of the girls who had come so far f o r the meeting. Lillian Battenfeld
had driven 45 miles; Flo Gilger had come 160 miles; and Ona Rosbrook
Brodie 70 or so. A t this meeting, in addition to arranging f o r two big
celebrations f o r the current year, we launched the initial plans f o r the
first Chi alumnae house panty at the chapter house (and several annexes,
we hope ) to be held the last week in June, 1924. Inspired by the reunion
of the Chis of 1917, the Syracuse chapter plan a reunion of all Chi
alumnae—a whole week of visiting, fun-making, and re-living the "good
old times." We aim to make such a gathering a permanent institution,
holding it on alternate years with convention.
September finds our clans gathered again in Detroit, ready for work.
One redeeming feature about the end of vacation is the beginning of
our meetings again.
This fall finds our chapter roll somewhat changed. Stella Dueringer,
now Mrs. Roger Wells, is in Boston, and Dorothea Comfort has gone
to New York where she is in training f o r a position in a school in
Japan. Ruth Sergeant is still with us, but she has added a new name
during the summer and is now Mrs. Sherley Harding.
But while some of our members are leaving us, we are busy welcoming
others into our circle. A t our next meeting we expect to initiate five
new members: Beatrice Smith and Helen Frost of Ann Arbor, Lela
Baker of Indiana, Lucy Hoffman of Northwestern, and Betty Schon of
Madison. We really share Betty with the Ann Arbor chapter, for she is
teaching fancy dancing at the University.
Our October meeting was held in Ypsilanti at Cora Mae Wiedman's
home. Since this is such a short distance from Ann Arbor, several of
us drove over after the meeting to visit the girls and see the new house.
In spite of various blow-outs and "skiddy" roads we had a lovely time
and are most enthusiastic about the house.
We are about to be h.eard from at the next meeting of the Detroit
Council of University Women. The stunts of the evening are to be in
the nature of a homely ladies' journal, and we are to be the children's
page. Every one is busy resurrecting or manufacturing c u r K knee trou-
sers, gingham frocks, and the wherewithal f o r a "kinder band." When
our doll dance is added to the orchestra we expect to contribute materially
to the hilarity of the evening at least.