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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2016-06-06 22:49:24

1990 Spring - To Dragma

Vol. LXV, No. 2

Hats Off toAOn

From the President's Desk:
Alumnae you're tops!
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) International President
Barbara Hunt
stands ready to support you in re- turn. The Alumnae Operations Director and I are willing to assist alumnae chapters. Judy Bourassa has bolstered the services of the De- partment with creative and innova- tive programming ideas. She wants to hear from you. Tell her what we need to do to involve you in our organization. I am also eager to hear from alumnae. I want to know your ideas and dreams; I need to know how AOII can be improved.
I'm glad that I have this opportu- nity to publicly thank each of you. On behalf of the Executive Board, the AOII Foundation, Regional Of- ficers, and each Collegiate Chapter, I extend to each of you our deepest appreciation and love. Thank you forajobwelldone!
May this decade be further testi- mony to the lifetime commitment eachofusmadetoserveAlphaOm- icron Pi.
As part of our salute to alumnae, the new To Dragma department, "Ap- plause!" makes its debut in this is- sue. This column contains short items about accomplishments of alumnae, and, believe me, the To Dragma Advisory Committee had a tough job selecting whom to in- clude. Other items of special inter- est to alumnae include the 50 year member list and Judy Bourassa's ar- ticle on the "Rosevine" network.
Judy, Theta Pi (Wagner College), is an Executive Board Director and a member of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter.
—Beth Grantham To Dragma
It is fitting that AOII alumnae are highlighted in this issue. Thousands of dedicated and committed AOIIs continue to serve the Fraternity throughout the world.
The last Harris Directory shows that there are AOIIs residing around the world. Perhaps there will soon be an alumnae chapter in Mexico, Germany, or England.
Alumnae are the foundation of our Fraternity. Each year we call on more of them to assist with collegiate chapters, serve on International Standing Committees, lend their ex- pertise to special projects, and net- work with other alumnae in their communities and professional ca- reers.
We call on alumnae annually for financial support of the Develop- ment Fund, which pays for special educational projects to serve our col- legians. Our alumnae contribute gen- erously to the Ruby Fund on Foun- ders' Day. Our alumnae chapters
"Hats Offto AOII Volunteers!"
That cover line is To Dragma's way of saluting all the women who do- nate their time and energy to the Fra- ternity. There are nearly 500 listed
raise money annually for arthritis re- search grants. They generously fund scholarships for our collegians. Finally, alumnae are being ap- proached for contributions to our growing Endowment Fund. The En- dowment Fund is the key to a bright future for AOII, because it will be the means to fund additional train- ing seminars for our future leaders.
We ask a lot from our alumnae, and we have high expectations. We look to them to provide leadership. We ask them to share their talents, expertise and time with us.
I hope it is as apparent to you as it is to me that Alpha Omicron Pi places great importance on commit- ted alumnae. This To Dragma issue is dedicated to our alumnae. We want you to know that we appreci- ate everything each alumna does to support and enrich AOII.
For all of our expectations of our alumnae members, the Fraternity
as current office holders in AOII's records. But we at Headquarters know that there are many women out there who give of their time and talents who are not listed as officers. I doubt that there would be enough storage in the computer system to list all of you who help, even if we did know your names!
Of course, AOIIs also volunteer for other organizations. Candy Pierson-Charlton, Alpha Rho (Ore- gon State U.),has a list of volunteer
jobs a mile long. What better per- son to write about the joys of volun- teer work. Please read her article on the inside pages.

Spring 1990
— ,
Vol. LXV, No. 2
TO DRAGMAOFALPHAOMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communica- tions to the Editor at the same address.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
Spring 1990
Leadership Conference 1990
Grab onto AOIfs Rosevine Network Hats off to volunteering!
A "typical* AOII volunteer is
Kappa Phi returns to McGill Notable: Holly Gooding Miller
50 Year Members
4 7 8
10 11 14 26
lo JDragma
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Eliza^beth HeywTood c
Departments From the President's Desk
2 12 13 15 19 20 Emporium 23
Bulletin Board
Collegiate Chapter News From O u r Readers Foundation: Ruby Fund
Alumnae Chapter News
Editor Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery, KT1 Associate Director Melanie Nixon Doyle, AZ Public Relations Coordinator
of ^
Alpha Omicron P i
Jessie Wallace Hughan
«ThSeteFfoluandGeresorwgeere SmtemrbnerPs eorf rAylph Chapter at Barnard College of Columb University and all are deceased.

8:00-8:45 a.m.
9:00-9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.-Noon
12:15-2:15 p.m. General Session:
2:30-4:15 p.m. 4:15-4:30 p.m. 4:30-5:30 p.m.
5:30-6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Check in and registration Participants must be registert
by 6:00 p.m. Dinner
Leadership Conference
Opening Business Session LC Preview
Ritual Rehr
Get Qua lpe
Like Officer Training
Powerful Presentations
Like Officer Training Break
Potpourri (choose 1 of 4 sessions) Chapter Adviser Roundtable (discussion groups based on similar chapter circumstances)
RD meetings with chapters Rose Banquet
an.P Rally ni
Mth ch*Pte rs
To Dragma

Spring 1990
of Leadership!
Training Highlights
Like Officer—These sessions will be nuts and bolts oriented. Due to the success of the "break-out" sessions at Convention, there will also be a one hour "idea exchange" i n each session.
Chapter Presidents—This session will focus on the recendy re-written section o f the Collegiate Chapter Opera- tions Manual. T h e CCOM is scheduled for distribution this summer or early fall.
Chapter Advisers —The chapter advisers are scheduled to be together all day on Saturday. They will have three hours and 45 minutes of train- ing, plus the one hour roundtable during the potpourri session.
Rush Chairmen —The rush chair- men will participate in a simulated membership selection session as part of their training.
Chapter Relations—The focus will be on intergrated programming,
with special attention given to dis- ciplinary procedures for both mem- bers and pledges.
Treasurers—The basics! Every- thing that a chapter treasurer needs to know, but didn't know to ask.
Collegiate Operations —This ses- sion is offered for officers other than those named above and it will focus on basic chapter operations. Special attention will be given to the impor- tance of alumnae/collegian relations and each officer's responsibility in this area.
Corporations Representatives—
In addition to basic operations and procedures, qualifying for the Cor- poration Certificate of Achievement will be discussed.
Alumnae Presidents —Basic chapter operations and a special seg- ment on alumnae chapter public re- lations are planned.

Potpourri Choices
Campus Crime and Abuse Disorders —Collegians deal with serious health and safety issues as an intergral part of campus life. This ses- sion takes a look at both prevention and what to do if someone becomes a victim. Particular emphasis will be placed on the chapter's responsibili- ty and obligations to members faced with one of these traumatic situ- ations.
Management by Objectives: Planning for Success— Successful chapters become that way by learn- ing to set achievable goals and objec- tives. The principles explained in this session are applicable not only to chapter life but all facets of life plan- ning as well. Two versions of this
workshop will be offered: one for col- legians, one for alumnae.
Scholarship —Tips on developing and implementing a successful pro- gram for members and pledges will be shared in this session.
Keystones: Alcohol Awareness—
Alcohol continues to be a serious issue on campuses. In this workshop, responsible attitudes about alcohol usage will be exmained. Specific dis- cussions will be held on successfully implementing the alcohol policy.
Powerful Presentations—Written by Anne Allison for the Regional Public Relations Officers, this session is a mixture of lecture and audience participation.
Jean Stafford
215 Cambridge Road Woburn, MA 01801 617/933-6147
Margie Lamar
16 Dartmouth St. Winchester, MA 01890 617/729-1517
Anne Rohrbach
619 E. Fairmount Ave. State College, PA 16801 814/238-1920
Pat Hardy
176 Mountain Brook Court Marietta, GA 30064 404/424-1984
REGION IV Becky Rector 4800 N. LaFern Muncie, IN 47304 317/289-0951
Paulette Camuel
636 Wichita Dr. Lexington, KY 40503 606/277-5972
Tufts University June 22-24
Lycoming College Williamsport, PA June 29-July 1
Doubletree Hotel Atlanta, GA
June 22-24
Radisson Hotel Muncie, IN June 22-24
Campbell House Lexington, KY June 29-July 1
Joanna Garner Financial Center
Suite 1200 Birmingham, AL 35203 205/995-8571
REGION VII Monica Rigoni 2210 S. 37th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 402/488-3680
Susan Kelly
7643 Dyewood
San Antonio, TX 78249 512/558-8524
Kathy Raney
1700 Jackson Keller Ave. #808
San Antonio, TX 78213 512/342-8246
Kimberly Class
6840 Oswego Place, N.E. Seattle, WA 98115 206/522-2225
Linda Wickswat 17505 SE 47th Issaquah, WA 98027 206/643-9791
Lorrie Wray
3726 W. Phelps Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85023 602/843-3636
Birmingham Hilton Birmingham, AL June 22-24
Cornhusker Lincoln, NE June 22-24
Wyndham Hotel San Antonio, TX June 22-24
Upsilon Chapter House Seattle, WA
June 22-24
Sheraton Greenway Phoenix, AZ
June 22-24
To Dragma
Conference Locations, Dates & Local Chairmen

By Judy Bourassa
Theta Pi (Wagner College) Executive Board Member
It's all those intangibles about Al- pha Omicron Pi, the things you can't quite put your finger on, that give AOII the meaning it has in our lives. One of our greatest intangible as- sets is the networking that exists among our sisters.
Sometimes we network and we don't even realize it. Have you ever referred a sister to a doctor, gotten her a date, a job? That's network- ing. So is the sharing of local knowl- edge with someone new in your area. The information you share about housing, schools, and places of worship are invaluable aids to the newcomer as she setdes into the com- munity.
The name "Rose Vine" has been given to all the networking opportu- nities that exist within AOII. Our RoseVineisnotaspecificprogram. Rather, it is an opportunity for all members of AOII, be they alumnae or collegians, to share their knowl- edge and skills. It can exist any- where.
During our college years we de- velop some of our closest, longest last- ing friendships. We are together at a formative time in our lives, and we share the common bond of Al- pha Omicron Pi. As we move into the world of alumnae, it becomes ob- vious that our common bond con- tinues. Wherever we go, whatever we do, there are AOII alumnae ready to be a part of our lives.
Alumnae chapters all over the country provide the basis for our Rose Vine network. Whether you needareferralforajob,adoctor,a school, or even a babysitter, alum- nae chapters have within their mem- bership the information and re-
sources necessary for a flourishing Rose Vine. Alumnae chapter mem- bers come from all walks of life and represent numerous career paths. They support and assist each other.
To make the most of these oppor- tunities, every alumna should affili- ate with an alumnae chapter. Most chapters meet once a month, have one fund raiser per year, and pro- vide a variety of programs. Finding a chapter is easy, joining one is even easier —and you'll never regret your involvement.
Alumnae chapters work closely with the collegiate chapters; support- ing the activities of the collegiate chap- ters is vital. One of the ways that alumnae can introduce collegians to the Rose Vine is by hostessing a career night. The alumnae chapter has within its ranks the expertise and information that many collegians need to get started in their chosen fields.
Recent graduates, or any alumnae, should contact the local alumnae chapter forinformation on anything from job opportunities, to housing, to when the next alumnae chapter meeting will be. Any alumna who has traveled from chap- ter to chapter across the United States and Canada can tell you how comforting it is to have friends and sisters waiting to welcome you in a new area.
Of course, there are some places where AOII does not have an alum- nae chapter. That doesn't mean AOIIs don't live there, just that the ones living their probably aren't aware that there are other AOIIs nearby. I f you are one of these, the Rose Vine is there for you, too. Let
International Headquarters know who you are and where you are. They can provide you with the names of other AOIIs living near you. I f you are moving, Headquar- ters can provide information on whom to contact for local informa- tion.
Independent women of today need other women. That's what AOII is all about —meeting our needs and the needs of others throughout the various stages of our lives. AOII is not just a commitment made during and for the college years. It lasts forever, wherever we go, whatever we do.
This biennium our theme is "Accept the Challenge." I urge you to accept the challenge of continu- ing your affiliationwith AOII no mat- ter where you are. Don't ever say, " I wasanAOII."Youarenowand will forever be an AOII. Be proud to say, "I am an AOII."
The Rose Vine is just one of the many assets that AOII has to offer. It's there foryou!
If you would like further information about our Rose Vine network of alumnae chapters or other AOIIs in your area, please contact:
Judy Bourassa, Director/Alumnae Department
5113 E.TerryDrive Scottsdale, A Z 85254
Mary Ann Caldwell
Alpha OmicronPi
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027
Spring 1990
Grab onto AOIIs Rosevine Network

By Candace Pierson-Charlton Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.) International Alumnae Program- ming Chairman
Four months and 37 babysitters ago I volunteered to write an arti- cle for To Dragma on volunteering. At the time it sounded like a won- derful idea, but as the last hours tick away and the deadline draws near, I find I am having a difficult time putting pen to paper. However, I do have a few thoughts on the sub-
ject and if I can keep from hitting the "Word Eraser" key on my type- writer, maybe we're in business.
Last fall, as the Scholarship Ad- viser for Zeta Chapter of Alpha Om- icronPiattheU.ofNebraska, Iin- vited myself to speak to the new pledge class. M y message was sim- ple:
"Study hard —that's why you are here — and by studying hard you will make the grades so you can become an initiated member of Alpha Omi- cron Pi."
When I got home and started think- ing, I wished I could go back for an- other chat with them — only this time my message would be slightly dif- ferent.
"Make the most of your time here and get involved," is what I would say. "That includes making the most of academic opportunities on cam- pus (i.e., study, study, study), and making the most of opportunities to participate in campus activities."
To Dragma

As on every campus, there are a number of women in Zeta Chapter who have excelled — both scholasti- cally and through extracurricular ac- tivities. I f you looked at their re- sumes you would be impressed. They have a list of campus activities as long as my arm, and they belong to numerous honoraries.
I want to tell the newest AOIIs to take a look at these sisters who ac- cepted the challenge and got in- volved as volunteers. They can be found in every chapter, but their numbers need to increase. I want to urge my newest AOII sisters to say "yes" to chapter and campus volun- teer opportunities. These leadership challenges will stand you in good stead now and in the future. You will have fun. You will meet new people and make new friends. You will have the satisfaction of doing good things for others, and doors will open for you.
Once you graduate the volunteer- ing doesn't stop — it's just beginning! Wherever your job takes you, there are many chances to take on leader- ship roles in your community. And there are side benefits for you: you become more well known in your community and you have more net- working opportunities. Potential em- ployers take notice — I know from ex- perience.
I served on the Board of Direc- tors for the American Cancer Soci- ety in my early years in Anchorage, Alaska. Out of that experience came a job offer as a field representative for the Society. Eight years later I was offered a position which re- quired high visibility in the commu- nity. I was told that one of the rea- sons I got the job was because of my extensive community involvement.
There is a saying which goes something like this, "Bloom where you are planted." What wonderful words to live by! I think this means "make the most of each day and seize every opportunity to get in- volved." I have tried to live by that adage and so have many of my friends.
One of my co-workers was very activeasavolunteerforUnitedWay and the Big Brother, Big Sister pro- gram in Anchorage. Another friend worked with deaf children in her com- munity because she knew sign lan- guage, and started an "adopt a spe- cial friend" program through the local humane society.
Why do they do it? If you sat down and talked with each person you would probably hear many of the same answers. They are all car- ing individuals who want to make their communities better through vol- unteer efforts. They like meeting peo-
ple and enjoy new challenges.
In my alma mater's journalism newsletter, one alumna gave a brief synopsis of her professional activi- ties and mentioned she was a volun- teer co-editor of the AAUW Marin Branch Newsletter. She went on to say that "a journalist can practice his/ her 'career' in the community." I have numerous friends who have taken advantage of volunteer oppor- tunities for professional develop-
ment—and I, too, have benefited. When I moved to Alaska, I had no broadcasting experience. I vol- unteered for the local public radio station, KSKA, and eventually shared a weekly health program with another health professional. I called my show "Let's Get Physical," and I did all the interviews, wrote the scripts and did the production work. It wasn't easy — and the show never became nationally syndicated —but I had lots of laughs, on and off the
Before this article turns into a book manuscript, I am going to sign off. I applaud all of you out there who volunteer in your community — through your church, social service agencies, special programs and events, professional societies and so on.
continued on next page
Spring 1990

A "typical" AOU volunteer is...
She is in her mid 30's, works in the field of education, is married and has children.
Who is this woman?
She is, as nearly as statistics in Headquarters records can figure, the "typical* AOII volunteer.
But, she is almost as likely to be in her 20's or 40's and be a social worker, registered nurse, or em- ployed in the communications field. Or she may be a full time mother.
The reason for these variations, of course, is that there is no "typi- cal" AOII volunteer.
They come in all ages. Some are employed and others are not. And they come from many different pro- fessions.
There are some interesting trends, however.
Of the 475 women whose current AOII volunteer work is tracked in our database, nearly 70% are also employed outside the home. So the image of the stay at home housewife who does volunteer work is no longer completely accurate.
These women serve as the officers of the collegiate and alumnae chap- ters, as chapter advisers, regional of- ficers, on corporation boards, as international officers, and on com- mittees. T h e youngest are around 19 and the oldest are in their 90's. Interestingly enough, the largest number of volunteers comes from the group of women who are now in their 30's. Apparently, young fami- lies and busy careers do not keep these women from taking on other activities.
The next two largest groups of vol- unteers come from women in their 20's (117) and their 40's (110).
One might assume that in an or- ganization such as AOII, the typi- cal volunteer would start at the "grass roots" level as a young person and work her way up to the interna- tional offices over the years. Thus, one would expect to find that the higher the office, the older the office holder.
What happens, though, is that all ages are represented in all levels of
the organization.
The popularity of volunteerism is
not limited to AOII. A recent sur- vey conducted by the Gallup Organ- ization and reported in Newsweek magazine disclosed that 45% of Americans age 18 and older did some form of volunteer work in 1987. Older people (age 65 to 74) volunteered the most, followed by the 45 to 54 age group.
Are most volunteers wealthy? Not according to the Gallup survey. T h e income level with the most volun- teers fell squarely in the middle class —households with incomes from $20,000 to $30,000. T h e next highest level of volunteers was from households with earnings of $50,000 to $75,000.
Though 475 might seem like a lot of volunteers, there is room for more. Vice President/Operations Mary Williams' appeal in this issue for Regional Directors is evidence of AOII's continuing need.
been active in numerous profes- sional and charitable organizations. Her AOII activities have included serving as a Chapter Consultant, Lincoln Alumnae Chapter Presi- dent, International Alumnae Pro- gramming Chairman, and Scholar- ship Adviser to Zeta Chapter. She and her husband currently live in Lincoln, Nebraska with their young daughter.
And for those of you who are not committed to a volunteer effort at the moment—I hope you soon de- cide to do so. Your community needs you—especially the children and the elderly. OurAOII commu- nity needs you, too. May you find something that brings you satisfac- tion, adventure, and friends.
About the Author Candace ("Candy") Pierson-
Charlton is the Director of the Ne- braska Health Network. She has a masters degree in journalism from the U. of Nebraska, a B.S. degree in liberal studies-journalism from Or- egon State U., and is accredited in public relations by the Public Rela- tions Society of America. She has
To Dragma


Newly initiated members of the Kappa Phi Chapter at McGill U. are pictured following installa tion last November.
Kappa Phi returns to McGill
By Margie Lyman Kappa Phi (McGill U.)
Kappa Phi Chapter returned to McGill University, Montreal, Que- bec on Saturday, November 11, 1989. The second Canadian chap- ter of Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Phi, was originally chartered in 1939 and remained active until 1972. Throughout the seventies and eight- ies the Montreal Alumnae Chapter dreamed of the day when Kappa Phi would again be active on the McGill campus.
That dream became a reality in the historic library of Trafalgar School when 26 collegians and 2 alumnae became sisters in AOII and Kappa Phi Chapter was installed. The installation of the chapter was the culmination of a period of hard work and dedication since the colo- nization of a local group in the fall of 1987.
TheweekendbeganwithRoseIn- spiration Night held at the home of colony member Rosalie Coons. Sis- ters of Beta Tau Chapter, Univer- sity of Toronto, were on hand to lead the depinning ceremony and share some of their chapter's special tradi-
tions. Sharron Starling, Regional Di- rector, and the Alumnae Advisory Committee joined in the evening's festivities.
Saturday's installation was con- ducted by Barbara Hunt, Interna- tional President. Assisting her were: Sharron Starling, Regional Direc- tor; Theresa McGowan, Regional Director; Montreal's ownJoan Mac- Callum, Past International Presi- dent; and sisters from Beta Tau. Montreal Alumnae Chapter mem- bers served as sponsors. A t the con- clusion of the ceremony each new initiate received a long stemmed red rose and signed her name in the orig- inal Kappa Phi Roll Book contain- ing the signatures of all Kappa Phi members since 1939.
A Rose Banquet honoring the new initiates was held Saturday night in the Vice-Regal Suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel where a red and white theme reflected both the McGill colors and those of AOII. Toastmistress Sandy Amos, Chap- ter Adviser, conducted the evening's festivities which included "The Red
Rose OfAlpha OmicronPi."Sandy Amos, JoAnn Dery, Montreal Alum- nae Chapter President, Sharron Star- ling, Joan MacCallum, and Barbara Hunt each spoke of the parts of the rose and their significance to AOII. Alix Kersey, chapter president, thanked the Advisory Committee members for their help and leader- ship and sent a special thank you to Nima Chandler, Chapter Consult- ant, forher inspirationduring rush.
The Beta Tau Ritual Team, Mon- treal Alumnae Chapter members, and representatives from the Ottawa Alumnae Chapter attended. Three original Kappa Phi charter mem- bers, Dorothy Stalker, Sister Mar- garet Johnson and Betty McNab were special guests.
The evening ended with colle- gians and alumnae singing the Ep- silon Chapter Song and rejoicing in the fact that 50 years after Kappa Phi was first installed it had once again taken its place among the chap- ters ofAlpha OmicronPi.

For these alumnae, a round of
4R i n eP
The women featured in this pre- mier edition of To Dragma's "Ap- plause!" column, certainly deserve recognition. Some of the criteria used to select the women included are: being elected to a city wide, state or national political office, be- ing honored by her profession at a state or higher level, unusual and wor- thy accomplishments, and having an unusual profession and winning rec- ognition within it. This new depart- ment is Alpha Omicron Pi's way of giving each one a well deserved round of applause.
Ellie Walker Thelkel, Nu Omi- cron (Vanderbilt U.), is a City Com- missioner in Winter Haven, Florida. Ellie won election to the city wide post in 1988 when she ran unop- posed. In what must be something of a record, she spent only $185 on her campaign and returned the rest of the contributions she received, ac- cording to The Ledger of Lakeland, Florida.
Another AOII who is serving in elected officeis Mayor Marcia Kyle Rinehart of Leawood, Kansas. Mar- cia, Phi (U. of Kansas), served on the City Council for six years before being elected mayor. She is a mem- ber of the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter. Before entering politics, Marcia taught French.
Adelaide (Del) Krone Lloyd, Theta Eta (U. of Cincinnati), was named the "Outstanding Dietitian for 1989" by the Maryland Dietetic Association. This is the highest award of the association, and it is based on professional achievement and active involvement in state and national activities. Del was also ap- pointed to the State Board of Die- tetic Practice by the Governor of
Maryland in 1989. Del is correspond- ing secretary of the Baltimore Alum- nae Chapter.
Another AOII dietitian who was recently honored by a professional group is Sheila Dye Ward, Phi (Kan- sas U.). Sheila received an Outstand- ing Service Award from the 60,000 member American Dietetic Associa- tion for her service to the profession via her work on significant commit- tees of the A.DA. Sheila is currendy employed by the Indiana U. School of Medicine in Indianapolis. Her mother, Halbur Bartlett Dye, is also an AOII (Phi, Kansas U ) .
Alice Wessels Burlingame, Omi- cron Pi (U. of Michigan), 84 years old, now retired, has been a lecturer, teacher, author, and innovator in horticultural therapy. Alice com- bined her training in psychiatric social work and occupational ther- apy with an interest in horticulture to fashion her unusual career. She is the winner of numerous awards honoring her work. Alice now makes her home in Southfield, Michigan.
Gayle Karch Cook, Beta Phi (Indi- ana U.), the co-owner with her hus- band, of Cook, Inc., a medical in- struments firm, has won numerous awards for her work in historic pres- ervation. The list of buildings she has restored is lengthy, as are the awards she has received. Her most recent was the 1987 Civic Service Award from the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns. Gayle is a board member of the Indiana Uni- versity Foundation and the Monroe County Historical Society Museum. Her book, A Guide to Southern Indiana is now in its 4th edition. Gayle is a member of the Bloomington Alum- nae Chapter.
To Dragma

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Spring 1990
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Scholarship To Be Awarded
The Philadelphia Alumnae Panhellenic will award a $500 scholar- I M P
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ship to a fraternity woman doing graduate work at a college or uni- versity in the five county (Philadelphia, Delaware, Montgomery, Chester or Bucks) Philadelphia, PA area during the 1990-91 school year. Those interested should request an application from Krista L. Killen, 1020 Beaumont Rd., Berwyn, PA 19312. Applications must
be postmarked before August 15, 1990.

Holly Gooding Miller
To Dragma's "Notable" for this is- sue is Adrian Katz, Charles Whit- ney, Leslie Holden and Whitney Charles.
This is not an error, nor is it in- correct grammar.
All of these "people" are pen names of Holly Gooding Miller, Beta Phi (Indiana U.), a woman of many names —and talents.
Chief among her talents is writ- ing—she's the author of 11 books and 2,000 magazine articles. With all her pen names, one interviewer
jokingly wrote that Holly Miller is only Holly Miller when she's not working.
In addition to writing, Holly has worked as a senior editor at the Sat- urday Evening Post. She is still a con- tributing editor there where her spe- ciality is interviews of famous peo- ple. Her profile of the husband-wife acting team of Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker of "LA Law" made the Post's April 1989 cover.
Another talent is teaching. Holly teaches a class in public relations at Anderson University in her home town of Anderson, I N . She gained expertise in this field when she worked in General Motors Corp.'s public relations department. She also teaches a weekly evening class in creative writing at Indiana U . - Purdue U . at Indianapolis. She be- gan her career as a newspaper re-
porter after obtaining a degree in journalism at Indiana U. Reporting was later combined with obtaining a masters degree (at Ball State U.) and taking care of a growing fam- ily—the older of her two sons often accompanied her to press confer-
Holly is currently working on a
book about women and worka- holism, "how to recognize it, how to channel it, how to stop it." She thinks the greatest challenge facing women today is "setting and achiev- ing high goals and learning to take risks." She believes a person should always be "breaking new ground."
Apparently she lives her beliefs; Holly began writing fiction after 25 years as a non-fiction magazine writer.
As "Leslie Holden," Holly and col- laborator Dennis Hensley, have writ- ten several mystery-romance novels. They began their collaboration as a lark. For their pseudonym, they com- bined "Hoi" for Holly and "Den" for Dennis. They chose "Leslie" because it could be a man or a woman. When sales took off and "Leslie" was invited to appear on talk shows, they "confessed" and appeared on the shows together.
She is a two time winner of the Associated Press Feature Writing Award. She has also received the Lowell Thomas Travel Writing Award and an Award of Excellence
in Writing for her work at General Motors. These are just some of the more than 30 writing and editing awards Holly has won for her work in the magazine and newspaper fields.
Not surprisingly, she was the cam- pus editor of the newspaper and pres- ident of a journalism honorary in col- lege. She was also president of her chapter of AOII.
"AOII gave me the opportunity to learn leadership skills at a time when women didn't participate at the top of most organizations," Holly says. "I learned to love it!"
Many years ago, Holly served as president of what was then the A n - derson Alumnae Club of AOII. In addition to her AOII activities, she has served as president of the A n - derson Community Schools Board and as a member of her local hospi- tal board of directors. She has
judged numerous writing contests and is a frequent speaker at writers' workshops.
If she could give collegians advice, Holly says it would be to "get one more college degree than you think youll need." She also advises women to "maintain your independence."
Holly has enjoyed her writing ca- reer.
"It's full of surprises, and no mat- ter how long you work at it, you never quite master it," she says.
To Dragma
Notable: Miller
A woman of many names and talents

Collegiate Chapter News OriTARIO
The Delta Psi Chapter at the State
U. of New York at Albany has joined with Sigma N u Fraternity to sponsor "Don't Walk Alone," a pro- gram to provide safe escorts to stu- dents who do not wish to walk alone at night, reports W endy Metzger. Other activities have included rais- ing money for arthritis research and participating in a blood drive. Chap- ter members enjoyed a two week visit from Chapter Consultant Nima
Members of the Iota Chi Chap- terattheU.ofWesternOntariopar- ticipated in a "Chocolate Fantasy Day" to raise money for arthritis re- search, reports Tina Bonifacio.
Chocolate was donated by the Roundtree Company and members baked chocolate desserts which were sold throughout the day. The event was organized by Leslie Jo Field, phi- lanthropic chairman.
Delta Chi Chapter at the U. of
Delaware ended rush with 30 pledges. Other activities included helping build a playground in New- ark, Delaware, a rose sale to sup- port arthritis research and a formal dance. Chapter member Robin Coutant represented Delaware in the Miss America Pageant.
Epsilon Alpha Chapter at Penn State U. is taking an active part in the school's annual dance marathon, reports Melanie Shaver. Nine chap- ter members head committees for the campus wide fund raiser for chil- dren with cancer.
continued on next page
Members of the Alpha Chi Chapter sing "Tomorrow" during the annual Kappa Delta "Shenanigans" at Western Kentucky U.
Spring 1990

Phi Upsilons honored two AOII alumnae at their Founders' Day cele- bration. From left are Colleen Hittle, Chapter President Cam Watts, and the honorees, Martha Suter and Lillian Jewett.
Collegiate News...
The members of Beta Gamma
Chapter at Michigan State U . had their first "Inspiration Week" for their first pledge class, reports Laura Poellet.
Audra Bellmore spent fall term studying in England. Two members served fall internships —Kristen Valade in Washington, D.C., and
Joanne Jagodzinski in Boston. Angela Rodebaugh and Cheryl Grzech are studying in Australia dur- ing winter term.
Kappa Alpha Chapter's float won first place in the homecoming pa- rade at Indiana State U . , reports Dana Hasler. Kristine Halas, the chapter's candidate for homecoming queen, was chosen first runner-up.
The Omicron Pi Chapter at the U. of Michigan pledged 35 women, reports Sheri Fink. Martha House was rush chairman.
Other fall activities included a hay- ride, parents' weekend, and the Foun- ders' Day celebration. The T K E fra- ternity and AOII joined forces in a bowl-a-thon to raise money for ar- thritis research and Special Olym- pics.
The Phi Upsilons at Purdue U . initiated 30 pledges after a f u n filled "Inspiration Week" last October, re- ports Jill Metzger.
Laura Hershberger was Purdue's 1989 homecoming queen. O n Foun- der's Day, chapter members hon- ored alumnae Lillian Jewett, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U ) , and Martha Suter, Alpha Phi (Montana State U ) , by dedicating two rooms totheminthenewwingofthechap- ter house.
Individual accomplishments of chapter members include: Debbie Chase, OmicronDelta Kappa; Mich- elle James, Order of Omega secre- tary; Barbara Bickham, Order of Omega treasurer; Sara Koch, Greek Sing chairman; and Sandy Dugan, Greek Sing public relations chair- man.
Susan Wright reports that the Phi Beta Chapter at East Stroudsburg U. has 13 new pledges. The group named their pledge class "The Thun- dering Thirteen."
Chapter members, with the coop- eration of a local hairdresser, held a "cut-a-thon" and raised $180 for ar- thritis research. Sally Davis was named homecoming queen for 1989. RD Karen Weigelvisited the chapter last semester.
Christina Clovis reports that mem- bers of the Sigma Rho Chapter at Slippery Rock U. supported the school's "Light U p Night" to help raise money for the Pittsburgh Chil- dren's Hospital last fall.
Sandi Wilcox was initiated into Or- der of Omega and was also named as Student Ambassador for the uni- versity. Mary Johnson was chosen for Lambda Epsilon Delta, Ann Sheibley was inducted into Alpha Kappa Psi, and Chrissy Luchini was elected a senator in the student gov- ernment.
r1 III
The Zeta Psi Chapter at East Car-
olina U. initiated two members from the Beta Lambda pledge class. The chapter held its 30th anniversary cel- ebration in March.
To Dragma

Alpha Chi Chapter at Western
Kentucky U . celebrated its 25th an- niversary on December 1 at a Foun- ders' Day Dance in Bowling Green, reports Angela Peak. Peg Crawford, Past International Presi- dent, was guest speaker at the lunch- eon the next day.
Ruth Hosse was crowned home- coming queen, and Robbin Morri- son was also on the homecoming court. Chapter members raised over $2,000 for arthritis research with a "balloon lift o f f at one o f W estern's football games.
Members of the Kappa Omicron Chapter at Rhodes College were pleased to have International Presi- dent Barbara Hunt as guest speaker at their Founders' Day celebration in January.
Chapter members are grateful for the support they have received from AOIIs across the country, especially Regional Director Malinda Sharp and the sisters of the Omega Omi- cron Chapter at Lambuth College, following a car accident near Jack- son, T N involving four of their mem- bers. As of the deadline for this issue, Kim Millsaps is still hospitalized.
The Nu Omicrons at Vanderbilt U. co-sponsored a South Seas week- end with Kappa Sigma fraternity to support the March of Dimes, reports Heather Davidson. Chapter mem- bers held their annual "Fajita Fest" to benefit arthritis research.
Meaghen Cooper was named Freshman Residential Area Coordi- nator. Dana Gelin and Lagenia Bel- cher were members of the homecom- ing court.
Members of the Omicron Chap- ter at the U . of Tennessee won the all campus intramural volleyballti- tle, beating more than 15 other teams, reports Amy Fischer. The ath- letic chairmen are W endy Pictor and Alice Miles.
Omicron also won the attendance award for having the most women present at all Panhellenic meetings throughout the year.
The Tau Omicrons at the U. of Tennessee-Martin participated in a Halloween carnival for the children in the surrounding communities, re- ports Denine Brown.
The chapter won the scholarship trophy for the highest grade point average of all the sororities on cam- pus.
were selected to join Cardinal Key. Jill Tidwell and Laura Creamer were chosen as favorites in the Coralla Pageant. Sharyn Wallace
was chosen to be a cheerleader.
The Gamma Omicron Chapter at the U . of Florida began a program called "Keymasters" last semester. At every social function, a sister takes guests' keys at the door and tags them. When guests are ready to leave, keys are returned to those who have not been drinking, and a des- ignated driver gives a ride home to those who have been drinking.
Colleen Tracy, the scholarship chairman, has been busy with the 'AlphaA's"Club.Whena member receives an "A" on a test, her name is put into a box and at the end of each month a drawing is held for a prize.
The Kappa Gammas at Florida Southern College teamed up with a local dress shop to sponsor a fashion show to benefit arthritis research, re- ports Stacey Zerilli.
Kappa Gamma members are grateful for alumnae support which made possible a newly decorated lobby. The chapter is planning an "Alumnae Weekend" this spring.
continued on next page
The Alpha Deltas at the U. of Al-
abama raised $600 for arthritis re- search at the 11th Annual Football Classic, reports Michele Cool.
Michelle Chauvin was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa Honor Soci- ety. Amy Jones and Jamie Manasco

Sigma Deltas who were finalists in the Miss Huntingdon College con- test are, from left, Susan Brubaker, Miss Huntingdon; Wendy Dawson; A m y Bell, first runner up; K i m Keefer; and Terri Falzone, Miss Congeniality.
Spring 1990

To Dragma
W endy Thiele reports that the sis- ters of the Beta Lambda Chapter at Illinois Wesleyan U . participated in a community wide "Jingle Bell Walk," a 2.5 mile trek in the cold December air to raise money for ar- thritis research. Chapter members also had a philanthropic bake sale and raffle in the spring.
At this year's homecoming, Beta Lambda's founding members held a reunion at the chapter house. The founding sisters shared stories and songs from their college days.
Phi Sigma Chapter at Kearney State College has w on the Panhellenic scholarship plaque for the fourth consecutive semester.
Last fall, Angie Morgan, former chapter president, was crowned homecoming queen by another chap- ter member, Jill Peters, who was
homecoming queen the previous year.
Wendy Nielsen reports that Zeta Chapter at the U . of Nebraska hon- ored Scholarship Adviser Candy Pier- son-Charlton and senior Deena Con- tonis for their outstanding service to AOII at the chapter's Founders' Day celebration.
Michelle Bobak was a member of the homecoming court. Other indi- vidual accomplishments include Wendy Royal, Jean Svoboda, and LeighAnnEickoffbeingselected as legislative pages for the state legisla- ture's spring session. Senior K i m
Jennings was one of ten collegians nationwide to receive the General Motors Internship to Walt Disney World, and Theresa Dondlinger re- ceived the highest score in the state on her LSAT exam.
funds for arthritis
The Alpha Gamma Chapter at Washington State U . celebrated Founders' Day at the new Alumni Center on campus, reports Tina Price. Barbara Long, Executive Board member, was a special guest. Melissa Anderson won the award for being an outstanding sister. Jodi Newtonisthe1989-90WSUstudent ombudsman.
The Kappa Lambdas at the U.of Calgary raised around $300 for ar- thritis research at an auction dinner,
reports Kristy Lee Manchul.
The chapter now has 13 pledges,
one o f its largest pledge classes.
Upsilon Chapter at the U. of Washington won first place in the annual Pi Kappa Alpha football tournament, reports Jovelyn Agba- log. Tricia Yiwas chosen for the Husky Drill Team, and Catherine O'Connell is the women's track co- captain. The chapter supported the Seattle Area Arthritis Foundation at the fifth annual "Jingle Bell Run."
The Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's U. had a busy fall with a pledge retreat, parents week- end, and Halloween party at a local nursing home.
Other activities included the an- nual "Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It" auction with the Dallas alum- nae chapter and two nacho sales in the dorm. Both activities raised

From Our Readers:
Use maiden names, please.
To the editor:
In last year's To Dragma, under me-
morials, you named Delta Sigma's Georgeann Ward. I found out last week that she is alive and well. Many of us Delta Sigmas were very upset when she was listed and we mourned her death. Please check your computer as I am sure some- one punched in the wrong key. Thank you.
Karen Ryan
Delta Sigma
(San Jose State U.)
Editor's response:
Thank you for writing. The cor-
rection has been made. To Dragma regrets the error.
Beth Grantham
The women in the photo on page 23 of the winter issue of 23 Dragma were incorrectly identified. They are alumnae of the Alpha Pi Chapter (Florida State U.) pic- tured at a reunion at Tarpon Springs, FL last summer. To Dragma regrets the error.
State U . Northridge earned over $5,000 for arthritis research with its annual M r . Fraternity contest, re- ports Patricia Hasson.
It was a proud moment for chap- ter members when Nancy Dunbar, '88 homecoming queen, crowned Shanna Coffmanas '89 homecom- ing queen. Stephanie Carr is the cur- rent Panhellenic president. The chap- ter won first place in intramural sports, as it has for six consecutive years.
Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the U . of Arizona initiated its first formal pledge class inJanuary, reports Ann- ette Daggett.
The chapter has received a pla- que from the Arthritis Foundation making it an honorary member of the Presidents Forum in recognition of a $25,000 donation made during the chapter's recolonization in 1988.
To the editor:
What a beautiful fall edition of To
Dragma\ You really brought the In- ternational Convention to all of us who couldn't be there.
You are to be commended not only for this issue, but for all the is- sues for the last year. Thank you for a job well done.
Miriam Oilar Woods Theta (DePauw U.)
To the editor:
I greatly enjoy reading To Dragma.
Thanks for printing such a fun and informative magazine. It keeps me abreast of all that's going on in Alpha Omicron Pi.
Elisabeth Gullett
Tau Delta (Birmingham-Southern College)
To the editor:
I have a suggestion for future is-
sues of To Dragma ifit is feasible. Every year, you publish a list of 50 year members by chapter. Since I am an Epsilon, I always read their
list. Last year, for the first time, I noticed that each AOII was listed by her married name. I find this rather confusing when I do not know the AOIFs married name and the first name could be that of several sisters. As I get older, I am more aware, also, of the fact that my maiden name is my real name that I have had from birth. Call it a new form of consciousness raising for women.
At any rate, since I expect to be on the 50 year list in 1990, is it pos- sible to include the maiden names aswellasmarriednamesofthoseof us so honored?
Elizabeth Weldgen Eddins
Epsilon (Cornell U.)
Editor's response:
Your point is well taken. We have
incorporated your suggestion in this issue. Congratulations on your 50th anniversary of being an AOII.
Beth Grantham
Lambda Betas at California State U.-Long Beach held their first "Greek Row" in September at Alami- tos Bay in Long Beach, reports Dana Jo Ellis. The day's events in- cluded a rowing contest, pie eating contest, tug of war, sandcastle crea- tion, and limbo contest. All the cam- pus fraternities participated and over $900 was raised for arthritis re- search. Rachel Kittay was chairman of the event.
Nu Lambda Chapter, U.ofSouth- ern California, played hostess to other west coast AOIIs at an area Founders' Day Celebration in Decem- ber, reports Louise M . Skura.
Chapter members participated in a jog-a-thon sponsored by USC and earned over $2 ,000 which will be do- nated to arthritis research.
Sigma Phi Chapter at California
TheChiAlphaChapterattheU. of California-Davis pledged 33 women during rush, reports Laura Garnel. Michelle Chui was rush chairman and Michelle Hartzel was membership extension chairman.
Spring 1990

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
RUBY FUND 1988-1989
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the Ruby Fund this year, and particularly the top contributing chapters of 1988-89.
lota Chi
Phi Beta Lambda Sigma Omega
Nu Omicron Gamma Omicron Zeta
Kappa Tau Upsilon Lambda Beta
Montreal Philadelphia Nothern Virginia Indianapolis Kentuckiana Jacksonville Chicago West Suburban Dallas
Seattle Southern Orange County
To Dragma
James Ferrell, husband of Penne, Nu Lambda 57
Joyce Brown Hill, Rho 48
Mrs. Ruby Gray, mother of Claudia Burkes, Nu Beta 75
Mr. Dundas, Father of Jean Zimmerman, RVP VII, Lamda Beta 65
Chapter or Individual Donors
Joni, Nu Lambda, & Glenn Neckerman
Ann Cordes, Beta Lambda Southern Orange County AC* Lisbeth S. Prows, Nu Lambda Dr. Angela Brazeal, Kappa Theta Long Beach AC
Esther M. Lundquist, Rho Gayle Burnett, Rho
Miriam Oilar Woods, Theta Evansville Tri State AC
Susan Norwood, Nu Beta
Beta Lambda Chapter Zeta Chapter Rockford AC
lota Chapter
Chicago Northwest Suburban AC Sue Placke RROVII
Judy Ressner RPROVII
Pat Benson RD VII
Phi Delta Chapter Omaha AC
Milwaukee AC
Chicago Beverly Hills AC Lincoln AC
Lake County of Illinois AC ROC & RDs VIII
Tulsa AC
Sigma Phi Chapter
Thomas Musson, father of Pat Gazdecki, Beta Pi 64
Mary Louise Junkin, Theta Eta 28 Connie Dikeman, mother of Pincy Polese, Theta Pi 66
Anne Carmichael, mother of Moira Hayes, Kappa Phi 59
Catherine Williams Broyles, Beta Phi 32
Dr. Robert Baxter, brother of Margaret B. McArdle, Delta 33
Mellville Warren, Chi Lambda 52
Martha Schumacher Able, Chi Lambda 51
Numa Surgeon, Nu Kappa 25
Ilia Peffley, mother of Judy P. Hanlon, Beta Gamma 55
Douglas S. St. John, husband of Jeanne M., Upsilon 43
Lucille B. Clark, Beta Theta 29
Marie Youngman, mother of Karen Y. Ryan, Delta Sigma 66
Peter Petroff, father of Ruth Ann Petroff, Theta Psi 79
Mr. Collins, father of Sandra C. Kalsic, Beta Pi 67
Edith Meers Smith, Rho 11
Chapter or Individual Donors Dearborn AC
Northern Virginia AC
Judy Bourassa, Theta Pi ROC & RDs Region X Phoenix AC
Montreal AC
Ruth Mueller Kleymeyer, Beta Phi
Beth R. Moran, Delta
Evansville Tri State AC Evansville Tri State AC
ROC & RDs Region VIII Charlene Potter, Beta Gamma
Marianne Carton, Upsilon
Carolyn Brown Simmons Lucile Wright, Beta Theta
San Jose AC
Marguerite Lloyd, Delta Sigma Theta Psi AAC
Dearborn AC
Natalie C. Haines, Psi
Jack Shaw, husband of Betty, Delta Theta 84 & father of Nancy Shaheen, RD, Alpha Omicron 67
Mary Margaret Fallis, Phi 44 Beverly Jordan, Sigma Phi 77 *AC=Alumnae Chapter
Donations, gifts, and bequests to the Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Honoree Cathy Jo Thibault, Zeta 79
DeWitt Oliver, husband of Louise, Upsilon 16
Helen Roberts Rackow, lota 28
Father of Barbara Sierp, Kappa Rho 86
Shannon Eileen Hawkins, Upsilon 87
William L. Farmer, father of Kristi, Kappa Omega 82
Dorothy McGuire
Flora Alcorn Hurley, Eta 21
Daryl Gezlinger, brother of Betty Busby, Zeta 44
Marie Annabel Dray, Alpha Tau 34
Edward Kosmack, father of Judy Kolstad, Nu lota 60
Jonathan Leibring, son of Cynthia Leibring, Chi Lambda 71
Raymond Huizinga, husband of Ginna, Rho 50
John L. Petit, husband of Ruth, Alpha Phi 39
Ken Hickok, husband of Neysa, Upsilon 42
Netha H. Kinkead, Sigma 11
Chapter or Individual Donors
Hyle & Martha Thibault, parents Julie I Schluter, Zeta, sister Holly Thibault, Zeta, sister
Amy Thibault, sister
Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho
Eleanor Hall Nerad, lota Kappa Rho Chapter
Upsilon Chapter
Marilyn K. Sagan, Sigma Chi Lexington AC
Jacque Dinwiddie, Epsilon Alpha Tulsa AC
Tulsa AC
Phyllis Westerman, Rho
Phyllis J. Gilson, Sigma Phi Sigma Phi Chapter
Naomi R. Draheim, grandmother
Reba S. Traber, Upsilon San Diego AC
Marianne Carton, Upsilon
San Diego AC
Marianne Carton, Upsilon
Marianne Carton, Upsilon
Leah MacNeil, Delta Sigma
Rosalyn Elliott Smith, Tau Delta 72 Anne Allison, Omicron 52
Chapter or Individual Donors
Elise Moss, Tau Delta Gloria Rowland, Pi Kappa
Casandra Nicole Corey, 1st birthday, daughter of Rosanne, Beta Lambda 81
Marion Franco-Ferreira, Rho 15
Amy Jones, Omicron, niece
Marianne Carton, Upsilon 42
Eunice Force Barkell, Lambda, sister
Elizabeth B. Martin, Epsilon Alpha 29
Marion F. Haswell, Sigma 34, sister
Helen Morford Powers, Upsilon 19
Leslie Hopkins Wilt, Beta Lambda
San Diego AC
Molly B. Cozart, Omicron
Harriet Wolverton, Upsilon Marion, Sigma, & Vance Haswell
Miriam Blaisdell, Epsilon Alpha Eunice F. Barkell, Lambda Norma Berry Cassidy, Rho
Spring 1990
Jennifer Meester, daughter of Susan, Chi Alpha 79
Son of Lori McCain, Phi Upsilon 79
Son of Nancy Pruett, Beta Lambda 75
Eilizabeth Helen Suzanne Wilkins, daughter of Susan, Lambda Beta 80
Tory Kathryn Grimm-Oropesa, daughter of Deborah, Lambda lota
Laura Elizabeth Jones, daughter of Carole, Alpha Delta 81
New adopted daughter of Marilyn Bush, Gamma Omicron 70
Kimberly Ann Adam, daughter of Lisa, Lambda Beta
Katherine Elizabeth Axtell, daughter of Ellen, Sigma lota 71
Emily Anne Benigno, daughter of Brenda, Delta Delta 72
Caroline C. Craig, RPRO X, Lambda Beta
Indianapolis AC Indianapolis AC
Liz Craig Amundson, Lambda Beta
San Diego AC
Lambda lota Corporation Board San Diego Alpha Rose Group
Elise Moss, Tau Delta Elise Moss, Tau Delta
Caroline Craig, Lambda Beta Shreveport AC
Shreveport AC
RUBY FUND 19881989
Ellen Duncan, Delta Alpha 86
Elaine Soost, Nu Lambda 79, Masters Degree
Dana L. Moreland, Delta Alpha Norma Ackel, PIP, Kappa Theta
Theta Omega Chapter, 25th Boston Alumnae Chapter, 80th Theta Psi Chapter, 45th
Chi Chapter, 75th
Theta Omega Sisters Boston Alumnae Sisters Theta Psi Sisters
Chi Sisters

To Dragma
Marilyn B. Harmon, Alpha Xi Delta, for years of work with Zonta
Chapter Executive Board:
Lisa Hahn, ACP
Karen Kwiatkowski, VP
Carol Serfling, VP Membership Priscilla Mims, Treasurer
Region X "For your support."
Martha Neie, Phi Upsilon, "For your many contributions to our AC."
Martha Neie, "For everything." ROC & RDs Region IV
Toni Reitz, Chi Lambda
Chapter or Individual Donors Norma Taylor, Lambda
Chicago West Suburban AC
Caroline C. Craig, RPRO X, Lambda Beta
Chicago Northwest Suburban AC
Martha Schroeder, Sigma Rho Ann Glichrist, RVP IV, Theta Chi Lambda Sisters
Florence J. Magnuson, Rho 24
Caroline Craig, Lambda Beta 80, RPROX
Wedding of Karen Lynn Eyrich, Beta Lambda 85
ROC & RDs Region VIII
Barbara Long, Alpha Rho 63, XB
Jo Anne Breitmeyer, Pi Kappa 66, Chapter Adviser
Rosemary Schwierjohn, lota 69, RVP
Jean Zimmermann, Lambda Beta 65, RVP
Missy Kennedy, Kappa Tau 85
Sue Mattern, Chi Delta 59, Chapter Adviser, for winning the Muriel T. McKinney Award
Pat Hardy
Upsilon Alpha AAC, for a great installation
AOII Founders
Renda & Karen Greene, Beta Rho
Chapter or Individual Donors
Lake County of Illinois AC
Liz Craig Amundson, Lambda Beta
Lisa M. Powell, Beta Lambda
Barbara Kramer, Beta Phi, RVP VIII Region IX
Delta Sigma Chapter
Region X
Region VII
Region VIII
Delta Upsilon Chapter
Gamma Sigma Chapter
Region X ROC & RD Pincy Polese
St. Louis AC
Nadine & J.D. Greene
Lambda Beta Leaders Council
Helen Ard, Lambda, "Get well soon."
Heidi Morrison, Lambda Beta, Chapter Adviser
San Diego AC
Norma Taylor, Lambda
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
RUBY FUND 1988-1989
AOII Foundation Seeks Director of Development
The person selected for this newly created, full time position will be responsible forimplementing a coordinated fund raising program which will in- clude annual giving, deferred giving, and special events. The office is located in AOII International Headquarters in Brentwood, T N . Salary will be commensurate with experience. Send letters of application and resumes to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation 2239 Rome Drive Indianapolis, I N 46208

Springing UpatAOTT!
GEAR Shorts, Charcoal stripe, ruffled elastic drawstring waistband, two side pockets, AOII logo on left leg; S, M, L: $20.00
GEAR Crop Top, Raspberry with charcoal logo; M, L, XL: $17.00
GEAR T-Shirt, Raspberry with charcoal logo; M, L, XL: $18.00
AOII Shorts, satin letters, red, white or navy: $9.50; silk screened letters, side and back pockets, white or navy: $12.50
AOII Sunbuster: Sunscreen for car $7.50 AOII License Plate: $4.00
AOII Umbrella: $16.50
AOII Socks: $4.00
Accept the Challenge T-Shirt, (Biennium Theme): $11.00
AOII Short Sleeve Jersey, Red or navy with white satin letters; S, M, L: $19.00
AOII T-Shirts: Large red and white striped heart; M, L, XL: $17.00;
Vertical pastel AOII; M, L, XL: $15.00 Urge paste! floral heart; M, L, XL: $17.00 Calico panda; M, L, XL: $18.50
AOII Banner: 20"x30". Waterproof: $15.00
Name Address
ltem(s) (specify quantity, and size)
• MC G VISA Card*_ Expiration Date
Send order form to:
AOII International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 370-0920
Total Canadians add 10% Curr. Exc. TN Res. add 7.75% Sales Tax Shipping & Handling TotalAmountEnclosed

Alumnae Chapter News
the Gibson Girl look, and the "flap- per" style of the 20's. Among the guests were 40 members of the Tau Lambda Chapter (Shippensburg U.). Nancy Leuschner did the fash- ion research, wrote the show script, and volunteered her home to assem- ble the clothes and accessories.
The Hunstville (AL) Alumnae Chapter began the year with its an- nual wine and cheese membership party at the Huntsville-Madison County Botanical Garden, reports Carole Jones.
Area collegians and their moth- ers were the guests of honor at the chapter's annual holiday brunch held in December at the home of Elise Moss. Lis Donaldson, Execu- tive Board Director, was guest speaker at the Founders' Day cele- bration in January. Elise Moss was presented with a Certificate of Honor and Ruth Jurenko was pre- sented the Founders' Day Honor Card.
Christine Fisher reports that the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter had a successful "Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It" Auction in November, despite inclement weather. Proceeds went to the new International Head- quarters Fund.
The chapter's major fund raiser was the fall nut sale, and members sold nearly 2,000 pounds of pecans,
Pictured at the M i d Delta Alumnae Colony's Founders' Day celebration are, from left,Jana Howell, Judge Lucy Sommerville Howorth, Marga- ret Kazan, and Bettye Farmer Maxwell.
The Ann Arbor Alumnae Chap- ter began its year full of enthusiasm and ready for a year of fun activi- ties. Chapter members joined the Greater Detroit Area Alumnae Chap- ters for a pot luck dinner in Octo- ber.
Susan Gilliland Barker reports that the Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter kicked off its 1989- 90 program year with a "College Nos- talgia" theme. Members brought pledge books, photos, awards, and other AOII memorabilia to share at the meeting.
Chapter members enjoyed a tour of Frank Lloyd Wright's first home and studio in Oak Park, arranged by Lynda Brooks. The annual holi- day auction raised more than $750 for AOII philanthropies, and the an- nual fall nut sale brought in $1,398.
Laura Huber Parker reports that the Columbia-Jefferson City Alum- nae Chapter is getting re-educated in AOII history and ritual, thanks to the effortsofDana Moreland.
In October chapter members "shopped till they dropped" at the Lake of the Ozarks and then met over lunch. The chapter has contin- ued its philanthropic raffle at each meeting.
Fort Lauderdale Area Alumnae Chapter combined its Founders' Day luncheon with its popular "si- lent auction" last November, reports Catherine Roll Zombar. Proceeds from the auction went to the Ruby Fund and arthritis research.
Rosamond W. Bratton reports that the Greater Harrisburg Alum- nae Chapter had a great time put- ting together a Founders' Day fash- ion show which featured styles from the nine decades that AOII has ex- isted. Members modeled various styles, such as the long dark skirts popular at the turn of the century,
Coming in fall issue: AOII "Gatherings"! Centennial Update!
In the fall To Dragma, Nancy Clark, Centennial Chairman will give you a complete update on Centennial activities and plans. A roundup of AOII "gatherings," including photos, will accompany Nancy's article. Please send information and photos about any AOII reunions, chapter anniversary celebrations, or any special AOII "gath- ering" to the To Dragma Editor at International Headquarters. Send Centennial information directly to:
Nancy A. Clark
1207 West Haven Drive
Arlington Heights, IL 60005
To Dragma

Margot Hartmann
Margot Griffith Hartmann, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), is a lifelong Denver resident who truly exempli- fies the unselfish and public spirited AOII.
Margot is the resident-manager of the Holiday Chalet Hotel in Den- ver. This historic apartment-hotel, built as a home in 1896, has been in her family since 1912. Since Decem- ber of 1987 when she moved in and took over its management, Margot and her husband Bob have done much renovation, inside and out. In
Margot Griffith Hartmann
Williamson Earls and Natalie Tho- mas W ard, alumnae, and to Lori Dig- iosia, Gamma Alpha collegian, for their dedication to AOII and to their community. Kimberly Mega, Gamma Alpha, was awarded a chap- ter scholarship.
April 21 - 10:30 a.m. Little Rock Club Little Rock, Arkansas
Lorie Baker 501/224-4457 Irene Sniegocki 501/225-2190
April 28, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Westwood Country Club Austin, Texas
A mailingwillbe goingout. If in- formation is not received, con-
Rene Strong Fitzgerald 40-IH 35 N.-Condo #4A4 Austin, Texas 78701 512/478-4181
Alumnae Chapter News...
walnuts, almonds and cashews. A t its Founders' Day luncheon, the chap- ter honored members who were ini- tiated in the 1930's.
More than 200 people attended the third annual Arthritis Forum in Louisville, KY , reports Natalie Cowan Scharre. The forum is jointly sponsored by the Kentuckiana Alum- nae Chapter and the Kentucky Chap- ter of the Arthritis Foundation. Dr. Harold Kleinert, a well known hand surgeon, was moderator of the panel. Panel members included two rheumatologists, an orthopedic sur- geon, a physical therapist, and an arthritis self-help instructor.
Other chapter activities have in- cluded a brunch at the home of Con- nie Parker Hobson and a Founders' Day dinner.
Beth Thinnes reports that mem- bers of the Lafayette (IN) Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a variety of activi- ties last fall. These activities were a scarf and jewelry demonstration by Vicki Brewer, a homecoming gath- ering, a dessert social, and a Foun- ders' Day celebration.
Judge Lucy Somerville Howorth was the honored guest of the M i d - Delta Alumnae Colony at its Foun-
ders' Day celebration at the Green- ville Country Club. Judge Howorth, a member of Kappa Chap- ter at Randolph-Macon Women's College, shared fond memories of her relationship with Stella George Stern Perry.
Members of the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter and the Houston Chapter celebrate Foun- ders' Day together each year, reports Kathleen Downs Hansen. The event this year was held at the Houstonian Hotel and Convention Center.
Other events scheduled for the first quarter of 1990 include a pizza party, a candy making workshop, and a fashion planning outing at a local department store. Information about membership in the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chap- ter can be obtained by calling Bon- nie Nezin at 713/586-0236.
"Friends Rejoice Greatly" was the theme of the Founders' Day 1989 for the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter, reports Ann Overmyer. In- ternational President Barbara Hunt was guest speaker.
Collegians from the Gamma Al- pha Chapter at George Mason U. joined in the festivities. Founders' Day honors were awarded to Joanne
Spring 1990
June, 1989, the hotel won a "Beauty Award" and in October, 1989, it was featured on a walking tour of the Cap- itol Hill area.
In November, 1988, Margot re- ceived the "Good Neighbor Award" for her efforts to make her area of Denver a better place to live. Both the Beauty Award and the Good Neighbor Award were presented to her by the Capitol Hill United Neigh- borhood Association. Margot serves on the Board of "Colfax on
continued onpage 28

50 JJear JlCembers.
This list is To Dragma's way of saying "Hats off!"to these women who have been members of Alpha OmicronPifor50years.Ithasbeensaidthat"AOIIisforever,"andforthewomenlistedhere,ithastruly been a long term relationship. W e salute you!
ALPHA OMICRON Louisiana State University
Marjorie Jane Hunt Sanders, Baton Rouge, LA Vida Snow Drew Armstrong, Monroe, LA
Helen Jane Smith Biondi, Salisbury, MO
Willie Katherine Oquin Percy, St. Francisville, LA Virginia E. Ratenburg Bern, New Orleans, LA Eloise Elizabeth Babin Barrow, Geismar, LA Clydelle Shrock Mauldin, Baton Rouge, LA
Vada Irene Leonard Murray, Durango, CO Margaret Helen Erskine Dunlap, Mt. Lebanon, PA Theone Patricia Switzer Meyer, Slidell, LA
Mary Aline Henderson Perret, Metairie, LA Gladys Emma Whilfield Murphy, Monroe, LA Linda Jane Drisdale Franck, Deceased
Montana State University
Agnes E. Taylor Tappau, Los Angeles, CA
Dorothy Ellen Schaal Williams, Overland Park, KS Betty Lou Courtney Musselman, Great Falls, MT Eileen Jeannette Olson Bourdet, Hollister, CA
Irma Virginia Hill, Bozeman, MT
Margaret Bernys Dixon Dahl, Deceased
Elmore Louise Hollier Flint, Deceased
Jane Karolina Doering Gumprecht, Coeur D' Alene, ID Elizabeth Clara Ford Jackson, Moscow, ID
Anna Belle Hall Rutherford, Shreveport, LA
Jean Martha Haynes Chauner, Mesa, AZ
Betty Kathleen Waite Keil, Broadus, MT
Natalie Ann McDermott Berglund, Muncie, IN
Joyce Naomi Kropp, Choteau, MT
Shirley Mary Manning Movrt, Billings, MT
Helen Louise Lohman Howard, Wickenburg, AZ Marian Jeanette Kimball Martin, Deceased
Beulah Bemice Granger Olson, Lakeside, MT
Billye Adile Wyatt Henderson, Encinitas, CA
Betty Ann Ross Schilling, Bozeman, MT
Pauline McLean Clarkin, Deceased
Mary Ann Batch Whitham, Idaho Falls, ID
Ruth Raymond Petit, San Diego, CA
U. of Oregon
Velma Arlene Morton Sinclair, Gresham, OR Dorothy Jean Kreis Greenlund, Palos Verdes, CA Ruth Ann Graham Mercer, Deceased
Betty Jane Biggs Noles, Portland, OR
Margaret Ann Brown Leever, Medford, OR Florence Joan Schuyler Anderson, Parkdale, OR Pauline Florence Ewan Hobart, Deceased
Phyllis Louise Bryan Kerr, Walnut Creek, CA Allean I. Bechill Hichens, Grants Pass, OR Patricia Fleming Lawson Johnson, Yakima, WA Beatrice Marilyn Schun Starr, Phoenix, AZ Jacquelyn Jo Finney Tontz, Seattle, WA
Denison University
Dorothy Elizabeth Dann Walker, Miami, FL
Lynette Janice Stoddard Swainhart, Deceased
Isabel Ramsower O'Brien, Deceased
Martha Lorena Deckman Cramer, St. Louis, MO
Ruth Ann Ford Denhart, Zanesville, OH
Mary Virginia Lay Barhoover, Safety Harbor, FL Dorothy Jeannette Marlow, Kent, CT
Mary Elizabeth Atwater Smith, Des Moines, IA
Mary Kathryn Meddaugh Anderson, Danville, CA Charlotte MacGregor Boggs Tomkins, Philadelphia, PA Carolyn Frances Bruck, Garrettsville, OH
Initiated between 7/1/39-6/30/40
Anne Matthews Morlan, Waldoboro, ME Billie Jean Haarmann Minot, Houston, TX
Michigan State University
Annabell Cathryn Pink Kennedy, Dearborn Hts., M l Dorothy Jane McCleman, Lansing, M l
Betty Jeanne Vaughan Carter, Crystal, M l
Betty Irene McCrea Mayes, Port Austin, M l
Ruth Lorraine Gregory Whiting, Deceased
Janet Loraine Englehardt Freeman, Grand Rapids, M l Elizabeth Jane Ritzema Sweet, Roscommon, M l
University of British Columbia
Elizabeth Hester Bimie Berlot, Los Angeles, CA Margaret Strachan Addison Strongitham, Nanaimo, BC Mary Minta Bulgin Vernon, Victoria, BC
Indiana U.
Phyllis Jean Oyler Miller, Evansville, IN
Vivian Isaacs Hunter, Urbana, IL
Mary Elizabeth Mcllveen Rose, Los Alamos, NM Elsie Chalfant Bauer, Valparaiso, IN
Adelaide Pauline Jones McNeff, Deceased
Jane Griff n Palmer, Owensboro, KY
Venitia Harpster Johnson, Boise, ID
Rosemary Ruffing Hannell, N. Myrtle Beach, SC Helen Marie Hughes Smeltzer, Frankfort, M l Betty Jean Pruitt Scherer, Deceased
Margaret Jane Thomas Walts, Corydon, IN Martha Jane Tiernan Hartke, Falls Church, VA Lois Kiesling Heston, Sacramento, CA
Frances Eudale Proud Saunders, Brook Park, OH Patricia Criley Curry, Deceased
Reba Jean Pendry Brock, El Paso, TX
Ellen June Kennedy Basler, Stamford, CT
Betty Alberta Bates Kistler, Land 0 ' Lakes, Wl June Katherine Kohl Peat, Elkhart, IN
Helen Burton Willeford, Indianapolis, IN
Phyllis Hazel Knapp Henderson, Merrillville, IN Dolores Jayne Small Swinford, Indianapolis, IN Nancy Margaret Hall Waterfall, Indian Wells, CA
U. of Toronto
Margaret Frances Webster, Hamilton, ON Marion Christina Ross, Moose Jaw, SK Marjorie A. Harris, Burlington, ON
Butler University
Elinor Rita Randall Beaman, Indianapolis, IN Mildred Nancy Scull Eastman, Deceased
CHI Syracuse U.
Margaret Christin Baldwin Thomson, Erie, PA Ruth Louise Hathaway Glazer, Oneonta, NY Mary Elizabeth Leyerte Morse, Stoatsburg, NY Eleanor Bechtold, Albany, NY
Marjorie Edith Mynderse, Longwood, FL
Mary Jane Barnes Beardsell, Deceased
Mary Ellen Rogers McLaughlin, Cazenovia, NY Ann Stirling Coffin Gutherie, Canoga Park, CA Marcia Lynette Bond Evans, Syracuse, NY
U. of Colorado
Frances Adele Templeton, Santa Monica, CA Mary Margaret Westerman Viles, Deceased Jane Sharle Thompson Kleifgan, Deceased Dorothy Louise Keppeler Loomis, Honolulu, H I Mary Jeannette Wilkinson Lynn, S. St. Paul, MN Mary Rene Troy Keesecker, Galveston, TX
Tufts U.
Virginia Lynde Tobey, Wilmington, DE
Marion Estelle Kingston Hoffmann, Deceased Nancy Atwood Mowry Ober, Shrewsbury, MA Jean Gray Colgate Stafford, Woburn, MA
Nancy Louise Hallet Woods, Deceased
Helen Kirkbride Strait Parker, Atkinson, NH Isabelle Marie Phelan, Andover, MA
Marie Elizabeth Herlihy Ledden, Wilmington, DE
Cornell University
Lucille Margaret Hausin Lambom, Bloomfield, NJ Helen Patricia Homer Shaw, Ivyland, PA
Gracia Ruth Byrne Ostrander
Elizabeth Weldgen Eddins, Piedmont, CA
Pheles Laura Allen Travis, Deceased
Cynthia A. Nickerson Hurd, Clintondale, NY Laura Jean Mclntire Bowling, Gloucester, MA Anne Elizabeth Craver Sammons, Deceased Majorie Carla Ellenberg Carnes, Holliston, MA
Penn State U.
Mary Louise Miller Ekdahl, Plainfield, NJ
Jane Catherine Foose Deger, Tucson, AZ
Dorothy Helen Grossman Jones, Scotch Plains, NJ Ruth Marie Treasure Dildine, Benton, PA
Lenore Margaret Heinz Eavis, Winchester, VA
Mary Elizabeth Vinson Fowler, Ambler, PA
Marie Louise Kulp, Cleveland, OH
Ella Berlyl Ferris Shacked, Fanwood, NJ
Vivian Marie Keast Hoffman, Clearfield, PA
Elvira Elizabeth Eshleman Eis, Palmerton, PA Pauline Elizabeth Keller Goodwin, Penfield, NY Florence Anita Hawkins Markowitz, Lancaster, CA Betty Elinor Widger Johler, N. Augusta, SC
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Jean Louise Powell Peters, Fountain Valley, CA Beatrice Antha S. Volk Colbert, Racine, Wl Miriam Verena Kundert Hannum, Madison, Wl Elizabeth Louise King Ellert, Cleveland, OH
Alice Mae Gross Robertson, North Hollywood, CA Nelda Clare Parson
Elizabeth Mary Francis Sodeman, Louisville, TN Betty Rose Torrey Potter, Omaha, NE
Dorothy Leona Goembel Tatman, Pipestone, MN
U. of Maine-Orono
Barbara Bean Hamilton, Reading, PA
Madeline Marie Smart Beardsell, Camden, ME
Pauline Frances Riley Wilson, FPO San Francisco, CA
Mary Van Ness Hempstead Hemman, Norwood, MA
Beverly Anne Braun Waller, Oxford, MS
Dorothy Elizabeth MacLeod Bedard, North Attleboro, MA Florence Caro Atwood Butterworth, Cumberland Foresid, ME
To D r a g m a

Charlotte Allen Morrison, Bar Harbor, ME
Jane King Pattee, Deceased
Violet Hamilton, Candler, FL
Barbara Muirhead Gowen, Santa Barbara, CA Eleanor Mary Dougherty Mesrobian, Deceased Marcia Merrow McCarthy Brown, Falmouth, ME Margaret Moulton McKee, Bangor, ME
Alicia Coffin Corea, Quincy, MA
U. of Illinois
Joan Werstler Hunter, Shreyeport, LA
Mary Margaret Stevenson Winter, Hidalgo, IL
Alice Elaine O'Connor Holquist, Marion, IN
Betty Marguerite Hoyt Reynolds, Sun City West, AZ Lorraine Helen Zillner Rodgers, Alexandria, VA Mary Amo Beard Peebles, Roanoke, VA
Marjorie Jeanne Lang Shipley, San Diego, CA Mary Elizabeth O'Byrne McNickie, Arlington, VA Betty Jean Westerbeck Wurtzell, Darieri, CT Margaret Andrea Moeck Mathis, Fullerton, CA Louisa Jo Lekander Olson, La Grange, IL
Dorothy Frances Dolan Kelly, Joliet, IL
Dorothy Marie Nowak Wright, Middletown, NJ Frances May Roske Ferrantj, Oak Lawn, IL
Betty Belle Nield Gifford, St. Charles, IL
Randolph Macon Woman's College Margaret Morrman Banks Kehrer, Lynchburg, VA Laura Terrell Lake Saunders, Memphis, TN
Anne Merritt Gwathmey, Houston, TX
Betty Lee Podlicli Hudson, Atlanta, GA
Anne Paxton KeeblerBurrough, Wilmington, DE Catherine Jane Thibaut Boyce, Baton Rouge, LA Dorothy Stevens Lake Bartter, Deceased
Virginia Lynn Henderson Robinson, Columbus, MS Virginia Palm Sherwin Nichols, Buchanan, Ml Nancy Patricia Crowe Wright, Currituck, NC
Rhodes College
Margaret Polk Copeland, East Haven, CT Mary Ann Slmonton Spence, Memphis, TN Gladys Claire Moore Ellis, Memphis, TN Cecilia Adaline Hill Calhoun, Deceased
Nell Elizabeth Wright Lara, Memphis, TN
Mary Jean Flynn Michael, Memphis, TN
Mary Clara New Cawthon, Memphis, TN Katharine Miller Meacham, St. Petersburg, FL Virginia Mary Knowlton McClure, Memphis, TN Virginia Ann Heppel Sneed, Memphis, TN Elizabeth Hinckley Lansing, Memphis, TN
KAPPA Phi McGill University
Margaret Patricia Neilson Davies, Gloucester, ON Elsie Margaret Lauder Hamilton, Deceased
U. of California-Los Angeles
Mary Jane Daze Lavery, Studio City, CA
Deliene Jensen vbnderiohe, Los Angeles, CA
Catherine Rebecca key Blankenship, N. Hollywood, CA Norma Louise Marshall Ackel, Encino, CA
Fay Brininger Dresner, Vernon, CT
Mary Lorraine Cunningham Lemann, San Bernardino, CA Ruth Jane Castleberry Brumer, Pomona, CA
Elizabeth Ann Thatcher Aust, Redding, CA
Natalie Anne McCrone Orr, Menlp Park, CA
Jane Marie Campion Leininger, Prescott, AZ
Mary Elizabeth Watkins Cullom, Moraga, CA
Barbara Snow Gibbs, Los Angeles, CA
Stanford University
Barbara Elizabeth Clausen Wray, Gerber, CA Virginia Hyatt Kerr Gray, Houston, TX Margery Gunn Armrtage, Deceased
Edna May Amend Woods, Edmond, OK Joyce Phyllis Wallace Stacpool, Belvedere, CA Carolyn Anne Hager Faith, Nokesviile, VA Barbara Irene Woods Worth, Prescott, AZ
Bettylee McCaskttli Sample, Arcadia, CA Evelyn Pleasant Johnson, Palo Alto, CA Lorraine Fenn Nicholson Curley, Mill Valley, CA Melva Trevor Wolf, Pasadena, CA
U. of Georgia
Eva Mae Bianton Young, Columbus, GA
Marcia Estelle Comwell Spargur, Kettering, OH
Josephine Eleanor Simmons Denmark, Savannah, GA Sarah Jeanne Lemmond Green, Clayton, GA
Susie Reid Daniel Lee, Gainsville, GA
Laura Grace McFee Lee, Deceased
Martha Elizabeth McDougald Hutcherson, Statesboro, GA Emily Lucile Amett Saunders, Savannah, GA
Martha Morrison Daniel, Lexington, GA
Jessie Miriam Morris Roberts, Alpharetta, GA
Cordelia Ann Salter Barksdale, Atlanta, GA
Francis Marion Salisbury Davis, Deceased
Martha Frances Smith Brown, Atlanta, GA
New York University
Madeline Elizabeth RaynorCray, Rockville Centre, NY Pauline Mlhalak Olsen, Gleriview, IL
Winifred Kathryn Brown Cope, North Miami, FL June Elizabeth English, Baldwin, NY
Frances Caroline Potetz, Richmond Hill, NY
Stella Catherine Tymoszko Oakley, Pleasantville, NY Edith Bennett Bonneville Mack, Las Vegas, NV Marguerite Lucille Sundary Muller, Forest Hills, NY Corrinna J. Vernon Gemmel, Linwood, NJ
Marie Justine Heim Fleming, Floral Park, NY
Gladys J. Cauldwell, Astoria, NY
Priscilla Harrington Loomis, S. Merritt Island, FL Muriel George Dudenhoeffer Ford, Brooklyn, NY
Southern Methodist University
Mary Louise Brodhead, Houston, TX
Emma Schumacher Wesson Jacoby, Navasota, TX Josephine M. Worthington Patterson, Dallas, TX Lucille Foust Scott Hicks, Port Au Prince
Birdie Lorraine Kirven Austin, Dallas, TX
Marilynn Miller MacKinnon, La Guaira, PA
Afrfa Saba Whitlow, Phoenix, AZ
Winnie Myrie Brotherton Crane, Del Rio, TX Thelma Frances Payton Harper, Willis, TX
Maxie Grace Wherry Brundidge, Dallas, TX
Sue Elmore Mason, Dallas, TX
Jessmine Ruth Parker Branson, Rio Piedras, PR Frances Morrison Baird, Abilene, TX
NU OMICRON Vanderbilt U.
Jane Warren McCampbell Bradley, Lebanon, TN Evelyn Lucille KInzty Moore, Nashville, TN
Sara Dodson Stanford, Lebanon, TN
Mary Paul Raby Wright, Atlanta, GA
Mary Evelyn Riley Andrews, Deceased
Maude Rosamund Snell Brigance, Deceased
Betty Lucile Seigler Button, Nashville, TN
Jewell Oneida Simmons Lawrence, Longboat Key, FL Sarah Ann Levine Henry, Nashville, TN
Leila Winifored Finger Spivey, Rolling Fork, MS
Mary Jane Fuller Albert, Paducah, KY
Emma Denton Shelton Gresham, Surf City, NC Russell Nell Hancock Hoffman, Malibu, CA Marguerite Lucille Willis Fuson, Dallas, TX
Martha Louise Hake Bain, Memphis, f N
Annelle Raybum Simmons Can; Atlanta, GA Josephine S. Jemlgan Banks, Columbia, TN
Marie Hailey Smith Bowman, APO New York, NY
OMEGA Miami U.
Barbara Hawkes Inwood, Ann Arbor, Ml Ethel Jean Marshall Cahill, Jacksonville, FL Lucy M. Long billon, Middletown, OH
Ruth Margaret Brillhart Stanley, ML Dora, FL Etva Ruth Hosking Board man, Deceased Naomi I. Giffin McPherson, Wllloughby, OH Betty Jean Miller Wick, Westfield, NJ Barbara Sue Tullis Bennett, Conroe, TX
Jean Elizabeth King Lehman, Pittsburgh, PA
Ann Murry Allensworth Mootz, Cincinnati, OH
Margaret D. Baldwin Johnson, E. Grand Rapids, Ml Mary Jane FitJdn Wood, Obertin, OH
Clara Jane Gray Stone, Deceased
Janice Elizabeth Sloane Brawn, Deceased
Nina May Smith Stover, Farmington, Ml
Julanne Jane Reed Teague, Geneva, NY
Mildred Louise Fahnestock Shasberger, Canoga Park, CA Dorothy Elizabeth Netl Leasure, Tucson, AZ
Frances Adeline Hanson Rupp, Mansfield, OH
U. of Tennessee
Julia Elizabeth Early Russo, Birmingham, AL Betty Paxton Galyon, Knoxvllle, TN
Anna Elizabeth Baker Thompson, Bolivar, TN Jane Ruth Hamilton Reynolds, Metairie, LA Margaret Evelyn Reeves Wagner, Salinas, CA Elizabeth Simmons Wilson Carter; Deceased Julie Brake Thurman Friedrich, Deceased Louise Gothard, St. Louis, MO
Mary Glenn Osborne Watson, Clarksvilie, TN Polly Carter latum Williams, Richmond , VA Margaret Caldwell Rash, Deceased
Ruth Ayres Link Elliott, Deceased
Virginia Brandau Ridley, Memphis, TN Martha Ruth Lady Ferris, Greenville, TN Emily Elizabeth King, Gainesville, FL
OMICRON Pi U. of Michigan
Margaret Louise Davidson Kellam, Orlando, FL Ethel Francis Mikulich Hebbard, London
Ethel Mary Mathis Achor, Summit, NJ
Mildred Marie Christa Hutcherson, Detroit, Ml Irene Marie Doherty Matheson, N. Palm Beach, FL Jean Adele Ranahan Dezazueta, Guadalajara Jul Mary Louise Wagner Park, Pittsburgh, PA
Mary Ann McKie Weir, Ann Arbor, Ml Elizabeth Nan Campbell Eley, Cologne Mary Morris Blodgett, Madison, NJ
U. of Kansas
Ruth Mary Chandler Harries, Wakeeney, KS Betty Louise Harman thorp, Houston, TX Beatrice Marie Witt Davis, Denver; CO
Marjorie Ruth vannice Potter, Castleton, ND Millie Margaret Regler Dye, Deceased
Bemice Esteenn Moody Lemon, Deceased Audrey Frances Bateman Zishka, Indianapolis, IN
Newcomb College
Jane Gordon Sandoz Oelkers, Lafayette, LA
Dorothy Roberta Tumbull King, Houston, TX
Marie Elaine Gamard Marschall, San Francisco, CA June Elizabeth Carpenter Swearingen, Shreveport, LA Catherine Steele Duncan Banbury, Del Rio, TX Moonyeen Marion Johnston, New Orleans, LA Dorothy Worden Ecuyer Moore, APO New York, NY Alice W. Schoenhardt, Galveston, TX
University of Maryland
Martha Jane Robinson, New York, NY
Martha Virginia Mercer Miller, Middlebrook, VA Charlotte E. Warthen Dann, Chevy Chase, MD
Mary Eloise Webb Murray, Wilmington, DE
Florence Jones White Gray, Ppolesville, Mb
Lillian D. Hendrickson Fisher, Pompano Beach, FL Carolyn Barnes Gray Marshall, Malta Bend, MO
Jane Elizabeth Page Hollbrook, APO San Francisco, CA Marie Poole Kuehle Williams, Baltimore, MD
Jean Louise Cissel, Sandy Spring, MD
Mary Virginia Vaiden Alga, Irvington, VA
Marion Louise Beck Boothe, Coral Gables, FL
Doris Lorraine Hampshire Harry, Towson, Mb
Ellen Finnell Patterson King, Roswell, GA
University of Pennsylvania Phyllis Bolton Flncken Fox, Deceased
Spring 1990

Elenor Lpu Saul Lllley, Lake Worth, FL
Fannie Mae Armltt Handrick, Aiken, SC
Elaine Helen Sunderland Otto, Philadelphia, PA
EdoUa Janet T. ForehetU Fabil, Philadelphia, PA Muriel Augusta Anderson Webbon, F t Lauderdale, FL Joanna Julie Eichmuller Ferguson, Philadelphia, PA
Northwestern University
Betty Joanne Bruce Halderman, Tustin, CA Jeannette Eleanor Cook Dahl, Wonder Lake, IL Doris Cassell Anger Wagner, WesfJand, Ml
Bonnie Jean Hopewell Faust, Missoula, MT
Adelaide Lucille Gallett Willers, San Mateo, CA Joyce Ethyl Vancura Foley, Bettendorf, IA
Marjorie Wierthoeber Hultquist, Pompano Beach, FL Jane Kalian Alsaker Olson, Chicago Heights, IL Adelaide Cyris Holz, Honolulu, HI
Aiyce Lorraine Dickey Wagner Woodland Hills, CA Elizabeth Helen Leland Jones, Carefree, AZ
Alyce Ruth Bates Downing, West Chester, PA Ruth Elizabeth Black Lyon, Jacksonville, FL Florence Lillian Magnuson MacLeod, Deceased Jacqueline H. Sciaky Wallane, Oxford, OH Gertrude Laura Alwlne Emmerling, Portland, OR Betty Jayne Echols, Chicago, IL
Jean Elizabeth McClayton Reiche, Deceased
Betty Louise Brown Burgoyne, Deceased
Doris Lucille Reaum Derrough, Leawood, KS Rosemary H. Federsplel Thompson, Palm Harbor, FL Charlotte Anne Stanworth Harris, Deceased LoisJeaneMcElrgyMoulton,S.Pasadena, CA Gwendolyn Ellen Everetts Lee, Urbana, IL
June Redpath, Elmhurst, IL
U. of California-Berkeley
Barbara Ann Dreyer Frazier, Concord, CA Rosalie Steilberg Dwyer, Sacramento, CA Dorothy L Warehskjold, Sherman Oaks, CA Allison Bums McBride, La Jolla, CA
Mary Louise Hardy Waldrop, Upland, CA
Jane Chesney Creighton,foresthill,CA LoisWinchesterEudeyWall,FairOaks,CA
Betty Carolyn Payne Forbes, Deceased
Antona Madison Hawkins Richardson, St. Paul, MN Vsrda Mae Cornelius Neman, Burlingame, CA
Marion M. Schlichtmann Steinbach, Walnut Creek, CA Rosamond Jessie Craig Castle, Piedmont, CA
Helena P. Mackall Skaer, San Anselmo, CA June Marjorie Christine Thamen, Oakland Lovena Rachel Morgan Black, Deceased Mary Elizabeth Rolfs Larrabee, Bethesda, MD Elizabeth Newton Williams, Woodbridge, CA Lucille Claire O'Sullivan West, Danville, CA Beth Mildred Neighbor Campbell, Eugene, OR Mary Yerkes, Denver, CO
Cynthia Burrows Smith, Mpraga, CA
SIGMA TAU Washington College
Mildred Ellen Price Crane, Athens, GA
Muriel M. Mlttelholzer, Palisade, NJ
Margaret Anne Dukes Shockley, Virginia Beach, VA Jean May Leland Smith, Pennsvflle, NJ
Eleanor Evans White, Deceased
University of Minnesota
Alyce Mary Callanan Thomhave, Austin, TX Sue Sharp Tinker, Deceased
Nellie Eileen Callanan Vance, Vivian, SO Helen LeBlond Frey, Minnetonka, MN
Betty Lou Cobum Ford, Corpus ChristJ, TX Ludmilla Chalupa Milnar, S. St. Paul, MN BettyMayWolffGleason,Adelphi, MD
Ruth May Stone Stewart, Bloomington, MN Marion Ida Kask Stoogsmith, Deceased PatriciaJeannePlankBergstrom,GlenEllyn,IL Marjorie Katharine KohlerTess, Fallbrook, CA Ruth Emaline Jensen Harris, St. Paul, MN
Mary Jane Sieben French, Prescptt, Wl JeanMargaretHodgsonHomer,LosAngeles, CA Margaret Alleen Demott, Crookston, MN
Jean Alice Lamson Hanson, St. Paul, MN
Elizabeth Theresa Bartl Haycok, Silver Springs, MD Elizabeth Ann Rudolph Thompson, Minneapolis, MN Mary Jane Ring Gibbs, Placerville, CA
Helen Mildred Rosendahlkjng, Boise, ID
Joanna Caroline Schultz Strobel, Moscow, ID Lorraine May Bradt Dennis, Portsmouth, Rl
Birmingham-Southern College
Jayne Eudora Walton Ashworth, Deceased Felicia Ann McLaughlin Butsch, Birmingham, AL Mary MyrrJs Walsh Owen, Deceased MaxineElizabethDavisCollins,Miami, FL Pamela Frances Cheatham, APO New York, NY Helen Jenkins Galloway Minger, Birmingham, AL
DePauw University
Rose Marion Vleriing Slutz, Palermo
Janice Marie Bruhn Caparell, Glen Cove, NY
Dorothy HarrietLevienDyer, Deceased
Dorothy Alice Judson Burke, Inkster, Ml
Dorothy Ayers Gardner Goodnough, Massillon, OH
HelenJeanneBeaubienHayford,E.Lansing, Ml
Phyllis Jean Hanson Stride, Sacramento, CA
Margot Hartmann...
continuedfrom page 25
the Hill" Business Association and is also Chairman of its Safety and Security Committee. This commit- tee works closely with the Denver Police Department and City Coun- cil to try to improve both the image and the economy of the Capitol Hill area.
Margot helps her community in other ways. She has served on a task force to address the problems of neighborhood facilities housing the
lb Dragma
Shirley Ruth Edwards Lafferty, Western Springs, IL
UlaAnnSeneffBayly,Golf,IL mentallyillandrecoveringalcohol*-
MarionLydiaWregeMay,Wilmington,DE icsanddrugabusers."WhatWorks
BettyJeanBartuskaAdamson,Ft.Mitchell, KY Frances Jean Bamhizer Hill, MerriMIe, IN KatherineAllanGilbertJackson,Louisville, KY MaryEuniceMuncieHensler,Madison, IN BetteJaneFeutzWright,Paris,IL
Jane Morris Schlosser Cox, Sacramento, CA Elizabeth Baxter Sullivan, Citrus Springs, FL BettyJulePollardLytJB, Palatine, IL
Barbara Louise Duenweg Goldstein, Tamarac, FL
to Get Work"is the tide of the work- shop she leads with her friend Mary Ann Van Buskirk. The workshop is designed to help unemployed peo- ple establish goals, rearrange priori- ties, and learn to package and mar- ket" themselves.
"The main thing is to help these people re-establish their sense of hope and belief in themselves," Mar- got says.
University of Cincinnati
Dorothy Arm Francis Norris, Cincinnati, OH
Joyce Louise Margileth Weber, Boynton Beach, FL
RuthEvelynHughesMott,Villanova,PA Workshopparticipantshaveanex-
U.ofWashington JeanMargaretPaltreyman, Tacdma, WA PaulineHaynes,Bellingham, WA
Jean Eileen Neander Norwood, Vancouver, WA Justyn Lee Montgomery, Mercer Island, WA AnnetteHoytPowellShockey,Deceased
Eileen Dorothy Reece Smith, Boise, ID BettyAnnRodruckEagan,Belleview, WA Elaine Dorothy Harrow Irwin, Los Angeles, CA BeverlyGrace HolidayNygreen,Scarsdale, NY
U.of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dorothy Joan latsch Norton, Tyler, TX DorisJanetMarshallVolk, Omaha, NE PatriciaJeanRosenbaumStevenson,Hastings,NE LucyGrace McLaffertySchmudde, Peoria, IL
Maisie Catherine Imig Heald, Los Angeles, CA
Eula Rose Harding Creed, Springfield, PA
Jean SandersDaugherty, Albuquerque, NM
Marjorie Helen Staab Swedlund, Elsa, TX
Edna Durese Siggins Canfield, Olympla, WA ManilaCarolineBeckmanPrestrud,LosAngeles,CA Margaret Gertrude Hoppert Biedermann, Oceanside, CA Margaret Elaine Cekal Morrow, Los Angeles, CA JanetWmnifredShawShepherd,Hyannis, NE MarthaAnn PickeringHammar, Deceased
Dorothy Louise Heumann Ammons, Paradise Valley, AZ ElaineE.M.SteinhauerListon,Phoenix, AZ
cellent success rate.
Margot is the organizer and coor-
dinator of'Western Welcome" a com- munity welcoming service in the Den- ver area and other areas of the state. She is also active in "Daughters of the Nile" (an organization for wives, sisters and daughters of Shriners), the P.E.O. (sisterhood for the ad- vancement of women), and her church.
Margot still manages to be a part of the Denver Area Alumnae Chap- terofAOII. Shehasservedonmany committees, and as Panhellenic del- egate, first and second vice presi- dent, president elect/programs, and president. Last spring she chaired the fund raiser and geranium sale which netted $445 for arthritis re- search. The Denver Area Alumnae Chapter nominated her for the Wyman Award in 1989.
—Contributed by Micki Hansen, Tau (U. of Minnesota). Micki is the current president of the Denver Alumnae Chapter.

Spring 1990
I can make a difference in: Yes, I can make a difference by:
• my family
• my profession • my fraternity
I can make a difference through: • personal involvement •financialplanning
• estate planning
I \ ^ ^tdl •
• considering the future • analyzing the options • making wise decisions
I can make a difference: • now
I am a woman of today —strong—resourceful —caring. I want to help make sure that I and those I care about are provided for. That includes my family and my fraternity. As part of my financial plan, I have included support forthe Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund.
A significant way to support the Endowment Fund is through a charitable annuity in which I can pay a certain sum into a carefully managed trust that will pay income to me or to another beneficiary for life.
Remembering AOII in my will is a significant way of giving. M y bequest can establish a last- ing memorial to me or to someone I wish to honor and I can make a bequest in a variety of ways. Because AOII is important to me and to my sisters, I will help insure its future by contribut- ing to the Foundation's ability to fund a national leadership training center, personal develop-
ment programs and historical archives.
I hope you will join me in supporting AOIFs future and will take a few minutes to complete
the pledge card below, clip it out and return it to:
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund
9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027
YES, I C A N contribute to The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Endowment Fund during The Decade of Endowment. I will help to insure AOII's future in one of the following ways:
• M y check for $
• I pledge $

• I will make a gift of a lifeinsurance policy in the amount of $ .
• I will contact AOII Headquarters to make arrangements for a charitable annuity.
• I have remembered AOII in my will and will send a copy to AOII Headquarters.
• I have added a codicil to my will and will send a copy to AOII Headquarters.
CITY STATE ZIP Donations, gifts and bequests to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law.
is enclosed.
. I will send $ to AOII Headquarters:
monthly • quarterly • semi-annually • annually

Alpha Omicron Pi
Dear AOII Alumna,
Are you looking for a challenge? Are you spending too many even- ings nodding offin front of the television? Would you like your life to be more fulfilling? Do you want the opportunity to grow, profession- ally and personally, in 1990?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then AOII has a deal for you! We offer you the chance of you lifetime. You can become involved. Y ou can contribute to excellence.
How? By becomming a Regional Director!
If you say yes, we will provide you with experiences that will enhance your communication, leadership, and time management skills. You
will enjoy travel, social interaction, and untold possibilities in personal growth. You will see new horizons, have unique experiences, and build lifetime friendships as you get involved with AOlls throughout the United States and Canada.
Accept our Challenge! Become an AOII Regional Director] We are eager to train you. We will provide resources, continuing educational material, and a support system from the beginning. These will con- tinue throughout your time as a Regional Director.
What challenges await you?
(1) The challenge of guiding collegiate and alumnae chapters.
(2) The challenge of enhancing the regional support system with
your talents.
(3) The challenge of instilling in young women the ideals of AOII
through your example of dedication, performance, and belief in friendship, scholarship, leadership.
How do you accept the challenge? Pick up your telephone and call AOII Headquarters at 615/370-0920. Ask for Becky Montgomery, As- sociate Director, and she will be happy to tell you more about AOII's wonderful challenge —the chance to become a Regional Director.
Thank you for making the most important AOII decision since you pledged yourself to AOlI in college. We look forward to meeting you!
Alpha love,
Mary L . Williams
Vice President/Operations

n exclusive offer to sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi...
The rare and beautiful panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) is rilliantly brought to life in water colors by renowned artist Reggie
McLeroy in this print titled "Himilayan Treasure". This striking ork of art is now available as a full color art print to sisters of OIL
"Himilayan Treasure" is an exceptional work of art - sketched with pencil and brought to life with vivid opaque water colors. The exquisite detailed facial features, from the light brown eyes to the
lack and white fur, reinforce the dignity and nobility of one of nature's most solemn creatures.
Published from the original painting, this fine quality art print of these stunning, near extinct animals is strictly limited to 2,500
prints; each signed and numbered by the artist. Maintaining the artist's high standards, conservators' grade paper and permanent inks have been used to assure that each of these beautiful lithographs is a quality piece of art. The image area of 16" x 20, plus ample margins, can be surrounded by a beautiful professionally prepared frame to display these fantastic pandas.
To reserve your copy of "Himilayan Treasure", simply return the attached Reservation Application.
Southern Enterprises P.O. Box 2924 Statesboro, GA 30458
Please accept my reservation for.
of "Himilayan Treasure" by Reggie McLeroy for $35.00* each ($85.00* for each framed print). This price includes all shipping/handling. Please include check or money order. Do not enclose cash.
"Georgia residents add 6% sales tax. Name
Address .
City, State, Zip Telephone ( )_
Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery
Please respond promptly.
copy (copies)

Accept Challen
Attend a Leadership Conference!
Summer 1990
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOn International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name at Initiation Current Office
New Name If Different From Attached Label
Chapter Initiation Year
Deceased D
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
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