To Dragmaof Alpha Omicron Pi
Vol. 80 No. 2 Spring 2016
In This Issue:
The Dark Side of Tanning
Make Your AOII Experiences
Stand Out On Your Resume
Sweet Blessings: Giving
Back Is a Piece of Cake
Lambda Rho (Texas Christian U)
members, Emily Rutan (front) and
Becca Weaver (back), enjoy spending
time together at their annual Sink Out
Arthritis! event.
2| Spring 2016
20 28 contents
34 42
9 Viewpoint 34 Make Your AOII Experiences On the Cover:
10 Things We Love Stand Out On Your Resume Epsilon Omega (Eastern
12 NPC News 42 Sweet Blessings: Giving Kentucky U) member
14 Theta Sigma Chapter Installed Back Is a Piece of Cake Makenzie King celebrates
16 Beta Nu Chapter Installed 44 AOII & Major League Baseball Bid Day 2015.
18 Beta Eta Chapter Installed 46 Life Loyal AOIIs
20 Step Up to Fight Arthritis! 48 Alumnae Chapter News 3
22 Leadership Academy Recap 60 AOII Foundation
26 From the Archives Scholarship Spotlight
28 The Dark Side of Tanning 62 AOII Emporium
67 For Further Discussion
About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in
New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Hello! My name is Haley Cahill, and I am the new
Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & editor of To Dragma. I have huge shoes to fill,
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. but I am so excited to carry on the torch.
The Object of the Fraternity: I graduated from Appalachian State University
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit last May with a degree in a field I absolutely love:
of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at journalism. I also became an alumna member of AOII,
all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college and I moved to Nashville, Tennessee for an amazing
loyalty; to strive for and support the best interest of the career opportunity with AOII. From a new city to a
colleges and universities in which chapters are installed, new job, the past year has been full of exciting endeavors, the most recent
and in no way to disregard, injure, or sacrifice those of which was joining a boxing club.
interests for the sake of prestige or advancement of the
Fraternity or any of its chapters. I am no newbie to the gym scene. In fact, I consider myself a pretty fit gal;
but boxing is one of the most physically taxing activities I have ever done.
Mission Statement: Sixty minutes of burpees, sit-ups and heavy bag combinations is no joke.
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship.
Just a few nights ago, class was particularly intense. We were nearing the
Culture Principles: end of the round, and you could tell everyone in the room was utterly
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability & exhausted and just trying to make it to the final bell. Normally at this point,
Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, Innovation, the trainer yells, “Go, go, go!” Instead, though, in a very calm voice, he said,
Open & Honest Communication “I want you to think about something: Why are you here?” I’m not sure if
it was his calm demeanor or the unusual nature of his statement, but his
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: words struck a chord with me: “Why are you here?”
Visit the AOII website (, or contact
[email protected]. Admittedly, my first thoughts were about burning off the five cupcakes
I ate the day before. Further reflection reminded me that my passion for
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: fitness is the reason I go. No matter how challenging that day of class may
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an be, I continue to go back because I absolutely love it.
alumnae chapter near you.
I share this story because I have always believed whether it is boxing,
International President journalism, AOII or something in between, your passions give
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) you purpose.
Executive Director As editor, it is my hope to share stories of our members’ passions, like the
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) story on page 42 about an AOII’s non-profit organization that provides
birthday cakes to children in need. I also hope to continue providing you
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National with enlightening and educational content, like the feature in this issue
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity about an AOII’s battle with melanoma; tips to make your AOII experiences
Communications Association. stand out on your resume; and how social media may help you with a
college assignment. You will also continue to learn about our Fraternity’s
accomplishments, such as our Major League Baseball partnerships on
page 44.
Perhaps most importantly, I hope the contents of each issue inspire you
and give you an opportunity to reflect on your own passions and purpose
in life and in AOII.
Happy reading!
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
4| Spring 2016
We want to feature your AOII photos! To DragmaofAlphaOmicronPi
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email About To Dragma:
your photos* to [email protected] to be To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi
featured. Don’t forget to follow AOII to keep up with the Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission
hashtag of the month! of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity,
our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage
lifetime AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve
as a permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Graphic Designer
Hillary Stewart, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
View To Dragma Online:
How to Contact To Dragma:
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736,, or
[email protected].
How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to Update Info tab on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be
mailed to:
Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting
Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover only)
should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi
*To be featured in To Dragma photos 5
must be emailed and at least 1 MB or larger.
Celebrations Continue!
Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) celebrates their 2015 JWH Cup win.
6| Spring 2016
Spring 2016 Growth FraternityNews
Boise State University
Chapter name: Beta Sigma
Location: Boise, Idaho
Colonization Dates: February 19-21
Colonizing Officer: Amber Countis, International Vice President
Colonization Team: Amber Countis, Debbie Tam, Liz Pietsch,
Kimberly Sons, Laura Pope (NS-D) Mary Kate Sweeney, Kate
Novinger (Resident Consultant), and Darcy Kaul (Resident Consultant)
Collegiate Chapter Assistance: Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
Alpha Omicron Pi releases Congratulations!
first “Ritual Moments”
podcast in new series. Both Beta Phi (Indiana U) and Upsilon (U of
Washington) celebrated their centennials this
Spend some time with AOII’s Founders! The past school year and the Fraternity couldn’t
Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee be more excited! Here’s to 100 more!
(RT&J) has recorded and developed a monthly
podcast series called “Ritual Moments,” where Beta Phi was installed on June 3, 1916 by Merva Dolsen
members can learn, understand and reflect on Hennings (Rho/Northwestern U).
AOII’s rich history. March’s
recording is from 1966 Upsilon was installed on September 18, 1915 by Gladys
and is titled “Four Girls and Courtain Britton (Sigma/U of California, Berkeley).
Forty Thousand.” Watch for
a new “Ritual Moments”
installment on the second
Monday of each month!
Webinars Coming Soon
Are you interested learning more about
buying a house? Need more information on
recruitment finances? Keep an eye on our
social media pages for webinar dates!
Rho Beta (Virginia
Commonwealth U)
members pose during
a chapter photoshoot.
8| Spring 2016
Welcome to spring! “Creating Connections” was the theme of this year’s Leadership Academy. The sessions ViewPoint
at Leadership Academy focused on membership recruitment and how you can make that first connection
with our potential new members a meaningful one. It is important for our chapters to focus their
recruitment preparation on branding, telling their AOII story and connecting with potential new members.
This first connection to our new members should be based on shared values and the beginning of their
lifetime connection to AOII. You can read about the success of Leadership Academy in this edition of
To Dragma.
Creating connections in AOII goes well beyond your first
experience. As our seniors are preparing to graduate in the
next few months, they will have the opportunity to make AOII
connections as they move to new cities, start new jobs, volunteer
for AOII or join an alumnae chapter. I would encourage all
graduating seniors and any AOII looking for a job to check out
AOII’s new Career Center on our website to help you find that new
opportunity. Whether you are a new alumnae or have been one
for 50+ years, you will always have an opportunity to connect, to
engage and to support your AOII sisters.
Another example of great AOII connections are the many
celebrations that took place over the past year. Whether it
has been a 25th, 50th, 75th or 100th year celebration for a
collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter, strong AOII connections
and commitment make these celebrations possible. I had the
opportunity to attend the New Orleans Area Alumnae Chapter
100th anniversary in February and the Portland Area Alumnae
Chapter 100th anniversary in March. Both of these celebrations
were the perfect way to remember these chapters reached this amazing milestone through hard work,
dedication, loyalty, love and support. For the past 100 years, the members of these alumnae chapters
faithfully carried out the purpose of Alpha Omicron Pi as our founders envisioned it. These celebrations were
a true testament to the women who, over the years, understood the meaning of being connected to AOII
and being accountable to their sisters so their alumnae chapters would continue to thrive.
As we enjoy spring and look forward to summer, there are many great opportunities to connect or
re-connect with your AOII sisters. Whether you attend a Strike Out Arthritis! MLB event, join a team for the
Walk for the Cure or Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis, attend an alumnae chapter meeting or just spend the
evening catching up with AOII friends, there are many ways to be connected to your AOII sisters. AOII is for a
lifetime. Let your light shine brightly on your connections and commitment to AOII.
I look forward to seeing everyone who will be attending LI in June and making our AOII connection!
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President
10| Spring 2016
Scout Bags Carry’All Bin Solumbra Women’s Cotton
Swap your boring pool bag for this fun tote! Its Supreme Shade Hat
reinforced handles and sturdy frame make it great Solumbra by Sun Precautions is a line of sun
for holding everything from sunscreen and flip- protection clothing made with 100+ SPF fabric.
flops to heavy gadgets and tumblers. Plus, how This wide brim hat is perfect for keeping harmful
cute is this starfish pattern? UV rays off your face while you’re in the sun.
Ultraviolet-UV Index App Water and Sand Resistant
Free for download, this app shows you Mats and Towels
the UV index in your location and Leave the water and sand at the beach! We love
provides recommendations for sun protection. the JJ Cole Outdoor Mat and Lagu beach blanket
There are several apps available now to help you for picnics in the park or afternoons by the ocean.
plan your day, and protect your skin by limiting Both products are quick-dry and repel sand and
your exposure to harmful UV rays. water, so you won’t track anything home.
Yeti Rambler TOMS Sunglasses
Keep your drinks ice cold on hot beach days We’ve always liked TOMS for its fun shoes and
with this stainless steel tumbler. It’s great for hot awesome charity work, but did you know the
beverages too! Plus, it’s dishwasher safe and company sells more than shoes? Right now, we’re
shatterproof—your days of breaking mugs on the really loving its trendy line of sunglasses.
way to work or class are over!
EltaMD UV Clear Sun Care
This broad-spectrum SPF 46 sunscreen is great for
every day use on sensitve and acne-prone skin.
There’s also a tinted variety you can wear under
makeup or by itself. It’s even recommended by Dr.
Lee. (See page 32.)
2015 More than 225 supporters of the National Panhellenic Conference
gathered Oct. 22-25 for the 2015 Annual Meeting. NPC
Annual delegations, staff, inter/national presidents, executive directors and
Meeting communicators assembled at the Omni Mandalay Hotel at Las
Report Colinas in Irving, Texas. Meeting participants reflected on NPC’s
accomplishments over the past year, learned from guest speakers,
by Leesa Jing, Alpha Chi Omega, caught up with longtime friends and planned for NPC’s future.
NPC Marketing and Communications Intern
The first day of the event included meetings for the Executive
Committee, board of directors, inter/national presidents, executive
directors and communicators. The delegations had time to catch
up at dinner and then gathered to discuss proposed legislation to
prepare for the business sessions.
Friday, Oct. 23, attendees began their day by having breakfast
with their committees or member organizations. After breakfast,
the meeting officially opened with a business session. Once
participants and guests were introduced and welcomed, Chairman
Jean Mrasek, Chi Omega, gave a state of NPC address. Through
each delegate, she highlighted 26 key accomplishments from the
past year, including an approved NPC position statement against
sexual assault, the inaugural College Panhellenic Academy and
a social media awareness campaign about the Red Zone — the
first six weeks on campus when freshmen females are particularly
vulnerable to sexual assault. “Indeed, we have made great strides.
NPC has found her voice. But our work continues,” said Mrasek. “We
must listen to the voices of our students, alumnae, interfraternal
colleagues and, yes, even our critics.”
After the opening business meeting, Finance Chairman
Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta, recognized sponsors and exhibitors
representing 37 different companies during the luncheon held in
their honor. Later, inter/national presidents and executive directors
spent time in the exhibit hall and attended a reception that
evening with diamond-level sponsors Billhighway, Herff Jones and
MJ Insurance ~ Sorority Division.
Following an AOII-sponsored refreshment break, the afternoon
included Panhellenic training for area advisors and area
coordinators, and the day continued with campus meetings.
The second business session convened after dinner. Legislative
Committee Chairman Patty Disque, Chi Omega, presented several
key pieces of legislation. Delegates made history when they
approved the proposed “Values-Based Recruitment” policy, which
includes eliminating recruitment skits. The session concluded with
the memorial service, which featured a video and musical tribute
to honor 14 women who served NPC and passed away during the
2013-15 biennium.
12| Spring 2016
Saturday was filled with
educational and inspirational
guest speakers. During the
town hall meeting, Steven
Healy, partner at Margolis
Healy, T. Rees Shapiro,
education reporter for The
Washington Post, and Andrea
Nordmann, Texas Christian
University’s chief compliance
officer, shared a variety of
perspectives about
campus safety.
The Celebrating Panhellenic
Excellence Luncheon
recognized outstanding
College Panhellenics and
Alumnae Panhellenics.
Presentations were made to
College Panhellenic Excellence The 2015-2017 NPC Executive Committee immediately following their installation. (L to R: Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta,
Award recipients and the Finance Chairman; Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi, Vice Chairman; Donna King, Sigma Kappa, Chairman; Donna Chereck,
Phoenix Alumnae Panhellenic Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; and Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman)
Association, which received
the 2013-15 Harriett Block Next, 13 different member organizations made special
Macht Outstanding Alumnae Panhellenic Award. In addition, G. presentations to honor delegation members and support the work
Andrew Hohn of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign of NPC and the Foundation.
received the Outstanding Panhellenic Advisor Award.
NPC Foundation Women in Higher Education Achievement Mrasek closed the official business of the meeting by installing
Award recipient Laura Osteen, Ph.D., inspired luncheon attendees the 2015-17 Executive Committee: Chairman Donna King, Sigma
by sharing insights on the impact sororities could have in higher Kappa; Vice Chairman Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi; Advocacy
education on the next generation. “Let us create space for greater Chairman Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega; Finance Chairman
complexity and commit through action — not only word — to Lynnda Hoefler, Delta Zeta; and Panhellenics Chairman Frances
diversity, and critically examine our costs within the broader higher Mitchelson, Phi Mu.
education context in order to become the most trusted, lifelong
learning organizations,” Osteen said. Before the closing banquet, Alpha Omicron Pi hosted a reception
to honor incoming Vice Chairman Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha
During the final business session Saturday, Mrasek recognized Delta (U of Alabama), with local alumnae and special guests
U.S. Reps. Susan Brooks, R-Ind., Kay Granger, R-Texas, and Brenda in attendance.
Lawrence, D-Mich., with a citation for being trailblazers by co-
sponsoring legislation aimed at advancing solutions to make Interfraternal Service Award Winner Victor J. Boschini Jr., Ph.D.,
campuses safer. NPC Foundation President Janet Dodson, Alpha chancellor of Texas Christian University and Distinguished Service
Sigma Tau, reported on the Foundation’s fundraising efforts over Award Winner Carol J. Warren, Pi Beta Phi, were recognized during
the past year. Representatives from Manley Burke LPA, Squire the closing banquet. Following Mrasek’s final remarks, King
Patton Boggs and MJ Insurance ~ Sorority Division also detailed addressed the body for the first time as chairman. She stressed
their companies’ services to and support of NPC. her platform of leading with courage and conviction. “My plan
is for our forward trajectory to continue, as we move from being
successful toward being truly significant,” King said.
207 Chapter Installation
Theta Sigma - Tarleton State University
On November 21, 2015, the 207th collegiate chapter University precedent that is rich through traditions and
of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed at Tarleton State heavily focused on service to the community. They
University in Stephenville, Texas. AOII’s current did not fall short of this goal; during the eight-week
International President, Gayle Fitzpatrick, led the Initiation colony period, members were involved in Homecoming
and Installation Rituals in the morning, followed by an festivities including a parade, Ignite the Smokestack
afternoon Rose Reception where friends, family and event, Launching of the Ducks event, Silver Bugle Hunt,
the Stephenville community celebrated the chapter’s Purple Out Picnic, Yell contest and Midnight Breakfast,
accomplishments so far. and also were key players in the already thriving Tarleton
Fraternity/Sorority community.
The members at Tarleton State University are certainly
those that the Fraternity is proud to claim. The charter During the Rose Reception, the colony recognized
members chose Theta Sigma during their sisterhood Vice President of Student Life, Dr. Laura Boren, for her
retreat with the submotto “Tradition through Service.” continued support of the Panhellenic growth at Tarleton.
Members wanted to espouse the Tarleton State Installing Chapter President Brittany Kalata thanked the
14| Spring 2016
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Annabel Almendarez Randi Farney Shelby Loewe Mikayla Schmidt
Katelyn Anderson Gabby Fierro Marissa Logsdon Olivia Scott
Sydney Ashton Molly Fletcher Shelby Magee Katelynn Seiferman
Marissa Badillo MaKayla Freeman Katy Man Emberly Shields
Holly Bailey Priscilla Fregoso Sarah Manske Sydney Shippey
Natalie Barinque Rosa Gale Sare Martinez Kari Shoultz
Emily Bly Jennifer Gallegos Abby McCoy Savannah Silva
Emily Jane Bowman Kaitlyn Gardner Kati McCullough Haley Nicole Smith
Kendal Buffaloe Ambree Gilliam Megan McElroy Haley Kay Smith
Sydney Burns Caitlin Grider Erica Melendez Madison Smith
Keyla Bush Kailey Hart Emily Miller Tiffany Smithson
Maria Cabrini Meagan Hawkins Madison Miller Keierra Sneed
Madison Caldwell Paige Hayes Samantha Miller Lindsay Spano
Jensey Calvino Abigail Haynes Abriawna Moon Chandler Stage
Megan Campbell Jessica Henderson Marissa Muro Sydni Swenson
Madison Chance Lilly-Ann Hensley Jaylin Murphy Justus Tarin
Shelby Clayton Tara Herman Courtney Myers ElizaBeth Tench
Laycie Coker Kelsey Hobden Justinh Nguyen Krysta Torres
Amber Colburn Cheyenne Holt Meghan Nolin Taylor Veracruz
Jessica Cooper Shelby Naugle Brady Parum Cherisa Verastigue
Samantha Corn Madelyn Johnston Kylie Pavlica Jennifer Vrazel
Katherine Cox Sarah Judd Jenna Poettgen Haley Wagner
Kelsey David Emily Justus Kelsey Poynor Whitney Walker
Amber Davidson Brittany Kalata Clara Price Paige Wankowicz
Delaney Denton Hannah Kendrick Alma Resendiz Haley White
Alexis Dudeck Payton Kight Lily Reyes Talaya Williams
Ashley Esquivel Carson King Clara Reyna Shelby Wilson
Toni Evans Shelby Lee Kate Roberson Jaime Young
Elena Fajardo Rebecca Lewis Breana Rojo Taylor Znidarsic
Submotto: Tradition through Service
entire fraternity and sorority community for supporting Brown declared November 21 at Tarleton State University
Alpha Omicron Pi’s efforts on campus. A member as Alpha Omicron Pi Day.
from each academic class gave a speech surrounding
involvement on campus and their experience as a Theta Sigma welcomed a number of women as alumna
charter member in Theta Sigma. Executive Director of initiates into the Fraternity, including: Angela Brown,
Student Engagement and interim Fraternity Sorority Tanya Staggs, Janelle Trimmier and Amanda Beasley.
Life Adviser for Tarleton, Darrell Brown, was the keynote Many of these women work at the university and now
speaker. Brown said Theta Sigma has been a wonderful serve as advisers for the chapter.
addition to the TSU Greek community, bringing much
excitement and enthusiasm to the campus.
208 Chapter Installation
Beta Nu - Illinois State University
On January 24, 2016, Alpha during their colony time period where they selected the chapter
Omicron Pi installed the 208th and reflect on the meaning of submotto, “Bound Together,
collegiate chapter as Beta sisterhood in Alpha Omicron Pi. Now and Forever.” The submotto
Nu Chapter at Illinois State was chosen because “bound
University. Excitement, joy and Immediately following the together” represents not only
a spirit of love filled the room Installation and Initiation the sisterhood within Beta Nu,
as 98 collegiate members and ceremony on Saturday morning, but also the sheaf of wheat—a
one alumna initiate joined our several members of the symbol within AOII. The colony
Fraternity. Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII Bloomington-Normal and ISU members added “now and
International President, served as community, as well as family forever” to signify that AOII is not
the installing officer during the and friends, gathered at the only for the four years of college,
Initiation and Installation Rituals Rose Reception to recognize but for the rest of their lives.
and presided over the weekend’s and celebrate the newly initiated
festivities. The weekend began members and chapter of AOII. During their time as a colony,
with a Ceremony of Transition the women attended sisterhood
where Gayle, AOII alumnae and During their colony experience, events and colony meetings
the collegiate members met to the Beta Nu members each week, as well as events
rejoice in their accomplishments participated in a colony retreat throughout campus and in
16| Spring 2016
the Bloomington-Normal community. Their achievements and recognitions are vast and include
making blankets for a local cancer center to keep chemo-therapy patients warm during treatment.
They also had more than 40 of their women volunteer at the local Jingle Bell Run/Walk. In addition to
community service, the chapter is hosting its first Strike Out Arthritis! philanthropy event, which will be
a softball tournament taking place in April 2016. The members of Beta Nu have already experienced
so many wonderful aspects of being Greek at Illinois State University, and they are excited to continue
their journey in AOII.
Submotto: Bound Together, Now and Forever
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Morgan Mitchell Jamie Czyzewicz Allison Jordan Bailey Nelson Andrea Spinasanto
Krista Bezak Janine Delaney Colleen Kelly Nancy Nguyen Erin Sweeney
Lauren Adams Sydney Denault Jina Kim Nicole Novak Lauren Tague
Lena Alcozer Maggie Durkin Mallory Kini Brittany O’Hara Nathalie Timmons
Alison Anderson Ashley Dusa Rachel Kintz Colleen O’Neil Megan Todd
Lindsey Anderson Amber Eglund Jordyn Kneer Samantha Ortega Miranda Tomek
Kimberly Bahl Jensyn Elias Madison Kopale Meredith Pardikes Andrea Vazquez
Amber Barney Melissa Fowler Alli Kowalski Hannah Paullin Jessie Wax
Izabela Batko Taylor Galassi Maria Leon Claire Reed Madison Weiss
Becca Bencsik Bridget Gamel Emily Long Taylor Retondo Sarah Whitford
Jennifer Bohner Nicolle Giliana Kelsie Loumeau Alyssa Rios Maggie Wickman
Maya Brill Khloe Givens Danielle Martinelli Magaly Rodriguez Jessie Yazbec
Hannah Burke Mia Goldstein Madeline McFadden Sami Rudman Jenny Yount
Angela Cagnoni Shannon Grasse Paige Meisenheimer Delia Sargeant Alexa Zito
Caylin Cain Courtney Greenfield Jessica Meyer Sarah Sattler
Jenna Cannella Courtney Hart Emma Michelfelder Ellen Schumacher Alumna Initiate:
Natalie Cervantes Alana Hasil Araceli Mojica Koya Scott Michele Guadalupe
Carly Chianelli Hannah Haywood Danielle Moran Sarah Slemmer
Nadya Chiavola Ali Hook Cailin Murphy Megan Smith
Jaz Cooper Rachel Janick Lauryn Murray Paige Smith
Meredith Crantz Claire Johnson Alison Myers Elena Sorrentino
Chapter Installation
Beta Eta - Gettysburg College
The 209th collegiate chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was installed on February 13, 2016. AOII’s International
President, Gayle Fitzpatrick, was the installing officer for Beta Eta Chapter at Gettysburg College. The morning
began with Initiation and Installation Rituals, followed by the Rose Reception that afternoon. Friends, family
and the Gettysburg community helped celebrate the notable event.
With members already involved in campus athletics, student government and other clubs, the women were
enthusiastic about the new opportunities for campus involvement as members of AOII and the Gettysburg
College Greek community.
The women kicked off the colony period with weekly meetings, sisterhood events and a colony retreat at
Bar-T Mountainside in Urbana, Maryland, where they chose their chapter name and submotto, “Brave and
Submotto: Brave and Empowered
18| Spring 2016
Congratulations, Charter Members!
Annette Aguilera-Gonzalez Nicole Garafola Fontaine McFeaters Kelli Rubin
Eily Anderson Lauren Godshalk Kathleen McGurty Emma Rule
Alexa Arnold Amelia Graham Katherine McPartlan Mary Schaefer
Bridget Ashton Sarah Hansen Laura Meyer Katelyn Schwartz
Andreea Barb Julia Harper Julie Miranto Olivia Simmet
Courtney Bell Ellie Harrigan Erin Morin Rebecca Sinks
Stephanie Blair Claire Healey Sarah Nelson Liz Smith
Kellie Burke Kate Helmstetter Kelly Palmer Mykaela Twitchell
Caroline Campbell Allegra Horstmann Emily Patterson Bridget Verrekia
Canon Chrisman Andeulazia Hughes-Murdock Kathleen Paul Sarah Walsh
Jenna DeCurzio Kelly Kalis Alyssa Pepper Meghann Walsh
Alessandra DeMartino Aubrey Kamppila Alison Pollard Taylor Ward
Priscilla Ditren Jade Kling Mandy Pollock Emily Whitcomb
Caroline Ehrhardt Alexa Krain Natalie Purinton Emily Wilcox
Miranda Fennel Madison LaCroce Zoe Riecker Rach Wilkins
Cynthia Filgueira Renn Lemler Maggie Robertson
Sarah Finley Meredith Lowy Rebecca Rosenberg
Sara Freed Sabrina Marell Hailey Royere
Over the course of the semester, the
women also participated in several
campus events including: Chi O
Night Live, Delta Gamma’s Anchor
Splash, Alpha Delta Pi’s Tug of Roar,
Delta Gamma’s Pretzel
Grams, and the Sigma Chi and
Delta Gamma Chili Cookoff. The
colony women were also part of
the Gettysburg College Town Hall
Meeting about inclusion, and they
hosted an educational health event
with Alpha Delta Pi and Chi Omega.
Involvement in campus activities,
combined with their enthusiasm
for sisterhood activities, helped
them build close relationships with
one another and develop a strong
identity on campus during the
colony period.
AOII Supports Two Arthritis Foundation Signature Events
Step Upand become a
AOII’s strong partnership Walk
with the Arthritis
Foundation lies in a Walk to Cure Arthritis is the Arthritis Foundation’s annual community
foundation of support for fundraising 5K walk event. The funds raised from the 5K support their
two great signature events nonprofit mission and research aimed at finding a cure for arthritis - America’s
sponsored annually by leading cause of disability. Local Walk to Cure Arthritis events usually occur in
the Arthritis Foundation. May in conjunction with National Arthritis Month, but some dates vary.
Through alumnae Whether you walk to show your AOII commitment, have a loved one who suffers from arthritis, or are
and collegiate chapter looking for a walking or running event for physical fitness, these family and pet-friendly Walk to Cure
involvement, or individual Arthritis events are great ways to get moving in support of a worthwhile cause!
member participation, AOIIs
everywhere are stepping How AOIIs Can Get Involved:
up to make a difference! Walk to Cure Arthritis Events are happening now. Go to
Whether you choose to cure-arthritis/ to find a walk near you, or give through Team AOII National by clicking the “Find a Team”
Walk in the spring, Run box and type in Team AOII National.
in the winter or Give to the
cause, there is a place for Run
Jingle Bell Run is one of the most spirited fun runs in the nation! Typically held
20| Spring 2016 in late November or early December, the Jingle Bell Run is a fun and festive
holiday-themed 5K to benefit arthritis research! Get in the spirit on race day by
wearing holiday-themed costumes and tying jingle bells to your running shoes.
Whether you are in Nashville, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Houston or Seattle, there’s
probably a Jingle Bell Run near you.
How AOIIs Can Get Involved:
Form or join an AOII team in your area! Go to
involved/jingle-bell-run-walk/ to find a run near you, or give through Team AOII
National by clicking the “Find a Team” green box and type in Team AOII National. Be a part of the
nation’s largest holiday 5K fun run series, and help us conquer the nation’s leading cause of disability.
Jingle Bell Run
By the Numbers
AOII Dollars Raised: $67,595
#of AOII Teams Participating: 82
#of Total AOIIs
Participating on Teams: 1,057
Team AOII National
Overall Finish: 4th Place
Total JBR Dollars Raised:
Delaware Alumnae Chapter
Portland (OR) Alumnae Chapter
Houston Alumnae Chapter
Chapter Presidents, Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment and Recruitment
Advisers gathered for Leadership Academy 2016 in Brentwood, Tennessee in early
February for recruitment-specific training focused on values-based conversations,
workshop planning and team building. With the theme of Creating Connections,
attendees spent the weekend forging new relationships with fellow leaders from
other chapters. They were encouraged to share best recruitment practices and learn
about available resources they can use to implement in their own chapter’s plans to
recruit new members and share the meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi.
22| Spring 2016
International President Gayle Fitzpatrick opened the
weekend with Ritual and Education Committee Chair
Sandy Stewart introduced the weekend’s program facilitators.
She discussed why attendees were specifically chosen to
attend Leadership Academy and challenged the women to
connect with one another over the course of the weekend.
They were also asked to find similarities in chapter experiences,
rather than differences.
After dinner, Gayle spoke about the importance of
networking and creating connections in college and beyond. She
discussed the value of the connections made within AOII and how
those relationships create leadership opportunities. She encouraged
attendees to take full advantage of the opportunity to connect with
others over the course of the weekend.
Following the International President’s address, Phired Up Productions
CEO Jessica Gendron Williams, finished the evening program with an
interactive presentation on social excellence, with emphasis on its four pillars
and components of effective storytelling.
“Jess’ opening session about the Four Pillars of Social Excellence
really spoke to my heart. I was so excited to see how much my
advisee learned from that presentation and how excited she was
to share it with her chapter.”
- Katie Mullins, Epsilon Chi (Elon U) Recruitment Adviser
Pictured left: Recruitment Advisers Katie Mullins, Rhiannon O’Coin and Haley Mruz
On Saturday morning, Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment attended training sessions at the
nearby Franklin Marriott Cool Springs for their respective positions, while the advisers attended sessions at AOII Headquarters.
Some of the topics of the morning sessions for collegiate officers included managing priorities, chapter branding and utilizing
your team. Recruitment Advisers’ sessions were also focused on effective communication and computer programs used in
recruitment and an explanation of specific recruitment statistics.
After lunch, advisers returned to the hotel for afternoon sessions on topics including college campus culture, keys to coaching,
understanding the role of the Recruitment Adviser during recruitment and how to involve the Alumnae Advisory Committee in
At that time, collegiate officers had training rotations at AOII International Headquarters in the areas of year-round recruitment,
preparing a culture of recruitment, using your team and membership selection. Sessions included videos for discussion, activities
and opportunities to share best practices. Additionally, the women received a tour of the building and enjoyed time to shop from
the AOII Emporium set up in the lobby.
“When I saw the theme was creating connections and that it
was going to be focused on recruitment, I immediately knew
that we would build strong connections with others because
we all want to see Alpha Omicron Pi grow in membership by
picking like-minded and loyal-hearted women. Having the
seminar narrow in on how to recruit the women we look for
gave us invaluable information and techniques that allow for
all AOII women to come together and set the international
standards for the women we seek and hope to call ours.”
- Brooke Vilardebo, Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
Chapter President
At the conclusion of the afternoon sessions, the collegiate officers joined the advisers at the hotel for evening programming.
Kicking off the evening was the “Breakdown and Next Steps” session, where attendees learned strategies for reviewing
recruitment evaluations and brainstorming next steps for expanding the brand of the chapter. A mock membership selection
rounded out the night with several realistic scenarios attendees may encounter during membership selection. Facilitators opened
the floor after the skit for questions from the audience.
Attendees gathered for breakfast and morning programming Sunday to close the weekend. The program opened with a review
of valuable recruitment tools and resources before Executive Director Troy LeForge spoke about the Fraternity’s recruitment plan
and the importance of Leadership Academy attendees in that plan. Her message included inspiring and meaningful personal
stories, as well as the hopes and expectations the Fraternity has for itself and its members.
“With her closing speech, I felt that she had wrapped up the week with the perfect statement ‘attitude is everything,’” Vilardebo
said. “And, she is right. Nothing can be done or changed unless you have the attitude to match. Her presentation was one of my
favorite memories, and I have continued to share her story both inside and outside my chapter.”
24| Spring 2016 Attendees pose next to Stella’s Trunk
during their tour of AOII Headquarters.
Following closing Ritual, attendees gathered in the friendship circle to sing the “Epsilon Chapter” song to conclude the weekend.
Over the course of the weekend, the women made new friendships and discovered the relationships they develop in AOII reach
far beyond their own chapter and their collegiate years.
“I think Leadership Academy is valuable for collegiate members because it may be the first time some of them will meet AOIIs
from other chapters,” Mullins said. “International events widen their perspective on sisterhood and sorority, and open their minds
to new ways of doing things.”
Leadership Academy 2016: Creating Connections was partially funded through education grants from the AOII Foundation. In
addition to the appreciation to the AOII Foundation, AOII also wants to thank all who contributed to Leadership Academy in
making it a successful learning experience for AOII’s members, especially those who facilitated the event: Emily Bulkley, Haley
Cahill, Paula Daigle, Kate Donahue, Sherry Dutton, Rebecca Easterling, Gayle Fitzpatrick, Amy Jo Gabel, Lori Goede, Jodie Hassall,
Ally Howard, Ali Kresslein, Alex LeForge, Troy LeForge, Abby Mason, Danielle McCullough, Kaya Miller, Nevena Pehar, Jackie Petrucci,
Kimberly Sons, Lauren Stern, Sandy Stewart, Mallory Stratton, Mary Kate Sweeney, Andrea Theobald and Courtney West.
While Leadership Academy 2016 aimed to give attendees the knowledge and resources to create connections to recruit new
members and share the meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi, attendees also learned the value of creating connections
beyond recruitment.
28 collegiate chapters
received scholarships from
the AOII Foundation’s Grant
Program in order to attend
Leadership Academy 2016.
Ann Cushing Gantz
A Gifted Artist and Teacher
by Mariellen Sasseen, Director of Communications
The hallways of AOII’s International Headquarters are lined with impressive prints that are often focal points for
building tours. The Fraternity received two of the most admired works as gifts from artist Ann Cushing Gantz, Pi
(Sophie Newcomb College/now Tulane U). One of the two prints, titled “Reflections of Sisterhood,” was a work of
love created for the Fraternity’s Centennial Celebration in 1997 as the commemorative painting. Lithographs of the
original were printed and sold to mark the momentous occasion. Ann generously donated a sister print similar in
look and feel, and together, the two prints are prominantly displayed just off the main foyer of the AOII International
Headquarters building (pictured on page 27).
26| Spring 2016
When selecting the theme of ‘reflections’ for this important donation, Ann intended for the print
to be viewed in multiple ways. She wrote, “Upon first glance, the subject seems to be a vase of
roses, but this painting is about reflection and perception. The reflections of the three figures
in the mirror, three women in front of the flowers are symbolic of the different ages of the
members of Alpha Omicron Pi. The women are reflecting on their lives and their relationships.
The flowers are symbolic of Alpha Omicron Pi. Each rose is, by itself, very pretty. However, when
the roses are grouped together, they make an even more beautiful bouquet. The reflections in
the mirror and the enameled table indicate the benefits that radiate from the central group - our
Fraternity. Reflections can obscure perception: some forms are obvious and clear, while others
are difficult to discern.”
The commemorative painting and the sister painting (above, on right) both developed out
of a color wash of transparent pigments, called imprimatura, in order to plan out the original
composition and idea. Ann then added detailed drawings in paint to clarify the forms before
applying opaque paint as the forms were delineated, also called impasto. Once the paint fully
dried, she added glazes of transparent color to heighten the stunning illusion of reflection. This
technique also helped create shadows, increase the depth of emotion and the luminosity
of color.
For most of her lifetime, Ann taught these techniques and others to her students at the
Cushing Studio in Dallas. She specialized in silkscreen; woodblock printmaking; painting
with oils, acrylics and watercolors; and figure drawing. Her artistic talent was highly
regarded with personal accolades listed by the dozens. Likewise, her work remains a
part of museum collections across the U.S. Initiated in 1952, Ann served Pi as Chapter
President and was also involved on campus in other areas. In 1989, AOII proudly honored
Ann with the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award for excellence in a profession, the arts or
service to humanity. Though she passed away in 2012 at the age of 78, her contribution
to AOII lives on through her AOII daughter, Melissa
Gantz Bowden, Delta Upsilon (Duke U), and her
magnificent works of art.
Pictured right is Ann’s picture from Pi’s 1951-1952 chapter
composite, as well as a yearbook excerpt showing her
graduation year, hometown and involvement.
The Dark Melanoma is not uncommon, even
Side of Tanning among those younger than 30. In
fact, it is one of the most common
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director cancers in young adults, especially
young women. -American Cancer Society
Hof Communications/Editor
Hot summer days
in New York usually
meant hours of
tanning by the pool
for Alicia Caraway,
Delta Psi, (U at Albany,
SUNY) when she was
a high school student.
Nothing beat basking
in the warmth of the
sun and having the
perfect summer glow.
When she was 17, she bleed when she towel- me she needed to see me of the epidermis, the top
worked part-time in a dried her skin after a right away.” layer of the skin. Though it
tanning salon, with free shower. Feeling suspicious, is less prevalent than BCC
tanning sessions offered Alicia scheduled an That morning, Alicia and SCC, melanoma can
to employees. She took appointment with her was diagnosed spread to other parts of
full advantage of the job nurse practioner, who with melanoma. the body and be fatal if
perk and then sporadically recommended a biopsy. not identified and treated
visited a tanning salon SILENT, BUT early, according to Dr.
when she started college. “They at first had told me DEADLY Jennifer Lee, Pi Delta (U of
Just a few minutes under it had a negative biopsy, Maryland), board-certified
the bed’s warm lamps was which was a relief for me,” Three major types of dermatologist and
enough to maintain her Alicia said. “They hadn’t skin cancer exist: basal medical director of REN
sun-kissed skin year round. informed me that it would cell carcinoma (BCC), Dermatology in
This was the beginning. be going to a second lab squamous cell carcinoma Franklin, Tennessee.
for a second opinion. So (SCC) and melanoma.
In 2010, at age 20, Alicia I had gotten a phone call Melanoma is the most Helpful in finding
noticed a mole on her from my doctor at about serious, aggressive type the cancer early and
knee that looked larger 6 a.m., and she had told of skin cancer that begins treating it is having a
than normal. Shortly after in the melanocyte cells
noticing the growth, the
mole began to itch and
28| Spring 2016
general awareness and sisters,” she said. “I would Alicia Caraway graduated
education of the causes constantly be on their from college in 2012 with a
and symptoms of skin backs about tanning and
cancer—something Alicia lecturing them. I’m sure degree in sociology.
said she did not have. they were annoyed, but
it was just what I thought “At the end of the day, the best things
“At this point I didn’t have needed to be done. I had you can do to start with are wear
a lot of information on done a program on skin sunscreen and take care of your skin.
melanoma,” Alicia said. safety and melanoma and It’s never too late to make a change and
“I was just kind of made it a personal mission start really thinking about the long
dumb-founded.” to raise a lot of money for term effects of damaging your skin.
Relay for Life.”
Alicia was immediately What is a better time than now to start
referred to a cosmetic Alicia kept up with all of taking care of it?” -Alicia Caraway, Delta Psi
surgeon in Buffalo, New her schoolwork in spite of
York for her first procedure. the many appointments thought excessive walking A biopsy confirmed the
Alicia underwent a and procedures, she aggravated it, but she melanoma was back.
wide wedge excision to graduated on time in 2012 also noticed a bump on
remove the cancer cells with a degree in sociology. the scar site increasing “It’s crazy that I kept having
from the skin and tissue, in size as well. Having the negative lymph node
followed by a skin graft MOVING ON, A LONG significant pain and and skin tests, that this
to replace removed skin. ROAD AHEAD concern, she scheduled came back and it was
Next, doctors performed an appointment with right outside of the border
a sentinel biopsy, which Alicia went on to her cosmetic surgeon. where they had taken
is a procedure that tests experience a life after
the sentinel lymph node college typical to that
to see if cancer cells have of a recent graduate.
spread to other parts of She started making
the body. Her physician professional connections,
tested for additional began paying back
cancer cells on the borders student loans and
of skin that was removed. applying for jobs.
To Alicia’s relief, all the
test results came In 2013, while planning a
back negative. trip to Disney World with
her family and boyfriend
With a seemingly clean (now husband), Alicia
bill of health, Alicia was felt pain in her knee
advised to wear sunscreen where her mole was.
daily, avoid overexposure Her physician explained
to the sun and get a skin that discomfort at the
check every six months. scar site was common.
With that in mind, Alicia
“At that stage, I was glad I disregarded the pain—
caught it early—it was a until her trip to Disney
good learning experience. World. While on vacation,
I used it to spread the the scar site became
message to all my sorority increasingly painful. She
Alicia pictured in the Months after the fight cancer cells. The first
hospital before her March fasciotomy, Alicia had therapy, IL-2 Interleukin
2016 ankle surgery. an MRI and CT scan, immunotherapy required
which revealed that Alicia to be hospitalized
the procedure was and treated for
successful in removing approximately four weeks.
the cancer cells in her However, Alicia’s body
leg. Unfortunately, the was not strong enough to
scans also revealed the handle the recommended
melanoma had spread to dosage, so she received
her brain. With that, Alicia up to two doses each day,
went from a diagnosis of until she completed the
stage IIIB melanoma to treatment about eight
stage IV. weeks later.
Back in the hospital in “It would give you bruising
December of 2013, Alicia and other side effects,”
had gamma knife radiation Alicia said. “It was one of
directly to her brain, which the most miserable things
successfully removed all I’ve ever had to experience
cancer cells in her brain. in my life.”
out the skin on the first negative side effects, “That has since been gone, At the conclusion of her
surgery,” she said. including emphysema, thankfully,” Alicia said. immunotherapy, Alicia
high blood pressure “They told me I had about had yet another MRI, and
Alicia was referred to a and compartment a 20 percent chance that an additional tumor was
surgeon and oncologist syndrome—a buildup of it wouldn’t come back, identified near one of
at Roswell Park Cancer excessive pressure in her which was really upsetting her kidneys.
Institute in Buffalo, leg. To relieve the pressure, and scary because it’s one
New York. There, Alicia she had a fasciotomy, thing when it’s in your leg, “My doctor decided that
underwent an isolated a surgery in which but when it goes to your immunotherapy wasn’t
limb perfusion, where tissue was cut to relieve brain, it just takes it to a working and it was very
chemotherapy was tension. Though Alicia whole new level.” toxic to keep giving me,”
applied directly to the returned home, lingering Alicia said. “Plan B was all I
affected limb, followed by symptoms landed her With the cancerous cells had to be hopeful for.”
a blood transfusion and a back in the hospital for 28 in her brain gone, Alicia
full lymph node dissection days. Alicia was released felt encouraged—until LIGHT AT THE END OF
in her right groin to test for after a hospital bed was November of 2014, when THE TUNNEL
additional cancer cells in set up in her home, where doctors found another
her body. she was bedridden for the mass in the muscle tissue The second
next six months. Walking, near her armpit. The immunotherapy Alicia
After the surgery, if any at all, was possible biopsy revealed it too tried was called Yervoy,
Alicia experienced only with a walker. was melanoma. which was the last FDA
approved option at the
Her surgeon decided time. To her relief, Alicia
to try immunotherapy, was able to be treated
which is designed to locally at the Hematology
help the body use its Oncology Associates of
own immune system to CNY, rather than at Roswell
30| Spring 2016
Park, which was more than December 2014 and had Get the facts: People who first use a
a two-hour car ride away. an MRI and CT scan in tanning bed before age 35 increase
March 2015, with results their risk for melanoma by 75 percent,
With only four doses that indicated she was according to a review of tanning beds
lasting 60 minutes each, completely cancer-free. and skin cancer by the International
Alicia described Yervoy Agency for Research on Cancer
as a “walk in the park” “As of right now, I have no Working Group.
compared to the first cancer in my body—no
treatment. During that melanoma at all, which “The silver lining is I’ve had goes to Buffalo for a body
treatment in December is really just amazing an amazing family and scan every three months,
2014, she experienced because I really thought I amazing support system,” and she still has wounds
stomach pain, so her had about six months to Alicia said. “My AOII sisters that have not completely
doctor ordered a CT live when I was stage IV, were endless in their visits healed. Additionally, when
scan for precautionary with only bad news after and phone calls. I even she had compartment
measures. The CT scan bad news,” Alicia said. got letters from all sorority syndrome, the swelling in
revealed that after just “But I did my best to stay members everywhere. It her leg and ankle caused
the third dose, her tumor positive and just push was just the most amazing her foot to get stuck in a
shrank significantly—just through it.” experience to know how crooked, dropped foot
one month after much love and support position, which impaired
the tumor had Alicia said her family you have. I don’t think her mobility. She could
been indentified. and friends played a I could have made it not drive a vehicle and
monumental role in through without all depended on a walker or
“It was basically the first keeping her spirits up of that.” crutches for more than
good news I had in two during her battle with two years. In March, Alicia
years of straight bad melanoma, particularly Though cancer-free for had surgery to reconstruct
news,” Alicia said. “It was her mother—a licensed just over a year, Alicia’s her ankle so she can walk
the most practical nurse who cared journey is not over. She independently again.
amazing thing.” for her—her other family,
friends, husband and
Alicia completed the AOII sisters.
immunotherapy in
Though she continues
to have regular doctor
appointments, physical
therapy sessions and skin
checks, this final surgery
brought a long, difficult
chapter to a close for her.
Alicia married her husband, Tom “After you’re stage IV
Caraway, in May 2015. They currently melanoma, a lot of people
live in Liverpool, New York. wouldn’t be here to tell
you the story,” Alicia said.
“It’s been a never-ending
kind of journey starting
from 2010. It’s crazy
because I’m one of the
lucky ones.”
Dr. Lee’s Top Tips for
Sun Safety and Skin Care 3. Remember to
use sunscreen
effectively. “There’s
more awareness
of using sunscreen
and not getting
burned, but I don’t
think everyone
uses sunscreen
Sunscreens should
be reapplied every
two hours or so when
people are outside.
Most people are really
good about putting
1. Perform self exams. “Just like we it on first thing in
encourage women to do their own self the morning or before they go to the beach
breast exams at home each month, it’s a really or the pool, but but if you lay out all day long,
good idea to be familiar with your skin and do sunscreens need to be reapplied to be effective.”
your own check every month or so.” Dr. Lee 4. Wear protective clothing and
suggests keeping an eye on moles or other skin accessories. Sunglasses and hats can be
growths that have changed in size, shape or effective in blocking UV rays. You can even find
color. Any that bleed or itch should be evaluated. clothing made from fabric that protects against
2. Schedule screenings. In addition damaging rays. Check out a few of Dr. Lee’s
to self exams, Dr. Lee recommends favorite products on pages 10 and 11 of Things
scheduling a baseline skin exam or a skin We Love.
cancer screening by a board certified 5. Avoid peak sun hours. Dr. Lee
recommends trying to stay out of the sun
dermatologist. “We look everywhere on the during peak sun hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
skin, including areas that are usually covered up when the sun’s rays are the strongest and
by clothing. Skin cancer can come up anywhere, most damaging.
including places that you wouldn’t think, like the
back or buttocks—areas of your body that may
not often be exposed to the sun.”
32| Spring 2016
6. Avoid artificial tanning. “The studies by this point Jennifer Lee, M.D.
have shown definitively how dangerous artificial tanning
is. Using tanning beds can increase your risks for skin cancer, Dr. Jennifer Lee is a graduate of
and not just melanoma. There are two other types of skin the University of Maryland, where
cancers even more common than melanoma. The most she was a member of the Pi Delta
common type is basal cell carcinoma, and the second is Chapter of AOII. After graduation, she
squamous cell carcinoma. Those two are far more common went on to attend Harvard Medical
than melanoma and are also associated with sun exposure and School, where she also accepted a
tanning bed exposure.” faculty position after completing her
residency training. In 2010, she joined
7. Don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. “People the Vanderbilt University Medical
should seek evaulation if they do notice something Center faculty in the Division
changing on their skin. It may be a mole that’s starting to look of Dermatology.
darker or irregular in shape, or a pink rash that comes up and
doesn’t go away. People shouldn’t be afraid to get concerning Currently, she is the Medical
spots checked out. Sometimes people come in and feel Director of REN Dermatology in
embarrassed or self-conscious, but getting checked out early is Franklin, Tennessee. She also serves
always better. The majority of skin cancers, if caught early and as a Clinical Assistant Professor at
treated, are highly curable.” Vanderbilt University Medical Center
and is a Fellow of the American
AAn estimated 76,380 new cases of invasive Academy of Dermatology.
melanoma will be diagnosed in the United
States in 2016, and an estimated 10,130 people
will die of melanoma in 2016, according to the
American Cancer Society.
Make Your
AOII Experiences
Stand Out
On Your Resume
by Kaya Miller, Assistant Executive Director
A fantastic resume is a great way to open
doors in the career path of your dreams,
but a poor resume can hold even the
most qualified candidate back in a highly
competitive hiring environment. Employers
are seeking the leadership, personal
development, networking and social skills
that AOII provides our members. So how
do you create a resume that highlights your
AOII skills and can lead to that outstanding
next opportunity?
Whether you are a collegian seeking an
internship or an alumna looking to market
yourself for your first or next great job,
you can leverage your AOII experiences to
stand out on paper. Here are a few resume
guidelines from someone who reads lots of
great AOII resumes.
34| Spring 2016
• Use AOII resources such as your specific officer manual, AOII or university awards criteria, or AOII’s Standards of
Excellence to describe the skills and responsibilities you have mastered that will make you a great candidate for
your desired job. If you are struggling to articulate what you were expected to do and how you may have exceeded those
expectations, this language is already there for you and can be very helpful.
• Use the job description of the job you are trying to get when creating or editing your resume. This tells your
potential employer that you have the attributes that they are seeking, and that you could be a great fit for the role. Many
hiring managers have an idea of the type of worker and leader they want in the job, and they know that they can train the
right person to do specific tasks in the job, like using special software or a particular computer program.
Job Description Tip!
You may be looking at a job posting seeking someone who displays a high
level of customer service, has the ability to work well with other coworkers and
is proficient in company communication software. In this case, for example, you
could articulate that as Vice President of Communications, you lead a committee
of your peers that created positive partnerships with your campus and in your
community with local media outlets; and that you are a highly motivated
team player with proven ability to create relationships. Even if you do not have
expertise with their particular software, highlighting their first
two job attributes might be enough to elevate you over
someone who does not echo the specific, desired personal
characteristics in the position description.
• Customize your resume for each job or each type of job you
apply to. Doing this shows great attention to detail, and makes
your potential employer feel that you are uniquely interested in their
opportunity, even if you have sent out dozens of applications.
• Use action words and be specific! “Philanthropy Chair for
successful charity programming” doesn’t give as complete of a
picture when compared to “Planned and executed successful ‘Run
for the Roses’ charity event that raised $5,500 for Juvenile Arthritis
with more than 200 community members participating.”
• Organize your resume. One popular way is to list everything in
chronological order, with your most recent or current job or role at
the top of the page. Another great option is to highlight your skills
and competencies at the top, and briefly list your work experience
below. Select one format and follow it for all your experiences
and roles.
36| Spring 2016
• Create a clean, concise and professional looking resume. Know what kind of resume works best for your professional
area: colors and scripts may be great for a job in a creative field, but financial or business firms may prefer a traditional look. A
little style is great, as long as it does not overpower the substance of your resume.
• Always include your contact information. Your mailing address, a phone number that you answer regularly, and an
active email address should always be on your resume. Other forms of social media may be included at your discretion.
Contact Information Tip!
Make sure that ALL forms of communication are professional. Sign up for a new email (and
have it forwarded if you do not want to check multiple accounts), but do not list an email
address like [email protected]. Also, be sure that your outgoing voicemail
message is appropriate for a potential employer to hear. Similarly, if you include any social
media handles or pages, be sure that all linked posts and photos are work appropriate. When
in doubt, be conservative. Most employers seek potential candidates out on social media even
if you don’t include your information on your resume.
• Spell check everything. Many Word processing programs do this automatically, but beware
also of homonyms and of autocorrect. No one wants to be ridiculed for spelling errors like this
urban legend/resume horror gem: Bachelor o farts!
Spell Check Tip!
Some word processing programs will want to change “Panhellenic” to
“PanHellenic”. PanHellenic typically refers to the National PanHellenic Council,
which is the umbrella organization for historically African American Fraternities
and Sororities. Panhellenic is the correct term for the 26 women’s organizations
that comprise the National Panhellenic Conference, if you were your chapter’s
Panhellenic Delegate or if you were a leader on your campus Panhellenic
Council. Knowing the difference might be a small detail, but your
potential hiring manager may know (and notice) themselves.
• Use the space on the page efficiently. Delete unnecessary
spaces or redundant content on your resume. Also be mindful
of the amount of space bullet points require. Eight vertical bullet
points of your skills or accomplishments that are double-spaced
in size 12 font, could use a quarter or more of the page. Not only
does that create an excessive amount of white space on the page,
it could also make your resume exceed one page in length, which
is usually unnecessary and not preferred. Instead, condense those
bullet points into one or two succinct sentences to efficiently use
all of the space on the page.
• Use acronyms without spelling everything out. Outside of AOII circles, it is hard to know what a VPAD, VPMR or KOR is. Briefly
explain the responsibilities of your AOII roles so that potential employers can make an easy connection to why that is relevant or could be
useful for the position they have open. Similarly, be sure to explain any honors or awards your have received. “Recipient of the Perry Award
– 2012” does not mean much to a non-AOII. However, “Recipient of the annual Stella George Stern Perry Award in 2012. The Perry Award is
the highest distinction given to a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, awarded for exceptional inspiration and outstanding service.” imparts so
much more.
• Be too much of a minimalist. Only listing positions or leadership roles held, without any additional context of why they are important
or what skills you developed in them, is just as bad as listing AOII jargon and acronyms without sharing what they mean. For example, do
not just list “VP of Standards.” Instead write, “As VP of Standards, I worked with the standards committee to adhere to and implement the
Fraternity’s Governing Documents and Risk Management policies within the chapter. I helped mediate discussions and resolve conflicts
within the membership, while maintaining fairness and strict confidentiality.”
• Go overboard. A one-page resume is recommended for anyone with fewer than five years of professional experience. If you
have more experience, two pages is the recommended maximum length of your resume, unless the position also calls for a listing of
publications, courses or subjects taught, or a portfolio of some sort. In a highly competitive job market, a resume that is too long or too
unorganized to garner the relevant information from may land your candidacy in the “no” pile.
• Embellish. Instead, be honestly positive about what you contributed, led and can take credit. Be confident, but not boastful. For
example, if you were a Chapter President, do not list every accomplishment of your chapter during your term if you did not play a direct
part in a particular project or achievement.
• Use your resume as a listing for every single experience you’ve ever undertaken. Edit yourself to highlight the items that are
most relevant to the position you are seeking. If you are graduating from college, consider limiting your high school activities listed to only
the most applicable or most impressive. Once you have been in the job field for a few years, consider editing your college involvement to
once again highlight the responsibilities that are connected to the position you are seeking or that serve as benchmarks in your personal
growth and development. For example, Apparel Chair may be a useful experience to keep on your resume if you are seeking a job in
merchandising or design, but if you are seeking a job as a paralegal, you may reconsider including this role.
• Use your resume as the only way to share details of your experiences. Most hiring managers or online applications also expect
a cover letter or introductory email as well. Your cover letter should be the place where you get to go into more detail explaining why
you meet the requirements or expectations for the job. Attempting to list it all on your resume can make it hard to read, and can lose the
attention of the reader.
Creating or revising your resume and applying for a new job or internship can be a stressful process, but a great AOII
experience is always a potential asset, especially when you carefully communicate the responsibilities undertaken
in leadership roles, as well as the skills, knowledge and attributes gained because of your membership in AOII. You
also always have sisters to help you in your quest for a great resume as reviewers, proof readers and potentially future
coworkers or supervisors!
Career Center Alpha Omicron Pi is excited to launch a new career center
for all members! This database will provide alumnae and
collegiate members with a safe and easy place to:
• feature internships or jobs
• search for potential employment
• upload resumes for employers to view
• find career opportunities within AOII
• search for potential employees
Another added bonus to the new career center is our
partnership with FinLogic and Lorman Education to provide
resources for continuing professional education for alumnae
at a 10% discount!
Continuing Education Site 39
Career Portal
Start searching today!
40| Spring 2016 Using Social Media
to Excel in College
As the school year comes to a finish, many of you are probably knee-deep in final exams
and research papers.Staying on task when you have summer vacation on your mind
is difficult, especially when your phone buzzes every few minutes with a Twitter or
Facebook notification. Though social media sites can be quite the distraction during
study hours, those sites might actually help you crank out those final essays. Check out
these simple steps for using social media to write a paper:
1. First things first: once you know the topic of your
assignment, identify an image you would share on
Instagram that captures the theme of your paper.
The caption should touch on the main elements you
will discuss. This serves as your vision, or outline, of
the paper.
2. Once you have an outline, use your Twitter skills
to type out the main argument or goal of your paper
in 140 characters or less. This will serve as your
thesis statement.
3. Ellaborate on that tweet in a Facebook post. You
should share your main points in a more thorough,
developed way than your Instagram post, but you
should reveal just enough information to gain the
attention of your audience without revealing too much.
This will serve as your introductory paragraph.
4. Now that you have teased your audience, draft an
email with specific examples to support the main
points you identified in your other posts. The email
should be thorough and free of grammatical or
factual errors.
5. Now think of your finished product in a Timehop post.
What do you want the reader to most remember about
your paper? What is the key take away? If your
answer does not align with your vision for the paper
or your thesis statement, you may need to do
some revisions.
When you are on your fifth cup of coffee and writer’s
block hits you hard, channel your inner social media
guru with these tips to crank out an A+ paper!
Have you taken a unique trip?
Did you start your own business?
Have you ever competed in a triathlon or
major sporting event?
Do you have a unique major?
Everyone has a story, and we want to feature yours!
If you have a story to share, email us at
[email protected].
Sweet Blessings
Giving Back Is a Piece of Cake
by Haley Cahill, Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
If you could leave your normal “I just strongly felt God speaking to me that I
job to pursue any profession you needed to spend more time making a difference
wanted for one week, what would and less time making a living,” she said.
you choose?
With that came the emergence of Sweet Blessings, a
Ashley Gann, Kappa Omega, (U of Kentucky) asked nonprofit organization that provides birthday cakes
herself that question in 2008, after seeing a segment to kindergarten to high school aged children in the
on the Today Show about taking a vocation Lexington, Kentucky area living in poverty or with a
vacation. With a longtime passion for working life-threatening illness.
in public health, she could not imagine herself
enjoying any other field of work, except cake baking, “We’ve made cakes for children who have never
that is. celebrated birthdays before and there has been a lot
of children that we know of that we’ve made their
What started as a light-hearted thought turned into last birthday cake,” Gann said. “It’s a blessing
a major life change. Before she knew it, Gann was to be able to touch the lives of these children
taking cooking classes and researching cake baking. and families.”
She even left her job in public health to begin
culinary school, having little to no prior Sweet Blessings delivered its first cake in February
baking experience. of 2011 and went on to make 162 other cakes that
year. Just four years later, word of their mission had
“Other than a box mix in a casserole pan and a tub spread so far that they delivered cakes to 1,570
of frosting from Wal-Mart, I had never done anything children in 2015. Now, it’s not uncommon for the
else,” she said. “I loved watching Ace of Cakes, but nonprofit organization to make 60-70 cakes
that was about it.” per week.
After three quarters of courses at culinary school, With Gann being the only paid employee, Sweet
Gann came across a public health job description Blessings relies heavily on volunteers. Luckily, there is
that she said seemed as if it was written specifically no shortage in the number of people willing to lend
for her. With one quarter remaining, she left culinary a hand.
school to return to the public health field. Gann
did not make any cakes for about a year, until her “I wish I could count them all,” Gann said. “We have
daughter’s birthday. As soon as she made that cake, hundreds and hundreds of volunteers and new
people began to approach her again about her people come every week.”
baking skills.
Volunteers can help any
Questioning her decision to leave the culinary time during production or
arena, she decided to give it another shot. Gann delivery and do not have to
committed to work for a local cake shop during sign up or register ahead
wedding season. In the six months she worked of time. No prior baking or
there, she discovered owning a bakery was not her cake decorating experience
calling, but she was on the brink of discovering her is required, as Gann
purpose in life. teaches them the skills and
techniques they need on-
In 2010, Gann’s church pastor spoke about inner site to create an incredibly
city outreach in Lexington, Kentucky. During that ornate cake.
sermon, all the pieces came together for her, and
she realized she needed to use cake baking to reach Gann said just the
out to children and families in need. decorating alone can take
anywhere from two to eight
hours per cake.
42| Spring 2016
In addition to volunteers, Sweet Blessings relies on have been bullied and struggle to fit in with
many other members of the community to further their classmates.
the mission.
Regardless of the situation, Gann said the cake’s
Having no facilities, Gann partners with area purpose is to provide an emotional touch to a child
churches to utilize their commercial kitchens to who needs it.
make the cakes.
“Our mission really is just to help those kids feel
Gann also depends on local social workers and special and loved,” she said. “We really concentrate
community professionals who submit cake referrals our time on that.”
for children they work with or know of who deserve
a special cake. Each cake is made with yellow cake and white
frosting before the fondant decorations are
Gann said her prior work in substance abuse added. They range in size, from one to three tiers,
prevention in the public health field is reflected in depending on if the cake will be sent to the child’s
Sweet Blessings. Her previous job involved bringing home or if it will be shared with many children at a
together schools and organizations for a common classroom party. The cakes are designed specifically
goal—eliminating substance abuse. She said she to reflect the child’s favorite colors, hobbies,
feels her work still surrounds that goal, as she pulls cartoon characters or what they want to be when
together community resources and volunteers to they’re older.
deliver cakes to many children who come from
impoverished families who may be struggling “We’ve even made the Titanic sinking three times,”
because of substance abuse. Gann said. “Who would have ever thought a kiddo
would love the Titanic?”
“We just don’t think about what a lot of these
children see day in and day out,” Gann said. Sweet Blessings’ cakes are not for purchase, but
Gann said each cake costs around $50 to make.
She recalled a time that she delivered a cake to a boy Though the cakes are often made by amateur
at school who was going through a difficult time volunteers, Gann said the designs are so intricate
after seeing his mother die from a heroin overdose. that a local bakery estimated one of the smaller
Gann said when she arrived with the cake at his cakes would retail for $200 to $300, and the larger
school, the social worker told her that morning the cakes would sell for $400 to $600.
boy and his two siblings had also been removed
from their father’s care because of drug abuse. Gann said word of Sweet Blessings continues
Though many children receiving cakes come to spread and that she often feels anxious or
overwhelmed by the number of cakes they need to
from similar households, Gann said they often make and deliver, but that she is always blessed with
deliver cakes to children whose families are the volunteers and resources necessary to ensure
going through a financial rough spot and might each child who is referred has a special birthday,
not be able to afford to celebrate a birthday or have regardless of his or her circumstances.
a cake. Additionally, many children receiving cakes
And for them, that is truly a sweet blessing.
Strike Out
with AOII and Major League Baseball!
Since 2010, Alpha Omicron Pi has partnered with Major League Baseball teams across North
America to host fundraising eventsin support of the Arthritis Foundation through our Strike Out
Arthritis! initiative. Each year, ticket sales and attendance grow, which allows for our donation to our
international philanthropy to increase significantly. In addition to these Fraternity-wide SOA! events,
our collegiate and alumnae chapters host local SOA! events that also contribute to AOII’s overall
mission to Strike Out Arthritis! This year, the Fraternity’s goal is to host fundraising events with all 30
individual MLB teams in our ongoing effort to secure an AOII/Major League Baseball partnership.
This will become a reality with the help, support and attendance from each of our collegiate and
alumnae members. We hope to see you at the ballpark!
FAQs: How would AOII benefit from an official How can I help AOII secure an official
partnership with MLB? AOII-MLB partnership?
AOII would positively benefit from securing an MLB You can help secure the partnership by attending a
partnership! Not only would this increase the Fraternity’s game near you and promoting the games to friends,
name recognition and help expand our brand, but we family and outside organizations. Collegiate chapters
would also be furthering our philanthropic efforts as can attend games as a sisterhood event, date function
we to continue to raise awareness and money for the or other social functions. Promote the game to your
Arthritis Foundation. Greek community and get as many people involved
with the event as possible. When you are at the game
What is the difference between MLB take group photos and post them on social media
Strike Out Arthritis! events and local outlets with the hashtag #AOIIStrikeOutWithMLB.
collegiate and alumnae chapters’ Strike
Out Arthritis! events? How do I find an MLB Strike Out Arthritis!
event near me?
Major League Baseball SOA! events are MLB games that are
sponsored and hosted by Alpha Omicron Pi International There are several ways to find an MLB SOA! event near
Fraternity. These games are Fraternity-wide events, and all you. You can check Alpha Omicron Pi’s social media
proceeds are donated to the Arthritis Foundation on behalf outlets or the Events Calendar on the AOII website.
of Alpha Omicron Pi International Fraternity. Email announcements are sent to the collegiate and
alumnae chapter members within close proximity of
Local collegiate and alumnae chapter’s SOA! events are each MLB team. You may also contact Alex LeForge,
held at the local level and are usually hosted on the campus Assistant Director of Branding and Events, at
or within the immediate community. Chapters donate [email protected].
proceeds from these events to the AOII Foundation, who in
turn grants these dollars to the Arthritis Foundation.
Schedule of SOA! MLB games:
Chicago Cubs - Saturday, April 16
Texas Rangers - Sunday, April 17
Oakland Athletics - Sunday, June 19
New York Yankees - Saturday, September 10
Cincinnati Reds - Saturday, September 17
Philadelphia Phillies - Saturday, September 17
San Francisco Giants - Saturday, September 17
Atlanta Braves - Sunday, September 18
Baltimore Orioles - Sunday, September 18
Kansas City Royals - Sunday, September 18
Miami Marlins - Wednesday, September 21
Cleveland Indians - Saturday, September 24
Houston Astros - Saturday, September 24
Milwaukee Brewers - Saturday, September 24
Minnesota Twins - Saturday, September 24
Pittsburgh Pirates - Saturday, September 24
San Diego Padres - Saturday, September 24
Tampa Bay Rays - Sunday, September 24
Arizona Diamondbacks - Saturday, October 1
Colorado Rockies - Saturday, October 1
Seattle Mariners - Sunday, October 2
Dates to be announced soon:
Boston Red Sox Los Angeles Angels St. Louis Cardinals
Chicago White Sox Los Angeles Dodgers Toronto Blue Jays
Detroit Tigers New York Mets Washington Nationals
With grateful appreciation, Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes the following
members who joined Life Loyal between November 6, 2015 and March 15, 2016.
Alpha Chi Beta Upsilon Gamma Theta
Cynthia Tooley Rebecca Arduino Megan Barbuty
Kelly McFarlin Jessica Watzman
Alpha Delta
Chi Epsilon Iota
Amy Akel
Holli Henson Jenna Wallace Dolle Nichols
Alpha Gamma
Chi Lambda Iota Sigma
Emma Bryans
Kaylee Hanson Tatiana Krause
Alpha Mu Linda Weitzel
Kappa Alpha
Caroline O’Neil
Chi Psi Jane Stewart
Alpha Omicron Emily Casto Kappa Kappa
Brandi Berger Joanna Behr
Hannah Elliott Chi Theta Jena Reinhardt
Lilia Rodriguez Ley
Emily Rocawich Kaitlyn Clark Kappa Omega
Alpha Phi Taylor Corbett
Delta Beta
Sue Achilles
Sarah Lingo Brooke Bell Kappa Omicron
Hope Hunter
Alpha Pi Savannah Muir
Delta Delta Helen Ridley
Paige Reid
Kelsey Schilling Kappa Phi
Alpha Psi Delta Nu Tara Gikizas
Robin Thomas Katrina Aldridge
Harlee Keller Lambda Alpha
Satara Setzer
Alpha Rho Katherine Kelsey
Brittney Lott Delta Rho
Lambda Beta
Erin Donovan
Alpha Tau Michele Franco
Diane Snyder Epsilon Alpha
Lambda Epsilon
Rachel Stern
Beta Gamma Victoria Gamble
Epsilon Gamma Stephenie Lowe
Britteny Bratschi
Jessica Kay Sara Beamish
Lambda Iota
Beta Phi Gamma Chi
Jessica Moore
Rachel Edward Veronika Laflamme
Ruth Simmons
Lambda Rho
Kara Cooney
46| Spring 2016
Lambda Sigma Phi Sigma Theta Omega
Rebekah Berth Allyson Koziol Leilani Lutes
Gina McLoughlin
Betty Underwood Phi Upsilon Theta Psi
Emma Davidsen Nancy Horton
Nu Beta
Pi Alpha Theta Sigma
Mary Barrett
Virginia Robinson Megan Hill Shelby Loewe
Rhiannon Pletcher
Nu Iota
Pi Omicron Upsilon
Carol Frogue
Jane Geisler Nancy Grahn Marcia Holland
Kathleen Pleshaw Taylor Macleod Carmen Robbin
Morgan Reed
Nu Omicron Rho Beta Upsilon Beta
Patricia Welborn Jennifer Osaki Anita Mancini
Nicollette Riccio
Omega Rho Omicron Xi
Katherine Brandon Addie Toy Hailey Craighead
Kristina Rechter Katie Nichols
Kendal Nichols
Omega Sigma Sigma
Heather Andexler Gloria Payette Xi Omicron
Jennifer Chessmore
Madison Brooke Stokes Briana Horan
Sigma Gamma Erin Swartz
Omicron Amanda Ullmann
Xi Rho
Chelsea Cudak
Alessandra Ferrero Sigma Omicron Emily Elliott
Hailey Howd
Charlotte Thompson Zeta
Caraline Vaughn
Phi Charlsie Bastian
Pollyanna Franzen
Anne Ebendorf Sigma Rho
Zeta Pi
Trista Angelisanti-McDermott
Phi Delta Rebecca Culhane
Erica McDonald
Diane de Harter Sigma Theta
Zeta Psi
Phi Gamma Dallas Tippett
Ashley Clark
Sarah Pruitt Tau Mackenzie Smith
Madeleine Archer-Burton Zeta Theta
Phi Lambda Greta Tank
Jennifer Jacobs
Samantha Cockrell Tau Delta Alexa Morgan
Patricia McNicholas Camille Neitz
Sandra Dowell Katelyn Short
Phi Omicron Victoria VanValkenburgh
Margaret Hill Tau Gamma
Tabatha Grundstrom
To join, visit 47
1 3
2 1 Portland (Oregon) alumnae and
4 family members
48| Spring 2016 2 NC Foothills alumnae
3 Mahoning Valley (Ohio) alumnae
4 Greater Portland (Maine) alumnae
United States 2015 Recap
Alabama California
The Birmingham Alumnae Chapter kicked off the The East Bay Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a wine tasting
year by celebrating Founders’ Day with the Zeta Pi, Tau event in the spring, where they toured several local
Delta and Rho Delta chapters, where they also collected wineries. The Palm Beach County Alumnae Chapter
stuffed pandas. Alumnae continued their monthly participated in local philanthropies including the March
Supper Club meetings and participated in AOII Night of Dimes, Salvation Army Angel Tree and the Jingle Bell
Out. The chapter was also thrilled to partner with Rho Run/Walk for Arthritis in Ft. Lauderdale. The Palo Alto
Delta to welcome a new alumnae initiate in November. Alumnae and San Mateo Alumnae Chapters celebrated
The Huntsville Alumnae Chapter volunteered to help 50 years together in Redwood City. They hosted a
with Delta Tau’s Run for the Roses 5K and Founders’ Day luncheon celebration in October, with Ginger Banks
luncheon. Alumnae members enjoyed a night of fondue serving as the keynote speaker. The San Francisco Alumnae
and friendship and a happy hour outing. They also hosted Chapter enjoyed participating in several philanthropy and
area collegiate members and their mothers at their annual sisterhood events including the Academy of Sciences
holiday tea, and they sold “pandagrams” to the parents Night, Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Walk to Cure
of collegiate members in the fall and spring during Arthritis. The Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter
exam week. hosted a new fundraising event in 2015 called Stella’s Trunk,
with an antique specialist as a guest speaker, a brunch
Alaska and more. The event was a hit and they raised $500 for
the Arthritis Foundation. The Ventura County Alumnae
The Alaska Alumnae Chapter focused their attention on Chapter enjoyed supporting the Chi Psi Chapter in 2015.
sisterhood over the last year, with activities including AOII They sent chapter members Halloween goody bags and a
nights out, cookie baking and coffee meetings. gift to each graduating senior last spring.
Arizona Colorado
The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter partnered with Theta The Denver Alumnae Chapter enjoyed their
Omega in the Phoenix Walk to Cure Arthritis in May, annual Founders’ Day celebration with the Epsilon
raising more than $1,700 for the Arthritis Foundation. They Gamma Chapter.
also participated in Walk Like Madd, benefitting Mothers
Against Drunk Driving. They enjoyed several sisterhood Delaware
activities including a paint night, AOII Night Out, “Legally
Blonde the Musical” and the Phoenix Panhellenic’s Circle The Delaware Alumnae Chapter participated in the Walk
of Sisterhood luncheon. They wrapped up the year with to Cure Arthritis, the Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis and
Strike Out Arthritis! with the Arizona Diamondbacks and their chapter Strike Out Arthritis! event, raising more than
their annual fall brunch event. $1,500 through those events. They also collected more
than 40 pounds of canned goods for their local food bank
Arkansas and more than 75 dozen holiday cookies in December for
soldiers serving overseas. At the Founders’ Day celebration
The Little Rock Area Alumnae Chapter kicked off the with Sigma Tau, they had a silent auction to benefit the
year with their Founders’ Day Brunch. They enjoyed other AOII Ruby Fund. A few of their other favorite events in 2015
sisterhood events throughout the year as well, including a were the Shop ‘til You Drop luncheon, their holiday party,
summer cookout, AOII Night Out and various Lunch Bunch beach day picnic and paint night.
meetings and Rose Hours throughout the year. They
rounded out the year with Little Rock’s annual Jingle Bell
Run/Walk for Arthritis.
AlumnaeNews Florida Illinois
The Fort Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter started the year The Chicago City Alumnae Chapter had their annual
with a potluck kick-off and Scentsy party. They enjoyed barbecue kick-off in September, followed by a non-
other events including Bunco Night, the Diabetes Walk- traditional Thanksgiving dinner in November. Everyone
a-thon, and Founders’ Day luncheon and auction. The made their favorite dish and brought a bottle of wine to
Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a pumpkin share. In December, they participated in the Jingle Bell
carving party and an end of year holiday party. Both Run/Walk for Arthritis and attended a performance of The
alumnae chapters also participated in local arthritis Nutcracker during the holiday season. The Chicago NW
walks. The Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter celebrated Suburban Alumnae Chapter attended the Panhellenic
their 25th anniversary in October at the Sarasota Yacht Stylin’ For Scholars luncheon and fashion show. The
Club with a luncheon, silent auction and door prizes. money raised at this event helped fund scholarships
The Tallahassee Alumnae Chapter helped the Alpha for area seniors attending a college or university with a
Pi Chapter during recruitment and initiation. They also Greek system. The Chicago South Suburban Alumnae
enjoyed a meet and greet football party in the fall and Chapter celebrated 75 years of sisterhood in 2015 with
a holiday brunch. The Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter a dinner and alumnae storytelling. The Chicago West
enjoyed sisterhood events like Un-Wine with Your Sisters Suburban Alumnae Chapter also celebrated 75 years
and Champagne and Chocolates. They also donated travel as an alumnae chapter with a special brunch. They also
supplies for Sisters for Soldiers and participated in the enjoyed their annual holiday party, book club meetings,
Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. and local philanthropy events. The Lake County of Illinois
Alumnae Chapter enjoyed several sisterhood activities in
Georgia 2015 including their fall kick off meeting, a jewelrey-making
class, art show at the Chicago Botanic Gardens and holiday
The Athens Alumnae Chapter enjoyed a year full of potluck dinner. They also participated in the Chicago Area
sisterhood and social events including their Bring-a-Salad Founders’ Day and AOII Day at DePaul University.
social, fashion show fundraiser and Fall Porch social.
Fundraising efforts allowed them to purchase new Ritual Indiana
supplies for the Lambda Sigma and Phi Gamma chapters.
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter participated in the 2015 The Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter hosted
Walk to Cure Arthritis as well as the Jingle Bell Run/Walk monthly coffee meetings, dinner outings and Third
for Arthritis, where they raised more than $1,200. Their Thursday of the month lunches. They also held a new
fall activities kicked off with their Wine, Women and event, AOII Jingle All Day, where they started the day with
Roses event—an opportunity for sisters to network and their local Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis, followed by
reconnect after the summer. The Northwest Georgia a tailgate before a basketball game at the University of
Alumnae Chapter attended Strike Out Arthritis! with the Evansville. In 2015, the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Atlanta Braves in October. They also had several Alpha celebrated 100 years. In October, members met to make
Always evenings with activities that ranged from cooking s’mores and stuff pandas to donate to the Riley Hospital
classes, food truck dinners, and a cookie swap. for Children at Indiana University Health. In November, a
group of sisters met at St. Joseph Brewery, a former church
that was converted into a brewery. Several members
participated in the Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis as well.
50| Spring 2016