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WINTER 1995 V O L . L X V I I , No.l
at our Collegiate
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a message from our President PUBLISHED SINCE JANUARY, vm In
The Greek Experience...How goes it? ALPHA OMICRON PI
This issue of To Dragma spotlights the activities of our chapters both collegiate and alumnae.
You will find news of diapter accomplishments and recognition. Positive interactions with the ALPHA OMICRON PI FRATERNITY
campus, the community and our alumnae are reported. Isn't being Greek wonderful? FOUNDED AT BARNARD C O L L E G E ,
It would be nice if it were so simple and so clear. Unfortunately, the image of that wonderful JANUARY 2, 1897
experience becomes blurred, out-of-focus, and tarnished every time a negative incident takes
place in the name of fraternity. It matters not whether it be men or women. There is no distinc- •FOUNDERS
tion between NPC, N I C or N P H C in the eyes of our general HELEN ST. CLAIR MULLAN
"publics" when a Greek organization is the object of the headline. STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY
Surely not AOIl? Certainly, if we recall our Ritual and the vision of
our Founders, the answer would be resoundingly, " O f course not!" * T I K : Pot N I I E B S W E R E M E M B E R S O F
However, today is a time of realism. The real world is different, Aipi i \ O m n i a \ r B A H W E D C C I .1 i u
my sisters. Different from when the majority of us were collegiate OFCoL0MBttUr*vEJsrri \\i>
members. The young women of today come to their undergraduate
experience with a wide range of challenges. A R E Ai J. D E C E A S E D .
Hazing does appear to be on the increase across the land. It may INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT
take a more subtle form, but it remains a disconcerting attitude ANN MCCLANAHAN GILCI IRIST. 0
within the interfraternal community. Alcohol abuse is well known
as a key element of college life. An element which for one reason 5613 SKYRJDGE DRIVE
or another continues to be a cause and effect of many problems INDIANAPOLIS. I N 4 6 2 5 0
within the Greek System. TEIEPHONE 317/849-6142
You read the papers. I doubt that I could tell you anything new. ALPHA OMICRON PI
What I can tell you is that our Fraternity does not condone actions which violate the policies
and basic principles of Alpha Omicron Pi. You will find your Fraternity unwilling to "look the 9 0 2 5 OVERLOOK BLVD.
other way." Our chapters should expect to be held to our expectations of acceptable behavior. BRENTWOOD, TENNESSEE 3 7 0 2 7
We profess to develop leaders, support academic excellence, provide service to those in need and
encourage an atmosphere of self respect for both body and mind. TELEPHONE 615/3700920
FAX 6 1 5 / 3 7 1 - 9 7 3 6
To fulfill these commitments, we must take a pro-active stance. The good news is... this IS
being done at many chapters and on many campuses throughout A O n and other Greek E4EUBL aoiihq@iia.org
letter societies. Pro-active workshops, weekend retreats, and full blown interactive campus E-M.AIL aoiihq@edge.net
wide summits are being held.
In the past calendar year, I have been privileged to participate in two such events. O n both MELANIE NIXON DOYLE. A X
occasions, representative from the National/International levels were actively involved. O n
both occasions, the end result was a reinforcement of the positive qualities of all fraternities, EDITOR
both mens and women's, on that campus. MARIELLEN IV.RMNS0N SASSEEN, A A
As we evaluate the first workshop, we find that it has been an on-going struggle to meet the GRAPHIC DESIGN
goals set forth in the spirit of cooperation. Two steps forward and one back..if not worse. BEBECCA BROWN, A A
The second was held at Elon College just over one month ago.
Out of that Greek Summit I found many analogies (which I will share with you at another
time). What I will share today is my hope that those young men and women will recall the (USFS631440)dwsfficial«ipna{ Vlpha
basis of their work. They have set forth a sound foundation of commitment upon which to (hnicmn Pi. is published ouarterlv h\ Vlpha
build a stronger system. I hope we are able to report their success in the issue of To Dragma
next devoted to our chapters. Omicron I'i.
<K 125 (Iverl. wk Blvd.. Brentwood. TIN.
As you meet the young members of our Fraternity, share with them what being Greek means to
you. It will always go back to The Power of Friendship. AOFI. Second class |Hista»e paid al
Brentwood, TN,
Just Imagine what that power could do for the entire Greek system and our greater image in the
world about us! and additional niailiniiol Tirt's.
Subscription price is $ l.t KI j MT copy.
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist Lite subscription: $7.)r.tH).
international President POSTMASTER: S I address changes to:
ID DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron I'i.
<HI2>.r Overlook Blvd.. Bn-nlwood,TN 37027.
Address all editorial onmnmrmations to the
Editor at the same address.
© Printed on recycled paper
Printed in the U.SA
To Dragma/WINTF.R 1995
contentsTo Dragma A A
2 A Message From our President 4» f Kappa Kappa (Ball State U)
collegian and Adviser.
4 Collegiate News Upsilon (Ohio U).
17 Notables
17 The Power of Friendship. AOTT.
18 Alumnae News
30 Centennial History Book
31 Announcements
Our cover. Rho Delta (Samford U).
This issue features photographs of our members, both collegiate and
alumnae, from all over the world. Atlanta Alumnae Chapt
editor's note
Last Febtuaty, AOI1 was in the process of preparing the budget for Alpha Jheta (Coe College). Chapter Advisers from
Fiscal year '95-96. To Dragma's budget was coming under hard review Gamma Omicron (U of
due to a recent postal increase and the escalating cost of paper during Florida) & Sigma Omicron
the past year. Paper costs were expected to rise even more during this
year, and they have. Due to these factors, our costs of publishing and (Arkansas State U).
mailing To Dragma to every member of our Fraternity was projected to
be approximately 30% higher than our costs were just one year earlier.
We, along with many other Greek groups, have been forced to take
steps to reduce the rising expense of publishing our magazine.
We diligently considered many options before making any decisions.
Along with a few changes internally, this issue is the result of our
cutbacks. It includes a reduction in the number of pages and lacks color Nu lota (Northern Illinois U).
photos. Rather than cutting back in all four issues, we elected to cut back Epsllon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U).
in only one; thereby allowing the other three (Spring, Summer and Fall) to remain unchanged.
This change has allowed us to restructure our very popular collegiate and alumnae chapters news sections. Rather than have the
chapters report on a quartetly schedule, they all now report at the same time. Hopefully, this will eliminate the constant confusion
and make the news less "dated". All To Dragma chapter news reports were due on October 15. Thus, this magazine contains the
chapter news reports from A L L chapters that reported by this deadline. I f your collegiate and/or alumnae chapter failed to report,
their next opportunity to share general chapter news is in next year's winter issue. By running all chapter news in this issue, we have
allocated space in the spring, summer and fall issues for our chapters to share their great ideas on specific topics. For example, we will
feature scholarship incentives and sisterhood building ideas for our collegiate chapters, and outstanding programming and fund rais-
ing ideas for our alumnae chapters.
To Dragma is the only vehicle we have that reaches our entire membership; and therefore, it is a valuable resource for Alpha Omicron
Pi. We pledge to constantly review and refine our magazine to make it the best it can be. Your thoughts, suggestions and comments
are always welcome.
Dragma/WINTKR 1995 Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, AA 3
Coordinator of Editorial Services
ate news
ALBERTA Rho Delta (Samford U) members pose on "Squeal Day"just before meeting their very first New Member Class.
Kappa Lambda including Nancy Manco. Adrienne Vaughn, put together and sent to all of Kappa Phi's alumnae.
Sabina Marquelles, Suzanne Petrela and Stephanie This semester started out with formal rush.
U of Calgary Wakefield. Aphrodite Saklas had a book of short
This past year has been exciting for Kappa stories published. Kim Clancy, Panhellenic Secretary, served as Rush
Coordinator; Nishi Aubin volunteered for a rush
Lambda Chapter. We were busy with philan- Still to come is the annual Apple Pie Day hodine, Michelle Achong and Alex Hunt made rhe
thropy; including, dressing up in boxes as fund raiser, as well as a trip to the University of rush handbook and Stacey Nestruck was our chap-
UNICEF people and canvassing for donations, act- Western Ontario. ters rush chair.
ing as race marshals for the "Jingle Bell Run" for
Arthritis Research, assisting in "Luge for Liver", Stephanie Wakefield Aileen O'Shaughnessy, who is New Member
supporting Kappa Sigma with their Bed Push, and Educator, won First Princess in the Irish Pageant.
collecting clothing for various women's shelters. Gamma Chi The annual Nintendo-A-Thon was held and S500
was raised for Arthritis Research; Stacey Nestruck
Many thanks to our visitors: Lisa Ivkanec, Carleton U volunteered for the blood drive; some sisters, along
CC; Bev Townsend, RVP; and Kimberly Greetings to all AOn sisters from the Gamma with the Sigma Chis, will be volunteering for the
Hamilron, RRO. Our achievements include on-campus Walksafe Program.
1994-95 Greek Council Champions, and the Chi Chapter in Ottawa. We recently completed
Student Union Constituted Organization our 1995 formal rush and had a great time doing Kappa Phi would like to congratulate Mairi
Special Award for Contriburions to Campus so. With themes such as an "AOPie" Picnic, Achong and her husband on the birth of their
Spirit and University Life. Masquerade, and a 1950s sock hop, we were able daughter Emily-Chantale. We also would like to
to attract many interested Carleton women. congratulate all our graduating sisters.
We appeared on local T V twice, and hope to Special thanks to Nicole Debe for her amazing
further promote ourselves within the community dedication as Rush Chair! We would also like to Stephanie Thurston
next year. We are also very proud of our AAC for thank our previous Rush Chair and recent
winning a Recognition Award at Convention. alumna, Kyla Kennaley, for her many cooking UNITED STATES
and baking contributions.
Upcoming plans include an amazing rush, ALABAMA
Homecoming celebrations for Kappa Lambda's We are now concentrating on future events
tenth anniversary and preparing for the Centennial. such as line dancing and laser quest with our New Alpha Delta
Members, and are eagerly awaiting Spirit
Connie Carolan Weekend at Cornell. U of Alabama
Alpha Delta celebrated the new school year by
Members of Kappa Phi (McGII U) are all smiles during Congratulations to our previous RD, M.J.
Formal Rush Bid Night Jacobson, on her new position as RVP We would conducting a successful rush and achieving quota
also like to welcome Cheryl Rost as our new RD. with 45 wonderful New Members. Rush coun-
ONTARIO Best wishes to all our Canadian/American sisters! selors were Allison Jones, Tracey Jones, and Shelley
Malcolm, while Alicia Spencer served on Judicial
BetaTau Shannon Day Board. Philanthropic efforts have also been very
successful with our annual Spring Band Benefit
U of Toronto QUEBEC earning over $1300 for Arthritis Research, while
The Beta Tau Chapter set the stage for a success- our Fall Football Classic earned $650.
Kappa Phi
ful fall term by winning Greek Week and achieving Academically, it has also been a wonderful year
campus quota for rush. This year's Greek Week McGill U for Alpha Delta. Our 1994 New Member class
charity was Covenant House, a local youth shelter Kappa Phi Chapter has been really busy since last ranked first among all sorority New Member
and a record-breaking $9000 was raised. In addi- classes on campus. Several members were also
tion, several sisters won scholarships for their acade- fall. In November 1994, a personalized quilt was inducted into Order of Omega, Omicron Delta
mic achievements in the preceding school year, made and Joanne Mahoney was elected president. Kappa, Mortat Board, and The XXXI honor
An alumnae newsletter entkled the Kappa Phile was
I To Dragma/WINTER 1995
societies this past spring. reality, every Rho Delta member had been an inde- collegiate news
Our campus activities were not limited to the pendent just four months earlier, with the exception
of one sister who transferred. A week and a half of Greek Banquet, including the Student Life
academic, however. Our members were practice and preparation served to enhance the Excellence Award and both intramural sports
involved in many other organizations such as new-found sisterhood of Rho Delta. Enthusiasm awards. We also held our first annual Comedy
Crimson Cabaret, Triangle, Freshman Forum, and tension rose as the parties continued. The Night for Arthritis Research. Over the summer,
Circle K, and Homecoming committees. Lisa evening before preferential parties, there was a mix- we had several sisters selected for freshmen orien-
Darnley received the award for the 1994-95 ture of anxious anticipation and quiet reflection tation leaders, majorettes, dance line and student
Greek President of the Year, and Pam Chancey which created lots of goosebumps. This was the last recruiters. This year's rush was very successful and
was chosen Panhellenic Delegate of the year. gathering of the Rho Delta Colony members, a Zeta Pi achieved quota with 28 wonderful New
moment in history for this chapter. The hard work Members. Our president, Hannah Jacobs, was
Delta Epsilon paid off as the sisters of Rho Delta were thrilled to selected first alternate in the Homecoming court
welcome 38 New Members into the first New and the chapter won first place in the float com-
Jacksonville State U Member Class. This, the very first rush experience petition as well as second place in the spirit com-
The sisters of Delta Epsilon have had an exciting of seventy colony members, proved to be the begin- petition. We also held a pre-game cookout with
ning of a great future for Rho Delta. the AOn chapter from Jacksonville State U during
year. We began 1995 with a successful Founders' UAB sfirsthome game.
Day. We were honored to have Mrs. Barbara Hunt Amanda Dunn
and her husband attend. She delivered an inspira- Julie Mullins
tional speech tided "Let Your Light So Shine."
The chapter raised money for Arthritis Research
by sponsoring a "Mr. Universe-ity" Pageant in the Upsilon Alpha
Spring. Many of the fraternity men participated
and everyone had a lot of fun. U ofArizona
Congratulations to Alexia Daniels who was cho- Upsilon Alpha has
sen 1995 Panhellenic President and to Kelli Dobbs
who was elected JSU's 1995 Miss Friendly. Our had an incredible year.
own Sharon Dasinger was chosen Adviser of the
Year by Panhellenic. We started off with our
Delta Epsilon had a very successful fall rush. 5 on 5 Basketball
Through formal rush and COB, Delta Epsilon has
pledged 22 quality women who have shown a lot Challenge to raise
of enthusiasm toward AOn. We adopted a
Brownie troop and each sister has adopted a money for Arthritis
"grandparent" from a local nursing home.
Research. The Greek
Kelli Dobbs
community, campus,
Gamma Delta
and local community
U of South Alabama
The ladies of Gamma Delta had a truly out- • Southern College) members pause for a moment in their townhouse were invited to partici-
during rush Open House. pate and compete.
standing 1994-95 school year! Initiating twenty- Tau Delta (Birmingham Throughout the year,
four young women, the chapters sisterhood and
achievements have reached an all-time high! Tau Delta we participated in other philanthropies for various
sororities and fraternities. Upsilon Alphas are very
Recently, the chapter was awarded a Birmingham Southern College active on campus with activities ranging from
Distinguished Service Award, an honor for which The women of Tau Delta appreciate the kind Arizona Ambassadors, Tau Beta Pi Engineering
we are all very proud to have been chosen. We also Honorary, and GAMMA (Greeks Advocating
received the Panhellenic Spirit Award for our notes of support and congratulations from chapters mature Management of Alcohol) to Circle K, Bat
enthusiasm and participation on campus! Earlier across the country for our convention awards. The Girls, and Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Fraternity.
in the year, Gamma Delta won first place in Chi 1995-96 school year got off to a great start for AOn.
Omega's annual "Songfest" under the direction and We had an excellent rush, with Laura Cammack
leadership of Jennifer Taylor.
serving as rush chairman. Alumnae support helped Several members are on Panhellenic Executive
Gamma Deltas individual members have been
very busy, too! We are excited about Amy make the week a tremendous success. Board and Cabinet. Judy Hlavac was elected as
Covington's recent appointment as the SEPC Area
Coordinator of Region I, as well as our six newly Eloise Arnold opened her home to us for our sis- Vice President of Programming and also did a
elected SGA officers! Gamma Delta has had an terhood/New Member retreat and a beautiful day great job as Greek Week chair. Sondra Boroff is
exceptional year, and while we will miss our seniors, by the pool. We spent the day grilling hamburgers, New Member-Panhellenic and Shea Hodge
we are looking forward to another exciting year of getting sun, and getting to know our New heads the Adopt-A-School program. These
sisterhood and sharing! Members. Katie Moran and Janice Warts are lead- women have done a tremendous job with publi-
ing the New Members through the BRIDGES cizing our chapter.
Nita Jacobs
program and spent the night with them there. Some achievements of the chapter include 3rd
Rho Delta
That night, the New Member class really clicked! place in Intersorority Relations from Panhellenic,
Samford U
In late August, the ladies of Rho Delta arrived Our members continue to be active in all areas 1 st Place in Kappa Sigma's golf tournament, 2nd
of campus life. Brooke Tanner is doing an excellent place forfloatdesign during homecoming, and 1st
back at Samford a litde frightened, but very excited job as SGA president. Our members on the hous- place for participation during Greek Week.
about what was to be our first rush experience. In
ing staff, honor council, and student judiciary are AOn is also very proud of our individual sisters'
working to improve campus life. achievements which are numerous. We would
Melinda Lucas also like to congratulate our most recent New
Members on Initiation.
Zeta Pi Meredith Ferber
U ofAlabama-Birmingham
Zeta Pi has had a very successful year! In the
Spring, Zeta Pi won numerous awards at the
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 5
collegiate news show. This included assisting the models (all
children!), set-up, decorations and clean-up.
Fall quarter, Chi Psi received first place in schol-
CALIFORNIA arship among the 7 sororities. We could not have
done this without help from our Scholarship Chair.
Lambda lota
April Sarkisian
U of California, San Diego
The ladies from Lambda Iora welcomed four Sigma Phi Gamma Omicron (U of Florida) president. Vicky Zingarelli
New Members into rhe chapter. Towards the end of (2nd from right) and Kelly Gallaher (far right) help entertain
summer, we enjoyed a sisterhood retreat at Sara California State U-Northridge
Schiebelhut's grandparents' home in Malibu. The ladies of Sigma Phi have kicked off this year Carlina Terrana and Kristi Abrahams at an Alumnae
During this retreat we helped our Lambda Beta sis- Dessert Reception.
ters with Rush, and then they came to UCSD to with a bang! Our idea to "Help Make Life
help us with rush. Bid day was a wonderful event BEARable," arose after attending this year's annual philanthropy, Run for Roses. Julianne
with the whole chapter meeting at Lajolla Shores Convention in Arizona. We felt it would be great Caron is going to great lengths to help make this
Beach. There we enjoyed sisterhood, ate great food, to bring this idea back to Cal State Northridge and project a success.
met our New Members, and sang songs. Our New the L A R D . (Devonshire Division.) As a way to
Member Retreat was wonderful as they learned better Panhellenic relations, we invited Alpha Phi, Recently, the U of Colorado has made a reso-
about AOn from our New Member Educator, Kimi and theit Teddy Bears, to take part in this campus lution that prohibits alcohol in all Fraternity
wide project. We manned several collection barrels houses. AOFI is proud of our leadership role in
passing this resolution.
We want to wish the very best to our Chaprer
Adviser, Ginger Mylander-Swift, who was recendy
married. She is an important asset to our chapter.
Finally, we are preparing for the transition of offi-
cers. Good luck ro past and future officers. Their
leadership is represented in everything AOPI does
and we applaud all that they do.
Jennifer Risseil
Chi Delta Chapter (U of Colorado) takes time out for a snapshot on their fun filled Bid Day. Gamma Omicron
Ueda. Lambda Iota Chapter is in the process of at various locations on campus. Over a period of U of Florida
COB in which we hope many more new sisters will three days, we collected approximately 200 Pandas This past year proved to be an exciting and
join us in events such as pizza night, coffee night, and and Teddy Bears. The bears are kepr in the police
sisterhood night watching the television show officers cars and will be given to children at the active one for AOns at the U of Florida. Gamma
Friends. Our "New Member Presents" was on scene ofemergencies. Omicron held its philanthropy, The Mr. UF
November 4th at the E)el Mar Hilton. We look for- Pageant, in February and raised more than $3000
ward to a busy year! Some other exciring news is that we have to benefit Arthritis Research. March brought the
received 26 oursranding women through formal first ever "State Day" in Florida, an event hosted by
Chi Psi rush and continuous open bidding. Also, our Gamma Omicron and Gamma Theta, U of South
enthusiasm is running high dtie to our scholarship. Florida. Over 130 AOris attended the reception in
California Polytechnic U We are ranked #1 for the all-sorority G.PA! Gainesville, including over 40 alumnae and special
Chi Psi is very proud of our success this year guest Mary Louise Roller, Past International
Tami Kimura President. A dessert reception at the Gamma
with our Mr. Fraternity Contest, which raised Omicron house followed for socializing. We were
about $3,000 for Arthritis Research! This is also an COLORADO visibly active in the Gainesville community with a
event that helps promote the name of AOFI in the large number of members volunteering their time
entire Greek system. Chi Delta with Habitat for Humanity, the AIDS Walkathon,
Sleepout for the Homeless, the Shands Pediatric
We had a strong showing in this year's Greek U of Colorado Unit, the Ronald McDonald House, and the Youth
Week with our athletic abilities, sisterhood, sup- Chi Delta was proud to be represented by seven Motivator Program. Our constant parricipation
portiveness and chariry. Besides winning the and enthusiasm helped us win the Panhellenic
tug-o-war and the 5K run, we found time to women at Convention in Scottsdale. It was great Presidential Award for Improvement, 1st place in
help other Greeks clean up the streets of San to share the common bonds of sisterhood with the Greek Blood Drive, and the All Sorority
Luis Obispo. AOns all over the US and Canada, and was espe- Softball Championship.
cially sweet to witness Alexis Persons win the Perry
During rhe spring quarter, Chi Psi helped the Award and the chapter to win the Philos Award. Jennifer Saltz
Arthritis Foundation with their annual fashion
Rush proved ro be successful and we have a phe- GammaTheta
nomenal New Member class. Next up is our 2nd
U of South Florida
The fourth annual "Search for the King of
the Caribbean" was held in February to raise
money for Arthritis Research. In March,
Gamma Theta and Gamma Omicron co-hosted
State Day in Gainesville.
Gamma Theta teamed up with Sigma Nu and
won third place overall in Greek Week. The chapter
participated in Homecoming with Kappa Sigma and
6 To Dragma/WINTKK 1995
won the "Most Imaginative Float" award. Greek Spirit award from the athletic department, collegiate news
Some individual accomplishments include: placed 2nd in Greek Week and won every event in
the Kappa Sigma Gator Games. campus. We gained this reputation when we
Karen Bautista, USF Stars; Paula Canedo, Brigette became the winners o f Greek Week 1995.
Glenn and Monica Shaurette, Greek Week Chairs; Gamma Sigma was actively involved in the Lambda Sigma participated in every event and
Denise Gunter, Circle K President; Liana Lopez, first ever GSU community service project orga- the "AOn Cloggers" won the talent show.
Homecoming Vice Chair; Renee Messana, nized by the Greek community, decorated a tree
Scholarship Award; Suzanne Snyder, PRSSA in the Festival of Trees event to benefit Scottish Another goal Lambda Sigma set was to get
President; Dawn Allen, Amy DuCuennois, Melissa Rite Hospital, volunteered at the American parents and alumnae more involved. Winter
Molinari, Michelle Rigney and Stephanie Porreca, Cancer Society's "Party for a Purpose", and co- quarter, mothers and daughters enjoyed an after-
Golden Key Honor Society; Dawn Allen, Amy sponsored a benefit dance for the victims of the noon tea party at Rivendell Bed and Breakfast.
DuCuennois, Jessica Frederick, Melissa Molinari, Oklahoma City bombing. All of this helped our Lambda Sigma also hosted the first annual
Kim Propos, Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek Honor chapter win the Dean's Cup for Campus and Jacqueminot Family Weekend. On Friday night,
Society, and Patricia McCleary, Kappa Delta Pi. Community Involvement. parents joined the sisters and their dates at the
spring formal and then on Saturday afternoon,
Amy DuCuennois Gamma Sigma is proud of Pam Pierotti who everyone met for a day o f Softball and BBQ at
is serving as Member Services Consultant with Sandy Creek Park. The chapter ended the year
Kappa Gamma the National Interfratemity Conference. We are with a luncheon honoring both Atlanta and
also proud of Erica Towle and Melissa Fowler, Athens Alumnae.
Florida Southern College Order of Omega, and Christina Hernandez who
was voted sorority member of the month by the Amy Davis
Kappa Gamma came back to school excited Greek Council.
about fall rush, which included a 70s party and a ILLINOIS
Mardi Gras party. All our work paid off with our Leah Nelson
wonderful eight New Members, the largest class on Lambda Chi Upsilon Epsilon
Panhellenic Row.
LaGrange College Parks College of St Louis U
Kappa Gamma is looking forward to their
annual Dating Game to raise money for Arthritis Lambda Chi Chapter had a very successful This is the year that Upsilon Epsilon Chapter
Research. The whole Greek community gets year. For the third quarter in a row, the chapter starts our preparation towards a move to St. Louis
involved in this project. Kappa Gamma is now received the Mamie Lark Henry Scholarship Cup U. We have starred attending Panhellenic meet-
working on our Rose Ball and planning for our awarded to the Greek organization maintaining ings and next semester we will start participating in
50th anniversary party. the highest GPA This is only one of many times Greek Week with all the SLU Greeks. We have
we have received this award. We were also already been invited to exchanges with the SLU
The chapter is very proud of our Collegiate awarded a Certificate of Achievement at frarernities. The move will be great concerning the
Certificate of Achievement Award, Quota Award, Convention in Scottsdale. future of AOn as we will have more opportunities.
and 100% Initiation Award. Other individual hon-
ors include Shay Cook and Joellen Densley as Rho Lambda Chi has been involved in many service As far as the members of Upsilon Epsilon, recent-
Chi'sfor1996 Rush. projects raising over $500 for the Arthritis ly, Lauren Brunjes has been elected to the National
Foundation and other local charities. On Association of College and University Resident Halls
GEORGIA Halloween, big sisters dressed themselves and their as a National Associate for Administration.
little sisters for a night of rrick-or-treating to benefit DeChelle Duran was chosen for a position as
Gamma Sigma the Arthritis Foundation. Winter brought our annu- research assistant for a sociological study on aviation
al "King of the Hill" male beauty pageant. During technology. All of the members of Upsilon Epsilon
Georgia State U Greek Week we were paired with Kappa Sigma and are very active in campus activities ranging from the
held a car wash to benefit the Hollis Hand Home. Music Club to the Flight Team's Flying Billikens.
Gamma Sigma has been extremely busy this
year continuously holding COB functions and Our own Julia Wright We have already started a long line of fund rais-
meeting 19 New Members. Our chapter won a was crowned Homecoming ing activities. We just recently held a throw-a-
Queen last year and Casey waterballoon-at-an-AOn and will follow with a
on Stephens was crowned bake sale, Boo-Grams, Tuck-ins and much more.
Quadrangle Queen at our
>CQ*(DflZT annual Valentine's Day DeChelle Duran
Nu lota
Plans are underway for
our Roseball and the cele- Northern Illinois U
bration of the 25th
anniversary of Lambda Chi Everything has been going great for Nu Iota,
on May 15, 1996. beginning with a successful fall rush. We also had a
sisterhood retreat with our New Members at a forest
Michelle Osborne preserve where we had a barbeque, played Softball
and other fun activities. We took second place in Phi
4 Lambda Sigma Sigma Kappas Competitive Softball Philanthropy.
It's "Hat Night" for Bid Day at Kappa Gamma (Florida Southern College). U of Georgia Another highlight of the fall season was
Homecoming where we were paired with Delta
The Lambda Sigma Chi. Beginning the first weekend in October,
Chapter at the U of chapter members participated in Softball and vol-
Georgia has been busy this leyball games, painting the town, a banner contest,
year! We set many goals and a recyclable boat race. By the end of the week
for ourselves and one was we had taken second place overall.
to become a more active
and involved sorority on Esther Hinterhause
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 7
collegiate news KappaAlpha Excellence Award. The AAC received a
Indiana State U Certificate of Achievement and Barb Ottinger
Kappa Alpha has had a memorable year. We and Randi Carmichael received Rose Awards.
Phi Chi have been involved and honored for many activi- Michelle Wood
U of Chicago ties. Our new scholarship program and study Phi Upsilon
This year has been exciting for Phi Chi Chapter, groups have been very successful. We are proud to Purdue U
The Phi Upsilon Chapter at Purdue U has had a
beginning with great success in Formal Rush where say that our chapter was ranked second for grades
great year. We pledged 30 New Members during
we gained 14 awesome women. Our spirit and among sororities. formal rush and are excited about pledging six
more during open rush.
enthusiasm were bolstered and New Member Last December, it was our honor to host Mary
Once again, AOn participated in Slayter
Educator, Shay Feilen, deserves praise for making Williams, the International President, as our speak- Slammer, a free concert headlining the band.
Material Issue. To aid this cause, AOn and three
the New Members feel so welcome. er for Founders' Day. It was an unforgettable expe- other Greek groups sold T-shirts. We are very excit-
ed about our philanthropy. The biggest event is
Jenn Jodell was elected Panhellenic President rience for the whole chapter. Throughout the year, our Men of Purdue Calendar which raised over
$6000 for Arthritis Research. This year we will be
and is doing a fantastic job of raising sorority aware- we participated in Homecoming, and the Tandem hosting the first annual Dance Marathon in coop-
eration with Farmhouse Fraternity. Dance
ness and support on campus. The chapter proved Race activities, placing first in the sweepstakes com- Marathon is an all day dance to raise money for
Arthritis Research.
our athleticism by winning the Annual petition for the third year in a row. Two of our
Purdue U just celebrated Greek Week and AOn
Undergraduate Women's Intramural Basketball members received Panhellenic offices this year, was proud to participate in many events. This
year's theme was "The Many Faces of Greek Life."
Tournament over some talented competition. It Christina Gramelspacher - President, and Tonya
The members of Phi Upsilon just returned from
was great PR for AOn and proved that teamwork, Stanfield - VP of New Members. Kappa Alpha a two day retreat at a nearby Leadership Camp.
This was fun and it got our chapter fired up to
talent and sisterhood always lead us to victory! received many individual and chapter awards from have a great rush.
This spring, we held our First Annual AOn Pizza Panhellenic Council throughout the year. Millie Smith
Taste-Off. Despite inclement weather, hundreds There were two rush counselors chosen from Theta
participated with proceeds going to the YWCA's our chapter this year. Once again, Kappa Alpha DePauw U
Last spring, Theta placed second in Little 500,
Sexual Assault Programs. Besides determining has reached quota during formal rush. We hope
was intramural table tennis champion, and partici-
which pizza is "Hyde Park's Best," we raised $900, that the upcoming year will be just as exciting. pated in Greencastle's Spring Clean-Up. This fall,
Theta sponsored a euchre tournament and faculty
which is the University's most successful Greek Beth Beach dessert, was "most spirited" at AFs philanthropy,
and pledged 19 super New Members.
philanthropic event by over $500.
Individually, Kim Haas will be commissioned in
We have 54 active sisters, including SGA presi- Kappa Kappa the army as Second Lieutenant. Marbeth Hall is
dent, Mehvish Mirza and Women's Soccer Team Ball State U VP of women's intramurals and social chair of
music honorary. Other honors include: Amy
captain, Shay Feilen. Kappa Kappa Chapter kicked off this past school Wachholtz, president of a psychology honorary;
Carrie Whittier, president of Ambassadors Club;
Sara Spivy year by pledging quota and initiating 12 legacies. Janet Benson, Order of Omega; Laura Welker, VP
of theatre honorary and coordinator of Head Start
Combining Community Service; Heather Leichty is director of
show choir and president of Phi Eta Sigma; and
Founders' Day with Heigi Drockelman, music director of WGRE.
Also, Kim Noller and April Troutman are coordi-
initiation, Kappa nator and secretary of Amnesty International and
Beth Bardert is president of Panhellenic.
Kappa was hon-
April Troutman
ored to share the
occasion with Ann
Gilchrist, New
Coe College
International The end of the 1994-95 school was hectic for
President; Renee the women of Alpha Theta. Events included a
Formal, Special Olympics, participation in Walk
Smith, RVPIV and America, initiation, and installation of seniors into
alumnae satus.
Kelly Brooks, RD.
"AO/ / jail" is a popular fund raiser for Kappa Alpha Chapter during Indiana State's Annual The chapter
Tandem Race Festivities. continued to stay
busy throughout the year sponsoring philanthropies
Beta Phi such as Christmas Caroling at the local hospital,
garage sales, and our AOFT Basketball Marathon. The
Indiana U
After a disappointing formal rush, the Beta Phi Marathon raised over $4,000 for the A O n
Chapter decided to reorganize and re-energize. Foundation. Kappa Kappa showed support to other
With outside help from many, AOn held special philanthropies including a 1st place finish in both
"rush" meetings at various campus locations. ATOs Powder Puff Football and £X Derby Days.
These meetings featured many upbeat and ener- Throughout the year, Kappa Kappa members
getic AOn alumnae who told about all the scholar- have continued to show leadership and involve-
ship, philanthropy and sisterhood that AOn had ment on campus. Brittany Carlson was elected
to offer. During that time. Beta Phi adopted the secretary of SGA for the second year, and
slogan, "The Future's so Bright." Michelle Wood as president of the University
The future definitely will be bright fot Beta Program Board. Danielle Wolff and Misha
Phi. Mary Williams, then International President, Rogers will serve on the same board as vice presi-
initiated a New Member class of 26 last semester, dent and traditions chair respectively. Kara Kurtz
and we are preparing new skits and activities for a received the Outstanding Greek Achiever Award
great rush. The attitudes and feelings are very and Jenny Ewing and Jen Tittemore were selected
positive, and we are all learning how to have fun as Rho Chi's.
and love one another. At Convention, Kappa Kappa received a
Distinguished Service Award and a Rush
8 To Dragma/WINTER 19%
Th&PbvtrOff KANSAS collegiate news
Phi AOn will be out in full force competing for top
honors in tug, volleyball, and spring sing. We are
U of Kansas looking forward to a great week filled with fun and
The women of Phi competition. Entering the new semester brings
officer elections higher up on Alpha Chi's docket.
Chapter have proven This year many New Initiates are eagerly looking
that not only the Power for their places on the Leader's Cabinet. Our mem-
of Friendship, but also bers' leadership skills are not confined to the Alpha
the strength of sister- Chi Chapter. Many campus organizations benefit
hood, can help us from the leadership provided by our sisters. We lire
accomplish almost any- looking forward to a great year.
thing we set out to do.
Felicia Ferguson
During spring, we
Delta Omega
showed our commitment
Murray State U
to community service by The members of Delta Omega Chapter are off
winning the Rock Chalk to an excellent semester. The chapter pledged
quota and had 100% initiation. In November, the
Gold Award for commu- chapter raised money for Arthritis Research with
the annual Mr. MSU pageant, and a cooktxxik sale
nity service for the third in the spring. Other community service events
include the United Way's Walk for Life and a food
The women of Phi (U of Kansas) believe in the Power of Friendship. AOfl. straight year. Rock drive sponsored by Lambda Chi Alpha which ben-
Chalk is KU's largest efits Needline in Calloway County.
September came along in full swing with rush campus-wide fund raiser Delta Omega was named overall winner at
workshops galore that successfully led to 10 New and donates all proceeds to the United Way. both Pi Kappa Alpha's Pigout, and Sigma Phi
Members. The next week was also exciting as five Epsilon's Bed Races, both of which benefit the
more girls signed bid cards to bring the class to 15. An alumna of Phi Chapter, Elaine Hoffman, American Heart Association. Many members
Immediately following rush, Alpha Theta began a was honored at the Greek Recognition Night have been elected to high positions on campus
philanthropic drive for needy children. The month Ceremony for her outstanding contributions. The ranging from SGA to the Baptist Student Union.
concluded with a CC visit and Homecoming. women of Phi continued to honor our chapter by Denise Brockman, Kendra Jones and Gwen
winning first place in Greek Week, consisting of Hughes will represent AOn in MSU's
October included our annual teeter-totter-a- such activities as a scavenger hunt for charity, a Homecoming court. The present Queen,
thon with Phi Kappa Tau and a New Member din- canned food drive and obstacle and relay races. Jennifer Langford, was named Miss Kentucky
ner at Chuckie Cheese. Other events included a Mountain Laurel in May.
This fall, Phi Chapter had the opportunity to
This chapter continues to excel on campus and
Hayrack, highway clean-up. New Member Retreat, welcome into AOn sisterhood a family of won- in the community. Delta Omega is excited and
expects only great things to happen in 1996!
initiation, bowling, and Founders' Day. derful New Members. Using AOII's New
CandiVanDerWerf Member program, we successfully integrated Amy Bowland
these women into the chapter. We also held two
Kappa Omega
lota Sigma sisterhood retreats.
Recendy, Phi teamed with the men of Triangle U of Kentucky
Iowa State U Improvement is a good word to describe Kappa
Iota Sigma had a wonderful year beginning and won first place in the Homecoming float Omega. We started the year well by rushing over
with fall rush. We welcomed 16 New Members competition for the second year running. quota after having initiated seven wonderful girls
and another three through COB. We are looking Representatives from both accepted a trophy dur- from Spring deferred rush.
forward to our philanthropic road race, "Run for ing half-time of the Homecoming game.
the Roses," with the Ames Area Running Club. Our GPA for initiated members shot from a 2.8
Gina Braun to a 3.2, the second highest of all sororities. For this
achievement, Kappa Omega was honored with the
Last year's race raised over $2,000 for Arthritis Dean's Cup, the most prestigious award available to
the Greeks at UK.
Research Grants. KENTUCKY
We participated in several outside activities for
The chapter was paired with Theta Xi and Phi Alpha Chi charity as well. Our members worked at the Rolex
Gamma Delta for Greek Week and ended up Three-Day Event at the Kentucky Horse Park and
receiving 2nd place in the Lip Sync contest. Western Kentucky U earned $1,500 for Children's Hospital.
Members earned points by participating in numer- This semester, Alpha Chi has a full schedule of
ous Greek Week activities. Kappa Omega has continued it's traditions of
events. First, we will host our First Annual Golf Adopt-A-Highway and participation in Greek Week.
Iota Sigma invited children from the Ames Scramble as our major philanthropic event of the
Boys and Girls Clubs over to the house to deco- new year. Later, we will continue with our newly In Panhellenic, Kappa Omega is getting ready
rate pumpkins for Halloween. We also volun- founded tradition of participating in "Rocking to launch an enormous GASC event. Greek
teered our time to "Teen Scene" which provides Grannies" and we will take donations for Arthritis Olympics at Kentucky Kingdom will feature
Research. In March, Greek Week rolls around and
games and activities at the Boys and Girls Club
for jr. high students on Friday nights. We have
participated in Phi Delta Theta's Road Race,
Lambda Chi Alpha's Sand Volleyball
Tournament, Tau Kappa Epsilon's Softball tour-
nament, and many others.
In December, our home was chosen to be a
part of the Altrusa Christmas tour of homes. We
were proud to show off our beautiful home.
Lori Ploeger
Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) members proudly
display their Dean's Cup.
To Dragma/WIiVTER 1995 9
rollegiate news
reduced price admission to the park, and events
for Greek competition. The proceeds will benefit
Arthritis Research. Greek Olympics at Kentucky
Kingdom is one of only three events chosen by
UK Panhellenic Council to be mandatory for
GASC points.
Kappa Omega is steadily improving in all areas.
The enthusiasm is high and the sisterhood is strong.
Cindy Mackerwicz
Pi Alpha Spending ume with each other is a favorite past time for members oflheta Beta Chapter (Towson State U).
U of Louisville LOUISIANA LambdaTau
Greetings from the Sisters of Pi Alpha Chapter! Delta Beta Northeast Louisiana U
We are proud to report that we have added 12 won-
derful New Members inro our fold and look forward U of Southwest Louisiana The sisters of Lambda Tau Chapter are proud
to their initiation. Convention was a wonderful to announce winning Chapter of the Year for the
experience for Pi Alpha. We met many of our sisters The sisters of Delta Beta Chapter are pleased to sixth consecutive year! This is truly an outstand-
from around the country and are happy to have had teport they had a successful fall rush reaching quota ing accomplishment and the most prestigious
the opportunity to meet you. We were pleased and with 20 New Members. The chapter also picked honor given to a Greek organization on our cam-
pleasantly surprised to receive a Certificate of up 6 New Members through COB, bringing chap- pus. We also received Outstanding Alumnae
Achievement at Convention and congratulate our ter membership up to 64. Angelle Vidune, rush Relations for our Rose Ball and Founders' Day,
wonderful alumnae for receiving several awards as chairman, won the most outstanding collegiate and our Regional Director, Lynette Personett, was
well. We are looking forward to State Day and award for Region VIII. We are proud ofAngelle. given an award for her outstanding work for the
AOn's Centennial. Lambda Tau Chapter. We are also very proud of
There are several outstanding members of receiving a Distinguished Service Award,
At Greek Awards, Pi Alpha received Most Delta Beta, who not only work hard within AOn, Certificate of Achievement and being recognized
Improved Sorority and individual members but also extend their dedication to other organiza- for Rush Excellence at Convention.
were recognized as well. We wish everyone a tions on USLs campus. Ashley Ingraham is serv-
successful year. ing as Greek Council president and a senator for We have been having an extremely busy and suc-
SGA. Jenny Bower is secretary of Psi Chi and a cessful fall semester. We recendy "Painted the Twin
Tau Omega delegate of the judical board. Kelli Breaux is pres- Cities" which helped an elderly couple beautify their
ident of the Telecommunications, Engineering home. On our agenda are educational programs,
Transylvania U and Management Society. Dana Browning is sec- Fall party, Rock-a-Thon benefiting Arthritis
retary of the Law Club, Anne Rendergrass worked Research, Founders' Day, Roseball, and a semester of
The sisters of Tau Omega have been busy. Last this summer in Walt Disney World and is now a campus intramurals and sisterhood activities. We are
year, we held two BRIDGES modules for the campus representative. Delta Beta is proud of all very excited to have initiated 26 New Members and
entire campus on Stress Management and its members! look forward to a lifetime of friendship and sister-
Women's Health Issues. Continuing our philan- hood with each.
thropic efforts, Tau Omega sponsored a successful Ashley Galloway
Arthritis Research Week. Included was an aqua- Leslie DeRise
aerobics class, canvassing the campus, storming of
dorms for donations, and an Arthritis Walk. MARYLAND
Last year's social calendar was a full one. We Theta Beta
started off with a Grab-a-Date informal. Later,
we held Red Rose Formal, Mardi Gras informal, Towson State U
and a new tradition, a May Lei Party.
This year Theta Beta has been hard at work
Members of Tau Omega can be found in lead- strengthening relations with the community and
ership positions all over campus. Amber Fogel was the university through many projects. Sisters aided
chosen as Panhellenic rush chair and three other children at an orphanage each Sunday. We collect-
members were chosen as Rho Chis. Rebecca ed soda can tabs to help pay for a kidney dialysis
Modys, Carrie Reed, and Amber Fogel were program at a local hospital. We participated in a
inducted into Order of Omega and Kira Munson carnival sponsored by the TSU Jewish Student
and Carrie Reed were elected as president and sec- Association with our "Go-Fish" booth, which won
retary of Omicron Delta Kappa. Members ofTau the most popular booth there. Many Greeks and
Omega are also Student Orientation Leaders, community members supported our efforts at our
members of SGA, HOPE, athletic teams, and var-
ious other campus organizations.
Heather Dealing
Zeta (U of Nebraska-Lincoln) teamed up with Sigma Alpha
Epsilon to deliver special Valentine's greetings to
residents of Lincoln's Haven Manors.
ill To Dragma/WINTER 1995
annual roadblock making it an enormous success We returned this fall a week early for a rush collegiate news
for Arthritis Research. retreat organized by our rush chair, J. Michele
Evans. During the fall, Kappa Rho continued its MONTANA
Theta Beta participates in many sister socials to volunteer work for the Red Cross, which has been
places like Adventure World (an amusement park successful for us the past couple semesters. We will Alpha Phi
in Maryland) and the Holocaust Museum in D.C. also continue to participate in Highway Cleanup
to spend quality time together. Montana State U
Alpha Phi followed up a great end of 1994-95
We are proud to welcome from fall rush, 17 and hold a car wash to raise money for our philan-
with a booming start to 1995-96. We ended the
New Members to our chapter. thropy. Finally, some exciting news for our mem- year with spectacular grades and we all parted ways
for the summer. Montana State U had an extra
Donna DeMarco bers, Kappa Rho is currendy searching for property long summer because of a change in the calendar.
to build a new home! We were all excited to be back. Our members
MICHIGAN have never been more fun, dedicated, loving or
Karen Schafer motivated and we showed that through formal
rush. We changed two of our parties this year and
Beta Gamma MINNESOTA they went over very well. We made quota and
pledged 20 wonderful women. These women are
Michigan State U Tau the brightest formal rush had to offer and each will
The women of Beta Gamma celebrated a suc- contribute so much to AOn.
U of Minnesota
cessful fall rush with 33 New Members. Melanie Last spring was very exciting for the sisters ofTau. We had a garage sale this year with the money
Needham served as rush chair and Heather Dalby, going to Athritis Research, and many donations
Melissa Lind, and Wendy Matig served as rush We placed second overall in Greek Week and have been made to other Greek chapters' philan-
counselors. The chapter also welcomed a new received Honorable Recognition for Overall thropies as well. Fall Party (a fiesta theme) is com-
house mom, alumna Beth Urron. Outstanding Chapter at the All Greek Awards. To ing soon along with many other events. An "All
reward ourselves and keep up the "alpha spirit", we Greek" ski trip is coming in January for the second
The chapter members enjoyed two overnight started off fall with a sisterhood retreat filled with time. We all had a great time last year and many
sisterhood retreats, their annual fall hayride date song workshops and games. will attend this year, too.
party, and a fall serenade.
The new forum style recruitment, AKA Formal Alpha Phi would like to wish all other chapters a
Beta Gamma places great emphasis on philan- Rush, has proved positive again for Tau. We very successful year. Have fun, do well and pro-
thropic fund-raising events. The chapter has again pledged 26 women, being one of only two chapters mote AOn's greatness.
made donations to MSU's domestic violence shel-
to hit quota for three years in a row! Darbi Dorrington
After an enjoyable bid day with our
wonderful New Members, we were NEBRASKA
husded off to concentrate on home- Phi Sigma
coming events with Alpha Gamma
Rho Fraternity. U of Nebraska-Kearney
Phi Sigma Chapter had a busy semester with
Our corporation board has gener-
ously refurnished our T V room, and many philanthropic and PR events. We partici-
has provided us with new furniture, pated in the Hearts for Hunger Can Sculpture,
prints, carpeting and more. We antic- for which we won an award for weighing-in the
most cans. We also participated with our alum-
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U) members take a break from a ipate another successful year at Tau nae in a 24-hour Dance-a-thon to benefit Habitat
kick-ball game during their sisterhood retreat and encourage sisters everywhere to for Humanity and were involved with a pet theta-
visit our beautiful home. We will py program at a local nursing home. In addition,
gladly give tours! we initiated a program requiring each member to
participate in one other campus activity other
Chika Sato than AOn.
ter, participated in the Adopt-A-Highway program, MISSISSIPPI Our main philanthropy event for the year was
and held a car wash during the summer to raise Hot Shots, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament benefit-
money for Arthritis Research. The members Nu Beta ting arthritis research. The teams that participated
rejoice in the University's agreement to help fund this year all had a great time for a worthwhile project.
the position of a campus Greek Adviser, a position U of Mississippi
the University has been without for several years Hello from the AOn sisters at Ole Miss! It's been Last spring, we were honored to have Marilyn
due to budget cuts. Beta Gamma looks forward to Purdy, an AOn alumna from the Alpha Delta
a busy Spring semester in which they will sponsor a busy semester for us so far! Rush ended very suc- Chapter present a BRIDGES program entitled
Aerobics for Arthritis, State Day, a Spring formal, cessfully. Our 51 New Members are wonderful "Eating Disorders and Self-Esteem." The program
and will participate in MSU's Greek Week to bene- and we couldn't be prouder to claim them. Of was also attended by members of the Kearney
fit the Special Olympics. course, the social calendar has been full (because all Community and UNK student body.
work and no play makes an AOn stressed!), but it's
Jen Miskowiec also been a year of new traditions. We started hav- Molly Schroeder
ing an AOn tailgate party before major football
Kappa Rho games, and we're looking forward to our first Zeta
"White" Rose Ball in November. In addition, our
Western Michigan U campaign to make our CP Jennifer Mcintosh, the U of Nebraska-Lincoln
At the end of the school year, the NPC and IFC at next Miss Ole Miss has also kept our days full. We The fall semester of 1995 proves to be the begin-
just hope the rest of the year goes as well!
W M U held its annual Gteek Awards Banquet where ning of another productive year for Zeta Chapter.
Kappa Rho was awarded several awards. We were Congratulations to our new Modeling Board, The year began with a bang when Zeta received
honored with the Stone Arch Award for outstanding ASB/SPB, theatre production cast, Dance
membership education, an award for best chapter Company and JV Cheerleading squad members
retreats, highest GPA for the fall New Member class, and executives, Ambassadors, and new honor
and rite second highest GPA in the NPC. society inductees!
Jennifer Boyd
To Dragtna/WINTER 1995 II
collegiate news
one of two PR awards at Convention and was a AOJJs from Zeta Psi (East Carolina U) relax on Bid Day, following a successful fall rush.
nominee for a Distinguished Service Award.
Bag Luncheon Discussion Series. AOn's pilot pro- campus. All the money raised will go to United
The women of Zeta continue to host and partic- gram enabled Dr. Virginia Utermohlen, of Way. We also have our annual haunted house for
ipate in many community and campus events. Cornell, to lead an open lunch discussion on the community. Donations will go to Arthritis
The annual Zeta Salvation Army Christmas Parry "Nutrition in the College Years." Research. We will hold a Rape Awareness day by
has stemmed into an upcoming Halloween parry. handing out whisdes on campus.
This event will be a chance for several non-profit The new and improved Alumnae Relations
organizations that are involved with childten to program instituted the sister/local alumnae buddy 1995 Alumna, Carrie Britton, was accepted in
come trick-or-treating at the AOn house. Children program as its first activity late last spring. The the Peace Corps. She is a nurse in Tamaica.
sponsored by the Salvation Army and Cedar's Cornell Panhellenic awarded Epsilon Chapter as
Home for Children will attend the event, as well as Outstanding Chapter. They also recognized Angela C. D'Alessio
children of local alumnae and faculty. Epsilon for Outstanding Educational
Development and Outstanding Community ThetaPi
Zeta also paired up with the men of Sigma Service for our work with Foodnet. Epsilon antici-
Alpha Epsilon to make valentines and delivered pates another rewarding year of progress both Wagner College
them to residents of Lincoln's Haven Manors. The within and extendingfromAOn. Theta Pi Chaptet has been busy, as usual,
residents were able to spend some time with visitors
which otherwise they may not have had. Stephanie Carroll maintaining our already excellent standings on the
Wagner College campus and in the community.
Our successful rush resulted in 28 energetic Psi Delta On the campus level, we have eight sisters newly
New Members and our CPA remains above the all elected into the SGA. In all other campus organi-
Greek average. The members of Zeta also continue C.W. Post Campus of Long Island U zations there are AOns everywhere! We have also
to improve themselves individually through out- Psi Delta is happy to announce that our propos- been extremely successful in strengthening inter-
standing accomplishments including: Brook Greek relationships. The sisters of Theta Pi have
Simon, Brooke Sirek and Jen Luedke accepted into al for an Inter-Greek Buddy System on campus has also been extremely active in the community. We
nursing school; Tonja Reeson selected for Scarlet been approved. We are hoping that it will improve have made several visits to area nursing homes and
and Cream, UNLs prestigious traveling singing and our safety as well as relationships with the other have volunteered our time as ushers in the
performing group; Jill Fazzioni selected as Peer Greeks on campus. Wagner Theatre. Theta Pi is extremely proud to
AIDS Educator; Christina Harrison selected as Peer announce that our sister, Rachel Germano, has
Alcohol Educator; and Steph Miley will be study- In September, chapter members helped paint been crowned 1995 Homecoming Queen. We
ing in Ecuador this Spring. the classrooms of the school for American Children are so proud of her. Theta Pi is also proud of the
with Downs Syndrome. In November, we will be fact that we have the largest New Membet class
Elizabeth Griner participating in an inter-Greek walk-a-thon for on campus. We had an extremely successful rush
Children with Downs Syndrome. and we have seven wonderful New Members.
Amy Riddle, Penny Addison, Marilyn Purdy and Stacy Stewart Theta Pi is doing great and we are trying hard to
enjoyed a successful BRIDGES program on This fall C.W. Post will be holding its annual be the best that we can be!
blood drive. Last year our chaptet came in first
"Eating Disorders and Self-Esteem" presented at Phi Sigma place for participation and will be giving it the same Christine Meilan
(U of Nebraska-Kearney). effort this year!
NEW YORK Karrie Giglietta
Delta Upsilon
Epsilon Sigma Chi
Cornell U Hartwick College The Delta Upsilon Chapter began the year
In spring 1995, Epsilon welcomed 37 New Much is in store for the fall. We kicked off the
with excitement when their President, Julie Ritter,
Members! The diverse group quickly bonded to year by doing a bowl-a-thon with other Greeks on
organize their own fund raiser for the Arthritis
Foundation. Our strong commitment to commu-
nity service resulted in a vast array of activities
including parties with children from the area, taking
local kids to Cornell sports events, cleaning up
Collegetown and Foodnet.
In addition to exciting formals and social
events, Epsilon proved their athletic prowess by
capturing the 1995 Intramural Bowling title, tie-
dyed at "Fun in the Sun" with Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, and sponsored one of AOn's first Brown
12 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
proudly accepted a Distinguished Service Award OHIO coflegiate news
at Convention on behalf of the chapter. In addi-
tion, Chapter Adviser, Laura Coble, was presented Alpha Psi in Childrens' Favorite in the Childrens' Carnival.
a Rose Award. The year came to a close as the chapter said good-
Bowling Green State U bye to the seniors.
At the annual philanthropic event. Back to The year for Alpha Psi is definitely off to a good
the Beach, the chapter raised approximately Kim Burton
$1,000 for charity. The campus event included start. Fall rush was successful with 24 New
over 150 participants who were cheered on by Members joining our chapter, along with 3 affili- Kappa Pi
over 200 spectators. ates. Alpha Psi's 2nd annual Bath Tub Races with
the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity raised $500 for Ohio Northern U
The chapter is looking forward to celebrating Arthritis Research, and we were one of the top The sisters of Kappa Pi chapter are working
Founders' Day with the nearby Elon College sororities to place in Greek Week. Along with the
Chapter on their campus. Last spring, quota was events, our chapter hosted the Destination hard, despite our low numbers from formal rush.
38 and we pledged 40! Rush was extremely suc- Unknown date party and New Year's in November We are continuously open-bidding women in
cessful and our new sisters are already more semi-formal. We are preparing for officer elections hopes of increasing the size of our current New
involved than ever. and sent two members to the Emerging Leaders Member Class.
Conference. We continue to have AOn pick-up,
Delta Upsilon continues to have a number of which is a program run on Friday and Samrday We have many events planned for the sister-
varsity athletes on the swim team and fencing team, nights to provide safe rides home for sisters. This hood, including our chapter retreat, philanthropy
members of campus singing groups, campus lead- year we have implemenred a positive sister of the events, and New Member activities. We are cur-
ers, and three Dancing Devils (part of the dance week award and continue to implement scholar- rently preparing for our philanthropy event,
team during football and basketball games.) Look ship, the BRIDGES Program, and overall Chapter Karaoke for a Cause. All the proceeds will be
for these sisters during televised sports events! Relations. Go Alpha Psi! presented to the Arthritis Research Fund.
Alison Flanders Melissa Guzik Amy Diehl was awarded Greek Week Queen
and we placed second in the Homecoming
Epsilon Chi
banner competition.
Elon College Cheryl Hayden
The Epsilon Chi Chapter won Homecoming for
the 1994-95 school year making it six wins out of
the seven years that the chapter has been on campus. Miami U
Members volunteered at the annual Carousel Festival
in Burlington, N C . Also, the chapter went trick-or- The Omega Chapter of AOn is proud
trearing for Arthritis and raised about $400. Chapter
members also volunteered their time playing Bingo of its New Member class of 1995, whose
at a local retirement home. At the Greek Awards
Banquet, the chapter was awarded the highest GPA enthusiasm and excitement have only
of any sorority on campus, and was given the
Chapter of Excellence Award. Also, we took quota complimented that of its already existing
with 36 New Members.
members. In a campus of twenty-one
Tonya Holley
national sororities, AOF1 presendy ranks
Zeta Psi
third for the highest GPA, with a 3.149,
East Carolina U
Zeta Psi worked very hard this year to have a and just recendy took second place for
successful rush. As it turns out, hard work pays off the second year in a row in Greek Week.
as we reached our quota. Our very active Alumna
Adviser, Karen Basserti, is working on installing an Our philanthropy is in full swing with
Alumnae Chapter in the community and one of
our New Members, Kristen Hirschfield, has been our Aquatics Program, in which our
elected to the Jr. Panhellenic Committee.
members volunteer to help physically
Our annual fund raiser exceeded our all time
high. We raised $4,500 at our campus bookstore Bid Day '95 was a tremendous success for Alpha Psi Chapter (Bowling disabled adults exercise in the pools in
book exchange. Our PR committee organized an Green State U) as they welcomed 24 New Members and 3 Affiliates. our campus Rec Center. As all our
AOPride day, where sisters and New Members members are both socially and academi-
washed car windows for faculty and students. We
left a note on each car stating it was AOPride Day! Chi Epsilon cally integrated in our campus and Greek System,
one prime example is Erin O'Donnell. Erin is a
We participated in the Adopt-a-Highway pro- Ohio State U senior, the president of the Associated Student
gram, where we take pride in our community by The Chi Epsilon Chapter continued to grow Government, and is presently Miami's
cleaning up a street we adopt. Two of our mem- Homecoming Queen. In other news. Omega had
bers were on the Homecoming Court and four and establish itself this past year. Fall formal rush a chapter retreat at the end of October, our fall
officers attended Convention. Zeta Psi was award- was a success as quality New Members were induct- "Barn Bash" date party was a success, and we are
ed the Centennial Celebration Award, 95-99% ed into the sisterhood. looking forward with anticipation to a wonderful
Initiation for the 1994-95 academic year, and a Red Rose Formal on November 11, in Cincinnati.
Certificate of Achievement. Winter quarter brought elections and a formal
date party. Also, the chapter hosted itsfirstphilan-
Deborah Smith thropy: Greek Family Feud. Numerous fraternities
and sororities competed in this successful "Greek" Michelle Baldin
version of the TV game show. A great deal of prepa-
ration went into this philanthropy, and it was a hit Omega Upsilon
During spring quarter, an LC retreat took OhioU
place, aiding the LC officers in redefining goals Our chapter continues a standard of excellence,
and improving the chapter. Next, a new and excelling in sisterhood, leadership and community
improved Parents' Weekend took place. The involvement. After another successful rush, Omega
highlight of the quarter was Greek Week. The Upsilon pledged over quota with 43 New Members.
chapter gave blood, competed in various games, Last spring was a time of achievement as we
participated in "High on Pride" in which Greeks paired with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity in Greek
cleaned up the local area, and received first place Week winning many of the events. Omega
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 13
collegiate news philanthropic project, Bowling for Roses.
Shannon Hale
Upsilon raised over $600 for Arthritis Research by PENNSYLVANIA At W
sponsoring an all day volleyball tournament called
"Get Set with AOn." Epsilon Alpha Theta Psi (U ofToledo) members take a brief
break during rush.
This fall, in honor of Homecoming, the chapter Pennsylvania State U
will donate thousands of canned goods to the Athens Once again, the Epsilon Alphas have had an women who are now the future of this chapter.
community. AOn also sponsors an all-Greek Trick- Another successful endeavor has been the annual
or-Treat, and an alcohol awareness speaker. amazing year! Last winter, we teamed up with
Kappa Alpha Order to raise over $20,000 for the AOFI Mr. Lehigh Contest. The theme of "We're
AOns are doing incredible things at Ohio U . Penn State Dance Marathon. "Thon" is the Looking for a Few Good Men" was won by Jim
Wendy Kepler is Panhellenic President, Eden largest student and Greek run philanthropy in the Kelly who is pledging Phi Gamma Delta. The
Pacernick was given the Greek Community Award nation, which contributed over $1.1 million last contest was able to raise $1,250 for Arthritis
for leadership and scholarship. Rachel Steele was year for the Hershey Medical Center for children Research. Under die guidance of rush chairperson,
recipient of the "Best New Member" award and with cancer. Wendy Yeungling, the chapter is preparing for an
Tysen Naughton is a member of the OU women's informal rush to be implemented in January.
volleyball team. AOn continues to develop and In April, we put on our sneakers and sweats for
grow as a strong, active sisterhood of women. the annual AOn Football Challenge. Our chapter Hard work from the chapter and scholarship
raised over $7,500 for the Arthritis Foundation. chairman, Stephanie Smith, paid off as AOH earned
Michelle Ford Graduation soon came around, and we said good- the highest GPA of all Greek groups at Lehigh.
bye to almost 40 of our sisters.
Theta Psi Patrice Lee and Shannon Mahon were both elect-
After much work and preparation, our Fall 1995 ed to the Panhellenic Council and Dianne Shelton
U of Toledo rush was a huge success. Our members will be par- and Rachel Meehan were selected as Rho Chi's.
The chapter is excelling in every way. We ticipating in Sigma Chi Derby Days, as well as
Greek Sing and Homecoming. Kadileen Kullman
ended last year with 3rd place in Songfest. Also,
we held our 3rd Annual Golf Classic with the Last semester we received rhe Panhellenic's Tau Lambda
men of Sigma Phi Epsilon raising over $500 for Hyperochos award for our chapter's outstanding
Arthritis Research. This chapter also received ovetall achievement and we were ranked second Shippensburg U
great recognition for the part we had in the all- out of 21 sororities for academic achievement. Our Tau Lambda had another outstanding year at
campus food drive. We are extremely proud of GPA was also above the average for independent
our Chaprer Adviser, Beverly Kirby, who received women of the University. Shippensburg U. We received the honor of Greek
a Rose Award at Convention for her outstanding Organization of the Year on the Shippensburg cam-
service to AOn and our local Toledo Alumnae Kristen Brush pus for the second year in a row. We also received
Chapter for being a DSA winner. rhe awards for Excellence in Membership
Lambda Upsilon Development, and Excellence in Scholarship
This fall started out with a great rush and Development. We had the highest GPA of the
Thera Psi rook 14 New Members. The chapter Lehigh U Greek community in fall '94, and had seventeen
was honored and excited to host our wonderful The Lambda Upsilon Chapter has been busy members attain Dean's List in spring '95. Two
Chaptet Consultant, Susan Bonifield this fall and members, Jill Cantor and Kim Bartholomew,
we are looking forward to Homecoming and our improving the sisterhood for furure members with achieved Order of Omega.
the guidance from our new president, Leigh
Wormick, and vice-president, Stephanie Lssacs. Last We gained 1 1 wonderful new members in
April we initiated 26 bright and highly motivated spring '95 and ten more in fall '95. We held two
new events this year, a mother-daughter banquet
and a father-daughter picnic, that were both suc-
cessful. We also participated in community service
and philanthropic events like Adopt-a-Highway
and sponsoring a Mr. Shippensburg U contest to
raise money for Arthritis Research. We look for-
ward to making the rest of our year even better!
Jennifer Martin
Kappa Omicron
Rhodes College
Kappa Omicron began 1994 with a successful
rush as the chapter met and exceeded its quota. In
the fall, Kappa Omicron sponsored two teas. The
first was a homecoming tea for alumnae and the
second honored members parents during Parent's
Weekend. Members participated in the Kappa
Delta All Sing for Parent's Weekend also.
Omega Upsilon (Ohio U) honors each member of their senior class with a rose.
14 ToDragma/WINTER 1995
Kappa Omicron held the annual Stick-Up for third place in scholarship. A skate-a-thon and a collegiate news
Arthritis on Halloween. Members dressed up and lollipop sale wete held for Arthritis Research.
raised approximately $300 in spare change. The on the Riverwalk closing out the semester.
chapter also had fun babysitting for Rhodes profes- This summer at Convention, Rho Omicron This semester we had a two day summer Rush
sors' children on Parent's Day Out. won a place on the Quota Honot Roll and was rec-
ognized for having 100% Initiation last fall. We Retreat, which turned out to be very successful.
Kappa Omicron ended the fall semester with also received a nomination for rush excellence. We pledged quota - 24 New Members! We also
the highest GPA of Greek women at Rhodes. had an excellent visit from Andrea Miner, CC. We
Spring started off with a Founders' Day luncheon Leah Bellacera had our sisterhood retreat in a cabin, outside San
with local Memphis alumnae. In February, the Antonio. The rest of the semester we have mixers
chapter held a spirit week by showing our pride Tau Omicron planned with Lambda Chi, A TO and Delta Tau
in AOn by wearing letters and posting AOn signs Delta. We have Parents Day, Swing-a-Thon and
on campus. U of Tennessee - Martin Trick-or-Treat for Arthritis in October. We plan to
Tau Omicron is continuing to excel in the pur- collect canned goods for the homeless, have a Date
In April, Kappa Omicron sponsored our third Night at Fiesta Texas, participate in the 5 K Jingle
annual "A O Mud Pi Sling", which benefitted the suit of excellence. We had a very successful rush, Bell Run for Arthritis and a Christmas Dinner to
Arthritis Foundation. Members also enjoyed an and these young ladies are already filling leader- celebrate the holidays together and wind down
exciting Rose Formal at the Memphis Brooks ship positions not only on campus, but in AOn as from an exciting semester.
Museum of Art. well. With the new BRIDGES program, we were
able to teach our New Members about the back- Carrie Heintschel
Kara Plenge ground and values of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Nu Omicron Tau Omicron has several campus role models
including SGA members and president, Student
Vanderbilt U Activities Counsel Chairperson, Student
The sisters of Nu Omicron had a great 1994-95 Ambassadors, Peer Enabling
Program leaders, scholarship and
school year with a whirlwind of activities ranging business fraternities, and cheerlead-
from philanthropic to social to rush. A successful ers. We also are very involved with
formal rush gave us 33 New Members and we were the community and are always will-
busy with philanthropy plans. We sold cookbooks ing to help out in anyway possible.
to benefit Arthritis Research, and were involved with Some examples of this dedication
charity organizations such as Habitat fot Humanity, include the Adopt-a-Highway pro-
Best Buddies and Alternative Spring Break gram, Adopt-a-Grandparent, visits
to local nursing homes, and a coat
Five of our members were on the SEC champi- drive and Christmas party for
onship soccer team and four more were cheerlead- underprivileged children.
ers. We still managed to find time for social lives
beginning with numerous swaps and date parties However, sisterhood is one of
and, of course, Red Rose Ball. our main aspects. Without our
strong sisterhood we would not
We worked hard this past year to maintain our have been able to attain a
tradition of excellence in and around the Distinguished Service Award and
Vanderbilt campus, and began the fall with excit- the Excellence In Rush Award at
ing plans. Three of our members were the 1995 Convention.
Orientation Leadets and Tamara Smith holds the
position of Vice President of Vucept, our fresh- Heather McAdams
men orientation otganization. Exciting plans are
underway for our annual Fajita Fest this fall, TEXAS
which is expected to raise around $4000 for
Arthritis Research. Our new LC has many other Upsilon Lambda Another successful rush is reason to smile for Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U).
plans to make this the best school year it can be.
U of Texas - San Antonio
Amanda Dickinson
The Upsilon Lambda Chapter has enjoyed a fun Zeta Kappa
Rho Omicron and productive year. We have been involved on SouthwestTexas State U
MiddleTennessee State U campus by supporting blood drives every eight The sisters of Zeta Kappa have had an eventful
The sisters of Rho Omicron had another out-
weeks, participating in Greek Week and inrramu- year! We began 1995 with a wonderful Founders'
standing year! To start off, we won third place over-
all in Homecoming. This year Rho Omicron and rals. Our Homecoming successes include a first Day celebration with the Austin Alumnae
Beta Theta Pi fraternity are both celebrating out
tenth year on campus and participated in place finish in the parade, fourth in the Window Chaptet on January 21. During the spring semes-
Homecoming together.
Wars, and getting Jenni Stewart elected ter, Zeta Kappa held fund raisers introducing
The chapter won the Outstanding Service
Award for the school and community at the Homecoming Queen. We also helped organize Southwest Texas' only "Men of Southwest" calen-
Panhellenic Banquet in April. Also that month, we
participated in Kappa Alpha's Old South Week and UTSAs first bonfire. Julie Efferson, our RD, and dar featuring both Greeks and non-Greeks. In
won second place.
Leigh Perry, one of our charter members, were February, Zeta Kappa held its fitst annual Rose
Rho Omicron did an exceptional job in All-
Sing last yeat coming in second place. Other inspiring visitors. Bowl Flag-Football Tournament for Arthritis
achievements include second place in Softball and
We celebrated our 16th birthday in November Research. Both projects were great successes and
with an Ice Cream social and initiated 17 New we hope to have a repeat performance in the
Members. To make this semester even more inter- 1995-96 school year! On the social scene, the
esting, we mixed with the Figi's, Phi Deltas, and Sig AOns mixed with the Men of Sigma Tau Gamma
Eps, went to a Spurs game through Panhellenic, a and the Men of Alpha Tau Omega. Zeta Kappa
sisterhood retreat on a ranch, and participated in also held its Spring Casual "Birthday Bash" on 6th
the Arthritis Foundation Telethon based in San Street in Austin, celebrating our third year at
Antonio. A Mother's Day Brunch, and Roseball Southwest Texas. This fall, Zeta Kappa looks for-
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 15
collegiate news for Arthritis Research, Gamma Alpha raised over Tau Gamma
$1,500 with successful car washes, bake sales, and
Eastern Washington U
the annual Mr. Mason Pageant. Gamma Alpha
The sisrers of Tau Gamma Chapter are once
ward to our house dedication, Parents Weekend, was also very excited after having 100% participa- again planning an exciting year. We started out
by pledging quota plus during our formal rush,
participating in Homecoming with the Men of tion in the "Dollar-per-Member" drive held for including one legacy. Our fall continues to be just
as successful with our CC visit in October and
Kappa Alpha, participating in Sigma Chi Derby AOtl's upcoming Centennial Celebration. After Homecoming where two of our sisters will be rec-
ognized in the royalty pageant. We will host our
Days, participating in "Chilympiad Cook-Off" much hard work, Gamma Alpha was nominated second annual "Teeter-Totter-A-Thon" to raise
money for Arthritis Research in November and
with the Men of Delta Chi, Date Parties and our for a Distinguished Service Award. hope we don't all freeze to death! Also in
November we will initiate our New Members and
Fall Casual in November. After receiving "Excellence in Rush" and host our annual Founders' Day/Alumnae
Appreciation Celebration. In January when we
Jennifer Moehlman "Outstanding Corporation" citations at return from winter break we will start our election
proceedings and install new officers. Winter
Convention, Gamma Alpha began the fall eager for quarter will bring our Annual Barn Dance
Philanthropy to raise money and collect canned
rush. First on cam- goods. Spring quarter will wrap up the year with
our University Parents' Weekend, Greek Week
pus to achieve and our Red Rose Formal.
quota, Gamma In addition to all this, we have scheduled
Highway Pickup, Panhellenic seminars, PR events,
Alpha is very excit- and many sisterhood events including a CR retreat.
All in all, it's bound to be a fun-filled year.
ed about our 35
Rebecca McKibbin
New Members.
The chapter thanks
Sigma Alpha
their RRO,
WestVirginia U
Michelle Monnett,
The Sigma Alpha Chapter started off the year
for her hard work. with one of the highest rates of rushee return on
campus enabling the chapter to pledge "quota-
In the future, plus" of 36!
Gamma Alpha Inspired by Convention, Sigma Alpha had their
own "Calling All Pandas!" Each member was
looks forward to asked to bring a panda with them to the summer
rush workshop. The pandas were used to decorate
excelling in acade- the house during rush then donated to the Ronald
McDonald House.
mics, three mixers,
Sigma Alpha is looking forward to
Members of Gommo Alpha (George Mason U) gather around their chapter's chalk art during capturing the flag Homecoming in hopes of repeating our winning
Greek Week. The chapter placed second in Greek Week for the third year in a row. efforts from last year. We will be teamed with
football cham pi- Sigma Phi Epsilon. Following Homecoming, we
onship, initiation of will pair up with Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta
Theta for the annual Mountaineer Week. During
VIRGINIA the New Members diis week, the chapter will hold its "Trick or Treat"
and a semi-formal in December. philanthropy for donations for Arthritis Research.
Chi Beta Brittany Mulling Sadly, over the summer, Sigma Alpha lost its
Corporation Board Treasurer, Judy Lilley. A brick
U of Virginia WASHINGTON on the Inspiration Walkway has been purchased to
commemorate her life. She will be gready missed.
Chi Beta sisters have been very active this fall
Samantha Young
beginning with a very successful fall rush. We are Alpha Gamma
very proud of our members accomplishments. WISCONSIN
Both Amy Palmerlee and Lisa Colone have been Washington State U
inducted into the Golden Key National Honors Kappa Sigma
Society; Amy is also in the distinguished majors Alpha Gamma successfully completed rush
program and Lisa is the president of the Italian pledging 34 women when quota was 30. The U of Wisconsin
Club, and on the UVA Intercollegiate Debate chapter received the Most Improved GPA on cam-
Team. Sandra Seiner and Maren Miller have pus for moving from twelfth to fourth in one Kappa Sigma chapter began our 1995-96 school
received inrermediate honors while Kathy Barba, semester. The chapter has not only participated in year on excellent notes. With hard work and the
Meg Maher, Mindy Peskin and Ann Suter are Fraternity sponsored events, but Alpha Gamma has entire chapter's participation, Kappa Sigma placed
Srudent Assistant Mentors. Kelly McClenathan is already raised $ 1500 for Habitat for Humanity and 1st in the Greek Week activities held at the U.W
a Resident Advisor, Kate MacKay appeared on the about $2000 for the Sexual Information Resource River Falls campus.
Price is Right on October 3rd, and Jen Bond sings Center on campus.
for the New Dominions, the only coed acapella
group at UVA. Meg Maher, Kathy Barba and The following women are only some of the
Casey Kesler are First Year Focus facilitators. Edie AOns actively involved on campus: ASWSU
Altschull and Michelle Anderson work for the Executive Public Relations Coordinator, Aleana
Student Escort Service, and Jenny Simpson is Wixon; Moms' Weekend Co-chair, Sarah Cross;
involved in Head Start. Margaret McLees is a Greek Week Chair, Robin Green; Coug Guys and
member of the Jefferson Literary and Debating Gals, Angie Sessions, Laura Tedrick and Sarah
Society. Casey Kesler is on the club soccer team Etzler; Gamma Patrol, Sarah Cross, Kristin
and is also a Student Athlete Mentor. Rolland, Kristi Phillips; Public Relations Srudent
Society of America, Crystal Nelson; Order of
Omega, Robin Green; and Fall Rush Conselers,
Megan Kaercher, Robin Green, Kristi McConkey
Maren Miller and Kelli Catania.
Lynn Duprel
Gamma Alpha
George Mason U
The women of Gamma Alpha Chapter have
been very busy since the 1995 Spring Semester.
Dedicating much of the semester to fund raising
(6 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
collegiate news notables
The chapter began the school year preparing Our Chapters Foundation in appreciation Barbara Wilson Higgs,
for fall rush with the help of Tau Chapter. The S > The women of T h e t a for outstanding volunteer Omicron (U of
preparation paid off on bid distribution night, service by L a m b d a S i g m a T e n n e s s e e ) has been elect-
when the chapter learned they had taken quota. C h a p t e r ( D e P a u w U ) and during the NCAA National ed the first woman president
Everyone was ecstatic. the men of Alpha Kappa Gymnastics Championships. of the UT National Alumni
Lambda Fraternity at Purdue
As a community service project, Kappa Sigma co-sponsored a surprise ban- Our Alumnae Association. Fellow
walked to raise money for Turning Point, a local quet in honor of Ann and «S> Kyra Hickey, K a p p a R h o O m i c r o n member, Joy
shelter for victims of domestic violence. The chap- Keith Gilchrist on the cam- Phifer Rogers, has been
ter raised the most money for a university organiza- pus of Purdue. Ann is AOITs ( W e s t e r n Michigan U ) has selected as one of the ten
tion and had the largest group of people walking. newly elected International been named teacher of the Most Outstanding Teachers
President and Keith is year for the LAnse Creuse in the state ofTennessee. Joy
Amy Jo Klaila Executive Director of AKA. School District of Michigan. A teaches fourth grade in
first year teacher, Kyra teach- Murfreesboro City schools.
Sigma Alpha {West Virginia U) members are all smiles during e> Phi Chi ( U of es word processing
rush. Pictured (I to r) are Lauren Morris, Samantha Young, Jen C h i c a g o ) is applauded for
hosting the most successful to high school stu-
inzano, Brook DeW/tt, Erica Grant, and Michelle Mills. campus fund raiser ever by a
Greek organization. The dents at Pankow
event was A O n Pizza Taste-
Off and raised over $ 1000. Vocational and
S » The Booster Club for Technical Center.
the U . o f G e o r g i a ' s
Gymnastics Program has She was selected
donated $300 to the AOFl
out of 60 other
teachers from her
district She is a
member of the
Macomb County Barbara Wilson Higgs (left) and Joy Phifer
Alumnae Chapter. Rogers are honored by the Knoxville Alumnae
Chapter for their outstanding achievements.
The Power of Friendship AOIL
If you look on a globe in est in art management and arrived on Guam to teach Oceania). "Give us a call Cate Nunez
the far west Pacific marketing by assisting a fourth grade at Inajaran or drop us a line. Maybe RO. Box 5335 CHRB
(Micronesia) around 15° local artist market his very Elementary School. "Its we could share a plane Saipan MP 96950
North by 145° East, you'll unique "Banana Prints" - great here. The weather is ride around the world to
find a curve of tiny dots - scenic paintings where the tropical, the ocean is New Yorkforthe 1997 Bernadette Gilman
the Mariana Islands. The artist's brush is actually warm - very different from Centennial Convention!" RO. Box 6312
southernmost island in imprints from various Oregon! And it was so InarajanGU 96917
this chain is the US parts of banana trees. cool to find two more Kimberly Class
Territory of Guam, and AOris right here on these RO. Box 5831 CHR.B Alumnae Cate Nunez, Kjmberiy
the 15 islands to the north Kimberly McCormick little specks in the Pacific! Siapan MP 96950 McCormick Cass, and Bernadette Bayliss
comprise the US Class, Alpha Sigma '84 It's even more of a bonus 011 (670) 322-2527 Gilman, take time out at the beachside fin-
Commonwealth of the (U. of Oregon) is to be able to ish line after staffing a water station dunng
Northern Mariana Islands. President of the Siapan get to know Saipans international 'logmanTriathalon'
Believe it or not, three Chamber of Commerce. Kim better,
AOn sisters found each She uses her AOFI-honed since I was a
other in this island skills of conversation, New Member
paradise. Besides scuba leadership, and event at the rime she
diving, "hashing" (boonie planning on the job
runs), and beachcombing, everyday. She says, " I was a new
what are they doing there? credit my experiences in alumna."
AOn among the most
Cate Nunez, Kappa applicable training for my These three
Gamma '88 (Florida career - dealing with real would love to
Southern College) is the people in the real world. " hear from any
Personnel Manager at the other AOEIs in
Plumeria Resort Hotel on After completing her this part of the
the Island of Siapan. Cate masters degree in educa- world
is also developing an inter- tion, Bemadette Bayliss (Australia /
Gilman, Alpha Sigma '88, Asia/
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 17
alumnae news
Ventura County Alumnae members don hats and sip tea each fall at their annual English Garden Tea Party. named Region I RVP and RFO respectively.
Roses also to Dorothy Breeze, Cathy Germin
CANADA YWCA literacy program. This year, the mem- and Shirley Gaudreau (all Beta Kappas) for serv-
bers of Kappa Phi will be joining us along with ing as Gamma Chi advisers.
Calgary Dr. Heisher of Montreal General Hospital's
Breast Clinic. The yearfinishedwith our annual M.J. Jacobsen (613)837-3361
The Calgary Alumnae Chapter had a busy poduck to welcome seniors into alumnae status.
year. Many alumnae contributed time and UNITED STATES
efforts to a successful rush for Kappa Lambda (U This year started off with a Bar-B-Q in Alabama
of Calgary), and presented collegians with hand- September and most recendy we held a career
made "stress balls." Alumnae new to the area night for Kappa Phi members. Unfortunately Huntsville
included Melanie Crowshoe (U of Arizona), the Panhellenic semi-formal was re-scheduled for
who just completed her first year of Medical the same evening. We are all thrilled with the Several members of the Huntsville Alumnae
School. A fun casino and auction were held in recent appointment of Cheryl Post as RD to Chaptet attended International Convention last
November. Despite a freak snowstorm that Kappa Phi and to Gamma Chi in Ottawa. June in Scottsdale where the chapter teceived a
made for treacherous roads, money was raised Special thanks go out to all our dedicated alum- Certificate of Achievement and a Public
for Arthritis Research both locally and for nae who continue to serve the chapter and who Relations Citation.
AOn's Foundation. Collegians from Kappa show their support to our collegians. Best wishes
Lambda Chapter also helped and dealt blackjack to all our sisters for a great year. In July, chapter members entertained local
for the evening. collegians, home for the summer, during a meet-
Wendy Moon (514)933-1657 ing to work on RRFs. A n evening party in
Calgary chapter welcomed five Seniors from September began the 1995-96 chapter year at
U of C. Over June 16th weekend, Jo Ann Kris Ottawa the home of Kitty Pettus. Events for the year
Rouse from Seattle was up to host a workshop for were discussed, including the planning of a
the AAC. She experienced some of Calgary's Greetings from Canada's capital where the "Make Believe Tea" to benefit Arthritis Research.
unpredictable weather at a BBQ hosted by the Ottawa Alumnae have been busy with fund rais-
alumnae chapter. Other 1995 events include a ing, poduck supper meetings, a strawberry social, Other activities will include a dutch treat
casino/masquerade ball in October, hosting a spe- financial planning workshops, shared activities dinner, a Christmas party with collegians and
cial Founders' Day celebrating the 10th anniver- with Gamma Chi Chapter, a spring brunch and their mothers, Founders' Day and a trip to
sary of the installation of AOFI at the U . of our traditional Founders' Day Tea. A O n Headquarters.
Calgary So if you are a lost member from Kappa
Lambda Chapter, we'd love to hear from you. As Ottawa lays claim to the longest skating Dawn Williamson (205)534-7107
rink in the world, we had a skating party. The
Julie Samuel (403)235-2061 year's highlight had to be our tour of recendy Arkansas
retired Dominion sculptor Elinor Milne's studio.
Montreal It was Elinor who created many of the magnifi- Little Rock
cent sculptures and stone carvings in our nation-
The Montreal Alumnae Chapter has had an al Parliament Buildings. Sister of Barbara The 1995-96 year brings about travels into
eventful year leading up to the September birth Lambert, Kappa Phi, who is herself an architect, the past and fututes o f A O n . Everyone
of Kyle William to our president, Sarah Smith Elinor studied under A.Y. Jackson, one of renewed their passports to sail around the world
Allan. Our annual Comedy Nest fund raiser for Canada's Group of Seven. Happily, Elinor is still aboard the International Cruise Ship, The AOFI
Arthritis Research was a great success and this sculpting special commissions for Canada. Alumnae Queen. Our bon voyage send off took
year will be a combined event with the collegians us to Germany in time for Oktoberfest. We
at Kappa Phi. Founders' Day was celebrated at Rose bouquets to M.J. Jacobsen, Beta Tau, embarked on numerous philanthropic issues and
Mother Tucker's with a guest speaker from the and Jane Wandell, Kappa Phi, who have been renewed our ritual awareness.
We will spend the holidays playing Santa
helping families in need. The local arthritis chap-
ter plans to hold an auction. All "bears" dressed
for success will be auctioned. Our panda bear
will be sporting the colors of AOn, of course!
All proceeds benefit the local chapter. During
Founders' Day, we plan to honor 50 year mem-
bers: Emma Stuart, Katherine Headrick, Libba
Alstadt, Jean Roberts and Irene Sneigocki.
Our travels take us to Cozumel, China,
England, Japan and back to America. With our
sisterhood renewed, we are ready for another
year of A-O-Pride!
Mychelle Kleypas (501)225-6655
In keeping with one of our primary goals
for 1995-96, we have established two new pro-
grams geared toward nurturing our own mem-
bership. A "Caring Committee" has been cre- with exciting information about the upcoming alumnae news
ated to keep other members informed of the 100th anniversary celebration of the founding
needs of sisters during crisis, hardships or major of AOLl. Members are presently making San Diego
life changes. An informal lunch bunch pro- plans to host Founders' Day in 1996 to be held
gram was also created, whereby a monthly in Anaheim. The San Diego Alumnae Chapter looks for-
lunch date travels throughout the metropolitan ward to an exciting year. In addition to our reg-
Phoenix area attended by sisters from various Karen Van Dyke Watson (714)826-2065 ular meetings, we will gather for informal get
parts of the city. These fun gatherings foster togethers such as movie nights and coffee chats.
friendship and spirit among our existing and Palo Alto We hope these events will provide our sisters a
new members. The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter chance to get to know one another better and to
will continue with our successful and anticipat- The Palo Alto Alumnae kicked off a new build lastingfriendshipsand contacts.
ed annual events including the "Make It, Bake year with our fall brunch, held at the home of
It, Sew It, Grow It Auction" held in December, Ann Jones in Los Altos Hills. We enjoyed good San Diego is also going into the publishing
along with our volunteer hours from members food, good fellowship and a spectacular view of business. We will collect favorite recipes from
and friends for the Phoenix Open, to benefit San Francisco Bay. Future events include our our members and, in 1997, publish the "San
local Panhellenic scholarships. Harvest Auction, Ritual and dessert for Delta Diego Alumnae Chapter Cookbook." Proceeds
Sigma seniors, a Pampered Chef cooking party from the sale of the cookbook will go to our
Linda Wilbanks (602)488-4123 and a Stanford U Art Docent lecture. We are chapter's Centennial Celebration Fund.
designating the lecture as part of our Panhellenic
Tucson outreach, inviting friends from other sororities. We are also excited about our annual
We are proud that our membership has grown Masterpiece Auction Fund Raiser which will be
The sisters of the Tucson Alumnae Chapter 44% over the last year, and we are attracting held in November at the Solana Beach and
support the Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the U of more young alumnae. In an effort to meet our Tennis Club. This traditional event is a high-
Arizona and serve on the AAC. Most of our goal of increased collegiate support, we will be light of each year.
monthly activities were social functions while selling finals survival kits. We currendy offer a
sharing food and fun. We assisted rush with scholarship to a deserving Delta Sigma and hope Amy Herman (619)793-3493
Kris Bellafiore and Chris Flores coordinating the to donate extra funds to the AOFI Foundation
volunteers. Our traditional pasta supper, swap Scholarship Fund. Members continue to be San FernandoValley
meet fund raiser, homecoming brunch, and a active in the community, volunteering for the
new member (collegiate) tea hosted by Kathleen Girl Scouts, Arthritis Foundation, Junior League San Fernando Valley Alumnae had a suc-
Quigley fell in the fall of '94. A Founders' Day and numerous professional associations. cessful August B-B-Q. We met in October for
luncheon arranged by Mary King, was held with a happy hour meeting. Our annual garage sale
the collegians. Spring '95 activities included a Trish Moxon (415)967-0639 is sure to be a success in October as well. We
fund raiser at the Gaslight Theater, a stroll meet once a month and look forward to start-
through "Downtown Saturday Night" lead by ing an annual salad supper meeting and a
Mary Christoph, and a senior brunch hosted by champagne brunch in December that honors
Jane Brown. Summer was time for a swim party
at the home o f Carla Keegan and the IlilHUiiflU 50 year members.
International Convention attended by Tricia Marta Pemberton
Clapp, Lynne Wood Dusenberry, Nancy
Schooley, Jill O'Rourke and Laura Mosier. ^ (805)295-8691
Chris Flores (520)795-2396 Ventura County
California The Ventura County
Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter began the
Northern Orange County Alumnae started season with their annual
the year with a salad supper to welcome new
member, Pam Geer. Our annual holiday dinner English Garden Tea Party
and ornament exchange was held at the home of
Pat Halibozek. Special guest Barbara Goll, our held in the garden of
RD, attended. Fund raising included a success-
ful silent auction. A donation was made to the Marianne Porter. Hats were
Ruby Fund in memory of Matthew Bleck, son
of Mary Leigh Bleck. A contribution was made the order of the day. This
for a brick to be placed on the walkway at HQ.
A few o f the smiling umnae Members who were on hand to assist was followed by a successful
Members provided support for Lambda
Beta Chapter by serving dinner at the house dur- with Upsilon Alpha's rush at the U of Arizona. garage sale, Harvest Craft
ing rush. Julie Bums presented the Mary Lou
Ebner Annual Scholarship Award to Linda Paul San Jose Night, and the traditional Christmas ornament
at Founders' Day in San Pedro. and cookie exchange.
Member Heidi Gould is currently serving The San Jose Alumnae Chapter ended 1994 The spring calendar will include Founders'
as president of Southern California Council. with an annual Christmas Party. In January, Day in February, a community service meeting,
President Karen Watson represented Kappa they celebrated Founders' Day with alumnae a springtime botanical tour, followed by lunch at
Theta Chapter in die candle lighting ceremony and collegians from all over Northern California. the Ojai Valley Inn.
at Convention in Scottsdale. She returned In the spring, they welcomed graduates from
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U) into alumnae sta- The concluding event will be a family picnic
tus at their annual luncheon. In September, they at Malibu Lake, the setting for many motion
helped Delta Sigma with rush and provided the pictures and television programs. At each meet-
chapter with dinner one night, and they also ing, members donate items to the local
gathered with alumnae from all over Northern M A N N A facility for the needy and homeless.
California for "A Day at the Races" at Bay
Dorothy Robinson (805)495-6074
Meadows Raceway. Currendy looking forward West Los Angeles
to this year's Christmas Party.
The West Lost Angeles Alumnae Chapter is
Karen Ryan (408)268-2831 planning another f u n fdled year. We were
thrilled to be honored at Convention with the
Distinguished Service Award. Upon returning
To Dragma/WINTER 1995
alumnae news surprise of everyone, a collegian walked off with service project, to assemble personal care kits for
the prize! Erin Dodd from Cornell joined our the Women in Distress Sheltet in Browatd
County. April brought our spring luncheon and
home, we immediately held a celebration bar- spring gathering. Our fall program began with a officer installation. Finally, Caroline Courtney
hosted a Derby Day Couples Party at het home
beque. Fall has brought rush support to business meeting in September at the home of in May and you can "BET" we had a terrific
time! Looking forward to another great year.
Lambda Beta (CSULB) and Sigma Phi our Vice President, Jackie Neidermeier, in New
Caroline Courtney (305)566-3561
(CSUN). We recendy held our second white Canaan. We have two new events added to our
Gainesville Area
elephant silent auction and brunch raising funds calendar this fall - a NYC outing and our newly
Well, after years of dormancy, the ladies of
for a joint Centennial scholarship planned with formed book club. In December, we will meet the Gainesville Area Alumnae Chapter are active
again. Officers have been selected and a newslet-
Sigma Phi Chapter. We are planning two holi- for our Founders' Day luncheon and Benefit ter has gone to publication. We are all excited
about the upcoming year and, of course, New
day theme events. One is a holiday entertain- auction at the Norwalk Inn. For our 1996 York in June for our next Convention.
ing/decorating/gift idea party and the other our Founders' Day, we hope to join the other alum- Several volunteered to help during Rush at
the U of Florida, Gamma Omicron Chapter -
holiday gift exchange. January brings our theater nae chapters in the Tri-State area! which I might add was a great success. Go girls!
night with friends and family. Founders' Day Catherine Quine Carter (203)634-3783 In the coming months we have planned sev-
eral meetings and socials including a tailgate
will be spent with hundreds of AOris, collegians party at the UF vs. FSU game in November,
luncheon and Christmas shopping in Historic
Delawareand alumnae, from all over Southern California. Micanopy, FL, along with several business meet-
We are beginning plans for our annual Phantom ings. Any alumnae living in the area and have
Tea which benefits the AOFI Foundation. We Wilmington not been contacted, please give me a call so that
are looking forward to the Centennial you can be added to the mailing list. Come join
Celebration with plans for the quilt square, Recently reorganized, the Wilmington us for fun and sisterhood.
Alumnae Chapter continued our efforts this
past year towards strengthening our chapter. Nannet Read (904)332-1458
scholarship and gift to our community. We are We began to give support to a local battered Orlando
very pleased to have recent graduates joining women's shelter by providing them with some Receiving the DSA Award thrilled the entire
chapter, but especially Lisa Akers and Marty
WLA-AOn and many new members in addi- badly needed hygiene products. These products Harrison, who were on hand to accept the
award. Mary Louise Filer Roller, a chapter
tion to our returning ones. We are involved with were generously donated to us by the Playtex member, compounded the excitement by win-
ning of the Adele K. Hinton Award for
Los Angeles Alumnae Panhellenic holding the Company, which has a local plant. A t Excellence. With a little time to reflect on an
exciting year past, we have moved quickly into
office of files and involved with our local colle- Christmas time, we joined many other people planning the coming year.
giate chapters providing advisers. We are happy in the area and helped a local bank to provide Betty Chittum hosted our kick-off meeting
in September at her lakeside home. Chapter
to say that most of the time we are involved with stockings filled with necessities that were given members marked their calendars for several
events: our first Creaky Bones Bash combines
the joys of friendship that our alumnae chapter to homeless people in Wilmington. We would dinner, Halloween costumes, and prizes to bene-
fit the Central Florida Arthritis Foundation.
has given to us. like to give praise and thanks to the several The annual Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis
Foundation follows in December, with hopes of
Melinda Kelly (310)472-2436 members of our chapter who also served as topping last year's $10,000 raised. The
Founders' Day celebration, thanks to Jane
Colorado advisers for the Delta Chi Chapter at the U . of Snook, is already taking shape for January at
Delaware. We do appreciate their efforts. Our Maison et Jatdin. With some exciting social
events added in, the year looks like another
Denver chapter ended the year by inducting into alum- award winner for the Orlando Area Chapter.
The Denver Alumnae Chapter has had a full nae status many of the seniors of the Delta Chi Lisa Akers (407)696-5430
schedule of activities this year. Alums and mem- Chapter. We hope that they continue to make Greater Miami
bers of Chi Delta at the U of Colorado at AOn a pan of their lives. Greater Miami Alumnae Chapter, dormant
for a generation, is in its second year following
Boulder celebrated AOITs Founders' Day with Stephanie K. Parker (302)644-2169 reinstallation April 23, 1994. The Chapter, ini-
tially installed on November 14, 1938, started a
a luncheon and choral program. In December, membership drive to entice old and new mem-
bers to participate in this year's activities.
AOris joined others for the Jingle Bell 5K
walk/run to benefit the Rocky Mountain
Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation. On a cold
snowy day in February, we treated ourselves to a
warm and relaxing tea with lots of conversation
at Denver's historic Brown Palace Hotel.
April brought our annual geranium sale to Representing Bloomington/Normal AC. members
benefit the local chapter of the Arthritis Jen Bredthcuer and janice Buxton present Tamee Dark
Foundation and two other events rounded out
the year. In April, alumnae shared a potluck (center) with on Inspiration Walkway brick Certificate.
luncheon with the Chi Delta seniors and initi-
ated them into alumnae status at the chapter Florida
house in Boulder. The annual bridge of Roses
event to benefit the Chi Delta chapter house in Ft Lauderdale
Boulder was held in June. Alumnae and fami-
lies attending enjoyed lunch and a program at The Ft. Lauderdale Alumnae Chapter
the C.U. Planetarium. kicked o f f our 1994-95 year with an
International potluck dinnet at Dale Miller's
Diane Boone (303)680-7172 home in early October. We held our Founders'
Day luncheon and Holiday Auction at the Ft.
Connecticut Lauderdale County Club hosted by Carole
Kashner. We were thrilled to have so many sis-
Southern Connecticut ters from Miami and Boca Raton join us.
Southern Connecticut AOIls ended our In February, we gathered for a community
1994-95 year with a spring picnic at the home of
Alice Smith in Stamford. We had our annual
croquet and darts tournaments and much to the
2(1 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
For the second November, we gathered with Chicago-Beverly Hills alumnaenews
the Boca Raton and Ft. Lauderdale alumnae.
We had a great holiday luncheon and auction at Chicago-Beverly Hills Alumnae Chapter is Chicago West Suburban
the Ft. Lauderdale Country Club. located on Chicago's far South side, South and
Southwestern suburbs. We have been an alum- Thanks to Terri Elmore Kowalczyk for our
A homeless shelter for women in Miami, A nae chapter for over 50 years. Four of our mem- diverse programming, and to Suzi Guemmer
Woman's Place, is our local philanthropic pro- bers attended Convention in various capacities Horn, who has gone nuts, again, organizing our
ject. Members are encouraged to clean out their and we are proud of this representation. quality nut and candy sale. This fall philanthropic
closets and make up toiletry bags for distribution project was a big success. Our first get-togethers
at the facility. The are 200 AOFIs in the Miami Three AOITs from Chicago-Beverly Hills are included an awesome hayride and B-B-Q, and a
area, but still plenty of room at our meetings. members of Phi Chi's Corporation and AAC sweatshirt decotating party. In the winter we
We encourage all to participate in our alumnae Boards. We are an active member in the Chicago
activities, which always seem to revolve around Area Council, which
great food and camaraderie. sponsors a Founders'
Day Celebration. Phi
Lauren T. Mehalik (305)443-1645 Chi was the collegiate
chapter we aided with
Georgia extra money for Rush
expenses and treat bags
Atlanta in the Spring.
One of the goals of the Adanta Alumnae is Two 50 year mem-
to improve public relations in the AOFI and
general community. We believe it is important bership pins were
to notify as many as possible about the commit-
ment Adanta AOn has made. This year over awarded at Founders'
1600 newsletters were mailed to AOris in the
Atlanta area. Alumnae do this not only to Day. One to PIP, Peg
encourage AOFIs to become active members
but also to inform everyone about our progress Crawford (Iota) and
on the local and state level. Included in this
four page newsletter is information about another to Margie
arthritis research, Panhellenic, olympic volun-
teers, and AOFI rush. Also, all current mem- Wart (Beta Phi) from
bers are listed and the schools they attended.
Over 30 colleges and universities are represented our membership. (I to r) Louonne CondreayAnne Stover, Christine Fisher, Renee Smith, Liz Coffey, Kelly Brooks
in our membership. A favorite program and Karen Morauski were all on hand for Indianapolis ACs 18th Annual Arthritis Luncheon.
President, Carol Cotten Smith, our con- was established for our
vention delegate, brought back several awards
for our chapter, and Shirley Lee and Linder chapter. It is "Share and Care". Each members raised money for the Arthritis Foundation by sell-
Snider received Rose Awards. Also, Dee Allen
was named Greek Woman o f the Year by brings somediing they treasure and tells us the ing handmade ctafts and bakery items and
Atlanta Panhellenic.
story that goes with it. The item may be a book, enjoyed our holiday poduck and gift exchange.
Becky Lewis (404)338-1424
picture, poem or object. This will definitely be Founders' Day reunited us with AOFIfriendsin
repeated. The year ended with "Girls Night the Chicago area as we were honored to hear
Out" or dinner at a favorite restaurant, Mary Williams, IP speak.
Outside of the fact that Tamee Dark, our
RVP and outstanding local membet, moved Kay Shannon (708)422-4828 Our February meeting featured a
to the great state of Texas (you lucky Texans), Pampered Chef demonstration and sale with
this year has started off wonderfully. We miss Chicago Northwest Suburban 10% of the profits going to our philanthropic
you Tamee! fund. This spring, we will deliver decorated
The Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae baseball caps, crayons and coloring books to
AOFI Convention was an absolute thrill fot Chapter has had a very busy year with new activi- Wyler Children's Hospital.
our chapter! The utmost thrill was to watch fel- ties, fund-raisers and a variety of new members.
low chapter member Mary Williams perform her Our new member coffee in August brought sever- We closed the year out with our FIOAs at a
duties as president. The excitement continued al new faces from various chapters across the pizza and bowling party and with other sisters at
however, as we were deeply honored to be recipi- country. September and October meetings were a salad supper.
ents of the Distinguished Service Award. In addi- spent getting to know our new members and
tion, one of our sisters who most exemplifies the preparing for our upcoming holiday fund-raiser Nancy Walker Jacob(708)325-7315
purpose of AOFI, Carroll Bross, was the recipient which proved, again, to be a success.
of a Rose Award. This year we look forward to Lake County
sharing our sisterhood with others as we help with In December we enjoyed a Pampered Chef
the local Arthritis Jingle Bell Run and serve dinner demonstration and January featured a self- The Lake County Alumnae chapter had
to the homeless. defense meeting from a local police officer. In another fun filled year with social events, fund
February we celebrated Valentines' with a grab raisers, and community service events. Our social
Suan Guess Hanson (309)663-2705 bag while making plans for our new philan- events included a kick-off in September, concen-
thropic project, "A Rose Ever Blooming" Flower trating on getting to know new members. We
Show. Alumnae and guests looked on as several invited the centennial coordinatot for one meet-
florists created a variety of beautiful flotal ing and also had a pot luck dinner and a night
arrangements which were later raffled off. out for country line dancing.
Proceeds were donated to Arthritis Research.
Our April meeting gave the alumnae an oppor- For fund raisers, we always sell nuts for
tunity to cut and paste while making Easter dec- Christmas. In November, the annual auction
orations for their homes. The year closed with sells home baked goods, hand crafts and other
our annual pot luck in May. donated items. The chapter is also planning new
fund raisers for the Centennial Convention
Michelle Nikodem (708)397-0748 including a garage sale, an awards ceremony and
magazine subscriptions.
The chapter continues to support the local
Safe Place. We schedule rwo visits a year and
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 2]
alumnae news April, was a huge success. Chris Fisher, and her major focus continues to be writing to area
committee put together a fabulous afternoon members to send MIF information. Hundreds
of MIF's have been completed by our chapter
donate money and supplies throughout the which included a silent auction, a raffle and members in ten years! A rousing round o f
year. We have also entered the Adopt-a- "Fashions By Parisian", a professional fashion applause to the chapter!
Highway program to help clean up a stretch of show. We were able to present a contribution of
road twice a year. $2000 to the Multi Purpose Arthritis Center at Carrie Joy Brookshire (502)466-5589
Indiana U, our largest donation yet.
We have enjoyed participating in Chicago Kentuckiana
area Founders' Day and Illinois State Day. We Other events included the 6th annual "Make The Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter began
the year with our annual kickoff brunch and
sent finals packages to our adopted collegiate It, Bake It, Grow It, Sell It" holiday auction, the election of officers. The calendar for the upcom-
ing year includes a "Day at the Farm" i n
chapter, Iota, and are proud of being selected a Founders' Day Tea hosted by Carol Jackson, October, an ornament exchange in November
and a "Get Into the Spirit" dinner and shopping
Distinguished Service Award Semi-finalist. home decorating tips, country line dancing in December. We will begin 1996 with our
annual Founders' Day in January, Kentucky
Vicki Biarnesen (708)855-1459 lessons, gift wrapping ideas for the holidays and State Day and Louisville City Panhellenic Style
appraising your home antiques and collectibles. Show in February, St. Patrick's Day Celebration
Indiana Our greatest joy this year was the election of Ann and business meeting in March and our annual
Senior Celebration with Pi Alpha in April. We
Bloomington Gilchrist to the office of International President. work closely with the Pi Alpha Chapter and
inducted 12 seniors into alumnae status this past
The Bloomington AGTI Alumnae started Roses to Ann, from all of us! spring. We are very proud of Pi Alpha and enjoy
working with them on their AAC, Corporation
the year off with a bring-a-sandwich luncheon at Ann Stover (317)844-5013 Board and during rush.
the home o f B.A. Kuntz (Beta Phi). O n
September 13, a dinner was held to honor Gayle Muncie The Chapter would like to express thanks to
our outgoing officers Robbie Steder, Linda
Karch Cook (Beta Phi), winner o f AOITs The Power of Friendship in Muncie is evi- Steder and Ladonna Stanley (all Alpha Chi's)
and our pride in two members serving on the
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award. dent as we glance at the planned events of 1995- International Executive Board, Elaine Kennedy
(Alpha Chi) and Mary Bryant (Delta Omega).
International President, A n n McClanahan 96. We always start and end our year with food
Linda Madden Stroud (502)231-9007
Gilchrist, presented the award to Gayle, who was for the AOFI heart and soul. AOn spouses and
unable to accept it at Convention. Special guests friends will attend the Anderson Raceway Park
Hammond Area
included Chancellor Kenneth Gros Lewis, and tour the local Justice Center. Our Holiday
The Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter
Indiana U Vice President; Suellen Reed, Auction reaps profits for the AOIl Foundation. participated in Move-In Day at Southeastern LA
U by selling hot dogs, cokes, and popcorn.
Superintendent of Public Instruction; and Joyce A local educator will tell of her successful after- A O I l alumnae participated in this event with
the Agriculture Alumni Association and played a
Brinkman, State Treasurer (both Phi Omicron), school tutoring program for underprivileged chil- vital part in the success of this venture. They
even donated their share of the profits to help
and the AOn Foundation Director o f dren. With Kappa Kappa at Ball State U, we will pay for our baseball sign in the baseball stadium.
One again, our chapter was successful rushing
Development, Pat Helland. share Founders' Day, renew our AOn vows at prospective AOFIs.
Additional programs and activities for the their formal initiation, host them on campus as Laura Litolff (504)345-0102
year include creative development of greeting we listen to the latest women's health issue from a
cards presented by Kim Turner (Kappa Alpha), local gynecologist, initiate seniors into alumnae Monroe
the annual Arthritis Auction and the Alumnae- status, and provide advisers and corporation
Beta Phi Founders' Day. A look at rare books board members. At Scottsdale, the chapter The AAC sponsored a reception honoring
from the I.U. Lilly Library by Helen Welsh, a received a Certificate o f Achievement and Lambda Tau's 1995 New Member Class, along
music warehouse by Director Verda Slinkard Foundation Award, plus Randi Shields with their parents, at Biedenharn Gardens on
(Kappa Alpha) and Waldron Arts Center by Carmichael and Barbara Johnson Ottinger were October 7. We welcome these newest members
Executive Director Frank Young. We will also named Rose Award winners. The Power of to the "World of Alpha Omicron Pi"
host a dinner honoring sorority graduates. Friendship continues on for another year.
A Founders' Day Brunch w i l l be
Valerie M . Sommer (812)339-5781 Barbara Ottinger (317)289-4080 December 2 with guest speaker, Dr. August
Danti addressing current issues on Arthritis
mm Iowa Research. Our annual Rose Ball will be held
later that night. Alumnae, collegians, their
Mildred Allen, Bloomington. IN president greets Ann Gilchrist Cedar Rapids/Iowa City parents and invited guests are welcome.
International President (left) at a dinner honoring Gayle Cook, Details on location, cost and RSVP info will
The Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter is off be mailed out in early November.
winner of the Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Award. to a strong start this year with a full calendar.
This year's goal is to contact all area AOils and Membership dues for 1995-96 are to be
Indianapolis an interest survey is underway. Several alumnae received by Jan. 15. Full Member $30,
events have been planned for this year as well as
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter started several events with the local collegiate chapter,
the new social year off with our Fall Pitch-In and Alpha Theta. This years events include several
business meeting which introduced the follow- social activities so that all alumnae chapter
ing months' special activities. Our 18th Annual members can get to know one another and to
Arthritis Luncheon, held at Conner Prairie in promote sisterhood for a lifetime. Meetings
have been planned in both Cedar Rapids and
Iowa City on week days and weekends to attract
as many interested members as possible.
Janice Linden (319)351-2592
The Hopkinsville Area Alumnae Chapter
recently celebrated 10 years of success! Our
22 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
Sustaining member $20 and those over 65 pay Zaremba, Mary Parr and Nancy Van Eron. alumnae news
only $15. They brought back news that the Baltimote Day at the Michigan League. W i t h Kayla
Utsunomiya chairing the event, we hope to see
We will sell "Final Exam Survival Kits" for Chapter had received the Certificate of many life long Ann Arbor Alumnae. Does every-
the fall semester finals. Notices to parents will go Achievement and that Ginny Linder had one know that our Mayor, Ingrid Sheldon, is an
out the end of October and the kits will be deliv- received a Rose Award. This brings the AOn? Judy Monaghan helped us to get started
ered the week prior to finals. We plan to do this Baltimore Alumnae their ninth Rose Award with fund raising through a consignment shop
again in the Spring. winner. The chapter was thrilled and offered and Janet Shatusky gave us a tour of our local
congratulations to a well deserving lady. Ronald McDonald House. We hope to do it
Lillian I . Brown (318)342-9147 again in March. A warm welcome to our newest
members, Amy Vanstavern and Melissa Tisi.
With our goals set Congratulations to Lucy Savona who will wed a
great guy in November.
for the current year we
Jennifer A Dammeyer (313)995-9653
are once again looking
at a calendar f u l l o f
Dearborn hosted 60 sisters at the area Fall
events. The goal of Potluck, including Ann Arbor, Derroit North
Suburban, Macomb and non-affiliates. We
reaching out to previ- brought paper products for the Ronald
McDonald House, a project of the Detroit
ously active and new Panhellenic Council. We enjoyed a hayride and
picnic, an exercise and eat healthy night, and our
A O I l sisters with tra- Christmas Poduck Dinner.
ditional and creative In 1995, we learned "Sisterhood Software,"
computing with an AOFI emphasis and learned
programming has that Robbi Ruth Peterson is related to Babe
Ruth. We also sent Valentines, sponsored an
begun. Plans begin auction to benefit the Ruby Fund, celebrated
Founders' Day, and learned line-dancing. In the
with craftmaking,a spring we conducted a flower sale, held a games
night to benefit the Detroit Panhellenic
holiday party, a "Do Scholarship Fund and ended with a ladies night
out. Monthly, we make donations to our centen-
you know your col- nial project "First Step," an abuse counseling and
shelter for battered women and their children.
ors?" demonstration,
Lisa Dutt (313)513-2483
and continual mem-
Detroit North Suburban
bership education.
On a perfectly lovely Friday, Detroit North
Selling refreshments during "Move-in Day" at Southeastern LA proved to be Membership Ed start- Suburban members were surrounded by colorful
a successful fund-raising opportunity for the Hammond Area AC ed with an interesting flowers. Orders for this fifth annual fund-raiser
were taken in April and delivered in May. Sandy
fact filled narrative, delivered by Kathleen Tomlinson has coordinated this event since its
inception and has the organized areas for flats of
Maine Campanella, covering the geographical loca- flowers in her lovely back yard easy for pick up.
tions and years o f service the Baltimote
Greater Portland Alumnae members represent. Other successful fund-raisers are the biannu-
al exam snacks. In December and May, mem-
We started out year with a poduck supper at bers make or purchase cookies, fruits, and can-
dies for Beta Gamma members. MSU parents
the home of Jan McGregor Miliano and heard Carmel Kaiser (410)666-7756 place their otders for these snacks and proceeds
are turned back to collegians.
all about Convention from our president, Nancy Massachusetts
Pistaki Chard. In October, Gamma Chapter Activities also included a September English
hosted a Homecoming buffet and tour of their Boston Tea and an April line dancing hoedown. In
November, members learned many personal
home, which is the first house in the U of Maine The Boston Alumnae Chapter finished safetytipsand in February supplied T-shirts fot a
crafts night at a local foster care home. The
system to be owned by a sorority. The chapter is anothef successful year with a Phantom Tea as chapter is looking forward to our Centennial.
always looking for assistance and a special thanks our annual fund raiser. The Delta Chapter Altha Wargelin (810)645-5497
to two of our members serving the chapter long members were active participants and all the
distance, Michelle Conner Neal and Diane baked goods were great. Thanks to Mary
Bourque Smith. Hemman for hundreds of tea bags, Connie
In November, we had a speaker from the Blanchard for the return address stamps, with
Peabody House, a residence for people living with roses of course, and Margie Lamar and Caryl
AIDS and our Silent Auction fall fund raiser. Boyden for the continuous stamping and seal-
Our annual holiday meeting includes an ing. Our main tasks for the 1995-96 year are to
ornament auction, a traditional Yankee gift improve the quality o f our program and
swap, sharing of holiday desserts and collection increase membership. We have changed our
of personal items, cleaning supplies and paper events calender to include activities around the
goods for the women and children of the area and encourage participation. Activities for
McAuley residence. the coming year include brick oven pizza din-
Upcoming events also include attending a ners, pool parties, f u n runs/walks for the
Pordand Pirates ice hockey game, a chocolate Arthritis Foundation and our Founders' Day
party and game night at Cindy Chapin Krauss', luncheon on December 9 with the Delta
a silent auction at Terri Althoff Peases home, a Chapter. Our year-end barbeque with the
gardening theme at Alii Minutti Pays home and seniors is always a great introduction and wel-
a speaker on women's issues. come to alumnae status.
Nancy Piskaki Chard (207)774-0475 JodiHarger (508)250-9186
Maryland Michigan
Baltimore Ann Arbor
The Baltimore Alumnae started the new The Ann Arbor alumnae are looking for-
season by hearing about the exciting time spent ward to an exciting year. On March 30,1996,
at Convention from Carmel Kaiser, Phyllis we will be hosting the Detroit area Founders'
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 23
alumnae news party, a Founders' Day Celebration, and a pri- yours! Our 1995-96 schedule is balanced with
vate touring of the Palaces of St. Petersburg. socializing and service to appeal to our newest
Macomb Becky Thames (601)957-2341 alumnae as well as those long time members.
We will be having a Phantom Hayride for phil-
The highlight was our dual celebration hon- anthropy, quilt sharing and idea gadiering for
our quilt square, Easter Egg decorating with our
Missourioring Founders' Day and Macomb Alumnae's collegians, senior salad to welcome new gradu-
25th Anniversary. The theme was "Keeping ates as alumnae, and a slumber parry in a Rocky
Our Tie with A011". Guests were Detroit area Greater Kansas City Mountain cabin, just to name a few!
alumnae, collegians from Michigan chapters and
regional officers. The Founders' Day message With increased membership and involve- Heidi Pfeil Dougherty (406)585-0712
ment as major goals, chapter officers devoted sev-
eral summer hours to making personal phone Nebraska
tied us to our Founders, and Ruby Fund contri- calls to all AOris in the metro area. A newly Kearney
butions were ties reminding us offraternalcaring designed newsletter was mailed setting out fresh Following the 25th Anniversary Celebration
for the Phi Sigma Chapter at the U of Nebraska-
and sharing. Macomb members told of the and diversified activities for the monthly evening Kearney, the Kearney Alumnae Chapter contin-
ues to remain very busy. December brought
chapter's founding and its meaning in their lives. and day meetings. Programs include Ritual; about the making of survival kits for finals week
and in January the alumnae chapter provided an
Each collegian, alumna and housemother told of meeting local AOIl actress, Barbara Houston etiquette program as part of the Founders' Day
Celebration. The spring semester provided
her tie with AOn. Schaeffer; tips from a local professional photogra- opportunities to meet with the collegiate chaptet
at the alumnae picnic as well as assist widi the
Detroit Area Panhellenic Association's major pher; holiday ornament exchange; wine tasting; sponsoring of a campus wide BRIDGES pro-
philanthropy is service to Ronald McDonald landscaping; poduck dinnet and new grad wel- gram dealing with eating disorders. In May, the
House in Detroit. In July, Macomb Alumnae come. Special events will include day and U N K seniors were honored with a senior dinner
provided a Saturday evening cookout at the evening groups for Founders' Day Brunch with at the home of Patti Wilson. The chapter was
house for families whose children were patients Delta Pi and Phi Chapters; "Tea at the Ritz"; trip also honored with a Certificate of Achievement at
in Children's Hospital. We toured the House to U Kansas to visit Phi and the K U Alumnae Convention, and Lori Moore was presented a
and learned more about this remarkable organi- Center. Fund raisers include selling pecans, Rose Award. Presendy, we are busy welcoming
2ation. Most certainly, our yearly schedules will spring plant sale, ringing Salvation Army bells; Phi Sigma New Members by hosting a dinner in
include "Roses For Ronald" activities. Arthritis Foundation's Jingle Bell Run/Walk; their honor and preparing for alumnae activities
clothing donation to Goodwill Industries, and during homecoming.
Patricia K Wilson (313)882-0578 stuffed animal drive for local Police Department.
Anne Leaf (308)381-8763
Throughout the year, the all important "contact"
will continue as the calling committee reminds
The Lincoln Alumnae Chapter had another
members of meetings and arranges carpooling. successful year, with over 100 members involved
in some capacity from officers to advisers to
E callers to bridge players to MIF writers to host-
esses. With so many contributing, it has made
Theresa Weathers (816)353-7862 for a srrong group. The annual pledge dessert
and senior brunch with collegians from Zeta
t i• St Louis chapter were enjoyable as were the fall luncheon
held in Elephant Hall in the Morill Hall on the
Macomb Alumnae, Maxine Hedgecock Ross and Shirley The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter has a busy U N L campus and a summer fiesta held at a
Glmore Wing, obviously enjoy preparing a meal for res/dents year ahead. We kicked off the year with an ice member's home. The group also collected dona-
cream sundae making session combined with a tions for Friendship Home, a local shelter for
at their local Ronald McDonald House business meeting. It was good to see some new abused women and their children.
faces mixing in with familiar ones. October
Mississippi brought our garage sale fund-raiser plus a dinner Maureen Hergert (402)423-6644
meeting where we sent Halloween candy to local
Greater Jackson collegiate chapters. Our November event is our New Jersey
annual Hobby Auction, a great place to pick up
The Greater Jackson Area Chapter reorgani- beautiful hand made items for holiday gift-giving. Central New Jersey
zation was kicked off with a Saturday luncheon
in April. Kitty Pettus, R D , and Dolores After taking time off to celebrate the holi- The Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter
Rhodes, RPRO, joined us as special guests. days, we'll gather in January to commemorate is back! Although it was founded in 1932, a hia-
Monthly meetings have followed featuring a Founders' Day. In addition to our regular meet- tus during the '80s required us to be reinstalled
variety of activities. During our May meeting, ings on the third Monday of every month, we two years ago. Now we are off to an ambitious
we elected officers while enjoying a BBQ buffet. intersperse many social activities such as happy start. First, we purchased a double brick for
In June, we dealt with rush recommendations at hours, historic home tours, ladies day out, etc. Inspiration Walkway in honot of the sisters who
the home of Becky Thames. Lelia Manning founded our chapter more than 60 years ago.
hosted a Mexican dinner for the chapter in her Donna McGinnis (314)861-3650
home during July. In August, we prepared rush Then, we jumped right in and began sup-
goodie bags for Nu Beta at the home of Lori Montana porting local non-profit organizations. This
Holland and in August we volunteered at the winter, we are working w i t h Welkind
Arthritis Foundation Gold Tournament. A lun- Bozeman
cheon featuring a guest speaking on stress man-
agement highlighted September. The west is reaching out and bringing back
alumnae! Our goal is to have 100 dues paying
Future plans include a Cajun dinner, a safe- members by the Centennial celebration! We were
ty training seminar for women, a Christmas delighted to receive the Membership Recruitment
and Retention Award at Convention and plan to
grow! Our membership kits keep members
informed and excited! We are reaching out to all
members throughout Montana!
The Alpha Phi house was home again for
members of the class of'65. Reunion weekends
are always welcome here. Let us help organize
24 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
alumnae newsattendanceand there was
a lot of A O n energy
everywhere. The chapter North Carolina
was also given the plea- Charlotte
sure of meeting with The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter kicked off
die new year with a "top yout spud" dinner in
the President, A n n September. Other monthly meetings included a
trip to a comedy club, a dessert party and a fon-
McClanahan Gilchrist due dinner They also observed Riaial in Oaober
and celebrated Founders' Day in January at a local
and with the executive testaurant. Meetings with spouses or dates includ-
ed their annual Christmas party and spring BBQ.
planning committee fot They also saw the play "Fiddler on the Roof."
The Chapter was very successful in selling
Centennial. Many NYC Entertainment Books for its fund raiser.
alumnae volunteered to Lori Andersen (704)567-8162
chair on committees and Triangle
i N e w Member Coffee at the home of Louise Roehm, draws prospective members to the to be the local contact in Triangle is off to an exciting year. We start-
Central New Jersey Alumnae Chapter NewYork. ed with a poduck Barbeque at Carolyn Barrett's.
Laura Coble was hostess for an evening of
Rehabilitation Hospital in Chester, NJ. Welkind Since the enthusias- hobby sharing. A holiday ornament exchange
is an affiliate of the Kessler Institute, one of the tic beginning, we have held an infotmational will be held at Mary Ann Smith's home and
nations premier rehabilitation centers for victims meeting that was well attended. In Oaober we Founders' Day will be celebtated at Elon
of brain injury, stroke and paralysis. Our list for are sponsoring a Breast Cancer awareness work- College with other North Carolina chapters.
1996 includes working with the New Jersey shop. November is the month of the New Yotk Plans for the new year include: after holiday
Battered Women's Association. We also are Maradion and we are volunteering our time to shopping and lunch, a senior dinner for Delta
involved with our local collegiate chapters. Last help out with that exciting day. And the most Upsilon, a tour of the Museum of History,
Spring we hosted a "final exam bteak" for the sis- exciting event on the calendar is Founders' Day. assembling exam goody bags, and a salad dinnet
ters at East Stroudsberg U, complete with food We are holding a tea at the Plaza Hotel to recog- hosted by Dana Thomas. Throughout the year,
and party favors. Our first Founders' Day nize Jessie, Helen, Stella and Elizabeth. All in all it we will collect food for the North Carolina
Celebration is this December. On the program is a true Alpha beginning. Food Bank. Our goal for the Centennial is 100
is an ornament exchange and an inspirational cans per year. Triangle alumnae continue to be
Andrea Dindinger (212)744-3917 an integral part of the Delta Upsilon Alumnae
Advisory Committee and Corporation. We
Centennial ptesentation. NewYork/New Jersey Metro Area also supply Epsilon Chi with advisers.
Barbara Bruening (908)464-9237 The NY/NJ Metro Area Alumnae Chaptet Mary Ann Smith (919)460-9877
NewYork celebrated its 10th anniversary and is proud to
have 6 members on the A A C o f Theta Pi
Long Island Chapter at Wagner College. Fall events included
"Gills Night Out", a Discovery Toy Party,
Members of the Long Island Alumnae Monday Night Football Party with husbands and
dates, and a Founders' Day Holiday Party.
Chapter gathered at the home o f Diane
Seekamp in September for its first business meet-
ing. In addition to planning our yearly agenda, Spring activities included a Psychic Reading Party,
members took pan in our annual fund raising social evening with Theta Pi, craft night and offi-
activities: Avon products and gift wrap. It was cer elections, and attending the play "Gypsy" at
great to see each other after the summer months, Wagner College starring
and hear about the weddings that took place and a Theta Pi.
membets' vacations. Special congratulations to Our most successful
newlywed Fradell Weinstein!
projea was to adopt the
In November, Bonnie Gatz hosted a delicious seniors o f Theta Pi.
Saturday brunch followed by a ritual discussion. Secret Alumnae sisters
remembered each
Our Founders' Day/ Holiday Luncheon Senior with cards and
was held December 9th at a local restaurant.
We began with the solemnity of our Founders' notes and revealed who
Day ritual and a silent reflection on what it they were at the SJf
means to each of us. Following a delicious Welcome Seniors' Party.
meal, we had fun with our "It's a dirty shame" The speaker at this
grab bag gift exchange. event was Karen Lyons,
Our spring agenda includes officer elections, Alumnae R D . Her Charlotte Alumnae Chapter men their fall kick-off meeting,
ladies night out, and a get together with Theta theme was " AOFI for
Pi, Psi Delta and the Staten Island Alumnae Life". Philanthropic projects included participa- Ohio
Chapters. We'd like to invite area alumnae to tion in clothing and newspaper drives at local
join us for any of these events. churches and a food drive for Projea Hospitality. Cincinnati Area
Ann McGlinchey (516)968-5776 The year ended with President Bridget Cincinnati Alumnae have planned exciting
Scanlon attending Convention in Scottsdale. and diverse programs for the fall! In September
NewYork CityArea The chaptet received a Certificate of we were "stepping out" at a country line danc-
Achievement and recognition by the A O f i ing workshop and in Octobet our meeting fea-
The New York City Area Alumnae Chapter Foundation for their contributions. Membet tured advice from antique shop-owners at a
has had a very exciting summer and fall. We were Kay Welch was presented a Rose Award. member's century old home. In November,
newly installed and die ceremony was held at the we'll meet at a craft shop and create wire ribbon
future site of out Centennial Celebtation, The Bridget Scanlon (718)981 -8318 pins for the holidays. We will share a Founders'
Marriott Marquee. About sixty women were in
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 25
alumnae news We are concentrating on having a fun year Oklahoma
hile doing things for others. In October, we
made gifts for the
Arthritis patients whom Another shower, another wedding... Tulsa
we will entertain with alumnae members have been enjoying the excite-
dinner in December. In ment that accompanies the nuptials and parties of
February, we make both young members and members' daughters.
goodie bags for C h i
Epsilon and in April, we This September, we will party at our Supper
create our famous Bunco f u n d raiser for Arthritis Research.
"chicks" for children's Support fot the local Arthritis Chapter will also
hospital. For our group come from our February Tea Bag fund raiser.
fun, we will learn about Our Christmas party/silent auction will support
North and South the Northeast Oklahoma Arthritis Chapter.
American Indians, while
in March we w i l l all The chapter continues to be active in the
have sore muscles as we area Panhellenic. One of our duties will be to
help provide lunch for one executive council
Creating "chicks" for Children's Hospital is an annual event for members of the Columbus learn t0 line 'd a n C e meeting. We also help hostess the bridge lun-
Alumnae Chapter cheon in the spring.
We've planned a year of
Our biggest function for the year is to sell
Day luncheon with Northern Kentucky getting to know each enough Poinsettias in November to fund the
Alumnae and participate in an Arthritis many scholarships we offer and to provide eye
Foundation fund raiser. other better as well as helping the collegians as glasses to students in the local school systems
who need assistance.
Centennial preparations keep moving along much as we can.
with the help of summer fund raising. Sifting Carol Barrow (918)627-5267
through old papers has turned up "gems" of Jenney Seely (614)764-8971
chapter history, including two letters from Stella! Oregon
We've been happy to welcome recent grad- Portland
uates and sisters new to the Cincinnati area, The Dayton Alumnae Chapter has had a
but sadly have said good-bye to a few starting Following a successful Founders' Day in
new ventures in other cities. Good luck, we'll busy year and has an exciting program planned December, the Portland Alumnae Chapter held
an informal coffee in March, a theater party, and
for the 1995-96 year. In addition to our regular our annual Spring luncheon at Hotel Vintage
Plaza in May.
monthly meetings, our philanthropic and social
This September, members of the Portland
projects include our holiday bazaar, which show- Alumnae Chapter gathered for a poduck at the
home of Diana Eaton. In addition to discussing
cases the culinary and arts/crafts talents of our this year's program, a report on International
Convention in Scottsdale and a preview of die
members. In February, we defy winter and have Centennial Celebration in New York were pre-
sented. Upcoming events include a "Ladies Night
miss you our beach party and swim-a-long. March brings Out", a dinner at a local restaurant, Founders'
Sonya Rasmussen (513)351-0595 our Easter Basket Assembly and our State Day in Day Brunch and our annual Spring Luncheon.
Cleveland Columbus. We end the year with our annual Susan Dalrymple (503)774-5472
hors d'oeuvre buffet and our participation in the
The Cleveland Area Alumnae kicked off a Dayton Panhellenic fashion show luncheon. Pennsylvania
great new year with our traditional salad potluck
dinner in September held at Beth Kaufman's The proceeds from our holiday bazaar nut Greater Harrisburg
home. President Kathy Goebel shared pictures sales, swim-a-long, and Easter baskets benefit
and goodies from convention and we were all our local philanthropic project, Daybreak, a After hosting the 1994 Region I I
thrilled to hear that former Cleveland Alumna, shelter for homeless and runaway girls. Leadership Conference, we celebrated anothet
Ann Gilchrist, has been elected International special event. Although some of us had been
Amy Weideman 9513)277-2831
Presidend All our support and best wishes to her Toledo Area
during her upcoming term. Chapter it""
Panhellenic Representative, Chris Wieland, is The Toledo Area Alumnae of Alpha
currently serving as Cleveland Panhellenic Omicron Pi have gone Hollywood! Recognized One of the favorite meetings of the Toledo Area AC is their
Treasurer in preparation for AOFTs presidential at convention fot our innovative programming, annual ornament exchange
term in 97-98. The chapter's efforts chairing last this year is no exception. We are saluting the sil-
year's Panhellenic Raffle netted one of the high- ver screen, with each monthly meeting high-
est profits for the scholarship fund in recent lighting a favorite old movie. From "Breakfast at
memory. Our upcoming schedule will include a Tiffany's", whete we learned more about gold,
membership education evening sponsored by pearls, rubies and diamonds; to "Places in the
the Corporation Board members from Kappa Heart", where we will deliver chapter-made gift
Pi, a field trip to Wooster to visit the Cat's Meow baskets to the Batteted Women's Shelter of
factory and a family night at the movies. Toledo; our meetings present educational, phil-
anthropic, cultural and social activities fot all
Kathy Goebel (216)943-0611 members. Additional activities include an auto
Columbus maintenance and repair seminar, a craft auction,
an ornament exchange, Founders' Day, an
The Columbus Alumnae Chapter invited evening of games, and a family fun night at a
the members of Chi Epsilon at Ohio State U to local metropark. The alumnae chapter supports
be our guests at our salad supper, our traditional the collegiate chapters at the U of Toledo and
first meeting of the year. In return, we will have Bowling Green State U.
our Founders' Day Celebration at the chapter Jennifer Stewart (419)478-1938
house in January.
26 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
meeting since the mid-1940s, our chapter Potluck, couples night out, Panhellenic alumnae news
observed our 25th anniversary in October at a Scholarship Luncheon, local Arthritis Telethon,
beautiful luncheon. Eight of our fifteen charter election of officers, and a Pittsburgh Pirate tail- collegiate chapter in December with a lovely
members reminisced with 27 sisters. Many gate and baseball game. The chapter is going brunch at the Atherton Hilton. This fall found
had travelled from distances in Pennsylvania, to do a Current Fund Raiser and a Phantom us making goodies fot Rush and attending
New Jersey and Maryland. Tea is planned to raise money for the AOLI membership selection meetings.
Foundation. Sisterhood is the key in the
Our meetings are devoted to business, ritual, 'burgh and members enjoy getting together to We also try to do a couple of things "just for
Founders' Day, crafts, speakers, poduck dinners, catch up on each others lives. We're all very us." March found us shopping at some local out-
picnics, luncheons, theater parties, yard sales, busy with our families, careers, and other activi- lets spending too much money and having lots of
local arthritis activities and supplying support to ties. Make some time for yourself to develop- fun. We met afterwards for lunch in front of a
Tau Lambda. ment new friendships, renew old ones, and roaring fire at a local restaurant. The annual yard
strengthen your A O n bonds. Cross a new sale was a success, netting some profit for the
We bring clothing, household items, toys bridge to the future, come join the sisterhood chapter and new "junk" for each other's homes!
and food to each meeting to be donated to local of the Pittsburgh
charities and the animal shelter. A new and very Alumnae Chapter. Nancy Zendt (814) 867-9995
successful fund raiser is selling clothing on con- Karen Snuder Galehan
signment. We acknowledge sisters' challenges
and accomplishments with cards, visits and/or (412)695-8474
gifts. President Ruth Bissot inspires our contin-
ued fraternity spirit. Reading
Lisa Stewart (717)671-8748 The Janssen of the newly installed Reading Alumnae Chapter are all smiles as they display
Conference Center at their charter! (I to r) Pom Harper, Marcia Ferko, Del Miskie, Elinor Kennedy,
Lehigh Valley Penn State, Berks Joan Krayeski, Bonnie DeLaMater and Cindy Ondria.
Campus was the site
The Lehigh Valley Alumnae Chapter will of the Installation of
be the focus of a major revitalization effort dur- the Reading Area
ing the next few months. Its success depends Alumnae Chapter,
on the support and involvement of the local Reading, PA on
alumnae. I f you reside in rhe Lehigh Valley October 21, 1995.
area and would be interested to learn more Cathy Wieand,
about the rewards of being an involved A O I l Region I I Vice
again, please contact the Alumnae Regional President, was the
Director listed below. installing officer.
Despite torrential
KimMcGowan (610)647-0667 downpours, the newly
Philadelphia installed Reading Area members were joined by York
alumnae f r o m State College, Harrisburg,
This award winning chapter has big plans Wilmington and Philadelphia Chapters. A lun- The York Chapter is just getting restarted
for the upcoming year. There will be an cheon was held immediately following the instal- and we have incorporated Lancaster into our tar-
increased focus on philanthropy with the addi- lation, and the Chapter was presented with gifts get membership area. We currently have 17
tion of a "Phantom Tea" and " A O I l Taxes" as including the Book of Rituals and Instructions, a members on our list and are excited about the
well as more involvement with the Jingle Bell President's notebook with "Reading Area interest generated in restarting our alumnae
Walk/Run for Arthritis. Collegiate support will Alumnae Chapter" embossed on it, a guest book chapter. In September, we held our first meeting
also be improved with the addition of a Dessert and a new scrapbook. Del Miskie, President, for the 1995-96 year. The nine members in
Night for local collegians and their mothers. read cards and salutations from International attendance planned our activities for the year
Ptesident Ann Gilchrist and mnay other alum- and got acquainted with the members of our
The chapter is instituting a perfect atten- nae from the United States and Canada who "new" chapter.
dance award to recognize the most involved sent warm wishes. The Reading Area Alumnae
members. The "Laura Perry Award" will be Chapter began as a colony on May 14, 1994. Upcoming events include: a December
presented for the first time this year at The group has already expanded from the eleven Christmas Cookie Exchange, February Couples
Founders' Day. Laura, Lambda Sigma, (U of member colony it once was. Anyone interested Dinner, Hors d'oeuvres Fling with guest speaker,
GA), passed away several years ago and was in joining the chapter is encouraged to contact and a Pancake Memorabilia Breakfast. Our
instrumental in supporting the reorganization Del Miskie. chapter will be supporting the Shippensburg U
of this chapter over ten years ago. She remains Chapter. I f you are one of the approximately
an inspiration to all of her sisters. Del Miskie (610)796-0490 150 sisters in our area and are interested in par-
ticipating in our chapter, we would love to hear
We hope that all A O n alumnae residing in State College from you.
the Philadelphia area will make this their year to
rediscover the bonds of friendship they once The State College Alumnae Chapter always Katy Smith (717)767-4168
knew in AOIT enjoys being involved with the Epsilon Alphas at
Penn State. Last May, we welcomed the new
Amy Stasko (610)622-0659 seniors into alumnae status with the Annual
Senior Dessert at the home of Judy Moyer. Kim
Pittsburgh McGowan, our RD, was able to join in the fes-
tivities. We celebrated Founders' Day widi the
The Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter began
the 1995-96 year with an organizational meet-
ing/dinner at a local restaurant in September.
The members planned the years' events that
include a harvest meeting, Founders' Day
Tc.Dragma/WINTER 1995 27
alumnae news mony into alumnae status has held in April. In
May, a barbecue with line dancing was held at
South Carolina Richland Country Club.
Hilton Head Island After the summer break, the Nashville
Alumnae Group had a "kick-ofF' poduck sup-
The Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter per in September. Anna Eubanks Wilson, presi-
has had a very busy year. We meet monthly and dent, led a brief meeting and welcomed the
always have a fun event to attend. We are group. Other fall activities have included an
encouraging some of our Savannah sisters to join October Fiesta with alumnae and their spouses
our alumnae experience and have been to or dates, a November "guilt-free dessert" get
Savannah several times for magnificent luncheons. together where each member brought a low
calorie dessert recipe, and an annual December
Our Christmas gift swap was a lot of fun Christmas cookie swap at AOn Headquarters.
and Virginia Bruner is always an excellent
hostess. We had two baby showers and two Anna Wilson (615)320-7129
new babies. Micky Schilling is the mother of
Jackson Schilling and Samantha Edgin Neville Texas (I to r) Rene Fitzgerald, Janna Heliums, Michelle Serrano and
is a brand new mother to Brantley Neville. Ginger Banks are proud of their chapter. Austin Alumnae, for
Our biggest fund raiser was a garage sale, being selected as a DSA semi-finalist
thanks to Vickie Mallon and her dedication. In January, we celebrated Founders' Day at a
Jane Stitt continues to work hard as our luncheon with the Dallas Alumnae at the Austin
Centennial chairperson and gives it her all when Stoneleigh Hotel. March brought a ritual
given a task. We look forward to donating two refresher and dessert party at the home of Linda The Austin Alumnae chapter represents a
rose bushes and a monetary gift to our new pub- McLaughlin, followed by a garage sale at Cheryl very diverse group of women who, like individ-
lic library when it is near completion - in celebra- CutlifFs house in April. ual petals of a rose, form the success of this chap-
tion of 100 years of A O R ter. Programming covers various interest areas
In September, we helped Delta Theta at from monthly lunch bunches and happy hours
Dawn R. Hansen (803)689-2702 Texas Women's U with rush and had a house to diverse meetings located throughout central
Texas - from the State Capitol in Austin, west to
Burnet, and north to Salado. A luncheon with
the San Antonio Alumnae is planned for this
spring. We really get around. In Texas, you have
to sometimes go to where the girls are.
The core members, primarily Pi Kappa sis-
ters from the U of Texas, form the bud of the
rose. Austin has a variety of high tech industries
that attract many recent transfers. These new
members provide the outer petals of the rose.
Our mission is based on continuous improve-
ment to reach more women in Central Texas
and invite them to share AOFI sisterhood.
Come join us!
Janna Heliums (512)869-7674
AOIlsHilton Head island Alumnae Chapter has held several luncheons in nearby Savannah, GA to help encourage area to join Houston
their alumnae experience. The above group enjoyed a magnificent luncheon at The Landings in Savannah. Houston Alumnae program VP, Lagenia
Clark planned an interesting year last year,
Tennessee party with our families when thunderstorms beginning with a gathering at Post Oak Ranch,
forced our barbecue indoors. There are lots of followed by a program on accessorizing our
Nashville good times ahead including lunch and shop- homes by Susan Fruit, interior designer. We cel-
ping at an antique mall, creating inspiration ebrated the holidays with a Christmas tea for
In January, spring rush was held at packages for local collegians, ornament making, alumnae, collegians and their mothers at RPRO
Vanderbilt U . The Nashville alumnae partici- a Christmas party, celebrating Founders' Day, a Kathy Jensen's home. In January, we happily
pated by providing several meals and behind- German evening with our husbands, an accepted the invitation to Founders' Day hosted
the-scenes assistance. February brought American Airlines Museum tour, a garage sale, by our North Houston sisters.
Founders' Day, which was celebrated jointly senior welcome at Texas Women's U and a
with Nu Omicron and included a luncheon at Kentucky Derby party. Please j o i n us. Springtime found us getting an update on
Hillwood Country Club. In March, the annual Congratulations to Linda McLaughlin, newly local Arthritis Foundation activities, answering
Panhellenic Luncheon/Fashion Show/Silent elected member of AOn's Executive Board, phones at the Telethon, visiting our sisters in the
Auction has held and the Nashville Alumnae and Amy Counts for the birth of her first child, NASA area and, lastly, participating in the
named Mary Ann Jenkins as their "Greek legacy Cassidy Marie. Houston Alumnae Panhellenic Association
Woman of the Year." The annual survival basket scholarship luncheon where over $10,000 was
fund raiser and the Nu Omicron induction cere- Shirley McCracken (817)261-6948 awarded to Houston-area sorority women.
We have been gearing up for the coming year.
With more than 400 AOIls in Houston, we've
successfully reached over 200, so we'll be working
to meet even more this year. Our 95-96 plans
include providing Bid Day lunch for Zeta Kappa
28 To Dragma/WINTER 1995
at Southwest Texas, volunteering for Arthritis our annual summer track to the N C shore, alumnae news
Foundations Mini Gran Prix and an October which included a day of oudet mall shopping.
garage sale. Another great year lies ahead. On several occasions this summer, we gathered Kathleen Smith-Meadows, Sue Schell and Nancy
at many of Virginia Beach's hot spots to sample Shrope back from Convention. Fall began with
Judy Rose (713)868-2883. the local cuisine. an Alumnae appreciation dinner. While enjoying
an excellent meal, we were presented with a com-
San Antonio We kicked off September with a member- memorative scroll and a beautiful red rose. As
ship drive at Cathy Adams-Davis' home, enjoy- the colored leaves descend, we will be hosting the
It has been another wonderful year for the ing the culinary delights thanks to co-host Hud New Members party and when the snow falls, we
Alumnae of the Alamo City. Our chapter is Slagle Clark. We sponsored the Juvenile will be joyfully exchanging Christmas cookies.
growing and expanding in ways we never expect- Rheumatoid Arthritis Mixer for the benefit of Buoying our spirits in the chill of winter will be
ed. We've been extremely busy this past year par- children with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis the fun of the annual white elephant sale!
ticipating in several fund raisers, such as the and their families. A Saturday full of fun, we
neighborhood garage sale and the make-a-meal met at the Nauticus National Maritime Center Kathy Jinks (509)334-1738
raffle. Other activities have included the summer in Norfolk and were
BBQ and sisterhood luncheon with the Austin treated to a great tour Son Antonio alumnae gather at a member's home.
alumnae. As always, we've been in close contact and a variety of
with our collegiate sisters at Upsilon Lambda. exhibits, displays and Seatde
There was an alumna/senior rirual where we wel- demonstrations.
comed the seniors into alumnae status. Also, Our care packages for Upsilon Chapter dur-
many alumnae volunteered their time to help the We invite all ing rush began an eventful year. We are orga-
chapter with a very successful fall rush. We antic- AOFIs to join us. nized with eight evening meetings and some day
ipate another fun filled year. We have our annual We'll be gathering for a meetings as well. Making bean soup kits, a trav-
Halloween party planned as well as our participa- variety of events as we elogue, nutrition updates, an attorney on estate
tion in San Antonio's Jingle Bell Run. The San get involved with the planning, designing sweatshirts, future plans for
Antonio Alumnae Chapter is filled with energy community through downtown Seatde, and a salad buffet filled our
and ready for another great AOn year. the Azalea Festival in programs. December's celebration was a popular
November, celebrate Christmas auction with Ann Beardsley our Santa
Margaret Whitbeck (210)699-3855 Founders' Day, and auctioneer. We provided support through food
hold our annual and gifts to a home for battered women, an
Virginia Holiday Cookie Swap activity chaired by Alverna Swan. Founders'
in December. We've Day was a memorable affair where Alyson
Northern Virginia planned into 1996 for Turner spoke on how Alpha Omicron Pi
everything from Game Night ("Poker Face") to inspired and helped her in developing her own
The Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter "Queen for a Night", which is an evening of business. Kris Rouse, Audrey Hopkins, Linda
has two exciting events in their immediate jewelry making. Wickswat, Marilee Bostic, Heather Pelham,
future. The first is their highly anticipated Darla Berg, Alyson Turner, and Ann Beardsley
"Christmas Auction." It is an annual fund rais- Cathy Adams Davis (804)464-2221 attended Convention and brought back inspira-
er and has been very successful. Each member tional reports. Seatde Alumnae Chapter enjoyed
contributes a handmade item suitable for the Washington a very productive year and is looking forward to
holiday season. The chapter is full of talented more fun in 1996.
individuals, each with a special skill. The bid- Palouse
ding is usually fast and friendly. Past auction-
eers have included Ann Conlon Griesmer and Ah, the four seasons of the Palouse. Last
Nancy Carr Garrett. spring the Pullman school year ended with
dessert at the home o f Kathleen Smith-
Foundets' Day will be special this year also. Meadows. Small gifts were given to each senior
The chapter is very fortunate to have Melanie while they shared their future plans. As we sat in
Nixon Doyle, the Executive Director, as our the living room overlooking the wheat fields, we
guest speaker. Another honored guest will be were impressed by the number of women who
Kathryn Arn, our Regional Director, along planned to venture far away from our small
with members from her chapter, the Tidewatet town for their first post-graduation jobs.
Alumnae. It is possible that the newly recolo-
nized Richmond Chapter will also be attend- An exceptionally warm summer welcomed
ing. Together with the
Gamma Alpha Chapter AlisiaTrejo Roozen (206)241-0522
from George Mason U . ,
this promises to be a
memorable celebration.
Jean Zimmerman
Virginia Tidewater M e m b e r s of Virginia Tidewater AC sponsored a mixer to benefit children with Juvenile
Rheumatoid Arthritis. A fun-filled day for everyone was held at the Nauticus National
The Virginia Tidewater
Alumnae Chapter is off to Maritime Center in Norfolk, VA.
a running start with a get
together at Debbie Tucker
Haque's beautiful North
Beach home followed by
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 •>>>
Centennial H i s t o r y Book
oIdKkCI^OC Q { antll
Celebrate the Century... J C\ I
AOITs 100th birthday will only V* C I C U I d l C 9 <X
V Ul
happen once. And a beautiful A /^V 1 ^ WY\ f \ u j ^ Q
hardbound book commemorating the Fraternity's history will A * \ / I I I 1^31 I l^^rl 1 1 3 3
be available only lor a limited time. This magnificent "coffee
table"-style book is a wonderful keepsake, as well as a valuable reference. Our Fraternity's fascinating heritage is remembered
in an interesting, entertaining, and lively format that each member and chapter will want to own.
It features many color photographs and all collegiate chapter histories. In addition, it contains biographies on each Founder
and an enlightening early history written by Stella George Stern Perry. A decade section will highlight the terms of each Executive
Board, recap the recipients of AOITs Awards, and track each International Convention. A special emphasis will also
be placed on our Alumnae.
This book is one of AOLTs ways to Celebrate the Century and will be available in the Fall of 1996. All orders placed before March L
1996 will receive FREE gold imprinting on the lower right front cover ofyour name, chapter and date of initiation. Only those
orders received prior to March 1 are eligible for this FREK gold imprinting. The cost is $40.00 plus $5.00 shippings handling.
To receive free imprinting, preorders with payment must be received by March 1, 1996.
Your personalized copy of Celebrate the Century will be shipped to your home in the Fall of 1996.
NOTE 1 NAME \ S \ n i Will 1.1) I.!M: I I lii WVKXW i (Mil ink (:< >\K
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A A \I'T, # A $45, 00
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To Place O r d e r Complete the order form above and make checks payable to Alpha Omicron Pi. Tennessee residents include 8.25% sales tax.
Send cheek and order form 1": \lpha Omicron I'i. Attention Book Orders. 9025 Overlook Blvd.. Brentwood. TIN 37(127
30 To Dra^ma/WINTER 1995
HEALTH announcements
lota Corporation 7312, or write to me Indiana State Day Plans
AVAILABLE FOR ALPHA OMICRON PI Schedules Meeting at Samford U , Box
MEMBERS AND ALUMNAE 290690, Birmingham, Indiana State Day will
The annual meeting AL 35229. be held on Saturday,
2 MILLION DOLLAR of the Iota Corporation February 24, at Indiana
GROUP PLAN with be held January Alpha Gamma University/Purdue
28, 12:00 noon, at 706 Alumnae Han Reunion University/Indianapolis
$250 DEDUCTIBLE South Matthews, (I.U.EU.I.) from 10:00
80/20 PLAN Urbana, IL. For more Alpha Gamma alum- am to 4:00 pm. Anne
information contact nae in the Seattle area Wilmes is the chairman.
MATERNITY COVERAGE Jamie Kocher at are invited to a mini-
(217)344-7931. reunion, to be held in
PRESCRIPTION DRUG CARD conjunction with the
Rho Delta Seattle Area Founders'
$8.00 COPAY (GENERIC) Solicits Support Day Celebration on
$15.00 COPAY (BRAND) January 27, 1996. The
Attention all friends guest speaker will be
$300 PREVENTATIVE BENEFIT of Rho Delta(Samford Char Oveland Murray,
U ) : O u r chapter is Delta Sigma (San Jose
CALL FOR MORE requesting support for State) Chapter Adviser.
INFORMATION an equal housing pro- For further information,
posal. I f you are w i l l - call Pat Maslac
1-800-280-8383 ing to write a letter Vallandigham at
suppotting our propos- (206)392-6821 or
al for campus housing Sydne Vallandigham
please contact Amanda Bradley (360)403-0822.
D u n n at (205)868-
• Moving? • Changing your name? • Reporting the death of a member? (Date of death:
Date: Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
A O n International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood, T N 37027
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Please inform me about the nearest Alumnae Chapter: Q no
Special Interests:
Please help A OT1 save money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50<t, in addition to the original cost of
mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances
are we have an incorrect addressfor them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
To Dragma/WINTER 1995 31
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Winterask about our
f v Specials
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Cool Stuff! free
Did you know that the AOIT Emporium is the 9 ^ upon ~
largest source of AOT1 sportswear and gifts? request
We sell over 200 items including more than
50 Emporium Exclusives, available only Second Class
through our 1995-96 catalog. We promise Postage Paid
friendly service and prompt delivery. at Brentwood
Call Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm, CST.
Postmaster- Please send notice of
undeliverable copies on form 3579 to
Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd.
Brentwood,TN 37027