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From the President's Desk:
AOII Cares About the World.,
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (V. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Internationa] President
"AOII Cares About the World" is our new slogan which illustrates our Fraternity's commitment to helping protect our global environment.
Although the environment is a new focus, Alpha Omicron Pi has always been dedicated to serving others. Our volunteers are actively pursuing a variety of community, national and international projects which serve others.
The culmination of AOII's "Year of Service" at the Dallas Convention was the recognition of service hours AOIIs contributed. Each penny collected represented one hour of service, with the total amounting to 500,000 hours. This was a great beginning, and underscored the commitment AOIIs make to serving their community and nation.
The Executive Board of AOII, upon the recommendation of the Fraternity Development Committee, voted to adopt the issue of protection of the
global environment as our concentra- tion of service in the '9()'s. The theme selected is "AOII CARES ABOUT
AOII is now asking all of our
members to reach out - globally - by- supporting environmental and ecologi- cal projects of their choice. By making at least one change in daily living we can protect our environment - from buying only recycled paper to recycling aluminum products to joining the Audubon Society to working to reform energy conservation, to saving the Pandas. AOIIs can make the difference.
W e are following in our Founders' footsteps when we participate in projects and activities which improve the human condition and upgrade the planet on which we live. It is only by serving others and making this planet a better place to raise our families that we are living the AOII creed.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Fraternity has pledged itself to improv-
Barbara Hunt
ing the state of our environment, and we ask each of you to do your part by supporting and actively participating in environmental groups in your com- munity.
Each month an environmental column will appear in The Piper. In it you'll find suggestions, ideas, addresses and information to assit you in planning your projects, making contact with ecological groups or mailings you may wish to receive at your home.
"AOII Cares About The World" is the new theme for AOII Service. You will make the difference when you commit yourselves to action in helping save our environment - perpetuating the planet and its resources for future generations.
Thanks for your support.
The Editor's Place-To Dragmacares about the world...
This issue of To Dragma is the first to be printed on recycled paper. We felt that this was appropriate for an issue which focuses on ways that we can help protect our environment.
At International Headquarters, we have been recycling aluminum cans since 1989, and we have recently begun recycling office paper. T h e firm that picks up the paper for recycling has promised to give us a report each
month which will tell us how many trees we have saved. Thanks to all the AOIIs who responded to our request for information on environmentalists. Though we have not had time to contact each of you personally, we congratulate you on the good work you are doing.
Happy holidays! -Beth Orantham
The home phone numbers for Linda Collier, Vice President/Development, and Barbara Long, Executive Board Director, were incorrect in the Direc- tory in the fall issue. The correct num- bers are: Linda Collier, 703/455-9743; and Barbara Long, 503/746-9769. To Dragma regrets the errors.
To Dragma
Published since January, 1905 by
To Dragma of^Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded.at Barnard College, January 2,1897
*Founders Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omieron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Executive Director Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS
Beth Grantham, PO
Winter 1991
Special Environmental Section: AOII Cares About the World
Diamond Jubilee Foundation announces 1991-92 scholarship winners
Vol. LXV, No. 8
4 7 8 9
2 0 2 3
28 29
2 3 1 3 9
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TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha" Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, T N , and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, at the same address.
Carolyn Huey Harris 1920-1991
Ruth Lee Leichtamer 1907-1991
Notable: Paula Woodward, television reporter
Leadership Conference "Gatherings"
Nu Iota Chapter returns Chapter Consultants 1991-92
From the President's Desk Collegiate Chapter News Alumnae Chapter News From Our Readers Classified
On the Cover:
Jan. 15 July 1
April 1 Oct. 1
AOII Cares About the World. This slogan emphasizes our Fraternity's ccommitment to help protect the environment. The cover photo is by Kevin Hancock.
Winter 1991
Diamond Jubilee Foundation announces
The Muriel T . McKinny Award for $1,250 was given to Jeanine Marie Zachary, Iota (IJ. of Illinois). Jeanine has served as her chapter's vice president/chapter relations. She is also a member of Golden Key honor society and vice president of Student Ambassadors. Jeanine will finish her degree in May and plans to become a Certified Public Accountant and then work for an accounting firm.
The $1,000 Alpha T a u Scholarship went to Kathy Jo Paprocki, Phi Sigma (U. of Nebraska at Kearney). Kathy was her pledge class president, chapter recording secretary, and administrative vice president. She is a member of Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity, Order of Omega, and Rho Lambda honorary. Kathy plans a career in human resource manage- ment following her graduation in May.
Earning a $500 scholarship was Lori Angela Cwalina, Chi Beta (U. of Virginia). She was her chapter's pledge class vice president, rush chairman, and president. She is a member of Golden Key honor society and Psi Chi psychology honor society. Following graduation in December, Lori plans to pursue a doctorate in psychology and work in counseling children and adolescents.
Marsha Kaye Whatley, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U.), also received a $500 scholarship. The De- cember 1991 graduate has been very active in campus Panhellenic activi- ties. She also served as EKII student body president and as a member of the school's Board of Regents. Following graduation, the business education major plans to work for General Telephone Electronics as a management educator.
Sisters receiving $1,000 scholarships include:
Kimberley Dawne Davis, Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U.). Kim- berley served as her pledge class pres- ident, chapter assistant treasurer,
membership education chairman, and administrative vice president. She was a student government senator and a member of Kappa Delta Pi honor- ary. After receiving her degree in early childhood education next May, Kimberley plans to begin work on a master's degree in education and later to teach kindergarten.
Tammy Sue Duerfeldt, Zeta (U. of Nebraska, Lincoln). Tammy was her pledge class secretary, chapter trea- surer, and president. She is a member of Golden Key honor society, Phi Chi Theta business fraternity, and the Finance Club. Tammy hopes to com- plete her finance and management degree in December 1992.
Theresa Marie Kempton, Delta Psi (State U. of New York, Albany). Theresa will complete her accounting degree in May. She has served as chapter public relations chairman and currently is serving as chapter relations chairman. Theresa is a resident assis- tant and a member of Golden Key honor society. She plans to enter the accounting profession and become a CPA.
Patricia Michelle Hasson, Sigma Phi (California State U ., Northridge). Patricia was her pledge class treasurer and chapter M1F chairman. She is a member of Order of Omega, the University Ambassadors, and a registration and poll worker. She plans to take the CPA exam in November 1992, just before she graduates in December.
Cynthia Ann Kowallek, Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern U.). Cynthia has served as scholarship chairman and rush chairman. She is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta and ONU's Wind Ensemble. Cynthia will com- plete her pharmacy degree in May 1994 and plans to earn a doctorate and then become a pharmacist at a large medical center.
Amy Maria Nadley, Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U.). Amy has served as assistant corresponding secretary and
To Dragma
1991-92 scholarship winners
as a member of the standards commit- tee. She is a member of Phi Upsilon national honor society, Kappa Omi- cron N u national honor society, and the Health and Human Development honor society. Following graduation next May, she plans to attend graduate school in social work.
Debra Christine Mabry, Omicron (U. of T ennessee, Knoxville). Debra served as chapter treasurer and as a rush counselor. She is a member of Delta N u Alpha fraternity and is a university tour guide. Debra will graduate in May with a bachelor's degree in logistics and transportation.
Lori Ann Miller, Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern U.). Lori has served her chapter as treasurer and president. She also has been a member of the Association of Business Students. Following graduation in May, she plans to take the CPA exam and enter the accounting profession.
Joanne Lynn Newbetger, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida). Joanne has served as vice president for her chapter, Junior Panhellenic repre- sentative, and pledge class secretary. She is a member of Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Phi Eta Sigma honorary, and Alpha Lambda Delta honorary. She will earn her elemen- tary education degree next spring and plans to attend graduate school.
Catherine Marie Osbaugh, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado). Catherine served as scholarship chairman and is a member of Golden Key honor society and Delta Sigma Pi professional business fraternity. She plans to become an elementary school teacher following graduation in December 1992.
Kristin Ann Reynolds, Alpha Phi (Montana State U.). Kristin has served as rush chairman and awards chairman. She is a member of MSU Advocats, the Honors Program, Alpha Lambda Delta honor society, and is chairman of High School Greek Week. After she earns her degree in
industrial and management engineer- ing in 1993, she plans to work in management engineering.
Shelle Annette Roller, Theta Omega (Northern Arizona II.). Shelle served as activities chairman for Greek W eek and as coordinator for Parents W eek- end. She is a member of Order of Omega and Advertising Club III. Shelle is a an advertising/marketing major and she will graduate next spring. Her goal is to become a media planner in an advertising agency.
Melanie Karol Sublett, Kappa Omega (U. of Kentucky). Melanie served as vice president, public relations chairman, and social chair- man. She is a member of Phi Eta Sig- ma honorary, Golden Key honor society, and the student chapter of the American College of Health Care Executives. She will earn her degree in health administration in May, and she plans to attend graduate school and latet pursue a career in health administration.
Mary Madeline (Mamie) Vander- pool, Gamma Alpha (George Mason U.). Mamie has served as her chapter's corresponding secretary, historian, and president. She is a member of the Broadcasting Student Association, Order of Omega, the University Film and V ideo Association, and the Pres- ident's Club. Following graduation in spring 1993, she plans to begin a career in the entertainment industry.
Gina Michele Warr, Gamma Theta (U. of South Florida). Gina has served as chapter president, assistant rush chairman, corresponding secretary, and historian. She is a member of Order of Omega, the Broadcasting Student Association, and the Univer- sity Film and V ideo Association. She was a FOCUS Freshman Orientation leader in 1990. She has a double major in cinematography and mass communications. After graduation she would like to work in the entertain- ment industry.
Continued on next page.
Winter 1991
Reynolds Roller SuMett Vanderpool
Warr Westman Reed Woo Juckett
DJF announces 1991-92 scholarships
Continuedfrom previous page.
Linda Marie Westman, Phi Sigma (U. of Nebraska, Kearney). Linda served as chapter assistant treasurer and as treasurer. She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma freshman honorary, the Student Alumni Board, and she is a Children's Museum volunteer. The biology/chemistry major plans to attend medical school after graduation next spring.
Several graduate students received $1,000 scholarships. T h e y are:
Dana Michelle Reed, Chi Beta (U. of Virginia). Dana served as executive vice president of her chapter. She is attending Yale U. where she is studying architecture. She plans to graduate with a Master of Architecture degree in the spring of 1993.
Michelle Elizabeth Woo, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley). During her undergraduate years, she was her chapter's recording secretary and MIF chairman. When she completes her masters degree from Slippery Rock U., she plans to work in an acute care hospital.
Pamela Ann Juckett, Iota (U. of
Illinois). Pamela was her chapter's activities chairman and corresponding secretary. She is the collegiate liaison between the Chicago Northwest Sub- urban Alumnae Chapter and the AOII chapters at Coe College and Illinois Wesleyan U. She is now attending law school.
Michele Renee Little, Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U.). Michele served as colony president of Tau Lambda and later as chapter president. She has been a regional director. She is in the psychology program at Millersville U .
Denise Dawn Trumler, Phi Sigma (U. of Nebraska, Kearney). The May 1991 graduate in business admini- stration served as scholarship chair- man. She is now studying law.
Alumna Amelia L . Brown, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), has received a $750 scholarship. She is attending law school at Columbus School of Law, Catholic U. Prior to law school, she was the Acting Deputy Director of Pulic Affairs in the Office of National Drug Control Policy. She has also worked for the Justice Department.
To Dragma
Carolyn Huey Harris 1920 - 1991
An advertisingexecutive, she was known to AOIIs as a dynamic speaker...
Carolyn Huey Harris
Past International President Carolyn Huey Harris, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia) died August 10, 1991, of cancer. She was 71.
Her AOII sisters in Region I I I wrote of her enthusiasm for life:
"There was never a dull moment or event if Carolyn was around. She was dynamic and witty in her presentation and presence; sincere in her love of AOII; a friend whenever you needed her; and a sister always," reads the tribute in the Region III newsletter.
Carolyn held many offices and made many contributions to the Fraternity, too numerous to list in these pages. She was the chapter adviser to Lambda Sigma when that chapter won the Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup. She was the public relations chairman for the 1961 convention. Later she was a member of the Executive Committee before serving as International President from 1967 to 1969. At the time of her death, Carolyn was serving as editor for the Centennial history book which is being prepared for the 1997 Centennial.
She received the Helen St. Clair Mullan Award in 1981, the Rose Award in 1983 and the Adele Hinton
Award in 1987.
Carolyn was probably best known to
her AOII sisters as a fantastic speaker. "She could enthrall any audience," says Pat Hardy, Gamma Sigma
(Georgia State U.).
Carolyn was also know for her deep
love of AOII. She was initiated in 1938 and was active in AOII until her death. She was the Rose Banquet speaker at the Region I I I Leadership Conference in 1990. That speech was her last official AOII appearance before retiring to do battle with cancer.
Carolyn saw AOII take many important steps during her life, including the establishment of the Endowment Fund under the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, a step which she whole-heartedly endorsed. She was an honored guest at the October, 1989 dedication of the present International Headquarters.
Carolyn was a pioneer female executive in the field of advertising. She was a founding partner of the firm of Harris & Weinstein in the 1960s. Her professionalism carried over into her work in AOII.
"She was an effective president because she was very professional,"
said W endy W ilkerson, a traveling secretary for AOII in 1967-68. "She inspired those around her to give their best."
Nancy Bettis, Omicron (U. of Tennessee), says one of Carolyn's speeches inspired her to become an active alumna.
"Her main point was that privileged girls needed guidance too," Nancy recalls. " I agreed with her and began my adult service to AOII."
Another friend Beryl E. Arbit, Kappa Theta (UCLA), recalls how Carolyn loved life.
"She was always available to chat, to share her thoughts, her memories, her philosophy, and her great good humor. No matter how many demands she had, she saw to it that anybody she was talking with had her full undivided attention, regardless of the activity swirling around them."
Linda Holbrook, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia), learned that Carolyn was willing to assist her sisters profes- sionally. Linda was a journalism student at the U. of Georgia when she met Carolyn, a frequent visitor to the campus.
(Continued onp. 22.)
Winter 1991
Ruth Lee Leichtamer
with her great grandson
affiliated with Alpha Omicron Pi.
Past International President Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), was serving as the "traveling secretary" at the time and remembers
that installation.
"That local sorority was very old
and there were many alumnae who had stayed in the Toledo area. All of them were invited to affiliate with AOII, and many accepted the invitation," she said.
Ruth was among the alumnae initiated at that time.
"Women who choose this as mature women see the Faternity from a dif- ferent point of view," Nan said.
She noted that Ruth was active in AOII from the time of her initiation and first worked with the chapter in Toledo. Later she became a collegiate district director and then was elected to the Executive Committee. She served on the Executive Committee first as secretary, then as vice president in charge of collegiate chap- ters, and then as International Presi- dent. Ruth also served as president of the Toledo Alumnae Chapter and held other offices in that chapter as well.
Past International President Ruth Lee Leichtamer, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo), died September 16, 1991, at the home of her daughter, Suzanne Steiner, Beta Gamma (Michigan State U.). Ruth was 84. She had been ill for about six months.
Ruth was active in AOII in many ways. She served as International President from 1963-65.
Her daughter Suzanne recalls that what Ruth enjoyed most about being International President was working with the collegians.
"She believed very strongly in the Greek system and in AOII. It was a very important part of her life," said Suzanne.
Rebecca Braatz (Becki) Bair. Theta Psi (U. of Toledo), remembers Ruth with fondness.
"I had known Ruth since I was a collegian, almost 18 years ago," Becki said.
"She was a wonderful, loving person and a devoted AOII."
Ruth was initiated into AOII after she graduated from college. She was an alumna of Sigma Nu Phi, a local sorority at the U. of Toledo. At the end of World War II, that sorority
"She gave a lot to AOII and received a lot from it. I'm sure that high on her list of things she received would be the many friends she made," saidNan. She described Ruth as a hard worker who knew how to organize her mater- ial, make plans and follow through.
"She had a delightful sense of humor. She was a disciplinarian, but a kind one," Nan added.
One of the women who served on that Executive Committee with Ruth was another Past International President Jessie McAdam Larned, Rho (Northwestern U.).
Jessie met Ruth at the 1959 Convention in Victoria. Jessie was a new collegiate director, and Ruth was moving up to the Executive Com- mittee.
"We became friends right away," Jessie recalls.
This friendship lasted for the rest of Ruth's life. Jessie said that when Ruth retired as International Presi- dent, she started a "round robin" letter which went to all the members of the Executive Committee at the time. The women who participated would receive the "round robin" Continued on page 22.
To Dragma
Lee Leichtamer
1907 - 1991
Trained as a teacher, she enjoyed her work with AOII collegians.
Paula Woodward, television reporter
Paula Woodward
reporter. She went out and knocked on "an incredibly large number of doors."
She was hired as a broadcasting reporter for KDEN Radio in Denver. While she was there she made it a goal to file two or three original stories with her byline every day with United Press International and Associated Press.
In 1977 she again approached the Denver television stations, and Chan- nel 9 hired her.
"There are no shortcuts," Paula says. "If you want to get ahead, you have to work hard."
At Channel 9 she started out as a reporter on "9 Wants to Know" which concentrated on consumer issues. Gradually she worked her way into tough investigative reporting.
Paula says her aim is to raise public interest so "politicians will sit up and take notice."
She chooses stories that make inter- esting television, but that also make a difference. As a result of her "Workers Continued on page 21.
By Micki Ponsford Hansen, Tau (LJ. of Minnesota)
subsequently charged. In 1990 her "Workers Con?" story exposed peo- ple making thousands of dollars through fraudulent Workers Compen- sation claims. Another award- winning series "License to Steal" disclosed the lax procedures in the Department of Motor V ehicles which allowed people with no identification to obtain drivers licenses.
One station executive told her: "My dear,
people don't want to see or hear women on television news."
Paula has always liked writing and she knew from a young age that she wanted to be in television news. While attending Montana State University, she "got her feet wet" at a small radio station called KATL. After graduating in 1969, she went to Phoenix and applied for a job at the television stations there. One myopic station executive told her, " M y dear, people don't want to see or hear women on television news."
Paula put her goal on the back burner for a few years, teaching speed writing and shorthand, moving to Denver, and staying at home with her new son for three years. Then she de- cided to figure out a way to achieve her goal of becoming a television news
Denver Alumnae Chapter Paula W oodward, Alpha Phi
(Mon- tana State U.), an award winning investigative reporter for KUSA-TV in Denver, CO, is the Notable for this
issue of To Dragma. Paula has gained an outstanding reputation for her reporting and her exclusive interviews.
Her work has earned her many awards, including 11 regional Emmy Awards. Three of these were the coveted Journalistic Enterprise Award, for outstanding overall work. She also received the National Clarion for her documentary series called "The Scarlet R" which was about women who are sexually assaulted and the stigma that is attached to them.
Other honors include the W omen in Communications Matrix Award, the Distinguished Service Award from the Women's School Network, and the Sigma Delta Chi First Place Award for outstanding reporting for her coverage of the 1983 Lori Polland kidnapping.
For her investigative reports, Paula has received five "Best of Gannett" awards (1986-89). These awards are presented by Gannett Broadcasting to the best of its television stations all over the country. Paula and her news crew followed and filmed loafing Denver street repair workers in her award-winning reports, "Caution: Frequent Stops" and "Still Frequent Stops." In 1989, she exposed the involvement of Denver police officers in a bingo scandal; 17 officers were
Winter 1991
To Dragma
Photo by Kevin Hancock.
Alpha Omicron Pi cares about the world.
This was true when our Fraternity was founded; it has been true throughout its history; and it was true last year
during our "Year of Service" project. Now these words take on new meaning as we join together to work to help protect our environment.
Some of the funds raised by our "Year of Service" project were donated to "Keep Texas Beautiful" to help fund a pilot project designed for use on college campuses everywhere. This anti-littering campaign is now nearing completion, and our chapters will be called on to help distribute the project and to assist with the implementation of it on campus.
But our college campuses aren't the only place where AOILs can show that they care about the world. In our homes we can show this concern daily as we make decisions that reflect our desire to help protect the environment. Whether it is reccycling our trash or using non-toxic cleaning products, we can make a difference.
This section of To Dragma will inform you of some of the ways our members and our chapters are already working to help protect the environment. It also contains some tips for simple changes you can make that will help you show that you personally care about the world. Lastly, it introduces some of our members who are actively involved in helping protect our environment, either in their jobs or as volunteers.
1 . Take your old Convention tote bag with you to the grocery store. Use it to bring home the groceries and you will prevent a plastic or paper bag from being used and added to the world's supply of garbage. This action also advertises the Fraternity and draws attention to a member doing something worthwhile.
. Get the collegiate and alumnae members in your community together and plant a tree on campus for Founders' Day. Do this every year.
3 . Recycle! If there is a curbside recycling program in your community, participate! I f sorority houses are not included in the curbside program in your community, contact local officials to get this changed.
4. Adopt a highway. This is a good project for collegiate and alumnae chapters. Members must agree to keep a designated stretch of road litter free for two years. The roadside sign which announces an "adoption" is good publicity for AOII.
5. Some communities have parks which have been neglected. Cleaning up and refurbishing a park would be a good joint project for a collegiate and an alumnae chapter.
6. Buy household products in bulk and you will reduce the amount of garbage you generate. This habit is especially useful for collegiate chapters with large houses. It will probably save money, too.
7. Collegians and alumnae who have knowledge about endangered species could volunteer to give a program on this subject at their local elementary school.
8. Whenever possible, buy paper goods that have been made from recycled paper.
9. Look for ways you can avoid creating garbage—use china instead of paper plates, use cloth dinner napkins, buy the product with the least amount of packaging—you get the idea.
. Make a promise to do one thing in your daily life to show that you care about the world. Keep that promise!
-contributed by Marsha A. Guenzler, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.)
(and everywhere) beautiful...
an update on the campus anti-littering pilot project...
The anti-litter research project sponsored by Alpha Omicron Pi and Keep Texas Beautiful has been completed and will soon be ready for distribution to campuses across the country and in Canada.
The goal of the project was to come up with a program that could be adapted to any campus.
The end result is a "how to" book that offers guidelines for organizing an anti-litter campaign on campus. The "book" consists of printed pages which can be inserted into a loose leaf notebook. Before writing the "how to" book, Keep Texas Beautiful researched four aspects of the problem of litter on
campus. These were:
*litter abatement;
*solid waste handing awareness; *beautification; and
To make sure that the final product would be "user friendly", Keep Texas Beautiful consulted the Higher Education Committee of Keep Austin Beautiful. The members of this committee are on the staff of the University of Texas at Austin and thus have first hand knowledge of campus programs and what is likely to work.
AOII's contribution funded the research. The funds that AOII contributed were presented via a check at the Convention last June in Dallas. That check represented part of the money raised through the "Year of Service" project.
Sally Drea presents AOII's checck to Bill Yenne, chairman of the board of Keep Texas Beautiful, and James Matz, co-chairman of the Higher Education Committee of Keep Texas Beautiful.
To Dragma
Denise Yehnert, recycling coordinator.
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Denise Yehnert, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.), cares about the world. And, in particular, she cares about recycling.
Denise is the new recycling coordinator at Illinois Wesleyan U., which began a campus wide recycling program in October. Each housing unit now has 40-gallon containers for paper and aluminum; every office building has a bin for cans and each desk has a recycling container.
What was once a scattered recycling effort in some residence halls and Greek houses is now coordinated with handy containers all over campus, a pick-up program, volunteers to encourage recycling and answer questions, and a central office to coordinate all the activity.
"Do Your Part! Recycle!" kicked off on October 17, 1991, complete with containers Denise helped select and posters emblazoned with the logo she created. The logo is a modified globe of the world as a jigsaw puzzle with a piece missing.
"The rationale behind the theme is two-fold. First, it stresses the fact that recycling is everyone's responsibility and second, it captures the idea that Illinois Wesleyan is part of the larger global community and must play a role in ensuring the well-being of that community," Denise explains.
Denise became interested in recycling as a freshman when she took an honors course in population resources and environment. As her class project, she researched recycling activities in Bloomington-Normal, IL. Her interest in recycling was renewed when she served in the Student Senate, which wanted to pursue a recycling program. But the idea fizzled until Denise talked to campus administrators last spring and asked them for support. Ken Browning, the school's vice president for business and finance, challenged Denise to work for the school to develop a feasible and efficient recycling program.
The program had to be easy-to-use and it couldn't add to the workload of office or custodial staff. Denise began by obtaining questionnaires from members of each department. This information helped her determine how much recycling was being done and what kind of program would work best. She also surveyed other campuses to learn about their programs. Working through the summer with the campus custodial foreman, Denise dealt with the issues of collecting materials, selling them, educating the campus community and encouraging the purchase of recycled goods for campus use.
Denise was well prepared for the'challenge of organizing a recycling program. She served an internship last January at the Chicago office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She was that agency's first undergraduate intern.
One of her goals is to continue to broadcast the message that everyone is a piece of the global puzzle.
"It is very easy for every person to have an impact," she said. "Too often people don't think they, as individuals, can make a difference, but they can."
In addition to working as the campus recycling coordinator, Denise has worked to involve her chapter in the curbside recycling program in Bloomington. The chapter currently recycles glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and ledger paper. Chapter members also recycle aluminum cans to raise funds for arthritis research.
Winter 1991 13
This alumna is an environmental
Marianne Hobbs Thaelu, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley), describes herself as an environmental activist. What is an environmental activist? Marianne has her own definition. She writes:
"An environmental activist is anyone who
1. makes the time to volunteer for an environmental project or cause or donates to an environmental organization, A N D 2. writes to elected officials or government agencies, AND
3. attends a public meeting to show support for an environmental concern, A N D
4. speaks out at such a meeting.
"For example, my friend, also an AOII alum, told me, 'I am becoming an activist! I wrote a check, wrote a letter, and I
"Every environmentalist is committed to the concepts of preservation and protection. Environmentalists care that the
place called home, or the planet called Earth, is clean, healthy, and able to continue to sustain life. One indicator of a healthy environment is whether all plants and animals are able to survive.
"My personal commitment comes from a knowledge of and love of the out-of-doors, and the need to daily take a walk and 'smell the daisies.' As a Sierra Club hike leader, I take groups on day-hikes. Some hikes are into the pockets of wilderness left in southern New Mexico, my home. Wilderness areas are places where wild animals and plants live without human interference. I am an Environmental Activist presently dedicated to the preservation and protection of wilderness areas in the United States, and I continue to care about waste disposal, clean air, and clean water.
"Each person must find the cause that concerns her or him most, make a commitment, then do something. Join a group or form a group, pick a project or concern, do some homework, and take action. 'Keep the Campus Clean,' 'Save the Endangered Species,' 'Let's Breathe Fresh Air,' 'Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink'- - the possible projects are legion!
"As a mother, retired businesswoman, former locally elected official, former president of the local alumnae Panhellenic, and local university Panhellenic Alumnae Rush Coordinator, I know that no one has time, you must make time.
"Pick a project, HAVE FUN, make a difference - Care!" Other AOIIs who care about the world:
Christine Evanik Priznar, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), has over ten years of experience as a consultant in the environmental field and volunteers at her local recycling center. Now a full time homemaker, she has a B.S. degree from the U . of Michigan's School of Natural Resources, with a concentration in Natural Resource Policy and Management. She and her husband are teaching their children to be naturalists and they use environmentally friendly, non-toxic products in their home.
Gamma Omicron Chapter (U. of Florida) has established a successful recycling and environmental awareness program within the chapter. Chapter members have also been getting the whoie Greek system involved. Members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter (Elon College) recycle aluminum,glass and plastics. They decided to purchase reusable glass dishes and stop using paper plates and cups at parties.
Ida Rose Sylvester, Sigma (U. of California at Berkeley), is a senior majoring in Environmental Policy and Planning, with a minor in City and Regional Planning, and she writes a monthly environmental article for the newsletter at her apartment complex. Her articles cover such subjects as recycling and non-toxic methods of doing household cleaning.
Sherri A. Gill, Pi (Tulane U.), is a policy analyst at the Environmental Protection Agency. She graduated last May from Indiana U. with two masters degrees, one in Environmental Science and the other in Public Affairs.
14 To Dragma
This AOII lived on an island last summer, with birds & other wildlife...
Lisa Taschenberger cares about the world, especially the outdoors, its birds and wildlife.
Last summer Lisa learned first hand how human beings affect nature when she lived on a remote island in Chesapeake Bay. She worked for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as an intern in environmental education. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation is a nonprofit organization which educates students about the bay, its history, and its problems. Lisa lived on Fox Island, an uninhabited island at the mouth of the Tangier Sound. She shares her experience with To Dragma readers:
"The Chesapeake Bay Foundation staff members know so much about the history of the land and the water and the birds and wildlife in the bay area. I thought I'd have to start college all over again to learn it all!
"The only hint of human involvement on the island is the old hunting lodge which has been renovated as an outdoor education facility. Other than that, there is nothing around for six miles. Because it is so remote, environmentally-conscious living is a must. Everything on Fox Island is recycled or reused. Every kind of solid waste, including human waste, is used for compost. Water pressure is pumped up by riding a bicycle, and the few electric lights on the island are powered by electricity generated through the use of solar power.
"Being in this type of environment can be overwhelming at first. The first week was a personal challenge for me as I adjusted to living without air conditioning, television, and unlimited water and electricity. I was a typical metropolitan college woman, used to having lots of people around and all the comforts of modern life.
"I watched the men I worked with go diving (literally) into four feet of mud (technically called detritus) and spend days without thinking about personal hygiene or cleanliness. Their idea of experiencing the salt marsh included eating grass shrimp and jellyfish.
"They challenged everyone to live as the Indians did, in complete harmony with the earth. Needless to say, I was unsure whether I could live in such primitive conditions. I also realized how little I knew about nature.
"By the end of the summer, however, I learned that I was a "trooper." The experience brought about some changes within myself. For the first time, I realized the smallness of this planet. Human beings were the minority among a population of birds and other wildlife. I began to see things differently and to notice nature more. Birds became interesting creatures, each one
unique. I learned the impor- tance of conservation and the simplicity of recycling. I re- turned to campus with a desire to share this awareness with the students on my campus. We all need to become aware of how our lifestyles affect the environ- ment."
Lisa is a 21-year-old senior at Elon College in North Carolina. A member of Epsilon Chi Chapter, she hopes to enter the field of environmental education.
Winter 1991
File photo.
I f CARE. lota Chapter becomes a Model Community
To Dragma asked the members of Iota Chapter to share their experience of becoming a Model Community.
Can AOII really make a difference? Can AOIIs help to save our environment? Of course we can! Allwe need is awareness, organization, and effort. The Iota Chapter decided to take the environmental plunge by joining the Model Community to become the first Model Sorority at the U. of Illinois in Champaign-Llrbana. The Model Community is a voluntary program of waste reduction developed by the Central States Education Center, a nonprofit environmental group based in Champaign. There are four criteria for becoming a model community: waste reduction at the source, recycling, elimination of toxins, and utilization of recycled products.
Our first step was to appoint a recycling chairman to take charge of the recycling. The person nominated was a member of the Model Community committee, so there was no ambiguity about what needed to be done.
Recycling was the easiest of the four criteria to attain. Iota was already recycling aluminum cans and newsprint through a curbside program. We soon began recycling glass, bimetal cans, high-grade paper, and computer paper.
In order to collect the cans, glass, etc., we placed recycling stations on each floor of the sorority house. These stations have bins for aluminum cans, glass, and paper. We also put extra large bins for bimetal cans and'^glass in the kitchen and boxes for computer paper in the computer room.
The aluminum, bimetal cans, glass, and newsprint are picked up weekly through a curbside program. The high-grade paper and computer paper are picked up by the community recycling center when the bins get full.
Since 65 women live in our chapter house, we were already buying products in bulk quantities. This reduces our waste output. The next step was to replace paper products with products that can be reused or with products made from recycled material. We stopped using styrofoam products, and we bought napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, and computer paper made from recycled paper. We also encouraged our members to use their own reusable cups for between-meal drinks instead of paper cups. W e no longer use any paper plates at all.
The biggest obstacle to becoming a model community was to stop using environmentally harmful cleaning products. First, we stopped using aerosol products. Eventually, we switched to several cleaning products specially formulated to be safe for the environment. Such products are available through companies such as Environmental Alternatives and Seventh Generation.
The lota Chapter House at the U. of Illinois.
To Dragma
In addition to becoming a Model Sorority, Iota Chapter has participated in environmental events such as Order of Ome- ga's clean up project, the Eco-Olympics, and the East St. Louis Neigh- borhood Clean-Up Pro- ject. Order of Omega's project is a community event in which members of the U. of Illinois' Greek system disperse throughout the outlying Continued on page 28
A O ) "FT
This alumna, a professional biologist, watches over state lands in Florida...
Patricia A. ("Tricia") MacLaren, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida), cares about the world.
Tricia is a resource management biologist for the Office of Land Use Planning and Biological Studies in Florida's
Department of Natural Resources.
One aspect of her job is to evaluate the lands managed by the state and to make suggestions for improvement in
their management.
Tricia explains that Florida is a biologically diverse state which has recently experienced tremendous population
It is now the fourth most populated state, and this influx of people creates numerous environmental challenges.
The state has approximately 440,000 acres of parks, preserves, and reserves under its care. Tricia selects a team of biologists and, together with the park manager, the team goes into the field to assess the condition of the natural resources, the effectiveness of resource management activities, and to make recommendations for improving the management of the natural resources. Tricia also edits a quarterly newsletter called "Resource Management Notes" which is designed to inform biologists and resource managers of current resource management techniques, problems, research, literature, and meetings. The newsletter has a circulation of more than 400. Tricia also drafts policy statements on terrestrial management.
She is active in the state chapter of The Wildlife Society, a professional organization for biologists. For the past two years she has been vice president and program chairman of the society.
Winter 1991
l a
EH«? muni.
File photo.
But sometimes funny things happen on the way to becoming environmentally conscious...
Angelaatherfamily's recyclingcenter.
contributed by Angela Bonds, RJio Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U.).
As I balanced my laundry bag on one knee, I rummaged through my purse for my keys. I stumbled through the kitchen door and turned on the light.
I couldn't believe what I saw! What was this big mess?
Boxes were overflowing with trash. Deflated plastic bottles, crushed containers, scraps of foil and flattened cans spilled from one box. A small mountain of newsprint was growing in the other box.
What was going on? Sure, I had not been home in two months, but was that any reason for my family to quit taking out the trash? Had they gone nuts?
I soon discovered that my family had not gone nuts, they had joined the crusade to save the earth.
At first I wasn't impressed. I knew nothing about recycling. That subject was not covered in school. And from what I had seen, recycling seemed like one big hassle.
Fortunately for me and for the earth, I changed my way of thinking, but not without a little encouragement and a lot of whining from my 15-year-old sister. She hid my aerosol hair spray every morning, and she constantly rattled off facts and figures about the environment.
It wasn't long before I realized that I did have time to recycle even when I was at college. More importantly, I realized that one person could make a difference and that being environmentally conscious did not take a lot of effort. In fact there are quite a few simple things that
we can do to help the environment.
For example, did you know:
-that if you turn off the water while you brush your teeth you could save up to 9 gallons of water each time
you brush?
-that every time you flush the toilet it uses 5 to 7 gallons of water?
-that heating water is the second largest use of energy in the home? Consider washing clothes in cold
water. (You could also take cold showers, but even my little sister doesn 'tgo that far!)
To Dragma
3new r colonies!
Members of the new Alpha Omicron Pi colony at the University of Wisconsin at River Falls are pictured above. International President Barbara Hunt performed the colonization ceremony on September 19, 1991. Lynn Ferger, Region VII Public- Relations Officer, Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator, and Beth Kuchta, Chapter Consultant, assisted. Members of Tau Chapter (U. of Minnesota) helped with the Preference Party.
Theyjre in
Texas &
New York
The C.W. Post campus of Long Island Univesity is the home of the new colony in Region I . Linda Collier, International Vice President/Development, performed the colonization ceremony on September 25, 1991. She was assisted by Jan Slagowski, Region I Vice President, Key Welch, Region I Rush Officer, Rita Hurtt, Region I Director, Michelle Taylor, Chapter Consultant, and Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator. Members of Theta Pi (Wagner College) assisted at the informational gathering.
On November 6, 1991, a new colony was established at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Past International President Ginger Banks performed the colonization ceremony. Carol Stevenson, Region VIII Public Relations Officer, Leigh McCallum, Region VIII Director, Leslie Yanik, Chapter Consultant, and Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordinator, assisted. Members of the Upsilon Lambda Chapter (U. of Texas, San Antonio) also assisted.
Winter 1991
Location & Dates
REGION I June 26-28 Buffalo Hyatt Buffalo, NY
REGION H June 26-28 Towson State U. (Baltimore, MD)
Gretchen Zollendeck
3648 Eckhardt Rd. Hamburg, NY 14075 716/648-6056 (H) 716/837-9400, ext 539 (O)
Carrie Heary
11284 Moore Rd. Springville,NY 14141
Carmel Kaiser
115 Bosley Ave. Cockeysville, MD 21030 301/666-7756
Location & Dates REGION m
June 26-28 Greensboro Marriott
Jane Vondy
PO Box 5004
Burlington, NC 27216-5004 919/584-3074 (H) 919/222-9758 (O)
Tina Jensen
22555 Shadowglen
Farmington Hills, MI 48024 313/478-7017
Amy Cathey
7112 West Arbor Trace #712 Knoxville, TN 37909 615/558-3096
To Dragma
Plan to attend Leadership Conference next June!
Mark your June calendars for two and a half days of education, fun, and sisterhood at your region's Leadership Conference!
Soon hundreds of AOII sisters will be gearing up for the 1992 Regional Leadership Conferences. Plan now to attend yours. It will be an excellent time to renew old acquaintances, make new friends, attend leadership seminars, and share your experiences in AOII with sisters of all ages.
The local leadership conference chairmen are working diligently to make these the best conferences ever. The general theme for programming will be goal and objective setting with an emphasis on developing action plans for implementation.
Official participants will receive specific information in January. Collegiate official participants must include the president, chapter relations chairman, and pledge educator. Collegiate rush chairmen, scholarship chairmen, and treasurers are also encouraged to attend. Alumnae chapter presidents, advisers, and corporation presidents should plan to represent their respective areas.
Alumnae and collegians who are not official participants are encouraged to attend, also. There will be potpourri sessions about personal development, alumnae involvement and other interesting topics.
If you can't attend the entire weekend, plan to join your region for the day. Some regions are planning special activities for alumnae. Check with your alumnae chapter president or the local Leadership Conference chairman.
Accept the AOII Challenge! Plan now to attend your region's Leadership Conference!
REGION IV June 19-21 Novi Hilton Novi, Ml
REGION V June 26-28 Knoxville Hyatt Knoxville, TN
Location & Dates
REGION VI June 26-28 Holiday Inn, Ashley Plaza Tampa, FL
REGION VH June 26-28 Holiday Inn Ames, Iowa
REGION Vm June 19-21' Denver Hyatt Denver, CO
Marion Clouse
1530 86th Ave. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702 813/577-0861
Eileen Muff
1312 Scott Circle Ames, Iowa 50010 515/292-2725
Diane Walton
13015 East Kansas Place Apt G203
Aurora, CO 80012 303/369-5474 (H) 303/779-6161(0)
Location & Dates
Sue Schell
(Regional Finance Officer) SE 915 Skylark
Pullman, WA 99163 509/332-4923
Janet Dallas
646 Hanisch Dr. Roseville, CA 95678 916/773-0463
Paula Woodward, television reporter
(Continuedfrom page 9)
Con?" story, a Workers Compensation reform bill was introduced in the Colorado State Legislature.
With the type of reporting Paula does, she has been the object of some threats. At times she has had pro- tection. But Paula says she is not afraid. She is very protective of her husband and son, though, and does not reveal her married name to the public.
Despite the occasional threats, most of the response she gets from the public is very positive.
Paula has fond memories of her AOII years in Alpha Phi Chapter.
"I loved being in a sorority, and I loved the friends that I made," she says.
Being in college was a "growing up" experience as much as an academic one for Paula.
"AOII was a great support system, and I still have great affection for a lot of those people. They are the type of friends where you can pick up right where you left off, without missing a
beat," Paula says.
She was the rush chairman at Alpha
Phi, and she points out that the job of rush chairman is good preparation for the news business.
"It's stress-oriented, you work very hard for really long hours, and then you're finished," she explains. In a sense, rush also involves interviewing.
In the future, Paula hopes to anchor a prime time news show in Denver, and to continue to do inves- tigative reporting. She has received offers from all three major networks, but she has no desire to leave Denver. Her family is her top priority and she wants to give her teenage son a stable home life.
Paula is an excellent role model for other AOIIs. She is a strong, coura- geous woman who is not afraid of confrontation. She is determined; she set a goal, made a plan, and proceeded to carry it out. As a wife, mother, and investigative reporter, Paula Wood- ward is an AOII who truly "makes a difference."
Winter 1991
June 12-14 Washington State U. Pullman, WA
June 26-28 Sacramento Hilton Sacramento, CA
Carolyn Huey Harris, 1920 -1991
Continuedfrom page 7.
"We became friends, so much so that she told me that if I would go to work for a retail store in Atlanta and get my apprenticeship in copy writing she would hire me to work for her, which she did. Carolyn always kept her promises."
Zadie Averett Scott, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia), is another friend who will miss Carolyn, especially the lunches they shared during which they had long conversations "covering A to Z but mostly AOII, with the Georgia Bulldogs a close second."
"I loved Carolyn as a sister and as a true friend, and I will miss her always," Zadie says.
Another close friend, Josephine S. ("Jo") Sanders, (Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U.), served with Carolyn on the Executive Board from 1965-69.
"Carolyn did more to professionalize and update the Fraternity than the present officers could possibly imagine and appreciate—and I might add— during the most trying times. We had flower'ehildren, riots, drugs, anti-Greek groups—to name just a few of the adverse circumstances," Jo wrote.
In addition to AOII, Carolyn was active in the U. of Georgia Alumni Club of which she had served as second vice president. She was also active in the Atlanta Advertising Club and served that organization as a
Another interest was politics, and
Carolyn was featured on the cover of To Dragma in the spring of 1989 as an example of an older woman who was a political activist. In the accompanying article "Older women-in the fast lane today!", Carolyn said that she didn't take up any "ladylike" pursuits until she retired. She was publicity chairman for the Republican Women in Georgia for six years and she was a delegate to the state Republican Convention many times.
Carolyn is survived by her husband, Rodney; her mother, Frances W. Weldon; her stepmother, Helen C. Huey; a sister, Helen E . Huey; and a brother, John W. Huey, Jr.
Ruth Lee Leichtamer, 1907-1991
Continuedfrom page 8.
letter, add their news and send it on to the next person. In addition to Jessie and Ruth, the participants were Dorothy Bogen Farrington, Lambda (Stanford IL), Phyllis Arner Wester- man, Rho (Northwestern U.), and the late Carolyn Harris, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia).
The letter continued until this year, and Ruth learned of the death of Carolyn when she received this letter.
Another AOII tradition influenced by Ruth was the candle lighting at the T oledo Alumnae Chapter's Founders' Day celebration.
"She always did this beautifully, adding a personal touch,'^ says Fadwa "Fudge" Skaff, Theta Psi (U. of T oledo).
She said that Ruth was very friendly and outgoing and that she was readily available to work with a chapter when the members needed help.
"The local collegians really looked
up to her," Fudge said.
Ruth's family carried on the AOII
tradition. Ruth had the unusual experience of initiating her daughter at the Convention in Chicago at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Suzanne says that the women who attended are not likely to forget the ceremony.
"The air conditioning had broken and I fainted from the heat," she recalled.
In addition to her daughter, Ruth also had an AOII granddaughter, Heidi Leichtamer, Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U.). Ruth's son Richard, a Kappa Sigma, also carried on the Greek tradition.
Ruth attended the University of T oledo and graduated from Eastern Michigan University. She was a teacher in the T oledo Public Schools before her marriage to Mahlon P. Leichtamer. After her husband retired, she returned to teaching at the St. Charles School in Toledo.
Ruth was also active in the community and in her church. She was vice president of the Old Orchard School Mother's Club, and the first president of the Grove Patterson School Mother's Club. She was a member of Episcopal Church Women at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.
Other community activities includ- ed membership in the Burns Park Senior Citizens group and working as a volunteer for the Arthritis Found- ation.
Ruth was a master knitter and seamstress. She was also an excellent duplicate bridge player.
Ruth is survived by her daughter Suzanne Steiner of Ann Arbor, MI; her son Richard Leichtamer of Rossford, OH; four grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.
"I'm sad to see Ruth go," said Jessie. "She was a true friend and a true AOII."
To Dragma
Palo Alto & San Mateo Alumnae Chapters held a joint 25th anniversary celebration on October 21, 1990. The guests included (front row, from left), Cindy Castle, Marlyn A. Johnson, Virginia Pickrell, Jane C. Weakley; back row, from left, Patricia S. Moxon (Region X Rush Officer), Joan M. Welch, Patricia B. Penning, Alice McCarthy, Judy West (Region X Finance Officer), Jean H. Maroder &Mary P. Tye.
Alabama State Day, which was held last January, was hosted by Delta Delta (Auburn U.).Among thoseattending werefrom left,front row:Julie Brining, (Region VI Finance Officer); International President Barbara Hunt, Robin Wright, (Region VI Vice President); & Margaret Ann Pyburn (Region VI Rush Officer); back row, from left: Dolores Rhodes (Region VI Public Relations Officer); Lori Doyle, Mary Ann Jenkins (Foundation Coordinator); Pat Helland (Director of Development, AOII Foundation);
Jennifer Cleary & Carole Jones (Regional Director).
From left, Hope LeBlanc, Sharon Newberger, Jana Howell & Lynn Newberger at Florida State Day.
Florida State Day was held on January 19, 1991, at Feather Sound Country Club in Clearwater, Flori- da. The event also celebrated Founders' Day. The luncheon was hosted by the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter.
-Sharon Newberger
Winter 1991
Charter members of the Sigma lota Chapter at their 20th year reunion held in April, 1990.
The Sigma Iota Chapter at Western Illinois U. may be gone but it is not forgotten by its alumnae. More than 60 alumnae had a 20-year reunion on April 7, 1990 at the Cypress Restau- rant in Hinsdale, Illinois. Another 39 alumnae who could not attend the celebration sent information about themselves for a booklet. The chapter was installed on April 3, 1970, and it closed during the 1980s. About 400 women were active in the chapter during the years Sigma Iota was at W estern Illinois U.
-Jacqueline Tuttle
Still active Orlando Charter members, seated, Margaret Mitchell Thomas, left, & Ruth Bryan Swanson; standing, from left, Bonnie Bartlett Delk & Betty Speer Chittum.
The Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter will celebrate 40 years of "together- ness" this year. When six members met for lunch in Winter Park in December, 1951 (and rocked two AOII babies), little did they dream the small club would grow to more than 43 active members from 20 states. Four members of the chapter, Ruth B. Swanson, Josephine E. Tipton, Mary Ruth McKnight, and Past International President Mary Louise Filer Roller, have been AOIIs for 50 or more years.
-Priscilla H. Cole
To Dragma
Approximately 200 AOIls attended Tennessee State Day, February 27, 1991, in Murfreesboro which was hosted by RJio Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U.). In the photo Mary Bryant (left), Region V Public Relations Officer, and Mariellen Perkinson (secondfrom right), Region V Rush Officer, are pictured with some of the Rho Omicron members who attended.
Enjoying Upsilon (Washington State U.) Chapter's 75th anniversary dinner/dance last April were (back row from left) M. Simula, S. Schmidt, D. Hall, D. Hecht, M. Eng, T. Vanover; (front row,from left) K. Derrig, V. Duncan, T. Manson, C. O'Reiley, R. Marquis, J. Abalog, T. Yi; (front, from left) H. Turner & J. Zimmerman. Barbara Long, Executive Board Director, was the keynote speaker.
More than 50 Beta Phi (Indiana U.) Chapter members, alumnae and guests attended the chapter's 75th anniversary luncheon last June 8th. Following the luncheon, a new addition to the chapter house was dedicated.
Past International President Edith Huntington Anderson, (Beta Phi, 1917), noted that the chapter has been continuously active since it was installed in 1916. Special guest Elizabeth Romine (Liz) Coffey, International Vice Presi- dent/Finance, said that Beta Phi was the 20th AOII chapter installed nationally, the second in Indiana, and the sixth women's fraternity at
Indiana University.
The addition to the chapter
house was completed in May and provides living space for 25 more women, bringing the total number of AOIIs living there to 106.
Other special guests were Virginia Houze Batchelor, corpor- ation president; Ann Gilchrist, Region IV Vice President; Ellen Klingman Pettay, president of the Bloomington Alumnae Chapter; Amy Small, then president of the Beta Phi Chapter; Renee Pugh Smith, Regional Director; and Mary Anderson Hilton, daughter of Edith Anderson.
Edith Anderson
Winter 1991
Collegians and alumnae from across Kentucky gathered for the annual Kentucky State Day last February. Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.) was the host chapter at the meeting in Bowling Green, KY.
Dayton Alumnae charter members Irene Witt Pence (from left), Hazel Engle Lowes,
and Eleanor King Blank at the chapter s 60th anniversary celebration.
On December 2, 1990, Muncie Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 25th anniversary and Founders' Day at the Radisson Hotel. Pictured are Ann Gilchrist (seated, from left), Region IV Vice President, and Eva Schmitz, Kappa Kappa Chapter president; (standing, from left) Barbara Ottinger, Kappa Kappa Corporation President, and Patricia Goetz, Muncie Alumnae Chapter president.
Members of the Dayton Alumnae Chapter celebrated its 60th anniver- sary last March at a luncheon attend- ed by 28 AOIIs. Three charter mem- bers: Eleanor King Blank, Omega '30 (Miami II.); Hazel Engle Lowes, Omega '25; and Irene Witt Pence, Omega '24 received red rose corsages at the luncheon. All three are still active in AOII. Elizabeth Romine (Liz) Coffey, International Vice President/Finance, was the featured speaker.
Susan Targove, chapter president, presented certificates of honor to chapter members Jill Perry Young and Ellen Macy.
From left, Melissa Courson, Mary Jean Polaski, Cathy Wieand and Sally Wagaman at Region II Day.
Omega Chapter (Miami U.) was the winner of the Scholarship Bowl, an award presented annually by the Dayton Alumnae Chapter to the O- hio collegiate chapter with the most improved CPA. Regional Director Lisa Vance accepted the award on behalf of Omega.
The celebration concluded with a special candle-lighting ceremony in honor of the 60th anniversary. All members formed a circle while hold- ing candles. A small group of women representing all generations of the Dayton Alumnae Chapter read brief historic accounts of the chapter's activities and accomplishments.
A "Region Day" rather than a state day was held by Region I I , reports Nancy B. Gilbert, Region II Public Relations Officer.
Every chapter in the region was represented and there were guests from nine other chapters. Jan Slagowski, who at that time was a Region I I Director, was the guest speaker. Jan has since been elec- ted the Regional Vice President.
A map of the region was posted and as sisters registered they put pins on the map for their home- towns. Photos were posted which showed a full year of AOII activity in the region. Scrapbooks were also on display. The buffet lunch was followed by group singing.
-Nancy B. Gilbert
To Dragma
Mid-Missouri Alumnae Chapter members pose at the chapter s 15th anniversary reception at the home of Quinetta Rut ledge (back row, right). Quinetta, the first
president, recreated the reception that was held after the chapter's installation.
Theta Chi Chapter members gather for a photo at the chapter's 25th anniversary celebration which was
held on March 17, 1991.
Classmates from 1965 who returned for a 25th reunion at the Chi Delta house are Barbara Byington Shaver (front row, from left), Maryse Legeron Muglia, Liz Keller Witt, Marion Reeves Ingalls; (back row, from left), Lois Edson Clark, Connie Meir Koepke, and Marion Jackson Bliss.
The Mid-Missouri Alumnae Chap- ter marked its 15th anniversary in October 1990, reports Dian Sprenger.
Quinetta Kateman Rutledge, the first president of the chapter, recreated the reception that had been held following the installation of the chapter in 1975. Sharon Martin, the installing officer, was unable to attend but she sent a note of congratulations.
Throughout the evening, members browsed through scrapbooks which chronicled the 15 years. Regional Director Marty Taylor was a special guest.
Barbara Byington Shaver, Chi Delta (U. of Colorado) writes that her graduating class (1965) of AOIIs celebrated it 25th year reunion at homecoming November 9-11, 1990.
"Eight AOIIs returned to the Chi Delta house to renew old friendships and to see how much or how little we had all changed. T h e collegians hosted a special open house after the football game, giving us time to see the rooms we had lived in and to dig up college memories.
"The undergraduates were amazed to think women would travel from New York, California, Texas, and Nebraska to attend homecoming 25 years after graduation. Several women had tears in their eyes after visiting the house that had meant so much to them during their college years.
"Our sisters who preceded us made sure we had a lovely AOII home to live in during the 60's. Now it is our turn to work toward expanding and remodeling the house so that future Chi Deltas can experience the special feeling of being an AOII."
-Barbara Byington Shaver
Winter 1991
International President Barbara Hunt presents the president's ring to Christina SeaUse at the installation of Nu lota Chapter.
Nu Iota chapter returns to Northern Illinois U.
lota Chapter...
Continuedfrom page 16.
area to clean up parks, parkways, fields, etc. The Eco-Olympics was sponsored by an organization called Students for Environmental Concerns (SECS). Fraternities and sororities competed to show the greatest decline in energy use during a semester. Indi- vidual chapter members participated in the East St. Louis Neighborhood Clean-Up Project in which they removed and recycled foreign matter found throughout the Fast St. Louis areas and redistributed natural materials, such as leaves and rocks.
Currently, we have chapter mem- bers who actively participate in SECS and similar environmental organiza- tions and projects. Out-of-house mem- bers are encouraged to bring their recyclable materials to the house.
Judging by the rapidly filling recycling bins and the lack of com- plaints of any kind, I believe the members of Iota Chapter support fully these environmental programs. I believe we have boosted the environ- mental awareness of our members over the past year with the addition of a recycling chairman and by becoming a Model Sorority.
-Cindy Flaherty
Would your chapter like to become a Model Community? Need help?
Iota Chapter would be happy to help other chapters. For inquiries about the Model Community or about obtaining environmentally friendly supplies, please contact Cindy Flaherty, 217/384-6464. For information about recycling, contact Christine Conry, 217/344-0136. You can write to both women at 706 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801.
Nu Iota Chapter returned to Nor- thern Illinois U. last April when 63 women were initiated and the recolon- ized chapter was installed in ceremo- nies at the Holmes Student Center on the Northern Illinois University campus.
The installation ceremony was per- formed by International President Barbara Hunt. She was assisted by members of Phi Chi Chapter (U. of Chicago).
Special guests at the ceremony included two charter members of the chapter, Lois Bender Merwin and Bonnie Hinkel. Lois, who was the first initiate of the chapter in 1954, served as installation chairman. She pre- sented the newly installed chapter a gift from the charter members.
Other special guests included Judy Flessner, Region V I I Vice President; Lynn Ferger, Region VII Public Rela- tions Officer; Mary Diaz, Region V I I Finance Officer; and Liz Pietsch, Region VII Director.
Representatives from Iota Chapter (U. of Illinois), Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), and Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.) attend- ed. Several alumnae chapters were represented at the ceremony, includ- ing the DeKalb-Kane County Alum- nae Chapter, the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter, and all of the Chicago area alumnae chapters.
Other AOII special guests included Nancy Anderson Clark, the Centen- nial Chairman, and Peg Crawford, Past International President.
The Holmes Student Center, where the installation was held, is named for the late Dr. Leslie Holmes who was the fifth president of the university. His wife, Ethel Huss Holmes, is an AOII and she served as chapter ad- viser when Nu Iota was first installed.
After the installation a banquet was held at the Kishwaukee Country Club for the new initiates, the pledges and their parents. There were 63 women in the pledge class and 63 new initiates.
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi's eight Chapter Consultants for 1991-92 began their work by modeling for the Emporium advertisement in the fall issue. Since completing their training in late August, they have been visiting chapters. After a holiday break in December, they will resume their visits to AOII chapters across the United States and Canada.
Melissia was initiated into the
Alpha Gamma Chapter at W ashington State U. in 1987. She served her chapter as pledge class social chair- man, social chairman, rush chairman and as a member of the membership selection committee and the chapter relations committee. She was chosen outstanding pledge in 1987 and out- standing sister of the year in 1989. She was a Panhellenic rush counselor in 1990. Her campus activities include working on the campus homecoming committee for three years, and being active in a liaison group between stu- dents and alumni. She also served as a Peer Advisor, helping 17 younger stu- dents have a smoother transition to college. Melissia majored in social science. Her hometown is Rathdrum, Idaho.
Melissa is a member of Epsilon
Omega Chapter at Eastern Kentucky U. She has served as president and scholarship chairman of her chapter. She was vice president of her pledge class. Her AOII honors include being selected outstanding pledge, outstand- ing junior, and winner of the Ruby A Award and the chapter scholarship award. She was also the recipient of a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship in 1990. She was a member of Order of Omega. On campus she worked to help with the organizing of several events, including Greek Week, a Leadership Conference, and the E K U Springfest. She was a student mem- ber of the E K U Student Publications Board, and she received a Deans Award for being on the Dean's List three semesters in a row. Melissa ma- jored in sociology. She is from Lima, OH.
Chapter Consultants
Holly is a member of the Kappa Pi
Chapter at Ohio Northern U. She served her chapter as spirit chairman, assistant treasurer, and pledge edu- cator. She was historian of her pledge class. She was the winner of the Kappa Pi Spirit Award in 1988, 1989, and 1990. She was a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, the Student Senate, the Board of Trustees, and the Association of Business Students. She was an Orientation Counselor, a Rush Tour Guide, and a member of the Marching Band. She was a member of Order of Omega, Alpha Lambda Delta, and Delta Mu Delta. Holly was also on the Dean's List.
Holly's hometown is Novelty, Ohio. Her degree is in business ad- ministration with a marketing major. LISA GALE
Lisa Gale is a member of the Zeta Psi Chapter at East Carolina U. She served her chapter as president, scho- larship chairman and administrative vice president. She won the 1990 leadership award for Region I I I and the Artemis Award. She was on the AOII honor roll and had the highest Big Sis/Lil Sis GPA. She was a member of Order of Omega and Gamma Beta Phi Honors Fraternity. She was vice president of the campus Math Club and a member of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Math. She was included in the Out- standing College Students of America in 1988-89, and she won the National Collegiate Greek Merit Award in 1988. A math major, Lisa is from East Brunswick, NJ.
Continued on next page with Jennifer Gordon.
Melissia Anderson
Winter 1991
Holly Eippert
Melissa Blair
Lisa Gale
Chapter Consultants
Jennifer Gordon
Continued from previous page.
Jennifer is a member of the Beta
Phi Chapter at Indiana U. She served her chapter as president, Panhellenic representative, and as captain of the Little 500 Bike Team. As a pledge she served as the pledge Panhellenic Council representative. Her AOII honors include the Grace Thompson Eggers Attitude Award and a Certifi- cate of Honor. Jennifer was active in Panhellenic, serving as the Panhel- lenic Association Director of Commu- nications and on the major issues committee of the IFC/Panhellenic Association. She was a member of Alpha Chi Sigma, a professional chemical fraternity. Jennifer did volunteer work in the physical therapy department of Bloomington Hospital and as a soccer coach. Jennifer was a biochemistry major. Her hometown is Cincinnati, O H .
Beth was initiated into the Zeta
Chapter at the U . of Nebraska, Lin- coln. She served on the alumnae relations, philanthropic, homecoming brunch, and pledge committees in her chapter. She was the recipient of the Ginny Lou Piper scholarship and the Elie Fitzgerald scholarsip. On cam- pus, she was a Peer Leader for two years.Thisgroupservesasmentorsfor freshmen students to help them adjust academically, socially, and personally. Beth was also a member of the University Psychology Organization and the University Program Council. She majored in psychology. Her
hometown is Hartington, Nebraska. MICHELLE TAYLOR
Michelle Taylor is a charter mem- ber of the Delta Sigma Chapter at San Jose State U . She served as chapter president, recording secretary, and chairman of the alumnae relations committee. Her AOII honors include the excellence in scholarship award, which she received three times. She was also selected for the chapter spirit award, the outstanding leadership award, and the most valuable active award. In 1990 she was the chapter's nominee for homecoming queen. Michelle was a member of Order of Omega and the Black Masque Senior Honor Society. She was also in the Behavioral Science Club. She was a volunteer for the International Refugee Tutorial Service and for the Loaves and Fishes Food for the Needy. Michelle majored in behav- ioral science. Her hometown is San Jose, CA.
Leslie is a member of the Lambda Iota Chapter at the U . of California, San Diego. She served her chapter as president, membership educator, secretary, and rush chairman. As a pledge, she served as recording secretary, treasurer, and a member of the pledge social committee. She was on the Revelle Provost Honor Roll and she was a member of the Aca- demic Internship Program. She was also active in Panhellenic. She was a member of the Saint Pius X youth group. A communications major, Leslie is from Chula Vista,CA.
Beth Kuchta
Michelle Taylor
To Dragma
Delta Psi
The chapter's 16 pledges won first place in the campus Rape Awareness Banner Contest. Last semester, chapter members raised over $3,500 for Diabetes Research with their annual Wiffle-ball-a-Thon with the brothers of Sigma Phi Epsilon. T h e sisters at Gamma Chapter also participated in a campus bottle drive to purchase a "hearing aid dog" for a local man.
Gamma Beta Indiana U. of Pennsylvania
Kelly Schlieder reports that the Gamma Beta Chapter at Indiana U . of Pennsylvania has enjoyed many activi- ties since the beginning of the year when chapter members celebrated the chapter's 25th anniversary.
The sisters have participated in the Delta Zeta Volleyball Tournament, Greek Sing with Kappa Delta Rho, and Greek Week. Social events have included a formal at a local inn and a bowling party.
Chapter members joined with Delta Sigma Phi to build a home- coming float. Other fall events were a "Take Back the Night" walk across campus to protest violence against women. T h e chapter helped co- sponsor this event which had over 250 participants. A homecoming tea was held in October and Founders' Day was celebrated on December 8.
Lambda Upsilon Lehigh U.
The Lambda Upsilon Chapter at
Lehigh U. started its fall semester with a Greek-based community project called "South Side Alive," reports Kara Bolcavage. This event was designed to raise money for local charities by selling tickets for rides and games at separate booths, with each booth being manned by a different fraternity or sorority. It lasted for three days and chapter members enjoyed their turns taking care of the booth they shared with the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Collegiate Chapter News
The Delta Psi Chapter at the State U. of New York at Albany began the fall semester with the initiation of 35 new sisters, reports Wendy Metzger.
Chapter members sponsored a pro- gram called "Stop Victimization: Fight Back." T h e program was presented by the Empowerment Project, and the women leading the program were trained in self-defense and awareness. Three local stations broadcast part of the event, which was held in response to several attacks which have occurred in the Albany area. Several chapter members appeared on the 11 p.m. news. T h e Delta Psi Chapter also co-sponsors "Don't Walk Alone," a campus escort service for students.
Future plans include a fashion show next spring which will feature models from the 20 fraternities and nine sororities. Currently, most of the members' free time is spent planning and rehearsing for spring rush 1992.
U. ofMaine-Orono
The women at Gamma Chapter at the U. of Maine-Orono have been busy this past year, reports Mary Polakovic. Chapter members have just moved into their new chapter house.
Chapter members enjoyed Interna- tional President Barbara Hunt's recent visit.
The chapter's major philanthropic project, the "Mr. Lehigh" contest, was planned for November.
Gamma Alpha George Mason U.
The Gamma Alpha Chapter at George Mason U . had a successful fall rush, achieving quota and pledging 35 women, reports Beth Brock.
. T o emphasize the importance of scholarship, the chapter began the school year with a banquet honoring sisters with outstanding scholastic achievements.
George Mason U. held Patriots Day in September and the chapter co- sponsored a pie-in-the-face contest with Phi Kappa Sigma. In October chapter members went trick or treat-
Continued oh nextpage.
Winter 1991
Collegiate Chapter News...
Debut. The annual Rose Ball was held in the spring at the Buckhead Townclub.
Over the summer, Gamma Sigmas worked hard to prepare for Rush. T w o groups of sisters visited Missouri U . and Virginia Commonwealth to share rush ideas and sisterhood.
The chapter will host Founders' Day in February, 1992, and Interna- tional President Barbara Hunt will attend.
Individuals honored at the senior banquet in April were Lori Ewing, sheaf award; Sarah Daughtery, advis- er's award; and Heather Miller, alum- nae award.
Over 300 people attended the Parents Day dinner which was held in the new Student Union.
At the 1991 Convention, Jo Ann Gibbons, a Kappa Alpha alumna and former chapter adviser, was honored by her Kappa Alpha sisters every- where with a $2,000 donation to the AOII Foundation in her name.
The chapter had a successful fall rush and pledged quota.
Kappa Kappa Ball State U.
Kappa Kappa Chapter at Ball State U. began the year with a successful rush, pledging quota of 26, five of whom are legacies, reports Shannon M. Carter. Lisa Chiarella was rush chairman and Randi Carmichael was rush adviser.
During homecoming week, Jennifer Havens, who is the current Miss Ball State U., placed in the top four in the talent search.
Seven chapter members are volun- teers for Campus Report Card, a student produced television show. They are: Wendy Harvey, Kathy Spalding, Julie Armstrong, Shannon Carter, Kirsten Pederson, Tiffany Rowe, and Becky Cohen. Kathy Spalding is hostess of the show which airs once a week.
Fall events included the pledge car wash, the annual hayride in October and a trip to DePauw U . to visit AOII sisters there.
Kappa Rho Western Michigan University
Last fall the Kappa Rho Chapter at W estern Michigan U . helped paint
Continued on next page.
Lori Ewing, Indiana State homecoming queen.
Gamma Alpha, continued
ing to raise money for arthritis re- search. They also participated in "Witch W atch," a neighborhood safety program sponsored by student government.
Four chapter members were nominated for homecoming court. The chapter joined with Sigma Chi to build a float with the theme "Freedom of Expression." Colleen Brady represented AOII on the homecoming committee.
Gamma Sigma Georgia State U.
The Gamma Sigma Chapter at Georgia State U . raised $3,500 for arthritis research with its AOII Athletes event, reports Linda Kelley. The chapter won first place in two major philanthropic events, the Sigma Nu Sweepstakes and the Pike Bike. Chapter members have also promised to raise money for Cornelia deLange Syndrome.
Social events of the year included the Christmas Formal and Pledge
To Dragma
Kappa Alpha Indiana State U.
Kappa Alpha Chapter at Indiana State V. had a successful spring rush and pledged quota, reports Jennifer Cash.
Another spring highlight was the annual Rosebowl which raised money for arthritis research. Bobbi Todd, philanthropic chairman, was in charge of that event. Paired with Phi Delta Theta and Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha had an exciting "Tandemonia" in April.
Chapter member Lori Ewing was the 1990 Indiana State U. home- coming queen, and she also repre- sented the state of Indiana at the Cherry Blossom Festival in W ashing- ton, D.C.inApril.
At the annual Panhellenic/IFC awards ceremony, the chapter won awards for outstanding alumnae rela- tions and the highest pledge class GPA. Individual awards went to Heather Miller, outstanding Greek woman; Vicki Corhn, outstanding chapter member; and Shelli Harris, outstanding junior.
Collegiate Chapter News...
Kappa RAO, continued
houses forthe needy and elderly. The event was sponsored by Habitat for Humanity. Chapter members also helped paint a soup kitchen in down- town Kalamazoo and later volunteered time there to help feed over 500 needy residents. Another interesting community effort was assisting the Red Cross by pretending to be the victims of a simulated plane crash. The event helped emergency person- nel better prepare for disasters.
In the spring of 1991, Kappa Rho adopted a highway. The chapter signed an agreement with the state of Michigan to keep a two mile stretch of highway clean for a two year period.
Chapter members have worked to keep excellent relations with other Greeks and the university. They helped with Delta Gamma's annual "Anchor Splash" for aid to the blind, and they assisted the IFC in feeding the hungry. The Kappa Rho's received an award for the most participation in the IFC event. They also helped the university recruit new students with a phone-a-thon last spring.
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
The Kappa Omicrons at Rhodes College have had a productive year, reports Susan Gabrielson.
Chapter members have been active in many organizations on campus, such as the McCoy Theatre, Rhodes College Singers, intramural sports, varsity sports, and Model United Nations.
Individuals who were selected for honoraries include: Anne Finney, Omicron Delta Kappa; Lacey Taylor, Tracey Boney, Order of Omega; and
Night to Shine," an annual arthritis benefit banquet.
Fall rush was successful, and the chapter took quota with 30 pledges.
Nu Omicron
Yanderbilt U.
As the new year began, members of the Nu Omicron Chapter at Vander- bilt U . were already busy working to maintain their campus leadership, reports Jeanette Jones.
The chapter's spring pledge class had the highest CPA on campus. Individual chapter members who have positions of leadership on campus include Katie Walsh, president of the Vucept Board. She was also the chap- ter's rush chairman. Other chapter members serving on the Vucept Board are Nikki Feliciano, Doreen Linne- man, and Lenore Moritz. Katie Donovan is Executive Vice President of Interhall, and Barbara Heis is president of Omicron Delta Kappa and a member of the varsity soccer team. Deanna Dill was chosen the Vanderbilt homecoming queen. Deanna is captain of the cheerleading squad which includes sisters Marcia and Sylvia Parra and Aileen Salud.
Philanthropic activities, under the leadership of Chairman Virginia Pace, have included service to soup kitchens, Habitat for Humanity, and environmental organizations. The chapter's annual Fajita Fest raised over $2000 for arthritis research.
Social events have included an AOII Primary Party in September, a fall party in October, and a semi- formal in November. Party themes were "Come as your parents" and "Madhatters."
Deanna Dill, Vanderbilt homecoming queen.
Lacey Taylor, Anne Finney, Emily Newsom, and Tracey Boney, Mortar Board. Amy Culpepper was named Greek athlete of the year for the third consecutive year and was selected the most valuable player in basketball. Lynn Breedlove was named the most valuable player in volleyball. Lacey Taylor received a scholarship to study at Oxford U . Johanna Kahalley was named to the Rhodes Hall of Fame. Other awards were: Angie Nissing, the Jane Donaldson Kepple Writing Prize; Jennifer Wachtel, the Allen Tate Creative Writing Award; Becky Allyn, the Jared E. W enger Award; and Valerie Weeks, the Abe Fortas Award for Excellence in Legal Studies.
Five sisters were named to the Interdisciplinary Humanities' Search Advisory Council. They are: Amanda Coe, Dorian Jones, Lisa Mitchell, Amy Powers, and Valerie W ebb. One final award was given to the entire chapter by the Order of Omega for the highest-GPA on campus for the academic year 1990-91.
Ten sisters aided in hosting "A
Winter 1991
R E G I O N VI (continued, next page)
Collegiate Chapter News...
Gamma Omicrons are readyfor Greek Weekfun at the U. of Florida.
Gamma Omicron U. ofFlorida
Jessica Henry reports that Gamma Omicron Chapter at the U . of Florida excelled in many areas last year.
The chapter won two Panhellenic awards, one for outstanding sorority relations and the other for outstanding programming about alcohol awareness.
The annual Sound O f f event was held in the spring and raised nearly $2,500 for the Arthritis Foundation. Sound Off is a lip-sync contest pairing sororities and fraternities to put on a show. Alisa Phillips and Tae Kelly co- chaired the event.
The chapter was named Sorority of the Year by the Civitan Regional Blood Center in recognition of the chapter members' donations to the blood drive. Chapter members also excelled in sports, winning the President's Cup which is presented to the overall winner of intramural sports
among sororities.
In the midst of a busy year, the
chapter members kept studying and raised their CPA above the all sorority, all women, and all university averages. They had a successful rush.
Three chapter members, Jessica Henry, Kristie Kempher, and Julie Dorn, were selected for Order of Omega.
Gamma Theta U. ofSouth
Gamma Theta Chapter at the U . of South Florida had an unforgettable year in 1990-91, reports Karen Jones. The chapter won six out of seven first place trophies during Greek W eek, including the first place overall award. Other awards won during the year included five out of six first place awards for the Sigma Chi "Dino Derby" and five out of seven first place awards in the Sigma Alpha
Epsilon "Paddy Murphy Derby." At the end of the school year, chapter members were pleased to be selected the Most Improved Sorority on campus.
Former president Sue Sapolsky was elected Panhellenic president.
The 1991 school year began with a successful rush with the chapter making quota.
Iota Sigma Iowa State U.
Iota Sigma Chapter at Iowa State U.
Continued on next page.
To Dragma
Collegiate Chapter News...
Iota Sigma
loWa State U. Continued... had a successful fall rush, making quota with 26 pledges, reports Mary Scallon.
The chapter has maintained its aca- demic standing of third place among the 15 sororities on campus.
Chapter members have kept busy with "Run for the Roses," their annual philanthropic road race which raised over $2,000 for arthritis research. They also paired up with different fraternities to raise money for multiple sclerosis and an area youth shelter.
The sisters are excited about plans for a new addition to their house next summer. The addition will include an extension to the dining room and formal living room, enlargement of the chapter room, and additional office space.
Representatives from the chapter traveled to the T au Chapter in Minneapolis to assist those sisters in their fall rush.
Phi Chi
U. ofChicago
The 1990-91 school year was an exciting one for the Phi Chi Chapter at the U. of Chicago, reports Lucia Flevares. T h e year began with the initiation of the spring pledge class. Fall rush, the Continuous Open Bidding program, and spring rush brought a total of 20 new sisters for the year.
The biggest philanthropic event was the chapter's April party at a Chicago dance club which raised approx- imately $700 for arthritis research. Other philanthropic activities included hosting a Halloween party at the children's hospital and participating in a fund raiser to support a local women's shelter. The chapter also had three acts in the lipsynch show sponsored by Students Against
Multiple Sclerosis. The chapter hosted a women's safety lecture, planned by Chapter President Andrea Barylak, which was open to all students on campus. A t the Windy City Regatta, a "rubber duck race" fund raiser for several local charities, chapter members volunteered to help pull 12,000 rubber ducks out of the water.
The chapter won the banner contest during the school's first Greek W eek. Suzy Axelrod, scholarship chairman, is proud of the chapter's having the highest GPA of all Panhel- lenic groups on campus. T h e chapter, which was the first sorority at the U. of Chicago, was included in the school's centennial display on student life.
Union Day.
Another service activity was the
adoption o f a 1.5 mile stretch o f a state highway. Kappa T au members will be responsible for keeping that section of the highway clean for two years. They also won second place in a campus recycling contest sponsored by Stu- dents Against Violating the Earth.
The chapter won the second place overall award in the Greek W eek com- petitions. The chapter also won an award for being the Greek organ- ization with the most participation, and the chapter's softball and football teams both won second place in intramurals. The chapter won the award for the campus organization with the highest GPA forthe 1990 fall sem ester. Fall rush 1991 was succes- sful, and the chapter exceeded quota.
Lambda Tau Northeast Louisiana U.
The Lambda Tau Chapter at Northeast Louisiana U . had a suc- cessful rush and pledged quota with 23 pledges, reports Mimi Welch.
Chapter members painted faces at a local football game to raise money for the Shriners' Hospital in Shreveport, LA.
An open house for area alumnae was one event of homecoming week- end. Chapter members were proud of Mary Kay Lipari, who was on the homecoming court. Another highlight of the weekend was a non-alcoholic picnic for parents, alumnae, and chapter members. This event marked the beginning of Alcohol Awareness Week.
Bridgette Jackson is'co-captain of the Warbonnets, the precision drill team, and Margaret Hossley is a mem- ber of the Indian Scouts, the univer- sity's hostesses.
Continued on nextpage.
Winter 1991
^ unu 0UAM0M*
Kappa Tau Southeastern Louisiana U.
Kappa Tau Chapter at South- eastern Louisiana U . has been active in philanthropy, reports Rebecca Riddle. Chapter members joined with the brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma to visit the Hammond State School for mentally handicapped children. T o raise money for arthritis research, they sold snowballs and chocolate at the Strawberry Jubilee and M&Ms on
Collegiate Chapter News.
Kappa Lambdas at their spring retreat.
Kappa Lambda U. ofCalgary
Kristy Lee Manchul reports that the Kappa Lambda Chapter enjoyed a chapter relations retreat last spring and that members gained much from the leadership of Regional Director Vicki Sherick who attended. The sisters appreciate the efforts of Laurinda Zboya and Phaedra- Burke, members of the chapter relations committee.
Joy Astolfi, in her capacity as presi- dent of the Interfraternity Greek Council, organized a skate-a-thon to raise money for Easter seals. The event was held in Edmonton, Alberta and was promoted as a "Battle of the Universities." AOII had the largest turnout and raised more money than any of the U. of Calgary Greek groups. Joy won the top Greek fund raiser
Fall rush was successful and the
chapter has 11 new pledges.
Laurinda Zboya was elected presi-
dent and Annick Brais was elected treasurer of Panhcllenic. Nancy McLeod, immediate past president of the chapter, was accepted into the U. of Calgary Medical School. Chapter Adviser Debrah Wirtzfeld, who is in her second year of medical school, was elected president of her class.
campus and houses 54 women. Chapter members appreciate the hard work of Chapter Adviser Kristin Sloop and Corporation Board President Maureen Forgeng.
Fall rush was successful and the chapter pledged its quota of 39 women. In October, pledges and their families were entertained at a banquet at the clubhouse of former chapter adviser Dr. Sarah Burroughs in Shell Beach.
Last spring chapter members participated in the Panhellenic "Good Neighbor Day," during which members cleaned up the road to the San Luis Reservoir. T w o members, Jamie Famirez and Amy Flynn came in first and second, respectively, in the 5K Greek Week Fun-Run. The chapter won the sorority intramural basketball championship.
Nina Schatz and Kelsey Corcoran were selected for membership in Alpha Zeta, an agriculture honor society. Allison Frazier and Melissa Johnson were initiated into Phi Upsilon, home economics honor society. Renee Hoffner was elected president of the Style Club. Jamie Ramirez was chosen to be a Poly Rep, an orientation tour guide.
Lambda Iota
U. ofCalifornia,
San Diego
Lambda Iota Chapter has been busy since last fall, reports Laurel Latto.
The chapter raised money for philanthropy by holding a profitable chocolate festival, a bowl-a-thon, and AOII nights at a local frozen yogurt store.
Chapter members have volunteered time to several worthy causes. These included working at the San Diego U.S.O. last winter, acting as coaches for the Special Olympics, and participating in the March of Dimes W alk-a-Thon.
Continued on next page.
To Dragma
Chi Psi
CalPoly State U.- San Luis Obispo
Denise Chavez reports that the members of Chi Psi Chapter at Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo are excited about their new house, which is located down the street from
Collegiate Chapter News...
Lambda lota, continued
Ac the Greek Awards ceremony the chapter received a trophy for leadership. Individual leaders within the chapter include Julie Chang, who organized a Greek regional leadership conference; Monique Di Paulo, who planned Greek Week and was named Greek Woman of the Year; and Elizabeth Lawson, who is Panhellenic president. Leslie Yanik was elected to Order of Omega. Founders' Day awards went to Michelle Meriwitzer (outstanding junior), Jill Breger (Sweetie Pi), and Laurel Latto (best pledge).
Winter quarter highlightsincluded initiation, parents weekend, officer elections, and a visit from Regional Director Heather McLean. Spring quarter highlights were Greek W eek, rush workshops, the Rose Formal, and initiation. Summer activities included attending Convention and a sisterhood retreat at Lake Arrowhead.
Scholarship offered
The Fairfield County Panhellenic Association offers an annual scholar- ship to any sorority woman whose home address is in Fairfield County, Connecticut, and who is attending any college or university in the United States.
T h e 1992 scholarship is for $1,200. Applicants must be in their sopho- more or junior year; must be active members of a National Panhellenic sorority; and must plan to remain on their college campus the following
Selection is made by committee
and is based on academic records and service to the sorority, school and com- munity.
For application blanks write: Linda Allen, 335 Old Norwalk Rd., New Canaan, C T 06840, 203/966-6918.
Completed forms and accompanying information must be returned bv April 1. 1992.
ChiPsiChaptermembersinfront oftheirnewhouse.
Home Address.
School Address.
Home Phone.
How did you hear about the scholarship?
Letter Newspaper Panhellenic Sorority Magazine.
Send to: Linda Allen
335 Old Norwalk Rd.
New Canaan, C T 06840
Announcement of the scholarship recipient will be made by June, 1992.
Winter 1991
School Phone.
To Dragma
Founders' Day Message
Jessie, Helen, Stella, andElizabeth
left us a rich heritage...
As we honor our four Founders, let us take this time to reflect on the rich heritage they gave us. These four young collegians made a decision to begin a sorority based on high ideals of scholarship, service and sisterhood. The Constitution was written by serious women dedicated to excellence and dignity in the pursuit of mutual goals. The Constitution provided a firm, lasting foundation from which 164 collegiate chapters and 200 alumnae chapters continue to flourish and grow.
T h e most meaningful gift our Founders gave us is the Ritual. I t has endured over the years, without any changes, because our Founders knew the importance of giving us a standard within which we could grow spiritually, ethically and intellectually. Our Ritual reminds us of the vision and wisdom our Founders possessed. Today our Ritual is as relevant as it was 94 years ago.
To honor our Founders today means we proudly wear our badge, not once a year but daily. We proudly tell others we are AOIIs. W e take the time to share our sisterhood on a daily basis, with sisters nearby or across the country. W e express pride in AOII wherever we go and in whatever we do.
To honor our Founders today means we renew our initiation vows with all AOII sisters. We commit ourselves to serving others. In this world filled with unhappiness and wastefulness, we strive to find ways to help the underprivileged, to improve the standard of living, to protect the environment for future generations, to donate to causes finding cures for dreaded illnesses. Our Founders expect no less of us.
Finally, we honor our Founders - Stella, Jess, Helen and Bess - by living the Ritual they taught us - in the choices we make, the values we uphold, the dignity we possess, the loyalty we preserve, the traditions we continue, the confident joy we exhibit and the faithful sharing of sisterhood which endures forever. Our Founders would give their nod of approval.
Our Founders gave us a precious gift wrapped in their love. Let us use it with care and devotion - in their honor - today and in the years ahead.
T h e Executive Board of Alpha Omicron Pi International Fraternity
Barbara Hunt Mary Williams
Liz Coffey Linda Collier
Lis Donaldson Barbara Long
Judy Bourassa Elaine Kennedy
Alumnae Chapter News
Chicago Northwest Alumnae Chapter members who have won Rose Awards are, from left: Jean Dundas Zimmermann, Pat Grundmeier Juza, Pat Jacobs Mottweiler, Jan Hiser Bowsher, PegMalecke Frerk, and Nancy Anderson Clark.
Charlotte, NC
Bernee NaVal writes that the mem- bers of the "renewed" Charlotte, NC Alumnae Chapter are excited about the potential in that area for renewing college friendships and making new friends. T h e group has a mailing list of over 90 names of alumnae living in the area. At the first meeting officers were elected. They are Susan Cowick
September meeting at Mary Otey's house. Future projects and ideas for membership were discussed. Members and guests will return to Joyce's home for a Christmas Open House.
Chicago Beverly
Chicago Beverly Hills is starting its 51st year as an AOII Alumnae
Chicago Northwest Suburban
The Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter began its 1991-92 year with an ice cream social at the home of Peg Malecke Frerk, Iota (U. of Illinois), reports Sharon Kelly. Along with ice cream, the members were treated to a recap of the Convention in Dallas. The highlight of the evening was a candle lighting ceremony to present the Rose Award to Jan Hiser Bowsher, Iota (U.of Illinois).
After sharing summer memories the members immediately turned their attention to preparing for the chapter's annual fund raising event, a brunch and auction. This event was held on October 20 and a nominal cover charge was collected to defray the costs of the brunch. Many of the 40 auction items were handmade by chapter members.
Other events planned for the 1991- 92 year include a day of Christmas shopping in picturesque Long Grove, Illinois, an evening of AOII memories, a presentation on genealogy, and the annual year's end potluck dinner.
Chicago WestSuburban
The Chicago West Suburban Alumnae Chapter was honored to receive the Distinguished Service Award at the Dallas Convention, reports Jacqueline Tuttle.
The members are looking forward to an exciting year of activities. In September they welcomed old and new members with a stress management seminar. Some of the future meetings will feature an investment speaker, a fashion seminar at a local department store, and making a gift to take on the chapter's visit to the Wyler Children's Hospital Continued on next page.
The member-at-large program is for alumnae who want to stay in touch but who do not live near an allumnae chapter. Interested? Fill out the coupon on page 47.
Hopkins, president; Katherine Bruce Foltz, vice president; Angela Morgan Kaiser, treasurer; Bernee NaVal, secretary; and Joleen N . Heibert, membership information chairman. The chapter will meet on the third Thursday of each month.
In August, the group met at the lake home of Joyce Allen where they and their husbands enjoyed water sports and a cookout. Gourmet coffee and desserts were the treats at the
Chapter, reports Kay Shannon.
T h e chapter began the year with a September meeting which reviewed
Convention highlights.
The coming year will include meet-
ings, fund raisers, and events with collegians. The nearest collegiate chapters are Phi Chi at the U. of Chicago and Nu lota at Northern Illinois U. in DeKalb, Illinois. Chapter members work with these collegians in many different capacities.
Winter 1991
Alumnae Chapter News...
Chicago West Suburban, continued
in Chicago. Some holiday highlights were the holiday auction and brunch in November and the traditional dinner in December. The chapter will celebrate Founders' Day with other area alumnae chapters in January. A "Ladies Lunch Out" with the DeKalb/Kane County Alumnae Chapter is planned for May.
The chapter's big fund raiser, a nut sale was held in the fall. The chapter continues to support Phi Chi, Iota, N u Iota, and its little sister chapter, Upsilon Epsilon at Parks College.
Suzanne Yagerlener Wozniak reports that the members of the Dearborn Alumnae Chapter have good memories of the activities of the 1990-91 year. These included a "shape-up" program in November led by Anabelle Pink Kennedy, a traditional holiday pot luck dinner in December, and an evening of "AOH Games" in January at the home of Nanei Perkowska Vukovich. Rose- mary Malish was the February hostess for a "Color M e Beautiful" evening.
The chapter's fund raising event was a flower sale. Each member took orders for various types of annual flowers and phoned them in to the chairman, Mary Ann Kirr Stephens. This event was held just before Mothers Day, which undoubtedly increased the sales.
The 1991-92 year got underway with the chapter hosting the Detroit Alumnae Chapter at an area alumnae pot luck dinner in October. The chapter's program of personal contact with alumnae is showing success, with the addition of three new members during the last year.
Detroit North Suburban
Sandy Kubitz Tomlinson reports that members of the Detroit North
Suburban Alumnae Chapter have the sweetness of sisterhood in mind- figuratively and Iiterally-as they prepare to host the Region IV Lead- ership Confer-
an outstanding AOII alumna in the spring 1990 "Applause!" column. She received numerous honors, including awards from the Women's National
To Dragma
ence next June. To fortify themselves for the hard work ahead, chapter members have been sampling their favorite
of alumnae
Farm and Garden Association, the American Horti- cultural Asso- ciation, and Garden Writers of America.
Past Interna- tional President Nancy Moyer
chapters serve their
communities and they
have fun! Why not join
• -• - -
Last May the chapter held a successful fund raiser by selling flowers and hanging baskets. Chapter members worked together to distri- bute more than 400 flats of begonias, petunias, and marigolds, along with 100 pots of geraniums and 40 hanging baskets.
Alice Wessels Burlingame dies.
desserts. The
members are also
busy creating colorful V alentine candies. A local party planner and floral decorator will make a presen- tation to the chapter which should help spark creative ideas for the Conference table decorations.
McCain recalled Alice's telling her of
A graduate of the U. of Michigan (1928), Alice was a pioneer in the field of horticultural therapy. In the 1950's, she combined her training in psychi- atric social work and occupational therapy with her love of gardening to forge this unusual career. She became well known as a speaker and educator, and she wrote a weekly column in her local newspaper for over 30 years. She co-authored two books, Therapy Through Horticulture and Hoe for Health.
In 1965, she received the Wyman Award. She was written about in To Dragma several times, most recently as
Sunday; Alice died of heart failure at her Southfield, MI home the Tuesday before the dedication.
one near you?
Chapter members were saddened
by the death of Alice Wessels Burlin-
game, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan),
on September 17, 1991. Though she
became less active in her last years,
Alice maintained her interest in AOH The garden was dedicated on a and enjoyed attending Founders' Day.
celebrations and other AOII functions.
gardening's therapeutic benefits for people who were troubled or dis- turbed.
"One planned and planted a garden and then looked to the future eagerly to see the results! Iri essence, gardening gave meaning to the future for people who felt the future held nothing for them," Nancy said.
Alice pursued her belief with amazing success. She was written about in area newspapers several times, received many awards, and lived to see several universities offer degrees in horticultural therapy.
A living tribute to her work is the Alice Wessels Burlingame Garden at the Birmingham Public Library, which was dedicated on September 22, 1991.
Evansville Tri-State
The highlight of the year for the Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter was the 40th Reunion of the Chi Lambda Chapter last July, reports Rita Mendenhall Mengon.
Ginny Meyers Kreke, Janie Mengon Bernhardt, and Lois Ryan Schmidt, three Chi Lambda alumnae who are active in the Evansville
Continued on nextpage.
Alumnae Chapter News...
Evansville Tri-State, continued...
Tri-State Alumnae Chapter worked hard all year to make the reunion a success. The reunion began on a Fri- day night with a reception, continued with a campus tour, brunch and formal ritual on Saturday morning, and concluded with a formal Rose Banquet Saturday night at the Radisson Inn in Evansville.
Toni Reitz entertained at the banquet with a "Memories" speech recounting her AOII years by recalling amusing Convention remembrances. Liz Coffey, Chi Lambda alumna and currently the International Vice President/Finance, gave an inspiring speech about the future of AOII. Special guests included Ann Gilchrist, Regional Vice President, Becky Admire, International Rush Chairman, Anne Buechlein Wilmes, International Collegiate Programming Chairman, and Becky Shipley Ziga, Regional Director. Several charter members were honored with roses.
Fall events included a picnic for the new Chi Lambda pledges, a homecoming open house in the AOII suite at the U. of Evansville, and a November "Y ummy Auction" featur- ing holiday goodies and craft items. Other events scheduled for the year include a Founders' Day luncheon, a bingo party for patients at a local mental health hospital, and a spring raffle of certificates for dinners and weekend trips.
Greater Harrisburg
Fun and fund raising highlighted the summer agenda of the Greater Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter, reports Claire Powers. T w o successful yard sales strengthened the chapter trea- sury, and the annual picnic for mem- bers and spouses at the Lake Meade home of Inga Book rejuvenated mem- bers' spirits.
The fall brought a change of pace with dinner meetings featuring guest speakers and a basket sale and demon- stration. Members donated women's
Winter 1991
Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter members (from left) Ginny Myers Kreke, Janie Mengon Bernhardt and Lois Ryan Schmidt at the Chi Lambda reunion.
and children's clothing to a women's prison transition house.
Greater Kansas City
Holly Hulfeld reports that the Greater Kansas City Alumnae Chapter awarded multiple scholarships to senior students at the U. of Kansas (Phi) and Central Missouri Sate U. (Delta Pi). The scholarships are given annually in honor of Past International President Jessie Marie Cramer, Phi alumna.
The chapter's annual spring plant sale was a success, and the proceeds were donated to arthritis research. Chapter members also donated money to help support News House, a local shelter for battered women.
Founders' Day was celebrated last December at the Blue Hills Country Club with collegians from the Delta Pi and Phi Chapters. Kris Weinhold Stork, Delta Pi, received the out- standing alumna award.
Meetings held during the past year included presentations about skin wellness, fine jewelry, and wine tasting. A card night and a Saturday
brunch were held "just for fun". T h e program year concluded with a family picnic in May.
Greater Pinellas
The Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter began its fall program last year with a get-acquainted salad buffet, reports Judy Dutenhaver.
This was followed by a ritual cere- mony in October at Pat Steven's home in Tarpon Springs. In November a champagne and roses benefit lunch- eon was held at the Black Swan res- taurant. Profits from the luncheon went to the Arthritis Foundation and AOII scholarships. Betty Dyer had a Sunday brunch at her home for the chapter's "Spirits of Christmas" party.
Other chapter activities planned included a Founders' Day celebration, a garage sale to benefit the Arthritis Foundation and a Derby Day party.
Two chapter members are actively involved in Panhellenic activities. Helen Kurtz, Phi (U. of Kansas), is president of the Clearwater Alumnae Panhellenic Council, and Cindy
Continued on next page.
Alumnae Chapter News...
Greater Pinnellas, continued
Leibring, Chi Lambda (U. of Evans- ville), is corresponding secretary of the St. Petersburg Alumnae Panhellenic Council.
The chapter has been successful at getting its activities listed in the local paper's "Today's Calendar" section.
The Hammond Area Alumnae Chapter has had a busy and successful year, reports Heidi Loeiero.
The year began with a new Alum Chum/Pledge Pal program. Individual chapter members "adopt" a Kappa Tau pledge. The Alum Chum iden- tities were disclosed in the spring after initiation.
Other social activities included a
homecoming workshop/slumber party, a Saints football game/shrimp boil on a barge on the Mississippi River, and a crayfish boil with the Kappa Tau Chapter followed by AOII baseball game day.
Fund raisers included the sale of exam survival kits, a can shake, and the sale of AOII watches.
In June the chapter joined Kappa Tau members and International President Barbara Hunt in greeting the nation on "Good Morning America" on ABC television. Later that month seven chapter members attending Convention were pleased when the chapter won the Public Relations Award, two Foundation Awards, the Certificate of Achieve- ment, and the Distinguished Service Award. Chapter President Patti Dowie
received a Rose Award.
The chapter sponsored an all Greek
Reunion iri conjunction with the S.L.U. Homecoming. In March the chapter will host a Louisiana State Day in Baton Rouge. For more information about State Day, call Linda Mahfouz at 504/752-3924.
Julie A. Metzger reports that the Houston Alumnae Chapter has wel- comed six new members during the past year.
The chapter was busy during 1990- 91. Highlights included a visit from Leigh Remy, who was then a Chapter Consultant. Leigh spoke about trends she saw on college campuses. In De- cember, members enjoyed a din- ner/shopping outing, and in January they joined the North Houston Suburban Alumnae Chapter to cele- brate Founders' Day. A membership drive meeting was held in the spring to send a mass mailing and question- naire to over 400 Houston area alumnae. The summer meeting was a party on the plaza in downtown Houston.
The kick-off meeting for the 1991- 92 year was a pot luck at Vivienne McKitrick's house in September, and Regional Director Lynn Martin and chapter member Karenanne O'Brien reported on the Dallas Convention.
The chapter's goals for the current year are to obtain more favorable pub- licity for AOII in the Houston' area and to increase membership. Anyone interested in participating in this year's activities is urged to call Vivienne McKitrick at 713/690-2180.
The Jonesboro Alumnae Chapter honored two Sigma Omicron members with their two annual awards. Etta Stegall received the Excel Scholarship and Kim Davis received the Sheaf Award which is a sisterhood tribute.
Continued on nextpage.
To Dragma
WANTED: Information on AOII Notables
Our Fraternity is proud of noteworthy AOIIs. Please let us know about your accomplishments in professional or volunteer efforts. Or tell us about an outstanding sister's success. Send information to: Notables, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood T N 37027.
Name: Address:
middle last
Chapter/Date of initiation:
Area of recognition, awards, honors:
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and day time phone number.
Alumnae Chapter News...
JonesborOy continued
In September chapter members entertained the Sigma Omicron pledges at a Mexican Fiesta at the home of Becky Grace McNeill. The alumnae enjoy this annual dinner where they meet the new pledges.
attend the February Panhellenic style show. In April, alumnae will welcome Pi Alpha seniors into the Kentuckiana Chapter and celebrate their grad- uation.
Rebekah W . Ragsdale, president of
year were installed.
President Gerry Hicks announced
that although the chapter is small, the members accumulated a total of 1,533 service hours during the year. The chapter's contribution for these hours was sent to the Convention. Some of the institutions which benefitted from the volunteer efforts of members were the American Cancer Society, the Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula, and the Aquarium Association.
Other highlights of the year included the annual spring pot luck supper. This event serves as a way to discover the gourmet cooks in the chapter. One of the chapter's major fund raisers is the sale of its cookbook which is upgraded every year. Other philanthropic projects included the sale of field-fresh Salinas Valley produce at the chapter's own Farmer's Market. Produce is donated by Merilyn Hobbs' husband.
At a future meeting, a video will show how Gerry Hicks' historic family home was moved. Gerry donated the house to the Campbell County Historic Museum Association, and the entire project took several years to plan and carry out.
The Montreal Alumnae Chapter had a great year in 1990-91, reports Sarah Smith.
Do you know what your credit rating is? The importance of a good credit rating was one of several finanT cial topics discussed at one chapter meeting. Doug Dees, Assistant Vice President of Personal Lending at Montreal Trust, was the guest speaker.
At a dinner meeting, chapter members divided into two groups to play the characters in a murder
Continued on nextpage.
Mark your calendars! Plan to attend your region's Leadership Conference.
Other activities were a "Fruits of Fall" meeting in October, a craft auction in November, and the Founders' Day banquet with Sigma Omicron in December. Last year's fund raiser, a consignment children's clothing exchange, will be repeated in the spring.
New and old members were greeted at the home of Anne Witt Allison, Omicron (U. of Tennessee) for the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter's kick-off brunch and membership drive in September, reports Deborah Wisner Bunger, Phi Omicron (Hanover College).
The chapter's primary philanthropic project, the increasingly well-attended annual arthritis forum, was held in October. Members worked to organize, publicize and host the event.
In November, alumnae and colle- gians joined to indulge their sweet tooth and to greet Pi Alpha's (U.of Louisville) new pledges at the Pi Alpha suite. A Christmas get-together was held at the home of Marty Sawyer Rust, Phi Omicron (Hanover College). Carolyn Smith Diener, Beta Lambda (Illinois W esleyan U.), speaker for the evening, shared her month-long experiences inChina.
Collegians and alumnae will cele- brate Founders' Day together and will
the Knoxville. Alumnae Chapter, reports that chapter members parti- cipated in the 31st Annual Alpha Omicron Pi Barbecue in September before the Tennessee-Mississippi State football game. Nearly 5,000 hungry fans bought meals from the alumnae, collegians, and members of the Mothers' Club. Proceeds from the event go to Arthritis Research Grants, the Smokey Mountain Branch of the Arthritis Foundation, and provide a Harriet C. Greve Scholarship for a U . of Tennessee coed.
New events for the upcoming year include an "Evening of Crafts" and an "AOII Gala" cocktail party for alum- nae ofallages.
The Knoxville Alumnae Chapter continues to function as "moms away from home" for the pledges through the chapter's successful "Pledge Mom" program.
Monterey County
The 1990-91 year for the Monterey County Alumnae Chapter culminated in June at Joanne Honegger's home, reports Mary Louise Tomblin. Those attending were served soup, salad, and an anniversary cake to honor four 50- year members. The honorees were Patricia Burd, June Lighty, Margo McWilliams, and Edie Ramsey. After a short ritual, officers for the coming
Winter 1991
Alumnae Chapter News.*.
Montreal, continued
mystery. Each side questioned the other suspects, but the "who did it" was not disclosed until the last dessert was eaten. The event was so much fun, the group plans to repeat it annually.
A "Phantom Whist" was held to collect donations for arthritis research. The last meeting of the year was a pot luck dinner at the home of Barbara Lewis.
Northern Orange County
Julie Burns reports that four members of the chapter attended Convention in June and returned with the chapter's second Distinguished Service Award.
Although it is small, the chapter is active. Newsletters and calendars of coming events were sent to all area alumnae in August. In September members met for the annual salad supper, and they brought books to donate to the Women's Transitional Living Center. Pumpkins were decorated in October and donated to a convalescent hospital. During the summer several workshops were held to prepare items for the annual boutique auction which was held in November. In December a holiday brunch and ornament exchange was planned.
Future plans include an evening of food and fun with the Lambda Beta collegiate chapter, a couples barbecue party, a China Panda Dinner with a silent auction of nice white elephant items with the proceeds going to a local zoo for endangered species, and a joint ice cream social meeting with two other alumnae chapters and a collegiate chapter. Several members are serving as Secret Alumnae Moms to the new pledges at Lambda Beta Chapter at California State U.at Long Beach.
Palo Alto
Members of the Palo Alto Alumnae
Chapter began their 1991-92 year with a fall brunch in October, reports Trish Moxon.
The November meeting featured a tour of the historic Rengstorff House in Mountain View. Early in December the annual holiday bazaar was held.
In October the chapter had a
financial planning meeting hosted by the newly elected chapter president, Tracy Ray Bowes. Polly Quigley hosted a holiday cooking class in November. The December meeting featured a Christmas cookie and gift exchange.
To Dragma
The chapter will round out the
calendar year with a casual "meet for
drinks" at the local Hyatt in Dec-
ember. The Bay Area Founders' Day
celebration will be a highlight of Jan-
uary with collegians from Chi Alpha,
Delta Sigma, and Sigma Chapters
attending. Valentine's Day will be. planned for April. In Maythe chapter celebrated at the home , of Janis. will have its first coed, event, a wine Nelson. 'Elections will be held in
March followed by a walking tour of
Chinatown in San Francisco in April.
Attention chapter reporters:
The To Dragma deadline for the spring issue is January 15, 1992.
Officers will be installed in May, and the year will end with the annual family barbecue in June.
Jane Weakley, Janis Nelson, Susana Lapeyrade and Trish Moxon repre- sented Palo Alto at the Convention.
Members are being encouraged to become involved with adult literacy. Karen Crosson is active in Project READj a Redwood City literacy pro- gram which trains tutors for adults. The chapter is also participating in the Safeway-Apple Computers program to purchase computers for local schools by donating Safeway receipts. Last year the chapter donated over $5,000 worth o f receipts.
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap? ter began its year last September by hosting Region II Day, reports Nina Mirabile. International President Barbara Hunt was a special guest, and Marsha Guenzler was the guest.
Marianna Beers reports that the Pocatello Alumnae Chapter is holding two types of meetings this year-those that "reach out" to the community and those that "bond within" the membership- .
' A "reach out" meeting was a private tour of the local history museum, fol- lowed by. a picnic. A "bond within" meeting included a report from Convention. In the spring the chapter will reach out with an arthritis fund raiser and also by participating in the area's W omen's History W eek activ- ities. The chapter's bonding within plans include a visit from the Regional Director, a Founders' Day luncheon, and the annual spaghetti dinner birthday observance.
West Los Angeles Colony
The West Lost Angeles Alumnae Colony was organized in February, 1991, and it has grown to over 30 members, reports Lori Strakosch. The members' activities include monthly meetings, a fall pot luck dinner, and. a holiday celebration. This group will also serve as hostesses for the 1992 Founders' Day celebra- tion to be held on February 1, 1992.
The agenda for the rest of the year includes a Founders' Day luncheon, a get-together with Beta Delta Chapter (Villanova U.), and the Philadelphia Panhellenic luncheon. A senior tea is
tasting which will be hosted by Polly Quigley. The annual alumnae dinner will end the program year in June.
From Our Readers:
Onsisterhoodand networking...
To the editor:
Do we, as international sisters,
sincerely understand what that means? A sister can travel to another chapter and "speak the same language" as easily as she can in her home chapter.
After transferring to Bowling Green State U . (Alpha Psi), I realized the need for greater communication between chapters. The chapter in which I was initiated (Alpha Beta
Tau) is still dear to my heart, but Alpha Psi opened up a whole new world of AOII sisterhood to me! They helped me to make the adjustment from a small college to a large uni- versity with no problem. I was able to
Lets treat our
members with respect
and concern...
To the editor:
In her spring To Dragma article,
Barb Hunt stressed the value that AOII places on sisterhood and urged us to make it a "valuable, meaningful experience which lasts a lifetime." With our expansive size and promi- nence, AOII should strive now more that ever to achieve this kind of valued sisterhood.
On many campuses, the value of sisterhood has been declining recently in many Greek organizations...Initia- tion requirements have been reduced to a 2.0 GPA and payment of fees. Hurried schedules and pressure to achieve quota, rather than a small group of qualified women, have forced Greek groups to accept into member- ship uncommitted women who want to join a group "just because. . ." Pledgeship has become merely a "fun time" of no commitments, and
swap stories about the differences in Greek life on small vs. large campuses. I sent letters and suggestions to Alpha Beta Tau Chapter, and they kept me aprised of what they were doing.
Last spring, Alpha Psi invited near- by AOII chapters to cheer us on at the most competitive philanthropic event onourcampus.Wehadagreatturnout and it was a lot of fun to learn each chapter's songs. I believe we need to increase communication between chapters to emphasize how interna- tional our organization really is. What I would like to see is a sort of "pen pal" system. Chapters could be paired up and exchange ideas through the mail.
initiation is seen as a consequential letdown, a burden of responsibilities.
T h e end result of. this devaluation of pledgeship is a devaluation of sisterhood; a lack of kinship among members, a neglect of responsibilities and an increase in the number of suspended members. W e should not try to solve this problem, however, by putting more pressure oh our present members. Increased fines, additional responsibilities, and threats of denied membership will only further alienate our members from AOII.
Instead, AOII should both locally and internationally concentrate on our members with individual concern and respect. Barb Hunt's "programming of the '90s" should meet individual and chapter needs while striving to reinstill our members with the bond of sisterhood our Founders shared. Pledge programs should be a period of achievement in which pledges reach their goals of meeting their older sisters and learning about AOII while maintaining scholastic and financial stability. Witharenewedsenseofthe
As we prepare ourselves for the "real world", we need to learn to stick together. I f you are a collegian trans- ferring to another university, write to the AOII chapter there and let them know you are coming. As an alumna making a career move, you may have AOII sisters waiting to greet you—but first you must contact the nearest alumnae chapter.
I would like to hear from chapters and advisers interested in establishing or participating in an intrafraternal pen pal program.
Marion Schloemer
302 Alpha Omicron Pi Bowling Green State U. Bowling Green, O H 43403
strength in our sisterhood, AOII has the opportunity to overcomve the problems the Greek system is current- ly facing and to continue to make our sisterhood'a valuable one.
-Lacey Taylor Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Pleased about so many scholarships..
To the editor:
I was pleased to see so many Dia-
mond Jubilee Foundation scholarship recipients in the summer issue of To Dragma. Each winner appears to be very deserving of her award. I was especially pleased to see the Scholar- ship Committee recognized those young women pursuing graduate degrees...
I would also like to congratulate the staff of To Dragma on an excellent rush edition. T h e section on legacies and our Fraternity's legacy policy was Continuedonnextpage.
Winter 1991
ATTENTION AOII SISTERS in the West Los Angeles area-Members of the West Los Angeles Alumnae Colony invite you to join them in celebrating the founding of our Fraternity on Saturday, February 1, 1992. "Accept the Challenge" is the theme. For further information, please contact Melinda Kelly at 310/472- 2436.
FAMOUS AOIIs. . .WHO ARE THEY? The Public Relations Department is compiling a list of famous AOIIs who have established themselves in the following fields: EDUCATION, BUSINESS, POLITICS, ENTERTAINMENT. If you are a famous AOII or know of any, please send your/her name, address, chapter and "claim to fame" to: Famous AOIIs c/o Alpha Omicron Pi Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027.
RHO BETA CORPORATION will have its annual meeting on January 29, 1992 at 7 p.m. at 1801 Norris Lane, Richmond, VA 23226. For information contact: Courtney Mays Tutwiler, 804/2854 040.
IOTA CORPORATION will have its annual meeting at 706 S. Matthews in Champaign, IL in February. The exact date will be announced later. For information contact: Judi Thomp- son, 4011 Lakepoint, Champaign, I L 61821.
Winter visitors to Florida: Boca Raton Alumnae Chapter members invite all winter visitors to celebrate Founders' Day with them. A champagne brunch will be held on Sunday, January 19, 1992, at Addison's Restaurant. Phone 407/994-0020 to make reservations.
WANTED: PRESENTATION TEAM MEMBERS-AOII is current- ly in the process of forming an International Presentation Team. I f you enjoy meeting new people, traveling and relating your AOII experiences and knowledge to future AOII members, please send your professional and AOII resume to our extension- department. Resumes can be sent in care of Dina D'Gerolamo, Membership Development Coordi- nator at International Headquarters. At times, this position requires immediate travel.
WEST VIRGINIA ALUMNAE-The Sigma Alpha Chapter at West Virginia U. is looking for local alumnae inter- ested in being on the Alumnae Advisory Committee For information contact: Beth McCuskey, Chapter. Adviser, 304/291-3939.
From Our Readers: Pleased about scholarships...
Continuedfrom previous page.
thoughtful and well written. . .The article accommodates the needs and concerns of all involved. Alumnae and collegians must work with each other and respect the other's viewpoint. The articlewas ajobwell done!
-Shawn Marie Rosso Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.)
About Iron Overload
To the editor
As the National Director of Public
Education for the Iron Overload Diseases Association, Inc. (IOD), I would greatly appreciate your letting AOII readers know that there is an organization for people who have iron overload or hemochromatosis. I O D provides free.literature, research study reports, doctor referrals, etc., for this genetic disease which is estimated to affect more than 1.25 million Americans.
Iron overload is a fatal disease if not diagnosed early and treated aggres- sively. Awareness is the key to early diagnosis. Anyone interested in more information should write to: Iron Overload Diseases Association, Inc., 433 Westwind Drive, North Palm Beach, F L 33408, phone 407/840- 8512. Most doctors do not test for this" disease and it is rarely correctly diagnosed due to its many symptoms which vary from patient to patient...
My mother was diagnosed with iron overload in 1984. I am therefore a carrier of this genetic disease. Thanks to aggressive treatment, she is doing great. I want to help others have a similar happy ending, to their stories through awareness and treatment.
Just ask your doctor to give you the following blood tests: serum iron, TIBC, ferritin, and percent of satura- tion. These tests and only these tests will give you an accurate picture of your iron status. Anemia, by the way, can be a symptom of iron overload. Just get tested!
-Sandra Ann Thomas Alpha Beta (Florida
Atlantic U.); Boca
Raton Alumnae Chapter
Epsilon CMseeks
MIFsfor spring rush
To the editor:
Since being chartered four years
ago, Epsilon Chi Chapter at Elon Col- lege has successfully fulfilled its pledge quota each year.
We would like to enhance our rush program by soliciting MIFs for our 1992 spring rush which will take place at the beginning of February. In Janu- ary, we will be sending our Member- ship Information Forms to alumnae living in areas in or near our rushees' hometowns. We encourage all alum- nae to send in these MIFs if possible. If any aluma knows of any student attending Elon College, we would appreciate your informing us about that new student. Thank you, alumnae!
-Jessica MeCauley Epsilon Chi (Elon College)
To Dragma
'"ZZ'',"" ' TMi""'"1"—
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter or become a
Member-at-Large (if you live more than 50 miles from a chapter) for: • Progranuning and information aimed at you
• Networking opportunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. If you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
30;: Ovei'loo. ElvO,. rI'onv.iflOd.
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Mail to: Marion Clouse
Rose Vine Coordinator
1530 86th Avenue N
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
0 -O.AL,_-„-
a!£TMmScJTMc* aSS* **•».
"u o "1
, . . . ,
Address .
Collegiate Chapter.
State/Prov_ . Phone (.
Name and/or Address Change
Send to AOn International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
Name at Initiation
Current Office _^ New Name If Different From Attached Label
New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 11
Special Interest. Occupation
Place of employment COMPANY
: Chapter
Initiation Year Preferred Name
1 1 M
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 11
1 M M
1 M i l
1 1 1 11
M M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11
1 1 M
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deceased D Date of death. Winter 1991
POSTMASTER—Please send notice of undeliverable copies on Form 3579 to Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Brent- wood, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.