A closer look
To Dragma
Rush: the perfect time to focus
on the true meaning of membership
ThisToDragmaissuefocusesonrush.Soonyou'llreturntoschooltoprepareforfall rush. As you busily prepare, I encourage you to take time out to talk about the value and the true meaning of membership in Alpha Omicron Pi.
Often we get so caught up in the prepararion for rush— the tremendous high, the
minutiae which must be finished— that we fail to concentrate on the most significant aspect of rush - membership selection.
Membership selection is the basic result of rush. You should be clear and thoughtful, honest and fair as you select the young women who follow you in the chapter. What you offer them is as important as what they offer you.
The articulation of your values, your ideals, your standards, your expectations, your sense of direction are all the essence of
a successful rush. How you look and what you say are necessary components. But how you portray youi sisterhood speaks more eloquently about your chapter. This includes how you act both within your chapter and on the campus.
The National Panhellenic Conference recommends reducing the outward trappings of rush and moving toward emphasiz- ing the intrinsic values of membership. As these new NPC recommendations are implemented, it is the perfect time for each of
you to exhibit the ideals and integrity of AOn during membership selection.
Many young women go through rush, and we realize that it is difficult to get to know every one. However, you usually have
the opportunity to personally visit with each rushee during rush at least briefly. That is youi chance to ask pertinent questions, exchange information, and offer her your honest reasons for membership. These reasons should include your commitment to the values, standards, and ideals which AOn expects from you. In return, it is appropriate to ask each rushee about her values, the talents she can offer AOn, her reason for desiring Greek membership, and the commitment she is willing to make.
Each time I install a new chapter or initiate a member, I hear what our Ritual says to them - and us - about responsibility of membership.. .responsibility to our campus, university, Greek community, family, AOI1 sisters.. .and the pledge we make each time we invite a woman to join AOI1. It is exacdy what we need to share with the rushees BEFORE we invite them to join. Telling them about the ideals of AOIT, the responsibility of membership, the commitment AOII makes to each member, the values we stand for and the standards we expect, is a far better way to acquaint ourselves with potential members.
It is your responsibility to tell rushees about AOII. They must realize and accept the premise that AOn membetship means more than a house to live in, a group to associate with, or a means to an end.
AOII membership means:
being there for each other - in good times and bad;
being a campus leader in upholding standards; continuing your involvement through college and for a lifetime;
empowering our young women to excel in their scholar- ship and personal career choices;
taking the responsibility to assist others in service and philanthropic endeavors;
providing an atmosphere in which each member can
grow, develop and test her leadership skills;
creating an environment in which all members respect the rights of each other;
emphasizing the self-esteem and self-confidence of every sister in her quest for expression and success;
supporting our sistets who are asking for affirmation and reassurance;
visionary thinking, programming, and involvement in societal changes.
As you begin the rush process in the fall, think and exhibit high standards of behavior. Let your expectations be heightened and your accountability impeccable. Be the chapter that really tries to know each rushee. Connect with them. Relate to them. Look at theit talents, their values, their strengths before you invite them to join your chaptet. A chapter which is an example of progressive thinking, visionary leadership and respectful of the opinions of others, while providing sisterhood to all, will experi- ence a successful, satisfying rush.
The members you select this fall are AOITs future. Best wishes to every chapter as you begin another exciting rush and a challenging year.
or 3.
Summer 1992
Vol. LXV, No. 11
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-633-840) the official organ of Alpha Omi- cron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and addi- tional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year.
Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi,
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address.
Printed on recycled paper
the chapters represented in the photos are, starting at the top and mov- ing clockwise, Epsilon (Cornell U.) two photos; Zeta Kappa (Southwest Texas State U.), one photo; and Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.) two pho- tos. The photo behind the magnifying glass is of Anne Richardson Hall,, the first initiate.
starting at the bottom left and moving clockwise: the traditional rib- boning of pledges, Omega (Miami U.) in 1944; Nu Kappa (Southern Methodist U.) chapter members planned rush over lemonade in 1936; Rho (NorthwesterrrU.) pledges in 1922; thefirstchapter room in the 1890s (approximate date); and two Omicron (U. of Tennessee- Knoxville) chapter members smile approvingly in I960 as a new pledge phones the gleeful words, "Mom, I've pledged AOII!" All pho- tos except that of the first chapter room were taken from back issues of To Dragma.
Summer 1992
AOn salutes these scholastic leaders!..
Graduation may be followed by.. .going home! 5 Centennial 8 AOn alumnae in college administration 10 Notable - Jahnae Harper Barnett 14 Rush - Special Section 15 New chapters installed 26
From the President s Desk 2 Fraternity News 7 Collegiate Chapter News ...28 Foundation 35 Alumnae Chapter News .38 From Our Readers 45 Did You Know? 46 The Editors Place 47
A0I1 salutes these scholastic leaders!
By Ellen Hoffman Zellmer
Sigma Iota (Western Illinois U.) International Scholarship Chairman
Many collegiate chapters have indeed been "hitting the books" as their members work hard to improve their grades.
Alpha Omicron Pi salutes all of the chapters listed below for their achieve- ments in the area of scholarship. Two chapters have shown a jump of .2 or more from spring 1991 to fall 1991. These chapters are Zeta Psi at East Carolina Uni- versity and Zeta Pi at the University of Alabama-Birmingham.
Both of these chapters are now above the all-sorority average on their campus. They have also raised their scholarship ranking among the other Panhellenic groups on campus.
Both chapters made it a goal to raise their scholastic average and instituted pro- grams to work toward that goal. Some of the methods they used were: allowed voting privileges for members with a 2.0 or above GPA; set up "Strive for Pi" clubs; distrib- uted hints on study skills, note taking, exam taking, and term paper writing; pro- vided weekly recognition for members who received high grades and for those who studied extra hard; implemented study hours; and provided information on time management and stress management.
Congratulations to both of these chapters for their achievement! Your chapter can do it, too!
Top Chapters on Campus for fall 1991
Delta Psi, State U. of New York, Albany Theta Beta, Towson State U .
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U . Lambda Chi, LaGrange College
Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U .
Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U .
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee, Martin Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama Gamma Upsilon, St. Leo College
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College Phi Chi, U . of Chicago
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U .
Chapters with a 3.0 (B) GPA forfall 1991
Delta Psi, State U. of New York, Albany Epsilon, Cornell U .
Kappa Phi, McGill U .
Nu Delta, Canisius College
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U . Lambda Chi, LaGrange College Beta Phi, Indiana U .
Chi Lambda, U . of Evansville Kappa Alpha, Indiana State U . Kappa Kappa, Ball State U . Omega, Miami U .
Theta, DePauw U .
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U.
Tau Omega, Transylvania U.
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U .
Iota, U. of Illinois
Phi Chi, U . of Chicago
Phi Delta, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Phi Sigma, U . of Nebraska-Kearney Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tau Gamma, Eastern WashingtonU.
Chapters with a 3.0 (B) GPA for both spring andfall, 1991
These chapters will receive Scholarship Excellence Citations.
Delta Psi, State U. of New York, Albany Epsilon, Cornell U .
Kappa Phi, McGill U .
Nu Delta, Canisius College
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U. Lambda Chi, LaGrange College Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville Kappa Kappa, Ball State U . Omega, Miami U .
Theta, DePauw U .
Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U.
Tau Omega, Transylvania U .
Tau Delta, Birmingham Southern College Beta Lambda, Illinois Wesleyan U .
Iota, U . of Illinois
Phi Sigma, U . of Nebraska-Kearney
Zeta, U . of Nebraska-Lincoln
Tau Gamma, Eastern Washington U .
Alpha Omicron Pi commends the members of these chapters for their hard work and wishes them contin- ued academic success.
To Dragma
In today's economy
Graduation may be followed by.. .going home!
By Susie Bodman
Alpha Sigma (U. of Oregon)
Hey, college graduate! You've just taken your last exams, listened to your last boring professor, and spent sev- eral thousand dollars on tuition. Where are you going?
That's one destination many new col- lege graduates are choosing these days. Others are grabbing unpaid internships and volunteer work, or riding out the recession in graduate school. Why aren't they beginning their careers?
It's statistically simple. Last year, about 1.4 million students graduated from college and graduate schools into a U.S. economy that had already lost two million jobs. N o w the class o f 1992 is facing the bleakest job market in 21 years. According to a Michigan State University study, hir- ing quotas are down ten percent and recruiting is dropping also. With recovery still looming on a distant horizon, next year's graduates may also see continued low job numbers.
The hardest hit majors in this reces- sion are humanities, liberal arts, and busi- ness administration.
"I don't think it should deter anybody from going to college. You're still ahead of someone who didn't go. The market is different for someone who went to col- lege," says Dawn Oberman of the nation- ally based College Placement Council.
She points out that college graduates, especially liberal arts majors, may still be in demand because they often possess the writing and communication skills most
employers are looking for. On the other hand, stu- dents who pursued comput- er science, health care, or engineering degrees are far- ing better, but even they may not be home-free. Katherine Harper, Assistant Director of Career Services at the Ore-
gon Institute of Technology, reports recruiting is down slightly at her school, and employers are more cautious, waiting until spring to make students offers.
Summer 1992
The reluctance comes
from the downsizing that
many companies and orga-
nizations are undergoing. Employers are making long-term, sometimes permanent cutbacks in staff to reduce costs. During the prosperous 1980s, many businesses racked up debt as they grew, and now it's time to pay it off. The results are often layoffs.
The effect on graduates is that many of the entry-level jobs they're applying for are being snapped up by those more expe- rienced laid-off workers. Just "listen" to the experience of some AOIls:
"There are no entry level jobs. Every- thing requires a minimum of two years experience in this, or proficiency in that," says Julie Gillaspy, a Finance and Manage- ment graduate from Portland, Oregon.
"I've done nine political internships. I've worked for the governor, city coun- selors, and I could not find a job anywhere," says Diane Cushman, a Political Science graduate from San Diego, California.
Susie Bodman
"It doesn't matter what credentials you have or who you know. It's turning out to be a matter of being in the right place at the right time," says Sandy Walsh, a Public Relations graduate from Seattle, W ashington.
But, according to Jeff Hannum, State Economist for the Oregon Employment Division, it takes more than just timing, Hannum says graduates must be more aggressive in their job searches, asking employers about openings directly and fol- lowing up on applications. He also suggests that students and graduates sign up for career planning classes to polish their job
search techniques. Most schools offer plan- ning services free to students and recent graduates but charge alumni a small fee.
Above all, Hanuum stresses that grad- uates should hone their communication and listening skills, become hard-working
Continued on next page
team players, and learn to persevere.
Also beneficial to a graduate's job
hunting is the ability to build and nurture contacts. It's the one way of hearing about unadvertised jobs, and the contacts can come from anywhere— family, friends, alumni. Another source to remember is sorority sisters — even if they are also job hunting. Someone they know may have inside information about jobs in your field. That's how networking works.
Providing job news isn't the only thing sorority sisters can do for each other.
"I think one thing job seekers need is to build as much support as possible. They can turn to career placement centers, clubs, or sororities," says Tricia Bergman, Port- land State University Career Counselor.
She believes that just meeting a sister for coffee once a week can provide tremen-
dous emotional support during tough times. Part ofwhat it means to be an AOF! is that you always have a sister to lean on when you need one.
So, be persistent, polish your skills, and keep looking for a job. Remember to turn to your A O n sisters for networking and emotional support when you need it. Eventually, you will find a job. Until then, there's always Mom and Dad to move
Tell usyour "claim to fame"...
for the Public Relations Department's list of AOIIs who have distinguished them- selves in education, business, entertain- ment, or politics. Please send your name, address, chapter, and "claim to fame" (or that of an AOII sister) to "Claim to Fame," International Headquarters, 9025 Over- look Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027.
PhotOS needed. . .The Extension Department needs good quality photos of collegians studying, working at a computer, or partidpating in a service project. We also need alumnae service project photos. These photographs are for new brochures and can- not be returned. The address: Membership Development Coordinator, International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brent- wood, T N 37027.
Phi Upsilon Corporation will have its annual meeting on August 19,1992 at 7:30 p.m. at the chapter house, 1001 David Ross Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906. For information, contact Lynn Redmon,
1709 Carlsbad Dr., Lafayette, IN 47905.
Theta Pi Chapter (Wagner Col- lege) seeks MIFs. Ifyou know of any young women headed our way, please let us know. Send all MIFs to: Alpha Omicron Pi, Mary Boltz, Wagner College, 631 Howard Ave., Staten Island, N Y 10301.
Chapters closed..
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity has accepted the charters of:
Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College; Alpha Rho, Oregon State University, Beta Delta, Villanova University; Gamma Beta, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; and Theta Chi, Morningside College.
To Dragma
Sign up to be part of To Dragma i Roster of Writers/ Panel of Professionals
If you are a skilled writer who understands deadlines, To Dragma wants you for its Roster ofWriters. These women would be called on to write feature arti- cles or profiles of AOIIs. The pay? The pleasure of seeing your words in print!
To Dragma is also seeking professional women who would be willing to serve as resource persons to review articles written about their field of expertise (such as psychology, personalfinance,health, etc.). If either of these opportunities interests you, please fill out the coupon below and send it to the Coordinator of Editorial Services, Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
Name : .
Address Slate/Province Country,
Day time phone (
ZIP/Postal Code
Area of professional interest
Please include me on the Roster ofWriters _ (Check one or both.)
) -
Panel of Professionals _
home to.
About the author
Susie Bodman graduated from the U. of
Oregon in March 1991 with a B.A. in journalism. She lookedfor ajob for a year beforefinding her current position in the classified advertising department of This Week magazine. Susie is living at home.
Her goal is to be a reporter.
jf FRATERNITY NEWS T New Executive Board members announced
Carol Miller Stevenson is the new Vice President/ Development and Robin Mansfield Wright is the new Collegiate
Director on the Executive Board. The appointments were made to fill vacancies created by the resignations of Judy Hornik Bourassa and Elisabeth (Lis) Lester Donaldson.
Judy, Theta Pi (Wagner College), had served as Alumnae Director on the Execu- tive Board. Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omi- cron (Central State U.), who had been serv- ing as Vice President/Development, was appointed to the post of Alumnae Director. Lis, Tau Delta (Birmingham Southern College), had served as Collegiate Director.
Carol Miller Stevenson
The Executive Board accepted both resignations with regret and thanked Judy and Lis for their dedication and service to Alpha Omicron Pi.
Both Carol and Robin bring extensive AOn experience to their new posts. Prior to her recent appointment, Carol was the Region VIII Public Relations Officer, a
post she held for two years. She was initiat- ed into Omega Chapter (Miami U.) in 1969 and served as recommendations chairman and treasurer. As an alumna, she has served AOI1 as a Chapter Adviser, Financial Adviser, Dallas Alumnae Chapter President, President of two city Panhellen- ics, and on six Presentation Teams. In 1990, Carol was the chairman of the "Texas Challenge."
In 1988 Carol received the Region VIII Alumnae Service Award. She is also a Rose Award winner.
Carol, a full time homemaker, lives in Piano with her husband John, Vice Presi- dent of Dr. Pepper/7-Up in Dallas. They have two children, Keith, 17, and Diane, 13. Carol is active in Junior League from which she received the Past President's Award. She also teaches Sunday school and is an admin- istrative board member at her church.
Carol's goal in her new position is to help develop a more professional image for AOITs public relations materials.
"I want to help spread AOITs sisterhood and present an image that will make our members proud of our Fraternity," she said.
Robin Wright, the new Collegiate Director, was initiated into the Gamma Delta Chapter (U. of South Alabama) in 1979 and she served that chapter as trea- surer and Panhellenic delegate. Robin was the Chapter Adviser to Gamma Delta from 1983 through 1986. She was a Regional Director from 1986 to 1989 and Regional Vice President from 1989 until her appointment to the Executive Board.
Robin received a BA. Degree in Crim- inal Justice, and she currently works full time as a Deputy Court Administrator for
the 1st Judicial Circuit. Her responsibilities include all administrative, budgetary, and personnel issues in the Judicial Depart- ments in Okaloosa and Walton Counties. She is responsible for special projects, such
Rabin Mansfield Wright
as jury management and pretrial release, in the four counties of the circuit.
Robin lives in Niceville, Florida, with her husband Joe who is a Special Agent with the U.S. Customs Service with the Office of Drug Enforcement.
She has two goals for her term on the Executive Board. One is to improve the communication between the collegiate department and the regional personnel. Her other goal is to work with the collegiate department and regional personnel to develop and implement Plans of Action.
"Hopefully, by becoming more pro- active in dealing with issues and problems, we will be able to help more chapters receive Certificates of Achievement each year," she said. 9
Summer 1992
"Inspiration Walkway'
Dear AOTT Sisters,
The Centennial Celebration Committee Master Plan (adopted by the Executive Board and presented to Council in 1989) included the design of a permanent memorial of our Centennial at our International Headquarters in Brentwood , Tennessee.
Our AOTT Centennial Celebration belongs to all sisters.. .everywhere. We offer YOU the opportunity to help us "PAVETHE HISTORICAL WALKWAY" in becoming a permanent part of our fraternity's celebration. The "INSPIRATION WALKWAY" will lead to the "FOUNDERS CIRCLE"...
Alpha Omicron Pi's "INSPIRATION WALKWAY" and "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE" will be DEDICATED at the 1993 International Convention in Nashville. In order to assure your personalized signature brick being installed in the "INSPIRATION WALKWAY" or "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE" prior to the 1993 Convention, your check or visa/mastercard and order form must be received in International Headquarters by January 2, 1993.
Purchase a single or double engraved brick, a flag pole or a part of the "FOUNDERS' CIRCLE". A "CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP" will be m ailed to you. Be an INSPIRATION.. .or recognize those who have INSPIRED you
The Centennial Celebration Committee
Founder's Circle
Double Brick
Double Brick
BT 1962
Double Brick
o the "Founders' Circle"
The AOTT Centennial Celebration Committee is proud to present the Inspiration Walkway and the
Founders' Circle "Save Me A Spot!" (First Donations Received will be FIRST Assigned).
C\v\t\ n n c KJUllUI lO
• Single Brick $50.00 A Double Brick $100.00
|C .
Individual _ Chapter Address
City, State, Zip Phone
• Visa • Mastercard Name On Card _ Number On Card _ Expiration Date_
• Single Brick
• Double Brick •.
• Double Brick
• Flag Pole
• Other
$200.00 DOUBLEBRICK(4 OR5 UNES)-$100 OR$2011 $1,500.00
• YES, 1 would like The Centennial Celebration Committee to send a card, acknowledging the gift.
Alpha Omicron Pi - "Inspiration "Walkway"
Only one character (idler, number, or punctual ion marlO or space per block. Position or center your name or message exactly as you want it to appear on your brick. Hyphens, periods, apostrophes, commas, the symbol "&r" and Greek letters are available. To order more than one of either size brick, prim engraving information for each adduional bnck on a sperate sheet of paper and enclose with your order. Single bnck can have 2-3 lines with no more than 12 characters per line. Please consider your wording carelully All orders are final. No duplicate certificates will be issued. NOTE: II using Greekfettersfor your chapter, please spell out the Greek name in hnglish on the fol- lowing line so the engraver can verify the letters u e lor T". spell out lota" on the line1
Total Amount $_
Make Donations (Checks) Payable to:
A Double Brick Ideas
• For Yourself
• For Your Chapter • "In Honor o f
$50.00 $100.00
AOII Alumnae in Action:
in College Administration...
Alpha Omicron Pi alumnae are active in the fieldof college administration and can be found in responsible positions across the continent and even in Europe. Some
are at small, two-year colleges, while others are at large state universi- ties. All are enthusiastic about their work and about college students today. Their profiles follow:
To Dragma
How A O n experience has helped: "Prob- ably the most important experience gained through fraternity membership was the organized collegiate activities that were required."
Additional comments: "Both of my daughters are also AOn members. Hollis is currently a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy sta- tioned on an Air Force base in Japan, and Jan is a cost estimator at General Dynamics in Pomona. Jan also has an M.B.A. and has done some pan-time teaching in business subjects at the college level."
Georgia. DeKalb is a two-year commuter institution which offers a vast array of pro- grams designed to transfer to the four year institutions. It also offers career programs, such as nursing.
How AOn experience has helped: "My experience as an AOII constantly helps me in my job! As Director of Orientation, I find myself drawing upon the skills I learned as Pledge Trainer. Orienting new students to the college is quite similar to instructing pledges about their new sur- roundings."
Additional comments: "I honestly don't think I would be where I am today with- out the excellent skills I learned as a mem- ber of AOII. Although DeKalb does not have a Greek Program, I do have ample opportunity to share information with stu- dents about sorority life, as many DeKalb students transfer to four year institutions, and they often participate in sorority rush."
Sandy Glooschenko Jaeger, Sigma (U. of California, Berkeley)
Title: Student Affairs Officer for the School of Optometry at the U. of Califor- nia at Berkeley.
Degree: B.S., Business Administration, U . of California, Berkeley, 1965.
Her job: "I recruit students for our pro- gram, spending about six weeks each fall
Sandy Glooschenko Jaeger
Dorothy Baldwin Heide
Dorothy Baldwin Heide, Kappa Theta (UCLA)
Tide: Associate Dean, Undergraduate Pro- grams and Professor of Management, School of Business Administration and Eco- nomics, California State U., Fullerton, CA.
Degrees: B.S., UCLA, 1955; M.B.A., CSU, Fullenon, 1971; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1977.
Her job: "I deal with the day-to-day man- agement of the School. This includes: overseeing class and faculty scheduling, student advising and recruitment, work- ing with the School's Senate, shepherding undergraduate curriculum development and review through the University's approval process, interacting with other administrators on campus, etc."
The school: The School of Business Administration and Economics, Califor- nia State U., Fullerton, is the fifth largest accredited undergraduate business pro- gram in North America. It has about 7,300 undergraduate students and nearly 600 graduate students. The international business degree program is the largest in the nation and is unique in that it requires 12 units in a foreign language in addition to the required business core courses.
The University is one of 20 campuses of the California State U . The campus is located in Orange County, about 30 miles south of Los Angeles.
Summer 1992
Rhonda McLean Holmes, Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia)
Rhonda McLean Holmes
Tide: Student Affairs Coordinator for the Gwinnett Campus of DeKalb College, Lawrenceville, GA.
Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Educa- tion, 1983, U. of Georgia; Masters of Edu- cation, 1985, U. of Georgia.
Her job: "I am responsible for the plan- ning and implementation of the orienta- tion program for new students. . . I am in charge of the Department of Student Activities, which includes the Student Government Association, campus clubs and organizations, and the programming of all extracurricular activities and events."
The school: DeKalb College is the third largest college in the university system of
visiting all University of California and California State University campuses, as well as some private universities. I also act as adviser for all students and prospective students, and I serve on the Admissions Committee."
The school: The University of California at Berkeley is the oldest of all the U.C. campuses, founded in 1868. There are about 30,000 students enrolled, about 8,000 of them graduate students.
How AOII experience has helped: "I was the chapter adviset at Sigma Chapter for many years. As such, I stayed tuned into students and what their cares and worries were. I had also visited college campuses both in my role as Regional Finance Offi- cer and then later as International Leader- ship Conferences chairman. I feel that all of these experiences made the transition into this job much easier."
Melissa Woods Jaunal, Sigma Phi (California State U., Northridge)
Tide: Resident Activities Director, Cali- fornia State U., Northridge.
Degree: B.A., Psychology, 1981.
Her job: "I am responsible for coordinat- ing and implementing a comprehensive social, educational, cultural, recreational activities program in the residence halls."
The school: California State U., North- ridge is a large public institution with approximately 30,000 students.
How AOII experience has helped: "Through AOII I developed self-confi- dence, leadership ability, and interperson- al and social skills. AOII also encouraged involvement in other areas on campus which helped me to become a more well- rounded individual and eventually led to my career in Student Affairs."
Jean Keenon, Delta Delta (Auburn U.)
Title: Associate Professor and Program Director of the Medical Assistant, Multi- ple Competency Clinical Technician and
Melissa WoodsJaunal
Medical Transcriptionist Programs, the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Degrees: B.S. in Laboratory Technology, Auburn U., 1955; M.A. in Education, the U. of Alabama at Birmingham, 1980.
Her job: "My position with the university has two aspects: that of an administrator with the title of Program Director, and that of educator-teacher, with the title of Associate Professor. As Program Director, I supervise all administrative aspects of the three allied health programs. As Associate Professor, I develop teaching materials and usually teach at least two classes. In addi- tion, I manage an informal job placement network to assist my students."
The school: The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) is one of three major
campuses of the University of Alabama System. U A B is a comprehensive urban university and medical center complex with an annual enrollment exceeding 16,000 students.
How AOII experience has helped: "My experience as an AOII taught me early on the value of having a group of friends with similar interests and values. . .Throughout my professional career, I have continued to value interaction with friends and col- leagues."
Gail Martin, Theta (DePauw U.)
Tide: Director of Student Life, Interna- tional Fine Arts College, Miami, Florida. Degrees: Bachelors Degree in Communi- cations and Political Science, DePauw University, 1988.
Her job: "I create and plan extracurricular activities for the entire student body. In addition to parties such as the Hawaiian Luau, Chinese New Years, and trips to Disney World and Busch Gardens, I also plan programs about current issues, health concerns, and personal safety. Recendy, I became the Community Relations Coor- dinator, a position which gives me the oppottunity to be in constant contact with high school teachers."
The school: The International Fine Arts College is a private, two year college which offers an Associate of Arts degree in Fash- ion Design, Fashion Merchandising, Commercial Art, and Interior Design. Currently, 700 students are enrolled, and they come from all over the United States and from 42 foreign countries.
How AOI1 experience has helped: "Alpha Omicron Pi has helped me in countless ways. . . Most importantly, it gave me the ability to adjust and work well with others. Living in a sorority with 75 women showed me the importance of team work and constant cooperation."
Heather Baldwin McLean,
Tau Lambda (Shippensburg U.)
Title: Center Director, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Mainz-Finthen Army
To Dragma
Airfield, Mainz, Germany.
Degrees: B.A. in Speech Communication, Shippensburg U., 1987; M A . in Higher Education Administration and Student Personnel, Ohio State U., 1989.
Her job: "Essentially, I am the Dean of Students for my center. I recruit and select faculty, recruit, counsel, advise, and regis- ter students, order supplies and books, plan class schedules a year ahead, reconcile student accounts, plan budgets, develop and distribute all marketing. . .99% of my students are active duty army soldiers work- ing in aviation, from mechanics to pilots." The school: Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has over 60 centers at military installations all over the world, a main campus at Daytona Beach, Florida, and another at Prescott, Arizona. It is one of the few institutions in the world offering aviation and aerospace degrees.
How AOn experience hashelped:
"I think the organizational and leadership skills I learned as an AOI1 will always be with me, no matter what I do. . . Even
though most of my soldiers have no idea what a sorority is, I do know how and when to put on my 'rush face!'"
Additional comments: " M y students are concerned about finishing their degrees before the government kicks them out of the army.. .It is not like a traditional cam- pus where a student worries about an upcoming exam or what to do on a Satur- day night. M y students are juggling a more-than-full-timejob, possiblyafamily, and one to three classes."
Antonia ("Toni") Flowers Morgan, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.)
Tide: Director of Student Activities, Uni- versity of Alabama in Huntsville.
Degrees: B.A. in English, Western Ken- tucky U., 1985; presently pursuing a Mas- ters Degree in Public Affairs at UAH.
Her job: "I advise all 11 national Greek groups. I serve as the adviser for Panhellenic, Interfraternity Council, and Order of Omega. In addition, I coordinate campus andleadershipprograms.Iserveasaresource
person for 115 student organizations."
The school: U A H is a teaching and research institution dedicated to excellence in the promotion of intellectual, techno- logical, and economic enhancement of state, region, and nation.
How AOIT experience has helped: " M y AOn collegiate and alumnae experience— in addition to my Regional Director posi- tion—has assisted me in my current posi- tion. In fact, it is my love for AOI1 that made me apply for my current job."
Antonia ("Toni")FlowersMorgan
Presentation Team members
SOUght. . . for an International Presen- tation Team. I f you enjoy traveling and relating your AOFI experiences and knowl- edge to future members, please send your professional and AOI1 resume to the Mem- bership Development Coordinator at Inter- national Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. A t times, this position requires immediate travel.
Journalism honor...
Angela Bonds, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U ) , won honorable men- tion at the Southeast Journalism Confer- ence in February for the design of a feature page layout in her college newspaper. The conference recognizes outstanding college journalism. Angela graduated last August and has been employed as the receptionist at International Headquarters since September.
Students' Concerns 1992
We asked AOIls who are college administrators what the students on their campuses are concerned about these days. The following is a summary of what they said:
The high cost of getting an education:
"Fees have been raised dramatically for the third year in a row."
"Students on our campus are concerned about the increasing cost of an
"Offering scholarships to AOIls is more important now than ever!"
"Students are worried that they will receive less financial aid and whether
they can afford to continue school if fees are raised."
Gettingjobs after they graduate:
"One recent concern is the availability of jobs upon graduation."
"Students are concerned about making themselves marketable."
"Students graduating this year are worried about the state of the economy;
they are afraid jobs will not be available."
Other issues:
Dating relationships and date rape; AIDS; the plight of the homeless; envi- ronmental issues; faculty diversity; scholarship; alcohol abuse; security in the residence halls; affirmative action in admissions; and many other issues. : -f|
Summer 1992
1 3
Notable - Jahnae Harper Bamett:
Jahnae Harper Barnett, Sigma Omicron (Arkansas State U.), the first woman president of William W oods Col-
lege in Fulton, Missouri, is the Notable for this issue of ToDragma.
Jahnae credits her affiliation with Alpha Omicron Pi with teaching her the importance of examining another's per- spective and valuing each person's opinion.
"AOII taught me the importance of empathy," she says.
"Through my involvement in the sorority's service organizations, AOII Song Fest, and Panhellenic Council, I began to understand the need for empathy, as well as the benefit of diversity."
These two traits, empathy and an appreciation of the benefit of diversity, serve her well in her job as president, she believes.
"For instance, although I had been at William Woods College 19 years prior to becoming president, I never truly under- stood why the college's equestrian science program was world renowned. M y expo- sure to the program did not denote knowl- edge," she explains.
So, with the help of Gayle Lampe, one of the college instructors in equestrian sci-
The First Woman President of William Woods College
To Dragma
ence, Jahnae set out to gain first hand knowledge. Soon after "taking the reins of the presidency," she was literally taking the reins of one of the college's horses. Since then she has become an enthusiastic rider.
Another example of Jahnae's innova- tive approach to her job is her implementa- tion of a Student Advisory Committee which meets monthly in her home. Jahnae dresses in jeans for these meetings where she and the students lounge in comfort while discussing the students' needs and concerns.
Her home is also the setting for fresh- man and senior teas which Jahnae hosts. These events help her stay in touch with students.
Jahnae also returned to the classroom this year for the first time in eight years. She is team teaching a class in fashion mer- chandising. She believes the experience will provide yet another perspective needed by a college president.
Another less traditional role Jahnae took on during her first year was to go on stage to help raise money for the joint per- forming arts program o f William W oods and nearby W estminster College. The event was a satiric one-act play, and her co- star was the president of Westminster Col- lege. The audience joined in the fun to hiss and boo the villian in the old fashioned melodrama called "The Wildflowering of Chastity."
These innovations make it easy to see why Jahnae has become known as a multi- faceted chief executive.
One of her goals for the college is to provide a multitude of opportunities for women. She believes that one of the many benefits of attending a women's college (such as William Woods) is that females are taught that there are no limits to what they can accomplish.
"The greatest challenge for women today is to develop the self esteem and confidence needed for success in our society," she says.
She believes that women have the ability and talent to succeed in any endeav- or, but they must recognize this.
"Young women today are entering col- lege ready to excel in fields of study that seemed inappropriate and unattainable ten years ago," she says.
When Jahnae entered college at Arkansas State University, she was only 16 years old. AOII offered a caring and sup- portive environment where she was nutured and encouraged to excel.
"The members gave me the aspiration to challenge the status quo of women at that time, and not to accept traditional female roles," she says.
After obtaining a Bachelor of Science from Arkansas State, she went on to earn the Master of Business Education and Doc- tor of Philosophy degrees from the Univer- sity of Mississippi. Last year Jahnae was honored as the 1991 Outstanding Business Alumni by Arkansas State University. Other honors include being named to
Who's Who in American Education, being featured as one of the 20 most influential women in mid-Missouri by Mid-Missouri magazine, and being selected as an opinion leader of the Education Commission of Missouri.
Jahnae says that the students at William Woods, like students everywhere, are concerned about getting a job during a recessionary period. They are also con- cerned about issues such as the environ- ment and the plight of the homeless.
"Students are not just voicing their concerns, but are actually addressing these issues by taking part in recycling programs and spending their spring break building houses for the homeless," she says.
"They are willing to take action against many national problems, especially those confronting women today."
I have been part of many rush expe
riences since the fall of 1972, and each year I become increasingly appalled at the lengths to
which we go in our pursuit of new members. The collegiate chapter I advise is a part of one of the best and most progressive college Pan- hellenic systems in the nation. Yet I still see
$ 15,000 rush budgets and theme party pro- ductions that easily best local community theater. I suggest that as long as our rush awards are structured to reward chapters which rival Broadway entertainment, then Broadway entertainment and $15,000 rush budgets we'll get.
Greek advisers, regardless of fraternal affiliation or chapter location, continually face conflicts that can be traced to inade- quate or insufficient communication. Newer members are consistently unclear about financial obligations, time commit- ments, and membership expectations.
I imagine that I would be confused, too, if I had made my pledge decision during a typical rush today. It would be like trying to understand facts and figures while being caught up in the excitement of Disneyland quality entertainment.
Whatcan weexpectfromourmembership when we have recruited them through enter- tainment?
The riches of fraternal life come from the sharing of our humanness, the celebra- tion of our commonality, and the apprecia- tion of our differences. Welcoming new women into AOI1 should be the result of mutuality of choice - that choice springing from a sharing of sentiment.
The serious side...
By Susan Duggins, Lambda Tau (Northeast Louisiana U.)
We seek women who are in sympathy with the high aspirations ofAlpha Omicron Pi. W e challenge them to work their best, to advance AOITs interests, and to cherish them as their own.
My mind drifts back to Stella, Jessie, Helen, and Bess - what thoughts and feel- ings did they share as new members were recruited and new chapters begun?
Fulfilling the legacy left us by those four young women in 1897 is no light undertak- ing! Each of us must emerge from behind the masks we don daily and let our light shine. We must dare to share our dreams and have the courage to honot the values we hold dear. Our heritage demands con- fronting established means and forging a new process.
I think the most difficult pan of any sig- nificant change is the required examination of self. I suggest that resisting change stems from fear - the fear to honor who we really are. Is our belief in ourselves so fragile? What strength, if any, do we derive from our unity as a fraternity? Had Stella, Bess, Helen, and Jess been unwilling to honor their own sense of spirit, express their love for each other, and share their sense of fra- ternity with a larger world, a void would exist in the life of each person reading this article.
I pledged AOI1 because several young women at Lambda Tau Chapter shared feel- ings that registered in my heart as "right." I think back to the women of AOU* who hold such a treasured place in my heart, and I am keenly aware that these gifts of love came about solely because someone took the risk to share her feelings about AOI1. We make a commitment to membership because of the people and the feelings we have for them— not because of a skit, a
Summer 1992
StephanieSneedleadsarushworkshopatNu Omicron Chapter, (Vanderbilt U.).
song, or a costume.
Fraternity life must change. It must
change to better reflect the needs of our alumnae membership and the rapidly varying collegiate environment. W e must each look into our heart and discover a means to accept the whole rather than an isolated segment.
We must be willing to base our rush efforts on the precepts we hold dear. The communication of those values must come from the joining of my voice with yours in heartfelt expression, not from gimmick or comic routine. In the spirit of our founding, may we find the freedom to employ new methods of membership recruitment.
About the author
Susan Duggins was recently appointed a
Regional Director in Region X. Prior to that, she was the chapter adviserfor Upsilon Alpha Chapter (U. ofArizona). -5u
Busk Willyourchapterbeready By Elaine James Kennedy, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.) Executive Board Director
Summer days wil soon be over and a new group of freshmen women will arrive on many campuses anxious for rush ro begin. The stage will be set for a new experience for these tushees. Soon they will have the oppottunity to belong to a sorority. Their anticipation and excitement will be coupled with nervous tension as they ask themselves, "Will I make the right decision?
Will 1 find a group I am comfortable with?" We know the answer is "Yes, if you
pledge AOni"
From a collegiate chapter's perspective,
each formal rush period provides an oppor- tunity for pledging new women to Alpha Omicron Pi. The year-round rush plan- ning and preparation are finally tested.
Will rush be successful in your chapter? Will you sell AOI1 as the best sorority on campus?
Alpha Omicron Pi's international poli- cy states that each chapter must have a membership comparable to the other soror- ities on its campus. Thus the competition is keen and preparation is essential. AOITs formal rush policy requires every collegiate chapter to rush a sufficient number of high quality women to be assured of attaining quota of quality pledges.
In every chapter, rush success is up to each member, and everyone must have an active role. Each member should present a positive image and express the true spirit of sisterhood.
Poised, friendly women and a polished performance in each round of parties are critical to achieving rush success.
Our mostsuccess- ful chapters all have one thing in com- mon: their members love what they have and want to share it with others. The secrets to rush success are planning and prac- tice! Failing to plan is planning to fail. Incorporating regular rush workshops in your chapter's calen- dar is important so that all members will be prepared, self-con- fident and excited about rush.
Members of Chi Chapter (Syracuse U.) prepare for rush. They are (bottom row, from left) Emily Prostic, Laurie Kowitz, Rachel Bur- day, and Liz Blumencranz; (top row, from left) Lizette Quijano, Jill Layton, Gayle Dubno, and Toni Citera.
To Dragma
This excitement and enthusiasm is con- tagious and helps us to be our best in every aspect of rush. W e need to be in "top form" in personal appearance and must be enthu- siastic and display our A O U pride. W e need to be comfortable making conversa- tion with our guests, the rushees.
The first impression is a lasting impres- sion. Long after the rush parties are forgot- ten, the image of AOFIs as friendly, enthu- siastic, and sincere women will remain in each rushee's mind. And, ultimately, that is what transforms a rushee into an AOFI pledge!
Be the best, do your best and achieve success in your next formal rush. Success comes to those who give that extra bit of effort. You can do it! Make it happen! Per- haps the following poem will help keep your spirits up during those last hectic days before rush starts:
If you think you are beaten, you are!
If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to win, but think you can't, It's almost a cinch you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost. For out in the world we find, Success begins with a person's will. It's all in the state of mind!
If you think you're outclassed, you are; You've got to think high to rise. You've got to be sure of yourself before You can ever win a prize.
Life's contests don't always go
To the woman of greatest skill;
But sooner ot later the one who wins Is the woman who thinks she will!
A well-established ideal will prove more important to a chapter than just having a prefer- ence for the kind of girl it wants to pledge. W e must choose candidates, as we would choose any other things in life, not for external merit, or sudden affection, but
for their fitness for the purpose.
What isour purpose forthem? To have
them as our friends? Someone who is fun to be with, someone we can show off as ours? If that be the ideal o f a fraternity or a chap- ter, well, may select girls for superficiali- ties...well, say it "rush" them for their beau- ty, and drop them for reasons as trivial. But may all the powers...forbid that such a spir- it should impel our Alpha! I for one would rather see our order swept out o f every col- legeintheland,thanhaveitfosteraspiritof snobbery and exclusiveness in one of them.
The Fraternity should want girls for two reasons:
FIRST: T o form a part of an organized body...bound by the closest ties, to act as one in pushing the life of that college upward on every side! For this purpose, we desire girls who will be earnest and devoted, active, and interesting. And, we want them varied!! Above all, we want girls who will be tendered to the college life as a whole, not given only to Alpha; nor must their friend- ship be circumscribed.
SECONDLY: As preparation for a larg- er brotherhood of man, we must choose girls with whom we feel at ease, girls with simplicity and frankness o f manner and action that make understanding direct, girls
Summer 1992
"On Choosing Candidates
By Stella George Stern Perry, Founder (deceased)
(From left)Jenny Bower, Tamie Hancock, and Andrea Kasabian, members of Chi Psi Chapter, (Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo).
who are real and true, girls who will not come unless they care for us, and will care for us loyally, if they come.
With Rush a mad hysteria, how can we choose this type of girl? Quietness and con- fidence are better than all of our "playing up" to rushees. Somewhere between the high condescension by which some fraterni- ties make themselves ridiculous, and the eager courtings by which others achieve the same end, lies a calm, quiet, natural table- land, where we can say "Here we are. Thus we are. W e like You. If you like us, let's get to know one another better, to see ifwe may learn to love."
Over self-consciousness defeats us, we must meet them as friends, not as probably fraternity members; we must know them for their own selves AND N O T choose car- bon copies of ourselves. Must fraternities indicate the girls that are fit for you, or are
you independent enough to choose them for yourselves?
1. Choose for real qualities.
2. Do not make superficialobjections.
3. Get to know the newcomers naturally.
4. D o not condescend.
5. D o not "curry favor."
6. Choose upperclassmen i f you want
7. Be independent o f the actions o f other fraternities.
These words are certainly as meaningful today as they were when Stellafirst put them to paper. We should continue to take these thoughts to heart as we choose thosewomen who willfor-
ever be sisters in Alpha Omicron Pi. •&
At the meeting of the National Panhel- lenic Conference last November, the following recommendations were unanimously adopted con-
cerning rush:
WHEREAS, The College Pan- hellenics Committee, with the endorsement of the twenty-six National Presidents and NPC Delegates, believes that the purpose o f sorority rush is for rushees and members to get to know one another, and because we believe that sorority rush should reflect the mission of the host institution as well as the purpose and ideals on which allNPC orga- nizations are based; therefore, be it RESOLVED,
That all College Panhellenics and their member chapters shall incorporate the fol- lowing into their rush programs as soon as possible:
1. Establish guidelines for rush budgets and set a cap on rush expenses including the value of all donated goods and services in the cap figure.
2. Eliminate all outside decorations.
3. Confine all rush entertainment within
the chapter house or other rush facility. 4. Evaluate all rush skits as to length and
5. Discourage the use of rush skits at the
first round of parties.
6. Discourage elaborate costuming and
purchase o f special rush outfits.
7. Eliminate all gifts, favors, preference let- ters or notes for rushees until they have
accepted bids.
8. Develop conversation and interviewing
9. Follow NPC recommendations for
release figures.
NPC recommends changes...
To Dragma
Julie Chalfin (left) and Amy Novick of Chi Chapter (Syracuse U.)
Therefore, be it fiirthe RESOLVED,
That the implementation of these changes will determine eligibility for NPC
awards, and be it further RESOLVED, That these changes and the reasons for them shall be communicated to alumnae members for support in implementation,
and be it further RESOLVED,
That this resolution shall be distributed
to all college Panhellenics, Greek advisers, and National Panhellenic Conference alumnae associations by the Conference.
Please note that noncompliance with the Rush Resolution is not an option open to college Pahnellenics nor the N P C groups on campus. The procedures have already been agreed upon by the 26 NPC organiza- tions. The role of the members of AOII's collegiate chapters, particularly the Panhel- lenic delegate or chapter president, is to work with the college Panhellenic to deter- mine how soon these procedures will be implemented.
A special note from Barbara Hunt, national President:
"The National Panhellenic Conference has long been concerned about the very elaborate productions that constitute formal rush on many college campuses. There are a variety of reasons for these concerns, includ- ing increased risk management and cost to chapters. The resolution printed above was adopted at the recent meeting of the National Panhellenic Conference.
"Alpha Omicron Pi, as always, supports the recommendations of the National Pan- hellenic Conference. Further, we appeal to our alumnae advisers and presidents o f alumnae chapters to relay the content of this resolution to other alumnae. The ability of our collegiate chapters to successfully imple- ment this resolution will be directly affected by the support of our alumnae members.
"I encourage collegiate chapter rush chairmen to contact their Regional Rush Officer or their campus Panhellenic advisers if they have questions." ^5-
Rusk The first initiate...
Anne Richardson Hall was the first initiate of Alpha Omicron Pi. According to the "History of Alpha Omicron Pi" published in the 75th Anniversary Issue of To Dragma, in summer, 1973, Anne's initiation took place in January, 1898. A shortened ver- sion of the account of the first initia- tion and the very early days of Alpha Omi- cron Pi which appeared in To Dragma fol-
"On January 2, 1897, Alpha Omicron
Pi was formally organized at the home of Helen St. Clair, all four Founders being present. The constitution in its earliest form was made and accepted, the objects of the fraternity were discussed and received, the
Letter from a
Dear Mimi,
I'm just writing to tell you how pleased I was that you let me be initiated with your pin. I was initiated 1/24/92. It was a very special ceremony. I thought it was very beautiful.
Our chapter was also very lucky because Barbara Hunt (International President) attended our initiation and our Founders' Day which was the 25th. She is a wonderful woman. The night of initiation I asked her if she might know you. She was so funny. I guess the two of you met at a reunion at Vanderbilt and you also came in contact when trying to get a chapter of AOFI on one of Miami's campuses. She says she may be getting in touch with you to start an alumnae chapter in your area.
She seemed thrilled that I was a legacy and also that she knew you. In fact she even brought up the story in her Founders'
Summer 1992
Anne Richardson Hall, the first initiate
ritual completed and read by each and all. The form of the badge was agreed upon with the gravity that came from the deter-
Day speech. She told the whole banquet room about how she knew you and was so surprised to find out I was your grand- daughter.
Now I truly understand how important it was for me to become an AOFI. I only hope that I have a daughter and that she will consider AOFI her home the way I now do. I can't wait to see you so that we can now share the bond of not only grandmother to granddaughter, but also sister to sister.
I can't explain all of the things I felt during initiation but one thing did keep occuring to me. I kept thinking that this was the exact same ceremony you went through. I've never felt closer to you than when I became your sister. I hope to see you soon.
Alpha Love, P e n n y
mination, then expressed, that it should be Alpha Omicron Pi's only symbol in the world.
"Barnard College received the new infant fraternity kindly and Kappa Kappa Gamma extended a friendly welcome.
"Within a week the Initiation Ritual was used for the first time, Anne Richard- son Hall '98 becoming the first initiate of the fraternity and entering into its spirit with ardor and devotion.
"As was to be expected, there was timidity, at first, among the students, as to aligning themselves permanently with a new and untried fraternity. But the earnest- ness of the group soon made itself felt and in the end little difficulty was met in secur- ing the members desired. It was not long before the first chapter, Alpha, Barnard College, was flourishing and happy." '3.
Editor's note— This letter was written by Penny Beauchamp, Upsilon Alpha (U. of Ari- zona '92) to her grandmother, Anne Cowen Beauchamp, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.
'39). Anne Beauchamp is the current presi-
dent of the Miami
Anne Cowen Beauchamp
Penny Beauchamp
the Policy
Alpha Omicron Pi strongly encourages the pledging of qualified legacies. Every known legacy shall be given special consideration in mem- bership selection.
During formal rush and throughout the chapter's Continuous Open Bidding, every verified legacy shall be offered a bid to membership unless the chapter has a reason for denying a bid and communicates that reason to the alumna involved or the chapter's Regional Director.
If the formal rush schedule includes several invitational party rounds before Preference (the final invitational party) the legacy shall be invit- ed to all invitational parties before Preference UNLESS the chapter has determined that the legacy is definitely not a rushee to be pledged and that decision has been approved by the appropriate adviser. In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the open house, tours, or ice water party round. At any point during rush when the chapter and the adviser concur that a legacy be dropped from consideration for pledging, the adviser MUST communicate by telephone with the AOII relative prior to the distribution of invitations to the next set of parties. If the concern of the chapter is that the legacy has expressed strong interest in another sorority and lesser interest in AOII, rushing efforts should be increased.
Every legacy who accepts an invitation to the chapter's final party (Preference), must be named on the chapter's Q U O T A LIST (also ' known asfirstbid list).
If no contact is possible between a designated adviser and the AOII relative of a legacy not extended a bid to membership, notice that the legacy has been dropped without contact must be sent to the chapter's Regional Director and International Headquarters within one week after the date the rushee is dropped, in no case later than one week after formal rush.
This policy defines a legacy as a sister, daughter, granddaughter, stepsister, stepdaughter, or step-granddaughter of an initiated member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Legacy Information Form
"When any of us has a legacy, we dream of the possibility of her joining us as a member of AOII. How sepcial it is to want our fam- ily ties to be supplemented by the fraternal bonds of friendship with all the opportunities implied by that association. Indeed, a legacy is a gift to each of us and to the Fraternity, a gift which deserves extra care and attention."
To Dragma
This is to inform you that my will be attending
as a: freshman beginning:
Her school address will be Signed:
Address: •
sister/stepsister daughter/stepdaughter granddaughter/step-granddaughter
(circle one)
. sophomore
. _
Year of Initiation
—Ginger Banks, Past International President
... ^_
• I know this rushee personally and recommended her.
• I know her family personally.
I received this information from:
• Panhellenic members/master file.
• H.S. faculty/staff member.
• Mutual friend.
• Other ;
~ | send this form at request of the collegiate chapter.
to locate this name and address, send form to the Regional Rush Officer responsible for the region
in which the rushee will attend colleger Int'l HQ for forwarding.
If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request,
please send the information directly to the return address indicated. Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
soph. jr.
Grandmother Chapter/School
Name of Rushee .
Home address
College she will attend
Age College class: fresh.
Name of Parents/Guardian Address of Parents/Guardian AOn Relative: Sister
Phone ( Other
List other sorority or fraternity affiliations of relatives:
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOn? Why? _
Does she have a special interest in other groups? Why?
Have you rushed her?
Will you tell her she is being recommended?
Is she able to assume financial obligations?
She would enjoy talking about the following topics during rush:
High School and address
Number in graduating class
College previously attended and address Terms completed . High School/Collegiate Scholastic honors
- . _.
Summer 1992
ACT/SAT if known
, ;
Phone (day)
- OVER -
LEADERSHIP INFORMATION Activities/Offices held:
Work experience:
Please check those which apply and add comments and examples: ASSET TO CHAPTER:
_ _ _ _ _
Respected .
Hard Worker Responsible Adaptable Leadership potential
Musical Artistic Athletic Organized Cooperative Industrious
Reserved or shy Cheerful and optimistic Compatible with others Poised/well groomed
YOUR Name Address
Collegiate Chapter? Alumnae Chapter?
Date Phone
(Area Code)
Zip~ Are you a collegian now?
Sign above to indicate endorsement of this rushee as an AOII pledge.
Date acknowledgement sent: Sorority Rushee pledges:
To Dragma
Rush Directory
Chapter Advisers should receive Membership Information Forms (MTFs) NO LATER than dates noted. This is the time chapters review MTFs prior to rush.
School, Chapter
Arkansas State University Sigma Omicron
Mid August
Auburn University Delta Delta
Late August
Ball State University Kappa Kappa
Early September
Birmingham Southern College Tau Delta
Bowling Green State University
Alpha Psi Mid-August
Cal Polytechnic State Univ. Chi Psi
Early September
California State - Long Beach Lambda Beta
Early August
California State Northridge Sigma Phi
Mid August
Canisius College
Nu Delta
Early September/Mid December
Gamma Chi Colony August
Central Missouri State Univ. Delta Pi
Mid August
Coe College Alpha Theta Early September
Cornell University Epsilon
Early January
C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University
Psi Delta
Mid December
DePauW University Theta
Mid September
Duke University
Delta Upsilon
Early September/Early January
East Carolina University ZetaPsi
Early August
Chapter Adviser
Judy Rogers
2916 Green Briar Dr. Jonesboro, AR 72401
Pam Owsley
#2 Welcome Lane Opelika, AL 36801
Mrs. Judith Thornburg 2804 W. Purdue Rd Muncie, IN 47304
Mindy McDonald
222 Westcliffe Circle Birmingham,AL 35226
Jennifer Stewart
1058 Carol Dr.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
Kristen Sloop
2221 King Court, #14
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
1727 Glendon Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Bonnie Frank, Chapter President 13139 Schoenborn St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Wendy Hoke
94 Slate Creek Dr., #2 Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Jane Wandell
25 Promenade Ave. Nepean, Ontario K2E5X7 Canada
Stacy Sanders Duncan 509 W. 86th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64114
Mrs. Barbara Tupper
2102N.TowneCt.NE#5 Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
Erin McDonnell 518 Stewart
Ithaca, NY 14850
Cyndy Swan
838 Park Ave. Westbury, NY 11590
Mrs. Audrey Pelham 4740 E 71st St Indianapolis, IN 46220
Mrs. Sue Mattero
204 Lake C t
Chapel Hill. NC 27516
Anne Prouty
108 N. Oak St.
Apt 2
Greenville,NC 27858
School, Chapter
East Stroudsburg State Univ.
Phi Beta Mid January
Eastern Kentucky University
Epsilon Omega Mid August
Eastern Washington University
Tau Gamma Mid August
Elon College
Epsilon Chi
Late August/Early February
Florida Southern College Kappa Gamma
Late August/Early January
George Mason University Gamma Alpha
Late August
Georgia Southern College Alpha Lambda
Late August
Georgia State University Gamma Sigma
Early September
Grand Valley State University Lambda Eta
Mid August
Hartwick College
Sigma Chi
Late August/Late January
Huntingdon College Sigma Delta MidAugust
Illinois Wesleyan University Beta Lambda
Early September
Indiana State University Kappa Alpha MidAugust
Indiana University
Beta Phi Mid-October/Late-December
Iowa State University Iota Sigma
Early August
Jacksonville State University Delta Epsilon
LaGrange College Lambda Chi Early September
Chapter Adviser
Lisa Gall
595 Brookside Place Cranford, NJ 07016
Mrs. Mary Dewey
316 S. Third St Richmond, KY 40475
Emily Ledbetter Benz 8042 Maple
Fairchild AFB Spokane, WA 99011
Lisa Kula
P 6 Box 212
Elon College, NC 27244
Mrs. Reatha Omodio 241 Ash Ln. Lakeland, FL 33813
Kori Profrock
5467 Ladue Lane Fairfax, VA 22030
Mrs. Michelle Barton 8 Wimbledon C t Statesboro, GA 30458
Tracey Braswell Huch 3897 Rains Court Atlanta, GA 30319
Mrs. Suzanne Carpenter 1342FiskSE
Grand Rapids, MI 49506
Bonnie Nobiling
15 Maple Street Oneonta,NY 13820
Mrs. Mary Kyser
3210 Cloverdale Rd Montgomery,AL 36106
Mary Lynn Kopetz, Chapter President
4612 Butler Dr. Decatur, iL 62526
Glenna Timmons
408 S. 34th St TerreHaute,IN 47803
Mrs. Beverly Ernest 498 Ridge Rd. Greenwood, IN 46142
Laura Pietig
7305 Wilshire Blvd. Windsor Heights, IA 50322
Sharon Dasinger
3410 Nisbet Lake Rd. Jacksonville,AL 36265
Annette Farrell
207 Harwell Ave., A p t G-l La Grange, GA 30240
continued on next page.
Summer 1992
School, Chapter
Lambuth University Omega Omicron Mid August
Lehigh University Lambda Upsilon Early January
McGill University Kappa Pin
Mid August
Miami University Omega
Early January
Michigan State University Beta Gamma
Early August
Middle Tennessee State Univ. Rho Omicron
Early August
Montana State University Alpha Phi
Early September
Murray State University Delta Omega
Early August
Newcomb College - Tulane Pi
Late December
Northeast Louisiana University Lambda tan
Early August
Northern Arizona University ThetaOmega
Early August
Northern Illinois University Nu Iota
Mid August
Ohio Northern University Kappa Pi
Late August
Ohio University Omega Upsilon Late August
Parks College
Upsilon Epsilon
Mid August / Mid December
Pennsylvania State University Epsilon Alpha
Mid August
Purdue University Phi Upsilon
Mid December
Rhodes College Kappa Omicron Early September
San Jose State University Delta Sigma
Early August
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Mary Hardee 10 Fairfield PI. Jackson, TN 38305
Michelle Raybin
307 Valley Park South Bethlehem, PA 18018
Cheryl Rost
3410 Rosedale Apt 6 Montreal, QU H4B2G6 Canada
Natalie Adkins
11755 Norbourne Dr., #308 Forest Park, OH 45240
Sue Elder
6213 Cobblers Dr.
E. Lansing, MI 48823
Theresa Chandler
2520 Regency Park Dr. Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Mrs. Beverly Townsend 8040 Lupine Ln. Bozeman, MT 59715
Vicki Jones
714 Main Street Murray, KY 42071
Mrs. Schuyler Louapre 220EWilliamDavidPkwy. Metairie, LA 70005
Susan Donald
808 Adcock Monroe, LA 71201
Lillian Baker 1508N.Aztec Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Anne Hilliard
1001 W . Lincoln, #32 DeKalb.IL 60115
Julia Lynn Bianchi 613 Pleasantview Ada, OH 45810
Amy Suzanne Greene 7512 Radford Road Athens, OH 45701
Laura Mueller 102 N. 9th St. Dupo, EL 62239
Mrs. Patricia Antolosky 1260 Fairview Dr. Beliefonte, PA 16823
Sharon Watson Hammel 820 So. 16th S t Lafayette, IN 47905
Lisa Brown
6930 Red Oak Circle #2 Memphis, TN 38115
Charlene Murray
760 Delaware Avenue San Jose, CA 95123
School, Chapter
Shippensburg University Tau Lambda
Mid September
Slippery Rock University Sigma Rho
Mid August
Southeastern Louisiana Univ. Kappa Tau
Late July
Southwest Texas State University Zeta Kappa
Early August
St. Leo College
Gamma Upsilon
Early September/Early January
State University of New York - Albany Delta Psi
Early January
Syracuse University Chi
Mid August
Texas Woman's University Delta Theta
Early September
Towson State University Theta Beta
Transylvania University Tau Omega
Late August
Tufts University
Delta Mid-August/EarlyJanuary
U. of Alabama Alpha Delta Early August
U. of Alabama - Birmingham
Zeta Pi Late August
U. of Arizona Upsilon Alpha Early August
U. of Calgary Kappa Lambda Late August
U. of California - Berkeley Sigma
Early August
U. of California - Davis Chi Alpha
Late August
U. of California - San Diego Lambda Iota
Early September
U. of Chicago
Phi Chi
Early September/Mid December
Chapter Adviser
Anita Klein
621 Glenn St. Shippensburg, PA 17252
Connie Laughner 136 Mar-Vel Drive Butler, PA 16001
Melissa Lanaux Kennedy 1050 Rue Verand SIidell,LA 70458
Rene Fitzgerald 2201 Spring Creek Austin, TX 78704
Mrs. Elaine McCraney 6952 124th Terrace North Largo, FL 34643
Mary Beth Frewin 5 N. Holmes St Scotia, NY 12302
Harriet O'Leary
309 Waring Rd Syracuse, NY 13224
514 Cedar Elm Allen, TX 75002
Grace Gede
6867 Old Waterloo Rd., Apt. 1804 Baltimore,Mb 21227
Karen Halcomb
2553 Nichaisville Rd., #K-3 Lexington, KY 40503
Mrs. Jean Sells
29 Parker Rd. Framingham,MA 01701
Mrs. Pamela Brock 11727KnollwoodRd Northport,AL 35476
Christy Green, Chapter President
Rt. 6 Box 2270
Pell City, AL 35125
Susan Duggins i017 N. Bedford Tucson, AZ 85710
Lisa Burroughs
5204 40th Ave. NW Calgary, AB T3A0X2 Canada
Jami Hould
2725 Franklin
San Francisco, CA 94123
Mrs. Kathryn Fitzgerald
118 Banbury Way
American Canyon, CA 94589
Bobbe Chilcote 4016-BMahailaAve. San Diego, CA 92122
Kelly Agnew
443 W Wrightwood Ave #909 Chicago, IL 60614
continued on next page.
To Dragma
School, Chapter
U. of Colorado Chi Delta EarlyAugust
U. of Delaware Delta Chi
Late August
U. of Evansville Chi Lambda EarlyAugust
U. of Florida Gamma Omicron Late My
U. of Georgia Lambda Sigma Mid August
U. of Illinois Iota
Early August
U. of Kansas Phi
Early August
U. of Kentucky Kappa Omega EarlyAugust
U. of Louisville Pi Alpha
Early August
U. of Maine-Orono Gamma
Late August
U. of Maryland Pi Delta MidAugust
U. of Michigan Omicron Pi MidAugust
U. of Minnesota Tau LateAugust
U. of Mississippi Nu Beta EarlyAugust
U. of Missouri - Columbia Delta Alpha
Early August
U. of Nebraska - Kearney Phi Sigma
Early August
U. of Nebraska - Lincoln Zeta
Early August
U. of South Alabama Gamma Delta EarlySeptember
U. of South Florida
Gamma Theta
Early August/Mid December
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Jane Franklin 7958 S Wabash Court EnglewootLCO 80112
Sandra Altemus
17 Matthews Road Newark, DE 18713
Karen Morauski 7840 Coventry Court Evansville,IN 47715
Ann Quids
P.O. Box 2732 Gainesville, FL 32602
Deirdre Bell
160 Morton Ave. Athens, GA 30605
Mrs. JoAnne Zunich 2606 Cherry Hills Drive Champaign, IL 61821
School, Chapter
U. of Southwest Louisiana Delta Beta
U. of Tennessee-Knoxville Omicron
Early August
U. of Tennessee - Martin Tau Omicron LateAugust
U. of Texas - San Antonio Upsilon Lambda
Late August
U. of Toledo Theta Psi Late August
U. of Toronto Beta Tau
Early September
U. of Virginia Chi Beta
Mid December
U. of Washington Upsilon
Late August
U. of Western Ontario Iota Chi
Early September
U. of West Virginia Sigma Alpha
Mid August
U.ofWisconsin-Milwaukee Phi Delta
Mid August
U.ofWisconsin-RiverFalls Kappa Sigma Colony August
NU Omicron
Mid August/Mid December
VirginiaCommonwealthUniv. RhoBeta
Late August
Wagner College Theta Pi
Late August
Washington College Sigma Tau
Late January
Washington State University Alpha Gamma
Late July
WesternKentuckyUniversity Alpha Chi
Early August
Western Michigan University Kappa Rho
Chapter Adviser
Mrs. Jerelyn Miles
104 Legacy Lane Youngsville,LA 70592
Mrs. Suzanne Ott 1514 Agawela Ave. KnoxviUe,TN 37919
Ms. Sandra Belote 109 Van Cleave Martin.TN 38237
Patricia Gutierez
357 North Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78201
Mrs. Beverly Kirby 4128 Woodmont Toledo, OH 43613
Marlene Kissoon
306 Chartland Blvd. Scarborough, ON MIS 3L7 Canada
Mrs. Jane Franklin 6 Watts Circle Palmyra, VA 22963
Kris Hanson 5290MithunPl.NE Seattle, WA 98105
Carta Sciarretta
1-297 Hyman St. London, ON N6B 2G6 Canada
Mrs. Beth McCluskey 421 Cedar Street Morgantown, WV 26505
Mrs.WendyKohler 4848 NLydell #130 Milwaukee, WI 53217
DianeLanphear 514 River Road Hudson, WI 54016
6338 Johnsons Chapel Rd. Brentwood,TN. 37027
7431 Narrow Ridge Rd. Richmond, VA 23231
Maura Clancy
372 7th St Brooklyn,NY 11215
Katharine Waye
104 Maple Ave., #3 Chestertown,MD 21620
Nancy R. Shrope NW 910 Bryant Pullman,WA 99163
2700 N. Mill Ave. Bowling Green, KY 42104
Annette Daniel 2129 Ridgefield Rd Partage,MI 49002
Summer 1992
Lenna Mallin Levitch 1103 N. Sunset Drive OlathcKS 66061
Tonya Rene Harig 4252 Palemetto Dr. Lexington,KY 40513
Nancy Schoenbachler 1836 Deer Park
Louisville, KY 40205
Lisa Gallant
193 West Broadway Bangor, ME 04401
Pam Myers
4609 Highland Ave. Bethesda,MD 20814
Mrs. Nancy Aupperle 3606 Chatham Way AnnArbor,MI 48105
Monica Harrington 4080 Bayside Rd. Orono,MN 55359
Debra Brumitt
211 Eagle Springs Road Oxford,MS 38655
Stephanie Chandler 6402 North Ciover Ct. Columbia, MO 65202
Lori Moore
1925 W 37th St Kearney, NE 68847
Mary Ann James 1710 St. James Rd.
Lincoln, NE 68506
Renee Busby Phelps 6612 Autumn Ridge Dr. Mobile,AL 36695
Jean Holman
6305 Treetop Circle Temple Terrace, FL 33617
At C.W.Post Campus on Long Island
Psi Delta Chapter is installed
International President Barbara Daugs Hunt installed the Psi Delta Chapter at the C. W . Post Campus of Long Island University on December 8, 1991. Barbara was assisted by several members of the Region I team: Jan Slagowski, Regional Vice President; Kay W elch, Regional Rush Officer; Rita H u m , Regional Director; and Susan Story, Regional Director. Members of the Theta Pi Chapter (Wagner College) assisted as did several Long Island alumnae:
Singhild (Sing) Larson, Nancy Elliott, Nancy Shivers, Nancy Francis, Kimberly Hayden, Gail Hoffman, Kathy Priven, Fradell Weinstein, Diane Seekamp, Dolly Kalberer, Beth Krewson, Nan Dowling, Arlene Towse, Bonnie Gatz, Marianne Jus- cik, Paula Surace, and Ann McGlinchey. Barbara Hunt and Lisa Gale, Chapter Con- sultant, conducted a ritual workshop immediately following the installation.
Prior to installation, Rita H u m , Psi Delta's Regional Director, conducted a Rose Inspiration Night with the help of several Theta Pi sisters. Following the installation, a Rose Banquet was held at Crestmont Manor in Glen Cove. Nancy Francis served as toastmistress. The initiates learned about the Red Rose of Alpha Omi- cron Pi.. .its roots, stem, foliage, buds, and beauty. Nancy Elliot presented several gifts to the chapter and to the new initiates. The chapter presented Barbara H u n t with a painted rock with white AOII letters on a cardinal background. Instead o f houses at C.W. Post, fraternities are given rocks around campus on which they paint their letters. Psi Delta presented some serious and not-so-serious awards which were fol- lowed by A O I I songs and the "Psi Delta Step." The evening ended with a friendship circle and the Epsilon Chapter Song.
Congratulations to Psi Delta's 37 char-
Members of the Psi Delta Chapter (C.W. Post Campus ofLong Island U.J.
ter members: Susan Addea, Daniella Aure- liani, Christine Behler, Audrey Bradin, Cara Brown, Andrea Burda, Beth Cochems, Camille Costa, Julieta Cruz, Gloria DeFilip- po-D'Andrea, Kristen Dondero, Elizabeth Gentile, Lisa Gonzales, Erika Gottesman, Mary Grillo, Carrie Harback, Beth Levy, Estrella (Duffy) Macias, Renee Mallon, Marisa Mulaire, Deana Mutino, Rosemarie
Pelio, Angelique Penny, Rosa Perez, Shari Perlmutter, Vivian Potamousis, Courtney Prevor, Patricia Prince, Suzy Rand, Michelle Singer, Dawn Smith, Ilyse Soefer, Christine Suchan, Melissa Tirado, Christina Tum- minello, Ines Vaca, and Christina Vitale. Congratulations also to Cyndy Swan, initi- ated as an associate member and Marisa Pomerantz, Psi Delta's first pledge. M-
New colony at Carleton U.
On February 9, 1992, a new colony was established at Carleton U. in Ottawa, Canada. Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron (Central State U.), Executive Board Director, performed the colonization ceremony. The colony was a local sorority, Gamma Omicron Pi, for four years. Guests at the ceremony included the Alumnae Advisory Committee, members of the Kappa Phi Chapter (McGill U.), Regional Director M. J. Jacobsen, and Chapter Consultant Lisa Gale.
96A Members of the new colony at Carleton U.
To Dragma
At Southwest Te.vas State U.
Zeta Kappa Chapter is installed
Zeta Kappa Chapter at Southwest Texas State University in San Mar- cos, Texas, was installed on April 4, 1992.
Initiation and installation ceremonies were conducted by International President Barbara Daugs Hunt. She was assisted by Carol Stevenson, International Vice Presi- dent/Development; Nancy Shaheen, Region VIII Vice President; Jo Beth Heflin, AOII Foundation Treasurer; and Ginger Banks, Past International President. Colle- gians from Upsilon Lambda Chapter (Uni- versity of Texas, San Antonio) and Delta Theta Chapter (Texas W oman's Universi- ty) took part in the ceremonies.
The new chapter initiates were hon- ored at a Rose Luncheon at Aquarena Springs in San Marcos. Tricia Sarabia was toastmistress and Patricia Gutierrez read greetings from other chapters.
The weekend festivities concluded on
Members of the Zeta Kappa Chapter (Southwest Texas State U.).
Sunday with a reception at Harris Hall, Southwest Texas State University. Patricia Gutierrez and Rene Fitzgerald greeted guests which included alumnae and colle- gians from throughout the state.
Leigh Perry and Elizabeth Langer were co-chairmen of the event. They were assist- ed by Rachel Chavira, Ritual Chairman; Tricia Sarabia, Banquet Chairman; and
their committees. Officers of the new chapter are: Jacque Lucian, President; Tamaryne Krause, Vice President/Admin- istration; Shara Fenster, Vice President/ Pledge Educator; Pam Kocian, Treasurer; and Cathy Hernandez, Chapter Relations Chairman. Rene Fitzgerald is the chapter adviser. 'K
AOIls enjoy winter sun and each other s company
The "call of the west" has been answered by many 50-year members of AOII. They have found the retirement communi-
ty o f Green Valley, Arizona, and have also found each other.
Almost five years ago, Carol Young- blood, now deceased, contacted Interna- tional Headquarters for the names of AOIls living in the Green Valley area. She contact- ed these AOIls, and they met to get acquainted. They enjoyed each other so much they decided to get together monthly during the winter. The local paper pub- lished their meeting dates, and several other AOIT "snow birds" called and arranged to join them.
They are a varied group. Mary Ellen (Peg) White Staubly came from Delta Chapter (Tufts U.); Eileen Smith Haber- man, Eta (U. of Wisconsin, Madison); Helene Miner Hooper, Epsilon (Cornell U.); Janet Anderson Hamilton, Rho (Northwestern U.); Elizabeth Quarles Roth, Pi (Newcomb College-Tulane); Lou Anne Moon Bunnel, Theta Eta (U. of Cincin- nati); Jean B. Byrd Ferguson, Theta (DePauw U.); Winifred Moon Ahern,
Anne Witte Hodges, and Patricia Cockcroft Morgan are all from Omega (Miami U ) . Margaret H . Ladwig and Mary Lee Fiel live in Tucson, but like to join their sisters in Green Valley.
Potluck suppers, luncheons in sisters' homes or in area restaurants provide fun and fellowship for the group. The group also supports activities of the Tucson Alumnae Chapter, such as Founders' Day.
Most of the sisters fly away with the winter snowbirds to cooler climates of sum- mer homes only to return for the winter sun in Green Valley. If you are in the area next winter, give us a call.
Join us.
—Contributed by Lou Anne Bunnel, Theta Eta (U. of Cincinnati)
Winter address and phone:
245 Los Rincones
Green Valley, A Z 85614
(602) 625-3065 f l
Summer 1992
Psi Delta
C.W. Post CampusofLongIslandU.
The colonyattheC.W.Post Campus of Long Island U. was installed as Psi Delta Chapter in December, Renee Mallon reports.
During its colonization period the chapter and the members o f Sigma Alpha Mu hosted a Halloween party and pump- kin picking for a mentally retarded children's home.
Three chapter members were nomi- nated and Andrea Burda was elected Homecoming Queen. The chapter won first place in the float competition.
Psi Delta has stayed busy since becom- ing a chapter. Members co-sponsored a lip sync contest with Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity and held a fund raiser at the end of the semester. Five pledges were initiated during spring semester.
Tau Lambda Shippensburg U.
Tau Lambda Chapter at Shippensburg U . had an eventful year, Susan Longo writes.
The chapter welcomed its new chapter adviser, Anita Klein. Chapter member Coleen Murphy was elected the new Panhellenic president.
Tau Lambda initiated 26 members in the spring. Other events included an Adopt-A-Highway program, the Miles-of-
Vivian Potamousis (left) and Andrea Burda were Homecoming Queen candidates at the C. W Post Campus of Long Island U. Andrea was selected Queen. Both women are members of Psi Delta Chapter.
To Dragma
Quarters philanthropic project, Parents' Day, Greek W eek, and Rose Formal. Chapter members Karen V an Dyke and Heather Wilburn performed in the Dance Troop production sponsored by the cam- pus and W endy Jordan had the leading role in the university play.
Theta Pi Wagner College
Theta Pi Chapter at Wagner College had a successful year, reports Janet Brockway.
During the fall semester Theta Pi members enjoyed a visit from International President Barbara Hunt. Dawn Dawiczyk was crowned Homecoming Queen, and the chapter took first place in the float com- petition for the fifth consecutive year. Chapter members traveled to the C .W . Post Campus of Long Island U. for the col- onization there. The chapter hosted a teeter-totter marathon to raise money for Arthritis Research.
Theta Pi started the spring semester with a successful rush. Jennifer Economou
was elected Songfest Queen. Twelve mem- bers made the dean's list. Members of Theta Pi hold the offices o f student gov- ernment president, Panhellenic president, and president of two honor societies on
r -y. -7
REGION Sigma Alpha
West Virginia U.
f i
Sigma Alpha Chapter at W est Virginia U. had a productive year, Ashley Swaney reports.
The year began with rush and the chapter welcomed 32 pledges. Bid day was held at Cooper's Rock State Park.
Homecoming was held in October and Becky McFerrin was chosen for the Royal Court. McFerrin was the first AOFI
Continued on next page
in the chapter's seven-year history to be awarded this honor.
Sigma Alpha raised over $2,000 for Arthritis Research through several fund raisers including Trick-or-Treat for Arthritis, a tanning raffle, and its annual Panda Payoff. Members traveled to a live broadcast of the Arthritis Foundation Telethon and presented a $250 check.
Scholarship was a priority for Sigma Alpha last semester and several members made the dean's list. Scholarship seminars, study hours, and a new scholarship pro- gram encouraged members to excel.
Sigma Alpha participated in various Greek activities on campus including Pi Kappa Alpha Push Week, Pi Beta Phi Bowl-a-Thon, and Phi Sigma Epsilon Phantasia. The chapter's intramural teams played volleyball, softball, and bowled.
The chapter initiated 17 members and welcomed nine new pledges in the spring.
Theta Beta Towson State U.
The Theta Beta Chapter at Towson State U . had a successful fall semester and made quota with 34 pledges, writes Kelly Phipps.
Members of the Theta Beta Chapter (Towson State U.) pose with President Barbara Hunt at Region II Day.
In October, the chapter participated in Homecoming with the members of Sigma Pi and placed second in the float competition and third in the song compe- tition. In addition, chapter members began an Adopt-An-Alum program to improve communication with alumnae.
Community service events for Theta Beta included road blocks, blood drives, a Cystic Fibrosis dance, a zoo trip with chil- dren from an orphanage, and the second annual sleep-out for the homeless. Philanthropic activities included car wash- es, a raffle, singing telegrams, and "Throw a Pie at an AOI1" which was held at the Towson State Festival, The chapter par- ticipated in several dry socials including two roller skating parties with fraternities,
a pizza party and various sisterhood activ- ities. Theta Beta was also involved in Towson State's Alcohol Awareness Week.
Spring semester began with the initia- tion o f 29 members and winning the Panhellenic Philanthropic Award. The chapter currently has the highest group GPA.
Other spring events included a for- mal, a Parent/Daughter Banquet, and Greek Week.
Delta Upsilon Duke U.
Members of Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U . have had an exciting year, reports Anastasia Alexander.
In October, the chapter hosted "Back to the Beach" to benefit Arthritis Research. The event included limbo and hula competitions, wipe-out dances, and relay races. Both Greek and non-Greek organizations participated.
During the month of November a semi-formal and a hayride were held. A holiday formal and Founders' Day took place in December.
Continued on next page
Ashley Swaney (from left), Monica Pastucha, and Missy Duncan take time for a photo on bid day at Sigma Alpha Chapter (West Virginia U.).
Summer 1992
Delta Upsilon had a successful rush at the beginning of the spring semester. Other events included a Valentine semi- formal, Greek W eek, initiation, pledge formal, and a toast for the graduating seniors.
Laurie Rhoades, Lambda Sigma (U.of
Indianapolis. Many members also partici- pated in a National Arthritis Foundation phone-a-thon.
Theta Chapter was proud to host the first Indiana State Day in more than ten years. Elizabeth Romine Coffey, International Vice President/Finance, was the keynote speaker. Many Region IV officers attended.
Spring semester events included Cyclerama-Sing, a n all-campus talent show, Tahiti Sweetie, Rubies and Pearls Formal, and a leaders' council retreat.
Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky U.
f^psilon Omega Chapter a t Eastern Kentucky U . had an exciting year.
During Greek Week, the chapter won first place in philanthropy, participation, Greek Sing, and Greek Games. Individu- als honored included: Mary Ann Dewey, Outstanding Chapter Adviser; Molly McDermott, Outstanding New Member; and Alison Allgier, Outstanding Presi- dent. Allgier served as the Greek Weekend
Georgia), and her father share ment as she is announced
the excite- as the
Tammy Gee, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U.), on her chapter's Homecoming float.
Chairperson and Tammy Gee was the Greek Sing Chairperson. Gee was also inducted into the Kentucky Leadership Hall of Fame, was a member of the Homecoming Court, and named Greek Woman oftheYear.
Epsilon Omega proudly accepted the Distinguished Service Award. Chapter member Shelley Cook raised over $1400 for Eastern's call-a-thon. Five members
Theta DePauw U.
The members of Theta Chapter at DePauw U . had another exciting year with many philanthropic and community service events, writes Kristin Geiger.
Theta Chapter ranked second overall in scholarship during the fall semester while the fall pledge class ranked first among all pledge classes on campus.
Theta hosted a Rubber Ducky Derby for its fall arthritis fund raiser. Members sold rubber duckies and held the race on Bowman Pond a t an all-campus picnic. Members sold green carnations for St. Patrick's Day, and several members were involved in a project to clean up an ele- mentary school and a day care center in
Attention Chapter Reporters!
The next deadline for T o Dragma is July 1. The following chapters (listed by region) are scheduled to report on that date: Region I: Beta Tau, Chi, Delta; Region EL Delta Chi; Region III: Alpha Lambda, Chi Beta; Region IV : Alpha Psi, Beta Gamma, Beta Phi, Chi Lambda; Region V : Alpha Chi, Delta Omega; Region VI: Alpha Delta, Gamma Delta; Region VII: Alpha Theta, Beta Lambda, Iota; Region VIII: Chi Delta, Delta Alpha, Delta Pi; Region IX: Alpha Gamma, Alpha Phi; and Region X: Chi Alpha, Chi Psi, Delta Sigma. A new chapter report schedule will go into effect with the winter issue. This schedule will be sent to collegiate chapters in September.
To Dragma
were named to the Order of Omega. They are: Allison Allgier, Sue Bieschal, Krista Stuntz, Vicki Bullock, and Tammy Gee.
Epsilon Omega members enjoyed International President Barbara Hunt's visit on Founders' Day.
Omega Omicron Lambuth U.
Omega Omicron Chapter at Lambuth U . had an exciting fall semester and made quota with 24 pledges, reports Jennifer Sampson.
Chapter members participated in sev- eral events including a Halloween carnival for underprivileged children sponsored by Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society.
Chapter member Kellye Sullivan was crowned Miss Lambuth 1992 in November. She will compete in the Miss Tennessee Pageant. During the holidays chapter members volunteered to wrap gifts at a local mall with the proceeds going to the Arthritis Foundation. Fall social events included Bahama Bash, a pledge swap, a pig roast, and the pledge formal.
The spring semester began with the initiation o f 24 members. The chapter competed in a Spirit Competition during basketball season. Other spring events included the Second Annual M r . Greek Pageant, All-Sing, Greek Week, and the annual Parent and Faculty Tea.
Omega Omicron ended the year with the Rose Ball Formal and the announce- ment of the establishment of its first chapter house.
Tau Omega Transylvania U.
Members of the Tau Omega Chapter at Transylvania U. enjoyed a fun and pro- ductive year, Angie Hatcher reports.
During the fall semester Tau Omega sponsored several social events including a bid day picnic, a pledge retteat, a Halloween party, a formal, and the annu- al Christmas Party.
Members continued their sponsorship of an "adopted sister" in India and collect- ed Christmas gifts fot a family adopted through the Salvation Army. They won the Transylvania intramural volleyball championship and enjoyed a visit from Chapter Consultant Holly Eippert.
Spring semester began with the initia- tion of 23 members and a Founders' Day celebration with the Kappa Omega chap- ter in January.
Tau Omega celebrated its fifth anniversary on campus, and members invited the entire campus to a birthday dance. February events included a Valentine balloon and candy sale for Arthritis Research, Greek W eek, and the Presentation Ball.
Susan Marine was honored as the GreekWomanoftheYearandinducted into the Order of Omega along with Hanna Fistet. The chapter won the Panhellenic Scholarship Award for the highest initiate GPA. Missy Welch was elected the new Panhellenic President and also won the AOII Greek Spirit Award.
In March, T au Omega enjoyed a phil- anthropic/ chapter relations retreat. Members performed volunteer work for the Christian Appalachian Project and had a spaghetti dinner.
In April the chapter participated in the Super Cities Walk for Multiple Sclerosis Research and enjoyed the Rose Ball. Tau Omega finished offa successful school year with Big Sis Appreciation Week, Senior Send-Off Week, rush preparation and redecorating the chapter room.
Hanna Fister served as president of the Student Government Association, and Emily Satterwhite was its Student Life Chairman. Hanna was inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa, and Susan Marine served as its secretary. Gena Downey was chosen an NAIA Ail-American in diving. She will study in Russia next year. Emily Satterwhite received a scholarship to study in France for a semester. Jeanne Henzel
and Carla Cassada were in the spring the- ater production. Tara Crave and Amanda Walters were chosen for the Dance Team of which Joy Williams is captain. Dawn Flamm was inducted into the Spanish honorary.
Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
The Sigma Delta Chapter at Huntingdon College completed a success- ful year filled with many activities.
The fund raiser, Stick-up for Arthritis, raised money for Arthritis Research along with Ghoulie Grams sold by the pledges on Halloween.
Sigma Delta sponsoied a Spin-n- Splash booth at the Creative Fest for disabled children. Members sold Christmas cards to assist the March of Dimes, and they donated items to the Sunshine Center for abused women and children. Donations were also made to the Vietnam Vetetans and to families with members who served in the Persian Gulf War. A special community service project for the chapter involved members "adopt- ing" a needy family at Christmas. Sigma Delta presented the family with gifts, clothes, and a Christmas dinner. Members also participated in a walk-a-thon with proceeds being donated to a leukemia patient.
Lauren Olvey was named second run- ner-up in the Miss Huntingdon Pageant. Heather Andreae was third runner-up and Kay Tyndal was Miss Congeniality. Chapter President Kimberly Keefer was
Continued on next page
Summer 1992
Homecoming Queen. Other AOIIs on the Homecoming Court were Christa Boone, Martha Kay Tyndal, Mary Kay McGuffy, Lauren Olvey, Maryjayne Wells, and Heather Andreae.
Several members were elected to serve in the Student GovernmentAssociation. They are Jodi Thiel, LeAnn Holifield, Courtney Coker, Laura Hinds, Christa Boone, and Lauren McDowell.
J.B. Kendrick, Heather Andreae, Jodi Thiel, and Lauren Olvey were inducted into Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society. Kimberly Keefer and J.B. Kendrick were inducted into the T r i - Sigma Honor Society.
Zeta Pi
U. of Alabama-
The Zeta Pi Chapter at the U. of Alabama-Birmingham began a successful year and made quota for fall rush, reports Michelle Hardy.
During October the chapter held its annual Casino Night to raise money for Arthritis Research. The chapter placed first in the Homecoming float competi- tion and second in the spirit competition.
Members were honored to be host- esses at a dinner held to raise money for a boys' and girls' ranch. Oliver North was the speaker for the event. Zeta Pi helped host the Southeastern Panhellenic Conference which was held on campus.
Rita Bishnoi was elected Panhellenic treasurer. Anita Griffis, Lori Freeman, and Kelley Stallworth Blazer were selected cheerleaders. U.A.B. Ambassadors include Kathleen Graham, Valerie Lacy and Lacey Langston. Mary Elizabeth Smith and Sunny Wood are cheerleaders for the Birmingham Fire team of the World League of American Football.
Zeta Pi's spring philanthropic event was the annual male beauty contest, " A O n Queen." Proceeds from the event
go to Arthritis Research. Another spring event was a sisterhood retreat in Gulf Shores, Alabama.
RE oiorN V• I V
s 2-'
Upsilon Epsilon Parks College
The Upsilon Epsilon Chapter at Parks College began the year with a Labor Day float trip, Anita Ekman reports.
The chapter completed a successful pledge program during both the fall and spring semesters. Chapter members were involved in many activities. With the help of the mayor of Cahokia and the members of Kappa Delta Rho, chapter members hosted a Halloween party for children in the community. This event provided a safe place for trick-or-treating.
On campus, the chapter won second place in the table display contest during the Student Activities Fair and in the Alcohol Awareness W eek poster contest.
Spring events for Upsilon Epsilon included a special ceremony for graduat- ing seniors hosted by the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter, the fourth annual M r . Parks fund raiser, Rose Ball, and Illinois State Day.
Kappa Sigma Colony
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
The Kappa Sigma Colony at the U. of Wisconsin-River Falls has had an exciting beginning.
Colony members were honored by a visit from InternationalPresident Barbara Hunt who attended their colonization cer- emony. Members have been busy meeting the colony criteria with the support of Chapter Consultants Beth Kuchta and
Jen Gordon.
The colony members welcomed their
new adviser, Diane Lanphear.
Kappa Sigma was proud to receive
the Spirit Award at the campus Winter Carnival. This was a special honor for colony members because other campus organizations vote to select the award winner.
To Dragma
Delta Theta
Texas Woman's U.
The Delta Theta Chapter at Texas Woman's U.began asuccessfulsemester and met quota with 17 pledges, Paula Covington reports.
During the school year, Delta Theta participated in several social events includ- ing mixers with Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Alpha, and Delta Chi fraternities. Each fraternity is from the U . of North Texas.
Other events included a fashion show, Rose Ball, Sing Song with the members o f Delta Chi, a bid day party with Sigma Tau Gamma, and a pledge retreat.
Several members traveled to Southwest Texas U. in San Marcos for the installation of the Zeta Kappa Chapter. Delta Theta hosted a fashion show with Sigma Tau Gamma to raise money for Arthritis Research.
Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U.
The Sigma Omicron Chapter at Arkansas State U. began the semester with the initiation o f 28 members, Bridget Rentschler writes.
The fall pledge class had the highest GPA on campus for the fall semester.
Chapter members have been busy planning for rush and practicing new skits. Other spring events included the Mother/Daughter Banquet, a Spring Banquet, and the 43rd annual Songfest.
Other Greek organizations participated in this event which is the oldest philanthrop- ic event on the ASU campus.
Upsilon Lambda
U. of Texas-San Antonio
The Upsilon Lambda Chapter at the U. of Texas-San Antonio has been busy during the past year and welcomed 13 pledges during fall rush, reports Amy W augh.
Social events were held with Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, and Tau Kappa Epsilon. Members enjoyed their Chapter Consultant visit as well as trick- or-treating for Arthritis Research and helping the new Zeta Kappa Chapter with its first rush. The semester ended with the annual Christmas semi-formal.
Spring events included an off-campus mixer with Sigma Phi Epsilon from St.
Mary's U., an AOI1 Date Night, a visit from Regional Director Carolyn Wyatt, a chapter retreat, and spring rush. Upsilon Lambda hosted the first Bachelor Auction during the "Fiesta UTSA." Proceeds from the event went to Arthritis Research. Members also enjoyed playing the "Dating Game" with the members of Sigma Tau Gamma and a "Birthday Party" with Phi Delta Theta to celebrate that fraternity's anniversary on campus.
U. of Washington
The Upsilon Chapter at the U.of W ashington was busy with philanthropic events during the first two quarters of the
1991-1992 school year, reports Kari
The chapter reclaimed the first place
trophy in Pi Kappa Alpha's football tour- nament. Heather Boylan represented AOII in Delta Tau Delta's Miss Greek Pageant. Mary Sison was elected Panhellenic secretary.
Several members have been initiated into honor societies on campus. They are: Valerie Duncan, Megan Gillespie, Elena Castaneda, Tricia Yi, and Dianne Lueck, Order of Omega; and Celia Wilis and Valerie Duncan, Pi Omicron.
Social events included a Mother - Daughter Tea which featured a speaker from the Arthritis Foundation, Fathers' Night, and Rose Ball. Members enjoyed a visit with the Kappa Lambda Chapter.
Upsilon Lambda members pose during "Bestfest"at the U. of Texas-San Antonio Summer 1992
Continued on nextpage
Lambda Beta
U. of California-
Long Beach
The Lambda Beta Chapter at the U . of California-Long Beach has had an exciting spring semester, Julie Guerrini writes.
Lambda Beta members were excited about having three chapter members on the Homecoming Court. They were Andrea Miner, Kristie Macken, and Emily Powell. Miner was later crowned Homecoming Queen.
In October, Lambda Beta held its Third Annual AOFI Greek Row at Los Alamitos Bay in Long Beach. The event involved fraternities competing against each other in pie eating contests, rowing
Three Lambda Beta Chapter Members on the Homecoming Court at California State
U.-Long Beach are (from left) Emily Powell, Andrea Miner, and Kristie Macken. Andrea was the Homecoming Queen.
Upsilon Alpha U. of Arizona
Members of the Upsilon Alpha Chapter at the U. of Arizona had an excit- ing semester, reports Connie Arbogast. One of the highlights was a visit from International President Barbara Hunt.
The semester began with Spirit Week, Founders' Day, and the initiation of 24 members.
At the Tenth Annual Greek Awards, Upsilon Alpha received various honors including awards for friendly rushing, out- standing chapter involvement, and excellence in social programming. W endy Lorenzen was one of three finalists for Greek Woman of the Year. She was also named to Order of Omega. Upsilon Alpha's Chapter Adviser, Susan Duggins, was named Outstanding Chapter Adviser.
The chapter hosted its third annual Bed Races which had more than 20 entries. The event raised over $ 1000 for Arthritis Research.
Chapter members enjoyed many social events including a Valentine party, the U . of A. Spring Fling, and a western theme party. 4$
competitions and other activities. Chapter members participated in the
Arthritis Fun Run in December. Panhellenic Vice-President Andrea Miner was named Panhellenic Woman of the Year at the Panhellenic Awards Banquet. Heather Livermore was selected
Panhellenic secretary.
Lambda Beta hosted its first Casino Night and raised over $1000 for Arthritis Research. Spring events included the Rose Ball and Kaleidoscope, an annual event hosted by the university.
Lambda Beta members were proud to have the second highest CPA on campus.
At Upsilon Alpha's Founders' Day celebration, chapter members and International President Barbara Hunt took time for a photo. Thewomenare(fromleft):LiaNoyes,JenniferMcKee,LyraMcCoy,BarbaraHunt,MaryannGreene,DebraFoster,StephanieVan
Hoesen, and Amy Becker.
34 To Dragma
A gift to the A O n Foundation continues to be one of the best ways to honor or memorialize an A O n sister, friend, or family member. Honors are made to commemorate a significant happening in someone's life such as graduation, birthdays, anniversaries, or births. Contributions may be made to any of the Foundation's funds. The following honor/memorial gifts were received by the Foundation between July 1,1991 and March 31,1992.
Anne Allison, 0 '52
by Marianne Carton, Y '42,
Lamda lota AAC
Kyle Statton Arnold & Korey Morgan Arnold, sons of Jacqueline Atkinson Arnold
by Jacqueline Atkinson Arnold, PA '83 Ginger Banks, PIP TIK '68
by Robin Beltramini, I '69 Nancy H. Bettis, 0 '41
by Knoxville Convention Delegates Ann Wallace, 0 75
Ruth M. Brown,B0 '31
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Marianne Carton, Y '42
by Beryl E. Arbit, K6 '67
Ruth M. Brown, B0 '28
Mrs. Corrine Connors-Willets
by Betty Gordy Schulz, TO'64 Cassandra Corey,
daughter of Rosanne West Corey, B;\ '81
by Leslie Hopkins Wilt, B A'80 Lis Donalson's birthday, TA 79
by Elise Moss, TA 70 Foundation Board and Staff
by Jo Beth Heflin, UK '46
Founders Day
by Zeta Pi Chapter
Renda & Karen Greene, B P 79 & '80
by Jay D. & Nadine Greene Shirley Hastings, KB '50
by Whittier Area Panhellenic
Geraldine G. Babson, A '31 by Margaret McArdle, A '33
Beth R. Moran, A '29 Eunice Force Barked, A '30
by Mrs, Marie Benedict, 1 '36 Martha Boydstrum, 1 '27 Marianne Carton, Y '42
Ardith F. Carver, 2 '34
Linda A. Chesnut, E '82
Joyce Norwall Chesnut, AK '48 Mary Cullom, K8 '39
Dorothy R. Davis, I '34 Laura Bloom Doyle, AI '77
In Honor of:
Marion Force Haswell, 1 34
by Eunice Force Barkell, A '30
Stacey Hauersperger
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Pat Helland, P O '91
by Kappa Omicron Kellie Holland, P O '91
by Elise Moss, TA 70 Audrey Hopkins, Y '46
by Ruth M. Brown, B0 '28 Elaine Kennedy, AX 75
by Alpha Chi Chapter
Lambda Chi Chapter
by Lambda Chi Corporation
Kappa Omicron Chapter
by Lisa M. Brown, NB '83 Kerry Lockwood
by Wendy Hoke, PB'87 Jean H. Maroder, V'37
by Marianne Carton, Y '42 Nancy McCain, PIP, P '41
by Sandy Tomlinson, K P '62 EliseMoss,TA 70
by Robin Beltramini, I '69 Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter,
by Mabel Landis, XA '51
Karen Plasterer's baby girl, 4>Y 79 by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Ann Reynolds, NO 81
by Marianne Carton, Y'42
InRemembrance of:
Jane Duveneck, i '30
East Bay Alumnae Chapter Betty Weldgen Eddins, E '40 Dorothy Farrington, A '27
Jo Beth Heflin, Ilk '46 Marilyn Herman, Y '53 Frances Johnsson, A '27 Leah MacNeil, All '49
Ruth Narfi, S '27
Lila Chesnut O'Donnell, E 77 Barbara Pfitzer, I '35
San Mateo/San Francisco Alumnae Chapter Southern California Council
Ann Rinne, B * '43
by Beta Phi Chapter
Southwest Texas State, new colony
by Tricia Conover
The Ruby Fund Commitee
Jody Stoetzel's birthday, MA '87 by Wendy Hoke, PB '87
Tau Delta Chapter
by Elise Moss, TA 70 Reba S. Traber, Y '38
by North Orange Co. Alumnae Chapter
Reba and Arthur Traber's 50th Anniversary,
by Marie Holbrooke, B<t> '47 Olga Vatcher, A 19
by S. Orange Co. Alumnae Chapter Barbara Zipperian's new son, k k '80
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Peg Zywicki, RVP II, <I>B 76
by Region II ROC, RDs, Alumnae & Collegians
Summer 1992
The donation in honor of
Taylor, A '37 should have
credited to the San Diego Alumnae Chapter. The AOII Foundation regrets the error.
Gretchen Horst Bartlett, !1 '50 by Linda Fitzgerald,!! '50
Thompson N. Berdeen, husband, Millie Berdeen, P '33 by Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter
Bill and Margaret McArdle
Beth and Tom Moran
Leonora Berryhill
by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Mrs. Bondy
by N.W. Arkansas Alumnae Chapter Elinor Martin Brogden, A P '47
by Carol Wrausman Berwald, A P '47
for the 1991 Honors
List: Norma been
Memorials, Continued.....
La Vyrne Hanson Brown, X '52
by Evansville Tri State Alumnae Chapter
Alice Wessels Burllngame, Oil '26 by Nancy M. McCain, P '41
Frances Chappel, 8 * '44
fay Lois Zeigler Billig, 8 * '45
Raymond 0. Clutter,
husband ot Annamargaret Clutter, 6 '38
by Evansville Tri State Alumnae Chapter Robert Cofield, father of Angie Elkins, AK 76
by Theresa Davis, AK 7 7 Anna Dorsey Cooke, DA '24
by Hilda Micari, ST '38
Camille Triblehorn Crawford, NA '46
by Patti Peter Lingenberg, \ A '46
The Foundation's Honor/Memorial cards are expressions of love. Cards commemorating births, special achievements, anniversaries and memorial gifts are available at the Foundation office. If you would like the Foundation to send a card in recognition of your gift, please include the recipient or a family member's name and address.
Ruth Young Davis, 8 '29
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Norma Roberts, 8 '44
Mr. Deneke, father of Jo Ann Thompson, XA '54
by Evansville Tri State Alumnae Chapter Kay Demopolous
by the Rich Smith family Mary Dominick, 0 '30
by Mrs. Glenn Watts.O '51 Carolyn Piper Dorr, P '09
by Margaret D. Schutt, P'29 Elizabeth Drummond, KO 45
by Mary E. Walker, XB 70 Pauline P. Duke,
by W. Russell Duke, Jr. June Love Edmunds, 0 '44
by Carolyn M. Staley. 0'46 Margaret Smith Estes, 0 20
by Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter
The parents of Jean Gilbert, TIK '55 by Dallas Alumae Chapter
Frances Good, NO '22
by Carolyn M. Staley. 0 '46
Vernice Gustafson
by Mr. &Mrs.J. B. Taylor, T'51
Mrs. Jesse A. Gray. II 22
by Tulsa Alumnae Chapter
Eugene Gray
by Heline Bartig.H'35
Carolyn Huey Harris, Al '38 by AOn Executive Board
Beryl Arbit, K0 '67 Betty & Alvin Barge Mrs. Robert S. Barkell
Mr. & Mrs. John Barksdale, AS '40 Nancy H. Bettis, 0 '41
Lisa M. Brown, X B '83
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrus Butler
Judy Capita
Ann Chambliss
Cherokee Nines Ladies Golf Group Susan Choate, AX 74
Elizabeth Ray Christian. AS '40 Thomas & Helen B. Cooper
Harold & Betty Cropper
Lollie V. Davis
Joanne Earls, 2 * '66
Epsilon Chi
Dorothy Farrington, A '27
Mr. & Mrs. Loyd Florence
Martha Forsyth
Anna F. Girand
Pat Hardy, TS '57
Frances & Tommy Harrell
Jo Beth Heflin, UK '45
June D. Hodge, S '54
Eleanor B. Holtz, XB'58
Major J. & Mrs. G. Horney
Helen C. Huey
Helen E. Huey
Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Huey, Jr.
Frances H. Jackson
Miriam M. Joiner
Elizabeth J. Kennedy, KT '53 Lambda Sigma Chapter
Louise B. Leonard, AS '46
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Majors
Betty W. Maloney
Nancy Moyer McCain, P '41
Mary Hansuld Moore
Mimi C. Morris
Elise Moss, TA 70
Mary Lou Oppenheimer
Ida Mae Perry
Mary Rawlings Reese, TA '66
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Reid
Mary P. Robertson
Maurice C. Roe
Mary Louise Roller, All '33 Josephine Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Scott, AS '42 Under Snider
Valerie Spence
Margaret Spillane, AS 79
Mrs. E. M. Stubinger
Kay Sutherlin, 8 "57
Swanee Republican Women Martha Thompson
Patsy Thrasher, Z * '80
Ruth Estes Trager, AS '44 VA-Tidewater Aumnae Chapter Helen Waldrup
Pearl Weathers
Frances W. Welden
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Williams
Crissa Hawkins, I S '91
by Gamma Sigma Chapter
Pat Hardy, TS '57 Lambda Chi Chapter Omicron Chapter Region III
Malinda Sharp, O 79
Estelle Rae Herzog
by St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Helen Hesslin, mother of Harriet Hesslin Crum, 0 '54 by St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Elaine Wilkinson Howe, 8 * '48
by her Theta Psi pledge friends in Toledo
Grace Weeks Jory, S '08
by Margaret Jory Tracy, S '44
Philip Kappes, father of Rosemary Schwierjohn, I '69 by Phoenix Alumnae Chapter
Dick and Robin Beltramini Kerri Keith, TS'91
by Gamma Sigma Chapter Pat Hardy, rS '57 Lambda Chi Chapter Omicron Chapter Region III
Malinda Sharp, 79 Gladest King
by Jean King Brown, AT '46 San Jose Alumnae Chapter
Walter Kubritz, father of
Sandy Kubritz Tomlinson, KP '62
by Detroit North Suburban Alumnae Chapter Ruth Leichtamer, 8 * '45
by Alpha Psi Chapter
Lois Zeigler Billig, m '45
Janice A. Bowman, 8 * Dorothy Eberle, 0 * '45 Dorothy Farrington, A '27 Nancy M. McCain, P '41
Char Potter, B '54
Charlene Brown Potter, Br '54 Fudge Skaff, 8 * '48
Theta Psi Chapter Toledo Alumnae Chapter
Cookie Linebaugh, O '54
by Mrs. Glenn Watts, 0 '51
Loraine Granicher Lougee, A '42 by Norma Taylor, A '37
Esther McClellan Lundquist, P '20
by Evansville Tri State Alumnae Chapter
Mary Lib Lundeen, I '37
by Rockford Alumnae Chapter
Wanda Sabien, 0 '51 Don Mavis
by Muncie Alumnae Chapter Barbara & Larry Ottinger, K K '60
If there is a mistake in the way you are identified or if your name was omitted from the gift list, we apologize. Please help set the record straight by notifying the Foundation office.
Marilyn Mikesell. AS '50
by Baltimore Alumnae Chapter
Helen Bogosta Gilbert, X '39 Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter Pi Delta Corporation Board
Ruth Miller, mother of Judy Miller, BT '57 by Detroit N. Suburban Alumnae Chapter
To Dmgma
Memorials, Continued.....
John O'Brien
James C. Romine
by Ann Gilchrist, 8 '56
Jo Beth Heflin, 1IK '46 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kreke LoriMcCain,*Y 79
Kay Sutherlin, 0 '57
Anne Wilmes, X A 77
Jane Roberts Siemers, A '37 by Helene Bartig, A '35
Maxine Louise Smith
by Karen Morauski, <1>A '82 Marjorie Fay Somerville, Y '46 by Jo Ann Anderson, Y '46
Wilfred Sutton
by John & Margueriet Lloyd, M '50 Linda Best Terry, K 10
by Terry Quick, K'41
William Trott, husband of Ruth Trott, X A '51
by Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter Janice Trotter Turner, B O 43
by Carol Trotter Berkey, B* '47
Mary Van Roo, mother of Jane Crawley, XA '69
by Judith Flessner, I 76
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Helen Vollmer, N '13
by Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter
Gordon J . Wagner, husband of Doris Wagner, P '40 by Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter
Mary Elizabeth Douglas Walker, 41 by Betty Drummond, KO '45 Mellville Fridy Warren, XA '52
by Evansville Tri-State Alumnae Chapter Florence Elizabeth Weeks, 2 '07
by Margaret Jory Tracy, I '44 Joyce West, K6 '49
by Shirley Hastings, Kfc)'50 Barbara Rinehart, A B '69
Martha McKinney Wiihoite, 6 '32 by Pauline Megenity Hoey, 8 '35
Mary & Lee Hughbanks, 6 '32 Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Cloyd Julian, 6 '32 Lucile Klauser-Batell, 6 '32 Mr. & Mrs. George Olive, Jr. Norma Roberts, 8 '44
Adrian E. Wiihoite
Donations in memory of friends, sisters and loved ones may be sent to: AOH Foundation, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027.
hopes to award funding on these requests by June 30, 1992, the end of our fiscal year.
After her attendance at the Region III Chapter Adviser Training Workshop, Sue Mattern, Chapter Adviser for Delta Upsilon, wrote "Although I have been a chapter adviser for many years, I felt the weekend was very valuable. Our discussions, training sessions, networking, socializing, and getting to know each other better were all worthwhile...I would like to thank the Foundation for the support it was able to provide for this important endeavor."
This was the first year the Foundation has made grants available to our regions, but it certainly will not be the last. As the needs of our local alumnae and collegiate chapters grow, the Fraternity will continue to encourage more creative programming in the regions. S
by Sigma Corporation Board
Dan M. Ogelsby, father of June Ogeisby Rogers
by June Ogelsby Rogers
Howard Allan Paine, father of Crystal Compese, XA '62
by Sigma Phi Chapter
Sigma Phi Corporation Board
Father of Barbara Patroulis, H t 58 by Beta Omicron Chapter of
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Florence Boyd Pelton, V 47
by Jo Ann Anderson, Y '46 Elizabeth Barrows Pendleton, F '30
by Evelyn G. Rawson, F '30 Virginia Dean Phillips, 8 '44
by Harriet Crum, (-) '45 Barbara Reddick. 0 '42
by Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter Margaret Scott Reeves, \<t> '29
by Julies Reeves Johnson Lucy Reif
by Fudge Skaff, 8 * '48
Ida Reitz, mother of Toni Reitz, XA '51
by Evansville Tri State Alumnae Chapter Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kreke
Anne L. Rinne, B* 43
by Ruth M Brown, B0 '31
Foundation funds regional training grants
By Mary McCammon Williams
Phi (U. of Kansas)
Vice President/Operations
Since the early 1980s, the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation has provided grants to the Fraternity to partially fund educational programs to train the volunteer leaders of Alpha Omicron Pi. This training was instrumental in their success as they assisted our chapters throughout the United States and Canada. Through educational training held at AOII Headquarters, thousands of sisters were able to benefit indirectly from this training.
In order to branch out and touch more sisters directly, the AOFI Foundation and the Fraternity decided to encourage regional personnel to develop and implement their own programs. The Foundation set aside
$5,000 for the 1991-92 fiscal year and made that available to regions wishing to offer additional training or educational programs to alumnae and collegians.
Several regions have accepted the Foundation's offer. Both Regions X and III, through their respective vice presidents, Barbara Rinehart and JoAnn Earls, requested and received grants for a chapter adviser training workshop. Region I , under the leadership of Jan Slagowski, received a grant for a "Spirit W eekend" where collegians and alumnae were brought together for a weekend in October. Region II was granted funding for the project "Women as Leaders in the 90s."
Due to Internal Revenue Service regulations, the Foundation is only able to provide funding for the educational portion of these programs.
Grant applications from other regions are under discussion, and the Foundation
Summer 1992
Hopkinsville, KY
The Hopkinsville (KY) Area Alumnae Chapter had another busy year, reports Carrie Joy Brookshire, Omicron (U. of Tennessee, Knoxville).
Chapter members met last summer for their annual MIF meeting and prepared MIFs for collegiate chapters. Their efforts paid off with numerous pledges from the group's three-county area.
In December chapter members attended the annual Panhellenic Christmas luncheon. The January meeting was a brunch at the home of Susan Ahart, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.). Plans for the year were made and officers were elected. A chapter goal for the year is to continue sup- porting the Delta Omega Chapter at Murray State U.
Macomb County
Macomb County Alumnae Chapter was the hostess for Detroit Area Founders' Day last April, reports Nancy Moyer McCain. Sixty-four AOUs, representing 20 collegiate chapters, came from Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana for the cele- bration at Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. The guest of honor was International President Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee). Her comments explained changes in the realm of higher education and the challenges they pose for National Panhellenic Conference groups. Barbara also spoke of these new directions with respect to AOIL
Five regional officers attended this annual affair: Region IV Vice President Ann Gilchrist, Theta (DePauw U.); Regional Finance Officer Rebecca (Becki) Bair, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo); and three Regional Directors, Sandee Burns, Kappa Pi (Ohio Northern U.); Michaela (Kayla) Roloff, Zeta (U. of Nebraska); and Roberta (Robbi) Peterson, Kappa Rho (Western Michigan U.).
Guests also included advisers from two collegiate chapters, Omicron Pi's Nancy Aupperle, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), and Kappa Rho's Jean Hawley, Theta
(DePauw U.). Thirteen Beta Pi (Eastern Michigan U.) alumnae began their reunion by attending the Founders' Day gathering.
In recognition of Past International President Nancy McCain's 50 years of membership in AOI1, her Macomb County alumnae sisters arranged a shower of cards, greetings, and mementoes from AOFIs far and near. The Macomb County Alumnae Chapter also announced its contribution to the AOI1 Archives for which Nancy serves as an archivist.
"I was totally surprised and deeply touched by these kindnesses," Nancy said.
Macomb County Alumnae Chapter President Mary Lou KierdorffSloss, right, Omicron Pi (U. of Michigan), pre- sents five roses - onefor each decade ofAOII membership - to Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), at the Detroit Area Founders' Day celebration.
To Dragma
Following the lun-
cheon, those attending had time to visit with each other before the Ohio AOFIs, Barbara Hunt, and the regional officers departed for Bowling Green University and the dedication of Alpha Psi's new chapter house.
Minneapolis!St. Paul
The Minneapolis/St. Paul Alumnae Chapter had a busy fall, reports Chris Berquist.
In October, the chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary at the annual Founders' Day luncheon at the Lafayette Club in Minnetonka Beach. In November, chap- ter members hosted the Tau Chapter pledges and their parents for a potluck brunch at the Tau Chapter House.
Chapter members are organizing a membership drive. If you are coming to a meeting, call another alumna in your area (or someone you knew from college) and bring one prospective new member with you to each meeting. If you are interested in coming to a meeting or volunteering your time, call Debbie Sit, chapter presi- dent, at 835-4471.
Becky Cook Rector reports that the members of the Muncie Alumnae Chapter focused on helping the commu- nity during the past year.
Since their last report, they have held a special banquet for the Kappa Kappa Chapter (Ball State U.) seniors to welcome them into alumnae status. To help sup- port Panhellenic unity, chapter members invited area alumnae of other sororities to attend a meeting on "Stress Management." Chapter members donat- ed stuffed bears to the Indiana State Police Youth Services "Teddy Bear Program" for traumatized children.
On December 8, Stella Perry's birth- day and International Badge Day, Muncie alumnae joined Kappa Kappa Chapter members for a Founders' Day celebration. Norma Cary Janeway, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), was awarded the Alumnae Certificate of Honor. Don Mikesell, hus- band of Carolann Laskowski Mikesell, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U), was honored for his commitment to the Muncie Continued on nextpage
Muncie Alumnae Chapter members are pictured at the Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.) Pledge Dance lastJanuary. They are (from left): Linda Burzcak Gibson with husband Dennis, Becky Cook Rector with husband Tom, Randi Shields Carmichael with hus- band Bruce, and Becky Shipley Ziga with husband Mike.
Julie Zimmer has organized an "alum chum" program which pairs each new pledge with a Nashville alumna. Alumnae members look forward to shar- ing the special bond of AOII sisterhood with the pledges.
Oklahoma City
The Oklahoma City Alumnae Chapter has been busy this past year, reports Mary Westendorf Higginbottom.
In November, the members met for a Christmas crafts demonstration to learn to make gift bags. Founders' Day was cel- ebrated with a potluck salad buffet in December. Four 50-year members were honored, and the mothers of area colle- gians were special guests.
In January, chapter members brought their "significant others" as guests to a gourmet dinner. Each member prepared a part of the meal. At the spring business meeting in March, a Ritual was held and final exam "care packages" were prepared for AOII collegians. A pool party for members and collegians is planned for the summer.
Holly Thibault Morgan reports that the Omaha Alumnae Chapter had a busy and successful year which began with a "Bring a salad and an AOII friend sup- per." At that meeting, Chapter President Ann Jones shared Convention highlights.
In October, chapter members and their spouses enjoyed a tour of the
Ann Jones, left, president of the Omaha Alumnae Chapter, is pictured with Sharla Walters, vice president of mem- bership, at the chapter's Founders' Day luncheon.
Continued on nextpage
Alumnae Chapter.
Nancy Juett Campbell, Kappa Kappa
(Ball State U.), presented the November program on gift wrapping. Gifts were brought to the meeting and given to the Mental Health Gift Lift Program for Delaware County.
Area residents may have seen AOlls on television in November as alumnae and collegians from the Kappa Kappa Chapter volunteered their help with the annual Muncie WIPES Telesale.
In October, red "Just Say No to Drugs" ribbons were worn and shared with pledges at a reception for them in the Kappa Kappa suite. Alumnae shared some of their personal AOI1 stories from their past with the pledges.
Jane McCormick reports that rhe Nashville Alumnae Chapter began its 1991-92 year with a potluck dinner at the home of Patsy Anderson, Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.). Fifty new and old members gathered to catch up on summer experiences and to hear what was planned for the coming season.
In November, Mary Jo Vaiilancourt hosted the group at her unusual gift store, "The Mole Hole," and showed everyone Christmas gift and decorating ideas.
Collegians and alumnae celebrated Founders' Day together at the Vanderbilt Stadium Club. Fifty-year member Millie Milam Murphy was given special recognition. Following a buffet brunch, collegians modeled holi- day fashions.
Early January kept chapter members busy with behind-the-scene assistance with Vanderbilt's rush. Long hours and late nights were experienced, particularly by Patsy Anderson and Dottie Leek. Their reward was a successful rush and an outstanding Nu Omicron pledge class.
In April, the chapter once again sold survival baskets to the parents ofNu Omicron chapter members. These bas- kets contain donated goods and their sale has become a major fund raiser for the alumnae chapter. The baskets are deliv- ered to the collegians during their spring exams.
Past N u Omicron Chapter President
Nashville Alumnae Chapter Co- Presidents Katie Burt, left, and Lisa Sessions, right, are pictured with Millie Milam Murphy, 50-year member who was honored at the chapter's Founders' Day celebration in December.
Summer 1992
Strategic Air Command base. Winter fund raisers included a crafts and holiday auction for the benefit of "Make-a-Wish," and rhe sale of "Pleasure Pacs" to benefit the chapter treasury and Arthritis Research. Julie Thompson and Teresa Heider, membership educators, con- tributed to the success of the annual Founders' Day luncheon. Chapter mem- bers enjoyed a slide presentation from the Zeta Chapter at the U. of Nebraska and a candle lighting ceremony.
Spring events included make-overs, the initiation of new officers, and an evening spent visiting the residents of a retirement home. New alumnae were welcomed inro rhe chaprer ar a brunch in
"Going once, going twice, sold!" Lisa A. Kula writes that this is how the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter raised over S100 last fall. Approximately 15 members met for an evening of desserts and bidding at the Dessertery in Greensboro, North Carolina.
"The annual Christmas Ornament Auction was a great success for our group," said Beverley Gass, chapter president.
In January, chapter members wel- comed Region III Vice President Joann Earles to Elon College for a Region III Leadership Conference planning session. In March the group met for dinner at the American Accents Restaurant in Greensboro. In April, chapter members checked out the hotel for the Region III Leadership Conference and did a taste test of some of the meal possibilities. They are looking forward to working with the Triangle Alumnae Chapter and all the chapters in Region I I I on the 1992 Leadership Conference. Chapter members are honored to have International President Barbara Hunt at the Region III Leadership Conference.
Chapter members met at Jane Pate V ondy's house in Burlington in May for a picnic and a view of hot air balloons as they flew over her yard in preparation for the
1992 Alamance Balloon Festival.
Members of the Rockford (Illinois) Area Alumnae Chapter had a busy but enjoyable year, reports Sheri O n Clay. In September, chapter members enjoyed a history and demonstration of antiques by Marion Atten, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U.). Marion gained her knowl- edge through her antique business.
In October, chapter members attend- ed the Rockford Alumnae Panhellenic dinner. The November event was a frater- nity education night. Members teamed up to be tested on their knowledge of past and present AOI1 facts. The chapter's annual Christmas potluck dinner was held in December, and Founders' Day was cel- ebrated with a luncheon and Ritual in January.
In March, the chapter joined with the local Alpha Phi Alumnae Group for a
"Pampered Chef demonstration and sale of unique kitchen and cooking products. A percentage of the sales went to philan- thropy. March ended with the Panhellenic "Woman of the Year" brunch. A "Bunny Breakfast" was held in April for area chil- dren. The chapter ended its year in May with its couples party at which spouses and dates were inducted into the "IIOA" fraternity.
San Antonio
Beth Herford reports that members of the San Antonio Alumnae Chapter have enjoyed assisting with the colonization and installation of the new Zeta Kappa Chapter at Southwest Texas State U . in San Marcos, Texas. The chapter was installed on April 4.
The excitement surrounding the installation o f Zeta Kappa has generated increased interest in the alumnae chapter, which is currendy being reorganized. The chapter officers will be contacting area alumnae this summer with the initial plans for reorganization. The committee working on the project would like to hear from any A01I who has ideas or sugges- tions. Please contact Elizabeth Langer at (512) 647-0744 if you have suggestions or if you would like to be part of the reorga- nization committee.
Sarasota Area
The Sarasota (Florida) Area Alumnae Chapter hosted a Founders' Day lun- cheon for much of Florida's AOI1 population on January 11, 1992, at Bradenton's Tara Country Club, reports Mary Lou Huber. Many collegians from the Gamma Theta Chapter (U. of South Florida) attended and entertained with a rush skit. Founders' Day awards were pre- sented by the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter and the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter. Marion Clouse presented the Greater Pinellas awards to Betty Dyer and Betsy Smith. Joan Priest presented the Sarasota awards to Sharon Newberger, Lori Goede, and Hope LeBlanc. Fifty-year member Jewel Lawrence was recognized and a framed photograph of the Founders was presented to Kappa Gamma Chapter (Florida Southern College) by the Sarasota
Area Alumnae Chapter. Sharon New-
Orlando Area Alumnae
President Marty Harrison, center, and Philanthropic Chairman Lisa Larglois, right, receive a plaque from the local Arthritis Foundation in
appreciation of the chapter's donation.
Orlando Area
At a fashion show luncheon, the Orlando Area Alumnae Chapter raised $500 which was donated to the Florida Arthritis Association, reports Priscilla Cole. In appreciation, members of the Florida Arthritis Association presented a plaque honoring the alumnae chapter.
Founders' Day was celebrated at Orlando's colorful Church Street Station, which was an appropriate location for a nostalgic luncheon. Jane Marker Snook, Alpha Omicron (Louisiana State U.) and Margery Brown, Alpha Phi (Montana State U.), were honored as 50-year mem- bersof Aon.
To Dragma
berger and Joann Kerekes were given roses by members of the Sarasota Area Alumnae Chapter in appreciation of their work in starting the chapter two years ago. Mary McCammon Williams, International Vice President/Operations, was the guest speaker. The day ended with the roll call of chapters and the traditional friendship song.
The Shreveport-Bossier City Alumnae Chapter began the year with its tradition- al "get acquainted" dinner, reports Mary Ann V an Osdell, Alpha Omicron (Louisiana State U.). Chapter President Terri Marshall shared highlights of the Convention.
In October, chapter members assem- bled Halloween trick or treat bags for collegians at Lambda Tau Chapter (Northeast Louisiana U.). At the November meeting, chapter members made Christmas angel ornaments. Founders' Day was celebrated at a local restaurant, and V alentine's Day was cele- brated early with a wine and cheese party with spouses and dates.
Several members names were featured in the local newspaper as test drivers for the automotive editor who happens to be an AOII. At the March meeting, the AOII Centennial was discussed. The chapter president said that she had spoken with several members of the Chi Sigma Chapter at Centenary College to record their memories.
A barbecue was held in May to wel- come area collegians home for the summer.
South Bay/Palos Verdes
A lively and enjoyable mixture of events from ice skating to whale watching filled the 1991 agenda of the South Bay/Palos Verdes Alumnae Chapter, reports Diane M. Ver Steeg.
The chapter started off the year with a "nutritional" meeting featuring a regis- tered dietitian whose topic was "Healthier Eating." Other programs included ice skating and handwriting analysis. A t another meeting, an image consultant advised members about color and wardrobe planning. In December, many
members participated in the Jingle Bell Run, from which the proceeds went to Arthritis Research.
As a "kick off' for 1992, the chapter held a "Silent Tea." Letters were sent with a tea bag and a poem enclosed to all local alumnae inviting them to share the tea and poem with a friend and to make a dona- tion to Arthritis Research. The February meeting was an evening of wine tasting. Chapter members joined hundreds o f other local AOIIs to share in the celebra- tion of Founders' Day. The March meeting was a Ritual and election of offi- cers. Whale watching provided an entertaining Saturday evenr. Chapter members also attended the Panhellenic "Dollars for Scholars" luncheon.
Southern Orange County
It has been another banner year for the sisters of the Southern Orange County Alumnae Chapter, reports Katie Alkire.
The year began with the annual pot luck dinner held at the home of Mary Lee Schwalbe. The biggest fund raising event was the annual Holiday Boutique which raised over $4,000. For the first time, this was held on a Saturday afternoon in November. Guests lunched on quiche, fresh fruit salad, and homemade muffins while they bid on handcrafted items. Most of the items sold were made by chapter members at workshop meetings during the summer and early fall. Pat O'Dell was the chairman of this successful event.
Chapter members donned their favorite party hats at a celebration of Olga Vatcher's 90th birthday on November 6th. They toasted Olga for her contribu- tions to AOII throughout her lifetime. In December, chapter members celebrated with a Christmas party hosted by Blanche Chilcote.
At the Founders' Day celebration in February, Chapter President P.J. Bedgood recognized various members for their hard work and dedication to the chapter. Pat O'Dell received the Ruth McFadden award which is given to the member best exemplifying the AOII ideals of loyalty, service, and sisterhood. The AOII Appreciation award was given to Blanche Chilcote and Shirley Fritzler. The President's Recognition award went to Colalie Katch as the member best repre- senting AOII to others through her enthusiasm and loyalty.
In May, the chapter joined other local alumnae chapters to honor the seniors of the Lambda Beta Chapter (Cal State U., Long Beach). The year ended with the chapter's second annual beach party in June.
Southern Connecticut
The Southern Connecticut Alumnae Chapter has been working hard to expand its membership, reports Karen Lyons. Different sisters have coordinated both business and pleasure "get togethers" to help every member get acquainted. Continued on nextpage
Summer 1992
Members of the Southern Connecticut Alumnae Chapter are pictured at their Founders' Day luncheon.
Susan Story, Region I Director, visit- ed the chapter in the fall and participated in Ritual. She returned in December to help celebrate Founders' Day, which was coordinated by Norma Lewis. Susan gave an inspiring speech about the four Founders and Ritual. Karen Steeg was the auctioneer as members bid on items to raise money for philanthropy. The high- light of the luncheon was when Chapter President Linda McLaughlin presented Jean Fuller with her first AOFI badge. This was the first time since Jean's initia- tion in 1937 that she could join her sisters in wearing her very own badge on Founders' Day.
Janet Johns helped organize the Fairfield County Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarship Benefit which was held at the Ethan Allen store.
Ruth Linuna from the Arthritis Foundation was the guest speaker at the April meeting. The June meeting was the annual AOri-IIOA Pot Luck Picnic.
St. Louis
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter has been busy this year. Founders' Day was celebrated in January at Cartier's in Kirkwood.
At the February meeting, chapter members enjoyed seeing original slides from the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. Harriet Crum was the hostess.
Michelle Totra was the hostess for the March meeting which featured a program on cake decorating. In April, the annual salad supper and Ritual was held. Rose Lee Summer was the hostess. A day at the races at Fairmont Park was held in June.
Tampa Bay
Valerie Whorton reports that the Tampa Bay Alumnae Chapter had the highest membership in recent history this year and that attendance has been great at the meetings.
The chapter had a successful fund raiser last fall with its "Make it, bake it, grow it, sew it" event. Chapter members decorated a tree at the Festival of Trees. The tree was decorated with a Tampa Bay theme in gold and silver.
Founders' Day was celebrated with the Greater Pinellas Alumnae Chapter and the new Sarasota Alumnae Chapter. Collegians from the Gamma Theta Chapter (U. of South Florida) also attended.
Valentine's Day was celebrated with a cookie exchange. Husbands and families were invited to final meetings of the year, the Kentucky Derby Party and a croquet and pool party.
Terre Haute
The Terre Haute Alumnae Chapter is proud of its 15 young women from the Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Kappa, and Phi Upsilon Chapters that are taking an active role in chapter affairs, reports Jo Ann Bohn Gibbons.
(Jo Ann was substituting for Carol Oxford Wetherell who was busy with her new baby daughter.)
More than 20 chapter members assist- ed the Kappa Alpha Chapter (Indiana State U.) with fall rush. In October, Suzanne Atkinson Helt chaired a meeting held at the Farrington House Restaurant which is owned by Suzanne and her hus- band. The restaurant is located in a 19th century mansion. Shelley Johns and Kay Gibbons organized the November "Talent Auction for Arthritis" at which many beautiful items designed by mem-
bers were sold.
Kay Hansen Sutherlin braved cold
December weather to be the guest speaker at the chapter's Founders' Day Dessert. Chapter members enjoyed having an "International AOIT Celebrity" share her expertise with collegians and alumnae. Kathleen Tomlinson Maxwell, chairman of the event, was assisted by her daughter, Tiffany Maxwell, Kappa Alpha collegiate chairman. Kathleen is the Pledge Adviser for Kappa Alpha Chapter, and Tiffany is the Kappa Alpha Philanthropic Officer. Certificate of Honor recipients were Carol Oxford W etherell and Carol Shonfield Modesitt. Glenna Hammond Timmons, Chapter Adviser for Kappa Alpha, was presented with a Rose Batik.
An AOFI Birthday Bash was held at the home of Jeanine Kimmerle McGuire, and those attending enjoyed a heart shaped cake decorated with red roses. Betty Talbot Sontag was in charge.
Mary Ann Gauer Clark and Debbie Williams Thompson made the Valentine Brunch at Larry Bird's Boston Connection quite a festive event with favors and candies in red containers for each person present. Larry's wife Dinah is from Kappa Alpha Chapter. A reception for the 1991 pledges was held at Jane Barr Kohr's home.
Triangle Area Alumnae Chapter members, from left, Valerie Daye, Cathy Thompson Rockermann, Carol Dover, Christy Petersen, and Anne Leach display some of the exam survival kits they sold to raisefiendsfor philanthropy.
To Dragma
Members of the Toledo Alumnae Chapter recently gathered at the Toledo Museum of Art for a luncheon and a tour of the newly renovated galleries. It was the perfect setting to renew old friendships and meet new sisters.
Plans for the spring were discussed at the brief meeting which followed the lun- cheon. Alumnae were invited to the initiation of new collegiate members of Theta Psi Chapter at the U . of Toledo. The alumnae had become "mums" to the pledges earlier in the school year. Each "alum mum" then had the pleasure ofsee- ing her pledge become an initiated member.
Future plans include visiting the colle- gians at the Theta Psi Chapter (U. of Toledo) and the Alpha Psi Chapter (Bowling Green State U.) to welcome the seniors into alumnae status.
The Topeka-Lawrence alumnae spent their year celebrating the "Decades of AOII," reports Karen Basey.
Each month the members who had been initiated in a certain decade were honored. Chapter members began with the 1980s and worked back to the 1940s. The chapter is looking forward to adding the 1990s.
Triangle Area
The Triangle Area (North Carolina) Alumnae Chapter has enjoyed another year o f sisterhood, philan- thropy, and fun, reports Cathy Thompson Rockermann, Delta Upsilon (Duke U.).
Chapter members
and their families attended a Durham
Bulls baseball game in
August. In September,
the chapter had a "Welcome Back" party
where members shared
stories of their summer vacations.
Chapter members continued their involvement with the collegians of Delta Upsilon Chapter at Duke U. by celebrat- ing Founders' Day together. They also entertained the pledges and new initiates of Delta Upsilon with study breaks in the spring and fall. In April, chapter members hosted the Delta Upsilon seniors at a pot luck dinner to welcome them into alum- nae status.
The chapter raised money for AOII philanthropies through the annual holiday craft auction in December and the sale of exam survival kits in December and April.
Throughout the year, chapter mem- bers met with the members of the Piedmont Alumnae Chapter ro plan the 1992 Leadership Conference for Region III. Christina Robison, Delta Upsilon (Duke U ) , is the assistant chairman of the Leadership Conference.
One of the highlights of the year for the Tulsa Alumnae Chapter was the annu- al meeting to benefit the Domestic Violence Intervention Service, reports Mary Peterson. Chapter members brought household items to donate to the program.
A guest speaker from the Eldercare program of St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church told those attending that few peo- ple are aware of the need for eldercare. There are also few facilities for eldercare. She said that there are only a little over 2,000 eldercare programs in the United States.
Ventura County
Candy Driscoll and Dorothy Robinson of the Ventura County Alumnae Chapter received the Lucille Curtis English Award from the Southern California Council in recognition of out- standing service to the council and to their chapter, reports Joan Neckerman.
The award was presented at the Southern California Founders' Day lun- cheon by Nancy Griffiths, the 1991
Continued on nextpage
Candy Drisco11, left, and Dorothy Robinson, right, both mem- bers of the Ventura County Alumnae Chapter, were the winners of the Lucille Curtis English Award. The award was
presented at the Southern California Council's Founders' Day celebration by Nancy Griffiths, center, lastyear's winner.
Tulsa Alumnae Chapter members, from left, Carol Barrow, Mary Peterson, Mary Martin, Karen Ravenscroft, and Mary Frances Underwood arepictured with the house- hold items the chapter donated to the local Domestic Violence Intervention Service.
Summer 1992
recipient of the award and the current chapter president. Candy and her husband Russ were also named as the chapter's Certificate of Honor service award winners.
Fall events included a salad luncheon and a successful fund raising garage sale. A November highlight was the return of the "Van Man" with his truckload of clothing from the Los Angeles garment district. Fitting rooms were set up at the home of Cindy Krol. A percentage of the sale proceeds goes to the chapter treasury.
The traditional Christmas ornament and cookie exchange was followed by a "Ladies Night Out" dinner meeting at a local restaurant and a potluck dinner for husbands and friends.
A crafts meeting, a shopping and lun- cheon trip to Solvang, a games night meeting, and a pool side barbecue rounded out the year's schedule. At each meeting, members brought items to donate to Manna, a local facility for the homeless.
Virginia Tidewater
The Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter members enjoy a 12 month schedule of activities, including events planned for June, July, and August, as well as the regular September through May meetings.
Cynthia Sidner, Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U.), serves on the local Arthritis Foundation Board of Directors and keeps the alumnae chapter members involved. This year they will work with the area Arthritis Telethon. In addition, they will be part of a new mini grand prix fund rais- er for the Arthritis Foundation during Labor Day weekend. Cathy Davis, Gamma Omicron (U. of Florida) and Patsy Willis Thrasher and Alice Martin Virga, both Zeta Psi (East Carolina U.), chaired a great Panhellenic swap. The chapter hosted Alpha Sigma Tau and Alpha Xi Delta at a Units fashion show. Cathy is the chapter's Panhellenic delegate.
Chapter members enjoyed a visit from Joanne Earls, Zeta Psi (East Carolina U.), Region III Vice President, at the group's Founders' Day meeting. Joanne was the guest speaker.
Chapter members are proud of Kathy Hume Am, Theta Pi (Wagner College), who is doing an excellent job as the Region III Alumnae Director.
The Wilmington Alum- nae Chapter celebrated Founders' Day in December with a buffet luncheon at the Hunters Den near Newark. Chapter President Judy Upsure presented red roses to those members who had been in the group when it was char- tered. Elizabeth Strong Miller, Psi (U. of Pennsylvania), was presented with her 50-year pin. An exchange of Christ- mas ornaments was held at the end of the afternoon, and the meeting closed with Ritual.
Chapter members joined with the local Chi Omega Alumnae Chapter to plan the annual Wilmington Alumnae Panhellenic Spring Luncheon which was held in April at the Wilmington University and Whist Club. Members from
12 local sorority alumnae
groups attended. The enter-
tainment was a fashion show with Panhellenic members serving as models. A special guest at the luncheon was Harriett Macht, chairman of the National Panhel- lenic Conference.
(U. of Delaware) were entertained at the home of Elizabeth Miller in May, at which time they were inducted into alum- nae status. Chapter members attended the 20th anniversary celebration of the Delta Chi chapter in May. S
The seniors of the Delta Chi Chapter
Patsy Thrasher, right, gets the final touches to her outfit as she prepares to model at the Panhellenic Swap fash- ion show hosted by the Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma
Fifty-year members honored recently at the Philadelphia Alumnae Chapter's Founders' Day luncheon were (from left) Mary Helmkamp Young, Omega (Miami U.); Shirley Clemens Cruise, Janet Forchetti Fabii, and Lorraine Clayton Caywood all from Psi (U. ofPennsylvania).
From Our Readers:
Doctor praises AIDS article, statement..
To the editor:
I look forward to reading each issue of
To Dragma. I was particularly impressed with the spring 1992 issue because of the article about AIDS. The article was extremely well done and answers a lot of questions. The Alpha Omicron Pi state- ment regarding the AIDS virus is excellent and makes me proud to be an alumna. Since my graduationfrom Penn State.. .1 have become heavily involved in the care of patients with AIDS. Thus far> I have taken care of-over 700 patients with AIDS, including 50 women. Review of these patients' stories confirms the need for edu- cation concerning protection of each one of usfrom this dreaded viral epidemic illness.
I almost never write letters to an editor, but feel so strongly about the issue that Ifelt you needed a big congratulations for the quality of the article and to let you know how proud I am to be an alumna of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Kristen Ries, M.D., FAC.P., Epsilon Alpha (Penn State U.)
Editors note: Dr. Ries was the Notable in the winter 1988 issue of To Dragma.
To the editor:
I wish to commend you for the infor-
mative and compassionate article on AIDS. Although some individuals consider such knowledge offensive, insufficient knowledge about AIDS is deadly.
Randy Harris
Upsilon (U. ofWashington)
To the editor
. I justfinishedreading your Spring 1992
edition of To Dragma. I was very pleased to see the article on AIDS. I believe that we must take every opportunity to educate our
sisters andfriendsabout the deadly dangers of this disease.
The best part ofthe article you present- ed was the sorority "Statement Regarding the Aids Virus." I am very proud to be asso- ciated with an organization which takes such a compassionate, educated stand. While the stigma associated with AIDS has probably been lessened somewhat with the public statements by Magic Johnson and others, the mention of the disease still cre- ates hysteria in some circles. Thank you for taking a strong ppsition on behalf of AOII.
Joni Ramsay
Sigma (U. of California-Berkeley)
Likes new chapter headings, cover...
To the editor:
Just a note to commend you on what I
feel is an excellent spring issue. I always look at thingsfrom an artist's point of view and this by far is your best work design-wise. I think the redesign of die "Collegiate Chap- ter News" section is much easier to follow. Your "Continuing Involvement" section was unique and well organized. Great cover! Once again - great job!
Heather Dewey Lock
Delta Alpha (U. of Missouri -Columbia)
Touched by Laura Burcham's article...
To the editor:
Whereas I am always pleased to receive
my To Dragma, the spring 1992 issue was a special treat for me.. .1 was touched to read Laura Burcham's article, for she was the Regional Director for my chapter. She was a very special person not only to me, but to my chapter as well. Laura taught us a lot about sisterhood and the meaning of AOII while she was our Regional Director. I am glad to see that the support and love of
AOII never stops, in fact it only grows stronger in times of pain. When I read arti- cles like the one Laura wrote, they only serve to renew my strength and love for AOII, and I see now that sisterhood does not end with graduation.
Angela Davidson
Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State U.)
Alumna says "thanks" for Ruby Fund help...
To all my sisters of AOII,
My heart and hugs go out to you. Here
I sit happy, healthier and deeply apprecia- tive ofthe money sentfromthe Ruby Fund.
Eight months ago my life was forever altered by ovarian cancer. I'm alive today because I paid attention to my body's sig- nals. . . The love and prayerful support of my AOII sisters here in the Denver area helped me in my recuperation! The Ruby Fund and the generosity of each one of you made my mountain of bills and day to day living more reasonable.
I have two requests of you. The first is to take care of yourself. I'm only 29 and without experiencing severe abdominal pain, this "sneaky cancer" could have taken over my body. Ovarian cancer strikes approximately 22,000 women annually! And while it strikes most often in women over 40, it's our responsibility to pay close attention to our bodies. Regular pelvic examinations, PAP smears, and good rap- port with your doctor are keys to staying healthy. Secondly, please contribute to the Ruby Fund.
Please call or write if I may assist by answering questions, making referrals, or just to share your concerns.
E. Allison Brown,
Chi Delta (U. of Colorado) 1630 30th St. #211 Boulder, CO 80301 (303)581-0869
Summer 1992
Did YouKnow f ...newsjiwi thewoddofAOII o
Adviser award...
Judith H.Jolly, Lambda Sigma(U. of Georgia), received the prestigious Dis- tinguished Newspaper Adviser award from College Media Advisers, Inc., a national organization of college/universi- ty media advisers. The award was pre- sented last November 3 at the group's convention in Denver, Colorado.
Judith was honored for her work with the Talon, the student newspaper at Tallahassee Community College. The
Talon is considered one of the top two- year college student newspapers in the nation.
Judith is chairman of the communi- cations/humanities department of Talla- hassee Community College. She has been teaching journalism and English classes and advising the student newspaper there for 23 years. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and English from the U. of Georgia and a master's degree in English and education from Florida State U .
From the Lambda Chi (LaGrange College) pledge class of of 1984 to active alumnae — are (from left) Ann George, Gayla Green, and Melanie Dodson. Ann is the chapter relations adviser for Lambda Chi and Gayla and Melanie are on its corporation board.
Scholarship awarded
Patricia CurryTurner, Nu Beta(U. of Mississippi), was awarded the Daisy Dean Forrester Centennial Scholarship by the Mississippi State Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The $2,000 scholarship was presented at the organization's state conference i n Biloxi, Mississippi.
The Centennial Scholarship is a one- time award presented to commemorate the 100th anniversary o f the DAR, and its purpose is to further graduate study of a Mississippi educator. Patricia, who teaches Spanish and English, plans to attend the University of Southern Missis- sippi to pursue a master's degree in lan- guage teaching.
To Dragma wins
To Dragma won two third place awards at the 1991 College Fraternity Editors Association conference last sum- mer. A feature about alcohol and colle- gians by Kerry Hall, Chi Psi, (Cal Poly State U.-San Luis Obispo) won for "news articlecontent."Theotherawardwas for the Bulletin Board for "innovative han- dling of routine material."
News briefs...
Marsha A. Guenzler, Beta Lambda (Illinois Wesleyan U ) , has been named a Balfour Lecturer for 1992-93. (More news about this honor will be featured in a future issue of To Dragma.)
JoAnne Yonke Zunich, Iota (U. of Illi- nois), has been selected by the U. of Illinois to receive the Dean Turner Award. JoAnne is the chapter adviser for Iota Chapter. The award recognizes outstanding leadership, service, and loyalty to the chapter, universi- ty, and community.
Vaughn Barge (left) and June Greer
were there—Alice Ann
Bogle, both Nu Omicron (Vanderbilt U.), were in Jerusalem, Israel, when the deepest snow (16 inches) in over 140 years fell on February 26, 1992. They are pictured here in front of
Holy land Hotel.
The following AOIIs have been honored by the Panhellenic organiza- tions on their campuses:
• Andrea Miner, California State U , Long
Beach, Greek Woman of the Year
• Monique DiPaulo, U . of California,
San Deigo, Greek Woman of the Year • Debbie Brummit, Model Chapter
Adviser, U . of Mississippi
• Susan Duggins, Outstanding Chapter
Adviser, U. of Arizona
• Friendliest Rushers, U . of Arizona
• W endy Lorenzen, U . of Arizona, final-
ist for Senior Panhellenic Woman •Jennifer Lie, U . of California, Davis, highest freshman GPA in the College
of Engineering
•Jennifer Goldstein, U . of California,
Davis, highest sophomore GPA in the School of Agriculture & Environmental Sciences
• Tamara Esralian, Jennifer Goldstein, and Erica Rasmussen, U. of California, Davis, highest GPA (4.0) during their pledge semester
• Christine Rochette, U . of California, Davis, highest initiate GPA (4.0).
To Dragma
The Editor's Place:
Two new departments, Fraternity News and Did you know? make their debut in this issue. I hope you like them.
A new scheduleforchapter reports will go into effect for the winter issue. The schedule will be sent to collegiate and alumnae chapters in the fail mailing which goes to alumnae chapters inAugust and to collegiate chapters in September. Chapter reporters should make a note of their chapter's next deadline.
The fall mailing will also contain new chapter report forms which are designed to help make the reporter's work easier.
Please call rrie at International Headquarters ifyou have questions about either the schedule or the form.
-Beth Grantham
The AOII Rose Vine invites you to join an alumnae chapter or become a
Member-at-Large (if you live more than 50 miles from a chapter) for: • Programming and information aimed at you
• Networking opportunities
• Collegiate chapter service
• Friendship with sisters just like you
Alpha Omicron Pi is here for you now, as it was when you were in college. Please contact the alumnae chapter nearest you. They're listed in the Directory in the fall issue of To Dragma. I f you can't find one, or if you'd like more information, please fill out and mail the coupon below. You'll be glad you did!
Name at Initiation Current Office
New Name If Different From Attached Label TITLE LAST
New Home Address: STREET ADDRESS
1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M usAerrv
.Chapter. Initiation Year Preferred Name
1 1 1 1 1 1
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. H Special Interest,
Place of Employment COMPANY
1 1
1 1 1 1 1
City State Country. .Phone(. Collegiate Chapter.
Initiation Date^
Mail to: Marion Clouse
Rose Vine Coordinator
1530 86th Avenue N.
St. Petersburg, F L 33702
Name and/or Address Change
Send to A O II International Headquarters, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Bentwood, TN 37027 (please print)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 STREET ADDRESS |
1I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 USA CITY ST ZIP
I I I 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 M M PHONE
Deceased • Date of death
Summer 1992
DSTMASTER—Please send notice of (deliverable copies on Form 3579 to ha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd.
entwood, TN 37027.
Second Class Postage Paid at Brent- wood, Tennessee and additional mail- ing offices.