uDRAGMA Summer 1979 Vol.LX, No.8
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"DRAGMA Inside.
t ofalpha omknm pL
Summer 1979 Vol.LX, No.8
Published since January, 1905, by
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of Alpha
Chapter at Barnard College of Colum-
bia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Creativity Contest A O n s in the arts
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 winners an- page 6
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 nounced ...page 3
Telephone: 615-383-1174
Adminstrative Director: Sue Lewis, New colony at Duke Founders' Day celebra-
page 12 tions page 23
TA, (Rex)
Accountant: Kay Saunders, A n Also . . .
Communications Coordinator: Becky
Montgomery, K n
Office Manager: Jeanne Ascolese
Receptionist/Secretary: Charlotte
Shipping Coordinator: Anita Barron
Shipping Clerk: Kim Vaughn, A2
Bookkeeper: Ben Hollins
Traveling Consultants:
Suzanne Colgan, AT
Claire Edgington, AX
Denise Hembree, XA
Leslie Welch, <PT
Editor: Becky Montgomery, KIT
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON Triangle Alumnae Installed 13
PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ
of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published Region IV Adds New Alum Chapter 13
quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, Com-
polith Graphics and Dixon Publishing To Be an A O n 14
Co. Subscription price is $1.00 per
copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: ERA: What Does It Mean to the Greek System?.. 20
$25.00. Send change of address and
correspondence of a business nature to To the Editor 21
Alpha Omicron Pi, 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee A Rose Without Thorns? 22
37212. Address all editorial com-
munications to the Editor in care of In Memoriam: Jacinta Talbot 22
Central Office. Second Class Postage
paid at Nashville, Tennessee. Spotlight on Spirit! 25
O n the cover: Allison Boyd, AX '81, was awarded
second place in the artwork category in the First
Annual To Dragma Creativity Contest for this
The First Annual
To DragmaCreativity Contest
It has been said that " n o w o r k of beauty can be more beautiful than the m i n d w h i c h designed i t . " The true meaning of
t h i s p h r a s e w a s w e l l - d e f i n e d i n the First Annual To Dragma Creativity Contest. T h e m a n y a n d v a r i e d creative expres-
sions of what sisterhood i n Alpha Omicron Pi means reflected a deep and sincere dedication to our great fraternity.
T h e C o n t e s t h a d f o u r categories: poetry, a r t w o r k , prose, a n d p h o t o g r a p h y . T h e o p p o r t u n i t y to see h o w w o m e n ex-
pressed their feelings o n o u r sisterhood is n o w yours. The first place w i n n e r s are published t h r o u g h o u t the next few
pages. Unfortunately, space limitations prevent sharing all of the entries submitted. However, special mention needs
to be made to the f o l l o w i n g people:
Second Place: Allison Boyd, Second Place: Sandra Second Place: Rolando
A X ; (cover illustration) O'Slee, TB; "What Is a Stringfellow, AB; "Red
Sister?" Roses"
Third Place: Mary Helen Hor-
ty, T ; (see story page 8) Third Place: Sandra O'Slee, Third Place: Marlou Weinzerl,
TB; "Friends" A I ; "A Tribute to AOU"
In addition to these, special thanks go to all w h o participated in the Contest. W i t h o u t you, the Contest could not
have been the success that it was! For those of you w h o missed last year's Contest, y o u have another opportunity.
C h e c k b e l o w f o r t h e d e t a i l s o n t h e Second Annual To Dragma Creativity Contest!
With the response to last year's Creativity Contest, To Dragma is again sponsoring a Creativity
Contest. Again, the theme is "Sisterhood," and there are four categories in which you can
enter. First, second, and third places will be awarded in each category. Entries are judged ac-
cording to theme expression and artistic expression. Entries that do not comply with the
category restrictions will not be considered.
WHO'S ELIGIBLE TO and more than one entry per initiation.
ENTER: All initiated AOIls, category is permitted. S U B M I T T O : To Dragma
alumnae or collegiate, are Creativity Contest, A O n
invited to submit entries. FORMAT: Photographs Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro
should be 8 x 10" black and Road, Suite 103, Nashville,
C A T E G O R I E S : Four separate white glossy prints. Prose T N 37212. Name, address,
categories of competition and poetry entries should be and chapter of initiation
have been set: artwork (black typed, double-spaced, with should be included with each
and white only), photogra- author's name on each sheet. entry. A l l entries must be
phy (black and white only), (Please limit manuscripts to postmarked by midnight,
prose (short stories, essay, four typed pages.) Artwork September 15, 1979. Entries
character sketches . . . ) , and may be any size but should will be returned if a self-
poetry. You may enter as be signed with the artist's addressed stamped envelope
many categories as you wish, name and chapter of is included.
"Sisterhood: Random Recollections
and Ramblings"
B y Jane P u r s l e y N e a l , B<t>
(Editor's Note: Jane's award winning prose piece will bring back memories to many of you . . . formats, pinnings, laughter, tears
. . . Also, the photograph on this page was graciously shared by Jane to be published with her story.
Married to the fellow in the '38 Oldsmobile, Jane and Bill have one son. At present, Jane is actively involved in obtaining the
oral history of Marion County, Indiana. She also has plans on doing a history of her birthplace and hopes to collaborate on a book
with a good friend who is also involved in researching Indiana history. Of her work she says: "These 'oldsters' tell some mighty
interesting stories. If we have this on tape, our old customs, fashions, etc. will never be lost. And who knows ? Maybe it will some-
day be compiled into a best seller." If her recounting of Indiana history is anything like her reminiscing of her collegiate days at
Beta Phi, it should certainly be a best-seller!)
S I S T E R H O O D : the state of being a tice "sings" . . . and most of all, the tle" news item about all the others
sister. closeness and the good fellowship a n d l o o k f o r w a r d to each issue of To
S I S T E R : a w o m a n "related" to we felt when together . . . Dragma, h o p i n g to see a n y b i t o f
another person by a common tie or i n f o r m a t i o n r e g a r d i n g t h e m . Each
interest having similar charac- If I could record the emotions I felt one is i m p o r t a n t t o m e — g o o d t i m e s ,
teristics to another. w h e n I was asked to be an AOn, I ' m bad times, in between times. Such
sure this epistle would w i n the con- happiness to have so m a n y w o n d e r -
Strains of a familiar and nostalgic test. M y m e m o r y thrills w i t h sweet- ful girls to call "sister!"
melody —the tune of "Red, Red Rose ness w h e n I recall that time so long
ago but seeming like only yesterday. While visiting our campus recent-
of AOri" —came to me one evening ly, I went back to our "old house."
The wonderful gal who was in- Beta Phi m o v e d into their new h o m e
when I was enjoying a rare, peaceful strumental in my becoming a part of years ago. A l t h o u g h the old house
time alone and memories came this sisterhood and w h o later be- did seem a little smaller than I re-
trickling d o w n . . . m y wonder at came my sorority "mother" was membered, the romance and
b e i n g c h o s e n t o be a n AOU . . . t h e then a little red haired mite who had glamour of that small, limestone,
beautiful ritual attending the cere- more pep than anybody has a right vine-covered building still remains.
mony . . . my room and our dorm, to, and she still gives the same i m - As I ambled through those rooms
where we slept w i t h the windows pression. What a fantastic dancer (every one), even the d o r m in the at-
open . . . snow blowing in, covering she w a s a n d s t i l l is! W e s t i l l see each tic, I could hear familiar voices echo-
up w i t h f u r coats . . . drawing other once in a while, not often ing through them. Oh, the good
wake-up duty when a pledge . . . enough, and I love her dearly. If I times of that care-free girlhood. I
dancing in the patio downstairs had never gained one other thing know that the present occupants
("Deep Purple") . . . fresh flowers than k n o w i n g her, that w o u l d have must have thought I was a terrible
floating on top the water . . . dunk- been enough for me to say, " T h a n k square ( w h i c h I am) to be so
ing a sister i n the fountain pool touched by entering "just a little old
w h e n she was pinned . . . serenades you, AOn." house." But I am oblivious to all the
. . . delicious male voices floating onlookers as I r a m b l e d t h r o u g h this
u p to us o n the night air . . . choos- Through the years I have tried to old house of mine. However, I must
ing a different formal in the com- keep AOn alive in my heart. I often admit that I caught a look of envy in
munal closet. . . our at-home prac- see t h r e e o f m y dearest sisters, b u t their eyes to t h i n k that a n y t h i n g so
am vitally interested in every "lit- seemingly insignificant could evoke
such enthusiasm in an old lady like
I hope that somewhere there are
many present day pledges w h o feel
now, the way I felt then, and carry
this joy into their later years. They
don't sell it at Macy's, honey.
I have made many friends, good
friends, and have learned to love
them well on my journey through
this life, but m y sisters i n A O U w i l l
always hold a very special place in
m y heart. G O D BLESS US EVERY
Frances Wheat Hill, an alumna of I1K, was selected as the award A
winner in the photography division for this deceptively compli- TO
cated photo.
Robin Roberts, a collegiate member of R<t>, designed an inspira-
POETRY goals, tional pamphlet entitled. "A Rose to You." The above is the cover
/ have not come into your life to challenge your illustration that Robin used. She was awarded first place in the art-
hut rather, work category for her graphic and design work.
to help you reach them.
Nor have I come to discourage your dreams,
but rather,
to see them made real.
I have not come into your life to steal aloneness,
but rather,
to take away loneliness.
Nor have I come to change you,
but rather,
to discover who you are.
I have not come into your life to detain you,
but rather,
to walk along with you.
Nor have I come to win your love,
but rather,
to share some of mine.
Jeanne Smith, a collegian from IX, was selected as the first place
recipient in the poetry division for her poem. "I Have Not Come Into
Your Life."
Careers: AOIls in the Arts
The spring issue of To Dragma introduced a new program in our fraternity. Through that issue we stated
our concern and responsibility with the life planning and career development of our membership. To that
end this issue also begins a new department in the magazine: the career department. In each issue, a specific
career will be highlighted and prominent alumnae in the field will be profiled. For the fall issue, the high-*
light is on women in education. Anyone interested in being featured in this issue should send a resume and
short life history in Care of the Editor, AOU Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville,
TN 37212. Please include a black and white glossy photograph.
For this issue, it seemed quite natural for the focus to be on the Arts since this issue also was announcing
the winners of the First Annual To Dragma Creativity Contest. The following profiles are insights into the
lives of six women who have found fulfillment through their involvement in the arts. Two artists, a writer,
a drama teacher, and two women who work in the fascinating world of marionettes . . . each reflect how the
arts can provide rewarding and worthwhile careers.
Artist Expresses Feminism in Paintings
When Helen Olds Halter, Q, '44, went off to college in Helen's professional achievements include solo ex-
1936, she w e n t " l o o k i n g for a suitable father for m y chil- hibitions at M i a m i U n i v e r s i t y of O h i o ; Postsdam, N e w
dren. I never realized there was any option." At the end York Public Museum; State Office Building in Water-
of her junior year, she quit school to get married. Not to town, NY; and the Dillingham Gallery in Nashville,
be deterred f r o m obtaining her degree i n fine arts, Helen Tennessee. She has participated i n several juried exhibi-
worked out an arrangement to finish her degree in 1944. tions including the Cincinnati A r t Museum, Everson
She received her diploma that June. " I t took a lot of Museum of Syracuse, N e w York; N o r t h Country Re-
courage to do those things i n those days," states Helen. gional in Canton, N Y ; Tennessee A l l State in Nashville,
"It wasn't easy to do that." and Central South Exhibition in Nashville. Presently
slides of Helen's works are included in the International
HI Women Artists slide show tour. In addition to this,
Helen has taught at M i a m i University i n Oxford, Ohio;
Helen Halter stands proudly by the mural which she painted for the in Watertown, N Y i n both adult education classes and i n
Association of Retarded Children in Watertown. New York. Y W C A classes. She has also conducted private lessons. A
member of London's Royal Society of Arts, her w o r k has
Neither has it been easy for Helen to pursue her career been reviewed by La Revue Moderne magazine of N e w
as a painter, b u t she has. A m i d s t raising f o u r c h i l d r e n , York. Julie Pursell, art critic for the Nashville Banner
her youngest still at home, Helen has continued to paint. says of Helen's w o r k : " H e r w o r k s generally s h o w a con-
She began painting w h e n she was 5 and had her first cern for the everyday life and the mysterious beauty of
lessons at eight years of age. Even then her "biggest t h r i l l nature and strong concerns with the human condition.
was when hers was best." She has perfected a unique painting technique w h i c h
gives her paintings a highly individual style." Helen also
served as one o f t h e To Dragma C r e a t i v i t y C o n t e s t j u d g e s
this past fall.
According to the artist herself, half of her paintings
are feminist. She works about four hours a day i n her
home studio in Fairview, Tennessee. In much of her
w o r k , she uses herself as the m o d e l . " S y m b o l i s m creeps
into your w o r k subconsciously," Helen asserts. She con-
tinues to say that a number of paintings are i n her m i n d
just waiting u n t i l it is their t u r n to be painted. " I w a n t
people to start listening to what I ' m saying. I ' m saying
something in my painting, and it's important to society. I
was two years old w h e n I realized m y brother was get-
(con't. on page 14)
Contest Winner M a r y Helen has several one w o m a n exhibitions to her
professional credit. She has exhibited at the University of
Finds Fulfillment Minnesota, St. Paul campus; H o n e y w e l l Corporation
Gallery, Minneapolis; West Lake Gallery, Minneapolis;
in Unique Medium Concordia College, St. Paul; Dean Gallery, Minneapolis;
Downtown Gallery, Minneapolis; Worthington Com-
of Art m u n i t y College; and Sky Gallery, West St. Paul. A m o n g
her juried exhibitions are W o m a n 7 1 , University of
As w i t h so many people, M a r y Helen Lanasa Horty, T Northern Illinois; Joslyn A r t Museum 14th Midwest
'41, has f o u n d herself involved in a field different from Biennial Exhibition, Omaha, Nebraska, 1976; Octagon
her college major. Mary Helen majored in English Com- A r t Center Clay a n d Paper Show, Ames, Iowa, 1977 (Best
position at the University of Minnesota but has used her in D r a w i n g award) and 1979; and Women Artists
creativity in art rather than writing. A n d even more Today, a traveling exhibition for selected w o m e n artists
i n t r i g u i n g is that her i n v o l v e m e n t has evolved since her of 6 states, 1978-79. Since 1978, M a r y Helen has been as-
collegiate days. M a r y Helen's interest in art was stimu- sociated w i t h C. G. Rein Galleries in Minnesota. Recently
lated f r o m spending a year at Cranbrook Academy of A r t the Rein Galleries have extended to Scottsdale, Arizona
in Bloomfield, Mich, where her husband earned his and Palm Beach, Florida. I n addition to all of these
masters degree i n architecture. She was not a student achievements, M a r y Helen was awarded third place in
there (she typed case histories for a child psychiatrist t h e a r t w o r k c a t e g o r y i n t h e To Dragma C r e a t i v i t y C o n -
. . . " w h a t else does one do w i t h a composition major test.
. . . " ) , but was surrounded by art and artists and was
able to participate in exciting seminars of Carl Milles, (con't. on page 14)
Eliel Saarinen, and other resident artists.
It was not until 1969 that M a r y Helen began working
in montage. Actually, her initial exposure to montage
was quite accidental. As a favor to some artist friends she
took a class i n collage because more students were
needed to h o l d the class. " I d i d myself a favor instead!"
exclaims M a r y Helen. "There was the medium in which
I b e l o n g e d ! " M a r y H e l e n refers to her w o r k as montage
because she works only w i t h paper images whereas in
collage several types of materials are used. She explains
w h y montage is the ideal m e d i u m for her:
" M o n t a g e is the ideal art expression for me because mm
of its spontaneity and immediacy. M y materials are
f o u n d in current magazines, books, prints, re- "Photographs are harsh facts of life, especially when taken in
p r o d u c t i o n s , a n d p a p e r s o f a l l k i n d s . Found is t h e black and white. They emphasize the 'late' part of the 'late
key w o r d . U n l i k e other artists w h o can create what bloomer' by revealing the tracks of life on one's face. But, I must
they need f r o m paint, metal, clay, etc., I must f i n d confess I have enjoyed putting in each line."—Mary Helen Horty
exactly the image. M y montages are pictures of my
mind's eye, not m y physical eye. They allow me to 7
express an inner freedom. When I work, I am sub-
merged i n another w o r l d where anything goes. I
don't think about the real world but about a w o r l d
where anything goes. I try to break old mental
habits and listen to the world of mystery. The im-
ages come f r o m free association. They are intuitive,
a n d they m u s t bear e x a m i n a t i o n so they cannot be
In borrowing f r o m reproductions of previous art
works and/or reusing existing printed images, I
create provocative re-interpretations and juxtaposi-
tions. These must be resolved by the viewer and
invite his or her personal involvement in the
Forgotten Art Project Triggers
"Part-Time" Career Twenty Years Later
(Editor's Note: Marcia Bond Evans, X '43, shares the fascinating story of how her artistic talents have come to be expressed in a
full-time career working with marionettes. Marcia received her B.F.A. and M.A. in art education from Syracuse. After graduat-
ion, she spent several years in the teaching profession in Syracuse schools. Since her retirement in 1976, she has been able to
devote more time to the marionettes.
Marcia's alumnae involvement in AOn has included membership in the Syracuse Alumnae Chapter of which she is past
president. She also is actively involved in the Central New York Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation, and served as a Board mem-
ber from 1977-79.)
Marcia Evans is pictured with one of her 75 marionettes that have led to a satisfying and took a year to design and make the
marionettes, was the production of
fulfilling involvement in the world of puppetry. In the inset. Marcia sits outside the Chi an adult musical cantata, "The Fiery
Furnace," for a temple fund raising
chapter house with Rowena. the marionette that Marcia made for an art education course project.
during her collegiate days at Syracuse. years later. She was brought out to Between 1966-71 Mar-El
Marionettes performed under Title I
Imagine having over 75 actors and add interest to the new game room f u n d i n g i n some of the Syracuse ele-
mentary schools. This was a
actresses ready to p e r f o r m at all Marcia's husband, Ellis, had built. culturally enriching program for
disadvantaged children. For the past
times. I n essence, that is w h a t M a r - A t their first party, some couples two years, Marcia has taken some of
her marionettes and an open stage
cia Evans has at her fingertips. These seemed interested i n the construc- to several Syracuse elementary
schools. Through the N e w York
performers are o n e - t h i r d life size, tion, m a n i p u l a t i o n , etc. of the little state funded Artists i n the Schools
program, the students have had an
made of wood, and appear on their figure. Little did they know how opportunity to visit w i t h an artist,
view the type of art closely, and ask
o w n stage. They are brought to life Rowena w o u l d affect their lives. questions.
by their control strings, which are Mar-El (Mar for Marcia and El for Mar-El Marionettes have ap-
peared on all the local T V stations in
manipulated by puppeteers w h o Ellis) Marionettes, Inc. started in Syracuse as guest p e r f o r m e r s or i n
commercials. Twice, hand and glove
stand on a bridge above them. These 1962 and has performed for many puppets were designed and made
for graduate students at Syracuse
little actors a n d actresses are called g r o u p s of all ages. O n e of the first University w h o wanted to make a
TV pilot film.
MARIONETTES. large projects was designing a 3 foot
A t the Region I Meeting at Syra-
It all started at Syracuse Univer- high Reddy Kilowatt and family for cuse University i n June, the Alpha
O m i c r o n Pis at the Rose Banquet
sity where Marcia made her first an electric power company that watched a performance of Mar-El's
Greek mythology story of "Perseus
marionette, Rowena, for one of her wanted a public relations program and the Gorgon." They met the
three puppeteers after the s h o w -
art education courses. Rowena re- to tour Central and Eastern New puppeteers w h o are good friends
and have been w i t h Mar-El for
sided i n a closet, forgotten, until 20 York. The largest project, w h i c h many years.
Many people have visited Mar-
cia's former game r o o m w h i c h is
n o w the place where about 75 actors
and actresses "hang around." If y o u
are ever in Syracuse, N e w York,
w h y not call and visit the group?
You are always welcome!
Marionettes Become could help them to discover what
Big Business their talents were. Puppets provided
for Phi Alumna an outlet for children in which they
could learn to work with others by
W h e n H a z e l l e H e d g e s R o l l i n s , <J> m u m w a g e increased f r o m 15C a n putting on shows with friends and
'32, began college her parents pro- h o u r to 20C a n h o u r . also provided a visible means for
vided her only w i t h enough money parents to see w h a t talents their
for t w o years. W i t h two younger As the business grew, it became children possessed.
brothers at home and w i t h the em- necessary to find different sites
phasis on the importance of men re- suitable for the factory. The business Hospitals also were big custom-
ceiving an education, this was not changed locations four times in ten ers. H a n d puppets made excellent
unexpected. Hazelle, however, was years. However, the changes in loca- companions for children confined to
not to be stopped and obtained her tion also allowed for expansion of bed. I n fact, several hundred pup-
bachelor of fine arts f r o m the Uni- the product line. W i t h more space, pets were sold to A O I l alumnae
versity of Kansas in 1932. Her first the company began to manufacture chapters around the U.S. w h o then
fall at the U n i v e r s i t y she was recom- vinyl hand puppets and later vinyl donated the puppets to children
mended to AOn by a relative. finger puppets. These t w o new lines w a r d s of hospitals as a p h i l a n t h r o p -
W h e n Hazelle met the girls, she opened a whole new market: the ed- ic project.
liked them and pledged. After grad- ucational field. Schools quickly dis-
uation, she was unable to find a job covered the value of puppets for In 1975, after 43 years i n the pup-
to her l i k i n g so began study at the classroom presentations in various petry business, Hazelle and her hus-
Kansas City Art Institute. study areas. The N e w Y o r k Public b a n d , J. W o o d s o n (he j o i n e d the
Schools alone ordered 10,000 pup- f i r m after the war to handle business
In 1933, she joined the staff of the pet pieces. The expansion into the and mechanical design) sold the
Nelson A r t Gallery. Little d i d she re- education field further proved company. A t that time, Hazelle, Inc.
alize that the Saturday Puppet Hazelle's original contention that was the largest exclusive puppet
Classes that she started there w o u l d puppets c o u l d serve as excellent company in the world with one
launch her into a career i n which tools for a child's creative develop- fourth of the production being sold
she w o u l d become w o r l d renowned. ment. Children, Hazelle believed, all internationally. One of the many
had hidden talents and puppetry notable customers was Princess
Hazelle first started her work Grace w h o purchased 30 puppets i n
with marionettes by making them the 60's so that she could have a
for the neighborhood children to puppet theatre in the Monaco
buy. Eventually, she also began sell- Palace. Another memorable hap-
ing them in local stores. But it was a pening was the selection of several
trip to the International Toy Fair in of Hazelle's marionettes to be placed
N e w York that began the business on permanent display in the famous
w h i c h was to g r o w into the largest Moscow Puppet Museum in Russia.
puppet manufacturing firm in the
w o r l d . W h i l e i n N e w York, she also (con't. on page 11)
attended a Tony Serg Puppet school
and learned the fine points of pup-
petry. She performed w i t h some
other puppeteers in an off-Broad-
w a y children's theater before she
decided that she preferred making
puppets rather than performing
with puppets.
Once back home in Kansas City, Hazelle Rollins is surrounded by but a lew of the marionettes and puppets that led to her
Hazelle organized a group of
unemployed artist friends into a becoming world renowned in puppetry manufacturing.
production line to fill all of the
orders she had received at the Inter-
national Toy Fair. One of the first
obstacles she had to face was the
25% labor increase w h e n the mini-
Southern Traditions
Reflected in Writer's Work
Dorthy Stanfill Harvest Years Club of Jackson and Charles, an architect, have one mar-
Memphis. ried son. D o r t h y is also active i n the
Dorthy M c M a h e n Stanfill, Q O , is a Jackson Golf and Country Club.
member of the National League of Her w o r k has been recognized i n
American Pen Women, Chickasaw several competitions. D o r t h y has re- W h e n she attended L a m b u t h ,
Chapter. D o r t h y has used her ceived first place awards in the Deep Dorthy joined the local sorority,
bachelors degree in English from South Writers Conference in New Omega Upsilon Lambda. When it
Lambuth College in her w o r k i n O r l e a n s i n b o t h 1971 a n d 1973. She was accepted to become a chapter of
public schools, newspaper advertis- also was awarded first places in the Alpha Omicron Pi, Dorthy was one
ing, and now professional writing. N L A P W national biennial and mid- o f 36 l o c a l c h a p t e r a l u m n a e t o be
a m c o m p e t i t i o n s as w e l l as placing initiated into AOFI in October of
Her w r i t i n g career has been o n in Ozark Writers and Artists Con- 1957. D o r t h y is n o w a n a c t i v e m e m -
several levels since its inception. ference. I n addition to these, D o r t h y ber of the AOn Alumnae chapter i n
Apart from being an active pub- has received recognition f r o m Jackson.
lishing writer, she and her husband, N L A P W state competitions and
Charles, were instrumental i n or- Tennessee Federated Women's Drama Teacher
ganizing the Jackson Writers Group Clubs. Aids Pupil
for people interested in creative in Achieving
writing. She is at present corres- As w i t h anyone in the arts, fulfill- Recognition
ponding secretary. She is on the ment and excellence are achieved
Board of Editors of the biennial re- through continual and persistent in- A t ten years of age, drama lessons
v i e w , O L D H I C K O R Y R E V I E W , es- volvement. A n d such is true for headed the list of Patricia Neal,
tablished for the purpose of assist- D o r t h y . T o her credit is her most re- Oscar award w i n n i n g actress. Her
ing promising young poets. Both of cent accomplishment: the publica- wish was granted, and she began
these organizations are aided by tion of a collection of ten of her study with the woman w h o was to
grants f r o m the Tennessee Arts award w i n n i n g short stories. In remain her drama coach until Ms.
Commission and a fund drive of the Katherine and the Quarter Mile Neal left her hometown of Knox-
Jackson A r t s C o u n c i l . She is a m e m - Drag, Dorthy eloquently reflects ville, Tenn. to attend Northwestern
ber of the Tennessee Literary Arts southern tradition in today's world. University. Today she and Emily
Association, N L A P W , and the Ten- According to Dr. Charles Mayo in M a h a n Faust, 0'33, r e m a i n close
nessee Press a n d A u t h o r s Club. She his review in the Jackson Sun: friends. Ms. Neal is a frequent visi-
is listed in the Directory of A m e r i - tor of Emily and her husband,
can Fiction Writers and in Tennes- "In a day when American writ- H u g h , w h e n she returns to K n o x -
see Belles-Lettres, a c o l l e c t i o n of ers seem t o be e i t h e r 1) d e n y i n g ville. So i m p o r t a n t was Emily to the
biographies of Tennessee writers. the past ever existed, or 2) rewrit- development of Ms. Neal's profes-
ing Faulkner w i t h escape into the sional career she was invited to be a
D o r t h y still is i n v o l v e d w i t h past, Mrs. Stanfill's consistent participant in the British television
teaching as she w o r k s w i t h v a r i o u s vision that choices are made is a sponsored "Patricia Neal: This Is
creative writing and literary groups fresh perspective. People matter. Your Life." The special was filmed
regionally. A m o n g them are the We live in these stories once again in L o n d o n this past fall by Thames
Lambuth College English depart- in time and with families, with Television Ltd. and was aired on
ment, U n i o n University English de- h u m o r and sadness, i n life and B r i t i s h t e l e v i s i o n o n D e c e m b e r 13.
partment, Dyersburg Community death. The truths—both small and When the Thames company first
College English department, and large —dominate these stories and asked Emily to come and share in
we feel somehow reawakened to
the sounds of construction work,
the smell of drag-racing, the
sights of mountains. Mrs. Stan-
f i l l ' s talent a n d s k i l l as a w r i t e r en-
able us to k n o w these characters
well because they are our neigh-
bors and ourselves."
In addition to her extensive i n -
volvement i n the literary world,
D o r t h y is a member of the Jackson
First Methodist Church. She and
this special and surprise show for 4^"
Ms. Neal, an outdated passport
forced Emily to reply " I just can't V
make it. There's no way." However,
the company w o u l d not take no for I
an answer, and Emily f o u n d herself
flying to London with other mem- 71,
bers of Ms. Neal's family for the
telecast. Actress Patricia Neal visits with her first drama teacher and good friend, Emily Faust.
Emily has always been a driving Marionettes (con't. from page 9) sas, Hazelle has served o u r frater-
force in the development of the dra- nity in many ways. I n 1966, she re-
matic arts in Tennessee and particu- A woman of several talents, Haze- ceived the Outstanding Alumnae
larly in Knoxville, her hometown. lle has received m u c h recognition i n award f r o m the Kansas City A l u m -
She is a member of the Board of D i - her lifetime. Some of the most out- nae chapter, and in 1967, she was
rectors of the Lamar House-Bijou standing awards include being ap- awarded the prestigious Rose
Theater Preservation Committee, pointed to the Women's Commis- A w a r d . Presently, Hazelle is the
chairwoman of the Steering Com- sion for International Relations and AOn alternate to the Kansas City
mittee of the University of Tennes- Trade, being n a m e d as one of the Panhellenic and is handling all pub-
see Theater O p e n i n g N i g h t C l u b , University of Kansas's Outstanding licity for the group.
and a member of the Women's Business W o m e n by Mortar Board,
Advisory Board of the Tennessee named Kansas City Business F r o m a bachelor of fine arts at the
Performing Arts Center, now under Woman of the Year by Theta Sigma University of Kansas to world re-
construction i n Nashville. She also Phi, and receiving the Citation for nowned designer, inventor, and
was instrumental in the founding of M e r i t for her w o r k as a n artist a n d manufacturer, Hazelle Hedges
the Carousel Theater, University of designer at a Regional Conference of Rollins has given much to further-
Tennessee campus. This last accom- the National League of American i n g the f i n e art of p u p p e t r y just as
plishment was a monumental task Pen Women i n Washington, D.C. she has continued to give m u c h to
that paved the way for much our fraternity.
g r o w t h and development in the per- Since her collegiate days at K a n -
forming arts in Knoxville.
A l t h o u g h Emily has put much of
her energies into the dramatic arts,
she has still remained loyal and
faithful to AOn. Active in the
Knoxville A l u m n a e Chapter since
her graduation from the University
of Tennessee, she has held the chair-
manship of virtually every commit-
tee at one t i m e or another. She also
has stayed very involved w i t h O m i -
c r o n chapter by serving as a corpo-
ration board member and, for two
terms, corporation president. Be-
cause of their commitment to the
betterment of the community, she
and husband, Hugh, were awarded
the AOn C o m m u n i t y Service
award. Emily has also been the re-
cipient of the coveted International
Rose A w a r d .
Other community projects which
Emily is i n v o l v e d i n are the K n o x
County branch of the Arthritis
Foundation, the C o m m u n i t y Service
Committee of St. M a r y ' s Hospital,
and the Playmobile, a program for
underprivileged pre-school chil-
dren. For Emily, fulfillment in
w o r k i n g i n the arts has been richly
supplemented by her involvement
in Alpha Omicron Pi and other
community projects.
Delta Upsilon Means A O n
at Duke University
t: the International Vice President of
Development, Phyllis Westerman.
The members of Delta Upsilon colony at Duke University.
The next two days were devoted
By Sarah Hunt and area alumnae were impressive to meeting and getting to know
with their organization but most of women w h o were interested in A l -
On a cold and snowy February all w i t h their enthusiasm. After the pha O m i c r o n Pi. By Tuesday night,
night, love and roses were i n the air extension of an official invitation to thirty-two very excited and happy
as t h i r t y - t w o w o m e n p l e d g e d t h e m - colonize at Duke, a special Rush women sang songs and started to
selves to w o r k t o w a r d the establish- Team of collegians f r o m East Caroli- get to k n o w one another at their rib-
ment of a chapter of Alpha Omicron na University, University of South boning ceremony. The group con-
Pi at D u k e University. Delta U p s i l o n Carolina, and the University of Ten- sists of eight juniors: Diane Brooks,
Colony became a reality that night, nessee joined the Triangle Area Mary A n n Contogiannis, Darlene
and its formation was the culmina- Alumnae in preparation. Suzanne Detomo, Robin MacDonald, Leah
tion of an exciting and intensive Colgan, Traveling Consultant, also Morgan, Kathy Rauth, Deane
rush. was present to help in the final plans Waters and Susan White; twelve
for the special rush luncheon. sophomores: Kimary D'Augusta,
This story really begins in Florida Susan Gold, Karen Hubbard, Sarah
at the National Panhellenic Con- The luncheon which took place Hunt, Lonnie Ingebrand, Terri
ference i n the spring of 1978 where o n S a t u r d a y , F e b r u a r y 3, was a great Mascherin, Janet Munroe, K a t h r y n
Duke University's Panhellenic Pres- success. Special presentations were Nixon, Lindsay North, Kathryn
ident, C i n d i L u n d , first met Pat Har- made by Selma Pond, corporation Noumair, Virginia Pallante, and Jan
dy, Region III Extension Officer. president, w h o spoke of our Found- W i l l y ; and of twelve freshmen: Bet-
They discussed the need for a new ers and the history of Alpha O m i - sy Batten, Julie Cole, Lori H i l l m a n ,
sorority on Duke's campus and how cron Pi. The program also included Kristen Hildebrandt, Kathryn
Alpha Omicron Pi could fulfill those Sue Lewis, Administrative Director Klemanowicz, Paula Lock, Nancy
needs. Alpha O m i c r o n Pi, along of Central Office; Nancy Bettis, Re- Magnus, Karen Reichle, Susie Schie,
with eleven other groups, made a gion III Vice President; Charlotte Madge Silverman, Susan Stuart, and
formal presentation to the Duke Barnes, Regional Director; Suzanne Terri Young.
Panhellenic and Administration last Colgan, Traveling Consultant; and
September. The presentation team, Cindy Walker, Special Chapter As- O n Wednesday, February 7, 1979,
headed by Pat H a r d y w i t h help f r o m sistant. Mistress of Ceremony was all braved the winter weather to
Charlotte Barnes, Regional Director, gather in York Chapel on Duke Uni-
versity campus for the official col-
onization ceremony. The knowledge
that they were joining the world of
A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi as a colony was a
special and treasured moment for
each pledge.
Since that eventful night, Suzanne
Colgan spent six weeks w i t h Delta
Upsilon Colony. Her guidance and
encouragement helped the colony
hold several successful social events
and prepare for its initiation. Five
more women joined the proud
ranks of those w h o aspire to become
members of Delta Upsilon Chapter.
They are junior Val Cummings;
sophomores Leslie Cornell, Suzanne
Inabnit, and Donna Landau; and
freshman Claudia Futter. Hopefully,
the next time you hear f r o m Delta
Upsilon, it w i l l be f r o m the chapter
of A l p h a O m i c r o n Pi at Duke U n i -
Triangle 1*
Installed '"W
By Selma Pond, ! # Attending the installation of the Triangle Alumnae Chapter were: first row—Marsha White
The Triangle Alumnae Chapter was Warren, Q: Debbie Rogers Laney, l^V; Jill Cleek, Z'V; Mary Ann Davies Jenkins, KA; Bar-
installed January 28 by Charlotte
Barnes, Region I I I Director. We are bara Hanna Wasik, AI; Dorthy Allis Gebbie, B<t>; Diane Shull Propst, <PA; Debbie Hensley
most appreciative and grateful to
her and to the Zeta Psi collegians McLean, 1W; Wendy Roth Shull, TO. Second row—Patty Stimmel Young, ; Joanne
f r o m East Carolina University w h o
assisted her in the formal ritual Williams, V¥; Ann Olhausen McDaniel, O; Selma Drabing Pond, B * ; Nanci Kuhn Smith,
service. The chapter includes alum-
nae in Raleigh, D u r h a m and Chapel Z4>; Trish Greene, TO; Janelle Hood, KO; Sandra Oliver Kelly, IV; Ann Shea Ransdell, K;
Hill, N.C. and represents sixteen
collegiate chapters. Our first "get- Sue Reid Mattern, XA; Charlotte Owsley Barnes, AA; Sheila Christian, KT. Third row-
together" i n April,. 1978 was off to a
flying start w i t h Carolyn Harris, Judy Merryman Foley, TO; Debbie Combs-Jones, 0 Q ; Laura Harshbarger Otwell, A T ;
former International President, and
Pat Hardy, Region I I I Extension Of- and Carolyn Hartz, EA.
ficer, to inspire us. I n view of the
possibility of a collegiate chapter at Smith; treasurer, Sue Mattern, and the pledging ceremony was an excit-
either Duke or North Carolina Uni- secretary, Trish Greene. ing event for all of us.
versity, members volunteered en-
thusiastically to serve as advisors Our installation, however, was Colony advisors Sue Mattern and
when and if the time came. At our really an a n t i - c l i m a x , as six days Debbie Combs-Jones are receiving
second meeting, the following of- later we rushed at Duke University! the help and cooperation of many
ficers were elected: president, Wen- We had been selected to form a col- area alumnae i n various advisory
dy Shull; vice-president, Nanci ony from the eleven national capacities. C o l o n y members are
sororities applying and thanks to a working hard to prepare for initia-
great deal of concentrated effort by tion, and all alumnae are enjoying
alumnae, regional and international having little sisters again. A l l of us
officers, and three collegiate chap- are eagerly awaiting the colony's i n -
ters, we were thrilled to pledge thir- stallation as a f u l l - f l e d g e d chapter.
ty-two lovely Duke women on
February 7. The banquet f o l l o w i n g
Region IV
• Adds New
Alum Chapter
9 i tions. However, the most exciting
a n n o u n c e m e n t was that of the es-
The Springfield Alumnae Chapter tablishment of the Adele K. Hinton
Service A w a r d . T h i s a w a r d was es-
O n M a r c h 4, 1979, Region I V added perfect place f o r the installation as tablished in Adele's name in honor
another alumnae chapter to its roll many people w o r k for the state and and memory of her dedication and
w i t h the installation of the several work directly for Governor l o v e f o r A O F I t h a t has served as i n -
Springfield Alumnae Chapter. The Thompson. spiration to thousands of sisters.
planning, meeting, and working The purpose of the award is to rec-
climaxed in the chapter's installa- N a n c y C l a r k , R V P ; served as the ognize collegiate members for out-
tion at the Governor's Mansion in installing officer. The program in- standing service to the fraternity.
Springfield. The mansion was the cluded recognition of the installa- The a w a r d w i l l be given to chapter
tion chairmen and several presenta- members who exemplify daily the
m e a n i n g of A O EI. A l t h o u g h leader-
ship is i m p o r t a n t , they need not to
have held major offices in the chap-
(con't. on page 24)
Feminism (con't. from page 6) the Association of Retarded Children in Watertown, NY.
It is hung i n the lobby of the ARC's building.
ting things I wasn't." N o w a supporter of the woman's
movement, Helen declares, " N o t h i n g can stop this now. Unique Medium (com from page n
There w i l l be a w o m a n president i n the White House and
sooner than you think." Before her intense involvement i n her career, M a r y
Helen was an active member of the St. Paul A l u m n a e
Helen enjoys recognition but feels it is h a r d to come by chapter. She also served on Tau's corporation board.
for w o m e n artists. For her, the ultimate fantasy is " f o r Husband Tom, an architect, was instrumental in house
me to be sitting here, and Barbara Walters to be sitting improvements during that time.
there . . . "
Mary Helen and Tom have three children and one
I n addition to her painting, Helen has f o u n d challenge grandchild. Favorite hobbies include reading and trav-
in her family life. Helen and her husband, Sam, moved eling. Tom's membership on national committees for the
to Fairview w h e n he retired in 1977. They have 4 chil- American Institute of Architects has afforded the t w o the
dren. One son is the city manager i n Melbourne, Fla., the opportunity for travel throughout the United States.
o t h e r is the special f e a t u r e s e d i t o r o f Boy's Life m a g a z i n e . They also have been abroad often w i t h their most recent
Their daughter is a research pathologist o n the faculty of journey being a second trip to Russia this past fall.
medicine at Vanderbilt University. Their youngest son,
Charlie, is still at home. C h a r l i e has been one of the most About her career, M a r y Helen declares, " I hope m y
challenging and rewarding aspects of Helen's life. Born story w i l l prove that one can be a late bloomer, even i n a
mentally retarded, Charlie has progressed far under the field different from one's college major, and will perhaps
care and attention of Helen. One of her present goals is give some encouragement to some other A O f l s . "
to write a book on her experiences in raising Charlie.
One of her most prized paintings is a m u r a l she d i d for
To Be an A O n . . .
By Sue Lewis, TA
Administrative Director
Rush can be one of the most exciting, nervous, but fun-filled experiences in a young woman's life. The
culmination of that experience is, indeed, receiving a bid and pledging Alpha Omicron Pi. Membership is
by mutual selection, but it is a privilege to be' invited to join the AOYls, who offer a lifetime of oppor-
tunities in friendship, personal growth, leadership development, and career/volunteer preparation. Campus
Panhellenics give guidelines to AOYl and other sororities as to the number of young women to whom we
may extend the offer of membership. These guidelines enable only 13.5 percent of these pledging Greek on
A O n campuses to be privileged with the sheaf of wheat. So, the selection is so very important, and great
care is taken in each phase of planning, preparing, and implementing rush.
WHAT DO WE LOOK FORIN NEW group. They are empathetic, patient, poised, and gener-
ally outgoing. These young w o m e n have made a com-
Aons? mitment first to their university or college and believe
that academic excellence is an important priority. But,
AOris are a diverse g r o u p . They come f r o m all points of they are time-managers, and k n o w h o w to balance
studies w i t h A O I 1 and other campus activities. They are
the U.S., Canada, and abroad, w i t h varying backgrounds looking for a group w i t h high ideals, w i t h a people-com-
and interests. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes mitment, and with opportunities for them not only dur-
and may have their sights set o n a n y t h i n g f r o m engi- ing their collegiate days, but throughout their lives. They
neering to community volunteer programs. They are not find that in AOn. Last year, over 31,000 w o m e n signed
a stereotype, but they do have several important ingre- up for rush on AOFI campuses, and approximately half
dients in common. of them were able to join Greek organizations. The
A O f l s are a very select group.
Potential AOIls have a genuine liking for and under-
standing of people, a n d they w a n t to w o r k as a p a r t of a
HOW DO WE FIND THE BEST? and challenge them to excellence. A n d they will come to
anticipate their i n i t i a t i o n as an o p p o r t u n i t y for sharing
A l u m n a e are absolutely vital to the process of alerting the full love of and with A O f l .
A O n c h a p t e r s t o OUR g i r l s . . . a n d f a m i l i a r i z i n g
y o u n g w o m e n w i t h the assets a n d joys of AO I I m e m - V
bership. A l u m n a e k n o w w h i c h high school students are
looking for a group of excellence and w h o w o u l d in turn WHAT'S IN STORE FORTHE INITIATE?
add strength and character to that group. It is their re-
sponsibility to let these young w o m e n and their families
k n o w about A O I 1 and what its lifelong opportunities
can mean. A n d , finally, alumnae must alert collegiate
c h a p t e r s a b o u t these f u t u r e AO l i s w h o w i l l be a t t e n d i n g
their university and participating in rush.
In the meantime, the collegians are active throughout
the year preparing and fine-tuning their plans for rush.
They must augment the information given to these
rushees by alumnae w i t h super rush parties, depicting
just those attributes that they are, i n t u r n , seeking in new
pledges. They will display their teamwork and group co-
operation by presenting well-organized, smoothly-run
parties i n w h i c h EVERYONE can relax and genuinely
have a good time. The A O I l s will demonstrate their ver-
satility and varied talents through themes and skits and O n l y upon initiation, will these special women under-
singing. But, most of all, the A O f l w i l l let those rush stand the full meaning of AOn and w h y those who have
guests k n o w that they care about THEM—each and gone before t h e m are so very p r o u d of their sorority.
every o n e — a n d let t h e m k n o w w h y A O F I is so very, They will actively participate in the planning and guid-
very special. ance of their chapter and its future. They ARE its future.
And, most importantly, they will have earned the privi-
lege of sharing their experiences w i t h yet other young
w o m e n seeking the same special kind of group. These
A O I l s will tell you that their lives have been broadened
and enriched by their AOn membership. It has helped
their innate poise and self-confidence to blossom and de-
velop, and it has taught t h e m w h a t caring for others is
really all about. Then hand-in-hand work with alumnae
advisors will help them gain increasing commitment to
forthcoming alumnae involvement.
W i t h those rich rewards, w i t h those challenges, it's no
wonder that 86.5 percent of the rushees don't make it.
Rush really begins, not ends, w i t h the pledging ceremo-
ny. These lucky young w o m e n will now begin the real
orientation to AOri—to its purposes and objectives, to
its traditions, to its opportunities, and, most of all, to its
sisters, collegiate and alumnae alike. They w i l l learn that
the give a n d take of g r o u p membership can be richly re-
w a r d i n g a n d develop the seeds of lifelong friendships.
They w i l l be privileged w i t h the special friendship and
guidance of their big sisters but w i l l learn that EVERY
AOFI cares a b o u t t h e i r d e v e l o p m e n t a n d progress. T h e y
ftvill h a v e access t o s c h o l a s t i c p r o g r a m s a n d t i p s t h a t w i l l
strengthen and augment their intellectual background
Chapter ALABAMA Chapter Adviser Chapter School. Mouth Of Rush' Chapter Adviser
Alpha Delta Schotil, Mouth of Rusk' Gamma Omicron University of Florida Ms. Susan Adair
Alpha Kappa Mrs. Arthur C. Carney Gainesville, Fl 7 S. W. 23rd Street
Delta Delta University of Alabama (Marie) Kappa Gamma September Gainesville, F L 32607
C a m ma Delta University, A L 109 W. 53rd St. E.
Sigma Delta August Tuscaloosa, A L 35401 Florida Southern College Mrs. David Marshall
Tau Delta Lakeland, FL (Ann)
Theta Omega University ot North Alabama Mrs. David Stephenson September 3204 Hilltop Avenue
Upsilon Alpha Florence, A L (Kathv) Lakeland, F L 33802
Sigma Omicron August R t 10, Box 110 Gamma Sigma GEORGIA
Chi Alpha Florence, A L 35630 Georgia State University Lucy E. Hawes
Lambda Colony Auburn University Atlanta, G A 4413 Greenspring Road
l ambda Beta Auburn, A L Mrs. H. C. Morgan August College Park, G A 30337
September (Dottiel
Sigma 2150 Robin Drive LaGrange College Ms. Nancy Alford
Sigma Thi University of South Alabama Auburn, A L 36630 LaGrange College
Mobile, A L OLacCtorbaenrge, G A Box 20
Delta Chi September Ms. Rebecca Cash LaGrange, G A 30240
Alpha Pi 3210 Pleasant Valley Road Lambda Sigma University of Georgia
Huntingdon College #227 Athens, G A Mrs. Patrick Kelley
Montgomery, A L Mobile, A L 36606 September (Sharon)
September 458 Dearing Street
Mrs. M. H. Jones (Carol) Beta Sigma IDAHO Athens. G A 30d05
Birmingham Southern College 1844 Braddock Drive lota Alpha Boise State University
Birmingham, AL Montgomery, A L 36106 Boise, ID Ms. Sue Crandall
September August 1619 Bluff
Mrs. Thomas Cibbs Boise, ID 83704
ARIZONA (lane) Idaho State University
Northern Arizona University 1217 Creensboro Road Pocatelto, ID Ms. Sara Albano
Flagstaff, A 2 Birmingham, A L 35208 September 920 Maple
August, January Pocatello, I D 83201
Ms. Lillian Baker ILLINOIS
University of Arizona 1508 N. Aztec Illinois Weslevan University Mrs. Dean Graven
Tucson, A Z Flagstaff, AR 86001 Bloomington, IL (Jacquie)
August September 1718 Johnson Drive
Ms. Suzie L . Pavton Normal, I L 61761
ARKANSAS 2701 E. Windsor University of Illinois
Arkansas State University Tucson, A R 85716 Urbana, II. Mrs. Paul Valbert
State University, AR September (Fave)
September, January Mrs. Thad Wyatt 1720 Lincoln Rd.
(Carolyn) Northern Illinois University Champaign, IL 61820
CALIFORNIA 1812 Eldridge Dekalb, IL
University ot Cal.-Davis lonesboro, AR 72401 September Mrs. Angel Diaz
Davis, C A (Mary)
September Mrs. William Huston Sigma Iota Western Illinois University 1548 Timberwood Ct.
(Alice) Macomb, IL Sycamore, IL 60178
Stanford University 4640 Hillview Wav September
Palo Alto, C A Sacramento, C A 95822 Mrs. James Conley
April INDIANA (June)
Mrs. Nancy Batsford Indiana University 16 Briarbrook East
California State-Long Beach 11 R a y m o n d C t . Bloomington, IN Macomb, IL 61455
Long Beach, C A San Carlos, C A 94070 November, January
August Mrs. Barry Hurtt
Mrs. Ismael Vargus University of EvansviMe (Rita)
University of Cal.-San Diego (Christine) Evansville, IN 3611 Bainbridge Drive
San Diego, C A 8192 California, Apt. 15 September Bloomington, I N 47401
September, lanuary Buena Park, C A 90621
Kappa Alpha Indiana State University Mrs. Kenneth Kreke
University of Southern Mrs. Phillip Floltkamp Terre Haute, IN (Ginny)
California (Susan) September 8344 Augel Drive
Los Angeles, C A 485 Santa Dominga Newburgh, IN 47630
September Solana Beach, C A 92075 Kappa Kappa Ball State University
Muncie, IN Mrs. Paul Gibbons
University of California- Mrs. Robert McWherter September (Jo A n n )
Berkeley (Nancy) 35 Gardendale Road
Berkeley, C A 22034 LaDeene Hanover College Terre Haute, IN 47803
September Torrance, C A 90503 Hanover, IN
January Mrs. William Huber
California State-Northridge Mrs. Donald Blakely (Marv Lou)
Nnrthridge, C A (Judy) Phi Upsilon Purdue University 2000 W . Jackson St.
August 752 Longridge Road West Lafayette, IN Muncie, IN 47303
Oakland, C A 94610 Informal-October
COLORADO Formal-January Mrs. Thomas Patterson
University of Colorado Ms. Candy Rajacich (Sue)
Boulder, C O 6624 Whitaker DePauw University 140 Madison Avenue
August Van Nuys, C A 91406 Greencastle, IN Hanover, IN 47243
DELAWARE Ms. Ann Clark Mrs. Jan Richards
University of Delaware 1241 Pennsylvania St., # 5 IOWA 133 Red Cloud Trail
Newark, DE Denver, C O 80203 W. Lafayette, IN 47905
September Alpha Theta Coe College
Mrs. Albert Santiago Cedar Rapids, IA Mrs. Michael Powers
FLORIDA (Julie lo) September (Karen)
Florida State University 4327 Ravensworth Rd. #416 3656 Green Ash Court
Tallahassee, FL Armadale, V A 22003 Indianapolis, IN 4b222
Ms. Jan Ranson Mrs, Michael Kelley
2315 C . Columbia Ct. (Peggy)
Tallahassee, F L 32304 13561 Gold
Omaha. N E 68144
Chapter School, Month ot Ruth' Chapter Adviser Chapter ftfaxi Month ot Ru>h' Chapter Adviser
Iota Sigma lnwa State University Mrs. Ernest Lunstord Lambda Omega Northwest Missouri State Miss Diane Widger
Theta Chi Ames, IA (Charlou) Alpha Thi University 415 W. 12th St.
Phi Colonv August, January 3204 Lettie Maryville'. M O Maryville. MO 64468
Alpha Chi Ames. IA 50010 Phi Sigma September
Delta Otnega Morningside College Ms. lanet Young Sigma Chi MONTANA Mrs. Mark Hampton
Omega Xi Sioux City. IA 170(1 Sioux Trail (Susan)
Alpha Omicvea September Sioux City, IA 51106 Delta Upsilon Montana State University 210 S. Black
Delta Beta Colonv Bo/eman, MT Bo/.eman, MT 59715
Kappa Tau Mrs. Eric Dee September
(Javne) Zeta Psi
Gamma University of Kansas 106 3rd Street, N E Kappa Pi University of Montana Ms. Susan Lucas
Lawrence, K A State Center. IA 50247 Omega Missoula, MT 3008 Bancroft
Sigma Tau September September Missoula. MT 59801
Mrs. Neil Allen Theta Psi
Beta F.psilon KENTUCKY (Rachel) Alpha Rho NEBRASKA Mrs. Richard Blausev
Western Kentucky University 454 Brentmoor Dr. Chapter 3702 Avenue " M "
N u Beta Bowling Green, KY Bowling GflCCIT. K Y 42101 Alpha Sigma Kearney State College Kearney. NE 68847
August G a m m a Beta Kearney, NE
Marian Hutchinson September
R #1, Box 362 A Sigma Rho
Kentucky Wesleyan College Philpot, K Y 42366 Delta Phi University of Nebraska Ms. Jane Hart
Owensboro, K Y Kappa Omicron Lincoln, NE 2111 S. 60th St.
September Mrs. Kenneth Harrell August Lincoln, NE 68506
Murray State University Box 3026, Univ. Sta. NEW YORK Mrs. Fred Hickein
Murray, K Y Murray. K Y 42071 (Eleanor)
August Hartwick College 82 Elm Street
Ms. Debra Parsons Oneonta, NY Oneonta, N Y 13820
Lewis Hall, #12 January
Morehead. K Y 40351
Morehead State University Wagner College Miss Nancy Cochrane
Morehead, K Y Mrs. Arthur Favre Staten Island, NY 327 Maitland Avenue
lanuary (Charlene) September, January Teaneck. NJ 07666
10434 Azrok Avenue
LOUISIANA Baton Rouge, L A 70809 NORTH CAROLINA Mrs. William Mattern
Louisiana State University (Sue)
Raton Rouge. L A Mrs. W. D. Willig Duke University 2429 Rosewood Ct.
August (Judy) Durham, NC Chapel H i l l N C 27514
728 Brentwood Blvd. January
Lafayette, L A 70503
University of Southwestern East Carolina University Ms. Gloria Sanders
Louisiana Mrs. Tom Welch Greenville, NC 1205 East 5th Street
Lafayette. L A Route 2. Box 129 September Greenville. N C 27834
August Tickfaw, L A 70466
Southeastern Louisiana Mrs. Oscar Robinson Ohiti Northern University Ms. Elizabeth Roberts
University (Carol) Ada, O H 815 S. Johnson
Hammond, LA 2209 Emerson September Ada, O H 45810
August Monroe, L A 71201
Miami University Mrs. Robert Sehuctte
Northeastern Louisiana Mrs. David Sprague Oxford. O H (Alice)
University (Debra) August 9 Robin Court
Monroe. L A 9 Knox Avenue Oxford, O H 45056
August Bangor. ME 04401
Youngstown State University Ms. Elaine Glaros
MAINE Mrs. John Ward Youngstown, O H 3360 Allendale Ave.
University of Maine (Marjorie) October Youngstown, O H 44511
Orono, ME 4554 Lowell St., N W
September Washington. D C 2001b University of Toledo Mrs. George Skaff
Toledo, O H (Fadwa)
MARYLAND Mrs. Fred Price September 2074 Drummond
University of Maryland (Karen) Toledo, O H 43606
College Park, M D ' P.O. Box 92 OREGON
August, February- Chestertown, MD 21620 Oregon State University Mrs. John Baines
Corvallis, OR (Ruth)
Washington College Mrs. Michael McClaren September 204 N W. 27th
Chestertown, MD (Jeanne) Corvallis, OR 97330
Informal-October 10924 Arbour Drive
Formal-February Brighton, MI 48116 School, Month of Rus/i* Chapter Adviser
University of Oregon Mrs. Lester Hixson
MICHIGAN Mrs. James Brown Eugene, OR (Connie)
University of Michigan (Elizabeth) September 1523 Russet Drive
Ann Arbor, MI RR #2, Box 226 Eugene, O R 97401
September Bemidji, M N 56601
PENNSYLVANIA Ms. Karen Bechtold
MINNESOTA Ms. Nancy Larson Indiana University 552 Church Street
Bemidji State University 1513 Burnsville Parkway of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA 15701
Bemidji, MN Burnsville. M N 55337 Indiana, PA
September, March September
Mrs. Deb Fenstermaker
University of Minnesota 403 S. 5th East Stroudsburg State College Mrs. Rav Wolfe
Minneapolis, MN Oxford. MS 38655 East Stroudsburg, PA
Septmber October (Beckv)
Ms. Jan Rhodes
MISSISSIPPI 323 A. King Street 5209 Venable Ave.
University of Mississippi Warrensburg, M O 64093
Univerity, MS Charleston, W . V A 25304
Slippery Rock State College Ms. Miriam McCullough
MISSOURI Slippery Rock, PA R D #1
Central Missouri State October Rural Valley, PA 16249
Warrensburg, MO SOUTH CAROLINA Mrs. Dean Sommers
September (Carol)
University of South Carolina 408 Fireside Drive
Columbia, S C. Columbia, S C 29210
TENNESSEE Ms. Barbara Ashcroft
Southwestern at Memphis 1726 Morley PI., #1
Memphis, T N Memphis. T N 38111
Chapter School, Month of Rush* Chapter Adviser Chapter School, Month of Rush' Chapter Adviser
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt University Ms. Susan Derryberry Iota Tau
Nashville, TN 2415 Kensington PL WISCONSIN Mrs. Sten Pierce
Omega Omicron U pperc 1assmen -September Nashville, T N 37212 Sigma Lambda University of Wisconsin (Jan)
Freshmen-January Beta Kappa Stout 214 13th Street
Mrs. Roy O. Evans Beta Tau Menomonie, Wl Menomonie, Wl 54751
Lambuth College (Anita Kay) August
Jackson, TN 101 A y e r s
September Jackson, T N 38301 University of Wisconsin Ms. Kristin Maegli
Milwaukee 3519 N. 97th Place
Mrs. James Brennan August, January Milwaukee, Wl 53222
Omicron University of Tennessee 8229 Foxall Circle
Knoxville, TN Knoxville, T N 37919
September University of Wisconsin Mrs. Peter Koukola
Ms. Adair Duncan LaCrosse (Chris)
G H Hall, UTM LaCrosse, WI 426 N. 22nd Street
Martin, T N 38238 September, (anuary LaCrosse, Wl 54601
Tau Omicron University of Tennessee Mrs. William Cooper CANADA Mrs. Kerry Spence
Upsiton Lambda Martin (Marie) BRITISH COLUMBIA (Judi)
Gamma Alpha Martin, TN 6030 Forest Ridge University of British C o l u m b i a 264 Montroyal Blvd.
Alpha Gamma September San Antonio, TX 78240 Vancouver, British Columbia N. Vancouver
September British Columbia, C A N A D A
TEXAS Ms. Charlotte Hays V7H 2E2
University of Texas #104, 2284 Pimmit Run Ln.
San Antonio Falls Church, V A 22043 ONTARIO Mrs. Donald Pressey
San Antonio, TX University of Toronto (Dianna)
August Ms. Sue Hinz Toronto, Canada 44 Charles Street, W
N.W. 1915 Kenny September Apt. 4111
VIRGINIA Pullman, WA 99163 Toronto, Ontario
George Mason University CANADA
Fairfax, V A M4Y IR8
'Month listed indicates formal rush dates. Most chapters conduct open rash throughout the year.
Washington State University
Pullman, WA
Upsilon University of Washington Mrs. Bruce Busch
Seattle, W A (Kathleen)
September 5700 29th N.E.
Seattle, WA 98105
Would you like to see A O n grow in Canada? Would
you like to meet other sisters in A O n who live near
you? Would you like to introduce undergraduate wom-
en to the many joys and benefits derived from being an
A O n ? If the answer to any of these questions is YES,
then send in the attached form or write to
Jean A. Winter BT,
215 Edinburgh Place
Apt 102
Peterborough, Ontario
K9H 3E4
Let her know of your interest in helping A O n do an ex-
tension investigation in Canada.
I am interested in providing information about alumnae
I am interested in providing information about collegiate
Name of University in your area CHAPTER
Name of college rushee will attend
Rushee's Name — _ _ — _ Age _ Year in college presently .
Address _
Parent or Guardian's Name
. Telephone no.
Rushee's home address if different from above . Size of high school
_ High School GPA
Rushee's current college address _ College GPA
Name of high school _
Date of graduation from high school
College attended ,—
Summary of Rushee's interests, organizational involvement, group leadership experiences:
AOn Relatives:
name (include maiden name if possible) address p relationship to rushee college chapter
name (include maiden name if possible) address relationship to rushee college chapter
name of sorority relationship
Relatives or close friends in other NPC groups:
name address
name address name of sorority relationship
Is this rushee a personal friend or acquaintance ..- .. of yours? If not known personally by you, what is the source of
information on this form?
Would you like to have this rushee bid by an AOflchapter?.
Have you talked with this rushee about AOn ?
Is this rushee able to manage the cost of college and sorority membership?
When does she plan to enter college (if she is not now a student)?
name and address, send the form to the Regional Extension Officer responsible for the region in which the rushee will attend col-
If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information to the return address indi-
cated immediately. A collegiate chapter's pledging depends on your prompt information. Please use an additional page to explain
or add any other information which might be useful to the chapter in their getting to know this rushee.
Your Name . Address . Tel. No.
Your Collegiate Chapter for chapter use only: date received
Your Alumnae Chapter .
Your Signature date acknowledgement sent .
Today's Date
sorority rushee pledged —.—
ERA: What Does It Mean
to the Greek System?
(Editor's Note: The following opinions are reprinted from the December 1978 Bulletin of the Interfraternity Research and
Advisory Council. Because Alpha Omicron Pi is not an organization of a political nature, it is not appropriate that we "take a
stand" on the ERA issue. However, our commitment to furthering the education and development of our membership has led us to
share the followi>ig article with you. It is hoped that you will share your thoughts and feelings on this important issue. Please
address all correspondoice in care of the Editor, A O f l Central Office, 2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103, Nashville, TN 37212.)
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS in sex discrimination i n admissions, student services and
Opponents of the Equal Rights Amendment are saying
its ratification raises the spector of a halfback sipping tea The Department of Health, Education and Welfare
at a sorority party and a homecoming queen chug-a-lug- interpreted this to mean it could withhold funds from
ging at a fraternity beer bust. schools providing "substantial material" support to
Greek letter social organizations.
However, E.R.A. supporters and a Library of Congress
study insist it w o u l d be up to the courts to decide i n indi- After protests by sororities and fraternities, Congress
vidual cases whether social fraternities and sororities voted in 1974 to exempt them f r o m the law. (Ed. Note —
could continue to be sexually exclusive. A n d E.R.A. sup- The Congressional action did not exclude professional
porters say they expect the courts to rule that way. fraternities and honor societies, however.)
The subject recently came up at a convention of Kappa By E L I Z A B E T H C L A R K E ,
Alpha Theta sorority in Portland, Ore. Pi Beta Phi
"We need to be aware that the passage of the Equal Do sororities and fraternities want to discriminate "on
Rights Amendment will nullify the exclusion . . . account of sex?"
granted by Congress which allows college fraternities
and sororities to operate as single sex organizations," Yes, of course we do. Sororities and fraternities are or-
said Mrs. Albert N . Jorgensen, Jr., of Newington, Conn., ganizations which provide friendship, companionship
a member of the sorority's Grand Council. and mutual support from members of a group, with a
particular group being composed exclusively of men or
Asked if this could be true, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a women. Sororities exclude men because members of the
Columbia University law professor w h o has argued sorority want it that way; fraternities likewise.
women's rights cases before the Supreme Court, said,
" I n no sense at a l l . " But it is generally recognizd that the proposed Equal
Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will doom
"The Equal Rights Amendment applies to government fraternities and sororities—and all other single sex or-
action," said Ms. Ginsburg. " I t doesn't affect fraternities ganizations, institutions and activities.
and sororities."
Those who have expressed opinion that sororities and
In a report prepared in 1975 for Sen. Birch Bayh, D - fraternities w i l l be unaffected by E.R.A. are w r o n g be-
Ind., an E.R.A. sponsor, the Library of Congress said that cause w i t h E.R.A. no discrimination "on account of sex"
if the E.R.A. is ratified, "problems w i l l undoubtedly can be permitted by a tax-exempt organization, nor w i l l
arise" in regard to fraternities and sororities, but they special exemption laws allowing single sex groups be
w i l l be similar to the problems w h i c h come up under the permitted as is the case now. The no-exemption con-
existing Constitution. stitutional amendment will prevail over any desire of
Congress, the courts, bureaucrats, or citizens, no matter
"From our research, it would appear that fraternities how urgent the case for exemption may be.
and sororities w o u l d not be affected i n any significant
way as a result of the adoption of the Equal Rights Prof. Thomas Emerson, of Yale University, is the
Amendment," the library's congressional research serv- author of a document describing what proponents said
ice said. w o u l d be the effect of the amendment at the time it was
being proposed:
But Phyllis Segal, staff attorney for the Nationl Organ-
ization for Women's Legal Defense and Educational "The basic principle of the Equal Rights Amendment
Fund, said she was "uncertain as to how the court w o u l d is that sex is not a permissible factor i n determining the
interpret it." legal rights of women or of men. This means that the
treatment of any person by the law may not be based
In 1972, Congress passed a law restricting educational
institutions receiving federal assistance f r o m engaging
upon the circumstances that such person is of one sex or H o w can the Federal government get involved i n
the other. The principle of the amendment must be ap- enforcing this unisex living on private groups? Section 2
plied comprehensively and without exception." (Yale of the amendment gives the enforcement power for this
Law Journal, p. 889-890, A p r i l 1971.) amendment exclusively to the Federal government. A n y
group or activity receiving "Federal assistance", such as
It took a special act of Congress to exempt the general tax-exemption, or which receives donations from donors
sororities and fraternities f r o m the Title IX non-dis- who deduct the gift from their income tax, or any group
crimination provision of the Equal Education Act. Ex- that meets i n a tax-exempt place or any group whose
emptions f r o m other such laws are possible, or new laws leaders work for or benefit from tax-exempt institutions
can be enacted so that the people's needs and wants can or activity cannot choose only men or only women. Such
be achieved. choosing w o u l d be sex discriminatory and not allowed.
But exemptions and exceptions w i l l not be possible
after ratification of E.R.A.
To the Editor: Question & Answer
Dear Ms. Montgomery, some answers to your excellent queries. alcohol awareness, and leadership
For many years, I have been a lost training. The fraternity experience is
alumna and am pleased to have Alpha Omicron Pi is at a vital stage becoming increasingly important as it
been re-discovered. M y years since in her development. It is both an excit- remains one of the few areas in which
college have not been i n close prox- ing and challenging time as we strive to one can share in the unique groivth
imity of four year institutions and meet the needs of our membership afforded by being part of an all women's
thus I have been in the dark of the today. We are realizing the importance group. I am proud to say that Alpha
fraternity movement. of our role in the personal development Omicron Pi is accepting and expanding
of each of our members. With that upon this role in a most active manner.
M y first To Dragma was a little premise in mind, we are in the process
discouraging since I read too much of addressing such concerns as career Your statement that role models are
about beauty queens. I was im- development and life planning. The an important need for our collegians is
pressed w i t h the winter issue w i t h spring issue of To Dragma and the new very true. One of my goals as editor is
its spotlight on philanthropy. career department introduced in this to focus more on feature articles about
issue are part of our active commitment our alumnae: who they are, what they
I have many questions for you to to aid our membership in these most are doing, and what part their fraternity
update me about Alpha Omicron Pi. vital areas. Another new area to which membership has played in their lives.
1.) The International Convention we are channeling our efforts is in the Hopefully, this will help our younger
w i l l be i n Nashville. There were
many references to workshops. Alpha Omicron Pi is at a vital stage in her develop-
What are the issues facing AOn and ment. It is both an exciting and challenging time as
fraternities i n general that w i l l be we strive to meet the needs of our membership
discussed at C o n v e n t i o n ? 2.) Is today.
there any kind of profile on AOFI
alumnae? Who they are, where life development of an international alcohol sisters to see that there really is "life
has taken them since college; com- awareness program aimed especially at
munity, civic, political people. Do our collegians. The thrust of our pro- after graduation" and that their mem-
we have role models for our sisters? gram is to educate our collegians in the
In a rapidly changing society can basic facts about alcohol and to help bership in AOFI can be an important
sisterhood be helpful in transition them to develop a code for the responsi-
periods? 3.) Where does AOn stand ble use of alcohol. Because of the wide- part in making it a satisfying and
on the Equal Rights Amendment? spread acceptance of alcohol it has
become one of the most abused drugs in fulfilling life.
I am anxious to hear from you. our society. It is our goal to help educate
These may be questions that other our members so that they will not fall Finally, I ivould like to deal with
lost alumnae may have, too. into the pitfall of alcohol misuse which
has trapped so many others. Our Con- your question on the ERA. A O n has
Sincerely Yours, vention workshops have been strongly
Kay Kraatz, Q influenced by the philosophy that we are not been and is not a political organiza-
becoming increasingly responsible to
Dear Ms. Kraatz, help meet the developmental needs of tion. Because of this it would not be ap-
our membership. That is why you have
I was so pleased to receive your letter. read so much about the workshops. In propriate for us to "take a stand" on the
Your questions about the state of our addition to our operational workshops
Fraternity show much insight. From my on rush, finances, and the like, we are ERA issue. However, in the interest of
perspective, it seems that many alum- also presenting a sessioti on careers,
nae do share your questions about furthering the education and develop-
A O n , but it is all too rare that someone
writes to share their thoughts. I hope ment of our members, elsewhere in this
that I will be able to provide at least
issue is an opinion article on the ERA
question reprinted from the Bulletin of
the Interfraternity Research and
Advisory Council.
Thank you for taking the time and
effort to voice your excellent questions. I
hope that I have at least given you some
insight into where AOfl is and. where
ice are headed.
A Rose Without Thorns?
By Wilma Smith Leland, T
Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee
During the past year, t w o questions monly called the 30-day rose be- concerning a thornless rose.
concerning the General Jacqueminot cause they bloom for that length of But was the Jacqueminot rose
Rose have come to m y attention. time. Roussel completed his work i n thornless? I d i d go to the rose au-
Both were prompted by the Cope- 1853. thorities. If you would like some i n -
crest weaving made i n Coventry in When Region III met in conven- teresting reading for a pledge class,
England and sold by the Diamond tion last summer, Karen Tucker, of refer to Old Roses by Ethelyn Emery
Jubilee Foundation for scholarship the DJF Board, took some weavings Keays. She gives the history of the
funds. Both sent me to research the to the meeting. In her report, she propagation of the rose i n detail. She
rose in more depth than I had done said that they did not sell because refers to Elwanger's work on the
for a previous article. "the weaving is incorrect. The Jac- rose. She says that she has had Jac-
queminot rose, according to one of queminots in her garden for over 20
Nell W. Berndt, P, bought the the delegates, does not have years (in 1935). She continues to say
weaving, learned something of its thorns." I told her the weaving was that it is a hardy, glorious, and
history, and wanted to know more made from a colored photograph on graceful rose that grows to 5 to 6 feet
about the General. Viscount Jean a postcard that Stella had sent me, tall and has scarlet crimson flowers
Francois Jacqueminot, 1787-1865, but that I w o u l d research the rose of 24-30 petals. It has light green
fought w i t h Napoleon at Waterloo. further. Karen suggested that the re- prickles. (In botany, a prickle ac-
He was a member of the Chamber of search should be done into AOU cording to Webster is a small, sharp-
Deputies i n Paris i n 1827. In 1830, history and traditions rather than ly pointed process growing from the
he supported the July Monarchy. He researching the rose itself. tissue under the outer layer of a
was a brigadier general in the Na- plant. In short, a thorn.)
tional Guard with considerable re- Since the former have been a part
sponsibility. His indecision i n 1848 of my life for over 50 years, I might Elwanger called them spines and
made possible the Revolution of that have felt that research in them was on some of his Jacqueminots they
year. not necessary to satisfy myself that a were red. I n case you want to learn
Roses were then and are now thornless rose had nothing to do more, Thomas has w r i t t e n Old Shrub
named to honor men and women of w i t h A O n . However, I did ask Roses and included the Jacqueminot.
prominence. The grower, Roussel, others who had worked with the Today florists will provide you with
propagated the roses i n Montpellier Founders: the historians —present the modern roses hybridized f r o m
in southern France. He used a seed-" and past. I also reread personal cor- the Jacqueminot: Crimson Glory,
ling, Glorie des Rosomanes, to pro- respondence in my files. We could Richmond, Etoile de Hollande, and
duce the General Jacqueminot rose. find no reference to any tradition Radiance. They, too, have thorns.
Both were perpetual roses and com- handed down from the Founders
In Memoriam: Jacinta L. Talbot
It was with much sorrow that I ilege to serve under her when she Earl Talbot, they had two children.
called Central Office to inform the was International President from
office of the death of one of our dear 1951-53. She was a charming, She is survived by her husband and
sisters and Past International Presi- warm-hearted woman—a truly gra-
dents, Jacinta Margaret Lobrano cious lady i n every sense. daughter. Jac's daughter, M a r y
Talbot. "Jac," as she was k n o w n ,
was born on January 2, 1904 to Active in civic and community Katherine Holmquist, PI '46, main-
Dominick L. and Francis Stubbs affairs, she was a member of the
Lobrano. She passed away on May League of Women Voters. Jac was tained Jac's correspondence w i t h
11, 1979 i n Covington, La. also president of the United Church
Women and president and charter myself and Carolyn Harris from the
Jac pledged Pi chapter at Sophie member of Care-at-Home, a charita-
Newcombe in 1922. She served our ble organization. She was a member time of Jac's illness u n t i l her death.
Fraternity l o y a l l y as Pi chapter of Christ Episcopal Church. Very i n -
adviser, District Director, First Vice volved i n golf, Jac held the presi- It was an honor to w o r k w i t h Jac
President, and International Presi- dency of the New Orleans' Women's
dent. Jac also lent her leadership as Golf Association and the Louisiana for our Fraternity. Her passing is a
chairman of CARF. She also served Women's Golf Association. She also
on the original Perry Award Com- was the vice president of the South- loss to AOn, and we w i l l miss her
mittee w i t h myself and her dearest ern Women's Golf Association.
friend, Jo Dorweiler. It was my priv- dearly. Fraternally,
The wife of retired judge Edmond
Mary Louise Roller, A f l
Founders' Day Celebrations
Throughout the World of A O n
Janet Tyznik. Sue Huber, and Joy Guscott are pictured in Twelve chapters were represented at the Greater Pinellas A l u m -
the costumes worn by many at the unique Founders' Day nae C h a p t e r Founders' Day luncheon this past January. Cay
celebration held by the lota collegians and the alumnae of Hakanson. X served as toastmistress. Patsy Cox. A f l ; Regional Di-
the C h a m p a i g n - U r b a n a A l u m n a e Chapter. rector, spoke on regional affairs, and Marion Clouse, X ; president
of the chapter spoke on the chapter's progress, plans, and hopes
for the coming year. Pictured above, standing left-to-right are Millie
Berdeen, T past president; Marion Clouse, and Patsy Cox.
M Em >. j
Kathy Harper Sinnet, T; Nancy Pistaki, V; and Barbara Koeritz Wen- mif m
torth. V; enjoy the P o r t l a n d Area A l u m n a e Chapter's Founders' Day
Christmas party. The celebration consisted of fraternity education, MM-
a "Yankee Swap," and good fellowship.
Stell Erikson, T ; president of the Diablo Valley Alumnae Panhellen-
ic, was the main speaker at the Founders' Day Luncheon held at
the Chi Alpha houseJor the collegians and alumnae.
. . . And Still More Celebrations!
i Lisa Newman, NO recent graduate, was
awarded a Certificate of Honor for her
Si dedicated service throughout her four
years at Vanderbilt at the joint Founders'
Patricia Annen Broggi, N I , pasf president of the West Suburban Alumnae Chapter and Day celebration of the Nu O m i c r o n C h a p -
present vice president of the Chicago Area Council, was awarded a Certificate of Honor ter and the N a s h v i l l e A l u m n a e C h a p t e r .
for her service at the W e s t S u b u r b a n A l u m n a e C h a p t e r Founder's Day. The banquet was held at Vanderbilt's Uni-
versity Club.
Founders' Day. . .
The Minneapolis Alumnae Chapter Hospital for Emotionally Disturbed
shared Founders' Day festivities Children. (con't. from page 13)
with the collegians of Tau Chapter
at the University of Minnesota and Marsha Hunt Brewer, XA, was ter, but rather have been willing to
the collegians of Beta Epsilon at presented with the Most Out- lead in whatever responsibility they
Bemidji. The program included a standing Alumna award at the San have been called upon to assume.
skit about the Founders written by Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter Service to the community, Panhel-
Georgia Gould of station WTCN- Founders' Day. Also honored was lenic spirit and involvement, and
TV, sung by Barbara Davidson, and Parna Joyce. Mrs. Joyce was pre- scholarship are important, too. The
narrated by K i t Searight. The badges sented w i t h an Honor Card for her collegiate chapter will submit
of the late Jo Dorweiler, Past Inter- outstanding display of "Panhellenic nominations to the alumnae selec-
national president, were presented Sisterhood." A member of Gamma tions committee for consideration in
to Cindy Bergan, Tau vice president, Phi Beta, Mrs. Joyce is the president the spring. Sigma Iota is our o w n
and Sheryl Bogda, Beta Epsilon's of the Valley Alumnae Panhellenic. adopted chapter, and it is hoped that
president. other alumnae chapters will also
Delta Pi Chapter of Central Mis- adopt this award for their nearby
The Philadelphia Alumnae souri State and Lambda Omega of collegiate chapters.
Chapter celebrated Founders' Day Northwest Missouri State were
with a luncheon at the home of entertained by the Kansas City The charter members are Rose-
Patience Tillman. Several collegiate Alumnae Chapter at a Founders' mary Brill, Linda Brownfield, Sally
chapters were represented at the Day Banquet at the Carriage Club. Griffin, Suzanne Humphrey, Dawn
gathering. Christmas gifts and Jean Krause, AFI, was named as the Kaiser (secretary and collegiate
money were donated to Arthritis outstanding alumna for her dedi- liaison), Leslie Leach (vice presi-
Research and to the Eastern State cated service to the chapter. dent), Kay Massey, Sharon Mc-
Daniel, Chris Mosher (president),
Mary Mosher, Patricia Phillips,
Sally Ward (To Dragma historian
and historian), Linda Young, Carol
Anderson, Judy Brown, Jan Price,
Judy Turvey, and Stella Walls.
Spotlight on Spirit
Alabama already hard at work to make this
year an even better one for Alpha
A l p h a Delta had a very successful Delta.—Karen Cass
fall semester. Several outstanding i-
Arizonaachievements were made by various Six Auburn beauties were selected as the
elite group of 20 Glomerata beauties: Jen-
members. Therese Rhodes, a sopho- i The women of Upsilon Alpha Chap- ny Ivester, Sherree Nelson. Genie Phillips,
more f r o m Tuscaloosa, was elected ter actively participate i n many cam- Karen Kroft, Karen Carlson, and Lynn
secretary/treasurer of the Engineer- pus activities which have brought Dawson.
ing School. Karen Kremer, a senior them recognition i n the past year.
f r o m Birmingham, was selected for a Graduating senior Laura Fisher has Unfortunately it is not all f u n and
"Who's Who Among Students In only missed the Dean's List once fellowship. There are many long
American Universities and Col- since she began school i n 1975. I n hours of hard work involved to
leges." Earlier i n the year, Nancy addition to her high scholastic create the spirit found in A O n . A n
Shealy, a sophomore from Bir- achievement, she has recently been excellent example of such dedication
mingham, was selected by the popu- listed i n the College Register, the Na- was found on the night of February
lar vote of the student body as a tional Social Register of Prominent 8 i n Memorial Coliseum during Step
Corolla Beauty Favorite. Julie College Students and Graduates. In Sing.
Guengerich and Karen Cass were fall 1978, she was also awarded the
recently elected president and vice Phi Kappa Phi Certificate of Merit Our long hours of hard work
president, respectively, of the Beta for being in the top 1 percent of stu- were not in vain because we
Theta Pi fraternity Little Sisters. dents in the College of Fine Arts. brought home w i t h us a closeness
Laura is a member of the University that comes from working together
Anyone watching the Sugar Bowl of Arizona Student Speech and and of course the first place trophy.
over Christmas may have seen Hearing Group, the National Stu- Many thanks should be extended to
Cheryl Calloway during the dent Speech and Hearing Associa- L y n n Dawson for her enthusiasm as
halftime show. Cheryl, a freshman tion, and is active in Blue Key, a Step Sing Chairman which seemed
f r o m Coosada, is a Crimsonette for senior honary. to spread to each and every sister
the M i l l i o n Dollar Band. She spends and even to the audience.—Beth
a great deal of her time practicing In fall 1978, junior Carla Keegan Yost
her baton and dance routines, and won trophies at two debate tourna-
Alpha Delta is very proud of her. ments held at the University of A r i - Ball State
zona, the Sundevil Invitational,
Lynn Amos, a senior from Fullerton International, and a Colo- AOFIs at Kappa Kappa chapter not
Montgomery, left us this semester so rado Tournament. On campus, Car- only show spirit in what we do, but
that she could j o i n " U p W i t h Peo- la is a Chief Justice for the Arizona we promote it on campus, too. For
ple." She has been i n Florida re- Model U . N . and does political
hearsing for the show which will science research for a university 25
soon be touring all over the world. professor. She is also a member of
L y n n is a very talented young lady, the Association of Pre-Law Stu-
and we all wish her the best of luck. dents.
Dee Gardner, the second presi- In addition, past-president Ellen
dent of Alpha Delta, was the guest Saddler was awarded a scholarship
speaker for our Founders Day Ban- by the Phoenix Panhellenic Associa-
quet. Dee is also a former traveling tion in January 1979.—Loree
consultant for Alpha Omicron Pi. Hubbard
Listening to her talk about our
chapter's beginning was quite an ex-
AuburnWe just recently elected our new
officers. Lynne Neff, a junior from
Birmingham, is our new president The Delta Delta chapter of A O PI has
and CeCe Jackson, a sophomore been coming u p roses w i t h a f u l l
f r o m Knoxville, Tennessee, is our agenda of activities winning honors
new vice president. They, as well as in some but having f u n i n each
all of the other new officers, are endeavor.
two years, we've awarded spirit tro- ing float to house the King and I T r a v e l i n g c o n s u l t a n t C l a i r e
phies at each home basketball game
to the most spirited organization at- Queen. Coincidently, Kay Warner, Edgington added to Chi Alpha's
tending the game. Our spirit was
shown i n Sigma Switch, a bike race an A O n , and Corki Hanson, a Rho, spirit by teaching us to spell A O n
where girls ride bicycles and guys
ride tricycles. For several months were honored as Queen and King. on the l a w n w i t h our bodies. We
our bike team practiced every morn-
ing before classes. Their w o r k and The float w o n 2nd place i n the also had three-legged races, over-
efforts paid off as we w o n the race
for the second consecutive year! A parade. and-under relays, and egg tosses.
fund-raising project that we enjoy is
our Singing Valentines. We make up The AOris had two triumphs on Our miniature Greek Week was a
valentine songs and charge students and around Halloween. On the 29th welcome release just before rush.
a small fee to have the songs sung to
their sweethearts by phone or in we had our all Greek Halloween Throughout the year Alpha Elf
person. This has become quite a
campus tradition. Party. Sheri Bogda and Susan Sams leaves goodies and words of encour-
We show our spirit on campus, (president and treasurer of the agement for Chi Alpha. These are
and we use our energies and spirit
to plan f u n things within our o w n chapter) went as fiddles and w o n 1st always welcome surprises as we
chapter. One activity planned was a
family night in which sisters had an place. O n H a l l o w e e n night, the question w h o the Alpha Elf is this
opportunity to get their little sisses,
big brothers, and little brothers to- A O l l s ran the Beaver Pond, a local time.
gether for a pizza. Some of our activ-
ities are just to get sisters together bar. We ran costume and jack-o-lan- Winter quarter we look forward
since we do not live i n a sorority
house. Swim parties, roller skating tern contests and different specials to the annual Rose Ball. The house is
parties, sisterhood suppers, and all night. We made a profit of $9.00 b u s t l i n g w i t h activity, p r e p a r i n g
playing together on a Softball team per keg, totally approximately food, drink, flowers, and arranging
with a fraternity are some of the $100.00 for the chapter.
things we do to share more time for the band. A l l is set for sharing a
with our sisters.
Founder's Day, initiation, and lovely time with Chi Alpha col-
On the social scene Kappa Kappas Christmas Formal also are favorite legians, Sacramento alumnae, and
are ready to try something different. activities of the chapter. These along Chi Alpha alumnae.
In the campus Greek Auction, we
bought a w i n e and cheese party, a w i t h many more always keep the Occasionally Chi Alpha's other
peppermint schnapps party and a
cook-out with various fraternities Bemidji A O f l s spirits high!—Jodie side shows up, can you imagine
on campus.
Swenson coming home to find M & M ' s and
Yes, we do show spirit on campus
and within our chapter! We find hard candy in your bed? Or a teddy
time for parties and good times
while still maintaining the highest British Columbia bear kidnapping w i t h the ransom
grade point average of sororities being a bowl full of popcorn? Or the
on campus this year! —Jeannie
Hoeping spring favorite of carrying a sister
Bemidji The pledges of Beta Kappa showed upstairs and threatening to t h r o w
m u c h s p i r i t t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r her i n the shower? These are just a
Fall quarter for the Bemidji A O l l s pledgeship. With the popularity of few of the crazy, f u n things we do to
was full of spirit. In early September " A n i m a l House," the pledges held a keep our sanity w h i l e trying to
we got 4 great pledges. They got to- most successful party where guests make " A ' s " at UC Davis.
gether and made an A O n banner
for homecoming and worked to- included penguins, polar bears, cats, With Greek Week coming up in a
gether in a fund-raising project.
Homecoming itself was an event to dogs, b i r d s and the Canadian few weeks we are practicing our
remember. The AOFIs, along with
Sigma Delta Rho, a local fraternity, beaver! favorite songs and cheers for en-
were chosen to build the Homecom-
The sisters of Beta Kappa found couraging our sisters. It's going to
out all too early i n the morning be an excellent opportunity to show
what spirited pledges they had everyone at Davis the real meaning
selected. The sisters were awakened i of spirit!—Karen West
early one Saturday morning and
taken to the city courthouse and
tried for the horrible crime of kid- California State-
napping pledges earlier in the year. Northridge
However, they were in for a special
treat as the "sentence" was being
treated to breakfast at McDonald's. What a more appropriate way to
honor someone than to name an
California-Davis award after them? Sigma Phi began
a new tradition this year by naming
an award after Phyllis Gilson, our
Chi Alpha's spirit begins when we outgoing pledge adviser. The award
first get back to school and lasts w i l l go to the sister w h o was deter-
throughout the year. Fall rush re- mined to be the best big sister i n all
treat is kept lively w i t h sister and aspects as she prepared her little
dinner kidnaps. Also, an occasional sister for initiation.
song like " M y Aunt Came Back" Speaking of honors, we are very
and "Father Abraham" during the proud of Debbie Kraus who was
lulls of the day, and, of course, the i! named to " W h o ' s W h o i n American
comradery around the evening fire Colleges and Universities."—Bever-
after work well done. This year ly Jordan
DePauw are: Mary Lou Norman —2nd place, Illinois
arm wrestling; Nancy Ellison, Vicki
Trying to encompass the fun, W i l s o n , and Daria Garcia —1st W h y w o u l d 20 Sigma Chis have
friendship, sisterhood, and spirit , place, Gong Show; Linda Brooks, AOn painted on their chests? Well,
that makes Theta Chapter of A O I l a K i m Flemming —1st place, Egg Toss. it began when the A O f l s kidnapped
special experience is not an easy task Let's hope we do as well this spring! all the derbies even before the start
to tackle in one sitting. Nevertheless, of the first Sigma Chi Derby Days at
there are some things that simply Lambda Sigma's are not only Illinois. We held the derbies for ran-
must be mentioned! spirited when they are competing i n som u n t i l 20 Sigs arrived at our
contests and events, but they are house, where we enthusiastically
D u r i n g Little 500 week, our also spirited when it comes to proceeded to "brand" them. This
pledges and members are involved grades. The Lambda Sigmas re- was followed by a great weekend
in competitive tennis, volleyball, ceived the "Most Improved Scholas- packed with fun.
tug-of-war, swimming, pie-eating, a tically" award for fall quarter.
trike race, bed race, sack race, and f i - The spring semester for Iotas was
nally the big race itself—the little But that is not all of our spirit full of exciting events. Our first fix-
500 bike race. Go red and white!! achievements —oh no, there is much up dance was a tremendous success.
more! The A O lis at Georgia won Our dates' identities, and vice versa,
Then, outside of campus activi- 1st place i n the Fifth Quarter Social remained a secret until all the dates
ties, Theta Chapter enjoys the f u n Achievement contest. With the help were assembled at the house. Only
and togetherness of occassional of the Phi Gamma Deltas, we won then d i d we meet our dates and all
"Rowdy Nights" (when we dress up 2nd place i n the Homecoming float leave for a local discotheque for a
and have games/prizes during a Fri- which had the theme of Showtime. fantastic time.
day night dinner), pledge walk-outs In the Derby Events, Ginger Ross
and walk-ins, spring and fall house and Susan Ellison w o n 1st place i n We proudly claim several col-
dances, and work projects, done the Egg Toss. legians w i t h outstanding achieve-
with a male living unit to help ments. Pamela Hurley, a recent
neighboring communities. One of The Lambda Sigmas at UGA are graduate, was among ten U . of I .
the most touching activities is that always ready to do anything if spirit students working on a congres-
of inspiration week preceeding is involved. On Dairy Fun Night, sional internship this past semester
initiation when the members honor Nancy Ellison and Julie Rice com- in Washington, D.C. Also, new initi-
the pledges every day w i t h a rose, a peted in the M i l k M a i d Contest. Jane ate Wendy Feik was crowned the
note, a coke date, or a special cere- Sadler and Susan Ellison competed first National Simmental Queen in
mony. in the Calf Dressing contest. The calf San Antonio, Texas in February. Re-
sported the newest spring cow taining the title of Miss Illinois Sim-
Therefore, when one asks "what fashion —the Hawaiian " m o o - mental (Simmental being a brand of
makes A O n so special?" Theta moo." We had a fantastic time par- beef cattle) for two years, she com-
Chapter has a long list to report.— ticipating. peted in the first national competi-
Sue Nichols tion for Simmental Queen and won!
We are anticipating a great year to Wendy serves as a public relations
Hanover come. We plan to show the campus representative in agriculture for the
of UGA that A O I 1 is #1.-Susan state throughout the year.
Other recent events include the
"The Tri-Level" went far in promot- !• addition of Sandy White to Mortar
ing spirit this year. It is our annual Board and Jo Anne Yonke to Shorter
Christmas dance i n which each floor Board. Iotas involvement on campus
of the house has a different theme is as strong as ever, w i t h Cathy Gaw
w h i c h fits into an overall idea of and Paige Harrison on Panhellenic
Christmas at the turn of the century. Campus Affairs Committee; Carol
Mosborg on Greek Programming
The dance was the perfect "icing- Committee; and Robin Feder the
on-the-cake" as we prepared for a chairperson for International Week,
very special formal rush i n January. sponsored by the Illini Union. We
With the help of several internation- are all proud of them!—Marge
al and regional officers, we received Bojanowski
nine fantastic new pledges. It was a
rewarding experience for all of us. Illinois Wesleyan
Georgia When it comes to spirit, an A O I T s
never dies! Despite the mishap Beta
Spirit at the Lambda Sigma chap- lota's Wendy Feik retained her Illinois title Lambda experienced earlier this
ter's house is yet to be beaten. Last of Simmental Queen and went on to earn year, our spirits are higher than
spring we w o n first place i n Greek the title of National Simmental Queen in ever.
Week! A few of the people who the first national contest.
helped us to w i n this great event 27
Since our elections, a few weeks In the months ahead our calender ourselves and of our sisters know-
ago, the majority of our nineteen holds such things as a Rockathon ing we have only just begun to make
(19) new initiates are holding offices for Arthritis and a reverse day for AOFI one of the leaders i n activities
in the house. Four are on Leaders' the pledges in which the pledges at ISU.—Sue Jensen
Council. w i l l be big sisters for a day while
their bigs w i l l be pledges. Kearney State
The Sigma Chi Derby Days are
approaching in April and the girls We wish our sisters a successful K n o w i n g and understanding each
are really fired-up for this one. spring rush and an all-around great other is essential i n the success of a
We're going all out to w i n that jug year!—Kathy Crahen sorority—and through B.I.O.N.I.C.
this year! the Phi Sigmas became aware of
Iowa State their sisters feelings and ideas and
The pledge class (now initiates) were given a better understanding
executed a "Hairy-Legs Contest" to Winter quarter with all its ice and of ritual.
raise money toward their gift to the snow can get a little dreary, but it
house. One man from each living hasn't kept the spirit of Iota B.I.O:N.I.C, coordinated by AOn
unit was photographed from the Sigma AOris down! In spite of Donna Suhr, began with a "Psych
shorts down. The pictures were then snowstorms and forty below zero U p " week in which posters declar-
posted in the Student Center and w i n d chill factors, we have been get- ing "B.I.O.N.I.C." were placed
passers-by voted by donations. The ting out, getting involved, and get- around the house. No one knew the
winner received a case of beer. The ting recognized! meaning of the posters and the
booth-workers received a few awk- curiosity gave the house a feeling of
ward looks at the onset of the proj- Winter Quarter is also the time to anxiety and spirit.
ect, but the contest was loads of f u n . start thinking about Veishea, an an-
nual spring quarter festival at Iowa Then, at the end of the week
Also coming up in April, we have State. This year we w i l l be teaming everyone met at the church on cam-
eight seniors: Carol Doherty, Kathy up w i t h the men of Beta Theta Pi to pus (having it away from the house
Duball, Fran Johnson, Cathy build a float for the Veishea parade. made it different from other house
Munroe, A n n Parker, Jane Reed, Coordinating such a project is a big activities) to discover what
Wendy Shaffer, and Dianne job, to be tackled by Suzy Snyder B.I.O.N.I.C. was all about.
Winowitz and one junior: Julie Par- and Nancy Johnston, our newly
sons becoming alums. Our lives elected Veishea Co-chairpersons. Several sessions were held in
have all been enriched by having They will organize the project, and which games were played. Take for
these girls as sisters and we wish the see that there is something for example, "Sing-a-long." Each girl
best life can offer i n the years everyone to do, plus planning wake was given a nursery rhyme to sing
ahead.—Teri Keller ups and other "fire-up" activities. by t h e m s e l v e s as t h e y w a l k e d
around the room looking for some-
Indiana, Pennsylvania Getting active on campus is a one singing the same song. When
good way to beat the winter blahs, they found them they continued
We at Gamma Beta hope all of our and one way is trying out for a posi- singing together. The purpose: We
sisters had a great holiday season. tion as a Cyclone Aid. Cyclone Aids are all individuals and we have
We sure did, but it's back to the are employed by the University for something to contribute, but, as a
books now! Rush is starting again the first six weeks of summer to help group we are much stronger and
soon and we're all pretty excited. carry out the ISU summer orienta- have more support.
Traveling Consultant Suzanne Col- tion program for incoming fresh-
gan just came to spend a week with men. The position is a popular one, Other sessions consisted of an-
us and we know she has some good and out of approximately 200 ap- swering questions about ourselves,
rush ideas that could come in plications, only 22 are accepted. getting to know more about each
handy. Aids are selected from a series of other, our ideas, backgrounds and
interviews and references from stu- feelings. A session was held on the
Fall semester for the TBs was dent, faculty, and other sources. Of meaning of ritual.
pretty hectic, it seemed as if we were the 22 Aids selected, three were
busy 24 hours a day. Some high AOris! Nancy Brown, Nancy It was an exciting and unique way
points for us were our Founder's Johnston, and Marsha Rector will of really getting to know and under-
Day Celebration (which was extra represent Iowa State and A O LI dur- stand our sisters. —Karen Kuhns
special as our pledges were initiated ing summer 1979 as Cyclone Aids.
right before) Christmas caroling at a We are proud of them all. Lambuth
nearby rest home, (the elderly really
do appreciate the young more than As you can see, the women of Iota Omega Omicron chapter at Lam-
we'll know), and our pledge dance. Sigma Chapter at Iowa State Univer- buth College in Jackson, Tennessee
sity have been keeping involved not ended a fun-filled summer and
We finally got our letters up on only w i t h classes but w i t h activities began an activity-packed fall with a
our house, only to have our pledges that help us to grow as individuals chapter rush retreat "roughing i t "
play a prank by taking the n. We are and as a chapter. We are proud of
presently living in the A O house,
but not for long!
by the lakeside at a Tennessee state ma Phi Epsilons). That is just one of Miss. This year has certainly been
one of fantastic spirit —for our
park. the ways the AOPI's have fun dur- school, for our interests, and espe-
cially, for each other.—Allison
Good planning paid off with a j ing the cold winter days and nights Bulsterbaum
successful rush the second week of at the University of Minnesota.
September. The chapter took in a Many AOPis are putting their
full quota of seventeen pledges. creative talents to work on the Christmas vacation was very excit-
Initiation added these 17 women to newly born "Greek Release" news- ing for the women of Zeta chapter as
the ranks of initiates in February. paper. The entire Greek system at vacations were taken basking in the
sun in Acapulco and Hawaii and
Other fall activities included a the U o f M came together to publish skiing d o w n the slopes of Colorado.
picnic for underprivileged children, and promote news about the Greek But one of the most exciting trips for
an A O n Parents Tea, and a system throughout campus by the AOPIs was to Miami, Florida to
Halloween hayride. means of this monthly publication. watch the Cornhuskers play in the
It is basically a compilation of each Orange bowl. More than 15 Zetas
Chapter president Elizabeth house's activities, ideas, and talents. migrated to the Sunshine State, and
Helms was named among twenty j It has truly begun a successful pro- some girls were even shown on TV
Lambuth seniors to Who's Who In motion of the wonderful Greek sys- and had their pictures featured in
American Colleges and Universities. tem at the University of Minnesota, newspapers across the country.
Grace Elizer, current Miss Lambuth, and A O PI is planning to contribute Needless to say it took some adjust-
made the top ten finalists in the Miss their activities and ideas in each ing to return to the cold icy campus
Tennessee pageant held in Jackson issue. at Lincoln.
in June.—Grace Elizer
Zeta is very proud of some of the
Tau chapter is looking forward to individual accomplishments within
our chapter: Mary Van Housen '80
Miami our annual spring canoe party. We was elected vice-president of Pan-
and our dates w i l l be spending an hellenic; Ruth Govier '79 was
selected for N U Medical School, and
For the past three years and hoping entire day canoeing d o w n the St. Chris Carlson '82 was selected to be
to continue the tradition, the Croix and will wind up the day with a N U Hostess. We are also proud of
Omegas have enjoyed a successful a picnic at our destination. The past our new housemother, Phillis Dirks,
date party, themed "AO—Pirate canoe parties have proved to be one w h o has been wonderful in her first
Party." The party usually occurs be- of the highlights of each year.— year w i t h us and for whom we have
a great amount of gratitude.—
tween mid-semester exams and f i - Dawn Loberg Catherine Santoro
nals, creating a last chance to let off North Alabama
energy before booking for finals. This fall the AK's hosted the
Junior Miss Pageant of North Ala-
Plenty of pirates, wenches and Cap- bama. Also in the line of beauty
pageants, three of our sisters (Mary
tain Hooks abound as well as the Mississippi Jim Reed, Laura Brush, and Patti
r o w d y spirit that they can create. Atchley) were chosen contestants
Rumor has it that each year the men for the Miss U N A Beuty Pageant.
from Miami University vie for the A gleaming gold spirit trophy sat i n Among our other achievements,
chance to go to the well-known our chapter room for a week early AOPIs were the first place winners
A O n Pirate Party! last semester, as the AOPIs were in the Sigma Chi Derby Hunt. In
football we took third place, and in
Another new Omega tradition is awarded for the enthusiastic sup- volleyball we took second place, in
the overall Intramurals AK's took
the First Friday meals held in the port they displayed at a pep rally third place. A O I l ' s won the Alpha
suite. Every first Friday of the held for the Ole Miss Rebels. This Gamma Delta Apple Bob.
month, a different theme is prepared and other exciting rallies helped get
around a meal varying from a low- N u Beta chapter off to a fast and It's no wonder that AOPIs at
cal lunch buffet to a seven-foot sub lively start last fall. We also held a U N A are known for their super
for dinner to a birthday party with tea at the Pi house the weekend of spirit and enthusiasm.—Lisa George
cake and ice cream celebrating Homecoming as well as an informal
Omega's birthday. It's a terrific dinner the weekend of the Rebel
opportunity for Omegas to get to- bout w i t h Tulane. But N u Beta spirit
gether—and what AOFI could re- for Ole Miss goes beyond football as
fuse a tempting meal coupled with a our activities on campus throughout
chance to chat w i t h her sisters? — this year have shown.
Julie Brueggeman Add to all of this the little things
we do in the spirit of close chapter
relations—a "Dress Up 50's Style"
Minnesota dinner, cartoons and Bible verses
tacked up on the bulletin board, a
sunshine box full of Pi anecdotes,
It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a "warm fuzzies" (dolls of yarn given
snowball? The winter snow games i weekly to Pi's who have made some
take place as usual between Tau of their sisters happy in some
chapter and their neighboring fra- way) — and you have a picture of the
ternities (the Kappa Sigmas and Sig- sisterhood we share here at Ole
Oregon State Southwestern this joint endeavor.
Omicron received a quite unique
" H u t one! Hike!" Splat! Bon voyage to six of our Kappa Om-
The Oregon State University AOFIs icron sisters! We're all excited for award this fall k n o w n as the " B i r d
are at it again, playing a rip-roaring Cathy Howe, Jenny Jenson, Kimber- Bath A w a r d . " The Sigma Phi
game of mudball — like football only ly Longmire, Donna Schardt, Epsilon fraternity presents this
messier! Sidonie Sansom, and Dorothy San- award once a year to the sorority
ders w h o w i l l be touring Russia and w h i c h they think is the most out-
Mudball, Christmas parties, Greek Poland this spring with the South- standing i n many different areas.
week and waterfights are all parts of western Singers. They're looking The AOFIs' graciously accepted the
a typical Alpha Rho year. forward to performing numbers award at a champagne reception i n
from Broadway musicals during their honor. —Barbara Jo McBride
Spirit is a big part of AOFI sister- their three-week trip.
hood at Oregon State. Participation
in intramural football, baseball and Although we're really sorry to see Toledo
Greek week activities all serve to Priscilla Rushton resign as Chapter
provide great f u n both for partici- Adviser, we're looking forward to Fall meant back to school and
pants and rooters. having Barbara Ashcroft, a 1977 back to work. Sisters worked day
graduate of Southwestern and past and night during Fall Rush. A l l the
Within the house, Alpha Rhos get president of our chapter, to take hard w o r k paid off i n the f o r m of 15
together for firesides, have secret over the responsibility. —Laura Huff super pledges!!!
Pumpkin Pals during Halloween
and have a big Christmas party. Southwestern Halloween found the A O I T s all
Louisiana in costume for the annual
Spirit, caring and support all go Halloween party followed by
together to f o r m the Oregon State Homecoming had AOn once pledges Pumpkin Caroling at all the
AOn sisterhood.—Gretchen Bree again in the winning light with two fraternity houses. The weekend of
third-places in "Yell Like Hell" and November 3, 1978 w i l l long be re-
Purdue parade. membered by a good many campus
men. This date marks the first annu-
Phi Upsilon chapter has several i n - But the AB's spirit didn't stop al AOn Kidnap Date Night. Each
dividuals who excel in talent, per- there. A O I T s football team had an prospective date was given a ransom
sonality and that spirit for which outstanding season finishing second note or two the week prior to the
AOn is famous. Kathy Burkle, Pur- overall after a battle "to the death" event. Then, on Friday, the girls
due's Golden Girl, is graduating this for campus champs. nabbed their dates, and hit Toledo
year. She has toured several places^ for the AOn mystery tour.
including Japan and Venezuela. We
are all very proud when she per- " N e w " seemed to be the word December brought the annual
forms here at Purdue or anywhere.
to describe Delta Beta's fall semester. Christmas Progressive Dinner and
Everyone at Phi Upsilon has their
special individual talents to give, Not only were ten new leader's j Party. Everyone was o n best
and they do. That is what makes our
chapter so great! — Gigi Weeks council officers elected but final behavior, as Santa (played by the
South Carolina plans are going into effect for the current nOA guy), made his list for
Two AOn's at the University of construction of sorority lodges on candy canes and charcoal. —Laurie
South Carolina's Delta Phi chapter
have been recognized by USC frater- the University of Southwestern Kujawa
nities. Beverley Cox, was chosen as
the 1978-79 Phi Kappa Psi Sweet- Louisiana's campus. Looking for-
heart. Beverley is a senior at USC.
Allison Brown was elected President ward to having a new home of our
of the Zeta Beta Tau Little Sisters.
Allison is a sophomore w i t h the own certainly added a lot to our
Delta Phi chapter.
Torontoa l r e a d y g r e a t s p i r i t ! — M i s s y
Connice Alexander was voted by
the sisters as Sister of the Year. Alex- Beelman
ander is a senior and the chapter's
past Panhellenic delegate. Kristy Tennessee This September, Beta Tau had a most
Arenesen was chosed by the new successful rush. We acquired twen-
initiates as Big Sister of the Year.— A first place trophy in Carnicus ty-one new pledges in our chapter.
Ann Collier last spring has been a great inspira- This is the largest pledge class ever
tion to the chapter. This excitement in the forty-eight year history of
and spirit carried over into our Beta Tau. The thirteen active sisters,
homecoming activities. This year headed by rush chairman, Lily
Omicrons along with the Alpha Raczyk, went through an extremely
Gamma Rho Fraternity will come exhausting but enjoyable two weeks
out on top once again. The ATPs' of rushing that proved to be most
entertained the chapter with several worthwhile.
cook-outs while making plans for I
Erin O'Sullivan, our Pledge
Trainer/Vice-President has designed
a new and extensive pledging pro-
gram. Our Chapter Relations Com- our chapter lounge. We are now Sclerosis Drive and continued until
mittee of A n n Jolliffe and Kathy able to hold weekly meetings November 12. We participated in
Millard along with Erin have coor- there.—Gail Wonkanen the MS Drive with the Alpha Gam-
dinated an eventful Big Sister/Little ma Rhos and Zeta Tau Alphas. Our
Sister program that has done much Washington State group collected more than any other
to increase the spirit of initiates and organization. Upcoming events i n -
pledges alike. The sharp, piercing sound of a siren, clude Faculty Appreciation Day,
the constant pounding of baseball block parties, Greek Olympics, din-
Beta Tau was most lucky before bats against garbage cans, screams ner exchanges with other frater-
rush to receive a Rush team from through megaphones, and the thun- nities and sororities, and to top off
A O n ' s chapter at Slippery Rock, dering stomp, stomp, stomp of feet Greek Week-Sigma Sing in which
Sigma Rho. Our sisters of Sigma against the gymnasium bleachers all sororities and fraternities display
Rho gave us a new insight into rush combined to w i n the 1979 Alpha their musical and dancing talents.
and certainly a lot of spirit and en- Tau Omega Dance Marathon "spirit Of course, the A O I l s will give it
couragement within the chapter of contest" for the Alpha Gamma their best in the quest for the first
Beta Tau to meeet our Rush. chapter and Delta Upsilon fraternity place trophy.—Susan Adams
at Washington State University.
If our new sisters-to-be can carry Wi scon si n - LaCrosse
on all the spirit and enthusiasm as Kristen Morris and Dan
our active members, someday we Buchanan boogied a total of 52 It has been a busy semester for us.
w i l l be a chapter of one hundred! — hours on the weekend of March 16, One of our girls, Lisa Caulum,
Carol Moultray 17, and 18 to support the American former To Dragma Reporter, placed
Epilepsy Foundation. The Alpha in the State Farm Bureau Queen
Vanderbilt Gammas gave up one meal to sup- contest, while another captured the
port such a worthwhile cause. title of "Miss July" in the annual
This year N u Omicron has taken Sigma Tau Calendar Queen. Scho-
pride in the activities and spirit of all "The girls in the house were great lastically, our o w n Jill Cross, treas-
our sisters but a few remain excep- to me and Dan," said Kristin. "They urer, won the Panhellenic Scholar-
tional. A n n Thomas, new president really rallied for us all weekend, I ship for outstanding scholastic
of Panhellenic Council and present was so proud to wear my A O f l shirt achievement.
vice-president made us all smile in- and let everyone know what house
side and out as she represented I'm in." —Diane Floch Spring rush is another busy and
AOn on the Homecoming Court. exciting time for us at LaCrosse. We
Western Illinois look forward to sharing our spirit
Two more sisters, talented in the w i t h several new pledges.
dramatic area, Sally Hubbard and TKE Powderpuff Football-Why it's
Lise Taylor, have done much to called "Powderpuff" is an even Wisconsin-Stout
brighten up more than a few faces. greater mystery after playing for
Sally has been i n several University eight straight hours! But by winning Harmonies of " A O f l Let Me Hear It
sponsored plays and will perform four games and losing only two, the N o w " could be heard throughout
the leading roles in " I A m a Sigma Iotas came up w i t h scores of the countryside as the Iota Taus
Camera" and "As You Like I t " this bruises and a second place trophy. showed their rushees what the spirit
semester. Lise, also a cast member of of A O f l was all about. A hayride
"As You Like I t , " has organized a On the same Homecoming complete w i t h songs, campfire, and
new A O n song group this year weekend, our own Diane Mellon toasted marshmallows was the fina-
w h i c h has been enjoyed by both was named to the 1978-79 Home- le of our fall rush.
listeners and participants.— L i n d a coming Court. She was chosen
Naab through interviews over 15 other This year's homecoming was a
participants. Several alums returned success for the Iota Taus. Many
Wagner to celebrate our victories that alumnae returned for our annual
weekend and renew the f u n and homecoming brunch including col-
Homecoming was the time for A O n spirit that we share. ony members and the first president
spirit to shine at Wagner this past of Iota Tau Chapter. "Point 'Em in
fall. One of the sisters of Theta Pi, You can't talk about spirit with- the Right Direction" was the home-
Karen Distler, was nominated for out talking about rush. Rush was coming theme, and aided by the Sig-
first princess. We also w o n the first early this fall, but we were psyched ma Tau Gamma fraternity, we
place in the float competition with and our enthusiasm must have headed i n the right direction as we
our pirate ship. shown. We took 15 great pledges. built the winning homecoming float
They kept busy with pledge meet- for the second consecutive year.
It was no wonder that we re- ings, study hours and several other That A O f l spirit is certainly well-
turned to school w i t h so much projects. k n o w n at Wisconsin-Stout! —Cheri
spirit. In the summer, we got togeth- Steve
er and held a very successful cake Greek Week on the W I U campus
sale. We also found time to build a is no longer just a week. Activities 31
wall on our sorority floor to close in began October 26 w i t h a Multiple
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