AOTT's New Home
' Indicates this naming opportunity is taken.
18. ENTRY"
Main Level
Upper Level
includes storage areas for Emporium inventory, Archives and future expansion.
Our new home will combine elements of classic Greek architecture with the warm, inviting appeal of a colonial home. The interior of the building will feature two stories with a lower storage level, combining 20,000 square feet of available space. Flexibility has been built into the overall design to assure that the building will adapt to the changing needs of our organization. It is a place that
generations of AOIIs will be proud to call home. For more information www. alphaomicronpi. org/cap/hqhome. html
To Dragma
of Alpha Omicron Pi
Our Missions: 7bDragmaofAlpha Omicron Pi
The mission ofToDragmaofAlphaOmicron Pi is*
to inform, educate and inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOTF involvement to salute excellence; and to serve as a permanent record of our Fraternity's history.
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic excellence and lifelong learning and developing leader- ship skills through service to the Fraternity andcommu- nity.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation, Inc.
The mission of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to fund programs, which promote the intellectual, ethical and leadership development of members of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and, through its philanthropic efforts, benefit the larger society. The vision of the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is to ensure the continuation ofAlpha Omicron Pi Fraternity as we look ahead to
the challenges of the 21st Century.
Hints from Headquarters
Did you know the Emporium
makes road trips? Do you
know how to locate the
nearest AOII alum nae
chapter on-line? Check this 8 page out for hints from
On the cover: Zoo Atlanta's panda exhibit opened last fall and features two Giant Pandas on loan from China. Featured here is Yang Yang, the young male. The AOII Atlanta Alumnae Chapter has raised thousands o f dollars t o help support this program through their "Roses t o the Rescue!" fund-raiser
© Zoo Atlanta 1999, Photo by Joe Sebo.
International Headquarters.
N o t a b l e s
A salute to our chapters
and individual members for i>irtstandingachievements.
Roses to the Rescue!
.After manv hours of plan- ning and a thousand phone calls, last year's fund-raising event for the Atlanta •Alumnae Chapter raised more than $23,000 to help bring two Giant Pandas to their area Zoo.
ToDragma/SPRIiM' 20W
Spotlight N P C 1999
Recapping a successful bien- nium in Saddlebrook Resort, Tampa, Florida.
Recruitment Information
Membership Information Forms, Legacy Introduction Fonn and chapter addresses.
AOII Properties
An introduction to AOlFs new housing corporation.
Collegiate News
In this issue our chapters share their activities, their awards arid their exciting plans for next year.
AOII Foundation
Learn more about the people and the activities of the AOII Foundation.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Past International President Norma Ackel passes away
AOII pays tribute to our 1976-1979 Past International President.
50 Year Members
To Dragma salutes those women achieving 50 year membership in AOII during the next year.
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi Pufa/ished since January, I905 by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, Inc.
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Graphic Design
• H U B
TheAOTT Emporium
A portion of AOITs
16 page Emporium catalog is presented in this issue. Contact the Emporium
for a complete copy.
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, (USPS-631 -840) the o§aal organ ofAlpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by
Alpha Omicron Pi 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood7N. Periodical dass postage paid at BrentwoodTN, and additional mailing o§ces. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Lr/e subscription: $85.00.
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., BrentwoodTN 37027,
Address all editorial communications to the Editor at the same address. Founded at Barnard College in NewYork City January Z 1897, by:
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St Clair Mullan, Stella George Stem Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
International President
Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood.Tennessee 37027. phone: 615/370-0920 fax 615/371 -9736
E-mail: [email protected] W e b Site Address: www.alphaomicronpi.org
MailingAddress Updates
[email protected]
Carole Jurenko Jones ' temational President
AOII perspective
"...it is my wish that, as alumnae, you are continuing in the journey
you beganasa collegiate member and are enjoying the experiences Alpha OmicronPi offers."
"AOII for a lifetime." These are the words we have all heard since the day we pledged Alpha Omicron Pi. As a new member of AOII, I can remember thinking how wonderful it would be if it really were true that AOII was a life- time experience. As time went by dur- ing my four-year journey as a colle- giate member and each time I came into contact with our chapter's advis- ers, Corporation Board members, and other alumnae, it became evident to me that it indeed was true. These spe- cial women were examples of "AOII for a lifetime."
Then, one sunny morning in May of 1984, the fact that AOII was a lifetime experience really hit home as I stood outside the AOII house at the
University of Alabama for the last time as a student. Exams were over, I had carried the last box from the sorority house to my car, and I was saying goodbye to my sisters. We stood there and cried because we couldn't believe our time together had come to an end. Now, don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to know I never had to open another book or study for another exam, but to never see my beloved sisters again was another story.
At the time, 1 did not know that the bond we shared for four years as colle- gians would continue on for the next nineteen years and beyond. Many of us still keep in touch and we have gath- ered for two reunions, one after 10 years and the second just last fall.Yes, we have all changed in different ways, but the bond we have as sisters has not been broken.
The many relationships I formed as a collegian have remained with me throughout the years, and the experi- ences in leadership development have served me well in my endeavors, both personally and professionally.
While I continue to enjoy the special bond that exists between my Alpha Delta sisters, I have also developed special relationships with sisters who span several generations and come from varying chapters and geographic locations. Some of my closest friends today are AOII sisters I have met and worked with while volunteering for our Fraternity.
Each dav I am reminded that I am a
member of a special organization born from sacred professions of friendship and dedicated to the ideals of charac- ter, integrity and loyalty. It is my hope that each and every collegian has already experienced a lifetime commit- ment as a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, and it is my wish that, as alumnae, you are continuing in the journey you began as a collegiate member and are enjoying the experiences Alpha Omicron Pi offers.
"AOII for a lifetime." I hope these words are as meaningful to you as they are to me.
Carole Jurenko Jones International President
hints from headquarter
Colorado Chapters
Chi Delta (U of Colorado) and Epsilon Gamma (U of Northern Colorado) Chapters are both in need of women to assist their chapter advisers in various areas of operation. K you are available to assist either of these successful chapters, con- tact Paula Daigle at AOII HQ or email [email protected].
Harris Surveys:
Regarding Nearest Alumnae
Chapter Information
For those of you who completed the Alumnae Directory Surveys conducted by Harris Publishing and requested the name of your nearest AOII alumnae chapter, please accept our apologies for having not responded to your requests. The survey information was not returned to us by the publishers of the AOII Directory until a year and a hall later. At that time we began attempting to respond to your requests, but, as you might guess, we found that during the time that had elapsed, many of our members had changed addresses again, already joined an alumnae chapter, etc. Regretfully, it became evident that the delay made a response to those thousands of requests inadvisable.
We want to emphasize our commitment to alumnae chapter membership for every AOII who wishes to join an alumnae chapter.
Are you interested in joining an alumnae chapter?
Would you like to know the name of the con- tact person for your nearest alumnae chapter? The quickest and easiest way to get that infor- mation is to:
1. Visit our website* www.alphaomicronpi.org 2. Click on '"Alumnae Chapters"
3. Find the nearest chapter. II' the city for that chapter is underlined, you can click on the city to send an e-mail to the chapter president If the city is not underlined, you can call AOII HQ, 615/370-0920, ext 13, or email [email protected] for chapter con- tact information. (If the chapter name is under- lined, you can click on the name to access that chapter's website.)
1. Visit our website* www.alphaomicronpi.org 2. dick on "Sisters Online" in the upper left- hand corner.
3. Log in. **
4. Click on "on-line directory" on the left side of the screen.
5. Click on "Alumnae Chapter Directory."
6. Click on the state you live in, and a listing of the AOII chapters in that state, with the contact names, will appear.
7. Call or e-mail the contact for the chap- ter nearest you, and she will tell you how to get involved.
There are so many rewards to alumnae chapter membership! Join us as we support AOII and collegiate chapters, learn new and interesting tilings, serve our communities, build friendships with our AOII sisters, and have fun. We look forward to hearing from you!
* If you do not have Internet access, phone AOII Headquarters, 615/370-0920, ext 13, for alumnae chapter information.
** Hyou do not know your member number, e-mail HQ, [email protected] for that inlbrmation.
Tours of Headquarters
Did you know that tours of AOII International Headquarters are offered dur- ing norma] business hours? Arrangements can also be made on weekends to accommodate large groups. Contact Amy Worsham at HQ lor more information or email [email protected].
Consignment Boxes
Did you know that the AOII Emporium will come to you? They will either ship merchandise in a consignment box to your chapter or discuss the possibility of making a road trip to your campus next fall. Contact Barbara Stubblefield at the Emporium (1- 800-746-7264) for more information or email [email protected].
To Dragma/SPRINC 20(10
«e> Congratulations Nu Omicron! Vanderbilt U's GreekAdvisor Kate Tanis writes,"Since beginning this position in August, I have been impressed with the women in this (Nu Omicron) chapter from the start As campus leaders, Panhellenic Executive Council members, and chapter officers, the women inAOII excel in every way. They are committed to following Panhellenic and University regulations, and concerned with upholding the standards set by their sorority. These women set an excellent example of how sororities in our Greek system should operate and best repre- sent the Greek commu- nity. Ilook forward
to more exemplary illustrations of their programming, high ideals and leadership in the future here at V anderbilt"
e> AOH's Beta Gamma Chapter (Michigan State U) won the National
Dryel Clothing Drive Competition.
A total of 30 campuses nationwide participated last fall in a new philan- thropic partnership between Dryel and sorority women. The
1999 Dryel Clothing Drive mobilized thousands of under- graduate sorority members to gather garments in an effort to fill their local cloth- ing banks. Often, cor- porate sponsorships are solicited by the sororities for separate local events. In this case. Proctor and Gamble created this campaign and brought it directly to the women for their participation. Each sorority com- peted on a local level on their campus to win a prize of $ 1,500. The thirty winners then advanced to the national competition and Beta Gamma emerged the winner. In addition to a
$5,000 cash prize for winning the national competition, Proctor and Gamble treated the entire chapter to an all expense paid trip to Cincinnati for a banquet
held on February 18th in their honor. Six AOII chapters participated in the Drive collecting a total of 13,018 pieces of cloth- ing for the needy. In addi- tion to Michigan State U.the chapters include OhioU,Uof Colorado-Boulder, San Jose State U, and U of Louisville, U of California-Long
Beach. Pi Alpha (U of Louisville) also won first prize on their campus. A spokesperson for the event said,"the drive was a great success, and Ifirmly believe
it would not have
been so without the involvement of these amazing Alpha Omicron Pi chapters."
«s> Zeta Pi (East Carolina U) was thrilled to receive the overall Chapter Excellence Award at their Panhellenic Awards Banquet They also received Excellence
in Educational Programming and Michelle Gottschalk was named Greek Woman of theYear. The chapter also proudly cele- brated its 40th anniver- sary on February 19th.
e> At the annual Greek
Awards Banquet,
Gamma Omicron (U
of Florida) received
Chapter of theYear
Award, the Martha
Varnes Safety
AwarenessAward, Scholarship the Frances Reitz
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
top E3D E33
Community Service Award and the William RionAward for Campus Involvement. Additionally, Chapter President Sheada Madani won the Michael Farley Panhellenic Leadership Award.
• • • Delta Epsilon
(Jacksonville State U) cele- brated the chapters 10th anniversary by achieving
a major goal. The chapter received Sorority of the Year at their Greek
Awards banquet, along
with the Philanthropic Award and Adviser of theYear for their financial Adviser, Amy Brock.
*B>Tau Omicron (U of
T ennessee - Martin) Chapter reached the Intermural Football NationalTournament. After winning UTMartin's flag football championship, the women of Tau Omicron advanced to t
e> Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska-Kearney) maintained a GPA of 3.246 for the spring
1999 semester. This is above the all women's of 3.058 and all sorority of 3.217.
» Southeastern Louisiana U's Kappa Tau Chapter finished 2nd on campus this past fall with a GPA of 2.89 which was above the women's and all sorority GPA's. Over half of the members made a 3.0 or higher GPA for the fall 1999 semester.
«s> lota (U of Illinois) moved upfivespots within the Panhellenic scholarship rankings and currently has a chapter GPA of 3.19.
o Omega Upsilon
(Ohio U) reports a GPA of 3.109 which was higher than the all women's 3.026 and all sorority of 3.077.
e> Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) had a GPA of 3.135 which was higher than the all women's of Z89 and all sorority of 2.881. They were sec- ond on campus out of
16 groups.
he NationalTournament in New Orleans this past January. They are thrilled to report that they placed 5th in
the nation.
«• Delta Pi (Central Missouri U) placed first in the tall 1999 scholar- ship ranking with a GPAof3.ll. Itwas high- er than the all women's of 3.0 and
all sorority of 3.03.
• Lambda Upsilon
(Lehigh U) had a GPA of 3.207 which was higher than the all sorority of 3.128 and all women's of 3.12.
o Courtney Kissel, Chi Lambda (U of Evansville) was the 2000 Winter
Homecoming Queen. This marks the fifth semester a Chi Lambda has been named afelland winter Homecoming Queen.
e> Chelsea Elander, Alpha Phi (Montana State U) won a Rhodes Scholarship. A senior majoring in biochemistry, Chelsea was selected
as one of 32 American student recipients of a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship for 2000. The two-year, all-expense paid Rhodes Scholar pro- gram will enable Bander, who plans a career in medicine and public ser- vice, to study the eco- nomic and social history of medicine while receiv- ing a master's degree in philosophy from Oxford University, in Cambridge, England.
Bander then plans to enroll in medical school as a Truman Scholar, another prestigious scholarship that she won
last spring. The $30,000 Truman Scholarship is awarded to students evi- dencing potential dedication to public service. She has also been named a U S A Today Academic Ail- American. Bander is interested in pursuing a career in women's health, public health and oncolo- gy. While at MSU, Elander has co-written a book with her mother on children's perceptions of divorce trded,"Don't Divorce Us: Kids'Advice to Divorcing Parents."
•> FourAOII's win Order of Omega Scholarships. The Scholarship program was established by Order of Omega to recognize scholarship, participation and leadership inprofes- sional organizations, citizenship and service
to Order of Omega and campus Greek systems. Congratulations to Lauren KDeLong,
Nu lota; Megan A Maxcy, Gamma Delta; Melissa Parsons, Omega; and April Bugarin, Lambda Eta.
«B>Roses to Toledo AreaAlumna, Cindy Skaff. Cindy was general chairman and emcee of a Junior League event which brought H e r Majesty Queen Noor ofJordan to Toledo for a black tie fund-raiser attended by over 1,500 people This was the Queen's first formal speaking engagement and the first visit to Toledo by royalty since 1953.
e*> AOII Alumna mem- ber wins Philadelphia Panhellenic Scholarship. Kimberty Klonowski, Delta Chi (U of Delaware) was the recipient of a $ 1,500 scholarship presented by PhiladelphiaArea Alumnae Panhellenic. Kim is pursuing her
"My sorority sisters encouraged me and gave me confidence
in myself at a very cru- cial time in my life," Lynch said. "I was and remain very proud of my AOII background." She lives in Peru, IL
with her husband, Norman Clark She has two step- sons and four grandchil- dren.
: ID:e: seat belt safety awareness
with a special emphasis on child safety seats.
o> Heather Donelson, Upsilon Alpha (U of Arizona) was selected to spend a month travelling in Brazil last summer as part of an
all expenses paid cul- tural and professional exchange. The Rotary Foundation
of Rotary Club International sponsor- ed this endeavor called the Group Study Exchange. Every two or three days she and the other three team mem- bers were in a new city with a new host family. Every host family opened up their hearts and homes as the group learned about the cul- ture, industry and educa- tion of the nation. She reports having 12 new sets of parents, 45 siblings or other relatives and 12 host dogs! There was even an AOII twist While visiting a small farming town, a small girl came up and
gave her a silk rose
bundled with wheat! Heather said, "If she only knew what that meant to me. All Icould say was 'muito obrigada' which means "many thanks" in Portuguese."
Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology at Temple U.
Dr. Rose Marie
• • Dr. Rose Marie Lynch, Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U) has been named the 1999 Illinois Professor of theYear by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement ofTeaching. She is an English and journalism instructor at IllinoisValley Community College in Oglesby, III. Lynch has been on the faculty at fVCC since 1970, and was selected for the national award from among 27 nominees from universities and community colleges in
Illinois. She earned bachelor's and master's degrees in English from Indiana State U and a doctorate in English from Ball State U.
@- Susan Higgins Musial, Beta Rho (U of Montana), was named Teacher of theYear at
Richmond (IN) High
School in 1999. She was chosen out of 110 faculty members. Susan has taught Family and Consumer Sciences
since 1971.
e> Candice Chancellor, Nu Beta(U of Mississippi) was named 1999 Mrs. Maryland. A busy mother of two little boys, Candice represented the state of Maryland in the
1999 Mrs. USA Pageant. She was hon- ored by the state with the prestigious Maryland Safe Communities Award for her efforts to promote Highway Safety. Her platform message is
kin Lun makes he/self light at home in Zoo Atlanta.
"Roses to the Rescue"- The name came out of "How can we (AOII Roses) help our community with a very special
project?" The project was helping Zoo Atlanta raise funds for two very special
guests - two giant pandas!
For the past two years, the Atlanta Alumnae Chapter has been hosting an event called
"Roses to the Rescue." This fund-raising gala is an evening that includes dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions, and is a wonderful way to bring members of Alpha Omicron Pi together with family mid friends. It is also a way to support a needy cause, one near and dear to an AOIFs
heart, the giant panda.
The Atlanta Alumnae Chapter has been working with the zoo on this project for four years. And after many hours of planning and a thousand
phone calls, last year's event
raised more than $23,000 and was attended by 350 friends of the giant panda. This year's event expects to raise $30,000 and anticipates an
attendance of over 400.
"The giant panda program is one of the most important con- servation activities that Zoo Adanta has initiated in its 110- year history," said Dr. Terry L. Maple, president and CEO of Zoo Adanta. "The support of AOII at this time is much appreciated and the leadership of the many talented individuals in AOII wiJl ensure that we suc- ceed in saving these wonderful creatures from extinction."
To make this black-tie affair all come together takes the coor- dination of a committee that consists of 14 chairwomen and 30 host committee members. Each host committee member is in charge of selling a table of ten. Local AOII members are offered tickets first, and then business associates and friends are invited. Several tables are set aside for corporate sponsors and VIPs.
"What excites me most about the gala is the interest it gener- ated among AOIIs who haven't been able to become active in the chapter," Co-Chairwoman Jenny Duffey noted. "We have so many talented alumnae in Adanta who devoted their time to sell tickets, collect silent auc- tion items and overall, make die gala a success."
Silent auction items, donated bv business sponsors, are placed in die ballroom for guests to view
© Zoo Atlanta
1999, Photo byJoe Seba
By Dana Ray, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) Atlanta Alumnae Chapter
ToDragma/SI'lilM, 21MM)
before and during dinner then bids are placed on each item. The highest bidder purchases the item at the end of the evening with all proceeds going to benefit the giant panda exhibit. Silent auction items include cruises, golf outings, sports memorabilia, artworks, wine tasting, photography por- traits and an assortment of 50 other items.
Atlanta Zoo Director ofDevelopment Greg Hams. with AOII members Susan Shenefield
(Host Committee Chairman),Jenny Duffey (Roses to the Rescue 2000 Co-Chairman) and Laura McHan (AOIIAtlanta Alumnae Chapter President).
"Another rewarding aspect of the fund-raiser has been th e feedback from other alumnae and collegiate chapters who wanted to make a contribution somehow," Duffey added. "For
example, the North Detroit
alumnae held a white elephant "Roses to the Rescue" Committee Members are (left to right) Natalie balyo, Laura McHan
• Giant pandas are bear-like in their shape with striking black and white markings. The ears, eye patches, legs and shoulder band are black - the rest of the body is white. Pandas have thick, woolly coats to insulate them from the cold. •Giantpandasareamongtherarestmammals intheworld. Therearefewerthan 1,000inthewild. Thepanda'smain threats of extinction are deforestation and the segmentation of its remaining habitat and poaching.
• Giant pandas are found only in the mountains of central China. Giant pandas live in dense bamboo and coniferousforestsat altitudes of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The mountains are shrouded in heavy clouds with torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year.
sale and donated the proceeds to Roses To The Rescue."
The Roses to the Rescue com- mittee chairmen for this year are: Co-Chairwomen Jenny
(Chapter President). Ann Edwards. Melissa Holder Kylie Hunt, jenny Duffey (Co-Chairman). Dana Ray (Co-Chairman), Gloria Stuchlik, Carroll Elliott, Dee Allen, and Jenny Durden. Members not pictured are Susan Shenefield. Shirley Lee.Carol Cotton Smith andLaura Ring.
Stuchlik (Lambda Tau '88); Printing - Kybe Hunt (Omega Upsilon ^4); Public Relations - Melissa Holder (Iota '92) and
The Adanta Alumnae Chapter invites each of you to become a part of this wonderful project! This year's event will be held,
Ehrfley (Lambda Sigma 79)
and Dana Ray (Alpha Natalie Balyo (Lambda Sigma justasthisissueofTo Dragmais
Delta '82); Host Committee - Susan Shenefield (Alpha Delta
'70) and Shirley Lee (Lambda Sigma'58); Decorations -Ann Edwards
(Lambda Sigma '42) and Dee Allen (Lambda Sigma '46); Logistics/ Entertainment - Gloria
'95); Silent Auction - Jenny being published, on March 18, Durden (Lambda Sigma '81); 2000, at th e Atlanta Athletic Treasurer - Carol Gotten Smith Club. Donations will still b e (Alpha Pi "69) and Laura Ring gladly accepted. Checks should (LambdaSigma*90);Hospitality bemadeoutto"Rosesto the - Carroll Elliott (Kappa Rescue" c/o Dana Ray. 436 Omicron '84); and Chapter Valley Brook Drive. Atlanta, GA President - Laura McHan 30342. If you are interested in (Kappa Omicron '87). making a donation to Roses to
the Rescue, please contact Dana ([email protected]).
• Giant pandas do not breed well in captivity. There are currendy about 110-120 giant pandas in captivity with the majority of those in China. There are only two zoos in the United States exhibiting giant pandas, the San Diego Zoo and Zoo Adanta. •Thegiantpandaisknownasthepandabearorbamboobear,orin ChineseasDaxiongmao,the"largebearcat."
• Giant pandas have existed since th e Pleistocene E ra - approximately 600,000 years ago.
• Unlike other bear species, the giant panda does not hibernate and can not walk on its hind legs.
• The giant panda has unique front paws - one of the wrist bones is enlarged and elongated and is used like a thumb, enabling the giant panda to grasp stalks of bamboo.
• Giant pandas eat 20 to 40 pounds of food each day, mostly bam- boo, and spend ten to 16 hours per day feeding.
• Adult giant pandas are four to six feet long and may weigh up to
350 pounds.
• The giant panda reaches sexual maturity between four and six
yearsofage.Femalesareinestrusforonlyonetothreeweeksout •In1936,clothingdesignerRuthHarknessbroughtthefirstlive of the year, usually between March and May, and in that brief peri- giant panda, named Su-Lin, out of China and to the West. Su-Lin od,areatpeakreceptivenessforonlyafewdays. livedatChicago'sBrookfieldZooandwasacelebrityuntilhedied
• Litters range from one to three cubs, but usually only one survives. In the wild, cubs are weaned at nine months but may remain with their mothers until 18 months or older.
in 1938.
• In 1980, the first giant panda birth outside China occurred at the Mexico City Zoo.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Unfortunately, there are only 1,000 giant pandas left on Earth. Their home in China is threatened daily by the ever- growing population there. Luckily, Zoo Atlanta and the AOII Alumnae in Atlanta are working hard to raise the $22 million needed to save the giant panda. Ifre money raised has been used for their trans- port to Atlanta on November 5, 1999. and to build and main- tain their exhibit at the zoo. There's also a 10-year conser- vation and research program for school children and the
people of China.
For twelve years, Zoo Atlanta has been working and negotiat- ing with the Chinese govern- ment to bring giant pandas to the United States. Finally on
AOII members viewing trie giant pandas in the Chinese Forest. Exhibit at Zoo Atlanta.
Yang Vang tests tn his habitat at Zoo Atlanta.
November 5, 1999, the arrival of two giant pandas from China became a reality.
Yang Yang, a young male, and Lun Lun, a young female, arrived via a special UPS air- plane and were whisked away to their special habitat at Zoo Atlanta. Three veterinarians traveled with diem from China to Adanta on the 17-hour flight.
The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in China raised Yang Yang and Lun Lun. Zoo Atlanta has an ongoing partnership with the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens and scientists in China, striving together to develop a worldwide animal husbandry and breeding management pro- gram for giant pandas.
© Zoo Atlanta
1999. Photo by Joe Sebo.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
"Zoo Atlanta's interest in giant pandas goes far beyond mere exhibition," said Dr. Terry L. Maple, president and CEO of Zoo Adanta. Our exhibit plans call lor an extensive national program of conservation edu- cation focusing on the plight of the pandas and other rare species in China."
The addition of the pandas completes Zoo Atlanta's Asian Forest, which already includes red pandas. Sumatran orang- utans, tigers, Asian small-clawed otters, mantjac deer and Komodo dragons. Lun Lun and Yang Yang will remain at Zoo Adanta on a ten-year loan from China.
The pandas will live in the Chinese Forest Exhibit, the most advanced giant panda facility in the world to date, with both indoor and outdoor facilities.
ITie pandas have "day-rooms" equipped with climate control and skylights. The outdoor habitats have naturalistic land- scaping, rocks, pools, climbing structures, and adequate shade.
You can view the pandas daily via live images which are broadcast every three minutes through www.AccessAtlanta.com web- site's "Panda Cams." These video images of the pandas are led from 14 cameras posi- tioned around the giant panda's habitat showing their activities both inside and out- side. The "Panda Pages" also feature postcards, panda facts, footage of baby pandas, footage of the panda's habitat, on-line merchandise ordering and gilt donation lor the zoo.
Zoo Atlanta is a wildlife park and zoological trust empowered to exhibit, interpret study and care for wildlife in superior environments, to conserve bio- diversity throughout the world, to educate, enlighten and enter- tain the public and to con- tribute to the cultural life of the community. Founded in 1889. it is one of the 10 oldest zoos ill continuous operation in the United States.
NPC Focus on Excellence
The 56th Biennial Session of the National Panhellenic Conference convened October 14-18, 1999 at the Saddlebrook Resort, Wesley Chapel, Florida. Delegates and representatives of the 26 member groupsmetincommittees,generalses- sions and workshops before, during, and following the Conference.
During the last two years, the National Panhellenic Conference through its StandingCommittees,Presidents,andits ancillary organizations, the Executive Directors Association and the National Panhellenic Editors Conference, have pro- vided for the 26 member groups, 630 College Panhellenic Associations, and 277 Alumnae Panhellenics in the US, Canada, Great Britain and Mexico.
Accomplishments of the Conference
• 13th Edition of the NPC Manual of Information, complete with a revisedJudicialProceduresGuide
• A total review, reorganization and reaffirmation of the UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS
• Upcoming Housing and VP Alumnae Seminars
•KeystoSuccessWorkshopfor re-building chapters
• 2 Chapter Consultant Seminars • 2 Academic Excellence Forums • Research Initiatives II and III
• NPC Website
• Support from NPC and its 2,937 chapters lor the 11 NIC fraternities
56th Biennial Session October 14-18,1999
Gifts to the Foundation since its incorpora- tion in August 1995 and securing its 501-C- 3 tax exempt status in March 1996, total more than $530,000. Of that, our 26 mem- ber groups and theirfoundationsare respon- sibleformorethan$300,000.
Other highlights of the Biennial Session include:
• A panel discussion on research and assessment
• Dinner with vendors
• Alumnae Panhellenics Luncheon • NPC Awards Banquet
The National Panhellenic Conference Public Relations Award is sponsored each Biennium by Alpha Omicron Pi. This year's winner was Miami University, Miami, Ohio. AOFI Melissa Parson accepted the award as President of the Miami University Panhellenic Association. The second place award went to Birmingham Southern University and third place was awarded to Cornell University.
Following remarks by the retiring Chairman, Lissa Bradford, the 1999-2001 Executive Officers were installed:
• Chairman, Marian Williams, Kappa Kappa Gamma
• Secretary, Sally Grant, Alpha Phi
• Treasurer, Martha Brown, Delta Gamma
• Chairman, Alumnae Panhellenics Committee, Carol Warren,
Pi Beta Phi
• Chairman, College Panhellenics
&rnmittee, Betty Quick, Gamma Phi Beta
The NPC Interim meeting will be held at the DFW Hilton October 19-22,2000.
by Virginia Stafford,Alpha Delta Pi National Panhellenic Conference Delegation
AOII Melissa Parsons, Omega (Miami U) seated front center, served as president of the Miami University Panhellenic Association, the recipient of the NPC Public Relations Award sponsored by Alpha Omicron PL AOII representatives indude: (front row left) Joanne Earls, VP-Finance. (Front row right) Carole Jones, International President. (Back row) Peg Crawford, NPC Delegate; Mary Williams, NPC I st Alternate; Robin Wright 2nd Alternate, and Linda Collier, 3rd Alternate, (not pictured: Melanie Doyle. Executive Director)
that have (»mmitted to alcohol-free housing.
Some of the significant Resolutions passed included support for a fourth Research Initiative, adoption of a dissolution procedure of an Alumnae Panhellenic Association, and a member- ship growth plan defining reorganization, reestablish- ment, and recolonization of a college chapter.
College Panhellenics Committee met together with Alumnae Panhellenics Committeeforapresentation of the characteristics of Generation X, developed by Kappa Alpha Theta.
To Dragma/SPRINC 2000
Jean Scott, NPC Foundation President, Pi Beta Phi, recognized those who believe in the mission of the Foundation and have committed resources to support the fulfill- ment of that mission. Included in those announcements was Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and Kappa Delta Sorority for their endowments to Something of Value.
Alpha Omicron Pi Legacy Policy Explained
•A legacy is defined as a biological or adopted daughter, granddaughter, or sister of an initiated member, alive or deceased, of any chartered AOII chapter. Half-sisters or step relations are also included if the relation to the AOII member has been a close one.
•Collegiate chapters are not required to offer a bid to every verified legacy.
•Collegiate chapters are required to give serious consideration to each verified AOil legacy out of courtesy to the AOLl sister to whom she is related. A collegiate chapter may decline membership to a legacy only for very appropriate and verifi- able reason(s).
•In no case should a legacy be denied an invitation to at least one invitational party after the first round of parties.
This form is designed to introduce AOII legacies
13 and 14) which also must be sent. You can ensure proper introduction of your legacy by completing the form and sending it to the AOn chapter on the campus your legacy plans to attend. A list of addresses appears on pages 15 and 16 of this issue of To Dragma.
Date, To
chapter This is to advise you that my (check one) •
college o r
your phone
your zip
your year of initiation
will be attending as a (check one)
• Freshman
• Sophomore your name
your city
your chapter
beginning date .
your street address
your state
ToDragma/SPRING 2000
• Daughter
• Junior •
Granddaughter. college o r university
•An AOII legacy should be a qualified rushee in her own right - grades, activities, accomplishments, and overall compatibili- ty with the chapter.
•11 a chapter releases a legacy, a member of the Alumnae Advisory Committee must contact the AOII relative of the legacy by telephone to inform her of the legacy's release from membership consideration. This contact must be made prior to the distribution of invitations for the next round of recruitment parties.
•If an Adviser is unable to reach the AOII relative by telephone, written notification of the legacy's release must be sent This is to be done within 7 days of the legacy's release from membership consideration.
•If a chapter carries a legacy through Preference, she is placed on the chapter's first bid list
your maiden or initiated name
•Remember: send the Membership) Information Form with this form to the A Oil address at the school your legacy will be attending.*
Liz Barron (left) greets her sister Katie on Bid Day at Nu Beta (U of Mississippi). Their mom was also a member of Nu Beta Chapter.
•AOFIs must remember that some lega- cies are happier in another Greek group. Every National Panhellenic Conference group offers a worthwhile experience for college women.
•Introduce your legacy with the form below. Attach it to the Membership Information Form (page 13 and 14) and send it to the address for the school your legacy will be attending. You'll find a list- ing of chapter addresses and the dates your forms are needed on pages 15 and 16.
Legacy Introduction Form j
to our collegiate chapters. It does not replace the Membership Information Form (page
Alpha Omicron Pi Membership Information Form
Please mail this form to the AOTT address for the college which this rushee will attend. The addresses are list- ed on page 15 and 16 of this issue or you may contact International Headquarters at 615-370-0920. If you have gathered this information in response to a chapter's request, please send the information directly to the return address indicated from the chapter
attach photo if available
Collegiate chapter pledging depends on your supplying available information.
For the AOTT Chapter at
Rushee Information
Name of Rushee
Home Address
College Classification (check one) Parents'/Guardians' Names Parents'/Guardians' Address
Family Information
preferred name last
Freshman Sophomore
Does the rushee have an AOTT relative? (check one) Sister
Give name of AOTT relative (including maiden)
Address of AOTT relative
Phone (home): ( ) (work): ( )
Does the rushee have affiliations with any other NPC groups? If yes, list affiliation and relationship, (e.g. Kappa Delta, Mother)
Does the rushee have a special interest in AOTT? If yes, please list.
Have you talked with the rushee about AOTT (check one) yes no Is the rushee able to assume the financial obligations of membership? (check one)
don't know
High School Attended
Scholastic GPA Scale School Attended after High School
Scholastic GPA Scale Scholastic Honors
Class Rank/Class Size
Number of Credits Completed
Please list names of organizations (explain type - school, church, community, etc) and the rushee's participation and leadership in each one. Attach additional information on a separate sheet if necessary.
To Dragma/SPRINC 2000 13
Special recognition and/or Honors received.
Personality/Leadership Qualities
Include information about the rushee's character traits, leadership qualities and personality characteristics using specific examples whenever possible. Indicate the rushee's special interests, talents and any other information to aid the chapter in getting to know her better and to indicate the contributions she could add to AOTT.
AOTT Recommendation for Membership
I. I recommend this individual for AOTT membership. I know this individual personally.
Ido not know this individual personally, but Iam basing my recommendation on information from these sources: (circle as many as apply) another AOTT Panhellenic Files High School Faculty Clergy peers of the individual a mutual friend other (please specify)
2. I do not recommend this individual for AOTT membership based on information received. If further clarification is desired, the Chapter Adviser may contact me.
3. I am unable to commit my opinion on this individual for AOTT membership: Due to limited information received.
Comments (if any)
Recommendation Given By:
Name Address
city state/province
Phone: ( )
Collegiate Chapter, Alumnae Chapter,
After contacting all available sources and receiving no information.
Group Pledged Date
What to do with recommendations after recruitment:
Date recommendation acknowledged
Once recommendations have been acknowledged, you are to:
1. Destroy recommendations on all rushees who pledged an NPC sorority.
2. Maintain files on those recommendations for rushees who did not pledge any group. Recommendations should be kept on file for one college generation (4 years).
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
postal code
2000 Recruitment Directory
Chapters should receive Membership Information Forms (MIFs) no later than dates noted to give chapters time for review prior to the start of recruitment The addresses listed this year are for the chapter rather than advisers due to high adviser turnover. If you wish to mail directly to the chapter adviser or recruitment adviser, please contact AOII HQ at 615-370-0920 for the most current address.
U of Calgary, Kappa Lambda
Box MH13 MacEwan Student Center 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Late August
Carleton U, Gamma Chi
c/o Juia Weber, 127 Renfrew Ave. Ottawa, ON K1S 1Z7, Early August
U of Toronto, Beta Tau
24 Madison Avenue
Toronto, ON M5R2S1, Early Sept
I of Western Ontario, Iota Chi
222 Broughdale Avenue London,ON N6A2K9,EarlyAug.
McGiflU, Kappa Phi 3477BHutehenson
Montreal, QU H2X2Gl,MidAug.
Auburn U, Delta Delta ToomerHall(DormQ
Auburn, AL 36830-5835, Late Aug.
Birmingham Southern College, Tau Delta, Box 549056 Birmingham, AL 35254, Mid Aug.
Huntingdon College, Sigma Delta Campus Box 65
1500 E. Fairview Avenue Montgomery, AL 36106, Mid Aug.
Jacksonville State U, Delta Epsilon JSUBox#3009
Jacksonville, AL 36265, Early Aug.
Samford U, Rho Delta
Box 294020 SamfordU. Birmingham, AL 35229, Early Aug.
U of Alabama, Alpha Delta P.O. Box 861948 Tuscaloosa, AL 35486-1498 Late July
U ofAlabama Birmingham, Zeta Pi Box 62 IJAB University Center 1400 University Blvd.
Birmingham, AL 35294, Late Aug
U of South Alabama, Gamma Delta P.O.BoxU-1178
Mobile, AL 36688, Early Sept Arizona
Northern Arizona U, Theta Omega PMB#255,1109 S. Plaza Way Flagstaff, AZ 86001-6317, Early Aug.
Arkansas State U, Sigma Omicron P.O. Box 928
State University, AR 72467, Mid Aug.
California Polytechnic State U,
Chi Psi, 370 Pacific, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, Early Sept
California State U-Long Beach, Lambda Beta, 3980 East 8th Street Long Beach, CA 90804, Early Sept
California State U-Northridge, Sigma Phi, 9210 Zelzah Avenue NortfaridgcCA 91325, Mid Aug.
San Jose State U, Delta Sigma
373 East San Fernando St, San Jose, CA 95112-3510,EarlyAug.
U of California-Berkeley, Sigma 2311 Prospect Street
Berkeley, CA 94704, Early Aug/Jan.
U of Northern Colorado,
Epsilon Gamma, c/o Julie Hunter 619 St Michaels Drive
Ft Collins, CO 80525, Early August
U of Colorado, Chi Delta 1015 15th Street
Boulder, CO 80302-7313, EarlyAug.
Florida Southern College, Kappa Gamma, FL So. College Box 15217 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive Lakeland, FL 33801, Late Aug/Jan. U of Florida, Gamma Omicron
819 W. Panhellenic Drive Gainesville, FL 32601, Late July
U of South Florida, Gamma Theta 4202 East Fowler Drive CTR2377 Tampa, FL 33620-2377, Early Aug.
Georgia Southern U, Alpha Lambda
102 Olympic Boulevard Statesboro, GA 30458, Late Aug.
Georgia State U, Gamma Sigma AOII-Office of Student Activities, 33GilmoreStBoxl897
Atlanta, GA 30303, Early Sept
LaGrange College, Lambda Chi LaGrange College Box 687 LaGrange, GA 30240, Early Sept
U of Georgia, Lambda Sigma
1190 S. Milledge Avenue
Athens, GA 30605-2400, Mid Aug.
DePaulU, Delta Rho 2345N.KenmoreTH3 Chicago, IL 60614, Early Sept
Illinois Wesleyan U, Beta Lambda 1314 North Fell Avenue Bloomington, IL 61701, Early Sept
Northern IllinoisU,NuIota 918 Kimberly Drive
DeKalb, IL 60115, Mid August
U of Chicago, Phi Chi
5706 S. University Avenue Chicago, IL 60637, Early October
U of Illinois, Iota
706 S. Mathews
Urbana, II. 61801, Early August
Quincy U, Epsilon Sigma
1810 Lind Street, Box 635 Quincy, IL 62301-2200, Early Fall
Ball State U, Kappa Kappa
4319 W.Clara Lane #101
Muncie, IN 47304-5470, Early Sept
DePauwU, Theta
225 S. Bloomington Street Greencasde, IN 46135, Mid Sept
Indiana State U, Kappa Alpha Box 173 Lincoln Quad
Terre Haute, IN 47809, Mid Aug.
Indiana U, Beta Phi
c/o Leah Rohrbach,4307 Maefield St Bloomington, IN 47404, September
Purdue U, Phi Upsilon
1001 David Ross Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906, Mid Sept
U of EvansviDe, Chi Lambda
2032 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 2 EvansviDe, IN 47714-5012, Early Aug.
Coe College, Alpha Theta
Coe College Cage Union #1254 1220 1st Avenue NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, Early Sept
Iowa State U, Iota Sigma
2007 Greeley Street
Ames, IA 50014, Early August
Momingside College, Theta Chi 3609 Peters Avenue, Box 1523 Sioux City, IA 51106, Early August
Eastern Kentucky U, Epsilon Omega rW 128 PoweD Bidding Richmond, KY 40475, Mid August
Murray State U, Delta Omega 2040 University Station, MSU Murray, KY 42071, Late August
Transylvania U, Tau Omega
300 N.Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508, Late August
U of Kentucky, Kappa Omega 368 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40508, Early August
U of Louisville, Pi Alpha
U of Louisville, SAC Administration Louisville, KY 40292, Early August
Western Kentucky U, Alpha Chi 1566 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Early August
Northwestern State U, Kappa Chi NSU Box 4449
Natchitoches, LA 71497, Late Aug.
Southeastern Louisiana U, Kappa Tau AOILSLU 11665
Hammond, LA 70402, Late July
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
U of Lodaana at Monroe, Lambda Tau Box 4173, Monroe, LA 71211
Early August
U of Louisiana at Lafayette, Delta Beta AOH-USL Box 44823
Lafayette, LA 70504, Late July
U of Maine, Gamma
Penobscot Hall Box 438, U of Maine Orono,ME 04469,LateAugust
Towson U, Theta Beta
Tbwson University P.O. Box 4955 Towson, MD 21252, Mid August
Montana State U, Alpha Phi 1119 South 5th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715, Early Sept
North Carolina
Duke U, Delta Upsilon
P.O. Box 98333, Durham, NC 27708 Early Sept/Late Nov.
East Carolina U, Zeta Psi
805 Johnston Street
Greenville, NC 27858, Early Aug.
Elon College, Epsilon Chi P.O. Box 846
Hon College, NC 27244, Early Nov.
U of Nebraska-Kearney, Phi Sigma 1700 University Avenue
Kearney, NE 68847-4255, Early Aug. U of Nebraska Lincoln, Zeta
1541 "S" Street
Lincoln, NE 68508, Early Aug.
New York
Cornell U, Epsilon
14 South Ave.
Ithaca, NY 14850, Early January
Hartwick College, Sigma Chi
17 Maple Street, Oneonta, NY 13820 Late Aug/Late Jan.
State U of New York, Delia Psi Box 22005,1400 Washington Ave. Albany,NY 12222,EarlyJanuary
Syracuse U, Chi
106 Walnut Place
Syracuse, NY 13210, Late Aug/Mid Jan
Wagner College, Theta Pi
One Campus Road
Staten Island, NY 10301, Late Aug/Jan.
Bowling Green State U, Alpha Psi 440 Student Services Bldg!/ BGSU Bowling Green, OH 43403, Mid Aug.
Miami U, Omega
do LindseyLogan
1602 Miami Commons
Oxford, OH 45056, Eariy November
Ohio U, Omega Upsilon
8 Church Street
Athens, OH 45701, Late August
The Ohio State U, Chi Epsilon
84 East 15th
Columbus, OH 43201Jiarly August
U of Toledo, Theta Psi
2999 W. Bancroft Unit F-l Toledo, OH 43606, Late August
Northeastern State U, Chi Theta NSUMailSvcsAOn,Box27
600 N. Grand Avenue
Tahlequah, OK 74464J5arly Sept
East Stroudsburg U, Phi Beta University Center Box #48
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, Mid Jan.
Lehigh U, Lambda Upsilon
Box D034 Lehigh U
39 University Dr.
Bethlehem, PA 18015, Early Jan.
Pennsylvania State U, Epsilon Alpha 15-SHiesterHaIl
University Park, PA 16802, Mid-Aug.
Shippensburg U, Tau Lambda Cumberland Union Bldg. Box 7 Shippensburg, PA 17257, Mid Sept
Slippery Rock U, Sigma Rho B105 UU Office of Greek Affairs Slippery Rock U
Slippery Rock, PA 16057, Mid Sept
Cumberland U, Lambda Qmicron c/o Rebecca Gwynn, 404 S. Tarver Lebanon, TN 37087, Late August Lambuth U, Omega Omicron
705 Lambuth Boulevard, Box 518 Jackson, TN 38301, Early August
Middle TN State U, Rho Omicron Middle TN State U. P.O. Box 613 Murfreesboro,TN 37132,EartyAug.
Rhodes College, Kappa Omicron 2000 N. Parkway
Memphis,TN 38112, Early Sept
c/o Trish Cosby
7708 Wflmington Drive Knoxville, TN 37919, Late July
U of Tennessee-Martin, Tau Omicron P.O. Box 126, UTM Campus
Martin, TN 38238, Late August
Vanderbik U, Nu Omicron
2415 Kensington Place
Nashville, TN 37212, Mid Aug/Dec.
Southwest Texas State U, Zeta Kappa 401 N. Comanche
San Marcos, TX 78666, Early Aug.
Texas Woman's U, Delta Theta PO Box 424308 TWU Denton, TX 76204, Early Sept
U of Texas San Antonio, Upsilon Lambda University Center - UTSA 6900 N. Loop 1604
San Antonio, TX 78249, Late Aug.
George Mason U, Gamma Alpha 5765-F Burke Center Parkway
Box 338, Burke, VA 22015, Late Aug.
Eastern Washington U, Tau Gamma PUB 964 Eastern Washington U. Cheney, WA 99004, Mid August
Washington State U, Alpha Gamma NE 820 Campus Avenue
Pullman, WA 99163, Late July
UofWisconsin-RiverFalls,Kappa Sigma P.O. Box 784
River Falls, WI 54022, Early August
West Virginia
West Virginia U, Sigma Alpha
299 Prospect Street
Morgantown, WV 26505, Mid Aug.
U of Maryland, Pi Delta
4517 College Avenue
College Park, MD 20740, Mid Aug.
Washington College, Sigma Tau 300 Washington Avenue Chestertown, MD 21620, Late Jan.
M assachusetts
Tufts U, Delta
25 Whitfield Road
Somerville, MA 02144, Mid August
Grand Valley State U, Lambda Ela 10535 Laker Village, Apt 30 J
Allendale, MI 49401, Mid Aug/Ian.
Michigan State U, Beta Gamma
445 Abbott Road
East Lansing, MI 48823, Early Aug.
Western Michigan U, Kappa Rho 3325 W. Michigan Avenue, Unit C Kalamazoo, MI 49006, Late Aug.
U of Minnesota, Tau
1121 5th Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414, Late Aug.
Central Missouri State U, Delta Pi Central Missouri State U. AlOOPanheflenicHall Warrensburg, MO 64093, Mid Aug.
U of Mississippi, Nu Beta
P.O. Box 7987, U of Mississippi University, MS 38677, Early Oct
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Alpha Omicron Pi Properties an introduction
You may have heard about a new AOII organization - Alpha Omicron Pi Properties - and might have the same ques- tions and concerns that Cathy Collegian and Karen Corporation Board President proposed to me. I would like to share that conversation.
CATHY AND KAREN: Nancy, just what is thisAOIIPropertiesallabout?
NANCY: At the 1999 AOII Convention, Council voted to allow the formation of a separate corporation, currently known as AOIIProperties,tomanagetheexisting AOII owned and leased properties and to assist local AOII corporations in financial and property management The main pur- pose is to ensure that all AOII properties
are competitive on campus, safe for our col- legians, properly maintained and financially secure. Duties previously performed by the International Loan Fund Committee will now be handled by AOII Properties.
CATHY AND KAREN: Is every collegiate corporation going to be required to join this new organization?
NANCY: Initially, required participants will include all corporations operating facilities (houses, lodges, suites) currently owned or leased by AOII Fraternity, Inc.
Corporations organized after July 1,2000, will automatically become members as well. The Board of Directors may deter- mine other required participants should a corporation fail to meet corporate and legal responsibilities. Participation will be volun- tary for all other corporations.
CATHY AND KAREN: Just what is going to be offered by this group? If our corpora- tion is not required to join, what benefits are we going to get?
NANCY: A basic membership will provide a voice in AOII Properties, receipt of AOII
Properties publications, Housing and Corporation Manuals, training for attendees at Leadership Institute and Convention and access to fee-based services. Beyond the basic membership, member corporations may pay for other services that will include financial and property management
to the Property Manager at Headquarters. She will maintain a list of all chapters who have applied for membership. The Board of Directors will review all applications.
CATHY AND KAREN: Once we join, are we members forever?
NANCY: No. Membership for required participants will be for a minimum of 5
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
by Nancy C. Garrett, Delta Delta (Auburn U), AOII Properties Director ofAdministration
CATHY AND KAREN: Membership? Are
yougoingtochargeustobelongtothis years.Attheendofthistime,theBoardof
NANCY: Yes. When your corporation
applies for membership, there will be a
non-refundableapplicationfeeof$100. of3years.Attheendofthattime,thecor-
Once accepted into AOII Properties, the initial annual dues will be $300. Your cor- poration might want to pay for 3 years for $ 8 0 0 and save $100. The services that keep your chapter's housing safe, secure, competitive, and well-managed cost money. These services will be offered as "fee-based services". Fees will be deter- mined by the services your corporation requires. Amounts will be determined on the individual needs of each corporation.
CATHY AND KAREN: What is a "fee- based service"?
NANCY: A fee-based service will provide assistance over and above the basic mem- bership. Details of these services are still being finalized, but financial services, prop- erty management services, legal services, risk management evaluations, and volume discount purchasing are some of those now being considered.
CATHY AND KAREN: How does our cor- poration apply for membership?
NANCY: A membership application packet will be sent to your corporation. The pack- et will include an application form and detailed instructions for other documents that will be required by the Board of Directors. All documents will be provided
poration may renew the membership. Due tothecostsandtimeinvolvedwiththeini- tialsetup,theseminimumtimerequire- ments are necessary.
CATHY AND KAREN: You keep talking about a Board of Directors. What is the board and how does it get elected? NANCY: The voting Board of Directors consists of the President, Director of Administration, Director of Finance, Directors of Properties (two at the present time), the International President and Vice-President of Finance of the Fraternity. The ex-officio members are AOIFs Executive Director, Controller and Property Manager. At the Council meeting in June 1999, the Executive Board appointed the current Board of Directors of AOII Properties.
CATHY AND KAREN: Who is on the pre- sent Board of Directors and what makes them qualified to manage our property? NANCY: The photo on the next page, which was taken at the 1999 Convention, will allow you to see the present board along with Mary Anne Monast AOII Property Manager.
Directors will reevaluate each membership to determine its future status. Membership for voluntary participants is for a minimum
The Alpha Omicron Pi Properties Board of Directors
PRESIDENT: SHIRLEY PINNEKE KNIPFEL, Iota Sigma, Iowa State U. Previously, a Collegiate Corporation and Finance Network Director, Internationa] Corporation Supervisor, International Loan Fund Committee, Regional Finance Officer and Regional Director. Financial Adviser and Corporation Member for Iota Sigma Chapter (Iowa State University).
DIRECTOR OF PROPERTY: JANE BRECKENRIDGE TESSMER Alpha Pi Pledge 1966, Florida State University, initi- ated as Alumna Member Gamma Theta 1988, University of South Florida. Previously Gamma Theta - Chapter Adviser, organized Corporation and served as President Collegiate Corporation and Finance Network Specialist, Corporation Finance Network Specialist Rose Award.
Supervisor, International Corporations Supervisor, International Loan Fund Committee Chairman, International Budget Committee Chairman, Regional Vice President, Regional Finance Officer. Many officer positions in Northern Virginia and San Diego Alumnae Chapters.
Gamma Alpha Corporation. Rose Award, Certificates of Honor.
The three ex-offkio members do not have a vote because they are on AOII Headquarters Staff. However, these ladies invest a lot of their personal time to our efforts:
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: MELANIE NIXON DOYLE, Lambda Sigma, UniversityofGeorgia.ExecutiveDirector. Previously Vice-President Development, Director of Collegiate Chapters, Regional Vice-President, Regional Director, Alumnae President, Panhellenic Delegate.
CONTROLLER: BETH SWARTZ, Member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority, University of Tennessee. AOII Headquarters Controller for 7 years. Prior professional - Deloitte and louche-Audit Manager.
PROPERTY MANAGER: MARY ANNE WOLFERSBERGERMONAST,Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI. Rho Omicron Associate Member initiated 1993. Member of Headquarters staff since 1991. Involved in Property Management for over
12 years. Previously Rho Omicron Corporation Vice President-2 yrs. Philanthropic chair-Nashville Alumnae.
Auburn University. Previously a Collegiate
Corporation and Finance Network
Specialist, Corporation Finance Network
Specialist, Regional Finance Officer,
Regional Director. Corporation President,
Corporation Treasurer, Financial Adviser,
ScholarshipAdviserforGammaAlpha PanhellenicDelegate.Manyofficerposi- Chapter (George Mason University). Held
many officer positions as member of Northern Virginia, Chicago West Suburban and, Fort Worth Alumnae Chapters. Rose Award 1977, Presidential Citation 1998, Certificates of Honor.
DIRECTOR OF FINANCE: MARY BAT- MAN CONVERSE, Phi Kappa, University of Charleston, WV. Previously served 8 years as Foundation Board Director (6 years as Treasurer), Regional Finance Officer. Financial Adviser, Chapter RelationsAdviserforGammaAlpha Chapter (George Mason University). Held many officer positions (President for 3 years) in Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. Rose Award, a member of the
100 Women of Achievement at Centennial Convention, Certificates of Honor.
INTERNAHONAU PRESIDENT: CAR- OLE JURENKO JONES, Alpha Delta, University of Alabama. International President Previously Executive Board Director of lYogramming, International Rush Chairman, Regional Rush Officer, Regional Director. Alpha Delta President, Fraternity Education Qiairman. Many Colonization Presentation Teams. Many officer positions in Huntsville Alumnae Chapter. Rose Award, Certificates of Honor.
INTERNATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT- FINANCE: JOANNE WILLIAMSON EARLS, Zeta Psi, East Carolina University. International Vice-President Finance. Previously a Collegiate Finance Network Director, International Chapter Financial
DIRECTOR OF PROPERTY: SCHUYLER (SKY) RUHLMAN LOUAPRE, Pi, Tulane University. Previously a Collegiate Corporation and Finance Network Specialist, Corporation Finance Network Specialist Pi - Chapter Adviser, Collegiate Rush Chair and
tions in New Orleans Alumnae Chapter.
AOII Properties Board of Directors: (I to r) Carole Jones, Jane Tessmer. Sky Louapre, Shirley Knipfel, Mary Converse. Nancy Garrett, Joanne Earls, and Mary Anne Monast.
18 To Dragma/SPRJNG 2000
Ask about express dethvry !
A. Anoraks..
3 4 4 Red Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe. M, L XL '48.00
3 4 8 3 7 1
Navy Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe. M, L, XL!48,00
Royal Blue Flannel Lined Anorak w/white stripe H, L. XL '48.00
2 0 6 "One Motto" Poster. 18x27 inches. Quote from
founder Stella Perry (Designed to compliment our "One Motto'T- shirt p. 9). >8.00
B. Sterling Silver
64J SterlingSnakeCham.(18in.)'9.00
301J Engraved Oval Bracelet.'30.00
3 0 3 J Engraved Oval Earrings. !4ftQ&SALE ; 10.00 303JS Square Earrings.118.00
V 33B
B. Dorm Poster
3 I IJ
3 I 3J
3 16J
3 17J
3 18J
3 19J
3 36J
336J-C Beaded Chain.(18 in.)'8.00
3 3 7 J Necklace w/engraved A O n and Rose. '38.00 3 3 8 J Ball-Bead Chain w/AOn. -14.00
D. Baby Doll T's
1 9 9 Navy Baby Doll T-shirt. L XL1 16.00
2 1 0 Oxford Baby Doll T-shirt. L, XL ' 16.00
2 1 I Long Sleeve Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L * 19.00
2 1 2 White Baby Doll T-shirt. M, L; 15.00
Ball Earring w/drop AOII.314.00
Ring w/Continuous A P R Sizes 6&7.116.00 Engraved Locket Ring. Sizes: 6&7 '20.00 Engraved Bracelet. '30.00
Engraved Square Ring. Sizes 6&7. '20.00 Engraved Ball Drop Earrings.! 15.00
Engraved Square Pendent. > 18.00
Cuff Bracelet Hand crafted. '36.00
Engraved Oval Pendant.118.00
Engraved Square Bracelet. '30.00
Toggle Necklace w/AOn & rose dangle. '30.00
338J ^ 3 3 6 j
320J 3 | 8 j
3 0 S J
Ask about exjmm deBeer)
A. Athletic Wear
1 4 9 I 4 9 I 5 9
1 8 8 2 0 1 2 0 5
2 1 4
2 2 7
2 2 7 M
Grey Drawstring Shorts. M.LXLM6.00
N Navy Drawstring Shorts. M.LXLM6.00
Oxford Athletic Shorts w/weathered design. ML. XL'12.00
OxfordAthleticT-shirt w/weathered design. M,LXLM2.00
Athletic Running Shorts w/weathered design. I_XL512.00
Oxford Tank Top w/black embroidery L XL '20.00
Black Drawstring Athletic Pants w/grey embroidery. M, L XL '28.00 N Naw Athletic T-shirt. L XL ' 12.00
Naw Athletic Sweatshirt. L,XL '28.00 Burgundy Athletic Sweatshirt.
L XL 78.00
B. Reversible Sweatshirt
1 8 7 Ash Reversible Sweatshirt. Heavyweight cotton. Charcoal and red design outside w/navy athletic design inside. M, L XL ' 36.00
C.Work Out
I 5 9 Oxford Athletic Shorts w/weathered design. M, L, XL512.00 1 6 9 Oxford Athletic T-shirt w/weathered design. M, L XL 1 12.00 1 8 8 Athletic Running Shorts w/weathered design. L XL 1 12.00
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Alpha Chi
W estern Kentucky U
Alpha Delta
U of Alabama
The fall semester of 1999 has been full of fun, excitement and success for the sisters of Alpha Chi. After an excellent recruitment and 32 new members, philanthropic fund raisers, community service activities, iutra- murals, and scholarship excellence have again been a huge part in lives of every sister in the chapter. We hosted our annual Mud Volleyball tournament where we raised $825 for Arthritis Research. Many sisters volun- teered in 'Take Back the Night," for rape victims in the Bowling Green community. We had our annual family day banquet where we awarded sisters for academic excellence and chapter involvement. In addition, our flagfootballteam has been tri-
umphant. After initiating this year's new members, our morale is soaring high for all the members of our chapter. Alpha Chi is ready to stay at the top as we enter the next millennium. Go AOII!
The Alpha Delta Chapter started the year off strong through involvement in diverse areas on campus. One fourth of our new members were selected for Freshman Forum and Emerging Leaders, two organizations that choose only the top freshmen at the university. We are proud to say that the Vice-President of Financial Affairs for the university and the President of the College of Arts and Sciences are both seniors within our chapter. Our involvement on campus includes student government committees and chairs, Panhellenic officers, ambassadors for the university, athletic association officers, and many other organizations and leadership positions. Our members also brought home first place in the annual pool shoot and third place in the annual
Homecoming dance competition. While involved on campus, our academics remain strong as well. Our chapter again received second place in overall grades within the Panhellenic sororities, and we have numerous members in every acade- mic honorary both locally and nationally.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
(Jacksonville State U)
AlphaTheta Coe College
Alpha Theta has had a lot of excitement recentiy. After a successful recruitment we welcomed 12 new members this fall! We also celebrated our 30th anniversary at Coe with alumnae during Homecoming in October. With the help of some dedicated alumnae we had a dinner and slide presen- tation, following the parade where our float placed second! Commemorative shirts were also designed and worn during activities. It was a wonderful chance to celebrate our sisterhood! Alpha Theta moved elections to November this year in an effort to make officer transition smoother. New officers are excited to implement their new plans and ideas for chapter success. As the semester draws to a close we went Christmas carol- ing with another sorority and enjoyed a holiday party with treats and secret Santa gifts just before finals! Alpha Theta has enjoyed a fun and successful fall and we look forward to an even better spring!
Beta Lambda IllinoisWesleyan U
Beta Lambda worked hard on COR activities last semester, and we held many great events planned to attract potential members. We planned a Halloween costume party where we carved pumpkins and par- ticipated in other Halloween-related activi- ties. When the winter season arrived, we exercised our c»okie-making skills and invit- ed others to share in our holiday spirit at AOII. Aside from our holiday-related COR events, we also invited potential members to try their hands at cosmic bowling and to come over for dinner and a movie with us. Of course, we also held our moektail party, which was a great success last year. It gave potential members an informal tour of our house while also raising alcohol awareness for everyone. Overall, we look forward to a successful year of COR!
Chi Epsilon Ohio State U
This past year, Chi Epsilon had the honor of welcoming Past International President Peg Crawford to our home. She proved to be a very valuable resource and she was more than happy to teach us everything we ever wanted to know about AOII. She was also a lot of fun! We miss you Peg! This quarter we are hosting our 6th annual Alpha Party. This is a seven way sisterhood event between all of the sororities on our campus that begin with the letter Alpha, We're very excited to see how it will turn out!
Defta Tufts U
This last year has given us a lot to be proud of. We had a great fall recruitment and have four wonderful new members. We had our first ever Run for the Roses 5K and Raffle, our big philanthropy project of the semester, on October 23rd. It was a great success! To add to our exciting semester, we had one of our sisters, Natalee Holt, on the Homecoming court! We still keep one of the highest GPA among Greek chapters on campus and our sisters continue to excel in nearly every other aspect of campus life. Nearly one-fourth of the girls belong to a sports team, including rugby, field hockey, crew, cheerleading, and the equestrian team. Sisters are also very active in HilleL Student Outreach, and the Leonard
Carmichael Society. There
are very few groups on B campus where the AOIIs aren't represented.
Detta Delta Auburn U
Kail quarter brings many
activities for Delta Delta. We
had a successful recruit-
ment that included many
helpful changes. We were
excited to receive 55 won-
derful new members. As a
way to give back to the community, this year we donated stuffed panda bears to the local Battered Women's and Children Shelter. We had an exciting visit from our AACNS, Marjorie Stevens. This visit helped to encourage our officers to accomplish their goals in the last quarter before elec- tions. Our annual Homecoming tea was held in November. Parents and sisters had a chance to socialize and attend Auburn's Homecoming game.
Delta Epsilon Jacksonville State U
We began the fall semester with the chap- ter pledging quota. The chapter also entered the spirit dance and received first place again for the second year in a row and received $75 for Arthritis Research, which is our philanthropy. We held a stick up for Arthritis Research and raised $300. AOII also sponsors and organizes an annual Mr. University pageant that is held on campus. All funds made during this event also benefit
Delta Sigma (San Jose State U)
decorating the cafeteria windows each week. We adopted ten football players each week, decorating their lockers and brought them goody bags before each game. The sisters sponsored another Alcohol Awareness pro- gram that was open to the campus and attended a self-defense seminar.
Central Missouri State U
Delta Pi has a lot to be excited about as we enter the twenty-first century. We met quota and brought 19 new members into our chapter, putting us 7 members over campus total. By initiating our new study- buddy program we will work to remain above the all woman's average in grades. Our biggest philanthropy event, Rock-a- thon, was successful again raising over 1700 dollars for Arthritis Research. Rock-a-thon is a twenty-four hour period where we rock in rocking chairs in front of Warrensburg Gty
Hall. Homecoming was a complete success as well, l^ast year our candidate won queen and this year Jennifer Bussman made the top three, with the crowning to be done at the game. She was 1999 Greek Woman of the Year, Panhellenic Vice-President and involved in more than 20 campus organiza- tions. To close the semester we held Dad's Day, Mom's Tea, Alumnae Day Formal and a Founders' Day with the Kansas City Alumnae Chapter. Delta Pi continue to be one of the top chapters at CMSU.
Delta Psi
U of Albany
The Delta Psi Chapter is off to a great start for the year. Recruitment went well for us and we are excited to have such great New Members. We have some Community Service plans scheduled for this year, including a Breast Cancer walk, as well as
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
b (U ofAlbany)
Arthritis Research. The mem- bers stayed busy cleaning our adopt-a-mile and also took time out to visit the children's floor at Regional Medical Center on Halloween. We decorated pumpkins and gave them treat bags. Along with Kappa Sigma Fraternity, we won second place in the banner competition and the yard display, and third place in the float competition. Aimee Brock has been our very own Homecoming rep- resentative for two years in a row. This semester we have supported the Gamecocks by
our regular trip to the Ronald McDonald House. We are also lookingforwardto our annual Alumnae Weekend and are hoping to strengthen our Alumnae Relations with a Phantom Tea. We would like to thank our president, Laura Provenzale, for putting in her hard work, time and effort Also a spe- cial thanks to our Chapter Advisor for all her help.
Delta Sigma
San Jose State U
Delta Sigma had a very successful fall semester. Our recruitment and COR went great leaving us with 15 awesome new members (that's quota plus). We were recently named intra-sorority volleyball champions, and we are participating in the nationwide Dryell clothing drive. We would like to wish all other chapters participating in the drive good luck. We held a wonderful fall sisterhood retreat in Lake Tahoe, and and our Mr. Fraternity philanthropy event was a great success.
Each team had an AOII lifeguard to get the team organized and enthusiastic. This cam- pus-wide activity is held on the main quad, so everyone who passes can see how much fun we have. Local businesses donated prizes for the winning teams, and teams gave entry donations. We were really successful raising support for Arthritis Research.
Epsilon Cornell U
It has been an exciting year
here at Epsilon Chapter, where
sisters have been very involved.
We started off the year with a Walk-A-Thon for the Children's
Blood Foundation. Fraternities
and sororities, as well as the community, participated in this
two-mile walk around campus
to raise money for a good
cause. Another community ser-
vice event was planting flowers
at Titus Towers, a local housing
facility for low-income senior
citizens. We also kicked off the
year with Fun in the Sun, a Greek carni- val held on campus, where we tossed water balloons with Sigma Alpha Mu. Our chapter welcomed thirteen new members into our fall new member class. All the new members were really excited to be there. We've also had a lot of fun at themed mixers such as eighties night and our Halloween bash. Everyone is looking forward to getting decked out for our win- ter formal and dancing the night away.
Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky U
We started the semester off with an excel- lent recruitment with twenty-nine new members. Our AOII Lip Sync was a great success raising about fourteen hundred dol- lars for the AOII Foundation. Our Rose Rides retreat was a bonding experience for both members and new members. We have had a lot of fun participating in other chap- ter's philanthropy events and we were very excited to place second in the Sigma Chi Derby. As the semester came to an end, we celebrated Founders' Day.
Epsilon Sigma Quincy U
Since Epsilon Sigma's installation last March, we have continued to grow as sisters
and we successfully pulled off our first recruitment Our new members are won- derful people who will add so much to our chapter and we are excited to welcome them. We participated locally in Trick-or- Treat for Arthritis on October 31, and in the Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis in December. We also pitched in to help out at
Delta Upsilon (Duke U)
Delta Upsilon DukeU
On Halloween, we held "Trick-or-Treat for Hunger." Instead of going door to door for candy, we collected non-perishable food to donate to Wake Relief, a local organiza- tion that gives food to families in need. We had very enthusiastic responses in the neigh- Iwrhood, both to our project and to our cos- tumes. We held our annual fall fundraiser, Back to the Beach, on September 17. Lots ol campus groups, fraternities, and sororities formed teams to compete in beach games including dizzy bat, hula hoop, and limbo.
Epsilon (Cornell U)
a local golf tournament and we continue to volunteer our services to our local coffee- house. All of our officers and chairmen have worked hard to learn to be AOII leaders and our advisers have all worked hard educating us on AOII policies and traditions. We loved our visit from our CC, Michelle Finley, who helped us through our first recruitment A special thank you to everyone who sent con- gratulatory e-mails upon our initiation. It helped us feel welcome into the AOII sister- hood. We appreciate it more than we could ever express.
Gamma Alpha George Mason U
Gamma Alpha is very excited about the urx»ming semester! The new officers which were installed in early December have great ideas and plans toward achieving our Chapter Goals. Our Spring calendar is filled with many exciting and sisterhood bonding activities that we can't wait to get started with! One program we are proud of imple- menting for the first time is a program for graduating seniors. This program entitled "Senior Admirers" will be a way to acknowl- edge and show the chapters' appreciation for their dedication and contribution to AOII.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Gamma Chi
Cart to U
Our annual lashion show was a great suc-
cess. It helped to incorporate our new mem- bers into the chapter, as well as into the Greek community. It is our most successful philanthropic event. Greek Olympics is another great way new members and initiat- ed sisters are introduced to Greek life. It is a fun weekend filled with charitable events and competitive games between local and international sororities and fraternities. Our Rose Ball in November and Semi-formal in March are two special ways the chapters honors and shows appreciation to the new initiates, outgoing sisters, and visiting alum- nae. Both are classy evenings that foster sis- terhood and AOII pride.
U of South Florida
The Sisters of Gamma Theta realize that the key to successful recruitment Ls sister- hood. Known throughout campus for our strong sisterhood, we keep it up through Chapter Retreats, games, nights out, and weekly awards. Some of our favorite activi- ties this semester have been our Alpha nights, when sisters pick a restaurant after chapter to catch up on our week, our "What
Ritual Means to Me" diary that is anony- mously passed to a different sister each week, our "Bear Bucks" lor those extra events during the week, and our "Sister of the Week" and "Boo Bears". Of course, we can'tforgetour CR Retreat where we have a bon fire, smores, and hours of Iwnding.
U o f Illinois
Iota Chapter is proud to welcome our 35 new members! A special thanks to our Recruitment Chairmen Kate Schweikart, Jen Charbonneau, and Stage Heads Meghan GieL Nora Geraghty, Courtney Potempa, and
Gamma Alpha (George Mason U)
Jessica SchaaL This years theme for open house was "AOII Music Award" with a guest appearance by Austin Powers. That was fol- lowed by 1st and 2nd Invitational, showing AOIIs "Power of Friendship." Preference turned more formal as lota sisters met prospective new members in black cocktail dresses. To find out more information about Iota, check out our new website at www.uiuc.edu/ro/aoii/.
Kappa Alpha Indiana State U
This has been an exciting summer and fall for Kappa Alpha. The Chapter started off the summer by sending Crystal Kemper, Stacy Zigler, Nicole Himsel and Sarah Clark to the 1999 AOII Convention. They were very excited to attend the convention because they were able to meet the new chapter consultants. The chapter sent Denise Newland to the Undergraduate mterfraternity Institute at Butler U this sum- mer. At this five day conference Denise gained lots of leadership skills, and was able to meet lots of incredibly great sisters from surrounding universities. Kappa Alpha is also excited because they have dieir first CC ever, Monica Ramey. A sisterhood retreat at McCormick's Creek started off their school year. A couple weeks later they started their recruitment at 1SU. They were very excited to find out that they had received quota. The Kappa Alpha Chapter is also pleased to announce that they had the highest amount of Rho Chi's at Indiana State this year. Kappa Alpha reccntiy was involved in vol- unteer and community service where they
To Dragma/SPKING 2000
V 'Ml " ' jflflk
Epsilon Sigma (Quinc/ U)
were able to raise $550 dollars for their chapter. They are also pleased to announce that two-uurds of the Kappa Alpha Chapter members have a 3.0 CPA. The chapter kicked off Homecoming with a theme of Celebrate the Century.
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College
The Kappa Gamma Chapter is sponsoring the Third Annual Star Search. This philan- thropic event invites students to display their talents and contribute to a worthy cause at the same time. All proceeds go to local Children's Arthritis Research. The event was on December 9, and we had many on-campus organizations enter acts in the competition. Every member of the Chapter worked hard on this successful event The Chapter has also compiled a large Alcohol Awareness and Resource Manual, which has been distributed to other chapters and organizations on cam- pus. The book is over 60 pages long, and is a valuable resource of information on the
Kappa Kappa
Ball State U
Kappa Kappa chapter fin- ished our first Haunted House with the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon with great success. We had a great time doing it and look forward to participating in this philanthropy again. We initiated 29 new members on Nov. 6th. We are very proud of this new member class and are looking for- ward to what they have to ofler our chapter.
Kappa Lambda
U ofCalgary
This fall all of Kappa Lambda's hard work paid off! We have almost dou- bled our size with the addi-
of H
lota (U of Illinois)
Kappa Omega
U ofKentucky
The Kappa Omega Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi recently placed first during Homecoming Week. We received the Wildcat Cup for our participation in all of the events during Homecoming Week. We also won first place in the Float Competition for the parade. For this, we were paired witii Farmhouse Fraternity and made the local news. We placed third in the banner compe- tition as welL On November 15th, we voted in our new Leaders Council for 2000. On November 22nd, we initiated two new Alumnae Initiates to our chapter, which was a first for Kappa Omega.
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
One of the most exciting things for Kappa Rho is the move to our new home. We are fortunate enough to have moved into a brand new townhome complex this Fall '99 semester. Six adjoining, yet separate town- houses each have six bedrooms and three and a hall baths spread among three floors. The first twotownhouseswere built without
topic. Also, Kappa Gamma Chapter is assisting our Corporation Board in a HQ Building Fundraiser. The fundraiser is in honor of Mary Louise Roller, and alumnae throughout the state of Florida will be invited to participate.
Congratulations to Lisa, our recruitment
chair, and all of her party heads for putting
on such a successful recruitment This year's
Founders' Day was held with our local
alumnae and the event included Ritual. It
wasphenomenalandwethankNedraforall theseparationwallonthemainfloor,creat- her hard work. We are also planning a win-
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Kappa Alpha (Indiana State U)
ter recruitment period and hope diat it will be as successful as our past fall one. Congratulations to all the amazing women of Kappa Lambda for continuing to build a strong and dedicated chapter!
ing a community room for the use of our chapter. As each day goes on, this complex is truly becoming the home of Kappa Rho! The excitement of our new home has encouraged us to stay just as active in Panhellenic and the Greek Community.
From the awards we've received (including Chapter Standards of Excellence) to the events we sponsor, and the sisterhood activities to our new member class, we are truly excited about our goals and continue to strive to reach them all!
KappaTau Southeastern
Kappa Tau has enjoyed an
awesome fall semester. We
had two members selected
as summer orientation
leaders and five members
as Rho Chi's. We put lots of
hard work into fall recruit-
ment, and we welcomed
twenty-seven wonderful
women into the chapter. We
have been busy with phil-
anthropic projects, including fundraisers for the Arthritis Foundation, donating canned goods to the local food pantry, and keeping the street adopted by the chapter clean. We once again sponsored the campus Homecoming parade, and it was a great suc- cess. Our parents were invited to our annual Red Rose Formal, and it was a blast as always. Our new members were presented, and awards were given out We had other social and philanthropic events planned for the holidays. Kappa Tau has truly let our light shine this semester, and we are very proud of our chapter and its members.
Lambda Upsilon
Lehigh U
We in the Lambda Upsilon Chapter at Lehigh University have dedicated a lot of time to community service this semester. Every Thursday we play basketball with the Boys and Girls Club. We also participated in our Panhellenic Dance-a-Thon in November to help raise money for Breast Cancer Research. We won the 1999 chapter awards for Most Outstanding Sorority and Intramural Champions. We try to stay involved with campus and community activ- ities as much as we can and look forward to continued academic and philanthropic suc- cess for next semester.
Omega Omicron
Lambuth U
Omega Omicron has started its Fall semester in full swing after a great recruitment. We have 19 wonderful new members who were initiated on October 23. Qu °ta was 17 and Omega Omicron exceeded this number with the largest new member class on campus. We started the year off right with a sister- hood retreat We played games, made infor- mation sheets for our new members to get to know us by, practiced for our dance perfor-
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi)
mance for Homcxoming, and carved pump kins. The pumpkins we carved went to a local nursing home to brighten their days. October 11 - 16 was Homecoming where we won our powder puff football game and earned lots of participation points for attend- ing events throughout the week. Our own Amy Murphy was the sophomore class rep- resentative on the Homecoming court On game day we held a tea in memory of a past Chapter and Philanthropic Adviser, Mary Nelle Hardee (Tau Omicron) who passed away in Spring 1998. In conjunction with our Corporation Board, Omega Omicron is establishing a scholarship in her name. Many alumnae attended and made dona- tions. Her three daughters, two being AOIIs, also attended with their families. It was a special time to remember Mary Nelle and visit with alumnae. We are beginning our third year in the mentoring program at Alexander Elementary. Over half the chapter spends time each week with their "lunch buddies" talking, bringing treats, and provid- ing special attention.
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Kappa Chi (Northwestern State U)
Omega Upsilon
The women of Omega Upsilon had a fantas- tic fall quarter. Fall recruitment was a huge success. The chapter gained 38 wonderful young women who are definitely going to become future leaders of the Greek commu- nity. The women of Omega Upsilon also sponsored their annual Breast Cancer Awareness Week. Men and women across campus wore the pink ribbons that Omega Upsilon supplied in recognition of the special week and also donated money to the American Cancer Society. Another success- ful event was the All-Greek Trick-or-TreaL The women of Omega Lpsilon organized the entire event They took groups local chil- dren trick-or-treating to the Greek chapter houses. Both the women of AOII and the children had a wonderful and safe Halloween. Following the All-Greek Trick- or-Treat was the annual haunted house with the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The price of admission was one canned good. Hie women of Omega I psilon donated all of the food to My Sister's Place, a local shelter for battered women.
visit for a week and she was wonderful. We also raised money for Arthritis Research by having a coin drop.
Samford U
The sisters of Rho Delta Chapter
love to have fun, and 1999 has
been one fun year! We had a blast
rolling down the mighty Mississippi River on a riverboat for semi-formal. In the spring, we
were proud to have Cherilyn
Crowe receive the honor of Greek
Woman of the Year for Samford University. We were also excited to
receive the Chapter Proficiency
Award and the Award for Most
Service Hours of any sorority on campus. In the fall, we had a fabulous recruitment Our new members had a good time getting to know each other at a retreat held especially for them at Embassy Suites hotel We held a Sisterhood day and enjoyed spending time together as a chapter. We also enjoyed our annual Witches Brew party, which was a cos- tume party held on Halloween night Rho
Illinois State Day
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U
Phi Beta was involved in special Olympics which was a lot of fun. We had two sister- hood activities this semester which were din- ner and a movie. Our date party was a blast We had Michelle Finley, chapter consultant,
HendersonviUe, Tennessee. In the spring, we hosted our first Harley's and Honey's date party with Chi Omega which turned out to be a lot of fun. We also had a great time at our spring formal that was focused around a Famous Couples theme. Greek awards proved to be a very successful event
ToDrafjma/SPRIiNG 2000
Rho Delta (Samford U)
Delta chapter is look- ing forward to what the new millennium has instoreforus.
Rho Omicron MiddleTennessee
Rho Omicron had a very successful and eventful year. Last fall, we held our 2nd annual Smoke Arthritis Barbecue which raised $8,000 to benefit Arthritis Research. We had a wonderful time at our fall formal held at the Blue Grass Country Club in
for Rho Omicron. Kealie Frazier was named Greek Woman of the Year and Allison Miller was named Community Servant of the Year. Our chapter also received the award for best fundraiser. This past fall we had a successful recruitment resulting in the addition ol 42 awesome new ladies. We are now focusing on our upcom- ing events and another successful year.
Sigma Alpha
W estVirginia U
The sisters of Sigma Alpha made 1999 a year to remember. Fall recruitment was a huge success. We have 26 wonderful new members, who we are proud to add to our chapter. To begin the semester, our new members made and donated 20 care pack- ages to arthritis patients in a local hospital. A group of sisters had a great time prepar- ing a Lasagna dinner at the Ronald McDonald house for the families staying there. The girls enjoyed spending time on such worthwhile projects. We are also very excited to be designing a chapter web page. Sigma Alpha has numerous events that we are looking forward to planned for the rest of the year.
Sigma Chi
Hartwick College
Our chapter is actively involved on cam- pus and in the community. Sisters' cam- pus activities include student senate (president and secretary), Blue Key tour guides, LINK program, Foundation men-
tors, resident advisors, field hockey cap- tain, swimming, volleyball captain, track and equestrian teams. Off campus Sigma Chi is actively involved with the commu- nity which includes our volunteer work at the annual Pit Run, Crop Walk, raising money for needy children in Jamaica, donating a Thanksgiving basket to a needy family, donating to the Lord's Table in Oneonta, and a few sisters work at the local soup kitchen. Sigma Chi also annually holds their Haunted House and held their first annual holiday tree trim- ming this past Christmas for their neigh- bors and the community.
Sigma Phi
California State U-Northridge
The Sigma Phi Chapter congratulates all of our Fall '99 new members. We had a Hawaiian theme Bid Day with lots of food & drinks. We played games & were ahle to get to know all of our new members. We all had a great time.
Tau Gamma
Eastern W ashington U
The ladies of Tau Gamma have been busy enjoying the after math of our fall recruit- ment It all began on our bid day when we had our very first ribbon ceremony. This group of girls will be a wonderful addition to AOII. We have kept busy with lots of fun programs that involve us in the community. During Homecoming week, we participated in an all campus canned food drive, and this Homecoming week- end marked our 5th Annual Teeter Totter- a-thon. We teamed up with a fraternity
and teeter tottered for 24 hours to raise money for Arthritis Research.
Phis was an event
where our sister-
hood was shown, to
other Greeks, and
the community as well. This Halloween we put on a haunted house for the chil- dren of Cheney, and we are looking for- ward to a spectacular year ahead.
Tau Omicron
U oflennessee - Martin
The Fall semester has gotten off to a great start at Tau Omicron Chapter. It all started with a successful recruitment, where we met quota with forty-three new members. We won first place in SAC's Movie-Theme Lip- Sync. The excitement continued as our sis- ters worked side-by-side to make Homecoming fun. We are proud of our sis- ters, especially their work on the float, pyra- mid, and rope-pull, which earned us second place overall in Homecoming. But, the best news at Tau Omicron Chapter is that on October 23, we initiated all forty-three new members, continuing a tradition of sister- hood and a love for AOII.
Theta sisters have been hard at work this past year. They participated in 19 philan- thropies during the 1998-99 school year holding three of their own. They were rec- ognized at the Annual Greek Awards Banquet for Special Achievement in
Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U)
Philanthropy. Keeping this strong tradition, two philanthropy events have already been held this semester, AOPIE In Your Face and Pocket Change for Change. Theta sis- ters have also been active on campus by starting a new program called AOII Brown Bag Luncheon and Discussion Series. Three were held this semester. Each event was very successful, and plans are in the works for future luncheons.
Theta Chi
Momingside College
The Theta Chi Chapter is undergoing sig- nificant reconstruction through utilizing TCP effectively by integrating activities. We have turned education meetings and phil- anthropy events into CORs. This has invoked a positive response from both the chapter members and the campus. Another successful accomplishment has been our service. During Halloween week we volun- teered at a local nursing home. Kids trick- or-treated at the resident's doors and then played carnival games in the cafeteria. We all dressed up in costumes and helped with the carnival, it was a lot of fun and really brought out the Halloween and charity spirit. During the week we also trick or treated for arthritis and raised $355.74. We have also begun plans for a Panda Ball to raise funds for the two pandas at the
Adanta Zoo. Theta Chi is opening its doors to new ideas and challenges. Our goals include improving scholarship and increas- ing our public relations.
Theta Pi
Wagner College
The Sisters of Theta Pi have been busy since the beginning of 1999. They recruit- ed and initiated fourteen girls during the Spring 1999 semester. That Spring we also took Best Overall in the Annual Songfest Competition. We congratulate sis-
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
ter Barbara Bellesi on being Songfest First Princess. The
Spring was marked with many occasions lor the sisters to help
the community. We donated
canned goods, old clothing and
bottled water to the survivors of
the Colombian Earthquake and
gave our time at a community
Easter Egg Hunt where we
painted faces and attended to
other contests and activities dur-
ing the Staten Island Youth
Easter Egg Hunt. The chapter congratulates many of our sisters
on being inducted into ODK, a national honors society and
many others on being elected to high-ranking positions in Student Government. This Fall, members contin- ued our trend of high activity and partici- pated in several walk-a-thons to show our support for Juvenile Diabetes and Breast Cancer. We will be active in this years Leadership day with many sisters giving speeches and workshops lo the partici- pants. During Homecoming this year,
Pi (Wagner
Theta Pi was on top again. We proudly watched as Katy Carlson was crowned Homecoming Queen. Later that day Theta Pi and TKE were given first place for our entry in the float contest. The Homecoming event was chaired by Theta Pi Kat Keller and the committee of three others was comprised of two other Theta
Pi sisters.
Parent's Weekend, all of which turned out very successfully. We are kx)king forward to the spring, when we will hold our annual Rose Bowl flag football tourna- ment, raising money lor Arthritis Research.
Zeta Pi
U of Alabama-Birmingham
Zeta Pis have had quite an exciting and fun-filled Fall quarter. We participated in all of LAB's Homecoming festivities and our very own Karmie Johnson was named Miss
ToDragma/SPRING 2000
Chi (Morningside
our window paintings and our float. Several of our sisters com- peted in the SWT Homecoming Talent Show and received a 2nd place trophy. Cynthia Schutz, Kylah Magee, and Heather Peckham sang "Bring on the Men" while other chapter mem- bers and some of the men from the two fraternities danced. It was a great way lo show off the talent we have in Zeta Kappa. This semester, we also had two mixers, a Halloween date party, and
Zeta Kappa
SouthwestTexas State U
Our President, Seana Attwood, was selected to be on the 1999 Southwest Texas State Homecoming Court this fall. We participat- ed in Homecoming with two fraternities and won several awards, including ones for
LAB at the Homecoming game. We have also been busy sharing our time, energy, and talents with the women and children of Bread and Roses shelter. By painting and redecorating the playroom and stenciling ivy on the kitchen cabinets and walls, we certainly added a more cheerful look to the shelter. We participated in a State Wide Founders' Day by sending out invitations and doing everything possible to insure the success of this event. It was great with International President Carole Jones and Executive Board Member Julie Brining as two of our key speakers.
Zeta Pi (University
of Alabama
- Hirmingham)
In Memory
Norma Marshall Ackel
Alpha Omieron Pi Fraternity was deeply saddened on February 9, 2000 by the death of Past International President Norma Marshall Ackel, Kappa Theta (U of California- Los Angeles), San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter.
Norma was elected Vice President/Operations in June of 1975 and assumed the office of International President according to Rules and Procedures of the Executive Board in October 1976 when Janie Callaway resigned as IP. Norma was elected to a full term in June 1977.
Her service to AOII began back in her college days when she was trea- surer of her chapter at UCLA. Other positions included San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter President, Colony Supervisor for Sigma Phi, Collegiate Director, Regional Vice President, and International Treasurer.
Norma loved being directly involved with collegians. While International President, Norma once wrote, "During the forma- tion of Sigma Phi Collegiate Chapter, I found that I enjoyed working with collegians. At that time I decided that being a Chapter Adviser was the best job possible. I have never changed my opinion on that"
During her term as International President, the Fraternity under- went many changes. Our membership records were first computer- ized, the regional structure was implemented, the first attempts were
Chapters Installed or Rechartered
Lambda Iota, LI of California - San Diego (11/12/77) Gamma Alpha, George Mason U (4/12/78) Delta Pi, U of South Carolina (Rechartered 4/22/78)
made to purchase an International Headquarters building, Headquarters staff was professionalized and the Philanthropic Foundation was formed.
Professionally, Norma was a statistician in the Marine Corps and took over her husband's garment manufacturing business following his death in 1971. Until the end of 1975, Norma ran the business herself, doing contract work on women's sportswear for companies like White Stag, Jantzen and Loubella.
Besides holding offices in AOII and working almost full time, Norma raised three sons, served as an Elder and a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church and participated in many community activities in her home- town of Encino, California. Her major hobbies included collecting antique American cut glass and stamps, as well as traveling and study- ing the ancient Mayan ruins in Mexico and Central America.
In 1979, Norma wrote, "It occurs to me that being International President is a lot like being the director of the chorus and orchestra. While each singer and musician cannot ordinarily be heard individu- ally, if the director has done a good job, the whole performance is pleasing. Without the assistance and help of other skilled people, nothing would occur. I hope (my term) has been a productive, cre- ative four years which have served as a good foundation for the future of AOII."
We will forever be grateful to Norma for her service to Alpha Omieron PL
ToDragma/SPRING 200()
International President 1976-1979
of Michigan (Rechartered 10/9/78)
of Texas-San Antonio (11/18/78)
0 m
P s
i U
c o
r n
' U
Mary Ellen Haggard Hendricks Janice Mae Noullet Heyse Carol Joyce Livingston Howell Laurel Lillian Leavy
Joanne Lickendort Oliver Dorothy Griegor Osborne Carol Adele Moore Pooley Elizabeth MacDougall Robbins Ann EUyn Silkie
Marcia Anne Meyers Stynes Leocadia Ida Szepanski Tithoi Anne LeMense Walker Bernadine Anderson Ziemke
Beta Kappa
U of British Columbia
Muriel Hill McMillan
Gertrude Cecile Thomas Stebar Margaret Cornell Wilkins
This list includes women who were initiated between July 1, 1950 and June 30,1951. Alpha Omicron Pi salutes thefollowing women who will celebrate their 50th year of membership with AOII during the next year.
We hope each will continue to share our sisterhood for many more years. The 1950-51 photos shown here are from the AOII archives.
Alpha Omicron Louisiana State U
Jacqueline Lee Airhart
Kay Jablonowski Appel
Lyle Maier Bayle
Patricia Ann Clay Garber
Carol Putfark Greene
JoAnn dine Humble
Beverley Mahoney Langford Ramona Mkklish Lawrence Betty Waflenschmidt McCloskey Norma Nash McQure
Lynne Clare Abadie Prator Nancy Jean Reinhart Margaret Nell Stumpf Robin Ragin Wedemeyer
Alpha Phi Montana State U
Vivian Joann Marsh Bahr Marian Burklund Luanne Cole Christensen Frankie Rowse Eagle
Ella Colleen Jones Ewald Barbara Gordon
Barbara Willson Haugen Marlene Wilson Kovash Dorothy Squires Lakewold Sharon Elmona Elliott Lee Patricia Drugge MacMillan Erlene Biggs Mazuranich Charlotte Rodenberg McCahill Evelyn Marie Eaton Nelson Caroline M. Stucky Phillips Barbara Stout Rech
Julianna Casebolt Shaw Betty Joann Stratton Simms Connie Niebel Townsend
Alpha Pi Florida State V
Carrilee Cullison Cavanaugh Audrey Butler Davis Mildred Hunter Farley Matilda Lomaistro Harter Martha Wilson Haylbrd Nancy Elizabeth Fay Hess Katherine Harding Kelly
Jeanette Smith Klein
Irene Hall Lehman
Martha Steed Minter
Edythe Marie Skipper Mitchell Anna Catherine Pittman Price Miriam Laverne Battle Tobin Helen Blitch Turco
Alpha Rho Oregon State U
Dorothy Wright Alvord Marilyn Struebing Asher
Jane Qinkenbeard Butter Monte Middlebusher Campbell Lolita Mae Kovaly Carter Shirley Abrams Davis
Joan Kovaly Dow
Joan Baines Gathercoal Gloria Ragsdale Harper Beverly Smith Mullen Jean Baines Proctor Jean Olmstead Storms Dorothy Dickey Winkler
Alpha Sigma U ofOregon
Mary Hannah Anderson Audrey Jones Behnken Lillian Hunter Blaisdell
Sara Bernice Bradley Barbara Winona Silva Cool Shirley Nichols Decker
June Nichols Dollins
Eleanor Jean Federspiel Mina Fay Sloan Hassman Lou Anne West Holmes Joan Dcbenedetti Hunt Leona G Kellow Loretz Felicia Holler Marshall
June Ann Mcintosh Kathleen Evelyn Ohearn Margaret Effie Smith Potwin Marjorie Jean Fulton Redd Jane Rey
Helen Louise Clark Robnett Betty Lou Wise Wahl
Mary Beth Woodill
Beverly Jean Paulsen Wright Mary Johnson Young,
Alpha Tau Denison U
Elizabeth Withers Boers
Ann Clark Bunn,
Louanna Steinberger Calland Maryan Francis,
Irja Siltanen Karr Frenzen, Marv Louise Croslin Guerrero Susan Whitney Hakkio, Juanita Louise Chanley Jahn,
ToDragrna/SPRING 2000
Carol Taylor Muldoon,
l^ois Myrle King Newhall, Helen Lee Crawford Perkins Gerda Mehwald Picco,
Anne Rosenberger Robbins, Ixjuise Edith Morrison Rufla Helen Elizabeth Burdick Sloat, Elizabeth Litchfield Werner, Virginia Earle Whitehouse
Beta Gamma Michigan State U
Gloria Wieland Backus, Pandora J Dickie Berger Molly Boelio,
Barbara Yeoman Dempster, Elizabeth Louise Baker Fritz, Beverly Burns Good,
Alice Radford Haarup
Beta Phi Indiana U
Rosemary Vioni Benson Nancy Joan Howard Bonham Rachel Carlson Feldman
Mary Payton Frantz
Marianne I^aramie Garinger Dorothy Allis Gebbie
Barbara Russell Kuzman
Ruth Jones Little
Dorothy Spiro Maddock
Jean Bemice Wilson Matthews Marilyn Thomas Maxwell Dolores Herron Miller
Juanita Barwkk Ringer
Bettye Montague Robertson Janet Rhea Pearcy Shipley Ann Elizabeth Leist Stewart
Dorotliy Davis Cox Story Nancy Waddell Wainscott Georgi Graves Walton
Beta Tau
U ofToronto
Emily Ann Egan Baptiste Vida Davidge Bridgeman Anita Everist Davis
Marian Hoare Calligan Dorothy MeRobb
Virginia Somerville North Barbara Bodley Posthuma Jane Milton Taylor Tilley Mary Anne Fardoe Wilson
Chi Syracuse U
Evelyn Appel Augustin
Barbara Joan Barnum
Doris Brown
Elinor Walter Chatrnuck Amelita Colangelo
Jeanne Marie Speneer Ewing Nan Roberta Stone Farrell Nonna Trumbull Gawlowicz Winifred Barbara Boss Hannan June Arlene Goodenow Harry Jean Helen Zahradka McCarthy Martha Clay Pritchett
Joan Wallick Vanzo Kate HavenerWebber
Chi Delta
V ofColorado
Patricia Allen
Alice Hodgins Barnard Emma Sutton Betzer Barbara Mullen Borenstein Ann Smyser Bunn
Jean Drake Emond
Bette Lee Essman
Lois Esther Boseh Finch Ixmella Tainter Flatland Joan Altherr Haigh
Ruth Hammack Harrington Joan Dorau Hohorst
Gail Joyce Wright Holman Marcia Schuman Hubbard Helen Ann Smi<k King
Joan Marya Buckland Kitchens Qara Jane Maier Lamb
Maryann Cerbosi Matthews Ann Haney McRoberts Barbara Grace Hodges Moore Jo Anne Matteson Olson
Mary Ann Hoshall Prock Evelyn Bunting Barkley Sears Martha McDonald Taggart Jerraline Rose Srp Thurston Mary Ann Huffer Wekh
Enid Veazie Wood
Marilyn Maie Yensen
Chi Lambda
V ofEvansviue
Virginia Beesley
I)ortha Yeager Bosse
Barbara Faye Nickell Boswell Betty Jane Roth Brown
Shirley Shisher Brown
Susanna Dannettell Buthod Jeanne Carter
Mary Carolyn Dannettell Margaret Ijemond Eason
Emily Kathryn Fischer Freund Rae Garrison
June Marie Tremor Hubert Shirley Ann Fowler Huminsky Dorothy Jane Smith Joest Delores Sthaber Kalena
Barbara Jean Vaughan Kaufman Marjorie Douglass Rowe Korb Mabel l^andis
Mary Lannert Manion
CoUeen Cain Mattingly
Patricia Whitehead Miller
Ruth Moss Mitchell
Lillian Miller Nagle
Jo Ann James Niehaus KathlynJoyceHalbigOliver Louise Kiely Owen
Mary Reitz
Betty Louise Stoflt Ross
Bettye Louise Britz Rowe Kathryn Hoge Silverman Virginia Allen Stilwell
Marjorie Stovall
Alice Lyde Taylor
Juliann Howard Thompson (Gloria June Fleener Tiller
Alma Vaughn
Ruth Warren
Jane Hoover Whitmer Marilyn Emma Edgar Wurtz ljaVerne Heady Yokel
Chi Sigma Centenary College
Peggy Ruth Cruteher
Martha Jean Grantz Mitchell Gloria Foster Quinlan
Annie Louise Tallman Reardon Margaret Clarke Henning Swor
Delta Tufts U
Andrea Irma Perlstein Adeson Claire Elizabeth Cahill Cribben Marjorie Hennessey Declue Eleanor McPeake Dirks
Doris Helen loltz Friedman
Naomi Clyman Gold
Carolyn Colbum I^ane
Faith Meredith Kinsey Look Nelda Susan Shapiro Maltz Mary Grace Donahue Pafiralh Betty Ix>rraine Catanese Russell Nadic Torpa Sterndale
Carol Jean Fruehan Willey
Delta Delta Auburn II
Irma Kelly Armour
Lela Jane Jacks Brown Betty Coleman
Alice Kelly Feist
Gaye Nickerson Furbish June Ann Hankins Hayes Julia Ann Hubbard Henry Jean Allen Johnson
Ginger I.ee Dickson Kemp Mary Jean Wall Lemley Martha Wheeler Neville Mary Smith Parks
Bourdon Casey Payne Juanita Ijee Reynolds Richey l-eta Ann Casey Thrower Joyce Wall Thomas Tidwell
Delta Sigma San Jose Slate U
Joan Awbrey
Arvia Brooks Ayer Mary Keller Belmar Aleene Wells Caneer
Dorothy Mae Watts Cristallo June Mitchell Drake
Frances Atkins Harkess Margaret Joyce Larsen Johnson Nan Wilson Kaeser
Marlyn Kay Luther
Phyllis Chaney Payne Jacqueline Andre Reibsamen Sally Seacord Roeske
Mary 1 /)u Carli Smidi
Alicia Nundy Ward
Jeannette Gomes Watson
Epsilon Cornell U
Marian Russell Boslaugh Carolyn Ansley Cline Elizabeth J. Putnam Coates Anna Evelyn Glazier Ginter Ann Heagle
Nancy Vrana Heller
Eva Nagler Hirsch
Jane Vail Ingersoll
Floretta Threadgill Jones Marian H. Wallace Kooiman Antonia Mullen
Marcia MacDonald Neugebauer BarbaraMMerrittPerrin Kathleen Wickes Ray
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State U
Margaret White Biederman Jean Vee Troutman Bossard
ToDragma/SPRING 2000
Julianne Crisman Daly
Nancy Nelsen Evers
Cora Ethelyrin Meyer Griffiths Marilyn Minor Haas
Jennifer Knauer Johnson
Nancy Graham Leuschner Josephine Williams MacKenzie Marilyn Flora Mix
Rebecca Anderson Morgenson Nancy Louise Thomas Rude Margaret Kronenwetter Tompkins Betty Webber
University ofMaine
Jean Evelyn Grindle Carville Joanne Daley Clark
Jean Hopkins Cunningham Patricia Huddleston Dimatteo Anne Miles Hession
Janet Oliver Mackintosh Helena Mehlhom McCusker Marjorie Woodman Miller Margaret Anne Howatt Mowadian Judith Phillips Otis
Doris Ann Toabe
Charlotte Troubh
Emma Leona Given White Melissa Ann Parker White
Gamma Omicron V ofFlorida
Joan Ullrich Anderson
Jo Anne Crawford Geraldine Apgar Gavigan Joan Cathryn Kelly Hager Voncile Marshall Oyer Shirley Winn Pridgen Alia Mai; Kruger Seybold Joan McKinney Vinson Marlene Weinauer
Betty Bumby Wrascheck
U ofIllinois
Margaret Ann Akey Connor Barbara Dickinson Corcoran Barbara Bassie Dunnivant
Mary Fishel Herwig
Mary Hedgcock Kurtz
Emma Waldschmidt Roelofs Jean Beverly Bowen Scharafin Jean Scott
Patricia Ann Swaim Shields Dolores Dahlberg Walker
Iota Alpha Idaho Slate U
Sara Jane Ewart Albano Doris Marie Smith Anderson Lvah Hull Carlson
Burneta Louise Eyler Clark Dorothy Grigora Darnall Marjorie Dent
Beverly Downs Graham
Jo Anne Barfuss Kelly
Ruby Dunn Lowe
Marianne Harward Stephens Neoma McQanahan Wood
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
Mary Huxtable Barnett Marianne Brisk Evett
Glenna Fitzsimmons Hasslacher Blanche Pennel Bahzer Jones Sara Graham Nuttleman
Helen Buck Reynolds
Kappa Gamma
Florida Southern College
Susan Hamilton Almond Jacqueline Bumside Anderson Shirley June Cant well Crowley Johnnie Johnson Friedbacker Dorothy Ann Deal Hicks Dolores McKnight Koretz Barbara Jackson McCarthy Ruth Ellis McKeown
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Jeanne Helen Simmons Allen Joann Ragland Widney Booker Anne Riley Bourne
Jamie Tyree Smith Crocker Anne Talley Fleming
Dorothea Yvonne Harris Justis EUzabeth Carter Lipscomb Gene Douglas McFarland Barbara Mann Montgomery Emma Joyce Buchanan Mulletl Ijallie Stewart Norman
Hazel Joyce Sweat Richards Laura Jean Ozanne Robinson Rebecca Spencer Stiegler
Marlene Baker Tate Martha Jane Puflen Tibbs Emily McKay WhiteseU Jane Wittichen Williams
Kappa Phi McGUlU
Joan Noseworthy Bares Muriel Mills Biewald Faye Rochester Campbell Shirley Duke Defreitas Barbara Ann Farr Dooley Joan Antliff Dormer
Ann Girard Madden Sarah Eileen Snell
Natalie Ann Smith
Marjory Stewart
Marybeth Tomlinson Jacqueline Nina Scott Ullerich Joan Landweer Waltz
Daisy Darinka Kruly Warburton Shirlie Cleveland Whalen
Lambda Sigma II of Georgia
Betty Lane Bird
Mary Ann Callaway
Carolyn Geeslin Greene
Judith Randolph Hildreth Jolly Marie Helene K Albert Kelly
loDragma/SI'RING 2000
Kappa Rho
Western Michigan U
Virginia Sprietsma Coolidge
Kappa Theta
V of California IA>S Angeles
Patricia Quest Koestner Allen Madeline Seminario Barr Elizabeth Mulvihill Beazley Joanne Vosburg Black
Nancy Ginn Clayton
Alma Campbell Cunningham Sharon Clark Gayton
June Lucille Hansen Ghaffari Joan Marie Watkins Kidd Paulette Henry Knight Carolyn Ginn Matzenger Jattjueline J M<Corma<k Lavena Arledge McNeill
Ann Oustad
Janet Joy Williams Overman Margaret Ann Gelzer Peele Gloria Murphy Pena
Sally Ann Alder Peterson Delores Kejsar Porteous Sylvia Roberts
Jane Schiek Scharff Elizabeth Ferguson Schmidt
Mary Ellen Finley IJvingston Billie Jeanne Clark Macon Margaret Vonier M<dury Shirley Patricia Kist Midyette Janice Ella Ewalt Siggelko Patricia Carolyn Ellis Stara Phyllis Anita Veal Steedly Monica Marie Llivo Trapani Barbara Sue Underwood Vonier June Walker
Julia Nell Cole Welch Dorothy Lundy Wood
New York U
Patricia Bartenstein
Rita E Garolblo
Barbara Blakley Krebs
Janet Elizabeth Innis Messinger Marion D Pearsall
Marie Antoinette Mains Rigby Eleanor Brown Van Deusen Helen Hamm Weissman
Nu Lambda
U of Southern California
Marilyn Beaudry-Corbett
Barbara Boiler Campbell Dorothy Hickox Conde
Mary Lou Schwamm Delpech Joahn Stevenson Doring
Jean Stevenson Fleischman Jeanne Warnoek Guertin Katherine Steelman Nelson Dorothy Fucci Nysewander Donna Jean Ogier Schiewe Jean MiddletonShanahan Lucy Tomboulian
Nu Omieron VanderbUtU
Louise Parrish George
Betty Lentz Gray
Katherine Robinson Griswold Mary Thomas Hamilton
Mary Jean Gordon Hardy Patricia Young Hart
Marianna Brogden Heerschap Ann Harsh Linebaugh
Amie Boyd Marks
Mary Lakoff McMillan Anne Rountree Mitchell Barbara Caudle Rutledge Etta Tinker Sheffield Peggy Jones Snapp Nancy Finley Vaughan Ann Easley Vickers Beverly Cate Waites
Omega Miami II
Alice Van Kirk Richards Bauer Anne Davidson Brussee
Joyce Ann Overholser Demmitt IJnda Fitzgerald
Suzanna Elizabeth Gebhanl Joanne Kramer Guzak
Zoe Wertz Hittner
Patricia Cavanaugh Landers Alice Charlene Pound I-evering Carolyn Crawlbrd McGinley Barbara Lee Littler Phlegar Qauia Pooek Ratli
Lucinda Marie Harper Sagar
Kathryn Soutar Swick
Joanne W illiams Iliebudo June Marie Roepnack Wieland Miriam Lois Burbank Williams Helen Louise Blanchard Yake
V ofTennessee
Anne Wade Berry Baird Alyce Lide Ryan Barrett
Julia Wiehite Boulden
Una Matthews Bowyer
Mary Helen Walker Bradshaw Elizabeth Stone Connette Margaret Crum Crosby
Martha Frances Garrett
Virginia Ross Harvell
Lynda Joy Hightower
Mary Ann Barnett Long Katherine Virginia McCall
Mary Fields McNutt
Patricia Louise Cherry Miller Madge Bates Parker
Virginia C Kirchdorfer Pearman Carolyn Fassnacht Preston
Nell Campbell Scott
Glenna Bearden Seay Margaret Lynwood Skelton Joanne Bell Tabor
Vera Dillard Thornton
Jane Hollingsworth Watts Elizabeth Kirchdorfer Wright
Omieron Pi UofMichigan
Jane Burdett
Alice Ann Ryan Kilgore Carolyn Vonvoigdander Malek Ann Knickerbocker Palmer Charlotte Charles Quinn Audrey lx>is Murphy Whit ham Joann E. Anderson Wilson
U of Kansas
Jo Ann Spring Baxter
Marjorie Lee Brown Danielson
Helen Marie Whitehead Kite Veda Russell l^ewis
Patricia Anne Salyer Onken Virginia K Holloway Parkhurst Ruthanna Charles Powell Donna Joyce Rider
Mary Ann Dilts Rix
Margaret Mice Moore Sanford Janet Willis Siler
Phi Omieron Hanover College
Barbara Ellen Pattison Bowden Barbara Eskew Cannon Charlotte Miller Clapp Dorothy Crain Demaree Martha Dickey Jaquess
Anita Rose Tribulak Lineback Donna Strettar Sheridan Patricia Lee Walne
Pi Tulane V
Sterling Wilkins Peebles Allen Carolyn Carter Cadzow Elizabeth Verlander Caraway Ada Hatfield Coleman
Patricia Ruth Edwins Hartridge Louisa Timberlake Landon Mary Virginia Feraud Legeai Sarah Robinson Locke
Joan Robinson Mallory
Jane Lee McNamara
Suzanne Melancon Montgomery Carole Jane McGee Rusho
Ann Alexis Ryan
Elizabeth Robin Seely
Naney (iooeh Sherar
Jane Ixmise Shoal
Marianna Flowers Tomeny Mary Myers Winn
\\ iiiston Beese \\ ithers
Pi Delta
U ofMaryland
Patricia Elliott Dressel
Sarah Bissell Ervin
Barbara Stewart Gollner
Janet Elsie Lindeman Richards Nancy England Tysdale
Pi Kappa
U of Texas • Austin
Eldona Hamilton Arns
Pauline Eros Davidson Benson Barbara Seim Campbell Martha Jane McCarty Edens Martha Shillito Gilstrap Martha Ann Gray Lind
Carol Lou Rena Cannon Pope
U ofPennsylvania
Nancy Anne Snead Guthrie Anne Blair Johnson
Violet Eva Simmons Virginia Sudjian
Ruth Elaine Wilent
Rho Northwestern U
Carol Bartizal Alstot
Jean Woodward Atterbury Manie Street Boone Balch
Lila Marlene Snyder Beeson Ruth Mary Peters Belvin
Rosa Kathryn L'ehling Birdsall Elizabeth Ann Lund Buchholz Mary Turnbull Fellman Marilyn Mildred Greene
Mary Maloney Hancock Harriett Peterson Hulbert Audrey Caroline Hutch Patricia Washburn Krone Carol Lundquist Livengood Rita Pelz Lucas
Ann Eve Toboldt MacDonald Carole Wesselman Miley Nancy Fay Pitt
Marguerite Elizabet Scaer Pond Renee Reim Reagan
Patricia Charlyn S Ryan
Joan Laverne Stromberg Martha Jane Curry Taggart
Rita June Ironiger Taylor Carolyn Mae White
Anna I^ee Soderquist Williams
U of California - Berkeley
Marilyn Mengshol Bair
Jean Anne Toohey Bergstrotn Doris Jamieson Cooper
Nancy Qaxton Creech Jacqueline L Stultz Czarnecki Carol WulifDoerseh
Patsy Donegan
Carla Merner Flood
Alma Adele Colling Haight Helen Fink Horton
Nancy Samwell Howe
Sally Elizabeth Standley Keider Margaret Wagner Kellogg Norma O'Donnell Malloch Joanne Borchard Marchetti Anne Elizabeth Martin Rosemarie Jean Seyman Mower Pat Brandes Nash
Perlina Channing Nelson
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Audrey Joyce Amskold Pland Oreon Noack Rago
Doroethy Anne Fowle Sawyer JuditJi Alles Sayles
Joan Elaine Fraters Spence Joanne Meyer Vance
Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U
Patsy Daugherty Blanchard Betty Jo Daugherty
Peggy Ann Turner Dodd Beth Ann Davidson Driver Sarah Jacobs Hague
Betty Gullet! Hamblen Dorothy Anne Witt Hostetter Geneva Bruce Hurley
Frances Jones
Mary Morris Schratz Jones Jeanne Hall Landers
Martha Sue Porter Longsworth Bobbye McDaniel Luper Molly Ann Manning Naylor Patsy Penney
Faye Ellen Fraps Stan
Patricia O'Brien Stovall
Sigma Tau Washington College
Cynthia Jones Hodges Saylee Lrig Ken-
Margaret L Wilding Leroy Mary Lee Lincoln Mclntyre Gabriele Mautner Rowley
V ofMinnesota
Helen Marcia Bloom
Jean Marshall Chapman
Eva Constantine IjoisErnitaFleckenstein Dupre Sandra Rugg Elmstrom
Merry Maxine Kruse Hiniker Mary Thompson Johnson Audre Woebke Mansoor Bonnie Jean Gaskill Martz Donna Johanson Melby
Jean Behonek Muller
Kae Marlene Jernberg Nelson Shirley Jean Bishop Richardson Nancy Smith Scott
Judith Vincent Sherman Martha Erickson Taylor
Janice Lorna Zetiler Ure
Margaret Pratt Van Munching Sonya Joyce Swan Williams
Tau Delta
Birmingham Southern College
Dona Marie Williams Adler Dorothy Anne Seale Barnes Sophia Ann Mize Clifford Margaret (Goodwin Drennan Ann D Barr Friday
Martha Cunliff Hotchkiss Suzanna Davis Malony Mary Snow McCulloch Mary Alyce Archibald Mize
Theta DePauu U
Janet Ketchum Armbrust Joan Callahan Bigge FJizabeth Ann Proud Brown Fern Hilton Davis
Margaret Ann Marks Demitrofl Dane Elaine Mound Doner Judith Clark West Galliher Janet Taverner Juckett
Janet Crowder King
Janice Marpel Weir Km11 Barbara Jean Ganster McCrory Joan Mathes McGovern Barbara Parker Nordell Audrey Thomas Pelham
Theta Pi Wagner College
Peggy Jean Fierro Anderson Norma Zawadski Banta Kathryn Otten Bowen-Smith FJise Schriever Brockmann Edna Lucille Stone Caldwell Alberta Louise Hosking Cheney Anne Roberts Creveling
Doris Heepe Doremus
Adelaide Marie Adams Dunn Gwendolyn Zilles Dunster
Joan Barbara Puerschner Enger Marion Juchtern Goebbert Evelyn Alice Pedersen Gordon Carolyn Rose Reisch Green Eleanor Marie Straub Hecklaw Ellen Kalinowsky Hunersen Jane Frances Marsden Johnson Nancy Marie McLaughlin Kern Harriet MacDonald
Barbara Ann Lorenz Norris Dorothy Kratzenstein Norris Marilyn Peterson O Rourke Marcelle Moore Olsen
Mary E Oleary Oregan
Joan Elizabeth Brady Pender
Anita Stubbe P&ff
Margaret Appel Rocheleau Marguerite Sprenger Schaedlich Dorothy E Willook Schmich Joan Ann Weyand Schwarz EJenor Roth Harsch Smith Wilma Forster Szepanski Margaret Rauffer Vogel
Janice Carol Judd Vogt Katherine Dearstyne Waterman Doris Lfimbke Woodward Evelyn Amia Hall Wuest
Theta Psi UofToledo
Pauline County Adams
Lois N Scofield Asmussen Patricia Ann Cramer Brunner Jean Marie Jansen Cox Barbara Graver Gillmore Irene Nakos Kaufman Patricia A Livi Koinis
Patricia MacDonald LeRoy Mary Riendeau Lfiininger Sona Partoyan Minassian Joan Christel Nicholas Margaret Horner Sakel
Mary Rose Mazzurco Scott Marylou Carl Toth
Joan M Mougey Wiley Patricia J Wen-ell Wilson
University of Jfashwgton
Mabel Jennerson Brown Patricia Parnhann Burson Sharon Kay Dennis
Mary Jane Palmer Harmon Einily Whetstone McQeary Anne Marie Lundberg Pearson Alison Maclean Jagoe Power Joan Gellermann Seller Bonnie Lou TurnbuU Skucy Sallie Sue Hurd Sylliaasen Katherine Jane Thomson Charlene June Willis Woriand
U of Nebraska - Lincoln
Harriet Ann Dallas Allen FJizabeth Miller Clark
Phyllis Wheeler Coupens
Ruth Ann Gibson Dean
Mary Helen Gartland Doyle Frances Pflug Fergus
Pollyanna Stratton Franzen
Sue Lucille Neuenswonder Green Corinne Qore Greer
Bickey Nedrow Lee
Verlita Brown Lindsay Nancy Sanders McMasters Sharon Nefl Pearson Darlene Stephenson FVucka Margaret Winchester Rauch Dorothy Raapke Reid Martha Lee Schuster
Mary Mulligan Shuey Gwendolyn Srb Stirek Nancy L Whitmore Vandel Janice Wagner West
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Wanda King Sabien
Elizabeth Ann Bradley Williams Merle Virginia Woolman
Theta Eta
V ofCincinnati
Nancy Gaines Bernard Anna Evanolf Glegorofl Shirley Stutzman Grisham Marlyn Ruth Weber Ebele Beverly Ann Pappas James Joan Alice Rothenberg Mary Jane Ellis Vonbirgelen
Marilyn Rose Herman
Upsihn (U of Washington), 1953
AOII Foundation Director and Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Committee Chair, Marilyn Herman, has been active in AOII for many years. Her involvement includes Past International Vice President, Development; Past International Director, Collegiate Chapters; Past Regional Vice
President; Past Regional Director; and Past Chapter Adviser, Upsilon and lambda Iota.
Marilyn is a former teacher of English, journalism, speech, drama, and political sci- ence. Most recentiy she was a residential real estate sales agent with Prudential California Realty.
Marilyn's passions are her grandchil- dren, finding a cure for Parkinson's Disease, mentoring young people, and securing the future of AOII Fraternity through the growth of the assets of the Foundation.
Her greatest joys every day are her fami- ly and coundess AOII friends throughout the world.
Diamond Accolades
Diamond Accolades are now being offered at $5 each as a tribute for your AOII sisters attending Leadership Institute. Proceeds from the sale of these unique honor gifts benefit the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship Fund. Please call the Foundation office for information or to order by credit card. The recipient of a Diamond Accolade receives a card signed with your name and an embroidered star to wear on her IT registration badge. The deadline for orders is June 1.
If your Annual Gift
$1000 $2000
You can perpetuate it with a will bequest of
at least:
$4000 $10,000 $20,000 $40,000
Reaching Forward with the
Millennium Endowment
Pledge Campaign
The MiUennium Endowment Campaign is a three-year fund drive to increase the Foundation Endowment The Campaign asks you to consider a gift or pledge of at least $1000 over a three-year period. The Endowment Fund assures the future of AOII through funding for educational pro- grams, leadership training, and scholarships. Your gift keeps on giving since it is invested witii only your gift's future income used for program grants.
Because they care, AOII donors give back to the AOII community to keep it strong. An Endowment commitment in addition to your annual campaign gift reaches out to future generations with a gift of hope and faith in the vision of Founders Stella, Bess, Jessie, and Helen.
Remember that you can make a single gift or a pledge over three years. Plan your Millennium Gift, and make it today. To you, it may only be a check To AOII, it's a love letter.
New FoundationWebSite
Check out the new look for the AOII Foundation web site at aoiifoundation.org and let us know what you think! You can learn about Foundation programs, contact the Foundation, and even donate on-line! Net Images of Nashville, TN created our new site.
Planned Giving -
Is it in your plans?
Planned giving endows dreams! Do you have a dream for the use of your AOII gift? Your bequest to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation in your will memorializes your annual contribution and that dream. Based on a 5% return as shown below, your gift invested in the Foundation Endowment would ensure that you could always contin- ue your thoughtful annual contribution!
The Second Century Society is a group
of AOII women who believe in an ultimate
gift that keeps on giving. For information Motion team for the New Jersey
on including AOII Foundation in your will and joining the SCS, contact
the Foundation office.
Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation at a marathon
in Dublin, Ireland last October. Cheered on by her AOII sup- porters, Gayle par- ticipated and raised funds in honor of Devon Keller, a long time family friend
affected by arthritis.
Melissa Russell,
ft JUL
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho
'78, participated on the Joints In
If you hav en't ordered your
AON Limoges collectible, they
are still available for $135 plus
$5 shipping and handling. Mail a
check for $140 to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027, or call Pat Larson at (615) 370-0920 for information or to place a credit card order.
Double Your
Donation Dollar!
Can you say Matching Gift ten times really really fast? Please check with your employer to see if they offer a gift match for your charitable contribution to the AOII Foundation. A gift match is credited to your Foundation giving level. So check it out.
Delta Delta '95, accepted a Corporate Sponsor award from the Arthritis Foundation on behalf of the AOII
Foundation at a meet- ing in Chattanooga, TN. The award was given for Foundation support of the 1999 Southeast Regional AJAO Conference.
ToDragma/SPRING 2000
AOII Colonizes onTwo Campuses this sem ester
The Beta Phi Chapter of AOII returned to Indiana L with 151 new members on January 14, 2000. Installation is set for April 8, 2000. A new chapter has
also been colonized at the U of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado. The colony will be named Epsilon Gamma and welcomed 47 new members on February 10,2000. Installation is set for April 28,2000. Look for more infonnation on both of these installations in the sum- mer ToDragma.
Aegean Odyssey
AOIFs can join three other Greek organizations on a 12- day cruise vacation aboard Orient Lines Crown Odyssey. AOII, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Gamma and Kappa Kappa Gamma alumni will sail the Greek Isles and Turkey depart- ing May 24,2000. Prices start at $1395 per person. For more infonnation contact the Alumni Travel Group (800)6544934 or
Greek Positions Available
The U of Southern California
is taking applications for the position of Greek House Advisor (GHA) and Greek Graduate Assistant (GA) for the 2000-2001 academic year. The GHA and GA positions are open to men and women who have been admitted at the graduate level at USG GHA'sare
assignedtoliveinoneofthe fratenities or sororities at USC and help with chapter manage- ment, programming, and lead- ership development GAs assist administratively with Greek programming and do not live in a Greek house. For further information, please call Beth
Saul at the Office of Residential and Greek Life, (213) 740- 2080, or by e-mail, [email protected].
Nu lota Corporation
to Meet
The annual meeting of the Nu Iota Corporation will be held on April 30,2000 at 1:30 PM at the Chapter House, 918 KimberlyDr.DeKalb,IL 60115.
Phi Omicron's
50th Reunion
Phi Omieron Chapter (Hanover College) has set June 23-25, 2000 for a 50th reunion week- end. For more information contact Darlene Connolly, Hanover IN 47243; or Mildred
Lemen, 1016 E. Barbara Lane, Terre Haute, IN 47802.
Milestone Anniversaries: Congratulations to the following chapters celebrating milestone anniversaries in the next
few months:
Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter Fiftieth Anniversary April24,1950
Phoenix Alumnae Chapter Fiftieth Anniversary
April 29,1950
Tau Delta Chapter (BimiiiighamSouthernCollege) Seventy-fifth Anniversary
May 23,1925
Cleveland Area Alumnae Chapter
Fiftieth Anniversary May 28,1950
A New Home
on the Horizion
R Alpha Chapter at the U of Louisville is pursuing chapter housing! Ifyou would like to help, please contact Dori Sacksteder, R Alpha Corporation Board, P.O. Box 35623, Louisville, KY 40233- 6523, or call (502) 635-1224. Keep up with their progress via their website at:
http-J/athenaJouisvi]le.edu/- desackO 1 /house JitmL
m thel999 7oI)ragma deceased member list we incorrectly listed Jeanine
Hess Smith, Alpha Phi (U of Montana). We are happy to report that the information we received was incorrect and she isaliveandwell Wedeeply regret any inconvenience this may have caused
To Dragma/SPRING 2000
Attention AOII Sisters
If you or a friend has an address update, please send it to AOII Headquarters at the address listed below or email to [email protected]. If sending an email, please include your full name, chapter and member number (above your name on your To Dragma label), if possible.
Harris Directory Updates
If you submitted an address update through the 1998 Harris Alumnae Directory survey, it was never updated into AOITs database at Headquarters. This was due to a data corruption problemfromthe vendor. We were recently able to update your job, spouse, children, phone number and email informa- tion, but a delay in receipt of the information made the address corrections unreliable. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your efforts to help us update your information.
• Moving? • Changing your name? •Reporting the death of a member? (Date ofdeath:_ Please complete thisform, indicating the change above and return to:
Maiden Last
)_ email:
Zip/Postal Code:_ Chapter/College where initiated:. Place of Employment:
Zip/Postal Code:_
Alumnae Chapter:. Special Interests:
AOII International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027 -or-
email the following information to: [email protected]
Please help AOTIsave money! Each issue that is returned to us due to an incorrect address costs the Fraternity 50$, in addition to the original cost of mailing. If you are moving or changing your name please notify us in advance. If you know of others who are not receiving their magazine, chances are we have an incorrect address for them as well. Encourage them to notify us as soon as possible.
Postmaster- Please send notice of undeliverable copies on form 3579 to: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027
State/Province:. _Phone:( )_
Current AOTT Office:.
Year Initiated:
AQft INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 1999-2000 l/we will participate in the AOII Capital Campaign by joining:
Recognition information — check all that apply:
• I donotwishtoreceiveanyrecognitionformygift.
• I donotwishtoreceiveanyrecognitionformygift other than donor rosters.
GiftstotheAlphaOmicronPiFoundationare deductibleasacharitablecontributionforfederal income tax purposes.
• I wisht o receive a charitable deductionf o r t a x reporting purposes
(please print name as il should appear in printed recognition rosier)
• CornerstoneSociety/Platinum
• Cornerstone Society/Gold
d Cornerstone Society/Silver D Cornerstone Society/Bronze
• Stakeholders Association/Platinum
• Stakeholders Association/Gold
• Legacy League
• Capital Club
Giftsof$250,000 ormorewitha pledgeof $_
Payment — check one:
• One-time payment
Payment method-check one: • Check enclosed
(insert date)
Credit card: C a r d # Signature_
• MasterCard
• Discover
City_ St. Day Phone_
Ways to Give!
Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts Gifts
o f o f o f o f o f o f o f
$100,000 or more with a pledge of $- $50,000 or more with a pledge of $- $25,000 or more with a pledge of $- $10,000 or morewith a pledge of $-
$5,000 or morewith a pledge of $- $2,000 or more with a pledge of $- $1,000 or more with a pledge of $_
• 3 installments
Bill me annually on .
_Chapter/Member #:_
Return to Anne Allison- AOFI International Capital Campaign- 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027-9633.
Itiseasy! Apledgecardisincludedaboveforyourconvenience. Pleaseconsideragiftof$1000ormore.Youmaypay your pledge now or through a series of payments. $28 a month until M ay of 2003 or $340 through 2002 will provide a membership in the Capital Club. A gift through AOII Fraternity for this campaign is not deductible. Should you require a tax deduction for your gift, you may designate a gift through the AOII Foundation.
Many thanksfor your commitment.
Naming Opportunities in AOlTs New Home
Grand Hall $1,000,000 Parlor $500,000
Conference Break Room *GALLERY
Reception Area
International President's Office * ENTRY HALL
Collegiate Services Administrative Services
$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $10,000 $10,000
Archives and Library Assembly Hall Foundation Center Conference Center Leadership Center Gardens
Announcing New Recognition
Stakeholder Association/Gold
Assembly Veranda
Historical Preservation
Dining Room
Executive Director's Office
Executive Director/Foundation $50,000 Conference Room $50,000
$250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Financial Services
AOII Properties
North Hall / Main Level North Hall / Upper Level
*SOUTH HALL 1 MAIN LEVEL South Hall / Upper Level
Executive Board Offices (2)
Offices (*4 TAKEN - 1 9 available)
$75,000 $50,000 $50,000
Members of the Stakeholders Association/Gold and providing a gift of $5000 will receive special recognition in the new Parlor. Donor names will be produced in brass individually and inlaid in the perimeter of the wood floors.
Legacy League
MembersoftheLegacyLeagueandprovidingagiftof$2000willreceivespecialrecognitioninthenewTrainingCenter. Donor names will be incorporated in a cornice border design that will encircle the main training room.
Top Ten Reasons w h y You should
Give to the AOII Capital Campaign!
10 • Your big sister said membership was for life.
Q•You can Say thanks to a special sister by making a pledge in her honor.
8• Your collegiate years were a great experience and this campaign is a perfect way
to give something back to AOTT.
7. You remember what i, was like to b e 1 8 and are committed to
keeping AOII StYOng for the young women of today and tomorrow.
6» You know preserving AOTT's history is important and the expanded archives space provides the means.
5 . You want AOTT to remain one of the top women's organizations.
4»You realize training for young women is a key to theirfuture success
and the new facility provides that opportunity. 3» Your name being immortalized in this new building is a chance of a lifetime.
• You have been looking for a real reason to get back together with your pledge sisters. A grOUp gift provides a wonderful reason to d o so.
1. You are needed in this campaign.
Please consider a gift of $1000 or more. $28 a month until May of2003 or $340 annually for 2000, 2001 and 2002 will provide a membership in the Capital Club. See inside back cover for ways to give.
Postmaster- Please send notice of undeliverable copies on form 3579 to: Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood.TN 37027