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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2018-01-03 09:57:22

2017 Fall/Winter - To Dragma

2017 Fall/Winter - To Dragma

Fall/Winter 2017


Stories from four AOII women who have recently
experienced significant tragedies, but found the strength
to carry on with the help of a few sisters.

Celebrating 50 2017 NPC Annual Made
Years Of Partnership Meeting Recap With Love

Phi Upsilon (Purdue U)

2 | Fall/Winter 2017


16 19

29 41

4 Editor’s Letter 25 Fall Photos
7 Viewpoint 29 Sisterhood Amid Tragedy
8 Founders’ Day Message 38 Ask The Editor
9 Ruby Fund Message 40 Scaling The Glass Ceiling
10 AOII Foundation Focus 41 Made With Love
12 Fraternity News 48 Things We Love
15 Theta Delta Chapter Installation 50 Volunteer Directory
16 AOII & The Arthritis Foundation 52 Collegiate Chapter Directory
18 From The Archives 56 Shop The Emporium
19 2017 NPC Annual Meeting Recap


About Alpha Omicron Pi: from the editor
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College Happy New Year, sisters! I hope your holiday
in New York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie
Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella season was wonderful and 2018 is off to a great
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. start for each of you! There is certainly much to look
forward to this year, but it would be very remiss to
The Object of the Fraternity: not take a moment to reflect on the many notable
The object of the Fraternity shall be to encourage moments of 2017.
a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; 2017 was a historical year for AOII, as our very own
to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholar- Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Past
ship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support International President, was installed as the Chairman of the National
the best interest of the colleges and universities Panhellenic Conference at the NPC Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado
in which chapters are installed, and in no way to in October. Read all about this milestone event on page 19.
disregard, injure, or sacrifice those interests for the Unfortunately, the past year was also marked by many devastating
sake of prestige or advancement of the Fraternity events. Four of our sisters share their personal accounts of the tragedies
or any of its chapters. they experienced. From losing a husband in the line of duty, to surviv-
ing the mass shooting in Las Vegas, our members’ incredible stories of
Mission Statement: tragedy and sisterhood are sure to tug at your heart. You will not want to
Women Enriched Through Lifelong Friendship. miss Sisterhood Amid Tragedy beginning on page 29.
On a lighter note, we are continuing to celebrate our 50-year partner-
Culture Principles: ship with the Arthritis Foundation. AOII was recently recognized with two
A look at “how” we do things: Accountability awards at the annual Arthritis Foundation Conference in Phoenix, Ari-
& Ownership, Collaboration, Engagement, zona in November. We also just wrapped up another successful Jingle
Innovation, Open & Honest Communication Bell Run season and hosted a juvenile arthritis family day at Headquar-
ters in November.
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: The end of a year and beginning of another is also a time many col-
Visit the AOII website (, or con- legiate and alumnae chapters host Founders’ Day events. Be sure to
tact [email protected]. check out the history of Founders’ Day celebrations in From The Ar-
chives on page 18. Be sure to also send photos from your celebration to
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: [email protected].
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an Speaking of photos, we get quite a few questions from members about
alumnae chapter near you. how they can be featured in To Dragma. We have outlined our top three
tips for getting your photos featured in a helpful guide on page 38.
International President Finally, you can find a few of my other favorite articles in this issue on
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) pages 41 and 48. On page 41, you will find five mouth-watering recipes
from a few the fabulous chefs who prepare meals at some of our col-
Executive Director legiate chapter houses. After you work up an appetite, you can work off
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U) some calories, too! Get inspired to get fit by checking out our fitness-
themed Things We Love on page 48.
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National I hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as I have enjoyed creating
Panhellenic Conference and the Fraternity it, and I hope 2018 brings you many reasons to celebrate.
Communications Association. Happy reading,

Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)
Assistant Director of Communications/Editor

4 | Fall/Winter 2017

We want to feature About To Dragma:
your photos! To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron
Pi Fraternity, and has been published since 1905.
Tag @alphaomicronpi in your Instagram photos or email your photos to The mission of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is:
[email protected] to be featured.* Don’t forget to follow to inform, educate and inspire our readers on sub-
AOII to stay in the know! jects relevant to our Fraternity, our chapters, our
members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime AOII
involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a
permanent record of our Fraternity’s history.

Assistant Director of Communications/Editor
Haley Cahill, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)

Graphic Designer
Hillary Brewer, Sigma Gamma (Appalachian State U)

View To Dragma Online:

How to Contact To Dragma:
Mail: To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN
37027; phone: (615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736; or
email: [email protected].

How to Update Your Name or Address:
Go to the For Members page on the AOII website
(, email your new address to
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.

How to Subscribe to To Dragma:
Subscriptions are $25 annually and can be paid by
check or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII,
should be mailed to:

Alpha Omicron Pi
5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
Attn: Accounting

Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or Discover
only) should email [email protected].
Stay Connected:
Instagram: @alphaomicronpi

*To be featured in To Dragma, photos 5
must be emailed and at least 1 MB.

Gamma Chi (Carleton U)

6 | Fall/Winter 2017


It’s time to cel- I am so proud of Carole, and I know she will
ebrate 121 years be an exceptional leader of NPC the next
of AOII sisterhood! two years.
One hundred and Service is one of the founding principles of
twenty-one years Alpha Omicron Pi, and this is an area where
ago, our Founders we excel as an organization. A few weeks
had the foresight ago at the Arthritis Foundation annual meet-
and wisdom to es- ing, I was honored to accept an award on be-
tablish our beloved half of the Fraternity and the Foundation that
AOII. Back in 1897, recognized AOII and our 50-year partnership
that was a very with the Arthritis Foundation. This recognition
ambitious goal. It was made possible thanks to the thousands
took great courage of our collegians and alumnae who have
from our Found- worked tirelessly every year to raise funds for
ers to fulfill their arthritis. I want to thank our membership for
dreams of bringing your commitment to service by raising money
AOII to life. Their for arthritis, raising awareness through
bond of friendship propelled them to believe educational events, volunteering at arthritis
they could create an organization that would camps and conferences, and collecting and
foster a sisterhood which would provide donating stuffed pandas for the children
meaning and value for a lifetime. They were attending the Arthritis Foundation juvenile
so right! For 121 years, we have carried their arthritis conferences. It was heartwarming to
vision and delivered on their expectations hear so many awesome stories from the con-
to empower women and encourage each ference participants on the impact AOIIs have
other to be better than we thought possible. made on the lives of people who are battling
Times may have changed, but the character arthritis every day.
of women chosen to be a part of AOII has In closing, as you gather with your AOII
remained the same. We thank our Founders sisters across the U.S. and Canada in the
for the gift of AOII! coming months to celebrate the founding of
This October was an exciting time for AOII our sisterhood, keep in mind these words
as we saw our own Carole Jones, Alpha from Stella George Stern Perry: “We are all
Delta (U of Alabama), NPC Delegate and Past Founders and we have the power to take
International President, be installed as NPC Alpha Omicron Pi to new and greater heights,
Chairman. For those collegiate and alumnae to give the Fraternity meaning and purpose
who were present in Denver for the special in our lives.” Be inspired by our Founders to
occasion, it was a fantastic display of AOII keep our beloved AOII moving forward!
sisterhood and our commitment to the NPC #InspireAmbition
mission of advancing the sorority experience.


Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)
AOII International President

Founders’ Day Message

Happy Founders’ Day, !

Throughout the winter months, AOII sisters will be gather- “Welcome to our past – may it enrich and inspire you!
ing at a variety of events across the U.S. and Canada for Welcome to our future – may it be by you enriched,
our annual celebration of the founding of our beloved inspired and ennobled! Welcome to our hearts – to our
Fraternity. Celebration settings may vary, but the intent lifelong companionship and protection! Welcome to our
remains the same – to commemorate the four inspiring upward trek toward the stars that lead us! And in all, may
women who set us on our journey of sisterhood and the the love that unites us guide and bless you!”
Fraternity we claim as our own.
We honor Jessie – Jessie Wallace Hughan – a witty and Fraternally,
loyal friend who was a passionate crusader for peace and
humane conditions. Jessie was a writer, a teacher and The 2017-2019 AOII Executive Board
served AOII as Grand Secretary. She was also a member Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho
of the Rituals and Traditions Committee and the separate Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta
Jewelry Committee from their inception to her death. Crystal Combs, Vice President, Nu Beta
We honor Helen – Helen St. Clair Mullan – a brilliant Amber Countis, Vice President, Pi
student and gifted musician who was to become AOII’s Grace Houston, Vice President, Lambda Tau
first lawyer. Helen excelled as a wife, mother of two Koren Phillips, Vice President, Phi Chi
daughters and a successful career woman running her Debbie Tam, Vice President, Beta Phi
own law firm – remarkable accomplishments for a woman Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President, Phi Chi
in the early 20th century. She served AOII as both Grand
Secretary and Grand President.
We honor Stella – Stella George Stern Perry – a skilled
poet, writer and artist who contributed her work to
newspapers and magazines; and eventually ran her own
advertising agency. A devoted wife, Stella was passion-
ate about causes related to women and children and
equally passionate about AOII. She was AOII’s first Grand
President and Historian for Life.
We honor Bess – Elizabeth Heywood Wyman – a dedi-
cated teacher and selfless friend who possessed a sweet
disposition and wise judgement. Bess was a skilled
author of books, essays and plays published in major
publications. She became AOII’s first salaried Registrar in
1925 and ably guided the Fraternity through the difficult
Depression years as National President.
We honor Alpha Omicron Pi – the Fraternity they in-
spired and we inherited.
Ambition is defined as a strong desire to do or to achieve
something, typically requiring determination and hard
work. Our Founders were inspiring and ambitious in their
desire to establish AOII. May we be equally as inspired
and ambitious to carry her good works into the days
ahead. In closing, we leave you with these words from

8 | Fall/Winter 2017

Ruby Fund Message

Happy Founders’ Day

to our beloved sisters,

Today, as we celebrate our sisterhood and honor our sisters during their darkest days. By giving to the Ruby
Founders, we are surrounded by an abundance of friend- Fund, we are living our Ritual. These gifts would not be
ship and love. We are given the chance to reconnect possible without the generosity of the many sisters who
with those who continue to honor Stella, Jessie, Helen donate to the Ruby Fund.
and Bess’ legacy through fraternity, college loyalty and Thank you for your support of our sisterhood. And, thank
dignity. We are also reminded of one of our core be- you for your support of the Ruby Fund, the heart of AOII.
liefs—the importance of charity. We know “there is much
of charity to be done.” Fraternally,
Think back to when you first became a member of AOII.
The world was your oyster and you knew that being a The 2017-2018 Ruby Fund Committee
part of this sisterhood would not only foster life-long Theresa Ludvigson, Chairman, Chi Psi
friendships, but also open you to new possibilities and Allie Bassett, Committee Member, Theta Omega
adventures. The Fraternity would be the vehicle to in- Serena Bell, Committee Member, Beta Gamma
spire ambition in ways you could never imagine. Toni Morgan, Committee Member, Alpha Chi
Now, what if an unexpected life change stopped your Laura Plummer, Committee Member, Alpha Delta
dream in its tracks? Rissa Reddan, Foundation Board Liaison, Omega
What happens to our sister who loses her home in a
flood along with all her family’s belongings, escaping in
time only to salvage her wedding album and child’s baby

What about our sister recovering from cancer, faced with
mountains of medical debt, but unable to secure a job
due to her frequent medical visits?

Or, think about our sister who is just six months away
from graduating, but is plagued with a serious eating
disorder that prevents her from meeting coursework
demands because she is desperately trying to seek
medical treatment that she cannot afford.

Hearing the courageous stories of our sisters and
knowing that the heartfelt donations from our
members reach only a wound that faith, hope
and charity can heal is quite impactful.

The honor has been bestowed upon all of us to
help our sisters during these trying times so that
their aspirations never disappear. Let’s give them
hope so they can continue pursuing their dreams,
and let us not allow ambition to fade away.

We offer support and security to our sisters who
need it most. We are fortunate to be able to help our

To be read at your chapter’s Founders’ Day celebration or 9
reprinted in your newsletter.

AOII Foundation Focus

2017 Ruby Fund
Matching Challenge

Flooding as a result of Hurricane Harvey, 2017. Image courtesy of iStock.

In response to hurricanes Harvey and Irma this fall, a match) to assist AOII sisters in dire need. We also want
generous AOII sister and Foundation donor offered to to thank each and every donor who contributed to the
do a matching challenge for any donations made to the match.
Ruby Fund from September 7 - September 30, 2017. The Ruby Fund Message can be found on our website at
The Foundation had an overwhelming response and under Programs (and within this issue
raised $10,515 that was matched dollar-for-dollar result- of To Dragma). We hope that you will share this mes-
ing in a grand total of $21,030. sage at your upcoming Founders’ Day celebrations and
The Foundation would like to thank our anonymous continue to support our sisters through your donations to
donor who so generously gave (even over the $10,000 the Ruby Fund.

Thank You!


Donated to the Ruby Fund!

10 | Fall/Winter 2017

Giving Tuesday 2017

Celebrated on the Tues-
day following Thanksgiv-
ing (in the United States) and
the widely recognized shop-
ping events Black Friday
and Cyber Monday, Giving
Tuesday kicks off the chari-
table season, when many
focus on their holiday and
end-of-year giving. Since
its inaugural year in 2012,
Giving Tuesday has become
a movement that celebrates
and supports giving on one
special day each year.
On November 28, the AOII
Foundation asked AOII
sisters and friends to make
a gift of $18.97 or above to
our Loyalty Fund on this
day of giving. We are proud
to announce that we raised
$13,126. Thank you to the
104 sisters who donated
and our matching challenge donors.

Giving Tuesday Stats:

• 104 Donors

• $13,126 Raised


Fraternity News

Fall 2017 Growth

Theta Delta at Troy University
Chartering Date: September 16, 2017
Chartering Officer: Grace Houston
Chartering Team: Grace Houston, Molly Fenton, Mary Faith
Erwin, Joelle McWilliams, Laura-Catherine Parham, Darcy
Kaul, Jackie Petrucci, Ali Kresslein, Emily Bulkley, Beth Case
(ELC), Katie Harrington (ELC)
Collegiate Chapters of Assistance: Delta Epsilon (Jackson-
ville State U), Sigma Delta (Huntingdon College), Alpha Delta
(U of Alabama), Gamma Delta (U of South Alabama)

Lambda Psi at Arizona State University
Chartering Date: October 15, 2017
Chartering Officer: Debbie Tam
Chartering Team: Debbie Tam, Troy LeForge, Joelle Mc-
Williams, Mary Kate Sweeney, Danielle McCullough, Alex
LeForge, Monica Grandorff, Ann Lampe, Shala Sweet, Becki
Scribner, Audrey Healey (ELC), Kaitlyn Fink (ELC), Ramsey
Folb (ELC) and Mary Grace Staples (ELC).
Collegiate Chapters of Assistance: Theta Omega (Northern
Arizona U), Chi Psi (California Polytechnic State U), Theta
Iota (California State U, San Marcos)

JA Family Day at AOII Headquarters Carole Jones Installed as NPC Chairman

November 19, AOII International Headquarters hosted Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), AOII Past In-
a Juvenile Arthritis Family Day in partnership with the ternational President was installed as the National Pan-
Nashville Arthritis Foundation office. Attendees had the hellenic Conference Chairman on October 28 at the
opportunity to meet other local families battling arthritis, 2017 NPC Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Turn
connect with friends, and enjoy fun activities. to page 18 to read more about this historical event!

12 | Fall/Winter 2017

Save The Date! Register For Walk To Cure!

Leadership Academy Another successfull Jingle Bell Run
February 2 - 4, 2018 season is in the books, which means
Franklin Marriott Cool Springs the 2018 Walk To Cure events are
• The Chapter President, Vice President of Communica- right around the corner!
With Walk To Cure events in more
tions and Chapter Adviser from each chapter should than 60 cities arcross the United States, there is sure to be
attend. an walk near you! The 2018 season kicks off in March and
lasts through June. Search for a 5k walk in your state and
Badge Day sign up today at
March 5th, 2018
• International Badge Day is a day for Panhellenic AOII Foundation Scholarship Applications
Due March 1
women to celebrate sisterhood in unity by wearing
their badges. Why not celebrate this day with the Applications are now available for the AOII Foundation
limited edition commemorative badge in honor of scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year! Click here
Carole Jones becoming Chairman of the National for more information about the application process and to
Panhellenic Conference? You can still purchase this find the link to the application itself. The deadline is March
limited edition badge by searching Alpha Omicron Pi at 1, 2018 and we recommend starting the application early!

Leadership Institute
June 29 - July 1, 2018
Franklin Marriott Cool Springs


Fraternity News

Retained and Engaged

Retention and membership engagement are the most
important parts of a sorority experience. The Retained and
Engaged Modules can help you facilitate an exceptional
sorority experience through retention and engagement
programming. Visit Fulfilling the Promise at to access these great resources!

Strike Out Arthritis! In A Box &
PR In A Box Available Online Now

Whether your chapter is planning its first Strike
Out Arthritis! event or your chapter is looking
for new ideas for an annual event, our rebrand-
ed SOA! In A Box is the perfect resource for
your chapter.

Be sure to also view the recently rebranded PR
In A Box! This resource contains several pro-
motional event ideas for your chapter, as well
as guidelines for appropriate social media and
sample PR calendars.

Have you been following the blog posts?

Each month, Educational Leadership Consultants and Executive Board members have been sharing blogs about their
AOII experiences. You can also find regular updates from the Rituals, Traditions, and Jewelry Committee online as
well. Visit the Fraternity News section under the News & Events tab of the AOII website for the latest blog posts from
fellow sisters!

What to look forward to in the next issue:

• Lambda Psi (Arizona State U) Chapter Installation
• Leadership Academy 2018 Recap
• Alumnae Chapter News, 2017-2018 Recap

and more!

14 | Fall/Winter 2017 Get the latest Fraternity News by visiting

Introducing AOII’s 213th Chapter, Collegiate Chapter Installation

Theta Delta Submotto: We Are Truly Courageous
Greek Translation: Tharsoumen Deta
at Troy University
Installed: November 12, 2017
Installing Officer: International President

Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U)

Theta Delta’s chartering period was full of Greek Life participation, college loyalty and community involvement. 52 char-
tering members participated in Troy University Homecoming events, such as a the banner painting competition, street
painting, Who’s Got Sound?, skit, blood drive, haunted hill, and tailgate chef competition. One member was selected to
be one of the 10 women to compete in the Miss Troy University Pageant, four members were nominated for Homecom-
ing court, two from AOII, one nominated by University Activities Council, and one nominated by Baptist Campus Ministry.
Theta Delta had two members initiated into Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society, nine members
have a cumulative GPA above a 4.0 and the chapter has an average GPA of 3.29.

Congratulations, Charter Members!

Katherine Baldwin Liberty Dobbs Christina LaPlante Itzel Rea
Alden Battle Maggie Doss Jessica Lawson Kaitlin Rogers
Abby Beard Callie Fleshren Katelyn Little Meredith Rogers
Allyssa Biggers Sarah Folsom Madi McCall Briana Sansom
Hannah Blount Melissa Fryer Samantha McDonald Schae Shackleford
Jessica Bowdoin Aubrey Gaunt Jamie McGee Kaylee Stewart
Maddison Boys Bailey Gaylord Shaye McGuffin Summer Strickland
Moriah Brannon Bailee Giana Scout Mennenoh Sydney Taylor
Ashleigh Bredigkeit Haley Gjesvold Deanna Meredith Morgan Thomas
Jordon Brown Sarah Gordon Chelsea Mize Olivia Tompkins
Erin Burleson Hope Griffin Brittany Morris Mady Trantham
Audee Carpenter Tiffany Haggerty Katie Morrow Brooke Van Doren
Angela Cebollero Brianna Haisten Lauren NeSmith Claire Vaughn
Anna Chapman Lauren Hales Katie Nobles Mallory Wallace
Madison Childress Rebecca Hamilton Cai Parks Sarah Watson
Nicole Coleman Payton Haws Caroline Parrott Haley Weaver
Gabrielle Conyers Kayla Hayes Montana Pilcher Macey Weeks
Peyton Cook Savannah Hollis Katie Pittington Paige Weeks
Kimberly Crowe Hannah Jordan Cara Pittock Victoria Woodley
Liberty Dauphin Sierra Keeling Indiana Poret Olivia Yardley
Abbie Davidson Anna Laura Kirchharr Destiny Ragsdale

AOII & The Arthritis Foundation


Of Partnership

2017 has proven to be a banner year com- connections made from members volunteering at
memorating the philanthropic partner- camps and events have further cemented our orga-
ship between AOII and the Arthritis Foundation. The nizational bonds.
year started off with a bang in January when AOII During the Arthritis Foundation’s 2017 Conference of
announced our final tally of funds raised from the Champions annual meeting in November in Phoenix,
2016 Jingle Bell Run had surpassed our $150,000 AOII was saluted with an award recognizing both
goal under the leadership of International President our outstanding service and our 50-year partner-
Gayle Fitzpatrick, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U) serv- ship. Master of Ceremonies, Matt Iseman, who is
ing as JBR National Chair. Collegiate and alumnae also the most recent winner of Celebrity Apprentice,
chapters rose to the challenge all year though, shared the following words while Arthritis Founda-
especially during Walk to Cure Arthritis fundrais- tion President and CEO Ann Palmer presented the
ing events and Strike Out Arthritis! events, where award, “For 50 years, Alpha Omicron Pi has been
a record-setting amount of funds were raised by a part of the Arthritis Foundation’s fabric – and is
our chapters. Beyond dollars raised, the personal
more than a partner or supporter. The folks at
AOII are dear friends of the Foundation. There’s
no limit to this organization’s commitment or
philanthropic spirit.”

Graciously accepting the award on behalf of Al-
pha Omicron Pi Fraternity and Foundation, Fitz-
patrick elaborated on the partnership further.

“Thank you to the Arthritis Foundation for this
recognition. Service is one of the founding
principles of Alpha Omicron Pi, so the oppor-
tunity for AOII to serve alongside the Arthritis
Foundation for the past 50 years has been a
true honor.

Arthritis Foundation and Alpha Omicron Pi volunteers and staff gather to “I stand here this evening representing AOII’s
promote AOII’s 50-year partnership at the November conference. Fraternity and Foundation. More specifically, we
represent the thousands of AOII collegians and
16 | Fall/Winter 2017 alumnae who work so hard to raise money for
arthritis. Chapters are hosting baseball, kickball
or volleyball campus tournaments; they are par-


Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII International President and Ann Palmer, Each year, AOII members lace up their shoes, sport
Arthritis Foundation President and CEO with the awards their favorite festive garments and brace the cool,
presented to AOII at the November conference. winter conditions to participate in the annual Jingle Bell
Run in support of the Arthritis Foundation. The holiday-
ticipating and fundraising for Walk to Cure and themed 5k occurs in cities across the United States
Jingle Bell Run events; they are supporting Major from late October through December. Thank you to all
League Baseball Strike Out Arthritis! games and members who registered for a race or “jingled in your
finding other creative ways to raise money for jammies” this JBR season!
a great cause. AOIIs are also raising awareness
through educational events, volunteering at ar- 17
thritis camps and conferences whenever possible
and still collecting and donating stuffed pandas
to children attending your JA Conferences. We
love being known as your panda people and
your philanthropy partner!
“2017 turned out to be our most successful
fundraising year ever, with contributions near-
ing $750,000. After AOII Foundation grants
were made this year, money continued to flow
in from our chapters. I am thrilled to announce
another $100,000 has been added to our total
and equally thrilled to announce that these latest
dollars will enable the Arthritis Foundation to
develop the Young Adult based content of your
new Live YES! App.
“We look forward to what 2018 brings for both
our organizations. Thank you again for
this honor.”
AOII was also recognized as part of the Arhtiritis
Foundation’s Circle of Champtions. This award
is presented to organizations that donate more
than $250,000.

From The Archives 2

Founders’ Day



1 Alumnae at Kappa Kappa’s

Founders’ Day Celebration, 1987

2 Alumnae at Chi Delta’s Founders’

Day Celebration, 1987

3 Hawaii alumnae members

celebrate Founders’ Day, 1976

Initiated members know the Fraternity was founded the Fraternity has come in actively performing the tasks
January 2, 1897, and for almost 25 years, January 2 was each member had accepted when she was initiated into
celebrated as Founders’ Day. Unfortunately, due to col- AOII, and to commemorate our founding.
leges being closed for the holidays, it was often difficult Alumnae and collegiate members have gathered through
for members to gather and celebrate our founding at that the years for reflection, celebration and the opportunity
time. At the 1921 AOII Convention, Founders’ Day was of- to renew or create new friendships with AOII sisters.
ficially changed to December 8, the birthday of Founder Founders’ Day celebrations have taken many forms, from
Stella George Stern Perry. This date was proposed as it large gatherings with formal dinners, to smaller, more
was a date when schools would likely still be in session, intimate meetings at a members’ homes. Regardless of
and an easier time for members to gathering, while also the size or location of the event, every AOII member is
being within 30 days of January 2. encouraged to celebrate Founders’ Day each year with
Early on, the Founders cautioned that Founders’ Day was sisters near or far.
not intended to honor them, but to measure how closely

18 | Fall/Winter 2017

NPC News

2017 Annual Meeting Recap

by Loretta Good, Sigma Kappa, NPC Director of Communication and Marketing

The 2017 National Panhellenic Conference “We intentionally wanted to pay homage to 19
Annual Meeting was an exciting time for the past by incorporating the well-known NPC
Alpha Omicron Pi as AOII’s National Panhel- green and our historic laurel leaves, while
lenic Conference Delegate Carole Jones, also boosting the energy,” Weatherford said.
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), was installed as “The many associated patterns are lively and
NPC Chairman. provide many opportunities to present the
The meeting began with all 26 member or- bold, impactful and purpose-driven work of
ganizations assembled in the Westin Denver NPC. We’ve incorporated the new brand not
International Airport, on Oct. 26-28, where only in the new website, but also in our 2016-
they spent time reflecting on key themes af- 2017 NPC annual report, the annual meeting
fecting the sorority experience and Greek life program and all of the other materials you will
in general. The annual meeting officially kicked see this weekend.”
off Thursday evening with a dinner and social During the presentation, Weatherford thanked
hour to welcome attendees to Colorado. The NPC partners Willow Marketing for brand de-
dinner was followed by the opening business sign and OmegaFi for website development.
meeting, led by past Chairman Donna King of After the business meeting, all attendees re-
Sigma Kappa. ceived new NPC notecards and the NPC store
King gave a state of NPC address, covering re-opened with newly branded merchandise
NPC’s three strategic priorities: growth and for sale. First-time attendees adjourned to a
sustainability, communication and marketing, reception hosted by King in the aptly titled
and Panhellenic excellence. Renewal Suite.
“Coming together at the annual meeting af- Attendees began their Friday with commit-
fords us an opportunity to refresh, renew and tee and group meetings as well as new area
re-energize for the year ahead,” King said. advisor and Panhellenics training. Afternoon
“The accomplishments and milestones we sessions included Panhellenics training and
celebrate this evening and build upon going regional meetings, as well as a joint meeting of
forward are only achievable through working the Board of Directors, Inter/National Presi-
together, collectively and collaboratively.” dents and Executive Directors, and separate
Other highlights from Thursday evening includ- meetings of communicators and the NPC
ed NPC Executive Director Dani Weatherford Foundation. Similar sessions were held on
unveiling NPC’s new brand, beginning with Saturday morning.
a video showcasing the new brand elements Friday’s agenda also included a new event to
and website. the Annual Meeting, the Party With Our Part-

ners luncheon. During the luncheon, attend- Gayle Fitzpatrick, AOII International President and Carole
ees visited with representatives from NPC’s Jones, 2017-2019 NPC Chariman embrace as Jones is
partners to learn about what their businesses thanked for her continued service to AOII and NPC.
offer NPC member organizations. Those who
completed their party game card had the op- on the implications for NPC and answered
portunity to win prizes. questions from the crowd. Rob Buelow, vice
The Friday business meeting included a president, higher education partner education,
discussion of proposed legislation. It also EverFi, then presented highlights from a new
included a memorial service for 11 women who whitepaper from EverFi. He asked attendees
served NPC and passed away during the 2015- to discuss the implications of several topics af-
2017 biennium. This included a special tribute fecting the fraternity/sorority community.
to Amy Hayner Kates, who served on Kappa At the Celebrating Panhellenic Excellence
Alpha Theta’s NPC delegation for 13 years. luncheon, 20 campuses were recognized as
Kates passed away in July while serving on the College Panhellenic Excellence Award win-
NPC Board of Directors. ners. Atlanta Alumnae Panhellenic Associa-
During the Foundations of Higher Education tion received the Harriet Macht Outstanding
dinner, everyone received the NPC Foundation Alumnae Panhellenic Award. The Outstanding
biennial report. Dr. Kristin Walker, Alpha Sigma Panhellenic Advisor Award was presented to
Tau, was presented with the Women in Higher Jennifer Pierce, University of Tennessee –
Education Achievement Award. After the eve- Knoxville, and the Interfraternal Partner Award
ning meeting sessions, attendees were treated was presented to Ginny Carroll from inGINuity.
to a happy hour, sponsored by Billhighway, Throughout Saturday afternoon, AOII colle-
an NPC partner. Former committee chairmen giate and alumnae members arrived in Denver
shared time together in the Renewal Suite. to join all AOII Past International Presidents,
the AOII Executive Board, the AOII Properties
Now more than ever, we must recognize the opportuni- Board, the AOII Foundation Board, HQ Staff
ties, we as collegiate members of NPC are privileged. Leadership Team and other honored guests.
Remaining one of the largest women’s member organi- More than 150 AOIIs attended to witness
zations, NPC gives women the opportunities to come to- Jones being installed as NPC
gether on college campuses to inspire social, health and Chairman.
scholastic well-being. Let’s face it, women are power- King closed the official business of the meeting
ful when they work together! The world is continuing by installing the 2017-2019 Executive Commit-
to change and women must continue to fight for equality. tee: Chairman Carole Jones, Alpha Omicron Pi;
We must embrace the Panhellenic community each of us Vice Chairman Malaea Seleski, Zeta Tau Alpha;
were given on our campuses and inspire each other to Advocacy Chairman Donna Chereck, Alpha
be the best we can be in our social, physical, mental, and Chi Omega; Finance Chairman Sandy Burba,
scholastic abilities. In the end, powerful, intelligent and Gamma Phi Beta; and Panhellenics Chairman
confident women is what this world needs. Frances Mitchelson, Phi Mu.
Prior to the closing banquet, AOII’s Executive
- Nikki Nauman, Iota Sigma (Iowa State U) Panhellenic Delegate Director Troy LeForge, AOII’s International
President Gayle Fitzpatrick and Jones spoke
Saturday was a whirlwind of activity for at-
tendees, beginning with the traditional Town
Hall. Colleen Falkenstern, research coordina-
tor, Western Interstate Commission for Higher
Education, kicked off the Town Hall with a
presentation on high school graduate trends.
Suzanne Kilgannon, Alpha Sigma Alpha and
chairman of NPC Measurable Outcomes Com-
mittee, and Dr. Darcy Russell, Zeta Tau Alpha
and member of the NPC Release Figure Meth-
odology Leadership Team, provided insight

Carole Jones, 2017-2019 NPC
Chairman presents Donna King,
2015-2017 NPC Chairman a
citation of distinction on behalf
of NPC.


Alpha Sigma Tau NPC Delegate
Jamie Jones Miller presents
Carole Jones with a historic
necklace worn by each NPC
Chairman during her tenure.

22 | Fall/Winter 2017

with the AOII collegiate members in atten- AOII NPC Delegation: (seated) Carole Jones, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), NPC Dele-
dance about the importance of this event and gate and 2017-2019 NPC Chairman; (standing) Kerry Soller, Phi Sigma (U of Nebraska
how they should take their experience and at Kearney), 2nd Alternate NPC Delegate; Lisa Moore, Chi Lambda (U of Evansville),
what they learned back to their campuses to 3rd Alternate NPC Delegate; Mary Ann Stark, Delta Delta (Auburn U), 1st Alternate NPC
enhance the Panhellenic and sorority experi- Delegate.
ence on their campus.
AOII collegiate member and Panhellenic 2017-2019 NPC Executive Committee: Sandy Burba, Gamma Phi Beta, Finance
President of Southeastern Louisiana University Chairman; Malaea Seleski, Zeta Tau Alpha, Vice Chairman; Carole Jones, Alpha Omi-
(Kappa Tau) Jade Sheets shared that attend- cron Pi, Chairman; Donna Chereck, Alpha Chi Omega, Advocacy Chairman; Frances
ing this event inspired her to do all she can Mitchelson, Phi Mu, Panhellenics Chairman.
to Inspire Ambition on her campus and in her
Panhellenic community. All AOII Past International Presidents in attendance celebrating the occasion in
“Being at the NPC Annual Meeting has
sparked a light in me and has reminded me
of the opportunities that I will have after my
college days. While I am still heavily involved
in the Panhellenic community, there is work to
be done,” Sheets said. “Everything that I have
learned from this weekend, is super important
to strengthen our Panhellenic community.
As the new Panhellenic President at South-
eastern, I am looking forward to eliminating
competitiveness and encouraging supportive-
ness. At the end of the day, we are all sorority
women for one purpose: to make a difference
in the world.”
That evening, attendees enjoyed the Cel-
ebrating Panhellenic History and Traditions
banquet. King delighted the crowd with the
Women of Courage and Conviction video,
gifted to NPC from Sigma Kappa in honor of
King’s service as NPC chairman. King also
presented Elizabeth “Betty” Ahlemeyer Quick,
Gamma Phi Beta, with the NPC Distinguished
Service Award.
New Chairman Jones then outlined six trends
arising from generational changes that will cre-
ate challenges and opportunities for NPC and
the 26 member organizations over the coming
years. She reminded those assembled they
are all stronger and more powerful together.
She highlighted examples of that strength and
cohesion over NPC’s 115-year history.
Jones concluded, “I look forward to two years
filled with opportunity and promise. I am grate-
ful to serve alongside each of you and look
forward to continuing to serve into our bright
and promising future together.”
Finally, all adjourned to the Executive Commit-
tee reception to welcome the new leaders and
enjoyed each other’s company one final time
before heading home to continue advocating
for the sorority experience.

Denver, Colorado. 23

2017 NPC Annual Meeting
By The Numbers

• More than 525 overall meeting registrants, with more than 200 registered
as full-time guests.

• More than $11,000 in sunflower sales to benefit the NPC Foundation.
• Eight items of legislation considered, with five passed.
• Twelve special presentations from NPC member organizations during the

closing business meeting.
• Two centennial celebrations, for Delta Phi Epsilon and Sigma Delta Tau.
• Nine volunteers recognized for their service before leaving their NPC

• More than 800 photos taken by the official photographer Fraternal

Composite Service over the 3-day event.
• More than 150 AOIIs in attendance, including 89 collegiate representatives

All members of Alpha Omicron Pi in attendance at the Annual Meeting in October 2017.

Carole Jones, 2017-2019 NPC Chairman with 89 collegiate members in attendace for her installation as Chariman.

24 | Fall/Winter 2017

2017 Fall Photos


Fall Photos 1 Omicron (U of Tennessee)
2 Lambda Eta (Grand Valley State U)
3 3 Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U)
4 Tau Mu (Texas A&M U)
5 Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee at Martin)






26 | Fall/Winter 2017

67 1 Alpha Phi (Montana State U)
8 2 Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
10 3 Alpha Pi (Florida State U)
11 12 4 Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U)
5 Sigma Beta (St. Joseph’s U)
6 Chi Theta (Northeastern State U)
7 Delta Beta (U of Louisiana at Lafayette)
8 AOIIs at Northeast Weekend
9 Delta Sigma (San Jose State U)
10 Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
11 Zeta Theta (California State U, Chico)
12 Phi Alpha (East Tennessee State U)
13 Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)






1 Rho Delta (Samford U) 6
2 Beta Zeta (Kennesaw State U)
3 Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U)
4 Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno)
5 Alpha Psi (Bowling Green State U)
6 Theta Iota (California State U, San Marcos)


28 | Fall/Winter 2017




Gunfire, wildfires and fierce flooding. Tragedy comes in many forms,
and it strikes without permission or forewarning. When the shots have
stopped, the smoke has cleared and the water has receded, you can
rely on the steadfast support of sisters near and far for strength. The
following pages share the stories from four AOII women who have
recently experienced significant tragedies, but found the strength to
carry on with the help of a few sisters.


Sisterhood Amid Tragedy

Sisterhood Amid
The Death Of
My Husband

by Lisa Martinolich Tuozzolo, Theta Beta (Towson U)

Friday, November 4, 2016 began like any other day, but Lisa and Paul Tuozzolo dressed for Halloween with their sons Austin
quickly became life-altering and unforgettable. Upon and Joseph, October 2015.
returning home that afternoon with my two young sons, I
saw three police cars in my driveway. Officers explained I remember spending my birthday standing in a cold cem-
my husband, a New York City police officer, was involved etery with my friends from the NYPD to pick Paul’s final
in a terrible accident and I needed to be transported im- resting place. As I stood there unable to think, unable to
mediately to the hospital where he was taken. “What do make the dreadful burial decision, a friend called out to
you mean he is hurt? I can’t just leave my children sleep- me, “Lisa, look down.” At my feet was the base of a burial
ing in the car.” One of the officers said, “You need to go. plot with the number 43 etched into it. That was the same
Please trust me. The children will be safe with us until you number as Paul’s precinct in the Bronx. It seemed fitting
can get a family member to be with them. Please, you for this to be Paul’s resting place, overlooking the airport
have to go.” we watched planes take off—something we had done all
I was driven to a small field and then flown by helicopter the years we had spent together.
to the hospital where my husband was being treated. Since November 4, 2016, I navigate an unwanted reality
The 15-minute flight seemed like an eternity. As we ap- where I am responsible for ensuring my boys have every-
proached the hospital, droves of patrol cars and officers thing they need, and ensuring they grow to be kind, car-
became clearer. Inside the hospital, I frantically asked ing, loving and respectful human beings. Some days are
which way to go. Immediately, an officer placed his hand better than others. It has been more than 365 days since
on my back and guided me. Tears began to stream more the boys had their dad to play tag with and since they
steadily down my face as I walked through the hallways had pillow fights in the living room. Gathering with friends
lined with officers. While the moments seemed a blur, it and family for Super Bowl Sunday was another tradition
was not without noticing their saddened faces, some with in our household we miss. Paul made the absolute best
tears looking back at me helpless and silent. “There are wings and buffalo chicken dip, even though his beloved
too many people here…. No, this can’t be.... Too many....” Jets were never, ever in the big game. That was our life,
I recall yelling. and we loved that life.
The NYC police commissioner, mayor and other police Moments like having the boys drop the puck at the NY
officers entered and told me my husband died from Islanders hockey season opener, and Austin throwing
multiple gunshot wounds sustained during a chase and the first pitch at a NY Mets game have managed to lift
subsequent death of the perpetrator. my spirits over the past year. As I smile through these
My husband Paul and other officers had responded to fleeting moments, my heart remains heavy. I fight back
a domestic call involving a career criminal, when the the tears daily as I realize these experiences only occur
suspect brandished a semi-automatic gun and started fir-
ing. Paul’s final words to his colleagues saved their lives.
He protected them by providing enough warning to take
cover. “Gun, gun, gun,” he yelled, before being fatally
shot multiple times. He was their hero—the same way he
is a hero to myself and our two young children.
The following weeks were chaotic and heartbreaking.
Telling a 3 and 4-year-old their daddy would not be com-
ing home, making decisions about a funeral and trying to
care for my family on my own was incredibly difficult.

because my husband left for work one day and Lisa with her sons Austin and Joseph at Disney World, July 2017. 31
never came home. The pain I continue to feel is
profound. The challenge of raising two boys on Lisa and her sons dropping the puck at the season opener for the New York
my own is nothing I ever thought I would have to Islanders, October 2017.
undertake. The days have been busy, but when I
put the boys to bed each night, I am alone. That Since the gathering, I have reconnected with
is when it is the hardest. That is when I ponder sisters and built on the relationships we formed
the events of November 4, 2016—how the life more than two decades ago. These sisters
Paul and I built together was so brutally cut helped lift me from a terrible place and transport
short, and all our hopes and plans gone. Every me to a simpler time when life was less compli-
night when the boys are asleep, I stare at Paul’s cated. Life has certainly changed since college,
NYPD hat on our dresser, and I want to bury my but the bond of sisterhood has endured.
head into my pillow and scream. I know I must In the months since the tragedy, I have found a
continue to push forward to care for myself and new determination to forge forward, for Paul and
the boys because that is what Paul would want. for my young children. Tragedy allows you to
Through the strength from the people around put life into perspective. It allows you to priori-
me, I continue to ensure Paul’s legacy of service tize what is most important in life. It gives you
and sacrifice is not forgotten. an eye-opening opportunity to see people for
I have learned in the last year I am more resilient who they really are. One thing I have learned,
than I thought, and with the help of family, fellow is that sisterhood is a bond forever. It is not just
line of duty survivors, brothers and sisters in my family, friends and endless backing of police
blue, and my Alpha Sisters, I will get through life. officers, but it is my sisters who have shown me
The love and faith shown to me by my AOII unconditional love and support, and for that I am
sisters gives me hope that I will persevere and eternally grateful.
build a new life for my family. From near and far,
the love and support that has been expressed
to my family has been so humbling and heartfelt.
I have received cards, love and flowers from
sisters, many of whom I have never met. It has
touched me, and made me realize there are
good people in the world.
After hearing about my loss, a fellow sister from
the Theta Beta Chapter who lived near to me
texted to see if I wanted to get together. The
drive to her house was slow due to torrential
storms, but it provided me extra time to think
about how excited I was to see a long-lost friend.
It was an evening to separate from the daily real-
ity and have an opportunity to laugh, bond and
reminisce about all our fond college memories.
As I pulled into her driveway, I felt nervous, but
also very excited. A beautiful, smiling face was at
the door, welcoming me into her home. She said
there were a few others she had invited to join
us who were waiting downstairs. Unbeknownst
to me, a “few” friends were closer to 25 fellow
Theta Beta sisters. Some traveled as far as Mary-
land and Ohio to be there.
Tears, smiles and laughter were bountiful as we
reminisced. One night away from reality turned
into a heartwarming memory that will last my

Sisterhood Amid Tragedy

Sisterhood were being shut down by the police. We decided to wait
Amid Hurricane until the next morning to leave, hoping there would be a
Harvey reprieve in the rain and some of the water could drain. As
you might imagine, we did not get much sleep that night.
by Kimberly Carroll-Kee, Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U) We moved most of our belongings up to the second floor
and packed our most precious items in the car to take
The last weekend in August of 2017 should have just with us. The hardest part was deciding what to take and
been the last weekend of the summer. The kids were facing the reality we could potentially lose everything.
supposed to start school on Monday, and there was rain Conditions improved slightly overnight and we decided
in the forecast, but that is not unusual for Houston. to wait to see if we really needed to evacuate. Around
11:30 a.m., we received word that levees around us were
The rain began late in the week, but we were not con- failing and there was a good chance if the rain continued,
cerned as we were accustomed to heavy rain. The rain ours would fail as well. Local authorities recommended
continued day after day. With no end in sight, we started we evacuate.
to worry. Photos of Houston taking on water were a bit It was time to go. Looking at the map, it appeared the
alarming, but in the past, the water has receded with best place to go would be San Antonio. We packed the
few issues. The news channels started talking about rest of the car, loaded up my 12-year-old twins and two
how this storm was going to have a bigger impact than dogs, and headed out with another family to San Antonio.
Tropical Storm Allison did on our city in 2001. We then We did not know if we would even be able to get out as
started watching the news closely—this was one nasty many of the main roads were impassable and closed.
storm. As the days went on, we constantly checked the Driving through the small two-lane back roads was like
news to see what this storm would do next. We were not nothing I had ever seen before. It was pouring rain and
concerned for our safety in the beginning. We live in a there was water everywhere. People’s yards were com-
community surrounded by a levee that has never failed in pletely flooded; some houses had begun to flood. It was
the 27 years since it was built. like we were driving on a little road through a lake as the
water was up to the road on each side. It quite frankly
On Sunday, August 27, we received word the levee was one of the scariest drives of my life, as we did not
would be know what was ahead of us or if we were going to get
cresting early swept away by rushing water.
in the week at Typically, it takes about three hours to get to San Anto-
59 feet—three nio. After an hour or so in the car, we were able to get off
feet higher the back roads and onto a major highway. As we con-
than it could tinued to drive west, the rain stopped and the sun was
handle. We shining. It was the best sight because we did not know if
were told if we were going to be able to get to safety. An image I will
the levee was never forget in that moment was the volume of vehicles
breached, containing first responders and military personnel driving
there was a toward the dangerous conditions we just left behind.
chance all I was keeping in touch very frequently with my college
4,500 homes roommate and fellow AOII sister Jaynellen Behre Jenkins,
in my beautiful Phi Beta (East Stroudsburg U), to let her know what was
neighborhood happening and where we were. She called me when
would have we were pulling into San Antonio and told me she had
water up to the reached out to Paula Daigle, Lambda Tau (U of Louisiana
second level. at Monroe), who then contacted someone from the San
Antonio Alumnae Chapter. Jaynellen said someone from
By this time, the local alumnae chapter would be contacting me. I was
the roads shocked as she was in New Jersey, and I was in Texas,
through town yet she was making these things happen for us. That AOII
rosevine of contacts was well at work before I was even
aware of it.

Flooding in Kimberly’s neighborhood.

Right: Progression
of flooding through-
out the weekend.
Left: Marcella and
Kimberly with din-
ner made by San
Antonio Alumnae
Chapter members.

I received a call from Marcella Martinez, Upsilon dogs to come stay at her house. This was prob-
Lambda (U of Texas, San Antonio), an officer ably one of the kindest offers anyone has ever
from the San Antonio Alumnae Chapter. She made. She was inviting eight total strangers and
promptly introduced herself and asked me what three dogs into her family home. In that moment,
we needed, where we were staying and how I truly realized the power of our AOII sisterhood!
could she help. She already knew we were I do not know if Marcella and Becki know how
traveling with a party of eight—four kids and four much their kindness and generosity was appre-
adults, plus three dogs. She was so sweet on ciated. They took time to help a sister they had
the phone, and I was moved beyond belief that never met and truly helped our families in a very
she was so willing to go out of her way to help stressful time. Not to mention, Jaynellen started
total strangers. the entire process 1,500 miles away.
Marcella gave me ideas of things to do with the I already knew AOII attracted wonderful, kind
kids while we were there, recommended places and strong women. The San Antonio Alumnae
to eat, and asked if they could bring us a meal. I Chapter has some amazing members! I have not
cannot tell you how much I appreciated her help been active in the Houston Alumnae Chapter,
and her kindness. but after this experience with these wonderful
Marcella and I talked quite a bit over the next sisters, I am reminded of how amazing sister-
few days, and on our second night in San Anto- hood is, and I would like to be part of it again.
nio, she brought a meal for all eight of us of that I truly hope one day I can do for another sister
was prepared by her San Antonio AOII sisters. what these women did for us.
They provided us with a chicken casserole, rice, We thankfully could return home at the end of
salad, dessert, drinks. They were even nice the week and found no damage to our house;
enough to bring food for the dogs! the levee had functioned as it was designed
It was fun getting to know her, and I felt an in- to. We are beyond thankful our home did not
stant connection with her. I joked with her that I flood and have been spending time paying this
was an old sister, as I graduated from college al- kindness forward by volunteering to help other
most 25 years ago! When Marcella was leaving, Houstonians in need.
she told me, Becki Simmons Scribner, Upsilon
Lambda (U of Texas, San Antonio), wanted to
talk with me. I called Becki later that night, and
she graciously invited all eight of us and the


Sisterhood Amid Tragedy

Sisterhood Amid was going on. Some people were wondering why this
The Las Vegas was happening to us. It was scary. No one tells you how
Shooting to prepare for a mass shooting.
At that point, I called my parents. I didn’t know what else
by Savanna Chasco, Delta Nu (U of Nevada, Reno) to do. I didn’t know what to say. I told them, “Don’t worry.
I was shot, but I’m running away.”
M y name is Savanna Chasco, and I was born and Once we got to MGM, we started hearing more gunshots,
raised in Rohnert Park, California. I am a student at and I had been separated from my friends. My dad told
the University of Nevada, Reno where I am a part of the me to stay where I was and start telling people I had
Delta Nu Chapter. I am in my third year of college. I am been shot. So that is what I did. People started approach-
double majoring in mathematics and secondary educa- ing me trying to help. They told me to lie down and they
tion. On October 1, I was shot while attending the Route would find an ambulance. After three or four people
91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas. came to help, they found one.
I was in an ambulance with three other people. One of
I went to the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival with two them died while we were in the ambulance. When I got
Delta Nu sisters and one of their boyfriends. My chapter to the hospital, I was placed on a bed and put in the
sister wanted to surprise her boyfriend for his birthday, hallway. There were a lot of people there, and they just
and she wanted us to come along because she knew we couldn’t put anyone else anywhere, so a lot of us were in
loved country music. We all arrived Thursday night, and beds in hallways and in wheelchairs. The first nurse who
were excited for the concerts to begin Friday. helped me was very nervous, and I could tell she was not
ready for what was happening. She was very anxious, so
When the shooting began, I thought the speakers were I started talking to her about her tragus piercing because
blowing out because they had been malfunctioning I have one too—just to calm her down because it was so
throughout the weekend. One of my friends started pull- hectic.
ing us and yelled, “We need to go. We need to go now.” They did a few scans—a CT scan, some x-rays. I was in
We started running, but stopped because the shooting the ER for five or six hours, but they had worse injuries to
stopped for that moment. Her boyfriend said, “It’s the deal with than mine.
speakers—that’s what people are saying.” Then the gun- A neurologist looked at my scans to make sure that the
fire started again. bullet did not hit any nerves. It did not, so they sent me
on my way. They told me to talk to an orthopedic surgeon
I fell to the ground, but at that point, I thought someone when I got home to see if I needed the bullet removed.
had thrown something at me. My friends made me get up At that time, it was lodged almost perfectly between the
off the ground, and they pulled me up near the gate. A vertebrae where it wasn’t going to move anywhere. The
girl we did not know said, “I’ve been hit.” She showed us bullet was on the left side of my spine—only about 5 mil-
her left arm, and there was definitely a gunshot wound— limeters away.
a chunk of her skin was blown off. It made me question I had to get a tetanus shot and take antibiotics the first
whether my back pain was also a gunshot wound. I asked few weeks the bullet was in my body. I couldn’t feel
my sisters, “Did I get hit? Is that what’s going on?” They the bullet in me; it felt like a really, really sore muscle. I
said, “No you’re fine.” I told them to look at my back, and couldn’t bend or move much. My mom had to help me
they went silent. They said, “You’re ok. You’re going to shower and I couldn’t drive anywhere.
be ok. You’re fine.” I could hear the tone of their voices I had the bullet in me from October 1 until November 16,
change, and that’s when I realized I had been shot. when I had surgery to remove it.
Now, I am back to a place of healing, but my recovery
We lost my friend’s boyfriend back inside the venue. She has been one of the hardest parts that came out of this
told us to go to MGM Grand and she would meet us there event. I cope with PTSD, anxiety, depression and night-
when she found him. We later learned he had been shot mares. On top of that, I struggle physically to heal from
as well and died shortly after. the surgery. I am confined to my house and feel very
isolated from the outside world. However, my sisters at
We started running to MGM and one of my friends, An- the Delta Nu Chapter have been very supportive through
gela Houston, repeated, “Keep running!” There was a lot it all.
of confusion. Some people, like myself, didn’t know what

Savanna (left) and Delta Nu sister Angela Police at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival Savanna with Delta Nu sisters at U of Nevada,
Houston enjoying the concert on Friday. after the shooting. Image courtesy of iStock. Reno.

When they found out about the event, my phone Courtney Gentile, a recent alumna member from our 35
was overflowing with messages on all forms of social chapter, is the one who started a GoFundMe page for
media, as well as texts, calls and letters. I have never me. From there, I received messages from all over the
once felt out of the loop while I have been home country. I realized I am part of something much big-
in California recovering. My sisters and the men of ger than Delta Nu. Members past, present and future
Theta Chi at Nevada held a bake sale to raise money gave me support, warm messages and money to help
for not only me and the sisters I was with at the festi- me through all I have been through. It reminded me
val, but all the victims of this event. I was sent cards of our pledge, and when I heard my chapter say it
from many women in the chapter, and donations from together at our meeting I nearly cried because I really
fraternities and sororities on campus for my medical felt what it meant to be a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi.
bills. One sister who reached out to me who has never met
Before my surgery, I went back to visit the chapter me, was Trina Moumblow, Theta Pi (Wagner College),
and to initiate my little. Everyone welcomed me with who is the president of the NY/NJ Metro Alumnae
big hugs and warm smiles. Once I told them I still Chapter. She has continuously checked in on me
needed surgery, but would be returning for the last since the event, and I could not be more apprecia-
two weeks of the semester, they were all very eager tive of that. Finally, I could not be more thankful for
to let me know they would be there for me through it everything Headquarters’ staff and Delta Nu advisers
all. One of my best friends, Leah Frankiewich, made have done for me. They have been so understanding
sure during initiation I didn’t have to stand alone and and have worked with me throughout this process so
I could physically and emotionally lean on her if being I can focus on my full recovery.
there gave me too much anxiety or hurt my body too After being an active member for nearly a year and
much. I have missed out on a lot while being home, a half, I knew I found home. After this terrible event,
but my littles, Shannon Leiss and Katana McCormick, I knew I could call everyone involved with AOII my
have sent me pictures from all the events they knew family.
I’d enjoy being a part of. Another chapter sister, I still truly believe everything happens for a reason.
Leilani Blanche, even texted me the night of our Things are meant to happen, and you just kind of
semi-formal telling me to be dressed and ready by learn from them. You learn how to react or how to
6:30. I was so confused, but I did it anyway, and she appreciate things more. You are given new experi-
FaceTimed me telling me I was her date and that we ences. People are angry about what happened, and
were going to take pictures together, and so we did. it is not fair that people had to die because of it. It
Being part of this sisterhood has been amazing, and definitely is a life-altering event and you just learn to
not only my chapter, but other chapters have reached appreciate what you have.
out to me.

Sisterhood Amid Tragedy

Sisterhood Amid The evening of October 8 was just like any other
The Northern Sunday on Sonoma State’s campus. We just
California wrapped up an awesome few days for the Greek com-
Wildfires munity with a great Greek weekend. Following all the
events on Sunday, we attended a campus-wide event
by Bianca Higuera, Xi Rho (Sonoma State U) where we learned the Xi Rho Chapter at Sonoma State
was the overall Greek champions of the weekend! Stu-
dents continued with normal Sunday evening activities
by finishing up assignments due that week and prepar-
ing for upcoming midterms.
Due to a long, busy weekend, I stayed up pretty late
studying for my midterm that Monday. It was around
12:30 a.m. when I went to bed. I remember smelling
a hint of smoke before going to sleep, but not think-
ing anything of it because people have fires in their

36 | Fall/Winter 2017

chimneys all the time. Around 4:45 a.m., I woke up to get out. Sisters evacuated to safer places and classes
a much more prominent smell of smoke in my room, were cancelled until the following Wednesday.
so I turned over to check my phone and saw so many Throughout the whole week, I was so sad knowing
different messages and Facebook notifications about I was safe and had a roof over my head, while there
wildfires in the surrounding area. I had voicemails from were firefighters and other first responders fighting for
university officials that we were not in danger, but to others. People were losing their loved ones and the
stay alert for evacuation notifications. community was simply falling apart.
Luckily, the women of Xi Rho were not directly affect-
I immediately went into my roommate’s room as she ed, but a few Panhellenic sisters lost their homes, as
was up getting ready for work. Her job was on cam- well as our university president. That week, there were
pus, but she was unsure if it was safe to go to work or many fundraisers circulating on social media and many
if there were other updates. As the morning continued, opportunities to help. I knew that we had to do some-
many sisters began gathering their belongings and thing. We have a chapter of 150 women—there had to
leaving town. My roommates and I decided to stay and be something we could do to make even a small im-
wait for more information as we were not in immediate pact on the community. I spoke with our philanthropy
danger. We had our bags packed, and we were ready chair to brainstorm how we could help. I suggested we
donate to the high school in Santa Rosa that burned
to go at any time if the down. She later explained in our conversation that
fires got closer to us. her little brother attended that school, and her fam-
ily was devastated. We knew we needed to support
Damage in Santa Rosa, CA as Watching the news all this school because we are all students ourselves and
a result of the wildfires, 2017. day and seeing all the know the importance of education. We decided to
Image courtesy of iStock. devastation surrounding start a GoFundMe account for the high school—Rose-
us was indescribable. I land Collegiate Prep. Many students at this school
felt so helpless seeing are from lower income families, where most of their
so many homes, schools students will be first-generation college students. This
and buildings burned year was supposed to be their first graduating class,
and destroyed. Watching as it is a newer school in the district. After sharing the
people give interviews link through our many family and friends, we raised
on the news with tears just over $1,200 for the campus.
rolling down their faces Xi Rho was thrilled to help. The first couple of days
because their lives were during the fire, so many sisters asked what we could
just turned upside down do and which organization we were going to pick to
was absolutely horrific. raise money for. Everyone was eager to lend a helping
hand. I spoke with the event coordinator for the district
The next day, it became of the school we raised the money for and she was in
apparent the fires were disbelief. She did not think people had heard about
just getting started and that specific school, so she was thrilled that it was
were nowhere near being college students who cared enough to do something
contained. The flames for them. There is not any sort of estimate as to when
were rapidly approach-
ing our surrounding the school will be back up
mountains, so we had a and running, but for now,
gut feeling we needed to the students who attended
the school are taking online
courses or are sitting in at 37
different schools in this time
of need.
The northern California fires
were something the sisters
of Xi Rho will never forget.
We continue to stay positive
and help the community in
any way we can.

Xi Rho Chapter on Bid Day 2017.

Ask The Editor

“How can my chapter’s photos
be featured in To Dragma?”

We get this question a lot.
We love featuring our chapters’ photos in the magazine, and especially love when we
receive an exceptional photo that would make a great cover image. Unfortunately, many
photos just do not make the cut. Here are our top three tips for landing a spot in To Dragma:
1. If we do not have your photos, we cannot feature them! The first step to getting fea-

tured in To Dragma is to send us the photos. Email your chapter’s images to todragma@
2. Variety is the spice of life. We are always in search of a wide variety of photos, including
horizontal and vertical photos; individual, small group and large group shots; and photos
taken from a variety of events, whether that be a chapter-sponsored event or event chap-
ter members attended.
3. Before you hit send, ensure your photos are 1 MB or larger in size. More often than
not, we reject photos because they are less than 1 MB. Fear not! You do not need an
expensive camera digital camera to capture images in this resolution. Smartphones can
render very high-quality photos. However, if the images are cropped or edited in any way
in apps such as Instagram, the photos become compressed and too small for us to print.
Likewise, if a photo is uploaded to or downloaded from a site such as Facebook, the im-
age also becomes compressed, drastically reducing the resolution, which makes it too
small to print in the magazine. So how can you ensure your photos are the appropriate
size? Send the original, unedited file as an attachment to [email protected].
If you are asked what size you would like to send the photo, select the largest resolution
possible. Because the files are large, you may have to send multiple emails or a ZIP file
if working off your computer. If your photo is 999 KB or less, it is likely too small for us
to print.

We would love to feature your photos, so do not hesitate to reach
out if you have any questions about submitting them by
emailing [email protected].

38 | Fall/Winter 2017

Will you share
your story?

In the past several issues of To Dragma, you have
read many feature stories including one member’s
journey to becoming a competitive bodybuilder;
one AOII’s life as a CIA intelligence analyst; one
member’s battle with melanoma; and another
member’s summer internship with a renowned
photographer in New York, among many other

How can you, your chapter or your sisters be
We accept suggestions for feature articles throughout
the year. To be considered for an upcoming issue,
simply send us a rundown of your story or another
sister’s story to [email protected]. If we
are able to share your story in an upcoming issue, we
will reach out for more information.

Whether you just launched your own business,
traveled to a unique place, or accomplished an
incredible task, we believe all our members have
great stories to share. Will you?


Mini Feature

Scaling The

Glass Ceiling
by Kristen Rowsey, Rho Omicron
(Middle Tennessee State U)

Did you know, in the state of
Tennessee, women are paid
77 cents for every dollar paid to
men? Along with the pay gap is-
sue, many graduates are not well
educated on salary negotiation or
work life balance. Although Middle
Tennessee State University offers
many great, intellectual and eye- Top row, from left: Alicia White, Chapter Adviser; Anna Flora, Chapter President;
opening events across campus, Debra Scales; Heather Brown, Ph.D.; Ashley Dumat, AOII Network 4 Director; Bot-
tom row, from left: Dia Cirillo, John Ray Clemmons, Emily Gibbons, Katie Inman

this is a pertinent issue that is not
well advocated. As women who
hope to soon join the professional work force, to paint an accurate picture for the reality of
the Rho Omicron Chapter (Middle Tennes- women in the workplace.

see State U) saw this as a pressing issue that Thanks to the strong promotion from MTSU
needed to be addressed. On October 24, the
chapter hosted a forum, inviting prominent Panhellenic and the Student Government As-
sociation, a very diverse and eager crowd was
figures in the MTSU and middle Tennessee in attendance. After a formal presentation from
community to serve as panelists and offer their each of the panelists, the floor was opened
unique insight on this important topic. for questions from the audience. Many of the

The panel consisted of five members from students’ questions related to how they could
diverse backgrounds: Debra Scales, Dia Cirillo, rise to the call of action. The male students
John Ray Clemmons, Dr. Heather Brown and who attended were just as interested on what
Ashley Dumat. Debra Scales serves as the di- they could do to level the playing field for their
rector of the June Anderson Center for Women female counterparts.

and Nontraditional Students at MTSU. The “Tonight, I was given the opportunity to learn
center offers support services for all aspects of more about the wage gap in Tennessee from
academic and social life, such as bystander in- a wonderful panel sponsored by the women of
tervention training. Dia Cirillo offers her unique Alpha Omicron Pi,” said MTSU Student Gov-
insight from her service as the president of the ernment Association Senator Nathan Watkins.
American Association of University Women, “Issues like these should not be brushed under
Murfreesboro. The legislative side of the issues the rug, because these are major problems that
were addressed by Tennessee State Represen- women in our modern society should not have
tative John Ray Clemmons, who fights to close to face. I plan on taking the concerns I heard
the pay gap year after year by proposing new tonight and working to better the students of
legislation. As the director of a male-dominated our university by bringing these issues to our
study, Concrete and Construction Management, SGA to help sponsor more awesome events
Dr. Heather Brown provided testimony for the like this one!”
subtle workplace prejudice and unbalanced
pay she encounters. Finally, Ashley Dumat, J.D. This is one of the many positive testimonials
and proud member of Alpha Omicron Pi, Rho given by those in attendance. With the over-
whelming support from the community follow-
Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) spoke ing the event, the Rho Omicron Chapter will
about the struggles she encountered while
trying to make a name for herself in the male- continue to sponsor similar events, and hope to
dominated law field. Together, the very knowl- inspire other chapters of AOII to do the same
edgeable panel drew upon their experiences with the aspiration of scaling the glass ceiling.

40 | Fall/Winter 2017


made with

Author Ken Poirot once said, "The best meals are those made by loving hands."
AOII is thankful to have many wonderful chefs who prepare fresh, homemade 41
meals in several AOII homes across North America. Packed with flavor and made
with love, their delicious recipes are a key ingredient to help make a house a home
for our many members who live in AOII houses and enjoy their meals. Continue

reading for five delectable recipes from five chefs at AOII houses.

Special thanks to College Fresh for their collaboration in creating this article.


Chef at the Lambda Upsilon Chapter House Yields six servings
at Lehigh University
Paul began his work as chef at the Lambda Up- Ingredients:
silon Chapter house in fall 2016. Not only is he 3 ripe avocados, cut in half, pit removed
sharing his favorite guacamole salad recipe, but 2 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice
his fondest memory in the job as well. “I arrived 1 cup cooked black beans
for work one morning and received the shock of 1 cup cooked corn kernels
my culinary career. The chapter members had 1/2 cup red onion, finely diced
decorated my entire kitchen with tokens of their 8 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
appreciation, including sticky notes, hearts on 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped
my refrigerator, banners, signs and streamers for 6 cups mixed salad greens
National Chef Paul Appreciation Day.” 6 fresh lemon wedges
Salt and pepper, to taste

• Using a spoon, carefully scoop avocado from the skins. Reserve skins (shells) for serving.
• Dice avocado halves and gently toss with lemon juice.
• Add the beans, corn, red onion, tomatoes and cilantro to the diced avocado. Toss gently.
• Season avocado salad with salt and pepper to taste.
• Divide evenly and place avocado salad into the "shells."
• Place 1/2 cup of salad greens on each of six salad plates.
• Place one stuffed avocado shell on each plate.
• Garnish each plate with a lemon wedge.

42 | Fall/Winter 2017


Chef at the Lambda Sigma Chapter House Yields six servings
at the University of Georgia Ingredients:
Chef Tom has been working at the Lambda 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 lbs flank steak
Sigma AOII house since fall 2017. Even after 1 tsp dried oregano
just one semester, he already has fond memo- 1 tsp ground cumin
ries preparing food for the chapter women. 1 tbsp fresh garlic, minced
"It’s a great pleasure to serve the chapter and 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
members of AOII at UGA. From my first day, 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
the members have been welcoming, respect- 1 carrot, peeled and cut into 1/4" sticks
ful and courteous. I have really enjoyed their 1 cup green olives, pitted
enthusiasm, and I am regularly surprised by 1 cup red onion, thinly sliced
the variety of their tastes, willingness to try 1 bunch watercress, trimmed
new menu items and their embrace of my 2 tbsp olive oil
cooking… Bon Appetit!" Salt and pepper, to taste

Instructions: parsley-cilantro mix. Arrange carrots, ol-
• Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Use a boning ives and onions horizontally over the full width
of the meat. Scatter a relatively even layer of
knife to butterfly flank steak: Working across watercress over all.
the grain, make a cut down the center, but • Roll meat up from the bottom like a jellyroll;
only halfway through meat. At the top of that grain of steak should run length of roll. Tie in
cut, make perpendicular cuts, one in each three or four places with butcher’s twine.
direction, this time with the grain. Again, cut • Heat olive oil in a Dutch oven or roasting pan
only halfway into steak. Repeat perpendicu- large enough to accommodate rolled steak.
lar cuts at the other end of the center cut. Cuts Deeply brown it on all sides, about 15 minutes
should resemble the letter H. total, then transfer pan to oven and roast for
• At the top of the original center cut, hold the about 30 minutes, until meat is cooked
knife parallel to the meat and insert knife. Slice through. Transfer to a cutting board and let
toward you, making a pocket. This cut should rest for 30 minutes before serving. Or, put
almost reach the outer edge, halfway through meat in a clean baking dish and chill
the meat’s thickness. Repeat on other side. overnight. Take matambre from refrigerator
Open the flaps. and slice it into ½-inch to 1-inch pieces about
• Season meat liberally on both sides with salt an hour before serving at room temperature.
and pepper, then place it cut side up, wide
side facing you. Season with marjoram, cumin 43
and garlic and cover it with a fairly even layer of


Chef at the Beta Gamma Chapter Yields four servings
House at Michigan State University
Chef Raymond has been preparing Ingredients:
delicious meals for the women of 12 oz fettuccine pasta
the Beta Gamma Chapter for three 1/4 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated
years. He said each year is a new 4 oz unsalted butter, diced
challenge, trying to discover what's 3 oz heavy cream
best for a new group of women. Salt and pepper to taste
This year, he said they are really
drawn to comfort foods. Mashed Instructions:
potatoes and gravy, meatloaf, • Bring 6 quarts of water to a boil with
roasted turkey and pasta. Alfredo
and simple marinara are popular two tablespoons of salt.
choices in the house, but he enjoys • Cook the fettuccine in the boiling water
making new dishes the women
want. until tender, yet al dente.
"I have a white board outside my • Drain the pasta. Reserve some of
kitchen and encourage the girls to
put food requests and comments the pasta water. Move pasta to a large
there. Trying to fit some of their heated bowl.
requests into the menu can be a lot • Add diced butter and grated cheese to
of fun for a chef. It's also very excit- the pasta and toss with tongs until the
ing to get feedback from them on butter has melted, adding a splash or
meals they have enjoyed." two of the pasta water to keep the
pasta from becoming too tight.
44 | Fall/Winter 2017 • Add the heavy cream if needed to
make the sauce creamier.
• Season with salt and pepper to taste,
and serve immediately.


Chef at the Kappa Rho Chapter House at Western Michigan University
Paul has been the chef at the AOII house at Western Michigan U for the past two years. His
favorite part about being a chef there is preparing recipes that give AOII members the op-
portunity to try new foods from a variety of cultures. One of his classic dishes is President's
Pasta — a bowtie pasta dish with tomatoes, arugula and parmesan cheese.

• Heat olive oil in pan. Add mushrooms,
Yields one serving
garlic and shallots. Saute for one
Ingredients: minute.
4 oz farfalle (bowtie) pasta, cooked al dente • Add red pepper flakes and tomatoes,
1 1/2 oz olive oil and saute 30 seconds.
1 oz shitake mushrooms, sliced • Fold in olives, arugula and cooked
3 oz roma tomatoes, chopped 1"x 1" pasta. Heat through.
1 tbsp shallots, minced • Season with salt to taste.
1 tsp garlic, minced • Transfer to a dish and top with parmesan
1 tbsp kalamata olives cheese. Sprinkle chives on top.
1 bunch arugula (or spinach)
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes 45
1 1/2 oz parmesan cheese
Dash of chives
Salt, to taste


Chef at the Xi Omicron Chapter House at Yields two loaves
the University of Arkansas
Chef Michael has worked at the Xi Omi- Ingredients: 2 cups sugar
cron Chapter House for seven years. He 2 cups bananas, mashed
says his favorite part of his profession 2 tsp lemon juice 2 eggs
is preparing food for the women, then 1 1/3 cups flour, sifted 1 cup oil
seeing them years later when they come 1 tsp baking soda
back to say hello and how they miss his 1/2 tsp kosher salt
cooking! 1 cup pecans, toasted and chopped
1 cup chocolate chips

• Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and spray a bread loaf pan with non-stick spray.
• Sift together flour, baking powder and baking soda. Set aside.
• Combine the mashed bananas, lemon juice, sugar, eggs and oil. Mix with a stand mixer or by hand

with a whisk for three to four minutes. Carefully add the sifted dry ingredients until just combined.
Then add the pecans and chocolate chips.
• Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan and tap the sides to remove air bubbles from the batter
before baking.
• Bake for about 50 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
• After removing from the oven, place on a cooling rack for about seven minutes.

Carefully remove the loaf from the pan and place on cooling rack.
• Allow bread to cool for a few hours before storing or wait at
least 30 minutes before slicing.

46 | Fall/Winter 2017

Nominate an inspiring, 47
ambitious AOII under 30!

We are seeking inspiring, ambitious AOII women under 30* to be featured in an
upcoming issue of To Dragma!
Nominate yourself or another sister who you think should be recognized for her lead-
ership, activism, accomplishments or talents.
Nominees may be collegiate or alumnae members, and must be in good standing
with the Fraternity.
Access the submission form by visiting the Fraternity News page under the News &
Events tab of the AOII website.
Please complete your submission by February 15, 2018.

*Members between 30 and 35 may also be nominated and considered.

Things We Love

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Are you drinking enough water? Adequate water consump- additional attachments so you can get creative with your
tion is critical for optimal health, especially if you exercise. exercises. These bands are relatively inexpensive, and they
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stay on top of your water consumption throughout the day. in dorm rooms and apartments, or when you are on the go.
Lululemon Fly Away Tamer Headband Quest Protein Powder Packets
Few things are more frustrating than a headband that re- Toss a few of these proportioned individual packets of pro-
fuses to stay in place during your workout. Focus more on tein powder in your gym bag for a quick and tasty source
those squats and less on adjusting your headband with the of protein after a tough workout. Simply mix with water or
Lululemon Fly Away Tamer Headband. The stretchy, sweat- milk, shake it up and enjoy! There is a flavor for every taste
wicking fabric is snug enough to stay in place throughout from vanilla and chocolate to banana cream pie and salted
the most intense workout. caramel.
Active by POPSUGAR Adidas by Stella McCartney Ultra Boost Shoes
With the POPSUGAR Active app, you can access count- If you love Stella McCartney’s runway styles, you will love
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From treadmill workouts and tabata drills to yoga and ney’s line of Adidas footwear will pair perfectly with each
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signed by celebrity trainers and POPSUGAR fitness experts. need from an athletic shoe.
Stay motivated with the app’s fun challenges, and invite Starwood Sports Foam Roller on Amazon
your friends to join, too! You know how important it is to stretch after your sweat
Vooray Bag sesh, but are you familiar with foam rolling? Foam rolling,
Tote your workout gear in style with this adorable bag from also known as “myofascial release,” is a great technique to
Vooray! Available in several prints and styles, these bags incorporate into your cool down to help relieve tension in
are both functional and fashion-forward. tight muscles. Think of it as self-massage. Foam rolling also
Liveup Sports Resistance Band on Amazon improves circulation, flexibility and range of motion. Addi-
These little guys may not look intense, but they can make tionally, it can speed up recovery and ease exercise-related
workouts challenging for even the most seasoned gym- soreness. If you are new to foam rolling, there are a variety of
goers. These bands are available in a variety of resistance great resources online for proper foam rolling techniques.


Volunteer Directory

Volunteer Directory

AOII Executive Board Past International Presidents

Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Joan Deathe MacCallum, Kappa Phi, 1979-1981
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa, 1981-1985
Crystal Combs, Vice President, Nu Beta Peg Kramer Crawford, Iota, 1985-1989
Amber Countis, Vice President, Pi Barbara Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, 1989-1993
Grace Houston, Vice President, Lambda Tau Mary McCammon Williams, Phi, 1993-1995
Koren Phillips, Vice President, Phi Chi Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Theta, 1995-1997
Debbie Tam, Vice President, Beta Phi Linda Peters Collier, Chi Omicron, 1997-1999
Jessie Wang-Grimm, Vice President, Phi Chi Carole Jurenko Jones, Alpha Delta, 1999-2003
Sally Wagaman, Sigma Tau, 2003-2005
AOII Foundation Board Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon, 2005-2009
Barb Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa, 2009-2011
Judy Flessner, President, Iota Allison Allgier, Epsilon Omega, 2011-2015
Michelle Lopez, Secretary, Delta Theta
Andrea Dill, Treasurer, Chi Psi Committee Chairmen
Kandy Bernskoetter, Director, Sigma And Appointments
Meagan Davies, Director, Alpha Chi
Kathy Jensen, Director, Theta Omega Ginger Banks, Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry, Pi Kappa
Rissa Reddan, Director, Omega Janet Brown, Constitution Interpretation and Revision, Delta
Gayle Fitzpatrick, International President, Alpha Rho Barbara Daugs Hunt, Perry Award, Phi Delta
Carole Jones, NPC Delegate, Alpha Delta
AOII Properties Board Barb Dunn Zipperian, Historian, Kappa Kappa
Kathleen Donohue, Human Resources, Epsilon Chi
Julie Bishop, President, Gamma Theta Sandy Stewart, Education, Alpha Chi
Lacey Bowman, Vice President, Chi Delta Sally Wagaman, Parliamentarian, Sigma Tau
Susan Bonifield, Vice President of Finance, Nu Beta
Grace Houston, Director, Lambda Tau
Caroline Lazzara, Director, Lambda Beta
Cindy Visot, Director, Kappa Tau

50 | Fall/Winter 2017

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