all 1988P ofalpha omicron pi
Vol. LXIV, No. 8
Education—a lifelong pursuit
The€tMtorsPWe Education—it never ends
This issue focuses on education—an appropriate theme for fall "back to school" time.
But, as our cover reminds you— education isalife-longpusuit.Andit isn't limited to classrooms.
For instance, take a look at your new International Headquarters. Space for training is a big part of the plans for Alpha Omicron Pi's new building, which is now under construction. Go on a preview tour via the article in this issue.
Education for leadership was one aim of the ten Leadership Conferences which were held this past June. The top award winners from each region are included in the report on these conferences. In addition, your new regional officers tell some of the ways AOII has contributed to their "con-
tinuing education" in the accompany- ing feature article.
Of course, scholarship is an impor- tant aspect of education. This issue announces 22 winners of Diamond Jubilee Foundation scholarships.
Judi Polivka Betts, Beta Phi (Indi- ana U.), an alumna who lives in Baton Rouge, L A , is a good example of a believer in continuing education. After more than 20 years of teaching, she retired to seek additional educa- tion at art workshops. Now, she is leading similar workshops. Read about her and another AOII Notable, Nancy Baier Gilbert, on the inside pages.
Education can be defined as per- sonal growth and development. The Keystones Program is AOII's own personal development program, and
this issue features an article by Sharon Van Fleet, Alpha Theta (Coe College), on stress management. Sharon helped develop the stress management work- shop of the Keystones Program.
My o w n personal education has been enhanced since July 6, 1988, when I began work as Coordinator of Editorial Services for your Fraternity. As you know, this is a newly created position, and I'm learning along with everyone else. Let me hear from you. I'm interested in what you like, and what you don't, about T o Dragma. One thing I have already learned, however, is that you have a great group of people working for you here at Headquarters!
—Beth Durland
To Dragma
Founders' Day Message
In 1922, the 25th anniversary of the Fraternity was celebrated at a "Founders' Day National Banquet" in New York. In addition to 3 of the Founders, Lillian McCausland (Chairman of NPC at the time) and Laura Hurd, National Secretary, were there.
The editor of To Dragma reported that about 70 attended, and to quote an alumna "who wouldn't be proud to be one of such a fine bunch of ladies?" The tables, placed in the form of a Pi, were decorated with Jacqueminot roses and tall red candles in crystal candlesticks. Between the courses, fraternity songs were sung with spirit and enthusiasm.
Laura Hurd reported that we numbered 3050 members, 25 active (2 inactive) collegiate chapters and 25 alumnae chapters. Jesse Wallace Hughan, in her address, said she thought always of the Alpha girl as taking out into the world with her the ideal of love, not in a narrow or restricted sense, but the love that means charity for all the types of people whatever their race or beliefs.
Stella spoke of her faith and that of the Founders in the Fraternity. These women will always be an inspiration to us. We encourage you to reflect upon all the inspirational AOIIs you have had the privilege of knowing, and to be ever aware of your opportunities to be an inspiration to others.
The Executive Board
Peg Crawford Barb Hunt
Anne Allison Robin Beltramini
Liz Coffey Mary Williams Nancy Bowers Pat Hardy
Published since January, 1905 by
TCTDRAGMA W ofalpha omicron pi
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Ave. Nashville, Tennessee 37215 Telephone: 615-383-1174
Beth Durland
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery Pena, KII Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AS Public Relations Coordinator
Fall 1988
Keystones: Help in Managing Stress Notable: Judi Betts, Artist Leadership Conference Report
New Home for the Fraternity Notable: Nancy Gilbert, Volunteer New Regional Officers—Interviews Perry Award Winner
Diamond Jubilee Foundation Scholarship Awards Alpha Lambda Installed
Omega Upsilon Installed
"Advantage" PR Program
1989 Convention Preview
Bulletin Board Endowment Fund Directory
Alumnae Chapter News Development Fund Collegiate Chapter News Perspectives
Vol. LXV No. 8
4 6 7
10 14 15 16 30 33 50 51 55
12 13 17 34 37 57 63
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-631-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi. Subscription price is J1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life sub- scription: $50.00.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Alpha Omicron Pi, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Address all editorial communications to the Editor, 3821 Cleghorn Ave., Nashville, TN 37215. Second Class Postage paid at Nashville, T N and additional mailing offices.
TO DRAGMA Deadlines Jan. 15
April 1 July 1 Oct. 1
Fall 1988
Help in Managing
By SharonVanFleet Alpha Theta
Coe College
"You cannot be anything if you want to be everything."
"You can have it all!" "Superwoman is dead."
"Be all that you can be!"
These are some of the conflicting
messages in the media today, and they are all related in some manner to how we handle stress.
On the one hand, we are told that for women today, the sky's the limit, while on the other hand, we're warned about the danger of stretching our- selves too thin.
Experts tell us that the problem is not stress itself, but rather, how we manage it.
T o assist members of Alpha Omi- cron Pi in learning how to manage stress in their lives, a workshop on stress management was developed for AOII's new Keystones Program. Keystones is the fraternity's group of workshop seminars designed to aid in the personal development of its members.
The stress management seminal was presented to collegiate chapter presidents and advisers this summer at the Leadership Conferences.
"Stress" is a hot topic in the media today, as we all know. Research is increasingly demonstrating links between stress and illness. Some experts tell us that excess stress can have serious, even life-threatening consequences.
The real problem, however, is not stress itself, but how it is managed. The word "stress" is often misused. What we think of as "stress" is actu- ally our response to a "stressor" or demand. "Stress" is not an event that happens to us.
It's generally believed that stressors themselves are not the greatest prob- lem for people. T h e greatest difficul- ties stem from how a person responds to the stressor. Consequently, our dif- ficulties with stress are mainly due to our responses to the stressors in our lives.
This stress response is highly indi- vidual. What is stressful for one per- son is not difficult for another.
Another common misconception is that all stress is negative and harm- ful. It is important to understand that stress can also be positive and, in fact, some stress is essential. Stress can serve as a motivator, helping us to perform at our best. It improves our problem solving skills and makes us more alert.
It's only when stress becomes too severe or when it interferes with our ability to function that it should be considered negative. At that point, learning to manage the stress in our lives becomes important and, in some cases, vital. "Stress management" is defined as attitudes and actions that we can use to reduce or limit exces- sive stress.
The Keystones Stress Management W orkshop is designed to acquaint participants with valuable techniques to help them learn to manage their
To Dragma
stress. During the workshop, partici- pants look at the sources of stress in their lives by completing written sur- veys. They're often surprised by what they learn.
Another questionaire helps partic- ipants determine how aware they are of their own physical and mental signals that warn them of too much stress.
The workshop doesn't just show participants that they have a lot of stress and what this may be doing to them physically and mentally - it also teaches them ways to handle it. One of the techniques is a relaxation exer- cise, which participants have a chance
to practice. Handouts are available which list stress management strate- gies and suggest readings and re- sources.
The basic one hour workshop is helpful to persons who want some tips on how to handle stress, and the content is relevant to both collegians and alumnae.
After the basic seminar, the indi- vidual sections of the program pro- vide opportunities for chapters to hold review sessions periodically to check on their progress in stress man- agement. These periodic reviews can also be done on an individual basis. The questionnaires in these sections
of the program provide an easy method for a person to reassess her coping abilities throughout the year. And, as noted previously, this can be done on an individual or chapter basis.
Don't think that this workshop is all work and no play, however. There are some fun parts. In fact, one pro- vocative session is guaranteed to get the participants' attention. But you'll have to find out for yourself what this section is all about when your chap- ter receives its Keystones and begins its own program.
Fall 1988
About the author: Sharon V an Fleet, who wrote the stress management workshop for Keystones and served on the Keystones Programming Com- mittee, is currently a staff nurse on the inpatient psychiatric unit at the U. of Chicago. She graduated cum laude with a B.S. in Nursing from the U. of Colorado. Sharon, initiated into Alpha Theta in 1980, transferred to Chi Delta and assisted with chap- ter reorganization. She previously served as an adviser to Phi Chi at the U. of Chicago. She is a member of Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter.
Sharon Van Fleet
Notable: Judi
Betts, Artist
Judith Polivka Betts, Beta Phi, Indiana U.,is an artist, lecturer, and author, whose career included nearly 25 years of teaching before she "re- tired" to concentrate on painting.
Since leaving the school system in 1984, she has written an award win- ning book about watercolor and has continued to win prizes for her paint-
Just this year, Judi Betts, as she is
known professionally,won the Dale Myers Bronze Medal for watercolor at the 46th Annual Exhibition of Audubon Artists in New York City. In February, she was made an honor- ary member of the Societe Canadienne de l'Aquarelle. She was also invited to participate in two group exhibi- tions, one of which was "A Retro- spective— Women Achieving Awards", which was sponsored by the Watercolor Art Society Houston Gallery in Houston, T X .
Lastyear,Judiwasnamed "Woman oftheYear"bytheLouisianaWomen of Leadership and Accomplishment in New Orleans, L A .
Articles by and about Judi have
With a schedule like hers, which
lists 23 workshops in various loca- tions for 1988, Judi must have found some secret for balancing all the demands in her own life. She says that while in college, being in AOII afforded her "tremendous guidance ... to organize time for study, dating, and fun."
Another way AOIl has influenced her life, Judi says, is being the source of "wonderful friends—sisters."
Her own twin sister, Janet Polivka Curtis, is also an AOII.
Judi's AOII activities as an alumna include being a Chapter Adviser, and a Regional Director. She is a Rose Award winner and a member of the Baton Rouge Alumnae Chapter.
Born in Western Springs, Illinois, Judi obtained an AB Degree from Indiana University, and an M.Ed Degree from Louisiana State Univer- sity. She has also done post graduate study at Southern Oregon State Col- legeand BrighamYoungUniversity.
To Pragma
Judi Polivka Betts
been published in American
Modern Maturity, Midwest Art, and Louisiana Life magazines, among others. She has also been featured in several books about art. Her own book, Watercolor . . . Let's Think About It! was published in 1984.
These achievements are just a sam- ple of the accomplishments of this AOIl Notable. To list all of her art awards, memberships, and other honors, would leave room for little else in this space.
Judi says that the best part of her job is the "fantastic people I meet, very creative and stimulating artists.''
Currently, Judi is much in demand for workshops and spends many weeks each year travelling from coast to coast and to Canada. Her home base is Baton Rouge, LA,where she and her husband have lived since 1958, when he was transferred there to work in the barge and towboat busi- ness.
She sees the greatest challenge fac- ing women today as the difficultyof balancing family and home, work, personal growth, creativity, and quiet
on page 52)
Leadership Conference Challenge:
Are sororities
just for
Isn't being in a sorority something fun to do just in college?
Isn't it something we outgrow more and more as the years go by?
Isn't being in a sorority just kid's stuff?
These were some of the challeng- ing questions asked AOIIs during the Rose Banquet speech at last summer's Leadership Conferences.
The answer to these questions was "It depends."
It depends on each member's commitment and her contributions, and it also depends on the Fraterni- ty's accessibility, programming, phi- losophy and outreach.
In keeping with tradition, this year's Rose Banquet speech provided an opportunity to take stock, tie things
together, honor the past, and look forward to the future.
Each Leadership Conference was attended by an Executive Board member who gave the Rose Banquet speech. Nancy Bowers, Director, spoke at Regions I and II, Mary Wil- liams, Director, at Region III, Peg Crawford, International President, at Regions IV and IX, Barbara Hunt, Vice President/Operations, at Regions V and V I , Anne Allison, Vice President/Development, at Region VII, Robin Beltramini,Vice President/Finance, at Region VIII, and Liz Coffey, Director, at Region X.
Stressing that A0I1 is for always, this year's Rose Banquet speech focused on what this concept really
Julie Robbins Burns, Alumnae Service Award Winner, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.) receives a hug from Rosemary Kappes Schwierjohn, Iota (U. of Illinois), as Liz Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evans- ville), looks on at the Region X Leadership Conference.
means in practice.
"When you get right down to it,
beautiful philosophy and fun Fra- ternity songs are nice, but they are not what keeps members involved," each Executive Board representative said.
What does keep members involved, she explained, is "The Goosebump Experience." "The Goosebump Experience," she said, "is what happens when people feel appre- ciated, and when they feel that their contributions are valuable, and when they feel that their time is well spent."
And the challenge to the leaders of the Fraternity is to find ways to encourage the continued involvement of members.
For some members, "goosebumps" come from knowing that AOII is known as one of the most energetic, professional and progressive frater- nities. For others, the feeling comes from gaining steadfast friends who stick with them through joys and disappointments, through raising teen- agers and changing hair colors. And for others, it comes from the count- less networking, leadership training, and the many practical rewards that AOII provides.
Each Executive Board representa- tive pointed out that during the ban- quet, each Leadership Conference seems to be a success. But, she emphasized that the real test was yet to come. Because the real test is whether those present are able to
Region VI Leadership Conference participants celebrate with a Mardi Gras theme. Fall 1988
(Continued from page 7)
generate the same enthusiasm and commitment in their chapters.
Recalling the history of AOII, the Executive Board member talked of how the Founders had no idea that the organization would grow, but that it had grown and will continue to grow because of its philosophy and its people.
The AOII philosophy, she said, is rooted in integrity, democracy, sis- terhood and balance.
"We believe that the fraternal ex- perience should be rewarding, stimu- lating, challenging, enduring, and perhaps most important, it should be fun," she told the audience.
AOII people, she said, are kind, considerate, caring, generous, honest dynamic, and down-to-earth.
"In short, AOII people are those who live the AOII philosophy."
In keeping with the idea of show- ing appreciation for members and helping retain their interest, all ten regions presented awards to the chap- ters and individuals who had made special contributions during the past year. Though too numerous to include here, the major awards from each region are listed below. Since each region determines its own awards, the titles and the number of awards from each one may vary.
Region I :Collegiate Leadership - Kimberly Rodd, Theta Pi, Wagner College; Alumnae Service - Ruth Abrahamson McVey, Kappa Phi, McGill U.
Region I I : Collegiate Leadership -Laura Carpenter, Pi Delta, U . of Maryland; Alumnae Service - Nancy Graham Leuschner, Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U., Greater Har- risburg Alumnae Chapter; Most Improved Collegiate Chapter - Sigma Tau, Washington College; Most Im- proved Alumnae Chapter - Philadel- phia, PA.
Region III: Outstanding Collegiate Leadership, (co-recipients) - Cindy Nelson, Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U., and Sally Middleton, Lambda Sigma, U . of Georgia; Alumnae Ser- vice-SueMattern,ChiDelta,U.of Colorado, Triangle, NC Alumnae Chapter; Most Improved Collegiate Chapter - Zeta Psi, East Carolina U.
Sometimes the best place to work is outdoors as this group at the Region II Leadership Conference discovered.
Region IV : Collegiate
-Laura Koppert, Theta
Toledo; Alumnae Service - Judy Melvin Thornburg, Theta, DePauw U., Muncie, I N Alumnae Chapter; Most Improved Collegiate Chapter - Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan; Most Improved Alumnae Chapter - Day- ton, OH.
Region V : Collegiate Leadership -Sheila Cahill, Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College; Alumnae Service- Karen Fiddelke Towell, Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U., Bowling Green KY Alumnae Chap- ter; Most Improved Collegiate Chap- ter-KappaOmega,U.ofKentucky; Most Improved Alumnae Chapter - Bowling Green, KY .
Region VI: Collegiate Leadership -Tammy Woeste, Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama; Outstanding Col- legiate Chapter - Delta Delta, Auburn U.; Outstanding Alumnae Chapter -Greater Pinellas, FL.
Region VII: Collegiate Leadership - Susan Potter, Zeta, U . of Nebraska; Alumnae Service - Lois Blair Gold- ing, Zeta, U . of Nebraska, Minneapo- lis, MNAlumnae Chapter; MostIm- proved Collegiate Chapter - Tau, U. of Minnesota; Most Improved Alumnae Chapter - Omaha, NE.
Region VIII: Collegiate Leadership- Alyce Heeb, Sigma Omicron, Arkan- sas State U.; Alumnae Service - Carol
Miller Stevenson, Omega, Miami U . of Ohio, Dallas Alumnae Chapter; Outstanding Collegiate Chapter - Delta Pi, Central Missouri State U.; Outstanding Alumnae Chapter - Northwest Arkansas.
Region IX: Most Outstanding Col- legiate Member - Zoeann Olson, Upsilon, U. of Washington; Alum- nae Service - Michelle Barrea Graunke, Upsilon, U. of W ashington, Seattle Alumnae Chapter; Most Improved Collegiate Chapter - Alpha Sigma, U. of Oregon; Outstanding Alumnae Chapter -Seattle,WA.
Leadership Psi, U . of
on page 9)
To Dragma
Anne Witt Allison, Omicron (U. of Tennes- see), and Christina Geiger, Zeta (U. of Nebraska), pose at the Region VII Leader- ship Conference.
!1i Joan Drake, Gamma (U. of Maine, Orono) left, and Nancy Perry Bowers, Nu Omicron
(Vanderbilt U.) at a Region I Leadership Conference working session.
Region V pledge educators discuss the new "Rose Ever Blooming Pledge Program with Missy Taylor, P i Alpha's Pledge Adviser, at Leadership Conference.
Region IV AOIls go on a "Sorority Hunt" with Peg Crawford, International President.
Tamee Dark Smith, Lambda T au (North- east Louisiana U.) finishes up paperwork in the wee hours of the morning at the Region VIII Leadership Conference.
Mary Gentry, Leadership Conference Chairman for Region III at conference.
Fall 1988
Leadership Conference Report...
Region X: Collegiate Leadership -Janice Morris, Sigma Phi, Califor- nia State - Northridge; Alumnae Ser- vice -Julie Robbins Burns, Kappa Kappa, Ball State U., Northern Orange County Alumnae Chapter; Most Im- proved Collegiate Chapter - Sigma, U. of California - Berkley; Alumnae Chapter Improvement Award - South Bay / Palos Verdes Chapter.
See related story about new regional officers on page 15.
Artist's drawing of new Headquarters building.
"Home is where the heart is."
The heart of Alpha Omicron Pi has been its commitment to excel- lence, and this "heart" will have a new home at the Fraternity's new International Headquarters now being constructed in Brentwood, Tennessee.
A special feature of the new build- ing is the Conference/Training Cen- ter, which will provide facilities to conduct training programs for the professional and personal develop- ment of AOII leaders and members. The training center will be located on the second floor of the two story, 12,300 square foot structure.
The first floor will house the ad- ministrative offices of the Fraternity and the Foundation, as well as the historical archives.
Peg Crawford, International Pres- ident, sees the new building as tangi- ble evidence that AOII is meeting its goal of maintaining a Fraternity which is well managed, progressive and competitive.
The new headquarters could be considered a dream come true, because the facility is truly comprehensive, with expanded and improved office space for the professional staff, im- pressive display space for the archives, needed storage facilities for the Emporium, and a conference/train- ing center. The building is designed so that all these activities will com- plement, but not interfere with each other.
To show you how this has been accomplished, let's tour the building with the help of a little imagination
and the illustrations accompanying this article:
As you walk through the main entrance, French doors open into the archives area designed to hold our priceless artifacts and memorabilia. To the right and left are offices for the Fraternity's and the Foundation's staff.
The second floor contains execu- tive offices and the conference/train- ing center, and it can be entered from the first floor or from a separate entrance to the upper level. The facil- ities include:
— two large rooms that will eas- ily facilitate training sessions for Re- gional leaders, Chapter Advisers and Chapter Consultants, meetings of the Executive and Foundation Boards and other Fraternity and Foundation activities;
To Dragma
in .an
New Homefor The Fraternity
11 in11
i Li u I : r l i r n !
lii-,i--ninn Sealing Area
—built i n audio-visual capabilities;
—open spaces that lend themselves to informal meetings
and breaks from training sessions;
—a full sized kitchen;
—office space for the Executive Director and her
—nine bedrooms with a conversation/living area which
will offer overnight accommodations for leaders and members participating in meetings and training sessions.
The building is set into a hillside on a LI acre lot in a new office park. From the windows, there are views of
iintaRc • Enpodnn
Fall 1988
grassy lawns and the lovely Harpeth hills of Middle Tennessee. There is easy access to interstate highways, the airport and downtown Nashville.
According to Peg Crawford, AOn is able to take this important step of moving to its own new building because the whole organization has grown larger and stronger over the last decade. An important interim step was the excellent investment in the Fraternity's current head- quarters building, which was purchased in 1981.
However, the idea of a permanent headquarters can be traced back to the 1925 Convention in Minneapolis, when the concept of having a central office was first discussed.
(Continued on page 50)
.incsl Kiuilll *
Corporation Meeting Delta Sigma
Thursday, Oct. 20, 1988 7:30 p.m.
Delta Sigma Chapter House 420 South 5th St.
San Jose, CA95112
For more information, contact:
Karen Youngman Ryan 5978 Thorntree Dr. San Jose, CA 95120
Corporation Meeting Lambda Sigma
Sunday, Oct. 30, 1988 2:00 p.m. Lambda Sigma Chapter House
1190 South Milledge Ave.
Athens, GA 30609
For more information, contact:
Mrs. Christy Chambers 185 Spaulding Circle Athens, GA 30605
To Dragma
Corporation Meeting Kappa Kappa
Founders' Day for Southern Cali- fornia Council is on Saturday, February 4, 1989 at 11:00 a.m. The luncheon will be at The Centre at Sycamore Plaza, 5000 Clark Ave- nue, Lakewood, California. Plan on an inspirational speaker. For more information contact Pat Dumalski at (213) 633-8938 or Caroline Craig at (714) 895-3027.
Sunday, Nov. 6, 1988 2:00 p.m.
Kappa Kappa Chapter Suite Ball State University Muncie, Indiana 47306
For more information, contact:
Barb Ottinger
509 S. Rambler Rd. Muncie, Indiana 47304
Corporation Meeting Omicron P i
Sunday, October 16, 1988 1:00 p.m. Omicron Pi Chapter House University of Michigan 800 Oxford
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
For more information, contact:
Cindy Kendall
3012 Trappers Cove Trail Apt. 2A Lansing, MI 48910
Corporation Meeting Upsilon
Fri., Oct. 21, 1988 8.00 p.m. Upsilon Chapter House 1905 NE 45th Seattle, WA 98105
For more information, contact:
Audrey Humason 14548 Edgewater Ln. NE Seattle, WA 98155 (206) 363-0151
Hostessing a luncheon is a great way to support Alpha OmicronPi Foundation's ENDOWMENT FUND. Luncheons provide a set- ting where AOIIs gather in fellow- ship to learn about the goals of the Endowment Fund and make a com- mitment to lead our fraternity into the future. With just a few women, a minimum of time and effort and lots of enthusiasm, you can raise thousands of dollars for the Endow- ment Fund.
Foundation Coordinators at Inter- national Headquarters provide ex- tensive staff support in planning the luncheon. They:
• provide you with the initial guest list
• process all mailings
• write and mail all thank you letters • pay for the catering
• provide you with a guest speaker
• solicit funds
As a luncheon Hostess or Volun- teer, you:
• refine the guest list
• select the luncheon location and
• telephone the guests
• watch AOII grow because of the
money you raised • have fun!
You can make a difference and influence the direction AOII takes into the future. Support the Endow- ment Fund during the Decade of Endowment.
T o learn more about hostessing a luncheon, please send the attached form to:
Foundation Coordinators AOII International Headquarters 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, T N 37215
T elephone Alumnae Chapter
Fall 1988
_ —
State Zip
Notable: Nancy
Gilbert, Volunteer
Since her initiation into Epsilon Alpha at Penn State U., in 1959, Nancy Louise Baier Gilbert has led an active life as a busy community volunteer for Girl Scouts, American Red Cross, and the local Junior League and Penn State Alumni Club.
In the meantime, she also managed to acquire a Masters of Education Degree from the University of New Hampshire in 1972 and to hold two college positions working with young people. Nancy has not neglected her fraternity, either, having served as the Epsilon Alpha Corporation Board Secretary (1979-88) and as Regional Director for Region I (1985-87). She is currently the Regional Public Rela- tions Officer for Region II.
Nancy is also an artist and recently had a one woman show at her local library which featured selected works from the past 30 years. She sold 35 paintings and calligraphy pieces.
Is there any wonder that Nancy is an AOII Notable?
For the past three years, Nancy and her husband have been the hosts for the Sunset Girl Scout Day Camp. Campers use the Gilberts' farm pond
Nancy Baier Gilbert
for boating, canoeing and sailing. Thereisanenclosedswimmingpool for swimming lessons and recreational swimming, a meadow for tenting, and woods for hiking. If it rains, the barn is available for crafts and other rainy day projects.
One of the swimming instructors at the day camp is Nancy herself. She is a certified Red Cross Senior Life Saver and Water Safety Instructor. Another Red Cross activity has been nine years of having a host swim- ming pool for the annual "Swim Across" fund raising project. Local teenagers solicit funds for each lap they swim. Nancy won third place in the private pool division one year for raising the most money for swim- ming a mile. She also participates in the annual Red Cross Homes Tour, serving as wine and cheese chairman.
The best part of her volunteer work, Nancy says, is "having the freedom to pick and choose the var- ious community volunteer jobs that I would like to participate in at differ- ent times of the year."
One job that she particularly enjoy- ed was researching, writing, and pub-
lishing a book called The West
Street Story for the Junior League of Williamsport. The book is a histori- cal account of 43 millionaires who lived along this street, beginning in the 1860's and continuing to the present. More than 2,000 copies have been sold and a third printing is imminent.
The book was Nancy's biggest pro- ject during her ten years of active membership in the Junior League. She has worked with the Salvation Army for 15 years, and has won sev- eral honorable mentions and one first place for participating in its "Dressing-A-Doll for the Needy" Christmas project. In April, Nancy won the Honor Pin from the Hem- lock Girl Scout Council for serving as the county 75th Birthday Anni- versary Chairman. She is currently serving on the Council's Board of Directors.
Nancy hasn't always been "just" a volunteer, however. She worked as a Recreational Specialist and Instructor of Physical Education at the Univer- sity of New Hampshire and in the
(Continued on page 62)
To Dragma
and Mary Jean Polaski, Delta Chi(U. of Delaware), who spoke of developing strong teams in their regions and recruiting personnel for long term service. Both Rosemary, RVP of Region X, and Mary Jean, RVP of Region II, are homemakers. Rosemary has two daughters; Mary Jean has three children, two boys and a girl.
Regional Vice Presidents gather at the Headquarters construction site, from left, Elaine James Kennedy, Barb Daugs Hunt, Executive Board Member, Jean Dundas Zimmerman, Nancy Herlihy Jakobs, Barbara Bierer Long, Mary Jean Walnock Polaski, Barbara Owens Kramer, Ann McClanahan Gilchrist, Rosemary Kappes Schwierjohn, and Lis Lester Donaldson. Linda Peters Collier was not present.
New Regional Officers:
AOII Involvement = More Self Confidence
Region III, is a patent paralegal with two children, 21 and 19. Her goal is to see all the chapters in her region grow and become stronger.
Strengthening new chapters is the main goal of Barbara Kramer, Beta Phi (Indiana U.), RVP of Region VIII. Barbara is an executive at CM Alliance and has three grown sons.
Lis Donaldson, Tau Delta (Bir- mingham Southern College), RVP of Region VI,wants to see a stronger commitment to developing alumnae chapters, while Elaine Kennedy, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky U.), RVP of Region V, hopes to encourage renewed intrerest in ritual. Both women are homemakers.
Lis has two children, a son and a daughter. Elaine has one son.
Perhaps Jean Zimmermann, Lambda Beta (California State U . at Long Beach), who calls herself a "professional volunteer," summarized the goals of all the vice presidents, when she said that she wants " . . . each of my chapters to be the best that they can be."
Jean has one son. In addition to her work for AOII, she is a volunteer computer teacher at two schools. Jean is RVP of Region VII.
Nancy Jakobs, Upsilon Alpha (U. of Arizona), hopes to develop a pres- ence of AOn in Region I,where she is the new RVP. Nancy and her husband are in business together in a con- sulting corporation. Nancy has another goal, also, which is "to have fun in RegionI."
Regional Finance Officers Almost all of the Regional Finance Officers spoke of improving rapport
with the collegians in their regions. Joanne Earls, Zeta Psi (East Caro- lina U.),RFO of Region III,says she hopes that her chapters will realize that she is a "real approachable per- son." Shelly Stoner, Zeta (U. of Ne- braska,) RFO of Region VII, echoes
(Continued on page 53)
Acquiring leadership skills, in- creasing self confidence, and de- veloping lasting friendships.
These are some of the ways that their involvement with Alpha Omi- cron Pi has enhanced the lives of the new regional officers.
Recently, the newly elected officers from each region talked about the different ways that AOII has affected them.
"You never stop learning in AOII," says Trisha Nelson, Upsilon Alpha (U. of Arizona). Trisha is the new Public Relations Officer for Region IV.
Ann Gilchrist, Theta (DePauw U.), Vice President of Region IV, says that her parenting skills benefitted.
"Working with collegians helped me in raising my own kids," she explains.
Ann is the Chatper Services Director for Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity. Her four children range in age from 21 to 28.
Several of the new officers talked about striking a balance between AOII, work, and their family.
The newly elected officers of the ten regions say that both their edu- cation and their involvement with Alpha Omicron Pi have continued since they left college. Patty Compton, Phi (U. of Kansas), is a fairly recent graduate who is the new Rush Officer for Region VIII.
"It's neat to be involved right after college instead of taking a break for a few years," she says.
She hopes that other recent grad- uates will follow her example.
All of the officers spoke of goals that they hoped to accomplish during their terms, many of which were sim- ilar. The Regional Vice Presidents, for example, hope to strengthen their regions as a whole.
Barbara Long, Alpha Rho (Oregon State IL), Region IX Vice President, says she wants to "continue to develop the sense of teamwork and participa- tion toward excellence."
Barbara, a teacher, is married and has two children.
This same theme of teamwork was echoed in comments from Rosemary Schwierjohn, Iota (U. of Illinois),
Fall 1988
Linda Collier, Chi Omicron (Cen- tral State U., Edmond, OK), RVP of
Vicki Sherick
Vicki Claire Sherick, Alpha Phi, Montana State U.,received the 1988 Perry Award, which is given annu- ally to Alpha Omicron Pi's most out- standing collegiate chapter president.
"How do you describe perfection? Vicki is a bright, capable woman," was how one Chapter Adviser des- cribed Vicki.
During her term of office, Alpha Phi received a Rush Excellence Award, Certificate of Achievement, and a nomination for the DSA Award. Vicki herself was named Girl of AOIl for fall quarter. Her most recent accom- plishment was being named to serve as a Chapter Consultant for the 1988- 89 school year.
Last fall when four members and pledges were badly hurt when they were struck by a car, Vicki led the chapter through the emergency situa- tion. In the weeks that followed, she and other chapter members were prais- ed for their conduct and thoughtful- ness.
Vicki is also a scholar, having maintained an overall GPA Of 3.56. She was a member of Mortar Board, and won a Mortar Board award for the top member who is also a sorority member. She received Alpha Phi's Ruby A Badge for outstanding grades three separate quarters.
Some of Vicki's goals during her term as president were to improve relationships among chapter mem- bers, improve officer and committee performance, and update house poli- cies and chapter bylaws.
To improve relationships among sisters, Vicki implemented a number of ideas. One of these was a study board which listed the names of girls who could help or who needed help in each subject. She also used an idea from convention called "Sisterhood
T o Dragma
Vicki Sherick
Night," which was a monthly special activity for all chapter members. When things in the kitchen began to get somewhat disorderly, Vicki arranged tohaveitshutdownforaweek.Girls soon learned responsibility and respect for each other, as well as for the cook and housemother.
Another goal, to improve officer and committee performance, was met by the use of good organization. Vicki devised an announcement board, which saved meeting time by serving as a place for each officer to post infor- mation. Vicki used the first meeting of each month to set the calendar, planning all required events. She gave a traveling Panda award to the officer who had best performed her duties each week.
Her goal of updating house policies and chapter bylaws was accomplish- ed on a family trip to a basketball
game. Vicki asked her newly pledged sister to read the old rules to her. Then Vicki wrote down the new ideas she had. Her reason for doing the revisions at this particular time was because the chapter computer was going to be available the next day forherownuse,andshedidnotwant to waste that slot of time. Vicki is known as a master of time manage- ment.
She is also known for her kindness. One example was to arrange to serve as big sister and roommate to a new initiate during her first quarter in the chapter house. Vicki made this ar- rangement because the new initiate's bigsisterhadtobeawayforthequar- ter. This was during a time when Vicki qualified for a room of her own or her first choice of roommate.
(Continued on page 32)
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity founded at Barnard College January 2, 1897
Keep This Directory. The Directory is printed only once a year.
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
Edith Huntington Anderson (B*) 1933-1937 Dorothy Bruniga Dean (P) 1943-1946
Mary Louise Filer Roller (An) 1955-1957 Nancy Moyer McCain (P) 1957-1959
Wilma Smith Leland (T) 1959-1961
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer ($) 1961-1963 Ruth Lee Leichtamer (0<P) 1963-1965
Jessie McAdam Larned (T) 1965-1967 Carolyn Huey Harris (AS) 1967-1969 Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (IA) 1971-1973 Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (0) 1975-1976 Norma Marshall Ackel (K0)1976-1979
Joan Deathe MacCallum (K*) 1979-1981 Ginger Banks (IIK) 1981-1985
Alpha Omicron Pi 3821 Cleghorn Avenue Nashville, T N 37215 615/383-1174
Executive Director: Sue Lewis, CAE, TA Associate Director: Becky Pena, KII Office Manager: Sandra Click, NO Controller: Ann Reynolds, NO
Chapter Services Coordinator: Julie Martin, AA Public Relations Coordinator: Melanie Doyle, AX Editorial Services Coordinator: Beth Durland Membership/ Alumnae Coordinator: Mary Ann
Caldwell, TA
Bookkeeper: Jackie Lynch Bookkeeping Clerk: Kellie Holland Receptionist/Secretary: Jill Wagner Data Processing: Linda Johnson, NO Printing/Shipping: Frank Yancey Endowment Fund: Linda Fuson, 0
Mary Ann Jenkins, KA
Chapter Consultants: Grace Avant, rX Eden Edwards, Z
Tracy Houchins, AX Melissa Nollen, TA Debbie Pretto, X * Stacy Sanders, All Vicki Sherick, A $ Betsey Smith, B*
Peg Crawford (Richard C.) I
9113 S. Massasoit Avenue Oak Lawn, IL 60453 312/422-5244
Vice President/Operations Barb Hunt (Cecil) *A
930 17th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024 414/377-7766
Vice President/Development
Anne Allison (Robert) 0 1501 Northwind Road Louisville, KY 40207 502/896-1105
Vice President/Finance Robin Beltramini (Richard) I
5924 S. Stanley Place Tempe, AZ 85283 602/838-7475
Liz Coffey (William) XA 7754 N . Whittier Place Indianapolis, I N 46250 317/849-3030
Nancy Bowers (Robert) NO 728 Summerly Drive Nashville, T N 37209 615/352-8174
Pat Hardy (James) TX
176 Mountain Brook Court Marietta, GA 30064 404/428-2511
Mary Williams (Robert) * 44 Sunset Road Bloomington, I L 61701 309/829-3656
Philanthropic Foundation Director NPC Alternate Delegate
Budget Committee
Regional Operations
Regional Personnel Training
Mid-Year Meetings
RD Rally
NPC Delegate 1st Alternate
Liaison with: International Leadership Conferences
Chairmen and L.C. Seminars
Regional Public Relations Officers and Extension Team Associates Program
Loan Committee Chairman
Budget Committee Chairman
Foundation Director
Regional Finance Officers
Liaison with: International Corporations Supervisor
Management Account Headquarters Fund
DIRECTOR: Liz Coffey
Alumnae Department
A0IT Foundation Director
Liaison with: Alumnae Membership Chairman
Alumnae Programming Chairman Collegiate Programming Chairman Membership Education Committee International Scholarship Chairman Diamond Jubilee Foundation
DIRECTOR: Nancy Bowers
Colony Supervisor
Collegiate Department, (new chapters installed
after 7/1/84) Installation Supervisor Loan Committee
International Convention
Special Projects
Liaison with: International Convention Chairman
International Historian
Heritage Society
Centennial Celebration Committee
DIRECTOR: Mary Williams
Collegiate Department, (established chapters installed prior to 7/1/84)
Chapter Consultant Program Collegiate Chapter Operations Manual Member of the Loan Committee Liaison with: Perry Award Committee
International Rush Chairman
Fall 1988
Liaison with:
NPC Delegates
Constitution Interpretation and
Revision Committee
Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry
Fraternity Development Committee Nominations Committee
Membership: Julie Robbins Burns (Bruce), KK
1947 E. Fairview Dr. #4 Orange, CA 92666 714/538-4748
Programming: Judy Hornik Bourassa (Clifford), @II 5815 E. Spring Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ85254
Chairman: Linda Martin McLaughlin (George), A 0
2958 E. Great Smokey Court
Westlake Village, CA 91362
Chairman: Elise Moss (Ron Simmons), TA
7808 Cadillac Drive Hunlsville, A L 35802 205/880-1275
Chairman: Mary Jane Thomas Ogle (Lynn Edward), All
7309 N. Euclid Gladstone, MO 64118 816/436-0643
Chairman: Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Stephen), X
1530 86th Avenue N.
St. Petersburg, F L 33702 813/577-0861
CORPORATIONS SUPERVISOR Nancy Schlosser Dunn (Charles), AS
11 Raymond Court San Carlos, CA 94070 415/368-2418
FRATERNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Contact: Peg Crawford. International President
(see Executive Board listing)
Edith Huntington Anderson, B3> 1400 Willow Ave.,Apt. 502 Louisville, KY 40204 502/458-6776
LEADERSHIP CONFERENCES Sandra Glooshenko Jaeger, S
1817 Capistrano Avenue Berkeley, CA 94707 415/526-6667
MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE Chairman: Anne Buechlein Wilmes (Art), XA
4404 Caledonia Way Indianapolis, I N 46254 317/291-7255
Chairman: Fadwa (Fudge) Haney Skaff,
2674 Drummond Road Toledo, O H 43606 419/535-7092
Gloria Cunningham Rowland (Jim), IIK Route 1,Box 73
Roby, T X 79543
Chairman: Joan Deathe MacCallum (John), K *
150 Cloverdale Ave., #206
Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9S 3H9 514/631-4092
Charlene Hametz Meyer (Lloyd), Z 3453 Nantucket Drive
Marietta, G A 30068
Ellen Hoffman Buckley, SI
I203-B N.6th Street Terrace Blue Springs, M O 64015 816/228-1805
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed to the Delegate)
AOn DELEGATES Delegate: Ginger Banks, IIK
Scholarship Chairman: Rosalie Gorham Barber (Michie), SO
1713 MacArthur Park
Jonesboro, A R 72401
Fund Raising: Karen Thomas Tucker (James), AA 500 E. 77th Street. Apt. #1815
New York, NY 10162
Nancy Anderson Clark (Jack, Jr.), P
1207 W. Haven Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60005 312/392-1936
Ingrid Latimer Schulz (Carl, Jr.), BA 1700 Lake Avenue
Wilmette, I L 60091
Chairman: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert),1A
3 Meadow Lane, Apt. 3 Bridgewater, M A 02324 617/697-7855
Chairman: Candy Pierson-Charlton (David), AP
3840 W ashington St. Lincoln, N E 68506 402/488-1897
To Dragma
3108 W est T errace
Austin. TX 78731 512/454-8572 (H) 463-1522 (O)
1st Alternate: Barb Hunt
(see Executive Board listing)
2nd Alternate: June Bogle (Boyd. Ill), NO 6037 Sherwood Drive
Nashville, T N 37215
3rd Alternate: Peg Crawford (see Executive Board listing)
President: Kay Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen), 0
2239 Rome Drive Indianapolis, I N 46208 317/293-0894
Vice President: Ginger Banks, nK 3108 W est T errace Drive Austin, T X 78731
Secretary: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert), IA 3 Meadow Lane, Apt. 3
Bridgewater, M A 02324
Ruby Fund: Marianne Davies Carton (W.A.), T 1262 Upas Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Directors: Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie (James), EA 412 Princess Street
Alexandria, V A 22314
Peg Kramer Crawford (Richard), I (see Executive Board listing)
Elizabeth Romine Coffey (William), XA (see Executive Board listing)
Robin Lee Beltramini (Richard), I (see Executive Board listing)
Jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh), nK H200Pinehurst Drive
Austin, T X 78747
DIAMOND JUBILEE FOUNDATION President: Helene (Lynne) Irish Johnston (Carl), E
1600 Royal Boulevard Glendale, CA 91207 818/242-2662
1st Vice President: Sue Wayenburg Hinz, (Michael), Ar NW 1445 Kenny
Pullman, W A 99163
Secretary: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert), IA 3 Meadow Lane, Apt. 3
Bridgewater, M A 02324
Treasurer: Dotti House Winn (Harry, Jr.), T 41 Scribner Court
Princeton, N J 08540
Regional Vice President: Nancy Herlihy Jakobs, TA, 79 Burda Avenue, New City, NY 10956, 914/638-9432 (H) 359-4200 (O)
Public Relations Officer:Kirsten Eastwood, BT,529 Logan Ave.,Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4K 3B3, 416/465-0866 (H) 597-8494 (O) Finance Officer: Nancy Cochrane, 011, 327 Maitland Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666, 201/837-6519 (H) 212/298-7303 (O)
Rush Officer:Kay Kettering Welch (Thomas), 011, 24-E Franklin Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306, 718/979-6789
Collegiate Chapter
Albany Colony
State University of New York at Albany
Beta Tau
University of Toronto
Syracuse University
Tufts University
University of Maine-Orono
Iota Chi University of Western Ontario Kappa Phi Colony McGill College
Nu Delta Canisius College
Sigma Chi Hartwick College
Theta Pi Wagner College
Chapter President
Hilary Clark, 24 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2S1, 416/922-3646
Karen Louise Poppenberg, 210 W alnut Place. Syracuse, N Y 13210, 315/478-4355
Christine Brodeur, 89 Winthrop St., Med- ford. M A 02155, 617/391-2777
Elizabeth Nagelin, Univ. of Maine-Orono, AOn Penobscot Hall, Orono, M E 04469, 207/827-8662
Patricia Srebrnic, 871 Waterloo St., London, Ontario, Canada N6A 3W7, 519/434-5075
Lynn Mark, 3587 University St., #4, Montreal. Quebec, Canada H3A 2BI, 514/ 284-5535
Jody Stoelzel, Canisius College, Student Activities Bldg., 2001 Main St., Buffalo, N Y 14208-1098, 716/883-7000 Ext. 898
Kris Green, 17 Maple St., Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-4271
Victoria Sabbagh, Wagner College, Harbor- view Hall #803,631 Howard Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301, 718/390-3472
Alumnae Chapter
Greater Portland Long Island Montreal
New Jersey
New York/NewJersey Metro Area
South Jersey
Southern Connecticut Syracuse
Chapter Adviser
Lisa Pacenza, XX, 44 Willett Street,Albany, NY 12210, 518/449-1262
Joanne Onodera, BT, 52 Nymark Ave., Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2J 2G9, 416/493-2768 ( H ) 947-5895 ( O )
Harriet O'Leary, 0H, 309 Waring Rd., Syracuse, N Y 13224, 315/446-5648
Debra Verrill, F, 81 Forest St., Medford, M A 02155, 617/396-3392 (H) 658-8313 (O)
Madeline Rexer Schroder (John). 011, 9 Heather Rd., Bangor, M E 04401, 207/947- 4384
Michelle Chui, IX, 1-297 Hyman St., Lon- don, Ontario, Canada N6B 2G6, 519/434- 9354
Lori Jigursky Giannetti (Gary), K*, 98 Fieldsend Ave., Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada H9W 5J1, 514/694-2078 (H) 262- 0670(O)
Regional Director
Joan Drake, T, #14 Prescott, Arlington, M A 02174. 617/646-6135 (H) 434-7280 (O)
Jill Moll, K*, 1745 Cedar Ave., Apt. 301, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 1M1
Judy McOstrich, BT, 66 Broadway Ave., #112, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P IT6, 416/867-9148 (O) 487-9326 (H)
Jill Moll
Sharron Henriques Starling (Steve), A4>, 66 Juniper Ledge, Yarmouth, ME 04096, 207/ 846-0635 (H) 892-6766 Ext, 742 (O)
Judy McOstrich
Sharron Starling
Fall 1988
Gretchen Beling Zollendeck (Theodore), <t>A, Joan Drake 3648 Eckhardt Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075,
Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred), £X, 82 Elm St., Oneonta, NY 13820, 607/432-6596 (H) 432-4512 (0)
Kay Kettering Welch (Thomas), 011, 24-E Franklin Lane, Staten Island, N Y 10306, 718/979-6789
Suzanne Mumma Aupperle (Michael), TA, 284 Bishop Street, Attleboro, M A 02703, 617/222-6144
Claudette Powers Simms (Donald), f , 169 Depot Road, Gray, M E 04039, 207/657-2301
Singhild Alice Larson, 011, One Blossom Way, Valley Stream, L o n g Island, N Y 11580, 516/825-4890
Joann Merritt Dery (Andre), r*4>, 9 W alworth Place, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada Y9G 2G3, 514/626-7815
Diane Hunter de Hosson (Bernard), 0, 7 Oak Hill Rd., Chatham Township, NJ 07928, 201/377-2488
Bridget Pfieffer Scanlon (Dennis), 011, 272 Lathrop Ave., Staten Island. N Y 10314, 718/981-8318
Mary Jane Refausse Jacobsen (Al), BT, 27 Burndale Rd., Gloucester, Ontario, Canada KIB 3Y4, 613/837- 3361
Denise Papon Anthony (Harold), AB, 10 Little Briggins Cr., Fairport, N Y 14450, 716/425-4515
Carol Braun McLoughlin (John), EA, 705 Pomona Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, 609/547-5030
Norma Johnstone Lewis (Robert), CI, Kreiner Lane, Norwalk, C T 06850, 203/846-1739
Marjorie Turrell Julian (Joseph), 2X, 104 Concord Place, Fayetteville, N Y 13066, 315/637-5460
Patricia Cook, BT, 33 Elmhurst Ave., #1401, Willow- dale, Ontario, Canada M9W 2S1
Judy McOstrich
Joan Drake
I-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Joan Drake—Long Island, New Jersey, New Y ork/New Jersey, South Jersey Judy McOstrich—Syracuse, Rochester
Jill Moll—Boston, Ottawa, Toronto
Sharron Starling—Greater Portland, Montreal, So. Connecticut
Regional Vice President: Mary Jean Walnock Polaski (Frederick), AX,32 Georgian Circle, Newark, DE 19711, 302/368-8235 Public Relations Officer:Nancy Baier Gilbert (James), EA, R.D. #2, Box 689, Jersey Shore, PA 17740, 717/745-7505
Finance Officer: Lisa Stullz, EA, 13104 Piscataway Drive, Fort W ashington, MD 20744, 301/292-3704 RushOfficer:KarenSemper,AT.1862LochShielRoad,Baltimore,MD21234,301/668-5458 (H)347-9880(O)
Collegiate Chapter
Beta Delta
Villanova University
Delta Chi
University of Delaware
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania State University
Gamma Beta
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Lambda Upsilon Lehigh University
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg Stale University
Chapter President
Jacqueline Gentile, Villanova University, 214 Dougherty Hall, Villanova, PA 19085, 215/525-9524
Lorraine Kendra, 155 S. Chapel Street, Newark, DE 19711, 302/737-2989
Katelyn Ritenbaugh, Epsilon Alpha Chap- ter of AOn, 15 Hiester Hall, University Park, PA 16802, 814/862-8082
Melanie Nestor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, P.O. Box 1749, Indiana, PA 15705, 412/349-3794
Tracy Rice, Box F-41, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, 215/758-2564
Corrine Smith, East Stroudsburg State Uni- versity, AOn, Phi Beta, Box 882, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, 215/252-2869
Chapter Adviser
Sara Jean Wagaman, ST, 522 C2 Regis Court, Andalusia, PA 19020, 215/245-5281 (H) 464-7100 (O)
Cathy Compton, 5 Courtney St., Newark, DE 19716, 302/731-6180 (H) 451-8423 (O)
Patricia Rine Antolosky (Paul), EA, 1260 Fairview Dr., Bellefonte, PA 16823, 814/ 355-2776
Cynthia Lexow-Ray, ClO, 708 Wall Ave- nue, Pitcairn, PA 15140
Sally Menke Snyder (Lee), EA, 2651 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18017, 215/867-6049
Peg Wells Zywicki (Joseph), $B, 1224 Saddle Drive, Nazareth, PA 18064,215/746-0122 (H) 868-6570 (O)
Regional Director
Catherine Connelly Wieand (Jeff), FB, 449 Summitt House, West Chester, PA 19382, 215/436-9738
Robbye Wilson Fox (Greg), IIA, 11126 Woodson Ave., Kensington, M D 20895, 301/933-6320
Melissa Courson, B*, Apt. 261 Murray Place, King of Prussia, P A 19406, 215/354-9883
Karen Weigel,TB, 131 Huntley Drive, Har- risburg, PA 17112, 717/657-9809 (H) 737- 4810(0)
Catherine Wieand Karen Weigel
Robbye Fox
Karen Weigel
Melissa Courson
Melissa Courson
Robbye Fox
Pi Delta
University of
Maryland 9338
Sigma Rho
Slippery Rock University
Sigma Tau Washington College
Tau Lambda Shippensburg University
Theta Beta Towson State University
Darla Wimer. 106 Kiester, College Garden Apts., 99, Slippery Rock, PA 16057, 412/ 794-4576
Beth Lund, W ashington College, Chester- town, M D 21620, 301/778-9884
Barb Horn, Shippensburg University, AOII Cumberland Union Bldg., Shippensburg, PA 17257, 717/532-1967'
Amy Bordewisch, Towson State University, P.O. Box 1955, Towson, M D 21204, 301/ 583-0811
Alumnae Chapter
Greater Allen town/ Bethlehem
Greater Harrisburg Philadelphia
State College Washington, D.C. Wilmington
Karen Weigel (Acting CA), TB, 131 Huntley Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17112,717/657-9809
Judie Berry, ST, 213 Philosopher's Terrace, Chestertown, M D 21620, 301/778-4438 (H) 778-2800 ext. 201 (O)
Margaret Halstead Coffman (Richard), X, 9765 Possum Hollow Rd., Shippensburg. PA 17257, 717/532-4237
Mel is Roche Erlbeck, IIA, 206 E. Northern Parkway, Baltimore, M D 21212, 301/433- 0142
Virginia Wertin Linder (Robert), On, 700 Milldam Road, Towson, M D 21204, 301/828-4911
Peggy Wells Zywicki (Joseph), 4>B, 1224 Saddle Drive, Nazareth, P A 18064, 215/746-0122
Margaret Mogush, TB, 124 W. Portland Ave., #45, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, 717/691-7346
Kimberly Carson McGowan (Dean), 4>B, 1659 Hem- lock Circle, Downingtown, PA 19335, 215/873-7325 (H) 688-1800 Ext. 277 (O)
Connie L. Anderson, TB, 622 S. Lang Avenue, Pitts- burgh, PA 15208, 412/243-1842
Nancy Mellinger Zendt (Charles), EA, R.D. 1, Box 491, Fort Matilda, PA 16870, 814/692-8346
Michael Ann Wells, IIA, 12024 Gatewater Drive, Potomac, M D 20854, 301/424-0118
Pam Taylor McEnany (Kevin), nA, 129Dantes Drive, Bella Vista, Hockessin, DE 19707, 302/239-9789
To Dragma
Laurie Carpenter, 4517 College Avenue, College Park, M D 20740, 301/927-9871
Linnette McClure Garber, All, 4600 W. Vir- ginia Ave., Bethesda, M D 20814, 301/986-
II-Regional Director for Alumnae Chapters
To BeAnnounced—Allentown/Bethlehem. Baltimore,Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, State College, Washington, D C, Wilmington
Regional Vice President: Linda Peters Collier (Charles), XO, 7840 Attleboro Drive, Springfield, V A 22153, 703/455-9743, 684-1111 Public Relations Officer: Dorothy Waters Williams (Ronald), AS, 6521 Rivoli Drive, Macon, GA 31210, 912/477-1742 (H) 744-2572 (O) Finance Officer: Joanne Williamson Earls (Gary), Z¥, Route 1, Box 80, Catlett, V A 22019, 703/788-9051
Rush Officer:Ruth Whitehead Shorter (Charles), 00, 10908 Savoy Road, Richmond,VA23235, 804/272-5213
Collegiate Chapter
Chapter President
Beverly Sims, Georgia Southern College,
Landrum Box 8981, Statesboro, GA 30460,
Chapter Adviser
Michelle Welch Barton (John), 0.8 Wimble- don Ct., Statesboro, 4:458, 912/489-8901
Jane Lee Wehland, XB, 138 Ivy Dr. #5, Charlottesville, V A 22901, 804/971-0390
Sue Reid Mattern (William), XA, 204 Lake Court, Chapel Hill, NC27516,919/942-4308
Jane Pate Vondy (Jeffrey),AA, 2846 Forest- dale Dr., Burlington, N C 27215, 919/584- 3074 (H) 228-9679 (O)
Lisa Disher, TA. 3224 Allness Lane, Hern- don, V A 22071, 703/437-7941
Lisa Reifenburger Freeman. T2, 4132 Whispering Forest Court, Lilbum, G A 30247, 404/979-7099
Denise Roberts Wilson (Mike), A X , 949 Malibu Drive, LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/ 883-7454
Dr. Pamela VanVoorhees, All, 205 Idylwood Dr., Athens, G A 30605, 404/543-1223
Dana Schacht Barefoot (Rick), Z¥, 931 Edinborough Dr., Colonial Heights, V A 23834, 804/526-7251 (H) 257-2475 (O)
Shari Justice (Ron), SA, 741 Johnson Ave., Morgantown, WV26505,304/292-5804 (H) 293-5642 (O)
Thea Scioscia, 4>B, 3717 Joppa Lane, Vir- ginia Beach, V A 23456, 804/471-2734 ( H ) 461-3232 Ext. 338 (O)
Patricia Briley Barnes (Glenn), Z¥, 403 WilliamsburgRd., W ashington, NC27889, 919/946-7532
Alpha Lambda
Georgia Southern
College 912/681-4121
Regional Director
Patricia Briley Barnes (Glenn), Z¥, 403 Williamsburg Rd.,Washington,NC27889, 919/946-7532
Alice Martin Virga (Michael), Z ¥ , 1268Tree- fern Dr., Virginia Beach, V A 23451, 804/491-8962 (H),804/440-3095 (O)
Patricia Barnes
Jan Johnson Slagowski (Eugene), K K . 4713 Berrywood Rd., Virginia Beach, V A 23464, 804/474-2575
Alice Virga
Mary Ann Vaughan Stark (Norman),AA, 1505 Northcliff Trace, Roswell, G A 30076, 404/998-6659
Mary Ann Stark
Mary Ann Stark Patricia Barnes
Jan Slagowski
Alice Virga
Jan Slagowski
EttaReeseTinkerSheffield(Donald),NO,305Wesley Circle, Macon, GA 31204, 912/746-3064
Natalie Thomas, KK, 2146 WhisperwoodGlen Lane, Reston, V A 22091, 703/860-9554
Debora Dellinger Harllee(Victor), Z¥, 2133 Beihabara Rd., Winston-Salem, NC 27106, 919/924-5621
Bronwyn McDaniels Noble (Donald C), PB, 2515 E. Broad #4, Richmond, V A 23223, 804/744-2651
Nancy Severyns Cline (Garry), AX, 101 MarburyCourt #1-C, Cary, NC 27513, 919/941-6200
Kathryn Hume Arn, 611, 936 Stockbridge Dr.. Vir- ginia Beach, V A 23464. 804/495-0096
Chi Beta
University of Virginia
Delta Upsilon Duke University
Epsilon Chi Elon College
Gamma Alpha George Mason University
Gamma Sigma Georgia State University
Lambda Chi LaGrange College
Lambda Sigma University of Georgia
Rho Beta
Virginia Commonwealth University
Sigma Alpha W. Virginia University
Sigma Beta Virginia Wesleyan
Zeta Psi
East Carolina University
Alumnae Chapter
Charleston Colony
Charlotte, NC
Charlottesville Area Colony
LaGrange Area Colony
Christi Wilkins, 51817th Street, NW, Char- lottesville, V A 22903, 804/979-3594
Christi Pederson, Duke University, Box 5225 Duke Station (UPS-House C, Room 209), Durham, NC 27706, 919/684-1066
Lisa A. Kula, Elon College, Campus Box 3844, Elon College, NC27244,919/538-3933
Anne Clark, George Mason University, Student Government, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, V A 22030, 703/323-6717
Susan Barber, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Box 540, Atlanta, GA 30303, 404/659-1743
Laura Culpepper, LaGrange College, 601 Broad St., Campus Box 506, LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/883-1522
Sally Middleton, 1190 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, G A 30609-2400, 404/548-3366
Kristine Cheng, VA Commonwealth Univ., Student Organizational Area. 907 Floyd Ave., Box 66, Richmond, V A 23220, 804/ 353-1073
Nicole Kelley, 299 Prospect St., Morgan- town. W V 26505. 304/291-1433
Karen Durham, Virginia Wesleyan, Box H-139, Wesleyan Dr., Norfolk, V A 23502, 804/455-9010
DeLynda Carter, 805 Johnston Street, Green- ville, N C 27858, 919/757-0769
ChristyDobbinChambers(Jon),IS,185SpaldingCr., Athens, GA 30605, 404/546-8207
Dixie Willingham Masters (Bert), AS, 299 Hunters Ridge, Marietta, GA 30067, 404/973-5893
Sue Jones Tetanich, 4>S, 18 Bayshore Blvd.. Goose Creek, SC 29445, 803/553-1851
Jan Roettinger Okamoto, KK, 143 Greenridge Rd., Lake Wylie, SC 29710, 803/831-2375
Jamey Stetller Dubbs (William), <!>B, 2609 Kimbrough Cr., Charlottesville. V A 22901, 804/295-7080
Frances Crayden Mitchell (Alvin), AX, Sivell Rd., LaGrange, GA 30240, 404/884-0165
Alumnae Chapter
Middle Georgia Colony
Northern Virginia Piedmont, NC Richmond,VA Triangle
Virginia Tidewater Area
Fall 1988
Ill-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Debora Harllee—Atlanta, Athens, Charlotte, NC, Charlottesville Area Colony, LaGrange Area Colony, Middle Georgia Area Colony, Northern Virginia, Piedmont Area, Richmond,Triangle, Virginia Tidewater.
Regional Vice President: Ann McClanahan Gilchrist (Keith), 0, 5613 Skyridge Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46250, 317/849-6142 (H) 924-4265 (O) Public Relations Officer:Trisha Nelson (Michael), TA, 1324 Bishop, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230. 313/881-6064
Finance Officer: Barbara Dunn Zipperian (Ken), KK,8802 Skippers Way, Indianapolis, IN 46256, 317/842-9045 (H) 266-6791 (O)
Rush Officer: Becky Admire, XA, 2067 Shelby Avenue, Evansville, IN 47714, 812/479-5530 (H) 812/465-4800 (O)
Collegiate Chapter Chapter President Chapter Adviser
BetaGammaColony Recolonization—October7,1988 MargieStephenson,Ar,3210MeechRoad,
Regional Director
Jo Nowak (Edward), Br, 17288 Tremlett,
Fraser, MI 48026, 313/791-3914
Renee Smith (Edward), *T, 3205 Hense! Drive, Carmel, I N 46032, 317/846-6246
Cindy Skaff, 0 * , 2674 Drummond Road,
Toledo. O H 43606, 419/535-7092
Joan Piper Shepherd (Donald), X?, 63
Crown Drive, Brownsburg, I N 46112, 317/ 852-2484
Renee Smith
Louann Watson, <t>T,206 Westview Circle, West Lafayette, IN 47906, 317/463-4692 (H). 447-3434 (O)
Cindy Skaff
To Be Announced
To Be Announced
Patricia Curran-Dengler (Fred). fi, 4018 Benjamin St., Cincinnati, O H 45245, 513/ 752-7404
Patricia Curran-Dengler Cindy Skaff
Joan Shepherd
Louann Watson
Sandee Burns, KII, 1185 Norwood Street. Kent, O H 44240. 216/673-9437 (H), 216/ 673-9511 (O)
Michigan Stale U . Beta Phi
Indiana University
Bowling Green State University Colony Chi Lambda University of Evansville
Kappa Alpha Indiana State University
Kappa Kappa
Ball State University
Kappa Pi
Ohio Northern University
Kappa Rho Western Michigan University
Lambda Eta Colony Grand Valley State University
Miami University of Ohio
Omega Upsilon Ohio University
Jill Ashcraft, 901 E. 10th Street, Blooming- ton, I N 47401, 812/332-7296
Colonization—October 21, 1988
Heidi K. Rogovich, P.O. Box 2684. Station D, Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838
Marsha Sullivan, Indiana State University, Lincoln Quad, Suite 127, Terre Haute, I N 47803, 812/237-6931
Paula Scott, Ball State University, P.O. Box 219, Student Center, Muncie, I N 47306,317/ 285-7953
Janelle Eddey, 116 W . Highland. Ada, O H 45810-1385, 419/772-1005
Paula Evans, 958 Grant Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49008. 616/388-9546
Kris Organ, Grand Valley State University, P.O. Box 193, Allendale, MI 49401, 616/ 895-4013
Chris Franko, Miami University, 180-C Richard Hall, Box 221, Oxford, O H 45056, 513/529-7389
Lori Rogers, 3-A Station Street, Athens, O H 45701, 614/592-4164
Williamston, MI 48895, 517/655-4169 Rheta Rumsyre Heine (David), B4>, 2704 Forrester, Bloomington, I N 47401, 813/ 334-1286
Cynthia Boomer, 0, P , 909 Ogden Avenue, Toledo, O H 43609, 419/385-4143
Toni Reitz, XA, 521 S. Runnymeade, Evans- ville, I N 47714, 812/477-0005
Jo Ann Bohn Gibbons (Paul), KA, 35 Garden- dale Rd., Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/877- 2279
Judith Melvin Thornburg (Larry), 0, 2804 W. Purdue Rd., Muncie, I N 47304,317/284- 3277 (H),285-7571 (O)
Elizabeth Roberts, KII, 815 S. Johnson St., Ada, O H 45810, 419/634-6910 ( H ) 772- 2055 (O)
Marilyn Gruhl Brownell (Peter), KP, 10173 Woodlawn, Kalamazoo, MI 49002, 616/ 327-2061 (H) 388-2037 (O)
Suzanne Conser Carpenter, Z, 1342 Fisk, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/245- 1835 (H) 241-7838 (O)
Charleen Donohoe Rohr (James), CI, 6500 Fairfield Rd., Oxford, O H 45056, 513/523- 1942(H) 317/962-8559 (0)
Karen Lazzaro Weaver, *T, 405 6lh St., Marietta. O H 45750,614/373-1736(H)614/ 373-8841 (O)
Omicron Pi
University of
Michigan 665-8043 Phi Upsilon
Purdue University
DePauw University
Theta Psi
University of Toledo
Alumnae Chapter Ann Arbor
Bloomington, I N Cincinnati Cleveland Area Columbus, O H Dayton
Detroit North Suburban
Evansville Tri-State Fort Wayne
Cristal Guinan, 225 S. Bloomington St., Greencastle, I N 46135, 317/653-2711
Christina Conklin, 2909 W . Central Avenue, Toledo, O H 43606, 419/531-7821
IV-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
KaraGathman,800Oxford,AnnArbor, MI 48104. 313/994-5572
Nancy Jach Aupperle (Eric), Oil, 3606 Chatham Way. Ann Arbor, MI 48105, 313/
Christine Potts, 1001 David Ross Road, West Lafayette, I N 47906. 317/463-9566
JaneAnnHamblin,*T, 1105W.750North, W est Lafayette, I N 47906,317/497-2540 ( H ) 494-1243 (O)
Audrey Thomas Pelham (Howard), 0,4740 E. 71st St., Indianapolis. I N 46220, 317/ 849-1853
Joyce Sargent Moorman (Gary), CI, 2942 Shoreland, Toledo, O H 43611, 419/729- 5785 (H) 259-7290 (O)
Lisa Aupperle, On, 3606 Chatham Way, Ann Arbor,
MI 48105, 313/665-8043
Linda Bruce Potter, B*, R.R. 1, Box 194, Solsberry, IN 47459, 812/876-6158
Kimberly Ann Olberding, CI, 11464 Village Brooke Court, Cincinnati, O H 45249, 513/530-5023 Kathleen Alexander Goebel (Brad), Kn, 5452 Kellogg Court, Willoughby, O H 44094, 216/943-0611
Char Brown Potter (Warren),BA, 1468 Briarmeadow Drive, W orthington, O H 43085, 614/888-0695
Sara Edwards Savells (Jerry), Aft, 2100 Granada, Dayton, O H 45431, 513/429-2838
Patricia Musson Gazdecki (Anthony), Bit, 26231 Morton Dr., Dearborn Heights, MI 48127, 313/278- 3490
Judith Ormsby Bradley(Robert),Br,2960Rambling Way, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013, 313/334-2134 Janet Walsh Baize (James), XA,7133 Russell Place, Chandler, IN 47610,812/925-3437 (H) 812/423-3265 (O) Carolyn Cox, B4>, 4824 Woodmark, Fort Wayne, IN 46815, 219/484-6834
Alumnae Chapter Grand Rapids
Indianapolis Kalamazoo Kokomo Lafayette Macomb County Muncie
North Central Ohio Colony
Terre Haute Toledo Youngstown
Kathleen Kauffman Snyder (David), K K , 2265 Onekama, SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, 616/455-7039 Diane Ressinger Bondus (Thom), 4>T, 12529 W indsor Dr., Carmel, I N 46032, 317/844-7696
Maxine Wolfe Swanson (Clifford), Oil. 6648 Trot- wood, Kalamazoo, MI 49002, 616/327-7255
Mary Connell Bennett (Craig), B4>,301 Laramie Lane, Kokomo, I N 46901, 317/452-6271
Barbara Garrett Krause (Joseph), 0,221 Connolly St., West Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/743-8853
Nancy Moyer McCain (Walter), P, 38775 Byriver Dr., Mt. Clemens, MI 48043, 313/463-4124
Becky Cook Rector (Tom), KK, 4800 LaFern. Muncie, IN 47304, 317/289-0951
Janet Pierce Conway (Kenneth), AT, 2285 New State Road N„ Norwalk, OH 44857, 419/668-5286
Carol Oxford, KA, 2812 Oak Street, Terre Haute, IN 47803, 812/234-7987
Michelle Elting, 0*, 5650W.Rowland,Toledo, OH 43613, 419/472-9688
Stephanie Bozin, 4>A, 3568 Breeze Knoll Dr., Youngs- town, O H 44505, 216/759-2874
SandeeBurns—AnnArbor,DetroitN.Suburban,MacombCounty,Toledo,Youngstown:PatriciaCurran-Dengler—Cincinnati,Columbus.Dayton;Jo Nowak— Dearborn; Joan Piper Shepherd—Evansville, Ft. Wayne, Lafayette;Cindy Skaff—N. Central Ohio Colony, Cleveland Area; Renee Smith—Terre Haute, Bloomington, IN; Louanne Watson—Indianapolis, Kokomo, Muncie; T o Be Announced—Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo
22 To Dragma
Regional Vice President: Elaine James Kennedy (Philip), AX, 12900 Settlers Point Trail, Goshen, KY 40026, 502/228-0200 Public Relations Officer: Mary Matarrazo Bryant (William), AD,2113 Maryland Avenue, Louisville, KY 40205, 502/458-1202 Finance Officer: Kristi Farmer, Kfl, 539 Chinoe Road, Lexington, KY 40502, 606/266-5295 (H) 266-6241 (O)
Rush O/ficer: Malene Demaree, flA, 8100 Burlington Pike, Florence, KY 41042, 606/581-6518 (H) 283-8146 (O)
Collegiate Chapter
Alpha Beta Tau Thomas More College
Alpha Chi Western Kentucky University
Delia Omega Murray State University
Epsilon Omega Eastern Kentucky University
Kappa Omega University of Kentucky
Kappa Omicron Rhodes College
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt University
Omega Omicron Lambuth College
Omicron University of Tennessee
Pi Alpha University of Louisville
Pi Omicron Austin Peay State L'niversity
Rho Omicron Middle Tennessee State University
Tau Omega Transylvania University
Tau Omicron University of Tennessee-Martin
Alumnae Chapter
Bowling Green Chattanooga Hopkinsville Jackson Kentuckiana
Chapter Adviser
Coleen Cahill Kleinsch (Chris). ABT, 3208 Laurel Oak. Edgewood, KY 41017, 606/ 341-5819
Karen Fiddelke Towell (David), AX, 1551 Chestnut St., Bowling Green, KY 42101,502/843-1231
Carmen Arnold Garland (Rick), AO,Rt. 7, Box 886, Murray, KY 42071,502/753-0810 or 1-800/592-3977
Mary Anne Evans Dewey (Donald), B«I>,316 S. Third St., Richmond, KY 40475, 606/ 623- 8277
Troy Johnson LeForge (John). B4>. 907 Vickers Drive, Richmond, KY 40475, 606/ 624-0624
Jenny Jenson, KO, 1883 Rainbow Dr. North, Memphis. T N 38107.901/276-9000(H) 682- 4032(O)
Michelle Stephens. KH. 3010 West End Ave., Apt. 3-D, Nashville, T N 37203. 615/298- 2891 (H) 327-2771 (O)
Mary Nelle Coles Hardee (David), TO, 10 Fairfield Place, Jackson, T N 38305, 901/ 668-4626
Nancy Horner Bettis (Charles), 0, 7709 Ben- nington Dr., Knoxville, T N 37919,615/693 1514
Sandra Dearen Miller (Gary), A X , 3407 Hillsboro Road, Louisville. KY 40207,502/ 893-2669
Mary Ann Winnecke Stephens (Joseph), BX, 1262 Hillwood Dr.. Clarksville, T N 37040, 615/647-8549
Ginger Miller Baxter (Troy), PO, 1619 HanoverDr.,S-3,Murfreesboro,TN37130, 615/890-9234 ( H ) 741-1971 ( O )
Ann Kiser, KO, 3500 Warwick Dr. #41, Lex- ington, KY 40502, 606/273-2917 (H) 252- 6612 Ext. 3836 (O)
Sandra Turner Belote, TO. Route 2, Box 346-A, Martin, T N 38237,901/587-4054 (H) 387-7080 (O)
Regional Director
Nancy Spires Norris (Bailey),
A X , 4322 K Y 40222,
V-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Chapter President
Angie Diebold, 456 Forest Avenue, Erlanger, KY 41018, 606/342-9677
Sharon Wade, 1566 Normal Drive, Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 502/842-0616
Cathy Davenport, 1610 Miller Ave., Murray, KY 42071.502/759-1657
Kelley Dearing, Eastern Kentucky University, Box 128, Richmond, KY 40475, 606/622- 5597
Melissa Ballard, 368 Rose Street, Lexing- ton. KY 40508, 606/258-2293
Jennifer Burrow. 2000 N . Parkway, Mem- phis, T N 38112. 901/458-5669
Judy Herrman, 2415 Kensington Place, Nashville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760
Janna Warren, Box 277, Lambuth College, Jackson, T N 38301, 901/422-4963
Palti Wade, 1531 W. Cumberland Avenue, Knoxville, T N 37916. 615/525-3752
Julie Eden Sellins, University of Louisville, AOn, Student Center, Room 12, Louisville, KY 40292, 502/245-7560
Carroll Wade, APSU, P.O. Box 8324.Clarks- ville, T N 37044, 615/648-7216
Angela Ligon, Middle Tennessee State Univ., P.O. Box 613, Murfreesboro, T N 37132,615/898-3503
Allison Melton. Transylvania University, Forrer Hall, 300 N . Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508, 606/233-8455
Cynthia Pugh, University of Tennessee- Martin, Box 126. Martin. T N 38238, 901/ 587-6817
Maria James Montell (Brad), AX. 258 Westwood Ct., Bowling Green, KY 42101, 502/781-0693
Joyce Jennings Smith (Craig), 0, 9 Rock Crest Lane, Signal Mountain, T N 37377, 615/886-5301
Sandy Bruce Power (Jeff), AX, P.O. Box 332, Elkton, KY 42220. 502/265-9047
Molly Paschall, NB, 59 Overhill Drive, Jackson, T N 38305, 901/427-8775 (H) 664-0812 (O)
Connie Barker Hobson (Will), 0, 131 Crescent Ave., Louisville, K Y 40206, 502/896-9836
Sandy Alford Gover—Bowling Green, Hopkinsville, Knoxville; Nancy Spires Norris—Northern KY Colony, Kentuckiana; Malinda Sharp—Memphis, Martin; Mary Jane Bell Sharp—Lexington, Nashville;Sonya Thomas—Chattanooga, Jackson
Northern Kentucky—Marianne Cahill, 246 N.AshbrookCircle, Ft. Mitchell, KY41017, 606/341-4076
Murfreesboro, TN—Susan Coleman, 1207 Sloan Street, G-3, Murfreesboro, T N 37130, 615/895-4937
Dyersburg, TN—Leslie Myers Lay, 1801 Okeena Drive, Dyersburg, T N 38024, 901/285-7636
Goodlettsville, TN—Mary Ann Chapman Henderson, 212 Charleston Drive, Goodlettsville, T N 37072, 615/859-2308
Fall 1988 23
Alumnae Chapter
Knoxville Lexington Martin Memphis
Sandy Alford Cover (John), AX, 1571 Can- terbury W ay. Bowling Green. KY 42101. 502,781-0210
Sonya Thomas, TA.2006 Erin Lane, Nash- ville. T N 37221, 615/356-8429
Nancy Norris
Mary Jane Bell Sharp (Boyd), 0, 245 Peters Rd.. Knoxville. T N 37923'. 615/693-3579
Malinda Sharp, 0, 102 Murray Guard Dr., #G-52, Jackson, T N 38305, 901/664-1148
Mary Jane Sharp
Sonya Thomas
Sandy Gover
Nancy Norris
Sandy Gover
Sandy Gover
Mary Jane Sharp
Malinda Sharp
Joy Warren Matthews(Charles), 0,11549 Nassau Dr., Knoxville, T N 37922, 615/966-3370
Carol Precious Martin (Thomas), AX, 336 Queensway Dr., Lexington, K Y 40502, 606/266-2678
Judy Broadstreet Barker (W ayne), TO, Rt. 1, Box 248, Union City, T N 38261, 901/885-8032
Debra L.Walker,KO,6793LandingWayN.,#20* Memphis, T N 38115, 901/762-8928
Kim Jacobs Bundy (William F., Jr.). 0, 202 Carden Avenue, Nashville, T N 37205, 615/383-0322
Accomack Drive, 502/426-3084
Regional Vice President: Lis Lester Donaldson (Joseph), TA, 1726 Croom Dr., Montgomery.A L 36106, 205/277-2776
Public Relations Officer: Marilyn Renfrow Bush (Thomas), TO, 37-A Grassy Lake Road, Archer, FL 32618, 904/495-9982 FinanceOfficer:LeeAnnSaylors,TB,965DickensonAve.,Mobile,AL36609, 205/633-8035
Rush Officer: Diana Bennett Duva (Anthony), TO, 6501 SW 37th Way, Gainesville, FL 32608, 904/378-0811 (H) 377-3355 (O)
Collegiate Chapter
Alpha Delta University of Alabama
Delta Delta Auburn University
Gamma Delta University of South Alabama
Gamma Omicron University of Florida
Gamma Theta University of South Florida
Gamma Upsilon St. Leo College
Kappa Gamma Florida Southern College
Nu Beta University of Mississippi
Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
Tau Delta Birmingham Southern College
Chapter President
Kim Jaynes, University of Alabama, P.O. Box 2407, Tuscaloosa, A L 35486, 205/348-8805, 8807, 8808
Gigi Graves, Auburn University, A0I1Box, Dorm 5, Auburn, A L 36830-5313, 205/887- 9615
Dianne Irby, University of South Alabama, Gamma Delta Chapter of AOn, P.O. Box U1178, Mobile, A L 36688, 205/342-0366
Kathy Kisiel, 819 W . Panhellenic Drive, Gainesville, F L 32601, 904/373-4550
AlyciaBuford, University ol South Florida, CTR 2377-University Center, Tampa, FL 33620, 813/977-1733
Donna Navakas, St. Leo College, P.O. Box 2346, St. Leo, F L 33574, 904/588-8916
Chapter Adviser
Dolores White Rhodes (Douglas), AA" R.R.
2, Box 13, Northport, A L 35476, 205/339- 7721 (H) 348-5522 (0)-
Patsy Faulk Vincent(Don), AA, Auburn U. Aviation, 700 Airport Road, Auburn, A L 36830, 205/749-2277
Judi Foster Gulledge (Jim), TA, 6050 Grelot Road. #206, Mobile. A L 36609, 205/342- 2867
Jacqulyn Bennett Hipsley (Dennis), TO, 3426 N W 42nd Terrace, Gainesville, F L 32605, 904/377-2469 (H) 377-3355 (O)
Donna Stewart, TO, 1110 Axlewood Circle, Brandon, F L 33511-6283, 813/684-0580
Elaine Ockajik McCraney (Robert), &9, 6952 124th Terrace N., Largo, FL 34643, 813/536-9977
Alumnae Chapter
Auburn/Opelika Colony
Decatur Area
Fort Lauderdale Area
Greater Jackson Area Greater Pensacola Greater Pinellas Huntsville Jacksonville, FL
Martha Dupuy Duncan (J.W.), AT, 162 Cotton Ave., Opelika, A L 36801, 205/749-7960
Carolyn Yurko Ullrich (Frederick), On, 5125 Weather- ford Dr., Birmingham, A L 35242, 205/991-7937 (H) 972-3296 (O)
Debbie Lovelady Rains (Eddie), A K . Rt. 2, Box 600, Trinity, A L 35673, 205/350-5864
Chris Ranges Girello, 611, 1641 Northwest 110th Terrace, Pembroke Pines, F L 33026, 305/431-3380
Jana Phillips Howell (Barry), NB, 481 Cypress Lane, #J-179, Greenville,MS 38701, 601/332-0951
Windy A. Perkins, AA, 2550 Semoran Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503, 904/438-7363
Elizabeth Stephens Hawkes (William), AS, 713-66 Street North, St. Petersburg. F L 33710, 813/345-6294
Karen Daggett Sanders, AA, 901 Maysville Road, Huntsville, A L 35801, 205/539-3096
Laura M . Freville (Acting), Oil, 847 Century 21 Boulevard, Jacksonville, F L 32216, 904/727-3916
Alumnae Chapter
Lakeland Area Mobile
Montgomery Orlando/Winter Park Palm Beach County Shoals Area
Tampa Bay Area Tuscaloosa
To Dragma
Diane Fitzpatrick, Florida Southern College,
Box 4380, Lakeland, F L 33802, 813/680-
4424 813/425-2342
Regional Director
Robin Mansfield Wright (Joe), TA, 1489 Boca Chica Rd., Key West. FL 33040. 305/ 296-0802
Elise Moss (Ron Simmons), TA, 7808 Cadillac Dr., Huntsville, A L 35802, 205/ 880-1275 (H) 536-9645 (O)
Carole Jurenko Jones (George), AA, 123 Southwood Dr., Madison, A L 35758, 205/ 721-9656 (H) 532-4526 ( 0 )
Carole Jones
Julie Brining, TA,5851 Overlook, Mobile, AL 36608, 205/344-0649 (H) 432-9741 (O)
Robin Wright
Robin Wright
Julie Brining
Carole Jones
Julie Brining
Elise Moss
Ann Colvin Marshall(David), All, 3204 Hilltop Ave. Lakeland, F L 33603, 813/646-1167
Alicia W endling Simms (Paul), TA, 3701 Carlyle Close, #1075, Mobile, A L 36609, 205/344-4303
Jacqueline Johnson Jackson (David), AA, 1262 West- moreland Ave., Montgomery, AL 36106,205/264-2689
Karen Wyngarden, TO, 658 Glades Circle, Apt. 204, Altamonte Springs, F L 32714, 407/774-2769
Jennifer DeHaven, K K , 137 Seashore Dr., Jupiter, FL 33477, 305/744-5362
Betsy Brooks Braund, NO, 101 Highland PI., Sheffield, AL 35660, 205/381-4003
MaryElainePlescia Fumea(Larry),TO,2802W.Cass St., Tampa, FL 33609, 813/876-0905
Tanya Hataway, AA, 20 Smith Acres, Northport. A L 35476, 205/339-3040
Wendy Agnew, University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 7987, University, MS 38677, 601/ 234-2718
Cindy Simmons, HuntingdonCollege, 1500 E. Fairview Ave., Box 370, Montgomery, A L 36106, 205/265-4314
Leigh Jeffrey,Birmingham Southern Col- lege, Box A-56, Birmingham, A L 35254, 205/382-0602
Susan Partridge Shaw (David), NB, 211 Price Street, Oxford, MS 38655, 601/236- 3952 (H) 236-5717 (O)
Mary Margaret Fife Kyser (George), TA, 1606 Limestone Court, Montgomery,A L 36117, 205/277-6659
Amelia Gunn Spencer (Bradley), TA, 638 Idlewild Circle, #26, Birmingham, AL 35209, 205/328-5014 (H) 868-2271 (O)
Zeta Pi
University of Alabama-
Birmingham 833-6548
Gina Sparks, 1841 Rustic Drive, Birming- ham, A L 35023, 205/323-0529
Laura Brush Burcham (Ronald), AK, 8641 9th Court S., Birmingham, A L 35206, 205/
Judith Howard Stockman (David), TO, 3107 Heather Glvnn Drive, Mulberry, F L 33860,
VI-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Julie Brining—Gr. Pinellas, Jacksonville, Orlando/Winter Park, Tampa
Carole Jones—Gr. Pensacola, Gr. Jackson, Mobile. Montgomery
Elise Moss—Decatur, Birmingham, Huntsville, Auburn/Opelika
Robin Mansfield Wright—Tuscaloosa, Lakeland, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach County
RegionalVicePresident:Jean DundasZimmermann(James), AB,308N.WalnutLane,Schaumburg,IL60194,312/843-0041 Public Relations Officer: Judy Cambrel Flessner (Todd), I , 1604 E. Frederick St., Arlington Heights, I L 60004, 312/253-6459 Finance Officer:Shelley Stoner, Z, 1130 North 153rd Avenue, Omaha, NE 68154, 402/496-7690
Rush Officer: Sue Bothe Placke (Bob), *S, 4730 Ave. "G", Kearney, NE 68847, 308/237-2917
Collegiate Chapter
Alpha Theta Coe College
Beta Lambda Illinois Wesleyan University
Iota University of Illinois
Iota Sigma
Iowa State University
Phi Chi
University of Chicago
Phi Delta
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Phi Sigma
Kearney State College
University of Minnesota
Theta Chi Morningside College Upsilon Epsilon Parks College
University of Nebraska- Lincoln
Alumnae Chapter
Cedar Rapids Area
Chicago Area Council
Chicago Beverly Hills
Chicago North Shore
Chicago Northwest Suburban
Chicago West Suburban
Dekalb-Sycamore Colony
Chapter President
Susan Koenig, Coe College, Box 554, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, 319/399-8488
Kathy Weber, 1314 North Fell Avenue, Bloomington, I L 61701, 309/829-1890
Kim Walden,706S.Mathews,Urbana,IL 61801. 217/344-0136
Theresa Ragusa, 2007 Greeley, Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-3993
Ann Marie Levy, 5470 S. Greenwood Ave., #1, Chicago, I L 60615. 312/684-3605
(Crista Hoth, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Phi Delta Chapter of AOII, Union Box #6, 2300 Kenwood Blvd.. Milwaukee, WI53201, 414/466-7789
Mary Murray, Kearney State College, AOII House, 112ConradHall, Kearney, NE68849 308/236-8700
Sara Ingmand, 1121 5th Street SE, Minnea- polis, M N 55414, 612/623-9140
April Hlad, 3823 Garretson Avenue, Sioux City, IA 51106, 712/274-5606
Joyce Holley, Parks College Box 590, Cahokia, I L 62206, 618/332-0338
Susan Potter, 1541 "S" Street, Lincoln, N E 68508, 402/474-9238
Eileen Aksamit Muff (Donald), Z, 1312 Scott Circle, Ames, I A 50010, 515/292-2725
Carol Doherty Elliott (Roger), BA, 212 Doud Dr., Normal, I L 61761, 309/454-7524
Sheri Lakin Hlavacek, A6,5920 Crestridge Ave., SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404, 319/396-8821
Jann Erickson Beckham, AS, 3108 B. Chatham Dr., Urbana, I L 61801, 217/344-0661
Sherry Keaton Brennan (Joseph), 8, 820 S. Stough St., Hinsdale, I L 60521, 312/323-7026
Evelyn Gaudutis, NI, 5752 Circle Drive, Oak Lawn, IL 60453, 312/422-1492
Margaret Dougan Nelson (Lloyde), P, 28101/2 Sheri- dan Place, Evanston, I L 60201, 312/864-2665
Janet Hiser Bowsher (Steven), I , 602 Shawn Lane, Prospect Heights, I L 60070, 312/394-4523
Lisa Michelle Hahn, XA. 2212 Wharf Dr., #2107, W oodridge, I L 60517, 312/985-0359
Mary Turner Diaz (Angel), IIK, 1428 Larson, Syca- more, I L 60178, 815/895-6667
Fall 1988
Chapter Adviser
Amy Engelbert, A6,910 Benton Drive, #34, Iowa City, IA 52240, .319/337-5487
Julia Whalen, I, 15 Norbloom Ave., Bloom- ington, I L 61701, 309/828-0804
JoAnnYonkeZunich(Andreja),I,704W. Healey, Champaign, IL 61820.217/352-3299
Eileen Aksamit Muff (Don), Z, 1312 Scott Circle, Ames, IA 50010, 515/292-2725
Janet Hiser Bowsher (Steven), 1,602 Shawn Lane, Prospect Heights, I L 60070, 312/ 394-4523
Kristin Maegli, *A, 4481 N . 74th St., Mil- waukee, W I 53218, 414/462-2373
Donna Cannon Grossart (Jerry), $S, 819 W. 30th St.. Kearney, N E 68847, 308/237- 2667
Sallie Edwards Montgomery (Michael), I , 5501 Malibu Dr., Edina, M N 55436, 612/ 938-8424
Jacque Jenson, 0X, 3823 Garretson Ave., Sioux City, I A 51106, 712/274-5605
Cynthia Sipple Christopher (Michael), All, 2454 Cripple Creek Drive, St. Louis, M O 63129, 314/846-1457
Monica Sicner Rigoni (Charles), Z, 2210 S. 37th St., Lincoln, NE 68506, 402/488-3680
Alumnae Chapter
Des Moines
Lake County of Illinois Colony
Milwaukee Minneapolis/St. Paul Omaha
Rock ford
Regional Director
Joyce Strout (Dan), 4>S, 4 Ambrose Lane, South Barrington, I L 60010, 312/382-1141
Joyce Strout
Jane Crawley (Stephen), SA, 9 Shadywood Lane, Highland, I L 62249, 618/654-5139
Shirley Knipfel (John), IS, 810 Sherman Avenue, Ackley, IA 50601, 515/847-2143
Trish Akin (Richard), *, 201 S. East Ave. Oak Park, I L 60302. 312/848-6676
Pat Vioni Benson (Robert), B*, 435 Bunker Hill Dr., Brookfield, W I 53005, 414/782- 1711
Ann Pierson, (Robert), 0, 1310 South 78th Avenue, Omaha, NE 68124, 402/393-3528
Pat Benson
Shirley Knipfel Jane Crawley
Ann Pierson
Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen (Kevin), IS, 7102 Horlon, Des Moines, IA 50322, 515/276-5975
FrancesSuttonVnuk,*S,805E.37thSt.,Kearney,NE 68847, 308/237-7603
Susan Ballinger (Dennis), BA, 33290 No. Valley View Drive, Wildwood, I L 60030, 312/223-6466
Candy Pierson-Charlton (David), AP, 3840 W ashing- ton, Lincoln, N E 68506, 402/488-1897
Elizabeth "Liz"Freed, Z, 3001 Cimarron Trail #2, Madison, W I 53719, 608/274-6140
Lynn Radtke Ferger (Dennis), 4>A, 8121 W . Portland Ave., W auwatosa, W I 53213, 414/778-2028
Bernae Peterson Gunderson (Scott), T, 309 Pelham Boulevard, St. Paul, M N 55104, 612/644-6248
Cindy Shada Burns, *S, 4302 Center St., Omaha, NE 68105, 402/551-4800
Debra Brown Lindley (John), SA, 1114 Pine Valley Dr., Rockford. IL 61107, 815/229-0718
VII-Regionai Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Trish Akin—Chicago Area Council, Chicago North Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban, Chicago West Suburban, Chicago Beverly Hills, Rockford, Lake County of I L Colony, Dekalb/Sycamore Colony
Pat Benson—Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis/St. Paul Jane Crawley—Champaign/Urbana
Shirley Knipfel—Ames, Des Moines
Joyce Strout—Cedar Rapids, Bloomington/Normal
Ann Pierson—Kearney, Omaha, Lincoln
Regional Vice President: Barbara Owens Kramer, B*, 7516 Chattington Dr., Dallas. T X 75248, 214/233-6495 (H) 386-5050 (O) Public Relations Officer: Gail Province Osborn (Paul), SO, 1124 Warner, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-2942
Finance Officer:Brenda Welch Coop (David), SO, 107 Harvester, Jonesboro, AR 72401, 501/932-0813 (H)932-3325 (O)
Rush Officer:Patricia Compton, *, 7710 W. 100Street, Overland Park,
KS66212, 913/648-1331
Chapter Adviser
Julie Elsensohn, AI\ 900 E. 8th Avenue. #306, Denver, C O 80218, 303/830-2147
Melissa Van Winkle, AA, 2607 Eastwood Dr., Apt. 27,Columbia,MO 65201,314/474-7936
Joyce Dietz Hall (Gary), An, 7820 West Ridge, Raytown, M O 64138, 816/356-0337
Katherine Wilson, AS, 6906 Custer Road, #504, Piano. T X 75023, 214/985-1617
Vicky Vandrell Warren,KT, 1235Oak Lane #7, Hammond, LA 70403, 504/542-7307
Lori Kaye Roberts, AT,705 Lakeshore Dr., Monroe, L A 71203, 318/343-2029
Patricia Elaine Patchin Hoffman (Carl), <t>, 1271 Medford. Topeka, KS 66604, 913/232- 0004
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre (Henri), n , 220 E. William David Pkwy., Metairie, L A 70005, 504/834-6327 (H) 891-3786 (O)
Carolyn Swindle Wyatt (Thad), SO, 3629 Blue Ridge Circle. Jonesboro, A R 72401. 501/932-1155
Elizabeth Bostic, TA, 5407 Timber Trail, San Antonio, T X 78220, 512/684-2439
Collegiate Chapter
Chi Delta University of Colorado
Delta Alpha
University of Missouri- Columbia
Delta Pi
Central Missouri State University
Delta Theta Texas Woman's University
Kappa Tau Southeastern Louisiana University
Lambda Tau Northeast Louisiana University
University of Kansas
Newcomb College- Tulane
Sigma Omicron Arkansas State University
Upsilon Lambda University of Texas San Antonio
Alumnae Chapter
Alexandria Colony
Arlington Mid-Cities
Baton Rouge
Columbia-Jefferson City
Fort Worth
Greater Kansas City
Greater Lafayette Hammond
Houston Jonesboro
Chapter President
Terri Hedman, 1015 15th Street, Boulder, CO 80302, 303/443-0546
Ellen Duncan, University of Missouri- Columbia, 514 Jones Hall, Columbia, M O 65201, 314/884-2020
Kelley Meyer, Central Missouri State Univ., 107A Panhellenic Hall. W arrensburg, M O 64093, 816/747-2454
Stacy Samuelson, Texas W oman's Univ., P.O. Box 22291, Denton, T X 76204, 817/ 898-4394
Eileen Coleman, Southeastern Louisiana University, P.O. Box 948, Hammond, LA 70402, 504/542-9514
Paula Bourgeois, Box 4173, Monroe, LA 71211, 318/342-4375
Regional Director
Pam Hathcock deZevallos (Ed), NO, 2500 Tanglewild, Suite 492, Houston, T X 77063, 713/467-8560 (H) 651-3832 (O)
Pam W arner Hill (Doug), IA, 2800 W . 19th Street, Greeley, C O 80631, 303/352-0740
Marty Erickson Taylor (John), T, 2501 East Rivercrest, Fayetteville, A R 72703.501/521- 2441
Elaine Defrances Ellis (Randy), AO, 4713 Beech Harbor, Baton Rouge, L A 70817,504/ 291-5517 (H) 292-3590 (O)
Pam Hathcock deZevallos
Nancy Shaw Shaheen (Glenn), AO, 2101 Tree House Lane, Piano, T X 75023, 214/ 867-0819 (H) 323-5948 (O)
Elaine Ellis
Lynne Garvey Miller (Ken), Bn, 4000 Ace Lane #595, Lewisville, T X 75067, 214/462- 1912(H) 526-1022 (0)
Nancy Shaheen
Lynne Miller
Lorie Hollingsworth Baker (Darryl), NB, 1201 Adell, Little Rock, AR 72212. 501/224-4457
Evelyn ReddingZagone (John), AT, 2111 Oliver Rd.. Monroe, L A 71201, 318/323-0167
Barbara Schmidt Kenny (LeLand), 4>A, 2100 Easter Lane, New Orleans, L A 70114,504/394-8266 (H) 504/ 861-3100(0)
Kathy Freeman, 4603 Cypresswood Dr., Apt. W-ll, Spring, T X 77379
Beth Mandelco Rankin (Richard), SI, 9 Insh Lane, Hiwasee, A R 72739, 501/855-2820
Robin Faith, AX. 6312 Westlane, Oklahoma City, OK 73142, 405/728-8378
Jo Ann King Hendrix, AS, 5429 La Estancia Circle, El Paso, T X 79932, 915/584-0719
Mary Olson Nolde, AS, 7 Calverton Rd., Ferguson, MO 63135, 314/521-4133
C. Diane Taylor Siple, TS, 7912J Fredericksburg Rd., San Antonio, T X 78229. 512/690-0170
Laurie Manning McMillan, 4>S, 3634 Green Acres Place Dr. #219, Bossier City, L A 71111, 318/742-3312
Karen Basey, Afl, 1900 W. 31-E15, Lawrence, KS 66046,913/843-1952
Mary Shillerston Peterson (Gerald), <t, 5814 E. 47th Place, Tulsa, OK 74135, 918/627-6281
Nicole Francis, 1510
Lawrence, KS 66044. 913/749-1103
N u
Deborah Ann Tenenouser, 922 Broadway, New Orleans, L A 70118, 504/865-8299
Elisa Masterson, Arkansas State University, P.O. Box 928, State University, AR 72467, 501/972-1556
Karen Haynes, 711 Booth, San Antonio, T X 78216,512/696-7311
Lisa Beebe Grubbs (Hal), AT, 1211 Wilshire Dr.. Alexandria, L A 71303, 318/448-3154
Shirley Reichert McCracken (Richard), EfK, 1727 Park Hill, Arlington, T X 76010, 817/261-6948
Suzanne Diou Adams (C.F.), TA, 2404 Cranberry Dr.. Austin, T X 78745, 512/447-2384
Clara Cantrell Tomsula (Patrick), AO, 2164 Hollydale Ave., Baton Rouge, L A 70808, 504/344-6525
Melanie Bernard Ladner (Claude), NB, 3010 Nashville. Nederland, T X 77627, 409/722-6591
Dian Poole Springer (Beau), TA, 3708 Southland Dr., Columbia, M O 65201, 314/449-7384 (H)893-3700 (O)
Audrey Herbster Lueth (Ray), IT,1009 Pinelree Lane, Desoto, T X 75115, 214/224-2285
Micki Ponsford Hansen (Robert), T, 7143 S. Elm Court, Littleton, C O 80122, 303/796-8017
Claire Thompson Monteleone (Joseph), KT, 3305 Moss Hollow, Ft. Worth, T X 76109, 817/732-7009
Kristine Weinhold, An, 6022 E. 127th Street, Grand- view, M O 64030, 816/765-3883
Patricia Thompson Dowie (Thomas), KT, 33 E. Woodlawn Dr., Destrehan, LA 70047, 504/764-1589
Lynn Koenig Martin (Michael), SI, 15519 Pensgale, Houston, T X 77062, 713/486-4127 (H) 483-3991 (O)
Sandra Osborn Steele (Jim), SO, Rt. 1, Box 140-A, Monette, AR 72447, 501/486-2941
Alumnae Chapter
Lake Charles/Calcasieu
Little Rock Monroe
New Orleans
North Houston Suburban Northwest Arkansas Oklahoma City
Rio Grande Colony
Saint Louis
San Antonio Shreveport Topeka-Lawrence Tulsa
VIII-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Pam DeZevallos—Austin, Baton Rouge, Beaumont, Denver, Greater Lafayette, Hammond
Elaine Ellis—Arlington/Mid Cities, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Greater Kansas City, St. Louis. Topeka-Lawrence Pam Hill—Columbia/Jefferson City
Lynne Miller—Alexandria Colony, Houston, Lake Charles/Calcasieu Colony, New Orleans, N. Houston
Suburban, San Antonio
Nancy Shaheen—Jonesboro, Little Rock, Monroe, Oklahoma City, Shreveport Marty Taylor—Rio Grande Colony, N.W.Arkansas, Tulsa
T o Dragma
Regional Vice President: Barbara Bierer Long (Kenneth), AP, 2166 Yolanda, Springfield, OR 97477, 503/746-9769 PublicRelationsOfficer:JulieAnneHansen Scherer(Douglas),T,1657535thAve.NE,Seattle,WA98155,206/363-2289(H)363-0667(O) Finance Officer: Sue Daiger Schell (Gary), Ar, S.E. 915 Skylark Court, Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-4923
Rush Officer: Kathleen Busch (Bruce), T, 5700 29th N.E., Seattle, W A 98105, 206/522-1239
Collegiate Chapter
Alpha Gamma
Chapter President
Donna Johnson, NE 820 Campus Ave., Pullman, W A 99163, 509/335-8502
Lorri W alden, 1119South Fifth Ave., Boze- man, M T 59715, 406/587-0691
Erin McDonnell, 2435 N W Harrison, Cor- vallis, O R 97330, 503/757-8171
Karen Rae Zuelke, 1680 Alder St., Eugene, O R 97401,503/485-0665
Melissa Powell, 2500 University Dr., N W , Room 251, MacEwan Student Centre, Box MH13, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T 2 N 1N4, 403/284-2662
Robin Bartell, 964 Penze Union Bldg., Eastern W ashington U., Cheney, WA99O04
Tracey DiRamio, 1906 NE 45th, Seattle, W A 98105, 206/526-7325
Alumnae Chapter
Boise Valley
Calgary Colony
Eugene-Springfield Pocatello
Chapter Adviser
Teresa Workman, XA, P.O. Box 2159, College Station, W A 99165, 509/332-0545
Beverly Landes Townsend (Stuart), A4>, 8040 Lupine Lane, Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/586-6422
Patty Mills Moody (Sidney), AS, 3329 SW Cascade Dr., Corvallis, O R 97333,503/753- 1162
Jodene Romania Brockman (Don), AS, 2932 Elysium, Eugene, O R 97401, 503/344-9598
Willemein Van Der Wal, KA, 403 3717 42nd Street, NW ,Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3A 2W2, 403/247-5004
Tracy Pendarvis, Ar,W. 3915 Randolph Road, #17, Spokane, W A 99204, 509/325- 9911
Michelle Barrea Graunke (Stephen), T, 2723 36 SW , Seattle, W A 98126, 206/937-7771
Suzan Ganz Crandall (John), BS, 3593 S. Coleridge Place. Boise, I D 83706, 208/385-9354
Kim Anderson, A4>, 5415 Sweetgrass Creek Drive, Billings, M T 59102
Lata Tahiliani, KA, 507 4944 Dalton Dr. NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2A 3E6, 403/282-3954
Kimberly L . McCormick, AS, 2345 Patterson, #26, Eugene, OR 97405, 503/345-6227
Nancy Raye Hayward, IA, 32 Cedar Hills Drive, Pocatello, I D 83204, 208/233-4461
Patricia Gilchrist Slreeter (Roy), PS, 6357 SW Peyton Road, Portland, OR 97219, 503/245-5224
Ginny Boyle, Ar, 507 North E., Albion, W A 99102, 509/332-5019
Linda Tur Wickswat(Paul), IIA, 17505 SE 47th St., Issaquah, W A 98027, 206/643-9791
Eleanor Ellis Laubach (V ernon), P. 3205 S. Stevens, Spokane, W A 99203, 509/624-9394
Regional Director
Lynette Thomas-Personett (Rick), AS, 4596
SW Comus Place, Portland, OR 97219, 503/ 293-1364
Sue Hinz (Michael), Ar, N.W . 1445 Kenny Drive, Pullman, WA 99163, 509/332-1168
Ann Brislawn Beardsley (Cordy), T, 2430 136th Place, SW, Lynnwood, W A 98037, 206/743-2368
Mary Jane Ahrendes Griffanti (Ernest), A4>, 2904 Colter Avenue, Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/586-5231
Mary Jane Griffanti
Sue Hinz
Lynette Thomas-Personett
W ashington
Alpha Phi Montana State University
Alpha Rho Oregon State University
Alpha Sigma University of Oregon
Kappa Lambda University of Calgary
Tau Gamma Colony Eastern W ashington University
Upsilon University of Washington
Fall 1988
IX-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Ann Brislawn Beardsley—Boise, Pocatella
Mary Jane Griffanti—Calgary,Eugene-Springfield
Sue Hinz—Spokane, Bozeman
Lynette Thomas-Personett—Portland, Pullman, Seattle
Regional Vice President: Rosemary Kappes Schwierjohn (Roger), I , 11213 N. 51st Drive, Glendale, AZ 85304, 602/979-8299
Public Relations Officer:Sandra Singer Waterman, AX, 3361 Fawn Drive, San Jose, CA 95124, 408/377-8265
Finance Officer:Judy Lacina West (Alan), On, 24715 Palomares Rd„ Castro Valley, CA 94552, 415/537-0149
Rush Officer: Barbara Kramer Rinehart (Vincent), AB, 4052 Mistral Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649, 714/840-0873 (H) 213/439-0968 (O)
Collegiate Chapter
Chi Alpha
University of
California-Davis 415/967-0639
Chi Psi
Cal-Poly State Univ.- San Luis Obispo
Delta Sigma San Jose State
Lambda Beta California State- Long Beach
Lambda Iota
Univ. of California- San Diego
Nu Lambda
Univ. of Southern California
Univ. of California- Berkeley
Sigma Phi California State- Northridge
Theta Omega Northern Arizona University
Upsilon Alpha Colony University of Arizona
Alumnae Chapter
Bakersfield Colony Diablo Valley
East Bay
Hawaii Long Beach Los Angeles
Marin County Monterey
Northern California Council
Northern Orange County
Palo Alto
Lisa Vore, 1716 Osos Street, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, 805/541-3642
Sandra Manor, 420 South Fifth Street, San Jose, CA 95112, 408/947-9100
Adrienne Noles, 3980 East 8th St., Long Beach, CA 90804, 212/433-9117
Heather Scott, P.O. Box 12067, La Jolla, CA 92037-0605, 619/455-7673
Kimberly Jones, 647 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007, 213/745-8426
Nima Chandler, 2311 Prospect St., Berkeley, CA 94704, 415/540-9152. 540-9153, 540-9169
Debbie Reid. 9210 Zelzah Avenue, North- ridge, C A 91325, 818/885-9994
Janet Walker, Alpha Omicron Pi, 1109 S. Plaza Way #255, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/ 774-9668
Recolonization—September 16. 1988
Julienne Marie Toures Brandon (David), AB, 2715 Noble Ave.. Bakersfield. CA 93306, 805/834-5806
Barbara Ringle Goll (Fred), KA, 8 Aspen Court, La- fayette, CA 94549, 415/284-5981
Carolyn Carr, S,2710 Ashby, #5, Berkeley,CA 94705, 415/548-7757
X-Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters
Chapter President
Chapter Adviser
Regional Director
Katherine Silvey, 203 FirstStreet, Davis,CA
Sharon Casey, XA, 920 Cranbrook Court #4, Davis, CA 95616, 916/753-4751
Patricia Shelton Moxon (Bruce), NA, 878 Harpster Drive, Mountain View, CA 94040,
Barbara Dean Kapell (George, Jr.), Mountain, #305, Glendale, CA 91202
K 8 ,
125 W .
Marilyn King Irvin, B4>, 3734 E. Pierson Street. Phoenix, AZ 85018, 602/956-4035
Nancy Lawson Broach (James), 80., 16101 Stone Ridge Dr., Riverside, CA 92504, 714/780-0790
Janet Jensen Dallas, XA, 4306 Elizabeth, Sacramento, CA 95821, 916/445-5294
MargaretVanHemerl,T,452WestmontCourt,Bonita, CA 92002, 619/421-0813
Lisa Weisbroad Golden (Bob), S4>, 1641 Veteran #6, Los Angeles, CA 90024, 213/479-0957
Regina Zofrea Fish (Michael), AB,2249 Shadowtree Drive, San Jose, CA 95131, 408/259-1643
Christine Conlon Hollingshead (Philip), IIK, 1699 Parrott Dr., San Mateo, CA 94402, 415/349-0654
Heidi Herlong. TA, 1116-A 8th Street, #162, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, 213/371-0692
Reba Shannon Traber (Art), T, 12007 Bajada Rd., San Diego, CA 92128, 619/487-0408
Kay Moe Carr (Richard), A * , 19761 Bowman Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646, 714/963-0731
Mary Christoph Parker (James), fl, 840 E. Placita deMichael, Tucson, AZ 85718, 602/297-8020
Paulette Starcevich Surdzial (Ron), KA, 1080 Calle Pinata, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, 805/529-1802
Pamela Barnes-Palty (David), IS, 6226 Kawaihae Place, Honolulu, H I 96825, 808/395-0175
Lisa S. Robinson, AB, 5002Tasman Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649, 213/433-6657 (H) 714/633-1193 (O)
Tamara Mari Warren,NA,630Orange GroveAvenue, South Pasadena, CA 91030, 818/799-5045 (H) 213/ 966-1731 (O)
Doris E. Biersach Williams, 1,80 Culloden Park Road, San Rafael, CA 94901, 415/454-5866
Margo Reynolds McWiltiams (Edward). KB, 22579 V eronica Drive, Salinas, C A 93908, 408/484-1559 ( H ) 375-3867 (O)
KarenYoungmanRyan(Michael),AS,5978Thorntree Drive, San Jose, CA 95120, 408/268-2831
Sandra Hurd Sova (Joseph), AB, 11181 Enterprise Drive, Los Alamitos, CA 90720, 213/596-7941
Janis Tremble Nelson (Peter), TA, 42 San Juan Court. Los Altos, C A 94022, 415/948-6583
Janie Little Steckenrider (Troy), I , 1739 Alta Oaks, Arcadia, C A 91006, 213/445-6424
Sarah Burroughs, Oil, 2251 Shell Beach Rd., #21, Shell Beach, CA 93449, 805/773-2432 (H) 546-2145 (O)
LouiseTomkinson, S4>,35254 Cabrillo Dr., Fremont, CA 94536, 415/797-0266
Carla Kramer Jesse (David), AB, 10870 El Mar Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708, 714/ 968-0090 (H) 996-5770 (O)
Marilyn Ross Herman (Gerald), T, 8805 Cliffridge Ave., La Jolla, CA 92037, 619/ 452-6354
Janie Kesling Crawford (James), NA, 9615 La Cima Dr., Whittier, CA 90603, 213/947- 3595
Kathleen AnnRyan,XA,522Chestnut Street, #9, San Carlos, CA 94070, 415/592-9638
Phyllis Casteel Gilson (Stan), S * . 6628 Woodlake Ave.. Canoga Park, CA 91307, 818/887-9344 (H) 885-3740 (O)
Lillian Palmer Baker (Richard), 80., 1508 N. Aztec, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, 602/774-3659
Susan Duggins, AT, 1017 N . Bedford, Tucson, AZ 85710, 602/886-8773
Mary Daly Enwall (Robert), XA, 348 Bekasina Drive, Henderson, N V 89015, 702/ 454-0034
Mary Enwall
Susan Vanderlip Meester (Larry), XA,655 N. BreaBlvd.. #91. Brea.CA92621, 714/990- 3628
Susan Meester
Lynnette White McMahon (James), AB, P.O. Box 5272, Garden Grove, CA 92645, 714/893-1742
Patricia Moxon
Pincy Dikeman Polese (Jim), 811. 5924 E. Calle Del Norte, Phoenix, AZ 85018, 602/945-2063
Pincy Polese
Pincy Polese
Bonnie Berger (Edward), T, 13112 Woodmont Street, Poway, CA 92064, 619/748-8854—Bakersfield, Diablo Valley, East Bay, Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marin County, Monterey, Northern California Council, Northern Orange County, Palo Alto, Pasadena, Riverside, Sacramento, San Diego, San Fernando Valley, San Jose, San Mateo, South Bay/Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County, Ventura County, Southern California Council
28 To Dragma
Alumnae Chapter
San Diego
San Fernando Valley San Jose
San Mateo
South Bay/Palos Verdes
Southern California Council
Southern Orange County
Ventura County
Fall 1988
A fundraiser worth up to $5,000
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Use this section to request extra cards. If you wish an additional card issued ID a co-applicant over 18 years of age, complete the information below.
|The ANNUAL FEE for the Association Silver MasterCard account is S20. The ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE is 17.9%. GRACE PERIOD: You will not be assessed a FINANCE CHARGE if you pay the New Balance Total by the Payment Due Date 125 days after the billing date!. If this amount is not paid. FINANCE CHARGES accrue from the date of PURCHASE. A cash advance will bear FINANCE CHARGES from the date of transaction. OTHER CHARGES: You will be charged an overlimit fee of SI5 if your New Balance Total on your billing date is more than 15% over your credit limit. You will be charged a late fee of $15 if you fail to make required payment within 15 days after the Payment Due Date. You will be charged a return check fee of $15 if a check submitted as payment is returned for any reason.
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I have read this entire application, agree to its terms, and understand that I will be joint- ly and severally liable for all charges on the account.
Awards 1988
Trustees of the AOII Diamond Jubilee Foundation report they have awarded $22,750 in scholarships for
According to Rosalie Barber, DJF
Scholarship Chairman, seventeen $1,000 undergraduate scholarships, the $1,250 Muriel Turner McKinney Scholarship, two $1,000 graduate scholarships and one $750 alumnae scholarship were awarded by the board at its April meeting.
"Support from collegiate chapters and alumnae throughout the country have made it possible for the AOLT DJF to give more than 470 scholar- ships since its first award in 1962," the scholarship chairman said. "Since that first $50 grant, we have grown to provide $1,000 scholarships to many deserving AOIIs."
Region I
Karen Poppenberg, Chi (Syracuse U.), has served as her chapiter and pledge class president. She has earned an AAUW American Artists' Award and was a member of the Visual and Performing Arts Faculty Committee. She is working on a bachelor's degree in visual and performing arts.
Region II
Tracy Anderson, Theta Beta (Tow- son State U.), has served as rush chair- man and Homecoming float chair- man. She was a counselor for the Maryland Summer Center for the Arts and a member of the TSU march- ing band. Her degree will be in art education.
Susan Palenik, Gamma Beta (In- diana U. of Pennsylvania), has served as philanthropic chairman and pledge class secretary. She is a member of Order of Omega and Sigma Delta Pi honorary, and served as president of Spanish Club. She is working on a degree in Spanish and international studies.
Colleen Ryan, Theta Beta (Tow- son State U.), has received the Muriel Turner McKinney Award. The spe- cial $1,250 undergraduate award honors the founder of the Diamond Jubilee Foundation. Colleen has served her chapter as administrative vice president, chapter relations chairman and pledge class president. She was a Student Government Asso- ciation Senator, SGA operations chair- man and a member of Order of Alpha and the Academic Standards Com-
mittee. She is completing a degree in business/finance.
Region IV
Heidi Rogovich, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), has served as president of her chapter. She was a spokesper- son for the university's summer re- cruiting program and a member of the YMCA Special Olympics Com- mittee and the Greek Council. She is majoring in elementary education.
Region V
Judy Byrns, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U.), has served as administrative vice president, vice president/pledge education, chapter relations representative and pledge class scholarship chairman. She is working on a degree in advertising.
Mary Davenport, Delta Omega (Murray State U.), has served as her chapter's president, recording secre- tary and social chairman. She was Viewpoint editor of The Murray State News, and an assistant editor of the History Department newsletter. She is a member of Gamma Beta Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa and Alpha Lambda Delta honoraries. She is work- ing on a degree in English/journalism.
Angela Ligon, Rho Omicron (Middle T ennessee State U.), has been her chapter's president and scholar- ship chairman. She is earning a degree in marketing.
Julia Sellins, Pi Alpha, (U. of Louisville), has been her chapter's president, philanthropic chairman, corresponding secretary and fund raising chairman. She has been active in the Student Government Associa- tion, Order of Omega, and Rho Lambda. She is working on a degree in communications.
Region VI
Kimberly Jaynes, Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama), has served as her chap- ter's president and chairman of Rush Day. She is a member of Gamma Beta Phi and was named Miss Alabama Gulf Coast and Corolla Beauty. She is working on a degree in early child- hood education.
Natasha Zimmerman,Alpha Delta (U. of Alabama), has served as activi- ties chairman and on the member- ship education committee. She has been a columnist for The Consepec- tus, WVUA assistant news director and a reader for the blind. She is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, Gamma
To Dragma
Anderson 30
Beta Phi, Kappa Tau Alpha and the English Honors Program. Her degree will be in broadcast news and public affairs.
Region VII
Susan Prizzi, Iota (U. of Illinois), has been vice president/pledge edu- cation and AOn Committee chairman. She also has served as external direc- tor of Central Illinois Consumer Ser- vice. Her degree will be in advertising.
Region VIII
Sabrina Dill, Delta Pi (Central Mis- souri State U.), has served as rush chairman and public relations chair- man. She has participated on the Faculty Senate and Student Ambas- sador Association, and was Phi Eta Sigma historian, Homecoming prin- cess, and Mace and Torch vice presi- dent. She is completing a degree in speech communications.
Region IX
Donna Johnson, Alpha Gamma (Washington State U.), has served as chapter president and house manager, and her pledge class president. She is amemberofWSU StudentsPromoting Athletics and Homecoming Com- mittee. She is completing a degree in communications.
Leslie Keast, Upsilon (U. of Wash- ington), has served as chapter vice president/pledge education and scholarship chairman. She is a mem- ber of Pi Omicron Sigma and Golden Key. Leslie has served as director of the Washington Student Athletic Board, Sigma Alpha Tau vice presi- dent, a UW Homecoming princess and chairman of Golden Key's High School Visitation Program. She is majoring in business/speech com- munications.
Jodi Newton, Alpha Gamma (Wash- ington Stale IX)., has served as mem- bership and scholarship chairman. She has been president of SPURS, chairman of the Alcohol Awareness Fair and a member of the YWCA Res- idence Council. She is completing a degree in business administration.
Region X
Christine Barth, Sigma Phi (Cali- fornia State U.-Northridge), has been her chapter's administrative vice presi- dent and social chairman. She is a member of the Student Marketing Association and the Associated Stu- dents' Legislative Committee. A recent
intern for IBM, she is working on a degree in business.
Nancy Dunbar, Sigma Phi (Cali- fornia State U.-Northridge), has served as chapter relations chairman, a Pan- hellenic delegate and Junior Panhel- lenic president. She was a freshman orientation leader, golf team assist- ant manager, and a volunteer for the elderly and the German Street School. She is working on a degree in psy- chology.
Graduate Awards
Jody Jones, Beta Phi (U. of Indiana), won the Helen Haller Award for a graduate student. Jody is working to complete a medical degree at the Indiana University School of Medi- cine. During her undergraduate time, she was Beta Phi's president and phil- anthropic chairman. She served as Indiana University Student Founda- tion chairman, and was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Golden Key h o n o r societies.
Tamra Nottingham, a graduate of Chi Delta (U. of Colorado), is work- ing on a degree at George Washington University. She served as her chap- ter's president, assistant historian, parliamentarian. She also is a past Perry Award winner. Her campus activities included membership in Mortar Board, Order of Omega, Amnesty International, the Legal Support Group, Sierra Club and the Administrative Advocacy Clinic.
Alumnae Award
Nancy Andrews, a graduate of Omega (Miami U. of Ohio), is work- ing on a masters of education degree in school psychology at W right State University. She has served as chapter adviser for Kappa Delta chapter at WSU, a representative for the Ohio Education Association and the Day- ton Alumnae Panhellenic. She has been treasurer of the Dayton Alum- nae Chapter and a member of Chi Sigma Iota.
The Foundation also is funding a Chapter Services Scholarship which was awarded by the Executive Board to Cynthia A. Skaff, Theta Psi (U. of Toledo).
The DJF board also approved one non-AOIl award during its spring meeting.
The University of Minnesota has received a $ 1,000 award for its scholar- ship fund. The award was made in
I Rogovich
ilk* *JHF -J
Fall 1988
(Continued on next page)
8 Byrns
Perry Award
(Continued from page 31)
recognition of the 75th anniversary of Tau chapter and Past International President Wilma Smith Leland who also is a DJF Trustee Emeritus.
Scholarship applications will be mailed to collegiate and alumnae chapters in mid-January 1989. Com- pleted applications must be received by the scholarship chairman by March I.
Academic excellence, financial need, chapter and campus activities are important in the selection process. All applicants will be notified of the Foundation's decision by May 15, 1989.
Questions during the application period can be addressed to Rosalie Barber, 1713 MacArthur, Jonesboro, AR 72401.
(Continued from page 16)
Another personal service she per- formed was to drive a station wagon full of Alpha Phi collegians and alumnae to Palm Desert, CA, so that more could enjoy the convention experience. She did this immediately following acting as "Girl Friday" for her father for a week at a boys camp. Vicki has also helped with a Brownie troop that was about to be disbanded for lack of volunteers.
Vicki has also been praised for her attention to detail in the performance of Ritual. She felt that all Ritual ser- vices should be committed to memory so that there could be more meaningful eye contact and expression.
"Vicki is a master with pauses and inflections. She brought out the true meaning forallofus," was how one sister described her performance.
When the chapter was experiencing some difficulties in the area of har- mony during the quarter that Vicki was away student teaching, she wrote a lengthy letter to her sisters, advising them to look to Ritual for help with the dissension. T h e chapter adviser described the letter, which arrived ten minutes before a scheduled problem solving session, as "manna from heaven."
Vicki's family members, which in- cludes a sister who pledged A0I1 last fall, are understandbly proud of her accomplishments. Her father says that she was never a problem as a child or adolescent.
"Her mother and I have been known to lean on Vicki. She is a rock," he says.
The Perry Award honors Founder Stella George Stern Perry. It was established by Council of AOII at the 1959 Convention and was first awarded at the 1961 Convention.
Stella was the first National Presi- dent of AOII, serving from 1898 to 1905, and she was also the first presi- dent of the Alpha Chapter, the first of AOFI's chapters. A great champion of the young, she insisted on simplicity,
dignity, and integrity.
Therefore, it is appropriate that
the award to honor her and carry her name goes each year to the one colle- giate president who, by outstanding
(Continued on page 62)
To Dragma
DJAFw a r d s 1988
Nottingham 32
Alpha Lambda Chapter Members at their installation with International President Peg Crawford.
Alpha Lambda Installed at Georgia Southern
On April 30, International Presi- dent Peg Crawford conducted initia- tion and installation ceremonies for Alpha Lambda Chapter at Georgia Southern College in Statesboro, Georgia. It was a memorable week- end at GSC, because the college was also inaugurating its tenth president. Peg was assisted by Linda Collier, Regional Vice President, Dawne Bennett, Regional Director,Mary Ann Starke, Regional Director, and Dot Williams, Regional Public Relations Officer. Sisters from Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U.), Lambda Chi (LaGrange College), and Lambda Sigma (U. of Georgia), the other col- legiate chapters i n Georgia, were also on hand to help and to welcome the newest chapter.
The installation was the culmina- tionofaperiodoflearningandgrow- ing that began with the colonization ceremony conducted by Anne Alli- son, Vice President Development, in the fall. Colony members were assisted in learning and growing by Sharron Henriques Starling, Chapter Consul- tant. During Homecoming weekend, the colony placed first in the "Paint the Town" contest. New pledges were added during Winter Quarter rush.
During the Rose Inspiration Night, which was held near campus, the girls were introduced to Peg Craw- ford and visiting alums. Representa- tives of two collegiate chapters arrived early to lead the activities. The girls stressed the meaning of AOI1 with the "Burning of the Rose" ceremony. The Gamma Sigmas led the colony members in a depinning ceremony. Following this, the girls enjoyed an informal time of songs and games.
Early Saturday morning, the visit- ing collegians were joined by four- teen representatives from Lambda Chi. Forty-nine collegians from Georgia Southern were initiated as charter members. They are: Beverly Sims, President; Gina Wynn, Vice- President; Dawn Howard, Vice Pres- ident / Pledge Educator; Lisa May- ers, Recording Secretary; Cecilia Batchelor, Corresponding Secretary; Diane V arjabedian, Treasurer; Aud- rey Baker; Katie Benedict; Helen Benkert; Kris Bichel; Susan Blinn; Sally Charmoli; Cindi Cody; Melissa Davies; Melinda Eddings; Melissa Espinosa; Dana Evans; Katrina Exley; Traci Freeman; Melanie Fulghum; Kelly Gillis; Beth Gross; Dana Had- ley;Tina Hendrix;KarenHaffenden;
Kristen Haller; Patricia Jackson; Lori Jones; Carol Kellogg; Laura Kelly; Julie Mandella; Mary McCarthy; Andrea Moore; Denise Mordenti; Suzanne Morgan; Michele Morris; Cynthia Morrison; Jenny Parker; Karen Petee; Lynda Rose; Susie Small; Melanie Smith; Katy Sutton; Kelly Swift; Vicki Ten-Kate; Stephanie Thorn; Candi Whitaker; Kelly Willi- ams; and Kelli Yeager.
The new chapter has ten pledges who are looking forward to becom- ing sisters in the fall. They are Tanya Arauz, Kimberly Atwell, JoAnn Di- Nino, Amy Durrence, Joy Fletcher, Diane Sanders, Angie Stephenson, Ashley Stewart, Teresa VanDalinda, and Jill Zaremba.
Alumnae members were installed as advisers to the new chapter. They were Michelle Barton, Chapter Adviser; Vicki Hill, Rush Adviser; Tammy Collins, Pledge Adviser; Karen Lavender, Chapter Relations Adviser; Mary Cotten, Financial Adviser; Barbara Lansford, Corpora- tion President 8c Scholarship Adviser; Sandy Blankenship, Philanthropic Adviser; and Sharon Pratt, Assistant Financial Adviser and Panhellenic Delegate. (Continued on page 52)
Fall 1988
Alumnae Chapter News
The Virginia Tidewater Alumnae Chapter had a "huge" success with its annual spring White Elephant Sale, reports Twyle Brammell. Presi- dent Kathy Am, acting as auctioneer, was able to sell even the most unus- ual items.
Chapter members held their annual "Run for the Roses" 8K run in June. Thanks to 350 runners, numerous volunteers, and sponsors, over $1,400 was raised. The money will be used in the fight against arthritis. Cynthia Sidner and Heidi Dougherty were co-chairpersons.
ThechapterisproudofHudClark who was recently awarded a gold key by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association at its 64th National Con- ventioninNewYork.Itisthehighest award given by the organization. H u d is a former English and Journalism teacher. She remains active in scho- lastic journalism by judging high school newspapers for several nation- al scholastic press associations, and by teaching at journalism workshops in Ohio, New England, South Caro- lina, Florida, New York, and Vir- ginia. She is also a consultant for high school journalism programs.
Many of the young alums of the Seattle Area Alumnae have been in- volved in fund raisers for arthritis research, the last of which was the attempt at the world's record for the longest continuous game of musical chairs held at the Seattle Center. A local country radio station, KMPS, sponsored it and provided the music.
All City events have included a wine tasting party at the local Sno- qualmie Falls Winery, an annual event which takes advantage of the local scenery and the local flavor to raise money for arthritis research. All City also sponsored a family picnic planned by Linda Wickswatt, which was held at Golden Gardens state park.
The St. Louis Alumnae have been busy since 1988's beginning. In Jan- uary the meeting was hosted by Judy Barnes, and members brought some antiques to share, from dolls to china
and jewelry. Itwas funforthe sisters to hear about each other's interests and "treasures."
The February meeting was hosted by Kathy Lee, and members made valentines for three chapters closeby. In March the chapter toured the DeMenil House, a local historic home, and went out for lunch afterward.
Rose Lee Summers hosted the an- nual salad supper meeting in April, during which new officers were init- iated. In May,the month set aside for philanthropy, members played bingo with the children at Shriner's Hos- pital.
Throughout the year members have enjoyed getting acquainted with the collegians of Upsilon Epsilon, AOII's new chapter at Parks College.
It was MURDER. The Phoenix Alumnae Chapter marked the end of their year with a murder mystery video party. Twelve guests had roles to play while the rest of the party
goers were trying to solve the mys- tery. Executive Board Member Robin Lee Beltramini, Iota '69, cameclosest to being a "super sleuth" and was awarded a super sleuth magnifying glass for her detective work. It was a successful wrap up for a successful year and even the non-sleuths found the hors d'oeuvres delicious.
It was with great pleasure that the Phoenix Alums presented Lucille Hendricks Spencer, Zeta '30, and Peggy Peebler Decker, Alpha Sigma '37, with 50 year pins.
Pincy Polese reports that chapter members are looking forward to the year ahead under newly elected presi- dent Marilyn King Irvin, Beta Phi 72, and extend special thanks to the outgoing board presided over by Mary Riley Michel, N u Omicron '69.
On June 6th, seven members of the
Northwest Arkansas Alumnae Chap- ter travelled to the home of Kathryn
on page 35)
Members of the Columbus Alumnae Chapter gathered for a 50th Anniversary celebration at Confluence Park Restaurant in Columbus, Ohio, last April. The Columbus Alumnae Chapter was chartered on February 4, 1938.
To Dragma
1925 Rho Homecoming Float
More than 35 alumnae of Rho Chapter at Northwestern University attended a special open house at the John Evans Alumni Center in Evan- ston, Illinois, last May.
The celebration was organized by Region V I I and the Chicago North Shore Alumnae Chapter to bring old friends together and to kindle interest in working toward a recolonization of Rho Chapter, which was closed during the early 1970s.
Alumnae of every age group attend- ed the open house. Special guests included Florence J. Hellstrom Magnuson ('26), Gretchen Baarsch McEwen ('31), and Peg Crawford, International President.
The chapter kicked off the summer with its second annual couples' pool party and cookout for alumnae and their spouses, prospective members, and area collegians. Jack and Bobbye Salt of W inston-Salem once again hosted the event. The food, company, and atmosphere were marvelous.
The Long Beach Alumnae Chapter gave a scholarship to Donna Taylor of the Lambda Beta Chapter. The scholarship was the result of a fall fund raiser, reports Suzanne J. Elken.
The new year began with a speaker from the Long Beach Police Depart- ment. All the alumnae who attended received many safety tips at that meet- ing. In April, the alumnae kidnapped the collegians at Lambda Beta for a pizza party.
The Indianapolis Alumnae Chap- ter donated $800 to the Multipurpose Arthritis Center of Indiana Univer- sity as a result of its eleventh annual spring arthritis luncheon, reports Joyce Overby. Anne Pandl Stover, Nu Omicron '78, has chaired this event for the last three years. Interna- tional Membership Chairman Ann Buechlein Wilmes, Chi Lambda '80, has developed the new international pledge program, "A Rose Ever Bloom- ing," to be implemented in all col- legiate chapters this year. Renee Pugh
(Continued on page 36) 85
Alumnae Chapter
News . . .
(Continued horn page 35)
Fairchild, Zeta '23, for a luncheon. Kathryn lives at Fairchild Horse Farm, just south of Yellville. Her guests were fascinated with her home, "a little log cabin," decorated with memorabilia of her life. Urbanite Kathryn has adapted gracefully to her chosen slow paced rural style of living and shares it happily with others, reports LisaSchliep Lipscomb.
The spring and summer months have been filled with a variety of activities for the North Carolina Piedmont Alumnae Chapter, reports Lisa Tolliver.
In April, alumnae volunteers par- ticipated in a telethon held at Four Seasons Mall in Greensboro. The proceeds went to help in the battle against arthritis.
r4 Rho "Open House
Fall 1988
Alumnae Chapter
News . . .
(Continued from page 34)
Smith, Phi llpsilon '69, was recently named Region IV Director. Newly elected president, Diane Ressinger Bondus, Phi Upsilon 70, is busy making plans to raise funds to meet the chapter's pledge of $2,500 to be used in the construction of the new International Headquarters. Elizabeth Romine Coffee, Chi Lambda '58, hosted our Endowment Luncheon for theFoundation lastJuly.Lizisan International Executive Board Direc- tor.
Audrey Lueth reports that the Dallas Alumnae Chapter ended its year of meetings with a pot luck and "Senior Welcome." A local AOIIand owner of a travel agency also gave lots of tips on low cost travel. May meant Kentucky Derby, and the annual Derby party found the AOIIs and their spouses picking their favorite horses and renewing friendships of the previous year.
Several Dallas alumnae kept score at the Arthritis Softball Tournament in July.
Kim Anderson is the new president of the Bozeman Alumnae Chapter, reports Marj Johnson Hunt. Serving with her are Mary Jean VanTeylingen, vice president, and Mary Dell Hie- tala, secretary-treasurer.
Alumnae activities this past year included the traditional pie night, a wine and cheese convention high- lights celebration, an evening of crepe making, a baby shower for Karen Southwick, an evening spent watch- ing a video of Camp Limberlimbs (a local program for youngsters with arthritis), and a salad supper with seniors. There was also a "Chari- Tea," with proceeds going to AOfl
results of this summer's redecoration of the living room, dining room, and foyer. For futher information, con- tact Marj Hunt at (406) 587-3231.
Several years of working and wish- ing culminated in the installation of the Boise Valley Alumnae Chapter in Boise, Idaho on Saturday, April 23, 1988, reports Julie L. Parke. The chapter was honored to have Sue Schell, Regional Finance Officer, as its installing officer.
Chapter members were pleased to welcome some new alumnae attend- ing the installation and hope that their new, official status as an alum-
To Dragma
"DJF scholarships
help dreams
come true!"
\UI lit.
-Attorney Elise Moss, T a u Delia DJF Winners' Circle (1972)
DJF scholarships-
gifts that recognize education's importance.
Send contributions to
Alpha Omicron Pi Diamond Jubilee Foundation 310 North Harrison St., Building B., Suite 372 Princeton, New Jersey 08540-3512
Elise Moss
Boise, Idaho is the home of a new alumnae chapter.
philanthropies. "Survival kits" for finals week were sold to Alpha Phi collegians with profits going to the Convention Fund.
An open house/brunch/mortgage burning is slated for Sunday, October 16 at 9:30 a.m. at the Alpha Phi chap- ter house. All alumnae and their fam- ilies are invited to attend and see the
nae chapter will encourage other alumnae in the Boise area to attend in the future. The officers for the com- ing year are: Suzan Crandall, presi- dent; Charlotte Boyd, vice president; Jan Kinnas, treasurer; and Janell Kirby, secretary. Any interested area alumnae may contact one of the new officers for more information.
Please use my gift to support DJF's scholarship program! Name
AOn Chapter,
_ State.
_ZipCode_ _Year of Initiation.
on page 52)
Natalie Overall Warren. Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U
Irene Mathilda Lutz Dunham. Omicron Pi. U ol Michigan
Phyllis Marguerite Arner Westerman, Rho. Northwestern University'
Blanche E. Franklin Chilcote, Alpha Phi. Montana State University' Marilyn June Kennedy Goss Chi Delta. U ol Colorado'
Eunice Helena Force Fjarkell. Lambda. Stanlord University' Dorothy Bogen Famnglon. Lambda. Stanlord University'
Jessie Mane Senor Cramer. Phi, U of Kansas
Martha Griffith Houston. Pi Kappa. U of Texas-Austin" Margaret J Dorr Schutt. Rho, Northwestern University' Dorothy Good Anderson. Tau. University ol Minnesota'
PATRONS $500-5999
Susan Camille Wayenberg Hirst, Alpha Gamma, Washington Slate U' Carol Ann Cooper, Alpha Rho, Oregon Slate U'
Veroka Wampler Morrison. Alpha Rho. Oregon Slale U'
Helen Scott Cantine Dunn. Alpha Sigma. U ol Oregon
Julia Ann Mills Littlejohn. Alpha Tau. Denison University'
Patricia Ann Velliquetle Koproski. Beta Gamma. Michigan State University' Irene Florence Wager Oestrike, Beta Gamma. Michigan Slale University' Edith Elizabeth Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi, Indiana U'
Mary Alice Burch Fizer, Beta Thela. Butler University' MarthaLoisGarrahanHazard.Chi.Syracuse U'
Mabel Snyder Landis. Chi Lambda. U ol Evansville'
Margaret Lewis Baxter McArdle, Delta. Tutts U'
Susan Lynn Pace Brodnan, Delta Omega, Murray State U'
Elizabeth Ashlon Gordy Schultz, Gamma Omicron, U. ol Florida'
Margaret Jane Kramer Crawtord, lota, U, ol Illinois'
Nancy Jane Hesse, lota. U of Illinois'
Kathleen Ann Rippel Holmes, Iota, U ol Illinois'
Manorie Elenore Kennedy Lupton. Kappa Theta. U ol Calif -Los Angeles' Lydia Jane Cable Phillips. Kappa Thela. U of California-Los Angeles' Henrietta Mela Blanc Tow Kappa Theta. U ol California-Los Angeles' Nancy Lee Anderson Vivas, Nu Lambda, U of Southern California'
Lucile Dvorak Kirk, Omega, Miami U
Anne Lewis Witt Allison, Omicron, U. ot Tennessee'
Janirae Linebaugh Callaway. Omicron. U ol Tennessee
Jeanne Elaine Lindsey Butler, Omicron Pi, U ol Michigan'
Evalyn Starr Bloomer, Phi, U. of Kansas
Beverly Joan Emerson Locke. Phi. U of Kansas'
Lois Ann Hawkins, Phi Alpha, East Tennessee Stale U '
Ezrene Fisk Bouchelle, Pi, Newcomb College'
Mary Charlotte Famnglon Chaney, Pi Delta, University ol Maryland' Gretchen Charlin Vanslyke Welsh, Pi Delia, University ol Maryland Joanne Ross Wilder Pi Delta. University of Maryland'
Virginia Anne Banks, Pi Kappa. U of Texas-Austin'
Virginia EllenGrillo Bull. Pi Kappa. U ol Texas-Austin'
Mary Louise Naumann Douglas. Pi Kappa. U ol Texas-Austin'
Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa. U. of Texas-Austin'
Lois Jo Falknet Griffith, Rho, Northwestern University'
Carole Lynn Merrick Ringer, Rho, Northwestern University'
Janet Letson Hackley. Sigma. U of California-Berkeley'
Mary Elizabeth Thompson McReynolds Sigma. U ot Call! -Berkeley' Louise Kramer Mills. Sigma. U. of California-Berkeley'
Traude Maria Knz Valachi, Sigma, U ot Calilornia-Berkeley'
Inez Kolar Petrok, Tau, University ot Minnesota'
Sarah Dorman Bailey, Theta, DePauw University'
Carol Ann Roesener Jackson, Thela, DePauw University'
Marilyn Louise George Poluzzi. Theta, DePaw University'
June Moms Silverman. Thela. DePaw University
Kay Fern Hansen Sutherlin. Theta. DePaw University'
Marianne Davies Carton, Upsilon, U. ol Washington'
Reba Alice Shannon Tiaber. Upsilon, U ol Washington'
Nancy Martha Herlihy Jakobs, Upsilon Alpha'
Jane Virginia Kessler Kurtiss, Zeta. U ol Nebraska-Lincoln
Kathryn Alma Carver McKee, Zeta. U ol Nebraska-Lincoln'
Lucile Margaret Hendricks Spencer, Zeta, U ol Nebraska-Lincoln'
Ann Frances Allen Sbolci, Zeta Psi. East Carolina U.'
' =current donor
The Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation is pleased to salute and publicly thank all alumnae who have supported Alpha Omicron Pi through donations to the Development Fund. One of four funds of the Foundation, the Development Fund supports educational programs of the Fraternity. Special recognition goes to those alumnae who have supported the Development Fund year after year and have attained specified cumulative giving levels. An asterisk (*) denotes those donors who continued that support with a specific gift last year.
Fall 1988
Development Fvmti
Barnard College
Hester M Rusk'
U. of Alabama
Mary Elizabeth Hood'
Louisiana State University
Margaret Bres Abshire
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor Gadwell Susan Hardin Mahon
Nancy Ellen Hollenbeck Mouliere'
Montana State University
Joan Elizabeth Hansen Jacoosen' One! Campbell Morphey
Florida State University
Patricia Kay Donaldson Cox Julia Kennon Dunn'
Lucile Dale Haag'
Mary Kathenne Mask'
ALPHA SIGMA U. of Oregon
Peggy Jane Peeblet Decker ALPHA TAU Denison University
Dorothy Elma Hartshorn Kortepeler' Itma Grace Hudson Morrow'
Jane Carol Wonders SM
Michigan State University
Susan Dana Elder'
Helen Hollisler Lee Foster' Louise Muncie Roehm'
BETA LAMBDA Illinois Wesleyan U. Ann Bloomquisl Hougham' BETA PHI
Indiana U.
Lucille Inez Gust Bluhm'
Frances Cordelia Baylor Guenther' Margery Carole Laycock' MaryRuthWhiteleyMcKnighl Selma Pauline Drabmg Pond'
Gail Geneve Glenn Ramsey'
Mary Ellen Jenkins Whillock'
SPONSORS $250-5499
Syracuse U.
Marcia Lynette Bond Evans' IreneManeKBecker Ferguson Beverly Jane Dallo Martino' Marjone Frances Kincaid Mclntyre
U. of California-Davis
Marian Louise Rule Cope'
U. of Colorado
Sydney Ann Arner
Paula Gene Barta'
Jane K Beard'
Diane Constance Panagakis Rouman' Elizabeth Louise McCarver Tolson' Mary Rebecca Shook Weinberg'
U. of Evansville
Elizabeth Ann Romine Coffey' Mary Antoinette Reitz
Mary Ann Vaughan Slark DELTA PI
Central Missouri State U. Sharon Diane Martin' DELTA SIGMA
San Jose State University
Marlene Joann Peterson Adams' Marilyn Ann Myers Ueber'
Joyce Ella Osbom'
Irene Rose Woodworth Shephard'
Penn State U.
Debra Ann Trueax EilerT Lenore Helen Holmann Freitag' HazieJane Davis Heaton' Joanne LynneYergey Keith
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Dorothy Jane Basset! Knott Margaret E Heinecke Ladwig' Helen Munel Laird McPhee Helen Susan Barron Moss'
U. of Florida
Charlotte Townsend Burton Bray' Dana Kay Baumgardner Klutt
Georgia State U.
Marcia Lane Welch Davis' Patricia Jane Cowley Hardy'
U. of Illinois
Wilma May Allen Bredar Suzanne Mane Meyer Fernera" ErmaAlviraBissell Hedgcock Beatrice Esther Levy Johnston' Palncia E Hoffman Klinf Margaret Waldo Lewis
Gertrude Elizabeth Moote Pierce'
a Jean Stehno'
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Nan Wilma Brown Benson' Charlsie Berly'
Lucy Somerville Howorth'
Jane Boggess Mylander Wainwnghl'
KAPPA ALPHA Indiana State U.
Jane Kay Wilkinson Solebeer' KAPPAGAMMA Florida Southern College Nancy Lambeth Ford KAPPA KAPPA
Ball State U.
Kelli Susan Frtzpalnck Burnll' Mary Ann Myers Meyer'
KAPPA OMICORN Rhodes College
Martha Biggs Cage Edge' KAPPA PHI
McGill University
Anita Damato Neale'
Western Michigan U.
Harriet Jane Heethuis Oliver' AngelineMarySpehar Zant|er'
U. of California-Los Angeles
Jane Francco Keenan Andre'
Stanford University
Dorothy Mae Bishop Garter' GeralrJine Lloyd Hicks' Muriel Clark Boyd Longinottr Norma Lois Godfrey Taylor'
California State U.-Long Beach
Nancy Yoko Ishida'
U. of California-San Diego
Susan Davies"
U. of Georgia
Judith Frances Bagby'
Joni DemseFarmer Frobos'
Northeast Louisiana U.
Cheryl Ann Larrieu Bourg' TernDeniseParker Marshall'
New York University
Valarie Crosby Lippman'
U. of Mississippi
Jana Scott Phillips Howell Ellen Elizabeth Roberts Russell'
Northern Illinois University
ElizabethAnGrin Haser' Nancy Luise Wargo
Southern Methodist University
ValerieVerneBenoist Adams' Lucille Frances Pnce Jones'
U. of Southern California
Carol E. Emmerling Sawyer' Gail L Sullivan'
Mandy Gray Simpson Barbara' Julie A. Fassetl MariannaMcAllister LaRue' AlisonFoxWaltonMacheras' Mary Kalhryn Riley Michel Laverne McNelly Mock' JeanGrahamWhorleyTripp' Nancy Ellen Finley Vaughan' JayneAnnOwensWoods
• current donor
SPONSORS (cont.) 5250-5499
Miami U.
Margaret Isabelle Barr Amos' Linda Mae Ekberg Blau' Sarah Badger Brown'
Mary Barnett Boles Folken' JeanBallinger King'
Edith Roberta Cope Lockard' Rita Ann Karrick Strebel'
U. of Michigan
Sarah Elizabeth Burroughs' RuinGenevieve Morey Eisele' Mary Ellen Appleton Fralick' Dons Pauline Koch
Irene Mane Doherty Matheson' Phyllis Jane Peterson'
Mary Georgia Kokales Tower' Abigail Roberts Vanwagenen
U. of Kansas
Beatrice Eugenia HagedomAmyx' Glee Starr Bloomer'
Eunice Ellen Hanes'
Virginia E Zenishek Slruble'
Mary Lee McCammon Williams
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Barbara Ann Daugs Hunt'
Youngstown State U.
Patricia Marie McAtee McNicholas'
Newcomb College
GayleRhoadesMarschall Cosgrore' Ann Leslie Lingan Dissen
University of Maryland
Martha Ross Temple Alderson' Cassandra Anne Bond Carney Phyllis Regma Sell MacVeigh' Betsy Mintzer
U. of Texas-Austin
Jo Anne Breitmeyer
Northwestern University
Diane Beverly Bleiberg'
Barbara Ann Cryer Bowermaster' Nancy Kay Anderson Clark
Tova Quist Craig
Dorothy Isabel Bruniga Dean" Patricia Adele Jonas Handlmann' Bertha UrbanThurman Kinsey' FrancesKalhrynSetter Loeppert' Gretchen Baarsch McEwen'
Angela Serpe Metzger' ReneeA.DeSmet Mogni
Maxine Griffith Pusinelli* MarilynJuneSchumacher Shortndge'
U. of California-Berkeley
Janice Lee Melton Adams' Shirley Ann Jumper Boberg' Marguerite Ives Gist Butler' Marion Baumann Force Haswell' Joanne Fenner Hays'
Carol J Munson" Mildred Ewing Taylor'
SIGMA CHI Hartwick College Barbara Jones Bennett' TAU
University of Minnesota
Eddice Dochterman Sullivan'
Birmingham-Southern College
Susan Kay Edmunds Lewis
DePauw University
Jane Ann Bnner E
Helen LaVerne Wooltord Coffin Pauline Stark Harris'
Jean Louise Lave Hawley'
Lois Carol Smart Lehner'
Mary Elizabeth Schultheis Stoudenmire' Irene Lillian Lumby Welker'
Martha Matilda McKinney Wilhoile'
THETAETA University of Cincinnati Lou Anne Moon Bunnel' THETA OMEGA Northern Arizona U.
Jill DeyoMacey Bourns' Nancy Jo McConaha' Nanette Brubaker Tewksbury'
University of Toledo
Lois Elizabeth Zergler Billig'
U. of Washington
Patricia Eloise Guettel Clifford' Betty Anderson Conway' Frances Stillman Hodges' Ann Lorraine Schultz Pare'
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Diana Lee Rasmussen Meiches' BerthaJaneCarr Miller'
Western Kentucky U.
Rachel Smith Allen'
Sandra Lynn Altord Gover' Sylvia Rae Hallenberger Klein' Karen Jean Fiddelke Towef
U. of Alabama
DianeJeannineCollins Edgeton' Mantzabel C Rodriguez Hyde" Carole Ruth Jurenko Junes' Patricia Ann Lavin Kisling' Catherine Ann Taylor Moore' Mary Carol Baxley Morgan' Virginia Joy Lewis Rhea'
Denise Arden Simmons' Moira Elizabeth Judas Smith
WashingtonState U.
GraceGreenawall Becher
Judy Stein Falk'
Deborah Ann Hernas'
Evelyn Maxine Krause Hickman' Agnes Genevieve Smick Knott Linda Margaret Enckson Ohlsson' Peggy Lenore Moss Ostrander' Carol Louise Garretson Redman Susan Jane Daiget Schell' Denise Lynn NovacoHSprague' Mildred Mary Hunt Vatnsdal'
Univ. of North Alabama
Mary Louise Barnes Ogle' Linda Hyde Ratlitl'
Louisiana State University
Vijean Louise Piazza Burden' Bonnie Mane Dunlap' trmaManeLouiseKenneyGilmer' GayleAnnAhemKeller'
Cynthia Kay Smith Petty'
Montana State University
Julie Ann Paugh
Bess Barbara Philips Daum Etta Verna Haynes Dobbin" Mary Ursula Egan*
Jean Levench Lenham Hansen KathenneTeresa Kane Helppie' Laura Hermansen'
Lillian Georgina Krulatz Hughes' Beverly EliseVatcher Koppang' Nancy Rulh Stenson Moore' Amy Pound'
Margaret Glass Scott Reeves' Lorene Alice Stranahan'
Carol Anne Raffl Vorpahl' Verna Marie Willis
Florida State University
RitaLeddy Baker'
Angela Amelia Gnley Creed'
Mary Eloise Davis'
Martha Jane Baumrucker Galek* Karen Lee Glendinning Givens' Betty Jo Millet Holshouser"
Barbara Adelaide Greene Hutchison' Dorothy Louise Kish Kurras*
Hazel Caroline Noe Smoak"
Oregon State U.
Osa Lautner Ballen'
Natalie Louise Essig Cantrell' Carol Joyce Clark' JeannetteRice Hewitt'
Melba Hartzell Hicklm
Molly Carolyn Taylor Jackson' Barbara Lee Bierer Long Audrey Wiencken Smith'
Anne Reid Steele' MeredithJeanThomson Walters'
U. of Oregon
DebraDianeTaylor Baker' Mildred Maxine Martin Cramer' Margaret Yvonne Torgler Davis' Lanora Marie Newell Golphenee' Jewel Bauman Hull'
Edith Clement Laborde'
Leona Melva Hosteller Mosher" Rebecca Ann Nelson
Vera Snow Reid
Nonearle French Ryder'
Jean Alice Carkin Sanesi' Audrey Williams Stevens'
Donna Jane Ketchum Westlall' AnnHerrenkohl Yoder'
Denison University
Jean Rhosa King Brawn"
Alice Shizue Kurohara Fu|imoto' Frances Emily Riebel Fullerton' Josephine Arthur Hedges' Joanne Ruth Neumeister Hoppe' Margary Willgen Male'
Lillian Henderson King Nicholl' Natalie Elizabeth Cbwan Scharre' Margaret Lucille Vanhorn Stearns' Mildred Hull Swedder' JaneWilsonCockerill Sweeder' Jane Hastings Scully Taylor" Mary Edith Myers Taylor
Wtlda Grace Wiesl Webster"
Coe College
Sharon K Van Fleet"
Michigan State University
Marjorie Louise Dinan Bouck' Molly Temple Howell
Arley Berwald Hulslrand' Sharon Ruth McKee
Carol Ethel Wolle Mendnck' Dons E Baguley Miller" Joanne Shirley Nelson Nowak' Wilma Jeanette Pinch Peek' Charlene Ellen Brown Potter' Donna Ruth Messenger Rowe' Sandra Irene Obeshaw Slee Barbara Jane Urquhart Sterling' Carol Des Jardins Wilcox'
University of British Columbia Barbara Bea McTavish Thurston' BETA LAMBDA
Illinois Wesleyan U.
Kathy Dueball
Stephanie J. HobsonGutnet' Elinor Diane Brown Thorstenson'
a Ann Mathis VanVoorhees'
To Dragma
Indiana U
Juliana Nancy Bane Bordner" Yvonne Jean Park Boseker' MargaretAliceThompsonBowles" Catherine Eliza Williams Broyles' AldaJaneWoodwardCarson' Jessie Irene Mitchell Cross'
Rosalie Dee Hasewinkle Dellinger' Anna Kathenne Greenawall Diggins* Mildred Bodine Douglass'
Jean Drevenstedl' ElizabethJaneFellny Eskew' Patricia Joan Kooken Golgart' Emaline Rosemary Mi ng Hannell' Susanne Fogg Harrison
Mane Jean Hlavacek Holbrooke' Mary Helen Seiple Kilman MaryFrancesSpurgeonKitchel' Ruth Harpole Mueller Kleymeyer' Jane Ann Barr Kohr'
Ryta Lynn Craig Lett'
Marjone Anne Boyd Lind' PamelaMaeJessupMacn'
Alice Adelaide Baylor Martindale' JosephineManeWalshMcConnell Laura Eleanora Gilliam McDowell' Catherine Ann Ohnemus McGowan' Virginia Moore'
Mary Katheryn Atkins Morningstar' Hallie Elmira Keen Mover'
Nona Joyce Nelt Oesterie' MildredCooper Peters'
Mary Elizabeth Mcllveen Rose' Elaine Mane Luebbe Schultheis Nancy Ellen Samek Singleton' Winifred Louise Black Spaulding' Joanne Bowlby Speyer
Geneva Winifred Crayden Wiseman' Carolyn Jane Feutz Zehendner
Eastern Michigan University
Cynthia Louise Given' Barbara Jean Zolnierczak
U. of Montana
Barbara J. Wilson lift' Anita Rae Schroeber Lewis Gloria Miller Ortiz'
U. of Toronto
Margaret Ann McKee Pattison
Butler University
Rutti McClurg Brawn
lone H Agnew Duval' Melba Gertrude Bray Fisher'
Syracuse U.
Ruth Aphia Vincent Barber' Barbara Ann Ernst Bruening' Alice Sage Reeve Cannon Amelita Colangelo'
Carolyn Elizabeth Oliver Collier' Mary Frances Youdan Davis' Adell Woessner Meacham' Constance Marilyn Myer' Dorothy Lucille Lane Oliver' Mildred Janet Sittser Olsen' Mary Elizabeth Harper Thomas'
U. of California-Davis
* •currentdonor
Susan Lynn Appleton' NancyElizabethMadsen' Susan Lee Vanderlip Meester' Kathenne Douglass White' Irene YuukoYamamoto'
U. of Colorado
Marcia Ruth Hunt Brewer'
Jane Anderson Mannweiler Cardea' Leslie Joan Helhena Delaney' Carole Ann Krez Foran' RuthAnnOlsonGatchell'
Ann Carol Morgan Hayslip' Marjone Ann Herzberger'
Ann Mane Hansen Hickman' Harnett Matilda Burke Histed' Nancy Lorraine Setter Karl' SusanElizabethReidMattem Paula Dallas Sparre McLean'
Maria Theresa Medici
Eltie Lucetta Gleason Miles' Joanne Inez Biuland O'Dwyer' NormaSallyYankocy flitter
Carol Joy Harrington Roehrs' AnnaKathenneBarker Schroeder' Joan Dons Lot! Stanka'
U. of Evansville
Carolyn Anne Patterson Brown' CatherineManeFondong Margaret Kortt Kinkel'
Susan Diane Matheny'
Debra Sue Price Moore'
Bobin Lynn Gooch Noms' Linda Kay Capin Paine'
Mary Flo Niednagel Wilsoacher'
Central State University
Linda Louise Patterson Braden'
Tufts U.
ManeBarrett Carney' Mananv SearsCnaflin Ruth Dorothy Bloy Ely'
Ruth Anna Dresser Metcalle' Marion Phillips Porter'
Helen Louise Christian Potter' Annabelle Evelyn Robbins'
U. of Southwest Louisiana
Bette Marie Lewis Armenlor' Karen Nell Willis Bernard' Nancy Lynn Tuttle Boisture' Beatrice Parkerson Dupuis' Rorence Sanders Jones'
U. of Delaware
Kathenne Anne Thackrah Graham'
Auburn U.
Merrilyn Louise Cook'
Angela Connne Kennedy Payne' Winifred Annette Perkins Cynthia Lee Weinberg*
Virginia South West'
DELTA OMEGA Murray State U. Patsy Gail Jones Bishop'
Mary Dutl Matarazzo Bryant' LanaLoyGainer Porter'
Central Missouri State U.
San Jose State University
Bette Jo Belda'
Judith Lee Pearson Delno' NancyClaireSchlosser Dunn' Marilyn Lucilla Wylie Hart' Marguerite C Crawford Lloyd" Leah Anne Hardcastle MacNeil' Barbara Jean Halvoisen O'Brien' Marianne Thornton Tharratf
Robin Jayne Slinsoo Boden' JudithAnneWagoner'
Jane! Kay Munroe Weber' AllisonElizabethMasseyWoram
Cornell University
Gwendolyn Owen Faith'
Penn State U.
Diane Ruth Edelman Bardman' Gladys Evelyn Raemsch Belts' Selena Amole Wunderiich Bing' Gertrude Louise Bryant JacquelynRuthSlrubleDinwiddie* Nancy Louise Baier Gilbert' Marilyn Jean Minor Haas'
Cicely May Desilver Hindenach* Maigarel Ruth Desilver Hursh' Dorothy Jane Jennings BettyElinorWidger Johler' Marion Mae Eberts Johnson' Nancy Jane Graham Leuschner' Eleanor GwynnMerrilield MaryElynMcLaughlinMoyer' Barbara Torrence Nelson' Barbara Louise Beatty Phillips' KathrynCarpenter Aungsl Reed' Sara Josephine Lowenberg Stern Terese De Sales Moslak Sutor' MarpneDayCousleyWinkler' Mary Belle Zahn'
Sara Louise Everitt Zimmerman'
U. ot Wisconsin-Madison
Katherine Elizabe! Turner Dole Margaret Isabel Ebert Kelk Evelyn Rasmussen Lundsted' Elizabeth M. Hiestand McKenna' Leone Claire Glau McMillen Muriel Minnie M Moodie' Eleanor Sikes Peters'
Marion J Bain Ransel' Maude Aleen Gray Stewart' Elynore Frances Bell Wegner' Carol Isabel Schmitt Woerpel'
U. of Maine-Orono
Annette Rosemarie Simoneau Bliss' Mary Elizabeth Robinson McClure' Jessie Ellen Ashworth Miller' Nancy Ann Wallingtord Parolin' MaryannCarrTiemann
George Mason U.
Jams Mane Davidson Bates Lisa Ann Disher'
Janet Laura Haher Rawl'
U. of Florida
Elizabeth Ann Adams'
Catherine Anne Burnette Braude Jill Ann Camera'
Dolly Loraine Sadler Garcia'
Linda Carol Greene SandraSueFuller Jewell
Faith Lee Tulino Myer
KimCecilia Bechamps Perez' Carolyn Blakely Richards Robinson' Elizabeth C Varnum Townsend' Marilyn Lisa Krekel Walton' GeorginaSibenoWiborg'
Georgia State U.
Mina Harriet Corbet! Austin' LauraManeElliott
Idella Lyn Rogers-Haney' Tracey Shepard'
U. of Illinois
Robin Elizabeth Lee Beltramim' Eva Lucille Benson'
Audrey Gayle Shaw Dusendschon' Reda Sophia Kloptenstein Ebert' Shirley Ann Bradshaw Gillette" Margaret Aiteen Hagan
Irene Jeanette Davis Jansen" RuthCharlottePageKephart' Linda Kay BrownWd Liermann Ermina Smith Linn'
Betty Jane Lois Carver Lumbattis' Bette Ann Busch Maniscalco' Bonnie Grace Payne Patterson' VirginiaBairstowSchroeder' Kimbedy Susan Coogan Tubbs' Jennifer Ellen Swenson Warren JoanLucileRyanWickham'
Idaho State University
Mary Julia Daly Enwall' EleanoreD. MacCurdy'
Iowa State U.
Lisa Anne Modjeski-Fischer' Mary Hansuld Moore'
U. of Wisconsin-Stout
Mildred lona Turney'
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Nadine Dorothy Pilot Cuenod' Adelaide Carleton Sterne Lentz' Lorena Best Terry Quick'
Eleanor Frances Manning Robbins'
Indiana State U.
Kathleen Ammerl Codings Bosworth Saundra Lou Martin Bridwelf Rorence Dodge Ennis"
Margorie Mary Long Galit'
Norah Lea Bush McKay' CartaJoShowersPaul'
Carol Lee Hammond Schnyder' IrmaE HimmelbauerVesser
Florida Southern College
Donna Mae Thompson Kuiken' Becky Sue Winkler'
Helen T Lawton Zientek'
Ball State U.
Candace Lynn Kirkwood Colyei Barbara Joan Griffiths Enckson Deoorah Lee Jennings Ernst' Beverly Jo Bontrager Hoffman' PatiiciaJeaneMitchell Hoopingarner Pamela Sue Jordan'
Janet Sue Royer Parsons Wanda C Swift Rogers' Martha Jean Schumacher' JaneAnnVigusSteiner'
U. of Kentucky
Jill Glascock'
KAPPA OMICRON Rhodes College
Anne Elizabeth Riley Bourne' HelenQuindley McClure' flebecca MarshbanksMushingi' Frances Ralston Crouch Perkins-
Joan Frances Dealhe MacCallum Marilyn Winnie R Mirabelli Margaret Jean Ivarson Putman' Dorothy Warwick Weir Stalker'
Ohio Northern U.
Arminah Ellen Davis" Pamela Jean Henry' Deoorah Lea Hunter'
Jenet Eileen Lucas Stickler'
Western Michigan U.
Rebecca Dragos Massie" Dons Ann Cline McKenzie'
U. of California-Los Angeles
Carol Lorraine Spence Barrow Mary Leigh Waiters Blek'
Edith Clara Belsher Butler"
Mary Elizabeth Watkins Cullom' Patricia Mane Eggers Gerty Judith Theresa Hasche' Margaret Hall Clifton Henoch Barbara Ann Dean Kapell'
Jane Mane Campion Leininger' Dorothy Lee Woodbury Linn' Lucile Gertrude Buroank Pannell Mary Young Poulon Pingree' Haidee Kipps Schlecht'
Jean Alberta Cook Steinberger' Mary Louise Fitzpatrick Tayloi Jacqueline Nina Scott Ullench' Gwendolyn J Thompson Ward' Katherine Elsie Berg Willis' Lorna Elizaoeth Wright Witt"
Fall 1988
Stanford University
Jacquelyn Cannon Bonnett' Dorothy Ann Huft
Jean Perry Hiier Maroder'
California State U.-Long Beach
Pamela Sue Caudill
Elizabeth Anne Craig'
Susan Kay Kenley Gundereen' Man/janeFay Johnson" Laureen Sue Paisley
Lynnetta Jean Walker Winter'
LAMBDA CHI LaGrange College
Ronda Faye Holloway' LAMBDA IOTA
U. of California-San Diego LauraV BloomDoyle' LAMBDA SIGMA
U. of Georgia
Caroline Yvonne Hargrove Adams' Katherine Hall Hurst Anderson' Dorothy Barrow Alwell'
Donna Katherine Gude Berwick' Evelyn Bird'
Lisa Helen Whiten Bowen' HazelLeeMixonChristie'
Kathy Jean Wigington Culpepper Sarah Hurt Friend Dickerson' Melanie Nixon Doyle
Pamela Jean Fortner' SusanChristinaHighsmithGraveline' Catherine Anne Sponseller Helms' Katherine Tilley Cox Johnson"
Emily Jane Huie Langston'
Louise Burrus Leonard'
Fili Christine Lamas Menzelos' Laura Palmer Pern/
Sarah Julia Russo'
Margaret Ann Scott Spillane" RuthArtrue Estes Trager
Beverly Marcell Scarboro Wiilingham
Northeast Louisiana U.
June Hodge Godfrey*
Lois Elaine Klemme Theriot"
New York University
Martha Jane Momssey Albert" Elizabeth Ann Rennmann Chisholm' PatriciaFahy
Priscilla Harrington Loomis'
Mirian Ann Paliwoda Moody'
Anita Maurice Schitfer Mulier*
Elise Belle C. Rebaza Oswald' Elizabeth A, Beatry Saltan' Jacqueline G. Maslerson Shorlal'
Mary Elizabeth Barrett"
Patricia Wade Sample Bendall' Laketa Marie Rickly Thompson'
Northern Illinois University Kaien Lynn Bledsoe Bear'
= current donor
Judy Ellen Young Huss* Linda Schwartz McElhany' Marcia Elizabeth Davis Moser* Carolyn Grace Wartinbee' Cynthia Renee Paul Wayland'
Southern Methodist University
Helen Cummings Graves*
U. of Southern California
Yvonne Frances Spalding Banta* Ten Lynn Hooker Beaman' Mary Elizabeth Booth*
Geraldine Hunt Brinkley Clark' Jody Clark
Camille Lamar Tnbelhom Crawford' Katherine Gulmert'
Marilyn Tevriz Kezirian'
Leanna Dons Long Leonard' Alison Joy Marshall'
Virginia Lee Cake Mclntyre Jane Ann Snider'
Virginia Jean Gardner Yerkes
Diana Roberts Thompson Alden* Helen Marie Tanley Allord"
Alice Ann Vaughan Barge'
Anne Douglas Cowen Beauchamp Alice Williamson Bratton' ClaraRosalieCarr Carson
Anne Eaton Meeks Davis'
Pamela Dianna Hathcock DeZevallos' Angela Jo Berry Donahue'
Ellena Webb Douglass KalherynR.Crockett Dunn'
Julia Crutcher Cleveland Eisner' Frances Thelma Wray Foster'
Cynthia Elaine Freeman'
Jayne Alston Napier Gordon'
Barbara Bridgeman Dunn Hack'
Mary Russell Robinson Herod' Barbara Anne Shields Kelley'
Gloria Jane Enochs LaRoche'
Nell Fain Lawrence'
Nina Chambers Martin'
Kalie Rose Woods McClendon* Kalhryn Anne McClure'
Mary Louise Lakofl McMillan'
Ann Hartford Johnson Nielson'
Sally Baum Nordlund*
Suzanne Gail Duke Orebaugh"
Evelyn Pet Shepherd Pruden'
Patricia Carroll Burnett Rhodes'
Sara Janes West Robertson' Josephine McKelvey Rogers' DeborahLynnHarper Stillwell* Bridget! Leigh Luther Thompson Eleanor Gertrude Walker Threlkel* PatriciaJaneMurpheyTunno'
Pearl N Turtle*
Anne Worsham Zipp'
Miami U.
Eleanor LouiseKingBlank' AlmaLeeConnBumen* AliceMaeKleinlelder Carrico' Anna E McConnaughy Easterday' Nancy Jane McConnaughy Ehrman' Judith Ann Eschmeyer Evans* Denise Sue Hewitt Fargo'
Alice Gertrude Peterson Harrison' Barbara Kay Henritze*
Carol Ann Fiala Jacob'
Deborah Ann Busch James' Frances Marprie Boothe Kende"
PhylisE Kreuzwiesei"
Hazel Engle Lowes'
KimAnne Bestgen Luczywo' Jeanne Allison Aborn Mahlig' Nancy Lynne Shanks Marburger' Margaret Ann Weyman Miles' Sandra Jessamine Merry Nix' Ruth Esther Tallman Piter' Frances Catherine Cenfield Pugh' Ora Champion Robishaw*
Susan Fried Schnelzer
Alice Jean Debuino Schuette* Sue Ellen Small*
Nancy Carmean Sullivan' Nancy Marilyn Hall Swisshelm' Aurora Sue Toth'
Nancy Gene Heil Vecere' Joyce Ann Gruber Williams'
OMEGA OMICRON Lambuth College
Ruth Ann Whitehead Shorter OMEGA XI Morehead State U.
Anne Westertield Adams' Eva Carol Scott Ellis
U. of Tennessee
Nancy Ellen Horner Bettis*
Janella Ann Carpenter'
Mary Elizabeth Moore Dominick' Emily Miter Mahan Faust PhyllisJeanWnghl Hill-
Elizabeth Symonds Hale Hunt- Rebecca Jane Duncan Massey' Judith Walton Speight Redden' Matlie Elizabeth Stewart Sammons' VivianLogueSeymour'
Emily McGee Handly Spence Sherry Ann Fisher Tarwater' Charlene Hemphill Webb' Virginia Minims Fisher While'
U. of Michigan
Esther May Bradley Ayres' Shernll Kay Nicholls Beck' Margaret Mary Triplet! Bixler Dorothy Marie Adams Bychinsky Ella Babs Carle Collins'
Lois Gertrude Cossifl Hampton' Marjory Lucile Hitlle Harrington' Audrey Jean Mitchell Hennessy' Wanda Janet Walgenbach Jacobson* Albertina Aida Maslen Mabley' Nancy Anne Kuchta Mack* PamelaAnnSmithMooradian'
Linda Mae Lanigan Moss Florence Alberta Light Neumann* MarvaHelenHoughNotestine' Elizabeth Graves Motley Pentrop' Alexandrine MCampbell Pratt' Marion Tanner Rylander'
Fern Elaine Wunluck Spooner* Grace Lenore Manbeck Weber
U. of Kansas
Barbara Ann Burnett
Neva Anne Brown Conway Maxine Alela Earhart Dees'
Maria Hadges Foy'
Patriia Elaine Palchin Hottman' Mary Wead Osborn Moore'
Olga May Wallace Smith' Elizabeth Olive Tice Stewart
Mary Kathryn Dowell Thorpe' Lucille Meredith Evans Underwood
East Tennessee State U.
Ollie Jean Seal*
East Stroudsburg U.
Patricia Palmer Rutt"
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
LindyAnneMoll Legener' Sharon Ann Limberg Schroeder
Morris Harvey College
Margaret Mary Anne Guinan Unavage'
Youngstown State U.
Mary Lou GonczKrauss* Virginia Krupa Shaw'
PHI OMICRON Hanover College
Donna Mane Strettar Sheridan' PHI SIGMA
Kearney State College
Linda Jean Wessels Troesler"
Rosalyn Franta
Jane Julianne Geiger Neimeier Diana Nickoloff Rogers'
Jill Ann Williamson
Newcomb College
Rietta Glassell Garland Attrition' Mary Elizabeth Bolton Brown Frances Nannett Tomlinson Carr' Emily Elizabeth Sanchez Hall Joan King Hicks-
Jan Gore Mounger' Margaret Lyon Pedrick*
University of Maryland
EllenJaneKeiser Beavens* Dorothy Hilda Miles Blood' Anna Helen Emily Dorsey Cooke MildredLeeMorrisDarkis*
Edna May Burnside Devereux' Olyure Mildred Hammack Faber' Ellen Elizabeth Bradlord Gladding' Ruth Louise Miles Henderson Theresa Ruth Herring Hongetl* Jane Mooney McCarl* KathyAnnMyersMyerslarson' FloraEdithWaldmanReid* IreneC.FredricksonSchumacher" Helen Elise Wollman Sheats' Carolyn Louise Vogt Taylor
Nellie Rebekah Fouls Wharton" Nadia Virginia Wright Zimmerman'
U. of Texas-Austin
Jean Katherine Beshel! Benton'
BarbaraSeimCampbell' Elizabeth Lenda Kennedy Delk' Marry Nell Gamson
Barbara Anne Bealor Hines' Margaret Ann Knox Lattimore Michal Anne Lord* RuthAwiette Neel Miller*
Mary Fern Hawkins Orem' Edith Sue Alexander Shields' Virginia Lucille Maloney Walker" Marsha Lynne Westlall'
University of Pennsylvania
HelenCharlotteWalter Horner' Helen Louise Euerle Huelsebus Barbara Joan Gilliland Johnson' Emma CarolynTaylor Kitchin* Louise Florence Kappella Reigel* Ida Marie Freeborn Sellinger' Margaret LPennypacker Wisner"
Northwestern University
Dorothy Mona Broad Andrew' Nancy Kalheryn Vanmeter Cotpaert* Joanne Carol Westertield Dunn' Susan Roberta Enlow
Margaret Snook Folwell Guthrie' EloiseJean Moftett Harper'
Emily L.Jonas Hill*
Virginia Mary Wolsey Huizinga* Jeannie Lois Bassett Jones' JaneM Salter Kayser
Beatrice C Segsworth Kitchen DorothyAnnWallinLarson' Gwendolyn Ellen Everetts Lee' Carolyn Death McConnell
Karina Charlotte Jacobson Pingry Helen Jeanne Compere Rahe' OueenieEvelynBroadRosendahl' Arlela Kirlin Schauh
Janet May Thumm Spomer'
Vivian Bernadine Swanson*
Virginia Snook Tell'
Hazel Wilbar
Ellen Dupuis English Wiseman" Leonora Bloomquisl Wolf-Martin' Brooky May Calhoun Zajac'
Portland State University
Janice Sue Cissna Daniels
U. of California-Berkeley
Dorothy Grace Jackson Baxter' Delight Frederick Bennett' PatriciaAnnLennonBuret"
Manon Alice Black Corwin'
Jane Rea Duveneck' HelenAliceBasler Fletcher' Dorothea LaurelleJohnson Fribley' Alma Adele Colling Haighl Elizabeth Ann Paul Hunl
Margaret Anne Wagner Kellogg' Alice Elizabeth Hill Nelson
Alice Frances Bellingham Olson Deanna Jewel Lynn Parrish' JudithParker Payne' ChnstineEBolhwell Pedroncelli" VirginiaLewisPersons'
Cynthia Ann Kroesen Raymond' Claudia Marie Bishop Samson Diane Sandoval'
Janet Louise Ferguson Shirley' Frances Joann Siebe'
Virginia Lane Sieckmest'
SIGMA CHI Hartwick College
To Dragma
Judith Gayle Hunt Butcher' Christine Okula Franke* SigridJoanWestcott Stewart' Virginia Ann Witter Woods
SIGMA DELTA Huntingdon College Audrey Kay Gomillion Jones' SIGMA IOTA
Western Illinois University Christina J Mosher Wilson" SIGMALAMBDA
U. of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
Sally L Huck Drea*
Arkansas State U.
Dorothy Raye Kinman'
Kelly Jones Spradlin' ElizabethKayCameronYount'
California State U.-Northridge
a Ann Harbin Abbott* Mary Lisa Reiser Freeman' Phyllis Jay Casteel Gilson'
Lesli Louise Keligian'
Deborah Ann Lulher Schmidt Karen SmJh'
Elyse Brenda Michelson Wagner
Slippery Rock U.
Donna Lee Coleman
St. Norbert College
Alyson Kathleen Dietzmann Sloan'
Washington College
Christina Maria Schilling Harrison' Carolyn Elizabeth Brant Lense' ElizabethSchmidt McGinniss' Alexandra Muse Reeder* Elizabeth R. Thibodeau'
University of Minnesota
Julia Maxine Morse Blackmer' Virginia Grace Swift Chamberiin' Ruth Miriam Mosling Elvig'
Helen Mane Turnslrand Erickson' JaneDixonCracratt Ganyo' Dorris Bowers Garton'
Elna May E. Thurston Hansen Beverly Jane Hayer Harris*
' =current donor
Pamela K. Hickman
Jean Harlowe Ashton HoUister" LonneDoloresMoenHolschuh'
Lois Jeannette Henning Kroeger Jessie McAdam Lamed
Sally Anne Lohmann Laue*
Kaia Mane Ellingson Lehman'
Wilma Helen Smith Leland' PatriciaGertrudeJohnsonLSI' Nancy Dell Lund'
Sandra Elizabeth Rodgers Marker Marsha Kay McMannus Page'
Julie Marie Ann Landwehi Pascente* Helen PatriciaStruble Regan* MarieBremer Reim"
Jean Behrends Rotegard' EdithJennieRobinsonSuckerman' Martha KWErickson Taylor'
Beverly Dawne Ness Thorson'
Jane Elizabeth Mason Wright'
Birmingham-Southern College
Lynn Marie Martin Anderson JaniceRuthWest Ingram' SarahAdeieTaylor Miller' Jeane Reynolds Parks' Katherine Elise Moss Simmons' Amelia Florence Cox Witters'
U. of Tennessee-Martin
Cynthia Gay Smith
DePauw University
Rulh Esther Bush Bauer MariannaHahl Beers'
Marilyn Davis Boles*
Kalhryn Rae Brown' KatherineElizabethDavis Carter' Annamargaret Chapman Clutter Lenore Alice Johnson Coon Lucile Reynolds Dallas'
Pauline Anne Schmidt Engtert Marilyn Lee Faris
Sylvia Nell Yott Gavi! HelenJeanneBeaubienHayford' Mildred BetzHeiken'
Ann Harger Hinds'
Marlene Ann Schild Holmes' PatriciaJeanRoper Hurbaugh' Phyllis Lorraine Dodds Kaiser
Helen Doane Walker Kessell
Marcia LeeJensen Nelson'
Roxie Edith Stafford O'Day"
Mary Asenath Morrison Obear' Frances Margaret Bryan Poole' Norma Von O'Burn Roberts'
Cora Dealba Brodhecker Robertson Judith K Neal Scott-
Dorothy lone Donlen Shepard' ElizabethElleBuckinghamTourtelot' Victoria Ann Urban"
Harriett Dugan Veach'
MiriamOilar Woods'
In addition to those donors listed in the special categories,the followingalumnaehavesupported the Alpha Omicron P i Foundation Development Fund during the past year, from July 1, 1987, through June 30,1988. We deeply appreciate your continuing support.
Fall 1988
Alpha Omicron P i Foundation Giving Levels
The AOn Foundation is pleased to honor its alumnae who reach certain cumulative giving levels. All gifts received within each campaign year compound your cumulative total. The following levels have been established:
Thelma D Coen Waigand' Betty Lou Weber Ziler
U. of Washington
Donna Mabel McNair Apple' Edith May Davisson Brewer' Gloria Rae Hitt Blame Cauble Jessie Denny Cochran'
Carmen Lorenne Baker Gibbons' Aase Loe Gronlund
Marilyn M. Rose Herman'
Gertrude Elizabeth McCanne Lev' Barbara Trask Clark Marsh'
Phyllis A. Hyde Morgan'
Beatrice Jean Heitmann Nowogroski' Louise Dow Benlon Oliver
Alverna Mary Grace Ocker Swan' Eileen Ann Thorpe
Dorothy France Hesseldenz Walker* Emma Jean Steen Werrbach
Harriet Virginia Rowen Wolverton'
U. of Arizona
Martha Anne Shideler Berts'
Sharon Margaret Dleringer Campbell' Mary Atline Ebert* MarianneHicksKifer
JanisTremble Nelson
University of Oklahoma
Dora Deane Childress Newman'
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Bonnie Virginia Kinkade Boyd' Suzanne D Groteluschen Bryson' Pauline Moore Carman'
Phyllis Mae Davidson Dunlap' Mary Lee Glen Ehrke
Kathryn Louise Smith Fairchild' BetteLou Wetso Hagel* Elizabeth Mae Evans Hummel' Elizabeth M. MacFatlane Jensen' Helen Nona Bergin Kampfe' Janice Rae Foole Luhn'
June Florence Wilson Marron' Marilyn M. Christenson Orr' Deanne Mane Glen Phillip" Alyce Evelyn Bassett Schuidl' Jean Elizabeth Marcy Sells' Dorothy ElizabethBradt Smiland' Jacquelyn Ann Alber Sutton"
East Carolina U. Alice Irene Martin Virga
$2500 $1000 Founders' Presidents' Roll Roll
$500 Patron
$250 Sponsor
$125 Sustaining Member
Mornlngside College
Kimberly Ann Campbell'
Universityof Cincinnati
Doris Ann Eberhardt'
Daisy Virginia Pott Lindsley Patricia Louise Prashaw Lockhart' Mary Elizabeth Lrghl Meyer'
NorthernArizona U.
Ten Elizabeth Thomas Anderson' Jana Kaye Beets'
Mary Jo Miller Brentari'
Shirley Ann Hoffman Howell' Debra kay Ladehoff'
Tammy Carolyn Martin
Wagner College
Rose Mary Perosi Brunda' Phyllis Caroline Hobbs Caufliel* Nancy A. Chocrane"
Beverly Ann Fraser Dalzelf Karen Distler
Diana-Joan SkubliskasEngel* Margaret Helga Glueck'
Rita Veronica Dikeman Polese'
University of Toledo
Helen Scheidler Benscholer' Dorothy Ann Leive Eberle'
Gwen Petersen Geis"
Elaine Wilkinson Howe* MarilynJaneOnweller Keller' Wilma Diegelman Lupe'
Beryle Margaret Dunlap McCloskey Matyhelen McMacken Meyers' Fadwa Haney Skaff*
Thomas More College
Anne Mane Mielech Anne Mane Raispis
ALPHA CHI Western Kentucky U.
Mary Lynn Baker
Karen Jeanne Miley Bere Marsha Louise Bird Botdas Juamta Lynn Overhults Brown Susan Spieser Choate
Nancy Lee Severyns Cline BeverlyBiggersCrow Beverly Nadine Cummings Julie Diane Dusseau
Alice Haneline Griffin
NancyJoyceHauskins.- Stela FayeHenderson BarbaraLee.KoehlerHigdoii JamiePolkHoucWns
Eleanor Same James Kennedy Michelle MarieMamn
Antonia Harris Flowers Morgan: SharonIreresefloso MaryLynrieRousseau AngelaDianeSchieman LauraDeniseSimmons DebraLynnSlant RobertaJoanneSteder Jennifer Selene Vjtlliamssh
U. of Alabama
Monica Ir^eFichtar Bell Cheryl Mayo Duncan Brantly
Janet LynnJurenko
Joanne Lessmamfiruno
Mary LynnBurlier Bryant
Cab Marie BlacfcCallahan
Cafhy Derfee Cole
Donna Jo flumore Cusimano AlyceLeighCobfcSlis
Martha Anne Huckabee Foster LisaSusanneGlider
Melissa Lee Barton Hagopian
Ldri LynnThorntonHenry DeborahAttnHood
SaraSpanli Howard
Bonnie LynnJenkins SusanMaykishBarnesKyle LisaAnnLorino
Lisa Ann Ratliff MoCollum ElizabethGrant Molett'McKinney Deborah Anne Morris Mihalko LindaSusanCurryMillet JayneEllenPorges Kelli'ElizabethMcCollumiBodgers ShelleyBennett DuncanSchneider Susan LynneMcCullougfrShenefield Laura LeeSmith LydiaKateDensonStaples JulieAnnTaylor
Washington State U.
PamelaJoAhlt BonnieJoJohnsohAim JaniceIreneMagnusonAmsberry KellyKimberly Bennett LindaKaya,Broechel
ErinAnn Byrne JoanneMarieMcFJelveyDemarints Meagan Ann Dolan
Sandra Gee Edwards
Julie Anne-Elsensohn
Diane MarieStanderfet France AnnaManolopoutosHeim KathrynElizabethByrneHennessey Opal IreneJenkin-Hill PhyllisLambert Hoffmann
-AllieKaJs-Thiet PatricialotiiseMaslac'Vallandigham
Univ. of North Alabama
LauraAnnBrushBurcham MaryFaithTinsley Deafen
Garol LynneGundlacrr-Hafl CarolynAnneBtbcookeHamilton SusanMelinda-lrench-L'owrey DebraFayeBrawnMoore
Janice Kay Helves
Louisiana State University
FlorencsGail Whitney Campbell Gail Anif-Duteil Cellos
Alice SuefieeseCooney MatyElizabethQtsen Duke Elaine Marie DefrancesBlis ElizabethAnnWtitlner Russell Virginia LeeMaddox Shepherd Jane Ano'Marker Snook SheilaAnnVanfjerbrookTrahart Elizabeth-RoseVyeemsWeir
MontanaState University
HelenWaite Adam
Jane Glare LiquinAhrendes JacquelineLee-MinerBean LaDonna^MarieCreuninger Bergman Jean Vansice Berry
Diane Annette Booth
Kathleen Helen Smith Brjnkman QorolhyAnnLarsenBrown MargretteAliceGrayBrown JudithSelmaDoeringCa'rlsson HelenBoilerClark
Albtna M. Crottoglni Collins
Marsha LouiseBell Costetlo MargaretAnnOlsonCtennen DianeFrancesSSmerBailey
Nancy Diehl Dear
JulieMable Derby MilaMargaret-Parkin Divers JaneJaccardDodge KarenLeeOlsonEgged Vickie.LeeHoxsey Farrington GretchenEst* Thornton Frisby Dorothy AliceHoffmanGandei JudithKayCastlesGeBserg
Virginia Sheriff McCoy Good QianaleiitzHart
BettyJeanKountz Henhessy
Helen Marie Wolf Hoffman KathleenEdnaVaughn Holm
Unda Jean Bourdet Hurless EuniceJoneHuntHuflon KimLaden
Sheri LynnLuftLarsen OgrothyVeraDell Lough
EthelPalricia-Rend-Ortich JaniceMaylieldOzimek
Wary ftancesca SusanlucileRawlings-Marshall
- ShirleyMae Anderson Rothwell Janet CarolineTaylor Russell Janet-Kay Russell
GylaMargaretMarmontSmith MarianLobdellSpain MarjotieW.Spaulding: MarthaJosephineWnghtSuter •ManllynPearsonThomas Valerie-JeanTodd
•Oaryl Davis Todd Freda-tguiseChamberlain Toner DebraLea Olson Tuomi -GingerLynnStanley Waller Cecil Walker Willsen
Florida State University
Jane Sutton Blaek ValerieMoote Clayton JoyceAnnHix'Dannecker Lucinda Lee Homko Frlomio RobynL Kimble Green SueLyoneBuchmanHampton BobbieMaxine-McFeeJames Carol Elizabeth Member! AdaJoStarlingMiller LaurieMarleneBaraz Myers JudithLesleyBaldwinPeckham Christi Anna Hattan Penkoll MaryNannetteCecilRankin
KathleenMargaretMullarkyRichards Sara Ann Parise Ridolph Pamela-SusanSctoeff-Gratfi Gwendolyn Jean-Hopkins Tenold MaryJoHoffmeier Thomas EstaCovermanTishgart AilsaEllenMcKelvey tjaden RuthEmilieSkacilValcis MarjorieTheresa Parker Wessei
Oregon State U.
Carol AnneWrausmariiBerwald GretchenLynntBreeBrown MonteKayMiddlebusher Campbell JoIreneSleagall Clark JaniceLynneTaylor Cogdill
•CynthiaLynnAndroskyCummings ShirleyLouiseAbramsDavis Marcia ElaineKenyon Debry
Edith Gwendolyn Tuilie Frame SallyJoMcCorinell Galver Lucilelydia Moss Harlow Margaret McLeod Horwege GeorgenaPettingel SamsonKnapp MarilynJoyceOuvall Mudgett BeverlyJoanSmithMullen KathrynNash MymieEstherGiaytonNeil WertdolynTheaHongo Peace MarjorieSherain Perry
Slacie Lee Rouse Seedall JoanizabethiZimpelman Shalikashvili Janet Forrest TJoenekaSmith
Crystal Maiie.Wilcox-Spwersby
Janet LynnShandewVeit KimraKayWarren
BonnieGayle Wyland
U. of Oregon
JoanGlaireHerbransonAgerter -Jeyce Evelyn-NewberjAllen JeanetteThielema Harbert Anderson SigneChristTMRasmussenAsendort Dorothy JosephineJensenAyers PatriciaMcKenna Beard
Heather Black
Truoy-Marie*deRWiBucl(- Stacy.AnnCampos
Ruthf lenlMer
EvelynM. Hogue Dickson
Frances Dodds MildredGwendolynVaughan Draper Deborah Lynne Strauss Eason GerabneWalker Ragle DorothyLouHabelFburcade LeotiasBelleBennehofl Gardner MaryLouiseSextonSordon Dorothy DodgeGriswoid CherylKathleenFilerHallqutst Harnett Anna Banbury Holland JaneMirickAbnel Jones
Phyllis Loutseflryan'Kerr
Carrol Ann Pageler Kirk
Nancy Elizabeth Leake
Eleanor ManeAnderson Liltlejohn, Georgie Davidson Lowden MaryElizabethWalker Nichols Barbara LoisKelchumProesstel LuolaBengeRehfeld.
Carol Ann Emmons-Rose BarbaraAnnJProebslel Seymour Joanne BethWard Smith LynetteRaeThomas-iPersonetl Virginia Diane ElderkinThompson Barbara Crowell Wood
Denison University
LucyVirginia Bell
JeanetteNta KnoeppelBishop EdithLillianBreining
Marilyn Sue Franks Campbell HelenGracetaycockCasper
Janel Norma Pierce Conway NatalieJoanHasbrookDelporte VirginiaiouissGarnham.Detel Janet'RettigFrench GraceEvangelineSmithGreene IreneKoernef
Beverly LouiseBerman Mack CarolJoanTaylor Muldoon Barbara-FlorenceDenisonO'Connor MarjorieRandol Osborn Rdeder BarbaraE. EasterdaySchwarling SusieLeeSheltonShawkey MaryElizabethAlwaterSmith Helen-LucilleKrueger Wahlers MarjorieLoisJump Walker -CynthiaAliceHilkerWargo
JaneBaineEngelAllen - YvdhneVivian EmersonBlack SallyJbann'Carlson EllaJanefee Gilbert
Nancy Jean WillisJSrifliths DorothyJaneBalaneanHdpkrn SalryAnnVegorsJenis 1 JoanneAfwoodKettles JudyAnnMillerKajger BarbaraJrSjjehrMillington MarylynAnn Hileman Neuder ConstanceJoanQuigley Overby MarjorieBaineDoster Sutherland Marcia Martin Ruhiing Winner
University of British Columbia
Lavenie Lily. BirdB,.Deari Perkins Elizabeth MargarelO, Bown Wolle
Illinois Wesleyan U.
Patricia Marie Tripp Blair
Carroll MitesBross MaryEllenJanasBurfield Patricia Lynn Perkins Day Patricia Elnyre-Zaclier
Lynne Ann Gregory- NancyKayIdoux JeanAnnIttner Vera-AdalineKIon LorrieLyrtnJohnson Leahigh CynthiaM.Messier DeborahLynnflelzer'Parker LoriAnnePaxsonPoltowski JoanPriscillaPettisPriest Cynthia Ritzier Puliek DonnaArleneRekau
Michelle LynnSadler
LisaMary Setlak GayCaryllMalewlckiSweely Sandra E. Wefenstette Thornton Nancy Louise Ohr-Travis JaniceLeeBaurWilks
Indiana U.
PharisMildredFrazee Allen Barbara Alice Aman
Pauline Iris-Hindsley Ammerman MaryBarbaraYeager Backer Carol Trotter Berkey JanleLeDrewBesssn
Krista Lee Houze Bill DawnElaine-PeareerBley Kathleen Fellinger Blomeke Benjta Knierim;Book RebaJeanfendry.Brock Jennifer Gayle Carr MonaVirginia Qees.Clare HuldahElizabethSlagleClark ElizabethSue-Kaser Clark CynthiaAnnOrrCohn
Lynne Dee Gory MarionElizabethKdegel Cox Susie Lee Trueman-Cummnjs LeuiseTschmel Dames Rachel Louise Spaulding Davis Patricia Ann Mahin-Derudder AnrieHeBaade Dunlap DorisMarjoryRoseDunn MaryFrancesDobbins Dunn Krister)LynnErnsling
Mafitee Susan-Evans VirginiaLeuis.SteeleFauber FrancesElizabethLukeFerguson Helen MarieFlanagan
Eleanor Jane Garber
Dorothy AnnAllisGebbie SallyAnnGray Gies JoanVanBUskirkGqen Teresa LynnGoldstjy Suzanne Michelle Bi ce Gould
The Development helps make regional
' JoanBulhHessWolsiefer ALPHA THETA Coe College
Debra. Ann Barren JanriAliciaErjcksonBeckham Lauriei Sue Kruger Granitz LaurieMarieSteade KathleenAnn'Krier Moorehead OeborahAnneSmith Noonan SaraMarieThompsonPlttenger Rose Marie Boalbey Rudin Joan-Dorothy Sloan
Jennifer MaryMarlinSleininger StephanieJiUVanaga
Kentucky Wesleyan College
SandraJeanbalton Hoover ElizabethJeanneLyonsRoy Sally-Jane MagruderSfandifbrd
BarbaraAnneBell BETAGAMMA Michigan State University
Fund Leadership Conferences possible.
AdriaVeleke Hubbard
Julie M. Becke! Johnson MaryMargaretGalenoLarsen Hose'Mae-JonesMacKie Julie Lynn-McKay CharieneRuthOvelandMurray MargoJeanMyers.
Ramona Lynne Nicolas DianeM. Newgard-Pehl KellieLynnSchuster Raffc
BerniceLoretlaCraneLowman Margaret Lois LihfieldLyions KayHelpjseWesftakeMartinen KimL Matwiejow
Mirjoty Helen WamplerMayfield: EileneMarieBiggs Mazuianich KimberliAnnHadMcCullough PenmyJoti Bowlin Meeks LouAnnWjacie'Montgrjrneiy MaxineMcElvain O'Brien
To Dragma
OmaDavisGrater AmyJoGordonGreher
Mary WnifredBir Guard JacquelineBeatriceBecher Guiser Wilberta JaneTeeple Guthrie Jennrfer JoyHessong Hatsey; Lisa Marie Antenson Henning. Anati&RfancesShawHepley AudreyJeanne SrtlJhHiller Martha jane Gladden Hinken KatherineSandersHites MarilynnjBolitho Hodges DonnaMaeBoll Hoover TrinaLyn-Hug
iKathleenAnn.McKinneyOusel "MaryAnnKirr Stephens
Joyce Ann ZielinskiSzyimanski "SallyAnnGustavsonTaylor
M. of Montana
tiixla LeeJohnsonMyhr JaniceMae GoldhahnSieler ;J3eannaElaine Whitley
Boise State U.
J<ellyMarieJacksonFasten .Jenniter.Ann'Kester
U. of Toronto
Helen JeanCrosby Berwick JeanneElizabethCraig GraceAnneDenne.Hemphill
KathrynLouiseTnbbeyFitzgerald - JudyLynnMasai
Jennifer Suzanne Payne Mullins JohnetteKayLeikamPeterson Janellen NolanQuisenberry CelesteMareLeMieuxShaw •KathenneM.Shephard
U. of Virginia
Edith MargaretBoehling- CannDixon-Goblentz LisaHelenEorster PatnciaArmMeyer MaryElizabethRader KimberlyCarroll Shoemaker MarthateiguSloll MaryHelenDaltonTyler MaryFrancesiMilamWalker
U. of Colorado
-JuneHarrietArmstrong-Adamis MaryElizabethfversAllen RuthIreneStewart Anderson
Ada Mae Smith Anderson BettyJeaneNicholsBaoon EleanorAnaYockersBecher MaxineFrancesBensott. FrancesBenson BarbaraPatnciaMullenBorenstein Gail-FtancesftglehartBromgard- Yvonne Heafter TobiasfBurry Heather BenCameron.
Karen Marlene StantzsGellan JuliaBemtceScilleyClark CarmenBillington Coghlan Wiogene-HadleyDodsen MaryLonndaKastcDufty BleenMaria flodell
Laverne Long.Ferguson AbbyMona.GoldsteinFisher StellaHartwtWhiteFitts LucyMiltonftearneHaeoann Diana MarwBengstonHunt Juditrt:CaroWC«ckHutchison KarenKayDover James ElizabethIreneJonesJohnson MargieLouseArbaugtiLamar ElaineBeverlySterlingsUndquist JeanAnnHopler Luce-. FlorenceBelte'Mlller Lynch JeanFerrarMuller MacKimmie EvaLouise.BoillotMarkley Cheryl LynnHasdelMarkley LeslieJaneNissenMaynard Gharmion.PhyllisBriggsMcMillan BethtilenLewisMilam-
CarolJo Morgan GeratthneHeWi Pnncefarker- MaryEllenMcElwamSewel EfeaChaunceyShedd; SuzanneEieabethBrownSade Beverly Ann-Rabe So
Carol Jeanfleardorft Strawbndge
Mary DollarHose White DeborahA. Wilson •
Nancy Kay Bates-LaneJ'ankura.
U.of Evansville
MarionKayAdkisson -
J u l i M a r i e S h i k a n y B a l u n n o VirginiaAllenBeesley MaryJaneMengon Bernhardt CarmenLorettaBrunei KarenYvonne ChaneyiBumpus -EmilyKathrynfischerFreund PamelaSue.BogesGoode LisaMicheteHahn MeredithJeanPotter Helmench Cecil HdvdaKlamer
VirginiaAnnMeyer Kreke; CynthiaRulhDiaheimLeigring
Corian Rosamond Slambaugh Lundquist CarolynErnmaiRuschmeief Marcus Virginia R.McQitchan SharonAnnMiller
Anne Louise Powell
LynnAnnette Foshee Reed AllisonRuth-Smith Renaud EmilyWright Hard Sanderson MarilynGoekeingle Simms Jane-AnnKnigMSteinkamp KathrynLynnKaysStewart BrendaLeighConley Stewart RutjiAliceMcGinnessTrott
Central State University
Mary, Kathleen-Frew Adams MaryLouiseJenningsKatschke
Centenary College
LouiseLoweBrown Loraine Webb Jordan Kent
Tufts U.
lleneCaryl Magnus Boyden Dorothy Caroline Hilton Downs MildredWardfldridge
Er i e Ungar Farnsworth' NormaElizabethReedHeinold Margaret MaryHams Henry
Marie Kean Hewey BeanorC.Leadbeater MarieElizateth-HerlihyLedden EvelynMae Adams Lindquist SusanO'Brien Montgomery NancyAtwoodMowryObet Los-MiriamO'Brien
Blanche LouisaDowning Penniman ElizabethiHowardSouleSchroeder Audrey Ebba flallberg Scott AfireEleanor Hay-denWilkey
U.of Southwest Louisiana
Lorelei Cangelpsi Dehart CamilleDurandJohnson AnnaiBelle RoseHoftmantoitz CifiSyMarieLivaudaisRoth LynetteMarieThitwdeaux
U. of Delaware
Veronica Marie Diaz Baroara Marie Kline AmyLynne Marks
Nancy Lynn GalloMessick OiaeNissen
Sharon Marie Welch
Debra Lynn Schacklinscky DebraLynnSegal MichikoSeto DawnMarieMedarisStripiin Mary VirginiaiSlude LeslieAnneYoungWaymenl K a r e n D e e Wp t J t e r s
Auburn U.
Mary Hundley-Adams SherriMarieAdkins JuliaNelleSmith Alexander JoannMargaret Murphy Burke
GemeiMariaChambliss LuAnnfreel Cobb
Betty Forrest Coleman SusanJeanCraig Margaret LynnTrafton Foti NancyJaneCarr Garrett
' MarilynKayTarJlBckGraves- Shaha Chrisline Grimes
Donna Lynn Guckian TracyAnnO'Connell Holder BrendaBonds Howell KarenteighCarlson Hughes Elizabeth3. Montgomery Johnson GraceMiller HerarJonJohnson Linda-AliceGordonKinsey-- LillianOdetteYeager Lambert Katherine FolwetlTraltonLeaver MaryAnne'Phillpstong KatfierineJacksonMarshall Barbara-EllenLupoMartin- Suzieflaine McGilvary VickiflaineLupoMelcall
Marcia Ann TatumOverstreat Paula-Moore Woods Payte JaniceAnnPollman Jane?raneesScriauerReedy. LisaKayeRobinson BelindaAnnRoBe
Pamela Jane Wright Spengeman JenniferAnneTnplett TonfMarieThompson Turperi Carta'Sail LauruhnValdes ' Adrianne CarloSmith Wallace VirginiaCatherineWhite HenriettaGibsonWills
MurrayState U.
SherriLynn Skefton Baker. CarrieJoyWelbomBrookshife LorettaJeanWagner Dodd MargaretAnne Davis Godsea BarbaraLynneBrown Goodwin AngelaStarr Hester Lawrence LindaJoyceDurham-Ledtor* Cathy Ann Hancock Longton LaurieFaye Marvin Maryi'llenBeckMillhouse; MyraJanSacrtlebenPerkirison •Patricia Kay Ringering
Whitney AdamsTaylor MaryLouiseZinobile
Central Missouri Stale U.
SusanLorraineBachali CarolJeanBruce:
DeboraKay Gross DepjaflaeJusticeHowell ShenySue Reeter Jones RebeccaAnnNentwig Kbeing LindaiLouiseMansur LisaReneePohlPrenger MaryQuinetta Kateman RuJedge Terrf Lee Schwaiz RuthSchanzmeyerStanton KathyJoCoxUlm LynnSusanWhite
San Jose State University
RosalindaB.BazzanellaBrady AleeneLa-ReaWellsCaneer J o E l l e n E d a A r n a u d o E l l i s MabetGomesFrelier BarbaraJeanSerpaMacario PatriciaMaeWelch Newton CarotThompsonSilliman- -
Ellen Rae Brady
Maiiyrt Patricia KingIrvin RobinColleenJackman SusanLea-MelzgerJohnson VenitiaBarpsterJoHnsari KarenMae Kelley-Medcall JanteGravesKeucher
Sara EllenReeves Kinnaman Vivian Ruth Hurst Kisller
• Barbarajone.OvfflrtSiKrarrrer, Barbara;JoanRussell Kuzman JoanLenereRingerLarson DianeGailSchulrze'Leland; ChristineP.ZatorskiLemtey Jeanicelarian Battling Lewi* SandraS. HannaListen PamelaAnnListen
. .
Violet GertrudeDebowLong MildredLkjcilleTownsend Lang JoanCarrnichael LtitSngton RoserriaiyLaughlinlynn CynthiaiE. Potferibarger Mairiffd SandraSueMartin
Mary Jean Parkes Marx MarjorieRuthSvwhartMcCague MaryJ.McConneWlcKee
Rita ArtriiMendenhaJI Mengon:" Donna FlorencePtietpsMeyerjSoven KathleenVirginiaButtMtchef Dolores'AiinHerronilter ElizabethFrancesMiier FiancesMaxine Roberts Mitchell CarolLyimGrigsbyMorris -
Mary Jenniene Mahon Muncliak . LorraineAnnBeckerMuscarsHs
JulieNaje'i LisaMarieNiedenrhal
Mary June Cave Mordhoft
May IreneLester Patterson ElizabethAnnHainerPietsch- ElizabethMilliganJ&der FlorenceLouiseRich AnnLeeCarter Rinne Linda-Rae Runkle FrancesEudaleProudSaunders
'•Mildred'JeanSnider Hoadley UrselaElizabethSarJej McVarish
' -Diana Sylvia SpeaigtjfPilsworth WilmaLouisePurdyW/arriner
Butter University
"Dorothy Lucille PowersCurtis' JasmineMildredBushDonahue Frances Sizabeth SheraFessler BettyLouiseAlvisHyland .KatherineEugeneMurphyPelham Virginia Katheryn Sheely Thompson lucile Palmer Wright
Syracuse U.
"PhoebeDonzelleGoodwinBibbers Nancy Lynn Blum
- AnnLouiseKathrynPalisiBogert -DorisLloydBrown
Marjorie JuliaPeasesBurke iHelen Isafielle McNeesSumh'am MarieThereseHamfiarufka Dixon Helen;EugeniaMarriner Eldredge
Ada,May'Marshall Fearon JaneAnnaFrynn HelenBogostaGilbert
•Alice HeleneFooteGwynn FrancesAnnLugg Harrington Gertrude&chHolland HelenMildredNyeJenkins FlorenceAshleyKuhlfflann
tobata'Sleen Dutetier-Lamontf JoyceTheresaSantartlariaMartin ShirleyJaneSearsMills .MarjorieRuthTonksRacino -MiriamE, Wenker Pembleton Maiy Emma BrodbeckPeterson VictoriaVeronicaPotakas
Edna Lupton Faust Rignall :RoseConstance MilwlckiRiley -Mary LarkinWilliamsiRowley
Gloria Joy Frankenbach Sandstrom .CharlotteLouiseMahaney Sherman IHelen JacquelineLord-Shields
DebraLynnSilverman flenore JeanIvory Smykal HelenFrancesJanota'laylor J o a n C a t h e r i n e Wa l l i c k V a n z o
- JoAnnWallace JackieMoreenWhite
U. ofCalifornia-Davis
LeslieAnn Carroll-Tipton LindaJeanDodd Cornelison
ElizabethThompsonSSawicki MarthaHoulehanSkyler MarylynnSamekSciretta
Betty RuthFunkSepanek CherylAnhReganSharps Boise Kelley Shouse Helen-Marie HughesSmeltze/: . Pate'ciaXlexandra&oper Smith Rebecca LynnA|ber Smock LisaAnneSnoutlet
Marthanelle FoleySparks Rebecca EllenSneppStiles Mary Alice Stout
Cheryl Sue Williamson Strain Marjorie,MayMerckxStump JeanneD.DutlieldTriomas RuthESzabethThompson DeannaLynn Troy- NancyJaneSlilesWagoner R a e H i l d r e d D a v i s Wa l k CynthiaSueCronWatker DianeSizabethCareyWaugh JulieAirePopeWeteh YvonnefieavinWelty MichelleAleneWMow
Eastern Michigan University Fall 1988
• •
XeslieChappelieBycdj SusanHelene Clarit SusanJeanFleming ElizabethAnnBattehjrrost Mary Michelle Kile
ElizabethAnn Lesan
Paula GayieLilner
Karen Elrabeth Martin
Susan LeeWhite Qbarrpeyer Elizabeth Edwards Qtam
Mary Bizabeth Peters
•Wendy AnnErlenbaclfRansbun/ Catherine Margaret Reiss Karen-MafieSanto
Catherine£ Thompssfl-Rockeriiian Laura Elizabeth Kauffman Wilson LaurieBel Wright'
Alice Suzanne Wueste
Cornell University
HelenLeeMordoff Gamnbell ClarissaQckersOedriekCarabateas •ElizaDettt-G, Herick
Mabel Klisch Deal
Arlene Ann Loede Hanley Margarettauise Weakes Hendrtpkson DorisVioIaStruss MargaretBel!Mashek Ludlow Katherineiyon Mm MayBeHeEisemann-Heed
Dorothy Alice Hepworth Shatter Helen FaganTyler RuthE.SmithWilson KathrynE.AIIemeierYohn
Penn State U.
ElizabelttAnnEagetman Alexander .MaryCarotynleworlhyBachman RuthVanJfest DavisBartlett • EdraStevensonRubmkamBechtel ShirleyMaeGampBelke AnnamaeBlount Bigoney DiedreLouiseArthur Dawson - ManlynEummDickinson ConstanceJeanCrocelti.Donnelly
AnnaElizabethPrestonEagelman M a r i a n L u a n n a T e r . v i l l i g e r E i l i s t o n Winnie Mae Shelley Fanna PrancesMaySpeiciierFtleger Anne Elizabeth Patterson Rlzpainck Mignonette E. Frederick Gover
- JayeAnneGraham
Catherine M. O'Connor Greider MaybelfcLPenley Hamilton PatriciaAwiPurksHeadlee DonsMartlynnRurnageHellmund Margaret,jjne ForteHoy
A d e n a F a u s t i n e B e l t e g i a S ml a y AgnesHlenGearyJamison
• Jenniter-Erances.KnaiietJohnson Mane I t Knoll Judy- BarbaraManeFrederickJunker VeraPateaTrestMelly ., Maty Elizabeth A. Patrish Kester UselotteWeiheKihaman
RosemaryCfareShortHoot MaryElizabethTaylor Rose Mildred-Wagner IsenbergRussell MarieneOliveNetlRutt
Linda Kay Schmidt AryceCarolynGeorgffSfihnabel - Barbara Ann Engstrom&humaclier JeanLouseBlackSlezak Jeannette fteuth SpanglerSnider fdnaMaeOfleveeStephens PhyllisLageneLamsonjStoner iSSadgeLceStaTerwilligef
Deborah Colt EllisVandenberg GraceWinifredWrightirVagenseller EBenJaneDippelWikert
Jane Alma Romig Wilson
Eastern Illinois University
Dixie LeeAlmsGustine Patricia LynnRyanLenholl
Eastern Kentucky University
Jennifer Elizabeth Seheper
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
tydia Lacey Brawn
Dorothy LouisePalmer Bundy JuliaMonnierCarr Crenshaw GraceGeraldineAustinGray flora Alcorn Hurley DorothyTegtmeyer Stege Sarah Augusta Hardy Ward
U. of Maine-Orono
DeborahAnnScottAsettine PhyllisRicbettPhillipsBemiss MildredMaeiHaneyBerdeen
Barbara AnnHigginsBodwell JoanneDaley Clark
Oebra RuthGaiside Clark ArleneManorieeleven TiaurteAnn fioiley
J o a n M a r i e D r a k e AudreyLouiseMorse Gamett Nancy Rae Clark Gill'
Juliana Barbara J.EyererGreenleat KarenDianeHansen. PhyllisArlene Jordanffenson Ethel Frederieka Packard Harkness EllenWarehamHolmes SarolynImogenWormwood Ingalls BarbaraJaneKelly WancyPendletonChaseKoentz
J a n e E l i z a b e t h R o m a n t e b r u n eonstanrjeMeEbethardt LinneJ MaryElizabethSaundersMartorella Bspeth Burnett Johnson Mason ManeCloverAichet McDonnell GladysGageReedMerrill
Nancy Knowles Moore JudithAnnPhilipsOtis
Jeanette Mane RoneyPero ,.Gatarel3ncaster;Rowe
Susan RutJiGoldtngSautt AliceBurrWebster Sinclair
•CathenrteChaseOsgoodSkoltiekf BizabelhHigginsSpars DeboraAdamsSprague Kathetirwfludley Stewart NancyJeanThomas .FernElizabethAllen furbyne KuthHotlaMWalsh IreneMaryLeretteWhitcomb
George Mason U.
WinifredllonaTimmonsBaker Catherine LouiseGuthrie Benjamin VictoriaLeighCastleBiamesen RuthtatayTerwilBger
LoisEllen DunganBohon NancyCarol CoxBuelow MaryPatricra Burke
LoisEst * DavisCaldwell.
Renee Mane HurshCarlson InaLucilleHotlermannClaratai Gabrielle RhodePotts Crawford
DorothyRuthMiter Crouch LualeJosephineArnold Denker Virgioia.BessFisherDolah Dons-MayLarsenBrow
Jene fellows Eekenfelder JeartLorraineFranceEllis ErnilyJeane Fisher Erley lavaunAdeteSchMEusfce AtlyneLillianReevesFilippi GaleMane BritlmFisher KathleenTherese Hackettfwse SueAnnEricksouGilpin
Patneia E. Gleasner Goetz AnneAndersonGuth SusanJeanneAtansonHaJbach MaryFrancesOlwell Hall Cynthia Ann Hallman
Catherine Ann Fteckwel! (Heaiy JoyceEdithGutkian Holler CaroleManeJenks BarbaraAnnMomsJohnson Dorothy FrancesDolanKelly Sharon Mane Sletanik Kelly JuneEthel NelsonKemler CynthiaManeMarchigiani Kennedy Hannah JoyceKim-Rohret
Ardete BerylnBenoist BonnfeSueKohlenberger Kohl Michelle Ann Kohnen
Laverne Ruth Kruggel
Maryfllen Lee EllemKayKinchMacy MaraVeronicaManning MargaretAndreaMoeck Mathis CaroleAnnSchmtt Meyer' KerriiSusanMolnar ElizabethAnnQhernMuhlke JaniceJ. Wright Pechauer- DianeMeredithKellogg Pellettiere DeborahRuthOlsonRead
L o r r a i n e H e l e n Z i l l n e r R o d g e r s Kathryn Ann Romano CarolAnnZratkaflusnak AnnflizabelhSshoen
Rosemary Kay Kappes Schwierjohn KarenManeSeen AliceJohannahBlis Shannon Joan Harriet Locker Sheppard MarjoneJearmeLangShipley LmdsSueBarnesSmith
JeanElizabethWoodSteiner Wilma Gilrnore Straw JowThereseStumpf
Al i cef l eanor t e Taylor SusanDiane Thayer SylviaJaneAndrewsWallirt Doris Elizabeth Biersach Williams MarySizatetrvfeis Williams KathySusanWilson JeanLouiseRyanWinters Ga»thRotji«ellWood- Debotah JaneGummingsWoods Dorothy JaneEdwardsYonket
BettySeloresWalkerYousg1 IOTAALPHA Idaho Stale University
UvatrQaudeneHull Carlson DorothyMyrtfeDowPnce Joaffietty Millet-Smith CheiylMackZaladonis
Iowa Slate U.
SarahJeanne Berresh JulieArte PotterBergquist
MelindaAnnStrank Coogan KimberJyAnnPor|:Curtis . Sarahltaie IhdeSore LindaJoDills Gallagher PamefcKayHarmaS KimReneeJepsenHess
Ann Marie Hayes Isgrig Juliefiariefioodrieh'lversen. KathyMarieMahorieyJanvrio" Nancy LouKlindt Helenleresa DawsonKrejci - Joni LyUe Larsen
Anne E. Kennedy Malone
1 Kathy-AnnMarvin
Tami Sue Meister Ameiia-Kalhleen Nelson JulieASnMommsftt Peters" Sally Jofortz GinaLynnePotratz SandraLynn Sauerbry JaneJarskoScheraldi
Betty kauerman Sharkey AnnEfeabethVandervelde SusanJanet Walters Lisaf&istineAvrtjWeiser
U. of Wisconsin-Stout
Susankay Lienemann-Bue ReneeMarieSchustzPesavento
Randolph Macon Woman's College
AnnieKateGilbert KatharineThomassMorthemLand LauralerrellLaWSaunders
Mai Adair Lovin Williams
Indiana State U.
L a u r i e . A n n A l l e n ChristieflaeBames-Slewart.
Jill Zschau Biowfli
LonnLBuchta Sheryie'LynnBndgeBuck Patncia-M.Butts
ShirleyScholle Anthony Close Michelfe.RaeHoskusEdelbtock SheilaAnnKeatingfverhart NancyJoGerdii* TeresaMargoHitHamson » CarolynFayeMotsinger Hendricks Stephanie Ann Hendncks JaneKyle KennerJHotfman
Kelly Jo Glidden Hopper SuzanneWtlson,Htimphrey LmdsCarol KingsieyJeffries PatrtceflizabetlrWcKenzieUebler CarolineBrownleeMace ArleneiMargaretEckerle McDonald ChnstiheAnnHoangMcKntght
GleunaSueHendrenMolstetf Veroruca Ruth Ores Julia£."Moms Palermo Cathydane CampbellPaiker Helenlteitzel
KateHen HufrranScrtoftsWI EdithSweeneyStontield ; GailLynneShowers Man.lj/nn'WeMoan PatncfeEllenUhdeSpences PhyllisAnnPurcell Stewart Margaret Alexander Stultz AnntanseWuchner Sturm
- JanetteMaryKltngteiKinoI EvelynToddLewis
Janet VirginiaHolmesUnsenmater MarilymaoddardRoberts Lynch DorothyAnne EvansMarcmcaiage ElizabettBrownMartin JanefreemanSchtossei MaiWell BarbaraLeeMattem Barbarafarras KtairtMayhew MargueriteMeadeMayer Mills MaryBedMontgomery ,Barba»€izabe1Srtloser HeleneMane Pendzirtski
Maiy Caroline Pickens
- E.LouiseHoftedtoPorter MaryGertrude RichardsRoberts
To Dragma
Michelle ReneeRanders PennyLynnChadwell Kardjs Jennifer Ann Riegel McGown KafjJenaJane'Mornm OlgaConstanzaVelez
Indiana U.ofPennsylvania
DonnaAnmteog DrjreenRaeGromanMathas KathyAnnHoover Nelson EnjJyTtiereseCorsoO'Keefe Carol Lynne Irish Smith TerryLeeCrist,Wasovich, Karen Lynne Weigel
Carta Marie Schneck White
U. of South Alabama
Janet LynLegendre Atkinson JulieAnnette Brining Joanna ElainSGamer Katherine Marie Kasch Susan Louise Kennedy PatriciaBaric* ByrneTaut LauraElizabeth Wagner
U. of Florida
Amy LeeDayton Bates Anfi'Marie Berendzen KristinGail BlackenCanri
Anne MarieSzymke Chambers Carolyn Louise Kohler Diiscoll Kendra Lucille McAllister Gilkes MargaretMaryMitchellSrinnan Lou:AnneMarkleJameson PrudenceArmBrownKerry JudithBenneH'Maltby
Rose MarieParham McCall BarbaraAnne Means
Maureen Mae Campbej'Nemcik SarahLeeannahJagade Nightingale EyelynLoreltaKulp Nor*
P a me l a K a r e n f l e h m
Lady Gi aceLe Baron Sartdelur LTndaGertrudeWerner Stuart Lura Ann Taufbee MaryCarbleGibneyThippin
Georgia State U.
S u s a n L y n n A l d n c h E g g e r s JanetManeBackGocnriauei GherylLynnffellJones AndreaDiane Tippens Kennedy LauraMichetMorganKirkland CarolJeanLeikerLyons Sharon Teresa Nash Pratt GfirislinaManeRickerStotle NancyJoanUneThrasher SandraElizabethShi Wilson
Si Leo College
U. of Illinois
GayLynnKresl Adams RebeccaleaMeyer Baeverstad
Your Gift
+ Employer Match
Big Impact on AOII
Christina Lee McDaniel Sunkel Karla Ellyn Keller Trout
Mary Frances Tuberosa tmalee Brackemyre Vanscyoc ValerieAnnWalker
Catherine Louise Parker Warchus y Rucker Russell Watson
KAPPA DELTA Wright State University Lisa Mane Corner! KAPPAGAMMA Florida Southern College
Kimberly Ann Hilson Barnum BillieLouMiller Clarke
Leslie Anne Jameson Collier Pamela Roszell Wheeler Hacker DierJre Ann Lloyd Hamil
Brenda Kay Hulen Jackson ElizabethManeJames Knowles CherylAnneLadzinski
Laura Frances Cox Lindsey Judith Darlene White Mann VirginiaSherwoodTucker Mitchell Daryl Kimberly Meyer Payne MarjorieJeanneMaypolePayton Phyllis Jelane Reed
Karen Duval Krieger Seal Mary Robin Smith
Karen Dean Worrill Swift Carol Louise Lady Thompson
Ball StateU.
Betty Jean Vickers Adee
Betty Jeanne Isza Bairn
Donna Louise Fosnaugh Bockover Millie Jean Cole Boring LoisMaeGatchell Brown Deborah Dolores Nelson Bruner Marysia Klus Bussard
Randi Jo Shields Carmichael Judith Charnley
Linda Lee Evans Chase
Linda Kay Johnston Crews Kimberly JayneBurtt Douglass SusanJeanTurner Filer
Jennifer Anne Flaugh
Paula Jeanne Adams Peterson Judith Ann Flora Pierson Anna Jane Gorrell Powless Patricia Anne Lannerd Pullum KarenAnnGesell Ripberger Zeenat Knapp Schissler Kimberly Doran Semler
Janet Susanne Johnson Slagowski Margaret Ann Stokel
Mary Strange
NatalieCarol Thomas BarbaraJeanDantzVander Horst Marilyn Jane Crampton Weakley BethAnn Want
U. of Kentucky
Laurie Ellen Cooper
Dawn Alisa Daugherty Beverly Jo England
Susan Beth Vanburen Mustian Jeannelte Quinn
Michele Annette Stephens Melanie Faye Strieker
Rhodes College
Susanna Renshaw Barnett
Isobel Anderson Bowden
Canssa Fay Bradley
Eva Gene Bruce Bringle AdaGwinPryor Burlord
Carol Hays Marsh Claus
Kathy Keith King Cressey
Myrna Kalhiyn Schaap Fouls
Linda L Green-Driver
Virginia Winkelman Lee
Kimberly Eraser Longmire McDaniel Gail Woodville Roberson
Ann Hollow Ross
LillianJ GiltillanSeabrook BeltieAmelia Connally Welsh Doreen Carol Vernotzy Williams Mary Beth Willoughby
KAPPA PHI McGill University KarenAgnetaHall Moon
Increase the value of your gift to AOLT Foundation by seeking a matching gift from your or your spouse's employer. Matching Gift Programs differamong corpora- tions, but they all have one thing in common: they will match an employee's gift of cash to a tax-exempt, non- profit organization such as AOII Foundation which sup- ports the philanthropic and educational programs of the Fraternity. (Since gifts to AOII International Fraternity, Inc., are not tax-deductible, they cannot qualify for a matching gift.)
Matching ratios can range from one-half to four times the employee's original gift. Minimum gifts can begin at $10 and range through a maximum of $1,000. A few cor- porations will increase the match ratio based upon the employee's volunteer hours devoted to a cause or a project. Gifts made by retired employees, employees' spouses and individual members of corporations' Boards of Directors may also qualify for a matching gift.
More than 1,000 corporations in the United States and Canada contribute almost $150 million every year through Matching Gift Programs. Some are:
Avon Products, Inc. Best Products, Inc.
CPC International, Inc. Chemical Bank
The Coca-Cola Co. Cooper Industries, Inc. Equitable Life
Levi Strauss 8c Company The Mead Corporation Merck & Company, Inc. Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Primerica Corporation Quaker Chemical Corp. SAFECO Insurance
TO DRAGMA will feature supporters of the Endowment Fund in the winter issue; the Ruby Fund in the spring issue; and the Arthritis Research Fund in the summer issue.
Insurance Co. Jostens, Inc. Kemper Group
Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Xerox Corporation
The St Paul Companies, Inc Scott Paper Company
Assurance Society
General Electric Co.
Gulf + Western, Inc.
fllinois Tool Works, Inc Tesoro Petroleum Corp. John Hancock Mutual Waste Management, Inc.
Suzanne Marie Riney Galloway Peggy Ann Sheets Gay
Elaine Kay Miller Geelmg
Jane! Louise Oestrike Gerstenecker Betsy HelenTripp Hagenow
Linda Jean Cullnane Hall Pnscilla Ann Gerard Hawks ElizabethJaneRattsHeck Kimberly Ann Tucker Hodous Nancy Jean Darter Hormann Susan Stogsdill Jarvis Cynthia Ann Joets
Heather flichelle Klembub
Evelyn Dixon Langas
Carmen Marie Lewman
Rachel Louise Bennett Lingner Belh Ann Gaughan Lyons Jannene Ann Maclnlyre-Southwor Rosemary Jean Snyder Molon Phyllis Blanche Reeder Mueller Kathleen Renee Metzger Odell Connie Sue Trent O'Maley Barbara Ann Johnson Ottinger
Ohio Northern U.
Sandra Lynne Burns
Carol Ann Cover
Roxanne Dolores Crews CharlotteWarner Deiderich Jennifer Ann Lipster Dimmick Nancy Lynne Cunningham Fenner Patricia Elaine Hallis
Kelly Delane James
Linda Sue Baun Jenkins Elizabeth Ann Luce
Robin Ann Brodnicki Merrill Lynn Renee Moomaw Rebecca Lee Piazza Morris Loh RaeWilliamson Nelson Lynne Ellen Painter
Christine Ann Saxe Sanguigni Janet LucilleCole Sekerak Karen Dale Shimmin
Connie Mae Puterbaugh Sweet
Even if your employer is not listed, it may still have a Matching Gift Program. To find out how your tax- deductible gift to AOII Foundation can qualify for a cor- porate matching gift, contact your or your spouse's Per- sonnel Department, Corporate Relations Department or the Contributions Program Coordinator.
Fall 1988
Susan Vera Eairchild Davidson VickiJeaiieHolland CharlotleiRase Levecque Rosemary Ann Malish ElaineZianMarinescu AliceElayneKozlowski Pinder JoanneIsabelPiatkowski Powell Joyce.tym'Nevaril Sustr Marilyn-Elizabeth Hinkel Taylor SandraKayKubitzTomlinson
K a r e n L e e T o mp k i n s
Judith AnrfTokash Watlis GloriaScharter Walters
Southwestern Louisiana U.
MadelineGailMaillian Canovj Cecilia'RoseDeynoodl PatriciaAnnThompson Dowie DianaPollockGreene LindaAnnHighl
iKimberly Anne Faust Hollis YvonneFrancesDaigreLandr}; AnnManeBlaizeLednicky GwynneAdaire Purvis CynthiaAnneSwartzfager LaurenMaria Zeller
U. of Calitomia-Los Angeles
MarilynLaufee-Braun.Born ManlynUindin Chandler LeeEllenManueleDesantolo BarbaraJane Ryan Dunham Florence-AlicePetersonHolrJen BarbaraVilasFinleyKing MaryJane-DazeLavery GwendofynI, LivingstonLonj' - - EffieLouise«lessupMatthews • EleanorBnuton Corwin McHeruy DonnreGSemensonMcNeal HildegarfelouiseMohanMcfllchie PatnciaflosalindLangMler JeanrChattotte'Herdman Mow
Lla DoynDixon Nelson lleneArrnaltaTestaNevins EvelynCulver Qstrander SusanRussell Parr Pardee GlonatMurphy Pena VickieJannNeuvert Peters JosephinePelletter Pryor ManonKsyPage Reeve
Margaret Armstrong Conner-Rockwell LoisQumrRoskam MignonMactirdaStannan) JoanElizabethLandweerWate KarenJeanVanDyke Watson Audrey Sarol Brown Wood EltzabsthJaneSmithWright -. AlioeAjKsestner Young
Stanford University
:MefeeAnnBennett- -, .LaurieAnnBristow "CatolineChapmanCraig Tracy Jane Crandall
RegmaAnnZolrea Fish .Jennifer Lynn Giallanzai
ynrJa AnnParker Haeeker FrancineLayns
April Lynn Ringwald Monroe
Marian Miller Riegel StacyJoanSchemenauerSchuman GarleenManeGalassoSmith Juliana Mane Doran Springer
"ShenLynnForneyTucker LAMBDA CHI
LaGrange Colleger
Carol Ann Winn. Bozeman Scarlett Dean Drake. Angela Marie Fronek EllenAshleyTwittyLovireji
U. of California-San Diego
Susan Helen Dexter WendyJoGallupGeis DeborahDosickHartzirtan Elizabeth Mau
LisaMarieScibetta Sisan Carol Stone Elizabeth MaryToda
U. ol Wisconsin-Whitewater
ManlynFraloherCon-Jfln Jeanne Mane Morgan-Fischer DonnaAnnRichter Kraehnke NancyJaneMcAdam OedreNellStoehrMillip)
U. of Georgia
Jan,C. SophianopoulosAnderson
Margaret CorwallByramAuclair - SordelaAnn Salter Baitedale
Marion Annette DavidsonBarksdale PamelaMarieWhrtefteardall ManeWingShirleyBinder LindaJoy Blair
Jane Georgeann MomsBohanan lamara Ann Bonsaek-
Judy MiriamNeidlmger: Bourne Wendy RulhBowen
Patricia Ann Barger Brawn -Oebra Ann Stopak Campbell tafaryBethMcDermKGarley Natalie PatriciaKingCiapp JacquelineAnnNortonSine {Jiarlotte Anne GautdingCook LeslieLecheleCox.
Cafhryn FrancisHenry Creasy Sane Mane Evans-Datghtty Mildred Frances HolaniJiBflnaldson AftnKathrynLeonardidwards LyndaSheffieldBrooksfranklin lallie ErnestineWansleyFryer fiaylanteslie-Gfroerei - - Sarah.JeanneLemraoiKtGreen
Jennifer Louise Harden KarenAnn Pope Hart
Jane Casey FrrzgerateiBrling
iMargaret Claire Hubbarif:
JillLeslieJohnson SusanManeFinger Karate -LinrtaSueLewis
Rebecca Ann MurrartLovelace JudyMarieOenardLoveless Betty LouiseLongtCteftiis Mary-NeilGfroerer Mattes
CynthiaMarieScottMcAlister RomaJaneiMcGollumMcAulifte KellyReedMastoid
Rhonda Lynn McLean LisaAnnBlisS'McMichael Elinor Vivian McGahee Milikin Andrea LynnBarney Mize Joyce E. Morway
Christina Leah Major Quinn BarbaraLouiseWest Rakestraw Carol LouiseRachert SheilaLeilanifltoads
Jo AnneCamjiflhoden JulieManeRhodes
Carol AnneWootenRuzic
B o b b i e A n n M s e l e r S a h m Zadie BoyntonAvrett Scott Marianne HyndmanSeiz Teresa Marie King Shaper Nancy Ann Devore Sheppard Lois Helen Johnson Short Sherry LenhardtSponseller Margaret Saje-Sutton
Laura Mitchell Aycock Swett Deborah Waller
WendolynMaris Ward
Margaret MaryVVhiteWeatherwax AllisonLucileWheeler
Julia Martha Wing- BarbaraWoods
Northeast Louisiana U.
WinifredW.fetaaft LoisJouvenatSernstein AlisonGarreltCmwe Nancy Franklin
Eva Claire Giiw TheresaUefiragono CatherineAnnGregono LisaAnn-BeebffGtubbs FayeOwens fetaddox PennyElizabethWeaver Hakim Gayle;Suzanr«:Biekerson Hall MarshaKay-Hosstey
Tamara UsaiKtuiio! Huddleston Amy Elizabeth Brarmon Kirkland AlidaManeLeBlaneLewis MelindaFtaneesMurphy
Carol AnnSmith Oman GwendolynttaelleParker JacquelineTJenisePetrus RoslynnRocneHeBennett Pogue Nancy AliceBans Rials
Jane Warren-Rowan
Rosemary Stafford
Eloise Calhoun Stanhope Frances MillerTrousdale
Ann SweatmatrWhite GwenneMane-WJWIey RosalieMeraifWomack
Margaret ElizabethPearsonWood EliseKatherineRawsonWyatt
Lehigh U.
RobinCarol Comizio Elizabeth Prazer-Wilson Doles
Mary AntoinelfrKelly Jenniter-tynnManten
Pamela SedgwckMoschetli DinaJillPortoy
Patricia Beth Scfrryver KatherineAwevtenzkeShollenbefoBr. Ellen TracySteTannenbaum
New York University
Helen Shettri-Armes EnidWaltsBusse
Mane-FrancesGunn DorothyJoanNourse Halter MargaretStewart FogartyHanreOa MabelM; Anderson Mclretee EdifrButlwinRamseyMemll Maaefleatricel. Lenahan.Momson Jane Sallantyne Isbister Nelson Dorothy Meisel Partridge
Doroltiy Hazel Robinson-Sharpies MurielKnott Sturtevant Teemsman GraceTessier EleanoWanbndgeBrownVar.Deusen. Elizabeth LevinsonWhite
U, of Mississippi
Lisa/Marline Brown
Fredela Jo Brown
Ann Michelle Sullen
Roberta Kay Rowland Compton ElizabethRoseDriver MelindaJan Edmonds-Ekdahl Leslie Kathleen Farr Enoch MerryiCaroleCooper Falke AmyBethGreenwell
Margaret ElizabethHookHaig Belinda-Victoria Hammae* LuAliceHill Harding Lisa-Lauise Heaberg ClaudiaElizabeth Helsley. CatherinePearl Hirsch Pautattabelh NaremoreHoge Jennifer Kay Holmes
Sara feanor BeckerHoltr- RitaAnnJohnson MelanreLouiseSandersKing EmilyAnnColbert Lehr KayeiErences Brown Martin. KarewAnnMazzanti
Wanda Sue Partain McKnight JamieiCarolynPennyMickalowski JudyLoraineThompsonMoore PamelaDixieLyonsMoors DebraabLynnNader . KathykeeEubanksNelms. Phyllis-EloiseGrant Phillips DevraKay Porter MarshaKathrynReid GingerSueRichardson KarenJune Smith Linaa-CiairePriceSullivan EllenKaySumner SarahflenSmith Ward GertrudeLouiseKlennerWfterson
Northern Illinois University
Sumtynn Bennett Pamela-SueCalacci Boyet Patrtsia;LeeAnrienBroggi SusaniPatnciaStanleyBuetilman Rosarw Mane Snyder Bums AudraelMaryTremblayGtirtcotti Shams Victoria Dziubla Huxtiold JatwEizabeth Elsoott:Krtipka JoArsi Marte-Peterson-Srewe DebraJ:TenkashPlazyk CyntbiaMarySteckel JaniceAnnWostratzky Vdigtit
Southern Methodist University
FraneesrPauline CummingsiSwanson NilLAMBDA
U.ef Southern California
ElizabethAmy Abbott
Momoj*Y. Ansolabeheta BarbaraMildredBodeBarton
• Ada TolotsonBrotoll
BonniGeorgeChandler Mildred Arlyn Austin dark JanieBelleKeslingCrawford Gail Deluca
Beverly Anne Wood-Freeman Pamela Ann BlocMjripp Courtenay Anne Hardy ElizabethLassan-Hari JuanilaHarrietSatajian Haugen JanHeide
Kh'stenLee Kappes •DaisyMae ComerKnudsen
Helen HymerUhdluirst
J u a n i l a R o b i n s o n L o v r e t Theresa Michele.Martin ConnneM. McCann
Virginia Cecile McGurty Michael OrleneGail Klinkex Murphy Sharon Mustce Norambuena Carolyn Cooper ONeale MaloryAnne Presto
Dorothy Keen Robinson Laurel S. BumpRudd JoanHoffmanSmith DianeDuaneWilson;Stevens SusannaFornsWruax
Joy Murphy Adams GayleGnzzardAlleft SusanRobinson%m Anderson MaryAnn Hibb*Andrews LisaCarol BlackburnAyerst LucySwannMackflarrett
' CarolineDanielffhadwickBeasley Hayden Lynn DyerBehnke LouiseBarryCecil Bennett SharonLynnRobinsonBonte MaryThayerBamnartBoswell Rebecca BroolwFsiifnier GeralynPatnceGatilei Brown BarbaraJeanCnandter
Nancy Ruth NiemererCheadle SueEllen McCowClark MaryWiltonMeanffCope MelindaJeanCrass
Katherine InzenBankston Cross SandraElaineMatthews Daigle KayFrancisTibbalsOavenpbrt Stephanie AnneSaws
Martha EvelynGravesDebardeleben, Barbara E.HorseMd Denny Mildred'M.DerryberryDodd
Mary Patncia Donovan LorraineChurchBeasley Downey MaryLitlell RustiSts JoannasCross'Bts:
PatnciaAyresSmpKnsGarman Sarah Elizabeth Gill fJ.JoanWallaceGordon
tSarol Ann Robinson Greer Minerva Loulseluttfe Hairston Melissa Kaye Hammel MelnaElizabethSmith Henderson Allene Blair Hyden Holland Laurenllene Facher Iselin EvelynEvans GteKleber IsabelleGilber SeigworthLadd JuliaLeeBordeauGambill Ladyard ManervaClemerteLescher
-Alice Elizabeth Sfetichter
Ruth Stalnaker MarWey
• sBettyCooper'BrmWeyMay
AmieFormanBoytfMoBride FrancesElaineHarrell McConnaughay SiobhanE McLaughlin-Lesley LisaManeCamachoMenendez
-Jane KellyMenendez Martha-flizabethfloberts Meyer MarthaJeanne:PeelerMoore
To Dragma
SigndtUne Beuche-Allen HelenBainePetersonArd DorothySlowene Ce-a-o/ae Evans MarjoneJea SchlichtrhannHejrefo ManonEtJwl McElwainHilliartj ivelyfttosant-Johnson AnnaLouiseAynesworth Kenrole' Maria SaledadRael Nowell- DoratheaGavitlHawkinsRuud
California State U.-Long Beach
Karen Lyrn COOK Batt 46
Kathennec axon Payne Moms Mary Kalteine Muller
Ann Elizabeth Mullrns
Nancy Edna Myers
Frances Norman Miller Owen AliceAnnTaylor Parks
Cornelia Willson Cralle Perkinson Mary Ann Donnell Pinkerton Rebecca Ann Houston Preslon Gloria Edna Walker Reed MartiSueWinfrey fiimbault
Ann Howard Deiournette Rounsevell Martha Ann Tale Rudisill
Martha Ellen Trued Sanders
Rena Lynn Dreskin Schoenberg Susan Anna Schroer
Mildred Cisco Scobey
Nita Lanier Shanks
Anne Louise Smit-Bottomley BaroaraMargaret BensonSmith LiseAnneTaylor Spacapan Evelyn Esther Widell Stanslield Sally Elizabeth Hubbard Stapler Jane Kennedy Smallwood Stearns Anne Mane Pandl Stover
Alice Wray Spnnger Taylor LeahVirginiaThackston
Joan Mcintosh VanHulzen
Bevehy Cate Wanes CorrnneGleavesAndersonWatkins Susan Blair Werner Wilby
Mattie Carter Wood
Jennifer Carol Wood EvaJeanWrather
Jean Adams Wright
Martha Lindsay Yount Yates Margaret Boothe Rawls Yoars Rachel Mane King Younger
Parsons College
Karen Lynne Fleischer Steigmann
Chadron State College
Teena Mane Dooley
Cynthia Elaine Sludmcka Yantzi
Miami U.
Susan Sisterhen Abdnor Patncia Ann Albert-Speck JayneJohnston Allen
Nancy Isabel March Andrews Margie Ann Struble Arnold Ruth Louise Kugele Baker Joan Elizabeth Konrad Banks Lauren Michelle Belmont
Gent Helma Giesecke Bertsch Theresa Ann Henng Bevis Penny Jo Dunlee Blankenship Rita Lynn Blickman
Kathryn Long Bowers SusanLynnWant Brooks
Barbara Lynn Jones Brough
Kathy Jo Hokten Dahler
Patncia Ann Curran-Oengler Barbara Gwynne Yost Dodd Sandra Elizabeth SommerDomimck Tern Renee Eilbert
Linda Kay Fitzgerald
Mary Eleanor Schiewelz Flory Phyllis Joyce Farrell Forberg Martha Patricia Fry
Meredith Ann Jones Galeano Virginia Peelle Weyman Getter Wendy Rochelle Goldslrne Susan Palombo Groth DianeMargaret Guenette Janet Diane Guiney MaryMarcellaConover Haines Leafy Jane Hilker
Anne Edythe Witte Hodges
Mary Ann Suhs Holly
Nancy Diane Gillian Holmes Margaret Susan Davies Holtkamp Angela Lee Strong Jackson Janet Mary Nonemacher Johnson Budget A, Kane
Bertie Lee Boesche Keating Carol FooteKell
Cynthia Ann Green Kronemyer SharonKayLowryLang
Sara M Larch
Jean Elizabeth King Lehman
Mary McVee Lrndsey
Kathryn Detana LocKndge Elizabeth Adella Hanson Martin Carol Suzanne Ehlerf Mclntyre Naomi I Griffin McPherson
Traci Ellen Medlocn MaryLouWheelerOmeis BrendaK Pellegnn
IreneWilt Pence
Margaret Neal Snyder Petersen LisbethAllyneBoey Prater
Mary Louise Caldwell Pross Marjorie Kathryn Newell Radow VirginiaFeroeEcxert Robertson Martha Pontius Shablesky Kathryn Siehler Willse Smallwood FlorenceMildredRenchSmith Jean Elizabelh Boles Smith Denise Michelle Lesko Staarman EmmelineGrffinStaudt CarolAnnMiller Stevenson Dorothy Alice Petit Stohlman Elizabeth Mary Kelly Stremel
Lon Adele Brosius Taylor
Julia Frances Fisher Vonbargen Laurelie M. Wysocki Wallace Betty Jean Miller Wick
Janel Ferguson Wicker
Irene Frances Wildermuth
Helen Louise McLennan Wilson Betty Jo Reese Witt
Judith Lynne Parish Wofler
Lambuth College
Rebecca Charlton
Mildred Adams Harris
Glenna Lou Trent Helms
Betty Sue Burgess Henry Kathryn StantillJooe
Elizabeth Ann Moore Kellner Mary Dell Taylor McClennan Anita Kerr High Myers
Nancy Hill Nourse Remers
Betty Jane Stewart
Helen Thomas Chapman Thomas RheaettaFarrar Wilson
Morehead State U.
Beverly Anna Mercer Arave Pamela Gay Blevens Michele Ann Chapman Virginia Lynn Setty Fogt
U. of Tennessee
Janice Marianne Grigsby Adams Dorothy Adams
Mary Virginia Jones Arnold Sarah Elizabeth Walker Bailey Deborah Jean Black
Rulh Lee Brooks
Virginia Forde Hasson Bruner Helen Louise Sehorn Bryan KimberlyAnnJacobsBundy Anna Stokely Burnett MaryPenlieldCurryBurnett Frances Elizabeth Scott Chisolm
Elizabeth W Chambers Chnstenberry Patncia English Cosby
Mary Reed Trotter Curtin
Kale Mane McDonald Dangler
Jan Mane Black Deadenck Dotty Dodds Dorns
Frances Miller Early Downey Virginia Jean Frantz Eakin
Dawn Eleanor Pearson Elmore Amy Bard Erickson RebeccaAnnMcCampoellFerm Evalyn Holman Fnerson
Jeanne Lynn Harris McClaran Ruth Sonnanstine Milks Constance Collins Mirageas Patricia Beverly Nicholas Judith Lee Blackburn Phillips Irene M Potter
Elizabeth Jane Ludlum Rogers Betsy Nadine Whitehouse Rutter Judith Lynn Berger Ryan
Susan Kae Schaelter LeoneMargueriteLeeShaw Mmda Sharon Sing
East Stroudsburg U.
Donna Marie Breisch
Tara Ellen Dubois
Donna Marie Hughes
Lynn Ann Fittipaldi Kachelnes Nora Beth Ludlow Kerschner ManoneJo Gage Labella KathleenAnnDziuraLeahy Kimberly Anne Carson McGowan
Fall 1988
Anne Compton Bowers Gobbel! ConnieMarieJohnsonGwinn Elizabeth Ellen Andersen riartey Annabel! Ailor Harr CaroleLeeThomas Harreld Sheree Hartman
Amy Kathryn Yarbro Heckelhorn Jewell Hollsinger Hodge MaureenJones
Sara Kay Carpenter Jowers Dorothy Louise Whelen Leek Donna Mane Miles
Glynn Mane Henderson Moreland Ellen Owen Goodrich Morgan Shonna Lee Powers
Constance Dom Bulkin Rizner Lara Lynn Robinson
Frances Gunn Robison Malmda Susan Sharp Sherry LynnBiggs Spencer LoisLirilelieldTarwaler Joy Maria Black Thurmond Annie Laurie Wade
Jane Ellen Hollingsworth Walts Lee Ann Archer Wyatt
Diane Lois Hunter deHosson
U. of Michigan
Dawn Mane Anagnostou
Laura Jane Zimmerman Andersen
Mary Beth Godfroy Anderson Nancy Ann Jach Aupperle Margaret Anne Schalk Barnell Dorothy Madalme Odle Burger Alice Louise Wessels Burimgame Mane ElizaDelhWalters Butler Carol Sue Ivory Carline
Rebecca Lotndge Clark Michele Renae Clemmons Kathleen Emmons Clifford Janeen Ellis Constantine Mary Louise Mann Culp Connne Lois Schild Eberhaidt Denth Ann Lane Garrison Virginia Lynn Green
Lynn Michele Gualdoni
Dons J cash Harrison
Carol Ann McMacken Hennecke Virginia Marie Kern Heymoss Gretchen Harriet Qume llgentntz
Sally Lynne Eckwall Jarvis
Yvonne Manan Johnson
Karen Rose Jonssen
Margaret Louise Davidson Kellam JoanClementineHigginsKendzror Norma Joyce Rowe Kiesel ElizabethHelenArmstrongLamoertson Suzanne Louise Pollins MacLennan
Mary Josephine Sing CarolBelleSommerSteuk Helen Rulh Gay Stewart Marprie Ann Letzgus Sutton PatriciaAnnSwanson
Nancy Ellen Lewis Vandeusen Nana Ellen Perkowska Vukovich VirginiaAnnWeadock JudithKayeLacinaWest
Mary Ruth Gordon Widrrg Helen May Belcher Winter Marion F StepanauskasYuhn
U. of Kansas
Lois Carolyn Beth Arms
Dolores A Grossenbacher Aul Betty Jo Bloomer Bradley WinifredAnneStucker Buzoee DianneRinker Childs
Mary Anne Cook
Fiona Karen Cosmann
Beatnce Marie Witt Davis Frances Gene Cochrane Duryea Halbur Bartlett Dye
Parti Ann Tousley Eleeson
Mary Lee Robbins Feil Josephine Alida Btaucher Fugate Janetha Ann Schmatoied Girotto Susan Henneberger Glad Elizabeth Schieber Gounaud Judith Joyce Mohn Hansan Louise Clark Hedge
Rachel Jeanette Shetlar Irwin Mary Elizabeth Giles Johnson Pnscilla H Schartz Kannarr
Ellen Elvira Davis Kell
Helen LaVere Calkins Kurtz
Eva May Ireland Lamb
Margaret Ann McManus Lanoue Roberta M Works Lesh
Veda Marian Russell Lewis Margaret Mulh Mills
Ann Mane Bucher Moser
Patricia Nell Howard Peebles Annette Riley
Mary Eloise Garrison Sellon Kay Etta Kenyon Shiner Gertrude Searcy Smith Cherie Wray Smith
Anne Marie Smith
Blanche Annie Potts Stucker Mildred Durham Valla Sandra Lynn Winters Williams
East Tennessee State U. Mary Florence Hart Sett
Shawn Idella Mengel CellJQuider
Thea Mane Steldinger Scioscia Brooke Stacy Lee Shenker LisaAnnSpringer Sneddon Jaclyn Mane Tremel
Pamela Redman Francis Wilson DebraAnnXander JnanneIreneJehnsonYuro
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MaryAnnHorresHunl Halvorson Judith Marion Torti Lohr KnstinMargaret Maegli
Irene Roberta Schneider
Patncia Ann Sell Shaw Gretchen Lee Beling Zollendeck
Morris Harvey College
Joan Cooleen Banks
Mary Margaret Hague Girod
Youngstown State U.
Mary Rose Luchison Giancola Patricia Jo Parker H|elm Winifred Dawn Krohn Poor Rulh Ann Joseph Vencella
Hanover College
Barbara Ann Kryter Ackerman Barbara Eskew Cannon Melinda Faye Garner
Nissa Nack
Karen Louise Parson
Carolyn Louise Good Parson Peggy Jo Pinchbeck
Sara Elizabeth Brown Reidel
Dons Ann Francke Schipper Barbara Louise Stadlmiller Margaret Jane Paulus Taylor Linda Marguerite Moran Tolkan Rebecca Elizabelh Trempel
Laura Pauline Koppenhofer Walser Jane Ann Sumner Waltz
Virginia King Hayworth Wilcox
CindySueShadaBurns Lisa Ann Dutt
Eight outstanding Chapter Consultants travel for AOII and conduct leadership training and chap- ter development at each chapter site. Consultants also give concentrated attention to newly estab- lished colonies.
Ann Lynette Holman f ornofl ChristieMichelle Harm Nancy Jo Hinkle
Purdue University
Christine Kay Anns
Susan Diane Beaty Antony
Julie Anne Barys
Susan G Bezouska-Maclntosh Karen Sue Dunten Blank
Fran Leslie Bottorlt
Judith Ann Carper
Joanne Byerly Carper Cline Patncia Gay High Conover
Jennifer LeeCorson
Susan Ann Danko BrendaAnnFrei|eFitzsimons Margaret Ann Flynn
Sarahjane Seskind Freeman Susan Mae Fields Fruit
Karen Rachelle Ashman Geiger Susan Kathleen Waichulis Giannim Janet Louise Evans Gnscom
Lisa Gail Hershman
Heidi Lynne Hoyles
Karen E Johnson
Tonya Lynn Johnson
Christine Lynne Henry Logan Anne Elizabeth Stires Looms AnneMargaret Majewski
Lillian Smith McHenry
Sandra Kay Wagner Mitlon Molly Katherine Newell SandraLynnZwierzynskiMoms KnstineAnnMutschler Payne Pauletle Frances Elkins Phillips Juli Ann Lindquist Pope
Karen Lynne Preusse
Karen Ann Rammell
Christina C Fnedmeyer Reinhardt Judith Ann Saxton
Peggy Harriett Seoald JudithJacobi Shivokevich Pamela Susanne Stewart
Vicki Carolle Stivers
Jo Anne Stonecipher
.Carol Sue Jung Turner Lisa Ann Vestal
Judi Kay Von Dielingen Ann Louise Wagoner Louanne Watson Ramonda Sue Smith Wertz RoAnneStuart Whittington
Newcomb College
Sharri Beth Ginsberg
Gertrude Morris Middleton Harris Janie May Price Hewes
Cheryl Palermo Lanasa
Ann Nachman Levin
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre Emily Jane Carter Rahter
Helen Louise Schnerdau
Amy Michelle Smith
Janet Lee McCracken Stotts Ethel Chapsky Young
U. of Louisville Frances Elaine Lamkin
University of Maryland
Elizabeth Cooper Phillips Band Pamela Anne Bresnahan Jacqueline Taylor Brown GethineWilliamsBrown Jeanne Louise Buckley
Lina Mae Saum Burley
Mary Katherine Martin Cary Marguerite Isabel! Wilson Cosgrove Gail Aimee Dalteres
Thelma Halocin Winkjer De Alley RosaliaGoodhart Dietz
Pauline Denelle Elias
Robin Beth Epstein Elkinson Barbara Schilling Eversline
Paula Christine Ferraro
Margaret Elizabeth Cook French ReneAnnKuhla Gleespen
Wendy Anne Seher Goelzenberger Karla Frances Krahnke Goodridge Dolores Mae Bryanl Hammett Nancy Clark Hinds MaryannePitcher Hobbs JeanElizabethScheller Hollyday Ann West Speake Keller MarileeAnnPettit Keller Marguerite Jeanne Kieffer
Stacey Lynn Korsen
Barbara Ann Lutz
Dorothy Merriam Hobbs Maurer Helen Elizabeth McFerran
Dorothy Lee Powell
Heidi Ruth Stephen Roberts
Ellen Lutzer Ryan
Jeanne Santamane Shihadeh Janice May Montgomery Skoglund Alice Isabel Boulden Smith Katherine Lee Pollard Smith MarthaAtkinsonCannonStrange Nancy LoewTacchetti
Michael Ann Wells
Kimbeily Jane Williams-Ward Lillian0 EarnestWilson
U. of Texas-Austin
Phyllis Joan Kemp Carter
Betty Ruth Aschenbeck Daniel Geraldine Marie Campbell Naschke GloriaAnnCunninghamRowland j Mary Carolyn Stone Saxon
Dorothy Depnest Warrington
Nila Carrol! Knox Wathen
University of Pennsylvania
Ethel Bell Boardman
Rosalind Marsh Bradbury Clementine LaRue Kellar Crosson RuthElizabethW.O'Toole Henng Carmel Gabriele Kaiser CarolineTurtonMudd
Gertrude Martha Hayman Palon Elinor Carol Fisher Shoop
Agnes Gertrude Slaven
Northwestern University
Barbara Ball Bartelsen
Jeanne Leuise Fox Brennan
Valerie Elise Chnslmann Burghard Norma Nierslheimer Cassidy
Margaret Louise Brown Clarke
Jane Ann Sanbor Balterson Dickman ElizabethLoganGardner Dougherty Lesley RuthDunn Ewald
Marion Elizabeth Abele Franco-Ferreira Dorothy K. Bartholomew Gustatson Mary Patrice Maloney Hancock
Anne Lenore Hickey
Ada Elizabeth Ritz Honeck
Muriel Johnson Irish
Vivian Amanda Ryser Jansen
Caryl Joyce Waller Krueger
Ivi Kurg Kujasalo
Eleanor Dorothea Ellis Laubach EllinAndersonLewis
Joan Lois Ellnng Lindell
JeanManePancner Lundberg Ester McClelan Lundquist Louise Lorraine Rath Mige! Barbara AdeleTrumbull Moloney Jean Elizabeth Hendnck Novotny Clarice Mae Swanson Parker Margery Ames Pllughaupl Barbara Winons Bonn Phillips Ellen Sue Page Sarture
Alma Seegmiller
Caryl Fredricka Enkson Swanson
Evalyn Mary Gilpalnck Thumm Marilyn Elizabet Loeppert Thurau Carol Susanne Huber Von Hoist Doris Cassell Anger Wagner Bonnie Jean Mondl Wollgram DonnaLynneForceWorth KatherineGrahamYoung
Pan American University Diane Jenean Cameron
Virginia Commonwealth U. Heather Brooks Morse
RHO OMICRON Middle Tennessee State U. Marcia Sue Granade
Portland State University
a Hood Jones Conner CherilynAvonneO'ByrneFoglio Allison Cozette Dumble Mudnck
U. of California-Berkeley
Helen Claire Beyle Ambrose
Joy Ann Martin Ashley
Dian Oldemeyer Barth
Jean Carry Baxter MarieJanisGodl Benedict
Eva Helen Packard Blaschke Eleanor Elizabeth Sherman Brendel Claudia Ann Backei Cheng
Chris Ann Costantno
Jacqueline L. Siuftz Czarnecki Jennifer Decker
Gladys Dowden LindaLouiseTaylor Drew
Audrey Veda Hart Etienne Suzanne E Warrington Evans Marie Peralta Forsterer Giltilian Elizabeth Hesser Glenn
Margare! Louise Ingalls Goldsmith Bethel Claire Brown Griffith Margaret Louisa Jones Grimshaw BellylouYates Hampel
Mary Jane Ager Henmgan MarilynJoan Moore Hobbs Mildred Ching-ying Hsi
Elizabeth McCiure Hunt
Casey Ann Inman
Jean Isabella Kennedy Innes JeanClarkKeller
Mildred JaneBell Lahann
Anita Louise Scarpa Laird
Gaye Lenahan
Penny Estelle Carlson Lucas Margaret Ann Scholz Marslon Mary Virginia McEnhill Mclnemey HelenCarol Stall Moller
Mary Bagnaschi Morris Carolyn Crary Nowell
Barbara Ann Simon Paxton Edith Carol Spies Pettiphn JoanneManeWeger Richards Cynthia Ann Graham Roberts
Denise Yvonne Casanave Ryan Mary Jo Elizabeth Salvo
Mona Kewin Say
Dorothy Jane Lcdgett Seitert Edith Lorraine Musser Shoemaker Noreen Curtis Higgms Sloner Marilyn Slrumwasser AbbyHui-PmSu
Lolly Lucille Allen Todd
Alicia Trero EleanorJuroPropleWelch Charlotte Bemice Hesser Whedon Betty Ann Stolle Willis
SIGMA ALPHA West Virginia U. Beth Ritchie McCloy SIGMACHI Hartwick College
Marianne Omps Anderson Margaret Ann Bergen-Pavelka Vanessa A Dahlin Carroll Patricia Ann Maier Conway Kimberlee Marie Culver
Lisa Dambrosio
Maureen Frances Riley Dobert Norah Ellen Doyle
Kann E Fornander KatherineArmHayes
Eleanor Louise Brown Hickein Doris Mane Eitzen Howard Marprie Louisa Tunell Julian DianeLindaSmithKitson Leslie MaxsonLaflerandre Nancy Alice Leib SusanManeLinney Mackay Margo Elizabeth McMahon Susan E Bosch Miller
Carolyn E. Monahan
Jill Stephenson Peavey Joanne Lynn Pedersen Denise A. Piaggione
Marilyn Ann Kamb Sagan Kimberly Jane Spiak
Ann Timmons
Nancy Gnmley Van Eron Lucille Elinor Marshall Waldron Amy Catherine Williams
Huntingdon College
JudithLynnJohnson Lisa Marshall Lacy White
Western Illinois University
. Ellen Faye Schroeder Axlell Janice Joy Anderson Barzanlny Debbie Kouzes Burdick Georgia Jill Peterson DeClark Rochelle Mane Sim Gower
Ann Celita Swarts Gnftths Debra Jean Dickman Kaiser Laura Susan Meftert Sheilagh Ellen O'Connor Beth Allen Mandelco Rankin
U. of Wisconsin-LaCrosse
Donna Butterfield
Karen Ann Dwyer Caesar Veronica Anne Clark
Jill Ann Cross Du Mez Lisa Caulum Jahnke Margaret Benson Martinez
SIGMA OMICRON Arkansas State U,
Brenna Kay Kegley Boone
Lou Megmms Couch
Barbara Kay Marconi Curry Andrea Royce Hicks Jaber Nancy Lynn Johnston Melaxas Elizabeth Bernee Jackson NaVal Brenda Mae Gordon Posey Barbara Diane Reng
Gala Lee Rose
Betty Louise Logan Smith EmilieY Statler
Sandra Janice Osborn Steele Susan Leigh Osborn Streed Sarah Bob Stilwell Trammell Cieo Swarens Amick Ward
California State U.-Northridge
Barbara Lee Stark Clark Vivian Melmda Fuller Cline Beth Frances Jansen Cohen Lisa Jolene Dunn
Lori Ann Franklin
Alicia Jacqueline Hawkins Peggy Parsley Horlick Maryn Elizabeth McGhee Susan Eleanor Rubin
Farrell Lyn Scott
Allison Faulkner Silver Nancy Lynne Simon DoreenManeSyhpers
Lori Ann Tucker
Slippery Rock U.
Kellie Leigh Aunksl BeverlyJoyFaux
Diana V Guillen
Kimberly Rae Clements Harrison Kathleen Ann Anysz Luteran LuAnne McCullough
Cynthia Jo McKean
Susan Louise Miele
Christine Anne Latsko Sementelli Joan Carol Piper Shepherd Carol Louise Shick
Julie Mae Walker Stroup Theresa Ann Wagner
Washington College
Karen Elizabeth Morgan Bucklee Christina Louise Denayer Cappelluli Kathryn Hasburgh Engle
Dana Ann Hamlin
Michele Ann Hartnett
Patricia Gayle Hunt-Burrows
Mary Southwell Hutchinson Christine Catherine Kane
Sarah Louisa Dodd Kroker
Barbara Anne Green Kurgansky HildaLouiseOtt Micari
Mary Francine Pohanka Parr
Leah Frederick Perry
Karyn Finley Thompson Powell Beatrix Honor Richards
Jean May Leland Smith
Audrey Elizabeth Latham Sutherland Sarah Jean Wagaman
University of Minnesota
Carol Louise Formo Ackles Margaret McHugh Amberg Dorothy Mae Long Angwin Donna Eileen Baty
Patricia Jeanne Plank Bergstrom Manon Jean Nordal Bikjer
Janel Constance Shore Boysen BettyJaneWeissinger Brown Beverly Ann Johnson Coulter
To Dragma
aWilliams Curry
Lois Errata Fleckenstein Dupre
Nancy Ruth Frank Engle
Alison Lyn Englund
Stellamae Hart Er«sen
Charlotte Ptescott Evans
Diane Gray Martin Ewald ColleenAnneSummyFrojen
Dorothy E: Kuecfienmetsfer Galameaod Janice D Robinson Greig
Gertrude Helen Spencer Hacking Dorothy Hill Hanson
Monica Mane Slelans Harrington Mildred Anne Clark Harlwick
Marilyn Joanne Dixon Haugen
Lavera Laverne Smith Hawkslord Glenda B. Moseman Jungquist
Muriel Dieteman Katzenmeyer LaurieLeeKinney
Betty-Ann March Kleinschmidt
Mary Louise Theimer Knutson
Suzanne Elizabeth Zuehlke Larsen Lorna Dugal McCartney Leekley Pamela Jean Watson Lyles
Suzanne Akins Elliott Manto
Barbara Ann March
Barbara Butman McCall
Shirley Aurelia Si Clair McDonald Alice Elizabeth Pass McHugh
Ludmilla Chalupa Mlnar
Olive Laurine Oliver Mottett
Jane Patricia Nenson
Julie H«a Ouyang
Dorothy Ann Frednckson Pearson Kathleen T 0 Shaughnessy Rosenblum Catherine Ann Saan
Margaret Ida Jerome Sampson
Virginia Grace Rohll Spigler
Carol Ellen Oberbillig Stephens Lorraine Alice Danley Whitney
Birmingham Southern College
Ruth Hill CarrBadeau
Wilburta Kerr Bnnson
Donna Jean Brown
Georgia Alison Bundrick
Annie Frances Daws FrancesPhillpott Early
Shawn Allyson Freeman
Nancy jane Watwood Gibbs PeggyEvelynO'Neal Henry Billie Anne Clearman Hogan Margaret BowneDomirack Mann AnnManeMotteMcAllister
Kathi Dee Morris MarthaSarahMoseley
Anna Lapige Neese
Helen Byrd Borchers Rea Andrea Ready MaryRawlingsReese
Mary Hamilton Horton Smith Dorothy Faye Hendnx Thames Sonya Jeanne Thomas
Mary Virginia Moore Tomlinson Rita May Allgood Tubbs
Shippensburg University
Deborah Ann Allen Fay Annalee Lon Miller Demse Christine Munsell
TAUOMEGA Transylvania University Barbara Mane Kiser
U. of Tennessee-Martin Margaret Ann King Alexander
Catherine Ann Fontana Bascom Barbara Ann Whitaker Brake Cheryl Ann Davis Clinton
Glenda Sue Householder Eastndge Martha Juanice Gillespie
Lon Ann Kessler
Sydney Joanne Macrae LesleeElizabethDonnell McBnde Juke Eileen Norman Park Catherine Ann Roberts
Nell CaryWehman Smith
Martha Lilian Wehman Townes Debra Lynn Walk
Theresa Lee Weathers
Tracey Leigh Cline Wiseman
DePauw University
Joyce Rosemary Vietzke Allen Mary Elizabeth Houck Armstrong Lancy Lynn Maish Babcbck Luella Boonslra Boaz
Jean Krueck Bolyard
Nancy Lou Bardonner Bossert Sherry Elizabeth Keaton Brennan Carol Ann Doty Brown
Dorolhy Alice Judson Burke Dorothy Bowland Chambers Louise Hauck Clothier
Kathryn Mary Schwarz Colten CameAnne Costanzo
Jane Lois Harders Cox
Harriet! Hesslin Crum
Nancy Ann Farns Davis
Dorothy May Dempster
Diane Elaine Mound Doner
Lorene Golden Essex
Anna McCurty Jones Evans
Edna Klutts Farber
Margaret Belz Foster
Margery Ann Graham Freshley Susan Jane Hall Garver
Roxanne Lynn Berry Gilbertsen Cora Sue Thomas Grossman Carol Frances Sears Hess
Karen Ann Krukowski Hickman Joan Mane Beckman Hoch Elizabeth Ruth Gadienf Huckleberry MaryGarrisonWalker Hughbanks Janet Irene Taverner Juckelt Elizabeth Mary Brooks Julian
Lila Jane Dayhotf Kalm
Margaret Eleanor Johnson Kent Jane Wells Clements King
Janet Crowder King
Lucile Klauser-Batell BarbaraJaneGarrett Krause Eunice Charlotte BrummLanzl Betty Jule Pollard Lylle
Marion Lydia Wrege May EstherElizabethMcCord
Fae Houston Messersmith
Judith Eleanor Hull Messick
Nancy Carrol Cazier Meyer
Sally Jo Terry Morris
Patricia Jane Jacobs Mottweiler Mary Elizabeth Knapp Murch Audrey Ruth Thomas Pelham Catherine Irene Roe Raisor
Victoria Dawn Kensek Ross Wanda Luan King Sabien
Elizabeth Ann Horn Schumacher Jean Louise Zagar Sevems
Shirley Elizabeth Shazer
Patricia Kay Foley Siddiq
Alice Suzanne Jones Slanec Carolyn Jane Hosteller Smith Nancy Jane Williams Stevens Mabel Hurst Stoner
Mary Esther Tinder
Myrna Dyne Magnuson Trowbridge Ann Louise KainzTvaroha
Kim E. Vanderkolk
Helen Wenrich Wood
Morningside College
Connie Lynn Diekema Janet Kay Swanson Gill Mary Margaret Pauly
University ot Cincinnati
Nancy Maxwell Gaines Bernard Ruth Gertrude Newman Eldridge Ruth Woolley Heslar
Erna Louise Kramer James Pollye Diehl Jones
Shirley Simone Smedley Kramer Maxine Belly Cooper MacDowell AliceEllenBiechler Muller Winona Rae Rogers
Margarel Elizabet Francis Stillwell Hope Elizabeth Johnson Tiemeyer Cecile Maureen Tansey Tokar Adele Zrta Decker! White
West Chester State College Helen Dixon Sharkey Wernlz
Northern Arizona U.
Patti Sue Prater Anderson Jenniler Irene Macey Burchard Jessica Anne Barlow Daniels Lorraine Christy Grant
Berrace Agnes Ipnar Heath Debra Jean Evans Heathington Laura Ann Roberts Keete
Janet Lynn Ann Ohms Kimmell Stacy Jan Rosebrough Kluckman Carolyn Kay Lindsey Leonard Sherrie Renay Nichols Levenson Jeanne Kay Foltz Lewis
Caryn Ann Close McDonald Kerry Casey Nugent
Patricia Lee Phillips Piper
Eileen Mary Freeman Pleiicha GloriaMarieGrimaSmith Kathleen Elizabeth Malteo Tillman
Wagner College
Dianne Elaine Kesner Baldwin SusanBecchina
Barbara Vivien Noack Brubaker Lorraine Cucciniello
Nancy Dons Huppnch Francis RuthJulieanneHealyFurtiovden Claire Elaine Magnuson Guertler Dianne Dee Sargent Hansen Carolyn Sandra Haas Henry Eileen M McDowall Hyle
Claire Irene Eilenberger Kispert Kathy Lynn Perricone Kleinlein SinghildAlice Larson
Elizabeth Helen Hamann Lawrence Wanda Lucille Prokoby Marple Lon Lynn Mayercik
Elaine N Hendricksen Melusc Janet Ursula Warnecke Muller Janice O'Connor
Maria Anna D'Agostino Rolberg BonnieJeanSichel Stambuli Gail Margaret Wright Thompson Susan Jeanne Thomson Barbara Eshleman Vroom Dorothy Ann Wedge
Kay Kerlenng Welch
THETA PSI University of Toledo
Mary Helen Erb Adkins
Wanda Sue Lawson Anderson Elizabeth Ann Allen Breymaier
Any Fadel Bryan
Frances Suydam Chappie
Sharon Kaczala Fickel
Laura Lynne Samson Galah
Barbara H Graver Gillmore
Cynthia Christine Schradie Guslalson Barbara Marie Gilbert Kormanyos Pamela C Sherman Kwasniak
Ruth Lee Leichtamer
Anna Markley
Lon Ann McCaig
Jae Ann Newton McNay
Nancy Ann Farrell Neale
Betty Jane K Wilson Reithel
Joyce Kay Mitchell Rice LynnManeScott Roudebush Imogene Underwood Seeger
Virginia Blanchard Smith
LaVella Roselene Andrew Stone Patsy Jane Dielz Tadlock
Karole Jo Warret
Kalhenne Fits Well
U. of Washington
JearaeGrant Anderson
Jo Ann Smith Gould Anderson Ruth Carol Nunan Bartells
Paula Ann Berkman
Dons Mildred Wells Bishop
Leslie Lynne Raid Blair
Mama Rae Ellsperman Burkhalter Anna Caroline David Butler
Mary Jane Brooks David
Gladys Cross Elsensohn
Colleen Elizabeth Emery
Alice Elizabeth McLean Fadden Maria Dulce Fnal
Nancy Esther Muller Fnednch Eileen Clarke Gillespie
Pnscilla Endicclt Webber Hanawalt Neysa Pauline Elwell Hickok Barbara Jean Harman Higinbbtham Marolyn Rogene Mergan Hubert Marcia Kay Jacobson Holland Jane Ruth Elder Hough CharmeCampbell Hughes
Ruth Mane Hasletl Jared
Jayne Ellen Seymour Judd Rosemary Killian
Barbara Carolyn Hirsch Ladd
Ruth Sylvia Malson Matchette
Lylia Appel Miller StephanieAliceSturm0 Hanlon Alice Byrdetle Mason Olson Carolyn Ann Olszewski
Marjorie Eleanor Palmer Passler FlorenceBoydPelton
Betty Lynn Ray Person
Katherine Ann McLaughlin Pickett Lisa Frances Robbins
Betty Attlesey Roundhill
Betty Jean Howell Rowland Gustene Elizabeth Rupe Schneider Lorene Marie Patncelli Seeley Roberta Claire Extey Swenson
Mary Catherine Larsen Talbot
Betty Ellen Benedict Taylor
Susanne Mygatt Wakelield
M Elizabeth Lemley Wilhelmi Gwenavere Imogene Wilburn Worrick Gwendoline Showell Wrede SusanElizabethBayleyYoung
U. of Arizona
Christina Louise Flores Mary Tremble Freeman Anne Geld Levy
Claire Farrell Ryan Rattield
Mary Ann Kraymck Wade Lynne Olive Weod
Carol Ann Markland Zartman
U. of Texas-San Antonio
Elizabeth Ann Bostic Cheryl Lynn Hammon
University of Oklahoma Maunne Garrett Moore ZETA
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sandra M Buell Albertson
Barbara Ann Eicke Armstrong Dorothy Elizabet Woodward Barnard Laura Marie Bauer Bell
Deanna Gay Hauptman Bohl Patricia Lynn Rosenau Bnnkman Ann Louise Campbell
Christina Diane Carlson
Dons Mae Gillett Carothers Kimberly Sue Jenkins Carter
Erna Margarel Philippe Cheney Catherine Lynn Santora Comstock Pollyanna Stratton Craine
Laura Estelle Perkins Dokken Susan Dianne Smith Fargo
Mildred Boise Hullinger Fiddock Mary Julia Allingham Fitzgerald Joan Dale Miller Foote
Geraldine Patricia McGowan Frost Lois Lorraine Blair Golding
Nancy Kay Jacobson Goodell Carole LynneJansen Hall
Manelen Marko Jacobson
Clara Virginia Case James
Opal Loraine Johnson Janelle Lynne Ann Johnson
Jean Elizabeth Gieselman Jones Margaret Capron Jones
Lois Ruth Fritz Kieter
Alice Joanne Wenzlatl Knapp
Elma Rachel Pospisil Knott LolaGwendolynRecta Lamme
Anne Agatha Figge Laugharn Catherine Mane Ballou Marcy Ellen Ada Srb Markytan
Phyllis Joan Waggerby McColly Joetta Mane Carter Nelson Mary Pauline Davis Nuss Janice Elaine Smith 0 Donnell JaneEllenJenkinsOlson
Ruby Maurine McGee Petersen Cheryl Beth Young Rassfeld Marilyn Sue Schmadeke Rembolt TempieL BewenRoberts Pauline Nell Gellatly Rock
Lynn Ann Rolslon Roltsmeier Dorothy Louise Gannon Smith Gladys Opal Mathews Smythe Nancy Carolyn Taylor Snyder Judith Ann Mikkleson Stuthman Jean Marjone Sundell Tinslman Kristin Kay Lovercheck Tyler Laura Agnes Scherfl Waters Cathleen Jo Ann Cox Weber Margarel E Anderson Wondra
East Carolina U.
Mary Judith Gleason Glover Julie Ann Hammer
Carolyn Anne White Hodgins Suzanne Michelle Lacroix Delia Lake Lomax Sage Merry Linda Warlield Szczech Linda Gale Swiggelt Vick Mary Rachel Teal Winslow
F a l l 1988
Omega Upsilon President Lori Rogers signs the charter.
Omega Upsilon Chapter Installed at Ohio University
New Home for The Fraternity...
(Continued horn page 11)
At that time there were 32 colle- giate chapters and 33 alumnae chap- ters with a combined membership of about 10,000. Today, there are 159 collegiate chapters and 201 alumnae chapters with nearly 90,000 members.
Although a central office was dis- cussed in 1925, for a while the only central "office" was a metal box kept in the home of Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, one of AOII's Founders. By 1969, the dream had been refined and expanded to include the idea of a permanent home which would be owned by AOII.
Ground has been broken for the new building, which will house spe- cially designed space for AOII's ar- chives - a far cry from the metal box Elizabeth Heywood Wyman kept in her home.
As Sandy Amos, former Regional Vice President, described the progress, "AOII is looking forward and is for- ward looking."
For members who may be wonder- ing how the new headquarters is going to be paid for, Peg has some reassuring words.
"The project is funded by our existing revenues through the Inter- national Operating Fund," she said.
"Our financial strength and stabil- ity have enabled us to secure a favor- able loan on this project. These monies are totally separate from the International Loan Fund, which supports local corporations with their housing needs or repairs either through direct loans or through sup- port in securing local loans."
However, there are opportunities for special gifts from individuals and groups for commemorative recogni- tion, and several chapters and indi- viduals have already made commit- ments. Early commitments are not surprising when many, if not most, A0II sisters feel so strongly about the Fraternity. As Liz Coffey, Executive Board member and AOII foundation Director, put it:
"My involvement in our Fraternity continually gives back much more than I can ever hope to give it."
By Dana Potopsky Omega Upsilon
"Individual but united," the sub- motto of Omega Upsilon Chapter at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, took on a deeper meaning for all its members as they became truly united during their installation ceremony on April 23, 1988.
On that date the 88 women of Omega Upsilon had both the honor and the pleasure of being installed by International President, Peg Craw- ford, as the 159th collegiate chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi. The event was preceded by an inspirational sister- hood with the women of Omega Chapter at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, and was followed by a banquet for the initiates, their families and friends.
At the Rose Banquet, Ann Gil- christ, Regional Vice President, led a toast to the new chapter. Pat Curran- Dengler, Regional Director, gave the welcoming speech. The meaning of the Red Rose of AOII, its roots, stem, foliage, buds and beauty, was divulged to the group by Marcia Winner, Rush Adviser; Diedre Ruble, Financial Ad- viser; Pat Curran-Dengler; A n n Gil- christ; and Peg Crawford. Karen Weaver, Chapter Adviser, and Laura
Watson, Chapter Consultant, also attended the dinner.
During the banquet, Shelly Novak, Scholarship Chairman, presented cer- tificates to the five members who achieved a 4.0 GPA for the preceding quarter: Lori Gallagher, Karen Grube, Becky McMahan, Jane Valuska, and Amy Speer. Shelly also recognized the other chapter members who made the Dean's list. All the women worked hard to put AOFI in fourth place in academic standing for winter quarter among the sororities at Ohio University.
Since becoming a colony in October of 1987, Omega Upsilon has worked hard to show its unity and spirit to the Greek System and to the com- munity. During Homecoming, AOII teamed with Alpha X i Delta and Phi Gamma Delta to win first place in the banner competition and spirit award. Omega Upsilon was also the top donor in the Phi Gamma Delta Red Cross Blood Drive and helped the Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma Chi fraternities with their philanthrophy projects as well as raising money for arthritis research.
(Continued on page 62)
To Dragma