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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-08-13 17:59:14

1924 September - To Dragma

Vol. XX, No. 1

Co Dragtna


4m I

voi. x x September, 1924 N 0 . I

To Dragma

Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity


Alpha—Barnard College—Inactive.
P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Beta—Brown University—Inactive.
Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.
Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.
Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y .
Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
Nu Omicron—Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
Pai—University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
Phi—University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
Omega—Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
Omicron Pi—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Alpha Sigma—University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
Xi—University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.
New York Alumnae—New York City.
San Francisco Alumnse—San Francisco, Cal.
Providence Alumnae—Providence, R. 1.
Boston Alumnse—Boston, Mass.
Los Angeles Alumnse—Los Angeles, Cal.
Lincoln Alumnae—Lincoln, Neb.
Chicago Alumnse—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumnae—Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans Alumnae—New Orleans, L a .
Minneapolis Alumnse—Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor Alumnse—Bangor, Me.
Portland Alumnse—Portland, Oregon.
Seattle Alumnse—Seattle, Wash.
Knoxville Alumnae—Knoxville, Tenn.
Lynchburg Alumnse—Lynchburg, Va.
Washington Alumnae—Washington, D. C.
Philadelphia Alumnse—Philadelphia, Pa.
Dallas Alumnse—Dallas, Tex.
Kansas City Alumnse—Kansas City, Mo.
Omaha Alumnse—Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma Alumnse—Alumnae Association (temporarily), Tacoma, Wash.
Syracuse Alumnse—Syracuse, N. Y .
Detroit Alumnse—Detroit, Michigan.
Nashville Alumnse—Nashville, Tenn.
Cleveland Alumnse—Cleveland, Ohio.
Champaign-Urbana Alumnse Association—Champaign, III.
Memphis Alumnae—Memphis, Tenn.
Miami Valley Alumnae—Oxford, Ohio.




(The postmark on late letters is the evidence which determines a fine.)

October 1—Alumnae chapter president mail report to her District Alumnae

Active chapter president report to District Superintendent.
Active chapter adviser report to District Superintendent.
October 3—Chapter secretary mail monthly report to Grand Secretary.

This report must be sent regardless of the opening date of college.
$3.00 fine for late report.
October 8—Active and Alumnae chapter editors and alumnae assistants
mail material for November To DRAGMA to Editor. $5.00 fine for
late or missing reports.
Alumnae Assistants to To DRAGMA start work to increase number of
life subscribers.
October 10—Chapter Treasurer mail monthly report to Grand Secretary.
This report must be in regardless of the opening date of college.
$3.00 fine. Incomplete or incorrect reports will be returned and
regarded as late. Be accurate.
October 31—Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Pau-
hellenic Delegate. $2.50 fine for late report.
November 1—Alumnae chapter president report to District Alumnae Super-
November 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
Chapter study plan officer mail report to district member of Com-
mittee on Examinations. $2.50 fine.
November 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 line.
November 15 or earlier—All active and alumnae chapters make plans for
the observance of Founder's Day.
November 15—Treasurers of active and alumnae chapters and associations
pay Grand Council dues to Grand Treasurer. Fines for late pay-
December 1—Alumnae chapter president mail report to District Alumnae
Active chapter president mail report to District Superintendent.
Alumnae Adviser mail report to District Superintendent.
District Alumnae Superintendent mail semi-annual report to Grand
Vice President.
December 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 tine.
Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Panhellenic
Delegate. $2.50 fine.
December 8—Founder's Dav Observance throughout the fraternity. Send
greetings to Founders. Feature National Philanthropic work and
send in contributions, magazine and stationery orders.
December 10—Chapter Treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00
January 1—The Nomination Committee will receive nominations for Grand
Council Officers and Committees until February 1.
January 3—Chapter Secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
Study Plan Officer mail report to district member of Committee
on Examinations. $2.50 fine.
January 8—Active and Alumnae editors, and alumnae assistants mail ma-
terial for February To DRAGMA to Editor. $5.00 fine.
January 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
January 15—Prepare for fraternity examinations.
February 1—Alumnae chapter president send report to District Alumnae
Active chapter president mail report to District Superintendent.
Alumnae Adviser mail report to District Superintendent.

February 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 line. DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS
Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Panhellenic Dele- 1924-1925
gate. $2.50 fine.
February 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $.100 fine.
MARCH 1—ALL MEMBERS PLAN T O ATTEND CON Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 132 West 12th St., New York City.
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '98, 118 W. 183 St.,
March 3—Chapter secretary send report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 line. New York, N. Y .
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 45 West Thirty-
Study Plan Officer report to district member of Committee on Exam-
inations. fifth Street, New York, N. Y .
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad St., Bloomfield, N. J .
April 1—Alumnae chapter presidents report to District Alumnae Superin-
tendents. OFFICERS

Active chapter president report to District Superintendent. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Alumnae Adviser report to District Superintendent.
District Alumnae Superintendent send report to Grand Vice President. Grand President, Laura A. Hurd, Box 99. Station F . New York City.
Historical exhibits should be ready for convention. Grand Secretary, Melita H . Skillen. 5902 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, III.
Before this date active and alumnae officers should be elected. Fleet Grand Treasurer, Katrina Overall McDonald (Mrs. C . C ) , Box 188, Hay

able members as convention delegates and elect Grand Council St. Louis, Mississippi.
April 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine. Grand Vice President, Josephine S. Pratt, 156 West 170 St., New York
Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Panhellenic Dele- City.
gate. $2.50 fine.
April 8—Active and alumnae chapter editors and alumnae assistants mail Grand Historian, Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 45 West
material for May To DRAG MA to Fditor. $5.00 fine. 35th St., New York City.
April 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Treasurer. $3.00 fine.
April 15—The Nomination Committee notifies Grand Council of nominees Extension Officer, Rose Gardner Marx (Mrs. Ralph), 1028 Oxford St..
for Grand Officers. Berkeley, Calif.
May 1—By this date reports of chapter elections shall be mailed to the
Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine. Examining Officer, Octavia Chapin, 102 Summer St., Medford, Mass.
Notify Tan that you will be at convention. National Panhellenic Officer. Rochelle Rodd Gachet, 402 Grace-American
May 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine.
May 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine. Building. Richmond, Va.
May 15—All annual reports from active and alumnae chapters. Grand Editor of To Dragma, Elizabeth Bond, 213 South Atherton St., State
Officers, District Superintendents and District Alumnae Superin-
tendents, etc., are to be mailed by this date to the Grand Secretary. College, Pa.
The chapter secretary's report is to include a correct copy of the Business Manager of To Dragma, Kathryn Bremer, 855 W. 7th St., St
chapter by-laws. Additional $2.50 fine for omission of by-laws.
Chapter treasurer's report is to include budget for the following Paul, Minn.
year. $2.50 fine.
June 1—Notify Tan that you will be at convention. DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS
Atlantic District ( N , A, T, E , X ,
Alumnae chapter president report to District Alumnae Superintendent
Active chapter president report to District Superintendent. Joanna D. Huntington (Mrs. James C ) , 1328 Seymour Ave., Utica,
Alumnae Adviser report to District Superintendent. N. Y.
June 3—Chapter secretary mail report to Grand Secretary. $2.50 fine.
Chapter Panhellenic Delegate mail report to National Panhellenic Dele- Southern District ( n . K , O, NK, N O ) .
Lillian Chapman Marshall (Mrs. Carl). Bay Saint Louis, Miss
gate. $2.50 fine.
June 10—Chapter treasurer mail report to Grand Secretary. $3.00 fine. North East Central District ( 0 , P, I. B<I>, H. Q, O n ) .
June 15—Reports of all national committees filed with Grand Secretary- Mildred H. McDonald (Mrs. W. T . ) . 2852 N. New Jersey St., In-
dianapolis, Ind.
CHRISTMAS LAKE, MINNESOTA, T A U CHAP- North West Central District (Z, T , S ) .
TER, UNIVERSITY O F MINNESOTA, HOS- Katherine L . Mix (Mrs. Arthur), 1134 Louisiana St., Lawrence, Kan.
Pacific District (2, A, T. A * : A 2 ) .
August 8—Alumnae editors and alumnae assistants send material for Sep- Daisy M. Shaw (Mrs. Norman). 2924 Claremont Ave., Berkeley,
tember To DRAGMA. Calif.

Note carefully: All monthly reports of chapter secretaries must include ALUMNAE SUPERINTENDENTS
the customary initiation reports. On June 3rd a report marked "final" Atlantic—Esther Baker, 8416 LefTerts Blvd., Richmond Hill, N. Y.
must be sent in. In this especial care must be taken to report the last Southern—Catherine Rasburv, 5005 Gaston Ave., Dallas. Texas.
initiates of the college year. Chapter treasurers shall also send a re- N. E . Central—Grace Gilbert (Mrs. S. H.).2714 Hartzell St., Evanston. Ill
port marked "final," which shall be mailed as soon as the books are N. W. Central—Mattie W. Higgins (Mrs. L . A . ) , 6547 N. 24 St., Omaha,
Pacific—Florence R. Aitkin, 104 S. Block St., Bozeman, Mont.

New York

Pres.—Anna Elizabeth Bover, 2996 Perry Ave., N. Y . C.
Tel. Sedgewick 6828.

Meetings—First Saturday afternoon of each month. Place announced.

San Francisco Philadelphia
Pres.—Frances Corlett Howard (Mrs. C. N.), 1118 Laurel Ave., Pres.—Natalie L . Collins. 6220 Wayne Ave., Germantown.
Berkeley. Calif. Tel. Germantown 6505.
No report of meetings. Meetings—Time and place varies.
Providence Pres.—Lucinda Smith Hubbell (Mrs. J . B . ) , 219 Haynic Ave., Dallas.
Pres.—Mrs. Perlev H . Wyman, 225 Norwood Ave., Providence, K. I
Tel. Broad 17735. Texas.
Meetings—Second Saturday of each month at half past two at the No report.
members' homes. Kansas City
Pres.—Maude Waters (Mrs. A. K . ) , 416 West 62 St. Terrace.
Boston Tel. Hiland 4237.
Pres.—Alice T. Spear. 32 Pierce St.. Hyde Park, Mass. Meetings—Last Sunday of each month at members' homes.
Tel. H . P. 0193-W. Omaha
Meetings—Last Saturday of the month at the members' homes. Pres.—Helen Haves. 411 South 38 St., Omaha.
Tel. Harney'5050.
Los Angeles Meetings—Last Saturday of each month at 1:00 at the members' homes.
Pres.—Muriel T. McKinney (Mrs. Verne C ) . 330 S. Alvarado, Los Tacoma
Angeles. Calif.
No report. No report.
Lincoln Pres.—Emilv A. Tarbell, Lock Box 518, Syracuse.
No report. Tel. Salina 75F22.
Meetings—Last Saturday of each month at different places.
Chicago Detroit
Pres.—Beatrice E . Bunting, 2730 Lawrence Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Pres.—Helen Slaten Nelson (Mrs. L . K . ) , 2658 Ewing Ave., Evanston, No report of meetings.
III. Nashville
Tel. University 2769.
Pres.—Augusta Perry, 2705 Belmont Blvd.. Nashville, Tenn.
Meetings—First Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the' members' No report of meetings,
homes. i Irveland
Pres.—Edna Studebakcr. 1619 E . 77 St.. Cleveland.
Indianapolis Tel. Pennsylvania 1324-M.
Pres.—Elsie Noel Waldo (Mrs. L I L ) . 330 East 47 St.. Indianapolis. Champaign-Urbana Association
Tel. Humholt 4120.
Meetings—Second Saturday of each month at the homes of the mem- No report.
bers. Memphis
Pres.—.Josephine Johnsorr Hobson, 1263 Sledge Ave., Memphis. Tenn.
\ c \ \ Orleans Meetings—no report.
Pres.—Mary Bell Owen (Mrs. Win. Miller), 1309 Nashville, New Miami Valley „
Orleans, La. Pres.—Leafv Jane Hilker (Mrs. H . V . ) . 325 N. Third St.. Hamilton, O.
No report. Tel. 1167.
Meetings—Second Saturday of the even months. Time and place vary.
Pres.—Margaret Boothroyd. 4744 Garfield Ave. S. ACTIVE CHAPTER SECRETARIES
Tel. Colfax 5129. Pi—Charlotte Voss. 1105 Fern St.. New Orleans. La.
Meetings—First Tuesday of each month at 7:30 at the chapter house. Nu—Clara E . Van Emen, 417 W. 21 St.. New York City.
Omicron—Marv Hills Faxon. University Campus. Knoxville, Tenn.
Bangor Kappa—Gladys Fore. R. M. W. C , Lynchburg. Va.
Pres —Lilla Hersey, 11 Graham Ave.. Bangor, Me. Zeta—Gladys Sharrar. 2101 Wash, Lincoln, Neb.
Tel. 1114W. Sigma—Meriam Collins, 2721 Haste St.. Berkeley. Calif.
Meetings—J-ast Saturday of each month at 2:30 at the members' homes. Thcta—Alice Reeves. A. O. Pi House. Greencastlc. Tnd.
Delta—Madeline Snow, Capen House. Tufts College. Bfass.
Portland Gamma—Bculah Osgood. Orono. Me.
Pres.—Mrs. R. G. E . Cornish, 1403 Wisteria Ave.. Portland, Ore. Epsilon—Elizabeth McAdam. Sage College, Ithaca. N. Y .
Tel. Garfield 9382. Rho—Elcnor Goodrich. 1928 Sherman. F.vanston, 111.
Meetings—No report. Lambda—Mary Virginia Dungan, A. O. Pi House, Palo Alto. Calif.
Seattle Tau—Elizabeth Mann. 914 4 St. S. E . . Minneapolis. Minn.
Pres.—Bcrvl Knccn (Mrs. Orville). 4329 2 Ave. N. E . Chi—Helen Howalt. 603 University Ave.. Syracuse. N. Y .
Tel. Melrose 3602. Upsilon—Merle Wolfe. 1906 East 45. Seattle. Wash.
Meetings—Second Monday of each month at different places. Nu Kappa—Roberta Blewett. 404 Haynie, Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Marie Sullivan. A. O. Pi House, Bloomington. Ind.
Knoxville Eta—Carol de le Hunt, 626 N. Henry St.. Madison. Wis.
Pres.—Mrs. H . M. Cox, Fountain City, Knoxville, Tenn. Alpha Phi—
No report of meetings. Nu Omicron—Corntlia Cralle. 2115 Highland Ave., Nashville, Tenn.

No report.

Pres.—Amalia Shoemaker, 14X3 Massachusetts Ave., N. W.
Tel. Franklin 463.
Meetings—First Tuesday of each month at 5 :00 at the members' homes.

Psi—Irva Bair, 3459 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Detroit—Cora May Wiedeman (Mrs. E . G.), 206 S. Washington, Ypsilanti,
Phi—Marie Isern, 1144 L a St., Lawrence, Kan. Mich.
Omega—Mary Lee, Wells Hall, Oxford. Ohio.
Omicron Pi—Lucile Bellamy, 1052 Baldwin Ave., Ann Arhor, Mich. Nashville—
Alpha Sigma— Cleveland —Mrs. Vernon Schnee, 2304 Belltield Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
Xi—Marjoric Stafford* 311 S. Webster, Norman, Okla. Champaign-Urbana—
Memphis—Mrs. R. C. Hobson, 1263 Sledge St.. Memphis, Tenn.
ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITORS Miami Valley—Mrs. J . B. Dennison, 115 S. Maine St., Oxford, Ohio.
Pi—Charlotte Voss, 1105 Fern St., New Orleans, La.
Nu—Gertrude Bennett, 1669 East 22 St., Brooklyn, New York. C O M M I T T E E S F O R 1924-1925
Omicron—Elizabeth Hale, University Campus, Knoxville, Tenn. Committees on National Work—
Kappa—Beryl Madison, R. M. W. C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Darlenen Woodward, 2419 Ryoas, Lincoln, Neb. I — Fellowship Award—Grand Vice President, honorary chairman.
Sigma—Isabel Jackson, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Calif. Atlantic—Chairman, Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, Alplra.
Theta—Musette Williams, Poplar St., Greencastle, Intl. Southern—Gladys Renshaw.
Delta—Olive Byrne. Start House, Tufts College, Mass. N. E . Central—Lucy Allen, Theta.
Gamma—Helen Peabody, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Maine. N. W. Central—Carolyn Pulling, Delta.
Epsilon—Marion Staples, The Knoll, Ithaca, New York. Pacific—Mildred L . Sylvester, Upsilon.
Rho—Margaret MacKay, Miller House, Evanston, 111. I I — Aid for Handicapped Children—Grand Vice President, chairman;
Lambda—Wana Keesling, Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.
Iota—Dorothy Dickinson, 712 W. Oregon St., Urbana. 111. Alumnae Superintendents, members.
Tau—Jaunita Medberry, 1520 W. 27 St., Minneapolis, Minn. Committee on Finance—
Chi—Helen McNees, 603 University Ave., Syracuse, New York.
Upsilon—Lois Pollom, 1906 E . 45 St., Seattle, Wash. Chairman, Grand Treasurer; members, Helen T . McDonald, Eta, and
Nu Kappa—Rebecca Tyre. 3213'/2 Lemmon, Dallas, Texas. Mary D. Drummond, Alpha Phi. •
Beta Phi—Rezina Bond, A. O. H House, Bloomington, Ind.
Eta—Janet MacQueary, 626 N. Henry St., Madison, Wisconsin. Committee on Fraternity Organization—District Superintendents, members.
Alpha Phi—Elizabeth Powers, West Menden Hall, Bozeman, Mont. Committee on Expansion—Chairman, Extension Officer.
Nu Omicron—Irene Williams, 2115 Highland Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
Psi—Margaret Lynn, 3459 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic—Pinckney Glantzberg.
Phi—Laverne Stugard, 1144 L a St., Lawrence, Kansas. Southern—Mary A. L . Jones, Omicron.
Omega—Helen Simpson, Wells Hall, Oxford, Ohio. N. E . Central—Marion Abele, Rho.
Omicron P i - N. W. Central—Charlotte Uhls, Upsilon.
Alpha Sigma—Mary West, 935 Patterson, Eugene, Oregon. Pacific—Lucile C. English, Lambda.
Xi—Theresa Pistocco, 311 S. Webster, Norman, Okla. Committee on Rituals and Traditions—
Cluiirman—Stella G. S. Perry, Alpha; The Founders, Laura A. Hurd,
New York—Helen Leavens (Mrs. A . ) , 34 Butler Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. and Rose Marx, life members; Grand Secretary and Study Plan
San Francisco—Mrs. Leo Backus, 355 Adams St., San Francisco, Calif. Officer.
Providence—Mrs. Louis Covell, Box 245, Barrington, R. I. Trustees of Anniversay Endowment Fund—
Boston—Alice J . Spear, 32 Pierce St.. Hyde Park, Mass. 2 year term—Louella Darling, Beta.
Los Angeles—Muriel MeKinney (Mrs. V . W . ) , 330 S. Alvarado, Los 4 year term—Helen St. Clair Mullan, Chairman, Alpha.
6 year term—Mary H . Donlon, Epsilon.
Angeles, Calif. Scholarship Officer—Edith Goldsworthy.
Lincoln— Song Committee—Chairman. Mae Knight Siddell, Sigma, Lower Lake,
Chicago—Mrs. J . A. Warner, 1726 Hinman Ave., Evanston, III. Cal.; Ivah S. O'Hair; Margaret Perry Maxwell.
Indianapolis—Geraldine Kindig, 911 W. D. Woodruff Place, Indianapolis, Vocational Guidance—
Atlantic—June Kelley, Chairman, 16 Everett St., Norwood, Mass.
Ind. Southern—Lenora Perkins, Kappa.
New Orleans—Anna McLellan, 2198 Napoleon St.. New Orleans, La. N. E . Central—Helen Haller, Omega.
Minneapolis—Mary Dee Drnmmond (Mrs. W. C ) , 1435 West 31 St., N. W. Central—Esther Hagenbucher, Chi.
Pacific—Erna G. Taylor.
Minneapolis, Minn. Committee on Examinations—Chairman, Examining Officer.
Bangor—Marion Day, 84 Highland St., Bangor, Maine. Atlantic—Avis H . Rumpp, Psi.
Portland—Mrs. R. G. E . Cornish, 1403 Wisteria Ave., Portland, Ore. Southern—Florence Tyler, Nu Omicron.
Seattle—Minnie Kraus, 6041 Beach Drive, Seattle, Wash. N. E . Central—Mary Mcllvean, Beta Phi.
Knoxville— N. W. Central—Lucille Haertel, Tau.
Lynchburg— Pacific—Florence Weeks.
Washington—Rose Bowling, 3821 Kanawha St., Chevy Chase, D. C. Committee on Nominations—
Philadelphia—Margaret Miles. 5447 Ridge Ave., Roxborough. Phila., Pa, Chairman—Margaret Branscombe (Mrs. Harvey), 195 Claremaiat Ave.,
Dallas—Mrs. Harvey Branscomb, Haynie, Texas. Apt. 60, New York, N. Y .
Kansas City—Mary Rose, 370 Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. District Superintendents, members*
Omaha—Helen Hayes, 411 South 38 St., Omaha, Neb.
Tacoma— g
Syracuse—Emily A. Tarbell, Lock Box 158, Syracuse, N. Y.



firiiottf b to a ntm pljaar nf nur TABLE OF CONTENTS 213
fratrntttg atmrtttrr—Jfatinttal Work. Development of National Work 220
The Anniversary Endowment Fund 223
The Winner of the Graduate Fellowship 225
Graduate Student Loans 22/
Alumnae Chapter Finances 235
A Letter from Nu Chapter 239
Why We Use a Loan Fund 241
Items of Interest 242
Editorials 246
Alumnae Chapter Letters 259
Alumnae Notes

T O D R A G M A is published at 415 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn.,
by The Colwell Press, Inc. Entered at the Postoffice at Minneapolis, Minn.,
as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for
mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of Oc-
tober 3, 1917, authorized February 12, 1920.

T O D R A G M A is published four times a year, September, November,
February and May.

Subscription price, One Dollar per year, payable in advance; Life
Subscription $15.00.


i ! A K T I C L E X I . -National Work.
Tlie FrattTiiity shall establish National Philanthropic Work which shall
r consist of the awarding of a Graduate Fellowship and Aid for Handicapped
m 1. Graduate Fellowship.
(a) Tlie Fellowship shall be administered by a committee of alumnae,
Your Fraternity Wants to Help Me. Won't You do Your Share? one from each district, appointed by the Executive Committee. At least one
"In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, ye have Founder, unless all refuse to serve, shall be a member of this committee. The
done it unto me." St Matthew xxv, 40. (•rand Vice-President shall be honorary chairman of the committee.
(b) The amount of at least $500 shall be set aside annually from the
Grand Treasury to be awarded as a fellowship to any woman graduate of a
college or university where a chapter of Alpha Omicron P i is installed. Appli-
cation for the award shall be made to the Grand Vice-President. Selection
shall be made by Hi,, (fellowship Committee after consultation with the fac-
ulties of the colleges of the applicants. The selection of the applicant shall
be approved by the Executive Committee. The successful applicant shall not
be limited as to her field of work.

2. Aid for Handicapped Children.
(a) The Aid for Handicapped Children shall be administered by a com-
mittee of which the Grand Vice-President shall be chairman and the District
Alumnae Superintendents members.
(b) An amount shall be allotted annually from the Grand Treasury for
the support of this work. This appropriation shall be supplemented by funds
contributed by chapters and members of the fraternity, such contributions
being on a voluntary basis. Twenty-five per cent of all monies received for
this fund shall be set aside as a Sinking Fund, the remaining seventy-five
per cent to be used as a Revolving Fund. The Sinking Fund may be used
for work of permanent nature only las endowment of a bed). At least twenty-
five per cent of the Sinking Fund must remain on deposit at interest to build
up a permanent fund for the endowment of national philanthropic work.
In the event of any recipient of aid from the fund wishing to make return
payment, such payment shall be added to the Sinking Fund. The Revolving
Fund mav be used for constructive work for the Handicapped, or to aid any
member of Alpha Omicron P i needing hospital care but unable to pay for
it herself.
(e) In so far as practicable, the location selected by the National Work
Committee for appropriation of funds for work shall be changed each year.
The selection shall be made by the committee on application to the Grand
Vice-President by the various alumnae chapters. In selecting the location the
general standing"and efficiency of the chapters applying and the nature of the
work planned shall be considered.

The by-law making organized national philanthropic work a
part of our fraternity structure has been in our constitution just
a year. The idea back of it has been in the hearts and minds
of many of our members since our foundation, merely waiting
until conditions were ripe for its development. Those who have
watched our growth and progress have bided their time, saying
little about their hopes f o r definite work of broader national in-
terest, but nevertheless, the idea had become disseminated among
the chapters, both active and alumnae, until at the last convention,
it was an unusual chapter which did not report something done
to help others. And those which had done little or no philan-
thropic work, made an apology! There was no doubt that the
convention was ready f o r legislation recognizing our acceptance
of duty to others, which would organize that work to become


more valuable than it had been with no definite concentrated plan establishment of vice (now alumnae) superintendents to work
of action. with alumnae chapters. These superintendents have been a pow-
erful factor in strengthening the alumnae organization and in
The belief that Alpha Omicron Pi should work for others helping to bring them more closely in touch with national affairs.
was expressed at its first meeting by Jessie Wallace Hughan.
That was to be one of the essential ideals of this new fraternity As the first step in national work, the convention meeting
she had helped to found. Stella Stern (Perry) as an individual in 1921, the twenty-fifth year of our existence, established the
member, made weekly visits to a children's hospital, and later Anniversary Endowment Fund, to help our own members. Full
other members of Alpha chapter made gifts of toys to these details of this f u n d are given in another paper.
children. During the next few years, chapter, and later national
life, became complicated with so many details that the idea of When Laura H u r d , as Grand Secretary, sent out the directory
philanthropic work as an essential part of our life lay dormant. cards, she put a question as to the type of philanthropic work
we should undertake. From the many opinions expressed, she
While on her visits to the chapters, as Grand President, Ruth evolved a scheme which has formed the basis of our present
Capen Farmer came to the conclusion that the chapters wished by-law. I t was apparent that our members were interested in
to undertake national philanthropic work, and that there was a three phrases of work, viz., aid f o r our own members in buying
strong sentiment towards graduate fellowships and social and maintaining chapter houses, advanced scholarship, and social
service, both of which were in accord with our humanitarian service, with emphasis on aid f o r crippled children. The first
ideals, though nothing definite was accomplished. of these had been cared f o r by the Anniversary Endowment
Fund, so that the next step was the development of a practical
To Rochelle Gachet, as much as to any other member, do plan to handle the other two lines.
we owe the establishment of national work. A t the Convention
in 1912 she first made the statement that i t was time Alpha Omi- The selection of Katherine Thomas, in the early part of 1922,
cron Pi undertook national service, a statement she continued to fill an unexpired term as Grand Vice-President, gave us a
to make at frequent intervals, backing it up with constructive worker who was vitally interested in this phase of fraternity
ideas, f o r administration. Her remark was heartily endorsed, life, and who devoted much time, thought, and energy, to this
and Mrs. Perry gave an outline of child labor conditions, sug- work. Mrs. Thomas sent out a detailed questionnaire to all
gesting that chapters be invited to become members of the Child Grand Council members, asking them f o r their opinions on Miss
Labor Association. Many chapters took up membership, some Hurd's two-fold plan, and f o r concrete suggestions. I t was my
doing active service besides paying dues. Evidently this work, privilege to work on the d r a f t i n g of the by-laws to be presented
while undeniably valuable, was not just the f o r m of expression to convention, based on the replies to the questionnaire, and a
we wished, and most of the chapters have allowed their member- very interesting privilege it was! The 1923 convention adopted
ships to lapse. our by-law essentially as presented, and judging f r o m results so
far, the whole fraternity has approved our action. As a bit
During the war, we undertook our first real national work, of information which I think will be of interest to you who
when Lillian McCausland inaugurated a drive f o r the purchase are out of touch with chapter affairs, let me say that the original
of an ambulance. By the time that sufficient funds were collected by-law, as presented to convention, read something like this "the
there seemed to be a greater need f o r reparations, so our money, funds set aside by the Executive Committee shall be supple-
about fifteen hundred dollars, was used f o r that work. mented by contributions f r o m alumnae and alumnae chapters."
To their everlasting credit, the active delegates rose and said
A t the 1919 convention, Rochelle Gachet, retiring Grand " W h y limit the giving to the alumnae? W e want to help." So
Vice-President, reported that after a study of conditions she did the word "alumnae" was left out.
not feel that our national organization was i n proper shape to
handle as big a problem as national work. She suggested the


When this issue of To D R A G M A was being planned, and it
was decided to send a copy to every associate member, so that
each one might know of what her fraternity had undertaken, the
idea of writing this history came to me, as I thought that you
would be interested to know what your chapters were doing. I
sent a questionnaire to all chapters, active and alumnae, asking
tor details of their philanthropic activities. The replies have been
most satisfactory and interesting, and I wish to thank the chapter
officers for their cooperation. Considering the number of things
an active chapter must do to keep in good standing both with
the Executive Committee and the college authorities, I am going
to give a summary of their reports first.

Phi chapter held a rummage sale this spring and contributed
thirty-five dollars to the National W o r k Fund, the only active
chapter thus far to have done this. Tau's members are active
in all college clubs. Some work in an oral hygiene clinic at one
of the city hospitals, others in school clinics. They have pledged
at least twenty-five dollars f o r national work, to be raised at
bridge parties during the summer. For the past five years,
Gamma has given thirty dollars to a member of the sophomore
or junior class needing aid, raising the money by a dance. X i ,
while only a part of their work has been done since installation,
has filled Christmas boxes and Sunday baskets f o r the State
Hospital and Poor Farm. When a nearby section of the country
was devastated by a storm recently, they gave ten dollars in food
and clothing, and, through the Y . W . C. A . , have adopted an
Indian child. Chi, Lambda, Alpha Sigma, Omicron Pi and
Delta, while doing no work as chapters, all take an active interest
in various college philanthropic activities. Psi began to work
f o r the Needlework Guild some three years ago, but now is
working at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, spending
two afternoons a week at the clinic, working as volunteers under
the Social Service. From other sources I know that other
chapters are doing things, but only vaguely. Is it N u Kappa
who gave up corsage bouquets at a banquet and used the money
for philanthropy? I am not quite sure just which chapter did
that,—and, while I know the name of the chapter, I am only
going to tell that one active chapter reported to the Executive


Committee that it purchased a pair of "crotches" for a poor man
at Christmas.

When one tries to note the activities of the alumnae chapters,
one finds it a difficult job, for they are almost as numerous as
the chapters.

A few, such as Nashville, Portland, Syracuse, Kansas City,
Chicago and San Francisco, attempt little more than aiding the
nearby active chapter, in buying and maintaining a house, rush-
ing, or in other vital ways. Chicago, however, before it under-
took to insure Rho a house on the campus, worked in conjunc-
tion with the Chicago Recreation Center.

Perhaps the most striking thing accomplished has been the
equipment of a clinic for the New Orleans Child Welfare Asso-
ciation by New Orleans Alumnae. I n 1921 the chapter began
to hold rummage sales with a view to establishing a memorial
to Helen Gravenberg, who had died in the influenza epidemic. I n
1923 they opened their clinic, and now the chapter is raising
money for another in memory of Lucy Renaud. Boston, in 1911,
established a scholarship to be given annually to a T u f t s woman,
and, in 1922, Cleveland made its first scholarship award.

W o r k i n g with the local organized charities, either as a chapter,
or individually, has seemed to be the best way to engage in phil-
anthropic work in many places. In this group are Lynchburg,
which has cared f o r the same family for several years; Indian-
apolis, which gives the material and makes garments f o r babies
in the city hospital; Bangor, w hich aids the M a i n Seacoast Mis-
sion ; Seattle, with a concession f o r a tea shop run by the Ortho-
pedic Hospital; Omaha, which sews for the Salvation A r m y ;
Knoxville , which takes a day a month at the Health Center; Phila-
delphia, which sews f o r the Needlework Guild and gives two
afternoons a week at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia as
volunteer workers under the Social Service; and New York,
which contributes to the support of a French war orphan, sews
for the Needlework Guild, and works with the New York Visit-
ing Committee.

In addition to the work mentioned above, Bangor has this
winter fitted two children's eyes with glasses and paid the ex-
pense of a small boy who had to go to Boston to consult a spe-
cialist about a disabled hand. This summer" Boston is paying


the expenses of one girl for at least two weeks at M r s . Lam-
bert's camp for handicapped normal children. T w o members of
the chapter will act as councillors.

The most original way of raising money f o r these activities
seems to have been the New Orleans rummage sales, a method
which is becoming very popular in other places. These sales
have a two fold value as they add money to the treasury and give
the poor useful articles at a reasonable price. New Orleans has
insured having the proper people obtain the clothes by selling
only to holders of tickets issued by the Associated Charities. Other
ways of raising money include movies and theater benefits, bridge
and Mah Jong parties, dances, candy and cake sales, selling com-
modities on commission, mite boxes at meetings and additional

The history of the first year of work under the new by-law
has been chiefly preparatory. The committee has asked f o r and
obtained information f r o m the alumnae chapters as to what
they have done, and what they hope to do in philanthropic work.
In November, New York Alumnae circulated a petition providing
for the expenditure of most of the money f o r the year 1923-24
for a memorial f o r Lillian McCausland, to be established in
Providence. A t this writing, no definite statement can be made,
but we expect to have at least five hundred dollars to spend. A t
present, we are considering applying this towards the purchase
of a bus f o r the use of crippled children. Our first fellowship,
details of which are given in another paper, was awarded this

One of our problems has been to raise money to administer
this work. To our appeal f o r chapter contributions the reply
has been most encouraging. I n other ways, however, we have
been somewhat disappointed. We have asked our members to
order their stationery and magazines through us, that National
W o r k would benefit by the commissions. We hope that next year
these orders will be greatly increased, and that the chapters will
also support a new venture, the sale of Christmas cards. A n -
nouncements of these will be found on another page. Late i n
May a copy of the by-law, a circular letter and a pledge card
were sent to every associate member. While the response has
been gratifying in that replies have come f r o m some individuals


who have long been out of touch with fraternity affairs, we ex-
pect more. I t is largely in the hope of interesting some of
our unaffiliated members that this issue of T o D R A G M A is taking
the f o r m it is. W e hope that each one of you will respond to
its appeal and help us with this, one of the biggest things your
fraternity has yet attempted—the carrying into the world about
us the spirit underlying our fraternity structure.

Josephine S. Pratt.

Kappa Alpha Theta has a large scholarship fund, the principal of
which is used for loans to aid undergraduates in completing their college
courses. The interest on the fund was originally designed to support
a fellowship for graduate work. The first fellowship under this plan,
carrying an annual stipend of $1,200.00, will be awarded in 1924 and will
be known as the Bettie Locke Social Service Fellowship, being named in
honor of the leader in the fraternity's group of founders.

—Banla's Greek Exchange.

Alpha Phi is trying further to increase her $50,000 Endowment Fund
by the sale of Colgate's Fab. Vassar's success in selling these soap flakes
encouraged Alpha Phi to undertake the proposition.

—Banta's Greek Exchange.

It is interesting to note that Tri Delta started its endowment fund
at the time the fraternity was founded, so that now when so many of us
are making supreme efforts to place our fraternities on a sound business
basis, they can say, "After only thirty-four years of organization, our en-
dowment funds are in excess of $60,000 and are so provided for that each
year automatically brings a substantial increase."—Anclwra of Delta

In June, 1922, at the Golden Jubilee, Alpha Phi went over the top
so that on her fiftieth birthday, an Endowment Fund of $50,000 became
a reality.—AIpha Phi Quarterly.

The Kappa Delta Sorority, founded in Virginia, represented by
seventy-four chapters all over the United States, is doing marvelous work
for the crippled children and have endowed three $600 beds, given num-
erous donations all during the past three years, and are loyal workers
with the board of the Crippled Children's Hospital.—Richmond Times



The Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi has been highly
praised by many Greeks, men and women, as an unusually prac-
ticable and successful institution of its kind. What it is, when
and where it had its being, and what are its aims and purposes,
are matters of interest to every member of the fraternity.

A l l fraternities have problems, and Alpha Omicron Pi has
been no exception. One problem is the financing of chapter
houses, another is the occasional need of active members f o r
assistance to meet their college expenses, and a third is the prob-
lem of maintaining a live and active interest on the part of mem-
bers after they have scattered and have lost the fraternal com-
radeship of college days. Alpha Omicron Pi has solved these
problems with one institution, the Anniversary Endowment Fund,
so called because it was created at the Syracuse Convention in
1921 to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the found-
ing of Alpha Omicron Pi.

The corpus or principal of this Fund is made up of life sub-
scriptions to T o D R A G M A , which are paid to the Trustees of the
Endowment Fund. The Trustees, three in number, make loans,
upon application and after investigation, to chapters to finance
the purchase of chapter houses and to assist active members to
remain in college. Such loans are made at interest, and the in-
terest is paid over by the Trustees to the Business Manager of
To D R A G M A and is used by her to finance the publication of the
fraternity magazine. A l l initiates since the Fund was organized
have been required to become life subscribers by an arrangement
permitting payment to be extended over the first two years of
their membership in the fraternity.

Alpha Omicron Pi is thus assured, i n time, i f not at present,
an interested and active alumnae who keep in close touch with
the fraternity through T o D R A G M A . A t the same time funds are
made available f o r financial assistance to chapters and active
members. I n the three years which have passed since the Fund
was created, loans f o r the purpose of building of chapter houses
have been made to Rho. Chi, Phi and Omicron Pi chapters in
a total amount aggregating $14,800. Six undergraduates from
four chapters have been enabled to continue i n college through
timely assistance f r o m the Endowment Fund. Interest has been


paid f r o m time to time as it became due, and all past due loans
have been paid i n f u l l .

There are, at the present time, five hundred and seventy f u l l
paid life subscribers and five hundred and fifty-two partially paid
life subscribers, a total of one thousand one hundred and twenty-
two. The f u l l paid subscribers are f o r the most part alumnae,
although two of the chapters, Epsilon and Beta Phi, require imme-
diate payment in full by initiates. The partially paid subscribers
are almost all undergraduates, although many alumnae have taken
advantage of the instalment payment plan evolved by the Trustees
and the Executive Committee.

College men and women have been importuned without ceas-
ing during the past five years and most of us have given to our
colleges and universities almost literally "until it hurts." The
Endowment Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi is very different. Y o u
do not "give"; you "invest," and you receive a dividend on
your investment four times every year as long as you live. The
life subscription costs $15.00, and while that money works f o r
our undergraduates and active chapters in helping to solve their
financial problems, the subscriber receives T o D R A G M A regularly.
It is hoped that there will be at least fifteen hundred life sub-
scriptions in the Endowment Fund before the Minneapolis Con-
vention in 1925.

No statement concerning the Endowment Fund is complete
without mention of those two illustrious members of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi who conceived and develojred the Fund as it is func-
tioning today. I t was during the presidency of Lillian Mac-
Quillin McCausland, Beta '99, of beloved memory, that the idea,
largely hers, flowered into a happy reality. Helen St. Clair
Mullan, Alpha '98, and one of the Founders of the fraternity,
has served as Chairman of the Trustees of the Fund since it
was established. T o her the fraternity owes a debt of gratitude
that cannot lightly be repaid, f o r developing an efficient, enduring
organization and for her untiring and devoted administration of
the Fund.

Mary H . Donlon, Trustee.

See page 273.



The Graduate Fellowship Committee is happy to announce
thai the winner of the Fellowship f o r the year 1924-1925 is
Thelma Flournoy Brumfield, who has completed her second year
in the Department of Medicine of the University of Virginia, and
is planning to continue her course there.

Thelma is a graduate of Cornell University, and was a mem-
ber of Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at that institution.
She is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa. The secretary of the
Cornell chapter at the time of her election writes of her work
at the university as remarkable. She was graduated w i t h honors
in biological science and won the Guildford English Essay Prize
in her senior year. I n addition to her scholastic honors she was
president of an outside house in her junior year and president of
A . O. n in her senior year. She is a member of the American
Association of College Women.

Thelma's record thus far in her medical course has been a
brilliant one. Though announcements of class rank are not made
until the third year, her second year standing is higher than her
first and one of her professors speaks of her as "one of the most
distinguished members of the class." During the past year she
was vice-president of the Woman's Association of the University
of Virginia and is to be president this year. I n the summer of
1921 she was Nature Councillor at Tall Pines Camp. Bennington,
New Hampshire, and is there again this year.

One of Thelma's best assets is her tremendous enthusiasm
for her profession. Her father is a college physician and lec-
turer so that she knows both its difficulties and its opportunities
for service. She considers medicine "the most glorious profes-
sion today." Her ambition is to be associated after graduation
with some research laboratory or public health department or
university, so that the Fellowship award is directly in line with
Alpha Omicron Pi's expressed desire that preference in making
it should be given to "women who are planning study or research
in humanitarian lines with a view to practical service."

The Committee has been exceedingly proud of the records
and ideals of all of the applicants for the Fellowship, and of
the good sportsmanship of those who failed to receive it. W e This year marks the first Graduate Fellowship Award made
feel that Alpha Omicron Pi as a national body is a distinct gainer by Alpha Omicron Pi. The high standing of the applicants and
in being permitted, through the annual Fellowship award, to have the quality of their credentials made the selection of the winner
a small share in the preparation f o r future usefulness of some a difficult one. Although there is but one fellowship to be given
of the able and promising graduates of the colleges where it is annually, experience so far shows the desire of many members
represented. to continue studies—members who would welcome some financial
assistance while pursuing advanced courses.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman.
A f t e r a careful survey of the situation, and conferences with
Have you subscribed to To Dragma? the Chairman of the Graduate Fellowship Committee and the
Chairman of the Anniversary Endowment Fund, the Executive
Have you ordered your printed stationery? Committee has passed the following regulation which will be of
interest to graduate students:
^ ^ y°a v e u do r d e r e your magazines t h r o u g h Josephine
t "The Trustees of the Anniversary Endowment Fund are au-
thorized to invest in loans to members for the purpose of enabling
Have you sent in your pledge card? them to undertake or continue graduate studies. The Trustees
shall require such applicants to present a complete transcript of
DO I T NOW. all college work, a recommendation from the faculty, and an
endorsement by at least three accredited members of the fraternity.
Notice. They shall also require a life insurance policy or other good
financial security f o r the loan."
The Editor has a new address.
To Dragma editors please write it on your instruction sheets Laura H u r d . in explaining this resolution, says, "Jt is to be
understood that the funds administered by the Trustees of the
Endowment Fund are primarily f o r the use of the active chapters
in acquiring chapter houses or in enabling their undergraduate
members to complete their scholastic work. These applications
shall have preference over any graduate's request for aid from
the Fund. Any money remaining in the Fund, all active chapter
applications having been disposed of, may be loaned to graduate
members of Alpha Omicron Pi for scholastic purposes only, as
provided by the recent ruling of the Executive Committee. The
amount available to graduate students during the next few years
will not be large, unless the Endowment Fund grows very rapidly
due to an increase i n To D R A G M A life subscriptions among alum-
nae members. I t is to be remembered that the loan f u n d is
composed of the T o D R A G M A life subscriptions and that the in-
terest f r o m the loans supports the magazine. Therefore, f o r
the present, graduate students should see their way clear to
finance practically all of their advanced study, and apply to the


fund f o r smaller emergency loans. They should first inquire of
the Chairman of the Anniversary Endowment Fund i f there are
any funds available to them at the time needed, and fill out appli-
cations according to prescribed form.

Every associate and graduate member of Alpha Omicron Pi
can do a vast deal of good by taking out a life subscription today.
Use the blank enclosed in this issue.


When the financing of college education becomes too great a burden
for parents and friends, the student himself should assume to a large
extent the cost of his collegiate training. Under such a system the lazy
and mentally unequipped would he eliminated automatically. The in-
dividual assuming the responsibility for obtaining funds for his own educa-
tion, it is believed, would quite naturally develop business-like methods of
procedure in regard to expenditures, and acquire a wholesome respect for
financial obligations and the business principles adhered to by men suc-
cessful and respected in the industrial and professional world.

The Harmon Foundation maintains that it is better for a student to
borrow money from a loan fund than to overwork while going through
college. Every institution, probably, can point to a number of those rare
individuals who are so generously endowed with ability as to be able to
earn not only their entire expenses but a handsome surplus in addition.
And yet in how many cases has an A.B. or B.S. been obtained at the
cost of low scholarship, overstrained bodies and mind? If the repayment
period of student loans were properly distributed over a period of years,
the process of liquidating interest and principal should not be a great
burden on the individual who has properly budgeted his college expenses
year by year.

"It is a good policy," writes a well-known educator, "for the upper-
classman who is hard up, if he has a definite purpose before him, to borrow
money to get him over the last hard pull of the senior year. I have always
been sorry that I did not myself borrow more. Had I done so, I could
have accomplished more during my last year. But the man who borrows
should really be a man who takes his obligations seriously, who meets
them promptly, who, when he gives his word, keeps it."—Harmon Founda-
tion—News-Bulletin, via Alpha Xi Delta.



What is an alumnae chapter for? Should it be purely a social
organization with no definite purpose? Should it function only
to give occasional aid to the nearest active chapter? Or, should
it have just as real a purpose, just as definite an object, as an
active chapter?

Can we carry on a definite program with as much enthusiasm
as in college days and bring it to a successful completion? We
are older now and many interests and duties hold our attention.
But where the officers are ready to lead the way, where the
"girls" have the true fraternity spirit, I know it can be done.
Experience has proved it to be true. I t is the alumnae chapter
which outlines definite things and then adheres to them, meeting
regularly at the appointed time, and mixing this greater object
with the purely social one, which grows and prospers. Its meet-
ings are more interesting and better attended. Its future is

I n looking over old T o D R A G M A S , I find every successful chap-
ter has done philanthropic work of some kind which is in accord
with the principles of our fraternity. Several years ago our
officers thought it time f o r us to consider National W o r k , and
Katherine March Thomas sent out questionnaires. From the an-
swers received came the by-law which was presented at the last
convention. The plan had two features, an annual Graduate Fel-
lowship and a Fund for Handicapped Children. I t was voted
upon favorably by every chapter.

This idea of National W o r k is not intended to hinder local
philanthropic work, but rather to supplement it. Much of the
local work is of such a nature that it might be carried on with
national help.

During the past year each alumnae chapter ( f o r it is essentially
the alumnae chapters which must bear the expense of this w o r k ) ,
was questioned as to local activities and conditions. I t was
found that alumnae chapters near active chapters felt their first
duty was toward that active chapter, which is as it should be.
Though desiring to help financially in the National W o r k , they
could not see the way clear to do both. A l l over the country
has come the cry f r o m the active chapters f o r help in the building


or buying of chapter houses and this need must be met. But it
should not be done to the exclusion of the National Fund.

To make this truly a National Work, every chapter, large and
small, should give to it. Owing to local demands and conditions
and the varying size of chapters, it is impossible for the National
W o r k Committee to set a definite sum for each chapter. Isolated
cosmopolitan chapters of course could give more than those near
an active chapter.

I n order to make this National W o r k a success, money, and
plenty of it, is needed. The question is, how can the chapters meet
this demand without it becoming a burden? High or recurring
taxes are weakening to any organization and it would be well to
keep away f r o m that method as long as possible. But we can
earn money and have f u n doing it.

Our National W o r k Committee has given us three ways of
helping: first, the L i f e Membership to T o D R A G M A which is $ 1 5
and can be paid i n f u l l or i n one or two installments. Second;
subscriptions to magazines, new or renewals, and t h i r d ; printed
stationery. A l l these net a commission which is credited to that
chapter sending in the order. Information about these can be
obtained f r o m any alumnae superintendent, or Josephine Pratt.

But any chapter with a willingness to work, and a keen interest
in the fraternity, can find ways and means of assisting this worthy
national fund.

I am presenting here, in outline form, some of the ideas which
have been tried out and have netted a good revenue for the

Rummage Sales. These sales usually net the chapter
very good profits. The work lies in collecting and putting in
good order the material. Everything should be clean and mended
in so f a r as possible. Children's clothing, women's clothing, rugs,
books, bric-a-brac and dishes all find ready sale, but as prices are
necessarily low, a large quantity is necessary. Several chapters
have tried it and made f r o m $ 5 0 to $150. Portland, Omaha, New
Orleans, Philadelphia, and Cleveland have found this a good
source of income.

Bazaars. These are usually fall affairs and planned to
catch Christmas trade. Plans should be made during the summer
so that alumnae far and wide will have time to make contribu-


tions. It would probably be more successful i f divided into sec-
tions such as, children's dresses, aprons, candy, towels, fancy
work, bakery goods, etc., rather than a hit and miss array. These
can be worked most advantageously where an alumnae and active
chapter are i n one city. This has been a success in both the
Minneapolis and Lincoln chapters. The former makes it an an-
nual affair and last year made $675 in this way. Kathryn Bremer
and Betty Bond have this work down to a fine point and no doubt
would be glad to give suggestions.

Bridge Benefits. These affairs were extremely popular
several years ago and seem to be coming back again. Some chap-
ters have small affairs, charge a small sum per person and serve
a light lunch or refreshments. They are held often, especially
during the summer. A chapter rarely attempts a large bridge
benefit more than once a year when it is made a public affair, with
a prize f o r each table, and with a charge of fifty or seventy-five
cents per person. A light lunch could be served without decreasing
the profit too much. Candy is often sold to the players. New Or-
leans, Minneapolis, Lincoln, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Port-
land have all tried this out successfully.

Food Sales. These are often tried locally and probably
require the most work f o r the proceeds received, and f o r this
reason are not very popular. Bangor has tried it out and could
give some information f r o m experience.

Christmas Card Sales. Success in this line means to
begin selling cards in warm weather and keep it up. However,
as you receive 5 0 per cent of the proceeds it urges one on and
when the settlement is made in January one feels it has been
well worth the work. Bangor, Indianapolis, Philadelphia and
Minneapolis have found this a good source of income, the latter
having made as much as $ 1 5 0 in one sea'son. Omaha chapter has
made arrangements to sell them this year. Should other chapters
be interested I would advise writing to Mrs. A . A . Gutgesell,
402-404 Sixth Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minn., and make
arrangements f o r a sample book f o r next year. These books are
sent out i n August or early September. Besides the Christmas
cards, there is an attractive line of other novelties.

Movie Benefits. These have been tried out by Syracuse
and i f satisfactory arrangements can be made, should prove suc-


Raffles. Under this head we find that cedar chests have SUPPOSING
been given. They are sometimes made into a "hope" chest, each
member donating a hand made piece of linen. Chances are sold I want my fraternity to render constructive leadership in educational,
for around fifty cents. Several years ago San Francisco raffled social, and public service. I endorse the National program as outlined in
off a beautiful filet centerpiece among their alumnae f o r two Article X I of the By-Laws, and toward its development I hereby pledge the
chances f o r twenty-five cents and thereby made a nice little sum.
sum of $ , payable (check one).
Other Methods. Boston alumnae chapter has sold soap
as well as steel knives and Indianapolis has sold extracts but 1. Annually.
have no record of the proceeds. The possibilities of a national 2. Semi-annually.
cook book ought to appeal to the housekeepers. I f some enter- 3. Gift in one payment.
prising alumnae chapter would start the work, I believe that the I am enclosing payment to cover my pledge.
others would help both in getting up the book and in the sale of
it. Such a book should contain both thoroughly tested and a Name
variety of recipes. Delta Gamma has such a book which sells
at $1.50 and is very good. I n many cities there are paper com- Address
panies which are glad to buy up old magazines and newspapers,
the former bringing f r o m forty to sixty cents per hundred pounds. Date Chapter

The National Work of other sororities is supported by con- Make monev orders and checks payable to Josephine S. Pratt, Chairman,
tributions raised as the local chapters think best. One chapter of National Work Committee, 15G West 170th St., New York City.
Delta Gamma is running -a tea shop i n Evanston. Alpha Chi
Omega raises money f o r their scholarship fund locally, by bak- Detat-h. sign, anil return with pledge payment. Do It today.
ing and rummage sales. Another sorority gives little plays and
another sells a nationally advertised soap flake i n all chapters. Approximately thirty-one hundred appeals f o r contributions
One of our own chapters, Minneapolis Alumnae, imports tea f r o m
China, which sells itself, among the many other things they do. for national work were mailed in May. Supposing we all lived in

I f your chapter finds anything here to aid in solving the an Alpha Omicron Pi city of thirty-one hundred inhabitants. Sup-
problem of financing your share of the national fund, or i f more
information is wished, I am sure the National W o r k Committee posing I went f r o m door to door asking each person to give one
will be only too glad to aid you. Josephine Pratt is the chair-
man and the alumnae superintendents comprise the committee, dollar—how many of you, do you suppose, would refuse me? Not
so you will find one of them in your own district.
many, I believe. Supposing you all gave that dollar, and pledged
Mattie Woodworm Higgins.
me the same sum on the first of every June. The National
Watch the National Work Fund grow. The smallest
pledge helps. I t is the spirit behind the gift that counts. Work Fund of Alpha Omicron Pi could count then on three

thousand, one hundred dollars each year. Have you any idea

what could be done with that sum? Ask any social worker

and you will be amazed to see how much you, with your dollar,

which you will hardly miss, can do for handicapped children. When

the appeal reached you, many of you said, " I want to do something

but there are so many demands." Subconsciously "something"

means five or ten dollars, more than could be spared. Supposing

we inhabitants of that Alpha Omicron Pi City change our view-

point, and say, "1 can give a dollar, but my dollar plus that of each

of my sisters will maintain one or more beds f o r crippled children

this year"—Supposing—.

Josephine S. Pratt.





Magazines Sigma
New Orleans
Philadelphia Rho
New York Omicron
Washington Gamma
Omaha Upsilon
Chicago Pi
San Francisco
Total amount of commissions
New York Epsilon
Omaha Total $96.00 from 19 individuals.
Boston Grand total, exclusive of sum to be assigned from Grand Treasury,
Cleveland including $144.51 received from former officers $566.91
New Orleans
Washington $11.80
Knoxville $ 50.00 Magazines:
Kappa A generous commission is allowed on orders. Send all your orders,
Total commission 25.00 new or old, and get all your friends to do the same, to Josephine S. Pratt.
50.00 56 West 170th Street, New York. Price lists sent on request.
Chapter Contributions 50.00
Minneapolis 5.00 Stationery:
Philadelphia 35.00 Orders taken f o r printed stationery by Harry S. Smith, 2855 North
Los Angeles 25.00
San Francisco 10.00 Richmond Street, Chicago, 111. Samples and prices sent on request.
Cleveland $275.00
Lynchburg-Kappa Christmas Cards:
James B. Spencer & Co., 22 North Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.; and
Mrs. A. A. Gutgesell, 402-404 Sixth Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn., will
Chicago take orders for Christmas cards, giving us a generous commission. For
Chicago Anonymous full particulars write directly to them.

Appeal for Funds from Individuals If not, why not?
Alpha Be a life subscriber.


1924 E X A M I N A T I O N R E P O R T


R"o 89. Nu chapter of A O I I has reorganized and we feel certain that
89. our sisters would like to know something about us, who we
ETA are, and what we stand for in college life.
ZETA 88.5
N u OMICRON 88.5 W e were initiated May 2, 1924, at the Women's University
THETA Club, N . Y . C . A t a banquet following the ceremony Miss V a n
OMICRON 88. Emden acted as toast mistress, and Miss Lehing and M r s . Hins-
TAU 88. berg spoke to us on " O l d N u Chapter." Speeches of greeting
BETA P H I were made by M r s . Perry, Miss W y m a n , Miss H u r d , and the
88. chapter presidents from Epsilon and Psi.
OMICRON P I 88. Sallie Burger, in her speech " W e Initiates," introduced the
IOTA new girls and told of their activities in college. W e take the
ALPHA SIGMA 86.3 liberty to publish portions of her speech beginning with certain
UPSILON facts concerning the University.
Psi "New York University is quite different from a University
86. where the girls board—spend twenty-four hours a day, and
OMEGA have no interests or duties outside of the school life during
85.13 the school year. Here the girls come in just for classes and
Pi 85.03 go home when they are through. Some of them commute and
others live so f a r up-town that they have little time for social
CHI 83.9 activities. Then, living at home, the girls have certain obliga-
LAMBDA tions and duties which they have to fulfill and which take up
SIGMA 83. their few leisure hours.

DELTA 79.7 "The student body of N . Y . U . is very complex—fifty per
Nu KAPPA cent Semitic, and the rest composed of all the types found in a
GAMMA 777 city such as this. There is not the freedom and comradeship
EPSILON which one finds in a boarding college where the students are
77.25 in general of a given type. This social problem is the most diffi-
75.4 cult one in the University. T h e League of Women is doing
much to bring about a friendly feeling with its weekly teas and
73.15 parties, but there is still a diffidence and no way of getting
72.6 kindred souls together. Just here is where the sororities do
68.7 the most work and are most needed. T h e y bring the right
68.1 girls together, connect their school with their social life, and
bind them with something more lasting than the casual class
District Avefages— 73.3 work discussion."
N. Atlantic
83.1 It was to fill this need that on M a r c h 15, 1920, a small
Southern 87. group of girls formed Lambda P h i Sorority- T h e y thought to
N . E . Central 89.
N. W . Central 80.95

Through a mistake the Kappa mark lias not yet been received. The
new constitutions have been mailed and next year with serious effort and
conscientious application we hope for better results.

Octavia Chapin.

Be a dollar-a-year girl.
Send a check to Josephine Pratt today.


begin in a small way, build up a strong foundation and then In athletics—of which there is very little in Washington Square
ask to j o i n some large National. T h i s year we felt that we were College—two go out for tennis and one is captain of the Varsity
large enough to take some definite action. W e looked about us Women's Basbetball team.
to see what could be done and the result is the reorganization
of N u chapter. Some of our alumnae could not come in with A l l of the girls who are Juniors or Seniors are serving as
us now as they are not active students of the University, but Student Advisors to the Freshmen. I n the League of W o m e n
we hope that if they take post-graduate work in the future, A O I I Organizations—this year we have the Commerce School L . O . W .
will see fit to bid them. President, the chairman of the social committee for the University,
and .the Washington Square College treasurer. F o r next year
N o w all the new initiates represent the fusion of two groups, our girls have already been chosen for the Varsity President.
the old Lambda Phi girls and three new L a w School pledgees. O f Varsity Secretary, and Washington Square College Vice-Presi-
the first group thirteen are in Washington Square College and dent. One of our girls is on the Student Affairs Committee, Stu-
two in the School of Education. dent Council and Student Finance Committee of Washington
Square College.
O n e of the first questions is usually about Scholarship. T h e
L a w School girls we will take for granted as being pretty studious In the honor society for leadership plus scholarship—"Eclec-
—they have to be. A s for the Lambda P h i group—one may tic"—there is one girl this year and one elected for next year.
safely say that they average a high B .
One of our girls is assistant in the Mathematics department;
Out of twelve undergraduates, eight have scholarships this one is assistant in the Chemistry department; and one is Per-
term: sonnel Director of the University. W e have the Vice-President
of her class in the School of Education who was also twice presi-
One won a Regents scholarship; two have working scholar- dent of her class in the Kindergarten School.
ships ; and five have free scholarships. T h i s is, we think, indicative
of the type of girl which forms the N u chapter. W e have in our midst a poet, a graduate member of the Inter-
High School Poetry Society of Greater New York. She took
( T h i s June one of our girls was graduated Magna Cum first prize in a recent contest of that society. She won first prize
Laiide.) in the inter-collegiate contest between Washington .Square Col-
lege and the School of Commerce as well as seven medals from
Now for activities—what we are doing? various other contests. She publishes frequently in the news-
papers and has just had a poem accepted by Bookman. She is
Those in L a w School have not time for much but work, but constantly in demand for readings and we are all very proud of
the Lambda P h i group have been busy. I n school there are first her.
the social activities. I n the "Onimod" club (a gentile social or-
ganization) there are four girls this year, one of whom is Vice- O f the L a w girls, one comes to us after three years at
President of the club. There is one girl in the "Journalism Club"; Barnard, and one from Hunter College where she was President
three girls in the "Cercle Francois" (two on the executive com- of her class. The third is an ardent feminist.
mittee) ; and three in the "Writers' Club" (one has been secretary
for two y e a r s ) . There is one girl on the reportorial staff of the A s for outside activities—two work, two are musical, one
"University Daily News," doing publicity work for the Dramatic teaches in a high school in Paterson, one is a kindergarten teacher,
Society. One girl is a literary editor on this year's "Album." and two do social work. One girl is an active committeeman of
One is on the Editorial Staff of the "Arch," the University literary the "Carroll Club" and specializes in charity benefits. T h i s same
magazine. There are eight or nine girls in the Dramatic Society girl conducts and directs tours to L a k e Placid, the White Moun-
and one is a "Washington Square College Player" and on the tains, Montreal, and Quebec. She was also Social director of an
executive council. Adults' Camp on Lake Champlain.


T h i s brief summary will give, we hope, some idea of what WHY USE A LOAN FUND?
kind of girls we are.
In this era of steadily rising living costs the average American youth
Now for Alpha Omicron Pi and how we feel about her. O u r who has set his course toward higher education faces increasingly serious
position is somewhat the same as that of our distinguished E n g - problems in financing his way through college or university.
lish visitors who are met on the gangplanks of their ships by in-
quisitive reporters and asked, ' H o w do you like A m e r i c a ?' T h e y It is hardly necessary to prove the statement that education is of the
do not know yet—and neither do we. But we have seen the sky- greatest advantage to the person of moderate ability—Lincolns, Edisons,
line and are very much impressed. geniuses everywhere will continually assert themselves, rising as lofty
peaks above the level plain. The day, however, when the young man or
Gertrude Ryder Bennett. woman of average mentality can earn his entire expenses and at the same
time get the best out of education is a thing of the past. The highly
THOUGHTS specialized age in which we live requires an intensity of concentration
which cannot be adequately met by most individuals thrown on their own
My thoughts are sleepy thoughts . . . resources f o r support. I f the light of genius,—that almost unconscious
They slowly creep into my mind selection of the highest merit—burns in a person, he may even arrive
without college training, or choosing the collegiate road he may secure a
Like lights of distant ships at sea scholarship to meet the majority or all of his expenses. Again, there are
That come and go in silence. special grants of money to students meeting particular requirements, but
what about the man of good, hard, plugging determination who must make
My thoughts are transient thoughts . . . his way without assistance? Should he borrow? . . . . I f he does
They come like comets shooting in the sky not borrow what are the alternatives?

That whirl and blaze, and dying out We turn first to the possibility of summer employment. Perhaps, i f
Return without an end. he is lucky, he can secure work tutoring, employment in a summer inn.
camp, industrial enterprise or elsewhere. I n this way .he may earn a
My thoughts are lovely thoughts . . . Quarterly large part of the necessary expenses for the ensuing year, returning in the
They stay with me like ruddy woodbine on the wall, fall with the idea of filling in the financial gaps with "odd jobs" to be
secured in or about the campus. .
Its tiny tendrils clinging to the stone
These lovely thoughts . . . my thoughts of you. While the value of summer occupation is not to be denied is it worth-
while for the student to work six or seven hours a day in order to support
Virginia Chase, T '24, The Minnesota himself through college, when his best efforts should be given to his
studies? Are cramped, hurried, inattentive hours of study, mental ex-
haustion and lack of preparation in the class room, arguments for self-
help in college? W i l l cultivation of the habit of "just getting by" make
for the high standards of Americanization toward which as a nation we
are presumably aiming?

Obviously a student, as any one else, can do but a limited amount in
a day. Rather than lose his acute sense of self-respect in half-doing both
academic and outside work, is not the better plan to borrow on the basis
of character and the logical promise that his earning power will be ma-
terially increased to the point where he can earn his living at the same
time return the loan in easy installments at a fixed rate of interest?

In the business world "there are times when it pays to borrow."
Successful enterprises everywhere are continually working on bank money.
I t is a well understood principle in the business world, that the man who
never borrows has great difficulty in establishing credit in the event that
the occasion arises when he needs to borrow. W h y should not the care-
fully selected student be considered as a "going concern"? This is a
day when the American youth delights in standing on his own feet. Why


should he experience the embarrassment of approaching successful family ITEMS OF INTEREST

friends, wealthy but indifferent relatives and others f o r assistance in AMONG THE lawyers in London f o r the American Bar Association
meeting and festivities in July, which included a garden party given by
financing his collegiate course? . the King and Queen at Buckingham Palace, were Mrs. George V . Mullan,
Alpha '98, wife of Judge Mullan of the New York Supreme Court; Hen-
W i t h the needy student, what better way to establish his credit on a riette Neuhaus, N u '20, and Helen Williams, N u '20, members of the
New York Bar; and Lucy Somerville, K '16.
sound business basis, than to assume a financial obligation on his own
ROCHELI.E GACHET, Pi.'09, National Panhellenic Delegate of Alpha
initiative, and make his return in accordance with accepted business pro- Omicron Pi, has joined the staff of the Southern Women's Educational
Alliance, with headquarters in Richmond, Va. The Southern Women's Edu-
cedure? I n this way an ambitious, responsible man or woman should be cational Alliance is engaged in educational and vocational work among the
women of the South.
able to finance his own education, and thus have a maximum amount of
T H E CONTINGENT in the press gallery during the Democratic National
time for the proper development of body and brain—so that an efficient Convention held in New York, June 24th-Ju!y 8th, included Gertrude
Lynahan, Epsilon '22, who reported the convention for the Springfield
individual may be added to society, rather than a person who has de- (Mass.) Union.

veloped the habit of skimming through, or whose resistance and energy A L P H A OMICRON P I has three Deans of Women and one Assistant
Dean of Women in colleges and universities in which it has chapters.
must certainly have been sapped by attempting to fan too many flames Anna Many, Pi '07, is Dean of Women at H . Sophie Newcomb College,
Tulane University, New Orleans; Harriet Grevc, Omicron '06, is Dean at
at the altar of higher education.—Harmon Foundation.—News-Bulletin the Universit}' of Tennessee, Knoxville; and Virginia Judy Esterly, Sigma
'06, at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Elizabeth Neely, Epsilon '19,
via Kappa Alpha Thcta. is the Assistant Dean of Women at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

How do you keep your chapter records? Can you go to your files at
any time and look up your members and feel confident that the data are are Assistant Corporation Counsel in the City of New York, the former
correct? The files kept by many chapters would remind us, I am afraid, in Manhattan and the latter in Brooklyn.
of the man in the Contributor's Column of the Atlantic Monthly, who
wanted to look up their butcher in his wife's household files. He looked, SENATOR MORRIS SHEPPARD. husband of Lucile Sanderson Sheppard,
first, under butcher—no luck. Then under meat—still no luck. Then Kappa '10, has been nominated to succeed himself as United States Senator
he decided to look under Flannigan, which he happened to recall as the from Texas. Mrs. Sheppard's portrait appeared recently in the rotogravure
butcher's name, then under Johnson, for it was Flannigan and Johnson— section of the New York Times.
and still he found no trace of i t . A t last in sheer desperation, he went
to his wife who after brief thought, said briskly, "Why, silly, it's under I N THE June 15th issue of the New York Times there appeared, be-
'r' of course." "But why, in heaven's name, V ? " "Why, because M r . cause of prominence in their respective colleges, pictures of undergraduates
Flannigan has red hair!"—Alpha Xi Delta. of Alpha Omicron Pi from three chapters. Julia Froatz, N u '25, was
the newly elected President of the Women's League of New York Uni-
L e t National W o r k be an active expression of yourself versity. Lily Blanks Clarke, Kappa '24, was pictured in her costume
even as it expresses the ideals you cherish. as the lovely May Queen at Randolph Macon, and the Senior Women's
crew at Cornell included Elsie Smith and Ruth Oviatt, both Epsilon, '24.

JESSIE WALLACE H U G H A N , Alpha '98, has been placed in nomination
for member of Congress to represent the seventeenth district of New York,
as the candidate of the American Labor Party.

Say it with L i f e Subscriptions.


EDITORIALS such alumnae chapters should be exceptionally considerate of the affiliated
members from more distant parts of the country. You mean much to
T H I S , the National W o r k Number of To DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron them in hospitality and fraternalism. They mean much to you in bringing
Pi, reflecting the achievements of our first year of organized effort, and new strength and life to your organization. Do you make them feel this
our hopes for greater achievement in the future, has been sent to every wholehearted welcome and cooperation? Do you sometimes elect them to
member of the fraternity, wherever found, with the idea that a record of offices and give them the same important assignments that you accord the
our activities will bring those of us who are /omewhat out of touch with members of the largest resident chapter representation? These are all
the fraternity to a renewed interest and that it will create in them the matters worthy of your consideration. How about scheduling some of
desire to be an active part in this new phase of our fraternity structure. your meetings so that they will be in some central location of easy access
to the largest attendance that you can get out, and scheduling others, of
We are proud of our fraternity. Every member has a part in her course, close to the inspiration of the nearby active chapter. How often
greatness. Make it a personal part by sending in your pledge to National do you meet with the active chapter, and do you ever entertain all of them
Work today. Just think, Alpha Omicron Pi aids its undergraduates need- —a real A . O. EL get-to-gether ? Think these matters over. See i f your
ing financial assistance to complete their college courses, annually awards chapter can't extend its efficiency and usefulness and its welcome to every
a graduate fellowship of five hundred dollars, all the time is somewhere A. O. n. in your midst.
helping some child, physically or mentally handicapped, to become a com-
petent, economically independent member of society, assists its graduates T H E EDITOR wishes to acknowledge the use of the cut forming the
needing financial help to continue their advanced studies and research, and frontispiece of this issue. I t is from the cover of the Orthopedic Magazine
aids her own members needing medical attention who are unable to meet published in Seattle, Washington, and was obtained through the courtesy
the expense themselves. of the Seattle Alumnae chapter.

Use the pledge card printed in this issue; take out a life subscription I T H A S JUST come to our attention that there are no Alumnae Assist-
to To DRAGMA (there is a blank at the back of the magazine) ; order your ants to To DRAGMA f o r our inactive chapters, Alpha and Beta, f r o m which
stationery through us; send in your magazine subscriptions through us, many of our most prominent members come, and consequently there are no
and help make our National Work a vital thing. Alumnae Notes from these chapters. Until this condition is remedied we
will be more than glad to edit and insert items sent us by any members
T H E MEMBERS of Alpha Omicron Pi wish to extend sincere sympathy of these chapters or any members of the fraternity able to supply such
to Rose Gardner Marx in the loss of her husband. material.

O N E OF T H E benefits of being a fraternity member is to know that SPEAKING of alumnae assistants, it seems to be necessary to explain
wherever you may go, there is a possibility that you may meet some one the difference between that office and that of Alumnae Chapter Editor.
who wears your pin, who is a sister of yours. Often these meetings will The Alumnae Assistant is an alumnae officer elected by the active chapter.
be accidental, on the street, in an elevator, in a railway station, or some Her duty is to keep track of the alumnae members of the chapter and to
Alpha O husband may spot your pin and get you in touch with his wife. record their activities in the alumnae notes. The Alumnae Editor is an
I f you are in a city where there is an alumnae chapter though, these meet- officer of the alumnae chapter. Her duty is to write the alumnae chapter
ings need not be left to chance. You can get in touch with that chapter letter. Any items about the individual members of the chapter are to
and be sure of meeting some congenial soul, some of whose interests, at be incorporated in the body of the letter and not sent in the form of
least, will be allied with some of yours. To stimulate and encourage such notes. Alumnae assistants may often find items for their notes by reading
voluntary contacts, we have published a directory of alumnae meetings. the letters of alumnae chapters of which girls from their chapters are
Won't you use it? members. Where are the alumnae notes for Omicron, Pi, Zeta, Theta,
Gamma, Iota, Upsilon, N u Kappa, Eta, Psi, and Xi? The items from Pi,
Alumnae chapters, too, should make a special effort to meet new- Kappa, Rho, and Lambda did not come from the alumnae assistants of
comers. Have you located all the members of Alpha Omicron Pi in those chapters but f r o m other sources and were inserted by the editor. A n
your city? Have you extended to them the hospitality of your chapter? instruction sheet was sent the alumnae assistant of each of these chapters
Do you have a visiting committee that calls personally upon them? if her name was on your list of officers sent to the Grand Secretary. Make
our next Alumnae Note Department complete and interesting.
Those alumnae chapters fortunate enough to be situated near an active
chapter have an added interest and can share in undergraduate activities. THERE ARE no active chapter letters in this issue, yet there is a letter
It is also natural that perhaps the majority of members in that alumnae from an active chapter. That letter is from Nu, telling of her fine, strong
chapter will be alumnae of the nearest active chapter. This being the case,

new membership and her activities in the college world, and will interest
every one of you—a message f r o m a chapter that was lost and is found. YOUR OWN PAGE TO EDIT

ALTHOUGH T H E September issue of To DRAGMA does not contain active To make our magazine a success every To DRAGMA reader must place
chapter letters, and, as yet, no instruction sheets have been sent to the herself on the Editorial Staff.
active chapter editors, four of those enterprising officers sent in letters
for this number. These letters were not published; however, we commend W I L L Y O U DO YOUR SHARE?
the industry of their writers and hope that October 8 sees on the editor's
desk twenty seven active chapter letters, well written, interesting and in I f you know of any Alpha O who is doing especially interesting
proper form. Chicago Alumnae, your letter was late, New Orleans, Lynch- things, let us know about her and her work. We should have a depart-
burg, Dallas, Tacoma Association, Syracuse, Detroit, Nashville and Cham- ment in each issue devoted to prominent alumnae.
paign-Urbana Association, your letters are missing. I f your editor's name
and address is on the directory list, she received an instruction sheet. We I f you know of any Alpha O who has had a story, poem, or an
might do as the primary Sunday School teachers and offer a small prize, essay published in any periodical or college publication, let us know about
such as a lollypop, for a 100 per cent appearance in all four issues, but it, and, i f possible, send us a copy.
that seems hardly necessary. Can we not all be present for the rest
of the year? I f you know of any Alpha O who is living or traveling in "furrin*
parts," and who might send us an interesting letter or article f o r a future
I f you are not a subscriber to T o Dragma, someone has Cosmopolitan issue, let us know her name and address.
paid to have this copy sent to you. Shouldn't that someone
have been you? Send in your subscription today.



ALUMNAE CHAPTER LETTERS Daisy Mansfield Shaw again kept the chapter house open this sum-
mer. This is the fourth year this most loyal member has managed the
NEW YORK ALUMNAE house as a boarding house and turned over a substantial profit to the
Our meetings have been alternating between the city and the country active chapter.
with the May one held at the home of Margaret Wardell. A t the business
session our officers elected for next year include: President, Anna Elizabeth We are looking forward to a most successful year and plan to greatly
Boyer, Vice President, Salome Bratton, Secretary, Helen Leavens, Treas- increase our membership. May we urge any Alpha O's who come to
urer, Edith Braun, Chairman of Activities Committee, Clara Lehing, Pan- Berkeley or nearby to let us hear from you. We extend a most hearty
hellenic Delegate, Katherine Graham Young. welcome to any and all of you.
On a "rare" Saturday afternoon in June we journeyed to Mrs. James
Lough's lovely home at Pelham Manor. A goodly number of our West- HARRIET FISH BACKUS.
chester members were present and everyone enjoyed the afternoon spent
in such surroundings. The only jarring note was the definite news that PROVIDENCE ALUMNAE
Rochelle Gachet was to leave our group. Despite the loss to us all, we Since our last letter Providence Alumnae has had two regular meet-
hope that her happiness in her new woik and surroundings will be very ings and an extra get-together. The April meeting was held with Martha
great. There is no way possible for us to show our gratitude to her Sheals. A t this meeting a letter from the Grand Secretary was read
for all she has done. regarding the Memorial Service to be held for our beloved Lillian Mc-
At the July meeting which Clara Lehing permitted us to hold at her Causland. I t was decided to hold the service in the Memorial Chapel at
home in Brooklyn, we were fortunate in having two visitors, Lucille the North Burial Ground on Lillian's birthday. October twenty-eighth.
Staebler and Harriet Nordstrom of Montana State College, who are in The May meeting was held in Manville, R. I . , with Carrie Vose Handy.
New York for a six weeks' art course. Despite the poor attendance at this The secretary regrets that she was unable to be present. At this meeting
meeting, since it is difficult to assemble a large group in summer time, it was voted to hold a picnic on June twenty-first on the beach at Bristol
they came again to the August meeting at Esther Baker's home in Rich- Highlands. This was one of the grandest picnics ever held. Fruit salad,
mond H i l l . Here attendance had improved with a few seniors of June lobster and chicken sandwiches, candy galore, and delicious hot coffee
added to our ranks. We were inspired by Katherine Young's report that made up our menu. We were eight. At this time we planned to sail to
there would be a large Panhellenic card party in November to a discussion Block Island some calm Wednesday in July, but as many of the members
of a benefit bridge which we determined to give in October in place of our were out-of-town for the month we gave the trip up.
regular meeting. Plans f o r this occasion had to be left over until the Is Providence Alumnae chapter the only one which does not have
September meeting and we trust that later we may report a very successful anv part in the national work, as a chapter? Our policy has always been
party. to have our meetings a haven of rest and refreshment for the members,
where each did whatever she wanted to do, without having any work
HELEN B. LEAVENS. laid out for her. Several times there has been an attempt by a progressive
element to take on some definite work for charity, such as sewing for
SAN FRANCISCO ALUMNAE the District Nursing Association or the Charity Organization of Provi-
We wish to extend our thanks to our retiring president, Helene dence, but each time the conservatives have ruled that each member is
Collin, and our editor, Alice Cagwin. They have been heart and soul already doing much of that sort of thing in other organizations, and that
in their work. Much of the success of our efforts of the past year the chapter meeting? should be kept as places for relaxation. We are so
has been due to the untiring efforts of Helene. Alice has to come many few and so scattered, only seeing each other at our monthly meetings, and
miles but very seldom misses a meeting. We are glad that Olive Freuler all so wrapped up in various community interests, that the wholesome get-
and Frances Howard are officers again this year. together spirit of our meetings means much to us; a spirit which we find it
The annual party in honor of the seniors of Sigma and Lambda was hard to interrupt with any definite work.
given at the Fairmont Hotel in May. A delightful afternoon of bridge
followed by a tea gave the alumnae and seniors an opportunity for a real M A U D E E. C. COVELL.
visit with each other.
Our June meeting was held at the home of Sarah Hackley. We had BOSTON ALUMNAE
a most enjoyable afternoon with a long, interesting, business session and I t is so long since we have had a meeting because of the summer
a happy social time. That day we had visiting with us Dorothy Clark vacation, that the account of the last meetings seems rather stale. Our
Mills. Elaine Young Berglund and Gladys Graff Schmidt \ p r i l meeting was almost a failure because there were so few present at
Several Alpha O's from our sister chapters have been attending sum- the home of our president, but the six girls who were there seemed to
mer session at the University of California. We were so glad to have enjoy themselves. After our usual seance of conversation, we enjoyed our
them with us. August 2nd a picnic luncheon was held at John Hinckle supper and then played Mali Tong, which to most of us was quite a mystery.
Park in Berkeley to greet these visiting sisters. Among them were Ruth A l l the vear we had looked forward to our last meeting of the year in
Terwilliger Blakey of Iota. Genevieve Hall of Alpha Phi. Margaret Hurley Cambridge with Peg Bellows Norcross who has a most fascinating old
of Sigma from Arizona, Dagmar Renshaw LeBreton of Pi, Florence Pierce house with really, truly, big open fireplaces, wonderful old china and
of Sigma, Berwin Kuhn of Phi, Betti Kessi of Alpha Sigma, and V i r - pewter, and all the other things which go to make it truly New England.
ginia Esterley of Sigma. There were over thirtv girls present including the Delta seniors who
were our guests. Because it was Jackson Day at College, the seniors had
to leave early, so Mrs. Norcross entertained them with punch and cake in
the afternoon. A f t e r a long business meeting, which proved to be very
interesting, we adjourned to the dining room again for a dehgntiul
supper and continued our discussion of National Work. Polly
I.ambert told us of her summer camp at South Harpswell, Maine, where
she takes girls of ability and talent whose environment is not conducive to


bring out the best in them. Alice Towsley and Marion Russell of the to earn the money for this extravagance. We hope to build within a year
senior class are serving as councillors in the camp this summer and our so we are all working hard with that in mind.
chapter voted to give some money f r o m the treasury in addition to taking
a collection from these present to send at least one girl to camp for a We have been doing some rushing this summer, we had a tea at
month. This seems to be a new field of handicapped children and one Maude Logan's lovely new home and had planned a picnic breakfast at
which comes near home to us. • the Automobile Park but on account of the weather had to change it at
the last minute to the home of Dorothy and Darleen Woodward. W i t h
We were so glad to welcome Wista Braly Ogle from Omicron chap- so many girls away for the summer it is almost impossible to have large
ter, who expects to be in Boston for another year anyway. M r . Ogle is parties but we are rushing in a small way.
stationed at the Boston Navy Yard, in the Marine Corps. We've never
had a sister from a southern chapter live with us before and we are most At present we have only one member that has announced her engage-
enthusiastic. Some of us, including Wista, attended the last meeting of ment, Darrina Turner is to be married this fall to Francis G. Paige of
Delta chapter in June, when they initiated Peggy Pettigrew and then ad- this city.
journed to the home of Prof. Neal. where Mrs. Neal entertained us. The
party was to give us an opportunity to see Helen's trousseau and wedding We have had a number of weddings lately, three of the weddings
presents, as she was married the following Saturday. taking the girls a distance from home. Edna Froyd to Everett Scott of
Portland, Oregon; Geneive Rose to David Faust of Mercersburg, Pa.;
Our first meeting of the fall will be held on Sept. 27th and on the and Helen Wehrli to Hugh Wallace of Birmingham, Ala. The rest of
last Saturday of each month following. We welcome every Alpha O who the brides are either going to live in Lincoln or near here. They are:
will be in Boston this winter. Don't wait until the last meeting. Helen Walpole to Harry Dunker; Pauline Moore to Floyd Ryman; Arline
Abbott to Myron Noble; Josephine Doten to William Richardson; Vero
A L I C E J. SPEAR. Erwin to Allan Wilson and Ethel Widner to John Bentley.

LOS ANGELES A L U M N A E We have only one new member to add to our family but we are sorry
Are the rest of you having as lovely a summer as we are out here that this one cannot be an Alpha O, a son was born to M r . and Mrs.
in Southern California? I t is too lovely to resist, so our members have Grant Standard.
scattered to the beach or the mountains—vacationing to the last minute.
As a result, we did not have a meeting in July and our August meeting During the past few weeks two of our girls have lost members of
is going to be a picnic at the Upliiter's Club in Santa Monica Canyon their families, the father of Helen Eckles Hoppe and the mother of
as the guests of Hazel C. Alter. How I wish all of you could join us. Emma Bennett Beckman, each passing away after a long illness.
Instead of a meeting in June, we had a tea to entertain the local
sororities at the Southern Branch of the University of California. I t CHICAGO ALUMNAE
was held at the University Women's Club. We had lovely music by
Mrs. Kistler and such nice refreshments. Representatives of the locals In spite of the fact that we belong to the socalled "gentler" sex,
came and the Alpha O's made charming hostesses. A good many locals we seem to have had a decided interest in the culinary phase of our
have been interested and have invited us to meet their members. Our various gatherings! I n short, the deliriously appetizing buffet suppers—
investigation committee is hard at work and hopes to have a recommenda- sponsored each time by a different group of girls—have contributed not
tion to send Rose Marx very soon. We are very fortunate in having a little to the popularity of our meetings. On May 1, we were enter-
Mabel Jackson on the faculty. She is one of us and one of the university tained at the home of Goldie Halquist Buehler. At this meeting the
at the same time. installation of the new officers occurred. Frances McNair was our June
Have you heard that our last year's president, Dorothy Dalton Kline- hostess and encouraged the girls to sew diligently for our new house-that-
peter, has a baby boy? Needless to say, her activities in Alpha O will is-to-be-sometime! July 10 found some thirty of us disporting ourselves
be somewhat curtailed for a while. at Lincoln Park, with Alice Kolb Mason most capably in charge of the
For a number of years we have been having a scholarship at Southern picnic supper. ...
Branch. A little Russian girl has been enabled to continue her studies in In regard to national work, our efforts have been limited to voting
art. Now what do you suppose has happened? She has been married $25.00 for that purpose. Necessarily, our time has been largely directed
and now her husband plans to have her finish without our help. As our toward assisting the Rho actives with their building fund.
fund is low and we have the national work to support, we plan to use
this year in accumulating a little surplus and next year once more have Next year we shall miss greatly our Marie Vick Swanson, who goes
our own scholarship. to New York City in September. However, our loss will be New York's
Erna Taylor and Florence Stewart had a tea f o r our little protege gain—at least we wish them that good luck.
shortly after she was married. I t was held at Erna's new home and wjas


! ~ LINCOLN ALUMNAE Since our present alumnae editor, Geraldine Kindig. is spending the
We have been very busy the past year helping the active chapter in summer in Europe—these lucky and wealthy teachers—it behooves me to
contribute again. But cheer up, I am sure Geraldine will be back in time
raising money for our new house. We have our lot bought and paid for the next letter and perhaps she will impart some of her European
for, a beautiful one that we have always wanted, just two blocks from adventures.
the campus, with lovely old trees and standing high on a terrace. We
bought this property with the Thetas and we are going to build the Our meetings this summer have been very informal. We have had
two houses facing on a court. We all dream of a brick wall and an iron two picnics, very successful ones too, to which husbands and children were
gate around the whole lot but as yet it is only a dream as we will have especially invited. However, I am getting rather ahead of my story, as
it were, as I should have first told of some of our doings of late spring.

First of all. the last of May, the alumnae chapter had a shower in
honor of Grace Wills. I t was a "surprise party,"—it really was a surprise
too!—and was held at Grace's home. Then in June came the wedding to


which all the Alpha O's were invited. Von may be sure we all went. I t world with miscellaneous material. We buy and sell tea. We buy and
was a lovely wedding and of course Grace was a lovely bride. Jane sell Christinas cards, stationery, food, novelties and what not. The only
Sickcls was maid of honor and Ruth Jones sang. Grace is living at 984 thing we seemingly do not deal in is tobacco.
N . Central St., (No. 6 Greystone Apts.) Knoxville, Tcnn. We wish it
were considerably nearer Indianapolis. Lest some of you haven't heard, August 13th we are to meet at Inez Jayne's on Cedar Lake for a
her husband is Dr. Francis Smith. picnic and swim. W e will need a lot of hickory limbs f o r we certainly
are going near the water.
Next Thursday night we are having an informal party for the nine
active girls who are in town for the summer. These girls represent Theta, Our famous "Shindigs" will continue this year. I f any of you are
Beta Phi, and Zeta. abroad in the land get in touch with us. You never can tell, you may
be fortunate enough to be present at a shindig. I t is a too wonderful
We will start our regular meetings in September, they are scheduled an experience to miss.
for the second Saturday in each month. We plan to continue our sewing
for the hospital babies. Also, we intend to sell Christmas cards again, Lila Kline has been vacationing in town this summer. We have never
as we have found that a very good way to make money. We intend too, known how versatile a person she is. I think we might enter her in the
of course, to work on the stationer}- and magazine subscription plans. Olympic Tennis Games next time. She plays with both hands. Not with
both at once. No, no. I f the ball happens to be coming at the left, she
And the news and the stray bits—? nonchalantly swipes at it with the left hand. I f to the right, her right
Wilkie Hughes is spending her "vacation" (?) nursing out at the hand shoots out with a great deal of vehemence. She is ambidexterous
Robert Long Hospital. she says. We believe it.
Winnifrcd Waters is home for the summer.
Barbara Porter is learning to think and dream Spanish at Middlebury I am also glad to report that Betty Bond, so far, has had no casual-
College, Vermont. (Yeah, that is where Mrs. Coolidge went.) ties in her new car. Other members of her family at various times
As before mentioned, Geraldine Kindig is in Europe. have narrowly missed a truck, a streetcar and a minister. We don't know
Jane Sickels who has been teaching in Put-in-Bay, is home for the Betty's choice yet.
Jessie Crimmins has lately moved to Indianapolis. Margaret Boothroyd has had "Mollie Dodge" diagnosed and the
Mary Willis Scholl is living in Indianapolis now. Her husband is a garage doctor says she, Mollie, is sound and warranted to wear well on
chemist with Swan-Myer Co. an extensive drive through northern Minnesota.
But I have already exceeded my three hundred words, I am sure.
I fear I have taken advantage of Geraldine's absence. The call of the wilds is heeded by Edith Goldsworthy. She is joining
the wood folk on the shore of Mille Lacs for two weeks in August.


In the coming year we shall expect to do our share of the national
NEW ORLEANS ALUMNAE work. Up to now, however, we have been devoting our money to local
charity as it seemed impossible to refuse to help the cases which were
No letter. brought to our attention. One of our members who is a kindergarten
teacher asked our aid for one of her pupils who is almost blind. The
MINNEAPOLIS ALUMNAE child was taken to an oculist and given treatments. When she is old
enough to read and to have her eyes tested, we intend to supply her with
No letter is perfect, the editor says, without the mention of the glasses. A little boy who was having difficulty with his studies was
weather or the seasons. Spring, the dear, fought almost a losing fight refitted with glasses at our expense. I t was necessary for a child with a
with winter and was much worse f o r wear. Summer crept upon us deformed hand to be sent to a specialist in Boston. We paid f o r his
slowly and is hardly able to do much better yet. We have made reserva- tickets to and from Boston. I t is our custom also to give a Christmas
tions for just as cool and delightful a summer for Convention as we dinner to a poor family.
have had so far this year.
An outstanding feature of our existence last June was to forsake our
devious ways and get together on an orpheum program. Actives and out Our May meeting, held the 16th, at the home of Evelyn Cornish, was
of town alumnae as well as resident alumnae were quickly relieved of the biggest and best of the year. The annual business meeting and
quarters and dimes. Shylock was mercy personified compared to those election of officers took place at 6 P.M. The business was important,
who were instrumental in extorting money from their fellowmen f o r but the main feature was the dinner party at 7:00, at which we enter-
the privilege of merely breathing. I t was a profitable day, but the less tained four honor guests—Virginia Judy Esterly (Dean of Women at
said of the performance the better. Practice makes perfect. U . of Oregon), Daisy Shaw, our District Superintendent, Eunice Steufer
of Zeta and Alice Heilman, who was en route from Denver to her new
I know that the alumnae notes contain announcement of Alma Boehme's home in Los Angeles.
wedding, but I am sure nothing is said about her handhemmed dust-
cloths. She says, however, that when the present supply is exhausted, her Red roses formed the centerpiece, and red peonies decorated the entire
furniture may enjoy the friendly rub of some old wornout pajama leg. house. Dozens of red candles furnished the only light.
Whether or no, here is to Alma's perfect happiness.
There was a clever plan of "choose your successor," so that by the
Doris Schlampp's baby is a boy this time. There is no prouder family. end of the banquet all had sat by the honor guests.
Even Eenie howled with delight. Don't mistake me, nobody howls but
Fenie the dog. The other members of the family merely square their A real candle and song service completed a perfect evening. Around
shoulders and rear their proud heads and say "Look at us." W e do, f o r the fireplace old college songs were sung to bring back memories, and
Edward Jr., is worth looking at—with his deep blue eyes, silken brown the lure of college days. So it was a fitting party to close our regular
locks and winning ways. meetings for the year.

The other night we met at the chapter house to discuss our plans
for the year. To hear us, you would think we were going to flood the


Even though our usual meetings have closed, we have met often. W i t h her two children, Ruby Clift Glockler, '14, spent the summer
There was a delightful luncheon and miscellaneous shower for Edna in the north. Her husband received his doctor's degree from California
Froyd at Louise Clawson's home. and is now with the Technical school in Pasadena.
Edna was married on the 28th of June to Everett Scott, and our
Edna was indeed a lovely bride. Bernice St. John Hanson, with her baby, spent the summer on Vashon
Then Caroline Paige surprised us all by announcing her engagement Island. Her husband is a state bank examiner so they have given up
to Dr. Carl Emmons, who is just completing his interneship in Chicago. their residence in Everett.
Eunice Steufer had the dearest baby girl born July 19th, but they
have returned to their home in Chicago. Helen Grey Flagg, ex-'24, has moved from Olympia to Grey's Harbor.
Portland alumnae chapter gave a farewell tea for Myn Force on Helen Kohler is leaving soon to go to San Francisco where she expects
the 30th of July. The Forces have moved to Dixon, Calif. Myn has to remain. A t senior breakfast her engagement was announced.
been our mainstay, and our only consolation is that some day Portland
may again be her home. Harriet Seely, '18, has had charge of Holy Trinity Vacation Home
Dorothy Chausse has signed a two-year contract with the Family at Brookham, Long Island, during the summer but will return to New
Welfare Association of Milwaukee. York Social Welfare school where she expects to receive her master's
Irma Bywater is again living in Greenville, Ohio. degree in December. Ann Seely Gilbert, with her two children, spent a
month in Seattle.
A summer bridge luncheon was held at the Women's University club
SEATTLE ALUMNAE on August 9th. We were glad to meet Laura Hurd. Ada Kraus is also
A f t e r a summer filled with card parties, weddings and luncheons, we home after two years in Honolulu and a trip through the Orient.
are now ready to re-adjust ourselves to the fall and winter work which
is under the direction of Margaret Grant Widrig. Since the opening date, Margaret Grant Widrig's brother has been selected by Ed Leader
June 23rd, we have had one girl at the Orthopedic Tea shop selling candy, to help him coach the Yale crew. Donald Grant has been cox on the
cigars, cigarets, etc., from eleven o'clock until two P.M., the lunch shop U . of W. crew for the last two years and rowed in that position in
hours. The Guilds of the Orthopedic Hospital take complete charge of Poughkeepsie when we won first place this year.
the serving of lunch and we find the women very interested in our work
and very appreciative of our efforts. They often make very good sug- Edith Chapman after a year working on the newspaper in Long-
gestions and our girls thoroughly enjoy working with them. view, has returned home. Her engagement to Edmund Korres was an-
One girl has charge of the counter and she makes arrangements with nounced at a luncheon given by Betty Rupe Schneider and Helen Heppler
the other girls to serve each day and orders the supplies. She takes Hindle at their home in Edmonds.
care of the financial end of the business, banking the money about once a
week and paying the bills by check. We leave a small amount of money, MARRIAGES
not exceeding SI5.00, with the lady in charge of the lunch room, she in
turn gives this money to the girl who comes to take charge of the counter Helen Nelthorp, ex-'18, to Dr. Austin DeFreece on July 8th at her
the next day. home- She is now located in Chicago, c/o Wesley Memorial Hospital.
So far we have found the men very good customers as they treat
their friends to a good cigar and stock up on cigarets. I n fact we have Hazel Turtle '22, to Raymond Davis. They are now at home in their
discovered that the heavy candy bars do not sell during the summer lovely house in Carlton Park, a suburb of Seattle.
months but Hershey bars, gum, life savers, after dinner mints and
small salted peanuts seem to be fast sellers the year round. Mabel Anderson, '23, to Spencer Knight on August 27th at her beauti-
We have met with such wonderful co-operation on the part of the ful home in North Edmonds. A f t e r Oct. 1st they will be at home in
girls who assist and have been complimented by the officers of the Newark, N . J.
hospital on our work so that we feel sure that within the coming year
we can make $250.00 in order to name an A. O. P. bed in the hospital. Esther Melby to Albert Valentine on Feb. 14th. They are living in
Many changes have taken place in our group and although we are Seattle.
sorry to lose them we are pleased to have the others back. One of the
first to go was Beth McCausland '22, when she moved to Venturia, Calif., Norma Whiteside to M r . Genter. Their home is in Lake Forest Park.
to join her parents. She has been teaching in the English department and
working for her master's degree, which she received this June. A t BIRTHS
Senior breakfast her engagement was announced to Orvin Sandusky, who
is this year's Rhodes scholar to Oxford. He also received his master's Son to Lois White Callahan, ex-'23, in Yakima, July 14th.
degree in Philosophy this June. Son to Sloane Squire Clark, ex-'25, of Seattle.
Helen Bogardus, '22, received her master's degree in Psychology at
Columbia this June and her work f o r the next year will be in Lapeer, M I N N I E L. KRAUS.
Margaret Shotwell, '23, is back from the Children's Library School KNOXVILLE ALUMNAE
in Cleveland and will be working in our city system. Mid-summer is always a difficult time to stir up chapter news, be-
Eloise Ebright Jared came from Chicago to be matron of honor at cause those of us who can have already flitted to mountain or sea-shore,
Helen Nelthorp's wedding. She was home about a month. and the less fortunate ones, who stay at home try to persuade them-
selves that the heat isn't so bad after all, i f one will only refrain from
thinking about it.
One of our busiest members these days is Elizabeth Kennedy, whose
work at the Health Center, always taxing, is now made more so by the
typhoid cases that have broken out among the poorer classes. Fay Morgan,
again, is not daunted by the heat, but frequently drives over f r o m Harri-
man, where she is the successful editor of a paper. You should hear
her tell of her all night vigil and the resulting "scoop" concerning the
presidential nominees. Lucy Morgan plans to leave soon for San Antonio
where she is to teach again next winter. She drove home in a Ford,
having only one blowout, and that about twenty miles from home. Let's
hope she'll have as good luck returning. Professor and Mrs. Oscar Wood
McLeary (Louise Manning Wiley) are gloriously spending their honeymoon


in France and England. The re^t of the chapter, so far as I know, are Mollie Shoemaker, our president, is planning a vacation that includes
passing an uneventful summer. Maine. Woods Hole, Mass., and the shores of New Jersey. She leaves
about the fifteenth of this month, August.
A t our April meeting with Lida Moore McClain, Alice Calhoun Cox
( Mrs. H . M . ) was elected president, and Dorothy Brown, treasurer. We Rose Bowling leaves about the same time f o r New York to join
were delighted to welcome, at our May meeting with Ailcy Kyle Peet, Mrs. friends on their boat. From there she will cruise with them up the Hudson
Frank Bane, of Kappa, whose husband has been recently appointed by to Albany, through to Lake Champlain and on to Lake George.
the city as Director of Public Welfare. The June meeting with our new
president, Alice Cox, was held at her charming little home near Fountain So far Margaret Penn White and her husband have not decided just
( ity. where they are going- to spend their vacation. However, nearly every
week-end finds them at one of the nearby resorts.
The social event of June, according to our thinking, was the marriage
of Louise Wiley and Oscar Wood McLeary, both of the English depart- We are all working hard and "working" our friends for the National
ment of the University of Tennessee. We wish them every happiness, Fund for we are so small we can not accomplish any philanthropic work
and are delighted beyond measure that we shall keep them with us. ourselves to amount to anything and so we work for the fund instead.

No alumnae letter would be complete without an account of the cradle ROSE BOWLING.
roll. I have an addition to make, but regret that I know neither the name
or the sex of the new member. Helen Shea Sheridan ( M r s . D. C.) is PHILADELPHIA ALUMNAE
the proud mother. Genevieve Shea Reddick is also in town with her
young son. Elizabeth MacDonald McClamrock regales us at every meet- Last January we made a change in the time of our meetings, in order
ing with an account of Rosie's doings—from sucking her mother's range to make it possible for girls with young A. O. n's to come out more
with the mistaken idea that it is food, to learning to swim in the river at often. One month we meet at Psi's house on the first Monday evening;
Sunshine. But I'm sure you will all take off your hats to Kathleen the next, one of the girls entertains us at her home on the first Saturday
Vaughan's baby, who recently made the trip from New Mexico to Tcnne- afternoon. We thought it would make the meetings more interesting to
see in a car with a prairie schooner top. and had her daily bath in a have a little bridge mixed in with our business but so far we haven't had
bucket! time for any bridge. .
In June we had our last meeting of the year at Gladys Zulzers in
Oakmont. Natalie Collins, our next year's president, presided, and we
made our plans for the fall. I t was decided to continue our National
work which we began last term. A committee investigated several fields
ELEANOR BURKE. for work and finallv decided that work at the Children's Hospital would
give the best results; so, all last spring, the girls who could spare the

time worked there Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the clinics, pre-
paring the children for their examinations—weighing them, writing up their
WASHINGTON ALUMNAE histories, etc. The hours spent there were credited to A . O. n.

Since last our chapter was heard from, much has happened. We have On April 13th. Psi chapter celebrated its birthday at the house, and
lost two of our active members, Dorothy Bowling and Margaret Kutner. each class gave a stunt: all of which proved extremely amusing, especially
1920*5 version of the courtship of Sylvia Sutcliffe by a sailor during the
Dorothy was married to Robert Swan Townsend, a Delta Tau Delta
from Dartmouth, on the twenty-eighth of June. I t was a lovely wedding, W a r ' \ V e held a card party at the Bellevue-Stratford on Saturday after-
and Dorothy made a beautiful bride. Rose Bowling was maid of honor noon. May 10, to help our national work and the building fund f o r a
and Charlie Louise Howard of Bozeman, Mont., and Mary Gibbs Smeth- house for Psi chapter; and on May 22, 23 and 24, we held a rummage sale
urst, of New York, were the bridesmaids. Dorothy's brother Joe was for the same purposes.
one of the groomsmen.
For the past two years we have had a picnic sometime during the
Margaret Penn White and Margaret Kutner were the only A. O. IPs summer as a sort of "get together" for the girls who are still in the
among the guests, for Mollie Shoemaker was at the seashore with friends city; so, this year, we planned to have our picnic at Valley Green, along
and Pauline Hobson was enjoying a vacation at her home near Memphis, the Wissahickon Creek, in spite of the fact it had been raining almost
Tenn. continually for the preceding two months. As usually happens in such a
case, the "weather was lovely until five o'clock, the time for us to be on
Dorothy's one regret was that none of her sisters f r o m her native our way, when it simply poured; however, six brave individuals gathered
chapter, Alpha Phi, were present. A f t e r a week's sojourn in Delaware together at St. Martins Station and decided the weather should not ruin
she sailed July 5th for continental Europe, on her honeymoon—to be gone the party, so they had the picnic anyway at Eleanor Rohner Spencer's
two years.
At Psi's birthday party on Palm Sunday, Sylvia Sutcliffe appeared
Margaret Kutner surprised us, by telling several of the girls at Dor- with her five pounds of chocolates, announcing her engagement to Dr.
othy's wedding, that she was engaged. She certainly kept her love affair Aldrich Clements Crowe, of Dora, Alabama.
quiet. When she told us when she was going we were very much thrilled
and excited. For, she leaves sometime the last of September or the first A t the Spring Dance on Mav 24. Margaret Miles announced her en-
of October f o r South Africa to be married to Phillip Ritter, who is en- gagement to M r . George Wood Headly. of Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
gaged in the automobile business there. Margaret is visiting her mother
in Baltimore until she sails. This is the culmination of a romance that Charlotte Easbv announced her engagement to Bill Graves, l A t ,
began when Margaret was taking a post graduate course at the University one of Penn's star athletes, early in June, and was married the day atter
of Berlin. We all wish her great happiness. commencement, when she received her Ph.D. in Psychology.

We have lost three members in the last ten months. First Betty Gladys Zulzer announced her engagement at the picnic to Dr Harry
Farrington, who went to Honolulu, then Dorothy, who is now in Europe, Gardner, of Mount Vernon, New York; it is understood she intends beinjr
and Margaret is leaving us f o r South Africa. We miss them all terribly. married in January.
The remaining four are wondering just where they are going, for we
seem to be destined to travel.


Plans for the summer of the girls seem to be many and varied. Natalie
Collins and Maty Fahnestock are spending some time in Atlantic City.
Gladys Zulzer is visiting in Maine.

Sylvia Sutcliffe first expects to visit in Alabama and later is going to
Maine with Alice Conkling. On her way home she will stop off at Cats-
kiil, New York, to visit Ruth Clement Norton.

Eliza Finessey is traveling through Europe for the summer.
Genevieve McDermott is teaching at Dr. Witmer's school in Devon.


No letter.

We are so few in number that we find it difficult to really accomplish
anything serious. Hut what f u n we have when we do get together!
And that reminds me of the cozy time we had when we met last at
Florence Klapmeyer's home. We really were serious long enough to elect
our officers for 1924-25 but the rest of the time we just gossiped and
enjoyed the delicious refreshments, such as Florence always prepares f o r
us. Since then we have only met by two's and three's until last Saturday
when we were invited to meet with the Phi girls at Marguerite Chandler's
home. So many are home for the vacation that we had quite a crowd
—for us. Kappa, Rho, Iota and Phi were represented.
Our summer meetings are more or less of a rushing nature and
just now we're planning for a dance on the roof of the Kansas City Club.
We do want to take up more serious work this winter—to get into
our National Philanthropic work as well as our own local welfare. We
hope to have a larger chapter by then so we can really make our efforts
Our members arc scattered wide this summer—Charlotte Uhls and
her darling Mary-Lou are with Charlotte's mother in Portland; Elsie
Brace and Margaret Matthews in Europe; Elsie Ortmann is just back
from a dandy vacation in Wisconsin and just now we're afraid we are
to lose our own Dr. Ruth (Ewing) who is sort of homesick for the Fast
and may leave soon for New Haven. We have been delighted to have
Blanche Coventry H i l l with us this summer. She and Dr H i l l spent last
winter in school at Philadelphia but are to locate here and we are counting
much on having Blanche with us.
Don't forget, when passing through Kansas City, that we'll always
be mighty glad to see you.


The Omaha alumnae chapter has not held a meeting since the last
Saturday in May as a great many of our members are out of the city.
However, it will not be long until we reorganize.
This year we hope to do more in the way of local work and aid the
National Work. We may help with the sewing for the University Hospital
which is greatly needed. The materials are furnished and we can do the
work at our meetings. This hospital is connected with the University
of Nebraska, the Medical College being situated here in Omaha.
Our present unmatured plans for this year consist of the division of
the chapter into groups, perhaps four, with the idea that each group
will find some way of making money. We believe that this will make
the work easier on the individual. We also hope to hold our third rum-
mage sale in November. Then with the sale of Christmas cards and
novelties we hope to fill up the gap in our treasury. Other chapters have
made a great success in this line, but this is our first venture.
We have two interesting events to record.


Grace Gannon was married the last of July to Vincent O'Grady. We
are more than sorry to lose her as she will live in Minneapolis, but our
loss will be a gain for the chapter there.
Esther Devalon Smith announces the arrival of a little daughter on
August first. "Babe" now has a lovely family of four children, which
is the largest Alpha O family in Omaha. MATTIE W. HIGGINS.


No letter.


No letter.


No letter.


The Cleveland alumnae chapter had quite an active spring and

several good times together, at our business meetings as well as our

We found that more of the girls could attend luncheon meetings than
afternoon affairs, so we have been meeting one Saturday noon each month
in the English room of the Winton Hotel, and using a small assembly
room after lunch f o r the business sessions.
At our May meeting we elected Edna Studebaker president for the
coming year, and we are all looking forward to just as busy and success-
ful a year as we have just completed under Avis Stevens. We have been
maintaining a scholarship, using voluntary contributions, a portion of
our dues, and the proceeds from a rummage sale and a card party to
make tip the necessary amount—which is helping a very deserving girl to
get her longed-for and worked-for education. Owing to the small size
of our chapter, we have decided that the amount we can at present afford
to contribute to national work is very small, because we want to keep
up this scholarship; so although we most heartily endorse such work,
we feel that it will be at least another year before we can offer financial
co-operation to any great extent.
Last month, to finish out the year pleasantly, the chapter, with their
husbands and men friends, had a picnic at Martha Whitworth's (Epsilon)
beautiful home in Gates M i l l . My husband and I missed the party be-
cause we motored to Pittsburgh that week-end to visit Anne Morrow
McDermott, also an Epsilon girl, but I'm perfectly sure every one had
just the best time ever. EVELYN HIEBER SCHNEE.

Our chapter was organized in April and is composed of Indiana,
Randolph-Macon, and Tennessee girls. We have about fifteen members
living in Memphis and the surrounding territory.
Since we organized so late in the spring, we decided to continue our
meetings during the summer. O f course, a number of our members
are away but several of the girls home from college come to our meet-
ings. In June Pauline Hobson of the Washington alumnae and Llewellyn
Johnson, an old Omicron girl, visited us.
I n July, we met with Dorothy Nolan. We had as our guests some
girls who are going to Tennessee in the fall.
This year we are working with the Crippled Adults' Hospital here.
At present, we are to help with their darning and mending each month.
As we become better organized we expect to take on more work.


The two Dayton Esthers entertained us Valley folk in April. They
even provided relaxation f r o m dreary business, by having wee Mary ALPHA
Anne present during the formal meeting. However, despite this charmer, Lillian Schoedler, '11, who is Executive Secretary of the Amateur
we decided many important matters. Among them we decided to give a Athletic Association cf America, was one of the speakers in the open
prize to the girl in Omega who should make the best grades during the forum department of the Des Moines Women's Club this spring.
second semester. As most of us present were housewives, the latter part
of our meeting took on the color of a cook's forum. The Esthers proved PI
the truth of their words by setting before us a feast, at which Mary Virginia and Louise Withers are both teaching French at Westhampton
Anne looked on from the dignified heights of her high chair. College, Richmond, Virginia.

Then, in May, the inviting Hilker home was the scene of our Hamilton DEATHS
meeting. We adopted our Constitution and By-laws and we" decided to
supplement Omega's philanthropic program by making layettes for the Pi chapter extends its sympathy to Betty Dupre Pavy, Cleveland
Hamilton hospitals and Red Cross. The co-hostesses and Leafy deserve Dupre McNees, Belle Dupre, and Edith Dupre, whose brother, the Hon.
especial commendation for the well planned meeting. We planned to H . Garland Dupre, late a Representative from the state of Louisiana, died
start out modestly in philanthropic work, with the hope that after we this spring.
were firmly established as a chapter we might be able to grow in our
service. NU

Our June meeting in Oxford was an innovation. We had an alumnae MARRIAGES
reunion in connection with our chapter meeting. A t the meeting itself,
we decided to give a rush party f o r Omega on the Monday of rush week. Edith Buffum Ramsay, '26, to George Rowland Collins, Assistant Pro-
A f t e r the formal meeting, all the old girls came in for tea. Mother Clark fessor at New York University-.
came down, too, to see all her girls—so we had a real old-time party.
None of us who were there shall forget how nice the letters of the Margaret Holt McDonald, an alumna of old Lambda Phi, to Adolph
absent sisters were. We read, laughed over and talked about each one. E. Meyer, instructor at New York University.
We were amazed to discover the hitherto unknown practical ability of
these same sisters. KAPPA
Greyson Hoofnagle Bane (Mrs. Frank) has moved to Knoxville,
Nature herself seems to work in with our meetings. We were installed Tennessee, where her husband is Commissioner of Public Welfare.
when the Valley was flooded, and the day before Commencement we had Virginia Allen, '16, left this spring f o r the Belgian Congo, where
a cyclone in Oxford, which afforded ample entertainment f o r our visitors. she is doing missionary work under the Southern Presbyterian Board of
the Belgian Congo region.
Therefore we can safely predict, we feel, a "good time f o r all" at any
meeting. SIGMA
Helen Foss Weeks, '06, is Associate Professor of Education at the
MILDRED DENNISON. CoHege of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. She is one of the first
two women there to be appointed to a position previously held by a man.
NOTICE Geneva Watson, '11, is chairman for the Better Homes in America
Demonstration in Sacramento, Calif., this year. She was chairman last
Active Chapter Editors, year also and one of the prize winners.
Alumnae Chapter Editors, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mills of Columbia University are spending the
Alumnae Assistants, summer in Berkeley. Professor Mills is teaching in the summer Session.
He is also writing a book on Statistics for the University. Dorothy is
The Editor's new address is 213 South Atherton St., an able assistant in typing, etc.
State College, Pa. Blanch Aiders Ward and her husband are spending the year at Los
Gatos for the benefit of M r . Ward's health.
May Preuss is connected with Californians, Inc., a very active com-
pany furthering the interests of California.
Ruth Carson Crary and her family have moved to San Jose.
Marjorie Armstrong Coombs visited Berkeley in May. She is a
member of the Portland alumnae chapter.
I t has been delightful to again see so many girls whose visits to
Berkeley are only too short and infrequent. Among those who have been
back this summer are, Jeannette Miller Schwartz, who brought her three
children in her suitcase, as Jeannette says while proudly displaying their
pictures; Virginia Judy Esterly, Dean of Women of the Summer Session;
Margaret Hurley, who has been teaching in Arizona; Mary DeWitt, who
has been teaching in Sacramento; Blanch Lewis, who we hope will locate
here this f a l l ; Georgia Meredith Oliver, whose husband is in far away
May Knight Siddell, our National Chairman of the Song Committee,
visited around the Bay for a few days in May. She is actively interested


in music and would like to hear from those in the sorority who can A l l the girls will be sorry to learn of the death of Octavia's father in
boost the musical end of it. June. Our sympathy is extended to her and to her family, whom so many
of us know personally.
Daisy Mansfield Shaw, our district superintendent, made her official
visits in May and thoroughly enjoyed the chapters at Seattle, Eugene, Ruth Brooks, '19, who is spending the summer in New Hampshire, has
ford and Berkeley. been a godsend to the editor for she has sent many items of interest.

Bertha Beard, '21, who has been training as a nurse, has accepted a "Bea" Bishop Snow's, cx-'23, address is 2672 W . Moreland Blvd.,
position in public health work in China, and leaves shortly for her new Cleveland, Ohio.
Ruth Morris, ex-'25, is acting in the "Gold Diggers" in Albany, N . Y.
Blanch and Mildred Ewing, '24, sailed on the "Aquitania" in July Ruth returned for Class Day and was enthusiastic about her work.
and are now enjoying a delightful trip through England.
Elizabeth MacDermott, '25, is laboratory assistant this summer to
Eleanor Richards, '23, is visiting in New York. the head doctor of the County T. B. Sanitarium at Pocasset, Mass.
Virginia Esterly has just completed her first year as Dean of Women
at the University of Oregon, and we were so glad to have her with us Rosalie Cobb, '22, is doing research work for a concern in Peabody.
this summer as Dean of Women of the Summer Session. Louise (Dusty) Holt, ex-'22, is assistant director of a Cambridge
ENGAGEMENTS Marion Bennett, '20, and Eunice Bassemir, '22, are to teach in Hemp-
stead. Long Island, High School this year.
The engagement of Zoe King, '23, to Earle Steele, also a graduate of Doris Westonex, '23, writes "We're having perfect weather but just
California, has just been announced. They will be married early next a little too hot to struggle around after a golf ball as I've been doing
year. nearly every day lately. When I'm at the first tee all I can think of is
the shower 12 holes away." Part of these notes came from Doris via
Kay Snow, '19, graduated from Tufts Medical School in June and
Dorothy Potter was married in May to William Wieking at a very is going to start a practise of her own.
beautiful home wedding. They are making their home in Oakland. " I saw a darling picture of Martha Neal Crosby's baby when she
was three months old." Martha and her husband are living in Derry,
BIRTHS N . H , Martha's old home.
Nancy Cole, ex-'24, received her degree f r o m Vassar in June and
A son to Mr. and Mrs. W m . S. Dinwiddie (Harriet Rinder). then came back to the H i l l for Class Day. She will teach in Hartford,
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dyer (Frances Morris). Conn., next year.
A daughter to M r . and Mrs. Chas. Honeywell (Lorene Kinney). Marion Sears, '24, is to be at Harvard next year assisting in the
Economics Dept.
DEATHS Mary Sears expects to teach somewhere near her home in Texas.
Alice Towsley has a position with the Rockefeller Foundation, the
Sigma girls received a blow in May when Ralph Marx, husband of Recreational Dept., and plans to live with her sister at 10 E. 30th St.,
Rose Gardner Marx, dropped dead. AH who know Rose grieve when New York City.
she has sorrows and rejoice when she has joys, as she is one of the While writing these notes a card arrived from Marjorie McCarty f r o m
most loyal and best loved girls in Alpha O, and so M r . Marx's death San Francisco telling of her wonderful trip through the Canadian Rockies
has been a shock to all of us. to the coast. "Visited beautiful A. O. Pi house at University of Wash-
ington and met three charming Alpha O's who made me feel that A . O. Pi
DELTA girls everywhere arc your sisters!" She also says she was sorry to miss
the girls at Sigma and Lambda, but is hurrying back by way of Los Angeles
We now have three honorary members of Boston Alumnae, girls who and Grand Canyon. Marjory expects to spend the winter at home in
have paid their dues for twenty five years or more, Helen Brown Keating Washington, D. C. *
and Louise R. Atwood from 1897 class and Louisa Bellows Norcross
f r o m 1898. Can anyone equal that record? Catherine Naylor Taylor, ex-'21, is living on Prescott St., Cambridge,
The sympathy of our girls is extended to Monica Pipe who lost her
sister recently. Monica is mothering the two orphan kiddies who were Gladys Waite Wood, '10, spent last winter abroad.
left. Outside of school hours Marion Phillips, '20, spends most of her
time at the Wenham Golf Club.
Mabel Taylor Bodge, '05, had her two youngsters at "Ted" Wood- "Dickie" Prescott is living nearer the H i l l this year. Her address is
bury's wedding. Barbara is quite a young lady, tall like Mabel, while the 108 Packard Ave.
boy looked to be following in his father's footsteps. Sue O'Brien, '24, and Eleanor Leadbettcr, '23, both say they will teach
but we haven't learned where.
Gertrude Bartlett Wilson, '07, who lives in New Jersey, sent pictures
of her attractive daughters. Elizabeth Bcattie, '22, is engaged in Industrial Chemistry in Peabody,

Gladys Wales Graves, '09, now a member of Syracuse alumnae, was Mass.

back for Class Day, the same Gladys, although we haven't seen her re- MARRIAGES

cently. June 8th saw two of our sisters married. I n the Universalist Church
Eva Fulton Mellish, '10, is again living in Maiden, Mass. in Winter H i l l . Edna Woodbury, '12, became the bride of Kenneth Ed-
Genevieve Fosdick Sanborn was matron of honor f o r "Ted" Wood- mund Webb of Needham, at a pretty wedding. Besides "Ted" Fosdick
bury's wedding. Sanborn as matron of honor, Edna had two bridesmaids. A t the reception
Frances Huntington Harbison spent a month min Palmerton, Pa., with
" A d " when sister arrived at the Cooper home. She was called home be-
cause of serious illness in the family. Her youngsters are more than
lively and with "Bobby" Cooper she had her hands busy.
"Bee" Davis Wilbur called at our house the other day with her two
little girls. Beryl is about five and Corinne not quite two. They look as
if they lived in the country and had splendid care. "Bee's" address is
Ashland, Mass. She and Frieda Farnsworth, '07, visit each other as they
are almost neighbors.


following, we had a regular A. O. Pi reunion. "Mac" and Etta were A letter from Mildred Mosier says that she can use many of the
there, "Polly" Hall and her husband, Ocie, Alma, Blanche Hooper, Ruth Christmas and birthday cards so often thrown away. Small packages go
Wedge and her husband and the writer. We just talked every minute when at eight cents a pound marked "Printed matter." Mildred advises us to
we weren't admiring Edna. Edna and her husband are spending the sum- let Gertrude Mosier at Dernarest. N . J., know i f sending larger packages
mer at Quincy. or anything besides printed matter. Mildred's address is Morton Lane
School, Moulmien, Burma. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be
Helen Neal chose Goddard Chapel on the H i l l for her wedding to to hear from someone at home i f you were that far away?
Stewart Crowell, Tufts '23. Her twin sister, Margaret, was maid of
honor and "Willie" Koelsch, '25, one of her bridesmaids. I expect this Unless each girl f r o m our chapter will send me a postcard containing
was even more of a frat event because the active chapter served the news about herself, we cannot possibly have as long an article as I
refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Crowell will live in Providence, R. I . was able to include in the May issue of To DRAGMA. My address is 34
Butler Place, Brooklyn, N . Y. Everyone likes to hear about you just as
Mildred Simpson, '17, was married on July 19th to Max Gersumky. you like to hear about everyone else.
On August 2nd in A l l Soul's Church, Braintree, Louise Prescott, '21,
(Cotty) was married to Minot F. Inman. Her sister, Eleanor, '26, was BIRTHS
maid of honor and other Alpha O's, Gladys Bryant, '22, Edith Leach,
'21, and Kathleen MacDonald, '22, were bridesmaids. M r . and Mrs. Inman A son, Frederick Leonard Trump to Clara Kcopka Trump on April
will live in Foxboro, Mass., where M r . Inman is in business. We shall 18, 1924.
be glad that "Cotty" is near enough to attend meetings.
Apparently Edith Arnold is now Mrs. Leach, or is it a typographical MARRIAGES
Sarah Campbell on July 6, 1924 to Mr. Burt Smith.
BIRTHS Patty Loeffler in June to M r . George Dieffenbach.

On April 22, Arthur Rowe, to M r . and Mrs. Francis J. Foster (Helen HELEN" B. LEAVENS.
One June 15, Charlotte Adeline to M r . and Mrs. Clarence E. Cooper
("Ad" Huntington). MARRIAGES

On July 9, Ruth Pauline, to M r . and Mrs. Percy A. Hall (Pauline Katherine Graham and William M . Young, on May 27, 1924. Brook-
Lamprey). lyn, N . Y.

On July 15, Rodney Phillips to M r . and Mrs. Elmore I . MacPhie Beatrice C. Segsworth and Wihner J. Kitchen on June 13, 1924.
(Etta Phillips). Wilmette, 111.

In November. 1923. Margaret to Margaret Fessenden Henderson. LAMBDA


EPSILON Arline Larimer and George Green in May, 1924.
A t the reunion in June, the members of Epsilon present included
Charlotte Sherman McCloskey, Gladys Combs Terry, Gertrude Mosier, TAU
and Mary Donlon. Elsa Guerdrum Allen had also returned to her home Min Hanson, '23, who taught English in the high school at Luverne,
in Ithaca from Florida where she had been visiting her mother. Everyone Minnesota, this last year, visited Lulu at the house this spring and attended
thought the three children looked so well and that Elsa also had had a the chapter's spring formal. Min has been unusually successful in her
good rest. first year's teaching, and will return to Luverne as principal of the high
Reassuring reports f r o m Ithaca have lightened our anxiety about Anna school this fall.
Allen Wright who has been at home a long time after an attack of Wilma Arnold was another "alum" visitor this spring. But then
typhoid fever. We all hope that her accustomed strength and vigor are Wilma is hardly to be called a visitor, as she came up from Elk River
fully returned by now. nearly every week-end last year. She'll be with us a lot this year too,
In a class letter received at reunion time, Viola Denglcr divulged the for she will teach French and Spanish again at the Elk River High
fact that she is busily engaged in the interior decorating business in School. Rumor has it that she is wearing a Kappa Sig pin for a change.
Philadelphia. Edith Goldsworthy, '14, reports a wonderful vacation spent at Mille
Pearl Bowman took a course at Columbia summer school for an Lacs this summer. Edith, Margaret Boothroyd, and Mary Dee Drum-
advanced degree, but we have neither heard the name of the course nor mond motored up to Mille Lacs for a week-end house party earlier in
how Pearl intends to use it. the summer, acquiring a heavy coat of sunburn and an unsquelchable
Mary Moore Shackleton has journeyed from her home in Bloom- taste for playing the ukelele.
field, New Jersey, to Ithaca to visit her parents for the summer. Need- Margaret Boothroyd, '20, left this week with her mother and Molhe
less to say, they must be delighted to have their little granddaughter with Dodge" for a two weeks' motor trip through northern Minnesota.
them for this period. Frances Graham McClure, '22, spent the month of August with
Katherine Donlon Crowley has also been traveling. On her way to her husband's people in Staunton, Virginia. Next summer she plans to
visit M r . Crowley's people, she stopped in Utica with her two children. come home and so will be a convention guest. I n July, Frances and Betty
For the summer months, Gladys Combs Terry and Dr. Terry and Bond spent a week with Edith Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi, in State
their three months' old daughter Barbara are comfortably settled at the College, Pennsylvania. Frances will be in Williamsport again this year
Belvedere Hotel in Larchmout, N . Y. On July first. Gladys started to where her husband is Dean of Dickinson Seminary.
commute to N . Y., where she has resumed her work in Dr. Terry's office, Margaret Howarth Nelson, '20, was with us again this summer as
while Barbara is in the care of a trained nurse. *he was with her mother at Lake Harriet. Margaret leaves this fall for
Boston. Norman will be a member of the English Department at l u t t s


Phana Wernicke Smith, 17, spent the summer at the home of her CHI
mother in Minneapolis with her three sons, the twins and John Allen. Under the capable management of Jessie Lewis '24, the chapter house
Just recently she returned to her home in Chicago. has been kept open for the summer school session at Syracuse. Among
the number of alumnae and actives whom we have heard are there, are Ruth
Blanche Meade, '23, will he an addition to our alumnae chapter Walker, Helen Howalt, Ruth Caskey, Mina Gordon, Flo Gilger, Mildred
this year as she has accepted a position in the Home Economics Depart- Riese, and Mildred Sittser.
ment of the Jordan Junior High School in Minneapolis this year. Mildred Pehrson, ex-'25, is attending Summer Normal School some-
where in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Marion Jones and
Winifred Whitman, '22, our ambitious Win, spent the summer in Esther Koon are studying languages and art respectively in summer
Rochester, Minnesota, where she was employed in the Cancer Clinic schools.
at the Mayo Foundation. Win is a Junior in the College of Medicine Emily writes me that Ruth Guthrie Woodruff is taking a trip to
this year. She will soon be hanging out her shingle and then Tau will Colorado this summer.
have two M. D.'s to her credit, the other one being Cecile Moriarity, '16, Some of our teachers are to be located in other cities and some
who is one of the best pediatricians in the Twin Cities. remain in their former positions. Fran. Carter is to teach in Paterson,
N. J . , Gertrude Marks in Baldwinsville, N. Y . , Gertrude Hall in New
Irene Fraser, '23, finds time to drive up to her lake cottage for numer- York City and Greta Coe in Fulton, N. Y . Ruth Walker will return
ous week-ends, although she is still working in the Reference Department to Wolcott, N. Y . , to teach music and physical training.
of the Minneapolis Public Library. Among the seniors this June, Kay Jenkins will teach at her home
in Ridgewood, N. J., and Doris Knapp at Wellsboro, Pa.
Marion Barclay, '23, spent the summer having the time of her life A pleasant surprise was given to me today when Genevieve Canfield
in Los Angeles, where she visited her sister. Marion will teach again this Mason and friend husband stopped for a few minutes chat. They were
year at Frazee, Minnesota, as will Helen Gates, '23. en route from Syracuse to Hartford, Conn., and intended to make a
surprise visit also at the Memorial Hospital at Albany, where Marcia
Elizabeth Reinertsen, '24, spent the summer with her parents in Rosbrook is dietitian.
Tacoma, Washington. We are glad that "Spike" expects to be near Min- Agnes Crowell Rood has been visiting her parents in Syracuse during
neapolis this winter. the summer. A letter from Esther Hagenbucher Hill at her summer
cottage on Oneida Lake tells me how delighted she was to receive a visit
Grace O'Brien, '23, has been continuing her work as psychologist in from Agnes and to hear the news from Detroit.
the Child Guidance Clinic at the University of Minnesota this summer. The much heralded houseparty of Chi and Alathea Alumnae is sched-
Grace leaves in September for a canoe trip through the Superior National uled for the ten days of August 22-31. Polly Emmerling Stage, coming
Forest. from 'way down Arkansaw,' will be only one of the many from furrin'
parts to be welcomed at the chapter house.
Ruth O'Brien, '17, will teach English at the University High School Frances Canady Myers, ex-'24, gives an enthusiastic description of
this winter. Grace and Ruth expect to have an apartment near the campus. her visit in the East during the- month of May. Helen and Buster Mc-
Nees, Polly Howalt and Thelma Robertson were four of Chi's girls with
Lila Kline, '20, who spent her vacation with her parents in Minne- whom she managed to visit. She is delighted too, with the silver baby
apolis, has left for Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where she will continue cup sent by the actives to little Grayce Elizabeth.
her work as psychiatrist. Frances' address is 1224 Bonita Avenue, Berkeley, Cal.

Elizabeth Bond, '22, received her M. A. this spring at the University ENGAGEMENTS
of Minnesota. She was awarded the Moses Marston Prize in English.
This is getting to be quite exclusively an Alpha O honor, as it has been At the delightful senior dinner given by the sophomores at the chapter
held in previous years by Margaret Howarth Nelson and Muriel Fair- house on May 30, startling announcements were made. Recovering our-
banks Steward. Betty spent three weeks this summer with Frances Graham selves after the announcement of the engagment of Matilda Petri, '24,
McClure and Edith Huntington Anderson in Pennsylvania. to Mr. Frank Olrich of Syracuse, we were surprised to receive red roses
to which were attached the cards of Katherine Jenkins, '24, and Mr.
Lucille Zieglemaier Haertel, '20, moves into her lovely new home Burton Robert Clement, '23.
some time in August.
Helen Pierce Monroe. '17, spent part of the summer with her mother
in Minneapolis. Now she has returned with her children to her home On June 14, at the chapter house, the wedding of Esther Hagen-
in Tuckahoe, New York. bucher, '20, to Allan D. Hill of Syracuse, took place. Besides being one
of the prettiest weddings we've ever seen, it was the first to be held
BIRTHS in our new chapter house. What a thrill it gave us as we saw first
Kay Gilcher, '20, charming as maid of honor, and then the bride come
To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bonde (Gertrude Falkenhagen), a daughter, down the lovely winding staircase! Chi girls who were present were
Elizabeth, in May. Montevideo, Minn. Doris Knapp, Emily Tarbell, Mina Gordon, Ruth Hawkes and Margaret
To Mr. and Mrs. Edward J . Schlampp (Doris Lohff), a son, Edward
J. Jr., in May. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Invitations have been sent out for the wedding of Matilda Petri to
Frank Olrich on Sunday, August 10, at the Irvington Presbyterian Church,
To Mr. and Mrs. Earle Neutson (Viola Miner), a daughter. Min- Irvington-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.
neapolis, Minnesota.
A delightful out-of-door wedding has been planned for Aug. 30, at
ENGAGEMENTS Fine View, Thousand Islands, the summer home of Jessie Lewis. Esther

Elizabeth Duvall, '25, to Lawrence Goodell Anderson.
Grace Hubbard, '25, to George Beecher.
Catherine Tifft, '23, to William Merril, Acacia.
Berenice Nelson, '24, to Robert Gambell.
Mae Moren, '24, to Willard Johnson, Sigma Nu.


Marian Mann, '20, to Alfred Falkenhagen, on June 20th, at Monte-
video, Minnesota. At home, Montevideo, Minnesota.

Alma Boehme, '20, to Henry Keuhn, on May 24th, at Minneapolis. At
home, 3211 Fremont Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Baker, '22, will be one of the bridesmaids at the marriage of Jessie to Jane Cline, Mildred Begeman Smith, the Indianapolis alums and most of
Francis Rice, '23. Both couples expect to live in Syracuse. the active chapter. Helen and Bill live at Shelbyville where he is in
business with his father.
Helen Snoddy, '22, and Myles B. Stevens were married at Helen's
We extend our sympathy to Marcia Rosbrook and Ona Rosbrook home in Covington on June 3. Myles is a graduate of Wabash College
Brodie in the loss of their sister, Mrs. David Lent of Dayton, Ohio. and member of Lambda Chi Alpha. They live at 16216 John R. St.,
Highland Park, Michigan.
Louise Hutt, '24, and William Jenkinson were married on July 4.
BETA PHI Bill is a member of S. A. E . and a junior in the Indiana University School
Mr. and Mrs. Herold Ross (Rosella Stoner), who spent the past year of Medicine at Indianapolis. Louise will teach in Cambridge City this
in New York City where Mr. Ross was studying at Columbia University year.
are living at Ames, Iowa. Mr. Ross is on the faculty of Iowa State
College. ALPHA PHI
Mrs. Harold Parthemer (Mary Fletcher) and daughter, Susanna, spent
May and June visiting in the East. They visited several of the girls, in- I know that the alumnae will be more than eager to know what the
cluding Edith Huntington Anderson, at State College, Pa., Margaret Wight Seniors of 1924 will be doing this coming year. Helen Waite, Alice
in New York City, and Jane Sickels when they returned home through Stranahan and Helen Chase Walters have chosen the teaching profession.
Indianapolis. Helen is to be at Roundup, Alice at Belt and Helen Chase Walters in
Nelle Covalt attended the summer session of the University of Wis- Rapelje with her husband Bob, who is leaching there also. Mary Baldwin
consin, where she took courses in education aiid French. Nelle has re- is dietitian in a Spokane hospital at the present time and likes her work
signed her position at Mt. Vernon and will teach French in the Marion so very much. Lucile Staebler and Harriet Nordstrum are attending
high school this year. the Snow Froelich Art School in New York this summer and both are
Mrs. Curtis Richards (Juva Covalt) and Julia Jean came from far- planning on teaching this fall.
away Florida to spend the summer with relatives in Kokomo.
Helen Duncan has recently acquired a Ford coupe and has sinde Ruth Noble Dawson and children are spending part of the summer
been seeing the world. She and her mother drove to Dickson, Tennessee, in Seattle.
in June to visit Mr. and Mrs. J . Max Cowan (Lelah Whitted) and Jimmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Clark (Oneta Illingworth) are living at 7610 Mayme Egan is spending the summer in Butte with her parents and
Byron St., Apt. 3, Detroit. Michigan. Helen Snoddy Stevens is also near- we are hoping that she will decide to remain here this coming year. Mayme
by—two loyal recruits for the Detroit Alumnae chapter. attended Dorothy Noble's wedding in Great Falls.
Louise Rogers, Jane Cline, and Helen Duncan drove to Madison, Wis.,
in Louise's car the first part of May to attend the National University Mildred Forrest is vacationing in Missouri and will teach in Chouteau
Extension Association conference. They stayed at the Eta chapter house, this fall.
and reported a delightful visit.
Winifred Sickels has a position for the summer in the Traffic De- Etta Hayes is attending summer session at the University of Wash-
partment of the Indianapolis Telephone Company. ington.
Miriam McCoy spent the summer in the office of the Block Company
in Indianapolis. She will teach this year at Culver, Indiana. Gladys Matthews has been visiting with Dorothy Ann Scofield at
Helen Armstrong spent the summer as councillor in a girls' camp her home in Williston, N. D. Dorothy Ann accompanied Gladys home
in Montana. and will spend the remainder of the summer with her parents at Havre,
Jane Cline enjoyed part of her vacation touring Yellowstone Park. Montana.
She made the trip via auto accompanied by her family.
Vedah Covalt will teach again in the Kokomo high school, and Mer- Grace Mclver is planning a trip to the Western coast with her parents
ceda has returned to Alexandria this year. in hopes that it will benefit her health.
Marion Koegel spent the sunimer with an aunt in Lynnville, Ind.
She is teaching this year in Illinois. Helen Rose and her parents drove overland from California and are
Mildred Maxwell Townsend (Mrs. Ray) has recently moved from spending the summer in Bozeman, Montana. We enjoyed having luncheon
Hagler to Clarendon, Arkansas, and likes her new home very much. with her the day she spent in Butte, and she told us such interesting things
Laura Alexander is at home in Salem, Indiana, working in her father's about the M. S. C people in California. She and Dot Roper were teach^
office. ing in the Los Angeles schools and "Dot" is selling books this summer.
Myra Esarey spent the summer in Bloomington, but has returned to Enroute from California they stopped at Portland, Oregon, and visited
South High School in Ft. Wayne to teach. Mary received the L L . B . de- "Strannie."
gree in June and is employed now by an Indianapolis law firm.
Edith Huntington Anderson has been made Exchange Editor of To Marie Moebus is enjoying an extensive trip to Chicago and other
Eastern points. During her stay in Chicago she visited with Mrs. Harry
DRAGMA. Smith (Betty Hiestand) formerly of Bozeman, Montana.
Helen Devitt, '22, and William Woodworth, were married at Christ
Church, Indianapolis, on June 25. Bill attended Indiana and is a member On Thursdav. July 10, Dorothy Noble, '22, and Sam Scott of Montana
of A. T. O. Jane Sickels was one of the bridesmaids and Lura Halleck State College were married in Great Falls. Dorothy's sister, Ruth, was
Thomas sang. Among the Alpha O's at the wedding were Vivian Day, matron of honor and Sam's brother, Bob Scott, was best man. Sam is
a graduate of M. S. C , and a member of Beta Epsilon fraternity. They
are living in the Evergreen Apts., at Bozeman, Montana, where Sam is
assistant professor in Chemistry at the college.

Mary Maxey, '24, was married to Tom Kirk, Jr., on Saturday, June
7th, at the home of her parents in Bozeman, Montana. They are spending
the summer in Yellowstone Park and will make their home m Bozeman,


DEATHS different from those of other years and seemed the most successful ever.
Milly Rothhaar Dennison very graciously offered her home, and thither
Deep sympathy is extended to Violet Nye, '26, in the death of her twelve of us found our way on the afternoon of Alumni Day at Miami.
mother, whicli occurred in July, 1924. Of Omega's older generation there were Mary Heck, Helen San ford,
Pearl Ayres, Ruth Swearingeu Finkbone, and Leafy Corrington Hilker.
BIRTHS And of the younger there were Milly, Mart Jaques, Coxie, Scotty Sr.,
Peg Westfall, and Lucille Trowbridge Madison. And Esther Fowler
To Mr. and Mrs. Gray Dickason (Qiarlotte Cooley, '22) twin girls Schmalz of Tufts came down from Dayton to be one of our happy crowd.
on July 9th at Rochester, N. Y . Well, we talked and we talked, and we listened to letters from twelve
more of Omega's scattered sistern; Mary Young, Helen Lindsey, Nelle
To Mr. and Mrs. John Hastings (Minnie Ellen Marquis, '21) a daugh- Lorenz, Harriet Rains, Ruth Andrews, Katherine Rice, Marian Arthur,
ter at Wilkinsburg, Pa. Emily Nash Ziegler, Lucille Dvorak, Henny, Sid, and Scotty Jr. They
were so interesting and peppy, I wish I might quote from all of them.
MARIE MOEBUS. Mrs. Clark came in later for greetings and enjoyed delicious ices with us,
served by Milly and Mart. We all had such a good time, we almost forgot
NU OMICRON to leave. And in the evening we enjoyed the regular short reunion with
Cornelia Lamb will teach in Raleigh, North Carolina. the active chapter at the home of Mrs. Molyneaux.
Elizabeth Perry and Josephine Wemyss are going to Huntsville, Ala-
bama, to teach in the Huntsville High School.
Pearl Tuttle will teach in Humbolt, Tennessee.
Nell Fain will return to Vandcrbilt this year for her M. A.

BIRTHS Mary Young is planning to do graduate work in Chicago University
this winter.
To Mr. and Mrs. Lurton Goodpasture (lone Blair), a son, Lurton
Goodpasture, Jr., May 31, 1924. Esther Henderson is still keeping the Bronze Lantern bright. She
writes: "If any of you (Omegas) ever are near Columbus, remember you
To Mr. and Mrs. William Warren (Natalie Overall), a daughter, are commanded to come to the Bronze Lantern."
Natalie Warren. May 3, 1924.
Mary Heck had a wonderful three months' vacation, touring the west
To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McDonald (Katrina Overall), a son, C. C. with her parents. While in Los Angeles, she enjoyed having dinner with
McDonald, Jr., July 2, 1924. Helen Haller and Ruth Cook in their lovely little apartment. Peg Betz,
who was in Los Angeles for the summer, was also a guest.
Marion Arthur planned to sail for Honolulu in August to do library
Nu Omicron chapter experienced a great sorrow April 11, 1924, when work. She writes to Omega alumnae, "If I send my address, I hope you'll
Mary D. Houston Sarratt passed away. She embodied in her life the use it, because I'll probably be so home-sick I'll almost die, if the boat
spirit of Alpha O. Out of her great love for the fraternity she conceived comes in without any mail for me."
the idea of founding a chapter at Vanderbilt, and under her wise leader-
ship, with the help of four of her most intimate friends, that dream be- Sabra Andrews will return to Cleveland and be in the John Adams
came a reality. Her life was an inspiration to everyone with whom she High School this year. She is much improved in health.
came in contact; and even though she has been called away, Mary D.
will contrive to live in the hearts of her many friends. Marie Andrews plans to be in North Carolina this winter. She will
have the position of Assistant Dean of Women in the North Carolina
PHI AUGUSTA PERRY. College for Women at Greensboro, North Carolina.

ENGAGEMENTS The Dennisons have been cruising around in the middle west this
summer. First they went to Chicago, where Belden did some studying
Eva Drumm, Maro Stacey. in the University. Then to Madison, Wisconsin, where the University
Myrtle Webber, Francis Brown. again attracted them. And lastly, to Iowa to visit Belden's folk. Milly
Ramona Tucker, Ellsworth Armour. anticipated a very happy summer.
Freda Backeberg, Lloyd Klein.
Alida Braucher. Dana Hale. Scotty Jr., Peg Westfall, and Grace DuBois attended the installation
Alberta Davis, Orrin Eckleberry. of Nu chapter while in New York last spring.
Henrietta Stewart, John Junker. Marjory Kercheval Manton and Louise Arthur Spieldenner, with their

MARRIAGES husbands, again spent their vacations together at Southampton, Long
Island. Marjory writes: "We had a grand time, drinking four quarts of
Edna King, Herbert Rollow, Jan. 3, 1924. milk a day and swimming lots."
Hazel Dugger, Norton Dowd, Aug. 31, 1924.
Rita Smith, Alva More, Jan. 1, 1924. Ada Wilson spent several of the summer weeks with her brother in
Neva Brown, Floyd Conway, Dec. 25, 1923. Indianapolis. "' „
Sid, together with Mary Wells and "Steve," visited Rome and her
BIRTHS family in Austin, Texas, last spring. In spite of many mishaps, such as
car trouble and measles, on the way, they had a very happy visit together.
To Helen Darby Apollonio and Nicholas Apollonio, a daughter, Eliza-
beth Ann, March 20, 1924, Kansas City, Mo. Lucille Dvorak, as usual, has been having an exciting time the past
year. She has been with a traveling Chautauqua, as publicity agent or
To Ilda Lawson Bernard and Dr. Clarence Bernard, a daughter, Mary manager or something—we don't know just what her official status is!
Elizabeth. June 13, 1924, Nowata. Okla. She writes: "I have been all up the east coast from Florida to Delaware.
We have a three day Chautauqua. I boost the ticket sales, talking at all
To Margaret Bolinger Isern and Leonard Isern, a son, John Willis, sorts of meetings—chambers of commerce, prayer meetings, movies, etc.
March 7, 1924, Great Bend, Kans. I organize the school children, teaching them yells and songs; then give
a free Junior Chautauqua the day before the real one opens. I write as

Commencement at Old Miami seems far away now, I know, but I
must tell all of you, who were not back, about Omega's reunion. It was


many stories as the papers will use, and try persuasively to get the editor Other travelers are Nan Gabler, '23, who is visiting in Washington,
to give tne some free advertising. I also do the platform introducing of D. C , and having a wonderful trip. Virginia Smith, '24, has also gone
the speakers, etc. Then my time is taken up with rebooking the town for to Washington for a visit.
next year. The season lasts until October. Oh, It's great fun! But
I'll never do it again so long as I live, so help me Annabel!" Loraine Price, '24, is at present in Lake-of-Bays, Ontario. We under-
stand she has been spending a good deal of her time this summer in cook-
Scotty Jr. had charge of Camp Yarnelle at Warsaw, Indiana, during ing, etc., preparing for the future.
August. She will be back at the Y . W. C . A. in Ft. Wayne in September.
The Hilkers had a very happy vacation in the form of a three weeks' We have heard that Abigail Roberts, '23, is driving east with her
motor trip through the East this summer, stopping at various points from mother, and that she has some plans for next year which are not definite
Marblehead to New York City. For once Veer saw enough museums as yet, but which include Columbia U., and possibly France.
to make him happy!
Marjorie Kerr, '24, we think, is industrious. She has just graduated
The far west seems to have had an especial appeal for Omegas this and has now started business college.
summer. Coxie, too, had the fever. She, with her parents and sister,
spent six weeks along the Pacific coast. She will be back in Kenton, Any one who has been to Ann Arbor is familiar with the fascinating
Ohio, again this winter. "Jane Singleton" Shops. Irene Lutz, '24, is now managing the new shop
and getting along very well, they say.
Mary Hartman returned to the University of Chicago in August.
Many interesting ietters come from Helen Haller. She is enjoying Louise Duncan, '21, is still in Shanghai, China, and very enthusiastic
greatly her work as assistant secretary to the comptroller at the Uni- about her work. Recently she has taken over the Girl Guides at the
versity of Southern California with its "nine thousand students and fac- American School. She also writes that they have formed a U . of M .
ulty over twice the size of Miami's." She is also taking a course in in- Alumni Club there. There are about thirty members, some Chinese and
surance at the university. But in spite of her busy-ness, she has time for only three women. The Consul-General of China, Mr. Cunningham, is
fun. For instance: "We had a marvelous week-end. Eight of us started president. Louise is secretary.
out on Saturday afternoon in our knickers, without toothbrushes in our
pockets and our food in bags, and went on a hiking trip up the mountain. MARRIAGES
We walked rather slowly up the trail, because we had two tenderfeet
(tenderfoots?) with us." Helen has enjoyed attending some of the meet- June 28th, in Cleveland, Irma Schnauffer, '22, was married to Charles
ings of the Los Angeles Alumnae chapter. Tomlinson, a U. of M. graduate and member of Lambda Chi Alpha. It
Jean Jones Henderson writes that she enjoyed a very quiet life in was a quiet church wedding. Irma wore a white dress and hat, and accord-
Tulsa this summer, not going away as usual. She is delighted that A. O. I I . ing to a report received from Velma Leigh Carter, "looked rapturous." We
has installed a chapter at Oklahoma University and hopes that there will heard that they drove through a tornado on the afternoon of the wedding,
be an Alumane Association in Tulsa some day. on their way out to the Pacific coast, where they will live.

ENGAGEMENTS June 30. in Grand Rapids, Charlotta Ewing, '24, was married to Paul
C. Wagner, a U. of M. graduate. It was a beautiful home wedding, and
Josephine Andrews, '16, to Ivan A. Thoman. Mr. Thoman is in the Peg made an adorable bride in a dainty white dress and veil. Florence
real estate business in Youngstown, Ohio. The wedding will take place Feibig, '24. made a lovely attendant. The wedding march was played by
late this fall. Jo says: "I think he is the nicest man. I have been wearing Bea Hoek, '23, (piano) and Lucile Bellamy, '25, (violin). Peg and Paul
my ring since the first of June, and you may know that I am very proud will live in Ann Arbor.
of it." Ruth and Charlotte Andrews entertained in her honor with a
very lovely shower July 31st. IRENE M. S W A I N .

Betti Kessi, ex-'22, is in California at present where she is affiliated
Grace Willis to Dr. Francis Smith on the evening of June 18th in In- with the Ellison White lyceum bureau.
dianapolis. The wedding was a beautiful church affair and was followed Wanda Daggett, ex-'22, is spending her summer in Portland with her
by a reception at Grace's home. Jane Sickels was maid of honor, and mother. •
liitle Jimmy Madison (Alpha O son of two and one half years) was ring- Dorothy Chausse, ex-'23. is leaving Portland today for Milwaukee,
bearer and looked adorable in his little white satin suit. Mart Jaques, Wis., where she will be affiliated with the Family Welfare Association.
Milly Dennison, Clarissa Scott, Helen Ballinger, Mary Anderson Mills, and Margaret Seymour, ex-'24, our president of last year, has been paying
two Alpha O's from Indiana University were present. Dr. and Mrs. us a visit in Portland for the past three weeks and helping us with our
Smith are living at 984 Central Street, Knoxville, Tennessee. summer rushing.
Marion Crary, ex-'23, is in the East at present where she is visiting her
BIRTHS friends and relatives.
Evelyn Hogue. ex-'24. has accepted a position as instructor of science
Beatrice Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C . M. Allinger (Beatrice in the grade schools of The Dalles for the coming year.
Hardy) on May 2, 1924.
Louise Odell, ex-'23, and Bryan McMinn were married July 23 and
OMICRON PI are spending their summer touring Puget Sound. They are to make their
Letters and postals received from Bee Bunting, '21, and Helen Howard, home in Seattle, Wash., where Bryan is a member of the Lmiversity of
'24, seem to indicate that they are having a wonderful time in Europe Washington faculty.
this summer. Patricia Brown, '25, is on the same trip, and quite a few
other A. O. Pi's. DOROTHY DODGE.


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