Dragila of
micron Pi
Fall, 1977 Vol. LX, No. 13
Qrnkron Pi 5^
Fall, 1977 V o l . L X . No. 13
Published since I
January, 1905 by
Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2, 1897
Founders Contents
Jessie Wallace Hughan 3 Convention 1977
Helen St. Clair Mullan 6 Founders' Awards
Stella George Stern Perry 11 A New Executive Board
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
The Founders were members of 14 Our Badge—Its Story
Alpha Chapter at Barnard College 16 SCAs: Special A O I I s
of Columbia University and all are 17 Fall Directory
deceased. 26 A O 11 Dog Days
28 Founders' Day Message
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Page 14 29 Help Preserve Our Past
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 Page 26
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 30 Alumnae Notes and Quotes
Telephone: 615-383-1174
33 DJF Scholarship Awards
Administrative Director: Sue Lewis. 37 In Memoriam Listing
TA (Rex)
Accountant: Kay Saunders
Communications Coordinator: Diane
Bartley. B<J>
Collegiate Secretary: Charlie Cefalo
Assistant to the Administrative
Director: Betsy Smith, AA
Membership and Supplies Secretary:
Jo-Ann Murphy
Traveling Consultants:
Susan Bloxham, A T
Denise Hembree, X A
Lisa Richtermeyer, A l l
Maryann Tiemann, r
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMI- On the Cover: This fall's issue is filled with faces. H
CRON PI. the official organ of Alpha Flip through the pages and you'll see Diamond Jubilee
Omicron Pi. is published quarterly by Foundation scholars, Nevada's top mom, engineering
Alpha Omicron Pi, at Williams Print- "brains" and an AOII who has overcome the handicaps
ing Company, 417 Commerce Street, of arthritis. Like stalks of wheat, each of us may grow
Nashville, Tennessee 37219. Subscrip- differently, some faster, some bending toward the sun
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 in a new way. But like the sheaf of wheat which is so
per year. Life Subscription, $25.00. special to us, we are all bound by a common tie . . .
Send change of address and corres- and we call it sisterhood.
pondence of a business nature to
Alpha Omicron Pi. 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee
37212. Address all editorial communi-
cations to the Editor: Editor, care
of Central Office. Second Class Pos-
tage paid at Nashville, Tennessee.
Convention 77
By Diane Bartley, B $
To Dragma Editor
There we were. Over 500- women in the middle cludes a 24-page insert, providing additional informa-
of the desert . . . searing sun overhead, with only tion on our fraternity and allowing room for insertions
canvas tote-bags to protect us from the 110-degree by individual chapters. The new pledge program is
heat. required, with the pledge manual, for each A O I I
What could possibly have lured us hundreds of
miles to that spot? Sure, seeing giant cacti for the 2. Philanthropic Foundation approved by Council.
first time is a thrill, and those tote-bags were nice, First introduced at the 1975 Convention, a distinct
but still . . . philanthropic foundation has been created to protect
the tax-exempt status of AOII's various philanthropic
Actually, few of those attending AOII's 52nd Inter- funds. This foundation will also provide central man-
national Convention, June 16-20, ever felt the sun's agement of philanthropic procedures and a closer co-
heat. Business meetings, training sessions, rituals, ban- ordination with other fraternity activities.
quets and award presentations filled our days . . . and
nights. But there was definitely a special kind of warmth 3. Election of the New Executive Board. The 1977-
present during Convention, the kind that fills even the 79 Board members are: Norma Marshall Ackel, K©,
coolest air-conditioned rooms. Only this warmth of president; Phyllis Arner Westerman, P, vice-president/
sisterhood could bring women from 18 to 80, from development; Ginger Banks, UK. vice-president/opera-
New York to Oregon, all those miles to Arizona. tions; Mary Hansuld Moore, 12, secretary/treasurer;
and directors Joan Deathe MacCallum, K $ ; Jo Beth
From pledges to Past International Presidents, Walling Heflin, TIK; Marilyn Rose Herman, Y, and Kay
AOIIs began arriving at the Camelback Inn in Scotts- Hansen Sutherlin, <d. (For the stories behind the names
dale on Wednesday, June 15. By banquet time Thurs- see page 11).
day, even the slowest hotel guest must have known
something was going on. Hundreds of women in 4. Formation of a new Historical Society of Alpha
formals strolled down to the "Sunshine Room" for a Omicron Pi. Interest in locating and preserving our
festive, Mexican-style opening banquet; within two historical memorabilia is at an all-time high, and
hours, they were all dressed in white and heading this new society will make a concerted effort to bring
for ceremonies in the "Peace Pipe Room." together our fraternity's keepsakes for display in a
permanent international headquarters. Organized by
So began four days of continuous A O I I activity. the Past International Presidents, membership is open
Breakfast was served buffet-style at 7:30 a.m. each to all AOIIs, at a cost of $5. (For more information,
morning, followed by a business session and afternoon see page 29.)
and evening workshops. Luncheons and evening ban-
quets provided f u n breaks between the more serious 5. Presentation of the new International Rush Pro-
meetings, while late-night receptions and brain-storming gram. Rush policies and guidelines were developed and
sessions kept even Past International Presidents up presented for implementation this fall, with mandatory
until dawn. implementation beginning January 1, 1978. Included
in these policies is a new emphasis on obtaining in-
Such a flurry of activity is certain to produce results, formation about prospective members prior to pledging.
and, as usual, the 52nd International Convention was
no exception. Five major actions were approved by Inspired by these exciting new programs and loaded
Council: with fresh ideas for their chapters, collegians and
alumnae alike returned home "renewed" . . . ready
1. Implementation of a new, standardized Interna- to make these next two years the greatest in A O I I
tional Pledge Program. Bright red notebooks will now history.
supplement A O I I ' s pledge manual. Each notebook in-
Collegiate Distinguished Distinguished Service Awards
Service Awards
(L. to R.) Omicron, U . of Tenn.,
Ann Rountree; Lambda Sigma, U . of
Ga., Leigh Langston: Chi Lambda, U .
of Evansville, Kathy Day; Omega Omi-
cron, Lambuth, Lynn McAlister; Ome-
ga, Miami U., Sara Larch; Delta Pi,
Central Missouri State, Karen Wool-
folk; Kappa Kappa, Ball State U., Alex-
is Johnson; Kappa Alpha, Indiana State
U., Marjorie Long, and Iota, U. of III.,
Betty Ann Ridder.
Central Office Cooperation Cup
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U.,
Claire Edgington
Scholarship Awards McCausland Cup
Philanthropic Award & Citations
Scholarship Awards
(L. to R.) Phi Upsilon, Purdue. Libby Gur-
thet; Lambda Beta, Cal. State-Long Beach,
Mary Bauman; Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt, Joyce
Hailey; Theta Pi, Wagner College, Louise
Adolphson; Beta Tau, U . of Toronto, Ann
Jolliffe. and Iota Tau, U . of Wis.-Stout, Susan
McCausland Cup
Lambda Omega, Northwest Missouri State
U., Connie Carver.
Philanthropic Award & Citations
(L. to R.) Kappa Tau, Southwestern La. U..
Norma Bivona; Award-Winner Tau Omicron,
U. of Tenn.-Martin, Sandra Williamson; Phi
Upsilon, Purdue, Libby Gurthet; and Kappa
Kappa, Ball State, Alexis Johnson.
McKinney Award CO Cooperation Cup Alum Philanthropic Awards
if Alumnae Chapter Philanthropic
Award & Citations
/^ (L. to R.) Champaign-Urbana, Claire
Gibson; Minneapolis-St. Paul, Marilyn
1- Haugen; Award-Winner San Diego.
Carrol Kirk, and San Fernando Valley,
f Phyllis Gilson
\v Rose Awards
(L. to R.) Ann Mott, BK: Judy Jones,
Rose Awards A<f>; Carol Jury for Genevieve Minaker.
A2£; Mary Williams, $; (middle row),
A" Marianne Carton, Y: Peg Knopsnyder,
B * ; Elizabeth Coffey, X A ; Maxine
7 Charity, T; (top row), Rachel Allen,
AX; Judy Kolstad, N l ; Linda Young,
Philos Award & Citations I , and Martha Jeanne Crippin, BA. Not
present for the photograph were, Janice
Armstrong, B#; Dorothy Dennison,
EA; Nancy Garrett, AA; Cecelia Gold-
stein. 2T; Eleanor Hendricks. AT;
Agnes Nicholas, Y; Karen Peterson.
®II; Glenna Richardson, X; Irene Schu-
macher, TIA; Fadwa Skaff, (<)*; Janet
Swenson, Y , and Jane Watts, O.
Philos Award & Citations
(L. to R.) Sigma Phi, Cal. State-North-
ridge, Anngel Yacoobian; Award-Win-
ner Iota, U. of HI., Betty Ann Ridder,
and Beta Phi, Indiana U., Mary Mc-
McKinney Award
Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber, KK and
Kappa Kappa Chapter Adviser
(KK president Alexis Johnson shown
with Mary Lou)
Wyman Award completed a five-year B.S. degree in physical metallurgy in
Women just were not engineers in the 1930s—house- June, 1944.
wives, teachers, maybe even newspaper reporters, but not
engineers. So when Esther Hawley Williams decided to After a stint at a naval dry dock, evaluating storm and
enter the Washington State University College of Engi- battle damage to vessels, Esther worked with her first
neering, she was being pretty adventurous. Only the second husband on the development of a new process for manu-
woman engineering major in the history of the University. facturing an organic chemical. Her husband was killed in
an accident in 1945, but Esther struggled with post war
On the first day of engineering physics class, there sat shortages to keep the laboratory open . . . she eventually
243 men . . . and Esther. " Y o u , young lady!" shouted lost the battle.
the professor. "There is no point in your taking this class.
We had a girl in here once before and she couldn't pass Discrimination also continued to plague Esther. When
it. And besides, we had your brother in here last year applying as a metallurgist for Douglas Aircraft Corp., the
and he couldn't pass it either." Amid guffaws and chuck- personnel department said there were no openings. A for-
les, Esther calmly replied, " I have no brother." Ten or mer classmate gave her name to the head of the depart-
so fellow students Esther tutored also passed the course. ment; he hired her and notified personnel later. One of
her duties at Douglas was acting as a team member in
Despite the male prejudice and financial hardships, plane crash investigations.
Esther Hawley Williams, A I \ is now at the very top of her
field. She is considered the top woman engineer at Lock- In 1954, she went to work for Lockheed, eventually
heed Missiles and Space Company, and is active in the rising to senior engineer. For 13 years, she was the prin-
Society of Women Engineers, encouraging more young cipal metallurgist responsible for analyzing metallurgical
women to do as she did . . . take a chance. failures in aircraft, missiles and spacecraft. Her current
title is reliability engineer specialist in the space systems
The physics professor's ridicule wasn't the only dark division.
moment in Esther's struggle to achieve her goals. After
attending Washington State from February. 1934, to June, Although now firmly established, Esther still remembers
1937, majoring in physical metallurgy, she had to leave the problems she encountered in her struggle up the en-
school for financial reasons. gineering echelon, and she has worked hard to make it
easier for other women to follow. She was the prime
In August, 1942, Esther returned to school . . . this force behind the organization of a Los Angeles chapter
time to the University of California at Berkeley. Once of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in 1953, and
again she was the only woman in the college of engineer- also aided in the formation of a San Francisco Bay Area
ing. As a student she worked for the Coast Guard re- chapter. In 1973, she was chairman of the SWE's National
searching new magnesium and aluminum alloys, and Convention.
How does such a busy and dedicated scientist find time
to be an active member of the Palo Alto Alumnae Chap-
ter? A n even better question . . . how did she find time
to raise four children?
At least one A O I I is following chapter's recording secretary, ac- Lisa Parker . . .
in Esther Hawley Williams' foot- tivities chairman and historian, . . Berkeley's Finest
steps. Lisa Parker, S, was named Lisa was also quite involved in
the University of California-Berke- campus organizations. During her
ley's most outstanding engineering senior year, she served as presi-
graduate this year—beating out dent of both the Engineers Joint
her own brother for the honor. Council and Pi Tau Sigma me-
chanical engineering society, vice-
Both Lisa and her brother ma- president of the campus Prytanean
jored in mechanical engineering, Society and historian-editor of
as did Lisa's older brother who Mortar Board. Lisa is also a
graduated last year and her father, founding member of the Berkeley
who received his degree from Chapter of the Society of Women
Berkeley in 1950. Engineers.
The Bechtel A c h i e v e m e n t This past summer, Lisa worked
Award is given each year to the at Cal Tech Jet Propulsion Labo-
best all-around engineering stu- ratory, doing research on solar
dent, a person who not only ranks energy. Now she's back at Berke-
high scholastically but who has ley working toward a master's de-
also made significant contributions gree in mechanical engineering.
both to the College of Engineering After that? She hasn't really de-
and to the University. cided yet—"maybe teaching, may-
be industrial research."
In addition to serving as Sigma
DOUBLE WINNERS—Esther Hawley Williams (far vention. Esther was honored with a Wyman Award, while
Alpha Gamma walked away with the JWH Cup.
right) and her Alpha Gamma sisters at Washington State
University shared honors at this year's International Con-
"I wish I could xerox this chapter and share them were all A O l l s . Forty-four chapter members are fra-
with all others."—Audrey Humason, 1977 Regional Di- ternity Little Sisters, while six members participated on
rector, V I the Cougarettes drill team.
Alpha Gamma chapter at Washington State University, Philanthropic work has become an active part of the
winner of this biennium's J W H Cup, received glowing group's program. They sponsor a retarded patient, send-
praises f r o m everyone—professors, the Panhellenic ad- ing her cards, gifts, clothing and toys, then hold a toy
viser, TCs and the R D . A woman on the WSU campus
told Traveling Consultant Chris Mosher, " I had visited JWH Cup
other sororities, but I never really knew what a sorority
was until I met the AOTIs." drive at Christmas for all the home's patients. They raised
and contributed $400 to the National Epilepsy Founda-
Such praise doesn't come easy—it takes a lot of hard tion and made items for a campus arts and crafts fair,
work to build such an outstanding chapter. Alpha Gamma donating the proceeds to the Arthritis Foundation. Profits
concentrates on balancing service to A O I I , campus ac- from a home-cooked dinner served to the fraternities also
tivities and community involvement within each member's went to A F .
Scholarship is continually being stressed and improved,
Chapter members are active in many campus organi- and a new study buddy program will be instituted this
zations: Panhellenic president, a senator on the Associ- fall. Alpha Gamma ranked third in the all-campus sorority
ated Students Board, two members on the University standing last spring. The chapter has also pledged full
programming board, president of the University Per- quota for the past two years in rush, initiating 95% of
forming Arts Committee, and six members on the Mom's those pledged.
Weekend Committee.
How does Alpha Gamma do it? There's no magic
A n Alpha Gamma was also selected WSU Outstanding wand to transform a drooping chapter into a great one,
Senior of 1977, while other members were named to but there is one key word—Pride. Alpha Gammas are
12 different campus honorary societies. The T K E Water- proud of each other, proud of themselves and proud to
fall Queen, Washington State Wheat Queen, Sigma Chi be AOIIs . . . and they show it.
Sweetheart finalist, WSU May Queen finalist, Lambda
Chi Alpha Crescent Girl finalist and two Bellhop Bunnies
Mullan Award • f
"One day in my freshman year (1914), a gal asked, Mi
'Would you like to join a sorority if we can make one?'
'Sure,' 1 said, 'What is it?' (1 perhaps should have stated A
that I was born in Sweden and my English wasn't so hot,
nor my knowledge of American ways.)" Mary D Drummond . . . Today A n d In 1937
So began the story of Mary Danielson Drummond's In 1925, the Drummonds moved to Evanston where
involvement with Alpha Omicron Pi, an involvement she became an adviser to Rho. She also served as alumnae
which is continuing 63 years later and which was honored superintendent of the then Great Lakes District and as
at Convention with one of AOII's highest awards, the Second Vice-President in charge of the Social Service
Mullan Award. Department of A O I I . In 1937, she was elected National
President. Currently, Mary D is a member of the Rituals,
Mary D must have learned quickly what a sorority Traditions and Jewelry Committee, a post she has held
was, because she helped start a local group called Aneves since 1952.
at Montana State University (seven founders turned
around.) Soon, Mary D met Mary Ellen Chase, T (later "Hobbies!' says Mary D . "Too many!" I n Montana,
to become a famous author) in a German class. Mary she enjoyed horseback riding and tennis . . . and climbing
Ellen, then a teacher at Montana State, became interested mountains ("but not in any big way.") Later, she took
in the local group, and, in 1917, Alpha Phi chapter of up golf and bowling, and now has a Danish Christmas
A O I 1 was born. Mary D had been elected president of plate collection which covers several walls. She also
Aneves in her junior year, and so became the first presi- enjoys crossword puzzles and acrostics, bridge and read-
dent of Alpha Phi. ing.
After graduation, Mary D attended University of Perry Award
Minnesota, living in the Tau chapter house and soon
becoming one of the chapter's advisers. After a bout with
the 1919 flu and a trip home to Sweden for recuperation,
Mary D married her Montana State classmate Warren
; Each year, A O I I presents a very special award in honor
of Stella George Stern Perry. This award is given to the
fI most outstanding collegiate president—a young woman
who has stood by the principles and philosophies of Alpha
I• Omicron Pi, demonstrating exceptional leadership and
potential. Susan Lynn Guenzler, the winner of the 1977
: Perry Award, certainly has proven herself worthy of this
high honor.
While serving two years as president of Beta Lambda
• chapter at Illinois Wesleyan, Susan: revised the by-laws
]• after several years' lapse; rewrote chapter goals so each
member found them realistic and workable; promoted
: closer president-officer relationships; estalished a fathers'
club involving fathers socially and in house improvement
Susan Guenzler . . . 1977 Perry Award Winner and repairs; reinstated the alumnae newsletter, and was
8 the moving force behind increased chapter involvement.
In a controversy with the University over rules, Susan
used the ritual to lead the chapter to accept the adminis-
tration's decision. " I t was this test of personal strength
and my belief in our fraternity to stand at all times for
integrity, dignity, scholarship and college loyalty that
helped me turn a bad moment into a worthwhile lesson
for us all," Susan says. " I certainly did not do it all
alone—ever—my sisters were right by my side. I know
they always will be . . . that's what we are all about."
AOTT Past International Presidents
Past International Presidents
(L. to R.) Laura Hurd; Adele Hinton: Ruth Leichtamer; Mary
Louise Roller; (back row), Eleanore MacCurdy; Carolyn
Harris; Jo Dorweiler; Edith Anderson; Jessie Marie Cramer;
Jessie Earned; Jac Talbot, and W i l m a Smith Leland.
Alumnae Chapter Achievement Certificates
Atlanta Tri-County; Baltimore; Champaign-Urbana; Chicago-
Northwest Suburban: Chicago-West Suburban; Cleveland
East; Columbia-Jefferson City; Dayton; Denver; Evansville
Tri-State; Greater Kansas City; Greater Allentown-Bethle-
hem; Hammond, LA.; Little Rock; Milwaukee; Minneapolis-
St. Paul: Monroe, LA; Montreal; New Jersey; Portland; San
Diego; San Fernando Valley; San Jose; Southern Orange Co.;
Syracuse; Tallahassee; Toledo, and Topeka
Alum Distinguished Service Awards Additional Awards
. . . And Antics
Distinguished Service Awards
(L. to R.) Northern Virginia, Mary Batman Converese; Cleve-
land East; Pat Cooper Smith; Bowling Green, K Y , Lynne
Rousseau, and Baltimore. Leslie Tice.
Philos Award & Citations
Award-Winner, Topeka; New Jersey and Terre Haute
Historian Edith Anderson With Display
k. Mi
Convention Choraliers Warm Up T C Hembree In Action
There are three new faces, and a Norma Ackel Although basically an accountant
few positions have been slightly re- International President (she was a statistician in the Marine
shuffled, but the 1977-79 Executive Corps). Norma took over her hus-
Board remains a group of highly After moving from her own posi- band's garment manufacturing busi-
qualified and dedicated AOIIs. tion of Vice-President/Operations to ness following his death in 1971.
complete Janie Calloway's presiden- Until the end of 1975, Norma ran
And who ever said old Executive tial term, Norma Marshall Ackel, the business herself, doing contract
Board members just quietly fade into K©, now finds herself officially elect- work on women's sportswear for
obscurity? Carolyn Harris, Alice Ad- ed 35th International President by a companies like White Stag, Jantzen
erman and Mary Louise Roller may vote of the entire Council. and Loubella.
have left the board, but they certain-
ly haven't abandoned A O I I . Alice Norma began serving A O I I back Besides holding offices in A O I I
will be serving on the Constitution in her college days when she was and working almost fulltime, Norma
Interpretation and Revision Commit- treasurer of her chapter at U C L A . . .
tee; Carolyn is the new International and she hasn't stopped since. Her Above: (Top, I. to r.), Jo Beth Heflin,
Philanthropic Chairman, and Mary positions have included Alumnae Joan MacCallum, Mary Moore, Kay
Louise is both National Panhellenic Chapter President, colony superviser Sutherlin, Marilyn Herman. (Bottom),
Conference delegate and a member for Sigma Phi, Collegiate Director, Ginger Banks, Norma Ackel, Phyllis
of the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry the first Regional Vice-President for Westerman.
Committee. Region V I I I and International Treas-
urer. 11
has raised three sons, now 21, 24 and presentations, and served as traveling corporation treasurer for 21 years.
27, been both an Elder and a Deacon consultant program coordinator. Just I n 1969, she was honored with a
in the Presbyterian Church and par- prior to her nomination to the Execu- Rose Award, then served as Re-
ticipated in many community activi- tive Board, Ginger held the position gional Finance Officer, V I I , and Re-
ties in her hometown of Encino, Cal. of International Rush Chairman, de- gional Vice-President, V I I .
Her major hobbies include collecting signing a new international rush pro-
antique American cut glass and gram. A member of the American So-
stamps, traveling and studying the an- ciety of Hospital Pharmacists, Jo
cient Mayan civilization. This latest Ginger also manages to fit in a f u l l - Beth is currently employed part-time
interest has taken Norma on several time job as assistant director of com- as a staff pharmacist at St. David's
recent trips to Mayan ruins in Mexico munications for the State Bar of Community Hospital. In community
and Central America. Texas and associate editor for the affairs, she is active in her church,
Texas Bar Journal. Interests include the local Arthritis Foundation and
Phyllis Westerman people, politics, plants, photography, the Austin City Panhellenic.
Vice-President/Development music and sailing.
Marilyn Herman
Remaining in the A O I I Executive Mary Moore
Board "hot spot" second to Norma International Secretary/Treasurer Wherever she goes, A O I I goes with
Ackel is Phyllis Arner Westerman, P. her. Marilyn Rose Herman, Y, an-
"Phyl," as she's known to A O I I s Mary Hansuld Moore, IS, wasn't other new face on the current Exe-
everywhere, now holds the position initiated into A O I I as a college stu- cutive Board, has moved several
of Vice-President/Development, a dent. But after initiation as an asso- times but each time she manages to
change in title from last biennium but ciate member at Iowa State in 1968, find an A O I I niche.
not a change in responsibilities. she hasn't stopped working for her
fraternity. Her present position is director,
The Vice-President of Development working in the areas of rush, phi-
will now handle extension, work with From Iota Sigma's financial adviser lanthropy, history and the Central
the Regional Extension Officers and to her current position as Interna- Office Acquisition Fund . . . but her
serve as chairman of the Loan Com- tional Secretary/Treasurer, Mary has work with A O I I goes back to her
mittee. kept busy in A O I I . She has also college years.
served as chapter relations adviser,
A graduate of Northwestern Uni- corporation board director and fi- After spending her freshman year
versity, Phyl lives in Youngstown, nance officer for Region V . at University of Nebraska, Marilyn
Ohio. Since her first positions as col- transferred to University of Washing-
legiate assistant treasurer and To Working with budgets (and ton, serving as Upsilon's chapter ad-
Dragma reporter, she went on to money!) seems to be Mary's special- viser after graduation. While in Seat-
serve as Youngstown Alumnae Chap- ty, although she received a bachelor's tle, she was active in the Seattle
ter President, Collegiate Director, degree in chemistry and physics from Young Alums and served as presi-
chapter adviser to Phi Lambda, Ex- McMaster University in Ontario, and dent of the group.
pansion Director, International Secre- a master's in food technology from
tary-Executive Committee, chairman Cornell. She has been local and state Next came a move to Palm Springs,
of the Finance Committee and secre- finance chairman of the League of Cal., where Marilyn became in-
tary and treasurer of the Board of Women Voters, finance adviser and volved in the Riverside Alumnae
Directors. budget chairman for the Y W C A Chapter. Then on to LaJolla, the
Board of Directors, budget chairman San Diego Alumnae Chapter and the
Ginger Banks and scholarship chairman of the Iowa San Diego Panhellenic. She served as
Vice-President/Operations State University Faculty Women's panhellenic adviser at San Diego
Club (her husband Wayne is vice State University from 1973-76, be-
A tall blonde from Austin, Texas, president for business and finance came a regional director for Region
takes third position in the Executive there), and budget chairman for the V I I I and then moved up to Regional
Board line-up of officers. Ginger United Way of Ames, Iowa. Vice-President, V I I I , in 1974.
Banks, I I K , is new Vice-President of
Operations, with responsibilities in- Jo Beth Heflin Active in numerous organizations in
cluding working with the regional arts, philanthropy and politics,
vice-presidents, traveling consultants Four directors are elected each bi- Marilyn is a member of Zeta Phi
and collegiate chapters. ennium—each responsible for various Eta speech fraternity and Delta Kap-
areas within the fraternity. Jo Beth pa Gamma, women educators' hon-
After graduation from the Univer- Walling Heflin, I I K , will be returning orary. Her husband Gerry is an urban
sity of Texas, Ginger spent two years to the board, overseeing corporations planner, and they have two sons,
as an A O I I traveling consultant, visit- and scholarship and serving on the Laine, 21, and Gregg, 20, both in
ing 48 collegiate chapters in 30 states Loan Committee. college.
and two Canadian provinces. She has
also assisted in writing various A O I I Jo Beth has held various collegiate Joan MacCallum
publications, participated in extension and alumnae chapter offices, was fi-
nancial adviser to Pi Kappa chapter Joan Deathe MacCallum, K4>, re-
12 for 20 years, and was the chapter's mains on the Executive Board for a
second biennium, moving from Vice-
President/Development to director,
concentrating on regional meetings,
convention seminars and fraternity
Canada's representative on the
board began her A O I I career early,
as collegiate president of Kappa Phi
chapter, McGill University. She went
on to become president of the Mon-
treal Alumnae Chapter, chapter ad-
viser to Kappa Phi, International
Philanthropic Chairman and Region-
al Vice-President, I .
Joan's husband John is principal of
West Hill High School in Quebec,
while Joan works as a volunteer
teacher doing remedial work with
children at a local elementary school.
John and Joan have two children,
Bill, 14, and Sherri, 13.
Kay Sutherlin mi Joan MacCalium. Norma Ackel.
Phyllis Westerman. Then, a brief
The third newcomer to the Execu- After long meetings and a week return to the "good ol' days" via a
tive Board is Kay Sutherlin, a grad- of decision-making, members of the luncheon skit. (The extra face, sec-
uate of DePauw University (Theta 1975-77 Executive Board took time ond from left, top row, belongs to
chapter) who met her attorney hus- out for ;i little Convention fun. First, Adele Hinton, former administrative
band Steve "just like the books say" a formal photo: from left to right director and Past International Presi-
at a Phi Delt-AOII exchange. (top). Carolyn Harris. Alice Ader- dent. )
man. Mary Moore. Mary Louise
After attending graduate school at Roller. Jo Beth Hellin. (bottom). 13
Syracuse University, working on a
degree in clinical psychology, Kay
married and moved to Indianapolis.
Although the Sutherlins have no chil-
dren, a calico cat rules the household
with a velvet paw.
Kay's responsibilities as director
include alumnae chapters, To Drag-
ma, National Panhellenic Conference
(NPC), and serving on the Loan
Previous A O I I positions for Kay
include serving as vice-president and
pledge trainer of her collegiate chap-
ter, Regional Director, Regional Ex-
tension Officer, president of the Theta
corporation board, Indianapolis
Alumnae Chapter president, Indian-
apolis Junior Alumnae president and
Panhellenic representative.
Fulltime employment as a social
worker for the Indianapolis public
school system keeps Kay busy. Her
present assignment is at an inner-
city high school. Her first four years
in Indianapolis were spent working
as a probation officer for the county
juvenile court.
Volunteer work at the Indianapolis
Museum of A r t , tennis and needle-
point fill any free hours in Kay's day.
r O TT 1GHT in the middle of a sleepy A O I I Os, and he's proud of his work.
little New England town, just Another may insert the ruby chips in
14 MR * past the white clapboard homes our A , year after year after year.
'and manicured lawns, sits a
modest brick building . . . a factory Not only do we have three separate
actually. But despite its unpretentious letters, but we also have three de-
appearance, that factory is a very signs available for each . . . we have
special one to AOIIs everywhere— our plain A , our ruby A , chased A ;
the L . G. Balfour Company, birth- then there are the high and low Os
place of our badges, our pledge pins, (the clasp location dependent on the
our rings. type of A on top.) "Actually, your
badge has more dies than most of
Balfour is a "household" name to the other groups," explains Gau-
collegiate chapters across the coun- dreau.
try, but basically it has remained
for years "that big badge factory Now, what is a die? Simply, it is
somewhere out east." Established in the first step in the birth of an A O I I
1913, it is still one of the largest badge, and in our case, was com-
manufacturers of fraternity and so- pleted years ago when those first
rority jewelry, but is now doing its letters were designed and embossed
best to remove that faintly impersonal in steel. Basically, dies are heavy
aura. Bob Keim, director of the com- metal "cookie cutters" used to stamp
pany's fraternity division, is currently out letters in gold, not dough. As
reestablishing an old policy once f o l - breakages occur, new dies are made
lowed by the original founder of the from the original patterns and stored
company, "Bally" Balfour himself. on long steel shelves. Some dies sit
Officers and staff members from the covered with dust, perhaps once
various fraternities and sororities ser- models for an extinct society's badge,
viced by Balfour are now being in- but as Gaudreau comes to AOII's
vited to tour the facilities in Attle- shelf, we notice there is no dust.
boro, Mass., ask questions and see "These dies never sit long enough
how the jewelry is actually made. to collect dust," he says, "the pneu-
matic drop operators pick them up
Making an A O I I badge is prob- too fast."
ably a lot more complicated than
you might imagine. Maybe you've Pneumatic drops are some of the
never looked really closely at your noisiest and "fiercest-sounding" ma-
badge, but do and you'll see it's chines in the Balfour factory. Here
composed of three separate parts. the die's impression is stamped onto
Each letter goes its own merry way a thin sliver of gold. The operator
through a maze-like assembly line, positions each metal bit into a small
eventually meeting the other two holder, then drops the machine with
pieces at the final stage. But the a loud thud. In a moment, the proc-
assembly line is not of high-speed ess begins again on another tiny
machines, but of men working at piece of gold. The freshly stamped
small benches, sometimes with hand- pieces are then passed to the foot
saws, sometimes polishing each indi- presses, where the operator completes
vidual letter by hand on a felt wheel. the process, punching all the way
Of course Balfour has large, modern through the metal.
machines used to stamp the metal
into basic shapes, but the overall A t this point, the dullish-looking
feeling is of being in a craftsman's gold letters part and go their sepa-
shop . . . circa early 1900s. rate ways to various men on the
"plain bench." There, the inside of
This oldtime feeling increases the O is filed and smoothed (by
when Paul Gaudreau, fraternity sales hand, with a tiny handsaw), and
manager and A O I I tour guide, points the holes positioned for the crownset
out that, to increase uniformity and O. "Crownset" means that small
quality, the same individuals make slashes are cut along the sides of
the same badges for decades. For ex- each stone's indentation, allowing
ample, one man polishes all of our light in from all sides and producing
Os—that's one of his specialties, a more brilliant effect. Rivets are
then attached to the As and Os,
so they can be slipped together at a ing tiny jewels in infinitesimal holes. had been lining up those As, Os and
later time. "0"s also receive their But the woman we spoke to enjoyed l i s for decades had a stroke and had
clasp attachments at this stage. her work, and even said it was " f u n . " to leave work suddenly. A replace-
Although our ruby in the apex of ment was called in hurriedly and,
Next comes the "jigging depart- the A is a synthetic ruby chip, the being unfamiliar with the badge, he
ment," where small holes are drilled pearls are genuine cultured pearls decided A I I O looked pretty good.
for the rivets and stones. Up to two from India, carefully sifted and (One explanation is that our clasp
years ago, people in the jigging de- graded by hand for uniformity. is attached to the O, the middle letter,
partment (and throughout the facto- instead of being on the I I . ) Almost
r y ) were paid by the piece—say Polishing, pinstemming and the 200 A I I O badges snuck through
four holes for a penny. " Y o u should final assembly complete the badge, quality control and were shipped to
have seen this one woman," Gaud- which is then inspected one last time Central Office for distribution. For-
reau says, "she really had your O by quality control. " I f something is tunately Balfour caught its mistake
down. That machine just zipped wrong with the badge, back it goes," and notified CO of the pending
around that letter . . . and she never says Gaudreau. "Our people are disaster—a near "tragedy" was easily
made mistakes either." really strict, and if one little thing averted.
is wrong, they won't let it by."
With the aid of a magnifying Balfour's reliance on people rather
glass, a young woman in the next Still, everybody makes mistakes. than machines can create problems,
department is carefully placing tiny A n embarrassed Gaudreau tells the Gaudreau confesses, but it also gives
half pearls in a badge. Here, in the story of the A I I O badges . . . the A O I I finer jewelry . . . handcrafted
stone-setting area, a person could ones that never made it to any initi- badges that will serve as lifelong
probably go blind (or crazy!) plac- ation ceremony. The older man who reminders of our vows and ritual.
Why Choose A Monogram?
Let Stella George Stern Perry tell By Rosalie Gorham Barber first time. Anne stopped to talk to
you about the Founders' choice of Rituals, Tradition and friends and then, aware of time pass-
Alpha Omicron Pi's badge design. . . . Jewelry Committee ing, said anxiously, "Oh, I must go.
I am going to get our badges. We
"One of the first decisions we of heart. have nothing else to wear at the
made was to have one emblem only "We did not want a design that cotillion!"
and that a direct reminder of our
essential purpose. We felt that that showed some little object and re- Past International President Rose
would give us enough to live up sembled a breast-pin or brooch or Gardner Gilmore (Mrs. John), 2,
to, and would identify us at least lace-pin, and we did not want one before her death recalled a story
as well as would supplementary de- that looked like a school pin or could about the installation of the Univer-
vices. We felt that synthetic coats of be mistaken, if not scrutinized, for sity of California chapter. Helen St.
arms, besides being medieval and the badge of many another society. Clair Mullan came from New York
out of accord in societies called We wanted a badge that told us why to officiate at the installation. When
Greek, shields, fraternity jewelry of we wore it. We therefore chose our she arrived, the prospective members
a general nature, stamped goods and monogram. who met her reported that the badges
what not, and other trifles bearing had not come. Helen, dressed in the
shields and coats of arms, were "Theodore B. Starr was the mode of the day, 1907, was wearing
cheap, childish, and undignified in 'Carder' of that period and the Starr a suit with a vest. She unbuttoned
comparison with one austere, though designer of insignia the foremost her jacket and there on the vest she
rich badge. artist of his kind. We engaged Starr had pinned all of the badges to be
and this designer to arrange the used for initiation.
"And we felt that many societies proportions."
had these things not for intrinsic use- In the beginning the badge styles
fulness, but just because others did. Stella always reminded listeners were very simple—plain yellow gold
By avoiding this foolish conformity, that they went down to Fifth Avenue with the ruby in the apex of the A .
we could from the start indicate our from Barnard on the H i l l on their Later the letters were engraved and
determined simplicity. One motto, bicycles to see M r . Starr. And then, other jewels were added—half pearls,
one badge, one bond—and singleness with a chuckle, she would tell the
story about Anne Hall, the first (continued on page 32)
pledge, being sent on her bicycle to
bring back the badges. Alpha Omi-
cron Pi was to have a cotillion and
the badges were to be worn for the
SCAs: Special AOTTs
It takes a special kind of A O I I to I
become an SCA. But between DJF, I
RVPs, X B and TCs, we sometimes
forget what a Special Chapter Assis- i 5*
tant is. She's a young woman willing
to pick up stakes and move to a m9 | • •
strange town and a strange college . . .
to help sisters she has never met. •t.
Six young women have accepted READY TO GO—All smiles and ready !
the challenge of becoming SCAs this to help AOII sisters are 1977-78 Special Anderson, Janet Warner, Susan Dug-
year. One will be working with a Chapter Assistants (from left) Charlou gins, Kris Weinhold, Susan Guenzler
recolonization, a chance to help a and (kneeling) Suzanne Meyer.
brand-new group of AOIIs; others Office Administration Student. She
will be sharing ideas with young enjoys sports, music, needlework and anne is already quite familiar with.
chapters still struggling to establish plants. While she was Panhellenic president
their own identities. at University of Illinois, two sorori-
A O I I ' s newest Perry Award win- ties recolonized . . . quite successful-
Four years ago, Charlou Ander- ner, Susan Guenzler, BA, will be as- ly. Now she's ready to help A O I I do
son left her hometown of Redlands, sisting Alpha Pi chapter, Florida the same.
Cal., and headed off to Iowa State State University, this year.
University to get a degree in home Suzanne will also be working on
economics. Just when she was getting Susan graduated in May from I l l i - a master's degree in international
used to snow and A p r i l showers, nois Wesleyan with a degree in music business studies, a new program at
Charlou decided to accept a position education. While at Florida State, South Carolina. Her bachelor's de-
at University of California-Davis, she'll be working on a certification in gree is in German and French educa-
working with Chi Alpha chapter. music therapy and sharing "the good tion', and she's already scheduled an-
She'll miss the seasons, but she says things that happened to me as an other German internship for the
she couldn't miss the chance. undergrad." (For another story on fall of 1978. Her ultimate goal is to
Susan, see page 8.) work for a large international organ-
Active in both chapter and campus ization.
activities at Iowa State, Charlou was From Germany to South Carolina
house manager, keeper of the ritual, in less than a month is a big jump, Janet Warner, o, always wanted to
president of the home economics edu- but Suzanne Meyer, I , seemed to take go away to school. Instead she ended
cation club, and a member of Phi it in stride. After spending a year up in her hometown of Knoxville,
Epsilon Omicron, home economics studying abroad, Suzanne is now going to the University of Tennessee.
honorary. turning her attention to Delta Phi, For Janet, working with Nu Lambda
AOII's latest recolonization project chapter at University of Southern
While at Davis, she plans to pick at University of South Carolina. California is a dream come true.
up her California teaching certificate
. . . and maybe, just to keep up her Recolonization is something Suz- While at Tennessee, Janet was rush
home ec reputation, fit in a few sew- (continued on page 32)
ing and needlework projects.
Susan Duggins had never seen a
cactus before she traveled to Univer-
sity of Arizona to work with Upsilon
Alpha chapter. Born and raised i
Monroe, La., Susan received a bache-
lor's degree in business from North-
east Louisiana University.
President of Lambda Tau chapter,
Susan was also active in campus
activities and was chosen Outstanding
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Keep This Directory
Founded at Barnard College The Directory is Printed
January 2, 1897 Only Once Each Year
^FOUNDERS 3rd Alternate: Norma Marshall Ackel (August), REGIONAL MEETINGS
KO Georgiann Lawley Grace (Ted), AT
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Helen St. Clair Mullan (Mrs. George V . ) (See International President, Executive Board, 17 L o n g w o o d D r .
Stella George Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) listing) Monroe, L A 71201
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Telephone: 318/343-6162
•The Founders were members of Alpha chapter
at Barnard College of C o l u m b i a University and CENTRAL OFFICE RITUALS, TRADITIONS AND JEWELRY
all are deceased.
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office Chairman: Gwen Everetts Lee ( W . D . ) , P
2401 Hillsboro R d . , Suite 103
Nashville, T N 37212 1004 E l i o t D r .
Telephone: 615/383-1174
Urbana, I L 61801
EXECUTIVE BOARD Telephone: 217/328-3154
* • — — i i I.—
President Members: Mary Louise Filer Roller (George),
Norma Marshall Ackel (August), K8 An
5340 Yarmouth Ave., Apt. # 3 0 8
Encino, C A 91316 STAFF (See National Panhellenic Conference delegate
Telephone: 213/345-5199
Administrative Director: Sue Edmunds Lewis listing)
( R e x ) , TA Mary Danielson Drummond (Warren C ) ,
Vice President/Development Accountant: K a y Saunders
Phyllis Arner Westerman (William), P 402 O'Gara
88 L a k e Shore Drive Assistant to the Administrative Director: Betsy
Youngstown, O H 44511 Medford, O R 97501
Smith, AA
Telephone: 216/788-3956
Collegiate Secretary: Charlie Cefalo
Communications Coordinator: Diane Bartley, B * R o s a l i e G o r h a m B a r b e r ( M i c h i e M . ) , XO
1713 M a c A r t h u r P a r k
Membership and Supplies Secretary: Jo-Ann Mur- Jonesboro, A R 72401
Vice President/Operations phy
Ginger Banks, U K
3108 West Terrace D r . Traveling Consultants:
Austin, T X 78731
Telephone: 512/454-8572 Susan Bloxham, AT Wilma Smith Leland, T
4330 Minnetonka Blvd., Apt. 310A
Denise Hembree, X A Minneapolis, M N 55416
Lisa Richtermeyer, A n
Maryann Tiemann, r
Secretary/Treasurer PARLIAMENTARIAN Nancy Moyer McCain (Walter C ) , P
38775 Byriver D r .
Mary Hansuld Moore (Wayne R . ) IE Florence Dodge Ennis (John. D . ) , KA Mount Clemenfc, M I 48043
2601 O a k w o o d R d . , R t . # 3 200 Gardendale
Ames. I A 50010 Terre Haute, I N 47803 Ex Officio Members: Norma^M. Ackel
Telephone: 515/292-8555 Telephone: 812/877-1355
Edith H . Anderson
Director Susan Guenzler
Joan Deathe MacCallum (John D . ) K * RUSH
13195 E d i s o n Crescent J a n e A . H a m b l i n , <Mf
Pierrefonds. Quebec H 8 Z I Y 5 , Canada
Telephone: 514/626-1247 918F Maxwell Terrace Apts.
Maxwell Lane
(Through July and August) STANDING COMMITTEES Bloomington, I N 47401
c/o D. W . MacCallum Telephone: 812/332-0683
Clarenceville, Quebec, J0J 0B0,
Canada Chairman: Sue Elder Roach ( E r i c ) , Br SCHOLARSHIP
Anita (Neen) Damato Neale (Ross),
Director 6065 Carriage Hill Dr. K*
391 B r o o k h a v e n A v e .
Jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh), nK East Lansing Dorval, Quebec
1403 Northridge D r . Canada
Austin, T X 78723 Michigan 48823
Telephone: 512/459-0746 Telephone: 514/631-9796
Members: Alice Rath Aderman (Ralph)
2302 E . Newberry Blvd.
Director Milwaukee, W I 53211
Marilyn Rose Herman (Gerald), Y Louise Ferrand, $ SPECIAL COMMITTEES
8805 Cliffridge Ave.
LaJolla, C A 92037 1148 First National Bldg. DIAMOND JUBILEE FOUNDATION
Telephone: 714/452-8453 Bank of Commerce
New Orleans, L A 70112 President: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert
Director D . ) , IA
Kay Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen), 9 100 Norlen Park
2239 Rome D r .
Indianapolis, I N 46208 HISTORIAN Bridgewater, M A 02324
Telephone: 317/293-0894 Edith Huntington Anderson (Arthur
K), B$ Telephone: 617/697-7855
836 S. Henderson, A p t . 1
Bloomington. I N 47401 1st VP (Promotions Chairman): Helene Irish
Telephone: 812/336-1996 Johnston (Carl B . ) , E
1600 Royal Blvd.
Chairman: Becky Shook Weinberg (Frank),XA Treasurer: Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler (Wilbur), ©
859 E . 9th PI. 504 South O w e n
(Collegiate correspondence should be directed to Mesa, A Z 85203 Mt. Prospect, I L 60056
1st A l t e r n a t e ) 602/969-0114
A O I I Delegates Scholarship Chairman: Mildred Ward Eldridge
Delegate: Mary Louise Filer Roller (George), Members: Nancy Anderson Clark (Jack, J r . ) , P (Raymon), A
All 1207 W e s t H a v e n D r . 27 Mountfort R d .
P.O. Box 2317 Arlington Heights, I L 60005 Newton Highlands, M A 02161
Sanford, F L 32771
Telephone: 305/349-5675 Mary Rawlings Reese, T A HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Atlanta Federal Savings
(June 1-October 1) 4605 Roswell R d . . N E Chairman: Wilma Smith Leland, T
P . O . B o x 198 Atlanta, G A 30342
Balsam. N C 28707 (See Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry listing)
Telephone: 704/456-6284
Telephone: 612/922-0094
Dorothy Curry Greggory (Harry), A H PERRY AWARD COMMITTEE
9505 Bennington
1st Alternate: Peg Kramer Crawford (Richard Kansas City, M O 64134 Chaeir*man: Ruth Lee Leichtamer (Mahlon P.),
C), I
9113 S. Massasoit A v e . Sharon Jaacks Bley, IIA 3455 Goddard R d .
1204 E d g e m o n t A v e .
Oak Lawn, 1L 60453 Towson, M D 21204 Toledo, O H 43606
Telephone: 312/422-5244 Telephone: 419/535-6499
2nd Alternate: Adele Kuflewski Hinton (Freder- PHILANTHROPIC RUBY FUND
ick W . ) , P Carolyn Huey Harris (J. Rodney),
AS Chairman: Sharon D. Martin, All
2965 Pharr Court South, N W
Lions Head Apts., #67 Atlanta, G A 30305 2212 Hall R d .
Telephone: 404/237-1487
4487 Post Place Independence, M O 64052
Nashville, T N 37205 Telephone: 816/252-0617
Vice President: H e l e n M c M a h o n , P, 7432 Colshire D r . # 5 , M c L e a n , V A 22101. Telephone: 703/89.1-4746
Extension Officer: B u n n y Q u a y l e B a k e r ( M a r k ) , A T , 1019 S w i n k s M i l l R d . , M c L e a n , V A 2 2 1 0 1 . T e l e p h o n e : 703/356-5214
Finance Officer: L y n n S i b l e y , S P , 5 0 6 H a w t h o r n e A v e . , K i t t a n n i n g , P A 1 6 2 0 1 . T e l e p h o n e : 4 1 2 / 5 4 2 - 1 6 4 1
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta T a u A n n JollifTe, 24 M a d i s o n Ave., Toronto, Dianna Taylor Pressey (Donald), nA, Sandy Keymer Amos (John), K * , 46 Char-
University of Ontario, Canada M5R-2S1, 416/922-3646 44 Charles St. W . , # 4 1 1 1 , Toron- tres, D D O , Quebec, C a n a d a H 9 A 1J5,
Toronto to, Ontario, Canada, 416/967-0887 514/683-4993
Delta Chi Judith U p s h u r e , 112 C h r i s t i a n a E a s t , N e w - Mary Jean Walnock Polaski (Frede- Lois K o b e r K l q U ( H a r o l d ) , X , 506 Shan-
University of ark, D E 19711, 302/738-1866 rick), AX, Seymour Rd., Bear, D E rlun L a . , Slate College, P A 16801, 814/
Delaware 19701, 302/322-3697 238-1274
Gamma Chris Fitzgerald, AOII-Penobscot Hall, Debbie Adams Sprague (David), r , Sandy Amos
University of U M O , Orono, M E 04473, 207/581-7188 9 Knox Ave., Bangor, M E 04401,
Maine-Orono 207/945-9858
Gamma Alpha (Colony) Janice Haher, 6507 Carrsbrook C t . . Spring- Jodi Mears Santiago (Albert), KA, C a r m e l G a b r i e l e K a i s e r ( M a r t i n ) , AT,, 115
George Mason field, V A 2 2 1 5 0 , 7 0 3 / 9 7 1 - 9 5 2 1 9817 M a u r y L n . , Manassas, VA Bosley Ave., Cockeysville, M D 21030,
University 22110 301/666-7756
Gamma Beta Terry Sprowls, 709 South St., Indiana, P A L a u r i e M u c c i , TB, 32 H a r r i s o n St., Sarah Jane Haycox Grant (Joseph), B+, 6
Indiana Univ. of 15701 H o m e r City, P A 15748 Robin Hill Rd., N . Caldwell, N J 07006,
Pennsylvania 201/228-3487
Phi Beta Patti D e L a r a , Box 882, E S S C , E . Strouds- Judy Catanzaro (Joseph), *B, Park- Sarah Jane Grant
East Stroudsburg burg, P A 18301 way Dr., Delaware Water Gap,
State College P A 18301
Bonita Bowman, Box 49, Riggleman Hall, Carmel Kaiser
Phi Kappa Morris Harvey Coll., Charleston, WV Sharon A l l e n , * K , 1506 V i r g i n i a St.
Morris Harvey 25304, 304/346-2801. E . , Apt. 204. Charleston, W V
College 25311, 304/343-5287
Lisa Bjorlykke, 4517 College Ave., College Lois k! iV
Pi Delta Park, M D 20740, 301/927-9871 Marguerite Records W a r d (John),
University of IIA, 3818 Benton St. N W , W a s h -
Maryland K a t h l e e n T o o p , 17 M a p l e St.. O n e o n t a , N Y ington, D . C . 20007 , 202/338-5948 Sandy Amofc.
13820, 607/432-4271 Lois K m
Sigma Chi Eleanor Brown Hickein (Fred), SX,
Hartwick College 82 E l m St., Oneonta, N Y 13820,
Sigma Rho K a r e n Andersen, 150 Towers, Slippery R o c k
Slippery Rock State College, Slippery R o c k , P A 16057 Kathleen Anysz, SP, Y W C A - 1 2 0 W .
State College C u n n i n g h a m , Butler, P A 16001
Sigma T a u Anne Rhorbacher, Washington College, Ces Gordinier Goldstein, ( A l a n ) , S T , Carmel Kaiser
Washington College P.O. Box 238, Centreville, M D Sarah Jane Grant
Chestertown, M D 21620, 301/778-9882 21627, 301/758-0553
Theta Pi Louise Adolphson, A O I I , Wagner College, N a n c y D a r i n , O i l , 33 S c r a n t o n St.,
Wagner College Staten Island, N Y 10301, 212/447-9005 Staten Island, N Y 10304, 212/
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Clarissa Dedrick Carabateas (Philip), E , Northern Virginia Mary Batman Converse (John), * K , 4916
T h e B r i a r P a t c h , R D 1, Nassau, N Y Chanticleer Ave., Annandale, V A 22003,
12123, 518/766-3541 703/978-9617
Baltimore Dee Schemm T r o y ( W i l l i a m ) , IIA, 2800 Ottawa Lynn Smith MacKay ( C . J . ) , K * 114
Orchard Lakes D r . , Baldwin, M D 21013,
Boston 301/557-7064 Ashgrove C r . , Ottawa, Canada, K 2 G
Camden, NJ OT3, 613/829-6901
Charleston, W V C a r e n G u n d b e r g , O, 163 B e a c o n St., B o s - Philadelphia Joan Krause Simonin, 600 Park L a . ,
ton. M A 02116, 617/353-1482 Pittsburgh
Richmond Wyncote, P A 19095, 215/884-6961
Southern Connecticut
C a r o l M c L o u g h l i n ( J o h n ) , 705 Pomona State College, P A Lesley A n n Dott. S P , 600 Maryville Ave.,
Ave., Haddenfield, N J 08033 Staten Island Pittsburgh, P A 15226
R e b e c c a W o l f e ( R a y ) , * K , 711 C l e a r V i e w Kristi Lusk Lincicome (Steven), Z ¥ , 4424
Heights, Charleston, W V 25312, 304/ Huguenot Rd., Richmond, V A 23235
Nancy Small Moran (Wm. H . ) , r, 3 Watch
Tower L n . , Old Greenwich, C T 06870
Greater Allentown/ E r n a L u t z F r i t z ( R o b e r t ) , ¥ , 1210 Stan- Edith Armstrong Richards, I , 243 W . White-
Bethlehem ford R d . , Bethlehem, P A 18018, 215/868- hall R d . , State College, P A 16801
Greater Harrisburg 7113
JoAnn Pulliam Lambert (Bruce), Oil,
Long Island Dr. Marian Romberger Piefer (John), E A , 1329 Forest Ave., Staten Island, NY
5 Ardmore Circle, New Cumberland, P A 10302
17070, 717/774-3944
Syracuse M a r c i a B o n d E v a n s ( E l l i s ) , X , 186 B r a m p -
ton R d . , Syracuse, N Y 13205 315/492-
Dolly Whitford Kalberer (William), en, 9385
95-01 240th St., Bellerose T e r r . , New
Y o r k , N Y 11426, 516/775-3938
Toronto Ruth Bolsby, B T , 309-90 Heath St., T o -
Washington, D . C . ronto, Canada M 4 V 1T4, 416/925-8113
Montreal Y v o n n e Johnstone K a i n e ( G . A . ) , K * , 311 T e r e s a Ragland Llewellyn ( J o h n ) , N B , 1107
Bruce Rd., Kirkland, Quebec, Canada, Grandin Ave., Rockville, M D 20851, 301/
H 9 H 3L5, 514/697-6028 340-2027
New Jersey Regina R y a n Strauchon ( J o h n ) , E A , 19 Wilmington Elizabeth Strong Miller (Bruce), 2505
Warren PI., Montclair, N J 07042, 201/
744-4138 Lindell Rd., Grendon Farms, Wilming-
ton, D E 19808, 302/994-5493
7 — R e g i o n a l Directors jor Alumnae Chapters:
Sandy Keymer Amos—Albany, Boston. Ottawa, Syracuse, Toronto, Sarah Jane Haycox Grant—Greater Ailentown/Bethlehem, Camden, Long Island,
Philadelphia, Southern Connecticut, Staten Island. Lois Kober Klotz—Baltimore, Harrisburg, Washington, D . C , Wilmington, Pittsburgh. Carmel Kaiser—
Charleston, Montreal, New Jersey, Northern Virginia, Richmond, State College.
Vice-President: B a r b a r a D a u g s H u n t ( C e c i l ) , #A, 930-17th A v e . , G r a f t o n , W I 53024. Telephone: 414/377-7766
Extension Officer: B a r b a r a Z o l n i e r c z a k , B I I , 29165 H a y e s , # 1 0 , W a r r e n , M I 4 8 0 9 3 . T e l e p h o n e : 3 1 3 / 7 7 6 - 9 5 0 2
Finance Officer: S u s a n E l d e r R o a c h ( E r i c ) , B r , 571 T o b i n D r . , # 2 0 8 , I n k s t e r , M I 4 8 1 4 1 . T e l e p h o n e : 3 1 3 / 2 7 4 4 0 9 0
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Beta Epsilon Adriane Tenney, AOII-Hobson Union, Jane Grunwaldt Smith (Robert), IT, Carolyn Ulmer Klus ( W a l t e r ) , e, 7017
Bemidji State B S U , B e m i d j i , M N 56601 1401 B e l t r a m i , B e m i d j i , M N 56601 Valley View Rd., Edina, M N 55435,
University 612/941-5195
Beta Pi C i n d y G i v e n , 117 Goodison, E M U , Y p s i - Susan Elder Roach (Eric), B r , Charlene Brown Potter ( W a r r e n ) , Br,
Eastern Michigan lanti, M I 48197, 313/483-7095 (See Region I I R F O listing) 1468 B r i a r m e a d o w , Worthington, OH
University 43085, 614/888-9762
Iota T a u Susan C o x , 420 Heller R d „ Apt. 119, Jeanne Taylor White (James), IT, Rt. Sally H u c k D r e a ( H a r o l d ) , 2 A , 129 W .
University of Menomonie, W I 54751, 715/235-9019 # 1 , B o x 56, E a u Galle, W I 54737, Calumet R d . , F o x Point, W I 53217, 414/
Wisconsin-Stout 715/283-4486 352-0356
Kappa Pi Candi Moore, Clark Hall, O N U , Ada, O H Phyllis Meyer, K n , 626 Pleasant Joyce M u r d o c k Left ( M y r o n ) , * A , 1761
Ohio Northern 45810 View, A d a , O H 45810, 419/634- Ramblewood Ave., Columbus, O H
University 0773 43220, 614/459-0646
Omega Sara Larch, Box 45, Richard Hall, Miami Alice DeBuino Schuette (Robert), Joyce Murdock Leff
Miami Univ., Oxford, O H 45056, 513/529-3684 SI, 9 R o b i n C t . , O x f o r d , O H 4 5 0 5 6 ,
University 513/523-5282
Phi Delta Terre Palabrica, U W M Union, Box 6, Sharon Fliess, *A. 4139 N . Bartlett Sally H u c k Drea
University of Milwaukee, W I 53211, 414/354-6663 Ave., Shorewood, W I 53211, 414/
Wisconsin-Milwaukee 962-9396
Phi Lambda L y n d a Payne. 45 Broadway, Youngstown, Norma Anderson (Robert). AT, 4153 Joyce Murdock Leff
Youngstown State O H 44505, 216/744-7132 Canfield R d . , Canfield, O H 44406
University 216/792-1053
Sigma Lambda Nancy Spinoso, U W L , Cartwright Cntr., Chris Hill Koukola (Peter W . ) , O, Sally Huck Drea
University of L a C r o s s e , W I 54601 3170 S. 34th St., # 2 0 4 , LaCrosse,
Wisconsin-LaCrosse W I 54601
Tau T e r i Zenk, 1121 5th St. S . E . , Minneapolis, Kayla Jorgens, IS, 3841-lOth Ave. S „ Carolyn Ulmer Klus
University of M N 55414, 612/331-1381 Minneapolis. M N 55417, 612/827-
Minnesota 6881
Theta Psi Randall W a r r e n , 2909 W . Central Ave., F a d w a H a n e y S k a f f , 6M>, 2 6 7 4 D r u m - Charlene Brown Potter
University of Toletio. O H 43606, 419/531-7821 mond, Toledo, O H 43606, 419/
Toledo 535-7092
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Ann Arbor Jeanne Harris McClaran (Michael), O I L Detroit North Pamela Smith Mooradian (Paul), Oil,
1606 Longshore D r . . A n n Arbor, M I Suburban 13326 Sherwood D r . , Huntington Woods,
48105 M I 48070, 313/547-8630
Cincinnati Janice Slater, * 0 , 6588 Hearne R d . , Cincin- Detroit Northwest Joan Parasiliti O'Shea ( W m . ) , 9 * , 35979
Cleveland East nati. O H 45211, 513/574-5004 Suburban Middleboro, Livonia, M I 48154, 313/
Patricia Cooper Smith ( T e r r y ) , B * , 1236
S. Belvoir Blvd., South Euclid, O H 44121. Grand Rapids Ellen Holstein Nelson (Robert), B r , 908
216/381-8756 Maxwell S E . Grand Rapids, M I 49506,
Jane Morgan Bodnar ( L o u i s ) , P. 339 North-
Cleveland West cliff D r . , Rocky River, O H 44116, 216/ Greater Lansing Sandra Obeshaw Slee ( L y n n ) . B r , 7020
333-3323 Area Fhaner Highway. Potterville, M I 48876
C a r o l y n W e s c h r o b K a t z ( M o r t o n ) , XX, Macomb County M a r y L o u K i e r d o r f Sloss ( D a v i d ) , 174
2245 L a n e R d . , Columbus, O H 43220, Moross, Grosse Pointe Farms, M I 48236,
Columbus 614/457-2807 313/886-0748
A n n C h e a t h a m Schmitt ( G e o r g e ) , B X . 1500 Madison Area K a r y l Hoyle Andreoli (Clifford). P, 205
Wardmier Dr., Dayton, O H 45459, 513/ S. Owen D r . , Madison, W I 53705, 608/
Dayton 434-6167 231-2209
Patricia Mussen Gazdecki (Anthony), B I I , Milwaukee Penelope K a s t e n Ziegler ( J . ) , B * , 5341 N .
26231 M o r t o n D r . , Dearborn Heights, M I Diversey. Whitefish B a y , W I 53217
48127 Minneapolis/
Dearborn St. Paul Marilyn Dixon Haugen ( O r r i n ) , T, 6612
Patricia Kowalchuk Wilson ( W m . ) , OH, Indian Hills R d . , Edina, M N 55435,
20661 Wedgewood, Grosse Pointe Woods, Toledo 612/9414251
M l 48236
Detroit Rose Louise V a n Dorp Jones (Everett)
W , 2928 Plumbrook, Maumee, O H
43537, 419/865-1122
//—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Joyce Murdock Leff—Cincinnati, Cleveland East. Cleveland West, Columbus, Dayton. Sally Huck Drea—Grand Rapids. Greater Lansing Area, Madi-
son. Carolyn Ulmer Klus—Minneapolis/St. Paul. Milwaukee. Charlene Brown Potter—Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Detroit, Detroit North Suburban, Detroit
Northwest Suburban, Macomb County, Toledo.
Vice-President: N a n c y H o r n e r Bettis ( C h a r l e s ) , O, 7709 Bennington D r . , K n o x v i l l e , T N 37919. Telephone: 615/693-1514
Extension Officer: P a t C o w l e y H a r d y ( J a m e s ) , r t , 3465 S o m e r s e t T r a i l , A t l a n t a , G A 3 0 3 3 1 . T e l e p h o n e : 4 0 4 / 3 4 4 - 2 0 9 1
Finance Officer: K a t h y T y r e C h a f f i n , ( T h o m a s A . ) , rx, 3317 S p r e a d i n g O a k Rd., D o u g l a s v i l l e , G A 30134. T e l e p h o n e : 404/949-6546
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Delta Donna Willis. P.O. Box 2407, University, (Catherine Auerbach Johnson ( P a u l ) , Jane W a t w o o d G i b b s ( T h o m a s ) , T A , 1217
University of A L 35486. 205/3484900 A A , 1015 7th A v e . # 8 , T u s c a l o o s a , Greensboro R d . , Birmingham, A L 35208,
Alabama A L 35401, 205/345-9863 205/3244990
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Kappa Su/ann Blackstock, Box 5516, U N A , Flor- Beverly Atchley Harris ( E d ) , A K , Jane Watwood Gibbs
University of ence, A L 35630, 205/764-7323 #17 Mockingbird Trailer Pk., Flor-
North Alabama ence, A L 35630, 205/767-2070 Linda Ekberg Blau ( A r t h u r ) , n, 7913 Vene-
D e b b y Sorsby, 123 N . C o p e l a n d St., T a l l a - tian St.. Miramar, F L 33023, 305/983-
Alpha Pi hassee, F L 32304, 904/224-5902 Janis Ranson, A l l , 765 Basin St., 6381
Florida State 201B, Tallahassee, F L 32304, 904/
University Cindy Walker, A O I I Box, Dorm C , A u - 224-5280 Mary Rawlings Reese, TA, Atlanta Federal
burn Univ., Auburn, A L 36830, 205/ Savings, 4605 Roswell R d . N E , Atlanta,
Delta Delta 826-6749 V i c k i J o Givens, SO, Patricia Circle, G A 30342, 404/875-5072
Auburn University Auburn, A L 36830, 205/887-7777
Suzanne Meyer ( S C A ) , 2416 Wheat St.,
Delta Phi Columbia, S C 29205 Carol Loudenback Sommers (Dean), Charlotte Owsley Barnes, (Augustus), AA,
University of S. Carolina K K , 408 Fireside Dr., Columbia, 7842 Hummingbird L a . , Charlotte, NC
(Reactivation) Cindy Pratt, 316 Azalea C i r . , Mobile, A L S C 29210, 803/781-5466 28212. 704/535-4281
36608, 205/342-5193
Gamma Delta Jan Gentry Palmer (Arthur), TA, Judy Hildreth Jolly ( B u r k e ) , Ail, 1409 R a a
University of Suzanne Snyder, 819 W . Panhellenic D r . . 200 Rapier Ave., Mobile, AL Ave., Tallahassee, F L 32303, 904/385-
South Alabama Gainesville, F L 32601 36604, 205/433-4262 4592
Gamma Omicron M a r i l y n R e n f r o w , ro, 2925-69 S W Linda Ekberg Blau
University of 28 PI., Gainesville, F L 32608
Sophia Weatherby, A O I I - G S U , Univ. Plaza, Sandra McCallum. r s , 3203-B Post Margaret Hook. NB, 2005 Dauphin St.,
Ciamma Sigma Box 540, Atlanta, G A 30303 Woods Dr., N.W., Atlanta, G A # 1 , Mobile, A L 36606, 205/478-8904
Georgia State 30339
University Linda Ekberg Blau
Felice DeSalvatore, Box 4868. F S C , L a k e - Ann Colvin Marshall (David), An,
Kappa Gamma land. F L 33802 3204 Hilltop Ave., L a k e l a n d , F L Margaret Hook
Florida Southern 33803. 813/646-1167
College Mary Rawlings Reese
Donna Bell, 2000 N . Parkwav, Memphis, Priscilla Strickland Rushton, K O , 95
Kappa Omicron T N 38112, 901/458-5669 Hollyoke, Memphis, T N 38117, Mary Rawlings Reese
Southwestern at 901/683-5759
Memphis Margaret Hook
Deborrah Farmer, Box 249, LaGrange Nancy Alford, A X , 910 Broad St.,
Lambda Chi Coll., LaGrange, G A 30240 LaGrange, G A 30240, 404/882- Charlotte Owsley Barnes
LaGrange College 7144
Sue Sitz Banks ( D o n ) , AA, 3000 Demetrop-
Lambda Sigma Leigh Langston, 1190 S. Milledge Ave., Sharon Kelley ( P a t r i c k ) . AS, 458 olis, Mobile, A L 36609, 205/666-1287
University of Athens, G A 30601, 404/548-3366 Dearing St.. Athens, G A 30601,
Georgia 404/543-1147 Sue Sitz Banks
Nu Beta Teresa Greer, Box 7987, Univ. of Miss., Debely Mathis, An, 26 L a R h o n d a , Jane Watwood Gibbs
University of Oxford, M S 38677, 601/234-2718 Rt. 5, Oxford, M S 38655, 6 0 1 /
Mississippi- 234-1767 Judy Hildreth Jolly
Nu Omicron Joyce Hailey, 2415 Kensington PI., Nash- S u s a n D e r r y b e r r y , NO, 215 L y n w o o d Judy Hildreth Jolly
Vanderbilt ville, T N 37212, 615/329-3760 Blvd.. Nashville, T N 37205, 615/
University 269-4753 Sue Sitz Banks
Omega Omicron Lynn McAlister, Box 277, Lambuth Coll., Anita Kay Bolton Evans ( R o y ) , no, Charlotte Owsley Barnes
Lambuth College Jackson, T N 38301 101 A y e r s , J a c k s o n , T N 38301
Omicron A n n Rountree, A O I I R m „ 1531 W . C u m - Katherine Reynolds Brcnnan (James),
University of berland Ave., Knoxville, T N 37916, 615/ *A. 8229 Foxall C r . , Knoxville,
Tennessee 525-3752
T N 37919, 615/693-7241
Phi Alpha Janie Martin, Box 23509. E T S U , Johnson
East Tennessee City, T N 37601, 615/929-5149 Catherine Hines, *A, Apt. 208, Mat-
State University sonian Apts.. R t . 11, Jonesboro,
T N 37659, 615/929-1583
Sigma Delta
Huntingdon College Beratta Gomillion, Box 549, Huntingdon Dea Abbott Beck (James), XA, 3127
College, Montgomery, A L 36106 Old Dobbin Rd., Montgomery,
A L 36111. 205/272-6216
Tau Delta Nancy Porch, P.O. Box A-56, B'ham.— Jane Watwood Gibbs ( T h o m a s ) , TA
Birmingham- Southern Coll., Birmingham, A L 35204, (See Regional Director I I I listing)
Southern College 205/322-6417
Rebecca Bale Sweeney (Joseph),
Tau Omicron Sandra Williamson, A O I I , Box 126, U T M , T O , R t . 4, Martin, T N 38238,
University of Martin, T N 38238, 901/587-7901 901/587-9392
L y d i a Jolly. 805 Johnston St., Greenville, G l o r i a S a u n d e r s , Z9, 97 G r e e n w a y
Zeta Psi N C 27834. 919/758-4290 Apts.. Greenville, N C 27834, 919/
East Carolina 756-2163
Alumnae Chapter /'resident Alumnae Chapter /'resident
C l a i r e C r a v e n P e a s e , AX, 416-3 S p r i n g d a l c Chattanooga J u d y H o w a r d ( D a v i d ) , <I>A, 5 0 4 0 G a n n S t o r e
Atlanta St., Athens, G A 30606, 404/549-4709 Rd., Hixson, T N 37348, 615/842-6554
Frances A d a m s Carter ( R o b e r t ) , AS, 455 Cocoa-Melbourne M a r t h a D u n n T a y l o r ( W e n t w o r t h ) , r o , 923
Forest Valley Rd. N . E . . Atlanta. GA Lydia Circle, Indian Harbour Beach,
30342 F L 32935
Atlanta K a t h y T y r e Chaffin ( T h o m a s ) , rs, 3317 Columbus. G A J u l i a S m i t h A l e x a n d e r ( M i z e l l ) , AA, 2813
Tri-County Spreading Oaks Dr.. Douglasville, GA Roswell L n . , Columbus, G A 31906
30135, 404/949-6546 Greater
Birmingham Pensacola
L i n d a R i c e M a p l e s ( J i m m y ) , AA, 1452 Huntsville June Murphy ( W m . ) . A H , 7023 Redondo
Linda Vista D r . , Birmingham. A L 35226, Dr., Pensacola, F L 32506, 904/456-9177
Jeannette Newell (George), X , 5805 L e n -
Broward S y l v i a S t a f f o r d ( L e o n a r d ) , AA, 1916 S E lock C i r . , Huntsville, A L 35802, 205/
County 21st Ave., F t . Lauderdale, F L 33316, 305/ 881-1849
Charleston, S C Jackson Amy Tacker Eickhoff (Andrew), no, #600
Hollywood Dr.. Hollywood Manor Apts.,
Charlotte M a r y E l l e n Millhouse ( L a r r y ) , A n , 55 Jackson, T N 38301
Mueller Dr., Charleston, S C 29407
Joyce Vietzke Allen ( M e l v i n ) , 6, 3513 High- Jacksonville P e n n y F r y M c n d h e i m ( D . E . ) , AA, 6173
view R d . , Charlotte, N C 28210 Mercer C i r . E . . Jacksonville, F L 32217
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter
Johnson City Linda Kirby, * A , #104 Matsonian Apts., Nashville
Area R t . 11, Jonesboro, T N 37659
Knoxville Sherry B l a c k W a l s h ( D o n ) , O, 1320 Hunt- Orlando- Glenna Davis Bardoe ( W m . ) , K r , 4836
ingdon Dr., Knoxville, T N 37919, 615/ Winter Park Pebble Beach D r . , Orlando, F L 32811,
588-7643 305/876-2438
Lakeland Susan Louise Smith. K r , 3520 Cleveland St. Petersburg Mildred Berdeen ( T o m ) , r , 5720 34th St.
Area Hts. Blvd., # 2 1 5 , Lakeland, F L 33803 S., St. Petersburg, F L 33711, 813/867-
Macon 5291
Silva Rodgers Henderson ( K . C . ) , A n , 5651 Shoals Area Patricia Keister Lewis (W. Gregory), NB,
Martin Kentucky D o w n s D r . , Macon, G A 31204, 207 N . Sequoia Blvd., Florence, AL
Memphis 35630
Edith Elaine Mitchell, T O , G H Hall, U T
Station, M a r t i n , T N 38238, 901/587-7966 Lucinda Boshinski Drossner (Barry), All,
2312 Miranda Ave., Tallahassee, FL
L i n d a H a l l Y o a k u m ( R o g e r ) , K O , 5971 Tallahassee 32304, 904/576-1762
Ponderosa Pine, Memphis, T N 38138,
901/362-9601 Tampa Bay
Mobile D o n n a M a r i e F o s t e r , T A , 721 B r a n n o n C t . , West Palm K h a k i Eustace, T O , 3602 Vasconia St.,
Montgomery Mobile, A L 36609 Beach T a m p a , F L 33609, 813/839-0683
Freida Walls Gammill (John), AA. 2614 Helen Lawton Zientek (Chester), K r , 2070
Baldwin Brook Dr., Montgomery, AL Pleasant D r . , Juno, F L 33408, 305/626-
36111 2475
///—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
L i n d a E k b e r g Blau—Cocoa-Melbourne, Lakeland Area, Orlando-Winter P a r k . St. Petersburg. Tallahassee. Judy Hildreth Jolly—Birmingham, Broward
County, Jacksonville, Mobile, Montgomery, West Palm Beach. Mary Rawlings Reese—Athens, Tampa Bay, Columbus, Macon. Charlotte Owsley Barnes—
Chattanooga, Charleston, Nashville. Sue Sitz Banks—Charlotte, Knoxville, Jackson, Martin. Jane Watwood Gibbs—Huntsville, Johnson City, Shoals Area.
Margaret Hook—Atlanta, Atlanta Tri-County, Memphis. Pensacola.
Vice-President: Nancy A n d e r s o n C l a r k ( J a c k ) , P , 1207 W e s t H a v e n D r . , A r l i n g t o n Heights, 1L 60005. Telephone: 312/392-1936
N u n n Knopsnyder ( W m . H . ) , B * , 2416 East Chandler, Evansville, I N 47714. Telephone: 812/476-3307
Extension Officer: P e g M c C l u r g B r o w n ( V i c t o r ) , B e , 811 E . 80th St., I n d i a n a p o l i s I N 46240. Telephone: 317/255-3422
Finance Officer: R u t h
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Chi Claire Edgington, Box 291, College Hts., Rachel Smith Allen ( N e i l ) . AX, 459 K a r e n F i d d e l k e T o w e l l ( D a v i d ) , AX, 1551
Western Kentucky W K U , Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 502/ Brentmoor Dr., Bowling Green, Chestnut, Bowling Green, K Y 42101.
University 748-2620 K Y 42101, 502/843-8570 502/843-1231
Beta Chi Melinda Fetter, Box 301-A, Peeples Hall, Judi Hayden Thompson (Tommy), Karen Fiddelke Towell
Kentucky Wesleyan KWC, Owensboro, K Y 42301, 502/926- X A , 2312 Middleground, Owens-
College 9315 boro, K Y 42301, 502/926-9736
Beta Lambda G a l e Strenger, 1314 N . F e l l , Bloomington, R o s e m a r y Kappes Schwierjohn, J e a n n e H a y s C r i p p i n ( L a r r y ) , BA, 21 S.
Illinois Wesleyan II. 61701, 309/829-1890 ( R o g e r ) , I, R R # 2 , Bloomington, Illinois, Villa Park. I L 60181, 312/279-
University I L 61701, 309/663-4744 1057
M a r y M c C o n n e l l , 901 E . 10th St., B l o o m -
Beta Phi ington. I N 47401, 812/332-7296 Rose Mcllveen Woertz ( C . J . ) , B*, Lynn Stouse Redmon (Thomas), K K ,
Indiana Thistle D r . , R t . # l - B o x 107, 1709 C a r l s b a d D r . , Lafayette, I N 47905,
University Bloomington, I N 47401, 812/339- 317/447-2984
Chi Lambda K a t h y Day, 400 S. Rotherwood, Box 80, Elizabeth Romine Coffey ( W m . ) , XA,
University of Evansville, I N 47714, 812/477-6838 Virginia Meyer Kreke (Kenneth), 7754 N . Whittier PI., Indianapolis, I N
Evansville XA, Rt. # 3 , Box 231, Angel D r . , 46250, 317/849-3030
Newburgh, I N 47630, 812/853-
Delta Omega Janice Elliott. Box 2399-Univ. Sta., M S U . 8555 Karen Fiddelke Towell
Murray State Murray, K Y 42071. 502/753-9174
University Ellen White Harrell (Kenneth), K O ,
Betty A n n Ridder, 706 S. Mathews. Urbana, 801 D o r a n R d . , M u r r a y , K Y Jeanne Hays Crippin
Iota I L 61801, 217/344-0136 42071, 502/753-1642
University of
Illinois M a r j o r i e L o n g , 122 L i n c o l n Q u a d , I S U , Linda Hall Borrenpohl (Chuck), Lynn Stouse Redmon
Terre Haute, I N 47809, 812/232-1051 *Y, 1011 H o l i d a y D r . , C h a m p a i g n ,
Kappa Alpha I L 61820, 217/352-6985
Indiana State Alexis Johnson, A O I I Suite. Rodgers Hall, A n n M c C l a n a h a n Gilchrist ( K e i t h ) , e, 5613
University Muncie, I N 47306, 317/285-4416 Jo Ann Bonn Gibbons (Paul), K A , Skyridge D r . , Indianapolis, I N 46250,
35 G a r d e n d a l e R d . , T e r r e H a u t e , 317/849-6142
Kappa Kappa Janice Wostratzky, 918 Kimberlv, D e K a l b , I N 47803, 812/877-2279
Ball State I L 60115, 815/758-5332 Dotti House W i n n ( H a r r y ) , T , 2809 Lincoln,
University Mary Lou Niedenthal Huber ( W m . ) , Evanston, I L 60201, 312/866-7863
Carol McGaughey, U P O 1284, MSU, K K , 2000 W , Jackson St., Muncie,
Nu Iota Morehead, K Y 40351 IN 473M](j3|7/288-310O Karen Fiddelke Towell
Northern Illinois
University Barbara Wiese Taubenheim (Peter),
NI, 534 Sequwia T r a i l , Roselle, I L
Omega X i 60172, 312/893-4939
Morehead State
University D r . M i l d r e d H u d n a l l Q u i n n , ns, 1379
K n a p p Ave., Morehead, K Y 40351
Phi Omicron
Hanover College Sue Ellen Wynn, AOII House, Hanover Susan Yoder Jacob (James), * 0 , 707 Lynn Stouse Redmon
College. Hanover, I N 47243, 812/866- E . Second St., Madison, I N 47250, Liz Romine Coffey
3327 812/265-3124 Jeanne Hays Crippen
Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Phi Upsilon E l i z a b e t h G u r t h e t , 1001 D a v i d R o s s R d . . Nancy Stiles Wagoner ( J . E d w a r d ) ,
Purdue W . Lafayette, I N 47906, 317/463-9566 B » 18 S p r i n g V a l l e y C t . , W . L a -
University fayette, I N 47906, 317/743-3159
Sigma Iota Kathie Schirmang. 230 Sherman Ave., M a - June Lowman Conley (James), S I ,
Western Illinois comb. I L 61455, 309/837-4001 152 Penny L a . , M a c o m b , I L
University 61455, 309/837-9020
Theta Susan Roessler, 225 S. Bloomington St., Martha Ellen Rector Johnson
DePauw Greencastle, I N 46135, 317/653-9793
University ( J a m e s ) , e, 314 Highfall, G r e e n -
castle, I N 46135, 317/653-6565
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Bloomington, I N Marsha Hanscom Ripplinger (Rhett), I, 2302 Indianapolis Lucita Beck Hanlin ( M i c h a e l ) , K K , 5140
Wimbleton L n . , Bloomington. I N 47401. E . 76th Ct., Indianapolis, I N 46250, 317/
812/336-4677 849-5482
Bloomington/ Rosemary Kappes Schwierjohn (Roger), I. Kentuckiana Martha Sawyer Rust ( A n d r e w ) , * 0 , 479
Normal R R # 2 . Bloomington, I L 61701 Long Ct.. New Albany, I N 47150, 812/
Bowling Green 944-1802
M . Lynne Rousseau, A X , 1630 Catherine St..
Champaign- Bowling Green, K Y 42101, 502/781-0031 Kokomo Madonna McMurry Larrick (Robert), *0,
Urbana 235 Greenbriar St., K o k o m o , I N 46901,
Chicago Area P a t r i c i a M c C a n d l e s s , fi, 918 W . C h a r l e s S t . , 317/452-6637
Council Champaign, I L 61820, 217/351-6007
Chicago-Beverly Lafayeue Jean Richter Smith ( J a c ) . I T , 1724 Mel-
Hills Jeanne Hays Crippin (See Regional Direc- bourne Rd., Lafayette, I N 47904, 317/
tor. I V , listing) 447-4692
Shore L y n n e Jackson Parker ( J o h n ) . t l , 4131 Lake CountY Karla Krughoff Coburn ( C h a r l e s ) , B # , 736
Oakwood Lane, Matteson, I L 60443, 312/ Wood St., Crown Point, I N 46307, 219/
Chicago-Northwest 747-1880 663-7595
Ingrid L a t i m e r S c h u l z ( C a r l ) , B A , 1700 Lexington Katherine Camuel H u m e l ( M a r k ) , A X , 4073
Chicago-West Lake Ave., Wilmette, I L 60091, 312/256- Muncie Victoria Way, Lexington, K Y 40503
Suburban 0472
P a t r i c i a G l e a s n e r G o e t z ( R i c h a r d ) , I , 105
Evansville P e g M a l e c k i F r e r k ( L a u r e n c e ) . 1, 1523 N . E. Hickory Grove Rd., Hartford City, I N
Tri-State Douglas, Arlington Heights. I L 60004. 47348, 317/348-4891
Fort Wayne Rockford Elizabeth Martin Preble ( J o h n ) , * Y , 4604
Patti Annen Broggi (Michael), NI, 4050 Pepper Dr.. Rockford, I L 61111, 815/877-
Fairview Ave., Downers Grove, I L 60515. 4627
South Bend K a y S c h w a r z Colten ( J e r r o l d ) , O, 3910
K a r e n U p d i k e T h o m a s ( W m . ) , K A , 1201 Nail Ct., South Bend. I N 46614, 219/291-
April Dr., Evansville, I N 47710. 812/867- 4808
Terre Haute Betty Jeanne Shurter, K A , 1900 Spang Ave.,
Mary Susan Eichenseher Fishbaugh (David), Terre Haute, I N 47805, 812/466-1042
B<1>, 1 0 H O n e i d a , F t . W a y n e , I N 4 6 8 0 5 ,
IV—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Liz Romine Coffey—Evansville-Tri-State, Lafayette. Jeanne Hays Crippin— Bloomington-Normal, Champaign-Urbana. Ann McClanahan Gilchrist—Ft.
Wayne, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lake County. Muncie. South Bend. Lynn Stouse Redmon—Bloomington, Terre Haute. Karen Fiddelke Towell—Bowling
Green, Kentuckiana, Lexington. Dotti House Winn—Chicago Area Council, Chicago-Beverly Hills, Chicago North Shore, Chicago Northwest Suburban,
Chicago West Suburban, Rockford.
Vice-President: Karen Montgomery Smith ( B o b ) , A l l , 5305 Kentucky, Raytown, M O 64133. Telephone: 816/356-1469
Extension Officer: J a y n e H a g e r D e e ( E r i c ) , I S , 1706 S . 7 t h A v e . # 2 . M a r s h a l l l o w n . 1A 50158. T e l e p h o n e : 5 1 5 / 7 5 3 - 8 6 3 4
Finance Officer: M a x i n e M a i r C h a r i t y ( L e o n ) . T, T i m b e r l a n d H e i g h t s , R D # 3 , A m e s , I A 50010. T e l e p h o n e : 5 1 5 / 2 9 2 - 4 3 3 9
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Theta Vanessa Batey, Box 554. Coe College, C e d a r Susan Dunlap Schmidt ( D a v i d ) , IS, Peggy Robinson Kelley (Michael), *S,
Coe College Rapids. I A 52402, 319/398-1720 R R it I. I o w a C i t y , I A 5 2 2 4 0 , 13561 G o l d , M i l l a r d , N E 68144, 402/
319/683-2610 333-7198
Karen Woolfolk. A O I I . Panhellenic Hall,
Delta Pi C M S U , Warrensburg, M O 64093 Patty Larkin Bondurant ( J a m e s ) , Ginny Zenishek Struble ( W m . ) . * , 2330
Central Missouri All, Rt. #4, Warrensburg. M O S. E . Alamar R d . , Topeka, K S 66605,
State University Cindy Coyle, 2007 Greeley, Ames, I A 50010. 64093 913/233-0842
lota Sigma Cindy Moodie Housten ( D a v i d ) , Peggy Robinson Kelley
Iowa State Connie Carver. 209 Roberta Hall, N W M S U . IS, R R # 1 , Kelley, I A 50134,
Uniyersity Maryville, M O 64470, 816/582-7234 515/597-2079
Lambda Omega Rebecca Graul, A O I I House, Kearnev State Connie Carver Ury (Gary). AH, # 8 5 Ginny Zenishek Struble
Northwest Missouri Coll.. Kearney, N E 68847, 308/236-3102 Thunderbird Estates, Maryville,
State University M O 64468, 816/582-7384
V i c k i Schug, 3823 Garretson Ave.. Sioux
Phi Sigma City. I A 51106 Donna Cousins Smith (James). *S, Peggy Robinson Kelley
Kearney State 22 Skvline D r . Kearney. NE Peggy Robinson Kelley
College M a r y J a n e B r u c e . 1541 S . S t . . L i n c o l n , N E 68847, 308/237-7788 Ginny Zenishek Struble
Theta Chi Pamela Yockey. ex, 3110 Virginia.
Morningside Sioux City. I A 51104
Linda McNaught, 3022 " P " St.. Apt.
Zeta I. Lincoln, N E 60503
University of
A lumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
T a n n a Abel (Steve), IS. 787 Pammel Ct., Greater Dorothy Curry Gregory ( H a r r y ) , All, 9505
Ames, I A 50010 Kansas Citv Bennington. Kansas City. M O 64134, 816/
Columbia- D i a n Poole Sprenger ( G e r y ) , TA, R t . 4, Kearney
Jefferson City Box 58-C, Columbia, M O 65201, 314/ Janet L i n d F o x ( J e r a l d ) , Z , 501 W . 24th
443-8416 St.. Kearney, N E 68847, 308/234-3671
Des Moines Lincoln
Nancy Mullette Schluster ( G r e g ) , ex. 6500 Joan D . Watkins, Z. 1025 N . 63rd A-109,
Aurora, Des Moines. I A 50322 Lincoln, N E 68508
Alumnae Chapter Alumnae Chapter President
Maryville St. Louis
Peggy M c C a b e , All, 2-B Crestview Village, K a r e n Herzog W o l f ( M i c h a e l ) , A l l , 2641
Omaha St. Joseph, M O 64506 Topeka Delook D r . , St. Louis, M O 63129
C h a r l e n e H a m e t z Meyer ( L l o y d ) , Z, 11475 Melinda Sears Oberhelman (Ronald), All,
Frances St., Omaha, N E 68144, 402/334- 1000 W . 19th St., T o p e k a , K S 66604,
9030 913/233-0884
V—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Marti Leonard Harrison ( T h o m a s ) , A S , 2109 Victoria Ave., Bellevue, N E 68005 . 402/291-5637—Ames, Des Moines. Kearney, Lincoln, Omaha. Ginny
Zenishek Struble—Columbia-Jefferson City, Greater Kansas City, Maryville, St. Louis, Topeka.
Vice-President: A l v e r n a Ocker Swan ( F o r r e s t ) , Y , 7406-78th S . E . , Mercer Island, W A 98040. Telephone: 206/232-3721
Extension Officer: M a r i a n n a H a h l B e e r s ( K e n n e t h ) , O, 3595 J o h n n y C r e e k R d . , P o c a t e l l o , I D 8 3 2 0 1 . T e l e p h o n e : 2 0 8 / 2 3 3 - 0 6 8 4
Finance Officer: M a r i l y n K e l l e r L u n d b e r g ( L a w r e n c e ) . Y , 16035 B u r k e A v e . N o r t h , S e a t t l e , W A 9 8 1 3 3 . T e l e p h o n e : 2 0 6 / 5 4 2 - 3 3 9 0
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Gamma Shelley Wells, N E 820 C a m p u s Ave., P u l l - Susan Wayenberg Hinz (Mike), A r , Audrey Hoenshell Humason (Harlan), Y,
Washington State man, W A 99163, 509/335-8502 N W 1915 K e n n y , Pullman, W A 14548 Edgewater L a . N E , Seattle, W A
University 99163, 509/332-1168 98155, 206/363-0151
Jeri Steen, 1119 S. Fifth Ave., Bozeman,
Alpha Phi M T 58715, 406/587-0691 D i a n n e K o m m e r s , A * , 801 S. 6th St., Elaine Pruett Smith ( R i c h a r d ) , IA, 3759
Montana State Bozeman, M T 59715, 406/586-3938 Heron, Pocatello, I D 83201, 208/237-1462
Gayle Fitzpatrick, 2435 N W Harrison, Cor- Ruth Gillmore Baines (John), AP, Lue Bettridge Satterfield ( O d e ) , Y , 16503-
Alpha Rho vallis O R 97330, 503/757-1552 204 N W 27th, Corvallis, OR 145th S . E . , Renton, W A 98055, 206/271-
Oregon State 97330, 503/752-2968 1096
Debbie T a y l o r , 1680 Alder St., Eugene, O R Connie Fullmer Hixon (Lester), AS, Lue Bettridge Satterfield
Alpha Sigma 97411, 503/485-9677 1523 Russett D r . , E u g e n e , O R
University of 97401, 503/345-9991 Lue Bettridge Satterfield
Connie Bentley, 6478 N W Marine D r . , Judith Putti Spence (Kerry), B K , Audrey Hoenshell Humason
Beta Kappa Vancouver, B C , Canada V 6 T 1W5 2173 T o m p k i n s Cres., N . V a n -
University of British couver, B C , Canada V 7 H 2 E 2
Susan Wieck, 220 Daly, Missoula, MT Colleen Kelly, B P , 516 Rollins, Mis-
Beta Rho 59801, 406/728-2151 soula, M T 59801, 406/728-6679
University of
Montana M a r y L o u V i r g i l , A O I I House, 1320 G r a n t Sherri Stover Smith (Bryce), B S , Elaine Pruett Smith
St., Boise I D 83706 1910 Boise A v e . , # 5 , Boise, I D Elaine Pruett Smith
Beta Sigma 83706 Audrey Hoenshell Humason
Boise State Debi Frey, Box 8801, I S U , Pocatello, I D
University 83209, 208/236-3504 Rita Demopoulos Haggardt (Terry),
I A , 2037 E . Lewis, Pocatello, I D
Iota Alpha C i n d y Robertson, 1906 N E 45th, Seattle, 83201, 208/233-3313
Idaho State W A 98105, 206/5244669
University Kathleen Oliver Busch (Bruce), Y,
5700-29th Ave. N E , Seattle, W A
Upsilon 98105, 206/522-1239
University of
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Missoula Pullman
Michelle J . Milodragovich, B P , Box 3804, Susan Daiger Schell ( G a r y ) , A r , S E 915
Pocatello Missoula, M T 59806 Seattle Skylark, Pullman, W A 99163, 509/332-
Portland S a n d r a E v a n s , I A , 1505 Eastridge D r . , # 1 6 , Vancouver, B C
Pocatello, I D 83201, 208/232-7999 LaVera Smith Hawksford (C. George), T,
1109 N E 135th, Seattle, W A 98125, 206/
D i a n e M . E a t o n , P S , 335 S E 83rd, Port- 362-1420
land, O R 97216, 503/252-1680
A n n e R i d s d a l e Mott ( G e o f f r e y ) , B K , 1391
Devonshire Cres., Vancouver, B C , Can-
ada, V 6 H 2G3, 604/738-7764
VI—Regional Directors lor Alumnae Chapters:
Audrey Hoenshell H u m a s o n — P u l l m a n , Missoula, Seattle. Lue Bettridge Satterfield—Portland, Vancouver. Elaine Pruett Smith—Pocatello.
Vice-President: G r a c e C a s c i o L a M a r c a ( A n t h o n y ) , A T , 2610 Wilshire St., M o n r o e , L A 71201. Telephone: 318/387-3573
Extension Officer: B a r b a r a O w e n s K r a m e r ( R a y m o n d ) , B * , 7516 C h a t t i n g t o n D r . , D a l l a s , T X 7 5 2 4 0 . T e l e p h o n e : 2 1 4 / 2 3 3 - 6 4 9 5
Finance Officer: E l a i n e d e F r a n c e s E l l i s ( R a n d a l l ) , A O , 1898 D a b n e y D r . , B a t o n R o u g e , L A 7 0 8 1 6 . T e l e p h o n e : 5 0 4 / 2 7 2 - 3 1 9 7
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Alpha Omicron Gavelene Kilgore, Box 16990-A, L S U , Baton Susan Courdain Mele (Harold), K T , Melanie Nixon Doyle ( E d g a r ) , AS, 2624
Louisiana State Rouge, L A 70893, 504/383-3091 343 W . Chalfont D r . , Baton Rouge, Arkansas Valley Dr., Little Rock, A R
University L A 70815, 504/275-4298 72212, 501/225-8427
P a m Riebel, U S L Box 4-2130, Lafayette, L A
Delta Beta 70501, 318/235-0012 Peggy Galvin, A B , 200 Oakcrest Michal Lord, U K , 2412-A Trailside Dr.,
University of Ave., U P A Apt. 221B, Lafayette, Austin, T X 78704, 512/441-1864
Southwestern Louisiana N o r m a Bivona, P. O . Box 948, College Sta., L A 70503
H a m m o n d , L A 70401 Melanie Nixon Doyle
Kappa Tau Cynthia Henderson Kirk (Ben), K T ,
Southeastern Louisiana P . O . Box 804, S L U , H a m m o n d ,
University L A 70402, 504/542-1847
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Lambda Tau Theresa Gregorio, P. O. Box 4556, N L U , Marian R a y (Terry), 206 Curve Michal Lord
Northeast Louisiana Monroe, L A 71209 Dr., #76, Monroe, L A 71203,
University 318/343-1758
Sigma Omicron Kay Keasler, P. O. Box 928, State U n i - Carolyn Swindle Wyatt ( T h a d ) , SO, Melanie Nixon Doyle
Arkansas State versity, Jonesboro, AR 72467, 501/972- 1812 Eldridge. Jonesboro, AR
University 2188 72401, 501/935-1155
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Arlington- V i r g i n i a H i l d e b r a n d t ( G a r y ) , 1>K, 1413 Cathy Naschke Shane, U K , 7900 West-
Mid Cities Woodway D r . , Hurst, T X 76053 Jonesboro heimer, #330. Houston, T X 77063
Austin Margaret C l a r k Green ( S a m ) , I I , 11512 Frankie F r a z i e r Roberts ( L l o y d ) , N B , 3705
Trinity Hill Dr., Austin, T X 78753, 512/ Vickie D r . , Jonesboro, A R 72401, 501/
Baton Rouge 836-4096 Monroe 935-1875
Stephanie Beaty K a m m e r (Bruce), AO, 6955 New Orleans J a n e K e n n e r H o f f m a n ( J a m e s ) , K A , 8911
Whitlow Dr., Baton Rouge, L A 70808 Oklahoma City Leatrice Dr., Little Rock, A R 72207,
San Antonio 501/225-0796
Melanie Bernard Ladner ( C . J . ) , N B , 3010 Shreveport
Nashville, Nederland, T X 77627, 713/722- Tulsa Beverly Sanders P a l m e r ( P a u l ) , AT, 102
6591 Savoy Dr., Monroe, L A 71203, 318/343-
Dallas Robin Lee Beltramini ( R i c h a r d ) , I, 3340
Fort Worth Hedgerow, #2215, Dallas, T X 75235 Louise F e r r a n d . I I , 1329 Killdeer St., N e w
Orleans, L A 70122
Bunny Wright Gardner (Jonathan), YA,
3701 Stoney C r e e k R d . , F t . W o r t h , T X Imogene L i p s c o m b Mitts ( C l y d e ) , SO, 319
76116, 817/737-3624 N W 18th, O k l a h o m a City, O K 73103
Greater Catherine Heath ( A l a n ) , K A , 208 Van- D i n a h D e n s o n G a i n e s ( M i c h a e l ) , U K , 503
Lafayette couver Dr.. Lafayette, L A 70507, 318/ Antler Dr., San Antonio, T X 78213
Hammond Patti Hartman Bewick (Robert), AT, 9048
Denise A l Clements. K T , 1024 C o r a D r . , Sara L a . , Shreveport, L A 71118
Baton Rouge, L A 70815
V i r g i n i a W h i t e P a r k s ( A l l a n ) , S, 724 S o u t h
College. Tulsa, O K 74104, 918/936-2046
VII—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Carol Spence Barrow (Norman), K©, 6010 S. 75th East Ave., Tulsa. O K 74145, 918/627-5267—Arlington. Dallas. F t . Worth. Oklahoma City, Tulsa,
Beaumont, Houston. Melanie Nixon Doyle—Baton Rouge, Hammond, Jonesboro. Little Rock. Michal Lord—Lafayette. Monroe, Sheveport, Austin, New
Orleans, San Antonio.
Vice-President: Sandra Rodgers M a r k e l ( E d w i n L . ) , T , 882 Russet D r . . Sunnyvale. C A 94087. Telephone: 408/732-4657
Extension Officer: J e a n H i l e r M a r o d e r ( E d m o n d C ) , A, 750 S e a l e A v e . , P a l o A l t o , C A 9 4 3 0 3 . T e l e p h o n e : 4 1 5 / 3 2 7 - 3 2 3 0
Finance Officer: S a n d r a G l o o s c h e n k o J a e g e r ( A l l e n ) , S, 1817 C a p i s t r a n o A v e . , B e r k e l e y , C A 94707. T e l e p h o n e : 4 1 5 / 5 2 6 - 6 6 6 7
Collegiate Chapter President Chapter Adviser Regional Director
Chi Alpha Irene Y a m a m o t o , 203 1st St., D a v i s . C A Alice Crouch Huston ( W m . ) , A * , Phyllis Gilson. (Stanley), S*. 18000 Collins
University of 95616 8719 Fallbrook W a y , Sacramento, Encino, C A 91316, 213/344-9275
California-Davis C A 95826, 916/838-1245
Carol Weis. I0l5-I5th St., Boulder, C O Teri Thomas Anderson (Mark), On, 710
Chi Delta 80302, 303/443-0546 Janet Thumm Spomer (Louise), P, West 12th. A p t . # 2 , Casa Grande. AZ
University of 6991 E . C o r n e l l , D e n v e r . C O 85222, 602/838-7658
Colorado Mary Bauman, 210 Temple Ave., L o n g 80222, 303/757-1442
Beach, C A 90803, 213/433-9592 Phyllis Casteel Gilson
Lambda Beta Penne Benson Ferrell ( J a m e s ) , NA,
California State Nina Stefanides, 30147 Ave., Esplendida, 21152 Binghampton C r . , Hunting- Merilee Bennett ( B r u c e ) , AB, 3994 R i c e
University-Long Beach Palos Verdes, C A 90274 ton Beach, C A 92646. 714/968-3243 Rd.. Riverside, C A 92506, 714/781-6938
Lambda Iota (Colony) Debbie Samuelian. 647 W . 28th St., L o s S u s a n D a v i s H o l t k a m p ( P h i l i p ) , n, L e a h Hardcastle M a c N e i l ( N e i l ) , AS, 7033
University of Angeles, C A 90007, 213/746-8426 485 Santa Dominga. Solana Beach, Hemlock, Oakland, C A 94611, 415/339-
California-San Diego C A 92075 0312
Nu Lambda Bervl Arbit. K e , 4530 Woodley Ave., Merilee Bennett
University of Encino, C A 91436, 213/981-0773
Southern California
Karen Hanson, 2311 Prospect Ave., Berke- Judith Lacina Blakely (Donald), o n , Merilee Bennett
Sigma ley, C A 94704, 415/845-8263 752 Longridge R d . , Oakland, C A
University of 94610, 415/444-1459 Phyllis Casteel Gilson
California-Berkeley Anngel Yacoobian. 9950 Zelzah Ave.. North-
ridge. C A 91324, 213/349-9873 Mary Crystal Paine Compese (Jo-
Sigma Phi seph), XA, 23063 Baltar St., C a -
California State Julie Gilmore, Box 7617 N A U , Flagstaff, A Z noga Park, C A 91304, 213-884-9914
University-Northridge 86001
T o n i M c D o n a l d M o r r i s ( G a i l ) , en,
Theta Omega 1505 N . Aztec, Flagstaff, A Z 86001
Northern Arizona
University L i s a T e w k s b u r y , 1731 E . S e c o n d St.. T u c - Eleanor Kraft, BP, 6516 East Bella- Teri Thomas Anderson
son. A Z 85719, 602/795-9570 trix, Tucson, A Z 55720, 602/747-
Upsilon Alpha 2816
University of
Alumnae Chapter President Alumnae Chapter President
Palo Alto
Albuquerque Hazlet G a n n Edmonds, K e , 2120 Valencia Joan M c D o n a l d . I , 356 Waverly, Menlo
N E , A p t . 9, A l b u q u e r q u e , N M 87110 Park, C A 94025, 415/325-0425
Amador-Livermore Pasadena
Valley Carol Soule Bilheimer ( R i c h a r d ) , K G , 2308 Arlene Anderson DesJardins (Richard), XA,
V i a E s p a d a , Pleasanton, C A 94566 1845 N . S a n t a A n i t a , A r c a d i a , C A 91006
P a t r i c i a M a c C a g n o W i l s o n ( P e t e r ) , SI, 6 2 1 2 Karen Ross W i l s o n ( D o n ) , en, 4151 W .
S. Garfield D r . , Littleton, C O 80121 303/ Riverside Colter, Phoenix, A Z 85019, 602/931-4521
Diablo Valley Sacramento Colleen Hise Munson, A P , 8040 Magnolia
T h e l m a Waigand ( G r a m ) , 61', 2355 Royal Ave. # 5 , Riverside, C A 92504
East Bay Oaks D r . , Alamo, C A 94507, 415/837- San Diego
Glendale 1221 Martha Sortor Bayne ( C h a r l e s ) , * , 9225
San Fernando Condesa, Sacramento, C A 95826, 916/363-
Hawaii M a r i l y n M a r t i n B e i g h t l e r ( R o b e r t ) , X, 74 Valley 1638
Castle P a r k W a y , O a k l a n d , C A 94611
Las Vegas San Jose C a r r o l P a g e l e r K i r k ( R o b e r t ) , AX, 3958
Long Beach B a r b a r a R y a n D u n h a m ( R i c h a r d ) , K e , 1531 Bonita View Dr., Bonita. C A 92002, 714/
Los Angeles Sunshine D r . , Glendale. C A 91208, 213/ San Mateo 479-8335
Marin County 246-2153
South Bay— Phyllis Casteel Gilson (See Regional D i -
Northern Orange Zoe Pettengill Alexander ( W m . ) , r , 2397 Palos Verdes rector listing—VIII)
County A i n a L a n i P L , Honolulu, H I 96822, 808/
946-4250 Southern Orange C a r o l Pedersen Jury ( D a v i d ) , A S , 1066
County Brockhampton C t „ San Jose, C A 95136,
L y n n Herrling Wirth ( R o g e r ) , A*, 1130 408/266-4448
Buehler D r . , L a s Vegas, N V 89114 Tucsi
Virginia Moore DePue, Ke, P. O. Box 762,
Jane Deetz Ledgerwood, AB, 15150 M a g - St. Matthew Station, San Mateo, C A
nolia # 2 1 8 , Westminster, C A 92683 94401, 415/341-3522
Cynthia Dickranian Norian, K G , 260 S. Kathy Criswall DeMott, AB, 5522 Carme-
Peck D r . , Beverly Hills, C A 90212 lynn, Torrance, C A 90503, 213/370-6469
Joanne Westerfield D u n n ( G o r d o n ) , P, 83 G a l e P a u l ( R i c h a r d ) , BA, 8651 V i s c o u n t
Summit Ave., San Rafael, C A 94901, Dr., Huntington Beach, C A 92646, 714/
415/453-2891 962-6196
A n n Browning H o b a r d ( W m . ) , Ke, 882 N . D o n n a Clanton Fulton ( A r c h ) , Y A , 8748 E .
Poinsettia Ave., Brea, C A 92621, 714/ Patterson Dr., Tucson, A Z 85710, 602/885-
529-2685 7466
Vlll—Regional Directors for Alumnae Chapters:
Teri Thomas Anderson—Albuquerque, Denver, Las Vegas, Tucson. Merilee Bennett—Diablo Valley, East Bay. Glendale, Pasadena. San Diego, San
Fernando. Phyllis Casteel Gilson—Long Beach, Northern Orange County, Phoenix. Riverside, South Bay/Palos Verdes, Southern Orange County. Leah
Hardcastle MacNeil—Amador/Livermore Valley, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Marin County, Palo Alto, Sacramento, San Jose, San Mateo.
When Alamo Reeves drops her
purse or her glasses fall under the
bed, she can't just bend over or
scramble under the dust ruffle to
retrieve them. But Alamo, who has
arthritis and is confined to crutches
or a wheelchair, fortunately has a
companion who'll fetch those mis-
placed items . . . a furry dog-friend
named Mog.
Mog wasn't always so helpful and
Alamo hasn't always been so fortu-
nate. A long-time dog lover, she
knew there had to be a way for
disabled people to train dogs. The
blind had their seeing-eye dogs; why
not "handi-dogs" for the handi-
capped? With hard work and per-
severance, Handi-Dogs of Tucson
was formed—a proud sheepdog
named M o g one of the first grad-
Thanks to Handi-Dogs and her
own personal motivation, Alamo now
not only lives an almost completely
normal life, but also has the satis-
faction of helping others do the same.
Times haven't always been so easy,
though. As a freshman at Randolph-
Macon Woman's College, Alamo was
as active as any 18-year-old college
woman . . . she even pledged a so-
rority, AOII's Kappa chapter. But
then, shortly after her spring initi-
ation, she developed rheumatoid
arthritis. Her condition progressively
worsened, until, by her senior year,
she was forced to leave school and
spend a year confined to bed.
AOTT Those first years weren't easy for
a young woman accustomed to going
Dog wherever she wanted, when she
• wanted. Gradually she began to ad-
just, and decided to try her best to
Days - live a normal life. She returned to
school, got her bachelor's degree and
began work on a master's. Still there
were things that just couldn't be done
from a wheelchair . . . and those
little things frustrated a woman who
wanted to be independent and on her
Although her mother was a great
help to her, Alamo hated to call out
every time she dropped a tube of
Alamo Reaves, K , may be confined to
a wheelchair, hut she certainly hasn't
lost her independence. At left, Handi-
Dog graduate Mog demonstrates some
of his training.
toothpaste or a can of hairspray. So I'M SO H A N D Y
she turned to those animals she had
always loved—dogs—and became Mog looks for a
interested in training them not only
to be obedient companions but also bit of praise from
helpful assistants in everyday life.
Handi-Dog train-
Several disabled people she knew
lived alone and wanted a dog both ing director Bever-
for companionship and protection,
but were physically unable to get a ley Ludwig, while
dog under control and sufficiently
trained to be of service. Regular Alamo explains his
obedience classes were too strenuous
and fast-paced for these people or newest accomplish-
senior citizens, and individual instruc-
tion was too costly for most. Alamo ment.
felt that dog training could be offered
in a class situation, and the lower such as come, heel, sit, down and recovery . . . and life . . . to Din-Din
cost would then make it available to stay are emphasized, but picking up and his bark.
all who wanted and needed it—espe- dropped objects, barking on com-
cially in the Tucson area where the mand, and fetching a newspaper are Such stories, of course, receive
disabled population is probably the also on the "syllabus." great local publicity, and public
highest per capita of any place in the demonstrations and word-of-mouth
United States. A l l graduates of the Handi-Dog also help spread the program's goals.
course gain a more helpful com- Eventually, Alamo hopes to make the
A number of local dog trainers panion, but some graduates may service available nationally through
were consulted . . . all thought thank their dog for later saving their local obedience clubs, but says "we're
Alamo's Handi-Dog idea a good one, life. This spring, one canine grad- not ready yet to march into every
but they didn't want to give the extra uate did just that. The owner was in community.
time and effort required to teach such the very first class with her four-
a class. Finally, she called a woman year-old poodle, a very spoiled dog. "Right now," she adds, "we are
who had taught many courses in dog The owner, who had suffered a concentrating on perfecting our
obedience through the Y W C A and stroke, was unable to control the dog training techniques and building our
Humane Society, and she agreed to and was being evicted from her apart- organization locally so we'll have a
give it a try. Together they founded ment because of its excessive bark- firm foundation established when we
Handi-Dogs of Tucson in November, ing. "We got the dog under control," go into other communities." The
1973. Alamo reports, "and the woman local group plans to invite some
taught it to respond to 'no bark' Phoenix obedience people to observe
That first class was an experi- and 'bark.' " When the woman fell the spring '78 class in preparation
mental one. Those who wanted to in the bathroom one night, the dog for their own '79 class.
attend, but didn't have the $15 fee, responded to her command and
were given special "scholarships." broke its usual silence by barking Handi-Dogs is also working on
The Tucson Alumnae Chapter of until the neighbors were attracted. strengthening its financial base. The
A O l l has been especially helpful, The apartment manager was notified group received its state non-profit
providing a scholarship donation for of the dog's unusual behavior and corporation status in June, and hopes
the first class and each following broke into the woman's apartment. to have its IRS non-profit status by
class. The local Humane Society also Although she spent two weeks in the the end of the year.
provided dogs for those people with- hospital, doctors credit her speedy
out one. And, surprisingly, consider- Alamo and her group are also
ing the whole thing was one woman's beginning to tackle a whole new
dream and a brand-new experiment,
that first class went remarkably well. (continued on page 32)
New students soon began signing up
for the next "semester's" class, and,
to date, almost 50 people have
graduated from Handi-Dog training
classes in the Tucson area.
Classes are limited to 10 or 12,
and each dog-owner team must have
a helper. Volunteers assist those un-
able to bring a family member or
friend to class. Beginning exercises
A s Alpha Omicron Pi lovingly commemorates its founding, the
Executive Board would like to share with you the Founders'
Day message written by Stella George Stem Perry for Founders'
Day, 1950. It is as timely today as it was then:
/ have been asked to repeat for you a simple, rhymed message I
wrote for a Founders' Day some years ago. I do so gladly,
for its accuracy grows with time.
T o Alpha Omicron Pi
Of my rich youth, as bright as gold,
To you I gave a part;
And now I never can grow old,
Because you bring, a thousandfold,
My youth back to my heart.
Now, I'd like to advise you somewhat as to this. We, your seniors,
would never mistake seniority for superior wisdom; but, still,
this much is true—that you have never been old and we have been
young, so life would have been futile indeed had it taught us
nothing to tell you. There is an old Chinese proverb, you know,
that to find the best path through a forest it is wise to ask a
man who has been there.
This, then, I have learned for you about youth in, by and
for Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Omicron Pi has given us an eternal blessing in that, while
enhancing our enjoyment of our golden youth, it makes us not
squander, but invest it. This investment, indeed, keeps us young.
The bank of this investment is togetherness. Togetherness in using
the new freedom of choice by freely choosing the old
moralities and graces. Togetherness in championing courageously
ideals that demand unwavering support. Togetherness in
service to others and to one another. I promise you that this
togetherness will ever be reality, strength, comfort and joy in a
changing world. Above all, it will give a life-long consciousness of
sisterhood that expands the self of everyone and is an assurance
and an earnest of the brotherhood of man and its holiest
Now, let me add, for this Founders' Day, another simple stanza,
with my grateful, confident love.
In your rich youth is banked my own; ideals
Pray treasure it in fee
And take the interest it has shown.
The golden roses it has grown,
Forever yours, from me.
If each one of us will give of her love and loyalty to the
of our beloved Founders, the guiding light of our fraternity,
Alpha Omicron Pi will forever be a shining star.
The Executive Board
You Can Help Preserve AOTT's Past
Carefully stored away in heavy Wilma Smith Leland was elect- an international headquarters.
crates and well-packed cardboard ed chairman and Ruth Lee Leich- Save archives material, but do not
boxes are little pieces of paper, tamer secretary-treasurer of the send it to Central Office now, as
pictures, vases . . . memorabilia new group. Yearly dues are $5, space will not permit its accept-
perhaps merely interesting to an- and all initiated members, colle- ance at the present time. Make
tique collectors, but priceless to giate and alumnae, are welcome to sure your family knows which
thousands of AOIIs. become members-at-large. The items you wish to go to the fra-
Executive Committee of the His- ternity.
Letters handwritten by the foun- torical Society will meet biennial-
ders, photographs of our oldest ly prior to the opening of Interna- Collegiate and alumnae chapters
chapters, original chapter gavels tional Convention and members- and individual members having
and ritual equipment all need to be at-large may attend the meetings. historical material are asked to
restored and permanently dis- Plans are in progress to form a join in the concern of the society
played. The past must be pre- local committee in Nashville to that A O I I ' s past history be kept
served now for the future. work under the direction of the alive to be shared with present
Executive Committee. and future members of the frater-
The first steps toward these nity.
goals were taken at the Scottsdale The new Historical Society needs
Convention. Past International your help, both to locate historical To become an official member
Presidents and the International material and to finance display and of the Historical Society, please
Historian met to form the Execu- preservation projects. A l l AOIIs send a check for $5 to the Historical
tive Committee of the Historical who have material of historical Society of Alpha Omicron Pi, Inc.
Society of Alpha Omicron Pi, a value to the fraternity are urged to Address your envelopes to: Mrs.
society organized to collect, pre- save it until plans are completed M . P. Leichtamer, 3455 Goddard
serve and display memorabilia of for its display and preservation at Rd., Toledo, O H 43606.
the fraternity.
AOTT Awards Thanks to Alpha Omicron Pi and the Arthritis Foun-
15th Arthritis dation, Linda F. Thompson, Ph.D., is returning to re-
Research Grant search. Linda will be doing research on severe combined
immunodeficiency (SCID), a crippling defect in the human
metabolism, at the University of California-San Diego
School of Medicine this year.
The 15th recipient of a A O I I Arthritis Research Fel-
lowship, Linda was an assistant professor of chemistry at
the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, for the past three
and a half years. (Her undergraduate, masters and doc-
toral work was done at the University of Michigan.) Now
the fellowship is giving her a second chance to get back
into research. Her previous research experience was in the
area of bacterial viruses, so the fellowship will also be
giving her an opportunity to move into a completely new
area of investigation.
Severe combined immunodeficiency is an inherited
disorder involving a complete lack of immunologic func-
tion, usually accompanied by extreme skeletal abnormali-
ties. Unless extensive precautions are taken to protect
children born with SCID from infection, they usually die
within a year.
In 1972, a child with SCID was discovered to lack the
enzyme adenosine deaminase. This was the first case of an
enzyme defect associated with an immunodeficiency dis-
ease and the discovery gave scientists a clue to the bio-
chemical mechanism behind the disease. Linda's reseach
project involves the selection of a human cell line in cul-
ture which lacks adenosine deaminase. Hopefully, such a
cell line will provide a model system for studying SCID and
will allow biochemists to determine its molecular basis.
Alumnae Notes and Quotes . . .
Mary Fowler Rennebohm Woman Of The Year Focusing On Food
She's A Doctor Now! The Havelock, N . C . , chapter of the Developing a national food policy by
Business and Professional Women's 1979 is no easy task, but an A O I I is
One of Wisconsin's best-known citi- Club has presented Mary A n n "Bambi" working on it. B a r b a r a Anderson
zens can now add "Doctor" to her Durkin Foss. Phi K a p p a '66, with its Schick (Mrs. Edwin A., Epsilon Alpha
W o m a n of the Y e a r award. '45) has been named to a national com-
name. Mary Fowler Rennebohm. E t a mittee of the A m e r i c a n Association of
F o r over two years Bambi has been University W o m e n to help in the
'20, received an honorary doctor of program director of Pepperdine Uni- development of a topic for the next
laws degree from the University of Wis- versity at the Marine Corps A i r Station. biennium. The subject—"The Politics
consin-Madison at M a y commence- Cherry Point, N . C . where her husband of Food."
ment ceremonies. Capt. Charles C . Foss I I is stationed.
T h e committee is comprised of five
Perhaps M a r y is best known for her She recently completed degree re- members representing different regions
years as Wisconsin's First L a d y — h e r quirements for a master of arts in the of the United States, whose goal is to
husband Oscar served as governor from human resources management program develop a national food policy in the
1947 to 1951. But since his death in offered by Pepperdine and is now next two years. Members will attempt
1968, she has taken advantage of her working on a doctorate in adult edu- to answer such questions as: Who
family's business success (the large cation through North Carolina State controls and who should control food?
Rennebohm Pharmacy chain) to do- University. What is the policy and what should
nate heavily to social and educational it be?
causes. 79 Years Young
B a r b a r a , who is the daughter of Past
A l t h o u g h she is a D a n v i l l e , 111., n a - H o w about teaching a driver's edu- International President and Historian
tive, M a r y has devoted her life to the cation course at age 79? That's Edith H . Anderson, has an extensive
state of Wisconsin since graduating just one of the many activities of A l d a background in the food and nutrition
from the University of Wisconsin Jane Carson, Beta Phi '20, who was field. She has degrees f r o m both
School of Commerce in 1920. While recently named Northeast Indiana Pennsylvania State University and the
at U W . M a r y helped install E t a chap- Senior Citizen of the Y e a r . University of Wisconsin-Madison. She
ter and was initiated as a charter has been teaching nutrition at Clarke
member. A retired teacher active for many College in Dubuque. Iowa, since 1971,
years in civic affairs, A l d a currently and developed a course there which she
The Rennebohm Foundation, under is president of the board of directors entitled "International Foods," explor-
Mary's guidance, has given more than of the Allen County (Ind.) Council ing issues concerning world hunger.
$1,500,000 in donations to hospitals, on A g i n g and is also its acting execu-
churches, social services and the U n i - tive director. She teaches the defensive In June. 1976, Barbara was chosen
versity of Wisconsin. Three professor- driving course to local senior citizens. to be a workshop participant at the
ships—in public administration, busi- World F o o d Conference held at Ames.
ness and medicine—equipment for a A l d a taught high school Latin for Iowa.
new pharmacy school auditorium and over 16 years before switching to col-
numerous grants are among the foun- lege-level teaching at Purdue U n i v e r - J
dation's gifts to Mary's alma mater. sity-Fort Wayne. A n Indiana native,
she received her bachelor's degree from Barbara A nderson Schick
Mary also has been active in such Indiana University and her master's de-
Madison civic efforts as United W a y gree from Columbia University.
and Red Cross. She received the U n i -
versity of Wisconsin's Alumni Dis- T h e former local and state president
tinguished Service A w a r d in 1964. of the American Association of U n i -
versity Women was named A A U W ' s
W o m a n of the Y e a r in 1954, an honor
repeated in 1973 by the Fort Wayne
Panhellenic Organization.
She also keeps busy with the Fort
Wayne Zoological Society, Historical
Society. Women's Club, Mental Health
Association, the Adult Education A s s o -
ciation of Indiana, First Presbyterian
Church, and serving as a board mem-
ber of the Fort Wayne Y W C A . Cer-
tainly a young 79 years!
relocate and must have had experience New Maryland Dean
as an executive staff member in at least
two stateside Girl Scout councils. "Age Barbara Bealor Hines (Stephen), U K ,
is no barrier," W i l m a writes. " I n fact, has been named Assistant Dean of the
maturity counts a great deal since the College of Journalism at the University
staff travels throughout 13 countries." of Maryland.
North Atlantic Girl Scouts serve the A graduate of the University of
daughters of the military stationed in Texas at Austin, Barbara joined the
Europe—17,000 scouts and 5,000 adult Maryland faculty in August, 1976, as
volunteers. Want to know more? Write a fulltime instructor. Prior that, she was
Wilma Lang. Executive Director, North a high school journalism instructor, a
Atlantic Girl Scouts, A P O New York, Senatorial press aide, and public rela-
09102. tions counselor.
Laura Belle Gang Kelch . . .
With Nevada governor
Top Nevada Mom
Laura Belle Gang Kelch (Mrs. Max- m
well), Theta Eta, has been chosen 1977
Nevada Mother of the Y e a r . A dis- lums In
tinguished group of mothers considered
candidates across the state for the A ction ..
Alums in San Jose and Atlanta have
Governor Mike O'Callaghan was on
hand to present L a u r a Belle with the 41 really been on the go recently. The San
1977 award in L a s Vegas, where she Jose chapter has been busy raising money
has resided since 1939. for arthritis research and are shown,
above, making a presentation to O'Connor
Included in the award was a trip tc Hospital in San Jose. Front (I. to r.) are
N e w Y o r k for the Waldorf-Astoria's Karen Ryan; JoAnn Hendrix, Virginia
annual Mothers Week and the selection Good; back, Marty Koerner, Arthritis
of National Mother of the Year. Nursing Coordinator at O'Connor; Carol
Jury, Marlou Weinzerl and Sandee Markel.
F o r over 40 years, the American Altanta Tri-County Alums are active in
Mothers Committee, Inc., has annually another way. The chapter has actively
selected outstanding mothers from each supported the Atlanta Zoo over the past
state, based on guidelines involving year by adopting a bobcat, "Jethro," and
civic, educational, religious, business selling memberships to the Atlanta Zoo-
and community activities, and the logical Society. Sharon Blackshire, public
character and achievements of their relations chairman, and Kathey Chaffin,
children. president, rest a moment at the Feline
House before continuing an alumnae field
Want To Travel? trip of the facilities.
Any Girl Scout executives looking 31
for excitement? Wilma V . Lang
(Omega '38), executive director of
the North Atlantic Girl Scouts based
in Heidelburg, Germany, wonders if
any A O I I s might be interested in
applying for a job in her organization.
Those interested should be free to
ffl<§ntinued Jacksonville
Alum Group
Handi-Dogs The original concept of the badge Installed
(continued from page 27)
was restored. Less than a year ago, there was no
area . . . obedience training for dog- A O I I alumnae group in Jacksonville.
owners with hearing problems. A Chapters will always be permitted But two ambitious A O I I s met, de-
special class this fall will include cided to organize a group, and began
exercises teaching dogs to respond to use the ruby A badge for an calling other sisters around the Jack-
to doorbells, whistling teakettles, sonville area. Their results are amaz-
burning sounds, telephones and alarm award. Since it is not available for ing—less than a year later, 22 char-
clocks. ter members of the Jacksonville Area
general use, its wearer is always Alumnae Chapter gathered for the in-
While Handi-Dogs is a big part stallation of their new chapter.
of Alamo Reaves' life, she manages identified as an A O I I who has dis-
to squeeze in time for other hobbies Past International President Mary
and activities too. She is just a thesis tinguished herself or given special Louise Roller and Regional Director
away from a master's in fine arts, Judy Jolly installed the chapter July
works as an editor with the Uni- service to her chapter. 23 at ceremonies at the Club Con-
versity of Arizona Press, and moon- tinental, Orange Park, Fla.
lights in both editing and tutoring. The badge may not be chained
Unmarried, she lives with her mother Becky Turbyfill, TO, and Julie
and is currently trying to adopt a to another badge—in engagement or Dunn, A l l , were the two AOIIs who
child. Other interests include "Sun- made those first phone calls in the
day" painting, electric trains, and for other sentimental reasons. It may fall of 1976, but the entire group
other animals (in addition to her six soon began meeting regularly and
dogs, she has several cats and trop- not be used with a guard, but its making plans for formal installation.
ical fish.)
safety may be insured by a small A Christmas tea was organized for
Certainly one woman's dream has all area alumnae and collegiates.
now enriched the lives of many peo- guard which slips over the pin itself Termed an enormous success, this tea
ple, but has Handi-Dogs solved is now scheduled to become an an-
Alamo's own problems of indepen- and holds the badge on the dress nual event for Jacksonville AOIIs.
dence? Sure has. Mog will now re-
cover those fallen glasses or purses, even though the clasp may become Other activities planned for the
although he did get a bit discouraged coming year are a craft sale to raise
one time when the fallen object he unfastened. money for the international philan-
so eagerly snatched up turned out thropy, arthritis research, and a ga-
to be a soft tube of mentholated In 1975, RT&J ruled that an rage sale.
alumna may have her badge affixed New chapter officers are Penny
Badge(ccoonnttiinnuuied from page 15) Mendheim, A A , president; Jan Burris,
to a plain gold disc, to be worn as a TO, vice-president; Mary Morrissey,
crown pearls. Occasionally a badge A A , secretary, and Rita Kelly, A l l ,
was set in diamonds. Chapters charm or as a locket. treasurer.
adopted the custom of giving badges
with a ruby A to honor pledges or s CAs 6) Other charter members are: Marcia
as other chapter awards. Then, with- (continued from page Brians, Ann Beechley, Laurie Ba-
out limiting regulations, new initiates calis, Jean Ettreim, Karen Flint,
began to order badges in all sorts of and chapter relations chairman, Karen Giebler, Jean Johnson, Donna
jeweled combinations. The original worked in the advertising department Hedrick, Gail Higbee, Marian Parr,
simplicity which meant so much to of the campus newspaper, was a stu- Eileen Ryan, Mary A n n Stark, Jean
the Founders gave way to an almost dent intern at a Knoxville ad agency Smith, Barbara Smith, Harlene Rob-
vulgar variety of jeweling. and was vice president of the A d erts and Mary A n n Thornton.
Club. She was also a member of two
In 1965, the Rituals, Traditions, public relations organizations on Guests from the neighboring
and Jewelry Committee, concerned campus. Gainesville Alumnae Chapter present
over the ostentation and cost of such at the installation included Patsy Cox,
elaborate badges, limited the styles Obviously Janet has an interest in Eleanor Roberts, Virginia Waldmier,
and the metal to yellow gold in plain, advertising. She hopes to work to- Lorrie Kallay and Lauren Turner
engraved, half and crowned pearls. ward an M B A in marketing, then Hutton.
become a sales representative for a
major publication, what she calls "a
good balance between business and
Kris Weinhold went to Colorado a
"long, long time ago," but that was
the closest she'd ever been to Mon-
tana . . . until August, when the St.
Louis native moved to Missoula,
Mont., to begin working with Beta
Rho chapter.
President of Delta Pi chapter at
Central Missouri State University,
Kris has a bachelor's degree in ele-
mentary education with an emphasis
in early childhood. She plans to fin-
ish her master's at Montana, special-
izing in reading.
1977-1978 DJF Scholars
Selecting 19 Diamond Jubilee Foundation scholarship ship chairman by March 1.
winners is no easy task. Eighty applications for the awards
were received this year, all f r o m high caliber, worthy Applications are first reviewed by the chairman who
young women. The 19 chosen therefore represent the then sends them on to the three committee members.
"cream of A O I I ' s crop" . . . each was chosen on the Each member makes her first choices which are returned
basis of campus and chapter participation, individual to the chairman for compilation into a list based on the
goals and initiative, scholastic achievement, financial need amount of money available. This list is reviewed two or
and letters of recommendation. three times by the committee before final decisions are
Interested in applying for a 1978-79 award? The selec-
tion process begins in January, when application forms A l l undergraduate applicants are notified concerning the
and directions for undergraduates are mailed to collegiate awards before May 15. (The dates for graduate applica-
chapter presidents and advisers. Completed forms, signed tions and more information concerning graduate awards
by the chapter adviser, must be received by the scholar- in honor of Helen Haller will be available later.)
Ginger Gail Arvin of Loogootee, Indiana
Kappa Alpha Chapter
Class of 1978, Indiana State University
Degree Sought: B.S. Child Development-Family Life
A ctivities:
Chapter—Suite Chairman, Recording Secretary, Founder's Day and Homecoming
Worker, participation in chapter charity drives
Campus—Phi Upsilon Omicron (home economics honorary), intramural sports
Future Plans: Teaching in a nursery school or working for an adoption agency
Karen Bechtold of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Gamma Beta Chapter
Class of 1978, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Degree Sought: B.S.
Chapter—Vice-President, Pledge Trainer, Executive President
Campus—Intramural sports. Elementary Education Club
Future Plans: Continue education—teacher
Gayle Elizabeth Fitzpatrick of Portland. Oregon
Alpha Rho Chapter
Class of 1978, Oregon State University
Degree Sought: B.S. Business-Computer Science
Chapter—President. Secretary, Treasurer
Campus—Intramural sports, yearbook staff, dormitory newspaper editor
Future Plans: Master's Degree—finance management
Antoinette Jane Grabler of Portland. Oregon is
Alpha Rho Chapter
Class of 1978, Oregon State University 33
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter—Panhellenic assistant and delegate, vice-president of pledge class, chapter
intramural manager and captain of three sports
Campus—Gymnastics coordinator, dramatics and production activities
Future Plans: Teacher—Athletic Administration
Susan Kay Hagadone of Cozad, Nebraska
Phi Sigma Chapter
Class of 1979, Kearney State University
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter—Class Scholarship Chairman, Assistant House Manager
Campus—Rodeo Club, SPURS honorary society
Future Plans: Special education teacher
Debra Lynn Hammitt of Kirkwood, Missouri
(Repeat Recipient)
Zeta Chapter
Class of 1977 (December), University of Nebraska
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter—Leader's Council, Vice-President/Fraternity Education
Campus—Volunteer kindergarten work. Kappa Sigma Little Sister
Future Plans: Kindergarten teacher or child services
Barbara Lynn Hazelip of Corinth, Mississippi
Sigma Omicron Chapter
Class of 1978, Arkansas State University
Degree Sought: B.M.E. (Music Education)
I Chapter—Song Leader, Homecoming Sale Chairman
Campus—Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, President of Sigma Alpha Iota, Sextet
of Arkansas State University Chorus
Teresa Marie Himebaugh of Memphis, Tennessee
Tau Omicron Chapter
Class of 1981 (5 yr.). University of Tennessee-Martin
Degree Sought: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Chapter—Assistant Treasurer, pledge class Public Relations Chairman
Campus—Intramural sports. Dormitory Council activities chairman
Private practice or research
Jean M. Krechel of Hales Corners, Wisconsin
Phi Delta Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Degree Sought: Business Administration
Chapter—Vice-President, Pledge Trainer, Senior Panhellenic Delegate, Rush Chair-
man, Chapter Relations Committee, Greek Week Committee
Campus—Professor's assistant (grading, recording), Inter-Greek Council, freshman
Future Plans: Retail Management-Buyer, secure M B A degree
Margaret Elizabeth McCandless of Lincoln, Nebraska
Zeta Chapter
Class of 1979, University of Nebraska
Degree Sought: B.S. Business Administration
Chapter- -Pledge Scholarship Award, Chapter Relations Committee
Campus- -Alpha Lambda Delta (honorary). Phi Eta Sigma (honorary), Student
Advisory Board liaison speaker
Future Plans: Work in business, then secure M A . degree
Theresa Marie Palabrica of Brown Deer, Wisconsin
Phi Delta Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Degree Sought: B.S. Medical Science
A ctivities:
Chapter—President, Rush Chairman, Chapter Relations Chairman, Pledge Pan-
hellenic Delegate
Campus—Panhellenic Scholarship Chairman, Ski Club, Pre-Med Association, Wis-
consin Riders and Dressage Association
Future Plans: Medical school, then a physician in a smaller community
Susan Kay Piper of Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kappa Tau Chapter
Class of 1978, Southeastern Louisiana University
Degree Sought: B.A.
Chapter—Corresponding Secretary, Leader's Council, Rush Committee, Home-
coming Committee, Arthritis Drive
Campus—Dorm House Council, Dean's List, Associate Justice on Student Supreme
Future Plans: High school teacher
Cynthia Sue Poti of Evansville, Indiana
Chi Lambda Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Evansville
Degree Sought: B.S.
A ctivities:
Chapter—Pledge Class President, Administrative Vice-President
Campus—Campus and University choirs, Alpha Lambda Delta (Vice-President),
Legal Paraprofessional Society, Miss University of Evansville
Future Plans: Attend Indiana University Law School
Betty Ann Kidder of Quincy, Illinois
Award In Honor Of Muriel McKinney
Iota Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Illinois
Degree Sought: B.A. (Business Administration)
-President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Intramural Sports, Delegate to
Chapter- Midwest Panhellenic Conference
-University of Illinois delegate to conference on academic affairs, dorm
Campus- floor vice-president, Urbana-Champaign Senate-Student Association
Future Plans: Real Estate—Business Management
Lisa Gayle Tewksbury of Scottsdale, Arizona
Upsilon Alpha Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Arizona
Degree Sought: B.A. Political Science
Chapter—President, Public Relations Chairman (Alumnae), Recording Secretary,
f Campus—SPURS (honorary), Panhellenk; Representative, Young Republicans
(local and national party)
Future Plans: Law School
Laurinda Louise Tipton of Tallahassee, Florida Secretary, Recommendations
Gamma Omicron Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Florida
Degree Sought: B.S. English Education
Chapter—Song Leader, Assistant Corresponding
Campus—Dorm floor leader
Future Plans: High school English teacher
Mary Elizabeth Wright of Des Moines, Iowa
Iota Sigma Chapter
Class of 1978, Iowa State University
Degree Sought: B.S.
Chapter—House Manager, philanthropic projects
Campus—Tri-Service NROTC Queen Delegate, Chairman Derby Days
Future Plans: Housing market—restoration of older homes
Anne Leslie Young of Alexandria, Virginia
Delta Chi Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Delaware
Degree Sought: B.S. Animal Science, Agricultural Engineering
Chapter—Corresponding Secretary, Scholarship Chairman
Campus—Alpha Beta (honorary), Equestrian Club
Future Plans: Industry relating to agriculture
Teri Paulette Zenk of Montevideo. Minnesota Chapter Relations Chairman, Scholarship
Tau Chapter
Class of 1978, University of Minnesota
Degree Sought: B.S. (Home Economics)
Chapter—President, House Manager,
Campus—Homecoming, Greek Week
Future Plans: High school teacher
ALABAMA ILLINOIS (John), March 8, 1976. Grace
B i r m i n g h a m Southern College Illinois Wesleyan University ( B A ) : Evelyn Drabing Davis (Jerry),
( T A ) : Quenette Shehane, Dec. Anne Howell Gordon, Dec. 11, Jan. 1, 1976. Mary Ruth Eades,
1976. Alys Luise Bowie (Elbert). 1976. Dec. 16, 1972. Anne Bennett M c -
Fall Meek, (Sheldon A.), April
ARKANSAS University of Illinois (I): Carole 30, 1976. Anabel Sproull Owens
Arkansas State University (SO): Stephanie B a l c h u n a s Adams (Tracy), June 12, 1976.
Ruth Ann Nicks Gowen (Larry), (Charles). Bonita Busian Beverly University of Evansville ( X A ) :
1977. Nadine Farieda Jenkins (Grant E.), Aug. 19, 1975. Joan Ann Teresa Hawkins, Jan. 29,
Jones (Bob), 1977. Pixley Bruder (John C ) . Margaret 1976. Marilu Andres Smith (Wal-
Jane Tanner Busse (Paul), Aug. lace M . ) , Feb. 17, 1976. Marie
CALIFORNIA 25, 1975. Ruth Caroline Eversman Horton Woods (Carey), Oct. 19,
University of California-Los An- Chisholm (Colin). Nellie Christinia 1976.
geles ( K ® ) : Gloria King Morris Janes Cole (Ralph G.), May 12,
(Charles), July 20, 1975. Margar- 1976. Mary Alice McMillan Do- Indiana State University ( K A ) :
et Poulton Needham (Ray Can- herty, (M.T.), July 15, 1973. Marie Emily S t o u t Goodbar
non), March 23, 1976. Marilyn
Mae Lubbring Wick (Robert J.), n Memoriam
Sept. 23, 1975.
Stanford University ( A ) : Mildred Margaret Gorham Ebert (Frede- (Mayo Alphine), April 10, 1976.
Edgar Cole Berg (Harold). An- rick Edward), Jan. 11, 1974. Julia Louise Horsman Gingerich
toinette Lacoste Schulte Hobbs Helen A. Wolfe Erskine, (Henry (Ivan), Sept. 11, 1976.
(Kenneth), August 28, 1975. Na- H ) , Oct. 19, 1976. Patricia L o u Hanover College (*0): Sarah Ann
talie Ferand Warner (Wm. H.A.), R y a n Houghton (Arthur V.). Paulus.
June 25, 1975. Marion Kenny, Jan. 16, 1976. DePauw University (©): Lucie
University of California-Berkeley Esther Dorothea Brauns Lash Allen, Dec. 11, 1976. Madonna
(2): Bernice M c N e a 1 Bryant (Clarence Roy). E 1 v a Maude Gail Harrington. Marie Henrietta
(Ober), April, 1975. Bernice Helm Pease Pettigrew (James Q.), Nov. Hedde Justice (James C ) , May
Cathcart (Wm. Eiler), Sept. 16, 29, 1976. Edna Lucile Kline Ser- 18, 1975. Verne H . Laming, Nov.
1975. Grace Lillian Smith Chad- son (Robert), A p r i l 1, 1975. Avis 4, 1975. Mary E. Fee Palmer
bourne (Grant), 1975. Gautier Coultas Stevens (Hoy), May 2 1 , (Walter J.), Sept. 28, 1976. Imo-
Harris Halsey (Wilbur), A p r i l 14, 1977. Etta Mabel Lantz Triplett gene Cooper Underhill, Aug. 3 1 ,
1977. Elizabeth H i l l , Sept. 25, (Ray), Feb. 29, 1975. Maurine 1976. Alice May Reeves West
1974. Elaine Standish Massie Mavity Vinecore (Ivor Murul). (Harley B.), Jan. 2, 1976.
(Andrew), July 5, 1976. Evelyn Northwestern University (P): Mar-
H . Bancroft Moore (Justin). Lois ian Elizabeth Rogers Headrick KANSAS
von Morpurgo Muller (George). (Lewis), Jan. 24, 1976. Kathryn University of Kansas (<!>): Ramona
Harriet Louise Ballard Finger Louise Moss Larson (Frederick Tucker Armour (Ellsworth W.).
(Everett), May 13, 1977. Cora A.), July 26, 1975. Mary Marjorie Bernice E. Moody Lemon (Dean
Hilda Manning Thompson (Ira Paschen Lindrooth (Robert), Jan. W.), March 29, 1976. Pearl W.
Francis), April 5, 1975. Grace 3, 1976. Helen Rachel Tombaugh Otto (May 26, 1976).
Evelyn Morin Van Blarcom (Co- Lohman (Carl), Feb. 9, 1975. Jean
nant), October, 1974. Florris Hol- M. Richardson Patterson (Elmer KENTUCKY
land Wilson (Wilbur Max), July Lionel), July 30, 1968. Ada Cur- Morehead State University (OH):
24, 1975. tiss Campbell Rose, Feb., 1976. Donna Jean Castle, 1975.
Patricia C o a t s w o r t h Slaughter
COLORADO (Paul), July 17, 1975. Mildred L . LOUISIANA
University of Colorado ( X A ) : Cyn- Cress (Gleen E.), Feb., 1976. Louisiana State University (AO):
thia A. Malmstrom. Ruth Sanborn Batterson Solheim Edna Beth Moss Finkelstein
(James), Sept. 7, 1976. (Tom), July 11, 1975. Michelle
FLORIDA Karen Sheehan, Jan. 27, 1976.
University of Florida (FO): Linda INDIANA Southeastern Louisiana University
Susan Roche Harmon (Richard), Indiana University (B<t>): Louise ( K T ) : Florida Elizabeth Bethea,
Feb. 26, 1976. Evelyn Vittitow Carpenter (Wm. April, 1973.
E.), May 8, 1976. Darling Marie H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial
GEORGIA Mitchell Connolly (George), Jan. College ( I I ) : Martha Louise Bon-
University of Georgia (A2): Jean 26, 1977. Pauline M . Ellis Cornea durant Blackburn ( H . F.), May 9,
Mackey Currie (W. E. Jr.), Jan. 1975. Janet Dupuy Colley (Allen).
14, 1976. Roberta Catherine
Brooks Steele (John), Sept. 26,
Eva Marie Howe Conery (Joseph University of Michigan (on): Cornell University ( E ) : Mary
C. O.). Helen Quigley Jacobs Eleanor Welsh Delaney (J. H.), Honor Donlon Alger (Martin J.),
Dahlberg, (Robin L . ) . Georgia April 24, 1976. Margaret A . March 5, 1977. Eleanor Rose Ber-
Belle Gillean Duvoisin (Jules Bonnie Fox (Gerald), May 28, resford Blayney (John J.), March
Edouard), Nov. 16, 1976. Marga- 1977. Genevieve Eaton Sharp 5, 1976. Mary Lois Gardiner
ret Morgan Sayer (Wm. Norman), (Earl), March 31, 1976. Eleanor Clark (W. Jessie). Madeleine Mun-
May 7, 1975. Rose Campbell Turner (Elton). son Lovatt (Wm. T . ) , June 26,
1974 Marion Whitwell Manthai
MAINE MINNESOTA (Fred), May 29, 1973.
University of Maine (r): Sarah University of Minnesota (T): Ruth New York University (N): Alva
Emily Stewart Buffum (Prescott Harriet Welton Agnich (Fred J.), Stroh Callihan (Dixon). Lucile
C ) . Zella Elizabeth Colvin, Oct. Nov. 11, 1975. Gladyce Mildred Burton Klinefelter (Overton Har-
8, 1975. Virginia Lee Colbath Boehlke Dahl (Earnest), Nov. 4, court), Feb., 1977.
Crandall (Horace Cushman), Nov. 1975. Dinah Margaret Graham,
3, 1976. Catherine Evelyn Stal- Jan. 31, 1976. Alice Evans Wal- OHIO
ford Kilbourne (Samuel W.), Jan. ker Nolan (Donald E . , March 17, Denison University (AT): Claire
10, 1976. Lora Moulton, July, 1975). Lucile Spencer Lipscomb (John
1973. Florence Evelyn Macleod W.), Jan. 8, 1977. Dorothy Rae
Ramsey (John Parker), June 9, MISSOURI Matchett, Aug. 18, 1976. Mildred
1976. Phyllis Joan Black Ray- Northwest Missouri State Univer- Elizabeth Holt Purvis, Jan., 1976.
mond (Kenneth W.), Jan. 3, 1976. sity (Afi): Janet Lynne Hawk, Jan. Mary Jane Reynolds, Steinfeld
Helen Antoinette Simpson Waller 17, 1976. (John), June, 1975.
(John Patrick), April 28, 1976. Miami University (n): H e l e n
MONTANA Marie Haller, Dec. 17, 1975.
MARYLAND Montana State College ( A * ) ; Mary Gloria G . Gillivan Overmyer
University of Maryland: (I rA): Genevieve Robinson Jung (Hugo). (Richard), Jan. 31, 1977. Marga-
Jeanne Lois Heffner Curtiss Ella Blanche B o r d e r Menke ret E . North Robinson, Jan. 29.
(Robert), March 7, 1975. Eliza- (Thomas Henry), Nov., 1975. 1976. Mildred Bercaw Smith
beth Flenner Eppley (Geary). Esther Belle C o o 1 e y Page (Marshall), May 14, 1975.
Joan Josephine, Faye Robertson (George), Dec. 9, 1975. Martha Youngstown University (3>A): Irma
(Wm. E . ) , May 15, 1975. Howard Maxey Palffy (Ferencz). Diamondstein Yutkin (Michell
Washington College (2T): Chris- Clara Carolyn Batch Patterson Ralph) March 26, 1977.
tine Catlin Friel (Albert Bernard), (G. A.), March 3, 1975. University of Cincinnati ( ® H ) :
Oct. 12, 1976. Nancy Ann Rich- Frances Elizabeth Yost O'Reilly
mond Torrey (Norman E . Jr.), NEBRASKA (John Joseph).
Dec. 16, 1975. University of Nebraska (Z): Gladys
Lamme Bigger (Ralph). Gisella University of Toledo (®*): Bar-
MASSACHUSETTS Birkner, Dec. 16, 1975. Frances bara Carol Emerson Adams
Jackson College, Tufts University Bratt Gorman (Bernard D.) Elma (David), April, 1975. Emma Kath-
(A): Marjorie Phillips McCarty Marie Rodwell Hooper (Byron), leen Turner Johnson (John C ) ,
Bayliss (Guy C ) , Feb. 15, 1976. March 10, 1977. Gertrude Swain July 29, 1974. Jacquelyn McLain
Adele Field Clark Danver (James), Lanigan (Thomas). Dorothy Jean Wilhelm (Allen).
Nov. 3, 1975. Isabella G. Owler Wilson Otto (Ray). Darrina Tur-
Drury (Ralph). Blance Heard ner Paige. Roma Aileen Rush OKLAHOMA
Hooper. Elizabeth Rennard Strohl Pickering (Doane Turner), June, U n i v e r s i t y of O k l a h o m a (H):
(L. P. ). Hazel Cook Thomas 1975. Kay Stehlik, Oct. 18, 1976. Maude Merle Spencer Masterson
(Lyman), 1977. Mabel Sanders (Conrad), Oct. 24, 1975. Dorothy
Wadlington (W. A.), Nov. 20, NEW YORK Mozley Poythress (Douglas), April
1976. Breta Diehl Wenstrand Barnard College, Columbia Uni- 21, 1975. Iola June Harrison
(Wm. W.) Beryl Mary McClure versity (A): Julia Virginia Bogler Wood (Wallace William), July 10,
Williams (Donald), June 30, 1976. Garnjost (W. T.), June 15, 1976. 1976.
Alice Matilda Rich Wakefield Syracuse University (X): Ruth
(Ralph), 1977. Roberts Dibben, Dec. 31, 1976. OREGON
Eleanor Louise Cillivan Duke Oregon State University (AP):
MICHIGAN (Raymond). Eleanor Jane Ham- Mable Mathina Parish McCord
Michigan State University: (Br): mond Jones (Wm.), Sept. 8, 1975. (Frank W.), March 15, 1975.
Doris Lenora Sharpe Richardson, Nora Lois Knight King (Clinton Florence Elizabeth Wade Mc-
July 2, 1976. Marie Foster Tenny Clive), Aug. 23, 1976. Iantha S. Kinstry (Thomas G.), Sept. 25,
Woodwell (Stanley), Sept. 15, Emmerling Stage (Harry H.), Sept. 1975.
1976. 25, 1975. University of Oregon (A3): Cla-
rissa Campbell Bronn (Fred), June
3, 1975. Reba Helena Brogdon
Buck (Raymond C ) , June 13, Emily Louise Banks Douglass 1976. Madge Stokes Winslow.
1975. Dorothy Helen Chausse. (Robert).
Marion Crary Fay, June 25, 1976. Vanderbilt University (NO): Mar- WASHINGTON
Renee Barbara Cowell Gannett tha Louise Roden Kenton, Nov.
(Ray). Alice J. Dorman Southwell 14, 1975. Margaret Aloel Lamb. Washington State University ( A r ) :
(Arnold), March 16, 1977. Jo Margaret Dickinson McGregor Elizabeth H a d d o w Ringheim
Anne Adler Vincent (Robert), (J. F.), April 2, 1976. Dorothy (Stanley E.), Nov. 15, 1974. Vic-
Oct. 8, 1975. Werdna Isbell Wyatt Lucus Minnick, Nov. 19, 1974. toria Anne H a n s o n Savage
(Dale). Martha Louise Roden, Nov. 14, (Robert), March 17, 1977.
1975. University of Washington ( Y ) :
PENNSYLVANIA Jeanne Evelyn Margaret Benjamin
Pennsylvania S t a t e University Lambuth College (no): Nancy Bonner (Wendell), May 29, 1975.
(EA): Elizabeth Wilson Hopkins McKnight Cawthon (John San- Rosella Karrer Hersh (A. H.),
Baker (Allen Langdon), Dec. 18, ford), Jan. 5, 1976. July 9, 1976. Mary Frances Burn-
1975. Mary Elizabeth Lawther U n i v e r s i t y of T e n n e s s e e (O): side, Feb. 3, 1976. Cornelia Eliza-
Harper (John C ) , Sept. 20, 1975. Margaret McAnulty Banks (Jo- beth Jenner MacClain (A. Lewis).
Anny Louisa Ries Powell (Ben- seph), Oct. 19, 1976. Dorothy Margaret Anne Burnside Mace
jamin), Feb. 23, 1975. Brown Cameron, Dec. 9, 1975. (Neal), Feb. 3, 1976. L . Anita
Indiana University of Pennsyl- Mary Rust Poynter (F. P.), 1975. Pettibone Schnebly (Robert), Sept.
vania (rB): Kathleen Agnes Hook- 15, 1975. Mary Kathleen Davis
er, Oct. 4, 1975. VIRGINIA Whitford (Homer H. Jr.), Nov.
University of Pennsylvania (*): R a n d o l p h - M a c o n College ( K ) : 18, 1975.
Marian Ada Culin, May 12, 1977. Margaret Rosita Carrington Jones
Priscilla Lucille Barrett Tetor Dyke (Martin III), Jan. 20, 1975. WISCONSIN
(Fred G.). Julia White File (Norman), Feb. University of Wisconsin (H): Grace
3, 1977. Frances G. Hardy, Jan. Elizabeth McManamy Conklin
TENNESSEE 31, 1976. Eugenia Moore Lips- (James). Catherine L . Fleming
Southwestern University ( K O ) : comb (Willis), Jan 13, 1976. Mary Frederick (Roland Hubbard), Ro-
Margaret Perkins Mays Bird (Wil- Lou Jones Plunkett (Robert Lee). berta Gertrude Bird Schmitz (Gil-
mer), Dec. 8, 1975. Virginia Cun- Julia Whitten Dodsen Roy (Paul bert), Nov. 26, 1975. Mary Brad-
ningham Chapleau (Oscar P.). Arthur), Jan. 1, 1976. Lucile ley Brader Moran (Frank T.),
Green Scrivner. Katherine March April 4, 1974.
Thomas (Stanley Judson), Jan. 2,
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