micron Pi makes'Dig plans Fall 1989
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micron Pi m
Vol. LXIV, No. 12
• Alpha Omicron Pi maj<es big plaijs x"~
big plan
Alpha Omicron Pi makes big plan
Alpha Omicron Pi makes big pla
Alpha Omicron Pi makes big pla
Omi ro
• micron Pi makes big plans
Alpha Omicron Pi makes big plans
Alpha Omicron Pi makes bi
big plan
Our Founders were visionary women. It is no wonder that Alpha Omicron Pi has achieved the excellent reputation it has today. O u r Founders were ahead of their time.
Recendy AOIFs Archivists spent a month at Headquarters pouring through our historical papers and port- folios. Some of these precious materials can now be viewed in the lighted archives display cases. Groups of various historical photographs, such as past Conventions and past Presidents, are displayed throughout the building. The library houses such historical material as the yearbooks of Barnard College during the time our Founders and Alpha Chapter members attended Barnard.
The Archivists shared treasured memories of the wonderful women who climbed the stairs at the Barnard College Library in 1897 to plan the beginnings of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman was an author of children's stories and we have copies of magazines in which her stories appeared. Beautiful illustrations accompany the lively stories.
The early constitutions were penned in large part by Helen St. Clair Mullen. Saved through the years were various pamphlets on peace written by Jessie Wallace Hughan.
Stella George Stern Perry was our first Historian and wrote the first 23 year history of our Fraternity. The article was printed in our 75th Anniversary To Dragma edition.
Honor our Founders this year, remembering that what they created has endured and grown and prospered. Soon we will celebrate our Centennial Celebration. If they lived today, the Founders would be so proud of Alpha Omicron Pi. Their courage and vision has touched 98,000 women and inspired them to live the ideals of AOII for 93 years.
As we celebrate our Founders' Day this year, it is a perfect opportunity to honor our beginnings. Remember our Founders with a special ceremony or a sharing of memories about your early beginnings in Alpha Omicron Pi.
No greater tribute could be given to Jessie, Helen, Stella and Bess by their AOII sisters.
Mary Williams
Anne Allison
Elizabeth Coffey
This issue of 73 Dragma is a special report about Alpha Omicron Pi's 1989 International Convention. In it, you can read about your new Execu- tive Board and their hopes and dreams for the next biennium. A complete report of the individuals and chapters receiving awards is also featured, and International President Barbara Hunt's column, "From the President's
Desk" debuts in this issue.
As with any meeting the size and
magnitude of Convention, it is useful to look back and see how things could be done better the next time. Some suggestions a r e . . . to offer a workshop on "Shooting the Rapids" to assist members returing from late night workshops in the pouring r a i n . . . at the third meal where fruit is the des- sert, the Spirit Committee will chant "Iscream,You scream,Weallscream for ICE CREAM!"
Nancy Bowers Elisabeth Donaldson Barbara Long
Ju c ty Bourassa
Michael Ann Wells, President of the Washington, D.C. Alumnae Chapter, is undoubtedly prepared for her next few dinner parties. She won the centerpiece from the table five times at Convention!
Transportation between the widely separated buildings at Innisbrook Resort was provided by a tram service. Some collegians apparendy enjoyed the tram rides. After boarding the shuttle bus to the airport, they started singing "On the tram again..." to the tune of Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again."
There are no chapter reports in this issue because of the necessity of printing the Directory, as well as the Convention Report. Chapter reports will resume in the winter issue.
Beth Grantham To Dragma
Fall 1989
lb Dragma
Vol. LXIV, No. 12
of'—'Alpha Omicron Pi
* Founders
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan
Stella George Stern Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
"The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbia University and all are deceased.
New Executive Board Guest Speakers
Ways to Keep the "Fun" in "Fund Raising" International Badge D a y
Kappa Phi Celebrates 50th!
Tau Gamma Installed .
Delta Psi Installed
Beta Gamma Returns to Michigan State Epsilon Returns to Cornell
Shooting the Rapids in Africa
Emporium.. 32
Published since January, 1905 by
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity Founded at Barnard College, January 2, 1897
From the President's Desk Bulletin Board
5 28
33 35 49 61
Alpha Omicron Pi International Headquarters 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T ennessee 37027 Telephone: 615-370-0920
Foundation Development Fund Directory
From Our Readers
TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI, (USPS-63I-840) the official organ of Alpha Omicron Pi, is published quarterly by Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027. Second class postage paid at Brentwood, TN, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 per year. Life subscription: $50.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TO DRAGMA of Alpha Omicron Pi, 9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, TN 37027. Address all editorial communica- tions to the Editor at the same address.
Editor Beth Grantham
To Dragma Advisory Committee
Sue Edmunds Lewis, TA Executive Director, CAE
Becky Montgomery Pena, KTI Associate Director
Melanie Nixon Doyle, AZ Public Relations Coordinator
Fall 1989
Special Report: Convention Founders' Awards
6-8 9-14, 19-23, 25 15 24
4 21 25 26 27 30 31 34
To Dragma
Ways to keep the "jurf in
fund raising
By Judy Hornik Bourassa Theta Pi (Wagner College) Executive Board Director
Philanthropy is the cornerstone of our fraternity, and fund raising is the means by which we meet our philan- thropic goals. Each year alumnae chapters produce a variety of ingen- ious and profitable fund raising events.
One of the questions on the Fall Alumnae Chapter Officers Report deals with the type of successful fund raiser that the chapter has held. T h e answers come in all sizes and pack- ages, as do the alumnae chapters. What is a great fund raiser for one chapter may not work for another. What is successful in one part of the country may not be popular elsewhere. The key is to find the activity that bests suits each individual chapter.
One of the most frequent fund raisers listed on the report is an auc- tion. And, the auction that seems to be gaining in popularity is a "Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It" auction. In other words, the event is a show case for the handiwork of AOIIs.
An auction can be sponsored by any size chapter and the circumstances can vary. T h e following outline is based on the successful auction run by the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter.
Planning begins well in advance because the chapter members are asked to make, bake, sew, or grow whatever it is they do best. Each per- son attending is asked to provide at least one item for the auction. Items can range from chocolate chip cookies, to home-made jam, to a crocheted afghan, to a variety of holiday crafts. The possibilities are endless. But, it takes time to prepare. Frequent reminders at chapter meetings and in newsletters are a must!
The auction is promoted specifi- cally as a fund raiser for AOII philan- thropies. And, the Phoenix Alumnae found that by making the auction a social event, the proceeds were increased substantially. Husbands, significant others, friends, and neigh- bors all are invited to attend the auc- tion the evening of the first Saturday of December.
Timing is important, because there are so many social conflicts which can crop up in December, but it is helpful to take advantage of the wide variety of Christmas crafts. Be- sides it is a time of year when every- one is feeling the generosity of the season. It's also great for getting som e shopping done—painlessly!
A professional auctioneer is not necessary What is needed is someone, preferably a willing husband, to get up and be a standup comic for the evening. Phoenix has found the bid- ding to be a large part of the fun. Everyone remembers what has hap- pened in prior years: a $30 bid for two dozen chocolate chip cookies, or an unmentionable amount bid for a photo album for a soon to be delivered child.
In analyzing the event, the key to its success is the social atmosphere and the fact that people other than AOIIs are involved. We always seem to be asking our alumnae for their financial support. It is really great when an event results in some outside money being contributed to our
Alumnae Chapters produce a Variety of fund raising events.
In addition to the auction dona- tion^) each member is asked to bring an hors d'oeuvre and beverage. At least two hours are spent perusing the auction items and enjoying the good food and company This also gives the people in charge of the auction time to appraise each item, so the auc- tioneer will have suggested starting bids. Every item is submitted with a card indicating the cost of the materi- als, but excluding the labor involved. This is helpful in the pricing.
AOII philanthropies.
In the new revision of the Alumnae
Chapter Operations Manual, there are details on a number of successful fund raising ideas. The Alumnae Department can provide you with the details or put you in touch with some- one who can.
Alumnae chapters using variations on the auction theme are Triangle, Virginia Tidewater, Detriot North Suburban, Huntsville, Indianapolis,
continued on page 48
From the President's Desk:
AOII Challenges For This Biennium
By Barbara Daugs Hunt
Phi Delta (U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) International President
Thank you for giving me the op- portunity to lead our Fraternity. I am excited about the challenges Alpha Omicron Pi faces in the years ahead. I'm optimistic about the paths AOII will travel and I'm ready to tackle the challenges of the next decade.
I've identified 10 AOII Challenges we must address during our biennium . . .and outlined them during my Rose Banquet Keynote Speech at our recent International Convention at
Innisbrook Resort, Florida.
I want to share several of these
challenges with you. . .
I. To strengthen and increase alum-
nae development, recruitment and retention.
AOII is committed to meeting this challenge. We are putting our ener- gies into creating a proactive alum- nae department. We continue to assess our reporting system, and our expectations for alumnae chapters. We continue to update our program- ming and will increase our networking potential. Regional Directors will be specifically trained to work directly
Barbara Hunt
with alumnae chapters. Our Extension Department is actively pursuing the establishment of new alum chapters. We will coordinate future colony development with increased alumna involvement, targeting cities where new chapters have been established and setting priorities in areas where we want to start AOII colonies, i.e., Columbia University, New York and the states of Louisiana and Texas. It is our philosophy that to extend successfully we need dedicated and qualified alumnae in place before we accept the challenge of extension.
II. To provide greater support and resources for new collegiate chapters and existing chapters.
AOII has installed 31 chapters during the past 4 years. This is quite an accomplishment. However, this growth has also presented challenges for AOII. We are prepared to accept this challenge. We are continuing to assign new chapters to one Director on the Board. We will institute longer Chapter Consultant visits to new chapters in the fall when they can
help the chapter formulate their rush and pledge education plans during the first year. I n addition, Regional Directors are in place to support and guide the chapters.
The established chapters will also have a Board Director who will as- sign strong regional personnel to as- sist in building and maintaining those chapters who need encouragement to reach their goals.
Our permanent Headquarters is designed to meet the needs of our continued growth. We can now pro- vide seminars and workships in our spacious new building. Staff mem- bers have been added to provide a strong support system for our Fraternity.
III. To implement a functioning Alumnae Advisory Committee for every collegiate chapter.
This is a top AOII Challenge. Our collegiate chapters are only as strong as the alumnae who support them. When the AAC is full and function- ing, the Corporation Board is active
continuedonpage 22
Fall 1989
Award Winner
Nima Chandler, Sigma (U. of California-Berkeley), received the 1989 Perry Award which is given an- nually to Alpha Omicron Pi's most outstanding collegiate chapter
Eleanore MacCurdy, Past Interna-
tional President and chairman of the Perry Award Committee, presented the award at the Rose Banquet at the International Convention.
"This chapter president has worked her best with body, brain, spirit and substance for AOII," Eleanore said when presenting the award. "She typifies the essence of AOII with her leadership ability, inner strength, maturity, standards, loyalty and in- terpretation of Ritual."
Eleanore said that Nima's actions demonstrate that other people and their needs always come first.
"From staying up late with a trou- bled sister, to driving people places, from writing encouraging notes to offering her time and support, she is always there when you need a friend," Eleanore said.
Eleanore related how Nima had memorized AOII Rituals so that she could use eye contact with each mem- ber to make each person feel that the Ritual was presented solely for her.
"Her ability to live Ritual has in- spired members to carefully consider how they can use it to guide, inspire
Nima Chandler
and enrich their lives," said Eleanore. Nima was praised for her ability to
motivate a group into action.
"In establishing chapter goals, she was able to motivate members to work together to evaluate their progress and to feel a sense of respon- sibility in the achievement of their
goals," Eleanore said.
"Under her leadership a sense of
unity and harmony was established through improved chapter relations programs and a better understanding of Ritual."
Eleanore said that Nima, like AOII Founder Stella, has a wonderful way with words. Nima's involvement and participation in Greek activities on campus presented a positive image for AOII, but she also has the foresight to look beyond college and realize that most of her time as an AOII will be as an alumna.
"She has emphasized to members
the importance of belonging to an alumnae chapter," Eleanore said.
Members of Sigma chapter say that Nima exemplifies the ideals of AOII with her warmth, sense of hu- mor, insight, tolerance, sincerity and honesty.
"She tempers her advice with wis- dom, love and discretion. Almost every member's life has been touched by her in some special, unforgettable way," said Eleanore.
The Perry Award was established by Councilof AOII at the 1959 Con- vention. It honors Founder Stella George Stern Perry. The award is ad- ministered by three Past Inter- national Presidents appointed by the Executive Board, each serving a stag- gered term of six years. Serving in these positions this past year were Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy, Joad Deathe MacCallum, and Mary Louise Filer Roller.
To Dragma
Delta Upsilon WinsJWH Cup
Delta Upsilon Chapter, Duke U., was awarded the Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup forexcellence at Inter- national Convention.
This chapter meets or exceeds all the Collegiate Chapter Performance Standards, and the members' com- munication and organizational skills are outstanding. Participation levels are extraordinary, with an average at- tendance at chapter meetings of 95%.
Being an officer in Delta Upsilon Chapter is not just an honor, it is a serious obligation. Through the pre- election process, members are well informed of each office's responsibil- ities and when they sign and submit their preference sheets, they under- stand that they will be expected to perform the duties of the office, attend all mandatory events, attend non-mandatory events for a period of time and to live their own lives by the guidelines of AOIFs Ritual.
Everyone who comes into contact with this chapter is impressed by the feeling of sisterhood that prevails throughout the membership. Anim- pressive chapter relations program cements their relationship.
The Chapter Relations Committee meets weekly and has two represen- tatives from each class to better care for the needs of this large chapter. Keystones programs are presented each semester and a special self im- age seminar was co-sponsored with Membership Education.
The pledge program has many big-little sister activities and whole chapter activities. Chapter officers at- tend pledge meetings, and pledges are included in the chapter's life. It's no wonder they consistently initiate 100% of their pledge classes.
Ritual is an important part of this chapter's life. Two or three workshops are held yearly and the chapter is al- ways willing to participate in formal Ritual for AOII visitors. Member- ship education presents a program at
each chapter meeting and the chap- ter president reviews some segment of Ritual at each chapter meeting, keeping the meaning of AOII fresh in the members' minds as they begin their business.
Delta Upsilon's rush is outstanding and while they have never had a need for Continuous Open Bidding, they have developed a super Continuous Open Rush program. They know that their philanthropic project, wel- fare support, handsomely done an- nouncements for the Panhellenic bulletin board, and campus partici- pation all put their name and their image where all can see. Yet they go about their business quietly and with- out fanfare.
This chapter has a biennial aca- demic average of well over a three point on a 4.0 scale, and finished the '89 spring semester with 3.71 average.
Probably the most amazing thing about this chapter is that it has not yet celebrated its 10th anniversary. The Regional Director writes of the Delta Upsilon members, "It is their unswerving faithfulness to each other that makes this chapter one of our best. Were I Stella, I would be com- forted in the fact that such a chapter as Delta Upsilon exists."
The Jessie Wallace Hughan Cup was the first Founders' Award to be established, and it was instituted by Stella George Stern Perry in honor ofJessie Wallace Hughan. Stella was committed to the belief that collegiate chapters are the life blood of the Fraternity. She believed that the
JWH Cup would serve as a challenge to each chapter to strive for the stan- dard of excellence that was typified by the life of her beloved friend,
Fall 1989
JWH Award — Suzanne Tufts, left, president of Delta Upsilon (Duke U.) and Sue Mattern, chapter adviser, admire the JWH award. Sue won the chapter adviser award (story on page 12).
Margaret Coffey
left, and L i z
Margaret Safford Dubley Boulden, Theta (Depauw U.), received the 1989 Wyman Award at the Interna- tional Convention. Margaret is a member of the Baltimore Alumnae Chapter.
The Wyman Award, named for Founder Elizabeth Heywood Wyman, honors an alumna who has achieved outstanding success and/or acclaim in the arts, her profession, or service to humanity.
Executive Board Member Elizabeth "Liz" Coffey presented the award to Margaret at the Rose Banquet. Liz said that Margaret is similar to Founder Bess Wyman in her out- standing service to humanity in her fraternity, community, scouting and her church.
A self described "free lance group activist leader," Margaret confessed in an interview in 1985 that she was embarrased to admit that she has never had a paying job.
"Those who know her say her full time 'job' has been service to others," said Liz.
Among Margaret's accomplish- ments are her service to her church, an inner city church, founded in
1759. Like BessWyman,Margaret is a Presbyterian, and she was named first woman Elder in 1965 and served until 1973. She was also the first woman trustee of her church.
In her community of Baltimore she conceived an idea of reviving in- terest in the downtown area. This renewed interest was then used to raise funds for several charities. This project, known as the Holly Tour was an annual December event that spanned 20 years, from 1965 to 1985 and benefitted a number of projects and programs by raising more than $120,000 in their behalf.
She served as a hostess for a num- ber of international visitor groups. She greeted the visitors as an instant friend, took them sightseeing, and welcomed them into her home for visits of a few days up to stays of several years, in the case of students.
Wyman Winner
Edith Cope Lockard, Omega (Mi- ami U.), received the Helen St. Clair Mullan Alumnae Award at the 1989 International Convention.
The Mullan Award is given to an alumna member who has continually served Alpha Omicron Pi over the years, displaying loyal, faithful and devoted commitment to the Fraternity.
Edith is a member of the Denver Alumnae Chapter which she joined in 1936 after graduating from Miami University in 1935.
Some of the many ways that Edith has served AOII include National Treasurer 1943-45; Adviser to Chi Delta Chapter in Boulder, C O for five years; Corporation Board Presi- dent for six years; National Survey Committee for two years; and Con- stitution Interpretation and Revision Committee, member for two years and chairman for two years.
Edith's first alumnae chapter was Denver, and her current alumnae chapter is Denver, but there were a few years in between of moving
continued on page 21
Mullan Winner
To Dragma
continued on page 47
Edith Lockard
Nancy Moyer McCain, Rho (Northwestern U.), was awarded the Adele K. Hinton Award at Interna- tional Convention.
Executive Director Sue Lewis, who presented the award, explained that this award is just a little differ- ent from the others in that it does not focus so much on offices held or achievements earned.
"Rather, the Adele K. Hinton Award recognizes that person in our Fraternity who has been, and con- tinues to be, a personal example to those with whom she associates," Sue said.
Named for Past International President and past executive director Adele Hinton, the award salutes the individual who, like Adele, inspires those around her to stay involved in the Fraternity, to care deeply about it.
Nancy MoyerMcCainisaPastIn- ternational President, and she was the first traveling secretary for AOII. She has devoted 40 years of service to the Fraternity.
Jan Johnson Slagowski, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U.), received the Regional Director Award at Interna- tional Convention.
This award recognizes the Regional Director who has served Alpha Omicron Pi, her region, and her chapters in an outstanding manner not only in dedicating her time and energies but also in motivating her chapters to achieve excellence and high standards.
International President Barbara Hunt, in presenting the award, noted that Jan has the respect of every chap- ter with which she has worked.
"This is so important because these chapters turned to her in time of dire need and she supported them, firmly but with patience and understanding and guided them back on the proper AOII path," Barbara said.
She also pointed out that Jan's nomination included supportive let- ters from university administrators who complimented her working style and her excellent rapport with the chapter on their campus.
Fall 1989
Nancy McCain
Hinton Award
"Many RDs are asked to accept a heavy load of responsibilities but this RD rose to the challenge and super- vised two colonies at the same time. She also supervised a chapter on mon- itoring as well as a chapter operating with virtually no Alumnae Advisory Committee," Barbara said.
Jan accepted the challenge, visited the chapters, combed the area for alumnae to help the chapter and added associate members to fill the Alumnae Advisory Committee. Barbara said that Jan is knowledgeable about AOII policies and procedures, and she communicates weekly with her chapters and supports them with un- derstanding and a willingness to listen.
Jan Slagowski "Lastly, I'm impressed with this RD because, when she moved from RD one Region to another, she didn't drop her AOII service. She simply picked up her files, moved to Virginia and accepted the R D assignment without blinking an eye," Barbara
and flourished under her direction."
"Jan's devotion to AOII is reflected
in the way her chapters have grown 9
PI •
Chapter Adviser Award:
Sue Mattern Honored
Sue Mattern, Chapter Adviser for Delta Upsilon Chapter, Duke U., was presented the Muriel T. McKinney Award at International Convention.
First presented in 1975, this award is Muriel's badge mounted on a charm which travels to each succeed- ing winner. It carries with it the reminders of the years of tireless de- votion to collegiate chapters from alumnae who strive to build excel- lence within the chapters, encom- passing loyalty, personal growth, lifelong friendships, honor, and pride.
Sue Mattern possesses all these characteristics and serves as a role model, an elder sister, and a devoted friend to each generation of col- legians.
She has been an adviser for more than ten years, and her reports are comprehensive and often contain
extra information that she feels would be beneficial for the chapter.
"Sue has been and continues to be the perfectchapter adviser," wrote the Dean of Student Life at Duke U.
The letter went on to say that the AOII chapter, under her guidance, had quickly established itself on cam- pus as a strong, productive and co- hesive group.
"She has not only served as a role model for the collegiate members of the chapter, but she has also been available to assist chapter advisers of other sororities. In fact she has been the most involved, dedicated, and reliable chapter adviser on the cam- pus," the letter continued.
One of the colony members who has returned to the area and is now on the Alumnae Advisory Commit- tee wrote of Sue, "So often longevity
The Initiation Honor Roll recog- nizes those chapters who have either (Category I) initiated 100% of their major pledge class for the academic year; or (Category I I ) initiated at least95%oftheirmajorpledgeclass for the academic year.
Category I : Beta Lambda
Illinois Wesleyan U . Beta Phi
Indiana U. Beta Tau
U. of Toronto Chi Beta
U. of Virginia Delta
Tufts U . Delta Upsilon
Duke U . Gamma Beta
Indiana U . of Pennsylvania Gamma Upsilon
St. LeoCollege Iota Chi
Western Ontario U.
begets complacency. Not in this case. She continues to advise and guide with unending enthusiasm, dedica- tion and a demonstrated 'love of the
job.' "
Her Regional Director described
her as the strength behind the chap- ter since its beginning.
"Her style of leadership has allowed the chapter the freedom to grow on their own. . .She has loaned the members her good judgment for those situations not covered in the Constitution and Bylaws. . . her grace and elegance. . .and her serenity to allow them to understand that although the world is not always fair, it can be made better by knowing who you are and that there will always be an AOII to listen."
See photo of Sue on page 7.
Kappa Lambda U. of Calgary
Lambda Iota
U. of California-San Diego
Lambda Upsilon Lehigh U .
Nu Delta
Canisius College
Sigma Chi Hartwick College
Tau Delta Birmingham-Southern College
U. of Evansville Nu Omicron
Vanderbilt U. Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U.
To Dragma
Initiation Honor Roll
Tau Lambda Shippensburg Upsilon Epsilon Parks College
Category I I : Chi
Syracuse U . Chi Lambda
U .
Collegiate 2 Distinguished Service Awards
Eleven collegiate chapters were honored with Distinguished Service Awards.
This award recognizes well rounded, outstanding chapters for their activi- ties; scholarship; service to campus, college, and community; internal quality; relations with Headquarters; financial responsibility; and training programs for a two year period.
The 1989 winners of the collegiate Distinguished Service Awards were: Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U.; Delta Upsilon, Duke U.; Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania State U.; Gamma Delta, U.ofSouth Alabama; Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U.; Iota, U . of Illinois; Kappa Omega, U . of Ken- tucky; Lambda Sigma, U . of Georgia; Omicron, U. of Tennessee; Sigma Phi, California State U.-Northridge; and Zeta, U . of Nebraska.
Scholarship Awards 4
The McCausland Cup honors the collegiate chapter with the most out- standing scholarship for the past two years, and this year's winner was Beta Tau, U.ofToronto.
Scholarship cups went to: Beta Tau, U. of Toronto; Delta Upsilon, Duke U ; Omicron Pi, U . of Michigan; Phi Chi, U. of Chicago; Phi Sigma, Kearney State College; Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College; and Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College.
Rush Excellence Awards 3
The Alpha Omicron Pi Interna- tional Award for Excellence in Rush honors chapters (categorized by membership size) which demonstrate excellent formal rush practices. These chapters achieve and maintain quota, initiate a large percentage of pledges, solicit and use MembershipInforma- tion Forms in membership selection, and maintain a year round program to promote rush success.
Alumnae 1 Distinguished Service Awards
Ten alumnae chapters were honored with Distinguished Service Awards. This award recognizes well rounded alumnae chapters for excellence in service to their communities, collegiate chapters, philanthropic projects, City Panhellenic, and for their outstanding programming designed to meet the needs of their membership and to
promote and support the activities of the Fraternity.
The 1989 winners of the alumnae Distinguished Service Awards were: Chicago Northwest Suburban, IL; Chicago West Suburban, IL; Evans- ville Tri-State, IN; Greater Pinellas, FL; Indianapolis, IN; Kentuckiana, KY; Northern Orange County, CA; Omaha, NE; Palo Alto, CA; and San Diego, CA.
This year two chapters tied for the award in the category of chapters with 106 or more members. The winning chapters were Delta Upsilon, Duke U., and Omicron, U. of Tennessee.
In the category of chapters with 76 to 105 members, Sigma Omicron, Arkansas State U. was the winner. Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College, won in the category of chap- ters with 75 or fewer members.
Fall 1989
Collegiate Certificates of Achievement
The Collegiate Chapter Certificate of Achievement recognizes excellence of chapter performance based on the Performance Standards for Collegiate
Alpha Beta Tau, Thomas More College
Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U. Alpha Delta, U. of Alabama
Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville Delta Omega, Murray State U. Delta Pi, Central Missouri
State U .
Delta Upsilon, Duke U. Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania
State U.
Epsilon Chi, Elon College Epsilon Omega, Eastern
Kentucky U .
Gamma Alpha, George Mason U. Gamma Beta, Indiana U. of
Chapters and rated on a numeric scale. These chapters represent well rounded, active, and successful chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi.
Lambda Upsilon, Lehigh U.
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. Omega, Miami U.
Omega Omicron, Lambuth College Omicron, U. of Tennessee-
Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan
Phi Sigma, Kearney State College Phi Upsilon, Purdue U.
Pi Delta, U. of Maryland
Sigma, U . of California-Berkley Sigma Chi, Hartwick College Sigma Delta, Huntingdon College Sigma Omicron, Arkansas
State U.
Sigma Phi, California State U -
Pennsylvania Northridge
Gamma Delta, U. of South Alabama
Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida Gamma Sigma, Georgia State U . Iota, U . of Illinois
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U .
Kappa Kappa, Ball State U . Kappa Omega, U . of Kentucky Kappa Omicron, Rhodes College Lambda Chi, LaGrange College Lambda Iota, U.ofCalifornia-San
Sigma Tau, Washington College Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern
Tau Omega, Transylvania U . Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee-
Theta, DePauw U .
Theta Beta, Towson State U . Upsilon, U. of Washington Upsilon Epsilon, Parks College Upsilon Lambda, U.of Texas-San
Diego Antonio
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia Lambda Tau, Northeasten
Louisiana U .
Zeta, U. of Nebraska
Zeta Psi, East Carolina U .
Numerous alumnae chapters were honored at International Convention for their achievements in a variety of areas.
Alumnae Membership Recruit- ment Award
This award honors the alumnae chapter with the most outstanding membership recruitment/retention program. This year's winner was the Denver, CO Alumnae Chapter. Citations were presented to the alum- nae chapters of W ashington, D.C., and South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA.
Alumnae Membership Education Award
This award honors the alumnae chapter with the most outstanding membership education program. This year's winner was the Omaha, NE Alumnae Chapter. A citation was presented to the Northern Orange County, CA Alumnae Chapter.
Philos Award
The Philos Award honors one alumnae chapter where the Pan- hellenic spirit is best displayed. This
year's winner was the Milwaukee, WI Alumnae Chapter.
A citation was presented to the San Jose, CA Alumnae Chapter.
Public Relations Award
The Public Relations Award is given in recognition of the most out- standing public relations program developed and implemented by an alumnae chapter. This year's winner was the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter. A citation was awarded to the Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter.
To Dragma
Alumnae Awards
Certificates of Achievement
The Alumnae Chapter Certificate of Achievement recognizes excellence in chapter performance as rated on a numeric scale based on the Perform- ance Standards of Alumnae Chap- ters. These chapters represent well rounded, active and successful alum- nae chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi. The 1989 winners were:
Omaha, NE
Palo Alto, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, A Z
Piedmont, N C
Portland, O R
Diablo Valley, CA
Evansville Tri-State, I N
Fort Lauderdale Area, FL Greater AUentown/Bethlehem, PA Greater Harrisburg, PA
Greater Jackson, MS
Greater Kansas City, M O Greater Pinellas, FL
Huntsville, A L
Indianapolis, I N
Jonesboro, A R Kearney, N E Kentuckiana, K Y Lake County, I L San Diego, CA San Jose, CA Seattle, W A
South Bay/Palos Verdes, CA Southern Orange County, CA State College, PA
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Toledo, O H
Tulsa, O K
Ventura County, CA Virginia Tidewater W ashington, D.C. West Lafayette, I N
Ann Arbor, MI
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, M D Bloomington, Normal, I N Bowling Green, K Y Champaign-Urbana, IL Chicago Northwest Suburban,
Chicago West Suburban,
Cleveland Area, Columbus, O H
Dallas, T X
Dayton, O H
Denver, CO
Detroit North Suburban, Lexington, K Y
Little Rock, A R
Long Beach, C A
Macomb County, MI Milwaukee, W I
Muncie, I N
New York-New Jersey Metro, N Y Northern Orange County, CA Northern Virginia
Northwest Arkansas
Seated, from left, LizCoffey, Anne Allison, Barb Hunt, Mary Williams. Standing, from left, Lis Donaldson, Barbara Long, Nancy Bowers, Judy Bourassa.
Introducing \bur New AOII Executive Board
Editor's Note: ToDragma recently asked members of the newly elected Executive Board to tell us a little about themselves, their involvement in AOII, and their goals for the next biennium. Their replies will serve as their introduction to To Dragma readers.
Barbara Daugs Hunt International President
Barbara Daugs Hunt, the new AOII International President, is committed to being responsible and accountable to her AOII sisters during her presidency.
"Ihavealwaysfeltthatifwecom- municate and discuss with each other our concerns, interests and dreams for AOII, we can reach conclusions and make things happen," she said.
Barb believes that AOII must con- tinue to increase its visibility in the National Panhellenic Conference, on college campuses, and in communities.
"We must convey an articulate, thoughtful, perceptive, progressive and involved image to those around us," she said.
Barb says the greatest benefit she has received from AOII has been the friendships that her involvement has provided.
"What other organization could I belong to which would give me sisters throughout the world, no matter where I traveled?" she asked.
She also spoke of the strong support system within AOII and a ritual which gives guidelines for living.
"AOII provides all of this for me and for each of our 98,000 AOII sisters wherever they are," she said.
One of Barb's AOII "sisters" is her youngest daughter, Kristine, a member of the Iota Sigma Chapter at Iowa State University.
A former school teacher, Barb now works part time as an account repre- sentative in her husband's marketing firm in Mequon, WI. She and Cecil Hunt have been married 23 years and have two sons, two daughters and three grandaughters. They live in Grafton, 20 miles north of Milwaukee.
She has a B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from the University of
Wisconsin at Milwaukee, where she was a member of the Phi Delta chapter. Her AOII involvement has included holding offices on the local, regional and national level. She is proud that the Endowment Fund was instituted during her four year tenure as AOII Foundation President. She has served on the NPC Delegation since 1985 and on the Executive Board since being appointed in 1982. While on the Ex- ecutive Board, she has served as Director for Conventions, Alumnae Department, Colonies/Installations,
and V ice President/Operations.
While keeping busy in AOII, Barb has not neglected local volunteer ac- tivities. She has been active in the Milwaukee Symphony Women's League, serving on its Board of Directors and as chairman of its an- nual ticket drive for two years. She is also serving as its representative on the United Performing Arts Fund Drive for 1990.
Whenever she and her husband have free time, they enjoy spending continued on next page
Fall 1989
Barbara Hunt
continuedfrom page 15
weekends at their cottage on Green Bay in Door County, Wisconsin. Barb enjoys reading—though she admits her newspapers and news magazines tend to pile up when she is out of town.
Anne Allison
Vice President/Development
Anne Allison, Omicron (U. of Tennessee-Knoxville), has two equal goals for the next biennium, which are "to keep our Fraternity growing in numbers, spirit, and pride, and to continue to recolonize chapters on prestigious campuses where they have closed."
She adds *.. .this, of course, includes Alpha Chapter at Barnard."
Anne has served on the Executive Board since 1987, having served as her collegiate chapter president, alumnae chapter president, and in other local and regional offices.
"The two offices I have enjoyed the most while serving AOII have been International Rush Chairman and my present office, Vice President of Development," Anne said.
"Ilovemyjobnow!Whatfunitis to spread the good news about AOII during extension visits and to work with our colonies!"
Anne enjoys volunteer work, and she has served on many boards in Louisville, including the Kidney
Anne Allison
Foundation for Louisville and Western Kentucky, the Kentucky Arthritis Fundation, and the Louisville Deaf Oral School.
She has been marriedfor35 years to Robert Allison, President of Doe- Anderson Advertising Agency. Anne and Bob have a son and a daughter.
A biennium goal: "to keep our Fraternity growing in numbers, spirit, and pride"
Judy Bourasssa, Director Judy Bourassa hopes to keep open the diaglogue that has begun between the Alumnae Department and the alumnae chapters during the next
"We will do this by continuing the
personalized reviews of the fall reports and by responding to all correspon- dence received from the chapters," she said.
A personal goal of hers will be to make contact with those chapters which do not file reports.
"These are the chapters needing our assistance, but because they don't file reports we don't know what to do for them," she explained.
"I would also like to somehow touch those alumnae who are not affiliated with alumnae chapters," she said.
Judyjuststartedafulltimejoblast May after several years of working with her husband in his business. She
is now the office manager/administra- tive assitant for a firm called Microtest, Inc.
Judy says that she has experienced
a great deal of personal growth due to her involvement in AOII.
T h e friendships that have developed along the way are the special bonus that makes AOII a significant part of my life."
Since her initiation into the Theta Pi Chapter at Wagner College, Judy has served AOII in many ways. She has held "just about every office" of the Phoenix Alumnae Chapter, where she is currently recording secretary.
Judy was the local co-chairman of the '87 convention. During the last bien- nium, she was the Alumnae Program- ming Chairman.
Her volunteer activities include the Boy Scouts and PTA. Currently, however, all her volunteer time goes entirely to AOII.
Judy and husband Cliff have been married 22 years, and they have a 15 year old son and four year old daughter.
To Dragma
Judy Bourassa
r r
Lis Donaldson, Director Open communication is at the heart of Lis Donaldson's goals for the
She hopes "to make our chapters
feel great when success in areas has been realized and supported by the AOII Executive Board when challenges appear."
Since her initiation into the Tau Delta Chapter at Birmingham- Southern College in 1979, Lis says her involvement in AOII has taught her to appreciate the meaning of the word "volunteer."
H e r profession right now is "wife, mother, and volunteer." She and hus- band Joe have two children, William, three, and Kathryn, 19 months.
Barbara Long
Mary Williams
Vice President/Operations
Mary Williams, Phi (U. of Kansas), cheerfully admits to having grandi- ose dreams for AOII.
"I want AOII to be the best Greek organization, and I want our chap- ters to be the very best they can be," she said.
Specifically, as V ice President/ Operations, she wants to support the regions so that they function at their maximum, through "brain storming, idea sharing. . . honest, sympathetic, sensitive, open communication." She also wants to enjoy her job and for her AOII sisters to enjoy theirs.
"Do it good and have a good time doing it!" is how Mary puts it.
Lis is active in the Montgomery (Alabama) Junior League in their musical outreach program. She per- forms for children's hospitals, han- dicapped facilities, and nursing homes and talks to sixth graders about music. She also teaches pre- school children at her church.
"Two great loves I have are piano and musical theatre. I participate in these when possible," she said.
Lis has served AOII as a Regional Director and Regional Vice President. She said that some of her most ful- filling AOII experiences have been working with rush at the Sigma Delta Chapter and filling in for their chapter adviser right after the birth of her child.
Barbara Long, Director Barbara Long, Alpha Rho (Oregon State U.), plans to concentrate on the development of programs for collegiate chapters during the biennium. Specific areas of importance she mentioned were the Keystones pro- gram, scholarship, and collegiate
chapter programming.
"These areas are the major frame-
work for the foundation of chapter programming which can begin to give young women valuable tools for life long skills. Obtaining these skills is one of the most important benefits that sorority membership can offer," Barb said.
Trained as a teacher, Barb now works in a middle school for the
Mary says that AOII gave her a sense of belonging, support, and friendship in college.
Mary's AOII career has included offices at the local, regional, and na- tional level. She found her years as a chapter adviser to be very reward- ing and very educational. She has also worked on the regional level which she said was "very exciting." MaryhasbeenamemberoftheEx- ecutive Board since 1985.
She has been married for 25 years to husband Robert, an attorney. They have three children, Jennifer, 22, Steven, 20, and Eric, 14. Jennifer, an AOII, was married to Paul Jensen last August.
continued onpage26
Lis Donaldson
Springfield School District in a 7th grade program which she designed for students with high ability and low performance.
Barb says she takes very seriously the pledge she made as a young woman to continue her involvement in AOII for a lifetime.
"In return, I have had the beautiful experience of forming long, loving and caring relationships and friend- ships whose depths have been beyond my ability to imagine," she said.
Her AOlI work has included serving as a Regional Director for six years and as Regional Vice President for three years.
Barb is married and has two chil- dren, David, 16, and Sarah, 14.
•• Mary Williams
Fall 1989
Nancy Bowers
Nancy Bowers, Director Nancy Bowers, Nu Omicron (Van- derbilt U.), states that her goal for the
next biennium is "to meet the chal- lenge of the Fraternity in whatever way I'm most capable of."
She said that she hopes that at the end of the biennium, each collegiate chapter will be stronger.
Nancy credits AOII with giving her "a whole support system that I've been able to rely on through the years."
Involvement in AOII has also given her "a sense of belonging, of common, shared goals, and oflove," she said.
Nancy is a former school teacher who now lists her profession as "volunteer and homemaker." She is on the board of the American Needle- point Guild, ajob she was given, she says, because of her experience with AOII. She is on the Arthritis Founda- tion Board of Middle-East Tennessee, and she is currently serving as chair- man of its nominating committee.
She is a past president of the Ad- ministrative Board at her church and still serves as a board member there. She has also served on her church's day care and kindergarten boards. She is a founding member of Harding Academy in Nashville.
She is married to Bob Bowers, the owner and president of Bowers Ink Co. They have three daughters and two grandsons. Her youngest daugh- ter, Anne, is also an AOII.
Nancy has been on the Executive Board since 1987. Prior to that she held numerous offices, including president of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter three times and president of the Nu Omicron Corporation Board twice. She has also been a Regional Director and Regional Vice Presi- dent. She is a Rose Award recipient and was named the 1988 Local Pan- hellenic Outstanding Alumna of the Year.
Four Executive Board members have AOII daughters.
Liz Coffey
Vice President/Finance
Elizabeth Romine ("Liz") Coffey, Chi Lambda (U. of Evansville), hopes "to continue in the fine man- ner of my predecessors by helping to guide the Fraternity along the path of sound fiscal management."
While acknowledging that money mangement is not a very "warm" sub- ject, Liz hopes to establish a sense of camaraderie and pride among those involved with chapter finances. She believes this can be done through the use of timely reporting and corres-
"I hope to improve our contact with
our corporations and provide them with the guidance they need to do an effective job for our chapters," Liz said.
An only child, Liz says AOII has giver her the sisters she never had, as well as providing the opportunity for personal growth.
"It has helped me learn skills which
I have been able to use in all facets ofmylife,"shesaid."Iwillneverbe able to repay AOII for all that it has meant to me."
Like Nancy, Liz says that she is "your basic homemaker." Her husband refers to her as a "professional volun- teer." A former science teacher in
junior high school, Liz decided to stay at home when her boys were born and she has never regreted that decision. Her volunteer work in- cludes serving as vice president of the board of W estminster Village North, a retirement community. She is also president of the village's foundation. She is Chief Proctor of Christ Church Cathedral and a volunteer at the In- dianapolis Museum ofArt. She also works in the United Way campaign.
Liz says her "three men — husband, Bill, and sons, Art and Chris, are very supportive of all her activities. Bill is an attorney.
Her AOII involvement has included offices at the local, regional, and nation-
al level. She has been on the Executive Board since 1987. Prior to that she served as a Regional Director, Regional Finance Officer, and Regional Vice President.
To Dragma
Liz Coffey
Quota Honor Roll
Alpha Chi
Western Kentucky U.
Alpha Delta
U. of Alabama
Alpha Gamma Washington State U.
Alpha Phi
Montana State U.
Alpha Theta Coe College
Beta Tau
U. of Toronto
Syracuse U.
Chi Beta
U. of Virginia
Chi Delta
U. of Colorado
Delta Delta Auburn U.
Delta Pi
Central Missouri State U.
Gamma Sigma Georgia State
U. of Illinois
Iota Sigma Iowa State U.
Kappa Alpha Indiana State
Kappa Kappa Ball State U.
Kappa Lambda U. of Calgary
Pi Alpha
U. of Louisville
Pi Omicron
Austin Peay State U .
Rho Omicron
Middle Tennessee State U.
Sigma Chi Hartwick College
Sigma Delta Huntingdon College
Sigma Omicron Arkansas State U .
Sigma Phi
California State U.-Northridge
Sigma Tau
W ashington College
Tau Delta
Birmingham-Southern College
Tau Omicron
U. of Tennessee-Martin
DePauw U .
Theta Beta Towson State U .
Theta Chi Morningside College
Theta Omega
Northern Arizona U.
Theta Psi
U. of Toledo
Upsilon Epsilon Parks College
U. of Nebraska
Zeta Pi
U. of Alabama-Birmingham
Delta Sigma
San Jose State
Delta Upsilon Duke U.
Epsilon Alpha Pennsylvania
Epsilon Chi Elon College
U .
Nu Delta
Canisius College
Nu Omicron Vanderbilt U.
Omega Miami U.
Omega Omicron Lambuth College
Epsilon Omega
Eastern Kentucky U .
U. of Maine
Gamma Alpha George Mason U.
Gamma Delta
U. of South Alabama
Gamma Omicron U. of Florida
U. of Tennessee-Knoxville
Omicron Pi
U. of Michigan
U. of Kansas
Phi Beta
East Stroudsburg U.
Phi Sigma
Kearney State College
Phi Upsilon Purdue U.
Fall 1989
U .
The Quota Honor Roll recognizes those chapters who have successfully pledged Panhellenic quota on their respective campuses during the main formal rush period or pledged Pan- hellenic quota through formal rush and continuous open bidding during the school term in which no formal rush is held.
Kappa Omega
U. of Kentucky
Kappa Pi
Ohio Northern U.
Lambda Chi LaGrange College
Lambda Tau Northeastern
U .
Spirit Committee —The singers of the Spirit Committee gather around the piano for a prac- tice session with Lis Donaldson.
More Collegiate Awards
Numerous collegiate chapters were honored with awards during Interna- tional Convention last summer.
Outstanding Alumnae Advisory Committee Award
The Outstanding Alumnae Advi- sory Committee Award is given for outstanding attention to AOII policies and a teamwork approach. Because
of a tie, there were two winners this year: Sigma Delta, Huntingdon Col- lege, and Zeta, U. of Nebraska. A citation went to Alpha Chi, Western Kentucky U .
Outstanding Corporation Award
The Outstanding Corporation Award recognizes the corporation
which best demonstrates sound financial management; efficient board operations; a good working relationship with its collegiate chapter, advisory committee, local alumnae, regional and international officers; and compliance with AOII policies and regulations.
The 1989 winner was Lambda Sigma, U . of Georgia. Citations went to AlphaGamma, Washington State U., and Phi Upsilon, Purdue U.
Philos Award
The Philos Award honors one col- legiate chapter on whose campus the Panhellenic spirit is best exemplified. This year's winner was Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky.
A citation went to Sigma Phi, California State U.-Northridge.
Public Relations Award
The Public Relations Award is given in recognition of the most out- standing public relations program developed and implemented by a col- legiate chapter. This year's winner was Pi Delta, U. of Maryland. A citation was awarded to Gamma Alpha, George Mason U.
Headquarters Cooperation Cup —Mary Ann Caldwell, left, presents the Head- quarters Cooperation Cup to Suzanne Tufts, president of Delta Upsilon (Duke U.), which won the award.
To Dragma
International Badge Day
December 8 is International Badge Day, and it is hoped that every col- legiate and alumnae member of Al- pha Omicron Pi will wear her Badge on that date. T h e birthday of Found- er Stella George Stern Perry, Decem- ber 8 is also the traditional date for celebrating Founders' Day.
The following review of the sym- bolism and traditions associated with the Badge is taken from the Bookof Rituals Instructions:
The Badge
The Badge of Alpha OmicronPi
is held sacred as symbolizing the cen- tral purpose and essential principle of the Fraternity. T h e significance of the Badge is explained in the use of the Symbols in the Initiation Ritu- al. The Symbols explain the philosophy of Alpha Omicron Pi's way of life.
Ruby "A" Badge
Many chapters have established
the tradition of presenting a Badge with the Alpha completely set with rubies to a member in recognition of special services. Some chapters give it for outstanding scholarship. It may be given outright to the honored member, or it may be a traveling award. It may be ordered only by a chapter, never by an individual.
Draping the Badge
Upon the death of a member of the
continuedfrompage 8
Winner Fall 1989
Executive Board or a Past Interna- tional President each chapter mem- ber may drape the Badge for seven days as a sign of official mourning. The preferred method is to pin the Badge over a small piece of black ribbon.
Each member of a collegiate chap- ter should drape the Badge for seven days for the death of a collegiate member of the chapter.
Wearing Red Ribbon for a New Chapter
Each collegian wears a piece of red ribbon under her Badge on the day a new chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi is installed. Chapters may make any other observance of the day that is in accord with local customs and tradi- tions. Should the day fall on or dur- ing a holiday, the ribbon may be worn on the first day of classes following the installation.
The following tradition is described in the International Pledge Program.
Alpha Omicron P i has a tradition
that members hold a life-lease on their Badge. This means that de- ceased members' Badges are returned to Headquarters for safe keeping. This insures that the privilege of wearing an AOII Badge is for mem- bers only.
Scouting has been one of Margaret's loves and hundreds of girls have learned and grown as a result of her leadership in scouting for 20 years at local, national, and inter- national levels. I n 1957 after escorting 19 teenage Girl Scouts on a 12,000 mile Good Will Tour of Europe, she co-authored a book titled The Rugged Dozen Abroad. This book described the group's adventures in Europe.
Liz pointed out that Margaret has not neglected Alpha Omicron Pi while serving others. She is a chart- er member of the Baltimore Alum- nae Chapter and a past international officer, having served as 3rd Vice President in charge of national philanthropies in the early 1950's. She received a regional Alumnae Service Award in 1986.
AOII Challenges.
continuedfrompage 5.
and involved; when the regional sup- port is consistent and visible, the chapter reflects this commitment.
AAC training is an on-going priority. With positive training, AACs will feel confident and knowledgeable about their role and responsibilities. Regional personnel will be expected to support all AACs with increased communication and resource gather- ing. Alumnae chapters are encouraged to support their members who serve on the AAC. Because they are the source of our advisers and corpora- tion members, they will be asked to increase their membership and inter- est base to build up reserve members for future service.
We will explore ways to increase our recruitment and retention of Alumnae Advisory Committees.
Corporation Board
IV. To tighten financial supervision and accountability.
I see increased visibility in our AOII financial department. AOII owns 8 chapter houses that require close attention. I n addition, corpora- tions functioning within our system are asking for assistance and creative ideas as they search for local funding to support new building and improve- ment projects. Our financial depart- ment, the VP/Finance and the Cor- poration Supervisor will be working toward upgrading the financial reporting system, expecting increased accountability from all corporations, filing of regular reports and annual audits as well as supervising all cor- porations on a regular basis. This may include meetings and visits by the financial personnel to various cor- porations.
The Corporation Board Certifi- cate of Achievement recognizes those corporations which have achieved excellence in their performance. A corporation which attains this goal is a well rounded, active and successful corporation.
The corporations which received Certificates of Achievement at Inter- national Convention were:
AlphaChi,WesternKentuckyU. Alpha Gamma, Washington
State U.
Alpha Phi, Montana State U. Chi Alpha, U . of California-Davis Chi Beta, U. of Virginia
Chi Lambda, U . of Evansville Delta Chi, U. of Delaware
Delta Sigma, San Jose State U . Delta Upsilon, Duke U .
Epsilon Alpha, Pennsylvania
State U.
Epsilon Chi, Elon College Gamma Alpha, George Mason U. Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida
Further challenges are the need to increase visibility and accessibility between the staff and collegiate, alumnae, and regional personnel. There is also the challenge of increas- ing cooperation between all facets of AOII and improving communication between all AOII members.
Additional challenges will be explored in more detail in future To Dragma columns in the year ahead.
However, for now, let us tackle the challenges I've outlined.
I'm confident that AOII can meet the challenges, but I also realize our success will be determined by each of you. I need your help. I need your in- volvement. I need your input.
AOII is on a path to greatness and we can achieve it—please join me in accepting the AOII Challenge.
Iota Sigma, Iowa State U . Kappa Kappa, Ball State U. Kappa Omega, U. of Kentucky Lambda Chi, LaGrange College Lambda Iota, U. ofCalifornia-San
Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia
Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt U. Omicron, U . of Tennessee
Phi, U.ofKansas
Phi Sigma, Kearney State College Phi Upsilon, Purdue U.
Pi Alpha, U . of Louisville Sigma, U . of California-Berkeley Sigma Omicron, Arkansas
State U.
Sigma Phi, California State U - Northridge
Tau Omega, Transylvania U .
Tau Omicron, U. of Tennessee-
Theta, DePauw U . Theta Omega, Northern
Arizona U.
Upsilon, U. of Washington
To Dragma
Rose Awards — Excited recipients of the Rose Awards pose for a photo at Convention.
2J JYonorecf
wi/A [Rose Oftwarcf
Twenty-five alumnae were hon- ored with the Rose Award at Inter- national Convention. These women were chosen from a group of 63 nominations.
The Rose Award recipients rep- resent over 430 years of active partic- ipation in Alpha Omicron Pi. One winner was initiated in 1933, while another was initiated as recently as 1982.
The winners all attended alumnae chapter meetings regularly and have served their chapters in every possible position from president to clean up chairman. They support fund raising
and philanthropic activities by or- ganizing, working, and contributing time, talent and their personal finan- ces. Many have served as officersin their local Panhellenic group and all have been supportive of Panhellenic projects.
They have helped contribute to the growth of their chapter by serving as telephone callers, hostesses, and recruitment experts. They have in- fluenced their chapters by acting as a sounding board, by encouraging excellence, by being a role model, and by being an inspiration. They set high standards for themselves and for
AOII. Some have never had the op- portunity to work directly with a col- legiate chapter, but support AOII collegians by providing Membership Information Forms and acting as role models. Others have served as chap- ter advisors, members of Alumnae Advisory Committees and Corpora- tion Board members. All of these women have participated in and sup- ported AOII Leadership Conferences and Conventions. Several have served as chairmen of these events. All have displayed enthusiasm for these important yearly AOII gather- ings, continued on page 30
Fall 1989
Rose Awards —These winners of the Rose Awards took time for a photo after the presentations at Convention.
Guest Speakers Discuss Ethics, Life Long Learning
"Ethics" and "Life Long Learning" were the topics of two special guest speakers at the Alpha Omicron Pi Convention.
Beth Saul, Alpha Epsilon Phi and the current Chairman of the National Panhellenic Conference, brought the subject of ethics down to earth when she began her talk by asking whether anyone listening had ever fudged on her age or lied about her weight.
She went on to tell about how five wallets had been intentionally dropped during a recent experiment conducted in different parts of the country. I n the South and in Los An- geles, one wallet was returned. I n New York City, none. But in Colum- bus, Ohio, where there had been a city wide campaign on honesty, three were returned.
Beth brought the issue of honesty home to her audience by citing exam- ples familiar to collegians, such as the high percentage of college students who admitted that they had cheated on exams or lied to a friend. She urged AOIIs to personally adopt the 9 Basic Expectations of fraternity membership which were developed over a three year period by the Na- tional Interfraternity Conference's Commission on Ethics and Values.
The nine statements deal with such diverse issues as academic integrity and meeting financial obligations in a timely manner. But all of the state- ments are designed to encourage Greeks to live in an ethical manner, respecting the rights of others and be- ing true to the ideals contained in their rituals.
At Convention — Ginger Banks, (from left), Peg Crawford, both Past International Presidents, pose with Beth Saul, NPC Chairman, and Barb Hunt, International Presi- dent, prior to Beth's workshop on "Ethics."
"As women, use your clout!"Beth urged.
As an example, she said women should speak out about an event dur- ing Derby Days that casts women, or any student, in a negative light.
"Think carefully about theme par- ties like Leather and Lace or Pimp and Prostitute and what kind of at- mosphere, attitudes, or behaviors you might be suggesting with those themes," she said.
Beth urged all AOIIs to be a "change agent on your campus that strengthens the Greek image with. . . faculty, administration, parents, non- Greeks, and the surrounding com- munity."
Nancy Gritter, Theta (DePauw U.), was the other special guest, and she spoke on "Life Long Learning."
continued on page 27
To Dragma
Kappa Phi Chapter Celebrates 50th!
By Anita DAmato Neale Kappa Phi (McGill U.)
The inclement weather on April 15 and 16, 1989, did not dampen the en- thusiasm of more than one hundred AOIIs who had traveled from as far as Saskatchewan and South Carolina to Montreal to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the installation of Kappa Phi Chapter at McGill University. Eighteen eager Kappa Phi Colony members took a study break to participate in this special celebration.
The 50th Anniversary Dinner was held in the Vice-Regal Suite of the elegant Ritz Carlton Hotel where the tables were decorated with red roses
and baby's breath and attractive sou- venir programs. A memorabilia dis- play, depicting the history of Kappa Phi from 1939 through the early seventies, provided a background for sharing stories.
The speakers seated at the head table included Barbara Hunt, then Vice President/Operations; Sharron Starling, Regional Director; Nancy
Jakobs, Regional Vice President; Joan MacCallum, Past International President; Joann Dery, President, Montreal Alumnae Chapter; and Alix Kersey, President, Kappa Phi Colony. Sandy Amos, Chairman of the 50th Anniversary Reunion Com-
mittee, served as toastmistress.
During the evening, offical AOII greetings from alumnae chapters, ex- ecutive and regional officers, as well as "sisterly" greetings from more than 50 Kappa Phis unable to attend the celebration, were acknowledged. The ten charter members in attendance were presented with 50 Year Certifi- cates and the Kappa Phi Colony received a beautifully engraved scrapbook from AOII International. Margaret Morris Birnbaum and Rhona Watson Wensley, Kappa Phi's first president, related the heart- warming story of the chapter's begin- nings. They described the excitement and pride these young women felt 50 years ago during their first rush and installation. They spoke with admir- ation of Mary Dee Drummond, Mildred Eldridge and others who visited the chapter.
One of the evening's highlights was the introduction of 97 year old Natalie Thompson Morris, Epsilon (Cornell U.), Class of 1914. Mrs. Morris was a founder of the 49th chapter of AOII (Kappa Phi), the mother of a charter member, the author of the Epsilon Chapter song and the provider of strong leadership throughout the growth of Kappa Phi.
O n behalf of the Executive Board, Barbara Hunt congratulated the Chapter on its many achievements and recognized many Kappa Phis who have given generously of their time.
The dinner closed with the Epsilon Chapter song. The anniversary celebrations ended with an alumnae Sunday brunch at Roberta Innes' home.
AOII Foundation Presents Awards
At the International Convention, the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation presented awards to the collegiate and alumnae chapters which had given the largest donation to the Foun- dation.
These awards were based on con- tributions to the Endowment Fund, Ruby Rund and Arthritis Research Grants during the biennium.
The collegiate chapter receiving the award for the largest contribution was Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louis- iana U . Citations were presented to Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia, and Sigma Phi, California State U.- Northridge.
The alumnae chapter receiving the award for the largest contribution was the Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter.
Citations were presented to the alum- nae chapters of Phoenix, Arizona, and Southern Orange County, California.
The Foundation also honored the collegiate and alumnae chapters which made the highest per capita donation to the Foundation. Kappa Tau, Southeastern Louisiana U., was the collegiate chapter winner of this award. Citations were presented to Kappa Pi, Ohio Northern U , and Alpha Gamma, Washington State U. The alumnae chapter which received the award for the highest per capita donation was Macomb County, MI. Citations were presented to the alumnae chapters of Southern Orange County, California, and Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Fall 1989
Kappa Phis — enjoying the 50th reunion are, from left, Roberta Innes, Vicky Williams, Joann Dery, Natalie Thomp- son Morris, and Dorothy Stalker.
Tau Gamma Installed
By Kris Hanson
Tau Gamma (Eastern Washington U.)
"The fragrance always stays with the hand that gives the rose."
The fragrance and special memories will definitely linger with the twenty newly initiated members of the Tau Gamma Chapter installed at Eastern Washington University in Cheney, Washington on May 6, 1989.
The fledgling Greek system at Eastern is growing quickly. Rush statistics and chapter sizes have in- creased two hundred percent since the seven member local group peti- tioned AOII two years ago. The cam- pus now proudly adds AOII to its nationally affiliated fraternities, Delta Chi,SigmaNu,andlocalsororities, Kappa Phi and Zeta Theta Nu. The Greeks have worked very hard for their successes making significant contributions to the university and community. They wear their pins and lettered sweatshirts proudly and make every effort to establish a positive i m - age, increase visibility and strength- en public relations. The women of AOII have been at the forefront of
Tau Gamma Chapter at Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington.
To Dragma
continuedfrom page 17
Trained as a graphic artist and designer, Mary has worked in some area ofart allher life, from advertis- ing to interior design. She currently does some art work as a volunteer, such as banner design and other spe- cial projects with Girl Scouts and
other organizations. She has served as a volunteer director for a day care center for over 14 years, and she is currently the president-elect of that board. She is also on the Illinois Shakespeare Society Board of Direc- torsandisamemberoftheCouncil at St. John's Lutheran Church.
these efforts.
The Tau Gamma Chapter of Alpha
Omicron Pi is Eastern's first interna- tionally affiliated sorority. Founded in January of 1986, the local group, Kappa Gamma Beta, was the first sorority at Eastern since the re- establishment of Greek life on campus in the fall of 1984.
Inspiration Night was hosted by Sue Hinz, Region I X Director, Barbara Long, then Region I X Vice President, Barbara Hunt, then International Vice President, and Mary Margaret Dibert, Tau Gamma Chapter Adviser.
The installation ceremony, con- ducted by Barbara Hunt on Saturday morning, was followed by hugs and congratulations from the Spokane alumnae and Region I X officers.
The President's campus home was the site of the formal reception. Ivy covered brick and a rose garden provided an elegant atmosphere as families, friends and fellow Greeks gathered to welcome the new chapter.
At the Rose Banquet, the colony's first president, Robin Bartell, offered the invocation and introduced the chapter to sing grace. Throughout the evening, toastmistress Kris Hanson read greetings from sisters all over North America. Chapter President Lorianne Donovan, spoke on behalf of Tau Gamma in thanking Robin Bartell for her leadership. She also thanked families, friends and alumnae for their support. Mary Margaret Dibert, Barbara Long, Sue Schell, Sue Hinz, and Barbara Hunt built the "Red Rose of AOII," and shared their pride in AOII and its newest chapter. Gifts were presented and Lorianne enthusiastically received her ring and gavel. A t the conclusion of the evening, charter member Kristi Mclntire gave the chapter and its guests her special gift, "You Are My Family," a song she wrote and sang about Tau Gamma. The chapter then asked their guests to join hands and sing "The Friendship Song."
Introducing. . . Mary Williams
Life Long Learning...
continuedfrompage 24
A 1988 graduate of DePauw U., Nancy was the winner that year of the Walker Cup, an award given to the graduating senior who has contrib- uted the most to the school. She is currently in her second year of med- ical school.
As a student facing four years of medical school, followed by three to seven years of residency and possibly two additional years of a Fellowship, Nancy quipped that she "was begin- ning to know all too well one possi- ble meaning of life long learning?
On a more serious note, she urged her audience not to think of their edu- cation as something that was over af- ter college, to be put away like a dried corsage after a dance.
"We must continue to take risks, to use our imagination, to follow our dreams," she said.
Nancy stressed that intellectual op- portunities are not the only form of learning and that personal change should be an important benchmark in life.
"For me, the challenge has always been to become more real—to let down my defenses and to open my- self to the understanding and caring of others," she said.
Quoting from the children's book The Veheteen Rabbit, she told of her per- sonal challenge to unmask herself
"enough to allow wisdom and hurt and love" to transform her.
Nancy credited her AOII ex- perience with helping her develop many of her leaderhip and interper- sonal skills. She recalled that there was always someone willing to share pizza and conversation in the early morning hours when she returned from the library.
"We studied together, we brain- stormed together, we challenged and encouraged one another. As sisters, we grew intellectually, personally and spiritually," she said.
Fall 1989
Delta Psi Chapter at the State University of New York at Albany.
Delta Psi Installed At SUNY, Albany
On April 29, 1989, AlphaOmicron Pi installed its 161st collegiate chapter on the campus of the State University of New York at Albany. Peg Crawford, then International President, con- ducted the installation ceremony.
Nancy Jakobs, Region I Vice President, Joan Drake, Region I Director, Nancy Cochrane, Region I Finance Officer, and Kay Welch, Region I Rush Officer, attended. Other alumnae present were Elizabeth Malloy, President of the NY-NJ Metro Area Alumnae Chapter, Michele Ruller, Sigma Delta, and Louise Burnet, Chi.
The collegiate ritual team was represented by members of the Sigma Chi Chapter at Hartwick College. Area alumnae who were involved in preparation work for the weekend in- cluded Mary Beth Weaver, Sigma Chi, Installation Chairman; Polly Michaelis, Sigma Chi, Banquet/Gifts and Notes Chairman; Sue Black, Theta Pi, Ritual Chairman; Ardis Timmis, Alpha Tau, Publicity Chair- man; Linda Davis, Sigma Chi, Reservations Chairman; and Barb Blanchard, Sigma Chi, Printing Chairman.
State University of New York at Albany is one of four university cam- puses in the New York State University System. It is the oldest campus in the system. The University supports Greek life and understands that Greek life makes a significant contri- bution to the educational environment.
Delta Psi was originally a local sorority. The members are very aca- demically oriented and most of the women maintain a 3.7 or better GPA.
The installation festivities con- cluded with a Rose Banquet held at the Albany Thruway House. Invocation was given by Meredith Friedman, one of the new charter members. Awards were presented by the chapter president, Susie Schusterman. She also presented gifts of appreciation to Peg Crawford, Melissa Nielsen, Kelly Schwark, and Mary Beth Weaver. Peg Crawford presented the Fraternity gift and the president's gavel. Greetings from other chapters and Headquarters were read by Polly Michaelis. Elaine Askew, Sigma Chi, was toastmistress. The Rose of AOII was presented by Nancy Jakobs, Mary Beth Weaver, Melissa Neilsen,
Joan Drake and Peg Crawford.
o, •Mgggf
WANTED: Information on AOII Notables
Our Fraternity is proud of noteworthy AOIIs. Please let us know about your accomplishments in professional or volunteer efforts. Or tell us about an outstanding sister's success. Send information to Elizabeth A. Coffey, 7754 N . Whittier Place, Indianapolis, I N 46250.
MM , r-V
Name: Address: _
Chapter/Date of initiation: Profession:
Area of recognition, awards, honors:
If you are submitting the name of a sister, please fill in your name, address, and chapter/date of initiation:
•.-.l^-iTij* M3'l?*ll'l>>>1ln-;
Fall 1989
fJZose 5%warcfs. . .
continuedfrom page 23
TheRoseAwardwasfirstgivenat the 1957 Convention and was created to honor alumnae who serve the Fraternity at the local level without thought of advancement or reward. It honors alumnae for their devotion to AOII and to its members and ideals. Collegiate chapters, alumnae chapters, regional directors, and regional operations committees are all eligible to nominate an alumna for a Rose Award.
The first Rose Awards were a sin- gle rose presented as a token of es- teem. In 1865 AOII began giving each recipient a 10k gold charm shaped in the form of a sheaf of wheat with a rose superimposed upon it.
The Rose Award is AOII's way of saying "Thank You" to loyal alumnae for their lifetime commitment of con- tinuing interest, assistance and dedi- cation to AOII. The recipients of the 1989 Rose Awards and their collegi- ate and alumnae chapters are: Margaret McArdle, Delta, Greater Pinellas; Helen Gilbert, Chi, Washington, D.C.; Eileen Muff,
Zeta,Ames, Iowa;LoisKlotz,Chi, State College; Judy Thornburg, Theta, Muncie; Patricia Wilson, Omicron Pi, Macomb County; Pat Hardy, Gamma Sigma, Atlanta; Julie Bums, Kappa Kappa, Northern Orange County; Judy Bourassa, Theta Pi, Phoenix; Janis Nelson, Upsilon Alpha, Palo Alto; Mary Jane Griffanti, Alpha Phi, Bozeman; Jean Zimmerman, Lambda Beta, Chicago Northwest Suburban; Renee Smith, Phi Upsilon, Indianapolis; Joanne Earls, Zeta Psi, Northern Virginia; Janie Franklin, Theta Omega, Denver; Mary Bryant, Delta Omega, Kentuckiana; Sky Louapre, Pi, New Orleans; Elaine Kennedy, Alpha Chi, Kentuckiana; Kristi Farmer, Kappa Omega, Lexington; Carolyn Katz, Sigma Chi, Columbus, OH; June Hodge, Sigma, Atianta; Stell Eriksen, Tau,Diablo Valley; Mellis Erlbeck, Pi Delta, Baltimore; Carol Muldoon, Alpha T au, Dayton; and Dian Sprenger, Tau Delta, Colum- bia/Jefferson City.
Beta Gamma Chapter Returns To Michigan State Campus
By Laura Poellet
Beta Gamma (Michigan State U.)
On Saturday, May 20, 1989, Beta Gamma Colony at Michigan State University was installed. Beta Gamma had originally been chartered on campus in 1934 and had remained until 1969. Its return was a joyous occasion for past collegians and new ones alike.
The installation of the chapter was the culmination of a period of learning since recolonization the previous October,
The weekend began with Rose In- spiration Night, held at the G a m m a Phi Beta sorority house. Peg Crawford entertained with stories of her exper- iences as International President. Members from Kappa Rho chapter (Western Michigan U.) led a depin- ningceremony.
Saturday's installation took place in Michigan State's Union Ballroom. Peg Crawford conducted the installa- tion, her last as International President and the 27th of her four year term. Assisting her were Nancy McCain, Past International President, A n n Gilchrist, Region IV Vice President,
Jo Nowak, Region I V Director, and 22 BetaGammaalumnae, who came from within Region I V and from as far away as Missouri and Massachusetts.
The Rose Banquet was held that night at the Board of Realtors Hall in Lansing. TbastmistressJo Nowak conducted the evening's festivities, which included a program entitled "The Red Rose of Alpha Omicron Pi." Peg Crawford, Nancy McCain, Ann Gilchrist, Jo Nowak, and Chapter Adviser Margaret Stephenson each spoke about the parts of the rose and
their significance to AOII. Gifts to the chapter were presented, and AOIIs, families, and guests formed a friendship circle to sing the Epsi- lon chapter song. Phyllis Ammons, a 50 year member of Beta Gamma and former Chapter Adviser, and Irene Oestrike, a 1934 charter mem- ber of Beta Gamma, were special guests.
Beta Gamma has the distinction of being the largest AOII chapter ever installed, with 99 women initiated.
The new AOIIs expressed their ap- preciation to their Alumnae Advisory Committee: Margaret Stephenson, Chapter Adviser; Nadine Korth, Financial Adviser; Cindy Kendall, Rush Adviser; Marilyn Lawrence, Chapter Relations Adviser, Margaret Clarke, Scholarship Adviser, and Susan Elder, incoming Financial Adviser.
To Dragma
Fall 1989
Epsilon Returns to Cornell
By Buffy Broncato Epsilon (Cornell U.)
On M a y 6, 1989, the
of Epsilon Chapter, Cornell U., was held, marking the return of Alpha Omicron Pi to the campus.
Chapter Consultant Eden Edwards provided invaluable support to the 75 young women as they began the move from colony to chapter. She was the catalyst for their transformation from strangers to friends and sisters. W ith her help, Epsilon became strong both on the Cornell campus and within itself. Eden inspired the women with her love and dedication to AOII and for that, the members of Epsilon Chapter will always be grateful.
Chapter President Stephanie Keene reinforced Eden's hard work with her own spirit and persistence. The fact that she was a second semester senior when AOII became a part of her life added a special dimension to the colony's efforts during the semester. Chapter members were pleased and proud when Stephanie was chosen "Best Newcomer" at a Greek awards banquet on campus.
The Greek system at Cornell wel- comed AOII with open arms. "Big sisters" were chosen from sororities
already on campus. Shortly before installation, colony members thanked their big sisters at a special picnic.
During its four months as a colony, Epsilon participated in three different philanthropic events: a "kid's day" event with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, a gorge clean up during Greek Week, and an anti-hunger community clean up. The AOII team raised over $400 for this charity.
During Greek Week, members of Epsilon played in the Greek games or gave blood to the Red Cross Blood Drive. Many colony members attended events just to show how enthusiastic AOII was about being back.
Colony members were fortunate to be able to sponsor their own social events throughout the semester, such as a Crush Party and Spring Formal.
By the end of the semester, colony members reached their goal of be- coming a chapter. Rose Inspiration Night was held on the evening of the last day of classes. It was an emotional time as members reflected on how far they had come in such a short time. They were joined by then International President Peg Crawford, Region I Vice President NancyJakobs, Regional Di- rector Rita Hurtt, and Eden Edwards.
Members of the Alumnae Advisory Committee also attended, as did sisters from George Mason University.
Installation day, May 6, was bright and beautiful. T h e day ended with a banquet at the Anabel Taylor Hall on campus which was attended by local alumnae. Chapter members received congratulatory telegrams from alum- nae who could not attend. The newly initiated AOIIs left the banquet tired but with a feeling of having their dreams fulfilled.
At their colony retreat in the early days of the colony's existence, mem- bers made a pledge to make AOII a significant part of Cornell's Greek activity and to be the most tightly united sorority that they could be. Another pledge was to become a chapter by the end of the semester. Members worked all semester to meet these goals, and in the process they formed friendships that will last forever. In the end, they did what they set out to do, and they now share the special bond of sisterhood in AOII.
Epsilon chapter members send their special thanks to all the people who believed in them and helped them reach their goal of "chapterhood."
New Alumnae Chapters
Six new alumnae chapters of Alpha Omicron Pi have been installed dur- ing the last year. These chapters are located as far north as Montana and as far south as Florida.
Welcome to the following new chapters:
Boca Raton, F L
Sally Huck Drea, President
Lake County, IL
Susan Schaffer Ballinger, President
Murfreesboro, T N
Ginger Miller Baxter, President
Northern Kentucky Marianne Kelly Cahill, President
Augusta, GA
Susan Garrison Rogers, President
Billings, M T
Joan Hansen Jacobsen,
For Every AOTT
On YourChristmas List!
AOII Note Pad, Red only: $4.50
AOII Calendar, 1990 MonthAtA-Glance with separate note pad: $3.00
AOII Hooded Warm-Up Top, Satin letters, red. white or navy, S, M,L: $26.00
AOII Crew Neck Warm-UpTop Satin letters, red,white or navy, S, M,L: $19.50
AOII Crew Neck Warm-Up Top Silk screened letters, red
ft or navy, S, M,L: $15.00
AOII Warm-Up Pants, Horizontal satin letters, red. white
or navy, S, M,L: $23.00
AOII Warm-Up Pants, Vertical silk screened letters, red or navy, S, M,L: $15.00
AOII Visor, Satin letters, red or white: $6.00
Silk screened letters, white only: $5.00 AOII Travel Clock, White only: $10.00
AOII Ceramic Mug: $5.00
AOII Door Hangers, Red or white: $6.50
Name Address
Item(s) (specify quantity, and size)
Send order form to:
TN Residents add 7.75% Sales Tax Total Amount Enclosed
AOII International Headquarters
9025 Overlook Blvd., Brentwood, T N 37027 (615) 370-0920
Total Canadians add 10% Currency Exc.
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation
Three Directors of the AOII Foundation Board were elected by the Foundation membership at the 1989 Con- vention. They are Ginger Banks, Pi Kappa 1968; Jo Beth Heflin, Pi Kappa 1945; and Elise Moss, Tau Delta
1970.GingerisManagingEditorofthe TexasBarJournal and a Past International President. Jo Beth is a Registered Pharmacist and is Chairman of Arthritis Research Grants. Elise is a legal services staff attorney and State Director of the Miss U.S. Teen Pageant.
Currently in the middle of their Board terms are Marianne Carton, Jacque Dinwiddie, and Kay Sutherlin. Three additional Directors are the International Presi- dent, Barbara Hunt; Vice President/Finance, Liz Coffey; and Vice President/Operations, Mary Williams.
The newly elected officers of the Foundation Board are:
President: Kay Sutherlin Vice President: Ginger Banks
At the Foundation Luncheon at Convention 1989, James Heslin of the National Arthritis Foundation presented an award of appreciation to Alpha Omicron Pi. Accepting the plaque on behalf of the AOII was Jo Beth Heflin, Arthritis Research Grants Chairman. The award was presented to AOII for outstanding dedica-
tion and generous support of Arthritis Research.
Jo Beth announced the following grants for 1989:
Secretary: Treasurer:
Elise Moss Marianne Carton
An Estate Planning Seminar was held at Convention 1989. Elise Moss and Ginger Banks were the session leaders. The seminar was sponsored by the Foundation. With the influx of more women into the work force and many becoming more affluent, it is increasingly important for all women to be better informed about managing their personal finances. The seminar focused on one aspect of financial planning: estate and will plan-
ning. The session offered practical advice for including AOII Foundation as a part of financial planning for the future.
For a copy of the Estate Planning Seminar materials, please contact the Foundation Coordinators at Head- quarters, 9025 Overlook Boulevard, Brentwood, T N 37027.
The end of 1989 brings many gift giving opportunities for contributors to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation. Year-end tax planning and year-end giving can allow you to lower your taxes through the charitable deduction. The following types of gifts can be made to the Foun- dation:
Gifts of Cash
Gifts of Securities
Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of Life Insurance
Life Income Gifts
The Foundation encourages you to consult your
accountant or lawyer to determine if a year-end gift to the Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation will be beneficial to you.
Fall 1989
$18,500 $12,000 $12,000
$ 7,500
totheArthritisFoundationforJanetL.Andersen,Ph.D.,SUNY Stony Brook, N.Y., for her study in immunology.
to the Louisiana Chapter, Arthritis Foundation for a serum bank for arthritis researchers (New Orleans, LA).
to the University of Minnesota, Drs. Arendt, Oegema, Robin- son and Buchwald for permanent access to synovial fluid for study and treatment of joint disease.
to Robert S. Lane, Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, for the study of Lyme disease.
Shooting the Rapids in Africa
Lambda Iota
(U. of California-San Diego)
Floating towards the edge of Kan - yemba Falls, a ten-foot ash oar gripped in each hand, I am struck by an incongruous thought. "What would Tricia say ifshe could see me now?" In my mind, I see Tricia, chap- ter president, and me, social chair- man, being installed as AOII officers three years ago. I smile and think "Tricia would say I'd lost my mind." I enter the rapids, grinning.
I had been asked to join a group of nine professional whitewater raft- ing guides for an expedition on the Zambezi River in Southern Africa. The river defines the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, winding a tortuous path across arid African plains. The waters flow smoothly through rich game areas, roar vio- lently down several of the most dan- gerous rapids on earth, and plunge over Victoria Falls.
Following my three years as a mem- ber of Lambda Iota Chapter and graduation from the University of California at San Diego, I was given a rafting trip through Hells Canyon of the Snake River in Idaho. I had rafted before. O n this trip, I discov- ered I had both an aptitude for raft- ing and the qualities needed to run a successful rafting expedition: cour- age, flexibility, a deep appreciation for the outdoors, a gregarious person- ality and most of all, a healthy and unwavering sense of humor. After the trip, I was asked to become a guide, and I began leading trips in Idaho, Oregon and California. In the four years that followed, I rafted on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, and managed a small raft- ing company in Alaska, and a large whitewater rafting operation in California. Now, here I was poised above Kenyemba Falls on the Zambezi.
A seven-day 100 kilometer rafting trip on the Zambezi River begins at the foot of Victoria Falls. The falls, a 100-meter drop of sheer, gleaming black basalt cliffs, create lush gardens of ferns and cool mist-laden grottos. It's a welcome relief from the 110 degree heat to stand in the damp shade below the falls.
In the river below Victoria Falls lies a series of 20 of the most difficult rapids in the world. The river gorge is steep and inaccessible and I spend much of my time concentrating in- tently on the task at hand. For the most part my runs through the rapids are "clean," with few mistakes. A small miscalculation in Rapid Number Seven however, instantly overturns my 14-foot rubber raft. Passengers, guides and equipment are scattered across the river. Although the water looks violent, swimming is quite safe. There are few rocks and obstacles to entrap swimmers and the water is a bathtub warm 78 degrees. Passengers reunite and the raft is righted once again. We proceed, dripping wet, but
continuedonpage 48
To Dragma
Jane Lee's photo of Victoria Falls, Africa. 34
Eunice Helena Force Barkell, Lambda, Stanford U*
Natalie Overall Warren, Nu Dmicron, Vanderbilt U
Phyllis Marguerite Arner Westerman, Rho, Northwestern U.
Blanche E. Franklin Chilcote, Alpha Phi, Montana State U * Carol Ann Cooper, Alpha Rho, Oregon State U*
Ann Wynkoop Petrak, Beta Gamma, Michigan State U." Margaret Jane Kramer Crawford, lota, U. of Illinois* Dorothy Bogen Farrington, Lambda, Stanford U *
Jeanne Elaine Lindsey Butler, Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan* Jessie Marie Senor Cramer, Phi, U. of Kansas*
Virginia Anne Banks, Pi Kappa, U. of Texas-Austin*
Mary Louise Naumann Douglas, Pi Kappa, U. of Texas-Austin" Jo Beth Walling Heflin, Pi Kappa, U. of Texas-Austin* Martha Griffith Houston, Pi Kappa, U. of Texas-Austin*
Lots Jo Falkner Griffith, Rho, Northwestern U *
Margaret J. Dorr Schutt, Rho. Northwestern U*
Dorothy Good Anderson, Tau, U. of Minnesota*
Carol Ann Roesener Jackson, Theta, DePauwU *
Jane Virginia Kessler Kurtiss, Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln*
Susan Camille Wayenberg Hinz, Alpha Gamma, Washington State U. Veroka Wampler Morrison. Alpha Rho, Oregon State U*
Helen Scott Cantine Dunn, Alpha Sigma, 0 . of Oregon'
Julia Ann Mills LittlBjohn, Alpha Tau, Denison U*
Patricia Ann Velliquette Koproski, Beta Gamma, Michigan State U * Irene Florence Wager Qestrike. Beta Gamma, Michigan State U.' Edith Elizabeth Huntington Anderson, Beta Phi, Indiana U* Mary-Alice Burch Fizer, Beta Theta, Butler U *
Martha Lois Garrahan Hazard, Chi, Syracuse U *
Marilyn June Kennedy Goss, Chi Delta, U. of Colorado
Elizabeth Ann Romine Coffey, Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville*
Mabel Snyder Landis, Chi Lambda, U. of Evansville*
Margarat Lewis Baxter McArdle, Delta, Tufts U."
Susan Lynn Pace Brodnan, Oelta Omega, Murray Stale U.
Dana Kay Baumgardner Kluft, Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida*
Elizabeth Ashton Gordy Schulz, Gamma Omicron, U. of Florida
Nancy Jane Hesse, Iota, L). of Illinois*
Kathleen Ann Rippel Holmes, lota, U. of Illinois*
Henrietta Meta Blanc Tow, Kappa Theta, U. of California-Los Angeles* Dorothy Mae Bishop Garber, Lambda, Stanford U."
Norma Lois Godfrey Taylor, Lambda, Stanford U."
Judith Frances Bagby, Lambda Sigma, U. of Georgia*
Varerie Verne Benoist Adams, NuKappa, Southern Methodist U."
Nancy Lee Anderson Vivas, Nu Lambda, U. of Southern California
Jean Graham Whorley Tripp, Nu Omicron. Vanderbilt U *
Mary Barnett Boles Folken, Omega, Miami U *
Anne Lewis Witt Allison, Omicron, U. of Tennessee
Ruth Genevieve Morey Eisele, Omicron Pi, U. of Michigan*
Glee Starr Bloomer, Phi, U. of Kansas*
Evalyn Starr Bloomer, Phi, U. o f Kansas
Beverly Joan Emerson Locke, Phi, LI. of Kansas*
Lois Ann Hawkins, Phi Alpha, East Tennessee State U.
Barbara Ann Daugs Hunt, Phi Delta, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee*
Patricia Marie McAtee McNicholas, Phi Lambda, Youngstown State U* Ezrene Fisk Bouchello, Phi, Newcomb College*
Gayle Rhoades Marschall Cosgrove, Pi, Newcomb College*
Cassandra Anne Bond, Pi Delta. U. of Maryland*
Mary Charlotte Barrington Chancy, Pi Delta, U. of Maryland
Joanne Ross Wilder, Pi Delta, U. of Maryland
Virginia Ellen Grillo Bull, Pi Kappa, U. of Texas-Austin
Angela Serpe Metzger, Rho, Northwestern U *
Carole Lynn Merrick Ringer, Rho, Northwestern U."
Janet Letson Hackley, Sigma, U. of California-Berkeley*
Mary Elizabeth Thompson McReynolds, Sigma, U. of California-Berkeley* Louise Kramer Mills, Sigma, U. of California-Berkeley*
Traude Maria Kriz Vaiachi, Sigma, U.of California-Berkeley*
Barbara Jones Bennett, Sigma Chi, Hartwick College'
Inez Kolar Petrok, Tau, U. of Minnesota*
Susan Kay Edmunds Lewis, Tau Delta, Birmingham-Southern College* Sarah Dorman Bailey, Theta, DePauw U *
Lois Carol Smart Lehner, Theta, DePauwU *
Marilyn Louise George Poluzzi, Theta, DePauw U*
Kay Fern Hansen Sutherlin, Theta, DePauwU *
Martha Matilda McKinney Wifhoite, Theta, DePauwU *
Jill Deyo Macey Bourns, Theta Omega, Northern Arizona U."
Reba Alice Shannon Traber, Upsilon, U. of Washington*
Nancy Martha Herlihy Jakobs, Upsilon Alpha, U. of Arizona*
Kathryn Alma Carver McKee, Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lucile Margaret Hendricks Spencer, Zeta, U. of Nebraska-Lincoln*
Ann Frances Allen Sbolci, Zeta Psi. East Carolina U.
The Alpha Omicron P i Foundation is pleased to salute and publicly thank all alumnae who have supportd Alpha Omicron Pi through donations to the Development Fund. One of four funds of the Foundation, the Development Fund supports educational programs of the Fraternity. Special recognition goes to those alumnae who have supported the Development Fund year after year and have attained specified cumulative giving levels. An asterisk(') denotes those doners who continued that support with a specific gift last year.
Fall 1989
Development Fund
Illinois Wesleyan U. Ann Bloomquist Hougham* BETA PHI
Indiana U.
Elizabeth Jane Fellmy Eskew* Frances Cordelia Baylor Guenther' Jane Ann Barr Kohr*
Margery Carole Laycock*
Catherine Ann Ohnemus McGowan* Mary Ruth Whiteley McKnight* Nona Joyce Neff Oesterle*
Selma Pauline Drabing Pond*
Gail Geneve Glenn Ramsey*
Mary Elizabeth Mcllveen Rose* Nancy Ellen Samek Singleton* Winifred Louise Black Spaulding* Geneva Winifred Crayden Wiseman*
Syracuse U.
Marcia Lynette Bond Evans* Beverly Jane Oatlo Martino* Marjorie Frances Kincaid Mclntyre*
U. of California-Davis Marian Louise Rule Cope CHI DELTA
U. of Colorado
Sydney Ann Arner
Paula Gene Barta*
Jane K. Beard*
Diane Constance Panagakis Rouman* Elizabeth Louise McCarver Tolson* Mary Rebecca Shook Weinberg*
U. of Evansville
Robin Lynn Gooch Norris* Mary Antoinette Reitz"
Central State U.
Linda Louise Patterson Braden* DELTA
Tofts U.
Annabelle Evelyn Robbins*
U. of Southwest Louisiana Nancy Lynn Tuttle Boisture' DELTA PI
Central Missouri State U. Sharon Diane Martin*
Barnard College
Hester M. Rusk*
Western Kentucky U.
Sandra Lynn Afford Gover* Sylvia Rae Hallenberger Klein*
U. of Alabama
Mary Elizabeth Hood ALPHA G A M M A Washington State U. Deborah Ann Hernas'
San Jose State U.
Marlene Joann Peterson Adams*
Marilyn Ann Myers Lieber*
Joyce Ella Osborn
Irene Rose Woodworth Shephard*
Penn State U.
Gladys Evelyn Raemsch Bells" Jacquelyn Ruth Struble Dinwiddie* Debra Ann Trueax Eilert*
Lenore Helen Hofmann Freitag' Marilyn Jean Minor Haas*
Hazel Jane Davis Heaton* Joanne Lynne Yergey Keith Nancy Jane Graham Leuschner* Kathryn Carpenter Aungst Reed*
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Dorothy Jane Bassett Knott Margaret E. Heinecke Ladwig* Helen Muriel Laird McPhee Helen Susan Barron Moss*
U. of Maine Orono
Annette Rosemarie Simoneau Bliss' G A M M A OMICRON
U. of Florida
Elizabeth Ann Adams*
Charlotte Townsend Burton Bray* Dolly Loraine Sadler Garcia*
Georgia State U.
Marcia Lane Welch Davis* Patricia Jane Cowley Hardy*
U. of Illinois
Wilma May Allen Bredar* Suzanne Marie Meyer Ferreira Erma Alvira Btssell Hedgcock* Irene Jeanette Davis Jansen* Beatrice Esther Levy Johnston* Ruth Charlotte Page Kephart* Patricia E. Hoffman Klint* Gertrude Elizabeth Moore Pierce* Barbara Jean Stehno*
Iowa State U.
Mary Hansuld Moore*
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Nan Wilma Brown Benson*
Charlsie Berly*
Jane Boggess Mylander Wainwright
Louisiana State U.
Margaret Bres Abshire*
Mary Elizabeth O'Connor Gadwell Susan Hardin Mahon
Nancy Ellen Hollenbeck MouliBre*
Montana State U.
Joan Elizabeth HansenJacobsen* Oriel Campbell Morphey
Florida State U.
Julia Kennon Ounn* Lucile Dale Haag*
Mary Katharine Mask*
Pamela Ann Mathis VanVoorhees*
ALPHA RHO Oregon State U. Audrey Wiencken Smith* ALPHA SIGMA U. of Oregon
Peggy Jane Peebler Decker Vera Snow Reid*
Denison U.
Dorothy Elma Hartshorn Kortepeter* Irma Grace Hudson Morrow*
Jane Carol Wonders Stitt*
Michigan State U.
Susan Dana Elder*
Helen Hollister Lee Foster* Louise Muncie Roehm*
Donna Ruth Messenger Rowe* Sandra Irene Obeshaw Slee*
$2500 Founders' Roll
$1000 Presidents' Roll
$500 Patron
$250 Sponsor
$125 Sustaining Member
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation Giving Levels
To Dragma
Indiana State U.
Norah Lea Bush McKay*
Carla Jo Showers Paul*
Jane Kay Wilkinson Sotebeer*
Florida Southern College
Donna Mae Thompson Kuiken*
Ball State U.
Kelli Susan Fitzpatrick Burrill*
Deborah Lee Jennings Ernst*
Patricia Jeanne Mitchell Hoopingarner" Mary Ann Myers Meyer
KAPPA OMICRON Rhodes College Martha Biggs Cage Edge*
McGill U.
Joan Frances Deathe MacCallum* K A P P A R H O
Western Michigan U.
Harriet Jane Heethuis Oliver*
New York U.
Valarie Crosby Lippman* N U B E T A
U. of Mississippi
Mary Elizabeth Barrett*
Jana Scott Phillips Howell
Ellen Elizabeth Roberts Russell* Laketa Marie Rickly Thompson*
Northern Illinois U.
Elizabeth Ann Griftin Hasser* Nancy Luise Wargo*
Carolyn Grace Wartinbee*
Southern Methodist U.
U. of Kansas
Beatrice Eugenia Hagedorn Amyx* Virginia E. Zenishek Sturble*
Mary Kathryn Dowell Thorpe* Marie Minnie Isern Waggoner*
East Tennessee State U.
0 Jean Seal*
Youngstown State U.
Mary Lou Goncz Krauss*
Kearney State College
Linda Jean Wessels Troester*
Newcomb College
Ann Leslie Lingan Dissen
U. of Maryland
Martha Ross Temple
Ellen Jane Keiser Beavens* Mildred Lee Morris Darkis* Edna May Burnside Oevereux" Theresa Ruth Herring Hongell*
Western Illinois U.
Christina J. Mosher Wilson*
U. of Minnesota
Lois Jeannette Henning Kroeger* Wilma Helen Smith Leland* Eddice Dochterman Sullivan* Martha K W Erickson Taylor*
Birmingham-Southern College
Lynn Marie Martin Anderson"
DePauw U.
Ruth Esther Bush Bauer*
Jane Ann Briner Beavers* Annamargaret Chapman Clutter"
Helen LaVerne Woolford Coffin*
Pauline Stark Harris*
Jean Louise Lave Hawley*
Helen Jeanne Beaubien Hayford* Mildred Betz Heiken*
Frances Margaret Bryan Poole"
Dorothy lone Donlen Shepard*
Mary Elizabeth Schultheis Stoudenmire* Harriett Dugan Veach*
Irene Lillian Lumby Welker*
Miriam Oilar Woods*
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Pauline Moore Carman*
Diana Lee Rasmussen Meiches* Bertha Jane Carr Miller*
Jean Elizabeth Marcy Sells*
Western KentuckyU.
Rachel Smith Allen*
Juanita Lynn Overhults Brown* Eleanor Elaine James Kennedy* Mary Lynne Rousseau
Karen Jean Fiddelke Towell*
U. of Alabama
Cheryl Mayo Duncan Brantly* D: ane Jeannine Collins Edgeton Martha Anne Huckabee Foster* Maritzabel C. Rodriguez Hyde* Carole Ruth Jurenko Jones* Patricia Ann Lavin Kisling* Catherine Ann Taylor Moore* Mary Carol Baxley Morgan" Virginia Joy Lewis Rhea"
Sally Ann Pulliam Ryan"
Denise Arden Simmons*
Moira Elizabeth Judas Smith
Washington State U.
Grace Greenawalt Becher Linda Kaye Broeckel* Nora Diane Carlson* Judy Stein Falk*
Evelyn Maxine Krause Hickman* Agnes Genevieve Smick Knott Linda Margaret Erickson Ohlsson Peggy Lenore Moss Ostrander* Carol Louise Garretson Redman Susan Jane Daiger Schell* Denise Lynn Novacoff Sprague* Allie Kalin Thiel*
Mildred Mary Hunt Vatnsdal*
U. of North Alabama
Laura Ann Brush Burcham* Angela Leigh Cofield*
Susan Melinda French Lowrey* Linda Hyde Ratliff*
ALPHA OMICRON Louisiana State U.
Vijean Louise Piazza Burden Bonnie Marie Dunlap*
Elaine Marie Defrances Ellis*
Irma Marie Louise Kenney Gilmer* Louise Claudia Smith Hall*
Gayle Ann Ahern Keller" Cynthia Kay Smith Petty" Sheila Ann Vanderbrook Trahan* Elizabeth Rose Weems Weir*
ALPHA PHI Montana State U.
Julie Ann Paugh Curd*
Bess Barbara Philips Daum Etta Verna Haynes Dobbin Mary Ursula Egan
Diane Annette Booth Granger* Jean Levericti Lenham Hansen*
Angeline Mary Spehar KAPPA THETA
U. of Southern California
Carol E. Emmerling Sawyer* Gail L. Sullivan*
N U O M I C R O N Vanderbift U.
Diana Roberts Thomspon Alden* Mandy Gray Simpson Barbara* Julie A. Fassett*
Barbara Bridgeman Dunn Hack* Marianna McAllister LaRue* Alison Fox Walton Macheras Nina Chambers Martin*
Mary Louise Lakoff McMillan* Laverne McNelly Mock*
Ann Hartford Johnson Nielson* Patricia Jane Murphey Tunno* Nancy Ellen Finley Vaughan* Jayne Ann Owens Woods* Anne Worsham Zipp*
O M E G A Miami U.
Margaret Isabelle Barr Amos* Eleanor Louise King Blank* Linda Mae Ekberg Blau
Sarah Badger Brown
Frances Marjorie Boothe Kende* Jean Ballinger King*
Phylis E. Kreuzwieser*
Edith Roberta Cope Lockard* Rita Ann Karrick Strebel*
Nancy Carmean Sullivan* OMICRON
U. of Tennessee
Nancy Ellen Horner Bettis*
Mattie Elizabeth Stewart Sammons*
U. of California-Los Angeles
Jane Francco Keenan Andre* Edith Clara Belsher Butler* Marjorie Eleanore Kennedy Lupton Mary Young Poulton Pingree* Katherine Elsie Berg Willis*
LAMBDA Stanford U.
Geraldine Lloyd Hicks*
Muriel Clark Boyd Longinotti*
California State U. Long Beach
Nancy Yoko Ishida* Maryjane Fay Johnson* Heidi Lyn Morrison*
L A M B D A C H I LaGrange College Ronda Faye Holloway* L A M B D A IO T A
U. of California-San Diego Susan Davies*
U. of Georgia
Donna Katherine Gude Barwick" Pamela Jean Former*
Joni Denise Farmer Frabos* Laura Palmer Perry*
LAMBDA TAU Northeast Louisiana U. Terri Oenise Parker Marshall*
U. of Texas-Austin
Michal Anne Lord"
U. of Pennsylvania
Emma Carolyn Taylor Kitchin*
Northwestern U.
Diane Beverly Bleiberg*
Barbara Ann Cryer Bowermaster* Nancy Kay Anderson Clark
Tova Quist Craig*
Dorothy Isabel Bruniga Dean*
Patricia Adele Jonas Handtmann* Emily L. Jonas Hill*
Jane M . Satter Kayser*
Frances Kathryn Schnitzer Loeppert* Gretchen Baarsch McEwen*
Renee A De Smet Mogni*
Maxine Griffith Pusinelli*
Helen Jeanne Compere Rahe*
Dueenie Evelyn Broad Rosendahl* Marilyn June Schumacher Shortridge* Virginia Snook Tell*
Brooky May Calhoun Zajac*
U. of California-Berkeley
Janice Lee Melton Adams* Shirley Ann Jumper Boberg* Marguerite Ives Gist Butler* Marion Baumann Force Haswell* Joanne Fenner Hays*
Margaret Anne Wagner Kellogg* Carol J. Munson
Cynthia Ann Kroesen Raymond* Mildred Ewing Taylor*
U. of Cincinnati
Lou Anne Moon Bunnel*
Northern Arizona U.
Shirley Ann Hoffman Howell*
Debra Kay Ladeboff*
Nancy Jo McConaha
Nanette Brubaker Tewksbury*
THETA PI Wagner College
Rose Mary Perosi Brunda* Phyllis Caroline Hobbs Cauffiel* Margaret Helga Glueck*
Rita Veronica Dikeman Polese*
T H E T A P S I U. of Toledo
Lois Elizabeth Zeigler Billig* Elaine Wilkinson Howe*
U. of Washington
Marianne Davies Carton*
Gloria Rae Hitt Blaine Cauble* Patricia Eloise Guettel Clifford* Betty Anderson Conway*
Carmen Lorenne Baker Gibbons* Frances Stillman Hodges
Gertrude Elizabeth McCanne Lev* Ann Lorraine Schultz Pare*
U. of Arizona
Sharon Margaret Dieringer Campbell* X I
U. of Oklahoma
Dora Deane Childress Newman
Phyllis Regina Sell Betsy Mintzer
Lucille Frances Price Jones*
Cummings Graves*
U. of Michigan
Sarah Elizabeth Burroughs*
Mary Ellen Appleton Fralick* Irene Marie Doherty Matheson* Marva Helen Hough Notestine* Elizabeth Graves Morley Pentrop* Phyllis Jane Peterson*
Marion Tanner Rylander*
Mary Georgia Kokales Tower* Abigail Roberts Vanwagenen Grace Lenore Manbeck Weber*
Diana Lentz Hart*
Katherine Teresa Kane Helppie* Laura Hermansen
Lillian Georgina Krulatz Hughes* Beverly Elise Vatcher Koppang Marjory Helen Wampler Mayfield* Penny Joh Bowlin Meeks*
Nancy Ruth Stenson Moore* Mary Francesca Palffy*
Amy Pound
Margaret Glass Scott Reeves* Lorene Alice Stranahan*
Martha Josephine Wright Suter* Carol Ann Raffl Vorpahl*
Verna Marie Willis
Florida State U.
Rita Leddy Baker
Valerie Moore Clayton*
Angela Amelia Griley Creed*
Mary Eloise Davis
Martha Jane Baumrucker Galek* Karen Lee Glendinning Givens* Katherine Louise Martin Guajardo* Barbara Adelaide Greene Hutchinson* Bobbie Maxine McFee James* Dorothy Louise Kish Kurras*
Laurie Marlene Baraz Myers*
Hazel Caroline Noe Smoak*
Oregon State U.
Natalie Louise Essig Cantrell* Carol Joyce Clark*
Janice Lynne Taylor Cogdill* Shirley Louise Abrams Davis* Jeannette Rice Hewitt* Melba Hartzell Hicklin
Molly Carolyn Taylor Jackson* Barbara Lee Bierer Long*
Anne Reid Steele*
Meredith Jean Thomson Walters
U. of Oregon
Debra Diane Taylor Baker*
Mildred Maxine Martin Cramer Margaret Yvonne Torgler Davis* Frances Dodds'
Mildred Gwendolyn Vaughan Draper* Darci Jenell Sullivan Duffy*
Clarice M. During Elliott*
Lanora Marie Newell Golphenee* Jewel Bauman Hult
Edith Clement Laborde"
Leona Melva Hostetler Mosher Rebecca Ann Nelson
Luola Benge Rehfeld*
Nonearle French Ryder"
Jean Alice Carkin Sanesi*
Audrey Williams Stevens
Donna Jane Ketchum Westfall*
Ann Herrenkobl Yoder*
Denison U.
Jean Rhosa King Brown*
Marilyn Sue Franks Campbell* Janet Norma Pierce Conway* Alice Shizue Kurohara Fujimoto* Grace Evangeline Smith Greene* Josephine Arthur Hedges*
Joanne Ruth Neumeister Hoppe* Margery Wiltgen Male
Lillian Henderson King Nicholl* Cora Evelyn Case Noges*
Natalie Elizabeth Cowan Scharre* Barbara E . Easterday Schwarting*
Mary Elizabeth Atwater Smith Margaret Lucille Vanhorn Stearns* Jane Wilson Cockerill Sweeder* Mildred Hull Sweeder*
Jane Hastings Scully Taylor* Mary Edith Myers Taylor* Wilda Grace Wiest Webster*
Coe College
Deborah Anne Smith Noonan* Sharon K. Van Fleet*
Michigan State U.
Marjorie Louise Dinan Bouck* Sally Joann Carlson Burch* Nancy Jean Willis Griffiths* Molly Temple Howell*
Arley Berwald Hulstrand
Mary Elizabeth Moore Jedynak* Sharon Ruth McKee*
Carol Ethel Wolfe Mendrick* Doris E . Baguley Miller*
Marylyn Ann Hileman Neuder* Joanne Shirley Nelson Nowak* Wilma Jeanette Pinch Peek Charlene Ellen Brown Potter* Barbara Jane Urquhart Sterling* Carol Des Jardins Wilcox*
U. of British Columbia Barbara Bea McTavish Thurston*
Illinois Wesleyan U.
Katfiy Dueball*
Stephanie J. Hobson Gutner* Elinor Diane Brown Thorstenson*
Indiana U.
Vickie Lynn Seller Bledsoe*
Lucille Inez Gust Bluhm
Juliana Nancy Bane Bordner* Yvonne Jean Park Boseker* Margaret Alice Thompson Bowles* Alda Jane Woodward Carson* Huldah Elizabeth Slagle Clark* Jessie Irene Mitchell Cross* Louise Ischmel Dames*
Rachel Louise Spaulding Davis* Anna Katherine Greenawait Diggins* Jean Drevenstedt*
Virginia Louis Steele Fauber*
Helen Marie Flanagan*
Patricia Joan Kooken Golgart* Rosemary Ruffing Hannell*
Susanne Fogg Harrison*
Lisa Marie Anfenson Henning*
Marie Jean Hlavacek Holbrooke* Janice Graves Keucher*
Mary Helen Seiple Kilman*
Mary Frances Spurgeon Kitchel* Ruth Harpole Mueller Kleymeyer* Barbara June Owens Kramer*
Joan Lenore Ringer Larson*
Diane Gail Schultze Leland*
Ryta Lynn Craig Lett*
Jeanice Marian Bartling Lewis* Marjorie Anne Boyd Lind*
Pamela M a e Jessup Macri*
Sandra Sue Martin*
Alice Adelaide Baylor Martindale Josephine Marie Walsh McConnell* Laura Eleanora Gilliam McDowell* Rita Ann Mendenhall Mengon* Virginia Moore*
Hallie Elmira Keen Moyer
Mary June Cave
Mildred Cooper Peters
Jamie Ann Mittiga Powell* Elaine Marie Luebbe Schultheis Rebecca Lynn Alber Smock* Lisa Anne Snouffer*
Joanne Bowlby Speyer*
Rae Hildred Davis Walk*
Mary Ellen Jenkins Whitlock Carolyn Jane Feutz Zehendner
Eastern Michigan U.
Cynthia Louise Given* Barbara Jean Zolnierczak*
U. of Montana
Barbara J. Wilson Ifft*
Anita Rae Schroeber Lewis Gloria Miller Ortiz*
Janice M a e Goldhahn Sieler* Deanna Elaine Whitley*
U. of Toronto
Susan Jane MacFarlane Brown* Grace Anne Denne Hemphill* Margaret Ann McKee Pattison
Butler U.
Ruth McClurg Brown*
Melba Gertrude Bray Fisher*
Betty Louise Alvis Hyland*
Virginia Katheryn Sheely Thompson*
Syracuse U.
Ruth Aphia Vincent Barber*
Phoebe Donzelle Goodwin Bibbens* Nancy Lynn Blum*
Barbara Ann Ernst Bruening*
Alice Sage Reeve Cannon
Amelita Colangelo*
Carolyn Elizabeth Oliver Collier* Mary Frances Youdan Davis
Adell Woessner Meacham* Constance Marilyn Myer*
Dorothy Lucille Lane Oliver* Mildred Janet Sittser Olsen*
Mary Elizabeth Harper Thomas*
U. of California-Davis
Susan Lynn Appleton
Nancy Elizabeth Madsen* Susan Lee Vanderlip Meester* Katherine Douglass White* Irene Yuuko Yamamoto*
U. of Colorado
Betty Jeane Nichols Bacon* Marcia Ruth Hunt Brewer* Heather Ellen Cameron* Leslie Joan Helhena Delaney* Carole Ann Krez Foran*
Ruth Ann Olson Gatchell*
Ann Carol Morgan Hayslip* Marjorie Ann Herzberger*
Ann Marie Hansen Hickman* Harriett Matilda Burke Histed Judith Carol Keck Hutchison* Nancy Lorraine Setter Karl* Susan Elizabeth Reid Mattern* Paula Dallas Sparre McLean* Maria Teresa Medici
Effie Lucetta Gleason Miles*
Joanne Inez Bruland
Norma Sally Yankocy Riffel*
Carol Joy Harrington Roefirc* Anna Katharine Barker Schroeder* Joan Doris Lott Starika
U. of Evansville
Carolyn Anne Patterson Brown Emily Kathryn Fischer Freund* Margaret Korff Kinkel*
Susan Diane Matheny
Debra Sue Price Moore*
Linda Kay Capin Paine*
Anne Louise Powell"
Mary Flo Niednagel Wilsbacher
Tufts U.
Marie Barrett Carney*
Mildred Ward Eldridge*
Ruth Dorothy Bloy Ely*
Evelyn M a e Adams Lindquist*
Ruth Anna Dresser Metcalfe* Blanche Louisa Downing Penniman* Marion Phillips Porter
Helen Louise Christian Potter*
U. of Southwest Louisiana
Bette Marie Lewis Armentor* Karen Nell Willis Bernard* Lorelei Cangelosi Dehart* Beatrice Parkerson Dupuis Florence Sanders Jones* Beverly Ann Bertrand Yount*
U. of Delaware
Katherine Anne Thackrah Graham Virginia Blair Hutting
Auburn U.
Betty Forrest Coleman*
Merrilyn Louise Cook*
Katherine Folwell Trafton Leaver* Angela Corinne Kennedy Payne* Winifred Annette Perkins
Cynthia Lee Weinberg Russo* Adrianne Carlo Smith Wallace* Virginia South West*
Murray State U.
Patsy Gail Jones Bishop* Lana Loy Garner Porter"
Central Missouri State U.
Barbara Jean Bonnichsen Sparks*
San Jose State U.
Bette J o Belda*
Aleene LaRea Wells Caneer* Judith Lee Pearson Delrio
Nancy Claire Schlosser Dunn* Marilyn Lucilla Wylie Hart* Marguerite C. Crawford Lloyd* Leah Anne Hardcastle MacNeil* Barbara Jean Halvorsen O'Brien* Marianne Thorton Tharratt*
Ellen Rae Brady Alben*
Robin Jayns Stinson Boden* Judith Anne Wagoner*
Janet Kay Munroe Weber* Allison Elizabeth Massey Woram
Cornell U.
Gwendolyn Owen Faith*
Margaret Louise Weekes Hendrickson'
Penn State U.
Diane Ruth Edelman Bardman* Shirley M a e Camp Belke*
Selena Amole Wunderlich Bing* Gertrude Louise Bryant*
Nancy Louise Baier Gilbert* Mignonette E . Frederick Gover* Cicely M a y Desilver Hindenach* Margaret DeSilver Hursh*
Dorothy Jane Jennings*
Betty Elinor Widger Johler* Marion M a e Eberts Johnson* Barbara Lee Mattern*
Eleanor Gwynn Merrifield*
Mary Elyn McLaughlin Moyer" Barbara Torrence Nelson
Barbara Louise Beatty Phillips
Jo Anne Proudfoot Rahn"
Mary Gertrude Richards Roberts* Alyce Carolyn George Schnabel* Edna MaeOgievee Stephens* Sara Josephine Lowenberg Stern* Teresa De Salles Moslak Sutor Madge Luella Terwilliger* Marjorie Day Cousley Winkler* Mary Belle Zahn*
Sara Louise Everitt Zimmerman*
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Katherine Elizabet Turner Dole* Grace Geraldine Austin Gray* Margaret Isabel Ebert Kelk Evelyn Rasmussen Lundsted* Elizabeth M. Hiestand McKenna* Muriel Minnie M. Moodie
Eleanor Sikes Peters
Marion J . Bain Ransel*
Mary Milan Starr Raup* Maude Aleen Gray Stewart Elynore Frances Bell Wagner* Carol Isabel Schmitt Woerpel
U. of Maine-Orono
Mary Elizabeth Robinson McClure* Jessie Ellen Ashworth Miller* Nancy Ann Wallingford Parolin Maryann Carr Tiemann
Wendy Witham Wilkerson* GAMMA ALPHA George Mason U.
Janis Marie Davidson Bates* Lisa Ann Disher*
Janet Laura Haher Rawl
U. of South Alabama
Joanna Elaine Garner* GAMMA OMICRON
U. of Florida
Catherine Anne Burnette Braude*
Jill Ann
Fall 1989
To Dragma
Carolyn Louise Kohler Driscoll* Linda Carol Greene
Sandra Sue Fuller Jewell* Faith Lee Tulino Myer
Kim Cecilia Bechamps Perez* Pamela Karen Rehm*
Carolyn Blakeiy Richards Robinson* Mary Carole Gibney Thigpin* Elizabeth C Varnum Townsend* Marilyn Lisa Krekel Walton* Georgina Siberio Wiborg*
Georgia State U.
Mina Harriet Corbett Austin* Laura Marie Elliott
Idella Lyn Rogers-Haney* tracey Shepard*
U. of Illinois
Helen Louise Carter Alison*
Robin Elizabeth Lee Beltramini
Eva Lucille Benson*
Lois Ellen Dungan Bohon*
Lucile Josephine Arnold Denker* Audrey Gayle Shaw Dusendschon* Freda Sophia Klopfenstein Ebert* Shirley Ann Bradshaw Gillette* Sharon Marie Stefanik Kelly* Bonnie Sue Kohlenberger Kohl* Michelle Ann Kohnen*
Linda Kay Brownfield Liermann Ermina Smith Linn
Betty Jane Lois Carver Lumbattis* Bette Ann Busch Maniscalco* Susan Louise Bailin Owens*
Bonnie Grace Payne Patterson Virginia Bairstow Schroeder* Rosemary Kay Kappes Schwierjohn* Jean Elizabeth Wood Steiner* Judith Annette Irle Thompson* Kimberly Susan Coogan Tubbs Sylvia Jane Andrews Wallin* Jennifer Ellen Swenson Warren Joan Lucile Ryan Wickham*
Idaho State U.
Mary Julia Daly Enwall* Eleanore D. MacCurdy* Cheryl Hack Zaladonis*
Iowa State U.
Marguerite 0 Gilchrist*
Julie Diane Goodrich Iversen* Kathy Marie Mahoney Janvrin* Anne E.Kennedy Malone*
Lisa Anne Modjeski-Fischer
U. of Wisconsin-Stout
Mildred lona Turney*
Randolph Macon Woman's College
Nadine Dorothy Pillot Cuenod* Lucy Somerville Howorth
Adelaide Carleton Sterne Lentz* Eleanor Frances Manning Robbins*
Indiana State U.
Neva Loraine R. Barnard*
Kathleen Ammert Collings Bosworth Saundra Lou Martin Bridwell
Florence Dodge Ennis
Marjorie Mary Long Gallt
Patrice Elizabeth McKenzie Liebler* Christine Ann Hoeing McKnight* Helen Reitzel*
Carol Lee Hammond Schnyder
Irma E . Himmelbauer Vesser*
Florida Southern College
Nancy Lambeth Ford
Laura Frances Cox Lindsey* Carol Louise Lady Thompson* Becky Sue Winkler
Helen T. Lawton Zientek
Ball State U.
Candace Lynn Kirkwood Colyer Linda Kay Johnston Crews" Barbara Joan Griffiths Erickson* Beverly J o Bontrager Hoffman Pamela Sue Jordan
Janet Sue Royer Parsons
Karen Ann Gesell Ripberger*
Wanda C. Swift Rogers*
Dorothy Ellen Cormier Schath* Zeenat Knapp Schissler*
Martha Jean Schumacher
Janet Susanne Johnson Slagowski* Jane Ann Vigus Steiner*
U. of Kentucky
Sandra Renee Allen* Beverly J o England* Jill Glascock*
Rhodes College
Anne Elizabeth Riley Bourne* Kathy Keith King Cressey*
Helen Quindley McClure* Rebecca Marshbanks Mushingi* Frances Ralston Crouch Perkins* Mary Beth Willoughby
McGill U.
Marilyn Winnie R. Mirabelli Anita Damato Neale
Margaret Jean Ivarson Putman* Dorothy Warwick Weir Stalker*
Ohio Northern U.
Carol Ann Cover"
Roxanne Dolores Crews* Pamela Jean Henry
Deborah Lea Hunter* Rebecca Lee Piazza Morris* Jane Elizabeth Mowder* Lori Rae Williamson Nelson* Linda Gay Gerhart Olson* Janet Eileen Lucas Stickler
Western Michigan U.
Ann Laurimore*
Rebecca Dragos Massie* Doris Ann Ciine McKenzie*
Southeastern Louisiana U. Patricia Annn Thompson Dowie KAPPA THETA
U. of California-Los Angeles Beryl Arbit*
Mary Leigh Walters Blek*
Marilyn Lundin Chandler*
Mary Elizabeth Watkins Cullom* Patricia Marie Eggers Gerty* Judith Theresa Hasche*
Barbara Ann Dean Kapell*
Jane Marie Campion Leininger* Dorothy Lee Woodbury Linn* Eleanor Bouton Cot win Mc Henry" Lucile Gertrude Burbeck Pannell Haidee Kipps Schlecht
Jean Alberta Cook Steinberger* Mary Louise Fitzpatrick Taylor* Jacqueline Nina Scott Ullerich* Gwendolyn J. Thompson Ward* Karen Jean Van Dyke Watson* Lorna Elizabeth Wright Witt
Stanford U.
Jacquelyn Cannon Bonnett* Dorothy Ann Huff*
Evelyn Pleasant Johnson* Jean Perry Hiler Maroder*
California State U.-Long Beach
Elizabeth Anne Craig Amundson* Laurie Ann Bristow*
Pamela Sue Caudill
Susan Kay Kenley Gundersen* Laureen Sue Paisley
Barbara J o Kramer Rinehart* Kathy Sue Templeton* Lynnetta Jean Walker Winter*
U. of California-San Diego
Barbara Jean Chilcote* Laura V. Bloom Doyle*
U. of Georgia
Caroline Yvonne Hargrove Adams Katherine Hall Hurst Anderson* Dorothy Barrow Atwell*
Evelyn Bird"
Lisa Helen Whitten Bowen* Debra Ann Stopak Campbell* Hazel Lee Mixon Christie* Cathryn Francis Henry Creasy* Kathy Jean Wigington Culpepper Sarah Hurt Friend Dickerson* Diane Marie Evans Dooley*
Ann Kathryn Leonard Edwards*
Mary J o Weekley Enstrom*
Susan Christina Highsmith Graveline* Catherine Anne Sponseller Helms* Katherine Tilley Cox Johnson*
Emily Jane Huie Langston* Louise Burrus Leonard*
Betty Louise Long Mathis*
R. Jane McCollum McAuliffe* Fifi Christina Lamas Menzelos* Elinor Vivian McGahee Milikin* Noelle Jane Mills*
Joyce E. Morway*
Sarah Julia Russo
Margaret Ann Scott Spillane"
Ruth Artrue Estes Trager
Beverly Marcell Scarboro Willingham*
Northeast Louisiana U.
Cheryl Ann Larrieu Bourg Eva Claire Ginn*
June Hodge Godfrey
Carol Ann Smith Oman*
Lois Elaine Klemme Theriot" Ann Sweatman White*
New York U.
Martha Jane Morrissey Albert* Elizabeth Ann Rennmann Chisholm* Patricia Fahy*
Priscilla Harrington Loomis*
Mirian Ann Paliwoda Moody*
Anita Maurice Schiffer Muller
Elise Belle C. Rebaza Oswald Elizabeth A. Beatty Sattan* Jacqueline G. Masterson Shortal Muriel Knott Sturtevant Teemsma*
U. of Mississippi
Patricia Wade Sample Bendall* Rita Ann Johnson*
Sarah Ellen Smith Ward*
Northern Illinois University
Pamela Rae Baclawski*
Karen Lynn Bledsoe Bear* Mary Kathleen Conver*
Judy Ellen Young Huss*
Linda Schwartz McElhany* Marcia Elizabeth Davis Moser* Cynthia Mary Steckel*
Cynthia Renee Paul Wayland*
U. of Southern California
Yvonne Frances Spalding Banta* Teri Lynn Hooker Beaman
Mary Elizabeth Booth
Jody Renee Clark Bower
Geraldine Hunt Brinkley Clark* Janie Belle Kesling Crawford* Camille Lamar Tribelhorn Crawford* Mary Inez Bryant Ellis*
Valerie S . Glaze*
Katherine Gulmert
Jan Heide*
Therese A. Hurtado* Marilyn Tevriz Kezirian* Leanna Doris Long Leonard* Alison Joy Marshall*
Jane Ann Snider*
Diane Duane Wilson Stevens* Virginia Jean Gardner Yerkes
NU OMICRON Vanderbilt U.
Joy Murphy Adams*
Suzanne Gail Duke Orebaugh* Evelyn PetShepherd Pruden* Patricia Carroll Burnett Rhodes* Marti Sue Winfrey Rimbault* Sara James West Robertson* Josephine McKelvey Rogers Joan Critton Runnion*
Deborah Lynn Harper Stillwell* Eleanor Gertrude Walker Threlkel*
Chadron State College
Doris Ann Dailey Schmidt*
Miami U.
Helen Erie Grizzard Clark*
Mary Wilton Means Cope*
Anne Eaton Meeks Davis*
Stephanie Anne Davis*
Pamela Dianna Hathcock DeZevallos Angela J o Berry Donahue*
Ann Vaugftan Barge
Douglas Cowen Beauchamp* June Greer Bogle* Williamson Bratton*
Rosalie Carr Carson*
Katheryn R. Crockett Dunn* Julia Crutcher Cleveland Eisner* Frances Thelma Wray Foster Cynthia Elaine Freeman*
Jayne Alston Napier Gordon* Barbara Anne Shields Kelley* Gloria Jane Enochs LaRoche* Nell Fain Lawrence*
Katie Rose Woods McClendon* Kathrynn Anne McClure
Mary Kathryn Riley Michel Katherine Faxon Payne Morris* Nancy Edna Myers*
Sally Baum Nordlund
Jayne Johnston Allen*
Mary Pamela Grant Brokate*
Alma Lee Conn Bumen*
Anna E . McConnaughy
Nancy Jane McConnaughy Ehrman* Judith Ann Eschmeyer Evans* Oenise Sue Hewitt Fargo*
Alice Gertrude Peterson Harrison Barbara Kay Henritze
N. Diane Gillian Holmes*
Margaret Susan Davies Holtkamp* Angela Lee Strong Jackson*
Carol Ann Eiala Jacob*
Deborah Ann Busch James*
Sara M. Larch*
Kathryn Delana Lockridge*
Hazel Engle Lowes*
Kim Anne Bestgen Luczywo* Jeanne Allison Aborn Mahlig* Nancy Lynne Shanks Marburger* Margaret Ann Weyman Miles Sandra Jessamine Merry Nix*
Ruth Esther Tallman Pifer*
Frances Catherine Cenfield Pugh* Ora Champion Robishaw*
Susan Fried Schnelzer
Alice Jean DeBuino Schuette*
Sue Ellen Small
Carol Ann Miller Stevenson* Elizabeth Mary Kelly Stremel* Nancy Marilyn Hall Swisshelm* Aurora Sue Toth
Nancy Gene Heil Vecere*
Joyce Ann Gruber Williams*
Betty JoReese Witt*
Lambuth College
Helen Thomas Chapman Thomas*
Morehead State U.
Anne Westerfield Adams"
Eva Carol Scott Ellis
Carol Lynn Blevens Hollander*
U. of Tennessee
Janella Ann Carpenter*
Mary Elizabeth Moore Dominick Connie Marie Jonnson Gwinn" Phyllis Jean Wright Hill-
Elizabeth Symonds Hale Hunt* Sara Kay Carpenter Jowers* Bobbie June Johnson Knight* Rebecca Jane Duncan Massey Sue Letitia Workman McDearman* Mary Elizabeth Parten*
Judith Walton Speight Redden Constance Dorn Bufkin Rizner* Vivian Logue Seymour*
Emily McGee Handly Spence Carolyn McClamroch Staley* Sherry Ann Fisher Tarwater"
Lois Littlefield Tarwater*
Charlene Hemphill Webb*
U. of Michigan
Esther M a y Bradley Ayres* Sherrill Kay Nicholls Beck* Margaret Mary Triplett Bixler* Alice Louise Wessels Burlingame* Dorothy Marie Adams Bychinsky Kathleen Emmons Clifford*
Ella Babs Carle Collins*
Mary Louise Mann Culp*
Lois Gertrude Cossitt Hampton* Marjory Lucile Hittle Harrington* Audrey Jean Mitchell Hennessy*
Wanda Janet Walgenbach Jacobson* Elizabeth Helen Armstrong Lambertson* Albertina Aida Maslen Mabley
Nancy Anne Kuchta Mack*
Jeanne Lynn Harris McClaran*
Pamela Ann Smith Mooradian*
Linda M a e Lanigan Moss
Florence Alberta Light Neumann* Alexandrine M. Campbell Pratt
Judith Lynn Berger Ryan*
Fern Elaine Wunluck Spooner*
Marjorie Ann Letzgus Sutton*
Patricia Ann Swanson*
Mary Kent Miller Tennant*
Patricia Paulin Kowalchuk Wilson* Marion F. Stepanauskas Yuhn*
U. of Kansas
Barbara Ann Burnett
Neva Anne Brown Conway
Maxine Aleta Earhart Dees
Maria Hadges Foy*
Eunice Ellen Hanes
Patricia Elaine Patchin Hoffman* Mary Wead Dsborn Moore
Mary Eloise Garrison Sellon*
Olga M a y Wallace Smith
Elizabeth Olive Tice Stewart* Lucille Meredith Evans Underwood*
East Stroadsburg U.
Cell J. Quider* Patricia Palmer Rutt"
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lindy Anne Motl Legener* Sharon Ann Limberg Schroeder*
Morris Harvey College
Margaret Mary Anne Guinan Unavage* PHI LAMBDA
Youngstown State U.
Virginia Krupa Shaw*
Hanover College
Barbara Ann Kryter Ackerman* Karen Louise Parson*
Donna Marie Strettar Sheridan* Jane Ann Sumner Waltz*
Purdue University
Diana Nickoloff Rogers*
Judith Ann Saxton*
Judi Kay Von Dielingen Tucker* Carol Sue Jung Turner* Ramonda Sue Smith Wertz*
Janet MayThumm Spomer" Vivian Bernadine Swanson
Ellen Oupuis English Wiseman Leonora Bloomquist Wolf-Martin*
Karen Smith*
Lori Ann Tucker*
Elyse Brenda Michelson Wagner
Lenore Alice Johnson Coon* Lucille Reynolds Dallas* Pauline Anne Schmidt Englert* Marilyn Lee Faris*
Margaret Betz Foster*
Dorothy Ayers Gardner Goodnough* Ann Harger Hinds*
Marlene Ann Schild Holmes
Mary Garrison Walker Hughbanks* Patricia Jean Roper Hurbaugh Phyllis Lorraine Dodds Kaiser Margaret Eleanor Johnson Kent* Helen Doane Walker Kessell*
Jane Wells Clements King*
Marcia Lee Jensen Nelson"
Roxie Edith Stafford O'Day*
Mary Asenath Morrison Obear* Catherine Irene Roe Raisor"
Norma Von Oburn Roberts*
Cora Dealba Brodhecker Robertson Judith K. Neal Scott
Nancy Jane Williams Stevens* Elizabeth Elle Buckingham Tourtelot Victoria Ann Urban*
Morningside College
Kimberly Ann Campbell" Connie Lynn Diekema"
U. of Cincinnati
Nancy Maxwell Gaines Bernard* Ruth Gertrude Newman Eldridge" Daisy Virginia Pott Lindsley Patricia Louise Prashaw Lockhart Mary Elizabeth Light Meyer* Alice Ellen Biechler Muller* Cecile Maureen Tansey Tokar* Adele Zita Decker! White*
Northern Arizona U.
Patti Sue Prater Anderson*
Teri Elizabeth Thomas Anderson Jana Kaye Beets*
Mary J o Miller Brentari* Bernice Agnes Ipnar Heath* Laura Ann Roberts Keefe* Carolyn Kay Lindsey Leonard" Tammy Carolyn Martin*
Eileen Mary Freeman Pleticha"
Wagner College
Nancy A. Cochrane"
Beverly Ann Fraser Oalzell Diana Joan Skubliskas Engel* Lorene Delia Ligouri Fernando* Karen Distler Wacker*
Kay Kettering Welch*
U. of Toledo
Helen Scheidler Benschoter* Dorothy Ann Leive Eberle* Sharon Kaczala Fickel*
Gwen Peterson Geis*
Marilyn Jane Onweller Keller* Ruth Lee Leichtamer*
Wilma Oiegelman Lupe*
Beryle Margaret Dunlap McCloskey Maryhelen McMacken Meyers* Fadwa Haney Skaff
Lavella Roselene Andrew Stone* Thelma D. Coen Waigand*
U. of Washington
Rosaiyn Franta"
Susan M a e Fields
Dianne Lee Boggess Fullam* Jane Julianne Geiger Niemeier*
Fall 1989
Jill Ann
Portland State
Slippery Rock
Newcomb College
Rietta Glassed Garland Albritton Joan King Hicks
Priscilla Ann Minis*
Jan Gore Mounger*
Margaret Lyon Pedrick*
U. of Maryland
Dorothy Hilda Miles Blood* Pamela Anne Bresnahan*
Robin Beth Epstein Elkinson* Adeline Melis Roche Erlbeck' Olyure Mildred Hammack Faber* Ellen Elizabeth Bradford Gladding* Ruth Louise Miles Henderson Carolyn Ann Grabowski Mahon* Jane Mooney McCarl*
Kathy Ann Myers-Larson
Flora Edith Waldman Reid
Helen Elise Wollman Sheats* Nancy Loew Tacchetti"
Carolyn Louise Vogt Taylor
Karen Elizaheth Walsh"
Nellie Rebekab Fouts Wharton" Nadia Virginia Wright Zimmerman*
U. of Texas-Austin
Jean Katherine Beshell Benton* Phyllis Joan Kemp Carter"
Mary Nell Garrison
Barbara Anne Bealor Hines* Margaret Ann Knox Lattimore
Ruth Awiette Neel Miller*
Geraldine Marie Campbell Naschke* Mary Fern Hawkins Orem"
Gloria Ann Cunningham Rowland* Edith Sue Alexander Shields Virginia Lucille Maloney Walker
U. of Pennsylvania
Helen Charlotte Waliauer Horner* Helen Louise Euerle Huelsebus Barbara Joan Giliiland Johnson* Caroline Turton Mudd*
Gertrude Martha Hayman Paton* Louise Florence Kappella Riegel* Ida Marie Freeborn Sellinger* Margaret L. Pennypacker Wisner*
Northwestern U.
Dorothy Mona Broad Andreu* Barbara Ball Bartelsen*
Jeanne Louise Fox Btennan*
Nancy Katheryn Vanmeter Colpaert* Joanne Carol Westerfield Dunn" Susan Roberta Enlow
Marion Elizabeth Abele Franco-Ferreira" Janet Fay Gerske"
Margaret Snook Folwell Guthrie
Eloise Jean Moffett Harper"
Ada Elizabeth Ritz Honeck* Virginia Mary Wolsey Huizinga Jeanne Lois Bassett Jones* Beatrice C. Segsworth Kitchen* Dorothy Ann Wallin Larson* Carolyn Death McConnell Margery Ames Pflughaupt* Arleta Kirlin Schaub
Janice Sue Cissna Daniels*
Allison Cozette Oumble Mudrick*
U. of California-Berkeley
Dorothy Grace Jackson Baxter* Marie Janis Godt Benedict* Delight Frederick Bennett* Particia Ann Lennon Burd* Barbara Jean Reinhart Byers* Marion Alice Black Corwin* Jane Rea Duveneck*
Helen Alice Basler Fletcher Dorothea Laurelle Johnson Fribley* Elizabeth Hesser Glenn*
Margaret Louise Ingalls Goldsmith* Bethel Claire Brown Griffith*
Alma Adele Colling Haight Elizabeth Ann Paul Hunt*
Alice Elizabeth Hill Nelson*
Alice Frances Bellingham Olson* Deanna Jewel Lynn Parrish*
Judith Parker Payne
Christine E. Bothwell Pedroncelli* Virginia Lewis Persons*
Claudia Marie Bishop Sampson Diane Sandoval*
Dorothy Jane Ledgett Seifert* Janet Louise Ferguson Shirley* Frances Joann Siebe*
Virginia Lane Stackmest*
Hartwick College
Judith Gayle Hunt Butcher
Lisa Dambrosio*
Christine Okula Franke*
Sigrid Joan Westcott Stewart* Virginia Ann Witter Woods
Huntingdon College
Mary Helen Day*
Audrey Kay Gomillion Jones*
Western Illinois U.
Vicki Blazek Stumpf *
U. of Wisconsin LaCrosse
Sally L. Huck Drea
Arkansas State U.
Dorothy Raye Kinman*
E. Bernee' Jackson NaVal*
Kelly Jones Spradlin*
Shirley Jacqueline Swaim Stancil* Elizabeth Kay Cameron Yount*
California State U. Northridge
Pamela Ann Harbin Abbott* Barbara Lee Stark Clark* Mary Lisa Reiser Freeman* Phyllis Jay Casteel Gilson* Lesli Louise Keligian
Debi Helene Kraus*
Deborah Ann Luther Schmidt
Dorothy M a e Long
Julia Maxine Morse Blackmer*
Virginia Grace Swift Chamberlin*
Ruth Miriam Mosling Elvig
Helen Marie Turnstrand Erickson* Colleen Anne Summy Frojen"
Jane Dixon Cracraft Ganyo*
Dorris Bowers Garton"
Etna M a y E . Thurston Hansen
Beverly Jane Hayer Harris*
Marilyn Joanne Dixon Haugen*
Jean Harlowe Ashton Hollister
Lorine Dolores Moen Holschuh*
Pamela K. Hickman Hughes
Glenda B. Moseman Jungquist* Suzanne Elizabeth Zuehlke Larsen* Sally Anne Lohmann Laue*
Kaia Marie Ellingson Lehman
Patricia Gertrude Johnson Lill*
Nancy Dell Lund
Sandra Elizabeth Rodgers Markel* Marsha Kay McMannus Page*
Julie Marie Ann Landwehr Pascente* Helen Patricia Struble Regan
Marie Bremer Reim"
Kathleen T. O'Shaughnessy Rosenblum* Jean Behrends Rotegard*
Edith Jennie Robinson Suckerman Beverly Dawne Ness Thorson
Birmingham-Southern College
Rheta Pauline Crim Greenhill* Janice Ruth West Ingram* Sarah Adele Taylor Miller* Jeane Reynolds Parks" Katherine Elise Moss Simmons* Amelia Florence Cox Wilters*
U. of Tennessee-Martin
Catherine Ann Fontana Bascom* Barbara Ann Whitaker Brake* Martha Juanice Gillespie* Cynthia Gay Smith
DePauw U.
Marianna Hahl Beers*
Theodora Bess Maytag Blumberg* Marilyn Davis Boles*
Kathryn Rae Brown*
Katherine Elizabeth Davis Carter*
Kellie Leigh Aunkst*
Donna Lee Coleman Carol Louise Shick*
St. Norbert College
Alyson Kathleen Dietzmann Sloan
Washington College
Christina Maria Schilling Harrison* Carolyn Elizabeth Brant Lense* Elizabeth Schmidt McGinniss* Alexandra Muse Reeder*
Elizabeth R. Thibodeau*
U. of Minnesota
Jo Ann Smith Gould Anderson* Donna Mabel McNair Apple
Edith May Oavisson Brewer*
Marna R a e Ellsperman Burkhalter* Jessie Denny Cochran
Aase Loe Gronlund*
Marilyn M. Rose Herman
Barbara Trask Clark Marsh*
Marie Murfin McFarland*
Phyllis A. Hyde Morgan*
Beatrice Jean Heitmann Nowogroski* Louise DowBenton Oliver
Betty Lynn R a y Person*
Jeanette Porel Quaeck*
Alverna Mary Grace Ocker Swan" Eileen Ann Thorpe*
Dorothy France Hesseidenz Walker* Emma Jean Steen Werrbach
Harriet Virginia Rowen Wolverton*
U. of Arizona
Martha Anne Shideler Betts Mary Arline Ebert
Christina Louise Flores* Marianne Hicks Kifer'
Janis Tremble Nelson*
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dorothy Elizabet Woodward Barnard* Virginia Louise Nelson Bass*
Bonnie Virginia Kinkade Boyd* Suzanne D. Groteluschen Bryson* Phyllis M a e Davidson Dunlap*
Mary Lee Glen Ehrke*
Kathryn Louise Smith Fairchild* Susan Dianne Smith Fargo*
Bette Lou Wefso Hagel* Elizabeth Mae Evans Hummel* Opal Loraine Johnson Janelle* Elizabeth M. Macfarlane Jensen* Margaret Capron Jones*
Helen Nona Bergin Kampfe*
Anne Agatha Figge Laugharn* Janice Rae Foote Luhn* Catherine Marie Ballau Marcy* Ellen Ada Srb Markytan*
June Florence Wilson Marron* Marilyn M Christenson Orr*
Ruby Maurine McGee Peterson* Deanne Marie Glen Phillip*
Alyce Evelyn Bassett Schuldt Dorothy Elizabeth Bradt Smiland* Judith Ann Mikkleson Stuthman* Jacquelyn Ann Alber Sutton*
East Carolina State U. Linda Gale Swiggett Vick*
Florida Atlantic University Rosemary Connolly Villwock
ALPHA BETA TAU Thomas More College Anne Marie Mielech
Western Kentucky U.
Karen Jeanne Miley Bere
Marsha Louise Bird Bordas Ronnah Ann Bowles
Susan Spieser Choate
Marion Louise Ludington Ciciarelli Beverly Biggers Crow
Beverly Nadine Cummings Betty Bruce Edwards Farris
Jane Violette Fergus
Mary Elizabeth Davis Friedman Brenda Gail Clark Gottula Cassandra Lynn Henry Gray
Alice Haneline Griffin
Sheila Faye Henderson
Wennifer Lynn Knowles
Michelle Marie Martin
Elisa Gale McCarty
Darragh Jo Moffat
Susan Diane Ward Nally
Claire Summers Edgington Roberts Angela Diane Schieman
Laura Denise Simmons
Roberta Joanne Steder
Jennifer Selene Williamson Melinda Withers
U. of Alabama
Lynn Ellen Amos
Monica Inge Fichtner Bell
Mary Lillian Stinson Bell
Mary Lynn Buffler Bryant
Lindsey Diane Bowers Carruth Donna J o Rumore Cusimano
Pamela Joy Bagir Eastwood
Alyce Leigh Cobb Ellis
Diane Forsythe
Sherri Lynn Tucker Freeman
Lori Lynn Thornton Henry
Charlynn Brown Holbrook
Deborah Ann Hood
Lisa Ann Lorino
Carol Ann Massey
Elizabeth Grant Molett McKinney Michele Louise Pastor
Harriet lone McHugh Schultz
Susan Lynne McCullough Shenefield Sara Spann Howard Soweil
Lydia Kate Denson Staples
Leisa Barton Taylor
Victoria Louise Robichaux Sessions Virginia Lee Maddox Shepherd
Oregon State U.
Virginia Louise Garnham Detzel Phyllis Louise Dininger Freed Irene Koerner
Joanne Elizabeth Kunz
Beverly Louise Berman Mack Barbara Mae Robertson Marjorie Randol Osborn Roeder Susie Lee Shelton Shawkey Doris Ruth Gregg Smith
Helen Lucille Krueger Wahlers Marjorie Lois Jump Walker Cynthia Alice Hilker Wargo
Coe College
Carol Mae Brickett Adams
Jann Alicia Erickson Beckham Laurie Sue Kruger Granitz Shandra Margaret Hanchett Laura Jean Friday Hefta Cathleen Pamela Murray Huning Carol Ann Kohn
Linda Garrett Martin McLaughlin Kathleen Ann Krier Moorehead Rose Marie Boalbey Rudin Jennifer Mary Martin Steininger Stephanie Jill Yanaga
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Susan Claire Chamberlain Cormier Barbara Ottilio Nass Gatz Elizabeth Jeanne LyonsRoy
Sally Jane Magruder Standiford
Villanova U.
Barbara Anne Bell Patricia Ann McGrath Linda Jean Norton
Bemidji State U.
Judith Erickson Angela Karen Sinn
Michigan State U.
Jane Elaine Engel Allen Cynthia Hall Baker
Marilyn Jean Bull Bruins Barbara Jean Bitney Ciesel Ann MacMillan Clute
Elizabeth Louise Baker Fritz Jean Louise Grant Gardner
Ella Jane Wise Gilbert
Marilynn Yvonne Heim
Oorothy Jane Balanean Hopkin Sally Ann Vegors Janis
Lillian Jean Race Jewett
Annabel! Cathryn Pink Kennedy Joanne Attwood Kettles
Shirley Mae Orr Kincade
Judy AnnMiller Kruger
Wilma Jean Helfrich Malarik
Carol Sue Rans Marsh
Ann Ruth Reed Meredith
Barbara J . Spehar Millington Nancy Norilla Brown Neeley
Miily Schiele Neuder
Constance Joan Quigley Overby Carol Garnet! Swope Packard Mary Lee Oierker Reiter
Patricia Lee Brady Sargeant Mildred Lucili Pickett Scheele Jeanne Elizabeth Catlin Stauffer Marjorie Elaine Doster Sutherland Marcia Martin Ruhling Winner Gloria Ann Green Wurdock
To Dragma
Bonnie J o Johnson Aim
Janice Irene Magnuson Amsberry
Wendy Lee Littlefield
Sandra Gee Edwards
Julie Anne Elsensohn
Anna Manalopoulos Heim
Kathryn Elizabeth Byrne Hennessey Opal Irene Jenkin Hill
Phyllis Lambert Hoffman
Adria Veleke Hubbard
Nancy Joy Reinbold Johnson Julie M. Beckel Johnson
Mary Margaret Geleno Larsen Rose Mae Jones Mackie Charlene Ruth Oveland Murray Kellie Lynn Schuster Raftis Linda Kaye Panasuk Seibold Virginia Rae Gisselberg Sorenson Tern Kay Stremel
Chen Lynn Stremel
Pamela JoAhlf Teglovic
Patricia Louise Maslac Vallandigham Jane Marian Trotzer Valley Stephanie Watson
Leola Anne Russ Wheeler
Lori Ann Wilson
U. of North Alabama
Tena Alyce Graben
Louisiana State U.
Angela Grace Armstrong Bickers Deborah May Brown Gentry Susan Ethel Parry
Kathryn Claire Tomsula Priven
Jane A n n Marker
Montana State
Dorothy Jean Wright Alvord
Patricia Louise Skoch Armstrong Barbara Elaine Ashton Atseff
Lori Ann Bertelson Bennett
Catherine AnnPrior Cannella
Jo Irene Steagall Clark
Cynthia Lynn Androsky Cummings Deborah Anne Dahling
Lois KayEbeling Davidson
Sally J o McConnell Galver
Constance Connell Gates
Georgena Pettingel Samson
Barbara Sue Dose Lerwick
Margaret Carol Doeneka Mathews Shannon Mary Sabel Morton
Marilyn Joyce Duvall Mudgett
Kathryn Nash
Rosalie Joan Warden Nast
Myrnie Esther Clayton Neil
Ann Lucinda Peterson Overmyer Marjorie Sherwin Perry
Kathleen Lois Obrien Petrucela
Susan Anita Shepherd Romano Margaret Lucile Benton Russell
Stacie Lee Rouse Seedall
Joan Elizabeth Zimpelman Shalikashvili Janet Forrest Doeneka Smith
Crystal Marie Wilcox Sowersby
Kimra Kay Warren
Christine Marie Kennedy Wheeler Bonnie Gayle Wyland
U. of Oregon
Joan Claire Herbranson Agerter Joyce Evelyn Newberg Allen Jeanette Thielema Harbert Anderson Joanne Maxfield Anderson
Signe Christine Rasmussen Asendorf Dorothy Josephine Jensen Ayers Particia McKenna Beard
Jane Clare Liquin Ahrendes
Deborah Sue Ellis Andras
Alice June Perrin Barber
Jacqueline Lee Miner Bean
LaOonna Marie Preuninger Bergman Jean Vansice Berry
Kathleen Helen Smith Brinkman Margrette Alice Gray Brown Judith Selma Doering Carlsson Helen Boiler Clark
Joanne Marie Johnston Coleman Margaret AnnOlson Crennen Diane Frances Gomer Dailey Nancy Oiehl Dear
Mila Margaret Parkin Divers Jane Jaccard Dodge
Karen Lee Olson Egged Vickie Lee Hoxsey Farrington Mary Taylor Fjeld
Gretchen Estelle Thornton Frisby Jane Mcgovern Frye
Dorothy Alice Hoffman Gander Judith Kay Castles Golberg Virginia Sheriff McCoy Good Laurie Galle Green
Susan Jane Horrom Hampton Betty Jean Kountz Hennessy Helen Marie Wolf Hoffman Kathleen Edna Vaughn Holm Linda Jean Bourdet Hurless Martha Lee Pope Hutchison Eunice Jone Hunt Hutton Denise Ann Jocobson
Mary Blake Lodge
Dorothy Vera Dell Lough
Kim L Matwiejow
Erlene Marie Biggs Mazuranich Jean Julie Stehlik Miller
Lou Ann Valjacic Montgomery Maxine McElvain O'Brien Patricia Louise Erickson Odell Mildred Louise Balzhiser Olsson Ethel Partricia Rend Orlich Janice Mayfield Ozimek
Susan Lucile Rawlings-Marshall Vicki Claire Sherick
Rebecca Louise Snortiand Naomi Catherine Cool Sweeney Marillyn Pearson Thomas
Freda Louise Chamberlin Toner Beverly Landes Townsend
Debra Lea Olson Tuomi
Margaret Warren Moser Wallace Ginger Lynn Stanley Walter Maryann McGinnis Waylett
Florida State U.
Jane Sutton Black
Joyce Ann Hix Dannecker
Paula Suzanne Walker Dorris
Gail Blossom Hibbe Ewing
Lucinda Lee Homko Filomio
Robyn L. Kimble Green
Carol Elizabeth Member!
Ada J o Starling Miller
Mary Nannette Cecil Rankin Kathleen Margaret Mullarky Richards Sylvia McAdam Richardson
Sara A n n Parise Ridolph
Janet Marie CrosbyRou
Gwendolyn Jean Hopkins Tenold
Esta Coverman Tishgart
Ailsa Ellen McKelvey Tjaden
Lynn Carol Anthertz Valerius
Ruth Emilie Skacil Valois
Marjorie Theresa Parker Wessel
Helen M a y Anderson
Betty Jeanne Clark
Ruth Ellen Dexter
Evelyn M. Hogue Dickson Deborah Lynne Strauss Eason Ethel Goeldner Egge
Geraldine Walker Flagle
Oorothy Lou Habel Fourcade Leotia Belle Bennehoff Gardner Betti Kessi Goodwin
Mary Louise Sexton Gordon Dawn Elizabeth Calvert Gothro Cheryl Kathleen Fifer Hallquist Harriett Anna Banbury Holland Jane Mirick Abriel Jones
Phyllis Louise Bryan Kerr
Carrol Ann Pageler Kirk
Nancy Elizabeth Leake
Georgie Davidson Lowden
Helen Dorothy Hoefer Olsen Barbara Lois Ketchum Proebstel Roberta Bernice Wilcox Roe
Carol Ann Emmons Rose
Barbara Ann Proebstel Seymour Jeanne Wells Smith
Lynette Rae Thomas-Personett Mary Ellen Contreras Vaillancourt Mary Marjorie Waller
Barbara Crowell Wood
Hazel Luella Jeffryes Young
Dentson U.
Lucy Virginia Bell
Jeanette Nilma Knoeppel Bishop Edith Lillian Breining
Helen Grace Laycock Casper Martha Lorena Deckman Cramer Natalie Joan Hasbrook Delporte
U. of British Columbia
Leslie Janet Maclean
Sharon Jeanne Mari Wright Miles
Lavenie Lily Bird B. Dean Perkins
Illinois Wesleyan U. Jacqueline Mary Blust
Carroll Mites Bross
Dawn Elaine Buehlman
Annabelle Marie Boubelik Cordes Martha Jeanne Hays Crippin Patricia Lynn Perkins Day Dorothy Margaret Ehmke
Patricia Etnyre-Zacher
Susan M. Fritz
Susan Guenzler Getz
Kendra Jill Redfern Jones Carolan Jones
Vera Adaline Killion
Lorrie Lynn Johnson Leahigh Cynthia M. Nessler
Deborah Lynn Belzer Parker
Joan Priscilla Pettis Priest
Donna Arlene Rekau
Lisa Mary Setlak Roth
Sandra MaeRossnagel Semajda Sara Eckert Seyal
Sandra E . Wefenstette Thornton Nancy Louise Ohr Travis
Susan Marie Kratz Watkins Karen Lee Schmitt Young
Mary Catherine Parker Yount
Indiana U.
Portia Lee Abbett
Mildred Evangeline Akey Acker Barbara Alice Aman
Pauline Iris Hindsiey Ammerman Dawn E . Bullard Barrett
Elsie Chalfant Bauer
Rosemary Patricia Vioni Benson Judith Marie Polivka Betts Kathleen Fellinger Blorneke
Benita Knierim Book
Grace Berry Brady
Reba Jean Pendry Brock
Joanne Lynn Gates Bryan
Mona Virginia Dees Clare
Elizabeth SueKaser Clark
Marion Elizabeth Koegel Cox
Susie LeeTrueman Cummings Marcia Jane Daily
Cathy Lynn Underwood Dauenhauer Leigh Ann Dye
Lorene Marie Edmunds
Rose Evelyn Ellis
Kristen Lynn Ernsting
Maxine Elana Lapin Farnsworth Frances Elizabeth Luke Ferguson Carol Jean Makielski Flora Eleanor Jane Garber
Marianne Laramie Garinger Daisy Hinkle Garton
Dorothy AnnAllis Gebbie Suzanne Michelle Brice Gould Oma Davis Grater
Mary Winifred Bir Guard
Anne Beaulieu Gubbins
Wilberta Jane Teeple Guthrie Jennifer JoyHessong Halsey Joan Barnhisel Heaston
Phyllis Hazel Knapp Henderson Analie Frances Shaw Hepley Audrey Jeanne Smith Hiller Eleanore Amie Hire
Marilynn Bolitho Hodges
Marilyn Patricia King Irvin
Venitia Harpster Johnson Jennifer KayAlsip Johnston Penny Pamela Nichols Kezios Roberta Jane Taylor Kilborn Mary Alice Stout Killela
Sara Ellen Reeves Kinnaman Vivian Ruth Hurst Kistler Barbara Joan Russell Kuzman Marsha Ann Chapin Langdon Linda Marie Gibson Levi
Kay Gilbert Linson
Mildred Lucille Townsend Long Rosemary Laughlin Lynn
Cynthia L. Poffenberger Mainord Susan Ann Roach Mann
Mary Jean Parkes Marx
Marjorie Ruth Swihart McCague Lynn Marie Mensing
Donna Florence Phelps
Elizabeth Frances Miller
Dolores AnnHerron Miller
Carol Lynn Grigsby Morris
Mary Jenniene Mahon Munchak Lisa Marie Niedenthal
May Irene Lester Patterson Debra KayJackson Pedzinski Elizabeth AnnHafner Pietsch Amy Sue Prokap
Florence Louise Rich
Juanita Louise Barwick
Ann Lee Carter Rinne
Robin Ann Roberts
Ann Victoria Mooney Roberts Elizabeth Thompson Sawicki Ruth Yvonne Vedeil Schaaf Marylynn Samek Sciretta
Betty Ruth Funk Sepanek
Gwendolyn Snow Sharp
Helen Marie Hughes Smeltzer Marcella Bertha Beaber Smith Marthanelle Foley Sparks Cheryl SueWilliamson Strain Marjorie MayMerckx Stump Teresa Lynn Swez
Ruth Elizabeth Thompson Nancy Jane Stiles Wagoner Cynthia S u e Cron Walker Grace Aileen Wate
Julie Anne Pope Welch
Yvonne Beavin Welty
Michelle Alene Winslow Carolyn lona Hasler Winters
Eastern Michigan U.
Lynn Sharon Collins Charron Kathleen AnnMcKinney Dusel Neesa Jean Miles Hoskin Ingrid Christina Blom Sheldon Jeanne Yurnikl Smith
Mary Ann Kirr Stephens
Joyce Ann Zielinski Szymanski Sally Ann Gustavson Taylor
U. of Montana Rene Anne Harball
Boise State U.
Janice Marie Grant Bean Kelly Marie Jackson Easton Karen J o Kuhn Ralstin
U. of Toronto
Helen Jean Crosby Berwick Susan Katharine Corben Byram Christine E . Charters
Jeanne Elizabeth Craig Catharine Ann De Leeuw
Anna Luisa DiLorenzo
Judy Elaine Fisk
Andrea Gerendas-Gianone Michelle Catherine Labbett Diana Sylvia Speaight Pilsworth
Butler U.
Frances Elizabeth Shera Fessler Frances Mary Richardson McCully Katherine Eugene Murphy Pelham Lucile Palmer Wright
Syracuse U.
Cynthia Mignon Ashurst
Kelly Anne Bennin
Ann Louise Kathryn Palisi Bogert Marjorie Julia Pease Burke
Louise Marie Burnet
Helen Isabella McNees Burnham Norma Grace Palmer Cole
Marie Therese Harcharufka Dixon Margaret Jane WoottonDow Helen Eugenia Marriner Eldredge Helen Elizabeth Panebaker Farrell Ada MayMarshall Fearon
Jane Anna Flynn
Helen Bogosta Gilbert
Alice Helena Foote Gwynn Frances Ann Lugg Harrington Helen Mildred NyeJenkins
Betsy Lynn Katz
Lois Virginia Kober Klotz
Leslie Anne Knorr
Barbara Eileen Dutcher lamond Susan Rachel Lindbergh
Rita Katherine Dunn Ludden
Joyce Theresa Santamaria Martin Marjorie Ann Harper McMahon Ruth Christine Sydney Merchant Shirley Jane Sears Mills
Frances Benson
Maxine Frances Benson
Gail Frances Englehart Bromgard Amelia Logan Brown
Caroline Traskos Cable
Katherine Jean Imoberstag Campbell Jane Anderson Mannweiler Cardea Carmen Billington Coghlan
Crystal Paine Compese
Imogene Hadley Dodson
Mary Lorinda Kasic Duffy
Eileen Maria Rodell Engel
Laverne Long Ferguson
Abby Mona Goldstein Fisher
Stella Harbert White Fitts
Lucy Milton Hearne Hamann Marguerite Cornie Johnson Holden Elizabeth Irene Jones Johnson Dolores M a y Oparil Jones
Jana Josette Serwat Kading
Margie Louise Arbaugh Lamar
Elaine Beverly Sterling Lindquist Florence Belle Miller Lynch
Jean Ferrar Muller MacKimmie Cheryl Lynn Blasdel Markley Leslie Jane Nissen Maynard Charmion Phyllis Briggs McMillan Beth Ellen Lewis Milam
Beverly Ann Lutz Morse
Alberta M a y Myers Nicholson
Ruth Ann Kehmeier Phippeny
Karen Brooks Rhea
Dianne Marie Dodds Schwarz
Mary Ellen McElwain Sewell
Frances Elsa McFadden Shallenberger Stephanie Ann Smith-Hull
Beverly Ann Rabe S o
Barbara AnnMarx Sullivan
Marlyn Loy Atkinson Taylor
Mary Dollar Rose White
Joan Marie Thorstensen Wilkinson Ruth Pauline Kanavel Wolfe
Nancy KayBates-Lane Yankura
U. of Evansville
Centenary College
Louise Lowe Brown
Tufts U.
Ruth Earle Andress
Constance Clark Blanchard Laura Louise Gavrelis Blomquist llene Caryl Magnus Boyden Dorothy Caroline Hilton Downs Madeline L. Hills Ells
Norma Elizabeth Reed Heinold Margaret Mary Harris Henry Eleanor C. Leadbeater
Marie Elizabeth Herlihy Ledden Alma Elizabeth Hescock Linden Caroline Lauile Conant Minnisch Lois Miriam O'Brien
Letitia Doble Rader
Olive Byrne Richard
Elizabeth Howard Soule Schroder Mary D. Lawson Sitomer
Jean Gray Colgate Stafford Ursula Tully Thompson Sharon Anne Wainright
Alice Eleanor Hayden Wilkey
U. of Southwest Louisiana
Marie T Delaureal
Anna Belle Rose Hoffman Krewitz Debra Celia Savoie Laughlin
Cindy Marie Livaudais Roth
Tyra Caire Treadway
U. of Delaware
Victoria Ellen Corton
Sharon Elizabeth Cressman Jennifer Lynne Fisk
Deborah Marie Griffith Foster Gail Susan Knecht
Mary Jean Walnock Polaski Debra Lynn Segal
Michiko Seto
Genevieve Ellen Strong Sidwell
Fall 1989
Daralyn Lisa Moss
Angela Kay Oliver
Miriam E . Wenker
Mary Emma Brodbeck Peterson Sarah Elizabeth Walker Phaneuf Edna Lupton Faust Rignall
Rose Constance Milwick Riley Mariba Lovinia Morse Rogers
Mary Larkin Williams Rowley Gloria J o y Frankenbach Sandstrom Helen Jacqueline Lord Shields Laurie Anne Sprague
Joan Catherine Wallick Vanzo Jo Ann Wallace
U. of California-Davis
Leslie Ann Carroll-Tipton
Eda Rasmussen Davis
Kathryn Louise Tribbey Fitzgerald Annette M a y Haller Heins Marylou Mischel Kalney
Lynne Marie Osborne
Janellen Nolan Quisenberry
Celeste Marie L e Mieux Katherine M. Shephard Theresa Marie Workman
U. of Virginia
Mary Hundley Adams
Julia Nelle Smith Alexander Barbara Jean Cross Assell
Dianna Bess McKay Boring
Julia Ardine Armistead Buchanan Joann Margaret Murphy Burke Gerrie Maria Chambliss
Lillian Ann Land Cleveland
Louise Jackson Cole
Valerie Rhea Bendall Collier Margaret Lynn Trafton Foti
Nancy Jane Carr Garrett
Marilyn KayTadlock Graves
Shana Christine Grimes
Patricia Irene Skelton Guest
Michal Brown Hearn Hopson
Grace Miller Herndon Johnson Linda Alice Gordon Kinsey
Karen Gay Kroft
Lillian Odette Yeager Lambert
Mary Anne Phillips Long
Katherine Jackson Marshall Barbara Ellen Lupo Martin
Claudia Lea Riddlehoover Mathews Reta Ann Allen McKannan
Marie Elaine McLeod
Vicki Elaine Lupo Metcalf
Deanna LeeHailey Mitchell
Mary Anne Doby Moorhead
Mary Helen Dalton
Karen Lee Elam
Elizabeth W. Medford
Mary Frances Milam Walker
U. of Colorado
June Harriet Armstrong Mary Elizabeth Evers Allen Ada Mae Smith Anderson Eleanor Ann Yockers Beefier
Marion Kay Adkisson
Virginia Allen Beesley
Mary Jane Mengon Bernhardt
Lavyrne Hanson Brown
Karen Yvonnne Chaney
Lisa Michelle Hahn
Robin Kay Chapman Hartman Meredith Jean Potter Helmerich
Maria McQueen Keppler
Cecile Hovda Klamer
Virginia Ann Meyer Kreke
Deborah Brooks Knopsnyder McGregor June Hamilton Meyer
Sharon Ann Miller
Evette Lynn Murphy
Lynn Annette Foshee Reed
Allison Ruth Smith Renaud
Pamela AnnLindsey Ruster
Emily Wright Hard Sanderson
Lois Jean Ryon Schmidt
Jennie LuWells Schmidt
Marilyn Goeke Engle Simms
Anita Jo Steinhagen
Kathryn Lynn Kays Stewart
Ruth Alice McGinness Trott
Rebecca KayShipley Ziga
Judith Goergen Zivanovic
Central State University
Mary Kathleen Frew Adams Linda Frances Peters Collier
Nancy Lynn Gallo DELTA DELTA Auburn U.
To Dragma
Ruth Elaine Forsythe Morgan Olivia Darlene Woodall Riggan Belinda Ann Rolfe
Janna Denise Schrimshei Pamela Jane Wright Spengeman Jane Leigh Wasden Walker Melinda Kay Atkins Walters Terri Lynn Freeman Wetherhee Virginia Catherine White
Vicki Pate York
Murray State U.
Sherri Lynn Skelton Baker
Carrie J o y Welborn Brookshire Sandra LeeWallace Cunningham Carolyn LeeGraddy Fiasco Angela Starr Hester Lawrence Linda Joyce Durham Ledford Cathy AnnHancock Longton Laura Delphine Melugin
Mary Ellen Beck Millhouse
Myra J a n Sachleben Perkinson Rubye Keeney Pool
Nancy LeeStrow Sheley
Beverly AnnNelson Ltley
Sally J o Harris West
Gwen KayVanscyoc Westendorf
U. of South Carolina
Leslie E . Potash Dunn Grace Winebrenner Watts
Central Missouri State U.
Cynthia Esther Sippel Christopher Elizabeth Ann Franklin
Debra Louise Gagne
Pamela SueGann Hinderliter Debra RaeJustice Howell
Lita Kay Richtermeyer Jimenez Sherry SueReeter Jones
Carol Ellen Carter Kane Rebecca AnnNentwig Koelling Linda Louise Mansur
Kristen Ann Mysen Marshall Rebecca Ann Zobac Mauch Julie St.John Owen McKay Jana Ruth McKinnis
Mary Jane Thomas Ogle
Lisa Renee Pohl Prenger
Mary Quinetta Kateman Rutledge Terri LeeSchwarz
Susan Lorraine Bachali Soph Ruth Schanzmeyer Stanton
Kathy J o Cox Ulm
San Jose State University
Susan Elizabeth Maas Anet Mary Louise Bihler Bacigalupi Eugenia AnnZiegler Brady Patricia AnnStewart Dubrow Angela Clara Panelli Ernstrom Mabel Gomes Frelier
Janice Anne de Reschke Gilman Dorothy Charlotte Krieger Hassur Jo Ann Tartaul Hawley
Marilyn AnnVasey Martin
Janet Ruth Queen Oatman Sylvia Leonida Veglia Phillips Martha Newman Ramsey Rosemary Sater
Carol Thompson Silliman Margaret Ann Waldron
Texas Woman's U.
Caroline Anne Weidner
Duke U.
Suzanne Reid Inabnit Bowman Leslie Chappelle Byrd
Judith Lee Cornwell
Susan Jean Fleming
Paula Gayle Litner Friedman Lori Jean Hillman
Mary Elizabeth Levin
Karen Elizabeth Marden
Leslie Anne Cornell Martin Ronda Maurine Zimbler Newton Mary Elizabeth Peters
Wendy AnnErlenbach Ransbury
Janette Mary Klingler Kinol
Janet Virginia Holmes Linsenmaier Marilyn Stoddard Roberts Lynch Grace Elizabeth Bergholz MacAfee Dorothy Anne Evans Marcincavage Evelyn Lapham Mehl
Mary Beth Montgomery
Barbara Elizabeth Moser
Jeanne Valeria Schaeffer Nicely Elaine Josephine Miele Pasmore Louise Hoffeditz Porter
Lillian Jean Hofmeister Purdy Dorothy FoxHull Reinhart
Mary Virginia Gist Renberg
Mary Elizabeth Taylor Rose
Marlene Olive Neff Rutt
Linda Kay Schmidt
Barbara Ann Engstrom Schumacher Jean Louise Black Slezak
Nancy Caroline Siftar Thorne Deborah Colt Ellis Vandenberg Gayle Dorene Moyer Whitley
Jane Alma Romig Wilson
Alice Marie Janota Winthrop Kenlyn S u e Abell Ziegler
Eastern Illinois U.
Patricia Lynn Ryan Lenhoff Paula Alyce Waisnor Musilek
U. of Wisconsin-Madison
Lydia Lacey Brown
Dorothy Louise Palmer Bundy Flora Alcorn Hurley
Margaret Kelly Keenan Icks Dorothy Louise Wiesler Ninman Virginia Belle Huwen Proctor Dorothy Tegtmeyer Stege
Sarah Augusta Hardy Ward Margaret Bertha Rasmussen Winn
U. of Maine-Orono
Phyllis Richett Phillips Bemiss
Elizabeth Higgins Speirs
Debora Adams Sprague
Joyce Marguerite Cheney Stevens Katherine Dudley Stewart Elizabeth Jane Barker Taverner Lorette G . Cloutier Taylor
Deborah Ann Thurrell
Fern Elizabeth Allen Turbyne
Ruth Holland Walsh
Kathryn Marion Stinson Wayman Beulah Elizabeth Osgood Wells Irene Mary Lerette Whitcomb
George Mason U.
Pamela Heath Brandt
Debra Ann Bayne Hopke Penny Lynn Chadwell Kardis Jennifer AnnRiegel McGown
Georgia State U.
Margaret Anne Erwin Barron Alison Frances Baxter
Laynie Elaine Bird
Cindy Joyce Butler
Joyce Anne Conway
Martha Elizabeth Wright Dyer Susan Lynn Aldricb Eggers Debra Lynn Elliott
Lisa AnnReifenberger Freeman Lisa Dawn Bacon Hackney Laurie Eileen House
Andrea Diane Tippens Kennedy Laura Michel Morgan Kirkland Carol Jean Leiker Lyons
Sharon Teresa Nash Pratt Leslie Carol Keighron Robins Cynthia M. Young Spence
Luz Admira Vizurraga
Polly Hollenbach Willis
Sandra Elizabeth Shi Wilson
Utah State U.
Mary Kathleen Jensen Sherwood
U. of Illinois
Gay Lynn Kresl Adams
Betty Jean Cox Albin
Martha Jane Hill Anderson
Diane Marie Danner Bagnoli Winifred llona Timmons Baker Catherine Louise Guthrie Benjamin Caroline Grace Baker Bergfeld Janet Lynn Hiser Bowsher
Nancy Carol Cox Buelow
Mary Patricia Burke
Barbara A. Brekke Cabay Marian Lawrence Olive Calvin Ina Lucille Holtermann Clarahan Donna Jean Rostello Clark Robin Jean Davenport
Virginia Bess Fisher Dolan Barbara Joan Paakh Downey Doris M a y Larsen Draw Barbara Ann Bassie Dunnivant Marjorie Fisher Morrison Owyer Jean Lorraine France Ellis Lavaun Adele Schild Eustice Hedvic Lenc Farrar
Kathleen Therese Hackett Forse Grace Janet Niewold Funk
Sue AnnErickson Gilpin
Particia E.Gleasner Goetz Melissa Ann Goral
Susan Jeanne Atkenson Halbach Mary Frances Otwell Hall
Phyllis Jean Floyd Hall
Laura Putnam Rose Harrower Gladys MaeAlt Higgins
Joyce Edith Guderjan Holler
Dorothy Frances Dolan Kelly
Cynthia Marie Marchigiani Kennedy Hannah Joyce Kim-Rohrer
Ardele Beryln Benoist Kinsey Patricia S u e Kocour
Deborah Ann Kodros
LaVerne Ruth Kruggel
Joan Therese Stumpf Mahon
Janice Kay Sullivan Malkuch
Maria Veronica Manning
Margaret Andrea Moeck Mathis Kathryn AnnRomano Mayer
Mary Eileen Joan Scranton McHugh Mary Elizabeth O'Byrne McNickle Carole Ann Schmitt Meyer
Kerri Susan Molnar
Elizabeth AnnOhern Muhlke
June Ruth Lotz Pearce
Catherine E . Thompson
Karen Frances Semper
Yolanda Regina Smith
Kay Suzanne Taylor
Catherine Tinkler
Karen-Marie Santo Tracy
Laura Elizabeth Kauffman Wilson Christina Zerbe
Cornell U.
Norma Alice Leversee Botkin Helen LeeMordoff Campbell Elizabeth C. Herick Clark Mabel Klisch Deal
Ariene Ann Loede Hanley
Rosalie Louise Weiss Hemingway Elinor Baier Kennedy
Margaret Bell Mashek Ludlow May Belle Eisemann Reed Dorothy Alice Hepworth Shaffer Isabel Lucetta Thro Towson Betty Francis Johnson White Ruth E.Smith Wilson
Kathryn E Altemeier Yohn
Penn State U.
Elizabeth Ann Eagelman
Constance L. Ouesenberry Anderson Mary Carolyn Leworthy Bachmann Edra Stevenson Rubinkam Bechtel Annamae Blount Bigoney
Inga I. Scheyer Book
Wendy KayMorgan Buchart
Linda Jane Doolittle Bushar
Sally AnnOberle Colby
Diedre Louise Arthur Dawson Marilyn Dumm Dickinson
Helen M a y David Drumm
Elvira Elizabeth EshlemanEis
Marian Luanna Terwilliger Elliston Winnie MaeShelley Farina
Frances M a y Speicher Fileger
Anne Elizabeth Patterson Fitzpatrick Lois Jeanette Colteryahn Fry
Jane Sarah Wickizer Gomlick
Jaye Anne Graham
Elizabeth Mellor Graul
Phyllis Ann Herr Grobert
June Eleanor Gurke Hall
Maybelle J . Penley Hamilton
Doris Marilynn Rumage Hellmund Alice Elizabeth Hooper Hess
Adena Faustine Bellegia Imlay Agnes Ellen Geary Jamison
Marie K. Knoll Judy
Barbara Marie Frederick Junker Christine Ann Kenny
Mary Elizabeth A. Parrish Kester Kathleen L. Kilkenny
Liselotte Weihe Kinaman
Elizabeth Anne Kinder
Berdeen Bodwell
Mildred M a e Haney
Barbara Ann Higgins
Marion Helen Carter
Harriet AnnRiley Cederstrom Nancy AnnPistaki Chard Joanne Daley Clark
Ana Maria Goncalves Costa Mary Elizabeth Cunion
Edna Louise Harrison Dempsey Joan Marie Drake
Jane Dyer Ellsworth
Audrey Louise Morse Garnett Mary Louise White Griffee
Phyllis Ariene Jordan Hanson
Ethel Fredericka Packard Harkness Judith Hill Fielder Harris
Ellen Eugenia Wilson Huot
Carolyn Imogen Wormwood Ingalls Barbara Jane Kellly
Christine R. Pedersen Kelsey
Jane Elizabeth Romain Lebrun Barbara Alexandra Lukacs-Smith Elspeth Burnett Johnson Mason Marie Clover Archer McDonnell Gladys Gage Reed Merrill
Wilma Jessie Brown Miller
Ruth Louise Frary Montgomery Elizabeth Sale Barrows Pendleton Jeanette Marie Roney Pero Catherine Alison Tripp Pohle Eunice Dorothy Barrows Powell Thelma Elaine Crossland Robie Anna Lord Torrens Robinson Pamela Anne MacRoy Simmons Alice Burr Webster Sinclair Catherine Chase Osgood Skolfield
M a y Stoddard Lenore Gaskins
Andres Andrew
Indiana U. of Pennsylvania
Celeste Anne Kososki
Priscilla Alden Mewha
Karen Jean Sedora Morgan Emily Therese Corso O'Keefe Diane Irene Nakielny Harrier Carol Lynne Irish Smith
Terry LeeCrist Wasovich Karen Lynne Weigel
U. of South Alabama
Julie Annette Brining Cheryl Lynn Driver Davis Kristine Noel Huff Katherine Marie Kasch Susan Louise Kennedy Gayle Denise Kilgus
Julie Lynn Herman Praytor Catherine Blair Irby Slater Particia Barlow Byrne Taul
Frances Ellen Greenwald Brower
Kelly Ann Burnett
Kristin Gail Blacken Cann
Charlotte AnnTolliver Carr
Valerie Jean Plumb Carter
Mary Elaine Plascia Fumea
Kendra Lucille McAllister Gilkes Margaret Mary Mitchell Grinnan
Sara Jane Smith Hammersberg
Leslie Ann Hayes
Ronna Renee Janes
Prudence AnnBrown Kerry
Elizabeth Anne Klaiber
Caryl Anne Davis Lane
Lisa Jean Maleski
M. Susan Kendall Mayer
Pamela Robinson Mittleman
Maureen M a e Campbell Nemcik
Evelyn Loretta Kulp Nobiit
Susann Weinreich Reed
Penny Elizabeth Giragosian Ritenbaugh Sara Fordyce Eagon Robbins
Lady Grace LeBaron Sandefur
Deborah Rose Eckenrode Schmucker Roberta Lucile Selman
Wendy Roth Shull
Patricia Francis Cilley Southward
Mary Susan Pedersen Stevenson Laura Ann Taulbee
Marilyn Ann Rogers Thomas
Gay Sherman Voss
Catherine Marie Roll Zombar
Jean Therese Pennine
Terese Marie Quartetti
Deborah Ruth Olson Read
April Eleanor Marn Reger
Janis Marie Reiter
Lorraine Helen Zillner Rodgers Gwendolyn Edith Fuchs Rudd Carol Ann Zralka Rusnak
Heather Anne Russell
Mary Carol Novak Schlax
Sara Anne Sever
Alice Johannah Ellis Shannon Joan Harriet Locker Sheppard Marjorie Jeanne Lang Shipley Kathy Jean Siverly
Linda Sue Barnes Smith Margaret Hazel McGarry Struyk Marilyn Louise Horbert Sucoe Alice Eleanor Ross Taylor Christine Anne Unger
Jeanne Ruth FifreId Warder
Joan Theresa McDonald Welch Mary Elizabeth Jens Williams Doris Elizabeth Biersach Williams Mary E.Rennick Wilson
Karen Marie Scott Wilson
Kathy Susan Wilson
Jean Louise Ryan Winters
Gail Beth Rothwell Wood Deborah Jane Cummings Woods Dorothy Jane Edwards Yonker
Idaho State U.
Barbara Joan Andre
Cheryle Geesey Barker
Sandra Lee Melton Cadiente Uvah Claudene Hull Carlson Sue Ellen Olehy Finney Frances Anne Mealy Moore Dorothy Myrtle Dow Price Carol Joy Cunningham Sanden
Iowa State U.
Cassie T. Anderson
Ann Elizabeth Vandervelde Appel Kathy Louise Armbruster
Jo Lynn Jane Jenkins Baltzley Sarah Jeanne Benesh
Rhonda Stevenson Bjornsen DeEtte Mari Donovan Bryant Melinda Ann Strank Coogan Kimberly Ann Portz Curtis Pamela J o Kuiper Flom
Pamela Kay Harman
Julie Ann Holvik
Helen Teresa Dawson Krejci
Joni Lytle Larsen
Cathi Adams Moore
Amelia Kathleen Nelson
Cheryl Ann Hall Pease
Julie Ann Mommsen Peters Jane Jarsko Scheraldi
Sheri Kay Jackowell Schneider Betty Lauerman Sharkey
Sandra Elise Voss-Garcia
Lisa Christine Avitt Weiser Margaret Mary Bannon Yanez
U. of Wisconsin-Stout
Darla Deer-Hanford
Lorraine M. Frederickson
Renee Marie Schuetz Pesavento
Randolph Macon Woman's College Katharine Thomas Northern Land
Laura Terrell Lake Saunders Alice Lake Alexander Turner
Mai Adair Lovin Williams
Mary McDonald Kittrell Winnard
Indiana State U.
Laurie Ann Allen
Christie Rae Barnes-Stewart Patsy Marie Dunlap Bendix
Rita Elizabeth Kish Bond
Lynn Barnaby Branson
Stacy Anne Breeden Thomas
Jill Zschau Brown
Sheryle Lynn Bridge Buck
Shirley Scholle Anthony Close Karen Sue Armstrong Edwards Sheila Ann Keating Everhart Nancy J o Gerdink
Teresa Margo Hill Harrison
Mary Beth Brown Hasselbrinck Carolyn Faye Motsinger Hendricks Stephanie Ann Hendricks
Suzanne Wilson Humphrey
Olga Marie Imperial
Linda Carol Kingsley Jeffries
Mary Ann Davies Jenkins
Shelley Anne Johns
Karen Anne Kennelly
Barbara Reba Kinzer
Paige Ann Kirkman
Betty Charlene Weaver Kobida Paula Diane Ferry Mikulak Veronica Ruth Oros
Julia E . Morris Palermo
Cathy Jane Campbell Parker Norma Lee Henerberg Purvis
Kate Ellen Hulman Schoffstall Orva Pratt Sinclair Schramm
Edith Sweeney Shonfield
Gail Lynne Showers
Sara L. Simms
Mari Lynn Welch Sloan
Patricia Ellen Uhde Spencer
Phyllis Ann Purcell Stewart
Ann Louise Wuchner Sturm Christina Lee McOaniel Sunkel Karla Ellyn Keller Trout
Mary Frances Tuberosa
Emalee Brackemyre Vanscyoc
Valerie Ann Walker
Florida Southern College
Kimberly Ann Hilson Barnum Martha Elizabeth Page Carter Jean Marie Galloway Connell Joan Elizabeth Burr Creese Kathleen Joyce Detoro
Felice J . Desalvatore Gerwitz Anne Elizabeth Mayo Girata Pamela Roszell Wheeler Hacker Jennifer Lynne Smith Hayes Cheryl Anne Ladzinski
Judith Darlene White Mann Daryl Kimberly Meyer Payne Karen Alisa Pipkin
Lynn Ann Domagala Travis
Ball State U.
Betty Jean Vickers Adee
Betty Jeanne Isza Bairn
Kristi Marie Kroening Bingham Carla Marie Bochenek
Millie Jean Cole Boring
Karen Beth Rogers Breault Julie Ann Robbins Burns
Eric Kathryn Webb Burris Marysia Klus Bussard
Randi J o Shields Carmichael Ruth lone Cameron Casner
Judith Charnley
Linda Lee Evans Chase
Janice Louise Scheerer Davidson Connie Sue Lewis Dawson
Susan Jean Dedomenic
Virginia Ann Starkey Edwards
Susan Jean Turner Fifer
Jennifer Anne Flaugh
Wanda Luhana Alley Fountain Suzanne Marie Riney Galloway
Betsy Helen Tripp Hagenow
Marilyn Joyce Hart
Cheryl Rae Cody Hazama
Sara Joan Vahle Herron
Susan Stogsdill Jarvis
Lisa Marie Manson Laconi
Evelyn Dixon Langas
Carmen Marie Lewman
Susan Kay Hughes Ley
Rachel Louise Bennett Lingner
Sandra Lynn Pataluch Lott
Beth Ann Gaughan Lyons
Linda Joan Camren Mann
Judith Ann Myers McFarland Charmaine Dorothy Pratt McLaughlan Joyce Anne Zaviski Melvin
Carolann Marie Laskowski Mikesell Phyllis Blanche Reeder Mueller Connie Sue Trent O'Maley
Barbara Ann Johnson Ottinger
Paula Jeanne Adams Peterson
Judith Ann Flora Pierson
Pamela Mae Pratt
Patricia Anne Lannerd Pullum
Amy Louise Rump
Candace Clark Seizert
Kimberly Doran Semler
Carol Sue Loudenback Sommers
Mary Strange
Natalie Carol Thomas
Nancy Lynne Stine Walts
Marilyn Jane Crampton Weakley Victoria Louise Barr Willis
Helen Sue Hollingsworth Young
KAPPA LAMBDA U. of Calgary Sandra Gayle Glanville KAPPA OMEGA U. of Kentucky Luann Cook
Marilyn Carol Mees Doerr
Sara Ruth Melton
Carol Dawn Woolums Smallwood Elizabeth Jane Wigger
Rhodes College
Cynthia Mead Allen
Isobel Anderson Bowden
Carissa Fay Bradley
Eva Gene Bruce Bringle
Carol Hays Marsh Claus
Linda L. Green-Driver
Kimberly Lynne Bledsoe Hall
Terr: Lynn Wilhite Johnson Kimberly Fraser Longmire McOaniel Mary L. Holiman Norton
Suzanne Leonfiardt Swearingen Minnie Bernard Lundy Wellford Bettie Amelia Connally Welsh Doreen Carol Vernotzy Williams
McGill U.
Mary Alison Finnemore Jill Beverly Moll
Karen Agnete Hall Moon Irene Polis Taylor
Ohio Northern U.
Sandra Ruth Beichler
Sandra Lynne Burns
Arminah Ellen Davis
Charlotte Warner Deiderich Nancy Lynne Cunningham Fenner Patricia Elaine Hallis
Linda Sue Baun Jenkins
Judy Ann MaGaw
Karen Sue Downing Mansell Nancy Ann Keely McAlexander Robin Ann Brodnicki Merrill Lynn Renee Moomaw
Kelly Delane James Moore Lynne Ellen Painter Noark Janet Lucille Cole Sekerak Karen Dale Shimmin Pamela Jane Norton Starr
Margaret Armstrong Conner Rockwell Lois Quinn Roskam
Mignon Macurda Stannard
Susan Louise Canby Turquand Eleanor Virginia Stanton Upham Joan Elizabeth Landweer Waltz Adrienne Marie Hunter Walz
Joyce Seneren Miles West Elizabeth Jane Smith Wright Alice A. Koestner Young
Stanford U.
Sigrid Marie Beuche Allen
Helen Elaine PetersonArd
Dorothy Ellowene Delahoyde Evans Marjorie Jea Schlichtmann Herrero Marny Antoinette Say Jones
Maria Saledad Rael Nowell Dorothea Cavitt Hawkins Ruud Olga Luella Seibert Vatcher Blanche Barbara Wayne Ward
Beth Virginia Moulthrop Whitty
California State U.- Long Beach
Karen Lynn Cook Batt Merilee Ann Bennett Celeste Bauchiero Brandlin Julie Maria Coughlin Caroline Chapman Craig Regina Ann Zofrea Fish Kathleen Ann Murray Goff Alexandra Halasey
Robin Darlene Holt-MacDonald Jodi Naomi Masumoto Lynnette White McMahon April Lynn Ringwald Monroe Brook Craven Nesbit
Kathi Niffenegger
Irene Diaz Oncley
Stacy Joan Scfiemenauer Schuman Carleen Marie Galasso Smith Sandra Lee Rose Hurd Sova Juliana Marie Doran Springer
Sheri Lynn Forney Tucker
LaGrange College
Susie Ann Whalen Blackshear Carol Ann Winn Bozeman Stephanie Leigh Burred Scarlett Dean Drake
Angela Marie Fronek
Jennifer Marion Bullock Gutmann Ellen Ashley Twitty Loving
Sonya Annette Brake Snyder
U. of California-San Diego
Constance Joan Graham Dawn Marie Joyce Levi Elizabeth M a u
Kathleen Shanahan Elizabeth Mary Toda Sandra Kathleen Tursi
Northwest Missouri State U.
Karen Alizabeth Basey Elizabeth Ann McKee Lynda Sue Jones Mills
Fall 1989
Connie M a e Puterbaugh
Western Michigan U.
Phyllis Lorraine Beu Ansted Jeanne Ann Straight Black Virginia M a e Sprietsma Coolidge Susan Vera Fairchild Davidson Arlene Marie Sirtola Kalis Rosemary Ann Malish
Elaine Zian Marinescu
Alice Elayne Kozlowski Finder Joanne Isabeil Piatkowski Powell Donna Claire Felthouse Spencer
Marilyn Elizabeth Hinkel Karen Lee Tompkins
Southeastern Louisiana U.
Carol Anne Falanga Bergeron
Dawn Lea Brewster
Margaret Anne Heroman Capdevielle Darlene Zito Cavalier
Linda Ann Hight
Kimberly Anne Faust Hollis Carla Sue Culotta Jeansonne Yvonne Frances Daigre Landry Dorothy Gayle Robinson Miller Karen Rose Richard
Terri Louise Rudiger
Cynthia Anne Swartzfager Raylyn Reine Williams Deborah Newsome Wunder
U. of California-Los Angeles
Mary Lou Rosenthal Alexander Betty Lou Schwab Bilyeu Gloria Gretchen Regal Blake Lee Ellen Manuele Desantolo Barbara Jane Ryan Dunham Ada Henrietta Ecton Elliot Sharon Clark Gayton Marguerite Varie Page Harman Rowena Moore Harrison
Mollie Milliken Hayes
Florence Alice Peterson Holden Barbara Vilas Finley King
Carol Corinne Stich Lamar
Mary Jane Daze Lavery
Gwendolyn E Livingston Long Donnie Clemenson McNeal Hildegarde Louise Mohan McRitchie Frances Isabel Bruington Mcilwain Patricia Rosalind Lang Miller
Jean Charlotte Herdman Moran Evelyn Culver Ostrander
Susan Russell Parr Pardee
Gloria L. Murphy Pena
Vickie Jann Neuvert Peters Josephine Pelletier Pryor
Karran Elizabeth Perk Richards
To Dragma
U. of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Mary Jean Steele Bixby Jeanne Marie Morgan Fischer Linda Ann Bestul Gobbi Donna Ann Richter Kraehnke
Gayle Suzanne Dickerson Hall Cecelia Carol Moore Hightawer Amy Elizabeth Brannon Kirkland Alida Marie LeBlanc Lewis Roslynn Rochelle Bennett Pogue Nancy Alice Davis Rials
Jane Warren Rowan
Kathryn Lorena Schauf
Eloise Calhoun Stanhope Frances Miller Trousdale Barbara J o Williams Wiley Rosalie Herring Womack
Elise Katherine Rawson Wyatt Pamela Louise Hebert Young Evelyn Louise Redding Zagone
Lehigh U.
Lisa J. Bardinelli
Catherine Ann Clinton
Robin Carol Comizio
Elizabeth Frazer Wilson Doles
Kari Jan Hackbarth
Dina Jill Portnoy
Lynann Marie Raiser
Julie Kay Anderson Rakestraw Katherine Anne Wenzke Shollenberger Ellen Tracy Silver Tannenbaum
New York U.
Helen Sheldon Aimes
Enid Watts Busse
Mary Dolores Deniff
Marie Frances Gunn
Dorothy Joan Nourse Halter Margaret Stewart Fogarty Hanretta Muriel Shanley Hoost
Kathleen Colette Redmond Maurer Mabel M. Anderson Mclndoe
Edith Buffwin Ramsay Merrill Jane Bailantyne Isbister Nelson Dorothy Meisel Partridge
Dorothy Hazel Robinson Sharpies Camille M. Stevens
Grace Tessier
Eleanor Hanbridge Brown Van Deusen Elizabeth Levinson White
U. of Mississippi
Lisa Marline Brown
Fredda B. Brown
Ann Michelle Bullen
Roberta Kay Rowland Compton Elizabeth Rose Driver
Melinda Jan Edmonds-Ekdahl Melissa Moffatt Elliott Catherine Pearl Hirsch Judith E. Hnilo
Paula Elizabeth Naremore Hoge Sara Eleanor Becker Holtz
Lori Ann Jones
Georgia Catherine Sterling Kidd Melanie Louise Sanders King Melanie Patricia Bernard Ladner Kaye Frances Brown Martin Karen Ann Mazzanti
Wanda Sue Partain McKnight Deborah Lynn Nader McManus Judy Loraine Thompson Moore Susan Claire Norwood
Phyllis Eloise Grant Phillips
Rebecca Rosemary Johnson Pittman Marie Elaine Poynter
Ginger Sue Richardson
Frankie Dolores Frazier Roberts Linda Claire Price Sullivan
Ellen Kay Sumner
Betty Joe Shaw Tutor
Gertrude Louise Klenner Wilkerson Karen Elizabeth Williamson
Northern Illinois U.
Jean Marie LeGros Adduci
Susan Lynn Bennett
Janet Martha Bong
Pamela Sue Calacci Boyer Claudia Beth Brandon
Patricia Lee Annen Broggi
Susan Patricia Stanley Buehlman Rosanne Marie Snyder Burns Audrael Mary Tremblay Chiricotti Geraldine C. Chalifoux Dulkoski Marion Louise Fort Hartmann Sharon Victoria Dziubla Huxhold Norma Adrienne Green Ireland Particia Lynn Grundmeier Juza Paula Marie Mudge Leroy
Joyce Arlene Keller Macal Claudia Helen Cieciwa McGrath Barbara Pautz Murray
Lynda Marie Pack
Debra J. Tenkash Plazyk
Janice Ann Wostratzky Voight
Southern Methodist II. Maurice Harris Hughston
U. of Southern California
Elizabeth Amy Abbott
Marijo Alexanderian
Barbara Mildred Bode Barton Nancy Lou Willfong Bothwell Ada Tolofson Brownell Mildred Arlyn Austin Clark Gail Ellen DeLuca
Mary Lou Schwamm Delpech Susan Romaine Niemi Feldman Beverly Anne Wood Freeman Leslie Ann Friedberg
Juanita Harriet Sakajian Haugen Joyce Darlene Hall Jackson Renee Kerry Keester
Daisy M a e Comer Knudsen Monika Maria Kochs
Cindy Malting Krai
Helen Hymer Lindhurst
Juanita Robinson Lovret
Corinne M. McCann
Virginia Cecile McGurty Michael Sharon Mustoe Norambuena Oorothy Keen Robinson
Laurel S . Bump Rudd
Kim Rodgers Westhoff
Vanderbilt U.
Mary Amanda Dorris Adair
Gayle Grizzard Allen
Patricia Faith Attaway
Susan Marguerite Austin
Sheryl Sue Stovall Barker
Lucy Swann Mack Barrett
Pamela Leah Bell Barth
Caroline Daniell Chadwick Beasley Hayden Lynn Dyer Behnke
Andrea Christine Beldecos Louise Barry Cecil Bennett Sharon Lynn Robinson Bonte Rebecca Brooks Fournier Susan Elizabeth Ludlow Burns lolis Robbins Carruthers
Emily Elizabeth Dobson Childress Sue Ellen McCown Clark
Karen Ann Conway
Melinda Jean Cross
Katherine Inzer Bankston Cross Barbara Evans Craighead Crotzer Jean Victoria Aguiar Culver
Kay Francis Tibbals Davenport
Jan Clayton Gates Davis
Martha Evelyn Graves DeBardeleben Susan Margarette Thompson Oerryberry Martha Elizabeth Finn Dixon
Mildred M. Oerryberry Oodd Mary Littell Rust Ellis
Patricia Ayres Simpkins Garman Nancy Dalle Whitehurst Goggans M. Joan Wallace Gordon
Minerva Louise Tuttle Hairston Edna Ruth Bryant Hastings
Melna Elizabeth Smith Henderson Virginia Litterer Carson Hofstetter Allene Blair Hyden Holland Jacqueline Jean Marschall Hughes Elizabeth Hopkinson Hutton
Terri Sue Galland Jackson
Josephine Austin Wemyss Jones
Lucy Ann Bennett Killen
Evelyn Evans Coker Kleber
Isabelle Gilber Seigworth Ladd
Julia Lee Bordeau Gambill Ledyard Manerva Clements Lescher
Alice Elizabeth M. Lichter
Ruth Stalnaker Markley
Betty Cooper Brinkley May
Amie Forman Boyd McBride
Frances Elaine Harrell McConnaughay Mary Carter Hamilton McKnight Siobhan E. McLaughlin-Lesley
Lisa Marie Camacho Menendez Suzanne Elizabeth Metzger
Martha Elizabeth Roberts Meyer Martha Jeanne Peeler Moore
Evelyn Lucille Kinzly Moore
Mary Katherine Muller
Ann Elizabeth Mullins
Frances Norman Miller Owen
Alice Ann Taylor Parks
Cornelia Willson Cralle Perkinson Susan Babette Pinckernell
Mary Ann Donnell Pinkerton
Rebecca Ann Houston Preston
Gloria Edna Walker Reed
Marcia Lee Richmond
Rhonda Lee Bailey Roberts
Rena Lynn Dreskin Schoenberg Mildred Cisco Scobey
Lisa Kirkland Kynoch Stammer
Jane Kennedy Smallwood Stearns Anne Marie Pandl Stover
Alice Wray Springer Taylor
Leah Virginia Thackston
Lisa Ann Hyatt Tolliver
Joan Mcintosh VanHulzen
Beverly Cate Waites
Susan Blair Werner Wilby
Betty Virginia Brunner Williford Mattie Carter Wood
Alice Babington Stradley Wood Jennifer Carol Wood
Eva Jean Wrather
Parsons College
Karen Lynne Fleischer Steigmann
Chadron State College
Cynthia Elaine Studnicka Yantzi
Miami U.
Patricia Ann Albert-Speck Beatrice Hardy Allinger
Nancy Isabel March Andrews Margie Ann Struble Arnold Rhonda Renee Brown Arnold Ruth Louise Kugele Baker Estelle Fisher Carrel Baldwin
Joan Ann Carter Becker
Dorothy Luise Taylor Begovich Gerit Helma Giesecke Bertsch Theresa Ann Hering Bevis
Penny J o Dunfee Blankenship Kathryn Long Bowers
Susan Lynn Wiant Brooks
Barbara Lynn Jones Brough Deborah Lynn Chase
Kathy J o Holden Dahler
Nancy Biddle Doan
Barbara Gwynne Yost Dodd
Linda Kay Fitzgerald
Mary Eleanor Schiewetz Flory Phyllis Joyce Farrell Forberg Martha PatriciaFry
Virginia Peelle Weyman Getter Susan Paiombo Groth
Diane Margaret Guenette
Janet Diane Guiney
Mary Marcella Conover Haines Lisa Beth Hampshire
Anne Edythe Witte Hodges
Mary Ann Suhs Holly
Janet Mary Nonemacher Johnson Bettie Lee Boesche Keating Lauren Michelle Belmont Kiesel Edith Oietz Kratt
Cynthia Ann Green Kronemyer Sharon Kay Lowry Lang
Jean Elizabeth King Lehman
Mary McVee Lindsey
Elizabeth Adella Hanson Martin Naomi I Griffin McPherson
Mary Lou Wheeler Omeis
Lynne Louise Jackson Parker Irene Wilt Pence
Margaret Neal Synder Petersen Lisbeth Allyne Boey Prater Virginia Feroe Eckert Robertson Martha Pontius Shablesky
Lucy Ethel McCabe Shafer
Nancy Elizabeth Doty Sirois Kathryn Siehler Willse Smallwood Florence Mildred Rench Smith Jen Ann Emmert Stahr
Emmeline Giffin Staudt
Beverly Louise Fischer Stevenson Marilyn Jean Zielke Sweeney
Lori Adele Brosius Taylor
Jean Brandow Vance
Julia Frances Fisher Vonbargen Laurelie M. Wysocki Wallace Carole Nadine Zielke Walsh
Janet Ferguson Wicker
Lambuth College
Mildred Adams Harris
Sherri Lynn Hart
Kathryn Stanfill Jobe
Terrie Ruth Maxedon Kerby
Anne Grinter Hayes Lulloff
Mary Dell Taylor McClellan
Mary Beth Dunn Merloni
Suzanne Hansbrough Schaeffer Patricia Lynn Leathers Stephenson Janis Kay Forsythe Teer
Rebecca Marie Smith Truett Rheaetta Farrar Wilson
Morehead State U.
Virginia Lynn Setty Fogt Lauren Noemie Patton Furnish Pamela J o Jibb
Linda Susan Abbott Teague
U. of Tennessee
Dorothy Adams
Mary Virginia Jones Arnold
Patricia Elaine Dozler Nancy Jane McAdam Diedre Nell Stoehr Milligan
U. of Georgia
Jan C. Sophianopoulos Anderson Margaret Corwall Byrum Auclair Zelma Katherine Reidling Bannister Cordelia Ann Salter Barksdale Pamela Marie White Beardall Marie Wing Shirley Binder
Linda Joy Blair
Jane Georgeann Morris Bohanan Judy Miriam Neidlinger Bourne Wendy Ruth Bowen
Susan Katharine Brault
Kimberly Anne Cannon Browder Mary Beth McDermid Carley Natalie Patricia King Clapp Jacqueline Ann Norton Cline Cynthia Anne Fryer Cohen
Leslie Lechele Cox
Cary Anne Cunningham
Carole Ann Thomas Davis
Mildred Frances Holland Donaldson Melinda Karen Thomas Dunn
Kelli Ruth Elder
Karen Ann Pope Hart
Margaret Susan Garrett Head
Keri J o Heimbigner
Lynn Meredith Lavender Henderson Donilyn Kris Willis Hodge
Heather Kirsten Cadle Holleman Rhonda Lynn McLean Holmes Sharon Lynn Johnson
Jill Leslie Johnson
Mabel C. Vanlandinghaus Krai Sharon Kay Watkins Lariscy
Allison Lucile Wheeler Latmore Maria Lee Griffith Mariorenz
Diane Denise Kurtze McClearen Lisa Ann Bliss McMichael
Andrea Lynn Ramey Mize
Margaret Murga
Lee Ann Palmer
Christina Leah Major Dunn
Jo Anne Camp Rhoden
Lessie Elizabeth Conaway Run Gaylan Leslie Gfroerer Ryden
Zadie Boynton Avrett Scott Marianne Hyndman Seiz
Teresa Marie King Shaper
Lois Helen Johnson Shorn
Carole Laurette Speir
Sherry Lenhardt Sponsellet
Alice Marie Richardson Thompson Susan Watson Sturgis Tully Katherine Elizabeth Veal
Northeast Louisiana U.
Winifred W. Ashcraft
Sally Joan Greenberg Berkowitz Maria Christina Zuniga Cenac Alison Garrett Crowe
Kelly Ann Ripley De Ville Rhonda Deen Beavers Evans Nancy Franklin
Catherine Ann Gregorio
Theresa Lee Gregorio
Faye Owens Haddox
Penny Elizabeth Weaver Hakim
Sandra Lucille Kohlhase Bishop
Mary James Clark Blakeman
Baylor Anne McKay Bone
Melissa Ann Brandon
Helen Louise Sehorn Bryan
Anna Stokely Burnett
Mary Penfield Curry Burnett
Iris Aubrey Tucker Cantrell
Christie Leigh Cathey
Josephine Flora Mckinnon Chism
Frances Elizabeth Scott Chisolm
Anne Elizabeth Corlew
Patricia English Cosby
Annemarie Coughlin
Mary Reed Trotter Curtin
Kate Marie McDonald Dangler
Jan Marie Black Deaderick
Dotty Dodds Dorris
Frances Miller Early Downey
Sandra Dianne Duncan
Virginia Jean Frantz Eakin
Caroline Dunn Eckles
Amy Bard Erickson
Donna Lou Roberts Ewell
Rebecca Ann McCampbell Fenn
Barbara Louise Rauscher Fox
Evalyn Holrnan Frierson
Shannon Laverne Gibby
Annabell Aiior Harr
Carole Lee Thomas Harreld
Barbara Anne Wilson Higgs
Jewell Holtsinger Hodge
Mary Moxley Ikard
Gail Evelyn Cruze Isaac
Dorothy Louise Whelen Leek
Maria Paige Butcher Loyd
Donna Marie Miles McCollum
Glynn Marie Henderson Moreland
Ada Hawley Greenblatt Pfohl
Shonna Lee Powers
Margaret Carolyn Bates Ramseur
Ruby Rowan Lawson Robertson
Malinda Susan Sharp
Joy Lynn Alley Smith
Sherry Lynn Biggs Spencer
Mary Evelyn Allen Steele
Temple Ann Crain Stevenson
Annie Laurie Wade
Margaret Collins Waller
Rachel Ellen Watts
Jane Ellen Hollingsworth Watts
Helen Hull Hobson West
Lee Ann Archer Wyatt
U. of Michigan
Dawn Marie Anagnostou
Laura Jane Zimmerman Andersen Nancy Ann Jach Aupperle Margaret Anne Schalk Barnett Eleanor D. Davenport Buchanan Dorothy Madaline Odle Burger Jeanne Elizabeth Prentice Butler Marie Elizabeth Watters Butler Rebecca Lotridge Clark
Derith Ann Lane Garrison
Marilyn Ann Schmoekel Gloyer Virginia Lynn Green
Doris J. Eash Harrison
Carol Ann McMacken Hennecke Virginia Marie Kern Heyrnoss Gretchen Harriet Quine Igenfritz Carol Sue Ivory-Carline
Sally Lynne Eckwall Jarvis Yvonne Marian Johnson
Karen Rose Jorissen
Joan Clementine Higgins Kendzior Norma Joyce Rowe Keisel
Helen Elizabeth Gray Knight
Constance Collins Mirageas Janet Rita Ross Mott Patricia Beverly Nicholas Margaret Anne Penney Judith Lee Blackburn Phillips Irene M. Potter
Barbara Eileen Miller Price Elizabeth Jane Ludlum Rogers Lora Ann Wheeler Wever
Mary Ruth Gordon Widrig Helen M a y Belcher Winter Valerie Vandermade Yard
U. of Kansas
Jill Robin Cyr Allen
Oolores A . Grossenbacher Aui Elaine Louise Modrell Blank
Betty J o Bloomer Bradley Winifred Anne Stucker Buzbee Dianne Rinker Childs
Helen Clyde Cleveland
Mary Anne Cook
Beatrice Marie Witt Davis
Mary Lee Robbins Feil
Helen Mather Gibson
Erna Carl Gilliam
Janetha Ann Schmalzried Girotto Susan Henneberger Glad Elizabeth Schieber Gounaud Louise Clark Hedge
Rachel Jeanette Shetlar Irwin Mary Elizabeth Gilles Johnson Priscilla H. Schartz Kannarr
Ellen Elvira Davis Kail
Kristine Ann Keller
Velma June Christopher King Lisa Renee Kivett
Helen LaVere Calkins Kurtz
Eva M a y Ireland Lamb
Margaret Ann McManus Lanoue Veda Marian Russell Lewis Susan Elaine Parker Madsen Nancy Ruth Johannsen Meditz Margaret Muth Mills
Jean Louise Klussman Morehead Nancy Anne Johnson Morris
Ann Marie Bucher Moser
Patricia Nell Howard Peebles
Kay Etta Kenyan Shiner
Cherie Wray Smith
Gertrude Searcy Smith
Anne Marie Smith
Mildred Durham Valla
East TennesseeState U.
Barbara Ann Carmody Daniel Mary Florence Hart Self
East Stroudsburg U.
Donna Marie Breisch Michele Marie Droney
Tara Ellen Dubois
Laura Paulette N. Glodek Nora Beth Ludlow Kerschner Katherine Kukan
Cathie Ann Labar Young
Marjorie J o Gage Labella
Ann Joan Sincavage McGlinchey Kimberly Anne Carson McGowan Debra Ann Xander O'Donnell
Cynthia Louise Ruhf Ondria
Brooke Stacy Lee Shenker Schreiber Thea Marie Steidinger Scioscia Sherry J o Seitzinger Shoemaker
Lisa Ann Springer Sneddon
Jaclyn Marie Tremel
Pamela Redman Francis Wilson Suzanne Yankiv
Joanne Irene Johnson Yuro
U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Lynne Ann Radtke Ferger Rosemary Lathrop Greinke Patricia Carol Brown Grisey Christine Rose Zaborske Groh Mary Ann Horres Hunt Halvorson Dorit Bensch Jones
Judith Jacobi Shivokevich Pamela Susanne Stewart Vicki Carolle Stivers Peggy Rillann Berchakas Lisa Ann Vestal
Louanne Watson
Ro Anne Stuart Whittington Cynthia Ann Milner Woodman
Newcomb College
Judith Farrar Brown
Eleanor Jean Schupp Feitel Catherine Zolite Hodges Hamilton Janie MayPrice Hewes
Sarah Frances Hightower Hill
Sally Ruth Balch Hurme
Mary Ann Bourne Johnson
Cheryl Palermo Lanasa
Schuyler Ruhlman Louapre
Waverly Louise Hemenway Mueller Zelma Bradley Snyder Myers Margaret Hover Odenwalder Jeanne Patricia Hanley Rabig Rose Nelson Chavanne Radford Emily Jane Carter Rahter
Susan Douglass Smith
Janet l e e McCracken Stotts
Jane Cheney Victory
Mary Qrta Myers Winn
Ethel Chapsky Young
U. of Louisville
Frances Elaine Lamkin
Lucie Anne Logan McCreary Susan Dandridge Miller
U. of Maryland
Betty Jean Tovell Belt
Nancy Lee Crowther Berman
Claire Louise Brannick
Kreugh J. Eichelberger Brennan Gethine Williams Brown
Karen Edith Yeatman Browne Susan Christine Buckholz
Una M a e Saum Burley
Madeline Marie Bernard Cecil Marguerite Isabel! Wilson Cosgrove Gail Aimee Dalferes
Marilyn Ann Shure Dando
Rosalia Goodhart Dietz
Susan Jean Dulkerian
Jean Catherine Maul Eisele
Sarah Elizabeth Bissell Ervin Barbara Schilling Everstine
Robbye Jean Wilson Fox
Margaret Elizabeth Cook French Diane Amelia Gilbert
Rene Ann Kuhla Gleesoen
Karla Frances Krahnke Goodridge Lisa Hilary Gozonsky
Beverly Jane Huddleston Green Dolores M a e Bryant Hammett Nancy Clark Hinds
Maryanne Pitcher Hobbs
Jean Elizabeth Scheller Hollyday Marjorie Julia Brock Katzenberger Ann West Speake Keller
Cynthia Jean Jones Kolencik Barbara Ann Lutz
Dorothy Merriam Hobbs Maurer Norma Rae Kelley McDonald
Helen Elizabeth McFerran
Betty Law McWilliams
Louisa Fifi Nicholson Pappas Dorothy Lee Powell
Heidi Ruth Stephan Roberts Martha Jean Engelbach Royer
Irene C.Fredrickson Schumacher Alice Isabel Boulden Smith
Dorothy C Solga
Martha Atkinson Cannon Strange Mildred Avery Kettler Twilley Margaret E . Temple Wade
Diane Marie Wells
Michael Ann Wells
Kathleen Lucinda Wester
Deborah Ann Wiest
Mary Clare Ahem Willcox Kimberly Jane Williams-Ward Lillian 0. Earnest Wilson
Jean Elizabeth Torbet Woodson Audrey M . Bosley Wright
U. of Texas-Austin
Harriet Harper Martin Boyd
Emily J o Flachmeier Engel Veronica Elizabeth Morel Giesecke Dorothy Elizabeth Crouch Keeling Virginia Mable Limpus
Vivienne Lee McKitrick
Mary Eleanor Brace Pitcairn Mary Carolyn Stone Saxon Nita Carroll Knox Wathen
U. of Pennsylvania
Rosalind Marsh Bradbury
Ruth Elizabeth W. O'Toole Hering Carmel Gabriele Kaiser
Elinor Carol Fisher Shoop
A. Gertrude Slaven
Northwestern U.
Beata Janet Abbs
Ann Ayres
Valerie Elise Christmann Burghard Norma Berry Cassidy
Margaret Louise Brown Clarke
Jane Ann Sanbor Batterson Dickman Elizabeth Logan Gardner Dougherty Mary Patrice Maloney Hancock
Anne Lenore Hickey
Muriel Johnson Irish
Vivian Amanda Ryser Jansen
Caryl Joyce Waller Krueger
Eleanor Dorothea Ellis laubach
Ester McClellan Lundquist
Louise Lorraine Rath Miget
Jean Elizabeth Hendrick Novotny Clarice M a e Swanson Parker Barbara Winans Bunn Phillips
Janet Lucile Meditch Rommel
Alma Seegmiller
Caryl Fredricka Erikson Swanson Evalyn Mary Gilpatrick Thumm
Mary Anne Buddenbaum Tittle Bonnie Jean Mondl Wolfgram Katherine Graham Young
Pan American U. Diane Jenean Cameron
Middle Tennessee State U.
Margaret E . Charlton Lindsey
Portland State U.
Kathie Lorraine Spencer Calandra Lynnette Ann Bohlander Chiotti Barbara Hood Jones Conner Cherilyn Avonne O'Byrne Foglio
Mary Muriel Webster Lamoreux
Fall 1989
Martha Jean Eldridge Lanphear Suzanne Louise Pollins MacLennan Ruth Sonnanstine Milks
Judith Marion Torti Lohr
Irene Roberta Schneider Patricia Ann Sell Shaw
Sally M a e Niemann Wittlin Gretchen Lee Beling Zollendeck
Morris Harvey College
Joan Cooleen Banks
Mary Margaret Hague Girod Diana Jean Sirlin Jansson
Youngstown State U.
Sandra Smoyer Frasch
Mary Rose Luchison Giancola Patricia J o Parker Hjelm Marlene Kay Betras Houlihan Rosemary Donahue Moore Winifred Dawn Krohn Poor Ruth Ann Joseph Vericella
Hanover College
Dorothy Louise Pickens Addison Barbara Eskew Cannon
Melinda Faye Garner
Susan Lee Yoder McClew
Wilma Katherine Miller
Nissa Nack
Sara Elizabeth Brown Reidel Barbara Louise Stadtmiller Linda Marguerite Moran Tolkan Rebecca Elizabeth Trempel Virginia King Hayworth Wilcox
Kearney State College
Cindy Sue Shada Burns
Julie Ann Cernik
Lisa Ann Dutt
Mary Jane Newlon Harms Kathleen Lewis Lencki Elizabeth Marie Booth Schmidt Lorraine Louise Scolaro
Purdue U.
Mary Anne Caskey Ashworth Susan G . Bezouska Macintosh Nancy Jean Perko Bussing Judith Ann Carper
Elizabeth Anne Peterson Eisele Margaret Ann Flynn
Karen Rachelle Ashman Geiger Susan Kathleen Waichulis Giannini Janet Louise Evans Griscom Marianne Maziarek Herff
Lisa Gail Hershman
Heidi Lynne Hoyles
Tonya Lynn Johnson
Karen E . Johnson
Anne Elizabeth Stires Loomis Sandra Kay Wagner Mitton Sandra Lynn Zwierzynski Norris Paulette Ann Kaptur Pauley Kristine Ann Mutschler Payne Leslie Carolyn Welch Pohli
Juli Ann Lindquist Pope Karen Ann Rammell
To Dragma
U. of California-Berkeley
Janet Elizabeth Stockand Phyllis Foulkes Anderson
Joy Ann Martin Ashley
Dian Oldemeyer Barth
Sandra Lee Zanzot Bemiss Patricia Ann Grant Bentley Eva Helen Packard Blaschke Eleanor Mary Zeiss Bradway Ardith Louise Fluharty Carver Claudia Ann Backei Cheng Joanne Denise Coyne Jacqueline L. Stultz Czarnecki Jennifer Decker
Gladys Dowden
Linda Louise Taylor Drew Elizabeth Lindhard Beedy Duncan Suzanne E.Warrington Evans Patricia Jean Pettebone Ferenz Marie Peralta Forsterer Gilfillan Jean Barbara Coughlin Griffen Margaret Louisa Jones Grimshaw Leslie Ann Behnke Hall
Bettylou Yates Hampel
Mary Jane Ager Hennigao
Ruth Elaine Tisher Hobar
Nancy Elin Bracken Holleman Jean Isabella Kennedy Innes Vivian Georgene Knudsen Johsens Janice Emma Kline Jones
Dianne Evelyn Lamon
Penny Estelle Carlson Lucas Claudine Joanna Fisher Lynch Catherine Jean Guthrie Macomber Nicole Joy Maguire
Margaret Ann Scholz Marston Carol Frances Cole Maurer Margaret Mary McCarty
Katherine Marie Fowler McKenzie Helen Carol Stoll Moller
Carolyn Crary Nowell
Doriel R. Goltz Parkinson
Edith Carol Spies Pettijohn Joanne Marie Weger Richards Denise Yvonne Casanave Ryan
Mary J o Elizabeth
Mona Kewin Say
Judith A. Alles Sayles Noreen Cutris Higgins Stoner Marilyn Strumwasser Barbara Rae Peppard Sutak Angela Marie Swanson
Alisia Trejo
Charlotte Bernice Hesser Whedon Virginia MaeGarrard Winton
Pamela Alice Sutor
Ann Timmons
Jane Mehl Tofflemire Nancy Grimley Van Eron Kathleen Toop Watson
Huntingdon College
Judith Lynn Johnson Frohnaple Jennifer Deanna Gaston
Judy Carol Williams Moulton Barbara Lynn Smith
Lisa Marshall Lacy White
Western Illinois University
Janice Joy Anderson Barzantny Debbie Kouzes Burdick
Susan Marie Chiri Buta
Karen Lynn Borrowman Coultas Georgia Jill Peterson DeClark Rochelle Marie Sim Gower Debra Ann Cecil Jacobs
Debra Jean Dickman Kaiser Lynn Ruth Koenig Martin Beth Allen Mandelco Rankin
U. of Wisconsin- LaCrosse
Donna Butterfield
Dorothy E.Thomas Casey Karen Ann Dwyer Ceasar Veronica Anne Clark
Jill Ann Cross Du Mez Ellen Lynn Brauchle Gailans Ingrid N. Barrs Gribble
Lisa Caulum Jahnke Margaret Benson Martinez Sharon Jane Repoli Moulton Peggy Ann Lipke Wiley
Arkansas State U.
Brenna Kay Kegley Boone Brenda Joyce Welch Coop Norma Fidler Cooper
Barbara Kay Marconi Curry Peggy Kay Keasler Dawson Carol Ruth Cormier Ellis Andrea Royce Hicks Jaber Joan Greenwood Koonce Nancy Lynn Johnston Metaxas Karen Norton Partridge
Molly Kathryn Smith Felecia llene Swerling Louise Ann Tomkinson Three Tyler
Laura Ann Watson
Amy Louise Weinstein Widens
Slippery Rock U.
June Sherry Ounn
Beverly Joy Faux
Kimberly Rae Clements Harrison Kathleen Ann Anysz Luteran LuAnne McCullough
Washington College
Christina Louise Oenayer Cappelluti Sandra Lynn Green DeVan
Sherri Lynn Duffield
Sarah Lysle Dunning
Michele Ann Hartnett
Joyce Lee Jones
Sarah Louisa Dodd Kroker
Susan Dyer Dunning Matthews Browayn Alexandra Maguire McNeese Mary Francine Pohanka Parr
Leah Frederick Perry
Karyn Finley Thompson Powell
Jean M a y Leland Smith
Audrey Elizabeth Latham Sutherland Nancy Combs Sanger Towsend Sarah Jean Wagaman
U. of Minnesota
Birmingham-Southern College
Wilburta Kerr Brinson
Donna Jean Brown
Georgia Alison Bundrick
Virginia Kay Carlton
Annie Frances Davis
Marylee Ransom Davis
Mary Elizabeth Lester Donaldson Martha Jane Paul Finlay
Virginia Jane Johnston Francis Lynne Langstaff Frederick Shawn Allyson Freeman
Nancy Jane Watwood Gibbs Anne Greene
Dorothy Patricia Collins Grover Nancy Crowell Post Guthrie Elizabeth Morris Hackney Katharine Thomasine Jones Hulse Bellamy Jayne South Looney Joanne Lynn Thomas Luther Margaret Bowne Dominick Mann Sarah L. Baulch McGinley
Joan Marie Sivert McKinley Kathi Dee Morris
Martha Sarah Moseley Helen Byrd Borchers Rea Andrea Ready
Sheryl Ella Scholl
Margaret Amelia Gunn Spencer Sonya Jeanne Thomas
Rita M a y Allgood Tubbs
Sarah Eugenia Williams Winslow
Shippenburg U.
Sabina Grimm
Denise Christine Munsell Luann Victoria Cozzens Vitello
U. of Tennessee-Martin
Cheryl Ann Davis Clinton
Glenda Sue Householder Eastridge Sharon Denise Fawcett Emery Mary Nelle Coles Hardee
Cynthia Jean March Harwell
Lori Ann Kessler
Sydney Joanne Macrae
Leslee Elizabeth Donnell McBride Julie Anne King Norville
Cathy Denise Meredith Parker Darla Denise Pollard Parris Catherine Ann Roberts
Nell Cary Wehman Smith
Kelly Marie Sullivan
Theresa Lee Weathers
OePauw U.
Betty Jean Bartuska Adamson Joyce Rosemary Vietzke Allen Diane Elaine Anderson
Mary Elizabeth Houck Armstrong Lancy Lynn Maish Babcock
Joan Lillian Callahan Bigge
Mary Margean O'Rear Binkley Luella Boonstra Boaz
Jean Krueck Bolyard
Sherry Elizabeth Keaton Brennan Margie Jean Rackow Bristow Carol Ann Doty Brown
Helen Frances Marxer Bryant Helen Marie Olson Carlson Dorothy Bowland Chambers Louise Hauck Clothier
Kathryn Mary Schwarz Colten Deborah T. Johnson Darnell
Ruth Alberta Young Davis
Diane Elaine Mound Doner Lorene Golden Essex
Margery Ann Graham Fresbley Jean Elizabeth Taylor Furrow Roxanne Lynn Berry Gilbertsen Phyllis Ann Whitcomb Green Carole Lee Henderson Green Helen Orear Greeg
Elizabeth Jane Allsopp Grissinger Cora Sue Thomas Grossman
Carol Frances Sears Hess
Joan Marie Beckman Hoch Elizabeth Ruth Gadient Huckleberry Jane E. Smith Hughes
Agnes Caroline King lsenhour Kristin Margaret Johnson Elizabeth Mary Brooks Julian Lila Jane Dayhoff Kalm Judith Dutchess Kepner Deanne Carol Schild Kimbel Janet Crowder King
Barbara Jane Garrett Krause Barbara Terry Cash LaVelle
Helen Eunice Pigott Laker
Cynthia Ann Glass Langenfeld Eunice Charlotte Brumm Lanzl Frances Alice Newton Lee
Betty Jule Pollard Lytle
Allison Edward MacOougall
Nancy Ellen Cain Matheny
Elizabeth Jane Kuentzel Maulbetsch Barbara Jeanne Lesch McMillin
Fae Houston Messersmith
Judith Eleanor Hull Messick Nancy Carroll Cazier Meyer
Sherri Renae Modrak
Debora Schlan Morris
Patricia Jacobs Mottweiler
Mary Elizabeth Knapp Murch Geraldine Mary Primich Pigott Victoria Dawn Kensek Ross Wanda Luan King Sabien
Joan Louise Zagar Severns Patricia Kay Foley Siddiq
Alice Suzanne Jones Slanec Doris Jean Roesener Soutberland Deborah Ann Spencer
Mabel Hurst Stoner
Elizabeth Baxter Sullivan
Myrna Dyne Magnuson Trowbridge Marietta Carole M a y Willman Helen Wenrich Wood
Morningside College
Denise Anne Hartstack Barber Lois Marie Kneeland Butcher Janet Kay Swanson Gill
Mary Margaret Pauly
Joan Ann Snell
Charese Elizabeth Yanney
U. of Cincinnati
Elsbeth Janet Botsch Fisher Ruth Woolley Heslar
Shirley Simone Smedley Kramer Miriam Hatton Lukens
Maxine Betty Cooper MacDowell Ruth Alice Buehler Maxson Winona Rae Rogers
Elizabeth Ann Rush
Margaret Elizabet Francis Still well Hope Elizabeth Johnson Tiemeyer
West Chester State College Helen Dixon Sharkey Werntz
Ann Camille Meyer Perry Brenda MaeGordon Posey Barbara Diane Reng Deanna Kay Allgier
Hartwick College
Margaret Ann Bergen-Pavelka
Elizabeth Anne Janes Burns Vanessa A. Dahlin Carroll Norah Ellen Doyle
Karin E. Fornander
Kathy Ann Christine
Lois Ann Greenberg
Lori Ann Grieb
Karen Maria Hartnett Katherine Ann Hayes
Eleanor Louise Brown Hickein Doris Marie Eitzen Howard Marjorie Louisa Turrell Julian Diane Linda Smith Kitson Nancy Alice Leib
Susan Marie Linney Mackay Margo Elizabeth McMahon Carolyn E . Monahan
Joanne Lyn Pedersen Deborah Lee Miller Pollard Elizabeth Claire Sacket Marilyn Ann Kamb Sagan Kimberly Jane Spiak
Emilie Y. Statler
Carol Louise Formo Ackles
Patricia Jeanne Plank Bergstrom Marion Jean Nordal Bilger
Janet Constance Shore Boysen Margeret Brix
Betty Jane Weissinger Brown
Beverly Ann Johnson Coulter
Barbara Williams Curry
Doris Kathryn Mathison Danneberg Charlene Janet Wente Dannheim
Lois Ernita Fleckenstein Dupre
Sandra Sibley Rugg Elmstrom
Nancy Ruth Frank Engle
Alison Lyn Englund
Stellamae Hart Eriksen
Charlotte Prescott Evans
Dorothy E . Kuechenmeister Galarneault Mary Theresa Makepease Gilbert Margaret K. Ponsford Hansen
Dorothy Hill Hanson
Lavera Laverne Smith Hawksford
Clara Marie Kurz Hockstedler
Muriel Dieteman Katzenmeyer
Laurie Lee Kinney
Betty-Ann March Kleinschmidt
Mary Louise Theimer Knutson
Suzanne Akins Elliott Manko
Barbara Butman McCall
Shirley Aurelia S t . Claire
Wilma Arnold McGregor
Alice Elizabeth Pass McHugh
Ludmilla Chalupa Milnar
Margaret H o y Nelson Moulthrop
Jodi Lee Hullsiek Noll
Kristi Ann Burkett Nordquist
Sheila Leaf Olson
Diana Lynn Orfield
Julie H w a Ouyange
Dorothy Ann Fredrickson Pearson Margaret Ida Jerome Sampson
Annette E . Scroggins
Virginia Grace Rohlf Spigler
Carol Ellen Oberbillig Stephens
Doris Lucile Heisig Terwilliger
California State U. Northridge
Vicki Lee Barkan
Carol Linda Bates
Jevaye Janet Bruner
Vivian Melinda Fuller Cline
Beth Frances Jansen Cohen
Jane Elizabeth Padrick Gilbertson Alicia Jacqueline Hawkins
Peggy Parsley Horlick
Patricia Lynn Rosvall Hugon Catherine Elizabeth Koch
Karen llene Laner
Ellen Jill Mercer Press
Ann Marie Reynosa
Susan Eleanor Rubin
Sherilyn Dale Cunningham Schwartz Farreil Lyn Scott
Naomi Segal
Alisa Randi Shniderman
Shaver Sandra Janice Osborn Steele
Dorothy Marguerit
M a y Dempster
THETA OMEGA Northern Arizona U.
Jennifer Irene Macey Burchard Caryn Ann Close Cfiorba Jessica Anne Barlow Daniels Patricia Marie Phelps Fairfield Cheryl Monique Felix
Lorraine Christy Grant
Katherine Lynn Kravos Haywood Stacy Jan Rosebrough Kluckman Sherrie Renay Nicholls Levenson Joanne Kay Foltz Lewis
Jennifer Lynne Voss Nasser Patricia Lee Phillips Piper
Nancy Ellen Ruminski
Lisa Ann Scantland
Kristin Ruth Kieft Soltesz Kathleen Elizabeth Maffeo Tillman
Wagner College
Gale Patricia Tollefsen Bellafiore Judith Elaine Hornik Bourassa Marcia Louise Foltz Bova Barbara Vivien Noack Brubaker Nancy Gladys Berle Dowling Sandra Ann Ferraro-Russo
Joan Ann Antoniello Ficfit
Ruth Julieanne Healy Furhovden Janice Geary
Claire Elaine Magnuson Guertler Oianne Dee Sargent Hansen
Jean Elizabeth Errgong Heller Carolyn Sandra Haas Henry
Ethylee Wesselhoft Hetner
Caryl Beth Linsenmaier Hoffman
Jill Elaine Kassinger
Claire Irene Eilenberger Kispert
Kathy Lynn Perricone Kleinlein Singhild Alice Larson
Rosemarie Elfriede Bade Lasinski Elizabeth Helen Hamann Lawrence Wanda Lucille Prokoby Marple
Elaine N . Hendricksen Meluso
Karen Elizabeth Miklos
Virginia Lynne Minor
Janet Ursula Warnecke Muller
Karen Olsen Peterson
Maria Anna D'Agostino Rotberg Joan Thirza Ritzheimer Semmelmeier Barbara Eshleman Vroom
Dorothy Ann Wedge
U. of Toledo
Mary Helen Erb Adkins
Wanda Sue Lawson Anderson Rebecca S. Braatz Bair
Melinda Jo Baumeister
Elizabeth Ann Allen Breymaier
Amy Fadel Bryan
Nancy Jane Cole
Irene Tokles Foussianes
Cynthia Christine Schradie Gustafson Helene Marie Bruen Kilcorse
Patricia Ann Kinsey
Beverly Elaine Hatcher Kirby
Barbara Marie Gilbert Kormanyos
Lori Ann McCaig
Carole Batog Monheim
Nancy Ann Farrell Neale
Debra J. Kolibachuk Olive
Betty Jane K . Wilson Reithel
Pamela Lynn Rhoads
Lynn Marie Scott Roudebush
Barbara L.Hiss Sanders
Imogene Underwood Seeger Cynthia Ann Skaff
Virginia Blanchard Smith
Ellen Beth Bollin Smith
Karen Marie Rudnicki Steele Patsy Jane Dietz Tadlock Mary Inez Tanner Van Bracket Katherine Fitts Well
Sharon Louise Hanley Wilcox
U. of Washington
Beverly Sue Anderson Adams Janice Darlene McCully Allen Jeanie Grant Anderson
Ruth Carol Nunan Bartells Eleanor Bechen
Marianne Genevieve Bird Leslie Lynne Raid Blair Shannon C Boldizsar
Diane Elaine Bradbury Kathleen Louise Oliver Busch Anna Caroline David Butler Sheryll Lou Schlegel Day Colleen Elizabeth Emery Margaret Virginia Evans
Alice Elizabeth McLean Fadden Nancy Ellen Russell Focht
Ruth Marie Hellenthal Gaughan Eileen Clarke Gillespie
Priscilla Endicott Webber Hanawalt Barbara Jean Harman Higinbotham Marolyn Rogene Morgan Hilbert Marcia Kay Jacobson Holland
Jane Ruth Elder Hough Charme Campbell Hughes Rosemary Kiltian
Mabel Felton Anderson Knight Ruth Sylvia Matson Matchette Lylia Appel Miller
Sharon Inez Peel Neglay
Mary Belle Wickersham Niedermeier Jean Eileen Neander Norwood Dorothy Mabel Nunan
Alice Byrdette Mason Olson Marjorie Eleanor Palmer Passler Florence Boyd Pelton
Leslie Corinne Pierce
Arlene Elizabeth J. Ritzen
Lisa Frances Robbins
Betty Attlesey Roundhill
Lula Mae Bettridge Satterfield Lorene Marie Patricelli Seeley Roberta Claire Exley Swenson
Mary Catherine Larsen Talbot
Betty Ellen Benedict Taylor
Ann Marie Troy
Alyson Rae Turner
Kristen Elizabeth Wahlberg
Susanne Mygatt Wakefield
Barbara June Brown Watton
Annette Jean Thomson Wendel
M. Elizabeth Lemley Wilhelmi Gwenavere Imogene Wilburn Worrick Gwendoline Showelt Wrede
Susan Elizabeth Bayley Young
U. of Arizona
Janet Leah Ballard
Maryanne Patricia Dessanti Lynne Olive Wood Dusenberry Mary Tremble Freeman
Lisa Gayle Tewksbury Hauser Evelyn Elizabeth Siek
Mary Ann Kraynick Wade Sandra Campbell Wayne
Mary Lynn Kinney Weaver Lorraine Ann Rhodes Wray
U. of Texas-San Antonio
Elizabeth Ann Bostic Elissa Oiane Denk O'Brien
U. of Oklahoma
Elizabeth Wardlaw Elgin
U. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sandra M . Buell Albertson Barbara Ann Eicke Armstrong Helen Ann Gogela Austin
Ann Louise Campbell
Mullan Winner
continuedfrom page 8
around the country when she became a member of and active in alumnae groups in Columbus, O H , Phoenix, AZ, and Alburquerque, NM. She held various offices, including that of president, in each of these groups.
Philanthropies have also benefitted from Edith's devotion, including the Frontier Nursing Service in KY, and, since 1967, Arthritis Research. Her work has included volunteering at the Arthritis Craft Shop in Denver, driv- ing patients to the Arthritis Clinic and to social events, helping with book fairs, and patron support of three annual benefits.
Edith has also supported Pan- hellenic benefits for scholarships and personally assisted AOII collegians in need.
One alumna had this to say about her, "Edith conveys her joy and love of living to everyone she meets. She is an inspiration to us, making us feel we are bigger than we thought we were. Edith has been an important presence in AOII from the time I was in Chi Delta Chapter in the 50's up until the present."
Another sister wrote of her, "She not only loves the organization of AOII, but every one of her sistersin- dividually and is truly an inspiration to us all."
Edith's past awards include the Rose Award, 1963; Denver Area Pan- hellenic Woman ofthe YearAchieve- ment Award, 1972; Denver Area Alumnae Couples Award to Edith and husband Bob, 1971; and Distin- quished Service Award for Arthritis Craft Shop Volunteer for over 10 years.
Fall 1989
Kimberly Sue Jenkins Carter Laraine Mardelle Chant Castle Erna Margaret Phillippe Cheney Catherine Lynn Santoro Comstock Irene Madalyn Dawson Detrick Zelma Helaine Harris Dobson Christina Diane Carlson Dodds Dorothy June Stepanek Dudley Mildred Boise Hullinger Fiddock Mary Julia Allingham Fitzgerald Joan Dale Miller Foote
Geraldine Patricia McGowan Frost Pamela Sue Garwood
Lois Lorraine Blair Golding Mariellen Marko Jacobson
Lynne Ann Johnson
Suzanne K . Green Johnston Jean Elizabeth Gieselman Jones Sharon Lynne Jorgensen
Lois Ruth Fritz Kiefer
Alice Joanne Wenzlaff Knapp Lola Gwendolyn Recknor Lamme Eva Lorena Murphy Lawson Phyllis Joan Waggerby McColly Maxine Hockett McDonald
Mary Pauline Davis Nuss
Jane Ellen Jenkins Olson
Marilyn Sue Schmadeke Rembolt Tempie L . Bowen Roberts
Joan Arvanette Russ
Dorothy Marie Farris Santi
Vickie Lynn Arney Scow
Nancy Carolyn Taylor Snyder Bonnie Kay Bloom Sorensen Connie Lee Hoy Spellman
Jean Marjorie Sundell Tinstman Diane Matson Trifiro
Leslie Joan Nenow Volk
Laura Agnes Scherff Waters Lourene Bratt Wishart
Margaret E. Anderson Wondra
East Carolina U.
Mary Judith Gleason Glover Julie Ann Hammer
Suzanne Michelle LaCroix Merry Linda Warfield Szczech
The alumnae listed above have supported the Development Fund from
July 1, 1988 through
June 20, 1989.
Fund raising... keeping it fun
continuedfrom page 4
Tampa Bay, Tulsa, Portland, South- ern Orange Co., and Tucson.
Sports are a popular medium for fund raising. T h e Allentown/Bethle- hem and Toledo alumnae chapters "Bowl for Arthritis", while the Wash- ington D.C. and Shreveport/Bossier City sponsor running events. Two of the Chicago area chapters have "near- est to the pin" golfing events as does Columbus, Ohio.
A variety of goods are sold by alumnae. The New York/New Jersey and Tampa Bay alums get a percen- tage of the proceeds for the sale of Tupperware. The Baltimore, Hop- kinsville, and GreaterJackson alums show off their baking talents with bake sales; while the Diablo Valley alums would rather have a "bakeless bake sale". Candy and nuts are sold by the Syracuse, Chicago West Sub-
Shooting the continuedfrom page 34
with undiminished enthusiasm. Ex- periences like this make good stories for future campfires.
After two days of violent rapids, the trip enters a second phase. "Phase Two" brings spectacular waterfalls, exotic wildlife and native fishermen. On three separate occasions, the water- falls plunge so violendy that the boats must be unloaded and carried around the obstacle. Boats and gear are hoisted on the shoulders of guides, passengers and native fishermen. The fishermen are at once fascinated and amused by our complicated operation. From their perspective, the river provides only two items: fish for their tables and respite from the hot dusty life of the plains. Fishermen often leave their villages for months at a time, liv- ing in small grass huts on the banks of the river, drying their catch to feed their families in the villages on the plains above. The men are black- skinned, healthy and perpetually grinning, happy to lend a hand to the "crazy foreigners."
The wildlife in this section of the canyon is exotic, but far from plenti-
urban, Milwaukee and Indianapolis alumnae chapters. The Lexington and Martin alums sell survival kits to the parents of the collegians.
Raffles and ticket sales are popular with the Diablo Valley, Northern Vir- ginia and SanJose alumnae chapters. The Martin and Northwest Arkansas chapters sponsor beauty contests. Fort Lauderdale alums wrap gifts at a craft fair, and the Minneapolis/St. Paul chapter does inventory for a store. Derby Day is a popular event with the Little Rock alums. And, in Bozeman they have had success with a phantom tea.
These are just a few of the many fantastic fund raisers that are being staged by our alumnae chapters. It is exciting to learn about new ones each year.
Often we try to quantify the results of the fund raising done by our alum-
ful. Occasionally we view crocodiles, affectionately dubbed "flat dogs" by the natives, as they cruise the flat waters. O n the shores, baboons seek shade beneath the sparse baobab trees, and "klipspringer," tiny ante- lope, dance easily up the cliffs search- ing for grasses. These animals share the canyon with birds found nowhere else. Taita falcons nest in the cliffs above. Small black and white rock pratincole hop from boulder to boul- der in the center of the river.
The river is peaceful during these middle three days. I am able to take my oars from the water and enjoy the scenery, serenaded by the gurgling water below.
During the final two days, the steep, dry, barren walls of the Zam- bezi canyon give way to lush, low roll- ing hills and prolific wildlife. Fifteen- foot crocodiles sun themselves along the banks, families of baboons cavort on the shores while multitudes of he- rons, geese and eagles fill both land and sky. Most awe-inspiring of all are the hippos. Without warning they appear from the water with a tremen- dous burst of air followed by a wig-
nae chapters, but there are so many intangible factors which must be taken into account. It is impossible to say that any one chapter is more or less successful at raising funds than another chapter What is important is that all alumnae chapters, regard- less of size or location, are working toward a common goal. No matter how, or how much of, that goal is reached, there is sisterhood and shar- ing to be enjoyed by all.
The raising of funds is just one facet of alumnae chapter operations, and the Alumnae Department would like to pay tribute to all of our alum- nae for the fantastic all around job they do every year. The philanthro- pies of AOII need and appreciate all the support our alumnae provide. We wish each and every chapter finan- cial success and the joy that sister- hood brings.
gling of soft brown ears. As adorable as these "river horses" look, they earn our healthy respect. Hippos are capa- ble of underwater speeds of nearly 35 miles per hour, substantially faster than we can row. These water giants are aggressive, easily startled and un- intelligent, a potentially dangerous combination. We observe the hippos from a safe distance as they warily look back at us.
The riverjourney ends with a hot, dusty drive in a massive truck de- signed for transporting troops. A s we return to Victoria Falls, we are once again set upon the hot, dry plains with sporadic settlements of mud huts and man-high leafless scrub acacia trees. The running water and iced drinks which mark our return to civilization are much appreciated.
I returned to California early in December, tanned and healthy. Mem- ories of Africa— the thundering mist- shrouded beauty of Victoria Falls, the challenging waters of the Zambezi, the exotic wildlife, and the good natured people, stay with me. Plans for my next Africanjourney are never far from my mind.
To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity founded at Barnard College January 2, 1897
Jessie Wallace Hughan Helen St. Clair Mullan Stella George Stem Perry Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
•The Founders were members of Alpha Chapter at Barnard College of Columbis University and all are deceased.
Edith Huntington Anderson (B*) 1933-1937 Dorothy Bruniga Dean (P) 1943-1946
Mary Louise Filer Roller (An) 1955-1957 Nancy Moyer McCain (P) 1957-1959 Wilma Smith Leland (T) 1959-1961
Jessie Marie Senor Cramer (<t>) 1961-1963 Ruth Lee Leichtamer (0M>) 1963-1965 Jessie McAdam Lamed (T) 1965-1967 Carolyn Huey Harris (Al) 1967-1969
Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (IA) 1971-1973 Janirae Linebaugh Callaway (0) 1975-1976
Norma Marshall Ackel (KB) 1976-1979 Joan Deathe MacCallum (K«) 1979-1981 Ginger Banks (PK) 1981-1985
Margaret Kramer Crawford (1) 1985-1989
Alpha Omicron Pi 9025 Overlook Blvd. Brentwood, T N 37027 615/370-0920
Management Staff: Sue Lewis, Executive Director, TA Becky Pena, Associate Director, KTI
1989 - 1990
International President Barb Hunt (Cecil) <t>A
93<M7th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024 414/377-7766
Vice President/Operations Mary Williams (Robert) 0
44 Sunset Road Bloornington, IL 61701 309/829-3656
Vice President/Development Anne Allison (Robert) 0
1501 Northwind Road
Louisville, K Y 40207 502/896-1105
Vice President/Finance Liz Coffey (William) XA
7754 N. Wittier Place Indianapolis, IN 46250 317/849-3030
Nancy Bowers (Robert) NO 728 Summerly Drive Nashville, T N 37209 615/352-8174
Lis Donaldson (Joseph) TA 1726 Croom Drive Montgomery, A L 36106 205/277-2776
Judy Bourassa (Clifford)Qn 5113 East Terry Drive Scottsdale, A Z 85254 602/482-1750
Barbara Long (Kenneth) AP 2166 Yolanda
Springfield, O R 97477 503/746-9769
Foundation Director
NPC Alternate Delegate
Liaison with: NPC Delegates Headquarters
International Convention Chairman Constitution Interpretation and
Revision Committee
Fraternity Development Committee Nominations Committee
Rituals Traditions and Jewelry Committee
Foundation Director
Regional Operations (Including Regional Personnel
Training and Mid-Year Meetings)
RD Rally
Loan Committee Member
Liaison with: Intematinal Leadership Conferences
Chairman and L.C. Seminars
Associate Recruitment
Installation Supervisor
Liaison with: International Public Relations Chairman
Loan Committee Chairman
Budget Committee Chairman
Foundation Director
Regional Finance Officers
Liaison with: International Corporations Supervisor
Investment Management Headquarters Fund
DIRECTOR: Nancy Bowers
Collegiate Department/Chapters installed after 7/1/74 Chapter Consultant Program
Budget Committee Member
Liaison with: Perry Award Committee
DIRECTOR: Lis Donaldson
Collegiate Department/Chapters installed prior to 7/1/74
Loan Committee Member
Liaison with: International Rush Chairman
DIRECTOR: Barbara Long
Special Projects
Liaisons with:International Collegiate Programming
International Membership Education
International Scholarship Chairman Diamond Jubilee Foundation Centennial Celebration Chairman International Historian
Heritage Society
DIRECTOR: Judy Bourassa
Alumnae Program Department
Budget Committee Member
Liaison with: International Alumnae Membership
International Alumnae Programming
Accounting Staff:
Ann Reynolds, Controller, NO Sandra Click, Office Manager, NO
Jackie Lynch, Accounting Clerk Cindy Brennan, Accounting Clerk Kellie Holland, Bookkeeping Clerk
Program Staff: Beth Grantham, Coordinator of Editorial Services
Melanie Doyle, Public Relations Coordinator, AZ
Julie Martin, Chapter Services Coordinator, AA
Support Staff: Mary Ann Caldwell, Membership/ Alumnae Coordinator, TA
Jill Wagner, Data Processing Coordinator
Suzan Hobgood, Secretary/ Receptionist
Frank Yancey, Shipping/Receiving Foundation Staff: Linda Fuson, Coordinator, 0
Mary Ann Jenkins, Coordinator, KA Chapter Consultants: Laurie Arnold, AZ
Amy Bordewisch, ©B Paula Bourgeois, AT Laura Culpepper, AX Nima Chandler, X Erin McDonnell, AP Leigh Remy,AX
Tana Roberts, Y
Fall 1989
Keep This Directory. The Directory is printed only once a year
M em bership: Linda Liermann, [
2015 Lake Clay Chesterfield, M O 63017 314/532-3210
Programming: Candace Pierson-Charlton,AP 3840 Washington
Lincoln, N E 68506
Chairman: Linda Martin McLaughlin(George)A9
c/o Martin, 33 Wilson Ave. Rowayton, C T 06853
Chairman: Elise Moss (Ron Simmons) TA
7808 Cadillac Drive
Huntsville, A L 35802 205/880-1275 ( H ) 536-9645 ( O )
Mary Jane Thomas Ogle (Lynn Edward) ATI
7309 N . Euclid Gladstone, M O 64118 816/436-0643
Chairman: Marion Grassmuck Clouse (Stephen) X
1530 86th Avenue N .
St. Petersburg, F L 33702 813/577-0861
Joanne Earls (Gary) &V Rt. 1, Box 80
Catlett, V A 22019 703/788-9051
Ellen Hoffman Buckley, ill 2101N.E.4thStreet
Blue Springs, M O 64014 816/228-1805 ( H ) 221-4000 ( O )
(Collegiate Correspondence should be directed to the Delegate)
D elegate: Ginger Banks, ITK 3108 West Terrace Drive Austin, T X 78731 512/454-8572
1st Alternate: Peg Crawford, I 9113 S . Massasoit Avenue Oak Lawn, IL 60453 312/422-5244
2nd A lternate: June Bogle (Boyd, III) NO 6037 Sherwood Drive
Nashville, T N 37215
3rd Alternate: Barb Hunt,<t>A (see Executive Board listing)
President: Kay Hansen Sutherlin (Stephen) 9
2239 Rome Drive Indianapolis, I N 46208 317/293-0894
Vice President: Ginger Banks, flK 3108 West Terrace Drive
Austin, T X 78731
512/454-8572 ( H ) 512/463-1522 ( O )
Secretary: Elise Moss (Ron Simmons) TA 7808 Cadillac Drive
Huntsville, A L 35802
205/880-1275 ( H ) 205/536-9645 ( O )
Roby Fnnd: Marianne Davies Carton (W.A.) Y 1262 Upas Street
San Diego, C A 92103
Treasurer: Dottie House Winn (Harry,*Jtv) T
HISTORIAN 619/298-2150 Edith Huntington Anderson, B<t>
1400 Willow Ave., Apt. 502 Louisville, K Y 40204 502/458-6776
Cindy Swartzfager, KT
2736 Octavia Street, Lower Apartment New Orleans, L A 70115
504/865-5141 ( H ) 504/866-3351 ( O )
MEMBERSHIP EDUCATION COMMITTEE Chairman: Anne Buechlein Wilmes (Art) XA
4404 Caledonia W ay Indianapolis, I N 46254 317/291-7255
Chairman: Fadwa(Fudge) Haney Skaff,8V
2674 Drummond Road Toledo, O H 43606 419/535-7092
Gloria Cunningham Rowland (Jim) F1K Route 1,Box73
Roby, T X 79543
Chairman: Joan Deathe MacCallum (John) K<D
150 Cloverdale A ve., #206
Dorval, Quebec, Canada H9S 3H9 514/631-4092
Charlene Hametz Meyer (Lloyd) Z 3453 Nantucket Drive
Marietta, G A 30068 404/977-8495
Jacquelyn Struble Dinwiddie (James) EA
412 Princess Street Alexandria, V A 22314 703/836-1225
Barb Daugs Hunt (Cecil) *A (see Executive Board listing)
Elizabeth Romine Coffey (William) XA (see Executive Board listing)
Jo Beth Walling Heflin (Hugh) nK 11200 Pinehurst Drive
Austin, T X 78747
Mary McGannon Williams (Robert) $ (See Executive Board Listing)
DIAMONDJUBILEE FOUNDATION President:: Helene (Lynne) Irish Johnston (Carl) E
1600 Royal Boulevard Glendale, C A 91207 818/242-2662
1st Vice President: Sue Wayenburg Hinz (Michael) Ar
NW 1445 Kenny Pullman, W A 99163 509/332-1168
Secretary: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert) 1A 3 Meadow Lane, Apt. 3
Bridgewatcr, M A 02324
To Dfagma
41 Scribner Court Princeton,NJ08540 609/683-7530
» , g
•" *•"• * . ; , * . t ' *
Scholarship Chairman: Rosalie Gorham Barber (Michie) 10
1713 MacAithur Park
Jonesboro, A R 72401
Fund Raising: Karen Thomas Tucker (James) AA 500 E. 77th Street, Apt. #1815 '••>
New York, N Y 10162 212/879-5814
1207 W . Haven Drive Arlington Heights, I L 60005 312/392-1936
Ingrid Latimer Schulz (Carl, Jr.) BA 1700 Lake Avenue
Wilmette, I L 60091
• :
Chairman: Eleanore Dietrich MacCurdy (Robert)IA
3 Meadow Lane, Apt. 3 Bridgewater, M A 02324 508/697-7855