Winter, 1978 Vol. L X I , No. 1
Published since
January, 1905 by
Fraternity, Inc.
Founded at Barnard College,
January 2. 1897
Founders Contents
Jessie Wallace Hughan 3 Now Jeannie Has A Chance
Helen St. Clair Mullan 5 Lambda Iota: A New Chapter A t San
Stella George Stern Perry
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman Diego
The Founders were members of 6 Delta Phi Reactivates
Alpha Chapter at Barnard College 8 The Spotlight's On Region I
of Columbia University and all are 15 AOPie . . . From Bess Wyman's Kitchen
deceased. 16 A O I I : The Future Depends On You
18 Ohio History: Cambric To Corduroy
Alpha Omicron Pi Central Office 19 A Dorm For Sisters
2401 Hillsboro Road, Suite 103 20 Who's Who In Central Office
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 22 AO 11 Reigns As Miss Kentucky
Telephone: 615-383-1174 23 A l l That's Golden Glitters A t Purdue
25 Collegiate Commentaries
Administrative Director: Sue Lewis.
TA (Rex)
Accountant: Kay Saunders
Communications Coordinator: Diane
Bartley, B<I>
Collegiate Secretary: Charlie Cefalo
Assistant to the Administrative
Director: Betsy Smith, AA
Membership and Supplies Secretary:
Jo-Ann Salyer
Assistant Supplies Secretary: Karen
Traveling Consultants:
Susan Bloxham, A T
Denise Hembree, X A
Lisa Richtermeyer, A l l
Maryann Tiemann. r
CRON PI, the official organ of Alpha
Omicron Pi. is published quarterly by Cover: Our cover photo this issue comes from sunny
Alpha Omicron Pi. at Williams Print- California . . . Sigma chapter at the University of
ing Company. 417 Commerce Street. California-Berkeley. Sigma's new "Rose Window"
Nashville, Tennessee 37219. Subscrip- was installed in February, 1977, in celebration of
tion price is $1.00 per copy. $3.00 the chapter's 70th anniversary. Local artist George
per year. Life Subscription. $25.00. McKeever designed the window, which now graces
Send change of address and corres- Sigma's chapter room and adds a warm glow to
pondence of a business nature to afternoon study hours. (Photo 'Lance Gordon)
Alpha Omicron Pi. 2401 Hillsboro
Road, Suite 103, Nashville, Tennessee
37212. Address all editorial communi-
cations to the Editor: Editor, care
of Central Office. Second Class Pos-
tage paid at Nashville, Tennessee.
Now Jeannie Has A Chance
This time last year, little Jeannie By Diane Bartley, B<t> plant. The thought of subjecting their
Andrzejczak's chances for living To Dragma Editor tiny sick child to yet another opera-
were zero. Born with a liver disease, tion, with no guarantees and a lot of
the tiny baby had been shuffled in ducts. Surgery followed and ducts danger, was frightening. Nancy and
and out of hospitals until doctors were fashioned out of a piece of in- " Z " kept hoping for a miracle.
finally reported the grim facts—Jean- testine, but still Jeannie's condition
nie would never live to see her first continued to worsen. The only hope Just before Christmas, they decid-
birthday. Still, her mother Nancy for survival was a liver transplant at ed . . . Jeannie's name was put on
Nikirk Andrzejczak, K©, never gave the University of Colorado Medical the list for a liver transplant opera-
up hope; she waited silently for a Center. There, Doctor Thomas Starzl tion, should a pediatric donor become
phone call . . . and a miracle. had developed the transplant pro- available. "We had to give her a
cedure in the early '60s . . . the suc- chance to live," Nancy says. "As it
Then, on the morning of April 4, cess rate had leaped dramatically in stood, her chances were zero. Doctors
1977, the long-awaited call came. the past years, but there were no told us her first Christmas would be
"We don't want to alarm you," said guarantees. her last."
the voice, "but we think we have a
donor." Suddenly Jeannie had her Nancy, " Z " and little Jeannie re- Putting Jeannie's name on the list
chance. turned to their Riverside home from did not guarantee much; child organ-
Children's Hospital in November, un- donors are very rare—there were
Now, nearly a year later, Jeannie sure of whether to opt for the trans- only three in the entire United States
is growing and, as her mother says, during 1976. "So many children die
"happy as a little clam." She rolls in tragic accidents each year," Nancy
around the room, playing with toys says, "but so few parents realize how
she was once too weak to lift and their child's death might bring life
murmuring baby noises spiced with to another." The thought of losing
" h i , " "mama" and "dog." She's small her only child simply because people
for her age and is just starting to did not know how to help frustrated
crawl, but mother Nancy isn't wor- Nancy, and she and her husband en-
ried. Jeannie is alive, and Nancy listed the aid of the Transplant Coun-
wants to share her story with other cil in Los Angeles. A local television
AOIIs who may be facing similar station also made an appeal for a
problems. pediatric liver donor.
Not long after April Jean was born The wait seemed endless, but
on June 23, 1976, Nancy and her Nancy says she tried not to dwell
husband Zenon (known as " Z " ) sus- on it. "You learn to appreciate hav-
pected something was wrong with ing your children no matter how long
their first child. The jaundice which you have them." But every time the
they were told would go away did phone rang, she held her breath for
not, and at age two months, Jeannie that special call.
had her first liver biopsy at Riverside
General Hospital in California. The When it came on April 4, the And-
results were inconclusive. rzejczak household went wild. After
the 8:30 call forewarning her the
Another month passed and still donor might be available, a second
the baby did not improve. Nancy and call at 10 a.m. confirmed that a ped-
" Z " took Jeannie to Children's Hos- iatric donor from the Los Angeles
pital in Los Angeles for more tests area was available. Nancy and Jean-
and another biopsy. This time the re- nie were instructed to board the next
sults proved what the doctors had plane to Denver. Nancy was told to
feared. Jeannie had biliary atresia, prepare for a three or four-month
absence or near absence of liver bile stay in Denver, so she says she just
started throwing things into suit- to grow and gain weight. "She used successful. The first liver transplants,
cases. to be so weak, she couldn't even lift done in the early '60s, were not very
some of her toys," Nancy says. "Now successful, but since the early '70s
Nancy, her mother and Jeannie she's just busy rolling everywhere. modern science has come a long way.
barely made it. They got the last re- You know, she's so much happier . . . The longest survivor of a liver trans-
maining seats on board, but even it's as if a burden had been lifted plant is a little boy, now almost 12
Jeannie perked up for the trip. "She from her. 1 guess she never knew years old. His transplant was per-
was remarkably good,' her mother re- how great life could be; she had been formed seven years ago. Jeannie's
members, "as if she knew!" When the so sick from birth and in so much own chances of survival are now near
plane Janded at 6 p.m., they were pain." 70 per cent, but after the first year,
whisked to the hospital and Jeannie
was quickly checked into the inten- "She's so much happier... it's
sive care unit. Meanwhile, the trans- as if a burden had been lifted from
plant team was flying to Los Angeles her. I guess she never knew how
to remove and prepare the organ; as great life could b e . . . . "
they were returning, she was readied
for surgery. After spending six months of her the percentage increases dramatically.
first year of life in and out of hos- Most rejection problems occur during
At about 7 a.m., Jeannie entered pitals, Jeannie has a bit of catching the months immediately following the
surgery for the eight and a half hour up to do. Doctors say her "bone age" transplant. Medical bills may also
operation. Jeannie's father arrived is only nine months, so Nancy doesn't frighten some parents away from
just in time to meet his daughter worry about Jeannie not walking yet transplants, Nancy says, but their
coming out of the recovery room. . . . not many nine-month-old babies own medical expenses were paid by
"Those first 48 hours after the trans- do. And Jeannie's vocabulary is a lit- a research grant from the hospital.
plant were the roughest," Nancy says. tle small, but she's beginning to pick
"She had two IVs, an arterial line, up words faster now. "Her therapist Perhaps an even bigger problem is
a respirator, a tube in her nose and says she had to go through all the informing the public about the need
a catheter . . . she was so mad; you stages normal babies do," Nancy for organ donors. Adults are begin-
could tell by her eyes that she wanted says, "making baby noises and gur- ning to become aware of the need,
to scream "Mama, help me!" gling, before she could actually begin Nancy says, but many parents still
saying words. Jeannie was so swollen hesitate to donate their child's or-
For two months after the opera- as a baby that she could barely gans. "Maybe they feel it's barbaric,
tion, Nancy remained in Denver, breathe, let alone coo." but what they should do is talk over
practically living at the hospital. She the thought of donating organs and
stayed by Jeannie's side almost con- Fortunately, doctors feel no per- decide how they feel about it . . .
stantly, amusing her with toys and manent damage has been done. then if some tragedy should strike,
comforting her when she cried. Sometimes the bile level of children an automobile accident perhaps, they
Nancy even slept in a bed in Jean- with atresia goes so high the brain would know how to act. Trying to
nie's room. "It was depressing and is affected and they suffer a mild form make a decision during such an emo-
it was hard," she now admits. "The of retardation. Jeannie seems to be tional time would be very hard for
nursing staff was just so fantastic, perfectly normal. She still goes to most parents."
though, and I got to meet and talk physical therapy group sessions and
with other parents who were going wears little weights on her legs to Jeannie will never know who her
through the same thing. One thing I strengthen them. But the doctor re- donor was . . . a little child who her
did do every day though . . . I made cently gave her permission to take doctors say probably died in an auto-
a point of always going out to lunch, swimming lessons—be watching for mobile accident. Nancy and Zenon
no matter what was going on." her in the 1996 Olympics! will never know the parents to thank
them, but they thank them silently
One month after the transplant, The Andrzejczaks admit they have in their hearts. "They gave us the
Jeannie was already perking up. She been very lucky, and now Nancy most beautiful gift anyone could ever
was even given a pass out of the hos- wants to share her information with give another human being."
pital. Doctor's order: "April Jean other parents. She is trying to start a EDITOR'S NOTE: Nancy would
may go to the zoo, but may not play liver disease group on the west coast, like to hear from other AOIIs who
with the lions." Soon, Nancy was and says liver disease is one of the may be going through a similar ex-
permitted to take Jeannie on short biggest killers of small children. The perience, someone "in need of some
walks and jaunts outside the hospital, best way to fight the disease, Nancy good thoughts." "I know as I met
and after only two months, mother feels, is through better education of parents of other children," Nancy
and daughter went home. In Decem- the public. writes, "I ceased to feel so alone."
ber, Jeannie returned for a second, Write Nancy at 3091 Landen St.,
follow-up operation and Nancy re- First, people need to know liver Camarillo, CA 93010.
ports doctors are "super-pleased" at transplants are available and can be
her progress.
Jeannie's jaundice has finally dis-
appeared, her stomach is no longer
so bloated and swollen, she's starting
Lambda lota:
A New Chapter At San Diego
Shaping a colony into a chapter offered by Nina Stefanides, chapter sity chancellor, deans and provosts;
is no easy task, but Lambda Iota president. The Red Rose of A O I I Dr. Linda Thompson, UCSD re-
at the University of California/San was given by: Marianne Carton— cipient of the A O I I 1977-78 arthritis
Diego managed to complete all instal- Its Roots; Jean Maroder—Its Stem; research grant; H . M . Poole, Jr.,
lation requirements in just six short Carrol Kirk, president, San Diego chairman of the national Arthritis
months. The group was formally Alumnae Chapter—Its Foliage; Sue Foundation Board, and Lisa Richter-
installed and initiated November 12, Holtkamp—Its Buds, and Norma meyer, A O I I Traveling Consultant.
1977, at the Sea Lodge, La Jolla, Ackel—Its Beauty.
California. Charter members of Lambda Iota
Gifts from friends and officers are: Nina Stefanides, president, Ran-
International President Norma were then presented, including the cho Palos Verdes, Cal.; Anna Glen-
Marshall Ackel, K®, presided over the fraternity's gifts of a president's ring, day, vice-president, Woodland Hills,
ceremonies, which included a Rose engraved gavel and silver punch Cal.; Jeanine Dugan, recording sec-
Luncheon for alumnae and collegiate bowl. A Ruby A badge was presented retary, Rancho Palos Verdes; Joyce
members from neighboring chapters by the San Diego Alumnae Chapter, Boudreaux, corresponding secretary,
(Nu Lambda, Upsilon Alpha, Sigma, to be awarded annually to an out- San Diego; Susan Davies, treasurer,
Chi Alpha, Lambda Beta and Sigma standing pledge. A circlet of gold La Jolla; Laura Bloom, rush chair-
Phi). roses, to be called the H C H Award man, La Jolla; Diane Bernstein,
(after the colonization committee— chapter relations, La Jolla; Rose
Also attending were toastmistress Herman, Carton, Holtkamp), was Marie Bloom, activities, La Jolla;
Mary Kokes Gilliland, Z; Jean Hiler presented to be awarded for enthusi- Karen Hart, philanthropy, Ventura,
Maroder, A, Region V I I I Extension asm, devotion and initiative. Other Cal.; Catherine Kuenster, social, San
Officer; Marianne Davies Carton, Y , gifts for the new chapter may be Diego; Susan Marchesi, scholarship,
Ruby Fund Trustee; Sue Davies Holt- sent to: Mrs. Frank Q. Brown Barrington, 111.; Elizabeth Mau, his-
kamp, S I , Lambda Iota Chapter A d - (Gethine), 1919 Spindrift Dr., La torian and To Dragma reporter, San
viser; Marilyn Rose Herman, Y , Jolla, CA 92037. Diego; Kathleen Shanahan, parlia-
Executive Board director; Merilee mentarian, Ventura; Lorene Lolly,
Bennett, AB, Regional Director V I I I , Following the Rose Luncheon, a La Jolla, and Debra Harris, Los
and Phyllis Casteel Gilson, 2#, Re- reception was held for parents, Angeles, song leaders; Colleen Eyres,
gional Director V I I I . friends and distinguished guests.
Those invited included: the Univer- (continued on page 24)
Greetings from Lambda lota were
At left. Lambda lota's charter members. The instal-
lation committee, above, included, from left. Nor-
ma Ackel, International President; Sue Holtkamp,
AI Chapter Adviser: Nina Stefanides, AI President;
Barbara Brown, Alumnae Advisory Committee;
Carrol Kirk, San Diego Alumnae President, and
Jean Maroder, Region Vlll Extension Officer.
A Dream Comes True . . .
By Suzanne Meyer, I through posters and the student to meet the new pledges.
Delta Phi Special Chapter Assistant media to come and look over the
new sorority on campus. The 20 hand-picked pledges
A O l l at the University of South plunged right into fraternity educa-
Carolina. In just a few short months Hand-delivered invitations went to tion, getting-to-know-each-other, of-
that dream has grown from crossed over 200 girls, explaining "The Best ficer elections and campus activities.
fingers at a Panhellenic expansion Is Yet To Come." But, as local Susan Bloxham, TC, helped in every
presentation to include 33 young alumnae Joan Moore Hancock, O, way possible . . . down to helping
women, eager to learn anything and and Valree Lide Evans, A*, will paint a huge banner for the home-
everything about their new fraternity, attest, the humid 90° September coming game.
Alpha Omicron Pi. Now . . . how weather made those climbs to the
do such dreams come true? top dormitory floors never-ending! After the first rush, planning
began all over again for additional
Even considering a small amount Throughout our rush week, rushees rush parties November 10 and 13.
of luck, only many long hours in- met and talked with members from To help polish our songs and have
volving AOIIs throughout the south- across Region I I I . Working almost some fun together, we took a Satur-
east could have accomplished such 24 hours a day were Pat Hardy, day off for a lake retreat. Although
a feat. The first step (it seems like Carolyn Huey Harris (Past Inter- we may have lacked perfect A O I I
eons ago!) began with the Panhel- national President and current Inter- expertise, our excitement and en-
lenic presentation last spring. Pat national Philanthropic Chairman), thusiasm more than compensated
Hardy, Regional Extension Officer Charlotte Barnes (Regional Director) during our first rushing attempt.
I I I , organized it superbly and we and Mary Louise Filer Roller (Past Since we have no chapter room to
were asked to come on the Carolina International President and present call our own, many of our functions
campus hands down. NPC Delegate). Keeping the per- (including rush parties) are held at
sonal touch as the tone for the week. the A O I I apartment (it happens to
As background, the University of 15 Gamma Sigmas from Georgia be on Wheat Street!); even if it is
South Carolina was founded in 1801, State University performed a skit, small, it's our temporary home.
and currently claims an enrollment "The Never-Neverland of A O I I , "
of 15,000 undergraduates on the during the first party. Twenty mem- With the thirteen newest pledges
main campus in Columbia (the state bers of Delta Delta, Auburn Univer- joining in, Delta Phi and Columbia
capital). The Greek system at "USC" sity, then added some of their favorite alums then rang in the holiday
is rapidly expanding, with one NPC A O l l songs. season with a winter formal De-
chapter just installed last spring and cember 3. You can be sure it was
two fraternities colonized within the Helping at the second party were a double celebration!!
last year. four collegiate presidents: Donna
Willis, Alpha Delta, University of September 24 was a big day for AOIIs
Once given the green light, the Alabama; Lynn McAlister, Omega
target date for the recolonization of Omicron, Lambuth College; Suzanne throughout the southeast . . . a dream
Delta Phi was set for September 18, Snyder, Gamma Omicron, University
immediately following the "estab- of Florida, and Sophia Weatherby, involving women of all ages, from many
lished' sororities' formal rush. Delta Gamma Sigma.
Phi had been on the USC campus different stales and collegiate chapters,
just briefly during the '30s, so find- Since southern hospitality was a
ing local alumnae support proved big part of Delta Phi's rush week, had finally come true. Delta Phi chapter
to be quite a challenge. But, once the pledging luncheon September 24
again, AOIIs pulled through and the was no exception. With her usual at the University of South Carolina,
groundwork for fall began. spunk and vitality, Carolyn Harris
addressed the group, challenging us Columbia, was reactivated. Pictured on
Work this summer was hectic, and to strive for the best, no matter
the amount of mail passing back and how small the goal. The festivities the opposite page (top right) are some
forth between Atlanta (where Pat continued the rest of the afternoon
Hardy lives) and Columbia kept with Columbia area alumnae and of the AOIIs helping in the reactivation
increasing as our deadline ap- 30 Lambda Sigmas from the Uni-
proached. Since there was no local versity of Georgia . . . who drove efforts. From left are: Leigh Langston,
group just waiting to pledge A O I I . all the way up not only to see the
all non-Greek women were invited Georgia-USC football game but also Lambda Sigma (University of Georgia)
Chapter President: Lynn Ellis, Lambda
Sigma: Suzanne Meyer, Delta Phi Spe-
cial Chapter Assistant; Charlotte
Barnes, Regional Director III: Jennifer
Frank, Delta Phi pledge: Joan Hancock,
Philanthropic Adviser, Delta Phi; Caro-
lyn Huey Harris, Past International
President and current International Phil-
anthropic Chairman; Caroline Richard-
son, Delta Phi pledge; Pat Hardy, REO,
and pledges Christine Humphrey and
Allison Brown.
Delta Phi Reactivates
Behind-the-scenes" workers take a bre
4 New Delta Phi pledges pose "candidly'
pledge class
The Spotlight'
*• Regional Vice-Presidents might be Grand Canyon this summer, rafting
pictured by some as graying women, the Colorado River has become a
m active in A O I I for years but leading goal), and attending cultural events
rather "dull" lives. Let's make 1978 . . . from ballet to horseshows to
Helen McMahon the year to dispel all those old Kristofferson concerts. And the fris-
myths and stereotypes . . . in Region bee tossing? Helen fits that in during
" I alone, the Regional Vice-President her lunch hour!
enjoys tossing a frisbee during her
Bunny Quayle Baker lunch hour and safariing in Kenya. Bunny Quayle Baker
The Extension Officer never gave up Regional Extension Officer
AV going to school—in the past few
1 years, she's taken everything from Bunny Quayle Baker, A T , is an-
Lynn Sibley judo to flying lessons, and the other regional officer pulled from
Regional Finance Officer lists her the ranks of the Northern Virginia
8 pastimes as skiing, backpacking and Alumnae Chapter. Bunny served as
rock climbing. second vice-president, first vice-
president and president of the alum-
Sounds like an interesting group of nae group before assuming her cur-
extremely busy women, right? A d d rent position as Regional Extension
volumes of correspondence, meetings, Officer.
phone calls at all hours of the day
and night, and you can see how busy After receiving her bachelor's de-
they really are! gree from Denison University, major-
ing in English literature and creative
Helen McMahon writing, Bunny continued her educa-
Regional Vice-President tion with graduate work in geography
and statistics at George Washington
Safaris in Kenya are just sidelights University in Washington, D.C. Dur-
for Helen McMahon, P, Regional Vice- ing her undergraduate years in A O I I .
President L Most of Helen's time is she was ritual chairman and social
spent answering phones, writing let- chairman for her collegiate chapter.
ters or attending meetings. In ad-
dition to her A O I I activities, she is Bunny and her husband Mark have
president of the Northern Virginia two children: Robin, 7, and Mark,
Alumnae Panhellenic Association, 6. Bunny says she loves to travel and
serves on the Board of Directors for enjoys participating in most sports,
the Washington, D.C. chapter of the but one of her major pastimes is go-
Northwestern University Alumnae ing to school. Seems Bunny just
Association, and works at the new can't keep away from the books; over
Smithsonian National A i r and Space the past few years she has taken
Museum. courses in flower arranging, bridge,
accounting, income tax preparation,
A graduate of Northwestern Uni- non-fiction writing for profit, judo,
versity with a major in political sci- flying, tennis, senior life-saving, real
ence, Helen became involved in A O I I estate and cooking. Home decorat-
alumnae activities about 10 years ing, car repair and home appliance
ago. Since then she has served as repair are on her "waiting list."
treasurer and president of the North-
ern Virginia alumnae chapter and as In between A O I I work and school
a regional director. work falls Bunny's volunteer work.
She is actively involved in the Cherry
Travel and "not-too-roughing-it" Blossom Festival, is a docent at the
camping take up any spare time, National Gallery of A r t , is on the
along with snow and water skiing, board of directors of the Arthritis
tennis and sewing. Helen also en- and Rheumatism Association of
joys "an uncrowded beach," white- Metropolitan Washington and serves
water river rafting (after visiting the on several local committees.
n Region I!
Lynn Sibley the chairman of the board of a Man- Sarah Jane Haycox Grant
Regional Finance Officer hattan insurance company—a job re-
quiring extensive travel. Time for i n - I,
Yes, A O I I s , there is a Slippery volvement in A O I I activities was
Rock State College . . . and there's scarce. r
even an A O I I chapter there, as Lynn
Sibley, Regional Finance Officer since Then, about 10 years ago, Sarah Carmel Gabriele Kaiser
June, 1976, will readily attest. Lynn Jane's two children were born and
is a graduate of Slippery Rock, with mothering, as a career, allowed more
a bachelor's degree in health and time for A O I I . Since then, she has
physical education, and was active in held various offices, from historian to
the Sigma Rho chapter there. While president, in her alumnae chapter.
a collegian, Lynn held the offices of
fraternity education chairman and Originally an A O I I at Beta Phi
treasurer. chapter, Indiana University, she com-
pleted her studies in journalism in the
As an alumna, she served as rush east. Currently, she serves as direc-
adviser for Sigma Rho and as secre- tor of fine arts for the local school
tary and membership chairman for board, Area Alumnae Panhellenic
the Pittsburgh Alumnae Chapter be- President, charter member of the
fore her appointment as RFO I . local Arts Council and local A A U W .
Married to a Purdue graduate whom
Since graduation, Lynn has taught she met in New Jersey, Sarah Jane
physical education in three element- says her favorite hobby is living, be-
ary schools in Kittanning, Pennsyl- cause she enjoys doing just about
vania. Although she isn't "Coach everything from travel to needlepoint
Sibley" yet, she does run an intra- (with the exception of washing win-
mural program for boys and girls in dows!).
the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. She
also has continued her own education Carmel Gabriele Kaiser
and now has a master's degree in Regional Director
curriculum and administration of
physical education. Carmel Gabriele Kaiser may only
have been a Regional Director since
Sports are one of her main inter- October, 1977, but she has been ac-
ests . . . tennis in the summer and tive in A O I I since her college days.
skiing, both downhill and cross- A member of Psi chapter at the Uni-
country, in the winter. Backpacking versity of Pennsylvania, Carmel
and camping help satisfy her love of majored in nursing.
being outdoors and she recently be-
gan rock climbing and rappelling. After moving in 1965 to Baltimore
During those cold Pennsylvania from New Jersey, she joined the
winters, Lynn stays warm—and Baltimore Alumnae Chapter and
active—by participating in a bowling served as its treasurer, Panhellenic
league, taking yoga lessons and doing delegate and president. Currently,
needlework and crafts. she is corresponding secretary. Car-
mel is also president of the Surburban
Sarah Jane Haycox Grant Newcomers and is trying to improve
Regional Director her bridge and tennis through its ac-
tivity groups.
Regional Director Sarah Jane Hay-
cox Grant, B<t>, moved to metropolitan Carmel has two children: a daugh-
New Jersey in 1955 and affiliated ter who is a sophomore at Jackson-
with the New Jersey Alumnae Chap- ville University in Florida, and a son
ter a year later. She was soon dubbed who is a junior in high school. A n -
"the myth of A O I I , " however, be- other of Carmel's interests is travel-
cause she was single and working for ing with her family, especially to the
islands in the Caribbean.
Lois Kober Klotz plant pathology department. Lois and and is now secretary to its board of
Regional Director her husband Harold have two sons: governors.
Stephen, a Ph.D. candidate at Stan-
Most people have one alma mater; ford University, and Christopher, a A O I I has always been close to
some have two or maybe even three. senior at the University of Pittsburgh Sandy's heart. She held a number of
Regional Director Lois Kober Klotz Dental School. positions on Kappa Phi's alumnae ad-
has four . . . Hollins College, Syra- visory committee, including serving
cuse University, University of Ro- Lois enjoys sailing, golf, needle- four years as chapter adviser. And,
chester and Pennsylvania State point and, especially, A O I I work . . . although AOII's McGill chapter is
University. And now she has a dip- "at which I'm terrific, due to all my no longer active, Sandy has retained
loma, too—in August, 1977, Lois good friends in AOII-Land." her interest in the University. Pres-
received a bachelor's degree in human ently she is the school's Panhellenic
development. Sandy Key me r Amos advisor. A t AOII's regional level,
Regional Director Sandy was the regional fraternity
When and where did Lois fit in education officer and has been a
A O I I ? A t Syracuse, she became a Sandy Keymer Amos, K * , is one regional director since June, 1974.
member of Chi chapter, and has re- of AOII's Canadian connections.
tained her interest in A O I I work Sandy, whose home is in Montreal, In her "spare" time, Sandy enjoys
through the years. received her bachelor of arts degree bridge, rug-hooking, sewing clothes
from McGill University and after for her two boys (Chris, 9, and
Although Lois says she is a "pro- graduation worked five years in the Robin, 8) and cross-country skiing.
fessional homemaker, wife and insurance industry, obtaining her She is co-chairman of the parent's
mother," she also is involved in re- A I I C . She also was secretary to the committee at her son's school, is
search work at Pennsylvania State principal of a local school, Trafalgar, treasurer of the Cub Scouts and
University as a lab technician in the serves as publicity chairman for an
interest group at her church.
Collegiates In Region I
A Campfire Rush? A Crab Feast?
In homes. By 1930, they had 15 mem- and our 50-year celebration in 1980.
bers with Elsie Summer Cuddy as Again enlisting the support of our
Beta Tau Chapter House president. Elsie had a friend, an alumnae, mothers, initiates and pled-
A O I I at Miami University in Ohio, ges, we bake homemade pies. Chap-
Beta Tau who suggested the group affiliate with ter members and pledges spend a
University of Toronto A O I I . Letters were typed, consulta- Sunday afternoon in November
tions made, and on September 26, "waitressing" for friends and other
How did A O I I and a group of col- 1930, the chapter was officially in- fraternity members.—Ann Jolliffe
lege women in Canada get together? stalled at the University of Toronto.
Well, in 1929, a group of girls formed The original Greek name was kept Delta Chi
a small campus social group, Beta as our chapter name, Beta Tau, drop- University of Delaware
Tau Delta, which met at the girls' ping the Delta.
10 Perhaps one of the most important University of Maine
times of the year is our formal rush.
Here at the University of Toronto, The 1908 founding of Gamma
Panhellenic formal rush lasts for two chapter at the University of Maine
weeks, the last two weeks in Septem- was a direct outcome of sexist dis-
ber. The first get-together is an event crimination in the lack of athletic
put on by Panhellenic; interested girls and recreational facilities. Early sup-
are introduced to fraternity life and porters of the Women's Rights Move-
the Greek system in general. From ment banded together to form a sor-
there on, each women's fraternity ority, Sigma Sigma Gamma, using as
puts on its own activities. During their flower and symbol the Jacqui-
rush, A O I I holds 11 parties, one minot rose. After joining with the
every day. Alpha and Beta chapters of Delta
Another chapter activity is our an-
nual Apple Pie Day, to help raise
funds for special chapter activities
Sigma at Tufts and Brown, the wo- Colony history began on January is expressed through the exchanging
men became the Gamma chapter of 28, 1977, with the pledging of seven of poems and a chapter log-burning
Delta Sigma. girls. The first colony meeting was ceremony.—Roberta Gibson
held just two nights later, after din-
When the decision to expand na- ner at a local pizza parlor. Within a Phi Beta
tionally was made, an extensive month, the group had sponsored a East Stroudsburg
search under the direction of their party (complete with "Flamin' A l -
advisor, UMO's own Elizabeth Bal- pha" skit), set colony goals and held State College
entine, led the women to choose a bake sale for arthritis.
A O I I as the sorority in whose ideals On October 4, 1969, a local
they most believed. On April 16, Projects continued—some quite sorority named Delta Phi Beta went
1908, our beloved Stella Perry came successful, some just a lot of fun. national—Phi Beta chapter of Alpha
to U M O and installed Gamma chap- The girls sold hot chocolate in March Omicron Pi was born.
ter into A O I I , making us the first (in 79° weather!), planted a tree on
national sorority at the University of campus and co-sponsored a car wash Over the years, the chapter has
Maine, the oldest chapter in Region with a fraternity (who was only two developed its own special traditions.
I , and the eleventh of all A O I I chap- hours late!). Preparing for fall rush One very special rush party is the
ters. was one of the summer activities. campfire tea. After everyone is ac-
quainted, the sisters and rushees sit
A t one time all Gammas lived in With four weekends of formal fall in a circle around a campfire. Each
Mount Vernon House, a woman's rush and additional parties, we have sister says her own favorite friend-
dormitory which the sorority bought; now more than doubled our size. ship saying, with A O I I songs sung
it, unfortunately, burned a short time Some of the activities sponsored this between every five sayings. After
afterwards. Meetings were then held fall included a very successful dance, each sister has spoken and the songs
in the Memorial Union until we a campout and clean-up for Patriots' are completed, the rushees are
moved into our own room in Penob- Weekend, painting a trash can for the awarded leather bracelets tied with
scot Hall. campus, a bake sale and assisting our four knots. One is for the girl, the
local philanthropy in handing out second for the troubles of the world,
To celebrate the birthday of Gam- pamphlets.—Andra Yanchenko the third for the love of A O I I , and
ma it is traditional to hold the Girl the last for the friendship found
of Gamma Tea on April 16, at which Gamma Beta there . . .
time the Girl of Gamma award is Indiana University
presented to a senior girl. Other traditions include Seniors'
of Pennsylvania Night, the Half-Way Spaghetti Dinner
At the end of each academic year (served by the pledges to the sisters
we have a farewell overnight for the Kappa Phi Delta was another local half-way through pledgeship) and
seniors called Rose Outing, a time of sorority which exchanged its Greek weekly chapter awards. After each
fun and seriousness. There are skits, letters for an Alpha, an Omicron and chapter meeting, both an Angel and
songs and much food! Then, before a Pi. On February 26, 1966, the a Devil Award are presented to de-
bed, in our closing circle each senior group at Indiana University of serving members.
girl is honored in some special way. Pennsylvania was officially installed
It is a beautiful time of reflection and as Gamma Beta chapter of A O I I . Parents' Day is also a tradition,
thanks for all that these girls have highlighted by the annual father-
given to Gamma.—Rhonda Bean Over the years, A O I I has become daughter dance contest. Mothers are
known on campus as the top group presented a rose. Roses are part of
Gamma Chapter Room scholastically . . . Gamma Beta has another Phi Beta tradition too . . . the
received the campus scholarship "Silent Rose" is passed to a sister
Gamma Alpha Colony trophy for the past seven semesters. who may be having a problem. It
George Mason University Also filling the chapter room are is a silent reminder that your sisters
first and third place Derby Day tro- care.
Gamma Alpha is Region I's baby phies and numerous Greek Sing
. . . but it's growing up fast. Born awards. A O I I received first place in Housing itself might be considered
just a year ago, the new colony has this annual campus talent contest two a tradition at Phi Beta. Since the in-
managed to expand and participate years in a row, then received second stallation of the chapter, AOIIs have
in many group and campus activities. place the third year. always met in Lynstan Apartments,
number B-7.
Gamma Beta also has its own
special traditions. Pledges carry " P i " And a final annual chapter activity
pouches containing penny candy for has received great campus recogni-
sisters, a pledge book and a "frat tion. For the past six years, A O I I
bug" for signatures. Then, a week has placed first in Greek Week five
before initiation, comes Inspiration times (in 1975, A O I I placed
Week. During this time the pledges second)!
and sisters think about what sister-
hood and A O I I means to them. This Phi Kappa
Morris Harvey College
Pi Delta Rush Party At Muryland Sigma Chi Chapter House
Pi Delta Sigma Chi Sigma Rho
University of Maryland Hartwick College Slippery Rock State College
Floatbuilding, philanthropic proj- A sorority at a seminary? Well, On April 30, 1966, 20 young wo-
ects, Greek Week antics and Pan- almost. Seven young women were men were initiated into Sigma Rho
hellenic involvement keep Pi Deltas just 132 years too late. chapter at Slippery Rock State Col-
active each year. One of the oldest lege.
sororities at the University of Mary- Hartwick College began its life in
land, Pi Delta, founded in 1924, has 1797 as Hartwick Seminary. After Now, almost 12 years later, Sigma
more than doubled its membership being established as a college of lib- Rho is still carrying out many of the
during the past five years. Now the eral arts and sciences in the fall of traditions begun by our founding
second largest chapter on campus, 1928, a group of seven women took members. Like all eight sororities on
A O I I is proud of its 84 initiated the first initiative on June 5, 1929, campus, we have no house, but in-
members. and founded Sigma Delta M u , the stead we occupy a hall in Towers
first women's fraternity on campus. Hall, where we have a beautifully
During the fall semester, Pi Delta This local group was welcomed as furnished chapter room. Traditional
was awarded honors in several areas Sigma Chi chapter of Alpha Omicron pledge class paddles, silver bowls in-
of campus activities. Chosen from Pi April 19, 1952. scribed with the names of outstanding
21 sororities on campus, A O I I was sisters and other plaques and awards
picked as the chapter best displaying The sisters of Sigma Chi started are kept there. Other chapter tra-
the spirit of the Greek system. the year off right, with the initiation ditions include loving cups for spec-
of the spring pledge class. Then ial events, beanies for our pledges to
Locally, Pi Delta sponsors a blood things moved into full swing, with the wear, a rose bracelet given annually
drive in conjunction with Tau Epsilon Panhellenic Council's efforts to ac- to the sister with the most improved
Phi and the American Red Cross. quaint freshmen women with the scholastic average, a lavalier given
Each semester the two chapters plan campus sororities. A n "introduction to the best pledge of each semester.
advertising, assist at the bloodmobile to the sororities" night was held at
and strive to collect 900 pints during two women's dormitories, followed As a public service project, we
the week of the drive. I f the quota is by open houses. This year's turn-out hold a party each Halloween for
reached, all 40,000 students and was the largest in years and winter students in the local elementary
faculty members at the University re- rush should be quite successful. school. We also donate blood to the
ceive free blood for one year. Slippery Rock Blood Bank twice a
Our annual fall party was year. This year Alpha Omicron Pi
AOIIs at Maryland are also very held October 29, with rushees, faculty was awarded a plaque by the Pan-
involved individually in Panhellenic and members of the administration in hellenic Council for the highest per-
and campus organizations. Kathy attendance. This is one of our favor- centage of sisters giving blood among
Blackwood is Panhellenic president ite functions of the year, and we're the eight sororities on campus.
and Alexandra Cosgrove is president proud to say that every sister at-
of a Panhellenic-sponsored honorary tended this party! Thanks to our Yes, there is a Slippery Rock
for outstanding Greek women, Dia- unity and hard work, it was a fantas- State College, and Sigma Rho is a
mond.—Effie Cottman tic success.—Becky Goff vital and active part of it!—Jill
Sigma Tau 1977. For the first time since 1971, bringing classes to a grinding halt for
Washington College Washington College decided to have three weeks. But A O I I activities went
a homecoming queen. Not only was on as usual, with rush, pledging and
You know you're in the east when A O I I Cindi Patchen crowned the homecoming events. President Louise
a crab feast kicks off the school year. queen, but another sister, JoAnne Adolphson was named first home-
Sigma Tau chapter follows its annual Miller, was named first runner-up! coming princess.
crab feast with other traditional ac- —Betsy Arrington
tivities: the annual fall banquet, Campus Community Chest is an-
Founders' Day celebration, formal fx other annual event at Wagner Col-
rush (held right after Christmas lege, and AOIIs participated with a
break), the spring banquet and for- fc)lls And Top Booth booth, "Somewhere Over The Rain-
mal dance. The spring banquet hon- bow with A O I I , " featuring a chip
ors our senior sisters who are leaving Theta Pi toss and "gambling" wheel. We also
and also the newly initiated sisters Wagner College sold chances on a "basket of cheer"
just joining us. Many of these an- the week before Campus Community
nual events were started almost 40 Christmas vacation seemed to come Chest. We are proud to report we
years ago with the founding of Sigma early this year for members of Theta raised the most money for the week
Tau. Pi chapter. Teachers went on strike before the event and won a prize for
at the beginning of the fall term the second best booth.
Our philanthropic projects include
an annual kidnapping of presidents of Theta Pis also participate in Col-
fraternities, sororities and campus or- lege Songfest, and last year took first
ganizations. Their ransoms are do- prize in our division and also won
nated to the Arthritis Foundation, the most original number award for
and the event is quite successful. We our medley from "Oliver." Nancy
also sell bagels every week to raise Machen added to our excitement by
money for our "foster" child, and reigning as a Songfest Princess.
collect money for U N I C E F at Hal-
loween. Our latest project is refinishing a
lounge to be used for meetings and
A special new honor for Sigma rush parties. We are working hard
Tau occurred during homecoming to raise money for supplies so we can
finish during this term.—Kathleen
Alumnae Chapters In Region I
Allentown/ velopes, attending regional dinners, Alumnae Chapter is still going strong.
Bethlehem, PA participating in fund-raising, sponsor- Our annual card party, with profits
ing annual craft sales and handing going to the Diamond Jubilee Foun-
It all began in the Allentown A r t out educational brochures in shop- dation, is held each fall, and planning
Museum. Mary Sue Benken, a trans- ping malls. This past year, we as- for our children's craft booth begins
planted A O I I from Miami, Florida, sisted with the governor's task force early. The booth, set up at a local
decided the Lehigh Valley of Penn- meeting on arthritis. fair, is a fund-raising project for the
sylvania needed an alumnae chapter Maryland Chapter of the Arthritis
and initiated that first meeting on Programs over the years often re- Foundation.
May 25, 1967. The 10 women in at- flect special interests or talents of
tendance signed a petition to become members—for example, president In addition to our own alumnae
a club, and at the next meeting, a Erna Fritz often presents a slide show activities, we also support three col-
month later, 15 members signed the and travelogue; Jane Martindell pre- legiate chapters: Pi Delta at the Uni-
charter. Formal installation of the sents jewelry-making (silver) ses- versity of Maryland, Sigma Tau at
Greater AIlentown-Bethlehem Area sions. Jean Rice puts on cooking Washington College and Delta Chi at
Alumnae Club followed on Septem- demonstrations; Sally Snyder and the University of Delaware.
ber 8, 1967, at the Allentown home Chris Forsthoefel conduct craft
of Jane Martindell. In the fall of nights. One meeting a year is usually We work hard and still find time
1969, the Club became a Chapter. devoted to fraternity education.— for a Founders' Day dinner in De-
Erna Fritz cember, an outdoor dinner in May,
Since its inception, the group has and a special party honoring our men
worked in some way with an arthritis Baltimore, MD in February.
project: stuffing and addressing en-
After 44 years, the Baltimore The Baltimore alumnae are es-
pecially proud of their 1977 Con-
vention honor—a Distinguished Ser-
vice Award.—Dee Troy
Camden, NJ Area Long Island,NY types of volunteer and career work,
but they always seem to save a slice
A wine and cheese tasting party at In 1956, five recent graduates of of time to help with our latest A O I I
a local winery kicks off the year for Theta Pi chapter at Wagner College endeavor. For example, at our
Camden area, alumnae: . . . then a began meeting informally at each Founders' Day luncheon December
full schedule of events continues other's homes in Brooklyn. In 1958, 3, Thelma Mitchell (now a 50-year
throughout the following months. they received a charter and became member of A O I I ) took care of the
known as the Brooklyn Alumnae ritual part of the program, although
Houseware and clothing demon- Club: she is actively involved as financial
strations have proved to be good chairman of New Jersey's Church
fund-raising projects for the chapter, Because of geographic location, Women United. Naomi Bates Mach-
and some of our profits have been the chapter also encompassed Long mer, Beta Phi, one of the commun-
used to purchase books on arthritis Island and, in 1970, the name was ity's leading realtors and a member
for our local libraries. At Christmas, officially changed to the Long: Is- of the consumer affairs advisory
we include our husbands in a social land Alumnae Chapter. The chapter board for the U.S. Department: of
evening which begins with a delicious is made up of women from Brooklyn, Agriculture, took time out to speak
meal prepared by members. Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. It in- to the attending members from
volves an area of about 150 miles, Theta Pi chapter at Wagner College.
We are active in the South Jersey with approximately 10-15 women at-
Panhellenic Association and work tending each monthly meeting. Other members are also letting
with the other members to provide "their light so shine." Babs Carle
yearly scholarships for deserving As far as activities, Long Island Collins, Omicron Pi, is an outstand-
sorority women. Two of our mem- alums keep busy. We have a meet- ing golfer and will be running the
bers have served as Panhellenic presi- ing each month, and once a year we New Jersey State Seniors Amateur
dent.—Dorothy Malanick Basting in. get together with collegians, Staten Golf Tournament in 1978. Other
1970, and Susan Olcott Tharp, who Island alums and New Jersey alums AOIIs serve as "meals-on-wheels"
is current president. We welcome all for a Founders' Day luncheon. At drivers, work with young people,
AOIIs in our area to join our group. regular monthly meetings we have donate hours to the mobile intensive
—Carol McLoughlin such events as a spaghetti dinner, care unit, and write plays and books.
Christmas party and a White Ele- —Gina Strauchon
Harrisburg, PA phant Sale. We climax our year by
going to Manhattan for dinner and a Northern Virginia
The Harrisburg Alumnae Chapter show; last year we enjoyed Neil
may be a small group but we're still Simon's "California Suite." The Northern Virginia Alumnae
going strong after 18 years. We're Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi was
active in the Central Pennsylvania We are always looking for new established May 20, 1952, with 28
Arthritis Foundation Guild, Epsilon members to become actively involved. charter members . . . five of whom
Alpha Corporation, Harrisburg Meetings are usually on Monday still are currently active members.
Alumnae Panhellenic and also plan evenings, rotating each month from Our membership now averages 40
to continue helping Pennsylvania col- Brooklyn to Queens to Nassau to Suf- people, representing about 35 dif-
legiate chapters. folk in order to be fair to all.—Dolly ferent collegiate chapters. The most
Whitford Kalberer important event in our recent history
Each year we have eight meetings, was the colonization of Gamma A l -
three of which are socials including New Jersey pha at George Mason University in
husbands. We attend a Penn State Fairfax, Virginia. Approximately 15
football game complete with tailgat- Not many alumnae chapters can of our members are working in some
ing and dinner. (All A O I I Penn boast they were installed by one of capacity with this new colony.
State fans are welcome to join us!) the Founders, but the New Jersey
This spring we will have an interna- Alumnae Chapter can top that. Not Our major fund-raising activities
tional dinner party followed by a only was Stella present for the instal- for the year include a bridge lunch?
June picnic. lation, but the ceremonies were held eon, sale of pecans, Lord & Taylor
at Bess Wyman's home. Thelma fashion show & brunch, Monte Carlo
To finance our projects and send Robertson Mitchell, Chi, is a very "Games Night" and a garage sale.
delegates to international convention determined woman and she postr Other fun activities have included a
and regional meetings we have tried poned the installation date many tour of the White House, a tour of
various fund-raising projects. , Last times to accomodate Stella's plans. "Hillwood" (the home of Mrs. M . M .
year and this year we have held five Our ritual book is now an especially Post in Washington, D . C . ) , a family
soup sales which have netted between treasured item because the speeches ski weekend, a shopping trip to
$90 and $175 each time. Ten mem- and names of the founding members Reading, Pennsylvania, a day in New
bers were involved in each sale with are all carefully handwritten in the York City, and our annual "social"
one woman, Dot Denison, selling 60 front by Stella Perry. event in June. In addition, at each
quarts to neighbors and members of of our monthly business meetings, we
her country club.—Marian Peifer Today, members of the New Jersey have an interesting program.
Alumnae Chapter are active in many
At the 1976 Region I meeting in Riverside section of Greenwich, Con- Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia, our chapter was hon- necticut, discovered they had a lot in
ored with an Alumnae Chapter common. Fran McKee Tarbox, Nu The Washington, D . C . Alumnae
Achievement Certificate. At the 1977 Omicron; Laura Wilkens Kettle, Beta Chapter started its year off with a
Convention in Scottsdale, we re- Phi; Marjorie Young Lees, Gamma, pot-luck salad supper for old and
ceived a distinguished Service Award and Dorothy Pettit Stohlman, Omega, new members. We are currently on a
and two of our members, Karen Pet- discovered they were all AOIIs! membership drive, as there are over
erson and Nancy Garrett, received 800 AOIIs living in Washington and
the Rose Award. Dorothy Karstaedt Osier, Omega, suburban Maryland. The new geo-
was alumnae director of the region graphic directory should help us "get
Philadelphia at that time and was also living in a handle" on our new prospects.
Riverside. Dottie had started the ball
The Philadelphia Alumnae Chap- rolling by writing to 27 A O I I alums We've also had a double-knit sew-
ter recently received word that its in the area and scheduling that first ing demonstration showing us the
gift of $10,000 has been received October meeting. Attendance ex- newest innovative methods of saving
by the Diamond Jubilee Foundation ceeded all expectations, as 16 AOIIs time. A Founders' Day afternoon
(to be used for scholarships known from nine colleges met at the home buffet with Pi Delta chapter was held
as the "Psi scholarships"). This sum of Fran Tarbox. The alums ranged at College Park. Then, at Christmas,
will add greatly to DJF's scholarship from a 1954 graduate to a four-time we all took time out from shopping
fund and will assist worthy AOIIs in grandmother. Dottie was chosen for a brunch at a nearby mall, fel-
their academic studies. president and the group became the lowship and a gift exchange. A n up-
Southern Fairfield County Alumnae coming philanthropic project is a
Philadelphia alums have obviously Club. working meeting with all our mem-
been busy raising such a large sum bers stamping, stuffing and sealing
of money, but they also have found Three years later, on October 1, envelopes for the Washington, D . C .
time to participate in local charity 1957, the Southern Connecticut chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
projects. Each Christmas, presents Alumnae Chapter became a reality. —Teresa Llewellyn
are given to several boys and girls Seventeen charter members were in-
at the Eastern Pennsylvania State stalled by Mary Louise Roller, past Wilmington, DE
Hospital (for emotionally disturbed international president, who traveled
children). Birthday gifts are also all the way from Florida for the oc- The Wilmington Alumnae Chap-
sent to the children. casion. ter, which embraces New Castle
County in Delaware, has been busy
We also regret to announce the Now that A O I I has gone com- this past year collecting recipes from
passing of one of our "50-year" puter, we're tying to update our di- its members to make a cookbook,
active members, Alice Conkling, rectory. We hope Connecticut A O I I "AOII Recipes From Here and
former assistant editor of the Ladies alumnae will contact us so we can There." Profits will go towards help-
Home Journal.—Joan K . Simonin welcome them as active alums. We ing Delta Chi chapter at the Univer-
meet eight times a year in members'
Southern Connecticut homes or an area restaurant. High- (continued on page 24)
lights of the year are Founders' Day
On October 5, 1954, four women in December and a picnic with our
living on the same street in the husbands in June.—Nancy Small
Bess Wyman is more than just
a name to many members of the AO Pie
New Jersey Alumnae Chapter.
Not only do they remember the Southern Pecan Pie
chapter's installation in Bess' a la Bess Wyman
home, but they remember the 3-4 eggs, well beaten
year Bess was made honorary 1 c. dark corn syrup
president of the group. And they
also remember a very special Vi c. sugar
pecan pie Bess served one year Vs t. salt
at a meeting. She eagerly shared Vi t. vanilla
her recipe with other AOIIs, and M c. melted butter
the chapter now serves "Bess
Wyman Pie" at alumnae func- l c. pecan meats
tions. This recipe comes to us l unbaked pastry pie shell
from Thelma Robertson Mitchell, Mix eggs, sugar, syrup, salt, vanilla and butter. Spread nut meats on
Chi, founder of the New Jersey bottom of pie shell, and pour egg mixture slowly over the top. Bake in
Alumnae Chapter. a 450° oven for 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 350° for 30 more
minutes. Cool completely before cutting.
This could be us! Alpha Omicron Pi 1
hasn't "broken ground" yet, but the
need for a permanent international P
headquarters is great. As the member-
ship has expanded through the years, 4077
so have the services of Central Office.
A professional staff now handles al- Eighty-one years ago, four young
most every phase of fraternity opera- friends at Barnard College pledged
tion, from centralized accounting to themselves to one another. Perhaps
membership records, supplies and pub- they never dreamed this friendship
lications. A permanent headquarters could spread across every state and
would provide extra working and stor- Canada, reaching thousands of wom-
age space and would also permit the en everywhere . . . but perhaps they
display of Alpha Omicron Pi memor- did. The feeling of fraternity, that
abilia and house lodging and meeting feeling of shared love between
rooms for regional and international women, was a feeling which couldn't
officers. be limited to one college campus or
one decade in history. It was some-
thing that was to grow and blossom
over the years.
Alpha Omicron Pi is still growing
today. More and more young women
are participating in collegiate rush
each fall; chapters are being reopened
As Alpha Omicron Pi continues to grow, so do its pro-
grams and services. Effective leadership development, in-
creased chapter services and expanded alumnae programs
all will be benefits of the new Loyalty Fund. Collegiate
members of the fraternity are encouraged to become ac-
tive leaders in their campus and community, with the end
result being more involvement in career and community
after graduation. Publications, regional meetings, work-
shops, seminars and International Convention all work
toward leadership development of collegians and alumnae.
Both collegiate and alumnae chapters also receive assistance
in a more tangible, "human" form. Traveling Consultants,
Special Chapter Assistants and officers at all levels of the
fraternity travel throughout the United States and Canada
offering special help and program planning assistance.
Alumnae chapters are also growing, with new chapters
continuing to pop up each year. To better serve the organ-
ized alumnae groups and to reach the many A O I I s in
areas without an alumnae group, the fraternity needs more
funds and resources . . . the Loyalty Fund can help!
The turbulence of the '60s is over and
the Greek system is now going . . .
and growing . . . stronger than ever.
The National Panhellenic Conference
reports an upsurge in membership and
a new interest in sorority life. Dormant
chapters are being reactivated; new
chapters are springing up on campuses
across the country. Growth is in the
air, and Alpha Omicron Pi extension
officers are working hard to be "in the
right place at the right time." Rush
teams from top collegiate chapters as
well as interview teams are brought to
each new chapter, but such extension
on any campus requires a great deal
of planning, hard work . . . and funds.
he Future Depends On You
after the turbulence of the '60s; en- take funds. A n d the answer is not to ously to one or more of these funds,
tirely new chapters are being installed continuously raise fees of undergrad- and their continuing support is need-
on campuses across the country. uate members—fees were raised at ed and appreciated. Through the new
Growth is in the air, and A O I I wants the 1977 Convention and the cost of Loyalty Fund, however, every mem-
to grow with its members. an education is already staggering. ber may help her fraternity with its
programs and services. It is an ongo-
But the cost of growth is high. So your fraternity comes to you, ing, continuous fund, and its progress
Alpha Omicron Pi is greatly in need the aJumna, for support. On the floor will be reported in To Dragma.
of a permanent central headquarters of the 1977 Convention, an alumnae
—a place to store historical memor- group suggested a speical fund be Soon you will be receiving a mail-
abilia, a place to keep membership set up to aid in the workings of the ing with your 1978 A O I I member-
records and supplies . . . in short, a fraternity. A O I I has followed up ship card and a mail-back coupon
central office which can handle the that suggestion with the newly estab- asking for current biographical in-
needs of an ever increasing mem- lished Loyalty Fund. formation and suggestions for Alpha
bership. The fraternity is also in Omicron Pi. This will be your oppor-
need of new programs and increased Alpha Omicron Pi has many funds, tunity to contribute and support your
chapter services for both collegiate some established years ago in the fraternity.
and alumnae members. Regional early days of the fraternity, others
workshops and seminars, continued instituted when the need arose. Many A O I I has a tremendous future . . .
expansion and leadership training all members have already given gener- and that future is you!
Ohio History
Cambric To Corduroy
Fashions shows are always fun, anything half-heartedly, she also be- a tax-exempt non-profit organization
but Mary Partee Richardson, O, has came quite serious about accessoriz- of about 70 interested people, the
added a new dimension—education. ing each outfit in detail and entered group (named Ladybugs and Buck-
Handmade and original historical some of her costumes in competitions eyes, Inc., after Ohio's state insect
fashions are now part of a multi- at Greenfield Village in Dearborn, and symbol) obtained a grant from
media presentation being shown Michigan, and Whitehall State Shrine the Ohio American Revolution B i -
throughout the state of Ohio . . . in Kentucky. centennial Commission. By the spring
the brainchild of an extremely of 1974 the project was well under-
ambitious A O I I . " I t wasn't long until word got way, and since that time has been
around about my rapidly expanding presented almost 200 times. The
The idea of presenting a full-scale collection," Mary recalls. Soon she show is mobile and has been given
fashion show complete with musical was asked to do style shows for in every geographic area of the
sound track, two rear screens and local groups, but although they were state.
up to 40 costumes, slowly evolved fun and entertaining they "didn't
from Mary's first love—clothing. tell much." Mary began wondering Of course Mary's interest in
"I've always had a keen interest in how her shows could relay more clothing and history hasn't ended
clothing," Mary says, adding that historical information, and went to with the fashion show. As the B i -
after her graduation from Miami her best friend Diane Selby (a mem- centennial approached, her husband
University and Ohio State, she ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma soror- and a group of friends decided to
worked as a ready-to-wear buyer for ity) for help. Together they devel- recreate the Cold Stream Guards, a
F. and R. Lazarus in Columbus. oped the idea of a multi-media British unit, to help celebrate the
presentation. 200th anniversary of the Revolution.
Then, in the late '60s, husband As members of the Brigade of the
Wally joined a Civil War group, and Timing was perfect; the Bicen- American Revolution, they reenact
Mary began collecting clothing of tennial provided the necessary inter-
that era. Not being one to go into est and momentum. After forming (continued on page 24)
f ——
i /
0> -
ardson and her two children, above,
model some of her handiwork. At rii>ht,
daughter Becky joins other models dur-
ing a fashion show.
A Dorm For Sisters:
From Alphas To Zetas
By Julie Harlan, AT
Northeast Louisiana University
Well, the AOIIs have finally AO KA 'I
moved in with the Zetas . . . the MA
Phi Mus and the Kappa Deltas.
We've got a new house at Northeast Ii i Ni Ni j i
Louisiana University, and it's new
in more ways than one! I
Until this fall, all four sororities mitted five or six ideas to the com- school started the carpet arrived, and
were operating from two closets and mittee, each, with a totally different some of the furniture was placed in
two rooms in the Student Union look. The committee than picked the the room. Although decorating is not
building. In these two closets we kept look they thought would best fit the yet complete, it's beginning to look
everything from ritual items to pledge personality of the collegiate chapter. like home!
class projects. Then came the new
dorm, with two wings of two floors Earth tones are being used for the Not only have our wonderful
each, divided among the four groups. color scheme, with accents of blue. alumnae gotten our chapter room un-
Lambda Tau chapter now has a big Some of the pieces are wicker; some derway, but they also gave us a
wing all to ourselves . . . with housing are brass; some are completely house-warming party. Our kitchen
for 20 girls, a chapter room, storage fabric-covered. Basically, the con- was bare but after the party, we had
closet, kitchen/wash area and com- cept of the room is a functional one; dishes, glasses, mugs,' stainless steel,
munity bath. we needed a place to hold meetings pots, pans, dish towels, and even a
and functions with alumnae. But we can opener.
This gives us ample room to live also needed a place where just a few
in a "house" atmosphere without girls could get together and not feel Learning to live with 19 other
the disadvantages of raising dues to swallowed by the room. And we'll A O I I sisters is quite an experience,
pay for the. house and utilities. The also put the room to use during rush. but we're also learning to live with
University and sororities have signed other sorority women. Panhellenic
a three-year contract—the sororities Remodeling an old dormitory to spirit has really blossomed and Greek
are to keep the rooms full, while the fit sorority needs required a bit of morale has never been higher. Pan-
University takes the responsibility of imagination too. From three dorm hellenic Council is now planning an
maintenance. rooms to a chapter room wasn't an open house for the whole dorm, and
easy change . . . two walls were each group is planning an individual
Designing our part of the Pan- knocked out and three closets re- dedication ceremony this spring. It
hellenic dorm posed a few problems, moved. Then the floor was retiled looks like Greeks are really here to
quickly overcome by the Corpora- and the room painted. Soon after stay at Northeast Louisiana!
tion Board. Everything was in the
planning stage and no one really 19
knew much about a Panhellenic
dorm, so it was touch and go for
awhile. But soon things started roll-
ing, and before we knew it Lambda
Tau was ready to start the actual
work on our part of the dorm. When
this year's Corporation Board, con-
sisting of Carol Bateman, president;
Diane Bruscato, vice-president; Pe-
lade Barnes, secretary; Carol Rob-
inson, treasurer, and Cheryl Poin-
dexter, Mary Webster and Melody
Rogers, directors, got started, it was
"full steam ahead!"
We hired an interior decorator
who worked with an alumnae com-
mittee on our chapter room. She sub-
Who's Who In Central
Just who are the faces behind the in Dayton, Ohio, Karen grew up in escape to the outdoors . . . to tennis,
names at Central Office? Who is the San Antonio, Texas, moving to horseback riding and, when the
"Charlie" who sends all those little Nashville just five years ago. Before weather cooperates, snowmobiling.
notes about fees and badges? Who coming to Central Office, she worked
ships your orders?; who answers the at the Nashville branch of the Fed- Downstairs CO workers are just
phone when you call? eral Reserve Bank. A five-month-old slightly more experienced than up-
son Christopher occupies most of stairs workers. Charlie Cefalo ar-
After months of chaotic Conven- Karen's spare time, but she also rived in July, Sue Lewis in June,
tion and computer confusion, Cen- enjoys gourmet cooking (one speci- Diane Bartley in March and Kay
tral Office seems to be getting back alty is Baked Alaska), creative writ- Saunders in February. Betsy Smith
on even keel. Administrative Direc- ing, volleyball and tennis. is the only "old-timer" of the office
tor Sue Lewis is back at the helm . . . that brave soul has worked in
following a pregnancy leave and the Marie Jacobs joined the CO staff Central Office since its Nashville
birth of twins. Although seven of the in November, assisting with shipping opening over two years ago.
eight Central Office workers have and supplies and in the accounting
been at the job less than a year, office. Originally from Florence, To set the record straight, CO
everybody now seems to be catch- Alabama, Marie is one true "south- has not yet gone "coed." A native
ing on, memorizing the Greek alpha- erner" in the office; in fact, her of Boston, Rita Cefalo became
bet and learning the difference be- favorite pastime is "good oT southern "Charlie" during a tennis match
tween I L F , REO and DJF. cooking . . . turnip greens and white with a friend. The nickname seemed
beans." Marie has lived in Nashville to fit the outgoing blonde and she's
Sometimes CO-callers are sur- for the past 45 years and is active been good o f Charlie ever since.
prised to hear a "Yankee" answer in her community and church. Charlie Cefalo's job as collegiate
the phone. Don't be . . . not all staff secretary includes coordinating trav-
members are native "southerners." Supervising the upstairs office, up- eling consultant visits, recording all
Not all are even AOIIs, although dating the computerized membership initiation and pledge fees, and as-
they probably know more about the rolls and ordering office supplies are signing badge numbers. Right now
inner workings of the fraternity than all the responsibilities of Jo-Ann she's also quite busy redecorating a
many members. Salver, membership and supplies sec- new apartment, practicing her guitar
retary. Jo-Ann and her three chil- and getting limbered up for the
The newest office arrivals are dren moved to Nashville from Ren- rapidly approaching tennis season.
Karen Roaden, assistant supplies sselaer, Indiana, four years ago.
secretary, and Marie Jacobs, part- Before joining the CO staff, Jo-Ann Doctor's orders forced Sue Lewis
time worker. Karen began her career worked as a police radio dispatcher home for several months, but now
at Central Office as a part-time Kelly and bookkeeper. As soon as her work she is back in the office full-time, re-
Girl, then decided she enjoyed the day is completed, Jo-Ann likes to turning just before Christmas. Sue
work enough to stay full-time. Born had a good reason for being "out
CO STAFFERS—The names might be familiar, but maybe
the faces aren't. Above, from left, are Sue Lewis, Betsy Smith,
Kay Saunders, Charlie Cefalo and Diane Bartley. At right, the
upstairs staff takes a break . . . from left, Jo-Ann Salyer, Karen
Roaden and Marie Jacobs.
ffice? II!
of action" . . . on October 26, she 111
and husband Rex became the proud •
parents of twins, Katherine Elaine
and Brian Christopher. Sue came to •I »
CO from Huntingdon College where
she was Dean of Student Life. Active AOII DELEGATION—Seven AOlls journeyed from across the country to
in A O I I since her college days, Sue
was president of Tau Delta chapter, attend the biennial National Panhellenic Conference meeting in Tulsa. Stand-
spent two years as an A O I I traveling
consultant and most recently served ing, from left, are Diane Bartley, To Dragma editor; Peg Crawford, First NPC
as Regional Vice-President for Re-
gion I I I . With two tiny babies at Alternate; Norma Ackel, International President and Third Alternate and Betsy
home, Sue doesn't have a lot of free
time but what she does have she Smith, Asst. to the Administrative Director. Seated are Adele Hinton, Second
likes to spend outdoors. " B . B " (Be-
fore Babies), Sue and Rex did a Alternate; Mary Louise Roller, NPC Delegate, and Carolyn Harris, Interna-
great deal of camping, white-water
canoeing and sailing. tional Philanthrophic Chairman and Past International President.
Kay Saunders, accountant, has New Statistics Show
worked in Central Office almost a Sorority Strength Growing
year, so she now ranks as a veteran.
Kay was quickly "initiated" into The statistics are out. Women's fraternities are growing . . . and growing
AOII with Convention confusion. A rapidly.
former Miss Florida, she studied
accounting at Florida State Univer- Figures released by the National Panhellenic Conference at its recent
sity and finds her job in CO "chal- biennial meeting in Tulsa reported the following:
lenging." Kay likes to combine her
hobby of traveling with billfishing in • Over the past 16 years (1961-1977), the total membership of women
the Caribbean, and has recently in NPC groups rose by 77.5%—an increase of 767,866 members. New
confiscated her nine-year-old daugh- members initiated during this biennium (1975-77) totaled 100.228, a gain
ter's skateboard . . . for her own of 5,212 over the 1973-75 biennium.
• Ninety-five new collegiate chapters were added over the past two
Editor Diane Bartley is still an- years, up from 79 formed during 1973-75. Eighty collegiate chapters were
other recent arrival in Nashville. lost during the biennium, but 42 colonies or pledged groups were "waiting
After a trip to Europe, Diane re- in the wings" at the close of this biennium; this nears the all-time high
turned to the working world in of 47 (1967-69).
March, when she took the position
of communications coordinator at • The 16-year statistics reenforce the continuing growth trend. Col-
CO. A journalism major at Indiana legiate chapters installed since 1961 number 914; 529 chapters have been
University and a member of Beta closed. Yet, the total increase in collegiate chapters over the past 16 years
Phi chapter, Diane enjoys traveling, is 385, still a sizeable jump—especially considering the trauma of the late
growing plants and trying new recipes '60s.
out on friends.
• Alumnae support also has been steadily increasing, as evidenced by
Then, last, but certainly not least, a 5 . 1 % increase in new alumnae chapters—the largest increase since the
comes that old face at CO . . . 1965-67 biennium. There are now 5,575 alumnae chapters in existence, an
Betsy Smith. Betsy, assistant to the increase of 48.2% over the past 16 years.
administrative director, is a native
of Music City and studied two years A l l statistics point to one fact: Greeks are growing and they're growing
at Auburn University. While attend- strong. NPC Chairman Gwen McKeeman, Delta Zeta, pointed out that
ing Auburn, Betsy was a pledge at media coverage and contact has been frequent over the past two years.
Delta Delta chapter; she was finally Seventeen magazine reported "Sisterhood is Up;"' Charles J. Cannon's U P I
initiated last spring (seven years story, "Greeks Are Back on Campus" had wide coverage. Many of the
later!) at Nu Omicron, Vanderbilt. university alumni magazines featured stories; most notable was Indiana's
Her interests include needlework, "Going Greek . . . Going Strong."
sports, cooking and plants.
The figures certainly speak for themselves, but just who is included in
the National Panhellenic Conference? Delegates from 26 women's frater-
nities make up the group, which sets guidelines and goals for its huge mem-
bership. The group has been meeting since 1902, with central office execu-
tives and magazine editors functioning as separate groups within the
AOTT R e i g n s A s M i s s Ky.
Everybody knows AOIIs are sonalities while narrating at civic /
winners, but occasionally one of us luncheons, club meetings and dinners.
does an extra "something" to throw right? But be sure to add a sense of
the national spotlight our way. Karen Karen is also anchorwoman on humor to the long list of accomplish-
Gordon, Delta Omega, has done just the Channel 11 News (Murray State ments and activities. Karen jokingly
that by being selected Miss Kentucky television station) and has been says she had her own little inside
in the 1977 Miss America pageant. hostess of "Knock Knock," a chil- " p u l l " for the pageant . . . Dr.
dren's T V program, and "University John Hummel, husband of Barbara
A senior at Murray State Univer- Comment." Other accomplishments Walker, Miss America 1947, brought
sity, Karen is majoring in speech include: Student Government Associ- her into the world on January 28,
with minors in radio, television and ation secretary; president of the local 1956.
journalism. After graduation she Methodist Youth Foundation; Dis-
plans to attend the University of trict Vice-President of M Y F ; student
Kentucky School of Law, eventually chaplain for Benton First Methodist
becoming active in Kentucky state Church, Chairman of the University
politics and being elected to a state Judicial Board and Dean's List. She
office. She has already traveled on is secretary of Omicron Delta Kappa,
a three-week campaign trail with national leadership fraternity, and is
Kentucky Governor Julian Carroll a member of Alpha Epsilon Rho,
before his victory in the primaries national broadcasting fraternity.
and served as a hostess for political
rallies and dinners, briefing listeners Karen's hobbies include oil paint-
on Carroll's campaign platform. ing, sketching, basketball, softball
and waterskiing. During summer
Political science is just one of vacations, she does radio commer-
Karen's many interests, however. For cials for area businesses and works
her talent presentation during the as a physician's assistant. She has
pageant, she drew chalk sketches ac- also worked as a lifeguard and
companied by an original narration. swimming instructor.
She often sketches well-known per-
The perfect all-around woman,
UFOs— UFOs are back in the news. person claimed to have seen a
Fact Or Film director Steven "Jaws" Spiel- landed flying saucer from which
Fantasy? berg is once again resurrecting the a small "robot" emerged taking
age-old question of life on other soil samples.
worlds; people are beginning to
talk openly about extraterrestrial Scoffing at such tales is easy,
life; investigations may soon be but Sandra listens with an open
reopened at the request of Presi- mind to each report. " I personally
dent Carter, who reports he too have never viewed a flying sau-
has seen a UFO. cer," Sandra says, "nor have I
ever seen inexplicable lights in
Now, how does A O I I fit in? the sky. Yet it is with the utmost
Easily . . . Sandra Thomas, AB respect that I listen to anyone
(Florida Atlantic University), is a reporting a sighting.
field investigator and writer for the
Aerial Phenomena Research Or- "No one so far has been able
ganization. Her job: to research to prove any of the many UFO
sightings and interview people in cases reported to have involved
her vicinity who claim to have extraterrestrial flying machines
seen a UFO or its occupants. peopled with alien beings. How-
ever, many cases have proved to
Some accounts she hears are be a hoax or due to some natural
stranger than others. One person cause," Sandra continues. " I t is
told her he had been followed the purpose of our organization to
by a UFO for a week and finally discover the truth concerning the
saw it explode not far from him, UFO phenomena and to avoid the
vanishing completely. Another unfortunate sensationalism some-
times offered the public."
le's given baton lessons to offers no scholarship aid to the 1
Liberace, won over 3,000 trophies Golden Girl. A t the time, she had
in baton competion, twirled her way decided to major in interior design One of her most embarrassing mo-
through Japan and South America and Purdue's program sounded good ments as a performer also occurred
and competed in events in almost to her. Since then, she has changed in Japan. While waiting to perform
every state in the country. Today, her major to radio and television at the Japanese equivalent of Disney-
this remarkable young woman holds broadcasting with a minor in journal- land, Kathy says she felt a draft on
the honor of being Purdue Univer- ism, but she has never been dis- her back. " I reached around and
sity's Golden Girl—recognized as the appointed in her choice. She thor- realized the zipper on my costume
nation's most prestigious twirling oughly enjoys her position as had broken. It was so hot in that
position. "Queen of Baton." place, and I had to perform in front
of all those people with a sweater
Kathy Burkle, Phi Upsilon, says Kathy's Golden Girl predecessor tied in front!"
she can't remember a time when was a senior when Kathy entered
she wasn't twirling. Her sister, Nancy Purdue, so the Golden Girl-to-be The life of a Golden Girl definitely
Jo, who performed at Ohio and served as a feature twirler during her is not a quiet one. In South America,
Indiana universities, began teaching freshman year. Now a junior, Kathy she traded a baton lesson for a bull-
little Kathy when she was only four is completing her second "golden" fighting lesson from Columbia's top
years old. Kathy's mother may re- year. matador. Liberace's lesson was a
member a time when Kathy didn't spontaneous one . . . then the next
twirl, but even she admits it was "•olden Girl travels began be- week, when they were both appear-
quite a long time ago. "Kathy al- fore Kathy even entered college. The ing on the Mike Douglas Show, the
ways wanted to twirl," Mrs. Burkle summer after her graduation from master of dazzle walked out in a
says. " I used to have to argue with high school, she joined the Univer- pair of hot pants twirling a baton!
her when we'd be going to watch her sity band for a trip to Japan. During
sisters in competition. Kathy would a return trip, she taught twirling How does Kathy find time to do
want to twirl and she had taken no camps in five major cities and had anything but twirl? Well, being a
lessons and had no costume." a chance to fit in some sightseeing. Golden Girl definitely involves a lot
of time, but Kathy says she only
Lessons soon followed, and by the practices about 15 minutes a day,
time she reached her teens, Kathy except on all-band practice days
had a costume . . . and numerous when sessions may stretch to two
trophies. She was chosen the first
feature twirler in the history of her (continued on page 24)
West Virginia high school, and dur-
ing her senior year Purdue's band 23
director contacted her for a Golden
Girl tryout. She had just captured the
world two-baton solo and strut
competition and the Purdue director
was suitably impressed. She was
chosen the University Golden Girl.
Although she was offered six or
seven scholarships to twirl at schools
throughout the country, Kathy says
it wasn't difficult to decide to attend
Purdue—even though the school
Q olden still going strong, too. They hope nic for husbands and friends will
to open a textile and clothing study wrap up the year . . . and of course
(continued from page 23) room in a local library soon, and are there's the regional meeting in June.
developing programs for senior citi- —Elizabeth S. Miller
hours. Twirling seems to come easily zens and elementary school children.
to Kathy, and she says 16 or 17 Under study is the possibility of Lambda lota
years of dancing lessons have added doing life-size pictures on folding
grace to her routines. Kathy also screens, which could be used alone (continued from page 5)
squeezes in dancing with both the as a display anywhere in the United
University variety band and a ballet States or as part of a multi-media San Diego; Carolyn Dean, Roxanne
group between twirling activities. presentation. Whittam, La Jolla; Kerry Abbott,
Huntington Beach, Cal.; Kris Barber,
Kathy also finds time to give baton Clothing seems to be a full-time Corcoran, Cal.; Karen Epport, Los
lessons to three teenaged girls and interest of Mary's; in fact, it has Angeles; Hannah Freedman, Lake-
two young nieces. Teaching is some- led to two volunteer jobs at the wood, Cal.; Cathy Rose, Westmins-
thing she enjoys, and a trip to Sweden Worthington, Ohio, Historical So- ter, Cal.; and Lynne Barstow, Ran-
for just that purpose is scheduled for ciety and the Columbus Center of cho Palos Verdes.
September. Science and Industry. But Mary also
finds time to teach 17 piano students The advisory committee for the
Sometimes those littlest baton every week and devotes "free" time new chapter consists of: Sue Davies
twirlers give K a t h y m o m e n t s to community activities. Holtkamp, chairman; Barbara Rin-
which mean more than the biggest gle Goll, KA, rush; Linda Hess,
trophies. Like the time a tiny blonde How does Mary ever find time for KK, co-chairman, rush; Sally Wal-
two-year-old dressed in a gold se- her husband and children? "That's dron Sullivan, 5, financial; Pam
quined majorette uniform toddled the beautiful part of my hobby," Drury, ®n, activities; Marie Hlava-
over and said, "Someday I want to be she says, " i t involves the whole cek Holbrooke, B*, public relations;
the Golden Girl. . . . family . . . last summer we traveled Ann Ballweg, XA, pledge advisor;
over 4000 miles doing our 'thing!' " Barbara Powers Brown, Br, social;
Qambric Karen Miller Knab, N I , chapter
^^ilmington relations; Marjorie Gora Betz, B3>,
(continued from page 18) scholarship, and Bonnie Somers
(continued from page 15) Berger, T, alumnae coordinator.
important battles of the Revolu-
tionary War as well as give week- sity of Delaware furnish its new STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION
end demonstrations and special rooms (when they are finally pro-
appearances. cured.) Peggy Szabo had a jewelry MWMMtWtttG MB)
party to raise money for this project
Once again Wally's interest and Genie Wolf has been wildly TO DRAGMft OF ALPHA OHICBOH PI ] 6 [3 [ 1 [8 | 4 | Q | 9-11-77
grabbed Mary's imagination, and crocheting bears and selling them.
she soon became the group's seam- Quarterly |* *••—«•• J * ~ | ™ .
stress. " I t was a terrible job," Mary Our Christmas Party in December
says. "There were no ready-made is also the time we remember our 2401 Hillaboro Rd. 1103-Naahvilla, TO 37312 {Davidionl
patterns or instructions, only pat- Founders and their contribution to 2401 Hillnborc Rd. |103-Na«hvllle, TN 37212 (Davidson)
tern guides and sketches. Tailoring A O I I . Then, in February, we hold
skills of the 18th Century were far an auction and card party for arth- ninmaHQfli>—Hi'U-"nub~orAnLPRHeAt. O(M10IC3ft-CBMasPhIvFiRllAeT. ETRNNITIYK,ilINf™C"
different from those of today." But ritis research and the Delaware Biena K. Bartlay 2401 Hillsboro Rd.1103. Nashville,TN
she quickly got the "hang of i t , " Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation.
caught the fever and began making (Our November meeting was held at M,pafc OKICBON PI TJWTERNITY,
18th Century clothing for her two the A F office where we helped with
children and herself. a current mailing.) *~*~»*m '~™ 40.B7S :
Now there is no stopping Mary. In March, A O I I will entertain . ^.^^^^^ 40.769 M 41»
She is official clothing advisor for Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, an ex- NONE
the northwest department of the change sponsored each year by the .. — N.M.W.. 13,162 It.alJ.
Brigade Quarter Master Corps. Each Wilmington Alumnae Panhellenic. In 1~
18th Century costume must be in- April, we will be entertaining the HONK
spected and approved as authentic Delta Chi collegians. May is a busy
before it may be worn at official m o n t h — A O I I will be sponsoring an "*""""""" . 1 , 1 II 1 . •
Brigade events. arthritis booth at the local Charity
Fair, held in a shopping mall. A pic-
The Ladybugs and Buckeyes are
ARIZONA Lisa Richtermeyer joined the group, thusiasm—our chapter was voted the
along with this year's SCA Charlou most spirited and most outgoing!
Going into rush, Upsilon Alpha Anderson. Charlou has had more
was ready to take the best pledge than one chance to prove her abili- CALIFORNIA STATE
class ever. And, with the help of our ties and has already begun to help (Northridge)
very special and always-loved rush us accomplish many of our goals as
team consisting of four girls from a chapter. Sigma Phi chapter burst onto
Lambda Beta and two girls from CSUN's campus this fall semester
Sigma Phi, we did take the best Following the retreat, it was back with immeasurable spirit, after sur-
pledge class. With their help we to Davis and a week of rush. Rush passing rush quota in August and
pledged 19 wonderful pledges from activities were highlighted with the pledging 36 new girls! Already in-
as far away as Minnesota, with in- purchase of the new A O I I house. volving themselves fully in campus
terests ranging from nuclear engi- Business transactions are now being activities, one of the CSUN dancers,
neering to sports. closed and Chi Alphans will be oc- the school mascot and a Panhellenic
cupying the house by winter quarter. officer are all A O I I pledges!
We are also very lucky this year Chapter members are all very excited
to have Susan Duggins, Lambda Tau, about our new residence . . . many, We wasted no time in getting the
as our SCA. She is a great person many thanks go to our diligent ad- whole house "super-involved" in
and we're all interested in any "tips" visers. Past International President working for arthritis. We recently
she can give us. Jessie Marie Cramer also visited dur- had a fund-raising luncheon/fashion
ing rush, telling stories of "how show at a nearby country club, so our
Other semester activities included things were" when she lived in her moms and alumnae could get into the
a buffet dinner given by our Tucson chapter's A O I I house, even bringing philanthropic spirit with us—we
alumnae, our annual Pledge Presents, us dinner one night! Those moments raised over $550 that afternoon.
Parents' Day, the pledge-active foot- are ones we'll never forget. Coming up soon is a 24-hour volley-
ball game, a scholarship exchange ball game we are both sponsoring and
dinner with Delta Delta Delta soror- In addition to the busy schedules playing in, with all proceeds going to
ity and the pledge class car wash. of rush and school, the chapter has arthritis research.
Our Greek Week philanthropy proj- also taken some time out for pleas-
ect was decorating the March of ure. We recently enjoyed an ice We're also showing how philan-
Dimes Haunted House with Tau skating exchange with Chi Phi fra- thropic we can be in other areas, as
Kappa Epsilon fraternity.—Pam ternity and a costume party that gave we just completed signing up blood
Mayer everyone a chance to relax.—Kristan volunteers (and giving a few pints
Clark ourselves!) and are in contention for
BEMIDJI STATE the organization which signed up the
It's been a cold but busy fall up (Long Beach)
here in Minnesota. We held two Our new initiates showed their
car washes (they were cold!) and a Lambda Beta made the B I G colors recently by earning the Dean's
fashion show to help the pledges raise M O V E this fall, taking up residence Award for the spring pledge class
money for their initiation fees. A l l in a new home at 3980 East Eighth with the highest GPA . . . our own
were quite successful. St. in Long Beach. Hopefully we'll Marilyn Elias had the highest GPA
be able to share pictures of our new overall.
During homecoming, our float (co- home in the next issue of To Dragma!
built with a local fraternity, Theta Last, but not least is the news that
Tau Epsilon) won first place! We In other news, rush week was hec- California State University has finally
also had our annual Alum-Mum tic but completely successful. A O I I seen the resolution of its long dilem-
Brunch, followed by watching the now has 21 new pledges . . . and was ma with inadequate housing. The en-
parade and game. To top off the day, named the most spirited and friendly tire CSUN Greek system has been
Bemidji won!—Krista Haaversen sorority on campus during rush week. rewarded with a brand-new, all-our-
The Presentation of Pledges was also own, thankfully received, graciously
CALIFORNIA (Davis) held this fall, with parents and friends accepted, Greek Row!! The under-
attending the festivities at the Long statement of the century is that the
A retreat at Lake Tahoe gave Beach Elks Club. Sigma Phis are now anxiously await-
members of Chi Alpha chapter not ing the building of their new home
only a chance to "unwind" before Greek Week gave Lambda Betas on the new Greek row—look out
rush, but also a time to become re- still another chance to show their en- world, here we come!!—Debi Kraus
acquainted with old friends. TC
CENTRAL MO. STATE study breaks and activities like the Needless to say, A O I I enthusiasm
"Dress As You'll Be 20 Years From and spirit is not confined to our own
What could be a better inspiration Now" dinner. Homecoming weekend suite, but is spreading over the U . of
to start off the school year than a was also Dad's Weekend at Chi Del- E. campus!—Elissa Raeber.
Distinguished Service Award? Nine ta, so AOIIs and their fathers had a
members of Delta Pi attended A O I I busy and enjoyable time. Plans f o r •
Convention to witness not only this future activities include the annual •
great honor, but also to return to Rose Ball and a spaghetti dinner to
Warrensburg full of ideas and de- raise money for the Arthritis Foun- Emily McNiel crowned Miss Hunting-
termined to make our 16th year on dation.—Tracy Livezey don by sister Susan McGowin.
campus a great one.
Formal rush started off the year,
and after five hectic days of hard "Watch T V . . . She's Still The As a relatively new organization
work and f u n times, 20 pledges were One." Maybe the slogan is a little on campus, Sigma Delta is especially
welcomed home to A O I I . For the corny, but it worked! Chi Lambda's proud to be a part of Huntingdon
second consecutive year, A O I I Anne Tevebaugh (whose nickname College. We feel the many activities
pledges and the pledges of Sigma Phi is " T V " ) was selected by popular of AOIIs and official positions held
Epsilon fraternity built a haunted vote of the student body as 1977 can help display our pride . . . and
house, open to the public, for their University of Evansville Homecom- we want Huntingdon to feel honored
money-making project. This year's ing Queen. Anne is a senior majoring to have A O I I .
profits totaled over $700. in accounting, a three-year veteran of
the varsity cheerleading squad and a -
Homecoming was right around the very active A O I I .
corner with two sisters in the running 1
for queen. Cindy Dodson represented AOIIs also won the Spirit Award
A O I I and Carla Schwarz represented for their homecoming enthusiasm and ;'
the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon, with somehow managed to tie for first
Carla placing in the top ten. place in stuffing the most girls into
our treasurer's little red Volkswagen
Following Homecoming came our (19!)
first philanthropic project for the
year, a Rock-A-Thon. From 4 p.m. Homecoming is not Chi Lambda's
Friday to 4 p.m. Saturday, four rock- only "big event." During "Musical
ing chairs never stopped rocking. Madness," one of U . of Evansville's
Over $800 was collected for arth- biggest events of the year, A O I I
ritis research! walked away with seven awards!
A O I I has now won the event for two
Other fall activities and honors years in a row.
for Delta Pi included: a first-place
rating in intramural bowling, 13 Mr' — ^ r: -
sisters chosen to eight different hon- f<
or fraternities, and offices and mem- LT,
berships held by AOIIs in over 20
different campus o r g a n i z a t i o n s . — m
Keena Nichols
^ Zs^*
AOII spirit is spreading through the
Chi Delta chapter entered its 51st Evansville campus. Above, AOII cap-
year with a new look, as Chi Deltans tures seven Musical Madness awards,
returning for rush week were greeted while, at right, Anne Tevebaugh is
with a beautifully redecorated house. crowned homecoming queen.
The dedication and effort that went
into producing rush parties such as
" A Day A t The Fair," " A O I I Candy
Shoppe" and "Wonderful World of
A O I I " were rewarded when the chap-
ter received its new pledges. The
pledge class has already participated
in the Greek Olympics, raising $175
for the American Cancer Society by
pitting its athletic skills against
pledges from other C U sororities.
The fall semester was also en-
livened by a western-style party,
Many AOIIs hold official positions IIIIII • i S3
in different areas: clubs, dorms and
class ranks. A l l of the Sigma Delta 1111
sisters participate in campus clubs;
three are presidents: Marsha Brown, i
Huntingdon Intramural Council;
Carol Johnson, Sailing Club, and ^^^^^
Judy Williams, the Society for A d -
vancement of Management. We are AOII IS TOPS with
also extremely proud of Patricia
Culpepper who is the regional co- mm winning floats and Gay Ann
ordinator for Alabama's Student Edu-
cation Association. From the wo- •if Butts, Indy 500 Princess
men's dorms, five officers are AOIIs. and State Fair Queen run
Three of the sisters are class officers.
ner-up. at Indiana State
In addition to serving in official
capacities, Sigma Delta seems to be Kappa Upsilon business fraternity. participated in intramural football
keeping in touch with campus ac- Tammy Dutton is involved with Stu- and softball, and the Red Cross
tivities. For two consecutive years, dent Affairs and Scotch Guard. Debi Blood Drive. Philanthropic projects
an A O I I has been awarded the Jane Frey, a member of Phi Chi Theta included a "trick or treat for arth-
Williams freshman award for out- business fraternity, is also on the jazz ritis" and making Thanksgiving treats
standing activities. This year Judy drill team. for the elderly.
Johnson received the award. AOIIs
also can be found participating as Cheryl Hack, another member of During Idaho State homecoming,
cheerleaders, in dance teams, choral CHIMES, is involved with the Col- we participated in skits, the down-
ensembles, as class favorites and lege Republicans Political Activity town "noise parade," the lawn display
beauties. Several of the sisters are Organization. Cathy Russell is co- contest and the homecoming parade
keeping involved in the drama depart- chairman of the Election Board and itself. Iota Alpha placed first in the
ment. social chairman for Nichols Hall dor- Tug O' War homecoming contest.
mitory. The campus honor queen is —Karen Martin
Another Sigma Delta "activity" A O I I Heidi Piel, while Mary Garner
seems to be turning into a Hunting- is student body secretary for ISU-Vo. INDIANA STATE
don tradition. For the past four Tech. and a member of SPURS
years an A O I I has been chosen Miss sophomore honorary society. Kappa Alpha chapter has been
Huntingdon. Susan McGowin, last busy piling up the plaques, trophies
year's queen, continued the tradition In addition to individual activities, and honors over the past months.
by crowning sister Emily McNiel the members also keep busy with A O I I First, chapter president Margie Long
1977-78 Miss Huntingdon. social activities, including an autumn was named one of two outstanding
hayride, exchanges with fraternities senior women to receive the Univer-
Sigma Delta also has its own ac- and a trip to Boise State University sity's Alan Rankin Award for ac-
tivities for the benefit of A O I I and (and an overnight with Beta Sigma tivities, service and scholarship.
its philanthropy, arthritis research. chapter) for the ISU-BSU football Margie was also appointed the co-
In November, we held a fair and game. As a chapter, we have also ordinator of Homecoming 1977.
rock-a-thon on campus, rocking 36
consecutive hours. While the sisters
rocked, a fair offered diversions of
games and rides. A l l profits went
toward arthritis research.
We are proud and glad to be a part
of the Huntingdon College campus
. . . and we want to show it.—Peggy
School had no sooner started than
Iota Alpha chapter members began
involving themselves in organizations
and activities across campus. Iota
Alphas are now active in more than
30 University groups.
Barbara Bauer is a member of
CHIMES junior honorary and Alpha
Then Carol Hammond, K A treas- cron got down to real business . . . Elected campus senators this fall
urer, was honored with a scholarship hard work for the muscular dystro- were Wanda Chamberlin, Tory Rob-
presented by the Terre Haute Pan- phy marathon. Chapter members ertson and Cindy Ferrell. Anne
hellenic Association, and two mem- were out on LSU's parade grounds Dauenhauer was appointed Student
bers were named Indianapolis 500 24 hours a day for a week selling Body Parliamentarian and is also
Princesses: Jennifer Hedges and Gay hot dogs, cokes and coffee to the serving as the chairman of the Price
Ann Butts (who was also named to football teams. In years past, Alpha Control Commission. Also active in
the Queen's Court.) Omicron has made a tradition of pre- the Associated Student Body are
senting the University M D check dir- Bonnie Young, chairman of school
If this wasn't enough, spirits really ectly to Jerry Lewis during his Las spirit, and Susan Anderson-Smith,
soared when our float entry (co- Vegas telethon. This fall was no ex- social chairman of the Union Pro-
built with the men of Alpha Tau ception as we watched K i m Ponder, gram Council.
Omega fraternity) won the Gover- last year's marathon chairman, "live
nor's Trophy during the nationally- on the tube."—Donna Young Serving their dorms on the dorm
televised Indianapolis 500 Festival council are Debbie Avey, Tracy Ren-
Parade. "•HOST- fro, Donna Harris, Tory Robertson
and Jan Bolton. Martha Wright is
Gay Ann Butts later brought more HP secretary/treasurer of her dorm,
honor to herself and the chapter by while Julie Winters is vice-president
being crowned both Miss Vigo Susan Palombo . . . of hers.
County and the second runner-up to . . . Miami's Military Ball Queen
the Indiana State Fair Queen. Treasurer for the English honor-
MIAMI (Ohio) ary, Sigma Tau Delta, is Carla
With fall semester came more Clouse. Mary Jo McGee is president
laurels: second place in the women's Omega's big news is that Susan of the political science honorary.
division in Campus Carnival; second Palombo has been selected to reign Cindy Hill is serving as vice-president
place, homecoming bulletin board as Military Ball Queen. Susan, of the business honorary, while
contest; first place, "Yell Like Hell" daughter of M r . and Mrs. Felix Susan Anderson-Smith is secretary/
contest and fifth place in the trike Palombo of Canal Winchester, Ohio, treasurer of the Student Psychological
race (after leading the race for sev- is majoring in business education. She Association.
eral laps). Our biggest campus honor is a member of Miami Mariners, a
came next, with the taking of the campus service organization, as well Anne Dauenhauer was selected as
Sweepstakes trophy for best home- as the Republican Campaign Com- an Ole Miss Ambassador, and 14 Nu
coming float . . . again paired with mittee. Active in the sorority, she Betas have been asked to be members
the ATOS.—Beth Woods has held the office of corresponding of a new recruiting group, the Ole
secretary. Omega is proud and Miss Reps. Amelia Eden has a part
KEARNEY STATE honored to have an A O I I queen!— in the first campus play of the year;
Lesa Grant Joy Acred received an A i r Force
Kearney State College's Panhellen- ROTC scholarship, and Deena Poole
ic Rush Chairman was recently hon- MISSISSIPPI and Debbie Nader were selected flag
ored by her own sisters . . . Sherie girls for the Ole Miss marching band.
Agent of Farnam, Nebraska, was Times are changing . . . and wo-
named Phi Sigma chapter's Outstand- men are becoming increasingly in- F
ing A O I I of the Year. volved in campus politics. One of
the highest positions ever held by a m •
Sherie is a senior this year, major- woman on the Ole Miss campus is
ing in vocational home economics. now held by A O I I Cathy Hirsch, 1
She is a member of the Nebraska Associated Student Body Vice-
Home Economics Association, the President. A pre-med major, Cathy Cathy Hirsch . . .
American Home Economics Associa- was recently elected to "Who's Who . . . Ole Miss Student Body VP
tion and Rho Lambda, a Greek hon- A t American Colleges and Universi-
orary society. She has served as re- ties" and Mortar Board.
cording secretary, treasurer and house
manager for her chapter of A O I I .
—Sue Strecker
"Louisiana's Little Extras" was
Alpha Omicron's homecoming theme
and although we didn't place this
year, we had a lot of f u n building
"Mike the Tiger," complete with a
Mardi Gras mask, beads and a
big cup of New Orleans coffee with
After homecoming, Alpha Omi-
MOREHEAD STATE Who Among Students at American varsity team. Julie Ausmus competed
Colleges and Universities."—Laura on the men's diving team and lettered
Lambda Chi Alpha Watermelon Roberts last year as a junior. Julie is now
Bust, Greek Week, the inauguration looking forward to another success-
of President Morris Norfleet and NORTHWEST MO. STATE ful season this year.—Sheila White
homecoming started off a busy fall
semester for Omega X i chapter. After av successful rush and an OREGON
exhausting homecoming, members of
Many of our sisters have received Lambda Omega chapter are now A surprise breakfast and a spa-
recognition for their academic ach- beaming with pride. We "captured" ghetti dinner helped "break the ice"
ievements. Fran Blaho, a sophomore not only a great pledge class but for new Alpha Sigma pledges this
majoring in art and political science, also two third places in the float and fall. The group also was quickly in-
was recently appointed a member of house decoration competitions. volved in chapter activities . . . by
the University Senate. Barbara being put in charge of the all-house
Finelli, a senior majoring in history Lambda Omega also has the dis- dance: theme—the 1940s, food—
and political science, will be serving tinction of having as an active mem- Italian.
as a legislative intern in Frankfort, ber the only woman ever to compete
Kentucky, this spring while the Ken- and letter on a NWMSU "men's" Before school became too hectic,
lucky General Assembly is in session.
Barbara was also recently elected
National President of the Cardinal
Key Honor Society.
Other activities in which our sisters
are involved include: Gamma Beta
Phi honor society, Phi Alpha Theta
history fraternity, Student National
Educators Association, Lambda
Sigma honor society, Young Demo-
crats, Sigma Alpha Iota music fra-
ternity, the Political Science Club,
Kappa Omicron Phi home economics
honor society and the Student Home
Economics Association.—Janis Huey
Theta Omega chapter started the HOMECOMING WINNERS—Both Theta Omega at Northern Arizona and
year off right, by winning first place
and the mayor's award for its home- Lambda Omega at Northwest Missouri State won honors during homecoming
coming float. The float, built with
Sigma Pi fraternity, featured the festivities. Theta Omega, top, won first place and the mayor's award, while
N A U theme "Under The Big Top"
to celebrate the opening of the Uni- Lambda Omega captured two third places.
versity's new domed stadium. Theta
Omega pledges then entered the
homecoming spirit contest and dis-
played the largest sign ever under the
new dome.
During Sigma Chi Derby Week, we
won the sorority spirit trophy for
the second year, while also taking
home two third places in the games.
The chapter also boasts a variety of
involved members: the Panhellenic
Secretary and Assistant Rush Chair-
man, two members of Cardinal Key,
three SPURS, a Circle K member, a
reporter and the sports editor for the
school newspaper are all AOIIs.
Members are also active in the
marching band and AFROTC. Three
sisters were nominated to "Who's
the entire chapter went on a retreat We spent a week working on our partner danced six hours to receive
to the coast, then treated Alpha Rho homecoming float, "A Toast to Vic- second place in the marathon.—
chapter at Oregon State to a wake- tory"; the togetherness was not only Kathy Finch
up breakfast during their rush week. a lot of fun but enabled us to get
It was a lot of fun and a good way to know our pledges better. We also WASHINGTON STATE
of getting to know our Oregon State won first place in the homecoming
sisters. pyramid building contest. Alpha Gamma was thrilled to re-
ceive the J W H Cup at Convention,
Other semester activities included To promote scholarship, each year and their enthusiasm continued to
a wake-up breakfast for Phi Kappa Tau Omicron sponsors Rosebowl, shine during rush. And when that
Psi fraternity, functions with other similar to the television game show new pledge class had a chance to
fraternities, a Halloween blind-date "College Bowl." Teams compete to display its own spirit and creativity
function, a surprise Halloween party answer questions on every subject at the Lambda Chi Alpha Water-
for the pledges, a Founders' Day imaginable. melon Bust, A O I I walked away
dinner, a Christmas party, Greek with first place in the skit compe-
Week of Giving and various phil- In other areas on campus, A O I I tition. ( A O I I also took second place
anthropic projects for arthritis re- is well represented. Our vice-presi- in the spirit contest during home-
search.—Linda Leff dent Pattye Johnson was elected coming. )
Greek Congressperson and will rep-
PURDUE resent Greek groups in the Stu- Individually, Alpha Gammas are
dent Government Association. Cathy also shining. Senior Ingrid Solberg
Phi Upsilon is alive and kicking Meredith and Kathy Chandler are has been selected to go on tour this
at Purdue! It was quite an honor members of our campus marching summer with "Up With People," a
to come back from Convention with drill team, the Pacerettes, and Andrea non-profit organization which spon-
two awards: a Scholarship Certificate Rogan is a member of the U T M sors performances and travel through-
and a Philanthropic Citation. At our Band Flag Corps. out the United States and abroad.
Scholarship Dinner, the Corporation Unity and friendship between people
Board awarded $25 checks to the As the semester neared its end, of every country and state are pro-
sister in each pledge class with the AOIIs kept right on shifting into moted not only through the per-
most improved grades for that se- high gear with several activities: our formances, but also through the cast
mester. What an incentive! Mothers' Club meeting, the fall social members themselves who stay in the
and our annual roadblock for the homes of host families during their
And, with 78 smiling faces back- Arthritis Foundation. Fall is definite- travels. Ingrid leaves in July to be-
ing her, our Philanthropic Chairman ly a busy time for Tau Omicron, but gin practice for a few weeks . . . then
Sue Veling presented a check for AOIIs are happiest when we're busy she's "on the road!"
$1912 to the Arthritis Foundation together.—Julie Clark
representative. Our Arthritis Pen WESTERN KENTUCKY
Sale, Singing Valentine phone greet- TOLEDO
ings and, most of all, our Submarine To begin with, quota was 19.
Sandwich Sale enabled us to receive Not every A O I I can attend Con- Alpha Chi was not only good enough
the philanthropic citation. On the day vention, but the sisters of Theta Psi during rush to get quota: we got 26
we make the subs, it's quite a sight to chapter don't feel a bit left out. A girls!!
see our dining room converted into mini-convention, modeled after the
an assembly line of meats, cheeses, international version in Scottsdale, Rush for us was a very busy time.
tomatoes and buns. gave those who couldn't attend a We had a new skit this year—Mickey
close-up look at what actually took and Minnie and the Wonderful
Roses to our Kathy Burkle on her place. Vice-President Marge Gfoeller World of A O I I Disneyland. A lot
second year as Purdue's Golden Girl. led the "convention," which included of work went into decorating the
This January, Kathy will be traveling an officers' workshop, chapter goal room, but there were elves, toy
to Venezuela to perform and later setting, songs and even party favors. soldiers and many other Disney
to Sweden to teach twirling (See characters there to help us out. Cin-
story, Page 23). Our fall pledge class has already derella, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle
distinguished itself, with president Dum, and Sleeping Beauty were all
Our housemother Doris Black- Cindy Skaff receiving two scholar- present in full costume. Another
wood (better known as Mother B ) , ships and vice-president Mary Jo theme done this year for the first
was recently honored at a tea com- Gfoeller being named to UT's Danc- time in several years was the
memorating her 10 years as house- ing Rockettes. Our treasurer Nancy Southern Belle Party. We had the
mother. We appreciate so much how Mawer began her fourth year this fall party at an alumna's private home
she's steered us straight through as a majorette in UT's Marching . . . all the girls wore Southern-style
thick and thin.—Mary Gilbert band. dresses and we sang many songs of
the Old South in the three-part
TENNESSEE (Martin) All the sisters became involved in harmony.
the United Way homecoming activi-
After reaching rush quota, Tau ties, which included a t-shirt sale, a Alpha Chi also received an award
Omicron joined in the annual home- blood drive and a dance marathon.
coming festivities with its usual zest. President Randi Warren and her
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For Computer Correction
for the group with the highest over- A O I I Sockhop, and the second an- University of Wisconsin decided it's
all G P A . Phi Delta Theta fraternity nual Alum Mum Luncheon. The never too early to start planning.
gave a tea in our honor and pre- initiated members of the chapter
sented us with a trophy commemo- had their own time for togetherness We sponsored a campus bridal
rating this honor. And to prove too, with a retreat on one sister's show this fall, complete with dis-
we've got "brawn" as well as "brain," farm. We feel activities like these plays by a card shop, bakery, pho-
we came in second in both softball enable us to have the strongest sister- tographer, jeweler, florist, beauty
and Powder Puff football. We also hood on campus!—Linda Cretella salon and candle manufacturer. A
won the Sportsmanship Award dur- men's formal-wear shop and a dress
ing the intramural softball season. WISCONSIN (Milwaukee) shop furnished the fashions, with
12 of our members participating in
Pledges have also gotten involved June may be the traditional month the modeling of the wedding and
in chapter activities through a slum- for weddings, but Phi Deltas at the evening dresses, hairstyles and
ber party, popcorn party, the annual flowers.—Cheryl Brittan
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Items ordered through National Headquarters Enclosed is my check or money order, made payable to the Alpha
Omicron Pi, in the amount of $ .
Please put quantity in box.
Code # Description Price ADDRESS.
$30.00 CITY
100/112/124 • Plain badge, bright finish A, 0 , 1 10K
101/117/125EZ]Chased A&TF, Crown pearl 0 , 1 0 K 50.00
602 • AOTTGreek letter recognition pin, Balclad . . 1.85 Mail to AOTT, 2401 Hillsboro Rd., Suite 103, Nashville, TN 3 7 2 1 2
L. J
r Items ordered directly from Balfour Company 3030 • Flaring shank ring with rose mounting, 10K 23.50 i!
3009 • Black onyx and pearl ring with rose mounting, 10K. 51.50
Please put quantity in box. 30.75
39 O Raised Greek letter ring, 10K
Code # Description Price
148* • Jeweled Mother's Club Pin, 10K Balclad is a gold electroplate finish.
15.75 On all orders for rings, be sure to include ring size. I I
603* • 50 year recognition pin, 10K
500* • Monogram double-faced charm, 10K Enclosed is my check or money order, made payable to the
808* • Chapter President's ring, 10K green gold Balfour Company, in the amount of $ Include appli-
"When ordering above jewelry directly from Balfour, be sure to cable sales tax of state to which delivery is to be made.
include your name and chapter so that Balfour can obtain national
headquarters approval of your order prior to shipping. | I Please send me Balfour's Blue Book, the industry's most y in
comprehensive catalog of quality Greek jewelry and accessories. gr.fi
No National approval necessary when ordering the following items: lis
Code # Description Price £. ™ O
26047B Greek letter lavaliere, 10K with gold-filled chain . . . $ 1 1 . 2 5 £"
0 Balclad with gold-filled chain 8.00 sl s
3a S
26055B Rose pendant, 10K with gold-filled chain 15.00 9 I TO
E3 Balclad with gold-filled chain 8.00
1004-B Rose link bracelet, Balclad 13.75 Mail to:
Balfour, Fraternity Division, 25 County St., Attleboro. MA 0 2 7 0 3
3037-B Deep cut Greek letter ring, 10K 31.00