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Published by Alpha Omicron Pi, 2015-09-22 14:01:01

2007 Fall - To Dragma

Vol. 71, No. 4

V O L . 72 N o . l ALL 2007







Departments Features

7 Viewpoint 10 Reflections from the Bottle
8 Fraternity News
18 Member Profile Casting light on the effects of alcohol on women.

Mary Daugherty Hartong, N u Omicron 20 Helicopter Parents
(Vanderbilt U)
Hovering parents have landed at a campus near you.
24 Life Loyal A O I I
37 2007-2008 A O I I Directory 26 Convention 2007
42 Foundation Focus
Reflections from Phoenix - A Convention journal.
Alcohol Education Adds U p
Donor Profile - Anne Buechlein Wilmes 56 The Chrysler and Us
Scholarships - Picture Yourself a Winner
Convention Commendations A charming 1930's road trip for four A O I I sisters.
The Perfect Pitch - A O I I Strike O u t Arthritis!
62 Chance Encounters
48 Collegiate News
58 Alumnae Chapter Profiles Sisters connect over and over, again, i n N e w Zealand.

Calgary Alumnae 68 Less Stress for the Holidays
Long Beach Alumnae
Tips to make the busy season more stress free.
64 From the A O I I Archives
66 Things We Love 71 A O I I Foundation Annual Report

The 2006-2007 Annual Report of Donors


ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 3

^-S N
l o Pragma( g \

To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi From the r ditor
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is: to inform, educate and Reflections.
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our I recently opened a letter f r o m the U of Alabama and noticed a shiny silver
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime car decal flutter to the floor. I found it odd that they had mailed me a
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a National A l u m n i Association car decal when I could not remember the last
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. time I paid my alumni dues. Once upon a time I had been an extremely
loyal alumnus, but as the years past and family obligations increased, my
How to Contact To Dragma: allegiance to my Alma mater slipped down my list of priorities. I didn't
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027 even realize it at first, but the little silver decal brought back a flood
(615) 370-0920 fax: (615) 371-9736 o f memories o f my collegiate days - the fall leaves falling on the quad,
[email protected] puddle slushing between classes in the rain, Denny Chimes ringing in the distance, even squeaky car horns playing "Yea, Alabama" bright and early
on Saturday mornings signifying it was football time in Tuscaloosa. I was
How to Update Your Name or Address: remembering things I had not thought o f i n ages, and I smiled. A few
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website nights later the phone rang and a young girl politely introduced herself
( or email your old and new address as a student at the university as she read f r o m her script, "Mrs. Sasseen,
to [email protected]. You may also call the AOII I want to thank you for your past loyalty to the university and ask i f you
HQ receptionist at (615) 370-0920. might consider..." She didn't even have to finish her sentence because I
interrupted her to say, "Yes, I'd like to rejoin." The shiny decal had done its
A Note to Parents of Collegians: j o b because it made me remember.
Your daughter's magazine is being mailed to her home
address while she is in college. If your daughter is no longer I guess I'd have to admit that is what we hope happens when To Dragma
in college or living at home, please send us her updated falls out of your mailbox. As you read about A O I I today, maybe something
address, as indicated above. in these pages w i l l cause you to reflect on what A O I I has meant to you
in the past and what it still means today. Everyone is not happy w i t h the
Managing Editor 7c> Dragma distribution changes that are coming. You don't care i f the
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) magazine is bigger or award w i n n i n g or anything else, as long as it just
keeps coming. We appreciate your frustrations and respect those opinions.
Assistant Editor But, that change is coming, nonetheless, and we still have a lot o f time to
Erin Burcham, Zeta (U of Nebraska - Lincoln) pause and reflect on our options. You can turn your back and walk away
or you can remain loyal. Life Loyal A O I I does not imply that you didn't use
Creative Director to be loyal, it just means you want to remain loyal. We would love to have
Rebecca Brown Davis, Delta Delta (Auburn U) everyone become a Life Loyal A O I I - that would be awesome.

Graphic Designer But Life Loyal A O I I is not the only option you have to continue to
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) receive all issues o f the magazine. Another is through an annual magazine
subscription of $25 that we w i l l begin offering next year. The last option
Alpha Omicron Pi is an international women's fraternity is even probably my favorite - j o i n your local alumnae chapter. Over 135
promoting friendship for a lifetime, inspiring academic cities across the US and Canada have A O I I alumnae chapters and there
excellence and lifelong learning, and developing leadership would be no better way to show your love and loyalty for A O I I than by
skills through service to the Fraternity and community. joining one. Talk about benefits - how about a chapter full of new friends!
Founded at Barnard College in New York City, January 2, The one benefit unique to all three options is your To Dragma w i l l keep
1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair Mullan, Stella coming. I know my Alabama alumni magazine, which they stopped
George Stern Perry & Elizabeth Heywood Wyman. mailing to me years ago, w i l l once again show up in my mailbox. N o w
that I think about it - I look forward to that, too! Reflections.
International President
Susan Danko, Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) Regards,
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
Executive Director Managing 1-ditor
Melanie Nixon Lampertz, Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia) Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)

Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic ISSUE NO. 1 • FAU. 2007
Conference and the College Fraternity Editors Association.



MAGAZINE CRITIQUE been for my family and me. I efforts to provide a significant that I do. What you are doing
am still hearing from A O I I amount of quality information by charging another fee for To
Our brand new Alpha about individuals, chapters and
O m i c r o n Pi magazine is sisters f r o m years past. A l l o f your fine organization to your Dragma, something that was
wonderful! M y husband has us thank you for printing the promised as life long, is pretty
commented to me three times article i n such a fabulous way. constituents. A l l best wishes close to lying, not at all sisterly,
now: "You must have every as you continue to "exceed the
word memorized, you've I'll always be grateful I am and extremely unloving.
read it so much!" I couldn't an ' A O Cutie, Cutie Pi," a expectations" of your friends You are breaking the faith o f
seem to stop reading all o f song I still remember singing in the Greek community.
the interesting articles. Even at a convention in Roanoke, the sisterhood. I f this new
the crossword puzzle was Fraternally, policy is not rescinded, I w i l l
f u n . It was Barbara Penland- Virginia, many years ago. Tom Olver be breaking the ties w i t h To
Maun, President o f the North (Beta Theta Pi)
Orange County Alumnae - Mary Gazzolo Koenig President, College Fraternity Dragma and hence A O I I . I
Chapter, that suggested I write Editor's Association w i l l not be "renewing" my
about my trip down Memory DEAR MARIELLEN "one time fee," nor continuing
Lane (Summer 2007 issue) BROKEN PROMISES
and forward it to you. What A belated congratulations on a my yearly donations.
a thrill the publication has truly remarkable summer 2007 Breaking promises is
something that I do not do. Broken Roses,
edition o f To Dmgma. You all Keeping the faith is something Claudine Fisher Lynch,
continue to be a leader i n our
Sigma 1960
industry and I applaud your

A Change is Coming - To Dragma Distribution Information

To Dragma will continue to be mailed to all collegiate members. Alumnae who join Life Loyal AOII, pay Alumnae Chapter Dues or
subscribe annually will also continue to receive the magazine. Beginning with the Fall 2008 issue, alumnae members not in one of
those groups will experience a reduction in the number of issues based on the schedule illustrated below. Detailed information on
each of the options is available under the To Dragma section of the AOII website.

Timeline for 1 3i* A n To^gma
Collegiate To Pragma To Pragma
Life Loyal AOII
Dues Paying
Alumnae Chapter
and Annual

3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year 3 issues per year

Timeline for TO ^
anyone not
in one of the
above groups

3 issues per year 2 issues per year 1 issue per year Access To Dragma feature
Fall 2 0 0 8 - S u m m e r 2010 Fall 2010-Summer2012 stories via AOII website
Schedule Through Summer 2008
Fall 2012 and forward
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007


It's been a magical summer. Even before the Harry Potter mania erupted in July, over 600 A O I I
attendees had already experienced many magical moments during our International Convention
in Phoenix, Arizona last June. As we joined hands to sing the Epsilon Chapter song at the
conclusion o f an inspiring Rose Banquet, it occurred to me that AOII's magical ingredient is our
sisterhood. It's revealed i n each laugh, each conversation, each smile and each hug.

The Oxford American Dictionary defines magic as a quality that makes something seem removed
f r o m everyday life, especially i n a way that gives delight, (i.e. The Magic o f AOII.) Well, maybe
I added the last part for effect, but what a wonderful way to think o f our sisterhood. Some o f the
best magical moments I can remember from my collegiate years can be credited to A O I I . For
those who have stayed involved as alumnae, you know that these magical moments continue.

D o you believe in magic? I f not, there are lots o f reasons found i n A O I I that should change
your mind!

A t convention, I am thrilled to say we rolled out the updated Rituals Book, Book o f Rituals
Instructions and a new Ritual Educational Manual for collegiate and alumnae members. After
several years i n progress, this has been a large accomplishment for A O I I . Because o f the
dedicated efforts o f the Rituals, Traditions andjewelry Committee, chaired by Past International
President, Ginger Banks, these publications have come to life and are providing instruction and
insight o f our R i t u a l to thousands o f members i n the United States and Canada.

I f the whimsical feeling o f our Ritual isn't enough, the thousands o f r-.
new members that we have gained over the past few months should
help everyone see the magic o f our sisterhood! One o f the most
memorable moments for all AOIIs is the experience o f meeting their
sisters for the first time after accepting their bid. We are so proud o f our
collegiate chapters for all o f their hard w o r k during recruitment and are
continually enchanted by their dedication to the future of A O I I .

As we move into the most magical season o f all, I hope that you'll keep
the same spirit o f fraternity and love that we share as an organization o f
servant leaders.

A l l is well i n the world o f A O I I !

W i t h Fraternal Love,

Susan Danko, International President

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 7


NEW ALUMNAE CHAPTERS INSTALLED O n August 24 and 25, Alpha Omicron Pi was honored to host

Tile Alumnae Department is thrilled to announce the the first ever alumnae summit, "Greek for Life — Connecting
following Alumnae Chapter installations:
•The Richmond Area Alumnae Chapter in Richmond,VA through the Alumnae Experience." A O I I welcomed 67
was installed on August 6,2007. Linda Collier, PIP, was the
Installing Officer and Jennifer Arthur was elected Alumnae attendees from all 26 N P C organizations to our Headquarters
Chapter President.
in Brentwood.Tennessee. Dan Shaver, President of Affinity

Marketing and Kathy Jensen,AOII Vice President o f Alumnae,

served as the facilitators for the weekend.

The meeting was an exciting opportunity

for organizations to learn best practices as

well as network with one another. It also

provided an open forum for organizations

to talk about the challenges we all face

when working with alumnae. G R E E K F O R LIFE:

• The Chicago N o r t h Shore Alumnae Chapter was installed EXTENSION NEWS
on September 8,2007. Linda Grandolfo.Vice President o f
Collegians, was the Installing Officer and Elizabeth Marcus was A O I I is pleased to announce that we will recolonize the
elected Alumnae Chapter President. R h o Beta Chapter (Virginia Commonwealth U),and
colonize a new chapter at Columbus State University
during October o f this year. RJio Beta was the 149th
installed chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and
was closed in May 1995. The reestablished chapter
will j o i n five other N P C organizations on the campus
of the Richmond,Virginia university. Alpha Omicron
Pi will also be the third N P C group to j o i n the Greek
system at Columbus State University. The decision from
the Panhellenic system at Columbus State to open the
campus for extension was made in order to permit a
local chapter. Alpha Delta Omega, to affiliate w i t h an
NPC' group. Alpha Delta Omega has 19 members and
was founded in 2003. If you are interested in assisting
or serving in an adviser capacity to either colony, please
contact Julie Anne Walter [email protected].

8 • To DRAG MA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007

Under the new AOII communication initiatives, the Fraternity w i l l
Looking for the perfect gift for the woman
who has everything? Consider making a gift to provide a virtual media k i t for one service project each year. This year,
the A O I I Foundation in honor o f a sister as a an international Panda Drive was chosen to be held for participating
Holiday gift to her this year. This is a purposeful collegiate and alumnae chapters. The virtual media kit for the Panda
way to show her you care. She will receive a
card notifying her of your gift. Honor gifts w i l l Project is available on the "Graphics" portion of the
also be listed quarterly on the Foundation s web
site. Another idea - purchase the Foundations M y AOII website. Chapter members w i l l find a
newest Limoges. Contact the Foundation
(615) 370-0920 for more information on these Panda Project Manual, as well as design templates
unique Holiday gift ideas. for promotional materials which w i l l help them to
carry-out their individual events effectively. Though
SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS it is not mandatory, we encourage everyone to take
DEADLINE advantage o f the new tools offered through this project.
For more information, please contact Courtney Dillard at cdillard@
The deadline for submitting scholarship
applications to the A O I I Foundation is March
1,2008.Visit for CHAPTER CLOSURE
information and to download an application.
W i t h sadness we announce that the Executive Board has voted to accept
NEW SCHOLARSHIPS the decision o f the Chi Delta Chapter ( U o f Colorado) to withdraw their
charter as o f September 20,2007. Clara Tomsula, the Chi Delta Chapter
The A O I I Foundation will award the Iota Adviser, will be the closing officer.
Sigma Chapter Scholarship and the Carole
Jurenko Jones Honor Scholarship for the first W I T H APPRECIATION
time at Leadership Institute 2008.The Omega
Chapter Scholarship has also been endowed and To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi recently received an impressive compliment
may be awarded this year. from Quebecor World Midland, our printer in Midland, Michigan who also
happens to be one of the largest printers in the United States. Out of more
PLANNED GIVING than 450 magazine titles that Quebecor Midland prints, their staff selected
7c) Dragma as one of their best, and has featured us in the display case i n the
I f you are interested in leaving a planned gift main lobby of the plant. Michael Moxley and Susan Casalini of Maury
to the A O I I Foundation, please consider this Boyd & Associates, our printers representatives in Indianapolis, share our
sample wording in your documentation: pride. As Susan states, "Mike and I were so excited when we saw this! The
Greek organizations don't usually get this kind of respect against all the fancy
I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Alpha newsstand magazines!" It is gratifying to be recognized by an industry leader
Omicron Pi Foundation, a Tennessee non- such as Quebecor World Midland. In turn. Alpha Omicron Pi openly
profit corporation located at 5390Virginia salutes Maury Boyd & Associates and Quebecor World Midland for the key
Way, Brentwood,TN 37027, (either... the sum roles they play in producing 77) Dragma.
of S , or... percent of my estate, or.. .the
remainder of my estate when other bequests Quebecor World
have been paid).

Please notify the Foundation of your gift so we
can properly thank you for leaving your legacy
of sisterhood, 615-370-0920.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FAU. 2007 To DRAGMA • 9


from the Bottle

A t 16 , Susan was the life o f the party.
Attractive, charming and outgoing - she was the
girl everyone loved to be around. There was no
harm in sneaking a few beers w i t h friends when
her parents weren't around - it was f u n . She was
a good girl who just liked to have a good time
- and alcohol was part o f the f u n .

B y 2 1 , drinking was a regular part o f her
college life and now that she was "legal,"
things were more simple. During her first
three collegiate years, underage drinking was a
challenge, but those w i t h a w i l l and a way knew
how. She loved college life and by her 21st
birthday, Susan was well on her way to loving
alcohol. She made a conscious effort early on to
learn what her d r i n k i n g l i m i t was because she
never wanted to be one o f "those" girls who
couldn't hold her alcohol. Those were the girls
who went too far and ended up in some public
bathroom puking their insides out - disgusting.
After all, this was all about having f u n - not
getting sick. Friends labeled her as a girl w h o
could handle her liquor as well as any guy-
and to Susan that was a real compliment!

A t 26 , she was still the life o f every party.
Single and dating, Susan's life centered around
her career and her friends. Several nights a week
after work, she'd go out w i t h friends for happy
hour. She could meet the girls for cocktails one
night and j o i n the guys for beer and the game
the next. Hostesses, waitresses and bartenders

(continued on page 13)

ISSUE NO. 1 • FAIJL 2 0 0 7

Changing Consequences Did you know that drinking alcohol f.'
affects women differently from men?
Social pressures and risks related to the abuse of alcohol
change as a w o m a n ages. Understanding all the risks Being aware of what those differences are could save
and realities can help women who choose to drink, do a life. For w o m e n , t h e g o o d news is fewer w o m e n than
so more responsibly. m e n drink. T h e b a d news is w o m e n can g e t d r u n k faster,
become addicted sooner, develop alcohol-related
Adolescence problems quicker, and often die younger than men with
similar drinking problems.
The law says that drinking under age 21 is illegal in every
state, but the reality is that adolescent girls d o drink. Girls And the bad news keeps coming. A m o n g heavy drinkers,
today are four times more likely to be drinking by the age of female alcoholics have death rates 50 to 100 percent higher
16 than their mothers. A recent survey revealed that 4 1 % of than male alcoholics, including deaths from alcohol-related
9th grade girls (14-year-olds) reported drinking in the past accidents, heart disease, stroke, liver cirrhosis, and even
month with 20% of those having had 5 or more drinks on suicide. With liver disease alone, w o m e n tend to develop
a single occasion. Teenagers claim they are most likely to p r o b l e m s 10 t o 15 years earlier than m e n , even if w o m e n
drink alcohol to have a g o o d time, to experiment, or to relax. consume only a fraction of the daily alcohol that men do.
Young p e o p l e w h o begin drinking before age 15 have a 4 0 % Another alarming study showed that 40% of alcoholic
higher risk of abusing alcohol some time in their lives than women attempted suicide, compared to only 8.8% of
those who wait until after age 21. non-alcoholic women. To make matters even worse,
treatment of alcohol abuse in w o m e n lags behind that for
Peer pressure plays a large role in whether a teenager drinks men. Experts believe women face a greater social stigma
or not. Research has shown that girls often begin drinking and are thus less likely to seek help. A n d until recently, most
not to impress boys, but to endear themselves to other girls. studies have been conducted on males rather than on the
In a 2001 study, 1,000 sixth-grade girls were f o u n d to be more complex female anatomy.
twice as likely as boys t o succumb to peer pressure to drink.
While boys at that age tend to move among social groups, After drinking a given amount of alcohol adjusted
girls already had formed powerful cliques. Fortunately, g o o d according to body weight, women have higher blood
parenting has a role in the process, too. Teens who grow up alcohol levels than men. Why? A woman's higher body fat
with supportive parents who talk openly with their children ratio, changes in alcohol absorption rate due to a menstrual
about alcohol are less likely to drink than their peers. cycle, and difference between men and women in the
amount of gastric alcohol dehydrogenase (the stomach
One of the significant consequences at this age involves the enzyme that breaks down alcohol) contribute to these
dangers of drinking and driving - one of the leading causes differences. W o m e n tend to become alcoholic more easily
of teen death. Additionally, drinking makes young women and experience medical complications more quickly than
more vulnerable to sexual assault and unsafe and unplanned men - even when they drink less.
sex. Just as young w o m e n are starting t o date, adding
alcohol to the mix only makes their ability to make rational V
decisions more difficult, and sometimes impossible.


Mocktails - Offerinq a Choice

People generally drink for one, or more, of six reasons; to quench thirst, to enjoy social drinking, t o
enjoy t h e taste of the beverage, t o f e e d an a d d i c t i o n , as part of a religious or traditional ceremony,
or t o g e t drunk (binge drinking). W i t h social drinking, if your intention is merely t o enjoy t h e occasion,
you rarely set out to become drunk.

G o o d hostesses should understand that s o m e guests will want to drink less than others, or maybe not
at all, and should always provide a variety of non-alcoholic beverages. Sodas and water are easy and
advisable, b u t it's n o t always c o m f o r t a b l e drinking a c a n n e d soda w h e n everyone else is s i p p i n g
from a wine glass. When hosting your next social gathering, why not offer a tempting choice
that will make everyone feel at ease by serving one of these stylish fruity concoctions.

1 cup fresh pineapple, cubed 2 rosehip-and-hibiscus tea bags
1/2 c u p cream of c o c o n u t 1-6oz frozen limeade concentrate,
1/4 c u p c o c o n u t s o r b e t
1/4 c u p t o a s t e d c o c o n u t thawed
3 cups Sierra Mist Cranberry Soda
In a blender, c o m b i n e 2 cups
ice with pineapple, cream of Fruit garnish
coconut, and coconut sorbet.
Blend mixture 1 minute. Fill o n e Place tea bags in a glass mea-
small shallow bowl with water and suring cup and fill with 2 cups
another with toasted coconut. boiling water. Steep 5 minutes
Dip rims of 6 glasses in water and discard bags. Cool. Prepare
then in coconut. Divide mixture limeade concentrate according
evenly among glasses. Serve with to package directions, replacing
fresh fruit garnish and a paper water with 3 cups soda. Stir in the
u m b r e l l a . (6 servings) tea and chill. Serve over ice with
fresh fruit g a r n i s h . (6 servings)

1/2 c u p frozen cherry juice 1/4 c u p o r a n g e juice, chilled
2Tbsp sugar
concentrate, thawed 1 orange, sliced
1/2 c u p g i n g e r ale 1 kiwifruit, peeled and cut

Pour cherry concentrate in a glass. into wedges
Slowly stir in ginger ale. Garnish 1 cup watermelon balls
with a s t e m m e d cherry. (1 serving) 1 cup cantaloupe, cubed
1 cup pineapple chunks
2 (750 mm) bottles sparkling

pear juice

In a bowl, c o m b i n e orange juice
and sugar. In a separate b o w l ,
combine all fruit and drizzle with
juice mixture. A d d sparkling
pear juice, cover and chill 2 hours.
Serves beautifully out of a punch
b o w l . (10 servings)

12 • T o DRAGMA

Reflections Young and Middle Adulthood

from the Bottle Young w o m e n in their early 20s to mid-30s are
more likely to drink than older women. O n college
at her favorite hangouts greeted her by name. campuses, assaults, unwanted sexual advances,
D r i n k i n g had become easy. Beer went d o w n and unsafe sex continue to be more common
like water and first date jitters were best settled among students who drink heavily on occasion
over cocktails. She rarely kept track o f her limit (four drinks or more for women). Campuses are
anymore because she never had any problems. reporting alarming numbers of females with
She could drink a lot and never feel a thing. alcohol levels far higher than average males being
She liked the attention she received because treated in emergency rooms for alcohol poisoning.
she could "hold her o w n " w i t h the guys, while The associate dean of students at one major
other girls sipped their fruity mixed drinks. university says, "Our w o m e n are drinking one for
Overreacting friends sometimes tried to tell her one with men, but they're coming in much more
she might have had a few too many drinks, but damaged. We're seeing a real role shift going on
they did not understand how well she could here." A t all ages, drinking t o excess by a w o m a n
handle her liquor. makes it more likely that she will be a target of
violent or sexual assault.
B y 35 , Susan had met and married the man
of her dreams. He shared her love o f a good The ability " t o drink like a m a n " is a label m o r e
time so they regularly socialized w i t h other and more w o m e n seem to be earning, but it
married couples at trendy restaurants and friends' should be a red flag. Research has shown that
homes. Their core group of friends were loyal, drinkers who are able to handle a lot of alcohol
but some old friends never called anymore. all at once are at higher - not lower - risk of
She didn't k n o w why they lost touch, but they developing alcohol problems.
weren't much f u n anymore anyway. Susan now
had two young children, a home and a career Stress is a c o m m o n t h e m e a n d c o m e s into play
to manage. Although life was pretty good most at this time in a woman's life. Research confirms
days, it was more stressful than ever as demands t h a t o n e of t h e reasons p e o p l e drink is t o help
on her time and energy seemed to increase them cope with stress. Ironically, heavy drinking
daily. Since those great nights' out were harder causes even more stress in a j o b and family.
to arrange, Susan made sure they counted by Depression is closely related, a n d w o m e n w h o
partying harder and staying out later. She would drink at home alone are more likely than others
regularly call i n sick to work and sleep until to develop drinking problems. Research shows
noon because it was getting harder to recover that women who have trouble with their closest
f r o m a hard night o f partying. Susan now knew relationships tend to drink more than other
she didn't have to go out to drink. W i t h her women and women whose husbands drink
hectic life, it was easier to just stay home. A heavily also tend to drink more.
drink after work, with dinner, after the kids
were asleep helped ease some o f her mounting Drinking poses a significant risk to pregnant w o m e n
stress. It still amazed her how well she could and their unborn children. Fetal alcohol syndrome is
handle her liquor. a far too c o m m o n set of birth defects that includes
growth and mental impairment. In addition t o these
(continued on page 14) years being child-bearing years, a woman begins
to experience some of the long-term health issues
• NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 related to heavy drinking - liver, heart, and brain
disease, as well as cancer.

What is a standard drink? Reflections

• One 12-ounce bottle of beer or wine cooler from the Bottle
• One 5-ounce glass of wine
• 1.5 o u n c e s o f 8 0 - p r o o f d i s t i l l e d spirits A t 47, it was really alcohol, not people, that
(Note: the alcohol content of different types of offered Susan the best company. It was much
beer, wine, and distilled spirits can vary quite
substantially). easier and pleasurable to drink in the privacy o f
her own home, than out w i t h a group. Besides,
What is moderate drinking? when she went out, she would not dare to drink

For a w o m a n , consuming less than seven as much as she would like for fear o f someone
drinks a week or less than 3 drinks in any making one o f "those" comments. People spied
s i n g l e d a y is c o n s i d e r e d w i t h i n t h e D i e t a r y
Guidelines for moderate drinking. Recent on her - and they nagged. Susan thought she
studies have shown there are several health still looked good for a woman o f her age, when
benefits from moderate levels of alcohol use.
Understanding when moderate drinking ends she made the effort, and was tired o f hearing
a n d w h e n a b u s i v e d r i n k i n g s t a r t s is crucial t o others imply otherwise. So what i f she looked a
understanding the risks. little sloppy now and then? Her so-called friends,
her husband, even her kids made up stuff about
Even moderate drinking is risky. her. She was just a little depressed, and often felt

The chances of being killed in a single-vehicle r u n down, that's all. A few drinks were easier
crash are increased at a b l o o d alcohol level that a than taking an antidepressant. Alcohol made her
140—lb. w o m a n w o u l d normally reach after having
just one drink feel better, her friends and family made her feel
on an empty stomach. worse, so the bottle became her best friend. She
• M o r e than 150 medications interact harmfully
with alcohol including many learned a few years earlier that it was easier to
cough and cold medications. hide a bottle around the house than to listen to
• Research suggests that, in some w o m e n ,
as little as o n e drink per day can slightly someone lecture her like a child.
raise the risk of breast cancer.
• Drinking by women who are pregnant B y 54 , life was no longer a party. Years o f
can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. hard drinking had taken it's toll on her health,
• Additionally, moderate drinking can lead her appearance, and most o f her relationships.
to alcohol abuse. Even w o m e n who
drink less than seven drinks a week are O n some level Susan knew it, wanted to
at increased risk of developing alcohol change, but there was nothing she could do
abuse or d e p e n d e n c e if they occasionally about it. She believed that it was easier to lie
have four or more drinks on any given day. about the d r i n k i n g than tell the truth because
no one understood. She dreaded the yearly
To DRAGMA lecture f r o m her doctor and his insinuations that
she was abusing alcohol. There always seemed
to be tension and arguments at every family

(continued on page 17)

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

Older Women

Aging seems to reduce the body's ability to adapt
to alcohol. Due t o an age-related decrease in the
amount of water in the body t o disperse alcohol,
older adults reach higher blood levels of alcohol
even when drinking the same amount as younger
people, and feel some of the effects of alcohol
more quickly.

Alcohol problems among older persons are often
misdiagnosed. Loved ones need to know that
alcohol may be the cause of problems assumed to
result from age. These include depression, sleeping
problems, heart failure, and frequent falls. Elderly
patients are now admitted to hospitals about as
often for alcohol-related causes as they are for
heart attacks. They are more susceptible to falls
and fractures, not because they are "falling down
drunk," but because alcohol can weaken muscles
and damage nerves.

Drinking can often make older w o m e n feel like
eating less. Alcohol also blocks the body's ability
to absorb and use vitamins. Both issues can lead to
poor nutrition, which puts the body under stress.

More than any other group, older women use
medications that can affect mood and thought
and can interact with alcohol in harmful ways.
These include medications such as those for
anxiety and depression.

Research suggests that it may be more common in
women than men for alcohol problems to develop
late in life. Unfortunately, older women are especially
sensitive t o the stigma of being alcoholic and less
likely to admit they have a problem. For successful
rehab, women with shorter histories of problem
drinking d o better in treatment than those with
longer-term drinking problems.

ss M.

The Consequences of Alcohol ABUSE

The health effects of alco- Heart disease: Chronic How to Get Support
hol abuse and alcoholism heavy drinking is a leading for A Loved One
are serious. Studies have cause of cardiovascular dis-
found that more women ease. A m o n g heavy drink- You are not alone. Most communities
than men are more prone ers, men and women have offer the following support groups:
to several health dangers similar rates of alcohol-re- • Al-Anon - A s u p p o r t g r o u p for
including alcohol-related lated heart disease, even spouses and other adults in an
organ damage. Health though many women drink alcoholic's life.
problems include: less alcohol over a lifetime • Alateen - O f f e r s s u p p o r t for children
than men. and teenagers of an alcoholic
Alcoholic liver disease: • Call T h e Center for Substance
Women develop alcoholic Osteoporosis: This is a Abuse Treatment at 1-800-662-HELP
liver disease more quickly skeletal disease in which for information about treatment
and after drinking less alco- the bones become brittle programs in your local community.
hol than men. Women are and fragile from loss of
also more likely than men to tissue. Studies have shown References:
develop alcoholic hepatitis that heavy alcohol use
and to die from cirrhosis. decreases bone density
and increases the risk of
Brain disease: Most alco- osteoporosis.
holics have some loss of ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7
mental function, reduced Psychiatric Disorders
brain size, and changes in All psychiatric diagnoses
the function of brain cells. are more c o m m o n in alco-
Women appear to be at a hol-abusing w o m e n than in
greater risk for Alzheimer's non alcohol-abusing wom-
disease than men. Research en or alcohol-abusing men.
suggests that women are Depression and suicide
also more vulnerable than rates are high, paranoia is
men to alcohol-induced prevalent and anorexia and
brain damage. bulimia are more common
in alcoholic w o m e n .
Cancer: Many studies
report that heavy drink- Assault: Drinking also
ing increases the risk of increases the risk that a
breast cancer. Alcohol is woman will be assaulted
also linked to cancers of the physically or sexually.
head and neck (the risk is
especially high in smokers
who also drink heavily) and
the digestive tract.

l o DRA<

-: 1


f r o m the Bottle

gathering. It was frustrating how everyone she
loved was out to get her. Her marriage was

rocky and her two children rarely called except
to lecture her about getting help. She couldn't
just check into a rehab facility because her
friends would talk about her i f they knew
she had a d r i n k i n g problem.

A t 58, her death certificate listed "cirrhosis
o f the liver" as the cause o f death - one o f the
many dangers her doctors had warned her about
for years. The last couple years o f her life had

been enormously challenging as she finally
acknowledged that she was an alcoholic and
began to try to fight the disease that was k i l l i n g
her. Each rehab checkout brought new hope
to her and her anxious family, but hope was
usually dashed w i t h i n weeks o f her departure.
She wanted to stop, but neither her body nor her
mind was up for the fight. Ultimately, her urge
to drink was as strong as her hunger for food.
D u r i n g her last few months, Susan learned,
slowly and painfully, how tragically the abuse o f
alcohol can affect women. She didn't understand
how she ended up this way. She had always
been the girl who just liked to have a good time

- and alcohol was part o f the fun.

by Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen,
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama), Managing Editor

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7


Miles from Ordinary

"No Mary Daugherty Hartong, N u Omicron (Vanderbilt one o f w h o m was still very small at the time, Mary
matter our U ) does not call herself a runner. There are much found it hard to find time to get in her long runs.
backgrounds, stronger athletes out there who w i n races, and are hard Often times they would take four or five hours
we come to on themselves when they can't beat the clock, or don't out of her day and they were getting impossible to
peace on end up with a gold medal around their neck. Those schedule around her already busy routine, so half
the track, people, are runners. Mary, despite not being a runner, way through her training Mary quit. Quitting gave
a n d t h e r e is has completed nine marathons and has even traveled her a feeling worse than any blister or sore muscle
something to overseas to race with athletes from around the world. ever would. Mary never wanted to feel that way
be said She laces up her shoes six times a week, puts in thirty again, so she recommitted herself to the goal, signed
about that." to forty miles ot pavement time and participates in a up for a marathon in Washington B.C., and hit the
track workout to increase her speed and agility. It is sidewalks once again.
safe to say that by anyone else's definition, Mary is a
runner, and a very dedicated one at that. The Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C.
was Mary's first marathon. D u r i n g the race, Mary
Perhaps it is because she didn't start out w i t h a love felt great. She remembers at mile 17 thinking " I
for running, that it is hard for her to identify herself could run forever." Then mile 2 2 came, and Mary
as a runner. Mary, who has always been athletic, "hit a wall," or runner's lingo for her breaking
enjoyed sports, but did not start running until she point. " I can't make it," she thought. Somehow
was in her late thirties. R u n n i n g was boring, and Mary said she "dug deep inside" and found the
she would much rather play tennis than go for a jog. energy to finish the race. The feeling she felt when
Then one day her friend needed a running partner. she crossed the finish line was greater than any
"Me?" Mary had asked her, "You want me to train pain she had endured during the race. Completing
with you for a marathon?" Not very confident that that marathon changed Mary's life, and began her
she could run a mile, let alone 26.2 miles (a f u l l "positive addiction," she says.
marathon), Mary set out to run three miles. She
completed her run, and committed to training for Running helped Mary "find herself," she says. As
the upcoming Chicago Marathon. She joined a she grew older, so much o f her time had been
running group and started building up mileage in devoted to other people and projects. She had given
anticipation for the marathon, but time was Mary's up many of her activities, and had lost time for
largest road block. The mother of three daughters. herself. R u n n i n g was something for just her, and no
one could take that away f r o m Mary. "As a woman,
you have to preserve yourself," she says. "Running
does that by improving your self esteem, fitness, and
mental toughness. I am a better mother because I
have my o w n hobbies and my own outlets."

Today, Mary is training for her tenth marathon.
She w i l l r u n the N e w York Marathon i n November
for the third time. Mary's collection of finisher
medals are f r o m marathons in Chicago, London,
Athens, and the Country Music Marathon in
Nashville, T N , where she resides.

Mary meets a fellow American while competing in the London Marathon. Mary's aunt. Liz Ramsey, also an A O I I , has been
one of her biggest fans. W h e n Liz's three boys were
18 • To DRAGMA grown and out o f the house, she found she had time
on her hands. Her friends encouraged her to take
up bridge or j o i n the gardening club. Instead, Liz
took up running. When Mary started running,
Liz was always excited to talk mileage and distance.
When her aunt Liz needed knee surgery due to

ISSUF.NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

ALPHA at the site Want to Be
of the town of a Runner?
Marathon, Greece, to
Athens in 4 9 0 B . C . It is also Take these Steps!
the same course that was used in
the 2 0 0 4 Olympics in Greece. A path that *Be part of a Team:
starts out with the first 2 0 miles uphill, Mary Join a Running Club in
knew it was going to be difficult. A t the time, she your area by visiting the
was facing some personal challenges and this race Road Runners Club of
gave her the confidence to believe she would come America at
out on top. " I t was amazing," Mary said. " I was
running two hundred yards away f r o m the Olympic *Get Moving:
Stadium. Then, I looked to my right and 1 saw the has
5arthenon." As she ran into the Athens Stadium a "Couch to 5K" program
towards the finish line, Mary was humbled. " I
couldn't believe there I was, mother of three from designed for people who
Nashville, T N , and / was running the same route as want to start running.
Olympians. I realized there is nothing I can't do."
*Find a Finish Line:
Running the Athens Marathon gave Mary a feeling of M a r y says that running is a great way to meet provides
accomplishment she had not experienced before. people, while doing something good for yourself.
Anyone can be a runner, no matter your current information on races in
years of running with old shoes, she asked Mary i f athletic level. She never could have imagined your city as well as several
she would complete one of her dreams tor her. Liz that she would be the finisher of nine marathons,
had always wanted to run the London Marathon, when she went for that first run around her different sporting events
and asked i f she successfully came out of the surgery neighborhood. R u n n i n g is something that anyone and leagues in your area.
i f Mary would enter the race. She did, and Mary can pick up with proper training, because you are
soon had a race number and a ticket overseas. In only competing against yourself. Whether you are *Stay Addicted:
her American flag shirt and matching shorts, M a r y wanting to train for a marathon, go for a jog around
ran the streets o f London. Proud of their country, your neighborhood, or participate in your chapter's will give you everything
and proud of her niece, Liz cheered on Mary R u n For the Roses race, you can individualize from personalized training
throughout the entire race, and traveled to several your program to fit your needs. One thing that
different spots along the route to take pictures. Mary stresses is that it is much easier w i t h a running programs, nutrition
partner. " K n o w i n g she is waiting for me each information, race calendars,
Running a race in a different country was very morning makes me make the commitment to get
emotional for Mary. There were so many runners up and j o i n her," Mary says. She also suggests the injury prevention, and tips
from many different parts o f the world all uniting book Running Until 100, by Jeff Galloway who from the pros including
together for the same event. Even i f the runner helped train Americans for the Athens Marathon. It Jeff Galloway.
beside her could not speak her language, each focuses on a run-walk program that w i l l keep your
participant had an understanding for each other, and joints healthy and is less stress on the body. by Erin Burcham,
a shared passion for the same sport. " N o matter our Zeta (U of Nebraska-Lincoln),
backgrounds, we come to peace on the track, and 4:23 is Mary's marathon personal record. When Assistant Editor
there is something to be said about that," Mary says. asked which race it was, she could not remember
o f f the top of her head, which is testament to her To DRAGMA • V)
Last November. Mary flew overseas once again to character as a runner. To Mary, the race is not
run in the Athens Marathon i n Greece. The route about the clock. The seconds on the stopwatch do
is the original course of the very first marathon, not define her true measurements. What matters
run by the soldier Pheidippides from a battlefield much more than the time it takes to finish the race,
is the time spent doing something you love, just for
you, i n your o w n way, at your o w n pace.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

by Erin Burcham, 1
Zeta, (U of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Assistant Editor ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7


Ahh, the first day of school. What an exciting time it was. Dad
bought you a new backpack full of number 2 pencils and spiral
notebooks. Mom helped you pick out your outfit, complete with
matching headband, took your picture, and held your hand as she
walked you to class. Having her there made you feel safe. She
introduced you to your teacher, kissed you goodbye, and promised
she would be back to pick you up as soon as the bell rang.

Then, she marched into the office of the Dean of Admissions and
demanded to know why you didn't receive the scholarship you
applied for over the summer.

We're not talking about Kindergarten, we're Instances like these, are actually happening.
talking about an invasion that is o c c u r r i n g The helicopter is ready for take o f f and landing
across college campuses. Put on your goggles at any sign o f distress, and no issue is too small
and step back f r o m the landing zone, because for the aircraft to handle.
the Helicopter Parents have arrived.
Helicopter children are classified i n the
A term used more and more frequently since generation o f people b o r n between the 1980s
the year 2000, "Helicopter Parents" refers to the and 2000. Born to baby boomer parents,
group of millenial parents that remain overly this generation o f individuals has been the
involved i n their children's lives as they enter most "protected" group to walk the suburban
and continue through adulthood. Beyond streets. These children grew up as the w o r l d
looking out for their children's best interests, was becoming more dangerous and products
helicopter parents are taking it to the next level were getting safer. Parents o f these children
and choosing their children's classes, calling were constantly reminded to keep their kids
professors, involving themselves i n roommate safe by purchasing bike helmets, baby gates, and
disputes, and frequently visiting campus to elbow pads. Parents attended "neighborhood
ensure their children are safe. They earn their watch" meetings and stayed informed on toy
name by "hovering" over their children and recalls. The millenial generation was the first
their daily activities. to go to bed at night w i t h a baby m o n i t o r next
to their crib, the first to grow up with personal
"Don't forget to buy your text books today," a computers, and the first to have cell phones.
text message may read. Just a friendly reminder For the first time, parents were able to stay i n
from a helicopter parent. constant communication w i t h their children,
whether the kids liked it or not. Long since are
Then, the d o r m r o o m phone rings at 7:00 A M . the days o f the "honor system," when keeping up
It's not an emergency, but a wake up call sent w i t h your children's social interactions. Today,
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from the a parent can track their child down by ordering
chopper to ensure their child is up and ready for the GPS option on their cell phone plan.
math class.
So it seems only natural that the urge to protect
Or, the visit to the professor o f psychology, term would continue when a child enters college, a time
paper in hand, arguing that the child clearly of big transition and change. Interestingly enough,
deserved a much higher grade for all o f the many children welcome this attention from their
research, a'hem, she d i d . parents. Instead of feeling smothered, many
students keep the communication frequent f r o m

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007 To DRAGMA • 21

Being a helicopter parent is a stressful job. Research
shows that many parents judge their own self worth by
their children's accomplishments and failures.

their end, which keeps the chopper circling. Calling Learning to be self sufficient is extremely
home at any sign o f trouble, f r o m what to do about important for the growth and maturity of all
a leaky faucet to how to separate laundry, validates a people. A n adult should be able to make his
parent's reasoning for keeping the nest not so empty. or her decisions and be able to hold their o w n
Parents don't realize however, that the overall results in the w o r l d . Accountability is essential i n the
f r o m this "hand holding," can have negative effects professional world. Would you trust a banker
on a child's transition into adulthood. w i t h your money i f you knew he had just placed a
call to his m o m to drop o f f his rent check for him?
Children w h o have been raised i n an
overprotective environment often lack the skills Many college campuses are taking action to
they need to function independently. Because prevent hovering. Sessions are being added to new
decisions have always been made for them, student orientation, and information specifically
and because they have never had to solve their for parents is being added to university web sites.
own problems, these new adults have trouble In addition, some institutions have hired additional
negotiating and remaining accountable. I f they staff members to take on the increase in parent
are expecting a wake up call to get them to class phone calls. Some schools even have "parent
each day, w h e n w i l l the "extra help" and hovering bouncers," or students who attend freshman
end? College graduation is not always the last orientation and distract and prevent parents f r o m
flight o f the helicopter. meeting w i t h academic advisors. Others, are
implementing N o Fly Zones, and refusing to cater
Parents are becoming more and more involved to the helicopter parent trend. Colgate University
in the j o b search and the career moves o f their recently changed their policy f r o m p r o v i d i n g each
children. Helicopter parents have been spotted parent w i t h a list o f administrators' phone numbers
attending interviews, and have been overheard to sending out a statement about Colgate's
making calls to potential employers to question philosophy on self reliance.
salary and benefits. Many employers w i l l hear
"Let me discuss it w i t h my parents," f r o m Universities encourage parents to instill a sense o f
candidates before agreeing to take a position. independence in their children before heading o f f
Seeking a parent's advice may seem normal, but to college, and suggest "and hovering" techniques
it's when a parent makes the decision or is the one when dealing with their student children. One big
doing the j o b negotiating where it crosses the line. thing that parents can do, is to allow their children
to call them, rather than checking i n every day.
Instead o f pilot, experts suggest parents take When the child does call w i t h a problem, parents
on the role o f "coach," when it comes to their should listen and suggest resources to help solve the
children's lives. Offering support, but giving problem, rather than making decisions for them.
space, w i l l give a child the o p p o r t u n i t y to learn Additionally, parents should stay out o f any type
responsibility. I f conflict is always removed out o f social or romantic relationship problems, unless
o f a child's life, he or she w i l l never learn to deal their child is i n danger.
with sticky situations on their own. Kids grow
up a lot w h e n they are held accountable f o r bills, Being a helicopter parent is a stressful j o b .
scheduling, and chores. Research shows that many parents judge
their own self worth by their children's
There, o f course, is a difference between hovering accomplishments and failures. Many blame
and "treating." Unexpected gifts, a tank o f gas themselves i f their children are not successful.
on Dad, a trip to the mall over fall break are all Additionally, once their children finally do spread
perks that come with being "missed" by mom and their wings and gain independence, parents find
dad. A parent is probably hovering however, i f they have little to fall back on as they have l i m i t e d
the unexpected g i f t is a surprise visit to campus their o w n social activities for so long.
to clean their apartment or i f dad bought the gas,
because the child didn't k n o w how to pump their
own tank.

22 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007


W i t h increased education about the topic, m
hopefully parents w i l l see the importance o f
letting their children learn life's lessons on their
o w n , but it almost seems as i f an
inevitable cycle is occurring.
Helicopter parents are now
becoming grandparents, who
w i l l ultimately influence the rearing
of their children's children. Technology never
slows down and the next generation w i l l
undoubtedly be exposed to products we have yet
to even imagine. Parents o f toddlers are already
deeming themselves helicopter parents, some
even wearing T-shirts to make a statement that
hovering is not a negative t h i n g . So what w i l l
campuses need to do to prepare for the class o f
2025? "Take your m o m to school day?" Hover-
ers Anonymous groups? O r perhaps, they may
just need to build bunk beds big enough to
sleep m o m and dad.

Helicopters circle sorority village:

Sorority life is seeing its fair share of helicopter parents.

Some schools are reporting mothers "moving" to campus for the week to help
their daughters get dressed and ready for recruitment parties.

Chapters have experienced phone calls, letters, and personal visits from parents
demanding to know why their daughter was not chosen as a member.

Parents have requested to attend chapter relations committee meetings and
have argued chapter decisions.

A g o o d way to stay involved without hovering... AOII Parents Club!

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 To DRAG MA • 2 3

W i t h grateful appreciation, A O I I recognizes the following 4 2/1 new

Alpha Delta Beta Phi Delta Theta Kappa Chi

Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen Ellogene Griffith Jackson Mary Walters Heather Bandy
Gloria Hamner Stewart Elizabeth Hafher Pietsch
Donna Willis Fearing Margaret Danko Hajduch Delta Upsilon Kappa Delta
Susan Franklin Dournaux
Heidi Hovell Stanley Beta Pi Lauren Frazier Rowe Susan Arnold Targove

Alpha Kappa Lynne Garvey Robinson Epsilon Kappa Gamma

Kathy Templin Creekmore Beta Tau Michelle Bressler Grace Schumacher Ward
Anna Perry Davis Tori Sandbrook
Debbie Lovelady Rains Gardner M.J. Refaussejacobsen Epsilon Alpha
Linda Sheridan Nichols Kappa Kappa
Alpha Lambda Janet Holmes Linsenmaier
Chi Delta Linda Gillespie Moyer Maria Brownlee Pagano
Michelle Finley Elizabeth Eagelman Alexander
Joan Lott Starika PhD Kappa Omega
Alpha Omicron Epsilon Chi
Chi Lambda Cathy Rodgers Carnes
Mary Kay Thomas Heather Myers Jodi Stanley-Brewer
Shauna Cavins Kate Stejskal
Alpha Phi Jenn Tesno Kappa Rho
Chi Psi
Kerry Hanson Epsilon Gamma Dorie Wilderman HefFner
Denise Chavez Morgan Roberta Ruth Peterson
Alpha Rho Erin McGranahan Ann Marie Jacques-McColm
Kappa Sigma
Margaret Benton Russell Chi Theta Epsilon Omega
Mandi Watkins
Alpha Theta Amber Warren Jill HillikerAllgier Monica Kelly

Amanda Knous Delta Chi Epsilon Sigma Lambda Beta
Kristin Moffat Wilson
Andrea DiGirolamo Segeda Jamie Elizabeth Schroeder Barbara Penland-Maun
Beta Lambda Nancy Gallo Speake
Allison Smith Zuefle Gamma Alpha Lambda Sigma
Elizabeth Formentini
Delta Delta Julie DeCicco Anne Wooten Ruzic
Veda Ann Colston Creighton
Laura Bendey Israel Gamma Delta Gayle Chandler Fischer
Jenny Lambert
Delta Omega Aimee Rivera
Lambda Tau
Karen Hill Johnson Gamma Omicron
Emily Forbes Small Evelyn Redding Zagone
Jennye Mason Grider Cristina L . Malphus
Joyce Wray Alford Nu Beta
Delta Pi
Gamma Theta Wendy Agnew Hutchins
Lindsey Ammons Zucker Katherine Walker Herndon
Rita Madden Berger Sally Monroe Busby
Delta Sigma Kristen A Condella Sarah Boggan

Erin Osborne Murphy Melissa Picciola Nu Lambda
Jo Ann Tartaul Hawley Allison Marshall
Meredith Zenge Dorothy Parlapiano Forrester

Kappa Alpha Nu Omicron

Laura Bruce Spadoni Martha Graves DeBardeleben
Sara Wells-McCook

members who joined between May T - I . 200f - September - M , 2007.


Ruth Tallman Pifer Angela Camp Morrow Baker Pi Kappa (U o f Texas. Austin)
Rita Allgood Tubbs A O I I Past International President (K)8i-11)85")
Omega Omicron Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee Chairman
Tau Omega
Jan Douglass Bishop M y decision to join A O I I i n 1967 w h e n I was a freshman at the
Laura Weathersby U o f Texas provided me friends, a home, and a support system
Omega X i on a large campus. Beyond my family, the people w h o have
Tau Omicron most influenced my life are A O I I alumnae. T h e i r leadership,
Annette Davis Shields guidance, and friendship helped me grow immensely.
Hope Parish Brazzell Without their mentoring. I'm absolutely convinced that I
Omicron wouldn't have been elected AOII's International President
Theta at the ripe o f age o f 32. I also k n o w that w i t h o u t m y A O I I
Kate McDonald Dangler experiences through the years. 1 w o u l d n ' t have progressed as
Sara Swann Teets Catherine Davis Kennedy 1 d i d as a communications professional and member of upper
Judith Hull Messick management at the State Bar of Texas.
Phi C . J . Hancock Cleland
Since I became a Bast International President i n 1985, the
Jane Lages Theta Eta many additional friends I've made and experiences I've had
while volunteering in A O I I have enriched my life beyond
Phi Alpha Pat Prashaw Lockhart description. A O I I has always adapted t o the times, w h i l e
h o l d i n g fast to o u r f o u n d i n g principles as expressed in o u r
Patricia Davis VandeHey Theta Pi Ritual. As a result. A O I I continues offering members o f all
ages friendship, f u n , support, and personal g r o w t h .
Phi Sigma Gina Noce
Bridget Pfeiffer Scanlon I urge you to join me and become a
Joyce Bryan Strout Irma Bahr-Madrid member o f Life Loyal AOII. By doing
Elizabeth Hamann Lawrence so, you'll invest i n Alpha O m i c r o n
Psi Delta Pi and the role we play in helping
Theta Psi women further build strong character,
Christina Tumminello develop lifelong skills, while actively
Sandi Buresh demonstrating compassion for others.
Barbara Cryer Bowermaster
Wanda Grizzle Frady
Pvho Omicron
Abby Epps
Christen Culpepper Lundgren Christy Hamilton Schegg
Zeta Kappa
Patti Cudney
Vivian Koenig Haussermann Yvonne Giovanis

Sigma Delta Zeta Pi

Laura Marie Tyree Brelsfbrd Kathleen Graham Street

Sigma Lambda

Anne Kienitz

Sigma Omicron

Cindy Crane Chabolla

Sigma Phi

Lisa Menin Suarez
Rochelle Connelly
Carin Sieff Adler
Melinda Kelly

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W k v i 1 -fivct AW'IV4, 1 w t i f wiU wAvtf o1kv cictt;vc \w 1 k Ut^l lifof.
Q 0 W 7 W W K Y C t w W A UoUCAVvk 0-f # i k c to A t W 1 k MVtftKVW.
MAwy o-f uc c t o ^ A 1 kftMpoviuw« W » WAC u t Uf ow c'rt-c AVIA ftikj
-fav AQH cVio^oUV\oc. I w A k C U K to fuY&Woc AVI WW )ffl£k t o w l to uc7

Un-C" pool \MiCY 1V\C

Towgifft WAC % "yfekflw to !Wwas IMTMT^DVV" w k K All o-f 1 k
A t W ^ C £/AW7 t l g r t k l r -POY1 A toJtWi 0-f~ t u WX WJlfe'lW AVlA
1 t i l l I k s l t f w to w r t co WAWY AOllCj w u M w i g taAJitw t>OA^
WCWWPC A\4 fACt IVvt^VViAtlOVvAl f K C l k v t t C .

ftrt^Y1 fe»SW) g A t k K ^ to l a w W O K AVout t k uOXwfa
Mk. ^UCAVI P A V I K i v i t w t i o M l f K c i k v t wtim
to W C t AC WAWf d C t ^ C AC ^OCC'lVW. jltfttj i t WAC U w to "Wffit
1 k ^ ^ A t r c . " ~Tk toutw t?oA^ AVIA A011 F o w t o v i $ f l # i
& g t t f e & W K M M M M I I WAC A g K A t WA^ -foy> flfflfyM to kAY1
^ A V ^ W C vfeiovi wkvi A Y I C W K A ^pctiovic -f^ow t k -Floov.

Ivi 1 k wvttwg) 1 U A t k oppovtuvutf to fWfwfMfr * 1 k KAut^ul ^AVIAW
UMMA 9 0 W L i f a c (^KWOVIV C W K C S A W wlW^jAts ^ A I T W C
cuV-wotio to $ $ 0 o-f s k r t w ft WAC co ivitrKctivig to m!0mm
t k u w ^ w e e 0-^ fWh ^AflSCV-

1 U r t - 1 AW goivig to OA\\ \t A m$l 1 AW f K t t / U K A -OOW AA^ o-f t u v ^
tort I pvowic^ to lfK% AVOUt All K % -^uw I w p w ^ w r t 1 k

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007

V 1 Ttewiass. ooiv€ & 2007

lb 1 ksil o f f to Q ^ w g M A I A I . i t ic goivig to
K A vtrvv VVA.CN/ 1$$ Vut 1 AW loo^vvg IflMt
to Imvrf WIUA CO M M / O^TJV AOllC.

vAVIA frt M A f i f t m m tffitit

k d m l i t "AOll v W

mthO p w i g t f t u l i WAC co

feWtllf twwi A lot i ftefcfc- ffW|ie

WAC t r a w M i t e f c -fov> I f ! A M wWfr

(ty*. 1 WAC AVW to Q f t i f e W f f WAVl^ LVOWvVltlOVi

tf^itiowc. 1 % ftwaftft wvtUowvi" koikc
WW Wc A t W 4 1 k woct ^owwtwc i k

tiMft WAC f c g MPMFfWl) fACt toWAtlOWAl

1 IAM t k ofpoftuvutf to tAl^to cictvTc wW

AO. WW W ) A C t f wvK catd MMvA'wig to

K^lOVi. i f e . WAC Wlff\Jll 10Y VivtWOViMVig AV^t
WOK AVOllt I k 6 % t v Y C W AKA.

T\n-0" C I t ^ O Y W (dtiWlfak itC LC?U
AViWVCA^, AVidl kVWlg

A viko cWw'wi^, 6wpov'w ctfWc % o u ^ 1k

yavc. it WAC tus»«i to Q K i t w c CUMi A C f i v

/cQH vugVt dslrt AViA t k AQll p i

Of$$m& w\U A wy C ^ M A !

t^itiovi, ijn-c fAvi^A iiwtiit 6WY>V ^ovrotiovi

AVVA uakvcVif IsHffe ivi^ukc fe

f f e k s c t e f f f V o j ^ t j W W K A t t a ^ c VV>\VL/

A ^ A kAV to lllSNfe I f e yaY1) 1k fAVi![AC

W P f felM AWOVlgCt tint: fWvWX f t K

P ^ A V t w W t , 1k fctftKlft ^OUlUWvCt t/WpfcY

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007

LVAW cUfoft wW A K titfSwc 0-f l|>f AVlA

tVAWAt^ ctMw&. office 1W*

V o-f-f to 1k O^vmA ^ u c ' i w c c Qtrcc\ovv (tote
WkK kW/Atfe Will MH kwQOVlC -foV DUV1
RAG MA • 2 9
fYAtvTVtftf I AW w t t d t to taff A fAft »

l r t # M i » g t k -MUK 0-f

k | t k (kkm to A s s m o-f I s w "Uvtr.

w t ?Qccciow: AVout V'rtUAlj HiUivig ct^ovvgcY

KUtiovicVi^C) wotiVA%g f \w> c k f t ^ AWA

c f t t i p f . I i s t o t e f t 1k |%4 c7CQovi)

-fAwlrUt^ H t^Av^Cj flf LVUIVWAVV

if C / » w f e ft WAQ 'WCpiViVig1

Tovu^ft) W KACOVI to ( A \ ^ H X ^ \

WW 1C no fGfllpC oU M i 1k AOll f OUVi^AtlOVi fc

=»! ifc w^K CjffNpM Vy Hlloovic, VifWAf
k | € 3 A ^lAVlt ¥MWUl^ cVA^ AVV^ f K ^ V l t C

f W t w f t ftOHJc WW logo AVlA A oo^ o-f To

PYA^WA. W( All CAVlg " t t A ^ ^p§|*f to

ISSUE NO. 1 • HALL 2 0 0 7

I fev^ 1k AOII Fowtovi

H4c ovv V*\VVDVVC C U K AfewiM% Mk to %f foiviMw
Mwfrlvfr to Avtkitc K c a v ^ AVIA nhotXW)
to Wvt£ ow UriY1
QMAVcVlfCj A 4 r^AtvW'itf fWgVAwwvig.
CffliW to AOII
OkM^C fKCWfrfl to r ^KctwtAtVvC

o-? t k M W \ t c fowAAtw to QUCAVI

D A V \ N -foY ^U^t»0VlA\ g w t c . - f t ^ WAC
AICO t k o^mi fAK K % buXW -

AC |?AVIAAC WvK fKCWt^ to ?V\lAO.

~T\S-C ^ p % C ^ A ^ Y -fty 1k f Vfivy* WAC

MAVv M^oviougK A^tKCC Ay AltpMW -ftY

WOWvVc W A \ U AV^ ^DL^AtlOVl "N^W
omwwXj WMtffik
% 1k NiowJ A

IN W W W \vt I k v'vitmAivwwttaiycSi^wW

W#A% AWut 1k fKCCUKC O-i Vo^v WAgC

\W cowvtf. MAVV V ^ K C C ^ A Uw W t y w

A\\ W V K to U V 7 OUV CicWooA AwA to VtAVtT

AVV O^AVli-trAtoVi 1kt Will AlWA^C C U ^ O K

uc. it wAk w U A V L W U I -> of AOH AViA 1k
^f^telfl\f4 I UV7 WAk

T k %Al fAVt O-i 1k
WAC flf otovYtdViv^. Ml (rf m
fife cWdl ctoYWc uc. "rti'tc

tM'ltOVt IC WOkWdl A-f%r 1k
r m k v c J 9t#t%lv^ W W K
wwwttovi AtfcvikvC Mky>#
to WAY ctovWc toU QfclU,
xl^ccW) tfrWwj A M t i c k ttow,
1 wouU Ww lov4 to to I k K 1

farcvw, w » fYitof wm% '< omwXm Tiw!

MAwy uc cUyd At t k totfl A K o v j o M t k

AK A t o t A g v tfW W

^ A , AW& COW ^OCttk'W 0\KW MVtWtUK W c M l W g
c'fa w^-touvcj Vi^c, A ^ c ^ v ^ w t k wty

tfffrY -flow t\w totoyj W7 AttwMt 1k cra#A
Vuciwcc ctcc'w. W o K ilwcv, t k FoKW TYwtAc
Wftiovi WAC k i d OWP i/o wow W w 4 U'\C CfWAl
TOgvvrtw - -fyWWtc Wovivig A -fy'wiA.

AOll Ml-QtAY1 fife plAydt A W / C W M \ IJW "flf ov i4o

fir - A cp'wi o-tf o-P fa popuW cW3 w l OV rio Pal"
to k f t Y w w i £ U C A V I PAWM WAC K A ^ to jwvi tkiy

VAViC. I k MVOTCUC WAC "rio flf1 AW* ckJA to

Df*/ AXAW' W LOOl. \Afl»At will t k fife iVw^ o-f Vtttt?

flW( WAC t k /fllAVfc ^KWOVty QtAVuWk

' « 4 l t W /CVAVkj KOkimU tvUpC> ACU T m t o v i


"rt^K AK CO WAViy CtAK ^At WA^C Up *D\\\

AWAVk, W7 AAWM t k W^)(ft A W A |

JXJT^ §0, 200?

It fe A gpfAt i*| to H AVI AQU t o ^ 1

d f owtavi t?oAY>A WAC
He worWg k$%A %% tAoc'wig
Hc'iwcc ciccttm

MtvY1 1k Vuciwcc c^cciovi)

kitel to 1k fAvikkw uuwkovi.

AOll jo'ivdl MfC' \vv HoG, ftl 1k

W^kovi ^W^Atd AC n

tt&Ml KfKCvVitAtlVvC 4W»

olkV1 NiftV gVOUfC to jowi uc. Ow
N * f f e CffiiNV WAC pv. Wfl fti

LVAM\C) T^vtA ffe AtyW T^AtvYVtfty

l^AtWAl fttfCfatj AM QfWAllCt

W'ltfl 6VAfCt0W PWlOfWVCt Vt DVfOVAUoVV.

MAY?! $m ytgS wucio to « f k d t f

t k WfOVtAVKX 0-f V'ltUAl | i OUY1

fVAtvVvvity. ^ictttc Ul t k to

CYiAK wWt KDW WAVit to HfW AvU to

i mm tegrlkf Vy covigc AC

MAW 1k guitAV1.

MAY>\ AWvJC W C C A A \w S W M \

AQU w i u ^ i M O C M X Mt\JLA\.

I k «fiw»f tfttowfy &lood I k

HQWCC rf ^OWVitlOVl AVAl Wwd!

AOllC WW jfAC&dt AWAf 1k

Viwuuw AC Wv\ AC fclw&l nt w»

Titi^it 1 Atolfl t k Mcv
$4Mtft "ife v V « g ic -fte! 1!$

AWAV^C, AvU A tJW ftMfito O-f

^Wwi it WAC %

-^AVOV1 -Pov t k

~lta frW^f A W i K ^ o g w e ow wta$A% ^Aft^V yKCikvt


l a k y d ' ^ Voi^ w f c tav ^Aft^V1 Awi i^ouxWut tav oo\te

&owwuwfy & fKeikvit o-f PtAtA ^Affcv Hu-fte 10, ^AtAta

C?V>AW) cornet to Vu'iVt e t M g -fyiwAdipe A W W £ eicfrYe.

AC A K O J K J eta cwwrcMl to VuiU'wig A c t M g acfrvtoodt.

9 t a l^-ww tVAt to ovky to W A ^ ' ^ A V I ^ C J eta wouU

1ta CUppovt 0-f "tta tMtlK ^Aft-CV. MwKYC CAW Ww 1tato

c u ^ c c ^ c -fit wto tta vig pi^tuK) AVIA too^ ^ i k \w AOU.

fcUpttw w a t -fyow Vottvtglta low^ct W t o i^-c Vigtact

AWWg k - K ^ ffU\C OVl 6AWfUC. A O I I KOAW A VW)M ^AftCY

0 W ^POUfCj AVlA WpYWA % KfUtAtlOVV 0-? ^ f f i K

At Tu-fte. \hkv i^AtAta^c l a k y d ' ^ A O H WAC

wrft tta top A M M to t-oot/. AOH WAC CAl'A to U w "AW

AWA-Jrtog ^AV \W t ^ W C fr? AOAkw^ pMAWtWop^, dd&vtooA,

1 Avid lawd'ip. itivou^B pMAvtop'^ t^oYte, t k ^Aptcv

We wot ovAv $ww VAo^to tta ^owwuw'rty, Vut We VirtfeKA

itc wwKve \weti\l\wg to ttaw A &WftAVta WAt\AK AwA

wpwtog ttato lakveWp AVfee."

^AtAta \C A C AW \WCptoAtl0W. MWA^C ^XAWfW,.cta

W A C t t a K to Vu'iU tta oUft^v up AVVA to AUOW aoh wwKY1

to C T C tav W potoit\A\. Ivi A Vtrtttrv to tav eiet^e, eta

wvofa- "I AW co pyouA o-f uc. V\fr VtAvtr wiw co -PAY1. \AKT A K

H W p U ^ WA^VC 0VI <>AWpUC.. 1 A W gVAt^ul to K p K e w t

VOUj A' wA to iMflOW AVlA l0V7 AVV^i to \oV^ ^/0U."

a^ mum CicWooi f ^ r t e
t k W A \ J 1k £jfl*

wmm mm.

UOl toutlW


N ^ l W W K Y WAC

fteoolwloKWdwigtoi l wVi-f^vf jtAfVtOWUJc Vigkct A w k i c f f
I k f o\wi<kvcJ A^Avkj 1 k MA^ MWI

tVuwt /CWA AK 6MC\kM to K AOllJC tof WWC.

1&fat 1 k AWA^C, 9UCAVV pAVlN K % 6 t ^ OVi A C f C
VlCto^ AViA gAW p W t f -fW A CU007CC?ul M U K AC
d k xmmfad m^m to w d t % a^otAtiovt V%
&WiWdl 1 k Iwwtrt w A N ^ I k $$Gw$ty (M(k

AvA O f o ^ / l k WClflU ^ A f t ^ 90Vtg. tt WAC AWA#Vig

to taw A M^W wiU o w (/oo C i i t ^ g c i c t ^ d

IwwAiAtdy -follow^ M c ^ ^ M w r t j 1 k ACH

"$c MA^ AM \A(m f ouwtavi Wctd Avi ^Wtffr

oAWid A W A OVovtO M^ftiovi." It WAC A A w i f e ^ c I w WW 1 M 1
WAC j^m%i^-^X
MtO1 kcc^v/t) 1 w t wiDfl 1 k ww -fyiwte.
Vm Ufc fW. MAVf
UA w A k AVIA Mk ?IAVIC to W\ touoW
A W f c -fAMlV/ fOCCC
Tfcc WAC AVI ' W ^ i f c k 1 k t 1 Will W W
•fovgrt1. 1 AW Co fVouA to K AW AOH AViA to K AWWg
co wAvcf m & H r i w w w wW All low # l f k Omow
to w i t t a
fl AC AC 1 k 1 gAiwA WOK tViAVl WW -tV'wk
34 • To DRAGMA
-{Vow 1 k w v t . (>owvitiovi i & f l M w^ to w v t t w

\W WW AVvA KA^iVW^ t^At it iC

cow^Uivvg Unit Uctc A i H t t i w 1 1 aWt WAit to

rttafl LOOl ^ovivwtiow ivv TAWI^A) flov'^Ai

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

o 0

1F1 -.


2i n



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4® t@ m 4oni

Directory of Volunteers

Executive Board Foundation Board Past International
INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT For a complete listing, see page 72
Ginger Banks
Susan Danko Properties Board Pi Kappa, ( U o f Texas Austin)
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) [email protected]
susan.danko@us. PRESIDENT
Linda Peters Collier
V t C E PRESIDENT OF OPERATIONS Janette Breckenridge Tessmer C h i Omicron, (Central State U )
Gamma Theta ( U of South Florida) [email protected]
Louanne Condreay [email protected]
Phi Upsilon (Purdue U) Peg Kramer Crawford
[email protected] V I C E PRESIDENT Iota, ( U of Illinois)
[email protected]
Omega (Miami U) Ann McClanahan Gilchrist
Allison Allgier [email protected] Theta, (DePauw U)
Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U ) [email protected]
[email protected] DiRECTOR
Barbara Daugs Hunt
V I C E PRESIDENT OF FINANCE Barb Dunn Zipperian Phi Delta, (U of Wisconsin Milwaukee)
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U ) [email protected]
Barbara Zipperian [email protected]
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U ) Carole Jurenko Jones
[email protected] DiRECTOR Alpha Delta, (U of Alabama)
[email protected]
V I C E PRESIDENT OF ALUMNAE Kimberly Altemus Carroll
Delta Chi ( U of Delaware) Joan Deathe MacCallum
Kathy Jensen [email protected] Kappa Phi, (McGill U)
Theta Omega (Northern Arizona U) [email protected]
[email protected] DIRECTOR
Nancy Moyer McCain
V I C E PRESIDENT OF EDUCATION Allison Allgier Rho, (Northwestern U)
Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U ) [email protected]
Kristy Lee Manchul [email protected]
Kappa Lambda ( U o f Calgary) Sally Wagaman
[email protected] DIRECTOR Sigma Tau, (Washington College)
[email protected]
Gamma Theta ( U of South Florida) Mary McCammon Williams
Linda Schwartz Grandolfo [email protected] Phi, ( U o f Kansas)
N u Iota (Northern Illinois U ) [email protected]
[email protected]


Phyllis Gilson
Sigma Phi (California State U at Northridge)
[email protected]

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007 To DRAG MA • 37

Committee Public Relations Committee Cynthia Skiver, Omicron Pi
Chairmen Judith Gambrel Flessner [email protected]
Iota, ( U of Illinois)
Archives [email protected] Shelly Stevenson, Delta Theta
Joan Deathe MacCallum [email protected]
Kappa Phi, (McGill U ) Rituals, Traditions and
[email protected] Jewelry Committee Ali Summerford, Delta Alpha
Ginger Banks [email protected]
Budget/Finance Committee Pi Kappa, ( U o f Texas Austin)
Barbara Zipperian [email protected] Kay Welch, Theta Pi
Kappa Kappa (Ball State U ) [email protected]
[email protected] Alumnae Network
Bryanne Weston, Kappa Lambda
Constitution Interpretations and Directors [email protected]
Revisions Committee
Julie Brining Karen Galehan, Phi Lambda Jennifer Zoni, Sigma Phi
Gamma Delta, ( U of South Alabama) [email protected] [email protected]
j u 1 ieb @mobis. com
Lori Goede, Gamma Omicron Collegiate Network
Education Committee [email protected]
Kathy Brakefield Sowell Directors
Lambda Tau, ( U o f Louisiana at Monroe) Specialists
[email protected] Becki Bair, Theta Psi
Sharon Boison, Kappa Kappa [email protected]
Fraternity Development Committee [email protected]
Rebecca Herman Amber Countis, Pi
Chi Lambda, ( U of Evansville) Jacque Cashdollar, Zeta Kappa [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Amiee Gold, Delta Chi
Government Relations Committee Lisa Dutt, Phi Sigma [email protected]
Alexis Babcock [email protected]
Upsilon, ( U of Washington) Laura Haran, Theta Pi
[email protected] Rene Fitzgerald, Pi Kappa [email protected]
renefitz@sbcglobal .net
Human Resource Committee Stephanie Rendon, Delta Theta
Anne Buechlein Wilmes Erin Gaddis, Gamma Theta [email protected]
Chi Lambda, ( U of Evansville) [email protected]
[email protected] Becky Rogers, Epsilon Omega
Marty Harrison, Lambda Sigma [email protected]
NPC Delegate [email protected]
Carole Jurenko Jones M a r j i Stevens, Beta Kappa
Alpha Delta, (U of Alabama) Shari Kagan, N u Iota [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Parliamentarian Sky Louapre, Pi
Ingrid Latimer Schulz [email protected] Kelly Abbott, Sigma Phi
Beta Lambda, (Illinois Wesleyan U ) [email protected]
[email protected] Stephanie Murphy, Lambda Iota
[email protected] Jen Bair, Theta Psi
Perry Award Committee [email protected]
Barbara Daugs Hunt Julie Peterson, Kappa R h o
Phi Delta, (U of Wisconsin Milwaukee) [email protected] Karen Batzle, Alpha Gamma
[email protected] [email protected]
Dolores Rhodes, Alpha Delta
[email protected] Courtney Boehme, Tau Lambda
[email protected]

38 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2007

Jamie-Lynn Burns, Theta Pi Barbara Kormanyos, Theta Psi Lori Williams, Gamma Delta
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Rochelle Connelly, Sigma Phi Lorie Leitner, Pi Alpha Vicki Williams, Sigma
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Anna Davis, Alpha Kappa Rachel Lyles, Kappa Omicron Colony Development
[email protected] [email protected] Network

Laura Dunlap, Kappa Tau Rachel Maris, Lambda Eta Director
[email protected] [email protected]
Brandi Nunnery, Rho Omicron
Megan Ehrisman, Iota K i m McCollom, Delta Alpha [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Jill Frondorf, Delta Omega Kaya Miller, Gamma Theta
[email protected] [email protected] Lori Curci-Reed, Lambda Iota
[email protected]
Debbie Gardner, Alpha Kappa A n n Marie Pascarella, Theta Pi
[email protected] [email protected] Tammy Glenn, Epsilon Chi
glenn [email protected]
Tiffany Gilbey, Kappa Lambda Christin Pratt, Pi Alpha
[email protected] [email protected] Tracy Gust, Theta Psi
[email protected]
Michelle Gilliam, Chi Epsilon Celia Reed, Lambda Sigma
[email protected] [email protected] K i m Keaton, Epsilon Chi
[email protected]
Ethnie Groves, Chi Delta Shala Schweitzer, Kappa Lambda
[email protected] [email protected] Rebecca Myers, Alpha Delta
[email protected]
Beverly Hatcher, Theta Psi Alyssa Simon, Delta C h i
[email protected] [email protected] Christine Walters, Iota Chi
[email protected]
Christie Hines, Delta Upsilon M e g Sisk, Phi C h i
[email protected] [email protected] Carrie Whittier, Theta
[email protected]
Bashan Holt, R h o Delta Barbara Smothers, Kappa Sigma
Eleanor. B. [email protected] [email protected]

Brooke Holtzman, Theta Omega Pam Thomas, Alpha Pi Thanykou
[email protected] [email protected]

Jaynellen Jenkins, Phi Beta Anne Marie Toy, Rho Omicron
[email protected] [email protected]

Kat Keller, Theta Pi Amy Vanourek, Phi Upsilon
[email protected]
Cathleen Kelly, Iota
[email protected] Jess Ward, Epsilon C h i Volunteers!
[email protected]
Veronica Kentish, Lambda Beta
[email protected] Brooke Wesley, Kappa Omega
[email protected]
Steph Kinser, Theta Psi
[email protected]

ISSUE NO.1 • FALL 2007 To DRAG MA • 39





Members - left to right- Ruth McDonald Hadzor, Gladys (Hap)
Anderson Dudik.Jean ( Kootch) Farris Barrett, Martha Wright Suter,
Margaret A n n Simpson Nolan, Jean (Bunny) Lenham Hansen.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007


Did you know AOIIs and their friends get up to 85% off newsstand prices by participating in the
Rewards Magazine Program made available to you by Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity and QSP?

For You. For Him... For Kids. For Everybody.


plus over 650 more titles to choose from!

How can you start buying? The Rewards Magazine Program is a part o f Alpha
O m i c r o n Pi's Supporting Traditions . . . Rewarding
1. Visit Yourself Program. For more information about all o f the
2 . Type in your alumnae/collegiate chapter and click "Find." options available through the Supporting Traditions . . .
3. Select the name o f your chapter. R e w a r d i n g Yourself Program, contact Abby Epps at
4. Click "Buy a Magazine" and start purchasing!
[email protected] or 6 1 5 - 3 7 0 - 0 9 2 0 .
* Magazines may only be ordered in the United States.
Efforts are being made to make this opportunity available in Canada.


ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 To DRAGMA • 41

Alcohol Education Program

Adds Up to Success

Numbers that Count

1,400 college students die each year from alcohol-related causes.
70,000 students are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or
date rape annually.
400,000 students have unprotected sex under the influence of
alcohol each year.
500,000 students are injured annually as a result of alcohol use.
25% of college students report that their drinking caused them to
fall behind in classes and receive lower grades overall.
34% of college students say they've missed at least one class
because of their alcohol or drug use.
• 34% of college students admitted to failing a test or project
because of the aftereffects of drinking or drug use.
1 One night of heavy drinking can impair your ability to think abstractly
for up to 30 days, hampering your ability to understand complex
concepts or even think through a basic math problem.

Source: Core Institute: American Campuses 2003 and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

The AOII Foundation believes that providing the Fraternity with
educational, leadership and programming grants for programs such as
AlcoholEdu® offers opportunities for AOII women to enhance personal
strengths, gain important leadership skills, and strengthen career values.

Every year, thousands o f new students College in the Summer and Fall of 2005 the scenarios to gauge and m o d i f y blood
march o f f to college campuses w i t h the demonstrate the effects o f the program. alcohol levels by varying the frequency o f
perception that drinking large quantities After taking the course: drinks, type of drink consumed, drinks
of alcohol is part of the college experience. • 74% said they now k n o w more about with food and other factors.
Sadly, they are right. Effective alcohol blood alcohol concentration (BAC).
education is crucial because alcohol • 72% said they w o u l d recommend the Through this unique approach, specific
statistics, such as those at left, are program to other students. behaviors can be examined and compared
staggering. Alcohol education that is • For the entire academic year o f to alternate choices. This capability to
designed to prevent problems rather than 2004/2005, students who took the customize the education process for each
address after-the-fact violations is believed course had significantly fewer negative student is key to the program's success i n
to create safer and healthier campuses. personal, health, and academic motivating behavior change. Part 2 o f the
For that reason, A O I I is committed to consequences." AlcoholEdu course is completed 30 days
AlcoholEdu" for College to help our later and assesses the program's realistic
members make educated decisions when The online course combines proven impact on behavior during that period.
it comes to the use of alcohol. prevention strategies with science-based
research to create engaging, multimedia The Fraternity has determined that every
AlcoholEdu® is an online training lessons that should appeal to our members. collegiate member of Alpha Omicron Pi
program designed to examine and teach The lessons address unrealistic expectations w i l l be expected to complete AlcoholEdu
students about the consequences of the about the effects of alcohol, link choices during the fall of2007. Additionally, all
use of alcohol. The A O I I Foundation is about drinking to academic and personal new members must complete AlcoholEdu
pleased to provide a grant to the Fraternity success, motivate behavior change, and as a requirement for initiation.
to fund this outstanding program for our help students practice healthier and safer
collegiate members. AlcoholEdu is a decision-making. The A O I I Foundation believes that
product of Outside the Classroom, a private providing the Fraternity with educational,
developer, and is being used by numerous Part 1 of the course takes approximately leadership and programming grants for
fraternal organizations and universities to 2 'A to 3 hours to complete and includes programs such as AlcoholEdu" provides
help students make better informed choices in-depth surveys and education. A student opportunities for A O I I women to enhance
regarding alcohol. It is the goal of Alpha begins the program by answering questions personal strengths, gain important
Omicron Pi in implementing this program regarding their own gender, weight, leadership skills, and strengthen career
that members w i l l be motivated to assess and current behaviors. Based upon the values. Supported through contributions to
and subsequently modify their alcohol use i f student's answers, it customizes subsequent the Loyalty Fund and investment income
necessary. The program is not designed to information and questions to address from the Endowment Fund, $100,000 in
lecture, but rather teach students how to use specific aspects of alcohol use and its effects grants have been awarded to the Fraternity
alcohol responsibly. on each student's personal experience. for the coming year. The A O I I Foundation
remains grateful to the our donors for
Research has proven that the program is Biological effects of alcohol are explained, their generous contributions which enable
already a success. Outside the Classroom and blood alcohol content facts are programming, such as AlcoholEdu, to be
reports, "Surveys from more than 70,000 explored. Additionally, the course uses available for our members.
students who completed AlcoholEdu for scenarios and allows the student to alter

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007 To DRAGMA • 43




Loyal Connections

W i t h an A O I I mom and an A O I I daughter, Anne Buechlein Wilmes. to represent her chapter at the 1979 Convention in Nashville when
Chi Lambda (U ot Evansville) truly understands the meaning ofbeing Chi Lambda received a prestigious Distinguished Service Award.
a Lite Loyal A O I I . A dedicated member of the Indianapolis Alumnae
Chapter for over 26 years, Anne epitomizes the word loyalty. Since graduating from the University of Evansville, Anne has loyally
served as her alumnae chapter's Membership Education Chairman,
"'Becoming an A O I I filled a need for me to find an organization President and, most impressively. Panhellenic Delegate for 15 years.
that helped people become the best they can be," says Anne. " I O n the international level, she held the position of Regional Director
never really saw myselt as a leader, but my A O I I sisters saw things in for five years and has served on the Human Resource Committee for
me that I didn't, and I w i l l always be grateful." Her sisters astutely- the past four years - chairing for the past two. Anne and husband.
recognized Anne's leadership qualities and elected her Chapter Art, have two daughters. Her oldest, Katie, is a graduate student at
President. Her proudest collegiate moment was the opportunity George Washington U , and Mary is her A O I I daughter, a Delta
Rho (DePaul U) sophomore. Anne's mom. Marjone Anne Lamport
Buechlein, was also a C h i Lambda. " M y mom has always said she
never had quite as many opportunities in A O I I as I did because she
didn't pledge until herjunior year," says Anne, then shares, "But when
Mary pledged last year, mom signed up right away to be a Life Loyal
A O I I . This past year has been very exciting for all three o f us."

Through the years, A O I I has given so much to Anne, so contributing
to the A O I I Foundation's Loyalty, Endowment and Scholarship
Funds are her ways o f giving something back - and saying thanks.
" I had the good fortune ot receiving a Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
while I was in school," she said, adding, " I always promised myselt
i f I ever had the opportunity to give something in return, I would."
A former special education teacher before her children were born,
Anne keeps very busy as an active volunteer in her community. She
shares, " I have learned f r o m involvement with many organizations
that small gifts made on a regular basis always add up to make a
difference. M y gifts are not large, but when combined with others,
I believe they really count." She also notes, "Regular giving helps
make giving a habit - and that is a good habit for anyone to have."

When she reflects on the good works o f the A O I I Foundation,
she is especially impressed w i t h the Foundation's commitment
to supporting arthritis research and providing scholarships to our
members. Recognizing that every gift matters, Anne is very
pleased to be able to show her lifetime loyalty to A O I I by annually
sivins? o f her talents and resources to the A O I I Foundation.

44 • To DRAG MA "Regular giving helps make giving a habit -
and that is a good habit for anyone to have. "

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007




M A R C H I , 2 0 0 8 . APPLICATIONS


Helen Hallcr Scholarship Rachel Allen/Alpha Chi Scholarship SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS

A R I A N N E BAKER, Delta A LAN A SCOTT, Sigma Graduate Students
Muriel T. McKinney Scholarship Angels of Kappa Theta Scholarship
KlMBERLY M i N N i s . Iota Sigma
Edith Anderson Scholarship Kerri Keith Memorial Scholarship JESSICA JONES-HUGHES. Omega
J A M I E BROWN, Kappa Omega
Martha McKinney Wilhoite/Thcta Scholarship Carey Griner Memorial Scholarship
Undergraduate Students
ASHLEY M i N i C H , Chi Delta MAEGAN S M I T H , N U Beta AMANDA GENTZ, Omega Omicron
Jaime Frantz Memorial Scholarship Paulajones Salter/Nu Beta Scholarship CRYSTAL WLNFREE, Epsilon Omega
SAMANTHA S M I T H , Chi Lambda JENNIFER BOWMAN, Delta Delta LACEY M C M A N U S , Omega Omicron
Jennifer Heuring Combs/Chi Lambda Scholarship Ruth M.Johnson Memorial Scholarship SALLY JARVLS, Gamma Delta
and Martha McKinney Wilhoite/Theta Scholarship W H I T N E Y W i L G U s . Kappa Omega
SHANNON W H I T E , Chi Psi Lou Meginnes Couch/Sigma Omicron Scholarship KRJSTA N APOSKT, Epsilon Chi
San Diego Alumnae Chapter Memorial Scholarship
ERICA W H i T T i N G T O N . Delta Upsilon Kappa Gamma Scholarship
Pi Kappa Scholarship
Pi Kappa Scholarship Robert and Eleanore MacCurdy Scholarship

Alumnae Chapter Honor Scholarship Jo Ann Gibbons Scholarship

ERIN CORNELIUS, Alpha Delta A N A PAULA D E L i M A , Gamma Omicron
Langston-Purdy Scholarship Lauren Weiss Memorial/Gamma Omicron Scholarship

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7 TARA BUCKLEY. Pi Delta
Karen Tucker Centennial Scholarship



Mary Batman Converse, Phi
Kappa (Morris Harvey College)
was named the recipient of the
Barbara Daugs Hunt Award
which recognizes an alumna
for lifetime service to the
Foundation. "When I think of
her," says one of her sisters,
"words like 'lifetime commitment
to AON' come to mind." Mary
has served AOII since becoming
a member in 1962 and has been
a friend of the Foundation since
its inception.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7



When it comes to successful fund raising, for everyone, such as autographed golf fabulous complimentary Public Service
the ladies o f Chi Phi ( U o f South Carolina gloves, baseball items, perfume baskets, Announcement on the event - and air
Aiken) only needed one year to develop golf packages, hardware and much more. it! As for next Spring, C h i Phi Chapter
a winning game plan to help A O I I Strike Stephanie Creech had the privilege o f President Erin Hasty says plans are
O u t Arthritis! O n the first anniversary singing the National Anthem at one o f already underway to try and double their
weekend o f the chapter's installation last the games on Saturday to make her sisters proceeds. They also plan to produce
April, chapter members carried out not proud. Tickets for the delicious barbecue another T V commercial to broadcast
one - but two - A O I I Strike Out Arthritis! dinner, sponsored by a local restaurant, throughout the community - which
events i n correlation w i t h the USC-Aiken were pre-sold and available on game day. proved to be the perfect pitch last year!
Baseball games. Their successful 1-2 pitch The chapter even had members working Erin exclaims, "Because we have already
was the result o f outstanding team effort the stadium concession stands to earn started working, I truly feel like our next
and creative promotion. A O I I Strike half the weekend proceeds while other Strike Out Arthritis! weekend w i l l be even
O u t Arthritis! is the fraternity's signature members manned information tables to better than it was last year. I cannot wait
philanthropy event that is sure to be a promote the A O I I Foundation and the for April to be here!"
winner on any campus. Arthritis Foundation.
There are 66 million people i n the United
Beginning on Friday night, April 6, the Under the direction of last year's States living w i t h the pain o f arthritis.
new C h i Phi AOIIs hosted "Kid's Night" Philanthropic Chairman Sarah Younts, A O I I is committed to helping eliminate
at the baseball park that featured f u n for the weekend showcased a great team this disease and its debilitating effects on
all ages. Stations for face painting, AOPie effort by the whole chapter. Collecting old and young alike. Raising nearly $2,300
in the Face, and a fire truck for the kids auction and raffle items and securing in their first ever philanthropic event, the
to play on were especially a hit with the sponsors kept the costs down and members members o f C h i Phi definitely stepped up
youngest fans. They even arranged for used their personal connections wisely, to the plate to do their part to help A O I I
13-year-old juvenile arthritis patient, such as convincing the local T V station Strike Out Arthritis!
Cole Colbertson, to experience the thrill where a member worked to produce a
o f throwing out the first pitch o f the
game - a treat that warmed everyone's
heart. Members sold raffle tickets on
Friday evening for USC-Aiken baseball
attire, spa packages, and numerous gift
certificates. Fans even cheered on AOII's
Brittany Leverette, whose amazing voice
wowed the crowd as she sang the National
Anthem. It proved to be a beautiful night
for baseball!

A Saturday double-header set the stage
for the chapter to promote its A O I I
Strike Out Arthritis! Silent Auction and
Barbecue event inside the baseball park.
Donated auction items included something

ISSUF.NO. 1 • FALL 2007 T o DRAGMA • 4 7


Chi Psi Chapter Sets the
Standard for Excellence

"Chi Psi puts forth the best possible image They are N C A A athletes, cheerleaders, student
of what a sorority should be. Being involved government leaders, university ambassadors, singers,
in campus clubs, working professionally in the dancers, and gifted scholars. They can be found
community, volunteering for local events, and supporting the university at sporting events, as
responsibly having a good time shows the leaders of campus tours, and participating in other
community that a sorority is an asset." organizations' events.

48 • To DRAGMA They support AOIl's philanthropy and give their time
to other service projects. Their sisterhood events bring
''///'In... them together for T V nights, retreats, and book club.
Individuals are recognized for their accomplishments
and talents.

They make recruitment personal, and retaining
members a priority. They support other chapters and
make an effort to connect with alumnae and other
collegians, despite being located three hours from
another A O I I chapter. They send as many members
as possible to Convention and Leadership Institute to
allow them to see the "big picture" of A O I I and to
teach " A O I I for a lifetime."

They are the women of Chi Fsi Chapter at California
Polytechnic State University, and they are the
recipients of the Jessie Wallace Hughan Award,
making them the overall best collegiate chapter of the
2005-2007 biennium.

Taking home t h e J W H Award at International
Convention means taking home the top honor for a
collegiate chapter. Though the women of Chi Psi may
make it look easy, winning the J W H is no simple task.

Contention for the J W H starts at the beginning o f
each biennium. The award is based on the A O I I
Standards o f Excellence, or the nineteen areas
of operations that the Fraternity feels are most
vital for the success o f a chapter. Chapters are
rewarded based on the percentage o f standards they
accomplish over a given biennium. In order to be
considered for the J W H , a chapter must be a Ruby
Level chapter, meaning they maintain 90% of the
Standards o f Excellence.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2007

Community service is just another aspect of sisterhood.
Their annual "Mr. Fraternity" pageant is a favorite jfmong the greek community.

It takes much more than just formulas and numbers to with sisters of all ages. This May, the chapter

be the top chapter in AOII. Chi Psi Chapter has used invited all AOIIs in California to their first

the Standards of Excellence as a guide, and created a annual "Alumnae Networking Luncheon." The 5

well balanced planforsuccess. event gave collegians and alumnae the chance =

to mingle, make job connections, and to listen E

To keep everyone involved, the chapter redesigned to AOII speakers share their stories of success in

their chapter meetings to include power point their careers.
presentations, "spotlight sister of the week," fun AOII

facts, and "Rose Vines" to recognize a sisters who have Chi Psi has a strong reputation on campus and

gone out of their way to help another. in their community. They are a model for other

sororities on their campus and they work to

"Recruitment School," is something that members continually exceed the expectation as an AOII

look forward to, because in addition to brushing chapter. Their Alumnae Advisory Committee

up conversation skills, practicing songs, and states: "Chi Psi puts forth the best possible image

perfecting rotation, the chapter takes time out for of what a sorority should be. Being involved

"pump-up" activities. in campus clubs, working professionally in

the community, volunteering for local events,

"With the internal business and sisterhood of the chapter and responsibly having a good time shows the **4

running so well, we have now been able to branch out community that a sorority is an asset." "///,"nil.'""//ll/l mi

even more into the community," their nomination To DRAGMA • 49

read. The chapter hosts "Mr. Fraternity." a male beauty- Winning the J WH is something that not only takes

pageant that raised over $3,()()() last year. Additionally hard work, but takes time. Chi Psi Chapter has not

the chapter went above and beyond their service always been a Ruby Level chapter. The members

requirements, when they started a chapter-wide service made a commitment to improve. "We re-evaluated

day that was implemented each quarter. Members every aspect of sorority life," they say. "We set goals

volunteered at homeless shelters, convalescent homes, for each area and accomplished them."

and participated in beach clean-ups.

Today a shiny crystal bowl is proudly displayed

The chapter says they, "just want to make sure in the Chi Psi Chapter House. To guests, it may

sorority life is fun and exciting-no matter how just look like a piece of beautiful decor, but to the

long you have been a member of AOII." Chi women of the chapter, it symbolizes two years of

Psi celebrated their 20th anniversary in March accomplishments, and the dedication it took to

2006, and used it as an opportunity to reconnect become the best chapter in AOII.

ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

Hill,^ w w « « » » » " , , , , l , , " " " " ' " » « w i / | /
\ y In addition to boasting the highest GPA amongst all sororities

S> at Tufts U, Delta Chapter, meets this standard by implementing a

^ program to assist members and new members to reach their highest academic

How can your chapter potential. With a 3.41 cumulative GPA last Spring, their average is much higher
than the 3.14 requirement to be eligible for an AOII Academic Cup.
By understanding the
Standards of Excellence Each chapter member sets academic goals for herself at the beginning of each semester
and incorporating each and submits it to the Vice President of Academic Development. Sisters are rewarded
category into your chapter for meeting their goals and members with the highest CPAs are treated to a scholarship
operations. dinner. As an incentive to attend every class, members who don't "skip" enter their
name in the "Skippy Jar" for a chance to win prizes in a weekly drawing. Sisters
Learn more about how
some of our collegiate can focus on scholarship by reviewing a scholarship bulletin board which posts a
chapters are meeting • list of chapter members' majors, study tips, study hours, and scholarship deadlines
each standard.
and information.
The Delta Chapter is the recipient of the
McCausland Cup awarded to the collegiate
E Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee Martin) E
chapter whose overall academic
= chapter members are each involved E
= in an average of three organizations E development is determined to be \\\^'
E outside of AOII. Members are
E involved in student government, the most superior. i\VV?^
E varsity athletics, cheerleading. Big
= Brothers/Big Sisters, Emerging r'«//»iminiiiiuuu»»"HlWX>
E Leaders, and over 60 organizations. E
niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirf ALUMNAE RELATIONS:

Theta Pi (Wagner College) knows what "AOII for a Lifetime"
means. As winners of the award with this namesake, they
work with the New York/New Jersey Metro Alumnae
Chapter to maintain an active and mutually beneficial
relationship. The chapters co-host an annual AOII Strike
Out Arthritis! bowling event. Because of their positive
relationship with alumnae, Theta Pi has a supportive
Alumnae Advisory Committee and Corporation Board.


Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana U) keeps

members excited to come to meetings and

educational sessions by incorporating games, sing oris,

and sisterhood into the agenda. The chapter loves to

dress up and go out to dinner after chapter, giving

everyone something to look forward to after a business

meeting. When it comes to international events, register

Kappa Tau for a delegate, plus one...or plus...many sisters.

The chapter had fourteen members attend

% Convention 2007!

5 0 * To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL 2 0 0 7

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