\ O L . 75 N o . l maA l p h a OMicRON Pi
A Kappa Lambda new member
enjoys the sweet smell of a rose
on her initiation day.
.-^ N
v •* 7 Viewpoint
8 Fraternity News
> 10 Remembering Nancy Moyer McCain
13 Benefits of Friendship
* 18 Putting Facebook to Work
22 Coming Home to AOII
E NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2 0 1 0 28 Member Profile - Mary Dawson
32 On the Road with the ELCs
36 The Face of Arthritis
39 Sisterhood at Its Finest
40 NPC 2010 Review
42 Member Profile - Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
44 Things We Love
48 Making Resolutions that Last
50 Surviving "You Have Cancer"
54 Foundation Focus
60 In Your Own Words - Capture Our Attention
62 From the Archives
66 Life Loyal AOIIs
69 AOII Volunteer Directory
l o Pragma\ i \ From the Editor
f /\ oi: A L P H A O M I C R O N Pi
As the editor o f To Dragma and AOIFs archivist, I feel one o f my most
To Dragma is the official magazine of Alpha Omicron Pi important responsibilities is to accurately capture the w h o , what, when,
Fraternity, and has been published since 1905. The mission where, why and how o f everything A O I I . Those are essential questions
of To Dragma of Alpha Omicron Pi is to inform, educate and for good journalism, as well as for historical record-keeping. We are
inspire our readers on subjects relevant to our Fraternity, our working on ways to improve our historical record-keeping and are excited
chapters, our members, or Greek life; to encourage lifetime about advancements i n that area that we w i l l share w i t h you in our next
AOII involvement; to salute excellence; and to serve as a issue. We planned this issue w i t h the magazine's mission statement in
permanent record of our Fraternity's history. mind, especially our quest to "inspire" you. We hope that the stories
contained i n this issue w i l l do just that - inspire y o u in the w h o , what,
How to Contact To Dragma: when, where, why and how o f everything A O I I !
To Dragma, 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027
(615) 370-0920, fax: (615) 371-9736, www.alphaomicronpi.org, W h o - In this issue you can read about several o f your outstanding A O I I
[email protected] sisters. Women like M a r y Dawson and Susan Graveline w i l l inspire you
w i t h their dedication and passion for l i v i n g i n stories o n page 28 and 50.
How to Update Your Name or Address: By historically recording the 2010-11 Volunteer O f f i c e r Directory, we are
Go to Update Profile on the private side of the AOII website happy to salute the terrific ladies to give o f their time t o service
(www.alphaomicronpi.org), email your new address to the fraternity.
[email protected], or call (615) 370-0920.
What — In a story titled, "The Benefits o f Friendship" you will learn what
How to Subscribe to To Dragma: makes friendship work and you can browse brief stories o n w h a t the A O I I
Subscriptions are $25.00 annually and can be paid by check Foundation is doing to strengthen our Fraternity beginning on page 54.
or credit card. Checks, made payable to AOII, should be Are you interested i n learning what happens at an N P C annual meeting?
mailed to 5390 Virginia Way, Brentwood, TN 37027, Attn: Read the meeting recap on page 40 to find out.
Accounting. Credit card subscribers (Visa, Master Card or
Discover only) should email [email protected]. When - Convention 2011 is our biggest event o f the bienniuni. Find
out when it is occurring on page 46. O n a far sadder note, we salute a
How to Join Life Loyal AOII: beloved Past International President w h o has died since our last issue.
Visit the AOII website or contact lifeloyalaoii® You can read more details o f when Nancy Moyer M c C a i n passed away i n
alphaomicronpi.org. her profile on page 10.
How to Join an AOII Alumnae Chapter: Where - Our Educational Leadership Consultants have been on the road
Visit the AOII website for contact information on an alumnae for A O I I . You can read their reflections about their first semester travels
chapter near you. in a story that begins on page 32.
Director of Communications W h y — H o w does the A O I I property that you call home determine the
Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen, Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) quality o f your sisterhood experience? this and many other questions are
answered in a feature titled " C o m i n g H o m e to A O I I " on page 22.
Graphic Designer
Whitney Frazier, Rho Omicron (Middle TN State U) H o w — H o w do you nominate a sister for the Executive Board or make
a N e w Year's Resolution that w i l l stick this year? These and many more
Women Enriched through Lifelong Friendship. "hows" are answered i n stories throughout this entire issue.
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded at Barnard College in New A n d for an added j o l t o f inspiration, we have accompanied most o f the
York City, January 2, 1897, by Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen stories in this issue w i t h quotes intended to give y o u cause to pause and
St. Clair Mullan, Stella George Stern Perry & Elizabeth ponder the friendships you have shared in Alpha O i n i c r o n Pi.
Heywood Wyman.
International President
Barbara Dunn Zipperian, Kappa Kappa (Ball State U) Mariellen Perkinson Sasseen
Alpha Delta (U of Alabama)
Executive Director 1 director of Communications
Troylyn LeForge, Beta Phi (Indiana U)
ISSUE NO. 1 • l ALL/WiiMrFR201()
Alpha Omicron Pi is a member of the National Panhellenic
Conference and the Fraternity Communications Association.
4 • T o D RAO MA
The 2010-2011 AON Foundation Ruby Fund Message
Can be reprinted in a chapter newsletter or read at your local Founders' Day Celebrations. The Executive Board Founders' Day
Message was published in the Summer issue of To Dragma or you can find both messages on the AOII website at
Happy Founders' Day, Sisters! During these challenging economic times, we anticipate
that the needs of our sisters will become more frequent.
Securing the Future! - These are short and powerful Fortunately, most of us will never find ourselves in dire
words that define the AOII Foundation. As we gather to need. However, for those who do, there may be no
celebrate the four y o u n g w o m e n w h o b r o u g h t us together greater demonstration of fraternal love than the relief we
in a spirit of fraternity and love, let's remember that we are can provide through the Ruby Fund.
enjoying this t i m e in our shared history because of those
w h o c a m e before us - those w o m e n w h o secured the Please take a m o m e n t to consider how you might give
f u t u r e t h a t w e e n j o y t o d a y . N o w it is i n c u m b e n t u p o n us generously to the Ruby Fund this year. Give in honor of
t o secure t h e future for those w h o will follow us with our our founders, our history, and our motto so that we can
commitment to one another and our fraternity. Secure the Future of our sisters in dire n e e d , o n e sister
at a time.
While the AOII Foundation serves a variety of AOII
interests, t o d a y we ask that you find a special place in Fraternally,
y o u r h e a r t f o r t h e Ruby F u n d . T h e Ruby F u n d is o u r Cynthia Skaff, C h a i r m a n (Theta Psi 7 8 )
means of providing financial assistance to AOII sisters Rachel Lyles (Kappa O m i c r o n '95)
w h o f i n d t h e m s e l v e s in d i r e n e e d . It is a blessing t o o f f e r Tracy Herand McCarty (Upsilon Alpha '93)
financial assistance o n behalf of all of us when our sisters Cindy Visot, Board Liaison (Kappa Tau '81)
are dealing with critical illnesses, loss of income and/or
insurance, divorce, domestic violence, fires and floods.
To Dragma Distribution Information
If y o u a r e : 1) a n A O I I c o l l e g i a n , 2) a Life L o y a l A O I I m e m b e r , 3) a n a l u m n a e c h a p t e r d u e s p a y i n g m e m b e r , o r
4) a n a n n u a l T o Dragma s u b s c r i b e r , y o u w i l l c o n t i n u e t o r e c e i v e all t h r e e i s s u e s o f T o Dragma. If y o u a r e n o t
a m e m b e r of o n e of those four groups, the number of magazine issues you receive each year will be based
on the following schedule:
i S
Fall 2010 - Summer 2012 Fall 2012 and Forward
• All members will receive 1 issue. • Only Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs,
• Collegians, Life Loyal AOIIs, Alumnae Chapter dues paying
members and annual subscribers
Alumnae Chapter dues paying will receive the magazine.
members and annual subscribers
will receive all 3 issues.
Sisters f r o m Delta Delta ( A u b u r n U) enjoy
time together while at SharpTop Cove, a
Young Life C a m p , in Jasper, Georgia.
w •*
mmm. mm im
"You can't be who you need to be if you stay where you are."
The president o f a Nashville university used this quote i n a speech he made to area business
leaders. He didn't provide the source but it stuck w i t h me and really made me think —
personally, professionally and as a member o f Alpha Omicron PL
The beginning o f this biennium brought new changes for our fraternity as we elected an
executive board charged with the opportunity to govern our organization without specific
operational duties and responsibilities. We hired a new executive director and brought
back our chapter consultant program, now called Educational Leadership Consultants.
We geographically aligned the chapter oversight structure, completed our transition to the
Billhighway online billing and financial management system, centralized all training and
educational needs through Education Committee, and established a new vision statement.
Currently we are implementing a new database, website and reporting system; establishing
a mentoring program between the executive board and the network directors; introducing
a new Human Resource Ambassador volunteer position and we have t w o new A O I I
colonies at the University o f Alabama in Huntsville and the University ot British Columbia,
which is a re-colonization o f our Beta Kappa chapter. W h e w ! A l l this reflects that A O I I
is advancing our organization by making very deliberate choices to stay relevant and enrich
our membership as our needs evolve.
Personally I love to learn new things and strive to grow as a woman and leader. I believe
that we all need to visualize who we need to be and work hard to move ourselves forward
to meet those goals and become those women. But it takes values, vision and veracity. O u r
A O I I founders provided us w i t h values that are outlined for us in our book o f Rituals, they
gave us the vision that friendship in A O I I is to be for a lifetime
and they had the veracity to expect that we could have what they
experienced for centuries to come.
We have the tremendous opportunity to be who we need to be by
refusing to stay where we are and continuing to live, learn, lead and
serve. O u r membership in Alpha Omicron Pi gives us the tools and
resources to be better women. Take a moment to go to our website
and study our values. I f you have access to a book o f Rituals, take
some time to read it, make some new goals and challenge yourself
to do more, try harder, and exceed your o w n expectations. I f
you need some help along the way, remember that you've got the
support f r o m thousands of women who are proud to call you sister
and friend — thanks to Alpha Omicron Pi.
Barbara Zipperian. International President
Leadership Academy AOII to Colonize at Ramapo College
It's that time again! Collegiate leaders and advisers w i l l A O I I is very pleased to announce upcoming colonizations at
be gathering together at A O I I Headquarters during two outstanding Universities. This fall, the Fraternity received
February 4th - 6th for a weekend o f officer specific training an invitation f r o m Ramapo College o f N e w Jersey i n Mahwah,
and development. Tailored education w i l l be featured NJ for a Spring 2011 colonization. Ramapo College is a public
for Chapter Presidents and Vice Presidents o f Chapter university established in 1969 and currently educates over 6,000
Development that will focus on Ritual, keeping members undergraduate and graduate students. Their curriculum emphasizes
engaged, tools for increasing life-long involvement, in the liberal arts and sciences, social sciences, fine and performing
addition to sharing best practices w i t h chapter leaders. arts, as well as professional programs. Ramapo was listed in the
Chapter Advisers w i l l also participate in a full-day o f February 2010 issue o f Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine as
training designed to increase recruitment and training for among the "100 Best Values i n Public Colleges" for 2009. This is
members o f their Alumnae Advisory Committees. the fifth consecutive year Ramapo has been included in the "100
Best Values in Public Colleges." The college was also ranked # 4 9
Leadership Academy has grown to be one o f AOII's most i n the country, and as one o f three colleges in N e w Jersey in the
successful tools for officer training. Go to the A O I I website Top 100. AOII w i l l become the 5th N P C chapter on this campus,
to register today. It is sure to be one event that your chapter joining Delta Phi Epsilon, Theta Phi Alpha, Sigma Delta Tau and
w i l l not want to miss! Sigma Sigma Sigma.
Become A Foundation Ambassador AOII to Re-colonize at Florida State U
Are you interested in representing the Foundation in your In other exciting news, A O I I is thrilled to announce that we
area? D o you have experience i n public speaking and a have accepted an invitation to re-colonize our Alpha Pi Chapter
love for AOII? I f this sounds like you, visit the Foundation at Florida State University i n Tallahassee. The time frame for
website at http://www.aoiifoundation.org/volunteer.php for colonization has not been finalized, but is expected to occur
more information and to download an application. We can't sometime between the Fall o f 2012 and no later than Fall 2014.
wait to hear f r o m you! Alpha Pi Chapter was originally chartered on May 6, 1928 and
the Fraternity has held the charter in trust since the chapter closed
Two Chapter Installation Dates Set in 1980. Florida State University is an outstanding research and
teaching institution w i t h a diverse student body representing all 50
Re-Installation for Beta Kappa Chapter ( U o f British states and over 128 countries. Women represent 57 percent o f their
Columbia) w i l l be on the weekend o f March 11-12, 2011. 40,000+ student body. Alpha O m i c r o n Pi w i l l j o i n 16 other N P C
Installation for Delta Tau, at the U o f Alabama - Huntsville organizations on this active Greek life campus.
is scheduled for April 8-9, 2011.
Congratulations to both chapters and best wishes for a Help Us Find Lost Sisters
successful first year.
Over 37,000 AOIIs are currently not connected to A O I I and
Educational Leadership Consultant we need your help. Visit the A O I I Foundation website at w w w .
Applications are Now Being Accepted aoiifoundation.org/event.php to submit contact information for
a lost sister.
After just three short months on the road, AOII's new
Educational Leadership Consultant program is bringing Each time you send contact information on a lost sister, we'll put
outstanding ideas, support, and resources to our collegiate your name in a quarterly drawing for an A O I I signature necklace!
chapters, and the 2010-2011 E L C team has spread the light
of A O I I far and wide as they travel the US and Canada to We all win... you get to
meet and get to know their wonderful sisters f r o m every reconnect with a friend
chapter. Would you like to share your love for A O I I w i t h the and A O I I finds a
world about us? Applications are now being accepted for the LOST SISTER!
2011-2012 ELC team. Act quickly as applications must be
postmarked no later than January 10. 2011. Px'sponsibilities LOYAL FOREVER
and expectations for the role are outlined on AOII's website, ALPHA TO THEE...
and any questions can be directed to Kaya Miller, Director
of Advancement at [email protected]. ISSUE NO. 1 • F A L L / W i N T K R 2010
Alcohol Energy Drinks
Stir Up Trouble
The National Panhellenic Conference Two recent incidents seem to have Public health officials in the US
has issued an advisory on Alcohol sparked the additional scrutiny of the are concerned that the increasing
Energy Drinks. These popular products; including an off-campus party popularity of caffeinated alcoholic
beverages come pre-mixed with at Central Washington U and an alleged d r i n k s a m o n g c o l l e g e s t u d e n t s is
alcohol along with caffeine, guarana, sexual assault of a 14-year-old freshman increasing their risk of cardiovascular
ginseng, taurine, and other ingredients h i g h school s t u d e n t in Detroit. In t h e d a m a g e , a n d t h a t it is also increasing
commonly associated with non- Central Washington U incident, Chief their personal safety risk because the
alcoholic energy drinks. "This new of Police Steve Rittereiser, r e p o r t e d that stimulant effect of the caffeine makes
line of a l c o h o l i c b e v e r a g e p r o d u c t s is their investigation s h o w e d t h a t all of t h e t h e m t h i n k t h a t t h e y are not as d r u n k
extremely similar in look a n d feel to h o s p i t a l i z e d s t u d e n t s (6 w o m e n a n d 3 as they really are. These p r o d u c t s are
the popular energy drinks that contain men) had drunk Four Loko, an alcoholic distinctly different from other high-
no alcohol," says Chris Lilly of the energy drink. energy drinks on the market today that
Kentucky Alcoholic Beverage Control.
" O u r youth are at risk w h e n clerks and are infused with only caffeine
retailers cannot differentiate between and other stimulants. The
nonalcoholic and alcoholic beverages products coming
being sold." under increasing
scrutiny are pre-
Several states are calling for bans on mixed with alcohol.
the sale of beverages that have become
increasingly popular with college Additional resources:
students. Under various trade names, For a list of the product names
t h e o n e m o s t recently cited in the news of these drinks that have come
is s o l d as F o u r L o k o . S o l d f o r as little as under increasing scrutiny, please
$2 a c a n , t h e i t e m is n o t only c h e a p b u t visit the Michigan Liquor Control
easily accessible at grocery stores. With Commission website (download
its colorful packaging and fruity flavors the commission order/product
like watermelon, blue raspberry and list): http://www.michigan.gov/
lemon-lime, critics claim products are dleg/0,1607,7-154-10570—.OO.html
"explicitly designed to attract under-
a g e drinkers." T h e U.S. F o o d a n d D r u g Some alcohol energy
Administration has posted a letter from drinks contain 12
various medical authorities written to percent alcohol plus
state attorneys general last September the equivalent of two
saying "being wide awake and drunk shots of espresso.
at the same time increases t h e risk of That's the same
e n g a g i n g in several forms of violent or amount of alcohol as
other high-risk physical behaviors that about six beers and as
can cause injury." much caffeine as in five
regular cups of coffee.
In early N o v e m b e r , t h r e e states t o o k
steps to ban the p r o d u c t s via their
alcohol regulatory agencies. Some
states are considering additional
legislative steps. Two campuses,
including the U of Rhode Island
and Ramapo College of New Jersey,
are also stepping up enforcement,
including issuing citations to
students found drinking the items
o n c a m p u s — e v e n if t h e y are over 21.
A Moment in Time
A Lifetime to Remember
Alpha Omicron Pi deeply mourns the passing of Nancy Moyer McCain who served as
International President from 1957-1959. She was always gracious, caring, thoughtful, and
interesting. Her values mirrored the Fraternity's values, which she lived, modeled, mentored,
recorded, and cherished from the day she became the 500th initiate o f Rho Chapter at
Northwestern U in 1941 to the day she passed into our Alpha Omega Chapter on August 16, 2010.
10 • To DRAGMA Cajun French culture call it "Lagniappe" (/'lan-,yap/) meaning given
w i t h gratitude by way of good measure); Alpha Omicron l J i uses "To
Exceed Expectations;" for Nancy, it was simply good leadership. Her
service as Collegiate Chapter President caught the eye of AOII's National
Executive Committee. Immediately following her graduation, Nancy
was employed as AOII's first Traveling Secretary (1944-45). From 1945
to 1951, she served the Fraternity in a variety o f capacities including
Chapter Adviser for Alpha Tau Chapter (1 )enison U ) and as a staff
member at A O I I Central Office. In 1951 Nancy began her eight years
on the A O I I Executive Committee; first as International Secretary, then
International First Vice President, and finally International President.
In later years, our sisterhood benefitted from Nancy's love and respect
for our Founders and History as she used her talents as an inspirational
member o f the Rituals, Traditions and Jewelry Committee, as
International Historian, and as AOII's first Archivist. Locally, her love
o f continued service shone as she fully participated in alumnae activities,
becoming a Founding Member of the Macomb County Alumnae
Chapter (installed 11/18/69), where she accepted the responsibilities o f
nearly every office over 41 years.
Today's AOII still carries remarkable evidence o f Nancy's leadership
influence. The Diamond Jubilee Foundation was established while
Nancy was International President. The scholarship foundation is now
part of the A O I I Foundation. The first Colony Pin was used during these
years, and is the Colony Pin used today. O u r international organization
had its first International Convention on non-U.S. soil in 1959, at the
Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia. It was during this event
that the Helen St. Clair Mullan Award was first presented, to Edith
Huntington Anderson (Beta Phi, Indiana U ) .
ISSUE NO. 1 • I A L L / W I N T E R 2010
|. t. *, t «. k, t *. Nancy McC uise Roller, 1
i Alpha Pi (FIc
historicfraterA' roll book
k 1;
Additionally, it was Nancy's vision that brought technology and
permanence to AOII's Archives. Nancy learned well from AOII's
Historians who came before her. The teachings emphasized the
stories behind the artifacts which have been lovingly preserved for
the A O I I files and for archival displays. The stories were carefully
compiled and accurately relayed for our Celebrate the Century
history book. The preservation lessons, the importance of the
"heart" as well as the "materials," were meticulously taught to her
successor Archivist, Joan MacCallum, Kappa Phi (McGill U ) .
To Nancy learning came from sharing as well as from books and We could insert " A O I I " for " C o m m u n i t y " in K i m Parr's accolade.
documentation. In all aspects of her life, learning from others, Alpha Omicron Pi International recognized Nancy's service and
often over pots and pots ot tea, brought new perspectives, a fresh inspiration. First i n 1985, Nancy was chosen the Helen St. Clair
focus, and a renewed appreciation for whatever was the subject Mullan Award winner. In 1989, her motivational and inclusive
at hand. leadership style was rewarded w i t h the presentation o f the Adele K.
Hinton Award. In 2009, she received her well earned Rose Award,
Nancy was an only child, as was her husband Walter McCain. along with a Distinguished Service plaque for her ever-present and
The McCains were never blessed w i t h children, yet considered always dependable local service.
A O I I a surrogate family. Walt (d. 12/1/2009) was highly
respected & well known throughout A O I I . The couple had Nancy's sun-kissed luncheon memorial was held outside in the
a deep commitment to friendship, service, and stewardship intimate C H M garden she helped create. The service was led by
of the world about them. They were advocates for Historical I )r. Rev. Roxie Davis and participants included her dear friends
Preservation and enduring role models of lifelong learning. John MacArthur (attorney and family friend), A O I I International
Historian Joan Deaths MacCallum (Kappa Phi, M c G i l l U ) ,
One sister shared, "The McCains showed us how to enjoy life, K i m Parr, Ross Champion ( M H S President), A O I I sisters, and
appreciate nature, and take care o f each other." Their philosophy community friends. Many memories were shared amongst red
was supported by their incredible capacity to retain the smallest o f roses, summer flowers, sweet sounds o f live music beneath the
details to influence progress and personal inclusiveness. Attention gazebo, and personal memorabilia. A wistful visit from a solitary
to detail was a hallmark ot Nancy's hundreds of personal Thank butterfly seemed to leave a message that Nancy was w i t h us i n a
You notes and many small thoughtful remembrances that were friendship that time cannot erase.
her stock and trade.
As the quintessential cheerleader for all things A O I I , it was this
It is not only to ourselves that Alpha Omicron Pi must be of particular sister, a Past International President from the 1950s, who
value... Walt and Nancy worked together to be of service to became the first A O I I Life Loyal member. It was a typical example
their community. A n indelible example was the founding of the of positive leadership and her support for continued evolution in the
Macomb Historical Society (MHS) in 1964. Nancy's love o f organization. Perhaps, that support for change is the greatest legacy
history and Walt's valued community service were the catalysts ot the inspirational member that we knew as a sister, friend, and
for the preservation of the first mayoral (Joshua Dickinson) home mentor... Nancy Mover McCain.
(built 1869) in the City of M t . Clemens, M I and they stayed loyal
supporters for their remaining 46 years. M H S has continued to by Robin Lee Beltramini, lota (U of Illinois) & Linda Heaton Grates, Beta Pi
thrive and oversee the Crocker House Museum ( C H M ) as an (Eastern Michigan U)
impressive educational venue. K i m Parr ( C H M Director) has
given full credit to Nancy for inspiring the community's pride in
their history and commitment to its preservation.
AOII Chapters Installed d u r i n g Nancy M o y e r McCain's t e r m as International President, 1957-1959:
Phi Lambda (Youngstown State U) Upsilon Alpha (U of Arizona) Jackson Alumnae
Omega Omicron (Lambuth U) Beta Chi (Kentucky Wesleyan College) Stockton Alumnae
Nu Beta (U of Mississippi) Detroit N. Suburban Alumnae Battle Creek Alumnae
Lambda Tau (Northeast LA State U) Colorado Springs Alumnae Hamilton Alumnae
Phi Delta (U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Chicago DuPage Valley Alumnae
12 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • 1- A L L / W I N I ER2010
! IF
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Friendships between women are treasured.
Author Gale Berkowitz states that "friendships between women are special. They
shape who we are and who we are yet to be." These friendships show what scientists
are now confirming.. .women's brains seek sisterhood! Calling a friend to share good
news or seeking support in difficult times are actions that stem from several processes
that researchers have discovered are unique to the minds of women.
In times of stress Their study concluded that looking back over time,
the fight or flight response was not as well suited to
While right or flight may be a primary response women because the fight behavior could endanger
for both men and women, there is a distinct their children and the flight behavior could be
biobehavioral component that is specific to women complicated by pregnancy and care o f young
According to writer Gail Berkowitz, the authors infants. Thus, researchers suggested that women's
of a U C L A study Laura Cousin Klein, Ph.D and behaviors evolved to better be described as a "tend
Shelley Taylor, PH.D. noticed that when their and befriend" model. The "tend" behavior refers
female counterparts in the lab were stressed, they to the instinct for a woman to protect herself and
cleaned and bonded with other women in the lab. her children. Whether it is cooking, cleaning, or
Male counterparts under stress isolated themselves. overseeing the family, this "tending" behavior
When these researchers realized that most studies
on the human response to threat or stress have only
been conducted on men, they decided to explore
this response in women.
11 M
was evident in study observations. The "befriend"
actions correspond to tendency for women to
seek out connections w i t h a social group o f other
females. N o t only does this tend and befriend
approach enable survival but research shows it
causes the release of oxytocin that can have a
relaxing effect. Women's brains are wired to seek
out other women for support and friendship, and
the sharing o f these friendships causes a biological
response that is mutually calming.
\ 1 a i n ta i n i n g f ri en d s h i p s
While connections may deepen in times of crisis,
long-term relationships have special rewards.
Women are cited as being stronger at maintaining
lasting friendships, and these friendships create
significant health benefits. Chris Crowley and
Henry S. Lodge, M D state, "every second you
spend w i t h other people, your limbic brain is
tuning in to them, being changed by their moods,
and changing theirs in turn." They call this process
the "limbic dance" and emphasize its importance
for long-term health. According to this team,
"Hundreds of research studies confirm that
isolation hurts us and connection heals us through
the same physical mechanisms as exercise and
healthy diet. Blood vessels are measurably
more elastic, the heart's ability to respond
to extraordinary demands is higher, cardiac
inflammatory protein levels are lower, and blood
pressure response to exercise is better in more
connected people. Their stress-hormone blood
profiles are also measurably healthier than those o f
isolated people."
"It takes a long time to
grow an old friend."
- Jolui Leonard
ISSUE NO, 1 • I A L L / W ^ N T K K 2010
wKm 0mm r
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Laughter is another often overlooked Friendships and healing
reinforcer of overall health, and laughing
w i t h friends has been shown to have the most When illness does strike, science has proven that it
positive biological implications. Melinda takes more than medicine to maximize a patient's
Smith, Gina Kemp, and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. rate o f recovery. People w i t h a strong network
note four ways that laughing together can of friends have been k n o w n to have much more
have benefits even after the chuckles subside: positive outcomes. Research conducted with
nearly 3,000 nurses w h o had a diagnosis o f breast
• Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, cancer offered key insight into the importance o f
hearty laugh relieves physical tension and friendships in recovery. This study found that the
stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up nurses without close friends were 4 times more
to 45 minutes after. likely to die f r o m breast cancer than those w i t h 10
friends or more. Interesting to note was the fact
• Laughter boosts the immune system. that the proximity o f the friends did not matter.
Laughter decreases stress hormones and Connecting w i t h these friends by any means
increases immune cells and infection-fighting proved essential in the healing process.
antibodies, thus improving your resistance Rebecca G. Adams, a sociology professor at
to disease. the University of North Carolina Greensboro
expressed her surprise that the impact o f friendships
• Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, on health is not more readily recognized. She
the body's natural feel-good chemicals. stated, "Friendship has a bigger impact on our
Endorphins promote an overall sense of psychological well-being than family relationships."
well-being and can even temporarily
relieve pain. As time goes In
• Laughter protects the heart. Laughter Just as women are w i r e d to turn to friends in times
improves the function of b l o o d vessels of stress and also to enjoy the health benefits o f
and increases blood flow, which can help laughing together, there is a third way that building
protect you against a heart attack and other a connection w i t h sisters is crucial. Friendship has
cardiovascular problems. been proven to continually nurture the cognitive
strength o f the brain throughout one's lifetime. I n
a study at the University o f Michigan, psychologist
Oscar Ybarra's research indicated that spending
16 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • F A L L / W I N I KK 2010
time talking w i t h friends may be as effective at What can this research mean for women today? It
maintaining and enriching mental function as affirms that friendship is vital to survival. Whether
more strenuous mental activities like crossword it is research that confirms that a circle of friends
puzzles. So sharing a cup o f coffee and catching up aids in maintaining health or studies that support
w i t h a close friend has rewards that might be taken how connections enable a speedy recovery,
for granted. friendship is critical. Women can also recognize
that in times o f stress, the tendency to "tend and
In 2009, a study from the American Academy o f befriend" is innate and serves as a mutually calming
Neurology showed that being socially active can response. Whether near or far, staying connected
reduce the likelihood for cognitive impairment, enhances not just the quality o f life but, indeed,
and M R 1 scans in research at the University impacts the number of years we share together.
ot Chicago reinforced the current belief in the
power o f friendship and social connections to
support memory and brain function. Subsequent
research at Harvard confirmed that a strong
network o f friendships can enhance brain health
throughout the human life span, especially as we
age. Maintaining friendships has the capability
to influence our mental and physical health m
profound ways.
A phone call, a text message, an email, a special card, or best
o f all llie chance to talk in person, A O l l has offered sisters the
chance to enjoy the benefits of Friendship lor almost 114 years.
A O l l provides a network of longtime and new friends upon
w hom I here is never a fear to call and share all of life's joys,
celebrations or sorrows.
ISSUE NO. 1 • F A L L / W i m m 2010
Putting Facebook to Work
by Lisa Dunn Lowhurst, Sigma Phi (California State U, Northridge)
In the Fall o f 2 0 0 8 , one o f my pledge sisters joined Facebook.
She tried to get me to j o i n , but I was reluctant to make the
leap into social networking. Soon after, I spoke w i t h one
o f my A O I I little sisters and discovered that she, too, was on
Facebook. It was becoming obvious that I must be behind
the times, so w i t h a lot of encouragement and the promise o f
sisterly support, I j o i n e d i n Decembeer 2 0 0 8 . W i t h i n a matter
o f days, I was connecting w i t h Sigma Phis i n more than one
country. The snowball effect has been tremendous and the
experience o f reconnecting w i t h my sisters has been fabulous.
"I set up my Facebook at the urging of one AOII
sister to reconnect with others. Facebook allowed
memories of the past to be enjoyed as well as
seeing how my sisters were doing in the present. I
was able to meet, in person, a group of local sisters
that I would not have otherwise had contact. It was
like time had stood still. Sisterhood is forever and
Facebook has proved that to me."
Janine Ball Cates (1978)
Sigma Phi sisters make t h e most of Facebook's ability t o reconnect with a reunion.
(At right): Cindy Vellins Jacobsen and Lisa Dunn Lowhurst welcome reunion guests.
(Below): Cindy Gallo Campi and Lisa Hull Hemstreet enjoy the sisterhood reunion.
) "Reconnecting so many years later feels like our
sisterhood b o n d is just as strong as it was when we
4 were in college! I am so grateful to be back in touch
with my sisters, AOII is truly forever."
.... 1
Cindy Vellins Jacobsen (1983)
18 • T o PRAGMA
"Facebook is a digital sorority house with all of the
knowledge and experience now as adults mixed
with the memories and sisterhood of college. It
makes me feel so close to my sisters no matter how
many miles between us."
Alisa Shniderman (1982)
ISSUE NO. 1 • FAEE/WINTER. 2 0 1 0
"Life is not a brief candle. It is a splendid torch
that I want to make burn as brightly as possible
before handing it on to future generations."
-(ioorffo Bernard Shaw
Facebook enables you
to easily reconnect
with people who have
played an important
role in your life. It has
been repeated over and
over again, by those o f
us on Facebook, how
very thankful we are to
have the opportunity
to once again be in
each other's lives.
Like A O I I sisters S i g m a Phi Sisters c a m e f r o m all o v e r t h e U n i t e d States f o r t h e r e u n i o n . (Lto R): Nancy Fatton Doyle, Denise Miller,
everywhere, my Sigma Julie Daily, Lori Franklin Schroeder, Lisa Dunn Lowhurst, Alisa Shniderman, Dayna Goldstone Bliss, Lisa Weisbrod Golden.
Phi sisters and 1 grew
up together. The
experiences we shared
helped shape who
we are today. A n d now,
we've come back together
and it feels like we were never apart. Facebook provides us with "Even though we all sit in our own homes across the
an avenue i n w h i c h we can instantly be part o f each other's lives United States, Facebook allows me to share, laugh,
through lively "conversations" and the sharing of photos. We cry and rejoice with my sisters on a daily basis, as if we
now k n o w what is happening, on a frequent basis, in the lives of were back in the 'ol Sigma Phi house. It's as if nothing
our dear sisters. Even i f it is just on a computer screen. has changed, yet because of Facebook, everything
has changed by bringing my sisters back to me."
Lisa Gomez Berger (1981)
We formed a Sigma l ' h i alumnae group, called " A O I I Sigma
Phis f r o m the 80s" on Facebook i n February 2009. Sisters were "What I've found and love is the immediacy, the every
so excited and as one sister told another and so on and so forth, day things that made us close in the first place. It is
our Facebook group quickly grew. Within a month, we were the digital equivalent of the sorority house. It's fun,
planning a reunion. it's banter and it's light-hearted in a world filled with
responsibilities, debt, stress and commitments. It's
More than 65 Sigma Phis and big brothers from the 1980s met community and togetherness. It's our virtual sorority.
for a fabulous evening in Woodland Hills, California on April It's what being an alumna was always supposed to be."
24, 2009. We hugged, we laughed, we talked, we took many
photographs and we reminisced about the wonderful times we Denise Miller (1982)
all shared. Sisters came f r o m Kansas, Oregon, Washington,
Florida, Nevada and all throughout California. Phyllis Gilson "Even though I have been involved with AOII as
and Crystal Compese, two distinguished Sigma Phi alumnae a chapter adviser, connected to collegiates and
w h o worked w i t h us throughout the 1980s, also participated i n alumnae in my area, I had only been in touch with
our gathering. A wonderful time was had by all. one or two sisters from our chapter over the past few
years. Facebook has reconnected me with so many of
my collegiate sisters all over the country to laugh, cry,
remember and know our bond is still strong
and meaningful."
Melissa (Missie) Woods Jaunal (1977
[SSUENO. I • I'M,l./WiNTKR 2010 To DRAGMA • 1 9
Sigma Phi sisters, Jackie
Erenberg Hartmann,
Amy Schloss Foster and
Debbie Stearn Pollack,
visit at the reunion.
Blogging Works To Keeps
Sisters Connected!
Sigma Phi members continue to stay in touch with
each other through Facebook, email, phone calls,
but the latest entry is through blogging. One of their
sisters, Denise Miller, writes a regular blog that the
sisters find fascinating. No one expected Denise
Miller to trade in her high heels and city life for
overalls, a tractor, cows, pigs, goats and a donkey,
but she did. Her sisters have come to be inspired by
her courage, her drive and her willingness to follow
her dream.
After graduation, Denise Miller made a bold
decision. She left the city in which she grew-up to
make an even better life for her family. A life filled
with constant learning, lots of hard work and tons
of family time. Denise's natural and AOII sister, Lisa
Miller Donaldson, and her family, joined Denise, Tom
and their son Henry on an adventure of a lifetime.
Sigma Phi sisters, Lisa Gomez Berger (middle) and June Cooper Smith (right)
get the full experience of farm life while helping Denise Miller (left) on a visit.
We've g r o w n f r o m 18 year-old college students and campus "With all the stresses of life, it's comforting to click on
leaders to women w i t h careers, children and community Facebook daily and know your forever sisters are there to
leadership positions. Through the years, sisters have shared many support you. Having moved to Florida 17 years ago, I didn't
life cycle events together - weddings, births, bar/bat mitzvahs get to be there when my sisters' children were growing up.
and deaths o f loved ones including fellow sisters. But with Facebook, I feel like I can catch up with photos and
posts. The 2009 Sigma Phi reunion was a special time I'll
Our connection doesn't end with Facebook. never forget. The laughter and smiles will be a treasured
Facebook merely provided the door and we memory. It was like we all had just gotten together and so
chose to walk through and encouraged us to much time had never passed. AOll is indeed forever."
rekindle our sisterhood in a new ways.
Lori Franklin Schroeder (1982)
Everyone loves to follow Denise's daily life on the Denise, posing here with Gnatalie, shares in her
farm by reading her entertaining blog at www. blog why farm living is the life for her.
asthebutterchurns.com. Denise has given her sisters
the opportunity to be a part of her farming world... a To DRACMA • 2 1
world that is foreign to them and one most will never
experience firsthand.
In addition to following Denise's daily farm life
struggles and successes, her blog has brought them
closer through her beautiful posts about her AOll
sisters. The Sigma Phis encourage and support
Denise as much as she amazes them with her farming
abilities, humor, intellect and honesty of the new life
she has created for her family.
As The Butter Churns is yet another way for
Sigma Phis to stay connected and continue
their life-long friendships.
I.SSUF. NO. 1 • F A L L / W I N T E R 2010
There's No
Place Like
by Veronica Luna Kentish, Lambda Beta (California State U, Long Beach)
• TO D K A t i M A ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2 0 1 0
1• ««*, ft
\ if4 i
Near the end o f L. Frank Baum's, "The Gamma Theta (U of South Florida) sisters enjoy a home with beautiful architecture.
Wizard o f Oz," Dorothy tapped her heels
together, repeated the words "There's no ••••
place like home" and was magically transported
back home to Kansas. I f it were only that easy to I k til
go home. Many o f us might choose to relive a day
back in the A O I I sorority house, lodge or room
reminiscing about our days as collegiate members.
We easily recall all o f the sisterhood events and the
date parties we attended, but our fondest memories
come f r o m those late nights we spent just talking
w i t h our sisters. For some, those nights were spent
at the A O I I house, for others i n a dorm room, and
still others i n apartments; but the common thread
that made these memories special were the A O I I
sisters we spent those evenings w i t h . Regardless o f
what type of housing our collegians call home, we
know that today our members are still having these
same great experiences! N o t much has changed
since A O I I was founded in 1897. We can only
imagine the conversations that Bess, Helen, Jessie,
and Stella were having when they first began their
amazing sisterhood that has transcended through all
o f us for 114 years.
Did you know? Xi Omicron's (U of Arkansas) home is elegantly decorated for the holidays!
• Our Corporation Services Department assists The women of Alpha Delta (U of Alabama) have a new TV room t o enjoy.
\( HI Properties and all oilier A( )l I Corporations IS.SUF.NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2 0 1 0
w ith everyday operations such as the
rnahileiiaiice of these "homes." while securing
the legacy of our chapters. \ \ e striv e to provide
competitive housing thai is both safe and
secure. We make it our everyday effort to help
strengthen the financial base of the chapter so
lhal generations to come can share the same
experience as those living there today.
• AOII Properties was established in 1997
to provide quality housing facilities lor all
properties and to continually establish safe and
competitive chapter housing in support of
\lpha (hnicron Pi.
24 • T o DRAGMA
I When you walk into anyone's home, do you
I- ever take a minute to look around or listen to the
conversations taking place around you? D o you
Delta Delta (Auburn U) members have a cozy chapter room for gatherings. ever stop and notice the small things happening in
the room? I f you ever tried this in an A O I I chapter
University housing can be quite cozy, just ask our Phi Sigma (U facility, you can't help but wonder " D i d others
of Nebraska-Kearney) sisters! before me feel the same way?" You take another
good look around and know, "This is my home."
In early years, Alpha Phi (Montana State U) sisters would have their gentlemen To some this feeling is instant f r o m the moment
guests wait for them in the Beau's Room, as it is still referred to today. they walk in the door; for others, this feeling w i l l
ISSUE NO. 1 • FAEE/WINTER 2 0 1 0 develop over time.
O u r houses are just as diverse as the members that
make them a home. Some of us live i n houses
owned by A O I I Properties, whereas some houses
are owned by the universities, and others art-
owned by a third party or even owned locally.
Some collegians live in university-style dorms
while others live i n nearby apartments. To some
their football stadium or their basketball arena is
a place to call home, but no matter the type o f
dwelling AOIIs call home, sisterhood is at the
In having the honor of visiting many of our
A O I I houses f r o m California to New York, and
everywhere in between I have noticed that no
A O I I "house" is the same and there is no right or
wrong way to develop sisterhood. Some o f our
women share their experience in houses that are
grand while others are in modest homes. There are
houses that only have t w o roommates while others
have 103! We have historical homes and brand
new ones! Some o f our homes are filled with
bedrooms, while others have day rooms to study
and store their personal belongings while they sleep
in sleeping porches.
Those chapters without housing usually call their
Student U n i o n or a dorm floor their "home."
This is where they get together and share their
experiences w i t h their A O I I sisters and sometimes
even with other Panhellenic groups. This not only
changes their experience but often enhances it!
Did \ou know?
• There arc 109 Corporations who oversee
19 houses, 18 Dorms, Hi rooms on campus,
II townhouses, 4 suites, 1 lodge, and I hotel
converted to Greek housing. Nine others
chapters have zero facilities Inn a corporal ion
slill oversees the chapter's properly?
T o DRAOMA • 2 5
These different living or meeting spaces are just SBSSSSSS/BM
four walls and a roof, but our sisterhood makes
each one a home. We learn about each other, we r
learn to respect each other's differences, and we
share i n our joyous and trying times during our E
college years. This is where we learn to understand
each other and learn to understand ourselves and At Sigma Alpha (U of West Virginia) the women decorate their
what great adventures we are going to take on after own rooms according to their personalities.
college. Just like the homes we grew up i n , A O I I
homes are where we learn the things we need in Stepping stones in front of the Kappa Chi (Northwestern State) house
order to be teachers, event planners, accountants,
businesswomen, wives, and mothers.
Take a moment to remember back to the first time
you experienced the sense o f "home" in your A O l l
experience. Was it when you were going through
recruitment? Was it when you first had a little sister
who you could share your experiences with?
The last time I was in my chapter house, I had the
opportunity to perform ritual one last time. As
everyone filed out o f the chapter room, I was the
last one there. I walked over to blow out the last
candle, but before I did, I paused to take one good
look around and realized that even though 1 was
moving on, this place would still be home to those
who followed.
Did you know?
• Corporation Relat ions Adviser iCorpR \
will be a part of the decision making process
regarding the chapter's "property need?.
• Sleeping Porches are one big room that is kept
quiet and dark 24-hours a day and multiple
occupants can sleep at am time!'
• I louse Directors, also know n as I louse
Moms, are women chosen to manage the <laii\
operations of the house!'
• K\ei \ Chapter has a IVopert\ Manager - even
those w ithout an actual dwelling haw "properly"
such as robes, ritual equipment and composites!'
26 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2tlit)
The dining room at Tau (U of Minnesota) provides an inviting atmosphere for sisters to gather for meals and sisterhood.
r ep
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\C0/vfc0y s>3
i aim
At Beta Phi (Indiana U), brick by brick, they reveal their
ndividuality as well as their unity. Ir
Nu Beta (U of Mississippppii) decorates chairs for their new
members which are used for chapter meetings.
Collegians and alumnae call A O I I home; each one o f us w i t h a different
experience. This is where we all learned that " H o m e is not where you
live, but where they understand you"
- Christian Morganstern
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2 0 1 0 To DRAGMA • 2 7
Balancing The Things That Matter
Mary Dawson, Kappa Phi (McGill U)
by Courtney Dillard, Tau Omicron (U of Tennessee Martin)
Albert Einstein once said, "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep
your balance you must keep moving." For many women today,
finding true balance between our families, professions, and causes
is a constant juggling act where sometimes the slightest o f sudden
movements can send everything into a frenzy. However, one
A O I I sister, Mary Dawson, serves as an extraordinary example o f
how simply making time for the things that you love i n life gives
you all the fulfillment that you need.
A Busy Life
Mary Dawson's career spans over 4 0 years o f Never was balance in such short supply as when
impressive service within the Canadian justice she was the working mother o f t w o small children.
system, and even to-date, Ms. Dawson shows Even as the first female attorney in the Canadian
no signs of slowing down. Mary, a Kappa Phi Department o f Justice to take a maternity leave,
sister f r o m M c G i l l U in Montreal, Quebec, Mary was able to squeeze in a four-month leave w i t h
currently serves as the Conflict oflnterest and the births o f both o f her children even managing to
Ethics Commissioner o f Canada. After officially breast-feed both o f her children until they were over
retiring her long-standing tenure within the a year old. By the time her children had reached the
Canadian government's Department of Justice ages o f 1 and 3, Mary had rearranged her schedule to
i n 2 0 0 5 , Mary came out o f retirement to assume accommodate a four-day work week, a struggle for
the Commissioner's position with the charge o f the lawyer in Mary, but a reward for her as a mother.
administering the Conflict oflnterest Act, an Act o f
Parliament that applies to all Members o f the House Additionally, Mary has always been an equally
of Commons, senior office holders, and Ministers. devoted friend. As a collegian, she remembers
Among her numerous accolades include being named being quite ambivalent regarding the prospect o f
to the Queen's Council and a member of the Order joining a fraternity with the suspicion that they
of Canada. were "elitist groups." Finding A O I I to be a great
fit, Mary appreciated the ready-made group o f
Despite the countless professional accomplishments friends w i t h w h o m she would spend the remainder
posted to Mary's resume over the years, she remains of her collegiate years. Her field o f study as an
a devoted wife to her husband, Peter, a mother to undergraduate. Philosophy, found her as the only
her two children, Emily and David, a grandmother, female in her honors program. Therefore, Mary
and friend to many. In her o w n words, M a r y says, cherished her established friendships w i t h her A O I I
"balance is important to me. There are so many sisters, making every effort to keep i n touch w i t h her
things that I like to do.. .1 have quite a high energy sisters while she was in law school, another field that
level, and I try to fit in as much as I can." had virtually no women at the time, and indeed long
after graduation.
2 8 • T o DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER 2 0 1 0
-4 rant ->->.
11 i i
• if
• »
f Clockwise from top: Mary (second row far
r ght) enjoys a get-together in Alexandria
/ with AOII sisters from alumnae chapters
in Ottawa and Montreal; taking time for
ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER2010 a nap with her first granddaughter; and
skating with daughter Emily on the Canal
in Ottawa
T o DRAG MA • 29
Mary and one ot her A O l l friends along with two An Impressive Career
other women, all ot them with young families,
decided to take a long weekend ski-trip together on Mary Dawson was appointed Conflict o f Interest and
their o w n . This quickly became a tradition that has Ethics Commissioner under the Parliament o f Canada
now lasted over 25 years and they have affectionately Act on July 9, 2007. M a r y has had a long career
named the group of women, "The Harried Mothers." with the Government of Canada, overseeing a wide
These trips left their husbands at home with then- variety o f legal issues f r o m w i t h i n the Department
kids, totaling nine children. However, the husbands of Justice. She retired in 2005 as Associate Deputy
soon established their o w n tradition by hiring Minister, a position she held since 1988.
babysitters during the "Harried Mother" weekend,
leaving them to escape for a gourmet dinner while Mary played an important role i n relation to
their wives were away. N o w they ask when the ladies constitutional matters. She was the final drafter for
are going, so they can plan their dinners out. the patriation package (Constitution Act, 1982)
and until her retirement she drafted, and was
Mary still describes the most positive aspect o f A O l l the principal legal advisor for, all Constitutional
as the lifelong friendships that she established during amendments, including the Meech Lake Accord
her time at M c G i l l and throughout her involvement and the Charlottetown Accord. She led the legal
w i t h i n her local alumnae chapter. In a world team for the Government ot Canada on the Quebec
where the phrase lifelong commitment is almost Secession Reference and was responsible for the legal
unfathomable due to the myriad o f "commitments," advice on, and drafting of. the Clarity Act. M a r y also
Mary enjoys the diversity of friendships that managed the Supreme Court Reference on same sex
accompanies being an A O I I alumna. Like Mary says, marriage for the Government o f Canada as well as
she simply makes time for these things. the preparation o f the related legislation. She advised
extensively i n the area o f aboriginal rights.
Since her retirement f r o m the Department ofjustice,
Mary has acted as a consultant on a variety o f
projects, both in the public and the private sectors.
30 • To DRAGMA I.SSUK N O . 1 • pAl l / W i N [ EK 2010
Photos left to right: Mary (seated at right) enjoys a ski weekend with AOII
sister Louise Archer (seated left) and t w o other friends; Mary is all smiles after
receiving her Order of Canada award; a family photo at daughter Emily's
wedding, and a calm moment at a Gala Fundraiser with her husband Peter.
She often speaks to university classes and other groups Mary was a Skelton-Clark Fellow at Queen's
and participates f r o m time to time on panels. She University i n 1999/2000 where she lectured i n
continues to take an active part in her community. several faculties. She has also published several articles
She was appointed i n June, 2006 to the Board o f on various subjects. She holds a BA (Honours
Governors o f the Ottawa Hospital, and serves on the Philosophy) and a B C L (Civil Law) f r o m M c G i l l
Quality Committee of that Board. University, an L L . B (Common Law) f r o m Dalhousie
University and a Diplome d'etudes superieures en
Front 1986 to 1995, M a r y was the head o f the droit (droit public), f r o m the University of Ottawa.
Department of Justice Public Law Sector, including She is a member o f the Nova Scotia and Ontario
the traditional public law areas o f constitutional, Bars and retained her membership i n her original
administrative and international law as well as human Bar, the Quebec Bar, until her retirement f r o m the
rights law, native law, judicial affairs, access and Department o f Justice. Mary was made a Queen's
privacy law and regulatory affairs. She was Associate Counsel in 1978 and was named a Member o f the
C h i e f Legislative Counsel f r o m 1980 to 1986 and prestigeous Order o f Canada in 2007.
Chair o f the Statute Revision Commission through
most o f the 1980s. She joined the Legislation Section The mandate of the Ethics Commissioner is t o
o f the Department o f Justice in 1970 and drafted such administer a code of conduct for Members of the House
laws as the Access to Information Act, the Privacy of Commons as well as the Prime Minister's ethical
Act, the Canada Health Act, the Official Languages guidelines for Ministers and other public office holders.
Act, the Competition Act, the Customs Act and the The Ethics Commissioner reports directly to the House
Young Offenders Act. of Commons and is appointed for a five-year term. The
position of Ethics Commissioner was created in 2004.
M a r y has also been involved i n a number o f The position of Senate Ethics Officer was created at the
international activities as well as a number o f outreach same time.
activities i n Canada. She has held executive positions
i n the International Bar Association and was a
Canadian member of the Joint Steering Committee
of the Joint Canada-Russia project on Public
Administration Reform in Russia.
On the Road with the ELCs
Reflections on AOII leadership, sisterhood and fun
The journey for AOH's new team of Educational Leadership Consultants began
in August. Four months and 66 visits to 60 campuses later, the six AOII travelers
are at home enjoying a well-deserved break before resuming their AOII travels in
early January. Before the year is over, all AOII collegiate chapters will receive one
or more visits from an ELC. During a final week of debriefing at the end of their
first semester, the consultants shared some of their thoughts and experiences of
travelling for AOII.
India Bounds, Gamma Sigma (Georgia State U)
Q: Can you name a m o m e n t you stood in awe?
A: I saw the Rose Garden at U of British Columbia. It was the most
incredible thing. I've never seen mountains like that before, and
to see them surrounded by roses and an ocean just floored me.
Q: How was Sisterhood best reflected in your travels?
A: What the chapters don't usually realize is h o w they become an
ELCs family for the week w e are there. Little things like going on
a walk around campus or having a real conversation at lunch
means more than you'll ever know. We have to start over every
week and it's hard to be "the new kid" all the time. The way
chapter members and the alumnae have stepped up to take us in
and be our family has been a really strong sisterhood experience
for me. It really drives h o m e that AOIIs, wherever found, are
our friends.
Q: What words of wisdom d o you have for others considering an
ELC position?
A: Be ready to let go of everything you ever knew. You will see
places and things you never knew existed. You'll love parts of
the US and Canada that you never t h o u g h t you would. And, you'll
connect with our sisterhood and Ritual on a much deeper level.
Q: What surprised you most about the semester?
A: I never realized that some of the most "at h o m e " I w o u l d feel w o u l d
be when I walked back into HQ for our midyear meeting.
Q: What was the most unusual new food you tried?
A: Crawfish. It's not that I had never heard of it, but that I tried it and
actually liked it! Thanks Louisiana.
India stands tall next to the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER. 2 0 1 0
3 2 • To PRAGMA
Our days are identical suitcases...all the same size...
some people pack more into I hem than others.
-- God's Utile Devotional Book for Lenders
Kelly Schillig, Kappa Omega (U of Kentucky) Kelly goes international outside the Olympic Village in Vancouver.
Q: What is something new you have learned about leadership? nerine enjoys time with some of the other
A: It's so important to recognize w o m e n with leadership potential and ELCs before hitting the road.
To DRAGMA • 33
encourage t h e m to find their niche. Once that's found, it's so incredibly
rewarding to see how AOII helps the individual develop and grow.
Q: Can you identify a sisterhood reflection moment?
A: There is nothing as powerful as sharing preference with a chapter.
Q: What can you say about the service of AACs or local alumnae to
collegiate chapters?
A: It's so easy to forget that our advisers are volunteers. We ask so much
of t h e m and they can really help in the success of a chapter. I hope
all of our collegiate w o m e n will remember to recognize and thank the
women who support their chapters.
Q: Can you c o m m e n t on any aspect that has been unexpected?
A: I didn't realize h o w hard it w o u l d be to say goodbye to each chapter.
You w o u l d think that after so many good-byes I would get good at it,
but it is so easy to become invested in each chapter's success and I am
sad to leave behind new friends.
Q: What was the most unusual n e w food you were introduced to while
traveling across the US and Canada?
A: Definitely meat and crawfish pies.
Q: Finish this sentence I wish I had packed-
A: a little lighter!
Mary Catherine Stewart, Delta Delta (Auburn U)
Q: At w h a t point were you in awe of this experience?
A: I noticed near the middle of my semester h o w different I was from
so many of our chapters. We come from different walks of life,
different homes, maybe even different countries. However, I have
yet to find a sister I couldn't relate to. It doesn't matter where you
are from, because you're an AOII. We're sisters and that's our
common bond.
Q: Is there a Sisterhood reflection you would like to share?
A: AOII has wonderful members. I constantly meet collegiate and
alumnae w o m e n w h o I am so proud to call my sisters. I don't know if
AOII chooses great w o m e n , or if w e turn ordinary w o m e n into
extraordinary. Whatever it is, there is just something exceptional
about the quality of an AOII.
Q: What new food did you experience this fall?
A: I was in Norman, Oklahoma at the University of Oklahoma and a
great chapter member took me to a place called Tea Palace for
Chinese food. We tried a tea that had tapioca balls that you drank
w i t h the tea. It was certainly interesting!
ISSUF.NO. 1 • F A L L / W I N T E R 2010
Andrea Theobald, Epsilon Omega (Eastern Kentucky U)
Q: Describe your thoughts on serving AOII as an ELC?
A: First, I wanted to share a Ghandi quote I tend to live by w h i c h states,
"the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
If you are looking to serve others and also continue to work for the
best interests of AOII, then this position is perfect for you. When I
thought about applying for this position a year ago, an advisor told me
to "apply and see what happens," which is what I did. Looking back,
I was very unsure of my future. Now that I have been blessed with
this position, I can honestly say that I am more aware of w h a t I want to
accomplish in my life, and I have been setting goals for myself along the
way. After having worked with so many bright, intelligent, and
motivating AOIIs, I am n o w inspired to continue doing work that best
serves the needs of others. Through this position, I have learned
that the quote is entirely true—each of us has skills, characteristics, and
personality traits that make us ideal for working w i t h certain individuals.
It is our duty to use what has been given to us to work for others so
they too, may find the strength to use their o w n gifts for service to others.
Q: Was there a special m o m e n t that left you w i t h a sense of awe?
A: Yes, during one of my visits I witnessed one chapter achieve quota for
the very first time since their installation. I was in awe as I watched their
19 new members run towards the chapter o n Bid Day. Recruitment had
been a very positive experience with this chapter because the members
were willing to learn and were ready to adapt to whatever I requested of
them. Each of them was truly focused on hitting quota during
recruitment and later reaching campus total. Their bonds of sisterhood
held them tightly together, and it was easy to see that this recruitment
was an entire chapter effort.
Q: What have you learned about leaders or leadership?
A: I have found that the best leaders are those w h o lead by example and
are seen more often than heard.
Q: Finish this sentence. I wish I had packed...
A: more pairs of comfortable closed-toed shoes and ditched my sandals.
Andrea (front center) along with members of Theta Omega
(Northern Arizona U) at the picturesque Red Rocks in Sedona,
Bailey Tate, Rho Omicron (Middle Tennessee State U) Bailey (center) and members of Lambda Sigma (U of Georgia)
support the DAWGS during a UGA football game.
Q: Describe something new you have learned regarding leaders?
A: I learned that our chapters respond to those w h o are servant leaders. ISSUE NO. 1 • ^ A L L / W I N T E R 2010
They are much more willing to j u m p on board and respect a leader
w h o is "in the trenches" with them.
Q: Is there an unexpected benefit you have gained from visiting so
many chapters?
A: Susan Danko once spoke about how she came into the experience as
a girl and left as a w o m a n . I cannot agree more!
Q: What words of wisdom can you offer to next year's ELCs?
A: No one can ever tell you that this j o b is easy, but they will say it is life
changing. If you can stick it out through the tough times you will never
regret your decision of becoming an ELC. If I had to describe this
j o b in one word it would be rewarding.
Q: Finish this sentence. wish I had packed...
A: a coat, burr!
Q: What was the best item you did pack?
A: Wrinkle Releaser! I could not have lived without it!
Molly (in green print top) and the women of Gamma Theta (U of South Florida) take a photo
break during recruitment 2010.
Molly Fenton, Kappa Tau (Southeastern Louisiana)
Q: What m o m e n t most left you standing in awe?
A: One o f our chapters received a quota of over 30 with 11 quota
additions and I watched the Greek adviser celebrate with the CP
and VPMR. It was so rewarding to see that it was not only a huge
stride for our chapter, but also Greek life. The w o m e n worked so hard
and wanted to succeed so much. Their sisterhood shone brightly
during the week of recruitment.
Q: When did you laugh the hardest this semester?
A: Several times come to mind, such as singing karaoke and dancing to
Disney classics, watching you tube videos all night and playing
Apples to Apples!
Q: Can you describe one example of Sisterhood made evident?
A: Some chapter's sisterhoods are so strong that from the moment you
walk off the plane and are greeted by the women you know they have
something amazing that you want to share. They welcome you with
open arms and they are so encouraged to share their sisterhood and
our Ritual with one another.
Q: Can you c o m m e n t on an unexpected benefit you have enjoyed from
visiting so many chapters?
A: Getting to share our Ritual and sisterhood with so many chapters.
Although every chapter is unique, w e share so much in c o m m o n and it
has been a blessing to have the opportunity to laugh, cry and relate
with so many amazing w o m e n .
Q: Finish this sentence. I wish I had packed...
A: a bath loofah!
by Lisa Fahringr, Pi Alpha (U of Louisville), 2010 Arthritis Foundation Honoree
Everyone has a story to tell. This is mine. In M y life was drastically and ultimately altered with
2006, at the age of 26, my life was full o f the diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Just as my
excitement and purpose. I was an exuberant single life began to truly come alive, so did my disease.
who was hard to keep up with between traveling, The onset was quick, unwarranted, and devastating.
hiking, hanging out with friends, and making the How could this happen to me? I was supposed to
most of every situation. be finding the man of my dreams, getting married,
having kids, and living the American dream.
As a special education teacher, I was quickly making How could this happen to me?! N o matter what
a name for myself as I worked with students with challenges I had faced in my life, I had never quit,
emotional and behavior disorders. Life couldn't nor felt defeated - until that moment. I felt my
have been better. world begin to unravel with every breath.
"This is our purpose: to make as meaningful Within a short time, I was additionally diagnosed
as possible this life that has been bestowed with fibromyalgia, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and
upon us; to live in such a wav, that we may be Degenerative Disc Disease. I was devastated. I was
proud of ourselves; to ael in such a wav that once an avid outdoors adventurer and enthusiast
some part of us lives on." wanting to take in everything God had to offer.
Here I was, a few years later, no longer able to
- Oswald Spongier muster the strength to get through the effects of a
day. The endless stiffness, pain, and fatigue was just
unbearable, draining my vitality and strength from
deep within. It was all just too much. H o w was I
supposed to get through
life being "sentenced" to
this? M y light had
gone out.
The fear of the
unknown was
overwhelming. Each
month, my disease
continued to progress
with no signs o f
slowing down. As for
medications, you name
it, I've most likely been
on it, experiencing every
side effect from endless
nausea and vomiting
to weight fluctuations
and hair loss. Countless
months of physical
therapy were ineffective
and as the disease progressed, I lost more and more
of who I once was. A t 30 years old, I began to make
plans to go on disability as my disease swayed in the
wind all around me every moment of every day.
Tbat's when I decided to reclaim my life.
A trip to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
last summer was the catalyst in giving me the
strength and courage to see myself through this.
They gave me back the hope and resilience that
I had lost along the way, along with a correct
diagnosis of a rare inflammatory arthritis. With
the help of my family and friends, including several
A O I I sisters in the Kentuckiana Alumnae Chapter,
1 recently participated in the 2010 Louisville
Arthritis W a l k / R u n to raise money and awareness
for arthritis. I am excited to say I was the top
fundraising team, raising $4,350, and I am proud
of all my friends and family who came out to show
their appreciation for all I go through.
Much to my doctors' surprise - and dismay Lisa was recognized as the 2010 Arthritis Foundation Honoree.
at times - I continue to work full-time as an
elementary teacher for children with exceptional and utter frustration for what I can't do, or even for how
needs. M y R A is considered to be quite I feel. There are endless things that I am not able to do
aggressive and there hasn't been much luck at 31 that other people my age have no problem doing.
getting it under control. I f we can get my R A Everything is a challenge - holding a plate, picking up a
stabilized, I am planning on returning to school child, tying my shoes, walking my dog, and I won't even
for my doctorate to open more doors, such as begin to discuss dating!
teaching at the college level or working as a
consultant. I now see a doctor in Lexington, M y journey will be a long one, but I now realize that
K Y whose positive outlook keeps me hopeful my disease is a gift, not a sentence. Oddly enough, this
for the future. I take a very strict regimen of gift that Cod has felt destined to give me has made me
medications and biologies (roughly 20/day) by certain of who I am — straight to the core. I refuse to let
mouth, subcutaneous (shot), or intravenously, the R A win. I often recall specific quotes and references
but have recently begun working closely with a in A O I Is Ritual that reside in my every thought and
dietician and company called Shacklee. Their action. AOII's Ritual has become much more precious
products are all natural supplements, and I can't and endearing to me now more then ever. Our Ritual
begin to tell what a significant impact they have helps me persevere through whatever obstacles I am
had on my overall well-being! Even though it's handed. One day I hope to get involved with A O I I
been a tough summer and fall, I continue to let again. One of the hardest and most frustrating aspects
my determination prevail and perseverance shine about R A is how it sucks the life out of you mentally,
through, in hopes that my light shines onto others, physically, emotionally, and financially. You can't really
giving them the strength to persevere through
their difficult time.
1 realize there w i l l always be hard times. There
w i l l be times when I just sit and cry out of anger
I.SSUKNO. 1 • F'ALL/WiNTER. 201(1 T o DKAGMA • 37
plan for anything because you never know how Steps on Conquering Adversity
you are going to feel. God brought the local A O I I
alumnae chapter back into my life for a reason and /. \ o mailer the illness, disease, or setback, il's all about sclf-
I am grateful. I keep in contact with quite a few advocacy. self-determination, and pure will. 11 ithout these,
sisters but for now, I am thankful for Facebook. you will lose all thatyou heave gained.
No one knows what they are truly capable of 2. Research, research, research! Know as much altoul
until they are put into that situation. M y light your disease as possible, then //take ) our voice heard! I am
shines brightly now as I encompass more strength, constantly asking />/)• doctors questions - the) • expect to see me
courage, and tenacity than I ever thought possible. 11 nth in)' notebook in hand that details in ys) inplot us. I his has
I have entered the wrath of hell, and come out been extremely helpful' for my doctors because it gives specifies
the other side alive with even more vitality and and doctors can't fix what you don't tell.
determination. This "gift" has shown me how
strong I truly am and the influence I can bestow 3. Mvaj s carry a typed out list oj (ill medications with
onto others. strength and dosage, in addition to allergies, doctors'phone
numbers, and emergcucj • contacts. Place behind your driver's
I am the face of arthritis. The young, the old, and license. )ou don't have to worry about forgetting anything and
all ages in between. I am the face of the 51 million il has saved me a few limes during hospital runs.
people, including the 300,000 children affected by
the more then 100 forms of arthritis. 4. Always be prepared. Mways carry a water bottle on you.
The main reason I am willing to share my story along with ) our pain relies <ing medic -at ion. Keep any met ial
is to give other sisters facing their own battles the devices you may need in the car. fust in case.
confidence to know that they have a choice. N o
one can choose how they will die, but they can .">. Haven "Plan IV ready. There are days when I wake up
certainly choose how they will live! I want to and I just know it's going be rough. So. instead of maybe
empower others and give them strength! And for going hiking, still go to /he destination, butjust drive the scenic
my AOII sisters, I encourage them to hold Ritual route. I'm still enjoying being outdoors, jus/ in a different way.
close to their hearts to find strength and inspiration.
6. Focus on the moment - let go of the things ) on can not
3<S • TO I) RAG MA change, both physically and men/all)! kind the positive in
every situation, focus on it, and enjoy it!
/. \ ever gi • up. \evci
Sisterhood At Its Finest
This past summer, 16 AOIIs enjoyed a four-day fun-tilled D u r i n g the weekend, each person took turns participating in
Phi Sigma ( U o f Nebraska - Kearney) reunion in South "kitchen crew" for meals and helped compile more than 750
Barrington, Illinois. Alter searching for lost sisters in the group photos before everyone left for home. The entire group
1968-70 era for months. Phi Sigma charter member Joyce considered the weekend such a successful event that plans were
Bryan Strout laid out a plan, created an agenda, scheduled already discussed for their next gathering in two years
group outings and finalized a menu for the event she in Colorado.
planned to host i n her home. Sisters came trom as far away
as Virginia, Texas, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Nebraska Breakfast by the pool, dinner at the dining room table for 16,
- w i t h 11 staying in her home for the reunion weekend. and huddling in the kitchen for appetizers allowed for many
Besides Joyce, t w o o f the five charter members, Betzy opportunities for each A O I I to reconnect w i t h her sisters. For
Powers Q u i n c y and Linda Wenzl Harris, were also able today, the sisters remain proud that Phi Sigma remains a strong
to attend. and vital chapter for A O I I .
O n August 5th, 2010, the group held a welcome dinner and "Time lias a wonderful waj of
champagne toast on their arrival followed by a wine tasting showing us what reall} mailers."
evening at Cooper's H a w k Restaurant. Throughout the
weekend, they enjoyed an afternoon in executive box seats at - Margaret Peters
the Arlington Park Racetrack and a "Cowboy U p " themed
dinner party around the swimming pool to honor their U
o f Nebraska- Kearney roots. O n the final evening's agenda
was a gourmet dinner w i t h a special
dessert o f "floating islands."
Every sister brought photos f r o m Front: Gloria Callihan Dolton, Kerry Klingelhoefer Monif, Linda Harris Wenzl, Peggy Robinson Kelley,
college days as well as o f their Mary Naprstek, Jerilyn Schulz Wardlow, Betz Powers Quincy
families. Everyone also enjoyed
pouring over the original A O I I - Middle: Hostess Joyce Bryan Strout, Janelle Fredrickson Eaton, Sue Bothe Placke,
Phi Sigma Phi scrapbook that was Jill Haberman Stump, Dixie Homan Tripe
flown in for the reunion. One o f
the highlights o f the weekend was Back: Ramona Nielsen Graves, Molly Lebsock Sears, Jeannie Barry Kerry, Linda Droescher Buck
a jewelry exchange where everyone
was asked in advance to raid their
o w n jewelry boxes, choose a gift,
wrap and tag it for an exchange. It
was wonderful to see how "each gift
found the right person." Everyone
loved the idea and and agreed it
w i l l become a regular tradition for
future reunions. Another highlight
occurred on Saturday morning.
W h i l e the group was having a
scrumptious breakfast, in walked
two Chicago Northwest Alumnae
Chapter members, the President and
past-President, Terry Palmer and Sue
Dunmead, to deliver A O I I
Rose cupcakes.
National Panhellenic Conference
2010 Annual Meeting Report
Prepared for the Conference by Jennifer M. Siler, Alpha Delta Pi, Editor, The Adelphean
Delegates, Inter/National Presidents, how they had to overcome ridicule and
Executive Directors and Editors of the meet in secret to f o r m our organizations.
26 member organizations of the National She encouraged everyone to connect the
Panhellenic Conference (NPC) gathered dots between sorority experience and
Oct. 21-23 for the 201(1 annual meeting real life and to acknowledge our sorority
at the H i l t o n D E W Lakes Executive membership by being visible
Conference Center in Grapevine, Texas. and involved.
With the theme "Commemorate,
Collaborate, Celebrate," the group D u r i n g the second general session on
celebrated the accomplishments o f the Friday night, the proposed legislation
past year and looked forward to future for the meeting was presented to the
achievements; focused on collaborating delegates. The group also held a short
w i t h the media and with campuses; and town hall meeting discussion on: H o w
commemorated what makes to educate College Panhellenics and
NPC unique. collegiate chapters on the Release Figure
Method ( R F M ) . Ways to partner w i t h
Scheduled as a working meeting, universities to combat underage drinking.
committees met throughout the three The question of offering Panhellenic
days to plan for the future and for personal chapters at online universities.
development i n their areas. A special
session on Thursday of delegates and O n Saturday, Kyle Niederpruem.
inter/national presidents w i t h the Long- President o f Kyle Communications,
Range Planning Committee led by Ginny and Glen Welling, a photojournalist at
Carroll, founder and C E O o f InGINuity, an Indianapolis T V station, presented a
produced several items for further media training session for all attendees.
discussion w i t h all conference participants The focus centered on responding to the
on Saturday morning. Attendees also media during a crises situation: what to
visited with 60 exhibitors, the largest say, how to say it, and w h o m to say it to.
number to display their products and
services at an N P C meeting. Based on information f r o m the Thursday
workshop of the Long-Range Planning
At the opening general session on Friday, Committee, all attendees were assigned
an inspiration given by Cynthia Weston, to small groups Saturday. The small
Kappa Delta third alternate delegate, groups discussed how N P C is uniquely
described sisterhood as a high concept o f positioned to advocate, support and
values-based friendship that depends on collaborate and talked about the ideal
diverse values and backgrounds. The roll model for N P C that would allow this to
call included a PowerPoint presentation o f work. The feedback from the small-group
photos o f the members o f each delegation. discussions w i l l be compiled and sent to
the delegations.
Ginny Carroll. Alpha X i Delta, gave
a brief presentation on "The Gift of The second town hall meeting Saturday
Sorority." She discussed what life was featured Dr. Frances Lucas, Delta Gamma,
like for our founders in the 1800s and Vice President o f the University o f
Southern Mississippi. She provided valuable confirming the single sex designation
insights and information about dealing with
the Greatest Generation (aged 6 4 and up). of women's sororities, that members
Baby Boomers (45 - 63), Generation X (30
- 4 4 ) , and Millennial ( 1 8 - 2 9 ) and what refrain from participation in men's
she sees as trends in
higher education. fraternity recruitment
Dr. Lucas also outlined her "Ten and encourages College
Commandments on What Chapter
Advisors Need to Know": Reduce the Panhellenics to adopt \\ e all count — and we all matter."
cost of the sorority experience as much a policy that restricts
as possible. Emphasize the need to pledge Panhellenic women - Eve Wood Riley,
women who are not Caucasian. Understand from participating in \TC Chairman 2009-2011
the Millennials. Realize that sexism is
alive and well, and we should educate any men's fraternity
members about it. Understand that today's
students are predicted to have seven careers. recruitment events.
Consider higher education colleagues as
part of our team. Get educated about the • Resolution 3 concerns recruitment
new norms regarding sexuality. Listen. Be
a role model. Be calm and controlled in all counselor involvement regarding the
types of situations.
membership recruitment acceptance
binding agreement. Effective in fall
2 0 1 1 , recruitment counselors will not
be involved with any potential new
members during the completion and
signing of the MRABA.
The 2 0 1 1 NPC annual meeting will be
Oct. 1 2 - 16 in Austin, Texas.
"Students are more isolated today, yet more Wear Your Badge
connected than ever before. They need with Pride!
to take care of somebody and be there for
them," says Dr. Lucas. "There is a need for International
special memberships — flexible models — Badge Day
since students drop in and out of school."
March 7 2011
During the final general session, delegates
discussed and voted on changes to the
bylaws and passed three resolutions: A
change to Article IV, Section 1 of the NPC
bylaws authorizes the use of conference calls
as a way to conduct a vote for the Executive
Committee. A change to Article X I ,
Amendments ot the NPC bylaws, changes
the seven-eighths vote needed to amend the
bylaws by a mail vote between meetings to
a unanimous vote of the board of directors.
• Resolution 1 officially recognizes
February as the Month of the Scholar
beginning in 2 0 1 1 and that all
NPC member groups, the College
Panhellenics Committee, and the
Alumnae Panhellenics Committee will
promote the Month of the Scholar.
• Resolution 2 recommends that
pursuant to the provisions of Title I X
of the Education Amendment of 1972
ISSUK NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER. 2 0 1 0 To DRAGMA • 4 1
Three Founders - By the Fourth
A Profile on Elizabeth Hevwood Wyman
by Stella George Stern Perry
S o much ofwhal wo know about
the history of \ l p h a ( h n i e m n
I'i is from the perspective of
derStt (ieorge Stern
Perry. Stella was the most
prolific writerof the (i >111•
and. as I I istorian. It'll il her
responsibility to pass on an
understanding of our historj
to the Ibllow big generations
of \< )l Is. I n so main of h e r
\s ritings il was ©isw tous that she
wanted all \( )l Is to understand
thai while I he facts of our earlj
years were important, it was I he
people who best defined the
organization that we would
come to be,
Stella's words here were written
in I he 1930S at the ro<|iiesl
from National President M a n
DrummonA Soon after,
Elizabeth Bess \ \ \ m a n returned
I he favor, w riling down tin nights
on Stella. To Dragma will
presenl these personal insights
over the next four issues.
In an earlier letter to I psiion
Chapteroiii Nowemher29l, l!)'5().
Stella w rote. "I always get a
little tongue-tied when trying
to talk about Hess, because I
care so intensely She means
immeasurable much to me." \ n d
in yet another letter w ritten to
the entirefraternityabout Bess,
a lifetime of love and admiration
is summed up in Stella's words.
"Nothing but know int; her could
tell you w hat Hess realb is. Dear
as is m\ hope lor e\or\ one of you,
I ask nothing better than thai you
UVA\ be like Bess \ \ \ mail."
4 2 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • FALL/WINTER, 2 0 1 0
It was a fortunate day for us all when Elizabeth Heywood During the war she labored in Red Cross organization
Wyman, who had completed her freshman year at and workroom service, in Food Conservation, as Thrift
Wellesley College, decided to transfer her allegiance to Stamp Campaign Canvasses, and performed valuable
Barnard. We were already pretty well "grouped" by that work under the Draft Registration Board. After pursuing
time in the "great and glorious class of 'Ninety-eight" - special studies in Food Substitutes, drying cf surplus
though that class, I believe, was more unified, less divided vegetables and kindred subjects, site served in the Cafeteria
by group partitions than most classes arc. It did not take nut by the YWCA in the huge plant of the International
the class, it did not take our group, long to learn that Bess Arms and Fuse Company. She also conducted School
belonged to us. Publicity work for government agencies, and at the close
of the trouble, she did signal service on the Soldiers'
What you want to know, of course, more than mere /acts Memorial Committee and in the Mottle Welcome
about any Founder is, "What sort of girl was she? What Celebrations. Perhaps you will understand Bess better
sort of woman is she now? " when I say that she was reluctant to give any list of these
activities, called them "insignificant."
This is the kind of girl Bess Wyman was, -- the kind of
girl you never doubt. Steadfast. Her sure fulfillment of Besides numerous household responsibilities, she has been
every task, her straight, sound scholarship, her kind and inspirational and active in all the leading educational and
graceful manners, her selfless loyalty to college, classmates welfare movements of her town. Prominent among these
and friends, Iter serene idealism, her complete devotion have been her work for a Community House and the
to all duties, her unfailing sympathy and understanding, organization of women's church societies into one
— we just took them all for granted. We rarely pu t all this effective Cuild.
in words. One doesn't proclaim, as if it were a discovery,
"every morning the sun rises." So I do not think ttv She has written some charming plays, pageants and
stopped much to "gush" about Bess. We just relied upon dialogues, a number of which have been successfully
her for the light of wisdom and the warmth of affection. produced and several of which have been published. They
And she never failed, never fails, us in either. are markedly "human" and bright and full of deft and
delightful characterizations. She is now busy preparing other
After being graduated front Barnard, with a staggering works for publication. You will hear of them in due time.
array of high grades, Bessie taught English in the High
School of her hometown, Bloomjield, New Jersey. A fter all, the best thing wc other Founders can say to you
Bloomftcid is a beautiful old-fashioned New Jersey city of Bess, - and after all, what more can life itself say to
with a recent industrial and suburbanite boom. It was a anyone — is just tltis: She is a friend; site understands
problem to teach there and to become the kind oj influence, loyalty to her family, her community, her country, her
the combined social solvent and mental tonic that Bess friends. In quietness and confidence are her strength.
Wyman tvas. In 1900 and 1901 she did notable work
as Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools, then taught Bess Wyman reveals herself in what she herself once wrote
again until 1917. Since then and apart from this, she of our fraternity in a letter to the rest of us, "May it continue
says, "I have had no stated occupations;" in which case, to inspire all of our members to lend their united, though it
the writer believes it is high time some of her occupations may be individually small, efforts toward making the world
were stated. a finer and happier place for everyone to live in!"
Bess accepted the first AOII salaried position as Registrar in 1925, a position she held until 1929 when she became the To D R A G M A • 43
13th AOII National President. She guided the fraternity wisely and well during the difficult Depression years and led
the Fraternity into international status with the installation of Beta Tau Chapter at the U of Toronto in Canada. Bess
also served as Grand Treasurer and Chairman of the Fellowship Committee.
On the second day of the 1953 AOII Convention in Memphis, Tennessee, Bess was stricken with the illness that
claimed her life on August 30,1953 at the age of 76. Though she never married, Bess passed away still active in the
service of the young people to whom her life was dedicated.
Things Reusable Mugs
We Love
Whether these mugs
GPS Devices are filled with a pick-
me-up cup of tea or
We are all pretty g o o d at getting from point A to B a cup of coffee from
without getting lost, but a GPS sure makes the "getting home, these handy
there" so much easier. On a recent trip to Indianapolis travel mugs are both
for the Fraternity Communications Association Midyear cute and practical. And nothing warms the
meeting, our TomTom saved us time and effort on soul quite like a hot beverage on a cold
several occasions. Way to go Tom! winter day. Available in porcelain, ceramic or
reusable plastic, we especially love that they
are a great green alternative, too!
Peppermint Bark
What would the holidays
be without it? Simple white
chocolate mixed with crushed
peppermint is one of our favorite quilty pleasures.
Who couldn't be happy looking at these beautiful
flowers that make great gifts? Paperwhites are indoor
plants that grow from bulb to bloom in about three
weeks. These foolproof and fragrant beauties are
commonly grown in pots or dishes with some stones or
marbles to anchor them in place, then just add water.
4 4 • To DRAGMA
Zumba Personalized Stampers
While we have varying levels of dancing Available in card shops or online,
talents, we all agree that Zumba is a great we love these fun personalized
way to get fit while having fun. Around stampers. Select a monogram
here, several AOII staffers regularly head stamp to create personalized cards,
to our local YMCA after work to burn stationary and gift tags, or try our
calories and dance to the upbeat Latin option and order a stamp with your
American tunes. address for use in a variety of ways.
A Spare Pair
Whether it's after too much time in high heels or
when we need to make a mad dash in the rain, we are
always thankful to have a handy pair of ballet-styled
flats tucked away in our purses or car glove compart-
ments. In classic black, they have proven well worth
the $10 price tag at our local Target.
On the Web mint 4 MINI HOW W( MILT u" Atom
the best way to manage your money
Why our umti io*o • Wh*I tf>e pro. « uyf
Nashville Lifestyles" Magazine ($18 Mint.com
Mint.com is a site a couple of us have tried to help manage
Groupon.com our personal finances. Recommended by PC Magazine,
this site lets you keep track of your bank accounts, credit
Groupon is an online cards, loans, investments, and more, all in the same place.
coupon source that And best of all, the site is free to use, so it won't cost you,
can be tailored to well, a mint. Check out PCMag.corn's Mint.com review.
your region and your
individual likes. Have To DRAGMA • 45
groupon deals sent straight t o your phone so you
don't miss that next great deal.
ISSUE N O . 1 • F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 0
* >»
Star light, star bright,
June 22-26, 2.011
0 *'
The J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Tucson, Arizona
Make your place among the stars at
AOIFs 2011 International Convention
You II dance among the slars as you j o i n A O I I sister's
f r o m across I he I niled Slates ana1 Canada as we work
on "Expanding Our Horizons" together!
\ o u l l learn lo lei \our li^hl shine through our A O I I Ritual.
Join the all-stars of \ O I I lor awards and recognitions.
Expand your horizons through award-recognized speakers
and programming. Relax , recharge, and reunite wilh sisters
among the tranquil ambiance of the Sonoran Desert.
Regislration opens March 2011!
in Tucson we. will all unite!
Don't miss these events and so much more!
Wednesday Thursday *
\ \ elcOme- to Tucson Reception Opening Ritual
(handle Lighting Ceremony Open ing 13 runeh
Network Team Gatherings Opening Business Session
PIP Storytelling
rc«' i n u r e s I ncson!
• u S i n e s s Session Closing Business Session
Panhellenic i.uncheon
(llosi ng 11 il ual
Rose Banquet
For addit ional information, visit www.alDhaomicronui.oref and select Events.
Tis ^Season
Tips for Making Good New Year's Resolu tions
Are you hoping that 2011 w i l l result in a thinner, more
fit, better-read, debt-free, more organized you?
You are not alone. Studies show that 2011
forty to forty-five percent of Americans
make New Year's resolutions every 5I n
year, but twenty-five percent of those OWE2. I
are broken before the end o f the first
week. After six months, almost f i f t y - 3-fig
five percent o f all resolutions are Q5*.• JSoir/ n
broken. Putting a more positive spin
on those stats reveals that more than 7. S,We, JJ one-
forty percent of those who made
resolutions are still successful after
six months. That's the encouraging
statistic you need to hold on to
for inspiration.
1L oi/e
N o one sets out to fail, and lit
resolutions — made correctly —
can make a huge difference in
boosting happiness. Research
indicates that people who
make resolutions are 10 times more
likely to change than people who have the same goals
and motivation, but don't. So maybe those resolutions are worth
attempting after all. For a little motivation on fulfilling this year's
resolutions, we offer a few suggestions to help you exceed expectations.
4 8 • To DRAGMA ISSUE N O . 1 • F A L L / W I N T E R 201.0
L Determine what motivates you.
Don't set your goals on behalf of others. I f you want to lose weight to impress a new boyfriend,
and that boyfriend dumps you, then the diet is likely to fail, too. D o you respond best to positive or
negative reinforcement? Some people respond better to positive reinforcement than negative. I f a
" N o fast food," resolution is likely to trip you up, try "Make healthier food choices." Even fast food
restaurants offer healthier options these days and small victories can really add up. O n the other hand
some people actually respond best to "no." For some, making healthier food choices is just a valid
excuse to over eat and they need a definitive line drawn in the sand. There's no right way to make a
resolution, but it's important to know what works for you.
2. Determine what makes you happy
Do you need less of something? For example, do you need less fighting w i t h your kids, less
clutter in the house or less weight on your body? O r do you need more of something? Would
more time, more organization i n your home or more money i n the bank bring you the
happiness you need most? Determining what would make you happy w i l l help you prioritize
what resolutions you w i l l be most determined to keep.
3. Pick a concrete action to
accomplish those desires.
A common problem is that people make abstract resolutions, which are hard to keep. "Be more
optimistic," "Get organized," or "Have more fun," are resolutions that are hard to measure and
therefore difficult to achieve. Instead, look for a specific, measurable action such as "Offer at least one
intentional compliment to someone everyday," "Organize one closet a month," "Listen to f u n music
when I'm feeling gloomy," "Watch at least one new movie each week," These concrete actions w i l l
carry you toward meeting those more abstract goals.
4. Be realistic.
Many people fail because their resolutions were too ambitious. Start small so you can feel
successful and build over time! We tend to over-estimate what we can do over a short time and
under-estimate what we can do over a long time, i f we make consistent, small steps. Is going to
the g y m for an hour every day before work realistic? Perhaps start by going for a ten-minute walk
every morning before showering and stopping by the gym three nights a week on your way home.
Little accomplishments provide energy for bigger challenges.
5 . Be accountable.
Accountability is the secret to successful resolutions. Groups like Weight Watchers figured that out a
long time ago. Keep a list or a chart of your resolutions posted in a place you can see it regularly. Use
online tools or charts to help manage your goals i f that is helpful to you. Also, never underestimate the
value of a support network.
ISSUE NO. 1 • FAUt/WtNTER.2010 To DKAGMA • 49
Surviving "You Have Cancer
by Susan Highsmith Graveline, L a m b d a Sigma (U of Georgia)
These are possibly three o f the most feared words i n the English
language. Yet these words have linked the struggles and triumphs
of three AOIIs together proving that out of all things bad — good
things can happen - even i n threes!
Susan's husband, Dan, shaves her hair d o w n to a mohawk October 2, 1991 was a day I w i l l never forget.
at her uplifting "Shave My Head" Party. Three doctors had just confirmed that the best o f
three options I had to save my life f r o m uterine
and cervical cancer was a hysterectomy. I was only
34 at the time. I was busy raising our 2-year-old
daughter, Alex; running a successful event planning
company, Creative Event Marketing; and being
wife to my husband Dan, whose career managing
the Georgia World Congress Authority kept our
lives extremely active. Cancer was not something
we had bargained for in life. Yet, my doctors
managed to encourage me w i t h their confidence
that my cancer was self contained and had not
spread to my lymph system. After the surgery, no
further treatments were required. I breathed a sigh
of relief and believed I had dodged a huge bullet.
Over the next 6 years, my daughter and I began
our involvement with the American Cancer
Society by participating in the Cancer Survivors'
Walk at the Gwinnett Relay for Life (RFL) i n
Atlanta. Each year, Alex would plead w i t h me
to camp out at the event all night, to which I
promised we w o u l d do when she was a bit older.
When Alex was 8-years-old, she and I formed
our first R F L team and named it Mothers and
Daughters Against Cancer ( M A D A C ) . We asked
15 o f her friends and their mothers to j o i n us and
raise money for the ACS. That first year, we
celebrated raising over $1,700 and had a great time
doing it!
Just three weeks later, on June 16, 1998, I had
those three dreaded words delivered to me once
again. I fell to m y knees on the sidewalk i n front
of St. Joseph's Hospital after being told it was
breast cancer. W i t h mv best friend, Debi Lake
50 • To DRAGMA ISSUE NO. 1 • F A L L / W I N T E R 2010