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To Dragma
Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity
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Poem 83
Motherhood—A Profession for College Women Virginia Esterly, 2 88
The College Girl in a Small Village Coila Anderson, P 91
Poem—My Wish Elizabeth Hanly, V
Preparedness Isabelle II. Stewart, 2 IOI
The Editor's Honor Roll 103
Homes or Only Houses?
Mate Giddings, I ; Clara Bell, X ; Louise Benton, T ; Edna Hath- 109
way, Z ; Agnes Lakin, 6 ; Mildred Mallon, 2 113
An Anchor to the Chapter Home Katharine March Thomas, K 114
Grand Secretary's Honor Roll 120
The Rocking-horse In ties Morris, I I
Friendship—Shadow-Pictures Fannie IV. Butlerfield, K
Fraternity Songs and Song Writing Mae I. Knight, 2
The Tweet-tweet Family Elva Pease Pettigrew, I
Dormitories—Our College Homes, Joyce Cheney, V; Eleanor Manning, K
The Quiet Corner
Billie's Room Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe, T
The Time—The Place 126
A Convention Symposium 127
Stella George Stern Perry, A ; Isabelle Henderson Stewart, 2 ; 134
Lillian MacQuillin McCausland, B ; Helen Henry, 2 ; Anabel 135
Good, Z ; Ella Adams Wheeler, V 139
A Welcome from Kappa ,4I
Randolph-Macon Lucy R. Somerville, K 169
Attention! Convention! Bernie P. Palfrey, K jgg
Convention Bulletin Lucy R. Somerville, K
Active Chapter Letters
Alumna Chapter Letters
Alumnae News
DIRECTORY OF OFFICERS Epsilon—Agnes Dobbins, 409 Classon Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y .
Rho—Leonore Doniat, 4129 Kenmore Ave., Chicago, 111.
FOUNDERS O F ALPHA OMICRON PI Lambda—Corinne dullard, Porterville, Cal.
Jessie Wallace Hughan, Alpha '98, 61 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N . Y . Iota—Helen W. Whitney, 220 S. Catherine Ave., L a Grange, 111.
Helen St. Claire Mnllan (Mrs. George V . ) , Alpha '90, 118 W. 183rd St., New Tau—Bertha Marie Brechet, 2320 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Ruby Davis, 17 3rd Ave., Gloversville, N . Y .
York. Upsilon—Susie Paige, 607^ E . Morrison St., Portland, Ore.
Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , Alpha '98, 2243 Green Street, San
Francisco, Cal.
Elizabeth Heywood VVyman, Alpha '98, 456 Broad Street, Bloomfield, N . J . Pi—Mrs. George P. Whittington, Alexandria, L a .
OFFICERS Nu—Daisy Gaus, 497 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N . Y .
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Omicron—Harriet Cone Greve, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kappa—Frances Allen, 1012 Federal St., Lynchburg, V a .
Grand President, Isabelle Henderson Stewart (Mrs. B. F . , J r . ) , Sierra City, Cal.
Grand Recording Secretary, Helen N . Henry, 264 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Zeta—Mrs. B. O. Campbell, 1971 Sewcll St., Lincoln, Neb.
Grand Treasurer, Lillian MacQuillin McCausland (Mrs. Norman), 29 Hum- Sigma—Dorothy K . Clark, 1328 St. Charles St., Alameda, Cal.
Theta—Ceilia Bates, Winchester, Ind.
boldt Ave., Providence, R. I .
Delta—Annette McKnight, Billerica, Center, Mass.
OTHER OFFICERS Gamma—Alice Farnsworth Phillips (Mrs. G . A . ) , 11 Norfolk St., Bangor, Me.
Epsilon—Isabella Stone, 27 Lincoln St., Needham, Mass.
Grand Vice-president, Jean Loomis Frame (Mrs. J . E . ) , 606 W . 122nd St., Rho—Doris Wheeler, 639 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111.
New York City. Lambda—Frances Chandler, 623 Park View Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
Iota—Ethel Brooks, Beecher City, HI.
Grand Historian, Stella Stern Perry (Mrs. George H . ) , 2243 Green St., San
Francisco, Cal. Tau—Bertha M. Brechet, 2320 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Ethel Harris, Verona, N. Y .
Registrar, Marie Vick Swanson ( M r s . A . E . ) , 1926 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Upsilon—Laura A . Hurd, 4626 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Auditor, Helen Dickinson Lange (Mrs. W. R . ) , 1646 Fair Oaks Ave., P i — H . Sophie Newcomb Memorial College, New Orleans, L a .
Pasadena, Cal. Nu—New York University, New York City.
Omicron—University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Examining Officer, Linda Best Terry ( M r s . W . L . ) , 231 Avalon Place, Kappa—Randolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va.
Memphis, Tenn. Zeta—University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Chairman Committee on New Chapters, Viola Clark Gray, 1527 S. 23rd St.; Theta—De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind.
Lincoln, Neb. Delta—Jackson College, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—University of Maine, Orono, Me.
Editor-in-chief of T o DRAGMA, Mary Ellen Chase, Bozeman, Montana. Epsilon—Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y .
Business Manager of To DRAGMA, Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe (Mrs. W. F . ) , Rho—Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.
Lambda—Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cal.
Bozeman, Montana. Iota—University of Illinois, Champaign, III.
PANHELLENIC CONGRESS Tau—University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Syracuse University, Syracuse, N . Y . *
Delegate, Anna Estelle Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a . Upsilon—University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.
EDITORIAL BOARD O F TO DRAGMA Nu Kappa—Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Tex.
Beta Phi—University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
Editor-in-chief, Mary Ellen Chase, Bozeman, Montana. Eta—University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.
Business Manager, Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe (Mrs. W. F . ) , Bozeman, Alpha Phi—Montana State College, Bozeman, Mont.
New York Alumna:—New York City.
Montana. San Francisco Alumna:—San Francisco, Cal.
Assistant Business Manager, Antoinette Treat Webb, 134 Cottage St., Nor- Providence Alumna:—Providence, R. I .
Boston Alumnae—Boston, Mass.
wood, Mass. Los Angeles Alumna:—Los Angeles, Cal.
Exchanges, Helen Charlotte Worster, Caribou, Maine. Lincoln Alumna:—Lincoln, Neb.
Chapter Letters, Margaret June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Maine. Chicago Alumna:—Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis Alumna:—Indianapolis, Ind.
ALUMN.E ASSISTANT EDITORS New Orleans Alumns— New Orleans, L a .
Pi—Alice Ivy, 1556 Calhoun St., New Orleans, L a . Minneapolis Alumna:—Minneapolis, Minn.
Nu—Elinor Byrns, 27 Cedar St., New York City. Bangor Alumna:—Bangor, Me.
Omicron—Roberta Williams, 1510 -Faust St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Portland Alumnse—Portland, Ore.
Kappa—Lucy K . Somerville, R. M. W. C. Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Elsie Ford Piper, Wayne, Neb.
Sigma—Olive Freuler, 2946 Russell St., Berkeley, C a l .
ineta—Mrs. Le Roy McCleod, Browns Valley, Ind.
Delta—Margaret Fessenden, 46 Whitfield Rd., W. Somerville, Mass.
Gamma—Elizabeth Hanly, Caribou, Maine.
Pi—Mildred Renshaw, 741 Esplanade Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Mary B. Peaks, 244 Waverly P I . , New York City.
Oraicron—Mary D. Houston, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Augusta Stacy, R. M. W. C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Edna M. Hathway, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Helen Schieck, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal.
Theta—Agnes L . Lakin, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Margaret Durkee, 38 Professors' Row, Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Jessie Sturtevant, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Dagmar Schmidt, 109 Valentine Place, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Marion E . Abele, 1340 Glenlake Ave., Chicago, 111.
Lambda—Marion Gilbert, A 0 I I House, Stanford University, Cal.
Iota—Florence L . Moss, A 0 I I House, Urbana, 111.
Tau—Muriel Fairbanks, 13 Church St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Frances Carter, 503 University Place, Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Louise Benton, 4732 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—Genevieve Groce, 3350 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, Texas.
Beta Phi—Vivian Day, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind.
New York—Edith Dietz, 217 W. 105th St., New York City.
San Francisco—Emma Black, 2913 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.
Providence—Helen Eddy Rose (Mrs. A . D . ) , 25 Fruit H i l l Ave., Providence,
R. I.
Boston—Marion Rich, 17 Lawrence St., Chelsea, Mass.
Lincoln—Annie Jones, 1710 B Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Los Angeles—Mildred Hunter Stahl (Mrs. Leslie), 535 E . Bailey St., Whittier,
Chicago—Julia Fuller, 4526 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, 111.
Indianapolis—Margaret Jayne, 1318 S. Belmont Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
New Orleans—Anna Many, 1325 Henry Clay Ave., New Orleans, L a .
Minneapolis—Miss Laura J . Hartman, 2801 W. 28th St., Minneapolis, Minn.
Bangor—Irene Cousins, 82 N . Main St., Brewer, Me.
Portland, Ore.—Alice Collier, 568 17th St., Portland, Ore.
Pi—Rietta Garland, 1639 Arabella St., New Orleans, L a .
Nu—Frances Walters, 79 Washington Place, New York City.
Omicron—Mary D . Houston, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn.
Kappa—Bernice P . Palfrey, R. M. W. C , Lynchburg, Va.
Zeta—Gladys Whitford, 1232 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
Sigma—Marion Bachman, 2721 Haste St., Berkeley, C a l .
Theta—Anna White, A 0 I I House, Greencastle, Ind.
Delta—Kennetha M. Ware, 101 Capen St., Tufts College, Mass.
Gamma—Ruth B. Chalmers, Mt. Vernon House, Orono, Me.
Epsilon—Joanna Donlon, Sage College, Ithaca, N . Y .
Rho—Alice Jane Wilson, Willard Hall, Evanston, 111.
Iota—Velda Bamesberger, A O I I House, Urbana, 111.
Lambda—Laura Wilkie, A 0 I I House, Leland Stanford Jr., University, Cal.
Tau—Jane M. Schober, 821 7th St. S. E . , Minneapolis, Minn.
Chi—Frances Carter, 503 University Place, Syracuse, N . Y .
Upsilon—Margery Miller, 4732 21st Ave. N . E . , Seattle, Wash.
Nu Kappa—'Etta Louise Pendleton, Southern Methodist University, Dallas,
Beta Phi—Bernice Coffing, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana.
To D R A G M A
• rS VOL. X I I FEBRUARY, 1917 No. 2
- To DRAGMA is published at 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis., by George
Banta, official printer to the fraternity. Entered at the Postoffice at Menasha,
a. Wis., as second-class matter, April 13, 1909, under the act of March 3, 1897.
To DRAGMA is published on the twenty-fifth of November, February, May,
and September.
Subscription price, One Dollar per year payable in advance; single copies,
twenty-five cents.
Mary Ellen Chase, Editor-in-chief. Marguerite Pilsbury Schoppe, Business
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—S • D Stay, stay at Home, my heart, and rest,
Home-keeping hearts are happiest!
- For those who wander they know not where
Are full of sorrow and full of care—
- Crane.
To stay at Home is best!
— F r o m The Hanging of the
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MOTHERHOOD—A PROFESSION FOR COLLEGE Mrs. Haphazard, though dressing her child warmly in winter,
WOMEN and lightly in summer, will have, for every day wear, coarse, out-
grown, and outworn garments, faded generally and often ragged,
By V I R G I N I A E S T E R L Y , 5 '06 that the best Sunday and party clothes may be delicafe, lace-trimmed
and dainty—they may even have furs and jewelry.
Through many readings of the subject, I have come to an im-
passe—for motherhood is not a profession—and College often woe- Mrs. Intellectual knows that faded colors, rags, and ill-fit develop
fully limits motherhood. slovenliness, and uses strong, plain, well-made clothes. She realizes
that furbelows develop a love of cheap finery, and insists always on
Motherhood is not a profession, and in the nature of things can neatness and simplicity which alone give a chance for the develop-
never be. It is based on emotion, not reason, or ambition. I ment of good taste in the child.
believe God is the only one who consciously intends motherhood for
every woman. It is usually developed haphazardly, and accepted Like a preacher I have arrived at my "secondly"—feeding. Mother
as a matter of course. Then again there is no remuneration except Number One will feed a child to keep it quiet—will insist on an
emotional and spiritual—which in itself would take it out of the early learning to eat everything "to save trouble"—(Dear Mrs. H a p -
rating of professions. There is a wonderful chance to develop a hazard, to make trouble)—and awards it with that traditional reward
profession from it, but it would be vicarious—a sort of super-nurse- of good children—candy. Mother Number T w o knows that over-
maid idea. At present motherhood is entered upon with shameful loading by quantity or overtaxing by quality will tell inevitably on
ignorance and lack of preparation. a child's health, i f not immediately or if never directly in the diges-
tive organs, then sometime in the eyes, the throat, the nerves.
As to the limitations of college. Colleges usually train women
for remunerative professions, breed spiritual ambitions, sensitize Just one more blow at Mrs. Haphazard. She spanks for every-
the nervous system, and advance the age of marriage by cultivating thing or overindulges, or (that worst brutality of all) says with
a particularity of choice, and an ambition to practice the carefully near-sighted pride, " I never spank my children in anger. I always
prepared profession. A l l these make for few children. Often as" wait until we are perfectly calm and sometime afterward, explain
culture develops in women, courage shrinks, and I know many to the child the reason, and then spank him." Dear, cruel Mother
college women who let physical fear of pain bar them from mother- Haphazard! By that time the child has forgotten why and how he
hood. was naughty, and he carries away only a terrible, grieved memory
of a spank without a cause. I f you fall, does Mother Nature say
In spite of all this, I believe that the ideal mother, though not to you—"Very well, hilt next week I shall in all calmness raise a
the most prolific one, is the educated woman. A special education bump to remind you to be more careful next time." No, the bump
for motherhood—the most universal occupation of womankind—has rises simultaneously with you.
been appallingly slow in development, due, I suppose, to the fact
that motherhood is a natural and not an intellectual attainment. It is wiser, kinder, and more effective to link closely cause with
I wish that I could go forth as a crusader, demanding an education effect—and more intelligent.
in child raising for every woman—beginning with myself.
And yet, my sister woman as intelligent as I may agree with
When we pass i r o m the haphazard motherhood which considers Mrs. Haphazard—so there you are! There are no rules of mother-
clothing, feeding, and spanking her children to be the sum of her craft. It is as individual as are the children. So if I write of it,
duties—and this is the majority, as love counts as an instinct, not a having studied no motHercraft, I must write of my own experiences.
duty—we reach the intellectual mother who is after all the ideal. Please forgive it, dear sisters, as being personal, and accept it as
what I have learned from being a mother.
The value of college education for mothers is, as I see it, a
training of the mind to grasp cause and effect—to weigh values— T o begin with, I am a Martha with strong Mary learnings. My
to attain a sort of judicial balance, so that true standards can be "soul yearnings" are all for Mary's wings, but I usually find my
apprehended and intelligent processes can be developed. T h i s men- feet stuck fast to the rock that is Martha.
tal power is applicable to every part of a child's development.
Suppose I take a few concrete incidents. My idea of children before having any of my own was nebulous
and picturesque, and centered in visions of myself (somehow grown
miraculously delicate) dressed in a lacey, chiffoney tea gown effect,
86 TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA 0 MICRON PI Motherhood is the great, single, unalterable duty of womankind,
which has for its rewards mother-love, a passion of possession and
sitting under a shaded lamp and rocking to sjeep—shades of mo- protection, and the love of children that is instinctive, everlasting,
dernity!—a little curly-golden-haired girl. O r of the same golden unquestioning, uncriticizing, and unseeking; and which has for
curls flushed and tousled and fallen fast asleep among her toys. its fulfilment the continuance of humanity, without which God's
wonderful world so exquisitely and intricately developed would lack
So much for dreams and, alas! for reality. Martha has stepped its object and its spiritual crown,
in, and I know now that lace and children do not exist together, i
that to let a child become exhausted to the point of sleep before it
goes to bed is bad for habits, health, and spirit, and that a careful Kappa Chapter at Home to All
tucking into an early bed is the only just treatment of the child A L P H A O's!
with maybe—here Mary intervenes—one doll hugged close. And
most unkind disillusion—my golden-curls have metamorphosed into Place, Lynchburg. Time, June 21-26, 1917
two sturdy daughters with hair as straight as a string and, like
my own, of an indeterminate taupe!
It is not the science we learn, nor the letters, nor the mathematics
that help in mothering. Though my college hygiene helped a little,
the plumber helped as much—though pedagogy taught me how to
teach my children, it is another woman who teaches them. Though
my music study taught me what is best in that art, I find a lullaby
more grateful to a child than opera, and a monotonous intoning of
the days' events most grateful of all. There's someone else who
will give them all that I learned at college, save that one best thing—
a spiritual balance—a power of weighing values, of anticipating
It is more or less easy to dispose of material processes in an
intelligent way. Then comes the great and terrible problem of
moral and spiritual direction. I say "direction" very humbly, for
my children's spirits are as distinct and independent as my own.
And I should no more expect them to be like mine or to hold my
ideals than that I should expect a bird to fly in only one direction.
I can only teach truth, gentleness, kindness, honesty, and even
those are not absolute, but are subject to interpretation. My inter-
pretation is not yours—nor my child's, and I can only watch in
travail of spirit, the growth of soul in my children, and with patience
and justice direct, not make character.
No, motherhood is not a profession, but it is an all-engrossing
occupation and a developer of powers. We learn to recognize the
importance of minimizing Confusion and her handmaiden Strife,
the value of Peace, the value of simple living and much high think-
ing, the fallacy of that bugbear of centuries, the utter self-sacrifice
of the mother to her children, realizing that a spiritually, mentally,
or physically impoverished mother is a mill-stone, not a spur, to
the spirit. We learn also to weigh all values and to live and teach
only the great essentials, cutting out ruthlessly the trivialities that
hinder—to give the soul a chance.
THE COLLEGE GIRL IN A SMALL VILLAGE ing home have gone through this same experience. I really liked to
do it until it became a habit. I n the club work here I had an
BY COILA M . ANDERSON, P, '14 opportunity to be of real service in supplying the late plays and
poems. These books were appreciated more as they were being
Before I was endowed with a Bachelor of Arts degree and left discussed in the papers and magazines.
college, I used to dream fondly of the wonderful things that I
would do when I battled with the heartless world. But now I seem As the church and the school occupy the center of interest i n a
to have quietly retired to a sheltered little nook where I watch the small place devoid of any active social life, I soon found myself
others do what I had planned to do. My situation here at home taking the role of substitute teacher in the high school—merely
is rather peculiar, although my village is typical of a hundred others because there was no other- college person in town to take it. What
scattered through the Middle West. It is a quaint little place, I went through with that, will always remain in my memory. It
and in the past year I have come to love its very inconveniences and seemed that I was usually called on at a moment's notice to come
inaccessibility. I f I have gained nothing more in my two years down and take the solid geometry or higher algebra class, subjects
here, I have learned to know the people better and to realize that a that never were my forte in high school and college days. I expected
higher education often fixes a false standard by which we judge our that every statement I made would be disputed or questioned, and
feUow-man. My mother being an invalid, I have the care of the the nervous strain was worse than the subject taught. But I soon
home which means more than those few words can convey. T h e learned to pick out the brightest pupil in the class and watch his
household machinery ran smoothly enough during my vacations at every expression; if he frowned, I frowned and if he remained serene,
home, but how often it needs oiling now, and usually when we have I congratulated myself on my astuteness. A bomb was thrown though
guests, too! I n the winter the cistern pump always freezes at my in my algebra class by a senior that shook every atom of conceit out
busiest time, and in the summer our cow wanders into the neighbor's of me. It concerned the rule stating that "a" with the exponent
garden or I discover a gbost-like cobweb waving a spectral finger zero became "a" with the exponent one. T h e battles-1 fought with
over a caller's head. However, I console myself with the thought
that if one can not rise above such minor difficulties she is that those exponents on the field of "a" will never be recorded in history;
much weaker when a crisis comes, or I remember that "nothing is nevertheless they were prolonged and terrible.
so bad but that it can be a whole lot worse."
Substituting in English was more restful, and compared with the
Lacking kindred spirits from the college world (indeed, there is other it was a positive joy to hear the pupil talk of the Decoration
only one other college girl in town) I plunged into church work. of Independence or to begin a theme with "As I stood by my cottage
Enthusiasm and high pressure can always be worked off here, through door while the shades of twilight gathered round me," et cetera ad
the Sunday School which generally wants for efficient teachers, and infinitum.
the Ladies' A i d clamoring for new and attractive menus for lunches
and suppers. I f the college girl has any talent, however weak or But as a bureau of information in a small place the college girl
disregarded before, she is called upon everywhere to use it. As I gives out knowledge with a free hand. She is supposed to know,
had had two years pf expression I soon found myself ''expressing" she had had advantages that most parents are striving to give their
every time I went out into society whether it be sewing circle, children. T h e value of a college education is not to go out into the
church supper, watch party, or entertainment. When I protested world and shine as a bright star in the distance, but to return to
against this wholesale speaking for my supper, the people thought the home in the country or village and show that she can still love
that I was becoming conceited. E a r l y in the summer I had used up the old things, the common things, in spite of her superior advantage.
my small stock of readings which would appeal to the average Mothers come to her when the question arises of sending John or
person, and I had to resort to some deeper ones. Immediately my Mary to college or normal. It is her business to know the various
popularity was on the wane and it was whispered that I was becom- schools and the requirements,' for if she doesn't who will tell the
ing a "high-brow," horrible word! Now I do not have to cast mother when the high school faculty has scattered for the summer.
about in my mind for a suitable reading when I accept an invitation I f she is able to win the confidence of the girls in the last years of
for dinner or tea. I am sure that many other college girls in return- high school, she may inspire them to greater ideals, because girls at
that age will not tell everything to a teacher or faculty member
that they might reveal to one outside of the school force. Some
of the questions put to the college girl are both ridiculous and PREPAREDNESS
pathetic, but in most cases they require some pretty hard thinking.
A teacher about to be pensioned in our school wanted to go into B Y ISABELLE HENDERSON STEWART, 2, '05
settlement work in a city, and as I happened to know the woman
at the head of our college settlement in Chicago, she was helped. Once upon a time there was a bride, who on her first laundry
Last spring a high school girl wanted to take up nursing. We day, went through all the required formula of soap suds, rinsings,
labored over her application and she was finally accepted. One of bluings, and starchings. Only, the order was somewhat reversed,
the boys wanted a short course in "bee farming" and a school of that for the wind blew gaily a line full of clothes, sad looking, too—
nature was located for him. for the starched things had been thoroughly, very thoroughly rinsed,
and blued to the blueness of despair. Nor is this a case where the
It is not all giving, for a college girl is enriched by each experience, excuse, "She was only in love," can be laid at her door. It was
and she begins to feel after a while that she is of some help in the due to lack of training, education, and ignorance of logical think-
community even though she may be trying to fill a position as I ing. H e r schooling ended at the eighth grade before the days
am of running a large household with one hand and disseminating of domestic training. It is wisdom now that has led our educators
knowledge with the other. Above all she must keep playing the to place this essential in the grades. T h i s is a science that has done
game of "just being glad." the most for home-making, and blest is she who has had its privileges,
and twice blest who has studied it at first hand.
Is it a home where the mistress is a Human Dutch Cleanser?
B Y E L I Z A B E T H H A N L Y , r , '15 Is it a home where the mistress is, well, Waste? Every town has
them both. Work never done, for the former sees too much, and
(Published in The Outlook for December 27, and reprinted in the latter, too little. Both need to be prepared!
To DRAGMA.) On the hill in our town live the Dutch Cleansers. One day I
went to call. I refuse to speak of the parlors, for I have forgotten
I f I could be who I would be, how many times a week these are aired. T h e dusting and sweeping
I f suddenly to me G o d said, could well be eliminated, as the rooms are hermetically sealed! Not
"Of all my dear and noble dead a chance for a mite of a gay dust speck to ever ride gaily in on a
Choose one to be again on earth sunbeam. I found the mistresses around back, in the kitchens, gen-
For strife or service, toil or mirth, erally very weary, and apologizing for spotless aprons, and kitchen
Resume, one hour, mortality,—" stoves "that haven't seen the brush since yesterday." Is this pre-
I know right well who I would be. paredness ?
I f I could go where I would go, I arrived home weary and ill at ease, and turned my back on our
In all the lovely lands that are stove in the living-room. I n the fifties it warmed the feet of the
From Southern Cross to Polar Star, miners at the old Garibaldi. Many are the stories it could tell
I f I could linger for a space (that's why I am so fond of i t ) . Yet it is scarred and riveted, and
I n one long-loved, earth hallowed place, takes black only without a shine. One of the Dutch Cleansers told
Why, then God's will should set me down me what could be done with vinegar and sugar, and, I think, molasses.
At nightfall, in a Scottish town. Anyway. I felt I could not make it a success. It sounded like
candy. When 1 asked if there weTe some one she could recommend,
In "Leery's" shape I would go forth she thoughtfully considered the town, and shook her head. Every-
Through that dim city of the North, Bne, it seems, has work enough in her own home, except the Wastes.
And run again with eager feet
Along the Kdinboro' street, By any chance that you might be interested in "Garibaldi," I am
T o light the gas lamps one by one, going to tell you that he was taken up and put down in the cellar
And nod to little Stevenson! that very afternoon. I would not be surprised if the crack in his
And as he lay in bed he'd see Pack widened perceptibly, from inward amusement over our very
My street-stars shining in a row.
I f I could be who I would be,
I f I could go where I would go.
frequent declarations of a warm and early spring, with no real need to have in winter, and so I did another unheard-of thing. I corned
beef, (fifty pounds, it seemed like fifty head before I finished).
of a stove. Especially, as two days later it snowed, and with the What is left for me now but to weave and spin! T h e nearest
approach here is a rag carpet, and all the rags I burn, through very
rain and cold weather following, I burned myself severely, trying fear!
to keep warm over an oil heater. I nervously felt the D . C.'s were Yet, it is interesting to shut yourself in a kitchen, especially when
you do not shut your thoughts up, too. Pots and pans in assorted
beginning to wreck our home! sizes had such strong resemblances to some children of my past
acquaintance—and ingredients might be thoughts, so that mixed, and
D i d you ever hear of spring house cleaning? It is a frightful seasoned, and cooked, we had Mary Angelina for pudding, and
malady that sweeps over Our Town and when it comes in winter Tommy for a salad. I did realize quite suddenly that little children
it is called Christmas house cleaning. T h e latter is not so thorough, were very ordinary fare, when we might be feasting on whole chap-
as carpets are omitted, due to the snow on the ground. A l l the ters ! Many a meal have we had on you. These cannibal banquets.
D . C.'s tell you most minutely the progress of the day's work (a I never confessed to my husband, but undoubtedly they left a strange
effect on him—for rather frequently have we taken long machine
room a day is the schedule, I believe). By a series of bulletins—it trips, when a good restaurant or hotel was at the other end. Reno
is eighty miles off, and some fear the name, but we have a clear
. must be this—all the housewives in town are kept informed. I do conscience, as we go for something very different.
not know if meals are omitted during this siege, or what happens I feel like the man who was placed behind a wood pile, which,
whenever he attempted to climb, rose to greater heights. After
to the husbands, for there are carpets to tack, curtains to stretch, some thought he concluded to use the saw nearby. T h e pile dimin-
ished speedily, because of sane thinking and a little sawing. There
walls and floors and ceilings to scrub, windows to clean, and pictures is a happy medium in housekeeping, and efficiency here as well as in
to hang. Is this preparedness or insanity? the office. It is wise to be prepared! I have reason to believe the
Queen of Hearts was. Those tarts were stolen, not because a Queen
But I doubt if all the town is thoroughly spring cleaned. There made them, but because they were so good. The reason I know is,
are the Wastes, you know. They arise at nine, and go through that a year ago I became a member of her household.
this form of dressing: H a i r not combed, dress pinned on, shoes
not buttoned. With a strong cup of coffee in one hand, and a piece
of bread in the other they discuss over fence tops the gossip of the
town, and add a little more to make it real interesting and scandalous,
as . . . "Well, Mrs. Stewart has had to come down from
her high horse, and do her own washing. You know, Mrs. White
(the only laundress in town) is giving up all her washing. T h e
last time the Stewart's sent their wash to the city it took three
weeks, and goodness knows how long it will take when the bad
weather sets in. She doesn't know much anyway. Guess it took
her some time with those flannels "
But that line of "heavy flannels" was too great a grievance to
lay at my feet. It is not the work that I am taking offense at, but
the quality of the laundry. My neighbor's line passes my window,
and I know now, that convicts are not alone in wearing wide stripes.
And when it comes to "robes de nuit," vivid pinks and yellows, I
should think, might cause vhnd dreams.
My neighbors have already told you that I am in a quandary
over laundry. But they did not know about bread, a food-stuff that
can not be purchased. "No, no, I will not sell it. But you, you must
make it, and I shall" show you," the little German lady next door
said. You see, she was prepared. "Make bread or starve?" was a
question that I answered with, | f refuse to starve." I wonder now,
how we could ever eat the badly cooked dark-looking loaf, which
the hotel sold us for months. T h e n meat is a commodity impossible
ON TIME ON TIME ON TIME I once heard a mother say after visiting her daughter in the
chapter house—"I am so glad that J — is in the house, for it's such
Kappa Pi Pi a happy home." What was it that made the mother feel the home
Zeta Omicron spirit? Was it the cozy comfortable house—the dear housemother
Theta Kappa Xu with her sweet influence and gracious dignity—or was it the girls
Gamma Delta themselves in their relations to her and to one another?
Rho Lpsilon Omicron
Iota Rho My own home is what it is to me because of the ones who consti-
Chi Iota Kappa tute it and of my feelings toward them. I f a chapter house is to
Upsilon Omicron be the true home for from twenty to twenty-five girls, there must
N « Kappa Zeta Zeta be harmony in its fullest sense and a feeling of true love between
Beta Phi Lambda them. E a c h girl must feel that she is one of a big family, and
Boston Alumnae Tau Sigma in many different ways do her Utmost to fulfill her part in it.
San Francisco Alumnx- L'psilon
Los Angeles Alumnae Xu Kappa Beta Phi She must first of all be cheerful and hopeful through the rough
Lincoln Alumnae San Francisco Alumnae days as well as the smooth, even when the troubles look largest and
Chicago Alumnae Providence Alumnae Delta darkest. Thinking things will come out all right, goes so far
Indianapolis Alumnae Boston Alumnae toward the desired goal.
New York Alumnae Gamma
Lincoln Alumnae Perhaps the word unselfishness has been worn out and misused,
Chicago Alumnae Epsilon yet it must form the basis of the girl's character. She must learn to
Minneapolis Alumnae put self in the background, not to be weak-willed or to be too easily
Rho influenced, but to forget self where the others' wishes and happiness
are concerned. She must be able to face questions with an open
Lambda mind and to see the others' viewpoint. There are ways and ways of
viewing things which may never have occurred to one person.
I n criticisms of one another the girls must be thoughtful yet frank
Chi whether they be favorable or not. One of the joys of friendship is
that of being able to be frank yet kind with your friend. Along
LTpsilon with frankness comes that of true sportsmanship. It is impossible
to live with girls of every temperament and disposition and be a
XTu Kappa quitter. Take things as they come and don't worry if you've done
your best. A t least don't fuss; and take whatever comes "like a
New York Alumnae man."
San Francisco Alumnae Aside from these attributes, I think that the laws of friendship
must govern the life of each girl. As President K i n g of Oberlin
Providence Alumnae has said, "The problem of friendship is the problem of life itself."
So to me it is the problem of all phases of life whether it be our
Boston Alumnae / home life at college or elsewhere.
Los Angeles Alumnae Finally the housemother is such a vital and important factor in
the spirit of the chapter house. H e r character not only influences
Lincoln Alumnae the happiness and life of each girl there but her personality and very
self helps to make the college world feel it is a home and one of the
Indianapolis Alumnae
New Orleans Alumnae
Bangor Alumnae
Portland, Ore. Alumnae
• I f the name of your chapter does not appear on the above Roll of
Honor, something is wrong. T h e tardiness cannot be due to want of
instructions. Every chapter editor has received typed instructions.
Moreover, in the September Number appeared the Alpha Omicron
Pi Calendar, containing full directions and dates. It is annoying,
expensive, and unnecessary to send letters asking for late work,
and yet we all have too great a pride in T o D R A G M A to allow an
issue to appear with letters omitted. I f a chapter editor has been
negligent, will the chapter president please investigate? I f your
present chapter editor cannot be on time, you can doubtless find
another who can. T H E E D I T O R .
very highest k i n d . H o w c a r e f u l l y then she should be chosen! EC
So i t is after a l l character that makes the home.
M A T E L . GIDDINGS, I , '17.
A chapter house or a chapter home, which is ours? N o one can
answer that question quite so w e l l as the members of the chapter. a—v. DH •I 4
I t does not take long f o r girls to f i n d out whether they have home m
privileges or those of a boarding-house. I f the question is answered X mM li , 3.
in the negative, i t w o u l d be w e l l f o r that chapter to find out w h y
it lives i n a house and not i n a home. T. •
T o most of us there is only one real home, the place where mother an
and father, brother and sister are. There is home. Can we not find IT77\
a solution to our problem there? Consider the real home and the N
chapter house. W e find that the essence of any home is love. " " ^ j ^ ^ in
of us expect a love like a mother's i n a chapter home, but one like •J.
that of a sister is possible. T h e first rule to f o l l o w i n the transforma- —. • m§Jm
tion is to f i l l our house with those whom we can love. Choose, then, -
f o r f r a t e r n i t y sisters only those girls who are sure to be congenial. -'
There are more practical things than love that help to make our *
houses homes. D i d you ever sleep i n the same room w i t h a g i r l
without feeling more friendly toward her? Dormitories are splen- •
d i d places f o r intimacy to get a good vigorous start so that i t w i l l -.
ripen into something deeper. Fifteen or twenty girls sleeping in one
room interchange secrets, talk over troubles, and become like sisters,
indeed. Choose a house w i t h a possible dormitory i n i t , is another
recipe. I f fortunate enough, build one.
O f course, a complete home has other things. There are many
l i t t l e necessities. A piano, a victrola, a fireplace, and a library are
valuable additions. A n electric flatiron and a sewing machine are
quite useful f o r modern girls who look after themselves. A barrel
of apples might make the house more of a home, especially f o r the
country girls. As l i t t l e drops of water have their use, so l i t t l e
things are important i n home-building. Our girls have a custom
of giving Christmas and birthday gifts to the house. I n that way
many home things are acquired.
A house or a home? W h y not a l l ask that question and make the
answer affirmative?
CLARA M . B E L L . X . '18.
Is there any word that should mean more to a person than
"Home"? What a comfortable feeling we should have when we hear
the word.
Everyone of us, if we but knew it, could help to make our chapter
house a real home—a home that would give out comfort and help
to everyone in it. I t is not difficult if we all try.
I f we would all try to express a helpful interest in our sisters'
affairs, not the interest that is annoying, but the sympathetic interest
and consideration which tend to make the ideal home.
So many times friends or relatives come to the house for an
evening or afternoon. Here is another chance to express a home-
like and hospitable feeling. I f we will but treat them as we would
like to be treated, show them all the courtesy which we would wish
shown to our friends or relatives, then the chapter house will advance
one step nearer the real home.
But a so-called home is not a home unless everyone in that home
is harmonious. . Thoughtfulness, consideration for other people's
feelings and things, a kind word,'and a happy, cheerful expression
all tend to bring the circle of the house into a closer home relation-
Then, too, the little social hour after dinner (before study hours
begin) helps to make a chapter house seem more like a true home
with a happy, good-natured family.
So, when all is said, if we will only help others, think, and do
what we would want others to do for us, and above all, express the
sincerity of a true friend, then our chapter house will become a real
A subject really worth consideration, but one which receives all
too little thought, is the "homeliness" of the fraternity 1louse. Most
of us spend the greater part of four years in the house and it
becomes our home during that time. A few general suggestions
about the home may not be unwelcome, and will, we hope, cause
you to think of others more appropriate to your individual needs.
If our fraternity house is to be a home, we must feel somewhat
responsible for its appearance, and see that it looks its part. That
involves thoughtful and tasteful purchasing of furnishings, and
careful arrangement and use of them after they become part of
the house. I n a certain bank hangs this sign, " I f you would spit
on the floor at home, do it here." On the other hand, if we have
been taught to treat the furniture kindly at home, we can at least
show it respect here.
Good magazines—not the kind from which you tear the c o v e r -
hut good magazines are essential to the one who would talk intelli-
gently, now-a-days. and they add to the "homeliness" of the chapter-
room. Book cases full of well-chosen books are necessary for com- committee, and constantly be seen. T h e character of the group must
fort. We spend many hours each day with books—why would we be determined by the character of the individuals in it, and when
remove every trace of them from the gaze of our guests? Grate selfish interest prompts the actions of each of us, the action of the
fires and easy chairs and Mowers do their part, too, in giving the group must be impaired.
chapter house the atmosphere of a home.
There is always enough to do in the house and the willingness with
T h a t is merely the material side of it, however. F a r more impor- which each girl sets about her task brings happiness and satisfaction
tant is the attitude of the occupants. A t home one is entitled to to the whole group. When asked to serve on a committee, she must
expect the family to be interested in even the most trivial events of work with all her might to make her service mean something.
the day. T h e same should be true in our chapter home. It is so Wounded feelings should he absolutely unknown in an ideal home,
easy to grow self-centered and indifferent to those around us. O n and a sharply spoken person is undesirable. E a c h of us has so
the other hand. Ave sometimes find ourselves indulging in confidences many little faults and defects which she must overcome before she
to the point where it becomes a task rather than a pleasure to meets the world. Why not make the life in the chapter house a
listen. "cure all"? Here we meet a variety of dispositions and we must
remould ourselves to fit occasions. Our attitude then should be one
It is said that he gets the most out of life who puts the most and of willingness to' admit our defects as they show themselves and
the best into it. Why not put our best into our fraternity life? Then of desire to remake them into desirable, lovable characteristics.
surely our home life will be harmonious, our meal times seasons of
real refreshment (not hours for personal gossip and poor conversa- I cannot feel that I have said anything at all until I tell you
tion) and our relations with one another born of true fraternity just a little bit about our chaperon in connection with our chapter
interest and love. life. As never before we have come to a realization of how impor-
tant a factor the c haperon is. It is such a help to know that you have
EDNA H A T H WAY, Z, '18. in your midst a real guiding star, who is the confident friend of every
girl in the house and who just naturally fits in any place from
V. T H ECHAPTER HOME planning parties to enforcing rules.
T h e home-like chapter house surely involves many perplexing However, back of the whole thing, there must be in the heart of
problems, and just how to meet and solve these problems is, some- every girl, that great, deep, sacrificing love which is the guide to
times, quite as perplexing. While, of course, it is necessary that all nobler and better ideals.
each house should have a few "cut and dried" rules and regulations
to which each member must always render obedience, yet AGNES L A K I N , ®, '19.
these do not create the "homey" spirit which is so desirable. T o
the majority of the girls concerned, the chapter house is a substitute VI. T H E CHAPTER HOME
for their respective homes during the school year, but it cannot be a
home unless each of us feels the individual responsibility to make Although the word "home" suggests to most of us an atmosphere
it so. rather than the material building and furnishings, I think that the
exterior and the interior of the house as well as the far more impor-
Those two words really sum up the whole thing, but they can tant factor—the traits of the girls—have their parts in the creation
and do include such a vast number of things. While rules and of that subtle condition which makes a house a home.
regulations do not finally settle the question of harmony, yet to a cer-
tain extent they are necessary and this implies a willingness on the The exterior of the house may vary according to taste—it may
part of every girl to work for the interest of the group in obeying such be old or new. large or small—but I think that it should look like a
rules. T h e girl who feels no responsibility about study hours or "home" rather than a public building. Here at California there is
getting in just on the dot, always makes trouble for the sponsor or a growing tendency toward making the fraternity houses look exactly
the chapter president. Consequently the rest of the girls must feel like our public libraries. Now if I lived in a place that looked
the effect, and the usual desirable spirit receives a deadening blow. like a public library, I would certainly be afraid to talk above a
whisper for fear somebody would scold—and that surely would not
Above all things there is no place in a crowd for the person who make me feel at home. In all seriousness let me emphasize the impor-
is always selfish, wanting to monopolize the honors, be on every tance of the first impression given by the outside of a house—when
one sees a home-like exterior, one at once imagines that the people and AN ANCHOR TO T H E CHAPTER HOME
the interior must be delightful and although this impression may be
changed by an interior obviously contrary to it, "home atmosphere" is B Y K A T H A R I N E M A R C H T H O M A S , K , '12
such an illusive thing that this first impression is likely to influence
the acceptance of its very existence. The other day, out of a clear sky, via Uncle Sam's letter route,
a letter came to me telling how my chapter celebrated A l p h a O's
T h e interior of the house is both a cause and an effect of "home twentieth birthday. I wish the writer of that letter might know
atmosphere." I t is a cause inasmuch as it makes the same sort of how I thrilled as I read all her "homey" news about the red candles
an impression as the exterior of the house, but it is far more impor- burning on the birthday cake, the splendid new girls, the new lamp,
tant as an effect, because it is the visible proof of the interest and and even the new trash can at the foot of the new steps. Everything
pride of the girls in their Jiome. And what is more, it is an inevitable new!—but I sat for a long time after rereading that letter, with
result of this interest that the interior will be attractive and appeal- closed eyes, visualizing the dear old scenes, with the new improve-
ing, for a home-like interior, though added to and embellished by ments and new faces—and with a warm glow in my heart, I imagined
beautiful furniture, is created only by thought and taste. that I was for the moment back among them, and of them.
Among the girls there must be, of course, a unity of purpose. Not For the sad part about us home girls is that we seem to be no
that there may not be plenty of diversity in ideas and types, for the longer a vital part of our chapter or our fraternity—somehow we feel
houses that get this unity by having all of their girls think and act "left out"—although I will say in passing that those of us who
alike remind me of the possible results of the criterion: "Peace at have had the good fortune to return and renew old ties have not
any price." Along with a unity of purpose and a diversity of means felt "left out" for long. Indeed, so cordial is their welcome, so
towards this end, there must be tolerance of the ideas of others, loving and sisterly their attitude, it is almost difficult to tell new
and sympathy—the sympathy that means understanding. These friends from .the old! But we cannot all have this wonderful
traits in each girl will, 1 am sure, make the chapter house a "home," experience, and so feel a little "left out."
but they are big influences and even with their existence there may
still be "sins of omission" in small things which tend to lessen Of course, it is a natural consequence—we have all had our day—
their value. "There are so many girls to do such and such a thing," we have all done our best to live up to and raise, could it be possible,
you think. "Surely someone who isn't so busy will do it"—and being the high standards of A O n—and in turn we must hand over
everybody's duty, it becomes nobody's duty and isn't done at all. these privileges, turn over the reins of authority to our younger
Under most circumstances I am not an advocate of developing sisters, and watch them try their hand at running "our" chapter
egotism, but if each girl would feel that the things which are too from a distance. And the distance is sometimes so great that although
small to be assigned or are unforeseen, are her own personal responsi- we never, deep in our hearts, forget the beloved ties that bind us,
bility, there would be far fewer regrets, and the "home atmosphere" still we are conscious of a depth to be bridged, and a fear that
would be increased in strength. we are "drifting away, drifting apart."
M I L D R E D M A L L O N , 2 , '20. And what an easy thing it is to drift when one is out in the world,
with new interests, new ties, new aspirations, new friends, without
a strong anchor to hold us! A n d girls, my plea is for that anchor.
As I read over Kappa's birthday letter, it came to me what a
wonderful thing it would be for all of us who are so far away
(and you, little sisters in the active chapters, will be in our class
one day, and will see for yourselves) to renew regularly our ties with
our own chapters in some way.
We all want to know what is going on in our absence—how the
plans we laid have matured; we want to know about the plans you
are making; we want to know zvhy our new girls are "the finest in
college" ; we want to know your problems and your achievements,
your joys and your sorrows. A n d we want to know not only about
102 TO DRAGMA OF ALPHA OMICROX PI Is it too much to ask? I t is only a suggestion, of course, but
the active chapter, hut also about the sisters we knew and loved if you will take it up, it seems to me that it would be a splendid
so well when we struggled and toiled and rejoiced together—what
life is meaning to them now that we are all so far apart. thing for us all. It will not take up much valuable time if you all
I haven't been out of college for so long that I cannot clearly help, and each girl does her share; it will not require any wonderful
remember how little time there is for letter-writing, and how one
postpones the evil hour as long as possible in the stress of work and literary ability, you know, for you are writing to your own family;
pleasure. And I know it is asking a great deal to beg for letters
for all of us, telling all the things we want to know. and it need not be expensive. Have the little sheet mimeographed
T o D R A G M A , it is true, gives us all the fraternity news. By for a starter and see i f it won't bring joy to hearts all over the
reading that we know just what A O H is doing, and a little of
what our own little chapter has done, but of course it would be country*, and be an anchor in the truest sense of the word.
impossible for T o D R A G M A to print the intimate news of each chap-
ter. So why not each have a little chapter paper—an "anchor"— I think that you will find that it will be worth the effort, for
to "drop" to each chapter alumna several times a year?—the oftener
the better! It wouldn't mean much work. Everyone in the chapter it will draw each "family" closer together, and all of your "big
should be privileged to add to it. Keep a notebook in the chapter-
room ; and, when something happens in which you know we would sisters" can feel that they have a real part in your life, as you have
be interested, jot it down. A little note telling us of some party
you have been enjoying, another telling of some welcome visitor on in theirs; and that they are working for and with you as you are
the campus (who may also be induced to write her impressions of the
changes that have taken place; so that we, who know so well how working for and with them in A O I I .
"Mary" feels and sees things, can feel almost that we have visited
you, too!) another telling of some problem to be solved (for you GRAND SECRETARY'S HONOR ROLL
must all have problems—different from ours, presumably, but there
just the same—and perhaps some of us could even help, certainly OCTOBER NOVEMBER
sympathize) will soon mount up to a paper of much interest. And
add all the news you can get of your "old girls"—engagements, SEPTEMBER 1
marriages, births, triumphs in the business world, success in the
world of letters, struggles, and achievements. We will do our Third received First received
share, I am sure, by sending in all the "personals" we can collect,
and any class failing to report will more than deserve a black mark. Pi On time On time On time
The paper could be sent to T o D R A G M A each time for the notes it
could use. Nu Prompt Prompt Prompt
Omicron T k i r i " received Prompt
And perhaps, once in a while, you could send a snap-shot of "the Kappa Prompt Prnmnt
crowd"—"once more united" in the room which holds so many happy f i n time
and tender memories for us all—or sitting on the porch—or gathered Zeta On time I 1U11I|'»
in some familiar spot on the campus. F o r we would all love to see Sigma Prompt
the new faces that belong to the new names, and that would be Theta Prompt O n time
next best to the real thing. Delta Prompt
Gamma On time On time On time
And don't forget the college news. We are all loyal to our O n time
Alma Mater as well as to our fraternity, and we want to know Epsilon C\rt tiniC On time
what you and others are doing for her. Rho \Jl\ "114 Prompt Prnmnt
I t H I M y*+
Lambda PI rI nU ml l lnf t* Prompt
Iota C\r\ time Second received Prnmnt
Tau y_ii\ C\n time
Prnmnt First received
Chi f n l l p u r not opened Late
Upsilon Prompt
Nu Kappa irin * • m p On time I ^e~eAc^o.nn/o1 rprpived
Beta Phi yjn tunc ictci".«
On time T h i rPdrormecpetived
Fr iur ssti irecei•ved Prompt
CnMeve not opened
On time
«;*>cnnd received
On time
/"In 11 m P Prnmnt
\JTl Mint I Ivn i y
On time
T H E ROCKING-HORSE over the H i l l s where all the rocking-horses go and frisk and
scamper and play together until daylight comes. We have such fun.
A Fairy Tale By INNES MORRIS, n , ' 1 0 But now that I have a master, I may not go."
(The author suggests that this may be a good bed-time story and sends it "Oh, I can't let you go, you'll never come back again, and I
to the Alpha O mothers.—The Editor.) won't have any horse to ride!" said the little Prince.
I t was the Prince's sixth birthday. He wandered around through "Yes," answered the pony, " i f you look in my mane you will find
his six rooms of toy gifts and was very happy. Finally he saw way a single white hair. Pull this out. So long as you hold this, I
over i n one corner a large package all tied up i n brown paper. shall be obliged to obey you."
There was a toy that caught his eye, for even at six the little Prince
could read those words: "Then you may go, gladly," said the Prince happily, "and play
From all night. I ' l l call you when morning comes."
Your Fairy Godmother. So the Prince wrapped the white hair around his finger, went
The Prince tore off the paper with delight and there before him to the window and opened it.
stood the most beautiful rocking-horse you've ever seen. I t was "Enjoy yourself, my Pony."
as large as a real pony. Its hair was soft and brown. Its mane "Thank you, little Prince."
was long and silky and black, and its tail was, too. Its eyes were Then the Pony was gone, and his master watched him as he sped
the softest brown and looked straight ahead. I t was just a beautiful
pony and the little Prince was as happy as ever he could be. through the moonlight, just touching the tops of the hills. Away
off he thought he heard the neighing as of many horses, calling joy-
He forgot his other toys, but jumped on the horse and away he ously to their playmate, and the note of happiness that was i n his
rode. He imagined he was captain of a large army, and wore an pony's answer made his heart glad as he crawled back into bed.
armor of steel. A mighty sword hung at his side, and his helmet
gleamed in the sun. A l l day he rpde at the head of his men, through I t was early morning when the Prince unwrapped the hair from
forests, over mountains, into valleys, over plains—all day he was
following the enemy. Finally at nightfall he met them. his finger and waved it out of the open window.
"Little Pony, your master wants you back again."
"Charge," he said to his army. His noble steed plunged forward Way off on the horizon there appeared a little black speck, which
and there was roaring of cannon, clanking of steel, flashing of guns—
and the enemy was conquered. grew larger and larger the nearer it came. Finally the pony burst
in through the window, and stood quivering by the Prince.
Then his Royal Nurse came to put him to bed. He went regret-
fully after kissing his horse on his hairy cheek. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Oh, little Prince, it was wonderful! I t makes i t easier to be
The little Prince had hardly fallen asleep when a very curious wood all day and never able to look right or left—but just straight
thing happened. A soft whinny aroused him. He listened. Again ahead. Now, little Prince, will you replace the hair?"
he heard it—right by his bedside. He put out his hand and touched When the Prince had replaced the hair, he spoke to the pony
the warm, panting nose of what he knew to be his rocking-horse. again, but silence only greeted him. The pony was not warm now,
The Prince drew his pony gently to him, and saw that great tears but just the rocking-horse of yesterday.
stood i n the horse's beautiful eyes which were now glass no longer— A l l day long again the Prince was the captain of an imaginary
glass that looked straight ahead. army. And at night came the Royal Nurse to take him off to bed.
And that night the same thing happened again. The Prince extracted
"Oh, my beautiful Pony," said the little Prince, "you are alive and the hair and watched the pony as he sped over the hills to his
not a wooden rocking-horse after a l l ! Why do you weep?" playmates.
"Little Prince, I am alive at night only. And I weep because And so it happened every day and every night until a month before
I may not play with my fellow playmates."
the Prince's seventh birthday.
"What do you mean?" asked the mystified little Prince. . The Prince began to notice that his pony returned more reluctantly
"Well, you see, as long as we don't belong to any one but are
just i n a toy shop, we can go every night to Toyland—a place away each day and lacked his old joy and spirit. He had no happy
cheery word now when he came from his night's play. Finally, At that he was gone—out into the darkness. Way off the little
one day the little Prince asked him about it. Prince thought he heard a faint whinnying and neighing—even in
these sounds there seemed a note of sadness.
" M y Rocking-horse, tell me why you are so miserable. There
is something that is worrying you. Please, won't you tell me what He stood by the window and the hot tears burned his little cheeks.
it is?" He slowly unwrapped the white hair, held it at arm's length, then let
it f a l l from his fingers.
"Oh little master, I think I ' d best not."
"Perhaps I might be able to help you," urged the Prince. "Go, my own little Pony—go and be happy I " he cried. Then he
"Yes, but I couldn't ask of you," answered the pony.
" I beg you to tell me." fell sobbing on the floor.
"Well, you've given me freedom to enjoy myself. But at the
end of a year, in fact on your seventh birthday, you are my master The next morning the Prince awoke to his seventh birthday. He
day and night. I can never go to my playmates again. I must be wasn't happy. He was lonesome. He didn't want to see his seven
wood always. Only my mind will live and remember, and long for rooms of toys that were to take the place of his beloved rocking-
the good times again—unless—" horse. He was glad the Royal Nurse hadn't come. He would dress
"Unless what?" prompted the Prince. himself, and escape into the woods. So he hurriedly dressed, ran
"That white hair you have—it makes you my master and so long down into the yard and was passing the Royal Stables when the
as you keep it I must remain as I am—only a rocking-horse." Royal Coachman called to h i m :
"But i f I threw it away?" questioned the Prince.
"Then I would be free day and night. I could live with my "Oh come, Your Highness, and see what your Fairy Godmother
beautiful playmates and be happy always!" has sent you for a birthday present."
"Do you mean, you—you'd never be a rocking-horse? You mean
you'd never come back to me? Do you mean that?" The Prince didn't want to go at all, but even at the age of seven
"Yes, my master." he wasn't very big, and oh, the Royal Coachman was—hot seven but
"Then I ' l l never do it. I must have vou to be happy. I can not very big!
do i t ! "
" I couldn't ask it of you," answered the rocking-horse and his There in one of the stalls was—what do you think?—a perfectly
voice was f u l l of sorrow. beautiful pony! His hair was soft and brown. His mane was long
So the days passed on. There was never a word spoken between and silky and black and his tail was, too. His eyes were the softest
them—no word of parting at night, no word of welcome in the brown and looked straight—into the Prince's.
morning. Both were very unhappy.
The Prince no longer rode at the head of a charging army, but "Oh—Oh!" sobbed the little Prince i n his great joy, throwing
rocked disspiritedly, the reins hanging loose. his arms around his pony's neck.
Finally the night before his birthday arrived, and the pony came
to be released for his last night's frolic. The little Prince silently The Royal Coachman didn't understand why the Prince was so
removed the white hair and wrapped it around his little finger. very happy. But of course yon do, don't you?
He opened the casement window. The pony couldn't see that tears
were streaming down his little master's face, for two great drops
filled his own eyes.
"Before I go," almost sobbed the pony, " I want to thank you
little Prince for all you've done for me. You've been such a good
and generous master and I have loved you. This is the last time I ' l l
be able to speak, and I want to tell you 'good-bye' and wish you a
happy seventh birthday."
Chairman of Song Committee
A bud has crept over my window-sill,
I t is wrought with an infinite, tender skill, Fraternity songs have had two sources of inspiration, the ritual-
Unfolding worlds beyond my fireside here, istic rite and the need for expressing the feeling of fellowship. Since
But the vine outside shivers harsh and sere. the ritual is devotional and spiritual, the church hymn has furnished
the inspiration as well as the music for that type of song. The
A life has come into my heart's hearth glow; rollicking college song has furnished the model and music for festive
It is harsh and rough to the world, I know, gatherings, and some of the well-loved folk songs like "Believe Me
But the budding soul is the part I see, I f A l l Those Endearing Young Charms" and "Auld Lang Syne"
And a perfect thing is this life to me. have been the source of countless loyalty songs. The quality of
verse has ranged from the trite and commonplace to that of a very
SHADOW- PICTURES high inspirational order. The music has usually been tunes already
in existence. This is not strange, and perhaps we should
Dimpfed mischief, baby fingers, be content with the use of existing tunes, f~r there are many old
Firelight on a dancing wall. well-known melodies that are adapted to express the very spirit of
loyalty and love that a fraternity song should express. These
Not one shadow ever lingers, melodies are usually simple folk tu* .*s and suggestions will be
Gleefully he tries them all. made later as to their use.
Hares and chicks fade in the making; When and where are fraternity songs sung? What singing memo-
Sleepy in my arms at last, ries do we cherish? First, are the ritualistic songs, songs associated
with the ceremony of pledging—of in;»: lion. Then there is the
A l l his baj acts awaking, fraternity hymn, the best known and u*ost cherished song, which
Fleet my shadow pictures past. really crowns the real Greek. In addition there are the banquet
songs—first a grace to be sung bflfore being seated, then the toast
(Both the above poems appe^ed in the Randolph-Macon Tattler. to the fraternity. There may be included songs for special occasions,
"Friendship" is to be published in the Anthology of College Poetry the reunion or Alumna? song, the parting or Senior song, the
for 1915-IQ16. T H E EDITOR.) Founders' song, the Convention song. Then there are the quiet Sun-
day evenings, about the fire-place, when the special chapter songs
are sung, some humorous, some cheering, all more or less personal
and local.
Let us look at Alpha Omicron Pi and see how our songs suit
our needs. An examination of our songbook and of the songs
published from time to time in To DRAGMA will make us decide
at once, that, though we have some songs that meet our needs fairly
well—"Once More United," "The Rose of Red," "Alpha Girls" (a
more appropriate title can surely be found), "Oh Alpha O" in May,
1916, To DRAGMA, and "Loyalty" in November, 1915—there is
obvious need for many, many more and better songs. Grand Council
has recognized this need and is behind the Song Committee in its
effort to make Alpha Omicron Pi a "singing fraternity." Wouldn't
that be an excellent aim for 1917?
"A singing fraternity." I f Alpha O were a singing fraternity, Songs written to "popular airs" have a certain value, but their
We would find the bonds of loyalty and sisterly devotion strengthened life is limited to the life of the "popular song," usually one year.
to an immeasurable degree. The inspiration and joy which spring Such songs should not be encouraged no matter how catchy or
from singing together a really good song, representing the spirit and attractive they seem, for they are all doomed to early disappearance.
ideals of our beloved fraternity cannot be measured. "The singing Some of the songs in Robin Hood or in Gilbert and Sullivan's
chapter is the live chapter." Let us work up chapter singing and operas are worthy models, but the safest tunes are folk tunes and
let each chapter try out existing Alpha O songs and devote in addition hymns because, in the first place, time has tested their worth, and
some effort to the problem of new songs, so that we may be a singing our children will be singing these tunes when all our poems and
fraternity with plenty of singable songs. popular songs have been buried; secondly, because they are known
to everyone and everyone loves to sing them and will sing them
What do we need? Study the list. First and foremost a hymn with beauty and understanding.
or song of loyalty, so fine that we will instinctively rise when we
sing it, and will feel that it expresses better even than can a ritual- As to the poems, good inspirational poetry is what we are seeking,
istic ceremony the ideals and traditions of Alpha Omicron Pi. Grand words that will express the ideals to which we are devoted and which
Council opens a contest for such a song and offers ten dollars to the can be set advantageously to the tune selected. Here are a few hints:
one writing the song adjudged the most suitable. Select the type of song to be written, and search for a tune that
expresses the general feeling. Then get a copy of the words and
I f you do not feel equal to the high task of a hymn, perhaps you music. (Never trust to your memory.) Jot down the metrical and
can offer a song suitable for pledging or initiation, or a simple rhyme scheme of the original poem and follow i t ! ! You will find
grace before meals. I f you are a senior and are beginning to feel that you won't get into trouble with too many or too few syllables
the pangs of parting, express your thoughts in a parting song to to the line, and your rhymes won't be forced i f you follow the origi-
be sung at the senior banquet. Or perhaps you hope to attend Con- nal scheme. Note the most significant point in the line and make
vention and feel inspired to write a loyalty song to the Founders, that the most significant point in your poem. Avoid accenting an
or a Convention Song or a Reunion Song. We need them all, and insignificant word like "and," "the," etc.; avoid vague constructions
we need fine, inspiring songs to express our love and loyalty. and unusual order of words.* Make the poem as simple and natural
as possible, then it will be singable and good. Copy the words
For these songs, hymns, patriotic airs, or old favorites are recom- and music and submit to the committee by April 15, 1917.
mended to the budding song geniuses: "Gaudeamus Igitur," "Integer
Vitae," "Lauriger Horatius," "Now the Day is Over," "Doxology," The best songs will be published in To DRAGMA from time to
"O Mother Dear, Jerusalem." These may be found in any good time, and all will be tried out at the Convention in Virginia in June.
church hymnal. There are many staunch patriotic airs to be found in
a good school collection: Austrian National Hymn, Kellar's Ameri- Now a few hints on the chapter singing, for here is where the
can Hymn, Recessional, Russian National Hymn. One of the finest songs will survive or perish. From the writer's experience in school
school songs is "Illinois Loyalty," but such a song has such value as singing, the greatest hindrance to good song singing is lack of
a college song and so much local suggestion that, generally speaking, memorizing words. A person who is searching his memory for the
it should not be used. words can hardly sing with enthusiasm and spirit. The first advice
is, learn the poem. Have an examination i f necessary, but be sure
For the banquet songs more rollicking types may be chosen: Bul- every girl knows every word. The tunes are not so difficult. I f the
lard's "Stein Song," "Old Heidelberg," "Song of a Gambolier," song is to be sung in unison and there is only one copy of the music,
"Wearing of the Green," etc. The following list may be of some give it to the most musical girl. Let her play (with one finger) the
value. Most of them may be found in Songs We Like to Sing: (Pub- melody, and let the rest fit the words. I n ten minutes it can be
lished by Silver Burdett Co.) sung with enthusiasm, even a new tune. Then sing—and sing—sing
at chapter meetings—sing at the table—sing around the fire—sing for
" A l l Through the Night," "Auld Lang Syne," "Believe Me I f A l l your alumna?—sing, and let's be known as that "singing fraternity,"
Those Endearing Young Charms," "Blue Bells of Scotland," "Drink Alpha Omicron Pi.
to Me Only with Thine Eyes," "Flow Gently Sweet Afton," "Isle
of Beauty," "Loch Lomond," "Maryland, my Maryland," "A Merry * Avoid personal allusions to other fraternities, use no other abbreviation
Life," " M y Heart's in the Highlands," "Soldier's Farewell," "Stars for Alpha Omicron Pi than "Alpha 0," and above all, don't use the word
of the Summer Night." "Upidee," "Vesper Hymn." "frat."
THE TWEET-TWEET FAMILY " I f you are a really-truly fairy," said the sparrow, "maybe you
would bring me a lovely Christmas tree like the little boy in the
Another Bed-time Story by ELVA PEASE PETTIGREW, I , ' 0 9 big house has."
I n the eaves of an old house was a snug little nest in which lived a "That I w i l l , " said the fairy, " i f you will go to bed early tonight.
family of birds. The tribe to which this family belonged was greatly In the morning you will find your Christmas tree."
disliked by housewives, because of its untidy habits. Even in
winter these little feathered creatures stayed in the north and seemed And while the little sparrow boy blinked his eyes, the fairy
to enjoy the coldest weather, so that they were nuisances the whole vanished.
year around. Now I know you have guessed to what tribe this bird
family belonged—the English sparrow, of course. Blinkie flew to the nest and told his family all that had happened.
They thought that Blinkie had been dreaming for they didn't believe
In the Tweet-tweet family, for that was their name just the same as in fairies.
yours is Smith or Brown or something else, there was Daddy Tweet-
tweet, Mother Tweet-tweet and two baby Tweet-tweets. Blinkie was Blinkie went to bed early, however, and when he got up in the
the little boy sparrow. They called him that for he always blinked morning, the first thing he did was to fly around the house. There in
his eyes when he looked at anyone. Fluffy was his little twin sister, the back yard, standing in a pile of snow was a beautiful Christmas
called so because she had the habit of fluffing up her feathers when she tree. I t was covered with strings of popcorn and cranberries. The
became frightened. little boy sparrow hurried back to tell his mother, daddy, and Fluffy
what he had seen, but he was so excited that he couldn't say a word,
On a very cold day during the Christmas holidays, Blinkie, who so they followed him to the Christmas tree. They, too, became
was rather cramped and tired of staying in the nest, decided to get excited about it.
out and see i f he couldn't find a bug to eat. He flew around the
house, and right on the window he saw—yes, sir, it looked just like a Blinkie tasted the popcorn and cranberries. "Tweet-tweet, they're
nice fat bug. Blinkie pecked at the window, but the bug wouldn't very good, have some."
come. Then he pecked again and again, but it was no use. Finally
he hopped down on the window-sill and looked into the house. Now "No," said Daddy Tweet-tweet, "we must not be greedy. Fluffy
what do you suppose he saw? Why a beautiful Christmas tree with and Blinkie, you fly just as fast as you can and invite all of the birds
lovely ornaments shining all over i t ! And Blinkie noticed that one in the neighborhood."
ornament pressed against the window-pane, and what he had been
pecking at wasn't a bug at all. You may be sure that the little sparrow children hurried, for the
very sight of the beautiful tree made them hungry.
Away he flew back to the nest and told Daddy and Mother and
Fluffy all about the wonderful tree he had seen. I n a short time, the tree looked as though it were decorated with
little brown birds, and Blinkie and Fluffy were chirping and swaying
"Tweet-titi-tweet-tweet-tweet, I wish I had a Christmas tree," said in the very top of it. Such a feast the little creatures hadn't known in
Blinkie. Just then, standing on the roof of the house right near years. Soon the popcorn and cranberries were gone, and even the
Blinkie was the daintiest little creature you ever saw. She was so strings the birds carried away as souvenirs of the day or as helps in
tiny that probably you couldn't have seen her, but Blinkie could and making new nests in the Spring. A l l the birds had gone home, and
he blinked and blinked. Blinkie found that he was alone on the tree.
"What do you want of me?" asked the fairy, for the little creature "Thank you, kind fairy," said Blinkie although he couldn't see her,
was a fairy, you know. Blinkie had spoken the magical words that " I ' l l always believe in fairies now," and the little sparrow flew home
called the fairy when he had said, "Tweet-titi-tweet-tweet-tweet," but and cuddled down in the nest near Fluffy.
he didn't know that.
"Who are you?" asked Blinkie.
"Why I am the Christmas fairy," and she smiled so kindly that
Blinkie forgot to be afraid.
DORMITORIES—OUR COLLEGE HOMES her" sort, not built with any special specifications, but she is what
each one of us wants her, for in everyone's life there is a time when
I . How W E M A K E OUR DORMITORY A H O M E two arms are needed to hold you tight and a heart a bit older that
can tell you why.
In a big fat book labeled "Dictionary" I discovered a horrible fact.
Dormitory signifies a place to sleep in, and a resting place for the Are you "scairt" o' finals? You're a fraid-cat. We're not. I n the
dead. Since, I have peered into the corners of M t . Vernon and failed afternoons when we come in a l l tired out by a hard one, and pretty
to discover anything resembling a dead body. M t . Vernon House, much discouraged, we find " M a " serving cozy afternoon tea, and the
dormitory, is not a burial place. It's the most wonderful home built girls curled up in front of the bright, cheery open fire. Then when
on a wholesale plan there ever was, and it is a home because of the the last final is over, we pull down the curtains in the reception room,
people. and every girl i n dressing gown and pigtail comes in, and may do
anything from reading Ibsen \o turning somersaults.
A recipe reads usually somewhat like this: Take one egg, a pinch
of salt, and one teaspoonful of so and so. The recipe for our home And when the snow slips away to just the hilltops and Spring does
is unwritten, and as follows: Take thirty healthy girls, a lot of under- not fear to come back to us, we have our Sunday night lunch on the
standing, sift out all constraint, and add one housemother who is porch, and it isn't what you're thinking. It's a long vista of shadows
unparalleled. that creep from the huge white pillars, and the fluffy white lace shrubs
at the edge have been sprinkled with perfume.
We study because the faculty says we must, " M a " helping us, and
we live because we love it. After dinner which is served i n a low- We're happy, that's all—but it's a lot.
ceilinged room with many small tables, a huge fireplace, and
unrestrained conversation, one very good feature, we dance in the JOYCE CHENEY, T '19.
long hall between the reception room and the dining-room, to the
music of the victrola, which " M a " bought f o r us. You can't help I I . T H E SESAMK
knowing a person after you have begged her pardon for treading on
her pet, tenderly guarded corn. Half of the girls know how to lead, I am wondering how many of you girls thought as you entered your
and play the man's part as well as true masculine followers of Mr. dormitory after the Christmas holidays "how unlike home it all is,"
Castle. The freshmen take care of the victrola, changing the records and i f any of you longed for your own sweetest room at home. I am
and needles, but it is good to notice that upperclassmen will take sure that some of you did anyway, but I am not so certain that the
their place when the freshmen are farthest from the machine. thought of home carried with it a thought of the things that make
your home so lovely. For instance, there is no need of "Sh-ing" in the
Sunday nights are the real "home" nights. Lunch is served in the hall outside your room back home; no thoughtless person drops in to
reception room where there is a cheery glow in the fireplace. There borrow your best paper or pencil—and not return it. There was little
are no lights, except two shaded ones on the serving tables. Upper- need of a "Busy" sign to ward off gossips during the time allotted
classmen usually sit at the tables and the freshmen serve. We hold your studying in the high school days; all the family helped to keep
our plates in our laps and sit in companionable groups, forget that the house quiet for you. When you were sick in that dainty bed at
there are biology and psychology textbooks squatting complacently home, willing hands helped to lessen the tiresome hours of suffering
on desks upstairs, and exchange opinions on the last fraternity dance, and little sister would bring up the prettiest plant or fern that it
while the little, fluffy, powder-puff dog runs about sniffing for wee might cheer you, and, too, someone's loving services daily ministered
tastes of things, which dog etiquette will not allow us to give him. to your comfort. Outside that room of yours which is possessed with
all of that individuality that your personality has lent it, there is not a
Lunch over, pillows are thrown before the fire with an indiscrimi- corridor lined with sentinel trunks, carpeted with linoleum, lighted
nate mass of home-loving girls upon them, and we sing the" usual by day with windows, curtainless and staring, and by night with
college songs, and possibly someone reads. It's home, rest, and swinging, white shaded globes. Rather is there a useful cheery hall
healthy diversion. with a window seat at each end, freshly curtained windows, shaded
bracket-lamps and oh, most lovely of all—flowers; a window box
But you can't call any sort of a structure a home unless there is a probably or perhaps some fern, yet, however small the leaf and unpre-
mother. Ours is a home, and ours truly an understanding mother— tentious the blossom, an abiding sesame of good cheer.
not the "rush-around-at-clubs" kind, or "many-cooks-leave-because-of-
Do you believe that "to have a friend is to be one"? Then, why
not say with me that "to have a homelike dormitory is to have a
homelike spirit within one." You will find that the easiest way is to O I've fitted up a quiet place in the corner of my heart!
start in your own room; a big rocker, fresh, dainty curtains, a cheery Its four walls are of friendship and for you it's set apart.
table cover and scarfs harmonizing with hangings and rugs, a few There's a hearth-fire lighted in it, glowing bright as bright can be,
good pictures well placed, and you lack but one thing—and that one Now won't you stay awhile each day, and just be glad with me?
thing is the flame! Please, please, have the flame! For the flame
is but a cheery, heartfelt greeting, a spirit of fellowship and good The Editor is glad over the reception of " The Quiet Corner" by its
will. I t is the secret of a happy dormitory, the home spirit! readers. She has felt a warm glow of congeniality and friendship
upon reading the letters and suggested poems of interested Alpha O's.
The following letters are sufficient introduction for the poems
I which follow:
The little worries which we meet each day,
May be as stumblingblocks across our way, 503 University PI.,
Or we may make them stepping-stones to be Syracuse, N . Y.,
Of grace, O Lord, to Thee! November 27, 1916.
—A. E. Hamilton. Dear Miss Chase:
Life is a rosary, Our To DRAGMAS have just arrived and I feel as though I must
Strung with the beads write immediately and tell you how delighted I am with our new
Of little deeds, department, "The Quiet Corner." And how well named it is, too!
Done humbly, Lord, as unto Thee! In the hurry and rush of our busy college life too seldom do we take
the time for a "quiet hour" or even a quiet minute, I ' m afraid. I am
sending a poem which I read last summer, and which especially
appealed to me. Perhaps some other Alpha O's who "have loved
life" would enjoy it too.
Fraternally yours,
H E L E N F. SCHRACK, X '17.
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die,
I have sent up my gladness on wings, to be lost in the blue of the sky.
I have run and leapt with the rain, I have taken the wind to my breast.
My cheek like a drowsy child to the face of the earth I have prest.
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.
I have kissed young Love on the lips, I have heard his song to the end,
I have struck my hand like a seal in the loyal hand of a friend,
I have known the peace of Heaven, the comfort of work done well,
I have longed for death in the darkness, and risen alive out of hell.
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.
I give a share of my soul to the world where my course is run,
I know that another will finish the task I must leave undone;
I know that no flower, no tint, was in vain on the path I trod,
As one looks on a face through the window, through life I have looked
on God
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die,
Amelia Josephine Burr.
280 N . Center, T h e following poem, written by Dennis A . McCarthy, and recently
Orange, California, r e p r i n t e d by The Literary Digest seems especially a p p r o p r i a t e f o r the
Home Number of T o DRAGMA.
December 4. .
My dear sister in Alpha O : LOVE BESIDE THE FIRE
I have been reading November's T o DRAGMA and feel very, happy The pride of autumn fades away on wooded vale and hill,
over it. The days are growing greyer, and the nights are growing chill,
Then, hey for home, and happy eves, and joys that never tire!
I am enclosing two poems which I like very much. T h e y may not Will face the worst that winter brings with love beside the fire!
be what you want for " T h e Quiet Corner" but they at least show my
interest. T h e r e are some poems which you like to m u r m u r to your- Oh sweet as youth the springtime was, and fair were summer's bowers,
self. These are two of them. And gaily flowed the pageantry of autumn's golden hours !
With sadness from the hills we saw their sunlit days retire,
Yours in Alpha O, But winter brings us back again to love beside the fire!
So bolt the door against the blast and start the cheerful blaze,
SO BE MY PASSING And let us sit, sweetheart of mine, and talk of olden days,
By William Ernest Henley Of days when first you woke in me the dream of young desire,
A late lark twitters from the quiet skies When yet I hardly dared to hope for love beside the fire!
And from the west,
Where the sun, his day's work ended,
Lingers as in content,
There falls on the old, gray city
An influence luminous and serene,
A shining peace.
The smoke ascends *
In a rosy golden haze. The spires
Shine and are changed. In the valley
Shadows rise. The lark sings on. The sun
Closing his benediction,
Sinks, and the darkening air
Thrills with a sense of the triumphing night,
Night with her train of stars
And her great gift of sleep.
So be my passing!
My task accomplished and the long day done,
My wages taken, and in my heart
Some late lark singing
Let me be gathered to the quiet West,
The sundown splendid and serene,
(The other poem sent by Miss Curtis will appear later.—The Editor)
I t is a small room, to grown-up eyes, at least, but to Billie, aged I T IS with a deep sense of gratitude that we send this big pile of
five and a half, and but lately advanced from a crib beside "mother's manuscript, now so importantly reposing on the Editor's couch, to
bed," it represents the place of dreams! At any rate, it is quite big the publisher. Gratitude for many pleasant hours engaged in revis-
enough for the small boy and his modest array of possessions. The ing and compiling, for the assurances of interest from so many sub-
ceiling and drop border are done in rather a deep cream tint, to the scribers, and for the help and willing cooperation of our chapters and
moulding, and below that the walls are tinted pink—personally of our alumn;e contributors. I f the reading of the Home Number
selected from the painter's color-card by the small owner. Around will only give to you half the pride and pleasure it has given the
the border, above the moulding is the room's chief glory—a "p'rade" Editor, she will be glad and grateful, indeed, for the suggestion which
of animal cut-outs. gave birth to this—the Home Number of To DRAGMA.
A child's room with similar decoration was illustrated not long ago A CONVENTION SPECIAL!
in one of the leading woman's magazines, and from their interior
decorator we secured the address of the New York house handling the A NY addition to the splendid articles on the coming C O N V E N -
cut-outs, which are in poster colors that harmonize with any color T I O N which appear in this number would be superfluous, were
scheme. I would be only too glad to pass the address on to any it not that this especial addition has to do with the subject of a
interested mother, sister, or aunt. The cut-outs come in sheets at SPECIAL T R A I N . To talk about a S P E C I A L in February brings
fifty cents each, postpaid, and two sheets are ample to border a small nearer the realization of a dream. That is why the Editor has been
room. The cutting out and arranging was "mother and daddy's" part harassing railroad men all over the country.
of the fun, and though the results might not suit a naturalist—the
flamingo and the polar bear, the camel and the pelican being in close The result of her, in this case, excusable annoyances is as follows:
proximity for instance,—the results seem to satisfy the little lad The Pennsylvania Lines, Chicago to Lynchburg, via Cincinnati,
whose present ambition is to be a "college football man an' then a will be very glad to give us a Special Train, providing we have one
circ us man." hundred persons going from Chicago to Lynchburg. This train
would leave Chicago at any time desired, giving a fast run and pro-
For a spread for the three-quarters bed I got the heaviest and best viding Pullman equipment of the finest type available. This is our
quality of unbleached sheeting in three-quarters width, and made a Anniversary Convention. Certainly from the states west of the
two-inch hem all around. Then, using some of the paper animals as Mississippi, together with the delegations from Illinois and Indiana,
a pattern, I cut others from pink Devonshire cloth (which will stand we shall number one hundred. I f not, the same lines will give us
indefinite tubbings without fading) and stitched them around the special Pullmans on the regular train i f we have a minimum of
border above the hem, and outlined them with black. The elephant twenty-five for each car.
was chosen to reign in solitary state in the middle of the spread.
Now listen to the fares, and you will decide on the spot to go!
A dressing table constructed by "daddy" from a box, is covered The round-trip fare, Chicago to Norfolk (of course you do not
with unbleached muslin, and the little runner has a narrow stitched- have to go to Norfolk unless you wish) is $33.00. This is a six
on hem of the same pink Devonshire cloth, and a pink squirrel is months' ticket, and is salable the year round. For a very little more
appliqued to the pin cushion. Cream scrim curtains, his own a round trip ticket, Chicago to Lynchburg, return via Washington
cherished pictures hung from the moulding, his toy chest and set of may be bought. To give an idea of the length of the trip, it may be
shelves stained to match the woodwork, and a coyote skin rug beside well to state that the best train leaves the Union Station at 9 :30 A. M.,
the bed (to be supplemented later by some pink and cream woven arriving at Lynchburg the next day without change at 1 :45 P. M . A
rag rugs) complete the furnishings of "Billie's Room." He really double lower berth is $4.75 ; upper $3.80.
enjoys keeping it in order almost as much as displaying it to visitors
when opportunity offers, and his pride and delight in "my own little The agent says that there will doubtless be even lower rates in
room" have more than repaid us for the slight effort and expense. June, but even these, you see, are not high. Read the Convention
Try it and see, mother! Bulletin for the approximate cost of a week at Lynchburg, and decide
to go! Notify the Convention Manager as soon as possible, and then necessarily, bring our fraternity, which is already close to our hearts,
we'll have our first Alpha Omicron Pi Special! a bit closer to our hearthstones.
T H E SONG CONTEST The very word "Home" suggests to the mind the most cherished
tilings of life. Upon the campus our fraternity has substituted its
T O S T I M U L A T E interest in more and better Alpha O songs, and iome for the home of our fathers, touching the lives of the girls
to make that interest bear fruit, is the purpose of the prize within, and adding much of the spirit of unselfishness and charity—
offered by Grand Council for the best fraternity song received by to be carried into the future homes of each one.
the Chairman of the Song Committee before A p r i l 1st next. The
prize is ten dollars. I t is not limited to a special kind of song, though However remote an alumna may find herself from the center of
Miss Knight wishes to call attention to the need of songs on Conven- college activities, the influence of the lives which touched hers within
tion, 'a good Founders' Song, and Alumnag Songs. the college home, surely cannot be lost.
For suggestions and directions read Miss Knight's article in this Last summer there blossomed in my garden, two beautiful
number most carefully. Then, you musical and poetic ones, do your Jacqueminot roses, the symbol, reminding me of the sisterhood of
best, knowing that this is an opportunity to serve your fraternity for A O IT, reaching from Gulf to Bay and from Ocean to Ocean.
all time.
Send your songs to her before or by A p r i l 1st. Her address is
Miss Mae Knight, 333 Cedar Ave., Long Beach, Cal. T H E MAY NUMBER
LETTERS FROM O L D TIMERS f T l H E May Number will be a N E I G H B O R N U M B E R . Through
-i- its pages we shall endeavor to become better acquainted with
The following letter from Mrs. Dorr explains itself. The Editor
is always so glad of suggestions, and this is assuredly a good one. our fraternity neighbors, and with what they are doing in the lines of
W'v are already taking measures to carry it out. social service, in college activities, and in the big world. The chap-
ters which did not contribute to the undergraduate articles in this
Berwyn, 111. number will be asked to give articles on the different fraternities at
January 17, 1917- their various colleges and universities.
Dear Miss Chase:
When I read in the November issue of To D R A G M A that the next number This number will also give more detailed directions and a more
was to be a Mother's or Home Number, I decided that I would send in a complete program of arrangements for Convention than it has been
long article. I should know something of interest for in my seven years of possible to do at this time. Because the University of California and
married life I have accumulated a beautiful home, four adorable babes and Leland Stanford close so early, we are going to make a special effort
many household cares. However, when it came to writing this same article, to have the May number out by the 10th instead of on the regular
I felt that petty household duties, etc., had driven all literary talent from my date, the 25th. For this reason will all chapter editors and alumna*
pen. I have, however, one suggestion. To my surprise, I have realized that editors, and all Grand Officers have material intended for publication
my interest in sorority affairs was waning because of the many other calls in this number in the Editor's hands by A p r i l 1st.
on my strength. In making this discovery I learned what would probably
interest many To D R A G M A readers, who are drifting away—and that is letters This is the last number of the present Editor's term of office. She
from old timers. is so anxious that it shall be a good one. Won't you all please help to
Fraternally yours, make it so?
HOME 1^ HE Centurion in a recent issue speaks most highly of Madeleine
« Dory's book. Society's Misfits, published in late September by
P ERHAPS no other word in the English language has the power the Century Co. Much of the material of the book was read
to awaken in the mind and heart more varied emotions. There undoubtedly by many of us, as articles appeared successively last
is something prophetic to me in the issuing of the Home Number of Pnng in Good Housekeeping, one of which we published in our Mav
To DRAGMA which bodes well for the future of A O I I . I t must, number.
Miss Doty has not only achieved fame, but has also most nobly
fulfilled the fine principles of her fraternity by her sacrifice of self
for those less fortunate—a far grander achievement.
The following, clipped from the Boston Herald of January 17th
will be of interest:
"Madeleine Z. Doty, author of Society's Misfit:, who has just
returned from Germany, gives an even more depressing view of living
conditions in the Kaiser's empire than does Mr. Swope's Inside the
German Empire. Everywhere she saw signs of acute distress from
underfeeding, and reports having witnessed a woman in Hamburg
attempting to sell her baby because she had nothing to eat. Miss
Doty says that the sore spot that really festers is that, now the pinch
has come, the rich protect themselves at the expense of the poor.
There is a shortage only of necessaries; luxuries can be had in
abundance i f one can pay for them ; and so it is that the well-to-do
scarcely suffer at all. For example, while meat is extremely scarce,
chickens, ducks, and birds are not counted as meat at all. The only
difficulty is to be able to pay for them. Those that can pay are
scarcely touched by the food shortage which, according to Miss Doty,
is pressing the rest of the population down to the starvation point."
J UST as we go to press comes unofficial news of the installation of
Eta Chapter on January 20th at the University of Wisconsin.
We give them a hasty, though none the less cordial welcome. An
account of the installation will appear in the May number.
On February 23rd, our Alpha Phi Chapter at Montana State Col-
lege will be installed. We welcome these newest sisters as well,
and shall become better acquainted with them in the May number.
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In June tliere seems to be no care, T H E M E A N I N G OF CONVENTION
But happiness instead is there,
And Love and Joy are everywhere— The Editor of T o DRAGMA asks me to tell briefly what going to
Convention means to me. To say, and briefly, what going to Conven-
In June. tion brings me! Why, dear Editor, i f all the glad words of all the
tongues that can best denote joy, gratitude, inspiration, and uplift of
THE PLACE spirit had made their IMJWS to me and said, " A t your service!" I
could not find enough of them to answer truly what you ask me.
The roses nowhere bloom so white
As down in Old Virginia; I have been so blessed as never to have missed one Convention of
Alpha Omicron Pi, not one from the beginning. They lie upon the
The sunshine nowhere seems so bright bosom of my memory like a chain of golden beads; the little ones first,
As down in Obi Virginia. and then they grow fuller and larger. And not one bears scar or
The birds .sing nowhere quite so sweet
And nowhere hearts so lightly beat, What does this talisman not mean to me!
For heaven and earth both seem to meet When I know that a Convention is nearing, I do not say to
myself, " I am going to it," as often as I say something better. ''They
Dozen in Old Virginia. are getting ready for Convention now!" I say, " A l l over the land
these dear youngsters, so different and yet so much alike, so gay and
There nowhere is a land so fair light and yet so deep and potent like the sea, so ardent and so eager
As down in Old Virginia; and so f u l l of promise, so quick with laughter but so very, very
earnest and determined, each group so sure it is right, yet so sweetly
So full of song, so free of care, willing to be led by the judgment of all, all bound by a high and
As down in Old Virginia. selfless devotion—they are getting ready now!"
And we believe that sunny land I remember that they will love one another at sight, indeed that
The Lord prepared for happy man they do already love one another "sight unseen." Think what that
Is built exactly on the plan generous loyalty means in a world so given to petty circumspections.
They come as sisters because they care for the same something, some-
As down in Old Virginia. thing serviceable and high, something abstract and yet more real than
life's commonplaces. Think what that must mean in a world unwil-
The days are never quite so long Journal. ling to admit that the most exalted is the most exact, the most self-
As down in Old Virginia, less, the most binding.
Nor quite so filled with happy song Knowing how young and merry and good they are, it stirs me to
know too that they come, modest and unselfconscious, hoping to be
As down in Old Virginia, made somehow better, hoping to broaden their youth and cheer and
And when my time has come to die, goodness into a usefulness beyond themselves.
Just take me back aiul let me lie
Close where the James goes rolling by, And then with my soul on its knees, I say humbly, "They are our
youth, O college-mates of long ago, friends of today, dear comrades
Down in Old Virginia. of forever, they are our youth saved for us, our youth at last come
—From Sigma Phi Epsilon true—even the things we wished to be and have not become, the
things that we were and have not fulfilled, the dreams we thought
mere dreams! They are not lost. Some beautiful Power holds them
like a growing plant in His hands. We have not watered or tended
a s we should, but our red roses are blooming!"
Convention comes and we meet again, those of us who have met Then, just because it is an anniversary, there are untold-of things
year after year in this good service; we renew the past Conventions that are to happen. First come the Founders, all great and wonder-
in the present ones and see Alpha Omicron Pi's history smiling in f u l personages! We are trying to entice them, so you must be there
our eyes. Convention comes and we meet at last, those of us who to see them, i f they are to be there to see you.
have long worked together, our names being good old friends but
our glances never having met until now. Convention comes and we, The Constitution is to be revised, and this needs the help and
Grand Councillors and elders, meet those young ones who have never thought of every Alpha O. See that you are there to help!
seen us, but have been compelled to learn about us, as i f we were
"somebodies." We are so sure of their faith that we do not tremble Mrs. Perry is to tell us about the History of Alpha Omicron Pi.
before their inquiring eyes. They are so kind that we can bear our I am not going to spoil it all by telling what her plans are, but some-
own sense of humor, so loving that we can even bear—almost—our thing wonderful is afoot! Come and see.
own conscience, in the presence of their admiration.
To DRAGMA is to have life memberships. We need your support
I t is a joy to watch the several chapters learning each from the and your check. Have you thought out some special active chapter
others. For every college world, every alumnae environment, is more way of helping? Think it over, and we promise to listen well at
or less a bound-in little l i f e ; the contacts of Convention bring us all Convention.
to a great university, where minds and spirits are deepened, vistas
lengthened, vision cleared and understanding broadened. They give There is a possibility of our wanting you for the Rituals, and you
us a sense of bigness and unity, making our own sisterhood more must be there to sing. You knew there is to be a song section?
real and vitalizing the oneness and the common duty of all college
women everywhere. Did you ever see an Alumnae Round Table? What does "J. W.
H . " stand for? How can you stay away? I mean—how can you
But better than even these present gladnesses is always the hope, keep from coming?
the sure hope, that this splendid instrument of our association, made
of idealism and love, will be used for some great ideal and loving ISABELLE HENDERSON, Grand President.
purpose, if only as a symbol of what can be done when people will r
work all their lives faithfully together bound only by these ethereal
I have not begun to express what our Editor asked me to t e l l ; "Once upon a time" when I was beginning to struggle with Latin,
but you know it, every one of you, and can say it to yourselves. I was greatly impressed by a phrase, "lucus a non lucendo,"—a "grove
from not being light." I t stuck in my memory with such persistence
STELLA GEORGE STERN PERRY, A , '98. that when I received the request for this article. I instantly thought,
"This is a lucus a non lucendo par excellence." And it really is.
T H E CONVENTION ITSELF I can see the smiles of many of my fraternity sisters when they see
my name appended as "housekeeper." I feel like the friend of mine
The President of each active chapter reads for the month of Janu- who, this winter, is giving a paper before her club, on "The Most
ary : "Convention year! Arouse enthusiasm!" Important Room in the House, the Kitchen." She knows abso-
lutely nothing about cooking, but says she is perfectly competent to
One way of arousing enthusiasm is to read To DRAGMA thoroughly. write on the subject, because she understands the "theory." So here's
Something is bound to hold your attention, and set you wondering for the theoretical version of the problem of "The Convention and
and wishing you knew the members of the various chapters. Why the Housekeeper."
do some of us "spike"? What is a "butterfly dance"? Is not being
a "big sister" a great responsibility? Have you a picture of the To define terms: "convention" means literally a "coming
adopted "French baby"? And so the questions run on and on. together." As over against "housekeeper," "one who keeps the
home," there is almost at once the idea, not perhaps of antagonism,
I f you can not learn it all in To DRAGMA, you can at Convention! but, at any rate, of contrast; the gathering of the clans as opposed
We are aiming to exhibit each chapter. With the same microscopic to the individual guarding the one hearth.
analysis that freshmen are examined, will the chapters be put to the
test. By their chapter exhibits they shall be known! We have the two situations, how can we bring them together?
What obstacles must be overcome? The mountain cannot go to
Mahomet, hence Mahomet must come to the mountain. The
"obstacles" are something like this; the house, the children, the hus-
band, the woman herself. This is in strictly climactic order. To my When it comes to the husband I can hear at least twenty women
mind, the "obstacles" are like the ghosts seen by the credulous. They I know exclaim, "But no two husbands are alike; homes may be,
are not tangible objects from which the light rays go to the eyes children may be, but you cannot lay down any rule on husbands."
of the person seeing, but, on the contrary, originate in the mind of Having only one of my own, I do not profess to do so. But a human
the person and are projected out into space, transforming familiar husband is very like any human being; and there is no rhyme nor
objects into bugbears. The house, the children, the husband, are all reason for regarding him as otherwise. Any human who sees a pleas-
admirable things; what makes them barriers is entirely in the ure coming to another, is anxious for that other to have it and enjoy it,
woman's own mind. She is the one obstacle. even at the cost of some inconvenience. Your husband lived before
he married you, he will survive a week without you. He ate at
To consider the house first; there are some women so afraid that restaurants when he was a bachelor, he had his clothes pressed and
the rooms will not be religiously swept and dusted, the food properly mended without consulting you, he managed to have clean handker-
cooked, that they think they cannot leave. Now, i f the woman will chiefs and collars without your personal superintendence. He
only realize that perhaps there are other and better ways of doing arranged his affairs with his friends, attended theatres, church, per-
all these things than she has used, and that possibly in the gather- haps, read his magazines and papers, carried on his business engage-
ing of sister housewives she may hear of them, to her advantage, she ments without you. And, oh! dear lady, i f it is bothering you, he
can consider it her duty to go and gain in efficiency. Only the other won't f a l l in love with the fat lady next door, he really won't.
day at an alumna; meeting, I heard of more patented kitchen uten-
sils than I fancied were made. Do you know that there are bread- So you see, your duty lies conventionwards. Forget the house,
boxes, cake-boxes, turkey-roasters without any corners nor seams to forget the children, forget your husband for a week, or if you object
be washed out, that they are all curved, outside and inside? Do to forgetting them, just try in that week to get all the new ideas,
you know that all kitchens should have utensils and materials so new hopes, new youth that you can carry back to them. Get out
arranged that the worker will never have to stoop? Do you know of your environment, get out of yourself, be a girl again with the
that sheets, pillow-cases, towels, face cloths, tablecloths, napkins, other girls, and, on your return, you will find your home looking
should be numbered and used in rotation, if you wish them to wear better to you, your children much more attractive, your husband the
evenly and last longer? Do I hear some skeptical soul say, "But most desirable person in the world. And, listen, you will look a
then they'll all wear out at once and you'll be stranded." I said whole lot better to them!
that, too, but that is not "theory"!
L I L L I A N M A C Q U I L L I N MCCAUSLAND, Grand Treasurer.
The children are usually what the mother makes them. They may
be helpless little mites who cannot dress themselves nor wash their T H E CONVENTION AND T H E OFFICERS
faces properly, or they may be self-reliant little souls who not only
can button their own shoes but can help on small sister's buttons, First of all Convention means to the officers of the fraternity an
and can wash ears really clean and not depend on the towel to opportunity to meet one another, and to talk over plans and policies
remove the dirt. They have not been accustomed to howl when their for the bigger life of'the fraternity. This year especially Conven-
mother has gone out for a while, so it doesn't occur to them to be a tion should mean much to every one of us, when we realize what a
hindrance to whoever has them in charge. Grandmother is always growth and expansion of our fraternity there has been in the last
glad to have them for a week's visit; aunts are equally available. twenty years from a little band of four friends into a national organi-
I f the mother does not want to send her offspring a-visiting, she zation of over 1800 members. The opportunity to hear something
can get some reliable person to stay in the home. I wonder i f she of the history of those years and to meet some of our Founders,
grasps the fact that she will hear of other children, other methods should be, indeed, a magnet to draw us to Lynchburg this June. To
of feeding, dressing, discipline. Some of these may help her a good me personally, Convention means the deepening of our fraternity ties
deal; at any rate, they will make her think. The best way to get and ideals, the opportunity of developing our unity of purpose and
a sane grasp of anything that threatens to become a problem is to spirit, the coming together of sisters interested i n the same purposes
get away from it f o r a while and get a new viewpoint. and ideals, with the idea constantly before them of making Alpha
Omicron Pi stand for what is highest and best. As a national officer
/ I can only wish that every active as well as every national officer
could be at Convention. The opportunity of talking over what one T H E CONVENTION AND THE UNDERGRADUATE
has been doing with others who have perhaps had the same prob-
lems to meet, is invaluable. Let us all aim to make this Convention "Man was not made to live alone," and this just as surely applies
the best there has ever been! to woman. So the college woman who becomes associated with her
sisters in a Greek-letter fraternity finds life more pleasant, work
H E L E N N . HENRY, Grand Secretary. easier, and her outlook on life broader, through this companionship.
And i f the small, intimately formed local chapter brings this desir-
THE CONVENTION AND THE ALUMNAE able result, how much more the country-wide convention of the
entire fraternity!
Nineteen seventeen is here at last, and now the months will slip
by quickly bringing June and the Convention. I know that every A O I I means a great deal to me, not only because of the charming
Alpha O will be in Lynchburg in spirit, at least, but I am taking girls I know personally who are members of this great organization,
this opportunity to urge more of you to be there in person, as well. but because of the warm feeling around my heart when I read about
or meet girls at other colleges who are working with the same high
Did you ever stop to think that one of the chief values of a ideals in view. How much more should we feel "related" to all
fraternity, both to the members and to the institution, is its perma- these girls i f , for a week—a whole seven days—we could all get
nence? And this permanence rests entirely on the alumnae of the together f o r the discussion of the methods of conducting our meetings,
organization. I t is their interest and enthusiasm which influences the cementing of warm personal friendships, the interchange of views,
the active girls to improve their scholarship and to increase their and countless other things of vital interest to the A O TT g i r l !
activity in college affairs, as well as to preserve the individual tradi-
tions and customs of the several chapters themselves. To the undergraduate, who still looks forward to one or more years
of further college life, and its consequent activity in the fraternity,
We can all remember how pleased we were when the alumnae the convention should especially appeal. I am a sophomore, and I
were interested enough to attend the chapter meetings, to advise us, have never yet had an opportunity to attend an annual convention,
and to commend us for such improvements as were noticeable. And yet I know that those wRo have had this privilege have been well
just as the interest of the alumnae in the individual chapters is a repaid. Several members of Gamma Chapter have been sent to the
notable benefit to the chapter, so their interest in the Convention is conventions, and they have come back with a new zest and enthusiasm
necessary to its success. They have the advantage of a point of view for the work, with plans, successful elsewhere, to be tried in our
obtained from observation of fraternity affairs, both as active and own chapter. I t seems to me that a local chapter, far removed from
alumnae members, and the Council appreciates the value of this point sister organizations, may easily become settled into a sort of mental
of view in deciding important matters at Convention. Whether you rut. This tendency the convention helps to avoid. No under-
have the privilege of voting or not, the discussion of questions is graduate, with the good of her fraternity at heart, could possibly
open to all, and we are more than glad to hear your opinions and attend the convention and not return broader minded, and with a
profit by your experience. greater sense of the true meaning of Alpha Omicron Pi.
But the benefits are not all on one side, by any means. I have So—let's "boost" this convention, save our money—and go! We
yet to meet an alumna who has attended Convention, who does not may all feel assured that none of us will regret it.
say she will always be glad that she went and hopes to go again.
The close association for several days in both business and pleasure E L L A ADAMS W H E E L E R , T, ' 1 9 .
draws the active and alumnae members nearer together and forms a
bond of union which is not quite like any other. Also, this personal
contact with sisters from different chapters, all working for a com-
mon end—the good of Alpha O—does much toward breaking down
the artificial barriers which have grown up between the East and
the West, the North and the South. So i f you want to help your
fraternity, and at the same time spend a week so f u l l of real pleasure
that you will always remember it, just plan to attend Convention
in June.
A N A B E L GOOD, Z, '12.
Dear Sisters in Alpha O:
After your first, fleet, daguerreotyped view of Randolph-Macon,
obtained on the streetcar from around the bend, one of her most
noticeable characteristics will be the honeysuckle hedge around the
edge of the campus, lifting a sweetly welcoming fragrance into the
air of the whole place. Then there are the stately, homelike, red
brick walls to greet you, with cool, green vines spreading over them.
There is a sloping, grassy campus with lots of flowers, a grove of
pines, a driveway of fluffy maples, and ten little fraternity houses "all
in a row." There is "a white tile swimming-pool 20 feet by 40 feet
with a graduated depth of 4 to 6 feet" (a. la the R. M . catalogue)
and a dandy gymnasium floor "100 feet by 50 feet," where you may
"trip the light fantastic" in odd moments. There are prophecies of
a Students' Building, the enthusiasm of which may inspire in you the
desire to begin for it—as one of the many fund-raising schemes
resorted to during the past year—the collection of tinfoil, pennies,
buffalo nickels, and new dimes. There are the endless ridges of
"encircling mountains," drawing you nearer to a love and apprecia-
tion of the beautiful, and making you more and more intimate with
thoughts you've never felt before.
But, more than all, there is a band of Randolph-Macon girls,
alumnae and student body, whose proud and loyal love, as a whole,
cannot be surpassed by that of any college, however large, old, or
wealthy it may be. Although a small proportion of this number will
be here to greet you on your arrival in June, we are sure that the
number will be sufficient to convince you of the sincerity of this feel-
ing. I n the spirit of the girls lies the subtlest charm of Randolph-
But we are not inviting you here to see our college. This spirit is
not confined to Randolph-Macon alone, and it is the same loyalty
and love towards our fraternity that has led us to invite the Conven-
tion to Lynchburg. I t is because all of us want to know and love all
of you that we have asked you. The "regrets" will bring us keenest
disappointment, the acceptances the pleasantest anticipations, so plan,
for your summer outing, a trip to Virginia and believe us.
Most cordially,
Fannie W. Butterfield, Chapter President.
Alumna Assistant Editor for Kappa
You have heard our Twentieth Anniversary is to he celehrated with
KAPPA. You are planning to come, we hope, and you are wonder-
ing what K A P P A and Randolph-Macon are like, we are sure. A
favorite theme subject for R-M freshmen is "Who I am and Why I
Came to College." I n this article the College must seek to tell "What
R-M Is and Why You Should Come to I t . " I f at times this article
seems to have the air of a college catalogue, you will forgive me, I
hope, for it seems impossible to handle information in anything other
than an encyclopedic manner.
Randolph-Macon owes its existence to the genius of one man, Dr.
William Waugh Smith, and this perhaps accounts for the spirit
which permeates the College, which is distinctively Randolph-Macon,
and which makes Randolph-Macon the greatest of all colleges to
those who have once been under the shadow of its walls. As the
breath of life cannot be carved into a statue, no matter how skil-
fully wrought, so a spirit, no matter how intensive, cannot be trans-
lated into a concrete form. To know the Randolph-Macon spirit
is to possess it, and until that possession is yours, you are no daughter
of the College, but an alien without understanding of the world about
In September, 1893, the College was opened with 78 students rep-
resenting 11 states; the first graduating class, 1896, consisted of
two members; in 1 9 1 6 there were 6 2 4 students representing 3 6
states and foreign countries, and 9 8 degrees were conferred. This
in brief is the history of the growth of the College. Applications for
admission exceed the accommodations for students each year, and as
new dormitories have been erected, they have been fully occupied.
The value of the holdings of the college is conservatively estimated at
$871,125, and the equipments of its laboratories is probably the most
complete in the South. Randolph-Macon had the first psychology
laboratory in the South and one of the first in the country, and has
kept its apparati in advance of that of most colleges in this country.
Randolph-Macon stands for and emphasizes the value of a purely
classical education.
A peculiar feature of the arrangement of the buildings at Ran-
dolph-Macon is the fact that all of them, except New Hall (dormi-
tory) and gymnasium, are connected by a corridor over 6 0 0 feet
long. In the mind of our Founder, Dr. Smith, this corridor was to
be the melting pot of the College. Along it are entrances to the
136 TO DRAG MA OF ALPHA OMICRON PI We have also among other things, that plan, the delight of the-
orists and the plague of those who work under it, sophomore pledg-
offices, the library, the postoffice, three dormitories, Science Hall, ing, but we hope to reach some compromise pleasing to both in the
the chapel, and nearly all classrooms. Without going out-of-doors near future. With the exception of freshmen, from 52% to 55%
a girl may eat, sleep, read the latest magazine, get her mail, cash a of the girls are fraternity girls. There are chapters of nine national
check, attend chapel, call on the Dean, go to her classes, and gossip fraternities at Randolph-Macon, Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha,
with her friends. I n the constant passing and repassing along the Kappa Delta, Delta Delta Delta, Phi Mu, Alpha Delta Pi, Pi Beta
corridor strange faces become familiar, and no friend is long out of Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta, and Alpha Omicron Pi. The increase in
sight; but on "Pay Day," with its array of grasping treasurers, the number of chapters has been gradual, but it has not kept up with
this corridor reminds one of the money changers of the ancient the growth of the College. Chi Omega was the first fraternity to
world. enter Randolph-Macon, its chapter being installed in 1899, followed
by Zeta Tau Alpha in 1902, Kappa Delta and Alpha Omicron Pi in
Life at Randolph-Macon is one mad whirl, but delightful withal. 1903, Delta Delta Delta in 1905, Alpha Delta Pi and Phi Mu in
Randolph-Macon was one of the first colleges to have Student 1911-12, Pi Beta Phi in 1913, and Kappa Alpha Theta in 1916.
Government, and the powers of its Student Committee are exception- The average membership for a chapter is about eighteen (this year
ally broad; practically all regulations are made by that Committee. we have twenty-three), but no chapter has exceeded twenty-five. The
Though we dislike so fixed a term as "Honor System," and feel that chapter houses are bungalows used only as clubhouses. They have
honor cannot be restricted to certain reserved spots, still we have that been built in what we call "The Pines," a beautiful pine grove back
system in its entirety on all class work and examinations, and in most of the College, beyond the gymnasium and off the side of the Ath-
points of student conduct. Athletics has a prominent share in our letic Field. These houses have all been built since 1912, we Alpha O's
college life, and we are expecting you to enjoy our swimming-pool being the first to build, and all chapters, except Kappa Alpha Theta,
with us, so be sure to bring a bathing suit. I n the f a l l we have pre- have one. On every other Sunday night from 9 :30 to 10:30 all houses
liminary basketball games between the four class teams, and the two are open to members of the faculty, nonfraternity girls, and members
victors in these play Thanksgiving for a silver cup. The all-college of other fraternities. On these nights anywhere from ten to one
team is also announced on Tranksgiving, and R. M.'s presented hundred guests are entertained at each house; freshmen are not
to the members of the winning team. The basketball season allowed to come to the houses at all, but "little sisters" (girls whose
this year was considerably enlivened by several Faculty vs. Student sisters are members of some fraternity) are allowed to come to the
games. On the first of May we have a Field Day and track contests. houses.
For several years Randolph-Macon had the college girls' World
Record for the running high jump, and has several times won places At the last Convention of Phi Beta Kappa a chapter was
in all-American College Girls' records. With us, champion athletes unanimously granted Randolph-Macon, and so, though the chapter
can win a popular vote for almost anything as all contests are inter- has not yet been installed, there may be a few new keys flashing out
class, and class spirit runs high in all things. next June, but we make no promise. There are no honor societies at
Randolph-Macon at present, but there are four local ribbon societies,
Class spirit is a subject near to our hearts, but a subject also of Am Sams, S. T . A. B., P I , and OMEGA, which have an average
many strifes and fights that are far from gentle and ladylike. The membership of eighteen and which are not a subject for discussion in
Evens and Odds waste little love and no compliments upon each an ordinary conversation.
other when class affairs are in the ascendency, though at other times
they are friendly enough. You are Even or Odd according to the Of our three college publications, The Sun Dial (weekly), The
year of your graduation, and each in-coming class inherits the colors Tattler (monthly), and the Helianthus (annual), the Helianthus is
and traditions of the class that graduated the preceding June; the most likely to prove of interest to you, as it is usually issued in May
juniors and freshmen are "sister classes," and seniors and sophomores and you will have an opportunity to see and enjoy it. The name
stand together. Each senior asks her favorite sophomore to "hood" Helianthus, meaning sun-flower, represents the college flower and
her, that is the sophomore is to put the Bachelor's hood on her senior colors, yellow and black. I n May also comes our May Day celebra-
when the degrees are conferred. This plan of sophomores hooding tion. A May Queen is elected by popular vote early in the spring
seniors has recently been adopted by Columbia. When you come
to visit us, though, we w i l l forget our time-honored disputes, and
Even and Odd will join hands to welcome you to our College.
term. The program is arranged and directed by a committee ATTENTION! CONVENTION!
appointed by the president of the student body, and the faculty
grants a holiday. Last year we gave The Romance of the Rose in B Y B E R N I E P. PALFREY, K, ' 1 8
pantomime with many beautiful interpretative dances interwoven
with the working out of the legend. I t is too early to give any hint Convention in June and in Virginia is the all-inspiring thought of
of what form this year's celebration will take, but it will still be every Kappa, and we want it to be the same for every Alpha O.
fresh in our minds when you come and you will be certain to hear There is hardly a reason why each one should not come, and oh, so
all about it. many reasons why you should!
I n the first real paragraph of this article I spoke of the RandolpK- Of course, you remember that we haven't always had Biennial
Macon spirit and said it could not be translated into a concrete form, Conventions meeting with the different chapters, but until 1909 had
but I was partially wrong, for some small portion of that spirit is only an annual Grand Council meeting in New York which was
being embodied in our work and plans for our Students' Building. strictly for business. Only a few, comparatively speaking, had any
When you come to our campus next June, we hope to have many work- share in this, so that our present conventions were planned as a big,
men on that campus, and to be able to show you the cornerstone of our centralizing, unifying power, which, should bring Zeta's and Pi's,
Students' Building. We are putting all our Lincoln pennies, buffalo Sigma's and Gamma's, and all of us into closer bonds of fraternity
nickles, 1 9 1 6 dimes, and anything we have left into the f u n d ; we and love. And this is our aim for the 1917 Convention! Those of
are saving tin foil, selling chocolate, thinking and talking, working you who were at the California Convention already know that Stella
and hoping for little else than our Students' Building. Stern Perry has promised us a History of Alpha Omicron Pi, to be
read at the next Convention. Every true Greek is interested in the
With this rather sketchy outline of some of the more obvious fraternity world at large, but first and last in the fraternity of his
phases of our college life in mind, I hope you will find our college, choice, and this will be an opportunity not to be passed by.
our campus, and our conversation a little more intelligible than you
would have without this article. The picture I would leave with you I t has been my good luck to become personally acquainted with a
is of a college where courage, and honor, and courtesy are held in great many of the girls from Pi Chapter, and when I think of all
high esteem; a college waiting with a warm welcome for your coming, the pleasure that these friendships have brought to me, I think about
that it may learn of you and that you, perhaps, may learn of it. how much more wonderful it will be to know my sisters from all of
the chapters. And that is what Convention will mean, along with
Kappa Chapter at Home to All the opportunity to welcome our very new'est Alpha O's.
A L P H A O's!
Many of you from the Western states perhaps have never been
Place, Lynchburg. Time, June 21-26, 1917. East, and this will be a splendid chance to combine a trip and a Con-
vention, and a beautiful excuse to visit Virginia. This fine old South-
ern state boasts all sorts of interesting and historic places—Natural
Bridge, Richmond, V. M . I . at Lexington, and others—and we are
hoping to take you to see some of them, perhaps. Nearly every one
will come via Washington so that a few days in the capital could be
most easily arranged. Is there anyone who doesn't like a jolly good
time? " A l l work and no play" is an old saying, but I believe it's
true, don't you? Of course, we will work at Convention, all the
mornings will be taken up with business sessions, but the afternoons
and evenings will lie brimming f u l l of f u n , a trip or jaunt up the
James, stunts, a reception, a banquet, and every good chance to know-
all of our celebrities and sisters and to become one with them in the
loyal spirit of Alpha Omicron Pi!
We axe working on plans for the Convention, but at this time we CHAPTER EDITORS, PLEASE T A K E NOTICE!
are able to make only a general report on the organization and work
of the Convention Committee. The Committee consists of three Since the May Number is to be published May 10th, it is necessary
members and each of them is in turn chairman of one of the three that all chapter letters be sent by the twelfth instead of the twenty-
general committees. Our plan resembles that adopted by Sigma for fifth of March. There seems to be some misunderstanding, in spite
the last Convention to a large extent. The names and addresses of of instructions, as to whom these letters should be sent.
the Committee are: Please note especially this explanation:
Chairman, Entertainment, Katherine Roy Gordon, K, '14, 5 E. The Editors of Pi, Nu, Theta, Delta, Gamma, Epsilon, Rho, Iota,
Chi, Beta Phi, Kappa, Bangor, Boston, Providence, New York,
Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Indianapolis, and New Orleans Alumme. please send letters to Mar-
Chairman, Finance, Elizabeth Bryan, K, '15, Alexandria, La. garet June Kelley, 52 Essex St., Bangor, Maine.
Chairman, Arrangements, Lucy R. Somerville, K, '16, R-M W. C , The Editors of Omicron, Zeta, Sigma, Lambda, N u Kappa, Upsi-
lon, Tau, Alpha Phi, Eta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Lincoln,
Lynchburg, Va. I f anyone has any suggestions or experience along Chicago, Minneapolis, and Portland, Oregon Alumnae, please send
these lines, write to one of them; they are ready and waiting f o r letters to Mary Ellen Chase, Bozeman, Montana.
ideas. Frequently we have to pay extra postage on chapter letters. Will
Editors please be careful to have the letters weighed before sending?
Decide as soon as possible to come to Convention and write the
Convention Manager. I t is necessary that we have an approximate Mrs. Lilla Dickinson announces the marriage of her daughter
idea of how many to expect. The expenses for your stay for four Helen Dickinson (the Auditor of Alpha Omicron Pi), to Mr.
days will be between $12 and $15 ; this will include baggage, banquet, William Lange on Tuesday, January 16th, at Pasadena, Cal.
and all incidentals. We will be able to tell you exactly in the May
Bulletin. Nothing is more certain than that there is a vast amount of good
will and ability for social work unutilized because of the lack of a
The program is at present undecided upon, but it will include a proper agency for applying it to service. The Bureau of Volunteer
banquet and Stunt Night. I t is upon Stunt Night that I wish to Social Service was organized in Chicago about a year ago, under the
dwell. Send in the name and an outline of your stunt to Katharine auspices of the Association of Collegiate Alumna", to act as a middle-
Godon before June 1st, in order to get a place upon the program for man between those who wish to help and those who can make use of
that night. We want every chapter to be represented and we want to helpers. We realize that we are only beginning to touch upon a large
spend an entertaining evening. Then we want to have a Song Con- field of work, and we are eager to make the coming year one of
test, i f our time permits, but whether we have a contest or not, we great helpfulness. We are offering you the opportunity to develop
want you to write a Convention Song, and bring all the rhymes and your own talents while using them to benefit others. What can you
jingles you sing when you are at home. teach—English, sewing, music? Can you entertain clubs? Can you
direct children in their play? Can you do friendly visiting, or inter-
We have made arrangements to use the college buildings for all viewing or investigative work? I f so, the Bureau wants you. Write
meetings and for sleeping, and you are to get your meals at an I n n or call up its headquarters at Room 519, 431 South Dearborn Street,
a short distance from the College. Streetcars run every twelve Chicago, and it will use its best efforts to put you in touch with a real
minutes from the Lynchburg hotels where arrangements will be made opportunity for service.
for any who prefer staying in the city, i f we are notified in time.
In the May Bulletin we will give final directions and particulars.
Anyone desiring information or planning to come will please write
the Convention Manager in good season.
LUCY R. SOMERVILLE, K, '16, Convention Manager.
We wish to announce that the article which appeared in the
November number, entitled " I f I Were Adviser to Girls" was taken
from the Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi. Through an oversight, we
failed to give the Adelphean the credit for a most splendid article. ACTIVE CHAPTER LETTERS
The friendship of its Editor, Mrs. Lang, with Dean Clark of Illinois
has certainly been of value to all of the many journals which have PI, H. SOPHIE NEWCOMB MEMORIAL COLLEGE
published the article in part or in whole.
Rietta Garland, '17 M a r y Sumner, '17
Since our last number of To DRAGMA, we are richer by two new J e a n H i l l , '17 Magda Chalaron, '18
Alumna; Chapters, one at Bangor, Maine, and one at Portland, Ore- Lessie Madison, '17 Helen Grevemberg, '19
gon. We surely give them welcome. We have received unofficially Kathleen O ' N i e l l , '17 A n n a M c L e l l a n , '19
the news also of the establishment of Eta Chapter at Wisconsin Uni- Mary Raymond, '17 E v e l y n I'igott, 19
versity, upon which we have commented editorially. M i l d r e d R e n s h a w , '17 F a y Morgan, '20
Through the courtesy of the National Board of Y. W. C. A. we Once more the Christmas holidays have come, and as Pi looks
have been privileged to examine The Girls' Year Book and The Inch back to the three months just gone by, she's tempted to comment
Library. I t has really been a privilege, and it is no less one to call "well done." Of course, all of this isn't due just to the active
the attention of the Alpha O girls to these two publications. chapter, but a large part of our alumnae chapter, who besides its
social work, has found time to organize many advantageous rushing
The Girls' War Hook is bound in dull blue cloth, and slips easily schemes. Twice a month, two of the alumna: give a rushing party
into a coat or a sweater pocket. It is comprised of Bible readings on the same day, and both cast lots to see which actives and which
with most original and helpful comments for every day in the year. rushees are going to their party. Besides doing rushing and being
It is far superior to anything of the kind which the Editor has ever advisers, they also act as financiers occasionally. We gave a Christ-
examined, and she heartily recommends it as a real inspiration. I t mas tree at which each of us brought a present for the fraternity
is wholesome, original, human, and practical—the very elements room. And what do you suppose was hanging right from the top-
which appeal to the modern college girl. I t costs fifty cents. Buy a most branch of the tree? A check—and from the alumnae. Of
copy for your roommate's birthday, and perhaps she will return the course, we all have visions at present of hard wood floors, couches,
compliment. and many other heavenly things—I wonder how far the check will
The Inch Library is at present comprised of two inches. We hope
more will be added. The inches consist each of nine little leaflets, We're all very enthusiastic over March pledging which the faculty,
written especially for girls by those who know and love girls. Some on account of a petition of Panhellenic, has granted the fraternities.
of the subjects treated are Being Good Friends with One's Family. We can only pledge those girls, however, who carry absolutely
The Kingdom of Our Thoughts, and A Girl and the Caste System. no condition. With this clause, the faculty sees that the fraternities
Each leaflet is attractively bound, and the nine are encased in a blue are cooperating with them in the uplifting of scholarship.
cardboard holder. The separate leaflets are five cents each, or
bought by the set including the case, fifty cents for each inch. Pi entertained at a birthday party on December 8th. We thought
of every A O IT in the world when towards the end we sang Alpha
Another good gift for your roommate's birthday, or a Christmas O songs. We're very sorry that the first telegram we sent Mrs.
Perry had the wrong address, but we do hope she received the
present for a fraternity sister. second that was sent, for we certainly thought of her on that day.
Mrs. Etta Phillips MacPhie, one of the founders of Minneapolis And though we've been having rushing parties and birthday parties
Alumna;, has moved to Lowell, Mass. A l l mail can reach her by- and other kind of parties, Pi has not forgotten her social work
being sent i n care of Mrs. H . W. Phillips, Box 91. Chelmsford which she values highly. On Thanksgiving Day, we sent a tremen-
Center, Mass. dous basket of "goodies" to the Maison Hospitaliere, an institution
for old ladies. Kathleen O'Niell and Mary Sumner, along with
We are glad to announce that Miss Henry has been made Execu- other members of the Mandolin and Guitar Club, played on Canal
tive Secretary of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union of Street during Christmas week for the benefit of the Doll and Toy
Boston. I t certainly gives scope for splendid work, and we feel Fund. After the holidays, all of the "musicians" of the fraternity
sure Miss Henry is admirably fitted for such service. intend playing at some of the charitable institutions to help those
who need cheering up.
And we're talking Convention, Convention. So along with the OMICRON, UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE
wish for a bright and successful New Year that Pi sends to every
active and alumna member of A O I I , she also wishes that 1917 Margaret Conover, Grad. M a r i a n Swain, '19
will bring with it the realization of the best A O I I convention ever.
W i s t a Braly, '17 Kathleen V a u g h a n , '19
Mn RED RENSHAW, '17, Chapter Editor.
Katherine Johnson, '17 Sadie Ramsey, '19
M a r y D . Houston, '18 Martha L o u Jones, '19
Dorothy Nolan, '18 L y n n M c N u t i , '19
Sue Bryant, '19 Lida Moore, Spec.
NU, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Louise Wiley, Grad. Josephine Johnson, Spec.
Elizabeth Kennedy, '19
Elizabeth Jane Monroe Dorothy Kenyon Omicron's February letter must always begin with a list of pledges.
Frances Walters Edna Rapallo This time is no exception, and, as usual, in spite of the Editor's
Helen Williams Sarah Donegan criticisms, they are the "best ever." Here they are—Margaret
Florence Haag Mary Peaks McAnulty, Eleanor Burke, Julia Rather, Elizabeth Tarpley, and
Iva Hobson. I n our next letter I hope they will be wearing the
Dear Sisters i n Alpha O: A O I I pin instead of "the sheaf." They are as loyal now as any
Nu's regular editor is very i l l in the hospital with typhoid, so I full-fledged Alpha O's could be.
am undertaking to be an unworthy substitute for this number. I
am glad to say that I believe the danger is past and that she is Since pledges are disposed of, I will now tell about our football
season just closed, because it is one of the most successful in our
starting her recovery, but she is yet too i l l to see anyone. history. To tell the whole story in a sentence—we beat Vanderbilt.
That is our big game, and a victory means a great season whatever
Nu Chapter has been rather active during the recent campaign. else might happen. But this year we were victorious in all games
but one, and that was a tie. So we think our boys are worthy of the
One of our alumna;, Helen Hoy Greeley, was on the Hughes biggest " T " obtainable. There is much talk of a large new athletic
field which, i f it is constructed, will fill a long standing need.
Special, while Elizabeth Moss and Virginia Mollenhauer have been
campaigning for Wilson: So no matter which side the victory was
on, we were sure of being included in it.
We are also represented among the war sufferers. Helen Ranlett
has been doing work among the refugees i n Amiens, France. Mable Before the Christmas holidays the Y. M . C. A. is going to give
a Mid-winter Carnival with "big acts" and "side shows." They
Witte is delivering lectures on law in the Brooklyn Institute this hope to give such an exhibition as would make Ringling Brothers
proud. The Y. W. C. A., not to be outdone, is also to be in the
winter. Helen Potter is engaged i n revising a book on corporation limelight, though in a slightly different way. We are to give a
group of tableaux on the Christmas Story with suitable readings
law. A new firm has been formed consisting of Jessie Ashley. and songs.
Adelma Burd, and Helen Potter.
Cecile Iselin is continuing in the office of Mr. Escher. He acts
as counsel for the Swiss Consulate. Dorothy Kenyon was also
asked to remain with her firm when the f a l l term opened. I had The Christmas spirit has possessed most U . T.-ers these days.
Everyone is counting the days, hours, and even minutes until time
better explain to those members of Alpha O who are not following for home-going. And to think—when we read this in To DRAGMA
we shall have come back, and. what is more, we shall be in the
the legal profession that firm means a law firm, and these positions midst of examinations. Why do such terrible experiences always
come after the most delightful?
mean law clerkships. I t is quite a coveted honor for a girl to get
into a good firm and be asked to stay, as the legal profession is still
quite conservative about women.
Hoping that your next letter may be written by the regular Speaking of delightful experiences makes all of us Omicrons
remember our alumna? home-coming, when most of our last year
editor, girls and some more besides were with us for Thanksgiving. I t
was wonderful to have them with us again, but we didn't get to tell
Yours i n Alpha O, them nearly all we wanted to, for we could only sit and gaze at
them. Then there were parties, of course—one of the very loveliest
ELIZABETH A. SMART. being the freshman luncheon which they prepared and served them-
selves. I f we did not know it before, we are now perfectly con- Our adventures since the last letter have taken meagre proportions
vinced that our new sisters will be fine managers, and hostesses with the convention looming up so large. The goats were absorbed
irresistible to freshmen-to-come. The sweetest and most Alpha-like long ago, and are now applying the arts of rushing. We old ones
party we had was in our room. We first had the "fish" to perform tell them with mournful shaking of the head that they do not rush
some and then—all of us in Alpha Omicron Pi were "once more as we used to, but since we can't remember specific cases to back
united" in a special fraternity meeting. We knew a visit back to the up our statements, don't succeed in pricking their consciences much.
" H i l l " would not be complete without that. The truth is, rushing is becoming saner here every year.
I wish I could tell about all we have done this year and the We had our banquet on the night of Founders' Day at the Vir-
rushing parties we have given, but I am afraid the Editor would ginian Hotel. The table looked lovely; we were all dressed and
say I was taking up space not mine. So I will briefly say that we flowered up, and everybody was in a gay humor except the few mum-
had five parties—two in the fraternity room, one at Li da Moore's bling toasts to themselves. The toast to the Convention met with
country home, one at Lucretia Bickley's, and one on Halloween at great enthusiasm. At twelve o'clock a photographer from town came
the Morgans', Fay's home. The informal lunches in our room were and took some flashlights of the group, but we refrain from sending
enjoyed greatly. you any, because every one of us had her eyes tight shut, and the
picture gives a bad impression of the good time we had.
A l l kinds of good wishes are in order now, are they not ? Omicron
sends them all to each and every Alpha girl—"Merry Christmas!" Instead of having a Christmas tree f u l l of presents for ourselves,
"Happy New Year!" and—most especially to you to whom it per- which is our usual custom at our Christmas party, we took a poor
tains—"Successful examinations!" family of six children to brighten up. Nine dollars was given in
money for coal and groceries, and three of us took one child, fitted
MARY D . HOUSTON, Chapter Letter Editor. him with a sweater and a cap and filled his stocking. Such a little
sacrifice did anything but mar our party which we had as usual.
KAPPA, RANDOLPH-MACON WOMAN'S COLLEGE Our especial patrons in town gave us some silver spoons, and our
little sisters gave us a victrola record; so the house couldn't feel
F a n n i e Butterfield, '17 A n n a Taylor, '19 neglected i f it wanted to.
C l a r a Smith, '17 J u l i a White, '19
Helen H a r d y , '17 Carle K i n g , '19 Excitement has been at low ebb in college the last two months.
Annie E a r l e Reed, '17 Elizabeth Sale, '19 Ex-president T a f t visited us and lectured in town on "Our World
V i r g i n i a Strother, '17 E l i z a W a l l i s , '19 Relationships," but you could hardly call our mental enthusiasm
Louise Swift, '17 Gertrude Hatcher, '19 over the subject excitement. Otis Skinner played here, and Cadmann
Augusta Stacy, '17 Eleanor Manning, '19 with his Indian princess. Statistics were voted on by the student
Frances H a r d y , '18 Frances Major, '19 body, and from the A O ITs here, Helen Hardy was voted the best
Bernie Palfrey, '18 L i n n a Mae McBride, '19 all-around girl in school, Frances Hardy the most athletic, and
Frances Hamilton, '18 Genevieve Glascow, '19 Augusta Stacy the most original. Panhellenic is agitating the
question of mid-year pledging again, but whether the agitation
Helen Scott, '18 E l l a T h o m a s , '19 will result in a change in our practice is doubtful.
M a r y Buie F r i t h , '19
AUGUSTA STACY, Chapter Editor.
No doubt a hostess-to-be should be modestly retiring, and so
give the impression of awaiting her big party as though it were an ZETA, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA
everyday occurrence, but there is no use in Kappa's trying to pretend
she is not excited over the crowd of distinguished visitors she is to Ethel Chace, '17 L y d i a Dawson, '19
entertain at the convention in June. Her state of mind fluctuates Doris Scroggin, '17 H a z e l Cook, '19
between joy of expectation and anxiety for fear that it will be a rainy Gladys Lowenberg, '17 F r a n c e s Bollard, '19
June or that the college will burn down before commencement. Carrie Marshall, '18 G l a d y s W h i t f o r d , '19
These fears, however, only make our anticipation pleasanter in Jeannette Adams, '18 Mildred Gillilan, '19
contrast, and we want you all to come, all of you! Virginia woods W i n n i f r e d M o r a n , '18 Marie Stutts, '19
are good for outdoor sleeping, and peas and corn bread are plentiful E d n a H a t h w a y , '18 Thelma Bergen, '19
here in June.
Lettie Irion, '20 M a r y Waters, '20 play, but their names are "withheld by the censor" at present. Watch
Florence Griswold, '20 Margaret Perry, '20 this space!
Alice Sheehy, '20 Frances Gannon, '20
Catherine Benner, '20 R u t h Farquhar, '20 During the visit of Mrs. Hennings, district superintendent, Thelma
Bergen was initiated. Esther Chamberlain was pledged at mid-term
This winter has been a busy one for Zeta girls. Our work is pledge day.
usually sufficient to occupy most of our time, and then, of course,
there are all sorts of parties and school activities to keep us busy. And now, success to you in the approaching examinations, and
For instance, on the day of the game with Drake University, Iowa, a happy New Year!
the girls' club gave a football luncheon. A l l of the sororities
attended en masse. Doris Scroggin, '17, was chairman of the E D N A H A T H W A Y , Chapter Editor.
committee in charge of it. The toast list was appropriate to the
occasion. I t read: "The Scrimmage, The Game, The Goal." Edna SIGMA, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA
Froyd, '16, ex-president, responded to "The Goal."
Marion Bachman, '17 Donovan, H a t t i e M a r i e H e l l e r , '20
The Lincoln alumnae arranged a luncheon during Mrs. Henning's Helen Clowes, '17 Rosalind Olcese, '17
visit, and we had a reception for her at the chapter house. Alice Cranston, '17 Ethel Maroney, '17
Elizabeth Elliot, '17 Gertrude Schieck, '17
The girls' club Christmas party just before vacation, was a most Gladys Goeggel, '17 E d n a T a y l o r , '17
enjoyable affair. Practically all of the hundreds of girls who were Mary Butler, '18 Bernice Hubbard, '18
there wore fancy costumes. Several groups gave stunts, for instance E l l a Crawford, '18 Marguerite Neelay, '18
"The Six Great Moments of a Girl's Life, With Apologies to Harri- Gertrude D a y , '19 Helen Schieck, '19
son Fisher," "Bluebeard" (it was pasteboard) in pantomime. The T h e l m a Donovan, '19 Dorothy Weeks, '19
Alpha O's dressed as Dutch girls, and gave a Dutch dance, to the Margaret Forsythe, '19 Mary Wight, '19
tune of "Oh, du lieber Augustine." Doris Scroggin was chairman Lucile G r a h a m , '19 Mildred Mallon, '20
of the party committee, and we feel that much of its success was due Marion Black, '20 Margaret M c V e y , '20
to her efforts. Winnifred Moran and Gladys Lowenberg were on the Catherine Cox, '20 Marion Mathews, '20
decorating committee for the party. E s t h e r C a r d w e l l , '20 K a t h r y n Pride, '20
L a u r a de V e u n , '20 E d w i n a Robie, '20
The Monday evening before vacation we girls had our own Christ- A n n a G a y Doolittle, '20 M a r j o r i e Selwood, '20
mas party at the house. Of course, we had Santa Claus, and the '20
usual ridiculous gifts which we sent to poor children, after we had Nadine
had a good laugh over them. The freshmen are supposed to be
thoroughly aware of the fact that they are expected to give a Dear Sisters:
program at the Christmas party. They made elaborate plans which Sigma is closing a very busy but a most successful semester.
failed to materialize. The night of the party someone had an
inspiration. Programs were distributed, with numbers, A, B, C, etc. There are now thirty-three members in the chapter which is the
A. "Madame Melba and Caruso. Choice selections," etc. largest number Sigma has counted for several years. Much of
our interest during this half-year has centered on our new home
Upperclassmen were called upon to respond without a moment's which is a beautiful three-story cement house with a lovely garden.
warning. There was almost a riot for a time, but we laughingly A l l the girls are well pleased with it.
admitted that the joke was on us.
The buying and furnishing of this new chapter house necessitated
One of those incorrigible freshmen, Lettie Irion, made the fresh- excellent financial handling. For this reason, all the money affairs
man basketball team, and will, we believe, be named its captain. have been under the supervision of a Board of Directors, composed
Doris Scroggin is senior vice-president, and on the senior prom of the house-manager, treasurer, and several alumnae. This plan has
committee. Winifred Moran is on the junior play committee, and proven a great help to the active girls.
also on the girls' club commission to investigate religious conditions
at the university. Several of our girls tried out for Kosmet Club The most important event for Sigma this semester was our big
reception which was in the nature of a "house-warming." Several
hundred bids were sent out and a great many attended. The fresh-
men, our president and housemother stood in the receiving line
in our large chapter-room. The upperclass girls entertained in the
living-room, while the sophomores served refreshments in the dining-
room. The whole house was open to the guests. An Hawaiian strenuous, two weeks' spike. Just in the whirl of school work,
orchestra furnished the music for the afternoon. though, our President declared a half holiday and we set to work
to make it a real holiday for sure. We went on a short hike and
I n the evening we received again, this time mostly mothers and took our suppers out in the woods where we cooked over a big fire
fathers and members of the faculty. About ten o'clock the music which we built on the rocks at the foot of a hill. I t was almost
started and forty couples danced away the night into the early dark when the last joyous note of our Alpha O song died away,
hours, only stopping for a delightful supper. The whole affair was and we started on our homeward jaunt.
pronounced a veritable success.
The twenty-eighth of October, we entertained for our chaperon,
Just last week a most promising step was taken by Sigma. About Miss Towsley, about two hundred town and faculty women at an
twelve of the mothers who live near the university met at the chapter informal afternoon reception. Halloween suggestions were carried
house, and they have now formed a club in order to become better out in the decorating scheme, and in the dining-room.
acquainted with one another and with the girls. We think it a
splendid idea, and hope to encourage it as much as possible. Once into the merry whirl of college life again, there was no
stopping place. The Woman's Self-government Association gave a
They have already helped us by contributing candy and cake Halloween fancy-dress ball and of all the good times imaginable,
which were sold last Saturday at our annual bazaar. The Fair we surely had it then. A l l sorts of characters were there—from
resulted in a very successful afternoon as many people took advan- well-known historical high-brows to Charlie Chaplins. Plenty of
age of the pretty articles, made by alumnae and active members. cider and pumpkin pie were served, after which we danced until
The scheme of the affair was entirely oriental. Miss Alvord, Dean of Women, found it necessary to chase us all
The last gathering of all girls for this year was at the celebra-
tion of Founders' Day. We were fortunate enough to again have From the very beginning of the fall term we began to look and
Mrs. Perry with us to relate the much-loved story of the first watch for some announcement concerning Old Gold Day, De Pauw's
Alpha O's. home-coming, and at last the longed-for day came. Saturday,
November 4th—a time when the real Old Gold Spirit knew no
Sigma sincerely hopes that the New Year will be filled with happi- bounds. First, there was the customary chapel in Meharry Hall,
ness for each of her sisters in Alpha Omicron Pi. which was crowded with friends and eager, excited students. Class
spirit voiced itself in song and yell and the "Praises of Old De Pauw"
H E L E N SCHIECK, Chapter Editor. seemed to fairly raise the roof. Afterward, there were various class
contests, the color-raising and distribution of freshman caps, the De
THETA, DE PAUW UNIVERSITY Pauw-Butler football game, and finally the big bonfire on the
tennis courts. I n the evening we attended the Old Gold Day Vaude-
Francis Kelly, '17 Jessie Jones, '18 ville, which was staged by various campus organizations. The whole
Bernice Wilhelm, '19 day was a decided success—in fact it was such a success that we
Georgia Gilkey, '17 Maurine Y o r k , '19 were given a holiday the following Monday.
E d n a McClure, '17 R u t h Little, '19
Wilhelmina Hedde, '19 I n the meantime a letter had come from Mrs. Hennings, our dis-
Allison M a c L a c h l a n , '17 Jesse Bicknell, '19 trict superintendent, saying she would visit us from Monday until
Helen Lange, '19 Wednesday. We received the message with greatest joy because we
A n n White, '18 Agnes L a k i n , '19 had met Mrs. Hennings at the installation of Beta Phi Chapter, and
Mary Bicknell, '19 we knew what a visit from such an enthusiastic, loving worker
Ethel Pike, '18 would mean to our chapter. The Tuesday evening she was with
Lucile Kelly, '20 us we gave a little dinner party and had all our pledges and town
Margaret Douthitt, '18 Mabel West, '20 girls in for dinner. After dinner Mrs. Hennings talked with us
Margurite Bennett, '18 Bertha Ruby, '20 for quite a while, telling the pledges what Alpha O had meant
Mabelle Hedde, '20 to ber and inspiring them with the greater spirit of our loved frater-
Esther Morris, '18 Helen Hagenbush, '20
Merle H u f f m a n , '18
Bernice McCorkle, '19
Margaret Babcock, '20
Reggie O'Brien, '20
L o i s R i c k e y , '20
Hazel McComas, '20
Margurite X o r r i s , '20
Theta girls have experienced an unusually busy term, and it was
with great difficulty that we settled down to real work after our
nity. We all felt so much stronger and thus better fitted to under- Ethel Richardson, '19 M a r y G r a n t , '20
take Alpha's work when she left us, and we only hope that this is
the first of many such future visits. Lorna Tasker, '19 Marion Phil
One morning on the campus we heard the faintest whisper about M a r t h a W a l k e r , '20
a Soldiers' Relief Fund, so we all flocked into chapel to find out
the cause of this agitation and we were not disappointed. Yes, there Dearest Sisters:
was a representative at De Pauw asking a subscription from De Pauw.
The movement was first taken up among the Greek-letter organiza- First let me wish one and all of you the happiest kind of a
tions, and soon interesting stories were flying about, how certain
houses were raising their funds by leaving off their dessert for a New Year. May it bring to all of us health, happiness, and a dream
certain length of time—yes, even the dormitories were doing without
butter for a week! What was Theta Chapter of Alpha O going to come true!
do? Soon plans were on foot and finally our treasurer sent in a
nice big check for one hundred dollars, and—we had given up our We are glad to be able to introduce to you three new little sisters
annual formal party.
already initiated and one pledged. We hope to have Marion Bennett
The last week of school before Christmas vacation was, of course,
chuck f u l l of excitement, but we were not too busy to join with the in our midst soon, so that her name may be added to our chapter
other seven sororities and the two dormitories in giving a party
for the town children. We had "lots of f u n " with the little tots, roll in our next letter to To DRAGMA.
and we were in better Christmas spirit because of the joy we had
given to someone else. I f we were a bit disappointed to have lost one or two girls we
Our juniors entertained with a fancy-dress party, and finally all particularly wanted, it only made us appreciate the more how dear
the pent-up excitement ended in a big dinner for our chaperon on
her birthday. When the parting day came it was a merry, happy our new sisters are. I wish you all might know them, for you would
bunch of girls who called good-byes as they whirled away on their
homeward-bound trains. soon love them as we do.
But alas! Examination week comes only two weeks after we get Since our last letter our only formal social function has been
back from our Christmas vacation, and how f u l l even those two weeks
must surely be! the dance we hold each year in honor of our initiates. Every single
Theta sends best wishes for a very happy New Year in the service member of the chapter attended this year, as well as several of our
of Alpha O. I f it were not too late she would wish you all a
Merry Christmas, but as it is we can only say we hope you have, each alumnae. The dance was held in what we called the "Girls' Gym,"
one, had as delightful a vacation as we.
the smaller of the two gymnasiums; and, i f the expression on the
AGNES L . L A K I N , Chapter Editor.
faces of the dancers is to be our guide, it was a great success.
We celebrated Founders' Day on Saturday, December 9th. We had
expected a large number of our alumna? to be with us, but owing to
bad weather many of them were unable to come. However, those
who did arrive enjoyed the spread and the little entertainment we
gave. Kennetha, who had charge of the affair, is to be congratulated
on its success, especially in turning the hall into a cozy little sitting-
Our last meeting before the holidays was spent in dressing dolls
for poor children. We enjoyed our ritual, and the cozy meeting
which followed. While we sewed, some of the girls read Christmas
stories, and the whole ended in a little spread.
I n dramatics we have not been idle. Two of our girls, Betty Sar-
gent and Madeline Perkins, took part in the first plays of the season.
Everyone pronounced them the best they had ever seen here, so
DELTA, JACKSON COLLEGE you may judge for yourself, whether A O I I has cause to be proud of
Marjorie Dean, '17 Kennetha W a r e , '18 its dramatic talent.
Marion Jameson, '17 Ruth Brooks, '19
Helen Rowe, '17 Margaret K i m b a l l , '19 We are glad to tell our sisters how proud we are of Helen Rowe
Mildred Simpson, '17 Inga Little, '19
Margaret Durkee, '18 Elizabeth Miller, '19 with her newly acquired Phi Beta Kappa key. Helen also won the
Madeline Perkins, '18 Martha Neal, '19
Elizabeth Sargent, '18 Madeline Parker, '19 prize scholarship for general excellence in a wisely and broadly
chosen course. We are proud that one of our members, at least, has
such a high scholastic standing and also proud that others are
prominent in the various college activities.
When this letter reaches you we shall all be deep in preparations chapter so near at hand. At the time that Marion Rich installed the
for the mid-year examinations. Delta wishes all her sisters the Bangor Alumna? Chapter, she also made us a visit in her capacity
best of success in the coming trials. of district superintendent. She told us of some very interesting
things the other chapters are doing, especially in their endeavors
MARGARET DURKEE, Chapter Editor. to win the sorority cup. Maybe you will think we are not interested
in social and philanthropic work, but i f you lived in such a "pover-
GAMMA, UNIVERSITY OF MAINE tyless" community you, too, would find it hard to decide in which
way you could be of most help to the community.
Elizabeth Bright, '17 Ruth Gardner, '19
Until that time we are striving as individuals to make you proud
Leola Chaplin, '17 . R u t h Jordan, '19 of us. Leola Chaplin has been elected to the honorary scholarship
fraternity Phi Kappa Phi. Joyce Cheney is to have a poem, "Pitter
A l f r e d a E l l i s , '17 Helen Simpson, '19 Patter," published in an Anthology of the Best Poems by University
Students. We envy Kappa her position as hostess, but a number
F l o r a H o w a r d , '17 F a y Smith, '19 of our girls are planning to attend convention to enjoy her hospitality
even i f we are envious. Everyone begin to get enthusiastic so that
Lillian Hunt, '17 E l l a Wheeler, '19 we may have the biggest convention ever.
Doris Savage, '17 F r a n c e s Bartlett, '20 JESSIE STURTEVANT, Chapter Editor.
Jessie Sturtevant, '17 Olive Chase, '20
Ruth Chalmers, '18 Barbara D u n n , '20
Pauline Derby, '18 R u t h Ingersoll, '20
Vera Gellerson, '18 Irene Jackson, '20
Mona M a c W i l l i a m s , '18 Bessie Mills, '20
Gladys Reed, '18 Marguerite Mills, '20
Ruth Crosby, '18 Florence M c L e o d , '20
Joyce Cheney, '19 E v e l i n e Snow, '20 EPSILON, CORNELL UNIVERSITY
Kathleen Snow, '20
Dear Alpha O Sisters: Mary Albertson, '17 Calista Hoffman, '18
Greetings to you all from the girls of Gamma and best wishes Sarah Campbell, '17 Matilda Loeffler, 'l8
to you for the New Year. We introduce to you fourteen new sisters, Viola Dengler, '17 Dagmar Schmidt, '18
three of whom, Ruth Crosby, Helen Simpson, and Ruth Gardner, A n n e M a r r o w , '17 Florence Coupe, '19
Frances Rehfeld, '17 Irene Greene, '19
were initiated late in the fall, the remaining eleven at our regular Dorothy Shaw, '17 Ethel H a u s m a n , '19
initiation in January. With our new service initiation seems more Jeanette Short, '17 Helen Langdon, '19
lovely and more impressive than ever, and our banquet was certainly Margaret Conlan, '18 Mary Donlon, '20
more than successful. As usual it was held in the attractive banquet Joanna Donlon, '18 Dorothy Hieber, '20
hall at the Bangor House and besides the active girls we had a large Evelyn Hieber, '18 Mary Moore, '20
number of alumna? back, Imogene Bumps, Beulah Philbrook. Edith Cornelia Munsell, '20
Bussell, Imogene Wormwood, Hazel Mariner Buzzell, Aileene At last, rushing with its trials and tribulations is over and we are
very proud of our seven new sisters, Frances Rehfeld, Irene Greene,
Hobart, Marion Jordan, Madeline Robinson, Doris Currier Treat, Ethel Hausman (Mrs. Leon Hausman), Mary Donlon, Dorothy
Hieber, Mary Moore, and Cornelia Munsell. As college began so
Marion Estabrook. Mary Cousins, Irene Cousins, Clair Weld Durgin, late we had three weeks of hard rushing, four afternoons a week and
a big party each Saturday night. There were two periods on rush
Zella Colvin, June Kelly. Letters were read from Mary Chase days (2-4 and 4-6) but no informal calling was permitted as here-
tofore. Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Allen, two of our alumnae, kindly
(whose sister Olive we now have for a sister), Miretta Bickford, offered us the use of their homes for parties and we had a dinner
party at the Orchard Tearoom.
and Muriel Colbath Wyman; such greetings make our gathering
On November 21st, we gave a dinner for our pledges and city
seem even larger when we know so many girls are thinking of us on alumna? in the small dining-room at Risley Hall. Then, after pledge
service, we went to see the Portmanteau Theatre in Bailey H a l l , the
that night. I wonder i f you know and love Beth Hanly's The Rose large Cornell auditorium. Before starting, we received the announce-
as we of Gamma do. We plan to make it a custom to have it read
each year just before we rise to join our arms and sing our Alpha O
Speaking of so many alumna? reminds me of our most important
news—namely, that we have had an alumna? chapter installed right
next door to us. in Bangor. We are so pleased to have such a
ment of the engagement of Helen La Forge, ex-'19, to Joseph been a more thorough and efficient organization of this work and the
Eldridge, and the customary five-pound box of candy. entire university is enthusiastically championing the cause. Of
course, having our own Northwestern University Settlement, we stu-
We had initiation at Mrs. Schmidt's, where Epsilon has always dents have a broad field in which to work and under the guidance of
had it. We all thought the new service was very beautiful, and the the Northwestern University Settlement Association much good is
initiates were very much impressed by it. Katherine Donlon, '12, accomplished. I must explain that the Northwestern University
of Utica was one of the speakers at the initiation banquet. Settlement Association is the student organization which takes care of
the students' end of the settlement work. At present Alice Jane
Although very busy before Christmas, we still found time each Wilson is secretary of the association. At Christmas time the children
to dress a doll for the poor little kiddies at the Mission. in the settlement district are entertained at Christmas parties for
which the women of the University dress several thousand dolls and
Epsilon wishes all her sister chapters a very happy and prosperous fill several thousand stockings. I n addition to participating in this,
New Year. we Rho girls also tried to make Christmas happier for a family less
fortunate than ourselves.
DAGMAR A. SCHMIDT, Chapter Editor.
But please don't think that social service entirely occupies our
RHO, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY thoughts. D i d I tell you about the delightful Halloween party our
pledges gave us? We were all summoned to appear at the "Murth-
ACTIVES ens' Hang-out" where we were received by ghosts and witches and all
the eerie folk of Halloween. They entertained us with a mock
Marion Abele Dorothy Maltby pledging and other solemn rites which 'most made our hair stand on
Margaret Ariess Eunice Marthens end, but they finally redeemed themselves with a most "dee-licious"
Kate Blum Grace May spread. Our biggest social function of the semester was our dance at
Elsie Brace Mable McConnell the Kenilworth Country Club on December 16th. I t was the "most
Edith Brown Faith Morse loveliest" dance I have ever attended—everything was so comfy and
Kathryn Brown Helen Ralston cozy, and everyone had a perfectly splendid time. We were expecting
Louise Hoffman Elizabeth Recht some of the girls who are trying to establish a chapter at Madison,
Margaret Jeleff Ruth Sharer Wisconsin, to be with us, but unfortunately they were unable to
Jane Kennedy Helen Slaten arrange it. We were so disappointed for we Rho girls are wildly
Dorothy Kerr Dorothy Wade enthusiastic at the prospect of a chapter at Madison and we would
Alice Kolb Hazel Whitmore, Spec. have enjoyed meeting the girls who have worked so hard and so
Wilson splendidly. They certainly seem to have the true Alpha O spirit
Alice Jane already.
PLEDGES But I almost forgot to mention the reception which we held for
Merva Dolsen Hennings when she visited us on her "tour of inspec-
Erna Ariess Hazel Lloyd tion," as she calls it. Of course, it wasn't at all like being formally
Marguerite Ford Lucille Lloyd inspected because Merva is one of our own Rho girls. Unfortunately
Gladys Frye Mabel May she could not manage to spend more than one day with us, but we
Goldie Holquist Myrtle Swanson were glad to have her even for that short time. An invitation was
Arleta Kirlin Bessie Talcott extended to all the women of the university to attend the reception,
Marguerite Kolb Ethel Willman which was held in the parlors of Willard Hall, the women's dormi-
Wilson tory. I f we may judge by the number who accepted the invitation,
Phoebe the event certainly was a success.
To you all—Rho's heartiest wishes for your success in the New
Year! A l l that we ask for ourselves is that we may have as great
success as we have had in the past year. Especially do we pride our-
selves on our new members: Elsie Brace, Eunice Marthens, Elizabeth
Recht, Ruth Sharer, Helen Slaten, and Hazel Whitmore—whom we
initiated in November. We feel sure that our chapter will be greatly
strengthened by the addition of these girls. We also are proud to
tell you of the pledging of Marguerite Ford, a junior in Music
School, and Gladys Frye, a freshman in Liberal Arts.
Rho has taken a rather prominent part in social service work this
past year. Through the instrumentality of Louise Hoffman there has
There is little more to tell except that Kate Blum has been elected tion pastimes and recreations before starting on another period of our
secretary of the senior class by an overwhelming majority—and that college careers.
Rho climbed from fourth to second place on the sorority scholarship
list. Perhaps some day we may achieve first place—who knows? By MARION GILBERT, Chapter Editor.
the time you read this probably all of you will have struggled man-
fully through your semester examinations and will be beginning a IOTA, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS
fresh sheet of the ledger. However, perhaps our wishes for your
success may not be amiss and so we echo them again. Mate Giddings, '17 M a r t h a Hedgcock, '18
Minnie Phillips, '17 N i n a Grotevant, '18
MARION E . A B L E , Chapter Editor. Marion E . G r e g g , '17 Mary Caldwell, '18
G o l d a Wadsworth, '17 R u t h Percival, '18
LAMBDA, L E L A N D STANFORD, JR. UNIVERSITY Elaine Buhrman, '17 Velda Bamesberger, '18
Gladys Saffell, '17 Marie Stejskal, '19
Marian Boal, '16 Bessie Wood, '18 Ixmise Woodroofe, '17 Helen Brauns, '19
Hazel Hartwell, '16 Marion Gilbert, 'i8 Maybelle Dallenbach, '17 Marian Kenney, '19
Alice Moore, '16 L i l y Morrison, '18 Florence L . Moss, '17 Hazel Stephens, '19
Genevieve Morse, '16 Constance Chandler, '18 Bertha Stein, '18 Aileen Hunter, '19
Rea Gilbert, '17 Marguerite Odenheimer, Edmundson, '19
L a u r a Wilkie, '17 R u t h Chandler, '19 Nila
Mildred Cowdrey, '17 Lenell G a r v i n , '20
Jeane Stoddard, '18 Hortcnse F l e m i n g , '20 '18 PLEDGES
Caroline Rochfort, '18 Marion Loomis, '20
Marjorie Coil, '18 G l a d y s Stelling, '20 Mary Putnam, '19 Leila Shepherd, '20
Aflie Wood, '18 Anita Compton, '20
E l s i e Noel, '19 Jessie Williamson, '20
Beatrice Levy, '19
In late October Iota gave a Halloween dance at the chapter
house. Pumpkin jack-o-lanterns and corn shocks were used profusely
in the decorations.
The past week here has been devoted to final examinations and Then November brought the annual Illinois Home-coming cele-
consequently it has been a very busy time for all of us. The Univer- bration. At this gala time we were glad to have back with us: Mabel
sity passed a new ruling that no one should be excused from any of Wallace, Helen Whitney, Pearl Ropp, Lottie Pollard, Elizabeth
the final examinations, and as a result most of the girls had to take Knuckles Barnett. Atha Wood Fowler, Cora Mae Lane, Jessie Faye
five or six finals instead of the usual three or four. Most of us have Edmundson, Katherine Buenger, Avis Couttas, Iva Beeson (Theta),
finished now, and several have left for their homes to spend fthe Nellie Janes, and Mary Catherine Williams. Besides these, our own
holidays and to await the coming of the grade cards, at the same time, sisters, we had eight other guests. I t was a jolly week-end. Satur-
hoping for favorable scholarship reports. day night we gave a banquet at the chapter house in honor of our
guests and what an inspiration it was for all of us, when fifty voices
Marian Boal is leaving college this semester. She will remain at joined in singing our Illinois songs, mingled with our beloved A O I I
her home for a while. Mildred Cowdrey will not return next semes- "Vivela," etc. Then on Sunday morning we all gathered around the
ter. She is leaving soon for Honolulu where she has accepted a posi- gratefire in our living-room and talked of Alpha O's present and laid
tion in the chemistry department of the University of Hawaii. Hor- fond plans and dreamed of Alpha O's future.
tense Fleming took a leave of absence a short time ago, but expects
to return to Stanford in January. On Monday, November 12th, Mrs. Merva Hennings, our District
Superintendent, came to visit us. She spent two and a half days in
We have had a good time socially this semester. We have attended our home, and how we did enjoy her visit. She is such an ardent
many dances and entertainments, and have given several ourselves. worker for Alpha O, and radiates her enthusiasm and zeal to all
On December 5th we had a birthday party for the house. I t was a about her. We were all sorry to see her go and hope she may come
"dress up affair," and the costumes varied from "the vampire and back to see us again, soon. While with us, Mrs. Hennings helped us
the society dude" to the poor little newsboy of the streets. Many write a new set of by-laws according to a model code. They are now
clever gifts and jokes were exchanged. very complete and comprehensive, and in the shape we have desired
to have them.
We consider that this semester, which is now closing, has been very
successful in many ways. We are all leaving for our homes for vaca-
While Mrs. Hennings was with us we were very happy to pledge TAU, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
formally Beatrice Levy, '19, of Streator, Illinois.
Edith Mitchell, '17 Esther Kronan, '19
On Monday night before Thanksgiving, our president, Mate Gid-
dings, surprised and delighted all of us with a sumptuous Thanks- E l s a Feldhammer, '17 Margaret Boothroyd.'ig
giving dinner. The tables were beautifully decorated. Gertrude Falkenhagen, '17 E r m a E g a n , '19
On December 9th the Annual Doll Show was held at the Y. W. Dorothy McCarthy, '17 Gertrude H a r t m a n , '19
C. A. Auditorium. The girls of the University buy the dolls and dress Helen Pierce, '17 Margaret Kendall, '19
them, and then they are all exhibited at this Doll Show before being Florence Brande, '17 E l l a Breed, '19
sent to Chicago to be distributed among the poor children at Christ-
mas time. Two of our girls won special recognition at this time. Phana Wernicke, '17 A l m a Boehme, '19
Louise Woodruff received first prize for the best poster advertising Muriel Fairbanks, '18 Marion M a n n , '19
the Doll Show, and Aileen Hunter received first prize for the best Leta Nelson, '18 Mary Moriarty, '19
dressed doll. V i v i a n Watson, '18 E l e a n o r Willets, '19
As the Christmas time drew near, our active pledges began to hold E l s a Steinmetz, '18 Jeannette F r y e , '18
frequent secret meetings, and soon the mystery was solved when we Jennie Marie Schober, '18 L i l a Kline, '20
all received an invitation to come to their Christmas party, on Decem-
ber 20th, "dressed in our best calico." You may be sure we were all Cecile Moriarty, '18 (medicine) Mildred H a u g l a n d , '20
there, ready for a lark. Our pledges surely proved themselves to be L i l l i a n Tiftt, '19 L i l l i a n H u f f , '20
royal entertainers. There were "eats," wonderful (?) presents—
nothing was lacking. Dear Sisters in Alpha O:
But while we were eagerly looking forward to the joys of the As I write "Snow-bound" has apparently here become a reality,
Christmas season, we did not forget the homes where Christmas was for seventeen inches (how inappropriate to measure such beauty in
not present. We wished we might have done more, but we were inches!) of whiteness cover everything.
happy to know that on Christmas Day six poor families would receive
a pair of nice, warm blankets. Many and varied, indeed, have been the events which in the past
few months have become the social history of T a u : parties, pledge
I wish I might give a more favorable report of Mrs. Stower's con- day, engagements, the bazaar, Founders' Day Banquet, and recep-
dition, in this letter. She is better generally, but her arm is still tions in a bewildering succession. With the joys of Home-coming
helpless, and recovery seems so slow. Everything possible is being week and the victory over Wisconsin, which marked the zenith in
done for her, and we all hope she may be well soon, but it is out of football enthusiasm, came our visit from our honored district super-
the question for her to be back with us this year. Everybody has visor, Merva Dolsen Hennings. We are not a little proud of her
been so kind to us "orphans" this semester. Our patroness, Mrs. commendatory words, and her vigorous inspiring message came as
Pettit, has come over to be with us many and many a time. Then a genuine help to us. Our reception in her honor was a social
Ruth's older sister, Miss Olive Percival, stayed with us several weeks. success, and more than that trite term usually signifies. Mothers,
We did so enjoy having her with us. Then a dear little lady from friends, and groups from other sororities came to drink of our tea,
Danville, Mrs. Holmes, came and stayed with us for nearly a month, and to speak a word of greeting to our dear officer. Kappa Alpha
as long as she felt she could be away from her home and sons. But Theta sent a great mass of beautiful pink roses, which expressed their
now we have a real chaperon coming to us after the Christmas interest eloquently.
vacation, who can probably stay with us the remainder of the school
year. She is a Miss Pierce from Minneapolis, Minn. We are looking Pledge day brought to Tau Lila Kline. Mildred Haugland, and
forward to her coming with much pleasure, and are so happy to Lillian Huff, and we feel, in the fullest sense of the phrase that
know that we are to have a housemother again. we are "thrice blessed." Lila Kline of Redwood Falls, Minnesota,
and Mildred Haugland of Montevideo, Minnesota, have already
Iota sends best wishes and hearty New Year's greetings to all. taken up their abode at the chapter house to our great delight.
Lillian Huff of St. Paul is a distinct acquisition.
FLORENCE L . MOSS, Chapter Editor.
Our Founders' Day Banquet was held at the "Spring Time Room"
in the Roof Garden of the Radisson Hotel. Etta Phillips McPhie,
Delta, in the role of toastmistress did much to increase the good-
fellowship of those present by her spontaneity and pleasantry. The
banquet-room was a novel but delightful place, with its vine-covered
walls and quaint glass ceiling. We all felt that it had been one of
our most enjoyable celebrations of the event. Helen Pierce, Mrs. PLEDGES
Trafford Jayne, Iota, Leta Nelson, and Florence Brande responded
with toasts to Tau, to the freshmen, and lastly, to our founders. Eleanor Cullivan, '20 I n a Miller, '20
Marjorie K i r k , '20 Marion Mount, '20
Then, next in order on the social calendar, came the "Christmas N o r a Knight, '20 E t h e l W i l l i a m s , '20
Bazaar" for which we planned and worked with unabated zeal and E s t h e r K o o n , '20 Elizabeth Zimmer, '20
after which we gleefully counted the returns! The house was
decorated with all that goes with Christmas: red ribbons, candles, Holiday greetings—for Christmas, when this is written, and
green boughs, and holly wreaths, and a Christmas tree. The dining- Easter, when it is read—to all our chapters, old and new, and the
room was converted into a Christmas teashop where demure, white- heartiest of welcomes to those so recently added to our roll.
gowned maids served one with tea (or coffee) and cakes and smiles
at an absurd price. The "Den" would not have been recognized Just now, within a month or two of the time when our pledges
by its own patrons, for it had become a dark, berugged and betapes- are to become sisters, seems especially opportune for introducing to
tried place where two speculative, keen-eyed young women read one's you the eight splendid girls that make up Chi's freshman class—
palm—for a dime! Thanks to the generosity of our alumnfe, the Nora Knight of Redby, Minnesota; Marion Mount of Red Bank,
needlework booth brought us splendid returns. After all the candle New Jersey; Elizabeth Zimmer of Constableville, New York; Ina
wax had been removed, and all the pine needles swept up, we agreed Miller of Clinton, New York; and Eleanor Cullivan, Marjorie
with one accord that it had been "a success." Kirk, Esther Koon, and Ethel Williams, of Syracuse. Right pleased
we are with the enthusiasm and ability they are showing in their
I must not forget the Christmas tree party which we gave for work for the college—Nora as vice-president of her class and chief
thirty irresistible, but fearfully unhygienic youngsters with unpro- executive of freshman organization, Marjorie as captain of freshman
nounceable names. This is an annual event with us, but one which basketball and of freshman swimming, and the others all as loyal
has not become monotonous. workers in the many activities and organizations on the H i l l , strong
for Syracuse and for Alpha Omicron Pi.
What else? Miss Morton, our chaperon, entertained the senior
girls at a dinner and theatre party on Friday evening, January 10th. And we are keeping them busy in the fraternity too, for we are
Although it is not supposed to be socially chronicled, on that same doing our best to see to it that when they have finished their lessons
evening the underclassmen entertained themselves at a less formal in Banta's Greek Exchange and the Sorority Handbook and the
but more hilarious affair. The details were suppressed, but there other things left for their study during their weekly chapter meet-
is a vague rumor to the effect that the costumes were decidedly ings, they shall be at no loss for material with which to fill the big
unique! Alpha O stuntbook that is in their charge, and that contains memen-
tos of all our little jollifications, and of our "ten o'clocks," and of
And we are cramming—cramming for finals in order to main- our Christmas party, and of the long-remembered Colgate reunion
tain the standard we established in scholarship this year, and i f and dance, and of the joyous celebration we held on Founders' Day.
possible, to raise it. Our new year's resolutions are—but I will Many good times we have had among ourselves this year, many eve-
tell you of them later. Perhaps that will be "the wisest way." nings for the stuntbook to commemorate, despite the general crowd-
ing and the hurrying that has resulted from the late opening of
With best wishes to all, college and the consequent disarrangement of the usual schedule of
happenings all over the H i l l .
M U R I E L FAIRBANKS, Chapter Editor.
But you must not think for a minute that Syracuse has let anything
CHI, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY be crowded out or spoiled by lack of time. The sophomore-freshman
Reception lost not a whit of its sport because it took place two months
M a r y A d a m s , 'ig Ethel Farrington, '18 late, the big Women's League party was a splendid success, the
Greta Ames, '19 Florence Hughes, '18 junior-freshman romp was as jolly as ever, and the Y. W. C. A.
Lillian Battenfeld, 'l8 E d n a Hausner, '17 supper, held immediately after the annual Recognition Service for
Irene Becker, '19 Leta McClear, '17 new members, rivaled the men's athletic dinners in numbers, and
C l a r a Bell, '8 Ruth Melvin, '17 far outstripped them, we think, in everything else. The Big Sister
Sadie Campbell, '17 Bertha Muckey, '18
Frances Carter, '18 Edith R a u c h , '18
R u t h Dibben, '17 Helen Schrack, '17
Reva Snyder,
movement, sprung into such prominence within the year, has done Isabelle McRae Marguerite Uhler
more than anything else could to help the freshmen forget themselves Hazel Britton Hazel Brimm
and their loneliness in work and play with the supperclass women, Laura Verd
for it has worked not only through individual care but through
group parties, and has crowned its success with a huge Christmas Now that the Christmas vacation is over and the New Year has
gathering of all the sisters, big and little. begun it seems as though the greatest and hardest part of our semester
was past and gone. Now we must all prepare for the semester finals
And that brings us to Chi's Christmas baskets, for which our so that Alpha O may have a good scholastic standing at Washington.
Christmas social service money was spent this year instead of for a
children's party as before. We thought that since practically all Upsilon has been very fortunate for, even though systematic rush-
the social work in which we have been busying ourselves, has been ing has ceased, we have won three new pledges: Hazel Britton,
among children, we could, perhaps, broaden our circle of help and do Marguerite Uhler, and Hazel Grimm. I t certainly seems good to
more good at Christmas time by the distribution of dinners to desti- think of fourteen new pledges and to look forward to the time
tute families. when they may be initiated into Alpha O and become loyal workers
for the support of her honor.
The three Chi girls that attended the Student Volunteer Conven-
tion at Cornell brought us back such splendid stories of Epsilon On December 8th, Upsilon held a Founders' Day banquet. We
that we all began at once to grieve that we, too, were not Student were so happy to have Miss Wedge of Delta and Miss Shipman of
Volunteer delegates, and to hope for the speedy coming of an oppor- Alpha with us.
tunity for meeting many more of our sisters. We wish some of you
would be passing through Syracuse soon and stop off—and some of Also, November 18th, we entertained with an informal dance. Our
our alumnas too, though they really have been wonderfully loyal color scheme was black and white, carried out in black and white
about coming back as often as possible. Wonderfully loyal, and checks. We feel that it was a great success and that everyone had
wonderfully helpful to us in every way, so that the best wish that a fine time, and so altogether with a Thanksgiving dinner, Christ-
could be given to the actives for the New Year is that they may mas parties, etc., we have had a very pleasant semester.
become as splendid big sisters to the actives that follow as the
alumna? have been to them. And such a New Year's wish we send Oh, yes, we mustn't forget the mothers of our Upsilon girls. My,
you all. but they are just the grandest mothers that you could ever imagine.
They have organized a Mothers' Club and are becoming better
FRANCES CARTER, Chapter Editor. acquainted with one another and with the girls. I n this way they are
helping to strengthen our chapter with interest, and everyone
who knows what a mother's interest will do, knows what this will do
for Upsilon.
UPSILON, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Since 1917 has just entered the world, Upsilon wishes all her
sister chapters a New Year filled with joy. happiness, and above all
Irma McCormick, '17 Eloise Fleming, '18 success in every way.
Mildred Baker, '17 Eloine Fleming, '18
Ellen Jolliffe, '17 Nellie McColl, '18 LOUISE BENTON, Chapter Editor.
Madge Philbrook, '17 Harriet Seely, '18
Ruth Fosdick, '17 Mildred Jeans, '18 NU KAPPA, SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY
Margery Miller, '18 Eloise Ebright, '19
Esther Knudson, '18 Eugenia Garratt, '19 Margaret Vaughan, '17 Maude Rasbury, Mus. Spec.
Lucinda Smith, '17 Nelle Harris, Mus. Spec.
Helen Brewster, '18 Ruth Haslett, '19 Louise Pendleton, '18 Mary Emily Barton, '19
Louise Wadsworth, '18 Genevieve Groce, '19
Ruth Lusby, '18 Louise Benton, '19
Emma Pohll, '18 Anne Seely, '19
Hilda Hendrickson, '19 We've rushed and been rushed for the last six weeks, f o r after
we rushed our rushees, examinations rushed us. The semester has
PLEDGES literally flown, and we do not feel that we have accomplished much,
except "eight prize pledges." I t seems as though it took the three
Dorothy Hudson Jessie Jolliffe months for everything to get settled. Probably our summer vacations
Helen Nelthrope Kate Verd
Eleanoe Peyton Una Weaver
Beth McCausland Margaret Kinnear
lingered too vividly in our minds. The nine-week rushing season BETA PHI, UNIVERSITY OF INDIANA
worked quite a hardship on all of MS but we feel well repaid
for our work and are proud to announce six attractive sisters-to-be:— Java Covalt, '17 Lura Halleck, '18
Minna Lee Norwood of Nacogdoches; Frances Cuniniings of
Hearne; and Lora Thacker, Lura Temple, Ella Mae Upthegrove; Vedah Covalt, '17 Vivian Day, '19
and Rhea Burgess of Dallas; and two whom we have just initiated: Wilkie Hughes, '18
Mary Emily Barton, '19, of Orton, and Louise Wadsworth, '18, of Helen Duncan, '18 Doris Shumaker, '19
Denison. Fae Bryan, '18
Pauline Cox, '19
Nu Kappa was saddened by the death of Margaret Bonner Bent-
ley's father early in November, because we had all learned to love Bernice Coffing, '20 •
him when he came down to our summer camp for the week-end.
Margaret lost a dear, kind father, and Dallas a charitable and be- Nelle Prall (
loved citizen in Mr. Bonner.
Lelah Whitted, '19 PLEDGES
-Early in December a deplorable explosion occurred in chemistry Beatrice Coombs, '19 Mae Shumaker, '20
laboratory when it was thought that Minna Lee Norwood, one Ruth Clapper, '19 Mary Duncan, '20
of our pledges, had lost the sight of one eye. After three weeks Mable Lewis, '20
when it was announced that her sight would be saved we were all
so happy. The thoughtfulness of the entire student body kept her Lelah Baker, '20
from thinking too much of the accident, and we were proud of her
bravery and glad that she is so much loved. Dear Alpha O Sisters:
How can anyone even begin a letter at this time of the year with-
We had our minds diverted (unfortunately for some of us) in
the midst of our final examinations by the pledges' Christmas tree out talking first about Christmas? We have all had so much Christ-
to us. I t was a merry affair though rather "pert" on the part of the mas spirit here at the house, that we abandoned all other plans last
freshmen, who presented us with nuts to be opened, and the instruc- evening and had a regular old-fashioned talking, eating, and sewing
tions therein to be obeyed before our "real" presents were given us. party in our rooms, in honor of our pledges and Christmas. The
The instructions were, needless to say, far from dignified and highlv Y. M . and Y. W. C. A. are giving a Christmas tree to the poor
amused everyone, including the freshmen. Louise Pendleton fell children of Bloomington, and each sorority and fraternity gave a
into ignominious disgrace because she couldn't "wiggle her little pink donation. Our charity work this Christmas consisted of giving a
ears" as she was told. donation for this party.
We lived through the "ever snew yet old" initiation ritual when we Since last To DRAGMA, Beta Phi has been very busy planning for
received into the fellowship of Alpha O, Mary Emily Barton and next semester. At the present time, during this first semester, seven
Louise Wadsworth. The initiation was as lovely as always, and I do of us Alpha O girls are living at the Annex in Forest Place. This
believe we all were as thrilled as the candidates themselves. is one of the best locations possible for a sorority house. The Kappa
and Theta houses are on either side of it, and it has formerly been
We are experiencing the eternity of paying for a piano on the used as an annex for both houses.
instalment plan, but we are anticipating, nevertheless, a new library
table and standing lamp, which will almost tax our room to the It has been our fondest hope, from the first, to occupy the entire
limit of its capacity. As one of the freshmen said, we shall most house, and to do this it was necessary to have at least sixteen girls
likely have to go out in the hall to change our minds. who could live in the house. Our dream, we believe, will be realized
this next semester, for our chapter now numbers eighteen. We shall
Nu Kappa, in closing, wishes a bright and prosperous year, spiri- rent the dining-room and kitchen unfurnished, and must furnish
tually, financially, and numerically for all the chapters, and sends them ourselves. I t will be going into housekeeping for the first
love and greetings to our baby chapter at Indiana. time for all of us, and we expect to have many exciting experiences.
We think that i f our business increases as the size of our chapter
GENEVIEVE GROCE, Chapter Editor. increases, we will soon have to employ a regular office force to look
after affairs.
Mrs. Hennings, district chairman, visited us from November 8th
until the 10th. We were very pleased to have the opportunity of
being with her, even i f only for that short time, and tried to absorb
as much of her spirit and enthusiasm as we could. On Thursday
evening, during her visit, initiation was held for four of our upper-
class girls. They were: Fae Bryan, Eton, I n d . ; Doris Shumaker,