The Life of Chris
By Chris Zamora
Birth Story
On December 28, 2005, I was born in UCLA Medical Center. V
My sister was back home being taken care of my mother’s relatives while my
parents were at the hospital waiting for me to be born. Because it was close to
Christmas just after 3 days, not many people visited.
Elementary Graduation
The last day of my elementary school in 5th grade held a graduation and the ceremony of the graduation took
place in my elementary school, Halldale Elementary. When I entered my school I already saw the setup for the
graduation and the parents sitting on benches waiting for it to start. After that, I entered my classroom and was
kind of overwhelming seeing how everyone was dressed and knowing many people I was looking at were going to
part ways after this day. Me and my class were waiting inside the classroom talking, waiting for our teacher and
classmates. Once the bell rang, most of the class showed up including the teacher. The teacher, Mrs. Woo
encouraged us about the graduation and to not feel bad about our friends leaving because we might see them
again in the future. After that, she led us outside near the bungalows to line up and wait while the
teachers were introducing themselves to the parents. There were lines of about thirty for each
of the four classes and were all waiting for their name to be called. Many awards were being
given such as the ones I received, perfect attendance, principal’s award, and academic award. I `
saw my parents taking pictures when I received my awards. After the ceremony, the students
and the parents got together and many went home. Me and others stayed and took pictures
of friends, family, and teachers. After pictures, I said goodbye to my teachers and many of
my friends. After the graduation, I knew I had accomplished something important in my
life and was slowly but surely maturing as I was about to enter middle school the
following year/semester.
The Day my Dog Died
It was a slow day in summer of and me, my sister, and my two cousins, Josh and Roven were playing outside in both
my house and my cousins. We were talking at my house and we planned on getting snacks at a small store around the
corner. So we grabbed our wallets and walked out from the backyard but I noticed one of my dogs, Jacob ran out the
door because Josh forgot to close the gate. I immediately dropped my wallet and ran to the gate to close it while my
sister and cousins were running to get Jacob. As I closed the door I heard a scream from my sister and what it
sounded like fright from one of my cousins. I ran to them and noticed Jacob running around happy and energetic just a
few moments ago, to laying on the ground dead silent. As we witnessed his last breath, I realized what had just
happened and ran to my dog as fast as I could crying “Wake up! Wake up!” while my sister and Roven were running
home crying and Josh petrified watching me hoping to wake my dog up if I could. I knew it was hopeless once I
removed my hands from my face and saw my dog lifeless. I won’t describe how disgusting the outcome was for Jacob
because of how gory it was but no matter what for some reason, I still cried hoping he would wake up while neighbors
were talking to me hoping I would calm down. One of my neighbors approached me and handed me gloves to lay
Jacob down on grass nearby. As the neighbors were trying to calm me down, my dad came outside trying to figure out
what happened so he told me to stay inside the house and calm down. Later that day after I told
my mother who was in the Philippines and my godmother, I found out my dad buried Jacob in
the backyard where not many could access including me, my sister, and my cousins. This
event is why I take care of my dogs much more than ever before.
First Day in Middle School
In the first day of middle school, I was both scared and excited because I would
meet new friends but not know anyone because my elementary school did not
have many going into this school because of how far it was. The first classes I had
were Mr. Matthew and I was confused once period 1 was over because we didn’t
have more than one class in elementary school. Eventually throughout the day, I
met new friends and remembered where all my classes were.
About the The author of this autobiography Chris
Author Zamora, was born in December 28, 2005 in the
UCLA Medical Center located in the city of
Chris Zamora Torrance. Chris likes playing the piano as a
hobby and is 13 years old in 8th grade
attending the program S.A.S. (School for
Advanced Studies) in Stephen White Middle
School. He also attended Halldale Elementary
during 1st - 5th grade. His favorite type of
food is Chinese, more specifically calamari.
His ethnicity is Filipino and American. He can
speak English and Tagalog (Filipino
Language). He also likes travelling with his
friends to many places like the mall. Chris’
favorite subjects are math, P.E., Science and
Elective (Robotics). His least favorite subjects
are English and History. Lastly, he muchly
dislikes doing homework and uses his devices
or calls his friends instead of completing it.