Unity in Diversity
94th APO
p. 36
"through our shared
feeling of servitude
to our fellowman,
knowing the
common feeling, we
can see each other
as friends"
The Official Publication of Alpha Phi Omega Philippines
Issue 001: TNT D.Y. 2019-2021 October 2019 - December 2019
(Lambda Nu, 2002)
Editor in chief Looking at my Facebook feed, I am ashamed us up from the inside.
to admit that there are a few times that I cringe at Politics in our country has been likened to
BRO. WILLIAM AY-AY the posts of my Alpha Phi Omega brethren. Okay,
(Xi Xi, 2018) not a few but a lot of times. I see a lot of posts and the soap operas of late; full of twists and turns, of
comments that put the organization I love dearly in antiheroes and villains and support casts that are
Associate Editor a bad light and most of these come from brothers easily used and disposed. It saddens me that our
SIS. JHOANA ROSLIN-BANDILLO or sisters who ironically enough are a bit fanatical organization is no different. It further saddens me
in their involvement with APO. A few are from that, unlike politics in the national level, the players
(Zeta Omega, 1999) members who think they know everything and in APOlitics are supposed to be brethren, brothers
Associate Editor that what they think is good for the organization is and sisters who are tied together by the strands of
the right and only way to follow. A few posts are Leadership, Friendship, and Service. It breaks my
SIS. EVELYN CANETE-EVANGELIO practically nonsensical, full of gibberish and words heart when I see posts in FB of brothers threatening
(Epsilon Upsilon, 2002) that seem to have a lot of weight but in truth are other brothers, of sisters name-calling other sisters,
Managing Editor just full of hot air. A lot of posts I see attack other of members chapter-shaming other chapters, and
members, pitting brother against brother and sister of brethren disrespecting brethren. It makes me
BRO. MARCELINO FERRY against sister. Worse, there are a couple of times wonder, what happened to Friendship? What's the
(Epsilon Omicron, 2002) where I see members duke it out and attack each use of memorizing the Twelve Jewels and of eating
DY 2019-2021 National President other to the extent that they do not realize that pieces of paper from our ticklers so that we can
they are no longer just hurting each other but the digest what we memorized if, after becoming full-
Honorary Chairman organization they claim to be fighting for. All of fledged members, we all throw it out the window?
BRO. GERARDO ARBIS these in public, on their walls, where others can see These jewels, quite frankly, no longer manifest in
and read and draw conclusions that will inevitably the members.
(Iota Beta, 1986) affect APO. Not only is it destroying their own
DY 2019-2021 Chairman of the BOT reputations but they are dragging down this strong “A brother holding a key position is no longer
organization with them. trustworthy,” said a sister, “And I am no longer willing
Honorary Co-chairman to show loyalty to him.” So the sister goes on a rant
SIS. NORMA SINGSON-DE LEON When I was pledging in 2002, I was told that in Facebook, on her wall and for all to see, criticizing
Alpha Phi Omega is an apolitical organization. the brother and calling him names. Was this helpful
(Eta, 1976) Meaning, it is in fact not interested or does not want to the brother or the organization at all? Then the
DY 2019-2021 NEVP to get involved in politics. This is one of the things brother, forgetting that he is friendly, fights back,
Honorary Member that drew me closer to the organization and made courteous and kind words forgotten. Both, brother
SIS. GERALAINE SAN JUAN me want to become a member. Politics is such a and sister, are no longer obedient to our principles.
noisy and chaotic system, I didn’t want the trouble They have lost their cheerfulness and become
(Theta, 91) of anything that is associated with it. Because of this, cold towards each other; have become excessive
Content Editor I decided to continue my pledging. In the beginning in their use of hurtful words. They think themselves
SIS. YASMIN DALISAY BADELLES-FABRICANTE it was all about who I am and what I wanted to prove brave when in fact are being cowardly, spineless.
(Lambda Nu, 99) as an individual, but that’s another story altogether They flaunt our dirty linen for all to see. And in the
Content Editor so I won’t talk about that here. Of course, in the end, they are no longer reverential towards each
SIS. REINIEL ANTONETT SOLLEZA duration of my pledging, my wants and reasons for other; they lose respect for each other and lose the
(Eta Theta, 2013) becoming a member evolved; it no longer became respect of other members as well.
about me but rather about what I can do for the
Staff Writer organization I have grown to love. I wanted to be I understand the need for leaders, that we
BRO. MON SOLA someone who can exemplify the Three Cardinal need brothers and sisters to hold key positions
(Lambda Nu, 2002) Principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service. I and make judgment calls in behalf of the general
Creative Editor wanted to develop my leadership skills, I wanted to membership. So this has nothing to do with electing
be a friend to others, and most of all, I loved the idea officers. What I do not understand is how we treat
LAYOUT ARTISTS of being a servant to my fellowmen. In my head, I each other because of politics. We forget that we
thought, this is a good avenue for me to give back are supposed to be all brothers and sisters here;
BRO. POLE DIMLA (Lambda Psi, 2001) to my school, my community, and my country, an we are supposed to be friends. But we no longer
BRO. JAYSON VERGARA (Epsilon Xi, 2011) organization that values service to humanity above see each other as such and this reflects even to
BRO. ALFONSO CARTAGO (Xi Zeta, 2014) all else. Truth be told, in my years of residency and the most basic component of our organization, the
BRO. MARK DAREN OLONAN (Zeta Nu, 2014) the years that followed as an alumni member, I was member. This way of treatment, being APOlitical, is
happiest during the times that I would join service now spilling over to our members and is no longer
PHOTOGRAPHERS projects. just confined with politicking but can be seen with
our day to day interaction with our fellow brethren.
BRO. NICK MACABEO (Gamma Rho, 1977) But, I was told a lie. APO, in fact, is very much Because we see that our leadership is comfortable
BRO. ARIEL OLIVEROS (Alpha Delta, 1984) political. It has its own brand of politicking and it is a with the loss of the Twelve Jewels, then we, the
very noisy and very chaotic system. You may even members, no longer see their value too. As above,
REGIONAL CORRESPONDENTS say that APO is APOlitical. And this, my beloved so below. Thus, when we lose sight of Friendship,
brethren, is something that I believe is slowly eating we no longer see true Leadership as well.
(Alpha Omicron, 1987) (Zeta Omega, 1979) It’s funny, too, how the majority of Alpha Phi
Central Luzon Northern Mindanao
(Mu Lambda, 2004) (Beta Psi, 2012)
(Kappa Nu, 2009) (Theta Xi, 1987)
BRO. ARAN ESCOTE (Eta, 1973)
(Gamma Omicron, 2008) ARNA
(Pet. Chap. 2018) (Iota, 1969)
Western Visayas ARME
(Kappa Omega, 1998) (Alpha, 1983)
Central Visayas
BRO. ALFONSO LABRAGUE (Eta, 1969), interim RC
(Theta Alpha, 2018) ARP
Eastern Visayas
Bro. Riain Alfonso
EIC- Torch & Trefoil
2 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Interim and Unaudited Funds Flow Statement For the 1st
Quarter Ending September 30, 2019, p.40 15
- Dec. 2019 ACTIVITIES
14 13APO EVAR Inaugurates New Set of Leaders Community Action Training
APO EVAR JOINS ENVIRONMENTAL 31 8 Davao Region Elects New Leadership
24 APO FLOAT DURING THE 2019 DY 2019-2021 National Board of Trustees
APO Lambda Nu Celebrates 20th FOR APO SAGWANEROS
Anniversary with Alay Pangkalusugan sa Growing Rice in the Bucket 23
Brgy. Mintal 34
31 APO LIPA AA 156 PROVIDES ALL-OUT SERVICES 28 Massive APO Operation for Mindanao
APO National Executive Council Roster 52 REACHING THE SUMMIT WITH GPAC 6
19 Remembering, Celebrating, Serving!! The 52nd
Founding Anniversary, Alpha Rho Chapter
25 APO NovemBAR Operations 2019
Tatang: Laying The Roadwork Towards
Unity, Building A Bridge Between Tradition
and Innovation
21 APO Runners: Born to Run, Racing to Serve 54
ARNA and the local AAs of North America 30 12 Technology enables induction
of new ARP officers
When APO is APOlitical, cont... 21 The APO-Misamis Occidental Alumni
Omega related posts I see or APO related news I hear through the grapevine are Association “Meeting of Exchange”
political in nature. And this isn’t just because of the conventions and the election
of officers. Shouldn’t we be more focused on the service projects that we do? We THE LFS BUILDING 2025: 43
are after all a service organization, not a political one. It’s not that I don’t hear about A VISION WITHIN REACH
service projects implemented by collegiate chapters and alumni associations. It’s
just that I feel these are being overshadowed by the political hullabaloo that has 10 THE INDUCTION & TURNOVER CEREMONY:
APO Philippines in its grip as of now. These projects are initiatives coming from the APO NATIONAL LEADERSHIP
ground with no guidance from above. Most of these do not have direction and are
not sustainable, and thus do not actually provide lasting solutions to the problems
of the communities we serve. I believe that our leadership (as well as those who
think they are the movers and shakers of our organization) needs to redirect our
membership’s attention towards our Four-Fold Program of Service. We need
to remember that when we are out of focus, we lose track of our intention, our
purpose, which is Service. Maybe launch national projects that would target these
programs and have the chapters implement them using a set of guidelines. Give us
something positive that we can talk about, something positive that we can do. Your
members are good at service projects, at helping the community, use us.
Maybe then, through our shared feeling of servitude to our fellowman,
knowing the common feeling kung baga, we can see each other as friends again.
Maybe then, we can start mending bridges, open up communication lines more
and have better dialogue, and solve what needs to be solved. Maybe then, we can
become better leaders of this great organization.
But really, my point is: we need to teach our members what’s appropriate and
what’s not appropriate to post in Facebook.
p.19 Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 3
"Keep your
high and keep
on serving my
beloved brothers
and sisters!" - NP
It is with great pleasure that I extend my warmest
greetings to all the members and officers of our
dearest fraternal organization, Alpha Phi Omega
Philippines, Incorporated.
Over the years, Alpha Phi Omega continues to uphold our
three cardinal principles of leadership, friendship and service.
Hence, these principles guided each and every one of us as we
grow, shared and embodied these to our respective chapters and
alumni associations, to the school campus, to the communities and
to our nation as a fully participating citizen.
We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of all our Basic
Organizational Units all over the world and of what have our members had
I call upon all the members to take heart your singular role as responsible members
of our beloved Alpha Phi Omega. As you continue to impart our principles and the
legacy of our fraternity and sorority, I expect you to become assets in building a strong
and innovative Alpha Phi Omega.
I also call upon the officers of regions, alumni associations and chapters to continue your
dedication to excellence and advancement as you mold our members into responsible leaders,
loyal friends and humble servants. Together we shall bridge traditions and innovations to build a
Keep your standards high and keep on serving my beloved brothers and sisters!
Mabuhay ang Alpha Phi Omega!
National President, D.Y. 2019-2021
Message from the National President
4 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Message from the Chairman
My profound felicitations to The Torch and Trefoil eMagazine on your maiden issue.
I lost for words to exactly show my deepest appreciation of the tireless effort, patience from
gathering the stories, and persistence despite the adversity of bringing it all together.
It is my heart’s utmost desire that through these publications, our organization’s mission,
vision, and services will inspire more people and encourage them to put back hope
and faith in humanity.
May these publications be a sturdy avenue in promoting leadership, reinforce
camaraderie and providing unceasing service to our fellowmen.
As we continue to serve, may the publications ensure strengthening
public information and trust, capturing and conveying and disseminating
information for all APO members and the community we serve
across the world.
Moreover, to the staff, be certain that the Board of
Trustees of APO Philippines, under my chairmanship,
will continue to support the publication of the
electronic and Print Media of Torch and Trefoil.
Once again,Congratulations !
Chairman of the Board
Alpha Phi Omega Philippines Inc.
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 5
leadershipREACHING THE
Bro. William M. Ay-Ay
Xi Xi, ‘18
In the most wide-known aspect to gather the top level officers
of hope, the young generation is of all collegiate chapters of
said to be “pag-asa ng bayan”. It is the Philippines. The organizers
whom where every nation should composed of the Alpha Phi Omega
posit their attention- to nurture National Collegiate leaders critically
and develop children to lead, be believed that this project will serve
the best of themselves and to as a powerful portal to create a
influence the generations yet to venue in the introduction of new
come. leadership strategies, identification
of problems and develop effective
After thorough evaluation solutions of the same and fuel
specifically on what our organization collaboration across the collegiate
need upfront the challenge of sector of the province and the
diversity, the GPAC (Grand, Prime region.
and Auxiliary Chancellors) SUMMIT
was created and implemented. The end goal of GPAC Summit is
This Summit is a leadership forum run up to ensure the alignment of
6 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
every chapter’s leaders and bring together all following courses and trainings; Leadership
GPAC officers in the region as one large group; Training (to discover each strength and
share skills, best practices and knowledge weaknesses using the 4 color personality
of each chapter on their strategies in the test), Online Image Branding (Internet Code of
implementation of chapter programs such as Conduct), Recruitment (Style and Approaches)
recruitment, fundraising and service projects; and Planning Workshop conducted by the
establish principles and to guide future actions, National Vice President for Fraternity Affairs
and discover the imperatives for changes; Bro. Dennis M. Dumaup; APO Philippines
teach and open a discussion for the Anti- Organizational Structure, APO Pledge Program,
Hazing Law and to properly implement the Brand Guide and Chartering Collegiate Chapters
APO Pledge Program; enhance and strengthen covered by the National Vice President for
self-motivation, morale and confidence of the Sorority Affairs Sis Mary Catherine S. Gonzales-
officers; and improve the GPAC leadership and Lingat; Anti-Hazing Law (RA 11053) explained by
decision making skills. the National Trustee for Sorority Affairs Sis. Kristi
Garcia; and Parliamentary Procedure (Robert’s
During a 2-day stay in event per region, Rule) demonstrated by the National Treasurer
GPAC officers will learn, explore and enjoy the
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 7
leadership Davao Region Elects
Bro. John Daviz A. De Chavez. Additional topics and activities New Leadership
such as open forum and group presentation are also in places.
The Summit, attended by more than 250 GPAC officers, was Sis. Anthea Dorothy Zoe Collado
divided into different Legs per region in 3 major parts of the Beta Psi, ‘12
Philippines as follows;
Sis. Mildred Alviola-Espino, from
the Alpha Xi Chapter, opened a lot
of opportunities for every members
of the organization to serve as she
stepped up as the newly elected
Regional Director of Region XI. Only
a few months from being elected
as a Regional Director, she already
conducted a lot of programs and
planned to propose future activities.
Described as a competitive and a
competent leader, she makes sure to
lead all the activities in the organization
and to deliver her responsibilities as
a Regional Director. Being a leader
is not always a-walk-in-the-park
type of job as it would require a lot
of weight to carry. Thus, Sis. Mildred
would make sure to gather all the
alumni members to inform her plans
for the organization and made sure
too that everyone participated in
each activities being conducted.
Also said to be a strict leader, she
abides by the rules and at the same
time wants to earn the respect of
the members. She strictly wants
the APP to be adhered and wants
to implement the No Hazing Policy.
More Legs to come mostly with their respective resident A rising leader that she is, Sis.
in the Visayas and Mindanao members to the right path in Mildred would want to set a good
are still to be announced. enacting and delivering the core example for her followers. A doctor
principle of APO to all mankind. by profession, she wants to leave
Like every leadership a legacy by leading services that
trainings and events, the focuses on health care. Her other goal
effectiveness and result of this would also include the reconnecting
program is highly anticipated of all the inactive and unritualized
not only by the organizers brothers and sisters. She wants them
(who spent and will spend to be involved and would like them
more valuable time and to participate in the activities and
effort) but by the whole APO programs within the organization.
collegiate community as a She wants to achieve solidarity
whole. As a catalyst of change, and wholeness in the organization.
these officers are sent home
empowered to rebuild a new She noticed that only a few
brand of APO, adhere with the members were able to renew their
standards and above all, walk IDs in one of the ID runs conducted
in the region and this left her
wondering what happened to the
other members. She was concerned
with the fact that these members
8 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
are not able to participate fully and unveiling of APO Landmark was also leadership
maximize their benefits as a member done in Tagum City last July 2019. A
of Alpha Phi Omega. As RD, she series of activities followed thereafter Brothers and Sisters during the ID run held in
reached out to these members, such as the giving of school supplies Tagum City
even publicizing her email address in Mariano Calungsod Reyes (photo grabbed from RD Mildred Alviola-Espino,
and phone number on social media, Elementary School, and the induction Alpha Xi chapter)
and she was very happy to have of Region XI Officer with Board-of-
gotten positive feedback. There were Trustees Chairman Bro. Gerry Arbis as Medical Mission organized by the Lambda Nu
some who actually messaged her inducting officer. A Medical-Dental- Chapter in Davao City.
to volunteer and participate in the Optical Mission was also conducted (photo grabbed from RD Mildred Alviola-Espino,
activities and an improvement in the and held in Malita and while another Alpha Xi chapter)
participation of the members in the Medical Mission was implemented
events and projects was observed. by the Lambda Nu Chapter. Aside
from these services, an intercity
Before ending her term, Sis. Mildred coastal clean-up was also carried
plans to conduct a leadership training out in Davao City, Panabo, Tagum,
seminar for enhancing leadership and Davao Oriental. It is also part of
skills. She will try to help other Alumni RD’s plans to conduct a quarterly
Associations to be recognized under coastal clean-up in which she already
her term as well as endorse all the started in Digos last September 21.
organizers of the different Alumni
Associations to be LIFE members. Her Aside from the external activities
other plan related to this includes the of the organization, one of the
recognition of petitioning chapters highlighted events that occurred
and all the other Alumni Associations. was when Region XI organized
the APO LAKASAN Basketball
The Regional Directorate for Davao Tournament. 125 members from
Region is said to host a Collegiate and various places such as Kapalong,
an Alumni Congress in April of 2020. Davao City, Tagum City, and Davao
Occidental participated in the said
Since July 2019, a series of activities event in which the Davao Region
and programs were conducted within won the championship game. As
the region. This includes the Brigada part of their anniversary celebration,
Eskwela held in Tagum Elementary a fellowship night was organized
School in which members painted after the games by the APO - DAPRO
school chairs, the flagpole, and did ALAS in Tagum City. 200 members
a garden beautification activity. The attended the said festivities.
The APO LAKASAN basketball tournament in
Tagum City (photo grabbed from Region XI past RD
Eva S. Collado, Gamma Theta chapter)
Region XI RD Mildred Alviola-Espino (in yellow) All smiles during the celebration of the APO DAPRO
spearheaded the giving of school supplies. ALAS Anniversary and Fellowship Night. (Photo
grabbed from past RD Roger Pialago, Theta Beta
(photo grabbed from RD Mildred Alviola-Espino, Chapter)
Alpha Xi chapter)
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 9
Sis. Reiniel Antonett Solleza, Eta Theta, ‘13
Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija - The outgoing 2019-2021, administered by the International
Board of Trustees: National President, Bro. Roel Council of Alpha Phi Omega Chair (ICAPO),
E. Fernandez; National Executive Vice President, Chairman Sis. Alice Gutierez last June 30, 2019
Bro. Marcelino S. Ferry; National Vice President at the Acropolis North Water Camp and Country
for Alumni, Bro. Lauro Gerald L. Hernandez; Club, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija.
National Vice President for Fraternity, Bro.
Christian S. Canlas; National Vice President The Immediate Past National President, Bro.
for Sorority, Sis. Reiniel Antonett B. Solleza; Roel "Daboy" E. Fernandez ('03 Alpha Gamma),
Chairman of the National Board of Trustees, gave his heartfelt message expressing his
Bro. Christopher H. Jordan; Vice Chairman, Bro. gratitude towards his family and co-officers
Hercules A. Umali; Trustees for the Alumni, Bro. in the BOT as well as appointed officers in the
Jesus B. Bueno, Jr.; Trustee for the Fraternity, National Executive Council. He highlighted that
Bro. Arthur John Gatpolintan; and, Trustee for the Administrative Regions will be based on
the Sorority, Sis. Nur Jannah Fatima L. Harrid was the Philippine geographical division and the
surprised by the newly Elected Board with the record to beat of 10,000 ID renewals in 2017-
awarding of plaques of appreciation for serving 2019 emphasizing the increase of trust and
the national organization for two hardworking confidence of the general membership to our
years. The said recognition was initiated and beloved Alpha Phi Omega. "And I don't intend to
signed by the incoming Chairman of the Board fade into the night," he claimed, as he will still be
of Trustees, Bro. Gerardo E. Arbis and National serving another two years to support and guide
President, Bro. Marcelino S. Ferry. as an ex officio member of the National Board of
Trustees. As a symbol of turning over his office,
The official turnover ceremony took place he gaily gave his presidential medallion and the
when the newly elected National Board of sash given by APO USA to the newly elected
Trustees made their formal and binding promise National President, Bro. Marcelino “Tatang” S.
to serve the brotherhood for Development Year Ferry (‘02 Epsilon Omicron).
10 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 11
Technology enables induction of new "the wonders
of modern
ARP officers. Bro. Jonjon Mejia
Eta, ’69-A technology can
induct officers
Four months had passed since on Facebook Video Messenger with from four different
the new set of officers for DY 2019- Sydney as the base for the webcast.
DY2021 had taken over their respective locations,"
positions by various Board Resolutions. Bro. Chairman Gerry woke up early
Yet, in those four months, finding a as the designated time of 8:00am Brisbane, Queensland and Section 3
time and a place to formally induct the Philippine time is 11:00am Sydney Time, Chair from Melbourne, Victoria. A few
new officers was proving a logistical 13 October, 2019. Present at that time in quick ‘hellos’ some mic tests and the
challenge. Sydney were: RD, DRD, Section 2 Chair, induction program was under way.
ARP Secretary, ARP Treasurer, ARP I.D.
One reason for this challenge is that Officer and ARP COMELEC Chair. As always, we began with the
the average flying distance between recitation of the Scout's Oath and Law.
each section of ARP is 1 - 3 hours, and Officers that were out of town from The repeat-after-me Oath of Office
can be costly, depending on travel Sydney were: ARP Regional Adjudicator worked perfectly in sync with the other
season. The second is that all 4 section from Brisbane, Queensland (1.5 hrs officers’ voices and images coming
chairs have day jobs, and their usual flying time from Sydney), Section 1 in from other locations. Everybody
weekends are spent with their family. Chair from Perth, Western Australia (5 listened to a short message from
This meant it was almost impossible to hrs flying time from Sydney), Section 3 President Emeritus Bro. Dr. Frank
assemble all the officers in one place, Chair from Melbourne, Victoria (1.2 hrs Brosas and we sang the toast song at
at one time. flying time from Sydney) and Section 4 the end of the ceremony.
Chair from Christchurch, New Zealand
A few ideas were floated around. (3.5 hrs flying time from Sydney). Comments heard and read from
One from NAO was that NP Bro. Facebook accounts later were: "Wow
Tatang Ferry inducts the RD, and The set up in Sydney was a covered hi-tech na ang swearing in...," Is this
then in turn RD inducts the rest of veranda, a computer connected to going to be the new trend?” “We can
the officers. There was a slight hitch a widescreen TV, 7 officers in semi- now attend meetings anywhere from
on this however, because NP Tatang formal attire, APO President Emeritus, each other, and at the same time.” “Is
was in route to Ilocos Norte to fulfill several Brothers and Sisters as this the first time in APO history?”
other induction ceremonies. So it was audience, mostly from APO Australia
decided that Bro. Chairman Gerry Arbis, AA NSW, a few from APO Sydney That said, while the wonders of
who was in Tagum, Mindanao, also AA, APO Queensland AA, and APO modern technology can induct officers
doing induction ceremonies, would be Singapore AA. from four different locations, the officers
tasked to do the honours instead, with from other locations will still have to
all officers included. The second part As soon as Group Call was turned wait on the kind of technology that
of our ‘induction challenge solution’ on in Facebook Messenger, 5 images can pass on food - like the one served
was to attempt an APO first - the appeared on the TV screen: Bro. during the boodle fight in Sydney after
induction would happen via Group Call Chairman Gerry from Philippines, the induction ceremony - is invented.
Section 4 Chair from Christchurch,
New Zealand, ARP Adjudicator from
APO Runners: Born
to Run, Racing to
Sydney: with 7 ARP Officers taking their When the running
Oath of Office phenomenon first swept
through the country in
the early years of the
decade, a few hardy
road... p.18
12 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
"Having proper approach and connectivity to community resources
that will provide shelters, status renewal and even access to healthy
food without a feeling of inequality, embarrassment or lack of dignity
shall be part of our commitment""
Community Action Training
Sis. Jewel Gomes, Lambda, ‘76
Canada allowed me to be a Citizen, gifted me course. Community Action Training brings
a future, one of freedom of speech and religion, together community members to learn how to
the opportunity to make choices allowing me to take action on issues of poverty and other social,
determine my future. I am eternally grateful to political, environmental and economic injustices.
Canada for all of these gifts and privileges. I recognize It builds the capacity of community members
that as a citizen I have duties and responsibilities to become effective change-makers through
to be productive and be an active member in the individual coaching and group workshops, learn to
community. These I discharge with gratitude and navigate the system, and to advocate for yourself
pride to respect the principles of Government of and others. This workshop will provide you with
Canada's relationship with Indigenous peoples. the tools to build confidence in the community.
I took this course, Community Action Training, to This group is open to all but gives priority to low
be prepared for our Alpha Phi Omega Centre. This income community members. Some workshops
is a prerequisite to having a centre and to be able provide participants a gift card for groceries for
to provide services. Learning all the resources that each session they attend. Graduates of the program
can help advocate for fellow Filipinos and other are eligible to apply for open positions as Peer
immigrants who lost their status here in Canada, Advocates in the Community Advocacy Office.
we could help prevent homelessness through this
advocacy. Having proper approach and connectivity Guided by the principle of service, we aim
to community resources that will provide shelters, to establish our own small community centre,
status renewal and even access to healthy food the Alpha Phi Omega Centre Toronto. With all
without a feeling of inequality, embarrassment or these knowledges on hand, alongside with the
lack of dignity shall be part of our commitment. brethren and volunteer resources, these small
beginnings will be small steps to big achievements.
I would encourage everyone to take this
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 13
APO EVAR Inaugurates New Set of Leaders
Bro. Alfonso Labrague, Theta Alpha, ‘18
In the strong spirit of brotherhood APO EVAR LEADERSHIP
and sisterhood, the Alpha Phi Omega
- Eastern Visayas Administrative Regional Director Alumni: Sis Nancy A. Go
Region (APO-EVAR) inducts its fresh Collegiate: Brod Kris Vittorio O. Serdan
line-up of officers last September Deputy Regional Director: Sis Luningning B. Lariosa
22, 2019 at Tacloban City.The Collegiate: Sis Krystille Annvve L. Sabio
officers take their oath of office Section Chair Alumni (Leyte): Sis Sylvette S. Beringeul
alongside the responsibilities their Collegiate: Brod Dave C. Oranos
position has in store for them. Section Chair Alumni (Southern Leyte): Sis Jocelyn Sumaya-Agua
Collegiate: Brod Rezin Reylland Lesigon
The event also provides platform Section Chair Alumni (Biliran): Sis Cleo Oliveros
for the officers to conduct the strategic Collegiate: Sis Lilibeth R Hermosilla
planning for the set of activities they Section Chair Alumni (Eastern Samar): Brod Jun C. Guimbaolibot
are interested in implementing in the Collegiate: Brod Chillan B. Marco
duration of their term of office. Sis. Section Chair Alumni (Samar): Brod Ildefonso G. Dilao
Nancy Go, Regional Director Alumni, Collegiate: Brod Antonio Gideon V. Esguerra
highlights that one of the challenges Section Chair Alumni (Northern Samar): Sis Leilani H. Mejia
for this set of officers rests on bringing Collegiate: Brod Peter June G. Casas
back the dead chapters of Region 8
to life. This would mean a thorough Regional Directorate Officers
assessment of the factors that led Secretary: Sis Analyn A. Gregorio
to the demise of these chapters Treasurer: Brod Johnny M. Menez, Jr.
and what can be done in order to Auditor: Atty. Brod Richmond G. Longjas
avoid such circumstances. Activities Public Officer: Brod Enrique Cua Jr.
should first and foremost seek Public Information Officer: Brod Mark Leo Angelou B. Amante
the productivity and sustainability Sgt. at Arms: Brod Bryan German B. Macaso
of the chapters within the region. Fellowship Chairpersons: Sis Karen M. Candaza & Sis Maribeth Chua
Ways and Means: Brod Vincent Millanes
Moreover, the event has also Sports: Brod Artemio Espinosa Jr., Brod Arjay C. Abendanio, Brod Jeus
sought the presence of Brod. Gerry Karl Nierras
Arbis, the Chairman of the Board Healthcare Services/Assistance: Brod Mark Paul E. Araneta
from the National Administrative Legal Counsel: Atty. Brod Edren E. Margallo
Office, who served as speaker during Membership: Brod Ricky M. Jintalan
the activity. Worth noting from his COMELEC: Brod Luis Lyndon M. Aurelia
message is when he reminded how Torch and Trefoil Correspondent: Brod Alfonso Alex C. Labrague, Jr.
the alumni members are a factor Advisers: Brod Paul Cabello Jr., Sis Pinky Horca, Atty. Sis Teresita Marbibi,
why new breeds become inactive. Judge Cielo V. Martinez
He emphasizes that everyone
should be adaptive to the changes
implemented from time to time so
as not to plant seeds of division
within the ranks of the members.
The road may be tough for the
officers but nothing is impossible
if members will collectively
work for the realization of the
fraternity and sorority’s goals in
the region. Strong the circle we!
14 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Bro. Aran Escote, Gamma Omicron, ‘08 leadership of our very own National
President Bro. Marcelino “Tatang”
The Bicol Administrative Region Ferdinand Balcueva and RDC Sis. Ferry, NED Sis. Evelyn Cañete,
has been quite busy these last Quincy Turiano spearheaded the COME Chairman Bro. Leonardo
few months with projects and said activity in cooperation with Cairo, NVPF Bro. Dennis Dumaup,
activities promoting the Alpha Phi Rover Scout Camarines Sur Council and National Treasurer Trustee
Omega Program of Service. One and Bureau of Fire Protection. Bro. John Daviz De Chavez. Elected
of their biggest activities was the Held at Camp Rodriguez, Brgy. and appointed officers with their
implementation of the GPAC Summit, Cadlan, Pili, Camarines Sur, the deputies were present at that time,
a nationwide collegiate training activity was conducted through coming from six provinces of Bicol,
activity for the Grand, Prime, and the support of various AAs and proving that distance and different
Auxiliary Chancellors. The 2019 GPAC Sections. There were 44 alumni and island locations of each section
Summit – Leg 3 Bicolandia was held on collegiate delegates present from will not hinder the performance of
October 9-10, 2019 at the Tanchuling the different chapters in Bicol. The their duties and obligations. The
Beach Resort, Bacacay, Albay. activity was a remarkable experience activity also served as the Charter
Installation of APO Dahom AA #367.
The GPAC Summit is a training for our new blood Rover Scouts. The day prior, on July 26, 2019, APO
activity focusing on the APP Pledge On July 27, 2019, the Bicol
Program, RA 11053 Anti-Hazing Law, Bulan AA #370 also conducted their
Leadership Empowerment, as well Administrative Region also conducted Charter Installation and Induction of
as a forum for collegiate officers to their induction of officers. Held at the Officers together with the Induction
discuss matters that concern them. KKL Bldg., San Francisco, Lagonoy, of Officers of the Sorsogon APO
Initiated by the APO National Council Camarines Sur, the aforementioned AA at the El Hardin, Zone 4, Bulan,
through the leadership of NVPF Bro. activity was administered through the Sorsogon. This historic event is the
Dennis Dumaup, the GPAC Leg 3 first time an APO Philippines National
Bicolandia was organized through the President set foot in Bulan, Sorsogon.
cooperation of BAR RDC Sis. Quincy
Turiano and Section 3 Chairman Bro. The Bicol Chapters were also able
Donjie Bacay with the cumulative to conduct several other activities
effort and support of different BAR such as the Payong at Tsinelas para
Sections, AAs and RDA Bro. Ferdinand sa mga Batang Mag-aaral ng Maonon
Balcueva. The two-day activity was a last July 12, 2019 by Albay APO AA 4
notable success with 107 collegiate ACES and NMAX Philippines, a charity
and alumni delegates in attendance ride for the benefit of the students of
from different chapters in Bicol. Maonon Elementary School, Ligao
City; Pa-welcome ng Alpha Phi
Last July 13-14, 2019 in Ipil, Omega by Mu Kappa Chapter last
Camarines Sur, a Rover Scouting and August 5, 2019, freshmen as well as
Disaster Risk Reduction Management returning and transferee students got
Training was conducted with the to enjoy free water, ball pen, and ice
goal to empower and develop core cream as a welcome to the start of
life skills among young men and
women. BAR Directorate Council
through the leadership of RDA Bro.
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 15
Remembering, Celebratin
Sis Neneng S. Daquipil, Alpha Rho, ‘83-
class; Blood Letting and Wall Clocks school supplies, t-shirts, and snacks Annually, every 20th 0f August,
Donation by Mu Iota in cooperation were distributed to 150 daycare Brothers and Sisters, especially
of APO Masbate AA and Red Cross children; and, Tree Planting Activity of ALPHA RHO CHAPTER are
last August 14, 2019 at the Southern by APO Masbate AA last September gathered together to celebrate its
Bicol College Campus, Masbate City; 8, 2019 at Luacan Water Park, Founding Anniversary. Getting back
Mu Epsilon’s Feeding Program for the Brgy. Paraiso, Milagros, Masbate. to the campus of Central Mindanao
Aged (in cooperation with SAPOAA University, Musuan, Bukidnon, where
and Eta Alpha AA) at Brgy. San Juan, Two Dental Missions were also it all began is always gratifying.
Sorsogon City last August 15, 2019 conducted. APO Gamma Xi AA and We consider it as an opportunity to
wherein the elderly received, aside APO Zeta Iota AA in cooperation with reminisce our history, to honor our
from the food, donations of goods the PNP, Coast Guard, and Scout brother founders (the late Bro Mike
and toiletries; Free Book Covering Royale Brotherhood carried out a Maquiso and Bro Doroteo Taqueban,
by Theta Omega Chapter with APO- Dental Mission held on August 3, 2019 Jr.), to reflect on how far have we gone
Qassim AA last September 4, 2019 at Market Site, Daraga, Albay serving since our founding to the present, to
at the Camarines Sur Polytechnic 80 individuals while Beta Omicron renew the vision of our founders, and
Colleges, Nabua, Camarines Sur; AA in cooperation with Team to look forward to what is yet to come
Zeta Nu Chapter’s Adopt a Daycare Yoya conducted a two-day Dental for our beloved Chapter. Hopeful we
last September 5, 2019 where Mission Caravan in Daet, Camarines were, as we celebrated our 52nd
Norte last September 14-15, 2019. Founding Anniversary with the theme
“Empowering the Collegiate Chapters,
Building a Strong Foundation for
Leadership, Friendship and Service.”
Spearheaded by the Alpha Phi
Omega-Bukidnon Alumni Association
(APO-BAA) with Bro Juan Desiderio
Panaderio as President, and the
Alpha Rho Collegiate Chapter, led by
the Grand Lady Chancellor, Sis Erna
Marie M. Sinato, this year’s anniversary
celebration, as it is in the past, was
tagged with community service,
and of course, fellowship and fun.
Our collegiate brothers and sisters
played a huge part in organizing
this event and making it successful.
They are empowered indeed!
The celebration started with a
school outreach program at APO
Lakeside SDA Elementary School
in Barangay Guinoyuran, Valencia
Bukidnon, on August 18, 2019. This
benefited thirty (30) pupils who
received school supplies that include
pencils, ballpens, erasers, notebooks,
writing pads, plastic envelops,
crayons, sharpeners, and raincoats,
as well. The kids also enjoyed a free
lunch from the group. The school
16 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
ng, Serving!! The 52nd Founding Anniversary, Alpha Rho Chapter
received a set of microphone and audio speakers too. to public service namely: Bro Raymundo A. Batao, Vice
Donations from brothers and sisters here and abroad Mayor of Kibawe, Bukidnon; Bro Atty Raymund Charl O.
made this endeavor a success. Special thanks to Bro Gamboa, Vice Mayor of Kalilangan; Bro Dr. Jesus Antonio
Eugene Conde, Bro Jun Casilang, Sis Liclic A. Madronal, “Jess” Derije, 9th President of Central Mindanao University.
Bro Michael Bajao, Bro Arthur Pimentel, Sis Emma Garrido The Opening Remarks of Sis Erna Marie M. Sinato, Grand
Violan, Bro Ian Dexter Esto, Bro Michael Dane Pangan, Lady Chancellor, was very warm and welcoming. Bro Dr.
Bro Leonardo Manubag, Bro Nelvin Serfino, Sis Erica Jess Derije, University President of CMU, in his message,
Morales, Sis Golda Mier Tinagan, Bro Jaynes Cobarde, expressed strong support for the Chapter, while the
Bro Matt Bangis, Bro Arthur Ortega, Bro Greggy Feliza, Sis Chairman of the Board of Trustees of APO Phil., Inc., Bro
Jessielou May Dutosme, Sis Carolyn Cotales, all Brothers Gerry Arbis, updated the audience with APO affairs, policies
and Sisters of the APOI-Bukidnon Alumni Association and and direction. Sis Anne Christine Veronica P. Sevilla, Prime
all resident Collegiate Brothers and Sisters of Alpha Rho. Lady Chancellor, closed the program by acknowledging
The incumbent 9th President of Central Mindanao all those who contributed to the success of the said event.
University, Bro Dr. Jesus Antonio “Jess” G. Derije paved way Messages delivered truly filled the night with
for another service project dubbed as “Anti-Vandalism inspiration and awe. The presence of brothers and sisters
Campaign,” done by repainting the walls of the buildings from different chapters and places brought fun and joy
inside the campus filled with dirty and unnecessary marks. to everyone and jampacked that simple and humble
In the morning of August 24, 2019, Alumni and CMU Tearoom, the venue of the Anniversary Night.
Collegiate brothers and sisters trekked the famous The success of the event has inspired us to say, “Let the
landmark of Musuan—the Musuan Peak—not to become mountains dream in 2023.” Guess what we mean by that.
famous mountaineers, but to plant trees. Seedlings of The celebration was simple yet meaningful. We
assorted varieties were not only planted but they will remembered our humble beginning. We remembered
be taken care of to their full growth as well, and so the so that we don’t forget. And in remembering, we
project was aptly called “Tree Planting and Growing.” celebrate. In celebrating, we serve. And in serving, we
In the evening was the Anniversary Night—the enliven the principles of LEADERSHIP, FRIENDSHIP
culmination of the celebration! The affair highlighted the AND SERVICE! In living by these principles, we
Induction of the Regional Officers of Region 10 headed hope to become true men of ALPHA PHI OMEGA!!
by no less than the Regional Director, Bro Dr. Genghis Long live ALPHA RHO!! STRONG THE CIRCLE WE!!
Abadines. Other Officers were: Bro Jessie James Reyes,
Deputy Director; Bro Alto Micayabas, Section Chair for APO NovemBAR Operations 2019
Bukidnon; Bro Michael Bajao, Deputy Section Chair for
Bukidnon; Bro Louie Cagulada, Section Chair for Lanao The golden eagle is a testament of an Alpha Phi Omega’s
del Norte; Bro Christopher Don Tejada, Deputy Section resilience in the face of challenges; gracefully gliding
Chair for Lanao del Norte; Bro Merlo Castro, Section Chair through strong winds and pressure... p. 23
for Mis. Or.; Bro Amerigo C. Adecer, Deputy Section Chair
for Mis. Or.; Sis Sol Fernandez Bahinting, Section Chair for
Mis. Occ.; Bro Jericho T. Cura, Deputy Section Chair for
Mis. Occ; Bro richmond Anthony Riain Alfonso, Regional
Secretary; Sis Carmelita Roquia, Regional Treasurer; BROTHER RALPH BARAJAN,
Sis Joy Besadre-Anmastaplus, Regional Auditor; A REAL LIFE CAPTIAN JACK
Members of the Regional Committee on Grievance and SPARROW
Adjudicatory Authority namely: Sis Atty Ria Bisahan,
Bro Atty. Neil James Acal and Bro Euphemio Tradio,
Jr.; Regional Committee on Scouting, Bro Raymond By all accounts, the fateful incident of November
Lusica; and Regional Adviser, Bro Manuel Cabido. The 7th, 2019 shouldn't have happened. For one,
Officers were inducted into office by no less than the no gale warning was ever issued by the state
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bro Gerry Arbis. weather bureau that morning... p.25
The night also highlighted the awarding of Plaques of
Recognition to Brothers who made a telling contribution
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 17
18 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Title: “Saguy”
Graphite pencil drawing
Artist: Bro. Bart Ian G. Mercado
Chapter: Beta Omega
Batch: 2001A
Size: 14x18 inches
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 19
friendship "Besides the prospect of fellowship,
moral support, and advice in the
widely addictive sport of running,
membership in APO Runners group
offers the opportunity to advance
the fraternity’s goals of Leadership,
Friendship and Service".
20 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
APO Runners: Born to Run, Racing to Serve
Bro. Giovanni Ruiz, Kappa Omega, ‘98
When the running phenomenon Sporting the APO Identity joining the group, whose membership
first swept through the country in During one such race dubbed now is close to a thousand certified
the early years of the decade, a few as the 100K Coast to Coast Run on APO runners throughout the country.
hardy road warriors from Horton's August 9, 2013 in Tabuelan, Cebu,
tribe blazed the proverbial trail— Brother Rod suggested the idea of a Shortly after its inception, brothers
forming yet another unbroken circle group uniform to Brother Barts, over and sisters throughout Luzon, Visayas
of fellowship in the athletic space. a pre-run carbo loading session of and Mindanao have proudly sported
pasta and beer. Right then and there, the fraternity’s name through their
For years, these road warriors the idea of the APO Runners jersey APO Runners jersey worn in various
remained silent. A loose band of was born! events throughout the country. There
daily grinders and weekend warriors Kuya L wasted no time in have been several jersey design
out to catch the elusive runner’s designing the now ubiquitous APO iterations since.
high, content with their quiet rituals Runner jerseys, even as he was
of running a few kilometers on the already based in the USA. The jerseys Membership in the APO Runners
weekdays to braving full marathons were then debuted during the Cebu group is a pre-requisite to ordering
or death-defying ultramarathons on City leg of the September 2013 Milo a jersey. Would-be members are
weekends. Marathon Qualifiers. required to post a photo of having ran
Little did the brothers know a 10K race, along with the requisite
Virtual Beginnings that this simple uniform would be introduction of one’s collegiate
Among these road warriors was embraced as the key incentive for chapter and batch year.
Brother Lenin Lumagbas (Zeta
Omega, UP Cebu, Batch 2001), who, Once vetted by the FB group
having caught the running bug a admins, members can immediately
couple of years back and had been
joining fun runs, races and training The APO-Misamis Occidental Alumni
mostly by himself, was yearning for Association “Meeting of Exchange”
fraternal camaraderie in his journey
as a runner. So on June 20, 2013, Bro. Stanley Uriarte, Zeta Omega, ‘79
he decided to create an APO-only
Facebook group where brothers and At times, there are divided walls 2019 at La Elena Resort, Poblacion,
sisters can meet other running-crazed within the APO-MOAA. It started as one Jimenez. There was an exchange
members, encourage other brethren with the concept of “unbroken circle of information and validation. The
to take up the healthy activity, share of brothers and sisters.” APO-MOAA grudges or misunderstanding
running info and training tips, and was the 17th Alumni Association among bothers were settled in the
plan training meet-ups or even pre- awarded a charter by the National process of exchange paddling or
race fraternization while loading up Alpha Phi Omega Office in 1982. blows. Unfortunately or should I say
on carbs. Along its journey, based on legislative fortunately, the involved brothers/
Brother Lenin, or “Kuya L” as he is district division, APO-MOAA was sisters have already reached the stage
fondly called, was promptly joined by separated into to two districts, one of weakened limbs and buttocks and
fellow UP Cebu alumnus and running for the Ozamiz City (District 2) and to continue doing so would potentially
enthusiast Brother Jose “Barts” Barte another for Oroquieta City (District 1). be detrimental to their physical
(Zeta Omega, 94) along with this conditions, “hunahuna na lang ang
writer (Kappa Omega, 98B). Not long Because of this, issues kadako nga kaya pa. Tigulang na.“
after, Sisters Rowena Tan (Alpha Nu, concerning service project reports,
Chapter, 88), Tonet Castro (Gamma recruitment, dynamics between The Meeting of Exchange was
Pi, 95) and Brother Rod Lanorias members, and representation headed by Bro.Jun Tradio. The
of Beta Psi, 76), joined the ranks arise. Miscommunication and future of APO-MOA was thoroughly
of the fledgling group and began misinformation flew back and forth. To discussed. A total of 75 members
administering the APO Runners page. resolve the conflicts, a meeting was from different sectors, cities and
These brothers and sisters began initially called by the Association’s municipalities attended, from Batch
to meet at major running events “President Emeritus” Brod. Eufemio 1964 down to the latest batch
all over the country. At first in the Tradio Jr, which was held on July initiated in 2008. The presence of
urban centers, and eventually at 13, 2019 at Patapla Beach in Jimenez, Brothers Bebe Devilla, Boy Magusara,
increasingly rugged locations as Misamis Occidental. The objective Dr. Gillete Flores, Mar Baluran , Peter
running events evolved into ever- was to set a final meeting for the APO- Sales, Beriot Mascual, Rey Englisa,
more torturous forms like the 20km MOA’s status and its future direction. Bebe Sambalud,Alan Hamoy, Eldred
Spartan Obstacle Race and the 160K Aleman, Nilo Villaluz, Nilo Ayaay,
Bataan Death March Race. Subsequently, A Meeting of and Sisters Nene Ado, Charita B.
Exchange and clarification in the same Uriarte and many others was indeed
municipality was held last August 31,
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 21
friendship APO Runners... cont...
The APO-Misamis Occidental Alumni enjoy the wealth of running tips, among many others.
Association “Meeting of Exchange” event invitations, and the photos Now on its seventh year, the
cont... being exchanged. Posts unrelated
to running are discouraged, so as to group intends to capitalize on its
a joy to witness. The APO Region X keep the group’s focus on the sport long-running success and formally
Director Brod Dr. Genghis Abadines and preserve fellowship among incorporate as a non-profit vehicle
was also present to assist and shed members. for organizing races and events for
light on the national policies vis-à-vis charitable causes and services.
the local situation and to campaign Serving a Greater Purpose
for the ID issuances and renewal. Besides the prospect of Races can be a source of
fellowship, moral support, and much-needed revenue for service
Clarified also were the information advice in the widely addictive sport programs at the local, regional and
and other issues regarding the of running, membership in APO even the national level, as well as
manner of dividing the district, the Runners group offers the opportunity possibly expanding the APO network
lapses of the members, the violations to advance the fraternity’s goals of to engage non-APO members in the
of the Constitution and By-Laws, the “Leadership, Friendship and Service” running community throughout the
state of recruitment and membership, through running. country through event tie-ups.
and the present Anti-Hazing Law With the trail blazed and the torch
(RA 11053). So candid was the lit, the leadership of APO Runners With these lofty and worthy
discussion that it eventually dawned has now passed on to a core group goals in mind, one can only hope
on the members that APO in Misamis of very active runners in the National that the group will continue to grow
Occidental is dying. Information from Capital Region co-led by Sisters and go on to successfully organize
other places and schools confirmed it Rowena Tan (Alpha Nu, 88), Brothers races and render relevant services
as well. Since APO-MOA membership Rommel Santiago (Epsilon Omicron, that will expand the prestige of the
is composed of members initiated 87B) and Darwin Patacsil (Psi, 93), APO brand of service in the coming
from different chapters, traditions years.
have to be examined and a new
paradigm has to be adopted for the
fraternity and sorority to survive.
Foremost in the minds is the
quality of the members that will be
produced, the “spirit of Alpha Phi
Omega” and the initiation that goes
with it in the present legal context.
Admission of failures and the
acceptance of explanations made the
exchange much more meaningful.
The humility that each member
exhibited truly exemplified the spirit
of unity and “true” brotherhood.
Eventually, the APO-MOA members
decided to go back to its roots and
to remain as one entity, calling for
a review of its By-Laws and the
drafting of an operational plan and
procedure for a more open and
transparent leadership. Committees
were formed and members were
assigned tasks and responsibilities.
Ultimately, the result of the
exchange is a renewed sense of
commitment and purpose i.e., to
build a lasting legacy for ALPHA
PHI OMEGA to remain strong,
solid, and alive in the province of
Misamis Occidental. Surely, the
activity was worth every member’s
while and makes each APO-MOAA
proud to have been a part of.
22 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Bro. Aran Escote, Gamma Omicron, ‘08 ground cherries…) and now RICE!
Teaching activities, summer
Boosting friendship in the form of APO Sagwaneros joined its first dragon
Boat Paddling, APO members in Bicol boat competition held last August 11, camp, and guided tour are happening
organized a group called the APO 2019, at Manggayawan, Canaman, at the farm during the growing
SAGWANEROS to improve mental Camarines Sur, the 5th Canaman season. U of T Scarborough is a
and physical fitness, to strengthen Dragon Boat Camp SportsFest. Proud leader in environmental, food, and
camaraderie amongst members, members of the group finished the urban studies. Research and teaching
encourage team spirit, and to build competition waving the flag of the interests stemming from field-based
commitment and competitiveness. organization. environmental work, agriculture and
urban farming have matured in the
Growing Rice in the Bucket recent years.
Bro. Larry Receno, Gamma Rho, ’76-D
& Sis. Jewel Gomes, Lambda, ‘76 U of T Scarborough’s exclusive
location at the edge of the Rouge
GROWING RICE IN THE BUCKET brownfield site that will be dedicated National Urban Park, the Green
ONLY IN TORONTO in modern time. to teaching, research and community Belt, rural communities, and urban
Today we joined 3 groups for the engagement. The project is at its neighborhoods makes the campus
workshop at the farm. University of early stage. In 2018, the site has been in perfect position to provide land
Toronto students are so curious about surveyed and fenced. They built and resources for developing field
growing rice… time to get connected installed 6 raised beds of 4′ x 8′ x 16″ research and teaching infrastructure
with Mother Nature. and successfully grew various crops on its 10-acre Campus Farm to the
(tomatoes, kale, garlic potatoes, east of the Toronto Pan-Am Sports
The UTSC Farm is a 10-acre Centre (TPASC).
The campus has always integrated
academic learning with hands-on
co-curricular experience, seeking
engagement with surrounding
communities, and supporting
indigenous educational methods and
content throughout the curriculum.
We would like to thank everyone
who participated in our Growing Rice
in the Garden Workshop that was
indeed awesome.
Few gardeners ever consider
growing rice, but those that do will
find joy in participating in an ancient
tradition. Even if you don't have the
right climate for the rice plant to grow
to fruition - or the patience to harvest
the tiny grains -- it is a fascinating
plant to experience within the garden.
We would like to acknowledge
the land where we live in, located
in the territory of the Wendat and
Petun First Nation, The Seneca, and
most recently, the Mississauga of
the Credit River. The territory was
the subject of the Dish With One
Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an
agreement between the League
of Five Nations/Haudenosaunee
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 23
Growing Rice in the Bucket, cont...
Bro. Aran Escote, Gamma Omicron, ‘08
- Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga,
Cayuga and Seneca Nation, later The Peñafrancia Festival is a religious event fairly known to
the 6th Nation the Tuscarora and Filipinos held in honor of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, the Patroness
a confederacy of Anishinabek and of Bicol Region. This is celebrated annually in Naga City,
allied nations – to peaceably share Camarines Sur. This year’s festival, the APO Alumni Associations
and care for the resources around the and Collegiate Chapters of Bicol participated in the Civic Parade
Great Lakes. Subsequent indigenous with an APO Float. The said parade was held last September 19,
nations and peoples, Europeans and 2019 around the Poblacion of Naga City. APO Bicolanos continues
all newcomers have been invited to express its devotion and unwavering faith to Ina (or Mother) as
into this treaty in the spirit of peace, the Our Lady of Peñafrancia is endearingly referred to by her local
friendship and respect. devotees. Pilgrims and other devotees alike said that they came
because they knew that Ina would always grant their wishes and
We all eat out of the Dish - all of us petitions quickly.
are unique- but it only has one spoon.
That means we have to share and
that we have responsibilities to make
sure the Dish is never empty (to take
care of the land and the creatures we
share it with). Importantly, there are
no knives at the table. We must keep
the peace.
We recognize the enduring
presence of Indigenous peoples
connected to this land. We are
grateful for the opportunity to gather
on this territory and work on this
community and commit ourselves
to the reconciliation with Indigenous
peoples. CHI MIIGWECH.
APO Lambda Nu
Celebrates 20th
Anniversary with Alay
Pangkalusugan sa
Brgy. Mintal
Conducted by APO Lambda Nu
Chapter and APO Lambda Nu
Alumni Association (APO LNAA), the
APO Lambda Nu Medical Mission:
Alay Pangkalusugan sa Brgy. Mintal
was the chapter’s way of giving
back to the community that has
been its home for the last 20 years.
The medical mission was part of
the 20th Founding Anniversary
Celebration of... p.33
24 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
APO NovemBAR Operations 2019
Bro. William M. Ay-ay, Xi Xi, ‘18
The golden eagle is a testament of an Alpha Phi the hassle, sleepless nights, anxieties and firm moral
support is equally not without Bro. Dean Neil Gamus of
Omega’s resilience in the face of challenges; gracefully Kappa Alpha for the bottled water, Alumni Brothers of Xi Xi
gliding through strong winds and pressure. Chapter and APO Lawyers League under the leadership of
Bro. Atty. Karlo Nicolas for extending Financial Assistance,
Bar examination is one, if not the most, difficult APO University Belt under the leadership of President and
licensure examination in the Philippine and even possibly section 1 chairman for collegiate Bro. Francis Ancheta
around the world. Evidently, this is the most seriously for sponsoring lunch and manpower assistance, Intra
awaited annual examination where every family, relative Taft, Alliance, CEU Law, all Collegiate Chapters, resident
and friends of the candidates are anticipating after at least members and Alumni Associations for cheering up and
a four-year of unwavering trials and tribulation. participation.
Alpha Phi Omega Philippines stands in solidarity The challenge is to get at least or higher than 75%
with our brothers and sisters who took this year’s Bar combined scores from Political & Public International
Examination and joined over 8,000 Lawyer-hopefuls Law, Labor & Social Legislations, Civil Law, Taxation,
through the whole month of November at the University Mercantile Law, Criminal Law, Remedial Law and Legal
of Santo Tomas, Manila. The next generations of Alpha and Judicial Ethics examination subjects. The result is
Phi Omega Lawyers are “GRACE (d) UNDER PRESSURE” expected to be released around May 2020 and we are
by APO Law student vanguards spearheaded by Grand hoping to be on course for and then call for a much
Lady Chancellor/ Chairwoman Sis. Louella Suque of meaningful celebration.
the Arellano University School of Law (Iota Psi Chapter);
Chairman Bro. Percival Ortiz and Grand Chancellor and Truly this is not the first but this year was the most
the incumbent Regional Director for Collegiate- National engaging NovemBAR operations and shall continue, as it
Capital Region Bro. Paulo Gomez both from the Philippine deem appropriate, to become one of our best practices
Law School- Xi Xi Chapter; and Chairman Jeg Gonzales and APO Law tradition. We will soar high and glide through
and Grand Chancellor John Paul Silvano both from San the strongest winds to help our bar takers reach their
Beda Alabang (Xi Alpha Chapter). goal of becoming the best lawyers as a reflections of a
great fellow APO alongside the strong-willed leadership.
The four Sunday’s success of dispensing all out Friendship and Service.
support by providing Bar transparent Bags, Meals, Medical
Assistance, Reviewers, last minute tips and not to mention
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 25
Bro. Giovanni Ruiz
Kappa Omega, ‘98
"Caption of the photo here as
26 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
JAN, A REAL LIFE CAPTIAN JACK SPARROW “APO taught me that there are far bigger things than myself.
The principles of Leadership, Friendship, and most of all
By all accounts, the fateful incident of November 7th, 2019 shouldn't
have happened. For one, no gale warning was ever issued by the state Service, brought me to where I am right now and helped me
weather bureau that morning. Adding to its improbability is that the become the person that I am,”
ill-fated MV Siargao Princess just had its maiden voyage only a month
prior; it was supposedly fully compliant, equipped with modern life-
saving equipment and manned by an able crew. The Cebu-bound
fastcraft was thought to be all but unsinkable. But as fate would have
it, sink it did—amidst the rough noontime waters five nautical miles off
the southern Cebu town of Sibunga. Lucky for the 62 souls on board,
off-duty Philippine Coast Guard officer, registered nurse, and active-
duty Alpha Phi Omega alumnus Ralph “Bigong” Barajan was on board.
By all accounts, his timely and decisive intervention saved the day.
The Philippine Coast Guard VII (PCG7) reported all 55 passengers
and seven crew members safe. No one died in the sea mishap and the
world was finally introduced to our very own “Captain Jack Sparrow”
(Bro. Ralph’s baptismal name). He is a part of Batch 2006, Holy Name
University in Bohol, Petitioning Chapter. Despite being a family man,
Bro. Bigong selflessly assisted in the evacuation of the sinking ship,
unmindful of the dangers to himself. “Having a family make you thinks
twice all the time but I am sworn to this noble profession so I have to live
with its demands,” he said. He looks up to his father, also a serviceman,
a Philippine Coast Guard rescue diver, who taught him to be selfless,
“But joining Scouting and APO introduced me to a lot of good people
who guided me to be the person I am today.”
He was happy to report of his recent promotion from Seaman First
Class to Petty Officer Second Class, along with receiving numerous
awards and citations from his own university, the provinces of Cebu and
Bohol, PCG and the Office of the Presidential Assistant for the Visayas
(OPAV). “APO taught me that there are far bigger things than myself. The
principles of Leadership, Friendship, and most of all Service, brought
me to where I am right now and helped me become the person that I
am,” said Bro. Bigong when asked how his APO training and orientation
helped him. “APO influenced me to be a serviceman. Also brothers and
sisters in PCG helped me to apply as coastguard. Their help was really
Bro. Bigong was a Grand Chancellor for his chapter during his
residency and this has help mold him into the leader that he is today.
“Yes, I was a Grand Chancellor. One of the greatest challenges of being
a leader is how you maintain your influence. You have to be a person
with integrity, competence and relevance to be able to inspire your
members and direct them to the task or goal you want to achieve.” He
believes that our program of service still remains relevant to our time,
“helping out is always part of human nature. It always a good feels
good to help and receive help.”
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serviceMassive APO Operation for Mindanao
Earthquake Victims
Chairman, Bro. Gerry Arbis
Last November 18, 2019, APO Philippines regional directorate sent in by RD Tom Cruisebelt
Medical Mission and Relief Operations was Bacus and was headed by DRD Danny Mallari,
conducted at Brgy. Balnate covered court who is the organizer of APO DIWATA, an AA based
in Magsaysay, Davao del Sur benefiting in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur, participated by
hundreds of sickly children and even adults. bringing in relief goods and medicine. Region
Brothers and sisters from all over Mindanao, 10 of RD Genghis Abanides was represented
representing different regional directorates, by another team from Bukidnon, Alpha Rho
alumni associations and collegiate chapters chapter who went to Makilala, North Cotabato
converged to render the biggest, coordinated to distribute their relief goods. One unique group
relief operations ever undertaken by our even flew in from Cebu, the APO Externos, who
fraternity. President Tatang Ferry flew all the contributed two nurses, assorted medicines, and
way from Cabanatuan City to oversee the over 12,000 pesos for the mission.
massive operation with Sis. Mildred Po Alviola-
Espino and the Davao regional directorate But the biggest delegation came from the
leading the operation. More than 6 APO doctors host region where APO Dapro Alas, APO ng
and numerous APO nurses volunteered for the Davao Alumni Association, APO Beta Phi AA,
mission that drew hundreds of patients even APO Gamma Theta AA, APO Theta Beta AA, APO
those coming from neighboring barangays. Beta Psi chapter and alumni, APO KAPATID, APO
Lambda Sigma chapter all converge in Digos city
Teams coming from SOCSKSARGEN region before proceeding to Balnate for the medical
of RD Sakina Paglas Gensan led by APO GAAM and relief mission.
VP Renee Rodriguez-Baja, APO Theta Pi AA
Russell Boloico Denila and other volunteers Meanwhile, RD Dauday Usman and his
distributed about 800 food packs in three regional directorate travelled for more than 12
barangays in Magsaysay, Davao Del Sur and hours distributed their relief goods in Kidapawan
also in the hinterland barangays of Digos City area the morning of November 19, 2019 before
where an entire community was declared no heading back for another grueling ride back to
man’s land due to a massive landslide and the Zamboanga City.
complete destruction of their houses. APO Zeta
Zeta (Notre Dame of Koronadal) and APO Timog A second mission was also conducted last
Cotabato AA (TIKAAS) were deployed to Brgy. December 29, 2019. More than 650 families
Saging, Tulunan, APO Sultan Kudarat AA to were served with food pack, potable water and
Makilala, and APO AAK to Balnate, Davao del Sur. even trapal during the relief operation of APO
We also saw members of APO Pikit Pagalungan Philippines that was conducted in Barangay
AA based in Pikit, North Cotabato assisting in the Upper Limonzo and Barangay Malinao of the
relief effort as well as members of APO Kabacan Municipality of Padada, Davao del Sur. APO
Alumni Association. Gen. Santos City AA, APO Chefs and Gensan
Integrated Collegiate Council departed from
On the other hand, a team from CARAGA Gensan at 9:30 carrying food packages for 620
28 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
persons to rendezvous with the Team service
from APO KAPATID in Digos City and
to Brgy. Limonzo where we had a brief COASTAL CLEANUP [ICC] DAY 2019
meeting with the Brgy. Chairman Pio
Tenebro who organized the distribution Bro. Adeo Silang, Epsilon Xi
of the food packages. The distribution
took over two hours to complete but it In conjunction with the Apart from trash being an
was very orderly. participation of ΑΩΦ Philippines, unsightly view on the seaside,
Inc. with International they also harm marine life
The teams departed for Brgy. Malinao Coastal Clean-Up (ICC) Day once they find their way in
immediately to drop off food packages in September 2019, The ΩΦΑ the water. The United Nation
for almost 200 more recipients, plus Administrative Region of Asia (ΩΑΦ reports that an estimated 800
potable water and trapal. The goods ARA) joined in their respective species globally are affected
were received by Brgy. Chairman John countries to support this by marine debris and as much
Cadayos, and Brgy. Kagawad Bro. Jayson endeavour. ΑΦΩ AA of Singapore, as 80 percent of that is plastic.
Recopelacion. During the distribution of ΑΦΩ Taiwan AA, ΑΦΩ Nagoya All life that depends on the
goods, there were actually two minor Nihon AA, ΦΩΑ Macau SAR AA, water suffers from this – fishes,
earthquakes but it was not enough to ΑΩΦ Hong Kong AA, ΑΦΩ Tokyo AA turtles, birds, marine mammals
cause panic. On behalf of APO Philippines, and ΑΩΦ Brunei Darussalam AA and ultimately, humans as well.
we would like to thank Section Chair Officers and members have
Candy Chan Nazareno, APO KAPATID unselfishly dedicated at least We are proud of the effort
President Ramil Marquez, APO Trekker four hours of their weekend put in by everyone involved as it
President Giza Montejo, and members of time to help tidy up beaches affirms ΩΑΦ ARA’s commitment to
APO KAPATID for physically supporting in their respective locations. a global cause. We believe that
the relief operation, and to RD Mildred Po While the official clean-up activities like this is a double
Alviola-Espino. Specially thanks goes to day was 21 September 2019, win because it clears the
APO GAAM, APO CHEFS AA, Section Chair some countries scheduled beach of trash and also raises
Alumni for South Cotabato Bro. George their activity on a different awareness on the importance
Jester Tomado, Section Chair Collegiate date to maximize member of keeping our oceans free of
for Gensan Bro. KR Denila, Gerardo’s involvement in consideration junk.
School of Culinary Arts, and also Bro. of the availability of ΩΑΦ Brothers
Lito Arasa and the Regional Directorate and Sisters. The clean-up Lastly, in true ΑΦΩ way, the
of Region 4 CALABARZON Region for mostly yielded discarded beach clean-up in each country
financing the relief operation. There isn’t plastic bottles, plastic bags, was followed by a fellowship to
enough words to express our thanks to cigarette butts and slippers. honour and celebrate this day.
you brothers and sisters of Region 4-A.
94th APO
It is implied that a well-established
circle of people gathered together
with a common purpose is simply
measured by its longevity of
becoming more durable despite of
challenges as time passes by... p.36
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 29
ARNA and the local AAs of North America
Sis. Felvic Ving Adriatico Javier, Theta Zeta, ‘88-A
The central theme of the Administrative Region of Leadership, Friendship and Service principles of Alpha Phi
North America’s (ARNA) past administration has been about Omega.
collaboration. It is in working with others that we have found a way
to serve the region amidst busy schedules, limited resources, The officers have represented ARNA in various Alpha Phi
and competing priorities. ARNA has forged partnerships with Omega official events such as the APO USA National Convention,
different entities particularly with the Alumni Council of North APO Philippines Board of Trustees meetings and official events,
America (ACNA), other alumni associations in North America and and ACNA Quarterly Meeting. ARNA has also performed its
in the Philippines, and Fil-Aid FoundationA Incorporated. ministerial duties of providing guidance and endorsements
for charter applications of new alumni associations and Life
One important goal was the unification of ARNA and ACNA in membership.
a way that is most beneficial to both parties and more importantly
to Alumni Associations and brethren who have considered North With these successful ventures, the current leadership of
America their second home. As if it was destined to happen, APO Philippines has re-appointed the same team to handle the
a project with Lafayette College initiated in 2015 by Alpha Phi affairs of ARNA, and the team is just as ready to serve again, in
Omega Alumni Association of Greater New York (APOAAGNY) the name of Alpha Phi Omega.
paved way for an opportunity of a joint
project between ARNA and ACNA in
collaboration with Alpha Phi Omega
USA and Lafayette College. After three
years, the Lafayette College Plaque was
finally installed on September 29, 2018 –
a testament that we can achieve greater
things when we are working together. As
we move forward this year, a joint project
for ARNA and ACNA is in the making.
Another project, which ARNA has
collaborated with others, was the
ARNA initiated fund-raising for the
Relief Operations for the Cordillera
Region victims of Typhoon Ompong
in the Philippines. This project was in
cooperation with Alpha Phi Omega
District of Columbia Alumni Association
(APODCAA) and Fil-Aid Foundation Inc.,
a New Jersey-based charity organization
designed to help Filipino victims of
ARNA has not only demonstrated
service and promoted friendship,
but also exhibited leadership in the
boardroom. ARNA sponsored the
proposal to formalize the recognition of
Scouts Royale Brotherhood as a partner
and ally in the propagation of Alpha Phi
Omega principles in the secondary level
of education. This was approved by the
National Executive Council and Board
of Trustees Development Year 2017-
2019, an initiative that strengthened the
30 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Bro. Alfonso Labrague, Theta Alpha ‘18 ALL-OUT SERVICES FOR THE
Living up to the ideals of Alpha National Police (PNP), the military,
Phi Omega in rendering service Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), Myline Valencia, APO Lipa AA156
to the communities and nation, Department of Interior and Local
APO-EVAR (Eastern Visayas Government (DILG), Department “Festive Feels” as the residents
Administrative Region) regularly of Agriculture (DA), Department of describe the activity headed by Alpha
participates in initiatives geared Social Welfare and Development Phi Omega Lipa Alumni Association
towards environmental protection. (DSWD), Department of Environment 156 through our President Wilbert
and Natural Resources (DENR), “Weng” Borres at Sinuda National
On September 21, 2019, the Philippine Red Cross, and Department High School, Brgy. Sinuda, Kitaotao,
local chapters of APO-EVAR, such of Public Works and Highways Bukidnon, Mindanao last May 04,
as Xi Rho of Sogod, Petitioning (DPWH), among others, and other 2019. This is a complete package of
Chapter 501 of Eastern Samar State non-governmental organizations humanitarian mission with medical,
University (ESSU) and APO Guiuan (NGOs) and private entities in the 2019 dental, tuli, wheelchair distribution,
Alumni Association, APO Biliran OPLAN BROADCASTREEING, a tree- feeding, gift giving and loaded of fun
Island Alumni Association, Delta Phi planting activity spearheaded by the and entertainment for a whole day.
Alumni Association, APO Ormoc, and Kapisanan ng mga Broadkaster ng
APO Maqueda Alumni Association Pilipinas (KBP), DILG, and DENR. This All the way from Luzon we
and Theta Alpha Chapter of activity is on its 8th year, designed brought all supplies and gifts to be
Catbalogan City, participated in the to promote a “greener future” and given in Mindanao. APO Lipa AA 156
International Coastal Cleanup. This adopt measures to fight climate partnered with the Philippine Airforce,
activity sought to engage people change. Philippine Army, Bukidnon PNP and
all over the world to remove trash Municipality of Kitaotao to be able to
and debris from beaches, bays, and APO-EVAR is one with make this big service possible. With
other water bodies. It also enjoined environmental advocates in saving the supports of our sponsors and
everyone to promote litter-free seas the world and preventing further APO Brothers and Sisters we were
and eventually change the practices destruction of nature as it believes able to deliver all-out services for
of people contributing to pollution. that everyone is expected to take the community. Series of meetings
part in these initiatives now before it with live Radio and TV guesting
Similarly, APO-EVAR also is one is too late. with Brother Colonel Gerardo M.
with the members of the Philippine Zamudio Jr of the Philippine Airforce
was done in his UP-UP Pilipinas
Usapang Pangkapayapaan, Usapang
Pangkaunlaran TV and Radio
Lumads are included as
Indigenous People and mostly they
don’t have easy access to different
services of the government especially
in terms of medical. Some of them
were tagged as rebels and terrorists
and some were arrested. APO Lipa
AA156 aims to provide services and
become an instrument of peaceful
relationship with the authorities.
Almost 3000 beneficiaries of gift
giving that includes pack of noodles,
candies and biscuits, Del Monte
Juice in can and brand new and used
clothes. Total of 450 patients for
medical checkup with free medicines
were catered by Army Medical Team.
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 31
APO Lipa AA Provides, cont...
For circumcision we have 171 and 215
in dental extraction.
Philippine army leads the free
haircut, grooming 60 kids and adults.
Everyone had fun with the army band
and our fun games. We distributed
500 packs of vegetable seeds. 100
elementary students of Sinuda
Elementary School received bags
loaded with school supplies.
10 persons with disability of
Kitaotao Municipality received
brand new wheelchairs. Everyone is
included in the feeding program.
Barangay Sinuda Council and
volunteers actively participated in
the mission especially in cooking
and preparation of the venue. We
donated medicines and vitamins for
their Barangay Health Center.
Army Band entertains everyone
through music and dance. They
encourage residents to sing and
dance with them.
According to Colonel Nolasco
Mempin of the Philippine Army 10
Infantry Division, this partnership of
Medical, Dental and Gift giving activity
is very timely and a way also for them
to proof to the community that they
protect and serve in different ways
and not an enemy.
As part of the Brigada Eskwela
APO Lipa AA156 donated school
and office supplies for the teacher
of Sinuda National high school and
some medicines also for their school
Principal Jocelyn Samuya of
Sinuda National High School thanked
everyone for making this service
possible because this is the first time
that a vast of services was given to
the Lumad Tribes and all residents.
Everyone enjoyed.
We felt the warm welcome of all
residents in the Kitaotao Bukidnon.
Thank you for accepting us and being
with us.
The mission was aired in TV5.
32 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 33
APO Lambda Nu Celebrates 20th Anniversary
with Alay Pangkalusugan sa Brgy. Mintal
Bro. Richmond Anthony Riain Alfonso, Lambda Nu, ‘02
34 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Conducted by APO Lambda Nu Chapter and APO service
Lambda Nu Alumni Association (APO LNAA), the APO
Lambda Nu Medical Mission: Alay Pangkalusugan sa Program for the earthquake victims in Brgy. Balnate,
Brgy. Mintal was the chapter’s way of giving back to the Magsaysay, Davao del Sur held last November 16, 2019.
community that has been its home for the last 20 years.
The medical mission was part of the 20th Founding Aside from Alay Pangkalusugan sa Brgy. Mintal, APO
Anniversary Celebration of APO Lambda Nu Chapter Lambda Nu and LNAA also conducted several activities
and was conducted last September 14, 2019 at Purok for the students of UP Mindanao such as Free Printing
15, Brgy. Mintal, Davao City. This was done with the full wherein the chapter shouldered the photo copying
cooperation of Brgy. Mintal headed by Brgy. Capt. Rey of materials for the students, the handing out of free
Amador Bargamento, Brgy. Kagawad Zenaida G. Baluran, sandwiches, as well as APO Dare This, a challenge-based
and Purok 15 Leader Conchita Bisnar. competition sponsored by the chapter that has been an
anniversary celebration staple since 2002.
The chapter provided free general checkup to more
than 100 adults and children of Purok 15, Brgy. Mintal, a Founded on September 14, 1999 through the leadership
community that was deemed the most in need of medical and initiative of Bro. Karl Arthur Pioquinto of Beta Phi as
assistance compared to the other puroks in the said the Grand Chancellor, Sis. Severosa Cabatingan of Epsilon
barangay. Various medicines, as much as 700 individual Upsilon as Lady Prime Chancellor, Bro. Christopher Paran
packets and bottles, were also given to help the under from Beta Phi serving as Auxiliary Prime Chancellor, and
privileged folks served that day. Volunteer doctors Bro. Vivencio Rodriguez Jr. of Epsilon Upsilon, Lambda
include Bro. Lean Alessandro Carreon, M.D. and Sis. Faith Nu is the Alpha Phi Omega chapter in the University of the
Jane Parba, M.D., both proud products of the chapter, as Philippines in Mindanao. This relatively young chapter has
well as Davao Region RDD, Sis. Mildred Alviola-Espino, been recognized by UP as the Most Outstanding Student
M.D. of Alpha Xi, and Jan Reynald Shane A. Coquilla, M.D., Organization since 2012, eight consecutive years running,
Carl Joseph Uy, M.D., and Jea Uy, M.D. The remaining in a yearly awarding ceremony done at the start of the
medicines were donated to APO Davao Region for Oplan school year. The sorority chapter of APO Lambda Nu was
Kapatiran: Medical Mission, Relief Operation, and Feeding also recognized as the Best Sorority Chapter by Alpha
Phi Omega Philippines for DY 2013-2015, 2015-2017, and
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 35
36 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Graphite pencil drawing
Size 17 1/2 x 27 inches
Artist: Bart Ian G. Mercado
Chapter: Beta Omega
Batch: 2001A
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 37
Bro. William M. Ay-Ay, Xi Xi, ‘18 Western Visayas Administrative Region and the Alumni
Association APO KASAPON (Katilingban sang APO sang
It is implied that a well-established circle of people Negros) through the leadership of Bros Kenneth Garcia
gathered together with a common purpose is simply and Joao Agusto Perez in the City of Smile-Bacolod. On
measured by its longevity of becoming more durable the other side, the National Capital Region waived the day
despite of challenges as time passes by. ALPHA PHI by a “Salubong” Celebration with full of entertainment,
OMEGA INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY AND SORORITY fun and surprises at the 33 Degrees Bistro, Quezon City.
is not just an extraordinary proof of a long term existence Likewise, certain number of groups around the world
and resiliency of an organization but that membership combined their forces to lift the essence of friendship
and commitment of all constituent could be bonded for through fellowships.
a lifetime.
As the world proclaimed, the largest collegiate What is noticeably apparent though is the dominance
fraternity and sorority with over thousands of chapters of camaraderie mixed up with the passion to unselfishness
(Collegiate and Alumni) throughout the continent including serve and showcased the spirit of giving back. APOSCAA
more than 250 chapters in the Philippines representing has a traditional way of celebrating the international
11 Administrative Regions commemorated the 94th anniversary by giving out gift packs to almost thousands of
International Founding Anniversary last December 16, less fortunate families in San Pablo City. Apo Lipa Alumni
2019. Association turned the day heart-red by conducting
a Blood Donation Activity. APO KAPATID –AA shared
To honor the birth of APO sometimes in 1925 by a the blessings to street children, APO MIA AA visited the
person full of dream and inspiration-Frank Reed Horton Nutrition Family of Paraguay Vitalez Health Center while
and 13 other students at Lafayette College, Easton, APO Nagoya Nihon feeds the homeless. APO Hong Kong
Pennsylvania, hundreds of thousands APHIO celebrated AA gets out door by a Beach Cleanup Drive at the Deep
in different part of the world and showed their veneration Water Bay Beach in Hong Kong. APO Coron Tiwi and
to the Scouting Oath and Law which is the root of APO Laoag walked their way by offering coffee, “pandesals”,
core principles- to develop leadership, to provide service and “Lugaw” to Simbang Gabi Church goers. APO Unciano
and to promote friendship. Paramedical College under a Petitioning Chapter in
cooperation with ALPHA ETA GRACES the elderly of
In the Philippines, a very festive and triumphant national National Orthopedic Hospital provided Medical-Dental-
celebration was hosted by APO Philippines Region VI- wellness-gift giving in Pataliw Elementary School Pasig.
38 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
ARS of SOLIDARITY “Alpha Phi Omega is destined to be one of the greatest college fraternities
in the world because it has as its foundation the highest ideals of ages, the
These are but some and enough also uncut the beauty of genuine most perfect standard the generations have been able to produce, a standard
to conclude that we just don’t take solidarity by bridging traditions with accepted by all nations, all religions and all people, one where the motivating
advantage of the number but the innovations. Basically that is, bearing idea is to look for the good and try to do good to everyone regardless of who
years of service to God, Community, in our system how this organization
Country and mankind. was created 94 years ago, that our or what belief” – Frank Reed Horton
ultimate goal is to help our community
An organization as huge as ours and all humanity. We may embrace
with a popular traditional culture, we the uniqueness of one Alpha Phi
are challenged with this epidemic Omega to aspire, set standard anew
curve of differences. This the main and together step ahead with great
focus of this year’s theme- UNITY IN ambition and determination.
AND INNOVATION. It means uniting As we move forward to the
across varieties and differences and Century, this is together what and
not to take them for granted. This how we should celebrate.
likewise covers our understanding
and openness to change, changes
in ideas and innovations through
the benefit of time. Tradition is what
makes us strong but believing that we
have a lot of options and opportunities
to make things more meaningfully
better whereby giving importance
on how we live in the present times
will make us even stronger. Let us
not focus on our differences but on
collective similarities as a means of
achieving unity within diversity, we
not only homogenize one another
with our core principles but we
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Interim and Unaudited Funds Flow Statement
For the 1st Quarter Ending September 30, 2019
SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1,651,200.00 1,651,200.00
ID Receipts 6,144.04 6,144.04
Charter Dues 1,000.00
Membership Cert 0.00
Petitioning 2,785.00 2,785.00
Reg Fees-AC Luzon 61,760.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reg Fees-AC Vismin 100.00 0.00
Reg Fees-GA 2018 0.00
TGT Ads 1,722,989.04 0.00
TNT Operations 0.00
COMELEC Filing Fees - GenSan 0.00
Receipts from Consigned Items 61,760.00
Other Income 100.00
Total Receipts from Dues and Fees
21,721.89 --- -- 0.00
Marawi 0.00
Mayon 24,721.89 --- 21,721.89
APO USA Plaque (Lafayette) --- 3,000.00
APO Building 9,079.88 24,721.89
Donations for ASCOM
- -- 0.00
Total Receipts for Restricted Donations -
A/R-Officers 27,025.12 20,242.00
A/R-JCB 27,025.12
A/R-NAO Staff 1,774,736.05
- - 1,773,736.05
Total Settlement of A/R
Donations and Assistance
40 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Benevolence Fund 80,000.00 80,000.00
- 0.00
- 0.00
Total Donations and Assistance 80,000.00 --- -- 80,000.00
Operating Expenses
Materials-ID 135,750.00 135,750.00
Developmental Expenses 51,014.84 1,836.00
Association Dues 1,836.00 22,276.32
Repairs & Maintenance 6,104.00
Communication 22,276.32 14,595.76
Consignment Payable 33,359.00 5,169.00
Honoraria 169,192.99 4,560.00
Light & Water 14,595.76 3,126.00
Office Supplies 23,882.50
Meals and Representation 5,169.00
Miscellaneous 13,081.40
Staff Benefits (SSS, HDMF & Philhealth, Uniform, Staff4P,5e6r0D.0im0 e)
Transportation & Travel 58,589.14
Courier 3,126.00
Presidential Pin 45,000.00
Total Operating Expenses 587,536.95 --- --
Project/Program Expenses 15,000.00
GPAC Summit -
Total Project/Program Expenses 15,000.00 --- -- 15,000.00
12,000.00 --
Procurement of Equipment 12,000.00 - 12,000.00
--- -
Regions' Share Released
National Capital Region
Region 1 -Ilocos Region 5,000.00 5,000.00
Region 2-Cagayan Valley 2,729.18 -
Region 3-Central Luzon 2,098.08
Region 4A-Calabarzon 2,729.18
Region 4B-Mimaropa 5,261.64
Region 5-Bicol Region 1,468.97 5,261.64
Region 6-Western Visayas 1,468.97
Region 7-Central Visayas
Region 8-Eastern Visayas 0.00
Region 9-Zamboanga Peninsula
Region 10-Northern Mindanao
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 41
Region 11-Davao Region 1,468.97 1,468.97
Region 12-SOCCSKSARGEN 1,468.97 1,468.97
Region 13-Caraga 1,468.97 1,468.97
Administrative Region of North America
Administrative Region of Middle East -
Administrative Region of Asia
Administrative Region in the Pacific 18,866.70
Administrative Region of Europe 4,270.92
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
Cordillera Administrative Region
Total Regions' Share Released 20,964.78 --- --
Committee Expenses
4,270.92 4,270.92
CASH AFTER DISBURSEMENTS 719,772.65 --- -- -
1,054,963.40 -
Bank Balances 1,054,963.40
September 30, 2019
US Dollars
ACCOUNT NUMBER As of September 30, 2019
1 BDO General Fund 0014-9010-3773 (P) 1,102,372.27 (P) 1,568,403.13 1,175.62
2 BDO Special Fund 0014-9010-3668 1,410,793.92 1,468,055.92
3 BDO Benevolence Fund 0014-9006-5596
4 APO Building Fund 020-7-02051119-9 474,205.21 486,521.21
5 BDO Dollar Account 1014-9010-5326 1,099,210.96 1,099,003.14
(P) 4,086,582.36 (P) 4,621,983.40
prepared by:
Sis Benita F. Villanueva, and
Bro. John Daviz A. de Chavez
42 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Past National President
Chair, APO Building Fund Committee, D.Y. 2017-2019
resources (money, time, effort, in-kind
It all started with “pass the hat” to gather support, even encouraging words are big
initial funds to open a “restricted bank contributions!) is helping us chart our course.
account.” Then it grew to be a movement More than less, we are in the stage that
in its own right: The single most supported calls for real action. It is high time that we
and biggest “pass the hat” initiative any institutionalize this project; to set the sails so
APO term, to date, have accomplished in a it could gain farther distance.
Development Year- Php 1.3 Million by the
end of DY 2017-19. I believe we are now on the next phase of
the cycle: and that is conducting comparative
That, in many respects, cannot be called design studies while scouting for an ideal
meager. property and/or location. As we move
along in this endeavor, we shall continue to
With this initial fund, we’ve successfully solicit funds from those who are willing to
sailed through the most difficult and most share in the pie of success; come up with
challenging part of a business cycle, which sustainable fund-raising initiatives; call for
is the start-up phase. There is still a lot of collaborations; and expand our marketing
work to do but the foundation has been laid. reach and building capabilities. All these will
I think it is encouraging to be reminded that help firm up our resolve to meet our funding
in our long history as an organization, Alpha goals.
Phi Omega Philippines has never retreated
from any challenge! In my capacity as a good-standing,
active member, I am issuing this call to the
The vision of an APO National Building current leadership, the APO development
Project started way before my presidency, triad: The National Executive Council, the
right at the start when we gave our first National Board of Trustees, and the National
donations to purchase condo units in Administrative Office, to break the grounds
Residencia Braganza (now Midtower in the legal, executive and administrative
Condominium) on Ermin Garcia Avenue, aspects of this project, before we finalize a
Cubao QC. That is now the APO National blueprint and break the real ground where
Office. our project would rise.
The seed has been planted from this Let me underscore the importance of not
humble beginning. Now as we approach only understanding but standing firm behind
a centennial milestone, the dream to have the fact that this is not a competition between
a building of our own does not belong to basically well-intentioned people or parties
one man's vision. It is now the ownership who see the world differently. Ang lahat ay
of members of our Fraternity and Sorority, kasali dito. #AllTogetherNow4LFSBldg2025.
specifically those who are coming together #TheRoadto100.
to be counted.
Let us applaud our brothers and sisters
The generosity of these brothers and who supported the LFS Building 2025
sisters who participated and who continue Movement. Here are their names and the
to support our Pass the Hat for the LFS amount of their donations. Mabuhay kayong
Building 2025 Movement (est. 2017) inspires lahat!
us to move forward in making this dream
into reality. Their enthusiasm, backed by
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 43
DY 2017-2019
Name of Donors Chapter/ APO Details Peso USD Ringgit A$ HK$
Roel Daboy Fernandez Alpha Gamma 1,000.00
Dauday Danny Usman
Norma Singson De Leon Beta Gamma 2,000.00
Raden Bangahan
Madki Punguinagina Eta 1,000.00
Romeo Buddy Bison, Jr.
Rommel Santiago Rho 200.00
Hercules Bobot Umali
Zarah A. Escueta Beta Upsilon 500.00
Lauro Gerald Hernanddez
Reiniel Antonett Solleza Gamma Iota 1,000.00
Marcelino Tatang Ferry
Benita Nette Villanueva Epsilon Omicron 2,000.00
Arthur Gatpolintan
Amerhassan Waidah Lucman Lambda 1,000.00
Rizaldy Cueto
Jane Ocampo Ibay Alpha Sigma 600.00
Gerardo Gerry Arbis
Leonardo Cairo Psi 1,000.00
Evelyn Evangelio
Carlo Evangelio Eta Theta 200.00
Alma Sheilla Liquigan
Renato Escarcha, Jr. Epsilon Omicron 5,000.00
Marife Antoniette Gillo
Glenn Clyde Cereno Epsilon Kappa 1,000.00
Romeo Vale
Marissa Ocampo Alpha Beta 200.00
Neil Deyto
APO Theta Zeta AA & Chapter Epsilon 1,000.00
Alexander Ericson Pedron
Funds to Open the MB Restricted Account Eta Chi 5,000.00
Gerardo Pelayo
Theta Zeta 1,000.00
Celia Valdez / Boying Valdez
Farsaudi Hanapia Iota Beta 1,000.00
APO MIA AA c/o Brod Mario Santos
APO Epsilon Omega Sorority Zeta Theta 500.00
APO MIA AA c/o Brod Mario Santos
APO MIA AA c/o Brod Mario Santos Epsilon Upsilon 500.00
APO Theta Delta AA
APO Hongkong AA Alpha Nu 500.00
APO Macau AA
Bro/ Alex C. King, Sr. Omicron 500.00
APO Alpha Epsilon Chapter
APO Alpha Rho Batch 1975B Upsilon 500.00
Alvin de Castro
APO Southern Cagayan AA Gamma Iota 1,000.00
APO Australia NSW AA75
APO Bayanihan Los Angeles AA Beta Chi Chapter 1,925.00
APO Brunei Darussalam AA
APO Dasmarinas AA Alpha Nu 500.00
APO Hollywood AA
APO La Union AA Sigma 500.00
APO Ng Davao AA
APO Norway Christiania 600.00
APO Qatar AA No. 97 Theta Zeta 1,000.00
Ronaldo Villaver
APO Tarlac AA 850.00
APO Western Batangas AA
APO Beta Nu Chapter 20,000.00
Angel Lansi
Daniel Tilkin, APO USA Gamma Eta 1,000.00
Delta Kappa Residents
Gamma Pi / Delta 1,000.00
APO MIAAAA 5,000.00
Epsilon Omega 5,000.00
APO MIAAAA 5,000.00
APO MIAAAA 5,000.00
Theta Delta 3,000.00
APO Hong Kong AA 30,000.00
APO Macau AA 12,001.29
CANAPOAA Member, Beta Kappa C10h,a0p0t0e.r00
Alpha Epsilon 1,000.00
Alpha Rho 100.00
Pi 10,000.00
APO ALASCA 5,000.00
APO Australia NSW AA75 300.00
APO Bayanihan LA AA 300.00
APO Brunei Darussalam AA
APO Dasmarinas AA 5,000.00
APO Hollywood AA 100.00
APO La Union AA 5,000.00
APO ANDAA 10,000.00
APO Norway Christiania 1,000.00
APO Pi AA 10,000.00
APO Qatar AA97 5,000.00
Zeta Epsilon 200.00
APO Tarlac AA 4,000.00
APO WEB AA 2,000.00
Beta Nu 10,000.00
Gamma Pi 1,000.00
Delta Kappa 1,000.00
44 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Edmar Par Sigma 1,000.00 100.00
Raul Mijares Epsilon Gamma 5,000.00 100.00
Gamma Pi Chapter Gamma Pi 5,000.00
Eufemio Tradio Alpha Beta 5,000.00
Leangel 1,000.00
Maria Loida Abrenica Beta 5,000.00
APO Mandaue Mactan AA APO Mandaue Mactan AA 2,000.00
Manny Cabido Gamma Chi 3,000.00
Maria Amelia O'brien Alpha Rho
APO Metro England AA APO Metro England AA 5,000.00
Mayor Bebot Traya Alpha Omicron 50,000.00
APO Nu Beta Chapter Nu Beta
Paolo Gomez Xi Xi 1,000.00
APO San Jose City AA APO Sanjocaa 1,000.00
APO Theta Zeta Chapter Theta Zeta 3,000.00
Veronica Berias 1,000.00
APO Xi Chapter Xi 10,000.00
Zenaida Ponce Delta 5,000.00
Amie Concepcion Beta Zeta
Lemuel Banaga Delta Kappa 10,000.00
Arturo Jun Cristobal Alpha Delta
Ving Adriatico Javier Theta Zeta 5,000.00 100.00 100.00
Dennis Villanueva Alpha 5,200.00 100.00
Mel Gonzales Eta 5,000.00 100.00 100.00
Librado Ureta Foundation Librado Ureta Foundation 5,200.00 HK$
APO Ormoc AA APO Ormoc AA 25,000.00
APO Tokyo AA APO Tokyo AA 25,000.00
Xi Xi 50,000.00
Dennis D. Mesario Gamma Psi 30,000.00
Mayor Jesus M. Bueno Iota Beta 5,000.00
Gerardo Arbis/ Faith Arbis Eta 100,000.00
Norma Singson De Leon APO Carmona AA 100,000.00
Theta 100,000.00
APO Carmona AA Delta Phi 5,000.00
Rommel DL. Peneyra Alpha Nu 5,000.00
Aileen E. Brun Alpha Gamma 5,000.00
Marilyn Arcega Lariosa Theta Omega 6,940.00
APO Alpha Gamma AA Theta Omega 15,000.00
APO Theta Omega AA APO San Juan AA 12,800.00
Luz Basagre APO Kalookan South AA 8,000.00
APO San Juan AA Alpha Epsilon 10,000.00
APO Kalookan South AA 2,000.00
Fernando Lanante Alpha Nu 2,000.00
Approved BR From APO General Fund MACU APO Pili 200,000.00
Ferdie Balbueva APO Gubat AA 10,000.00
MACU APO Pili c/o Sis Jovy Cervo Lopez APO ARME 8,150.00
APO Gubat AA c/o Brod Alden Estera Theta Lambda 2,100.00
APO ARME /RD Espie Rugayan /DRD Jun Bunda Gamma Omicron 50,000.00
Mario R. Tagasa Pi 1,000.00
Christopher H. Jordan Alpha Sigma 1,000.00
Dinah Dulce Jurado Theta 1,000.00
Jen Velarmino-Van Der Heijde Beta 1,000.00
Doris Irene P Mantes 1,000.00
Egay Ninofranco APO Singapore AA
Jerry Paggao Delta Xi 22,644.00
Jun Linsangan Theta 1,000.00
APO Singapore AA Alpha Theta 1,000.00
Fortune Guerrero Delta Nu Chapter 1,000.00
Geralaine San Juan 100.00
Beng Del Corro
Ricarte Erese, Jr. 21,621.89
APO SEVAR DY 2017-2019 c/o RD Joel Bugho 2,000.00
APO Bulan AA
1,181,332.18 1,000.00 400.00 500.00
Name of Donors Chapter/ APO Details Peso USD Ringgit A$
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 45
Report Alpha Phi Omega
As of December 2019
National Board of Trustees • Section 4 Coordinator: Sis. Jelita Dela Rosa
1st Regular Meeting • Section 5 Coordinator: Bro. Benson Reyes
USM Kabacan, North Cotabato , Philippines • Section 5 Coordinator: Bro. Jayson Galimba
July 21, 2019 • Committee on Sports Chairman: Maria Rosalie Mascarenas
• Committee on Sports Member: Sis. Vyvyan Malones
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-001 • Committee on Sports Member: Sis. Jeraldin Papa
A Resolution Approving the Presidential Appointments as • Committee on Sports Member: Bro. Brent Thomas Villanueva
presented • Committee on Sports Member: Sis. Graciela Guevarra
• Committee on Sports Member: Bro. Cicero Danseco
1.1 National Executive Director of the National Office: • Committee on Services Chairman: Sis. Irene Sibayan
Sis. Evelyn C. Cañete-Evangelio • Committee on Services Member: Sis. Aniceta Laceda
• Committee on Services Member: Sis. Mary Jane Cruz
1.2 National Executive Secretary: Sis. Alma Sheilla T. Liquigan • Committee on Services Member: Bro. Kenneth Rionel Abella
• Committee on Ways and Means Chairman: Bro. Richard Mark
1.3 Chairman and Members of Committee on Membership Bugarin
Chairman: Bro. Leonardo L. Cairo, Jr. • Committee on Ways and Means Member: Bro. Edward Allan Flores
• Committee on Recruitment Chairman: Bro. Alexi Arciaga
1.4 Chairman and Members of Committee on Scouting • Committee on Recruitment Member: Sis. Arlene Villanueva
Chairman: Bro. John Tenchavez • Committee on Recruitment Member: Bro. Kevin Dy
• Committee on Recruitment Member: Bro. Nico Ortega
1.5 Chairman and Members of Committee on Audit
Chairman: Sis. Mary Jane Ocampo-Ibay 1.13 Region V Appointed Regional Officers
• Secretary(Alumni): Bro. Anthony Gonzales
1.6 Chairman and Members of Committee on International Relations • Treasurer: Sis. Elma Villanueva
Chairman: Sis. Alice Castaneda-Gutierrez • Section 1 Chairman for Alumni: Sis. Theresa V. Aquino
• Section 1 Deputy Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Arvin Requejo
1.7 Chairman and Members of Committee on Elections • Section 2 Deputy Chairman for Alumni: Sis. Maricar A. Sanchez
Chairman: Bro. Armand Arevalo • Section 3 Deputy Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Nilo R. Flores
• Section 4 Deputy Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Arkee Adarbe
1.8 Chairman and Members of Grievance and Adjudicatory Council • Section 5 Deputy Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Ericson Alvarez
Chairman: Bro. Edgar D. Llarena • Section 6 Chairman for Alumni: Bro Emmanuel Lizaso
• Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro Yonin Barreda
1.9 ARP Official Representative: Bro. Magleo V. Adriano • Section 1 Chairman for Collegiate: Sis. Jewel Villaluz
• Section 1 Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Joey Regalario
1.10 ARE Official Representative: Sis. Maria Delia Camposano- Kho • Section 1 Chairman for Collegiate: Bro Divino Albert San Juan
• Section 2A Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Anthony Ram Rey
1.11 ARME Official Representative: Bro. Patrocino F. Raz • Section 2B Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Jan Earl Villaflor
• Section 3 Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Jess Cymar Usero
1.12 NCR Appointed Regional Officer and Directorate • Section 3 Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Carl Alexis
• Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Paulo Gil Gomez
• Secretary External: Sis Joanna Marie Fortin Deogracias
• Treasurer: Sis. Maria Jennifer San Andres • Section 4 Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Fernan Jarilla
• Auditor: Sis. Andrada Pungutan • Section 5 Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Ferdinand Natural
• Public Relations Officer: Bro. Nick Macabeo • Section 5 Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Sofronio Pintor
• Public Relations Officer: Sis. Eloisa Balajonda • Section 6 Chairman for Collegiate: Sis Renderizzah Floralde
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Edward Lenchico • Section 6 Deputy Chairman for Collegiate: Bro. Jimboy Tuburo
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Ariel Oliveros
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Anthony Alesna 1.14 Cordillera Administrative Region Appointed Regional Officer
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Billy John Jordan • Regional Director for Alumni: Bro. Alejandro L. Pascual
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Jerome Galsim
• Legal Counsel: Bro. Alexi Arciaga 1.15 Region XIII CARAGA Appointed Regional Officer
• Section 1 Chairman for the Alumni: Bro. Genor Pungutan • Regional Director for Alumni: Dr. Eleonar Bacus
• Section 2 Chairman for the Alumni: Bro. Juan Ponce Abastillas
• Section 3 Chairman for the Alumni: Bro. Jowell Visperas 1.16 Region III Appointed Regional Officers
• Section 4 Chairman for the Alumni: Sis. Mary Jane Cruz • Deputy Regional Director for Alumni: Bro. Reymar Gonzales
• Section 5 Chairman for the Alumni: Bro. Mercenario Cruz • Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Christian L. Santiago
• Section 1 Coordinator: Bro. Renato B. Escarcha, Jr. • Secretary: Bro. Jayson Allan Vergara
• Section 1 Coordinator: Bro. Lester Anthony Ocampo • Section 1 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Edward Paraguison
• Section 2 Coordinator: Bro. Eduardo Domasig • Section 2 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Diego Abando
• Section 2 Coordinator: Bro. Miguel Eduardo Palma • Section 3 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Roldan Luna
• Section 3 Coordinator: Bro. Rufino Arche Sabado, III • Section 4 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Benedict Santos
• Section 3 Coordinator: Bro. Agustin Delos Santos, Jr.
1.17 REGION IV-A CALABARZON Appointed Regional Officers
• Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. John Atienza
• Section 3 Chairman for Collegiate: Sis. Annajoy Lontok
46 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
• Section 4 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Adelmar Arellano Report
• Section 5 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Robert Asico, Jr.
• Regional Treasurer: Sis. Amalia Caliwara Enal Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-006:
• Public Relations Officer: Sis Nympha Lontok A Resolution approving the Developmental Expenses for DY
• Regional Chairman on Audit: Bro. Charlie Canada 2019 2021
• Regional Chairman on Committee on Scouting: Bro. Laurel Manuel
Barte Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-007:
• Regional Chairman on Committee on Membership: Sis. Rosalyn A Resolution approving the budget for the plaque of
Banagale appreciation for the Board of Trustees DY 2017-2019
• Regional Chairman on Committee on Election: Sis. Marita Barcia
• Regional Chairman on Committee on Ways on Means: Bro. Erick Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-008:
Baladjay A Resolution approving the Developmental Theme for
• Finance Chairman: Sis. Mariford Capsa DY 2019-2021,”Unity in Diversity: Bridging Traditions and
• Regional Chairman Committee on Grievance and Adjudicatory Innovations”
Authority: Bro. Francis Azucena
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-009:
1.18. REGION XI Appointed Regional Officers and Directorate A Resolution changing the Chairmanship of the APO Building
• Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Mohammad Litigon Funding Committee from NP Roel Daboy Fernandez to
• Deputy Regional Director for Alumni: Bro. Gil Golea Incumbent NP Marcelino Ferry and appointing IFN Roel
• Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Kier James Albarasi Fernandez as Vice Chairman of the committee
• Section 1 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Romualdo Salva
• Section 2 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Joseph Quirante Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-010:
• Section 3 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Loel Astorga Colarte A Resolution approving the requested budget for GPAC and
• Section 4 Chairman for Alumni: Sis. Susan M. Jugao Collegiate Congress of the National Collegiate Trustees for DY
• Section 5 Chairman for Alumni: Sis. Candy Chan Nazareno 2019-2021 amounting to Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php
• Section 6 Chairman for Alumni: Bro. Alfredo Mendez 300,000.00) subject to availability of fund and subject to usual
• Section Chairman for Collegiate (Davao Oriental): Bro. Delmar audit procedure
Manwatun Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-011:
• Regional Secretary: Sis. Gemma Pardillo A Resolution tasking the National Collegiate Officers to review
• Regional Treasurer: Sis. Connie Basa the approved proposed Enhanced APO Pledge Program and
• Sergeant at Arms: Bro. Joel Sudio the proposed manual
• Finance Chairman: Sis. Eva Collado
• Public Relations Officer: Bro. Edwin Gabatay
1.19. REGION XII SOCSKSARGEN REGION Appointed Regional Officers Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-012:
• Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Al Mansour Kalon Tumama A Resolution approving the purchase of eight (8) wireless
• Deputy Regional Director for Alumni: Bro. Bazhar G. Kasan microphones with corresponding rechargeable batteries and
• Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate: Bro. Alan Mondelo chargers to be used every NEC and BOT Meeting
• Regional Secretary: Sis. Felisa Moneva
• Section 1 Chairman for Alumni (North Cotabato): Bro. Esmael Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-013:
A Resolution commending the APO KABACAN SERVICE AA,
Moreno APO BETA THETA AA and USM President Bro, Francisco Gil N.
• Section 2 Chairman for Alumni (Sultan Kudarat): Bro. Alvin Casipe Garcia for hosting the 1st NEC and BOT Regular Meeting in the
• Section 3 Chairman for Alumni (South Cotabato): Bro. George campus of USM Kabacan Cotabato to be presented in the next
NEC BOT meeting in Cebu
• Section Chairman for Alumni for Sarangani Province: Bro. Wilbert Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-014:
A Resolution approving the additional Presidential
Del Pilar Appointments
• Section 1 Chairman for Collegiate (North Cotabato): Bro. Fernan
Committee on International Relations
• Section 2 Chairman for Collegiate (Sultan Kudarat): ? Member Bro. Roel E. Fernandez
• Section 3 Chairman for Collegiate (South Cotabato): Bro. Kurt Denila
• Section Chairman for Collegiate for Sarangani Province: Bro. Kurt Member Bro. Magleo V. Adriano
Denila Member Bro. Emilio S. Gonzales, Jr.
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-002: Member Sis. Maria Delia C. Kho
A Resolution creating the positions of Deputy Section Chairman
for all the Regions Member Sis Elenita dela Cruz-McCarthy
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-003: Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-015:
A Resolution changing the signatories of the bank accounts of A Resolution creating the positions of Deputy Section Chairman
APO Philippines, Inc. for all the Regions
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-004:
A Resolution approving the ID Design and Layout for DY 2019-
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-005:
A Resolution approving the purchase of 13,000 pcs pre printed
PVC cards for DY 2019-2021
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 47
Report Committee on Sorority Affairs Member Sis. Hayana Asanol
National Board of Trustees Committee on Sorority Affairs Member Sis Nurhaida Abdu
2nd Regular Meeting Regional Scouting Chair Bro. Sambitory M. Alonto
ALTA Cebu Resort, Pilipog, Cordova, Regional Committee on Election Chair Bro. Atty. Tingaraan M. Bangkero
Central Visayas, Philippines Regional Committee on Election Member Bro. Engr. Ali B. Mangotara
October 20, 2019 Regional Committee on Election Member Bro. Ernesto A. Majid
Region 2-Cagayan Valley Region Officers
DRDA Sis Venus Agravante
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-041: Regional Adviser Bro. Carlos Cumigad
A Resolution Creating the Office of the Presidential Adviser and
Confirmation of the Appointment of Bro. Jorge Segovia RDC Bro. Rommel Macadangdang
Regional Secretary Bro. Clarence Galvan
Regional Treasurer Sis. Shirley Pinapin
Regional Auditor Bro. NArciso Rosario
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-042: PRO Bro. Ruben Gaudia
A Resolution approving the following Presidential
Appointments Sgt at Arms Bro. Giovanni Bartolome
Additional Committee on Membership Members
Brother Danny Dominguez, Sigma Regional Reporter Sis. Ma. Ellaine Felix T. Sersenia
Sis. Atty. Dahlia Salamat
Sis. Atty. Daisy Jalova Fellowship Chair Bro. Jimmy Palec
Sis. Carina Yago
Bro. Roger Pialago S1 Chair for Alumni Nueva Vizcaya Bro JOhn Doles
Sis Megnon Alvero
S2 Chair for Alumni Quirino Bro. Rolex Altre
S3 Chair for ALumni/Isabela Bro. Ferdinand vPatague
S4 Chair for Alumni/Cagayan and BAtanes Sis Shirley Pinapin
S1 Chair for Collegiate Sis. Ellaine Felix T. Sersenia
S2 Chair for Collegiate Bro. Melbourne Baris
S3 Chair for Collegiate Bro, James Mark Salvador
S4 Chair for Collegiate and
APP Task Force Committee Bro. Heinkel Moenne Delizo
Adjudicatory and Grievance Chair Bro. Hipolito Salatan
COME Chair Bro. John Rivero
Election Chair Bro. Ramir Honggo
National Capital Region Additional Appointments Awards Chair Sis Digna Tagasa
ID Officer Sis. Ma. Cristina Badion Scouting Chair Bro. Vladimir Agapito Ladera
Sports Com.Chair Bro Arnold. Valino
NCR Grievance Committee Cordillera Administrative Region Officers
Chairman Bro Josef Guanzon Regional Director for Collegiate BRO. JEANE-EZEKIEL M. FERNANDEZ
Member Bro Ruel Hernandez Deputy Regional Director for Alumni SIS. JANE ONYX L. BUGTONG
Member` Sis. Marivic Livelo Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate BRO. MIGUEL SETH S. CRUZ
Section 1 Chair for Alumni BRO. CARLITO D. LAZARO
Member Sis. Marissa Ocampo Section 1 Chair for Collegiate SIS. JAMAICA LORIE MITCH R. BAÑEZ
Section 2 Chair for Alumni BRO. ALEJANDRO J. DEAUNA
Section 3 Chair for Alumni BRO. REY TUBAN
NCR Scouting Committee Section 4 Chair for Alumni BRO. WILLOW F. PANGKET
Chairman Bro. Paulo Gomez Deputy Section 1 Chair for Alumni SIS. LEA GENOVE
Member Bro. Francis Abante Deputy Section 2 Chair for Alumni BRO. MARLON PIMENTEL
Deputy Section 3 Chair for Alumni BRO. GEORGE EDADES
Member Bro. Myron Panlilio Council of Elder/Adviser BRO. JOSE PROCESO M. GOROSPE
Member Bro. Vincent Jimenez, Beta Sigma Council of Elder/Adviser BRO. TONIO PEKAS
Council of Elder/Adviser BRO. TEDLER DEPAYOS
Council of Elder/Adviser BRO. REYNALD F. YAWAN
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Officers Council of Elder/Adviser BRO. MAX MACLING
Deputy Regional Director for Collegiate Bro Armando M. Tiago
Section 3 Chair for Alumni-Lanao del Sur Bro. Alimusa C. Alawi Region VII-Central Visayas Officers
Sectio 3 Chair for Collegiatet Bro. Halil P. Benito Section Chair Alumni-Negros Oriental BRO. JOSEPH O. CATAN
Section 4 Chair for Alumni Bro. Aiken A. Ahamad Section Chair for Collegiate BRO. JEREMIAH JULIEN P. YAÑEZ
Deputy Section Chair Alumni (Tawi Tawi) Bro. Ibrahim Ilaji Chairman, Regional Adjudicatory BRO. ATTY. PETER B. CAÑAMO
Deputy Section Chair Alumni (Jolo, Sulu) Bro. Kadafi A. Basaluddin Regional Secretary BRO. ALLEN GAY A. CACHUELA
Deputy Section Chair Alumni (Basilan) Bro. Robin Mustapha Regional Treasurer SIS. MIRIAM F. AMPATIN
Section 4 Chair Collegiate Bro. Kevinsali A. Nassal Regional Auditor BRO. RENATO U. GAWAT
Regional Secretary Bro. Edwin M. Puhagan, Ph.D Regional Committee on Scouting Chair BRO. JAMES V. GUYOT
Secretary for Lanao del Sur Bro. Taha M.Mohammad RDC BRO. ALDRIDGE ANGELO ZABLAN
Regional Treasurer Bro.Peter Leo Rabulan
Regional Auditor Bro. Sajidkhan A. Ahaja Region XIII –CARAGA Officers
Fellowship Chairman Bro. Sawadjaan Jaji
Public Information Officer (BASULTA) Bro. Nadzmi M.Mastul Deputy RD Alumni: BRO. DANNY MALLARI
Public Information Officer (Lanao del Sur) Bro. Caisoni L. Mama Regional Director for Collegiate: BRO. MANUEL SABADO
Sergeant at Arms Chair Bro. Rashid Sali DRD Collegiate: BRO. JACK SAMUYA
Sergeant at Arms Member Bro. Mudjamil A. Hailani Section 1 Butuan City Chairman for Alumni : BRO. AMORLINO CUDILLO
Sergeant at Arms Member Bro. Omar Alvarez Section 2 Agusan del Norte Chairman for Alumni BRO. DANTE APPARI
Sergeant at Arms Member Bro. Iran S. Abdul Section 3 Agusan del Sur Chairman for Alumni : BRO. JOHN PAUL A. GUARDION
Sergeant at Arms Member Bro. Arsenio A Llama Section 4 Surigao del Norte Chairman for Alumni BRO. JERYLL MANLIMOS
Computer Layout Artist Bro. Kevin A. Nassal Section 5 Surigao del Sur Chairman for Alumni : SIS. ARMEN O. MONTEDERAMOS
Business Manager Bro. Marce Abdurajan Section 6 Dinagat Chairman for Alumni : BRO. IRA D. LAGNADA
Council of Elder, Section 3 (Lanao del Sur) Bro. Baguan A. Limbao Section 1 Butuan City Chairman for Collegiate : BRO. JOHN PHILIP C. PUIG
Council of Elder, Section 3 (Lanao del Sur) Bro. Nadir M. Macagaan Section 2 Agusan del Norte Chair for Collegiate: BRO. GILBERT ESPAÑA
Council of Elder, Section 3 (Lanao del Sur) Bro. Domiyangca M. Marangit Section 3 Agusan del Sur Chair for Collegiate :
Council of Elder, Section 4 (BASULTA) Bro. Arolas Y. ABdul Section 4 Surigao del Norte Chair for Collegiate
Council of Elder, Section 4 (BASULTA) Bro. Idris Kalbit Section 5 Surigao del Sur Chair for Collegiate :
Council of Elder, Section 4 (BASULTA) Sis. Helen Guanieso Regional Secretary:
Committee on Fraternity Affair Chair Bro. Rasi P. Ismael Regional Treasurer:
Committee on Fraternity Affair Member Bro. Pendatun U. Didaagun Sgt. At Arms:
Committee on Fraternity Affair Member Bro. Nurkan Tampakan Sgt. At Arms:
Committee on Fraternity Affair Member Bro. Alibsar Alex A. Mamah Public Relations Officer:
Committee on Sports Chairman Bro. Marvin Rey Batubalunos Public Relations Officer:
Committee on Sports Member (Tawi Tawi) Bro. Alnaguib Sangkula Torch and Trefoil Regional Correspondent
Committee on Sports Member (Jolo, Sulu) Bro. Lacness Sangkula
Committee on Sports Member (Lanao del Sur) Bro. Alexander A. Basher
Committee on Sorority Affairs Chair Sis. Alrada A. Nassal
Committee on Sorority Affairs Member Sis. Tindang A.Samindi
48 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020
Region IX Zamboanga Peninsula Region Officers Report
Regional Secretary BRO. RADEN P. BANGAHAN helped the Emergency Response Team during the Gaisano
Mall fire in General Santos City
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-039
Regional Auditor SIS. ELSIE G. ALVIA A Resolution Creating the General Assembly Oversight
Committee and appointing the members thereof as follows:
Regional Committee on Elections Chair BRO. DIMAPUNO L. MAGANGCONG NED, Assistant. Treasurer, Auditor and RD Region concern
Advisers: NP, Chairman, NEVP and NT
Regional Committee on Elections Member BRO. ABDULKADIL T. MANICK
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-040
Regional Committee on Elections Member SIS. EVANGELINA F. ANGELES A Resolution authorizing the National President to enter into a
MOA with Partner Establishments for discounts and privileges
Region VI Officers SIS. RAQUEL V. DORONILA for all MIGS
DRD BRO. ERNAND L. BRIOBO Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-041
Auditor BRO. JAN MIKEL P. MAHOMETANO NEC and BOT Regular Meeting in ALTA Cebu Resort, Brgy.
PRO BRO. JOSE M. PARTIDAS, JR. Pilipog, Cordova, Cebu, Philippines.
Section 1 Chair for Alumni BRO. ARIEL P. BIONAT
Section 2 Chair for Alumni SIS. MA. LUISA B. ALBA
Section 3 Chair for Alumni BRO. NORWIL T. RETIRO
Section 4 Chair for Alumni SIS. LUNINGNING F. DELA CRUZ
Section 5 Chair for Alumni BRO. BRYLE G. NULADA
Section 6 Chair for Alumni BRO. ANASTACIO J. RABAGO, JR.
Regional Director for Collegiate SIS. KIMEBERLY D. PENOLIAR
Section Chair for Collegiate ( Negros Occidental)
Section Chair for Collegiate (Panay Island)
Regional Grievance and Adjudicatory Authority
Region 4A National Board of Trustees
2nd Special Meeting
Chairman Bro. Francis Azucena Fernandina 88 Suites Hotel, P. Tuazon Boulevard Cubao,
Quezon City, Philippines
Member Sis Mercedes Duran November 23, 2019
Member Bro Francisco L
ARE Bro Nilo de Jesus Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-042
Chairman Sis Rein Bumbay Decena A resolution authorizing approving Region IV-A as co-host with
Member Bro Arnel Trinidad the APO Philippines, Inc. in the 2020 Annual General Assembly
Member Bro Earl Agudo including the appointments of the 2020 General Assembly
Member Committee Chairman and Members
Region III Bro Joel Raner Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-043
Grievance Chairman: A resolution confirming the Presidential Appointments as
Regional COME of Region VI National Legal Counsel
Bro. Atty. Krunimar Antonio D. Escudero, III
Chairman: Bro Stephen Ortencio NLC for Mindanao
Bro. Atty. George Lyndon Cordero
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-033 NLC for Luzon
A Resolution Honoring Brother Mohammad Norodin Pendosina Bro. Atty. Fortunato Guerrero
Lomondot as newly appointed Philippine Ambassador to
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-034 Committee on Election Committee Members
A Board Resolution compelling all recognized AAs to seek a Bro. Atty. Rhoderick Paz Caraig (Iota Eta)
BR from APO PH to use the name Alpha Phi Omega and its Bro. Atty. Jose Pocholo Del Rosario (Eta)
symbols if they are going to register to the SEC. Bro. Nilo B. Flores (Gamma Xi)
Sis. Elize Gonzales (Pi)
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-035 Sis. Venue de Vera (Kappa Alpha)
A Resolution informing the Securities and Exchange Bro. John Wilbur Oliveros (Beta)
Commission not to grant SEC registration to any entity Bro. Charles Adam Chico (Omicron) member/Secretary
using the name Alpha Phi Omega without the expressed
endorsement and consent of APO Philippines, Incorporated. Committee on International Relations Member
Sis. Edna Navallo-Corpuz (Eta)
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-036
A Resolution authorizing the National President to write a Committee on Audit Member
letter to ISFS for a meeting dialogue with NP, NEVP and Vice Sis. Rosalinda Aquilizan (Beta Beta)
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-037 Administrative Region of North America Interim Officers
A Resolution confirming the appointment of Sis Judge Alice
Gutierrez to Chair the Reference Committee and its members Regional Director BRO. ARTURO G. CRISTOBAL, JR.
Atty Karlo Nicolas and Atty. Don Kapunan
Deputy Regional Director BRO. DENNIS O. VILLANUEVA
Section 1 Chairman-North East Canada BRO. ROBERT REYES
Section 2 Chairman-North East USA BRO. LEMUEL CONRAD DC. BAÑAGA
Section 4 Chairman BRO. PETER M. ANGELO
Section 5 Chairman BRO. NICODEMUS C. SANCHEZ
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-038 Section 7 Chairman BRO. RENATO A. ALUMPE
A Resolution giving citation to the Brothers and Sisters who
Interim Section Chair of Nevada Area BRO. KARIM AZAR A. GRAJO
Torch & Trefoil, January 2020 | 49
Report BRO. RENNEL ATIENZA awarding the highest Presidential Service Award.
Official Representative SIS. FELVIC ADRIATICO National Board of Trustees
External Relations Chair 3rd Special Meeting
Acropolis North Water Camp & Country Club, Cabanatuan City
National Dental Team December 21, 2019
Bro. Dr. Roderick Arriola
Bro.Dr. Guillermo Mata Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-052
Sis Elza Zivellena (Epsilon Omicron) A resolution approving the release of the amount of one
Sis Cristina Castillo (Epsilon Omicron) hundred thirty thousand for the APO Fun Run Activity on June
20, 2020 and directing the co-chairman and president, Bro
Disaster Response Training Committee Members Rommel Santiago to account for, reimburse, return, and turn
Bro. Jansen T. Lim, RN, RMT (Delta Beta) over the proceeds to the National Office
Bro. Ireneo Ferrer (Epsilon Omicron)
Bro. Myron Panlilio (Beta Tau)
Bro. Frenjamin De Gracia (Epsilon Omicron)
CALABARZON Regional Advisor Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-053
Bro. Mario Santos A resolution waiving the bond for the 2020 Non Election Year
Annual General Assembly
Bro. Rommel Santiago Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-054
A resolution approving the theme, the release of cash advance
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-044 and Official Receipts and the solicitation subject to the usual
A resolution adopting the institutionalized programs of auditing procedures for the Annual General Assembly
Development Year 20117-2019 for DY 2019-2021
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-055
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-045 A resolution approving the 8th Alumni Congress
A resolution authorizing the National President to use the name
of APO Philippines, Inc in the 1st APO Golf Tournament for DY Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-056
2019-2021 as APO Philippines Inc. 1st NP (Tatang) Cup and A resolution confirming Bro. Remer Orlanda as member of the
defining the proceeds thereof Committee on the Disaster Response Team
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-046 Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-057
A resolution appointing Bro. Rommel Santiago as co chairman A resolution re-naming the committee on disaster
and the President for the APO Fun Run-Fund Raising Activity preparedness as Disaster Assistance and Response Committee
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-047 Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-058
A resolution authorizing the National President to enter into a
contract with Green Media Production purposely for the APO A resolution creating the Review Committee on Rituals
Fun Run-Fund Raising Activity
and Ceremonies and appointment of Committee Chair and
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-048
A resolution allocating a budget amounting to Seventy members, thereof
Thousand Pesos (Php 70,000.00) to be used as down payment
for the purchase of materials for the APO Fun Run Activity and Chairman Bro. Ernesto A. Alcanzare
directing the co-chairman and president, Bro Rommel Santiago
to account for, reimburse, return, and turn over the proceeds to Member Sis. Alpha Dasmariñas
the National Office
Member Sis. Evelyn C. Evangelio
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-049
A resolution authorizing the APO Runners to use the name
Alpha Phi Omega Phils., Inc and its insignias and symbols in all
its activities
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-050
A resolution relaxing the 6 months requirements to 3 months
for all recognized Basic Organizational Units (Collegiate
Chapters and Alumni Associations) to submit their official
delegates for the May 2020 Annual General Assembly on or
before 14 February 2020
Board Resolution No. 2019-2021-051
A resolution commending the heroism of Philippine Coast
Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Bro Ralpha Barajan of PC108
(Holy Name University, Bohol) for singlehandedly rescuing
over 60 lives during the sinking of MV Princess Siargao, and
50 | Torch & Trefoil, January 2020