Number the Stars
By: Braden Friece
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
In some countries around the world the government is
called a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, one person or a small
group of people have complete control of the country. In many
cases the military enforces the control. If a person does not
follow the rules, they may be arrested, threatened, scared, or
tortured. The citizens of that country are not allowed to talk or
act against the dictatorship. A person can be rewarded if they
tell the dictatorship about other people who are against the
Interpretive Question: How does the dictatorship
system of government in the story affect Pedro, his
family, and the citizens it governs?
R Restate the Question (green) Mrs. Rodriguez’s Example
- Read the question or prompt In the book, The Composition,
- Underline keywords Pedro, his family, and their entire
- Rewrite the question as a community are negatively affected by
statement using your own words the dictatorship government. One
example from the text of the problems
A Answer the Question (green) that the dictatorship caused can be
- Answer the question found on page 8. Don Daniel was
*If there is more that one part of dragged down the street by two men
the question, make sure to answer who were “pointing machine guns at
ALL parts. him.” This clearly shows that the
dictatorship is treating the people in
C Cite Evidence (yellows) the community poorly by threatening
- Use evidence from the text to them with weapons. Pedro’s parents
support your answer. lived in fear that they would be caught
-Include both paraphrased going against the government. They
evidence and direct quotes had to turn their radio down very low
so that they wouldn’t be caught
Possible evidence starters: listening. Pedro’s mom was so scared
According to the text… that she “cried silently at the table.”
For example… This is further evidence that the
On page ___ it says… government was making the people
Further support can be found... live in fear and even their daily tasks
In the article/ chapter it states... are being impacted. Finally, Pedro
himself was negatively affected by the
E Explain (reds) government. He was put in the
- Explain how each piece of text position of having to lie on his
evidence supports your answer. composition so that his parents
wouldn’t be caught. The dictatorship
Possible explain starters: tried to turn children against their
This clearly shows that… own parents. Obviously, the
This means that… dictatorship created fear and
This further supports the idea that… hardships for everyone that Pedro was
close to in his life.
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Building Background
World War II and
the Holocaust
Learning Target: I can provide a summary of the text that
includes the main ideas and key details, as well as other
important information.
Summary of the article:
The article “World War II and the Holocaust” shows
how Adolf Hitler set out to rule the world. He came into power
in 1933 and began to promote and encourage harassment.
Starting in 1941, Jewish people were taken to camps. In
these camps over 1000 died. He joined forces with France
and Britain. When Britain bombed Pearl Harbor on January 7,
1941, the United States entered the war and fought against
the England powers until 1945 when the war ended.
Building Background
Learning Target: I can explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a
historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific
information in the text.
How have underground movements affected events
throughout history? A war which was Was the
between the Nazies largest
Underground and Amarica armed
Railroad conflict in
Where Underground World
slaves Movements War II
went to
escape Not a real
slavery railroad
Building Background
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more
characters, settings, or events in a story, drawing on specific
details in the text.
Background of this Story:
“For centuries, the Star of David was a symbol of Jewish
pride. But during World War II, Nazis used the Star to
segregate and terrorize the Jewish people. Except in
Denmark. When Nazi soldiers occupied his country, King
Christian X of Denmark committed himself to keeping all
Danes safe from harm. The bravery of the Danes and their
king has inspired many legends. The most enduring is the
legend of the yellow star, which symbolizes the loyalty and
fearless spirit of the king and his people.”
Source: Peachtree Publishers
Interpretive Question: How did King Christian X’s
response to the yellow Star order in the story
affect the citizens of Denmark?
R Restate the Question (green) Team Response:
- Read the question or prompt In the book The Yellow Star Kin
- Underline keywords Christian X’s response to the yellow
- Rewrite the question as a order in the story negatively affecte
statement using your own words citizens of Denmark. King Christian
response to the yellow star is he ma
A Answer the Question (green) Jews wear a yellow star. One examp
- Answer the question is when the Nazi’s knew all the Jews
*If there is more that one part of wearing the yellow star so they took
the question, make sure to answer away. They did this because the Na
ALL parts. like the Jews so they took them awa
example is when King Christen put
C Cite Evidence (yellows) star on his chest.He did this becaus
- Use evidence from the text to Nazi’s couldn’t take anyone else aw
support your answer. everyone was going to wear a yellew
-Include both paraphrased an example is King Christen put a s
evidence and direct quotes their chest as well as the town’s peo
help the Jews and to risk them self’
Possible evidence starters: this because they wanted peace and
According to the text… yellow star was suppost to stand for
For example… and hope. This proves that King Ch
On page ___ it says… response to the yellow star order in
Further support can be found... negatively affected the citizens of D
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Number the
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 1
How are the characters’ lives
different than ours?
R Restate the Question (green) The characters lives are
- Read the question or prompt different than ours. The
- Underline keywords characters in the book lives are
- Rewrite the question as a different than ours because we
statement using your own words don’t have soldiers on the
steets.In the book it says”Halte!
A Answer the Question (green) The soldier ordered in a stern
- Answer the question voice.”We don’t have soldiers
*If there is more that one part of the on the streets giving children
question, make sure to answer ALL orders. We also don’t have
parts. soldiers carrying rifles.In the text
it says”And it meant two rifles,
C Cite Evidence (yellows) gripped in the hands of the
- Use evidence from the text to soldiers.” Lastly, in the book it
support your answer. says”He prodded the corner of
-Include both paraphrased her backpack with the stock of
evidence and direct quotes his rifle.” Now soldiers don’t go
and tap kids backpacks with
Possible evidence starters: rifles. This evidence proves that
According to the text… the characters lives are different
For example… than ours in many ways.
On page ___ it says…
Further support can be found...
In the article/ chapter it states...
E Explain (reds)
- Explain how each piece of text
evidence supports your answer.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 2
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
My thought’s for how the picture relates to the chapter is the story
Annemarie told Kirsty a story about a king. It says” Once apon a
time there was a king”. It also says” And a queen. They lived
together in a wonderful palace”. In that picture it shows a king and
a queen. That is how this picture relates to this chapter.
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 3
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords “Now I think all of Denmark
- Rewrite the question as a must be the bodyguard for
statement using your own words the Jews as well.” What does
A Answer the Question (green) this mean?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of Respon
the question, make sure to answer What it means for all of D
ALL parts. bodyguard for the Jews as well
Denmark protected the Jews
C Cite Evidence (yellows) could get taken away and they
- Use evidence from the text to they don’t take them away. T
support your answer. were protecting the Jews becau
-Include both paraphrased the people of Denmark were
evidence and direct quotes shown when the Johansen’s
Hirsch which owned a store g
Possible evidence starters: Jewish and the Johansen’s wer
According to the text… why all of Denmark must be th
For example… is when the kids were worri
On page ___ it says… neighbors that were Jewish
Further support can be found... Johansen’ s were worried that
In the article/ chapter it states... affected because she is Jewish
why all of Denmark must be
E Explain (reds) Jews is because many people
- Explain how each piece of text with some of the Jews. I say
evidence supports your answer. eachother and they are on the
proves that all of Denmark m
Possible explain starters: the Jews as well.
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 4
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
This picture relates to the chapter because it says. “Kristy drew herself up,
her small shoulders stiff. I did to she said belligerently. It was my birthday. I woke up
in the night and I could hear the booms. And there were lights in the sky. Mama said
it was fireworks for my birthday!” With this it says there were fireworks (that were not
real fireworks) and in the picture it shows fireworks. This is how the picture relates to
the chapter.
Learning Target: I can compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or
events in a story, drawing on specific details in the text.
Chapter 5
Compare and contrast the Danish Citizens and Nazis.
The first attribute has been chosen for you. Choose at
least two additional attributes to compare.
Danish Attributes Nazi Soldiers
Citizens Being
The Nazi soldiers do
The Danish citizens Compared not like the Jews and
do Like the Jews and they are serious and
Feelings about the
think they are nice Jewish people don’t want them
and friendly. around.
The Danish Citizens If they are The Nazi soldiers are
are really nice and really strict and they
kind to others. friendly are not very nice.
The Danish citizens What they normally The Nazi soldiers
just do what people do in the day. stand on the streets
in gear and carrying
normally do rifles trying to find
Jewish people.
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and whendrawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 6
How does this picture relate to the chapter?
My Thoughts:
Inthe book, number the stars, the picture relates to the chapter because in the book
it says,”I’m sending Inge with you today with the children, and she will be bringing
you a carton of cigarettes. Yes just one he said, after a moment.” that is how the
picture relates to the chapter.
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Chapter 7-8
How does war change people?
R Why?
C Restate the Question (green)
E - Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words
Answer the Question (green) War changes people. War
- Answer the question changes people because it makes
*If there is more that one part of them mad and frustrated. War
the question, make sure to answer changes people because they are just
ALL parts. thinking about the war and it makes
people furious and also when a
Cite Evidence (yellows) relative or someone in your family or
- Use evidence from the text to one of your friends die. I say this
support your answer. because the title of chapter eight is
-Include both paraphrased There Has Been a Death and this
evidence and direct quotes shows how war can change you
because of someone dying. Another
Possible evidence starters: way war can change people is because
According to the text… war is not something you want to get
For example… into. This is because you might not
On page ___ it says… think about what you are doing in
Further support can be found... war. You could just be killing innocent
In the article/ chapter it states... people. The last reason why war
changes people is because people
Explain (reds) might be mean or kill innocent
- Explain how each piece of text citizens. I say this because in war you
evidence supports your answer. don’t think that some people from the
other country/country’s you are
Possible explain starters: fighting could be harmless and could
This clearly shows that… just be citizens that don’t want to be in
This means that… war. This proves that war changes
This further supports the idea that… people.
Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 9-10
Compare and contrast Mama and
Annemarie and how they faced the
challenges when the German soldiers
came to the “funeral.”
Mama Attributes Annemarie
Mama felt scared that How were they Annemarie was
the soldiers were feeling feeling sad because it
there listening from
out the window. says on page 86 it
(Page 86) says she cried.
Mama is scared Were they brave Annemarie was brave
because she thinks because on page 75
the soldiers would and 76 it shows that
catch them lying she is not very
about Great aunt scared.
Mama was smart How smart were they Annemarie was very
because she lied to smart because when
Annemarie and said the soldier asked her
great aunt Birte died who died she lied and
and she was real. said great aunt Birte.
This is smart so
Annemarie couldn’t
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 11
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords When is telling the truth
- Rewrite the question as a important? When is not
statement using your own words
telling the truth important?
A Answer the Question (green) Telling the truth is really importa
- Answer the question sometimes there are things when
*If there is more that one part of should lie. One example of when
the question, make sure to answer should lie is when Annemarie lied
ALL parts. soldier about her friend Ellen
Annemarie didn’t do this Ellen w
C Cite Evidence (yellows) not be her friend and Ellen wou
- Use evidence from the text to taken away. One example why
support your answer. shouldn’t lie is because if you get
-Include both paraphrased you would get in even bigger tro
evidence and direct quotes then you would have been in. Th
because if you lied to your parents
Possible evidence starters: something you shouldn’t have ch
According to the text… are you will get caught. The last r
For example… that sometimes you shouldn’t te
On page ___ it says… truth all the time is if you don’t
Further support can be found... someone's clothes or hair cut it wo
In the article/ chapter it states... rude to say you didn’t like it so
should lie and say you do like it
E Explain (reds) should do this because it might
- Explain how each piece of text there feelings or they might not w
evidence supports your answer. be your friend anymore. This p
why telling the truth is importan
Possible explain starters: sometimes you should lie.
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Learning Target: I can determine a theme of a story, from details in the text,
including how characters in a story respond to challenges.
Chapter 12-13
How does this text relate to Number the stars and
particularly Annemarie in chapter 13?
My Thoughts:
(Can be expressed in bulleted points or paragraph form)
I think the text The Man In The Red Bandanna relates to Annemarie in
chapter 13 because she was really brave just like the man in the red bandanna.
Also I think it relates to Annmarie because they acted like they were not
scared and was calm. Also I think they relate because they both saved
people’s lives. They saved people’s lives because in the book the man in the
red bandanna he saved a lot of people’s lives and in number the stars
Annemarie saved her friend Ellen’s life. This shows that Annmarie and the man
in the red bandanna relate.
Learning Target: I can quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
R Restate the Question (green) Chapter 14-15
A - Read the question or prompt
C - Underline keywords What is the author’s purpose of
- Rewrite the question as a including the story of Little
E statement using your own words Red Riding Hood during
S Annemarie’s run through the
Answer the Question (green) forest?
- Answer the question
*If there is more that one part of I think the author has a purpo
the question, make sure to answer little red riding hood when Annem
ALL parts. through the woods. I think one rea
this in the story when Annemarie
Cite Evidence (yellows) woods is because little red riding h
- Use evidence from the text to woods and then the wolf tries to st
support your answer. I think this relates because Annem
-Include both paraphrased the woods and little red riding hoo
evidence and direct quotes woods so this is one reason why I t
reason why I think it relates is bec
Possible evidence starters: red riding hood both ran through
According to the text… because they both got chased into
For example… they both ended up in the woods f
On page ___ it says… last reason why I think the author
Further support can be found... was great thinking because tit rela
In the article/ chapter it states... relates to the book well because bo
and Annemarie had about the sam
Explain (reds) author was really smart by adding
- Explain how each piece of text proves the author put thought and
evidence supports your answer. in the book.
Possible explain starters:
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously
Chapter 16-17 and
Why does the author include the
“Afterword?” Why is it important
to read the afterword, especially
in historical fiction books?
R Restate the Question (green)
- Read the question or prompt
- Underline keywords
- Rewrite the question as a
statement using your own words
A Answer the Question (green) It is important to read the
- Answer the question afterword in many ways. One way y
*If there is more that one part of should read the afterword is because
the question, make sure to answer you never know what is going to be
ALL parts. it and it says a lot of interesting
information. Authors don’t just mak
C Cite Evidence (yellows) afterwords so nobody reads them
- Use evidence from the text to they make it to let the reader have
support your answer. more information. Another reason i
-Include both paraphrased is important to read the afterword is
evidence and direct quotes because they give you a lot of
information that you probably did
Possible evidence starters: not know before you read it. The
According to the text… author purposly is telling you these
For example… things in the afterword so that you
On page ___ it says… can know more information about
Further support can be found... the topic. The last reason why it is
In the article/ chapter it states... important to read the afterword is
because the author is giving you this
E Explain (reds) information and is expecting the
- Explain how each piece of text readers to read it. Trust me if you
evidence supports your answer. have never read the afterwords then
think you should start. This is why I
Possible explain starters: think it is important to read the
This clearly shows that…
This means that…
This further supports the idea that…
S Sum it Up (green)
- Conclude your answer
- Link back to the topic sentence
using different words
Possible summary starters:
Clearly Definitely Certainly
To sum up In fact Obviously