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Published by najihahabdullah6, 2023-02-01 08:56:01

THESIS 204162

THESIS 204162

6 NDIX A m Pusat Perbadanan Putrajaya (2022a). pH D.O. (mg/l) Cond. (µS/cm) 7.45 5.82 86.0 7.10 5.85 91.9 6.79 6.85 126.2 7.50 5.90 70.0 7.03 5.74 75.2 7.20 6.61 130.0 7.60 7.12 82.0 6.82 3.08 95.5 6.98 4.93 124.5

77 APPENDIX B Density of microalgae found in UE3, UE1 and UN1A in July 2022. Species Mean density (cells/mL) UE3 (Site 1) UE1 (Site 2) UN1A (Site 3) Anabaena sp. 100 0 0 Ankistrodesmus sp. 0 33 0 Chlamydomonas sp. 22 11 0 Chlorella sp. 133 33 67 Euglena sp. 44 0 22 Microcystis sp. 144 111 122 Navicula sp. 0 0 44 Nitzschia sp. 22 11 22

78 APPENDIX C Density of microalgae found in UE3, UE1 and UN1A in August 2022. Species Mean density (cells/mL) UE3 (Site 1) UE1 (Site 2) UN1A (Site 3) Actinastrum sp. 22 11 0 Ankistrodesmus sp. 22 11 0 Chlamydomonas sp. 67 11 0 Chlorella sp. 33 11 0 Closterium sp. 11 0 0 Euglena sp. 11 0 0 Microcystis sp. 489 2456 389 Navicula sp. 56 0 0 Nitzschia sp. 178 44 0 Oocystis sp. 0 11 0 Pediastrum sp. 11 0 0 Phacus sp. 56 11 0 Phytoconis sp. 33 0 0 Scenedesmus sp. 56 11 0 Tabellaria sp. 11 0 0 Tetraedron sp. 0 11 0

79 APPENDIX D Density of microalgae found in UE3, UE1 and UN1A in September 2022. Species Density (cells/mL) UE3 (Site 1) UE1 (Site 2) UN1A (Site 3) Anabaena sp. 0 0 11 Ankistrodesmus sp. 22 22 0 Aphanocapsa sp. 67 0 33 Chlamydomonas sp. 44 0 0 Chlorella sp. 11 0 0 Eudorina sp. 22 0 0 Euglena sp. 78 0 0 Gomphosphaeria sp. 11 0 0 Gyrosigma sp. 11 0 11 Micrasterias sp. 33 0 0 Microcystis sp. 2311 3333 89 Navicula sp. 11 0 22 Neochloris sp. 44 0 0 Oocystis sp. 11 0 0 Phytoconis sp. 11 0 0 Pinnularia sp. 11 0 0 Scenedesmus sp. 11 0 0 Tetraedron sp. 11 11 0 Westella sp. 0 0 11

80 APPENDIX E One Way ANOVA ANOVA Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Concentration of Nitrate Between Groups 366.355 8 45.794 27.196 0.000 Within Groups 30.310 18 1.684 Total 396.665 26 Concentration of Phosphate Between Groups 0.508 8 0.063 11.703 0.000 Within Groups 0.098 18 0.005 Total 0.605 26 Concentration of Ammonia Between Groups 0.202 8 0.025 1.376 0.271 Within Groups 0.330 18 0.018 Total 0.532 26 Temperature Between Groups 37.768 8 4.721 15.699 0.000 Within Groups 5.413 18 0.301 Total 43.180 26 pH Between Groups 0.212 8 0.026 0.595 0.769 Within Groups 0.801 18 0.044 Total 1.013 26 Dissolved Oxygen Between Groups 6.903 8 0.863 1.292 0.308 Within Groups 12.019 18 0.668 Total 18.921 26 Light Intensity Between Groups 13384166.157 8 1673020.770 33.097 0.000 Within Groups 909892.583 18 50549.588 Total 14294058.741 26 Conductivity Between Groups 2952.000 8 369.000 3.323 0.016 Within Groups 1998.667 18 111.037 Total 4950.667 26 Cyanophyceae Between Groups 34815.713 8 4351.964 9.220 0.000 Within Groups 8496.583 18 472.032 Total 43312.296 26

81 Chlorophyceae Between Groups 199.667 8 24.958 1.790 0.145 Within Groups 251.000 18 13.944 Total 450.667 26 Trebouxiophyceae Between Groups 35.269 8 4.409 0.839 0.581 Within Groups 94.583 18 5.255 Total 129.852 26 Euglenophyceae Between Groups 23.185 8 2.898 3.726 0.010 Within Groups 14.000 18 0.778 Total 37.185 26 Bacillariophyceae Between Groups 76.380 8 9.547 1.019 0.456 Within Groups 168.583 18 9.366 Total 244.963 26

82 APPENDIX F Rainfall intensity on selected sites in Putrajaya from July to September 2022.

83 Rainfall intensity on selected sites in Putrajaya from July to September 2022. (Continued)

84 Rainfall intensity on selected sites in Putrajaya from July to September 2022 (Continued)

85 PROFILE OF STUDENT Nur Najihah Abdullah was born on 20th March 2000 in Kulim, Kedah. She received her primary education at Sekolah Kebangsaan Air Merah, Kulim, Kedah (2007-2012). Then, she continued her secondary education at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultan Badlishah, Kulim, Kedah (2013-2017). Later, she further her study in Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor for a year. She continued her study in Degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology with Education (Honours) also in Universiti Putra Malaysia (2019-2023). During her studies in Universiti Putra Malaysia, she was actively participating in many programmes associates with culture and arts. She held a position as Culture and Arts Secretariat of the College Representative Council for 2021/2023 in her college and actively managing the student activities in the college. In 2022, she also participated in Malaysian Universities Cultural Council Theatre Festival.

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