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Junior Chamber International, commonly referred to as JCI, is a non-profit international non-governmental organization of young people between 18 and 40 years old. It has members in about 124 countries, and regional or national organizations in most of them.

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Published by 葉佩汶, 2024-03-30 13:22:58

JCI JB 1st Quater E Newsetter

Junior Chamber International, commonly referred to as JCI, is a non-profit international non-governmental organization of young people between 18 and 40 years old. It has members in about 124 countries, and regional or national organizations in most of them.

Keywords: JCI JB,JCI,Enewsletter,1st quater

Committed to making a positive impact in Johor Bahru. Blossom Into Your Best New Term 2024 1st Quater E-Newsletter Join us in creating a better future together! Includes impactful community initiatives and a business workshop. Learders STAY TUNED FOR ENGAGING EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES.

E-NEWSLETTER HIGHTLIGHT-COMMUNITY SERVICE IS THE BEST WORK OF LIFE The Place for Ewaste 2.0 has started JCI JOHOR BAHRU HILIGHT LIGHT- FUN IN JCI JOHOR BAHRU BLOSSOM INTO YOUR BEST 1st Quater Jan - March 2024 JCIJohor Bahru 22 members Worldwide bloom in taiwan

JCI CREED, MISSION & VISION WE BELIEVE: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. JCI MISSION JCI VISION To provide leadership development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change. To be the foremost global network of young leaders. “Blossom Into Your Best”

TIME MANAGEMENT: Members and board directors in JCI must learn to manage their time efficiently, allocating time to work management while contributing. I am grateful for the opportunity to work actively and unitedly with the board members in handling affairs in the first quarter. Over the past three months, we have learned to allocate our work time effectively, making our leisure time more meaningful and purposeful. JCI is a platform for learning, where we enhance leadership skills and qualities. An excellent leader possesses various attributes: TASK ASSIGNMENT: EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND MEETING : MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT AS I TAKE ON THE ROLE OF PRESIDENT... Assigning tasks appropriately to the right individuals is a crucial skill for leaders. This enhances work efficiency and strengthens team capabilities. Effective communication is essential for task execution. Teams require constant communication and coordination to reach consensus. In JCI, we conduct numerous meetings, necessitating learning effective meeting strategies to save time and ensure smooth proceedings. Since January, we have discussed effective meeting models, analyzed board reports, and refined agenda processes to address and optimize every detail. Lastly, I've realized that "a group can go farther together." Influencing others requires leading by example to impact more people around us. This enables us to collectively solve problems and face future challenges with greater strength.

RAYZ TAN (1 YEAR MEMBER) LEADERS FROM JCI JOHOR BAHRU QISTINE TOONG (1 YEAR MEMBER) 开始JCI 是被感染,然后好奇!后来就很多 的protocol要求,就想搞懂!渐渐了解与悟 到后就采⽤在个⼈⽣意上,这也帮助了我在 内⾏以外找到不同⽅法和灵感!学习新的协 议和了解⼯作流程确实可以拓展思维,让⼈ 在处理事务时更加灵活。这种开放的⼼态和 求知欲是⾮常有价值的。 俗语说得好‘读万眷书,不如⾛千⾥路’。 参加JCI也很开⼼结识了很多朋友,与学习 对象!在做有意义的社区服务过程种,学习 改变⾃⼰,还收获了很多友情。 WHY YOU JOIN JCI ? 对我⽽⾔,JCI JOHOR BAHRU就像是我另⼀个 ⼤家庭。加⼊了JCI JOHOR BAHRU后,我领悟 要把“⼈”做好这件事是⾮常重要的。我想学习⼈ 与⼈的相处之道。在这⾥的每⼀位优秀的领导和 家⼈们,他们⾮常乐意以及⽆私的分享,带领我 学习不同的知识和加强了我各⽅⾯的能⼒。同时 给予了很多机会提升以及解锁不同的技能。 在JCI JOHOR BAHRU, 充满爱和温暖,加⼊了 这个⼤家庭,不⽌帮助了我做出改变,也间接帮 助到我的企业有了提升和改进。 感恩JCI JOHOR BAHRU的2023和2024的会 ⻓,你们感染了我,让我体悟到⾃⾝该履⾏的社 会责任,并且学到了如何把⾃⼰的⻆⾊做好。 倘若⼈不变则万事难变, 若愿意改变则万事得愿。

李坚持校⻓ PRINCIPAL LEE TESTIMONIAL FROM RETIRED PRICAIPAL WHAT IS THE IMPRESSIONS OF JCI JB ? 我与新⼭国际⻘商会JCIJB会⻓叶佩汶的邂逅,可以从去年6⽉说起。 还记得那⼀天,佩汶通过whatsapp联络我,先⾃我介绍,然后问我是否可以协助处理⼀则 JCIJB的环保活动新闻,⾝为报章通讯员的我,欣然答应了。 过后,佩汶陆续把JCIJB在新⼭和巴西古当的⼏所学校办的电⼦废料E-waste回收的活动资讯 传给我,我也和乐意继续为JCIJB发送新闻给报馆,我也为能够为环保活动尽⼀份⼒⽽感到欣慰。 在我的引介之下,佩汶率领⼀组JCIJB的⻘商们⽇前到哥打丁宜新哥打学校进⾏⼀个E-Waste回 收讲座,让我有机会与佩汶⾯对⾯交换意⻅,之前都是通过whatsapp 联络的。 经过和佩汶交流之后,我有⼀些感想: *JCIJB通过学校提升师⽣对电⼦废料的环保意识,令学校校⻓、副校⻓、⽼师和学⽣都深表赞赏。 *JCIJB领导⼈佩汶年纪轻,活⼒充沛,⼈⽣资历丰富,⻅闻⼴阔,⾔语⻛趣幽默,⽤词很有智慧, 我感觉到她的才⼲与⻛范可以媲美学校的领导⼈。 *佩汶由于曾经接受过领导⼈培训课程,因此懂得与不同年龄层的⼈⼠交流。感觉年轻的佩汶与已经 在教育界退休的我没有代沟,⼀⻅如故,有共同的话题,除了说⻘商会、也谈环保和学校与教育。 感觉佩汶知识渊博,有领导⼈的稳重⻛范,分析现今JCI所推动的重点项⽬E-waste, 很有条 理,让我有清晰的概念,也深深感觉到,JCIJB⾸创先河,把E-waste回收的环保概念引介到学校, 是与时并进的,有远⻅的策略。 我对于佩汶和她的年轻的团队寄以厚望,深信在她领导之下,这个优秀的团队,将能在各校有 效地推动E-waste 回收活动,提升学校教师、学⽣,乃⾄家⻓的电⼦废料环保意识,从⽽为社会和国 家作出贡献。 ⽂题:《我所认识的JCIJB领导⼈叶佩汶》 作者:李坚持LEE GIN CHEE (退休华⽂⼩学校⻓,现任星洲⽇报通讯员)

JCI Johor Bahru E-Newsletter Hightlight To provide the students with a deeper understanding of e-waste, we offered them a hands-on experience with touching electronic waste. "The Place For EWaste" at S.J.K(C) Cheah Fah. This students actively and joyfully participated in the event. More than 600+ teachers and student involved. Vol .01 Newsletter Objective Impactful Project Total of numbers

JCI Johor Bahru E-Newsletter Hightlight who sponsored JCI Johor Bahru with 1000 boxes of presents worth RM 100K for all the ewaste recycling collaboration schools JCI Johor Bahru continue to delvelop into schools and communities to raise awareness and concern for electronic environmental protection. Vol .01 Newsletter Thanks to Our Sponsor Impactful Project Total number of schools we delivered: 6 Total of students involved : 9500+

JCI Johor Bahru E-Newsletter Hightlight Empowering young leaders to create positive change. THE PLACE FOR E-WASTE AWAIRENESS TALK Focused on education for cutting CO2 emissions, the project collaborates with schools for E-Waste Sharing talks and recycling activities. PROMOTES HEALTH, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, AND SDGS.

E-NEWSLETTER HIGHTLIGHT ----FLY TO TAIWAN Visiting the sister chapter in Taiwan - JCI New Taipei Welcome Dinner Provided us with opportunities to learn and inspire each other, fostering cross-cultural understanding. Totaling 22 participant and BOD from JCI Johor Bahru - Malaysia

Production of a New Year song music video (MV) in Taiwan. E-NEWSLETTER HIGHTLIGHT ----FLY TO TAIWAN Board of director 2 ways communication effective meeting. IAB JCI New Taipei Fully JCIM batik dress code in Taiwan ceremony.

"Leading with Value". Big shoutout to our National President Bruce Ban and our special guest, JCI Vice President Anirudh Sistla, for sharing their insights on what these values mean to them! Wonderful 2024 JCI Malaysia Leadership Summit! Our JCI Johor Bahru Local President Vynn Yap Pui Voon and Local Secretary Han Hui Min were there, this gives us a clear picture of where JCI Malaysia is headed.

Exciting times ahead as 12 of our JCI Johor Bahru Board of Directors and members participating in the Area Central South Academy! We enjoy participating in activities! We work hard to contribute to our performance. We fight for the honor of the group! We all In 2024! JCI Malaysia Area Central South Academy: Lead with Unity

Full EXCO team from JCI Johor Bahru visited ROY in Putrajaya A pleasure meeting Puan Siti Nazariah, cawangan penyelarasan dan pemantauan, and her team. Grateful for ROY's dedication and professionalism in assisting the submission process.

JCI Johor Bahru Represents at the 2024 JCIM ACS Recruitment & Retention Workshop South Edition! Our BODs absorbed valuable knowledge and learned cuttingedge strategies for member engagement and retention.

2024 JCIM ACS Media Visitation 2.0 5/2/2024 Media Visitation Shop Now A sincere thank you to JCIM Area Central South, lead by our 2024 JCIM National Executive Vice President, JCI Senator Stev Yong for orchestrating an enriching Media Visitation event, bringing together eight vibrant local organizations from the heart of Johor: ACS

2024 JCIM CYEA Press Conference Shop Now Grand Launching of 2024 JCI Creative Young Entrepreneurs Award Press Conference We are thrilled to extend an invitation to the official launch of the 2024 JCI Creative Young Entrepreneurs Award press conference. This event promises to unveil a new wave of dynamic, innovative entrepreneurs who are reshaping industries and driving positive change.

Courtesy Visit toYB Andrew Chen This significant occasion Office allowed our local organization from Johor area to present their planning projects in Year 2024. JCI Johor Bahru proudly showcased impactful projects "The Place for E-waste 2.0" and "Trend to Change" at the Adun Office (Yang Berhormat Tuan Andrew Chen), Member of the Johor State Legislative Assembly for Stulang,Johor Bahru. Shop Now

Courtesy Visit to YBLing Office It is our pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet with Yang Berhormat Tuan Ling Tian Soon, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kesihatan dan Alam Sekitar Negeri Johor and also Member of the Johor State Executive Council to discuss our impactful project, "The Place for E-Waste," and our project of JCI Malaysia, CYEA award. We are looking forward to further collaboration and contributing to the betterment of community. Shop Now

Shop Now Shop Now JCIMNVP Dialogue He provided valuable insights into the direction of JCI Malaysia, offering clarity on our national organization's goals and strategies. President Vynn Yap also shared JCI Johor Bahru's plan of action, emphasizing alignment with JCI Malaysia's direction. JCI Malaysia National Vice President, assigned to JCI Johor Bahru, JCI Senator David Lim Qi Chong.

Committed one table of participants to support our son chapters' joint IAB event!" What an extraordinary achievement to host the firstever Joint Installation and Awards Banquet (IAB)! This historic moment not only marks a significant milestone for the JCI Local Organizations of JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur, JCI Skudai Baru, JCI Southkey, and JCI Tebrau but also creates an invaluable experience for all participants. ATTENDEES FULLY SUPPORT IN SON CHAPTERS JOINT IAB CONGRATULATION SUCCESSFUL JOINT IAB IN JOHOR Wishing all the best to the Boards of Directors (BODs) as they embark on this exciting new chapter! 1

Reunion Dinner of JCI JB G O O D L U C K I N T H E Y E A R O F T H E ⻰年⼤吉 D R A G O N 2024年 ⻰⻰团员饭 圆满结束啦! The reunion dinner is not only a meal, but also a kind of emotional sustenance. It represents the reunion of family members and symbolizes the hopes and expectations of the new year. Thank you to our sponsor Hock Wong for sponsoring worth over RM800 as a lucky gift.

JCI JB Dragon Year Gathering G O O D L U C K I N T H E Y E A R O F T H E ⻰年⼤吉 D R A G O N 2024年⻰年团圆 ⼤串⻔ 圆满结束啦! Aimed at strengthening the bond between members and visiting the homes of past presidents.

GMM: Colour Castle Battle Paint Ball On a vibrant and adventurous weekend morning, a group of people gathered together and embarked on an intense and thrilling battlefield. GMM: Badminton Day JCI Johor Bahru WE LOOK FORWARD TO MORE SUCH EVENTS IN THE FUTURE, WHERE WE CAN CONTINUE TO UNITE IN SPORTSMANSHIP AND CREATE EVEN MORE CHERISHED MEMORIES TOGETHER!

Trend to Boots 商 Business Workshop Throughout the workshop, we provided opportunities for learning pitching techniques, practical implementation, and strategies for crafting successful pitches in the competitive business arena. THE INAUGURAL SESSION OF OUR BUSINESS WORKSHOP HAS CONCLUDED SUCCESSFULLY! March












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https: / / JCIJB Scan Me! 2024 Local President Vynn Yap Pui Voon 012-712 5365 Imm Past President Clement Lee Shyh Yong 011-1133 8868 Local Secretary Han Hui Min 011-1126 7473 Local Treasurer Kenny Khoo Kwok Kiat 018-782 1201 General Legal Counsel Vicky Pua Kha Ling 012-779 3834 Executive Vice President Max Tan Jia Xiong 017-715 3111 EXCO Team Of JCI Johor Bahru

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