"Creating outstanding and innovative environments for our
people and partners"
Completed project
We are pleased to share our recent
completed project McMillian.
We have a very happy customer who is
excited about using their new space.
CONTENTS Structural Timber Awards - 11
4 Managing Director's Note Celebrating 40 years- 29
5 Welcome To The Team
8 Innovation Awards Meet our Apprentices - 37
12 RIBA London Award
17 Bildeston Village SUMMER CONNECTION | 3
25 Join Our Team
27 Project Feedback
28 Social Media Top 4
31 TMJ Through Time
35 Our Current Projects
42 Site Photos
48 Burger + Beer
As the year reaches its ninth month, I am pleased to note that TMJ has gone from strength to
strength thanks to your hard work, dedication and loyalty. It’s no secret that we had a slow,
challenging start to the year and I, along with the Board had concerns we had set ourselves a
too ambitious target of £34.5m turnover for 2022, however I am pleased to note we are now
making up for lost time and should surpass this target – a record turnover year for TMJ.
Whilst I want to remain positive and I assure you there is lots to be positive about, we are
coming though one of our most difficult times. Along with our slow start to the year, we are also
closing out some of our most challenging projects to date. This combined with material uplifts,
energy and fuel price increases and inflation means that whilst turnover is up, it is proving more
difficult growing our profit margin. Rest assured we are doing everything we can to close these
projects efficiently and make the most of the position we and many businesses find ourselves
We have had a bumper few months in terms of winning work and now have over £20m secured
for 2023. Not only that but we have exceeded all expectations and tendered over £80m of
joinery across one project – whilst we will not secure the whole £80m we have attended two
very successful post bid presentations and should be in line to pick up a portion of this work for
2023,2024 and 2025 – a huge well done to all of you who have been involved to date on this one.
You can read more about this project and more market updates on page 7.
I am still on a high from our 40th birthday celebration. I can’t express how good it was to see so
many familiar faces under one roof not only to celebrate but also raise money for Suffolk Mind
and SULSAR. Turn to page 29 for some highlights from the night.
July marked the introduction of the TMJ Innovation Awards and we’ve already had some great
suggestions that have been implemented. If you do have any ideas surrounding efficiencies /
how we could be doing anything better scan the QR code on page 8 to submit your idea – who
knows you could win a £25 Amazon voucher or even the annual prize of £250.
As you all know we are currently in the midst of a very busy period and I would like to thank you
all for your extra efforts to get projects over the line. We anticipate next year to be busy, which is
fantastic; combine that with the challenging projects behind us, we should be set for an
excellent 2023. Thank you for your continued support.
Adrian Pano Jason McKenzie Tony Ambrose
Site Manager Joiner Trainee Site Manager
Matthew Hartwell Brandon Pullen Nicolaas Leach
Site Manager Joiner/ Improver Design Technician
It was a pleasure to welcome SUMMER CONNECTION | 5
Suffolk Mind and Suffolk Lowland
Search and Rescue to TMJ Interiors
for a cheque presentation.
Each charity received £1,150 from
our belated 40th birthday
celebrations! Thank you for all your
generous donations.
Devonshire House, Mayfair
Value: £3.6m
Job Number: 22-226
Programme: August 2022-November 2022
Main Contractor: ISG
BAIN CAPITAL Architect: TP Bennett
TMJ Team: Tim Coll, Rob Harvey, Jon
Studd, Dec Smith, Stuart Smith, Dave
Robbins, Laura Quick
Scope: Commercial Cat B fit out including:
Doors, ironmongery, reception desk, booth
and banquette seating, tea and copy points,
servery units, coat cupboards, lacquered
and fabric wall panelling, metal trimmed
wall panelling and sanitaryware
Pre Contracts Director
Sarah Warren
You currently can’t pick up a newspaper Whilst the summer normally brings a lull in tender
or switch on the TV without hearing the enquiries, this year bucked the trend. Not only did
word recession, however the good news is we receive more enquiries than normal, we were
that currently quite the opposite is in the midst of pricing over £80m of joinery for a
happening for the construction market. financial client in Canary Wharf. We will not secure
Demand is out waying supply and the the full £80m, however after two very successful
pipeline remains strong. post bid presentations we believe we sit in a
preferable position to win a portion of the
TMJ remain at the forefront of the market and have package. Orders will not be placed until mid-
recently had to make some tough decisions December so keep a look out in the Christmas
surrounding prospective projects and capacity. We Connection for an update.
can’t thank you all enough for your hard work and
dedication to get projects over the line, enabling us to There are lots of projects on the horizon where we
fit in more work. In line with this, we are forecasting have been working closely with the professional
to turnover in excess of £34.5m in 2022 – a record year teams including Capital Group, Google, 81
for TMJ, made even more phenomenal after the slow Newgate Street and Kirkland and Ellis. Hopefully
start. some of these will be live projects for TMJ in the
new year.
2023 doesn’t look like it shows any signs of slowing
down and we have already secured over £20m with an After a very slow start to the year, 2022 is set to
additional £50m tendered awaiting decision. end on a high. TMJ remain the number one choice
for clients and that is down to you. A huge thank
Our target remains to go into 2023 with £30m secured you to you all for your continued support.
for the year and we are on course to hit this.
6 | SUwMwMwER.tmCOjiNntNeEriCoTrsIO.cNom wwwS.tUmMjiMntEeRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION | 7
We continue to receive innovative suggestions for improvements from you so QR links to access the virtual
thank you. To further encourage your contribution we have simplified the suggestion forms:
submission process and are pleased to be introducing a reward scheme. Our aim
is to demonstrate our commitment to business improvement and recognise that Project Delivery
many of the answers to our efficiency and improvement ideas come from you, our
valued team. Our Innovation Award works like this.
1 Submitting an idea couldn't be easier!
2 Using Microsoft Forms with pre-set fields and multiple choice
Paper forms made available
7 day follow up
Every idea will be reviewed
We will acknowledge you within 7 days
We will gather any further info we need
3 Committee Review
2 committees will be set up covering Project Delivery &
Production Introducing the Initial Project Delivery Committee
Every suggestion is considered for implementation (Members change every three months)
Committees will meet every two weeks
A Director and Manager make up the committee Production
4 We'll let you know
The outcome of the committee review
A brief justification of decisions made
A list of all ideas and progress will be available to all
5 Implementation
All successful ideas will be scheduled and
6 Innovation award
A monthly £25.00 voucher award per
committee Introducing the Initial Project Delivery Committee
Award selected at random via a draw of all (Members change every three months)
suggestions put forward to implementation
Instant Awards given for golden nugget ideas
Our commitment to you:
Every suggestion / idea will be reviewed and considered
Our committees will meet at least fortnightly
We will always get back to you with decisions made and publish suggestions, decisions
and implementation progress
Annual Innovation Award
At the end of each year there will be a review of all suggestions considered for
implementation and a generous Innovation award issued to one lucky
Production Innovation Award Draw
Innovation Idea:
Description: Hatched area around the bottom of
Benefit: the lift so pallets are not stored in
front of the lift
This deters the Mill / CNC teams
from storing pallets in the area and
will save idle time in moving
materials aside to gain access.
Kris Bartram, Joiner
Project Delivery Innovation Award Draw
Innovation Idea:
Description: To adjust the door drawing
Benefit: template to capture key
Both Kris and Alex
Prevents information being missed received £25.00 Amazon
in design and prevents re-works
which may be needed. vouchers.
Alex Joughin, Design
Location: 10 Brock Street, London wSwUwM.tMmEwjRiwnCtweO.rNtimoNrjsEin.CctToemIrOioNrs .|c o1m1
Main Contractor: Structuretone
Architect: HLW Architects
TMJ Team: Aspire
The scope was similar to Facebook T2/T3 and included
micro-kitchens and islands, trash cans, copy points,
booths, shelving units, and mother's rooms.
Complete Fixing Solutions Ltd, one of our fixing partners, has
been named a finalist for the Multicultural Apprenticeship
Awards 2022 Employer and Learning Provider Employer of the
Year Award in the Construction Services category.
Winning employers have highlighted their diversity and
inclusion strategies, as well as how they've assisted them in
shaping an inclusive and diverse work environment, as
examples of best practises for other organisations to follow.
The winners will be revealed on November 4th, 2022.
We are delighted to announce that one of our
specialist projects, 1-3 Grosvenor Square, has
been shortlisted as a finalist for Project of the
Year in the Structural Timber Awards.
The Structural Timber Awards truly makes its
mark on the timber industry rewarding
outstanding projects, innovative products and
dynamic people promoting excellence in
structural timber across the UK.
The winners will be revealed on October 12th,
2022. We all have our fingers tightly crossed! SUMMER CONNECTION | 11
Peel Hunt and Pearsons' two
projects, which we had the
pleasure of working on, were
named Project of the Year
Finalists in the Workplace
30,000 - 70,000 sq. category at
We were also shortlisted for
Manufacturer of the Year 2022
for the fifth year consecutive
year. Unfortunately neither us
or our projects won an award it
was great to be finalists.
We are pleased to announce that 100
Liverpool Street, has been recognised by
RIBA London who noted the complexities
involved in delivering a 21st century
Location: 100 Liverpool Street, London
Main Contractor: SRM
Value: £3m
12w|wSwU.MtmMjiEnRteCrOioNrsN.cEoCmTION SUMMwEwRwC.OtmNjNinEtCeTriIoOrNs.c o| m29
Finance Director
David King
I can’t believe that I have completed my After numerous scoping exercises, demonstrations
first six months at TMJ and I would like to and analysis of the different options with have
take this opportunity to say thank you to settled upon Sage 200 with the added benefit of
everyone for making me feel so welcome. I their construction suite. This option will allow us to
am still getting to know people and so amalgamate our current systems into one package
apologies to those that I am yet to and provide real time reporting. This will enable us
formally meet. to make quicker decisions and create more accurate
forecasts which in turn will help TMJ grow into the
2022 has certainly been an interesting year to date future. Given the current climate it is increasingly
with so many situations causing uncertainty. Whilst important that we are proactive rather than reactive
some of these events are unprecedented TMJ has and this new system will give us a significant
reacted well and this couldn’t have been achieved advantage in achieving this.
without your dedication and team work. The second
half of 2022 looks to be more promising and we We will also be looking at other processes as part of
appear to be moving away from the turbulence the system upgrade and brain storming ways in
encountered during the first quarter of the year. The which we can ease the burden of financial admin for
construction sector is forecast to remain one of the all staff. In particular, we will be looking at the way
stronger sectors in 2023 but we continue to closely we record and process time sheets along with the
monitor the situation within the wider economy so we way staff expenses are managed. It is important that
can ensure that TMJ is in the best possible position to we involve as many people as possible so that we
service it’s current projects and win future work. can obtain the maximum benefit from the system
upgrade. Therefore we welcome any ideas and
The last six months have been extremely busy for the suggestions you may have.
accounts team as a whole. We have been conducting
research into a new finance system which will Finally I would just like to say the accounts office
hopefully see an end to the majority of our manual door is always open if you have any question for us
processes and bring TMJ into the 21st century. or if you just want to pop in and say hello. SUMMER CONNECTION | 13
Every quarter we like to recognise your commitment to TMJ
through our Loyalty Awards. Huge congratulations and thank
you to our Q2 2022 loyalty award achievers:
Pat Coll: Production Director- 30 years
Teresa Gorham: QuESH Manager - 15 years
Declan Smith: Surveyor - 10 years
Health & Safety Manager Tom Elsom is the TMJ Mick Mattin
Award winner! Tom was chosen by his colleagues for his calm
demeanour in the face of adversity, as well as his unwavering
dedication and commitment to the safety of TMJ and its
What is the Mick Mattin Award?
Mick Mattin was one of TMJ's first employees, with a passion for
health, safety and wellbeing of the whole team. In memory of
Mick, we have created this award in recognition of employee's
who have excelled in matters of health and safety. Mick would
have been proud with how TMJ handled the pandemic.
A special mention must also go to the other nominees - Adrian
Chinery | Laura Wilmott | Robin Bloom | Jed Chaplin | Laura
Chinery | Josh Hudson | Cheryl Hardacre | Scott Hemming | Shaun
Highly Commended - Adam Prime | Teresa Gorham
Special Recognition - Michael Griggs | Shaun Clarke | Richard
What is your favourite food? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 DAVID KING
Helping TMJ grow into the future
Do you have any Children?
What is your favourite sport?
Yes two. James who is 3 and Isla who will
be 1 in September It was football, but sadly I have had to
hang up my boots. I still do the odd bit of
If you had a superpower, what would running here and there
it be?
What is your best asset?
Teleportation - Cut out the travelling
time! Trying to make everyone feel included
What is your favourite animal? What is your most embarrassing
Definitely more of a dog person
Falling off a gate in front of who will be my
If you could travel anywhere in the father-in-law
world, where would it be?
Do you have any strange phobias?
Nothing strange as such but having found
How do you spend your free time? a false Widow in my garage the other
week, spiders are back up there
Running around outside with James and
spending time with the rest of the family What three things are still left on your
bucket list?
If you won the lottery what would you
do? Visit Fiji
Learn to play the drums
Head to the airport straight away Run the marathon
Who is your celebrity crush? Who would you like to nominate to
answer the questionnaire in the next
Isla Fisher (no link to my Daughters Connections?
name though)
Keeping it outside the Accounts
Department - Viksan Navadas SUMMER CONNECTION | 15
Commercial Director
Kevin Hudson
TMJ has had a very successful few It is key we work smart and efficiently to ensure
months securing new projects. Whilst the project success, following the back-to-basics
market remains buoyant, main principles. Whilst the world is in uncertain times it is
contractors are continuing to offer important that we listen, help, and support each
competitive solutions as they have other.
capacity to fill.
The next few months will see us close out some
In contrast to this, the joinery market is very busy to complex, challenging legacy projects that our teams
the point we have had to make the difficult decision have worked extremely hard to deliver over the last
to decline work due to lack of capacity in certain few years.
areas of the business. A key driver for this year is that
we take on the right projects, that we can not only I would like to thank them all for their efforts as
service but make a profit. without their dedication on these challenges we
would not be so well placed to move forward onto
new projects.
The construction market is currently facing a skills
shortage with a lot of experienced people leaving the
industry and whilst there is a focus industry wide to
encourage new labour to the market, we will
continue to experience the effects of a shortage
whilst new labour is upskilled.
1w6w|wS.tUmMjiMntEeRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION SUMMEwRwCwO.NtmNjEinCtTeIrOioNrs .|c o4m1
A big well done and congratulations to Brandon Moyes, one of our
Design Technicians who completed the Belfast Marathon in support
of Suffolk Mind, raising in excess of £1,130.
In line with this TMJ are proud to support the wellbeing of its
people by selecting Suffolk Mind as one of our chosen charites.
We are delighted to once more
be celebrating the work and
achievements of the local
This time, it was supporting the
Design Exhibition at Stowmarket
High School, where TMJ
provided awards and
certificates to the inspiring and
emerging talents.
Saturday 9th July 2022 saw the unveiling of the new village sign
in Bildeston, attended by Parish Councillors, residents and
James Taylor of TMJ Interiors and James Buckle of Heathpatch
who donated the sign.
The Parish Council thanked James Taylor and James Buckle for
their generous donation, and also thanked Dan Jarvis for the
excellent work in the construction of the plinth and erecting the
16 | SwUwMwM.EtmR jCinOtNerNioErCsT.cIOomN
DEUTSCHE 21 Moorfields, London
Value: £13.1m
Job Number: 22-229
Programme: May 2022 - January 2024
M a i n C
o n t r a c t o r : I S G
Architect: TP Bennett
TMJ Team: Tim Coll, Georgi Georgiev
(Specialist Joinery Package), Mark Hazel
(Auditorium Package), Nigel Robinson, Richard
Danskin, Dan Smith, Teresa Gorham, Sarah
Scope: A specialist joinery package including
wall panelling, reception desks, executive
rooms with credenzas with a multitude of
finishes. In addition to, a large complex
auditorium consisting of curved panels to both
the interiors and exterior.
Scan here to see an This is an image of the 3D print
animation of the presented to the professional
incredibly complex team at our post tender
auditorium interview. It now sits pride of
place in TP Bennetts office.
Production Director
Pat Coll
Where has this year gone? How can we The new lipping edger was installed last month
be in September already? I’d like to improving our quality on laminated boards, and to
thank all of you for your efforts over the remove the issue of using a chisel to flush off the
last 8 months, particularly in this edgings.
uncertain climate including interest rate
rises, huge fuel increases, impacts of the We’ve also had a new stitcher installed in the veneer
war in Ukraine, political changes, the shop, again improving quality and bringing further
overall accelerating cost of living, and efficiencies. The old stitcher is currently being
lingering COVID that is now part of our refurbished and will be back with us shortly offering
lives. extra capacity. If you’re interested in gaining some
experience on this machine, please let me know – it’s
a great skill to have.
We are in difficult and unprecedented times, HOMAG Edger
however, TMJ remains strong with a healthy order
book. This gives us a great opportunity to work SUMMER CONNECTION | 19
through these hard times and together we can come
out the other side stronger.
So, what is new? In the factory we have brought in
iPads, and it is great to see you using them. I’ve also
had some great feedback from many of you
regarding the efficiencies these bring.
In the coming months we will be looking to
implement a new QR code, scanning the movement
of products and joinery through the factory. This is
currently being researched by the IT and Production
teams - more information to follow.
We have recently implemented the Innovation
Awards and have had some good suggestions put
forward. Please keep the ideas coming – you could
win a £25 Amazon voucher!
You should be extremely proud of the jobs that are I’m not one to normally single out individuals but I
currently in manufacture/ have been completed this feel it is important to note achievement and would
year: Battersea, Wood Wharf, Marsh, BP, Barclays to like you all to join me in congratulating Ricky Mills
name just a few. The quality of design, manufacture, who has moved from Manufacture to the site team as
delivery and install has simply been outstanding. We Site Manager. Archie Atkins has moved from
will always have a few bits that go wrong but there Manufacture to Surveying and Jack Price is currently
are hundreds more that go right. It’s key we learn working as a Production Technician. It is great to see
from these mistakes and move on. You must look at these internal opportunities arise, this is what makes
the photos in this edition of Connection and read the TMJ special.
client feedback, it’s outstanding.
There are opportunities for you all if you are
interested; talk about your ambition in your PDPs,
work hard to go the extra mile, help others where you
can, take pride in all you do and who knows where
you might end up!
All the best Pat
2w0w|wS.tUmMjiMntEeRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION SUMMEwRwCwO.NtmNjEinCtTeIrOioNrs .|c o4m1
2w2w|wS.tUmMjiMntEeRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION SUMMEwRwCwO.tNmNjEinCtTeIrOioNrs .|c o2m9
What is your favourite food? What is your favourite sport? ROBIN BLOOM
Chinese Football/ F1
Do you have any Children? What is your best asset?
One boy named Harley Sense of humour
If you had a superpower, what would What is your most embarrassing
it be? moment?
To cure people of illness Getting into the the wrong car and
another lady was sitting there!
What is your favourite animal?
Do you have any strange phobias?
Not got any
If you could travel anywhere in the
world, where would it be? What three things are still left on your
bucket list?
Fly in a Spitfire
How do you spend your free time? Go to Australia
Own a MK2 RS 2000
On my Koi pond
Who would you like to nominate to
If you won the lottery what would you answer the questionnaire in the next
do? Connections?
Help people and make them better Louis Shiress
Who is your celebrity crush?
Victoria Coren Mitchell
Where do you see yourself in the next 5
Working hard and living life SUMMER CONNECTION | 23
280 Bishopsgate, London
Value: £5.945m
Job Number: 22-233
Programme: May 2022- June 2023
M a i n
C o n t r a c t o r : M a c e I n t e r i o r s
Architect: Hassell Architects
TMJ Team: Peter Harkin, Lewis Phillips,
Stuart Smith, Ed Taylor, Dave Robbins,
Teresa Gorham
Scope: Commercial project over 8 floors,
Ground and Levels 7-13. Works include:
fabric and timber wall panelling, high
benches and booth seating, tea points
with islands, circular high bench seating,
reception desk, shelving units, focus
booths, AV screens, boardrooms, print
and copy points, doors and planters.
HSEQ Assistant
Health and Safety Manager
HSEQ Advisor
Design Manager
Production Designer
Draughts Person
Office Coordinator
Hoeraedmtoaiol urercwrueibtmsiteenf
to@r tmmojirnetienrfioorrms.caotimon
Competitive Salary Bonus Scheme Pension Scheme
Career Development Charity Events
Occupational Nurse Health Cash Plan To see more information, please visit
Send your CV and covering letter to
[email protected]
If you know someone who would be a good fit for one of these positions, if your recommended candidate is successful and
completes their probationary period, you will receive £750 (subject to normal employment taxes).
32 | SUMwwMwER.tCmOjiNntNeErCioTrIsO.cNom www.StUmMjinMtEeRrioCrOs.NcNomECTION | 25
Operations Director
Jasper Heinrich
The year is racing away and as the nights One of the Operational aims for the remaining part of
draw in it’s another chance to not only 2022 is the continued development of the design
reflect but also focus on what Operations process with a focus on creating the right
are up to and what is next. information for the client, the Production
Technicians and then the Production teams. We are
In the last Connection update I spoke about the start aiming for cross pollination by training some of our
to the year being slower than budgeted which put us Design Technicians in the Production Technicians
behind on our forecast. This continued into Q2 and role and vice versa. This will create improved
then the floodgates opened with us winning some information earlier and with the assistance of
significant jobs and putting all our teams on high alert Production in the development of the process we
for the work to come. can create smarter information based on everyone’s
We have now spent the last few months at capacity,
some even over capacity and we are witnessing some A new method of tracking rework has been
fantastic teamwork which is appreciated by us all. We developed by the Data Group with an app being built
also started the year with focus on the TMJ mission, and a dashboard reporting activity.
core values, a refreshed appraisals process with the
addition of objectives for many of the team. We are This is a real step forward in tracking errors that are
now through the appraisals which have been both within TMJ’s control and out of our control. We
revealing, offering a real snapshot into where we as a are now reviewing the data and looking for
company are working well along with areas we need opportunities to improve which will assist company
to focus on and further develop. margins and project timelines.
We set and approached the objectives with real September will see the start of a TMJ bespoke
commitment, however, have had to slow them down training program we will be running with the support
to focus on the workload. With a busy end to the year of West Suffolk College.
planned, we still aim to progress both team and
individual objectives, however many will overflow
into 2023.
The program is called SEED (Skills Enhancement SEED
Education Development) and will involve our Line
Managers and Project Managers. it will be focused PROGRAMME
on management, leadership, collaboration, and
process flow. We feel the investment in this core
team is overdue and look forward to the program
and seeing our teams develop further together.
I would like to close out with a sincere thank you to
you all. Although it has been a busy year we have
really seen activity ramp up through Q2 and into Q3
so I would like to thank you individually for your
hard work and collectively for your teamwork.
"I find TMJ easy to work with, "Key Strengths were based around
communication is key and when it is sound communication and flexible
combined with good design and working with regards to taking
delivery it makes it easy - keep doing opportunities to advance, whilst other
what you do!" areas were still being prepared."
Meta (Facebook) Bank of New York Melon
"Willingness to achieve client "You were very proactive in design and
expectations and helpful on providing coordination solutions offered, where
on site changes to improve quality." the architect fell a little short. Overall a
great project delivered well."
Overbury 1st Floor Office
Linklaters, Colchester
6 | SUwMwMwER.tmCOjiNntNeEriCoTrIsO.cNom wwwS.tUmMjiMntEeRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION | 27
Belated TMJ Interiors 40th Birthday Celebrations Joiners Craft Awards
Suffolk Show
"We want to hear from
you! Please continue wSwUwM.tMmEwjRiwnCtweOr.NtiomNrjsEi.nCctToemIrOioNrs .|c o3m3
to send photos to the
Development Team"
Structural Timber Awards
We are delighted to support Gee Wizz, an organisation that helps
children and young adults in Suffolk and Norfolk who are learning
disabled, neurodivergent, or have a life-limiting illness.
We recently designed and manufactured a 6 metre long light tunnel
that produces a rainbow-like effect in the sunlight to assist in
bringing their playground to life. The light tunnel engages and
inspires the children at Thomas Wolsey Ormiston Academy by
providing a sensory experience.
2w8ww| .StmUjMinMteErRioCrOs.NcoNmECTION
42 | SUwMwMwE.tRmCjOinNteNrEioCrTsI.OcoNm wwwS.tUmMjiMnEteRriCoOrsN.cNoEmCTION | 29
CAPITAL/ FLEXION One Berkeley Street, London
Value: £3.866m
Job Number: 22-245
Programme: August 2022 - April 2023
Main Contractor: ISG
Architect: ID:SR
TMJ Team: Tim Coll, Rob Harvey,
Charlotte O' Brien, Abi Hotchkiss, Jack
MacDonald, Richard Danskin, Teresa
Scope: Commercial fit out works to level
4,5 and 6 including doors, wall finishes,
WC's, AV units, coat cupboards,
reception desk, storage cupboards,
teapoints, booths and bars.
1989 2022
1997 2021
It was wonderful to see so many of you outside
in the sun, enjoying the ice cream van! Keep an
eye out for its return!
We hope to see you all at Burger + Beer on the
9th September. Visit page 48 for more details.
2023 will bring a new focus on employee
engagement and we look forward to creating a
committee, alongside a dedicated budget to
deliver the events you want. wSwUwM.tMmEjRinCteOrNioNrsE.CcTomION | 31
What is your favourite food? Where do you see yourself in the next 5 HARRIET TAYLOR
Hopefully with a degree ADMINISTRATOR
Do you have any Children?
What is your favourite sport?
Hockey to play and motorsport to watch
If you had a superpower, what would
it be? What is your best asset?
Invisibility - Oh the places I could sneak My ability to remember useless facts
What is your most embarrassing
What is your favourite animal? moment?
Gunner and Murray the family dogs My first day in ski school I was going quite
fast, but couldn't stop in time and
If you could travel anywhere in the managed to take out the whole group
world, where would it be?
Do you have any strange phobias?
Monaco on Grand Prix weekend
I hate going in lifts
How do you spend your free time?
What three things are still left on your
At the racetrack or watching motorsport bucket list?
on TV
Attend Le Mans 24hr
If you won the lottery what would you Build a house that features on Grand
do? Designs
Go to a Monaco GP afterparty
Follow F1 around the world for a season
Who would you like to nominate to
Who is your celebrity crush? answer the questionnaire in the next
Lando Norris
Might as well keep it in the family - Clare
Location: Sky Campus, Isleworth wSwUwM.tMmEjRinCteOrNioNrsE.CcTomION | 33
Main Contractor: ISG Construction
Architect: Atkins
TMJ Team: Aspire
The exciting and innovative project included auditorium
cladding, feature curbed planters, tea points, booth
seating, doors, magnetic white boards and the feature
slatted timber roof and walls.
42 w| wSUwM.tMmEjiRntCeOriNoNrsE.cCoTmION
Panoramic Floors at WW BA1 Battersea Phase 3A 25 Plum Tree Court
Canary Wharf, London Common area 25 Plum Tree Court
Bain Capital Kirtling Street, London Barclays
Devonshire House, London 1 Churchill Place London
Jo Malone
Deutsche Bank Various Locations Baker McKenzie
21 Moorfields, London 280 Bishopsgate, London
Waypoint Capital
Jane St - L2 One Berkeley Street , London London Institute of
City, London Medical Sciences
82 Baker Street
BP, Silver Samoa Marylebone, London Hammersmith, London
Canary Wharf, London
The Office Group Advent International
Alliance Bernstien Chancery Lane, London Nova South, London
60 London Wall, London
Marsh McLennan 27 Chester Street
Hoddington House Tower Place West, London Chester Street, London
Upton Grey, Basingstoke
Shell Tower L55 Wood Wharf
Hornbeams Belvedere Road , London Canary Wharf, London
Blue Mills Hill, Wickham Bishops
Warwick Court
Warwick Court, London
34 w|wwSwwUw.Mt.mtMmjEijnRinteCterOiroNiorNsr.sEc.CcooTmmION SSUUMMwMMwEEwRR.CtCmOONjiNnNNtEeECrCTioTIrOIsON.cNo |m | 5355
Location: Paternoster Square, London
Main Contractor: MACE
Architect: Fletcher Priest Architects
TMJ Team: Landmark
This unique project spanned over 10 levels featuring
multiple timber acoustic ceilings, reception desk,
moveable bar, laminate lockers and office units.
Harvey Cook Ryan Fosker Elijah Nowak
Level 3, Y1 Level 2, Y2 Level 2, Y2
Kai Lawrence Frankie Nyberg Aiden Taylor
Level 2, Y1 Level 2, Y1 Level 2, Y1
We look forward to welcoming four Our Bench Joinery Apprenticeship is a 3.5
new Level 2 Carpentry and Joinery year programme that includes working in
apprentices on the 12th September our Workshop alongside our experienced
Joiners, being a part of live projects, and
2022 attending West Suffolk College, Bury St.
Edmunds on day release for the first two
years to obtain a Level 2 Carpentry and
Joinery – pathway Architectural Joinery
Standards Apprenticeship.
After successfully completing those vital
skills and the Level 2, the Apprentices are
invited to continue on to their Level 3,
Advanced Standards Apprenticeship in
Wood Occupations, which is a 15-month
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Congratulations to Frankie Nyberg and Aidan Taylor for taking
part in this year's Worshipful Company of Joiners and Ceilers
They each demonstrated their skills by completing a small pair
of steps that tested their ability to interpret drawings, set out
and mark work, and use hand tools as they competed for the
2022 Joiners Craft Awards.
Brian Tunbridge, a lecturer at West Suffolk College, praised the
two for their outstanding performance against stiff competition
from students in levels above them.
Our apprentices had an incredible
time representing TMJ Interiors at the
Suffolk Show.
In the spirit of the Platinum Jubilee
celebrations, the team created a
bespoke crown which creatively
demonstrated their joinery abilities! It
was also a great opportunity to inform
people from the local community
about the apprentice opportunities
that we offer.
38 w| wSUwM.tMmEjiRntCeOriNoNrsE.cCoTmION wSwUwM.tMmEjRinCteOrNioNrsE.CcTomION | 33
Our apprentices competed in the World Skills Event at
West Suffolk College, where they were challenged to
create some portable steps in seven hours.
This was all happening in front of Ofsted inspectors,
the college, and even members of the press. We were
overjoyed to learn that our apprentices took first,
second, and third place! Harvey, Elijah, and Frankie,
Congratulations to Lily-Rose Woodhouse who won the
Environmental and Sustainability award for West Suffolk
college, sponsored by TMJ Interiors.
Nominees for this award have shown dedication to how
they treat the local environment. The event was held at
St Edmundsbury Cathedral. The Eastern Colleges group
has over 15,000 students across the region which makes
Lily's award ever the more impressive.
38|wSwUwwMw.MtwmE.RjtinmCtOjeinrNitoNerErsiC.ocTrosImO.cNom wSwUwMS.UtMmMEjRMinCEteROrNCioNOrsEN.CcNToEmICOTNIO |N 3 |3 39
Managing Director CFS
Dave O'Brien
CFS has had a good start to this financial Alfie Lloyd, our June 22 Apprentice of
year maintaining a team of over 100 the month is in final stages of
installers. completing his NVQ Level Diploma in
Carpentry & Joinery.
We are currently working our way through the August
holiday period which can cause dread throughout the Alfie will now join our sister company JDH Joinery
industry. We have done fairly well and are just feeling as a Bench Joiner and continue to support CFS from
the pinch now which is a big improvement on the Chester Workshop.
previous years.
Lamara Martin achieved a
To minimise the impact of this season Distinction Grade for her Level 3
in the future we are pleased to Safety, Health & Environmental
announce that we have taken on a Technician apprenticeship and has
full time Recruitment Manger. taken up the position of Health and
Jayne Peterson has a strong track record in Safety Advisor within the CFS HSEQ Team. Lamara
Recruitment and has quickly become a valued will continue to work from our London office
member of our team. supporting project managers, directors, site
management teams and apprentices.
Our Apprentice programme has
gained a lot of momentum. In July, The entire team at CFS would like to take this
Shevon Welch completed his 2 year opportunity to thank all at TMJ for their continued
apprenticeship and achieved his City & support and we look forward to working together
Guilds Level 2 Diploma. with you as team through what looks like a busy
Shevon will continue to work on CFS projects within Autumn.
Central London whilst working towards a Level 3
qualification. Best regards
Dave O’Brien
w4w0 w| .StmUMjinMtEerRioCrOs.NcoNmECTION
wSwUwwM.wtMmwEjR.itnmCteOjirNniotNersEr.iCcoTorsmIO.cNom | 47
What is your favourite food? What is your favourite sport? KATY MORGAN
Italian - Pasta Not sure its a sport, but I really enjoy yoga HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER
Do you have any Children? What is your best asset?
No ?
If you had a superpower, what would What is your most embarrassing
it be? moment?
Mind reading I managed to board the wrong flight…
right destination, company, just an earlier
What is your favourite animal? one
Elephant Do you have any strange phobias?
If you could travel anywhere in the I don't think so although I do have a bit of
world, where would it be? OCD!
Maldives What three things are still left on your
bucket list?
How do you spend your free time?
Go on a safari
With family and friends socialising Create a bucket list
If you won the lottery what would you
do? Who would you like to nominate to
answer the questionnaire in the next
Go on some amazing holidays and enjoy Connections?
the freedom money would bring
Chess Silverton
Who is your celebrity crush?
Douglas Henshall
Where do you see yourself in the next 5
In HR & happy
40 w| wSUwwMw.tMwmE.jtiRnmtCjeiOnriNtoeNrrsiE.ocCroTsm.IcOoNm wSwUwMS.UtMmMEjRMinCEteROrNCioNOrsEN.CcNToEmICOTNIO |N 5 |7 41
For the Summer Edition of Connection, we thought we'd show you a glimpse of site and where the joinery
ends up when it leaves TMJ HQ.
TMJ Project Manager: Georgi
TMJ Site Manager: Ricky Mills |
Laura Warren
Value: £5.2m
Due to be completed September
Lucy Cavendish Collage
TMJ Project Manager: Lewis Phillips
Value: £11k
PIONEER Project TOG, The Office Group
TMJ Project Manager: Lewis Phillips
Barclays Levels 1,6,7,8 & 9 Value: £1.31m
TMJ Project Manager: Chris Gorham Due to be completed January 2023
TMJ Site Manager: Dan Baxter
Value: £3.1m Marsh McLennan
Due to be completed October 2022 TMJ Project Manager: Chris Gorham
TMJ Site Manager: Matthew Des-Forges
Bloomberg, Level 6 CFS Site Manager: Milen Dimitrov
TMJ Project Manager: Gerry Moore Value: £6.4m
Value: £650k Due to be completed November 2022
36 | SUwMwMwE.tRmCjiOnNteNriEoCrTs.IcOoNm wwwS.UtmMjMinEteRrCioOrsN.cNoEmCTION | 43
LANDMARK Battersea 3a
TMJ Project Manager: Mark Hazell
Wood Wharf - Panoramic TMJ Site Managers: Rob Shorey | Tony Ambrose
TMJ Project Manager: Barret Ganji | Matt Hartwell
TMJ Site Manager: Geoff Ashton Value: £5.6m
CFS Site Manager: Ivo Lordanov Due to be completed September 2022
Value: £2.4m
Due to be completed September 2022 London School of Medical Science, LMS
TMJ Project Manager: Nick Wager
Hoddington House - Private Residence TMJ Site Manager: Luke Auton
TMJ Project Manager: Nick wager Value: £2m
Faber Bespoke Site Manager: Dan Phipps Due to be completed September 2022
Value: £2.8m
Due to be completed January 2023
Hornbeams - Private Residence
TMJ Project Manager: Nick Wager
TMJ Site Managers: Luke Auton
Value: £1.5m
Due to be completed September 2022
B19U97ILDING AWARDS20221 022
TMJ Interiors has been selected as a finalist in the wwwS.UtmMjMinEteRrCioOrsN.cNoEmCTION | 45
Specialist Contractor of the Year category at the
Building Awards 2022.
This is the first year TMJ has entered the awards and
we are even more delighted as a record number of
entries were received this year, so to have become a
finalist is a huge achievement.
The judges are looking for businesses that have
demonstrated innovation over the past 2 years,
combined with a commitment to training and
The awards ceremony is taking place on 1st November
and we are keeping everything crossed we can add to
our awards cabinet.
36 | SUwMwMwE.tRmCjiOnNteNriEoCrTs.IcOoNm
It has been a busy few months for QuESH Minutes are available via the Quesh teams
supporting our site teams, production and channel and on our health and safety
warehousing facilities. notice boards
Our latest QuESH forum took place on 10th August
with a good representation from areas across the
business, thank you for the contributions. The re-
vamped meeting format is proving a success and
we’ve had positive feedback from attendees.
During each meeting we share a health and safety
related video and have an open discussion re the
topic. This quarter we shared a video filmed at
Heathrow airport, with the staff reading out a health
and safety poem written by Don Merrel, please follow
the QR code to view the video.
We’ve recently had our Noise and Dust survey of the Production facility conducted by SI Environmental. The
survey takes place every two years and is a legal requirement under COSHH (Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health). Following the visit we have received the report and as soon as any recommendations
have been reviewed with the board we will implement and communicate any changes required.
Sarah and the team are working on a TMJ waste review. With
support from Sackers they are reviewing our general waste to
understand what opportunities we have missed for recycling.
Following forum feedback we are also reviewing further
recycling options such as segregation of small metal items
and items with the Terracycle logo. For more information on
Terracycle please go to
As part of our part B permit with Babergh district council we were asked to test the emissions from our
finishing shop stacks. The tests were carried out by Element (workplace monitoring and assessments) in July
and we are pleased to confirm we are well under the limits set by the permit. Our spray booth system, filter
maintenance and PPE are providing effective protection to our team and the environment around us.
Our occupational health programme is in place to help
prevent work-related illness and injury by focussing on
our staff’s physical and mental wellbeing. Katherine
Packer has conducted nine visits already this year and
has seen approx. 60 staff members. The program is in
place for the benefit of all employees, if you aren’t on a
frequent surveillance plan but would like an
appointment please contact one of the Team or HR and
we will make the arrangements.
We’ve got some changes ahead of us in the
next quarter, most importantly filling our
current vacancies for HSEQ Advisor, HSEQ
Assistant. Please visit page 26 or see our HR
noticeboard for more information and a
reminder about the refer a friend initiative.
The team can be reached on
[email protected].
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Our Board of Directors look forward to hosting
Burger + Beer
Beef and Vegetarian burgers will be available along with
beer/ wine/ soft drinks.
If you have any other dietary requirements please speak to
Harriet Taylor in the Business Development Office.