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Published by judd.jessi, 2019-06-05 21:50:54

Stone Garden FINAL 2019

Stone Garden FINAL 2019

Special thanks to Mrs. Fowler for always supporting garden
programming in her classroom.

STONE GARDEN. Copyright © 2019. Wicked Tree Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews and by

the parents of the illustrators.
Submit inquiries through [email protected]


A retelling of Stone Soup

Illustrated by Mrs. Fowler's 2018 Kindergarten Garden Class

Story by and Illustrated by:

Alice Logan
Aiden Oliver
Audie Petra
Declan Rowan
Finn Ruth
Harper Sadie
Iris Sofia
Jacob Taj
Juniper Teddy
Lauren Wyatt
Lavender Zia
Leo Zoey

cover art by Eva

written y anger essica

Dedicated to all the
students, teachers, parents, and staff that grow the Mount
Washington Elementary School Garden with love. May you
always be surrounded by a wonderful community of people

who love to make stone soup and lasting friendships.

Once there was a good witch.

She had very few possession and
no money or home of her own.

She always had a smile to share with a stranger.
Even so, people were afraid of her and didn't
want her living in their villages.


She was very goodat
growing plants,
cooking food, and
making medicine but
people never gave her
the chance to share her


She did have a loyal
companion, her rabbit,
Ruby. They traveled village
to village together.


One day, the witch arrived to yet another
village. She hoped she and Ruby would
find a home and friends this time.


Right away, two villagers shouted at her because she didn't
have Ruby on a leash. Mostly, the people in the town ignored
her which was almost worse than the yelling.


The witch came upon an abandoned lot of dirt and stones.

The fence was broken.

The ground was
hard a rocky.

The place made the
witch very sad.


A villager strolled by
while the witch was
examining the dirt and
The witch startled him by
asking him a question.

"What is this

"It wasa supposed to be a
community garden but
nobody had time for it. We
call it Stone Garden because
of all the stones in it," he


The witch smiled .

She had a big idea...
...and she had time.


The witch and Ruby spent
the rest of the day collecting
stones and piling them up in
the center of the garden.


A child stopped by on the second day.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking the stones out of the garden so
things can grow here again," the witch

The child smiled and '
started helping.


Soon, another child
oined them.


And another. They moved
rocks with the witch all day,
slowing building a stone table
in the middle of the garden.

The witch was very happy
when they finished
removing all the stones.

So was Ruby.


A villager stopped by
carrying a hammer.

I can fi the fence,
he said.

That would be
very nice, thank
you, said the


Another villager arrived
with rakes and shovels.

I would like to
help too, she

She handed out the shovels
and rakes. The group started
tilling the soil together.


ater, yet another villager arrived The witch and the
carrying wiggly red worms. children were so
happy. Worms
I brought worms were e tremely
for the soil, she good for a garden.


After a few more days of hard work, the group finished fi ing up
the Stone Garden. They were very happy and proud.


One child looked up at
the witch.

"Now what?" she asked.


The witch smiled. She held a small
bag. She pulled out a seed potato.
It had the beginning of a root
growing out of it called an eye.

"Children, I have a
plan, and I need
your help."


The children ran around town spreading the witch's message.
We are growing yummy potatoes in the new Stone Garden. We
want to plant lots of different kinds of seeds that will grow
into lots of different plants. If only we had more seeds.

The children told their
parents. Their parents told
friends. Friends told other
friends. Soon the town was

19 abuzz about the garden.

The ne t day, almost every
villager showed up to the
Each villager brought new seeds
to plant, and they each gave the
witch veggies as a thank you
for fixing up the garden.


Together, the villagers planted their seeds and
watered the garden. They promised to help
take care of it from now on.


The witch was so happy to be surrounded by her new
friends. She built a fire and borrowed a pot. She
began cooking one of her delicious soups using the
vegetables that all her new friends had given her.


Other villagers placed a tablecloth, bowls
and spoons on top of the stone table. The
villagers en oyed the soup in the
Stone Garden together.


The seeds grew into plants as the
witch and Ruby made a home in the
village. They took care of the garden
with the help of their new friends.


Every year after that first year, the villagers gathered
to make and eat soup in their beautiful garden,
celebrating the day the witch moved to town and
helped them grow closer together.


And none of the
villagers ever called
the witch a witch
again. They used her
real name, Tabitha.


In this reimagining of the classic folktale, Stone
Soup, a lonely witch and her pet rabbit, Ruby,
will bring a busy community closer together by
fixing up a neglected garden.

The beautiful illustrations were drawn and
colored by Mrs. Fowler's 2018 garden class.

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