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สื่อการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษในเรื่อง My Start-up Idea เป็นสื่อที่นำหัวข้อ My Start-up Idea มาประยุกต์กับเนื้อหาเรื่อง Hiring ซึ่งจะปรกอบไปด้วย Article, Letter of Application, CV, และวิดิโอการสัมภาณ์

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Published by nk.kasem, 2022-04-03 03:16:27

สื่อการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษเรื่อง My Start-up Idea

สื่อการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษในเรื่อง My Start-up Idea เป็นสื่อที่นำหัวข้อ My Start-up Idea มาประยุกต์กับเนื้อหาเรื่อง Hiring ซึ่งจะปรกอบไปด้วย Article, Letter of Application, CV, และวิดิโอการสัมภาณ์

Keywords: Start-up,Letter of Application,CV,Resume,interview

ส่ือการเรียนรู้ภาษาอั งกฤษ
เร่ือง My Start-up Idea และ Hiring

My startup idea
Ten years from now, it has been predicted that many things in society will rapidly

change into the new world; the world of Artificial Intelligence in fully industrial products and
services. Where humans are zero involvement in the production line and where all industries
are adapted to 100% involving with high and effected technology like artificial intelligence.

Rhino-Arduino, our 3d analyzed modeling start-up company specialized on AR, VR,
and XR, is the fastest growing startup’s range of Thailand.We are behind the scene as many
top companies’ backbone on Metaverse. Our startup valued from 0 - 200 millions within
three month. Even Though we are a small startup, we do have practical and effective
world-class technology skills and absolutely we would like to connect the virtual world and
the real world together by becoming no more borderline morethan internet used to have.

As we have mentioned early that we, Rhino-Arduino, are behind the scene of many
successful company that because we have critical development on our ethical selling points;
which are Not good, say no good; speed up in right time, and make more than promised But
don't promise more than you can.

My startup idea
1. Name of Company: Rhino-Arduino
2. Product / Service: 3d Analyzed Modeling company specialized on AR, VR, and XR.
3. Ethical Selling Point:
a. Not good, say no good
b. Speed up in the right time
c. Make more than promised, but don’t promise more than you can

Job Advertisement / ประกาศรั บสมั ครงาน

What is an application letter?
An application letter, also known as a cover letter, is a document that accompanies

your resume when you're applying for a job. This letter expands upon the information you
have noted in your resume. It gives you a powerful opportunity to emphasize your most
relevant qualifications and explain why you believe you're the best candidate for the job.

จดหมายสมัครงานหรือท่ีเรียกวา่ จดหมายปะหน้า คือเอกสารท่ีมาพร้อมกั บประวัติยอ่ ของคุณเม่ือคุณ
สมัครงาน จดหมายน้ีจะขยายตามขอ้ มูลท่ีคุณจดบันทึกไวใ้ นประวัติยอ่ ของคุณ มันให้โอกาสอันทรงพลังแก่
คุณในการเน้นย้ำคุณสมบัติท่ีเก่ียวขอ้ งมากท่ีสุดของคุณและอธิบายวา่ ทำไมคุณถึงเช่ือวา่ คุณเป็นผูส้ มัครท่ีดี
ท่ีสุดสำหรั บงาน

How to write an application letter / วิธีการเขียนใบสมั คร

1. Research the company and job opening / คน้ หาบริษั ทและตำแหน่งวา่ งงาน

2. Use a professional format / ใชร้ ูปแบบมืออาชีพ

3. State the position you're applying for / ระบุตำแหน่งท่ีสมัคร

4. Explain why you're the best fit for the job / อธิบายวา่ เหตุใดคุณจึงเหมาะสมท่ีสุดสำหรั บงาน

5. Summarize your qualifications / สรุปคุณสมบัติของคุณ

6. Mention why you want the job / บอกเหตุผลวา่ ทำไมคุณถึงตอ้ งการสมัครงานน้ี

7. Include a professional closing / มีการปิดทา้ ยอยา่ งมืออาชีพ

Writing a Letter of Application Template
[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your city, state and zip code]


[Hiring manager’s name]
[Hiring manager’s title]
[Company name]
[Company address]
[Company city, state and zip code]

Dear [Hiring manager's name],

I am writing to express my interest in the position of [Job title] at [Company]. [Explain how
you heard about the job and name your contact if you were referred by someone within the
company.] I believe my [skills and qualifications] make me an ideal fit for this job.

[Use the second paragraph to elaborate on how you would help the company. Reference
specific campaigns or projects when possible.]

[Use the third paragraph to summarize your key qualifications. Elaborate on your most
important accomplishments and include details that you were unable to provide in the more
concise format of your resume.]

[Use the fourth paragraph to briefly explain why you want to work for this company. Mention
the additional documents included with your cover letter, and express your excitement about
moving forward in the hiring process.]

[Your name]

Writing a Letter of Application Example
Potcharapon Hooduang
304 Nangarm Rd.
Songkla, Thailand 9000

March. 20, 2022

Sopita Ruamsarang
Human Resources Manager
Rhino-Arduino Company
3049 Sukhumwit Rd.
Bangkok, Thailand 10150

Dear Mrs. Sopita Ruamsarang

I am writing to express my interest in the position of 3D Model Character for
Rhino-Arduino Company. Your Lead Developer Mr. Tanakorn Suksawatdee referred me to
this opportunity. I believe that my five years of experience in 3D Model and 2D character
design make me an excellent fit for this job opening.

In my current position at Metaverse X Company, I spearheaded several successful
campaigns for new 3D Gaming Characters. My aptitude for market analysis helped me
identify key demographics to target these marketing efforts. My most successful campaign of

• Leaded and Cooperated with other leaders team taking the Rhino-Arduino
team by showing 5G Multi-Location Extended Reality at EXPO 2020 Dubai World
EXPO at Thailand Pavilion Booth

I believe that I could bring this level of success to Rhino-Arduino Company and help
your upcoming Metaverse campaigns reach a fresh audience. I see great potential in

developing to a younger demographic with your previous 3D characters and would love to
discuss the possibilities with you.

I have AP Studio 3D Modeling on Characters Certification, Boston Gaming Modeling
Certification and Google Analytics Individual certification. I am also a Facebook Certified
Planning Professional. I have the experience and skills necessary to help your company
create a strong digital presence and greatly increase your social following.

Though I have greatly enjoyed working on the 3D Character campaigns with
Metaverse X, I feel that I'm ready for a new challenge and am intrigued by the opportunity to
help grow your 3D Analyzed Modeling Start-up company into a behemoth within the 3D and
Metaverse industry. I've been a fan of your 3D modeling since Mr. Tanakorn introduced me to
your latest game for Metaverse Grand Opening , and I would love the opportunity to share
some of your new games, like the NFT gaming characters, with a national audience.

Please find my resume attached. References are available upon request. I look
forward to meeting with you soon.

Potcharapon Hooduang
Potcharapon Hooduang

Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

● The role
○ What does success in this role look like?
■ ความสำเร็จในบทบาทน้ ีเป็ นอย่างไร?
○ How is success in this role measured?
■ ความสำเร็จในบทบาทน้ ีวัดกันอย่างไร?
○ What expectations will you have for me when I start this position?
■ คณุ จะคาดหวังอะไรกับฉั นเม่อื ฉั นเร่ิมตำแหน่งน้ ี
○ What responsibilities should I focus on in the first 12 months of this role?
■ ฉั นควรเน้ นความรบั ผดิ ชอบใดในช่วง 12 เดือนแรกของบทบาทน้ ี
○ How important is this position to the overall success of the company?
■ ตำแหน่งน้ ีมคี วามสำคัญต่อความสำเร็จโดยรวมของบริษัทอย่างไร?
○ When is my start date?
■ วันท่ีเร่ิมต้ นของฉั นคือเม่อื ใด
○ What hours and shifts does my department have?
■ แผนกของฉั นมชี ั่วโมงและกะอะไรบ้ าง?
○ What will my specific schedule be?
■ กำหนดการตารางงานเฉพาะของฉั นจะเป็ นอย่างไร?

● Salary and benefits
○ Is the salary negotiable?
■ เงนิ เดือนสามารถตอ่ รองไดห้ รือไม?่
○ Does this role offer bonuses or commissions?
■ บทบาทน้ีมีโบนั สหรือคอมมิชชั่นหรือไม?่
○ What benefits does the benefits package include?
■ สทิ ธิประโยชน์แพค็ เกจรวมสทิ ธิประโยชน์อะไรบา้ ง?
○ What are your vacation and sick leave policies?
■ นโยบายการลาพักร้อนและการลาป่ วยของคุณเป็นอยา่ งไร?
○ How do employees accrue paid time off?
■ พนั กงานไดร้ ั บคา่ จา้ งนอกอยา่ งไร?
○ Do you offer any retirement program benefits?
■ คุณเสนอผลประโยชน์โครงการเกษียณอายุหรือไม?่
○ Will the company cover my relocation expenses?
■ บริษั ทจะรั บผิดชอบคา่ ใชจ้ า่ ยในการขนยา้ ยของฉั นหรือไม?่

● Company culture
○ Do you offer any flexible work programs?
■ คณุ มโี ปรแกรมการทำงานท่ียดื หย่นุ หรือไม่?
○ What unique perks does the company offer?
■ บริษัทเสนอสทิ ธิพเิ ศษอะไรบ้ าง?
○ How does the company prioritize work-life balance?

■ บริษัทจัดลำดับความสำคัญของ Work-life Balance อย่างไร?

● The team
○ Who will I report to?
■ ฉั นจะรายงานให้ ใคร
○ What is my supervisor or manager's leadership style?
■ ลักษณะความเป็ นผ้ นู ำของหัวหน้ างานหรือผ้ จู ัดการของฉั นเป็ นอย่างไร
○ How many people are on my team?
■ ทีมของฉั นมกี ่ีคน
○ How is work divided among our team?
■ ทีมงานของเราแบ่งงานอย่างไร?
○ Is there anyone on the team I can reach out to for guidance?
■ มใี ครในทีมท่ีฉั นสามารถตดิ ต่อเพ่อื ขอคำแนะนำได้ หรือไม่?
○ What are the most important projects the team is working on?
■ โครงการท่ีสำคัญท่ีสดุ ท่ีทีมกำลังทำอยู่คืออะไร?

● Career development
○ How long is the initial training period?
■ ระยะเวลาการฝึ กอบรมเร่ิมต้ นนานแค่ไหน?
○ Does the company provide resources for continuing education?
■ บริษัทจัดหาทรพั ยากรเพ่อื การศกึ ษาต่อหรือไม่?
○ Is there a probationary period in this role?
■ มชี ่วงทดลองงานในบทบาทน้ ีหรือไม่?
○ How often do performance reviews occur?
■ การตรวจสอบประสทิ ธิภาพเกิดข้นึ บ่อยแค่ไหน?
○ What professional development opportunities does the company provide?
■ บริษัทให้ โอกาสในการพัฒนาวิชาชพี อะไรบ้ าง?
○ What advancement opportunities exist for someone in this role?
■ มโี อกาสก้ าวหน้ าอะไรบ้ างสำหรบั บทบาทน้ ี

● The offer
○ Can I have this offer in writing?
■ ฉั นขอขอ้ เสนอน้ีเป็นลายลักษณ์อักษรไดไ้ หม
○ When do you need a response?
■ คุณตอ้ งการคำตอบเม่ือใด
○ Do you need any other information from me?
■ คุณตอ้ งการขอ้ มูลอ่ืนจากฉั นไหม

CV Example

Interview and Applying for a new job Example
● Full complete mock up interview on How to Interview for a Job in American
English, part 5/5 Time at: 9.15
How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 1/5

- Non native language - English
- Preparing of an interview

- Small talk -
How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 2/5

- Non native language - English
- The most common questions and answers -
How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 3/5

- Non native language - English
- The most common questions and answers -
How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 4/5

- Non native language - English
- The most common questions and answers -
How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 5/5

- The complete mock interview
- How I present myself and the interviewer
- Postures and facial expressions

Vocabulary คำอ่าน ความหมาย
คำศั พท์ แอพ’พลิเคนิ ทฺ ผูส้ มัครงาน
แอพพลิเค’เชนิ การสมั ครงาน
Applicant อะไพล-อิน-เพอ’เซนิ สมัครดว้ ยตัวเอง
Application ตำแหน่ง
พะซชิ ’เชนิ ลั กษณะหรื อขอบเขตของงาน
Apply in person จอบ-ดสิ คริพ’เชนิ ตอ้ งการดว่ น (รีบสมัครเลย)
Position เออเจ็นทลิ-ริคไวร คุณสมบั ติ
ควอลละฟะเค’เชนิ การศกึ ษา
Job description บุคลิกภาพ
Urgently Required เอดจเุ ค,’เชนิ ประสบการณ์
Qualification อิคซฺเพยี ’เรียนซฺ
Personality สคลิ ทักษะ, ความเช่ียวชาญ
Experience เวิร์ค-เพอมทิ ใบอนุ ญาตท ำงาน

Work permit

Company benefits คัมพะนี-เบนอิฟิ ท สวัสดิการของบริษั ท
Compensation คอมเพนเซ’เชนิ คา่ ตอบแทน
Working hours เวิร์ค’คงิ -เอา’เออะ
Working time เวิร์ค’คงิ -ไทม ชั ่วโมงการท ำงาน
Marital status แม’ริเทลิ -สเท’ทัส เวลาในการทำงาน
Military status มลิ ’ลิเทอรี-สเท’ทัส สถานภาพทางการแตง่ งาน
Expected salary อิคสเพค’ทดิ -แซล’ละรี สถานภาพทางทหาร
Present salary เพรส’เซนิ ท-ฺ แซล’ละรี เงนิ เดือนท่ีตอ้ งการ
เงนิ เดือนปั จจุบัน

Overtime payment โอ’เวอะไทม-ฺ เพ’เมนิ ทฺ คา่ ลว่ งเวลา
Probationary period พโระเบฌะเนริ-เพยี ’เรียด ระยะเวลาหรือชว่ งทดลองงาน
Walk- in interview เขา้ ไปสมัครท่ีทางบริษั ทได้
Own transportation วอล์ค-อิน อิน’เทอวิว มียานพาหนะเป็ นของตั วเอง
Full-time เตม็ เวลา
ฟล-ู ไทม

Part-time พาร์ท-ไทม ไมเ่ ตม็ เวลาหรือรายชั่วโมง

Exercise 1: Writing a Letter of Application

You have seen this job advertisement on the website and you would

like to apply for the position as 3D Animator. Therefore, you are going to write the letter of
application via email (30 Items)

คุณเหน็ โฆษณางานน้ีบนเวบ็ ไซต์ และตอ้ งการสมัครตำแหน่ง 3D Animator
ดังนั น้ คุณจึงเขียนจดหมายสมัครงานทางอีเมล (30 คะแนน)

Letter of Application
[Your name] (1 mark)
[Your address] (1 mark)
[Your city, state and zip code] (1 mark)

[Date] (1 mark)

[Hiring manager’s name] (1 mark)
[Hiring manager’s title] (1 mark)
[Company name] (1 mark)
[Company address] (1 mark)
[Company city, state and zip code] (1 mark)

Dear [Hiring manager's name], (1 mark)

I am writing to express my interest in the position of [Job title] at [Company]. [Explain how
you heard about the job and name your contact if you were referred by someone within the
company.] I believe my [skills and qualifications] make me an ideal fit for this job. (3 mark)

[Use the second paragraph to elaborate on how you would help the company. Reference
specific campaigns or projects when possible.] (4 mark)

[Use the third paragraph to summarize your key qualifications. Elaborate on your most
important accomplishments and include details that you were unable to provide in the more
concise format of your resume.] (5 mark)

[Use the fourth paragraph to briefly explain why you want to work for this company. Mention
the additional documents included with your cover letter, and express your excitement about
moving forward in the hiring process.] (5 mark)

Sincerely (1 mark)
[Your signed name] (1 mark)
[Your name](1 mark)

Exercise 1 ANSWER: Writing a Letter of Application ( Example Guideline )

Letter of Application

Potcharapon Hooduang
304 Nangarm Rd.
Songkla, Thailand 9000

March. 20, 2022

Sopita Ruamsarang
Human Resources Manager
Rhino-Arduino Company
3049 Sukhumwit Rd.
Bangkok, Thailand 10150

Dear Mrs. Sopita Ruamsarang

I am writing to express my interest in the position of 3D Animator for Rhino-Arduino
Company. Your Lead Developer Mr. Tanakorn Suksawatdee referred me to this opportunity. I
believe that my five years of experience in 3D Model and 2D design make me an excellent fit
for this job opening.

In my current position at Metaverse X Company, I spearheaded several successful
campaigns for new 3D Gaming Characters. My aptitude for market analysis helped me
identify key demographics to target these marketing efforts. My most successful campaign of

• Leaded and Cooperated with other leaders team taking the Rhino-Arduino
team by showing 5G Multi-Location Extended Reality at EXPO 2020 Dubai World
EXPO at Thailand Pavilion Booth

I believe that I could bring this level of success to Rhino-Arduino Company and help
your upcoming Metaverse campaigns reach a fresh audience. I see great potential in
developing to a younger demographic with your previous 3D characters and would love to
discuss the possibilities with you.

I have AP Studio 3D Modeling on Characters Certification, Boston Gaming Modeling
Certification and Google Analytics Individual certification. I am also a Facebook Certified
Planning Professional. I have the experience and skills necessary to help your company
create a strong digital presence and greatly increase your social following.

Though I have greatly enjoyed working on the 3D Character campaigns with
Metaverse X, I feel that I'm ready for a new challenge and am intrigued by the opportunity to
help grow your 3D Analyzed Modeling Start-up company into a behemoth within the 3D and
Metaverse industry. I've been a fan of your 3D modeling since Mr. Tanakorn introduced me to
your latest game for Metaverse Grand Opening , and I would love the opportunity to share
some of your new games, like the NFT gaming characters, with a national audience.

Please find my resume attached. References are available upon request. I look
forward to meeting with you soon.

Potcharapon Hooduang
Potcharapon Hooduang

Exercise 2: Arrange the parts of a Letter of Application that have been given in the
correct form. (15 items) / จัดเรียงสว่ นตา่ ง ๆ ของจดหมายสมัครงานท่ีไดร้ ั บในรูปแบบท่ีถูกตอ้ ง (15
_____ a. Yours sincerely,
_____ b. 304 Nangarm Rd.

Songkla, Thailand 9000
_____ c. March. 20, 2022
_____ d. Sopita Ruamsarang

Human Resources Manager
Rhino-Arduino Company
3049 Sukhumwit Rd.
Bangkok, Thailand 10150
_____ e. Potcharapon Hooduang
_____ f. Dear Mrs. Sopita Ruamsarang
_____ g. In my current position at Metaverse X Company, I spearheaded several successful
campaigns for new 3D Gaming Characters. My aptitude for market analysis helped me
identify key demographics to target these marketing efforts. My most successful campaign of
_____ h. I believe that I could bring this level of success to Rhino-Arduino Company and
help your upcoming Metaverse campaigns reach a fresh audience. I see great potential in
developing to a younger demographic with your previous 3D characters and would love to
discuss the possibilities with you.
_____ i. Potcharapon Hooduang
_____ j. I am writing to express my interest in the position of 3D Model Character for
Rhino-Arduino Company. Your Lead Developer Mr. Tanakorn Suksawatdee referred me to
this opportunity. I believe that my five years of experience in 3D Model and 2D character
design make me an excellent fit for this job opening.
_____ k. Please find my resume attached. References are available upon request. I look
forward to meeting with you soon.
_____ l. Potcharapon Hooduang
_____ m. • Leaded and Cooperated with other leaders team taking the Rhino-Arduino team
by showing 5G Multi-Location Extended Reality at EXPO 2020 Dubai World EXPO at
Thailand Pavilion Booth

_____ n. Though I have greatly enjoyed working on the 3D Character campaigns with
Metaverse X, I feel that I'm ready for a new challenge and am intrigued by the opportunity to
help grow your 3D Analyzed Modeling Start-up company into a behemoth within the 3D and
Metaverse industry. I've been a fan of your 3D modeling since Mr. Tanakorn introduced me
to your latest game for Metaverse Grand Opening , and I would love the opportunity to share
some of your new games, like the NFT gaming characters, with a national audience.
_____ o. I have AP Studio 3D Modeling on Characters Certification, Boston Gaming
Modeling Certification and Google Analytics Individual certification. I am also a Facebook
Certified Planning Professional. I have the experience and skills necessary to help your
company create a strong digital presence and greatly increase your social following.

Exercise 2 ANSWER: Arrange the parts of a Letter of Application that have been given
in the correct form. (15 items)
___13___ a. Yours sincerely,
___2____ b. 304 Nangarm Rd.

Songkla, Thailand 9000
___3____ c. March. 20, 2022
___4____ d. Sopita Ruamsarang

Human Resources Manager
Rhino-Arduino Company
3049 Sukhumwit Rd.
Bangkok, Thailand 10150
___1____ e. Potcharapon Hooduang
___5____ f. Dear Mrs. Sopita Ruamsarang
___7____ g. In my current position at Metaverse X Company, I spearheaded several
successful campaigns for new 3D Gaming Characters. My aptitude for market analysis
helped me identify key demographics to target these marketing efforts. My most successful
campaign of 2022:
___9____ h. I believe that I could bring this level of success to Rhino-Arduino Company
and help your upcoming Metaverse campaigns reach a fresh audience. I see great potential in
developing to a younger demographic with your previous 3D characters and would love to
discuss the possibilities with you.
___14___ i. Potcharapon Hooduang
___6____ j. I am writing to express my interest in the position of 3D Model Character
for Rhino-Arduino Company. Your Lead Developer Mr. Tanakorn Suksawatdee referred me
to this opportunity. I believe that my five years of experience in 3D Model and 2D character
design make me an excellent fit for this job opening.
___12___ k. Please find my resume attached. References are available upon request. I
look forward to meeting with you soon.
___15___ l. Potcharapon Hooduang
___8____ m. • Leaded and Cooperated with other leaders team taking the
Rhino-Arduino team by showing 5G Multi-Location Extended Reality at EXPO 2020 Dubai
World EXPO at Thailand Pavilion Booth
___11___ n. Though I have greatly enjoyed working on the 3D Character campaigns
with Metaverse X, I feel that I'm ready for a new challenge and am intrigued by the

opportunity to help grow your 3D Analyzed Modeling Start-up company into a behemoth
within the 3D and Metaverse industry. I've been a fan of your 3D modeling since Mr.
Tanakorn introduced me to your latest game for Metaverse Grand Opening , and I would love
the opportunity to share some of your new games, like the NFT gaming characters, with a
national audience.
___10___ o. I have AP Studio 3D Modeling on Characters Certification, Boston Gaming
Modeling Certification and Google Analytics Individual certification. I am also a Facebook
Certified Planning Professional. I have the experience and skills necessary to help your
company create a strong digital presence and greatly increase your social following.


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