How did we start? External Accounting SERVICES
Why AFS?
5 9 10 11
Selection of executives ENTITIES ABROAD
12 Personnel Evaluation Residents of Abroad
Human Resources Foreign Companies
Department Organization
CΕ Certifications
22 25 27 28
Why do I need you for the
30 31 GDPR? 35
ATHENS #mazimegalonoume
FINANCIAL and we provide
integrated solutions
In a continuously changing economic and fiscal environment for businesses, with for all
the rules of the market constantly changing, at Athens Financial Services we have
experienced and renowned collaborators, graduates of economic schools, who your needs
are distinguished for their responsibility and reliability and are ready to provide a
solution to any accounting, tax, consultancy-related and insurance-related need you
may have.
With high-quality executives and partners we provide all the guarantees and
the appropriate long-term planning for your needs, being in the cutting edge of
the developments in taxation and business organization as well as backlog for
Our goal is the high-quality services and the best result for each customer in
each case, with our partners being continuously trained on the new financial and
insurance data.
Our services concern a wide range of tax, accounting, consulting and insurance
products, fully harmonized with modern requirements and
legislation, and our aim is to improve and design new services and
products that fully meet all the needs of our customers.
The fast and reliable service of our customers is the result of Moreover, recognizing the current economic situation, we
organization, experience, technological infrastructure and have adjusted our charges accordingly, always in relation to
responsible information of our company. the high level of services and products provided.
At the same time, the use of technologies and systems, The development of personal contact with our customers is
as well as our cooperation with leading lawyers, notaries, a priority for us, so that our cooperation develops within a
engineers and insurance companies ensures the top quality framework of mutual trust.
of the services we offer.
At a time of successive economic and insurance reforms,
At Athens Financial Services, our long experience, insight rigorous controls, high fines and reduced coverage our
and daily information are aimed at the correct, consistent main priority is for you to feel safe and completely satisfied.
and continuous satisfaction of our customers in any matter.
The company started its activity in April Why Athens Financial We are at the cutting edge of
2012 with the first office at the address Services? developments in taxation and
16 Evalkidou Street, Attica Square, while
a little time later it was relocated to a 1| Our goal is to be the best in our business organization,
larger area at the address 37 Evalkidou field and to create not only satisfied, insurance and consultancy
Street, Attica Square. In March 2018, but also enthusiastic customers.
we inaugurated the first branch at the 7| We feel your needs and provide
address 273 Vouliagmenis Avenue in 2| We always choose executives and the best solutions, tailored to the
Agios Dimitrios. partners of high standards. particularities and requirements of your
business, this is what established us
Athens Financial Services was originally 3| We get into our customer’s shoes in the consciousness of our customers
developed as a “family” affair by the and try to surprise you pleasantly. and throughout the market.
siblings Nikos and Elina Karamanou.
Elina Karamanou has excelled in business 4| We constantly invest in innovative Our customers feel safe with the
administration and Nikos Karamanos in ideas and new services aiming at a services we offer and with the motto
the field of economics. dded value to the customer. #mazimegalonoume their businesses
take the next step towards a better and
With their knowledge and experience, 5| We are at the cutting edge of secured future.
they created a team of specialized developments in taxation and business
collaborators highly trained in financial, organization.
tax, administrative and insurance
matters, constantly adding training 6| We maintain and reinforce our
sessions for the new status arising in the internal organization, continually
market. improving our systems.
At Athens
Financial Services,
in addition to the
services we offer
to businesses,
we also provide
all the accounting and
tax obligations that
individuals have in
economical and complete
packages. Contact us
for more information.
At Athens Financial Services we cover all the tax needs you have in your business.
Our specialized partners undertake your tax support and give you advice on any
PROCEDURES > Drafting, filing and signing of tax returns
(both for your business and those of natural persons)
> Optimization of tax burden
> Preparation for dealing with tax audits
> Internal tax audit for finding potential problems
> Capital tax returns
> Timely settlement of tax liabilities and clearance but also
> The settlement of your backlog and tax planning are some of the things we offer you
Your accounting support is a priority for us. We undertake the • Control of expenditure and tax work
full coverage of all your accounting needs and we offer you: • Adaptation to International Accounting Standards (IAS,
• Organization, maintenance, installation and supervision of IFRS)
the accounting department
External Accounting
• Accounting monitoring
• Design of a personalized economic plan for your needs When our specialized accountants take off your shoulders
• Computerized bookkeeping all the external accounting tasks of your company, you can
• Drafting of accounting statements and analyses continue your work undisturbed and focus on your business.
• Production costing
• Inclusion and monitoring of settlements and payments As far as your external tasks are concerned, indicatively we
can offer you:
(Tax Office and Social Security Funds) • Transfer of invoices and receipts from your business to
• Labor and insurance law advice
• Cash flow compilation update your books and return them together with all
• Establishment of domestic and foreign companies necessary documents (periodic statements, printed books,
• Paperwork and transactions with the Public Sector etc.)
• Direct support to regular and extraordinary audits • Handling of all kinds of tasks in public services and
• Budgeting and financial reporting insurance funds associated with your account
• Establishment / Cessation of operations • Payment of Taxes & Social Security Contributions
• Conversions, mergers, absorptions, acquisitions of companies • Issuance of tax and social security clearances
• Payment of bills
• Disposal of all payment receipts and statements
Your business must be constantly up-to-date and in • Audit of good and proper functioning of Internal Control
compliance with applicable law, so that in case of an audit you Systems
can have all legal obligations covered.
• Audits of Books and Records
At Athens Financial Services with our specialized partners we • Audits of budgets – Accounts
contribute to the maintenance of your business according to • Administrative Audit – Operational Audit
the current tax, labor and insurance laws. • Evaluation of the efficiency of your accounting department
We provide all management audits, of both financial statements WHAT IS AN EXTRAORDINARY
and consolidated balance sheets. Our partners give you FINANCIAL AUDIT AND WHAT HELP
complete control over the good and proper functioning of WILL IT BE?
internal control systems, books and data, budgets and accounts.
An Extraordinary Financial Accounting Department
The services we provide exceed even the most demanding Audit can prevent mistakes and big fines. Our goal is
challenges, able to shoot down all the business risks that to uncover potential problems in a future unannounced
each Economic Unit is asked to address. financial audit in the accounting department of your
business. We only ask for the assistance of the company
Analysis of our Audit Services: responsible for the audit and we record to you the
• Management Audits problems that exist or which may arise.
• Audits of Financial Statements and Consolidated Balance
• Audit of the good and proper functioning of the Accounting
The payment of employees and The payroll responsibilities we provide We carry out
associates can be a lengthy process include the following: on your behalf
and distract you from your main work the process of
and supervision. • Drafting and submitting the tax
At Athens Financial Services we also reimbursement form to the tax office returning an
cover you 100% in that. employer contribution
• Budgeting payroll costs for the
Our company processes the necessary current or next year of 0.45 in OAED
data for the issuance of payroll, vocational training
prints all necessary payroll statements • Calculation of personnel
and detailed receipts of individual compensation according to your programs,
earnings and publishes the accounting corporate needs by providing all
articles for the updating of the the required payroll
accounting books of your business. • Selective processing for senior
executives or foreign personnel information.
We send the corresponding file to the
bank on your behalf for the payment • Monitoring of collective agreements
of salaries to individual accounts, we
analyze payroll costs by category of • Comparison with your employees’
employees, compile and submit to salaries
the Labor Inspectorate the necessary
information on the basis of labor law. • Issuance of remuneration certificates
• Drafting and submitting of temporary
employee tax returns
SOCIAL Your business will not have to deal We also provide
SECURITY with the tax liabilities again, as we the opportunity
FUNDS undertake the observance of all the to support appeals
procedures and payments with the before tax courts,
At the same time, we also cover relevant tax office. Our partners will knowing all the
your social security obligations. inform you about all the moves they legal provisions.
make about your obligations and will
> Compilation of the EFKA keep them in a file, configured for 13
detailed periodic statement those covered and those that need to
(APD) and filing thereof through be settled.
the online EFKA services.
A service contract is drawn up for an
> Drafting and filing of annual period and for a fee, which
necessary statements of will be determined according to the
contributions for other principal services and will ensure our smooth
and cooperation.
subsidiary social security funds.
> Issuance of certificates of
social security withholding and
employee earnings until the
issuance of the relevant
computerized employment
> Support of the procedure for
the payment of contributions
of all social security funds, both
principal and subsidiary.
> Issuance of social security
clearance (upon request).
> Procedure for registration
with EFKA and issuance of a
book of newly hired personnel,
in case of change of seat or
opening of branches.
In response to developments and constant changes in the information about your personnel. Leaves, sicknesses and
legislative framework, at Athens Financial Services we also training programs will be properly registered, while we also
offer human resources services, either in cooperation with provide you with staff statistics.
the department you already have, or as your ideal external
partner. We manage the presence schedule and shift schedules, we
keep your employee changes record up-to-date, we monitor
Do you keep your personnel files properly organized labor law and codes of conduct, and have you fully covered
and up to date? and updated.
In our company we undertake to organize and support all
How do I choose the right employees for my business?
The choice of suitable staff is another thing we support. We use our database with notable executives
but we also seek collaborators through our network of contacts. We publish adverts for your needs,
do the relevant market research and conduct interviews while we directly approach executives with the
proposal you would like to present them.
But our services don’t stop here. In order
to evolve and go forward and always The prediction of the needs of the company in human
have the best, a business must also find resources and the knowledge of the skills and qualifications
the assessment system of its personnel of the staff and the ways that these can be used are very
staff that suits it. Our company imple- basic factors for the effectiveness of the company. Our
ments modern evaluation systems and long experience in the field of consulting services and the
contributes to the process of finding and organization of human resources departments, contributes:
recording the performance, efficacy and
qualifications of your employees. • to the definition of the policy (strategy) of the Human
Resources department
The system we apply is divided into
two stages: The first one concerns the • to the recording and identification of procedures
recruitment tests, in order to place the
right person in the appropriate position • to the training of the Human Resources officer
and the second one the tests applicable
during the employment, for his/her • to the selection and evaluation of candidates
continuous development.
• to the definition and codification of the department’s forms
Our company is able to serve you even • Income tax declaration In Greece, with the constant
if you are a resident of abroad or you • Ε9 & Ε2 forms change in the legislation and
keep a business outside Greece. • Declaration of inheritance and tax provisions, many times the
presentation of a tax residence
Residents of Abroad transfer of property
certificate is not sufficient,
The services we offer for individuals Foreign Companies even for persons who reside
residing permanently in foreign more than 183 days outside
countries and having unfinished If you own or wish to acquire a
business with the Greek bureaucracy company abroad we provide you with of our country. Permanent
concern the coverage of all their all the necessary procedures to achieve residents of abroad who may
obligations arising for taxation it.
purposes and the conclusion of double have income or property in
taxation avoidance agreements. 1. Establishment of Company Greece may also be required
Attention: If you own any asset in our Completion of all the necessary to be taxed here for their
country (such as a forgotten plot of bureaucracy needed for its formation, global income and face high
land that you have never seen) then this such as:
is sufficient to establish relationships • Bank account opening fines.
with the State. • Payment of corporate capital
• Registration of company
The main and most common
obligations concern: with VIES
• Declaration of immovable property
2. Stages for the setting up of 4. Secretarial Support Our motto
the company #mazimegalonoume
• In case you do not want a physical is our basic principle
• Finding a workplace to buy or rent, if seat we host your company in our
necessary offices and philosophy.
For a better and more
• Finding and recruiting staff • Virtual personal secretary answering
• Guidance for the supply of all the phone on behalf of your company profitable future.
We are here to
necessary equipment for the 5. Legal Support
operation of the company help with the vision
Our legal department undertakes your for your business.
3. Accounting Support continued support
• Guidance and advice regarding the 6. Translations / Interpreting
accounting part
During your stay abroad and your
• Keeping of the books of the company professional visits to banks, Ministries,
• Monthly accounting monitoring Public services, collaborators, etc. we
• Computerization provide you with an interpreter.
At Athens Financial Services we continue to cover your through our collaborators, is the total and, as far as
insurance needs and requirements. Your protection and possible, full coverage of your insurance needs, with the
safety is important to us, so we concluded contracts with presentation of the appropriate insurance products that aim
all major insurance companies in Greece and abroad to to secure you and the selection of the product that satisfies
achieve: you.
• The necessary solvency and guarantee required by each Our services include both the provision of assistance in
insurance risk for businesses and individuals. the event of an injurious event, which is necessary for your
timely and proper indemnification, as well as the review
• The proper management and immediacy in service from of your needs at regular intervals, in order to have in your
the stage of supply and support to indemnification per possession updated contracts, always interwoven with your
case. current insurance needs.
• The possibility of taking risks for individuals and their The sectors of Property Insurance that our company deals
property with specialised advice. with are:
• The securing of special agreements on specific risks • Occupational insurances: such as insurance for
related to Marine Insurance, Aviation Insurance, D&O, business premises, civil liability, group health care of
Ransom and kidnapping, for special guards on board, etc. business personnel, transport, financial loss, employee
trust, credit and guarantee, legal protection, etc.
Our company is a provider of insurance mediation and we
aim to “bridge” the gap between Insurance Companies • Personal insurance: such as property insurance (family
and the insured, whose interests we represent. vehicles, residences, yachts, business premises), life, health,
income protection, legal protection.
The basic principle of our philosophy, which also runs
• Specialized insurance: such as Marine (vessels and ships), Aviation (aircraft) #mazimegalonoume
and Special Guards, crops (such as for wine growers and wino-makers). and meet your
The belief of the company and our collaborators is that in order to be efficient and needs
and distinguish we must always find solutions to every request of our customer,
presenting them with all the alternatives to choose the one that fully satisfies
them. Even if some of your needs are highly specialized and unusual, we seek
and find solutions that will satisfy you through collaborations with foreign
insurance companies.
The “path” that we follow in order to find the appropriate policy starts from the
analysis and study of your insurance needs and we continue with the training of
your insurance program that covers more fully your needs.
The next step is to investigate the insurance markets and find the appropriate Our belief that
insurance company or group of companies to undertake your coverage based in order to be efficient
on the most favorable terms of insurance (such as exemptions, conditions, loss
limits, restrictions etc.) to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the event of the and distinguish
occurrence of a covered risk, but also the solvency and reliability of the insurance we must always
company and its executives.
find solutions
Then we collect the offers and we present you with the benefits and charges
in a comparative table, we check the insurance policy that will be issued by 21
the insurance company, which will be based on the selected offer and delivery
of the customer. Our services do not stop here, since after the agreement and
conclusion of the policy, we monitor the conditions of both the risk and the
insurance throughout the duration of its validity and of course we carry out all
the changes and endorsements that may be requested.
Finally, we support your policy in case of loss, so that the indemnification
reflects its true value and dimension and you complete the procedures as soon as
With the high specialization of our collaborators in matters of administration and organization
of enterprises and organizations, our services are extended to Consultancy matters.
Due to our multi-annual cooperation with businesses of all sizes and objects, we have the
appropriate know-how to meet your real needs and recommend programs tailored to your
We have the solutions you need in modernizing and reorganizing your company, with studies
of business plans and subsidized programs aimed at your own benefits.
- Evaluation of structure and - Analysis of market conditions and - Procedures
functionality sizes - Printed materials
- Labor Legislation
- Detection of malfunctions - Sales department processes - Code of Ethics
- Organizational chart - Training Planning
- Process Redesign - Sales Targets - Remuneration system - productivity
- Printed materials
- Task Descriptions - Sales analysis, comparison with incentives
- Operation By-Laws goals and variance analysis - Evaluation systems
- Control By-Laws - Business communication improvement
- Sales literature
22 techniques
- Bonus incentives - Sales goals - Developing a spirit of cooperation
- Sales statistics
Our consultancy services extend to the > Subsidized programs: You can #mazimegalonoume
following areas with a view to your find detailed information on the and provide you with
complete service, as well as ensuring services provided on page 25. solutions that you need
the smooth operation of the company.
> Business Plan Surveys: You can to modernize and
> Business, Valuation and find detailed information on the reorganize
Transaction services: Evaluation services provided on page 27.
services for all processes and your business
transactions of your business. > Management Systems (ISO)
Surveys: You can find detailed
> Business Risk Services and information on the services provided
Internal Audit: A detailed on page 28.
presentation of the business risk and
audit of your company’s internal > Franchising Surveys: You can find
finances. detailed information on the services
provided on page 30.
> Public Sector Services: Services
related to your transactions with
public entities.
To date we have
In the flow of everyday life and many obligations, many businesses do not seek managed to include
any subsidized programs that can benefit them and cover needs that they may
have. more than 1220
customers into
At Athens Financial Services we find programs that fit the profile and specialty
of your business and submit the corresponding survey and participation dossiers about 64 subsidized
for European programs, such as: programs.
> Development law programs
> NSRF 2014-2020
> Cross-border programs
> OAED programs, etc.
We will update, design and compile the necessary surveys and monitor the
implementation of each project for the programs that concern you (businesses,
private and broader public sector organizations).
BUSINESS #mazimegalonoume
PLAN and study your
SURVEYS business plans
At Athens Financial Services with our multiannual knowledge and experience 27
in the field of business we offer a specialized and tailored Business Plan, with
detailed analysis of business operation, answering questions such as:
• In how many years will my investment be amortized?
• If and when will my income exceed operating costs?
• What is the return on the investment in 5 or 10 years?
• Can it be compared to alternative investments?
• If you need to adjust the size of the unit so that there is faster or greater
return, how does this happen?
All the answers to the above questions and more will come with the creation of
your own business plan that we will provide to you.
Why is it necessary?
• To attract capital to finance your business
• To allocate funds within your structures
• To define or redefine the strategy you follow
• To select the appropriate size (right-sizing)
• For the functional determination as the criterion of annual comparison of the
activities and the plan you have drawn up.
Our company also provides the surveys you need for management systems, such as We reinforce
ISO and ELOT. the implementation of your
The long experience and the specialized executives that we have in the elaboration systems through regular
of surveys according to international and national standards, allows us effective operating controls,
to undertake the annual support of your systems at a very low cost.
while we train your
We retain your records in these certified management systems and prepare you to staff for the respective
successfully accept the annual audits by the monitoring bodies. At the same time,
we provide consulting services to improve the procedures you follow, we reinforce procedures.
the implementation of your systems through regular effective operating controls,
while we train your staff for the respective procedures.
Some of the quality management systems we undertake are:
• ISO 9001:2015, Quality management system
• Support in the transition to the Standard ELOT EN ISO 9001:2015
• ISO 22716:2007, Good Industrial Practice Management System for Cosmetics
• ELOT 1433, Certification of Education Services for Secondary Education
and Language Schools
• ELOT 1434, Certification of Garage Services, Refinishing and
Car Sales Companies
• ELOT 1435, Certification of Communication Services
CE CERTIFICATIONS We are preparing you
to successfully accept
The certifications we provide do not stop here.
The certification for products, the well-known CE, is addressed the annual audits
to all manufacturers of products included in the New Approach by the monitoring bodies
directives and seek to circulate their products to the community
market, but also to importers of products from countries 29
outside the European Community. We direct you and create
the certification based on the relevant legislation.
I want to create a Franchise. 2. Investors & Contract company is able to help you fill
Can you help me? in the necessary documents and
We set up and present your entire conditions in order to request
The answer is of course Yes. venture to prospective investors for your membership in a franchise
Franchising surveys are part of your company while we are drafting network. We undertake to examine
the services that our company can all the necessary contracts, the all financial data of the licensor,
provide to you. terms of the franchise contracts, the the legal records and profit/loss
The Franchise process is divided into commercial terms and the economic statements to obtain a realistic
3 steps: cooperation analysis. picture of the expenses, the profits
and other business concerns.
1. Study of the Franchise 3. Support and
Operations Handbook Development We then undertake the creation of
(Manual) of Partner Network your business plan and all the costs
and your full support throughout the
We study the operations manual We provide support services of process.
regarding the organization of your operation and organization of the
store, your pricing policy, analysis of network of collaborators to the
operating procedures, recording of franchisee.
the equipment required and its use,
legal and tax actions, computing, I want to buy a Franchise. Can
human resource processes and you help me?
communication (promotion and
advertising). Again, the answer is Yes. Our
A trademark is the symbol that your customers are Step 1: Availability Check
looking for to choose you. It distinguishes you from your
competitors and makes you stand out. It is essentially We immediately check the availability of the trademark you want
the distinguishing sign used commercially to identify a to register.
product or business.
Step 2: Category Selection
Our company undertakes the preparation of the dossier
and all the procedures for the safeguarding of your A trademark can be registered in one or more categories (classes).
trademark, both at national and international level. Our We will help you select the categories to better protect your
consultants ensure that your rights are guaranteed at trademark.
every stage of the registration process.
Step 3: Documents and Documentation
We also take care of thorough research before filing, in
order to ensure the success of the registration, and we We collect all the relevant documents, which will be needed and
always inform you about the dates when you need to proceed to the final review of your dossier before filing.
renew your trademark, so that it remains valid for as long
as you wish. Step 4: Filing of the Trademark Dossier
Our lawyer files your dossier with the competent ministry and we
inform you about the trademark number and the trial date that will
be set.
Step 5: Final Decision
During the trial date we will attend the examination of your
application and we will inform you of the final decision by notifying
you of all relevant documents.
Since May 2018, the European Union has adopted a wide and sufficiently
stringent regulation on the protection and security of personal data for all As personal data,
natural persons within its borders and in the European Economic Area. The we define the identity of
so-called GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the guide for the
protection of such data and its aim is to simplify the legislative framework for the individual,
international companies and EU citizens. his/her name
and surname,
All natural and legal persons within its scope must comply, otherwise strict gender, age,
and high fines are imposed. Now, any company that processes personal data
relating to individuals within the EU is required to be in line with the new residence, home
regulation, reviewing all information management procedures. address, marital status,
Why do I need you for the GDPR? employment
Our company is able to help your business harmonize with the new rules and telephone number,
make the change or adaptation of your information systems to be careful in email address, etc.
gathering and securely storing this information.
It is necessary to have the consent of the people whose information you are
managing for all kinds of preservation and processing thereof.
The instructions are clear as to their coding to prevent configuration of an online “profile”, such as for
identification and database association. behavioral advertising purposes).
Our special team of collaborators consists of consultants 3. A large-scale processing of specific categories of data
with rich experience and certifications on IT and (e.g. in the context of the provision of health services
legislation issues, information systems and networks by hospitals) or personal data relating to criminal
engineers and legal advisers with knowledge of the convictions and offences is carried out.
relevant regulatory and legal framework.
At Athens Financial Services we have a certified DPO for
Which organizations should appoint a the safe management of your company’s personal data,
DPO? while at the same time we harmonize you with the new
legislative regime and provide you with:
The appointment of a DPO (Data Protection Officer) is
mandatory when: • Advice on assessing the existing level of compliance
1. The processing is carried out by a public authority or a
• Drafting a compliance plan by conducting the required
public body (including natural or legal persons of public procedures
or private law exercising public authority). The courts
are excluded when they act under their jurisdiction. • Technological solutions concerning the installation of
new systems
2. Regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects
on a large scale is required (e.g. insurance or banking • Customization of existing systems according to the new
services, telephony or internet services, provision of requirements
security services, all forms of monitoring and
• Training of your staff in these new conditions
Our partners offer multi-level support and professionalism,
responsibility and specialization in the handling of cases, Safety Technicians
with excellent theoretical training and extensive experience.
A Safety Technician reports to the Management of the
Always aware of all current changes at a legal, economic, company and provides suggestions and advice, in writing
political and commercial level and always indicating the or orally, on issues related to Occupational Safety and the
most appropriate way for the aspirations of our customers to prevention of accidents at work. The Safety Technician
prosper. records the written instructions to a special book of the
company browsed and validated by the labor inspectorate:
Our legal advisers serve all kinds of legal matters, companies Safety Technician Instructions Book. The employer is obliged
and individuals: to take note of the instructions recorded in this book.
• Banking Law
• Commercial & Corporate Law Engineers
• E-Commerce
• Labor law • Energy Efficiency Certificates
• Tax Law • Electrical Installation Certificates
• Contract Law • Handling of Operating Licenses
• Bankruptcy Law • Settlements of Irregularly Erected Buildings
• Family Law • Operation & Maintenance Supervision Engineer
37 Evalkidou Street, Athens, P.C. 104 44
273 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Agios Dimitrios, P.C. 173 43
+30 210 83 17702 | [email protected]