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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2017-11-17 00:22:53

View 8, Vol. 16

View 8, Vol. 16


UPCOMING Parshat Toldot By: Rabbi Landsman

EVENTS The pasuk says: “And these are the generations of Avraham: Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak”, Rashi
Candle Lighting: is bothered by the fact that “Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak” merely restates something we already
know. Furthermore, why does the Torah go back and trace the family lineage from Avraham when
4:17 introducing the offspring of Yitzchak?
Havdallah: 5:19 Rashi answers that the cynics of the generation contended that Sarah became pregnant from
Avimelech. “She lived many decades with Avraham and had not become pregnant from him.” To
Sunday, Nov. 19

UPK in Session counteract this cynicism, Hashem fashioned Yitzchak’s appearance to be identical to that of Avraham.
5-8 Grade It was immediately obvious to anyone who saw Yitzchak that “Avraham fathered Yitzchak.”
Many times children look like their parents. It is possible to meet someone for the first time and
Parent-Child immediately recognize him as being the son of an individual who is well known to you. In this case,
Learning the identical appearance of the father-son pair was more overt than even that. The Medrash states
Program that Hashem made a “miracle” to make this happen. The appearance of Yitzchak was so exactly like
9-11:30AM that of his father that it was miraculous!
The Gemara describes that Avraham made a party to mark the occasion of the weaning of Yitzchak,
Thursday-Friday to which he invited all the great men of the generation. Avraham Avinu was not just a private citizen.
Nov. 23-24

Thanksgiving He was society’s primary proponent of monotheism. He rejected the pagan idols of the rest of the

No School world and proclaimed the existence of a Master of the Universe.

Sunday Dec. 3 Avraham Avinu wanted to sanctify the Name of Hashem and publicize the great miracle that Hashem
Chumash did for him. Avraham made this big celebration for just that purpose, but the cynics were sitting there
having a field day. They joked that Yitzchak could not possibly be Avraham’s child. Sarah must have
Presentations become pregnant from Avimelech. We know how it goes: A roll of the eyes, a twist of the nose, a
2nd Grade mocking smile.
In truth, this cynicism was illogical. They were saying that “Sarah was pregnant from Avimelech”
(2-205 and 2-206)

Tues.-Wed. because he could not possibly be Avraham’s child. The wonder here wasn’t that Avraham had

December 5-6 fathered a child. Avraham had already fathered a son from Hagar! The wonder was that Sarah, barren

Chanukah all her life, indeed conceived after she reached the age of ninety!
Boutique What then was the nature of this cynicism? Why did Hashem respond in such a miraculous fashion to
counteract this patently false type of mocking?
Wednesday Dec. 6 Rabbi Frand explains that the point is that cynicism has exactly this power. Cynicism does not need to

Parent Teacher be precise or accurate. The effect of a “one-liner” is basically like a pin that, in a moment, bursts the
balloon. The fact that anyone with intelligence who thinks about this for 30 seconds will recognize it as
3:45 PM Dismissal nonsense and irrelevant. The damage has already been done. Such is the power of leitzanut.
K-8 Allowing this momentary bursting of the balloon of Kiddush Hashem would have defeated Avraham’s

Sunday, Dec. 10 entire purpose in making the party. Thus, Hashem needed to make a miracle to restore the
inspirational nature of this festive meal.
Cumash The Mesilas Yesharim writes in Chapter 5: “With the smallest joke, a person can deflect from himself
Presentations the greatest amount of inspiration and enthusiasm. One joke pushes away 100 rebukes.”
Consider the Biblical incident of Eliyahu at Mt. Carmel. Eliyahu duels with the prophets of Baal. He is
2nd Grade trying to prove that idols are false and that the Almighty is the Only G-d. He brings down fire from
(2-204 and 2-207)

heaven to consume his offering after the prophets of Baal fail miserably when calling out to their gods.

YCQ Family News All Eliayhu had to do was to cry out, “Answer me, my Hashem, Answer me.” (Anneini Hashem
Mazel Tov to Morah
Goldman (3-210) on the Anneini). Why the repetition of the word “Answer me?” Chazal explain that Eliyahu offered a dual
prayer: (1) Answer me, Hashem, that a fire will come down from Heaven; and (2) Answer me, that the
birth of a baby girl!! people not say that my actions were witchcraft . In other words, “Hashem, please save me from the
cynics.” Save me from the proverbial guy who no matter what happens, always has a “one-liner” to
Mazel Tov to Mrs. Katz make a mockery out of anything inspirational or thought provoking.
(JHS Resource Room) on

the Bat Mitvah of her

daughter Ariela! Eliyahu was worried that he might be able to bring down fire from Heaven and have everyone shout

Mazel Tov Morah Adina “Hashem is the L-rd! Hashem is the L-rd” and that one cynic might undermine it all by saying: “Eh. It’s

Hativi on the Bar magic!” That is what Eliyahu was worried about and that is what the Almighty was worried about when
Mitzvah of her son he miraculously made Yitzchak look exactly like Avraham. Such is the destructive power of leitzanut.
The Almighty felt that it was imperative to combat it, even at the cost of making a miracle.
Shabbat Shalom
Mazel Tov to Josh Hedvat
(8B1) on his Bar Mitzvah!

Bat Mitzvah Workshop

Last Wednesday the sixth grade girls and their mothers shared a special evening together
in honor of the girls becoming Bnot Mitzvah. The program began with a Dvar Torah
from Rabbi Landsman, followed by an inspiring Dvar Torah and a description of the
entire Bat Mitzvah year from Morah Hadas Fried. Mrs. Marcy Davidovics, led a “Values
Clarification Session” with mothers and daughters. Morah Elana Banilivy, YCQ dance
instructor, led the girls and their mothers in simcha dancing. Everyone partook in a
delicious dinner catered by “Soy Sauce.” It was a most beautiful and memorable

Kindergarten Open House A Huge Success

This past Sunday YCQ had an extremely successful kindergarten open house. It was attended by over a hundred new
families that came from the surrounding neighborhoods in Queens, as well as the Five Towns and Great Neck. While
the adults enjoyed a viewing of last years’ Dinner slideshow presentation and heard from Mr. Sruli Glaser, as well as
YCQ students, Baily Lisker and Sam Korman, Sharon Korn, Rabbi Landsman and YCQ PTO president Mrs. Samantha
Kramer and vice president Mrs. Sara Gherman The children participated in music, gym, and visits to the Kindergarten
classrooms where they made craft projects. Numerous people helped make this day such a success. Thank you to
Morah Rivky Huff, Morah Selma Gottfreid, Morah Raina Popowitz, Morah Janet Koenigsberg, Morah Rhona Lipetz,
Morah Suri Friedman, Morah Sarah Kasherim, Morah Maxine Lipshitz, Morah Shifra Siegel, Rabbi Lonner, Rabbi Kovitz,
Rabbi Ribalt, Mrs. Golubtchik, Morah Sharon Korn, Rabbi Landsman, Mrs. Cohen, Rabbi Hamel, Mr. Schwartzman, Mr.
Andres Perez, Morah Ilyce, Morah Cindy, Morah Rachel, Morah Shana, Morah Peshie, Morah Osnat, Mrs. Karen
Daitchman, Morah Leah Greenwald, Mrs. Jen Jaffe, Mrs. Orlanski, Mrs. Gloria Grossman and Rabbi Soffer.

Faculty Professional Development Day

On Friday, November 10 it was the teachers turn to be the students! The teachers participated in a Faculty Professional
Development Day, which began with a drasha from Rabbi Shmuel Marcus. Sessions were led by fellow faculty members;
Morah Janet, Rabbi Soffer, Mrs. Orlanski, Dr. Stoner, Rabbi Finkelstein, Rabbi Bernstein, Mrs. Lowinger, Mr. Goldstein,
and Mrs. Muller. These teachers led training sessions regarding the important educational topic of student engagement
utilizing different educational techniques that are able to benifit fellow teachers. Thank you to the presenters and we look
forward to the faculty utilizing all that they learned. Special thanks Rabbi Lonner and Rabbi Kovitz for the great breakfast,
lunch and snacks in between!

Bar Mitzvah Workshop

On Monday, November 13, the seventh grade boys together with their fathers, enjoyed an informative and
fun evening where they learned about becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Landsman and Rabbi Bernstein,
addressed the audience, and the students each spoke about their namesake and how they wish to emulate
them in honor of their Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Oppen, a well known soffer from Lawrence, taught the boys about
the importance of tefillin with a hands-on workshop on how tefillin are made. The parents and students also
enjoyed a delicious dinner and simcha dancing lessons from the Shnitzel Boys! Thank you to Rabbi
Bernstein, JHS Rebbe for coordinating this wonderful event.

Nursery Rain Program

In honor of the month of Cheshvan, when we daven for rain in Israel, the nursery students
experienced a hands-on rain program with music, movement and dance. Morah Toby
Jacobowitz, music educator, gave the children scarves and flowers and had them move to
different kinds of music representing the gentle rain and heavy rain falling in Eretz
Yisrael. The children had a wonderful time dancing around the room to the music!

Introducing our Tefilah Program

Every month our students engage in a rich Tefilah program that focuses on a monthly theme. The students are
engaged with a lesson that includes an activity that is hands on. Last month our teachers collaborated and created
lessons associated with the theme of Malchut. Currently we are finishing up our second theme of the year: Hodaa.
Our students in grades 1-4 participated in different concrete lessons to help them appreciate different parts of the
Tefilah associated with being thankful. A couple of the Tefilot highlighted this month in the various grades were:
Pokeach Ivrim, Asher Yatzar, Matir Assurim, and Modim. Some activities that the students participated in
include: Our 1st graders engaged in activities to help them appreciate the Bracha of “Pokeach Ivrim” where the
students covered each individual eye and participated in different tasks to show how important it is to have both of
our eyes. Our 2nd graders analyzed the song “todah al kol mah shebarata” highlighting different aspects of the
world we can be thankful for. Our 3rd graders participated in activities associated with their senses to show how we
take for granted simple things such as smell and the use of our hands. Our 4th graders created formal thank you
cards and they placed them next to the Tefilot associated with Hodaa in their siddur. While they Davened the
words of Modim they used those cards to enhance their appreciation of Hashem. Hopefully with the lessons they
learn this year, their connection with Hashem will grow and they will have a heightened appreciation for Tefilah in
both Kavana and relevancy to their lives.

Torah Bowl Team Updates!

The first meet of the Torah Bowl season was this past Thursday as the students were asked hundreds
of questions on the first three parshiot in Sefer Bereishit. The YCQ Boys team plowed through the
competition winning all four of its games by a combined score of 59-20. The game of the day was
when Manhattan Day School held onto a late 7-1 lead, only to have YCQ score nine unanswered
points to win 10-7. On the field, the boys were lead by co-captains, Ari Schick and Eli Canter, who
each turned in excellent efforts. The girls team rebounded after dropping the first contest of the
season, to win the last three competitions. That places the YCQ Torah Bowl teams with an incredible
seven game winning streak! It has been an incredible run, and one we hope will lead to a wonderful
season! Special thanks to Rabbi Rosenfelt and Ms. Rosenblum for all they do for the team!

Classes 3-211 and 3-212 Learn About Veteran’s Day!

Ms. Laffer’s third grade classes learned about the history of Veteran’s Day. To honor the men and
women who served in our armed services, Class 3-211 and Class 3-212 created acrostic Veteran’s
Day poems! The class also shared
stories about family members who
were or are veterans, and Ms.
Laffer brought in pictures of her
grandfathers who served in World
War II. Her paternal grandfather
Hy served in the U.S. Army and
her maternal grandfather Alex
served in the U.S. Navy. Although
we celebrate Veteran’s Day every
year on November 11, we should
always remember to honor our
veterans every day!

9:30 AM Tuesday, Dec 5 Wednesday, Dec 6
10:00 AM
10:30 AM 4-304 4-305, 4-307
11:00 AM 6G1, 6G2 7G1, 7G2
11:30 AM N-109, N-208 1-202, 1-203
12:00 PM 8B1, 8B2 6B1, 6B2
12:30 PM 2-205, 2-206 3-209, 3-210
1:30 PM 7B1, 7B2 2-204, 2-207
2:00 PM 5-300, 5-301 8G1, 8G2
2:30 PM 4-306 K-100, K-101
5-302, 5-303 K-102, K-105
1-200, 1-201 3-211, 3-212

Chanukah Boutique

Yeshiva of Central Queens

Dec. 8—Dec. 9, 2017

Raleigh Hotel, South Fallsburg, NY

Cost $135

Departure from YCQ Friday Morning: 9:00 AM
Return to YCQ on Saturday night: 11:00 PM (approximately)

for arrival time at YCQ after the shabbaton.


Yeshiva of Central Queens

JHS Boys Shabbaton Permission

Please Return to Rabbi Hamel’s Office
by Friday, December 1, 2017


You may request four people for your room at the Raleigh Hotel .

You will definitely receive at least one request.

______________________ _______________________

______________________ _______________________


I am coming to this Shabbaton with a positive attitude, ready to have a
really great time. I plan to dress appropriately and participate in all of
the programs of the Shabbaton.

Student’s Signature

Student’s Class __________________

I hereby give my son __________________ permission to attend the YCQ
Boys Shabbaton at the Raleigh Hotel on December 8 & December 9.

I have enclosed $135 for the Shabbaton.




‫ר' צבי ב''ר נחמן ע''ה‬


147-37 70th Road • Flushing, NY 11367 • 718-793-8500


Dear Parents:

As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invita on for all parents in grades N‐5 to u lize the
conference op on on ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the me slots and create your schedule prior to arriving at
school on Parent Teacher night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the earlier you sign up, the more availability
there will be for appointments, and the more likely you will be able to customize a convenient schedule for yourself.

Before beginning the process please check the following schedule of conference dates and mes in order to know when the
teachers you would like to see will be available:

Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or e‐mail.

Date Grades Times Slot length
5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
Wednesday, 1‐200, 1‐201, 1‐202, 2‐205, 3‐209, 9:30pm
December 6, 3‐211, Fourth Grade, 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
2017 5‐302, 5‐303 6‐9 PM No Sign‐up required
JHS Girls

Monday, Nursery, Kindergarten, 1‐203, 2‐204, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
December 11, 2‐206, 2‐207, 3‐210, 3‐212, 9:30pm
2017 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
5‐300, 5‐301 6‐9PM No Sign‐up required

JHS Boys

The online registraƟon system will only be open for registraƟon beginning on Monday, November 13th unƟl

Monday November 27th, at 4:30 PM .

Please remember that the system is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and registra on should be completed as early as
possible to help ensure the most convenient schedule possible for you.

For Parents without access to a computer or internet connec on, Hadas (contact info below) will be available by
email or phone to assist in the registra on process. Those parents who use this method will be provided with a
printed schedule that can be picked up from Hadas in Rabbi Landsman’s office.

If you have any ques ons or comments at any point in the process, please contact Hadas at (718) 793‐8500 Ext.
310 [email protected].

Thank you

Parent Teacher Conferences, Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Class Time Sign In LocaƟon of Conference
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐200, 1‐201,
1‐202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)

2‐205 (Mrs. Chubak, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Morah Reut) 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3‐211 (Ms. Laffer, Morah E y) 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom

Fourth Grade

5‐302, 5‐303
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried,

JHS Girls 6:00‐9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First Come First Serve

Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, December 11, 2017

Class Time Sign In LocaƟon & Conference
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Nursery & Kindergarten 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom

(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)

2‐204, 2‐207, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak) 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom

3‐210, 3‐212
(Morah E y, Ms. Laffer )

5‐300, 5‐301 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman,

Rosenblum )

JHS Boys 6:00‐9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First come first serve




November 19, 2017

1 Kislev, 5778, Rosh Chodesh

9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Boys
Basketball and Girls




Rabbi Rosenfelt ,
JHS Rebbe


“Avraham and Hagar:
A Match Made in Heaven ?”

Bar Mitzvah Workshop!

Bat Mitzvah Program!!!

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