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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2016-09-29 12:33:23

VIEW 7, Vol. 13

VIEW 7, Vol. 13


UPCOMING Parshat Chayai Sarah By: Rabbi Landsman

EVENTS The Talmud, in Masechet Kiddushin (2a), compares the acquisition of a burial plot for Sarah

Candle Lighting: to the halachic method of marriage. Just as land is purchased with money, so too, one method
of marrying someone involves the giving of money or an object of value from a man to a wom-
Havdallah: 5:19 an. What is the meaning of this comparison? How can the purchase of a burial plot be the mod-
Sun., November 16 el for the marriage ceremony?
JHS Parent- Rabbi Sobolofsky teaches that the most important character trait necessary for a successful mar-
Child Learning riage is chessed. Most of Parshat Chayei Sarah focuses on Eliezer's search for a wife for
Program 9-11:30 Yitzchak. It is Rivka's excellent performance of chessed that qualifies her as one fitting to marry
Tues., November 18 Chessed can be performed for two reasons. Some give to others with the hope that they will

Picture Day receive something in return. A higher form of chessed involves giving without any ulterior

Grades N-5 motive, without hope of receiving something in return. We are required to perform acts
of chessed, in emulation of Hashem's ways. Just as He visits the sick, feeds the poor, and cares
Wed., November 19 for everyone's needs, so too are we commanded to follow His path. Hashem's acts

Picture Day JHS

Motzai Shabbat of chessed constitute the higher form because there is no way for us to return such acts.
November 22 Chazal refer to the prototype of chessed with absolutely no ulterior motive as "chessed shel emet"
Intergenerational true loving kindness the ultimate act of which is caring for the dead. It is this model
Melave Malka
3rd Grade 7PM of chessed that is portrayed by the purchase of a burial plot for Sarah as Avraham had nothing to
gain in return. It is this chessed shel emet that serves as the model for eternity for
Sun., November 23
the chessed done between husband and wife. Partners in marriage may tend to be kind to each
JHS Parent- other because they will receive kindness in return. The Torah stresses that the correct mindset
for caring for one’s spouse is to give for the sake of giving, not for the sake of receiving. At the
Child Learning beginning of every Jewish marriage, as the kiddushin are performed, the image of Avraham
Program 9-11:30

BJE HS Entrance caring for Sarah is conjured up.
Exam Judaic Parshat Chayei Sarah is truly the parsha that teaches us the secret of marriage. Avraham and
Studies 8th Grade
9AM Rivka's acts of chessed guide us through marriage as we perfect ourselves as givers in the true

Thur. November 27-28 sense of the word. Have a great Shabbat!


No Sessions

Tues., December 2 Spotlight on New Faculty
PT Conferences Hi! My name is Morah El-ana Banilivy. Educating the youth of our generation has
always been a dream of mine which has brought me great satisfaction. With years of
3:45 Dismissal K-8 prior experience working with children from various backgrounds and academic
capabilities I am proud to continue my passion as a educator in YCQ as a first grade
YCQ Family News teacher. I believe in implementing music, and creativity into the classroom in order
to allow children to developed and discover themselves. It is an honor to be given
Mazel Tov to Yoni the opportunity to join such a wonderful faculty and team. I look forward to many
Spielman and Matan wonderful years here at YCQ!
Makharadze on their

Bar Mitzvah!

Mazel Tov to Mrs.
Maisel on Esti’s Bat


Yakubov on her Bat Preschool registration for YCQ families began November 1.
Please call Morah Sharon Korn at ext. 313 or Mrs. Hadas Goodrich at ext.
Mitzvah! 310 to schedule an appointment for your child to be interviewed.

Mazal Tov to Morah
Tali Brody (music) on

her wedding!

Bar Mitzvah Workshop

On Wednesday Novemeber 5th, the seventh grade boys together with their fathers, enjoyed an informative
and fun evening where they learned about becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Landsman addressed the
audience and the students each spoke about their namesake and how they wish to emulate them in honor
of their Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Oppen, a well known soffer from the Five Towns, taught the boys about the
importance of tefillin with a hands-on workshop on how tefillin is made. The parents and students also
enjoyed a delicious dinner and simcha dancing lessons from the Shnitzel Boys! Thank you to Rabbi
Bernstein, JHS Rebbe for coordinating this wonderful event.

YCQ Has a NO BULLY Policy! 

The two part organiza on skills and an ‐bullying program for 5th graders was completed this week and was a success. Led 
by the social work department, the children were engaged and gained a lot from the program. In the organiza on          
segment, they learned to color code their notes, gain meaningful study skills,  me management tools, and how to prepare 
for a test or a report.  We had a raffle where a student in each class won an office supply. In the an ‐bullying workshop, 
the students learned about respec ng others, even if they may be different from themselves. They understood the im‐
portance of following protocol, and learned that they are held accountable for their ac ons. We spoke about the idea 
of  ‘V'ahavta l’reacha kamocha’ as a Torah and a psychological concept. In addi on, we gathered in small facilitated groups 
and had each student sign a pledge of accountability contract.  We would like to thank the social work department for   
organizing and implemen ng this now yearly program.  

Kindergarten Open House A Huge Success

This past Sunday YCQ had an extremely successful Kindergarten Open house. It was attended by
over fifty new families that came from the surrounding neighborhoods in Queens as well as the Five
Towns and Great Neck. While the adults enjoyed a viewing of last years’ Dinner slideshow
presentation and heard from Dr. Joel Cohen, YCQ students, Abby Gur-Arie and Ethan Aron, Sharon
Korn, Rabbi Landsman and YCQ parent, Mrs. Sara Gherman, and YCQ PA President Mrs. Tracy
Landsberg. The children participated in music, gym, and visits to the Kindergarten classrooms where
they made craft projects. Numerous people helped make this day such a success. Thank you to
Morah Rivky Huff, Morah Selma Gottfreid, Morah Raina Popowitz, Morah Marion Noble, Morah Ja-
net Koenigsberg, Morah Rhona Lipetz, Morah Suri Friedman, Morah Sarah Kasherim, Morah Max-
ine Lipshitz, Morah Shifra Siegel, Rabbi Lonner, Rabbi Kovitz, Mrs. Golubtchik, Rabbi Eisenberg,
Morah Sharon Korn, Rabbi Landsman, Mr. Schwartzman, Mr. Andres Perez, Mrs. Karen Daitchman,
Morah Leah Greenwald, Mrs. Jen Jaffe, Dr. Goldberg, Rabbi Soffer, Mrs. Orlanski, Dr. Cohen, Mrs.
Sheera Landsman, Mrs. Block and Mrs. Grossman.

JHS Boys Shabbaton 

This past Shabbat, Parshat Vayerah, the JHS boys enjoyed a memorable and meaningful Shabbat together at the Ra‐
leigh Hotel. On Friday a ernoon the students had fun playing outdoor sports and swimming.  Shabbat began with a 
beau ful Kabbalat Shabbat, a delicious dinner and divrei Torah. A er learning groups, an oneg Shabbat, and a ba le 
of the grades compe on, everyone re red to their rooms for the night.  On Shabbat morning a er Shacharit, every‐
one par cipated in a Torah sports trivia compe on.  During lunch, students enjoyed more delicious food and divrei 
Torah.  The  Rebbeim  par cipated  in  games  with  their  students.  At  seudah  shlishit  there  was  beau ful  singing  and 
Divrei Torah. Havdallah was filled with ruach and dancing, and the fun con nued a er Shabbat at Sport Time USA. 
The students had a wonderful Shabbat where they built las ng rela onships and memories with their Rebbeim and 
peers. The Schnitzel Boys really enhanced the ruach over Shabbat. Thank you to all of the Rebbeim and chaperones 
for making this Shabbaton so special!  

Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Class Time Sign In LocaƟon of Conference
1-203 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)

2-205 (Mrs. Chubak, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Morah Reut) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-209, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-211 (Mrs. Halpern,
Morah EƩy)

4-304, 4-305, 4-306

5-302, 5-303
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried,

Orlanski, Hoffman)

JHS Girls 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First Come First Serve

Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, December 8, 2014

Class Time Sign In LocaƟon & Conference
N-109 & N-208 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K-100, K-101
K-102, K-105

1-200, 1-201, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1-202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)

2-204, 2-207, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak)
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-210, 3-212 5:30-9:30 Classroom
(Morah EƩy, Mrs. Halpern ) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
6:00-9:00 Sign in Online Lunchroom
No Sign In
5-300, 5-301 First come first serve
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )

JHS Boys

147-37 70th Road • Flushing, NY 11367 • 718-793-8500


Dear Nursery ‐ 5th Grade Parents: 


As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invita on for you to u lize the conference op on on 
ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the  me slots and create your schedule prior to arriving at school on Parent  
Teacher night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the earlier you sign up, the more availability there will be for   
appointments, and the more likely you will be able to customize a convenient schedule for yourself.  


Before beginning the process please check the following schedule of conference dates and  mes in order to know when the    
teachers you would like to see will be available: 

Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or e‐mail. 

Date  Grades  Times  Slot length 

Tuesday,  1‐203, 2‐205, 3‐209, 3‐211, 4‐304, 4‐305,  5:30pm to  10 Minutes per appoint‐

December 2, 2014  4‐306, 5‐302, 5‐303   9:30pm  ment 
   5th Grade 5 Minutes per 

Monday,  Nursery, Kindergarten, 1‐200, 1‐201,         5:30pm to  10 Minutes per appoint‐
December 8, 2014  1‐202, 2‐204, 2‐206, 2‐207, 3‐210, 3‐212, 
4‐307, 5‐300, 5‐301  9:30pm  ment 

   5th Grade 5 Minutes per 

 The online registraƟon system will only be open for registraƟon beginning at 10:00 AM on Monday, November 10th unƟl

November 19 at 11:00 AM .

Please remember that the system is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and registra on should be completed as early as 
possible to help ensure the most convenient schedule possible for you.  

For Parents without access to a computer or internet connec on, Hadas or Liron (contact info below) will be   
available by email or phone to assist in the registra on process. Those parents who use this method will be      
provided with a printed schedule that can be picked up from Hadas in Rabbi Landsman’s office. 

If you have any ques ons or comments at any point in the process, please contact Hadas at (718) 793‐8500 Ext. 
310 or Liron at Ext. 330

Thank you, 

The Yeshiva of Central Queens 

Yeshiva of Central Queens

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

9:00-9:30- 8th Grade Boys Yearbook Picture
9:30-10:15- 8th Grade Boys Portraits
10:15-10:45 8th Grade Girls Year Book Picture
10:45-11:30- 8th Grade Girls Portraits
11:30-12:15- Committee Pictures
12:50-1:05- 6B2
1:05-1:20- 6G2
1:25-1:40- 6B1
1:40-1:55- 6G1
1:55-2:10- 7G1
2:10-2:25- 7G2
2:25-2:40- 7B1
2:40-2:55- 7B2

Grades 6-8 Girls: Please come dressed in appropriate Shabbat clothing.
Grades 6-7 Boys: Please come dressed in black or blue pants
and a white button down shirt

Grade 8 Boys: Please come dressed in a dark suit (navy blue, or black,
white button down dress shirt, tie, and shabbat shoes)

The 8th grade photo will be a full page spread in the 8th grade yearbook.
It is very important that the 8th grade students follow the dress code.

Class Time Grades N-5
picture day
K-100 9:00
K-101 9:15 schedule
K-102 9:30 Tuesday,
K-105 9:45 November
N-109 10:00 18, 2014
N-208 10:15
1-200 10:30 Boys:
1-201 10:45 Please wear
NO CLASSES 11:00 dress pants and a
NO CLASSES 11:15 button down
3-209 11:30
1-202 11:45 shirt.
1-203 12:00 Girls:
2-206 12:15 Please wear
4-305 12:30 Shabbat dress
2-205 12:45 clothing.
4-304 1:00
3-212 1:15
2-207 1:30
3-210 1:45
2-204 2:00
4-307 2:15
4-306 2:30
3-211 2:45
5-300 3:00
5-303 3:15
5-302 3:30
5-301 3:45


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 3 4 5 6 7
6 LA (essay writing) 6 LA (essay writing) 7 Math (Sider) 6B Gemara 6G Chumash
9 8 Math 8B Gemara (Howitt) 8 Math (Brody)
6B Gemara 14
16 10 11 12 8G Halacha 6B Halach
23 6B Chumash NO 7B Tests 8 Vocab
6 Math (Cigan, Walz) 18 6G Ivrit 13
6B Ivrit 6B Navi 8 Science  7G Chumash 21
6G Math (Goldstein) 7B Navi
7G Navi 8G Navi 8G Halacha 19 NO 6G Tests 28
8G Navi 7G Ivrit
7 Social Studies 20
17 8 Ivrit 8G Chumash
8G Halacha 6G Navi
7G Halacha 7B Chumash
8 Social Studies

24 25 26 27
8B Navi 6 Science 8 Algebra Brody
6G Halacha 8G Mishna 7B Ivrit
8B Navi 8B Chumash 
7G1 Mishna 6G Mishna
7G2 Mishna

Turkey Raffle to Support the

YCQ Eighth Grade Yearbook

tickets will
be sold from


A percentage 1 raffle ticket for
of the money $1
raised will be
donated to 3 raffle tickets
for $2
10 raffle tickets
for $5

Raffle will
be held on


YCQ Parent Association

November 18th AGENDA
Welcome Message by Rabbi Eisenberg
8:00 pm Rabbi Rosen Memorial Gift

Volunteers needed to coordinate
donations and flyer for the view
Chanukah Boutique Update – Shelley P

December 6 (pm) setup
December 8 (pm) selling
December 9 & 10 all day
December 10 (pm) cleanup
PA Family Night – Chanukah – Lisa F
Chagiga for N-5
Older kids to volunteer
JH Girls Workshop – Ariella L
January 3 or January 10
Questions, Comments, Ideas




November 16, 2014

23rd Cheshvan 5775

9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball



Rabbi Finkelstein,
YCQ Rebbe


“Tzitzit! Strings Attached!
Don’t Leave Home Without Them!”

The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills

is pleased to invite the community to a

Shabbos weekend with

Nachum Segal
Host, JM in the AM

Friday night/Shabbos Toldos
November 21-22, 2014

Friday night Carlebach davening

“My 30 years in Jewish Broadcasting”
Friday night Oneg, 7:30pm

“The Most Intriguing Personalities
I Have Interviewed”

Shabbos Afternoon Shalosh Seudos
following 4:00 pm Mincha

We gratefully appreciate and acknowledge the sponsors
who made this event possible:

Mr. & Mrs. David Englander, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Polinsky, Mr. & Mrs. Sam Russo,
Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Socol, Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sheldon, Mrs. Adina Stern,
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weintraub, Anonymous

YCQ Open House!

Seventh Grade Boys Bar Mitzvah Workshop!

JHS Boys Shabbaton!

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