VOLUME 14 NUMBER 15 JANUARY 15, 2016 5 SHEVAT 5776
UPCOMING Parshat Bo By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting:
Havdallah: 5:35
Sun., January 17
First Grade
YCQ Family News Important Information
Mazel Tov to Ms. Michali NO Queens or long island BUS SERVICE
Weiner (social Worker) MONDAY, January 18, 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
on her marriage! 3:30 Dismissal for grades N-8
There will be NO after school programs or 4:30 room
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Sariel
Malitzky (’94) on Boys Varsity Basketball Game at 6:00pm vs SSSQ @ YCQ
receiving the Faculty
Recognition Award from
Mazel Tov to Beth (Alter)
(’78) and Warren Hecht
on the engagement of
their daughter Penina
Hecht to Yehuda Gourdgi!
Mazel Tov to Penina
Hecht (’07) on her
engagement to Yehuda
Mazel Tov to Brian
Goldstein (‘93) on his
marriage to Michelle
Mazel Tov to Ari (’04) and
Rachey Mirzoeff on the
birth of a baby girl,
Mazel Tov to Steven (’78)
and Rachelle Margulies
on the birth of a grandson
born to Shoshana and
Jason Margulies!
Mazel Tov to Yitzchak
(’05) and Abra Mandel on
the birth of a son!
Mazel Tov to Albert (’66)
and Ronnie Faber on the
birth of a granddaughter
born to Miriam and Mark
Mazel Tov to Michal
(Hoschander) (’66) and
Ronald Malen on the
birth of a grandson born
to Abigail and Hillel
Mazel Tov to Abbe (‘64)
and Debbie Dienstag on
the birth of a
grandaughter born to
Suri and Chaim Dienstag!
Jewish Children’s Museum
On Wednesday, January 13, 2016 the nursery went on a trip to the
Jewish Children’s Museum. They visited many exciting exhibits
including the floor that’s all about Sefer Bereshit. They enjoyed
crawling through a giant challah and climbing on a huge Kiddush cup.
They even got to shop in a play Kosher Market and got to bring home
a beautiful project. What a fun trip!
Torah Bowl
The second meet of the Torah Bowl season took place on Monday, January 11, as the students were
asked questions on the Parshiot of Shelach and Korach. They competed against HANC, HALB,
SHAGN, and HAFTR and nearly all games were extremely close. The boys won two of the four games
and were lead by Itamar Besalel who turned in an incredible effort. It was a lot of fun, and they look
forward to the rest of the season. Thank you Rabbi Rosenfelt and Ms. Rosenblum for preparing all the
students so well.
1-201 Siddur Play
This past Sunday, Morah Fendel’s kittah received their very first Siddur and put on a
beautiful performance! We are so proud of them! They worked very hard, singing their
songs, practicing their parts and rehearsing on stage. The play was executed to
perfection and the songs sounded amazing!! They then watched a slide show
highlighting the children learning! Then, each student received an engraved siddur
with his or her name on it! Everyone then enjoyed cake and treats celebrating
receiving their siddurim! Mazel tov to all first graders! Special thanks to Morah
Fendel, Morah Tali and Morah Molly for all their hard work!
Class 1-200 Receives Their Siddurim
Mazel tov to 1-200 who received their very first Siddur and put on a
beautiful performance! The children sang and preformed their parts
beautifully. Every child did a spectacular job! Although the Yeladim had a
great time performing, even more exciting to them is davening each day
from their brand new Siddur! Many thanks to Morah Elana, Morah Elisheva,
and Morah Tali!
Coming Soon from the YCQ
The Winter Reading Club
Scavenger Hunt!!!!
Biographies! Book Series!
Fairy Tales! Ivrit!
Fiction/Nonfiction Fun!
You are cordially invited to the next meeting
of the YCQ-PTO
which will take place
Tuesday, January 19, 2015
8:30 pm
in the YCQ library.
Guest Administrator of the Month:
Mrs. Melissa Cohen, Assistant Principal
Elementary School
All parents and teachers are welcome!
The Officers of the YCQ-PTO
An agenda will follow via email
An important request from
Rabbi Yaakov Finestone, YCQ 6th grade rebbe
I run an amazing kiruv program called JEP, the Jewish
Education Program.
For over 40 years JEP has been in the forefront of
kiruv- teaching Jewish children in public schools on a
weekly basis. Through many different programs JEP has
helped many children & their families become
observant Jews. Many children have been encouraged
to enroll in yeshivos, through the efforts of JEP’s
volunteers. Many are also receiving scholarships as well
as tutoring, to make their stay in yeshivos possible.
A number of former JEP children have come to YCQ
and are considered excellent students who have
exhibited exceptional midot.
We are having an AMAZING fundraising raffle!
You can help us & have a chance to win 1 of many
wonderful prizes!
Please help! Your support does make a difference!
You can help JEP
& have a chance to win 1 of many
wonderful prizes!
For over 40 years JEP has been in the forefront of kiruv-
teaching Jewish children in public schools on a weekly
basis. Through many different programs JEP has helped
many children & their families become observant Jews.
Many children have been encouraged to enroll in
yeshivos, through the efforts of JEP’s volunteers. Many
are also receiving scholarships as well as tutoring, to
make their stay in yeshivos possible.
A number of former JEP children have come to YCQ and
are considered excellent students who have exhibited
exceptional midot.
JEP is run by Rabbi Yaakov Finestone,
YCQ’s 6th grade Rebbe.
Please help- Your support does make a difference!
Go to JEPQueens.com to donate online
Or call 718 544-5213 for more information
JEP Raffle
1-201 Siddur Play!
1-200 Siddur Play!