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Published by Yeshiva of Central Queens, 2016-09-30 09:40:59

The VIEW 12, Vol. 12

The VIEW 12, Vol. 12

VOLUME 12 NUMBER 12 DECEMBER 13, 2013 10 TEVET 5774

UPCOMING Parshat Vayechi By: Rabbi Landsman

EVENTS Sefer Braishit begins with the creation of the world and ends with the final words of Yosef to his brothers and his

Candle Lighting: 4:10 subsequent death. The life and death of Yosef are a testament to the opening words of Sefer Braishit. The first Rashi in Braishit is
bothered by the necessity of Sefer Braishit. If the Torah is primarily a book of mitzvot, then the Torah could have begun with the
Havdallah: 5:11 first mitzvah given to Bnai Yisrael. Rashi concludes that the primary purpose of Sefer Braishit is to validate the claim of Bnai
Yisrael to Eretz Yisrael. Only Hashem can determine who is entitled to which land. Sefer Braishit which establishes Hashem as the
Sun., Dec. 15 Creator, also establishes as a corollary that Eretz Yisrael was given by the Creator to Bnai Yisrael.

Chumash Rabbi Sobolofsky explains two fundamental beliefs, the existence of Hashem and the unique relationship between His

Presentations people and His land are the two truths that Yosef expresses throughout his life and even after his death. In the house of Potiphar,
Yosef is described as "Hashem itto". Rashi interprets this to mean that he constantly had the name of Hashem on his lips. Rashi's
2-205 at 9AM interpretation is brought out many times throughout the story of Yosef. Trying to convince the wife of Potiphar why he cannot
2-207 at 11AM succumb to her temptations, Yosef concludes by saying, "v'chatati l'Elokim" it will be a sin against Hashem. Before interpreting the

There will be NO dreams of the Sar Ha'mashkim and Sar Ha'ofim he informs them "ha'lo l'Elokmi hapitronim". Even standing in the presence of
Parent-Child Pharoh, Yosef concedes "Elokim ya'ane et shlom Pharoh". The constant evoking of the name of Hashem as the One to whom man is
accountable and as the source of all wisdom stemmed from the firm belief of Yosef in the Borai shomayim va'aretz.
It was this belief that enabled Yosef to make sense of the otherwise incomprehensible events that occurred to him. How
Learning this Sunday

Mon., Dec. 16 could he have been sold by his brothers and subsequently rise to power? Immediately after revealing himself to his brothers, Yosef
presents them with his analysis of the past twenty-two years. In five pesukim he mentions four times that it was clearly Divine
Parent-Teacher providence that enabled these events to occur. As he had done in jail and now before Pharoh, he views himself as merely an agent of
HaShem. It is this belief that enables Yosef to forgive his brothers; although they had wanted to wrong him, "Elokim chashava l'tova"
Conferences - Hashem had planned everything for the good.
K-8 3:30 Dismissal
The second firm commitment of Yosef which he never swayed from was his connection to Eretz Yisrael. Even as a
prisoner in Mitzrayim far from his homeland, he still identifies himself as one who came from "Eretz Yisrael". Chazal note that it was
YCQ Family News these words that enabled Yosef to be buried in Eretz Yisrael. Although Yosef had not lived in Eretz Yisrael since he was seventeen

Mazal Tov Ben Friedman years old, his final words consisted of his plea to his brothers to make certain he would be buried there. His connection to Eretz
on his Bar Mitzvah Yisrael that never waned throughout his years in galut stemmed from his powerful faith in Hashem. As a believer in the Borai
shamayim va'aretz he was able to appreciate that it was Hashem who gave Eretz Yisrael to His people and this gift was a source of
Mazel Tov to Serena pride and had to be treasured.
Joseph on her Bat Mitzvah
The relationship between emunah b'Hashem and Eretz Yisrael goes in two ways. A deeper belief in Hashem will enhance
Mazal Tov to Morah appreciation for Eretz Yisrael. Similarly, an appreciation of Eretz Yisrael will strengthen ones emunah b'Hashem. "Eretz asher
Yaffe Salek (3-209) on Hashem Elokecha doresh ota" Rashi explains that although Hashem watches over the entire world, His primary concern is for Eretz

the birth of a baby girl! Yisrael. The Ramban elaborates on the unique level of Divine providence that exists in Eretz Yisrael. Being attuned to the special
spiritual quality of Eretz Yisrael enables one to experience this closer connection to Hashem. Eretz Yisrael can enhance ones belief
Condolences to Mrs. Ruth in Hashem because His providence is more apparent there.
Rosenberg on the passing
of her husband. Shiva will Yosef spent his youth in Eretz Yisrael learning the lessons of briat ha'olam from his father. His firm belief in Hashem
together with his appreciation for Eretz Yisrael remained with him throughout his life. He imparted these truths to Bnai Yisrael as
be observed at the he died. He firmly believed that Hashem would redeem His children and return them to His land. The opening words of Braishit are
Roseberg residence 1720 the legacy of Yosef. It is his last words of belief in Hashem and love of Eretz Yisrael that echo the opening of Sefer Braishit "Braishit
bara Elokim et hashomayim v'et ha'aretz."
East 27th Street
Brooklyn NY 11229 until Have a great Shabbat!
Thursday, December 19

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule ‐ Monday, December 16, 2013 ‐ 3:30 Dismissal K‐8 

Nursery and Kindergarten ‐ 5:30PM ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom 
1‐203 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment  

2‐204, 2‐205 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment  
3‐212 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment  

4‐305, 4‐306, 4‐307 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment 
5‐300, 5‐301‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment  
JHS Boys ‐ 6:00 ‐ 9:00PM in the lunchroom, first come, first serve    

There will be NO a erschool ac vi es including 4:30 room!  

Olive Oil Workshop

On Wednesday December 4th, the 7th day of Chanukah, our first and second graders
enjoyed an olive oil workshop. The students squeezed olives, separated the oil into a
centrifuge, spun wicks and lit the chanukiyah! A wonderful time was had by all.

Fifth Grade Chesed Trips

On Wednesday December 4th and Thursday December 5th, the fifth through eighth grades went on chesed
trips. Each group went to a different nursing home or rehab center. Morah Fried led a group to the Franklin
Nursing Home, Mrs. Orlanski led a group to the Holliswood Center for Rehab, Rabbi Rohr led a group to
Meadow Park, and Mrs. Hoffman took the students to Margaret Teirtz. Morah Leemor, Morah Farbman and
Morah Rosenfeld took the sixth grade girls to Rego Park Senior Center, and the Queens Center. Rabbi
Russek, Rabbi Kramer, Rabbi Finestone and Rabbi Howitt took the sixth grade boys to Cliffside Nursing
home and Wavecrest Nursing Home. Rabbi Finkelstein and Rabbi Bernstein, took the seventh grade boys to
Bais Ezra for a Chanuka party! Morah Lital and Morah Beer took the seventh grade girls to the QJCC Food
Pantry. Lastly the eighth grade students had HASC and Otsar come visit YCQ for a Chanuka workshop in the
gym under the guidance of Rabbi Pearl, Rabbi Hammer, Rabbi Nat, Morah Ivgi, Morah Schussheim, and
Mrs. Katz. Special thanks to Mrs. Katz for planning all the special Chanuka activities!

Preschool Chanuka Plays

This past Thursday December 5th, the preschool classes each preformed a
beautiful play. The parents were all invited to see the presentations that their
children worked so hard to put on!

Third Grade Visits Utopia Jewish Center

On Wednesday, the 7th day of Chanuka, our third graders traveled to the Utopia Jewish Center for a Cha-
nuka Extravaganza run by Chabad of Eastern Queens. The students were treated to a smorgasbord of fun
activities all focusing on the themes of Chanuka: latka and doughnut making, moon bouncing, puppet
shows, and bowling. The students also participated in a Chanuka game show as well as an art project. The
students posed in front of a 5 foot high menorah that the students make out of lego! A fun and educational
experience was had by all. We can’t wait to do it again next year!


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 3 4 56
5th Day Chanuka 6th Day Chanuka 8th Day Chanuka
8 No Sessions Chanuka Presentations
JHS Parent Child
Learning 9 10 11 12 13
6b Gemara Asara B'Tevet
15 7th grade science 6 boys chumash 6b2 halacha 7 grade vocabulary
Chumash 8 grade science 7B Ivrit
Presentation 7 girls halacha Algebra test (8)
2nd Grade R Hammer Halacha
Parent Teacher 8B Ivrit
Chumash Conferences JHS Girls
2nd Grade 16 17 18 19 20
6 grade LA test 6 boys navi
29 6 Lowinger math 8 math (Sider) 6 math (sider)
JHS Parent Child Kerper/Lowinger/Sider 7B Navi
Learning Parent Teacher 8B GemaraHalacha 7 math 8G Chumash

Conferences JHS Boys

23 24 25 26 27
6 boys Ivrit 6 math (sider/kerper)
6g1 Ivrit 6B1 Halacha 7th grade girls Ivrit test 8th grade girls Ivrit test
7B GemaraHalacha 8B Chumash No Bus Service
No Bus Service 6g2 Ivrit 6G Halacha No Bus Service

30 7th grade girls chumash No Bus Service
6G Chumash
7B Chumash 8 girls halacha
8 Navi
No Bus Service No Bus Service

7G navi

No Bus Service

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YCQ Chesed Day!

All the Many Chanuka Activities!

YCQ Celebrates Chanuka through Music!

Preschool Chanuka Plays!

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