VOLUME 14 ISSUE 17 FEBRUARY 12, 2016 3 ADAR 1 5776
UPCOMING Parshat Terumah By: Rabbi Landsman
Three major events occur in Sefer Shmot. The first is yetziat Mitzrayim, followed by matan
torah, and finally, the construction of the mishkan. As the events of Sefer Shmot unfold, the bond
Candle Lighting: between Bnei Yisrael and Hashem grows and develops. This relationship undergoes three specific
stages of development, as the above three events occur.
Havdallah: 6:09 Rabbi Tzvi Sobolofsky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva University quotes the Rambam in Hilchot
Teshuvah in describing the epitome of ahavat Hashem states that it is as powerful as the love between
Monday Feb. 15 a husband and wife. The theme of Shir HaShirim, which appears to be a love song, is actually the
President’s Day highest expression of ahavat Hashem. Using marriage as a model we can understand the development
of the events in Sefer Shmot.
No School
The Jewish process of marrying is comprised of three distinct stages. The first stage, known
Friday—Shabbat, as kiddushin or erussin, is the legal symbolic act of commitment that declares the couple "married,"
February 19-20 even though at this point the husband and wife are not permitted to one another. From here, each one
JHS Girls returns to his or her parents home awaiting the culmination of the marriage ceremony. Contempo-
Shabbaton rary practice is to combine this first stage of kiddushin, accomplished today by giving a ring with the
Sunday February completion of the marriage ceremony. Yet in halachah kiddushin and nissuin are distinct events.
The second halachic stage of marriage is nissuin. There is a dispute whether this is
21 accomplished by standing under the chupah or being together in the yichud room. It is after nissuin
5th-8th Parent that the husband and wife become permitted to one another and at this point the mutual marital
Child Learning obligations set in. Following nissuin the third stage begins in the form of the week of Sheva Berachot -
9-11:30 the joyful formal beginning of the couple's married life.
The three stages of development that took place as Bnei Yisrael became Am HaShem
correspond to the process by which a man and woman are transformed into a happy married couple.
YCQ Family News Yetziat Mitzrayim is described by Yirmiyahu as the time of "ahavat kelulotayich" - the love of a
bride. Yetziat Mitzrayimi was the kiddushin between Hashem and Bnei Yisrael , the initial commitment
Mazel Tov to Morah in the process of becoming am Hashem. This commitment was finalized by kabbalat hatorah - the
Beer (JHS Morah) on moment of nissuin at which point Bnei Yisrael became obligated to fulfill Hashem's will, and in turn,
the engagement of her
Hashem "obligated" Himself to His nation. This parallels the way in which a husband and wife become
responsible for one another at the moment of nissuin.
Mazel Tov to Ms. Cigan Following kabbalat hatorah, is the building of the mishkan, a dwelling for the shechinah, The
(JHS Math) on her
wedding! Ramban on the parshah explains that the primary purpose of the mishkan was to insure that the
maamad Har Sinai experience would be everlasting. For this reason the central feature of the
Mazel Tov to Bat- mishkan is the aron containing the luchot. A couple becomes one at nissuin, under the chupah or
Tzion Atik 6G21on her
Bat Mitzvah! through yichud - symbolic temporary homes. These temporary dwellings become permanent during the
week of Sheva Berachot as the couple begins life together in a permanent setting.
Mazel Tov to Ari (’93) This development of our relationship with Hashem was not merely an event of the past. Every
and Michal Zahtz on year as we celebrate the shalosh regalim we relive these experiences. We are chosen by Hashem to be
their Yaakov His bride during the yom tov of Pesach. We eagerly await our wedding that takes place on Shavuot.
Finally, we celebrate our week of sheva berachot during Succot as we recreate the mishkan and the
celebrating his Bar
Mitzvah! Clouds of Glory.
Mazel Tov to Sidney Each of the Yomim Tovim has a central theme. The essence of Succot is joy. Although there is
(’65) and Merry a mitzvah of simcha on the other regalim, only Succot is defined as zeman simchatenu.
Rosman upon the On Pesach our joy is not complete because we have been chosen by Hashem but have not
birth of a daughter to
Elly (’94) and Jessica experienced dwelling with Him. On Shavuot we join Hashem at our "wedding," but thechupah of Har
Sinai is only temporary. On Succot we celebrate life after the wedding. The true joy of marriage follows
Rosman! the wedding and is felt as the couple lives and grows together. The Binyan HaMishkan of old and the
Mazel Tov to Tali annual Succot are the true times of joy. It is only at these points that our relationship with Hashem
Brown (’01) on her has become permanent and this is our ultimate reason for rejoicing. May we merit to soon see
engagement to David the Binyan Beit HaMikdash, the culmination of our eternal relationship with Hashem.
Gorbacz! Have a Great Shabbat!
Mazel Tov To Neal
(’68) and Barbara
Yaros on the birth of a
granddaughter born
(Sonenberg) (’01) and
Shlomo Yaros!
Sixth Grade Socialization Program
This past Tuesday, February 9th, the social work department conducted a socialization program for the 6th grade
girls. During this interactive workshop, the students learned about different kinds of friendships, including how to properly
socialize with non-friends and acquaintances, the importance of similarities and differences in our society, and conflict
resolution skills. The program concluded with a short video clip and game in which the students were successfully able to
apply the concepts of compromising and creating resolutions. Thank you to the Social work department and specifically to
Mrs. Michali Friedman, LMSW who helped create and implement this wonderful program. In addition, we appreciate the
social work interns, Ms. Shoshana Stashover and Mrs. Tal Genakowski, for also facilitating this workshop.
Once Upon A Tree Top
In conjunction with our unit on community helpers the nursery visited Once Upon a Tree Top,
which consists of different play environments such as a veterinarians office, a fire house, and
a school etc. The children acted out the roles of the helpers they learned about. As usual the
students had an amazing time and enjoyed seeing how everything they learned actually works!
Thank you to the Morahs and chaperones for facilitating such a fun trip!
Sunday Morning Learning
This past Sunday morning, the boys and girls in the Junior High were treated to a shiur by Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt. Rabbi
Rosenfelt is a junior high rebbe and the Associate Rabbi at the Young Israel of Holliswood. The shiur titled "WHO ARE
YOU BETTING ON? SUPER BOWL BETS AND HALACHA" discussed the Jewish outlook on gambling. Rabbi
Rosenfelt offered various opinions that suggest when gambling would be permissible. Many wonderful questions were
asked from the participants and Rabbi Rosenfelt addressed many contemporary forms of gambling such as slot machines,
fantasy football, and Super Bowl bets. After the shiur, there were raffles for everyone followed by 3 on 3 basketball.
Overall, it was a very successful Sunday morning learning program!
Henry and Mudge
This past Tuesday, the kindergarten and first grade were very privileged to go and experience a
wonderful show called Henry and Mudge. This play was based on the series written by Cynthia Rylant
about a boy and his best friend; a dog named Mudge! Prior to seeing this play, the kindergarten and first
graders have been reading the books and getting to know the characters. The show had music, dancing,
and a lot of funny moments! Thank you to the parent volunteers who helped chaperone the trip! We had
a great time!!!
Dear Parents:
FAIR will take place on MONDAY, MARCH 7th and TUESDAY, MARCH 8th
in the J.H.S. building multi-purpose room.
The Book Fair will have a large selection of Scholastic English and Judaica books. There
will be a variety of computer software, videos, and cookbooks available. All purchases benefit our
school and our library.
All classes, nursery through grade 8, are scheduled for visits to the Book Fair. Parents of
children in nursery, kindergarten, grades 1-3 are welcome to come and shop with their children. All
parents are welcome to come to browse and shop each day. Please remember to send money along
with your child on the day of his/her scheduled visit. Books range in price from approximately
$7.00 to $15.00. In accordance with NYS tax law, sales tax will not be charged.
Please note that the Book Fair will also be open during Parent-Teacher Conferences
on Monday, March 9th, prior to the Fair itself.
Mon. 3/7 Tues. 3/8
9:30-9:50 4-304, 4-306 4-306, 4-307
9:50-10:10 K-102, K-105 1-202, 1-203
10:10-10:30 2-204, 2-207
10:30-10:50 2-205, 2-206
10:50-11:10 5-302, 5-303
11:10-11:30 N-208, N-209
11:30-11:50 K-100, K-101 1-200, 3-209
11:50-12:50 LUNCH LUNCH
12:50- 1:10 1-201, 3-210
1:10- 1:30 7G2, 6G2 7B1, 7B2
1:30- 1:50 8B1, 8B2 8G1, 8G2
1:50- 2:10 7G1, YESS 6G1
2:10-2:30 5-300, 5-301 3-211, 3-212
2:30- 2:50 6B1, 6B2
Adena Dyckman 323-385-0450 [email protected]
[email protected]
Shandi Glaser 718-551-7112 [email protected]
[email protected].
Tzipora Laub 917-742-9469
Suri Sokol 917-838-4674
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Class Time Sign In Location of Conference
1-200, 1-201, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1-202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-205 (Mrs. Chubak, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Morah Reut) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-211 (Mrs. Halpern,
Morah Etty)
Fourth Grade
5-300, 5-301 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First Come First Serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 7, 2016
Class Time Sign In Location & Conference
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Nursery & Kindergarten 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-204, 2-207, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-210, 3-212
(Morah Etty, Mrs. Halpern )
5-302, 5-303 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried,
Orlanski, Hoffman)
JHS Girls 6:00-9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First come first serve
the date
You are cordially invited
to the next meeting
of the YCQ-PTO
which will take place
Tuesday evening, February 16
at 8:30 pm
in the YCQ Library.
An agenda will be sent out via Parent
Locker before the meeting for your perusal
YCQ PTO Presents
Straight from Pennsylvania!
Interactive Fun for the Entire
Saturday, Feb. 27
7:45 PM
$10 in advance - $15 at the door
$50 max per family
Unique Game Shows is a multimedia,
fun filled interactive activity for all
involved! There are trivia questions,
multimedia interactive questions and
physical challenges! Think Double
Dare and Minute to Win It all
wrapped up in one!
FAMILY NAME Amount enclosed _____
_________________ _________
________________________ _____________
___________________________ ______________
YCQ-PTO + Box Tops for Education= A Winning Combination
♦ Thanks to all who sent in their Box Tops before the November
deadline, the PTO has received a $500 check to put towards
future programming ( such as the upcoming Family Fun Night
and Purim Carnival ).
♦ We are working towards a new deadline of
February 22 to send the next batch of Box
Tops to the company. Please start sending
your Box Tops into school as soon as possible Winners of Ices Party for collecting
to that we can count and package them properly. most Box Tops
Class 2-204
♦ Please make sure to put your child’s name and class on the bag
or envelope in order to get credit for your contribution. In
addition, please make sure that all Box Tops are cut neatly
around the dotted line and that all expiration dates are
not cut off or expired. Max Eckstein collected the most
Box Tops in his class to help them
win their ices party.
Sunday Morning Learning!
Once Upon a Tree Top!