UPCOMING Parshat Toldot
EVENTS By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting: 4:24 Yitzchak emerges as a very enigmatic person in this week’s parsha. The dominant figure in
Havdallah: 5:25
the parsha is Rivkah. It is she who assesses the true situation and character descriptions of her twin
Monday, November 12 sons Eisav and Yaakov. It is she who sends Yaakov to the house of Lavan in order to escape the
Veteran’s Day
No Sessions K-8 wrath of his brother Eisav. It is she who orchestrates the plan to obtain the blessings of Yitzchak on
UPK Regular Session behalf of Yaakov instead of Eisav. In short, she is the main player in this drama of eternal
Faculty Conferences confrontation and family tension.
Rabbi Berel Wein asks: “Why is Rivkah so active in all of these momentous family matters
Tuesday, November 13 while Yitzchak seems so passive in confronting the burgeoning threat of Eisav and his murderous
Picture Day enmity towards Yaakov?” Most commentators seem to think that Yitzchak felt that confronting
Grades N-5 Eisav would only exacerbate an already bad situation and that Eisav somehow could be won over by
being coddled and appeased. Eisav, after all, was the oldest son and in spite of his otherwise evil
Wed, November 14 behavior was respectful of his father.
Picture Day JHS Other commentators point out that Yitzchak’s own experience with his wayward
half-brother Yishmael influenced him. After all, at the end of his life Yishmael repented for his ways
Saturday, November 17 and reconciled himself to Yitzchak and the holy ways of the house of Avraham. Perhaps Eisav will
Intergenerational follow in his ways as well.
Melave Malka
Grade 3 Rivkah who comes from the house of Lavan and Betuel is not so positive about the future of
her eldest son. She recognizes in him the tendency toward selfishness, greed, and instant gratifica-
Monday, November 19 tion that characterizes her brother Lavan. She is of the opinion that making nice to Eisav will not in
HS Entrance Exam any way help him overcome his weaknesses. As painful as it must have been for her, she realizes
Judaic Studies that she must choose between the two brothers. She hears the words of the prophetic message told
Grade 8 to her during her difficult pregnancy that the two brothers will constantly struggle against each
She is forced to take steps to ensure that Yaakov should survive this struggle and emerge
reinforced with the blessings of Yitzchak and Avraham intact within him. Yitzchak, who did not hear
that heavenly message directly and is therefore not bound by it, hopes to salvage Eisav and does
YCQ Family News not feel that he will harm Yaakov by doing so.
The Torah records for us the fateful decision of Rivkah to force the matter. After it is over
Mazel Tov to Mrs. and Yaakov takes leave of Yitzchak to depart for the house of Lavan, Yitzchak acquiesces in
Cohen (Assistant Rivkah’s initiative and confirms the blessings to Yaakov.
Principal) and Arielle
The tear in the fabric of the family is now complete and stretches all the way through the
Cohen (7G1) on generations of history. The blessings of Yitzchak to Yaakov have enabled Israel to survive until this
Arielle’s Bat Mitzvah! day. But the fury and enmity of Eisav over those blessings has never subsided, even until this day.
Mazel Tov to Nadav Shabbat shalom!
Davidov on his Bar
Space in our 2019-2020 Early Childhood classes are limited.
Condolences to the UPK Classes are almost full. Kindergarten classes are filling up quickly.
Rosenberg Family on
the passing of Mrs. Please call Morah Sharon Korn (718-793-8500 ext. 313) or Mrs. Rebecca
Ruth Rosenberg A”H, Blum (718-793-8500 ext. 310) to make an appointment as soon as possible.
beloved and longtime
YCQ eighth grade
mentor and social
studies teacher.
Open House A Huge Success
This past Sunday YCQ had an extremely successful open house. It was attended by over a hundred new families
that came from the surrounding neighborhoods in Queens, as well as the Five Towns and Great Neck. The adults
enjoyed a viewing of the Sefer Torah Dedication and heard from Mr. Sruli Glaser, Sharon Korn, Rabbi Landsman,
PTO representatives Sam Kramer and Rachel Stern, and parent, Sara Gherman. YCQ students, Matan Avitsedek,
Raymond Tawil, Tamar Sonbolian, and Sarah Yeroshalmy spoke to the parents about their amazing experiences
at YCQ. The children participated in music, gym, and visits to the Kindergarten classrooms where they made
craft projects. Numerous people helped make this day such a success. Thank you to Morah Rivky, Morah
Michelle, Morah Raina, Morah Adina, Morah Janet, Morah Rhona, Morah Suri, Morah Sarah, Morah Maxine,
Morah, Rabbi Lonner, Rabbi Kovitz, Rabbi Ribalt, Mrs. Golubtchik, Morah Sharon, Rabbi Landsman, Mrs. Cohen,
Rabbi Hamel, Mr. Lahijani, Morah Ilyce, Morah Cindy, Morah Rachel, Morah Shana, Morah Peshie, Morah Osnat,
Mrs. Karen, Morah Leah, Mrs. Jaffe, Mrs. Orlanski, Mrs. Yusupov, Mrs. Grossman and Rabbi Soffer.
G.O. Elections
This past Tuesday, while all of America was voting, YCQ held its own elections! We voted in this
years G.O. which will help with programing and other activities throughout the year for our junior
high school. Mazel tov to Jordan Gottfried and Adam Aranbaiev on being elected President, Talia
Goldstein and Eden Yusupov on being elected Vice President, Gabby Shamalov and Eitan Goldberg
on being elected as seventh grade representatives, and Maya Kikov and Michael Levy for being
elected as sixth grade representatives. Looking forward to an amazing year!
Fifth Grade Middot Program
This past week, YCQ launched our 5th grade Middot program. As we begin the
month of Kislev, we found it apropos to speak with the students about the
importance of developing positive character traits. The students learned the
important value that middot tovot have on both the world at large and our own
individual happiness. Over this month, students will have the opportunity to deepen
this learning experience with classroom activities. Thank you to Dr. Asher, Mrs.
Joffe, and Rabbi Rohr for coordinating this special program.
Torah Bowl Team Updates!
The first meet of the Torah Bowl season was this past Monday as the students were asked hundreds of questions
on the first three parshiot in Sefer Shemot. The YCQ Boys team plowed through the competition winning all four
of its games by a combined score of 64-24. YCQ swept a two game series with the Yeshiva of Flatbush, and then
went on to easily handle Ramaz and Manhattan Day School. For the past two years, the YCQ boys have not lost a
regular season game since! That is almost 21 months since their last regular season loss! On the field, the boys
were lead by co-captains, Eli Dyckman and Eitan Canter, who each turned in excellent efforts. Although the YCQ
girls team were not able to get by Flatbush in their two game series, they were able to defeat both Ramaz and Manhattan Day
School. The girls team were lead by nearly all new members, as Sarah Owadeyah and Elmira Kohen performed incredibly
well. It has been an incredible run, and one we hope will lead to a wonderful season!
Vocabulary Fun in Sixth Grade
Vocabulary went live for sixth grade ELA students. To bring words alive, the students in
Mrs. Young’s class participated in an activity using what they have learned in order to
apply their education to their everyday lives. This helps teach and enforce the idea that
understanding words we use in our speech is important. The students acted out several
of the vocabulary words, including churning, debris, and surge for a wider understanding.
Class 2-207 Gets Patriotic
The students in Mrs. Blum’s class have been working on a government unit and
are learning about how laws are made in this country. On Election Day, the class
was taught about the importance of voting and how American citizens can have a
say in who becomes our leaders. The class also learned about the Pledge of
Allegiance and created patriotic posters explaining the meaning of the words.
These second graders are looking forward to the day they reach the age to vote
and have their say in government!
Bar Mitzvah Workshop
On Monday, the seventh grade boys together with their fathers, enjoyed an informative and fun
evening where they learned about the responsibility in becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Landsman
and Rabbi Bernstein, addressed the audience and the students each spoke about their namesake
and how they wish to emulate them in honor of their Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Schneid, a well known
sofer from Yeshiva University, taught the boys about the importance of tefillin with a hands-on
workshop on how tefillin are made. The parents and students also enjoyed a delicious dinner and
simcha dancing lessons from the Shnitzel Boys. Thank you to Rabbi Hamel, JHS assistant principal,
and Rabbi Bernstein, JHS Rebbe, for coordinating this wonderful event.
Bat Mitzvah Workshop
This past Wednesday, the sixth grade girls and their mothers shared a special evening
together in honor of the girls becoming Bnot Mitzvah. The program began with a Dvar
Torah from Rabbi Landsman followed by Mrs. Golubtchik who spoke about the
importance of recognizing this milestone. Morah Leemor described the Bat Mitzvah
program that the girls will be participating in this year. Dr. Sara Asher, our school
psychologist, conducted a collaborative mother-daughter values clarification workshop.
Morah Elana Banilivy, YCQ dance instructor, led a simcha dancing activity. Everyone
enjoyed a delicious dinner catered by “Soy Sauce.” It was a most beautiful and
memorable evening.
The Third Grade of the Yeshiva of Central Queens
cordially invite you to our
Intergenerational Family & Friend
עבנטירבתניזקםנויתםפארת בנים אבותם
November 17, 2018 • ט׳ כסלו תשע׳׳ט
HECHT 7:00* PM
147-37 70th Road, Flushing, NY
Couvert $15 per person
There will be no charge for the Third Grade Students
* Program begins prompty at 7:00pm
Students should arrive no EARLIER than 6:30pm
Parent Teacher Conferences, Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Class Time Sign In Location of Conference
1-200, 1-201, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1-202 (Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-207, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-205 (Mrs. Chubak, Morah Reut)
3-211 (Morah Etty, Ms. Laffer)
Fourth Grade 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5-302, 5-303 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Finkelstein, Rohr, Fried, Lunchroom
6:00-9:00 No Sign In
Orlanski, Hoffman) First Come First Serve
JHS Girls
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, December 17, 2018
Class Time Sign In Location & Conference
5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
Nursery & Kindergarten 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Mrs. Blass, Morah Leah)
2-204, 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2-206 (Morah Reut, Mrs. Chubak) 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3-212 (Ms. Laffer, Morah Etty)
5-300, 5-301 5:30-9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Lunchroom
6:00-9:00 No Sign In
Rosenblum ) First come first serve
JHS Boys
147-37 70th Road • Flushing, NY 11367 • 718-793-8500
Dear Parents,
As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invitation for all parents in grades N-5 to
utilize the conference option on ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the time slots and create your
schedule prior to arriving at school on Parent Teacher night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the
earlier you sign up, the more availability there will be for appointments, and the more likely you will be able to
customize a convenient schedule for yourself.
Before beginning the process, please check the following schedule of conference dates and times in order to know
when the teachers you would like to see will be available:
Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or
Date Grades Times Slot length
Wednesday, 1-200, 1-201, 1-202, 2-205, 2-207, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
December 12, 3-210, 3-211, Fourth Grade, 9:30pm
5-302, 5-303 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
2018 JHS Girls 6-9 PM
No Sign-up required
Monday, Nursery, Kindergarten, 1-203, 2-204, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
2-206, 3-209, 3-212, 9:30pm
December 17, 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
2018 5-300, 5-301 6-9PM
No Sign-up required
JHS Boys
The online registration system will be open for registration beginning on Wednesday, October 31 at 10:00am.
If you have any questions or comments at any point in the process, please contact Mrs. Blum at
(718) 793-8500 Ext. 310 or Mrs. Friedman at (718) 793-8500 Ext. 330.
Thank you
ע"ה,ר' צבי ב"ר נחמן
The Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills
is pleased to invite the community to a Scholar-In-Residence weekend with
Rabbi Yakov Horowitz
Director, The Center for Jewish Family Life/Project YES,
and Publisher of Child Safety Books
Friday night and Shabbos Parashas Toldos
November 10-11, 2018
Friday night Oneg: @ 7:30pm
"Is the Orthodox Community Doing Enough for Child Safety?”
Mincha @ 4:15pm followed by
Seudah Shelishis:
“Managing Technology and Our Children"
Sponsored by
Dr. Myron and Rochelle Benuck, Dr. David and Barbara Hurwitz, Drs. Mordechai and Rikki
Koenigsberg, Mr. Larry and Rivka Sheldon, Mr. Jack and Annette Wiesel
Co-Sponsor: Mr. Yussie and Yaffa Englander