VOLUME 14 ISSUE 16 FEBRAURY 5, 2016 26 SHEVAT 5776
UPCOMING Parshat Mishpatim/Birchat HaChodesh
EVENTS By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting: 4:59 The Torah follows its exhilarating and inspirational description of the
Havdallah: 6:01 revelation at Mount Sinai with a detailed set of various laws that are to be
followed by the people of Israel. It is one thing to be inspired and thus acquire
YCQ Family News great ideals. It is another thing completely to be able to transfer those ideals
and inspiration into everyday life on a regular basis.
Mazel Tov to Yosef Robinson on his
Bar Mitzvah! We are all aware that real life is always in the details. It is natural to
agree that one should not steal or murder. But what is really the definition of
Mazel Tov to Wayne (’77) and stealing? Is taking something that originally did not belong to you always
Bat-Sheva Kutner on their son’s Bar considered stealing? How about grabbing my neighbor’s rope and using it to
save a drowning person? Is that also stealing? Is self- defense murder? Are
Mitzvah! court imposed death penalties murder?
Mazel Tov to Howard (’73) and How are we to deal with such complex moral issues? This is really the
Debra Margolin on the engagement crux of all halacha and this week’s parsha serves as our introduction to the
concepts of Jewish law. Without an understanding of the practice of halacha,
of their son Ari ‘(04)! the great ideals and inspiration of the Torah are almost rendered meaningless
and unachievable.
Mazel Tov to Adam (’00) and Rachel
Sprung on the birth of a son! The Torah concentrates not only on great ideas but on small details as
well. From these small details spring forth the realization of the great ideals
Mazel Tov to Ilan (’91) and Rachel and the ability to make them of practical value and use in everyday life. Hence
Tocker on their son’s Bar Mitzvah! the intimate connection between this week’s parsha and the revelation at
Mount Sinai discussed in last week’s parsha. There is a natural and necessary
Mazel Tov to Ari (’89) and Michal continuity in the narrative flow of these two parshiyot of the Torah.
Gruen on their daughter’s Bat
Mitzvah! Rabbi Wein explains that this idea is borne out by the famous
statement of the Jewish people when asked if they wished to accept the Torah.
Mazel Tov to Miriam (Frenkel) (’99) In this week’s parsha their answer is recorded as: “We will do and we will
and Marc Faber on the birth of a listen.” All commentators and the Talmud comment upon the apparently
daughter! reverse order of this statement. People usually listen for instructions before
they “do.” Rabbi Wein explains that the simple answer is that the people of
Mazel Tov to Diane (Brody) (’62) Israel realized that listening alone will be insufficient.
and Sid Lichter on the birth of a
granddaughter, born to Rina (’90) The great and holy generalities of the Torah are valid only if they are
clearly defined, detailed and placed into everyday life activities. We have to
and Yaakov Lorch! “accept and do” first in order to be able to “listen” and understand the
Torah’s guidance and wishes fully. The Talmud records that a non-Jew once
Mazel Tov to Susan (’72) and Martin told a rabbi that the Jews were a “hasty and impulsive people” in accepting
Pasternak upon the birth of a the Torah without first checking out its contents. Rabbi Wein explains that in
reality, that holy hastiness of Israel was a spritual and mature understanding
granddaughter born to Jeremy (’01) that a Torah of ideas and inspiration alone without a practical guide to life
and Zehava Pasternak! would not last over the centuries of Jewish history.
Mazel Tov to Shai (’95) and Sharona Only those who are willing to “do” and who know what to “do” will
Atanelov on the birth of a son! eventually appreciate intellectually and emotionally the greatness and the
Holiness of the Torah. Only then will they be able to truly “listen” and
Mazel Tov to Avi (’01) and Gila
Sutton on the birth of a daughter! appreciate the great gift that Hashem has bestowed upon Israel the
eternal and holy Torah.
Mazel Tov to Howard (’76) and
Bashi Tepper on the engagement of Have an amazing Shabbat!
their son!
Mazel Tov to Adi (Bitter) (’94) and
Eliav Silverman on the birth of a
Mazel Tov to Avi (’92) and Tamar
Newmark on their son’s Bar
Mazel Tov to Stephanie (Cohn) (’95)
and David Sokol on their daughter’s
Bat Mitzvah!
Mazel Tov to Ari (’99) and Mor
Fyman on the birth of a son!
Mazel Tov to Billy (’68) and Lia
Nissel on the engagement of their
Mazel Tov to David (’70) and Ronni
Weprin on the marriage of their
daughter Stephanie (’05)!
Mazel Tov Rachel (Minkin) (’05) and
Roy Feldman on the birth of a
Classes 1-202 and1-203
Received Their Siddurim
Mazel Tov to Class 1-202 and 1-203 on receiving their very first siddur! We
are so proud of them! They worked very hard, singing their songs,
practicing their parts and rehearsing on stage. The play was executed to
perfection and the songs sounded amazing!! We then watched a slide show
highlighting the children learning and practicing for the play! Then, each
student received an engraved siddur with his or her name on it! We enjoyed
cake and treats and celebrated receiving our siddurim! Mazel tov to all first
graders! Special thanks to Morah Leah, Morah Rivka, Rabbi Eisenberg,
Rabbi Hamel, and Morah Tali, for helping us produce such a magnificent
Tu B’Shevat Shuk
In honor of Tu B’Shevat, the sixth grade girls designed a simulated Israeli shuk in the
multi-purpose room for the elementary school. Upon entering, the students handed
in their passports and received tickets to purchase items in the shuk. This was a
wonderful hands-on learning experience for our students as they became familiar with
Israeli culture. Special thanks to Morah Alyssa Schussheim for all of her hard work in
creating the shuk.
YCQ-PTO + Box Tops for Education= A Winning Combination
♦ Thanks to all who sent in their Box Tops before the November
deadline, the PTO has received a $500 check to put towards
future programming ( such as the upcoming Family Fun Night
and Purim Carnival ).
♦ We are working towards a new deadline of February 22 to send
the next batch of Box Tops to the company. Please start sending
your Box Tops into school as soon as possible to that we can
count and package them properly.
♦ Please make sure to put your child’s name and class on the bag
or envelope in order to get credit for your contribution. In
addition, please make sure that all Box Tops are cut neatly
around the dotted line and that all expiration dates are not cut
off or expired.
Tzipora Laub and the Box Top Committee
Save the date!!!
Entertainment is
coming to YCQ!
More information to
follow soon! Keep your
eyes open – information
to follow via
The View, email or text!
WHEN: Saturday, February 27, 2016
WHERE: YCQ Cafeteria
TIME: 7:30 PM
February 7, 2016
28 Shevat 5776
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
11-11:30 Zumba
Rabbi Daniel Rosenfelt,
JHS Rebbe
“Who Are You Betting On? -
Super Bowl Bets and Halacha”
Yeshiva of Central Queens
February 19-February 20, 2016
Raleigh Hotel, South Fallsburg, NY
Cost $120
Departure from YCQ Friday Morning: 9:00 AM
Return to YCQ on Saturday night: 10:15 PM
Yeshiva of Central Queens
JHS Girls Shabbaton Permission Slip
Please Return to the JHS Office
by Wednesday, February 10, 2016
You may request two people for your room at the Raleigh Hotel .
You will definitely receive at least one request.
______________________ _______________________
I am coming to this Shabbaton with a positive attitude, ready to have a
really great time. I plan to dress appropriately and participate in all of
the programs of the Shabbaton.
Student’s Signature
Students Class ____________________
I hereby give my daughter __________________ permission to
attend the YCQ Girls Shabbaton at the Raleigh Hotel on February 19 &
February 20.
I have enclosed $120 for the Shabbaton.
Parent Signature
An important request from
Rabbi Yaakov Finestone, YCQ 6th grade rebbe
I run an amazing kiruv program called JEP, the Jewish
Education Program.
For over 40 years JEP has been in the forefront of
kiruv- teaching Jewish children in public schools on a
weekly basis. Through many different programs JEP has
helped many children & their families become
observant Jews. Many children have been encouraged
to enroll in yeshivos, through the efforts of JEP’s
volunteers. Many are also receiving scholarships as well
as tutoring, to make their stay in yeshivos possible.
A number of former JEP children have come to YCQ
and are considered excellent students who have
exhibited exceptional midot.
We are having an AMAZING fundraising raffle!
You can help us & have a chance to win 1 of many
wonderful prizes!
Please help! Your support does make a difference!
You can help JEP
& have a chance to win 1 of many
wonderful prizes!
For over 40 years JEP has been in the forefront of kiruv-
teaching Jewish children in public schools on a weekly
basis. Through many different programs JEP has helped
many children & their families become observant Jews.
Many children have been encouraged to enroll in
yeshivos, through the efforts of JEP’s volunteers. Many
are also receiving scholarships as well as tutoring, to
make their stay in yeshivos possible.
A number of former JEP children have come to YCQ and
are considered excellent students who have exhibited
exceptional midot.
JEP is run by Rabbi Yaakov Finestone,
YCQ’s 6th grade Rebbe.
Please help- Your support does make a difference!
Go to JEPQueens.com to donate online
Or call 718 544-5213 for more information
Y. Finestone,
Please help us continue our vital work
of spreading Torah.
Your donation will help support our:
* Weekly Public School Release-
Time Programs, Shabbatons,
* Family Shabbos and Holiday
Programs, Yeshiva scholarships,
& much more...
Order online at: WWW.JEPQueens.com
By phone at: 718-544-5213
or Mail ticket stub to: JEP
76-01 147 St
Flushing, NY 11367
Mother/Daughter Writing class
with author:
Mrs. Susie Garber
Come enjoy bonding time with your
daughter while bringing out your creative
writing talent.
(All ages of mothers and daughters are welcome)
(Other female relatives welcome too)
The class will meet I”YH, four Winter Sunday mornings in Kew Gardens Hills
from 10am-11am.
Bring imagination and a writer’s notebook!
Call Susie Garber for more information 917 696 2433
[email protected]
Starting date Sunday February 14th.
Space is limited.