VOLUME 16 NUMBER 2 SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 24 ELUL 5777
UPCOMING Parshat Nitzavim/Vayelech/Rosh HaShana
EVENTS By: Rabbi Landsman
Candle Lighting: Parshat Nitzavim provides an important lesson about bringing up children. After very
6:45 harsh warnings about what will happen to us if we do not keep the Torah, the Torah concludes
with the pasuk “The hidden things are for Hashem, our G-d, (ha’nistarot l’Hashem Elokeinu)
Havdallah: 7:43 but the revealed things (ha’niglot) are for us and for our children forever, to carry out all the
words of this Torah.”
Motzai Shabbat.,
Sept. 16 Rabbi Frand explains that the expression “ha’nistarot l’Hashem Elokeinu” which means
“the hidden things are for Hashem…” refers to the mitzvot that are between man and Hashem.
Selichot Begin There are aveyrot where “nobody knows the difference” – no one saw you do it, no body heard
5-8 Parent Child you doing it; it remains strictly something that happened between you and the Ribono shel
Selicht Program olam. For sure, it is something that requires repentance and something for which he will need
to give an accounting, but it remains hidden between the sinner and Hashem.
However, the “niglot,” which we do in public are “for us and for our children.” They
Wednesday Sept. 20 have an influence not only on us, but on our children as well. Wemust always realize that how
- Shabbat Sept. 23 we acts will have an influence on our children. Whether it is how a person acts in shul or how
Erev Rosh Hashana they interact with other people, our children are watching and learning from this behavior.
No Session “Ha’Niglot” [that which is revealed] is “Lanu” [impacts oneself] and
“u’levaneinu” [impacts our children as well]! Not only will they have an effect on our children
Sunday Sept. 24 but also the effect will be “ad olam” – it will have an eternal effect on our children and on their
Fast of Gedaliah descendants forever more!
The job we do raising our children lasts with them and perpetuates throughout future
Tuesday Sept. 26 generations, because how we raise them directly influences how they raise their children. Rav
PTO Meeting Wolbe writes that a person’s biggest motivation to be a baal midot tovos [kind and generous
8:30PM person] is the children. Even if a person knows that he is not the biggest Tzadik in the world
and his natural inclinations would not be to go out of his way to show kindness to a neighbor,
Friday Sept. 29 nonetheless, everyone wants to have “good children”. The surest way to accomplish that is to
Erev Yom Kippur “talk the talk and walk the walk.” In that way, the niglot will be “lanu u’levaneinu“.
No Session Someone once posed the following question to the Chazon Ish: He has the option
of davening in a shul on Rosh Hashana where he would be able to take his child with him or
Wednesday Oct. 4 - to daven in a Yeshiva, but since the Yeshiva is so crowded, he would not be able to take his
Monday Oct. 16 child with him. However, the davening in the Yeshiva is a superior religious experience for the
Sukkot father it would be a more intense davening and he would have greater kavanah . The Chazon
No Sessions Ish told him that it is preferable to daven with his child next to him. It is important to show
the child how his father cries on the Yomim Noraim. This leaves an everlasting impression on
Tuesday Sept. 26 the child.
PTO Meeting
8:30PM This is precisely the intent of the pasuk. The way we act in private (ha’nistarot) remains
strictly between the person and Hashem. However, that which is public (ha’niglot) has an
YCQ Family News impact not only on the person but also on his children and on all future generations of
descendants. This should give everyone pause as to how they behave.
Mazel Tov to
Aiden Weiss and Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova!!
Akiva Sokol on
becoming Bar
Spot Light on New Faculty!
Hi, my name is Chavi Kessler. This year, I am privileged to be teaching at YCQ for the first
time. I am the very lucky teacher of the wonderful third grade girls and boys of 3-209. Prior to
coming to YCQ, I taught in both the NYC and Long Island public school systems. Before
teaching, I had a long career as an attorney, focusing primarily in the area of family law. Thus
far, teaching at YCQ has been a welcome change, where I can focus on the academic, social, and
emotional needs of my students. The best thing about YCQ is the warm and welcoming
atmosphere. From the moment I first walked through the doors, the entire faculty and staff has
made me feel like family. I am so grateful. I wish a Shana Tova to each of you and your
families, as well.
New Student Program
On Monday, September 11th, Mrs. Marcy Davidovics and Mrs. Michali Friedman of the Social Work
Department facilitated a new student program welcoming YCQ’s new students. Each new student
was paired with an eighth grade mentor who was handpicked based on his or her leadership qualities.
The program commenced with each mentor introducing himself or herself to one or two new students
by phone and handing a school gift to his or her assigned new students. Together with their mentors,
the new students designed a mezuzah while snacking on cookies and orange juice. Mrs. Davidovics
and Rabbi Landsman warmly introduced each student and welcomed them to the YCQ family. We
look forward to a productive and exciting school
September 11th Assembly
This past Monday the Junior High School commemorated the 16th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World
Trade Center. The students watched two meaningful videos of the events that took place on that tretorous day. The sense of
holeplessness, and turmoil that transpired that day was sensed by the students with the ue of the powerful videos. Rabbi
Landsman spoke about the Jewish view of commemorating and seeing HaShem’s hand in everything. A moment of silence
was held and concluded with the pledge of allegience and concluded with tehillim.
September 16, 2017
25 Elul, 5777
9:30 PM - 11:30 PM
Rav, Young Israel of Queens Valley
Delicious Snacks
The YCQ Parents Association (PTO) Cordially Invites You…
New Family Dessert Reception
Meet and Greet
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
8:00 PM sharp
Multi-Purpose Room
(Parking lot will be open)
Refreshments will be served
New Student Mentor Program!!