UPCOMING Yom Kippur By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The famous Yom Kippur Mincha haftorah of Yonah opens with Hashem sending Yonah
as a divine messenger to the people of Ninveh. The city had descended to a level of decadence
Candle Lighting: that was simply intolerable, and destruction was imminent. Only immediate repentance would
6:22 bring about a reprieve. Yonah, however, does not want to undertake this mission, and he
Havdallah: 7:20 attempts to flee from Hashem. He books passage on a ship which will carry him far away from
Ninveh, but a sudden storm threatens to tear the ship apart. The sailors cast lots, and Yonah is
Friday Sept. 29 tossed into the sea, where he is swallowed by a whale.
Erev Yom From the belly of the whale, Yonah cries out to Hashem in anguish and despair and
Kippur pleads for deliverance. Hashem answers Yonah’s prayer. The whale spits him out onto the shore,
No Session and he sets off at once for Ninveh, where his message is greeted with consternation. The people
Shabbat Sept. don sackcloth and repent, and the city is spared.
30 Yonah was undoubtedly a very holy man and if Hashem granted him the gift of
Yom Kippur prophecy, how then did he have the nerve to refuse to serve as the messenger of Heaven?
Our Sages tell us that Yonah was concerned for the welfare of the Jewish people who, at
Wednesday Oct. that time, were also guilty of grievous sins in spite of the repeated warnings of the great
4 - Monday Oct. prophets. Yonah feared the people of evil Ninveh, would heed his prophetic warning and repent,
causing the Jewish people, the custodians of the Torah, to suffer by comparison. Therefore, Yonah
16 Sukkot chose to flee rather than bring down the reputation of his people.
No Sessions
The questions still remain: Did Yonah think he could frustrate the divine plan by
Friday - Shabbat fleeing on a ship? Did he think Hashem would find no other way to offer Ninveh the option of
Oct. 20 - 21 repentance? Even if he thought his flight could somehow benefit the Jewish people, what right did
he have to suppress the prophecy entrusted to him?
Rosh Chodesh
Furthermore, what lesson are we meant to derive from this story in the climactic
Sunday Oct. 22 moments of Yom Kippur? Is it only meant to present us with another example of disaster
UPK in Session avoided through timely repentance? Or is there also a deeper significance in the central theme of
the story, which revolves around Yonah’s attempt to extricate himself from his mission?
5-8 Grade
Parent-Child The commentators explain that Yonah had such an overpowering love for the Jewish
people that he could not bare to be the agent of their misfortune. In desperation, he resolved to flee
Program so that Hashem’s will would be fulfilled through some other channel. He was fully aware of the
9-11:30AM magnitude of his act and the dire consequences he would probably suffer for his disobedience,
but the alternative was unbearable.
Tuesday Oct. 24 Hashem, however, chose not to send a different messenger to Ninveh. Instead, He sent
PTO Meeting storms and whales to force Yonah to return and accept his mission. The message to Yonah was
8:30PM very clear, and it resonates down through the ages to reach us every Yom Kippur. Yonah had no
right to weigh the pros and cons of obeying Hashem’s command. He did not have the option of
YCQ Family News deciding whether or not to obey. If Hashem commanded him to go to Ninveh, then that was
Mazel Tov Mrs. what he was obliged to do, and no amount of rationalization could change it. Hashem
undoubtedly knew of Yonah ’s love for his people, and if He nevertheless sent him on his
Esther Lowinger mission, Yonah had no choice but to obey.
(JHS Math) on As Yonah discovered so painfully, it is not for us to make value judgments about the
Devine will. Total acceptance may indeed be difficult from time to time, but overall, it is the
the birth of a only path to spiritual tranquility and fulfillment.
Have an easy fast and a meaningful Yom Kippur!
Rabbi Lavi Greenspan Speaks to the Eighth Grade Students
On Tuesday September 26th, the eighth grade students had the privilege of hearing Rabbi Lavi Greenspan speak about his
life story. Lavi became blind in his mid-twenties while studying at Fordham Law School. He had previously graduated
YCQ, Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and received a BA from Yeshiva University. After losing his eyesight, he
completed law school and passed the Bar Exam and furthered his graduate education by obtaining Smicha from Yeshiva
University and most recently receiving a Masters Degree in Social Work. He is humorous, outgoing and extremely
personable. The students loved his stories and jokes and his words of compassion and wisdom. Lavi told us about the
hardest and seemingly lowest point of his life. What was it that kept him going that was so important for us to hear Erev
Yom Kippur? Lavi told us that there are four things that keep his spirits high: Family, Am Israel, his Rebbe, and Torah.
On a day like Y om Kippur we think back to Lavi’s story and realize that we are so blessed and Baruch Hashem we have
so much bracha!
Rabbi Finkelman Delivers Teshuva Lecture to the JHS Students
On Thursday September 28th, 2017 the JHS students had the unbelievable honor and privilege
of hearing Rabbi Finkelman, mashgiach ruchani, Yeshivat Ohr HaChaim, speak to the students
about Teshuvah. He described the unbelievable opportunity that Yom Kippur provides us to
improve ourselves, and get closer to HaShem. He told some incredible Dvrei Torah, stories and
anecdotes in order
to inspire the
entire audience.
After the drasha
Rabbi Finkelman
remained in the
shul for an
extended period
of time giving
each student a
special bracha and
wishing them a
wonderful new
YCQ Selichot Learning Program
On Motzai Shabbat September 16th, 2017, over 100 students in grades five through eight,
along with their parents, and Rebbeim joined together for a meaningful learning program.
The evening began with a beautiful shiur by Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, Rav of Young Isael of
Queens Valley. Rabbi Marcus was extremely invigorating and enlightening. The evening
concluded with an uplifting recitation of Selichot led by Rabbi Hamel with the instructions
and explanation by Rabbi Pearl. It was a most inspiring evening.
Middot Program
Last week, YCQ launched our 5th grade Middot program under the leadership of Rabbi Rohr. As it is the month of
Tishrei, we found it apropos to speak with the students about the importance of capitalizing on new beginnings
and starting ourselves on the right foot. The students watched an inspirational video highlighting this point and
emphasizing that the choice to start fresh or change is up to them. The students learned why beginnings can be
challenging, some tools to navigate beginnings, the Torah perspective on how to be happy through challenges, and
some qualities that help us overcome challenges. The students enjoyed a writing activity to help them identify
areas of growth, find their motivation, and choose personality qualities and abilities that can help them with their
growth. Over this month, students will have the opportunity to deepen this learning experience with classroom
activities. Thank you to the social work team for creating and implementing this important program.
Names Not Numbers Program
On Monday September 18th the eighth grade was privileged to hear an introduction about the Names
Not Numbers program, a Holocaust interview and film making project. Mrs. Tova Rosenberg, creator of
Names Not Numbers, spoke to the students about all the project details and exciting components. Rabbi
Landsman spoke to the students about being the last generation of Jewish people to personally know a
Holocaust survivor. Students then watched a segment of last year’s Names Not numbers, A Film in the
Making. We are looking forward to an inspiring and educational experience.
Fifth Grade Learns About Tashlich
This week our 5th grade students embarked on a meaningful trip in Flushing Meadow Park. Our students learned about the
idea behind Tashlich and had an opportunity to reflect on this past year. The students then took a soluble piece of paper
(that disintegrates in water) and wrote on it aspects about themselves that they would like to work on this year. The
students then threw the paper into the water and watched it slowly dissolve. It was explained to them that they can use the
image of the paper disintegrating on Yom Kippur to further inspire them to work on the specific midda that they wrote
down, throughout the year. We hope our students will realize their true potential and how special they can become by
working on themselves each and every year. Gmar Chatima Tova!
Parnes Hayom
אסתר בת יחיאל מאיר הכהן ז"ל
Please Join Us With Your Child* at the
Sunday, November 12, 2017
10:00-11:30 AM
Sibling registration for YCQ families will begin on
Monday, November 1, 2017.
Please call Mrs. Sharon Korn 718-793-8500 x313 or
Hadas Fried at ext. 310 to make an appointment. Don’t
delay! Our preschool fills up quickly and we don't want
you to miss out.
*If your child attends, he/she must be accompanied by
at least one parent and another adult who will remain
with your child during the children’s program.
Healthy & Wise Nutrition Program
Dear Parents,
We hope you had a healthy and active summer and enjoyed your vacation. We are
excited to have our Healthy & Wise program again this year for nursery through third grade
students. The program will begin in October after the chagim and go until the end of May.
The Healthy & Wise program offers children a positive message about living a healthy
lifestyle through the use of hands-on, multidisciplinary lessons focused on nutritious eating
habits and physical activity. Throughout the school year your child will receive monthly lessons
that will encourage healthy lifestyle choices that begin during early childhood and increase with
maturity and knowledge at school and at home. School wide supplemental activities and
programs will also take place to ensure the lessons are remembered and incentives will be
offered for students to continue participating in the program. All classroom lessons will be
taught by Aliza Solomon, MPH, a licensed nutritionist. All lessons and activities will be
scheduled during the regular school day, and students will not be required to attend any after
school programs. There will not be any tests given in association with the Healthy & Wise
program, but the students will have the opportunity to display their work on a bulletin board as
well as bring home projects and worksheets to show what they have learned.
Children, especially preschoolers, love to copy what their parents do. They mimic table
manners, willingness to try new foods, and food preferences. We ask that you partner with us in
helping your children live a healthy lifestyle. Let your children help shop for healthy foods and
help you prepare meals. Eat meals as a family whenever possible. Reward children with care
and praise, not food. Limit sweet treats to special occasions once in a while. Limit the amount
of foods and beverages with added sugars your kids eat and drink. If you don’t buy them, your
kids won’t get them very often.
Please remember that YCQ has a healthy snack policy and we are a nut free school. All
snacks brought in from home should be chosen wisely and should reflect on snacks appropriate
based on what we are teaching in this program.
Attached are a few more tips on how to be a healthy role model for your children.
We look forward to a fun and enriching program this year. If there are any questions,
concerns, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or an administrator of the school.
Aliza Solomon, MPH
YCQ’s 1st Healthy & Wise School-Wide Challenge:
Make a Switch!
I challenge you to make a switch. Switch one unhealthy snack with a
healthy snack. Switch one sweetened drink with an unsweetened or less
sweetened drink. Let’s see if we can start the year off healthier than ever
Cut below the dotted line and bring this form to Morah Aliza. It will be
hung up next to the Healthy & Wise bulletin board on the second floor.
I made a switch!
Name: ____________________________________________ Class: ______________
I switched _____________________________ for _____________________________.
I switched _____________________________ for _____________________________.
I am starting the year off healthier!
YCQ-Parent Teacher Organization Vendors
The following vendors support YCQ programs.
We encourage you to support these businesses.
Shop at these vendors year-round, pay for your purchases at the location with a
check made payable to YCQ-PTO and the store will donate a percentage
back to YCQ.
Suhag Wine & Liquor
69-30 Main Street
Kew Gardens Hills
The Jewish Quarter
Stuart Verstandig
Tzit tzit (all sizes and styles), Seforim,
books, mezuzot, kipot, benchers,
Succah decorations, laminated posters
Purim supplies, Pesach needs,
& gifts for all occasions
Please indicate which sport your child is interested in par- Child’s name: ___________________ Grade: _________ DOB: ________ School: _____________
ticipating in: Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Email: ___________________________________________________ Cell: ____________________
Peewee Soccer 9:15-10:15 Sunday mornings Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Peewee Soccer 10:30-11:30 Sunday mornings City: ______________________ State: _____________ Zip: _________ Shul: __________________
Soccer Leagues 1st– 2nd grade
Soccer Leagues 3rd-4th grade
Peewee soccer is appropriate for children in PreK and If signing your child up for soccer leagues please let us know what dates/times work best for practices every other
Kindergarten and runs on the following Sundays: 10/22, 10/29, week. We will try to work with everyone’s schedule as much as possible. Thank you!
11/5, 11/12, 11/19,12/3 and 12/10 ______________________________________________________
League Soccer will be held Sundays with a practice on one
weeknight a week, times and dates TBA
Please submit one form and waiver per child. No child will be allowed to Fee Schedule:
play with out the forms and payment in full. Forms and payment must be received
by October 5th in order to save your child a spot on the team. Checks can be made out to YIKGH Youth Department
Please indicate your child’s Jersey size: For YIKGH members:
Youth S __ Youth M __ Youth L __ Youth XL __ Peewee Cost $60
Adult S __ Adult M ____ Soccer League Cost $80
Register by September 24th to save $10
I give permission for photographs of Please contact Adina Rosen at [email protected] for further
my child to be used for promotional information. For non-members:
materials. Peewee Cost : $75
Please send payment and forms to Soccer Leagues Cost: $90
Yes Young Israel of Kew Garden Hills Register by September 24th to save $10
No c/o Adina Rosen
150-05 70th Road
Flushing, NY 11367
Or pay via Paypal or Chase QuickPay to
[email protected]
YCQ Annual Selichot Program