VOLUME 14 ISSUE 25 APRIL 8, 2016 29 ADAR 2 5776
UPCOMING Parshat Tazriah/Parshat HaChodesh
EVENTS Rosh Chodesh
Candle Lighting:
By: Rabbi Landsman
Havdallah: 8:11 The many restrictions imposed on the metzora, as well as the detailed process
Wed. April 13 of his purification, underscore the uniqueness and severity of tzara'at. Unlike other
Names Not forms of tum'ah, which prevent an individual from entering various parts of the Beit
Numbers Hamikdash, the metzora is forced to leave the entire machaneh Yisroel (camp of
Mon.—Thur. Israel).
April 11-14 The Gemara (Erachin 16B) links this isolation with the very cause
Terra Nova
Achievement Test of tzara'at itself. "Ma nishtana metzora sheamra Torah 'badad yesheiv michutz
Grades 3-7 lemachaneh moshavo'? hu hivdil bein ish l'ishto, bein ish lerei-eihu, lefichoch amra
Torah, 'badad yesheiv '" Why is a metzora different that the Torah states, 'He shall
Thur. April 21— dwell alone; outside the camp shall be his dwelling'? He, through his slander
Sunday May 1 separated a husband from his wife, a man from his neighbor, therefore the Torah
says, 'He shall dwell alone.'
Pesach Vacation
No Sessions The slanderous metzora, who through his behavior fails to value the harmony
of the community, must live in isolation.
Monday May 2
Sessions Resume The laws governing the metzora, however, extend far beyond his sequester.
Based on the verse, "begadav yehiyu prumim verosho yehiye parua veal safam
Lice Check
Thursday May 5 yateh" (Vayikrah 13:45) "His garments shall be torn, the hair of his head shall be
Special Programs unshorn, and he shall cloak himself up to his lips", the Gemara explains that
Commemorating a metzora must tear his garment and cover his head, as well as refrain from cutting
his hair and greeting others (Moed Katan 15A).
Yom HaShoah
The common theme linking these halachot implied by the Gemara and stated
explicitly by the Rambam (Hilchot Tum'at Tzara'at 10:6) is Aveilut. The metzora is
YCQ Family News an avel and hence is bound by the many obligations and restrictions of mourning. In
Mazel Tov to Morah
Janet Koenigsberg what sense, however, is a metzora an avel? Why is it that he must observe the
(K-102) on the birth of traditions of aveilut?
a grandson! Rabbi Yonasan Sacks, Rosh Yeshiva, Lander College for Men explains that
Mazel Tov to Morah
Sarah Keshirim each member of Knesset Yisrael possesses a twofold kedushah-as an individual and
(K-105) on the as a vital part of the collectivity of Bnei Yisrael. A metzora, through his callous
engagement of her slander, severs his bond with the collective kedushah of Bnei Yisrael; as if part of him
has died. Indeed, the Gemara states that "arba'ah chashuvin kemeit - ani
son! umetzora..." (Nedarim 64B) "four types of people are as if they are dead - a poor
Mazel Tov to Morah
Beer (JHS Morah) on
the mariage of her man, a metzora...". Accordingly, the Torah mandates aveilut; the metzora is
grandson! actually mourning himself.
Mazel Tov to David The onset of Yom Tov, however, marks a clear contrast between the avel and
Nisanov on his Bar the metzora. Whereas the commencement of Yom Tov cancels aveilut, the Gemara
Mazel Tov to (Moed Katan 14B), states that "noheig tzora'ato b'regel" ("the laws of
Lawrence ‘72 and the metzora apply on Yom Tov"). How do we understand this distinction? The ability
Shifra Shaifer on the of Yom Tov to suspend aveilut stems from the communal nature of Yom Tov:. Let the
birth of a grandson!
Mazel Tov to Shana public commandment of Yom Tov come and supersede the individual
(Zil;bering) ‘99 and commandment of mourning. A metzora, however, has severed his bond to the
Nachshon Block on community. For him, the communal nature of Yom Tov cannot suspend the
obligations and restrictions of tzara'at. Have a Great Shabbat!
the birth of a
Torah Bowl
This past Thursday the last torah bowl meet of the season was at HAFTR. The boys won their
first game and advanced to round two, it was a close game but they won 4th place. The girl’s
team won their first game and advanced
to the playoffs, it was a very close game
but the girls came in 2nd place. Special
thanks to the whole team- Michael
Arshadnia, Avital Basalel, Itamar
Basalel, Zachary Feldman, Orah Fisher,
Shoshana ‘Fisher, Yosef Flaminbaum,
Sarah Gulamov, Leah Inoyatov, Savvy
Kessler, Sophia Koffsky, Elizabeth
Nazginov, David Nissanov, Morty
Schmerler, Shira Schwartz, Jordana
Sparber, Rachelle Winokur, Mathew
Welgrin, and Tzvi Zigelstien. We
couldn’t have done it without our
amazing coaches Rabbi Rosenfelt and
Ms. Rosenblum! We can’t wait until next
YCQ Annual Sixth Grade Science Fair
This past Wednesday night the sixth grade students presented their science fair projects which they have been
workin gon for months! Mazel Tov to the students! All students received special certificates acknowledging their
hard work and dedication to the project! We hope to this experience elevated the students understanding of what it
means to be a Torah U’Mada Jes and apply the learning of science to every day life! First place: Yehoshua
Goldglancz - Solar Desalination and Mikey Kwitkin - Sunscreen: 100% Natural, 0% burn—Second place: Moshe
Laub - Water Absorbency on Different Surfaces and Orah Fisher - Does Age Effect the Sense of Touch. Third
place: Riva Goldberg - Why Is the Statue of Liberty Green? And Lana Klein and Shoshana Fisher - Can You
Transfer Strep by Sharing Toothpaste? Thank you to Mrs. Zwiren for doing such a great job so preparing the
students for the science fair, and for teaching them science so well throughout the year!
⇒ Shop at the following local vendors
⇒ Pay by check payable to the YCQ-PTO
⇒ The PTO makes a percentage on each sale
Suhag Wine & Liquor
60-30 Main Street, KGH
Hours: Sun. 12-8, Mon.-Thurs. 10-10, Fri. 9:30-8
Main Sweet
72-54 Main Street, KGH
Hours: Sun.- Thurs. 10-9, Fri. 10-3
Jewish Quarter
Kew Gardens Hills
Hours: Sun. – Thurs. 8-10, Fri. 8-2
Megillahs, Megillah Cases, Seder
Plates, “Plagues”, etc.
[email protected]
In addition to shopping at these vendors, don’t forget
to continue using your Red Card when you shop at
Target, logging into Amazon through
www.smile.amazon.com , and sending in your Box Tops.
Borough President, Melinda Katz Deputy Borough President, Melva Miller
Chairman, Alvin Warshaviak Community Board 8 District Manager, Marie Adam-Ovide
197-15 Hillside Avenue
Hollis, NY 11423-2126
Telephone: (718) 264-7895
Fax: (718) 264-7910
[email protected]
Memo to: All religious institutions
From: Alvin Warshaviak, Chair
Date: March 24, 2016
Re: Chometz Collection Burning Stations in CB 8
We are pleased to announce a special service Community Board 8 has arranged with the
Department of Sanitation. This service will assist the Jewish residents of our district by
providing a special pre-Passover trash pickup for all homeowners living within the
neighborhoods of Hillcrest, Utopia Estates, Jamaica Estates, Holliswood and Kew Gardens
On Friday, April 22, 2016, all houses in these areas will have a curbside trash pickup
between midnight and 10:30 a.m. Be sure to have all your trash/chometz out at the curb
in front of your house for pick up before midnight on Thursday. Please separate your
garbage and recycling. Please share this information with your friends, neighbors and
members of your organization. This is in addition to the special Sanitation Department bins
for chometz that will be stationed at the following locations. (Please ask your members
NOT to park in front of these locations so the sanitation bins can be properly situated.)
To create a safe environment, a burning station will also be available at each location
Date: Friday, April 22, 2016
Time: Approximately 6 a.m. to approximately 11 a.m.
Across from the Torah Center of Hillcrest located at 171-05 Jewel/Harry Van
Arsdale Ave.
In front of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills located at 70-11 150th Street.
In front of the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates located at 83-10 188th Street
In front of the Young Israel of Queens Valley located at 141-55 77th Avenue, near
the parking lot.
We wish to thank Mayor Bill DeBlasio and the Department of Sanitation for their
cooperation. For further information, please call Community Board 8 at 718-264-7895.
Passover is a time of family gatherings with special foods, songs, and customs.
However, when hot water and candles are used,
there is an increased risk for fires and fire related injuries.
Use sturdy candleholders.
Use candles with flame protective non-combustible shades or globes.
Keep candles at least 4 feet away from curtains, draperies, decorations, blinds and bedding.
Place candles out of reach of small children and pets.
Extinguish candles when they burn within two inches of the holder.
Never leaving burning candles unattended.
Do not leave your oven unattended while the oven is on or in the self-cleaning cycle.
Take precautions when handling hot and boiling water. Use oven mitts or potholders.
Create a “kid-free safety zone” of at least 3-feet from the front of the stove and away from
the Pesach kettle /pot.
While cooking,
Stay in the kitchen, don’t leave cooking food unattended.
Wear short or tight fitting sleeves. (Long loose sleeves are more likely to catch on fire or
get caught on pot handles.)
Don’t become distracted.
Maintain the “kid-free zone” of 3 feet around your stove. Turn pot handles inward facing the
wall to prevent burns caused by overturning or spills.
Keep the area around the stove clear of towels, papers, pot holders or anything that could
Have a pot lid handy to smother a pan fire. Do not attempt to pick up the pot or pan. Shut off
the heat and cover the fire with a lid.
DO NOT USE WATER! It will cause splashing and spread the fire.
Treat burns immediately with cool running water and seek medical attention.
Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor Nicholas Scoppetta, Commissioner
Sixth Grade Science Fair!