VOLUME 13 NUMBER 18 FEBRUARY 20, 2015 1 ADAR 5775
UPCOMING Parshat Teruma By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS The main moral push of this week's Parsha, is the challenge to take the mundane and ordinary
Candle Lighting: and make of it something spiritual, holy and eternal. To our sorrow, we are well aware of how the
5:17 supposedly holy can be made tawdry, cheap and negative. Thus the challenge of the opposite is
Havdallah: 6:19 truly a daunting one.
Sun. February 22 Dealing with money, gold and silver, workers, artisans and the like usually inhibits any sense of
5th-8th Parent holiness and eternity. The material always seems to corrupt the spiritual. It is not for naught that
there is strong rabbinic opinion that the Third Temple will not be man-made but rather will de-
Child Learning scend from Heaven completely formed. It is destined to be eternal while the Tabernacle/Mishkan
Sunday March 1 in the desert and both the First and Second Temples were the products of human endeavor and
earthly building materials.
5th-8th Parent All three of these great projects and physical institutions were destroyed and taken from us. Ap-
parently we had failed in the goal of converting the earthly and temporary into the heavenly and
Child Learning
Tuesday March 3 eternal. Rabbi Wein asks that if in fact this is the case then why does the Torah spend so much
space and employ so many words to describe the physical construction of what, after all, re-
Parent-Teacher mained only a temporary structure subject to conquest and destruction?
Conferences This is a question, which has nagged the brains of all biblical commentators for many centuries. It
also poses the problem of this enormous challenge of the spiritual having to deal with the physical
3:45 Dismissal
Wed., March 4 and in fact being dependent upon the physical in order to achieve its stated spiritual goal.
Taánit Esther Rabbi Wein explains that part of the answer to this ongoing problem lies in the attitude of human
1:15 Dismissal N beings towards the physical wealth that all of us pursue during our lifetime. The Torah wished to
1:30 Dismissal K-8 teach us that wealth, material goods, human talents and artistic abilities are all only means to an
Thursday March 5 end and not the end itself. One of the great pitfalls of life is elevating the means to be the end.
Thus wealth for the sake of wealth, money for the sake of money, power and influence for the
No Sessions sake of power and influence becomes the norm in much of human society. This by its very nature
Firday March 6 prevents the transformation of the physical into the holy, the fleeting temporary into the unend-
Shusan Purim ing eternal.
The true purpose of gold and silver, architectural talent and building skill is to create a place of
Purim Canrival
Sunday March 8 holiness and a constant reminder of the relationship between the Creator and the created. There-
5th-8th Parent fore this week's parsha emphasizes the importance of donative intent. The Tabernacle/Mishkan
Child Learning was not to be built from funds gathered by taxation and coercion. Without proper donative in-
tent there is no hope to convert the physical into the spiritual.
9-11:30 Halacha raises the question why we do not recite a blessing before giving one’s donation to chari-
ty or the support of Torah. Many answers, almost all of them technical, are advanced to solve this
Monday March 9 question. Rabbi Wein is struck by the question itself. For the basis of its being asked is that some-
Parent-Teacher how one must inject holiness into an otherwise ordinary act of money being transferred. This is
extremely difficult if it is not preceded by the recitation of a blessing. Holy intent if done properly
3:45 Dismissal
YCQ Family News creates holiness and can transform the material into the spiritual. Have a Shabbat Shalom!
Mazel Tov to Morah Attention YCQ Parents:
Lital Ben-Lulu (JHS
Ivrit) on the birth of a
baby girl!
Mazel Tov to Morah Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 School year is now Complete !
Beer (JHS Morah) on interviews are currently being set up for the 2015-2016 waiting list!
the marriage of her
Our Nursery classes Are quickly filling up! There are a few spots left, don’t miss out!
granddaughter! Please be in touch with Morah Sharon Korn ext 313 or Hadas Goodrich ext 310 for an
appointment !
Bracha Bee
Since winter vacation our first-fifth grade students have been eagerly practicing their
brachot. This practice culminated with a very exciting bracha bee. Each grade gets to
participate in their own bracha bee. Contestants from each class were called up to win
points for their class. The students chanted enthusiastically each time a new contestant
competed. A wonderful time was had by all. Although some classes answered more than
others, everyone who learned their brachot were the true winners. Thank you to Mr.
Nadelbach and Morah Raena for their help with preparing and running the bee!
Shmi a Taught by Bnei Akiva
On Monday, Bnei Akiva visited the fourth through eighth grade classes. They discussed the
importance of the mitzvah of shmi a and the great emunah that the farmers in Israel have for
keeping the laws of Shmi a. They showed the students, hands on, the different ways that
farmers can keep the halachot of shmi ah while s ll working the land. This includes
hydroponics, otzar beit din, and heter mechirah. We hope that by the next shmi ah cycle we
will all be living in Israel together in peace.
Western Hemis”fair”
Months of research paid off as the fifth grade students hosted the Western Hemis-fair this week.
Students learned about the provinces of Canada, states of the United States, and countries in Central and
South America. This year students also had the opportunity to research various Native American
regions in the US. The fair began on Tuesday in the classroom as the students presented their boards to
their peers . On Wednesday the fifth-graders brought in their models and set up the fair in the
Multi-Purpose Room, welcoming parents and students to learn about their topics. Some students even
served as tour guides, taking small groups of students around to see each project. A special thank you to
Mrs. Orlanski, Mrs. Jaffe and Mrs. Hoffman make this fair a huge success. We are so proud of our
Mikdash Presenta on
The Tanchuma says that learning about the Mikdash is equivalent to building the Mikdash. In conjunc on
with learning Parshat Terumah the sixth grade boys and girls took part in a fascina ng interac ve program
that included the famous Machon HaMikdash (Temple Ins tute ) illustra ons and hands on building of a
giant model of the second Mikdash. We added sec on a er sec on of the courtyards, lishkot, and the
Heichal. We reviewed the func ons of the keilim that were learned in class and enjoyed seeing the
Mikdash brought to life before our eyes. Special thanks to Rabbi Landsman for arranging this visit and
Steve Frenkel, the director of the Machon HaMikdash Ins tute, in the Old City of Yerushalayim for a very
special virtual visit to the Mikdash!
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 4 6
6g Halacha 3 5
8 Math (Sider) 6 Math (Goldstein)
8g Navi 8 Algebra
89 10 11 12 13
7 Math (Sider) 6B Chumash
6 Science Test
7G2 Mishna 7B1 Bar Mitzvah
8G Chumash Workshop Test
8 Math (Cigan)
15 16 17 18 19 20
Presidents' Day 8B Gemara 7G Halacha 7B Gemara (Bernstein)
8 Science 6/7 Math (Cigan/Walz/
No School Lowinger) 7G Chumash
7B2 Bar Mitzvah
Workshop 8 Algebra
22 23 24 25 26 27
No Girls Test 6B Navi 6 Social Studies 7 Science 8B2 Halacha
7 Social Studies 7G Ivrit 8G Ivrit JHS ELA Mid‐term
8 Social Studies 8G Halacha 6G Navi
7 Math (Sider)
With great pleasure we would like to present our
Honorees for the
74th Anniversary Scholarship Dinner of
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Guests of Honor
Dr. Joel and Marjorie Wein
Educator Award
Mrs. Esther Ben Habib
Keter Shem Tov Award
Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary Reunion
of the Class of 1975
Sunday, April 19, 2015,
Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5775, at
The Sands of Atlantic Beach,
147-37 70th Road • Flushing, NY 11367 • 718-793-8500
Dear Nursery ‐ 5th Grade Parents:
As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invita on for you to u lize the conference op on on
ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the me slots and create your schedule prior to arriving at school on Parent
Teacher night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the earlier you sign up, the more availability there will be for
appointments, and the more likely you will be able to customize a convenient schedule for yourself.
Before beginning the process please check the following schedule of conference dates and mes in order to know when the
teachers you would like to see will be available:
Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or e‐mail.
Date Grades Times Slot length
Tuesday, 1‐200, 1‐201, 1‐202, 2‐206, 3‐209, 3‐ 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
210, 3‐211,
March 3, 2015 9:30pm 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
5‐302, 5‐303
Monday, Nursery, Kindergarten, 1‐203, 2‐204, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appointment
March 9, 2015
2‐205, 2‐207, 3‐212, Fourth Grade, 9:30pm 5th Grade 5 Minutes per appointment
5‐300, 5‐301
The online registraƟon system will only be open for registraƟon beginning at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, February 11th unƟl
February 25 at 11:00 AM .
Please remember that the system is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and registra on should be completed as early as
possible to help ensure the most convenient schedule possible for you.
For Parents without access to a computer or internet connec on, Hadas or Liron (contact info below) will be
available by email or phone to assist in the registra on process. Those parents who use this method will be
provided with a printed schedule that can be picked up from Hadas in Rabbi Landsman’s office.
If you have any ques ons or comments at any point in the process, please contact Hadas at (718) 793‐8500 Ext.
310 [email protected] or Liron at Ext. 330 [email protected].
Thank you,
The Yeshiva of Central Queens
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Class Time Sign In Loca on of Conference
1‐200, 1‐201, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐202 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐206 (Chubak, Berkowitz)
3‐209, 3‐210, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3‐211 (Halpern, Borochoff)
5‐302, 5‐303 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Orlanski, Finkelstein,
JHS Girls 6:00‐9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First come first serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 9, 2015
Class Time Sign In Loca on & Conference
N‐109 & N‐208 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐100, K‐101 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐102, K‐105
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐204, 2‐205, 2‐207 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Chubak, Berkowitz) 6:00‐9:00 Lunchroom
No Sign In
3‐212 First come first serve
(Halpern, Borochoff)
Fourth Grade
5‐300, 5‐301
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys
Pesach Chocolate Sale
Is Here
Orders are due Wednesday March 4th
If your child has not brought home an order form
please contact the PA at [email protected]
Questions? Call
Judy Rosenblatt (516) 732-0730
PA Purim Mishloach Manot Program
Dear Parents,
We invite you to participate in the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot and Matanot L’Evyonim
through our annual Purim Program.
A scroll listing your child’s name will be included with every Mishloach Manot distributed to
each one of the YCQ teachers and staff members, including all specialty teachers and staff.
This year’s Mishloach Manot packages have been purchased from Keren Aniyim. For over 25
years Keren Aniyim has supported hundreds of needy families in the New York area through
their fundraising efforts.
Although your children will not have to bring individual bags to present to their teachers,
they will still be fulfilling this very important mitzvah. This and other fundraising efforts help
sponsor the Purim Carnival and other activities that the Parents Association undertakes to
enhance our children’s experience at YCQ.
PLEASE help us make this a success by completing the form below and sending it in with
your child to the school’s Business Office by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2015 or paying online
via PayPal at the following link: http://www.ycqweb.com/YCQ_PA_Purim_Mishloach_Manot.
Thank you,
Any forms/payments submitted after the deadline will be included in an addendum.
Questions? Please contact Aviva Adler at 917-545-9860 or email [email protected].
YCQ PARENTS: Please make all checks payable to YCQ PA $10.00 per child / $30.00 cap per
family of four or more children
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
***YCQ TEACHERS & STAFF ONLY - You may also participate and have your name on the
scroll, please submit $7.00 and fill in your information below.
Staff Member Name: ________________________ CASH _____ CHECK ______ or online via
above PayPal link.
February 22, 2015
3 Adar 5775
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Bernstein,
JHS Rebbe
“”הסתר של אסתר
The Beit Hamikdash Came to YCQ!
Fifth Grade Western Hemis“fair”