VOLUME 20 NUMBER 12 FEBRUARY 21, 2014 21 ADAR 1 5774
UPCOMING Parshat VaYakhel By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS Parshat Vayakhel marks the fruition of the instructions provided in Parshat Terumah and Tezaveh. On a
theoretical level, the earlier parshiot spell out the structure of the Mishkan, its various utensils, and the uniform of those
Candle Lighting: 5:19 who use those utensils and serve in the Mishkan. In this week's Parsha, it is finally time to "pay up". This is the intent of
the section introduced with the words: “Moshe said to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel, saying: This is the
Havdallah: 6:20 word that Hashem commanded, saying: 'Take from yourselves a portion for Hashem, everyone who is generous of
heart shall bring it, as the gift for Hashem: gold, silver and copper...'"
Sun., Feb. 23 Rabbi Frand teaches that our parsha should logically begin with the words, asking for donations to the Mish-
JHS Parent-Child kan building fund. However, our parsha begins with a two sentence section which is almost entirely off topic from the
subject matter at hand. “Six days work shall be done but the seventh day shall be holy for you, a day of complete rest
Learning Program for Hahem; whoever does work on it shall be put to death. You shall light no fire in any of your dwellings on the
9-11 AM Shabbat day.” The Shabbat laws were already mentioned in greater detail in last week's parsha. The repetition this
week, at the beginning of Vayakhel, seems totally redundant. Why is it necessary to begin the section dealing with
Fri., Feb. 28 - donating money to the Mishkan with this brief preamble telling us about Shabbat?
Many commentaries deal with this question. Rabbi Frand quotes, Rav Naiman who highlights in his sefer
Shabbat Mar. 1 Darkei Mussar a peculiarity in the expression "sheshet yamim tay-a-seh melacha" which literally means "six days
JHS Girls WORK SHALL BE DONE". A more common expression is "sheshet yamim ta-a-seh melachtecha" (six days YOU
SHALL DO YOUR WORK). It is peculiar to use the passive form of the verb for doing work. The Darkei Mussar sug-
Shabbaton gests that by use of this expression, the Torah is teaching us a fundamental rule for anyone who is engaged in earning
a livelihood. The amount of money a person makes is NOT commensurate with the amount of effort he puts into his
Tues., March 4 job.
A person is indeed required to make an effort to earn a living and support a family. One who does not make
Parent-Teacher that effort and expects "mann" from heaven will be disappointed! However it is flawed to mentally make the equation
Conferences that "the more work I do the more money I will make."
HaShem decides what each of us should earn. We can exhaust ourselves in our professions and either we
3:45 Dismissal K-8 will not succeed in earning as much as we feel we should earn or we perhaps will earn all that money and then lose it
due to unforeseen expenses or poor investments, or a variety of other "unforeseen" circumstances. On the other hand,
Mon., March 10 we can exert the normal amount of effort and HaShem may bless the actions of our hands and we may earn large
Parent-Teacher sums of money, far greater than what others who work much harder than we do earn.
This is a fundamental belief in our religion and it really is what Shabbat observance is all about. Common
Conferences wisdom is that "Of course if one works seven days a week, he will make more money than if he works six days a
3:45 Dismissal K-8 week." And yet, the Torah commands us to work only six days. If HaShem wants to bestow upon us a certain degree
of financial success, he will bestow it to us whether we expend six days of effort to earn it or we expend seven days of
Thurs., March 13 effort to earn it.
This is why the Torah here states "For six days work SHALL BE DONE". The work must be done, but one
Ta’anit Esther should not think "you shall do work". The "you" is not what gets the job done, it is the "HaShem" that gets the job done
1:15 Dismissal N and allows "you" to earn a living.
1:30 Dismissal K-8
This is the necessary introduction before asking the people to donate funds for the construction of the Mish-
kan and its associated vessels. Whenever people are approached for giving charity whether for institutions or for indi-
viduals it is hard for them to write the check. It is always challenging because "where is the money going to come
Sunday March 16 from?"
It was in order to address this question that Moshe prefaced the chapter asking the Children of Israel to con-
PURIM! tribute to the Mishkan building fund with the mitzvah to observe Shabbat and specifically with the expression: Six days
work SHALL BE DONE. This expression teaches that money is earned based on what HaShem wills. After establishing
the principle that in six days a person can earn the same amount that he would earn in seven days, Moshe can pro-
YCQ Family News ceed to ask for donations of gold, silver, copper, and so on.
It was first necessary to remove the people's anxiety and assure them that in the final analysis their donations
Mazal Tov Yosef Levy on would not cost them anything. As the Rambam writes in Mishneh Torah, "no one becomes poor from giving charity."
his Bar Mitzvah Only then did Moshe ask for contributions to the Mishkan.
Have a Great Shabbat!
Parent Teacher Conference Schedule REMINDER!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 ‐ 3:45 Dismissal K‐8
Please remember to submit
1‐200, 1‐201, 1‐202 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment your Miss Chocolate order
2‐204, 2‐206 ‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment forms by March 12th.
3‐209, 3‐210, 3‐211 ‐ 5:30‐9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment
5‐302, 5‐303‐ 5:30 ‐ 9:30PM in your child’s classroom by appointment Reach out to your friends,
JHS Girls ‐ 6:00—9:00PM in the lunchroom, first come, first serve families and associates and
make this Pesach chocolaty
There will be NO a erschool ac vi es including 4:30 room! delicious!!
YCQ Students Victorious at Tri-State Chess VIII Tournament
Meir Flamenbaum (3-210) and Yosef Flamenbaum (5-303) participated at
the Tri-State Chess VIII. Tournament in Manhattan. Meir won 1st place and
Yosef 12th place in the individual category winning over 31 participants, thus
earning together a 3rd place
team trophy for YCQ. Meir at-
tends YCQ’s chess club, Yosef
attended in the past and they
both get additional coaching
from their family members. We
are very proud of them and
looking forward for their fu-
ture accomplishments.
YCQ Torah Bowl Team Comes Home Victorious
This Wednesday February 19 YCQ went to Ramaz to compete in their annual torah bowl
game. The girls and the boys did an amazing job! The girls beat the highest team in the
girls league! The boys as well did an excellent job by winning 2/4 games! We would like
to thank our amazing coaches Ms. Rosenblum and Rabbi Hammer, as well to our amaz-
ing team, Dina Inoyatov, Rebecca Inoyatov, Leora Greenberg, Talya Lisker, Elana Shalo-
moff, Yael Beylus, Yael Teitelman, Talia Wein, Yael Laks, Penina Levin, Shaina Orlow,
Michelle Weingarten, Leeba Sullivan, Natan Alon, Benjy Gottesman, Natanel Kamel,
Jonathan Zirkiev, Mordichai Flamenbaum, BB Ancselovics, Zack Goldberg, and Itmar
Basalel. We hope to continue to do an outstanding job next time in the playoffs!
Fifth Grade Western “Hemis-Fair”
The fifth grade held its annual Western Hemis “Fair” on February 19 and 20. Each of
the fifty states was represented as well as the provinces of our northern neighbor,
Canada. In addition, you could visit Washington, D.C., as well as the nations of Cen-
tral and South America and the Caribbean islands. The “fair” truly represented the
Western Hemisphere. Fifth grade docents took visiting classes and guests to each of
the outstanding displays and projects. Fifth grade students presented their reports in
class and then were required to make additional presentations at the fair. Each year
the fair gets better and better with this year’s students doing an outstanding job.
Tzitzit Making at Parent Child Sunday Learning
On Sunday, February 9, 2014 Rabbi Hamel taught the participants of the Fifth
through eighth grade Parent Child Sunday Learning program all about the
mitzvah of tzitzit. They then tested their new found knowledge, and tied their
own strings themselves, using a tie die begged they received. Everyone had a
very enjoyable time learning to wrap and tie their very own tzitzit! Special
thanks to Rabbi Hamel for planning such an incredible hands on learning
experience for parents and children to enjoy together.
Do you know any YCQ Alumni
who graduated 50 years ago from the
Class of 1964?
If you do, please contact, or have them contact, our Alumni Director,
Rabbi Marc Merrill
718-793-8500 x304
[email protected]
so that we can include them in the upcoming
50th Year Class Reunion
in conjunction with
YCQ’s 73rd Anniversary Scholarship Dinner
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Sands Atlantic Beach
SUNDAY, MARCH 30, 2014
3rd & 4th G rade Boys
Social Skills Group
Sunday Mornings
At Yeshiva of Central Queens
With Ari Perl, LMSW
Learn and practice how to:
Make friends Be more assertive
Respond to bullying Manage feelings
Navigate social settings
Interested? Call Ari at 917.238.4455
February 23, 2014
23rd Adar I 5774
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:20 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Pearl,
“ מי מריבה-
Waters of Strife -
What was Moshe’s Sin”
Dear Nursery ‐ 5th Grade Parents:
As Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching, we would like to extend an invita on for you to u lize the conference op on on
ParentLocker. ParentLocker allows you to select the me slots and create your schedule prior to arriving at school on Parent Teach‐
er night. The scheduling system is first come/first serve, so the earlier you sign up, the more availability there will be for appoint‐
ments, the more likely you will be able to customize a convenient schedule for yourself.
Before beginning the process please check the following schedule of conference dates and mes in order to know when the teach‐
ers you would like to see will be available:
Please Note: Fourth grade parents should not sign up for a Math Conference. Rather it should be done via phone or e‐mail.
Date Grades Times Slot length
1‐200, 1‐201, 1‐202, 2‐204, 2‐206, 3‐209, 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appoint‐
Tuesday, 3‐210, 3‐211, 9:30pm ment
March 4, 2014 5‐302, 5‐303 5th Grade 5 Minutes per
Monday, Nursery, Kindergarten, 1‐203, 2‐205, 2‐ 5:30pm to 10 Minutes per appoint‐
March 10, 2014 207, 3‐212, 4th Grade
9:30pm ment
5‐300, 5‐301
5th Grade 5 Minutes per
The online registraƟon system will only be open for registraƟon beginning at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, February 12th unƟl
February 20 at 11:00 AM .
Please remember that the system is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE and registra on should be completed as early as
possible to help ensure the most convenient schedule possible for you.
For Parents without access to a computer or internet connec on, Hadas or Liron (contact info below) will be avail‐
able by email or phone to assist in the registra on process. Those parents who use this method will be provided
with a printed schedule which can be picked up from Hadas in Rabbi Landsman’s office.
If you have any ques ons or comments at any point in the process, please contact Hadas at (718) 793‐8500 Ext.
310 [email protected] or Liron at Ext. 330 [email protected].
Thank you,
The Yeshiva of Central Queens
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Class Time Sign In Loca on of Conference
1‐200, 1‐201, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐204, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3‐209, 3‐210, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
5‐302, 5‐303 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Finkelstein, Rosen, Orlanski,
No Sign In Lunchroom
JHS Girls 6:00‐9:00
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 10, 2014
Class Time Sign In Loca on & Conference
N‐109 & N‐208 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐100, K‐101 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐102, K‐105 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐203 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Blass, Greenwald) 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐205, 2‐207 6:00‐9:00 Lunchroom
(Kupferman, Berkowitz) Sign in Online
Sign in Online
(Borochoff, Chubak) No Sign In
First come first serve
Fourth Grade
5‐300, 5‐301
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 7
JHS Parent- Child Learning 3 4 5 6
6th Gemara 6th Math 14
Overnight Greenkill Trip 7 math/ 8 math (Sider) 7th Boys Navi Purim Katan
8 boys math (Schwartz) 7th Girls Navi Test
9 10 11 12 13
JHS Parent- Child Learning 28
6th Boys Ivrit 6th Girls Ivrit 19 20 JHS Girls Shabbaton
16 6th Girls Chumash 8th Boys Chumash 6th Boys Chumash Western Hemis"fair"
7th Gemara 8th Girls Chumash 6th Vocabulary 6 Girls Navi
7th Language Arts 6/7/8 Math
7th Girls Halacha 8th Boys Ivrit 7th Boys Ivrit
8th Social Studies 8th Girls Ivrit 7th Girls Ivrit
17 18
No Sessions - President's 6th Math
Day 8th grade Algebra test &
Western Hemis"fair"
Parents Association
23 24 25 26 27
JHS Parent- Child Learning 6B2 Science 7th Boys Chumash 6th & 7th Social Studies 6 Math (Sider)
6th Halacha (girls) 8th Girls Halacha 7th Girls Chumash
7th Science 8th language arts 8th Gemara
8th Boys Navi 6th Boys Navi
8th Girls Navi
Dear Parents:
Monday, March 3rd and Tuesday, March 4th in the J.H.S. building multi-purpose room.
The Book Fair will have a large selection of Scholastic English and Judaica books. There will be a variety of
computer software, videos, and cookbooks available. All purchases benefit our school and our library.
All classes, nursery through grade 8, are scheduled for visits to the Book Fair. Parents of children in nursery,
kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades are welcome to come and shop with their children. All parents are wel-
come to come to browse and shop each day. Please remember to send money along with your child on the day
of his/her scheduled visit. Books range in price from approximately $7.00 to $15.00. In accordance with on
all purchases new NYS tax law, sales tax will now be charged.
Please note that the Book Fair will also be open during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday,
March 4th.
Mon. 3/3 Tues. 3/4
9:30-9:50 4-304, 4-307 3-209
9:50-10:10 K-102, K-105 K-100, K-101
10:10-10:30 2-204, 1-203 3-210
10:30-10:50 3-211, 3,212 N-109, N-208
10:50-11:10 5-302, 5-303 2-205, 2-206
11:10-11:30 4-306, 4-305 5-300, 5-301
11:30-11:50 1-202, 2-207 1-200, 1-201
11:50-12:50 LUNCH LUNCH
12:50- 1:10
1:10- 1:30 7G2, 6G2 7G1, YESS
1:30- 1:50 6B1, 6B2 8G1, 8G2
1:50- 2:10 7B1, 7B2
2:10-2:30 6G1
2:30- 2:50 8B1, 8B2
CALL MARJORIE WEIN AT Tel. # (718) 544-5675 or email [email protected] WE NEED
PA Purim Mishloach Manot Program
Dear Parents,
We invite you to participate in the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot and Matanot L’Evyonim through our
annual Purim Program.
A scroll listing your child’s name will be included with every Mishloach Manot distributed to each one
of the YCQ teachers and staff members, including all specialty teachers and staff.
This years Mishloach Manot packages have been purchased from Keren Aniyim. For 25 years Keren
Aniyim has supported hundreds of needy families in the New York area through their fundraising ef-
Although your children will not have to bring individual bags to present to their teachers, they will
still be fulfilling this very important mitzvah. This and other fundraising efforts help sponsor the Pu-
rim Carnival and other activities that the Parents Association undertakes to enhance our children’s
experience at YCQ.
PLEASE help us make this a success by completing the form below and sending it in with your child to
the school’s business office by Monday, March 3, 2014.
Thank you,
Any forms/payments submitted after the deadline will be included in an addendum.
If you have any questions please contact Tania Kanarek at 917-405-7519
YCQ PARENTS: Please make all checks payable to YCQ PA
$10.00 per child / $30.00 cap per family of four or more children
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
Name of Student: _______________ Grade/Class: ___________________
***YCQ TEACHERS & STAFF ONLY - You may also participate and have your
name on the scroll, please submit $7.00 and fill in your information below.
Staff Member Name: ________________________ CASH _____ CHECK ______
Western Hemis”Fair”