UPCOMING Parshat Yitro By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS There are differing opinions as to when exactly Yitro appeared in the camp of
Candle Lighting: the Jews in the desert. There are those who follow the rabbinic saying that one
5:00 cannot infer chronological order from the contrast of narratives as they appear
in the Torah. Rashi definitely adheres to this view in many instances. However
Havdallah: 6:02 Ramban and others maintain that a general chronology of events can correctly
Sun. Feb 8 be deduced from the order of the narrative portions of the Torah.
Rabbi Wein states that according to this last view, Yitro appears to join the
5th-8th Parent Jewish people before the revelation at Sinai and before the construction of the
Child Learning Mishkan. This makes his appearance and newly found commitment to Jewish life
and Torah values even more remarkable. Yitro is the epitome of the restless,
Mon. February 16 wandering, curious, seeking soul of humans.
President’s Day According to Midrash, Yitro experimented with all forms and types of worldly
No Sessions faiths and religions before arriving at Moshe’s doorstep in the wilderness of
Sinai. And, he exclaims that “only now do I know” what I am searching for and
Wed. February 18 where eternal truth and soulful serenity lie.
All humans embark on the same journey as did Yitro. All of us are looking for
Hemis”fair” the ultimate meaning of our lives and what our purpose on earth truly is. Some
of us, like Yitro of old, are forced to take many detours and encounter many
5th Grade
dead-end paths before finding our road to fulfillment. Unfortunately, there are
Thurs. February 19 many who never find their way clear of the maze of society, mores and the
Western distractions that are the roadblocks to our search for our true selves and
Hemis”fair” purpose. But many of us, again like Yitro, are able to fight our way through our
previous errors of direction and reach the sanctuary of a Torah life and a moral
5th Grade
Fri. February 20- existence. Yitro stands as a living and eternal example of this great spiritual
Shabbat Feb. 21 For the Jewish people and, in fact, for all humankind, the Lord simplified the
JHS Girls matter with the revelation at Sinai of the Ten Commandments, an event that is
described in detail in this week’s parsha. These Torah rules address all of the
Sun. February 22 challenges of life material gain and acquisitions, paganism, falsehoods,
5th-8th Parent generational interaction and respect, sexual probity and family loyalty, a day of
rest and spirit and not 24/7 living, honesty and ego-centered jealousy, to name
Child Learning the main categories. In effect the Torah provides for us a shortcut to reach the
9-11:30 high road of accomplishment and satisfying purpose in life.
Tues. March 3 There are those of us that feel themselves smarter and create their own shortcuts
Parent-Teacher in life, avoiding the lessons of the Ten Commandments. The world’s prisons are
full of such people. The Torah purposefully placed the Ten Commandments in the
Conferences parsha of the story of Yitro to illustrate to us that the long road that Yitro was
3:45 Dismissal K-8
forced to travel in life and God’s shortcut lead to the same place to Moshe’s tent
Wed. March 4 and to Mount Sinai.
As always the final choice of belief and behavior is left to each one of us
Taánit Esther individually. Fortunate are those that adhere to Sinai first and foremost without
1:15 Dismissal N having to initially traverse the entire world of ideas and beliefs to eventually
1:30 Dismissal K-8
Thursday March 5 arrive at Sinai where their soul will be satisfied and their life purpose delineated
No Sessions clearly. Have a great Shabbat!
YCQ Family News Attention YCQ Parents:
Mazel Tov to Rebecca Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 School year is now Complete !
Inoyatov on her Bat interviews are currently being set up for the 2015-2016 waiting list!
Mitzvah! Our Nursery classes Are quickly filling up! There are a few spots left, don’t miss out!
Please be in touch with Morah Sharon Korn ext 313 or Hadas Goodrich ext 310 for an
appointment !
Sunday Morning Learning With Rabbi Feiner
This past Sunday, Rabbi Eitan Feiner, spiritual leader of Congregation Kneseth Yisrael gave an inspiring
and uplifting shiur entitled “The Super Bowl and Other Extreme Sports in Halacha”. Rabbi Feiner began by
introducing the Gemara in Megilla that states, that in the future, Torah will be taught in the coliseums and
sports complexes of the nations. The Kesav Shofer explains the Gemara that there is a lot we can learn from
sports and apply it to our Torah learning. Number one, the enthusiasm and love of sports fans. Number two
the way that they never give up even to the very last second. Number three, the amount the athletes put into
training day and night. Rabbi Feiner also spoke about extreme sports and how although sports are permitted
to be played, and positive for health reason, extreme sports that endanger health, should be avoided. He
concluded that one should contact their Rav before jumping out of a plane.
YCQ Students Learn the Mitzvah of Keeping Shmitta
The students had the privilege this week of learning about the mitzvah of supporting the farmers in
Israel who are keeping Shmitta. Shlomo Walfish one of the leaders of the organization Zo Artzeinu
came to Yeshiva of Central Queens to present a program about how we can help by sponsoring trees
that can be prepared and planted after Shmitta. The farmers rely on this money to live on during the
year and by donating money for these trees, we become partners in the mitzvah. Mr. Walfish showed
the students' pictures of snow men built during the rare snow in Eretz Israel this year, with missing nos-
es as carrots are kiddusha. The children benefitted tremendously from this special program.
Tu B’Shevat Shuk
In honor of Tu B’Shevat, the sixth grade girls designed a simulated Israeli shuk in the
multi-purpose room for the elementary school. Upon entering, the students handed
in their passports and received tickets to purchase items in the shuk. This was a
wonderful hands-on learning experience for our students as they became familiar with
Israeli culture, and special for this year, about what they can and cannot purchase due
to shmitta. Special thanks to Morah Alyssa Schussheim for all of her hard work in
creating the shuk.
Seder Tu B’Shevat
This past Wednesday, the fifth grade had a special seder Tu B’Shevat! The students learned about symbolism
of the different seasons and had different colored grape juice. The students also had different fruit and
understood why we eat each one. For example, cheruv is eaten to symbolize the importance of taking care of
the earth, and thinking about future generations. Morah Fried told over the story of the old man who was
planting a cheruv tree. Someone approached the man and asked why are you planting this tree, you will
never see the fruits of your labor? The old man responded saying, I might not see the fruits, but my children
and grandchildren will be able to eat from the fruits of my labor. The students had a very good time learning
all the symbolism behind the different fruits and eating them! Thank you to Morah Fried for all her hard
With great pleasure we would like to present our
Honorees for the
74th Anniversary Scholarship Dinner of
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Guests of Honor
Dr. Joel and Marjorie Wein
Educator Award
Mrs. Esther Ben Habib
Keter Shem Tov Award
Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary Reunion
of the Class of 1975
Sunday, April 19, 2015,
Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5775, at
The Sands of Atlantic Beach,
February 8, 2015
19 Shevat 5775
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Kramer,
JHS Rebbe
“Who is the Yetzer Hara?”
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 2 4 6
6g Halacha 3 5
8 Math (Sider) 6 Math (Goldstein)
8g Navi 8 Algebra
89 10 11 12 13
7 Math (Sider) 6B Chumash
6 Science Test
7G2 Mishna 7B1 Bar Mitzvah
8G Chumash Workshop Test
8 Math (Cigan)
15 16 17 18 19 20
Presidents' Day 8B Gemara 7G Halacha 7B Gemara (Bernstein)
8 Science 6/7 Math (Cigan/Walz/
No School Lowinger) 7G Chumash
7B2 Bar Mitzvah
Workshop 8 Algebra
22 23 24 25 26 27
No Girls Test 6B Navi 6 Social Studies 7 Science 8B2 Halacha
7 Social Studies 7G Ivrit 8G Ivrit JHS ELA Mid‐term
8 Social Studies 8G Halacha 6G Navi
7 Math (Sider)
Parent Teacher Conferences, Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Class Time Sign In Loca on of Conference
1‐200, 1‐201, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐204, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐206 (Chubak, Berkowitz)
3‐209, 3‐210, 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
3‐211 (Halpern, Borochoff)
5‐302, 5‐303 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Fried, Olanski, Finkelstein,
JHS Girls 6:00‐9:00 No Sign In Lunchroom
First come first serve
Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday, March 9, 2015
Class Time Sign In Loca on & Conference
N‐109 & N‐208 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐100, K‐101 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
K‐102, K‐105 5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
1‐203 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
(Blass, Greenwald) 5:30‐9:30 Classroom
5:30‐9:30 Sign in Online Classroom
2‐205, 2‐207 6:00‐9:00 Lunchroom
(Chubak, Berkowitz) Sign in Online
Sign in Online
No Sign In
(Halpern, Borochoff) First come first serve
Fourth Grade
5‐300, 5‐301
(Fried, Rohr, Hoffman, Kahn )
JHS Boys
Yeshiva of Central Queens
February 20-February 21, 2015
Raleigh Hotel, South Fallsburg, NY
Cost $115
Departure from YCQ Friday Morning: 9:00 AM
Return to YCQ on Saturday night: 10:15 PM (approximately)
Please check the YCQ Hotline (718‐518‐3075)
on Saturday night for up‐to‐date informa on about return me.
Yeshiva of Central Queens
JHS Girls Shabbaton Permission Slip
Please Return to the JHS Office
by Friday, February 6, 2015
You may request two people for your room at the Raleigh Hotel .
You will definitely receive at least one request.
______________________ _______________________
I am coming to this Shabbaton with a positive attitude, ready to have a
really great time. I plan to dress appropriately and participate in all of
the programs of the Shabbaton.
Student’s Signature
Students Class ____________________
I hereby give my daughter __________________ permission to
attend the YCQ Girls Shabbaton at the Raleigh Hotel on February 20 &
February 21.
I have enclosed $115 for the Shabbaton.
Parent Signature
YI of Kew Gardens Hills to Host 'Religious Zionist Slate'
Scholar‐in‐Residence Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills will be hosting Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler on
Shabbat Parashat Yitro (February 6‐7, 2015) as the congregation's Scholar‐
in‐Residence. Over the course of the weekend, Rabbi Adler will address the
community three separate times, sharing 'Torat Eretz Yisrael' and
explaining the importance of voting for the Religious Zionist Slate
(www.VoteTorah.org) in the World Zionist Congress elections.
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler is the rabbi of Ohel Nechama Community
Synagogue, Jerusalem, President of Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Ner Tamid, and
the Chairman of the World Council of Mizrachi Rabbis. He is also a
lecturer at Herzog College and the OU Israel Center.
A graduate of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Adler received his rabbinic
ordination from Y.U.'s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
(R.I.E.T.S.) and holds a Ph.D. in Talmud from Bar Ilan University.
He made Aliyah with his family in 1979 and has held several positions at Israeli educational
institutions, including president and campus rabbi at Emunah College for Arts and Technology in
Currently, North American Jews have the opportunity to seat the 37th World Zionist Congress, an entity
that decides on the policies of and funding for Zionist organizations in Israel and around the world. By
voting in the elections, individuals over the age of 18 will have a voice in deciding Israel’s future as well
as the future of Jewish life globally.
Running under the banner "Vote Torah," The Religious Zionist Slate is a party in the World Zionist
Congress comprised of delegates from America's foundational religious Zionist organizations who
provide a religious voice for world Jewry by championing programming and policies that promote Jewish
unity and continuity as well as the preservation and enrichment of Torah values and Jewish life in Israel
and around the world.
Rabbi Adler will first address the community at an oneg on Friday night at 8:00PM in the Nat and Mary
Saperstein Simcha Room. He will also deliver a drasha on Shabbat morning in the main shul.
Finally, Rabbi Adler will be the guest of honor at a Melave Malka at 8:00 PM on Saturday night in the Nat
and Mary Saperstein Simcha Room. Volunteers from the community and the "Vote Torah" campaign will
be on‐hand with tablet computers to walk participants through the process of voting in the World
Zionist Congress elections.
The Melava Malka is a free event. There is a nominal fee for registering with W.Z.O.
Tu B’Shevat Shmitta Year 5775!