VOLUME 13 NUMBER 15 JANUARY 30, 2015 10 SHEVAT 5775
UPCOMING Parshat Beshalach By: Rabbi Landsman
EVENTS We learn in the Parshat Beshalach "They came to Marah, but they could not
drink the waters of Marah because they were bitter therefore they named it
Candle Lighting: Marah."
Rabbi Frand quotes a classic Chassidic insight as well as Kotzker
Havdallah: 5:54 interpretation, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk translates the words 'ki
marim hem', as referring not to the water, but to the people. Bitter people
Sun. Feb 1
5th-8th Parent will find complaints about everything. No matter how good the water
Child Learning tasted, a negative and bitter person will always find some reason why he
can't drink it.
Mon-Tues Feb. 2-3 Attitude is a great determinant in life. To bitter people, everything is bitter
and to people who aren't bitter everything is possible. One of the great
GreenKill Trip truths of life is that there are only two types of people in this world: Those
who see the glass as half full and those who see the glass as half empty.
5th Grade
The proof of this axiom is the mon. There was nothing better to eat in the
Wed. February 4 history of mankind than mon. There was no waste. It never caused stomach
Tu B’Shevat Shuk
problems. It was tasty. According to the Medrash, it tasted however the
Sun. Feb 8
person who ate it wanted it to taste. If he wanted dairy it was dairy; if he
5th-8th Parent wanted meat it was meat. It was spiritually elevating. How could anyone
Child Learning complain about mon? And yet the people said, "We can't take it any longer
mon for breakfast, mon for lunch, mon for supper, it is too much! We have
Tues. February 10 mon coming out of our ears already!"
PA Family Evening The complaints are fully spelled out in Parshat Beha’alotcha: "The rabble
that was among them cultivated a craving, and the Children of Israel also
YCQ Family News turned, and they wept, and said, 'Who will feed us meat? We remember the
Mazel Tov to Mrs. fish that we would eat in Egypt free of charge, the cucumbers, and the
Golubtchik (JHS melons, the leek, the onions, and the garlic. But now, our life is parched,
Assistant Principal) on
Hillel’s Bar Mitzvah! there is nothing; we have nothing before our eyes but the mon!'". The
Torah then continues in the next pasuk: "Now the mon was like coriander
Mazel Tov to Mrs.
Ayelet Katz (JHS seed and its color was like the color of the b'dolach."
Resource Room) on the Rashi there says "He who said this did not say that. Israel said 'We have
birth of a baby boy! nothing before our eyes but the mon' and HaShem had it written in the
Mazel tov to Rivka Torah, 'Now the mon was like coriander seed, etc.' as if to say, 'See, you
Blau on her Bat who come into the world, what My children complain about. Yet the mon is
so valued.'"
Mazel tov to Morah
Beer (JHS Morah) on HaShem, as it were, says: "Let the record state the facts. Let the record show
the engagement of her
what My children are complaining about. Let mankind know for all time,
that people who can complain about the mon the greatest substance ever
Mazel tov to Mrs.
Teichman (After given to man will complain about anything!"
School Program
Coordinator) on the What is the reason for the complaints? Because THEY were bitter. It was not
birth of a baby girl!
the problem of the water or the problem of the mon. It was the problem of
Mazel tov to Morah
Merry Rosman the people. For bitter people, everything is bad, For positive people,
(enrichment teacher) everything is wonderful. Shabbat Shalom!
on the birth of a
granddaughter! Attention YCQ Parents:
Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 School year is now Complete !
interviews are currently being set up for the 2015-2016 waiting list!
Mazel Tov to Morah Our Nursery classes Are quickly filling up! There are a few spots left, don’t miss
Elisheva Zichermann out!
(JHS Morah) on the Please be in touch with Morah Sharon Korn ext 313 or Hadas Goodrich ext 310 for
birth of a baby boy! an appointment !
Class 1-203 Receives Their Siddurim
Mazel Tov to Class 1-203 on receiving their very first siddur! We are so proud of
them! They worked very hard, singing their songs, practicing their parts and
rehearsing on stage. The play was executed to perfection and the songs sounded
amazing!! We then watched a slide show highlighting the children learning and
practicing for the play! Then, each student received an engraved siddur with his
or her name on it! We enjoyed cake and treats and celebrated receiving our
siddurim! Mazel tov to all first graders! Special thanks to Morah Leah and
Morah Tali, for helping us produce such a magnificent play!
Class 1-200 Receives Their Siddurim
Mazel tov to 1-200 who received their very first Siddur and put on a beautiful
performance! The children sang and preformed their parts beautifully, every
child did a spectacular job! Although the Yeladim had a great time performing,
even more exciting to them is davening each day from their brand new
Siddur! Many thanks to Morah Elana and Morah Tali!
Bugging Out
The kindergarten was recently visited by two park rangers who brought with them both
real and pretend insects. The children learned about different kinds of insects such as
the stages of a butterfly. They also learned abut an insect called a stick, and how it can
camouflage to keep itself safe. It looks just like a small branch. In the spring we will
visit these rangers at Fort Totten Park and go on a bug hunt. We cant wait for both
spring and the hunt!
February 1, 2015
12 Shevat 5775
9 AM - 11 AM
11-11:30 3-on-3 Basketball
Rabbi Eitan Feiner,
Spiritual Leader,
Congregation Knesseth Yisrael
“The Super Bowl and Other Extreme
Sporting Events in Halacha!”
With great pleasure we would like to present our
Honorees for the
74th Anniversary Scholarship Dinner of
Yeshiva of Central Queens
Guests of Honor
Dr. Joel and Marjorie Wein
Educator Award
Mrs. Esther Ben Habib
Keter Shem Tov Award
Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz
Celebrating the 40th Anniversary Reunion
of the Class of 1975
Sunday, April 19, 2015,
Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5775, at
The Sands of Atlantic Beach,
YCQ-PA Box Top Update
We are happy to announce the top earner (student) in New Classroom
that the entire 1st grade has that class. There will also be Collection Boxes
won the top collectors extra time added onto re-
honor for the first part of cess (for one day) for the
the school year. It includes top earning class each
their efforts in collecting month. So please keep
from last year as well. They sending in box tops. Make
will be rewarded with an ice sure the expiration date is
cream party very soon. Con- current and visible. There
gratulations and keep up will be collection boxes in
the good work! each classroom for grades
As of November 4000 box N-5 and grades 6-8 can
tops were collected (which bring their marked bags to
adds up to more than $400 the office.
for our school!) and we are A big Yasher Koach to Mrs.
hoping to continue this Eleanor Yeroshalmy, Mrs.
positive trend by making a Nadre Elishiv, Mrs. Simone
goal of collecting 4000 box Zakry, Mrs. Aviva Adler, Mrs.
tops every month . This Rachel Orenbach and Mrs.
means that every class Aviva Fried for volunteering
needs to bring in a little their time to cut and sort all
over 100 a month to reach the box tops we submitted!
that goal. The top earning Thank you!
class will win either a pizza,
ice cream or slurpee party
(at the end of March) and
the prize will be chosen by
December Update
During the month of children. The winners of the Keep those box tops coming in!!
December we collected month will be announced
1136 Box Tops. Although soon.
This was not our goal of
4000, it was a step in the right
direction. It translates into
$113.60 for the YCQ-PA to
spend on programs for the
• $5 per person The YCQ-PA presents a fun filled evening of
for trivia and competition for children of all ages
by Friday and their parents.
February 6
Kids, come , compete against your friends,
• $7 per person and get a pass for a night off from homework.
reservations TUESDAY
February 7 FEBRUARY 10, 2015
and later
• There will be K-4TH Grade: 5:30 pm
a cap of $25
per family Must be accompanied by a parent
5th-8th Grades: 7pm
Parents are encouraged to attend and
Reservations must sent into the Business Office by Friday,
February 6 so that we can make up teams for the
FAMILY NAME_____________________________ PHONE NUMBER_________________
CHILD #1__________________________________GRADE____________
CHILD #2__________________________________GRADE____________
CHILD #3__________________________________GRADE____________
CHILD #4__________________________________GRADE____________
PARENT/S_________________________________TOTAL DUE_________
Yeshiva of Central Queens
February 20-February 21, 2015
Raleigh Hotel, South Fallsburg, NY
Cost $115
Departure from YCQ Friday Morning: 9:00 AM
Return to YCQ on Saturday night: 10:15 PM (approximately)
Please check the YCQ Hotline (718‐518‐3075)
on Saturday night for up‐to‐date informa on about return me.
Yeshiva of Central Queens
JHS Girls Shabbaton Permission Slip
Please Return to the JHS Office
by Friday, February 6, 2015
You may request two people for your room at the Raleigh Hotel .
You will definitely receive at least one request.
______________________ _______________________
I am coming to this Shabbaton with a positive attitude, ready to have a
really great time. I plan to dress appropriately and participate in all of
the programs of the Shabbaton.
Student’s Signature
Students Class ____________________
I hereby give my daughter __________________ permission to
attend the YCQ Girls Shabbaton at the Raleigh Hotel on February 20 &
February 21.
I have enclosed $115 for the Shabbaton.
Parent Signature
YI of Kew Gardens Hills to Host 'Religious Zionist Slate'
Scholar‐in‐Residence Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler
Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills will be hosting Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler on
Shabbat Parashat Yitro (February 6‐7, 2015) as the congregation's Scholar‐
in‐Residence. Over the course of the weekend, Rabbi Adler will address the
community three separate times, sharing 'Torat Eretz Yisrael' and
explaining the importance of voting for the Religious Zionist Slate
(www.VoteTorah.org) in the World Zionist Congress elections.
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler is the rabbi of Ohel Nechama Community
Synagogue, Jerusalem, President of Yeshivat Bnei Akiva Ner Tamid, and
the Chairman of the World Council of Mizrachi Rabbis. He is also a
lecturer at Herzog College and the OU Israel Center.
A graduate of Yeshiva University, Rabbi Adler received his rabbinic
ordination from Y.U.'s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
(R.I.E.T.S.) and holds a Ph.D. in Talmud from Bar Ilan University.
He made Aliyah with his family in 1979 and has held several positions at Israeli educational
institutions, including president and campus rabbi at Emunah College for Arts and Technology in
Currently, North American Jews have the opportunity to seat the 37th World Zionist Congress, an entity
that decides on the policies of and funding for Zionist organizations in Israel and around the world. By
voting in the elections, individuals over the age of 18 will have a voice in deciding Israel’s future as well
as the future of Jewish life globally.
Running under the banner "Vote Torah," The Religious Zionist Slate is a party in the World Zionist
Congress comprised of delegates from America's foundational religious Zionist organizations who
provide a religious voice for world Jewry by championing programming and policies that promote Jewish
unity and continuity as well as the preservation and enrichment of Torah values and Jewish life in Israel
and around the world.
Rabbi Adler will first address the community at an oneg on Friday night at 8:00PM in the Nat and Mary
Saperstein Simcha Room. He will also deliver a drasha on Shabbat morning in the main shul.
Finally, Rabbi Adler will be the guest of honor at a Melave Malka at 8:00 PM on Saturday night in the Nat
and Mary Saperstein Simcha Room. Volunteers from the community and the "Vote Torah" campaign will
be on‐hand with tablet computers to walk participants through the process of voting in the World
Zionist Congress elections.
The Melava Malka is a free event. There is a nominal fee for registering with W.Z.O.
1-200 Received Their First Siddur!
1-203 Received Their First Siddur!